Washington, D.C. 20549

Form 10-K

(Mark One)
For the fiscal year ended DecemberFOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 20062009
For the transition period fromtoFOR THE TRANSITION PERIOD FROM   TO  

Commission File Number 1-31447
CenterPoint Energy, Inc.Inc.
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

(State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)
(I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
1111 Louisiana
Houston, Texas 77002
(Address and zip code of principal executive offices)
(713) 207-1111
(Registrant’s telephone number, including area code)
Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:
Title of each class
Name of each exchange on which registered
Common Stock, $0.01 par value and associated
rights to purchase preferred stock
New York Stock Exchange
Chicago Stock Exchange
Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act.  Yes þ Noo
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Act.  Yes o No þ
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant: (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes þ No o
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically and posted on its corporate Web site, if any, every Interactive Data File required to be submitted and posted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§ 232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit and post such files).  Yes þ No 
Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 ofRegulation S-K is not contained herein and will not be contained, to the best of each of the registrants’ knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of thisForm 10-K or any amendment to thisForm 10-K. þ
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, or a non-accelerated filer.smaller reporting company. See definitiondefinitions of “accelerated filer"large accelerated filer", "accelerated filer" and large accelerated filer”"smaller reporting company" inRule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. (Check one):
Large accelerated filer þ
Accelerated filer o
þ               Accelerated fileroNon-accelerated filer o
Smaller reporting company o
(Do not check if a smaller reporting company)
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined inRule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).  Yes o No þ
The aggregate market value of the voting stock held by non-affiliates of CenterPoint Energy, Inc. (Company)(CenterPoint Energy) was $3,873,645,799$4,008,560,260 as of June 30, 2006,2009, using the definition of beneficial ownership contained inRule 13d-3 promulgated pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and excluding shares held by directors and executive officers. As of February 16, 2007, the Company15, 2010, CenterPoint Energy had 320,079,012392,717,790 shares of Common Stock outstanding. Excluded from the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding are 166 shares held by the CompanyCenterPoint Energy as treasury stock.
Portions of the definitive proxy statement relating to the 20072010 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Company,CenterPoint Energy, which will be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission within 120 days of December 31, 2006,2009, are incorporated by reference in Item 10, Item 11, Item 12, Item 13 and Item 14 of Part III of thisForm 10-K.

Item 1.1
Item 1A.23
Item 1B.34
Item 2.34
Item 3.35
Item 4.35
Item 5.36
Item 6.37
Item 7.38
Item 7A.62
Item 8.64
Item 9.113
Item 9A.113
Item 9B.114
Item 10.114
Item 11.114
Item 12.114
Item 13.114
Item 14.114
Item 15.114
     Ex. 10(kk)(2)Form of Qualified Performance Award Agreement for 20XX - 20XX Performance Cycle under Exhibit 10(kk)(1)  
     Ex. 10(kk)(3)Form of Restricted Stock Unit Award Agreement (With Performance Goal) under Exhibit 10(kk)(1) 
     Ex. 10(ll)
     Ex. 10(mm)
     Ex. 12 
     Ex. 21 
     Ex. 23 
     Ex. 31.1 
     Ex. 31.2
     Ex. 32.1 
     Ex. 32.2 
Risk Factors24
Unresolved Staff Comments32
Legal Proceedings33
Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders33
Market for Registrants’ Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and
Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities
Selected Financial Data34
Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations
Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk60
Financial Statements and Supplementary Data63
Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and
Financial Disclosure
Controls and Procedures120
Other Information120
Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance120
Executive Compensation120
Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and
Related Stockholder Matters
Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence121
Principal Accountant Fees and Services121
Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules122
Supplemental Indenture No.10
Supplement Indenture No.7
Summary of Non-Employee Director Compensation
Summary of Named Executive Officer Compensation
Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges
Consent of Deloitte & Touche LLP
Certification of David M. McClanahan Pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a)
Certification of Gary L. Whitlock Pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a)
Certification of David M. McClanahan Pursuant to Section 1350
Certification of Gary L. Whitlock Pursuant to Section 1350


From time to time we make statements concerning our expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance and underlying assumptions and other statements that are not historical facts. These statements are “forward-looking statements”"forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by these statements. You can generally identify our forward-looking statements by the words “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “goal,” “intend,” “may,” “objective,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “projection,” “should,” “will,”"anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "forecast," "goal," "intend," "may," "objective," "plan," "potential," "predict," "projection," "should," "will" or other similar words.

We have based our forward-looking statements on our management’s beliefs and assumptions based on information available to our management at the time the statements are made. We caution you that assumptions, beliefs, expectations, intentions and projections about future events may and often do vary materially from actual results. Therefore, we cannot assure you that actual results will not differ materially from those expressed or implied by our forward-looking statements.

Some of the factors that could cause actual results to differ from those expressed or implied by our forward-looking statements are described under “Risk Factors”"Risk Factors" in Item 1A of this report.

You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Each forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date of the particular statement.


Item 1.Business

Item 1.Business



We are a public utility holding company whose indirect wholly owned subsidiaries include:

• CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC (CenterPoint Houston), which engages in the electric transmission and distribution business in a
CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC (CenterPoint Houston), which engages in the electric transmission and distribution business in a 5,000-square mile area of the Texas Gulf Coast that includes Houston; and
• CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp. (CERC Corp., and, together with its subsidiaries, CERC), which owns and operates natural gas distribution systems in six states. Wholly owned subsidiaries of CERC Corp. own interstate natural gas pipelines and gas gathering systems and provide various ancillary services. Another wholly owned subsidiary of CERC Corp. offers variable and fixed-price physical natural gas supplies primarily to commercial and industrial customers and electric and gas utilities.
Prior to repeal of the Public Utility Holding Company ActTexas Gulf Coast that includes the city of 1935 (1935 Act)Houston; and

CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp. (CERC Corp. and, together with its subsidiaries, CERC), effective February 8, 2006, we were a registered public utility holding company under that act.which owns and operates natural gas distribution systems in six states. Subsidiaries of CERC Corp. own interstate natural gas pipelines and gas gathering systems and provide various ancillary services. A wholly owned subsidiary of CERC Corp. offers variable and fixed-price physical natural gas supplies primarily to commercial and industrial customers and electric and gas utilities.

Our reportable business segments are Electric Transmission & Distribution, Natural Gas Distribution, Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services, Interstate Pipelines, Field Services and Other Operations. Prior to the fourth quarter of 2006, our Interstate Pipelines business segment and our Field Services business segment were reported as a single business segment called Pipelines and Field Services. Information from prior periods has been recast to reflect this new presentation. The operations of Texas Genco Holdings, Inc. (Texas Genco), formerly our majority owned electric generating subsidiary, the sale of which was completed in April 2005, are presented as discontinued operations. From time to time, we consider the acquisition or the disposition of assets or businesses.

Our principal executive offices are located at 1111 Louisiana, Houston, Texas 77002 (telephone number:713-207-1111).

We make available free of charge on our Internet website our annual report onForm 10-K, quarterly reports onForm 10-Q, current reports onForm 8-K and amendments to those reports filed or furnished pursuant to Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as soon as reasonably practicable after we electronically file such reports with, or furnish them to, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Additionally, we make available free of charge on our Internet website:
• our Code of Ethics for our Chief Executive Officer and Senior Financial Officers;
• our Ethics and Compliance Code;
• our Corporate Governance Guidelines; and
• the charters of our audit, compensation, finance and governance committees.

our Code of Ethics for our Chief Executive Officer and Senior Financial Officers;

our Ethics and Compliance Code;

our Corporate Governance Guidelines; and

the charters of the audit, compensation, finance, governance and strategic planning committees of our Board of Directors.

Any shareholder who so requests may obtain a printed copy of any of these documents from us. Changes in or waivers of our Code of Ethics for our Chief Executive Officer and Senior Financial Officers and waivers of our Ethics and Compliance Code for directors or executive officers will be posted on our Internet website within five business days of such change or waiver and maintained for at least 12 months or reported on Item 5.05 ofForm 8-K. Our website address iswww.centerpointenergy.com.www.centerpointenergy.com. Except to the extent explicitly stated herein, documents and information on our website are not incorporated by reference herein.

Electric Transmission & Distribution

In 1999, the Texas legislature adopted the Texas Electric Choice Plan (Texas electric restructuring law) that led to the restructuring of certain integrated electric utilities operating within Texas. Pursuant to that legislation, integrated electric utilities operating within the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. (ERCOT) were required to separate


unbundle their integrated operations into separate retail sales, power generation and transmission and distribution companies. The legislation also required that the prices for wholesale generation and retail electric sales be unregulated, but rates and

services by companies providing transmission and distribution service, such as CenterPoint Houston, would continue to be rateremain regulated by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (Texas Utility Commission). The legislation provided for a transition period to move to the new market structure and provided atrue-up mechanism for the formerly integrated electric utilities to recover stranded and certain other costs resulting from the transition to competition. Those costs arewere recoverable after approval by the Texas Utility Commission either through the issuance of securitization bonds or through the implementation of a competition transition charge (CTC) as a rider to the utility’s tariff.

CenterPoint Houston is theour only business of CenterPoint Energy that continues to engage in electric utility operations. It is a transmission and distribution electric utility that operates wholly within the state of Texas. Neither CenterPoint Houston nor any other subsidiary of CenterPoint Energy makes retail or wholesale sales of electric energy, at retail or wholesale or owns or operates any electric generating facilities.

Electric Transmission

On behalf of retail electric providers (REPs), CenterPoint Houston delivers electricity from power plants to substations, from one substation to another and to retail electric customers taking power at or above 69 kilovolts (kV) in locations throughout the control area managed by ERCOT.CenterPoint Houston’s certificated service territory. CenterPoint Houston constructs and maintains transmission facilities and provides transmission services under tariffs approved by the Texas Utility Commission.

Electric Distribution

In ERCOT, end users purchase their electricity directly from certificated REPs. CenterPoint Houston delivers electricity for REPs in its certificated service area by carrying lower-voltage power from the substation to the retail electric customer. CenterPoint Houston’s distribution network receives electricity from the transmission grid through power distribution substations and delivers electricity to end users through distribution feeders. CenterPoint Houston’s operations include construction and maintenance of electric transmission and distribution facilities, metering services, outage response services and call center operations. CenterPoint Houston provides distribution services under tariffs approved by the Texas Utility Commission. Texas Utility Commission rules and market protocols govern the commercial operations of distribution companies and other market participants. Rates for these existing services are established pursuant to rate proceedings conducted before municipalities that have original jurisdiction and the Texas Utility Commission.

ERCOT Market Framework

CenterPoint Houston is a member of ERCOT. ERCOT serves as the regional reliability coordinating council for member electric power systems in Texas. ERCOT membership is open to consumer groups, investor and municipally ownedmunicipally-owned electric utilities, rural electric cooperatives, independent generators, power marketers and REPs. The ERCOT market includes muchmost of the State of Texas, other than a portion of the panhandle, a portionportions of the eastern part of the state bordering Arkansas and Louisiana and the area in and around El Paso. The ERCOT market represents approximately 85% of the demand for power in Texas and is one of the nation’s largest power markets. The ERCOT market includes an aggregate net generating capacity of approximately 70,50076,000 megawatts (MW). There are only limited direct current interconnections between the ERCOT market and other power markets in the United States.States and Mexico.

The ERCOT market operates under the reliability standards set by the North American Electric Reliability Council.Corporation (NERC) and approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). These reliability standards are administered by the Texas Regional Entity (TRE), a functionally independent division of ERCOT. The Texas Utility Commission has primary jurisdiction over the ERCOT market to ensure the adequacy and reliability of electricity supply across the state’s main interconnected power transmission grid. The ERCOT independent system operator (ERCOT ISO) is responsible for maintaining reliable operations ofoperating the bulk electric power supply system in the ERCOT market. Its responsibilities include ensuring that electricity production and delivery are accurately accounted for among the generation resources and wholesale buyers and sellers. Unlike certain other regional power markets, the ERCOT market is not a centrally dispatched power pool, and the ERCOT ISO does not procure energy on behalf of its members other than to maintain the reliable operations of the transmission system. Members who sell and purchase

power are responsible for contracting sales and purchases of power bilaterally. The ERCOT ISO also serves as agent for procuring ancillary services for those members who elect not to provide their own ancillary services.


CenterPoint Houston’s electric transmission business, along with those of other owners of transmission facilities in Texas, supports the operation of the ERCOT ISO. The transmission business has planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance responsibility for the portion of the transmission grid and for the load-serving substations it owns, primarily within its certificated area. We participateCenterPoint Houston participates with the ERCOT ISO and other ERCOT utilities to plan, design, obtain regulatory approval for and construct new transmission lines necessary to increase bulk power transfer capability and to remove existing constraints on the ERCOT transmission grid.

Recovery of True-Up Proceeding Balance

The Texas electric restructuring law substantially amendedrevised the regulatory structure governing electric utilities in order to allow retail competition for electric customers beginning in January 2002. The Texas electric restructuring law required the Texas Utility Commission to conduct a“true-up” "true-up" proceeding to determine CenterPoint Houston’s stranded costs and certain other costs resulting from the transition to a competitive retail electric market and to provide for its recovery of those costs.

In March 2004, CenterPoint Houston filed itstrue-up application with the Texas Utility Commission, requesting recovery of $3.7 billion, excluding interest, as allowed under the Texas electric restructuring law. In December 2004, the Texas Utility Commission issued its final order(True-Up (True-Up Order) allowing CenterPoint Houston to recover atrue-up balance of approximately $2.3 billion, which included interest through August 31, 2004, and providingprovided for adjustment of the amount to be recovered to include interest on the balance until recovery, along with the principal portion of additional excess mitigation credits (EMCs) returned to customers after August 31, 2004 and certain other matters. adjustments.

CenterPoint Houston and other parties filed appeals of theTrue-Up Order to a district court in Travis County, Texas. In August 2005, thethat court issued its final judgment on the various appeals. In its judgment, the court affirmed most aspects of theTrue-Up Order, but district court:

reversed two of the Texas Utility Commission’s rulings. ruling that had denied recovery of a portion of the capacity auction true-up amounts;

reversed the Texas Utility Commission’s ruling that precluded CenterPoint Houston from recovering the interest component of the EMCs paid to REPs; and

affirmed the True-Up Order in all other respects.

The judgmentdistrict court’s decision would have had the effect of restoring approximately $650 million, plus interest, of the $1.7 billion the Texas Utility Commission had disallowed from CenterPoint Houston’s initial request.

CenterPoint Houston and other parties appealed the district court’s judgment. Oral arguments beforejudgment to the Texas 3rdThird Court of Appeals, which issued its decision in December 2007. In its decision, the court of appeals:

reversed the district court’s judgment to the extent it restored the capacity auction true-up amounts;

reversed the district court’s judgment to the extent it upheld the Texas Utility Commission’s decision to allow CenterPoint Houston to recover EMCs paid to RRI Energy, Inc. (RRI) (formerly known as Reliant Energy, Inc. and Reliant Resources, Inc.);

ordered that the tax normalization issue described below be remanded to the Texas Utility Commission as requested by the Texas Utility Commission; and

affirmed the district court’s judgment in all other respects.

In April 2008, the court of appeals denied all motions for rehearing and reissued substantially the same opinion as it had rendered in December 2007.
In June 2008, CenterPoint Houston petitioned the Texas Supreme Court for review of the court of appeals decision. In its petition, CenterPoint Houston seeks reversal of the parts of the court of appeals decision that (i) denied recovery of EMCs paid to RRI, (ii) denied recovery of the capacity auction true-up amounts allowed by the district court, (iii) affirmed the Texas Utility Commission’s rulings that denied recovery of approximately $378 million related to depreciation and (iv) affirmed the Texas Utility Commission’s refusal to permit CenterPoint Houston to utilize the partial stock valuation methodology for determining the market value of its former generation assets. Two other petitions for review were filed with the Texas Supreme Court by other parties to the appeal. In those petitions parties contend that (i) the Texas Utility Commission was without authority to fashion the methodology it used for valuing the former generation assets after it had determined that CenterPoint Houston could not use the partial stock valuation method, (ii) in fashioning the method it used for valuing the former generating assets, the Texas Utility Commission deprived parties of their due process rights and an opportunity to be heard, (iii) the net book value of the generating assets should have been adjusted downward due to the impact of a purchase option that had been granted to RRI, (iv) CenterPoint Houston should not have been permitted to recover construction work in progress balances without proving those amounts in the manner required by law and (v) the Texas Utility Commission was without authority to award interest on the capacity auction true up award.

In June 2009, the Texas Supreme Court granted the petitions for review of the court of appeals decision.  Oral argument before the court was held in January 2007, butOctober 2009.  Although we and CenterPoint Houston believe that CenterPoint Houston’s true-up request is consistent with applicable statutes and regulations and, accordingly, that it is reasonably possible that it will be successful in its appeal to the Texas Supreme Court, we can provide no assurance as to the ultimate court rulings on the issues to be considered in the appeal or with respect to the ultimate decision by the Texas Utility Commission on the tax normalization issue described below.

To reflect the impact of the True-Up Order, in 2004 and 2005, we recorded a decision is not expected for several months.net after-tax extraordinary loss of $947 million. No amounts related to the district court’s judgment or the decision of the court of appeals have been recorded in our consolidated financial statements.
Among However, if the issues raised in CenterPoint Houston’s appealcourt of appeals decision is not reversed or modified as a result of further review by the Texas Supreme Court, we anticipate that we would be required to record an additional loss to reflect the court of appeals decision. The amount of that loss would depend on several factors, including ultimate resolution of the tax normalization issue described below and the calculation of interest on any amounts CenterPoint Houston ultimately is authorized to recover or is required to refund beyond the amounts recorded based on the True-Up Order, isbut could range from $180 million to $410 million (pre-tax) plus interest subsequent to December 31, 2009.

In the True-Up Order, the Texas Utility Commission’s reduction ofCommission reduced CenterPoint Houston’s stranded cost recovery by approximately $146 million, which was included in the extraordinary loss discussed above, for the present value of certain deferred tax benefits associated with its former electric generation assets. Such reduction was considered in our recording of an after-tax extraordinary loss of $977 million in the last half of 2004. We believe that the Texas Utility Commission based its order on proposed regulations issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in March 2003 related to those tax benefits. Those proposed regulationsthat would have allowed utilities owning assets that were deregulated before March 4, 2003 to make a retroactive election to pass the benefits of Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credits (ADITC) and Excess Deferred Federal Income Taxes (EDFIT) back to customers. However, in December 2005, the IRS subsequently withdrew those proposed normalization regulations and, issued new proposedin March 2008, adopted final regulations that dowould not include the provision allowing a retroactive electionpermit utilities like CenterPoint Houston to pass the tax benefits back to customers.customers without creating normalization violations. In addition, we received a May 2006 Private Letter Ruling (PLR) issued to a Texas utility on facts similar to CenterPoint Houston’s,from the IRS without referencing its proposedin August 2007, prior to adoption of the final regulations, ruled that a normalization violation would occur if ADITC and EDFIT were required to be returned to customers. CenterPoint Houston has requested a PLR asking the IRS whetherconfirmed that the Texas Utility Commission’s order reducing CenterPoint Houston’s stranded cost recovery by $146 million for ADITC and EDFIT would cause a normalization violation. If the IRS determines that such reduction would cause a normalization violationviolations with respect to the ADITC and EDFIT.

If the Texas Utility Commission’s order relating to suchthe ADITC reduction is not reversed or otherwise modified on remand so as to eliminate the normalization violation, the IRS could require us to pay an amount equal to CenterPoint Houston’s unamortized ADITC balance as of the date that the normalization violation is deemed to have occurred. In addition, if a normalization violation with respect to EDFIT is deemed to have occurred and the Texas Utility Commission’s order relating to such reduction is not reversed or otherwise modified, the IRS could deny CenterPoint Houston the ability to elect accelerated tax depreciation benefits beginning in the taxable year that the normalization violation is deemed to have occurred. If a normalization violation should ultimately be found to exist, itSuch treatment, if required by the IRS, could have a material adverse impact on our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows. However, we and CenterPoint Houston are vigorously pursuingflows in addition to any potential loss resulting from final resolution of the appealTrue-Up Order. In its opinion, the court of


appeals ordered that this issue and will seek other relief frombe remanded to the Texas Utility Commission, as that commission requested. No party has challenged that order by the court of appeals although the Texas Supreme Court has the authority to

consider all aspects of the rulings above, not just those challenged specifically by the appellants. We and CenterPoint Houston will continue to avoidpursue a normalization violation. Thefavorable resolution of this issue through the appellate and administrative process. Although the Texas Utility Commission has not previously required a company subject to its jurisdiction to take action that would result in a normalization violation.violation, no prediction can be made as to the ultimate action the Texas Utility Commission may take on this issue on remand.

The Texas electric restructuring law allowed the amounts awarded to CenterPoint Houston in the Texas Utility Commission’s True-Up Order to be recovered either through securitization or through implementation of a CTC or both. Pursuant to a financing order issued by the Texas Utility Commission in March 2005 and affirmed in August 2005 by a Travis County district court, in December 2005, a new special purpose subsidiary of CenterPoint Houston issued $1.85 billion in transition bonds with interest rates ranging from 4.84 percent4.84% to 5.30 percent5.30% and final maturity dates ranging from February 2011 to August 2020. Through issuance of the transition bonds, CenterPoint Houston recovered approximately $1.7 billion of thetrue-up balance determined in theTrue-Up Order plus interest through the date on which the bonds were issued.
Competition Transition Charge

In July 2005, CenterPoint Houston received an order from the Texas Utility Commission allowing it to implement a CTC designed to collect approximatelythe remaining $596 million from the True-Up Order over 14 years plus interest at an annual rate of 11.075 percent11.075% (CTC Order). The CTC Order authorizesauthorized CenterPoint Houston to impose a charge on REPs to recover the portion of thetrue-up balance not covered by therecovered through a financing order. The CTC Order also allowsallowed CenterPoint Houston to collect approximately $24 million of rate case expenses over three years without a return through a separate tariff rider (Rider RCE). CenterPoint Houston implemented the CTC and Rider RCE effective September 13, 2005 and began recovering approximately $620 million. Effective September 13, 2005, theThe return on the CTC portion of thetrue-up balance iswas included in CenterPoint Houston’s tariff-based revenues.revenues beginning September 13, 2005. Effective August 1, 2006, the interest rate on the unrecovered balance of the CTC was reduced from 11.075% to 8.06% pursuant to a revised rule adopted by the Texas Utility Commission in June 2006. Recovery of rate case expenses under Rider RCE was completed in September 2008.

Certain parties appealed the CTC Order to a district court in Travis County. In May 2006, the district court issued a judgment reversing the CTC Order in three respects. First, the court ruled that the Texas Utility Commission had improperly relied on provisions of its rule dealing with the interest rate applicable to CTC amounts. The district court reached that conclusion based on the groundsits belief that the Texas Supreme Court had previously invalidated that entire section of the rule. Second, the district court reversed the Texas Utility Commission’s ruling that allows CenterPoint Houston to recover through the Rider RCE the costs (approximately $5 million) for a panel appointed by the Texas Utility Commission in connection with the valuation of the Company’s electric generation assets. Finally, the district court accepted the contention of one party that the CTC should not be allocated to retail customers that have switched to newon-site generation. The Texas Utility Commission and CenterPoint Houston disagree with the district court’s conclusions and, in May 2006, appealed the judgment to the Texas 3rd Court of Appeals, and if required, plan to seek further review from the Texas Supreme Court. All briefs in the appeal have been filed. Oral arguments were held in December 2006. Pending completion of judicial review and any action required by the Texas Utility Commission following a remand from the courts, the CTC remains in effect. The 11.075 percent11.075% interest rate in question was applicable from the implementation of the CTC Order on September 13, 2005 until August 1, 2006, the effective date of the implementation of a new CTC in compliance with the newrevised rule discussed below.above. Second, the district court reversed the Texas Utility Commission’s ruling that allows CenterPoint Houston to recover through Rider RCE the costs (approximately $5 million) for a panel appointed by the Texas Utility Commission in connection with the valuation of electric generation assets. Finally, the district court accepted the contention of one party that the CTC should not be allocated to retail customers that have switched to new on-site generation. The Texas Utility Commission and CenterPoint Houston appealed the district court’s judgment to the Texas Third Court of Appeals, and in July 2008, the court of appeals reversed the district court’s judgment in all respects and affirmed the Texas Utility Commission’s order. Two parties appealed the court of appeals decision to the Texas Supreme Court, which heard oral argument in October 2009. The ultimate outcome of this matter cannot be predicted at this time. However, we do not expect the disposition of this matter to have a material adverse impacteffect on our or CenterPoint Houston’s financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.

During the 2007 legislative session, the Texas legislature amended statutes prescribing the types of true-up balances that can be securitized by utilities and authorized the issuance of transition bonds to recover the balance of the CTC. In June 2006,2007, CenterPoint Houston filed a request with the Texas Utility Commission adoptedfor a financing order that would allow the revised rule governingsecuritization of the carrying charges on unrecoveredtrue-up balances as recommended by its staff (Staff). The rule, which appliesremaining balance of the CTC, adjusted to refund certain unspent environmental retrofit costs and to recover the amount of the final fuel reconciliation settlement. CenterPoint Houston reducedreached substantial agreement with other parties to this proceeding, and a financing order was approved by the allowed interest rate onTexas Utility Commission in September 2007. In February 2008, pursuant to the unrecovered CTC balance prospectively from 11.075 percent tofinancing order, a weighted average costnew special purpose subsidiary of capital of 8.06 percent. The annualized impact on operating income is a reduction of approximately $18 million per year for the first year with lesser impacts in subsequent years. In July 2006, CenterPoint Houston madeissued approximately $488 million of transition bonds in two tranches with interest rates of 4.192% and 5.234% and final maturity dates of February 2020 and February 2023, respectively. Contemporaneously with the issuance of those bonds, the CTC was terminated and a compliance filing necessary to implement the rule changes effective August 1, 2006 per the settlement agreement discussed under “CenterPoint Houston Rate Case” below.transition charge

was implemented. During the years ended December 31, 20052007 and 2006,2008, CenterPoint Houston recognized approximately $19$42 million and $55$5 million, respectively, in operating income from the CTC.

As of December 31, 2009, we have not recognized an allowed equity return of $193 million on CenterPoint Houston’s true-up balance because such return will be recognized as it is recovered in rates. Additionally, during the years ended December 31, 20052007, 2008 and 2006,2009, CenterPoint Houston recognized approximately $1$14 million, $13 million and $13 million, respectively, of the allowed equity return not previously recorded. recognized.

Hurricane Ike

CenterPoint Houston’s electric delivery system suffered substantial damage as a result of Hurricane Ike, which struck the upper Texas coast in September 2008.

As is common with electric utilities serving coastal regions, the poles, towers, wires, street lights and pole mounted equipment that comprise CenterPoint Houston’s transmission and distribution system are not covered by property insurance, but office buildings and warehouses and their contents and substations are covered by insurance that provides for a maximum deductible of $10 million. Current estimates are that total losses to property covered by this insurance were approximately $30 million.

CenterPoint Houston deferred the uninsured system restoration costs as management believed it was probable that such costs would be recovered through the regulatory process. As a result, system restoration costs did not affect CenterPoint Energy’s or CenterPoint Houston’s reported operating income for 2008 or 2009.

Legislation enacted by the Texas Legislature in April 2009 authorized the Texas Utility Commission to conduct proceedings to determine the amount of system restoration costs and related costs associated with hurricanes or other major storms that utilities are entitled to recover, and to issue financing orders that would permit a utility like CenterPoint Houston to recover the distribution portion of those costs and related carrying costs through the issuance of non-recourse system restoration bonds similar to the securitization bonds issued previously.  The legislation also allowed such a utility to recover, or defer for future recovery, the transmission portion of its system restoration costs through the existing mechanisms established to recover transmission costs.

Pursuant to such legislation, CenterPoint Houston filed with the Texas Utility Commission an application for review and approval for recovery of approximately $678 million, including approximately $608 million in system restoration costs identified as of the end of February 2009, plus $2 million in regulatory expenses, $13 million in certain debt issuance costs and $55 million in incurred and projected carrying costs calculated through August 2009. In July 2009, CenterPoint Houston announced a settlement agreement with the parties to the proceeding.  Under that settlement agreement, CenterPoint Houston was entitled to recover a total of $663 million in costs relating to Hurricane Ike, along with carrying costs from September 1, 2009 until system restoration bonds were issued. The Texas Utility Commission issued an order in August 2009 approving CenterPoint Houston’s application and the settlement agreement and authorizing recovery of $663 million, of which $643 million was attributable to distribution service and eligible for securitization and the remaining $20 million was attributable to transmission service and eligible for recovery through the existing mechanisms established to recover transmission costs.

In July 2009, CenterPoint Houston filed with the Texas Utility Commission its application for a financing order to recover the portion of approved costs related to distribution service through the issuance of system restoration bonds.   In August 2009, the Texas Utility Commission issued a financing order allowing CenterPoint Houston to securitize $643 million in distribution service costs plus carrying charges from September 1, 2009 through the date the system restoration bonds were issued, as well as certain up-front qualified costs capped at approximately $6 million.  In November 2009, CenterPoint Houston issued approximately $665 million of system restoration bonds through its CenterPoint Energy Restoration Bond Company, LLC subsidiary with interest rates of 1.833% to 4.243% and final maturity dates ranging from February 2016 to August 2023.  The bonds will be repaid over time through a charge imposed on customers.

In accordance with the financing order, CenterPoint Houston also placed a separate customer credit in effect when the storm restoration bonds were issued.  That credit (ADFIT Credit) is applied to customers’ bills while the bonds are outstanding to reflect the benefit of accumulated deferred federal income taxes (ADFIT) associated with

the storm restoration costs (including a carrying charge of 11.075%). The beginning balance of the ADFIT related to storm restoration costs was approximately $207 million and will decline over the life of the system restoration bonds as taxes are paid on the system restoration tariffs. The ADFIT Credit will reduce operating income in 2010 by approximately $24 million.

In accordance with the orders discussed above, as of December 31, 2006, we had not2009, CenterPoint Houston has recorded


an allowed equity $651 million associated with distribution-related storm restoration costs as a net regulatory asset and $20 million associated with transmission-related storm restoration costs, of which $18 million is recorded in property, plant and equipment and $2 million of related carrying costs is recorded in regulatory assets.  These amounts reflect carrying costs of $60 million related to distribution and $2 million related to transmission through December 31, 2009, based on the 11.075% cost of capital approved by the Texas Utility Commission.  The carrying costs have been bifurcated into two components: (i) return of $234borrowing costs and (ii) an allowance for earnings on shareholders’ investment.  During the year ended December 31, 2009, the component representing a return of borrowing costs of $23 million has been recognized and is included in other income in our Statements of Consolidated Income.  The component representing an allowance for earnings on CenterPoint Houston’strue-up balance because such returnshareholders’ investment of $39 million is being deferred and will be recognized as it is recovered incollected through rates.

Refund of Environmental Retrofit CostsCustomers
TheTrue-Up Order allowed recovery of approximately $699 million of environmental retrofit costs related to CenterPoint Houston’s generation assets. The sale of CenterPoint Houston’s interest in its generation assets was completed in early 2005. TheTrue-Up Order required CenterPoint Houston to provide evidence by January 31, 2007 that the entire $699 million was actually spent by December 31, 2006 on environmental programs. The Texas Utility Commission will determine the appropriate manner to return to customers any unused portion of these funds, including interest on the funds and on stranded costs attributable to the environmental costs portion of the stranded costs recovery. In January 2007, we were notified by the successor in interest to CenterPoint Houston’s generation assets that, as of December 31, 2006, it had only spent approximately $664 million. On January 31, 2007, CenterPoint Houston made the required filing with the Texas Utility Commission identifying approximately $35 million in unspent funds to be refunded to customers along with approximately $7 million of interest and requesting permission to refund these amounts through a reduction to the CTC, effective March 1, 2007. Such amounts are recorded in regulatory liabilities as of December 31, 2006. In February 2007, the Texas Utility Commission adopted the Staff’s recommendation for a slower procedural schedule than that requested by CenterPoint Houston. The current procedural schedule makes it unlikely that the proposed refund would be effective before May 1, 2007. At this time, we cannot predict whether any party will oppose CenterPoint Houston’s filing or whether the Texas Utility Commission will approve CenterPoint Houston’s request.
Final Fuel Reconciliation
The results of the Texas Utility Commission’s final decision related to CenterPoint Houston’s final fuel reconciliation were a component of theTrue-Up Order. CenterPoint Houston has appealed certain portions of theTrue-Up Order involving a disallowance of approximately $67 million relating to the final fuel reconciliation in 2003 plus interest of $10 million. CenterPoint Houston has fully reserved for the disallowance and related interest accrual. A judgment was entered by a Travis County district court in May 2005 affirming the Texas Utility Commission’s decision. CenterPoint Houston filed an appeal to the Texas 3rd Court of Appeals in June 2005, and in April 2006, the Texas 3rd Court of Appeals issued a judgment affirming the Texas Utility Commission’s decision. CenterPoint Houston filed an appeal with the Texas Supreme Court in August 2006, and in October 2006, the Texas Supreme Court requested that the Texas Utility Commission and the City of Houston file written responses to CenterPoint Houston’s petition for review. Those responses were filed in January 2007. In February 2007, CenterPoint Houston filed an agreement with the Texas Supreme Court indicating that the parties had reached a settlement of the appeal. In order for the settlement to become final, the Texas Supreme Court must abate the pending appeal, and the Texas Utility Commission must issue a final order approving the settlement. If the Texas Utility Commission does not approve the agreement or modifies the agreement in a manner unacceptable to CenterPoint Houston, CenterPoint Houston would be entitled to ask the Texas Supreme Court to reinstate the appeal. If the Texas Utility Commission approves the agreement, the parties will request the Texas Supreme Court to set aside the lower court decisions and remand the case for entry of an order approving that settlement. The Texas Supreme Court is not required to abate the appeal. If the Texas Supreme Court does not abate the appeal, it may request full briefing or deny the petition for review. If the petition is denied, the Court of Appeals’ judgment would become final. If the petition is granted, the Texas Supreme Court would address the merits of CenterPoint Houston’s appeal. There is no deadline for the Texas Supreme Court’s decisions. As of December 31, 2006, we have not recorded any amounts related to this decision.
Remand of 2001 Unbundled Cost of Service (UCOS) Order
The Texas 3rd Court of Appeals remanded to the Texas Utility Commission an issue that was decided by the Texas Utility Commission in CenterPoint Houston’s 2001 UCOS proceeding. In its remand order, the court ruled that the Texas Utility Commission had failed to adequately explain the basis for its determination of certain projected transmission capital expenditures. The Texas 3rd Court of Appeals ordered the Texas Utility Commission to reconsider that determination on the basis of the record that existed at the time of the Texas Utility Commission’s


original order. In April 2006, the Texas Utility Commission opined orally that the rate base should be reduced by $57 million and instructed the Staff to quantify the effect on CenterPoint Houston’s rates. In the settlement of the CenterPoint Houston rate case described below, the parties to the remand proceeding agreed to settle all issues that could be raised in the remand. Under the terms of that settlement, CenterPoint Houston implemented riders to its tariff rates under which it will provide rate credits to retail and wholesale customers for a total of approximately $8 million per year until a total of $32 million has been credited to customers under those tariff riders. Those riders became effective October 10, 2006. CenterPoint Houston reduced revenues and established a corresponding regulatory liability of $32 million in the second quarter of 2006 to reflect this obligation.
CenterPoint Houston Rate Case
In September 2006, the Texas Utility Commission approved a settlement of a rate proceeding concerning CenterPoint Houston’s transmission and distribution service rates, which is discussed in “Regulation — State and Local Regulation — Electric Transmission and Distribution — CenterPoint Houston Rate Case.”
CenterPoint Houston serves nearly all of the Houston/Galveston metropolitan area. CenterPoint Houston’s customers consist of 68approximately 80 REPs, which sell electricity to over 2 million metered customers in itsCenterPoint Houston’s certificated service area, and municipalities, electric cooperatives and other distribution companies located outside CenterPoint Houston’s certificated service area. Each REP is licensed by, and must meet minimum creditworthiness criteria established by, the Texas Utility Commission. Two of theSales to REPs in CenterPoint Houston’s service areathat are subsidiaries of Reliant Energy, Inc. (RRI). Sales toNRG Retail LLC (formerly subsidiaries of RRIRRI) represented approximately 71%51%, 62%48% and 56%44% of CenterPoint Houston’s transmission and distribution revenues in 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 2006,2009, respectively. CenterPoint Houston’s billed receivables balance from REPs as of December 31, 20062009 was $140$139 million. Approximately 53%41% of this amount was owed by subsidiaries of RRI.NRG Retail LLC. CenterPoint Houston does not have long-term contracts with any of its customers. It operates on a continuous billing cycle, with meter readings being conducted and invoices being distributed to REPs each business day.

Advanced Metering System and Distribution Automation (Intelligent Grid)

In December 2008, CenterPoint Houston received approval from the Texas Utility Commission to deploy an advanced metering system (AMS) across its service territory over the next five years. CenterPoint Houston began installing advanced meters in March 2009.  This innovative technology should encourage greater energy conservation by giving Houston-area electric consumers the ability to better monitor and manage their electric use and its cost in near real time. CenterPoint Houston will recover the cost for the AMS through a monthly surcharge to all REPs over 12 years.  The surcharge for each residential consumer for the first 24 months, which began in February 2009, is $3.24 per month; thereafter, the surcharge is scheduled to be reduced to $3.05 per month.  These amounts are subject to upward or downward adjustment in future proceedings to reflect actual costs incurred and to address required changes in scope.  CenterPoint Houston projects capital expenditures of approximately $640 million for the installation of the advanced meters and corresponding communication and data management systems over the five-year deployment period.

CenterPoint Houston is also pursuing development and possible deployment of an electric distribution grid automation strategy with assistance from IBM that involves the implementation of an “Intelligent Grid”"Intelligent Grid" which would make use of CenterPoint Houston’s lines and other facilities to provide on demandon-demand data and information about electric usage and the status of facilities on ourits system. Although this technology is still in the developmental stage, CenterPoint Houston believes it has the potential to enableprovide a significant improvement in metering, grid planning, operations, maintenance and maintenance of itscustomer service for the CenterPoint Houston distribution system. These improvements would beare expected to contribute to fewer and shorter outages, better customer service, improved operations costs, improved security and more effective use of our workforce. CenterPoint Houston is making a limitedWe expect to include the costs of the deployment of this technology to help in proving the technology and in validating its potential benefits prior to a full-scale implementation.
In addition to the utility applications discussed above, Intelligent Grid technology has the potential to improve the provision of data to the retail electric market in Texas to enable such enhancements as real-time pricing, real-time switching between REPs, and more timely connection and disconnection of customers. CenterPoint Houston anticipates thatfuture rate proceedings before the Texas Utility Commission will implement guidelinesCommission.

In October 2009, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) notified CenterPoint Houston that it had been selected for establishing minimum functionality requirementsa $200 million grant for its advanced metering system and intelligent grid projects.  The award is contingent on

successful completion of negotiations with the DOE. CenterPoint Houston applied for the grant in August 2009 to obtain $150 million in funding to accelerate completion of CenterPoint Houston’s current deployment of advanced meter in 2007, and thatmeters by 2012, instead of 2014 as originally scheduled.  In addition, the Texas Utility Commission will provide a mechanism for timely recovery of costs of implementation.grant request included $50 million to begin building the intelligent grid.  At this time, CenterPoint Houston will evaluatecannot predict the outcomeschedule for completion of negotiations with the limited deployment andDOE or the regulatory mechanisms for cost recovery to assess what further expansions, iffinal terms of any will be made later in 2007 and beyond.grant it ultimately receives.


There are no other electric transmission and distribution utilities in CenterPoint Houston’s service area. In order for another provider of transmission and distribution services to provide such services in CenterPoint Houston’s territory, it would be required to obtain a certificate of convenience and necessity from the Texas Utility Commission and, depending on the location of the facilities, may also be required to obtain franchises from one or


more municipalities. We know of no other party intending to enter this business in CenterPoint Houston’s service area at this time.


A significant portion of CenterPoint Houston’s revenues is derived from rates that it collects from each retail electric providerREP based on the amount of electricity it distributesdelivers on behalf of such retail electric provider.REP. Thus, CenterPoint Houston’s revenues and results of operations are subject to seasonality, weather conditions and other changes in electricity usage, with revenues being higher during the warmer months.


All of CenterPoint Houston’s properties are located in Texas. Its properties consist primarily of high voltage electric transmission lines and poles, distribution lines, substations, service wires and meters. Most of CenterPoint Houston’s transmission and distribution lines have been constructed over lands of others pursuant to easements or along public highways and streets as permitted by law.

All real and tangible properties of CenterPoint Houston, subject to certain exclusions, are currently subject to:

• the lien of a Mortgage and Deed of Trust (the Mortgage) dated November 1, 1944, as supplemented; and
• the lien of a General Mortgage (the General Mortgage) dated October 10, 2002, as supplemented, which is junior to the lien of the Mortgage.
the lien of a Mortgage and Deed of Trust (the Mortgage) dated November 1, 1944, as supplemented; and

the lien of a General Mortgage (the General Mortgage) dated October 10, 2002, as supplemented, which is junior to the lien of the Mortgage.

As of December 31, 2006,2009, CenterPoint Houston had outstanding $2.0approximately $2.5 billion aggregate principal amount of general mortgage bonds under the General Mortgage, including approximately $527 million held in trust to secure pollution control bonds for which CenterPoint Energy is obligated and approximately $229 million held in trust to secure pollution control bonds for which CenterPoint Houston is obligated. Additionally, CenterPoint Houston had outstanding approximately $253 million aggregate principal amount of first mortgage bonds under the Mortgage, including approximately $151 million held in trust to secure certain pollution control bonds for which CenterPoint Energy is obligated. CenterPoint Houston may issue additional general mortgage bonds on the basis of retired bonds, 70% of property additions or cash deposited with the trustee. Approximately $2.2$2.1 billion of additional first mortgage bonds and general mortgage bonds in the aggregate could be issued on the basis of retired bonds and 70% of property additions as of December 31, 2006.2009. However, CenterPoint Houston ishas contractually prohibited,agreed that it will not issue additional first mortgage bonds, subject to certain exceptions, from issuing additional first mortgage bonds.exceptions.

Electric Lines - Overhead.  As of December 31, 2006,2009, CenterPoint Houston owned 27,25327,726 pole miles of overhead distribution lines and 3,6033,729 circuit miles of overhead transmission lines, including 442423 circuit miles operated at 69,000 volts, 2,0842,090 circuit miles operated at 138,000 volts and 1,0771,216 circuit miles operated at 345,000 volts.

Electric Lines - Underground.  As of December 31, 2006,2009, CenterPoint Houston owned 17,90420,080 circuit miles of underground distribution lines and 28.426 circuit miles of underground transmission lines, including 4.52 circuit miles operated at 69,000 volts and 23.924 circuit miles operated at 138,000 volts.

Substations.  As of December 31, 2006,2009, CenterPoint Houston owned 226230 major substation sites having a total installed rated transformer capacity of 50,64751,557 megavolt amperes.

Service Centers.  CenterPoint Houston operates 14 regional service centers located on a total of 304291 acres of land. These service centers consist of office buildings, warehouses and repair facilities that are used in the business of transmitting and distributing electricity.


CenterPoint Houston holds non-exclusive franchises from the incorporated municipalities in its service territory. In exchange for the payment of fees, these franchises give CenterPoint Houston the right to use the streets and public rights-of way of these municipalities to construct, operate and maintain its transmission and distribution


system and to use that system to conduct its electric delivery business and for other purposes that the franchises permit. The terms of the franchises, with various expiration dates, typically range from 30 to 50 years.

In June 2005, CenterPoint Houston accepted an ordinance granting it a new30-year franchise to use the publicrights-of-way to conduct its business in the City of Houston (New Houston Franchise Ordinance). The New Houston Franchise Ordinance took effect on July 1, 2005, and replaced the prior electricity franchise ordinance, which had been in effect since 1957. The New Houston Franchise Ordinance clarifies certain operational obligations of CenterPoint Houston and the City of Houston and provides for streamlined payment and audit procedures and a two-year statute of limitations on claims for underpayment or overpayment under the ordinance. Under the prior electricity franchise ordinance, CenterPoint Houston paid annual franchise fees of $76.6 million to the City of Houston for the year ended December 31, 2004. For the twelve-month period ended June 30, 2006, the annual franchise fee under the New Houston Franchise Ordinance included a base amount of $88.1 million and an additional payment of $8.5 million. The base amount and the additional amount will be adjusted annually based on the increase, if any, inkilowatt-hours (kWh) delivered by CenterPoint Houston within the City of Houston. Pursuant to the New Houston Franchise Ordinance, the annual franchise fee will be reduced prospectively to reflect any portion of the annual franchise fee that is not included in CenterPoint Houston’s base rates in any subsequent rate case.
In connection with its most recent rate case and the settlement discussions related to that case, CenterPoint Houston offered to all of the cities in its service area an opportunity to adopt a new form of franchise (Settlement Franchise) containing terms similar to those in the New Houston Franchise Ordinance. This early renewal effort used a non-negotiable form of franchise and, except as necessary to comply with city charters, offered to all cities substantially equivalent terms and a single, simplified method of calculating and paying franchise fees. The Settlement Franchise was offered regardless of when any existing franchise was scheduled to expire. Of the 92 cities other than Houston in CenterPoint Houston’s service area, 59 have passed the Settlement Franchise. On December 31, 2006, CenterPoint Houston terminated its early renewal offer and will pursue new franchises with the remaining cities as their franchises near expiration.
Natural Gas Distribution

CERC Corp.’s natural gas distribution business (Gas Operations) engages in regulated intrastate natural gas sales to, and natural gas transportation for, approximately 3.2 million residential, commercial and industrial customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas. The largest metropolitan areas served in each state by Gas Operations are Houston, Texas; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Little Rock, Arkansas; Shreveport, Louisiana; Biloxi, Mississippi; and Lawton, Oklahoma. In 2006,2009, approximately 40%43% of Gas Operations’ total throughput was attributable to residential customers and approximately 60%57% was attributable to commercial and industrial customers.

Gas Operations also provides unregulated services consisting of heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment and appliance repair, and sales of HVAC, hearth and water heating equipment in Minnesota.

The demand for intrastate natural gas sales to, and natural gas transportation for, residential, commercial and industrial customers is seasonal. In 2006,2009, approximately 68%70% of the total throughput of Gas Operations’ business occurred in the first and fourth quarters. These patterns reflect the higher demand for natural gas for heating purposes during those periods.

Gas Operations also suffered some damage to its system in Houston, Texas and in other portions of its service territory across Texas and Louisiana as a result of Hurricane Ike. As of December 31, 2009, Gas Operations has deferred approximately $3 million of costs related to Hurricane Ike for recovery as part of future natural gas distribution rate proceedings.

Supply and Transportation.  In 2006,2009, Gas Operations purchased virtually all of its natural gas supply pursuant to contracts with remaining terms varying from a few months to four years. Major suppliers in 20062009 included BP Canada Energy Marketing Corp. (23.3%(20.5% of supply volumes), HPL Marketing (14.6%), Kinder Morgan (11.4%Coral Energy Resources (8.3%), Tenaska Marketing Ventures (5.1%(8.2%) and, Kinder Morgan (8.0%), ConocoPhillips Company (4.7%(7.4%), and Cargill, Inc. (5.7%).  Numerous other suppliers provided the remaining 40.9%41.9% of Gas Operations’ natural gas supply requirements. Gas Operations transports its natural gas supplies through various intrastate and interstate pipelines, including those owned by our other subsidiaries, under contracts with remaining terms, including extensions, varying from one to sixteenfifteen years. Gas Operations anticipates that these gas supply and transportation contracts will be renewed or replaced prior to their expiration.


We actively engage in commodity price stabilization pursuant to annual gas supply plans presented to and/or filed with each of our state regulatory authorities. These price stabilization activities include use of storage gas, contractually establishing fixed prices with our physical gas suppliers and utilizing financial derivative instruments to achieve a variety of pricing structures (e.g., fixed price, costless collars and caps). Our gas supply plans generally call for25-50% of winter supplies to be hedged in some fashion.

Generally, the regulations of the states in which Gas Operations operates allow it to pass through changes in the cost of natural gas, including gains and losses on financial derivatives associated with the index-priced physical supply, to its customers under purchased gas adjustment provisions in its tariffs. Depending upon the jurisdiction,

the purchased gas adjustment factors are updated periodically, ranging from monthly to semi-annually, using estimated gas costs. The changes in the cost of gas billed to customers are subject to review by the applicable regulatory bodies.

Gas Operations uses various third-party storage services or owned natural gas storage facilities to meetpeak-day requirements and to manage the daily changes in demand due to changes in weather and may also supplement contracted supplies and storage from time to time with stored liquefied natural gas and propane-air plant production.

Gas Operations owns and operates an underground natural gas storage facility with a capacity of 7.0 billion cubic feet (Bcf). It has a working capacity of 2.12.0 Bcf available for use during a normal heating season and a maximum daily withdrawal rate of 50 million cubic feet (MMcf). It also owns nine propane-air plants with a total capacityproduction rate of 192 MMcf200 Dekatherms (DTH) per day andon-site storage facilities for 12 million gallons of propane (1.0 Bcf natural gas equivalent). It owns a liquefied natural gas plant facilitiesfacility with a 12 million-gallon liquefied natural gas storage tank (1.0 Bcf natural gas equivalent) and a send-out capabilityproduction rate of 72 MMcfDTH per day.

On an ongoing basis, Gas Operations enters into contracts to provide sufficient supplies and pipeline capacity to meet its customer requirements. However, it is possible for limited service disruptions to occur from time to time due to weather conditions, transportation constraints and other events. As a result of these factors, supplies of natural gas may become unavailable from time to time, or prices may increase rapidly in response to temporary supply constraints or other factors.

AssetsGas Operations has entered into various asset management agreements associated with its utility distribution service in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas.  Generally, these asset management agreements are contracts between Gas Operations and an asset manager that are intended to transfer the working capital obligation and maximize the utilization of the assets. In these agreements, Gas Operations agreed to release transportation and storage capacity to other parties to manage gas storage, supply and delivery arrangements for Gas Operations and to use the released capacity for other purposes when it is not needed for Gas Operations. Gas Operations is compensated by the asset manager through payments made over the life of the agreements based in part on the results of the asset optimization.  Gas Operations has received approval from the state regulatory commissions in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Oklahoma to retain a share of the asset management agreement proceeds, although the percentage of payments to be retained by Gas Operations varies based on the jurisdiction, with the majority of the payments to benefit customers. The agreements have varying terms, the longest of which expires in 2016.


As of December 31, 2006,2009, Gas Operations owned approximately 66,00070,700 linear miles of natural gas distribution mains, varying in size from one-half inch to 24 inches in diameter. Generally, in each of the cities, towns and rural areas served by Gas Operations, it owns the underground gas mains and service lines, metering and regulating equipment located on customers’ premises and the district regulating equipment necessary for pressure maintenance. With a few exceptions, the measuring stations at which Gas Operations receives gas are owned, operated and maintained by others, and its distribution facilities begin at the outlet of the measuring equipment. These facilities, including odorizing equipment, are usually located on the land owned by suppliers.


Gas Operations competes primarily with alternate energy sources such as electricity and other fuel sources. In some areas, intrastate pipelines, other gas distributors and marketers also compete directly for gas sales toend-users. In addition, as a result of federal regulations affecting interstate pipelines, natural gas marketers operating on these pipelines may be able to bypass Gas Operations’ facilities and market and selland/or transport natural gas directly to commercial and industrial customers.

Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services

CERC offers variable and fixed-priced physical natural gas supplies primarily to commercial and industrial customers and electric and gas utilities through two subsidiaries, CenterPoint Energy Intrastate Pipeline, Inc. (CEIP) and CenterPoint Energy Services, Inc. (CES) and its subsidiary, CenterPoint Energy Intrastate Pipelines, LLC (CEIP).

In 2006,2009, CES marketed approximately 555504 Bcf of natural gas, transportation and related energy services and transportation to nearly 7,000approximately 11,100 customers (including approximately 363 Bcf to affiliates). CES customers vary in size from small


commercial customers to large utility companies in the central and eastern regions of the United States, and are served from offices located in Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin.States. The business has three operational functions:divisions: wholesale, retail and intrastate pipelines, which are further described below.

Wholesale Operations.Division.  CES offers a portfolio of physical delivery services and financial products designed to meet wholesale customers’ supply and price risk management needs. These customers are served directly through interconnects with various inter-interstate and intra-stateintrastate pipeline companies, and include gas utilities, large industrial customers and electric generation customers. This division includes the supply function for the procurement of natural gas and the management and optimization of transportation and storage assets for CES.

Retail Operations.Division.  CES offers a variety of natural gas management services to smaller commercial and industrial customers, municipalities, educational institutions and hospitals, whose facilities are typically located downstream of natural gas distribution utility city gate stations. These services include load forecasting, supply acquisition, daily swing volume management, invoice consolidation, storage asset management, firm and interruptible transportation administration and forward price management. CES manages transportation contracts and energy supply for retail customers in ten18 states.

Intrastate Pipeline Operations.Division.  CEIP provides bundled and unbundled merchant and transportation services to shippers and end-users.end-users and contracts out approximately 2.3 Bcf of storage at its Pierce Junction facility in Texas.

CES currently transports natural gas on over 3041 interstate and intrastate pipelines within states located throughout the central and eastern United States. CES maintains a portfolio of natural gas supply contracts and firm transportation and storage agreements to meet the natural gas requirements of its customers. CES aggregates supply from various producing regions and offers contracts to buy natural gas with terms ranging from one month to over five years. In addition, CES actively participates in the spot natural gas markets in an effort to balance daily and monthly purchases and sales obligations. Natural gas supply and transportation capabilities are leveraged through contracts for ancillary services including physical storage and other balancing arrangements.

As described above, CES offers its customers a variety of load following services. In providing these services, CES uses its customers’ purchase commitments to forecast and arrange its own supply purchases, storage and transportation services to serve customers’ natural gas requirements. As a result of the variance between this forecast activity and the actual monthly activity, CES will either have too much supply or too little supply relative to its customers’ purchase commitments. These supply imbalances arise each month as customers’ natural gas requirements are scheduled and corresponding natural gas supplies are nominated by CES for delivery to those customers. CES’ processes and risk control environment are designed to measure and value imbalances on a real-time basis to ensure that CES’ exposure to commodity price risk is kept to a minimum. The value assigned to these imbalances is calculated daily and is known as the aggregate Value at Risk (VaR). In 2006,2009, CES’ VaR averaged $1.6$0.6 million with a high of $2.7$1.6 million.

The CenterPoint EnergyOur risk control policy, governed by our Risk Oversight Committee, defines authorized and prohibited trading instruments and trading limits. CES is a physical marketer of natural gas and uses a variety of tools, including pipeline and storage capacity, financial instruments and physical commodity purchase contracts to support its sales. The CES business optimizes its use of these various tools to minimize its supply costs and does not engage in proprietary or speculative commodity trading. The VaR limits, $4 million maximum, within which CES operates are consistent with its operational objective of matching its aggregate sales obligations (including the swing associated with load following services) with its supply portfolio in a manner that minimizes its total cost of supply.


CEIP owns and operates approximately 231230 miles of intrastate pipeline in Louisiana and Texas and holds storage facilities of approximately 2.3 Bcf in Texas under long-term leases. In addition, CES leases transportation capacity of approximately 0.8 Bcf per day on various interstate and intrastate pipelines and approximately 12.5 Bcf of storage to service its customer base.


CES competes with regional and national wholesale and retail gas marketers including the marketing divisions of natural gas producers and utilities. In addition, CES competes with intrastate pipelines for customers and services in its market areas.


Interstate Pipelines

Beginning in the fourth quarter of 2006, we are reporting our interstate pipelines and field services businesses as two separate business segments. These business segments were previously aggregated and reported as the Pipelines and Field Services business segment. CERC’s pipelines business operates:
• two interstate natural gas pipelines; and
• gas transmission lines primarily located in Arkansas, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas.
operates interstate natural gas pipelines with gas transmission lines primarily located in Arkansas, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas. CERC’s interstate pipeline operations are primarily conducted by two wholly owned subsidiaries that provide gas transportation and storage services primarily to industrial customers and local distribution companies:

• CenterPoint Energy Gas Transmission Company (CEGT) is an interstate pipeline that provides natural gas transportation, natural gas storage and pipeline services to customers principally in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas; and
• CenterPoint Energy-Mississippi River Transmission Corporation (MRT) is an interstate pipeline that provides natural gas transportation, natural gas storage and pipeline services to customers principally in Arkansas and Missouri.
CenterPoint Energy Gas Transmission Company (CEGT) is an interstate pipeline that provides natural gas transportation, natural gas storage and pipeline services to customers principally in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas; and

CenterPoint Energy-Mississippi River Transmission Corporation (MRT) is an interstate pipeline that provides natural gas transportation, natural gas storage and pipeline services to customers principally in Arkansas and Missouri.

The rates charged by CEGT and MRT for interstate transportation and storage services are regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). OurFERC. CERC's interstate pipelines business operations may be affected by changes in the demand for natural gas, the available supply and relative price of natural gas in the Mid-continent and Gulf Coast natural gas supply regions and general economic conditions.

In 2006,2009, approximately 26%16% of CEGT and MRT’s total operating revenue was attributable to services provided to Gas Operations, an affiliate, and approximately 11%7% was attributable to services provided to Laclede Gas Company (Laclede), an unaffiliated distribution company, that provides natural gas utility service to the greater St. Louis metropolitan area in Illinois and Missouri. Services to Gas Operations and Laclede are provided under several long-term firm storage and transportation agreements.  Since October 31, 2006,The primary term of MRT’s contractfirm transportation and storage contracts with Laclede has been terminable upon one year’s prior notice. MRT has not received a termination notice and is currently negotiating a long-term contract with Laclede. Agreementswill expire in 2013.  The primary term of CEGT’s agreements for firm transportation, “no notice”"no notice" transportation service and storage serviceservices in certain of Gas Operations’ service areas (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Oklahoma)Texas) will expire in 2012.

Carthage to Perryville. In October 2005,February 2010, CEGT signed a10-year firm transportation agreement with XTO Energy (XTO) to transport 600 MMcf per daycompleted the expansion of natural gas from Carthage, Texas to CEGT’s Perryville hub in Northeast Louisiana. To accommodate this transaction, CEGT filed a certificate application with the FERC in March 2006 to build a172-mile,42-inch diameter pipeline and related compression facilities. The capacity of theits Carthage to Perryville pipeline under this filing will be 1.25to approximately 1.9 Bcf per day.  CEGT has signed firm contracts for the full capacityThe expansion includes new compressor units at two of the pipeline.CEGT’s existing stations.

In October 2006, the FERC issued CEGT’s certificate to construct, own and operate the pipeline and compression facilities. CEGT has begun constructionSoutheast Supply Header, LLC. CenterPoint Southeastern Pipelines Holding, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the facilities and expects to place the facilitiesCERC, owns a 50% interest in service in the second quarter of 2007 atSoutheast Supply Header, LLC (SESH). SESH owns a cost of approximately $500 million.
Based on interest expressed during an open season held in 2006, and subject to FERC approval, CEGT may expand capacity of the pipeline to 1.51.0 Bcf per day, which would bring274-mile interstate pipeline that runs from the total estimated capital cost of the projectPerryville Hub in Louisiana to approximately $550 million. InCoden, Alabama. The pipeline was placed into service in September 2006, CEGT filed2008. The rates charged by SESH for approval to increase the maximum allowable operating pressure with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). In December 2006, CEGT filed for the necessary certificate to expand capacity of the pipeline withinterstate transportation services are regulated by the FERC. CEGT expects to receive the approvals in the third quarter of 2007.
During the four-year period subsequent to the in-service date of the pipeline, XTO can request, and subject to mutual negotiations that meet specific financial parameters and to FERC approval, CEGT would construct a67-mile extension from CEGT’s Perryville hub to an interconnect with Texas Eastern Gas Transmission at Union Church, Mississippi.


Southeast Supply Header.  In June 2006, CenterPoint Energy Southeast Pipelines Holding, L.L.C., a wholly owned subsidiary of CERC Corp. and aA wholly-owned, indirect subsidiary of Spectra Energy Corp. (Spectra) formed a joint venture (Southeast Supply Header or SESH) to construct, own and operate a270-mile pipeline that will extend from CEGT’s Perryville hub in northeast Louisiana to Gulfstream Natural Gas System, which is 50 percent owned by an affiliate of Spectra. In August 2006,owns the joint venture signed an agreement with Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) for firm transportation services, which subscribed approximately half of the planned 1 Bcf per day capacity of the pipeline. FPL’s commitment was contingent on the approval of the FPL contract by the Florida Public Service Commission, which was received in December 2006. Subject to the joint venture receiving a certificate from the FERC to construct, own and operate the pipeline, subsidiaries of Spectra and CERC Corp. have committed to build the pipeline. In December 2006, the joint venture signed agreements with affiliates of Progress Energy Florida, Southern Company, Tampa Electric Company, and EOG Resources, Inc. bringing the total subscribed capacity to 945 MMcf per day. Additionally, SESH and Southern Natural Gas (SNG) have executed a definitive agreement that provides for SNG to jointly own the first 115 miles of the pipeline. Under the agreement, SNG will own an undividedremaining 50% interest in the portion of the pipeline from Perryville, Louisiana to an interconnect with SNG in Mississippi. The pipe diameter will be increased from 36 inches to 42 inches, thereby increasing the initial capacity of 1 Bcf per day by 140 MMcf per day to accommodate SNG. SESH will own assets providing approximately 1 Bcf per day of capacity as initially planned and will maintain economic expansion opportunities in the future. SNG will own assets providing 140 MMcf per day of capacity, and the agreement provides for a future compression expansion that could increase the capacity up to 500 MMcf per day. An application to construct, own and operate the pipeline was filed with the FERC in December 2006. Subject to receipt of FERC authorization and construction in accordance with planned schedule, we currently expect an in service date in the summer of 2008. The total cost of the combined project is estimated to be $800 to $900 million with SESH’s net costs of $700 to $800 million after SNG’s contribution.SESH.

Proposed Mid-continent Crossing.  In June 2006, CEGT and Spectra signed a memorandum of understanding to explore the potential development of a new natural gas pipeline to bring gas from areas in the Mid-continent region to pipelines serving the Northeast and Southeast markets (MCX). In January 2007, CEGT and Spectra announced that market and economic conditions did not support the construction of the proposed pipeline. CEGT and Spectra may continue to independently evaluate opportunities for building infrastructure to transport mid-continent natural gas, including projects in the vicinity of the proposed MCX.Assets

OurCERC's interstate pipelines business currently owns and operates approximately 7,9008,000 miles of natural gas transmission lines primarily located in Arkansas, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas. ItCERC's

interstate pipeline business also owns and operates six natural gas storage fields with a combined daily deliverability of approximately 1.2 Bcf per day and a combined working gas capacity of approximately 59.059 Bcf. ItCERC's interstate pipeline business also owns a 10% interest in the Bistineau storage facility located in Bienville Parish, Louisiana, with the remaining interest owned and operated by Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP. This facility has a total working gas capacity of 85.7 Bcf and approximately 1.1 Bcf per day of deliverability. StorageCERC's interstate pipeline business' storage capacity in the Bistineau facility is 8 Bcf of working gas with 100 MMcf per day of deliverability. Most storage operations are in north Louisiana and Oklahoma.
CERC's interstate pipelines business competes with other interstate and intrastate pipelines in the transportation and storage of natural gas. The principal elements of competition among pipelines are rates, terms of service, and flexibility and reliability of service. OurCERC's interstate pipelines business competes indirectly with other forms of energy, available to our customers, including electricity, coal and fuel oils. The primary competitive factor is price.price, but recently, environmental considerations have grown in importance when consumers consider other forms of energy. Changes in the availability of energy and pipeline capacity, the level of business activity, conservation and governmental regulations, the capability to convert to alternative fuels, and other factors, including weather, affect the demand for natural gas in areas we serve and the level of competition for transportation and storage services.


Field Services

Beginning in the fourth quarter of 2006, we are reporting our interstate pipelines and field services businesses as two separate business segments. These business segments were previously aggregated and reported as the Pipelines and Field Services business segment. CERC’s field services business operates gas gathering, treating and processing facilities and also provides operating and technical services and remote data monitoring and communication services.

CERC’s field services operations are conducted by a wholly owned subsidiary, CenterPoint Energy Field Services, Inc. (CEFS). CEFS provides natural gas gathering and processing services for certain natural gas fields in the Mid-continent region of the United States that interconnect with CEGT’s and MRT’s pipelines, as well as other interstate and intrastate pipelines. CEFS gathers approximately 1.4 Bcf per day of natural gas and, either directly or through its 50% interest in the Waskom Joint Venture,a joint venture, processes in excess of 240250 MMcf per day of natural gas along its gathering system. CEFS, through its ServiceStar operating division, provides remote data monitoring and communications services to affiliates and third parties. The ServiceStar operating division currently provides monitoring activities at 11,080 locations across Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming.

OurCERC's field services business operations may be affected by changes in the demand for natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGLs), the available supply and relative price of natural gas and NGLs in the Mid-continent and Gulf Coast natural gas supply regions and general economic conditions.

AssetsLong-Term Gas Gathering and Treating Agreements. In September 2009, CEFS entered into long-term agreements with an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of EnCana Corporation (EnCana) and an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) to provide gathering and treating services for their natural gas production from certain Haynesville Shale and Bossier Shale formations in Louisiana. CEFS also acquired jointly-owned gathering facilities from EnCana and Shell in De Soto and Red River parishes in northwest Louisiana.  Each of the agreements includes acreage dedication and volume commitments for which CEFS has rights to gather Shell’s and EnCana’s natural gas production from the dedicated areas.

In connection with the agreements, CEFS commenced gathering and treating services utilizing the acquired facilities. CEFS is expanding the acquired facilities in order to gather and treat up to 700 MMcf per day of natural gas. If EnCana or Shell elect, CEFS will further expand the facilities in order to gather and treat additional future volumes.  The construction necessary to reach the contractual capacity of 700 MMcf per day includes more than 200 miles of gathering lines, nearly 25,500 horsepower of compression and over 800 MMcf per day of treating capacity.

CEFS estimates that the purchase of existing facilities and construction to gather 700 MMcf per day will cost up to $325 million. If EnCana and Shell elect expansion of the project to gather and process additional future volumes of up to 1 Bcf per day, CEFS estimates that the expansion would cost as much as an additional $300 million and EnCana and Shell would provide incremental volume commitments. Funds for construction are being provided from anticipated cash flows from operations, lines of credit or proceeds from the sale of debt or equity securities.  As of December 31, 2009, approximately $176 million has been spent on this project, including the purchase of existing facilities.
Waskom Gas Processing Company. CenterPoint Energy Gas Processing Company, a wholly-owned, indirect subsidiary of CERC (CEGP), owns a 50% general partnership interest in Waskom Gas Processing Company (Waskom). Waskom owns a gas processing plant located in East Texas. The plant is capable of processing approximately 285 MMcf per day of natural gas.


CERC’s field services business owns and operates approximately 3,700 miles of gathering pipelineslines and processing plants that collect, treat and process natural gas from approximately 150140 separate systems located in major producing fields in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas.


OurCERC's field services business competes with other companies in the natural gas gathering, treating and processing business. The principal elements of competition are rates, terms of service and reliability of services. OurCERC's field services business competes indirectly with other forms of energy, available to our customers, including electricity, coal and fuel oils. The primary competitive factor is price.price, but recently, environmental considerations have grown in importance when consumers consider other forms of energy. Changes in the availability of energy and pipeline capacity, the level of business activity, conservation and governmental regulations, the capability to convert to alternative fuels, and other factors, including weather, affect the demand for natural gas in areas we serve and the level of competition for gathering, treating, and processing services. In addition, competition for our gathering operationsamong forms of energy is impactedaffected by commodity pricing levels because of their influence onand influences the level of drilling activity.activity and demand for our gathering operations.

Other Operations

Our Other Operations business segment includes office buildings and other real estate used in our business operations and other corporate operations that support all of our business operations.

Discontinued Operations
In July 2004, we announced our agreement to sell our majority owned subsidiary, Texas Genco, to Texas Genco LLC. In December 2004, Texas Genco completed the sale of its fossil generation assets (coal, lignite and gas-fired plants) to Texas Genco LLC for $2.813 billion in cash. Following the sale, Texas Genco, whose principal remaining asset was its ownership interest in a nuclear generating facility, distributed $2.231 billion in cash to us. The final step of the transaction, the merger of Texas Genco with a subsidiary of Texas Genco LLC in exchange for an additional cash payment to us of $700 million, was completed in April 2005.
We recorded an after-tax loss of $133 million and $3 million for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2005, respectively, related to the operations of Texas Genco. The consolidated financial statements report these operations for all periods presented as discontinued operations in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 144, “Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets.”


Financial Information About Segments

For financial information about our segments, see Note 14 to our consolidated financial statements, which note is incorporated herein by reference.


We are subject to regulation by various federal, state and local governmental agencies, including the regulations described below.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

The FERC has jurisdiction under the Natural Gas Act and the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978, as amended, to regulate the transportation of natural gas in interstate commerce and natural gas sales for resale in intrastateinterstate commerce that are not first sales. The FERC regulates, among other things, the construction of pipeline and related facilities used in the transportation and storage of natural gas in interstate commerce, including the extension, expansion or abandonment of these facilities. The rates charged by interstate pipelines for interstate transportation and storage services are also regulated by the FERC. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (Energy Act) expanded the FERC’s authority to prohibit market manipulation in connection with FERC-regulated transactions and gave the FERC additional authority to impose significant civil and criminal penalties for statutory violations and violations of the FERC’s rules or orders and also expanded criminal penalties for such violations. Our competitive natural gas sales and services subsidiary markets natural gas in interstate commerce pursuant to blanket authority granted by the FERC.
OurCERC's natural gas pipeline subsidiaries may periodically file applications with the FERC for changes in their generally available maximum rates and charges designed to allow them to recover their costs of providing service to customers (to the extent allowed by prevailing market conditions), including a reasonable rate of return. These rates

are normally allowed to become effective after a suspension period and, in some cases, are subject to refund under applicable law until such time as the FERC issues an order on the allowable level of rates.

CenterPoint Houston is not a “public utility”"public utility" under the Federal Power Act and, therefore, is not generally regulated by the FERC, although certain of its transactions are subject to limited FERC jurisdiction. The Energy Act conferred new jurisdiction and responsibilities on the FERC with respect to ensuring the reliability of electric transmission service, including transmission facilities owned by CenterPoint Houston and other utilities within ERCOT. Under the legislation,this authority, the FERC is required to designate anhas designated the NERC as the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) which will,to promulgate standards, under FERC oversight, promulgate standards for all owners, operators and users of the bulk power system (Electric Entities). The ERO and the FERC have authority to impose fines and other sanctions on Electric Entities that fail to comply with theapproved standards and audit compliance with approved standards. The FERC has designatedapproved the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) asdelegation by the ERO. UnderNERC of authority for reliability in ERCOT to the Energy Act the ERO may delegate authority to regional entities. Currently ERCOT is seeking FERC approval for an ERCOT division to be designated as the regional entity for the ERCOT region. The ERO currently is developing standards and the other aspects of the regulatory framework under the Energy Act.TRE. CenterPoint Houston does not anticipate that the transmissionreliability standards proposed by the NERC and approved by the FERC will have a material adverse impact on its operations. To the extent that CenterPoint Houston is required to make additional expenditures to comply with the ERO’s transmissionthese standards, it is anticipated that CenterPoint Houston will seek to recover those costs through the transmission charges that are imposed on all distribution service providers within ERCOT for electric transmission provided.

Prior to repealUnder the Public Utility Holding Company Act of the 1935 Act, effective February 8, 2006, we were a registered public utility holding company under the 1935 Act, and we and our subsidiaries were subject to a comprehensive regulatory scheme imposed by the SEC under that Act. Although the SEC did not regulate rates and charges under the 1935 Act, it did regulate the structure, financing, lines of business and internal transactions of public utility holding companies and their system companies.
The Energy Act repealed the 1935 Act , and since that date, we and our subsidiaries have no longer been subject to restrictions imposed under the 1935 Act. The Energy Act includes PUHCA 2005 which grants to(PUHCA 2005), the FERC has authority to require holding companies and their subsidiaries to maintain certain books and records and make them available for review by the FERC and state regulatory authorities in certain circumstances. In December 2005, the FERC issued rules implementing PUHCA 2005. Pursuant to those rules, in June 2006, we filed with the FERC


the required notification of our status as a public utility holding company. In October 2006 and December 2009, the FERC adopted additional rules regarding maintenance of books and records by utility holding companies and additional reporting and accounting requirements for centralized service companies that make allocationsprovide non-power goods and services to public utilities, regulated bynatural gas companies or both, in the FERC under the Federal Power Act. Although we provide services to our subsidiaries through a servicesame holding company our service company is not subject to the service company rules.system.

State and Local Regulation

Electric Transmission & Distribution

CenterPoint Houston conducts its operations pursuant to a certificate of convenience and necessity issued by the Texas Utility Commission that covers its present service area and facilities. The Texas Utility Commission and those municipalities that have retained original jurisdiction have the authority to set the rates and terms of service provided by CenterPoint Houston under cost of service rate regulation. CenterPoint Houston holds non-exclusive franchises from the incorporated municipalities in its service territory. In exchange for payment of fees, these franchises give CenterPoint Houston the right to use the streets and publicrights-of-way of these municipalities to construct, operate and maintain its transmission and distribution system and to use that system to conduct its electric delivery business and for other purposes that the franchises permit. The terms of the franchises, with various expiration dates, typically range from 30 to 50 years. As discussed above under “Our Business — Electric Transmission & Distribution — Franchises,”

CenterPoint Houston’s distribution rates charged to REPs for residential customers are primarily based on amounts of energy delivered, whereas distribution rates for a new franchise ordinance for the Citymajority of Houston franchise was granted in June 2005 with a term of 30 yearscommercial and 60 other cities have passed new franchise ordinances following a similar, standardized form.
industrial customers are primarily based on peak demand. All REPs in CenterPoint Houston’s service area pay the same rates and other charges for the same transmission and distribution services.
CenterPoint Houston’s distribution rates charged to REPs for residential customers are based on amounts of energy delivered, whereas distribution rates for a majority of commercial and industrial customers are based on peak demand. Transmission rates charged to other distribution companies are based on amounts of energy transmitted under “postage stamp” rates that do not vary with the distance the energy is being transmitted. All distribution companies in ERCOT pay CenterPoint Houston the same rates and other charges for transmission services. This regulated delivery charge includes the transmission and distribution rate (which includes municipal franchise fees), a system benefit fund fee imposed by the Texas electric restructuring law, a nuclear decommissioning charge associated with decommissioning the South Texas nuclear generating facility, (South Texas Project), transitiona surcharge related to the implementation of AMS and charges associated with securitization of regulatory assets, and securitization of stranded costs a competition transition chargeand restoration costs relating to Hurricane Ike. Transmission rates charged to other distribution companies are based on amounts of energy transmitted under "postage stamp" rates that do not vary with the distance the energy is being transmitted. All distribution companies in ERCOT pay CenterPoint Houston the same rates and other charges for collection of thetrue-up balance not securitized and a rate case expense charge.transmission services.
Recovery of True-Up Balance.  For a discussion of CenterPoint Houston Rate Case.Houston’s true-up proceedings, see "- Our Business - Electric Transmission & Distribution - Recovery of True-Up Balance" above.
Rate Proceedings. In December 2005,May 2009, CenterPoint Houston filed an application at the Texas Utility Commission ordered the commencement of a rate proceeding concerning the reasonableness of CenterPoint Houston’s existing rates for transmission and distribution service and required CenterPoint Houston to make a filing by April 15, 2006 to justify or change those rates. In April 2006, CenterPoint Houston filed cost data and other information that supported the rates then in effect.
In July 2006, CenterPoint Houston entered into a settlement agreement with the parties to the proceeding that resolved the issues raised in this matter. CenterPoint Houston filed a Stipulation and Agreement (Settlement Agreement) with the Texas Utility Commission in August 2006 to seekseeking approval of the Settlement Agreement.certain estimated 2010 energy efficiency program costs, an energy efficiency performance bonus for 2008 programs and carrying costs, totaling approximately $10 million. The application sought to begin recovery of these costs through a surcharge effective July 1, 2010. In September 2006,October 2009, the Texas Utility Commission issued its final order approving recovery of the 2010 energy efficiency program costs and a partial performance bonus, plus carrying costs, but refused to permit CenterPoint Houston to recover a performance bonus of $2 million on approximately $10 million in 2008 energy efficiency costs expended pursuant to the terms of a settlement agreement reached in CenterPoint Houston’s 2006 rate proceeding.  CenterPoint Houston has appealed the denial of the full 2008 performance bonus to the district court in Travis County, Texas, where the case remains pending.

CenterPoint Houston Rate Agreement.  CenterPoint Houston’s transmission and distribution rates are subject to the terms of a Settlement Agreement. Revised base rates and other revised tariffs becameAgreement effective in October 2006.
Under the terms of the Settlement Agreement, CenterPoint Houston’s base rate revenues were reduced by a net of approximately $58 million per year. Also, CenterPoint Houston agreed to increase its energy efficiency expenditures by an additional $10 million per year over the $13 million then included in rates. The expenditures will be made to benefit both residential and commercial customers. CenterPoint Houston also will fund $10 million per year for programs providing financial assistance to qualified low-income customers in its service territory.


The Settlement Agreement provides that, until June 30, 2010, CenterPoint Houston will not seek to increase its base rates and the other parties will not petition to decrease those rates. ThisThe rate freeze is subject to adjustmentsadjustment for changes related to certain transmission costs,limited matters, including the results of the appeals of the True-Up Order, the implementation of charges associated with securitizations, the Texas Utility Commission’s recently-adopted change to its CTC ruleimpact of severe weather such as hurricanes and certain other changes. The rate freeze does not apply to changes required to reflect the result of currently pending appeals of theTrue-Up Order, the pending appeal of the Texas Utility Commission’s order regarding CenterPoint Houston’s final fuel reconciliation, the appeal of the order implementing CenterPoint Houston’s CTC or the implementation of transition charges associated with current and future securitizations. In addition, CenterPoint Houston is not required to file annual earnings reports for the calendar years 2006 through 2008, but is required to file an earnings report for 2009 no later than March 1, 2010.force majeure events. CenterPoint Houston must make a new base rate filing not later than June 30, 2010, based on a test year ended December 31, 2009, unless the Staffstaff of the Texas Utility Commission and certain cities with original jurisdiction notify CenterPoint Houstonit that such a filing is unnecessary.

Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement, in October 2006 CenterPoint Houston began amortizing expenditures of approximately $28 million related to Hurricane Rita over a seven-year period and regulatory expenses of approximately $7 million over a four-year period. Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement, the Texas Utility Commission determined that franchise fees payable by CenterPoint Houston under new franchise agreements with the City of Houston and certain other municipalities in CenterPoint Houston’s service area are deemed reasonable and necessary, along with the revised base rates.
The Settlement Agreement also resolved all issues that could be raised in the Texas Utility Commission’s proceeding to review its decision in CenterPoint Houston’s 2001 UCOS case discussed above under “Our Business — Electric Transmission & Distribution — Remand of 2001 Unbundled Cost of Service (UCOS) Order.”
These and other significant matters currently affecting our financial condition are further discussed in “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations — Executive Summary — Significant Events in 2006” in Item 7 of this report.
Natural Gas Distribution

In almost all communities in which Gas Operations provides natural gas distribution services, it operates under franchises, certificates or licenses obtained from state and local authorities. The original terms of the franchises, with various expiration dates, typically range from 10 to 30 years, although franchises in Arkansas are perpetual. Gas Operations expects to be able to renew expiring franchises. In most cases, franchises to provide natural gas utility services are not exclusive.

Substantially all of Gas Operations is subject to traditionalcost-of-service regulation at rates regulated by the relevant state public utility commissions and, in Texas, by the Railroad Commission of Texas (Railroad Commission) and those municipalities served by Gas Operations serves that have retained original jurisdiction.

Arkansas.Texas. In January 2007,March 2008, Gas Operations filed an application with the Arkansas Public Service Commission (APSC)a request to change its natural gas distribution rates. This filing seeks approval to changerates with the base rate portion of a customer’s natural gas bill, which makes up about 30 percent of the total bill and covers the cost of distributing natural gas. The filing does not apply to the Gas Supply Rate (GSR), which makes up the remaining approximately 70 percent of the bill. Through the GSR, Gas Operations passes through to its customers the actual cost it pays for the natural gas it purchases for use by its customers without anymark-up. In a separate filing in January 2007, Gas Operations reduced the GSR by about 9 percent. The APSC approved this GSR filing in January 2007.
The filing seeks approval by the APSC of new rates that would go into effect later this year and would generate approximately $51 million in additional revenue on an annual basis. The effect on individual monthly bills would vary depending on natural gas use and customer class. As part of the base rate filing, we are also proposing a mechanism that, if approved, would help stabilize revenues, eliminate the potential conflict between our efforts to earn a reasonable return on invested capital while promoting energy efficiency initiatives, and minimize the need for future rate cases. As part of the revenue stabilization mechanism, we proposed to reduce the requested return on equity by 35 basis points which would reduce the base rate increase by $1 million. The mechanism would be in place through December 31, 2010.


In Arkansas, the APSC in December 2006 adopted rules governing affiliate transactions involving public utilities operating in Arkansas. The rules treat as affiliate transactions all transactions between CERC’s Arkansas utility operations and other divisions of CERC, as well as transactions between the Arkansas utility operations and affiliates of CERC. All such affiliate transactions are required to be priced under an asymmetrical pricing formula under which the Arkansas utility operations would benefit from any difference between the cost of providing goods and services to or from the Arkansas utility operationsRailroad Commission and the market value of those goods or services. Additionally, the Arkansas utility operations are not permitted to participate in any financing other than to finance retail utility operations in Arkansas, which would preclude continuation of existing financing arrangements in which CERC finances its divisions and subsidiaries, including its Arkansas utility operations.
Although the Arkansas rules are now in effect, CERC and other gas and electric utilities operating in Arkansas sought reconsideration of the rules by the APSC. In February 2007, the APSC granted that reconsideration and suspended operation of the rules in order to permit time for additional consideration. If the rules are not significantly modified on reconsideration, CERC would be entitled to seek judicial review. In adopting the rules, the APSC indicated that affiliate transactions and financial arrangements currently in effect will be deemed in compliance until December 19, 2007, and that utilities may seek waivers of specific provisions of the rules. If the rules ultimately become effective as presently adopted, CERC would need to seek waivers from certain provisions of the rules or would be required to make significant modifications to existing practices, which could include the formation of and transfer of assets to subsidiaries.
If this regulatory framework becomes effective, it could have adverse impacts on CERC’s ability to operate and provide cost-effective utility service.
Texas.  In September 2006, Gas Operations filed Statements of Intent (SOI) with 47 cities in its Texas coastCoast service territory, an area consisting of approximately 230,000 customers in cities and communities on the outskirts of Houston. In 2008, Gas Operations implemented rates increasing annual revenues by approximately $3.5 million.  The implemented rates were contested by 9 cities in an appeal to increase miscellaneousthe 353rd District Court in Travis County, Texas. In January 2010, that court reversed the Railroad Commission’s order in part and remanded the matter to the Railroad Commission.  The court concluded that the Railroad Commission did not have statutory authority to impose on the complaining cities the cost of service chargesadjustment mechanism which the Railroad Commission had approved in its order.  Certain parties filed a motion to modify the district court’s judgment and a final decision is not expected until April 2010.  We and CERC do not expect the outcome of this matter to allow recoveryhave a material adverse impact on our financial condition, results of the costsoperations or cash flows or those of financial hedging transactions through its purchased gas cost adjustment.CERC.

        In November 2006, these changes became effective as all 47 cities either approved the filings or took no action, thereby allowing rates to go into effect by operation of law. In December 2006,July 2009, Gas Operations filed a SOIrequest to change its rates with the Railroad Commission seekingand the 29 cities in its Houston service territory, consisting of approximately 940,000 customers in and around Houston. The request seeks to implement such changes inestablish uniform rates, charges and terms and conditions of service for the cities and environs of the Texas coastHouston service territory. As finally submitted to the Railroad Commission and the cities, the proposed new rates would result in an overall increase in annual revenue of $20.4 million, excluding carrying costs on gas inventory of approximately $2 million. In January 2010, Gas Operations’ filing has been suspendedOperations withdrew its request for an annual cost of service adjustment mechanism due to the uncertainty caused by the court’s ruling in the above-mentioned Texas Coast appeal. In February 2010, the Railroad Commission issued its decision authorizing a revenue increase of $5.1 million annually, reflecting reduced depreciation rates of $1.2 million.  The hearing examiner also recommended a surcharge of $0.9 million per year to recover Hurricane Ike costs over three years.
Minnesota. In November 2006, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) denied a request filed by Gas Operations for a waiver of MPUC rules in order to allow for discovery and pre-hearing conferences, and a final determination is expected in the second quarter of 2007.
Minnesota.  At September 30, 2006, Gas Operations had recordedto recover approximately $45$21 million as a regulatory asset related to prior years’in unrecovered purchased gas costs in its Minnesota service territory. Of the total, approximately $24 million related to the period from July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2006, and approximately $21 million related to the period from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2004. The amounts related to periods prior to July 1, 2004 arose2004. Those unrecovered gas costs were

identified as a result of revisions to the calculationpreviously approved calculations of unrecovered purchased gas costs previously approved by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC). Recovery of this regulatory asset was dependent upon obtainingcosts. Following that denial, Gas Operations recorded a waiver from the MPUC rules. In November 2006, the MPUC considered the request for variance and voted to deny the waiver. Accordingly, we charged $21 million before income taxesadjustment to reduce pre-tax earnings in the fourth quarter of 2006 and reduced the regulatory asset related to these costs by an equal amount. In FebruaryMarch 2007, following the MPUC denied reconsideration. Although no prediction can be made as toMPUC’s denial of reconsideration of its ruling, Gas Operations petitioned the ultimate outcomeMinnesota Court of this matter, we expect to appealAppeals for review of the MPUC’s decision, which precludes recoveryand in May 2008 that court ruled that the MPUC had been arbitrary and capricious in denying Gas Operations a waiver. The MPUC sought further review of the costcourt of this gas, which was deliveredappeals decision from the Minnesota Supreme Court.  In July 2009, the Minnesota Supreme Court reversed the decision of the Minnesota Court of Appeals and upheld the MPUC’s decision to deny the requested variance. The court’s decision had no negative impact on our customers and for which we have never been paid.financial condition, results of operations or cash flows, as the costs at issue were written off at the time they were disallowed.

In November 2005, we2008, Gas Operations filed a request with the MPUC to increase annualits rates for utility distribution service by approximately $41 million.$59.8 million annually. In addition, Gas Operations sought an adjustment mechanism that would annually adjust rates to reflect changes in use per customer.  In December 2005,2008, the MPUC accepted the case and approved an interim rate increase of approximately $35$51.2 million, that was implementedwhich became effective on January 1, 2006. Any excess2, 2009, subject to refund. In January 2010, the MPUC issued its decision authorizing a revenue increase of $41 million per year, with an overall rate of return of 8.09% (10.24% return on equity). The difference between the rates approved by the MPUC and amounts collected under the interim rates, over the amounts approved$10 million as of December 31, 2009, is recorded in final rates is subject to refund to customers. In October 2006, the MPUC considered the requestother current liabilities and indicated that it would grant a rate increase of approximately $21 million. In addition, the MPUC approved a $5 million affordability program to assist low-income customers, the actual cost of which will be recovered in rates in addition to the $21 million rate increase. Although the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office (OAG) requested reconsideration of certain parts of the MPUC’s decision, in January 2007, the MPUC voted to deny reconsideration and a final order was issued in January 2007. The proportional share of the excess of the amounts collected in interim rates over the amount allowed by the final order will be refunded to customers. The MPUC also authorized Gas Operations to implement a pilot program for residential and small volume commercial customers after implementationthat is intended to decouple gas revenues from customers’ natural gas usage. In February 2010, CERC filed a request for rehearing of final


rates. Wethe order by the MPUC.  No other party to the case filed such a request.  CERC and CenterPoint Energy do not expect a final ratesorder to be implemented no later than May 2007. As of December 31, 2006, approximately $12 million has been accruedissued in this proceeding until spring 2010.

Mississippi.  In July 2009, Gas Operations filed a request to increase its rates for the refund.
In December 2004, the MPUC opened an investigation to determine whether our practices regarding restoring natural gasutility distribution service during the period between October 15 and April 15 (Cold Weather Period) were in compliance with the MPUC’s Cold Weather Rule (CWR), which governs disconnection and reconnection of customers during the Cold Weather Period.Mississippi Public Service Commission (MPSC). In June 2005, the OAG issued its report alleging we had violated the CWR and recommended a $5 million penalty. In addition, in June 2005, CERC Corp. was named in a suit filed in the United States District Court, District of Minnesota on behalfNovember 2009, as part of a purported classsettlement agreement in which the MPSC approved Gas Operations’ retention of customers who allege that our conductthe compensation paid under the CWR was in violationterms of the law. In August 2006, the court gave final approval to a $13.5 million settlement which resolved all but one small claim against us which have or could have been asserted by residential natural gas customers in the CWR class action. Thean asset management agreement, was also approved by the MPUC, resolving the claims made by the OAG. The anticipated costs of this settlement were accrued during the fourth quarter of 2005.Gas Operations withdrew its rate request.

Department of Transportation
In December 2002, Congress enacted the Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002 (2002 Act). This legislation applies to our interstate pipelines as well as our intrastate pipeline and local distribution companies. The legislation imposes several requirements related to ensuring pipeline safety and integrity. It requires pipeline and distribution companies to assess the integrity of their pipeline transmission facilities in areas of high population concentration or High Consequence Areas (HCA). The legislation further requires companies to perform remediation activities in accordance with the requirements of the legislation over a10-year period.

In December 2006, Congress enacted the Pipeline Inspection, Protection, Enforcement and Safety Act of 2006 (2006 Act), which reauthorized the programs adopted under the Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002 (2002 Act).  These programs included several requirements related to ensuring pipeline safety, and a requirement to assess the integrity of pipeline transmission facilities in areas of high population concentration. Under the legislation, remediation activities are to be performed over a 10-year period. Our pipeline subsidiaries are on schedule to comply with the timeframe mandated for completion of integrity assessment and remediation.

Pursuant to the 2002 Act, proposed enhancements for state programs to reduce excavation damage to pipelines, established increased federal enforcement of one-call excavation programs, and established a new program for review of pipeline security plans and critical facility inspections. In addition, beginning in October 2005,then the 2006 Act, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) of the DOT commencedU.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has adopted a rulemaking proceeding to developnumber of rules that would better distinguish onshoreconcerning, among other things, distinguishing between gathering lines from production facilities and transmission facilities, requiring certain design and construction features in new and replaced lines to reduce corrosion and requiring pipeline operators to develop safety requirements better tailored to gathering line risks. In March 2006, the DOT revised its regulations to define more clearly the categories of gathering facilities subject to DOT regulation, establish new safety rules for certain gathering lines in rural areas, revise the current regulations applicable to safetyamend existing written operations and inspection of gathering lines in non-rural areas,maintenance procedures and adopt new compliance deadlines.operator qualification programs.

We anticipate that compliance with these regulations and performance of the remediation activities by ourCERC’s interstate and intrastate pipelines, and our natural gas distribution companies will require increases in both capital expenditures and operating costs. The level of expenditures required to comply with these regulations will be dependent ondepend upon several factors, including the age, location and operating pressures of the facility, the pressures at which the facility operates and the number of facilities deemed to be located in areas designated as HCA.facilities. Based on our interpretation of the rules written to date and preliminary technical reviews, we believe compliance will require average annual expenditures (capital and operating costs combined) of approximately $15$16 million to $20$18 million during the initial10-year period.next three years.


Our operations are subject to stringent and complex laws and regulations pertaining to health, safety and the environment. As an owner or operator of natural gas pipelines and distribution systems, gas gathering and processing systems, and electric transmission and distribution systems, we must comply with these laws and regulations at the federal, state and local levels. These laws and regulations can restrict or impact our business activities in many ways, such as:

• restricting the way we can handle or dispose of wastes;
• limiting or prohibiting construction activities in sensitive areas such as wetlands, coastal regions, or areas inhabited by endangered species;
• requiring remedial action to mitigate pollution conditions caused by our operations, or attributable to former operations; and


restricting the way we can handle or dispose of wastes;
• enjoining the operations of facilities deemed in non-compliance with permits issued pursuant to such environmental laws and regulations.

limiting or prohibiting construction activities in sensitive areas such as wetlands, coastal regions or areas inhabited by endangered species;

requiring remedial action to mitigate pollution conditions caused by our operations or attributable to former operations; and

enjoining the operations of facilities deemed in non-compliance with permits issued pursuant to such environmental laws and regulations.

In order to comply with these requirements, we may need to spend substantial amounts and devote other resources from time to time to:

• construct or acquire new equipment;
• acquire permits for facility operations;
• modify or replace existing and proposed equipment; and
• clean up or decommission waste disposal areas, fuel storage and management facilities and other locations and facilities.
construct or acquire new equipment;

acquire permits for facility operations;

modify or replace existing and proposed equipment; and

clean up or decommission waste disposal areas, fuel storage and management facilities and other locations and facilities.

Failure to comply with these laws and regulations may trigger a variety of administrative, civil and criminal enforcement measures, including the assessment of monetary penalties, the imposition of remedial actions and the issuance of orders enjoining future operations. Certain environmental statutes impose strict, joint and several liability for costs required to clean up and restore sites where hazardous substances have been disposed or otherwise released. Moreover, it is not uncommon for neighboring landowners and other third parties to file claims for personal injury and property damage allegedly caused by the release of hazardous substances or other waste products into the environment.

The trend in environmental regulation is to place more restrictions and limitations on activities that may affect the environment, and thus there can be no assurance as to the amount or timing of future expenditures for environmental compliance or remediation, and actual future expenditures may be different from the amounts we currently anticipate. We try to anticipate future regulatory requirements that might be imposed and plan accordingly to remain in compliance with changing environmental laws and regulations and to minimize the costs of such compliance.

Based on current regulatory requirements and interpretations, we do not believe that compliance with federal, state or local environmental laws and regulations will have a material adverse effect on our business, financial position, or results of operations.operations or cash flows. In addition, we believe that our current environmental remediation activities will not materially interrupt or diminish our operational ability. We cannot assure you, however, that future events, such as changes in existing laws, the promulgation of new laws, or the development or discovery of new facts or conditions will not cause us to incur significant costs. The following is a discussion of all material environmental and safety laws and regulations that relate to our operations. We believe that we are in substantial compliance with all of these environmental laws and regulations.

Global Climate Change

In recent years, there has been increasing public debate regarding the potential impact on global climate change by various "greenhouse gases" such as carbon dioxide, a byproduct of burning fossil fuels, and methane, the principal component of the natural gas that we transport and deliver to customers. Legislation to regulate emissions of greenhouse gases has been introduced in Congress, and there has been a wide-ranging policy debate, both nationally and internationally, regarding the impact of these gases and possible means for their regulation. Some of the proposals would require industries such as the utility industry to meet stringent new standards that would require substantial reductions in carbon emissions. Those reductions could be costly and difficult to implement. Some proposals would provide for credits to those who reduce emissions below certain levels and would allow those credits to be traded and/or sold to others.  In addition, efforts have been made and continue to be made in the international community toward the adoption of international treaties or protocols that would address global climate change issues, such as the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in 2009.  Also, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has undertaken new efforts to collect information regarding greenhouse gas emissions and their effects. Recently, the EPA declared that certain greenhouse gases represent an endangerment to human health and proposed to expand its regulations relating to those emissions.

It is too early to determine whether, or in what form, further regulatory action regarding greenhouse gas emissions will be adopted or what specific impacts a new regulatory action might have on us and our subsidiaries. However, as a distributor and transporter of natural gas and consumer of natural gas in its pipeline and gathering businesses, CERC’s revenues, operating costs and capital requirements could be adversely affected as a result of any regulatory action that would require installation of new control technologies or a modification of its operations or would have the effect of reducing the consumption of natural gas. Our electric transmission and distribution business, in contrast to some electric utilities, does not generate electricity and thus is not directly exposed to the risk of high capital costs and regulatory uncertainties that face electric utilities that burn fossil fuels to generate electricity.  Nevertheless, CenterPoint Houston’s revenues could be adversely affected to the extent any resulting regulatory action has the effect of reducing consumption of electricity by ultimate consumers within its service territory. Likewise, incentives to conserve energy or use energy sources other than natural gas could result in a decrease in demand for our services.  Conversely, regulatory actions that effectively promote the consumption of natural gas because of its lower emission characteristics, would be expected to beneficially affect CERC and its natural gas-related businesses.  At this point in time, however, it would be speculative to try to quantify the magnitude of the impacts from possible new regulatory actions related to greenhouse gas emissions, either positive or negative, on our businesses.

To the extent climate changes occur, our businesses may be adversely impacted, though we believe any such impacts are likely to occur very gradually and hence would be difficult to quantify with specificity.  To the extent global climate change results in warmer temperatures in our service territories, financial results from our natural gas distribution businesses could be adversely affected through lower gas sales, and our gas transmission and field services businesses could experience lower revenues.  On the other hand, warmer temperatures in our electric service territory may increase our revenues from transmission and distribution through increased demand for electricity for cooling.  Another possible climate change that has been widely discussed in recent years is the possibility of more frequent and more severe weather events, such as hurricanes or tornadoes.  Since many of our facilities are located along or near the Gulf Coast, increased or more severe hurricanes or tornadoes can increase our costs to repair damaged facilities and restore service to our customers.  When we cannot deliver electricity or natural gas to customers or our customers cannot receive our services, our financial results can be impacted by lost revenues, and we generally must seek approval from regulators to recover restoration costs.  To the extent we are unable to recover those costs, or if higher rates resulting from our recovery of such costs result in reduced demand for our services, our future financial results may be adversely impacted.

Air Emissions

Our operations are subject to the federal Clean Air Act and comparable state laws and regulations. These laws and regulations regulate emissions of air pollutants from various industrial sources, including our processing plants and compressor stations, and also impose various monitoring and reporting requirements. Such laws and regulations may require that we obtain pre-approval for the construction or modification of certain projects or facilities expected to produce air emissions or result in the increase of existing air emissions, obtain and strictly comply with air

permits containing various emissions and operational limitations, or utilize specific emission control technologies to limit emissions. Our failure to comply with these requirements could subject us to monetary penalties, injunctions, conditions or restrictions on operations, and potentially criminal enforcement actions. We may be required to incur certain capital expenditures in the future for air pollution control equipment in connection with obtaining and maintaining operating permits and approvals for air emissions.  In recent years the EPA has adopted amendments to its regulations regarding maximum achievable control technology for stationary internal combustion engines (sometimes referred to as the RICE MACT rule) and continues to consider additional amendments.  Compressors used by our Pipelines and Field Services segments are affected by these rules.  While the final structure and effective dates of these revised rules are still uncertain, we currently believe the rules, if adopted in their current form and on the anticipated schedule, could require expenditures over the next 3 years of less than $100 million in order to ensure our compliance with the revised rules.  We believe, however, that our operations will not be materially adversely affected by such requirements, and the requirements are not expected to be any more burdensome to us than to other similarly situated companies.requirements.

Water Discharges

Our operations are subject to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, as amended, also known as the Clean Water Act, and analogous state laws and regulations. These laws and regulations impose detailed


requirements and strict controls regarding the discharge of pollutants into waters of the United States. The unpermitted discharge of pollutants, including discharges resulting from a spill or leak incident, is prohibited. The Clean Water Act and regulations implemented thereunder also prohibit discharges of dredged and fill material in wetlands and other waters of the United States unless authorized by an appropriately issued permit. Any unpermitted release of petroleum or other pollutants from our pipelines or facilities could result in fines or penalties as well as significant remedial obligations.

Hazardous Waste

Our operations generate wastes, including some hazardous wastes, that are subject to the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and comparable state laws, which impose detailed requirements for the handling, storage, treatment and disposal of hazardous and solid waste. RCRA currently exempts many natural gas gathering and field processing wastes from classification as hazardous waste. Specifically, RCRA excludes from the definition of hazardous waste waters produced and other wastes associated with the exploration, development or production of crude oil and natural gas. However, these oil and gas exploration and production wastes are still regulated under state law and the less stringent non-hazardous waste requirements of RCRA. Moreover, ordinary industrial wastes such as paint wastes, waste solvents, laboratory wastes and waste compressor oils may be regulated as hazardous waste. The transportation of natural gas in pipelines may also generate some hazardous wastes that would be subject to RCRA or comparable state law requirements.

Liability for Remediation

The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended (CERCLA), also known as “Superfund,”"Superfund," and comparable state laws impose liability, without regard to fault or the legality of the original conduct, on certain classes of persons responsible for the release of hazardous substances into the environment. Such classes of persons include the current and past owners or operators of sites where a hazardous substance was released and companies that disposed or arranged for the disposal of hazardous substances at offsite locations such as landfills. Although petroleum, as well as natural gas, is excluded from CERCLA’s definition of a “hazardous"hazardous substance," in the course of our ordinary operations we generate wastes that may fall within the definition of a “hazardous"hazardous substance." CERCLA authorizes the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)EPA and, in some cases, third parties to take action in response to threats to the public health or the environment and to seek to recover from the responsible classes of persons the costs they incur. Under CERCLA, we could be subject to joint and several liability for the costs of cleaning up and restoring sites where hazardous substances have been released, for damages to natural resources, and for the costs of certain health studies.

Liability for Preexisting Conditions

Hydrocarbon Contamination.  CERC Corp. and certain of its subsidiaries are among the defendants in lawsuits filed beginning in August 2001 in Caddo Parish and Bossier Parish, Louisiana. The suits allege that, at some unspecified date prior to 1985, the defendants allowed or caused hydrocarbon or chemical contamination of the Wilcox Aquifer, which lies beneath property owned or leased by certain of the defendants and which is the sole or primary drinking water aquifer in the area. The primary source of the contamination is alleged by the plaintiffs to be a gas processing facility in Haughton, Bossier Parish, Louisiana known as the “Sligo Facility,” which was formerly operated by a predecessor in interest of CERC Corp. This facility was purportedly used for gathering natural gas from surrounding wells, separating liquid hydrocarbons from the natural gas for marketing, and transmission of natural gas for distribution.
Beginning about 1985, the predecessors of certain CERC Corp. defendants engaged in a voluntary remediation of any subsurface contamination of the groundwater below the property they owned or leased. This work has been done in conjunction with and under the direction of the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality. The plaintiffs seek monetary damages for alleged damage to the aquifer underlying their property, including the cost of restoring their property to its original condition and damages for diminution of value of their property. In addition, plaintiffs seek damages for trespass, punitive, and exemplary damages. The parties have reached an agreement on terms of a settlement in principle of this matter. That settlement would require approval from the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality of an acceptable remediation plan that could be implemented by CERC.


CERC currently is seeking that approval. If the currently agreed terms for settlement are ultimately implemented, the Company and CERC do not expect the ultimate cost associated with resolving this matter to have a material impact on the financial condition, results of operations or cash flows of either the Company or CERC.
Manufactured Gas Plant Sites. CERC and its predecessors operated manufactured gas plants (MGP)(MGPs) in the past. In Minnesota, CERC has completed remediation on two sites, other than ongoing monitoring and water treatment. There are five remaining sites in CERC’s Minnesota service territory. CERC believes that it has no liability with respect to two of these sites.

At December 31, 2006,2009, CERC had accrued $14 million for remediation of these Minnesota sites. At December 31, 2006,sites and the estimated range of possible remediation costs for these sites was $4 million to $35 million based on remediation continuing for 30 to 50 years. The cost estimates are based on studies of a site or industry average costs for remediation of sites of similar size. The actual remediation costs will be dependent upon the number of sites to be remediated, the participation of other potentially responsible parties (PRP)(PRPs), if any, and the remediation methods used. CERC has utilized an environmental expense tracker mechanism in its rates in Minnesota to recover estimated costs in excess of insurance recovery. As of December 31, 2006,2009, CERC had collected $13 million from insurance companies and rate payers to be used for future environmental remediation.  In January 2010, as part of its Minnesota rate case decision, the MPUC eliminated the environmental expense tracker mechanism and ordered amounts previously collected from ratepayers and related carrying costs refunded to customers.  As of December 31, 2009, the balance in the environmental expense tracker account was $8.7 million.  The MPUC provided for the inclusion in rates of approximately $285,000 annually to fund normal on-going remediation costs.  CERC was not required to refund to customers the amount collected from insurance companies, $4.6 million at December 31, 2009, to be used to mitigate future environmental costs.  The MPUC further gave assurance that any reasonable and prudent environmental clean-up costs CERC incurs in the future will be rate-recoverable under normal regulatory principles and procedures.  This provision had no effect on earnings.

In addition to the Minnesota sites, the EPAUnited States Environmental Protection Agency and other regulators have investigated MGP sites that were owned or operated by CERC or may have been owned by one of its former affiliates. CERC has been named as a defendant in two lawsuits, onea lawsuit filed in the United States District Court, District of Maine, and the other filed in the Middle District of Florida, Jacksonville Division, under which contribution is sought by private parties for the cost to remediate former MGP sites based on the previous ownership of such sites by former affiliates of CERC or its divisions. CERC has also been identified as a PRP by the State of Maine for a site that is the subject of one of the lawsuits. In March 2005, the federal district court considering the suit for contribution in Florida granted CERC’s motion to dismiss on the grounds that CERC was not an “operator” of the site as had been alleged. In October 2006, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the district court’s dismissal.lawsuit. In June 2006, the federal district court in Maine that is considering the other suit ruled that the current owner of the site is responsible for site remediation but that an additional evidentiary hearing iswould be required to determine if other potentially responsible parties, including CERC, would have to contribute to that remediation. We are investigating details regarding these sites andIn September 2009, the rangefederal district court granted CERC’s motion for summary judgment in the proceeding.  Although it is likely that the plaintiff will pursue an appeal from that dismissal, further action will not be taken until the district court disposes of environmental expenditures for potential remediation. However,claims against other defendants in the case. CERC believes it is not liable as a former owner or operator of those sitesthe site under CERCLA and applicable state statutes, and is vigorously contesting those suitsthe suit and its designation as a PRP.  We and CERC do not expect the ultimate outcome to have a material adverse impact on the financial condition, results of operations or cash flows of either us or CERC.

Mercury Contamination. Our pipeline and distribution operations have in the past employed elemental mercury in measuring and regulating equipment. It is possible that small amounts of mercury may have been spilled in the course of normal maintenance and replacement operations and that these spills may have contaminated the immediate area with elemental mercury. We have found this type of contamination at some sites in the past, and we have conducted remediation at these sites. It is possible that other contaminated sites may exist and that remediation costs may be incurred for these sites. Although the total amount of these costs is not known at this time, based on our experience and that of others in the natural gas industry to date and on the current regulations regarding remediation of these sites, we believe that the costs of any remediation of these sites will not be material to our financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.

Asbestos. Some of our facilities owned by us contain or have contained asbestos insulation and other asbestos-containing materials. We or our subsidiaries have been named, along with numerous others, as a defendant in lawsuits filed by a number of individuals who claim injury due to exposure to asbestos. Some of the claimants have worked at locations owned by us, but most existing claims relate to facilities previously owned by our subsidiaries. We anticipate that additional claims like those received may be asserted in the future. In 2004, we sold our generating business, to which most of these claims relate, to Texas Genco LLC, which is now known as NRG Texas LP (NRG).LP. Under the terms of the arrangements regarding separation of the generating business from us and our sale to

NRG Texas Genco LLC,LP, ultimate financial responsibility for uninsured losses from claims relating to the generating business has been assumed by NRG Texas Genco LLC and its successor,LP, but we have agreed to continue to defend such claims to the extent they are covered by insurance we maintain,maintained by us, subject to reimbursement of the costs of such defense from the purchaser.NRG Texas LP. Although thetheir ultimate outcome of these claims cannot be predicted at this time, we


intend to continue vigorously contesting claims that we do not consider to have merit and do not expect, based on our experience to date, these matters, either individually or in the aggregate, to have a material adverse effect on our financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.

Groundwater Contamination Litigation. Predecessor entities of CERC, along with several other entities, are defendants in litigation, St. Michel Plantation, LLC, et al, v. White, et al., pending in civil district court in Orleans Parish, Louisiana.  In the lawsuit, the plaintiffs allege that their property in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana suffered salt water contamination as a result of oil and gas drilling activities conducted by the defendants.  Although a predecessor of CERC held an interest in two oil and gas leases on a portion of the property at issue, neither it nor any other CERC entities drilled or conducted other oil and gas operations on those leases.  In January 2009, CERC and the plaintiffs reached agreement on the terms of a settlement that, if ultimately approved by the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, is expected to resolve this litigation. We and CERC do not expect the outcome of this litigation to have a material adverse impact on the financial condition, results of operations or cash flows of either us or CERC.

Other Environmental. From time to time we have received notices from regulatory authorities or others regarding our status as a PRP in connection with sites found to require remediation due to the presence of environmental contaminants. In addition, we have been named from time to time as a defendant in litigation related to such sites. Although the ultimate outcome of such matters cannot be predicted at this time, we do not expect, based on our experience to date, these matters, either individually or in the aggregate, to have a material adverse effect on our financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.

Nuclear Decommissioning Fund CollectionEMPLOYEES
Pursuant to regulatory requirements and its tariff, CenterPoint Houston, as collection agent, collects from its transmission and distribution customers a nuclear decommissioning charge assessed with respect to its former 30.8% ownership interest in the South Texas Project, which it owned when it was part of an integrated electric utility. Amounts collected are transferred to nuclear decommissioning trusts maintained by the current owner of that interest in the South Texas Project. During 2004, 2005 and 2006, $2.9 million, $3.2 million and $3.1 million, respectively, was transferred. There are various investment restrictions imposed on owners of nuclear generating stations by the Texas Utility Commission and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission relating to nuclear decommissioning trusts. Pursuant to the provisions of both a separation agreement and a final order of the Texas Utility Commission relating to the 2005 transfer of ownership to Texas Genco LLC, now NRG, CenterPoint Houston and a subsidiary of NRG were, until July 1, 2006, jointly administering the decommissioning funds through the Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Investment Committee. On June 9, 2006, the Texas Utility Commission approved an application by CenterPoint Houston and an NRG subsidiary to name the NRG subsidiary as the sole fund administrator. As a result, CenterPoint Houston is no longer responsible for administration of decommissioning funds it collects as collection agent.

As of December 31, 2006,2009, we had 8,6238,810 full-time employees. The following table sets forth the number of our employees by business segment:
   Number Represented
   by Unions or
   Other Collective
Business Segment
 Number Bargaining Groups  Number  
by Unions or
Other Collective
Bargaining Groups
Electric Transmission & Distribution  2,754   1,170   2,843   1,249 
Natural Gas Distribution  4,147   1,466   3,618   1,384 
Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services  103      130   - 
Interstate Pipelines  555      689   - 
Field Services  185      241   - 
Other Operations  879      1,289   - 
Total  8,623   2,636   8,810   2,633 

As of December 31, 2006,2009, approximately 31%30% of our employees are subject to collective bargaining agreements. One agreement,of the collective bargaining agreements covering approximately 3%14% of our employees, is covered by a collective bargaining unit agreement with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union Local 949, which expiresNo. 66, is scheduled to expire in December 2007.May 2010. We have a good relationship with this bargaining unit and expect to renegotiatenegotiate a new agreementsagreement in 2007.2010.


(as of February 28, 2007)15, 2010)

Name Age Title
NameDavid M. McClanahan
David M. McClanahan5760 President and Chief Executive Officer and Director
Scott E. Rozzell
 5760 Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary
Gary L. Whitlock
 5760 Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
James S. Brian
C. Gregory Harper
 59Senior Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer
Byron R. Kelley5945 Senior Vice President and Group President, and Chief Operating Officer, CenterPoint Energy Pipelines and Field Services
Thomas R. Standish
 5760 Senior Vice President and Group President - Regulated Operations

David M. McClanahanhas been President and Chief Executive Officer and a director of CenterPoint Energy since September 2002. He served as Vice Chairman of Reliant Energy, Incorporated (Reliant Energy) from October 2000 to September 2002 and as President and Chief Operating OfficeOfficer of Reliant Energy’s Delivery Group from April 1999 to September 2002. He has served in various executive capacities with CenterPoint Energy since 1986. He previously served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of ERCOT, and Chairman of the Board of the University of St. Thomas in Houston.Houston and Chairman of the Board of the American Gas Association. He currently serves on the boards of the Edison Electric Institute and the American Gas Association.

Scott E. Rozzellhas served as Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of CenterPoint Energy since September 2002. He served as Executive Vice President and General Counsel of the Delivery Group of Reliant Energy from March 2001 to September 2002. Before joining CenterPointReliant Energy in 2001, Mr. Rozzell was a senior partner in the law firm of Baker Botts L.L.P. He currently serves as Chairon the Board of Directors of the Association of Electric Companies of Texas.

Gary L. Whitlockhas served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of CenterPoint Energy since September 2002. He served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Delivery Group of Reliant Energy from July 2001 to September 2002. Mr. Whitlock served as the Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer of Dow AgroSciences, a subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, from 1998 to 2001.

James S. Brianhas served as Senior Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer of CenterPoint Energy since August 2002. He served as Senior Vice President, Finance and Administration of the Delivery Group of Reliant Energy from 1999 to August 2002. Mr. Brian has served in various executive capacities with CenterPoint Energy since 1983.
Byron R. KelleyC. Gregory Harper has served as Senior Vice President and Group President and Chief Operating Officer of CenterPoint Energy Pipelines and Field Services since June 2004, having previouslyDecember 2008. Before joining CenterPoint Energy in 2008, Mr. Harper served as President, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officeras a Director of CenterPointSpectra Energy PipelinesPartners, LP from March 2007 to December 2008.  From January 2007 to March 2007, Mr. Harper was Group Vice President of Spectra Energy Corp., and Field Serviceshe was Group Vice President of Duke Energy from May 2003January 2004 to June 2004. Prior to joining CenterPoint Energy heDecember 2006. Mr. Harper served as Senior Vice President of El Paso International, a subsidiary of El Paso Corporation,Energy Marketing and Management for Duke Energy North America from January 2001 to August 2002.2003 until January 2004 and Vice President of Business Development for Duke Energy Gas Transmission and Vice President of East Tennessee Natural Gas, LLC from March 2002 until January 2003. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America.

Thomas R. Standishhas served as Senior Vice President and Group President-Regulated Operations of CenterPoint Energy since August 2005, having previously served as Senior Vice President and Group President and Chief Operating Officer of CenterPoint Houston from June 2004 to August 2005 and as President and Chief Operating Officer of CenterPoint Houston from August 2002 to June 2004. He served as President and Chief Operating Officer for both electricity and natural gas for Reliant Energy’s Houston area from 1999 to August 2002. Mr. Standish has served in various executive capacities with CenterPoint Energy since 1993. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of ERCOT.


Item 1A.Risk Factors
Item 1A.Risk Factors

We are a holding company that conducts all of our business operations through subsidiaries, primarily CenterPoint Houston and CERC. The following, along with any additional legal proceedings identified or incorporated by reference in Item 3 of this report, summarizes the principal risk factors associated with the businesses conducted by each of these subsidiaries:

Risk Factors Affecting Our Electric Transmission & Distribution Business

CenterPoint Houston may not be successful in ultimately recovering the full value of itstrue-up components, which could result in the elimination of certain tax benefits and could have an adverse impact on CenterPoint Houston’s results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.

In March 2004, CenterPoint Houston filed itstrue-up application with the Texas Utility Commission, requesting recovery of $3.7 billion, excluding interest, as allowed under the Texas electric restructuring law. In December 2004, the Texas Utility Commission issued its final order(True-Up Order) Order allowing CenterPoint Houston to recover atrue-up balance of approximately $2.3 billion, which included interest through August 31, 2004, and providingprovided for adjustment of the amount to be recovered to include interest on the balance until recovery, along with the principal portion of additional excess mitigation creditsEMCs returned to customers after August 31, 2004 and certain other matters. adjustments.

CenterPoint Houston and other parties filed appeals of theTrue-Up Order to a district court in Travis County, Texas. In August 2005, thethat court issued its final judgment on the various appeals. In its judgment, the court affirmed most aspects of theTrue-Up Order, but district court:

reversed two of the Texas Utility Commission’s rulings. ruling that had denied recovery of a portion of the capacity auction true-up amounts;

reversed the Texas Utility Commission’s ruling that precluded CenterPoint Houston from recovering the interest component of the EMCs paid to REPs; and

affirmed the True-Up Order in all other respects.

The judgmentdistrict court’s decision would have had the effect of restoring approximately $650 million, plus interest, of the $1.7 billion the Texas Utility Commission had disallowed from CenterPoint Houston’s initial request.

CenterPoint Houston and other parties appealed the district court’s judgment. Oral arguments beforejudgment to the Texas 3rdThird Court of Appeals, which issued its decision in December 2007. In its decision, the court of appeals:

reversed the district court’s judgment to the extent it restored the capacity auction true-up amounts;

reversed the district court’s judgment to the extent it upheld the Texas Utility Commission’s decision to allow CenterPoint Houston to recover EMCs paid to RRI;

ordered that the tax normalization issue described below be remanded to the Texas Utility Commission as requested by the Texas Utility Commission; and
affirmed the district court’s judgment in all other respects.

In April 2008, the court of appeals denied all motions for rehearing and reissued substantially the same opinion as it had rendered in December 2007.

In June 2008, CenterPoint Houston petitioned the Texas Supreme Court for review of the court of appeals decision. In its petition, CenterPoint Houston seeks reversal of the parts of the court of appeals decision that (i) denied recovery of EMCs paid to RRI, (ii) denied recovery of the capacity auction true-up amounts allowed by the district court, (iii) affirmed the Texas Utility Commission’s rulings that denied recovery of approximately $378 million related to depreciation and (iv) affirmed the Texas Utility Commission’s refusal to permit CenterPoint Houston to utilize the partial stock valuation methodology for determining the market value of its former generation assets. Two other petitions for review were filed with the Texas Supreme Court by other parties to the appeal. In those petitions parties contend that (i) the Texas Utility Commission was without authority to fashion the methodology it used for valuing the former generation assets after it had determined that CenterPoint Houston could not use the partial stock valuation method, (ii) in fashioning the method it used for valuing the former generating assets, the Texas Utility Commission deprived parties of their due process rights and an opportunity to be heard, (iii) the net book value of the generating assets should have been adjusted downward due to the impact of a purchase option that had been granted to RRI, (iv) CenterPoint Houston should not have been permitted to recover

construction work in progress balances without proving those amounts in the manner required by law and (v) the Texas Utility Commission was without authority to award interest on the capacity auction true up award.

In June 2009, the Texas Supreme Court granted the petitions for review of the court of appeals decision.  Oral argument before the court was held in January 2007, butOctober 2009.  Although we and CenterPoint Houston believe that CenterPoint Houston’s true-up request is consistent with applicable statutes and regulations and, accordingly, that it is reasonably possible that it will be successful in its appeal to the Texas Supreme Court, we can provide no assurance as to the ultimate court rulings on the issues to be considered in the appeal or with respect to the ultimate decision by the Texas Utility Commission on the tax normalization issue described below.

To reflect the impact of the True-Up Order, in 2004 and 2005, we recorded a decision is not expected for several months.net after-tax extraordinary loss of $947 million. No amounts related to the district court’s judgment or the decision of the court of appeals have been recorded in our consolidated financial statements.
Among However, if the issues raised in CenterPoint Houston’s appealcourt of appeals decision is not reversed or modified as a result of further review by the Texas Supreme Court, we anticipate that we would be required to record an additional loss to reflect the court of appeals decision. The amount of that loss would depend on several factors, including ultimate resolution of the tax normalization issue described below and the calculation of interest on any amounts CenterPoint Houston ultimately is authorized to recover or is required to refund beyond the amounts recorded based on the True-Up Order, isbut could range from $180 million to $410 million (pre-tax) plus interest subsequent to December 31, 2009.

In the True-Up Order, the Texas Utility Commission’s reduction ofCommission reduced CenterPoint Houston’s stranded cost recovery by approximately $146 million, which was included in the extraordinary loss discussed above, for the present value of certain deferred tax benefits associated with its former electric generation assets. Such reduction was considered in our recording of an after-tax extraordinary loss of $977 million in the last half of 2004. We believe that the Texas Utility Commission based its order on proposed regulations issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)IRS in March 2003 related to those tax benefits. Those proposed regulationsthat would have allowed utilities owning assets that were deregulated before March 4, 2003 to make a retroactive election to pass the benefits of Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credits (ADITC)ADITC and Excess Deferred Federal Income Taxes (EDFIT)EDFIT back to customers. However, in December 2005, the IRS subsequently withdrew those proposed normalization regulations and, issued new proposedin March 2008, adopted final regulations that dowould not include the provision allowing a retroactive electionpermit utilities like CenterPoint Houston to pass the tax benefits back to customers.customers without creating normalization violations. In addition, we received a May 2006 Private Letter Ruling (PLR) issued to a Texas utility on facts similar to CenterPoint Houston’s,PLR from the IRS without referencing its proposedin August 2007, prior to adoption of the final regulations, ruled that a normalization violation would occur if ADITC and EDFIT were required to be returned to customers. CenterPoint Houston has requested a PLR asking the IRS whetherconfirmed that the Texas Utility Commission’s order reducing CenterPoint Houston’s stranded cost recovery by $146 million for ADITC and EDFIT would cause a normalization violation. If the IRS determines that such reduction would cause a normalization violationviolations with respect to the ADITC and EDFIT.

If the Texas Utility Commission’s order relating to suchthe ADITC reduction is not reversed or otherwise modified on remand so as to eliminate the normalization violation, the IRS could require us to pay an amount equal to CenterPoint Houston’s unamortized ADITC balance as of the date that the normalization violation is deemed to have occurred. In addition, if a normalization violation with respect to EDFIT is deemed to have occurred and the Texas Utility Commission’s order relating to such reduction is not reversed or otherwise modified, the IRS could deny CenterPoint Houston the ability to elect accelerated tax depreciation benefits beginning in the taxable year that the normalization violation is deemed to have occurred. If a normalization violation should ultimately be found to exist, itSuch treatment, if required by the IRS, could have ana material adverse impact on our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows. However, we and CenterPoint Houston are vigorously pursuingflows in addition to any potential loss resulting from final resolution of the appealTrue-Up Order. In its opinion, the court of appeals ordered that this issue and will seek other relief frombe remanded to the Texas Utility Commission, as that commission requested. No party has challenged that order by the court of appeals although the Texas Supreme Court has the authority to avoidconsider all aspects of the rulings above, not just those challenged specifically by the appellants. We and CenterPoint Houston will continue to pursue a normalization violation. Thefavorable resolution of this issue through the appellate and administrative process. Although the Texas Utility Commission has not previously required a company subject to its jurisdiction to take action that would result in a normalization violation.


violation, no prediction can be made as to the ultimate action the Texas Utility Commission may take on this issue on remand.

CenterPoint Houston’s receivables are concentrated in a small number of REPs, and any delay or default in payment could adversely affect CenterPoint Houston’s cash flows, financial condition and results of operations.

CenterPoint Houston’s receivables from the distribution of electricity are collected from REPs that supply the electricity CenterPoint Houston distributes to their customers. Currently,As of December 31, 2009, CenterPoint Houston doesdid business with 68approximately 80 REPs. Adverse economic conditions, structural problems in the market served by ERCOT or financial difficulties of one or more REPs could impair the ability of these retail providersREPs to pay for CenterPoint Houston’s services or could cause them to delay such payments. CenterPoint Houston depends on these REPs to remit payments on a timely basis. Applicable regulatory provisions require that customers be shifted to a provider of

last resort if a retail electric providerREP cannot make timely payments. ReliantApplicable Texas Utility Commission regulations significantly limit the extent to which CenterPoint Houston can apply normal commercial terms or otherwise seek credit protection from firms desiring to provide retail electric service in its service territory, and thus remains at risk for payments not made prior to the shift to the provider of last resort. Although the Texas Utility Commission revised its regulations in 2009 to (i) increase the financial qualifications from REPs that began selling power after January 1, 2009, and (ii) authorize utilities to defer bad debts resulting from defaults by REPs for recovery in a future rate case, significant bad debts may be realized and unpaid amounts may not be timely recovered. A subsidiary of NRG Energy, Inc. (RRI), throughNRG Retail LLC, acquired the Texas retail business of RRI, and its subsidiaries isare together considered the largest REP in CenterPoint Houston’s largest customer.service territory. Approximately 53%41% of CenterPoint Houston’s $140$139 million in billed receivables from REPs at December 31, 20062009 was owed by subsidiaries of RRI.NRG Retail LLC. NRG Energy, Inc.’s credit ratings are currently below investment grade.  Any delay or default in payment by REPs could adversely affect CenterPoint Houston’s cash flows, financial condition and results of operations.  If any of these REPs were unable to meet its obligations, it could consider, among various options, restructuring under the bankruptcy laws, in which event any such REP might seek to avoid honoring its obligations and claims might be made by creditors involving payments CenterPoint Houston had received from such REP.

Rate regulation of CenterPoint Houston’s business may delay or deny CenterPoint Houston’s ability to earn a reasonable return and fully recover its costs.

CenterPoint Houston’s rates are regulated by certain municipalities and the Texas Utility Commission based on an analysis of its invested capital and its expenses in a test year. Thus, the rates that CenterPoint Houston is allowed to charge may not match its expenses at any given time. In this connection, pursuant to the Settlement Agreement discussed in “Business — Regulation — State and Local Regulation — Electric Transmission & Distribution — CenterPoint Houston Rate Case” in Item 1 of this report, until June 30, 2010, CenterPoint Houston is limited in its ability to request rate relief. The regulatory process by which rates are determined may not always result in rates that will produce full recovery of CenterPoint Houston’s costs and enable CenterPoint Houston to earn a reasonable return on its invested capital.

In this regard, pursuant to the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement approved by the Texas Utility Commission in September 2006, until June 30, 2010 CenterPoint Houston is limited in its ability to request retail rate relief. For more information on the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement, please read "Business - Regulation - State and Local Regulation - Electric Transmission & Distribution - CenterPoint Houston Rate Agreement" in Item 1 of this Form 10-K.

Disruptions at power generation facilities owned by third parties could interrupt CenterPoint Houston’s sales of transmission and distribution services.

CenterPoint Houston transmits and distributes to customers of REPs electric power that the REPs obtain from power generation facilities owned by third parties. CenterPoint Houston does not own or operate any power generation facilities. If power generation is disrupted or if power generation capacity is inadequate, CenterPoint Houston’s sales of transmission and distribution services may be diminished or interrupted, and its results of operations, financial condition and cash flows maycould be adversely affected.

CenterPoint Houston’s revenues and results of operations are seasonal.

A significant portion of CenterPoint Houston’s revenues is derived from rates that it collects from each retail electric providerREP based on the amount of electricity it distributesdelivers on behalf of such retail electric provider.REP. Thus, CenterPoint Houston’s revenues and results of operations are subject to seasonality, weather conditions and other changes in electricity usage, with revenues being higher during the warmer months.

Risk Factors Affecting Our Natural Gas Distribution, Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services, Interstate Pipelines and Field Services Businesses

Rate regulation of CERC’s business may delay or deny CERC’s ability to earn a reasonable return and fully recover its costs.

CERC’s rates for its local distribution companiesGas Operations are regulated by certain municipalities and state commissions, and for its interstate pipelines by the FERC, based on an analysis of its invested capital and its expenses in a test year. Thus, the rates that CERC is allowed to charge may not match its expenses at any given time. The regulatory process in which

rates are determined may not always result in rates that will produce full recovery of CERC’s costs and enable CERC to earn a reasonable return on its invested capital.


CERC’s businesses must compete with alternativealternate energy sources, which could result in CERC marketing less natural gas, and its interstate pipelines and field services businesses must compete directly with others in the transportation, storage, gathering, treating and processing of natural gas, which could lead to lower prices and reduced volumes, either of which could have an adverse impact on CERC’s results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.

CERC competes primarily with alternate energy sources such as electricity and other fuel sources. In some areas, intrastate pipelines, other natural gas distributors and marketers also compete directly with CERC for natural gas sales to end-users. In addition, as a result of federal regulatory changes affecting interstate pipelines, natural gas marketers operating on these pipelines may be able to bypass CERC’s facilities and market, selland/or transport natural gas directly to commercial and industrial customers. Any reduction in the amount of natural gas marketed, sold or transported by CERC as a result of competition may have an adverse impact on CERC’s results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.

CERC’s two interstate pipelines and its gathering systems compete with other interstate and intrastate pipelines and gathering systems in the transportation and storage of natural gas. The principal elements of competition are rates, terms of service, and flexibility and reliability of service. They also compete indirectly with other forms of energy, including electricity, coal and fuel oils. The primary competitive factor is price. The actions of CERC’s competitors could lead to lower prices, which may have an adverse impact on CERC’s results of operations, financial condition and cash flows. Additionally, any reduction in the volume of natural gas transported or stored may have an adverse impact on CERC’s results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.

CERC’s natural gas distribution and competitive natural gas sales and services businesses are subject to fluctuations in natural gas pricing levels,prices, which could affect the ability of CERC’s suppliers and customers to meet their obligations or otherwise adversely affect CERC’s liquidity.liquidity and results of operations.

CERC is subject to risk associated with increaseschanges in the price of natural gas. Increases in natural gas prices might affect CERC’s ability to collect balances due from its customers and, on the regulated side,for Gas Operations, could create the potential for uncollectible accounts expense to exceed the recoverable levels built into CERC’s tariff rates. In addition, a sustained period of high natural gas prices could (i) apply downward demand pressure on natural gas consumption in the areas in which CERC operates thereby resulting in decreased sales volumes and revenues and (ii) increase the risk that CERC’s suppliers or customers fail or are unable to meet their obligations. An increase in natural gas prices would also increase CERC’s working capital requirements by increasing the investment that must be made in order to maintain natural gas inventory levels.  Additionally, increasinga decrease in natural gas prices could createincrease the need foramount of collateral that CERC tomust provide collateral in order to purchase natural gas.under its hedging arrangements.

If CERC were to fail to renegotiate a contract with one of its significant pipeline customers or if CERC renegotiates the contract on less favorable terms, there could be an adverse impact on its operations.
Since October 31, 2006, CERC’s contract with Laclede Gas Company, one of its pipeline customers, has been terminable upon one year’s prior notice. CERC has not received a termination notice and is currently negotiating a long-term contract with Laclede. If Laclede were to terminate this contract or if CERC were to renegotiate this contract at rates substantially lower than the rates provided in the current contract, there could be an adverse effect on CERC’s results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.
A decline in CERC’s credit rating could result in CERC’s having to provide collateral in order to purchase gas.natural gas or under its shipping or hedging arrangements.

If CERC’s credit rating were to decline, it might be required to post cash collateral in order to purchase natural gas.gas or under its shipping or hedging arrangements. If a credit rating downgrade and the resultant cash collateral requirement were to occur at a time when CERC was experiencing significant working capital requirements or otherwise lacked liquidity, CERC might be unable to obtain the necessary natural gas to meet its obligations to customers, and itsCERC’s results of operations, financial condition and cash flows wouldcould be adversely affected.

The revenues and results of operations of CERC’s interstate pipelines and field services businesses are subject to fluctuations in the supply and price of natural gas.gas and natural gas liquids.

CERC’s interstate pipelines and field services businesses largely rely on natural gas sourced in the various supply basins located in the Mid-continent region of the United States. The level of drilling and production activity in these regions is dependent on economic and business factors beyond our control. The primary factor affecting both the level of drilling activity and production volumes is natural gas pricing. A sustained decline in natural gas prices could result in a decrease in exploration and development activities in the regions served by our gathering and

pipeline transportation systems and our natural gas treating and processing activities. A sustained decline could also lead producers to shut in production from their existing wells. Other factors that impact production decisions include the level of production costs relative to other available production, producers’ access to needed capital and the cost of that capital, the ability of producers to obtain necessary drilling and other governmental permits, access to drilling rigs and regulatory changes. Because of these factors, even if new natural gas reserves are discovered in areas served by our assets, producers may choose not to develop those reserves or to shut in production from existing reserves. To the extent the availability of this supply is


substantially reduced, it could have an adverse effect on CERC’s results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.

CERC’s revenues from these businesses are also affected by the prices of natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGL). NGL prices generally fluctuate on a basis that correlates to fluctuations in crude oil prices. In the past, the prices of natural gas and crude oil have been extremely volatile, and we expect this volatility to continue. The markets and prices for natural gas, NGLs and crude oil depend upon factors beyond our control. These factors include supply of and demand for these commodities, which fluctuate with changes in market and economic conditions and other factors.

CERC’s revenues and results of operations are seasonal.

A substantial portion of CERC’s revenues is derived from natural gas sales and transportation. Thus, CERC’s revenues and results of operations are subject to seasonality, weather conditions and other changes in natural gas usage, with revenues being higher during the winter months.

The actual cost of pipelines under construction, costs of proposed pipelinesfuture pipeline, gathering and treating systems and related compression facilities may be significantly higher than CERC’s current estimates.CERC had planned.

Subsidiaries of CERC Corp. arehave been recently involved in significant pipeline construction projects.projects and, depending on available opportunities, may, from time to time, be involved in additional significant pipeline construction and gathering and treating system projects in the future. The construction of new pipelines, gathering and treating systems and related compression facilities requiresmay require the expenditure of significant amounts of capital, which may exceed CERC’s estimates. If CERC undertakes theseThese projects they may not be completed at the budgetedplanned cost, on schedule or at all. The construction of new pipeline, gathering, treating or compression facilities is subject to construction cost overruns due to labor costs, costs of equipment and materials such as steel and nickel, labor shortages or delays, weather delays, inflation or other factors, which could be material. In addition, the construction of these facilities is typically subject to the receipt of approvals and permits from various regulatory agencies. Those agencies may not approve the projects in a timely manner or may impose restrictions or conditions on the projects that could potentially prevent a project from proceeding, lengthen its expected completion scheduleand/or increase its anticipated cost. As a result, there is the risk that the new facilities may not be able to achieve CERC’s expected investment return, which could adversely affect CERC’s financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.

The states in which CERC provides regulated local gas distribution may, either through legislation or rules, adopt restrictions similar to or broader than those under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 Act regarding organization, financing and affiliate transactions that could have significant adverse impacts on CERC’s ability to operate.

In Arkansas,The Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, to which we and our subsidiaries were subject prior to its repeal in the APSC in December 2006 adopted rulesEnergy Policy Act of 2005, provided a comprehensive regulatory structure governing affiliate transactions involving public utilities operating in Arkansas. The rules treat as affiliate transactions all transactions between CERC’s Arkansas utility operationsthe organization, capital structure, intracompany relationships and other divisionslines of CERC, as well as transactions between the Arkansas utility operationsbusiness that could be pursued by registered holding companies and affiliatestheir member companies. Following repeal of CERC. All such affiliate transactions are required to be priced under an asymmetrical pricing formula under which the Arkansas utility operations would benefit from any difference between the cost of providing goods and services to or from the Arkansas utility operations and the market value of those goods or services. Additionally, the Arkansas utility operations are not permitted to participate in any financing other than to finance retail utility operations in Arkansas, which would preclude continuation of existing financing arrangementsthat Act, some states in which CERC finances its divisionsdoes business have sought to expand their own regulatory frameworks to give their regulatory authorities increased jurisdiction and subsidiaries, including its Arkansas utility operations.
Although the Arkansas rules are now in effect, CERC and other gas and electric utilities operating in Arkansas sought reconsiderationscrutiny over similar aspects of the rules by the APSC. In February 2007, the APSC grantedutilities that reconsideration and suspended operationoperate in their states. Some of the rules in orderthese frameworks attempt to permit time for additional consideration. If the rules are not significantly modified on reconsideration, CERC would be entitled to seek judicial review. In adopting the rules, the APSC indicated that affiliate transactions and financial arrangements currently in effect will be deemed in compliance until December 19, 2007, and that utilities may seek waivers of specific provisions of the rules. If the rules ultimately become effective as presently adopted, CERC would need to seek waivers from certain provisions of the rules or would be required to make significant modifications to existing practices, which could include the formation of and transfer of assets to subsidiaries.
In Minnesota, a bill has been introduced during the current session of the legislature that would create a regulatory scheme for public utility holding companies like CenterPoint and their public utility operations in Minnesota. The proposed legislation would restrictregulate financing activities, affiliateacquisitions and divestitures, and arrangements between the Minnesota utility operationsutilities and their affiliates, and to restrict the holding company and other utility andlevel of non-utility operationsbusiness that can be conducted within the holding company structure. Additionally they may impose record keeping, record access, employee training and acquisitionsreporting requirements related to affiliate transactions and divestitures. In addition,reporting in the bill would require prior MPUC approvalevent of


dividends paid by the holding company, in addition to dividends paid by utility subsidiaries, and would limit the level of non-utility investments certain downgrading of the holding company.utility’s bond rating.

If either or both of theseThese regulatory frameworks become effective, they could have adverse impactseffects on CERC’s ability to operateconduct its utility operations, to finance its business and to provide cost-effective utility service. In addition, if more than one state adopts restrictions like those proposed in Arkansas and Minnesota,on similar activities, it may be difficult for CenterPointCERC and CERCus to comply with competing regulatory requirements.
The revenues and results of operations of CERC’s interstate pipelines and field services businesses could be adversely impacted by new environmental regulations governing the withdrawal, storage and use of surface water or groundwater necessary for hydraulic fracturing of wells and the protection of water supplies in the areas in and around shale fields.

CERC’s interstate pipelines and field services businesses largely rely on natural gas sourced in the various supply basins located in the Mid-continent region of the United States.  To extract natural gas from the shale fields in this area, producers have historically used a process called hydraulic fracturing. Recently, new environmental regulations governing the withdrawal, storage and use of surface water or groundwater necessary for hydraulic fracturing of wells and the protection of water supplies in the areas in and around the shale fields have been considered by the federal government.  If enacted, such regulations could increase operating costs of the producers in these regions or cause delays, interruptions or termination of drilling operations, all of which could result in a decrease in demand for the services provided by CERC’s interstate pipelines and field services businesses in the shale fields, which could have an adverse effect on CERC’s results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.

Risk Factors Associated with Our Consolidated Financial Condition

If we are unable to arrange future financings on acceptable terms, our ability to refinance existing indebtedness could be limited.

As of December 31, 2006,2009, we had $9.0$10.1 billion of outstanding indebtedness on a consolidated basis, which includes $2.4$3.0 billion of non-recourse transition and system restoration bonds. As of December 31, 2006,2009, approximately $875 million$1.2 billion principal amount of this debt is required to be paid through 2009.2012. This amount excludes principal repayments of approximately $481$831 million on transition and system restoration bonds, for which a dedicated revenue stream exists. In addition, we have cash settlement obligations with respect to $575exists, but includes $290 million of outstanding 3.75% convertible notespollution control bonds issued on our behalf which holders could exercise their conversion rights during the first quarterwe purchased in January 2010 (and which may be remarketed) and $45 million of 2007 anddebentures redeemed in subsequent quarters in which our common stock price causes such notes to be convertible.January 2010. Our future financing activities may depend, at leastbe significantly affected by, among other things:

the resolution of the true-up proceedings, including, in part, on:particular, the results of appeals to the Texas Supreme Court regarding rulings obtained to date;
• the timing and amount of our recovery of thetrue-up components, including, in particular, the results of appeals to the courts of determinations on rulings obtained to date;
• general economic and capital market conditions;
• credit availability from financial institutions and other lenders;
• investor confidence in us and the markets in which we operate;
• maintenance of acceptable credit ratings;
• market expectations regarding our future earnings and cash flows;
• market perceptions of our ability to access capital markets on reasonable terms;
• our exposure to RRI in connection with its indemnification obligations arising in connection with its separation from us; and
• provisions of relevant tax and securities laws.
general economic and capital market conditions;
credit availability from financial institutions and other lenders;
investor confidence in us and the markets in which we operate;
maintenance of acceptable credit ratings;
market expectations regarding our future earnings and cash flows;
market perceptions of our ability to access capital markets on reasonable terms;
our exposure to RRI in connection with its indemnification obligations arising in connection with its separation from us; and
provisions of relevant tax and securities laws.

As of December 31, 2006,2009, CenterPoint Houston had outstanding $2.0approximately $2.5 billion aggregate principal amount of general mortgage bonds, including approximately $527 million held in trust to secure pollution control bonds for which CenterPoint Energy iswe are obligated and approximately $229 million held in trust to secure pollution control bonds for

which CenterPoint Houston is obligated. Additionally, CenterPoint Houston had outstanding approximately $253 million aggregate principal amount of first mortgage bonds, including approximately $151 million held in trust to secure certain pollution control bonds for which CenterPoint Energy iswe are obligated. CenterPoint Houston may issue additional general mortgage bonds on the basis of retired bonds, 70% of property additions or cash deposited with the trustee. Approximately $2.2$2.1 billion of additional first mortgage bonds and general mortgage bonds in the aggregate could be issued on the basis of retired bonds and 70% of property additions as of December 31, 2006.2009. However, CenterPoint Houston ishas contractually prohibited,agreed that it will not issue additional first mortgage bonds, subject to certain exceptions, from issuing additional first mortgage bonds.exceptions.

Our current credit ratings are discussed in “Management’s"Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations - Liquidity and Capital Resources - - Future Sources and Uses of Cash - Impact on Liquidity of a Downgrade in Credit Ratings”Ratings" in Item 7 of Part II of this report. These credit ratings may not remain in effect for any given period of time and one or more of these ratings may be lowered or withdrawn entirely by a rating agency. We note that these credit ratings are not recommendations to buy, sell or hold our securities. Each rating should be evaluated independently of any other rating. Any future reduction or withdrawal of one or more of our credit ratings could have a material adverse impact on our ability to access capital on acceptable terms.


As a holding company with no operations of our own, we will depend on distributions from our subsidiaries to meet our payment obligations, and provisions of applicable law or contractual restrictions could limit the amount of those distributions.

We derive all our operating income from, and hold all our assets through, our subsidiaries. As a result, we will depend on distributions from our subsidiaries in order to meet our payment obligations. In general, these subsidiaries are separate and distinct legal entities and have no obligation to provide us with funds for our payment obligations, whether by dividends, distributions, loans or otherwise. In addition, provisions of applicable law, such as those limiting the legal sources of dividends, limit our subsidiaries’ ability to make payments or other distributions to us, and our subsidiaries could agree to contractual restrictions on their ability to make distributions.

Our right to receive any assets of any subsidiary, and therefore the right of our creditors to participate in those assets, will be effectively subordinated to the claims of that subsidiary’s creditors, including trade creditors. In addition, even if we were a creditor of any subsidiary, our rights as a creditor would be subordinated to any security interest in the assets of that subsidiary and any indebtedness of the subsidiary senior to that held by us.

The use of derivative contracts by us and our subsidiaries in the normal course of business could result in financial losses that could negatively impact our results of operations and those of our subsidiaries.

We and our subsidiaries use derivative instruments, such as swaps, options, futures and forwards, to manage our commodity, weather and financial market risks. We and our subsidiaries could recognize financial losses as a result of volatility in the market values of these contracts or should a counterparty fail to perform. In the absence of actively quoted market prices and pricing information from external sources, the valuation of these financial instruments can involve management’s judgment or use of estimates. As a result, changes in the underlying assumptions or use of alternative valuation methods could affect the reported fair value of these contracts.

Risks Common to Our Businesses and Other Risks

We are subject to operational and financial risks and liabilities arising from environmental laws and regulations.

Our operations are subject to stringent and complex laws and regulations pertaining to health, safety and the environment, as discussed in “Business — Environmental Matters” in Item 1 of this report.environment. As an owner or operator of natural gas pipelines and distribution systems, gas gathering and processing systems, and electric transmission and distribution systems, we must comply with these laws and regulations at the federal, state and local levels. These laws and regulations can restrict or impact our business activities in many ways, such as:

• restricting the way we can handle or dispose of wastes;
• limiting or prohibiting construction activities in sensitive areas such as wetlands, coastal regions, or areas inhabited by endangered species;
• requiring remedial action to mitigate pollution conditions caused by our operations, or attributable to former operations; and
• enjoining the operations of facilities deemed in non-compliance with permits issued pursuant to such environmental laws and regulations.
restricting the way we can handle or dispose of wastes;
limiting or prohibiting construction activities in sensitive areas such as wetlands, coastal regions, or areas inhabited by endangered species;
requiring remedial action to mitigate pollution conditions caused by our operations, or attributable to former operations; and
enjoining the operations of facilities deemed in non-compliance with permits issued pursuant to such environmental laws and regulations.
In order to comply with these requirements, we may need to spend substantial amounts and devote other resources from time to time to:

construct or acquire new equipment;
• acquire permits for facility operations;
• modify or replace existing and proposed equipment; and
• clean up or decommission waste disposal areas, fuel storage and management facilities and other locations and facilities.


acquire permits for facility operations;
modify or replace existing and proposed equipment; and
clean up or decommission waste disposal areas, fuel storage and management facilities and other locations and facilities.
Failure to comply with these laws and regulations may trigger a variety of administrative, civil and criminal enforcement measures, including the assessment of monetary penalties, the imposition of remedial actions, and the issuance of orders enjoining future operations. Certain environmental statutes impose strict, joint and several liability for costs required to clean up and restore sites where hazardous substances have been disposed or otherwise released. Moreover, it is not uncommon for neighboring landowners and other third parties to file claims for personal injury and property damage allegedly caused by the release of hazardous substances or other waste products into the environment.

Our insurance coverage may not be sufficient. Insufficient insurance coverage and increased insurance costs could adversely impact our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.

We currently have general liability and property insurance in place to cover certain of our facilities in amounts that we consider appropriate. Such policies are subject to certain limits and deductibles and do not include business interruption coverage. Insurance coverage may not be available in the future at current costs or on commercially reasonable terms, and the insurance proceeds received for any loss of, or any damage to, any of our facilities may not be sufficient to restore the loss or damage without negative impact on our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.

In common with other companies in its line of business that serve coastal regions, CenterPoint Houston does not have insurance covering its transmission and distribution system, other than substations, because CenterPoint Houston believes it to be cost prohibitive. IfIn the future, CenterPoint Houston were to sustain any loss of, or damage to, its transmission and distribution properties, it may not be able to recover such lossthe costs incurred in restoring its transmission and distribution properties following hurricanes or damageother natural disasters through issuance of storm restoration bonds or a change in its regulated rates andor otherwise, or any such recovery may not be timely granted. Therefore, CenterPoint Houston may not be able to restore any loss of, or damage to, any of its transmission and distribution properties without negative impact on its results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.

We, CenterPoint Houston and CERC could incur liabilities associated with businesses and assets that we have transferred to others.

Under some circumstances, we, CenterPoint Houston and CERC could incur liabilities associated with assets and businesses we, CenterPoint Houston and CERC no longer own. These assets and businesses were previously owned by Reliant Energy, Incorporated (Reliant Energy), a predecessor of CenterPoint Houston, directly or through subsidiaries and include:
• those transferred to RRI or its subsidiaries in connection with the organization and capitalization of RRI prior to its initial public offering in 2001; and
• those transferred to Texas Genco in connection with its organization and capitalization.
merchant energy, energy trading and REP businesses transferred to RRI or its subsidiaries in connection with the organization and capitalization of RRI prior to its initial public offering in 2001; and
Texas electric generating facilities transferred to Texas Genco Holdings, Inc. (Texas Genco) in 2004 and early 2005.
In connection with the organization and capitalization of RRI, RRI and its subsidiaries assumed liabilities associated with various assets and businesses Reliant Energy transferred to them. RRI also agreed to indemnify, and cause the applicable transferee subsidiaries to indemnify, us and our subsidiaries, including CenterPoint Houston and CERC, with respect to liabilities associated with the transferred assets and businesses. These indemnity provisions were intended to place sole financial responsibility on RRI and its subsidiaries for all liabilities associated with the current and historical businesses and operations of RRI, regardless of the time those liabilities arose. If RRI were unable to satisfy a liability that has been so assumed in circumstances in which Reliant Energy and its subsidiaries were not released from the liability in connection with the transfer, we, CenterPoint Houston or CERC could be responsible for satisfying the liability.

Prior to ourthe distribution of our ownership in RRI to our shareholders, CERC had guaranteed certain contractual obligations of what became RRI’s trading subsidiary. UnderWhen the terms of the separation agreement between the companies separated, RRI agreed to extinguish all such guarantysecure CERC against obligations prior to separation, but atunder the time of separation in September 2002,guaranties RRI had been unable to extinguish all obligations. To secure us and CERC against obligations underby the remaining guaranties,time of separation. Pursuant to such agreement, as amended in December 2007, RRI has agreed to provide to CERC cash or letters of credit for the benefit of CERC and us, and undertook to use commercially reasonable efforts to extinguish theas security against CERC’s obligations under its remaining guaranties. CERC currently holds letters of credit in the amount of $33.3 million issued on behalf of RRI against guaranties that have not been released. Our current exposure under the guaranties relates to CERC’s guaranty of the payment by RRI of demand


charges related to transportation contracts with one counterparty. Thefor demand charges are approximately $53 million per year through 2015, $49 million in 2016, $38 million in 2017under certain gas transportation agreements if and $13 million in 2018. RRI continues to meet its obligations under the transportation contracts, and we believe current market conditions make those contracts valuable for transportation services in the near term. However,extent changes in market conditions could affect theexpose CERC to a risk of loss on those guaranties.  The present value of those contracts.the demand charges under these transportation contracts, which will be effective until 2018, was approximately $96 million as of December 31, 2009. As of December 31, 2009, RRI was not required to provide security to CERC.  If RRI should fail to perform the contractual obligations, CERC could have to honor its obligations under the transportation contracts, our exposure to the counterparty under the guaranty could exceed the security provided by RRI. We have requested RRI to increase the amount of its existing letters of credit or, in the alternative, to obtain a release of CERC’s obligations under the guaranty. In June 2006, the RRI trading subsidiary and CERC jointly filed a complaint at the FERC against the counterparty on the CERC guaranty. In the complaint, the RRI trading subsidiary seeks a determination by the FERC that the security demanded by the counterparty exceeds the level permitted by the FERC’s policies. The complaint asks the FERC to require the counterparty to release CERC from its guaranty obligationguarantee and, in its place, accept (i) a guaranty from RRI of the obligations of the RRI trading subsidiary, and (ii) letters of credit limitedsuch event, collateral provided as security may be insufficient to (A) one year of demand charges for a transportation agreement related to a 2003 expansion of the counterparty’s pipeline, and (B) three months of demand charges for three other transportation agreements held by the RRI trading subsidiary. The counterparty has argued that the amount of the guaranty does not violate the FERC’s policies and that the proposed substitution of credit support is not authorized under the counterparty’s financing documents or required by the FERC’s policy. The parties have now completed their submissions to FERC regarding the complaint. We cannot predict what action the FERC may take on the complaint or when the FERC may rule. In addition to the FERC proceeding, in February 2007 CenterPoint and CERC made a formal demand on RRI under procedures provided for by the Master Separation Agreement, dated as of December 31, 2000, between Reliant Energy, Incorporated and Reliant Resources, Inc. That demand seeks to resolve the disagreement with RRI over the amount of security RRI is obligated to provide with respect to this guaranty. It is possible that this demand could lead to an arbitration proceeding between the companies, but when and on what terms the disagreement with RRI will ultimately be resolved cannot be predicted.satisfy CERC’s obligations.

RRI’s unsecured debt ratings are currently below investment grade. If RRI were unable to meet its obligations, it would need to consider, among various options, restructuring under the bankruptcy laws, in which event RRI might not honor its indemnification obligations and claims by RRI’s creditors might be made against us as its former owner.

On May 1, 2009, RRI completed the previously announced sale of its Texas retail business to NRG Retail LLC, a subsidiary of NRG Energy, Inc. In connection with the sale, RRI changed its name to RRI Energy, Inc. and no longer provides service as a REP in CenterPoint Houston’s service territory. The sale does not alter RRI’s contractual obligations to indemnify us and our subsidiaries, including CenterPoint Houston, for certain liabilities, including their indemnification regarding certain litigation, nor does it affect the terms of existing guaranty arrangements for certain RRI gas transportation contracts.

Reliant Energy and RRI are named as defendants in a number of lawsuits arising out of energy sales of natural gas in California and other markets and financial reporting matters.markets. Although these matters relate to the business and operations of RRI, claims against Reliant Energy have been made on grounds that include the effect of RRI’s financial results on Reliant Energy’s historical financial statements and liability of Reliant Energy as a controlling shareholder of RRI. We, or CenterPoint Houston or CERC could incur liability if claims in one or more of these lawsuits were successfully asserted against us, or CenterPoint Houston or CERC and indemnification from RRI were determined to be unavailable or if RRI were unable to satisfy indemnification obligations owed with respect to those claims.

In connection with the organization and capitalization of Texas Genco, Reliant Energy and Texas Genco entered into a separation agreement in which Texas Genco assumed liabilities associated with the electric generation assets Reliant Energy transferred to it. Texas Genco also agreed to indemnify, and cause the applicable transferee subsidiaries to indemnify, us and our subsidiaries, including CenterPoint Houston, with respect to liabilities associated with the transferred assets and businesses. In many cases the liabilities assumed were obligations of CenterPoint Houston, and CenterPoint Houston was not released by third parties from these liabilities. The indemnity provisions were intended generally to place sole financial responsibility on Texas Genco and its subsidiaries for all liabilities associated with the current and historical businesses and operations of Texas Genco, regardless of the time those liabilities arose. In connection with the sale of Texas Genco’s fossil generation assets (coal, lignite and gas-fired plants) toIf Texas Genco LLC,were unable to satisfy a liability that had been so

assumed or indemnified against, and provided we or Reliant Energy had not been released from the separation agreement we entered into with Texas Gencoliability in connection with the organization and capitalizationtransfer, CenterPoint Houston could be responsible for satisfying the liability.

In connection with our sale of Texas Genco to a third party, the separation agreement was amended to provide that all of Texas Genco’s rights and obligations under the separation agreement relating to its fossil generation assets, including Texas Genco’s obligation to indemnify us with respect to liabilities associated with the fossil generation assets and related business, were assigned to and assumed by Texas Genco LLC. In addition, under the amended separation agreement, Texas Genco iswould no longer be liable for, and we have assumedwould assume and agreedagree to indemnify Texas Genco LLC against, liabilities that Texas Genco originally assumed in connection with its organization to the extent, and only to the extent, that such liabilities are covered by certain insurance policies or


other similar agreements held by us. If Texas Genco or Texas Genco LLC were unable to satisfy a liability that had been so assumed or indemnified against, and provided Reliantits related businesses now operate as subsidiaries of NRG Energy, had not been released from the liability in connection with the transfer, CenterPoint Houston could be responsible for satisfying the liability.Inc.

We or our subsidiaries have been named, along with numerous others, as a defendant in lawsuits filed by a large number of individuals who claim injury due to exposure to asbestos. Most claimants in such litigation have been workers who participated in construction of various industrial facilities, including power plants. Some of the claimants have worked at locations we own,owned by us, but most existing claims relate to facilities previously owned by our subsidiaries but currently owned by Texas Genco LLC, which is now known as NRG Texas LP. We anticipate that additional claims like those received may be asserted in the future. Under the terms of the arrangements regarding separation of the generating business from us and its sale to NRG Texas Genco LLC,LP, ultimate financial responsibility for uninsured losses from claims relating to the generating business has been assumed by NRG Texas Genco LLC and its successor,LP, but we have agreed to continue to defend such claims to the extent they are covered by insurance maintained by us, subject to reimbursement of the costs of such defense by NRG Texas Genco LLC.LP.

The unsettled conditions in the global financial system may have impacts on our business, liquidity and financial condition that we currently cannot predict.

The recent credit crisis and unsettled conditions in the global financial system may have an impact on our business, liquidity and our financial condition. Our ability to access the capital markets may be severely restricted at a time when we would like, or need, to access those markets, which could have an impact on our liquidity and flexibility to react to changing economic and business conditions. In addition, the cost of debt financing and the proceeds of equity financing may be materially adversely impacted by these market conditions. Defaults of lenders in our credit facilities, should they further occur, could adversely affect our liquidity. Capital market turmoil was also reflected in significant reductions in equity market valuations in 2008, which significantly reduced the value of assets of our pension plan. These reductions increased non-cash pension expense in 2009 which impacted 2009 results of operations and may impact liquidity if contributions are made to offset reduced asset values.

In addition to the credit and financial market issues, a recurrence of national and local recessionary conditions may impact our business in a variety of ways. These include, among other things, reduced customer usage, increased customer default rates and wide swings in commodity prices.

Climate change legislation and regulatory initiatives could result in increased operating costs and reduced demand for our services.

Legislation to regulate emissions of greenhouse gases has been introduced in Congress, and there has been a wide-ranging policy debate, both nationally and internationally, regarding the impact of these gases and possible means for their regulation.  In addition, efforts have been made and continue to be made in the international community toward the adoption of international treaties or protocols that would address global climate change issues, such as the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in 2009. Also, the EPA has undertaken new efforts to collect information regarding greenhouse gas emissions and their effects. Recently, the EPA declared that certain greenhouse gases represent an endangerment to human health and proposed to expand its regulations relating to those emissions.  It is too early to determine whether, or in what form, further regulatory action regarding greenhouse gas emissions will be adopted or what specific impacts a new regulatory action might have on us and our subsidiaries. However, as a distributor and transporter of natural gas and consumer of natural gas in its pipeline and gathering businesses, CERC’s revenues, operating costs and capital requirements could be adversely affected as a result of any regulatory action that would require installation of new control technologies or a modification of its operations or would have the effect of reducing the consumption of natural gas.  Our electric transmission and distribution business, in contrast to some electric utilities, does not generate electricity and thus is not directly exposed to the risk of high capital costs and regulatory uncertainties that face electric utilities that burn fossil fuels to generate electricity.  Nevertheless, CenterPoint Houston’s revenues could be adversely affected to the extent any resulting regulatory action has the effect of reducing consumption of electricity by ultimate consumers
Item 1B.Unresolved Staff Comments

within its service territory. Likewise, incentives to conserve energy or use energy sources other than natural gas could result in a decrease in demand for our services.

Climate changes could result in more frequent severe weather events and warmer temperatures which could adversely affect the results of operations of our businesses.

To the extent climate changes occur, our businesses may be adversely impacted, though we believe any such impacts are likely to occur very gradually and hence would be difficult to quantify with specificity.  To the extent global climate change results in warmer temperatures in our service territories, financial results from our natural gas distribution businesses could be adversely affected through lower gas sales, and our gas transmission and field services businesses could experience lower revenues. Another possible climate change that has been widely discussed in recent years is the possibility of more frequent and more severe weather events, such as hurricanes or tornadoes.  Since many of our facilities are located along or near the Gulf Coast, increased or more severe hurricanes or tornadoes can increase our costs to repair damaged facilities and restore service to our customers.  When we cannot deliver electricity or natural gas to customers or our customers cannot receive our services, our financial results can be impacted by lost revenues, and we generally must seek approval from regulators to recover restoration costs.  To the extent we are unable to recover those costs, or if higher rates resulting from our recovery of such costs result in reduced demand for our services, our future financial results may be adversely impacted.

Item 1B.Unresolved Staff Comments

Not applicable.
Item 2.Properties

Item 2. Properties

Character of Ownership

We own or lease our principal properties in fee, including our corporate office space and various real property. Most of our electric lines and gas mains are located, pursuant to easements and other rights, on public roads or on land owned by others.

Electric Transmission & Distribution

For information regarding the properties of our Electric Transmission & Distribution business segment, please read “Business —"Business - Our Business - Electric Transmission & Distribution — Properties”- Properties" in Item 1 of this report, which information is incorporated herein by reference.

Natural Gas Distribution

For information regarding the properties of our Natural Gas Distribution business segment, please read “Business —"Business - Our Business - Natural Gas Distribution — Assets”- Assets" in Item 1 of this report, which information is incorporated herein by reference.

Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services

For information regarding the properties of our Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services business segment, please read “Business —"Business - Our Business - Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services — Assets”- Assets" in Item 1 of this report, which information is incorporated herein by reference.

Interstate Pipelines

For information regarding the properties of our Interstate Pipelines business segment, please read "Business - Our Business - Interstate Pipelines - Assets" in Item 1 of this report, which information is incorporated herein by reference.
Interstate Pipelines

Field Services

For information regarding the properties of our Interstate PipelinesField Services business segment, please read “Business —"Business - Our Business — Interstate Pipelines — Assets”- Field Services - Assets" in Item 1 of this report, which information is incorporated herein by reference.

Field Services
For information regarding the properties of our Field Services business segment, please read “Business — Our Business — Field Services — Assets” in Item 1 of this report, which information is incorporated herein by reference.


Other Operations

For information regarding the properties of our Other Operations business segment, please read “Business —"Business - Our Business - Other Operations”Operations" in Item 1 of this report, which information is incorporated herein by reference.

Item 3.Legal Proceedings
Item 3.Legal Proceedings

For a discussion of material legal and regulatory proceedings affecting us, please read “Business — Regulation”"Business - Regulation" and “Business —"Business - Environmental Matters”Matters" in Item 1 of this report and Notes 43 and 10(d)10(e) to our consolidated financial statements, which information is incorporated herein by reference.

Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
Item 4.Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

There were no matters submitted to the vote of our security holders during the fourth quarter of 2006.2009.


Item 5.Market for Registrant’s Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities
Item 5.Market for Registrant’s Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities

As of February 16, 2007,15, 2010, our common stock was held of record by approximately 51,67545,607 shareholders. Our common stock is listed on the New York and Chicago Stock Exchanges and is traded under the symbol “CNP.”"CNP."

The following table sets forth the high and low closing prices of the common stock of CenterPoint Energy on the New York Stock Exchange composite tape during the periods indicated, as reported byBloomberg,and the cash dividends declared in these periods. Cash dividends paid aggregated $0.40 per share in 2005 and $0.60 per share in 2006.
  Market Price  Declared
  High  Low  Per Share(1) 
First Quarter         $0.20 
January 11     $10.65     
March 8 $12.61         
Second Quarter         $0.07 
April 20     $11.68     
June 30 $13.21         
Third Quarter         $0.07 
August 8     $13.04     
September 16 $15.13         
Fourth Quarter         $0.06 
October 3 $14.82         
October 21     $12.65     
First Quarter         $0.15 
January 19 $13.28         
March 27     $11.92     
Second Quarter         $0.15 
April 12     $11.73     
June 30 $12.50         
Third Quarter         $0.15 
July 3     $12.55     
September 1 $14.55         
Fourth Quarter         $0.15 
October 2     $14.22     
December 27 $16.80         


  Market Price  Dividend 
  High  Low  Per Share 
First Quarter
January 9
March 17
Second Quarter
April 1
May 29
Third Quarter
August 11
September 18
Fourth Quarter
October 1
October 10
First Quarter
February 6
March 6
Second Quarter
May 27
June 29
Third Quarter
July 9
August 26
Fourth Quarter
October 2
December 28
(1)During 2005, we paid irregular quarterly dividends based on earnings in each specific quarter in order to comply with requirements under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, as amended (1935 Act). The 1935 Act, with its requirements associated with dividends, was repealed effective as of February 8, 2006.

The closing market price of our common stock on December 31, 20062009 was $16.58$14.51 per share.

The amount of future cash dividends will be subject to determination based upon our results of operations and financial condition, our future business prospects, any applicable contractual restrictions and other factors that our board of directors considers relevant and will be declared at the discretion of the board of directors.

On February 1, 2007,January 21, 2010, we announced a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.17$0.195 per share, payable on March 9, 200710, 2010 to shareholders of record on February 16, 2007.2010.

Repurchases of Equity Securities

During the quarter ended December 31, 2006,2009, none of our equity securities registered pursuant to Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 were purchased by or on behalf of us or any of our “affiliated"affiliated purchasers," as defined inRule 10b-18(a)(3) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Item 6.Selected Financial Data

Item 6. Selected Financial Data

The following table presents selected financial data with respect to our consolidated financial condition and consolidated results of operations and should be read in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements and the related notes in Item 8 of this report.
  Year Ended December 31, 
  2002  2003(1)  2004(2)  2005(3)  2006 
  (In millions, except per share amounts) 
Revenues $6,438  $7,790  $7,999  $9,722  $9,319 
Income from continuing operations before extraordinary item  482   409   205   225   432 
Discontinued operations, net of tax  (4,402)  75   (133)  (3)   
Extraordinary item, net of tax        (977)  30    
Net income (loss) $(3,920) $484  $(905) $252  $432 
Basic earnings (loss) per common share:                    
Income from continuing operations before extraordinary item $1.62  $1.35  $0.67  $0.72  $1.39 
Discontinued operations, net of tax  (14.78)  0.24   (0.43)  (0.01)   
Extraordinary item, net of tax        (3.18)  0.10    
Basic earnings (loss) per common share $(13.16) $1.59  $(2.94) $0.81  $1.39 
Diluted earnings (loss) per common share:                    
Income from continuing operations before extraordinary item $1.61  $1.24  $0.61  $0.67  $1.33 
Discontinued operations, net of tax  (14.69)  0.22   (0.37)  (0.01)   
Extraordinary item, net of tax        (2.72)  0.09    
Diluted earnings (loss) per common share $(13.08) $1.46  $(2.48) $0.75  $1.33 
Cash dividends paid per common share $1.07  $0.40  $0.40  $0.40  $0.60 
Dividend payout ratio from continuing operations  66%  30%  60%  56%  43%
Return from continuing operations on average common equity  11.8%  25.7%  14.4%  18.7%  30.3%
Ratio of earnings from continuing operations to fixed charges  2.03   1.81   1.43   1.51   1.77 
At year-end:                    
Book value per common share $4.74  $5.77  $3.59  $4.18  $4.96 
Market price per common share  8.01   9.69   11.30   12.85   16.58 
Market price as a percent of book value  169%  168%  315%  307%  334%
Assets of discontinued operations $4,594  $4,244  $1,565  $  $ 
Total assets  20,635   21,461   18,096   17,116   17,633 


  Year Ended December 31, 
  2002  2003(1)  2004(2)  2005(3)  2006 
  (In millions, except per share amounts) 
Short-term borrowings(4)  347   63         187 
Transition bonds, including current maturities  736   717   676   2,480   2,408 
Other long-term debt, including current maturities  9,260   10,222   8,353   6,427   6,592 
Trust preferred securities(5)  706             
Common stock equity  12%  14%  11%  13%  15%
Trust preferred securities  6%            
Long-term debt, including current maturities  82%  86%  89%  87%  85%
Capitalization, excluding transition bonds:                    
Common stock equity  12%  15%  12%  17%  19%
Trust preferred securities  7%            
Long-term debt, excluding transition bonds, including current maturities  81%  85%  88%  83%  81%
Capital expenditures, excluding discontinued operations $566  $497  $530  $719  $1,121 
  Year Ended December 31, 
  2005(1)(2)  2006(2)  2007(2)  2008(2)  2009 
  (In millions, except per share amounts) 
 $9,722  $9,319  $9,623  $11,322  $8,281 
Income from continuing operations before extraordinary item  220   427   395   446   372 
Discontinued operations, net of tax
  (3)  -   -   -   - 
Extraordinary item, net of tax
  30   -   -   -   - 
Net income
 $247  $427  $395  $446  $372 
Basic earnings (loss) per common share:                    
Income from continuing operations before extraordinary item $0.71  $1.37  $1.23  $1.32  $1.02 
Discontinued operations, net of tax
  (0.01)  -   -   -   - 
Extraordinary item, net of tax
  0.10   -   -   -   - 
Basic earnings per common share
 $0.80  $1.37  $1.23  $1.32  $1.02 
Diluted earnings (loss) per common share:                    
Income from continuing operations before extraordinary item $0.66  $1.31  $1.15  $1.30  $1.01 
Discontinued operations, net of tax
  (0.01)  -   -   -   - 
Extraordinary item, net of tax
  0.09   -   -   -   - 
Diluted earnings per common share
 $0.74  $1.31  $1.15  $1.30  $1.01 
Cash dividends declared per common share
 $0.40  $0.60  $0.68  $0.73  $0.76 
Dividend payout ratio from continuing operations
  56%  44%  55%  55%  75%
Return from continuing operations on average common equity  18.2%  29.8%  23.4%  23.3%  16.0%
Ratio of earnings from continuing operations to fixed charges  1.49   1.74   1.82   2.05   1.80 
At year-end:                    
Book value per common share
 $4.21  $4.98  $5.61  $5.84  $6.74 
Market price per common share
  12.85   16.58   17.13   12.62   14.51 
Market price as a percent of book value
  305%  333%  305%  216%  215%
Total assets
 $17,116  $17,633  $17,872  $19,676  $19,773 
Short-term borrowings  -   187   232   153   55 
Transition and system restoration bonds, including current maturities  2,480   2,407   2,260   2,589   3,046 
Other long-term debt, including current maturities
  6,411   6,586   7,417   7,925   6,976 
Common stock equity
  13%  15%  16%  16%  21%
Long-term debt, including current maturities
  87%  85%  84%  84%  79%
Capitalization, excluding transition and system restoration bonds:                    
Common stock equity
  17%  19%  20%  20%  27%
Long-term debt, excluding transition and system restoration bonds, including current maturities  83%  81%  80%  80%  73%
Capital expenditures, excluding discontinued operations $719  $1,121  $1,011  $1,053  $1,148 
(1)Net income for 2003 includes the cumulative effect of an accounting change resulting from the adoption of SFAS No. 143, “Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations” ($80 million after-tax gain, or $0.26 and $0.24 earnings per basic and diluted share, respectively), which is included in discontinued operations related to Texas Genco.
(2)Net income for 2004 includes an after-tax extraordinary loss of $977 million ($3.18 and $2.72 loss per basic and diluted share, respectively) based on our analysis of the Texas Utility Commission’s order in the 2004True-Up Proceeding. Additionally, we recorded a net after-tax loss of approximately $133 million ($0.43 and $0.37 loss per basic and diluted share, respectively) in 2004 related to our interest in Texas Genco.
(3)(1)Net income for 2005 includes an after-tax extraordinary gain of $30 million ($0.10 and $0.09 per basic and diluted share, respectively) recorded in the first quarter reflecting an adjustment to the extraordinary loss recorded in the last half of 2004 to write down generation-related regulatory assets as a result of the final orders issued by the Texas Utility Commission.

(4)(2)In OctoberNet income has been retrospectively adjusted by $5 million, $5 million, $4 million and $1 million for the years ended 2005, 2006, CERC amended its receivables facility2007 and extended the termination date2008, respectively, to October 30, 2007. Under the terms of the amended receivables facility, the provisions for sale accounting under SFAS No. 140, “Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities,” were no longer met. Accordingly, advances received by CERC upon the sale of receivables are accounted for as short-term borrowings as of December 31, 2006.
(5)The subsidiary trusts that issued trust preferred securities have been deconsolidated as a result ofreflect the adoption of FIN 46 “Consolidationnew accounting guidance as of Variable Interest Entities, an Interpretation of Accounting Research Bulletin No. 51” (FIN 46) and the subordinated debentures issued to those trusts were reported as long-termJanuary 1, 2009 for convertible debt effective December 31, 2003. As of December 31, 2006, these were reported as current portion of long-term debt due to their redemptioninstruments that may be settled in February 2007.cash upon conversion.


Item 7.Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

Item 7.Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

The following discussion and analysis should be read in combination with our consolidated financial statements included in Item 8 herein.



We are a public utility holding company whose indirect wholly owned subsidiaries include:
• CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC (CenterPoint Houston), which engages in the electric transmission and distribution business in a5,000-square mile area of the Texas Gulf Coast that includes Houston; and
• CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp. (CERC Corp., and, together with its subsidiaries, CERC), which owns and operates natural gas distribution systems in six states. Wholly owned subsidiaries of CERC Corp. own interstate natural gas pipelines and gas gathering systems and provide various ancillary services. Another wholly owned subsidiary of CERC Corp. offers variable and fixed-price physical natural gas supplies primarily to commercial and industrial customers and electric and gas utilities.

CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC (CenterPoint Houston), which engages in the electric transmission and distribution business in a 5,000-square mile area of the Texas Gulf Coast that includes the city of Houston; and

CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp. (CERC Corp. and, together with its subsidiaries, CERC), which owns and operates natural gas distribution systems in six states. Subsidiaries of CERC Corp. own interstate natural gas pipelines and gas gathering systems and provide various ancillary services. A wholly owned subsidiary of CERC Corp. offers variable and fixed-price physical natural gas supplies primarily to commercial and industrial customers and electric and gas utilities.

Business Segments

In this section,Management’s Discussion, we discuss our results from continuing operations on a consolidated basis and individually for each of our business segments. We also discuss our liquidity, capital resources and certain critical accounting policies. CenterPoint Energy isWe are first and foremost an energy delivery company and it is our intention to remain focused on this segment of the energy business. The results of our business operations are significantly impacted by weather, customer growth, economic conditions, cost management, rate proceedings before regulatory agencies and other actions of the various regulatory agencies to which we are subject. Our electric transmission and distribution services are subject to rate regulation and are reported in the Electric Transmission & Distribution business segment, as are impacts of generation-related stranded costs and othertrue-up balances recoverable by the regulated electric utility. Our natural gas distribution services are also subject to rate regulation and are reported in the Natural Gas Distribution business segment. Beginning in the fourth quarter of 2006, we are reporting our interstate pipelines and field services businesses as two separate business segments, Interstate Pipelines business segment and Field Services business segment. These business segments were previously aggregated and reported as the Pipelines and Field Services business segment. A summary of our reportable business segments as of December 31, 20062009 is set forth below:

Electric Transmission & Distribution

Our electric transmission and distribution operations provide electric transmission and distribution services to REPsretail electric providers (REPs) serving approximately 2.02.1 million metered customers in a5,000-square-mile area of the Texas Gulf coastCoast that has a population of approximately 4.85.7 million people and includes the city of Houston.

On behalf of REPs, CenterPoint Houston delivers electricity from power plants to substations, from one substation to another and to retail electric customers in locations throughout the control area managed by ERCOT, whichCenterPoint Houston’s certificated service territory. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. (ERCOT) serves as the regional reliability coordinating council for member electric power systems in Texas. ERCOT membership is open to consumer groups, investor and municipally ownedmunicipally-owned electric utilities, rural electric cooperatives, independent generators, power marketers and REPs. The ERCOT market represents approximately 85% of the demand for power in Texas and is one of the nation’s largest power markets. Transmission and distribution services are provided under tariffs approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (Texas Utility Commission.Commission).

Operations include construction and maintenance of electric transmission and distribution facilities, metering services, outage response services and other call center operations. Distribution services are provided under tariffs approved by the Texas Utility Commission.


Natural Gas Distribution

CERC owns and operates our regulated natural gas distribution business (Gas Operations), which engages in intrastate natural gas sales to, and natural gas transportation for, approximately 3.2 million residential, commercial and industrial customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas.

Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services

CERC’s operations also include non-rate regulated retail and wholesale natural gas sales to, and transportation services for, commercial and industrial customers in 18 states in the six states listed above as well as several other Midwesterncentral and Eastern states.eastern regions of the United States.

Interstate Pipelines

CERC’s interstate pipelines business owns and operates approximately 7,9008,000 miles of natural gas transmission lines primarily located in Arkansas, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas. This businessIt also owns and operates six natural gas storage fields with a combined daily deliverability of approximately 1.2 billion cubic feet (Bcf) per day and a combined working gas capacity of approximately 59.059 Bcf. It also owns a 10% interest in an 80 Bcf Bistineau storage facility located in Bienville Parish, Louisiana, with the remaining interest owned and operated by Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP. Most storage operations are in north Louisiana and Oklahoma. This business has begun construction of two significant pipeline additions, in one case as part of a joint venture.

Field Services

CERC’s field services business owns and operates approximately 3,700 miles of gathering pipelines and processing plants that collect, treat and process natural gas from approximately 150140 separate systems located in major producing fields in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas.

Other Operations

Our Other Operationsother operations business segment includes office buildings and other real estate used in our business operations and other corporate operations which support all of our business operations.


Factors Influencing Our Business
Significant EventsWe are an energy delivery company. The majority of our revenues are generated from the gathering, processing, transportation and sale of natural gas and the transportation and delivery of electricity by our subsidiaries. We do not own or operate electric generating facilities or make retail sales to end-use electric customers. To assess our financial performance, our management primarily monitors operating income and cash flows from our five business segments. Within these broader financial measures, we monitor margins, operation and maintenance expense, interest expense, capital spending and working capital requirements. In addition to these financial measures we also monitor a number of variables that management considers important to the operation of our business segments, including the number of customers, throughput, use per customer, commodity prices and heating and cooling degree days. We also monitor system reliability, safety factors and customer satisfaction to gauge our performance.

To the extent the adverse economic conditions affect our suppliers and customers, results from our energy delivery businesses may suffer.  Reduced demand and lower energy prices could lead to financial pressure on some of our customers who operate within the energy industry. Also, adverse economic conditions, coupled with concerns for protecting the environment, may cause consumers to use less energy or avoid expansions of their facilities, resulting in 2006less demand for our services.

Performance of our Electric Transmission & Distribution and 2007Natural Gas Distribution business segments is significantly influenced by the number of customers and energy usage per customer. Weather conditions can have a significant impact on energy usage, and we compare our results to weather on an adjusted basis. During 2009, we continued to see evidence that customers are seeking to conserve in their energy consumption, particularly during periods of high energy prices or in times of economic distress.  That conservation can have adverse effects on our results. In many of our service areas, particularly in the Houston area and in Minnesota, we have benefited from customer growth that tends to mitigate the effects of reduced consumption.  We anticipate that this growth will continue despite recent economic downturns, though that growth may be lower than we have recently experienced in these areas.  In addition, the profitability of these businesses is influenced significantly by the regulatory treatment we receive from the various state and local regulators who set our electric and gas distribution rates. In our recent Gas Operations rate filings, we have sought rate mechanisms that help to decouple our results from the impacts of

Debt Financing TransactionsTable of Contents
weather and conservation, but such rate mechanisms have not yet been approved in all jurisdictions. We plan to continue to pursue such decoupling mechanisms in our rate filings.

Our Field Services and Interstate Pipelines business segments are currently benefiting from their proximity to new natural gas producing regions in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Louisiana.  Our Interstate Pipelines business segment benefited from new projects placed into service in 2009 on our Carthage to Perryville line.  In March 2006,our Field Services business segment, strong drilling activity in the new shale producing regions has helped offset declines in drilling activity in traditional producing regions due to the effects of the economic downturn and significantly lower commodity prices in 2009. In monitoring performance of the segments, we CenterPoint Houstonfocus on throughput of the pipelines and CERC Corp. entered into amendedgathering systems, and restated bankin the case of Field Services, on well-connects.

Our Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services business segment contracts with customers for transportation, storage and sales of natural gas on an unregulated basis.  Its operations serve customers in the central and eastern regions of the United States.  The segment benefits from favorable price differentials, either on a geographic basis or on a seasonal basis. While it utilizes financial derivatives to hedge its exposure to price movements, it does not engage in speculative or proprietary trading and maintains a low value at risk level or VaR to avoid significant financial exposures.  Lower commodity prices and low price differentials during 2009 adversely affected results for this business segment.

The nature of our businesses requires significant amounts of capital investment, and we rely on internally generated cash, borrowings under our credit facilities and issuances of debt and equity in the capital markets to satisfy these capital needs. We strive to maintain investment grade ratings for our securities in order to access the capital markets on terms we consider reasonable. Our goal is to improve our credit ratings over time.  A reduction in our ratings generally would increase our borrowing costs for new issuances of debt, as well as borrowing costs under our existing revolving credit facilities. We replacedDisruptions in the financial markets, such as occurred in the last half of 2008 and continued during 2009, can also affect the availability of new capital on terms we consider attractive. In those circumstances companies like us may not be able to obtain certain types of external financing or may be required to accept terms less favorable than they would otherwise accept. For that reason, we seek to maintain adequate liquidity for our $1 billion five-yearbusinesses through existing credit facilities and prudent refinancing of existing debt. For example, we have negotiated amendments to the financial covenant in our revolving credit facility to better ensure that adequate debt capacity would be available if needed to finance restoration costs following major storms. We expect to experience higher borrowing costs and greater uncertainty in executing capital markets transactions given the current uncertainties in the financial markets.

As it did with many businesses, the sharp decline in stock market values during the latter part of 2008 had a $1.2 billion five-year revolving credit facility. The facility hassignificant adverse impact on the value of our pension plan assets.  While that impact did not require us to make additional contributions to the pension plan, it significantly increased the pension expense we recognized during 2009 and expect to recognize in 2010 for all our business segments, other than our Electric Transmission & Distribution business segment, and we may need to make significant cash contributions to our pension plan subsequent to 2010.  Consistent with the regulatory treatment of such costs, we will defer until our next rate proceeding before the Texas Utility Commission the amount of pension expense that differs from the level of pension expense included in our 2007 base rates for our Electric Transmission & Distribution business segment.

Significant Events

Hurricane Ike

CenterPoint Houston’s electric delivery system suffered substantial damage as a first drawn costresult of London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) plus 60 basis points based on our current credit ratings, as comparedHurricane Ike, which struck the upper Texas coast in September 2008.

As is common with electric utilities serving coastal regions, the poles, towers, wires, street lights and pole mounted equipment that comprise CenterPoint Houston’s transmission and distribution system are not covered by property insurance, but office buildings and warehouses and their contents and substations are covered by insurance that provides for a maximum deductible of $10 million. Current estimates are that total losses to LIBOR plus 87.5 basis points for borrowings under the facility it replaced.property covered by this insurance were approximately $30 million.

CenterPoint Houston replaced its $200 million five-year revolving credit facility withdeferred the uninsured system restoration costs as management believed it was probable that such costs would be recovered through the regulatory process. As a $300 million five-year revolving credit facility. The facility has a first drawn cost of LIBOR plus 45 basis points based onresult, system restoration costs did not affect CenterPoint Energy’s or CenterPoint Houston’s current credit ratings,reported operating income for 2008 or 2009.

Legislation enacted by the Texas Legislature in April 2009 authorized the Texas Utility Commission to conduct proceedings to determine the amount of system restoration costs and related costs associated with hurricanes or other major storms that utilities are entitled to recover, and to issue financing orders that would permit a utility like CenterPoint Houston to recover the distribution portion of those costs and related carrying costs through the issuance of non-recourse system restoration bonds similar to the securitization bonds issued previously.  The legislation also allowed such a utility to recover, or defer for future recovery, the transmission portion of its system restoration costs through the existing mechanisms established to recover transmission costs.

Pursuant to such legislation, CenterPoint Houston filed with the Texas Utility Commission an application for review and approval for recovery of approximately $678 million, including approximately $608 million in system restoration costs identified as compared to LIBOR plus 75 basis points for borrowings under the facility it replaced.
CERC Corp. replaced its $400 million five-year revolving credit facility with a $550 million five-year revolving credit facility. The facility has a first drawn cost of LIBOR plus 45 basis points based on CERC Corp.’s current credit ratings, as compared to LIBOR plus 55 basis points for borrowings under the facility it replaced.
Under each of the end of February 2009, plus $2 million in regulatory expenses, $13 million in certain debt issuance costs and $55 million in incurred and projected carrying costs calculated through August 2009. In July 2009, CenterPoint Houston announced a settlement agreement with the parties to the proceeding.  Under that settlement agreement, CenterPoint Houston was entitled to recover a total of $663 million in costs relating to Hurricane Ike, along with carrying costs from September 1, 2009 until system restoration bonds were issued. The Texas Utility Commission issued an order in August 2009 approving CenterPoint Houston’s application and the settlement agreement and authorizing recovery of $663 million, of which $643 million was attributable to distribution service and eligible for securitization and the remaining $20 million was attributable to transmission service and eligible for recovery through the existing mechanisms established to recover transmission costs.

In July 2009, CenterPoint Houston filed with the Texas Utility Commission its application for a financing order to recover the portion of approved costs related to distribution service through the issuance of system restoration bonds.   In August 2009, the Texas Utility Commission issued a financing order allowing CenterPoint Houston to securitize $643 million in distribution service costs plus carrying charges from September 1, 2009 through the date the system restoration bonds were issued, as well as certain up-front qualified costs capped at approximately $6 million.  In November 2009, CenterPoint Houston issued approximately $665 million of system restoration bonds through its CenterPoint Energy Restoration Bond Company, LLC subsidiary with interest rates of 1.833% to 4.243% and final maturity dates ranging from February 2016 to August 2023.  The bonds will be repaid over time through a charge imposed on customers.

In accordance with the financing order, CenterPoint Houston also placed a separate customer credit facilities, an additional utilization feein effect when the storm restoration bonds were issued.  That credit (ADFIT Credit) is applied to customers’ bills while the bonds are outstanding to reflect the benefit of 10 basis points applies to borrowings any time more than 50%accumulated deferred federal income taxes (ADFIT) associated with the storm restoration costs (including a carrying charge of 11.075%). The beginning balance of the facilityADFIT related to storm restoration costs was approximately $207 million and will decline over the life of the system restoration bonds as taxes are paid on the system restoration tariffs. The ADFIT Credit will reduce operating income in 2010 by approximately $24 million.

In accordance with the orders discussed above, as of December 31, 2009, CenterPoint Houston has recorded $651 million associated with distribution-related storm restoration costs as a net regulatory asset and $20 million associated with transmission-related storm restoration costs, of which $18 million is utilized,recorded in property, plant and the spreadequipment and $2 million of related carrying costs is recorded in regulatory assets.  These amounts reflect carrying costs of $60 million related to LIBOR fluctuatesdistribution and $2 million related to transmission through December 31, 2009, based on the borrower’s credit rating.11.075% cost of capital approved by the Texas Utility Commission.  The carrying costs have been bifurcated into two components: (i) return of borrowing costs and (ii) an allowance for earnings on shareholders’ investment.  During the year ended December 31, 2009, the component representing a return of borrowing costs of $23 million has been recognized and is included in other income in our Statements of Consolidated Income.  The component representing an allowance for earnings on shareholders’ investment of $39 million is being deferred and will be recognized as it is collected through rates.

Gas Operations also suffered some damage to its system in Houston, Texas and in other portions of its service territory across Texas and Louisiana. As of December 31, 2009, Gas Operations has deferred approximately $3 million of costs related to Hurricane Ike for recovery as part of future natural gas distribution rate proceedings.

Long-Term Gas Gathering and Treatment Agreements

In May 2006,September 2009, CenterPoint Energy Field Services, Inc. (CEFS), a wholly-owned natural gas gathering and treating subsidiary of CERC Corp., entered into long-term agreements with an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of EnCana Corporation (EnCana) and an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) to provide gathering and treating services for their natural gas production from certain Haynesville Shale and Bossier Shale formations in Louisiana. CEFS also acquired jointly-owned gathering facilities from EnCana and Shell in De Soto and Red River parishes in northwest Louisiana.  Each of the agreements includes acreage dedication and volume commitments for which CEFS has rights to gather Shell’s and EnCana’s natural gas production from the dedicated areas.

In connection with the agreements, CEFS commenced gathering and treating services utilizing the acquired facilities. CEFS is expanding the acquired facilities in order to gather and treat up to 700 million cubic feet (MMcf) per day of natural gas. If EnCana or Shell elect, CEFS will further expand the facilities in order to gather and treat additional future volumes.  The construction necessary to reach the contractual capacity of 700 MMcf per day includes more than 200 miles of gathering lines, nearly 25,500 horsepower of compression and over 800 MMcf per day of treating capacity.

CEFS estimates that the purchase of existing facilities and construction to gather 700 MMcf per day will cost up to $325 million. If EnCana and Shell elect expansion of the project to gather and process additional future volumes of up to 1 Bcf per day, CEFS estimates that the expansion would cost as much as an additional $300 million and EnCana and Shell would provide incremental volume commitments. Funds for construction are being provided from anticipated cash flows from operations, lines of credit or proceeds from the sale of debt or equity securities.  As of December 31, 2009, $176 million had been spent on the project, including the purchase of existing facilities.

Debt Financing Transactions

In January 2009, CenterPoint Houston issued $325$500 million aggregate principal amount of senior notesgeneral mortgage bonds due in May 2016March 2014 with an interest rate of 6.15%7.00%.  The proceeds from the sale of the senior notesbonds were used for general corporate


purposes, including the repayment or refinancing of debt (including $145 million of CERC’s 8.90% debentures repaid December 15, 2006),outstanding borrowings under CenterPoint Houston’s revolving credit facility and the money pool, capital expenditures and working capital.storm restoration costs associated with Hurricane Ike.

In August 2009, Southeast Supply Header, LLC (SESH) closed on a private debt offering in the amount of $375 million.  Also during 2009, CERC Corp. made a capital contribution to SESH in the amount of $137 million.  Using $186 million of its proceeds from the debt offering and the capital contribution, SESH repaid the note receivable it owed to CERC Corp., which note had a principal balance of $323 million at the time of the repayment. CERC Corp. used the proceeds to repay borrowings under its credit facility.

In October 2009, CenterPoint Houston terminated its $600 million 364-day secured credit facility which had been arranged in November 2008 following Hurricane Ike.

In October 2009, the size of CERC Corp.’s revolving credit facility was reduced from $950 million to $915 million through removal of Lehman Brothers Bank, FSB (Lehman) as a lender.  Prior to its removal, Lehman had a $35 million commitment to lend.  All credit facility loans to CERC Corp. that were funded by Lehman were repaid in September 2009.

In October 2009, CERC amended its receivables facility to extend the termination date to October 8, 2010.  Availability under CERC’s 364-day receivables facility ranges from $150 million to $375 million, reflecting seasonal changes in receivables balances.

In January 2010, we purchased $290 million principal amount of pollution control bonds issued on our behalf at 101% of their principal amount plus accrued interest pursuant to the mandatory tender provisions of the bonds.

Prior to the purchase, the pollution control bonds had a fixed rate of interest of 5.125%. The purchase reduces temporary investments and leverage while providing us with the flexibility to finance future capital needs in the tax-exempt market through a remarketing of these bonds.

In December 2006, we called our 2.875% Convertible Senior NotesJanuary 2010, CERC Corp. redeemed $45 million of its outstanding 6% convertible subordinated debentures due 2024 (2.875% Convertible Notes) for redemption on January 22, 20072012 at 100% of theirthe principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest to the redemption date. The 2.875% Convertible Notes became immediately convertible at

Equity Financing Transactions

During the optionyear ended December 31, 2009, we received net proceeds of approximately $280 million from the holders upon our call for redemption and were convertibleissuance of 24.2 million common shares in an underwritten public offering, net proceeds of $148 million from the issuance of 14.3 million common shares through the closea continuous offering program, proceeds of business on the redemption date. Substantially all the $255approximately $57 million aggregate principal amount of the 2.875% Convertible Notes were converted and the remaining amount was redeemed. The $255 million principal amount of the 2.875% Convertible Notes was settled in cash and the excess value due converting holders of $97 million was settled by delivering approximately 5.6 million shares of our common stock.
In February 2007, we redeemed $103 million aggregate principal amount of 8.257% Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures at 104.1285% of their aggregate principal amount and the related 8.257% capital securities issued by HL&P Capital Trust II were redeemed at 104.1285% of their $100 million aggregate liquidation value.
In February 2007, we issued $250 million aggregate principal amount of senior notes due in February 2017 with an interest rate of 5.95%. The proceeds from the sale of the senior notes were usedapproximately 4.9 million common shares to repay debt incurred in satisfying our $255defined contribution plan and proceeds of approximately $15 million cash payment obligation in connection with the conversion and redemption of our 2.875% Convertible Notes as discussed above.
In February 2007, CERC Corp. issued $150 million aggregate principal amount of senior notes due in February 2037 with an interest rate of 6.25%. The proceeds from the sale of approximately 1.3 million common shares to participants in our enhanced dividend reinvestment plan.

Asset Management Agreements

In 2009, Gas Operations entered into various asset management agreements associated with its utility distribution service in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas.  Generally, these asset management agreements are contracts between Gas Operations and an asset manager that are intended to transfer the senior notes were usedworking capital obligation and maximize the utilization of the assets. In these agreements, Gas Operations agreed to repay advancesrelease transportation and storage capacity to other parties to manage gas storage, supply and delivery arrangements for Gas Operations and to use the purchasereleased capacity for other purposes when it is not needed for Gas Operations. Gas Operations is compensated by the asset manager through payments made over the life of receivables under CERC Corp.’s $375 million receivables facility. Such repayment provides increased liquiditythe agreements based in part on the results of the asset optimization.  Gas Operations has received approval from the state regulatory commissions in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and capital resources for CERC’s general corporate purposes.
Agreement Regarding Tax Settlement
DuringOklahoma to retain a share of the second quarterasset management agreement proceeds, although the percentage of 2006, we reached agreementpayments to be retained by Gas Operations varies based on the jurisdiction, with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on terms of a settlement regarding the tax treatment of our Zero Premium Exchangeable Subordinated Notes (ZENS) and our former Automatic Common Exchange Securities (ACES). In July 2006, we signed a closing agreement prepared by the IRS and us for the tax years 1999 through 2029 with respect to the ZENS issue. The agreement reached with the IRS and the closing agreement were subject to approval by the Joint Committee on Taxationmajority of the U.S. Congress (JCT). As a result of the agreement reached with the IRS, we reduced our previously accrued tax and related interest reserves by approximately $119 million in the second quarter of 2006, and no longer accrue a quarterly reserve.
In January 2007, following JCT approval of certain revised terms of the agreement, we and the IRS executed a closing agreement on the tax treatment of the ZENS for the tax years 1999 through 2029. The items in dispute with respect to the ZENS and ACES have now been resolved. In the fourth quarter of 2006, we increased our tax and related interest reserve, reducing income by approximately $12 million to reflect the January 2007 closing agreement. Under the terms of the agreement reached with the IRS, we will pay approximately $109 million in previously accrued taxes associated with the ACES and the ZENS and will reduce our future interest deductions associated with the ZENS.
Agreement regarding settlement of the Electric Transmission & Distribution Rate Case and the 2001 Unbundled Cost of Service (UCOS) Remand
In September 2006, the Public Utility Commission of Texas (Texas Utility Commission) gave final approval to a settlement agreement with the parties to the proceeding that resolved the issues raised in CenterPoint Houston’s 2006 rate case. Under the terms of the agreement, CenterPoint Houston’s base rate revenues were reduced by approximately $58 million per year. Also, CenterPoint Houston agreed to increase its energy efficiency expenditures by an additional $10 million per year over the $13 million then included in rates. The expenditures will be madepayments to benefit both residential and commercial customers. CenterPoint Houston also will fund $10 million per year for programs providing financial assistance to qualified low-income customersThe agreements have varying terms, the longest of which expires in its service territory. The


agreement provides for a rate freeze until June 30, 2010 under which CenterPoint Houston will not seek to increase its base rates and the other parties will not petition to decrease those rates.2016.

The agreement also resolves all issues that could be raised in the Texas Utility Commission proceeding to review its decision in CenterPoint Houston’s 2001 UCOS case. Under the terms of the agreement, CenterPoint Houston added riders to its tariff rates under which it will provide rate credits to retail and wholesale customers for a total of approximately $8 million per year until a total of $32 million has been credited to customers under those tariff riders. CenterPoint Houston reduced revenues and established a corresponding regulatory liability for $32 million in the second quarter of 2006 to reflect this obligation.
Competition Transition Charge (CTC) Interest Rate Reduction
In January 2006, the Texas Utility Commission staff (Staff) proposed that the Texas Utility Commission adopt new rules governing the carrying charges on unrecoveredtrue-up balances. In June 2006, the Texas Utility Commission adopted the revised rule as recommended by Staff. The rule, which applies to CenterPoint Houston, reduces the allowed interest rate on the unrecovered CTC balance prospectively from 11.075 percent to a weighted average cost of capital of 8.06 percent. The annualized impact on operating income is expected to be approximately $18 million per year for the first year with lesser impacts in subsequent years. In accordance with the agreement discussed above, CenterPoint Houston implemented the rule change effective August 1, 2006.
Interstate Pipeline Expansion
Carthage to Perryville.  In October 2005, CEGT signed a10-year firm transportation agreement with XTO Energy (XTO) to transport 600 million cubic feet (MMcf) per day of natural gas from Carthage, Texas to CEGT’s Perryville hub in Northeast Louisiana. To accommodate this transaction, CEGT filed a certificate application with the FERC in March 2006 to build a172-mile,42-inch diameter pipeline and related compression facilities. The capacity of the pipeline under this filing will be 1.25 Bcf per day. CEGT has signed firm contracts for the full capacity of the pipeline.
In October 2006, the FERC issued CEGT’s certificate to construct, own and operate the pipeline and compression facilities. CEGT has begun construction of the facilities and expects to place the facilities in service in the second quarter of 2007 at a cost of approximately $500 million.
Based on interest expressed during an open season held in 2006, and subject to FERC approval, CEGT may expand capacity of the pipeline to 1.5 Bcf per day, which would bring the total estimated capital cost of the project to approximately $550 million. In September 2006, CEGT filed for approval to increase the maximum allowable operating pressure with the U.S. Department of Transportation. In December 2006, CEGT filed for the necessary certificate to expand capacity of the pipeline with the FERC. CEGT expects to receive the approvals in the third quarter of 2007.
During the four-year period subsequent to the in-service date of the pipeline, XTO can request, and subject to mutual negotiations that meet specific financial parameters and to FERC approval, CEGT would construct a67-mile extension from CEGT’s Perryville hub to an interconnect with Texas Eastern Gas Transmission at Union Church, Mississippi.
Southeast Supply Header.  In June 2006, CenterPoint Energy Southeast Pipelines Holding, L.L.C., a wholly owned subsidiary of CERC Corp. and a subsidiary of Spectra Energy Corp. (Spectra) formed a joint venture (Southeast Supply Header or SESH) to construct, own and operate a270-mile pipeline that will extend from CEGT’s Perryville hub in northeast Louisiana to Gulfstream Natural Gas System, which is 50 percent owned by an affiliate of Spectra. In August 2006, the joint venture signed an agreement with Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) for firm transportation services, which subscribed approximately half of the planned 1 Bcf per day capacity of the pipeline. FPL’s commitment was contingent on the approval of the FPL contract by the Florida Public Service Commission, which was received in December 2006. Subject to the joint venture receiving a certificate from the FERC to construct, own and operate the pipeline, subsidiaries of Spectra and CERC Corp. have committed to build the pipeline. In December 2006, the joint venture signed agreements with affiliates of Progress Energy Florida, Southern Company, Tampa Electric Company, and EOG Resources, Inc. bringing the total subscribed capacity to


945 MMcf per day. Additionally, SESH and Southern Natural Gas (SNG) have executed a definitive agreement that provides for SNG to jointly own the first 115 miles of the pipeline. Under the agreement, SNG will own an undivided interest in the portion of the pipeline from Perryville, Louisiana to an interconnect with SNG in Mississippi. The pipe diameter will be increased from 36 inches to 42 inches, thereby increasing the initial capacity of 1 Bcf per day by 140 MMcf per day to accommodate SNG. SESH will own assets providing approximately 1 Bcf per day of capacity as initially planned and will maintain economic expansion opportunities in the future. SNG will own assets providing 140 MMcf per day of capacity, and the agreement provides for a future compression expansion that could increase the capacity up to 500 MMcf per day. An application to construct, own and operate the pipeline was filed with the FERC in December 2006. Subject to receipt of FERC authorization and construction in accordance with planned schedule, we currently expect an in service date in the summer of 2008. The total cost of the combined project is estimated to be $800 to $900 million with SESH’s net costs of $700 to $800 million after SNG’s contribution.

Our past earnings and results of operations are not necessarily indicative of our future earnings and results of operations. The magnitude of our future earnings and results of our operations will depend on or be affected by numerous factors including:

• the timing and amount of our recovery of thetrue-up components, including, in particular, the results of appeals to the courts of determinations on rulings obtained to date;
• state and federal legislative and regulatory actions or developments, including deregulation, re-regulation, changes in or application of laws or regulations applicable to other aspects of our business;
• timely and appropriate rate actions and increases, allowing recovery of costs and a reasonable return on investment;
• industrial, commercial and residential growth in our service territory and changes in market demand and demographic patterns;
• the timing and extent of changes in commodity prices, particularly natural gas;
• changes in interest rates or rates of inflation;
• weather variations and other natural phenomena;
• the timing and extent of changes in the supply of natural gas;
• the timing and extent of changes in natural gas basis differentials;
• commercial bank and financial market conditions, our access to capital, the cost of such capital, and the results of our financing and refinancing efforts, including availability of funds in the debt capital markets;
• actions by rating agencies;
• effectiveness of our risk management activities;
• inability of various counterparties to meet their obligations to us;
• non-payment for our services due to financial distress of our customers, including Reliant Energy, Inc. (RRI);
• the ability of RRI and its subsidiaries to satisfy their obligations to us, including indemnity obligations, or in connection with the contractual arrangements pursuant to which we are their guarantor;
• the outcome of litigation brought by or against us;
• our ability to control costs;
• the investment performance of our employee benefit plans;


the resolution of the true-up proceedings, including, in particular, the results of appeals to the Texas Supreme Court regarding rulings obtained to date;
• our potential business strategies, including acquisitions or dispositions of assets or businesses, which we cannot be assured to be completed or to have the anticipated benefits to us; and
• other factors we discuss under “Risk Factors” in Item 1A of this report and in other reports we file from time to time with the SEC.

state and federal legislative and regulatory actions or developments, including deregulation, re-regulation, health care reform, and changes in or application of laws or regulations applicable to the various aspects of our business;

state and federal legislative and regulatory actions, developments or regulations relating to the environment, including those related to global climate change;

timely and appropriate legislative and regulatory actions allowing securitization or other recovery of costs associated with any future hurricanes or natural disasters;

timely and appropriate rate actions and increases, allowing recovery of costs and a reasonable return on investment;

cost overruns on major capital projects that cannot be recouped in prices;

industrial, commercial and residential growth in our service territory and changes in market demand and demographic patterns;
the timing and extent of changes in commodity prices, particularly natural gas and natural gas liquids;

the timing and extent of changes in the supply of natural gas, including supplies available for gathering by our field services business;

the timing and extent of changes in natural gas basis differentials;

weather variations and other natural phenomena;

changes in interest rates or rates of inflation;

commercial bank and financial market conditions, our access to capital, the cost of such capital, and the results of our financing and refinancing efforts, including availability of funds in the debt capital markets;

actions by rating agencies;

effectiveness of our risk management activities;

inability of various counterparties to meet their obligations to us;

non-payment for our services due to financial distress of our customers;

the ability of RRI Energy, Inc. (RRI) (formerly known as Reliant Energy, Inc. and Reliant Resources, Inc.) and its subsidiaries to satisfy their obligations to us, including indemnity obligations, or in connection with the contractual arrangements pursuant to which we are their guarantor;

the ability of REPs that are subsidiaries of NRG Retail LLC and TXU Energy Retail Company LLC (TXU Energy), which are CenterPoint Houston’s two largest customers, to satisfy their obligations to us and our subsidiaries;

the outcome of litigation brought by or against us;

our ability to control costs;

the investment performance of our pension and postretirement benefit plans;

our potential business strategies, including acquisitions or dispositions of assets or businesses, which we cannot assure will be completed or will have the anticipated benefits to us;

acquisition and merger activities involving us or our competitors; and

other factors we discuss under "Risk Factors" in Item 1A of this report and in other reports we file from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


All dollar amounts in the tables that follow are in millions, except for per share amounts.
  Year Ended December 31, 
  2004  2005  2006 
Revenues $7,999  $9,722  $9,319 
Expenses  7,135   8,783   8,274 
Operating Income  864   939   1,045 
Gain (Loss) on Time Warner Investment  31   (44)  94 
Gain (Loss) on Indexed Debt Securities  (20)  49   (80)
Interest and Other Finance Charges  (739)  (670)  (470)
Interest on Transition Bonds  (38)  (40)  (130)
Return onTrue-Up Balance
  226   121    
Other Income, net  20   23   35 
Income From Continuing Operations Before Income Taxes and Extraordinary Item  344   378   494 
Income Tax Expense  139   153   62 
Income From Continuing Operations Before Extraordinary Item  205   225   432 
Discontinued Operations, net of tax  (133)  (3)   
Income Before Extraordinary Item  72   222   432 
Extraordinary Item, net of tax  (977)  30    
Net Income (Loss) $(905) $252  $432 
Basic Earnings (Loss) Per Share:            
Income From Continuing Operations Before Extraordinary Item $0.67  $0.72  $1.39 
Discontinued Operations, net of tax  (0.43)  (0.01)   
Extraordinary Item, net of tax  (3.18)  0.10    
Net Income (Loss) $(2.94) $0.81  $1.39 
Diluted Earnings (Loss) Per Share:            
Income From Continuing Operations Before Extraordinary Item $0.61  $0.67  $1.33 
Discontinued Operations, net of tax  (0.37)  (0.01)   
Extraordinary Item, net of tax  (2.72)  0.09    
Net Income (Loss) $(2.48) $0.75  $1.33 

  Year Ended December 31, 
  2007  2008  2009 
 $9,623  $11,322  $8,281 
  8,438   10,049   7,157 
Operating Income
  1,185   1,273   1,124 
Gain (Loss) on Marketable Securities
  (114)  (139)  82 
Gain (Loss) on Indexed Debt Securities
  111   128   (68)
Interest and Other Finance Charges
  (509)  (468)  (513)
Interest on Transition and System Restoration Bonds
  (123)  (136)  (131)
Distribution from AOL Time Warner Litigation Settlement
  32   -   3 
Additional Distribution to ZENS Holders
  (27)  -   (3)
Equity in Earnings of Unconsolidated Affiliates
  16   51   15 
Other Income, net
  17   14   39 
Income Before Income Taxes
  588   723   548 
Income Tax Expense
  (193)  (277)  (176)
Net Income
 $395  $446  $372 
Basic Earnings Per Share
 $1.23  $1.32  $1.02 
Diluted Earnings Per Share
 $1.15  $1.30  $1.01 
2009 Compared to 20052008

Income from Continuing Operations.Net Income.  We reported net income from continuing operations before extraordinary item of $432$372 million ($1.331.01 per diluted share) for 2006 as2009 compared to $225$446 million ($0.671.30 per diluted share) for the same period in 2005. As discussed below, the increase2008. The decrease in net income from continuing operations of $207$74 million was primarily due to a $200$149 million decrease in operating income, a $45 million increase in interest expense due primarily to higher interest rates and higher levels of debt during 2009, excluding transition and system restoration bond-related interest expense, a $36 million decrease in equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates and a $196 million decrease in the gain on our indexed debt securities.  These decreases in net income were partially offset by a $101 million decrease in income tax expense, a $221 million increase in the gain on our marketable securities, $23 million of carrying costs related to Hurricane Ike restoration costs included in Other Income, net and a $5 million decrease in interest expense on transition and system restoration bonds.

Income Tax Expense.  Our 2009 effective tax rate of 32.1% differed from the 2008 effective tax rate of 38.4% primarily due to the settlement of our federal income tax return examinations for tax years 2004 and 2005 and a reduction in state income taxes related to adjustments in prior years’ state estimates.  For more information, see Note 9 to our consolidated financial statements.

2008 Compared to 2007

Net Income.  We reported net income of $446 million ($1.30 per diluted share) for 2008 compared to $395 million ($1.15 per diluted share) for the same period in 2007. The increase in net income of $51 million was primarily due to an $88 million increase in operating income, a $41 million decrease in interest expense, excluding transition bond-related interest expense, due to lower borrowing costs and borrowing levels; a $133 million decrease in income tax expense related to our ZENS and ACES; a $19$35 million increase in operating income from our Field Services business segment;equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates related primarily to SESH and a $17 million increase in operating income fromthe gain on our Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services business segment; and a $16 million increase in operating income from our Interstate Pipelines business segment.


indexed debt securities.  These increases in net income from continuing operations were partially offset by an $84 million increase in income tax expense, a $121$25 million decrease in other income related to a reductionincrease in the returnloss on thetrue-up balance of our Electric Transmission & Distribution business segment recorded in 2005Time Warner investment and a $51$13 million decreaseincrease in operating income from our Natural Gas Distribution business segment. Segment changes are discussed in detail below.interest expense on transition bonds.

Income Tax Expense.  In 2006, our  Our 2008 effective tax rate was 12.6%. We reached an agreement withof 38.4% differed from the IRS in January 2007 and have reduced our previously accruedeffective tax and related interest reserves related to the ZENS and ACES by approximately $107 million and no longer accrue a quarterly reserve for this item. The net reduction in the reserves related to ZENS and ACES in 2006 was $92 million. In addition, we reached tentative settlements with the IRS on a numberrate of other tax matters which allowed us to reduce our total tax and related interest reserve for other tax items from $60 million at December 31, 2005 to $34 million at December 31, 2006.
2005 Compared to 2004
Income from Continuing Operations.  We reported income from continuing operations before extraordinary item of $225 million ($0.67 per diluted share) for 2005 as compared to $205 million ($0.61 per diluted share) for 2004. The increase in income from continuing operations of $20 million was32.8% primarily due to increased operating income of $36 million in our Interstate Pipelines business segment resulting from increased demand for transportation due to increased basis differentials across the system and higher demand for ancillary services, increased operating income of $19 million in our Field Services business segment as a result of increased throughputrevisions to the Texas State Franchise Tax Law (Texas margin tax), which was reported as an operating expense prior to 2008 and demandis now being reported as an income tax for services related to our core natural gas gathering operations, increased operating income of $16 million in our Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services business segment primarily due to higher sales to utilities and favorable basis differentials over the pipeline capacity that we control, a decrease in the operating loss of $14 million in our Other Operations business segment resulting from increased overhead allocated out in 2005CenterPoint Houston, and a $67 million decreaseTexas state tax examination in interest expense due to lower borrowing levels and lower borrowing costs reflecting the replacement of certain of our credit facilities. The above increases were partially offset by a decrease of $105 million in the return on thetrue-up2007. balance of our Electric Transmission & Distribution business segment as a result of theTrue-Up Order, partially offset by an increase in operating income of $21 million related to the return on thetrue-up balance being recovered through the CTC, and decreased operating income of $29 million in our Electric Transmission & Distribution business segment, excluding the CTC operating income discussed above, primarily from increased franchise fees paid to the City of Houston, increased depreciation expense and higher operation and maintenance expenses, including higher transmission costs, the absence of a $15 million partial reversal of a reserve related to the final fuel reconciliation recorded in the second quarter of 2004 and the absence of an $11 million gain from a land sale recorded in 2004, partially offset by increased usage mainly due to weather, continued customer growth and higher transmission cost recovery. Additionally, income tax expense increased $14 million in 2005 as compared to 2004.
Income Tax Expense.  In 2005, our effective tax rate was 40.6%. The most significant items affecting our effective tax rate in 2005 were an addition to the tax and related interest reserves of approximately $41 million relating to the contention of the IRS that the current deductions for original issue discount (OID) on our ZENS be capitalized, potentially converting what have been ordinary deductions into capital losses at the time the ZENS are settled, partially offset by favorable tax audit adjustments of $10 million.
Interest Expense and Other Finance Charges
In the fourth quarter of 2004, we reduced borrowings under our credit facility by $1.574 billion and retired $375 million of trust preferred securities. We expensed $15 million of unamortized loan costs in the fourth quarter of 2004 that were associated with the credit facility. In accordance with Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) IssueNo. 87-24 “Allocation of Interest to Discontinued Operations,” we have reclassified interest to discontinued operations of Texas Genco based on net proceeds received from the sale of Texas Genco of $2.5 billion, and have applied the proceeds to the amount of debt assumed to be paid down in each respective period according to the terms


of the respective credit facilities in effect for those periods. In periods where only the term loan was assumed to be repaid, the actual interest paid on the term loan was reclassified. In periods where a portion of the revolver was assumed to be repaid, the percentage of that portion of the revolver to the total outstanding balance was calculated, and that percentage was applied to the actual interest paid in those periods to compute the amount of interest reclassified.
During the fourth quarter of 2005, CenterPoint Houston retired at maturity its $1.341 billion term loan, which bore interest at LIBOR plus 975 basis points, subject to a minimum LIBOR rate of 3 percent. Borrowings under a CenterPoint Houston credit facility, which bore interest at LIBOR plus 75 basis points, were used for the payment of the term loan and then repaid with a portion of the proceeds of the December 2005 issuance of transition bonds.
Total interest expense incurred was $849 million, $711 million and $600 million in 2004, 2005 and 2006, respectively. We have reclassified $72 million and $1 million of interest expense in 2004 and 2005, respectively, based upon actual interest expense incurred within our discontinued operations and interest expense associated with debt that would have been required to be repaid as a result of our disposition of Texas Genco.

The following table presents operating income (in millions) for each of our business segments for 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 2006. Due to the change in reportable segments in the fourth quarter of 2006, we have recast our segment information for 2004 and 2005 to conform to the 2006 presentation. The segment detail revised as a result of the new reportable business segments did not affect consolidated operating income for any year.2009. Included in revenues are intersegment sales. We account for intersegment sales as if the sales were to third parties, that is, at current market prices.

Operating Income (Loss) by Business Segment

 Year Ended December 31, 
 2004 2005 2006  Year Ended December 31, 
 2007  2008  2009 
Electric Transmission & Distribution $494  $487  $576  $561  $545  $545 
Natural Gas Distribution  178   175   124   218   215   204 
Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services  44   60   77   75   62   21 
Interstate Pipelines  129   165   181   237   293   256 
Field Services  51   70   89   99   147   94 
Other Operations  (32)  (18)  (2)  (5)  11   4 
Total Consolidated Operating Income $864  $939  $1,045  $1,185  $1,273  $1,124 


Electric Transmission & Distribution

The following tables provide summary data of our Electric Transmission & Distribution business segment, CenterPoint Houston, for 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 20062009 (in millions, except throughput and customer data):
 Year Ended December 31, 
 2004 2005 2006  Year Ended December 31, 
 2007  2008  2009 
Electric transmission and distribution utility $1,446  $1,538  $1,516  $1,560  $1,593  $1,673 
Transition bond companies  75   106   265 
Transition and system restoration bond companies
  277   323   340 
Total revenues  1,521   1,644   1,781   1,837   1,916   2,013 
Operation and maintenance  539   618   611 
Depreciation and amortization  248   258   243 
Operation and maintenance, excluding transition and system
restoration bond companies
  652   703   774 
Depreciation and amortization, excluding transition and system
restoration bond companies
  243   277   277 
Taxes other than income taxes  203   214   212   223   201   208 
Transition bond companies  37   67   139 
Transition and system restoration bond companies
  158   190   209 
Total expenses  1,027   1,157   1,205   1,276   1,371   1,468 
Operating Income $494  $487  $576  $561  $545  $545 
Operating Income — Electric transmission and distribution utility  456   448   450 
Operating Income — Transition bond companies(1)  38   39   126 
Operating Income:            
Electric transmission and distribution operations
 $400  $407  $414 
Competition transition charge
  42   5   - 
Transition and system restoration bond companies (1)
  119   133   131 
Total segment operating income $494  $487  $576  $561  $545  $545 
Throughput (ingigawatt-hours (GWh)):
Residential  23,748   24,924   23,955   23,999   24,258   24,815 
Total  73,632   74,189   75,877   76,291   74,840   74,579 
Average number of metered customers:            
Number of metered customers at end of period:            
Residential  1,639,488   1,683,100   1,732,656   1,793,600   1,821,267   1,849,019 
Total  1,862,853   1,912,346   1,968,114   2,034,074   2,064,854   2,094,210 
Represents the amount necessary to pay interest on the transition and system restoration bonds.
20062009 Compared to 2005.2008.  Our Electric Transmission & Distribution business segment reported operating income of $576$545 million for 2006,2009, consisting of $450$414 million for thefrom our regulated electric transmission and distribution utility operations (TDU) (including $55 million arising from the CTC) and $126$131 million related to the transition bonds.and system restoration bond companies. For 2005,2008, operating income totaled $487$545 million, consisting of $448$407 million from the TDU, exclusive of an additional $5 million from the competition transition charge (CTC), and $133 million related to transition bond companies. Revenues for the TDU (including $19 million arising fromincreased due to higher transmission-related revenues ($50 million), in part reflecting the CTC) and $39 million related toimpact of a

transmission rate increase implemented in November 2008, the transition bonds. Increasesimpact of Hurricane Ike in operating income from customer growth2008 ($34 million), a higher CTC amount collected in 2006 ($3617 million), revenues from ancillary servicesimplementation of AMS ($1133 million) and proceedshigher revenues due to customer growth ($17 million) from land sales ($13 million) werethe addition of over 29,000 new customers, partially offset by milder weatherdeclines in energy demand ($27 million). Operation and reduced demandmaintenance expenses increased $71 million primarily due to higher transmission costs billed by transmission providers ($4918 million), the implementationincreased operating and maintenance expenses that were postponed in 2008 as a result of reduced base ratesHurricane Ike restoration efforts ($1310 million), higher pension and other employee benefit costs ($10 million), expenses related to AMS ($14 million) and spendinga gain on lowa land sale in 2008 ($9 million). Increased depreciation expense related to increased investment in AMS ($7 million) was offset by other declines in depreciation and amortization, primarily due to asset retirements. Taxes other than income assistance and energy efficiency programstaxes increased $7 million primarily as a result of a refund in 2008 of prior years’ state franchise taxes ($5 million) resulting from the Settlement Agreement described. Changes in “Business — Our Business — Regulation — State and Local Regulation — Electric Transmission & Distribution — CenterPoint Energy Rate Case” in Item 1 of this report. In addition, the TDU’s operating income for 2006 includes the $32 million adverse impact of the resolution of the remand of the 2001 UCOS order recorded in the second quarter.pension expense over our 2007 base year amount are being deferred until our next general rate case pursuant to Texas law.

20052008 Compared to 2004.2007.  Our Electric Transmission & Distribution business segment reported operating income of $487$545 million for 2005,2008, consisting of $448$407 million from the TDU, exclusive of an additional $5 million from the CTC, and $133 million related to transition bond companies. For 2007, operating income totaled $561 million, consisting of $400 million from the TDU, exclusive of an additional $42 million from the CTC, and $119 million related to transition bond companies. Revenues for the TDU increased in 2008 due to customer growth, with over 30,000 metered customers added ($23 million), increased usage ($15 million) in part caused by favorable weather experienced, increased transmission-related revenues ($21 million) and $39 million relatedincreased revenues from ancillary services ($5 million), partially offset by reduced revenues due to Hurricane Ike ($17 million) and the transition bonds. For 2004, operating income totaled $494 million, consistingsettlement of $456 million for the TDUfinal fuel reconciliation in 2007 ($5 million). Operation and $38 million for the transition bonds. Operating revenuesmaintenance expense increased primarily due to increased usage resulting from warmer weather ($13 million), continued customer growth ($33 million) with the addition of 61,000 metered customers in 2005, recovery of our 2004true-up balance not covered by the transition bond financing order ($21 million) and higher


transmission cost recovery ($13 million). The increase in operating revenues was more than offset by higher transmission costs ($2443 million), the absencesettlement of a gain from a land sale recorded in 2004 ($11 million), the absence of a $15 million partial reversal of a reserve related to the final fuel reconciliation recorded in 2004, increased employee-related expenses2007 ($2013 million) and higher tree trimming expenseincreased support services ($613 million), partially offset by a decrease in pension expensegain on sale of land ($149 million) and normal operating and maintenance expenses that were postponed as a result of Hurricane Ike restoration efforts ($10 million). Depreciation and amortization expense increased $34 million primarily due to amounts related to the CTC ($1030 million), which were offset by similar amounts in revenues. Taxes other than income taxes declined $21 million primarily as a result of higher plant balances. Taxes other thanthe Texas margin tax being classified as an income tax for financial reporting purposes in 2008 ($19 million) and a refund of prior years’ state franchise taxes increased ($115 million) primarily due to higher franchise fees paid to the City of Houston..

In September 2005, CenterPoint Houston’s service area in Texas was adversely affected by Hurricane Rita. Although damage to CenterPoint Houston’s electric facilities was limited, over 700,000 customers lost power at the height of the storm. Power was restored to over a half million customers within 36 hours and all power was restored in less than five days. The Electric Transmission & Distribution business segment’s revenues lost as a result of the storm were more than offset by warmer than normal weather during the third quarter of 2005. CenterPoint Houston deferred $28 million of restoration costs which are being amortized over a seven-year period that began in October 2006.
Natural Gas Distribution

The following table provides summary data of our Natural Gas Distribution business segment for 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 20062009 (in millions, except throughput and customer data):
 Year Ended December 31,  Year Ended December 31, 
 2004 2005 2006  2007  2008  2009 
Revenues $3,579  $3,846  $3,593  $3,759  $4,226  $3,384 
Natural gas  2,596   2,841   2,598   2,683   3,124   2,251 
Operation and maintenance  544   551   594   579   589   639 
Depreciation and amortization  141   152   152   155   157   161 
Taxes other than income taxes  120   127   125   124   141   129 
Total expenses  3,401   3,671   3,469   3,541   4,011   3,180 
Operating Income $178  $175  $124  $218  $215  $204 
Throughput (in billion cubic feet (Bcf)):            
Throughput (in Bcf):            
Residential  175   160   152   172   175   173 
Commercial and industrial  237   215   224   232   236   233 
Total Throughput  412   375   376   404   411   406 
Average number of customers:            
Number of customers at end of period:            
Residential  2,798,352   2,839,947   2,883,927   2,961,110   2,987,222   3,002,114 
Commercial and industrial  245,926   244,782   243,265   249,877   248,476   244,101 
Total  3,044,278   3,084,729   3,127,192   3,210,987   3,235,698   3,246,215 
2009 Compared to 2005.2008.  Our Natural Gas Distribution business segment reported operating income of $124$204 million for 2006 as2009 compared to $175$215 million for 2005. Decreases in operating margins (revenues less natural gas costs) include a $21 million write-off in the fourth quarter of 2006 of purchased gas costs for periods prior to July 2004, the recovery of which was denied by the MPUC, and the impact of milder weather and decreased usage2008. Operating income declined ($3011 million). These decreases were partially offset by higher margins from rate and service charge increases and rate design changes ($35 million), along with the addition of over 42,000 customers in 2006 ($9 million). Operation and maintenance expenses increased primarily as a result of costs associated with staff reductionsincreased pension expense ($17 million), benefit costs increases ($6 million), higher costs of goods and services ($837 million) and higher labor and other benefit costs ($16 million), partially

offset by increased revenues from rate increases ($36 million) and lower bad debt expensesexpense ($1015 million). Revenues related to both energy-efficiency costs and gross receipts taxes are substantially offset by the related expenses. Depreciation and amortization expense increased $4 million primarily due to higher plant balances.  Taxes other than income taxes, net of the decrease in gross receipts taxes ($16 million), partially offset byincreased $4 million also primarily due to higher litigation reserves recorded in 2005 ($11 million).plant balances.


2008 Compared to 2004.2007.  Our Natural Gas Distribution business segment reported operating income of $175$215 million for 2005 as2008 compared to $178$218 million for 2004. Increases2007. Operating income declined in 2008 due to a combination of non-weather-related usage ($13 million), due in part to higher gas prices, higher customer-related and support services costs ($9 million), higher bad debts and collection costs ($4 million), increased costs of materials and supplies ($4 million), and an increase in depreciation and amortization and taxes other than income taxes ($3 million) resulting from increased investment in property, plant and equipment. The adverse impacts on operating margins from rate increases ($19 million) and margin from gas exchanges ($7 million)income were partially offset by the net impact of milder weatherrate increases ($11 million), lower labor and decreased throughput net of continuedbenefits costs ($14 million), and customer growth withfrom the addition of approximately 44,00025,000 customers in 20052008 ($136 million). Operation and maintenance expense increased $7 million. Excluding an $8 million charge recorded in 2004 for severance costs associated with staff reductions, operation and maintenance expenses increased by $15��million primarily due to increased litigation reserves ($11 million) and increased bad debt expense ($9 million), partially offset by the capitalization of previously incurred restructuring expenses as allowed by a regulatory order from the Railroad Commission of Texas ($5 million). Additionally, operating income was unfavorably impacted by increased depreciation expense primarily due to higher plant balances ($11 million).

During the third quarter of 2005, our east Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi natural gas service areas were affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Damage to our facilities was limited, but approximately 10,000 homes and businesses were damaged to such an extent that they were not able to, and in some cases continue to be unable to, take service. The impact on the Natural Gas Distribution business segment’s operating income was not material.
Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services

The following table provides summary data of our Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services business segment for 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 20062009 (in millions, except throughput and customer data):
  Year Ended December 31, 
  2004  2005  2006 
Revenues $2,848  $4,129  $3,651 
Natural gas  2,778   4,033   3,540 
Operation and maintenance  22   30   30 
Depreciation and amortization  2   2   1 
Taxes other than income taxes  2   4   3 
Total expenses  2,804   4,069   3,574 
Operating Income $44  $60  $77 
Throughput (in Bcf):            
Wholesale — third parties  228   304   335 
Wholesale — affiliates  35   27   36 
Retail  141   156   149 
Pipeline  76   51   35 
Total Throughput  480   538   555 
Average number of customers:            
Wholesale  97   138   140 
Retail  5,976   6,328   6,452 
Pipeline  172   142   138 
Total  6,245   6,608   6,730 

  Year Ended December 31, 
  2007  2008  2009 
 $3,579  $4,528  $2,230 
Natural gas
  3,467   4,423   2,165 
Operation and maintenance
  31   39   39 
Depreciation and amortization
  5   3   4 
Taxes other than income taxes
  1   1   1 
Total expenses
  3,504   4,466   2,209 
Operating Income
 $75  $62  $21 
Throughput (in Bcf)
  522   528   504 
Number of customers at end of period
  7,139   9,771   11,168 
2009 Compared to 2005.2008.   Our Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services business segment reported operating income of $77$21 million for 2006 as2009 compared to $60$62 million for 2005.2008.  The increasedecrease in operating income of $17$41 million was due to the unfavorable impact of the mark-to-market valuation for non-trading financial derivatives for 2009 of $23 million versus a favorable impact of $13 million for the same period in 2008.  A further $28 million decrease in margin is attributable to reduced basis spreads on pipeline transport opportunities and an absence of summer storage spreads. These decreases in operating income were partially offset by a $6 million write-down of natural gas inventory to the lower of cost or market for 2009 compared to a $30 million write-down in the same period last year.  Our Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services business segment purchases and stores natural gas to meet certain future sales requirements and enters into derivative contracts to hedge the economic value of the future sales.

2008 Compared to 2007.   Our Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services business segment reported operating income of $62 million for the year ended December 31, 2008 compared to $75 million for the year ended December 31, 2007.  The decrease in operating income in 2008 of $13 million primarily drivenresulted from lower gains on sales of gas from previously written down inventory ($24 million) and higher operation and maintenance costs ($6 million), which were partially offset by improved operating margins (revenues less natural gas costs) resultingmargin as basis and summer/winter spreads increased ($12 million). In addition, 2008 included a gain from seasonal price differentials and favorable basis differentials over the pipeline capacity that we controlmark-to-market accounting ($4413 million) and a favorable change in unrealized gains resulting frommark-to-market accounting ($37 million), partially offset by write-downswrite-down of natural gas inventory to the lower of average cost or market ($6630 million).


2005 Compared to 2004.  Our Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services business segment reported operating income of $60 million for 2005 as, compared to $44 milliona charge to income from mark-to-market accounting for 2004. The increase in operating incomenon-trading derivatives ($10 million) and a write-down of $16 million was primarily due to increased operating margins (revenues less natural gas costs) relatedinventory to higher sales to utilities and favorable basis differentials over the pipeline capacity that we controllower of average cost or market ($3211 million) less the impactfor 2007.

Interstate Pipelines

The following table provides summary data of our Interstate Pipelines business segment for 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 20062009 (in millions, except throughput data):
 Year Ended December 31,  Year Ended December 31, 
 2004 2005 2006  2007  2008  2009 
Revenues $368  $386  $388  $500  $650  $598 
Natural gas  58   47   31   83   155   97 
Operation and maintenance  131   121   120   125   133   166 
Depreciation and amortization  36   36   37   44   46   48 
Taxes other than income taxes  14   17   19   11   23   31 
Total expenses  239   221   207   263   357   342 
Operating Income $129  $165  $181  $237  $293  $256 
Throughput (in Bcf):            
Transportation  859   914   939 
Other  4   2   1 
Total Throughput  863   916   940 
Transportation throughput (in Bcf)
  1,216   1,538   1,592 
2009 Compared to 2005.2008.  Our Interstate PipelinesPipeline business segment reported operating income of $181$256 million for 2006 as2009 compared to $165$293 million for 2005. Operating margins (natural2008. Margins (revenues less natural gas sales less gas cost)costs) increased by $18 million. This increase was driven primarily by increased demand for transportation services and ancillary services ($15 million). Operation and maintenance expenses decreased by $1$6 million primarily due to the Carthage to Perryville pipeline ($28 million) and new contracts with power generation customers ($20 million), partially offset by reduced other transportation margins and ancillary services ($42 million) primarily due to the decline in commodity prices from the significantly higher levels in 2008.  Operations and maintenance expenses increased due to a gain on the sale of excess gas during 2006two storage development projects in 2008 ($18 million) combinedand costs associated with lower litigation reservesincremental facilities ($612 million) in 2006 compared to 2005.and increased pension expenses ($9 million).  These favorable variancesexpenses were partially offset by a write-off of expenseswrite-down associated with pipeline assets removed from service in the Mid-Continent Crossing pipeline projectthird quarter of 2008 ($7 million).  Depreciation and amortization expenses increased $2 million and taxes other than income taxes increased by $8 million, $2 million of which was discontinued in 2006 ($11 million) as well as increased operating expenses ($11 million) largely associated with staffing increases and costs associated with continued compliance with pipeline integrity regulations.due to 2008 tax refunds.

20052008 Compared to 2004.2007.  Our Interstate PipelinesPipeline business segment reported operating income of $165$293 million for 2008 compared to $129$237 million for 2007. The increase in 2004. Operatingoperating income in 2008 was primarily driven by increased margins (revenues less natural gas costs) on the Carthage to Perryville pipeline that went into service in May 2007 ($51 million), increased by $29 million. The increase was primarily related to increased demand for certain transportation and ancillary services driven by commodity price volatility as well as favorable pricing($27 million), and a gain on certain transportation deliveries driven by favorable basis differentials relative to competing supply areasthe sale of two storage development projects ($4218 million). These favorable margin variancesincreases were partially offset by lower project-related revenueshigher operation and maintenance expenses ($1119 million). Operation, a write-down associated with pipeline assets removed from service ($7 million), increased depreciation expense ($2 million), and Maintenance expenses decreased by $10 million primarilyhigher taxes other than income taxes ($12 million), largely due to lower cost incurredtax refunds in support2007.

Equity Earnings. In addition, this business segment recorded equity income of project-related revenues ($9 million).$6 million, $36 million and $7 million in the years ended December 31, 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively, from its 50% interest in SESH, a jointly-owned pipeline. The 2007 and 2008 year-end results include $6 million and $33 million of pre-operating allowance for funds used during construction, respectively. The 2009 results include a non-cash pre-tax charge of $16 million to reflect SESH’s decision to discontinue the use of guidance for accounting for regulated operations, which was partially offset by the receipt of a one-time payment related to the construction of the pipeline and a reduction in estimated property taxes, of which our 50% share was $5 million. Excluding the effect of these adjustments, equity earnings from normal operations was $3 million and $18 million in 2008 and 2009, respectively.  These amounts are included in Equity in Earnings of Unconsolidated Affiliates under the Other Income (Expense) caption.


Field Services

The following table provides summary data of our Field Services business segment for 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 20062009 (in millions, except throughput data):
 Year Ended December 31,  Year Ended December 31, 
 2004 2005 2006  2007  2008  2009 
Revenues $92  $120  $150  $175  $252  $241 
Natural gas  (9)  (10)  (10)  (4)  21   51 
Operation and maintenance  40   49   59   66   69   77 
Depreciation and amortization  8   9   10   11   12   15 
Taxes other than income taxes  2   2   2   3   3   4 
Total expenses  41   50   61   76   105   147 
Operating Income $51  $70  $89  $99  $147  $94 
Throughput (in Bcf):            
Gathering  321   353   375 
Gathering throughput (in Bcf)
  398   421   426 
2009 Compared to 2005.2008.  Our Field Services business segment reported operating income of $89$94 million for 2006 as2009 compared to $70$147 million for 2005. The increase of $19 million was driven by increased gas gathering and ancillary services, which reflects contributions2008. Operating margin from new projects and core gathering services increased approximately $24 million for 2009 when compared to the same period in 2008 primarily due to continued development in the shale plays.  This increase was offset primarily by the effect of a decline in commodity prices of approximately $54 million from the significantly higher prices experienced in 2008.  Operating income for 2009 also included higher costs associated with incremental facilities placed in service ($274 million) and higher commodity pricesincreased pension cost ($32 million), partially offset by higher operation.  Operating income for 2008 benefited from a one-time gain ($11 million) related to a settlement and maintenance expensescontract buyout of one of our customers and a gain on sale of assets ($106 million).

Equity income from the jointly-owned gas processing plant was $6 million for each of the years 2006 and 2005 and is included in other income.
20052008 Compared to 2004.2007.  Our Field Services business segment reported operating income of $70$147 million for 20052008 compared to $51$99 million in 2004.for 2007. The increase in operating income of $19$48 million was driven by increasedresulted from higher margins (revenue less natural gas costs) from gas gathering, and ancillary services ($22 million) and higher commodity prices ($734 million), and a one-time gain related to a settlement and contract buyout of one of our customers ($11 million).  Operating expenses increased from 2007 to 2008 due to higher expenses associated with new assets and general cost increases, partially offset by higher operation and maintenance expensesa gain  related to the sale of assets in 2008 ($96 million).

Equity Earnings. In addition, this business segment recorded equity income from the jointly-owned gas processing plant was $6of $10 million, $15 million and $2$8 million for the years 2005ended December 31, 2007, 2008 and 2004,2009, respectively, andfrom its 50% interest in a jointly-owned gas processing plant. The decrease is driven by a decrease in natural gas liquid prices. These amounts are included in other income.Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates under the Other Income (Expense) caption.

Other Operations

The following table provides summary data for our Other Operations business segment for 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 20062009 (in millions):
 Year Ended December 31,  Year Ended December 31, 
 2004 2005 2006  2007  2008  2009 
Revenues $8  $19  $15  $10  $11  $11 
Expenses  40   37   17   15      7 
Operating Loss $(32) $(18) $(2)
Operating Income (Loss)
 $(5) $11  $4 
2009 Compared to 2005.2008.  Our Other Operations business segment’s operating lossincome in 20062009 compared to 20052008 decreased $16by $7 million primarily due to increased rental revenues ($2 million), decreased insurance costsas a result of an increase in depreciation and amortization expense ($4 million), and decreased statean increase in franchise taxes ($83 million).

20052008 Compared to 2004.2007.  Our Other Operations business segment’s operating lossincome in 20052008 compared to 2004 decreased $142007 increased by $16 million primarily due to increased overhead allocatedas a result of a decrease in 2005.


franchise taxes ($7 million) and a decrease in benefits accruals ($4 million).
Discontinued Operations
In July 2004, we announced our agreement to sell our majority owned subsidiary, Texas Genco, to Texas Genco LLC. In December 2004, Texas Genco completed the sale of its fossil generation assets (coal, lignite and gas-fired plants) to Texas Genco LLC for $2.813 billion in cash. Following the sale, Texas Genco, whose principal remaining asset was its ownership interest in a nuclear generating facility, distributed $2.231 billion in cash to us. The final step of the transaction, the merger of Texas Genco with a subsidiary of Texas Genco LLC in exchange for an additional cash payment to us of $700 million, was completed in April 2005. We recorded an after-tax loss of $133 million and $3 million for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2005, respectively, related to the operations of Texas Genco.
The consolidated financial statements report the businesses described above as discontinued operations for all periods presented in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 144, “Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets” (SFAS No. 144).
For further information regarding discontinued operations, please read Note 3 to our consolidated financial statements.

Historical Cash FlowFlows

The net cash provided by(usedby (used in) operating, investing and financing activities for 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 20062009 is as follows (in millions):
 Year Ended December 31, 
 2004 2005 2006  Year Ended December 31, 
 2007  2008  2009 
Cash provided by (used in):                     
Operating activities $736  $63  $991  $774  $851  $1,841 
Investing activities  1,466   17   (1,056)  (1,300)  (1,368)  (896)
Financing activities  (2,124)  (171)  118   528   555   (372)

Cash Provided by Operating Activities

Net cash provided by operating activities in 20062009 increased $928$990 million compared to 20052008 primarily due to decreased tax payments of $156 million, the majority of which related to the tax payment in the first quarter of 2005 associated with the sale of our former electric generation business (Texas Genco); increased fuel over-recovery ($240 million) primarily related to declining gas prices during 2006; decreasescash used in net regulatory assets and liabilities primarily related to Hurricane Ike restoration costs in 2008 ($271366 million), primarily due to the termination of excess mitigation credits effective April 2005decreased cash used in net margin deposits ($298 million), decreased cash used in gas storage inventory ($246 million) and recovery of regulatory assets through rates; increased cash provided by net accounts receivable/payable ($128 million) primarily due to decreased gas prices as compared to 2005 partially offset by funding under CERC’s receivables facility being accounted for as short-term borrowings instead of sales of receivables beginning in October 2006 and decreased cash used in the operations of Texas Genco ($38 million). Additionally, customer margin deposit requirements decreased ($155 million) primarily due to the decline in natural gas prices from December 2005 and our margin deposits increased ($5241 million).

Net cash provided by operating activities in 2005 decreased $6732008 increased $77 million compared to 20042007 primarily due to decreased tax payments/increased tax payments of $475 million, the majority of which related to the tax payment in the second quarter of 2005 associated with the sale of Texas Genco, decreased cash provided by Texas Genco of $393 million,refunds ($289 million), increased net accounts receivable/payable ($151190 million), increased gas storage inventoryfuel cost recovery ($105138 million) and increased fuel under-recoverypre-tax income ($154131 million), primarily due to higher gas prices in 2005 as compared to 2004.. These decreasesincreases were partially offset by decreases inincreased net regulatory assets/assets and liabilities ($328447 million), primarily and increased net margin deposits ($247 million).

Cash Used in Investing Activities

Net cash used in investing activities decreased $472 million in 2009 compared to 2008 due to the terminationdecreased notes receivable from unconsolidated affiliates of excess mitigation credits effective April 29, 2005,$498 million, decreased investment in unconsolidated affiliates of $91 million and decreased pension contributionsrestricted cash of $401transition bond companies of $37 million, in 2005 as comparedoffset by increased capital expenditures of $140 million primarily related to 2004.


our Field Services business segment.
Cash Provided by (Used in) Investing Activities

Net cash used in investing activities increased $1.1 billion$68 million in 2006 as2008 compared to 2005 primarily2007 due to increased capital expendituresinvestment in unconsolidated affiliates of $314 million primarily related to our Electric Transmission & Distribution, Interstate Pipelines, and Field Services business segments, increased restricted cash of transition bond companies of $36$167 million, primarily related to the $1.85 billion of transition bonds issued in December 2005 and the absence of $700 million in proceeds received in the second quarter of 2005 from the sale of our remaining interest in Texas Genco and cash of Texas Genco of $24 million.
Net cash providedSESH pipeline project, which was partially offset by investing activities decreased $1.4 billion in 2005 as compared to 2004 primarily due to proceeds of $700 million received from the sale of our remaining interest in Texas Genco in April 2005 compared to proceeds of $2.947 billion received in 2004 from the sale of Texas Genco’s fossil generation assets and increased capital expenditures of $89 million, partially offset by the purchase of the minority interest in Texas Genco in 2004 of $716 million and cash collateralization of letters of credit by Texas Genco in 2004 related to its anticipated purchase of an additional interest in the South Texas Project in the first half of 2005 of $191$94 million.

Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities

Net cash used in financing activities in 2009 increased $927 million compared to 2008 primarily due to decreased borrowings under revolving credit facilities ($2.6 billion), and decreased short-term borrowings ($19 million), which were partially offset by decreased repayments of long-term debt ($1.2 billion), increased proceeds from the issuance of common stock ($424 million) and increased proceeds from the issuance of long-term debt ($77 million).

Net cash provided by financing activities in 20062008 increased $289$27 million compared to 20052007 primarily due to netincreased borrowings under revolving credit facilities ($779 million) and increased proceeds from the issuancelong-term debt ($188 million), which were partially offset by increased repayments of long-term debt of $324 million, decreased repayments of borrowings under our revolving credit facility ($236825 million) and funding under CERC’s receivables facility being accounted for asdecreased short-term borrowings ($187124 million) in 2006, partially offset by the absence of borrowings under Texas Genco’s revolving credit facility ($75 million) due to the sale of Texas Genco, payments of long-term debt ($229 million) and increased dividend payments of $63 million..
In 2005, debt payments exceeded net loan proceeds by $66 million. Proceeds from the December 2005 issuance

Future Sources and Uses of Cash

Our liquidity and capital requirements are affected primarily by our results of operations, capital expenditures, debt service requirements, tax payments, working capital needs, various regulatory actions and appeals relating to such regulatory actions. Our principal anticipated cash requirements for 20072010 include the following:

• approximately $1.1 billion of capital expenditures;
• cash settlement obligations in connection with possible conversions by holders of our 3.75% convertible senior notes, having an aggregate principal amount of $575 million;
• dividend payments on CenterPoint Energy common stock and debt service payments;
• settlement of our 2.875% convertible senior notes for $255 million and settlement of our 8.257% Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures for $104 million, as discussed in Notes 8(b) and 15 to our consolidated financial statements; and
• $153 million of maturing long-term debt, including $147 million of transition bonds.
approximately $1.2 billion of capital requirements;

maturing long-term debt aggregating approximately $206 million;

$290 million for our January 2010 purchase of pollution control bonds issued on our behalf;

$241 million of scheduled principal payments on transition and system restoration bonds;

$45 million for our January 2010 redemption of debentures; and

dividend payments on CenterPoint Energy common stock and interest payments on debt.

We expect that long-term debt securities issued in the first quarter of 2007 ($400 million), borrowings under our credit facilities and anticipated cash flows from operations will be sufficient to meet our anticipated cash needs for the next twelve months.in 2010. Cash needs or discretionary financing or refinancing may also be met by issuingresult in the issuance of equity or debt securities in the capital markets.markets or the arrangement of additional credit facilities. Issuances of equity or debt in the capital markets and additional credit facilities may not, however, be available to us on acceptable terms.


The following table sets forth our capital expenditures for 20062009 and estimates of our capital requirements for 20072010 through 20112014 (in millions):

  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011 
Electric Transmission & Distribution $389  $408  $406  $402  $437  $435 
Natural Gas Distribution  187   208   217   202   207   212 
Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services  18   18   12   12   12   12 
Interstate Pipelines  437   272   269   45   54   62 
Field Services  65   116   86   85   85   85 
Other Operations  25   33   26   21   12   13 
Total $1,121  $1,055  $1,016  $767  $807  $819 
  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014 
Electric Transmission & Distribution (1) $428  $557  $563  $488  $503  $484 
Natural Gas Distribution  165   210   237   241   259   248 
Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services  2   6   4   16   5   5 
Interstate Pipelines  176   171   192   245   164   94 
Field Services  348   226   163   126   95   85 
Other Operations  29   38   59   40   30   30 
Total                                                              $1,148  $1,208  $1,218  $1,156  $1,056  $946 
(1)Includes expenditures of $94 million in 2009 and capital requirements of $181 million, $172 million, $49 million, $38 million and $34 million in 2010 through 2014, respectively, related to AMS and Intelligent Grid, net of a $200 million grant by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).  The award is contingent on successful completion of negotiations with the DOE.

The following table sets forth estimates of our contractual obligations, including payments due by period (in millions):
              2012 and
Contractual Obligations
 Total  2007  2008-2009  2010-2011  thereafter 
Transition bond debt, including current portion  2,407   147   334   397   1,529 
Other long-term debt, including current portion  6,593   476   513   781   4,823 
Interest payments — transition bond debt(1)  867   123   224   187   333 
Interest payments — other long-term debt(1)  4,702   419   798   745   2,740 
Capital leases  1            1 
Operating leases(2)  80   22   29   14   15 
Benefit obligations(3)               
Purchase obligations(4)  181   181          
Non-trading derivative liabilities  221   141   44   36    
Other commodity commitments(5)  3,044   922   504   412   1,206 
Total contractual cash obligations  18,096   2,431   2,446   2,572   10,647 

Contractual Obligations Total  2010   2011-2012   2013-2014  
2015 and
Transition and system restoration bond debt $3,046  $241  $590  $565  $1,650 
Other long-term debt(1)
  7,668   541   615   2,171   4,341 
Interest payments - transition and system
restoration bond debt(2)
  834   135   245   187   267 
Interest payments - other long-term debt(2)  3,919   433   791   608   2,087 
Short-term borrowings
  55   55   -   -   - 
Capital leases
  1   -   -   -   1 
Operating leases(3)
  51   12   22   10   7 
Benefit obligations(4)
  -   -   -   -   - 
Purchase obligations(5)
  9   9   -   -   - 
Non-trading derivative liabilities
  93   51   42   -   - 
Other commodity commitments(6)
  2,558   439   917   659   543 
Income taxes(7)
  -   -   -   -   - 
  25   7   12   6   - 
Total contractual cash obligations
 $18,259  $1,923  $3,234  $4,206  $8,896 
(1)ZENS obligations are included in the 2015 and thereafter column at their contingent principal amount payable in 2029 of $814 million.  These obligations are exchangeable for cash at any time at the option of the holders for 95% of the current value of the reference shares attributable to each ZENS ($300 million at December 31, 2009), as discussed in Note 6 to our consolidated financial statements.

(2)We calculated estimated interest payments for long-term debt as follows: for fixed-rate debt and term debt, we calculated interest based on the applicable rates and payment dates; for variable-rate debtand/or non-term debt, we used interest rates in place as of December 31, 2006.2009. We typically expect to settle such interest payments with cash flows from operations and short-term borrowings.

(2)(3)For a discussion of operating leases, please read Note 10(b)10(c) to our consolidated financial statements.

(3)(4)ContributionsMaterial contributions to our qualified pension plan are not requiredexpected in 2007.2010. However, we expect to contribute approximately $7$9 million and $29$19 million, respectively, to our non-qualified pension and postretirement benefits plans in 2007.2010.

(4)(5)Represents capital commitments for material in connection with the construction of a new pipeline by our Interstate Pipelines business segment. This project has been included in the table of capital expenditures presented above.

(5)(6)For a discussion of other commodity commitments, please read Note 10(a) to our consolidated financial statements.
Convertible Debt.  As of December 31, 2006, the 3.75% convertible senior notes discussed in Note 8(b) to our consolidated financial statements have been included as current portion of long-term debt in our Consolidated Balance Sheets because the last reported sale price of CenterPoint Energy common stock for at least 20 trading days during the period of 30 consecutive trading days ending on the last trading day of the fourth quarter of 2006 was greater than or equal to 120% of the conversion price of the 3.75% convertible senior notes and therefore, during the first quarter of 2007, the 3.75% convertible senior notes meet the criteria that make them eligible for conversion at the option of the holders of these notes.


As of December 31, 2006, our 2.875% convertible senior notes discussed in Note 8(b) to our consolidated financial statements were included as current portion of long-term debt in our Consolidated Balance Sheets because in December 2006, we called our 2.875% convertible senior notes for redemption on January 22, 2007.
(7)As of December 31, 2009, the liability for uncertain income tax positions was $187 million. However, due to the high degree of uncertainty regarding the timing of potential future cash flows associated with these liabilities, we are unable to make a reasonably reliable estimate of the amount and period in which any such liabilities might be paid.

Junior Subordinated Debentures (Trust Preferred Securities).  As of December 31, 2006, our 8.257% Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures discussed in Note 8(b) to our consolidated financial statements have been included as current portion of long-term debt in our Consolidated Balance Sheets because in December 2006, we called our 8.257% Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures for redemption in February 2007.
Arkansas Public Service Commissions, Affiliate Transaction Rulemaking Proceeding.  In Arkansas, the APSC in December 2006 adopted rules governing affiliate transactions involving public utilities operating in Arkansas. The rules treat as affiliate transactions all transactions between CERC’s Arkansas utility operations and other divisions of CERC, as well as transactions between the Arkansas utility operations and affiliates of CERC. All such affiliate transactions are required to be priced under an asymmetrical pricing formula under which the Arkansas utility operations would benefit from any difference between the cost of providing goods and services to or from the Arkansas utility operations and the market value of those goods or services. Additionally, the Arkansas utility operations are not permitted to participate in any financing other than to finance retail utility operations in Arkansas, which would preclude continuation of existing financing arrangements in which CERC finances its divisions and subsidiaries, including its Arkansas utility operations.
Although the Arkansas rules are now in effect, CERC and other gas and electric utilities operating in Arkansas sought reconsideration of the rules by the APSC. In February 2007, the APSC granted that reconsideration and suspended operation of the rules in order to permit time for additional consideration. If the rules are not significantly modified on reconsideration, CERC would be entitled to seek judicial review. In adopting the rules, the APSC indicated that affiliate transactions and financial arrangements currently in effect will be deemed in compliance until December 19, 2007, and that utilities may seek waivers of specific provisions of the rules. If the rules ultimately become effective as presently adopted, CERC would need to seek waivers from certain provisions of the rules or would be required to make significant modifications to existing practices, which could include the formation of and transfer of assets to subsidiaries.
If this regulatory framework becomes effective, it could have adverse impacts on CERC’s ability to operate and provide cost-effective utility service.
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements. Other than operating leases and the guaranties described below, we have no off-balance sheet arrangements.

Prior to ourthe distribution of our ownership in RRI Energy, Inc. (RRI) (formerly known as Reliant Energy, Inc. and Reliant Resources, Inc.) to our shareholders, CERC had guaranteed certain contractual obligations of what became RRI’s trading subsidiary.  UnderWhen the terms of the separation agreement between the companies separated, RRI agreed to extinguish all such guarantysecure CERC against obligations prior to separation, but atunder the time of separation in September 2002,guaranties RRI had been unable to extinguish all obligations. To secure us and CERC against obligations underby the remaining guaranties,time of separation.  Pursuant to such agreement, as amended in December 2007, RRI has agreed to provide to CERC cash or letters of credit for the benefit of CERC and us, and undertook to use commercially reasonable efforts to extinguish theas security against CERC’s obligations under its remaining guaranties. CERC currently holds letters of credit in the amount of $33.3 million issued on behalf of RRI against guaranties that have not been released. Our current exposure under the guaranties relates to CERC’s guaranty of the payment by RRI offor demand charges relatedunder certain gas purchase and transportation agreements if and to transportation contracts with one counterparty. The demand charges are approximately $53 million per year through 2015, $49 million in 2016, $38 million in 2017 and $13 million in 2018. RRI continues to meet its obligations under the transportation contracts, and we believe current market conditions make those contracts valuable for transportation services in the near term. However,extent changes in market conditions could affect the valueexpose CERC to a risk of loss on those contracts.guaranties.  As of December 31, 2009, RRI was not required to provide security to CERC.  If RRI should fail to perform the contractual obligations,

CERC could have to honor its obligations under the transportation contracts, our exposure to the counterparty under the guaranty could exceed the security provided by RRI. We have requested RRI to increase the amount of its existing letters of credit or, in the alternative, to obtain a release of CERC’s obligations under the guaranty. In June 2006, the RRI trading subsidiary and CERC jointly filed a complaint at the FERC against the counterparty on the CERC guaranty. In the complaint, the RRI trading subsidiary seeks a determination by the FERC that the security demanded by the counterparty exceeds the level permitted by the FERC’s policies. The complaint asks the FERC to require the counterparty to release CERC from its guaranty obligationguarantee and, in its place, accept (i) a guaranty from RRI of the obligations of the RRI trading subsidiary, and


(ii) letters of credit limitedsuch event, collateral provided as security may be insufficient to (A) one year of demand charges for a transportation agreement related to a 2003 expansion of the counterparty’s pipeline, and (B) three months of demand charges for three other transportation agreements held by the RRI trading subsidiary. The counterparty has argued that the amount of the guaranty does not violate the FERC’s policies and that the proposed substitution of credit support is not authorized under the counterparty’s financing documents or required by the FERC’s policy. The parties have now completed their submissions to the FERC regarding the complaint. We cannot predict what action the FERC may take on the complaint or when the FERC may rule.satisfy CERC’s obligations.

Debt Financing Transactions.  In addition to the FERC proceeding, in February 2007January 2009, CenterPoint and CERC made a formal demand on RRI under procedures provided for by the Master Separation Agreement, dated as of December 31, 2000, between Reliant Energy, Incorporated and Reliant Resources, Inc. That demand seeks to resolve the disagreement with RRI over the amount of security RRI is obligated to provide with respect to this guaranty. It is possible that this demand could lead to an arbitration proceeding between the companies, but when and on what terms the disagreement with RRI will ultimately be resolved cannot now be predicted.
Senior Notes.  In May 2006, CERC Corp.Houston issued $325$500 million aggregate principal amount of senior notesgeneral mortgage bonds due in May 2016March 2014 with an interest rate of 6.15%7.00%.  The proceeds from the sale of the senior notesbonds were used for general corporate purposes, including the repayment or refinancing of debt (including $145 million of CERC’s 8.90% debentures repaid December 15, 2006),outstanding borrowings under CenterPoint Houston’s revolving credit facility and the money pool, capital expenditures and working capital.storm restoration costs associated with Hurricane Ike.

In February 2007,August 2009, SESH closed on a private debt offering in the amount of $375 million.  Also during 2009, CERC Corp. made a capital contribution to SESH in the amount of $137 million.  Using $186 million of its proceeds from the debt offering and the capital contribution, SESH repaid the note receivable it owed to CERC Corp., which note had a principal balance of $323 million at the time of the repayment. CERC Corp. used the proceeds to repay borrowings under its credit facility.

In January 2010, we issued $250purchased $290 million aggregate principal amount of senior notes due in February 2017 with anpollution control bonds issued on our behalf at 101% of their principal amount plus accrued interest pursuant to the mandatory tender provisions of the bonds. Prior to the purchase, the pollution control bonds had a fixed rate of 5.95%interest of 5.125%. The purchase reduces temporary investments and leverage while providing us with the flexibility to finance future capital needs in the tax-exempt market through a remarketing of these bonds.

In January 2010, CERC Corp. redeemed $45 million of its outstanding 6% convertible subordinated debentures due 2012 at 100% of the principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest to the redemption date.

System Restoration Bonds. In November 2009, CenterPoint Houston issued approximately $665 million of system restoration bonds through its CenterPoint Energy Restoration Bond Company, LLC subsidiary with interest rates of 1.833% to 4.243% and final maturity dates ranging from February 2016 to August 2023.  The bonds will be repaid over time through a charge imposed on customers.

Equity Financing Transactions. During the year ended December 31, 2009, we received net proceeds of approximately $280 million from the issuance of 24.2 million common shares in an underwritten public offering, net proceeds of $148 million from the issuance of 14.3 million common shares through a continuous offering program, proceeds of approximately $57 million from the sale of the senior notes were usedapproximately 4.9 million common shares to repay debt incurred in satisfying our $255defined contribution plan and proceeds of approximately $15 million cash payment obligation in connection with the conversion and redemption of our 2.875% Convertible Notes.
In February 2007, CERC Corp. issued $150 million aggregate principal amount of senior notes due in February 2037 with an interest rate of 6.25%. The proceeds from the sale of approximately 1.3 million common shares to participants in our enhanced dividend reinvestment plan.

Credit and Receivables Facilities.  In October 2009, CenterPoint Houston terminated its $600 million 364-day secured credit facility which had been arranged in November 2008 following Hurricane Ike.

In October 2009, the senior notes were used to repay advances for the purchasesize of receivables under CERC Corp.’s $375 million receivables facility. Such repayment provides increased liquidity and capital resources for CERC’s general corporate purposes.
Credit Facilities.  In March 2006, we, CenterPoint Houston and CERC Corp., entered into amended and restated bank credit facilities. We replaced our $1 billion five-year revolving credit facility withwas reduced from $950 million to $915 million through removal of Lehman Brothers Bank, FSB (Lehman) as a lender.  Prior to its removal, Lehman had a $35 million commitment to lend.  All credit facility loans to CERC Corp. that were funded by Lehman were repaid in September 2009.

In October 2009, CERC amended its receivables facility to extend the termination date to October 8, 2010.  Availability under CERC’s 364-day receivables facility ranges from $150 million to $375 million, reflecting seasonal changes in receivables balances.

As of February 15, 2010, we had the following facilities (in millions):

Date Executed Company 
Type of
Size of
Utilized at
15, 2010 (1)
 Termination Date
June 29, 2007 CenterPoint Energy Revolver $1,156  $20(2)June 29, 2012
June 29, 2007 CenterPoint Houston Revolver  289   4(2)June 29, 2012
June 29, 2007 CERC Corp. Revolver  915   - June 29, 2012
October 9, 2009 CERC Receivables  375   - October 8, 2010
(1)Based on the debt to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) covenant contained in our $1.2 billion credit facility, we would have been permitted to incur incremental borrowings on a consolidated basis at December 31, 2009 of approximately $1.3 billion.  Had the February 2010 amendment to such covenant described below been in effect, we would have been permitted to incur an additional $800 million of borrowings at such time in the event a qualifying disaster occurred.  Since amounts advanced under CERC Corp.'s receivables facility are not included in this debt to EBITDA covenant calculation, such amounts are not included in the estimated amounts of permitted incremental borrowings.
(2)Represents outstanding letters of credit.
Our $1.2 billion five-year revolving credit facility. The facility has a first drawn cost of LIBORLondon Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) plus 6055 basis points based on our current credit ratings, as compared to LIBOR plus 87.5 basis points for borrowings under the facility it replaced.ratings. The facility contains covenants, including a debt (excluding transition and system restoration bonds) to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciationEBITDA covenant (as those terms are defined in the facility).   Such covenant was modified twice in 2008 to provide additional debt capacity.  The second modification was to provide debt capacity pending the financing of system restoration costs following Hurricane Ike.  That modification was terminated with CenterPoint Houston’s issuance of bonds to securitize such costs in November 2009.  In February 2010, we amended our credit facility to modify the financial ratio covenant to allow for a temporary increase of the permitted ratio of debt (excluding transition and amortization (EBITDA) covenant.system restoration bonds) to EBITDA from 5 times to 5.5 times if CenterPoint Houston experiences damage from a natural disaster in its service territory and we certify to the administrative agent that CenterPoint Houston has incurred system restoration costs reasonably likely to exceed $100 million in a calendar year, all or part of which CenterPoint Houston intends to seek to recover through securitization financing. Such temporary increase in the financial ratio covenant would be in effect from the date we deliver our certification until the earliest to occur of (i) the completion of the securitization financing, (ii) the first anniversary of our certification or (iii) the revocation of such certification.

CenterPoint Houston replaced its $200Houston’s $289 million five-year revolving credit facility withcontains a $300 million five-year revolving credit facility.debt (excluding transition and system restoration bonds) to total capitalization covenant. The facility has afacility’s first drawn cost ofis LIBOR plus 45 basis points based on CenterPoint Houston’s current credit ratings, as compared to LIBOR plus 75 basis points for borrowings under the facility it replaced. The facility contains covenants, including a debt (excluding transition bonds) to total capitalization covenant of 65%.ratings.

CERC Corp. replaced its $400’s $915 million five-year revolving credit facility with a $550 million five-year revolving credit facility. The facility has afacility’s first drawn cost ofis LIBOR plus 45 basis points based on CERC Corp.’s current credit ratings, as compared to LIBOR plus 55 basis points for borrowings under the facility it replaced.ratings. The facility contains covenants, including a debt to total capitalization covenant of 65%.covenant.

Under each of theour $1.2 billion credit facilities,facility, CenterPoint Houston’s $289 million credit facility and CERC Corp’s $915 million credit facility, an additional utilization fee of 105 basis points applies to borrowings any time more than 50% of the facility is utilized, and theutilized. The spread to LIBOR fluctuatesand the utilization fee fluctuate based on the borrower’s credit rating.

Borrowings under each of the facilities are subject to customary terms and conditions. However, there is no requirement that we, CenterPoint Houston or CERC Corp. make representations prior to borrowings as to the absence of material adverse changes or litigation that could be expected to have a material adverse effect. Borrowings under each of the credit facilities are subject to acceleration upon the occurrence of events of default that we, CenterPoint Houston or CERC Corp. consider customary.
In October 2006, the termination date of CERC’s receivables facility was extended to October 2007. The facility size was $250 million until December 2006, is $375 million from December 2006 to May 2007 and ranges


from $150 million to $325 million during the period from May 2007 to the October 30, 2007 termination date of the facility.
We, CenterPoint Houston and CERC Corp. are currently in compliance with the various business and financial covenants contained in the respective receivables and credit facilities.facilities as disclosed above.

        Facility Size at
        February 16,  Amount Utilized at
Date Executed
  Type of Facility  2007  February 16, 2007  
Termination Date
March 31, 2006  CenterPoint Energy   Revolver  $1,200  $28(1)  March 31, 2011 
March 31, 2006  CenterPoint Houston   Revolver   300   4(1)  March 31, 2011 
March 31, 2006  CERC Corp.   Revolver   550   6(1)  March 31, 2011 
October 31, 2006  CERC   Receivables   375   71   October 30, 2007 
(1)Represents outstanding letters of credit.
TheOur $1.2 billion CenterPoint Energy credit facility backstops a $1.0 billion CenterPoint Energy commercial paper program under which CenterPoint Energywe began issuing commercial paper in June 2005. As of December 31, 2006, there was noThe $915 million CERC Corp. credit facility backstops a $915 million commercial paper outstanding.program under which CERC Corp. began issuing commercial paper in February 2008. The CenterPoint Energy commercial paper is rated “Not Prime”"Not Prime" by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody’s),“A-3” "A-3" by Standard & Poor’s Rating Services (S&P), a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, and “F3”"F3" by Fitch, Inc. (Fitch). The CERC Corp. commercial paper is rated "P-3" by Moody’s, "A-3" by S&P, and as"F2" by Fitch. As a result of the credit ratings on the two commercial paper programs, we do not expect to be able to rely on the sale of commercial paper to fund all of our short-term borrowing requirements. We cannot assure you that these ratings, or the credit ratings set forth below in “—"─ Impact on Liquidity of a Downgrade in Credit Ratings," will remain in effect for any given period of time or that one or more of these ratings will not be lowered or withdrawn entirely by a rating agency. We note that these credit ratings are not recommendations to buy, sell or hold our securities and may be revised or withdrawn at any time by the rating agency. Each rating should be evaluated independently of any other rating. Any future reduction or withdrawal of one or more of our credit ratings could have a material adverse impact on our ability to obtain short- and long-term financing, the cost of such financings and the execution of our commercial strategies.

Securities Registered with the SEC.  At December 31, 2006, In October 2008, CenterPoint Energy had a shelf registration statement coveringand CenterPoint Houston jointly registered indeterminate principal amounts of CenterPoint Houston’s general mortgage bonds and CenterPoint Energy’s senior debt securities and junior subordinated debt securities and an indeterminate number of CenterPoint Energy’s shares of common stock, shares of preferred stock, as well as stock purchase contracts and common stock aggregating $1 billion andequity units.  In addition, CERC Corp. hadhas a shelf registration statement covering $500 million principal amount of senior debt securities. Following February 2007 note issuances of $250 million and $150 million by CenterPoint Energy and CERC Corp., respectively, CenterPoint Energy’s shelf registration statement covered securities aggregating $750 million and CERC Corp.’s shelf registration covered $350 million principal amount of senior debt securities.

Temporary Investments.  As of December 31, 2006, weFebruary 15, 2010, CenterPoint Houston had external temporary investments of less than $1$450 million. As of February 16, 2007, we had external temporary investments of $7 million.

Money Pool.  We have a “money pool”money pool through which the holding company and participating subsidiaries can borrow or invest on a short-term basis. Funding needs are aggregated and external borrowing or investing is based on the net cash position. The net funding requirements of the money pool are expected to be met with borrowings under CenterPoint Energy’sour revolving credit facility or the sale of our commercial paper.

Impact on Liquidity of a Downgrade in Credit Ratings.  As of February 16, 2007,15, 2010, Moody’s, S&P, and Fitch had assigned the following credit ratings to senior debt of CenterPoint Energy and certain subsidiaries:

  Moody’s S&P Fitch
 Rating Outlook(1) Rating Outlook(2) Rating Outlook(3)
CenterPoint Energy Senior Unsecured Debt Ba1 Stable BBB-Negative BBB- StableBBB-Stable
CenterPoint Houston Senior Secured Debt (First Mortgage Bonds) Baa2Baa1 Positive StableBBB+ BBBStableNegative A- Stable
CERC Corp. Senior Unsecured Debt Baa3 Stable BBBNegative BBB Stable
 Stable(1)A Moody’s rating outlook is an opinion regarding the likely direction of a rating over the medium term.

(1)A “stable” outlook from Moody’s indicates that Moody’s does not expect to put the rating on review for an upgrade or downgrade within 18 months from when the outlook was assigned or last affirmed.


(2)An S&P rating outlook assesses the potential direction of a long-term credit rating over the intermediate to longer term.

(3)A “stable”"stable" outlook from Fitch encompasses aone-to-two-year one- to two-year horizon as to the likely ratings direction.

A decline in credit ratings could increase borrowing costs under our $1.2 billion credit facility, CenterPoint Houston’s $300$289 million credit facility and CERC Corp.’s $550$915 million credit facility. If our credit ratings or those of CenterPoint Houston or CERC had been downgraded one notch by each of the three principal credit rating agencies from the ratings that existed at December 31, 2009, the impact on the borrowing costs under our bank credit facilities would have been immaterial. A decline in credit ratings would also increase the interest rate on long-term debt to be issued in the capital markets and could negatively impact our ability to complete capital market transactions. Additionally, a decline in credit ratings could increase cash collateral requirements and reduce margins
In September 1999, we issued 2.0% ZENS havingCERC Corp. and its subsidiaries purchase natural gas from its largest supplier under supply agreements that contain an original principal amountaggregate credit threshold of $1.0 billion$120 million based on CERC Corp.’s S&P senior unsecured long-term debt rating of which $840 million remain outstanding. Each ZENS noteBBB. Under these agreements, CERC may need to provide collateral if the aggregate threshold is exchangeable atexceeded. Upgrades and downgrades from this BBB rating will increase and decrease the holder’s option at any time for an amount of cash equal to 95% of the market value of the reference shares of Time Warner Inc. common stock (TW Common) attributable to each ZENS note. If our creditworthiness were to drop such that ZENS note holders thought our liquidity was adversely affected or the market for the ZENS notes were to become illiquid, some ZENS note holders might decide to exchange their ZENS notes for cash. Funds for the payment of cash upon exchange could be obtained from the sale of the shares of TW Common that we own or from other sources. We own shares of TW Common equal to approximately 100% of the reference shares used to calculate our obligation to the holders of the ZENS notes. ZENS note exchanges result in a cash outflow because deferred tax liabilities related to the ZENS notes and TW Common shares become current tax obligations when ZENS notes are exchanged or otherwise retired and TW Common shares are sold. The ultimate tax obligation related to the ZENS notes continues to increase by the amount of the tax benefit realized each year and there could be a significant cash outflow when the taxes are paid as a result of ZENS notes maturing or being retired.aggregate credit threshold accordingly.
CenterPoint Energy Services, Inc. (CES), a wholly owned subsidiary of CERC Corp. operating in our  Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services business segment, provides comprehensive natural gas sales and services primarily to commercial and industrial customers and electric and gas utilities throughout the central and eastern United States. In order to economically hedge its exposure to natural gas prices, CES uses derivatives with provisions standard for the industry, including those pertaining to credit thresholds. Typically, the credit threshold negotiated with each counterparty defines the amount of unsecured credit that such counterparty will extend to CES. To the extent that the credit exposure that a counterparty has to CES at a particular time does not exceed that credit threshold, CES is not obligated to provide collateral.Mark-to-market exposure in excess of the credit threshold is routinely collateralized by CES. As of December 31, 2006,2009, the amount posted as collateral amounted to $113 million.aggregated approximately $114 million ($84 million of which is associated with price stabilization activities of our Natural Gas Distribution business segment). Should the credit ratings of CERC Corp. (the(as the credit support provider for CES) fall below certain levels, CES would be required to provide additional collateral on two business days’ notice up to the amount of its previously unsecured credit limit. We estimate that as of December 31, 2006,2009, unsecured credit limits extended to CES by counterparties aggregate $133$241 million; however, utilized credit capacity was $67 million.

Pipeline tariffs and contracts typically provide that if the credit ratings of a shipper or the shipper’s guarantor drop below a threshold level, which is significantly lower. In addition,generally investment grade ratings from both Moody’s and S&P, cash or other collateral may be demanded from the shipper in an amount equal to the sum of three months’ charges for pipeline services plus the unrecouped cost of any lateral built for such shipper. If the credit ratings of CERC Corp. and its subsidiaries purchase natural gas under supply agreements that contain an aggregate creditdecline below the applicable threshold of $100 million based onlevels, CERC Corp.’s S&P Senior Unsecured Long-Term Debt rating might need to provide cash or other collateral of BBB. Upgrades and downgrades from this BBB ratingas much as $188 million as of December 31, 2009.  The amount of collateral will increase and decrease the aggregate credit threshold accordingly.depend on seasonal variations in transportation levels.

In connection withSeptember 1999, we issued 2.0% Zero-Premium Exchangeable Subordinated Notes due 2029 (ZENS) having an original principal amount of $1.0 billion of which $840 million remain outstanding at December 31, 2009. Each ZENS note was originally exchangeable at the developmentholder’s option at any time for an amount of cash equal to 95% of the Southeast Supply Header, CERC Corp. has committedmarket value of the reference shares of Time Warner Inc. common stock (TW Common) attributable to such note.  The number and identity of the reference shares attributable to each ZENS note are adjusted for certain corporate events. As of December 31, 2009, the reference shares for each ZENS note consisted of 0.5 share of TW Common, 0.125505 share of Time Warner Cable Inc. common stock (TWC Common) and 0.045455 share of AOL Inc. common stock (AOL Common), which reflects adjustments resulting from the March 2009 distribution by Time Warner Inc. of shares of TWC Common, Time Warner Inc.’s March 2009 reverse stock split and the December 2009 distribution by Time Warner Inc. of shares of AOL Common.  If our creditworthiness were to drop such that it will advance fundsZENS note holders thought our liquidity was adversely affected or the market for the ZENS notes were to become illiquid, some ZENS note holders might decide to exchange their ZENS notes for cash. Funds for the payment of cash upon exchange could be obtained from the sale of the shares of TW Common, TWC Common and AOL Common that we own or from other sources. We own shares of TW Common, TWC Common and AOL Common equal to approximately 100% of the reference shares used to calculate our obligation to the joint venture or cause funds to be advanced, up to $400 million, for its 50 percent shareholders of the costZENS notes. ZENS note exchanges result in a cash outflow because tax deferrals related to construct the pipeline. CERC Corp. also agreedZENS notes and TW Common, TWC Common and AOL Common shares would typically cease when ZENS notes are exchanged or otherwise retired and TW Common, TWC Common and AOL Common shares are sold. The ultimate tax liability related to provide a letter of credit inthe ZENS notes continues to increase by the amount of its share of funds which have not been advanced in the event S&P reduces CERC Corp.’s bond rating below investment grade before CERC Corp. has advancedtax benefit realized each year, and there could be a significant cash outflow when the required construction funds. However, CERC Corp. is relieved of these commitments (i) to the extent of 50 percent of any borrowing agreements that the joint venture has obtained and maintains for funding the constructiontaxes are paid as a result of the pipeline and (ii) to the extent CERC Corp. or its subsidiary participating in the joint venture obtains committed borrowing agreements pursuant to which funds may be borrowed and used for the constructionretirement of the pipeline. A similar commitment hasZENS notes.  The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 allows us to defer until 2014 taxes due as a result of the retirement of ZENS notes that would have otherwise been provided bypayable in 2009 or 2010 and pay such taxes over the other party to the joint venture.period from 2014 through 2018. Accordingly, if on December 31, 2009, all ZENS notes had been exchanged for cash, we could have deferred taxes of approximately $379 million that would have otherwise been payable in 2009.

Cross Defaults. Under our revolving credit facility, a payment default on, or a non-payment default that permits acceleration of, any indebtedness exceeding $50 million by us or any of our significant subsidiaries will


cause a


default. In addition, sixfour outstanding series of our senior notes, aggregating $1.4 billion$950 million in principal amount as of February 16, 2007,15, 2010, provide that a payment default by us, CERC Corp. or CenterPoint Houston in respect of, or an acceleration of, borrowed money and certain other specified types of obligations, in the aggregate principal amount of $50 million, will cause a default. A default by CenterPoint Energy would not trigger a default under our subsidiaries’ debt instruments or bank credit facilities.
Possible Acquisitions, Divestitures and Joint Ventures. From time to time, we consider the acquisition or the disposition of assets or businesses or possible joint ventures or other joint ownership arrangements with respect to assets or businesses. Any determination to take any action in this regard will be based on market conditions and opportunities existing at the time, and accordingly, the timing, size or success of any efforts and the associated potential capital commitments are unpredictable. We may seek to fund all or part of any such efforts with proceeds from debt and/or equity issuances. Debt or equity financing may not, however, be available to us at that time due to a variety of events, including, among others, maintenance of our credit ratings, industry conditions, general economic conditions, market conditions and market perceptions.

Other Factors that Could Affect Cash Requirements.  In addition to the above factors, our liquidity and capital resources could be affected by:
• cash collateral requirements that could exist in connection with certain contracts, including gas purchases, gas price hedging and gas storage activities of our Natural Gas Distribution and Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services business segments, particularly given gas price levels and volatility;
• acceleration of payment dates on certain gas supply contracts under certain circumstances, as a result of increased gas prices and concentration of natural gas suppliers;
• increased costs related to the acquisition of natural gas;
• increases in interest expense in connection with debt refinancings and borrowings under credit facilities;
• various regulatory actions;
• the ability of RRI and its subsidiaries to satisfy their obligations as the principal customers of CenterPoint Houston and in respect of RRI’s indemnity obligations to us and our subsidiaries or in connection with the contractual obligations to a third party pursuant to which CERC is a guarantor;
• slower customer payments and increased write-offs of receivables due to higher gas prices;
• cash payments in connection with the exercise of contingent conversion rights of holders of convertible debt;
• the outcome of litigation brought by and against us;
• contributions to benefit plans;
• restoration costs and revenue losses resulting from natural disasters such as hurricanes; and
• various other risks identified in “Risk Factors” in Item 1A of this report.

cash collateral requirements that could exist in connection with certain contracts, including gas purchases, gas price and weather hedging and gas storage activities of our Natural Gas Distribution and Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services business segments;

acceleration of payment dates on certain gas supply contracts under certain circumstances, as a result of increased gas prices and concentration of natural gas suppliers;

increased costs related to the acquisition of natural gas;

increases in interest expense in connection with debt refinancings and borrowings under credit facilities;

various regulatory actions;

the ability of RRI and its subsidiaries to satisfy their obligations in respect of RRI’s indemnity obligations to us and our subsidiaries or in connection with the contractual obligations to a third party pursuant to which CERC is a guarantor;

the ability of REPs that are subsidiaries of NRG Retail LLC and TXU Energy, which are CenterPoint Houston’s two largest customers, to satisfy their obligations to us and our subsidiaries;

slower customer payments and increased write-offs of receivables due to higher gas prices or changing economic conditions;

the outcome of litigation brought by and against us;

contributions to pension and postretirement benefit plans;

restoration costs and revenue losses resulting from natural disasters such as hurricanes and the timing of recovery of such restoration costs; and

various other risks identified in "Risk Factors" in Item 1A of this report.

Certain Contractual Limits on Our Ability to Issue Securities and Borrow Money. CenterPoint Houston’s credit facility limitsfacilities limit CenterPoint Houston’s debt (excluding transition and system restoration bonds) as a percentage of its total capitalization to 65 percent.65%. CERC Corp.’s bank facility and its receivables facility limit CERC’s debt as a percentage of its total capitalization to 65 percent.65%. Our $1.2 billion credit facility contains a debt, excluding transition and system restoration bonds, to EBITDA covenant. Such covenant was modified twice in 2008 to provide additional debt capacity.  The second modification was to provide debt capacity pending the financing of system restoration
costs following Hurricane Ike.  That modification was terminated with CenterPoint Houston’s issuance of bonds to securitize such costs in November 2009.  In February 2010, we amended our $1.2 billion credit facility to modify this covenant to allow for a temporary increase in debt capacity if CenterPoint Houston experiences damage from a natural disaster in its service territory that meets certain criteria. Additionally, CenterPoint Houston ishas contractually prohibited,agreed that it will not issue additional first mortgage bonds, subject to certain exceptions, from issuing additional first mortgage bonds.exceptions.



A critical accounting policy is one that is both important to the presentation of our financial condition and results of operations and requires management to make difficult, subjective or complex accounting estimates. An accounting estimate is an approximation made by management of a financial statement element, item or account in the financial statements. Accounting estimates in our historical consolidated financial statements measure the effects of past business transactions or events, or the present status of an asset or liability. The accounting estimates described below require us to make assumptions about matters that are highly uncertain at the time the estimate is made. Additionally, different estimates that we could have used or changes in an accounting estimate that are reasonably likely to occur could have a material impact on the presentation of our financial condition or results of operations. The circumstances that make these judgments difficult, subjectiveand/or complex have to do with the need to make estimates about the effect of matters that are inherently uncertain. Estimates and assumptions about future events and their effects cannot be predicted with certainty. We base our estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments. These estimates may change as new events occur, as more experience is acquired, as additional information is obtained and as our operating environment changes. Our significant accounting policies are discussed in Note 2 to our consolidated financial statements. We believe the following accounting policies involve the application of critical accounting estimates. Accordingly, these accounting estimates have been reviewed and discussed with the audit committee of the board of directors.

Accounting for Rate Regulation

SFAS No. 71, “AccountingAccounting guidance for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation” (SFAS No. 71),regulated operations provides that rate-regulated entities account for and report assets and liabilities consistent with the recovery of those incurred costs in rates if the rates established are designed to recover the costs of providing the regulated service and if the competitive environment makes it probable that such rates can be charged and collected. Our Electric Transmission & Distribution business applies SFAS No. 71, which results insegment, our Natural Gas Distribution business segment and portions of our Interstate Pipelines business segment apply this accounting for the regulatory effects of recovery of stranded costs and other regulatory assets resulting from the unbundling of the transmission and distribution business from our former electric generation operations in our consolidated financial statements.guidance. Certain expenses and revenues subject to utility regulation or rate determination normally reflected in income are deferred on the balance sheet as regulatory assets or liabilities and are recognized in income as the related amounts are included in service rates and recovered from or refunded to customers.  Significant accounting estimates embedded withinRegulatory assets and liabilities are recorded when it is probable that these items will be recovered or reflected in future rates.  Determining probability requires significant judgment on the applicationpart of SFAS No. 71 with respectmanagement and includes, but is not limited to, our Electric Transmission & Distribution business segment relateconsideration of testimony presented in regulatory hearings, proposed regulatory decisions, final regulatory orders and the strength or status of applications for rehearing or state court appeals.  If events were to $304 millionoccur that would make the recovery of recoverable electric generation-relatedthese assets and liabilities no longer probable, we would be required to write off or write down these regulatory assets as ofand liabilities.  At December 31, 2006. These costs are recoverable under the provisions of the 1999 Texas Electric Choice Plan. Based on our analysis of the final order issued by the Texas Utility Commission,2009, we had recorded an after-tax charge to earnings in 2004 of approximately $977 million to write down our electric generation-related regulatory assets to their realizable value, which was reflected as an extraordinary loss. Based on subsequent orders received from the Texas Utility Commission, we recorded an extraordinary gain of $30 million after-tax in the second quarter$3.7 billion and regulatory liabilities of 2005 related to the regulatory asset. Additionally, a district court in Travis County, Texas issued a judgment that would have the effect of restoring approximately $650 million, plus interest, of disallowed costs. CenterPoint Houston and other parties appealed the district court judgment. Oral arguments before the Texas 3rd Court of Appeals were held in January 2007, but a decision is not expected for several months. No amounts related to the district court’s judgment have been recorded in our consolidated financial statements.$921 million.

Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and Intangibles

We review the carrying value of our long-lived assets, including goodwill and identifiable intangibles, whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that such carrying values may not be recoverable, and at least annually for goodwill as required by SFAS No. 142, “Goodwillaccounting guidance for goodwill and Other Intangible Assets.”other intangible assets. No impairment of goodwill was indicated based on our annual analysis as ofat July 1, 2006.2009. Unforeseen events and changes in circumstances and market conditions and material differences in the value of long-lived assets and intangibles due to changes in estimates of future cash flows, interest rates, regulatory matters and operating costs could negatively affect the fair value of our assets and result in an impairment charge.


Fair value is the amount at which the asset could be bought or sold in a current transaction between willing parties and may be estimated using a number of techniques, including quoted market prices or valuations by third parties,
present value techniques based on estimates of cash flows, or multiples of earnings or revenue performance measures. The fair value of the asset could be different using different estimates and assumptions in these valuation techniques.
Asset Retirement Obligations
We account for our long-lived assets under SFAS No. 143, “Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations” (SFAS No. 143), and Financial Accounting Standards Board Interpretation No. 47, “Accounting for Conditional Asset Retirement Obligations — An Interpretation of SFAS No. 143” (FIN 47). SFAS No. 143 and FIN 47 require that an asset retirement obligation be recorded at fair value in the period in which it is incurred if a reasonable estimate of fair value can be made. In the same period, the associated asset retirement costs are capitalized as part of the carrying amount of the related long-lived asset. Rate-regulated entities may recognize regulatory assets or liabilities as a result of timing differences between the recognition of costs as recorded in accordance with SFAS No. 143 and FIN 47, and costs recovered through the ratemaking process.
We estimate the fair value of asset retirement obligations by calculating the discounted cash flows that are dependent upon the following components:
Inflation adjustment — The estimated cash flows are adjusted for inflation estimates for labor, equipment, materials, and other disposal costs;
Discount rate — The estimated cash flows include contingency factors that were used as a proxy for the market risk premium; and
Third party markup adjustments — Internal labor costs included in the cash flow calculation were adjusted for costs that a third party would incur in performing the tasks necessary to retire the asset.
Changes in these factors could materially affect the obligation recorded to reflect the ultimate cost associated with retiring the assets under SFAS No. 143 and FIN 47. For example, if the inflation adjustment increased 25 basis points, this would increase the balance for asset retirement obligations by approximately 3.0%. Similarly, an increase in the discount rate by 25 basis points would decrease asset retirement obligations by approximately the same percentage. At December 31, 2006, our estimated cost of retiring these assets is approximately $84 million.
Unbilled Energy Revenues

Revenues related to the saleand/orelectricity delivery of electricity orand natural gas (energy)sales and services are generally recorded when energy is deliveredrecognized upon delivery to customers. However, the determination of energy salesdeliveries to individual customers is based on the reading of their meters, which is performed on a systematic basis throughout the month. At the end of each month, amounts of energy delivereddeliveries to customers since the date of the last meter reading are estimated and the corresponding unbilled revenue is estimated. Unbilled electricity delivery revenue is estimated each month based on daily supply volumes, applicable rates and analyses reflecting significant historical trends and experience. Unbilled natural gas sales are estimated based on estimated purchased gas volumes, estimated lost and unaccounted for gas and tariffed rates in effect. As additional information becomes available, or actual amounts are determinable, the recorded estimates are revised. Consequently, operating results can be affected by revisions to prior accounting estimates.

Pension and Other Retirement Plans

We sponsor pension and other retirement plans in various forms covering all employees who meet eligibility requirements. We use several statistical and other factors that attempt to anticipate future events in calculating the expense and liability related to our plans. These factors include assumptions about the discount rate, expected return on plan assets and rate of future compensation increases as estimated by management, within certain guidelines. In addition, our actuarial consultants use subjective factors such as withdrawal and mortality rates. The actuarial assumptions used may differ materially from actual results due to changing market and economic conditions, higher or lower withdrawal rates or longer or shorter life spans of participants. These differences may result in a significant


impact to the amount of pension expense recorded. Please read “—"- Other Significant Matters - Pension Plans”Plans" for further discussion.


See Note 2(o) to our consolidated financial statements for a discussion of new accounting pronouncements that affect us.


Pension Plans.  As discussed in Note 2(p) to our consolidated financial statements, we maintain a non-contributory qualified defined benefit pension plan covering substantially all employees. Employer contributions for the qualified plan are based on actuarial computations that establish the minimum contribution required under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and the maximum deductible contribution for income tax purposes.

Under the terms of our pension plan, we reserve the right to change, modify or terminate the plan. Our funding policy is to review amounts annually and contribute an amount at least equal to the minimum contribution required under ERISA andERISA.

We made no contribution to the Internal Revenue Code.
Although we were not required to make contributions to our qualified pension plan in 2005 or 2006, we made2008; however, a voluntarydiscretionary contribution of $75$13 million was made in 2005.2009. The minimum funding requirements for this plan did not require contributions for the respective years.

Additionally, we maintain an unfunded non-qualified benefit restoration plan that allows participants to retainreceive the benefits to which they would have been entitled under our non-contributory pension plan except for the federally mandated limits on qualified plan benefits or on the level of compensation on which qualified plan benefits may be calculated. Employer contributions for the non-qualified benefit restoration plan represent benefit payments made to participants and totaled $10$8 million and $7 million in 20052008 and 2006,2009, respectively.

In accordance with SFAS No. 87, “Employers’ Accounting for Pensions,” changesChanges in pension obligations and assets may not be immediately recognized as pension costsexpense in the income statement, but generally are recognized in future years over the remaining average service period of plan participants. As such, significant portions of pension costsexpense recorded in any period may not reflect the actual level of benefit payments provided to plan participants.
In September 2006, the FASB issued SFAS No. 158, “Employers’ Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Plans — An Amendment of FASB Statements No. 87, 88, 106 and 132(R)” (SFAS No. 158). SFAS No. 158 requires us, asAs the sponsor of a plan, we are required to (a) recognize on our balance sheetssheet as an asset a plan’s over-funded status or as a liability such plan’s under-funded status, (b) measure a plan’s assets and obligations as of the end of our fiscal year and (c) recognize changes in the funded status of our plans in the year that changes occur through adjustments to other comprehensive income.
As a result of the adoption of SFAS No. 158 as of December 31, 2006, we recorded a regulatory asset of $466 million and a charge to accumulated comprehensive income of $79 million, net of tax. For additional information regarding the implementation of SFAS No. 158, see Note 2(o).

At December 31, 2006,2009, the projected benefit obligation of our pension plans exceeded the market value of plan assets of our pension plans by $30$434 million. Changes in interest rates andor the market values of the securities held by the plan during 20072010 could materially, positively or negatively, change our funded status and affect the level of pension expense and required contributions.

Pension costs were $86cost was $15 million, $36$1 million and $46$111 million for 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 2006, respectively. In addition, included in the costs for 2004 and 2005 are $112009, respectively, of which $12 million, $1 million and less than $1$60 million respectively,impacted pre-tax earnings. CenterPoint Houston’s actuarially determined pension and other postemployment expenses for 2009 in excess of expense relatedthe 2007 base year amount are being deferred for rate making purposes until its next general rate case pursuant to Texas Genco participants. Pension expense for Texas Genco participants is reflectedlaw.  CenterPoint Houston deferred as a regulatory asset $32 million in our Statement of Consolidated Operations as discontinued operations.pension and other postemployment expenses during the year ended December 31, 2009.

The calculation of pension expense and related liabilities requires the use of assumptions. Changes in these assumptions can result in different expense and liability amounts, and future actual experience can differ from the


assumptions. Two of the most critical assumptions are the expected long-term rate of return on plan assets and the assumed discount rate.

As of December 31, 2006,2009, our qualified pension plan had an expected long-term rate of return on plan assets of 8.5%8.00%, which was unchanged from the rate assumed as of December 31, 2005.2008. We believe that our actual asset allocation, on average, will approximate the targeted allocation and the estimated return on net assets. We regularly review our actual asset allocation and periodically rebalance plan assets as appropriate.

As of December 31, 2006,2009, the projected benefit obligation was calculated assuming a discount rate of 5.85%5.70%, which is a 0.15% increase1.20% decrease from the 5.70%6.90% discount rate assumed in 2005.2008. The discount rate was determined by reviewing yields on high-quality bonds that receive one of the two highest ratings given by a recognized rating agency and the expected duration of pension obligations specific to the characteristics of our plan.

Pension expensecost for 2007,2010, including the benefit restoration plan, is estimated to be $15$86 million, of which we expect $44 million to impact pre-tax earnings, based on an expected return on plan assets of 8.5%8.0% and a discount rate of 5.85%5.70% as of December 31, 2006.2009. If the expected return assumption were lowered by 0.5% (from 8.5%8.00% to 8.0%7.50%), 20072010 pension expensecost would increase by approximately $9$7 million.

Currently,As of December 31, 2009, the pension plan assets (includingprojected benefit obligation, including the unfunded benefit restoration plan) exceed the accumulated benefit obligationplan, exceeded plan assets by $30$434 million.  However, ifIf the discount rate were lowered by 0.5% (from 5.85%5.70% to 5.35%5.20%), the assumption change would increase our projected benefit obligation and 20072010 pension expense by approximately $123$83 million and $11$4 million, respectively. In addition, the assumption change would impact our Consolidated Balance Sheet by increasing the regulatory asset recorded as of December 31, 20062009 by $95$66 million and would result in a charge to comprehensive income in 20062009 of $18$11 million, net of tax.

Future changes in plan asset returns, assumed discount rates and various other factors related to the pension plan will impact our future pension expense and liabilities. We cannot predict with certainty what these factors will be.
Item 7A.Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

Item 7A.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

Impact of Changes in Interest Rates and Energy Commodity Prices

We are exposed to various market risks. These risks arise from transactions entered into in the normal course of business and are inherent in our consolidated financial statements. Most of the revenues and income from our business activities are impacted by market risks. Categories of market risk include exposure to commodity prices through non-trading activities, interest rates and equity prices. A description of each market risk is set forth below:
• Commodity price risk results from exposures to changes in spot prices, forward prices and price volatilities of commodities, such as natural gas and other energy commodities risk.
• Interest rate risk primarily results from exposures to changes in the level of borrowings and changes in interest rates.
• Equity price risk results from exposures to changes in prices of individual equity securities.
Commodity price risk results from exposures to changes in spot prices, forward prices and price volatilities of commodities, such as natural gas, natural gas liquids and other energy commodities.

Interest rate risk primarily results from exposures to changes in the level of borrowings and changes in interest rates.

Equity price risk results from exposures to changes in prices of individual equity securities.

Management has established comprehensive risk management policies to monitor and manage these market risks. We manage these risk exposures through the implementation of our risk management policies and framework. We manage our commodity price risk exposures through the use of derivative financial instruments and derivative commodity instrument contracts. During the normal course of business, we review our hedging strategies and determine the hedging approach we deem appropriate based upon the circumstances of each situation.

Derivative instruments such as futures, forward contracts, swaps and options derive their value from underlying assets, indices, reference rates or a combination of these factors. These derivative instruments include negotiated contracts, which are referred to asover-the-counter derivatives, and instruments that are listed and traded on an exchange.


Derivative transactions are entered into in our non-trading operations to manage and hedge certain exposures, such as exposure to changes in natural gas prices. We believe that the associated market risk of these instruments can best be understood relative to the underlying assets or risk being hedged.
Interest Rate Risk

As of December 31, 2006,2009, we had outstanding long-term debt, bank loans, mandatory redeemable preferred securities of a subsidiary trust holding solely our junior subordinated debentures (trust preferred securities), some lease obligations and our obligations under our 2.0% Zero-Premium Exchangeable Subordinated Notes due 2029 (ZENS)ZENS that subject us to the risk of loss associated with movements in market interest rates.

Our floating-rate obligations aggregated $3 million$1.5 billion and $187 million$-0- at December 31, 20052008 and 2006,2009, respectively. If the floating interest rates were to increase by 10% from December 31, 2006 rates, our combined interest expense would increase by approximately $1 million.

At December 31, 20052008 and 2006,2009, we had outstanding fixed-rate debt (excluding indexed debt securities) and trust preferred securities aggregating $8.8$9.0 billion and $8.9$9.9 billion, respectively, in principal amount and having a fair value of $9.3$8.5 billion and $9.6$10.4 billion, respectively. TheseBecause these instruments are fixed-rate, and, therefore,they do not expose us to the risk of loss in earnings due to changes in market interest rates (please read Note 8 to our consolidated financial statements). However, the fair value of these instruments would increase by approximately $330$260 million if interest rates were to decline by 10% from their levels at December 31, 2006.2009. In general, such an increase in fair value would impact earnings and cash flows only if we were to reacquire all or a portion of these instruments in the open market prior to their maturity.

As discussed in Note 6 to our consolidated financial statements, upon adoption of SFAS No. 133 effective January 1, 2001, the ZENS obligation wasis bifurcated into a debt component and a derivative component. The debt component of $111$121 million at December 31, 20062009 was a fixed-rate obligation and, therefore, did not expose us to the risk of loss in earnings due to changes in market interest rates. However, the fair value of the debt component would increase by approximately $18$20 million if interest rates were to decline by 10% from levels at December 31, 2006.2009. Changes in the fair value of the derivative component, a $372$201 million recorded liability at December 31, 2006,2009, are recorded in our Statements of Consolidated OperationsIncome and, therefore, we are exposed to changes in the fair value of the derivative component as a result of changes in the underlying risk-free interest rate. If the risk-free interest rate were to increase by 10% from December 31, 20062009 levels, the fair value of the derivative component liability would increase by approximately $6$5 million, which would be recorded as an unrealized loss in our Statements of Consolidated Operations.Income.

Equity Market Value Risk

We are exposed to equity market value risk through our ownership of 21.67.2 million shares of TW Common, 1.8 million shares of TWC Common and 0.7 million shares of AOL Common, which we hold to facilitate our ability to meet our obligations under the ZENS. Please read Note 6 to our consolidated financial statements for a discussion of the effect of adoption of SFAS No. 133 on our ZENS obligation and our historical accounting treatment of our ZENS obligation. A decrease of 10% from the December 31, 20062009 aggregate market value of TW Commonthese shares would result in a net loss of approximately $4$5 million, which would be recorded as an unrealized loss in our Statements of Consolidated Operations.Income.
Commodity Price Risk From Non-Trading Activities

We use derivative instruments as economic hedges to offset the commodity price exposure inherent in our businesses. The stand-alone commodity risk created by these instruments, without regard to the offsetting effect of the underlying exposure these instruments are intended to hedge, is described below. We measure the commodity risk of our non-trading energy derivatives using a sensitivity analysis. The sensitivity analysis performed on our non-trading energy derivatives measures the potential loss in fair value based on a hypothetical 10% movement in energy prices. At December 31, 2006,2009, the recorded fair value of our non-trading energy derivatives was a net liability of $102 million.$134 million (before collateral). The net liability consisted of a $153 million net liability of $143 million associated with Gas Operations price stabilization activities partially offset byof our Natural Gas Distribution business segment and a net asset of $51$9 million related to our Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services business.business segment. Net assets or liabilities related to Gas Operationsthe price stabilization activities


correspond directly with net over/under recovered gas cost liabilities or assets on the balance sheet. A decrease of 10% in the market prices of energy commodities from their December 31, 20062009 levels would have decreasedincreased the fair value of our non-trading energy derivatives net liability by $80$31 million.  However, the consolidated income statement impact of this same 10% decrease in market prices would be an increase in income of $3 million.

We have a Risk Oversight Committee composedThe above analysis of corporate and business segment officers, that oversees ourthe non-trading energy derivatives utilized for commodity price and credit risk activities, including our trading, marketing, risk management servicespurposes does not include the favorable impact that the same hypothetical price movement would have on our physical purchases and hedging activities. The committee’s duties aresales of natural gas to establish commodity risk policies, allocate risk capitalwhich the hedges relate. Furthermore, the non-trading energy derivative portfolio is managed to complement the physical transaction portfolio, reducing overall risks within limits established by our board of directors, approve trading of new products and commodities, monitor risk positions and ensure compliance with our risk management policies and procedures and trading limits established by our board of directors.
Our policies prohibitlimits. Therefore, the use of leveraged financial instruments. A leveraged financial instrument, for this purpose, is a transaction involving a derivative whose financialadverse impact will be based on an amount other thanto the notional amount or volumefair value of the instrument.


Item 8.Financial Statements and Supplementary Data
portfolio of non-trading energy derivatives held for hedging purposes associated with the hypothetical changes in commodity prices referenced above is expected to be substantially offset by a favorable impact on the underlying hedged physical transactions.

Item 8.  Financial Statements and Supplementary Data


To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of
CenterPoint Energy, Inc.
Houston, Texas

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of CenterPoint Energy, Inc. and subsidiaries (the “Company”"Company") as of December 31, 20062009 and 2005,2008, and the related consolidated statements of operations,consolidated income, comprehensive income, shareholders’ equity, and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2006.2009.  These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’sCompany's management.  Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States).  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of CenterPoint Energy, Inc. and subsidiaries at December 31, 20062009 and 2005,2008, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 20062009, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

As discussed in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 158, “Employers’ Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Plans — An Amendment of FASB Statements No. 87, 88, 106 and 132(R)”, effective December 31, 2006. Also, as discussed in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company adopted Financial Accounting Standards Board Interpretation No. 47, “Accounting for Conditional Asset Retirement Obligations”, effective December 31, 2005.
We have also audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the effectiveness of the Company’sCompany's internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2006,2009, based on the criteria established in Internal Control — IntegratedControl-Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission and our report dated February 28, 200726, 2010 expressed an unqualified opinion on management’s assessment of the effectiveness of the Company’sCompany's internal control over financial reporting and an unqualified opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.


Houston, Texas
February 28, 200726, 2010




To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of
CenterPoint Energy, Inc.
Houston, Texas

We have audited management’s assessment, included in the accompanying Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting, thatinternal control over financial reporting of CenterPoint Energy, Inc. and subsidiaries (the “Company”"Company") maintained effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2006,2009, based on the criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission.  The Company’sCompany's management is responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting.reporting, included in the accompanying Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting.  Our responsibility is to express an opinion on management’s assessment and an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’sCompany's internal control over financial reporting based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States).  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects.  Our audit included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, evaluating management’s assessment,assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk, and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances.  We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinions.opinion.

A company’scompany's internal control over financial reporting is a process designed by, or under the supervision of, the company’scompany's principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, and effected by the company’scompany's board of directors, management, and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.  A company’scompany's internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’scompany's assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Because of the inherent limitations of internal control over financial reporting, including the possibility of collusion or improper management override of controls, material misstatements due to error or fraud may not be prevented or detected on a timely basis.  Also, projections of any evaluation of the effectiveness of the internal control over financial reporting to future periods are subject to the risk that the controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

In our opinion, management’s assessment that the Company maintained effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2006, is fairly stated, in all material respects, based on the criteria established in Internal Control — Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. Also in our opinion, the Company maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2006,2009, based on the criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission.

We have also audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 20062009 of the Company and our report dated February 28, 200726, 2010 expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements and included an explanatory paragraph regarding the Company’s adoption of new accounting standards related to defined benefit pension and other postretirement plans in 2006 and conditional asset retirement obligations in 2005.statements.
Houston, Texas
February 28, 200726, 2010




Our management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting. Internal control over financial reporting is defined inRule 13a-15(f) or15d-15(f) promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as a process designed by, or under the supervision of, the company’s principal executive and principal financial officers and effected by the company’s board of directors, management and other personnel, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and includes those policies and procedures that:

• Pertain to the maintenance of records that in reasonable detail accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company;
• Provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and
• Provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.
Pertain to the maintenance of records that in reasonable detail accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company;

Provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and

Provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Management has designed its internal control over financial reporting to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Management’s assessment included review and testing of both the design effectiveness and operating effectiveness of controls over all relevant assertions related to all significant accounts and disclosures in the financial statements.

All internal control systems, no matter how well designed, have inherent limitations. Therefore, even those systems determined to be effective can provide only reasonable assurance with respect to financial statement preparation and presentation. Projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

Under the supervision and with the participation of our management, including our principal executive officer and principal financial officer, we conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting based on the framework in Internal Control - Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. Based on our evaluation under the framework in Internal Control - Integrated Framework, our management has concluded that our internal control over financial reporting was effective as of December 31, 2006.2009.

Deloitte & Touche LLP, the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm, has issued an attestation report on our management’s assessment of the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 20062009 which is included herein on page 64.65.


President and Chief Executive Officer
Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer

February 26, 2010


  Year Ended December 31, 
  2004  2005  2006 
  (In millions,
  except per share amounts) 
 $7,999  $9,722  $9,319 
Natural gas  5,013   6,509   5,909 
Operation and maintenance  1,277   1,358   1,399 
Depreciation and amortization  490   541   599 
Taxes other than income taxes  355   375   367 
Total  7,135   8,783   8,274 
Operating Income
  864   939   1,045 
Other Income (Expense):
Gain (loss) on Time Warner investment  31   (44)  94 
Gain (loss) on indexed debt securities  (20)  49   (80)
Interest and other finance charges  (739)  (670)  (470)
Interest on transition bonds  (38)  (40)  (130)
Return ontrue-up balance
  226   121    
Other, net  20   23   35 
Total  (520)  (561)  (551)
Income From Continuing Operations Before Income Taxes and Extraordinary Item
  344   378   494 
Income tax expense  (139)  (153)  (62)
Income From Continuing Operations Before Extraordinary Item
  205   225   432 
Discontinued Operations:
Income from Texas Genco, net of tax  294   11    
Minority interest on income from Texas Genco  (61)      
Loss on disposal of Texas Genco, net of tax  (366)  (14)   
Total  (133)  (3)   
Income Before Extraordinary Item
  72   222   432 
Extraordinary item, net of tax  (977)  30    
Net Income (Loss)
 $(905) $252  $432 
Basic Earnings (Loss) Per Share:
Income From Continuing Operations Before Extraordinary Item $0.67  $0.72  $1.39 
Discontinued Operations, net of tax  (0.43)  (0.01)   
Extraordinary item, net of tax  (3.18)  0.10    
Net Income (Loss) $(2.94) $0.81  $1.39 
Diluted Earnings (Loss) Per Share:
Income From Continuing Operations Before Extraordinary Item $0.61  $0.67  $1.33 
Discontinued Operations, net of tax  (0.37)  (0.01)   
Extraordinary item, net of tax  (2.72)  0.09    
Net Income (Loss) $(2.48) $0.75  $1.33 

  Year Ended December 31, 
  2007  2008  2009 
  (In millions, 
  except for share amounts) 
 $9,623  $11,322  $8,281 
Natural gas
  5,995   7,466   4,371 
Operation and maintenance
  1,440   1,502   1,664 
Depreciation and amortization
  631   708   743 
Taxes other than income taxes
  372   373   379 
  8,438   10,049   7,157 
Operating Income
  1,185   1,273   1,124 
Other Income (Expense):            
Gain (loss) on marketable securities
  (114)  (139)  82 
Gain (loss) on indexed debt securities
  111   128   (68)
Interest and other finance charges
  (509)  (468)  (513)
Interest on transition and system restoration bonds
  (123)  (136)  (131)
Distribution from AOL Time Warner litigation settlement
  32   -   3 
Additional distribution to ZENS holders
  (27)  -   (3)
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates
  16   51   15 
Other, net
  17   14   39 
  (597)  (550)  (576)
Income Before Income Taxes
  588   723   548 
Income tax expense
  (193)  (277)  (176)
Net Income
 $395  $446  $372 
Basic Earnings Per Share
 $1.23  $1.32  $1.02 
Diluted Earnings Per Share
 $1.15  $1.30  $1.01 

See Notes to the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s Consolidated Financial Statements



  Year Ended December 31, 
  2004  2005  2006 
     (In millions)    
Net income (loss) $(905) $252  $432 
Other comprehensive income, net of tax:            
Minimum pension liability adjustment (net of tax of $197, ($5) and $6)  367   (9)  12 
Net deferred gain from cash flow hedges (net of tax of $31, $9 and $11)  59   17   22 
Reclassification of deferred loss (gain) from cash flow hedges realized in net income (net of tax of ($3), $6 and $8)  (7)  11   14 
Reclassification of deferred gain from de-designation of cash flow hedges to over/under recovery of gas cost (net of tax of ($37))  (68)      
Other comprehensive income (loss) from discontinued operations (net of tax of ($2) and $2)  (4)  3    
Other comprehensive income  347   22   48 
Comprehensive income (loss) $(558) $274  $480 

  Year Ended December 31, 
  2007  2008  2009 
  (In millions) 
Net income
 $395  $446  $372 
Other comprehensive income (loss):            
Adjustment to pension and other postretirement plans (net of tax of $28, $32 and $2)  34   (79)  7 
Net deferred gain (loss) from cash flow hedges (net of tax of $6, $2 and $-0-)  11   (4)  - 
Reclassification of deferred gain from cash flow hedges realized in net income
(net of tax of $14, $2 and $-0-)
  (20)  (4)  - 
Other comprehensive income (loss)
  25   (87)  7 
Comprehensive income
 $420  $359  $379 

See Notes to the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s Consolidated Financial Statements



 December 31,
 December 31,
 2005 2006 
 (In millions)  
December 31,
December 31,
 (In millions) 
Current Assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $74  $127  $167  $740 
Investment in Time Warner common stock  377   471 
Investment in marketable securities
  218   300 
Accounts receivable, net  1,098   1,017   1,009   790 
Accrued unbilled revenues  608   451   541   485 
Inventory  382   399   569   327 
Non-trading derivative assets  131   98   118   39 
Taxes receivable  53    
Prepaid expense and other current assets  168   432   413   223 
Total current assets  2,891   2,995   3,035   2,904 
Property, Plant and Equipment, net
  8,492   9,204   10,296   10,788 
Other Assets:
Goodwill  1,709   1,709   1,696   1,696 
Regulatory assets  2,955   3,290   3,684   3,677 
Non-trading derivative assets  104   21   20   15 
Investment in unconsolidated affiliates
  345   463 
Notes receivable from unconsolidated affiliates
  323   - 
Other  965   414   277   230 
Total other assets  5,733   5,434   6,345   6,081 
Total Assets
 $17,116  $17,633  $19,676  $19,773 
Current Liabilities:
Short-term borrowings $  $187  $153  $55 
Current portion of long-term debt  339   1,198 
Current portion of transition and system restoration bonds long-term debt  208   241 
Current portion of indexed debt
  117   121 
Current portion of other long-term debt
  8   541 
Indexed debt securities derivative  292   372   133   201 
Accounts payable  1,161   1,010   897   648 
Taxes accrued  167   364   189   148 
Interest accrued  122   159   180   181 
Non-trading derivative liabilities  43   141   87   51 
Accumulated deferred income taxes, net  385   316   372   406 
Other  505   474   504   445 
Total current liabilities  3,014   4,221   2,848   3,038 
Other Liabilities:
Accumulated deferred income taxes, net  2,474   2,323   2,608   2,776 
Unamortized investment tax credits  46   39   24   16 
Non-trading derivative liabilities  35   80   47   42 
Benefit obligations  475   545   849   861 
Regulatory liabilities  728   792   821   921 
Other  480   275   276   361 
Total other liabilities  4,238   4,054   4,625   4,977 
Long-term Debt
  8,568   7,802 
Long-term Debt:        
Transition and system restoration bonds
  2,381   2,805 
  7,800   6,314 
Total long-term debt
  10,181   9,119 
Commitments and Contingencies (Note 10)
Shareholders’ Equity
  1,296   1,556   2,022   2,639 
Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity
 $17,116  $17,633  $19,676  $19,773 

See Notes to the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s Consolidated Financial Statements



 Year Ended December 31, 
 2004 2005 2006  Year Ended December 31, 
   (In millions)    2007  2008  2009 
 (In millions) 
Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
Net income (loss) $(905) $252  $432 
Discontinued operations, net of tax  133   3    
Extraordinary item, net of tax  977   (30)   
Income from continuing operations and cumulative effect of accounting change  205   225   432 
Net income
 $395  $446  $372 
Adjustments to reconcile income from continuing operations to net cash provided by operating activities:                        
Depreciation and amortization  490   541   599   631   708   743 
Amortization of deferred financing costs  92   77   56   69   29   37 
Deferred income taxes  265   232   (234)  -   487   269 
Tax and interest reserves reductions related to ZENS and ACES settlement        (107)
Investment tax credit  (7)  (8)  (7)
Unrealized loss (gain) on Time Warner investment  (32)  44   (94)
Unrealized loss (gain) on marketable securities
  114   139   (82)
Unrealized loss (gain) on indexed debt securities  20   (49)  80   (111)  (128)  68 
Write-down of natural gas inventory        66   11   30   6 
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates, net of distributions
  (13)  (51)  (3)
Changes in other assets and liabilities:                        
Accounts receivable and unbilled revenues, net  (202)  (456)  262   -   (82)  283 
Inventory  (10)  (115)  (82)  (102)  (109)  236 
Taxes receivable  35   (53)  53 
Accounts payable  218   321   (269)  (185)  87   (237)
Fuel cost over (under) recovery/surcharge  25   (129)  111 
Fuel cost over (under) recovery
  (93)  45   (5)
Non-trading derivatives, net  (40)  (12)  (18)  11   (25)  28 
Margin deposits, net  12   51   (156)  65   (182)  116 
Interest and taxes accrued  81   (471)  230   (33)  (118)  (41)
Net regulatory assets and liabilities  (520)  (192)  79   81   (366)  - 
Clawback payment from RRI  177       
Pension contribution  (476)  (75)   
Other current assets  (34)  (14)  (76)  13   (27)  27 
Other current liabilities  (22)  69   18   (20)  29   6 
Other assets  80   30   43   (20)  (20)  (1)
Other liabilities  4   67   6   (51)  (8)  3 
Other, net  20   18   (1)  12   (33)  16 
Net cash provided by operating activities of continuing operations  381   101   991 
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities of discontinued operations  355   (38)   
Net cash provided by operating activities  736   63   991   774   851   1,841 
Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
Capital expenditures  (604)  (693)  (1,007)  (1,114)  (1,020)  (1,160)
Proceeds from sale of Texas Genco, including cash retained  2,947   700    
Purchase of minority interest of Texas Genco  (326)  (383)   
Decrease (increase) in restricted cash for purchase of minority interest of Texas Genco  (390)  383    
Funds held for purchase of additional shares in South Texas Project  (191)      
Increase in cash of Texas Genco     24    
Increase in restricted cash of transition bond companies     (12)  (32)
Decrease (increase) in restricted cash of transition and system restoration bond companies  (1)  (11)  26 
Decrease (increase) in notes receivable from unconsolidated affiliates
  (148)  (175)  323 
Investment in unconsolidated affiliates
  (39)  (206)  (115)
Other, net  30   (2)  (17)  2   44   30 
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities  1,466   17   (1,056)
Net cash used in investing activities
  (1,300)  (1,368)  (896)
Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
Increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings, net  (63)  75   187   45   (79)  (98)
Long-term revolving credit facility, net  (1,206)  (236)  (3)
Revolving credit facilities, net
  331   1,110   (1,441)
Proceeds from long-term debt  229   3,161   324   900   1,088   1,165 
Payments of long-term debt  (943)  (3,045)  (229)  (548)  (1,373)  (222)
Debt issuance costs  (15)  (21)  (5)  (9)  (26)  (10)
Payment of common stock dividends  (123)  (124)  (187)  (218)  (246)  (276)
Payment of common stock dividends by subsidiary  (15)      
Proceeds from issuance of common stock, net  12   17   27   22   80   504 
Other, net     2   4   5   1   6 
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities  (2,124)  (171)  118   528   555   (372)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents
  78   (91)  53 
Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents
  2   38   573 
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year
  87   165   74   127   129   167 
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year
 $165  $74  $127  $129  $167  $740 
Supplemental Disclosure of Cash Flow Information:
Cash Payments:                        
Interest, net of capitalized interest $759  $667  $532  $572  $586  $624 
Income taxes (refunds), net  (124)  351   195   205   (84)  (9)
Non-cash transactions:                        
Increase in accounts payable related to capital expenditures     35   113 
Accounts payable related to capital expenditures
  75   96   84 

See Notes to the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s Consolidated Financial Statements



 2004 2005 2006 
 Shares Amount Shares Amount Shares Amount 2007 2008 2009 
 (In millions of dollars and shares) Shares Amount Shares  Amount Shares 
(In millions of dollars and shares) 
Preference Stock, none outstanding
    $     $     $ - $- - $- - $- 
Cumulative Preferred Stock, $0.01 par value; authorized 20,000,000 shares, none outstanding
                  -  - -  - -  - 
Common Stock, $0.01 par value; authorized 1,000,000,000 shares
Balance, beginning of year  306   3   308   3   310   3 314  3 323  3 346  3 
Issuances related to benefit and investment plans  2      2      4    2  - 6  - 7  - 
Issuances related to convertible debt conversions
7  - 17  - -  - 
Issuances related to public offerings
-  - -  - 38  1 
Balance, end of year  308   3   310   3   314   3 323  3 346  3 391  4 
Balance, beginning of year     2,868      2,891      2,931    2,977    3,046    3,158 
Cumulative effect of adoption of convertible debt pronouncement (See Note 2(o))   23    -    - 
Balance, beginning of year (as adjusted)
   3,000    3,046    3,158 
Issuances related to benefit and investment plans     23      40      46    46    112    86 
Issuances related to public offerings, net of issuance costs   -    -    427 
Balance, end of year     2,891      2,931      2,977    3,046    3,158    3,671 
Unearned ESOP stock
Balance, beginning of year  (1)  (3)            
Issuances related to benefit plan  1   3             
Balance, end of year                  
Accumulated Deficit
Balance, beginning of year      (700)      (1,728)      (1,600)   (1,355)   (1,194)   (1,008
Net income (loss)      (905)      252       432 
Common stock dividends — $0.40 per share in 2004 and 2005, and $0.60 per share in 2006      (123)      (124)      (187)
Cumulative effect of adoption of convertible debt pronouncement (See Note 2(o))   (18)   -    - 
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle (see Note 2(p))   -    (15)   - 
Balance, beginning of year (as adjusted)
   (1,373)   (1,209)   (1,008
Net income
   395    446    372 
Cumulative effect of uncertain tax positions standard   2    -    - 
Common stock dividends - $0.68 per share in 2007, $0.73 per share in 2008, and $0.76 per share in 2009   (218)   (245)   (276
Balance, end of year      (1,728)      (1,600)      (1,355)   (1,194)   (1,008)   (912
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss
Balance, end of year:                                      
SFAS No. 158 incremental effect                    (79)
Minimum pension liability adjustment      (6)      (15)      (3)
Adjustment to pension and postretirement plans
   (48)   (127)   (120
Net deferred gain (loss) from cash flow hedges      (51)      (23)      13    4    (4)   (4
Other comprehensive loss from discontinued operations      (3)              
Total accumulated other comprehensive loss, end of year      (60)      (38)      (69)   (44)   (131)   (124
Total Shareholders’ Equity     $1,106      $1,296      $1,556   $1,811   $2,022   $2,639 

See Notes to the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s Consolidated Financial Statements



(1)       Background and Basis of Presentation
  (a)  Background

CenterPoint Energy, Inc. (CenterPoint Energy) is a public utility holding company, created on August 31, 2002 as part of a corporate restructuring of Reliant Energy, Incorporated (Reliant Energy) that implemented certain requirements of the Texas Electric Choice Plan (Texas electric restructuring law).
The Company’scompany. CenterPoint Energy’s operating subsidiaries own and operate electric transmission and distribution facilities, natural gas distribution facilities, interstate pipelines and natural gas gathering, processing and treating facilities. As of December 31, 2006, the Company’s2009, CenterPoint Energy’s indirect wholly owned subsidiaries included:

CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC (CenterPoint Houston), which engages in the electric transmission and distribution business in a5,000-square mile area of the Texas Gulf Coast that includes Houston; and
• CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp. (CERC Corp., and, together with its subsidiaries, CERC), which owns and operates natural gas distribution systems in six states. Wholly owned subsidiaries of CERC own interstate natural gas pipelines and gas gathering systems and provide various ancillary services. Another wholly owned subsidiary of CERC Corp. offers variable and fixed-price physical natural gas supplies primarily to commercial and industrial customers and electric and gas utilities.
  (b)  Basis of Presentation
The Company sold the fossil generation assets of Texas Genco Holdings, Inc. (Texas Genco) in December 2004 and completed the sale of Texas Genco, which had continued to own an interest in a nuclear generating facility,5,000-square mile area of the Texas Gulf Coast that includes the city of Houston; and

CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp. (CERC Corp. and, together with its subsidiaries, CERC), which owns and operates natural gas distribution systems in April 2005.six states. Subsidiaries of CERC own interstate natural gas pipelines and gas gathering systems and provide various ancillary services. A wholly owned subsidiary of CERC Corp. offers variable and fixed-price physical natural gas supplies primarily to commercial and industrial customers and electric and gas utilities.
The consolidated financial statements report the businesses described above as discontinued operations for all periods presented in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 144, “Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets” (SFAS No. 144).

For a description of the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s reportable business segments, see Note 14.

(2)       Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
  (a)  Reclassifications and Use of Estimates

In addition to the items discussed in Note 3, segment information for 2004 and 2005 has been recast to conform to the 2006 presentation due to the change in reportable segments in the fourth quarter(a) Use of 2006. The segment detail revised as a result of the new reportable business segments did not affect consolidated operating income for any year.Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
  (b)  Principles of Consolidation

(b) Principles of Consolidation

The accounts of CenterPoint Energy and its wholly owned and majority owned subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements. All intercompany transactions and balances are eliminated in consolidation. The CompanyCenterPoint Energy uses the equity method of accounting for investments in entities in which the CompanyCenterPoint Energy has an ownership interest between 20% and 50% and exercises significant influence. SuchCenterPoint Energy’s investments were $15 millionin unconsolidated affiliates include a 50% ownership interest in Southeast Supply Header, LLC (SESH) which owns and $32 million as of December 31, 2005operates a 270-mile interstate natural gas pipeline and 2006, respectively,a 50% interest in Waskom Gas Processing Company, a Texas general partnership, which owns and are included as part of other noncurrent assets in



the Company’s Consolidated Balance Sheets.operates a natural gas processing plant.  Other investments, excluding marketable securities, are carried at cost.During 2009, CenterPoint Energy invested $137 million in SESH and received a capital distribution of $23 million from SESH.
  (c)  Revenues

The Company(c) Revenues

CenterPoint Energy records revenue for electricity delivery and natural gas sales and services under the accrual method and these revenues are recognized upon delivery to customers. Electricity deliveries not billed by month-end are accrued based on daily supply volumes, applicable rates and analyses reflecting significant historical trends and experience. Natural gas sales not billed by month-end are accrued based upon estimated purchased gas volumes, estimated lost and unaccounted for gas and currently effective tariff rates. The Interstate Pipelines and Field Services business segments record revenues as transportation and processing services are provided.

  (d)  Long-lived Assets and Intangibles
The Company

(d) Long-lived Assets and Intangibles

CenterPoint Energy records property, plant and equipment at historical cost. The CompanyCenterPoint Energy expenses repair and maintenance costs as incurred. Property, plant and equipment includesinclude the following:
             Weighted Average    
 Weighted Average
      Useful Lives  December 31, 
 Useful Lives
 December 31,  (Years)  2008  2009 
 (Years) 2005 2006     (In millions) 
   (In millions) 
Electric transmission & distribution  39  $6,463  $6,823 
Natural gas distribution  30   2,740   2,875 
Competitive natural gas sales and services  25   27   53 
Electric Transmission & Distribution
  27  $7,256  $7,325 
Natural Gas Distribution
  31   3,266   3,436 
Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services
  26   67   69 
Interstate Pipelines  53   1,520   1,943   58   2,334   2,524 
Field Services  52   367   429   51   601   931 
Other property  30   441   444   26   482   485 
Total      11,558   12,567       14,006   14,770 
Accumulated depreciation and amortization:                        
Electric transmission & distribution      (2,386)  (2,566)
Natural gas distribution      (391)  (462)
Competitive natural gas sales and services      (5)  (9)
Electric Transmission & Distribution
      2,652   2,737 
Natural Gas Distribution
      708   825 
Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services
      11   13 
Interstate Pipelines      (144)  (176)      182   223 
Field Services      (23)  (31)      28   27 
Other property      (117)  (119)      129   157 
Total accumulated depreciation and amortization      (3,066)  (3,363)      3,710   3,982 
Property, plant and equipment, net     $8,492  $9,204      $10,296  $10,788 

Goodwill by reportable business segment as of both December 31, 20052008 and 20062009 is as follows (in millions):
Natural Gas Distribution $746 
Interstate Pipelines  579 
Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services  339 
Field Services  25 
Other Operations  20 
Total $1,709 


Natural Gas Distribution
Interstate Pipelines
Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services
Field Services
Other Operations


The CompanyCenterPoint Energy performs its goodwill impairment tests at least annually and evaluates goodwill when events or changes in circumstances indicate that theits carrying value of these assets may not be recoverable. The impairment evaluation for goodwill is performed by using a two-step process. In the first step, the fair value of each reporting unit is compared with the carrying amount of the reporting unit, including goodwill. The estimated fair value of the reporting unit is generally determined on the basis of discounted future cash flows. If the estimated fair value of the reporting unit is less than the carrying amount of the reporting unit, then a second step must be completed in order to determine the amount of the goodwill impairment that should be recorded. In the second step, the implied fair value of the reporting unit’s goodwill is determined by allocating the reporting unit’s fair value to all of its assets and liabilities other than goodwill (including any unrecognized intangible assets) in a manner similar to a purchase price allocation. The resulting implied fair value of the goodwill that results from the application of this second step is then compared to the carrying amount of the goodwill and an impairment charge is recorded for the difference.

The CompanyCenterPoint Energy performed the test at July 1, 2006, the Company’s2009, its annual impairment testing date, and determined that no impairment charge for goodwill was required.

The CompanyCenterPoint Energy periodically evaluates long-lived assets, including property, plant and equipment, and specifically identifiable intangibles, when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value of these assets may not be recoverable. The determination of whether an impairment has occurred is based on an estimate of undiscounted cash flows attributable to the assets, as compared to the carrying value of the assets.
  (e)  Regulatory Assets and Liabilities
The Company

(e) Regulatory Assets and Liabilities

CenterPoint Energy applies the guidance for accounting policies established in SFAS No. 71, “Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation” (SFAS No. 71),regulated operations, to the accounts of the Electric Transmission & Distribution business segment and the Natural Gas Distribution business segment and to some of the accountsportions of the Interstate Pipelines business segment.

The following is a list of regulatory assets/liabilities reflected on the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 20052008 and 2006:2009:
  December 31, 
  2005  2006 
  (In millions) 
Recoverable electric generation-related regulatory assets(1) $332  $304 
Securitized regulatory asset  2,420   2,285 
Unamortized loss on reacquired debt  91   85 
Pension and postretirement related regulatory asset(2)     483 
Other long-term regulatory assets/liabilities  46   38 
Subtotal  2,889   3,195 
Estimated removal costs  (662)  (697)
Total $2,227  $2,498 

  December 31, 
  2008  2009 
  (In millions) 
Securitized regulatory asset (1)
 $2,430  $2,886 
Unrecognized equity return
  (207)  (232)
Unamortized loss on reacquired debt
  73   67 
Hurricane Ike restoration cost (1)
  435   5 
Pension and postretirement-related regulatory asset
  848   781 
Other long-term regulatory assets(2)
  105   170 
Total regulatory assets (1)
  3,684   3,677 
Estimated removal costs
  779   818 
Other long-term regulatory liabilities
  42   103 
Total regulatory liabilities
  821   921 
Total regulatory assets and liabilities, net
 $2,863  $2,756 
(1)Excludes $248 million and $234As discussed in Note 8(b), CenterPoint Houston securitized approximately $665 million of allowed equityHurricane Ike restoration costs in November 2009.  CenterPoint Houston did not record a return on Hurricane Ike restoration costs until approval by thetrue-up balance as Public Utility Commission of Texas (Texas Utility Commission) was received in 2009.  Other regulatory assets that are not earning a return were not  material at December 31, 20052008 and 2006, respectively.2009.

(2)Upon adoptionCenterPoint Houston’s actuarially determined pension expense for 2009 in excess of SFAS No. 158, “Employers’ Accountingthe 2007 base year amount is being deferred for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Plans — An Amendment of FASB Statements No. 87, 88, 106 and 132(R)” (SFAS No. 158), the Company recordedrate making purposes until its next general rate case pursuant to Texas law.  CenterPoint Houston deferred as a regulatory asset for its unrecognized costs associated with operations that have historically recovered and currently recover$32 million in pension and postretirementother postemployment expenses in rates. See Note 2(n).during the year ended December 31, 2009.



If events were to occur that would make the recovery of these assets and liabilities no longer probable, the Company would be required to write off or write down these regulatory assets and liabilities. During 2004, the Company wrote-off net regulatory assets of $1.5 billion ($977 million after-tax) as an extraordinary loss in response to the Texas Utility Commission’s order on CenterPoint Houston’s finaltrue-up application. Based on subsequent orders received from the Texas Utility Commission, the Company recorded an extraordinary gain of $47 million ($30 million after-tax) in the second quarter of 2005 related to these regulatory assets. For further discussion of regulatory assets, see Note 4.
The Company’sEnergy’s rate-regulated businesses recognize removal costs as a component of depreciation expense in accordance with regulatory treatment. As of December 31, 20052008 and 2006,2009, these removal costs of $662$779 million and $697$818 million, respectively, are classified as regulatory liabilities in the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s Consolidated Balance Sheets. A portion of the amount of removal costs that relaterelated to asset retirement obligations havehas been reclassified from a regulatedregulatory liability to an asset retirement liability in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Interpretation No. (FIN) 47, “Accountingaccounting guidance for Conditional Asset Retirement Obligations” (FIN 47).conditional asset retirement obligations.  At December 31, 2008 and 2009, CenterPoint Energy’s asset retirement obligations were $63 million and $82 million, respectively. The increase in asset retirement obligation in 2009 of $19 million is primarily attributable to the decrease in the credit-adjusted risk-free rate used to value the asset retirement obligation as of the end of the period.

  (f)  Depreciation and Amortization Expense
(f) Depreciation and Amortization Expense

Depreciation is computed using the straight-line method based on economic lives or a regulatory-mandated recovery period.periods. Amortization expense includes amortization of regulatory assets and other intangibles. See Notes 2(e) and 4(a)3(a) for additional discussion of these items.

The following table presents depreciation and amortization expense for 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 2006.2009 (in millions).

  2007  2008  2009 
Depreciation expense
 $455  $478  $496 
Amortization expense
  176   230   247 
Total depreciation and amortization expense
 $631  $708  $743 
  2004  2005  2006 
Depreciation expense $415  $432  $440 
Amortization expense  75   109   159 
Total depreciation and amortization expense $490  $541  $599 
  (g)  Capitalization of Interest and Allowance for Funds Used During Construction

(g) Capitalization of Interest and Allowance for Funds Used During Construction

Allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC) represents the approximate net composite interest cost of borrowed funds and a reasonable return on the equity funds used for construction. Although AFUDC increases both utility plant and earnings, it is realized in cash through depreciation provisionswhen the assets are included in rates for subsidiaries that apply SFAS No. 71.the guidance for accounting for regulated operations. Interest and AFUDC for subsidiaries that apply SFAS No. 71 are capitalized as a component of projects under construction and will be amortized over the assets’ estimated useful lives. During 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 2006, the Company2009, CenterPoint Energy capitalized interest and AFUDC of $4$21 million, $4$12 million and $10$5 million, respectively.
  (h)  Income Taxes

The Company(h) Income Taxes

CenterPoint Energy files a consolidated federal income tax return and follows a policy of comprehensive interperiod income tax allocation. The CompanyCenterPoint Energy uses the asset and liability method of accounting for deferred income taxes and measures deferred income taxes for all significanttaxes. Deferred income tax temporaryassets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences in accordance with SFAS No. 109, “Accounting for Income Taxes.”between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases. Investment tax credits that were deferred and are being amortized over the estimated lives of the related property. Management evaluates uncertainA valuation allowance is established against deferred tax positions and accruesassets for those which management believes are reasonably estimatablerealization is not considered more likely than not. CenterPoint Energy recognizes interest and probablepenalties as a component of an unfavorable outcome.income tax expense. For additional information regarding income taxes, see Note 9.


CENTERPOINT ENERGY, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES(i) Accounts Receivable and Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

  (i)  Accounts Receivable and Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

Accounts receivable are net of an allowance for doubtful accounts of $43$35 million and $33$24 million at December 31, 20052008 and 2006,2009, respectively. The provision for doubtful accounts in the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s Statements of Consolidated OperationsIncome for 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 20062009 was $27$45 million, $40$54 million and $35$36 million, respectively.

As of December 31, 2005 and 2006, CERC had $141 million and $187 million of advances, respectively, under its receivables facility. CERC Corp. formed a bankruptcy remote subsidiary for the sole purpose of buying receivables created by CERC and selling those receivables to an unrelated third-party. Prior toOn October 2006, these transactions were accounted for as a sale of receivables under the provisions of SFAS No. 140, “Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities,” (SFAS No. 140) and, as a result, the related receivables were excluded from the Company’s Consolidated Balance Sheets.
In October 2006,9, 2009, CERC amended its receivables facility and extendedto extend the termination date to October 30, 2007. The8, 2010. Availability under CERC’s 364-day receivables facility size was $250 million until December 2006, is $375 million from December 2006 to May 2007 and ranges from $150 million to $325$375 million, duringreflecting seasonal changes in receivables balances. At December 31, 2008 and 2009, the period from May 2007 to the October 30, 2007 termination date of the facility. Under the terms of the amended receivables facility the provisions for off-balance sheet sale accounting under SFAS No. 140 were no longer met. Accordingly, advances received upon the sale of receivables are accounted for as short-term borrowings assize was $128 million and $150 million, respectively. As of December 31, 2006.
Funding2008 and 2009, advances under the receivables facility averaged $190 million, $166facilities were $78 million and $79 million in 2004, 2005 and 2006, respectively. Sales of receivables were approximately $2.4 billion, $2.0 billion and $555 million in 2004, 2005 and 2006,$-0-, respectively.

  (j)  Inventory
(j) Inventory

Inventory consists principally of materials and supplies and natural gas. Materials and supplies are valued at the lower of average cost or market. Natural gas inventories used in the retail natural gas distribution operationsof CenterPoint Energy’s Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services business segment are also primarily valued at the lower of average cost or market. Natural gas inventories of CenterPoint Energy’s Natural Gas Distribution business segment are primarily valued at weighted average cost. During 2006, the Company2008 and 2009, CenterPoint Energy recorded $66$30 million and $6 million, respectively, in write-downs of natural gas inventory to the lower of average cost or market.
  December 31, 
  2005  2006 
  (In millions) 
Materials and supplies $88  $94 
Natural gas  294   305 
Total inventory $382  $399 

  (k)  Derivative Instruments
  December 31, 
  2008  2009 
  (In millions) 
Materials and supplies
 $128  $138 
Natural gas
  441   189 
Total inventory
 $569  $327 
The Company
(k) Derivative Instruments

CenterPoint Energy is exposed to various market risks. These risks arise from transactions entered into in the normal course of business.  CenterPoint Energy utilizes derivative instruments such as physical forward contracts, swaps and options (energy derivatives) to mitigate the impact of changes in its natural gas businesscommodity prices and weather on its operating results and cash flows. Such contractsderivatives are recognized in the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s Consolidated Balance Sheets at their fair value unless the CompanyCenterPoint Energy elects the normal purchase and sales exemption for qualified physical transactions. A derivative contract may be designated as a normal purchase or normal sale if the intent is to physically receive or deliver the product for use or sale in the normal course of business. If derivative contracts are designated as a cash flow hedge according to SFAS 133 “Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities,” the effective portions of the changes in their fair values are reflected initially as a separate component of shareholders’ equity and subsequently recognized in income at the same time as the hedged items. The ineffective portions of changes in fair values of derivatives designated as hedges are immediately recognized in income. Changes in other derivatives not designated as normal or as a cash flow hedge are recognized in income as they occur. The Company does not enter into or hold derivative financial instruments for trading purposes.




The CompanyCenterPoint Energy has a Risk Oversight Committee composed of corporate and business segment officers that oversees all commodity price, weather and credit risk activities, including the Company’s trading,CenterPoint Energy’s marketing, risk management services and hedging activities. The committee’s duties are to establish the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s commodity risk policies, allocate board-approved commercial risk capital within limits, established by the Company’s board of directors, approve tradinguse of new products and commodities, monitor risk positions and ensure compliance with the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s risk management policies and procedures and trading limits established by the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s board of directors.

The Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s policies prohibit the use of leveraged financial instruments. A leveraged financial instrument, for this purpose, is a transaction involving a derivative whose financial impact will be based on an amount other than the notional amount or volume of the instrument.

  (l)  Investment
(l) Investments in Other Debt and Equity Securities
In accordance with SFAS No. 115, “Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities” (SFAS No. 115), the CompanySecurities

CenterPoint Energy reports“available-for-sale” securities at estimated fair value within other long-term assets in the Company’s Consolidated Balance Sheets and any unrealized gain or loss, net of tax, as a separate component of shareholders’ equity and accumulated other comprehensive income. In accordance with SFAS No. 115, the Company reports “trading” "trading" securities at estimated fair value in the Company’sits Consolidated Balance Sheets, and any unrealized holding gains and losses are recorded as other income (expense) in the Company’sits Statements of Consolidated Operations.Income.

As of December 31, 20052008 and 2006, the Company2009, CenterPoint Energy held an investmentinvestments in Time Warner Inc. (TW) common stock (TW Common),related securities, which waswere classified as a “trading” security."trading" securities. For information regarding this investment,these investments, see Note 6.
  (m)  Environmental Costs

The Company(m) Environmental Costs

CenterPoint Energy expenses or capitalizes environmental expenditures, as appropriate, depending on their future economic benefit. The CompanyCenterPoint Energy expenses amounts that relate to an existing condition caused by past operations and that do not have future economic benefit. The CompanyCenterPoint Energy records undiscounted liabilities related to these future costs when environmental assessmentsand/or remediation activities are probable and the costs can be reasonably estimated.

  (n)  Statements of Consolidated Cash Flows
(n) Statements of Consolidated Cash Flows

For purposes of reporting cash flows, the CompanyCenterPoint Energy considers cash equivalents to be short-term, highly liquid investments with maturities of three months or less from the date of purchase. In connection with the issuance of transition bonds in October 2001, and December 2005 the Companyand February 2008 and system restoration bonds in November 2009, CenterPoint Energy was required to establish restricted cash accounts to collateralize the bonds that were issued in these financing transactions. These restricted cash accounts are not available for withdrawal until the maturity of the bonds. Cashbonds and are not included in cash and cash equivalents does not includeequivalents. These restricted cash accounts of $17$60 million and $49$34 million at December 31, 20052008 and 2006, respectively.2009, respectively, are included in other current assets in CenterPoint Energy's Consolidated Balance Sheets. For additional information regarding the December 2005 securitization financing,transition and system restoration bonds, see Notes 4(a)3(a), 3(b) and 8(b). Cash and cash equivalents includes $40$166 million and $123$151 million at December 31, 20052008 and 2006,2009, respectively, that is held by the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s transition and system restoration bond subsidiaries for their operations relatedsolely to support servicing the transition and system restoration bonds.
  (o)  New Accounting Pronouncements

In July 2006,(o) New Accounting Pronouncements

Effective January 1, 2009, CenterPoint Energy adopted new accounting guidance which requires enhanced disclosures of derivative instruments and hedging activities such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued FASB Interpretation No. 48, “Accountingfair value of derivative instruments and presentation of their gains or losses in tabular format, as well as disclosures regarding credit risks and strategies and objectives for Uncertaintyusing derivative instruments.  These disclosures are included as part of CenterPoint Energy’s Derivatives Instruments footnote (see Note 4).

Effective January 1, 2009, CenterPoint Energy adopted new accounting guidance for convertible debt instruments that may be settled in Income Taxes — An Interpretation of FASB Statement No. 109” (FIN 48). FIN 48 clarifiescash upon conversion (including partial cash settlement) which changed the accounting treatment for uncertaintyconvertible securities that the issuer may settle fully or partially in income taxes recognized in an enterprise’s financial statements in accordance with FASB Statement No. 109, “Accounting for Income Taxes.” FIN 48 prescribes a recognition thresholdcash and measurement attribute forwhich required retrospective application to all periods presented. Under this new guidance, cash settled convertible securities are separated into their debt and equity components. The value assigned to the financial statement recognition and measurementdebt component is the estimated fair value, as of the issuance date, of a tax position


CENTERPOINT ENERGY, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIESsimilar debt instrument without the conversion feature, and the difference


between the proceeds for the convertible debt and the amount reflected as a debt liability is recorded as additional paid-in capital. As a result, the debt is recorded at a discount reflecting its below-market coupon interest rate. The debt is then subsequently accreted to its par value over its expected life, with the rate of interest that reflects the market rate at issuance being reflected on the income statement. CenterPoint Energy currently has no convertible debt that is within the scope of this new guidance, but did during prior periods presented.  The required retrospective implementation of this new guidance had a non-cash effect on net income for prior periods and the Consolidated Balance Sheets when CenterPoint Energy had contingently convertible debt outstanding. The effect on net income for the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2008 was a decrease in net income of $4 million, or expected to be taken in a tax return. FIN 48 also provides$0.02 per basic and diluted share, and $1 million, or $0.01 per basic share and no change per diluted share, respectively. The implementation effect on the Consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2008 increased Additional Paid-In-Capital and Accumulated Deficit by $23 million.

Effective January 1, 2009, CenterPoint Energy adopted new accounting guidance on derecognition, classification, interestemployers’ disclosures about postretirement benefit plan assets which expands the disclosures about employers’ plan assets to include more detailed disclosures about the employers’ investment strategies, major categories of plan assets, concentrations of risk within plan assets and penalties,valuation techniques used to measure the fair value of plan assets. See Note 2(p) below for the required disclosures.

Effective June 30, 2009, CenterPoint Energy adopted new accounting guidance on interim disclosures about fair value of financial instruments which expands the fair value disclosures required for all financial instruments to interim periods. This new guidance also requires entities to disclose in interim periods disclosure,the methods and transition. The provisions of FIN 48 are effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2006. The Company estimatessignificant assumptions used to estimate the cumulative effect of adopting FIN 48 to be immaterial to the consolidated financial statements.
In September 2006, the FASB issued SFAS No. 157, “Fair Value Measurements” (SFAS No. 157). SFAS No. 157 establishes a framework for measuring fair value and requires expanded disclosure about the information used to measure fair value. The statement applies whenever other statements require or permit assets or liabilities to be measured at fair value. The statement does not expand the use of fair value accounting in any new circumstances and is effective for the Company for the year ended December 31, 2008 and for interim periods included in that year, with early adoption encouraged. The Company is evaluating the effect offinancial instruments. CenterPoint Energy’s adoption of this new standardguidance did not have a material impact on its financial position, results of operations andor cash flows.

In September 2006,Effective June 30, 2009, CenterPoint Energy adopted new accounting guidance on subsequent events that establishes general standards of accounting for and disclosure of events that occur after the FASBbalance sheet date but before financial statements are issued SFAS No. 158. SFAS No. 158 requires the Company, as the sponsor of a plan,or are available to (a) recognize on its Balance Sheets as an asset a plan’s over-funded status or as a liability such plan’s under-funded status, (b) measure a plan’s assets and obligations as of the end of the Company’s fiscal year and (c) recognize changes in the funded status of its plans in the year in which changes occur through adjustments to other comprehensive income. Additional minimum liabilities are also derecognized upon adoption of the new standard. The Company adopted SFAS No. 158 as of December 31, 2006. The following table summarizes the effect of the adjustments to record the adoption of SFAS No. 158:
  Change due
  Adoption of
  Adoption of
  SFAS No. 158  SFAS No. 158  SFAS No. 158 
Other Assets:            
Regulatory asset $17  $466  $483 
Other  616   (507)  109 
Current Liabilities:            
Other     15   15 
Other Liabilities:            
Accumulated deferred taxes, net  (2)  (64)  (66)
Benefit obligations  288   87   375 
Shareholders’ Equity:            
Accumulated other comprehensive loss  (3)  (79)  (82)
Upon adoption of SFAS No. 158, the Company recorded a regulatory asset for its unrecognized costs associated with operations that have historically recovered and currently recover pension and postretirement expenses in rates. The adoption of SFAS No. 158 did not impact the Company’s compliance with debt covenants.
In February 2007, the FASB issued SFAS No. 159, “The Fair Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities, including an amendment of FASB Statements No. 115” (SFAS No. 159). SFAS No. 159 permits the Company to choose, at specified election dates, to measure eligible items at fair value (the “fair value option”). The Company would report unrealized gains and losses on items for which the fair value option has been elected in earnings at each subsequent reporting period. This accounting standard is effective as of the beginning of the first fiscal year that begins after November 15, 2007. The Company is evaluating the effect ofbe issued. CenterPoint Energy’s adoption of this new standardguidance did not have a material impact on its financial position, results of operations andor cash flows. See Note 15 for the subsequent event related disclosures.


Effective July 1, 2009, CenterPoint Energy adopted new accounting guidance on the FASB Accounting Standards Codification (Codification) and the hierarchy of generally accepted accounting principles.  This new accounting guidance establishes the Codification as the source of authoritative U.S. generally accepted accounting principles recognized by the FASB to be applied by nongovernmental entities.  Rules and interpretive releases of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under authority of federal securities laws are also sources of authoritative GAAP for SEC registrants. CenterPoint Energy’s adoption of this new guidance did not have any impact on its financial position, results of operations or cash flows.

In June 2009, the FASB issued new accounting guidance on consolidation of variable interest entities (VIEs) that changes how a reporting entity determines a primary beneficiary that would consolidate the VIE from a quantitative risk and rewards approach to a qualitative approach based on which variable interest holder has the power to direct the economic performance related activities of the VIE as well as the obligation to absorb losses or right to receive benefits that could potentially be significant to the VIE. This new guidance requires the primary beneficiary assessment to be performed on an ongoing basis and also requires enhanced disclosures that will provide more transparency about a company’s involvement in a VIE. This new guidance is effective for a reporting entity’s first annual reporting period that begins after November 15, 2009. CenterPoint Energy expects that the adoption of this new guidance will not have a material impact on its financial position, results of operations or cash flows.

In January 2010, the FASB issued new accounting guidance to require additional fair value related disclosures including transfers into and out of Levels 1 and 2 and separate disclosures about purchases, sales, issuances, and settlements relating to Level 3 measurements. It also clarifies existing fair value disclosure guidance about the level of disaggregation and about inputs and valuation techniques. This new guidance is effective for the first reporting period beginning after December 15, 2009. CenterPoint Energy expects that the adoption of this new guidance will not have a material impact on its financial position, results of operation or cash flows.


NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — (Continued)Management believes the impact of other recently issued standards, which are not yet effective, will not have a material impact on CenterPoint Energy’s consolidated financial position, results of operations or cash flows upon adoption.

Stock-Based Incentive Compensation Plans and Employee Benefit Plans

Stock-Based Incentive Compensation Plans and Employee Benefit Plans

The CompanyStock-Based Incentive Compensation Plans

CenterPoint Energy has long-term incentive compensation plans (LICPs)(LTIPs) that provide for the issuance of stock-based incentives, including performance-based shares, performance-based units,stock options, performance awards, restricted sharesstock unit awards and restricted and unrestricted stock optionsawards to officers and key employees.  A maximum of approximately 36Approximately 21 million shares of CenterPoint Energy common stock isare authorized to be issued under these plans.

Performance-based shares, performance-based units and restricted sharesEquity awards are granted to employees without cost to the participants. The performance sharesawards granted in 2007, 2008 and units2009 are distributed based upon the performanceachievement of the Companycertain objectives over a three-year performance cycle. The restricted shares vest at various times ranging from one year to the end of a three-year period. Upon vesting, the shares are issued to the participants along with the value of common dividends declared during the vesting period. The restricted sharesstock awards granted in 20052007, 2008 and 20062009 are subject to the performanceoperational condition that total common dividends declared during the three-year vesting period must be at least $1.20$2.04, $2.19 and $1.80$2.28 per share, respectively. The stock awards generally vest at the end of a three-year period. Upon vesting, both the performance and stock awards are issued to the participants along with the value of dividend equivalents earned over the performance cycle or vesting period. CenterPoint Energy issues new shares in order to satisfy share-based payments related to LTIPs.

Option awardsStock options are generally granted with an exercise price equal to the average of the high and low sales price of the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s stock at the date of grant. These option awardsstock options generally become exercisable in one-third increments on each of the first through third anniversaries of the grant date and have10-year contractual terms. No stock options were granted during 20052007, 2008 and 2006.2009.

Effective January 1, 2005, the Company adopted SFAS No. 123 (Revised 2004), “Share-Based Payment” (SFAS 123(R)), using the modified prospective transition method. Under this method, the Company records compensation expense at fair value for all awards it grants after the date it adopted the standard. In addition, the Company records compensation expense at fair value (as previous awards continue to vest) for the unvested portion of previously granted stock option awards that were outstanding as of the date of adoption. Pre-adoption awards of time-based restricted stock and performance-based restricted stock will continue to be expensed using the guidance contained in Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25. The adoption of SFAS 123(R) did not have a material impact on the Company’s results of operations, financial condition or cash flows.
The CompanyCenterPoint Energy recorded LICPLTIP compensation expense of $8$10 million, $13$10 million and $10$15 million for the years ended December 31, 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively.  This expense is included in 2004, 2005Operation and 2006, respectively.Maintenance Expense in the Statements of Consolidated Income.

The total income tax benefit recognized related to such arrangementsLTIPs was $3$4 million, $5$4 million and $4$6 million in 2004, 2005the years ended December 31, 2007, 2008 and 2006,2009, respectively. No compensation cost related to such arrangementsLTIPs was capitalized as a part of inventory or fixed assets in 2004, 20052007, 2008 or 2006.2009.

Pro forma informationThe actual tax benefit realized for 2004tax deductions related to LTIPs totaled $7 million, $5 million and $6 million, for 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively.

Compensation costs for the performance and stock awards granted under LTIPs are measured using fair value and expected achievement levels on the grant date.  The fair value of awards granted to employees after April 2009 are based on the closing stock price of CenterPoint Energy’s common stock on the grant date.  The fair value of awards granted prior to May 2009 are based on the average of the high and low stock price of CenterPoint Energy’s common stock on the grant date. The compensation expense is provided to show the effect of amortizing stock-based compensation to expenserecorded on a straight-line basis over the vesting period.  Had compensation costs been determined as prescribed by



SFAS No. 123, the Company’s net income and earnings per share would have been as follows (in millions, except per share amounts):
  Year Ended
  December 31,
Net loss as reported $(905)
Add: Total stock-based employee compensation expense as recorded, net of related tax effects  5 
Less: Total stock-based employee compensation expense determined under fair value based method for all awards, net of related tax effects  (9)
Pro-forma net loss $(909)
Basic Loss Per Share:    
As reported $(2.94)
Pro-forma $(2.95)
Diluted Loss Per Share:    
As reported $(2.48)
Pro-forma $(2.49)
The following tables summarize the methods used to measure compensation cost for the various types of awards granted under the LICPs:
For awards granted before January 1, 2005
Award Type
Method Used to Determine Compensation Cost
Performance sharesInitially measured using fair value and expected achievement levels on the date of grant. Compensation cost is then periodically adjusted to reflect changes in market prices and achievement through the settlement date.
Performance unitsInitially measured using the award’s target unit value of $100 that reflects expected achievement levels on the date of grant. Compensation cost is then periodically adjusted to reflect changes in achievement through the settlement date.
Stock awardsMeasured using fair value on the grant date.
Stock optionsEstimated using the Black-Scholes option valuation method.
In 2004, the fair values of stock options were estimated using the Black-Scholes option valuation model with the following assumptions:
Expected life in years      5 
Interest rate      3.02%
Volatility      27.23%
Expected common stock dividend     $0.40 
For awards granted as of and after January 1, 2005
Award Type
Method Used to Determine Compensation Cost
Performance sharesMeasured using fair value and expected achievement levels on the grant date.
Stock awardsMeasured using fair value on the grant date and expected achievement.



For awards granted before January 1, 2005, forfeitures of awards were measured upon their occurrence. For awards granted as of and after January 1, 2005, forfeituresForfeitures are estimated on the date of grant andbased on historical averages.  For performance awards with operational goals, the expected achievement level is revised as goal achievements are adjusted as required through the remaining vesting period.evaluated.

The following tables summarize the Company’s LICPCenterPoint Energy’s LTIP activity for 2006:2009:

Stock Options
  Outstanding Options 
  Year Ended December 31, 2006 
        Remaining Average
  Aggregate Intrinsic
  (Thousands)  Exercise Price  Life (Years)  Value (Millions) 
Outstanding at December 31, 2005  13,667   16.05         
Forfeited or expired  (2,306)  12.38         
Exercised  (1,788)  14.90         
Outstanding at December 31, 2006  9,573   17.15   3.7  $35 
Exercisable at December 31, 2006  9,007   17.54   3.5   32 

  Non-Vested Options
  Year Ended December 31, 2006 
  Grant Date
  (Thousands)  Fair Value 
Outstanding at December 31, 2005  1,859  $1.79 
Vested  (1,244)  1.76 
Forfeited or expired  (49)  1.81 
Outstanding at December 31, 2006  566   1.86 
Outstanding Options
Year Ended December 31, 2009
Exercise Price
Remaining Average
Life (Years)
Value (Millions)
Outstanding at December 31, 2008
  5,856  $17.67       
  (573)  18.28       
Cancelled  (295)  25.63       
  (475)  9.23       
Outstanding at December 31, 2009
  4,513   17.95  1.9  $14 
Exercisable at December 31, 2009
  4,513   17.95  1.9   14 

Cash received from stock options exercised was $22 million, $3 million and $4 million for 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively.

Performance SharesAwards
  Outstanding and Non-Vested Shares 
  Year Ended December 31, 2006 
     Remaining Average
  Contractual Life
  Aggregate Intrinsic
  Grant Date
  (Thousands)  (Years)  Value (Millions)  Fair Value 
Outstanding at December 31, 2005  1,560          $9.30 
Granted  910           13.05 
Forfeited  (78)          12.73 
Vested and released to participants  (689)          5.72 
Outstanding at December 31, 2006  1,703   1.5  $19   12.60 

Outstanding and Non-Vested Shares
Year Ended December 31, 2009
Grant Date
Fair Value
Remaining Average
Life (Years)
Value (Millions)
Outstanding at December 31, 2008
  2,102  $15.37       
  1,219   12.42       
Forfeited or cancelled
  (222)  13.25       
Vested and released to participants
  (516)  13.08       
Outstanding at December 31, 2009
  2,583   14.62  

The non-vested and outstanding shares displayed in the table above, tables assumeassumes that shares are issued at the maximum performance level (150%).level. The aggregate intrinsic value reflects the impacts of current expectations of achievement and stock price.



Performance-Based Units
  Outstanding and Non-Vested Units 
  Year Ended December 31, 2006 
  Remaining Average
  Grant Date
  Contractual Life
  Aggregate Intrinsic
  (Thousands)  Fair Value  (Years)  Value (Millions) 
Outstanding at December 31, 2005  34  $100.00         
Forfeited  (2)  100.00         
Vested and released to participants  (1)  100.00         
Outstanding at December 31, 2006  31   100.00     $2 
The aggregate intrinsic value reflects the value of the performance units given current expectations of performance through the end of the cycle. Performance units outstanding at December 31, 2006 were settled in January 2007.
Stock Awards
  Outstanding and Non-Vested Shares 
  Year Ended December 31, 2006 
  Remaining Average
  Grant Date
  Contractual Life
  Aggregate Intrinsic
  (Thousands)  Fair Value  (Years)  Value (Millions) 
Outstanding at December 31, 2005  969  $8.88         
Granted  292   12.96         
Forfeited  (24)  12.09         
Vested and released to participants  (484)  6.11         
Outstanding at December 31, 2006  753   12.14   1.2  $12 

Outstanding and Non-Vested Stock Shares
Year Ended December 31, 2009
Grant Date
Fair Value
Remaining Average
Contractual Life
Value (Millions)
Outstanding at December 31, 2008
  789  $15.33       
  460   12.30       
Forfeited or cancelled
  (9)  14.02       
Vested and released to participants
  (289)  13.73       
Outstanding at December 31, 2009
  951   14.36  

The weighted-average grant-date fair values of awards granted were as follows for 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 2006:2009:

  Year Ended December 31, 
  2007  2008  2009 
Performance awards
 $18.20  $15.40  $12.42 
Stock awards
  18.29   15.09   12.30 
  Year Ended December 31, 
  2004  2005  2006 
Options $1.86  $  $ 
Performance units  100.00       
Performance shares     12.13   13.05 
Stock awards  10.95   12.25   12.96 

Valuation Data

The total intrinsic value of awards received by participants werewas as follows for 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 2006:2009:
  Year Ended December 31, 
  2004  2005  2006 
  (In millions) 
Options exercised $3  $8  $10 
Performance shares  7   5   10 
Stock awards        7 

  Year Ended December 31, 
  2007  2008  2009 
  (In millions) 
Stock options exercised
 $13  $2  $2 
Performance awards
  3   6   7 
Stock awards
  4   5   4 

The total grant date fair value of performance and stock awards which vested during the years ended December 31, 2007, 2008 and 2009 was $7 million, $8 million and $11 million, respectively.  As of December 31, 2006,2009, there was $11$27 million of total unrecognized compensation cost related to non-vested LICP arrangements. That costperformance and stock awards which is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.71.8 years.

Cash received from LICPs was $4 million, $9 million and $17 million for 2004, 2005 and 2006, respectively.
The actual tax benefit realized for tax deductions related to LICPs totaled $4 million, $5 million and $11 million, for 2004, 2005 and 2006, respectively.



The Company has a policy of issuing new shares in order to satisfy share-based payments related to LICPs.
Pension and Postretirement Benefits

The CompanyCenterPoint Energy maintains a non-contributory qualified defined benefit pension plan covering substantially all employees, with benefits determined using a cash balance formula. Under the cash balance formula, participants accumulate a retirement benefit based upon 4%5% of eligible earnings, which increased from 4% effective January 1, 2009, and accrued interest. Prior to 1999, the pension plan accrued benefits based on years of service, final average pay and covered compensation. Certain employees participating in the plan as of December 31, 1998 automatically receive the greater of the accrued benefit calculated under the prior plan formula through 2008 or the cash balance formula. Participants arehave historically been 100% vested in their benefit after completing five years of service. Effective January 1, 2008, CenterPoint Energy changed the vesting schedule to provide for 100% vesting after three years to comply with the Pension Protection Act of 2006. In addition to the non-contributory qualified defined benefit pension plan, the CompanyCenterPoint Energy maintains aunfunded non-qualified benefit restoration planplans which allowsallow participants to receive the benefits to which they would have been entitled under the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s non-contributory pension plan except for federally mandated limits on qualified plan benefits or on the level of compensation on which qualified plan benefits may be calculated.

The CompanyCenterPoint Energy provides certain healthcare and life insurance benefits for retired employees on a contributory and non-contributory basis. Employees become eligible for these benefits if they have met certain age and service requirements at retirement, as defined in the plans. Under plan amendments, effective in early 1999, healthcare benefits for future retirees were changed to limit employer contributions for medical coverage.

Such benefit costs are accrued over the active service period of employees. The net unrecognized transition obligation, resulting from the implementation of accrual accounting, is being amortized over approximately 20 years.

As of December 31, 2006, the Company adopted SFAS No. 158 for its pension and postretirement benefits plans. For additional background relating to the accounting pronouncement and its impacts, see Note 2(o).
In January 2005, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released final regulations governing the Medicare prescription drug benefit and other key elements of the Medicare Modernization Act that went into effect January 1, 2006. Under the final regulations, a greater portion of benefits offered under the Company’s plans meets the definition of actuarial equivalence and therefore qualifies for federal subsidies equal to 28% of allowable drug costs. As a result, the Company has remeasured its obligations and costs to take into account the new regulations. The Medicare subsidy reduced net periodic postretirement benefit costs by approximately $8 million and $17 million for 2005 and 2006, respectively.
On January 5, 2006, the Company offered a Voluntary Early Retirement Program (VERP) to approximately 200 employees who were age 55 or older with at least five years of service as of February 28, 2006. The election period was from January 5, 2006 through February 28, 2006. For those electing to accept the VERP, three years of age and service were added to their qualified pension plan benefit and three years of service were added to their postretirement benefit. The one-time additional pension and postretirement expense of $9 million is reflected in the table below as a benefit enhancement.



The Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s net periodic cost includes the following components relating to pension, including the benefit restoration plan, and postretirement benefits:
  Year Ended December 31,    
  2004  2005  2006    
  Benefits  Benefits  Benefits  Benefits  Benefits  Benefits    
  (In millions)    
Service cost $41  $4  $35  $2  $37  $2     
Interest cost  106   31   99   27   101   26     
Expected return on plan assets  (103)  (13)  (137)  (12)  (143)  (12)    
Amortization of prior service cost  (9)  6   (7)  2   (7)  2     
Amortization of net (gain) loss  47      46      50        
Amortization of transition obligation     7      7      7     
Curtailment     17                 
Benefit enhancement  4   2         8   1     
Other           1           
Net periodic cost $86  $54  $36  $27  $46  $26     
Above amounts include the following net periodic cost related to discontinued operations $11  $20  $  $  $  $     
  Year Ended December 31, 
  2007  2008  2009 
  (In millions) 
Service cost
 $37  $2  $31  $1  $25  $1 
Interest cost
  100   26   101   27   113    28 
Expected return on plan assets
  (149)  (12)  (147)  (12  (98   (9
Amortization of prior service cost
  (7)  -   (8)   3    3    3 
Amortization of net loss
  34   3   23    -    68    - 
Amortization of transition obligation
  -   7   -    7    -    7 
Benefit enhancement
  -   -   1    -   -    - 
Net periodic cost
 $15  $26  $1  $26  $111  $30 
The Company
CenterPoint Energy used the following assumptions to determine net periodic cost relating to pension and postretirement benefits:
 December 31, 
 2004 2005 2006 
  December 31, 
 Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits  2007  2008  2009 
Discount rate  6.25%  6.25%  5.75%  5.75%  5.70%  5.70%  5.85%  5.85%  6.40%  6.40%  6.90%  6.90%
Expected return on plan assets  9.00   8.50   8.50   8.00   8.50   8.00   8.50   7.60   8.50   7.60   8.00   7.05 
Rate of increase in compensation levels  4.10      4.60      4.60      4.60   -   4.60   -   4.60   - 

In determining net periodic benefits cost, the CompanyCenterPoint Energy uses fair value, as of the beginning of the year, as its basis for determining expected return on plan assets.



The following table summarizes changes in the benefit obligation, plan assets, the amounts recognized in consolidated balance sheets and the key assumptions of ourCenterPoint Energy’s pension, including benefit restoration, and postretirement plans. The measurement dates for plan assets and obligations were December 31, 20052008 and 2006.2009.

  December 31, 
  2005  2006 
  Benefits  Benefits  Benefits  Benefits 
  (In millions) 
Change in Benefit Obligation
Benefit obligation, beginning of year $1,791  $535  $1,830  $467 
Service cost  35   2   37   2 
Interest cost  99   27   101   26 
Participant contributions     5      6 
Benefits paid  (116)  (38)  (161)  (42)
Actuarial loss (gain)  21   (65)  (39)  (3)
Plan amendment           8 
Medicare reimbursement           4 
Benefit enhancement     1   8   1 
Benefit obligation, end of year  1,830   467   1,776   469 
Change in Plan Assets
Plan assets, beginning of year  1,657   156   1,729   154 
Employer contributions  85   24   7   27 
Participant contributions     5      6 
Benefits paid  (116)  (38)  (161)  (42)
Actual investment return  103   7   231   13 
Plan assets, end of year  1,729   154   1,806   158 
Funded status, end of year  (101)  (313)  30   (311)
Unrecognized actuarial loss  747   36       
Unrecognized prior service cost  (47)  12       
Unrecognized transition obligation     58       
Net amount recognized $599  $(207) $30  $(311)


  December 31, 
  2008  2009 
  (In millions, except for actuarial assumptions) 
Change in Benefit Obligation            
Benefit obligation, beginning of year
 $1,645  $437  $1,710  $426 
Service cost
  31   1   25   1 
Interest cost
  101   27   113   28 
Participant contributions
  -   5   -   6 
Benefits paid
  (123)  (38)  (111)  (42)
Actuarial gain (loss)
  (59)  (10)  129   29 
Plan amendment
  114   -   -   - 
Medicare reimbursement
  -   4   -   2 
Benefit enhancement
  1   -   -   - 
Benefit obligation, end of year
  1,710   426   1,866   450 
Change in Plan Assets                
Fair Value of plan assets, beginning of year
  1,792   161   1,276   135 
Employer contributions
  8   27   20   28 
Participant contributions
  -   5   -   6 
Benefits paid
  (123)  (38)  (111)  (42)
Actual investment return
  (401)  (20)  247   19 
Fair value of plan assets, end of year
  1,276   135   1,432   146 
Funded status, end of year
 $(434) $(291) $(434) $(304)
Amounts Recognized in Balance Sheets                
Current liabilities-other
 $(9) $(10) $(9) $(9)
Other liabilities-benefit obligations
  (425)  (281)  (425)  (295)
Net liability, end of year
 $(434) $(291) $(434) $(304)
Actuarial Assumptions                
Discount rate
  6.90%  6.90%  5.70%  5.70%
Expected return on plan assets
  8.00   7.05   8.00   7.05 
Rate of increase in compensation levels
  4.60   -   4.60   - 
Healthcare cost trend rate assumed for the next year
  -   6.50   -   7.50 
Prescription drug cost trend rate assumed for the next year
  -   12.00   -   8.00 
Rate to which the cost trend rate is assumed to decline (the ultimate trend rate)  -   5.50   -   5.50 
Year that the healthcare rate reaches the ultimate trend rate
  -   2011   -   2014 
Year that the prescription drug rate reaches the ultimate trend rate  -   2014   -   2015 

  December 31, 
  2005  2006 
  Benefits  Benefits  Benefits  Benefits 
  (In millions) 
Amounts Recognized in Balance Sheets
Other assets-other $655  $  $109  $ 
Current liabilities-other        (7)  (8)
Other liabilities-benefit obligations  (79)  (207)  (72)  (303)
Shareholders’ equity-accumulated other comprehensive loss  23          — 
Net asset (liability), end of year $599  $(207) $30  $(311)
Actuarial Assumptions
Discount rate  5.70%  5.70%  5.85%  5.85%
Expected return on plan assets  8.50   8.00   8.50   7.60 
Rate of increase in compensation levels  4.60      4.60    
Healthcare cost trend rate assumed for the next year     9.00      7.00 
Prescription drug cost trend rate assumed for the next year           13.00 
Rate to which the cost trend rate is assumed to decline (the ultimate trend rate)     5.50      5.50 
Year that the rate reaches the ultimate trend rate     2011      2014 


At December 31, 2008, the pension benefit obligation increased by $114 million due to a plan amendment effective January 1, 2009. ��The amendment increased certain cash balance accounts in conjunction with a transition to a uniform cash balance program effective 2009.

The accumulated benefit obligation for all defined benefit pension plans was $1,767$1,708 million and $1,719$1,864 million as of December 31, 20052008 and 2006,2009, respectively.

The expected rate of return assumption was developed by a weighted-average return analysis of the targeted asset allocation of CenterPoint Energy’s plans and the expected real return for each asset class, based on the long-term capital market assumptions, adjusted for investment fees and diversification effects, in addition to expected inflation.

The discount rate assumption was determined by matching the accrued cash flows of CenterPoint Energy’s plans against a hypothetical yield curve of high-quality corporate bonds represented by a series of annualized individual discount rates from one-half to thirty years.

For measurement purposes, healthcare costs are assumed to increase 7.50% during 2010, after which this rate decreases until reaching the ultimate trend rate of 5.50% in 2014. Prescription drug costs are assumed to increase 8.00% during 2010, after which this rate decreases until reaching the ultimate trend rate of 5.50% in 2015.

Amounts recognized in accumulated other comprehensive incomeloss consist of the following:
 December 31, 
 2005 2006 
  December 31, 
 Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits  2008  2009 
 (In millions)  
 (In millions) 
Unrecognized actuarial loss $26  $  $128  $8  $181  $5  $162  $15 
Unrecognized prior service cost  (3)     (7)  16   17   11   16   9 
Unrecognized transition obligation           4   -   3   -   3 
Net amount recognized in other comprehensive income $23  $  $121  $28 
Net amount recognized in accumulated other comprehensive loss
 $198  $19  $178  $27 

The changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized in other comprehensive income during 2009 are as follows (in millions):

Net loss (gain)
 $(34) $10 
Amortization of net loss
  15   - 
Prior service credit
  (2)  (4)
Amortization of prior service credit (cost)
  1   2 
Total recognized in comprehensive income
 $(20) $8 

The total expense recognized in net periodic costs and other comprehensive income was $91 million and $38 million for pension and postretirement benefits, respectively, for the year ended December 31, 2009.

The amounts in accumulated other comprehensive incomeloss expected to be recognized as components of net periodic benefit cost during 20072010 are as follows:follows (in millions):
  Benefits  Benefits 
Unrecognized actuarial loss $9  $ 
Unrecognized prior service cost (credit)  (1)  2 
Amounts in comprehensive income to be recognized in net periodic cost in 2007 $8  $2 


Unrecognized actuarial loss
 $13  $- 
Unrecognized prior service cost
  1   2 
Amounts in comprehensive income to be recognized in net periodic cost in 2010
 $14  $2 


The following table displays pension benefits related to the Company’s non-qualified benefits restoration planCenterPoint Energy’s pension plans that have accumulated benefit obligations in excess of plan assets:
 December 31,  December 31, 
 2005 2006  2008  2009 
 (In millions)  
 (In millions) 
Accumulated benefit obligation $79  $78  $1,622  $86  $1,770  $94 
Projected benefit obligation  81   79   1,624   86   1,772   94 
Plan assets      
Fair value of plan assets
  1,276   -   1,432   - 

Assumed healthcare cost trend rates have a significant effect on the reported amounts for the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s postretirement benefit plans. A 1% change in the assumed healthcare cost trend rate would have the following effects:
 Increase Decrease 
 (In millions)  
 (In millions) 
Effect on the postretirement benefit obligation $21  $18  $17  $15 
Effect on total of service and interest cost  1   1   1   1 
The following table displays the weighted-average asset allocations as of December 31, 2005 and 2006 for the Company’s pension and postretirement benefit plans:
  December 31, 
  2005  2006 
  Benefits  Benefits  Benefits  Benefits 
Domestic equity securities  48%  27%  50%  28%
Global equity securities  10      11    
International equity securities  11   9   10   11 
Debt securities  30   64   27   61 
Real estate  1      1    
Cash        1    
Total  100%  100%  100%  100%

In managing the investments associated with the benefit plans, the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s objective is to preserve and enhance the value of plan assets while maintaining an acceptable level of volatility. These objectives are expected to be achieved through an investment strategy that manages liquidity requirements while maintaining a long-term horizon in making investment decisions and efficient and effective management of plan assets.

As part of the investment strategy discussed above, the CompanyCenterPoint Energy has adopted and maintains the following weighted average allocation targets for its benefit plans:

Domestic equity securities
Domestic equity securities45-5525-35%  22-3221-31%
Global equity securities
  7-13%  - 
International equity securities
  7-1317-23%  4-14%
Debt securities
  24-3430-40%  60-70%
Real estate
  0-5%  - 
  0-2%  0-2%



The expectedfair values of CenterPoint Energy’s pension plan assets at December 31, 2009, by asset category are as follows:

Fair Value Measurements at December 31, 2009
(in millions)
Quoted Prices in
Active Markets for
Identical Assets
(Level 1)
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
 $11  $11  $-  $- 
Common collective trust funds (1)
  733   -   733   - 
Corporate Bonds:                
Investment grade or above
  193   -   192   1 
High yield
  2   -   2     
Equity securities:                
International companies
  162   160   2   - 
U.S. companies
  96   96   -   - 
Securities received as collateral
  114   114   -   - 
U.S. government back agencies bonds
  55   55   -   - 
U.S. treasuries
  50   50   -   - 
Mortgage backed securities
  39   -   39   - 
Asset backed securities
  27   -   24   3 
Municipal bonds
  22   2   20   - 
Mutual funds (2)
  21   21   -   - 
International government bonds
  12   -   12   - 
Real estate
  9   -   -   9 
Obligation to return securities received as collateral  (114)  (114)  -   - 
 $1,432  $395  $1,024  $13 

(1)30% of the amount invested in common collective trust funds is in fixed income securities, 31% is in U.S. equities and 39% is in international equities.

(2)48% of the amount invested in mutual funds is in fixed income securities and 52% is in U.S. equities.

The pension plan utilized both exchange traded and over-the-counter financial instruments such as futures, interest rate of return assumption was developed by reviewingoptions and swaps that were marked to market daily with the targeted asset allocations and historical index performance ofgains/losses settled in the applicable asset classes over a15-year period, adjusted for investment fees and diversification effects.
cash accounts. The pension plan did not include any holdings of CenterPoint Energy common stock as of December 31, 20052008 or 2006.2009.

The following table sets forth a summary of changes in the fair value of the pension plan’s level 3 investments for the year ended December 31, 2009:
  Level 3 Investments 
Year Ended December 31, 2009
(in millions)
Asset backed
Balance, beginning of year
 $1  $3  $14  $18 
Unrealized gains/(losses) relating to
instruments still held at the reporting date
  -   -   (5)  (5)
Balance, end of year
 $1  $3  $9  $13 
The Companyfair values of CenterPoint Energy’s postretirement plan assets at December 31, 2009, by asset category are as follows:

Fair Value Measurements at December 31, 2009
(in millions)
Quoted Prices
in Active
Markets for
(Level 1)
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
Mutual funds (1)
 $146  $146  $-  $- 
 $146  $146  $-  $- 

(1)65% of the amount invested in mutual funds is in fixed income securities, 26% is in U.S. equities and 9% is in international equities.

CenterPoint Energy contributed $13 million, $7 million and $27$26 million to its qualified pension, non-qualified pension and postretirement benefits plans, respectively, in 2006, respectively. The Company2009. CenterPoint Energy expects to contribute approximately $7$9 million and $29$19 million to its non-qualified pension and postretirement benefits plans, respectively, in 2007, respectively.2010.

The following benefit payments are expected to be paid by the pension and postretirement benefit plans (in millions):
     Postretirement Benefit Plan 
  Benefits  Payments  Receipts 
2007 $119  $33  $(4)
2008  124   35   (4)
2009  129   36   (4)
2010  131   38   (5)
2011  132   40   (5)
2012-2016  691   216   (29)
     Postretirement Benefit Plan 
 $136  $33  $(4)
  138   35   (5)
  142   36   (5)
  145   38   (6)
  144   39   (6)
  743   216   (38)

Savings Plan

The CompanyCenterPoint Energy has a qualifiedtax-qualified employee savings plan that includes a cash or deferred arrangement under Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code), and an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) under Section 4975(e)(7) of the Code. Under the plan, participating employees may contribute a portion of their compensation, on a pre-tax or after-tax basis, generally up to a maximum of 16%50% of eligible compensation. The Company matches 75%100% of the first 6% of each employee’s compensation contributed. The Company may contribute an additional discretionary match of up to 50% of the first 6% of each employee’s compensation contributed. These matching contributions are fully vested at all times.

Participating employees may elect to invest all or a portion of their contributions to the plan in CenterPoint Energy common stock, to have dividends reinvested in additional shares or to receive dividend payments in cash on any investment in CenterPoint Energy common stock, and to transfer all or part of their investment in CenterPoint Energy common stock to other investment options offered by the plan.

The savings plan has significant holdings of CenterPoint Energy common stock. As of December 31, 2006, an aggregate of 22,728,9742009, 21,320,436 shares of CenterPoint Energy’s common stock were held by the savings plan, which represented 27.5%approximately 23% of its investments. Given the concentration of the investments in CenterPoint Energy’s common stock, the savings plan and its participants have market risk related to this investment.

The Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s savings plan benefit expense was $40 million,expenses were $35 million, $39 million and $34$31 million in 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 2006,2009, respectively. Included in these amounts is $6 million and less than $1 million savings plan benefit expense for 2004 and 2005, respectively, related to Texas Genco participants. Amounts for Texas Genco’s participants are reflected as discontinued operations in the Statements of Consolidated Operations.



Postemployment Benefits

NetCenterPoint Energy provides postemployment benefit costsbenefits for former or inactive employees, their beneficiaries and covered dependents, after employment but before retirement (primarily healthcare and life insurance benefits for participants in the long-term disability plan) were $8. The Company recorded postemployment benefit income of $2 million, $8$1 million and $6 million$-0- in 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 2006,2009, respectively.

Included in “Benefit Obligations”"Benefit Obligations" in the accompanying consolidatedConsolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 20052008 and 20062009 was $42$32 million and $43$29 million, respectively, relating to postemployment obligations.

Other Non-Qualified Plans

The CompanyCenterPoint Energy has non-qualified deferred compensation plans that provide benefits payable to directors, officers and certain key employees or their designated beneficiaries at specified future dates, upon termination, retirement or death. Benefit payments are made from the general assets of the Company.CenterPoint Energy. During 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 2006, the Company2009, CenterPoint Energy recorded benefit expense relating to these programsplans of $9$7 million, $8$4 million and $6 million, respectively. Included in “Benefit Obligations”"Benefit Obligations" in the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 20052008 and 20062009 was $113$83 million and $105$79 million, respectively, relating to deferred compensation plans.

Effective January 1, 2008, CenterPoint Energy adopted new guidance on accounting for deferred compensation and postretirement benefit aspects of endorsement split-dollar life insurance arrangements which required CenterPoint Energy to recognize the effect of implementation through a cumulative effect adjustment to retained earnings or other components of equity as of the beginning of the year of adoption.  CenterPoint Energy calculated the impact as negligible at the time of adoption on January 1, 2008.  During 2009, CenterPoint Energy determined that its adoption calculation had omitted the impact that increasing future premium costs would have on the liability and, therefore, it recorded as a cumulative effect adjustment a $15 million correction to increase other non-current liabilities and accumulated deficit as of January 1, 2008.  The effect of the correction is not material to CenterPoint Energy’s previously issued financial statements and did not affect CenterPoint Energy’s results of operations or cash flows.  Included in Benefit Obligations in CenterPoint Energy’s Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 2008 and 2009 was $16 million and $19 million, respectively, relating to split-dollar life insurance arrangements.

Change in Control Agreements and Other Employee Matters

Effective January 1, 2007, the Company entered intoCenterPoint Energy has agreements with certain of its officers that generally provide, to the extent applicable, in the case of a change in control of the CompanyCenterPoint Energy and termination of employment, for severance benefits of up to three times annual base salary plus bonus, and other benefits. By their terms, theseThese agreements are for a one-year term with automatic renewal unless action is taken by the BoardCenterPoint Energy’s board of directors prior to the renewal.

As of December 31, 2006,2009, approximately 31%30% of the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s employees are subject to collective bargaining agreements. One agreement,of the collective bargaining agreements covering approximately 3%14% of the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s employees, is covered by a collective bargaining unit agreement with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union Local 949 that expiresNo. 66, is scheduled to expire in December 2007. We haveMay 2010. CenterPoint Energy has a good relationship with this bargaining unit and expectexpects to renegotiatenegotiate a new agreementsagreement in 2007.2010.

(3)       Regulatory Matters

(a) Hurricane Ike

CenterPoint Houston’s electric delivery system suffered substantial damage as a result of Hurricane Ike, which struck the upper Texas coast in September 2008.

As is common with electric utilities serving coastal regions, the poles, towers, wires, street lights and pole mounted equipment that comprise CenterPoint Houston’s transmission and distribution system are not covered by property insurance, but office buildings and warehouses and their contents and substations are covered by insurance

(3)  Discontinued OperationsTable of Contents
that provides for a maximum deductible of $10 million. Current estimates are that total losses to property covered by this insurance were approximately $30 million.

CenterPoint Houston deferred the uninsured system restoration costs as management believed it was probable that such costs would be recovered through the regulatory process. As a result, system restoration costs did not affect CenterPoint Energy’s or CenterPoint Houston’s reported operating income for 2008 or 2009.

Legislation enacted by the Texas Legislature in April 2009 authorized the Texas Utility Commission to conduct proceedings to determine the amount of system restoration costs and related costs associated with hurricanes or other major storms that utilities are entitled to recover, and to issue financing orders that would permit a utility like CenterPoint Houston to recover the distribution portion of those costs and related carrying costs through the issuance of non-recourse system restoration bonds similar to the securitization bonds issued previously.  The legislation also allowed such a utility to recover, or defer for future recovery, the transmission portion of its system restoration costs through the existing mechanisms established to recover transmission costs.

Pursuant to such legislation, CenterPoint Houston filed with the Texas Utility Commission an application for review and approval for recovery of approximately $678 million, including approximately $608 million in system restoration costs identified as of the end of February 2009, plus $2 million in regulatory expenses, $13 million in certain debt issuance costs and $55 million in incurred and projected carrying costs calculated through August 2009. In July 2009, CenterPoint Houston announced a settlement agreement with the parties to the proceeding.  Under that settlement agreement, CenterPoint Houston was entitled to recover a total of $663 million in costs relating to Hurricane Ike, along with carrying costs from September 1, 2009 until system restoration bonds were issued. The Texas Utility Commission issued an order in August 2009 approving CenterPoint Houston’s application and the settlement agreement and authorizing recovery of $663 million, of which $643 million was attributable to distribution service and eligible for securitization and the remaining $20 million was attributable to transmission service and eligible for recovery through the existing mechanisms established to recover transmission costs.

In July 2004,2009, CenterPoint Houston filed with the Texas Utility Commission its application for a financing order to recover the portion of approved costs related to distribution service through the issuance of system restoration bonds.   In August 2009, the Texas Utility Commission issued a financing order allowing CenterPoint Houston to securitize $643 million in distribution service costs plus carrying charges from September 1, 2009 through the date the system restoration bonds were issued, as well as certain up-front qualified costs capped at approximately $6 million.  In November 2009, CenterPoint Houston issued approximately $665 million of system restoration bonds through its CenterPoint Energy Restoration Bond Company, announced its agreementLLC subsidiary with interest rates of 1.833% to sell Texas Genco4.243% and final maturity dates ranging from February 2016 to Texas Genco LLC. August 2023.  The bonds will be repaid over time through a charge imposed on customers.

In December 2004, Texas Genco completedaccordance with the salefinancing order, CenterPoint Houston also placed a separate customer credit in effect when the storm restoration bonds were issued.  That credit (ADFIT Credit) is applied to customers’ bills while the bonds are outstanding to reflect the benefit of its fossil generation assets (coal, lignite and gas-fired plants) to Texas Genco LLC for $2.813 billion in cash. Followingaccumulated deferred federal income taxes (ADFIT) associated with the sale, Texas Genco’s principal remaining asset was its ownership interest in the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station,storm restoration costs (including a nuclear generating facility (South Texas Project)carrying charge of 11.075%). The final stepbeginning balance of the transaction,ADFIT related to storm restoration costs was approximately $207 million and will decline over the merger of Texas Genco with a subsidiary of Texas Genco LLC in exchange for an additional cash payment to the Company of $700 million, was completed in April 2005.



The following table summarizes the componentslife of the system restoration bonds as taxes are paid on the system restoration tariffs. The ADFIT Credit will reduce operating income (loss) from discontinued operationsin 2010 by approximately $24 million.

In accordance with the orders discussed above, as of December 31, 2009, CenterPoint Houston has recorded $651 million associated with distribution-related storm restoration costs as a net regulatory asset and $20 million associated with transmission-related storm restoration costs, of which $18 million is recorded in property, plant and equipment and $2 million of related carrying costs is recorded in regulatory assets.   These amounts reflect carrying costs of $60 million related to distribution and $2 million related to transmission through December 31, 2009, based on the 11.075% cost of capital approved by the Texas GencoUtility Commission.  The carrying costs have been bifurcated into two components: (i) return of borrowing costs and (ii) an allowance for each ofearnings on shareholders’ investment.  During the yearsyear ended December 31, 20042009, the component representing a return of borrowing costs of $23 million has been recognized and 2005 (in millions):
  Year Ended December 31, 
  2004  2005 
Texas Genco net income (loss) as reported $(99) $10 
Adjustment for Texas Genco loss on sale of fossil assets, net of tax(1)  426    
Texas Genco net income as adjusted for loss on sale of fossil assets  327   10 
Adjustment for general corporate overhead reclassification, net of tax(2)  13   1 
Adjustment for interest expense reclassification, net of tax(3)  (46)   
Adjusted income from discontinued operations of Texas Genco, net of tax  294   11 
Minority interest in discontinued operations of Texas Genco  (61)   
Income from discontinued operations of Texas Genco, net of tax and minority interest  233   11 
Loss on sale of Texas Genco, net of tax  (214)  (4)
Loss offsetting Texas Genco’s earnings, net of tax  (152)  (10)
Loss on disposal of Texas Genco, net of tax  (366)  (14)
Total Discontinued Operations of Texas Genco $(133) $(3)
is included in other income in CenterPoint Energy’s Statements of Consolidated Income.  The component representing an allowance for earnings on shareholders’ investment of $39 million is being deferred and will be recognized as it is collected through rates.
(1)In 2004, Texas Genco recorded an after-tax loss of $426 million related to the sale of its coal, lignite and gas-fired generation plants which occurred in the first step of the transaction pursuant to which Texas Genco was sold. This loss was reversed by CenterPoint Energy to reflect its estimated loss on the sale of Texas Genco.
(2)General corporate overhead previously allocated to Texas Genco from CenterPoint Energy, which will not be eliminated by the sale of Texas Genco, was excluded from income from discontinued operations and is reflected as general corporate overhead of CenterPoint Energy in income from continuing operations in accordance with SFAS No. 144.
(3)Interest expense was reclassified to discontinued operations of Texas Genco related to the applicable amounts of CenterPoint Energy’s term loan and revolving credit facility debt that would have been assumed to be paid off with any proceeds from the sale of Texas Genco during those respective periods in accordance with SFAS No. 144.
Revenues related to Texas Genco included in discontinued operations for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2005 were $2.1 billion and $62 million, respectively. Income from these discontinued operations for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2005 is reported net
(4)  Regulatory Matters(b) Recovery of True-Up Balance
  (a)  Recovery ofTrue-Up Balance

In March 2004, CenterPoint Houston filed itstrue-up application with the Texas Utility Commission, requesting recovery of $3.7 billion, excluding interest, as allowed under the Texas Electric Choice Plan (Texas electric restructuring law.law). In December 2004, the Texas Utility Commission issued its final order(True-Up (True-Up Order) allowing CenterPoint Houston to recover atrue-up balance of approximately $2.3 billion, which included interest through August 31, 2004, and providingprovided for adjustment of the amount to be recovered to include interest on the balance until recovery, along with the principal portion of additional excess mitigation credits (EMCs) returned to customers after August 31, 2004 and certain other matters. adjustments.

CenterPoint Houston and other parties filed appeals of theTrue-Up Order to a district court in Travis



County, Texas. In August 2005, thethat court issued its final judgment on the various appeals. In its judgment, the court affirmed most aspects of theTrue-Up Order, but district court:

reversed two of the Texas Utility Commission’s rulings. ruling that had denied recovery of a portion of the capacity auction true-up amounts;

reversed the Texas Utility Commission’s ruling that precluded CenterPoint Houston from recovering the interest component of the EMCs paid to retail electric providers (REPs); and

affirmed the True-Up Order in all other respects.

The judgmentdistrict court’s decision would have had the effect of restoring approximately $650 million, plus interest, of the $1.7 billion the Texas Utility Commission had disallowed from CenterPoint Houston’s initial request.

CenterPoint Houston and other parties appealed the district court’s judgment. Oral arguments beforejudgment to the Texas 3rdThird Court of Appeals, which issued its decision in December 2007. In its decision, the court of appeals:

reversed the district court’s judgment to the extent it restored the capacity auction true-up amounts;

reversed the district court’s judgment to the extent it upheld the Texas Utility Commission’s decision to allow CenterPoint Houston to recover EMCs paid to RRI Energy, Inc. (RRI) (formerly known as Reliant Energy, Inc. and Reliant Resources, Inc.);

ordered that the tax normalization issue described below be remanded to the Texas Utility Commission as requested by the Texas Utility Commission; and

affirmed the district court’s judgment in all other respects.

In April 2008, the court of appeals denied all motions for rehearing and reissued substantially the same opinion as it had rendered in December 2007.

In June 2008, CenterPoint Houston petitioned the Texas Supreme Court for review of the court of appeals decision. In its petition, CenterPoint Houston seeks reversal of the parts of the court of appeals decision that (i) denied recovery of EMCs paid to RRI, (ii) denied recovery of the capacity auction true-up amounts allowed by the district court, (iii) affirmed the Texas Utility Commission’s rulings that denied recovery of approximately $378 million related to depreciation and (iv) affirmed the Texas Utility Commission’s refusal to permit CenterPoint Houston to utilize the partial stock valuation methodology for determining the market value of its former generation assets. Two other petitions for review were filed with the Texas Supreme Court by other parties to the appeal. In those petitions parties contend that (i) the Texas Utility Commission was without authority to fashion the methodology it used for valuing the former generation assets after it had determined that CenterPoint Houston could not use the partial stock valuation method, (ii) in fashioning the method it used for valuing the former generating assets, the Texas Utility Commission deprived parties of their due process rights and an opportunity to be heard, (iii) the net book value of the generating assets should have been adjusted downward due to the impact of a purchase option that had been granted to RRI, (iv) CenterPoint Houston should not have been permitted to recover construction work in progress balances without proving those amounts in the manner required by law and (v) the Texas Utility Commission was without authority to award interest on the capacity auction true up award.

In June 2009, the Texas Supreme Court granted the petitions for review of the court of appeals decision.  Oral argument before the court was held in January 2007, butOctober 2009.  Although CenterPoint Energy and CenterPoint Houston believe that CenterPoint Houston’s true-up request is consistent with applicable statutes and regulations and, accordingly, that it is reasonably possible that it will be successful in its appeal to the Texas Supreme Court, CenterPoint Energy can provide no assurance as to the ultimate court rulings on the issues to be considered in the appeal or with respect to the ultimate decision by the Texas Utility Commission on the tax normalization issue described below.

To reflect the impact of the True-Up Order, in 2004 and 2005, CenterPoint Energy recorded a decision is not expected for several months.net after-tax extraordinary loss of $947 million. No amounts related to the district court’s judgment or the decision of the court of appeals have been recorded in the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s consolidated financial statements.
Among However, if the issues raised incourt of appeals decision is not reversed or modified as a result of further review by the Texas Supreme Court, CenterPoint Houston’s appealEnergy anticipates that it would be required to record an additional loss to reflect the court of appeals decision. The amount of that loss would depend on several factors, including ultimate resolution of the tax normalization issue described below and the calculation of interest on any amounts CenterPoint Houston ultimately is authorized to recover or is required to refund beyond the amounts recorded based on the True-Up Order, isbut could range from $180 million to $410 million (pre-tax) plus interest subsequent to December 31, 2009.

In the True-Up Order, the Texas Utility Commission’s reduction ofCommission reduced CenterPoint Houston’s stranded cost recovery by approximately $146 million, which was included in the extraordinary loss discussed above, for the present value of certain deferred tax benefits associated with its former electric generation assets. Such reduction was considered in the Company’s recording of an after-tax extraordinary loss of $977 million in the last half of 2004. The CompanyCenterPoint Energy believes that the Texas Utility Commission based its order on proposed regulations issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in March 2003 related to those tax benefits. Those proposed regulationsthat would have allowed utilities owning assets that were deregulated before March 4, 2003 to make a retroactive election to pass the benefits of Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credits (ADITC) and Excess Deferred Federal Income Taxes (EDFIT) back to customers. However, in December 2005, the IRS subsequently withdrew those proposed normalization regulations and, issued new proposedin March 2008, adopted final regulations that dowould not include the provision allowing a retroactive electionpermit utilities like CenterPoint Houston to pass the tax benefits back to customers.customers without creating normalization violations. In addition, CenterPoint Energy received a May 2006 Private Letter Ruling (PLR) issued to a Texas utility on facts similar to CenterPoint Houston’s,from the IRS without referencing its proposedin August 2007, prior to adoption of the final regulations, ruled that a normalization violation would occur if ADITC and EDFIT were required to be returned to customers. CenterPoint Houston has requested a PLR asking the IRS whetherconfirmed that the Texas Utility Commission’s order reducing CenterPoint Houston’s stranded cost recovery by $146 million for ADITC and EDFIT would cause a normalization violation. If the IRS determines that such reduction would cause a normalization violationviolations with respect to the ADITC and EDFIT.

If the Texas Utility Commission’s order relating to suchthe ADITC reduction is not reversed or otherwise modified on remand so as to eliminate the normalization violation, the IRS could require the CompanyCenterPoint Energy to pay an amount equal to CenterPoint Houston’s unamortized ADITC balance as of the date that the normalization violation is deemed to have occurred. In addition, if a normalization violation with respect to EDFIT is deemed to have occurred and the Texas Utility Commission’s order relating to such reduction is not reversed or otherwise modified, the IRS could deny CenterPoint Houston the ability to elect accelerated tax depreciation benefits beginning in the taxable year that the normalization violation is deemed to have occurred. If a normalization violation should ultimately be found to exist, itSuch treatment, if required by the IRS, could have a material adverse impact on the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s results of operations, financial condition and cash flows. However,flows in addition to any potential loss resulting from final resolution of the Company and CenterPoint Houston are vigorously pursuingTrue-Up Order. In its opinion, the appealcourt of appeals ordered that this issue and will seek other relief frombe remanded to the Texas Utility Commission, as that commission requested. No party has challenged that order by the court of appeals although the Texas Supreme Court has the authority to avoidconsider all aspects of the rulings above, not just those challenged specifically by the appellants. CenterPoint Energy and CenterPoint Houston will continue to pursue a normalization violation. Thefavorable resolution of this issue through the appellate and administrative process. Although the Texas Utility Commission has not previously required a company subject to its jurisdiction to take action that would result in a normalization violation.violation, no prediction can be made as to the ultimate action the Texas Utility Commission may take on this issue on remand.

The Texas electric restructuring law allowed the amounts awarded to CenterPoint Houston in the Texas Utility Commission’s True-Up Order to be recovered either through securitization or through implementation of a competition transition charge (CTC) or both. Pursuant to a financing order issued by the Texas Utility Commission in March 2005 and affirmed in August 2005 by a Travis County district court, in December 2005, a new special purpose subsidiary of CenterPoint Houston issued $1.85 billion in transition bonds with interest rates ranging from 4.84 percent4.84% to 5.30 percent5.30% and final maturity dates ranging from February 2011 to August 2020. Through issuance of the transition bonds,
CenterPoint Houston recovered approximately $1.7 billion of thetrue-up balance determined in theTrue-Up Order plus interest through the date on which the bonds were issued.

In July 2005, CenterPoint Houston received an order from the Texas Utility Commission allowing it to implement a CTC designed to collect approximatelythe remaining $596 million from the True-Up Order over 14 years plus interest at an annual rate of 11.075 percent11.075% (CTC Order). The CTC Order authorizesauthorized CenterPoint Houston to impose a charge on retail electric providersREPs to recover the portion of thetrue-up balance not covered by therecovered through a financing order. The CTC Order also allowsallowed CenterPoint Houston to collect approximately $24 million of rate case expenses over three years without a return through a separate tariff rider (Rider RCE). CenterPoint Houston implemented the CTC and Rider RCE effective September 13, 2005 and began recovering approximately $620 million. Effective September 13, 2005, theThe return on the CTC portion of thetrue-up balance iswas included in CenterPoint Houston’s tariff-based revenues.


revenues beginning September 13, 2005. Effective August 1, 2006, the interest rate on the unrecovered balance of the CTC was reduced from 11.075% to 8.06% pursuant to a revised rule adopted by the Texas Utility Commission in June 2006. Recovery of rate case expenses under Rider RCE was completed in September 2008.

Certain parties appealed the CTC Order to a district court in Travis County. In May 2006, the district court issued a judgment reversing the CTC Order in three respects. First, the court ruled that the Texas Utility Commission had improperly relied on provisions of its rule dealing with the interest rate applicable to CTC amounts. The district court reached that conclusion based on the groundsits belief that the Texas Supreme Court had previously invalidated that entire section of the rule. Second, the district court reversed the Texas Utility Commission’s ruling that allows CenterPoint Houston to recover through the Rider RCE the costs (approximately $5 million) for a panel appointed by the Texas Utility Commission in connection with the valuation of the Company’s electric generation assets. Finally, the district court accepted the contention of one party that the CTC should not be allocated to retail customers that have switched to newon-site generation. The Texas Utility Commission and CenterPoint Houston disagree with the district court’s conclusions and, in May 2006, appealed the judgment to the Texas 3rd Court of Appeals, and if required, plan to seek further review from the Texas Supreme Court. All briefs in the appeal have been filed. Oral arguments were held in December 2006. Pending completion of judicial review and any action required by the Texas Utility Commission following a remand from the courts, the CTC remains in effect. The 11.075 percent11.075% interest rate in question was applicable from the implementation of the CTC Order on September 13, 2005 until August 1, 2006, the effective date of the implementation of a new CTC in compliance with the newrevised rule discussed below.above. Second, the district court reversed the Texas Utility Commission’s ruling that allows CenterPoint Houston to recover through Rider RCE the costs (approximately $5 million) for a panel appointed by the Texas Utility Commission in connection with the valuation of electric generation assets. Finally, the district court accepted the contention of one party that the CTC should not be allocated to retail customers that have switched to new on-site generation. The Texas Utility Commission and CenterPoint Houston appealed the district court’s judgment to the Texas Third Court of Appeals, and in July 2008, the court of appeals reversed the district court’s judgment in all respects and affirmed the Texas Utility Commission’s order. Two parties appealed the court of appeals decision to the Texas Supreme Court which heard oral argument in October 2009. The ultimate outcome of this matter cannot be predicted at this time. However, the CompanyCenterPoint Energy does not expect the disposition of this matter to have a material adverse effect on the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s or CenterPoint Houston’s financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.

During the 2007 legislative session, the Texas legislature amended statutes prescribing the types of true-up balances that can be securitized by utilities and authorized the issuance of transition bonds to recover the balance of the CTC. In June 2006,2007, CenterPoint Houston filed a request with the Texas Utility Commission adoptedfor a financing order that would allow the revised rule governingsecuritization of the carrying charges on unrecoveredtrue-up balances as recommended by its staff (Staff). The rule, which appliesremaining balance of the CTC, adjusted to refund certain unspent environmental retrofit costs and to recover the amount of the final fuel reconciliation settlement. CenterPoint Houston reducedreached substantial agreement with other parties to this proceeding, and a financing order was approved by the allowed interest rate onTexas Utility Commission in September 2007. In February 2008, pursuant to the unrecovered CTC balance prospectively from 11.075 percent tofinancing order, a weighted average costnew special purpose subsidiary of capital of 8.06 percent. The annualized impact on operating income is a reduction of approximately $18 million per year for the first year with lesser impacts in subsequent years. In July 2006, CenterPoint Houston madeissued approximately $488 million of transition bonds in two tranches with interest rates of 4.192% and 5.234% and final maturity dates of February 2020 and February 2023, respectively. Contemporaneously with the issuance of those bonds, the CTC was terminated and a compliance filing necessary to implement the rule changes effective August 1, 2006 per the settlement agreement discussed in Note 4(d) below under “Rate Case — Electric Transmission & Distribution”.
transition charge was implemented. During the years ended December 31, 20052007 and 2006,2008, CenterPoint Houston recognized approximately $19$42 million and $55$5 million, respectively, in operating income from the CTC. Additionally, during the years ended December 31, 2005 and 2006, CenterPoint Houston recognized approximately $1 million and $13 million, respectively, of the allowed equity return not previously recorded.

As of December 31, 2006, the Company had2009, CenterPoint Energy has not recordedrecognized an allowed equity return of $234$193 million on CenterPoint Houston’strue-up balance because such return will be recognized as it is recovered in rates. During the years ended December 31, 2007, 2008 and 2009, CenterPoint Houston recognized approximately $14 million, $13 million and $13 million, respectively, of the allowed equity return not previously recognized.

(c) Rate Proceedings

Texas. In March 2008, the natural gas distribution businesses of CERC (Gas Operations) filed a request to change its rates with the Railroad Commission of Texas (Railroad Commission) and the 47 cities in its Texas Coast service territory, an area consisting of approximately 230,000 customers in cities and communities on the outskirts of
  (b)  Final Fuel Reconciliation

Houston. In 2008, Gas Operations implemented rates increasing annual revenues by approximately $3.5 million.  The implemented rates were contested by 9 cities in an appeal to the 353rd District Court in Travis County, Texas. In January 2010, that court reversed the Railroad Commission’s order in part and remanded the matter to the Railroad Commission.  The court concluded that the Railroad Commission did not have statutory authority to impose on the complaining cities the cost of service adjustment mechanism which the Railroad Commission had approved in its order.  Certain parties filed a motion to modify the district court’s judgment and a final decision is not expected until April 2010.  CenterPoint Energy and CERC do not expect the outcome of this matter to have a material adverse impact on the financial condition, results of operations or cash flows of either CenterPoint Energy or CERC.

In July 2009, Gas Operations filed a request to change its rates with the Texas Utility Commission’s final decision relatedRailroad Commission and the 29 cities in its Houston service territory, consisting of approximately 940,000 customers in and around Houston. The request seeks to CenterPoint Houston’s final fuel reconciliation were a componentestablish uniform rates, charges and terms and conditions of service for the cities and environs of theTrue-Up Order. CenterPoint Houston has appealed certain portionsservice territory. As finally submitted to the Railroad Commission and the cities, the proposed new rates would result in an overall increase in annual revenue of theTrue-Up Order involving a disallowance$20.4 million, excluding carrying costs on gas inventory of approximately $67 million relating$2 million. In January 2010, Gas Operations withdrew its request for an annual cost of service adjustment mechanism due to the final fuel reconciliationuncertainty caused by the court’s ruling in 2003 plus interestthe above-mentioned Texas Coast appeal. In February 2010, the Railroad Commission issued its decision authorizing a revenue increase of $10$5.1 million annually, reflecting reduced depreciation rates of $1.2 million.  CenterPoint Houston has fully reserved for the disallowance and related interest accrual. A judgment was entered byThe hearing examiner also recommended a Travis County district court insurcharge of $0.9 million per year to recover Hurricane Ike costs over three years.

In May 2005 affirming the Texas Utility Commission’s decision.2009, CenterPoint Houston filed an appeal to the Texas 3rd Court of Appeals in June 2005, and in April 2006, the Texas 3rd Court of Appeals issued a judgment affirming the Texas Utility Commission’s decision. CenterPoint Houston filed an appeal with the Texas Supreme Court in August 2006, and in October 2006, the Texas Supreme Court requested thatapplication at the Texas Utility Commission and the City of Houston file written responses to CenterPoint Houston’s petition for review. Those responses were filed in January 2007. In February 2007, CenterPoint Houston filed an agreement with the Texas Supreme Court indicating that the parties had reached a tentative settlement of the appeal. In order for the settlement to become final, the Texas Supreme Court must abate the pending appeal, and the Texas Utility Commission must issue a final order approving the settlement. If the Texas Utility Commission does not approve the agreement or modifies the agreement in a manner unacceptable to CenterPoint Houston, CenterPoint Houston would be entitled to ask the Texas Supreme Court to reinstate the



appeal. If the Texas Utility Commission approves the agreement, the parties will request the Texas Supreme Court to set aside the lower court decisions and remand the case for entry of an order approving that settlement. The Texas Supreme Court is not required to abate the appeal. If the Texas Supreme Court does not abate the appeal, it may request full briefing or deny the petition for review. If the petition is denied, the Court of Appeals’ judgment would become final. If the petition is granted, the Texas Supreme Court would address the merits of CenterPoint Houston’s appeal. There is no deadline for the Texas Supreme Court’s decisions. As of December 31, 2006, the Company has not recorded any amounts related to this decision.
  (c)  Remand of 2001 Unbundled Cost of Service (UCOS) Order
The Texas 3rd Court of Appeals remanded to the Texas Utility Commission an issue that was decided by the Texas Utility Commission in CenterPoint Houston’s 2001 UCOS proceeding. In its remand order, the court ruled that the Texas Utility Commission had failed to adequately explain the basis for its determinationseeking approval of certain projected transmission capital expenditures.estimated 2010 energy efficiency program costs, an energy efficiency performance bonus for 2008 programs and carrying costs, totaling approximately $10 million. The Texas 3rd Court of Appeals ordered the Texas Utility Commissionapplication sought to reconsider that determination on the basis of the record that existed at the time of the Texas Utility Commission’s original order. In April 2006, the Texas Utility Commission opined orally that the rate base should be reduced by $57 million and instructed the Staff to quantify the effect on CenterPoint Houston’s rates. In the settlement of the CenterPoint Houston rate case described in Note 4(e) below under “Rate Cases — Electric Transmission & Distribution”, the parties to the remand proceeding agreed to settle all issues that could be raised in the remand. Under the terms of that settlement, CenterPoint Houston implemented riders to its tariff rates under which it will provide rate credits to retail and wholesale customers for a total of approximately $8 million per year until a total of $32 million has been credited to customers under those tariff riders. Those riders became effective October 10, 2006. CenterPoint Houston reduced revenues and established a corresponding regulatory liability of $32 million in the second quarter of 2006 to reflect this obligation.
  (d)  Refund of Environmental Retrofit Costs
TheTrue-Up Order allowedbegin recovery of approximately $699 million of environmental retrofitthese costs related to CenterPoint Houston’s generation assets. The sale of CenterPoint Houston’s interest in its generation assets was completed in early 2005. TheTrue-Up Order required CenterPoint Houston to provide evidence by January 31, 2007 that the entire $699 million was actually spent by December 31, 2006 on environmental programs. The Texas Utility Commission will determine the appropriate manner to return to customers any unused portion of these funds, including interest on the funds and on stranded costs attributable to the environmental costs portion of the stranded costs recovery. In January 2007, the Company was notified by the successor in interest to CenterPoint Houston’s generation assets that, as of December 31, 2006, it had only spent approximately $664 million. On January 31, 2007, CenterPoint Houston made the required filing with the Texas Utility Commission identifying approximately $35 million in unspent funds to be refunded to customers along with approximately $7 million of interest and requesting permission to refund these amounts through a reduction to the CTC,surcharge effective MarchJuly 1, 2007. Such amounts are recorded in regulatory liabilities as of December 31, 2006.2010. In February 2007, the Texas Utility Commission adopted the Staff’s recommendation for a slower procedural schedule than that requested by CenterPoint Houston. The procedural schedule as proposed by the Staff would make it unlikely that the proposed refund would be effective before May 1, 2007. At this time, the Company cannot predict whether any party will oppose CenterPoint Houston’s filing or whether the Texas Utility Commission will approve CenterPoint Houston’s request.
  (e)  Rate Cases
Electric Transmission & Distribution
In December 2005, the Texas Utility Commission ordered the commencement of a rate proceeding concerning the reasonableness of CenterPoint Houston’s existing rates for transmission and distribution service and required



CenterPoint Houston to make a filing by April 15, 2006 to justify or change those rates. In April 2006, CenterPoint Houston filed cost data and other information that supported the rates then in effect.
In July 2006, CenterPoint Houston entered into a settlement agreement with the parties to the proceeding that resolved the issues raised in this matter. CenterPoint Houston filed a Stipulation and Agreement (Settlement Agreement) with the Texas Utility Commission in August 2006 to seek approval of the Settlement Agreement. In September 2006,October 2009, the Texas Utility Commission issued its final order approving recovery of the Settlement Agreement. Revised base rates2010 energy efficiency program costs and other revised tariffs became effectivea partial performance bonus, plus carrying costs, but refused to permit CenterPoint Houston to recover a performance bonus of $2 million on approximately $10 million in October 2006.
Under2008 energy efficiency costs expended pursuant to the terms of the Settlement Agreement, CenterPoint Houston’s base rate revenues were reduced by a net of approximately $58 million per year. Also, CenterPoint Houston agreed to increase its energy efficiency expenditures by an additional $10 million per year over the $13 million then included in rates. The expenditures will be made to benefit both residential and commercial customers. CenterPoint Houston also will fund $10 million per year for programs providing financial assistance to qualified low-income customers in its service territory.
The Settlement Agreement provides that until June 30, 2010 CenterPoint Houston will not seek to increase its base rates and the other parties will not petition to decrease those rates. This rate freeze is subject to adjustments for changes related to certain transmission costs, implementation of the Texas Utility Commission’s recently-adopted change to its CTC rule and certain other changes. The rate freeze does not apply to changes required to reflect the result of currently pending appeals of theTrue-Up Order, the pending appeal of the Texas Utility Commission’s order regarding CenterPoint Houston’s final fuel reconciliation, the appeal of the order implementing CenterPoint Houston’s CTC or the implementation of transition charges associated with current and future securitizations. In addition, CenterPoint Houston is not required to file annual earnings reports for the calendar years 2006 through 2008, but is required to file an earnings report for 2009 no later than March 1, 2010. CenterPoint Houston must make a new base rate filing not later than June 30, 2010, based on a test year ended December 31, 2009, unless the Texas Utility Commission staff and certain cities with original jurisdiction notify CenterPoint Houston that such a filing is unnecessary.
Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement, in October 2006 CenterPoint Houston began amortizing expenditures of approximately $28 million related to Hurricane Rita over a seven-year period and regulatory expenses of approximately $7 million over a four-year period. Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement, the Texas Utility Commission determined that franchise fees payable by CenterPoint Houston under new franchise agreements with the City of Houston and certain other municipalitiessettlement agreement reached in CenterPoint Houston’s service area are deemed reasonable and necessary, along with2006 rate proceeding.  CenterPoint Houston has appealed the revised base rates.
The Settlement Agreement also resolves all issues that could be raised in the Texas Utility Commission’s proceeding to review its decision in CenterPoint Houston’s 2001 UCOS case. See Note 4(c) above.
Natural Gas Distribution
Arkansas.  In January 2007, CERC Corp.’s natural gas distribution business (Gas Operations) filed an application with the Arkansas Public Service Commission (APSC) to change its natural gas distribution rates. This filing seeks approval to change the base rate portion of a customer’s natural gas bill, which makes up about 30 percentdenial of the total bill and covers the cost of distributing natural gas. The filing does not applyfull 2008 performance bonus to the Gas Supply Rate (GSR), which makes updistrict court in Travis County, Texas, where the remaining approximately 70 percent ofcase remains pending.

Minnesota. In November 2006, the bill. Through the GSR,Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) denied a request filed by Gas Operations passes through to its customers the actual cost it pays for the natural gas it purchases for use by its customers without anymark-up. In a separate filing in January 2007, Gas Operations reduced the GSR by approximately 9 percent. The APSC approved this GSR filing in January 2007.
The filing seeks approval by the APSCwaiver of the new rates that would go into effect later this year and would generate approximately $51 million in additional revenue on an annual basis. The effect on individual monthly bills would vary depending on natural gas use and customer class. As part of the base rate filing, Gas Operations is also proposing a mechanism that, if approved, would help stabilize revenues, eliminate the potential conflict between its



efforts to earn a reasonable return on invested capital while promoting energy efficiency initiatives, and minimize the need for future rate cases. As part of the revenue stabilization mechanism, we proposed to reduce the requested return on equity by 35 basis points which would reduce the base rate increase by $1 million. The mechanism would be in place through December 31, 2010.
In Arkansas, the APSC in December 2006 adopted rules governing affiliate transactions involving public utilities operating in Arkansas. The rules treat as affiliate transactions all transactions between CERC’s Arkansas utility operations and other divisions of CERC, as well as transactions between the Arkansas utility operations and affiliates of CERC. All such affiliate transactions are required to be priced under an asymmetrical pricing formula under which the Arkansas utility operations would benefit from any difference between the cost of providing goods and services to or from the Arkansas utility operations and the market value of those goods or services. Additionally, the Arkansas utility operations are not permitted to participate in any financing other than to finance retail utility operations in Arkansas, which would preclude continuation of existing financing arrangements in which CERC finances its divisions and subsidiaries, including its Arkansas utility operations.
Although the Arkansas rules are now in effect, CERC and other gas and electric utilities operating in Arkansas sought reconsideration of the rules by the APSC. In February 2007, the APSC granted that reconsideration and suspended operation of theMPUC rules in order to permit time for additional consideration. If the rules are not significantly modified on reconsideration, CERC would be entitled to seek judicial review. In adopting the rules, the APSC indicated that affiliate transactions and financial arrangements currently in effect will be deemed in compliance until December 19, 2007, and that utilities may seek waivers of specific provisions of the rules. If the rules ultimately become effective as presently adopted, CERC would need to seek waivers from certain provisions of the rules or would be required to make significant modifications to existing practices, which could include the formation of and transfer of assets to subsidiaries.
If this regulatory framework becomes effective, it could have adverse impacts on CERC’s ability to operate and provide cost-effective utility service.
Texas.  In September 2006,allow Gas Operations filed Statements of Intent (SOI) with 47 citiesto recover approximately $21 million in its Texas coast service territory to increase miscellaneous service charges and to allow recovery of the costs of financial hedging transactions through its purchased gas cost adjustment. In November 2006, these changes became effective as all 47 cities either approved the filings or took no action, thereby allowing rates to go into effect by operation of law. In December 2006, Gas Operations filed a SOI with the Railroad Commission seeking to implement such changes in the environs of the Texas coast service territory. Gas Operations’ filing has been suspended to allow for discovery and pre-hearing conferences, and a final determination is expected in the second quarter of 2007.
Minnesota.  At September 30, 2006, Gas Operations had recorded approximately $45 million as a regulatory asset related to prior years’ unrecovered purchased gas costs in its Minnesota service territory. Of the total, approximately $24 million related to the period from July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2006, and approximately $21 million related to the period from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2004. The amounts related to periods prior to July 1, 2004 arose2004. Those unrecovered gas costs were identified as a result of revisions to the calculationpreviously approved calculations of unrecovered purchased gas costs previously approved by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC). Recovery of this regulatory asset was dependent upon obtaining a waiver from the MPUC rules. In November 2006, the MPUC considered the request for variance and voted to deny the waiver. Accordingly, the Companycosts. Following that denial, Gas Operations recorded a $21 million adjustment to reduce pre-tax earnings in the fourth quarter of 2006 and reduced the regulatory asset related to these costs by an equal amount. In FebruaryMarch 2007, following the MPUC denied reconsideration. Although no prediction can be made as toMPUC’s denial of reconsideration of its ruling, Gas Operations petitioned the ultimate outcomeMinnesota Court of this matter, the Company expects to appealAppeals for review of the MPUC’s decision, which precludes recoveryand in May 2008 that court ruled that the MPUC had been arbitrary and capricious in denying Gas Operations a waiver. The MPUC sought further review of the costcourt of this gas, which was deliveredappeals decision from the Minnesota Supreme Court.  In July 2009, the Minnesota Supreme Court reversed the decision of the Minnesota Court of Appeals and upheld the MPUC’s decision to its customers and for whichdeny the Company has never been paid.requested variance. The court’s decision had no negative impact on CenterPoint Energy’s or CERC’s financial condition, results of operations or cash flows, as the costs at issue were written off at the time they were disallowed.

In November 2005, the Company2008, Gas Operations filed a request with the MPUC to increase annualits rates for utility distribution service by approximately $41 million.$59.8 million annually.  In addition, Gas Operations sought an adjustment mechanism that would annually adjust rates to reflect changes in use per customer.  In December 2005,2008, the MPUC accepted the case and approved an interim rate increase of approximately $35$51.2 million, that was implementedwhich became effective on January 1, 2006. Any excess2, 2009, subject to refund. In January 2010, the MPUC issued its decision authorizing a revenue increase of $41 million per year, with an overall rate of return of 8.09% (10.24% return on equity).The difference between the rates approved by the MPUC and amounts collected under the interim rates, over the amounts approved



$10 million as of December 31, 2009, is recorded in final rates is subject to refund to customers. In October 2006, the MPUC considered the requestother current liabilities and indicated that it could grant a rate increase of approximately $21 million. In addition, the MPUC approved a $5 million affordability program to assist low-income customers, the actual cost of which will be recovered in rates in addition to the $21 million rate increase. Although the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office (OAG) requested reconsideration of certain parts of the MPUC’s decision, in January 2007, the MPUC voted to deny reconsideration and a final order was issued in January 2007. The proportional share of the excess of the amounts collected in interim rates over the amount allowed by the final order will be refunded to customers after implementation of final rates. As of December 31, 2006, approximately $12 million has been accrued for the refund and was recorded as a reduction of revenues through the establishment of a regulatory liability.
In December 2004, thecustomers. The MPUC opened an investigation to determine whether Gas Operations’ practices regarding restoring natural gas service during the period between October 15 and April 15 (Cold Weather Period) were in compliance with the MPUC’s Cold Weather Rule (CWR), which governs disconnection and reconnection of customers during the Cold Weather Period. In June 2005, the OAG issued its report alleging the Company had violated the CWR and recommended a $5 million penalty. In addition, in June 2005, CERC Corp. was named in a suit filed in the United States District Court, District of Minnesota on behalf of a purported class of customers who allege that its conduct under the CWR was in violation of the law. In August 2006, the court gave final approval to a $13.5 million settlement which resolved all but one small claim against the Company which have or could have been asserted by residential natural gas customers in the CWR class action. The agreement was also approved by the MPUC, resolving the claims made by the OAG. The anticipated costs of this settlement were accrued during the fourth quarter of 2005.
  (f)  City of Tyler, Texas Dispute
In July 2002, the City of Tyler, Texas, asserted thatauthorized Gas Operations had overchargedto implement a pilot program for residential and small volume commercial customers in that cityis intended to decouple gas revenues from customers’ natural gas usage. In February 2010, CERC filed a request for gas costs under supply agreements in effect since 1992. That dispute was referredrehearing of the order by the MPUC.  No

other party to the Railroad Commission by agreement of the parties forcase filed such a determination of whether Gas Operations has properly chargedrequest.  CERC and collected for gas service to its residential and commercial customers in its Tyler distribution system in accordance with lawful filed tariffs during the period beginning November 1, 1992, and ending October 31, 2002. In May 2005, the Railroad Commission issuedCenterPoint Energy do not expect a final order finding thatto be issued in this proceeding until spring 2010.

Mississippi.  In July 2009, Gas Operations had compliedfiled a request to increase its rates for utility distribution service with its tariffs, acted prudentlythe Mississippi Public Service Commission (MPSC). In November 2009, as part of a settlement agreement in entering into its gas supply contracts, and prudently managed those contracts. The Citywhich the MPSC approved Gas Operations’ retention of Tyler appealed this order to a Travis County District Court, but in April 2006,the compensation paid under the terms of an asset management agreement, Gas Operations withdrew its rate request.

(d) Regulatory Accounting

CenterPoint Energy has a 50% ownership interest in Southeast Supply Header, LLC (SESH) which owns and operates a 270-mile interstate natural gas pipeline.  In 2009, SESH discontinued the Cityuse of Tyler reached a settlement regardingguidance for accounting for regulated operations, which resulted in CenterPoint Energy recording its share of the rateseffects of such write-offs of SESH’s regulatory assets through non-cash pre-tax charges for the year ended December 31, 2009 of $16 million.  These non-cash charges are reflected in equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates in the CityStatements of Tyler and other aspectsConsolidated Income.  The related tax benefits of $6 million are reflected in the dispute between them. As contemplated by that settlement,Income Tax Expense line in the CityStatements of Tyler’s appeal to the district court was dismissed on July 31, 2006, and the Railroad Commission’s final order and findings are no longer subject to further review or modification.Consolidated Income.

(5)(4)       Derivative Instruments

The CompanyCenterPoint Energy is exposed to various market risks. These risks arise from transactions entered into in the normal course of business. The CompanyCenterPoint Energy utilizes derivative instruments such as physical forward contracts, swaps and options (energy derivatives) to mitigate the impact of changes in its natural gas businessescommodity prices, weather and interest rates on its operating results and cash flows.
  (a)  Non-Trading Activities

Cash Flow Hedges.  The Company(a) Non-Trading Activities

Derivative Instruments. CenterPoint Energy enters into certain derivative instruments thatto manage physical commodity price risks and does not engage in proprietary or speculative commodity trading.  These financial instruments do not qualify or are not designated as cash flow hedges under SFAS No. 133.or fair value hedges.

During the year ended December 31, 2007, CenterPoint Energy recorded increased natural gas expense from unrealized net losses of $10 million.  During the year ended December 31, 2008, CenterPoint Energy recorded increased natural gas revenues from unrealized net gains of $101 million and increased natural gas expense from unrealized net losses of $88 million, a net unrealized gain of $13 million.  During the year ended December 31, 2009, CenterPoint Energy recorded decreased revenues from unrealized net losses of $80 million and decreased natural gas expense from unrealized net gains of $57 million, a net unrealized loss of $23 million.

In prior years, CenterPoint Energy entered into certain derivative instruments that were designated as cash flow hedges. The objective of these derivative instruments iswas to hedge the price risk associated with natural gas purchases and sales to reduce cash flow variability related to meeting itsCenterPoint Energy’s wholesale and retail customer obligations.  In 2007, CenterPoint Energy discontinued designating these instruments as cash flow hedges.   As of December 31, 2009, there are no remaining amounts deferred in other comprehensive income related to these instruments that had previously been designated as cash flow hedges.
Weather Hedges. CenterPoint Energy has weather normalization or other rate mechanisms that mitigate the impact of weather on its gas operations in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and a portion of Texas. The remaining Gas Operations jurisdictions do not have such mechanisms. As a result, fluctuations from normal weather may have a significant positive or negative effect on the results of the gas operations in the remaining jurisdictions and in CenterPoint Houston’s service territory.

In 2007, 2008 and 2009, CenterPoint Energy entered into heating-degree day swaps to mitigate the effect of fluctuations from normal weather on its financial position and cash flows for the respective winter heating seasons.  The swaps were based on ten-year normal weather. During the years ended December 31, 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 2006, hedge ineffectiveness resulted in a loss2009, CenterPoint Energy recognized losses of less than $1 million, a loss of $2$-0-, $17 million and a gain of $2$7 million, respectively, from derivatives that qualify for and are designated as cash flow hedges. No component of the derivative instruments’ gain or loss was excluded from the assessment of effectiveness. If it becomes probable that an anticipated transaction will not occur, the Company realizes in net income the deferred gains and losses previously recognized in accumulated other comprehensive



loss. Once the anticipated transaction affects earnings, the accumulated deferred gain or loss recognized in accumulated other comprehensive loss is reclassified and included in the Company’s Statements

losses were substantially offset by increased revenues due to colder than normal weather. Weather hedge losses are included in the Condensed Statements of Consolidated Cash Flows in the same category as the item being hedged. As of December 31, 2006, the Company expects $42 million ($26 million after-tax) in accumulated other comprehensive income to be reclassified as a decrease in Natural gas expense during the next twelve months.
The maximum length of time the Company is hedging its exposure to the variability in future cash flows using financial instruments is primarily two years with a limited amount up to four years. The Company’s policy is not to exceed ten years in hedging its exposure.
Other Derivative Instruments.  The Company enters into certain derivative instruments to manage physical commodity price risks that do not qualify or are not designated as cash flow or fair value hedges under SFAS No. 133, “Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities” (SFAS No. 133). While the Company utilizes these financial instruments to manage physical commodity price risks, it does not engage in proprietary or speculative commodity trading. During the years ended December 31, 2004, 2005 and 2006, the Company recognized unrealized net gains of $2 million, $2 million and $34 million, respectively. These derivative gains are includedrevenues in the Statements of Consolidated Operations under the “Expenses” caption “Natural gas.”Income.

Interest Rate Swaps.  During 2002, the CompanyCenterPoint Energy settled forward-starting interest rate swaps having an aggregate notional amount of $1.5 billion at a cost of $156 million, which was recorded in other comprehensive loss and is beingwas amortized into interest expense over the five-year life of the designated fixed-rate debt.  The settlement amount was fully amortized at December 31, 2007. Amortization of amounts deferred in accumulated other comprehensive loss for 2004, 20052007 was $20 million.

Hedging of Future Debt Issuances.  In December 2007 and 2006 was $25 million, $31January 2008, CenterPoint Energy entered into treasury rate lock derivative instruments (treasury rate locks) having an aggregate notional amount of $300 million and $31a weighted-average locked U.S. treasury rate on ten-year debt of 4.05%. These treasury rate locks were executed to hedge the ten-year U.S. treasury rate expected to be used in pricing $300 million respectively. Hedge ineffectivenessof fixed-rate debt CenterPoint Energy planned to issue in 2008, because changes in the U.S treasury rate would cause variability in CenterPoint Energy’s forecasted interest payments. These treasury rate lock derivatives were designated as cash flow hedges. Accordingly, unrealized gains and losses associated with the treasury rate lock derivative instruments were recorded as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income. In May 2008, CenterPoint Energy settled its treasury rate locks for a payment of $7 million. The $7 million loss recognized upon settlement of the treasury rate locks was not material during eachrecorded as a component of accumulated other comprehensive loss and will be recognized as a component of interest expense over the ten-year life of the related $300 million senior notes issued in May 2008. Amortization of amounts deferred in accumulated other comprehensive loss for the years ended December 31, 2004, 20052008 and 2006. As of2009 was less than $1 million. During the years ended December 31, 2006, the Company expects $202007 and 2008, CenterPoint Energy recognized a loss of $2 million ($13and $5 million, after-tax)respectively, for these treasury rate locks in accumulated other comprehensive loss to be amortizedloss. Ineffectiveness for the treasury rate locks was not material during the next twelve months.years ended December 31, 2007 and 2008.

(b) Derivative Fair Values and Income Statement Impacts

The following tables present information about CenterPoint Energy’s derivative instruments and hedging activities. The first table provides a balance sheet overview of CenterPoint Energy’s Non-trading Derivative Assets and Liabilities as of December 31, 2009, while the latter tables provide a breakdown of the related income statement impact for the year ended December 31, 2009.

Fair Value of Derivative Instruments 
  December 31, 2009 
Total derivatives not designated as hedging
Balance Sheet
Fair Value (2) (3)
Fair Value (2) (3)
    (in millions) 
Commodity contracts (1)
 Current Assets $46  $(7)
Commodity contracts (1) 
 Other Assets  16   (1)
Commodity contracts (1)
 Current Liabilities  20   (123)
Commodity contracts (1)
 Other Liabilities  1   (86)
Indexed debt securities derivative
 Current Liabilities  -   (201)
Total                                                                        $83  $(418)
(1)Commodity contracts are subject to master netting arrangements and are presented on a net basis in the Consolidated Balance Sheets. This netting can cause derivative assets to be ultimately presented in a (liability) account on the Consolidated Balance Sheets.  Likewise, derivative (liabilities) could be presented in an asset account.

(2)The fair value shown for commodity contracts is comprised of derivative gross volumes totaling 674 billion cubic feet (Bcf) or a net 152 Bcf long position.   Of the net long position, basis swaps constitute 71 Bcf and volumes associated with price stabilization activities of the Natural Gas Distribution business segment comprise 51 Bcf.

(3)The net of total non-trading derivative assets and liabilities is a $39 million liability as shown on CenterPoint Energy’s Consolidated Balance Sheets, and is comprised of the commodity contracts derivative assets and liabilities separately shown above offset by collateral netting of $95 million.
Embedded Derivative.  The Company’s 3.75%

For CenterPoint Energy’s price stabilization activities of the Natural Gas Distribution business segment, the settled costs of derivatives are ultimately recovered through purchased gas adjustments. Accordingly, the net unrealized gains and 2.875% convertible senior notes contain contingent interest provisions. The contingent interest component is an embeddedlosses associated with interim price movements on contracts that are accounted for as derivatives and probable of recovery through purchased gas adjustments are recorded as net regulatory assets. For those derivatives that are not included in purchased gas adjustments, unrealized gains and losses and settled amounts are recognized in the Statements of Consolidated Income as revenue for retail sales derivative contracts and as defined by SFAS No. 133,natural gas expense for natural gas derivatives and accordingly, must be split from the host instrumentnon-retail related physical gas derivatives. Unrealized gains and losses on indexed debt securities are recorded at fair valueas Other Income (Expense) on the balance sheet. Statements of Consolidated Income.

Income Statement Impact of Derivative Activity 
Total derivatives not designated as hedging
 Income Statement Location 
December 31, 2009
    (in millions) 
Commodity contracts
 Gains (Losses) in Revenue $102 
Commodity contracts (1)
 Gains (Losses) in Expense: Natural Gas  (255)
Indexed debt securities derivative
 Gains (Losses) in Other Income (Expense)  (68)
(1)The Gains (Losses) in Expense: Natural Gas includes $(181) million of costs associated with price stabilization activities of the Natural Gas Distribution business segment that will be ultimately recovered through purchased gas adjustments.

(c) Credit Risk Contingent Features

CenterPoint Energy enters into financial derivative contracts containing material adverse change provisions.  These provisions require CenterPoint Energy to post additional collateral if the Standard & Poor’s Rating Services or Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. credit rating of CenterPoint Energy is downgraded.  The total fair value of the derivative instruments that contain credit risk contingent interest components was not material at issuance orfeatures that are in a net liability position at December 31, 2006. All2009 is $140 million.  The aggregate fair value of the Company’s 2.875% convertible senior notesassets that are already posted as collateral at December 31, 2009 is $65 million.  If all derivative contracts (in a net liability position) containing credit risk contingent features were either redeemed or surrendered for conversion in January 2007,triggered at December 31, 2009, a maximum of $75 million of additional assets would be required to be posted as described in Note 8(b), “Long-term Debt — Convertible Debt.”collateral.

(b)(d) Credit RisksQuality of Counterparties

In addition to the risk associated with price movements, credit risk is also inherent in the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s non-trading derivative activities. Credit risk relates to the risk of loss resulting from non-performance of contractual obligations by a counterparty. The following table shows the composition of counterparties to the non-trading derivative assets of the CompanyCenterPoint Energy as of December 31, 20052008 and 20062009 (in millions):
  December 31, 2005  December 31, 2006 
  Grade(1)  Total  Grade(1)  Total 
Energy marketers $24  $25  $22  $27 
Financial institutions  208   208   51   51 
Other     2   45   41 
Total $232  $235  $118  $119 

  December 31, 2008  December 31, 2009 
Energy marketers
 $8  $9  $6  $6 
Financial institutions
  4   4   2   4 
Retail end users (2)
  5   125   1   44 
 $17  $138  $9  $54 
(1)"Investment grade”grade" is primarily determined using publicly available credit ratings along with the consideration of credit support (such as parent company guaranties) and collateral, which encompass cash and standby letters of credit. For unrated counterparties, the CompanyCenterPoint Energy performs financial statement analysis, considering contractual rights and restrictions and collateral, to create a synthetic credit rating.


(2)Retail end users represent commercial and industrial customers who have contracted to fix the price of a portion of their physical gas requirements for future periods.


(5)       Fair Value Measurements

Effective January 1, 2008, CenterPoint Energy adopted new accounting guidance on fair value measurements which requires additional disclosures about CenterPoint Energy’s financial assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value. Effective January 1, 2009, CenterPoint Energy adopted this new guidance for nonfinancial assets and liabilities, which adoption had no impact on CenterPoint Energy’s financial position, results of operations or cash flows.  Beginning in January 2008, assets and liabilities recorded at fair value in the Consolidated Balance Sheets are categorized based upon the level of judgment associated with the inputs used to measure their value. Hierarchical levels, as defined in this guidance and directly related to the amount of subjectivity associated with the inputs to fair valuations of these assets and liabilities, are as follows:

Level 1: Inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities at the measurement date. The types of assets carried at Level 1 fair value generally are financial derivatives, investments and equity securities listed in active markets.

Level 2: Inputs, other than quoted prices included in Level 1, are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. Level 2 inputs include quoted prices for similar instruments in active markets, and inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability. Fair value assets and liabilities that are generally included in this category are derivatives with fair values based on inputs from actively quoted markets.

Level 3: Inputs are unobservable for the asset or liability, and include situations where there is little, if any, market activity for the asset or liability. In certain cases, the inputs used to measure fair value may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In such cases, the level in the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement in its entirety falls has been determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety. Unobservable inputs reflect CenterPoint Energy’s judgments about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability since limited market data exists. CenterPoint Energy develops these inputs based on the best information available, including CenterPoint Energy’s own data.  CenterPoint Energy’s Level 3 derivative instruments primarily consist of options that are not traded on recognized exchanges and are valued using option pricing models.

The following tables present information about CenterPoint Energy’s assets and liabilities (including derivatives that are presented net) measured at fair value on a recurring basis as of December 31, 2008 and 2009, and indicate the fair value hierarchy of the valuation techniques utilized by CenterPoint Energy to determine such fair value.

Quoted Prices in
Active Markets
for Identical Assets
(Level 1)
Significant Other
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
Adjustments (1)
as of
December 31,
  (in millions) 
Corporate equities
 $218  $-  $-  $-  $218 
Investments, including money
market funds
  70   -   -   -   70 
Derivative assets
  8   155   49   (74)  138 
Total assets
 $296  $155  $49  $(74) $426 
Indexed debt securities
 $-  $133  $-  $-  $133 
Derivative liabilities
  44   244   107   (261)  134 
Total liabilities
 $44  $377  $107  $(261) $267 
(1)Amounts represent the impact of legally enforceable master netting agreements that allow CenterPoint Energy to settle positive and negative positions and also include cash collateral of $187 million posted with the same counterparties.

Quoted Prices in
Active Markets
for Identical Assets
(Level 1)
Significant Other
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
Adjustments (1)
as of
December 31,
  (in millions) 
Corporate equities
 $301  $-  $-  $-  $301 
Investments, including money
market funds
  41   -   -   -   41 
Derivative assets
  1   77   5   (29)  54 
Total assets
 $343  $77  $5  $(29) $396 
Indexed debt securities
 $-  $201  $-  $-  $201 
Derivative liabilities
  12   194   11   (124)  93 
Total liabilities
 $12  $395  $11  $(124) $294 
(1)Amounts represent the impact of legally enforceable master netting agreements that allow CenterPoint Energy to settle positive and negative positions and also include cash collateral of $95 million posted with the same counterparties.

The following tables present additional information about assets or liabilities, including derivatives that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis for which CenterPoint Energy has utilized Level 3 inputs to determine fair value:

Fair Value Measurements Using Significant
Unobservable Inputs (Level 3)
  Derivative assets and liabilities, net 
  Year Ended December 31, 
  2008  2009 
  (in millions) 
Beginning balance
 $(3) $(58)
Total unrealized gains or (losses):        
Included in earnings
  (11)  (1)
Included in regulatory assets
  (10)  (16)
Purchases, sales, other settlements, net
  (35)  69(1)
Net transfers into Level 3  1   - 
Ending balance
 $(58) $(6)
The amount of total gains for the period included in earnings
attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to
assets still held at the reporting date
 $7  $1 
(1)Purchases, sales, other settlements, net include a $41 million loss and a $66 million gain in 2008 and 2009, respectively, associated with price stabilization activities of CenterPoint Energy’s Natural Gas Distribution business segment.

(6)       Indexed Debt Securities (ZENS) and Time Warner Securities

  (a)  Original Investment in Time Warner Securities
(a) Investment in Time Warner Securities

In 1995, the CompanyCenterPoint Energy sold a cable television subsidiary to TW and received TW convertible preferred stock (TW Preferred) as partial consideration. In July 1999, the CompanyCenterPoint Energy converted its 11 million shares of TW Preferred into 45.8 million shares of TW Common.common stock (TW Common). In March 2009, TW spun off its ownership of Time Warner Cable Inc. (TWC) by distributing 0.08367 shares of TWC common stock (TWC Common) for every share of TW Common held.  Subsequently, in March 2009 TW declared a 1-for-3 reverse stock split.  In December 2009, TW spun off its ownership in AOL Inc. (AOL) by distributing one share of AOL common

stock (AOL Common) for every 11 shares of TW Common held.  A subsidiary of the CompanyCenterPoint Energy now holds 21.67.2 million shares of TW Common, 1.8 million shares of TWC Common and 0.7 million shares of AOL Common (together with the TW Common and TWC Common, the TW Securities) which are classified as trading securities under SFAS No. 115 and are expected to be held to facilitate the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s ability to meet its obligation under the ZENS.2.0% Zero-Premium Exchangeable Subordinated Notes due 2029 (ZENS). Unrealized gains and losses resulting from changes in the market value of the TW CommonSecurities are recorded in the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s Statements of Consolidated Operations.Income.

  (b)  ZENS
(b) ZENS

In September 1999, the Companywe issued its 2.0% Zero-Premium Exchangeable Subordinated Notes due 2029 (ZENS)ZENS having an original principal amount of $1.0 billion.billion of which $840 million remain outstanding at December 31, 2009. Each ZENS arenote was originally exchangeable at the holder’s option at any time for an amount of cash equal to 95% of the market value of a specifiedthe reference shares of TW Common attributable to such note. The number and identity of the reference shares attributable to each ZENS note are adjusted for certain corporate events. As of December 31, 2009, the reference shares for each ZENS note consisted of 0.5 share of TW Common, 0.125505 share of TWC Common and 0.045455 share of AOL Common, which reflects adjustments resulting from the March 2009 distribution by TW of shares of TWC Common, TW’s March 2009 reverse stock split and the December 2009 distribution by TW common. The Companyof shares of AOL Common.  CenterPoint Energy pays interest on the ZENS at an annual rate of 2% plus the amount of any quarterly cash dividends paid in respect of the reference shares of TW Common attributable to the ZENS. The principal amount of ZENS is subject to being increased or decreased to the extent that the annual yield from interest and cash dividends on the reference shares of TW Common is less than or more than 2.309%. This is defined in the ZENS instrument as "contingent principal." At December 31, 2006,2009, ZENS having an original principal amount of $840 million and a contingent principal amount of $849$814 million were outstanding and were exchangeable, at the option of the holders, for cash equal to 95% of the market value of 21.6 millionreference shares of TW Common deemed to be attributable to the ZENS. At December 31, 2006,2009, the market value of such shares was approximately $471$300 million, which would provide an exchange amount of $533$340 for each $1,000 original principal amount of ZENS. At maturity the holders of the ZENS in 2029, CenterPoint Energy will receivebe obligated to pay in cash the higher of the originalcontingent principal amount of the ZENS (subject to adjustment as discussed above) or an amount based on the then-current market value of TW Common, or otherthe reference shares, which will include any additional publicly-traded securities distributed with respect to TW Common.the current reference shares prior to maturity.

Upon adoption of SFAS No. 133 effective January 1, 2001, theThe ZENS obligation wasis bifurcated into a debt component and a derivative component (the holder’s option to receive the appreciated value of TW Commonthe reference shares at maturity). The derivative component was valued at fair value and determined the initial carrying value assigned to the debt component ($121 million) as the difference between the original principal amount of the ZENS ($1 billion) and the fair value of the derivative component at issuance ($879 million). Effective January 1, 2001 the debt component was recorded at its accreted amount of $122 million and the derivative component was recorded at its fair value of $788 million, as a current liability. Subsequently, thebifurcated debt component accretes through interest charges at 17.5%17.4% annually up to the minimumcontingent principal amount payable upon maturity of the ZENS in 2029 (approximately $908 million assuming no dividends are paid on the TW Common subsequent to 2006) which reflects exchanges2029. Such accretion will be reduced by annual cash interest payments, as described above. The derivative component is recorded at fair value and adjustments to maintain a 2.309% annual yield, as discussed above. Changeschanges in the fair value of the derivative component are recorded in the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s Statements of Consolidated Operations.Income. During 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 2006, the Company2009, CenterPoint Energy recorded a gain (loss) of $31$(114) million, $(44)$(139) million and $94$82 million, respectively, on the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s investment in TW Common.Securities. During 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 2006, the Company2009, CenterPoint Energy recorded a gain (loss) of $(20)$111 million, $49$128 million and $(80)$(68) million, respectively, associated with the fair value of the derivative component of the ZENS obligation. Changes in the fair value of the TW CommonSecurities held by the CompanyCenterPoint Energy are expected to substantially offset changes in the fair value of the derivative component of the ZENS.




The following table sets forth summarized financial information regarding the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s investment in TW CommonSecurities and the Company’seach component of CenterPoint Energy’s ZENS obligation (in millions).
 Investment of ZENS of ZENS 
Balance at December 31, 2003 $390  $105  $321 
Balance at December 31, 2006
 $471  $111  $372 
Accretion of debt component of ZENS     2      -   20   - 
Loss on indexed debt securities        20 
Gain on TW Common  31       
Balance at December 31, 2004  421   107   341 
Accretion of debt component of ZENS     2    
2% interest paid
  -   (17)  - 
Gain on indexed debt securities        (49)  -   -   (111)
Loss on TW Common  (44)        (114)  -   - 
Balance at December 31, 2005  377   109   292 
Balance at December 31, 2007
  357   114   261 
Accretion of debt component of ZENS     2      -   20   - 
2% interest paid
  -   (17)  - 
Gain on indexed debt securities
  -   -   (128)
Loss on TW Common
  (139)  -   - 
Balance at December 31, 2008
  218   117   133 
Accretion of debt component of ZENS
  -   21   - 
2% interest paid
  -   (17)  - 
Loss on indexed debt securities        80   -   -   68 
Gain on TW Common  94       
Balance at December 31, 2006 $471  $111  $372 
Gain on TW Securities
  82   -   - 
Balance at December 31, 2009
 $300  $121  $201 

(7)       Equity

  (a)  Capital Stock
(a) Capital Stock

CenterPoint Energy has 1,020,000,000 authorized shares of capital stock, comprised of 1,000,000,000 shares of $0.01 par value common stock and 20,000,000 shares of $0.01 par value cumulative preferred stock.
  (b)  Shareholder Rights Plan

The CompanyDuring the year ended December 31, 2009, CenterPoint Energy received net proceeds of approximately $280 million from the issuance of 24.2 million common shares in an underwritten public offering, net proceeds of $148 million from the issuance of 14.3 million common shares through a continuous offering program, proceeds of approximately $57 million from the sale of approximately 4.9 million common shares to CenterPoint Energy’s defined contribution plan and proceeds of approximately $15 million from the sale of approximately 1.3 million common shares to participants in CenterPoint Energy’s enhanced dividend reinvestment plan.

(b) Shareholder Rights Plan

CenterPoint Energy has a Shareholder Rights Plan that states that each share of its common stock includes one associated preference stock purchase right (Right) which entitles the registered holder to purchase from the CompanyCenterPoint Energy a unit consisting of one-thousandth of a share of Series A Preference Stock. The Rights, which expire on December 11, 2011, are exercisable upon some events involving the acquisition of 20% or more of the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s outstanding common stock. Upon the occurrence of such an event, each Right entitles the holder to receive common stock with a current market price equal to two times the exercise price of the Right. At anytimeany time prior to becoming exercisable, the CompanyCenterPoint Energy may repurchase the Rights at a price of $0.005 per Right. There are 700,000 shares of Series A Preference Stock reserved for issuance upon exercise of the Rights.




(8)       Short-term Borrowings and Long-term Debt
 December 31,
 December 31,
 2005 2006 
 Long-Term Current(1) Long-Term Current(1)  
December 31,
December 31,
 (In millions)  Long-Term  Current(1)  Long-Term  Current(1) 
 (In millions) 
Short-term borrowings:                            
CERC Corp. receivables facility $  $  $  $187  $-  $78  $-  $- 
Inventory financing
  -   75   -   55 
Total short-term borrowings
  -   153   -   55 
Long-term debt:                                
CenterPoint Energy:                                
ZENS(2) $  $109  $  $111   -   117   -   121 
Senior notes 5.875% to 7.25% due 2008 to 2015  600      600    
Convertible senior notes 2.875% to 3.75% due 2023 to 2024(3)  830         830 
Pollution control bonds 5.60% to 6.70% due 2012 to 2027(4)  151      151    
Pollution control bonds 4.70% to 8.00% due 2011 to 2030(5)  1,046      1,046    
Bank loans and commercial paper due 2006 to 2010(6)  3          
Junior subordinated debentures payable to affiliate 8.257% due 2037(7)  103         103 
Senior notes 5.95% to 7.25% due 2010 to 2018
  950   -   750   200 
Pollution control bonds 4.00% due 2015(3)
  151   -   151   - 
Pollution control bonds 4.70% to 8.00% due 2011 to 2030(4)(5)  871   -   581   290 
Bank loans due 2012(6)
  264   -   -   - 
  12   1   -   7 
CenterPoint Houston:                                
First mortgage bonds 9.15% due 2021  102      102      102   -   102   - 
General mortgage bonds 5.60% to 6.95% due 2013 to 2033  1,262      1,262    
Pollution control bonds 3.625% to 5.60% due 2012 to 2027(8)  229      229    
Transition Bonds 3.84% to 5.63% due 2006 to 2019  2,407   73   2,260   147 
General mortgage bonds 5.60% to 7.00% due 2013 to 2033
  1,262   -   1,762   - 
Pollution control bonds 3.625% to 5.60% due 2012 to 2027(7)  229   -   229   - 
System restoration bonds 1.833% to 4.243% due 2010 to 2022  -   -   645   20 
Transition Bonds 4.192% to 5.63% due 2010 to 2020
  2,381   208   2,160   221 
Bank loans due 2012(6)
  251   -   -   - 
CERC Corp.:                                
Convertible subordinated debentures 6.00% due 2012(8)  63   6   56   7   44   7   -   44 
Senior notes 5.95% to 7.875% due 2007 to 2014  1,772   148   2,097    
Senior notes 5.95% to 7.875% due 2011 to 2037
  2,747   -   2,747   - 
Bank loans due 2012(6)
  926   -   -   - 
Other  2   3   1      1   -   1   - 
Unamortized discount and premium(9)  (2)     (2)     (10)  -   (9)  - 
Total long-term debt  8,568   339   7,802   1,198   10,181   333   9,119   903 
Total debt $8,568  $339  $7,802  $1,385  $10,181  $486  $9,119  $958 
(1)Includes amounts due or exchangeable within one year of the date noted.

(2)Upon adoption of SFAS No. 133 effective January 1, 2001, the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s ZENS obligation wasis bifurcated into a debt component and an embedded derivative component. For additional information regarding ZENS, see Note 6(b). As ZENS are exchangeable for cash at any time at the option of the holders, these notes are classified as a current portion of long-term debt.

(3)All of the Company’s 2.875% convertible senior notes were either redeemed or surrendered for conversion in January 2007, as described in Note 8(b), “Long-term Debt — Convertible Debt.”
(4)These series of debt are secured by first mortgage bonds of CenterPoint Houston.

(5)(4)$527 million of these series of debt is secured by general mortgage bonds of CenterPoint Houston.

 (5)In January 2010, CenterPoint Energy purchased $290 million principal amount of pollution control bonds issued on its behalf at 101% of their principal amount.

(6)(6)Classified as long-term debt because the termination dates of the facilities under which the funds were borrowed are more than one year from the date noted.

(7)The junior subordinated debentures were issued to subsidiary trusts in connection with the issuance by those trusts of preferred securities. The trust preferred securities were deconsolidated effective December 31, 2003



pursuant to the adoption of FIN 46. All of the junior subordinated debentures issued to the Company’s subsidiary trust were redeemed in February 2007, as described in Note 15.
(8)These series of debt are secured by general mortgage bonds of CenterPoint Houston.

 (8)In January 2010, pursuant to a notice of redemption dated December 11, 2009, CERC redeemed all of its outstanding 6% convertible subordinated debentures due in 2012.

(9)(9)Debt acquired in business acquisitions is adjusted to fair market value as of the acquisition date. Included in long-term debt is additional unamortized premium related to fair value adjustments of long-term debt of $5$3 million
and $4$2 million at December 31, 20052008 and 2006,2009, respectively, which is being amortized over the respective remaining term of the related long-term debt.
  (a)  Short-term Borrowings.
In(a) Short-term Borrowings

Receivables Facility.  On October 2006,9, 2009, CERC amended its receivables facility and extendedto extend the termination date to October 30, 2007. The8, 2010.  Availability under CERC’s 364-day receivables facility size was $250 million until December 2006, $375 million from December 2006 to May 2007 andnow ranges from $150 million to $325$375 million, reflecting seasonal changes in receivables balances.  As of December 31, 2008 and 2009, the facility size was $128 million and $150 million, respectively. As of December 31, 2008 and 2009, advances under the receivables facilities were $78 million and $-0-, respectively.

Inventory Financing. In December 2008, Gas Operations entered into an asset management agreement whereby it sold $110 million of its natural gas in storage and agreed to repurchase an equivalent amount of natural gas during the period from May 2007 to the October 30, 2007 termination date. Under the terms of the amended receivables facility, the provisions2008-2009 winter heating season for sale accounting under SFAS No. 140 were no longer met. Accordingly, advances received by CERC upon the sale of receivables arepayments totaling $114 million.  This transaction was accounted for as short-term borrowingsa financing and was paid in full during 2009.
In October 2009, Gas Operations entered into asset management agreements associated with its utility distribution service in Arkansas, Louisiana and Oklahoma. Pursuant to the provisions of the agreements, Gas Operations sold $104 million of its natural gas in storage and agreed to repurchase an equivalent amount of natural gas during the 2009-2010 winter heating season at the same cost, plus a financing charge. This transaction was accounted for as a financing and, as of December 31, 2006.2009, a principal obligation of $55 million remained.

Also in October 2009, Gas Operations entered into asset management agreements associated with its utility distribution service in Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. In connection with these asset management agreements, Gas Operations exchanged natural gas in storage for the right to receive an equivalent amount of natural gas during the 2009-2010 winter heating season. Although title to the natural gas in storage was transferred to the third party, the natural gas continues to be accounted for as inventory due to the right to receive an equivalent amount of natural gas during the current winter heating season. As of December 31, 2006, $1872009, CenterPoint Energy’s Consolidated Balance Sheets reflect $10 million in Inventory related to these agreements.

Revolving Credit Facility. On October 6, 2009, CenterPoint Houston terminated its $600 million 364-day credit facility which was advanced for the purchasesecured by a pledge of receivables under CERC’s receivables facility. As$600 million of December 31, 2006, advances had an interest rate of 5.60%.general mortgage bonds issued by CenterPoint Houston.
  (b)  Long-term Debt

Senior Notes.(b) Long-term Debt

General Mortgage Bonds. In May 2006, CERC Corp.January 2009, CenterPoint Houston issued $325$500 million aggregate principal amount of senior notesgeneral mortgage bonds due in May 2016March 2014 with an interest rate of 6.15%7.00%.  The proceeds from the sale of the senior notesbonds were used for general corporate purposes, including the repayment or refinancing of debt (including $145 million of CERC’s 8.90% debentures repaid December 15, 2006),outstanding borrowings under CenterPoint Houston’s revolving credit facility and the money pool, capital expenditures and working capital. Forstorm restoration costs associated with Hurricane Ike.

System Restoration Bonds. In July 2009, CenterPoint Houston filed with the Texas Utility Commission its application for a discussionfinancing order to recover the portion of approved costs related to distribution service through the Company’s debt transactionsissuance of system restoration bonds. In August 2009, the Texas Utility Commission issued a financing order allowing CenterPoint Houston to securitize $643 million in 2007, see Note 15.distribution service costs plus carrying charges from September 1, 2009 through the date the system restoration bonds were issued, as well as certain up-front qualified costs capped at approximately $6 million.  In November 2009, CenterPoint Houston issued approximately $665 million of system restoration bonds through its CenterPoint Energy Restoration Bond Company, LLC subsidiary with interest rates of 1.833% to 4.243% and final maturity dates ranging from February 2016 to August 2023.  The bonds will be repaid over time through a charge imposed on customers.

Revolving Credit Facilities.As of December 31, 2008 and 2009, the following loan balances were outstanding under CenterPoint Energy’s long-term revolving credit facilities (in millions):

December 31,
December 31,
CenterPoint Energy credit facility borrowings
 $264  $- 
CenterPoint Houston credit facility borrowings
  251   - 
CERC Corp. credit facility borrowings
  926   - 
Total credit facility borrowings
 $1,441  $- 

In March 2006, the Company,addition, as of December 31, 2008 and 2009, CenterPoint Energy had approximately $27 million and $25 million, respectively, of outstanding letters of credit under its $1.2 billion credit facility. CenterPoint Houston had approximately $4 million of outstanding letters of credit under its $289 million credit facility as of both December 31, 2008 and 2009. There was no commercial paper outstanding that would have been backstopped by CenterPoint Energy’s $1.2 billion credit facility or by CERC Corp.’s credit facility as of December 31, 2008 and 2009.  CenterPoint Energy, CenterPoint Houston and CERC Corp., entered into amended and restated bank credit facilities. The Company replaced its $1 billion five-year revolving credit facility were in compliance with aall debt covenants as of December 31, 2009.

CenterPoint Energy’s $1.2 billion five-year revolving credit facility. The facility has a first drawn cost of the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) plus 6055 basis points based on the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s current credit ratings, as compared to LIBOR plus 87.5 basis points for borrowings under the facility it replaced.ratings. The facility contains covenants, including a debt (excluding transition and system restoration bonds) to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization covenant.(EBITDA) covenant (as those terms are defined in the facility). Such covenant was modified twice in 2008 to provide additional debt capacity.  The second modification was to provide debt capacity pending the financing of system restoration costs following Hurricane Ike.  That modification was terminated with CenterPoint Houston’s issuance of bonds to securitize such costs in November 2009.  In February 2010, CenterPoint Energy amended its credit facility to modify the financial ratio covenant to allow for a temporary increase of the permitted ratio of debt (excluding transition and system restoration bonds) to EBITDA from 5 times to 5.5 times if CenterPoint Houston experiences damage from a natural disaster in its service territory and CenterPoint Energy certifies to the administrative agent that CenterPoint Houston has incurred system restoration costs reasonably likely to exceed $100 million in a calendar year, all or part of which CenterPoint Houston intends to seek to recover through securitization financing. Such temporary increase in the financial ratio covenant would be in effect from the date CenterPoint Energy delivers its certification until the earliest to occur of (i) the completion of the securitization financing, (ii) the first anniversary of CenterPoint Energy’s certification or (iii) the revocation of such certification.

CenterPoint Houston replaced its $200Houston’s $289 million five-year revolving credit facility withcontains a $300 million five-year revolving credit facility.debt (excluding transition and system restoration bonds) to total capitalization covenant. The facility has afacility’s first drawn cost ofis LIBOR plus 45 basis points based on CenterPoint Houston’s current credit ratings, as compared to LIBOR plus 75 basis points for borrowings underratings.

On October 7, 2009, the facility it replaced. The facility contains covenants, including a debt (excluding transition bonds) to total capitalization covenantsize of 65%.
the CERC Corp. replaced its $400 million five-year revolving credit facility withwas reduced from $950 million to $915 million through removal of Lehman Brothers Bank, FSB (Lehman) as a $550lender.  Prior to its removal, Lehman had a $35 million five-year revolvingcommitment to lend.  All credit facility. The facility has aloans to CERC Corp. that were funded by Lehman were repaid in September 2009.  CERC Corp.’s $915 million credit facility’s first drawn cost ofis LIBOR plus 45 basis points based on CERC Corp.’s current credit ratings, as compared to LIBOR plus 55 basis points for borrowings under the facility it replaced.ratings. The facility contains covenants, including a debt to total capitalization covenant of 65%.covenant.

Under each of theCenterPoint Energy’s $1.2 billion credit facilities,facility, CenterPoint Houston’s $289 million credit facility and CERC Corp.’s $915 million credit facility, an additional utilization fee of 105 basis points applies to borrowings any time more than 50% of the facility is utilized, and theutilized. The spread to LIBOR fluctuatesand the utilization fee fluctuate based on the borrower’s credit rating. Borrowings under each of the facilities are subject to customary terms and conditions. However, there is no requirement that the Company,

Maturities.  CenterPoint Houston or CERC Corp. make representations prior to borrowings as to the absence of material adverse changes or litigation that could be expected to have a material adverse effect. Borrowings under each of the credit facilities are subject to acceleration upon the occurrence of events of default that the Company, CenterPoint Houston and CERC Corp. consider customary.



As of December 31, 2006, the Company had no borrowings and approximately $28 million of outstanding letters of credit under its $1.2 billion credit facility, CenterPoint Houston had no borrowings and approximately $4 million of outstanding letters of credit under its $300 million credit facility and CERC Corp. had no borrowings and approximately $4 million of outstanding letters of credit under its $550 million credit facility. Additionally, the Company, CenterPoint Houston and CERC Corp. were in compliance with all covenants as of December 31, 2006.
Transition Bonds.  Pursuant to a financing order issued by the Texas Utility Commission in March 2005 and affirmed in all respects in August 2005 by the same Travis County District Court considering the appeal of the True-Up Order, in December 2005 a subsidiary of CenterPoint Houston issued $1.85 billion in transition bonds with interest rates ranging from 4.84 percent to 5.30 percent and final maturity dates ranging from February 2011 to August 2020. Scheduled payment dates range from August 2006 to August 2019. Through issuance of the transition bonds, CenterPoint Houston recovered approximately $1.7 billion of the true-up balance determined in the True-Up Order plus interest through the date on which the bonds were issued. The proceeds received from the issuance of the transition bonds were used to repay CenterPoint Houston’s $1.3 billion credit facility, which was utilized in November 2005 to repay CenterPoint Houston’s $1.3 billion term loan upon its maturity.
Convertible Debt.  On May 19, 2003, the Company issued $575 million aggregate principal amount of convertible senior notes due May 15, 2023 with an interest rate of 3.75%. As of December 31, 2006, holders could convert each of their notes into shares of CenterPoint Energy common stock at a conversion rate of 88.3833 shares of common stock per $1,000 principal amount of notes at any time prior to maturity under the following circumstances: (1) if the last reported sale price of CenterPoint Energy common stock for at least 20 trading days during the period of 30 consecutive trading days ending on the last trading day of the previous calendar quarter is greater than or equal to 120% or, following May 15, 2008, 110% of the conversion price per share of CenterPoint Energy common stock on such last trading day, (2) if the notes have been called for redemption, (3) during any period in which the credit ratings assigned to the notes by both Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody’s) and Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services (S&P), a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, are lower than Ba2 and BB, respectively, or the notes are no longer rated by at least one of these ratings services or their successors, or (4) upon the occurrence of specified corporate transactions, including the distribution to all holders of CenterPoint Energy common stock of certain rights entitling them to purchase shares of CenterPoint Energy common stock at less than the last reported sale price of a share of CenterPoint Energy common stock on the trading day prior to the declaration date of the distribution or the distribution to all holders of CenterPoint Energy common stock of the Company’s assets, debt securities or certain rights to purchase the Company’s securities, which distribution has a per share value exceeding 15% of the last reported sale price of a share of CenterPoint Energy common stock on the trading day immediately preceding the declaration date for such distribution. The notes originally had a conversion rate of 86.3558 shares of common stock per $1,000 principal amount of notes. However, effective February 16, 2006 and November 17, 2006, the conversion rate increased to 87.4094 and 88.3833, respectively, in accordance with the terms of the notes due to quarterly common stock dividends in excess of $0.10 per share.
Holders have the right to require the Company to purchase all or any portion of the notes for cash on May 15, 2008, May 15, 2013 and May 15, 2018 for a purchase price equal to 100% of the principal amount of the notes. The convertible senior notes also have a contingent interest feature requiring contingent interest to be paid to holders of notes commencing on or after May 15, 2008, in the event that the average trading price of a note for the applicable five-trading-day period equals or exceeds 120% of the principal amount of the note as of the day immediately preceding the first day of the applicable six-month interest period. For any six-month period, contingent interest will be equal to 0.25% of the average trading price of the note for the applicable five-trading-day period.
In August 2005, the Company accepted for exchange approximately $572 million aggregate principal amount of its 3.75% convertible senior notes due 2023 (Old Notes) for an equal amount of its new 3.75% convertible senior notes due 2023 (New Notes). Old Notes of approximately $3 million remain outstanding. Under the terms of the New Notes, which are substantially similar to the Old Notes, settlement of the principal portion will be made in cash rather than stock.



Additionally, as of December 31, 2006, the 3.75% convertible senior notes have been included as current portion of long-term debt in the Consolidated Balance Sheets because the last reported sale price of CenterPoint Energy common stock for at least 20 trading days during the period of 30 consecutive trading days ending on the last trading day of the fourth quarter of 2006 was greater than or equal to 120% of the conversion price of the 3.75% convertible senior notes and therefore, during the first quarter of 2007, the 3.75% convertible senior notes meet the criteria that make them eligible for conversion at the option of the holders of these notes.
On December 17, 2003, the Company issued $255 million aggregate principal amount of convertible senior notes due January 15, 2024 with an interest rate of 2.875%. As of December 31, 2006, holders could convert each of their notes into shares of CenterPoint Energy common stock at a conversion rate of 79.8969 shares of common stock per $1,000 principal amount of notes. The notes originally had a conversion rate of 78.0640 shares of common stock per $1,000 principal amount of notes. However, effective February 16, 2006 and November 17, 2006, the conversion rate increased to 79.0165 and 79.8969, respectively, in accordance with the terms of the notes due to quarterly common stock dividends in excess of $0.10 per share. As of December 31, 2006, these notes were classified as current portion of other long-term debt in the Company’s Consolidated Balance Sheets.
In December 2006, the Company called its 2.875% Convertible Senior Notes due 2024 (2.875% Convertible Notes) for redemption on January 22, 2007 at 100% of their principal amount. The 2.875% Convertible Notes became immediately convertible at the option of the holders upon the call for redemption and were convertible through the close of business on the redemption date. Substantially all the $255 million aggregate principal amount of the 2.875% Convertible Notes were converted. The $255 million principal amount of the 2.875% Convertible Notes was settled in cash and the excess value due converting holders of $97 million was settled by delivering approximately 5.6 million shares of the Company’s common stock.
Junior Subordinated Debentures (Trust Preferred Securities).  In February 1997, a Delaware statutory business trust created by CenterPoint Energy (HL&P Capital Trust II) issued to the public $100 million aggregate amount of capital securities. The trust used the proceeds of the offering to purchase junior subordinated debentures issued by CenterPoint Energy having an interest rate and maturity date that correspond to the distribution rate and the mandatory redemption date of the capital securities. The amount of outstanding junior subordinated debentures discussed above was included in long-term debt as of December 31, 2005 and in current portion of long-term debt as of December 31, 2006.
The junior subordinated debentures are the trust’s sole assets and their entire operations. CenterPoint Energy considered its obligations under the Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust, Indenture, Guaranty Agreement and, where applicable, Agreement as to Expenses and Liabilities, relating to the capital securities, taken together, to constitute a full and unconditional guarantee by CenterPoint Energy of the trust’s obligations with respect to the capital securities.
The capital securities were mandatorily redeemable upon the repayment of the related series of junior subordinated debentures at their stated maturity or earlier redemption.
The outstanding aggregate liquidation amount, distribution rate and mandatory redemption date of the capital securities of the trust described above and the identity and similar terms of the related series of junior subordinated debentures were as follows:
  Aggregate Liquidation
  Amounts as of
  December 31, Interest
 2005 2006 Rate Maturity Date Junior Subordinated Debentures
  (In millions)      
HL&P Capital Trust II $100  $100   8.257%  February 2037  8.257% Junior Subordinated
                  Deferrable Interest Debentures Series B



For information regarding the redemption of the Trust Preferred Securities in February 2007, see Note 15.
Maturities.  The Company’sEnergy’s maturities of long-term debt, capital leases and sinking fund requirements, excluding the ZENS obligation, are $508 million in 2007, $666 million in 2008, $181 million in 2009, $397$782 million in 2010, and $782$852 million in 2011.2011, $353 million in 2012, $1.5 billion in 2013 and $1.2 billion in 2014.  Maturities include transition and system restoration bond principal repayments on scheduled payment dates aggregating $241 million in 2010, $283 million in 2011, $307 million in 2012, $330 million in 2013 and $235 million in 2014.  Maturities in 2010 include $290 million of pollution control bonds issued on behalf of CenterPoint Energy which were purchased by CenterPoint Energy in January 2010 and $45 million of debentures redeemed in January 2010.
Liens.  As of December 31, 2006,2009, CenterPoint Houston’s assets were subject to liens securing approximately $253 million of first mortgage bonds. Sinking or improvement fund and replacement fund requirements on the first mortgage bonds may be satisfied by certification of property additions. Sinking fund and replacement fund requirements for 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 20062009 have been satisfied by certification of property additions. The replacement fund requirement to be satisfied in 20072010 is approximately $160$172 million, and the sinking fund requirement to be satisfied in 20072010 is approximately $3 million. The CompanyCenterPoint Energy expects CenterPoint Houston to meet these 20072010 obligations by certification of property additions. As of December 31, 2006,2009, CenterPoint Houston’s assets were also subject to liens securing approximately $2.0$2.5 billion of general mortgage bonds which are junior to the liens of the first mortgage bonds.

(9)      Income Taxes

The Company’s current and deferred components of CenterPoint Energy’s income tax expense (benefit) were as follows:
  Year Ended December 31, 
  2004  2005  2006 
  (In millions) 
Federal $(130) $(74) $373 
State  11   2   37 
Total current  (119)  (72)  410 
Federal  264   208   (362)
State  (6)  17   14 
Total deferred  258   225   (348)
Income tax expense $139  $153  $62 


  Year Ended December 31, 
  2007  2008  2009 
  (In millions) 
Current income tax expense (benefit):         
 $161  $(221) $(103)
  32   11   10 
Total current expense (benefit)
  193   (210)  (93)
Deferred income tax expense (benefit):            
  47   437   251 
  (47)  50   18 
Total deferred expense
  -   487   269 
Total income tax expense
 $193  $277  $176 


A reconciliation of the expected federal income tax expense using the federal statutory income tax rate to the actual income tax expense and resulting effective income tax rate is as follows:
  Year Ended December 31, 
  2004  2005  2006 
  (In millions) 
Income from continuing operations before income taxes and extraordinary loss $344  $378  $494 
Federal statutory rate  35%  35%  35%
Income taxes at statutory rate  120   132   173 
Net addition (reduction) in taxes resulting from:            
State income taxes, net of valuation allowances and federal income tax benefit  3   13   33 
Amortization of investment tax credit  (8)  (8)  (8)
Excess deferred taxes  (4)  (3)  (3)
Deferred tax asset write-off  19       
Increase (decrease) in tax reserve  7   32   (118)
Other, net  2   (13)  (15)
Total  19   21   (111)
Income tax expense $139  $153  $62 
Effective rate  40.4%  40.6%  12.6%


  Year Ended December 31, 
  2007  2008  2009 
  (In millions) 
Income before income taxes
 $588  $723  $548 
Federal statutory income tax rate
  35%  35%  35%
Expected federal income tax expense
  206   253   192 
Increase (decrease) in tax expense resulting from:            
State income tax expense (benefit), net of federal income tax
  (10)  40   18 
Amortization of investment tax credit
  (8)  (7)  (7)
Tax basis balance sheet adjustments
  25   -   - 
Increase (decrease) in settled and uncertain income tax positions
  (20)  8   (5)
Other, net
  -   (17)  (22)
  (13)  24   (16)
Total income tax expense
 $193  $277  $176 
Effective tax rate
  32.8%  38.4%  32.1%

As a result of its settlement with the IRS for tax years 2004 and 2005, CenterPoint Energy recorded an income tax benefit of approximately $11 million in 2009 related to a reduction in the liability for uncertain tax positions of approximately $41 million. The state income tax expense of $18 million for 2009 includes a benefit of approximately $12 million, net of federal income tax effect, related to adjustments in prior years’ state estimates.  Changes in the Texas State Franchise Tax Law (Texas margin tax) resulted in classifying Texas margin tax of approximately $8 million and $10 million, net of federal income tax effect, as income tax expense in 2008 and 2009, respectively, for CenterPoint Houston.  The state income tax benefit of $10 million for 2007 includes a benefit of approximately $30 million, net of federal income tax effect, as a result of the Texas margin tax and a Texas state tax examination for the tax years 2002 and 2004.

Following are the Company’s

The tax effects of temporary differences between the carrying amountsthat give rise to significant portions of deferred tax assets and liabilities in the financial statements and their respective tax bases:were as follows:
 December 31, 
 2005 2006  December 31, 
 (In millions)  2008  2009 
 (In millions) 
Deferred tax assets:              
Allowance for doubtful accounts $20  $17  $15  $10 
Non-trading derivative assets, net  16    
Deferred gas costs
  13   7 
  1   - 
Total current deferred tax assets  36   17   29   17 
Loss carryforwards  26   27 
Deferred gas costs  59   60 
Loss and credit carryforwards
  36   42 
Employee benefits     186   360   366 
Other  102   56   57   51 
Total non-current deferred tax assets before valuation allowance  187   329   453   459 
Valuation allowance  (21)  (22)  (5)  (5)
Total non-current deferred tax assets  166   307 
Total deferred tax assets, net  202   324 
Total non-current deferred tax assets, net of valuation allowance
  448   454 
Total deferred tax assets, net of valuation allowance
  477   471 
Deferred tax liabilities:                
Unrealized gain on indexed debt securities  348   217  $373  $366 
Unrealized gain on TW Common  73   109 
Non-trading derivative liabilities, net     7 
Unrealized gain on TW securities
  28   57 
Total current deferred tax liabilities  421   333   401   423 
Depreciation  1,432   1,370   1,679   1,887 
Regulatory assets, net  1,076   1,173   1,319   1,298 
Employee benefits  52    
Other  80   87   58   45 
Total non-current deferred tax liabilities  2,640   2,630   3,056   3,230 
Total deferred tax liabilities  3,061   2,963   3,457   3,653 
Accumulated deferred income taxes, net $2,859  $2,639  $2,980  $3,182 

Tax Attribute Carryforwards.Carryforwards and Valuation Allowance.  At December 31, 2006 the Company2009, CenterPoint Energy has approximately $257$213 million of state net operating loss carryforwards. The losses are available to offset future state taxable income through the year 2026. Substantially all of the state loss carryforwards willwhich expire in various years between 2010 and 2021.2029. A valuation allowance has been established againstfor approximately $111$49 million of the state net operating loss carryforwards.carryforwards that may not be realized. CenterPoint Energy has approximately $244 million of state capital loss carryforwards which expire in 2017 for which a valuation allowance has been established.

Uncertain Income Tax Positions. The following table reconciles the beginning and ending balance of CenterPoint Energy’s unrecognized tax benefits:
  December 31, 
  2007  2008  2009 
  (In millions) 
Balance, beginning of year
 $72  $82  $117 
Tax Positions related to prior years:            
  28   20   56 
  (20)  (2)  (25)
Tax Positions related to current year:            
  4   17   56 
  (2)     (17)
         Balance, end of year
 $82  $117  $187 
The net increase in the total amount of unrecognized tax benefits during 2009 is primarily related to the tax normalization issue described in Note 3(b) to our consolidated financial statements, a change in tax accounting method for repairs and maintenance of our network assets and a casualty loss deduction associated with Hurricane

Ike.  These three uncertain income tax positions are temporary differences and therefore, any increase or decrease in the balance of unrecognized tax benefits related thereto would not affect the effective tax rate.  It is reasonably possible that the total amount of unrecognized tax benefits could increase between $22 million and $65 million over the next 12 months primarily as a result of the tax normalization issue, a temporary difference.

CenterPoint Energy has approximately $10 million, $14 million and $10 million of unrecognized tax benefits that, if recognized, would reduce the effective income tax rate for 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively. CenterPoint Energy recognizes interest and penalties as a component of income tax expense. CenterPoint Energy recognized approximately $3 million and $6 million of income tax expense and $7 million of income tax benefit related to interest on uncertain income tax positions during 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively. CenterPoint Energy accrued $10 million and $3 million of interest on uncertain income tax positions at December 31, 2008 and 2009, respectively.

Tax Contingencies.Audits and Settlements.  CenterPoint Energy’s consolidated federal income tax returns have been audited and settled through the 19962005 tax year.



In the audits of the 1997 through 2003 tax years, the IRS proposed to disallow all deductions for original issue discount (OID), including interest paid, relating to the ZENS, and the interest paid on the 7% Automatic Common Exchange Securities (ACES) redeemed in 1999. The IRS contended that (1) those instruments, in combination with the Company’s long position in shares of TW Common, constituted a straddle CenterPoint Energy is currently under Sections 1092 and 263(g) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and (2) the indebtedness underlying those instruments was incurred to carry the TW Common.
The Company and the IRS reached a final settlement on the ACES and ZENS issues and executed a closing agreement on the ZENS, approvedexamination by the Joint Committee on Taxation of the U.S. Congress. As a result of the settlement reached with the IRS, the Company reduced its previously accrued tax and related interest reserves by approximately $107 million, for a net reduction of $92 million in 2006, and will no longer accrue quarterly reserves related to the tax treatment of the ACES and ZENS.
The Company also reached tentative settlements with the IRS for a numbertax years 2006 through 2007 and is at various stages of otherthe examination process. CenterPoint Energy has considered the effects of these examinations in its accrual for settled issues and liability for uncertain income tax matters in the fourth quarterpositions as of 2006; including issues associated with prior acquisitions and dispositions. Those tentative settlements have allowed the Company to reduce its total tax and related interest reserve for other tax items from $60 million at December 31, 2005 to $34 million at December 31, 2006. Most of the remaining reserve is related to certain tax positions taken with respect to state tax filings2009.

(10)    Commitments and certain items related to employee benefits.Contingencies

(10)   Commitments and Contingencies
(a) Natural Gas Supply Commitments
  (a)  Natural Gas Supply Commitments

Natural gas supply commitments include natural gas contracts related to the Company’s natural gas distributionCenterPoint Energy’s Natural Gas Distribution and competitive natural gas salesCompetitive Natural Gas Sales and services operations,Services business segments, which have various quantity requirements and durations, that are not classified as non-trading derivative assets and liabilities in the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 20052008 and 20062009 as these contracts meet the SFAS No. 133 exemptionexception to be classified as normal"normal purchases contracts.contracts" or do not meet the definition of a derivative. Natural gas supply commitments also include natural gas transportation and storage contracts that do not meet the definition of a derivative. As of December 31, 2006,2009, minimum payment obligations for natural gas supply commitments are approximately $921 million in 2007, $294 million in 2008, $210 million in 2009, $207$439 million in 2010, and $1.4 billion$490 million in 2011, $427 million in 2012, $390 million in 2013, $269 million in 2014 and thereafter.$543 million after 2014.

  (b)  Lease Commitments
(b) Asset Management Agreements

Gas Operations has entered into asset management agreements associated with its utility distribution service in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas. Generally, these asset management agreements are contracts between Gas Operations and an asset manager that are intended to transfer the working capital obligation and maximize the utilization of the assets.  In these agreements, Gas Operations agreed to release transportation and storage capacity to other parties to manage gas storage, supply and delivery arrangements for Gas Operations and to use the released capacity for other purposes when it is not needed for Gas Operations. Gas Operations is compensated by the asset manager through payments made over the life of the agreements based in part on the results of the asset optimization. Under the provisions of these asset management agreements, Gas Operations has an obligation to purchase its winter storage requirements from the asset manager. The agreements have varying terms, the longest of which expires in 2016.

(c) Lease Commitments

The following table sets forth information concerning the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s obligations under non-cancelable long-term operating leases at December 31, 2006,2009, which primarily consist of rental agreements for building space, data processing equipment and vehicles (in millions):
2007 $22 
2008  18 
2009  11 
2010  8 
2011  6 
2012 and beyond  15 
Total $80 

2015 and beyond

Total lease expense for all operating leases was $32$48 million, $46 million and $37 million during 2007, 2008 and $56 million during 2004, 2005 and 2006,2009, respectively.




  (c)  Capital Commitments
Carthage to Perryville.In October 2005,December 2008, CenterPoint Energy entered into an agreement to purchase software licenses, support and maintenance over the next five years.  As of December 31, 2009, payment obligations under this agreement are $7 million in 2010, $6 million in 2011, $6 million in 2012 and $6 million in 2013.

Long-Term Gas Transmission Company (CEGT) signedGathering and Treating Agreements. In September 2009, CenterPoint Energy Field Services, Inc. (CEFS), a10-year firm transportation agreement wholly-owned natural gas gathering and treating subsidiary of CERC Corp., entered into long-term agreements with XTO Energy (XTO)an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of EnCana Corporation (EnCana) and an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) to transport 600provide gathering and treating services for their natural gas production from certain Haynesville Shale and Bossier Shale formations in Louisiana. CEFS also acquired jointly-owned gathering facilities from EnCana and Shell in De Soto and Red River parishes in northwest Louisiana.  Each of the agreements includes acreage dedication and volume commitments for which CEFS has rights to gather Shell’s and EnCana’s natural gas production from the dedicated areas.

In connection with the agreements, CEFS commenced gathering and treating services utilizing the acquired facilities. CEFS is expanding the acquired facilities in order to gather and treat up to 700 million cubic feet (MMcf) per day of natural gas from Carthage, Texas to CEGT’s Perryville hub in Northeast Louisiana. To accommodate this transaction, CEGT filed a certificate application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in March 2006 to build a172-mile,42-inch diameter pipeline and related compression facilities. The capacity of the pipeline under this filinggas. If EnCana or Shell elect, CEFS will be 1.25 billion cubic feet (Bcf) per day. CEGT has signed firm contracts for the full capacity of the pipeline.
In October 2006, the FERC issued CEGT’s certificate to construct, own and operate the pipeline and compression facilities. CEGT has begun construction of the facilities and expects to placefurther expand the facilities in service inorder to gather and treat additional future volumes.  The construction necessary to reach the second quarter of 2007 at a cost of approximately $500 million.
Based on interest expressed during an open season held in 2006, and subject to FERC approval, CEGT may expandcontractual capacity of the pipeline to 1.5 Bcf700 MMcf per day which would bringincludes more than 200 miles of gathering lines, nearly 25,500 horsepower of compression and over 800 MMcf per day of treating capacity.

CEFS estimates that the total estimated capitalpurchase of existing facilities and construction to gather 700 MMcf per day will cost up to $325 million. If EnCana and Shell elect expansion of the project to approximately $550 million. In September 2006, CEGT filed for approvalgather and process additional future volumes of up to increase the maximum allowable operating pressure with the U.S. Department of Transportation. In December 2006, CEGT filed for the necessary certificate to expand capacity of the pipeline with the FERC. CEGT expects to receive the approvals in the third quarter of 2007.
During the four-year period subsequent to the in-service date of the pipeline, XTO can request, and subject to mutual negotiations that meet specific financial parameters and to FERC approval, CEGT would construct a67-mile extension from CEGT’s Perryville hub to an interconnect with Texas Eastern Gas Transmission at Union Church, Mississippi.
Southeast Supply Header.  In June 2006, CenterPoint Energy Southeast Pipelines Holding, L.L.C., a wholly owned subsidiary of CERC Corp. and a subsidiary of Spectra Energy Corp. (Spectra) formed a joint venture (Southeast Supply Header or SESH) to construct, own and operate a270-mile pipeline that will extend from CEGT’s Perryville hub in northeast Louisiana to Gulfstream Natural Gas System, which is 50 percent owned by an affiliate of Spectra. In August 2006, the joint venture signed an agreement with Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) for firm transportation services, which subscribed approximately half of the planned 1 Bcf per day, capacityCEFS estimates that the expansion would cost as much as an additional $300 million and EnCana and Shell would provide incremental volume commitments. Funds for construction are being provided from anticipated cash flows from operations, lines of the pipeline. FPL’s commitment was contingent on the approval of the FPL contract by the Florida Public Service Commission, which was received in December 2006. Subject to the joint venture receiving a certificatecredit or proceeds from the FERC to construct, ownsale of debt or equity securities.  As of December 31, 2009, approximately $176 million has been spent on this project, including the purchase of existing facilities.

(e) Legal, Environmental and operate the pipeline, subsidiaries of Spectra and CERC Corp. have committed to build the pipeline. In December 2006, the joint venture signed agreements with affiliates of Progress Energy Florida, Southern Company, Tampa Electric Company, and EOG Resources, Inc. bringing the total subscribed capacity to 945 MMcf per day. Additionally, SESH and Southern Natural Gas (SNG) have executed a definitive agreement that provides for SNG to jointly own the first 115 miles of the pipeline. Under the agreement, SNG will own an undivided interest in the portion of the pipeline from Perryville, Louisiana to an interconnect with SNG in Mississippi. The pipe diameter will be increased from 36 inches to 42 inches, thereby increasing the initial capacity of 1 Bcf per day by 140 MMcf per day to accommodate SNG. SESH will own assets providing approximately 1 Bcf per day of capacity as initially planned and will maintain economic expansion opportunities in the future. SNG will own assets providing 140 MMcf per day of capacity, and the agreement provides for a future compression expansion that could increase the capacity up to 500 MMcf per day. An application to construct, own and operate the pipeline was filed with the FERC in December 2006. Subject to receipt of FERC authorization and construction in accordance with planned schedule, the Company expects an in-service date in the summer of 2008. The total cost of the combined project is estimated to be $800 to $900 million with SESH’s net costs of $700 to $800 million after SNG’s contribution.


Other Regulatory Matters

  (d)  Legal, Environmental and Other Regulatory Matters
Legal Matters

RRI Indemnified LitigationGas Market Manipulation Cases
The Company,.  CenterPoint Energy, CenterPoint Houston or their predecessor, Reliant Energy, Incorporated (Reliant Energy), and certain of their former subsidiaries are named as defendants in several lawsuits described below. Under a master separation agreement between the CompanyCenterPoint Energy and RRI (formerly known as Reliant Resources, Inc. and Reliant Energy, Inc. (formerly Reliant Resources, Inc.) (RRI), the CompanyCenterPoint Energy and its subsidiaries are entitled to be indemnified by RRI for any losses, including attorneys’ fees and other costs, arising out of the lawsuits described below under“Electricity and Gas Market Manipulation Cases and Other Class Action Lawsuits.”these lawsuits.  Pursuant

to the indemnification obligation, RRI is defending the CompanyCenterPoint Energy and its subsidiaries to the extent named in these lawsuits.  The ultimate outcome of these matters cannot be predicted at this time.
Electricity and Gas Market Manipulation Cases.A large number of lawsuits have beenwere filed against numerous gas market participants in a number of federal and remain pending in federal court in Colorado and Nevada and inwestern state court in California, Wisconsin and Nevadacourts in connection with the operation of the electricity and natural gas markets in 2000-2002. CenterPoint Energy’s former affiliate, RRI, was a participant in gas trading in the California and certain other states in2000-2001, a time of power shortages and significant increases in prices.Western markets. These lawsuits, many of which have been filed as class actions, are based on a number of legal theories, including violationallege violations of state and federal antitrust laws, laws against unfair and unlawful business practices, the federal Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act, false claims statutes and similar theories and breaches of contracts to supply power to governmental entities.laws. Plaintiffs in these lawsuits which include state officials and governmental entities as well as private litigants, are seeking a variety of forms of relief, including, among others, recovery of compensatory damages (in some cases in excess of $1 billion), a trebling of compensatory damages, and punitivefull consideration damages injunctive relief, restitution, interest due, disgorgement, civil penalties and fines, costs of suit and attorneys’ fees. The Company’s former subsidiary, RRI, was a participant in the California markets, owning generating plants in the state and participating in both electricity and natural gas trading in that state and in western power markets generally.
The CompanyCenterPoint Energy and/or Reliant Energy have beenwere named in approximately 3530 of these lawsuits, which were instituted between 20012003 and 20062009. CenterPoint Energy and areits affiliates have been released or dismissed from all but two of such cases. CenterPoint Energy Services, Inc. (CES), a subsidiary of CERC Corp., is a defendant in a case now pending in Californiafederal court in Nevada alleging a conspiracy to inflate Wisconsin natural gas prices in 2000-2002.  Additionally, CenterPoint Energy was a defendant in a lawsuit filed in state court in San Diego County,Nevada that was dismissed in Nevada state court in Clark County, in Wisconsin state court in Dane County, in federal district court in Colorado and Nevada and before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. However, the Company, CenterPoint Houston and Reliant Energy were not participants in the electricity or natural gas markets in California. The Company and Reliant Energy have been dismissed from certain of the lawsuits, either voluntarily by2007, but the plaintiffs or by order ofhave indicated that they will appeal the court, and the Companydismissal. CenterPoint Energy believes that neither it nor CES is not a proper defendant in thethese remaining cases and will continue to seekpursue dismissal from such remainingthose cases.
To date, several of the electricity complaints have been dismissed, and several of the dismissals have been affirmed by appellate courts. Others have been resolved by the settlement described in the following paragraph. Five of the gas complaints have also been dismissed based on defendants’ claims of federal preemption and the filed rate doctrine, and these dismissals have been appealed. In June 2005, a San Diego state court refused to dismiss other gas complaints on the same basis. In October 2006, RRI reached a tentative settlement of the 12 class action natural gas cases pending in state court in California. This settlement remains subject to final court approval. The other gas cases remain in the early procedural stages.
In August 2005, RRI reached a settlement with the FERC enforcement staff, the states of California, Washington and Oregon, California’s three largest investor-owned utilities, classes of consumers from California and other western states, and a number of California city and county government entities that resolves their claims against RRI related to the operation of the electricity markets in California and certain other western states in2000-2001. The settlement also resolves the claims of the three states and the investor-owned utilities related to the2000-2001 natural gas markets. The settlement has been approved by the FERC, by the California Public Utilities Commission, and by the courts in which the electricity class action cases are pending. Two parties have appealed the courts’ approval of the settlement to the California Court of Appeals. A party in the FERC proceedings filed a



motion for rehearing of the FERC’s order approving the settlement, which the FERC denied on May 30, 2006. That party has filed for review of the FERC’s orders in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Company is not a party to the settlement, but may rely on the settlement as a defense to any claims brought against it related to the time when the Company was an affiliate of RRI. The terms of the settlement do not require payment by the Company.
Other Class Action Lawsuits.  In May 2002, three class action lawsuits were filed in federal district court in Houston on behalf of participants in various employee benefits plans sponsored by the Company. Two of the lawsuits were dismissed without prejudice. In the remaining lawsuit, the Company and certain current and former members of its benefits committee are defendants. That lawsuit alleged that the defendants breached their fiduciary duties to various employee benefits plans, directly or indirectly sponsored by the Company, in violation of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 by permitting the plans to purchase or hold securities issued by the Company when it was imprudent to do so, including after the prices for such securities became artificially inflated because of alleged securities fraud engaged in by the defendants. The complaint sought monetary damages for losses suffered on behalf of the plans and a putative class of plan participants whose accounts held  CenterPoint Energy or RRI securities, as well as restitution. In January 2006, the federal district judge granted a motion for summary judgment filed by the Company and the individual defendants. The plaintiffs appealed the ruling to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Company believes that this lawsuit is without merit and will continue to vigorously defend the case. However,does not expect the ultimate outcome of this matter cannot be predicted at this time.these remaining matters to have a material impact on its financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.

Other Legal MattersOn May 1, 2009, RRI completed the previously announced sale of its Texas retail business to NRG Retail LLC, a subsidiary of NRG Energy, Inc.  In connection with the sale, RRI changed its name to RRI Energy, Inc. and no longer provides service as a REP in CenterPoint Houston’s service territory.  The sale does not alter RRI’s contractual obligations to indemnify CenterPoint Energy and its subsidiaries, including CenterPoint Houston, for certain liabilities, including their indemnification regarding certain litigation, nor does it affect the terms of existing guaranty arrangements for certain RRI gas transportation contracts.

Natural Gas Measurement Lawsuits. CERC Corp. and certain of its subsidiaries, arealong with 76 other natural gas pipelines, their subsidiaries and affiliates, were defendants in a lawsuit filed in 1997 under the Federal False Claims Act alleging mismeasurement of natural gas produced from federal and Indian lands. The suit seekssought undisclosed damages, along with statutory penalties, interest, costs and fees. The complaint is part of a larger series of complaints filed against 77 natural gas pipelines and their subsidiaries and affiliates. An earlier single action making substantially similar allegations against the pipelines was dismissed by the federal district court for the District of Columbia on grounds of improper joinder and lack of jurisdiction. As a result, the various individual complaints were filed in numerous courts throughout the country. This case has beenwas consolidated, together with the other similar False Claims Act cases, in the federal district court in Cheyenne, Wyoming. OnIn October 20, 2006, the judge considering this matter granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss the suit on the ground that the court lacked subject matter jurisdiction over the claims asserted, but theasserted. The plaintiff has sought review of that dismissal from the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, which affirmed the district court’s dismissal in March 2009. Following dismissal of the plaintiff’s motion to the Tenth Circuit for rehearing, the 10th Circuit.plaintiff sought review by the United States Supreme Court, but his petition for certiorari was denied in October 2009.

In addition, CERC Corp. and certain of its subsidiaries are defendants in two mismeasurement lawsuits brought against approximately 245 pipeline companies and their affiliates pending in state court in Stevens County, Kansas.  In one case (originally filed in May 1999 and amended four times), the plaintiffs purport to represent a class of royalty owners who allege that the defendants have engaged in systematic mismeasurement of the volume of natural gas for more than 25 years. The plaintiffs amended their petition in this suit in July 2003 in response to an order from the judge denying certification of the plaintiffs’ alleged class. In the amendment, the plaintiffs dismissed their claims against certain defendants (including two CERC Corp. subsidiaries), limited the scope of the class of plaintiffs they purport to represent and eliminated previously asserted claims based on mismeasurement of the British thermal unit (Btu) content of the gas. The same plaintiffs then filed a second lawsuit, again as representatives of a putative class of royalty owners in which they assert their claims that the defendants have engaged in systematic mismeasurement of the Btu content of natural gas for more than 25 years. In both lawsuits, the plaintiffs seek compensatory damages, along with statutory penalties, treble damages, interest, costs and fees.  In September 2009, the district court in Stevens County, Kansas, denied plaintiffs’ request for class certification of their case. The plaintiffs are seeking reconsideration of that denial.

CERC believes that there has been no systematic mismeasurement of gas and that thethese lawsuits are without merit. CERC doesand CenterPoint Energy do not expect the ultimate outcome of the lawsuits to have a material impact on the financial condition, results of operations or cash flows of either the CompanyCenterPoint Energy or CERC.

Gas Cost Recovery Litigation.  In October 2002, a suit was filed in state district court in Wharton County, Texas against the Company, CERC, Entex Gas Marketing Company, and certain non-affiliated companies alleging



fraud, violations of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act, violations of the Texas Utilities Code, civil conspiracy and violations of the Texas Free Enterprise and Antitrust Act with respect to rates charged to certain consumers of natural gas in the State of Texas. Subsequently, the plaintiffs added as defendants CenterPoint Energy Marketing Inc., CEGT, United Gas, Inc., Louisiana Unit Gas Transmission Company, CenterPoint Energy Pipeline Services, Inc., and CenterPoint Energy Trading and Transportation Group, Inc., all of which are subsidiaries of the Company. The plaintiffs alleged that defendants inflated the prices charged to certain consumers of natural gas. In February 2003, a similar lawsuit was filed in state court in Caddo Parish, Louisiana against CERC with respect to rates charged to a purported class of certain consumers of natural gas and gas service in the State of Louisiana. In February 2004, another suit was filed in state court in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana against CERC seeking to recover alleged overcharges for gas or gas services allegedly provided by CERC to a purported class of certain consumers of natural gas and gas service without advance approval by the Louisiana Public Service Commission (LPSC). In October 2004, a similar caselawsuit was filed by certain CERC ratepayers in districtTexas and Arkansas in circuit court in Miller County, Arkansas against the Company, CERC, Entex Gas Marketing Company, CEGT, CenterPoint Energy, Field Services,CERC Corp., certain other

subsidiaries of CenterPoint Energy Pipeline Services, Inc., Mississippi River Transmissionand CERC Corp. (MRT) and othervarious non-affiliated companies alleging fraud, unjust enrichment and civil conspiracy with respect to rates charged to certain consumers of natural gas in at least the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas. Subsequently,Although the plaintiffs dropped as defendants CEGT and MRT. At the time of the filing of each of the Caddo and Calcasieu Parish cases, the plaintiffs in those cases filed petitions with the LPSC relating to the same alleged rate overcharges. The Caddo and Calcasieu Parish cases have been stayed pending the resolution of the respective proceedings by the LPSC. The plaintiffs in the Miller County case seeksought class certification, but the proposedno class has not beenwas certified. In February 2005,June 2007, the Wharton County case was removed to federal district court in Houston, Texas,Arkansas Supreme Court determined that the Arkansas claims were within the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the Arkansas Public Service Commission (APSC) and in March 2005,February 2008, the plaintiffs voluntarily movedArkansas Supreme Court directed the Miller County court to dismiss the entire case and agreed not to refilefor lack of jurisdiction.

In August 2007, the claims asserted unlessArkansas plaintiff in the Miller County litigation initiated a complaint at the APSC seeking a decision concerning the extent of the APSC’s jurisdiction over the Miller County case is not certified as a class action or is later decertified. The rangeand an investigation into the merits of relief soughtthe allegations asserted in his complaint with respect to CERC. In February 2009, the Arkansas plaintiff notified the APSC that he would no longer pursue his claims, and in July 2009 the complaint proceeding was dismissed by the plaintiffsAPSC. All appellate deadlines expired without an appeal of the dismissal order.

In June 2007, CenterPoint Energy, CERC Corp., and other defendants in these cases includes injunctive and declaratory relief, restitution for the alleged overcharges, exemplary damages or trebling of actual damages, civil penalties and attorney’s fees. In these cases, the Company, CERC and their affiliates deny that they have overcharged any of their customers for natural gas and believeMiller County case filed a petition in a district court in Travis County, Texas seeking a determination that the amounts recovered for purchased gas have been in accordance with what is permitted by state and municipal regulatory authorities. The allegations in these cases are similar to thoseRailroad Commission has exclusive original jurisdiction over the Texas claims asserted in the City of Tyler proceeding, as described in Note 4(f). The Company and CERC do not expectMiller County case.  In January 2009, the outcome of these matters to have a material impact on the financial condition, results of operations or cash flows of either the Company or CERC.
Storage Facility Litigation.  In February 2007, an Oklahoma district court in Coal Creek County, Oklahoma, grantedentered a summaryfinal declaratory judgment ruling that the Railroad Commission has exclusive jurisdiction over the Texas claims asserted against CEGT in a case, Deka Exploration, Inc. v. CenterPoint Energy, filed by holders of oil and gas leaseholds and some mineral interest owners in lands underlying CEGT’s Chiles Dome Storage Facility. The dispute concerns “native gas” that may have beenthe other defendants in the Wapanucka formation underlying the Chiles Dome facility when that facility was constructed in 1979 by a CERC entity that was the predecessor in interest of CEGT. The court ruled that the plaintiffs own native gas underlying those lands, since neither CEGT nor its predecessors had condemned those ownership interests. The court rejected CEGT’s contention that the claim should be barred by the statute of limitations, since suit was filed over 25 years after the facility was constructed. The court also rejected CEGT’s contention that the suit is an impermissible attack on the determinations the FERC and Oklahoma Corporation Commission made regarding the absence of native gas in the lands when the facility was constructed. The summary judgment ruling was only on the issue of liability, though the court did rule that CEGT has the burden of proving that any gas in the Wapanucka formation is gas that has been injected and is not native gas. Further hearings and orders of the court are required to specify the appropriate relief for the plaintiffs. CEGT plans to appeal through the Oklahoma court system any judgment which imposes liability on CEGT in this matter. The Company and CERC do not expect the outcome of this matter to have a material impact on the financial condition, results of operations or cash flows of either the Company or CERC.Miller County case.

Pipeline Safety Compliance.  Pursuant to an order from the Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety, CERC substantially completed removal of certain non-code-compliant components from a portion of its distribution



system by December 2, 2005. The components were installed by a predecessor company, which was not affiliated with CERC during the period in which the components were installed. In November 2005, CERC Corp. filed a request with the MPUC to recover the capitalized expenditures (approximately $39 million) and related expenses, together with a return on the capitalized portion through rates as part of its then existing rate case as further discussed in Note 4(e). As part of its final rate order, the MPUC allowed capitalized expenditures, plus approximately $2 million previously expensed in 2005, in rate base. Return on approximately $4 million of the $41 million is limited to the cost of long-term debt included in the cost of capital pending the outcome of litigation against the predecessor companies that installed the original service lines.
Minnesota Cold Weather Rule.  For a discussion of this matter, see Note 4(e) above.
Environmental Matters

Hydrocarbon Contamination.  CERC Corp. and certain of its subsidiaries are among the defendants in lawsuits filed beginning in August 2001 in Caddo Parish and Bossier Parish, Louisiana. The suits allege that, at some unspecified date prior to 1985, the defendants allowed or caused hydrocarbon or chemical contamination of the Wilcox Aquifer, which lies beneath property owned or leased by certain of the defendants and which is the sole or primary drinking water aquifer in the area. The primary source of the contamination is alleged by the plaintiffs to be a gas processing facility in Haughton, Bossier Parish, Louisiana known as the “Sligo Facility,” which was formerly operated by a predecessor in interest of CERC Corp. This facility was purportedly used for gathering natural gas from surrounding wells, separating liquid hydrocarbons from the natural gas for marketing, and transmission of natural gas for distribution.
Beginning about 1985, the predecessors of certain CERC Corp. defendants engaged in a voluntary remediation of any subsurface contamination of the groundwater below the property they owned or leased. This work has been done in conjunction with and under the direction of the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality. The plaintiffs seek monetary damages for alleged damage to the aquifer underlying their property, including the cost of restoring their property to its original condition and damages for diminution of value of their property. In addition, plaintiffs seek damages for trespass, punitive, and exemplary damages. The parties have reached an agreement on terms of a settlement in principle of this matter. That settlement would require approval from the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality of an acceptable remediation plan that could be implemented by CERC. CERC currently is seeking that approval. If the currently agreed terms for settlement are ultimately implemented, the Company and CERC do not expect the ultimate cost associated with resolving this matter to have a material impact on the financial condition, results of operations or cash flows of either the Company or CERC.
Manufactured Gas Plant Sites. CERC and its predecessors operated manufactured gas plants (MGP)(MGPs) in the past. In Minnesota, CERC has completed remediation on two sites, other than ongoing monitoring and water treatment. There are five remaining sites in CERC’s Minnesota service territory. CERC believes that it has no liability with respect to two of these sites.

At December 31, 2006,2009, CERC had accrued $14 million for remediation of these Minnesota sites. At December 31, 2006,sites and the estimated range of possible remediation costs for these sites was $4 million to $35 million based on remediation continuing for 30 to 50 years. The cost estimates are based on studies of a site or industry average costs for remediation of sites of similar size. The actual remediation costs will be dependent upon the number of sites to be remediated, the participation of other potentially responsible parties (PRP), if any, and the remediation methods used. CERC has utilized an environmental expense tracker mechanism in its rates in Minnesota to recover estimated costs in excess of insurance recovery. As of December 31, 2006,2009, CERC had collected $13 million from insurance companies and rate payers to be used for future environmental remediation. In January 2010, as part of its Minnesota rate case decision, the MPUC eliminated the environmental expense tracker mechanism and ordered amounts previously collected from ratepayers and related carrying costs refunded to customers.  As of December 31, 2009, the balance in the environmental expense tracker account was $8.7 million.  The MPUC provided for the inclusion in rates of approximately $285,000 annually to fund normal on-going remediation costs.  CERC was not required to refund to customers the amount collected from insurance companies, $4.6 million at December 31, 2009, to be used to mitigate future environmental costs.  The MPUC further gave assurance that any reasonable and prudent environmental clean-up costs CERC incurs in the future will be rate-recoverable under normal regulatory principles and procedures.  This provision had no impact on earnings.

In addition to the Minnesota sites, the United States Environmental Protection Agency and other regulators have investigated MGP sites that were owned or operated by CERC or may have been owned by one of its former affiliates. CERC has been named as a defendant in two lawsuits, onea lawsuit filed in the United States District Court,



District of Maine, and the other filed in the Middle District of Florida, Jacksonville Division, under which contribution is sought by private parties for the cost to remediate former MGP sites based on the previous ownership of such sites by former affiliates of CERC or its divisions. CERC has also been identified as a PRP by the State of Maine for a site that is the subject of one of the lawsuits. In March 2005, the federal district court considering the suit for contribution in Florida granted CERC’s motion to dismiss on the grounds that CERC was not an “operator” of the site as had been alleged. In October 2006, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the district court’s dismissal.lawsuit. In June 2006, the federal district court in Maine that is considering the other suit ruled that the current owner of the site is responsible for site remediation but that an additional evidentiary hearing iswould be required to determine if other potentially responsible parties, including CERC, would have to contribute to that remediation. The CompanyIn September 2009, the federal district court granted CERC’s motion for summary judgment in the proceeding.  Although it is investigating details regarding these sites andlikely that the rangeplaintiff will pursue an appeal from that dismissal, further action will not be taken until the district court disposes of environmental expenditures for potential remediation. However,claims against other defendants in the case. CERC believes it is not liable as a former owner or operator of those sitesthe site under the Comprehensive Environmental, Response,

Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended, and applicable state statutes, and is vigorously contesting those suitsthe suit and its designation as a PRP. CERC and CenterPoint Energy do not expect the ultimate outcome to have a material adverse impact on the financial condition, results of operations or cash flows of either CenterPoint Energy or CERC.

Mercury Contamination.  The Company’s CenterPoint Energy’s pipeline and distribution operations have in the past employed elemental mercury in measuring and regulating equipment. It is possible that small amounts of mercury may have been spilled in the course of normal maintenance and replacement operations and that these spills may have contaminated the immediate area with elemental mercury. The CompanyCenterPoint Energy has found this type of contamination at some sites in the past, and the CompanyCenterPoint Energy has conducted remediation at these sites. It is possible that other contaminated sites may exist and that remediation costs may be incurred for these sites. Although the total amount of these costs is not known at this time, based on the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s experience and that of others in the natural gas industry to date and on the current regulations regarding remediation of these sites, the CompanyCenterPoint Energy believes that the costs of any remediation of these sites will not be material to the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.

Asbestos. Some facilities owned by the CompanyCenterPoint Energy contain or have contained asbestos insulation and other asbestos-containing materials. The CompanyCenterPoint Energy or its subsidiaries have been named, along with numerous others, as a defendant in lawsuits filed by a number of individuals who claim injury due to exposure to asbestos. Some of the claimants have worked at locations owned by the Company,CenterPoint Energy, but most existing claims relate to facilities previously owned by the Company or itsCenterPoint Energy’s subsidiaries. The CompanyCenterPoint Energy anticipates that additional claims like those received may be asserted in the future. In 2004, the CompanyCenterPoint Energy sold its generating business, to which most of these claims relate, to Texas Genco LLC, which is now known as NRG Texas LP (NRG).LP. Under the terms of the arrangements regarding separation of the generating business from the CompanyCenterPoint Energy and its sale to NRG Texas Genco LLC,LP, ultimate financial responsibility for uninsured losses from claims relating to the generating business has been assumed by NRG Texas Genco LLC and its successor,LP, but the CompanyCenterPoint Energy has agreed to continue to defend such claims to the extent they are covered by insurance maintained by the Company,CenterPoint Energy, subject to reimbursement of the costs of such defense from the purchaser.NRG Texas LP. Although their ultimate outcome cannot be predicted at this time, the CompanyCenterPoint Energy intends to continue vigorously contesting claims that it does not consider to have merit and does not expect, based on its experience to date, these matters, either individually or in the aggregate, to have a material adverse effect on the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.

Groundwater Contamination Litigation. Predecessor entities of CERC, along with several other entities, are defendants in litigation, St. Michel Plantation, LLC, et al, v. White, et al., pending in civil district court in Orleans Parish, Louisiana.  In the lawsuit, the plaintiffs allege that their property in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana suffered salt water contamination as a result of oil and gas drilling activities conducted by the defendants.  Although a predecessor of CERC held an interest in two oil and gas leases on a portion of the property at issue, neither it nor any other CERC entities drilled or conducted other oil and gas operations on those leases.  In January 2009, CERC and the plaintiffs reached agreement on the terms of a settlement that, if ultimately approved by the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, is expected to resolve this litigation. CenterPoint Energy and CERC do not expect the outcome of this litigation to have a material adverse impact on the financial condition, results of operations or cash flows of either CenterPoint Energy or CERC.

Other Environmental. From time to time the CompanyCenterPoint Energy has received notices from regulatory authorities or others regarding its status as a PRP in connection with sites found to require remediation due to the presence of environmental contaminants. In addition, the CompanyCenterPoint Energy has been named from time to time as a defendant in litigation related to such sites. Although the ultimate outcome of such matters cannot be predicted at this time, the CompanyCenterPoint Energy does not expect, based on its experience to date, these matters, either individually or in the aggregate, to have a material adverse effect on the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.



Other Proceedings

The CompanyCenterPoint Energy is involved in other legal, environmental, tax and regulatory proceedings before various courts, regulatory commissions and governmental agencies regarding matters arising in the ordinary course of business. Some of these proceedings involve substantial amounts. The CompanyCenterPoint Energy regularly analyzes current

information and, as necessary, provides accruals for probable liabilities on the eventual disposition of these matters. The CompanyCenterPoint Energy does not expect the disposition of these matters to have a material adverse effect on the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.
In December 2009, $3.3 million was distributed to a subsidiary of CenterPoint Energy in connection with the settlement of 2002 AOL Time Warner, Inc. securities and ERISA class action litigation.  Pursuant to the terms of the indenture governing CenterPoint Energy’s ZENS, in February 2010, CenterPoint Energy distributed to current ZENS holders $2.8 million, which amount represented the portion of the payment received that was attributable to the reference shares corresponding to the outstanding ZENS.  This distribution reduced the contingent principal amount of the ZENS from $814 million to $811 million.  The litigation settlement was recorded as other income and the distribution payable to ZENS holders was recorded as other expense in 2009.

(f) Guaranties

Prior to the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s distribution of its ownership in RRI to its shareholders, CERC had guaranteed certain contractual obligations of what became RRI’s trading subsidiary.  UnderWhen the terms of the separation agreement between the companies separated, RRI agreed to extinguish all such guarantysecure CERC against obligations prior to separation, but atunder the time of separation in September 2002,guaranties RRI had been unable to extinguish all obligations. To secureby the Company and CERC against obligations under the remaining guaranties,time of separation.  Pursuant to such agreement, as amended in December 2007, RRI has agreed to provide to CERC cash or letters of credit for the benefit of CERC and the Company, and undertook to use commercially reasonable efforts to extinguish theas security against CERC’s obligations under its remaining guaranties. CERC currently holds letters of credit in the amount of $33.3 million issued on behalf of RRI against guaranties that have not been released. The Company’s current exposure under the guaranties relates to CERC’s guaranty of the payment by RRI offor demand charges relatedunder certain gas transportation agreements if and to transportation contracts with one counterparty. The demand charges are approximately $53 million per year through 2015, $49 million in 2016, $38 million in 2017 and $13 million in 2018. RRI continues to meet its obligations under the transportation contracts, and the Company believes current market conditions make those contracts valuable for transportation services in the near term. However,extent changes in market conditions could affect theexpose CERC to a risk of loss on those guaranties.  The present value of those contracts.the demand charges under these transportation contracts, which will be effective until 2018, was approximately $96 million as of December 31, 2009. As of December 31, 2009, RRI was not required to provide security to CERC.  If RRI should fail to perform the contractual obligations, CERC could have to honor its obligations under the transportation contracts, the Company’s exposure to the counterparty under the guaranty could exceed the security provided by RRI. The Company has requested RRI to increase the amount of its existing letters of credit or, in the alternative, to obtain a release of CERC’s obligations under the guaranty. In June 2006, the RRI trading subsidiary and CERC jointly filed a complaint at the FERC against the counterparty on the CERC guaranty. In the complaint, the RRI trading subsidiary seeks a determination by the FERC that the security demanded by the counterparty exceeds the level permitted by the FERC’s policies. The complaint asks the FERC to require the counterparty to release CERC from its guaranty obligationguarantee and, in its place, accept (i) a guaranty from RRI of the obligations of the RRI trading subsidiary, and (ii) letters of credit limitedsuch event, collateral provided as security may be insufficient to (A) one year of demand charges for a transportation agreement related to a 2003 expansion of the counterparty’s pipeline, and (B) three months of demand charges for three other transportation agreements held by the RRI trading subsidiary. The counterparty has argued that the amount of the guaranty does not violate the FERC’s policies and that the proposed substitution of credit support is not authorized under the counterparty’s financing documents or required by FERC’s policy. The parties have now completed their submissions to FERC regarding the complaint. The Company cannot predict what action the FERC may take on the complaint or when the FERC may rule. In addition to the FERC proceeding, in February 2007 the Company and CERC made a formal demand on RRI under procedures provided for by the Master Separation Agreement, dated as of December 31, 2000, between Reliant Energy and RRI. That demand seeks to resolve the disagreement with RRI over the amount of security RRI is obligated to provide with respect to this guaranty. It is possible that this demand could lead to an arbitration proceeding between the companies, but when and on what terms the disagreement with RRI will ultimately be resolved cannot be predicted.satisfy CERC’s obligations.

Nuclear Decommissioning Fund Collections
Pursuant to regulatory requirements and its tariff, CenterPoint Houston, as collection agent, collects from its transmission and distribution customers a nuclear decommissioning charge assessed with respect to its former 30.8% ownership interest in the South Texas Project, which it owned when it was part of an integrated electric utility. Amounts collected are transferred to nuclear decommissioning trusts maintained by the current owner of that



interest in the South Texas Project. During 2004, 2005 and 2006, $2.9 million, $3.2 million and $3.1 million, respectively, was transferred. There are various investment restrictions imposed on owners of nuclear generating stations by the Texas Utility Commission and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission relating to nuclear decommissioning trusts. Pursuant to the provisions of both a separation agreement and a final order of the Texas Utility Commission relating to the 2005 transfer of ownership to Texas Genco LLC, now NRG, CenterPoint Houston and a subsidiary of NRG were, until July 1, 2006, jointly administering the decommissioning funds through the Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Investment Committee. In June 2006, the Texas Utility Commission approved an application by CenterPoint Houston and an NRG subsidiary to name the NRG subsidiary as the sole fund administrator. As a result, CenterPoint Houston is no longer responsible for administration of decommissioning funds it collects as collection agent.
(11)    Estimated Fair Value of Financial Instruments

The fair values of cash and cash equivalents, investments in debt and equity securities classified as“available-for-sale” "available-for-sale" and “trading” in accordance with SFAS No. 115,"trading" and short-term borrowings are estimated to be approximately equivalent to carrying amounts and have been excluded from the table below. The fair values of non-trading derivative assets and liabilities are equivalent to their carrying amounts inand the Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 2005 and 2006 and have been determined using quoted market prices for the same or similar instruments when available or other estimation techniques (see Note 5). Therefore, these financial instrumentsZENS indexed debt securities derivative are stated at fair value and are excluded from the table below.  The fair value of each debt instrument is determined by multiplying the principal amount of each debt instrument by the market price.

 December 31, 2005 December 31, 2006
 Amount Value Amount Value December 31, 2008  December 31, 2009 
 (In millions) 
 (in millions) 
Financial liabilities:                        
Long-term debt (excluding capital leases) $8,794  $9,277  $8,889  $9,573 
Long-term debt
 $10,396  $9,875  $9,900  $10,413 




(12)   Earnings Per Share

The following table reconciles numerators and denominators of the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share calculations:

  For the Year Ended December 31, 
  2004  2005  2006 
  (In millions, except per share and share amounts) 
Basic earnings (loss) per share calculation:            
Income from continuing operations before extraordinary item $205  $225  $432 
Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax  (133)  (3)   
Extraordinary item, net of tax  (977)  30    
Net income (loss) $(905) $252  $432 
Weighted average shares outstanding  307,185,000   309,349,000   311,826,000 
Basic earnings (loss) per share:            
Income from continuing operations before extraordinary item $0.67  $0.72  $1.39 
Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax  (0.43)  (0.01)   
Extraordinary item, net of tax  (3.18)  0.10    
Net income (loss) $(2.94) $0.81  $1.39 
Diluted earnings (loss) per share calculation:            
Net income (loss) $(905) $252  $432 
Plus: Income impact of assumed conversions:            
Interest on 3.75% contingently convertible senior notes  14   9    
Interest on 6.25% convertible trust preferred securities         
Total earnings effect assuming dilution $(891) $261  $432 
Weighted average shares outstanding  307,185,000   309,349,000   311,826,000 
Plus: Incremental shares from assumed conversions:            
Stock options(1)  1,203,000   1,241,000   974,000 
Restricted stock  1,447,000   1,851,000   1,553,000 
2.875% convertible senior notes        1,625,000 
3.75% convertible senior notes  49,655,000   33,587,000   8,800,000 
6.25% convertible trust preferred securities  16,000       
Weighted average shares assuming dilution  359,506,000   346,028,000   324,778,000 
Diluted earnings (loss) per share:            
Income from continuing operations before extraordinary item $0.61  $0.67  $1.33 
Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax  (0.37)  (0.01)   
Extraordinary item, net of tax  (2.72)  0.09    
Net income (loss) $(2.48) $0.75  $1.33 
  For the Year Ended December 31, 
  2007  2008  2009 
  (In millions, except per share and share amounts) 
Basic earnings per share calculation:         
Net income
 $395  $446  $372 
Weighted average shares outstanding
  320,480,000   336,387,000   365,229,000 
Basic earnings per share $1.23  $1.32  $1.02 
Diluted earnings per share calculation:            
Net income
 $395  $446  $372 
Weighted average shares outstanding
  320,480,000   336,387,000   365,229,000 
Plus: Incremental shares from assumed conversions:            
Stock options(1)
  1,059,000   760,000   451,000 
Restricted stock
  1,928,000   1,772,000   2,001,000 
2.875% convertible senior notes
  291,000   -   - 
3.75% convertible senior notes
  18,749,000   4,636,000   - 
Weighted average shares assuming dilution
  342,507,000   343,555,000   367,681,000 
Diluted earnings per share $1.15  $1.30  $1.01 



Options to purchase 11,892,508, 8,677,6603,225,969, 2,617,772 and 5,863,9072,372,132 shares were outstanding for the years ended December 31, 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 2006,2009, respectively, but were not included in the computation of diluted earnings (loss) per share because the options’ exercise price was greater than the average market price of the common shares for the respective years.
In accordance with EITF04-8, becauseSubstantially all of the 2.875% contingently convertible senior notes and approximately $572 million of the 3.75% contingently convertible senior notes (subsequent to the August 2005 exchange discussed in Note 8) provideprovided for settlement of the principal portion in cash rather than stock, the Company excludes thestock. The portion of the conversion value of thesesuch notes attributablethat was required to their principal amountbe settled in cash rather than stock is excluded from itsthe computation of diluted earnings per share from continuing operations. The Company includesCenterPoint Energy included the conversion spread in the calculation of diluted earnings per share when the average market price of the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s common stock in the respective reporting period exceedsexceeded the conversion price. The conversion pricesIn April 2008, CenterPoint Energy called its 3.75% convertible senior notes for the 2.875% and theredemption on May 30, 2008. Substantially all of CenterPoint Energy’s 3.75% contingently convertible senior notes were $12.52 and $11.31, respectively, at December 31, 2006. All of the Company’s 2.875% convertible senior notes were either redeemed or surrenderedsubmitted for conversion in January 2007, as described in Note 8(b), “Long-term Debt — Convertible Debt.”on or prior to the May 30, 2008 redemption date.
(13)   Unaudited Quarterly Information

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared to reflect the sale of Texas Genco as described in Note 3. Accordingly, the consolidated financial statements present the Texas Genco business as discontinued operations, in accordance with SFAS No. 144. (13)    Unaudited Quarterly Information

Summarized quarterly financial data is as follows:

  Year Ended December 31, 2005 
  Quarter  Quarter  Quarter  Quarter 
  (In millions, except per share amounts) 
Revenues $2,595  $1,842  $2,073  $3,212 
Operating income  276   186   225   252 
Income from continuing operations  67   27   50   81 
Discontinued operations, net of tax     (3)      
Extraordinary item, net of tax     30       
Net income $67  $54  $50  $81 
Basic earnings per share:(1)                
Income from continuing operations $0.22  $0.09  $0.16  $0.26 
Discontinued operations, net of tax     (0.01)      
Extraordinary item, net of tax     0.10       
Net income $0.22  $0.18  $0.16  $0.26 
Diluted earnings per share:(1)                
Income from continuing operations $0.20  $0.09  $0.15  $0.25 
Discontinued operations, net of tax     (0.01)      
Extraordinary item, net of tax     0.08       
Net income $0.20  $0.16  $0.15  $0.25 
  Year Ended December 31, 2008 
  (In millions, except per share amounts) 
 $3,363  $2,670  $2,515  $2,774 
Operating income
  336   297   337   303 
Net income
  122   101   136   87 
Basic earnings per share(1)
 $0.37  $0.30  $0.40  $0.25 
Diluted earnings per share(1)
 $0.36  $0.30  $0.39  $0.25 




  Year Ended December 31, 2006 
  Quarter  Quarter  Quarter  Quarter 
  (In millions, except per share amounts) 
Revenues $3,077  $1,843  $1,935  $2,464 
Operating income  306   220   284   235 
Net income  88   194   83   67 
Basic earnings per share:(1)                
Net income $0.28  $0.62  $0.27  $0.21 
Diluted earnings per share:(1)                
Net income $0.28  $0.61  $0.26  $0.20 

  Year Ended December 31, 2009 
  (In millions, except per share amounts) 
 $2,766  $1,640  $1,576  $2,299 
Operating income
  285   253   287   299 
Net income
  67   86   114   105 
Basic earnings per share(1)
 $0.19  $0.24  $0.31  $0.27 
Diluted earnings per share(1)
 $0.19  $0.24  $0.31  $0.27 
Quarterly earnings per common share are based on the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the quarter, and the sum of the quarters may not equal annual earnings per common share. The Company’s 3.75% contingently convertible notes areCenterPoint Energy included in the calculation of diluted earnings per share for first and second quarters of 2005, as they are dilutive. In the third quarter of 2005, the Company modified approximately $572 million of the 3.75%conversion spread related to its contingently convertible senior notes to provide for settlement of the principal portion in cash rather than stock. Accordingly, the Company excludes the portion of the conversion value of these notes and the 2.875% contingently convertible notes attributable to their principal amount from its computation of diluted earnings per share from continuing operations. The Company includes the conversion spread in the calculation of diluted earnings per share when the average market price of the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s common stock in the respective reporting period exceeds the conversion price. All of the Company’s 2.875%CenterPoint Energy’s 3.75% convertible senior notes were either redeemed or surrenderedsubmitted for conversion in January 2007, as described in Note 8(b), “Long-term Debt — Convertible Debt.”on or prior to the May 30, 2008 redemption date.
(14)    Reportable Business Segments

The Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s determination of reportable business segments considers the strategic operating units under which the CompanyCenterPoint Energy manages sales, allocates resources and assesses performance of various products and services to wholesale or retail customers in differing regulatory environments. The accounting policies of the business segments are the same as those described in the summary of significant accounting policies except that some executive benefit costs have not been allocated to business segments. The CompanyCenterPoint Energy uses operating income as the measure of profit or loss for its business segments.

The Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s reportable business segments include the following: Electric Transmission & Distribution, Natural Gas Distribution, Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services, Interstate Pipelines, Field Services and Other Operations. The electric transmission and distribution function (CenterPoint Houston) is reported in the Electric Transmission & Distribution business segment. Natural Gas Distribution consists of intrastate natural gas sales to, and natural gas transportation and distribution for, residential, commercial, industrial and institutional customers. Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services represents the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s non-rate regulated gas sales and services operations, which consist of three operational functions: wholesale, retail and intrastate pipelines. Beginning in the fourth quarter of 2006, the Company is reporting its interstate pipelines and field services businesses as two separate business segments, theThe Interstate Pipelines business segment and the Field Services business segment. These business segments were previously aggregated and reported as the Pipelines and Field Services business segment. The Interstate Pipelines includes the interstate natural gas pipeline operations. The Field Services business segment includes the natural gas gathering, treating and processing operations. Other Operations consists primarily of other corporate operations which support all of the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s business operations. The Company’s generation operations, which were previously reported in the Electric Generation business segment, are presented as



discontinued operations within these consolidated financial statements. All prior periods have been recast to conform to the 2006 presentation.

Long-lived assets include net property, plant and equipment, net goodwill and other intangibles and equity investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries. Intersegment sales are eliminated in consolidation.

Financial data for business segments and products and services are as follows (in millions):
  for Long-Lived
  Customers  Revenues  Amortization  (Loss)  net of tax  Assets  Assets 
As of and for the year
ended December 31,
Electric Transmission and Distribution $1,521(1) $  $284  $494  $977  $8,783  $235 
Natural Gas Distribution  3,577   2   141   178      4,083   196 
Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services  2,593(2)  255   2   44      964   1 
Interstate Pipelines  239   129   36   129      2,164   39 
Field Services  67   25   8   51      451   34 
Other  2   6   19   (32)     2,794(3)  25 
Discontinued Operations                 1,565   74 
Reconciling Eliminations     (417)           (2,708)   
Consolidated $7,999  $  $490  $864  $977  $18,096  $604 
As of and for the year ended December 31, 2005:
Electric Transmission and Distribution $1,644(1) $  $322  $487  $(30) $8,227  $281 
Natural Gas Distribution  3,837   9   152   175      4,612   249 
Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services  3,884(2)  245   2   60      1,849   12 
Interstate Pipelines  255   131   36   165      2,400   118 
Field Services  91   29   9   70      529   38 
Other  11   8   20   (18)     2,202(3)  21 
Discontinued Operations                    9 
Reconciling Eliminations     (422)           (2,703)   
Consolidated $9,722  $  $541  $939  $(30) $17,116  $728 
As of and for the year ended December 31, 2006:
Electric Transmission and Distribution $1,781(1) $  $379  $576  $  $8,463  $389 
Natural Gas Distribution  3,582   11   152   124      4,463   187 
Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services  3,572(2)  79   1   77      1,501   18 
Interstate Pipelines  255   133   37   181      2,738   437 
Field Services  119   31   10   89      608   65 
Other  10   5   20   (2)     2,047(3)  25 
Reconciling Eliminations     (259)           (2,187)   
Consolidated $9,319  $  $599  $1,045  $  $17,633  $1,121 

for Long-Lived
As of and for the year ended
 December 31, 2007:
Electric Transmission & Distribution $1,837(1) $-  $398  $561  $8,358  $401 
Natural Gas Distribution
  3,749   10   155   218   4,332   191 
Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services  3,534   45   5   75   1,221   7 
Interstate Pipelines(2)
  357   143   44   237   3,007   308 
Field Services(3)
  136   39   11   99   669   74 
  10   -   18   (5)  1,956(4)  30 
Reconciling Eliminations
  -   (237)  -   -   (1,671)  - 
 $9,623  $-  $631  $1,185  $17,872  $1,011 
As of and for the year ended
 December 31, 2008:
Electric Transmission & Distribution $1,916(1) $-  $460  $545  $8,880  $481(5)
Natural Gas Distribution
  4,217   9   157   215   4,961   214 
Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services  4,488   40   3   62   1,315   8 
Interstate Pipelines(2)
  477   173   46   293   3,578   189 
Field Services(3)
  213   39   12   147   826   122 
  11   -   30   11   2,185(4)  39 
Reconciling Eliminations
  -   (261)  -   -   (2,069)  - 
 $11,322  $-  $708  $1,273  $19,676  $1,053 
As of and for the year ended
 December 31, 2009:
Electric Transmission & Distribution $2,013(1) $-  $480  $545  $9,755  $428(5)
Natural Gas Distribution
  3,374   10   161   204   4,535   165 
Competitive Natural Gas Sales and Services  2,215   15   4   21   1,176   2 
Interstate Pipelines(2)
  456   142   48   256   3,484   176 
Field Services(3)
  212   29   15   94   1,045   348 
  11   -   35   4   2,261(4)  29 
Reconciling Eliminations
  -   (196)  -   -   (2,483)  - 
 $8,281  $-  $743  $1,124  $19,773  $1,148 
(1)Sales to subsidiaries of RRINRG Retail LLC, the successor to RRI’s Texas retail business, in 2004, 20052007, 2008 and 20062009 represented approximately $882$661 million, $812$635 million and $737$634 million, respectively, of CenterPoint Houston’s transmission and distribution revenues.



(2)SalesInterstate Pipelines recorded equity income of $6 million, $36 million, and $7 million (including $6 million and $33 million related to Texas Gencopre-operating allowance for funds used during construction during 2007 and 2008, respectively) in 2004 represented approximately $20the years ended December 31, 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively, from its 50% interest in SESH, a jointly-owned pipeline. These amounts are included in Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates under the Other Income (Expense) caption.  Interstate Pipelines’ investment in SESH was $58 million, $307 million and $422 million as of the Competitive Natural Gas SalesDecember 31, 2007, 2008 and Services business segment’s revenues from external customers. Texas Genco has been presented as discontinued operations2009 and is included in these consolidated financial statements.Investment in unconsolidated affiliates.

(3)Field Services recorded equity income of $10 million, $15 million and $8 million for the years ended December 31, 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively, from its 50% interest in a jointly-owned gas processing plant. These amounts are included in Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates under the Other Income (Expense) caption.  Field Services’ investment in the jointly-owned gas processing plant was $30 million, $38 million and $40 million as of December 31, 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively, and is included in Investment in unconsolidated affiliates.

(4)Included in total assets of Other Operations as of December 31, 2004, 2005 and 2006 is a2007 are pension assetassets of $610 million, $654 million and $109 million, respectively.$231 million. Also included in total assets of Other Operations as of December 31, 2006, is a2007, 2008 and 2009, are pension and other postemployment related regulatory assetassets of $420$319 million, that resulted from the Company’s adoption of SFAS No. 158.$800 million and $731 million, respectively.
  Year Ended December 31, 
  2004  2005  2006 
  (In millions) 
Revenues by Products and Services:            
Electric delivery sales $1,521  $1,644  $1,781 
Retail gas sales  4,239   4,871   4,546 
Wholesale gas sales  1,526   2,410   2,331 
Gas transport  613   684   550 
Energy products and services  100   113   111 
Total $7,999  $9,722  $9,319 
(5)Included in expenditures for long-lived assets of Electric Transmission & Distribution is $145 million and $26 million for 2008 and 2009, respectively, related to Hurricane Ike. Approximately $153 million of distribution related storm restoration costs was reclassified to regulatory assets and was included in the $665 million securitized storm restoration costs as further discussed in Note 3(a).  The remaining $18 million of transmission related storm restoration costs is included in plant in service as of December 31, 2009, and is eligible for recovery through the existing mechanisms established to recover transmission costs as further discussed in Note 3(a).

  Year Ended December 31, 
Revenues by Products and Services: 2007  2008  2009 
  (In millions) 
Electric delivery sales
 $1,837  $1,916  $2,013 
Retail gas sales
  4,941   6,216   4,540 
Wholesale gas sales
  2,196   2,295   902 
Gas transport
  532   756   691 
Energy products and services
  117   139   135 
 $9,623  $11,322  $8,281 

(15)    Subsequent Events

On February 1, 2007, the Company’sJanuary 21, 2010, CenterPoint Energy’s board of directors declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.17$0.195 per share of common stock payable on March 6, 2007,10, 2010, to shareholders of record as of the close of business on February 16, 2007.2010.
In February 2007, the Company’s 8.257% Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures having an aggregate principal amount of $103 million were redeemed at 104.1285% of their principal amountItem 9.Changes in and the related 8.257% capital securities issued by HL&P Capital Trust II were redeemed at 104.1285% of their aggregate liquidation value of $100 million.Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure
In February 2007, the Company issued $250 million aggregate principal amount of senior notes due in February 2017 with an interest rate of 5.95%. The proceeds from the sale of the senior notes were used to repay debt incurred in satisfying its $255 million cash payment obligation in connection with the conversion and redemption of its 2.875% Convertible Notes.
In February 2007, CERC Corp. issued $150 million aggregate principal amount of senior notes due in February 2037 with an interest rate of 6.25%. The proceeds from the sale of the senior notes were used to repay advances for the purchase of receivables under CERC Corp.’s $375 million receivables facility. Such repayment provides increased liquidity and capital resources for CERC’s general corporate purposes.


Item 9.Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure
Item 9A.Controls and Procedures

Item 9A. Controls and Procedures

Disclosure Controls And Procedures

In accordance with Exchange ActRules 13a-15 and15d-15, we carried out an evaluation, under the supervision and with the participation of management, including our principal executive officer and principal financial officer, of the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures as of the end of the period covered by this report. Based on that evaluation, our principal executive officer and principal financial officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of December 31, 20062009 to provide assurance that information required to be disclosed in our reports filed or submitted under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules and forms and such information is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our principal executive officer and principal financial officer, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding disclosure.

There has been no change in our internal controls over financial reporting that occurred during the three months ended December 31, 20062009 that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal controls over financial reporting.

Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting

See report set forth above in Item 8, "Financial Statements and Supplementary Data."

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

See report set forth above in Item 8, "Financial Statements and Supplementary Data."

Item 9B.Other Information
Item 9B. Other Information



Item 10.  Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance
Item 10.Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance

The information called for by Item 10, to the extent not set forth in “Executive Officers”"Executive Officers" in Item 1, is or will be set forth in the definitive proxy statement relating to CenterPoint Energy’s 20072010 annual meeting of shareholders pursuant to SEC Regulation 14A. Such definitive proxy statement relates to a meeting of shareholders involving the election of directors and the portions thereof called for by Item 10 are incorporated herein by reference pursuant to Instruction G toForm 10-K.

Item 11. Executive Compensation
Item 11.Executive Compensation

The information called for by Item 11 is or will be set forth in the definitive proxy statement relating to CenterPoint Energy’s 20072010 annual meeting of shareholders pursuant to SEC Regulation 14A. Such definitive proxy statement relates to a meeting of shareholders involving the election of directors and the portions thereof called for by Item 11 are incorporated herein by reference pursuant to Instruction G toForm 10-K.

Item 12.Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters


Item 12.Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters
The information called for by Item 12 is or will be set forth in the definitive proxy statement relating to CenterPoint Energy’s 20072010 annual meeting of shareholders pursuant to SEC Regulation 14A. Such definitive proxy statement relates to a meeting of shareholders involving the election of directors and the portions thereof called for by Item 12 are incorporated herein by reference pursuant to Instruction G toForm 10-K.

Item 13.Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence
Item 13.Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence

The information called for by Item 13 is or will be set forth in the definitive proxy statement relating to CenterPoint Energy’s 20072010 annual meeting of shareholders pursuant to SEC Regulation 14A. Such definitive proxy statement relates to a meeting of shareholders involving the election of directors and the portions thereof called for by Item 13 are incorporated herein by reference pursuant to Instruction G toForm 10-K.

Item 14.Principal Accounting Fees and Services
Item 14.Principal Accountant Fees and Services

The information called for by Item 14 is or will be set forth in the definitive proxy statement relating to CenterPoint Energy’s 20072010 annual meeting of shareholders pursuant to SEC Regulation 14A. Such definitive proxy statement relates to a meeting of shareholders involving the election of directors and the portions thereof called for by Item 14 are incorporated herein by reference pursuant to Instruction G toForm 10-K.


Item 15.Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules

Item 15.Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules

(a)(1) Financial Statements.


(a)(2) Financial Statement Schedules for the Three Years Ended December 31, 2006.2009.


The following schedules are omitted because of the absence of the conditions under which they are required or because the required information is included in the financial statements:

III, IV and V.

(a)(3) Exhibits.

See Index of Exhibits beginning on page 132,125, which index also includes the management contracts or compensatory plans or arrangements required to be filed as exhibits to thisForm 10-K by Item 601(b)(10)(iii) ofRegulation S-K.



To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of
CenterPoint Energy, Inc.
Houston, Texas

We have audited the consolidated financial statements of CenterPoint Energy, Inc. and subsidiaries (the “Company”"Company") as of December 31, 20062009 and 2005,2008, and for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2006,2009, and have issued our report thereon dated February 28, 2007 (which report expresses an unqualified opinion and includes an explanatory paragraph relating to the Company’s adoption of new accounting standards for defined benefit pension and other postretirement plans in 2006 and conditional asset retirement obligations in 2005), and management’s assessment of the effectiveness of the Company’sCompany's internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2006 and the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2006,2009, and have issued our reportreports thereon dated February 28, 2007;26, 2010; such reports are included elsewhere in thisForm 10-K.  Our audits also included the consolidated financial statement schedules of the Company listed in the index at Item 15 (a)(2).  These consolidated financial statement schedules are the responsibility of the Company’sCompany's management.  Our responsibility is to express an opinion based on our audits.  In our opinion, such consolidated financial statement schedules, when considered in relation to the basic consolidated financial statements taken as a whole, present fairly, in all material respects, the information set forth therein.


Houston, Texas
February 28, 200726, 2010




             For the Year Ended December 31, 
 For the Year Ended December 31,  2007  2008  2009 
 2004 2005 2006  (In millions) 
 (In millions) 
Equity Income of Subsidiaries $707  $425  $560 
Operation and Maintenance Expenses
 $(17) $(12) $(17)
Taxes Other than Income
  (4)  1   - 
  (21)  (11)  (17)
Other Income (Expense):            
Interest Income from Subsidiaries  21   15   18   22   12   8 
Other Income        6 
Loss on Disposal of Subsidiary  (366)  (14)   
Other Income (Expense)
  1   (5)  (2)
Gain (Loss) on Indexed Debt Securities  (20)  49   (80)  111   128   (68)
Operation and Maintenance Expenses  (21)  (29)  (19)
Depreciation and Amortization         
Taxes Other than Income        (2)
Interest Expense to Subsidiaries  (80)  (61)  (69)  (67)  (38)  (25)
Interest Expense  (303)  (204)  (196)  (225)  (162)  (149)
Distribution to ZENS Holders
  (27)  -   (3)
  (185)  (65)  (239)
Loss Before Income Taxes
  (206)  (76)  (256)
Income Tax Benefit  134   41   214   86   32   113 
Extraordinary Item, net of tax  (977)  30    
Net Income (Loss) $(905) $252  $432 
Loss Before Equity in Subsidiaries
  (120)  (44)  (143)
Equity Income of Subsidiaries
  515   490   515 
Net Income
 $395  $446  $372 

See CenterPoint Energy, Inc. and Subsidiaries Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in Part II, Item 8




 December 31, 
 2005 2006 
 (In millions)  December 31, 
 2008  2009 
 (In millions) 
Current Assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $1  $  $-  $- 
Notes receivable — subsidiaries  460   391 
Accounts receivable — subsidiaries  22   271 
Notes receivable - subsidiaries
  82   493 
Accounts receivable - subsidiaries
  53   72 
Other assets  3   2   -   16 
Total current assets  486   664   135   581 
Property, Plant and Equipment, net
Other Assets:
Investment in subsidiaries  5,225   5,568   5,161   5,562 
Notes receivable — subsidiaries  172   151 
Notes receivable - subsidiaries
  151   151 
Other assets  714   573   826   751 
Total other assets  6,111   6,292   6,138   6,464 
Total Assets
 $6,597  $6,956  $6,273  $7,045 
Current Liabilities:
Notes payable — subsidiaries $5  $158 
Notes payable - subsidiaries
 $21  $306 
Current portion of long-term debt  109   941   117   611 
Indexed debt securities derivative  292   372   133   201 
Accounts payable:                
Subsidiaries  30   312   40   17 
Other  4   (8)  3   40 
Taxes accrued  698   726   338   416 
Interest accrued  26   26   26   29 
Other  22   21   18   1 
Total current liabilities  1,186   2,548   696   1,621 
Other Liabilities:
Accumulated deferred tax liabilities  328   223   138   122 
Benefit obligations  78   71   426   426 
Notes payable — subsidiaries  923   750 
Notes payable - subsidiaries
  750   750 
Other  157   12   7   7 
Total non-current liabilities  1,486   1,056   1,321   1,305 
Long-Term Debt
  2,629   1,796   2,234   1,480 
Shareholders’ Equity:
Common stock  3   3   3   4 
Additional paid-in capital  2,931   2,977   3,158   3,671 
Accumulated deficit  (1,600)  (1,355)  (1,008)  (912)
Accumulated other comprehensive loss  (38)  (69)  (131)  (124)
Total shareholders’ equity  1,296   1,556   2,022   2,639 
Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity
 $6,597  $6,956  $6,273  $7,045 

See CenterPoint Energy, Inc. and Subsidiaries Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in Part II, Item 8




 For the Year Ended December 31, 
 2004 2005 2006  For the Year Ended December 31, 
 (In millions)  2007  2008  2009 
 (In millions) 
Operating Activities:
Net income (loss) $(905) $252  $432 
Loss on disposal of subsidiary  366   14    
Extraordinary item, net of tax  977   (30)   
Adjusted income  438   236   432 
Non-cash items included in net income (loss):            
Net income
 $395  $446  $372 
Non-cash items included in net income:            
Equity income of subsidiaries  (707)  (425)  (560)  (515)  (490)  (515)
Deferred income tax expense  155   106   (169)  52   90   (19)
Tax and interest reserves reductions related to ZENS and ACES settlement        (107)
Amortization of debt issuance costs  70   37   36   50   7   5 
Loss (gain) on indexed debt securities  20   (49)  80   (111)  (128)  68 
Changes in working capital:                        
Accounts receivable/(payable) from subsidiaries, net  (6)  1   33   20   (65)  86 
Accounts payable  (1)  (1)  (13)  11   -   14 
Other current assets  (5)  (1)  (1)  -   2   (16)
Other current liabilities  (290)  (73)  117   (50)  (111)  59 
Common stock dividends received from subsidiaries  177   508   227   240   746   109 
Pension contribution  (476)  (75)   
Other  54   77   18   2   (7)  (1)
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities  (571)  341   93 
Net cash provided by operating activities
  94   490   162 
Investing Activities:
Proceeds from sale of Texas Genco  2,231   700    
Investments in (distributions from) subsidiaries  19   (144)   
Short-term notes receivable from subsidiaries  76   (335)  69   175   134   (411)
Long-term notes receivable from subsidiaries  192   154   21 
Capital expenditures, net  (6)   —    
Net cash provided by investing activities  2,512   375   90 
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities
  175   134   (411)
Financing Activities:
Long-term revolving credit facility, net  (1,205)  (236)   
Commercial paper, net        (3)
Revolving credit facility, net
  131   133   (264)
Proceeds from long-term debt
  250   300   - 
Payments on long-term debt  (889)   —      (295)  (907)  - 
Debt issuance costs  (1)  (5)  (3)  (2)  (4)  - 
Common stock dividends paid  (123)  (124)  (187)  (218)  (246)  (276)
Proceeds from issuance of common stock, net     17   27   22   80   504 
Short-term notes payable to subsidiaries  121   (122)  153   (157)  20   285 
Long-term notes payable to subsidiaries  134   (245)  (171)
Net cash used in financing activities  (1,963)  (715)  (184)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents
  (22)  1   (1)
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities
  (269)  (624)  249 
Net Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents
  -   -   - 
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year
  22      1   -   -   - 
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year
 $  $1  $  $-  $-  $- 

See CenterPoint Energy, Inc. and Subsidiaries Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in Part II, Item 8



(1) Background. The condensed parent company financial statements and notes should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and notes of CenterPoint Energy, Inc. (CenterPoint Energy or the Company)Energy) appearing in the Annual Report onForm 10-K. Bank facilities at CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC and CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp., indirect wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company,CenterPoint Energy, limit debt, excluding transition and system restoration bonds, as a percentage of their total capitalization to 65 percent.65%. These covenants could restrict the ability of these subsidiaries to distribute dividends to CenterPoint Energy.

(2) New Accounting Pronouncements. Effective January 1, 2009, CenterPoint Energy adopted new accounting guidance for convertible debt instruments that may be settled in cash upon conversion (including partial cash settlement) which changed the Company.accounting treatment for convertible securities that the issuer may settle fully or partially in cash and which required retrospective application to all periods presented. Under this new guidance, cash settled convertible securities are separated into their debt and equity components. The value assigned to the debt component is the estimated fair value, as of the issuance date, of a similar debt instrument without the conversion feature, and the difference between the proceeds for the convertible debt and the amount reflected as a debt liability is recorded as additional paid-in capital. As a result, the debt is recorded at a discount reflecting its below-market coupon interest rate. The debt is then subsequently accreted to its par value over its expected life, with the rate of interest that reflects the market rate at issuance being reflected on the income statement. CenterPoint Energy currently has no convertible debt that is within the scope of this new guidance, but did during prior periods presented.  The required retrospective implementation of this new guidance had a non-cash effect on net income for prior periods and the Consolidated Balance Sheets when CenterPoint Energy had contingently convertible debt outstanding. The effect on net income for the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2008 was a decrease in net income of $4 million, or $0.02 per basic and diluted share, and $1 million, or $0.01 per basic share and no change per diluted share, respectively. The implementation effect on the Consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2008 increased Additional Paid-In-Capital and Accumulated Deficit by $23 million.

Effective January 1, 2008, CenterPoint Energy adopted new guidance on accounting for deferred compensation and postretirement benefit aspects of endorsement split-dollar life insurance arrangements which required CenterPoint Energy to recognize the effect of implementation through a cumulative effect adjustment to retained earnings or other components of equity as of the beginning of the year of adoption.  CenterPoint Energy calculated the impact as negligible at the time of adoption on January 1, 2008.  During 2009, CenterPoint Energy determined that its adoption calculation had omitted the impact that increasing future premium costs would have on the liability and, therefore, it recorded as a cumulative effect adjustment a $15 million correction to decrease investment in subsidiaries and increase accumulated deficit as of January 1, 2008.  The effect of the correction is not material to CenterPoint Energy’s previously issued financial statements and did not affect CenterPoint Energy’s results of operations or cash flows.

(3) Derivatives. In December 2007 and January 2008, CenterPoint Energy entered into treasury rate lock derivative instruments (treasury rate locks) having an aggregate notional amount of $300 million and a weighted-average locked U.S. treasury rate on ten-year debt of 4.05%. These treasury rate locks were executed to hedge the ten-year U.S. treasury rate expected to be used in pricing $300 million of fixed-rate debt CenterPoint Energy planned to issue in 2008, because changes in the U.S treasury rate would cause variability in CenterPoint Energy’s forecasted interest payments. These treasury rate lock derivatives were designated as cash flow hedges. Accordingly, unrealized gains and losses associated with the treasury rate lock derivative instruments were recorded as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income. In May 2008, CenterPoint Energy settled its treasury rate locks for a payment of $7 million. The $7 million loss recognized upon settlement of the treasury rate locks was recorded as a component of accumulated other comprehensive loss and will be recognized as a component of interest expense over the ten-year life of the related $300 million senior notes issued in May 2008. Amortization of amounts deferred in accumulated other comprehensive loss for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2009 was less than $1 million. During the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2008, CenterPoint Energy recognized a loss of $2 million and $5 million, respectively, for these treasury rate locks in accumulated other comprehensive loss. Ineffectiveness for the treasury rate locks was not material during the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2008.
(2) Prior

(4) Capital Stock. During the year ended December 31, 2009, CenterPoint Energy received net proceeds of approximately $280 million from the issuance of 24.2 million common shares in an underwritten public offering, net proceeds of $148 million from the issuance of 14.3 million common shares through a continuous offering program, proceeds of approximately $57 million from the sale of approximately 4.9 million common shares to repealCenterPoint Energy’s defined contribution plan and proceeds of approximately $15 million from the Public Utility Holding Company Actsale of 1935, effective February 8, 2006,approximately 1.3 million common shares to participants in CenterPoint Energy’s enhanced dividend reinvestment plan.

(5) Long-term Debt. As of December 31, 2009, CenterPoint Energy had no borrowings and approximately $27 million of outstanding letters of credit under its $1.2 billion credit facility. CenterPoint Energy had no commercial paper outstanding at December 31, 2009. CenterPoint Energy was a registered public utility holding company under that act.in compliance with all covenants as of December 31, 2009.

(3) In July 2004, the Company announced its agreement to sell its majority owned subsidiary, Texas Genco, to Texas Genco LLC. In December 2004, Texas Genco completed the sale of its fossil generation assets (coal, lignite and gas-fired plants) to Texas Genco LLC for $2.813 billion in cash. Following the sale, Texas Genco distributed $2.231 billion in cash to the Company. Texas Genco’s principal remaining asset was its ownership interest in a nuclear generating facility. The final step of the transaction, the merger of Texas Genco with a subsidiary of Texas Genco LLC in exchange for an additional cash payment to the Company of $700 million, was completed in April 2005. The Company recorded after tax losses of $366 million and $14 million in 2004 and 2005, respectively, related to the sale of Texas Genco.
(4) In March 2006, the Company replaced its $1 billion five-year revolving credit facility with aCenterPoint Energy’s $1.2 billion five-year revolving credit facility. The facility has a first drawn cost of the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) plus 6055 basis points based on the Company’sCenterPoint Energy’s current credit ratings, as compared to LIBOR plus 87.5 basis points for borrowings under the facility it replaced. The facility contains covenants, including a debt (excluding transition bonds) to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization covenant.
Under the credit facility, anratings. An additional utilization fee of 105 basis points applies to borrowings any time more than 50% of the facility is utilized, and theutilized. The spread to LIBOR fluctuatesand the utilization fee fluctuate based on the borrower’s credit rating. Borrowings underThe facility contains a debt (excluding transition and system restoration bonds) to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) covenant (as those terms are defined in the facility). Such covenant was modified twice in 2008 to provide additional debt capacity.  The second modification was to provide debt capacity pending the financing of system restoration costs following Hurricane Ike.  That modification was terminated with CenterPoint Houston’s issuance of bonds to securitize such costs in November 2009.  In February 2010, CenterPoint Energy amended its credit facility are subject to customary termsmodify the financial ratio covenant to allow for a temporary increase of the permitted ratio of debt (excluding transition and conditions. However, there is no requirement that the Company makes representations priorsystem restoration bonds) to borrowings asEBITDA  from 5 times to 5.5 times if CenterPoint Houston experiences damage from a natural disaster in its service territory and CenterPoint Energy certifies to the absenceadministrative agent that CenterPoint Houston has incurred system restoration costs reasonably likely to exceed $100 million in a calendar year, all or part of material adverse changes or litigation that couldwhich CenterPoint Houston intends to seek to recover through securitization financing. Such temporary increase in the financial ratio covenant would be expectedin effect from the date CenterPoint Energy delivers its certification until the earliest to have a material adverse effect. Borrowings underoccur of (i) the credit facility are subject to acceleration uponcompletion of the occurrence of events of default thatsecuritization financing, (ii) the Company consider customary.
As of December 31, 2006, the Company had no borrowings and approximately $28 million of outstanding letters of credit under its $1.2 billion credit facility. Additionally, the Company was in compliance with all covenants as of December 31, 2006.
On May 19, 2003, the Company issued $575 million aggregate principal amount of convertible senior notes due May 15, 2023 with an interest rate of 3.75%. As of December 31, 2006, holders could convert each of their notes into sharesfirst anniversary of CenterPoint Energy common stock at a conversion rateEnergy’s certification or (iii) the revocation of 88.3833 sharessuch certification.

CenterPoint Energy’s maturities of common stock per $1,000 principal amount of notes at any time prior to maturity underlong-term debt, excluding the following circumstances: (1) if the last reported sale price of CenterPoint Energy common stock for at least 20 trading days during the period of 30 consecutive trading days ending on the last trading day of the previous calendar quarter is greater than or equal to 120% or, following May 15, 2008, 110% of the conversion price per share of CenterPoint Energy common stock on such last trading day, (2) if the notes have been called for redemption, (3) during any periodZENS obligation, are $490 million in which the credit ratings assigned to the notes by both Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody’s)2010 and Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services (S&P), a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, are lower than Ba2 and BB, respectively, or the notes$19 million in 2011.  There are no longer rated by at least one of these ratings services or their successors, or (4) upon the occurrence of specified corporate transactions, including the distribution to all holders of CenterPoint Energy common stock of certain rights entitling them to purchase shares of CenterPoint Energy common stock at less than the last reported sale price of a share of CenterPoint Energy common stock on the trading day prior to the declaration date of the distribution or the distribution to all holders of CenterPoint Energy common stock of the Company’s assets, debt securities or certain rights to purchase the Company’s securities, which distribution has a per share value exceeding 15% of the last reported sale price of a share of CenterPoint Energy common stock on the trading day immediately preceding


the declaration date for such distribution. The notes originally had a conversion rate of 86.3558 shares of common stock per $1,000 principal amount of notes. However, effective February 16, 2006 and November 17, 2006, the conversion rate increased to 87.4094 and 88.3833, respectively, in accordance with the terms of the notes due to quarterly common stock dividends in excess of $0.10 per share.
Holders have the right to require the Company to purchase all or any portion of the notes for cash on May 15, 2008, May 15, 2013 and May 15, 2018 for a purchase price equal to 100% of the principal amount of the notes. The convertible senior notes also have a contingent interest feature requiring contingent interest to be paid to holders of notes commencing on or after May 15, 2008, in the event that the average trading price of a note for the applicable five-trading-day period equals or exceeds 120% of the principal amount of the note as of the day immediately preceding the first day of the applicable six-month interest period. For any six-month period, contingent interest will be equal to 0.25% of the average trading price of the note for the applicable five-trading-day period.
In August 2005, the Company accepted for exchange approximately $572 million aggregate principal amount of its 3.75% convertible senior notes due 2023 (Old Notes) for an equal amount of its new 3.75% convertible senior notes due 2023 (New Notes). Old Notes of approximately $3 million remain outstanding. Under the terms of the New Notes, which are substantially similar to the Old Notes, settlement of the principal portion will be made in cash rather than stock.
Additionally, as of December 31, 2006, the 3.75% convertible senior notes have been included as current portionmaturities of long-term debt in the Condensed Balance Sheets because the last reported sale price2012, 2013 and 2014. Maturities in 2010 include $290 million of pollution control bonds issued on behalf of CenterPoint Energy common stock for at least 20 trading days during the period of 30 consecutive trading days ending on the last trading day of the fourth quarter of 2006 was greater than or equal to 120% of the conversion price of the 3.75% convertible senior notes and therefore, during the first quarter of 2007, the 3.75% convertible senior notes meet the criteria that make them eligible for conversion at the option of the holders of these notes.
On December 17, 2003, the Company issued $255 million aggregate principal amount of convertible senior notes due January 15, 2024 with an interest rate of 2.875%. As of December 31, 2006, holders could convert each of their notes into shares ofwhich were purchased by CenterPoint Energy common stock at a conversion rate of 79.8969 shares of common stock per $1,000 principal amount of notes. The notes originally had a conversion rate of 78.0640 shares of common stock per $1,000 principal amount of notes. However, effective February 16, 2006 and November 17, 2006, the conversion rate increased to 79.0165 and 79.8969, respectively, in accordance with the terms of the notes due to quarterly common stock dividends in excess of $0.10 per share. As of December 31, 2006, these notes were classified as current portion of other long-term debt in the Condensed Balance Sheets.January 2010.

In December 2006, the Company called the 2.875% Convertible Senior Notes due 2024 (2.875% Convertible Notes) for redemption on January 22, 2007 at 100% of their principal amount. The 2.875% Convertible Notes became immediately convertible at the option of the holders upon the call for redemption and were convertible through the close of business on the redemption date. Substantially all the $255 million aggregate principal amount of the 2.875% Convertible Notes were converted. The $255 million principal amount of the 2.875% Convertible Notes was settled in cash and the excess value due converting holders of $97 million was settled by delivering approximately 5.6 million shares of the Company’s common stock.
(6) CenterPoint Energy Intrastate Pipelines, Inc., Guaranties. CenterPoint Energy Services, Inc. and other wholly owned subsidiaries of CERC Corp. provide(CES) provides comprehensive natural gas sales and services to industrial and commercial customers which are primarily located within or near the territories served by the Company’s pipelines and distribution subsidiaries.customers. In order to hedge their exposure to natural gas prices, these CERC Corp. subsidiaries haveCES has entered standard purchase and sale agreements with various counterparties. CenterPoint Energy has guaranteed the payment obligations of these subsidiariesCES under certain of these agreements, typically for one-year terms. As of December 31, 2006,2009, CenterPoint Energy had guaranteed $128$13 million under these agreements.


In September 2009, CenterPoint Energy Field Services, Inc. (CEFS), an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of CenterPoint Energy, entered into long-term agreements with an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of EnCana Corporation (EnCana) and an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) to provide gathering and treating services for their natural gas production from certain Haynesville Shale and Bossier Shale formations in Louisiana. CEFS also acquired jointly-owned gathering facilities from EnCana and Shell in De Soto and Red River parishes in northwest Louisiana.  Each of the agreements includes acreage dedication and volume commitments for which CEFS has rights to gather Shell’s and EnCana’s natural gas production from the dedicated areas.

In connection with the agreements, CEFS commenced gathering and treating services utilizing the acquired facilities. CEFS is expanding the acquired facilities in order to gather and treat up to 700 million cubic feet (MMcf) per day of natural gas. If EnCana or Shell elect, CEFS will further expand the facilities in order to gather and treat additional future volumes. CenterPoint Energy has guaranteed to fund CEFS’ obligations, including the initial expansion of the facilities, under these long-term agreements. CenterPoint Energy’s initial guarantee is for $200 million to both Shell and EnCana ($400 million total), however the amount of the guarantee could increase if the

facilities are expanded or additional services are added.  The amount of the guarantee reduces to $50 million upon completion of the gathering system.
(7) Non-cash transactions. During 2008, CenterPoint Energy reduced its payables to subsidiaries, with no net asset restrictions, by $430 million with a corresponding reduction in investment in subsidiaries.


For the Three Years Ended December 31, 20062009
Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E  Column B  Column C  Column D  Column E 
 Balance at
   Charged to
 Balance at
 End of
Balance at
of Period
Reserves (2)
Balance at
End of
 of Period to Income Accounts(1) Reserves(2) Period 
to Income
Charged to
 (In millions)  (In millions) 
Year Ended December 31, 2006:                    
Year Ended December 31, 2009:               
Accumulated provisions:                                   
Uncollectible accounts receivable $43  $35  $  $45  $33  $35  $36  $-  $47  $24 
Deferred tax asset valuation allowance  21   1         22   5   -   -   -   5 
Year Ended December 31, 2005:                    
Year Ended December 31, 2008:                    
Accumulated provisions:                                        
Uncollectible accounts receivable $30  $40  $  $27  $43  $38  $54  $3  $60  $35 
Deferred tax asset valuation allowance  20   1         21   18   (1)  (12) (1)  -   5 
Year Ended December 31, 2004:                    
Year Ended December 31, 2007:                    
Accumulated provisions:                                        
Uncollectible accounts receivable $31  $27  $  $28  $30  33  45  -  40  38 
Deferred tax asset valuation allowance  73   (67)  14      20   22   (4)  -   -   18 
(1)ChargesThe 2008 change to the deferred tax asset valuation allowance charged to other accounts represent changesrepresents a reduction equal to the related deferred tax asset reduction in presentation to reflect2008 for re-measurement of state tax attributes, net of federal tax benefit as well as to reflect amounts that were netted against related attribute balancesbenefit.  A full valuation allowance for this deferred tax asset was established in prior years.periods.

(2)Deductions from reserves represent losses or expenses for which the respective reserves were created. In the case of the uncollectible accounts reserve, such deductions are net of recoveries of amounts previously written off.




Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in the City of Houston, the State of Texas, on the 28th26th day of February, 2007.2010.

By:  /s/ DAVIDDavid M. MCCLANAHANMcClanahan
David M. McClanahan
President and Chief Executive Officer
David M. McClanahan,
President and Chief Executive Officer

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities indicated on February 28, 2007.26, 2010.


David M. McClanahan
 President, Chief Executive Officer and
David M. McClanahanDirector (Principal Executive Officer and Director)

Gary L. Whitlock
 Executive Vice President and Chief
Gary L. WhitlockFinancial Officer (Principal Financial Officer)

 Senior Vice President and Chief
Walter L. FitzgeraldAccounting Officer (Principal Accounting Officer)

Milton Carroll
 Chairman of the Board of Directors
Milton Carroll

Donald R. Campbell Director

John T. Cater

Derrill Cody Director

O. Holcombe Crosswell 
Michael P. Johnson

Janiece M. Longoria Director

Thomas F. Madison Director



Robert T. O’Connell 
/s/  SUSAN O. RHENEYDirector
Susan O. Rheney

Michael E. Shannon Director

Peter S. Wareing 
/s/  SHERMAN M. WOLFFDirector
Sherman M. Wolff


For Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 20062009


Exhibits included with this report are designated by a cross (†); all exhibits not so designated are incorporated herein by reference to a prior filing as indicated. Exhibits designated by an asterisk (*) are management contracts or compensatory plans or arrangements required to be filed as exhibits to thisForm 10-K by Item 601(b)(10)(iii) ofRegulation S-K. CenterPoint Energy has not filed the exhibits and schedules to Exhibit 2. CenterPoint Energy hereby agrees to furnish supplementally a copy of any schedule omitted from Exhibit 2 to the SEC upon request.

        SEC File or
Number   Description Report or Registration Statement Number Reference 
2  Transaction Agreement dated July 21, 2004 among CenterPoint Energy, Utility Holding, LLC, NN Houston Sub, Inc., Texas Genco Holdings, Inc. (‘Texas Genco”), HPC Merger Sub, Inc. and GC Power Acquisition LLC CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated July 21, 2004 1-31447  10.1 
3(a)(1)  Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of CenterPoint Energy CenterPoint Energy’s Registration Statement onForm S-4 3-69502  3.1 
3(a)(2)  Articles of Amendment to Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of CenterPoint Energy CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 1-31447  3.1.1 
3(b)  Amended and Restated Bylaws of CenterPoint Energy CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 1-31447  3.2 
3(c)  Statement of Resolution Establishing Series of Shares designated Series A Preferred Stock of CenterPoint Energy CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 1-31447  3.3 
4(a)  Form of CenterPoint Energy Stock Certificate CenterPoint Energy’s Registration Statement onForm S-4 3-69502  4.1 
4(b)  Rights Agreement dated January 1, 2002, between CenterPoint Energy and JPMorgan Chase Bank, as Rights Agent CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 1-31447  4.2 
4(c)  Contribution and Registration Agreement dated December 18, 2001 among Reliant Energy, CenterPoint Energy and the Northern Trust Company, trustee under the Reliant Energy, Incorporated Master Retirement Trust CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 1-31447  4.3 

The agreements included as exhibits are included only to provide information to investors regarding their terms.  The agreements listed below may contain representations, warranties and other provisions that were made, among other things, to provide the parties thereto with specified rights and obligations and to allocate risk among them, and such agreements should not be relied upon as constituting or providing any factual disclosures about us, any other persons, any state of affairs or other matters.


 Description Report or Registration Statement 
SEC File or
Transaction Agreement dated July 21, 2004 among CenterPoint Energy, Utility Holding, LLC, NN Houston Sub, Inc., Texas Genco Holdings, Inc. ("Texas Genco"), HPC Merger Sub, Inc. and GC Power Acquisition LLC
 CenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated July 21, 2004 1-31447 10.1
3(a)-Restated Articles of Incorporation of CenterPoint Energy 
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated July 24, 2008
 1-31447 3.2
3(b)-Amended and Restated Bylaws of CenterPoint Energy 
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated January 20, 2010
 1-31447 3.1
4(a)-Form of CenterPoint Energy Stock Certificate 
CenterPoint Energy’s Registration Statement on Form S-4
 333-69502 4.1
Rights Agreement dated January 1, 2002, between CenterPoint Energy and JPMorgan Chase Bank, as Rights Agent
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001
 1-31447 4.2
Contribution and Registration Agreement dated December 18, 2001 among Reliant Energy, CenterPoint Energy and the Northern Trust Company, trustee under the Reliant Energy, Incorporated Master Retirement Trust
 CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 1-31447 4.3
Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated November 1, 1944 between Houston Lighting and Power Company ("HL&P") and Chase Bank of Texas, National Association (formerly, South Texas Commercial National Bank of Houston), as Trustee, as amended and supplemented by 20 Supplemental Indentures thereto
 HL&P’s Form S-7 filed on August 25, 1977 2-59748 2(b)

SEC File or
NumberDescriptionReport or Registration StatementNumberReference
4(d)(1)Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated November 1, 1944 between Houston Lighting and Power Company (“HL&P”) and Chase Bank of Texas, National Association (formerly, South Texas Commercial National Bank of Houston), as Trustee, as amended and supplemented by 20 Supplemental Indentures theretoHL&P’sForm S-7 filed on August 25, 19772-597482(b)
4(d)(2)-Twenty-First through Fiftieth Supplemental Indentures to Exhibit 4(d)(1) 
HL&P’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1989
 1-3187 4(a)(2)
Fifty-First Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(d)(1) dated as of March 25, 1991
 HL&P’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1991 1-3187 4(a)
Fifty-Second through Fifty-Fifth Supplemental Indentures to Exhibit 4(d)(1) each dated as of March 1, 1992
 HL&P’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1992 1-3187 4
Fifty-Sixth and Fifty-Seventh Supplemental Indentures to Exhibit 4(d)(1) each dated as of October 1, 1992
 HL&P’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1992 1-3187 4
Fifty-Eighth and Fifty-Ninth Supplemental Indentures to Exhibit 4(d)(1) each dated as of March 1, 1993
 HL&P’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1993 1-3187 4
4(d)(7)-Sixtieth Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(d)(1) dated as of July 1, 1993 
HL&P’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1993
 1-3187 4
Sixty-First through Sixty-Third Supplemental Indentures to Exhibit 4(d)(1) each dated as of December 1, 1993
 HL&P’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1993 1-3187 4(a)(8)
Sixty-Fourth and Sixty-Fifth Supplemental Indentures to Exhibit 4(d)(1) each dated as of July 1, 1995
 HL&P’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 1-3187 4(a)(9)
General Mortgage Indenture, dated as of October 10, 2002, between CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC and JPMorgan Chase Bank, as Trustee
 CenterPoint Houston’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2002 1-3187 4(j)(1)


SEC File or
NumberDescriptionReport or Registration StatementNumberReference
Second Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of October 10, 2002
 CenterPoint Houston’sForm 10- Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2002 1-3187 4(j)(3)
Third Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of October 10, 2002
 CenterPoint Houston’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2002 1-3187 4(j)(4)
Fourth Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of October 10, 2002
 CenterPoint Houston’sForm 10- Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2002 1-3187 4(j)(5)
Fifth Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of October 10, 2002
 CenterPoint Houston’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2002 1-3187 4(j)(6)
Sixth Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of October 10, 2002
 CenterPoint Houston’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2002 1-3187 4(j)(7)

Seventh Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of October 10, 2002
 CenterPoint Houston’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2002 1-3187 4(j)(8)
Eighth Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of October 10, 2002
 CenterPoint Houston’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2002 1-3187 4(j)(9)
Officer’s Certificates dated October 10, 2002 setting forth the form, terms and provisions of the First through Eighth Series of General Mortgage Bonds
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2003 1-31447 4(e)(10)
Ninth Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of November 12, 2002
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 1-31447 4(e)(10)
Officer’s Certificate dated November 12, 2003 setting forth the form, terms and provisions of the Ninth Series of General Mortgage Bonds
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2003 1-31447 4(e)(12)
Tenth Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of March 18, 2003
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated March 13, 2003 1-31447 4.1
Officer’s Certificate dated March 18, 2003 setting forth the form, terms and provisions of the Tenth Series and Eleventh Series of General Mortgage Bonds
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated March 13, 2003 1-31447 4.2
Eleventh Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of May 23, 2003
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated May 16, 2003 1-31447 4.2


SEC File or
NumberDescriptionReport or Registration StatementNumberReference
Officer’s Certificate dated May 23, 2003 setting forth the form, terms and provisions of the Twelfth Series of General Mortgage Bonds
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated May 16, 2003 1-31447 4.1
Twelfth Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of September 9, 2003
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated September 9, 2003 1-31447 4.2
Officer’s Certificate dated September 9, 2003 setting forth the form, terms and provisions of the Thirteenth Series of General Mortgage Bonds
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated September 9, 2003 1-31447 4.3
Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of February 6, 2004
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 1-31447 4(e)(16)
Officer’s Certificate dated February 6, 2004 setting forth the form, terms and provisions of the Fourteenth Series of General Mortgage Bonds
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 1-31447 4(e)(17)

Fourteenth Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of February 11, 2004
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 1-31447 4(e)(18)
Officer’s Certificate dated February 11, 2004 setting forth the form, terms and provisions of the Fifteenth Series of General Mortgage Bonds
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 1-31447 4(e)(19)
Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of March 31, 2004
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 1-31447 4(e)(20)
Officer’s Certificate dated March 31, 2004 setting forth the form, terms and provisions of the Sixteenth Series of General Mortgage Bonds
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 1-31447 4(e)(21)
Sixteenth Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of March 31, 2004
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 1-31447 4(e)(22)


SEC File or
NumberDescriptionReport or Registration StatementNumberReference
Officer’s Certificate dated March 31, 2004 setting forth the form, terms and provisions of the Seventeenth Series of General Mortgage Bonds
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 1-31447 4(e)(23)
Seventeenth Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of March 31, 2004
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 1-31447 4(e)(24)
Officer’s Certificate dated March 31, 2004 setting forth the form, terms and provisions of the Eighteenth Series of General Mortgage Bonds
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 1-31447 4(e)(25)
Nineteenth Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of November 26, 2008
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated November 25, 20081-314474.2
Officer’s Certificate date November 26, 2008 setting forth the form, terms and provisions of the Twentieth Series of General Mortgage Bonds
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated November 25, 20081-314474.3
Twentieth Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of December 9, 2008
CenterPoint Houston’s Form 8-K dated January 6, 20091-31874.2
Twenty-First Supplemental Indenture to Exhibit 4(e)(1), dated as of January 9, 2009
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 20081-31447 4(e)(25)(31)
Officer’s Certificate date January 20, 2009 setting forth the form, terms and provisions of the Twenty-First Series of General Mortgage Bonds
 CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 20081-314474(e)(32)

Indenture, dated as of February 1, 1998, between Reliant Energy Resources Corp. (“("RERC Corp.") and Chase Bank of Texas, National Association, as Trustee
 CERC Corp.’sForm 8-K dated February 5, 1998 1-13265 4.1
Supplemental Indenture No. 1 to Exhibit 4(f)(1), dated as of February 1, 1998, providing for the issuance of RERC Corp.’s 61/2% 1/2% Debentures due February 1, 2008
 CERC Corp.’sForm 8-K dated November 9, 1998 1-13265 4.2
Supplemental Indenture No. 2 to Exhibit 4(f)(1), dated as of November 1, 1998, providing for the issuance of RERC Corp.’s 63/8% 3/8% Term Enhanced ReMarketable Securities
 CERC Corp.’sForm 8-K dated November 9, 1998 1-13265 4.1
Supplemental Indenture No. 3 to Exhibit 4(f)(1), dated as of July 1, 2000, providing for the issuance of RERC Corp.’s 8.125% Notes due 2005
 CERC Corp.’s Registration Statement onForm S-4 333-49162 4.2
Supplemental Indenture No. 4 to Exhibit 4(f)(1), dated as of February 15, 2001, providing for the issuance of RERC Corp.’s 7.75% Notes due 2011
 CERC Corp.’sForm 8-K dated February 21, 2001 1-13265 4.1


SEC File or
NumberDescriptionReport or Registration StatementNumberReference
Supplemental Indenture No. 5 to Exhibit 4(f)(1), dated as of March 25, 2003, providing for the issuance of CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp.’s (“("CERC Corp.’s”’s") 7.875% Senior Notes due 2013
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated March 18, 2003 1-31447 4.1
Supplemental Indenture No. 6 to Exhibit 4(f)(1), dated as of April 14, 2003, providing for the issuance of CERC Corp.’s 7.875% Senior Notes due 2013
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated April 7, 2003 1-31447 4.2
Supplemental Indenture No. 7 to Exhibit 4(f)(1), dated as of November 3, 2003, providing for the issuance of CERC Corp.’s 5.95% Senior Notes due 2014
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated October 29, 2003 1-31447 4.2
Supplemental Indenture No. 8 to Exhibit 4(f)(1), dated as of December 28, 2005, providing for a modification of CERC Corp.’s 61/2% 1/2% Debentures due 2008
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 1-31447 4(f)(9)
4(f)(10)-Supplemental Indenture No. 9 to Exhibit 4(f)(1), dated as of May 18, 2006, providing for the issuance of CERC Corp.’s 6.15% Senior Notes due 2016 
CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2006
 1-31447 4.7

Supplemental Indenture No. 10 to Exhibit 4(f)(1), dated as of February 6, 2007, providing for the issuance of CERC Corp.’s 6.25% Senior Notes due 2037
 CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006 1-31447 4(f)(11)
Supplemental Indenture No. 11 to Exhibit 4(f)(1) dated as of October 23, 2007, providing for the issuance of CERC Corp.’s 6.125% Senior Notes due 2017
 CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 20071-314474.8
Supplemental Indenture No. 12 to Exhibit 4(f)(1) dated as of October 23, 2007, providing for the issuance of CERC Corp.’s 6.625% Senior Notes due 2037
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 20081-314474.9
Supplemental Indenture No. 13 to Exhibit 4(f)(1) dated as of May 15, 2008, providing for the issuance of CERC Corp.’s 6.00% Senior Notes due 2018
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 20081-314474.9
Indenture, dated as of May 19, 2003, between CenterPoint Energy and JPMorgan Chase Bank, as Trustee
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated May 19, 2003 1-31447 4.1
Supplemental Indenture No. 1 to Exhibit 4(g)(1), dated as of May 19, 2003, providing for the issuance of CenterPoint Energy’s 3.75% Convertible Senior Notes due 2023
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated May 19, 2003 1-31447 4.2


SEC File or
NumberDescriptionReport or Registration StatementNumberReference
Supplemental Indenture No. 2 to Exhibit 4(g)(1), dated as of May 27, 2003, providing for the issuance of CenterPoint Energy’s 5.875% Senior Notes due 2008 and 6.85% Senior Notes due 2015
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated May 19, 2003 1-31447 4.3
Supplemental Indenture No. 3 to Exhibit 4(g)(1), dated as of September 9, 2003, providing for the issuance of CenterPoint Energy’s 7.25% Senior Notes due 2010
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated September 9, 2003 1-31447 4.2
Supplemental Indenture No. 4 to Exhibit 4(g)(1), dated as of December 17, 2003, providing for the issuance of CenterPoint Energy’s 2.875% Convertible Senior Notes due 2024
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated December 10, 2003 1-31447 4.2
Supplemental Indenture No. 5 to Exhibit 4(g)(1), dated as of December 13, 2004, as supplemented by Exhibit 4(g)(5), relating to the issuance of CenterPoint Energy’s 2.875% Convertible Senior Notes duesdue 2024
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated December 9, 2004 1-31447 4.1

Supplemental Indenture No. 6 to Exhibit 4(g)(1), dated as of August 23, 2005, providing for the issuance of CenterPoint Energy’s 3.75% Convertible Senior Notes, Series B Duedue 2023
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 1-31447 4(g)(7)
Supplemental Indenture No. 7 to Exhibit 4(g)(1), dated as of February 6, 2007, providing for the issuance of CenterPoint Energy’s 5.95% Senior Notes due 2017
 CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006 1-31447 4(g)(8)
Supplemental Indenture No. 8 to Exhibit 4(g)(1), dated as of May 5, 2008, providing for the issuance of CenterPoint Energy’s 6.50% Senior Notes due 2018
 CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 20081-314474.7
Subordinated Indenture dated as of September 1, 1999
 Reliant Energy’s Form 8-K dated September 1, 1999 1-3187 4.1


SEC File or
NumberDescriptionReport or Registration StatementNumberReference
Supplemental Indenture No. 1 dated as of September 1, 1999, between Reliant Energy and Chase Bank of Texas (supplementing Exhibit 4(h)(1) and providing for the issuance Reliant Energy’s 2% Zero-Premium Exchangeable Subordinated Notes Due 2029)
 Reliant Energy’sForm 8-K dated September 15, 1999 1-3187 4.2
Supplemental Indenture No. 2 dated as of August 31, 2002, between CenterPoint Energy, Reliant Energy and JPMorgan Chase Bank (supplementing Exhibit 4(h)(1))
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K12B dated August 31, 2002 1-31447 4(e)
Supplemental Indenture No. 3 dated as of December 28, 2005, between CenterPoint Energy, Reliant Energy and JPMorgan Chase Bank (supplementing Exhibit 4(h)(1))
 CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 1-31447 4(h)(4)
$1,200,000,000 Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement dated as of March 31, 2006,June 29, 2007, among CenterPoint Energy, as Borrower, and the banks named therein
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated March 31, 200610-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2007 1-31447 4.3
First Amendment to Exhibit 4(i)(1), dated as of August 20, 2008, among CenterPoint Energy, as Borrower, and the banks named therein
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 20081-314474.4
Second Amendment to Exhibit 4(i)(1), dated as of November 18, 2008, among CenterPoint Energy, as Borrower, and the banks named therein
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated November 18, 20081-31447 4.1

Third Amendment to Exhibit 4(i)(1), dated as of February 5, 2010, among CenterPoint Energy, as Borrower, and the banks named therein
 CenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated February 5, 20101-314474.1
$300,000,000 Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement dated as of March 31, 2006,June 29, 2007, among CenterPoint Houston, as Borrower, and the Initial Lendersbanks named therein as Initial Lenders
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated March 31, 200610-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2007 1-31447 4.4
First Amendment to Exhibit 4(j)(1), dated as of November 18, 2008, among CenterPoint Houston, as Borrower, and the banks named therein
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated November 18, 20081-31447 4.2
$550,000,000950,000,000 Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement dated as of March 31, 2006June 29, 2007, among CERC Corp., as Borrower, and the banks named therein
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated March 31, 200610-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2007 1-31447 4.5
$600,000,000 Credit Agreement dated as of November 25, 2008, among CenterPoint Houston, as Borrower, and the banks named therein
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated November 25, 20081-31447 4.1


Pursuant to Item 601(b)(4)(iii)(A) ofRegulation S-K, CenterPoint Energy has not filed as exhibits to thisForm 10-K certain long-term debt instruments, including indentures, under which the total amount of securities authorized does not exceed 10% of the total assets of CenterPoint Energy and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis. CenterPoint Energy hereby agrees to furnish a copy of any such instrument to the SEC upon request.

SEC File or
 Description Report or Registration Statement 
SEC File or
*10(a)(1)-Executive Benefit Plan of Houston Industries Incorporated (“HI”) and First and Second Amendments thereto effective as of June 1, 1982, July 1, 1984, and May 7, 1986, respectivelyHI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 19871-762910(a)(1),
*10(a)(2)Third Amendment dated September 17, 1999 to Exhibit 10(a)(1)Reliant Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 20001-318710(a)(2)
CenterPoint Energy Executive Benefits Plan, as amended and restated effective June 18, 2003
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2003 1-31447 10.4
Executive Incentive Compensation Plan of HIHouston Industries Incorporated ("HI") effective as of January 1, 1982
 HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1991 1-7629 10(b)
First Amendment to Exhibit 10(b)(1) effective as of March 30, 1992
 HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1992 1-7629 10(a)
Second Amendment to Exhibit 10(b)(1) effective as of November 4, 1992
 HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1992 1-7629 10(b)
Third Amendment to Exhibit 10(b)(1) effective as of September 7, 1994
 HI’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 1-7629 10(b)(4)
Fourth Amendment to Exhibit 10(b)(1) effective as of August 6, 1997
 HI’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997 1-3187 10(b)(5)

*10(c)(1)-Executive Incentive Compensation Plan of HI effective as of January 1, 1985HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 19871-762910(b)(1)
*10(c)(2)First Amendment to Exhibit 10(c)(1) effective as of January 1, 1985HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19881-762910(b)(3)
*10(c)(3)Second Amendment to Exhibit 10(c)(1) effective as of January 1, 1985HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19911-762910(c)(3)
*10(c)(4)Third Amendment to Exhibit 10(c)(1) effective as of March 30, 1992HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 19921-762910(b)
*10(c)(5)Fourth Amendment to Exhibit 10(c)(1) effective as of November 4, 1992HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19921-762910(c)(5)
*10(c)(6)Fifth Amendment to Exhibit 10(c)(1) effective as of September 7, 1994HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19941-762910(c)(6)
*10(c)(7)Sixth Amendment to Exhibit 10(c)(1) effective as of August 6, 1997HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19971-318710(c)(7)
*10(d)Executive Incentive Compensation Plan of HL&P effective as of January 1, 1985HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 19871-762910(b)(2)
*10(e)(1)Executive Incentive Compensation Plan of HI as amended and restated on January 1, 1989HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 19891-762910(b)


SEC File or
NumberDescriptionReport or Registration StatementNumberReference
*10(e)(2)First Amendment to Exhibit 10(e)(1) effective as of January 1, 1989HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19911-762910(e)(2)
*10(e)(3)Second Amendment to Exhibit 10(e)(1) effective as of March 30, 1992HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 19921-762910(c)
*10(e)(4)Third Amendment to Exhibit 10(e)(1) effective as of November 4, 1992HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19921-762910(c)(4)
*10(e)(5)Fourth Amendment to Exhibit 10(e)(1) effective as of September 7, 1994HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19941-762910(e)(5)
*10(f)(1)Executive Incentive Compensation Plan of HI as amended and restated on January 1, 1991
 HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1990 1-7629 10(b)
First Amendment to Exhibit 10(f)10(c)(1) effective as of January 1, 1991
 HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1991 1-7629 10(f)(2)
Second Amendment to Exhibit 10(f)10(c)(1) effective as of March 30, 1992
 HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1992 1-7629 10(d)
Third Amendment to Exhibit 10(f)10(c)(1) effective as of November 4, 1992
 HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1992 1-7629 10(f)(4)
Fourth Amendment to Exhibit 10(f)10(c)(1) effective as of January 1, 1993
 HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1992 1-7629 10(f)(5)
Fifth Amendment to Exhibit 10(f)10(c)(1) effective in part, January 1, 1995, and in part, September 7, 1994
 HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 1-7629 10(f)(6)
Sixth Amendment to Exhibit 10(f)10(c)(1) effective as of August 1, 1995
 HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1995 1-7629 10(a)
Seventh Amendment to Exhibit 10(f)10(c)(1) effective as of January 1, 1996
 HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1996 1-7629 10(a)
Eighth Amendment to Exhibit 10(f)10(c)(1) effective as of January 1, 1997
 HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1997 1-7629 10(a)
Ninth Amendment to Exhibit 10(f)10(c)(1) effective in part, January 1, 1997, and in part, January 1, 1998
 HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997 1-3187 10(f)(10)
Benefit Restoration Plan of HI effective as of June 1, 1985
 HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1987 1-7629 10(c)
Benefit Restoration Plan of HI as amended and restated effective as of January 1, 1988
 HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1991 1-7629 10(g)(2)
Benefit Restoration Plan of HI, as amended and restated effective as of July 1, 1991
 HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1991 1-7629 10(g)(3)
First Amendment to Exhibit 10(i)10(f)(1) effective in part, August 6, 1997, in part, September 3, 1997, and in part, October 1, 1997
 HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997 1-3187 10(i)(2)

*10(j)(1)10(f)(3)-Deferred Compensation Plan of HI effective as of September 1, 1985HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 19871-762910(d)
Third Amendment to Exhibit 10(j)10(f)(1) effective as of SeptemberJanuary 1, 19852008
 HI’sCenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated December 22, 20081-3144710.2
CenterPoint Energy Benefit Restoration Plan, effective as of January 1, 2008
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated December 22, 20081-3144710.1
HI 1995 Section 415 Benefit Restoration Plan effective August 1, 1995
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19902008 1-76291-31447 10(d)(2)


SEC File or
NumberDescriptionReport or Registration StatementNumberReference
First Amendment to Exhibit 10(j)10(h)(1) effective as of March 30, 1992August 1, 1995
 HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 19921-762910(e)
*10(j)(4)Third Amendment to Exhibit 10(j)(1) effective as of June 2, 1993HI’sCenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19931-762910(h)(4)
*10(j)(5)Fourth Amendment to Exhibit 10(j)(1) effective as of September 7, 1994HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19941-762910(h)(5)
*10(j)(6)Fifth Amendment to Exhibit 10(j)(1) effective as of August 1, 1995HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 19951-762910(d)
*10(j)(7)Sixth Amendment to Exhibit 10(j)(1) effective as of December 1, 1995HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 19951-762910(b)
*10(j)(8)Seventh Amendment to Exhibit 10(j)(1) effective as of January 1, 1997HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 19971-762910(b)
*10(j)(9)Eighth Amendment to Exhibit 10(j)(1) effective as of October 1, 1997HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19971-318710(j)(9)
*10(j)(10)Ninth Amendment to Exhibit 10(j)(1) effective as of September 3, 1997HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19971-318710(j)(10)
*10(j)(11)Tenth Amendment to Exhibit 10(j)(1) effective as of January 1, 2001CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 20022008 1-31447 10(j)(11)10(h)(2)
*10(j)(12)10(i)-Eleventh Amendment to Exhibit 10(j)(1) effective as of August 31, 2002CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 20021-3144710(j)(12)
CenterPoint Energy 1985 Deferred Compensation Plan, as amended and restated effective January 1, 2003
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2003 1-31447 10.1
*10(k)10(j)(1)-Deferred Compensation Plan of HI effective as of January 1, 1989HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 19891-762910(a)
*10(k)(2)First Amendment to Exhibit 10(k)(1) effective as of January 1, 1989HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19891-762910(e)(3)
*10(k)(3)Second Amendment to Exhibit 10(k)(1) effective as of March 30, 1992HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 19921-762910(f)
*10(k)(4)Third Amendment to Exhibit 10(k)(1) effective as of June 2, 1993HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19931-762910(i)(4)
*10(k)(5)Fourth Amendment to Exhibit 10(k)(1) effective as of September 7, 1994HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19941-762910(i)(5)
*10(k)(6)Fifth Amendment to Exhibit 10(k)(1) effective as of August 1, 1995HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 19951-762910(c)
*10(k)(7)Sixth Amendment to Exhibit 10(k)(1) effective December 1, 1995HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 19951-762910(c)
*10(k)(8)Seventh Amendment to Exhibit 10(k)(1) effective as of January 1, 1997HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 19971-762910(c)


SEC File or
NumberDescriptionReport or Registration StatementNumberReference
*10(k)(9)Eighth Amendment to Exhibit 10(k)(1) effective in part October 1, 1997 and in part January 1, 1998HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19971-318710(k)(9)
*10(k)(10)Ninth Amendment to Exhibit 10(k)(1) effective as of September 3, 1997HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19971-318710(k)(10)
*10(k)(11)Tenth Amendment to Exhibit 10(k)(1) effective as of January 1, 2001CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 20021-3144710(k)(11)
*10(k)(12)Eleventh Amendment to Exhibit 10(k)(1) effective as of August 31, 2002CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 20021-3144710(k)(12)
*10(l)(1)Deferred Compensation Plan of HI effective as of January 1, 1991HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19901-762910(d)(3)
*10(l)(2)First Amendment to Exhibit 10(l)(1) effective as of January 1, 1991HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19911-762910(j)(2)
*10(l)(3)Second Amendment to Exhibit 10(l)(1) effective as of March 30, 1992HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 19921-762910(g)
*10(l)(4)Third Amendment to Exhibit 10(l)(1) effective as of June 2, 1993HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19931-762910(j)(4)
*10(l)(5)Fourth Amendment to Exhibit 10(l)(1) effective as of December 1, 1993HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19931-762910(j)(5)
*10(l)(6)Fifth Amendment to Exhibit 10(l)(1) effective as of September 7, 1994HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19941-762910(j)(6)
*10(l)(7)Sixth Amendment to Exhibit 10(l)(1) effective as of August 1, 1995HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 19951-762910(b)
*10(l)(8)Seventh Amendment to Exhibit 10(l)(1) effective as of December 1, 1995HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 19961-762910(d)
*10(l)(9)Eighth Amendment to Exhibit 10(l)(1) effective as of January 1, 1997HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 19971-762910(d)
*10(l)(10)Ninth Amendment to Exhibit 10(l)(1) effective in part August 6, 1997, in part October 1, 1997, and in part January 1, 1998HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19971-318710(l)(10)
*10(l)(11)Tenth Amendment to Exhibit 10(l)(1) effective as of September 3, 1997HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19971-318710(i)(11)
*10(l)(12)Eleventh Amendment to Exhibit 10(l)(1) effective as of January 1, 2001CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 20021-3144710(l)(12)
*10(l)(13)Twelfth Amendment to Exhibit 10(l)(1) effective as of August 31, 2002CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 20021-3144710(l)(13)
*10(m)(1)Long-Term Incentive Compensation Plan of HI effective as of January 1, 1989HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 19891-762910(c)
*10(m)(2)First Amendment to Exhibit 10(m)(1) effective as of January 1, 1990HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19891-762910(f)(2)


SEC File or
NumberDescriptionReport or Registration StatementNumberReference
*10(m)(3)Second Amendment to Exhibit 10(m)(1) effective as of December 22, 1992HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19921-762910(k)(3)
*10(m)(4)Third Amendment to Exhibit 10(m)(1) effective as of August 6, 1997HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19971-318710(m)(4)
*10(m)(5)Fourth Amendment to Exhibit 10(m)(1) effective as of January 1, 2001Reliant Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 20021-318710.4
*10(n)(1)Form of stock option agreement for non-qualified stock options granted under Exhibit 10(m)(1)HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 19921-762910(h)
*10(n)(2)Forms of restricted stock agreement for restricted stock granted under Exhibit 10(m)(1)HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 19921-762910(i)
*10(o)(1)1994 Long-Term Incentive Compensation Plan of HI effective as of January 1, 1994HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19931-762910(n)(1)
*10(o)(2)Form of stock option agreement for non-qualified stock options granted under Exhibit 10(o)(1)HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19931-762910(n)(2)
*10(o)(3)First Amendment to Exhibit 10(o)(1) effective as of May 9, 1997HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 19971-762910(e)
*10(o)(4)Second Amendment to Exhibit 10(o)(1) effective as of August 6, 1997HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19971-318710(p)(4)
*10(o)(5)Third Amendment to Exhibit 10(o)(1) effective as of January 1, 1998HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19981-318710(p)(5)
*10(o)(6)Reliant Energy 1994 Long- Term Incentive Compensation Plan, as amended and restated effective January 1, 2001
 Reliant Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2002 1-3187 10.6
*10(o)(7)10(j)(2)-First Amendment to Exhibit 10(o)(6)10(j)(1), effective December 1, 2003 
CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2003
 1-31447 10(p)(7)
Form of Non-Qualified Stock Option Award Notice under Exhibit 10(o)(6)10(i)(1)
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated January 25, 2005 1-31447 10.6
*10(p)10(k)(1)-Savings Restoration Plan of HI effective as of January 1, 1991 
HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1990
 1-7629 10(f)
First Amendment to Exhibit 10(p)10(k)(1) effective as of January 1, 1992
 HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1991 1-7629 10(l)(2)
Second Amendment to Exhibit 10(p)10(k)(1) effective in part, August 6, 1997, and in part, October 1, 1997
 HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997 1-3187 10(q)(3)
*10(q)(1)10(l)(3)-Director Benefits
Amended and Restated CenterPoint Energy, Inc. 1991 Savings Restoration Plan, effective as of January 1, 19922008
 HI’sCenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended8-K dated December 31, 199122, 2008 1-76291-31447 10(m)10.4
*10(q)(2)10(m)-First Amendment to Exhibit 10(q)(1)
CenterPoint Energy Savings Restoration Plan, effective as of August 6, 1997January 1, 2008
 HI’sCenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended8-K dated December 31, 199822, 2008 1-76291-31447 10(m)(1)10.3
CenterPoint Energy Outside Director Benefits Plan, as amended and restated effective June 18, 2003
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2003 1-31447 10.6


SEC File or
NumberDescriptionReport or Registration StatementNumberReference
First Amendment to Exhibit 10(q)(3)10(n)(1) effective as of January 1, 2004
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2004 1-31447 10.6
CenterPoint Energy Outside Director Benefits Plan, as amended and restated effective December 31, 2008
 Executive Life Insurance Plan of HI effective as of January 1, 1994HI’sCenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19932008 1-76291-31447 10(q)
*10(r)(2)First Amendment to Exhibit 10(r)(1) effective as of January 1, 1994HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 19951-762910
*10(r)(3)Second Amendment to Exhibit 10(r)(1) effective as of August 6, 1997HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 19971-318710(s)10(n)(3)
CenterPoint Energy Executive Life Insurance Plan, as amended and restated effective June 18, 2003
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2003 1-31447 10.5
Employment and Supplemental Benefits Agreement between HL&P and Hugh Rice Kelly
 HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1987 1-7629 10(f)
Stockholder’s Agreement dated as of July 6, 1995 between Houston Industries Incorporated and Time Warner Inc. 
 Schedule13-D dated July 6, 1995 5-19351 2
Amendment to Exhibit 10(t)10(q)(1) dated November 18, 1996
 HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996 1-7629 10(x)(4)
Houston Industries Incorporated Executive Deferred Compensation Trust effective as of December 19, 1995
 HI’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 1-7629 10(7)
First Amendment to Exhibit 10(u)10(r)(1) effective as of August 6, 1997
 HI’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1998 1-3187 10
Letter Agreement dated December 9, 2004May 24, 2007 between CenterPoint Energy and Milton Carroll, Non-Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors of CenterPoint Energy
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated December 9, 2004May 31, 2007 1-31447 10.1
*10(w)(1)10(t)-Reliant Energy, Incorporated and Subsidiaries Common Stock Participation Plan for Designated New Employees and Non-Officer Employees effective as of March 4, 1998Reliant Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 20001-318710(y)
Reliant Energy, Incorporated and Subsidiaries Common Stock Participation Plan for Designated New Employees and Non-Officer Employees, as amended and restated effective January 1, 2001
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 1-31447 10(y)(2)
*10(x)Reliant Energy, Incorporated Annual Incentive Compensation Plan, as amended and restated effective January 1, 1999Reliant Energy’s Definitive Proxy Statement for 2000 Annual Meeting of Shareholders1-3187Exhibit A
*10(y)10(u)(1)-Long-Term Incentive Plan of Reliant Energy, Incorporated effective as of January 1, 2001Reliant Energy’s Registration Statement onForm S-8 dated May 4, 2001333-602604.6
*10(y)(2)First Amendment to Exhibit 10(y)(1) effective as of January 1, 2001Reliant Energy’s Registration Statement onForm S-8 dated May 4, 2001333-602604.7
*10(y)(3)Second Amendment to Exhibit 10(y)(1) effective November 5, 2003CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 20031-3144710(aa)(3)


SEC File or
NumberDescriptionReport or Registration StatementNumberReference
*10(y)(4)Long-Term Incentive Plan of CenterPoint Energy, Inc. (amended and restated effective as of May 1, 2004)
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2004 1-31447 10.5
*10(y)(5)10(u)(2)-First Amendment to Exhibit (u)(1), effective January 1, 2007 
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2007
Form of Non-Qualified Stock Option Award Agreement under Exhibit 10(y)(4)10(u)(1)
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated January 25, 2005 1-31447 10.1

Form of Restricted Stock Award Agreement under Exhibit 10(y)(4)10(u)(1)
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated January 25, 2005 1-31447 10.2
Form of Performance Share Award under Exhibit 10(y)(4)10(u)(1)
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated January 25, 2005 1-31447 10.3
Form of Performance UnitShare Award Agreement for 20XX-20XX Performance Cycle under Exhibit 10(y)(4)10(u)(1)
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated January 25, 2005February 22, 2006 1-31447 10.410.2
Form of Restricted Stock Award Agreement (With Performance Vesting Requirement) under Exhibit 10(y)(4)10(u)(1)
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated February 21, 2005 1-31447 10.2
*10(y)(10)10(u)(8)-Summary of Performance Objectives for Awards under Exhibit 10(y)(4)CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated January 25, 20051-3144710.5
*10(y)(11)Form of Performance Share Award Agreement for 20XX — 20XX Performance Cycle under Exhibit 10(y)(4)CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated February 21, 20071-3144710.1
Form of Stock Award Agreement (With Performance Goal) under Exhibit 10(y)(4)10(u)(1)
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated February 22, 20061-3144710.3
Form of Performance Share Award Agreement for 20XX - 20XX Performance Cycle under Exhibit 10(u)(1)
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated February 21, 20071-3144710.1
Form of Stock Award Agreement (With Performance Goal) under Exhibit 10(u)(1)
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated February 21, 2007 1-31447 10.2
Form of Stock Award Agreement (Without Performance Goal) under Exhibit 10(y)(4)10(u)(1)
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-K dated February 21, 2007 1-31447 10.3
Form of Performance Share Award Agreement for 20XX - 20XX Performance Cycle under Exhibit 10(u)(1)
 CenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated February 20, 2008 1-3144710.1
Form of Stock Award Agreement (With Performance Goal) under Exhibit 10(u)(1)
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated February 20, 20081-3144710.2
Master Separation Agreement entered into as of December 31, 2000 between Reliant Energy, Incorporated and Reliant Resources, Inc. 
 Reliant Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2001 1-3187 10.1
First Amendment to Exhibit 10(z)10(v)(1) effective as of February 1, 2003
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 1-31447 10(bb)(5)
Employee Matters Agreement, entered into as of December 31, 2000, between Reliant Energy, Incorporated and Reliant Resources, Inc. 
 Reliant Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2001 1-3187 10.5

Retail Agreement, entered into as of December 31, 2000, between Reliant Energy, Incorporated and Reliant Resources, Inc. 
 Reliant Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2001 1-3187 10.6
Tax Allocation Agreement, entered into as of December 31, 2000, between Reliant Energy, Incorporated and Reliant Resources, Inc. 
 Reliant Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2001 1-3187 10.8
Separation Agreement entered into as of August 31, 2002 between CenterPoint Energy and Texas Genco
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 1-31447 10(cc)(1)


SEC File or
NumberDescriptionReport or Registration StatementNumberReference
Transition Services Agreement, dated as of August 31, 2002, between CenterPoint Energy and Texas Genco
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 1-31447 10(cc)(2)
Tax Allocation Agreement, dated as of August 31, 2002, between CenterPoint Energy and Texas Genco
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 1-31447 10(cc)(3)
Retention Agreement effective October 15, 2001 between Reliant Energy and David G. Tees
 Reliant Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 1-3187 10(jj)
Retention Agreement effective October 15, 2001 between Reliant Energy and Michael A. Reed
 Reliant Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 1-3187 10(kk)
*10(dd)(1)10(z)-Non-Qualified Executive Disability Income Plan of Arkla, Inc. effective as of August 1, 1983CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 20021-3144710(ff)(1)
*10(dd)(2)Executive Disability Income Agreement effective July 1, 1984 between Arkla, Inc. and T. Milton HoneaCenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 20021-3144710(ff)(2)
Non-Qualified Unfunded Executive Supplemental Income Retirement Plan of Arkla, Inc. effective as of August 1, 1983
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 1-31447 10(gg)
Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors of Arkla, Inc. effective as of November 10, 1988
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 1-31447 10(hh)(1)
*10(ff)10(aa)(2)-First Amendment to Exhibit 10(ff)10(aa)(1) effective as of August 6, 1997 
CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002
 1-31447 10(hh)(2)
10(gg)*10(bb)(1)-Pledge Agreement dated as of May 28, 2003 by Utility Holding, LLC in favor of JP Morgan Chase Bank, as administrative agentCenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 20031-3144710.1
CenterPoint Energy, Inc. Deferred Compensation Plan, as amended and restated effective January 1, 2003
CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2003
 1-31447 10.2
First Amendment to Exhibit 10(bb)(1) effective as of January 1, 2008
 CenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated February 20, 2008 1-3144710.4
CenterPoint Energy 2005 Deferred Compensation Plan, effective January 1, 2008
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated February 20, 20081-3144710.3

Amended and Restated CenterPoint Energy 2005 Deferred Compensation Plan, effective January 1, 2009
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 20081-3144710.1
CenterPoint Energy Short Term Incentive Plan, as amended and restated effective January 1, 2003
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2003 1-31447 10.3
Second Amendment to Exhibit 10(cc)(1)
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 8-K dated December 10, 2009
CenterPoint Energy Stock Plan for Outside Directors, as amended and restated effective May 7, 2003
 CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2003 1-31447 10(ll)
10(kk)10(ee)-City of Houston Franchise Ordinance 
CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2005
 1-31447 10.1
10(ll)10(ff)-Letter Agreement dated March 16, 2006 between CenterPoint Energy and John T. Cater 
CenterPoint Energy’sForm 10-Q for the quarter ended March 30, 2006
 1-31447 10
†10(mm)10(gg)(1)-Amended and Restated HL&P Executive Incentive Compensation Plan effective as of January 1, 1985 
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2008
10(gg)(2)-First Amendment to Exhibit 10(gg)(1) effective as of non-employee director compensationJanuary 1, 2008
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2008
Executive Benefits Agreement by and between HL&P and Thomas R. Standish effective August 20, 1993
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008
*10(hh)(2)-First Amendment to Exhibit 10(hh)(1) effective as of December 31, 2008
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008
Executive Benefits Agreement by and between HL&P and David M. McClanahan effective August 24, 1993
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008
*10(ii)(2)-First Amendment to Exhibit 10(ii)(1) effective as of December 31, 2008
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008
Executive Benefits Agreement by and between HL&P and Joseph B. McGoldrick effective August 30, 1993
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008
*10(jj)(2)-First Amendment to Exhibit 10(jj)(1) effective as of December 31, 2008
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008

CenterPoint Energy, Inc. 2009 Long Term Incentive Plan
CenterPoint Energy’s Schedule 14A dated March 13, 20091-31447A
*10(oo)†10(ll)-FormCenterPoint Energy’sForm 8-Knon-employee director compensation dated February 21, 20071-3144710.4
†12Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges


10(nn)SEC File or
Form of Executive Officer Change in Control Agreement 
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008
-Form of Corporate Officer Change in Control Agreement
CenterPoint Energy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008
NumberDescriptionReport or Registration StatementNumberReference
XBRL Instance Document (1)
XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document (1)
XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document (1)

†101.DEF -
XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document (1)
XBRL Taxonomy Extension Labels Linkbase Document (1)
XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document (1)
(1)           Furnished, not filed.