For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2005



For the Transition Period From _____________ to


Commission File Number 001-13533


(Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)


(State or Other Jurisdiction of

Incorporation or

(I.R.S. Employer

Identification No.)

8140 Ward Parkway,
2114 Central Street, Suite 300,600, Kansas City, MO
(Address of Principal Executive Office)
(Zip Code)

Registrant’s Telephone Number, Including Area Code:(816) 237-7000

Securities Registered Pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

Title of Each Class

Name of Each Exchange on

Which Registered

Common Stock, $0.01 par value

Redeemable Preferred Stock

New York Stock Exchange

New York Stock Exchange


Securities Registered Pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:


Title of Each Class
Common Stock, $0.01 par value
Redeemable Preferred Stock

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined by Rule 405 of the Securities Act. Yes x¨  Nox¨

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Act. Yes ¨  Nox

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes x  No¨

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the best of registrant’s knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K. x

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, or a non-accelerated filer.smaller reporting company. See definition of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer, and large accelerated filer”“smaller reporting company" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. (Check one):

Large accelerated filer ¨
Non-accelerated filer ¨
Non-accelerated filer ¨
Small business filer  x

Large accelerated filer  x    Accelerated filer  ¨    Non-accelerated filer  ¨

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Exchange Act Rule 12b-2). Yes ¨  Nox

The aggregate market value of voting and non-voting stock held by non-affiliates of the registrant as of June 30, 20052008 was approximately $1,094,898,056,$10,373,000, based upon the closing sales price of the registrant’s common stock as reported on the New York Stock Exchange on such date.

The number of shares of the Registrant’s Common Stock outstanding on March 10, 2006May 27, 2009 was 32,591,228.


Documents Incorporated by Reference

Items 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Part III are incorporated by reference to the NovaStar Financial, Inc. definitive proxy statement to shareholders, which will be filed with the Commission no later than 120 days after Decemberby May 31, 2005.




For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2005





Item 1.


Item 1A.

Risk Factors13

Item 1B.

Unresolved Staff Comments279

Item 2.


Item 3.

Legal Proceedings279

Item 4.

Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders2812



Item 5.

Part II
Item 5.Market For Registrant’s Common Equity, and Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities2912

Item 6.

Selected Financial Data3013

Item 7.

Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations3113

Item 7A.

Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk6534

Item 8.

Financial Statements and Supplementary Data6635

Item 9.

Changes in and Disagreements withWith Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure10786

Item 9A.

Controls and Procedures10786

Item 9B.

Other Information10988



Item 10.

Part III
Item 10.Directors, and Executive Officers of the Registrantand Corporate Governance10988

Item 11.

Executive Compensation10988

Item 12.

Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters11089

Item 13.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence89
Item 14.Principal Accounting Fees and Services89

Item 14.

Part IV
 Principal Accountant Fees and Services110



Item 15.

Exhibits, Financial Statement SchedulesExhibits and Financial Statements Schedules11190


Part I

Safe Harbor Statement

Certain matters discussed

Statements in this annual report constitute forward-looking statementsregarding NovaStar Financial, Inc. and its business, which are not historical facts, are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 21E of the federal securities laws. Forward-lookingSecurities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.  Forward looking statements are those that predict or describe future events and that do not relate solely to historical matters. Forward-lookingmatters and include statements regarding management's beliefs, estimates, projections, and assumptions with respect to, among other things, our future operations, business plans and strategies, as well as industry and market conditions, all of which are subject to riskschange at any time without notice.  Words such as "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "promise," "plan," and uncertaintiesother expressions or words of similar meanings, as well as future or conditional verbs such as "would," "should," "could," or "may" are generally intended to identify forward-looking statements. Actual results and certain factors can cause actual results to differoperations for any future period may vary materially from those anticipated.discussed herein. Some important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated include: our ability to generate sufficient liquiditymanage our business during this difficult period; our ability to continue as a going concern; decreases in cash flows from our mortgage securities; increases in the credit losses on favorable terms;mortgage loans underlying our mortgage securities and our mortgage loans – held in portfolio; our ability to remain in compliance with the size and frequency ofagreements governing our securitizations; interest rate fluctuationsindebtedness; impairments on our assets that differ from our liabilities;mortgage assets; increases in prepayment or default rates on our mortgage assets; changes in assumptions regarding estimated loan losses and fair value amounts; changes in origination and resale pricingthe outcome of mortgage loans;litigation actions pending against us or other legal contingencies; our compliance with applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations or opinions of counsel relating thereto and the impact ofregulations; compliance with new local, state or federal legislation or regulations or opinions of counsel relating thereto or court decisions on our operations; the initiation of margin calls under our credit facilities; the ability of our servicing operations to maintain high performance standards and maintain appropriate ratings from rating agencies; our ability to expand origination volume while maintaining an acceptable level of overhead; our ability to adapt to and implement technological changes; the stability of residential property values; the outcome of litigation or regulatory actions pending against us or other legal contingencies; the impact of losses resulting from natural disasters;accounting pronouncements; the impact of general economic conditions; and the risks that are outlined from time to time included in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including this annual report.report on Form 10-K. Other factors not presently identified may also cause actual results to differ. This documentreport on Form 10-K speaks only as of its date and we expressly disclaim any duty to update the information herein.

herein except as required by federal securities laws.

Item 1.Business


We are

NovaStar Financial, Inc. (“NFI” or the “Company”) is a Maryland corporation formed on September 13, 1996 as a specialty finance company that originates, purchases, invests1996.  Prior to significant changes in our business during 2007 and the first quarter of 2008, we originated, purchased, securitized, sold, invested in and servicesserviced residential nonconforming loans.mortgage loans and mortgage backed securities.  We operateretained, through four separate operating segments –our mortgage securities investment portfolio, management, mortgage lending, loan servicing and branch operations. The loan servicing segment was previously reported as part of mortgage lending and loan servicing, but it has been separated to more closely align the segments with the way we review, manage and operate our business. Segment information for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003 has been restated for this change. Additionally, we are currently winding down our branch operating unit and expect to complete the wind-down by June 30, 2006. See “Branch Operations.”

We offer a wide range of mortgage loan products to borrowers, commonly referred to as “nonconforming borrowers.” Nonconforming borrowers are individuals who generally do not satisfy the credit, collateral, documentation or other underwriting standards prescribed by conventional mortgage lenders and loan buyers, including U.S. government-sponsored entities such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. We retain significant interests in the nonconforming loans we originateoriginated and purchasepurchased, and through our mortgage securities investment portfolio. Through our servicing platform, we then serviceserviced all of the loans in which we retain interests,retained interests.  During 2007 and early 2008, we discontinued our mortgage lending operations and sold our mortgage servicing rights which subsequently resulted in the closure of our servicing operations.

Our primary source of cash flow is from our mortgage securities portfolio.  During 2008, we purchased a majority interest in StreetLinks National Appraisal Services LLC, a residential appraisal management company.  A fee for appraisal services is collected from lenders and borrowers and passes through most of the fee to an independent residential appraiser.  StreetLinks retains a portion of the fee to cover its costs of managing the process of fulfilling the appraisal order.   StreetLinks is currently not producing positive cash flow.  Management believes that StreetLinks is situated to take advantage of growth opportunities in the residential appraisal management business.  We are developing the business and have established goals for it to become a positive cash and earnings contributor.  Development of the business is occurring through increased appraisal order volume as we have added new lending customers during 2008 and into 2009.  While StreetLinks does not currently provide positive cash flow to better manageus, we believe it is uniquely positioned to produce positive earnings and cash flow for us in the credit performancefuture.  Subsequent to 2008, we committed to acquire a majority interest in Advent Financial Services LLC, a start up operation which will provide access to tailored banking accounts, small dollar banking products and related services to meet the needs of those loans.

We havelow and moderate income level individuals.

Historically, we had elected to be taxed as a real estate investment trust or REIT,(“REIT”) under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”).  Management believes the tax-advantaged structure ofDuring 2007, we announced that we would not be able to pay a REIT maximizes the after-tax returns from mortgage assets. We must meet numerous rules established by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)dividend on our common stock with respect to retainour 2006 taxable income, and as a result, our status as a REIT. In summary, they require us to:

Restrict investmentsREIT terminated retroactive to certain real estate related assets,

Avoid certain investment trading and hedging activities, and

Distribute virtually all REIT taxable income to our shareholders.

As long as we maintainJanuary 1, 2006.  This retroactive revocation of our REIT status distributions to our shareholders will generally be deductible byresulted in us for income tax purposes. This deduction effectively eliminates REIT level income taxes. Management believes it has and will continue to meet the requirements to maintain our REIT status.

Mortgage Portfolio Management

We invest in assets generated primarily from our origination and purchase of nonconforming, single-family, residential mortgage loans.

We operatebecoming taxable as a long-term mortgage securities portfolio investor.C corporation for 2006 and subsequent years.

We finance
Our  consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis of accounting which contemplates continuity of operations, realization of assets, liabilities and commitments in the normal course of business.  There are substantial doubts that we will be able to continue as a going concern and, therefore, may be unable to realize our investmentassets and discharge our liabilities in mortgage securities by issuing asset-backed bonds, debtthe normal course of business.  The financial statements do not reflect any adjustments relating to the recoverability and capital stockclassification of recorded asset amounts or to the amounts and entering into repurchase agreements.classification of liabilities that may be necessary should we be unable to continue as a going concern.

Earnings are generated from the return on our mortgage securities and mortgage loan portfolio.

Our portfolio of mortgage securities includes interest-only, prepayment penalty, and overcollateralization securities retained from our securitizations of nonconforming, single-family residential mortgage loans which we have accounted for as sales, under applicable accounting rules (collectively, the “residual securities”) and other investment-grade rated. Our portfolio of mortgage securities also includes subordinated mortgage securities (theretained from our securitizations and subordinated home equity loan asset-backed securities (“ABS”) purchased from other ABS issuers (collectively, the “subordinated securities”).

Earnings While these securities have increasingly become less valuable and are generating low  rates of cash flow relative to historical levels, they continue to be our primary source of cash.  We believe the cash from the securities will be sufficient to cover our portfolio of mortgage loans and securities generate a substantial portion of our earnings. Gross interest incomeobligations for the near term, but their cash flow will need to be replaced in our mortgage portfolio management segment was $193.2 million, $140.3 million and $109.5 million in the three years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. Net interest income before provisionorder for credit (losses) recoveries for our portfolio management segment was $174.1 million, $119.2 million and $92.1 million in the three years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. One of our top priorities going forward is to preserve the favorable returns generated by our mortgage securities portfolio by focusing on the spread between origination and funding costs and the coupons of loans in the portfolio. We expectus to continue to grow our portfolio but not at the expense of returns or risk management. See Note 16 to our consolidated financial statements for a summary of operating resultsoperating.


The credit performance and total assets for our mortgage portfolio management segment. Also, see “Mortgage Portfolio Management Results of Operations” under “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” for further discussion and analysisprepayment rates of the mortgage portfolio management operations.

A significant risk relating tononconforming loans underlying our mortgage portfolio management segment is interest rate risk - the risk that interest rates on the mortgage loans which underly our mortgage securities will not adjust at the same times or in the same amounts that interest rates on the liabilities adjust. Many of the loans in our portfolio have fixed rates of interest for a period of time ranging from 2 to 30 years. Our funding costs are generally not constant or fixed. We use derivative instruments to mitigate the risk of our cost of funding increasing at a faster rate than the interest on the loans (both those on the balance sheet and those that serve as collateral for mortgage securities).

In 2002, we began transferring interest rate agreements at the time of securitization into the securitization trusts to protect the third-party bondholders from interest rate risk and to decrease the volatility of future cash flows related to the securitized mortgage loans. We enter into these interest rate agreements as we originate and purchase mortgage loans in our mortgage lending segment. See “Mortgage Lending” for discussion of the impact of these interest rate agreements on our operating results. At the time of securitization, the interest rate agreements are transferred to the securitization trust and removed from our balance sheet. The trust assumes the obligation to make payments and obtains the right to receive payments under these agreements. Generally, net settlement obligations paid by the trust for these interest rate agreements reduce the excess interest cash flows to our residual securities. Net settlement receipts from these interest rate agreements are first used to cover any interest shortfalls on the third-party primary bonds and any remaining funds then flow to our residual securities.

Mortgage Lending

The mortgage lending operation is significant to our financial results as it produces the loans that ultimately collateralize the mortgage securities that we hold in our portfolio. During 2005 and 2004, we originated and purchased $9.3 billion and $8.4 billion in nonconforming mortgage loans, respectively. The majority of these loans were retained in our servicing portfolio and serve as collateral for our mortgage securities. The loans we originate and purchase are sold, either in securitization transactions or in outright sales to third parties. We securitized $7.6 billion and $8.3 billion of mortgage loans during 2005 and 2004, respectively. We sold $1.1 billion in nonconforming mortgage loans to third parties during the year ended December 31, 2005. There were no nonconforming mortgage loan sales during 2004. Our mortgage lending segment recognized gains on sales of mortgage assets totaling $49.3 million, $113.2 million and $140.9 million during the three years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. See Table 15 for a summary of the components of our mortgage lending gains on sales of mortgage assets by year, as well as, a reconciliation of our mortgage lending gains on sales of mortgage assets to our consolidated gains on sales of mortgage assets reported in our consolidated statements of income. In securitization transactions accounted for as sales we retain residual securities (representing interest-only securities, prepayment penalty bonds and overcollateralization bonds) and certain investment-grade rated subordinated securities, along with the right to service the loans. See Note 16 to our consolidated financial statements for a summary of operating results and total assets for our mortgage lending segment. Also, see “Mortgage Lending Results of Operations” under “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” for further discussion and analysis of the mortgage lending operations.

Our wholly-owned subsidiary, NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. (“NovaStar Mortgage”), originates and purchases primarily nonconforming, single-family residential mortgage loans. Our mortgage lending operation continues to innovate in loan origination. We adhere to three disciplines which underly our lending decisions:

Originating loans that perform (attractive credit risk profile),

Maintaining economically sound pricing (profitable coupons), and

Controlling costs of origination.

In our nonconforming lending operations, we lend to individuals who generally do not qualify for agency/conventional lending programs because of a lack of available documentation or previous credit difficulties. These types of borrowers are generally willing to pay higher mortgage loan origination fees and interest rates than those charged by conventional lenders. Because these borrowers typically use the proceeds of the mortgage loans to consolidate debt and to finance home improvements, education and other consumer needs, loan volume is generally less dependent on general levels of interest rates or home sales and therefore less cyclical than conventional mortgage lending.

Our nationwide loan origination network includes wholesale loan brokers, mortgage lenders, correspondent institutions and direct to consumer operations. Except for NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc. (“NHMI”) brokers described below, these brokers and mortgage lenders are independent from any of the NovaStar Financial entities. Our sales force, which includes account executives in 42 states, develops and maintains relationships with this network of independent retail brokers. Our correspondent origination channel consists of a network of institutions from which we purchase nonconforming mortgage loans on a bulk or flow basis.

We underwrite, process, fund and service the nonconforming mortgage loans sourced through our network of wholesale loan brokers and mortgage lenders and our direct to consumer operations in centralized facilities. Further details regarding the loan originations are discussed under the “Mortgage Loans” section of “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations”.

A significant risk to our mortgage lending operations is the risk that we will not have financing facilities and cash available to fund and hold loans prior to their sale or securitization. See “Risk Factors – Related to our Borrowing and Securitization Activities.” We maintain lending facilities with large banking and investment institutions to reduce this risk. On a short-term basis, we finance mortgage loans using warehouse repurchase agreements. In addition, we have access to facilities secured by our mortgage securities. Details regarding available financing arrangements and amounts outstanding under those arrangements are included in “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and Note 8 to the consolidated financial statements.

For long-term financing, we securitize our mortgage loans and issue asset-backed bonds (“ABB”). Primary bonds – AAA through BBB rated – are sold to large, institutional investors and U.S. government-sponsored enterprises. During 2005 and 2004, US government-sponsored enterprises purchased 51% and 55%, respectively, of the bonds sold to the third-party investors from our securitizations. The loss of the U.S. government-sponsored enterprises from the market for our bonds could potentially have a materially adverse effect on us.

In 2005, we started to retain certain of subordinated securities from our securitizations. We also retain residual securities, as well as the right to service the loans. Prior to 1999,loans classified as held-in-portfolio, directly affect our securitizations were executedcash flow and designed to meet accounting rules that resulted in securitizations being treated as financing transactions. Asprofitability. In addition, short-term interest rates have a result, the mortgage loans and related debt continue to be presentedsignificant impact on our consolidated balance sheets,cash flow and profitability.

In the event we are able to significantly increase our liquidity position (as to which no gain was recorded. Beginningassurance can be given), we may use excess cash to make certain investments if we determine that such investments could provide attractive risk-adjusted returns to shareholders, including, potentially investing in 1999, our securitization transactions have been structured to qualify as sales for accounting and income tax purposes. new or existing operating companies.

The loans and related bond liability are not recorded in our consolidated financial statements. We do, however, record the value of the residual and subordinated securities and servicing rights we retainlong-term mortgage loan portfolio on our balance sheet. Details regarding ABBs we issued can be found in “Management’s Discussion and Analysissheet consists of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and in Note 8 to our consolidated financial statements.

As discussed under “Mortgage Portfolio Management,” interest rate risk is a significant risk to our mortgage lending operations as well as our mortgage portfolio operations. Prior to securitization, we enter into these interest rate agreements as we originate and purchase mortgage loans classified as held-in-portfolio.  These loans were transferred to help mitigate interest rate risk. At the time oftrusts in securitization we transfer these interest rate agreements into the securitization trusts and they are removed from our balance sheet.transactions.  Under Generally these interest rate agreements do not meet the hedging criteria set forth in accounting principles generally acceptedAccepted Accounting Principles in the United States of America (“GAAP”("GAAP") while they are on our, we consolidate the balance sheet, therefore,sheets of the trusts.  The trusts have financed these assets by issuing asset backed bonds (“ABB”).  At the time of these securitizations, we are required to record their change in value as a component of earnings even though they may reduce our interest rate risk. In times when short-term rates rise or drop significantly, the value of our agreements will increase or decrease, respectively. As a result, within our mortgage lending segment we recognized gains (losses) on these derivatives of $17.9 million, $(8.8) million and $(29.9) million in 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively.

Loan Servicing

We retain the servicing rights with respect to loans we securitize. Management believes loan servicing remains a critical part of our business operation because maintaining contact with our borrowers is critical in managing credit risk and in borrower retention. Nonconforming borrowers are more prone to late payments and are more likely to default on their obligations than conventional

borrowers. By servicing our loans, we strive to identify problems with borrowers early and take quick action to address problems. Borrowers may be motivated to refinance their mortgage loans either by improving their personal credit or due to a decrease in interest rates. By keeping in close touch with borrowers, we can provide them with information about NovaStar Financial products to encourage them to refinance with us. Mortgage servicing yields fee income for usowned significant beneficial interests in the form of fees paid bytrusts and we serviced the borrowers for normal customer service and processing fees. In additionmortgage loans.  During 2007, we receive contractual fees approximating 0.50% of the outstanding balance for loans we service that we do not own. We serviced $14.0 billion loans as of December 31, 2005 compared to $12.2 billion loans as of December 31, 2004. We recognized $59.8 million, $41.5 million and $21.1 million in loansold all servicing fee income from the securitization trusts during the three years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. Loan servicing fee income should continue to grow asrights.  Currently, our servicing portfolio grows. Also, see “Loan Servicing Results of Operations” under “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” for further discussion and analysis of the servicing operations.

Branch Operations

In 1999, we opened our retail mortgage broker business operating under the name NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc. (“NHMI”). Prior to 2004, many of these NHMI branches were supported by limited liability companies (“LLC”) in which we owned a minority interestownership interests in the LLC and the branch manager was the majority interest holder. In December 2003, we decidedbonds issued by these trusts have declined to terminate the LLCs effective January 1, 2004. As of January 1, 2004 the financial results of the continuing branches, that were formerly supported by LLCs, are included in our consolidated financial statements. Branch offices offer conforming and nonconforming loans to potential borrowers. Loans are brokered for approved investors, including NovaStar Mortgage. The NHMI branches are considered departmental functions of NHMI under which the branch manager (department head) is an employee of NHMI and receives compensation based on the profitability of the branch (department) as bonus compensation. See Note 15 and Note 16 to our consolidatedimmaterial amount.  We have provided financial statements for a summary of operating results and total assets for our branches. Also, see “Branch Operations Results of Operations and Discontinued Operations” under “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” for further discussion and analysis of the branch operations.

We routinely close branches and branch managers voluntarily terminate their employment with us, which generally results in the branch’s closure. In these terminations, the branch and all operations are eliminated. Additionally, as the demand for conforming loans declined significantly during 2004 and 2005, many branches were not able to produce sufficient fees to meet operating expense demands. As a result of these conditions, we adopted a formal plan on November 4, 2005 to terminate substantially all of the remaining NHMI branches. We anticipate that all of the remaining NHMI branches will be terminated by June 30, 2006.

Market in Which NovaStar Operates and Competes

Over the last ten years, the nonconforming lending market has grown from less than $50 billion annually to approximately $600 billion in 2005 as estimated by Inside Mortgage Finance Publications. A significant portion of nonconforming loans are made to borrowers who are using equity in their primary residence to consolidate installment or consumer debt, or take cash out for personal reasons. The nonconforming market has grown through a variety of interest rate environments. One of the main drivers of growthtrusts in this market has beenreport under the rise in housing prices which gives borrowers the opportunity to use the equity in their home to consolidate their high interest rate, short-term, non-tax deductible consumer or installment debt into lower interest rate, long-term, often tax deductible mortgage debt. Management estimates that NovaStar Financial has a 1-2% shareheading Assets and Liabilities of the nonconforming loan market. While management cannot predict consumer spending and borrowing habits, nor the future value of the residential home market, historical trends indicate that the market in which we operate is relatively stable and should continue to experience long-term growth.

We face intense competition in the business of originating, purchasing, selling and securitizing mortgage loans. The number of market participants is believed to be well in excess of 100 companies who originate and purchase nonconforming loans. No single participant holds a dominant share of the lending market. We compete for borrowers with consumer finance companies, conventional mortgage bankers, commercial banks, credit unions, thrift institutions and other independent wholesale mortgage lenders. Our principal competition in the business of holding mortgage loans and mortgage securities are life insurance companies, institutional investors such as mutual funds and pension funds, other well-capitalized, publicly-owned mortgage lenders and certain other mortgage acquisition companies structured as REITs. Many of these competitors are substantially larger than we are and have considerably greater financial resources than we do.

Competition among industry participants can take many forms, including convenience in obtaining a loan, amount and term of the loan, customer service, marketing/distribution channels, loan origination fees and interest rates. To the extent any competitor significantly expands their activities in the nonconforming and subprime market, we could be adversely affected.

One of our key competitive strengths is our employees and the level of service they are able to provide our borrowers. We service our nonconforming loans and, in doing so, we are able to stay in close contact with our borrowers and identify potential problems early.

We also believe we compete successfully due to our:

Securitization Trusts.
experienced management team;

use of technology to enhance customer service and reduce operating costs;Personnel

tax advantaged status as a REIT;

freedom from depository institution regulation;

vertical integration – we broker and/or originate, purchase, fund, service and manage mortgage loans;

access to capital markets to securitize our assets.

Following is a diagram of the industry in which we operate and our loan production including nonconforming and conforming during 2005 (in thousands).

(A)A portion of the loans securitized or sold to unrelated parties during 2005 were originated prior to 2005. Loans originated and purchased in 2005 that we have not securitized or sold to unrelated parties as of December 31, 2005 are included in our mortgage loans held-for-sale.
(B)The majority of the AAA-BBB rated securities from NMFT Series 2005-1, 2005-2, 2005-3 and 2005-4 were purchased by bond investors during 2005. We retained the Class M-11 and M-12 certificates from NMFT Series 2005-3, which were rated BBB/BBB- by Standard and Poor’s and Fitch, respectively and BBB- by Standard and Poor’s. We retained the Class M-9, M-10, M-11 and M-12 certificates from NMFT Series 2005-4, which were rated A/Baa3/BBB+, BBB+/Ba1/BBB, BBB/NR/BBB- and BBB-/NR/NR by Standard and Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch, respectively.
(C)The excess cash flow and subordinated bonds retained by NovaStar Financial are from the NMFT Series 2005-1, 2005-2, 2005-3 and 2005-4 securitization transactions, which occurred during 2005.

Risk Management

Management recognizes the following primary risks associated with the business and industry in which it operates.

Interest Rate/Market





Interest Rate/Market Risk.Our investment policy goals are to maintain the net interest margin between our assets and liabilities and to diminish the effect of changes in interest rate levels on our market value.

Interest Rate Risk. When interest rates on our assets do not adjust at the same time or in the same amounts as the interest rates on our liabilities or when the assets have fixed rates and the liabilities have adjustable rates, future earnings potential is affected. We express this interest rate risk as the risk that the market value of our assets will increase or decrease at different rates than that of our liabilities. Expressed another way, this is the risk that our net asset value will experience an adverse change when interest rates change. We assess the risk based on the change in market values given increases and decreases in interest rates. We also assess the risk based on the impact to net income in changing interest rate environments.

Management primarily uses financing sources where the interest rate resets frequently. As of December 31, 2005, borrowings under all financing arrangements adjust daily or monthly. On the other hand, very few2008, we employed 60 people in total between NFI and StreetLinks.  Because of the mortgage assetssubsequent hiring at StreetLinks to staff for additional business needs as of May 27, 2009 we own adjust on a monthly or daily basis. Most of the mortgage loans contain features where their rates are fixed for some period of timeemploy approximately 363 people in total between NFI, StreetLinks, and then adjust frequently thereafter. For example, oneAdvent. None of our loan products is the “2/28” loan. This loan is fixed for its first two years and then adjusts every six months thereafter.

While short-term borrowing ratesemployees are low and long-term asset rates are high, this portfolio structure produces good results. However, if short-term interest rates rise rapidly, earning potential is significantly affected and impairments may be incurred, as the asset rate resets would lag the borrowing rate resets.

Interest Rate Sensitivity Analysis.To assess interest sensitivity as an indication of exposure to interest rate risk, management relies on models of financial information in a variety of interest rate scenarios. Using these models, the fair value and interest rate sensitivity of each financial instrument, or groups of similar instruments is estimated, and then aggregated to form a comprehensive picture of the risk characteristics of the balance sheet. The risks are analyzed on a market value and cash flow basis.

The following table summarizes management’s estimates of the changes in market value of our mortgage assets and interest rate agreements assuming interest rates were 100 and 200 basis points, or 1 and 2 percent higher or lower. The cumulative change in market value represents the change in market value of mortgage assets, net of the change in market value of interest rate agreements. The change in market value of the liabilities on our balance sheet due to a change in interest rates is insignificant since the liabilities are so short term.

Interest Rate Sensitivity - Market Value

(dollars in thousands)

   Basis Point Increase (Decrease) in Interest Rate (A)






As of December 31, 2005:


Change in market values of:



  $96,456  $42,327  $(44,254) $(92,483)

Interest rate agreements

   (33,502)  (17,365)  20,072   41,616 




Cumulative change in market value

  $62,954  $24,962  $(24,182) $(50,867)




Percent change of market value portfolio equity (B)

   11.0%  4.4%  (4.2)%  (8.9)%




As of December 31, 2004:


Change in market values of:



  $70,438  $33,198  $(34,045) $(72,840)

Interest rate agreements

   (54,085)  (28,046)  27,832   55,113 




Cumulative change in market value

  $16,353  $5,152  $(6,213) $(17,727)




Percent change of market value portfolio equity (B)

   3.3%  1.0%  (1.3)%  (3.6)%




(A)Change in market value of assets or interest rate agreements in a parallel shift in the yield curve, up and down 1% and 2%.
(B)Total change in estimated market value as a percent of market value portfolio equity as of December 31.

Hedging.In order to address a mismatch of interest rates on our assets and liabilities, we follow an interest rate program that is approved by our Board. Specifically, the interest rate risk management program is formulated with the intent to offset the potential adverse effects resulting from rate adjustment limitations on mortgage assets and the differences between interest rate adjustment indices and interest rate adjustment periods of adjustable-rate mortgage loans and related borrowings.

We use interest rate cap and swap contracts to mitigate the risk of the cost of variable rate liabilities increasing at a faster rate than the earnings on assets during a period of rising rates. Management intends generally to hedge as much of the interest rate risk as determined to be in our best interest, given the cost and risk of hedging transactions and the need to maintain REIT status. Our ability to hedge is limited by the REIT laws.

We seek to build a balance sheet and undertake an interest rate risk management program that is likely, in management’s view, to enable us to maintain an equity liquidation value sufficient to maintain operations given a variety of potentially adverse circumstances. Accordingly, the hedging program addresses both income preservation, as discussed in the first part of this section, and capital preservation concerns.

Interest rate cap agreements are legal contracts between us and a third-party firm or “counterparty”. The counterparty agrees to make payments to us in the future should the one-month LIBOR interest rate rise above the strike rate specified in the contract. We make either quarterly or monthly premium payments or have chosen to pay the premiums at the beginning to the counterparties under contract. Each contract has either a fixed or amortizing notional face amount on which the interest is computed, and a set term to maturity. When the referenced LIBOR interest rate rises above the contractual strike rate, we earn cap income. Interest rate swaps have similar characteristics. However, interest rate swap agreements allow us to pay a fixed rate of interest while receiving a rate that adjusts with one-month LIBOR.

The following table summarizes the key contractual terms associated with our interest rate risk management contracts. All of our pay-fixed swap contracts and interest rate cap contracts are indexed to one-month LIBOR.

We have determined the following estimated net fair value amounts by using available market information and valuation methodologies we deem appropriate as of December 31, 2005.

Interest Rate Risk Management Contracts

(dollars in thousands)


Net Fair






  Maturity Range







Pay-fixed swaps:


Contractual maturity

  $3,290  $1,020,000  $390,000  $510,000  $120,000  $—    $—   

Weighted average pay rate

       3.9%  2.4%  4.8%  4.8%  —     —   

Weighted average receive rate

       4.4%  (A)  (A)  (A)  —     —   

Interest rate caps:


Contractual maturity

  $5,105  $535,000  $200,000  $160,000  $145,000  $20,000  $10,000 

Weighted average strike rate

       3.8%  2.0%  4.9%  4.9%  4.9%  4.9%

(A)The pay-fixed swaps receive rate is indexed to one-month LIBOR.

Liquidity/Funding Risk.See the “Liquidity and Capital Resources” section of “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” for further discussion of liquidity risks and resources available to us.

Credit Risk. Credit risk is the risk that we will not fully collect the principal we have invested in mortgage loans or the amount we have invested in securities. Nonconforming mortgage loans comprise substantially our entire mortgage loan portfolio and serve as collateral for our mortgage securities. Our nonconforming borrowers include individuals who do not qualify for agency/conventional lending programs because of a lack of conventional documentation or previous credit difficulties but have considerable equity in their homes. Often, they are individuals or families who have built up high-rate consumer debt and are attempting to use the equity in their home to consolidate debt and reduce the amount of money it takes to service their monthly debt obligations. Our underwriting guidelines are intended to evaluate the credit history of the potential borrower, the capacity and willingness of the borrower to repay the loan, and the adequacy of the collateral securing the loan.

Our underwriting staff works under the credit policies established by our Credit Committee. Underwriters are given approval authority only after their work has been reviewed for a period of time. Thereafter, the Chief Credit Officer re-evaluates the authority levels of all underwriting personnel on an ongoing basis. All loans in excess of $350,000 currently require the approval of an underwriting supervisor. Our Chief Credit Officer or our President must approve loans in excess of $1,000,000.

Our underwriting guidelines take into consideration the number of times the potential borrower has recently been late on a mortgage payment and whether that payment was 30, 60 or 90 days past due. Factors such as FICO score, bankruptcy and foreclosure filings, debt-to-income ratio, and loan-to-value ratio are also considered. The credit grade that is assigned to the borrower is a reflection of the borrower’s historical credit and the loan-to-value determined by the amount of documentation the borrower could produce to support income. Maximum loan-to-value ratios for each credit grade depend on the level of income documentation provided by the potential borrower. In some instances, when the borrower exhibits strong compensating factors, exceptions to the underwriting guidelines may be approved.

The key to our successful underwriting process is the use of NovaStarIS®, which is the second generation of our proprietary automated underwriting system. NovaStarIS® provides more consistency in underwriting loans and allows underwriting personnel to focus more of their time on loans that are not initially accepted by the NovaStarIS® system.

Our mortgage loan portfolio by credit grade, all of which are nonconforming, can be accessed via our website at (www.novastarmortgage.com). References to our website do not incorporate by reference the information on such website into this Annual Report on Form 10-K and we disclaim any such incorporation by reference.

A strategy for managing credit risk is to diversify the markets in which we originate, purchase and own mortgage loans. Presented via our website at (www.novastarmortgage.com) is a breakdown of the geographic diversification of our loans. References to our website do not incorporate by reference the information on such website into this Annual Report on Form 10-K and we disclaim any such incorporation by reference.Details regarding loans charged off are disclosed in Note 2 to our consolidated financial statements.

We have purchased mortgage insurance on a majority of the loans that are held in our portfolio – on the balance sheet and those that serve as collateral for our mortgage securities. The use of mortgage insurance is discussed under “Premiums for Mortgage Loan Insurance” in “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations”.

Prepayment Risk.Generally speaking, when market interest rates decline, borrowers are more likely to refinance their mortgages. The higher the interest rate a borrower currently has on his or her mortgage the more incentive he or she has to refinance the mortgage when rates decline. In addition, the higher the credit grade, the more incentive there is to refinance when credit ratings improve. When home values rise, a borrower has a low loan-to-value ratio, making it more likely that he or she will do a “cash-out” refinance. Each of these factors increases the chance for higher prepayment speeds during the term of the loan.

The majority of our mortgage securities are “interest-only” in nature. These securities represent the net cash flow – interest income – on the underlying loans in excess of the cost to finance the loans. When borrowers repay the principal on their mortgage loans early, the effect is to shorten the period over which interest is earned, and therefore, reduce the cash flow and yield on our securities.

We mitigate prepayment risk by originating and purchasing loans that include a penalty if the borrower repays the loan in the early months of the loan’s life. For the majority of our loans, a prepayment penalty is charged equal to 80% of six months interest on the principal balance that is to be paid in full. As of December 31, 2005, 67% of the loans serve as collateral for our mortgage securities had a prepayment penalty. As of December 31, 2005, 65% of our mortgage loans - held-for-sale had a prepayment penalty. During 2005, 65% of the loans we originated and purchased had prepayment penalties.

Regulatory Risk.As a mortgage lender, we are subject to many laws and regulations. Any failure to comply with these rules and their interpretations or with any future interpretations or judicial decisions could harm our profitability or cause a change in the way we do business. For example, several lawsuits have been filed challenging types of payments made by mortgage lenders to mortgage brokers. Similarly, in our branch operations, we allow our branch managers considerable autonomy, which could result in our facing greater exposure to third-party claims if our compliance programs are not strictly adhered to.

State and local governing bodies are focused on the nonconforming lending business and are concerned about borrowers paying “excessive fees” in obtaining a mortgage loan – generally termed “predatory lending”. In several instances, states or local governing bodies have imposed strict laws on lenders to curb predatory lending. To date, these laws have not had a significant impact on our business. We have capped fee structures consistent with those adopted by federal mortgage agencies and have implemented rigid processes to ensure that our lending practices are not predatory in nature.

We regularly monitor the laws, rules and regulations that apply to our business and analyze any changes to them. We integrate many legal and regulatory requirements into our automated loan origination system to reduce the prospect of inadvertent non-compliance due to human error. We also maintain policies and procedures, summaries and checklists to help our origination personnel comply with these laws. Our training programs are designed to teach our personnel about the significant laws, rules and regulations that affect their job responsibilities.

U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences

The following general discussion summarizes the material U.S. federal income tax considerations regarding our qualification and taxation as a REIT. This discussion is based on interpretations of the Code, regulations issued thereunder, and rulings and decisions currently in effect (or in some cases proposed), all of which are subject to change. Any such change may be applied retroactively and may adversely affect the federal income tax consequences described herein. This summary does not discuss all of the tax consequences that may be relevant to particular shareholders or shareholders subject to special treatment under the federal income tax laws. Accordingly, you should consult your own tax advisor regarding the federal, state, local, foreign, and other tax consequences of your ownership and our REIT election, and regarding potential changes in applicable tax laws.

General. Since inception, we have elected to be taxed as a REIT under Sections 856 through 859 of the Code. We believe we have complied, and intend to comply in the future, with the requirements for qualification as a REIT under the Code. To the extent that we qualify as a REIT for federal income tax purposes, we generally will not be subject to federal income tax on the amount of income or gain that is distributed to shareholders. However, origination and broker operations are conducted through NovaStar Mortgage and NHMI, which are owned by NFI Holding, Inc. – a taxable REIT subsidiary (“TRS”). Consequently, all of the taxable income of NFI Holding, Inc. is subject to federal and state corporate income taxes. In general, a TRS may hold assets that a REIT cannot hold directly and generally may engage in any real estate or non-real estate related business. However, special rules do apply to certain activities between a REIT and its TRS. For example, a TRS will be subject to earnings stripping limitations on the deductibility of interest paid to its REIT. In addition, a REIT will be subject to a 100% excise tax on certain excess amounts to ensure that (i) amounts paid to a TRS for services are based on amounts that would be charged in an arm’s-length transaction, (ii) fees paid to a REIT by its TRS are reflected at fair market value and (iii) interest paidrepresented by a TRS to its REIT is commercially reasonable.

The REIT rules generally require that a REIT invest primarily in real estate related assets, its activities be passive rather than active and it distribute annually to its shareholders substantially all of its taxable income. We could be subject to a number of taxes if we failed to satisfy those rulesunion or if we acquired certain types of income-producing real property through foreclosure. Although no complete assurance can be given, we do not expect that we will be subject to material amounts of such taxes.

Failure to satisfy certain Code requirements could cause loss of REIT status. If we fail to qualify as a REIT for any taxable year, we would be subject to federal income tax (including any applicable minimum tax) at regular corporate rates and would not receive deductions for dividends paid to shareholders. As a result, the amount of after-tax earnings available for distribution to shareholders would decrease substantially. While we intend to operate in a manner that will enable us to qualify as a REIT in future taxable years, there can be no certainty that such intention will be realized.

Qualification as a REIT. Qualification as a REIT requires that we satisfy a variety of tests relating to income, assets, distributions and ownership. The significant tests are summarized below.

Sources of Income.To qualify as a REIT, we must satisfy two gross income requirements, each of which is applied on an annual basis. First, at least 75% of our gross income, excluding gross income from prohibited transactions, for each taxable year generally must be derived directly or indirectly from:

rents from real property;

interest on debt secured by mortgages on real property or on interests in real property;

dividends or other distributions on, and gain from the sale of, stock in other REITs;

gain from the sale of real property or mortgage loans;

amounts, such as commitment fees, received in consideration for entering into an agreement to make a loan secured by real property, unless such amounts are determined by income and profits;

income derived from a Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (“REMIC”) in proportion to the real estate assets held by the REMIC, unless at least 95% of the REMIC’s assets are real estate assets, in which case all of the income derived from the REMIC; and

interest or dividend income from investments in stock or debt instruments attributable to the temporary investment of new capital during the one-year period following our receipt of new capital that we raise through equity offerings or public offerings of debt obligations with at least a five-year term.

Second, at least 95% of our gross income, excluding gross income from prohibited transactions, for each taxable year must be derived from sources that qualify for purposes of the 75% gross income test, and from (i) dividends, (ii) interest, (iii) certain qualifying hedges entered into prior to January 1, 2005 and (iv) gain from the sale or other disposition of stock, securities, or, certain qualifying hedges entered into prior to January 1, 2005.

Management believes that we were in compliance with both of the income tests for the 2005 and 2004 calendar years.

Nature and Diversification of Assets. As of the last day of each calendar quarter, we must meet six requirements under the two asset tests. Under the 75% of assets test, at least 75% of the value of our total assets must represent cash or cash items (including receivables), government securities or real estate assets. Under the 25% of assets test, no more than 25% of the value of our total assets can be represented by securities, other than (A) government securities, (B) stock of a qualified REIT subsidiary and (C) securities that qualify as real estate assets under the 75% assets test ((A), (B) and (C) are collectively the “75% Securities”). Additionally, under the 25% assets test, no more than 20% of the value of our total assets can be represented by securities of one or more taxable REIT subsidiaries and no more than 5% of the value of our total assets can be represented by the securities of a single issuer, excluding 75% Securities. Furthermore, we may not own more than 10% of the total voting power or the total value of the outstanding securities of any one issuer, excluding 75% Securities.

If we inadvertently fail to satisfy one or more of the asset tests at the end of a calendar quarter, such failure would not cause us to lose our REIT status. We could still avoid disqualification by eliminating any discrepancy within 30 days after the close of the calendar quarter in which the discrepancy arose. Management believes that we were in compliance with all of the requirements of both asset tests for all quarters during 2005 and 2004.

Ownership of Common Stock. Our capital stock must be heldcovered by a minimum of 100 persons for at least 335 days of each year. In addition, at all times during the second half of each taxable year, no more than 50% in value of our capital stock may be owned

directly or indirectly by 5 or fewer individuals. We use the calendar year as our taxable year for income tax purposes. The Code requires us to send annual information questionnaires to specified shareholders in order to assure compliance with the ownership tests. Management believes that we have complied with these stock ownership tests for 2005 and 2004.

Distributions. We must distribute at least 90% of our taxable income and any after-tax net income from certain types of foreclosure property less any non-cash income. No distributions are required in periods in which there is no income.

Taxable Income. We use the calendar year for both tax and financial reporting purposes. However, there may be differences between taxable income and income computed in accordance with GAAP. These differences primarily arise from timing and character differences in the recognition of revenue and expense and gains and losses for tax and GAAP purposes. Additionally, taxable income does not include the taxable income of our taxable subsidiary, although the subsidiary’s operating results are included in our GAAP results.


As of December 31, 2005, we employed 2,032 people. Of these, 1,678 were employed in our mortgage portfolio management, mortgage lending and loan servicing operations. Our branches employed 347 people as of December 31, 2005. The remaining employees were employed in our branch administrative functions.

collective bargaining agreement.

Available Information

Copies of our annual report on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, current reports on Form 8-K and any amendments to these reports filed or furnished with the SEC are available free of charge through our Internet site (www.novastarmortgage.comwww.novastarfinancial.com) as soon as reasonably practicable after filing with the SEC. References to our website do not incorporate by reference the information on such website into this Annual Report on Form 10-K and we disclaim any such incorporation by reference. Copies of our board committee charters, our board’s Corporate Governance Guidelines, Code of Conduct, and other corporate governance information are available at the Corporate Governance section of our Internet site (www.novastarmortgage.com), or by contacting us directly. Our investor relations contact information follows.

Investor Relations

8140 Ward Parkway,

2114 Central Street
Suite 300


Kansas City, MO  64114



Email:  ir@novastar1.com

Item 1A.Risk Factors

Risk Factors

You should carefully consider the risks described below in evaluating our business and before investing in our publicly traded securities.  Any of the risks we describe below or elsewhere in this report could negatively affect our results of operations, financial condition, liquidity, business prospects and ability to continue as a going concern.   The risks described below are not the only ones facing us.  Our business is also subject to the risks that affect many other companies, such as competition, inflation, technological obsolescence, labor relations, general economic conditions and geopolitical events. Additional risks not currently known to us or that we currently believe are immaterial also may impair our business operations and our liquidity.

Risks Related to Recent Changes in Our BorrowingBusiness

The subprime mortgage loan market has largely ceased to operate, which has caused us to discontinue all of our historical operations other than managing our existing portfolio of mortgage securities and Securitization Activities

Our growth is dependent on leverage, which may create other risks.

Our success is dependent, in part, uponhas adversely affected our ability to growcontinue as a going concern.

Due to a number of market factors, including increased delinquencies and defaults on residential mortgage loans, investor concerns over asset quality, a declining housing market and the failure of subprime mortgage companies and hedge funds that have invested in subprime loans, the subprime mortgage industry has been severely disrupted and the secondary market for mortgage loans has been unavailable to us since the middle of 2007.  As a result, we have discontinued our mortgage lending business, have sold most of the loans that we had not yet securitized, and have sold our mortgage servicing assets throughto generate cash to repay indebtedness and to reduce cash requirements.  We also have terminated all but a core group of our workforce.  Our historical operations are now limited to managing our existing portfolio of mortgage securities.

In light of the usenature and extent of leverage. Leverage creates an opportunity for increased net income, but at the same time creates risks. For example, leveraging magnifies changesdisruption subprime mortgage loan markets, there can be no assurances that these markets will improve or return to past levels.  Further, in light of our current financial condition, massive reductions in our net worth. Weworkforce, regulatory requirements, capital and financing requirements, and other uncertainties, there can be no assurances that we would be able to recommence mortgage lending, servicing or securitization activities if and when the relevant markets improve, or that any such activities would be at or near our historical levels.  Unless we are able to reestablish profitable operations, either within our historical or new business areas, at levels necessary to meet our existing and future expenses, we will incur leveragenot be able to continue as a going concern.

Payments on our mortgage securities are currently our only when theresignificant source of cash flows and will continue to decrease in the next several months to a level that is an expectation that itnot sufficient to fund our existing expenses and continue as a going concern.

Our residual and subordinated mortgage securities are currently our only significant source of cash flows.  Cash flows from our mortgage securities have materially decreased and will enhance returns. Moreover,continue to decrease in the next several months as the underlying mortgage loans are repaid, and could be significantly less than our current projections if losses on the underlying mortgage loans exceed our current assumptions or if prepayment speeds continue to decline.  In addition, we have significant operating expenses associated with office leases, and other obligations relating to our discontinued operations, as well as periodic interest payment obligations with respect to junior subordinated debentures relating to the trust preferred securities of NovaStar Capital Trust I and NovaStar Capital Trust II.  Our cash flows from mortgage securities are likely to be insufficient to cover our existing expenses in the near future.  If, as the cash flows from mortgage securities decrease, we are unable to recommence or invest in profitable operations, and restructure our unsecured debt, capital structure and contractual obligations, there can be no assurance that we will be able to meet our debt service obligationscontinue as a going concern and toavoid seeking the protection of applicable bankruptcy laws.

To the extent that the mortgage loans underlying our residual and subordinated securities continue to experience significant credit losses, or mortgage loan prepayment rates continue to decline, our cash flows will be further and perhaps abruptly reduced, which would adversely affect our liquidity and ability to continue as a going concern.

Our mortgage securities consist of certain residual securities retained from our past securitizations of mortgage loans, which typically consist of interest-only, prepayment penalty, and over collateralization bonds, and certain investment grade and non-investment grade rated subordinated mortgage securities retained from our past securitizations and purchased from other ABS issuers. These residual and subordinated securities are generally unrated or rated below investment grade and, as such, involve significant investment risk that exceeds the aggregate risk of the full pool of securitized loans. By holding the residual and subordinated securities, we cannot,generally retain the “first loss” risk associated with the underlying pool of mortgage loans.  As a result, losses on the underlying mortgage loans directly affect our returns on, and cash flows from, these mortgage securities. In addition, if delinquencies and/or losses on the underlying mortgage loans exceed specified levels, the level of over-collateralization required for higher rated securities held by third parties may be increased, further decreasing cash flows presently payable to us.  Further, slower prepayment speeds reduce our prepayment penalty cash flows.

Increased delinquencies and defaults and slower prepayment rates on the mortgage loans underlying our residual and subordinated mortgage securities have resulted in a decrease in the cash flow we receive from these investments.  In the event that decreases in cash flows from our mortgage securities are more severe or abrupt than currently projected, our results of operations, financial condition, and liquidity, and our ability to make expected minimum REIT dividend requirements to shareholdersrestructure existing obligations, establish new business operations, and continue as a going concern, will be adversely affected. Furthermore, if we were

Our ability to liquidate, our debt holdersidentify and lenders will receive a distribution of our available assets before any distributions are madeestablish or acquire, and profitably manage, operate and grow, new operations is critical to our common shareholders.

An interruption or reduction in the securitization market or our ability to access this market would harm our financial position.

We are dependent on the securitization market because we securitize loans directly to finance our loan origination business and many of our whole loan buyers purchase our loans with the intention to securitize. A disruption in the securitization market could prevent us from being able to sell loans at a favorable price or at all. Factors that could disrupt the securitization market include an international liquidity crisis such as occurred in the fall of 1998, sudden changes in interest rates, a terrorist attack, an outbreak of war or other significant event risk, and market specific events suchcontinue as a defaultgoing concern and is subject to significant uncertainties and limitations.  If we attempt to make any acquisitions, we will incur a variety of costs and may never realize the anticipated benefits.

In light of the current state of the subprime mortgage market and declining cash flows from our mortgage securities, our ability to continue as a comparable type of securitization. In addition, poor performance ofgoing concern is dependent upon our previously securitized loans could harmability to identify and establish or acquire new operations that contribute sufficient additional cash flow to enable us to meet our accesscurrent and future expenses.  Our ability to the securitization market. In addition, a court recently found a lenderstart or acquire new businesses is significantly constrained by our limited liquidity and securitization underwriter liable for consumer fraud committed by a companyour likely inability to whom they providedobtain debt financing and underwriting services. In the event other courts or regulators adopted the same liability theory, lenders and underwriters could be named as defendants in more litigation andto issue equity securities as a result they may exitof our current financial condition, including a shareholders’ deficit, as well as other uncertainties and risks.  There can be no assurances that we will be able to establish or acquire new business operations.

If we pursue any new business opportunities, the process of establishing a new business or charge more for their services, allnegotiating the acquisition and integrating an acquired business may result in operating difficulties and expenditures and may require significant management attention.  Moreover, we may never realize the anticipated benefits of whichany new business or acquisition.  We may not have, and may not be able to acquire or retain, personnel with experience in any new business we may establish or acquire.  In addition, future acquisitions could have a negative impact on our abilityresult in contingent liabilities and/or amortization expenses related to securitize the loans we originategoodwill and the securitization market in general. A decline in our ability to obtain long-term funding for our mortgage loans in the securitization market in general or on attractive terms or a decline in the market’s demand for our loansother intangible assets, which could harm our results of operations, financial condition and business prospects.

Failureprospects and ability to renew or obtain adequate funding under warehouse repurchase agreements may harm our lending operations.

continue as a going concern.

We are unlikely to have access to financing on reasonable terms, or at all, that may be necessary for us to continue to operate or to acquire new businesses.

We do not currently dependent upon several warehouse purchasehave in place any agreements to provide short termor commitments for short-term financing nor any agreements or commitments for additional long-term financing.    In light of these factors and current market conditions, our mortgage loan originationscurrent financial condition, and acquisitions. These warehouse purchase agreements contain numerous representations, warranties and covenants, including requirementsour lack of significant unencumbered assets, we are unlikely to maintain a certain minimum net worth, minimum equity ratios and other customary debt covenants. If we were unable to make the necessary representations and warranties at the time we need financing, we would not be able to obtain needed funds.secure additional financing for existing or new operations or for any acquisition.

Various legal proceedings could adversely affect our financial condition, our results of operations, liquidity and our ability to continue as a going concern.

In the course of our business, we are subject to various legal proceedings and claims. See Part I “Item 3—Legal Proceedings.” In addition, ifas the subprime mortgage industry has deteriorated, we breach a covenant containedhave become subject to various securities and derivative lawsuits, and participants in any warehouse agreement, the lenders under all existing warehouse agreementsindustry, including the Company, have and may continue to be subject to increased litigation arising from foreclosures and other industry practices, in some cases on the basis of novel legal theories. The resolution of these legal matters or other legal matters could demand immediate payment of all outstanding amounts because all of our warehouse agreements contain cross-default provisions. Any failure to renew or obtain adequate funding under these financing arrangements for any reason, or any demand by warehouse lenders for immediate payment of outstanding balances could harm our lending operations and haveresult in a material adverse effectimpact on our results of operations, liquidity, financial condition and business prospects.ability to continue as a going concern.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) has requested information from issuers in our industry, including us, regarding accounting for mortgage loans and other mortgage related assets. In addition, an increasewe have received requests or subpoenas for information relating to our operations from various federal and state regulators and law enforcement, including, without limitation, the United States Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the New York Attorney General and the Department of Labor.  While we have provided, or are in the costprocess of warehouse financing in excess of any change inproviding, the income derived from our mortgage assets could also harm our earnings and reduce the cash available for distribution to our shareholders. In October 1998, the subprime mortgage loan market faced a liquidity crisis with respectrequested information to the availability of short-term borrowingsapplicable officials, we may be subject to further information requests from, major lendersor action by, these or other regulators or law enforcement officials.  To the extent we are subject to any actions, our financial condition, liquidity, and long-term borrowings through securitization. Atability to continue a going concern could be materially adversely affected.

There can be no assurance that time, we faced significant liquidity constraints which harmed our businesscommon stock or Series C Preferred Stock will continue to be traded in an active market.

Our common stock and our profitability.

Financing with warehouse repurchase agreementsSeries C Preferred Stock were delisted by the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) in January 2008, as a result of failure to meet applicable standards for continued listing on the NYSE.  Our common stock and Series C Preferred Stock are currently quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board and on the Pink Sheets.  However, there can be no assurance that an active trading market will be maintained.  Trading of securities on the OTC and Pink Sheets is generally limited and is effected on a less regular basis than on exchanges, such as the NYSE, and accordingly investors who own or purchase our stock will find that the liquidity or transferability of the stock may leadbe limited.

Additionally, a shareholder may find it more difficult to margin calls ifdispose of, or obtain accurate quotations as to the market value of, our mortgage assets declines.

stock.  If an active public trading market cannot be sustained, the trading price of our common and preferred stock could be adversely affected and your ability to transfer your shares of our common and preferred stock may be limited.

We use warehouse repurchase agreementsare not likely to financepay dividends to our acquisition of mortgage assetscommon or preferred stockholders in the short-term. In a warehouse repurchase agreement, we sell an asset and agreeforeseeable future.

We are not required to repurchase the same asset at some point in timepay out our taxable income in the future. Generally,form of dividends, as we are no longer subject to a REIT distribution requirement. Instead, payment of dividends is at the

repurchase agreements we enter into provide that we must repurchase the asset in 30 days. For financial accounting purposes, these arrangements are treated as secured financings. We retain the assets discretion of our board of directors.  To preserve liquidity, our board of directors has suspended dividend payments on our balance sheetSeries C Preferred Stock and record an obligationSeries D1 Preferred Stock.  Dividends on our Series C Preferred Stock and D1 Preferred Stock continue to repurchaseaccrue and the asset. The amount we may borrow under these arrangements is generally 95%dividend rate on our Series D1 Preferred Stock increased from 9.0% to 100% of the asset market value13.0%, compounded quarterly, effective January 16, 2008 with respect to all unpaid dividends and subsequently accruing dividends.  No dividends can be paid on any of our common stock until all accrued and unpaid dividends on our Series C Preferred Stock and Series D1 Preferred Stock are paid in full.  Accumulating dividends with respect to our preferred stock will negatively affect the ability of our common stockholders to receive any distribution or other value upon liquidation.


Risks Related to Mortgage Asset Financing, Sale, and Investment Activities

We may be required to repurchase mortgage loans or indemnify mortgage loan purchasers as a result of breaches of representations and warranties, borrower fraud, or certain borrower defaults, which could further harm our liquidity and ability to continue as a going concern.

When we sold mortgage loans, whether as whole loans or pursuant to a securitization, we made customary representations and warranties to the purchaser about the mortgage loans and 65%the manner in which they were originated. Our whole loan sale agreements require us to 80%repurchase or substitute mortgage loans in the event we breach any of the asset market value with respect to mortgage securities—available-for-sale. When, in a lender’s opinion, asset market values decrease for any reason, including a rise in interest ratesthese representations or general concern about the value or liquidity of the assets, we are required to repay the margin or difference in market value, or post additional collateral. If cash or additional collateral is unavailable to meet margin calls, we may default on our obligations under the applicable repurchase agreement.warranties. In that event, the lender retains the right to liquidate the collateral we provided it to settle the amount due from us. In addition, to obtain cash, we may be required to liquidate assets atrepurchase mortgage loans as a disadvantageous time, whichresult of borrower, broker, or employee fraud. Likewise, we are required to repurchase or substitute mortgage loans if we breach a representation or warranty in connection with our securitizations. We have received various repurchase demands as performance of subprime mortgage loans has deteriorated.  A majority of repurchase requests have been denied, otherwise a negotiated purchase price adjustment was agreed upon with the purchaser.  Enforcement of repurchase obligations against us would cause us to incur lossesfurther harm our liquidity and could change our mix of investments, which in turn could jeopardize our REIT status or our ability to rely on certain exemptions under the Investment Company Act.

We have credit exposure with respect to loans we sell to the whole loan market and loans we sell to securitization entities.

When we sell whole loans or securitize loans, we have potential credit and liquidity exposure for loans that are the subject of fraud, that have irregularities in their documentation or process, or that result in our breaching the representations and warranties in the contract of sale. In addition, when we sell loans to the whole loan market we have exposure for loans that default. In these cases, we may be obligated to repurchase loans at principal value, which could result incontinue as a significant decline in our available cash. When we purchase loans from a third party that we sell into the whole loan market or to a securitization trust, we obtain representations and warranties from the counter-parties that sold the loans to us that generally parallel the representations and warranties we provided to our purchasers. As a result, we believe we have the potential for recourse against the seller of the loans. However, if the representations and warranties are not parallel, or if the original seller is not in a financial position to be able to repurchase the loan, we may have to use cash resources to repurchase loans, which could adversely affect our liquidity.

Competition in the securitization market may negatively affect our net income.

Competition in the business of sponsoring securitizations of the type we focus on is increasing as Wall Street broker-dealers, mortgage REITs, investment management companies, and other financial institutions expand their activities or enter this field. Increased competition could reduce our securitization margins if we have to pay a higher price for the long-term funding of these assets. To the extent that our securitization margins erode, our results of operations, financial condition and business prospects will be negatively impacted.

going concern.

Differences in our actual experience compared to the assumptions that we use to determine the value of our residual mortgage securities—available-for-salesecurities and to estimate reserves could further adversely affect our financial position.

Currently, our

Our securitizations of mortgage loans arethat were structured to be treated as sales for financial reporting purposes and, therefore, resultresulted in gain recognition at closing. Asclosing as well as the recording of December 31, 2005, we hadthe residual mortgage securities – available for sale with awe retained at fair value.   The value of $505.6 million on our balance sheet. Delinquency, loss, prepayment and discount rate assumptions have a material impact onresidual securities represents the amount of gain recognized and on the carryingpresent value of future cash flows expected to be received by us from the retainedexcess cash flows created in the securitization transaction. In general, future cash flows are estimated by taking the coupon rate of the loans underlying the transaction less the interest rate paid to the investors, less contractually specified servicing and trustee fees, and after giving effect to estimated prepayments and credit losses. We estimate future cash flows from these securities and value them utilizing assumptions based in part on projected discount rates, delinquency, mortgage securities—available-for-sale.loan prepayment speeds and credit losses. It is extremely difficult to validate the assumptions we use in determiningvaluing our residual interests. Even if the amountgeneral accuracy of gain on salethe valuation model is validated, valuations are highly dependent upon the reasonableness of our assumptions and the predictability of the relationships which drive the results of the model. Due to deteriorating market conditions, our actual experience has differed significantly from our assumptions, resulting in a reduction in the fair value of our mortgagethese securities – available for sale.and impairments on these securities.  If our actual experience differscontinues to differ materially from the assumptions that we useused to determine our gain on sale or the fair value of our mortgage securities—available-for-sale, our future cash flows,these securities, our financial condition, and our results of operations, couldliquidity and ability to continue as a going concern will continue to be negatively affected.

Changes in accounting standards might cause us to alter the way we structure or account for securitizations.

Changes could be made to the current accounting standards, which could affect the way we structure or account for securitizations. For example, if changes were made in the types of transactions eligible for gain on sale treatment, we may have to change the way we account for securitizations, which may harm our results of operations or financial condition.

Risks Related to Interest Rates and Our Hedging Strategies

Changes in interest rates may harm our results of operations.

operations and equity value.

Our results of operations are likely to be harmed during any period of unexpected or rapid changes in interest rates. Our primary interest rate exposures relate to our mortgage securities, mortgage loans, floating rate debt obligations, interest rate swaps, and interest rate caps. Interest rate changes could adversely affect usour cash flow, results of operations, financial condition, liquidity, business prospects, and ability to continue as a going concern in the following ways:

a substantial or sustained
·interest rate fluctuations may harm our cash flow as the spread between the interest rates we pay on our borrowings and hedges and the interest rates we receive on our mortgage assets narrows;
·the value of our residual and subordinated securities and the income we receive from them are based primarily on LIBOR, and an increase in LIBOR increases funding costs which reduces the cash flow we receive from, and the value of, these securities;
·existing borrowers with adjustable-rate mortgages or higher risk loan products may incur higher monthly payments as the interest rate increases, and consequently may experience higher delinquency and default rates, resulting in decreased cash flows from, and decreased value of, our mortgage securities; and
·mortgage prepayment rates vary depending on such factors as  mortgage interest rates and market conditions, and changes in prepayment rates may harm our earnings and the value of our mortgage securities.

In addition, interest rate changes may also further impact our net book value as our mortgage securities and related hedge derivatives are marked to market each quarter. Generally, as interest rates increase, the value of our mortgage securities decreases which decreases the book value of our equity.

Furthermore, shifts in the yield curve, which represents the market’s expectations of future interest rates, also affects the yield required for the purchase of our mortgage securities and therefore their value. To the extent that there is an unexpected change in the yield curve it could harmhave an adverse effect on our mortgage securities portfolio and our financial position and our ability to originate or acquire mortgage loans in expected volumes, which could result incontinue as a decrease in ourgoing concern.

Risks Related to Credit Losses

The value of, and cash flow and in our ability to support our fixed overhead expense levels;

interest rate fluctuations may harm our earnings as the spread between the interest rates we pay on our borrowings and the interest rates we receive onflows from, our mortgage assets narrows;securities may further decline due to factors beyond our control.

There are many factors that affect the value of, and cash flows from, our mortgage prepayment rates vary depending on such factors as mortgage interest rates and market conditions, and changes in anticipated prepayment rates may harmsecurities, many of which are beyond our earnings; and

when we securitize loans,control.  For example, the value of the residualhomes collateralizing residential loans may decline due to a variety of reasons beyond our control, such as weak economic conditions or natural disasters.  Over the past year, residential property values in most states have declined, in some areas severely, which has increased delinquencies and subordinated securities we retainlosses on residential mortgage loans generally, especially where the aggregate loan amounts (including any subordinate loans) are close to or greater than the related property value.  A borrower’s ability to repay a loan also may be adversely affected by factors beyond our control, such as subsequent over-leveraging of the borrower, reductions in personal incomes, and the income we receive from them are based primarily on the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate, or LIBOR,increases in unemployment.

In addition, interest-only loans, negative amortization loans, adjustable-rate loans, reduced documentation loans, home equity lines of credit and ansecond lien loans may involve higher than expected delinquencies and defaults.  For instance, any increase in LIBOR reduces the net income we receive from, and the value of, these securities.

Any of the foregoing results from changing interest rates may adversely affect our results from operations.

Hedging against interest rate exposure may adversely affect our earnings, which could adversely affect cash available for distribution to our shareholders.

We may enter into interest rate cap or swap agreements or pursue other interest rate hedging strategies. Our hedging activity will vary in scope based on interest rates, the type of mortgage assets held, and other changingprevailing market conditions. Interest rate hedging may fail to protect or could adversely affect us because, among other things:

interest rate hedging can be expensive, particularly during periods of rising and volatile interest rates;

hedging instruments involve risk because they often are not traded on regulated exchanges, guaranteed by an exchange or its clearing house, or regulated by any U.S. or foreign governmental authorities; consequently, there are no requirements with respect to record keeping, financial responsibility or segregation of customer funds and positions, and the enforceability of agreements underlying derivative transactions may depend on compliance with applicable statutory, commodity and other regulatory requirements;

available interest rate hedging may not correspond directly with the interest rate risk for which protection is sought;

the duration of the hedge may not match the duration of the related liability or asset;

the credit quality of the party owing money on the hedge may be downgraded to such an extent that it impairs our ability to sell or assign our side of the hedging transaction;

the party owing money in the hedging transaction may default on its obligation to pay, which may result in the loss of unrealized profits; and

we may not be able to dispose of or close out a hedging position without the consent of the hedging counterparty, and we may not be able to enter into an offsetting contract in order to cover our risks.

Any hedging activity we engage in may adversely affect our earnings, which could adversely affect cash available for distribution to our shareholders. Unanticipated changes in interest rates may result in poorer overall investment performance than if we had not engaged in any such hedging transactions.

Complying with REIT requirements may limit our ability to hedge effectively.

We attempt to minimize exposure to interest rate fluctuations by hedging. The REIT provisions of the Code limit our ability to hedge mortgage assets and related borrowings by requiring us to limit our income in each year from any qualified hedges, together with any other income not generated from qualified real estate assets, to no more than 25% of our gross income. The interest rate hedges that we generally enter into will not be counted as a qualified assetincreased payments for the purposes of satisfying this requirement. In addition, under the Code, we must limit our aggregate income from non-qualified hedging transactions and from other non-qualifying sources to no more than 5% of our annual gross income. As a result, we may have to limit our use of advantageous hedging techniques. This could result in greater risks associated with changes in interest rates than we would otherwise want to incur. In addition, if it is ultimately determined that certain of our interest rate hedging transactions are non-qualified under the

Code, we may have more than 5% of our annual gross income from non-qualified sources. If we violate the 5% or 25% limitations, we may have to pay a penalty tax equal to the amount of income in excess of those limitations, multiplied by a fraction intended to reflect our profitability. In addition, if we fail to observe these limitations, we could lose our REIT status unless our failure was due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect.

Risks Related to Credit Losses and Prepayment Rates

Loans made to nonconforming mortgage borrowers entail relatively higher delinquency and default rates which would result in higher loan losses.

Lenders in the nonconforming mortgage banking industry make loans to borrowers who have impaired or limited credit histories, limited documentationadjustable rate mortgage loans. Moreover, borrowers with option ARM mortgage loans with a negative amortization feature may experience a substantial increase in their monthly payment, even without an increase in prevailing market interest rates, when the loan reaches its negative amortization cap.  The current lack of incomeappreciation in residential property values and higher debt-to-income ratios than traditional mortgage lenders allow. Mortgage loans made to nonconformingthe adoption of tighter underwriting standards throughout the mortgage loan industry may adversely affect the ability of borrowers generally entail a relatively higher riskto refinance these loans and avoid default.

Each of delinquencythese factors may be exacerbated by general economic slowdowns and foreclosure thanby changes in consumer behavior, bankruptcy laws, and other laws.

To the extent that delinquencies or losses continue to increase for these or other reasons, the value of our mortgage securities and the mortgage loans madeheld in our portfolio will be further reduced, which will adversely affect our operating results, liquidity, cash flows, financial condition and ability to borrowerscontinue as a going concern.

Further delinquencies and losses with better creditrespect to residential mortgage loans, particularly in the sub-prime sector, may cause us to recognize additional losses, which would further adversely affect our operating results, liquidity, financial condition, business prospects and therefore, may result in higher levels of realized losses. ability to continue as a going concern.

Delinquency interrupts the flow of projected interest income from a mortgage loan, and default can ultimately lead to a loss if the net realizable value of the real property securing the mortgage loan is insufficient to cover the principal and interest due on the loan and costs of sale. In the event of a borrower’s bankruptcy, that borrower’s mortgage loan will be deemed to be secured only to the extent of the value of the underlying collateral at the time of bankruptcy (as determined by the bankruptcy court), and the lien securing the mortgage loan may in some circumstances be subject to the avoidance powers of the bankruptcy trustee under applicable state law.  Foreclosure of a mortgage loan can be an expensive and lengthy process that can have a substantial negative effect on our originally anticipated return on the foreclosed mortgage loan.  Also, our cost of financing and servicing aloans that are delinquent or defaulted loan is generally higher than forin default may be unmarketable or saleable only at a performing loan. discount.

We bear the riskhave experienced a significant increase in borrower delinquencies and defaults, which has adversely affected our liquidity, cash flows, results of delinquencyoperations and default on loans beginning when we originate them. In whole loan sales, our risk of delinquency and default typically only extends to the first payment but can extend up to the third payment. When we securitize anyfinancial condition. Nearly all of our remaining loans held for sale are delinquent or are in default.  In addition, our economic investment in and cash flows from loans we have securitized continue to be exposed to delinquencies and losses, either through our residual interests forsecurities that we retain in securitizations structured as sales, or through the loans still recordedthat remain on our balance sheet forin securitizations structured as financings.  We also re-acquireTo the risks of delinquency and default for loansextent that we are obligated to repurchase. Any failure by us to adequately address the delinquency and default risk associated with nonconforming lending could harm our financial condition and results of operations.

Our efforts to manage credit risk may not be successful in limitingloan delinquencies and defaults in underlying loans and, as a result,continue at their current rates or become more severe, our results of operations, cash flows, liquidity, financial condition and ability to continue as a going concern may be further adversely affected.


Loans made to nonconforming mortgage borrowers entail relatively higher delinquency and default rates which will result in higher loan losses, which are many aspectslikely to be exacerbated during economic slowdowns.

Nonconforming mortgage borrowers have impaired or limited credit histories, limited documentation of credit that we cannot controlincome and our quality control and loss mitigation operations may not be successful in limiting future delinquencies, defaults and losses. Our comprehensive underwriting process may not be effective in mitigating our risk of loss on the underlying loans. Further, the value of the homes collateralizing residentialhigher debt-to-income ratios than traditional mortgage lenders allow. Mortgage loans may decline duemade to a variety of reasons beyond our control, such as weak economic conditions, natural disasters, over-leveraging of the borrower, and reduction in personal incomes. The frequency of defaults and the loss severity on loans upon default may be greater than we anticipated. Interest-only loans, negative amortization loans, adjustable-rate loans, reduced documentation loans, sub-prime loans, home equity lines of credit and second lien loans may involve higher than expected delinquencies and defaults. Changes in consumer behavior, bankruptcy laws, and other laws may exacerbate loan losses. Expanded loss mitigation efforts in the event that defaults increase could increase our operating costs. To the extent that unforeseen or uncontrollable events increase loan delinquencies and defaults, our results of operations may be adversely affected.

Mortgage insurers may in the future change their pricing or underwriting guidelines or may not pay claims resulting in increased credit losses.

We use mortgage insurance to mitigate our risk of credit losses. Our decision to obtain mortgage insurance coverage is dependent, in part, on pricing trends. Mortgage insurance coverage on our newnonconforming mortgage loan production may not be available at rates that we believe are economically viable for us or at all. We also face the risk that our mortgage insurers might not have the financial ability to pay all claims presented by us or may deny a claim if the loan is not properly serviced, has been improperly originated, is the subject of fraud, or for other reasons. Any of those events could increase our credit losses and thus adversely affect our results of operations and financial condition.

Our Option ARM mortgage product exposes us to greater credit risk

There has been an increase in production of our loan product which is characterized as an option ARM loan. There have been recent announcements by federal regulators concerning interest-only loan programs, option ARM loan programs and other ARM loans with deeply discounted initial rates and/or negative amortization features. Federal banking regulators have expressed serious concerns with these programs and an intent to issue guidance shortly concerning offerings of these products. In addition, already one rating agency (Standard & Poors) has required greater credit enhancements for securitization pools that are backed by option ARMs. The combination of these events could lead to the loan product becoming a less available financing option and hence this could have a material affect on the value of such products.

Our interest-only loans may haveborrowers generally entail a higher risk of defaultdelinquency and foreclosure than our fully-amortizingmortgage loans made to borrowers with better credit and, therefore, will result in higher levels of realized losses than conventional loans.

For  General economic slowdowns, such as that currently affecting the year ended December 31, 2005, originations of interest-only loans totaled $2.0 billion, or 22%, of total originations. These interest-only loans require theUnited States, are likely to adversely affect nonconforming borrowers to make monthly payments only of accrued interest for the first 24, 36 or 120 months following origination. After such interest-only period, the borrower’s monthly payment is recalculated to cover both interesta greater extent than conforming borrowers and, principal so that the mortgage loan will amortize fully prior to its final payment date. The interest-only feature may reduce the likelihood of prepayment during the interest-only period due to the smaller monthly payments relative to a fully-amortizing mortgage loan. If the monthly payment increases, the related borrower may not be able to pay the increased amount and may default or may refinance the related mortgage loan to avoid the higher payment. Because no principal payments may be made on such mortgage loans for an extended period following origination, if the borrower defaults, the unpaid principal balance of the related loans would be greater than otherwise would be the case for a fully-amortizing loan, increasing the risk of loss on these loans.

Current loan performance data may not be indicative of future results.

When making capital budgeting and other decisions, we use projections, estimates and assumptions based on our experience with mortgage loans. Actual results and the timing of certain events could differ materially in adverse ways from those projected, due to factors including changes in general economic conditions, fluctuations in interest rates, fluctuations in mortgage loan prepayment rates and fluctuations in losses due to defaults on mortgage loans. These differences and fluctuations could rise to levels that may adversely affect our profitability.

Changes in prepayment rates of mortgage loans could reduce our earnings, dividends, cash flows, access to liquidity and results of operations.

The economic returns we expect to earn from most of the mortgage assets we ownconsequently, are affected by the rate of prepayment of the underlying mortgage loans. If the loans underlying our mortgage securities—available-for-sale prepay at a rate faster than we have anticipated, our economic returns on those assets will be lower than we have assumed which would reduce our earnings, cash flows and dividends. Adverse changes in cash flows from a mortgage asset resulting from accelerated prepayments would likely reduce the asset’s market value, which would likely reduce our access to liquidity if we borrowed against that asset and may cause a market value write-down for GAAP purposes, which would reduce our reported earnings. Changes in loan prepayment patterns can affect us in a variety of other ways that can be complex and difficult to predict. In addition, our exposure to prepayment changes over time. As a result, changes in prepayment rates will likely cause volatility in our financial results in ways that are not necessarily obvious or predictable and that may adversely affect our results of operations.

Geographic concentration of mortgage loans we originate or purchase increases our exposure to risks in those areas, especially in California and Florida.

Over-concentration of loans we originate or purchase in any one geographic area increases our exposure to the economic and natural hazard risks associated with that area. Declines in the residential real estate markets in which we are concentrated may reduce the values of the properties collateralizing our mortgages which in turn may increase the risk of delinquency, foreclosure, bankruptcy, or losses from those loans. To the extent that a large number of loans are impaired, our financial condition and results of operations may be adversely affected.

To the extent that we have a large number of loans in an area hit by a natural disaster, we may suffer losses.

Standard homeowner insurance policies generally do not provide coverage for natural disasters, such as hurricanes and floods. Furthermore, nonconforming borrowers are not likely to have special hazard insurance. To the extent that borrowers do not have insurance coverage for natural disasters, they may not be ablea greater negative impact on delinquency and loss rates with respect to repair the property or may stop paying their mortgages if the property is damaged. A natural disaster that results in a significant number of delinquencies could cause increased foreclosures and decrease our ability to recover losses on properties affected by such disasters, and that in turn could harm our financial condition and results of operations.

Uninsured losses due to the Gulf State hurricanes could adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.

The damage caused by the Gulf State hurricanes, particularly Katrina, Rita and Wilma, has affected the value of our portfolio of mortgage loans held-for-sale and the mortgage loan portfolio we service which underlies our mortgage securities – available-for-sale by impairing the ability of certain borrowers to repay theirnonconforming loans. At present, we are unable to predict the ultimate impact of the Gulf State hurricanes on our future financial results and condition as the impact will depend on a number of factors, including the extent of damage to the collateral, the extent to which damaged collateral is not covered by insurance, the extent to which unemployment and other economic conditions caused by the hurricanes adversely affect the ability of borrowers to repay their

loans, and the cost to us of collection and foreclosure moratoriums, loan forbearances and other accommodations granted to borrowers. Many of the loans are to borrowers where repayment prospects have not yet been determined to be diminished, or are in areas where properties may have suffered little, if any, damage or may not yet have been inspected. We currently have a mortgage protection insurance policy, which protects us from uninsured losses as a result of these hurricanes up to a maximum of $5 million in aggregate losses with a deductible of $100,000 per hurricane. To the extent that losses exceed the $5 million aggregate loss insurance coverage, our financial condition and results of operations could be adversely affected. Additionally, there is no guarantee the insurance company will pay our claims, which could adversely affect our results of operations.

A prolonged economic slowdown or a decline in the real estate market could harm our results of operations.

A substantial portion of our mortgage assets consist of single-family mortgage loans or mortgage securities—available-for-sale evidencing interests in single-family mortgage loans. Because we make a substantial number of loans to credit-impaired borrowers, the actual rates of delinquencies, foreclosures and losses on these loans could be higher during economic slowdowns. Any sustained period of increased delinquencies, foreclosures or losses could harm our ability to sell loans, the prices we receive for our loans, the values of our mortgage loans held for sale or our residual interests in securitizations, which could harm our financial condition and results of operations. In addition, any material decline in real estate values would weaken our collateral loan-to-value ratios and increase the possibility of loss if a borrower defaults. In such event, we will be subject to the risk of loss on such mortgage asset arising from borrower defaults to the extent not covered by third-party credit enhancement.

Risks Related to the Legal and Regulatory Environment in Which We Operate

Various legal proceedings could adversely affect our financial condition or results of operations.

In the course of our business, we are subject to various legal proceedings and claims. See “Item 3 – Legal Proceedings.” The resolution of these legal matters or other legal matters could result in a material adverse impact on our results of operations, financial condition and business prospects.

We are subject to the risk that provisions of our loan agreements may be unenforceable.

Our rights and obligations with respect to our loans are governed by written loan agreements and related documentation. It is possible that a court could determine that one or more provisions of a loan agreement are unenforceable, such as a loan prepayment provision or the provisions governing our security interest in the underlying collateral. If this were to happen with respect to a material asset or group of assets, we could be required to repurchase these loans and may not be able to sell or liquidate the loans, which could negatively affect our liquidity.

We are exposed to the risk of environmental liabilities with respect to properties to which we take title.

In the course of our business, we occasionally foreclose and take title to residential properties and as a result could become subject to environmental liabilities associated with these properties. We may be held liable for property damage, personal injury, investigation, and cleanup costs incurred in connection with environmental contamination. These costs could be substantial. If we ever become subject to significant environmental liabilities, our financial condition and results of operations could be adversely affected.

Regulation as an investment company could harm our business; efforts to avoid regulation as an investment company could limit our operations.

The Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, or the Investment Company Act, if deemed applicable to us, would prevent us from conducting our business as described in this document by, among other things, substantially limiting our ability to use leverage. The Investment Company Act does not regulate entities that are primarily engaged, directly or indirectly, in a business “other than that of investing, reinvesting, owning, holding or trading in securities,” or that are primarily engaged in the business of “purchasing or otherwise acquiring mortgages and other liens on and interests in real estate.” Under the Commission’s current interpretation, in order to qualify for the latter exemption we must maintain at least 55% of our assets directly in “qualifying real estate interests” and at least an additional 25% of our assets in other real estate-related assets or additional qualifying real estate interests. If we rely on this exemption from registration as an investment company under the Investment Company Act, our ability to invest in assets that would otherwise meet our investment strategies will be limited. If we are subject to the Investment Company Act and fail to qualify for an applicable exemption from the Investment Company Act, we could not operate our business efficiently under the regulatory scheme imposed by the Investment Company Act. Accordingly, we could be required to restructure our activities which could materially adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.

Our failure

Failure to comply with federal, state or local regulation of, or licensing requirements with respect to, mortgage lending, loan servicing, broker compensation programs, or other aspects of our businessdiscontinued businesses could harm our financial condition and ability to recommence mortgage banking operations.

Our prior mortgage lending, brokerage and loan servicing operations and profitability.

As a mortgage lender, loan servicer and broker, we arewere subject to an extensive body of bothfederal, state and federal law. The volume of new or modifiedlocal laws and regulations has increased in recent yearslicensing requirements.  Although we utilized systems and procedures designed to facilitate compliance, these requirements were voluminous and, in addition, some individual municipalities have beguncases, complex and subject to enact laws that restrict loan originationinterpretation, and servicing activities. Asour compliance with these requirements depended on the actions of a result, it may be more difficult to comprehensively identifylarge number of employees.  Investigations, enforcement actions, litigation, fines, penalties and accurately interpret all of these laws and regulations and to properly program our technology systems and effectively train our personnelliability with respect to all of these laws and regulations, thereby potentially increasing our exposure to the risks of noncompliance with these laws and regulations. Also, in our branch operations, we allow our branch managers relative autonomy, which could result in our facing greater exposure to third-party claims if our compliance programs are not strictly adhered to. Our failure to comply with these laws can lead to civil and criminal liability; loss of licensure; damage to our reputation in the industry; inability to sell or securitize our loans; demands for indemnification or loan repurchases from purchasers of our loans; fines and penalties and litigation, including class action lawsuits; or administrative enforcement actions. Any of these results could harm our results of operations, financial condition and business prospects.

New legislation could restrict our ability to make mortgage loans, which could harm our earnings.

Several states, cities or other government entities are considering or have passed laws, regulations or ordinances aimed at curbing predatory lending practices. The federal government is also considering legislative and regulatory proposals in this regard. In general, these proposals involve lowering the existing thresholds for defining a “high-cost” loan and establish enhanced protections and remedies for borrowers who receive such loans. Passage of these laws and rules could reduce our loan origination volume. In addition, many whole loan buyers may elect not to purchase any loan labeled as a “high cost” loan under any local, state or federal law or regulation. Rating agencies likewise may refuse to rate securities backed by such loans. Accordingly, these laws and rules could severely restrict the secondary market for a significant portion of our loan production. This would effectively preclude us from continuing to originate loans either in jurisdictions unacceptable to the rating agencies or that exceed the newly defined thresholds which could harm our results of operations and business prospects.

If lenders are prohibited from originating loans in the State of Illinois with fees in excess of 3% where the interest rate exceeds 8%, this could force us to curtail operations in Illinois.

In March 2004, an Illinois Court of Appeals found that the Illinois Interest Act, which caps fees at 3% for loans with an interest rate in excess of 8%, is not preempted by federal law. This ruling contradicts the view of the Federal Circuit Courts of Appeal, most state courts and the Illinois Office of the Attorney General. In November 2004, the Illinois Supreme Court decided to consider an appeal to this case. If this ruling is not overturned, we may reduce operations in Illinois since it will reduce the return we and our investors can expect on higher risk loans. Moreover, as a result of this ruling, plaintiffs are filing actions against lenders, including us, seeking various forms of relief as a result of any fees received in the past that exceeded the applicable thresholds. Any such actions, if decided against us, could harm our results of operations, financial condition and business prospects.

We are no longer able to rely on the Alternative Mortgage Transactions Parity Act to preempt certain state law restrictions on prepayment penalties, which could harm our earnings.

Certain state laws restrict or prohibit prepayment penalties on mortgage loans and, until July 2003, we relied on the federal Alternative Mortgage Transactions Parity Act, or the Parity Act, and related rules issued in the past by the Office of Thrift Supervision, or OTS, to preempt state limitations on prepayment penalties. The Parity Act was enacted to extend to financial institutions, like us, which are not federally chartered depository institutions, the federal preemption that federally chartered depository institutions enjoy. However, in September 2002, the OTS released a rule that reduced the scope of the Parity Act preemption and, as a result, we are no longer able to rely on the Parity Act to preempt state restrictions on prepayment penalties. The elimination of this federal preemption has required us to comply with state restrictions on prepayment penalties. These restrictions prohibit us from charging any prepayment penalty in certain states and limit the amount or other terms and conditions of our prepayment penalties in several other states. This places us at a competitive disadvantage relative to financial institutions that will continue to enjoy federal preemption of such state restrictions. Such institutions are able to charge prepayment penalties without regard to state restrictions and, as a result, may be able to offer loans with interest rate and loan fee structures that are more attractive than the interest rate and loan fee structures that we are able to offer. This competitive disadvantage could harm our results of operations, financial condition and business prospects.

Changes in Internal Revenue Service regulations regarding the timing of income recognition and/or deductions could materially adversely affect the amount of our dividends.

On September 30, 2004, the IRS, released Announcement 2004-75, which describes rules that may be included in proposed IRS regulations regarding the timing of recognizing income and/or deductions attributable to interest-only securities. We believe the

effect of these regulations, if adopted, may narrow the spread between book income and taxable income on the interest-only securities we hold and would thus reduce our taxable income during the initial periods that we hold such securities. A significant portion of our mortgage securities—available-for-sale consist of interest-only securities. If regulations are adopted by the IRS that reduce our taxable income in a particular year, our dividend may be reduced for that year because the amount of our dividend is entirely dependent upon our taxable income.

If we fail to maintain REIT status, we would be subject to tax as a regular corporation. We conduct a substantial portion of our business through our taxable REIT subsidiaries, which creates additional compliance requirements.

We must comply with numerous complex tests to continue to qualify as a REIT for federal income tax purposes, including the requirement that we distribute 90% of taxable income to our shareholders and the requirement that no more than 5% of our annual gross income come from non-qualifying sources. If we do not complynon-compliance with these requirements we could be subject to penalty taxes and our REIT status could be at risk. We conduct a substantial portionmay consume attention of our business through taxable REIT subsidiaries, such as NovaStar Mortgage. Despite our qualification as a REIT, our taxable REIT subsidiaries must pay federal income tax on their taxable income. Our income from, and investments in, our taxable REIT subsidiaries do not constitute permissible income or investments for some of the REIT qualification tests. Wekey personnel, may be subject to a 100% penalty tax, or our taxable REIT subsidiaries may be denied deductions, to the extent that our dealings with our taxable REIT subsidiaries are deemed not to be arm’s length in nature.

Our cash balances and cash flows may become limited relative to our cash needs, which may ultimatelyadversely affect our REIT status or solvency.

We use cash for originating mortgage loans, minimum REIT dividend distribution requirements, and other operating needs. Cash is also required to pay interest on our outstanding indebtedness and may be required to pay down indebtedness in the event that the market values of the assets collateralizing our debt decline, the terms of short-term debt become less attractive or for other reasons. If our income as calculated for tax purposes significantly exceeds our cash flows from operations, our minimum REIT dividend distribution requirements could exceed the amount of our available cash. In the event that our liquidity needs exceed our access to liquidity, we may need to sell assets at an inopportune time, thus adversely affecting our financial condition and results of operations. Furthermore, in an adverse cash flow situation, our REIT status or our solvency could be threatened.

The tax imposed on REITs engaging in “prohibited transactions” will limit ourfuture ability to engage in transactions, including certain methods of securitizing loans, which would be treated as sales for federal income tax purposes.

A REIT’s net income from prohibited transactions is subject to a 100% tax. In general, prohibited transactions are sales or other dispositions of property, other than foreclosure property but including any mortgage loans held in inventory primarily for sale to customers in the ordinary course of business. We might be subject to this tax if we were to sell a loan or securitize the loans in a manner that was treated as a sale of such inventory for federal income tax purposes. Therefore, in order to avoid the prohibited transactions tax, we may choose not to engage in certain sales of loans other than through our taxable REIT subsidiariesregulated activities, and may limit the structures we utilize for our securitization transactions even though such sales or structures might otherwise be beneficial for us. In addition, this prohibition may limit our ability to restructure our portfolio of mortgage loans from time to time even if we believe it would be in our best interest to do so.

Even if we qualify as a REIT, the income earned by our taxable REIT subsidiaries will be subject to federal income taxmaterially and we could be subject to an excise tax on non-arm’s-length transactions with our taxable REIT subsidiaries.

Our taxable REIT subsidiaries, including NovaStar Mortgage, expect to earn income from activities that are prohibited for REITs, and will owe income taxes on the taxable income from these activities. For example, we expect that NovaStar Mortgage will earn income from our loan origination and sales activities, as well as from other origination and servicing functions, which would generally not be qualifying income for purposes of the gross income tests applicable to REITs or might otherwise be subject to adverse tax liability if the income were generated by a REIT. Our taxable REIT subsidiaries will be taxable as C corporations and will be subject to federal, state and local income tax at the applicable corporate rates on their taxable income, notwithstanding our qualification as a REIT.

In the event that any transactions between us and our taxable REIT subsidiaries are not conducted on an arm’s-length basis, we could be subject to a 100% excise tax on certain amounts from such transactions. Any such tax couldadversely affect our overall profitability and the amounts of cash available to make distributions.

We may, at some point in the future, borrow funds form one or more of our corporate subsidiaries. The IRS may recharacterize the indebtedness as a dividend distribution to us by our subsidiary. Any such recharacterization may cause us to fail one or more of the REIT requirements.

We may be harmed by changes in tax laws applicable to REITs or the reduced 15% tax rate on certain corporate dividends may harm us.

Changes to the laws and regulations affecting us, including changes to securities laws and changes to the Code applicable to the taxation of REITs, may harm our business. New legislation may be enacted into law or new interpretations, rulings or regulations could be adopted, any of which could harm us and our shareholders, potentially with retroactive effect.

Generally, dividends paid by REITs are not eligible for the 15% U.S. federal income tax rate on certain corporate dividends, with certain exceptions. The more favorable treatment of regular corporate dividends could cause domestic non-corporate investors to consider stocks of other corporations that pay dividends as more attractive relative to stocks of REITs.

We may be unable to comply with the requirements applicable to REITs or compliance with such requirements could harm our financial condition.

The requirements to qualify as a REIT under the Code are highly technical and complex. We routinely rely on legal opinions to support our tax positions. A technical or inadvertent failure to comply with the Code as a result of an incorrect interpretation of the Code or otherwise could jeopardize our REIT status. The determination that we qualify as a REIT requires an analysis of various factual matters and circumstances that may not be totally within our control. For example, to qualify as a REIT, at least 75% of our gross income must come from real estate sources and 95% of our gross income must come from real estate sources and certain other sources that are itemized in the REIT tax laws, mainly interest and dividends. We are subject to various limitations on our ownership of securities, including a limitation that the value of our investment in taxable REIT subsidiaries, including NovaStar Mortgage, cannot exceed 20% of our total assets at the end of any calendar quarter. In addition, at the end of each calendar quarter, at least 75% of our assets must be qualifying real estate assets, government securities and cash and cash items. The need to comply with these asset ownership requirements may cause us to acquire other assets that are qualifying real estate assets for purposes of the REIT requirements (for example, interests in other mortgage loan portfolios or mortgage-related assets) but are not part of our overall business strategy and might not otherwise be the best investment alternative for us. Moreover, we may be unable to acquire sufficient qualifying REIT assets, due to our inability to obtain adequate financing or otherwise, in which case we may fail to qualify as a REIT or may incur a penalty tax at the REIT level.

To qualify as a REIT, we must distribute to our shareholders with respect to each year at least 90% of our REIT taxable income (determined without regard to the dividends paid deduction and by excluding any net capital gain). After-tax earnings generated by our taxable REIT subsidiaries and not distributed to us are not subject to these distribution requirements and may be retained by such subsidiaries to provide for future growth, subject to the limitations imposed by REIT tax rules. To the extent that we satisfy the 90% distribution requirement, but distribute less than 100% of our taxable income, we will be subject to federal corporate income tax on our undistributed taxable income. In addition, we will be subject to a 4% nondeductible excise tax if the actual amount that we pay out to our shareholders in a calendar year is less than a minimum amount specified under federal tax laws. We expect in some years that we will be subject to the 4% excise tax. We could be required to borrow funds on a short-term basis even if conditions are not favorable for borrowing, or to sell loans from our portfolio potentially at disadvantageous prices, to meet the REIT distribution requirements and to avoid corporate income taxes. These alternatives could harm our financial condition, results of operations, liquidity and could reduce amounts availableability to originate mortgage loans.

If we fail to qualify or remain qualifiedcontinue as a REIT, our distributions will not be deductible by us, and we will be subject to federal income tax on our taxable income. This would substantially reduce our earnings and our cash available to make distributions. The resulting tax liability, in the event of our failure to qualify as a REIT, might cause us to borrow funds, liquidate some of our investments or take other steps that could negatively affect our operating results. Moreover, if our REIT status is terminated because of our failure to meet a technical REIT requirement or if we voluntarily revoke our election, we generally would be disqualified from electing treatment as a REIT for the four taxable years following the year in which REIT status is lost.

We could lose our REIT status if more than 20% of the value of our total assets are represented by the securities of one or more taxable REIT subsidiaries at the close of any calendar quarter.

To qualify as a REIT, not more than 20% of the value of our total assets may be represented by the securities of one or more taxable REIT subsidiaries at the close of any calendar quarter, subject to a 30-day “cure” period following the close of the quarter and, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2005, subject to certain relief provisions even after the 30-day cure period. Our taxable REIT subsidiaries, including NovaStar Mortgage, conduct a substantial portion of our business activities, including a majority of our loan origination and servicing activities. If the IRS determines that the value of our investment in our taxable REIT subsidiaries was more than 20% of the value of our total assets at the close of any calendar quarter, we could lose our REIT status.

In certain cases, we may need to borrow from third parties to acquire additional qualifying REIT assets or increase the amount and frequency of dividends from our taxable REIT subsidiaries in order to comply with the 20% of assets test.

going concern.


Risks Related to Our Capital Stock

Investors in our common stock may experience losses, volatility

The market price and poor liquidity, and we may reduce or delay payment of our dividends in a variety of circumstances.

Our earnings, cash flow, book value and dividends can be volatile and difficult to predict. Investors should not rely on predictions or management beliefs. Although we seek to pay a regular common stock dividend at a rate that is sustainable, we may reduce our dividend payments in the future for a variety of reasons. We may not provide public warnings of such dividend reductions or payment delays prior to their occurrence. Fluctuations in our current and prospective earnings, cash flow and dividends, as well as many other factors such as perceptions, economic conditions, stock market conditions, and the like, can affect the pricetrading volume of our common stock. Investors may experience volatile returns and material losses. In addition, liquidity in the trading of our commonpreferred stock may be insufficient to allow investors to sell their stock in a timely manner or at a reasonable price.

Restrictions on ownership of capital stock may inhibit market activity and the resulting opportunity for holders of our capital stock to receive a premium for their securities.

In order for us to meet the requirements for qualification as a REIT, our charter generally prohibits any person from acquiring or holding, directly or indirectly, (i) shares of our common stock in excess of 9.8% (in value or number of shares, whichever is more restrictive) of the aggregate outstanding shares of our common stock or (ii) shares of our capital stock in excess of 9.8% in value of the aggregate outstanding shares of our capital stock. These restrictions may inhibit market activity and the resulting opportunity for the holders of our capital stock to receive a premium for their stock that might otherwise exist in the absence of such restrictions.

The market price of our common stock and trading volume may be volatile, which could result in substantial losses for our shareholders.

The market price of our commoncapital stock maycan be highly volatile and subject to wide fluctuations. In addition, the trading volume in our commoncapital stock may fluctuate and cause significant price variations to occur. Investors may experience volatile returns and material losses.   Some of the factors that could negatively affect our share price or result in fluctuations in the price or trading volume of our commoncapital stock include:

general market and economic conditions;

actual or anticipated changes in our future financial performance;
·actual or perceived changes in our ability to continue as a going concern;

actual or anticipated changes in market interest rates;
·actual or anticipated changes in the delinquency and default rates on mortgage loans, in general, and specifically on the loans we invest in through our mortgage securities;

actual or anticipated changes in our access
·actual or anticipated changes in residential real estate values;
·actual or anticipated changes in market interest rates;
·actual or anticipated changes in our earnings and cash flow;
·general market and economic conditions, including the operations and stock performance of other industry participants;
·developments in the subprime mortgage lending industry or the financial services sector generally;
·the impact of new state or federal legislation or adverse court decisions;
·the activities of investors who engage in short sales of our common stock;
·actual or anticipated changes in financial estimates by securities analysts;
·sales, or the perception that sales could occur, of a substantial number of shares of our common stock by insiders;
·additions or departures of senior management and key personnel; and
·actions by institutional shareholders.

Our charter permits us to capital;

actual or anticipated changes in the amount of our dividend or any delay in the payment of a dividend;

competitive developments, including announcements by us or our competitors of new products or services;

the operations and stock performance of our competitors;

developments in the mortgage lending industry or the financial services sector generally;

the impact of new state or federal legislation or adverse court decisions;

fluctuations in our quarterly operating results;

the activities of investors who engage in short sales of our common stock;

actual or anticipated changes in financial estimates by securities analysts;

sales, or the perception that sales could occur, of a substantial number of shares of our common stock by insiders;

additions or departures of senior management and key personnel; and

actions by institutional shareholders.

Our common stock may become illiquid if an active public trading market cannot be sustained,issue additional equity without shareholder approval, which could materially adversely affect the trading price and your ability to transfer our common stock.

Our common stock’s trading volume is relatively low compared to the securities of many other companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange. If an active public trading market cannot be sustained, the trading price of our common stock could be adversely affected and your ability to transfer your shares of our common stock may be limited.

We may issue additional shares that may cause dilution and may depress the price of our common stock.

current shareholders.

Our charter permits our board of directors, without stockholdershareholder approval, to:

·authorize the issuance of additional shares of common stock or preferred stock without shareholder approval, including the issuance of shares of preferred stock that have preference rights over the common stock with respect to dividends, liquidation, voting and other matters or shares of common stock that have preference rights over our outstanding common stock with respect to voting;
·classify or reclassify any unissued shares of common stock or preferred stock and to set the preferences, rights and other terms of the classified or reclassified shares; and
·issue additional shares of common stock or preferred stock in exchange for outstanding securities, with the consent of the holders of those securities.

In connection with any capital restructuring or in order to raise additional shares of common stockcapital, we may issue, reclassify or preferred stock without stockholder approval, including the issuance of shares of preferred stock that have preference rights over the common stock with respect to dividends, liquidation, voting and other matters or shares of common stock that have preference rights over our outstanding common stock with respect to voting; and

classify or reclassify any unissued shares of common stock or preferred stock and to set the preferences, rights and other terms of the classified or reclassified shares.

In the future, we will seek to access the capital markets from time to time by making additional offerings ofexchange securities, including debt instruments, preferred stock or common stock.  Additional equity offeringsAny of these or similar actions by us may dilute your interest in us or reduce the market price of our commoncapital stock, or both. Our outstanding shares of preferred stock have, and any additional series of preferred stock may also have, a preference on distribution payments that could limit our ability to make a distribution to common shareholders. Because our decision to issue, reclassify or exchange securities in any future offering will depend on negotiations with third parties, market conditions and other factors beyond our control, we cannot predict or estimate the amount, timing or nature of our future offerings.issuances, if any. Further, market conditions could require us to accept less favorable terms for the issuance of our securities in the future. Thus, our common shareholders will bear the risk ofthat our future offerings reducingissuances, reclassifications and exchanges will reduce the market price of our common stock and dilutingand/or dilute their interest in us.

Past issuances of our common stock pursuant to our 401(k) plan and our Direct Stock Purchase and Dividend Reinvestment Plan may not have complied with the registration requirements of the securities laws.

We maintain a number of equity-based compensation plans for our employees, including a 401(k) plan, and DRIP for our employees and the public. Up to approximately 23,000 shares of common stock under our 401(k) plan and up to approximately 287,000 shares of common stock under our DRIP (collectively, the “Subject Shares”), may have been sold in a manner that may not have complied with the registration requirements of applicable securities laws during the twelve month period ending January 20, 2006, the date the rescission offers were initiated. In connection with sales under our 401(k) plan, the Subject Shares were purchased in the open market and as a result we did not receive any proceeds from such transactions, which may not be deemed to be sales for these purposes. In connection with sales of up to approximately 287,000 Subject Shares that were not registered under our DRIP in May 2005, we received approximately $10.8 million in net proceeds. As a result, we initiated offers to rescind the purchase of the Subject Shares. While we do not expect all eligible purchasers to exercise their rescission rights pursuant to the rescission offers, we have agreed to repurchase the Subject Shares still held by eligible purchasers generally for an amount equal to the original purchase price for the shares plus interest, less dividends, and to compensate eligible purchasers generally for any losses incurred in the sale of the Subject Shares, plus interest, less dividends. The number of eligible purchasers and the amount that we will pay for the shares that are rescinded will be determined by reference to the closing price of our common stock on March 30, 2006, the expiration date of the rescission offers. Furthermore, we could be subject to monetary fines or other regulatory sanctions as provided under applicable securities laws.

Other Risks Related to our Business

Intense competition

You should exercise caution in reviewing our industry may harm ourconsolidated financial condition.

We face intense competition, primarily from consumer finance companies, conventional mortgage bankers, commercial banks, credit unions, thrift institutions,statements.

Our consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis of accounting which contemplates continuity of operations, realization of assets, liabilities and other independent wholesale mortgage lenders, including internet-based lending companies and other mortgage REITs. Competitors with lower costs of capital have a competitive advantage over us. In addition, establishing a

mortgage lending operation such as ours requires a relatively small commitment of capital and human resources, which permits new competitors to enter our markets quickly and to effectively compete with us. Furthermore, national banks, thrifts and their operating subsidiaries are generally exempt from complying with many of the state and local laws that affect our operations, such as the prohibition on prepayment penalties. Thus, they may be able to provide more competitive pricing and terms than we can offer. Any increasecommitments in the competition among lenders to originate nonconforming mortgage loans may result in either reduced income on mortgage loans compared to present levels, or revised underwriting standards permitting higher loan-to-value ratios on properties securing nonconforming mortgage loans, eithernormal course of which could adversely affect our results of operations,business.  The financial condition or business prospects. In addition, the government-sponsored entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, may also expand their participation in the subprime mortgage industry. To the extent they materially expand their purchase of subprime loans, our ability to profitably originate and purchase mortgage loans may be adversely affected because their size and cost-of-funds advantage allows them to purchase loans with lower rates or fees than we are willing to offer.

If we are unable to maintain and expand our network of independent brokers, our loan origination business will decrease.

A significant majority of our originations of mortgage loans comes from independent brokers. During 2005, 75% of our loan originations were originated through our broker network. Our brokers are not contractually obligated to do business with us. Further, our competitors also have relationships with our brokers and actively compete with us in our efforts to expand our broker networks. Our failure to maintain existing relationships or expand our broker networks could significantly harm our business, financial condition, liquidity and results of operations.

Our reported GAAP financial results differ from the taxable income results that drive our dividend distributions, and our consolidated balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows as reported for GAAP purposes may be difficult to interpret.

We manage our business based on long-term opportunities to earn cash flows. Our dividend distributions are driven by the REIT tax laws and our income as calculated for tax purposes pursuant to the Code. Our reported results for GAAP purposes differ materially, however, from both our cash flows and our taxable income. We transfer mortgage loans or mortgage securities—available-for-sale into securitization trusts to obtain long-term non-recourse funding for these assets. When we surrender control over the transferred mortgage loans or mortgage securities—available-for-sale, the transaction is accounted for as a sale. When we retain control over the transferred mortgage loans or mortgage securities available-for-sale, the transaction is accounted for as a secured borrowing. These securitization transactionsstatements do not differ materially in their structure or cash flow generation characteristics, yet under GAAP accounting these transactions are recorded differently. In a securitization transaction accounted for as a sale, we record a gain or loss on the assets transferred in our income statement and we record the retained interests at fair value on our balance sheet. In a securitization transaction accounted for as a secured borrowing, we consolidate all the assets and liabilities of the trust on our financial statements (and thus do not show the retained interest we own as an asset). As areflect any adjustments that might result of this and other accounting issues, shareholders and analysts must undertake a complex analysis to understand our economic cash flows, actual financial leverage, and dividend distribution requirements. This complexity may cause trading in our stock to be relatively illiquid or may lead observers to misinterpret our results.

Market values for our mortgage assets and hedges can be volatile. For GAAP purposes, we mark-to-market our non-hedging derivative instruments through our GAAP consolidated income statement and we mark-to-market our mortgage securities—available-for-sale through our GAAP consolidated balance sheet through other comprehensive income unless the mortgage securities are in an unrealized loss position which has been deemed as an other-than-temporary impairment. An other-than-temporary impairment is recorded through the income statement in the period incurred. Additionally, we do not mark-to-market our loans held for sale as they are carried at lower of cost or market, as such, any change in market value would not be recorded through our income statement until the related loans are sold. If we sell an asset that has not been marked-to-market through our income statement at a reduced market price relative to its basis, our reported earnings will be reduced. A decrease in market value of our mortgage assets may or may not result in a deterioration in future cash flows. As a result, changes in our GAAP consolidated income statement and balance sheet due to market value adjustments should be interpreted with care.

If we attempt to make any acquisitions, we will incur a variety of costs and may never realize the anticipated benefits.

If appropriate opportunities become available, we may attempt to acquire businesses that we believe are a strategic fit with our business. If we pursue any such transaction, the process of negotiating the acquisition and integrating an acquired business may result in operating difficulties and expenditures and may require significant management attention that would otherwise be available for ongoing development of our business, whether or not any such transaction is ever consummated. Moreover, we may never realize the anticipated benefits of any acquisitions. Future acquisitions could result in potentially dilutive issuances of equity securities, the incurrence of debt, contingent liabilities and/or amortization expenses related to goodwill and other intangible assets, which could harm our results of operations, financial condition and business prospects.

The inability to attract and retain qualified employees could significantly harm our business.

We depend on the continued service of our top executives, including our chief executive officer and president. To the extent that one or more of our top executives are no longer employed by us, our operations and business prospects may be adversely affected. We also depend on our wholesale account executives and retail loan officers to attract borrowers by, among other things, developing relationships with financial institutions, other mortgage companies and brokers, real estate agents, borrowers and others. The market for skilled account executives and loan officers is highly competitive and historically has experienced a high rate of turnover. Competition for qualified account executives and loan officers may lead to increased hiring and retention costs. If we are unable to attract or retain a sufficient number of skilled account executives at manageable costs, we will be unable to continue to originate quality mortgage loans that we are able to sell for a profit, which would harm our results of operations, financial condition and business prospects.

The success and growth of our business will depend upon our ability to adapt to and implement technological changes.

Our mortgage loan origination business is currently dependent upon our ability to effectively interface with our brokers, borrowers and other third parties and to efficiently process loan applications and closings. The origination process is becoming more dependent upon technological advancement, such as the ability to process applications over the Internet, accept electronic signatures and provide process status updates instantly and other customer-expected conveniences that are cost-efficient to our process. Becoming proficient with new technology will require significant financial and personnel resources. If we become reliant on any particular technology or technological solution, we may be harmed to the extent that such technology or technological solution (i) becomes non-compliant with existing industry standards, (ii) fails to meet or exceed the capabilities of our competitors’ equivalent technologies or technological solutions, (iii) becomes increasingly expensive to service, retain and update, or (iv) becomes subject to third-party claims of copyright or patent infringement. Any failure to acquire technologies or technological solutions when necessary could limit our ability to remain competitive in our industry and could also limit our ability to increase the cost-efficiencies of our operating model, which would harm our results of operations, financial condition and business prospects.

Our business could be adversely affected if we experienced an interruption in or breach of our communication or information systems or if we were unable to safeguardcontinue as a going concern, as to which no assurances can be given. In light of these facts, you should exercise caution in reviewing our financial statements.


Our ability to use our net operating loss carryforwards and net unrealized built-in losses could be severely limited in the securityevent of certain transfers of our voting securities.

We currently have recorded a significant net deferred tax asset, before valuation allowance, almost all of which relates to certain loss carryforwards and privacynet unrealized built-in-losses. While we believe that it is more likely than not that we will not be able to utilize such losses in the future, the net operating loss carryforwards and net unrealized built-in losses could provide significant future tax savings to us if we are able to use such losses. However, our ability to use these tax benefits may be impacted, restricted or eliminated due to a future “ownership change” within the meaning of Section 382 of the personal financial information we receive.

Code.  We rely heavily upon communications and information systems to conduct our business. Any material interruption or breach in security of our communication or information systems ordo not have the third-party systems on which we rely could cause underwriting or other delays and could result in fewer loan applications being received, slower processing of applications and reduced efficiency in loan servicing. Additionally, in connection with our loan file due diligence reviews, we have access to the personal financial information of the borrowers which is highly sensitive and confidential, and subject to significant federal and state regulation. If a third party were to misappropriate this information, we potentially could be subject to both private and public legal actions. Our policies and safeguards may not be sufficientability to prevent the misappropriation of confidential information, may become noncompliant with existing federal or state laws or regulations governing privacy, or with those laws or regulationssuch an ownership change from occurring.  Consequently, an ownership change could occur that may be adopted in the future.

Our inability to realize cash proceeds from loan sales and securitizations in excess of the loan acquisition cost could harm our financial position.

The net cash proceeds received from loan sales consist of the premiums we receive on sales of loans in excess of the outstanding principal balance, plus the cash proceeds we receive from securitizations structured as sales, minus the discounts on loans that we have to sell for less than the outstanding principal balance. If we are unable to originate loans at a cost lower than the cash proceeds realized from loan sales, such inability could harm our results of operations, financial condition and business prospects.

Market factors maywould severely limit our ability to acquire mortgage assets at yields that are favorable relative to borrowing costs.

Despite our experienceuse the tax benefits associated with the net operating loss carryforwards and net unrealized built-in losses, which may result in the acquisition of mortgage assets and our relationships with various mortgage suppliers, we face the risk that we might not be able to acquire mortgage assets which earn interest rates greater than ourhigher taxable income for us (and a significantly higher tax cost of funds or that we might not be able to acquire a sufficient number of such mortgage assets to maintain our profitability.

We face loss exposure due to fraudulent and negligent acts on the part of loan applicants, employees, mortgage brokers and other third parties.

When we originate or purchase mortgage loans, we rely heavily upon information provided to us by third parties, including information relatingas compared to the loan application, property appraisal, title information and employment and income documentation. If any of this information is fraudulently or negligently misrepresented to us and such misrepresentation is not detected by us prior to loan funding, the value of the loan may be significantly lower than we expected. Whether a misrepresentation is made by the loan applicant, the loan broker, one of our employees, or any other third party, we generally bear the risk of loss associated with it. A loan subject to misrepresentation typically cannot be sold and subject to repurchase by us if it is sold prior to our detection of the misrepresentation. We may not be able to recover losses incurred as a result of the misrepresentation.

Our reliance on cash-out refinancings as a significant source of our origination volume increases the risk that our earnings will be harmed if the demand for this type of refinancing declines.

For the year ended December 31, 2005, approximately 59% of our loan production volume consisted of cash-out refinancings. Our reliance on cash-out refinancings as a significant source of our origination volume increases the risk that our earnings will be reduced if interest rates rise and the prices of homes decline, which would reduce the demand and production volume for this type of refinancing. A substantial and sustained increase in interest rates could significantly reduce the number of borrowers who would qualify or elect to pursue a cash-out refinancing and result in a decline in that origination source. Similarly, a decrease in home prices would reduce the amount of equity available to be borrowed against in cash-out refinancings and result in a decrease in our loan production volume from that origination source. Therefore, our reliance on cash-out refinancings as a significant source of our origination volume could harm our results of operations, financial condition and business prospects.

We may enter into certain transactions at the REIT in the future that incur excess inclusion income that will increase thesituation where these tax liability of our shareholders.

If we incur excess inclusion income at the REIT, it will be allocated among our shareholders. A stockholder’s share of excess inclusion income (i) would not be allowed to be offset by any net operating losses otherwise available to the stockholder, (ii) would be subject to tax as unrelated business taxable income in the hands of most types of shareholders thatbenefits are otherwise generally exempt from federal income tax, and (iii) would result in the application of U.S. federal income tax withholding at the maximum rate (i.e., 30%), without reduction for any otherwise applicable income tax treaty, to the extent allocable to most types of foreign shareholders. How such income is to be reported to shareholders is not clear under current law. Tax-exempt investors, foreign investors, and taxpayers with net operating losses should carefully consider the tax consequences of having excess inclusion income allocated to them and are urged to consult their tax advisors.

Excess inclusion income would be generated if we issue debt obligations with two or more maturities and the terms of the payments on these obligations bear a relationship to the payments that we received on our mortgage loans or mortgage-backed securities securing those debt obligations. The structure of this type of CMO securitization generally gives rise to excess inclusion income. It is reasonably likely that we will structure some future CMO securitizations in this manner. Excess inclusion income could also result if we were to hold a residual interest in a REMIC. The amounts of excess inclusion income in any given year from these transactions could be significant.


Some provisions of our charter, bylaws and Maryland law may deter takeover attempts, which may limit the opportunity of our stockholdersshareholders to sell their common stock at favorable prices.

Certain provisions of our charter, bylaws and Maryland law could discourage, delay or prevent transactions that involve an actual or threatened change in control, and may make it more difficult for a third party to acquire us, even if doing so may be beneficial to our stockholders by providing them with the opportunity to sell their shares possibly at a premium over the then market price.shareholders. For example, our board of directors is divided into three classes with three year staggered terms of office. This makes it more difficult for a third party to gain control of our board because a majority of directors cannot be elected at a single meeting. Further, under our charter, generally a director may only be removed for cause and only by the affirmative vote of the holders of at least a majority of all classes of shares entitled to vote in the election for directors together as a single class. Our bylaws make it difficult for any person other than management to introduce business at a duly called meeting requiring such other person to follow certain advance

notice procedures. Finally, Maryland law provides protection for Maryland corporations against unsolicited takeover situations. These provisions, as well as others, could discourage potential acquisition proposals, or delay or prevent a change in

The accounting for our mortgage assets may result volatility of our results of operations and our financial statements.

The accounting treatment applicable to our mortgage assets is dependent on various factors outside of our control and prevent changes inmay significantly affect our management, even if such actions would beresults of operations and financial statements. As current turmoil in the best interestssubprime industry continues to affect the characteristics of our stockholders.

mortgage assets we may be required to adjust the accounting treatment of our assets.  As a result of this, stockholders must undertake a complex analysis to understand our earnings (losses), cash flows and financial condition.

Item 1B.Unresolved Staff Comments


Item 2.Properties


The executive and administrative and loan servicing offices for NFI are located in Kansas City, Missouri, and consist of approximately 200,00012,142 square feet of leased office space. The lease agreements on the premises expire in January 2011.October 2013. The current annual rent for these offices is approximately $3.9 million.


The Company is in negotiations to settle the lease dispute on its former corporate headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri.  See Item 3 Legal Proceedings for more information related to this dispute.

As of December 31, 2008, StreetLinks leases approximately 7,200 square feet of office space for our mortgage lending operations in Lake Forest, California; Independence, Ohio; Richfield, Ohio; Troy, Michigan and Columbia, Maryland. Currently, these offices consist of approximately 233,000 square feet.Indianapolis, Indiana.  The leaseslease agreements on the premises expire in September 2009. The current annual rent for these offices is approximately $100,000.

We are leasing office space in various other states which were used for operations which were discontinued in 2007 and 2008.  The leases on these premises expire from DecemberFebruary 2009 through May 2012, and the current gross annual rent on those premises not terminated as of May 27, 2009 is approximately $4.2 million.

$1.4 million, although the majority of this space has been subleased which reduces our costs significantly.

Item 3.Legal Proceedings
American Interbanc Mortgage Litigation

.  On March 17, 2008, the Company and American Interbanc Mortgage, LLC (“Plaintiff”) entered into a Confidential Settlement Term Sheet Agreement (the “Settlement Terms”) with respect to the action Plaintiff’s filed in March 2002 against NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc. (“NHMI”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.  The action resulted in a jury verdict on May 4, 2007, awarding Plaintiff $15.9 million. The court trebled the award and entered a $46.1 million judgment against Defendants on June 27, 2007 (the “Judgment”).  On January 23, 2008, Plaintiff filed an involuntary petition for bankruptcy against NHMI under 11 U.S.C. Sec. 303, in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Missouri (the “Involuntary Bankruptcy”). 


Pursuant to the Settlement Terms agreed to on March 17, 2008, the Involuntary Bankruptcy was dismissed on April 24, 2008 and on May 8, 2008, the Company paid Plaintiff $2.0 million.  In addition to the initial payments made to the Plaintiff following dismissal of the Involuntary Bankruptcy, the Company agreed to pay Plaintiff $5.5 million if, prior to July 1, 2010, (i) NFI’s average common stock market capitalization is at least $94.4 million over a period of five consecutive business days, or (ii) the holders of NFI’s common stock are paid $94.4 million in net asset value as a result of any sale of NFI or its assets.  If NFI is sold prior to July 1, 2010 for less than $94.4 million and ceases to be a public company, then NFI will obligate the purchaser to pay Plaintiff $5.5 million in the event the value of the company exceeds $94.4 million prior to July 1, 2010 as determined by an independent valuation company.  As a result of the settlement, during 2008 the Company reversed a previously recorded liability of $45.2 million that was included in the consolidated financial statements.

Trust Preferred Settlement. See Note 6—Borrowings for a detailed discussion of the settlement terms and restructuring of the Company’s junior subordinated debentures, including the dismissal of the involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed against NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. (Case No. 08-12125-CSS) by the holders of the trust preferred securities in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware in Wilmington.

Other Litigation.Since April 2004, a number of substantially similar class action lawsuits have been filed and consolidated into a single action in the UntiedUnited States District Court for the Western District of Missouri. The consolidated complaint names us defendantsthe Company and three of ourthe Company’s current and former executive officers as defendants and generally alleges that the defendants made public statements that were misleading for failing to disclose certain regulatory and licensing matters. The plaintiffs purport to have brought this consolidated action on behalf of all persons who purchased ourthe Company’s common stock (and sellers of put options on ourthe Company’s common stock) during the period October 29, 2003 through April 8, 2004. On January 14, 2005, wethe Company filed a motion to dismiss this action, and on May 12, 2005, the court denied such motion. We believe thatOn February 8, 2007, the court certified the case as a class action. The Company has entered into a settlement agreement to resolve these claims are without merit and continues to vigorously defend against them.

In the wake of the securitiespending class action we have also been named as a nominal defendant in several derivative actions brought against certain of our officers and directors in Missouri and Maryland.lawsuits. The complaints in these actions generally claim that the defendants are liable to us for failing to monitor corporate affairs so as to ensure compliance with applicable state licensing and regulatory requirements.

In July 2004, an employee of NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc. (“NHMI”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, filed a class and collective action lawsuit against NHMI and NMI in California Superior Court for the County of Los Angeles. Subsequently, NHMI and NMI removed the matter to the United States District Court for the Central District of California and NMI was removed from the lawsuit. The putative class is comprised of all past and present employees of NHMI who were employed since May 1, 2000 in the capacity generally described as Loan Officer. The plaintiffs alleged that NHMI failed to pay them overtime and minimum wage as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) and California state laws for the period commencing May 1, 2000 to present. In 2005, the plaintiffs and NHMI agreed upon a nationwide settlement in thetotal amount of $3.3 million on behalf of a class of all NHMI Loan Officers. The settlement, which is subject to final court approval, covers all claims for minimum wage, overtime, meal and rest periods, record-keeping, and penalties under California and federal law during the class period. In 2004, since not all class members will elect to be part of the settlement we estimatedis $7.25 million, and it will be paid by the Company’s insurance carriers. The settlement agreement contains no admission of fault or wrongdoing by the Company or other defendants. On April 28, 2009, the Court approved the settlement.  

At this time, the Company cannot predict the probable obligation related tooutcome of the settlement to befollowing claims and as such no amounts have been accrued in the consolidated financial statements.

In February 2007, a rangenumber of $1.3 million to $1.7 million. In accordance with SFAS No. 5, Accounting for Contingencies, we recorded a charge to earnings of $1.3 million in 2004. In 2005, we recorded an additional charge to earnings of $200,000 as the estimated probable obligation increased to a range of $1.5 million to $1.9 million.

In April 2005, threesubstantially similar putative class actions filed against NHMI and certain of its affiliates were consolidated for pre-trial proceedings in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Georgia entitledIn Re NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc. Mortgage Lending Practices Litigation.These cases allege that NHMI improperly shared settlement service fees with limited liability companies in which NHMI had an interest (the “LLCs”) alleging violations of the fee splitting and anti-referral provisions of the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (“RESPA”), and alleging certain violations of state law and civil conspiracy. Plaintiffs seek treble damages with respect to the RESPA claims, disgorgement of fees with respect to the state law claims as well as other damages, injunctive relief and attorney fees. In addition, two other related class actions have been filed in state courts.Miller v. NovaStar Financial, Inc. et al., was filed in October 2004 in the Circuit Court of Madison County, Illinois andJones et al. v. NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc. et al., was filed in December 2004 in the Circuit Court for Baltimore City, Maryland. In theMiller case,plaintiffs allege a violation of the Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Practices Act and civil conspiracy alleging certain LLCs provided settlement services without the borrower’s knowledge. In theJones case, the plaintiffs allege the LLCs violated the Maryland Lender Act by acting as lenders and/or brokers in Maryland without proper licenses and allege this arrangement

amounted to a civil conspiracy. The plaintiffs in both theMiller andJones cases seek a disgorgement of fees, other damages, injunctive relief and attorney fees on behalf of the class of plaintiffs. We believe that these claims are without merit and we intend to vigorously defend against them.

In December 2005, a putative class action was filed against NHMI in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana entitledPearson v. NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc.Plaintiff contends that NHMI violated the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”) in connection with its use of pre-approved offers of credit and its failure to make certain disclosures required by federal law. Plaintiff seeks (on his own behalf, as well as for others similarly situated) statutory damages, other nominal damages, punitive damages and attorney’s fees and costs. We believe that these claims are without merit and we intend to vigorously defend against them.

In December 2005, a putative class action was filed against NovaStar Mortgage in the United States District Court for the Western District of WashingtonMissouri. The complaints name the Company and three of the Company’s former and current executive officers as defendants and generally allege, among other things, that the defendants made materially false and misleading statements regarding the Company’s business and financial results. The plaintiffs purport to have brought the actions on behalf of all persons who purchased or otherwise acquired the Company’s common stock during the period May 4, 2006 through February 20, 2007. Following consolidation of the actions, a consolidated amended complaint was filed on October 19, 2007.  On December 29, 2007, the defendants moved to dismiss all of plaintiffs’ claims.  On June 4, 2008, the Court dismissed the plaintiffs’ complaints without leave to amend.  The plaintiffs have filed an appeal of the Court’s ruling.

In May 2007, a lawsuit entitledPierceNational Community Reinvestment Coalition v. NovaStar Financial, Inc., et al. v. NovaStar Mortgage, Inc.Plaintiffs contend, was filed against the Company in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.  Plaintiff, a non-profit organization, alleges that NovaStar Mortgage failed to disclose prior to closing that a broker payment would be madethe Company maintains corporate policies of not making loans on their loans, which was an unfair and deceptive practiceIndian reservations, on dwellings used for adult foster care or on rowhouses in Baltimore, Maryland in violation of the Washington Consumer Protectionfederal Fair Housing Act. The plaintiffs seeklawsuit seeks injunctive relief and damages, including punitive damages, in connection with the lawsuit.  On May 30, 2007, the Company responded to the lawsuit by filing a returnmotion to dismiss certain of fees paid onplaintiff’s claims.  On March 31, 2008 that motion was denied by the affected loans, excess interest charged, and damage to plaintiffs’ credit and finances, treble damages as provided in the Washington Consumer Protection Act and attorney fees. We believeCourt.  The Company believes that these claims are without merit and we intend towill vigorously defend against them.

On January 10, 2008, the City of Cleveland, Ohio filed suit against the Company and approximately 20 other mortgage, commercial and investment bankers alleging a public nuisance had been created in the City of Cleveland by the operation of the subprime mortgage industry.   The case was filed in state court and promptly removed to the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio.  The plaintiff seeks damages for loss of property values in the City of Cleveland, and for increased costs of providing services and infrastructure, as a result of foreclosures of subprime mortgages.  On October 8, 2008, the City of Cleveland filed an amended complaint in federal court which did not include claims against the Company but made similar claims against NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of NFI. On November 24, 2008 the Company filed a motion to dismiss.  On May 15, 2009 the Court granted Company’s motion to dismiss.  The City of Cleveland has filed a notice of intent to appeal.  The Company believes that these claims are without merit and will vigorously defend against them.

On January 31, 2008, two purported shareholders filed separate derivative actions in the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Missouri against various former and current officers and directors and named the Company as a nominal defendant.  The essentially identical petitions seek monetary damages alleging that the individual defendants breached fiduciary duties owed to the Company, alleging insider selling and misappropriation of information, abuse of control, gross mismanagement, waste of corporate assets, and unjust enrichment between May 2006 and December 2007.    On June 24, 2008 a third, similar case was filed in United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri.  The Company believes that these claims are without merit and will vigorously defend against them.

On May 6, 2008, the Company received a letter written on behalf of J.P. Morgan Mortgage Acceptance Corp. and certain affiliates ("Morgan") demanding indemnification for claims asserted against Morgan in a case entitled Plumbers & Pipefitters Local #562 Supplemental Plan and Trust v. J.P. Morgan Acceptance Corp. et al, filed in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Nassau.   The case seeks class action certification for alleged violations by Morgan of sections 11 and 15 of the Securities Act of 1933, on behalf of all persons who purchased certain categories of mortgage backed securities issued by Morgan in 2006 and 2007.   Morgan's indemnity demand alleges that any liability it might have to plaintiffs would be based, in part, upon alleged misrepresentations made by the Company with respect to certain mortgages that make up a portion of the collateral for the securities at issue.  The Company believes it has meritorious defenses to this demand and expects to defend vigorously any claims asserted.
On May 21, 2008, a purported class action case was filed in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County, by the New Jersey Carpenters' Health Fund, on behalf of itself and all others similarly situated.   Defendants in the case include NovaStar Mortgage Funding Corporation and its individual directors, several securitization trusts sponsored by the Company, and several unaffiliated investment banks and credit rating agencies.   The case was removed to the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, and plaintiff has filed a motion to remand the case to state court.  Plaintiff seeks monetary damages, alleging that the defendants violated sections 11, 12 and 15 of the Securities Act of 1933 by making allegedly false statements regarding mortgage loans that served as collateral for securities purchased by plaintiff and the purported class members.  Pursuant to a stipulation, the Company has not yet filed its initial responsive pleading, and discovery is not yet underway.   The Company believes it has meritorious defenses to the case and expects to defend the case vigorously.
On July 7, 2008, plaintiff Jennifer Jones filed a purported class action case in the United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri against the Company, certain former and current officers of the Company, and unnamed members of the Company's "Retirement Committee".   Plaintiff, a former employee of the Company, seeks class action certification on behalf of all persons who were participants in or beneficiaries of the Company's 401(k) plan from May 4, 2006 until November 15, 2007 and whose accounts included investments in the Company's common stock.  Plaintiff seeks monetary damages alleging that the Company's common stock was an inappropriately risky investment option for retirement savings, and that defendants breached their fiduciary duties by allowing investment of some of the assets contained in the 401(k) plan to be made in the Company's common stock.   On November 12, 2008, the Company filed a motion to dismiss which was denied by the Court on February 11, 2009.  On April 6, 2009 the Court granted the plaintiff’s motion for class certification.  The Company sought permission from the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals to appeal the order granting class certification.  On May 11, 2009 the Court of Appeals granted the Company permission to appeal the class certification order.  The Company believes it has meritorious defenses to the case and expects to defend the case vigorously.

On October 21, 2008, EHD Holdings, LLC, the purported owner of the building which leases the Company its former principal office space in Kansas City, filed an action for unpaid rent in the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Missouri.    On April 24, 2009, EHD Holdings, LLC filed a motion for summary judgment seeking approximately $3.3 million, in past due rent and charges, included in the Accounts payable and other liabilities line item of the balance sheet, plus accruing rent and charges for future periods, plus attorney fees.

In addition to those matters listed above, we arethe Company is currently a party to various other legal proceedings and claims, including, but not limited to, breach of contract claims, class action or individualtort claims, and claims for violations of the RESPA, FLSA, federal and state laws prohibiting employment discrimination and federal and state licensing and consumer protection laws.

While management,  Furthermore, the Company has received indemnification and loan repurchase demands with respect to alleged violations of representations and warranties made in loan sale and securitization agreements.  These indemnification and repurchase demands have been addressed without significant loss to the Company, but such claims can be significant when multiple loans are involved.  Deterioration of the housing market may increase the risk of such claims.

In addition, the Company has received requests or subpoenas for information from various regulators or law enforcement officials, including, internal counsel, currently believes thatwithout limitation the ultimate outcomeFederal Bureau of allInvestigation and the Department of Labor.  Management does not expect any significant negative impact to the Company as a result of these proceedingsrequests and claims will not have a material adverse effect on our financial condition or results of operations, litigation is subject to inherent uncertainties. If an unfavorable ruling were to occur, there exists the possibility of a material adverse impact on our financial condition and results of operations.

In April 2004, we received notice of an informal inquiry from the Commission requesting that we provide various documents relating to our business. We have cooperated fully with the Commission’s inquiry and provided it with the requested information.



Item 4.Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders



Item 5.Market for Registrant’s Common Equity, and Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities

Market Price of and Dividends on the Registrant’s Common Equity and Related Stockholder Matters.Matters. Our common stock iswas traded on the NYSE under the symbol “NFI” through December 31, 2007. Our common stock was delisted from the NYSE on January 17, 2008 and is currently quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board and on the Pink Sheets under the symbol “NOVS”.  The following table sets forth for the periods indicated, the high and low sales prices per share of common stock on the NYSE and the high and low bid prices as reported by the OTC Bulletin Board and the Pink Sheets, as applicable, for the periods indicated, and the cash dividends paid or payable per share of common stock.   The Board of Directors declared a one-for-four reverse stock split of its common stock, providing shareholders of record as of July 27, 2007, with one share of common stock for each four shares owned.  The reduction in shares resulting from the split was effective on July 27, 2007 decreasing the number of common shares outstanding to 9.5 million.




  Date Declared

  Date Paid

  Amount Per


First Quarter

  $67.29  $43.19  4/28/04  5/26/04  $1.35 

Second Quarter

   66.05   30.97  7/28/04  8/26/04   1.35 

Third Quarter

   48.00   37.84  10/28/04  11/22/04   1.40 

Fourth Quarter

   56.82   41.34  12/22/04  1/14/05   2.65(A)

First Quarter

  $48.15  $32.40  5/2/05  5/27/05  $1.40 

Second Quarter

   39.98   34.50  7/29/05  8/26/05   1.40 

Third Quarter

   42.19   32.20  9/15/05  11/22/05   1.40 

Fourth Quarter

   33.01   26.20  12/14/05  1/13/06   1.40 
   High  Low  
  Date Paid  
Per Share
First Quarter $105.80  $13.72   N/A   N/A   N/A 
Second Quarter  40.00   19.56   N/A   N/A   N/A 
Third Quarter  34.68   5.10   N/A   N/A   N/A 
Fourth Quarter  9.32   1.16   N/A   N/A   N/A 
First Quarter $3.44  $1.10   N/A   N/A   N/A 
Second Quarter  2.03   1.00   N/A   N/A   N/A 
Third Quarter  1.99   .28   N/A   N/A   N/A 
Fourth Quarter  1.01   .22   N/A   N/A   N/A 

(A)Includes a $1.25 special dividend related to 2004 taxable income.

As of March 10, 2006,May 8, 2009, we had approximately 1,5761,010 shareholders of record of our 32,591,228 shares of common stock, outstandingincluding holders who are nominees for an undetermined number of beneficial owners based upon a review of the securities position listing provided by our transfer agent.

We intend to make distributions to shareholders of all or substantially all of taxable income in each year, subject to certain adjustments, so as to qualify for the tax benefits accorded to a REIT under the Code. All

Dividend distributions will be made at the discretion of the Board of Directors and will depend on earnings, financial condition, maintenancecost of REIT statusequity, investment opportunities and other factors as the Board of Directors may deem relevant.

Recent Sales  In addition, accrued and unpaid dividends on our preferred stock must be paid prior to the declaration of Unregistered Securities.

any dividends on our common stock.  We may have sold updo not expect to approximately 23,000 shares of commondeclare any stock under our 401(k) plandividend distributions for the near future.  See “Industry Overview and up to approximately 287,000 shares under our DRIP in a manner that may not have complied with the registration requirements of applicable securities laws. In connection with sales under our 401(k) Plan, the shares were purchased in the open market. As a result we did not receive any proceeds from such transactions, which may not be deemed salesKnown Material Trends and Uncertainties” for these purposes. In connection with sales under our DRIP in May 2005, we received approximately $10.8 million in net proceeds.

further discussion regarding future uncertainties.

Purchase of Equity Securities by the Issuer.


Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities

(dollars in thousands)

   Total Number of
Shares Purchased

  Average Price Paid
per Share

  Total Number of
Shares Purchased
as Part of Publicly
Announced Plans or

  Approximate Dollar
Value of Shares
that May Yet Be
Purchased Under
the Plans or
Programs (A)

October 1, 2005 – October 31, 2005

  —    —    —    $1,020

November 1, 2005 – November 30, 2005

  —    —    —     1,020

December 1, 2005 – December 31, 2005

  —    —    —     1,020

Number of
Price Paid
per Share
Total Number of
Purchased as
Part of Publicly
Plans or
Approximate Dollar
Value of Shares that
May Yet Be
Purchased Under
the Plans or
Programs (A)
October 1, 2008 – October 31, 2008  -   -   -  $1,020 
November 1, 2008 – November 30, 2008  -   -   -   1,020 
December 1, 2008 – December 31, 2008  -   -   -   1,020 
(A)A current report on Form 8-K was filed on October 2, 2000 announcing that the Board of Directors authorized the Company to repurchase its common shares, bringing the total authorization to $9 million.


Item 6.Selected Financial Data
As a smaller reporting company, we are not required to provide the information required by this Item.

Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
The following discussion should be read in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto included elsewhere in this report.

Executive Overview

Corporate Overview, Background and Strategy -

We are a Maryland corporation formed on September 13, 1996.  Prior to significant changes in our business during 2007 and the first quarter of 2008, we originated, purchased, securitized, sold, invested in and serviced residential nonconforming mortgage loans and mortgage backed securities.  We retained, through our mortgage securities investment portfolio, significant interests in the nonconforming loans we originated and purchased, and through our servicing platform, serviced all of the loans in which we retained interests.  During 2007 and early 2008, we discontinued our mortgage lending operations and sold our mortgage servicing rights which subsequently resulted in the closing of our servicing operations.

Because of severe declines in housing prices and national and internal economic crises, we have suffered significant losses during 2007 and 2008 because of declining values of our investments in mortgage loans and securities.  Liquidity constraints during 2007 forced us to pair operations and administrative staff and take measures to conserve cash.

During 2008, management focused on reducing operating cash uses, clearing follow-on matters arising from our legacy lending and servicing operations and evaluating investment opportunities.  Management made a significant step in the rebuilding process by investing in StreetLinks National Appraisal Services LLC (“StreetLinks”).  StreetLinks is a national residential appraisal management company.  A fee for appraisal services is collected from lenders and borrowers and passes through most of the fee to an independent residential appraiser.  StreetLinks retains a portion of the fee to cover its costs of managing the process of fulfilling the appraisal order.   StreetLinks is currently not producing positive cash flow.  Management believes that StreetLinks is situated to take advantage of growth opportunities in the residential appraisal management business.  We are developing the business and have established goals for it to become a positive cash and earnings contributor.  Development of the business is occurring through increased appraisal order volume as we have added new lending customers during 2008 and into 2009.

Going Concern Considerations - If the cash flows from our mortgage securities are less than currently anticipated and we are unable to invest in profitable operations and restructure our contractual obligations, there can be no assurance that we will be able to continue as a going concern and avoid seeking the protection of applicable federal and state bankruptcy laws.  Due to the fact that we have a negative net worth, and that we do not currently have ongoing significant business operations that are profitable, it is unlikely that we will be able to obtain additional equity or debt financing on favorable terms, or at all, for the foreseeable future.  To the extent we require additional liquidity and cannot obtain it, we will be forced to file for bankruptcy.

Our consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis of accounting which contemplates continuity of operations, realization of assets, liabilities and commitments in the normal course of business.  There is substantial doubt that we will be able to continue as a going concern and, therefore, may be unable to realize our assets and discharge our liabilities in the normal course of business.  The financial statements do not reflect any adjustments relating to the recoverability and classification of recorded asset amounts nor to the amounts and classification of liabilities that may be necessary should we be unable to continue as a going concern.

Strategy - Management is focused on building an operation or group of operations to restore our financial strength.  If and when opportunities arise, available cash resources will be used to invest in or start businesses that can generate income and cash.  Additionally, management will attempt to renegotiate and/or restructure the components of our equity in order to realign the capital structure with our current business model.

The key performance measures for executive management are:

·maintenance of adequate liquidity to sustain us and allow us to take advantage of investment opportunity, and
·generating income for our shareholders.

The following selected consolidated financial data iskey performance metrics are derived from our audited consolidated financial statements for the periods presented and should be read in conjunction with the more detailed information therein and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations”with the disclosure included elsewhere in this annual report. Operating results are not necessarily indicative of future performance.

Selected Consolidated Financial and Other Data

(dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

   For the Year Ended December 31,







Consolidated Statement of Operations Data:


Interest income

  $299,772  $224,024  $170,420  $107,143  $57,904 

Interest expense

   80,843   52,590   40,364   27,728   27,366 

Net interest income before credit (losses) recoveries

   218,929   171,434   130,056   79,415   30,538 

Credit (losses) recoveries

   (1,038)  (726)  389   432   (3,608)

Gains on sales of mortgage assets

   68,173   144,950   144,005   53,305   37,347 

Gains (losses) on derivative instruments

   18,155   (8,905)  (30,837)  (36,841)  (3,953)

Impairment on mortgage securities – available for sale

   (17,619)  (15,902)  —     —     —   

Other income, net

   20,880   6,609   412   1,356   1,856 

General and administrative expenses

   215,397   207,730   174,940   84,594   46,505 

Income from continuing operations

   143,597   126,738   111,996   48,761   32,308 

Loss from discontinued operations, net of income tax (B)

   (4,473)  (11,349)  —     —     —   

Net income available to common shareholders

   132,471   109,124   111,996   48,761   32,308 

Basic income per share:


Income from continuing operations available to common shareholders

  $4.61  $4.76  $5.04  $2.35  $1.61 

Loss from discontinued operations, net of income tax (B)

   (0.15)  (0.45)  —     —     —   





Net income available to common shareholders

  $4.46  $4.31  $5.04  $2.35  $1.61 

Diluted income per share:


Income from continuing operations available to common shareholders

  $4.57  $4.68  $4.91  $2.25  $1.51 

Loss from discontinued operations, net of income tax (B)

   (0.15)  (0.44)  —     —     —   





Net income available to common shareholders

  $4.42  $4.24  $4.91  $2.25  $1.51 
   As of December 31,






Consolidated Balance Sheet Data:                     

Mortgage Assets:


Mortgage loans

  $1,320,396  $807,121  $792,709  $1,133,509  $365,560 

Mortgage securities – available-for-sale

   505,645   489,175   382,287   178,879   71,584 

Mortgage securities - trading

   43,738   143,153   —     —     —   

Total assets

   2,335,734   1,861,311   1,399,957   1,452,497   512,380 


   1,619,812   1,295,422   1,005,516   1,225,228   362,398 

Shareholders’ equity

   564,220   426,344   300,224   183,257   129,997 
   For the Year Ended December 31,







Other Data:


Nonconforming loans originated or purchased, principal

  $9,283,138  $8,424,361  $5,250,978  $2,492,767  $1,333,366 

Loans securitized, principal

   7,621,030   8,329,804   5,319,435   1,560,001   1,215,100 

Nonconforming loans sold, principal

   1,138,098   —     151,210   142,159   73,324 

Loan servicing portfolio, principal

   14,030,697   12,151,196   7,206,113   3,657,640   1,994,448 

Annualized return on assets

   6.63%  7.08%  7.85%  4.96%  6.31%

Annualized return on equity

   28.09%  31.76%  46.33%  31.13%  24.85%

Taxable income available to common shareholders (D)

   278,750   250,555   137,851   49,511   5,221 

Taxable income per common share (C) (D)

   8.66   9.04   5.64   2.36   0.45 

Dividends declared per common share (C)

   5.60   6.75   5.04   2.15   0.48 

Dividends declared per preferred share

   2.23   2.11   —     —     1.08 

(A)Reclassified to conform to current year presentation in accordance with SFAS No. 144,Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets,as described in Note 15 to the consolidated financial statements.
(B)Discussion and detail regarding the loss from discontinued operations is provided in Note 15 to the consolidated financial statements.
(C)On January 29, 2003, a $0.165 special dividend related to 2002 taxable income was declared per common share. On December 22, 2004, a $1.25 special dividend related to 2004 taxable income was declared per common share.
(D)Taxable income for years prior to 2005 are actual while 2005 taxable income is an estimate. For a reconciliation of taxable income to GAAP income see “Income Taxes” included in “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.”  The common shares outstanding as of the end of each period presented are used in calculating the taxable income per common share.

Item 7.Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements of NovaStar Financial, Inc. and the notes thereto included elsewhere in this report.

General Overview

We are a specialty finance company that originates, purchases, invests in and services residential nonconforming loans. We operate through four separate operating segments – mortgage portfolio management , mortgage lending, loan servicing and branch operations. The loan servicing segment was previously reported as part of mortgage lending and loan servicing, but it has been separated to more closely align the segments with the way we review, manage and operate our business. Segment information for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003 has been restated for this change. Additionally, we are currently winding down our branch operations unit and expect to complete the wind-down by June 30, 2006. See “Business – Branch Operations.”

We offer a wide range of mortgage loan products to borrowers, commonly referred to as “nonconforming borrowers,” who generally do not satisfy the credit, collateral, documentation or other underwriting standards prescribed by conventional mortgage lenders and loan buyers, including U.S. government-sponsored entities such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. We retain significant interests in the nonconforming loans we originate and purchase through our mortgage securities investment portfolio. Through our servicing platform, we then service all of the loans in which we retain interests, in order to better manage the credit performance of those loans.

We have elected to be taxed as a REIT under the Code. Management believes the tax-advantaged structure of a REIT maximizes the after-tax returns from mortgage assets. We must meet numerous rules established by the IRS to retain our status as a REIT. As long as we maintain our REIT status, distributions to shareholders will generally be deductible by us for income tax purposes. This deduction effectively eliminates REIT level income taxes. Management believes it has and will continue to meet the requirements to maintain our REIT status.

Our net income is highly dependent upon our mortgage securities portfolio, which is generated from the securitization of nonconforming loans we have originated and purchased. These mortgage securities represent the right to receive the net future cash flows from a pool of nonconforming loans. Generally speaking, the more nonconforming loans we originate and purchase, the larger our securities portfolio and, therefore, the greater earnings potential. As a result, earnings are related to the volume of nonconforming loans and related performance factors for those loans, including their average coupon, borrower default rate and borrower prepayment rate. Information regarding our lending volume is presented under the heading “Mortgage Loans.”

The primary function of our mortgage lending operations is to generate nonconforming loans, the majority of which will serve as collateral for our mortgage securities. While our mortgage lending operations generate sizable revenues in the form of gains on sales of mortgage loans and fee income from borrowers and third party investors, the revenue serves largely to offset the related costs.

We also service the mortgage loans we originate and purchase and that serve as collateral for our mortgage securities. The servicing function is critical to the management of credit risk (risk of borrower default and the related economic loss) within our mortgage portfolio. Again, while this operation generates significant fee revenue, its revenue serves largely to offset the cost of this function.

The key performance measures for executive management are:

net income available to common shareholders

dollar volume of nonconforming mortgage loans originated and purchased

relative cost of the loans originated and purchased

characteristics of the loans (coupon, credit quality, etc.), which will indicate their expected yield, and

return on our mortgage asset investments and the related management of interest rate risk.

Management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations, along with other portions of this report, are designed to provide information regarding our performance and these key performance measures.


Table 1 — Summary of Financial Highlights and Key Performance Metrics
Executive (dollars in thousands; except per share amounts)

  December 31, 
  2008 2007 
Cash and cash equivalents, including restricted cash $30,836  $34,362 
Net loss income available to common shareholders, per diluted share  (72.37)  (78.55)

Liquidity – During 2008, we received $86.8 million in cash on our securities portfolio.  However, we used significant amounts of cash to repay outstanding borrowings, pay for costs related to our legacy mortgage lending and servicing operations, pay for current administrative costs and invest in StreetLinks.   As of December 31, 2008, we had $30.8 million in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash, a decrease of $3.5 million from December 31, 2007.  As of May 27, 2009, we have $23.4 million in cash and cash equivalents (including restricted cash).   We face substantial liquidity risk and uncertainty, near-term and otherwise, which threatens our ability to continue as a going concern and avoid bankruptcy.  See “Liquidity and Capital Resources” for further discussion of our liquidity position and steps we have taken to preserve liquidity levels.

As part of our near-term future strategy, we will focus on minimizing losses, preserving liquidity and investing in opportunities that can contribute positively to our liquidity position.  Our mortgage securities are our primary source of new cash flows.  Based on the current projections, the cash flows from our mortgage securities will decrease in the next several months as the underlying mortgage loans are repaid and could be significantly less than the current projections if losses on the underlying mortgage loans exceed the current assumptions.  We have no outstanding lending facilities available for liquidity purposes.  In addition, we have significant outstanding obligations relating to our discontinued operations, as well as payment obligations with respect to unsecured debt.  Our liquidity consists solely of cash and cash equivalents.

Significant Recent EventsAs discussed above under Corporate Overview, Background and Strategy, during 2008 we acquired a majority interest in StreetLinks National Appraisal Services LLC (“StreetLinks”), a residential appraisal management company.  Subsequent to 2008, during April 2009, we renegotiated the terms our junior subordinated debentures and we committed to acquire a majority ownership in Advent Financial Services LLC.  Advent is in its start-up phase and will provide access to tailored banking accounts, small dollar banking products and related services to meet the needs of low and moderate income level individuals.

Impact of Consolidation of Securitized Mortgage Assets on Our Financial Statements

The discussions of our financial condition and results of operation below provide analysis for the changes in our balance sheet and income statement as presented using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the United States of America ("GAAP").  Mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio and certain of our mortgage securities – trading are owned by trusts established when those assets were securitized.  The trusts issued asset-backed bonds to finance the assets.  In accordance with GAAP, we have consolidated these trusts.  Due to significant events that have occurred subsequent to the securitization of these assets, we no longer have a significant economic benefit from these assets.  We have provided additional disclosure in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations under the heading Assets and Liabilities of Consolidated Securitization Trusts to demonstrate the impact of the trusts on our consolidated financial statements.

Financial Condition as of December 31, 2008 as Compared to December 31, 2007

Cash and Cash Equivalents.  See “Liquidity and Capital Resources” for discussion of our cash and cash equivalents.

Restricted Cash.  Certain states required that we post surety bonds in connection with our former mortgage lending operations.  During 2007, the sureties required that we provide letters of credit to support our reimbursement obligations to the sureties.  In order to arrange these letters of credit, we were required to collateralize the letters of credit with cash.  During the first quarter of 2008, we terminated the surety bonds when we surrendered state lending licenses as a result of the discontinuation of our mortgage lending operations.  The sureties returned a portion of the cash collateral during 2008 ($3.0 million), but continue to hold $6.0 million of the collateral as a hedge against any claims that may be brought during the tail period.  The timing of the return of the remaining cash is at the discretion of the sureties and is dependent upon their interpretation of the tail period for filing claims under the various state licensing regulations.  No claims have been made against the surety bonds and none are expected to be brought, especially considering the significant amount of time that has elapsed since the bonds were cancelled and since we last originated any mortgage loans.  Management expects the cash to be fully returned.  However, the timing for return is unknown.

Mortgage Loans - Held-in-Portfolio. Mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio consist of subprime mortgage loans which have been securitized and are owned by three separate trusts – NHES 2006-1, NHES 2006MTA-1 and NHES 2007-1.  We consolidate these trusts for GAAP reporting.

The mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio balance has declined as their value has decreased significantly.  The value is dependent largely in part on their credit quality and performance.  The credit quality of the portfolio continues to worsen and delinquencies have increased dramatically during the past two years.  Therefore, we significantly increased the allowance for losses on these loans.  The allowance has increased from $22.5 million as of January 1, 2007 to $230.1 million as of December 31, 2007 to $776.0 as of December 31, 2008.  Additionally, the balance of mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio has decreased due to regular borrower repayments.  During 2008 and 2007, respectively, the trusts received repayments of the mortgage loans totaling $288.2 million and $824.1 million.  These balances will continue to decline either through normal borrower repayments or through continued devaluation as delinquencies, foreclosures and losses occur.

As discussed under the heading Assets and Liabilities of Consolidated Securitization Trusts, these assets have no economic benefit to us and we have no control over these assets.  We have also provided the assets and liabilities of the trusts on a separate and combined basis.

Mortgage Securities – Trading and Available-for-Sale.  The securities we own are generally securities we retained after the securitization of mortgage loans we originated prior to 2007.  For all loan securitizations, we retained the residual interest bond, which means we receive the net of the principal and interest received on the underlying loans within the securitized trust less the principal and interest paid on the bonds issued by the trust, mortgage insurance premiums, servicing fees and other miscellaneous fees.  For any loans that incur prepayment penalty fees, we receive those fees through the residual interest.  In some securitization transactions, we also retained regular principal and interest bonds.  Generally, these bonds were the lowest rated bonds issued by the trust or these bonds were not rated.  Additionally, we have purchased some mortgage securities in the open market from unrelated entities.  Upon acquisition of the bonds, we classified the securities as either trading or available-for-sale.  No changes have been made to the classifications.

Significant deterioration in the quality of the mortgage loans serving as collateral for our mortgage securities has caused a devaluation of the securities.  In general, the default rate on the underlying loans has increased dramatically over the past two years.  Defaults are the result of national economic conditions that have led to job losses, severe declines in housing prices and the inability for credit-challenged individuals to refinance mortgage loans.  In many cases, the securities we own have ceased to generate cash flow and we expect cash flow to continue to decline during the coming year.  We have consistently written the value of our securities down over the past two years.

The following tables provide details of our mortgage securities.

Table 2 − Values of Individual Mortgage Securities – Available-for-Sale
(dollars in thousands)

  For the Year Ended December 31, 
  2008  2007 
Trust (A)
NMFT Series :                        
2002-3 $2,041   25%  16%  0.8% $1,932   25%  24%  0.6%
2003-1  5,108   25   13   2.0   3,260   25   20   1.7 
2003-2  2,272   25   12   1.9   2,817   25   18   1.2 
2003-3  2,402   25   12   2.7   1,233   25   16   1.2 
2003-4  1   25   13   2.7   1,279   25   20   1.6 
2004-1  16   25   15   3.4   180   25   24   2.4 
2004-2  27   25   14   3.5   180   25   23   2.4 
2004-3  73   25   15   4.4   986   25   24   3.0 
2004-4  11   25   16   4.3   48   25   26   2.6 
2005-1     25   17   6.2   512   25   27   3.6 
2005-2     25   16   7.0   642   25   24   3.3 
2005-3     25   17   9.3   1,562   25   24   3.6 
2005-4  3   25   18   11.5   1,556   25   27   4.5 
2006-2  73   25   19   17.0   2,301   25   32   6.8 
2006-3  125   25   20   19.8   2,994   25   31   8.4 
2006-4  136   25   20   20.0   2,960   25   32   8.2 
2006-5  214   25   20   24.0   4,217   25   31   11.0 
2006-6  286   25   19   24.4   4,712   25   30   10.0 
Total $12,788              $33,371             

(A) We established the trust upon securitization of the underlying loans, which generally were originated by us.

Table 3 — Mortgage Securities - Trading
(dollars in thousands)
As of December 31, 2008

S&P Rating Original Face  
Amortized Cost
  Fair Value  
Number of
Average Yield
Subordinated Securities:               
Investment Grade (A) $12,505  $11,891  $833   3   6.25%
Non-investment Grade (B)  422,609   406,125   5,547   87   8.08 
Total Subordinated Securities  435,114   418,016   6,380   90   7.84 
Residual Securities:                    
Unrated  59,500   15,952   705   1   25.00 
Total $494,614  $433,968  $7,085   91   9.55%
As of December 31, 2007

S&P Rating Original Face  
Amortized Cost
  Fair Value  
Number of
Average Yield
Subordinated Securities:               
Investment Grade (A) $389,881  $367,581  $80,004   91   11.46%
Non-investment Grade (B)  45,233   38,514   4,458   17   17.05 
Total Subordinated Securities  435,114   406,095   84,462   108   11.76 
Residual Securities:                    
Unrated  N/A   41,275   24,741   1   21.00 
Total $435,114  $447,370  $109,203   109   13.85%

(A)Investment grade includes all securities with S&P ratings above BB+.
(B)Non-investment grade includes all securities with S&P ratings below BBB-.

We re-securitized, by way of a Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO), some of the mortgage securities – trading we own in the first quarter of 2007.  We retained a residual interest in the CDO.  However, due to the poor performance of the securities within the CDO, our residual interest in the CDO is not providing any cash flow to us and has no value.  As discussed under the heading Assets and Liabilities of Consolidated Securitization Trusts, the assets in the CDO have no economic benefit to us and we have no control over these assets.  We have also provided the assets and liabilities of the trusts on a separate and combined basis.

Real Estate Owned.  Real estate owned includes the value of properties for foreclosed loans owned by securitization trusts, as discussed under Mortgage Loans – Held-in-Portfolio.  We consolidate the assets and liabilities as part of the securitization trust.  A servicer that is independent from us and the trusts services the mortgage loans and processes defaults for liquidation.  Proceeds from liquidation of this real estate will flow through the trust and will generally be paid to third party bondholders.  The amount of real estate owned is dependent upon the number of the overall mortgage loans outstanding, the rate of defaults, the timing of liquidations and the estimated value of the real estate.  The decrease in the amount of real estate owned from December 31, 2007 to December 31, 2008 results from the declining number of total loans as well as the decreasing estimated value of the real estate.

Under the heading Assets and Liabilities of Consolidated Securitization Trusts, we have provided the assets and liabilities of the trusts on a separate and combined basis.

Accrued Interest Receivable. Accrued interest receivable includes the interest due from individual borrowers to the trusts who own the mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio.  For all mortgage loans that do not carry mortgage insurance, the accrual of interest on loans is discontinued when, in management’s opinion, the interest is not collectible in the normal course of business, but in no case beyond when a loan becomes 90 days delinquent.  For mortgage loans that do carry mortgage insurance, the accrual of interest is only discontinued when in management’s opinion, the interest is not collectible.  Management generally deems all of the accrued interest on loans with mortgage interest to be collectible.  The quantity of delinquent loans has significantly increased, as a percent of total loans outstanding, from December 31, 2007 to December 31, 2008.  Therefore, the amount of accrued interest has also increased.

Under the heading Assets and Liabilities of Consolidated Securitization Trusts, we have provided the assets and liabilities of the trusts on a separate and combined basis.

Other Assets.  Other assets includes the value of derivative instruments owned by the CDO securitization trust, prepaid insurance, capitalized furniture and office equipment, appraisal fee receivables and other minor receivables.  Generally, these assets have declined as we have decreased the size of our business operations.

Assets of Discontinued Operations.  During 2007 and 2008, we discontinued our mortgage lending operations.  As of December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2008, we owned mortgage loans – held-for-sale and real estate owned related to the mortgage lending business.  The amount of these assets declined during 2008 as the assets were either liquidated or were further devalued based on the current market conditions.

Asset-backed Bonds Secured by Mortgage Assets.  During 2006 and 2007, we executed three mortgage loans securitizations and one mortgage security re-securitization (a CDO).  We consolidate the assets and liabilities of the securitization trusts under GAAP.  The asset-backed bonds are obligations of the trusts and will be repaid using collections of the securitized assets.  The trusts have no recourse to our other, unsecuritized assets.  The assets securing these obligations are discussed under the headings “Mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio” and “Mortgage securities – trading.”  The balances of the asset-backed bonds have decreased during 2008 as the bonds have repaid.  We record the value of the bonds secured by loans at the value of the proceeds, less repayments.  We record the CDO (secured by mortgage securities) at its market value.  These balances will decrease going forward as the underlying assets repay or may be charged off as the assets are deemed to be insufficient to fully repay the bond obligations.

Under the heading Assets and Liabilities of Consolidated Securitization Trusts, we have provided the assets and liabilities of the trusts on a separate and combined basis.

Short-term Borrowings Secured by Mortgage Securities.  Prior to 2008, we entered short-term lending facilities to finance our mortgage assets, other than those securities that were owned by a securitization trust (see Asset-backed Bonds Secured by Mortgage Assets).  As of December 31, 2007, we had an aggregate of $45.5 million outstanding under three separate agreements with aggregate borrowing capacity of $840 million.  During 2008, we repaid all amounts outstanding and terminated the lending agreements.

Junior Subordinated Debentures.  We have $78.1 million in principal amount of unsecured notes payable to two unconsolidated trusts, the balance sheet includes $77.3 million which is net of debt issuance costs.  These notes secure trust preferred securities issued by the trusts.  During 2008, these notes carried an interest rate of three-month LIBOR plus 3.5%.

During 2008, we purchased trust preferred securities with a par value of $6.9 million during 2008 for $0.6 million.  As a result, $6.9 million of principal and accrued interest of $0.2 million of the notes was retired and the principal amount, accrued interest, and related unamortized debt issuance costs were removed from the balance sheet resulting in a gain of $6.4 million, recorded to the “Gains on debt extinguishment” line item of the consolidated statements of operations.

Due to Servicer.  The mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio on our balance sheet have been securitized and we consolidate the securitized trust.  In accordance with the agreements for the securitized mortgage loans, the servicer of the loans is required to make regularly scheduled payments to the bondholders, regardless of whether the borrower has made payments as required.  The servicer is required to make advances from its own funds.  Upon liquidation of defaulted loans, the servicer is repaid the advanced funds.  Until such time as the loans liquidate, the trust has an obligation to the servicer, which we have classified as “Due to Servicer” on the balance sheet.  The amount of the obligation is dependent on the rate and timing of delinquencies of the individual borrowers.  During 2007 and 2008, the trusts experienced a significant increase in the amount of delinquencies, which increases the amount of advances the servicer has made to the bondholders and therefore increases the liability to the servicer.

Dividends Payable.  During 2004, we issued $74.8 million in cumulative redeemable preferred stock (Series C) with a dividend equivalent to 8.9%.  During 2007, we issued $50 million of redeemable preferred stock (Series D-1) with a dividend equivalent to 9.0%. We have failed to make all dividend payments since October 2007.  As a result, the Series D-1 dividend increased to an equivalent of 13.0%, retroactive and compounded to the beginning of the first quarter in which the dividends were not paid.  The unpaid dividends continue to accrue and have resulted in the large increase in unpaid dividends recorded in our balance sheet.

Accounts Payable and Other Liabilities.  Accounts payable and other liabilities includes the interest payable on borrowings, including the liabilities of the securitization trusts we consolidate, the value of derivatives included owned by the mortgage loan securitization trusts, taxes payable, obligations under our corporate office lease and miscellaneous accrued general and administrative expenses.  Generally, these liabilities have declined along with the size of our business operations.


Table 4— Accounts Payable and Other Liabilities
(dollars in thousands)
  December 31, 
  2008  2007 
Interest payable $10,177  $6,879 
Value of derivatives owned by mortgage loan securitization trusts  9,102   6,896 
Obligations under office space lease  4,558   1,457 
Taxes payable  3,893   11,362 
Global facility financing fee     11,814 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities  6,198   14,984 
Total $33,928  $53,392 

Liabilities of Discontinued Operations.  During 2007 and 2008, we discontinued our mortgage lending operations.  At the end of 2007, we had significant outstanding obligations related to those operations.  As discussed further in “Item 3 Legal Proceedings” we had recorded a liability of $46.1 million for a judgment in a legal action arising in 2002.  The legal action was taken against our subsidiary, NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc., and some of its officers.  During 2008, we settled this action and therefore we removed the liability.  The majority of the change in the liabilities of discontinued operations between December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2008 was related to the settlement of this obligation.  In the normal course of operations in 2008, we paid most of the other liabilities and obligations of the discontinued operations.

Stockholders’ Deficit. As of December 31, 2007 our total liabilities exceeded our total assets under GAAP by $211.5 million.  By December 31, 2008, the deficit increased to $876.8 million.

The liabilities of the securitization trusts exceed the assets of those trusts as of December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007 by $932.1 million and $271.6 million, respectively.  These amounts do include any adjustments for intercompany eliminations, see table 8 for further detail.  The severe devaluation of the mortgage assets, as discussed in the respective categories above, has resulted in the significant deficit of these trusts.  The assets and liabilities of these trusts are consolidated under GAAP.  Due to the significant impact to our financial statements of these trusts, we have also provided the assets and liabilities of the trusts on a separate and combined basis under the heading “Assets and Liabilities of Consolidated Securitization Trusts.”

The significant increase in our shareholders’ deficit during 2008 results from our large net loss, driven primarily by valuation allowances taken on our mortgage loans and securities and general and administrative expenses.
Results of Operations – Consolidated Earnings Comparisons

Year Ended December 31, 2008 as Compared to the Year Ended December 31, 2007

Net Interest (Expense) Income.  As discussed above, in general, our mortgage assets have been significantly impaired due to national and international economic crises, housing price deterioration and mortgage loan credit defaults.  Interest income has declined as these assets have declined due to repayments and liquidations.  Interest expense has declined as the related principals balances have declined.  Also, interest expense is adjustable, generally based on a spread to LIBOR.  LIBOR was lower during 2008 than 2007.


Table 5— Net Interest Expense
(dollars in thousands)
For the Year Ended
December 31,
  2008  2007 
Interest income:      
Mortgage securities $46,997  $102,500 
Mortgage loans held-in-portfolio  186,601   258,663 
Other interest income  1,411   5,083 
        Total interest income  235,009   366,246 
Interest expense:        
    Short-term borrowings secured by mortgage securities  436   23,649 
    Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage loans  95,012   178,937 
    Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities  13,271   17,635 
    Junior subordinated debentures  6,261   8,148 
        Total interest expense  114,980   228,369 
            Net interest income before provision for credit losses  120,029   137,877 
Provision for credit losses  (707,364)  (265,288)
Net interest (expense)  income $(587,335) $(127,411)

Provision for Credit Losses. The provision for credit losses relates to mortgage loans which have been securitized.  As discussed above, in general, the credit quality of the securitized mortgage loans significantly deteriorated during 2007 and 2008 due to national and international economic crises, housing price deterioration and mortgage loan credit defaults.  A significant portion of the securitized loans have become uncollectible or will only be partially collected. Approximately 5% of our loans held in portfolio were greater than 90 days delinquent at December 31, 2007, and approximately 6% were in foreclosure.  As of December 31, 2008, this delinquency percentage increased to approximately 20% while loans in foreclosure also increased to approximately 20%.  As loans transition into REO status, an estimated loss is recorded until the property is sold or liquidated.  For the NHEL 0601 and MTA 0601 transactions, we valued REO property at 55% and 55% of its current principal balance as of December 31, 2008, compared to 63% and 55% as of December 31, 2007, respectively.  Because of the increased loss severity, NHEL 0701 property was valued at 40% in 2008; a 5% decrease from 2007. Provisions for these losses have increased in connection with the declining credit quality of the loans.  We took charges to income totaling $707.4 million and 265.3 million during 2008 and 2007, respectively.

Gains on Debt Extinguishment.  See discussion under Financial Condition – Junior Subordinated Debentures.

(Losses) Gains on Derivative Instruments. We have entered into derivative instrument contracts that do not meet the requirements for hedge accounting treatment, but contribute to our overall risk management strategy by serving to reduce interest rate risk related to short-term borrowing rates. The derivative instruments for which the value is on our balance sheet are owned by securitization trusts.  Derivative instruments transferred into a securitization trust are administered by the trustee in accordance with the trust documents.  These derivative instruments are used to mitigate interest rate risk within the related securitization trust and will generally increase in value as short-term interest rates increase and decrease in value as rates decrease.

We also entered into three credit default swaps (“CDS”) during 2007 as part of our CDO transaction previously discussed.  The CDS had a notional amount of $16.5 million and a fair value of $6.1 million at the date of purchase and are pledged as collateral against the CDO ABB.

As a result of declining interest rates and declining values of the CDS, the losses on derivative instruments from continuing operations were $18.1 million and $11.0 million for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively.

Fair Value Adjustments. Adjustment for changes in value on our trading securities and the asset-backed bonds issued in our CDO transaction executed are recorded as Fair Value Adjustments.  The significant value declines in 2008 and 2007 were a result of significant spread widening in the subprime mortgage market for these types of asset-backed securities as well as poor credit performance of the underlying mortgage loans.  By the end of 2007, the total value of the trading securities and the asset-backed bonds had declined significantly, resulting in a lower overall adjustment in 2008 when compared to 2007.

Impairment on Mortgage Securities – Available-for-Sale. To the extent that the cost basis of mortgage securities – available-for-sale exceeds the fair value and the unrealized loss is considered to be other than temporary, an impairment charge is recognized and the amount recorded in accumulated other comprehensive income or loss is reclassified to earnings as a realized loss.  The large impairments in 2008 and 2007 were primarily driven by an increase in actual and projected losses due to the deteriorating credit quality of the loans underlying the securities.  By the end of 2007, the total value of the available-for-sale securities had declined significantly, resulting in a lower overall impairment in 2008 when compared to 2007.

Premiums for Mortgage Loan Insurance.  Premiums for mortgage insurance are for credit default insurance for mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio, which have been securitized and are owned by securitization trusts.  The premiums are paid by the trust from the loan proceeds. Premiums are based on a percentage of the individual loan principal outstanding.  The decrease in premiums on mortgage loan insurance for 2008 as compared to 2007 is due to the decrease in loans-held-in-portfolio.

Appraisal Fee Income and Expense.  We acquired a majority interest in StreetLinks on August 1, 2008.  Fees are collected from customers (borrowers or lenders), a portion of which is paid to independent mortgage loan appraisers.  Fee income and expense is recognized when the appraisal is completed and delivered to the customer.

General and Administrative Expenses.  During late 2007 and into early 2008, we eliminated a significant portion of our administrative overhead.  We terminated officers and staff in our executive, information systems, legal, human resource and finance/accounting departments.  We also terminated numerous contracts for professional services.  One of management’s key focuses during 2008 was to reduce or eliminate all unnecessary general and administrative expenses.  The result of these efforts was a significant decline in the general administrative expenses for 2008.  Total general and administrative expenses decreased from $59.4 million during 2007 to $24.4 million during 2008.

Income Taxes.  Prior to 2006, we elected to be treated as a REIT for federal income tax purposes and, as a result, were not required to pay any corporate level income taxes as long as we met requirements prescribed for REIT qualification under the Internal Revenue Code.  During 2007, we were unable to satisfy the REIT distribution requirement for the tax year ended December 31, 2006, either in the form of cash or preferred stock.  This action resulted in our loss of REIT status retroactive to January 1, 2006.  Our failure to satisfy the REIT distribution test resulted from demands on our liquidity and the substantial decline in our market capitalization during 2007.  For 2007, we have filed a consolidated federal income tax return and we intend to file a consolidated federal income tax return for 2008.

During 2008, we recognized a tax benefit of $17.6 million from continuing operations.  Of this benefit, $13.8 million is an offset to the tax expense recorded on the gain in discontinued operations.   The remaining $3.8 million of tax benefit is primarily attributed to the release of tax liability related to uncertain tax positions due to the lapse of statute of limitations and changes in management’s judgment regarding those positions.  As discussed below, due to the valuation allowance recorded against deferred tax assets, no tax benefit is recognized on tax losses incurred in 2008.

During 2007, we recognized a tax expense of $66.5 million from continuing operations primarily attributed to a valuation allowance recorded against deferred taxes.

In accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 109, “Accounting for income taxes”, (“SFAS 109”), we examine and weigh all available evidence (both positive and negative and both historical and forecasted) in the process of determining whether it is more likely than not that a deferred tax asset will be realized.  We consider the relevancy of historical and forecasted evidence when there has been a significant change in circumstances.  Additionally, we evaluate the realization of our recorded deferred tax assets on an interim and annual basis.  Based on the evidence available as of December 31, 2008 and 2007, including the significant pre-tax losses incurred, the liquidity issues we face and our decision to close all of our mortgage lending operations, we concluded that it is more likely than not that our entire net deferred tax asset will not be realized.  Based on these conclusions, we recorded a valuation allowance on 100% of the deferred tax asset as of December 31, 2008 and 2007.  In future periods, we will continue to monitor all factors that impact positive and negative evidence relating to our deferred tax assets.

As of December 31, 2008, we reflect $3.8 million in taxes payable, which is recorded in Accounts Payable and Other Liabilities.  This balance is primarily comprised of tax liability on uncertain tax positions, interest and penalties.

Contractual Obligations

We have entered into certain long-term debt, hedging and lease agreements, which obligate us to make future payments to satisfy the related contractual obligations.

The following table summarizes our contractual obligations for both continuing and discontinued operations, as of December 31, 2008, other than short-term borrowing arrangements.


Table 6 — Contractual Obligations
(dollars in thousands)

  Payments Due by Period 
Contractual Obligations Total  Less than
1 Year
  1-3 Years  3-5 Years  After 5 Years 
Non-recourse - long—term debt (A) $3,553,299  $696,611  $988,857  $531,767  $1,336,064 
Junior subordinated debentures (B)  185,817   8,862   7,695   7,695   161,565 
Operating leases (C)  13,694   6,184   6,887   436   187 
Total, consolidated obligations  3,752,810   711,657   1,003,439   539,898   1,497,816 
Non-recourse obligations  (3,553,299)  (696,611)  (988,857)  (531,767)  (1,336,064)
Recourse obligations $199,511  $15,046  $14,582  $8,131  $161,752 

(A)The asset-backed bonds will be repaid only to the extent there is sufficient cash receipts on the underlying mortgage loans, which collateralize the debt.   The trusts that own these assets and asset-backed obligations have no recourse to us for any shortfall.  The timing of the repayment of these mortgage loans is affected by prepayments. These amounts include expected interest payments on the obligations. Interest obligations on our variable-rate long-term debt are based on the prevailing interest rate at December 31, 2008 for each respective obligation.
(B)The junior subordinated debentures are assumed to mature in 2035 and 2036 in computing the future payments. These amounts include expected interest payments on the obligations.  Interest obligations on our junior subordinated debentures are based on the prevailing interest rate at December 31, 2008 for each respective obligation.  On February 18, 2009, the Company, NMI, NovaStar Capital Trust I and NovaStar Capital Trust II (the “Trusts”) and the trust preferred security holders entered into agreements to exchange the existing preferred obligations for new preferred obligations.  The new preferred obligations require quarterly distributions of interest to the holders at a rate equal to 1.0% per annum beginning January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009, subject to reset to a variable rate equal to the three-month LIBOR plus 3.5% upon the occurrence of an “Interest Coverage Trigger.”, see note 21 to the consolidated financial statements for additional details.
(C)The operating lease obligations do not include rental income of $1.9 million to be received under sublease contracts.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

During 2007 and 2008, we have taken numerous actions to reduce our cash needs and liquidity risk.  However, we continue to have going concern risk as a as a result of the cash requirements for our continuing and discontinued operations.

Our residual and subordinated mortgage securities are our only source of significant positive cash flows.  Based on the current projections, the cash flows from our mortgage securities will decrease in the next several months as the underlying mortgage loans are repaid, and could be significantly less than the current projections if losses on the underlying mortgage loans exceed the current assumptions or if short-term interest rates increase significantly.  We have operating expenses associated with our administration, as well as payment obligations with respect to unsecured debt, including periodic interest payments with respect to junior subordinated debentures.  As discussed in Item 3. Legal Proceedings we are the subject of various legal proceedings, the outcome of which is uncertain.  We may also face demands in the future that are unknown to us today related to our legacy lending and servicing operations.  If the cash flows from our mortgage securities are less than currently anticipated and we are unable to invest in a profitable basis, restructure our unsecured debt and contractual obligations, there can be no assurance that we will be able to continue as a going concern and avoid seeking the protection of applicable federal and state bankruptcy laws.

As of May 27, 2009, we had approximately $23.4 million in cash on hand (including restricted cash).  In addition to our operating expenses, which currently range from approximately $750,000 to $1.5 million per month we have quarterly interest payments due on our trust preferred securities.  The next payment on the trust preferred securities is due on June 30, 2009 and totals $0.4 million.  Our current projections indicate sufficient available cash and cash flows from our mortgage assets to meet these payment needs.  However, our mortgage asset cash flows are currently volatile and uncertain in nature, and the amounts we receive could vary materially from our projections.  Therefore, no assurances can be given that we will be able to meet our cash flow needs, in which case we would be required to seek protection of applicable bankruptcy laws.

Overview of Performance

Cash Flow for the Year Ended December 31, 2008

During 2007 and early 2008, we discontinued our mortgage lending operations and sold our mortgage servicing rights which subsequently resulted in the closing of our servicing operations.  Prior to exiting the lending business, we sold the majority of the loans we originated to securitization trusts.  Three of these securitization trusts are consolidated for financial reporting under GAAP, which means all of the assets and the liabilities of the trust are included in our consolidated financial statements.  Our results of operations and cash flows include the activity of these trusts.  The cash proceeds from the repayment of the loan collateral are owned by the trust and serve to only repay the obligations of the trust.  We do not collect the cash and we are not responsible for the obligations of the trust.  Principal and interest on the bonds (securities) of the trust can only be paid if there is sufficient cash flow the underlying collateral.  We own some of the securities issued by the trust, which are our only source of available cash flow.  As a result of the national economic crises, the loans within these trusts have very high rates of default.  Therefore, the cash flow on the securities we own has declined significantly within the past two years.

We have provided a summary of the cash flow for the securitization trusts under the heading Assets and Liabilities of Consolidated Securitization Trusts.

Following are the primary and simplified sources of cash receipts and disbursements, excluding the impact of the securitization trusts.

 (dollars in thousands)
  For the Year Ended
December 31, 2008
Primary sources:   
Payments received on mortgage securities $59,912 
Payments received on mortgage loans – held-for-sale  4,024 
Primary uses:    
Repayment of short-term borrowings  (45,488)
Payment of general, administrative and capital expenditures  (37,832)

Statement of Cash Flows - Operating, Investing and Financing Activities

The following selected key performance metrics are derivedtable provides a summary of our operating, investing and financing cash flows as taken from our audited consolidated financial statements of cash flows for years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007.

Table 7 — Summary of Operating, Investing and Financing Cash Flows
(dollars in thousands)
 For the Years Ended
December 31,
 2008 2007 
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows:    
Cash provided by (used in) operating activities $29,566  $(445,788)
Cash flows provided by investing activities  493,803   1,073,063 
Cash flows used in financing activities  (523,719)  (752,433)

Operating Activities. Net cash used in operating activities decreased by $475.4 million in 2008 as compared to 2007.  We discontinued all servicing and lending operations and therefore, used significantly less cash in operations.  The source of this cash flow is income on our mortgage securities.

Investing Activities. In 2008, net cash provided by investing activities decreased by $579.3 million as compared to 2007.  Our mortgage loan portfolio declined significantly and borrower defaults increased, resulting in lower repayments of our mortgage loans held-in-portfolio.   Cash proceeds from the sale of assets acquired through foreclosure have increased as our foreclosed loan activity has increased significantly.  We also experienced a decrease in paydowns on our mortgage securities – available-for-sale during 2008 as compared to 2007 as a result of poor credit performance of the underlying loans.


Financing Activities. Net cash used in financing activities decreased by $228.7 million in 2008 as compared 2007. The decrease is primarily due to the issuance of $2.1 billion of asset-backed bonds during the first quarter of 2007 from a CDO and a loan securitization both structured as financing transactions for accounting purposes. This was somewhat offset by cash used in financing activities from discontinued operations in 2007. All short term borrowings were also paid off in 2008 and we also experienced a decrease in paydowns of our asset-backed bonds during the year.

Future Sources and Uses of Cash

Primary Sources of Cash

Cash Received From Our Mortgage Securities Portfolio. A major driver of cash flows is the proceeds we receive from our mortgage securities. For the year ended December 31, 2008 we received $86.8 million in proceeds from repayments on mortgage securities. The cash flows we receive on our mortgage securities—available-for-sale are highly dependent on the interest rate spread between the underlying collateral and the bonds issued by the securitization trusts and default and prepayment experience of the underlying collateral. The following factors have been the significant drivers in the overall fluctuations in these cash flows:

·Higher credit losses have decreased cash available to distribute with respect to our securities,
·As short-term interest rates decline, the net spread to us increases and if short-term interest rates increase, the spread we receive will decline,
·We have lower average balances of our mortgage securities—available-for-sale portfolio as the securities have paid down and we have not acquired new bonds.

Collateral Returned from Surety Bond Holders. See discussion under Restricted Cash. We received $3.0 million in cash as collateral was returned from surety bond holders during 2008. We have $6.0 million collateral outstanding for surety bond holders. When the cash collateralizing the surety bond letters of credit is released, it will become unrestricted and available for general corporate purposes. We cannot predict the timing of the release.

Proceeds from Repayments of Mortgage Loans. As we discussed above, significant cash is collected by the securitization trusts from the payment of principal and interest on securitized loans and securities. The cash is trapped by the trust and is used to repay obligations (primarily to bondholders) of the trust. The cash is not available to us and we are not responsible for the periods presentedobligations of the trust. For the year ended December 31, 2008 repayments on the mortgage loans held-in-portfolio totaled $288.2 million compared to $824.1 million during 2007.

Primary Uses of Cash

Payments of General and shouldAdministrative Expenses. We continue to have significant general and administrative expenses associated with managing and operating our business. These expenses include staff and management compensation and related benefit payments, professional expenses for audit, tax and related services, legal services, rent and general office operational costs.

Investment in Assets or Operating Businesses. To the extent we have cash available to invest in assets or operating businesses, management intends to do so. During 2008, we invested $0.7 million in StreetLinks, subsequent to 2008 we paid an additional $0.4 million due to certain performance targets being met and could pay up to $3.3 million if additional performance targets are met. Subsequent to 2008, we executed agreements to invest $2 million to acquire Advent and to further invest $2 million in Advent if performance targets are met.

Repayments of Long-Term Borrowings. As of December 31, 2008, we had $78.1 million in outstanding principal of junior subordinated debentures relating to the trust preferred securities of NovaStar Capital Trust I and NovaStar Capital Trust II, $77.3 million is included on the balance sheet which is net of debt issuance costs. For 2008, we made periodic interest payments based on a variable interest rate of three-month LIBOR plus 3.5% which resets quarterly. Subsequent to 2008, we restructured our obligations under the junior subordinated debentures, which we expect to reduce cash requirements for interest in the near term. See Table 6 for an estimate of our contractual obligations related to these junior subordinated debentures.

Repayments of Short-term Borrowings. During 2008, we repaid all short-term borrowings that were outstanding as of December 31, 2007, totaling $45.5 million. We have no outstanding borrowing arrangements and therefore no cash will be readused to repay borrowings.

Common and Preferred Stock Dividend Payments. We did not declare any common stock dividends for the year ended December 31, 2008. We do not expect to pay any dividends for the foreseeable future.

Settlement of Legal Disputes. See “Item 3. Legal Proceedings.” During 2008, we made several payments to settle legal disputes resulting from our legacy lending and servicing operations, including $2 million in conjunctionsettlement of a 2002 claim against our subsidiary, NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc. We have several pending legal actions. For those actions where we are the defendant, we are contesting plaintiffs’ claims. In the event we are not successful in our defense, we may be required to make payments for settlements or judgments.

Expenses Related to Discontinued Operations. We have ongoing expenses associated with our discontinued operations, including obligations under multiple office leases, software agreements, and other contractual obligations, that no longer contribute to our revenue producing operations. See “Other Liquidity Factors” for further discussion.

Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements

As discussed previously, historically, we have pooled the moreloans we originated and purchased and typically securitized them to obtain long-term financing for the assets. The loans were transferred to a trust where they serve as collateral for asset-backed bonds, which the trust issued to the public. We often retained our residual and subordinated securities issued by the trust. We also securitized residual and subordinated securities that we retained from our securitizations and that we purchased from third parties. Information about the revenues, expenses, liabilities and cash flows we have in connection with our securitization transactions, as well as information about the securities issued and interests retained in our securitizations, are detailed information therein andin “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.”

Table 1 — Summary

In the ordinary course of Key Performance Metrics

(dollars in thousands; except per share amounts)

   For the Year Ended December 31,


Increase /




Consolidated Earnings and Other Data:             

Net income available to common shareholders

  $132,471  $109,124  $23,347 

Net income available to common shareholders, per diluted share

  $4.42  $4.24  $0.18 

Net interest yield on assets

   1.64%  1.53%  0.11%

Loans under management

  $13,897,730  $12,130,182  $1,857,548 

Mortgage Portfolio Management:


Loans under management (A)

  $12,752,307  $11,410,147  $1,342,160 

Net yield on mortgage securities (B)

   32.3%  27.2%  5.1%

Mortgage portfolio management net interest yield on assets (C)

   1.45%  1.39%  0.06%

Impairment on mortgage securities – available-for-sale

  $(17,619) $(15,902) $1,717 

Mortgage Lending:


Nonconforming originations

  $9,283,138  $8,424,361  $858,777 

Weighted average coupon of nonconforming originations

   7.7%  7.6%  0.1%

Weighted average FICO score of nonconforming originations

   632   622   10 

Nonconforming loans securitized

   7,621,030   8,329,804   (708,714)

Nonconforming loans sold to third parties

   1,138,098   —     1,138,098 

Mortgage lending net interest yield on assets (C)

   3.34%  2.61%  0.73%

Costs of wholesale production, as a percent of principal

   2.39%  2.53%  (0.14%)

Net whole loan price used in initial valuation of residual securities

   102.00   103.28   (1.28)

Gains on sales of loans transferred in securitizations, as a % of principal sold

   0.8%  1.7%  (0.9%)

(A)Includes the principal balance of loans in off-balance sheet securitizations as well as the principal balance of loans in the held-in-portfolio category on our balance sheet.
(B)Based on average fair market value of the underlying securities for the period.
(C)Based on average daily balance of the underlying loans for the period.

During 2005, we reported net income available to common shareholders of $132.5 million, or $4.42 per diluted share, as compared to $109.1 million, or $4.24 per diluted share in 2004. Our net income available to common shareholders was driven largely by the income generated by our mortgage securities – available-for-sale portfolio, which increased to $505.6 million as of December 31, 2005 from $489.2 million as of December 31, 2004. These securities are retained in the securitization of the mortgage loans we originate and purchase. We securitized $7.6 billion of mortgage loans in 2005 as compared to $8.3 billion in 2004. During 2005 and 2004, we originated or purchased $9.3 billion and $8.4 billion, respectively, in nonconforming, residential mortgage loans.

We feel 2005 demonstrated the value of having both portfolio and mortgage banking businesses for our shareholders. The net yield on our mortgage securities portfolio increased to 32.3% in 2005 from 27.2% in 2004. Additionally, our mortgage portfolio management net interest yield on assets increased to 1.45% in 2005 from 1.39% in 2004. These increases, which primarily resulted from better than expected credit performance as a result of substantial increases in housing prices, helped drive strong portfolio earnings which more than compensated for declining profit margins in our mortgage lending segment. Our portfolio management focus continues to be on managing a portfolio to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns. Assuming all other factors unchanged, because of industry margin compression, the net yield on our mortgage securities portfolio should generally decrease as our older higher-yielding securities paydown and we add new lower-yielding securities. The growth of our mortgage portfolio is also very dependent upon future widening or tightening of profit margins. If more tightening occurs, yields on new mortgage securities may fall to levels which may not warrant new growth in our portfolio.

We experienced significant profit margin compression driven by the highly competitive mortgage banking environment in 2005. This margin compression can be demonstrated by the fact that short-term rates continued to rise while the coupons on the mortgage loans we originated and purchased remained flat from 2004. One-month LIBOR and the two-year swap rate increased to 4.39% and 4.85%, respectively, at December 31, 2005 from 2.40% and 3.45%, respectively, at December 31, 2004 while the weighted average coupon on our nonconforming loans rose slightly in 2005 to 7.7% from 7.6% in 2004. These factors contributed to the whole loan price used in valuing our mortgage securities at the time of securitization to significantly decrease throughout 2004 and into 2005, which is directly correlated to the decrease in gains on sales of mortgage loans as a percentage of loan principal securitized. For the years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004, the weighted average net whole loan price used in the initial valuation of our retained securities was 102.00 and 103.28, respectively, and the weighted average gain on securitization as a percentage of loan principal securitized was 0.8% and 1.7%, respectively.

Additionally, we proactively focused on cost controls and business, efficiencies to mitigate the impact of tighter spreads. These efforts resulted in our cost of wholesale production decreasing in 2005 to 2.39% from 2.53% in 2004. Cost containment and production efficiencies will continue to be a major focus in 2006.

We continue to sell nonconforming mortgage loans to third parties that we feel do not possess the economic characteristics to meet our long-term portfolio management objective of providing attractive risk-adjusted returns. We sold $1.1 billion in nonconforming mortgage loans to third parties during the year ended December 31, 2005. We recognized a net gain of $9.9 million from these sales and the weighted average price to par of the loans sold was 102.01 during the year ended December 31, 2005. There were no nonconforming mortgage loan sales to third parties during 2004. We sold $151.2 million in nonconforming mortgage loans to third parties during the year ended December 31, 2003, recognizing net gains of $3.4 million from these sales with a weighted average price to par of the loans sold of 104.10. We expect to continue selling a portion of our mortgage loans which we feel will not provide attractive long-term risk-adjusted returns.

As a result of our interest rate risk management strategies, we utilize interest rate swaps and caps, which have provided gains to partially offset the impact of margins compressing. We recognized gains on derivative instruments which did not qualify for hedge accounting of $18.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2005, compared to losses of $(8.9) million for the same period of 2004. During periods of rising rates, these derivative instruments help maintain the net interest margin between our assets and liabilities as well as diminish the effect of changes in general interest rate levels on the market value of our mortgage assets. Of the $18.2 million in gains on derivative instruments for the year ended December 31, 2005, $18.1 million was related to mark-to-market gains on derivatives transferred into the NMFT Series 2005-1, 2005-2, 2005-3 and 2005-4 securitizations, while $0.7 million was related to mark-to-market gains on derivatives that were still owned by us at December 31, 2005. A majority of the derivatives owned by us at December 31, 2005 will most likely be transferred into securitizations which close in the first quarter of 2006. The remaining difference is attributable to net settlements paid to counterparties, market value adjustments for derivatives used to hedge our balance sheet and mark-to-market valuations for commitments to originate mortgage loans.

Our loss from discontinued operations net of income taxes for the years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004 was $4.5 million and $11.3 million, respectively. On November 4, 2005, we adopted a formal plan to terminate substantially all of the remaining NHMI branches. We had 16 branches remaining at December 31, 2005 and we expect all of these branches to be terminated by June 30, 2006. Note 15 to our consolidated financial statements provides detail regarding the impact of the discontinued operations.

Known Material Trends and Challenges for 2006

We expect another challenging year for the mortgage industry in 2006, but experience also leads us to believe that tough times can create the best opportunities. We enter 2006 in a strong financial position and still focused on the disciplines we have followed for years. Our driving goals are risk-adjusted return, protecting the portfolio and increasing the profitability of loans going into the portfolio.

One of our primary goals is also on maintaining our status as a REIT. We have managed our business as a REIT since we were founded in 1997, which requires we meet certain income and asset tests to preserve our REIT status. See “Item 1 – U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences,” for discussion of the income and asset tests we must meet to preserve our REIT status. To provide qualifying income and assets to the REIT for purposes of these tests, we may structure certain future securitizations as financing transactions at the REIT instead of our typical sales transactions at the TRS. The mortgage loans securitized under this structure may come from our normal origination and purchase channels or may come fromsold whole pools of loans purchased specificallyto investors with recourse for this purpose. These whole pool purchases could be much largercertain borrower defaults. We also have sold loans to securitization trusts and guaranteed to cover losses suffered by the trust resulting from defects in size as compared to our typical correspondent purchases. We would also expect these purchases to be eligible for financing through our warehouse repurchase agreements until they are securitized.the loan origination process. See “Financial Condition—Short-term Borrowings” as well as “Liquidity and Capital Resources”Resources – Primary Uses of Cash – Loan Sale and Securitization Repurchases” for further discussion of our financing facilitiesthese guarantees and other liquidity sources.

In arecourse obligations.

Assets and Liabilities of Consolidated Securitization Trusts

During 2006 and 2007, we executed loan securitization structured as a financing, no gain is recognized attransactions that did not meet the time of securitization, the mortgage loans remain on the balance sheet and the asset-backed bonds issued to third parties are recorded as debt on the balance sheet. These are clearly much different accounting dynamics than our current securitizations structured as sales. In a sale, a gain is recognized at the time of securitization, the mortgage loans are removed from the balance sheet and new mortgage securities (retained interests) are recorded on the balance sheet. Net incomecriteria necessary for any quarter in which we structure a securitization as a financing generally will be significantly lower than if the securitization was structured as a sale since there is no gain recognition associated with a financing. This initial difference in net income will reverse itself over the remaining lifederecognition of the securitization resulting in no material difference in net income recognized under either structure over the lifesecuritized assets and liabilities pursuant to Statement of the securitization.

Additionally, the structureFinancial Accounting Standards No. 140, “Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of this typeFinancial Assets and Extinguishments of CMO securitization generally gives rise to excess inclusion income. If we incur excess inclusion income at the REIT, it will be allocated among our shareholders. A stockholder’s shareLiabilities – a replacement of excess inclusion income (i)

would not be allowed to be offset by any net operating losses otherwise available to the stockholder, (ii) would be subject to tax as unrelated business taxable income in the hands of most types of shareholders that are otherwise generally exempt from federal income tax,FASB Statement No. 125” (“SFAS 140”) and (iii) would result in the application of U.S. federal income tax withholding at the maximum rate (i.e., 30%), without reduction for any otherwise applicable income tax treaty, to the extent allocable to most types of foreign shareholders. How such income is to be reported to shareholders is not clear under current law. The amounts of excess inclusion income in any given year from these transactions could be significant. Tax-exempt investors, foreign investors, and taxpayers with net operating losses should carefully consider the tax consequences of having excess inclusion income allocated to them and are urged to consult their tax advisors.

Moving into 2006, we believe the nonconforming market offers a mix of opportunities and challenges. The following trends have become evident in the business environment in which we operate and could have a significant impact on our financial condition, results of operations and cash flows:

Growth in the nonconforming market continued in 2005 but at a much slower pace than 2004 growth. Nonconforming originations grew to an estimated $600 billion in 2005 from $530 billion in 2004, according to Inside Mortgage Finance Publications. Various industry publications predict that growth in the nonconforming origination market will be relatively flat in 2006 with some publications predicting a slight decline. Our ability to increase the size of our securitized mortgage loan portfolio, which drives our mortgage securities portfolio, at growth rates experienced in recent years could be impaired under these tighter conditions. We continue to pursue opportunities to increase our market share in the nonconforming market, including the acquisition or new development of businesses.

Interest rate dynamics have put a squeeze on mortgage banking profits. The spread between funding costs and loan coupons has narrowed by more than 200 basis points in 2004 and 2005. Some relief was evident in late 2005 as the industry began to raise coupons on new originations, but margins remain tight. These margins could continue to tighten if short-term interest rates increase and competitive pressures hold coupons on mortgage loans flat.related authoritative accounting literature. As we sell all of our mortgage loans either in whole pools to third parties or in securitizations, we could continue to experience depressed gains on sales of mortgage loans. Additionally, the mortgage securities we are currently adding to our portfolio are yielding much lower returns than our older securities as a result, of these compressed margins. Increasing the size of our portfolio is one of our top priorities but not at the expense of long-term risk-adjusted returns or risk management.

Rising home prices have begunassets and liabilities relating to cool after a multiyear boom. Increasing prices have been fueling the volume of home refinancing, as well as, reducing the risk of existing mortgage loans by improving loan-to-value ratios. For 2006, economiststhis securitization are expecting slower home-price growth, perhaps even declinesincluded in some markets which had experienced substantial growth. This could have a significant impact on origination growth in our mortgage lending segment , as well as, prepayment speed and credit loss assumptions on the mortgage securities held by our mortgage portfolio management segment.

The mortgage industry is responding with changing strategies. Some lenders have shifted to a mortgage REIT model, some have cut back or exited market segments, and others have pursued market share even with loans that do not appear profitable.

Gulf State Hurricanes

The damage caused by the Gulf State hurricanes, particularly Katrina, Rita and Wilma, has affected our mortgage loans held-for-sale and the mortgage loan portfolio we service which underlies our mortgage securities – available-for-sale by impairing the ability of certain borrowers to repay their loans. At present, we are unable to predict the ultimate impact of the Gulf State hurricanes on our future financial results and condition as the impact will depend on a number of factors, including the extent of damage to the collateral, the extent to which damaged collateral is not covered by insurance, the extent to which unemployment and other economic conditions caused by the hurricane adversely affect the ability of borrowers to repay their loans, and the cost to us of collection and foreclosure moratoriums, loan forbearances and other accommodations granted to borrowers. Many of the loans are to borrowers where repayment prospects have not yet been determined to be diminished, or are in areas where properties may have suffered little, if any, damage or may not yet have been inspected. We currently have a mortgage protection insurance policy, which protects us from uninsured losses as a result of these hurricanes up to a maximum of $5 million in aggregate losses with a deductible of $100,000 per hurricane. At this time, we believe the overall financial impact the Gulf State hurricanes will have on our future financial condition and results of operations will be immaterial.

In accordance with public policy, regulatory guidance and the Pooling and Servicing Agreements which govern the securitized loans we service, we will work with our customers to assess their personal situation and the effect of the Gulf State hurricanes on them. We have offered personal financial counseling and certain moratoriums on collection activities and foreclosures. We may provide extended terms for affected customers depending on their circumstances.

Critical Accounting Estimates

We prepare our consolidated financial statementsstatements.

At the time these loans were securitized, we owned significant beneficial interests in conformitythe securitized loan pools, including various subordinated bond classes and the residual interests in these pools. For the 2006 securitized loan pools, we owned the right to unilaterally place certain derivative instruments into the securitization trust and to repurchase a limited number of loans from the trust for any reason and at any time. For the 2007 securitized loan pool, we determined that it excessively benefited from the derivatives transferred to the trust at inception.

During 2007, we also securitized certain mortgage securities through a Collateralized Debt Obligation structure.

During and prior to 2008, the following events occurred that have significantly changed the economics of these securitized loan pools including:

1.We sold a portion of the beneficial interests we owned,
2.The credit losses on the securitized loans increased to the point where the remaining beneficial interests we own are not significant,
3.We sold the right to service all securitized loans,
4.We executed amendments to the securitization agreements for the 2006 loan pools whereby we relinquished all rights to place certain derivative instruments into the securitization trust and to repurchase a limited number of loans from the trust for any reason and at any time, and
5.For the 2007 securitized loan pool, a significant portion of the derivatives placed into the trust have expired and the remaining derivatives will expire by the end of 2009.

While the securities, loans and bond liabilities, along with miscellaneous related assets and liabilities, remain on our balance sheet as presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, we have no ability to control the assets, no obligations related to the trust payables, and no significant economic benefit from our ownership interests issued by the trust. Likewise, the income and expenses associated with these assets and liabilities represent earnings and costs of the securitization trust, but have no bearing on our performance due to the current economic condition of the trusts.

Below is financial information for each of the securitization trusts we consolidate and for the total of all consolidated trust balance sheets.

The discussion of the individual line items within this financial information is included in the discussion of our consolidated financial statements in the applicable forgoing sections of this report and is considered non-GAAP financial information.

Table 8 – Assets and Liabilities of Securitization Trusts (A) (B)
(dollars in thousands)
  December 31, 2008  December 31, 2007 
  Total  CDO  
Mortgage loans – held in portfolio, net of allowance $  $411,146  $523,183  $847,962  $1,782,291  $   $670,092  $756,912  $1,457,054  $2,884,058 
Trading securities  5,199            5,199   72,239            72,239 
Real estate owned     23,289   9,233   37,958   70,480      32,126   4,851   39,637   76,614 
Accrued interest receivable     22,566   10,134   44,592   77,292      14,239   14,090   33,375   61,704 
Other assets  2,043            2,043   4,473            4,473 
Total assets $7,242  $457,001  $542,550  $930,512  $1,937,305  $76,712  $716,457  $775,853  $1,530,066  $3,099,088 
Liabilities and net deficiency in assets                                        
Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage loans $  $566,577  $700,335  $1,398,115  $2,665,027  $  $735,235  $765,361  $1,644,534  $3,145,130 
Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities  5,384            5,384   74,542            74,542 
Other liabilities  24,748   47,418   22,401   104,439   199,006   21,945   33,533   22,356   73,231   151,065 
Total liabilities  30,132   613,995   722,736   1,502,554   2,869,417   96,487   768,768   787,717   1,717,765   3,370,737 
Total net deficiency in assets  (22,890)  (156,994)  (180,186)  (572,042)  (932,112)  (19,775)  (52,311)  (11,864)  (187,699)  (271,649)
Total liabilities and net deficiency in assets $7,242  $457,001  $542,550  $930,512  $1,937,305  $76,712  $716,457  $775,853  $1,530,066  $3,099,088 
(A)Stand-alone balances do not include impact of intercompany eliminations.
(B)The above financial information is considered non-GAAP.

Table 9 - Operating Results of Securitization Trusts (A) (B)
(dollars in thousands)
  For the Year Ended December 31, 2008  For the Year Ended December 31, 2007 
  Total  CDO  
Interest Income $26,306  $45,160  $27,555  $109,295  $208,316  $34,133  $68,068  $67,936  $120,665  $290,802 
Interest expense  13,124   22,453   25,843   54,874   116,294   19,129   49,298   52,807   86,521   207,755 
Provision for credit losses     (127,485)  (165,063)  (414,816)  (707,364)     (43,620)  (23,942)  (197,726)  (265,288)
Servicing fee expense     3,129   2,736   7,732   13,597      3,938   3,210   5,867   13,015 
Mortgage insurance     4,216   292   11,310   15,818      5,409   323   10,730   16,462 
Other income  (15,550)  6,393      (4,844)  (14,001)  (25,513)  (85)     (7,509)  (33,107)
General and administrative expenses  747   46   42   62   897   5,798   7   5   11   5,821 
Net loss before tax expense  (3,115)  (105,776)  (166,421)  (384,343)  (659,655)  (16,307)  (34,289)  (12,351)  (187,699)  (250,646)
Tax expense        1,902      1,902   3,469            3,469 
Net loss $(3,115) $(105,776) $(168,323) $(384,343) $(661,557) $(19,776) $(34,289) $(12,351) $(187,699) $(254,115)
(A)Stand-alone balances do not include impact of intercompany eliminations.
(B)The above financial information is considered non-GAAP.
Table 10 - Cash Flows of Securitization Trusts (A) (B)
(dollars in thousands)

  For the Year Ended December 31, 2008 For the Year Ended December 31, 2007
Net cash flow from: CDO  
  Total   CDO  
Operating activities $(7,441) $27,320  $(4,415) $43,622  $59,086   $25,244  $7,295  $(39,748) $65,191  $57,982 
Investing activities  16,135   135,777   70,706   195,954   418,572    (365,097)  315,726   321,479   173,813   445,921 
Financing activities  (8,694)  (163,097)  (66,291)  (239,576)  (477,658)   339,853   (323,021)  (281,731)  (239,004)  (503,903)
Net cash flow  -   -   -   -   -    -   -   -   -   - 
Cash, beginning of year  -   -   -   -   -    -   -   -   -   - 
Cash, end of year $  $-  $-  $-  $-   $-  $-  $-  $-  $- 
(A)Stand-alone balances do not include impact of intercompany eliminations.
(B)The above financial information is considered non-GAAP.

Critical Accounting Estimates

We prepare our consolidated financial statements in conformity with GAAP and, therefore, are required to make estimates regarding the values of our assets and liabilities and in recording income and expenses. These estimates are based, in part, on our judgment and assumptions regarding various economic conditions that we believe are reasonable based on facts and circumstances existing at the time of reporting. These estimates affect reported amounts of assets, liabilities and accumulated other comprehensive income at the date of the consolidated financial statements and the reported amounts of income, expenses and other comprehensive income during the periods presented. The following summarizes the components of our consolidated financial statements where understanding accounting policies is critical to understanding and evaluating our reported financial results, especially given the significant estimates used in applying the policies. The discussion is intended to demonstrate the significance of estimates to our financial statements and the related accounting policies. Detailed accounting policies are provided in Note 1 to our consolidated financial statements. Our critical accounting estimates impact three of our four reportable segments; our mortgage portfolio management, mortgage lending and loan servicing segments. Management has discussed the development and selection of these critical accounting estimates with the audit committeeAudit Committee of our Board of Directors and the audit committeeAudit Committee has reviewed our disclosure.

Transfers of Assets (Loan and Mortgage Security Securitizations) and Related Gains. In a loan securitization, we combinecombined the mortgage loans we originateoriginated and purchasepurchased in pools to serve as collateral for issued asset-backed bonds. In a mortgage security securitization (also known as a “resecuritization”), we combinecombined mortgage securities retained in previous loan securitization transactions to serve as collateral for asset-backed bonds. The loans or mortgage securities arewere transferred to a trust designed to serve only for the purpose of holding the collateral. The trust is evaluated, on a routine basis, to determine if it is considered a qualifying special purpose entity as defined by SFAS No. 140,Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities – a replacement of FASB Statement No. 125.140. The owners of the asset-backed bonds have no recourse to us in the event the collateral does not perform as planned except where defects have occurred in the loan documentation and underwriting process.

In order for us to

To determine proper accounting treatment for each securitization or resecuritization, we periodically evaluate whether or not we have retained or surrendered control over the transferred assets by reference to the conditions set forth in SFAS No. 140. All terms of these transactions are evaluated against the conditions set forth in this statement. Some of the questions that must be considered include:

Have the transferred assets been isolated from the transferor?

Does the transferee have the right to pledge or exchange the transferred assets?
·Have the transferred assets been isolated from the transferor?

Is there a “call” agreement that requires the transferor to return specific
·Does the transferee have the right to pledge or exchange the transferred assets?

Is there an agreement that both obligates and entitles the transferor to repurchase or redeem the transferred assets prior to maturity?
Is there a “call” agreement that requires the transferee to return specific assets?

Have any derivative instruments been transferred?
·Is there an agreement that both obligates and entitles the transferee to return the transferred assets prior to maturity?


·Have any derivative instruments been transferred?

When we intendare deemed to structure our securitizations so that control over the collateral is transferred and the transfer is accounted for as a sale. For resecuritizations, we intend to structure these transactions to be accounted for as secured borrowings.

When these transfers are executed in a manner such that we have surrendered control over the collateral, the transfer is accounted for as a sale. In accordance with SFAS No. 140, a gain or loss on the sale iswas recognized based on the carrying amount of the financial assets involved in the transfer, allocated between the assets transferred and the retained interests based on their relative fair value atas of the date of transfer.we are no longer deemed to control the collateral. In a loan securitization accounted for as a sale, we retain the right to service the underlying mortgage loans and we also retain certain mortgage securities issued by the trust (see Mortgage Securities below). As previously discussed, thetrust. The gain recognized upon a securitization structured as a sale depends on, among other things, the estimated fair value of the components of the securitization – the loans or mortgage securities – available-for-sale and derivative instruments transferred, the securities retained and the mortgage servicing rights. The estimated fair value of the securitization components is considered a “critical accounting estimate” as 1) these gains or losses representhave historically represented a significant portion of our operating results and 2) the valuation assumptions used regarding economic conditions and the make-up of the collateral, including interest rates, principal payments, prepayments and loan defaults are highly uncertain and require a large degree of judgment.

We believe the best estimate ofused two methodologies for determining the initial value of our residual securities: 1) the residual securities we retain in awhole loan securitization is derived fromprice methodology and 2) the discount rate methodology. We generally tried to use the whole loan price methodology when significant open market value ofsales pricing data was available. Under this method, the pooled loans. The initial value of the loans transferred in a securitization accounted for as a sale is estimated based on the expected open market sales price of a similar pool. In open market transactions, the purchaser has the right to reject loans at its discretion. In a loan securitization, loans generally cannot be rejected. As a result, we adjustadjusted the market price for the loans to compensate for the estimated value of rejected loans. The market price of the securities retained iswas derived by deducting the percent of net proceeds received in the securitization (i.e. the economic value of the loans transferred) from the estimated adjusted market price for the entire pool of the loans.

An implied yield (discount rate) iswas derived by taking the projected cash flows generated using assumptions for prepayments, expected credit losses and interest rates and then solving for the discount rate required to present value the cash flows back to the initial value derived above. We then ascertainascertained whether the resulting discount rate iswas commensurate with current market conditions. Additionally, the initial discount rate servesserved as the initial accretable yield used to recognize income on the securities.

When significant open market pricing information was not readily available to us, we use the discount rate methodology. Under this method, we first analyzed market discount rates for similar assets. After establishing the market discount rate, the projected cash flows were discounted back to ascertain the initial value of the residual securities. We then ascertained whether the resulting initial value was commensurate with current market conditions.

For purposes of valuing our residual securities, it is important to know that in recent securitization transactions we not only have transferred loans to the trust, but we have also transferred interest rate agreements to the securitization trust with the objective of reducing interest rate risk within the trust. During the period before loans arewere transferred in a securitization transaction we enterentered into interest rate swap or cap agreements. Certain of these interest rate agreements arewere then transferred into the trust at the time of securitization. Therefore, the trust assumesassumed the obligation to make payments and obtainsobtained the right to receive payments under these agreements.

In valuing our residual securities, it is also important to understand what portion of the underlying mortgage loan collateral is covered by mortgage insurance. At the time of a securitization transaction, the trust legally assumes the responsibility to pay the mortgage insurance premiums associated with the loans transferred and the rights to receive claims for credit losses. Therefore, we have no obligation to pay these insurance premiums. The cost of the insurance is paid by the trust from proceeds the trust receives from the underlying collateral. This information is significant for valuation as the mortgage insurance significantly reduces the credit losses born by the owner of the loan. Mortgage insurance claims on loans where a defect occurred in the loan origination process will not be paid by the mortgage insurer. The assumptions we use to value our residual securities consider this risk. We discuss mortgage insurance premiums under the heading “Premiums for Mortgage Loan Insurance”.

The weighted average net whole loan market price used in the initial valuation of our retained securities was 102.00 and 103.28 during 2005 and 2004, respectively. The weighted average initial implied discount rate for the years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004 was 15% and 22%, respectively. As discussed in “Executive Overview of Performance”, the increase in short-term interest rates has caused the whole loan price used in the initial valuation of our retained securities to decrease. If the whole loan market price used in the initial valuation of our residual securities in 2005 had been increased or decreased by 50 basis points, the initial value of our residual securities and the gain we recognized would have increased or decreased by $38.1 million. Information regarding the assumptions we used is discussed under “Mortgage Securities-Available-for-Sale and Trading” below.

When we do havehad the ability to exert control over the transferred collateral in a securitization, the assets remainremained on our financial recordsstatements and a liability iswas recorded for the related asset-backed bonds. The servicing agreements that we executeexecuted for loans we have securitized includesinclude a removal of accounts provision which gives usthe servicer the right, but not the obligation, to repurchase mortgage loans from the trust. The removal of accounts provision can be exercised fortrust loans that are 90 days to 119 days delinquent. We recordWhile we retained these servicing rights, we recorded the mortgage loans subject to the removal of accounts provision in mortgage loans held-for-sale at fair value and the related repurchase obligation as a liability. However, in November 2007 we sold all of our mortgage servicing rights, including the removal of accounts rights, to a third party, which resulted in the removal of the mortgage loans subject to the removal of accounts provision from our balance sheet. In addition, we haveretained a “clean up” call option that cancould be exercised when the aggregate principal balance of the mortgage loans has declined to ten percent or less of the original aggregated mortgage loan principal balance.

However, we subsequently sold all of these clean up call rights, to the buyer of our mortgage servicing rights. We did retain separate independent rights to require the buyer of our mortgage servicing rights to repurchase loans from the trusts and subsequently sell them to us; we do not expect to exercise any of the call rights that we retained.

We are required to periodically re-evaluate the accounting treatment for loan securitizations. In certain circumstances, if the reasons and conditions affecting the accounting treatment for a securitization have changed, we may be required to adjust our financial statements accordingly at the time of the re-evaluation. Securitizations previously treated as sales may need to be brought back on to our financial statements as assets, along with the related liabilities. Transfers where the assets and liabilities have been retained on our financial statements may need to be removed. These transactions may result in significant gains or losses and may cause significant changes in our financial statements that may make period comparisons difficult.

Mortgage Securities – Available-for-Sale and Trading. Our mortgage securities – available-for-sale and trading represent beneficial interests we retainretained in securitization and resecuritization transactions which include residual securities and subordinated securities.securities as well as bonds issued by others which we have purchased. The residual securities include interest-only mortgage securities, prepayment penalty bonds and over-collateralization bonds. All of the residual securities retained by us have been classified as available-for-sale. The subordinated securities represent investment-grade rated bonds which are senior to the residual securities but are subordinated to the bonds sold to third party investors. We have classified certainAll of ourthe subordinated securities in both the available-for-sale and trading categories.retained by us have been classified as trading.

The residual securities we retainretained in these securitization transactions structured as sales primarily consist of the right to receive the future cash flows from a pool of securitized mortgage loans which include:

The interest spread between the coupon net of servicing fees on the underlying loans, the cost of financing, mortgage insurance, payments or receipts on or from derivative contracts and bond administrative costs.

Prepayment penalties received from borrowers who payoff their loans early in their life.
·The interest spread between the coupon net of servicing fees on the underlying loans, the cost of financing, mortgage insurance, payments or receipts on or from derivative contracts and bond administrative costs.

Overcollateralization which is designed to protect the primary bondholder from credit loss on the underlying loans.
·Prepayment penalties received from borrowers who payoff their loans early in their life.

·Overcollateralization which is designed to protect the primary bondholder from credit loss on the underlying loans.

The subordinated securities we retainretained in our securitization transactions have a stated principal amount and interest rate and have been retained at a market discount from the stated principal amount.rate. The performance of the securities is dependent upon the performance of the underlying pool of securitized mortgage loans. The interest rates these securities earn are variable and are subject to an available funds cap as well as a maximum rate cap. The securities receive principal payments in accordance with a payment priority which is designed to maintain specified levels of subordination to the senior bonds within the respective

securitization trust. Because the subordinated securities are rated lower than AA, they are considered low credit quality and we account for the securities based on guidance set forth from Emerging Issuance Task Force 99-20 “Recognition of Interest Income and Impairment on Purchased and Retained Beneficial Interests in Securitized Financial Assets” (“EITF 99-20”) using the effective yield method. The fair value of the subordinated securities is based on quoted third-party quotes.

market prices compared to estimates based on discounting the expected future cash flows of the collateral and bonds.


The cash flows we receive are highly dependent upon the interest rate environment. The interest rates on the bonds issued by the securitization trust are indexed to short-term interest rates, while the coupons on the pool of loans held by the securitization trust are less interest rate sensitive. As a result, as rates rise and fall, our cash flows will fall and rise, because the cash we receive on our residual securities is dependent on this interest rate spread. As our cash flows fall and rise, the value of our residual securities will decrease or increase. Additionally, the cash flows we receive are dependent on the default and prepayment experience of the borrowers of the underlying mortgage security collateral. Increasing or decreasing cash flows will increase or decrease the yield on our securities.

We believe the accounting estimates related to the valuation of our mortgage securities – available-for-sale and establishing the rate of income recognition on the mortgage securities – available-for-sale and trading are “critical accounting estimates”, because they can materially affect net income and shareholders’ equity and require us to forecast interest rates, mortgage principal payments, prepayments and loan default assumptions which are highly uncertain and require a large degree of judgment. The rate used to discount the projected cash flows is also critical in the valuation of our residual securities. We use internal, historical collateral performance data and published forward yield curves when modeling future expected cash flows and establishing the rate of income recognized on mortgage securities. We believe the value of our residual securities is fair,appropriate, but can provide no assurance that future changes in interest rates, prepayment and loss experience or changes in the market discount rate will not require write-downs of the residual assets. For mortgage securities classified as available-for-sale, impairments would reduce income in future periods when deemed other-than-temporary.

As previously described, our mortgage securities available-for-sale and trading represent retained beneficial interests in certain components of the cash flows of the underlying mortgage loans to securitization trusts. Income recognition for our mortgage securities – available-for-sale and trading is based on the effective yield method. Under the effective yield method, as payments are received, they are applied to the cost basis of the mortgage related security. Each period, the accretable yield for each mortgage security is evaluated and, to the extent there has been a change in the estimated cash flows, it is adjusted and applied prospectively. The estimated cash flows change as management’s assumptions forabout credit losses, borrower prepayments and interest rates are updated. The assumptions are established using internally developed models. We prepare analyses of the yield for each security using a range of these assumptions. The accretable yield used in recording interest income is generally set within a range of assumptions. The accretable yield is recorded as interest income with a corresponding increase to the cost basis of the mortgage security.

At each reporting period subsequent to the initial valuation of the residual securities, the fair value of the residual securities is estimated based on the present value of future expected cash flows to be received. Management’s best estimate of key assumptions, including credit losses, prepayment speeds, theexpected call dates, market discount rates and forward yield curves commensurate with the risks involved, are used in estimating future cash flows. We estimate initial and subsequent fair value for the subordinated securities based on quoted market prices.

See Note 3 to the consolidated financial statements for the residual security sensitivity analysis and Note 4 to the consolidated financial statements for the current fair value of our residual securities.

To the extent that the cost basis of mortgage securities – available-for-sale exceeds the fair value and the unrealized loss is considered to be other than temporary, an impairment charge is recognized and the amount recorded in accumulated other comprehensive income or loss is reclassified to earnings as a realized loss. During the years ended December 31, 2005 and December 31, 2004, we recorded impairment losses of $17.6 million and $15.9 million, respectively. The impairments were primarily a result of the increase in short-term interest rates during 2004 and 2005. While we do use forward yield curves in valuing our securities, the increase in two-year and three-year swap rates during 2004 and 2005 was greater than the forward yield curve had anticipated, thus causing a greater than expected decline in value. Additionally, the impairments on our residual securities in 2004 and 2005 primarily related to the residual securities which were retained during those two years. This demonstrates that as we retain new residual securities during a period when short-term interest rate increases are greater than anticipated by the forward yield curve, we generally are more susceptible to impairments on our newer mortgage securities as they do not have sizable unrealized gains to help offset the decline in value. See Table 6 for a summary of the cost basis, unrealized gain and fair value of our mortgage securities – available-for-sale by year of issue and Table 11 for a summary of the impairments on our mortgage securities – available-for-sale.

Our average mortgage security yield has increased to 35.6% for the year ended December 31, 2005 from 31.4% for the same period of 2004. The increase is a result of lower than expected credit losses we experienced on the loans underlying our mortgage securities, which has led us to adjust the credit loss assumptions on certain securities. The low credit losses can be attributed primarily to the substantial rise in housing prices in recent years. The positive impact of low credit losses has been able to offset the negative impact of the increase in short-term interest rates and prepayment rates. Mortgage securities interest income has increased from $133.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2004 to $188.9 million for the same period of 2005 due to the increase in the average balance of our securities portfolio. If the rates used to accrue income on our mortgage securities during 2005 had increased or decreased by 10%, interest income during the year ended 2005 would have increased by $30.5 million and decreased by $48.9 million, respectively.

Housing prices have enjoyed substantial appreciation in recent years, which has resulted in increasing prepayment rates. The market discount rates we are using to initially value our residual securities have declined from 2004. As of December 31, 2005, the weighted average discount rate used in valuing our residual securities was 18% as compared to 22% as of December 31, 2004. The weighted-average constant prepayment rate used in valuing our residual securities as of December 31, 2005 was 49 versus 39 as of December 31, 2004. If the discount rate used in valuing our residual securities as of December 31, 2005 had been increased by 5%, the value of our mortgage securities- available-for-sale would have decreased by $24.6 million. If we had decreased the discount rate used in valuing our residual securities by 5%, the value of our residual securities would have increased by $25.4 million.

Mortgage Loans and Allowance for Credit Losses. Mortgage loans held-for-sale are recorded at the lower of cost or market determined on an aggregate basis. Mortgage loan origination fees and direct costs on mortgage loans held-for-sale are deferred until the related loans are sold. Premiums paid to acquire mortgage loans held-for-sale are also deferred until the related loans are sold. Mortgage loans held-in-portfolio are recorded at their cost, adjusted for the amortization of net deferred costs and for credit losses inherent in the portfolio. Mortgage loan origination fees and associated direct costs on mortgage loans held-in-portfolio are deferred and recognized over the life of the loan as an adjustment to yield using the level yield method. Premiums paid to acquire mortgage loans held-in-portfolio are also deferred and recognized over the life of the loan as an adjustment to yield using the level yield method.

An allowance for credit losses is maintained for mortgage loans held-in-portfolio. The allowance for credit losses on mortgage loans held-in-portfolio, and thereforeamount of the related adjustment to income,allowance is based on the assessment by management of probable losses incurred based on various factors affecting our mortgage loan portfolio, including current economic conditions, the makeup of the portfolio based on credit grade, loan-to-value ratios, delinquency status, mortgage insurance we purchase and other relevant factors. The allowance is maintained through ongoing adjustments to operating income. The assumptions used by management regarding key economic indicatorsin estimating the amount of the allowance for credit losses are highly uncertain and involve a great deal of judgment.

An internally developed migration analysis is the primary tool used in analyzing our allowance for credit losses. This tool takes into consideration historical information regarding foreclosure and loss severity experience and applies that information to the portfolio at the reporting date. We also take into consideration our use of mortgage insurance as a method of managing credit risk and current economic conditions, experience and trends. We pay mortgage insurance premiums on a portion of the loans maintained on our balance sheet and have included the cost of mortgage insurance in our statement of operations.

Approximately 5% of our loans held in portfolio were greater than 90 days delinquent at December 31, 2007, and approximately 6% were in foreclosure. As of December 31, 2008, this delinquency percentage increased to approximately 20% while loans in foreclosure also increased to approximately 20%. As loans transition into REO status, an estimated loss is recorded until the property is sold or liquidated. For the NHEL 0601 and MTA 0601 transactions, we valued REO property at 55% and 55% of its current principal balance as of December 31, 2008, compared to 63% and 55% as of December 31, 2007, respectively. Because of the increased loss severity, NHEL 0701 property was valued at 40% in 2008; a 5% decrease from 2007.

Our estimate of expected losses could increase if our actual loss experience is different than originally estimated. In addition, our estimate of expected losses could increase if economic factors change the value we could reasonably expect to obtain from the sale of the property.

Real Estate Owned Real estate owned, which consists of residential real estate acquired in satisfaction of loans, is carried at the lower of cost or estimated fair value less estimated selling costs. We estimate fair value at the asset’s liquidation value less selling costs using management’s assumptions which are based on historical loss severities for similar assets. Adjustments to the loan carrying value required at time of foreclosure are charged against the allowance for credit losses. Costs related to the development of real estate are capitalized and those related to holding the property are expensed. Losses or gains from the ultimate disposition of real estate owned are charged or credited to earnings.

Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities.Our strategy for using derivative instruments iswas to mitigate the risk of increased costs on our variable rate liabilities during a period of rising rates (i.e. interest rate risk)., subject to cost and liquidity constraints. Our primary goals for managing interest rate risk arewere to maintain the net interest margin spread between our assets and liabilities and diminish the effect of changes in general interest rate levels on our market value. TheGenerally the interest rate swap and interest rate cap agreements we use haveused had an active secondary market, and none arewere obtained for a speculative nature, for instance, trading.nature. These interest rate agreements arewere intended to provide income and cash flows to offset potential reduced net interest income and cash flows under certain interest rate environments. The determination of effectiveness iswas the primary assumption and estimate used in hedging. At trade date, these instruments and their hedging relationship are identified, designated and documented.

SFAS No. 133,Accounting “Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities (as amended),Activities” (“SFAS 133”) standardizes the accounting for derivative instruments, including certain instruments embedded in other contracts, by requiring that an entity recognize those items as assets or liabilities in the balance sheet and measure them at fair value. If certain conditions are met, an entity may elect to designate a derivative instrument either as a cash flow hedge, a fair value hedge or a hedge of foreign currency exposure. SFAS No. 133 requires derivative instruments to be recorded at their fair value with hedge ineffectiveness recognized in earnings.

Derivative instruments that meetmet the hedge accounting criteria of SFAS No. 133 arewere considered cash flow hedges. At December 31, 2005, weWe also had no derivative instruments considered cash flow hedges, as they all hadthat do not metmeet the requirements for hedge accounting. However, these derivative instruments do contributecontributed to our overall risk management strategy by serving to reduce interest rate risk on average short-termlong-term borrowings collateralized by our loans held-for-sale.


Any changes in fair value of derivative instruments related to hedge effectiveness are reported in accumulated other comprehensive income. Changes in fair value of derivative instruments related to hedge ineffectiveness and non-hedge activity are recorded as adjustments to earnings. For those derivative instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting, changes in the fair value of the instruments are recorded as adjustments to earnings.

Mortgage Servicing RightsCDO Asset-backed Bonds (“MSR”CDO ABB”). MSR are recorded at allocated cost based upon We elected the relative fair valuesvalue option for the asset-backed bonds issued from NovaStar ABS CDO I in 2007. We elected the fair value option for these liabilities to help reduce earnings volatility which otherwise would arise if the accounting method for this debt was not matched with the fair value accounting for the related mortgage securities - trading. Fair value is estimated using quoted market prices of the transferred loans,underlying assets.

The asset-backed bonds which are being carried at fair value are included in the “Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities“ line item on the consolidated balance sheets. We recognize fair value adjustments for the change in fair value of the bonds which are included in the “Fair value adjustments” line item on the consolidated statements of operations. We calculate interest expense for these asset-backed bonds based on the prevailing coupon rates of the specific classes of debt and record interest expense in the period incurred. Interest expense amounts are included in the “Interest expense” line item of the consolidated statements of operations.

Deferred Tax Asset, net. We recorded deferred tax assets and liabilities for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the GAAP carrying amounts and their respective income tax bases. A deferred tax liability was recognized for all future taxable temporary differences, while a deferred tax asset was recognized for all future deductible temporary differences, operating loss carryforwards and tax credit carryforwards. In accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 109, “Accounting for income taxes”, (“SFAS 109”), we recorded deferred tax assets and liabilities using the enacted tax rate that is expected to apply to taxable income in the periods in which the deferred tax asset or liability is expected to be realized.

In determining the amount of deferred tax assets to recognize in the financial statements, we evaluate the likelihood of realizing such benefits in future periods. SFAS 109 requires the recognition of a valuation allowance if it is more likely than not that all or some portion of the deferred tax asset will not be realized. SFAS 109 indicates the more likely than not threshold is a level of likelihood that is more than 50 percent.

Under SFAS 109, companies are required to identify and consider all available evidence, both positive and negative, in determining whether it is more likely than not that all or some portion of its deferred tax assets will not be realized. Positive evidence includes, but is not limited to the following: cumulative earnings in recent years, earnings expected in future years, excess appreciated asset value over the tax basis, and positive industry trends. Negative evidence includes, but is not limited to the following: cumulative losses in recent years, losses expected in future years, a history of operating losses or tax credits carryforwards expiring, and adverse industry trends.

The weight given to the potential effect of negative and positive evidence should be commensurate with the extent to which it can be objectively verified. Accordingly, the more negative evidence that exists requires more positive evidence to counter, thus making it more difficult to support a conclusion that a valuation allowance is not needed for all or some of the deferred tax assets. A cumulative loss in recent years is significant negative evidence that is difficult to overcome when determining the need for a valuation allowance. Similarly, cumulative earnings in recent years represents significant positive objective evidence. If the weight of the positive evidence is sufficient to support a conclusion that it is more likely than not that a deferred tax asset will be realized, a valuation allowance should not be recorded.

We examine and weigh all available evidence (both positive and negative and both historical and forecasted) in the process of determining whether it is more likely than not that a deferred tax asset will be realized. We consider the relevancy of historical and forecasted evidence when there has been a significant change in circumstances. Additionally, we evaluate the realization of our recorded deferred tax assets on an interim and annual basis. We do not record a valuation allowance if the weight of the positive evidence exceeds the negative evidence and is sufficient to support a conclusion that it is more likely than not that our deferred tax asset will be realized.

If the weighted positive evidence is not sufficient to support a conclusion that it is more likely than not that all or some of our deferred tax assets will be realized, we consider all alternative sources of taxable income identified in determining the amount of valuation allowance to be recorded. Alternative sources of taxable income identified in SFAS 109 include the following: 1) taxable income in prior carryback year, 2) future reversals of existing taxable temporary differences, 3) future taxable income exclusive of reversing temporary differences and carryforwards, and 4) tax planning strategies.

Impact of Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements

In December 2007, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 141 (R), “Business Combinations” (“SFAS 141(R)”). In summary, SFAS 141(R) requires the acquirer of a business combination to measure at fair value the assets acquired, the liabilities assumed, and any non-controlling interest in the acquiree at the acquisition date, with limited exceptions. In addition, this standard will require acquisition costs to be expensed as incurred. The standard is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2008, and is to be applied prospectively, with no earlier adoption permitted. The adoption of this standard may have an impact on the accounting for certain costs related to any future acquisitions.

In December 2007, the FASB issued SFAS No. 160, “Noncontrolling Interests in Consolidated Financial Statements” (“SFAS 160”), which requires consolidated net income to be reported at amounts that include the amounts attributable to both the parent and non-controlling interest. SFAS 160 is effective for fiscal years beginning on or after December 15, 2008. The adoption of this standard may have an impact on the accounting of net income attributed to StreetLinks and any future acquisitions.

In March 2008, the FASB issued SFAS No. 161, “Disclosures about Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities” (“SFAS 161”). The new standard is intended to improve financial reporting about derivative instruments and hedging activities by requiring enhanced disclosures to enable investors to better understand their effects on an entity’s financial position, financial performance, and cash flows. It is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years and interim periods beginning after November 15, 2008, with early application encouraged. The Company does not expect the servicing rights. MSR are amortizedadoption of SFAS 161 will impact its consolidated financial statements but could result in proportion to and overadditional disclosures.

In April 2008, the projected net servicing revenues. Periodically, we evaluate the carrying value of originated MSR based on their estimated fair value. If the estimated fair value, using a discounted cash flow methodology, is less than the carrying amountFASB issued FASB Staff Position (“FSP”) No. SFAS 142-3, “Determination of the mortgage servicing rights,Useful Life of Intangible Assets” (“FSP SFAS 142-3”). FSP SFAS 142-3 amends paragraph 11(d) of FASB Statement No. 142 “Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets” (“SFAS 142”) which amends the mortgage servicing rights are written downfactors that should be considered in developing renewal or extension assumptions used to determine the amountuseful life of a recognized intangible asset under SFAS 142. FSP SFAS 142-3 is intended to improve the estimated fair value. For purposesconsistency between the useful life of evaluatinga recognized intangible asset under SFAS 142 and measuring impairment of MSR we stratify the mortgage servicing rights based on their predominant risk characteristics. The most predominant risk characteristic considered is period of origination. The mortgage loans underlying the MSR are pools of homogeneous, nonconforming residential loans.

The fair value of MSR is highly sensitiveexpected cash flows used to changes in assumptions. Changes in prepayment speed assumptions have the greatest impact onmeasure the fair value of MSR.the asset. FSP SFAS 142-3 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2008 and must be applied prospectively to intangible assets acquired after the effective date. The Company does not expect that adoption of FSP SFAS 142-3 will have a significant impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.

In May 2008, the FASB issued SFAS No. 162, “The Hierarchy of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles” (“SFAS 162”). SFAS 162 identifies the sources of accounting principles and the framework for selecting principles to be used in the preparation of financial statements of nongovernmental entities that are presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States. This statement is effective as interest rates decline, prepayments accelerate dueof November 15, 2008, 60 days following the SEC’s approval of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board’s amendments to increased refinance activity, whichthe PCAOB’s Interim Auditing Standards (AU) section 411, “The Meaning of Present Fairly in Conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.” The adoption of SFAS 162 did not have a material impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.

In June 2008, the FASB issued FASB Staff Position No. EITF 03-6-1 "Determining Whether Instruments Granted in Share-Based Payment Transactions Are Participating Securities" (FSP EITF -3-6-1). This FSP was issued to clarify that instruments granted in share-based payment transactions can be participating securities prior to the requisite service having been rendered. The guidance in this FSP applies to the calculation of Earnings Per Share ("EPS") under Statement 128 for share-based payment awards with rights to dividends or dividend equivalents. Unvested share-based payment awards that contain non-forfeitable rights to dividends or dividend equivalents (whether paid or unpaid) are participating securities and shall be included in the computation of EPS pursuant to the two-class method. This FSP is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2008, and interim periods within those years. All prior-period EPS data presented shall be adjusted retrospectively (including interim financial statements, summaries of earnings, and selected financial data) to conform with the provisions of this FSP. The Company does not expect the adoption of this EITF will have a material impact on its financial condition or results of operation.
On September 15, 2008, the FASB issued two exposure drafts proposing amendments to SFAS 140, “Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities”, and FASB Interpretation No. 46R, “Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities” (“FIN 46R”). Currently, the transfers of the Company’s mortgage loans in securitization transactions qualify for sale accounting treatment. The trusts used in the Company’s securitizations are not consolidated for financial reporting purposed because the trusts are qualifying special purpose entities (“QSPE”). Because the transfers qualify as sales and the trusts are not subject to consolidation, the assets and liabilities of the trusts are not reported on the balance sheet under GAAP. Under the proposed amendments, the concept of a QSPE would be eliminated and could potentially modify the consolidation conclusions. As proposed, these amendments would be effective for the Company at the beginning of 2010. The proposed amendments, if adopted, could require the Company to consolidate the assets and liabilities of the Company’s securitization trusts. This could have a significant effect on our financial condition as affected off-balance sheet loans and related liabilities would be recorded on the balance sheet.

On October 10, 2008, the FASB issued FSP No. 157-3, “Determining the Fair Value of a Financial Asset When the Market for That Asset Is Not Active” (“FSP 157-3”). FSP 157-3 clarifies the application of FAS 157 in a decreasemarket that is not active and provides an example to illustrate key consideration in determining the fair value of MSR. As interest rates rise, prepayments slow down, which generally results in an increase ina financial asset when the market for that financial asset is not active. The issuance of FSP 157-3 did not have a material impact on the Company’s determination of fair value for its financial assets.

In December 2008, the FASB issued FSP FAS 140-4 and FIN 46(R)-8, Disclosures by Public Entities (Enterprises) about Transfers of MSR. All assumptions are reviewedFinancial Assets and Interests in Variable Interest Entities (“FSP FAS 140-4 and FIN 46(R)-8”), which requires expanded disclosures for reasonablenesstransfers of financial assets and involvement with variable interest entities (“VIEs”). Under this guidance, the disclosure objectives related to transfers of financial assets now include providing information on (i) the Company’s continued involvement with financial assets transferred in a quarterly basis and adjusted as necessary to reflect current and anticipated market conditions. Thus, any measurementsecuritization or asset backed financing arrangement, (ii) the nature of the fair value of MSR is limitedrestrictions on assets held by the existing conditionsCompany that relate to transferred financial assets, and (iii) the impact on financial results of continued involvement with assets sold and assets transferred in secured borrowing arrangements. VIE disclosure objectives now include providing information on (i) significant judgments and assumptions utilized asused by the Company to determine the consolidation or disclosure of a particular point in time. Those same assumptions may not be appropriate if applied atVIE, (ii) the nature of restrictions related to the assets of a different point in time.

Financial Condition asconsolidated VIE, (iii) the nature of December 31, 2005risks related to the Company’s involvement with the VIE and 2004

Mortgage Loans.We classify our mortgage loans into two categories: “held-for-sale” and “held-in-portfolio”. Loans we have originated and purchased, but have not yet sold or securitized, are classified as “held-for-sale”. We expect to sell these loans outright in third-party transactions or in securitization transactions that will be, for tax and accounting purposes, recorded as sales. We use warehouse repurchase agreements to finance our held-for-sale loans. As such,(iv) the fluctuations in mortgage loans held-for-sale and short-term borrowings between December 31, 2005 and December 31, 2004 are dependentimpact on loans we have originated and purchased during the period as well as loans we have sold outright or through securitization transactions.

The volume and cost of our loan production are critical to our financial results. The loans we produce serve as collateral for our mortgage securities and generate gains as they are sold or securitized. The cost of our production is also critical to our financial results as itrelated to the Company’s involvement with the VIE. Certain disclosures are also required where the Company is a significant factor in the gains we recognize. The following table summarizes our loan production for 2005non-transferor sponsor or servicer of a QSPE. FSP FAS 140-4 and 2004. See Table 17 for a summary of our wholesale cost of productionFIN 46(R)-8 is effective for the years endedfirst reporting period ending after December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003. Also, details regarding mortgage loans securitized and the gains recognized during 2005 and 2004 can be found Table 14.

Table 2 — Nonconforming Loan Originations and Purchases

(dollars in thousands, except for average loan balance)








Price Paid to


  Weighted Average


Percent with




Loan to








  58,542  $9,283,138  $158,572  101.1% 82% 632  7.7% 65%







  55,974  $8,424,361  $150,505  101.3% 82% 622  7.6% 72%






A portion of the mortgage loans on our balance sheet serve as collateral for asset-backed bonds we have issued (that are not accounted for as sales) and are classified as “held-in-portfolio.” The carrying value of “held-in-portfolio” mortgage loans as of December 31, 2005 was $28.8 million compared to $59.5 million as of December 31, 2004. As discussed under “Asset-Backed Bonds” during the fourth quarter of 2005 we exercised our option to repurchase the mortgage loan collateral for two out of the four securitization loan transactions from 1997 and 1998.

Premiums to brokers are paid on substantially all mortgage loans. Premiums on mortgage loans held-in-portfolio are amortized as a reduction of interest income over the estimated lives of the loans. For mortgage loans held-for-sale, premiums are deferred until the related loans are sold or securitized. To mitigate the effect of prepayments on interest income from mortgage loans, we generally strive to originate and purchase mortgage loans with prepayment penalties. Prepayment penalties have decreased from 2004 due to increased regulation specifically aimed at reducing prepayment penalties which can be charged by lenders. Because more borrowers can now refinance their mortgages at any time with no penalty, we would expect prepayment speeds to be slightly faster as a result of the reduction in these penalties. Additionally, the value of our prepayment penalty bonds retained in our newer securitizations will generally have a lower value due to the decrease in expected cash flows.

In periods of decreasing interest rates, borrowers are more likely to refinance their mortgages to obtain a better interest rate. Even in rising rate environments, borrowers tend to repay their mortgage principal balances earlier than is required by the terms of their mortgages. Nonconforming borrowers, as they update their credit rating and as housing prices increase, are more likely to refinance their mortgage loan to obtain a lower interest rate or take advantage of the additional borrowing capacity in their homes.

The operating performance of our mortgage loan portfolio, including net interest income, allowance for credit losses and effects of hedging, are discussed under “Results of Operations by our Primary Operating Segments”. Gains on the sales of mortgage loans, including impact of securitizations treated as sales, is also discussed under “Results of Operations by our Primary Operating Segments.”

Table 3 — Carrying Value of Mortgage Loans

(dollars in thousands)

   December 31,






Current principal

  $1,235,159  $719,904 

Net premium

   12,015   6,760 


    1,247,174   726,664 

Loans under removal of accounts provision

   44,382   20,930 


Mortgage loans – held-for-sale

  $1,291,556  $747,594 


Weighted average coupon

   8.1%  7.7%


Percent with prepayment penalty

   65%  65%




Current principal

  $29,084  $58,859 

Net unamortized premium

   455   1,175 


Amortized cost

   29,539   60,034 

Allowance for credit losses

   (699)  (507)


Mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio

  $28,840  $59,527 


Weighted average coupon

   9.9%  10.0%


The following table details the activity in our mortgage loans held-for-sale for the years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004.

Table 4 — Rollforward of Mortgage Loans Held-for-Sale

(dollars in thousands)

   For the Year Ended December 31,




Beginning balance

  $747,594  $697,992 

Originations and purchases

   9,366,720   8,560,314 

Borrower repayments

   (9,908)  (27,979)

Sales to third parties

   (1,166,377)  (63,042)

Sales in securitizations

   (7,693,775)  (8,424,145)

Transfers to real estate owned

   (712)  (2,001)

Repurchase of mortgage loans from securitization trusts

   13,948   —   

Transfers of mortgage loans from held-in-portfolio

   10,614   —   

Change in loans under removal of accounts provision

   23,452   6,455 


Ending balance

  $1,291,556  $747,594 


Mortgage Securities Available-for-Sale. Since 1999, we have pooled the majority of the loans we have originated or purchased to serve as collateral for asset-backed bonds in securitizations that are treated as sales for accounting and tax purposes. In these transactions, the loans are removed from our balance sheet. However, we retain residual securities (representing interest-only securities, prepayment penalty bonds and overcollateralization bonds) and certain investment-grade rated subordinated securities. Additionally, we service the loans sold in these securitizations. See “Mortgage Servicing Rights” below. As of December 31, 2005 and 2004, the fair value of our mortgage securities – available-for-sale was $505.6 million and $489.2 million, respectively. During 2005 and 2004, we executed securitizations totaling $7.6 billion and $8.3 billion, respectively, in mortgage loans and retained mortgage securities with a cost basis of $332.4 million and $381.8 million, respectively.15, 2008. See Note 3 to the consolidated financial statements for the additional disclosures required by the FSP.

In January 2009, the FASB issued FSP EITF 99-20-1, Amendments to the Impairment Guidance of EITF Issue No. 99-20 (“FSP EITF 99-20-1”), which eliminates the requirement that the holder’s best estimate of cash flows be based upon those that a summary“market participant” would use. FSP EITF 99-20-1 was amended to require recognition of other-than-temporary impairment when it is “probable” that there has been an adverse change in the activity in our mortgage securities portfolio.

The servicing agreements we execute for loans we have securitized include a “clean up” call option which gives us the right, not the obligation, to repurchase mortgage loansholder’s best estimate of cash flows from the trust whencash flows previously projected. This amendment aligns the aggregate principal balanceimpairment guidance under EITF 99-20, Recognition of the mortgage loans has declinedInterest Income and Impairment on Purchased Beneficial Interests and Beneficial Interests That Continue to ten percent or less of the original aggregated mortgage loan principal balance. On September 25, 2005, we exercised the “clean up” call option on NMFT Series 1999-1 and repurchased loans withBe Held by a remaining principal balance of $14.0 million from the trust for $6.8 millionTransferor in cash. The trust distributed the $6.8 million to retire the bonds held by third parties. AlongSecuritized Financial Assets, with the cash paidguidance in SFAS No. 115. FSP EITF 99-20-1 retains and re-emphasizes the other-than-temporary impairment guidance and disclosures in pre-existing GAAP and SEC requirements. FSP EITF 99-20-1 is effective for interim and annual reporting periods ending after December 15, 2008. The Company does not expect the adoption of FSP EITF 99-20-1 will have a material impact on its consolidated financial statements.

In April 2009, the FASB issued FSP No. FAS 107-1 and APB 28-1, Interim Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments, to the trust, the cost basis of the NMFT Series 1999-1 mortgage security, $7.4 million, became part of the cost basis of the repurchased mortgage loans.

The value of our residual mortgage securities available-for-sale represents the present value of the securities’ cash flows that we expect to receive over their lives, considering estimated prepayment speeds and credit losses of the underlying loans, discounted at an appropriate risk-adjusted market rate of return. The cash flows are realized over the life of the loan collateral as cash distributions are received from the trust that owns the collateral.

In estimating therequire disclosures about fair value of our residual mortgage securities – available-for-sale, management must make assumptions regarding the future performance and cash flowfinancial instruments for interim reporting periods of the mortgage loans collateralizing the securities. These estimates are based on management’s judgments about the nature of the loans. The cash flows we receive on our residual mortgage securities – available-for-sale will be based on the net of the gross coupon less servicing costs, bond costs, trustee administrative costs and mortgage insurance costs. Additionally, if the trust is a party to interest rate agreements, our cash flow will include (exclude) payments from (to) the interest rate agreement counterparty. Table 5 provides a summary of the critical assumptions used in estimating the cash flows of the collateral and the resulting estimated fair value of the residual mortgage securities – available-for-sale.

We have experienced periods prior to 2004 when the interest expense on asset-backed bonds dramatically declined due to reductions in short-term interest rates. As a result, the spread between the coupon interest and the bond cost was unusually high and our cost basis in many of our older mortgage securities was significantly reduced due to the dramatic increase in cash flows. For example, our cost basis in NMFT Series 2000-2, 2001-1 and 2001-2 has been reduced to zero (see Table 5). When our cost basis in the residual securities reaches zero, the remaining future cash flows received on the securities are recognized entirely as income.

The operating performance of our mortgage securities portfolio, including net interest income and effects of hedging are discussed under “Mortgage Portfolio Management Results of Operations.”

Table 5 — Valuation of Individual Mortgage Securities – Available-for-Sale and Assumptions

(dollars in thousands)

   Cost (A)




(Loss) (A)



Fair Value



Securities (A)

  Current Assumptions

  Assumptions at Trust Securitization


























December 31, 2005:


NMFT Series:



  $521  $596  $1,117  15% 36% 1.3% 15% 27% 1.0%


   —     907   907  15  37  1.0  15  28  1.0 


   —     1,661   1,661  20  40  1.3  20  28  1.2 


   —     3,701   3,701  20  31  0.7  25  28  1.2 


   1,632   2,184   3,816  20  41  0.7  20  32  1.7 


   2,415   542   2,957  20  43  1.4  25  27  1.6 


   4,127   1,132   5,259  20  44  0.4  20  30  1.0 


   30,815   5,941   36,756  20  39  1.3  20  28  3.3 


   11,043   8,330   19,373  20  39  0.8  28  25  2.7 


   18,261   6,860   25,121  20  37  0.7  20  22  3.6 


   11,070   12,191   23,261  20  46  0.8  20  30  5.1 


   17,065   13,142   30,207  20  56  1.3  20  33  5.9 


   18,368   13,432   31,800  20  55  1.4  26  31  5.1 


   36,502   17,287   53,789  19  53  1.5  19  34  4.5 


   34,473   16,102   50,575  20  54  1.5  26  35  4.0 


   44,387   8,481   52,868  15  53  1.8  15  37  3.6 


   37,377   1,296   38,673  13  51  1.5  13  39  2.1 


   46,627   —     46,627  15  47  2.0  15  41  2.0 

2005-3 (C)

   45,058   (2,247)  42,811  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A 


   34,366   —     34,366  15  43  2.3  15  43  2.3 





  $394,107  $111,538  $505,645                   




(A)The interest-only, prepayment penalty and overcollateralization securities are presented on a combined basis.
(B)Represents expected credit losses for the life of the securitization up to the expected date in which the related asset-backed bonds can be called, net of mortgage insurance recoveries.
(C)Includes the Class M-11 and M-12 certificates of NMFT Series 2005-3. The M-11 is rated BBB/BBB- and BBB- by Standard & Poor’s and Fitch, respectively. The M-12 is rated BBB- by Standard and Poor’s. The fair value for these securities is based upon market prices.

   Cost (A)



Gain (A)



Fair Value



Securities (A)

  Current Assumptions

  Assumptions at Trust Securitization


























December 31, 2004:


NMFT Series:



  $7,001  $—    $7,001  17% 33% 4.8% 17% 30% 2.5%


   681   538   1,219  15  46  1.2  15  27  1.0 


   —     2,290   2,290  15  34  1.0  15  28  1.0 


   —     3,111   3,111  20  37  1.1  20  28  1.2 


   —     8,601   8,601  25  33  0.8  25  28  1.2 


   4,978   6,112   11,090  20  42  0.9  20  32  1.7 


   5,048   1,642   6,690  25  40  1.4  25  27  1.6 


   11,044   3,817   14,861  20  41  0.7  20  30  1.0 


   32,062   5,231   37,293  20  39  1.8  20  28  3.3 


   21,980   7,923   29,903  28  38  1.5  28  25  2.7 


   32,775   9,239   42,014  20  37  1.6  20  22  3.6 


   26,460   17,727   44,187  20  44  1.7  20  30  5.1 


   42,547   7,303   49,850  20  43  3.5  20  33  5.9 


   39,856   5,695   45,551  26  41  3.8  26  31  5.1 


   89,442   —     89,442  19  39  3.9  19  34  4.5 


   96,072   —     96,072  26  36  3.7  26  35  4.0 





  $409,946  $79,229  $489,175           ��       




(A)The interest-only, prepayment penalty and overcollateralization securities are presented on a combined basis.
(B)Represents expected credit losses for the life of the securitization up to the expected date in which the related asset-backed bonds can be called, net of the impact of mortgage insurance recoveries.

The previous table demonstrates how the increase in housing prices has impacted the assumptions we use to value our individual mortgage securities available-for-sale. The increase in home prices has led to an increase in constant prepayment rate assumptionspublicly traded companies as well as a decrease in expected credit loss assumptions.annual financial statements. This FSP also amends APB Opinion No. 28, Interim financial reporting, to require those disclosures in summarized financial information at interim reporting periods. The decreaseCompany will comply with the additional disclosure requirements beginning in expected credit loss assumptions has more than offset the increasesecond quarter of 2009.


In April 2009, the FASB issued FSP No. FAS 115-2 and FAS 124-2, Recognition and Presentation of Other-Than-Temporary Impairments. This FSP amends the other-than-temporary impairment guidance in constant prepayment ratesU.S. GAAP for debt and increaseequity securities in short-term interest rates causing the yield on our mortgage securitiesfinancial statements. This FSP does not amend existing recognition and measurement guidance related to increase. Note 3 to the consolidated financial statements provides additional detail regarding the yields on our mortgage securities available-for-sale.

The following table summarizes the cost basis, unrealized gain and fair valueother-than-temporary impairments of our mortgage securities—available-for-sale grouped by year of issue. For example, under the “Year of Issue for Mortgage Securities Retained” column, the year 2005 is a combination of NMFT Series 2005-1, NMFT Series 2005-2, NMFT Series 2005-3 and NMFT Series 2005-4.

Table 6 — Summary of Mortgage Securities – Available-for-Sale Retained by Year of Issue

(dollars in thousands)

Year of







  As of December 31

  As of September 30

  As of June 30

  As of March 31





  Fair Value





  Fair Value





  Fair Value





  Fair Value


  $—    $—    $—    $—    $—    $—    $7,389  $3  $7,392  $7,150  $32  $7,182


   521   1,503   2,024   588   1,760   2,348   672   2,237   2,909   800   2,307   3,107


   —     5,362   5,362   —     6,741   6,741   —     7,169   7,169   —     9,129   9,129


   8,174   3,858   12,032   14,189   6,594   20,783   15,132   10,402   25,534   19,112   12,283   31,395


   71,189   33,322   104,511   73,168   47,050   120,218   79,419   65,301   144,720   91,112   54,209   145,321


   106,408   59,963   166,371   131,885   61,572   193,457   168,908   56,898   225,806   213,694   33,297   246,991


   207,815   7,530   215,345   198,157   244   198,401   130,379   2   130,381   87,453   —     87,453













  $394,107  $111,538  $505,645  $417,987  $123,961  $541,948  $401,899  $142,012  $543,911  $419,321  $111,257  $530,578












Year of







  As of December 31

  As of September 30

  As of June 30

  As of March 31



  Fair Value



  Fair Value



  Fair Value



  Fair Value


  $7,001  $—    $7,001  $6,818  $—    $6,818  $6,597  $—    $6,597  $6,353  $185  $6,538


   681   2,828   3,509   539   3,046   3,585   412   5,161   5,573   1,298   8,194   9,492


   —     11,712   11,712   —     16,064   16,064   321   20,910   21,231   233   27,579   27,812


   21,070   11,571   32,641   23,978   14,181   38,159   29,202   14,067   43,269   36,201   18,899   55,100


   113,277   40,120   153,397   142,796   28,458   171,254   184,097   8,841   192,938   226,676   16,090   242,766


   267,917   12,998   280,915   218,898   7,709   226,607   118,684   758   119,442   60,961   1,334   62,295













  $409,946  $79,229  $489,175  $393,029  $69,458  $462,487  $339,313  $49,737  $389,050  $331,722  $72,281  $404,003












Mortgage Securities – Trading. As of December 31, 2005, mortgage securities – trading consisted of the NMFT Series 2005-4 M-9, M-10, M-11 and M-12 bond class securities are retained from our securitization transactions in 2005. Note 2 and Note 4 to the consolidated financial statements provides additional detail regarding theseequity securities. The aggregate fair market value of these securities as of December 31, 2005 was $43.7 million. Management estimates their fair value based on quoted market prices. As of December 31, 2004, this line-item consisted of an adjustable-rate mortgage-backed security with a fair market value of $143.2 million. During the first quarter of 2005, we sold this security.

Mortgage Servicing Rights. As discussed under “Mortgage Securities – AvailableFSP shall be effective for Sale” above, we retain the right to service mortgage loans we originate, purchaseinterim and have securitized. Servicing rightsannual reporting periods ending after June 15, 2009 , but early adoption is permitted for loans we sell to third parties are not retained and we have not purchased the right to service loans. As of December 31, 2005, we had $57.1 million in capitalized mortgage servicing rights compared with $42.0 million as of December 31, 2004. The carrying value of the mortgage servicing rights we retained in our securitizations during 2005 and 2004 was $43.5 million and $39.3 million, respectively. Amortization of mortgage servicing rights was $28.4 million, $16.9 million and $9.0 million for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. See further discussion of amortization of mortgage servicing rights under “Loan Servicing Results of Operations.

Derivative Instruments, net. Derivative instruments, net decreased to $12.8 million at December 31, 2005 from $18.8 million at December 31, 2004. These amounts include the collateral (margin deposits) required under the terms of our derivative instrument contracts, net of the derivative instrument market values. Due to the nature of derivative instruments we use, the margin deposits required will generally increase as interest rates decline and decrease as interest rates rise. On the other hand, the market value of our derivative instruments will decline as interest rates decline and increase as interest rates rise.

Short-term Borrowings.Mortgage loan originations and purchases are funded with various financing facilities prior to securitization. Repurchase agreements are used as interim short-term financing before loans are transferred in our securitization transactions. The balances outstanding under our short-term repurchase agreements fluctuate based on lending volume, equity and debt issuances, financing activities and cash flows from other operating and investing activities. As shown in Table 7, we had $278.8 million in immediately available funds as of December 31, 2005. We have borrowed approximately $1.4 billion of the $3.5 billion in mortgage securities and mortgage loans financing facilities, leaving approximately $2.1 billion available to support the mortgage lending and mortgage portfolio operations. See “Liquidity and Capital Resources” for a further discussion of liquidity risks and resources available to us.

Table 7 — Short-term Financing Resources

(dollars in thousands)






Value of




Unrestricted cash


Mortgage securities and mortgage loans financing facilities

  $3,500,000  $1,432,719  $1,418,569   14,150





  $3,500,000  $1,432,719  $1,418,569  $278,844




Asset-Backed Bonds.During 1997 and 1998, we completed the securitization of loans in transactions that were structured as financing arrangements for accounting purposes. These non-recourse financing arrangements match the loans with the financing arrangement for long periods of time, as compared to repurchase agreements that mature frequently with interest rates that reset frequently and have liquidity risk in the form of margin calls. Under the terms of our asset-backed bonds we are entitled to repurchase the mortgage loan collateral and repay the remaining bond obligations when the aggregate collateral principal balance falls below 35% of their original balance for the loans in Series 97-01 and 25% for the loans in Series 97-02, Series 98-01 and Series 98-02. During the fourth quarter of 2005, we exercised this option for issues 1997-1 and 1997-2 and retired the related asset-backed bonds which had a remaining balance of $7.8 million. The mortgage loans were transferred from the held-in-portfolio classification to held-for-sale and have been or will be sold to third party investors or used as collateral in our securitization transactions. As of December 31, 2005 and December 31, 2004, we had asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage loans outstanding of $26.9 million and $53.5 million, respectively.

During 2005, we issued Net Interest Margin Certificates (“NIM”) in resecuritization transactions in the amount of $130.9 million, raising $128.9 million in net proceeds. This NIM is secured by the retained securities from NMFT Series 2005-1 and NMFT Series 2005-2 and is a form of long-term financing. The resecuritization was structured as a secured borrowing for financial reporting and income tax purposes because control over the transferred assets was not surrendered. Therefore, the mortgage securities remain on our balance sheet as assets and the asset-backed bonds are recorded as debt. As of December 31, 2005 and December 31, 2004 we had asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities available-for-sale outstanding of $125.6 million and $336.4 million, respectively. Note 8 to the consolidated financial statements provides additional detail regarding these transactions.

Junior Subordinated Debentures.During 2005, we issued unsecured floating rate subordinated debt to obtain low cost long-term funds. The junior subordinated debentures are redeemable, at our option, in whole or in part, anytime without penalty on orending after March 15, 2010, but are mandatorily redeemable when they mature2009. The Company plans to adopt the provisions of this Staff Position during second quarter 2009; however its adoption is not expected to have a material impact on March 15, 2035. As of December 31, 2005, our liability related to the junior subordinated debentures was $48.7 million. See Note 8 to ourits consolidated financial statements for additional detail regarding this transaction.

Shareholders’ Equity. The increase in our shareholders’ equity asstatements.

In April 2009, the FASB issued FSP No. FAS 157-4, “Determining Fair Value When the Volume and Level of December 31, 2005 compared to December 31, 2004 is a result of the following increases and decreases.

Shareholders’ equity increased by:

$139.1 million due to net income recognizedActivity for the year ended December 31, 2005

$145.4 million dueAsset or Liability Have Significantly Decreased and Identifying Transactions That Are Not Orderly” (“FSP FAS 157-4”). FSP FAS 157-4 provides guidance on estimating fair value when market activity has decreased and on identifying transactions that are not orderly. Additionally, entities are required to issuancedisclose in interim and annual periods the inputs and valuation techniques used to measure fair value. This FSP is effective for interim and annual periods ending after June 15, 2009. The Company does not expect the adoption of common stockFSP FAS 157-4 will have a material impact on its financial condition or results of operation, although it will require additional disclosures.

$14.7 million due to increase
In May 2009, the FASB issued FASB Staff Position No. APB 14-1 “Accounting for Convertible Debt Instruments That May Be Settled in unrealized gains on mortgage securities classified as available-for-sale

$17.6 million due to impairment on mortgage securities – availableCash upon Conversion (Including Partial Cash Settlement).” FASB Staff Position No. APB 14-1 clarifies that convertible debt instruments that may be settled in cash upon conversion (including partial cash settlement) are not addressed by paragraph 12 of APB Opinion No. 14, Accounting for sale reclassified to earnings

$2.2 million due to compensation recognized under stock option plan

$0.9 million due to issuanceConvertible Debt and Debt Issued with Stock Purchase Warrants. Additionally, this FSP specifies that issuers of stock under stock compensation plans

$0.1 million due to forgiveness of founders’ notes receivable, and

$0.1 million due to net settlements on cash flow hedges reclassified to earnings.

Shareholders’ equity decreased by:

$171.3 million due to dividends accrued on common stock

$6.7 million due to dividends accrued on preferred stock

$4.1 million due to dividend equivalent rights (DERs) on vested stock options, and

$0.3 million due to tax benefit derived from stock compensation plans.

Results of Operations

During the year ended December 31, 2005, we earned net income available to common shareholders of $132.5 million, or $4.42 per diluted share, compared with net income of $109.1 million, or $4.24 per diluted share and $112.0 million, or $4.91 per diluted share,such instruments should separately account for the same periods of 2004liability and 2003, respectively.

Our primary sources of revenue are interest earned on our mortgage loan and securities portfolios, fee income and gains on sales of mortgage assets. As discussed under “Executive Overview of Performance,” net income available to common shareholders increased during 2005 as compared to 2004 due primarily to:

Higher average balance and higher net yield on our mortgage securities in our mortgage portfolio management segment. See “Mortgage Portfolio Management Results of Operations” for further discussion of these factors.

Growth in our servicing portfolio as well as increased interest income on servicing funds we hold as custodian driven by higher short-term interest rates in our loan servicing segment. See “Loan Servicing Results of Operations” for further discussion of these factors.

These increases helped offset the decline in net income available to common shareholders of our mortgage lending segment which was driven by declining profit margins within the mortgage banking industry. See “Mortgage Lending Results of Operations.”

Our net income decreased to $109.1 million in 2004 from $112.0 million in 2003 due to the decline in net yield on our mortgage securities to $27.2% in 2004 from 31.3% and declining profit margins within the mortgage lending segment.

Results of Operations by Our Primary Operating Segments

Mortgage Portfolio Management Results of Operations

The following table summarizes key performance data for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 which we use to assess the results of operations of our mortgage portfolio management segment. See also Note 16 to the consolidated financial statements for condensed statements of income by segment.

Table 8 — Summary of Mortgage Portfolio Management Key Performance Data

(dollars in thousands)

   Year Ended December 31,





Mortgage Portfolio Management:


Mortgage Portfolio loans under management (A)

  $12,752,307  $11,410,147  $6,525,093 

Average balance of mortgage portfolio loans under management (A)

   12,052,775   8,503,493   4,432,647 

Net income

   163,823   111,506   98,683 

Mortgage portfolio management net interest income (B)

   174,666   118,350   91,214 

Impairment on mortgage securities – available-for-sale

   (17,619)  (15,902)  —   

Other income

   22,911   16,651   17,185 

General and administrative expenses

   14,450   7,473   6,667 

Net yield on mortgage securities

   32.3%  27.2%  31.3%

Mortgage portfolio management net interest yield on assets

   1.45%  1.39%  2.06%

(A)Includes the principal balance of loans in off-balance sheet securitizations as well as the principal balance of loans in the held-in-portfolio category on our balance sheet.
(B)This metric is based on mortgage portfolio management net interest income as calculated in Table 10 below.

Net Income. Within our mortgage portfolio management segment, we earned net income of $163.8 million, $111.5 million and $98.7 million for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. The main factors driving mortgage portfolio management’s net income are explained in detail in the following discussion of its results of operations.

Mortgage Portfolio Net Interest Income. Our mortgage securities primarily represent our ownership in the net cash flows of the underlying mortgage loan collateral in excess of bond expenses and cost of funding. The cost of funding is indexed to one-month

LIBOR and resets monthly while the coupon on the mortgage loan collateral adjusts more slowly depending on the contractual terms of the loan. In 2002, we began transferring interest rate agreements at the time of securitization into the securitization trusts to help provide protection to the third-party bondholders from interest rate risk. These agreements reduce interest rate risk within the trust and, as a result, the cash flows we receive on our interest-only securities are less volatile as interest rates change. As discussed under the heading “Mortgage Securities – Available-for-Sale” in the “Critical Accounting Estimates” section, we lowered the credit loss assumptions on certain of our mortgage securities – available-for-sale because of better than expected credit loss performance, driven by the substantial increases in housing prices. The lowering of these credit loss assumptions was a major factor in the increased average net yield on our securities to $32.3% for the year ended December 31, 2005 from 27.2% for the same period in 2004, as shown in Table 9.

Also contributing to the increase in overall net interest income was the sizeable increase in our mortgage securities retained. As shown in Tables 9 and 10, the average fair value of our mortgage securities increased to $531.0 million during the year ended December 31, 2005 from $425.4 million during the year ended December 31, 2004, while the average balance of mortgage loans collateralizing our securities increased to $12.0 billion for the year ended December 31, 2005 from $8.4 billion for the same period in 2004.

In our current environment of tight margins, generally, we would expect the net yield on our mortgage securities to decrease in 2006 as our older higher-yielding securities pay down and are replaced by new lower-yielding securities, assuming all other factors unchanged.

Despite the decline in net yield on our mortgage securities to 27.2% in 2004 from 31.3% in 2003, overall net interest income continued to increase during the year as the increase in the average fair value of our mortgage securities rose to $425.4 million in 2004 from $288.4 million.

Table 9 is a summary of the interest income and expense related to our mortgage securities and the related yields as a percentage of the fair market value of these securities for the three years ended December 31, 2005.

Table 9 — Mortgage Securities Net Yield Analysis

(dollars in thousands)

   Year Ended December 31,





Average fair market value of mortgage securities

  $530,999  $425,400  $288,361 

Average borrowings

   270,109   337,282   222,653 

Interest income

   188,856   133,633   98,804 

Interest expense

   17,398   18,091   8,676 



Net interest income

  $171,458  $115,542  $90,128 





Interest income

   35.6%  31.4%  34.3%

Interest expense

   6.5   5.4   3.9 



Net interest spread

   29.1%  26.0%  30.4%



Net Yield

   32.3%  27.2%  31.3%



Our portfolio income comes from mortgage loans either directly (mortgage loans held-in-portfolio) or indirectly (mortgage securities). Table 10 attempts to look through the balance sheet presentation of our portfolio income and present income as a percentage of average assets under management. The net interest income for mortgage securities and mortgage loans held-in-portfolio reflects the income after interest expense, hedging, prepayment penalty income and credit expense (mortgage insurance and credit losses). This metric allows us to be more easily compared to other finance companies or financial institutions that use on balance sheet portfolio accounting, where return on assets is a common performance calculation.

Our portfolio net interest yield on assets was 1.45% for the year ended December 31, 2005 as compared to 1.39% and 2.06% respectively, for the same period of 2004 and 2003. The increase in yield from 2004 to 2005 can be attributed to the lower than expected credit losses due to rising housing prices which resulted in the lowering of our credit loss assumptions on certain mortgage securities available-for-sale as previously discussed. In addition, net settlement expense on non-cash flow hedging derivatives was lower in 2005 compared with 2004 as short-term interest rates have increased in 2005.

We generally expect our net interest yield on portfolio assets to be in the range of 1% to 1.25% over the long term. The decrease in yield from 2004 to 2003 was the result of a significant decline in the spreads on our mortgage securities because of the increase in short-term interest rates in 2004. Table 10 shows the net interest yield on assets under management during the three years ended December 31, 2005.

Table 10 — Mortgage Portfolio Management Net Interest Income Analysis

(dollars in thousands)











For the Year Ended:


December 31, 2005


Interest income

  $188,856  $4,311  $193,167 

Interest expense:


Short-term borrowings (A)

   1,770   —     1,770 

Asset-backed bonds

   15,628   1,630   17,258 



Total interest expense

   17,398   1,630   19,028 



Mortgage portfolio management net interest income before other expense

   171,458   2,681   174,139 

Other income (expense) (B)

   1,651   (1,124)  527 



Mortgage portfolio management net interest income

  $173,109  $1,557  $174,666 



Average balance of the underlying loans

  $12,006,929  $45,846  $12,052,775 

Mortgage portfolio management net interest yield on assets

   1.44%  3.40%  1.45%



December 31, 2004


Interest income

  $133,633  $6,673  $140,306 

Interest expense:


Short-term borrowings (A)

   4,836   —     4,836 

Asset-backed bonds

   13,255   1,422   14,677 

Cash flow hedging net settlements

   —     1,558   1,558 



Total interest expense

   18,091   2,980   21,071 



Mortgage portfolio management net interest income before other expense

   115,542   3,693   119,235 

Other income (expense) (B)

   368   (1,253)  (885)



Mortgage portfolio management net interest income

  $115,910  $2,440  $118,350 



Average balance of the underlying loans

  $8,431,708  $71,785  $8,503,493 

Mortgage portfolio management net interest yield on assets

   1.37%  3.40%  1.39%



December 31, 2003


Interest income

  $98,804  $10,738  $109,542 

Interest expense:


Short-term borrowings (A)

   3,450   —     3,450 

Asset-backed bonds

   5,226   2,269   7,495 

Cash flow hedging net settlements

   —     6,488   6,488 



Total interest expense

   8,676   8,757   17,433 



Mortgage portfolio management net interest income before other expense

   90,128   1,981   92,109 

Other income (expense) (B)

   —     (895)  (895)



Mortgage portfolio management net interest income

  $90,128  $1,086  $91,214 



Average balance of the underlying loans

  $4,316,599  $116,048  $4,432,647 

Mortgage portfolio management net interest yield on assets

   2.09%  0.94%  2.06%



(A)Primarily includes mortgage securities repurchase agreements.
(B)Other income (expense) includes prepayment penalty income, net settlements on non-cash flow hedges and credit expense (mortgage insurance and provision for credit losses).

Impairment on Mortgage Securities – Available-for-Sale.To the extent that the cost basis of mortgage securities—available-for-sale exceeds the fair value and the unrealized loss is considered to be other than temporary, an impairment charge is recognized and the amount recorded in accumulated other comprehensive income or loss is reclassified to earnings as a realized loss. During the year ended December 31, 2005, we recorded an impairment loss of $17.6 million compared to $15.9 million during the same period of 2004. The impairments were primarily a result of the increase in short-term interest rates during 2005 and 2004. As can be seen by Table 11, the impairments on our residual securities in 2004 and 2005 primarily related to the residual securities which were retained during that respective year. This reflects that as we retain new residual securities during a period when short-term interest rate increases are greater than anticipated by the forward yield curve, we generally are more susceptible to impairments on our newer mortgage securities as they do not have sizable unrealized gains to help offset the decline in value. The following table summarizes the impairment on our mortgage securities—available-for-sale by mortgage security for the years ended December 31, 2005 and December 31, 2004. We did not record any impairments for the year ended December 31, 2003.

Table 11 — Impairment on Mortgage Securities – Available-for-Sale by Mortgage Security

(dollars in thousands)

   For the Year Ended December 31



Mortgage Securities – Available-for-Sale:


NMFT Series 1999-1

  $117  $87

NMFT Series 2004-1

   —     6,484

NMFT Series 2004-2

   —     7,384

NMFT Series 2004-2

   —     1,947

NMFT Series 2004-4

   1,496   —  

NMFT Series 2005-1

   1,426   —  

NMFT Series 2005-2

   7,027   —  

NMFT Series 2005-3

   7,553   —  


Impairment on mortgage securities – available-for-sale

  $17,619  $15,902


Other Income. Other income for our mortgage portfolio management segment represents intercompany fees earned by the mortgage portfolio management segment and, as such, these fees are eliminated in consolidation and therefore have no impact on consolidated earnings. These intercompany fees are detailed in Note 16 of our consolidated financial statements. Other income also includes mark-to-market gains (losses) on our trading securities as well as interest income earned from the short-term investment of corporate funds.

General and Administrative Expenses.Our mortgage portfolio management segment’s general and administrative expenses increased to $14.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2005 from $7.5 million and $6.7 million for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively. The significant increase from 2004 to 2005 is primarily due to the increase in provision for excise taxes, which is discussed under “Income Taxes”.

Mortgage Lending Results of Operations

The following table summarizes key performance data for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, which we use to assess the results of operations of our mortgage lending segment.

Table 12 — Summary of Mortgage Lending Key Performance Data

(dollars in thousands)

   For the Year Ended December 31,





Mortgage Lending:


Net (loss) income

  $(21,331) $14,029  $11,877 

Mortgage lending net interest income (A)

   44,704   29,107   26,440 

Gains on sales of mortgage assets

   49,303   113,211   140,870 

Gains (losses) on derivative instruments

   17,907   (8,794)  (29,943)

Premiums for mortgage loan insurance

   (5,331)  (3,690)  (2,194)

Other expense

   (7,788)  (6,445)  (12,369)

General and administrative expenses

   128,619   127,063   118,935 

Nonconforming originations

   9,283,138   8,424,361   5,250,978 

Weighted average coupon of nonconforming originations

   7.7%  7.6%  7.3%

Costs of wholesale production, as a percent of principal

   2.39%  2.53%  2.40%

Nonconforming loans securitized

   7,621,030   8,329,804   5,319,435 

Nonconforming loans sold to third parties

   1,138,098   —     151,210 

Net whole loan price used in initial valuation of residual securities

   102.00%  103.28%  104.21%

Mortgage lending gains on sales of loans transferred in securitizations, as a % of principal sold (B)

   0.5%  1.4%  2.5%

(A)This metric is based on mortgage lending net interest income as calculated in Table 13.
(B)The difference between mortgage lending gains on sales of loans transferred in securitizations in this table and the consolidated gains on sales of loans transferred in securitizations as reported in Note 2 to the consolidating financials is related to intersegment eliminations. See Note 16 to the consolidated financial statements for discussion of eliminations between segments. See also Tables 14 and 15 for further details of how these metrics are calculated.

Net (Loss) Income. Our mortgage lending segment reported net (loss) income of $(21.3) million, $14.0 million and $11.9 million for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. We experienced significant profit margin compression driven by the highly competitive mortgage banking environment in 2005. The details of this margin compression are discussed under “Executive Overview of Performance.”

Even though profit margins were declining in 2004, we were able to increase our net income due to the increase in the volume of loans we securitized to $8.3 billion in 2004 from $5.3 billion in 2003. For the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003, the weighted average net whole loan price used in the initial valuation of our retained securities was 103.28 and 104.21, respectively, and the weighted average gain on securitization as a percentage of loan principal securitized was 1.4% and 2.5%, respectively.

Loan Originations and Purchases. Our mortgage lending segment reported nonconforming loan production of $9.3 billion for the year ended December 31, 2005 as compared to $8.4 billion and $5.3 billion for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively. The weighted average coupon of the loans originated or purchased increased slightly to 7.7% for the year ended December 31, 2005 from 7.6% and 7.3% for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively. Coupons on loans we originated in 2005 increased only slightly from 2004 originations due to competitive pressures within the industry. Late in 2005, coupons on new originations did increase across the nonconforming mortgage banking industry. However, competitive pressures may not allow us to raise mortgage coupons at a rate commensurate with increases in short-term interest rates, which drive our funding costs.

Mortgage lending Net Interest Income. Mortgage lending net interest income on mortgage loans represents income on loans held-for-sale prior to being sold to a third party or in a securitization. The net interest income from loans is primarily driven by loan volume and the amount of time held-for-sale loans are held prior to being sold to a third party or in a securitization.

Table 13 — Mortgage Lending Net Interest Yield Analysis

(dollars in thousands)

   For the Year Ended December 31,





Interest income

  $106,118  $83,757  $60,878 

Interest expense:


Short-term borrowings

   58,654   30,013   20,060 

Cash flow hedging net settlements

   180   1,514   2,871 



Total interest expense (A)

   58,834   31,527   22,931 



Mortgage lending net interest income before other expense

   47,284   52,230   37,947 

Other expense (B)

   2,580   23,123   11,507 



Mortgage lending net interest income

  $44,704  $29,107  $26,440 



Average balance of the underlying loans

  $1,344,569  $1,113,736  $792,991 

Mortgage lending net interest yield on assets

   3.32%  2.61%  3.33%



(A)Does not include interest expense related to the junior subordinated debentures and interest expense on intercompany debt. See Note 16 to the consolidated financial statements for discussion of eliminations between segments.
(B)Other expense includes net settlements on non-cash flow hedges and mortgage insurance expense.

Our mortgage lending net interest income before other expense decreased to $47.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2005 from $52.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2004. The decrease was a result of the significant rise in short-term rates throughout 2005, which increases our borrowing expense, while the coupons on our mortgage loans we originated and purchased modestly increased from 2004. We were able to offset some of the negative effects of these tighter margins with an increase in our average balance of the underlying loans which was driven by increased nonconforming production in 2005 compared to 2004. Again, the total amount of mortgage lending net interest income will depend on the volume of originations and timing of our sales. The net interest yield will vary depending on the movement in mortgage loan coupons and our funding costs.

Our mortgage lending net interest income before other expense increased to $52.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2004 from $37.9 million for the year ended December 31, 2003. The increase was a result of the 40% increase in the average balance of the underlying loans in 2004 as compared to 2003.

We have executed interest rate cap and interest rate swap agreements designed to mitigate exposure to interest rate risk on short-term borrowings. Interest rate cap agreements require us to pay either a one-time “up front” premium or a monthly or quarterly premium, while allowing us to receive a rate that adjusts with LIBOR when rates rise above a certain agreed-upon rate. Interest rate swap agreements allow us to pay a fixed rate of interest while receiving a rate that adjusts with one-month LIBOR. These agreements are used to alter, in effect, the interest rates on funding costs to more closely match the yield on interest-earning assets. Our mortgage lending segment incurred expenses of $0.2 million, $1.5 million and $2.9 million related to net settlements of our interest rate agreements classified as cash flow hedges for the three years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. Our mortgage lending segment earned (incurred) $2.8 million, $(19.4) million and $(9.3) million related to net settlements of our interest rate agreements classified as non-cash flow hedges for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. These amounts are included in Table 13 above. Fluctuations in these expenses are solely dependent upon the movement in LIBOR as well as our average notional amount outstanding.

Gains on Sales of Mortgage Assets.We execute securitization transactions in which we transfer mortgage loan collateral to an independent trust. The trust holds the mortgage loans as collateral for the securities it issues to finance the sale of the mortgage loans. In those transactions, certain securities are issued to entities unrelated to us, and we retain the residual securities and certain subordinated securities. In addition, we continue to service the loan collateral. These transactions were structured as sales for accounting and income tax reporting during the three years ended December 31, 2005.

As previously discussed, we experienced significant profit margin compression driven by the highly competitive mortgage banking environment in 2005. These factors contributed to the whole loan price used in valuing our mortgage securities at the time of securitization to significantly decrease throughout 2004 and into 2005, which is directly correlated to the decrease in gains on sales of mortgage loans as a percentage of loan principal securitized.

Table 14 — Mortgage Loan Securitizations

(dollars in thousands)


Mortgage Loans

Transferred in Securitizations

               Weighted Average Assumptions Underlying
Initial Value of Mortgage Securities –


For the Year Ended

December 31,






Net Gain

As a % of
Principal (A)



Net Gain

Recognized As a
% of Principal

  Initial Cost Basis
of Mortgage



  Expected Total
Credit Losses, Net
of Mortgage



  $7,621,030  0.5% 0.8% $332,420  40% 15% 2.47%








  $8,329,804  1.4% 1.7% $381,833  33% 22% 4.77%








  $5,319,435  2.5% 2.6% $292,675  26% 22% 3.55%







(A)The difference between mortgage lending gains on sales of loans transferred in securitizations and consolidated gains on sales of loans transferred in securitizations as reported in Note 2 to the consolidating financials is related to intersegment eliminations. See Note 16 to the consolidated financial statements for discussion of eliminations between segments.

Table 14 further illustrates the fact that housing prices have enjoyed substantial appreciation in recent years, which has resulted in prepayment rates increasing while credit losses are decreasing. Also illustrated is the fact that profit margins are down as the market discount rates we are using to initially value our mortgage securities have declined from 2004 and 2003.

In 2005, we executed sales of whole pools of loans to third parties. In the outright sales of mortgage loans, we retain no assets or servicing rights. We generally will sell loans to third parties which do not possess the economic characteristics which meet our long-term portfolio management objectives. Table 15 provides a summary of gains on mortgage loans sold to third parties. We sold $1.1 billion in nonconforming mortgage loans to third parties during the year ended December 31, 2005, recognizing net gains of $9.9 million from these sales with a weighted average price to par of the loans sold of 102.01. There were no nonconforming mortgage loan sales during 2004. We sold $151.2 million in nonconforming mortgage loans to third parties during the year ended December 31, 2003, recognizing net gains of $3.4 million from these sales with a weighted average price to par of the loans sold of 104.10.

Table 15 provides theequity components of our gains on sales of mortgage assets within the mortgage lending segment. This table also helps to reconcile the gains on sales of mortgage assets of the mortgage lending segment to our consolidated gains on sales of mortgage assets.

Table 15 — Mortgage Lending Gains (Losses) on Sales of Mortgage Assets

(dollars in thousands)

   For the Year Ended December 31,





Gains on sales of mortgage loans transferred in securitizations

  $40,267  $112,873  $132,294 

Gains on sales of mortgage loans to third parties – nonconforming

   9,918   —     3,404 

Gains on sales of mortgage loans to third parties – conforming

   145   1,435   5,904 

Losses on sales of real estate owned

   (1,027)  (1,097)  (732)



Mortgage lending gains on sales of mortgage assets

   49,303   113,211   140,870 

Plus: Mortgage portfolio management and branch operations gains (losses) on sales of mortgage assets

   3,638   360   (1,911)

Plus: Intersegment eliminations related to loans securitized (A)

   15,232   31,379   5,046 



Consolidated gains on sales of mortgage assets

  $68,173  $144,950  $144,005 



(A)See Note 16 to the consolidated financial statements for discussion of eliminations between segments.

Gains (Losses) on Derivative Instruments. We have entered into derivative instrument contracts that do not meet the requirements for hedge accounting treatment, but contribute to our overall risk management strategy by serving to reduce interest rate risk related to short-term borrowing rates. Additionally, we transfer certain of these derivative instruments into our securitization trusts to provide interest rate protection to the third-party bondholders. Prior to the date when we transfer these derivatives, changes in the fair value of these derivative instruments and net settlements with counterparties are credited or charged to current earnings.

The derivative instruments we use to mitigate interest rate risk will generally increase in value as short-term interest rates decrease and decrease in value as rates increase. Fair value, at the date of securitization, of the derivative instruments transferred into securitizations is included as part of the cost basis of the mortgage loans securitized. Derivative instruments transferred into a securitization trust are administered by the trustee in accordance with the trust documents. Any cash flows from these derivatives which are projected to flow to our residual securities we retain are included in the valuation. The gains (losses) on derivative instruments in our mortgage lending segment can be summarized for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 as follows:

Table 16 — Mortgage Lending Gains (Losses) on Derivative Instruments

(dollars in thousands)

   Year Ended December 31,





Mark-to-market adjustments on derivatives transferred in securitizations

  $18,138  $3,850  $(17,009)

Other mark-to-market adjustments on derivatives during the period (A)

   (1,257)  7,215   (3,621)

Net settlements

   2,752   (19,433)  (9,313)

Mark-to-market adjustments on commitments to originate mortgage loans

   (1,726)  (426)  —   



Gains (losses) on derivative instruments

  $17,907  $(8,794) $(29,943)



(A)Consists of market value adjustments for derivatives that will be transferred in securitizations in subsequent periods as well as market value adjustments for derivatives used to hedge our balance sheet. A majority of the derivatives held at each period end will be transferred into securitizations in the subsequent period.

Fee Income.Our mortgage lending segment experienced a decrease in fee income to $9.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2005 from $10.4 million and $26.5 million for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively. Fee income for this segment primarily consists of fees on retail-originated loans brokered to third parties and credit report fees. Fee income related to loans which we originate are deferred until the related loans are securitized or sold. The credit report fee we charge is generally equal to our cost of obtaining the credit report. For loans which we did not successfully originate, the cost of obtaining these credit reports is included in general and administrative expenses. For loans which we did successfully originate, the cost is deferred until the related loans are sold or securitized. The decrease in fee income from 2003 to 2004 and from 2004 to 2005 is primarily related to the decrease in retail-originated loans brokered to third parties. In 2004, our retail business began an initiative to originate only loans which economically made sense for us to retain and securitize or sell instead of broker to third parties.

Premiums for Mortgage Loan Insurance. The use of mortgage insurance is one method of managing the credit risk in the mortgage asset portfolio. Premiums for mortgage insurance on loans maintained on our balance sheet are paid by us and are recorded as a portfolio cost and included in the income statement under the caption “Premiums for Mortgage Loan Insurance”. These premiums totaled $5.3 million, $3.7 million and $2.2 million in 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively for our mortgage lending segment.

Some of the mortgage loans that serve as collateral for our mortgage securities—available-for-sale carry mortgage insurance. When loans are securitized in transactions treated as sales, the obligation to pay mortgage insurance premiums is legally assumed by the trust. Therefore, we have no obligation to pay for mortgage insurance premiums on these loans.

We intend to continue to use mortgage insurance coverage as a credit management tool as we continue to originate, purchase and securitize mortgage loans. Mortgage insurance claims on loans where a defect occurred in the loan origination process will not be paid by the mortgage insurer. The assumptions we use to value our mortgage securities—available-for-sale consider this risk. For the NMFT Series 2005-1, 2005-2, 2005-3 and 2005-4 securitizations, the mortgage loans that were transferred into the trust had mortgage insurance coverage at the time of transfer of 44%, 68%, 70% and 60% of total principal, respectively. As of December 31, 2005, 53% of the total principal of our securitized loans had mortgage insurance coverage compared to 45% as of December 31, 2004. The amount of mortgage insurance in our 2005 securitizations increased from 2004 due to favorable market pricing in meeting our long-term portfolio management objectives.

We have the risk that mortgage insurance providers will revise their guidelines to an extent where we will no longer be able to acquire coverage on all of our new production. Similarly, the providers may also increase insurance premiums to a point where the cost of coverage outweighs its benefit. We monitor the mortgage insurance market and currently anticipate being able to obtain affordable coverage to the extent we deem it is warranted.

Other Expense.Other expense represents intersegment fees paid to the mortgage portfolio management segment and, as such, these fees are eliminated in consolidation and therefore have no impact on consolidated earnings.

General and Administrative Expenses.Our mortgage lending segment’s general and administrative expenses increased from $127.1 million and $118.9 million for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively, to $128.6 million for the same period of 2005. Because of our major initiative to reduce our cost to produce nonconforming loans, we were able to keep our general and administrative expenses relatively flat from 2004 to 2005 while increasing our nonconforming originations by approximately 10%. We were able to decrease our cost to produce wholesale loans by 14 basis points in 2005 compared to 2004 as shown in Table 17 below.

The increase in general and administrative expenses from 2003 to 2004 was primarily due to the 60% increase in nonconforming originations in 2004 compared with 2003.

The wholesale loan costs of production table below includes all costs paid and fees collected during the wholesale loan origination cycle, including loans that do not fund. This distinction is important as we can only capitalize as deferred broker premium and costs, those costs (net of fees) directly associated with a “funded” loan. Costs associated with loans that do not fund are recognized immediately as a component of general and administrative expenses. For loans held-for-sale, deferred net costs are recognized when the related loans are sold outright or transferred in securitizations. For loans held-in-portfolio, deferred net costs are recognized over the life of the loan as a reduction to interest income. The cost of our production is also critical to our financial results as it is a significant factor in the gains we recognize. Increased efficiencies in the nonconforming lending operation correlate to lower general and administrative costs and higher gains on sales of mortgage assets.

Table 17 — Wholesale Loan Costs of Production, as a Percent of Principal



Premium Paid to

Broker, Net of Fees





  1.75  0.64  2.39


  1.79  0.74  2.53


  1.69  0.71  2.40

The following table is a reconciliation of our wholesale overhead costs included in our cost of wholesale loan production to general and administrative expenses of the mortgage lending and loan servicing segment as shown in Note 16 to the consolidated financial statements, presented in accordance with GAAP. The reconciliation does not address premiums paid to brokers because they are deferred at origination under GAAP and recognized when the related loans are sold or securitized. We believe this presentation of wholesale overhead costs provides useful information to investors regarding our financial performance because it more accurately reflects the direct costs of loan production and allows us to monitor the performance of our core operations, which is more difficult to do when looking at GAAP financial statements, and provides useful information regarding our financial performance. Management uses this measure for the same purpose. However, this presentation is not intended to be used as a substitute for financial results prepared in accordance with GAAP.

Table 18 — Reconciliation of Overhead Costs, Non-GAAP Financial Measure

(dollars in thousands)

   For the Year Ended December 31,





Mortgage lending general and administrative expenses (A)

  $128,619  $127,063  $118,935 

Direct origination costs classified as a reduction in gain-on-sale

   41,548   44,641   26,351 

Other lending expenses (B)

   (32,999)  (42,930)  (65,402)



Wholesale overhead costs

  $137,168  $128,774  $79,884 



Wholesale production, principal (C)

  $7,823,677  $7,185,773  $4,735,061 

Wholesale overhead, as a percentage

   1.75%  1.79%  1.69%

(A)Mortgage lending general and administrative expenses are presented in Note 16 to the consolidated financial statements.
(B)Consists of expenses related to our retail and correspondent originations as well as other non-wholesale overhead costs.
(C)Includes loans originated through NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc. and purchased by our wholesale division in NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. Only the costs borne by our wholesale division are included in the total cost of wholesale production.

Loan Servicing Results of Operations.

Loan servicing is a critical part of our business. In the opinion of management, maintaining contact with borrowers is vital in managing credit risk and in borrower retention. Nonconforming borrowers are prone to late payments and are more likely to default on their obligations than conventional borrowers. We strive to identify issues and trends with borrowers early and take quick action to address such matters.

Our loan servicing segment reported net income (loss) of $3.4 million, $1,000 and $(1.6) million for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. The following table illustrates how our net annualized servicing income (loss) per unit increased to $57 at December 31, 2005 from $2 and $(71) at December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively.

Table 19 — Summary of Servicing Operations

(dollars in thousands, except per loan cost)





Unit (B)


Unit (B)


Unit (B)


Unpaid principal at period end

  $14,030,697   (A) $12,151,196      $7,206,113     




Number of loans at period end

   98,287   (A)  87,543       54,196     




Average unpaid principal during the period

  $13,547,325   (A) $9,881,848      $5,384,383     




Average number of loans during the period

   96,726   (A)  72,415       41,170     




Servicing income, before amortization of mortgage servicing rights

  $68,370  $707  $41,793  $577  $20,833  $506 

Costs of servicing

   (34,515)  (357)  (24,698)  (341)  (14,793)  (359)






Net servicing income, before amortization of mortgage servicing rights

   33,855   350   17,095   236   6,040   147 

Amortization of mortgage servicing rights

   (28,364)  (293)  (16,934)  (234)  (8,995)  (218)






Servicing income (loss) before income tax

  $5,491  $57  $161  $2  $(2,955) $(71)






(A)Includes loans we have sold and are still servicing on an interim basis.
(B)Per unit amounts are calculated using the average number of loans during the period presented.

Servicing Income, Before Amortization of Mortgage Servicing Rights.Servicing fees are paid to us by either the investor or the borrower on mortgage loans serviced. Fees paid by investors on loans serviced are determined as a percentage of the principal collected for the loans serviced or on a negotiated price per loan serviced and are recognized in the period in which payments on the loans are received. Fees paid by borrowers on loans serviced are considered ancillary fees related to loan servicing and include late fees, processing fees and, for loans held-in-portfolio, prepayment penalties. Revenue is recognized on fees received from borrowers when an event occurs that generates the fee and they are considered to be collectible.

We receive annual servicing fees approximating 0.50% of the outstanding balance and rights to future cash flows arising after the investors in the securitization trusts have received the return for which they contracted. Servicing fees received from the securitization trusts were $59.8 million, $41.5 million and $21.1 million for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. During the year ended December 31, 2005, we purchased $220,000 in principal amount of delinquent or foreclosed loans on securitizations in which we did not maintain control over the mortgage loans transferred. We incurred losses of $220,000 from the purchase of these delinquent or foreclosed loans during the year ended December 31, 2005. No such purchases were made in the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003.

Also included in servicing income before amortization of mortgage servicing rights for the loan servicing segment is interest income earned on servicing funds we hold as custodian. These funds consist of principal and interest collected from borrowers on behalf of the securitization trusts, as well as, funds collected from borrowers to ensure timely payment of hazard and primary mortgage insurance and property taxes related to the properties securing the loans. These funds are not owned by us and are held in trust. We held, as custodian, $585.1 million and $471.5 million at December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively. Other income, net for the loan servicing segment increased to $18.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2005 from $4.2 million and $0.3 million for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively,. This increase from 2004 to 2005 as well as from 2003 to 2004 is a result of higher average cash balances in bank accounts where we earn income on the average collected balances. In addition, we are earning higher rates on these balances due to the increase in short-term interest rates. This income source will continue to fluctuate as our servicing portfolio changes and as short-term interest rates change.

Costs of Servicing.Our loan servicing segment’s general and administrative expenses increased to $34.5 for the year ended December 31, 2005 from $24.7 for the year ended December 31, 2004 . Our loan servicing segment’s general and administrative expenses increased to $24.7 for the year ended December 31, 2004 from $14.8 for the year ended December 31, 2003. The increase from 2004 to 2005 and from 2003 to 2004 is the direct result of the growth in our servicing portfolio.

Amortization of Mortgage Servicing Rights. Amortization of mortgage servicing rights increased to $28.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2005 from $16.9 million and $9.0 million for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively. Mortgage servicing rights are amortized in proportion to and over the estimated period of net servicing income. Generally, as the size of our servicing portfolio increases the amortization expense will increase. Additionally, prepayment speeds continued to increase in 2005 on the underlying mortgage loans of our securitizations due to borrowers taking advantage of the equity they have built up in their

homes as a result of substantial increases in housing prices in recent years. During periods of increasing loan prepayments, the amortization on our mortgage servicing rights will increase. See Table 5 for a summary of our expected prepayment rate assumptions by securitization trust.

Branch Operations Results of Operation and Discontinued Operations

Our branch operations segment reported net income (loss) from continuing operations of $(4.1) million, $(11.7) million and $3.5 million for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. As the demand for conforming loans declined significantly during 2004 and into 2005, many branches have not been able to produce sufficient fees to meet operating expense demands. As a result of these conditions, a significant number of branch managers voluntarily terminated employment with us. We also terminated branches when loan production results were substandard. In these terminations, the branch and all operations are eliminated. The operating results for these discontinued operations have been segregated from our on-going operating results. Our loss from discontinued operations net of income taxes for the years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004 was $4.5 million and $11.3 million, respectively. On November 4, 2005, we adopted a formal plan to terminate substantially all of the remaining NHMI branches. We had 16 branches remaining at December 31, 2005 and we expect all of these branches to be terminated by June 30, 2006. Note 15 to our consolidated financial statements provides detail regarding the impact of the discontinued operations.

Income Taxes

Since our inception, NFI has elected to be treated as a REIT for federal income tax purposes. As a REIT, NFI is not required to pay any corporate level income taxes as long as we distribute 100 percent of our taxable income in the form of dividend distributions to our shareholders. To maintain our REIT status, NFI must meet certain requirements prescribed by the Code. We intend to operate NFI in a manner that allows us to meet these requirements.

Belowwill reflect the entity’s nonconvertible debt borrowing rate when interest cost is a summary of the taxable net income available to common shareholdersrecognized in subsequent periods. This FSP is effective for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003.

Table 20 — Taxable Net Income

(dollars in thousands)

   For the Year Ended December 31,





Consolidated net income

  $139,124  $115,389  $111,996 

Equity in net loss (income) of NFI Holding Corp

   24,678   (2,517)  (27,737)

Consolidation eliminations between the REIT and TRS

   2,073   2,800   7,686 



REIT net income

   165,875   115,672   91,945 

Adjustments to net income to compute taxable income

   119,528   141,148   45,906 



Taxable income before preferred dividends

   285,403   256,820   137,851 

Preferred dividends

   (6,653)  (6,265)  —   



Taxable net income available to common shareholders

  $278,750  $250,555  $137,851 



Taxable net income per common share (A)

  $8.66  $9.04  $5.64 



(A)The common shares outstanding as of the end of each period presented are used in calculating the taxable income per common share.

The primary difference between consolidated net income and taxable income is due to differences in the recognition of income on our portfolio of interest-only mortgage securities – available-for-sale. Generally, the accrual of interest on interest-only securities is accelerated for income tax purposes. This is the result of the current original issue discount rules as promulgated under Code Sections 1271 through 1275. During the second quarter of 2005, we made changes to our securitization structure. We anticipate that deals using this securitization structure should have the effect of narrowing the spread between net income available to common shareholders per our consolidated statements of income and taxable net income available to common shareholders in future periods. Table 20 incorporates the estimated changes to taxable income through December 31, 2005. On September 30, 2004, the IRS released Announcement 2004-75. This Announcement describes rules that may be included in proposed regulations regarding the timing of income and/or deductions attributable to interest-only securities. No proposed regulations that would impact income for 2005 have been issued.

To maintain our qualification as a REIT, NFI is required to declare dividend distributions of at least 90 percent of our taxable income by the filing date of our federal tax return, including extensions. Any taxable income that has not been declared to be distributed by this date is subject to corporate income taxes. At this time, NFI intends to declare dividends equal to 100 percent of our taxable income for 2005 by the required distribution date. Accordingly, we have not accrued any corporate income tax for NFI for the year ended December 31, 2005.

As a REIT, NFI may be subject to a federal excise tax. An excise tax is incurred if NFI distributes less than 85 percent of its taxable income by the end of the calendar year. As part of the amount distributed by the end of the calendar year, NFI may include dividends that were declared in October, November or December and paid on or before January 31 of the following year. To the extent that 85 percent of our taxable income exceeds our dividend distributions in any given year, an excise tax of 4 percent is due and payable on the shortfall. For the years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004, we have accrued excise tax of $7.3 million and $2.1 million, respectively. Excise taxes are reflected as a component of general and administrative expenses on our consolidated statements of income. As of December 31, 2005 and December 31, 2004, accrued excise tax payable was $6.5 million and $1.8 million, respectively. The excise tax payable is reflected as a component of accounts payable and other liabilities on our consolidated balance sheets.

NFI Holding Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NFI, and its subsidiaries (collectively known as “the TRS”) are treated as “taxable REIT subsidiaries.” The TRS is subject to corporate income taxes and files a consolidated federal income tax return. The TRS reported net (loss) income from continuing operations before income taxes of $(31.1) million for the year ended December 31, 2005 compared with $23.4 million and $50.6 million for the same periods of 2004 and 2003, respectively. As shown in our consolidated statements of income, this resulted in an income tax (benefit) expense of $(10.9) million, $9.5 million and $22.9 million for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. Additionally, the TRS reported a net loss from discontinued operations before income taxes of $7.1 million and $18.1 million for the years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004. This resulted in an income tax benefit of $2.6 million and $6.7 million for the years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively.

During the past five years, we believe that a minority of our shareholders have been non-United States holders. Accordingly, we anticipate that NFI will qualify as a “domestically-controlled REIT” for United States federal income tax purposes. Investors who are non-United States holders should contact their tax advisor regarding the United States federal income tax consequences of dispositions of shares of a “domestically-controlled REIT.”

Contractual Obligations

We have entered into certain long-term debt and lease agreements, which obligate us to make future payments to satisfy the related contractual obligations. Notes 8, 9, and 11 of the consolidated financial statements discuss these obligations in further detail.

Sinceissued for fiscal years beginning after December 31, 2004, we have issued junior subordinated debentures as discussed in Note 8.15, 2008, and interim periods within those fiscal years. The following table summarizes our contractual obligations with regard to our long-term debt and lease agreements asCompany does not expect the adoption of December 31, 2005.

Table 21 — Contractual Obligations

(dollars in thousands)

   Payments Due by Period

Contractual Obligations


  Less than 1



  After 5

Short-term borrowings (A)

  $1,421,790  $1,421,790  $—    $—    $—  

Long-term debt (B)

   159,230   124,381   30,115   4,734   —  

Junior subordinated debentures (C)

   167,393   4,013   8,027   8,027   147,326

Operating leases (D)

   46,221   9,612   18,214   15,157   3,238

Purchase obligations (E)

   33,446   33,446   —     —     —  

Premiums due to counterparties related to interest rate cap agreements

   3,363   1,503   1,671   189   —  






  $1,831,443  $1,594,745  $58,027  $28,107  $150,564





(A)This amount includes accrued interest on the obligation as of December 31, 2005.
(B)Repayment of the asset-backed bonds is dependent upon payment of the underlying mortgage loans, which collateralize the debt. The repayment of these mortgage loans is affected by prepayments. This amount includes expected interest payments on the obligation. Interest obligations on our variable-rate long-term debt are based on the prevailing interest rate at December 31, 2005 for each respective obligation.
(C)The junior subordinated debentures are assumed to mature in 2035 in computing the future payments. This amount includes expected interest payments on the obligation. Interest obligations on our junior subordinated debentures are based on the prevailing interest rate at December 31, 2005 for each respective obligation.
(D)Does not include rental income of $2.8 million to be received under a sublease contract.
(E)The commitment to purchase mortgage loans does not necessarily represent future cash requirements as some portion of the commitment may be declined for credit or other reasons.

We entered into various lease agreements in which the lessor agreed to repay us for certain existing lease obligations. We received approximately $61,000 and $2.3 million related to these agreements in 2005 and 2004, respectively. We recorded deferred lease incentives related to these payments, whichthis FSP will be amortized into rent expense over the life of the respective lease. Deferred lease incentives as of December 31, 2005 and 2004 were $3.5 million and $3.0 million.

We also entered into various sublease agreements for office space formerly occupied by us. We received approximately $53,000, $1.2 million and $537,000 in 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively under these agreements.

As of December 31, 2005 we had expected cash requirements for the payment of interest of $3.7 million. The future amount of these interest payments will depend on the outstanding amount of our borrowings as well as the underlying rates for our variable rate borrowings. As of December 31, 2005 we had expected cash requirements for taxes of $5.1 million. The amount of taxes to be paid in the future will depend on taxable income in future periods as well as the amount and timing of dividend payments and other factors as discussed in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Liquidity means the need for, access to and uses of cash. Substantial cash is required to support our business operations. We strive to maintain adequate liquidity at all times to cover normal cyclical swings in funding availability and mortgage demand and to allow us to meet abnormal and unexpected funding requirements.

We believe that current cash balances, currently available financing facilities, capital raising capabilities and cash flows generated from our mortgage portfolio should adequately provide for projected funding needs and asset growth. However, if we are unable to raise capital in the future, we may not be able to grow as planned. Refer to Item 1A. “Risk Factors” for additional information regarding risks that could adversely affect our liquidity.

The following table provides a summary of our operating, investing and financing cash flows as taken from our consolidated statements of cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003.

Table 22 — Summary of Operating, Investing and Financing Cash Flows

(dollars in thousands)

   For the Year Ended December 31,





  2005 vs. 2004

  2004 vs. 2003


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows:


Cash (used in) provided by operating activities

  $(727,181) $(565,706) $42,048  $(161,475) $(607,754)

Cash flows provided by investing activities

   467,017   376,215   222,137   90,802   154,078 

Cash flows provided by (used in) financing activities

   256,295   339,874   (225,747)  (83,579)  565,621 

The following discussion provides detail and analysis of our cash uses and sources which significantly drive the amounts shown in Table 22 as well as the year over year changes in those amounts.

Primary Uses of Cash

Our primary uses of cash include the following:

Investments in new mortgage securities through the securitization of our mortgage loans (capital is required for the funding of the overcollateralization, securitization expenses and costs to originate the mortgage loans),

Origination and purchase of mortgage loans,

Repayments of long-term borrowings,

Operating expense payments, and

Common and preferred stock dividend payments.

Table 23 and the paragraphs that follow provide more detail regarding the liquidity needs to operate our business.

Table 23 — Primary Uses of Cash

(dollars in thousands)

   For the Year December 31,




Primary Uses of Cash:


Investments in new mortgage securities (A)

  $375,110  $366,719  $239,576

Origination and purchases of mortgage loans

   9,366,720   8,560,314   6,071,042

Repayments of long-term borrowings

   371,683   254,867   120,083

Common and preferred stock dividend payments

   202,413   138,611   99,256



Total primary uses of cash

  $10,315,926  $9,320,511  $6,529,957



(A)Represents the sum of the overcollateralization we funded in our securitizations during the year and our estimated cost to produce the loans securitized. See Table 24 for a computation of this estimate.

Investments in New Mortgage Securities. We retain significant interests in the nonconforming loans we originate and purchase through our mortgage securities investment portfolio. We require capital in our securitizations to fund the primary bonds we retain, overcollateralization, securitization expenses and our operating costs to originate the mortgage loans. We generally know the exact amounts invested related to all of these components except for our costs to originate in which we must estimate. The following table illustrates how we compute the estimated capital invested in our securitizations for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003.

Table 24 — Summary of Estimated Capital Invested in New Mortgage Securities

(dollars in thousands)

   For the Year Ended December 31,


  % of


  % of


  % of


Estimated Capital Invested in New Mortgage Securities:


Principal balance of mortgage loans transferred

  $7,621,030  100.00% $8,329,804  100.00% $5,319,435  100.00%

Less: Net proceeds received

   7,428,063  97.47   8,173,829  98.13   5,207,525  97.90 





Capital invested in subordinated securities, overcollateralization and securitization expenses

   192,967  2.53   155,975  1.87   111,910  2.10 

Plus: Estimated costs to originate (A)

   182,143  2.39   210,744  2.53   127,666  2.40 






Estimated total capital invested in new mortgage securities

  $375,110  4.92% $366,719  4.40% $239,576  4.50%






(A)Estimated costs to originate is based on costs to originate as reported in Table 17.

Our investments in new mortgage securities should generally increase or decrease in conjunction with our mortgage loan production. In 2005, because we began retaining certain subordinated primary bonds, the amount of capital needed for our securitizations increased. We will continue to retain certain subordinated primary bonds when we feel they provide attractive risk-adjusted returns.

Originations and Purchases of Mortgage Loans. Mortgage lending requires significant cash to fund loan originations and purchases. The capital invested in our mortgage loans is outstanding until we sell or securitize the loans. Initial capital invested in our mortgage loans includes premiums paid to the broker plus any haircut required upon financing, which is generally determined by the value and type of the mortgage loan being financed. A haircut is the difference between the principal balance of a mortgage loan and the amount we can borrower from a lender when using that loan to secure the debt. As values of mortgage loans have decreased in 2004 and 2005, we have invested more capital in our mortgage loans due to higher haircuts. The lender haircuts have generally been between zero and two percent of the principal balance of our mortgage loans. Margin compression within the mortgage banking industry has also resulted in a decline in the premiums we paid to brokers for our mortgage loans to 1.1% in 2005 from 1.3% in 2004. We paid 1.2% in premiums to brokers in 2003.

Repayments of Long-Term Borrowings. Long-term borrowing repayments will fluctuate with the timing of new issuances of long-term debt and their respective maturities. See “Proceeds From Issuances of Long-Term Debt.”

Common and Preferred Stock Dividend Payments. To maintain our qualification as a REIT, we must distribute at least 90% of our REIT taxable income to our common shareholders in the form of dividend payments. Historically, we have generally declared dividends equal to 100% of our REIT taxable income and we currently expect to declare dividends equal to 100% of our 2005 REIT taxable income. The amount and timing of future dividends are determined by our Board of Directors based on REIT tax requirements as well as our financial condition and business trends at the time of declaration.

See discussion of preferred stock issuances under “Proceeds From Issuances of Common and Preferred Stock.”

We declared common stock dividends per share of $5.60, $6.75 and $5.04 for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. Preferred stock dividends declared per share were $2.23 and $2.11 for the years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively.

Primary Sources of Cash

Our primary sources of cash are as follows:

Warehouse lending arrangements (short-term borrowings),

Cash received from our mortgage securities portfolio,

Net proceeds from the sale and securitization of mortgage assets,

Net proceeds from issuances of long-term debt, and

Net proceeds from issuances of preferred and common equity.

Table 25 and the paragraphs that follow provide more detail regarding the liquidity sources available to us to meet our operational cash needs.

Table 25 — Primary Sources of Cash

(dollars in thousands)

   For the Year Ended December 31,





Primary Sources of Cash:


Change in short-term borrowings, net

  $513,041  $32,992  $(153,000)

Cash received from our mortgage securities portfolio (A)

   471,314   378,802   200,024 

Net proceeds from securitizations of mortgage loans

   7,428,063   8,173,829   5,207,525 

Net proceeds from sales of mortgage loans to third parties

   1,176,518   64,476   966,537 

Net proceeds from issuances of long-term debt

   177,349   506,745   52,271 

Net proceeds from issuances of preferred and common stock

   142,114   193,615   94,321 



Total primary sources of cash

  $9,908,399  $9,350,459  $6,367,678 



(A)Includes proceeds from paydowns on available-for-sale securities as reported in the investing activities section of our consolidated statements of cash flows plus the cash received on our mortgage securities available-for-sale with zero basis as reported in Note 18 to the consolidated financial statements.

Warehouse Lending Arrangements (Change in Short-Term Borrowings, net). Mortgage lending requires significant cash to fund loan originations and purchases. Our warehouse lending arrangements, which include repurchase agreements, support our mortgage lending operation. Our warehouse mortgage lenders allow us to borrow between 95% and 100% of the outstanding principal of the loans that secure the debt. Funding for the difference, or “haircut”, must come from cash on hand. Of the $3.5 billion in mortgage securities and mortgage loans repurchase facilities, we have approximately $2.1 billion available to support our mortgage lending and mortgage portfolio operations at December 31, 2005, as shown in Table 7. The changes in short-term borrowings will generally correlate with the changes in our mortgage loans—held-for-sale as shown in Tables 23 and 24.

Loans financed with warehouse repurchase credit facilities are subject to changing market valuation and margin calls. The market value of our loans is dependent on a variety of economic conditions, including interest rates, borrower demand, and end investor desire and capacity. Market values of our loans have declined over the past year, but have remained in excess of par. However, there is no certainty that the prices will remain in excess of par. To the extent the value of the loans declines below the required market value margin set forth in the lending agreements, we would be required to repay portions of the amounts we have borrowed. The value of our loans held-for-sale, excluding the loans under removal of accounts provision, as of December 31, 2005 would need to decline by approximately 21% before we would use all immediately available funds to satisfy the margin calls, assuming no other constraints on our immediately available funds.

All of our warehouse repurchase credit facilities include numerous representations, warranties and covenants, including requirements to maintain a certain minimum net worth, minimum equity ratios and other customary debt covenants. If we were unable to make the necessary representations and warranties at the time we need financing, we would not be able to obtain needed funds. In addition, if we breach any covenant contained in any warehouse repurchase credit facility, the lenders under all existing warehouse repurchase credit facilities could demand immediate repayment of all outstanding amounts because all of our warehouse repurchase credit facilities contain cross-default provisions. While management believes we are in compliance with all applicable material covenants, any future breach or non-compliance could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition.

Cash Received From Our Mortgage Securities Portfolio. Our principal driver of cash flows from investing activities are the proceeds we receive on our mortgage securities—available-for-sale. The cash flows we receive on our mortgage securities—available-for-sale are highly dependent on the interest rate spread between the underlying collateral and the bonds issued by the securitization trusts and default and prepayment experience of the underlying collateral. The following factors have been the significant drivers in the overall fluctuations in these cash flows:

The coupons on the underlying collateral of our mortgage securities have increased modestly while the interest rates paid on the bonds issued by the securitization trusts have dramatically risen over the last couple of years.

The lower spreads have been offset by lower credit losses due to the substantial rise in housing prices of the underlying collateral in recent years.

We have higher average balances of our mortgage securities retained over the last three years.

Net Proceeds From Securitizations of Mortgage Loans. We depend on the capital markets to finance the mortgage loans we originate and purchase. The primary bonds we issue in our loan securitizations are sold to large, institutional investors and U.S. government-sponsored enterprises. The capital markets also provide us with capital to operate our business. The trend has been favorable in the capital markets for the types of securitization transactions we execute. Investor appetite for the bonds created by securitizations has been strong. Additionally, commercial and investment banks have provided significant liquidity to finance our mortgage lending operations through warehouse repurchase facilities. While management cannot predict the future liquidity environment, we are unaware of any material trend that would disrupt continued liquidity support in the capital markets for our business.

Net Proceeds From Sales of Mortgage Loans to Third Parties. We also depend on third party investors to provide liquidity for our mortgage loans. We generally will sell loans to third party investors which do not possess the economic characteristics which meet our long-term portfolio management objectives. The increase in proceeds from sales of mortgage loans to third parties is a result of the environment of tighter margins in the mortgage banking industry. These tighter margins prompted us to not add an increasing number of loans to our securitized portfolio due to unattractive returns.

Net Proceeds from Issuances of Long-Term Debt. The resecuritization of our mortgage securities—available-for-sale as well as private debt offerings provide long-term sources of liquidity.

In 2005, 2004 and 2003, we issued asset-backed bonds (NIMs) secured by our mortgage securities – available-for-sale as a means for long-term financing for these assets, which raised $128.9 million, $506.7 million and $52.3 million, respectively, in net proceeds. Even though we do have repurchase agreements in place which give us the ability to borrow against our mortgage securities in the short-term, our ability to leverage our mortgage securities through a NIMs transaction provides significant liquidity and long-term financing for the securities. While management cannot predict the future liquidity environment, we are unaware of any material trend that would disrupt continued liquidity support in the NIMs market for our business. We will generally continue to leverage our mortgage securities in the future, yet, we are also focusing on more efficient ways to execute this leverage which could lead to new strategies.

Additionally, we received net proceeds of $48.4 million from the issuance of unsecured floating rate junior subordinated debentures during the year ended December 31, 2005. We will continue to take advantage of this market when we feel we can issue debt at more attractive costs than issuing capital.

Factors management considers important in determining whether to finance our operations via warehouse and repurchase facilities, resecuritization or other asset-backed bond issuances or equity or debt offerings are as follows:

The financing costs involved.

Does the financing arrangement have a dilutive effect to our common shareholders?

The market price of our common stock.

Subordination rights of lenders and shareholders.

Collateral and other covenant requirements.

Net Proceeds From Issuances of Common and Preferred Stock.If our board of directors determines that additional financing is required, we may raise the funds through additional equity offerings, debt financings, retention of cash flow (subject to provisions in the Code concerning distribution requirements and taxability of undistributed REIT taxable income) or a combination of these methods. In the event that our board of directors determines to raise additional equity capital, it has the authority, without stockholder approval, subject to applicable law and NYSE regulations, to issue additional common stock or preferred stock in any manner and on terms and for consideration it deems appropriate up to the amount of authorized stock set forth in our charter. Since inception, we have raised $420 million in net proceeds through private and public equity offerings.

Within the past two years, the mortgage REIT industry has seen a significant increase in the desire for raising public capital. Additionally, there have been several new entrants to the mortgage REIT business and other mortgage lenders that have converted to (or that are considering conversion to) REIT status. This increased reliance on the capital markets and increase in number of mortgage REITs may decrease the pricing and increase the underwriting costs of raising equity in the mortgage REIT industry.

In 2005, we completed a public offering of 1,725,000 shares of common stock raising $57.8 million in net proceeds. Additionally, we sold 2,609,320 shares of common stock under our DRIP raising $83.6 million in net proceeds and 148,797 shares of common stock under the stock-based compensation plan raising $0.7 million.

In 2004, we completed a public offering of 1,725,000 shares of common stock raising $70.1 million in net proceeds. Additionally, we sold 1,104,488 shares of common stock under our DRIP raising $49.4 million in net proceeds and 433,181 shares of common stock under the stock-based compensation plan raising $2.0 million. We also sold 2,990,000 shares of redeemable preferred stock raising $72.1 million in net proceeds.

In 2003, we completed public offerings of 2,610,500 shares of common stock raising $76.9 million in net proceeds. Additionally, we sold 578,120 shares of common stock under our DRIP raising $15.8 million in net proceeds and 298,875 shares of common stock under the stock-based compensation plan raising $1.6 million.

Other Liquidity Factors

The derivative financial instruments we use also subject us to “margin call” risk. Under our interest rate swaps, we pay a fixed rate to the counterparties while they pay us a floating rate. While floating rates are low on a net basis, we are paying the counterparty. In order to mitigate credit exposure to us, the counterparty requires us to post margin deposits with them. As of December 31, 2005, we have approximately $4.4 million on deposit. A decline in interest rates would subject us to additional exposure for cash margin calls. However, when short-term interest rates (the basis for our funding costs) are low and the coupon rates on our loans are high, our net interest margin (and therefore incoming cash flow) is high which should offset any requirement to post additional collateral. Severe and immediate changes in interest rates will impact the volume of our incoming cash flow. To the extent rates increase dramatically, our funding costs will increase quickly. While many of our loans are adjustable, they typically will not reset as quickly as our funding costs. This circumstance would temporarily reduce incoming cash flow. As noted above, derivative financial instruments are used to mitigate the effect of interest rate volatility. In this rising rate situation, our interest rate swaps and caps would provide additional cash flows to mitigate the lower cash flow on loans and securities.

In the ordinary course of business, we sell loans with recourse where a defect occurred in the loan origination process and guarantee to cover investor losses should origination defects occur. Historically, repurchases of loans where a defect has occurred have been insignificant, as such, there is minimal liquidity risk. For additional detail, refer to “Off Balance Sheet Arrangements”.

Table 21 details our major contractual obligations due over the next 12 months and beyond. Management believes cash and cash equivalents on hand combined with other available liquidity sources: 1) proceeds from mortgage loan sales and securitizations, 2) cash received on our mortgage securities available-for-sale, 3) draw downs on mortgage loan and securities repurchase agreements, 4) proceeds from private and public debt and equity offerings and 5) proceeds from resecuritizations will be adequate to meet our liquidity needs for the next twelve months. In addition, we do not believe our long-term growth plans will be constrained due to a lack of available liquidity resources. However, we can provide no assurance, that, if needed, the liquidity resources we utilize will be on terms we consider favorable. Factors that can affect our liquidity are discussed in the “Risk Factors” section of this document.

Additional cash activity during the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 is presented in the consolidated statement of cash flows.

Off Balance Sheet Arrangements

As discussed previously, we pool the loans we originate and purchase and typically securitize them to obtain long-term financing for the assets. The loans are transferred to a trust where they serve as collateral for asset-backed bonds, which the trust issues to the public. Our ability to use the securitization capital market is critical to the operations of our business.

External factors that are reasonably likely to affect our ability to continue to use this arrangement would be those factors that could disrupt the securitization capital market. A disruption in the market could prevent us from being able to sell the securities at a favorable price, or at all. Factors that could disrupt the securitization market include an international liquidity crisis such as occurred in the fall of 1998, sudden changes in interest rates, a terrorist attack, outbreak of war or other significant event risk, and market specific events such as a default of a comparable type of securitization. If we were unable to access the securitization market, we may still be able to finance our mortgage operations by selling our loans to investors in the whole loan market. We were able to do this following the liquidity crisis in 1998.

Specific items that may affect our ability to use the securitizations to finance our loans relate primarily to the performance of the loans that have been securitized. Extremely poor loan performance may lead to poor bond performance and investor unwillingness to buy bonds supported by our collateral. Our financial performance and condition has little impact on our ability to securitize, as evidenced by our ability to securitize in 1998, 1999 and 2000 when ourits financial trend was weak. There, however, are no assurances that we will be able to securitize loans in the future when we have poor loan performance. Table 14 summarizes our off balance sheet securitizations for the there years ended December 31, 2005.

We have commitments to borrowers to fund residential mortgage loans as well as commitments to purchase and sell mortgage loans to third parties. Ascondition or results of December 31, 2005, we had outstanding commitments to originate, purchase and sell loans of $545.4 million, $33.4 million and $93.6 million, respectively. As of December 31, 2004, we had outstanding commitments to originate loans of $370.6 million. We had no commitments to purchase or sell loans at December 31, 2004. The commitments to originate and purchase loans do not necessarily represent future cash requirements, as some portion of the commitments are likely to expire without being drawn upon or may be subsequently declined for credit or other reasons. See the “Mortgage Lending Results of Operation” section for further information on our originations and purchases of mortgage loans.

In the ordinary course of business, we sold whole pools of loans with recourse for borrower defaults. When whole pools are sold as opposed to securitized, the third party has recourse against us for certain borrower defaults. Because the loans are no longer on our balance sheet, the recourse component is considered a guarantee. During 2005, we sold $1.1 billion of loans with recourse for borrower defaults compared to none in 2004. We maintained a $2.3 million reserve related to these guarantees as of December 31, 2005 compared with a reserve of $45,000 as of December 31, 2004. During 2005 we paid $2.3 million in cash to repurchase loans sold to third parties. In 2004, we paid $0.5 million in cash to repurchase loans sold to third parties in prior periods. See Table 12 for further information on the volume of loan sales.

In the ordinary course of business, we sell loans to securitization trusts and make a guarantee to cover losses suffered by the trust resulting from defects in the loan origination process. Defects may occur in the loan documentation and underwriting process, either through processing errors made by us or through intentional or unintentional misrepresentations made by the borrower or agents during those processes. If a defect is identified, we are required to repurchase the loan. As of December 31, 2005 and December 31, 2004, we had loans sold with recourse with an outstanding principal balance of $12.7 billion and $11.4 billion, respectively. Historically, repurchases of loans where a defect has occurred have been insignificant, therefore, we have not recorded any reserves related to these guarantees. See Note 2 and Note 3 to our consolidating financial statements for further information on our loan securitizations.

Our branches broker loans to third parties in the ordinary course of business where the third party has recourse against us for certain borrower defaults. Because the loans are no longer on our balance sheet, the recourse component is considered a guarantee. During 2005, our branches brokered $1.4 billion of loans with recourse for borrower defaults compared to $4.8 billion in 2004. We maintained a $476,000 reserve related to these guarantees as of December 31, 2005 compared with a reserve of $116,000 as of December 31, 2004.



Virtually all of our assets and liabilities are financial in nature. As a result, interest rates and other factors drive our performance far more than does inflation. Changes in interest rates do not necessarily correlate with inflation rates or changes in inflation rates. Our financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and dividends are based on taxable income. In each case,GAAP. As a result, financial activities and the balance sheet are measured with reference to historical cost or fair market value without considering inflation.

Impact of Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements

In December 2004, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued a revision of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (“SFAS”) No. 123,Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation(“SFAS No. 123(R)”). This Statement establishes standards for the accounting for transactions in which an entity exchanges its equity instruments for goods or services. It also addresses transactions in which an entity incurs liabilities in exchange for goods or services that are based on the fair value of the entity’s equity instruments or that may be settled by the issuance of those equity instruments. Entities no longer have the option to use the intrinsic value method of APB 25 that was provided in SFAS No. 123 as originally issued, which generally resulted in the recognition of no compensation cost. Under SFAS No. 123(R), the cost of employee services received in exchange for an equity award must be based on the grant-date fair value of the award. The cost of the awards under SFAS No. 123(R) will be recognized over the period an employee provides service, typically the vesting period. No compensation cost is recognized for equity instruments in which the requisite service is not provided. This Statement is effective at the beginning of the next fiscal year that begins after June 15, 2005. As discussed in Note 1 to our consolidated financial statements, we implemented the fair value provisions of SFAS No. 123 during 2003. As such, the adoption of SFAS No. 123(R) is not anticipated to have a significant impact on our consolidated financial statements.

In March 2005, SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin (“SAB”) No. 107,Application of FASB No. 123 (revised 2004), Accounting for Stock-Based Compensationwas released. This release summarizes the SEC staff position regarding the interaction between SFAS No. 123(R) and certain SEC rules and regulations and provides the SEC’s views regarding the valuation of share-based payment arrangements for public companies. The adoption of this release is not anticipated to have a significant impact on our consolidated financial statements.

In May 2005, the FASB issued Statement No. 154,Accounting Changes and Error Corrections, a Replacement of APB Opinion No. 20 and FASB Statement No. 3. This Statement changes the requirements for the accounting and reporting of a change in accounting principle, reporting entity, accounting estimate and correction of an error. SFAS No. 154 applies to (a) financial statements of business enterprises and not-for-profit organizations and (b) historical summaries of information based on primary financial statements that include an accounting period in which an accounting change or error correction is reflected and is effective for accounting changes and corrections of errors made in fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2005. Early adoption is permitted for accounting changes and corrections of errors made in fiscal years beginning after the date the Statement was issued. The adoption of this Statement is not anticipated to have a significant impact on our consolidated financial statements.

In November 2005, FASB Staff Position (“FSP”) SFAS 140-2,Clarification of the Application of Paragraphs 40(b) and 40(c) of FASB Statement No. 140,was issued. This FSP addresses whether a QSPE would fail to meet the conditions of a QSPE under the current requirements of Statement 140 if either (a) unexpected events outside the control of the transferor or (b) a transferor’s temporary holdings of beneficial interests previously issued by a QSPE and sold to outside parties, cause the notional amount of passive derivatives held by an QSPE to exceed the amount of beneficial interests held by outside parties. This FSP clarifies that the requirements of paragraphs 40(b) and 40(c) must be met only at the date a QSPE issues beneficial interests or when a passive derivative financial instrument needs to be replaced upon the occurrence of a specified event outside the control of the transferor. This FSP is effective as of November 9, 2005. The guidance regarding unexpected events should be applied prospectively. The adoption of this FSP did not have a significant impact on our consolidated financial statements.

During November 2005, the FASB issued FSP SFAS 115-1 and SFAS 124-1,The Meaning of Other-Than-Temporary Impairment and Its Application to Certain Investments, which outlines a three-step model that should be applied each reporting period to identify investment impairments. In periods after an impairment loss on a debt security is recognized, the investor should account for the security as if it had been purchased on the impairment measurement date. The discount (or reduced premium), based on the new cost basis, should be amortized over the remaining life of the security. This FSP carries forward the disclosure requirements of Emerging Issues Task Force (“EITF”) Issue 03-1,The Meaning of Other-Than-Temporary Impairment and Its Application to Certain Investments, but nullifies certain other requirements of this EITF. This FSP also clarifies that investments within the scope of EITF Issue 99-20,Recognition of Interest Income and Impairment on Purchased and Retained Beneficial Interests in Securitized Financial Assets, must be included in the required tabular disclosures. The guidance in this FSP should be applied to reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2005. Earlier application is permitted. The adoption of this FSP is not anticipated to have a significant impact on our consolidated financial statements.

During December 2005, the FASB issued FSP Statement of Position (“SOP”) 94-6-1,Terms of Loan Products That May Give Rise to a Concentration of Credit Risk, which addresses the circumstances under which the terms of loan products give rise to such risk and the disclosures or other accounting considerations that apply for entities that originate, hold, guarantee, service, or invest in loan products with terms that may give rise to a concentration of credit risk. The guidance under this FSP is effective for interim and annual periods ending after December 19, 2005 and for loan products that are determined to represent a concentration of credit risk, disclosure requirements of SFAS 107,Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments, should be provided for all periods presented. The adoption of this FSP did not have a significant impact on our consolidated financial statements.

In February 2006, the FASB issued SFAS No. 155, “Accounting for Certain Hybrid Financial Instruments”, an amendment of FASB Statements No. 133 and SFAS No. 140 (“SFAS 155”). This statement permits fair value remeasurement for any hybrid financial instrument that contains an embedded derivative that otherwise would require bifurcation. It also clarifies which interest-only strips and principal-only strips are not subject to FASB Statement No. 133, “Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities” (“SFAS 133”). The statement also establishes a requirement to evaluate interests in securitized financial assets to identify interests that are freestanding derivatives or hybrid financial instruments that contain an embedded derivative requiring bifurcation. The statement also clarifies that concentration of credit risks in the form of subordination are not embedded derivatives, and it also amends SFAS 140 to eliminate the prohibition on a QSPE from holding a derivative financial instrument that pertains to a beneficial interest other than another derivative financial instrument. SFAS 155 is effective for all financial instruments acquired or issued after the beginning of an entity’s first fiscal year that begins after September 15, 2006. Early adoption of this statement is allowed. We are still evaluating the impact the adoption of this statement will have on our consolidated financial statements.

Item 7A.Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk

See discussion under “Interest Rate/Market Risk” in “Item 1. Business”.

As a smaller reporting company, we are not required to provide the information required by this Item.

Item 8.Financial Statements and Supplementary Data



(dollars in thousands, except share amounts)

   December 31,






Cash and cash equivalents

  $264,694  $268,563 

Mortgage loans – held-for-sale

   1,291,556   747,594 

Mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio

   28,840   59,527 

Mortgage securities – available-for-sale

   505,645   489,175 

Mortgage securities – trading

   43,738   143,153 

Mortgage servicing rights

   57,122   42,010 

Servicing related advances

   26,873   20,190 

Derivative instruments, net

   12,765   18,841 

Property and equipment, net

   13,132   15,476 

Deferred income tax asset, net

   30,780   11,190 

Warehouse notes receivable

   25,390   5,921 

Other assets

   35,199   39,671 


Total assets

  $2,335,734  $1,861,311 


Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity




Short-term borrowings secured by mortgage loans

  $1,238,122  $720,791 

Short-term borrowings secured by mortgage securities

   180,447   184,737 

Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage loans

   26,949   53,453 

Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities

   125,630   336,441 

Junior subordinated debentures

   48,664   —   

Dividends payable

   45,070   73,431 

Due to securitization trusts

   44,382   20,930 

Accounts payable and other liabilities

   62,250   45,184 


Total liabilities

   1,771,514   1,434,967 

Commitments and contingencies (Note 9)


Shareholders’ equity:


Capital stock, $0.01 par value, 50,000,000 shares authorized:


Redeemable preferred stock, $25 liquidating preference per share; 2,990,000 shares, issued and outstanding

   30   30 

Common stock, 32,193,101 and 27,709,984 shares, issued and outstanding, respectively

   322   277 

Additional paid-in capital

   581,580   433,107 

Accumulated deficit

   (128,554)  (85,354)

Accumulated other comprehensive income

   111,538   79,120 


   (696)  (836)


Total shareholders’ equity

   564,220   426,344 


Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity

  $2,335,734  $1,861,311 


December 31,
  2008  2007 
Unrestricted cash and cash equivalents $24,790  $25,364 
Restricted cash  6,046   8,998 
Mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio, net of allowance of $776,001 and $230,138, respectively  1,772,838   2,870,013 
Mortgage securities - trading
  7,085   109,203 
Mortgage securities - available-for-sale
  12,788   33,371 
Real estate owned  70,480   76,614 
Accrued interest receivable  77,292   61,704 
Other assets  5,704   37,244 
Assets of discontinued operations  1,441   8,255 
Total assets $1,978,464  $3,230,766 
Liabilities and Shareholders’ Deficit        
Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage loans $2,599,351  $3,065,746 
Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities  5,376   74,385 
Short-term borrowings secured by mortgage securities  -   45,488 
Junior subordinated debentures  77,323   83,561 
Due to servicer  117,635   56,450 
Dividends payable  19,088   3,816 
Accounts payable and other liabilities  33,928   53,392 
Liabilities of discontinued operations  2,536   59,416 
       Total liabilities  2,855,237   3,442,254 
Commitments and contingencies (Note 7)        
Shareholders’ deficit:        
Capital stock, $0.01 par value, 50,000,000 shares authorized:        
Redeemable preferred stock, $25 liquidating preference per share; 2,990,000 shares, issued and outstanding  30   30 
Convertible participating preferred stock, $25 liquidating preference per share; 2,100,000 shares, issued and outstanding  21   21 
Common stock, 9,368,053 and 9,439,273 shares, issued and outstanding, respectively  94   94 
Additional paid-in capital  786,279   786,342 
Accumulated deficit  (1,671,984)  (996,649)
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)  8,926   (1,117)
Other  (139)  (209)
Total shareholders’ deficit  (876,773)  (211,488)
Total liabilities and shareholders’ deficit $1,978,464  $3,230,766 
See notes to consolidated financial statements.




(dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

   For the Year Ended December 31,





Interest income:


Mortgage securities

  $188,856  $133,633  $98,804 

Mortgage loans held-for-sale

   106,605   83,718   60,878 

Mortgage loans held-in-portfolio

   4,311   6,673   10,738 



Total interest income

   299,772   224,024   170,420 

Interest expense:


Short-term borrowings secured by mortgage loans

   58,580   30,005   20,060 

Short-term borrowings secured by mortgage securities

   1,770   4,836   3,450 

Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage loans

   1,630   1,422   2,269 

Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities

   15,628   13,255   5,226 

Net settlements of derivative instruments used in cash flow hedges

   180   3,072   9,359 

Junior subordinated debentures

   3,055   —     —   



Total interest expense

   80,843   52,590   40,364 



Net interest income before credit (losses) recoveries

   218,929   171,434   130,056 

Provision for credit (losses) recoveries

   (1,038)  (726)  389 



Net interest income

   217,891   170,708   130,445 

Gains on sales of mortgage assets

   68,173   144,950   144,005 

Gains (losses) on derivative instruments

   18,155   (8,905)  (30,837)

Impairment on mortgage securities – available-for-sale

   (17,619)  (15,902)  —   

Fee income

   46,286   50,752   68,873 

Premiums for mortgage loan insurance

   (5,672)  (4,218)  (3,102)

Other income, net

   20,880   6,609   412 

General and administrative expenses:


Compensation and benefits

   116,699   105,715   89,954 

Office administration

   32,079   31,641   22,945 

Professional and outside services

   19,628   19,573   7,482 

Loan Expense

   13,897   15,488   19,433 


   10,907   16,603   23,109 


   22,187   18,710   12,017 



Total general and administrative expenses

   215,397   207,730   174,940 



Income from continuing operations before income tax (benefit) expense

   132,697   136,264   134,856 

Income tax (benefit) expense

   (10,900)  9,526   22,860 



Income from continuing operations

   143,597   126,738   111,996 

Loss from discontinued operations, net of income tax

   (4,473)  (11,349)  —   



Net income

   139,124   115,389   111,996 

Dividends on preferred shares

   (6,653)  (6,265)  —   



Net income available to common shareholders

  $132,471  $109,124  $111,996 



Basic earnings per share:


Income from continuing operations available to common shareholders

  $4.61  $4.76  $5.04 

Loss from discontinued operations, net of income tax

   (0.15)  (0.45)  —   



Net income available to common shareholders

  $4.46  $4.31  $5.04 



Diluted earnings per share:


Income from continuing operations available to common shareholders

  $4.57  $4.68  $4.91 

Loss from discontinued operations, net of income tax

   (0.15)  (0.44)  —   



Net income available to common shareholders

  $4.42  $4.24  $4.91 



Weighted average basic shares outstanding

   29,669   25,290   22,220 



Weighted average diluted shares outstanding

   29,993   25,763   22,821 



Dividends declared per common share

  $5.60  $6.75  $5.04 



See notes to consolidated financial statements.




(dollars in thousands, except share amounts)

























Balance, January 1, 2003

  $—    $210  $133,253  $(12,026) $62,935  $(1,115) $183,257 

Forgiveness of founders’ notes receivable

   —     —     —     —     —     139   139 

Issuance of common stock, 3,188,620 shares

   —     32   93,889   —     —     —     93,921 

Exercise of stock options, 298,875 shares

   —     3   1,644   —     —     —     1,647 

Compensation recognized under stock option plan

   —     —     1,310   —     —     —     1,310 

Dividend equivalent rights (DERs) on vested stock options

   —     —     1,198   (1,198)  —     —     —   

Dividends on common stock ($5.04 per share)

   —     —     —     (114,294)  —     —     (114,294)

Increase in common stock held in rabbi trusts

   —     —     —     —     —     (3,145)  (3,145)

Increase in deferred compensation obligation

   —     —     —     —     —     3,145   3,145 







Comprehensive income:


Net income

               111,996   —         111,996 

Other comprehensive income

               —     22,248       22,248 

Total comprehensive income


Balance, December 31, 2003

  $—    $245  $231,294  $(15,522) $85,183  $(976) $300,224 







Forgiveness of founders’ notes receivable

   —     —     —     —     —     140   140 

Issuance of common stock, 2,829,488 shares

   —     28   121,306   —     —     —     121,334 

Issuance of preferred stock, 2,990,000 shares

   30   —     72,089   —     —     —     72,119 

Issuance of stock under stock compensation plans, 433,181 shares

   —     4   3,811   —     —     —     3,815 

Compensation recognized under stock compensation plans

   —     —     1,810   —     —     —     1,810 

Dividend equivalent rights (DERs) on vested stock options

   —     —     1,900   (1,900)  —     —     —   

Dividends on common stock ($6.75 per share)

   —     —     —     (177,056)  —     —     (177,056)

Dividends on preferred stock ($2.11 per share)

   —     —     —     (6,265)  —     —     (6,265)

Tax benefit derived from stock compensation plans

   —     —     897   —     —     —     897 

Increase in common stock held in rabbi trusts

   —     —     —     —     —     (2,290)  (2,290)

Increase in deferred compensation obligation

   —     —     —     —     —     2,290   2,290 







Comprehensive income:


Net income

               115,389   —         115,389 

Other comprehensive loss

               —     (6,063)      (6,063)

Total comprehensive income


Balance, December 31, 2004

  $30  $277  $433,107  $(85,354) $79,120  $(836) $426,344 
































Balance, December 31, 2004

  $30  $277  $433,107  $(85,354) $79,120  $(836) $426,344 







Forgiveness of founders’ notes receivable

   —     —     —     —     —     140   140 

Issuance of common stock, 4,334,320 shares

   —     43   145,313   —     —     —     145,356 

Issuance of stock under stock compensation plans, 148,797 shares

   —     2   921   —     —     —     923 

Compensation recognized under stock compensation plans

   —     —     2,226   —     —     —     2,226 

Dividend equivalent rights (DERs) on vested stock options

   —     —     304   (4,369)  —     —     (4,065)

Dividends on common stock ($5.60 per share)

   —     —     —     (171,302)  —     —     (171,302)

Dividends on preferred stock ($2.23 per share)

   —     —     —     (6,653)  —     —     (6,653)

Tax benefit derived from stock compensation plans

   —     —     (291)  —     —     —     (291)

Decrease in common stock held in rabbi trusts

   —     —     —     —     —     33   33 

Decrease in deferred compensation obligation

   —     —     —     —     —     (33)  (33)







Comprehensive income:


Net income

               139,124   —         139,124 

Other comprehensive income

               —     32,418       32,418 

Total comprehensive income


Balance, December 31, 2005

  $30  $322  $581,580  $(128,554) $111,538  $(696) $564,220 








For the Year Ended
December 31,
  2008  2007 
Interest income $235,009  $366,246 
Interest expense  114,980   228,369 
Net interest income before provision for credit losses  120,029   137,877 
Provision for credit losses  (707,364)  (265,288)
Net interest expense after provision for credit losses  (587,335)  (127,411)
Other operating expense:        
Gains on debt extinguishment  6,418   - 
Losses on derivative instruments  (18,094)  (10,997)
Fair value adjustments  (25,743)  (85,803)
Impairments on mortgage securities – available-for-sale  (23,100)  (98,692)
Servicing fee expense  (13,596)  (2,592)
Appraisal fee income  2,524   - 
Appraisal fee expense  (1,693)  - 
Premiums for mortgage loan insurance  (15,847)  (16,462)
Other (expense) income, net  (19)  392 
Total other operating expense  (89,150)  (214,154)
General and administrative expenses:        
Office administration  9,407   12,565 
Professional and outside services  7,019   21,811 
Compensation and benefits  5,944   27,688 
Other appraisal management expenses  1,170   - 
Other expense (income)  881   (2,644)
Total general and administrative expenses  24,421   59,420 
Loss from continuing operations before income tax (benefit)  (700,906)  (400,985)
Income tax (benefit) expense  (17,594)  66,512 
Loss from continuing operations  (683,312)  (467,497)
Income (loss)from discontinued operations, net of income tax  22,830   (256,780)
Net loss $(660,482) $(724,277)
Basic earnings per share:        
Loss from continuing operations available to common shareholders $(74.81) $(51.04)
Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of income tax  2.44   (27.51)
Net loss available to common shareholders $(72.37) $(78.55)
Diluted earnings per share:        
Loss from continuing operations available to common shareholders $(74.81) $(51.04)
Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of income tax  2.44   (27.51)
Net loss available to common shareholders $(72.37) $(78.55)
Weighted average basic shares outstanding  9,338,131   9,332,405 
Weighted average diluted shares outstanding  9,338,131   9,332,405 

See notes to consolidated financial statements.





(dollars in thousands)

   For the Year Ended December 31,





Cash flows from operating activities:


Income from continuing operations

  $143,597  $126,738  $111,996 

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities:


Amortization of mortgage servicing rights

   28,364   16,934   8,995 

Impairment on mortgage securities – available-for-sale

   17,619   15,902   —   

(Gains) losses on derivative instruments

   (18,155)  8,905   30,837 

Depreciation expense

   7,433   6,090   3,872 

Losses on disposals of property and equipment

   226   —     —   

Amortization of deferred debt issuance costs

   5,683   5,036   1,100 

Compensation recognized under stock compensation plans

   2,226   1,810   1,310 

Provision for credit losses (recoveries)

   1,038   726   (389)

Amortization of premiums on mortgage loans

   376   699   1,120 

Forgiveness of founders’ promissory notes

   140   140   139 

Provision for deferred income taxes

   (19,659)  (1,322)  (5,848)

Accretion of available-for-sale and trading securities

   (172,019)  (100,666)  (78,097)

Gains on sales of mortgage assets

   (68,173)  (144,950)  (144,005)

Gains on trading securities

   (549)  —     —   

Originations and purchases of mortgage loans held-for-sale

   (9,366,720)  (8,560,314)  (6,071,042)

Proceeds from repayments of mortgage loans held-for-sale

   9,908   27,979   18,474 

Repurchase of mortgage loans from securitization trusts

   (6,784)  —     —   

Proceeds from sale of mortgage loans held-for-sale to third parties

   1,176,518   64,476   966,537 

Proceeds from sale of mortgage loans held-for-sale in securitizations

   7,428,063   8,173,829   5,207,525 

Purchase of mortgage securities - trading

   —     (143,153)  —   

Proceeds from sale of mortgage securities - trading

   143,153   —     —   

Changes in:


Servicing related advances

   (6,752)  (707)  (6,247)

Derivative instruments, net

   2,509   13,553   (9,577)

Other assets

   (44,958)  (40,895)  (25,074)

Accounts payable and other liabilities

   15,448   (26,778)  30,422 



Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities from continuing operations

   (721,468)  (555,968)  42,048 

Net cash used in operating activities from discontinued operations

   (5,713)  (9,738)  —   



Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities

   (727,181)  (565,706)  42,048 

Cash flows from investing activities:


Proceeds from paydowns on available-for-sale securities

   453,750   346,558   179,317 

Proceeds from repayments of mortgage loans held-in-portfolio

   16,673   31,781   49,101 

Proceeds from sales of assets acquired through foreclosure

   1,909   4,905   6,719 

Purchases of property and equipment

   (5,315)  (7,029)  (13,000)



Net cash provided by investing activities

   467,017   376,215   222,137 

Cash flows from financing activities:


Proceeds from issuance of asset-backed bonds, net of debt issuance costs

   128,921   506,745   52,271 

Payments on asset-backed bonds

   (363,861)  (254,867)  (120,083)

Payments on asset-backed bonds due to exercise of redemption provisions

   (7,822)  —     —   

Proceeds from issuance of capital stock and exercise of equity instruments, net of offering costs

   142,114   193,615   94,321 

Net change in short-term borrowings

   513,041   32,992   (153,000)

Proceeds from the issuance of junior subordinated debentures

   48,428   —     —   

DERs paid on vested stock options

   (2,113)  —     —   

Dividends paid on preferred stock

   (6,653)  (6,265)  —   

Dividends paid on common stock

   (195,760)  (132,346)  (99,256)



Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

   256,295   339,874   (225,747)



Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents

   (3,869)  150,383   38,438 

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year

   268,563   118,180   79,742 



Cash and cash equivalents, end of year

  $264,694  $268,563  $118,180 



thousands, except share amounts)

(Loss) Income
Balance, January 1, 2007 $30  $-  $93  $742,028  $(263,572) $36,548  $(557) $514,570 
Cumulative effect adjustment from adoption of SFAS 157  -   -   -   -   5,430   -   -   5,430 
Cumulative effect adjustment from adoption of SFAS 159  -   -   -   -   (1,131)  1,131   -   - 
Cumulative effect adjustment from adoption of FIN 48  -   -   -   -   (1,072)  -   -   (1,072)
Forgiveness of founders’ notes receivable  -   -   -   -   -   -   348   348 
Issuance of preferred stock, 2,100,000 shares  -   21   -   43,591   -   -   -   43,612 
Preferred stock beneficial conversion feature  -   -   -   3,825   (3,825)  -   -   - 
Issuance of common stock, 35,094 shares  -   -   -   3,190   -   -   -   3,190 
Issuance of stock under stock compensation plans, 88,867 shares  -   -   1   209   -   -   -   210 
Compensation recognized under stock compensation plans  -   -   -   707   -   -   -   707 
Dividends on preferred stock ($1.67 per share declared)  -   -   -       (8,805)  -   -   (8,805)
Reversal of tax benefit derived from capitalization of affiliates  -   -   -   (7,195)      -   -   (7,195)
Other  -   -       (13)  603   -   -   590 
Comprehensive loss:                                
Net loss  -   -   -   -   (724,277)  -   -   (724,277)
Other comprehensive loss  -   -   -   -   -   (38,796)  -   (38,796)
Total comprehensive loss  -   -   -   -   -   -   -   (763,073)
Balance, December 31, 2007 $30  $21  $94  $786,342  $(996,649) $(1,117) $(209) $(211,488)


(Loss) Income
Balance, January 1, 2008 $30  $21  $94  $786,342  $(996,649) $(1,117) $(209) $(211,488)
Forgiveness of founders’ notes receivable  -   -   -   -   -   -   70   70 
Compensation recognized under stock compensation plans  -   -   -   (63)  -   -   -   (63)
Accumulating dividends on preferred stock  -   -   -   -   (15,273)  -   -   (15,273)
Other  -   -   -   -   420   -   -   420 
Comprehensive loss:                                
Net loss  -   -   -   -   (660,482)  -   -   (660,482)
Other comprehensive loss  -   -   -   -   -   10,043   -   10,043 
Total comprehensive loss  -   -   -   -   -   -   -   (650,439)
Balance, December 31, 2008 $30  $21  $94  $786,279  $(1,671,984) $8,926  $(139) $(876,773)

See notes to consolidated financial statements.Concluded

(dollars in thousands)

  For the Year Ended December 31, 
  2008  2007 
Cash flows from operating activities:      
Net loss $(660,482) $(724,277)
Income (loss) from discontinued operations  22,830   (256,780)
Loss from continuing operations  (683,312)  (467,497)
Adjustments to reconcile loss from continuing operations to net cash used in operating activities:        
Impairment on mortgage securities - available-for-sale  23,100   98,692 
Losses on derivative instruments  18,094   10,997 
Depreciation expense  1,124   2,865 
Amortization of deferred debt issuance costs  3,081   1,696 
Compensation recognized under stock compensation plans  (63)  707 
Provision for credit losses  707,364   265,288 
Amortization of premiums on mortgage loans  13,366   4,805 
Interest capitalized on loans held-in-portfolio  (19,858)  (41,973)
Forgiveness of founders’ promissory notes  70   348 
Provision for deferred income taxes  (13,805)  41,620 
Fair value adjustments  25,743   85,803 
Accretion of available-for-sale and trading securities  (50,399)  (99,773)
Gains on debt extinguishment  (6,418)  - 
Changes in:        
Accrued interest receivable  (15,588)  (31,855)
Derivative instruments, net  673   3,496 
Other assets  5,654   37,283 
Due to servicer  61,185   56,450 
Accounts payable and other liabilities  (26,030)  34,515 
Net cash provided by operating activities from continuing operations  43,981   3,467 
Net cash used in operating activities from discontinued operations  (14,415)  (449,255)
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities  29,566   (445,788)
Cash flows from investing activities:        
Proceeds from paydowns on mortgage securities - available-for-sale  26,899   188,443 
Proceeds from paydowns of mortgage securities - trading  59,912   46,731 
Purchase of mortgage securities - trading  -   (21,957)
Proceeds from sale of mortgage securities - trading  -   7,420 
Proceeds from repayments of mortgage loans held-in-portfolio  288,243   824,060 
Proceeds from sales of assets acquired through foreclosure  114,194   6,288 
Restricted cash proceeds (payments)  2,952   (8,998)
Purchases of property and equipment  (25)  (3,132)
Acquisition of businesses, net of cash acquired  (710)  - 
Net cash provided by investing activities  491,465   1,038,855 
Net cash provided by investing activities from discontinued operations  2,114   34,208 
    Net cash provided by investing activities  493,579   1,073,063 


  For the Year Ended December 31, 
  2008  2007 
Cash flows from financing activities:      
Proceeds from issuance of asset-backed bonds  -   2,111,415 
Payments on asset-backed bonds  (477,662)  (797,101)
Proceeds from issuance of capital stock and exercise of equity instruments, net of offering costs  -   47,012 
Net change in short-term borrowings  (45,488)  (458,192)
Repurchase of trust preferred debt  (550)  - 
Dividends paid on vested options  -   (405)
Dividends paid on preferred stock  -   (6,653)
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities from continuing operations  (523,700)  896,076 
Net cash used in financing activities from discontinued operations  (19)  (1,648,509)
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities  (523,719) )  (752,433)
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents  (574)  (125,158)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period  25,364   150,522 
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period $24,790  $25,364 

(dollars in thousands)

  For the Years Ended December 31, 
  2008  2007 
Cash paid for interest $111,949  $310,293 
Cash paid for income taxes  3,679   6,012 
Cash received on mortgage securities – available-for-sale with no cost basis  3,401   3,475 
Non-cash investing and financing activities:        
Transfer of loans to held-in-portfolio from held-for-sale  -   1,880,340 
Transfer of mortgage securities available-for-sale to trading (A)  -   46,683 
Assets acquired through foreclosure  108,172   120,148 
Cost basis of securities retained in securitizations  -   56,387 
Tax benefit derived from capitalization of affiliate  -   7,195 
Preferred stock dividends accrued, not yet paid  15,273   3,816 

(A) Transfer was made upon adoption of SFAS 159.

See notes to consolidated financial statements.Concluded




Note 1. SummaryBasis of Significant AccountingPresentation, Going Concern Considerations, Liquidity and Reporting Policies

Business Plan

Description of Operations - NovaStar Financial, Inc. and its subsidiaries (the(“NFI” or the “Company”) operateshold certain non-conforming residential mortgage securities. A majority-owned subsidiary of the Company, StreetLinks National Appraisal Services LLC, is a residential mortgage appraisal management company.

Effective August 1, 2008, the Company acquired a 75 percent interest in StreetLinks National Appraisal Services LLC (StreetLinks), a residential mortgage appraisal company, for an initial cash purchase price of $750,000 plus future payments contingent upon StreetLinks reaching certain earnings targets. Results of operations from August 1, 2008 forward are included in the consolidated statement of operations. Simultaneously with the acquisition, the Company transferred ownership of 5 percent of StreetLinks to the Chief Executive Officer of StreetLinks.

During 2009, the Company acquired a majority interest in Advent Financial Services LLC, a start up operation which will provide access to tailored banking accounts, small dollar banking products and related services to meet the needs of low and moderate income level individuals. Management is continuing to evaluate opportunities to invest excess cash as a specialty finance company that originates, purchases, investsit is available.

Prior to changes in its business in 2007, the Company originated, purchased, securitized, sold, invested in and servicesserviced residential nonconforming loans.mortgage loans and mortgage backed securities. The Company offers a wide range ofretained, through its mortgage loan products to borrowers, commonly referred to as “nonconforming borrowers,” who generally do not satisfy the credit, collateral, documentation or other underwriting standards prescribed by conventional mortgage lenders and loan buyers, including U.S. government-sponsored entities such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. The Company retainssecurities investment portfolio, significant interests in the nonconforming loans it originated and purchased, and through their mortgage securities investment portfolio. Historically, the Company hasits servicing platform, serviced all of the loans in which they retain interests through their servicing platform.

it retained interests.

Financial Statement Presentation - - The Company’s consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and prevailing practices within the financial services industry. The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of income and expense during the period. The Company uses estimates and employs the judgments of management in determining the amount of its allowance for credit losses, amortizing premiums or accreting discounts on its mortgage assets, amortizing mortgage servicing rights and establishing the fair value of its mortgage securities, reserve for losses on third party sales, derivative instruments, mortgage servicing rightsCDO debt and estimating appropriate accrual rates on mortgage securities – available-for-sale. While the consolidated financial statements and footnotes reflect the best estimates and judgments of management at the time, actual results could differ significantly from those estimates. For example, it is possible that credit losses or prepayments could rise to levels that would adversely affect profitability if those levels were sustained for more than brief periods.

The consolidated financial statements of the Company include the accounts of all wholly-owned and majority- owned subsidiaries. Investments in entities for which the Company has significant influence are accounted for under the equity method. Intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.

Going Concern Considerations - As of December 31, 2008, the Company’s total liabilities exceeded its total assets under GAAP, resulting in a shareholders’ deficit. The Company’s losses, negative cash flows, shareholders’ deficit, and lack of significant operations raise substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern and, therefore, may not realize its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business. There is no assurance that cash flows will be sufficient to meet the Company’s obligations. The Company’s consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis of accounting which contemplates continuity of operations, realization of assets, liabilities and commitments in the normal course of business. The Company’s consolidated financial statements do not reflect any adjustments relating to the recoverability and classification of recorded asset amounts or to the amounts and classification of liabilities that may be necessary should the Company be unable to continue as a going concern.

Liquidity - The Company had $24.8 million in unrestricted cash and cash equivalents at December 31, 2008, which was a decrease of $0.6 million from December 31, 2007. As of May 27, 2009, the Company had approximately $24.3 million in available cash on hand (including restricted cash). In addition to the Company’s operating expenses, the Company has quarterly interest payments due on its trust preferred securities and intends to make payments in settlement of obligations related to its discontinued lending and servicing operations. The Company’s current projections indicate sufficient available cash and cash flows from its mortgage securities to meet these payment needs. However, the cash flow from the Company’s mortgage securities is volatile and uncertain in nature, and the amounts the Company receives could vary materially from its projections. Therefore, no assurances can be given that the Company will be able to meet its cash flow needs, in which case it may seek protection of applicable bankruptcy laws.

The following summarizes the key sources and uses of cash for the Company during consolidation.


·The Company received $42.8 million in cash from its unsecuritized mortgage securities portfolio.
·The Company used $45.5 million in cash to fully repay all secured borrowings and terminate all secured lending agreements. As a result, the Company has no short-term borrowing capacity or agreements currently available.

·The Company paid general and administrative expenses, including those related to its discontinued lending and servicing operations, totaling $37.1 million.
·The Company invested $0.7 million in StreetLinks.

Cash flows from mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio are used to repay the asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage loans and are not available to pay the Company’s other debts, the asset-backed bonds are obligations of the securitization trusts and will be repaid using collections of the securitized assets. The trusts have no recourse to the Company’s other, unsecuritized assets.

Business Plan - The Company will continue to focus on minimizing losses, preserving liquidity, and exploring operating company opportunities. The Company’s residual and subordinated mortgage securities are currently its only significant source of cash flows. Based on current projections, the cash flows from the mortgage securities will decrease in the next several months as the underlying mortgage loans are repaid, and could be significantly less than the current projections if losses on the underlying mortgage loans exceed the current assumptions. In addition, the Company has certain obligations relating to its discontinued operations. The Company also has significant obligations with respect to junior subordinated notes relating to the trust preferred securities. Subsequent to 2008, the Company restructured its obligations under the junior subordinated notes relating to trust preferred securities. The details of the restructure are discussed in Note 6.

As discussed above, the Company acquired a majority interest in an appraisal management company, StreetLinks, during the third quarter of 2008 and subsequent to 2008, the Company acquired a majority interest in Advent Financial Services LLC.

Note 2. Summary of Significant Accounting and Reporting Policies

Cash and Cash Equivalents The Company considers investments with original maturities of three months or less at the date of purchase to be cash equivalents. The Company maintains cash balances at several major financial institutions in the United States. Accounts at each institution are secured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation up to $100,000.$250,000, temporarily increased from $100,000 to $250,000 per depositor effective October 3, 2008 through December 31, 2009. At December 31, 20052008 and 2004, 96%2007, 43% and 89%71% of the Company’s cash and cash equivalents, including restricted cash, were with one institution. UninsuredThe uninsured balances with this institutionof the Company’s unrestricted cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash aggregated $253.0$29.8 million and $238.8$27.4 million atas of December 31, 20052008 and 2004,2007, respectively.

Restricted Cash Restricted cash includes funds the Company is required to post as cash collateral for letters of credit it obtained in connection with the purchase of surety bond coverage required for state licensing purposes. The cash may not be released to the Company without the consent of the insurance company which is at its discretion. The cash could be subject to the indemnification of losses incurred by the insurance company.

Mortgage LoansMortgage loans include loans originated by the Company and acquired from other originators. Mortgage loans are recorded net of deferred loan origination fees and associated direct costs and are stated at amortized cost. Mortgage loan origination fees and associated direct mortgage loan origination costs on mortgage loans held-in-portfolio are deferred and recognized over the estimated life of the loan as an adjustment to yield using the level yield method. The Company uses actual and estimated cash flows, which consider the actual and future estimated prepayments of the loans, to derive an effective level yield. Mortgage loan origination fees and direct mortgage loan origination costs on mortgage loans held-for-sale are deferred until the related loans are sold. Mortgage loans held-for-sale are carried at the lower of cost or market determined on an aggregate basis.

Interest is recognized as revenue when earned according to the terms of the mortgage loans and when, in the opinion of management, it is collectible. For all mortgage loans whichthat do not carry mortgage insurance, the accrual of interest on loans is discontinued when, in management’s opinion, the interest is not collectible in the normal course of business, but in no case beyond when a loan becomes ninety90 days delinquent. For mortgage loans whichthat do carry mortgage insurance, the accrual of interest is only discontinued when in management’s opinion, the interest is not collectible. Interest collected on non-accrual loans is recognized as income upon receipt.

The mortgage loan portfolio is collectively evaluated for impairment as the individual loans are smaller-balance and are homogeneous in nature. For mortgage loans held-in-portfolio, the Company maintains an allowance for credit losses inherent in the portfolio at the balance sheet date. The allowance is based upon the assessment by management of various factors affecting its mortgage loan portfolio, including current economic conditions, the makeup of the portfolio based on credit grade, loan-to-value, delinquency status, historical credit losses, whether the Company purchased mortgage insurance and other factors deemed to warrant consideration. The allowance is maintained through ongoing adjustments to operating income. The assumptions used by management regarding key economic indicators are highly uncertain and involve a great deal of judgment.

An internally developed migration analysis is the primary tool used in analyzing the adequacy of the allowance for credit losses. This tool takes into consideration historical information regarding foreclosure and loss severity experience and applies that information to the portfolio at the reporting date. Management also takes into consideration the use of mortgage insurance as a method of managing credit risk. The Company uses contractual termspays mortgage insurance premiums on loans maintained on the consolidated balance sheet and includes the cost of mortgage insurance in determining past duethe consolidated statements of income.

Management’s estimate of expected losses could increase if the actual loss experience is different than originally estimated. In addition, the estimate of expected losses could increase if economic factors change the value that can be reasonably expected to obtain from the sale of the property. If actual losses increase, or delinquency status of loans.

if amounts reasonably expected to be obtained from property sales decrease, the provision for losses would increase.

The servicing agreements the Company executesexecuted for loans it has securitized include a removal of accounts provision which givesgave it the right, not the obligation, to repurchase mortgage loans from the trust. The removal of accounts provision cancould be exercised for loans that arewere 90 days to 119 days delinquent. The Company recordsrecorded the mortgage loans subject to the removal of accounts provision in mortgage loans held-for-sale at fair value.

In conjunction with the mortgage servicing rights sale in 2007, the removal of accounts provision was transferred to the buyer which resulted in the removal of the mortgage loans subject to the removal of accounts provision from the Company’s balance sheet. See Note 14 for further discussion of the removal of accounts provision and sale of mortgage servicing rights.

Mortgage Securities - Available-for-SaleMortgage securities – available-for-sale represent beneficial interests the Company retains in securitization and resecuritization transactions which include residual interests (the “residual securities”) and subordinated primary securities (the “subordinated securities”). The residual securities include interest-only mortgage securities, prepayment penalty bonds and overcollateralization bonds. The subordinated securities represent investment-grade and non-investment grade rated bonds which are senior to the residual interests but subordinated to the bonds sold to third party investors. Mortgage securities classified as available-for-sale are reported at their estimated fair value with unrealized gains and losses reported in accumulated other comprehensive income. To the extent that the cost basis of mortgage securities exceeds the fair value and the unrealized loss is considered to be other than temporary, an impairment charge is recognized and the amount recorded in accumulated other comprehensive income or loss is reclassified to earnings as a realized loss. The specific identification method was used in computing realized gains or losses.

Interest-only mortgage securities represent the contractual right to receive excess interest cash flows from a pool of securitized mortgage loans. Interest payments received by the independent trust are first applied to the principal and interest bonds (held by outside investors), servicing fees and administrative fees. The excess, if any, is remitted to the Company related to its ownership of the interest-only mortgage security. Prepayment penalty bonds give the holder the contractual right to receive prepayment penalties collected by the independent trust on the underlying mortgage loans. Overcollateralization bonds represent the contractual right to excess principal payments resulting from over collateralization of the obligations of the trust.

The Company has designated two subordinated securities as mortgage securities – available-for-sale as of December 31, 2006 and subsequently transferred those securities to the trading classification on January 1, 2007 in accordance with the adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 159, “The Fair Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities—including an amendment of FASB Statement 115” (“SFAS 159”). The subordinated securities retained by the Company in its securitization transactions have a stated principal amount and interest rate and have been retained at a market discount from the stated principal amount.rate. The performance of the securities is dependent upon the performance of the underlying pool of securitized mortgage loans. The interest rates these securities earn are variable and are subject to an available funds cap as well as a maximum rate cap. The securities receive principal payments in accordance with a payment priority which is designed to maintain specified levels of subordination to the senior bonds within the respective securitization trust. Because the subordinated securities are rated lower than AA, they are considered low credit quality and theThe Company accounts for the securities based on EITF 99-20 which prescribes the effective yield method.

As previously described, mortgage securities available-for-sale represent retained beneficial interests in certain components of the cash flows of the underlying mortgage loans to securitization trusts. As payments are received on both the residual and subordinated securities, the payments are applied to the cost basis of the related mortgage securities. Each period, the accretable yield for each mortgage security is evaluated and, to the extent there has been a change in the estimated cash flows, it is adjusted and applied prospectively. The estimated cash flows change as management’s assumptions for credit losses, borrower prepayments and interest rates are updated. The assumptions are established using proprietary models the Company has developed. The accretable yield is recorded as interest income with a corresponding increase to the cost basis of the mortgage security.

Management believes the best estimate of the initial value of the residual securities it retains in a whole loan securitization is derived from the market value of the pooled loans.

The initial value of the loans is estimated based on the expected open market sales price of a similar pool.pool (“the whole loan price methodology”). In open market transactions, the purchaser has the right to reject loans at its discretion. In a loan securitization, loans cannot generally be rejected. As a result, management adjusts the market price for loans to compensate for the estimated value of rejected loans. The market price of the securities retained is derived by deducting the net proceeds received in the securitization (i.e. the economic value of the loans transferred) from the estimated adjusted market price for the entire pool of the loans.

At each reporting period subsequent to

The Company uses the whole loan price methodology when it feels enough relevant information is available through its internal bidding processes for purchasing similar pools of loans in the market. When such information is not available, the Company estimates the initial valuationvalue of the retained residual securities the fair value is estimatedretained in a whole loan securitization based on the present value of future expected cash flows to be received.received (“the discount rate methodology”). Management’s best estimate of key assumptions, including credit losses, prepayment speeds, market discount rates and forward yield curves commensurate with the risks involved, are used in estimating future cash flows.



For purposes of valuing the retained residual securities at each reporting period subsequent to the initial valuation, the Company estimates initial and subsequent fair value foruses the subordinated securities based on quoted market prices.

discount rate methodology.

Mortgage Securities - TradingMortgage securities – trading consist of mortgage securities purchased by the Company as well as retained by the Company in its securitization transactions with the principal intent to sell in the near term.transactions. Trading securities are recorded at fair value with gains and losses, realized and unrealized, included in earnings. The Company uses the specific identification method in computing realized gains or losses.

As described underMortgage Securities – Trading consisted of one residual security at December 31, 2008 and 2007 with the remaining balance comprised of subordinated securities. See Mortgage Securities – Available-for-Sale, for further details of the Company retainsCompany’s residual and subordinated securities in its securitization transactions which have a stated principal amount and interest rate and have been retained at a market discount from the stated principal amount. securities.

The Company has designated certain subordinated securities as trading due to the Company’s intent to sell in the near term. The performance of the securities is dependent upon the performance of the underlying pool of securitized mortgage loans. The interest rates these securities earn are variable and are subject to an available funds cap as well as a maximum rate cap. The securities receive principal payments in accordance with a payment priority which is designed to

maintain specified levels of subordination to the senior bonds within the respective securitization trust. Becauseestimated initial fair value for the subordinated securities are rated lower than AA, they are considered low credit quality andbased on quoted market prices obtained from brokers. The Company estimates subsequent fair value for the Company accounts for thesubordinated securities based on the effective yield method. Fair value is estimated using quoted market prices.

prices obtained from brokers which are compared to internal discounted cash flows.

Mortgage Servicing RightsMortgage Prior to 2007, mortgage servicing rights arewere recorded at allocated cost based upon the relative fair values of the transferred loans and the servicing rights. In accordance with the adoption of SFAS 156, “Accounting for Servicing of Financial Assets”, an amendment of SFAS 140 (“SFAS 156”), the Company initially recorded mortgage servicing rights upon a securitization at fair value during 2007. Mortgage servicing rights arewere amortized in proportion to and over the projected net servicing revenues. Periodically, the Company evaluatesevaluated the carrying value of mortgage servicing rights based on their estimated fair value. If the estimated fair value, using a discounted cash flow methodology, iswas less than the carrying amount of the mortgage servicing rights, the mortgage servicing rights arewere written down to the amount of the estimated fair value. For purposes of evaluating and measuring impairment of mortgage servicing rights, the Company stratifiesstratified the mortgage servicing rights based on their predominant risk characteristics. The significant risk characteristic considered by the Company iswas period of origination. The mortgage loans underlying the mortgage servicing rights arewere pools of homogenous, nonconforming residential loans.

The Company sold its entire mortgage servicing rights portfolio on November 1, 2007. See Note 14 for further discussion.

Servicing Related AdvancesTheIn its capacity as loan servicer, the Company advancesadvanced funds on behalf of borrowers for taxes, insurance and other customer service functions. These advances arewere routinely assessed for collectabilitycollectibility and any uncollectible advances arewere appropriately charged to earnings.

The Company sold the servicing related advance balances attributable to the securitization trusts comprising its mortgage servicing rights portfolio in conjunction with the sale of its mortgage servicing rights portfolio on November 1, 2007.

Real Estate Owned Real estate owned, which consists of residential real estate acquired in satisfaction of loans, is carried at the lower of cost or estimated fair value less estimated selling costs. Adjustments to the loan carrying value required at time of foreclosure are charged against the allowance for credit losses. Costs related to the development of real estate are capitalized and those related to holding the property are expensed. Losses or gains from the ultimate disposition of real estate owned are charged or credited to earnings.

Derivative Instruments, netThe Company uses derivative instruments with the objective of hedging interest rate risk. Interest rates on the Company’s liabilities typically adjust more frequently than interest rates on the Company’s assets. Derivative instruments are recorded at their fair value with hedge ineffectiveness recognized in earnings.on the consolidated balance sheet. For derivative instruments that qualify for hedge accounting, any changes in fair value of derivative instruments related to hedge effectiveness are reported in accumulated other comprehensive income. Gains and losses reported as a component of accumulated other comprehensive (loss) income are reclassified into earnings as the forecasted transactions occur. Changes in fair value of derivative instruments related to hedge ineffectiveness and non-hedge activity are recorded as adjustments to earnings through the gains (losses) on derivative instruments line item of the Company’s consolidated income statement.statements of operations. For those derivative instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting, changes in the fair value of the instruments are recorded as adjustments to earnings through the gains (losses) on derivative instruments line item of the Company’s consolidated income statement.statements of operations. The fair value of the Company’s derivative instruments, along with any margin accounts associated with the contracts, are included in derivative instruments, netother liabilities on the Company’s balance sheet.sheet as of December 31, 2008 and other assets as of December 31, 2007.

Property and Equipment, netLeasehold improvements, furniture and fixtures and office and computer equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Depreciation is computed using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the related assets. The estimated useful lives of the assets are as follows:leasehold improvements, lesser of 5 years or remaining lease term, furniture and fixtures, 5 years, and office and computer equipment, 3 to 5 years.

Leasehold improvements

5 years (A)

Furniture and fixtures

5 years

Office and computer equipment

3 years

(A)Lesser of 5 years or remaining lease term.

Maintenance and repairs are charged to expense. Major renewals and improvements are capitalized. Gains and losses on dispositions are credited or charged to earnings as incurred.

Warehouse Notes Receivable Warehouse notes receivable represent outstanding warehouse lines of credit Depreciation expense related to continuing operations for the Company providesyears ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 was $1.1 million and $2.9 million, respectively. There was no depreciation expense related to approved borrowers. The lines of credit are used bydiscontinued operations for the borrowersyear ended December 31, 2008. For 2007, depreciation expense related to originate mortgage loans. The notes receivable are collateralized by the mortgage loans originated by the Company’s borrowers and are recorded at amortized cost. The Company recognizes interest income in accordance with the terms of agreement with the borrower. The accrual of interest is discontinued when, in management’s opinion, the interest is not collectible in the normal course of business.

operations was $6.0 million.


Due to Securitization TrustsDue to securitization trusts represents the fair value of the mortgage loans the Company hashad the right to repurchase from the securitization trusts. The servicing agreements the Company executesexecuted for loans it hashad securitized include a removal of accounts provision which givesgave it the right, not the obligation, to repurchase mortgage loans from the trust. The removal of accounts provision cancould be exercised for loans that are 90 days to 119 days delinquent. Upon exercise of the call options, the related obligation to the trusts iswas removed from the Company’s balance sheet.

In conjunction with the mortgage servicing rights sale in 2007, the removal of accounts provision was transferred to the buyer which resulted in the removal of the related obligation from the Company’s balance sheet. See Note 14 for further discussion of the removal of accounts provision and the sale of mortgage servicing rights.

Premiums for Mortgage Loan InsuranceThe Company uses lender paid mortgage insurance to mitigate the risk of loss on loans that are originated. For those loans held-in-portfolio and loans held-for-sale, the premiums for mortgage insurance are expensed by the Company as the costs of the premiums are incurred. For those loans sold in securitization transactions accounted for as a sale, the independent trust assumes the obligation to pay the premiums and obtains the right to receive insurance proceeds.

Transfers of Assets A transfer of mortgage loans or mortgage securities in which the Company surrenders control over the financial assets is accounted for as a sale. When the Company retains control over transferred mortgage loans or mortgage securities, the transaction is accounted for as a secured borrowing. When the Company sells mortgage loans or mortgage

securities in securitization and resecuritization transactions, it may retain one or more bond classes and servicing rights in the securitization. Gains and losses on the assets transferred are recognized based on the carrying amount of the financial assets involved in the transfer, allocated between the assets transferred and the retained interests based on their relative fair value at the date of transfer.

Management believes the best estimate of the initial value of the residual securities it retains in a whole loan securitization is derived from the market value of the pooled loans.

The initial value of the loans is estimated based on the expected open market saleswhole loan price of a similar pool.methodology. In open market transactions, the purchaser has the right to reject loans at its discretion. In a loan securitization, loans cannot generally be rejected. As a result, management adjusts the market price for loans to compensate for the estimated value of rejected loans. The market price of the securities retained is derived by deducting the net proceeds received in the securitization (i.e. the economic value of the loans transferred) from the estimated adjusted market price for the entire pool of the loans.

An implied yield (discount rate) is derived by taking the projected cash flows generated using assumptions for prepayments, expected credit losses and interest rates and then solving for the discount rate required to present value the cash flows back to the initial value derived above. The Company then ascertains the resulting discount rate is commensurate with current market conditions. Additionally, the initial discount rate serves as the initial accretable yield used to recognize income on the securities.

The Company uses the whole loan price methodology when it feels enough relevant information is available through its internal bidding processes for purchasing similar pools of loans in the market. When such information is not available, the Company estimates the initial value of residual securities retained in a whole loan securitization based on the discount rate methodology. Management’s best estimate of key assumptions, including credit losses, prepayment speeds, market discount rates and forward yield curves commensurate with the risks involved, are used in estimating future cash flows.

For purposes of valuing the Company’sretained residual securities it is important to know that in recent securitization transactions they not only have transferred loansat each reporting period subsequent to the trust, but they haveinitial valuation, the Company uses the discount rate methodology.

The Company also transferredtransfers interest rate agreements to the trust with the objective of reducing interest rate risk within the trust. During the period before loans are transferred in a securitization transaction the Company enters into interest rate swap or cap agreements. Certain of these interest rate agreements are then transferred into the trust at the time of securitization. Therefore, the trust assumes the obligation to make payments and obtains the right to receive payments under these agreements.


A significant factor in valuing the Company’s residual securities it is also important to understand whatthe portion of the underlying mortgage loan collateral that is covered by mortgage insurance. At the time of a securitization transaction, the trust legally assumes the responsibility to pay the mortgage insurance premiums associated with the loans transferred and the rights to receive claims for credit losses. Therefore, the Company has no obligation to pay these insurance premiums. The cost of the insurance is paid by the trust from proceeds the trust receives from the underlying collateral. This information is significant for valuation as the mortgage insurance significantly reduces the severity of credit losses bornincurred by the owner of the loan.trust. Mortgage insurance claims on loans where a defect occurred in the loan origination process will not be paid by the mortgage insurer. The assumptions the Company uses to value its residual securities consider this risk.

The following is a description of the methods used by the Company to transfer assets including the related accounting treatment under each method:

method. There were no assets transferred for the year ended December 31, 2008.

Whole Loan Sales Whole loan sales represent loans sold to third parties with servicing released. Gains and losses on whole loan sales are recognized in the period the sale occurs and the Company has determined that the criteria for sales treatment has been achieved as it has surrendered control over the assets transferred. The Company generally has an obligation to repurchase whole loans sold in circumstances in which the borrower fails to make up to the first payment. Additionally,three payments due to the Company is also required to repay all or a portion of the premium it receives on the sale of whole loans in the event that the loan prepays in its entirety in the first year. The Company records the fair value of recourse obligations upon the sale of the mortgage loans. See Note 9.buyer.


Loans and Securities Sold Under Agreements to Repurchase (Repurchase Agreements)Repurchase agreements represent legal sales of loans or mortgage securities and ana related agreement to repurchase the loans or mortgage securities at a later date. Repurchase agreements are accounted for as secured borrowings because the Company has not surrendered control of the transferred assets as it is both entitled and obligated to repurchase the transferred assets prior to their maturity. Repurchase agreements are classified as short-term borrowings in the Company’s consolidated balance sheet.

Securitization TransactionsThe Company regularly securitizes mortgage loans by transferring A securitization transaction is the transfer or sale of mortgage loans to independent trusts which issue securities to investors. As discussed above, the accounting treatment for transfers of assets upon securitization depends on whether or not the Company has retained control over the transferred assets. The securities are collateralized by the mortgage loans transferred into the independent trusts. The Company retains interests in some of the securities issued by the trust. Certain of the securitization agreements require the Company to repurchase loans that are found to have legal deficiencies subsequent to the date of transfer. The Company is also required to buy back any loan for which the borrower converts from an adjustable rate to a fixed rate. The fair values of these recourse obligations are recorded upon the transfers of the mortgage loans and on an ongoing basis. The Company also hasretained the right, but not the obligation, to acquire loans when they are 90 to 119 days delinquent and at the time a property is liquidated. As discussed above,liquidated, but transferred this right to the accounting treatment for transferspurchaser of assets upon securitization depends on whether or notthe Company’s mortgage servicing rights in 2007. Prior to that transfer, the Company has retained control over the transferred assets. The Company recordsrecorded an asset and a liability on the balance sheet for the aggregate fair value of delinquent loans that it hashad a right to call as of the balance sheet date when the securitization is accounted for as a sale.

Resecuritization Transactions The Company also engages in resecuritization transactions. A resecuritization is the transfer or sale of mortgage securities that the Company has retained in previous securitization transactions to an independent trust. Similar to a securitization, the trust issues securities that are collateralized by the mortgage securities transferred to the trust. Resecuritization transactions are accounted for as either a sale or a secured borrowing based on whether or not the Company has retained or surrendered control over the transferred assets. In the resecuritization transaction, the Company may retain an interest in a security that represents the right to receive the cash flows on the underlying mortgage security collateral after the senior bonds, issued to third parties, have been repaid in full.

Fee IncomeReserve for Losses – Loans Sold to Third Parties The Company receivesmaintains a reserve for the representation and warranty liabilities related to loans sold to third parties, and for the contractual obligation to rebate a portion of any premium paid by a purchaser when a borrower prepays a sold loan within an agreed period. The reserve, which is recorded as a liability on the consolidated balance sheet, is established when loans are sold, and is calculated as the estimated fair value of losses reasonably estimated to occur over the life of the loan. Management estimates inherent losses based upon historical loss trends and frequency and severity of losses for similar loan product sales. The adequacy of this reserve is evaluated and adjusted as required. The provision for losses recognized at the sale date is included in the operating results of discontinued operations as a reduction of gains (losses) on sales of mortgage assets.

Due to Servicer Principal and interest payments (the “monthly repayment obligations”) on asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage loans recorded on the Company’s balance sheet are remitted to bondholders on a monthly basis by the securitization trust (the “remittance period”). Funds used for the monthly repayment obligations are based on the monthly scheduled principal and interest payments of the underlying mortgage loan collateral, as well as actual principal and interest collections from borrower prepayments.  When a borrower defaults on a scheduled principal and interest payment, the servicer must advance the scheduled principal and interest to the securitization trust to satisfy the monthly repayment obligations.  The servicer must continue to advance all delinquent scheduled principal and interest payments each remittance period until the loan is liquidated.  Upon liquidation, the servicer may recover their advance through the liquidation proceeds.  During the period the servicer has advanced funds to a securitization trust which the Company accounts for as a financing, the Company records a liability representing the funds due back to the servicer.

Fee Income  During the year ended December 31, 2008, the Company received fee income from several sources.appraisal and broker fees.   For 2007, the Company received fee income from broker, loan origination and service fees. The following describes significant fee income sources and the related accounting treatment:

Appraisal Fees  Appraisal fees are collected as part of the appraisal management process performed by StreetLinks based on negotiated rates with each appraiser.  Revenue is recognized when the appraisal is completed and provided to the lender or borrower, depending on who placed the order.

Broker FeesBroker fees are paid by other lenders for placing loans with third-party investors (lenders) and are based on negotiated rates with each lender to whom the Company brokers loans. Revenue is recognized upon loan origination and delivery.

Loan Origination Fees  Loan origination fees represent fees paid to the Company by borrowers and are associated with the origination of mortgage loans. Loan origination fees are determined based on the type and amount of loans originated. Loan origination fees and direct origination costs on mortgage loans held-in-portfolio are deferred and recognized over the life of the loan using the level yield method. Loan origination fees and direct origination costs on mortgage loans held-for-sale are deferred and considered as part of the carrying value of the loan when sold.


Service Fee Income  Service fees are paid to the Company by either the investor on mortgage loans serviced or the borrower. Fees paid by investors on loans serviced are determined as a percentage of the principal collected for the loans serviced and are recognized in the period in which payments on the loans are received. Fees paid by borrowers on loans serviced are considered ancillary fees related to loan servicing and include late fees and processing fees and, for loans held-in-portfolio, prepayment penalties.fees. Revenue is recognized on fees received from borrowers when an event occurs that generates the fee and they are considered to be collectible.

NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc. (“NHMI”) Branch Management Fees During 2003, these fees were charged to LLCs formed to support NHMI branches to manage branch administrative operations, which included providing accounting, payroll, human resources, loan investor management and license management. The amount of the fees was agreed upon when entering the LLC agreements and recognized as services were rendered. Due to the elimination of the LLCs and their subsequent inclusion in the consolidated financial statements, branch management fees were eliminated in consolidation in 2004 and 2005.

Stock-Based Compensation During the fourth quarter of 2003,  At December 31, 2008, the Company adoptedhad one stock-based employee compensation plan, which is described more fully in Note 19 and is accounted for using FASB Statement No. 123(R) (“SFAS 123(R)”), “Share-Based Payment.”

Income Taxes Historically, the fair value recognition provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 123,Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation. The Company selected the modified prospective method of adoption described in SFAS No. 148,Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation-Transition and Disclosure. Under this method, the change is retroactive to January 1, 2003 and compensation cost recognized in 2003 is the same as that which would have been recognized had the fair value method of SFAS No. 123 been applied from its original effective date.

Income TaxesThe Company iswas taxed as a Real Estate Investment Trust (“REIT”)REIT under Section 857 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”).Code. As a REIT, the Company generally iswas not subject to federal income tax. To maintain its qualification as a REIT, the Company musthad to distribute at least 90% of its REIT taxable income to its shareholders and meet certain other tests relating to assets, income and income. Ifownership. However, the Company fails to qualify as a REIT in any taxable year, the Company will be subject to federal income tax on its taxable income at regular corporate rates. The Company may also be subject to certain state and local taxes. Under certain circumstances, even though the Company qualifies as a REIT, federal income and excise taxes may be due on its undistributed taxable income. Because the Company has paid or intends to pay dividends in the amount of its taxable income by the statutorily required due date, no provision for income taxes has been provided in the accompanying financial statements related to the REIT. However, NFI Holding Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary, and its subsidiaries have not elected REIT-status and, therefore, are subject to corporate income taxes. Accordingly, a provision for income taxes has been provided for the Company’s non-REIT subsidiaries.

The Company hashad elected to treat NFI Holding Corporation and its subsidiaries as taxable REIT subsidiaries (collectively the “TRS”). In general, the TRS maycould hold assets that the Company cannotcould not hold directly and generally maycould engage in any real estate or non-real estate related business. The subsidiaries comprising the TRS arewere subject to corporate federal and state income tax and arewere taxed as regular C corporations. However, special rules do apply

During 2007, the Company was unable to certain activities between asatisfy the REIT and a TRS. For example,distribution requirement for the TRS may be subjecttax year ended December 31, 2006, either in the form of cash or preferred stock.  This action resulted in the Company’s loss of REIT status retroactive to earnings stripping limitationsJanuary 1, 2006.  The failure to satisfy the REIT distribution test resulted from demands on the deductibility of interest paid toCompany’s liquidity and the substantial decline in the Company’s market capitalization during 2007.

Since the Company terminated its REIT. In addition,REIT status effective January 1, 2006 and was taxable as a REIT will be subject to a 100% excise tax on certain excess amounts to ensure that (i) amounts paid to a TRSC corporation for services are2007 and 2008, the Company recorded deferred taxes based on amounts that would be charged in an arm’s-lengththe estimated cumulative temporary differences as of December 31, 2008 and 2007.

In determining the amount by the TRS, (ii) fees paid to a REIT by the TRS are reflected at fair market value and (iii) interest paid by the TRS to its REIT is commercially reasonable.

The TRS recordsof deferred tax assets and liabilities for the future tax consequences attributable to differences betweenrecognize in the financial statement carrying amountsstatements, the Company evaluates the likelihood of existing assets and liabilities and their respective income tax bases. The Company has recordedrealizing such benefits in future periods.  FASB Statement 109 “Accounting for Income Taxes” (“SFAS 109”) requires the recognition of a valuation allowance as discussedif it is more likely than not that all or some portion of the deferred tax asset will not be realized.  SFAS 109 indicates the more likely than not threshold is a level of likelihood that is more than 50 percent.

Under SFAS 109, companies are required to identify and consider all available evidence, both positive and negative, in Note 12.

Discontinued Operations Asdetermining whether it is more likely than not that all or some portion of its deferred tax assets will not be realized.  Positive evidence includes, but is not limited to the demandfollowing:  cumulative earnings in recent years, earnings expected in future years, excess appreciated asset value over the tax basis, and positive industry trends.  Negative evidence includes, but is not limited to the following:  cumulative losses in recent years, losses expected in future years, a history of operating losses or tax credits carryforwards expiring, and adverse industry trends.

The weight given to the potential effect of negative and positive evidence should be commensurate with the extent to which it can be objectively verified. Accordingly, the more negative evidence that exists requires more positive evidence to counter, thus making it more difficult to support a conclusion that a valuation allowance is not needed for conforming loansall or some of the deferred tax assets.  Cumulative losses in recent years is significant negative evidence that is difficult to overcome when determining the need for a valuation allowance.  Similarly, cumulative earnings in recent years represent significant positive objective evidence.  If the weight of the positive evidence is sufficient to support a conclusion that it is more likely than not that a deferred tax asset will be realized, a valuation allowance should not be recorded.

The Company examines and weighs all available evidence (both positive and negative and both historical and forecasted) in the process of determining whether it is more likely than not that a deferred tax asset will be realized.  The Company considers the relevancy of historical and forecasted evidence when there has declined significantly since 2004, many branches havebeen a significant change in circumstances. Additionally, the Company evaluates the realization of its recorded deferred tax assets on an interim and annual basis.  The Company does not been ablerecord a valuation allowance if the weight of the positive evidence exceeds the negative evidence and is sufficient to producesupport a conclusion that it is more likely than not that its deferred tax asset will be realized.

If the weighted positive evidence is not sufficient fees to meet operating expense demands.support a conclusion that it is more likely than not that all or some of the Company’s deferred tax assets will be realized, the Company considers all alternative sources of taxable income identified in determining the amount of valuation allowance to be recorded.  Alternative sources of taxable income identified in FAS 109 include the following: 1) taxable income in prior carryback year, 2) future reversals of existing taxable temporary differences, 3) future taxable income exclusive of reversing temporary differences and carryforwards, and 4) tax planning strategies.


Effective January 1, 2007, the Company adopted FASB Interpretation 48 (“FIN 48”), “Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes – an Interpretation of FASB Statement 109”.  FIN 48 requires a company to evaluate whether a tax position taken by the company will “more likely than not” be sustained upon examination by the appropriate taxing authority.  It also provides guidance on how a company should measure the amount of benefit that the company is to recognize in its financial statements.  As a result of these conditions,the implementation of FIN 48, the Company recorded a $1.1 million net liability as an increase to the opening balance of accumulated deficit.  It is the Company’s policy to recognize interest and penalties related to income tax matters in income tax expense (benefit). 

Discontinued Operations  As a result of the significant numberdeterioration in the subprime secondary markets, during 2007, the Audit Committee of branch managers have voluntarily terminated employmentthe Board of Directors of the Company committed to workforce reductions pursuant to plans of termination (the "Exit Plans") as described in FASB Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (“SFAS”) 146, “Accounting for Costs Associated with the Company.Exit or Disposal Activities” (“SFAS 146”).  The Company undertook these Exit Plans to align its organization and costs with its decision to discontinue its mortgage lending and mortgage servicing activities. The Company considers an operating unit to be discontinued upon its termination date, which is the point in time when the operations substantially cease.  In accordance with SFAS 144, the Company has also terminated branches whenreclassified the operating results of its entire mortgage lending segment and loan production results were substandard. servicing operations segment as discontinued operations in the consolidated statements of operations for the year ended December 31, 2008 and 2007.

On November 4, 2005, the Company adopted a formal plan to terminate substantially all of the branches operated by NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc. (“NHMI”).  By June 30, 2006, the Company had terminated all of the remaining NHMI branches.branches and related operations. The Company considers a branch to be discontinued upon its termination date, which is the point in time when the operations substantially cease. The provisions ofIn accordance with SFAS No. 144,Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets, require the results of operations associated with those branches terminated subsequent to January 1, 2004 to be classified as discontinued operations and segregated from the Company’s continuing results of operations for all periods presented. The Company has presented the operating results of those branches terminated through December 31, 2005,NHMI as discontinued operations in the Consolidated Statementsconsolidated statements of Incomeoperations for the years ended December 31, 20052008 and 2004. The Consolidated Statement of Income for the year ended December 31, 2003 has not been reclassified, as the effect of branch terminations on the operating results in those years is immaterial.


Earnings Per Share (EPS)Basic earnings per shareEPS excludes dilution and is computed by dividing net income available to common shareholders by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding for the period. Diluted earnings per shareEPS reflects the potential dilution that could occur if securities or other contracts to issue common stock were exercised or converted into common stock or resulted in the issuance of common stock that then shared in the earnings of the entity. Diluted EPS is calculated assuming all options, restricted stock, performance based awards and warrants on the Company’s common stock have been exercised, unless the exercise would be antidilutive.

Commitments to Originate Mortgage Loans  Commitments to originate mortgage loans - held-for-sale meet the definition of a derivative and are recorded at fair value and arewere classified as accounts payable and other liabilities in the Company’s consolidated balance sheets. The Company usesused the Black-Scholes option pricing model to determine the value of its commitments. Significant assumptions used in the valuation determination include volatility, strike price, current market price, expiration and one-month LIBOR.  There were no commitments to originate mortgage loans for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007.

New Accounting Pronouncements
In December 2004,2007, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued a revision of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (“SFAS”) No. 123,Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation(“141 (R), “Business Combinations” (“SFAS No. 123(R)141(R)”).  This Statement establishes standardsIn summary, SFAS 141(R) requires the acquirer of a business combination to measure at fair value the assets acquired, the liabilities assumed, and any non-controlling interest in the acquiree at the acquisition date, with limited exceptions.  In addition, this standard will require acquisition costs to be expensed as incurred.  The standard is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2008, and is to be applied prospectively, with no earlier adoption permitted.  The adoption of this standard may have an impact on the accounting for transactionscertain costs related to any future acquisitions.

In December 2007, the FASB issued SFAS No. 160, “Noncontrolling Interests in Consolidated Financial Statements” (“SFAS 160”), which requires consolidated net income to be reported at amounts that include the amounts attributable to both the parent and non-controlling interest.  SFAS 160 is effective for fiscal years beginning on or after December 15, 2008.  The minority interest related to the Streetlinks purchase is shown as a component of shareholders’ deficit.  The adoption of this standard may have an entity exchangesimpact on the accounting of net income and shareholders’ deficit attributed to StreetLinks and any future acquisitions.

In March 2008, the FASB issued SFAS No. 161, “Disclosures about Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities” (“SFAS 161”).  The new standard is intended to improve financial reporting about derivative instruments and hedging activities by requiring enhanced disclosures to enable investors to better understand their effects on an entity’s financial position, financial performance, and cash flows. It is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years and interim periods beginning after November 15, 2008, with early application encouraged.  The Company does not expect the adoption of SFAS 161 will impact its equity instruments for goodsconsolidated financial statements but could result in additional disclosures.

In April 2008, the FASB issued FASB Staff Position (“FSP”) No. SFAS 142-3, “Determination of the Useful Life of Intangible Assets” (“FSP SFAS 142-3”). FSP SFAS 142-3 amends paragraph 11(d) of FASB Statement No. 142 “Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets” (“SFAS 142”) which amends the factors that should be considered in developing renewal or services. It also addresses transactions in which an entity incurs liabilities in exchange for goods or services that are based onextension assumptions used to determine the useful life of a recognized intangible asset under SFAS 142. FSP SFAS 142-3 is intended to improve the consistency between the useful life of a recognized intangible asset under SFAS 142 and the period of expected cash flows used to measure the fair value of the entity’s equity instruments or that may be settled by the issuance of those equity instruments. Entities no longer have the option to use the intrinsic value method of Accounting Principal Board Opinion 25,Accountasset. FSP SFAS 142-3 is effective for Stock Issued to Employees (“APB 25”) that was provided in SFAS No. 123 as originallyfinancial statements issued which generally resulted in the recognition of no compensation cost. Under SFAS No. 123(R), the cost of employee services received in exchange for an equity awardfiscal years beginning after December 15, 2008 and must be based onapplied prospectively to intangible assets acquired after the grant-date fair value of the award.effective date. The cost of the awards under SFAS No. 123(R) will be recognized over the period an employee provides service, typically the vesting period. No compensation cost is recognized for equity instruments in which the requisite service isCompany does not provided. This Statement is effective at the beginning of the next fiscal yearexpect that begins after June 15, 2005. As discussed in Note 1, the Company implemented the fair value provisions of SFAS No. 123 during 2003. As such, the adoption of FSP SFAS No. 123(R) is not anticipated to142-3 will have a significant impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.


In March 2005, SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin (“SAB”) No. 107,Application ofMay 2008, the FASB No. 123 (revised 2004), Accounting for Stock-Based Compensationwas released. This release summarizes the SEC staff position regarding the interaction betweenissued SFAS No. 123(R)162, “The Hierarchy of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles” (“SFAS 162”).  SFAS 162 identifies the sources of accounting principles and certain SEC rules and regulations and providesthe framework for selecting principles to be used in the preparation of financial statements of nongovernmental entities that are presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States.  This statement is effective as of November 15, 2008, 60 days following the SEC’s views regardingapproval of the valuationPublic Company Accounting Oversight Board’s amendments to the PCAOB’s Interim Auditing Standards (AU) section 411, “The Meaning of share-based payment arrangements for public companies.Present Fairly in Conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.”  The adoption of this release isSFAS 162 did not anticipated to have a significantmaterial impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.

In May 2005,June 2008, the FASB issued StatementFASB Staff Position No. 154,Accounting Changes and Error Corrections, a Replacement of APB Opinion No. 20 and FASB Statement No. 3EITF 03-6-1 "Determining Whether Instruments Granted in Share-Based Payment Transactions Are Participating Securities" (FSP EITF -3-6-1). This Statement changesFSP was issued to clarify that instruments granted in share-based payment transactions can be participating securities prior to the requirements for the accounting and reporting of a changerequisite service having been rendered. The guidance in accounting principle, reporting entity, accounting estimate and correction of an error. SFAS No. 154this FSP applies to (a) financial statementsthe calculation of business enterprisesEarnings Per Share ("EPS") under Statement 128 for share-based payment awards with rights to dividends or dividend equivalents. Unvested share-based payment awards that contain non-forfeitable rights to dividends or dividend equivalents (whether paid or unpaid) are participating securities and not-for-profit organizations and (b) historical summariesshall be included in the computation of information based on primary financial statements that include an accounting period in which an accounting change or error correction is reflected andEPS pursuant to the two-class method. This FSP is effective for accounting changes and corrections of errors made infinancial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2005. Early adoption is permitted for accounting changes2008, and correctionsinterim periods within those years. All prior-period EPS data presented shall be adjusted retrospectively (including interim financial statements, summaries of errors made in fiscal years beginning afterearnings, and selected financial data) to conform with the dateprovisions of this FSP. The Company has not determined the Statement was issued. Theimpact that the adoption of this StatementEITF will have on its financial condition or results of operation.
On September 15, 2008, the FASB issued two exposure drafts proposing amendments to SFAS 140, “Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities”, and FASB Interpretation No. 46R, “Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities” (“FIN 46R”).  Currently, the transfers of the Company’s mortgage loans in securitization transactions qualify for sale accounting treatment.  The trusts used in the Company’s securitizations are not consolidated for financial reporting purposed because the trusts are qualifying special purpose entities (“QSPE”).  Because the transfers qualify as sales and the trusts are not subject to consolidation, the assets and liabilities of the trusts are not reported on the balance sheet under GAAP.  Under the proposed amendments, the concept of a QSPE would be eliminated and could potentially modify the consolidation conclusions.  As proposed, these amendments would be effective for the Company at the beginning of 2010.  The proposed amendments, if adopted, could require the Company to consolidate the assets and liabilities of the Company’s securitization trusts.  This could have a significant effect on our financial condition as affected off-balance sheet loans and related liabilities would be recorded on the balance sheet.

On October 10, 2008, the FASB issued FSP No. 157-3, “Determining the Fair Value of a Financial Asset When the Market for That Asset Is Not Active” (“FSP 157-3”).  FSP 157-3 clarifies the application of FAS 157 in a market that is not anticipatedactive and provides an example to illustrate key consideration in determining the fair value of a financial asset when the market for that financial asset is not active.  The issuance of FSP 157-3 did not have a significantmaterial impact on the Company’s consolidateddetermination of fair value for its financial statements.


In November 2005, FASB Staff Position (“FSP”) SFAS 140-2,Clarification of the Application of Paragraphs 40(b) and 40(c) of FASB Statement No. 140,was issued. This FSP addresses whether a QSPE would fail to meet the conditions of a QSPE under the current requirements of Statement 140 if either (a) unexpected events outside the control of the transferor or (b) a transferor’s temporary holdings of beneficial interests previously issued by a QSPE and sold to outside parties, cause the notional amount of passive derivatives held by an QSPE to exceed the amount of beneficial interests held by outside parties. This FSP clarifies that the requirements of paragraphs 40(b) and 40(c) must be met only at the date a QSPE issues beneficial interests or when a passive derivative financial instrument needs to be replaced upon the occurrence of a specified event outside the control of the transferor. This FSP is effective as of November 9, 2005. The guidance regarding unexpected events should be applied prospectively. The adoption of this FSP did not have a significant impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.

During November 2005,December 2008, the FASB issued FSP SFAS 115-1FAS 140-4 and SFAS 124-1,The MeaningFIN 46(R)-8, Disclosures by Public Entities (Enterprises) about Transfers of Other-Than-Temporary ImpairmentFinancial Assets and Its Application to Certain InvestmentsInterests in Variable Interest Entities (“FSP FAS 140-4 and FIN 46(R)-8”), which outlinesrequires expanded disclosures for transfers of financial assets and involvement with variable interest entities (“VIEs”). Under this guidance, the disclosure objectives related to transfers of financial assets now include providing information on (i) the Company’s continued involvement with financial assets transferred in a three-step modelsecuritization or asset backed financing arrangement, (ii) the nature of restrictions on assets held by the Company that should be applied eachrelate to transferred financial assets, and (iii) the impact on financial results of continued involvement with assets sold and assets transferred in secured borrowing arrangements. VIE disclosure objectives now include providing information on (i) significant judgments and assumptions used by the Company to determine the consolidation or disclosure of a VIE, (ii) the nature of restrictions related to the assets of a consolidated VIE, (iii) the nature of risks related to the Company’s involvement with the VIE and (iv) the impact on financial results related to the Company’s involvement with the VIE. Certain disclosures are also required where the Company is a non-transferor sponsor or servicer of a QSPE. FSP FAS 140-4 and FIN 46(R)-8 is effective for the first reporting period ending after December 15, 2008. See Note 3 to identify investment impairments. In periods after an impairment loss on a debt security is recognized, the investor should accountconsolidated financial statements for the security as if it had been purchased onadditional disclosures required by the impairment measurement date. The discount (or reduced premium), based onFSP.

In January 2009, the new cost basis, should be amortized overFASB issued FSP EITF 99-20-1, Amendments to the remaining life of the security. This FSP carries forward the disclosure requirements of Emerging Issues Task Force (“EITF”) Issue 03-1,The Meaning of Other-Than-Temporary Impairment and Its Application to Certain Investments, but nullifies certain other requirements of this EITF. This FSP also clarifies that investments within the scopeGuidance of EITF Issue No. 99-20 (“FSP EITF 99-20-1”), which eliminates the requirement that the holder’s best estimate of cash flows be based upon those that a “market participant” would use. FSP EITF 99-20-1 was amended to require recognition of other-than-temporary impairment when it is “probable” that there has been an adverse change in the holder’s best estimate of cash flows from the cash flows previously projected. This amendment aligns the impairment guidance under EITF 99-20, Recognition of Interest Income and Impairment on Purchased and Retained Beneficial Interests and Beneficial Interests That Continue to Be Held by a Transferor in Securitized Financial Assets,, must be included in with the required tabular disclosures. The guidance in thisSFAS No. 115. FSP should be applied toEITF 99-20-1 retains and re-emphasizes the other-than-temporary impairment guidance and disclosures in pre-existing GAAP and SEC requirements. FSP EITF 99-20-1 is effective for interim and annual reporting periods beginningending after December 15, 2005. Earlier application is permitted.2008. The Company does not expect the adoption of this FSP is not anticipated toEITF 99-20-1 will have a significantmaterial impact on the Company’sits consolidated financial statements.

During December 2005,


In April 2009, the FASB issued FSP StatementNo. FAS 107-1 and APB 28-1, Interim Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments, to require disclosures about fair value of financial instruments for interim reporting periods of publicly traded companies as well as in annual financial statements. This FSP also amends APB Opinion No. 28, Interim financial reporting, to require those disclosures in summarized financial information at interim reporting periods.  The Company will comply with the additional disclosure requirements beginning in the second quarter of 2009.

In April 2009, the FASB issued FSP No. FAS 115-2 and FAS 124-2, Recognition and Presentation of Other-Than-Temporary Impairments. This FSP amends the other-than-temporary impairment guidance in U.S. GAAP for debt and
equity securities in the financial statements. This FSP does not amend existing recognition and measurement guidance related to other-than-temporary impairments of equity securities. The FSP shall be effective for interim and annual reporting periods ending after June 15, 2009 , but early adoption is permitted for interim periods ending after March 15, 2009. The Company plans to adopt the provisions of this Staff Position (“SOP”) 94-6-1,Termsduring second quarter 2009; however its adoption is not expected to have a material impact on its consolidated financial statements.

In April 2009, the FASB issued FSP No. FAS 157-4, “Determining Fair Value When the Volume and Level of Loan ProductsActivity for the Asset or Liability Have Significantly Decreased and Identifying Transactions That May Give RiseAre Not Orderly” (“FSP FAS 157-4”).  FSP FAS 157-4 provides guidance on estimating fair value when market activity has decreased and on identifying transactions that are not orderly.  Additionally, entities are required to a Concentration of Credit Risk, which addressesdisclose in interim and annual periods the circumstances under which the terms of loan products give riseinputs and valuation techniques used to such risk and the disclosures or other accounting considerations that apply for entities that originate, hold, guarantee, service, or invest in loan products with terms that may give rise to a concentration of credit risk. The guidance under thismeasure fair value.  This FSP is effective for interim and annual periods ending after June 15, 2009.  The Company does not expect the adoption of FSP FAS 157-4 will have a material impact on its financial condition or results of operation, although it will require additional disclosures.

In May 2009, the FASB issued FASB Staff Position No. APB 14-1 “Accounting for Convertible Debt Instruments That May Be Settled in Cash upon Conversion (Including Partial Cash Settlement).”  FASB Staff Position No. APB 14-1 clarifies that convertible debt instruments that may be settled in cash upon conversion (including partial cash settlement) are not addressed by paragraph 12 of APB Opinion No. 14, Accounting for Convertible Debt and Debt Issued with Stock Purchase Warrants. Additionally, this FSP specifies that issuers of such instruments should separately account for the liability and equity components in a manner that will reflect the entity’s nonconvertible debt borrowing rate when interest cost is recognized in subsequent periods. This FSP is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 19, 200515, 2008, and for loan products that are determined to represent a concentration of credit risk, disclosure requirements of SFAS 107,Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments, should be provided for allinterim periods presented.within those fiscal years.  The Company does not expect the adoption of this FSP did notwill have a significantmaterial impact on the Company’s consolidatedits financial statements.

In February 2006, the FASB issued SFAS No. 155, “Accounting for Certain Hybrid Financial Instruments”, an amendment of FASB Statements No. 133 and SFAS No. 140 (“SFAS 155”). This statement permits fair value remeasurement for any hybrid financial instrument that contains an embedded derivative that otherwise would require bifurcation. It also clarifies which interest-only strips and principal-only strips are not subject to FASB Statement No. 133, “Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities” (“SFAS 133”). The statement also establishes a requirement to evaluate interests in securitized financial assets to identify interests that are freestanding derivativescondition or hybrid financial instruments that contain an embedded derivative requiring bifurcation. The statement also clarifies that concentration of credit risks in the form of subordination are not embedded derivatives, and it also amends SFAS 140 to eliminate the prohibition on a QSPE from holding a derivative financial instrument that pertains to a beneficial interest other than another derivative financial instrument. SFAS 155 is effective for all financial instruments acquired or issued after the beginning of an entity’s first fiscal year that begins after September 15, 2006. Early adoption of this statement is allowed. The Company is still evaluating the impact the adoption of this statement will have on its consolidated financial statements.

Reclassifications Reclassifications to prior year amounts have been made to conform to current year presentation. In accordance with SFAS No. 144,Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets, the Company has reclassified the operating results of those branches terminated through December 31, 2005, as discontinued operations in the Consolidated Statement of Income for the year ended 2004.


Note 2.3. Mortgage Loans

– Held-in-Portfolio

Mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio, all of which are secured by residential properties, consisted of the following as of December 31, 2008 and 2007 (dollars in thousands):




Mortgage loans – held-for-sale:


Outstanding principal

  $1,235,159  $719,904 

Net premium

   12,015   6,760 


    1,247,174   726,664 

Loans under removal of accounts provision

   44,382   20,930 


Mortgage loans – held-for-sale

  $1,291,556  $747,594 


Mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio:


Outstanding principal

  $29,084  $58,859 

Net unamortized premium

   455   1,175 


Amortized cost

   29,539   60,034 

Allowance for credit losses

   (699)  (507)


Mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio

  $28,840  $59,527 



December 31, 
December 31,
Mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio:      
Outstanding principal $2,529,791  $3,067,737 
Net unamortized deferred origination costs  19,048   32,414 
Amortized cost  2,548,839   3,100,151 
Allowance for credit losses  (776,001)  (230,138)
Mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio $1,772,838  $2,870,013 
Weighted average coupon  8.00%  8.59%

The Company did not transfer any mortgage loans from its held-for-sale classification to held-in-portfolio during 2008.  In 2007 the Company transferred $1.9 billion of mortgage loans from its held-for-sale classification to held-in-portfolio. These loans were either subsequently securitized in transactions structured as financings or paid off.

Mortgage loans held-in-portfolio include loans that the Company has securitized in structures that are accounted for as financings. No securitization transactions were completed during 2008.  During 2007, the Company executed one securitization transaction, NovaStar Home Equity Series (“NHES”) 2007-1, which was accounted for as a financing under SFAS 140.  During 2006, the Company executed two securitization transactions accounted for as financings, NHES 2006-1 and NHES 2006-MTA1.  See below for details of the Company’s securitization transactions structured as financings during 2007.

The actual static pool credit loss as of December 31, 2008 was 2.71% and the cumulative projected static pool credit loss for the life of the securities is 27.5%. Static pool losses are calculated by summing the actual and projected future credit losses and dividing them by the original balance of each pool of assets.


The table below presents quantitative information about delinquencies, net credit losses, and components of securitized financial assets and other assets managed together with them (dollars in thousands):

 For the Year Ended December 31,      
Total Principal Amount of
Loans (A)
Principal Amount of
Loans 60 Days or More
Past Due
Net Credit Losses
During the Year Ended
December 31, (B)
 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 
Loans securitized $8,121,668  $10,087,692  $3,371,720  $1,806,141  $469,182  $231,814 
Loans held-in-portfolio  2,684,213   3,215,695   1,270,261   572,943   155,765   15,458 
Total loans securitized or held-in-portfolio $10,805,881  $13,303,387  $4,641,981  $2,379,084  $624,947  $247,272 

(A)Includes assets acquired through foreclosure.
(B)Represents the realized losses as reported by the securitization trusts for each period presented.

These securitizations are structured legally as sales, but for accounting purposes are treated as financings as defined by SFAS No. 140, “Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities (a replacement of FASB Statement No. 125”).  The NHES 2006-1 and NHES 2006-MTA1 securitizations at inception did not meet the criteria necessary for derecognition under SFAS 140 and related interpretations because after the loans were securitized the securitization trusts may acquire derivatives relating to beneficial interests retained by the Company; additionally, the Company, had the unilateral ability to repurchase a limited number of loans back from the trust.  These provisions were removed effective September 30, 2008.  Since the removal of these provisions did not substantively change the transactions’ economics, the original accounting conclusion remains the same.  The NHES 2007-1 securitization does not meet the qualifying special purpose entity criteria necessary for derecognition under SFAS 140 and related interpretations because of the excessive benefit the Company received at inception from the derivative instruments delivered into the trust to counteract interest rate risk.

Accordingly, the loans in the allowanceNHES 2006-1, NHES 2006-MTA1, and NHES 2007-1 securitizations remain on the balance sheet as “Mortgage loans held-in-portfolio”.  Given this treatment, retained interests are not created, and securitization bond financing is reflected on the balance sheet as a liability. The Company records interest income on loans held-in-portfolio and interest expense on the bonds issued in the securitizations over the life of the securitizations. Deferred debt issuance costs and discounts related to the bonds are amortized on a level yield basis over the estimated life of the bonds.

Details of the Company’s loan securitization transaction structured for credit losses isaccounting purposes as follows forfinancings which closed during the three yearsyear ended December 31, 2007 are as follows (dollars in thousands):





Balance, January 1

  $507  $1,319  $3,036 

Provision for credit losses (recoveries)

   1,038   726   (389)

Amounts charged off, net of recoveries

   (846)  (1,538)  (1,328)



Balance, December 31

  $699  $507  $1,319 



The servicing agreements the Company executes

 Date Issued 
Balance of Loans
Bonds Issued
Net Bond
Interest Rate Spread
Over One Month
NHES 2007-1 February 28, 2007 $1,888,756  $1,794,386  $1,784,662  

(A)The amounts shown do not include subordinated bonds retained by the Company.
(B)The interest rate for the A-2A2 bond is fixed at 5.86%

Collateral for loans securitized include a “clean up” call option which gives them the right, not the obligation, to repurchase mortgage loans from the trust when the aggregate principal balance27% and 21% of the mortgage loans has declined to ten percent or less of the original aggregated mortgage loan principal balance. On September 25, 2005, the Company exercised the “clean up” call option on NMFT Series 1999-1 and repurchased loans with a remaining principal balance of $14.0 million from the trust for $6.8 million in cash. The trust distributed the $6.8 million to retire the bonds held by third parties. Along with the cash paid to the trust, the cost basis of the NMFT Series 1999-1 mortgage security, $7.4 million, became part of the cost basis of the repurchased mortgage loans. At December 31, 2005, the Company had the right, not the obligation to repurchase $71.1 million of mortgage loans from the NMFT Series 2000-1, NMFT Series 2000-2 and NMFT Series 2001-1 securitization trust.

During 1997 and 1998, the Company completed the securitization of loans in transactions that were structured as financing arrangements for accounting purposes. These non-recourse financing arrangements match the loans with the financing arrangement for long periods of time, as compared to repurchase agreements that mature frequently with interest rates that reset frequently and have liquidity risk in the form of margin calls. Under the terms of the asset-backed bonds the Company is entitled to repurchase the mortgage loan collateral and repay the remaining bond obligations when the aggregate collateral principal balance falls below 35% of their original balance for the loans in Series 97-01 and 25% for the loans in Series 97-02, Series 98-01 and Series 98-02. During the fourth quarter of 2005, the Company exercised this option for issues 1997-1 and 1997-2 and retired the related asset-backed bonds, which had a remaining balance of $7.8 million. The mortgage loans were transferred from the held-in-portfolio classification to held-for-sale and have been or will be sold to third party investors or used as collateral in the Company’s securitization transactions.

The majority of mortgage loans serve as collateral for borrowing arrangements discussed in Note 8. The weighted-average interest rate on mortgage loansoutstanding as of December 31, 20052008 was located in California and 2004 was 8.15% and 7.88%,Florida, respectively.

Collateral for 22%26% and 20% of the mortgage loans held-in-portfolio outstanding as of December 31, 20052007 was located in California and Florida, respectively.  Interest only loan products made up 22% and 7% of the loans classified as held-in-portfolio as of December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively.  In addition, as of December 31, 2008, moving treasury average (“MTA”) loan products made up 27% of the loans classified as held-in-portfolio compared to 25% as of December 31, 2007. These MTA loans had $19.9 million and $41.9 million in negative amortization during 2008 and 2007, respectively. The Company has no other significant concentration of credit risk on mortgage loans.

The recorded investment in

At December 31, 2008 and 2007 all of the loans inclassified as held-in-portfolio were pledged as collateral for financing purposes.

Mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio that the Company has placed on non-accrual status totaled $755.5 million and $402.7 million at December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively. At December 31, 2008 the Company had $436.2 million in mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio past due 90 days or more, butwhich were still accruing interest was $3.7as compared to $169.8 million and $7.2 million as ofat December 31, 2005, respectively.

Details of loan securitization transactions2007. These loans carried mortgage insurance and the accrual will be discontinued when in management’s opinion the interest is not collectible.

Activity in the allowance for credit losses on the date of the securitization aremortgage loans – held-in-portfolio is as follows for the two years ended December 31, 2008 (dollars in thousands):


Net Bond



Allocated Value of Retained



Principal Balance

of Loans Sold


Fair Value of













Bond Classes


Year ended December 31, 2005:


NMFT Series 2005-1

  $2,066,840  $11,448  $88,433  $2,100,000  $13,669  $18,136

NMFT Series 2005-2

   1,783,102   9,751   62,741   1,799,992   2,364   29,202

NMFT Series 2005-3

   2,425,088   14,966   104,206(D)  2,499,983   9,194   3,947

NMFT Series 2005-4 (A)

   1,153,033   7,311   77,040(C)  1,221,055   5,232  $7,480






   $7,428,063  $43,476  $332,420  $7,621,030  $30,459  $58,765






Year ended December 31, 2004:


NMFT Series 2003-4 (B)

  $472,391  $1,880  $22,494  $479,810  $—    $9,015

NMFT Series 2004-1

   1,722,282   7,987   92,059   1,750,000   (13,848)  64,112

NMFT Series 2004-2

   1,370,021   6,244   67,468   1,399,999   15,665   8,961

NMFT Series 2004-3

   2,149,260   9,520   104,901   2,199,995   (6,705)  40,443

NMFT Series 2004-4

   2,459,875   13,628   94,911   2,500,000   5,617   21,721






   $8,173,829  $39,259  $381,833  $8,329,804  $729  $144,252






Year ended December 31, 2003:


NMFT Series 2003-1

  $1,253,820  $5,116  $82,222  $1,300,141  $(11,723) $29,614

NMFT Series 2003-2

   1,476,358   5,843   78,686   1,499,998   (14,000)  50,109

NMFT Series 2003-3

   1,472,920   5,829   84,268   1,499,374   6,988   34,544

NMFT Series 2003-4

   1,004,427   3,986   47,499   1,019,922   (192)  22,035






   $5,207,525  $20,774  $292,675  $5,319,435  $(18,927) $136,302







(A)On January 20, 2006 NovaStar Mortgage delivered the remaining $378.9 million in loans collateralizing NMFT Series 2005-4. All of the bonds were issued to the third-party investors at the date of initial close, but the Company did not receive the escrowed proceeds related to the final close until January 20, 2006.
(B)On January 14, 2004 NovaStar Mortgage delivered the remaining $479.8 million in loans collateralizing NMFT Series 2003-4. All of the bonds were issued to the third-party investors at the date of initial close, but the Company did not receive the escrowed proceeds related to the final close until January 14, 2004.
(C)NMFT Series 2005-4 subordinated bond classes includes $42.9 million related to the Class M-9, Class M-10, Class M-11 and Class M-12 certificates, which were retained

  2008  2007 
Balance, beginning of period $230,138  $22,452 
Provision for credit losses  707,364   265,288 
Charge-offs, net of recoveries  (161,501)  (57,602)
Balance, end of period $776,001  $230,138 

FSP FAS 140-4 and FIN 46(R)-8, which was adopted by the Company. The Class M-9, Class M-10, Class M-11 and Class M-12 certificates have a combined initial certificate balance (par value) of $54.4 million. The Class M-9 is rated A/Baa3/BBB+ by Standard & Poor’s (“S&P”), Moody’s and Fitch, respectively. The Class M-10 is rated BBB+/Ba1/BBB by S&P, Moody’s and Fitch, respectively. The Class M-11 is rated BBB/BBB- by S&P and Fitch, respectively. The Class M-12 is rated BBB- by S&P.
(D)NMFT Series 2005-3 subordinated bond classes includes $44.3 million related to the Class M-11 and Class M-12 certificates, which were retained by the Company. The Class M-11 and Class M-12 certificates have a combined initial certificate balance (par value) of $55 million. The M-11 is rated BBB/BBB- by S&P and Fitch, respectively. The M-12 is rated BBB- by S&P,

In the securitizations, the Company retains residual securities (representing interest-only securities, prepayment penalty bondson December 31, 2008, provides the disclosure requirements for transactions with variable interest entities (“VIEs”) or special purpose entities (“SPEs”) and overcollateralization bonds)transfers of financial assets in securitizations or asset-backed financing arrangements. Under this guidance, the Company is required to disclose information for consolidated VIEs, for VIEs in which the Company is the sponsor as defined below or is a significant variable interest holder (“Sponsor/Significant VIH”) and certain investment-grade rated subordinated securities representing subordinatedfor VIEs that are established for securitizations and asset-backed financing arrangements. FSP FAS 140-4 and FIN 46(R)-8 has expanded the population of VIEs for which disclosure is required.

The Company has defined “sponsor” to include all transactions where the Company has transferred assets to a VIE and/or structured the VIE, regardless of whether or not the asset transfer has met the sale conditions in SFAS No. 140.  The Company discloses all instances where continued involvement with the assets exposes it to potential economic gain/(loss), regardless of whether or not that continued involvement is considered to be a variable interest in the VIE.
The Company’s only continued involvement, relating to these transactions, is retaining interests in the underlying cash flowsVIEs.

For the purposes of this disclosure, transactions with VIEs are categorized as follows:
Securitization transactions – For the purposes of this disclosure, securitization transactions include transactions where the Company transferred mortgage loans and servicing responsibilities.accounted for the transfer as a sale. This category includes both QSPEs and non-QSPEs and is reflected in the securitization section of this Note. QSPEs are commonly used by the Company in securitization transactions as described below. In accordance with SFAS No. 140 and FIN 46(R), the Company does not consolidate QSPEs.
http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/65100/000095012309003322/y74695e10vk.htm - - tocpage
Mortgage Loan VIEs - The valueCompany consolidates securitization transactions that are structured legally as sales, but for accounting purposes are treated as financings as defined by SFAS 140.  The NHES 2006-1 and NHES 2006-MTA1 securitizations at inception did not meet the criteria necessary for derecognition under SFAS 140 and related interpretations because after the loans were securitized the securitization trusts may acquire derivatives relating to beneficial interests retained by the Company; additionally, the Company, had the unilateral ability to repurchase a limited number of loans back from the trust. These provisions were removed effective September 30, 2008. Since the removal of these provisions did not substantively change the transactions’ economics, the original accounting conclusion remains the same. The NHES 2007-1 securitization does not meet the qualifying special purpose entity criteria necessary for derecognition under SFAS 140 and related interpretations because of the Company’s retained securities is subjectexcessive benefit the Company received at inception from the derivative instruments delivered into the trust to credit, prepayment, andcounteract interest rate risks onrisk. These transactions could continue to fail QSPE status and require consolidation and related disclosures. The Company has no control over the transferred financial assets.

During 2005 and 2004, U.S. government-sponsored enterprises purchased 51% and 55%, respectively, of the bonds soldmortgage loans held by these VIEs due to their legal structure. Therefore, these mortgage loans have been pledged to the third-party investorsbondholders in the Company’s securitization transactions. The investorsVIEs, and securitization truststhese assets are included in the firm-owned assets pledged balance reported in Note 3. In most instances, the beneficial interest holders in these VIEs have no recourse to the Company’sgeneral credit of the Company; rather their investments are paid exclusively from the assets for failure of borrowers to pay when due except when defects occur in the VIE. Securitization VIEs that hold loan documentationassets are typically financed through the issuance of several classes of debt (i.e., tranches) with ratings that range from AAA to unrated residuals.

Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO) - In the first quarter of 2007 the Company closed a CDO. The collateral for this securitization consisted of subordinated securities which the Company retained from its loan securitizations as well as subordinated securities purchased from other issuers. This securitization was structured legally as a sale, but for accounting purposes was accounted for as a financing under SFAS 140. This securitization did not meet the qualifying special purpose entity criteria under SFAS 140. Accordingly, the securities remain on the Company’s balance sheet, retained interests were not created, and underwriting process, either through processing errors madesecuritization bond financing replaced the short-term debt used to finance the securities. The Company is not the primary beneficiary in this transaction.

Transactions with these VIEs are reflected in the Sponsor/Significant VIH table in instances where the Company has not transferred the assets to the VIE or in the Securitization tables where the Company has transferred assets and has accounted for the transfer as a sale.


Variable Interest Entities
FIN 46(R) requires an entity to consolidate a VIE if that entity holds a variable interest that will absorb a majority of the VIE’s expected losses, receive a majority of the VIE’s expected residual returns, or both. The entity required to consolidate a VIE is known as the primary beneficiary. VIEs are reassessed for consolidation when reconsideration events occur. Reconsideration events include, changes to the VIEs’ governing documents that reallocate the expected losses/returns of the VIE between the primary beneficiary and other variable interest holders or sales and purchases of variable interests in the VIE. Refer to Note 1 for further information.
There were no material reconsideration events during the period, other than those described in the Mortgage Loan VIEs section above.

The table below provides the disclosure information required by FSP FAS 140-4 and FIN 46(R)-8 for VIEs that are consolidated by the Company or through intentional or unintentional misrepresentations made(dollars in thousands):

Assets after intercompany
Liabilities after
  Recourse to 
Consolidated VIEs Total Assets  Unrestricted  
Restricted (A)
  the Company(B) 
December 31,  2008                 
     Mortgage Loan VIEs(C) $1,930,063      -  $1,920,610  $2,730,280   - 
     CDOs(D)   7,242        -    6,842    8,557    - 

(A)Assets are considered restricted when they cannot be freely pledged or sold by the Company.
(B)This column reflects the extent, if any, to which investors have recourse to the Company beyond the assets held by the VIE and assumes a total loss of the assets held by the VIE.
(C)For Mortgage Loan VIEs, assets are primarily recorded in Mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio. Liabilities are primarily recorded in Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage loans.
(D) For the CDO, assets are primarily recorded in Mortgage securities – trading and liabilities are recorded in Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities.
Prior to changes in its business in 2007, the Company securitized residential nonconforming mortgage loans. The Company’s involvement with VIEs that are used to securitize financial assets consists of owning securities issued by VIEs.
The following table relates to securitizations where the Company is retained interest holder of assets issued by the borrowerentity (dollars in thousands):

Outstanding (A)
to Loss(C)
Loss on
Residential mortgage loans(D) $8,121,668  $15,919  $-  $15,919  $-  $58,891 

(A)Size/Principal Outstanding reflects the estimated principal of the underlying assets held by the VIE/SPEs.
(B)Assets and Liabilities on the Company’s Balance Sheet reflect the effect of FIN 39 balance sheet netting, if applicable.
(C)The maximum exposure to loss includes the following: the assets held by the Company – including the value of derivatives that are in an asset position and retained interests in the VIEs/SPEs; and the notional amount of liquidity and other support generally provided through total return swaps. The maximum exposure to loss for liquidity and other support assumes a total loss on the referenced assets held by the VIE.
(D)For Residential mortgage loans QSPEs, assets on balance sheet are primarily securities issued by the entity and are recorded in Mortgage securities-available-for-sale and Mortgage securities-trading.
In certain instances, the Company retains interests in the subordinated tranche and residual tranche of securities issued by VIEs that are created to securitize assets. The gain or agents during those processes. Refer to Note 9 for further discussion.

Fair valueloss on the sale of the residual securitiesassets is determined with reference to the previous carrying amount of the financial assets transferred, which is allocated between the assets sold and the retained interests, if any, based on their relative fair values at the date of securitization is measured by estimatingtransfer.


Generally, retained interests are recorded in the openConsolidated Balance Sheets at fair value. To obtain fair values, observable market sales price of a similar loan pool. An implied yield (discount rate) is calculatedprices are used if available. Where observable market prices are unavailable, the Company generally estimates fair value based on the present value derived and using projectedof expected future cash flows generated using key economic assumptions. Key economic assumptionsmanagement’s best estimates of credit losses, prepayment rates, forward yield curves, and discount rates, commensurate with the risks involved. Retained interests are either held as trading assets, with changes in fair value http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/65100/000095012309003322/y74695e10vk.htm - - tocpagerecorded in the Consolidated Statements of Earnings, or as securities available-for-sale, with changes in fair value included in accumulated other comprehensive loss.
Retained interests are reviewed periodically for impairment.  Retained interests in securitized assets held as available-for-sale and trading were approximately $13.5 million and $58.1 million at December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively.
The following table presents information on retained interests excluding the offsetting benefit of financial instruments used to project cash flows athedge risks, held by the timeCompany as of loan securitization during the three years ended December 31, 2005 were as follows:

Mortgage Loan Collateral

for NovaStar Mortgage

Funding Trust Series






Average Life

(in Years)


Expected Total Credit

Losses, Net of

Mortgage Insurance







  43% 2.13  2.3% 15%


  41  2.06  2.0  15 


  39  2.02  2.1  13 


  37  2.40  3.6  15 


  35  2.29  4.0  26 


  34  2.44  4.5  19 


  31  2.70  5.1  26 


  33  2.71  5.9  20 


  30  3.06  5.1  20 


  22  3.98  3.6  20 


  25  3.54  2.7  28 


  28  3.35  3.3  20 

(A)Represents expected credit losses for the life of the securitization up to the expected date in which the related asset-backed bonds can be called.

Fair2008 arising from the Company’s residential mortgage-related securitization transactions. The pre-tax sensitivities of the current fair value of the subordinated securities atretained interests to immediate 10% and 25% adverse changes in assumptions and parameters are also shown (dollars in thousands):

 Carrying amount/fair value of residual interests $13,493 
Weighted average life (in years)  2.7 
Weighted average prepayment speed assumption (CPR) (percent)  18 
Fair value after a 10% increase in prepayment speed $12,721 
Fair value after a 25% increase in prepayment speed $11,867 
Weighted average expected annual credit losses (percent of current collateral balance)  24.1 
Fair value after a 10% increase in annual credit losses $11,842 
Fair value after a 25% increase in annual credit losses $10,335 
Weighted average residual cash flows discount rate (percent)  24.1 
Fair value after a 500 basis point increase in discount rate $12,859 
Fair value after a 1000 basis point increase in discount rate $12,286 
Market interest rates:    
Fair value after a 100 basis point increase in market rates $7,921 
Fair value after a 200 basis point increase in market rates $5,098 

The preceding sensitivity analysis is hypothetical and should be used with caution. In particular, the dateeffect of securitizationa variation in a particular assumption on the fair value of the retained interest is calculated independent of changes in any other assumption; in practice, changes in one factor may result in changes in another, which might magnify or counteract the sensitivities. Further, changes in fair value based on quoted market prices.

a 10% or 25% variation in an assumption or parameter generally cannot be extrapolated because the relationship of the change in the assumption to the change in fair value may not be linear. Also, the sensitivity analysis does not include the offsetting benefit of financial instruments that the Company utilizes to hedge risks, including credit, interest rate, and prepayment risk, that are inherent in the retained interests. These hedging strategies are structured to take into consideration the hypothetical stress scenarios above, such that they would be effective in principally offsetting the Company’s exposure to loss in the event that these scenarios occur.

Note 3.4. Mortgage Securities – Available-for-Sale


As of December 31, 2008 and 2007, mortgage securities – available-for-sale consisted entirely of the Company’s investment in the residual securities issued by securitization trusts sponsored by the Company, but did not include the NMFT Series 2007-2 residual security, which was designated as trading as a result of the Company’s adoption of SFAS 155, “Accounting for Certain Hybrid Financial Instruments”, an amendment of SFAS 133 and subordinatedSFAS 140 (“SFAS 155”) on January 1, 2007.  As a result, the NMFT Series 2007-2, residual security qualifies for the scope exception concerning bifurcation provided by SFAS 155.  Residual securities that the trusts issued.consist of interest-only, prepayment penalty and overcollateralization bonds.  Management estimates the fair value of the residual securities by discounting the expected future cash flows of the collateral and bonds. Fair value of

The following table presents certain information on the subordinated securities is based on quoted market prices. The average yield on mortgage securities – available-for-sale is the interest income for the year as a percentage of the average fair market value of the securities. The cost basis, unrealized gains and losses, estimated fair value and average yieldCompany’s portfolio of mortgage securities – available-for-sale as of December 31, 20052008 and 2004 were as followsDecember 31, 2007 (dollars in thousands):

   Cost Basis






Losses Less

Than Twelve




Fair Value





As of December 31, 2005

  $394,107  $113,785  $(2,247) $505,645  35.6%

As of December 31, 2004

   409,946   79,229   —     489,175  31.4 

  Cost Basis  
Unrealized Losses
Less Than Twelve
Estimated Fair
Yield (A)
As of December 31, 2008 $3,771  $9,017   -  $12,788   38.2%
As of December 31, 2007  33,302   69   -   33,371   26.9 

(A)The average yield is calculated from the cost basis of the mortgage securities and does not give effect to changes in fair value that are reflected as a component of shareholders’ equity.

During 2005the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2004,2007 management concluded that the decline in value on variouscertain securities in the Company’s mortgage securities – available-for-sale portfolio were other-than-temporary. As a result, the Company recognized an impairmentimpairments on mortgage securities – available-for-sale of $17.6$23.1 million in 2005 and $15.9$98.7 million in 2004. The impairments were a result of a significant increase in short-term interest rates during the year as well as higher than anticipated prepayments. While the Company uses forward yield curves in valuing mortgage securities, the increase in two-yearyears ended December 31, 2008 and three-year swap rates was greater than the forward yield curve had anticipated, thus causing a greater than expected decline in value. Prepayments were higher than expected due to substantial increases in housing prices in the past few years.

2007, respectively.

As of December 31, 2005,2008 and 2007, respectively, the Company had two subordinatedno available-for-sale securities with fair values aggregating $42.8 million that were not deemed to be other-than-temporarily impaired. The temporary impairment was causedunrealized losses and had no subordinated securities within its mortgage securities – available-for-sale.

Maturities of mortgage securities owned by market spreads increasing for these securities. Because there was not an unfavorable changethe Company depend on repayment characteristics and experience of the underlying financial instruments.
Note 5. Mortgage Securities – Trading

As of December 31, 2008, mortgage securities – trading consisted of the NMFT Series 2007-2 residual security and subordinated securities retained by the Company from securitization transactions as well as subordinated securities purchased from other issuers in the estimatedopen market.  Management estimates the fair value of the residual securities bydiscounting the expected future discounted cash flows of the collateral and bonds.  The fair value of the subordinated securities is estimated based on quoted market prices and compared to estimates based on discounting the expected future cash flows of the collateral and bonds.  Refer to Note 10 for a description of the valuation methods as of December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007.  The following table summarizes the Company’s mortgage securities – trading as of December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007 (dollars in thousands):

  Original Face  
Amortized Cost
  Fair Value  
Yield (A)
As of December 31, 2008            
Subordinated securities pledged to CDO $332,489  $321,293  $4,798    
Other subordinated securities  102,625   96,723   1,582    
Residual securities  -   15,952   705    
Total $435,114  $433,968  $7,085   9.55%
As of December 31, 2007                
Subordinated securities pledged to CDO $332,489  $314,046  $60,870     
Other subordinated securities  102,625   92,049   23,592     
Residual securities  -   41,275   24,741     
Total $435,114  $447,370  $109,203   13.85%

(A)  Calculated from the ending fair value of the securities.
The Company recognized net trading losses of $88.7 million and $342.9 million for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively, which are included in the fair value adjustments line of the Company’s consolidated statements of operations.
On January 1, 2007 the Company transferred two securities with an aggregate fair value of $46.7 million from “available-for-sale” to the “trading” classification in accordance with the adoption of SFAS 159. The unrealized losses related to these securities of $1.1 million were reclassified from other comprehensive income to accumulated deficit on the prior reporting periodconsolidated balance sheet as a cumulative effect adjustment.


During the year ended December 31, 2007, the Company purchased four subordinated bonds with a fair value at the date of purchase of $22.0 million to include in NovaStar ABS CDO I.
The Company sold three subordinated bonds to a third party during the year ended December 31, 2007 with a fair value of $7.2 million.  The Company realized losses on the sales of these securities of $3.1 million during the year ended December 31, 2007, which is included in the fair value adjustments line on the Company’s consolidated statements of operations.
As of December 31, 2007 the Company had pledged all of its trading securities as collateral for financing purposes.  On May 9, 2008, the short-term borrowings collateralized by the Company’s trading securities were repaid and the collateral was released back to the Company.  Other than the subordinated securities pledged to the CDO, there were no trading securities pledged as collateral as of December 31, 2008.
Note 6. Borrowings
Short-term Borrowings

On May 9, 2008, the Company fully repaid all outstanding borrowings with Wachovia and all agreements were terminated effective the same day.  As a result, the Company has no short-term borrowing capacity or agreements currently available to it.

Junior Subordinated Debentures

Trust Preferred Obligations.  NFI’s wholly owned subsidiary NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. (“NMI”) has approximately $77.3 million in principal amount of unsecured notes (collectively, the ability“Notes”) outstanding to NovaStar Capital Trust I and intentNovaStar Capital Trust II (collectively, the “Trusts”) which secure trust preferred securities issued by the Trusts.  The foregoing is net of amounts owed in respect of trust preferred securities of NovaStar Capital Trust II having a par value of $6.9 million purchased by NMI on May 29, 2008 for $0.6 million.  NFI has guaranteed NMI's obligations under the Notes.

On May 29, 2008, NFI purchased trust preferred securities of NovaStar Capital Trust II having a par value of $6.9 million for $0.6 million.  As a result, $6.9 million of principal and accrued interest of $0.2 million of the Notes was retired and the principal amount, accrued interest, and related unamortized debt issuance costs related to hold these Notes were removed from the balance sheet resulting in a gain of $6.4 million, recorded to the “Gains on debt extinguishment” line item of the  consolidated statements of operations.

NMI failed to make quarterly interest payments that were due on March 30, April 30, June 30, July 30, September 30, October 30 and December 30, 2008, and January 30 and March 30, 2009 totaling, for all payment dates combined, approximately $6.1 million on the Notes. As a result, NMI was in default under the related indentures and NFI was in default under the related guarantees as of December 31, 2008.

On June 4, 2008 and August 14, 2008, the Company received written notices of acceleration from the holders of the trust preferred securities of NovaStar Capital Trust I and NovaStar Capital Trust II, respectively, which declared all obligations of NMI under the related Notes and indenture  to be immediately due and payable, and stated the intention of the trust preferred security holders to pursue all available rights and remedies, including but not limited to enforcing their rights under the related guarantee.  The total principal and accrued interest owed under the Notes, net of amounts owed in respect of the trust preferred securities held by NMI, was approximately $84.0 million as of April 27, 2009. In addition, the Company is obligated to reimburse the trustees for all reasonable expenses, disbursements and advances in connection with the exercise of rights under the indentures.

On September 12, 2008, a petition for involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy entitled In re NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. (Case No. 08-12125-CSS) was filed against NMI by the holders of the trust preferred securities in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware in Wilmington, Delaware.  The filing did not include NFI or any other subsidiary or affiliate of NFI. 

On February 18, 2009, the Company, NMI, the Trusts and the trust preferred security holders entered into agreements to settle the claims of the trust preferred security holders arising from NMI’s failure to make the scheduled quarterly interest payments on the Notes.  As part of the settlement, the existing preferred obligations would be exchanged for new preferred obligations.  The settlement and exchange were contingent upon, among other things, the dismissal of the involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy.  On March 9, 2009, the Bankruptcy Court entered an order dismissing the involuntary proceeding.  On April 24, 2009 (the “Exchange Date”), the parties executed the necessary documents to complete the Exchange.  On the Exchange Date, the Company paid interest due through December 31, 2008, in the aggregate amount of $5.3 million.  In addition, the Company paid $0.3 million in legal and administrative costs on behalf of the Trusts.


The new preferred obligations require quarterly distributions of interest to the holders at a rate equal to 1.0% per annum beginning January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009, subject to reset to a variable rate equal to the three-month LIBOR plus 3.5% upon the occurrence of an “Interest Coverage Trigger.”   For purposes of the new preferred obligations, an Interest Coverage Trigger occurs when the ratio of EBITDA for any quarter ending on or after December 31, 2008 and on or prior to December 31, 2009 to the product as of the last day of such quarter, of the stated liquidation value of all outstanding 2009 Preferred Securities (i) multiplied by 7.5%, (ii) multiplied by 1.5 and (iii) divided by 4, equals or exceeds 1.00 to 1.00.   Beginning January 1, 2010 until the earlier of  February 18, 2019 or the occurrence of an Interest Coverage Trigger, the unpaid principal amount of the new preferred obligations will bear interest at a recoveryrate of 1.0% per annum and, thereafter, at a variable rate, reset quarterly, equal to the three-month LIBOR plus 3.5% per annum.

Collateralized Debt Obligation Issuance (“CDO”)
In the first quarter of 2007 the Company closed a CDO. The collateral for this securitization consisted of subordinated securities which the Company retained from its loan securitizations as well as subordinated securities purchased from other issuers. This securitization was structured legally as a sale, but for accounting purposes was accounted for as a financing under SFAS 140. This securitization did not meet the qualifying special purpose entity criteria under SFAS 140. Accordingly, the securities remain on the Company’s balance sheet, retained interests were not created, and securitization bond financing replaced the short-term debt used to finance the securities. The Company records interest income on the securities and interest expense on the bonds issued in the securitization over the life of the related securities and bonds.

The Company elected the fair value option for the asset-backed bonds issued from NovaStar ABS CDO I.. The election was made for these liabilities to help reduce income statement volatility which otherwise would arise if the accounting method for this debt was not matched with the fair value accounting for the mortgage securities - trading.  Fair value is estimated using quoted market prices. The Company recognized fair value adjustments of $63.0 and $257.1 million for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively, which is included in the “Fair value adjustments” line item on the consolidated statements of operations.

On January 30, 2008, an event of default occurred under the CDO bond indenture agreement due to the noncompliance of certain overcollateralization tests.  As a result, the trustee, upon notice and at the direction of a majority of the secured noteholders, may declare all of the secured notes to be immediately due and payable including accrued and unpaid interest.  No such notice has been given as of May 27, 2009.  As there is no recourse to the Company, it does not expect any significant impact to its financial condition, cash flows or results of operation as a result of the event of default.

Asset-backed Bonds (“ABB”).  The Company issued ABB secured by its mortgage loans and ABB secured by its mortgage securities - trading in certain transactions treated as financings as a means for long-term non-recourse financing. For financial reporting purposes, the mortgage loans held-in-portfolio and mortgage securities - trading, as collateral, are recorded as assets of the Company and the ABB are recorded as debt. Interest and principal on each ABB is payable only from principal and interest on the underlying mortgage loans or mortgage securities collateralizing the ABB. Interest rates reset monthly and are indexed to one-month LIBOR. The estimated weighted-average months to maturity are based on estimates and assumptions made by management. The actual maturity may differ from expectations.

For ABB secured by mortgage loans, the Company retained a “clean up” call option to repay the ABB, and reacquire the mortgage loans, when the remaining unpaid principal balance of the underlying mortgage loans falls below 10% of their original amounts.  The Company subsequently sold all of these clean up call rights, to the buyer of our mortgage servicing rights.  The Company did retain separate independent rights to require the buyer of our mortgage servicing rights to repurchase loans from the trusts and subsequently sell them to us; the Company does not considerexpect to exercise any of the call rights that it retained.  The Company had no ABB transactions for the year ended December 31, 2008.

The following table summarizes the CDO and ABB transactions for the year ended December 31, 2007 (dollars in thousands):

  Date Issued 
Bonds Issued
Interest Rate Spread
Over LIBOR (A)
Par Amount of
NovaStar ABS CDO I February 8, 2007  $331,500  0.32%-2.25% $374,862 
NHES Series 2007-1 February 28, 2007  1,794,386 0.10%-1.75%  1,888,756 

(A)The amounts shown do not include subordinated bonds retained by the Company.
(B)The bonds issued for the NHES 2006-MTA1 securitization include $19.2 million in Class X Notes. The Class X Notes are AAA-rated and are entitled to interest-only cash flows.


The following is a summary of outstanding ABB and related loans (dollars in thousands):

  Asset-backed Bonds  Mortgage Loans 
 to Call or
As of December 31, 2008:               
ABB Secured by Mortgage Loans:               
NHES Series 2006-1 $553,668   0.33%  84  $528,766   8.95%
NHES Series 2006-MTA1  683,757   0.75   40   680,127   5.80 
NHES Series 2007-1  1,372,015   0.78   116   1,320,898   8.76 
Unamortized debt issuance costs, net  (10,090)                
ABB Secured by Mortgage Securities:                    
NovaStar ABS CDO I $325,930(A)  3.08%  26   (B)   (B) 
As of December 31, 2007:                    
ABB Secured by Mortgage Loans:                    
NHES Series 2006-1 $716,768   5.17%  24  $694,101   8.49%
NHES Series 2006-MTA1  750,048   5.14   19   753,787   8.23 
NHES Series 2007-1  1,611,592   5.17   30   1,619,849   8.79 
Unamortized debt issuance costs, net  (12,662)                
ABB Secured by Mortgage Securities:                    
NovaStar ABS CDO I $331,500   5.56%  32   (B)   (B) 

(A)The NovaStar ABS CDO I ABB are carried at a fair value of $5.4 million and $74.4 million on the Company’s consolidated balance sheet at December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively.
(B)Collateral for the NovaStar ABS CDO I are subordinated mortgage securities.

The following table summarizes the expected repayment requirements relating to the securitization bond financing at December 31, 2008 (dollars in thousands). Amounts listed as bond payments are based on anticipated receipts of principal on underlying mortgage loan and security collateral using expected prepayment speeds. Principal repayments on these ABB are payable only from the mortgage loans and securities collateralizing the ABB.   In the event that principal receipts from the underlying collateral are adversely impacted by credit losses, there could be insufficient principal receipts available to repay the ABB principal.
2009 $660,463 
2010  556,296 
2011  371,597 
2012  332,824 
2013  147,498 
Thereafter  867,432 

Note 7. Commitments and Contingencies

Commitments. The Company leases office space under various operating lease agreements. Rent expense for 2008 and 2007, under leases related to continuing operations, aggregated $4.8 million and $3.9 million, respectively. At December 31, 2008, future minimum lease commitments under those leases are as follows (dollars in thousands):


2009 $4,718 
2010  4,656 
2011  677 
2012  225 
2013  187 

The Company has entered into various lease agreements pursuant to which the lessor agreed to repay the Company for certain existing lease obligations.  The Company has recorded deferred lease incentives related to these payments which will be other-than-temporarily impairedamortized into rent expense over the life of the respective lease on a straight-line basis. There were no deferred lease incentives related to continuing operations as of December 31, 2005.

2008.  The deferred lease incentives related to continuing operations as of December 31, 2007 was $0.9 million.

There were no sublease agreements included in continuing operations during 2008. The Company entered into a sublease agreement during 2007 for office space formerly occupied by the Company. The Company received approximately $44,000 in 2007 under this agreement.

American Interbanc Mortgage Litigation.  On March 17, 2008, the Company and American Interbanc Mortgage, LLC (“Plaintiff”) entered into a Confidential Settlement Term Sheet Agreement (the “Settlement Terms”) with respect to the action Plaintiff’s filed in March 2002 against NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc. (“NHMI”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.  The action resulted in a jury verdict on May 4, 2007, awarding Plaintiff $15.9 million. The court trebled the award and entered a $46.1 million judgment against Defendants on June 27, 2007 (the “Judgment”).  On January 23, 2008, Plaintiff filed an involuntary petition for bankruptcy against NHMI under 11 U.S.C. Sec. 303, in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Missouri (the “Involuntary Bankruptcy”). 

Pursuant to the Settlement Terms agreed to on March 17, 2008, the Involuntary Bankruptcy was dismissed on April 24, 2008 and on May 8, 2008, the Company paid Plaintiff $2.0 million.  In addition to the initial payments made to the Plaintiff following dismissal of the Involuntary Bankruptcy, the Company agreed to pay Plaintiff $5.5 million if, prior to July 1, 2010, (i) NFI’s average common stock market capitalization is at least $94.4 million over a period of five consecutive business days, or (ii) the holders of NFI’s common stock are paid $94.4 million in net asset value as a result of any sale of NFI or its assets.  If NFI is sold prior to July 1, 2010 for less than $94.4 million and ceases to be a public company, then NFI will obligate the purchaser to pay Plaintiff $5.5 million in the event the value of the company exceeds $94.4 million prior to July 1, 2010 as determined by an independent valuation company.  As a result of the settlement, during 2008 the Company reversed a previously recorded liability of $45.2 million that was included in the consolidated financial statements.

Trust Preferred Settlement. See Note 6—Borrowings for a detailed discussion of the settlement terms and restructuring of the Company’s junior subordinated debentures, including the dismissal of the involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed against NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. (Case No. 08-12125-CSS) by the holders of the trust preferred securities in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware in Wilmington.

Other Litigation.  Since April 2004, a number of substantially similar class action lawsuits have been filed and consolidated into a single action in the United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri. The consolidated complaint names the Company and three of the Company’s current and former executive officers as defendants and generally alleges that the defendants made public statements that were misleading for failing to disclose certain regulatory and licensing matters. The plaintiffs purport to have brought this consolidated action on behalf of all persons who purchased the Company’s common stock (and sellers of put options on the Company’s common stock) during the period October 29, 2003 through April 8, 2004. On January 14, 2005, the Company filed a motion to dismiss this action, and on May 12, 2005, the court denied such motion. On February 8, 2007, the court certified the case as a class action. The Company has entered into a settlement agreement to resolve these pending class action lawsuits. The total amount of the settlement is $7.25 million, and it will be paid by the Company’s insurance carriers. The settlement agreement contains no admission of fault or wrongdoing by the Company or other defendants. On April 28, 2009, the Court approved the settlement.  
At this time, the Company cannot predict the probable outcome of the following claims and as such no amounts have been accrued in the consolidated financial statements.

In February 2007, a number of substantially similar putative class actions were filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri. The complaints name the Company and three of the Company’s former and current executive officers as defendants and generally allege, among other things, that the defendants made materially false and misleading statements regarding the Company’s business and financial results. The plaintiffs purport to have brought the actions on behalf of all persons who purchased or otherwise acquired the Company’s common stock during the period May 4, 2006 through February 20, 2007. Following consolidation of the actions, a consolidated amended complaint was filed on October 19, 2007.  On December 29, 2007, the defendants moved to dismiss all of plaintiffs’ claims.  On June 4, 2008, the Court dismissed the plaintiffs’ complaints without leave to amend.  The plaintiffs have filed an appeal of the Court’s ruling.


In May 2007, a lawsuit entitled National Community Reinvestment Coalition v. NovaStar Financial, Inc., et al., was filed against the Company in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.  Plaintiff, a non-profit organization, alleges that the Company maintains corporate policies of not making loans on Indian reservations, on dwellings used for adult foster care or on rowhouses in Baltimore, Maryland in violation of the federal Fair Housing Act. The lawsuit seeks injunctive relief and damages, including punitive damages, in connection with the lawsuit.  On May 30, 2007, the Company responded to the lawsuit by filing a motion to dismiss certain of plaintiff’s claims.  On March 31, 2008 that motion was denied by the Court.  The Company believes that these claims are without merit and will vigorously defend against them.

On January 10, 2008, the City of Cleveland, Ohio filed suit against the Company and approximately 20 other mortgage, commercial and investment bankers alleging a public nuisance had been created in the City of Cleveland by the operation of the subprime mortgage industry.   The case was filed in state court and promptly removed to the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio.  The plaintiff seeks damages for loss of property values in the City of Cleveland, and for increased costs of providing services and infrastructure, as a result of foreclosures of subprime mortgages.  On October 8, 2008, the City of Cleveland filed an amended complaint in federal court which did not include claims against the Company but made similar claims against NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of NFI. On November 24, 2008 the Company filed a motion to dismiss.  On May 15, 2009 the Court granted Company’s motion to dismiss.  The City of Cleveland has filed a notice of intent to appeal.  The Company believes that these claims are without merit and will vigorously defend against them.

On January 31, 2008, two purported shareholders filed separate derivative actions in the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Missouri against various former and current officers and directors and named the Company as a nominal defendant.  The essentially identical petitions seek monetary damages alleging that the individual defendants breached fiduciary duties owed to the Company, alleging insider selling and misappropriation of information, abuse of control, gross mismanagement, waste of corporate assets, and unjust enrichment between May 2006 and December 2007.    On June 24, 2008 a third, similar case was filed in United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri.  The Company believes that these claims are without merit and will vigorously defend against them.

On May 6, 2008, the Company received a letter written on behalf of J.P. Morgan Mortgage Acceptance Corp. and certain affiliates ("Morgan") demanding indemnification for claims asserted against Morgan in a case entitled Plumbers & Pipefitters Local #562 Supplemental Plan and Trust v. J.P. Morgan Acceptance Corp. et al, filed in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Nassau.   The case seeks class action certification for alleged violations by Morgan of sections 11 and 15 of the Securities Act of 1933, on behalf of all persons who purchased certain categories of mortgage backed securities issued by Morgan in 2006 and 2007.   Morgan's indemnity demand alleges that any liability it might have to plaintiffs would be based, in part, upon alleged misrepresentations made by the Company with respect to certain mortgages that make up a portion of the collateral for the securities at issue.  The Company believes it has meritorious defenses to this demand and expects to defend vigorously any claims asserted.
On May 21, 2008, a purported class action case was filed in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County, by the New Jersey Carpenters' Health Fund, on behalf of itself and all others similarly situated.   Defendants in the case include NovaStar Mortgage Funding Corporation and its individual directors, several securitization trusts sponsored by the Company, and several unaffiliated investment banks and credit rating agencies.   The case was removed to the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, and plaintiff has filed a motion to remand the case to state court.  Plaintiff seeks monetary damages, alleging that the defendants violated sections 11, 12 and 15 of the Securities Act of 1933 by making allegedly false statements regarding mortgage loans that served as collateral for securities purchased by plaintiff and the purported class members.  Pursuant to a stipulation, the Company has not yet filed its initial responsive pleading, and discovery is not yet underway.   The Company believes it has meritorious defenses to the case and expects to defend the case vigorously.
On July 7, 2008, plaintiff Jennifer Jones filed a purported class action case in the United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri against the Company, certain former and current officers of the Company, and unnamed members of the Company's "Retirement Committee".   Plaintiff, a former employee of the Company, seeks class action certification on behalf of all persons who were participants in or beneficiaries of the Company's 401(k) plan from May 4, 2006 until November 15, 2007 and whose accounts included investments in the Company's common stock.  Plaintiff seeks monetary damages alleging that the Company's common stock was an inappropriately risky investment option for retirement savings, and that defendants breached their fiduciary duties by allowing investment of some of the assets contained in the 401(k) plan to be made in the Company's common stock.   On November 12, 2008, the Company filed a motion to dismiss which was denied by the Court on February 11, 2009.  On April 6, 2009 the Court granted the plaintiff’s motion for class certification.  The Company sought permission from the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals to appeal the order granting class certification.  On May 11, 2009 the Court of Appeals granted the Company permission to appeal the class certification order.  The Company believes it has meritorious defenses to the case and expects to defend the case vigorously.


On October 21, 2008, EHD Holdings, LLC, the purported owner of the building which leases the Company its former principal office space in Kansas City, filed an action for unpaid rent in the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Missouri.    On April 24, 2009, EHD Holdings, LLC filed a motion for summary judgment seeking approximately $3.3 million, in past due rent and charges, included in the Accounts payable and other liabilities line item of the balance sheet, plus accruing rent and charges for future periods, plus attorney fees.

In addition to those matters listed above, the Company is currently a party to various other legal proceedings and claims, including, but not limited to, breach of contract claims, tort claims, and claims for violations of federal and state consumer protection laws.  Furthermore, the Company has received indemnification and loan repurchase demands with respect to alleged violations of representations and warranties made in loan sale and securitization agreements.  These indemnification and repurchase demands have been addressed without significant loss to the Company, but such claims can be significant when multiple loans are involved.  Deterioration of the housing market may increase the risk of such claims.

In addition, the Company has received requests or subpoenas for information from various regulators or law enforcement officials, including, without limitation the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Labor.  Management does not expect any significant negative impact to the Company as a result of these requests and subpoenas.

Note 8. Shareholders’ Equity

The Board of Directors declared a one-for-four reverse stock split of the Company’s common stock, providing shareholders of record as of July 27, 2007, with one share of common stock in exchange for each four shares owned.  The reduction in shares resulting from the split was effective on July 27, 2007 decreasing the number of common shares outstanding to 9.5 million.  Current and prior year share amounts and earnings per share disclosures have been restated to reflect the reverse stock split.

On July 16, 2007, the Company entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement (the “Securities Purchase Agreement”) pursuant to which certain investors purchased for $48.8 million in cash 2,100,000 shares of the Company’s 9.00% Series D1 Mandatory Convertible Preferred Stock, having a par value $0.01 per share and initial liquidation preference of $25.00 per share (“Series D1 Preferred Stock”), in a private placement not registered under the Securities Act of 1933.  The Company used the proceeds from the sale of the Series D1 Preferred Stock under the Securities Purchase Agreement for general working capital.

To preserve liquidity, the Company’s Board of Directors has suspended the payment of dividends on its 8.9% Series C Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock (the “Series C Preferred Stock”) and its Series D1 Mandatory Convertible Preferred Stock (the “Series D1 Preferred Stock”).  As a result, dividends continue to accrue on the Series C Preferred Stock and Series D1 Preferred Stock.  The Company has total accrued dividends payable related to the Series C Preferred Stock and Series D1 Preferred Stock of $25.1 million as of May 27, 2009.  All accrued and unpaid dividends on the Company’s preferred stock must be paid prior to any payments of dividends or other distributions on the Company’s common stock.  In addition, if at any time dividends on the Series C Preferred Stock are in arrears for six or more quarterly periods (whether or not consecutive), the holders of the Series C Preferred Stock, voting as a single class, have the right to elect two additional directors to the Company’s Board of Directors.  The Company does not expect to pay any dividends for the foreseeable future.

Dividends on the Series C Preferred Stock are payable in cash and accrue at a rate of 8.90% annually.  Accrued and unpaid dividends payable related to the Series C Preferred Stock were approximately $8.3 million as of December 31, 2008 and $11.0 million as of May 27, 2009.

On March 17, 2009, the Company notified the holders of the Series C Preferred Stock that the Company would not make the dividend payment on the Series C Preferred Stock due on March 31, 2009.  Because dividends on the Series C Preferred Stock are presently in arrears for six quarters, under the terms of the Articles Supplementary to the Company’s Charter that established the Series C Preferred Stock, the holders of the Series C Preferred Stock had the right, as of March 31, 2009, to elect two additional directors to the Company’s board of directors.  The notice also allowed the holders of the Series C Preferred Stock to make nominations for the election of the two additional directors to occur by vote of the holders of the Series C Preferred Stock at the Company’s next annual meeting of stockholders.

Dividends on the Series D1 Preferred Stock are payable in cash and accrue at a rate of 9.00% per annum, or 13.00% per annum if any such dividends are not declared and paid when due.  In addition, holders of the Series D1 Preferred Stock are entitled to participate in any common stock dividends on an as converted basis.  The Company’s board of directors has suspended the payment of dividends on the Company’s Series D1 Preferred Stock.  As a result, dividends continue to accrue on the Series D1 Preferred Stock, and the dividend rate on the Series D1 Preferred Stock increased from 9.0% to 13.0%, compounded quarterly, effective October 16, 2007 with respect to all unpaid dividends and subsequently accruing dividends.  Accrued and unpaid dividends payable related to the Series D1 Preferred Stock were approximately $10.8 million as of December 31, 2008 and $14.1 million as of May 27, 2009.


The Series D1 Preferred Stock is convertible into the Company’s 9.00% Series D2 Mandatory Convertible Preferred Stock having a par value of $0.01 per share and an initial liquidation preference of $25.00 per share (“Series D2 Preferred Stock”) upon the later of (a) July 16, 2009, or (b) the date on which the stockholders of the Company approve certain anti-dilution protection for the Series D1 Preferred Stock and Series D2 Preferred Stock that, upon such shareholder approval, would apply in the event the Company issues additional common stock for a price below the price at which the Series D1 Preferred Stock (or the Series D2 Preferred Stock into which the Series D1 Preferred Stock has been converted, if any) may be converted into common stock.  The rights, powers and privileges of the Series D2 Preferred Stock are substantially similar to those of the Series D1 Preferred Stock, except that accrued and unpaid dividends on the Series D2 Preferred Stock can be added to the common stock conversion and liquidation value of the Series D2 Preferred Stock in lieu of cash payment, and the dividend rate on the Series D2 Preferred Stock is fixed in all circumstances at 9.00%.

The Series D1 Preferred Stock (or the Series D2 Preferred Stock into which the Series D1 Preferred stock has been converted, if any) is convertible into the Company’s common stock at any time at the option of the holders.  The Series D1 Preferred Stock (or the Series D2 Preferred Stock into which the Series D1 Preferred stock has been converted, if any) is currently convertible into 1,875,000 shares (post-split) of common stock based upon an initial conversion price of $28.00 per share (post-split), subject to adjustment as provided above or certain other extraordinary events.  On or prior to July 16, 2010, the Company may elect to convert all of the Series D1 Preferred Stock (or the Series D2 Preferred Stock into which the Series D1 Preferred stock has been converted, if any) into common stock, if at such time the Company’s common stock is publicly traded and the common stock price is greater than 200% of the then existing conversion price for 40 of 50 consecutive trading days preceding delivery of the forced conversion notice.  On July 16, 2016, the Series D1 Preferred Stock (or the Series D2 Preferred Stock into which the Series D1 Preferred stock has been converted, if any) will automatically convert into shares of common stock.

Because the conversion price of $28.00 was less than the closing price of the Company’s common stock on July 16, 2007 of $30.04, the conversion feature, as discussed above, was considered to be in-the-money.  As a result, the Company recorded a beneficial conversion feature of $3.8 million at the date of issuance which represents the product of the closing price ($30.04) less the conversion price ($28.00) multiplied by the conversion shares (1,875,000).  The beneficial conversion was recorded to additional paid-in capital and accumulated deficit which resulted in no change to total shareholders’ (deficit) equity.

The Company’s Direct Stock Purchase and Dividend Reinvestment Plan (“DRIP”) allows for the purchase of stock directly from the Company and/or the automatic reinvestment of all or a percentage of the dividends shareholders receive and allows for a discount from market of up to 3%. During 2007 the Company sold 35,094 shares of its common stock under the DRIP at a weighted average discount of 0%, resulting in net proceeds of $3.2 million. The Company suspended the DRIP in 2007.

During the year ended December 31, 2008 there were no shares of common stock issued under the Company’s stock-based compensation plan.  For the year end December 31, 2007,  88,867 shares of common stock, with proceeds of $0.2 million, were issued under the Company’s stock-based compensation plan,
The Company’s Board of Directors has approved the purchase of up to $9 million of the Company’s common stock. No shares were repurchased during 2008 and 2007.  Under Maryland law, shares purchased under this plan are to be returned to the Company’s authorized but unissued shares of common stock. Common stock purchased under this plan is charged against additional paid-in capital.
Note 9. Comprehensive Income
Comprehensive income includes revenues, expenses, gains and losses that are not included in net income. The following table is a rollforward of accumulated other comprehensive income for the two years ended December 31, 2008 (dollars in thousands):

For the Year Ended
December 31,
  2008  2007 
 Net loss $(660,482) $(724,277)
 Other comprehensive income (loss):        
        Change in unrealized loss on mortgage securities – available-for-sale  (14,152)  (138,306)
        Change in unrealized gain on derivative instruments used in cash flow hedges  (1,364)  (736)
 Impairment on mortgage securities - available-for-sale reclassified to earnings  23,100   98,692 
        Valuation allowance for deferred taxes  -   1,855 
 Net settlements of derivative instruments used in cash flow hedges reclassified to earnings  2,459   (301)
 Other comprehensive income (loss)  10,043   (38,796)
 Total comprehensive loss $(650,439) $(763,073)


Note 10. Fair Value Accounting

Effective January 1, 2007, the Company adopted SFAS 157 and SFAS 159. Both standards address aspects of the expanding application of fair value accounting.

Fair Value Measurements (SFAS 157)

SFAS 157 defines fair value, establishes a consistent framework for measuring fair value and expands disclosure requirements about fair value measurements. SFAS 157, among other things, requires the Company to maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs when measuring fair value.

These valuation techniques are based upon observable and unobservable inputs. Observable inputs reflect market data obtained from independent sources, while unobservable inputs reflect the Company's market assumptions. These two types of inputs create the following fair value hierarchy:

·Level 1—Quoted prices for identical instruments in active markets
·Level 2—Quoted prices for similar instruments in active markets; quoted prices for identical or similar instruments in markets that are not active; and model-derived valuations whose inputs are observable or whose significant value drivers are observable.
·Level 3—Instruments whose significant value drivers are unobservable.

The Company determines fair value based upon quoted prices when available or through the use of alternative approaches, such as discounting the expected cash flows using market interest rates commensurate with the credit quality and duration of the investment. The methods the Company uses to determine fair value on an instrument specific basis are detailed in the section titled “Valuation Methods”, below.

The Company recognized a cumulative-effect adjustment resulting from the Company’s change in policies to measure fair value of trading securities upon adoption of SFAS 157.  Specifically, the Company began using quoted market prices which constitute the Company’s highest and best execution for its trading securities as compared to the midpoint of mid-market pricing which was used at December 31, 2006.

Detailed below are the December 31, 2006 carrying values prior to adoption, the transition adjustments recorded to opening accumulated deficit and the fair values (that is, the carrying values at January 1, 2007 after adoption) for the trading securities the Company held at January 1, 2007 (dollars in thousands):

December 31,
2006 (Carrying
value prior to
Adjustment to
January 1, 2007
Accumulated Deficit
January 1, 2007
(Carrying value
after adoption)
Mortgage securities – trading $329,361  $5,430  $334,791 

The following tables present for each of the fair value hierarchy levels, the Company’s assets and liabilities related to continuing operations which are measured at fair value on a recurring basis as of December 31, 2008 and 2007 (dollars in thousands):

     Fair Value Measurements at Reporting Date Using 
Fair Value at
December 31,
Quoted Prices in
Active Markets
for Identical
(Level 1)
Inputs (Level 2)
Inputs (Level 3)
Mortgage securities -trading $7,085  $-  $-  $7,085 
Mortgage securities – available-for-sale  12,788   -   -   12,788 
Total Assets $20,066  $-  $-  $20,066 
Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities $5,376  $-  $-  $5,376 
Derivative instruments, net  9,102       9,102     
Total Liabilities $14,478  $-  $9,102  $5,376 


Fair Value at
December 31,
Quoted Prices in
Active Markets
for Identical
(Level 1)
Inputs (Level 2)
Inputs (Level 3)
Mortgage securities -trading $109,203  $-  $84,462  $24,741 
Mortgage securities – available-for-sale  33,371   -   -   33,371 
Derivative instruments, net  (6,896)  -   (6,896)  - 
Total Assets $135,678  $-  $77,566  $58,112 
Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities $74,385  $-  $74,385  $- 

The following tables provides a reconciliation of the beginning and ending balances for the Company’s mortgage securities – trading which are measured at fair value on a recurring basis using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) from December 31, 2006 to December 31, 2008 (dollars in thousands):

  Cost Basis  
Estimated Fair
Value of
As of December 31, 2007 $41,275  $(16,534) $24,741 
Increases (decreases) to mortgage securities-trading:            
Securities transferred from level 2 to level 3  414,080   (395,359)  18,721 
Accretion of income  23,652   -   23,652 
Proceeds from paydowns of securities  (45,039)  -   (45,039)
Mark-to-market value adjustment  -   (14,990)  (14,990)
Net increase (decrease) to mortgage securities  392,693   (410,349)  (17,656)
As of  December 31, 2008 $433,968  $(426,883) $7,085 

  Cost Basis  
Estimated Fair
Value of
As of December 31, 2006 $-  $-  $- 
Increases (decreases) to mortgage securities-trading:            
New securities retained in securitizations  56,387   226   56,613 
Accretion of income  3,102   -   3,102 
Proceeds from paydowns of securities  (18,214)  -   (18,214)
Mark-to-market value adjustment  -   (16,760)  (16,760)
Net increase (decrease) to mortgage securities  41,275   (16,534)  24,741 
As of  December 31, 2007 $41,275  $(16,534) $24,741 

The following tables provide a reconciliation of the beginning and ending balances for the Company’s mortgage securities – available-for-sale which are measured at fair value on a recurring basis using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) from January 1, 2004December 31, 2007 to December 31, 20052008 and December 31, 2006 to December 31, 2007 (dollars in thousands):

   Cost Basis






Estimated Fair

Value of




As of January 1, 2004

  $294,562  $87,725  $382,287 

Increases (decreases) to mortgage securities:


New securities retained in securitizations

   381,833   6,637   388,470 

Accretion of income (A)

   100,666   —     100,666 

Proceeds from paydowns of securities (A) (B)

   (351,213)  —     (351,213)

Impairment on mortgage securities - available-for-sale

   (15,902)  15,902   —   

Mark-to-market value adjustment

   —     (31,035)  (31,035)



Net increase (decrease) to mortgage securities

   115,384   (8,496)  106,888 



As of December 31, 2004

  $409,946  $79,229  $489,175 



Increases (decreases) to mortgage securities:


New securities retained in securitizations

   289,519   2,073   291,592 

Accretion of income (A)

   171,734   —     171,734 

Proceeds from paydowns of securities (A)(B)

   (452,050)  —     (452,050)

Impairment on mortgage securities - available-for-sale

   (17,619)  17,619   —   

Transfer of basis to mortgage loans held-for-sale due to repurchase of mortgage loans from securitization trust (C)

   (7,423)  —     (7,423)

Mark-to-market value adjustment

   —     12,617   12,617 



Net increase (decrease) to mortgage securities

   (15,839)  32,309   16,470 



As of December 31, 2005

  $394,107  $111,538  $505,645 



  Cost Basis  
Estimated Fair
Value of
As of December 31, 2007 $33,302  $69  $33,371 
Increases (decreases) to mortgage securities:            
Accretion of income (A)  7,988   -   7,988 
Proceeds from paydowns of securities (A) (B)  (14,419)  -   (14,419)
Impairment on mortgage securities - available-for-sale  (23,100)  -   (23,100)
Mark-to-market value adjustment  -   8,948   8,948 
Net decrease to mortgage securities  (29,531)  8,948   (20,583)
As of  December 31, 2008 $3,771  $9,017  $12,788 


(A)Cash received on mortgage securities with no cost basis was $17.6$3.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2005 and $32.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2004.2008.
(B)For mortgage securities with a remaining cost basis, the Company reduces the cost basis by the amount of cash that is contractually due from the securitization trusts. In contrast, for mortgage securities in which the cost basis has previously reached zero, the Company records in interest income the amount of cash that is contractually due from the securitization trusts. In both cases, there are instances where the Company may not receive a portion of this cash until after the balance sheet reporting date. Therefore, these amounts are recorded as receivables from the securitization trusts, andwhich are included in the other assets.assets line on the Company’s consolidated balance sheets.  As of December 31, 2005 and2008 the Company had no receivables from securitization trusts related to mortgage securities available-for-sale with a remaining or zero cost basis.

  Cost Basis  
Estimated Fair
Value of
As of December 31, 2006 $310,760  $38,552  $349,312 
Increases (decreases) to mortgage securities:            
Transfer to mortgage securities – trading upon adoption of SFAS 159  (47,814)  1,131   (46,683)
Accretion of income (A)  48,778   -   48,778 
Proceeds from paydowns of securities (A) (B)  (179,730)  -   (179,730)
Impairment on mortgage securities - available-for-sale  (98,692)  98,692   - 
Mark-to-market value adjustment  -   (138,306)  (138,306)
Net decrease to mortgage securities  (277,458)  (38,483)  (315,941)
As of  December 31, 2007 $33,302  $69  $33,371 

(A)Cash received on mortgage securities with no cost basis was $3.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2004,2007.
(B)For mortgage securities with a remaining cost basis, the Company reduces the cost basis by the amount of cash that is contractually due from the securitization trusts. In contrast, for mortgage securities in which the cost basis has previously reached zero, the Company records in interest income the amount of cash that is contractually due from the securitization trusts. In both cases, there are instances where the Company may not receive a portion of this cash until after the balance sheet reporting date. Therefore, these amounts are recorded as receivables from the securitization trusts, which are included in the other assets line on the Company’s consolidated balance sheets.  As of December 31, 2007, the Company had receivables from securitization trusts of $3.4$12.5 million, and $4.1 million, respectively, related to mortgage securities available-for-sale with a remaining cost basis. Also, the Company hadAt December 31, 2007 there were no receivables from securitization trusts of $0.3 million and $0.7 million related to mortgage securities with a zero cost basis as of December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively.basis.
(C)The NMFT Series 1999-1 was called on September 25, 2005.

Maturities of mortgage securities owned by

The following tables provides quantitative disclosures about the Company dependfair value measurements for the Company’s assets related to continuing operations which are measured at fair value on repayment characteristics and experience of the underlying financial instruments. The Company expects the securities it ownsa nonrecurring basis as of December 31, 2005 to mature in one to five years.

During 20052008 and 2004, the Company securitized the interest-only, prepayment penalty and overcollateralization securities of various securitizations and issued NovaStar Net Interest Margin Certificates (NIMs). These resecuritizations were accounted for as secured borrowings. In accordance with SFAS No. 140,Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities, control over the transferred assets was not surrendered and thus the transactions were recorded as financings for the mortgage securities. The detail of these transactions is shown in Note 8.

As of December 31, 2005, key economic assumptions and the sensitivity of the current fair value of the Company’s residual securities to immediate adverse changes in those assumptions are as follows, on average for the portfolio2007 (dollars in thousands):

Carrying amount/fair value of residual interests (A)


Weighted average life (in years)


Weighted average prepayment speed assumption (CPR) (percent)


Fair value after a 10% increase


Fair value after a 25% increase


Weighted average expected annual credit losses (percent of current collateral balance)


Fair value after a 10% increase


Fair value after a 25% increase


Weighted average residual cash flows discount rate (percent)


Fair value after a 500 basis point increase


Fair value after a 1000 basis point increase


Market interest rates


Fair value after a 100 basis point increase


Fair value after a 200 basis point increase

     Fair Value Measurements at Reporting Date Using 
Fair Value at
December 31,
Quoted Prices in
Active Markets
for Identical
(Level 1)
Inputs (Level 2)
Inputs (Level 3)
Real estate owned $70,480  $-  $-  $70,480 

(A)The subordinated securities are not included in this table as their fair value is based on quoted market prices.

These sensitivities are hypothetical

Fair Value at
December 31,
Quoted Prices in
Active Markets
for Identical
(Level 1)
Inputs (Level 2)
Inputs (Level 3)
Real estate owned $76,614  $-  $-  $76,614 


At the time a mortgage loan held-in-portfolio becomes real estate owned, the Company records the property at the lower of its carrying amount or fair value.  Upon foreclosure and should be used with caution. Asthrough liquidation, the analysis indicates, changes inCompany evaluates the property's fair value based onas compared to its carrying amount and records a 10% variation in assumptions generally cannot be extrapolated becausevaluation adjustment when the relationshipcarrying amount exceeds fair value.  Any valuation adjustments at the time the loan becomes real estate owned is charged to the allowance for credit losses. 

The following table provides a summary of the change in assumptionimpact to the change in fair value may not be linear. Also, in this table the effect of a variation in a particular assumption on the fair value of the retained interest is calculated without changing any other assumption; in reality, changes in one factor may result in changes in another (for example, increases in market interest rates may result in lower prepayments and increased credit losses), which might magnify or counteract the sensitivities.

The actual static pool credit loss as of December 31, 2005 was 0.28% and the cumulative projected static pool credit loss for the life of the securities is 1.35%. Static pool losses are calculated by summing the actual and projected future credit losses and dividing them by the original balance of each pool of assets.

The table below presents quantitative information about delinquencies, net credit losses, and components of securitized financial assets and other assets managed together with them (dollars in thousands):

   December 31,


Total Principal Amount

of Loans (A)


Principal Amount of Loans

30 Days or More Past Due


Net Credit Losses During the

Year Ended December 31,








Loans securitized (B)

  $12,722,279  $11,350,311  $573,235  $324,333  $38,639  $21,535 

Loans held-for-sale

   1,235,423   720,035   5,333   3,383   1,027   1,097 

Loans held-in-portfolio

   30,028   59,836   5,564   10,174   1,072(C)  2,490(C)






Total loans managed or securitized (D)

  $13,987,730  $12,130,182  $584,132  $337,890  $40,738  $25,122 






(A)Includes assets acquired through foreclosure.
(B)Loans under removal of accounts provision have not been repurchased from the securitization trusts, therefore, they are included in loans securitized.
(C)Excludes mortgage insurance proceeds on policies paid by the Company and includes interest accrued on loans 90 days or more past due for which the Company had discontinued interest accrual.
(D)Does not include loans being interim serviced after sale.

Note 4. Mortgage Securities - Trading

As of December 31, 2005, mortgage securities – trading consisted of the NMFT Series 2005-4 M-9, M-10, M-11 and M-12 bond class securities retained by the Company from this securitization transaction as discussed in Note 2. The aggregate fair market value of these securities as of December 31, 2005 was $43.7 million. Management estimates their fair value based on quoted market prices. The $549,000 net trading gains recognized to earnings by the Company for the year ended December 31, 2005 relate to2008 from the NMFT Series 2005-4 class M-9 through M-12 securities still held by the CompanyCompany’s assets and liabilities which are measured at fair value on a recurring and nonrecurring basis as of December 31, 2005.

As2008 (dollars in thousands):

Fair Value Adjustments
For the Year Ended
December 31
Asset or Liability Measured at
Fair Value
Fair Value
 2008  2007 
Statement of Operation Line 
Item Impacted
Mortgage securities - trading Recurring $(88,715) $(342,918)Fair value adjustments
Mortgage securities – available-for-sale Recurring  (23,100)  (98,692)Impairment on mortgage securities – available-for-sale
Derivative instruments, net Recurring  (2,627)  (14,027)(Losses) gains on derivative instruments
Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities Recurring  62,973   257,115 Fair value adjustments
Total fair value gains (losses)   $(51,469) $(198,522) 

Valuation Methods

Mortgage securities – trading. Trading securities are recorded at fair value with gains and losses, realized and unrealized, included in earnings.  The Company uses the specific identification method in computing realized gains or losses.  Prior to September 30, 2008, the Company estimated fair value for its subordinated securities solely from quoted market prices.  Commencing September 30, 2008, the Company estimated fair value for its subordinated securities based on quoted market prices compared to estimates based on discounting the expected future cash flows of December 31, 2004,the collateral and bonds.  The Company determined this change in valuation method caused a change from Level 2 to Level 3 due to the unobservable inputs used by the Company in determining the expected future cash flows.  The Company determined its valuation methodology for residual securities would also qualify as Level 3.

The Company recorded a cumulative-effect adjustment to its accumulated deficit of $5.4 million which represented a gain on its mortgage securities - trading consistedas part of the adoption of FAS 157 on January 1, 2007. This cumulative-effect adjustment resulted from the Company’s change in policies to use quoted market prices which constitute the Company’s highest and best execution as compared to the midpoint of mid-market pricing at December 31, 2006.

In addition, upon the closing of its NMFT Series 2007-2 securitization, the Company classified the residual security it retained as trading.  Management estimates the fair value of its residual securities by discounting the expected future cash flows of the collateral and bonds.  Due to the unobservable inputs used by the Company in determining the expected future cash flows, the Company determined its valuation methodology for residual securities would qualify as Level 3.  See “Mortgage securities – available-for-sale" for further discussion of the Company’s valuation policies relating to residual securities.

Mortgage securities – available-for-sale. Mortgage securities – available-for-sale represent beneficial interests the Company retains in securitization and resecuritization transactions which include residual securities. The Company had no subordinated securities included within the mortgage securities – available-for-sale classification as of December 31, 2008.  Mortgage securities classified as available-for-sale are reported at their estimated fair value with unrealized gains and losses reported in accumulated other comprehensive income. To the extent that the cost basis of mortgage securities exceeds the fair value and the unrealized loss is considered to be other than temporary, an adjustable-rate mortgage-backed security withimpairment charge is recognized and the amount recorded in accumulated other comprehensive income or loss is reclassified to earnings as a fairrealized loss. The specific identification method is used in computing realized gains or losses. The Company uses two methodologies for determining the initial value of its residual securities 1) the whole loan price methodology and 2) the discount rate methodology. The Company believes the best estimate of the initial value of the residual securities it retains in its securitizations accounted for as sales is derived from the market value of $143.2 million. Duringthe pooled loans. As such, the Company generally will try to use the whole loan price methodology when significant open market sales pricing data is available. Under this method, the initial value of the loans transferred in a securitization accounted for as a sale is estimated based on the expected open market sales price of a similar pool. In open market transactions, the purchaser has the right to reject loans at its discretion. In a loan securitization, loans generally cannot be rejected. As a result, the Company adjusts the market price for the loans to compensate for the estimated value of rejected loans. The market price of the securities retained is derived by deducting the net proceeds received in the securitization (i.e. the economic value of the loans transferred) from the estimated adjusted market price for the entire pool of the loans.


An implied yield (discount rate) is derived by taking the projected cash flows generated using assumptions for prepayments, expected credit losses and interest rates and then solving for the discount rate required to present value the cash flows back to the initial value derived above. The Company then ascertains whether the resulting discount rate is commensurate with current market conditions. Additionally, the initial discount rate serves as the initial accretable yield used to recognize income on the securities.

When significant open market pricing information is not readily available to the Company, it used the discount rate methodology. Under this method, the Company first analyzes market discount rates for similar assets. After establishing the market discount rate, the projected cash flows are discounted back to ascertain the initial value of the residual securities. The Company then ascertains whether the resulting initial value is commensurate with current market conditions.

At each reporting period subsequent to the initial valuation of the residual securities, the fair value of the residual securities is estimated based on the present value of future expected cash flows to be received. Management’s best estimate of key assumptions, including credit losses, prepayment speeds, the market discount rates and forward yield curves commensurate with the risks involved, are used in estimating future cash flows.

Derivative instruments. The fair value of derivative instruments is estimated by discounting the projected future cash flows using appropriate market rates.

Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities. See discussion under Fair Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (SFAS 159).

Real estate owned.   Real estate owned is carried at the lower of cost or fair value less estimated selling costs.  The Company estimates fair value at the asset’s liquidation value less selling costs using management’s assumptions which are based on historical loss severities for similar assets.

Fair Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (SFAS 159)

Under SFAS 159, the Company may elect to report most financial instruments and certain other items at fair value on an instrument-by-instrument basis with changes in fair value reported in earnings. After the initial adoption, the election is made at the acquisition of an eligible financial asset, financial liability, or firm commitment or when certain specified reconsideration events occur. The fair value election may not be revoked once an election is made.

Additionally, the transition provisions of SFAS 159 permit a one-time election for existing positions at the adoption date with a cumulative-effect adjustment included in opening retained earnings and future changes in fair value reported in earnings.

On January 1, 2007, the Company adopted the provisions of SFAS 159. The Company elected the fair value option for the asset-backed bonds issued from NovaStar ABS CDO I, which closed in the first quarter of 2005,2007. The Company elected the fair value option for these liabilities to help reduce earnings volatility which otherwise would arise if the accounting method for this debt was not matched with the fair value accounting for the related mortgage securities - trading.  The asset-backed bonds which are being carried at fair value are included in the “Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities“ line item on the consolidated balance sheets.  The Company recognized a fair value adjustment of $63.0 million and $257.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively, which is included in the “Fair value adjustments” line item on the consolidated statements of operations.  The Company calculates interest expense for these asset-backed bonds based on the prevailing coupon rates of the specific classes of debt and records interest expense in the period incurred.  Interest expense amounts are included in the “Interest expense” line item of the consolidated statements of operations.

In accordance with the Company’s adoption of SFAS 159, the Company soldredesignated two mortgage securities with a fair value of $46.7 million from the “available-for-sale” to the “trading” classification on January 1, 2007 and the related unrealized losses of $1.1 million were reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income to accumulated deficit on the consolidated balance sheet as a cumulative effect adjustment.

The Company has not elected fair value accounting for any other balance sheet items as allowed by SFAS 159.

The following table shows the impact of electing the fair value option relating to asset for the year ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 (dollars in thousands):

Unpaid Principal
Balance at Fair
As of December 31, 2008 $324,243  $62,973  $5,376 
As of December 31, 2007  331,500   257,115   74,385 


There was no cumulative-effect adjustment to accumulated deficit related to this security. No gain or loss was recognized ontransaction as this security duringCDO closed in the first quarter of 2007. Substantially all of the $63.0 million and $257.1 million change in fair value of the asset-backed bond for the years ended December 31, 20052008 and 2004.

2007, respectively, are considered to be related to specific credit risk as all of the bonds are floating rate. The Company owned no tradingchange in credit risk was caused by spreads widening in the asset-backed securities market during the year ended December 31, 2003, therefore, no trading gains or losses were recognized by2008 and 2007.

In accordance with SFAS 159, debt issuance costs are current period expenses and are not amortized over the life of the debt on a level-yield basis. The $4.7 million in expenses the Company during 2003.

As of December 31, 2005 and 2004, the Company had pledged all of its trading securitiesincurred as collateral for financing purposes.

Note 5. Mortgage Servicing Rights

The Company records mortgage servicing rights arising from the transfer of loans to the securitization trusts. The following schedule summarizes the carrying value of mortgage servicing rights and the activity during 2005, 2004 and 2003 (dollars in thousands):





Balance, January 1

  $42,010  $19,685  $7,906 

Amount capitalized in connection with transfer of loans to securitization trusts

   43,476   39,259   20,774 


   (28,364)  (16,934)  (8,995)



Balance, December 31

  $57,122  $42,010  $19,685 



The estimated fair valuepart of the servicing rights aggregated $71.9 million and $58.6 million at December 31, 2005 and December 31, 2004, respectively. The fair value is estimated by discounting estimated future cash flows from the servicing assets using discount rates that approximate current market rates. The fair value asissuance of December 31, 2005 was determined utilizing a 12% discount rate, credit losses net of mortgage insurance (as a percent of current principal balance) of 2.1% and an annual prepayment rate of 49%. The fair value as of December 31, 2004 was determined utilizing a 15% discount rate, credit losses net of mortgage insurance (as a percent of current principal balance) of 3.3% and an annual prepayment rate of 39%. There was no allowance for the impairment of mortgage servicing rights as of December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003.

Mortgage servicing rights are amortized in proportion to and over the estimated period of net servicing income. The estimated amortization expense for 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and thereafter is $28.0 million, $15.1 million, $5.9 million, $2.9 million, $1.7 million and $3.5 million, respectively.

The Company receives annual servicing fees approximating 0.50% of the outstanding balance and rights to future cash flows arising after the investorsNovaStar ABS CDO I were included in the securitization trusts have received“Professional and outside services” line item on the returnconsolidated statements of operations for which they contracted. Servicing fees received from the securitization trusts were $59.8 million, $41.5 million and $21.1 million for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. During the year ended December 31, 2005, the Company purchased $220,000 in principal balance of delinquent or foreclosed loans on securitizations in which the Company did not maintain control over the mortgage loans transferred. The Company incurred losses of $220,000 from the purchase of these delinquent or foreclosed loans during the year ended December 31, 2005. No such purchases were made in the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003.

The Company holds, as custodian, principal and interest collected from borrowers on behalf of the securitization trusts, as well as funds collected from borrowers to ensure timely payment of hazard and primary mortgage insurance and property taxes related to the properties securing the loans. These funds are not owned by the Company and are held in trust. The Company held, as custodian, $585.1 million and $471.5 million at December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively.

Note 6. Warehouse Notes Receivable

The Company had $25.4 million and $5.9 million due from borrowers at December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively. These notes receivable represent warehouse lines of credit provided to a network of approved mortgage borrowers. The weighted average interest rate on these notes receivable is indexed to one-month LIBOR and was 7.89% and 5.92% at December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively.

Note 7. Property and Equipment, Net

Property and equipment consisted of the following at December 31, (dollars in thousands):



Office and computer equipment

  $15,473  $18,957

Furniture and fixtures

   9,523   8,406

Leasehold improvements

   4,807   3,423


    29,803   30,786

Less accumulated depreciation

   16,671   15,310


Property and equipment, net

  $13,132  $15,476


Depreciation expense for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 was $7.4 million, $6.1 million and $3.9 million, respectively. The Company recorded losses from disposals of property and equipment of $226,000 during the year ended December 31, 2005.

Note 8. Borrowings

Short-term BorrowingsThe following tables summarize the Company’s repurchase agreements as of December 31, 2005 and 2004 (dollars in thousands):







Days to







During the






Rate During

the Year





During the


December 31, 2005


Short-term borrowings (indexed to one-month LIBOR):


Repurchase agreement expiring November 15, 2006

  $1,000,000  4.98% 1  $388,056           

Repurchase agreement expiring April 14, 2006

   800,000  5.30  13   262,867           

Repurchase agreement expiring February 6, 2006

   800,000  5.12  25   422,452           

Repurchase agreement expiring September 29, 2006

   750,000  5.25  9   327,339           

Repurchase agreement expiring August 4, 2006

   100,000  —    25   —             

Repurchase agreement, expiring December 1, 2006

   50,000  5.38  12   17,855           



Total short-term borrowings

  $3,500,000        $1,418,569  $1,294,452  4.20% $2,839,953





December 31, 2004


Short-term borrowings (indexed to one-month LIBOR):


Repurchase agreement expiring November 15, 2005

  $1,000,000  3.39% 1  $488,089           

Repurchase agreement expiring March 30, 2005

   800,000  3.25  11   128,107           

Repurchase agreement expiring October 7, 2005

   800,000  3.30  25   104,693           

Repurchase agreement expiring June 30, 2005

   750,000  2.88  1   36,113           

Repurchase agreement expiring April 30, 2005

   300,000  2.93  25   8,643           

Repurchase agreement expiring August 26, 2005

   100,000  3.90  12   3,971           

Repurchase agreement, expiring January 24, 2005

   135,912  2.47  24   135,912           



Total short-term borrowings

  $3,885,912        $905,528  $1,226,313  2.96% $2,587,112





The Company’s mortgage loans and certain mortgage securities are pledged as collateral on borrowings. All short-term financing arrangements require the Company to maintain minimum tangible net worth, meet a minimum equity ratio test and comply with other customary debt covenants. The Company is in compliance with all debt covenants.

Repurchase agreements generally contain margin calls under which a portion of the borrowings must be repaid if the fair value of the mortgage securities – available-for-sale, mortgage securities - trading or mortgage loans collateralizing the repurchase agreements falls below a contractual ratio to the borrowings outstanding.

Accrued interest on the Company’s repurchase agreements was $3.2 million as of December 31, 2005 as compared to $1.6 million as of December 31, 2004.

In connection with the lending agreement with UBS Warburg Real Estate Securities, Inc. (UBS), NovaStar Mortgage SPV I (NovaStar Trust), a Delaware statutory trust, has been established by NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. (NMI) as a wholly owned special-purpose warehouse finance subsidiary whose assets and liabilities are included in the Company’s consolidated financial statements.

NovaStar Trust has agreed to issue and sell to UBS mortgage notes (the “Notes”). Under the legal agreements which document the issuance and sale of the Notes:

all assets which are from time to time owned by NovaStar Trust are legally owned by NovaStar Trust and not by NMI.

NovaStar Trust is a legal entity separate and distinct from NMI and all other affiliates of NMI.

the assets of NovaStar Trust are legally assets only of NovaStar Trust, and are not legally available to NMI and all other affiliates of NMI or their respective creditors, for pledge to other creditors or to satisfy the claims of other creditors.

none of NMI or any other affiliate of NMI is legally liable on the debts of NovaStar Trust, except for an amount limited to 10% of the maximum dollar amount of the Notes permitted to be issued.

the only assets of NMI which result from the issuance and sale of the Notes are:

1)any cash portion of the purchase price paid from time to time by NovaStar Trust in consideration of Mortgage Loans sold to NovaStar Trust by NMI; and

2)the value of NMI’s net equity investment in NovaStar Trust.

As of December 31, 2005, NovaStar Trust had the following assets:

1)whole loans: $389.0 million

2)cash and cash equivalents: $1.8 million.

As of December 31, 2005, NovaStar Trust had the following liabilities and equity:

1)short-term debt due to UBS: $388.0 million, and

2)$2.8 million in members’ equity investment.

Asset-backed Bonds (“ABB”) The Company issued ABB secured by its mortgage loans as a means for long-term financing. For financial reporting and tax purposes, the mortgage loans held-in-portfolio as collateral are recorded as assets of the Company and the ABB are recorded as debt. Interest and principal on each ABB is payable only from principal and interest on the underlying mortgage loans collateralizing the ABB. Interest rates reset monthly and are indexed to one-month LIBOR. The estimated weighted-average months to maturity is based on estimates and assumptions made by management. The actual maturity may differ from expectations. However, the Company retains the option to repay the ABB, and reacquire the mortgage loans, when the remaining unpaid principal balance of the underlying mortgage loans falls below 35% of their original amounts for issue 1997-1 and 25% on 1997-2, 1998-1 and 1998-2. During the fourth quarter of 2005, the Company exercised this option for issues 1997-1 and 1997-2 and retired the related asset-backed bonds which had a remaining balance of $7.8 million. The mortgage loans were transferred from the held-in-portfolio classification to held-for-sale and have been or will be sold to third party investors or used as collateral in the Company’s securitization transactions.

The Company issued net interest margin certificates (“NIMs”) secured by its mortgage securities available-for-sale as a means for long-term financing. For financial reporting and tax purposes, the mortgage securities available-for-sale collateral are recorded as assets of the Company and the NIMs are recorded as debt. The performance of the mortgage loan collateral underlying these securities, as presented in Note 2 directly affects the performance of these bonds. Interest rates are fixed at the time of issuance and do not adjust over the life of the bonds. The estimated weighted average months to maturity are based on estimates and assumptions made by management. The actual maturity may differ from expectations.

The following table summarizes the NIMs transactions for the years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004 (dollars in thousands):

   Date Issued

  Bonds Issued






(NMFT Series) (A)

Year ended December 31, 2005:


Issue 2005-N1

  June 22, 2005  $130,875  4.78% 2005-1 and 2005-2

Year ended December 31, 2004:


Issue 2004-N1

  February 19, 2004  $156,600  4.46% 2003-3 and 2003-4

Issue 2004-N2

  July 23, 2004   157,500  4.46  2004-1 and 2004-2

Issue 2004-N3

  December 21, 2004   201,000  3.97  2004-3 and 2004-4

(A)The NIMs transactions are secured by the interest-only, prepayment penalty and overcollateralization securities of the respective residual mortgage securities – available-for-sale.

The following is a summary of outstanding ABB and related loans (dollars in thousands):

   Asset-backed Bonds

  Mortgage Loans












to Call










As of December 31, 2005:


NovaStar Home Equity Series:


Collateralizing Mortgage Loans:


Issue 1998-1

  $9,391  4.78% 33  $10,933  9.91%

Issue 1998-2

   17,558  4.79  48   19,095  9.82 


   $26,949        $30,028    



Collateralizing Mortgage Securities – Available-for-Sale:


Issue 2004-N2

  $3,557  4.46% 1    (B)  (B)

Issue 2004-N3

   49,475  3.97  9    (C)  (C)

Issue 2005-N1

   73,998  4.78  22    (D)  (D)

Unamortized debt issuance costs, net




As of December 31, 2004:


NovaStar Home Equity Series:


Collateralizing Mortgage Loans:


Issue 1997-1

  $5,508  2.69% 21  $6,939  10.36%

Issue 1997-2

   8,333  2.69  36   9,414  10.29 

Issue 1998-1

   13,827  2.58  50   16,152  9.95 

Issue 1998-2

   25,785  2.59  60   27,331  9.76 


   $53,453        $59,836    



Collateralizing Mortgage Securities – Available-for-Sale:


Issue 2003-N1

  $5,825  7.39% 4    (E)  (E)

Issue 2004-N1

   48,830  4.46  9    (F)  (F)

Issue 2004-N2

   93,586  4.46  6    (B)  (B)

Issue 2004-N3

   193,093  3.97  36    (C)  (C)

Unamortized debt

    issuance costs, net




(A)Includes assets acquired through foreclosure.
(B)Collateral for the 2004-N2 ABB is the interest-only, prepayment penalty and overcollateralization mortgage securities of NMFT 2004-1 and NMFT 2004-2.
(C)Collateral for the 2004-N3 ABB is the interest-only, prepayment penalty and overcollateralization mortgage securities of NMFT 2004-3 and NMFT 2004-4.
(D)Collateral for the 2005-N1 ABB is the interest-only, prepayment penalty and overcollateralization mortgage securities of NMFT 2005-1 and NMFT 2005-2.
(E)Collateral for the 2003-N1 ABB is the interest-only, prepayment penalty and overcollateralization mortgage securities of NMFT 2003-2.
(F)Collateral for the 2004-N1 ABB is the interest-only, prepayment penalty and overcollateralization mortgage securities of NMFT 2003-3 and NMFT 2003-4.

The following table summarizes the expected repayment requirements relating to the securitization bond financing at December 31, 2005. Amounts listed as bond payments are based on anticipated receipts of principal and interest on underlying mortgage loan collateral using expected prepayment speeds (dollars in thousands):
















Junior Subordinated Debentures In March 2005, the Company established NovaStar Capital Trust I (“NCTI”), a statutory trust organized under Delaware law for the sole purpose of issuing trust preferred securities. The Company owns all of the common securities of NCTI. On March 15, 2005, NCTI issued $50 million in unsecured floating rate trust preferred securities to other investors. The trust preferred securities require quarterly interest payments. The interest rate is floating at the three-month LIBOR rate plus 3.5% and resets quarterly. The trust preferred securities are redeemable, at NCTI’s option, in whole or in part, anytime without penalty on or after March 15, 2010, but are mandatorily redeemable when they mature on March 15, 2035. If they are redeemed on or after March 15, 2010, but prior to maturity, the redemption price will be 100% of the principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest.

The proceeds from the issuance of the trust preferred securities and from the sale of 100% of the voting common stock of NCTI to the Company were loaned to the Company in exchange for $51.6 million of junior subordinated debentures of the Company, which are the sole assets of NCTI. The terms of the junior subordinated debentures match the terms of the trust preferred securities. The debentures are subordinate and junior in right of payment to all present and future senior indebtedness and certain other financial obligations of the Company. The Company also entered into a guarantee, which together with its obligations under the junior subordinated debentures, provides full and unconditional guarantees of the trust preferred securities. Following payment by the Company of offering costs, the Company’s net proceeds from the offering aggregated $48.4 million.

The assets and liabilities of NCTI are not consolidated into the consolidated financial statements of the Company. Accordingly, the Company’s equity interest in NCTI is accounted for using the equity method. Interest on the junior subordinated debt is included in the Company’s consolidated statements of income as interest expense—subordinated debt and the junior subordinated debentures are presented as a separate category on the consolidated balance sheets.

Note 9. Commitments and Contingencies

CommitmentsThe Company has commitments to borrowers to fund residential mortgage loans as well as commitments to purchase and sell mortgage loans to third parties. As of December 31, 2005, the Company had outstanding commitments to originate, purchase and sell loans of $545.4 million, $33.4 million and $93.6 million, respectively. As of December 31, 2004, the Company had outstanding commitments to originate loans of $370.6 million. The Company had no commitments to purchase or sell loans at December 31, 2004. The commitments to originate and purchase loans do not necessarily represent future cash requirements, as some portion of the commitments are likely to expire without being drawn upon or may be subsequently declined for credit or other reasons.

The Company leases office space under various operating lease agreements. Rent expense for 2005, 2004 and 2003, aggregated $11.0 million, $15.9 million and $7.5 million, respectively. At December 31, 2005, future minimum lease commitments under those leases are as follows (dollars in thousands):
















The Company has entered into various lease agreements in which the lessor agreed to repay the Company for certain existing lease obligations. The Company received approximately $61,000 and $2.3 million related to these agreements in 2004 and 2003, respectively. The Company received no funds related to these lease agreements during 2005 due to the agreements expiring in 2004. The Company has recorded deferred lease incentives related to these payments which will be amortized into rent expense over the life of the respective lease on a straight-line basis. Deferred lease incentives as of December 31, 2005 and 2004 were $3.5 million and $3.0 million.

The Company has also entered into various sublease agreements for office space formerly occupied by the Company. The Company received approximately $53,000, $1.2 million and $537,000 in 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively under these agreements. At December 31, 2005, future minimum rental receipts under those subleases are as follows (dollars in thousands):
















On December 15, 2005, the Company executed a securitization transaction accounted for as a sale of loans and $1.2 billion in loans collateralizing NMFT Series 2005-4 were delivered (see Note 2). On December 31, 2005, the Company was committed to deliver an additional $378.9 million in loans collateralizing NMFT Series 2005-4. These loans were delivered on January 20, 2006.

In the ordinary course of business, the Company sold whole pools of loans with recourse for borrower defaults. When whole pools are sold as opposed to securitized, the third party has recourse against the Company for certain borrower defaults. Because the loans are no longer on the Company’s balance sheet, the recourse component is considered a guarantee. During 2005, the Company sold $1.1 billion of loans with recourse for borrower defaults compared to none in 2004. The Company maintained a $2.3 million reserve related to these guarantees as of December 31, 2005 compared with a reserve of $45,000 as of December 31, 2004. During 2005 the Company paid $2.3 million in cash to repurchase loans sold to third parties. In 2004, the Company paid $0.5 million in cash to repurchase loans sold to third parties in prior periods.

In the ordinary course of business, the Company sells loans to securitization trusts and make a guarantee to cover losses suffered by the trust resulting from defects in the loan origination process. Defects may occur in the loan documentation and underwriting process, either through processing errors made by the Company or through intentional or unintentional misrepresentations made by the borrower or agents during those processes. If a defect is identified, the Company is required to repurchase the loan. As of December 31, 2005 and December 31, 2004, the Company had loans sold with recourse with an outstanding principal balance of $12.7 billion and $11.4 billion, respectively. Historically, repurchases of loans where a defect has occurred have been insignificant, therefore, the Company has recorded no reserves related to these guarantees.

Our branches broker loans to third parties in the ordinary course of business where the third party has recourse against the Company for certain borrower defaults. Because the loans are no longer on the Company’s balance sheet, the recourse component is considered a guarantee. During 2005, the Company’s branches brokered $1.4 billion of loans with recourse for borrower defaults compared to $4.8 billion in 2004. The Company maintained a $476,000 reserve related to these guarantees as of December 31, 2005 compared with a reserve of $116,000 as of December 31, 2004.

ContingenciesSince April 2004, a number of substantially similar class action lawsuits have been filed and consolidated into a single action in the Untied States District Court for the Western District of Missouri. The consolidated complaint names as defendants the Company and three of its executive officers and generally alleges that the defendants made public statements that were misleading for failing to disclose certain regulatory and licensing matters. The plaintiffs purport to have brought this consolidated action on behalf of all persons who purchased the Company’s common stock (and sellers of put options on the Company’s stock) during the period October 29, 2003 through April 8, 2004. On January 14, 2005, the Company filed a motion to dismiss this action, and on May 12, 2005, the court denied such motion. The Company believes that these claims are without merit and continues to vigorously defend against them.

In the wake of the securities class action, the Company has also been named as a nominal defendant in several derivative actions brought against certain of the Company’s officers and directors in Missouri and Maryland. The complaints in these actions generally claim that the defendants are liable to the Company for failing to monitor corporate affairs so as to ensure compliance with applicable state licensing and regulatory requirements.

In July 2004, an employee of NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc. (“NHMI”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, filed a class and collective action lawsuit against NHMI and NMI in California Superior Court for the County of Los Angeles. Subsequently, NHMI and NMI removed the matter to the United States District Court for the Central District of California and NMI was removed from the lawsuit. The putative class is comprised of all past and present employees of NHMI who were employed since May 1, 2000 in the capacity generally described as Loan Officer. The plaintiffs alleged that NHMI failed to pay them overtime and minimum wage as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) and California state laws for the period commencing May 1, 2000 to present. In 2005, the plaintiffs and NHMI agreed upon a nationwide settlement in the amount of $3.3 million on behalf of a class of all NHMI Loan Officers. The settlement, which is subject to final court approval, covers all claims for minimum wage, overtime, meal and rest periods, record-keeping, and penalties under California and federal law during the class period. Since not all class members will elect to be part of the settlement, the Company estimated the probable obligation related to the settlement to be in a range of $1.3 million to $1.7 million. In accordance with SFAS No. 5, Accounting for Contingencies, the Company recorded a charge to earnings of $1.3 million in 2004. In 2005, the Company recorded an additional charge to earnings of $200,000 as the estimated probable obligation increased to a range of $1.5 million to $1.9 million.

In April 2005, three putative class actions filed against NHMI and certain of its affiliates were consolidated for pre-trial proceedings in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Georgia entitledIn Re NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc. Mortgage Lending Practices Litigation.These cases allege that NHMI improperly shared settlement service fees with limited liability companies in which NHMI had an interest (the “LLCs”) alleging violations of the fee splitting and anti-referral provisions of the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (“RESPA”), and alleging certain violations of state law and civil conspiracy. Plaintiffs seek treble damages with respect to the RESPA claims, disgorgement of fees with respect to the state law claims as well as other damages, injunctive relief and attorney fees. In addition, two other related class actions have been filed in state courts.Miller v. NovaStar Financial, Inc. et al., was filed in October 2004 in the Circuit Court of Madison County, Illinois andJones et al. v. NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc. et al., was filed in December 2004 in the Circuit Court for Baltimore City, Maryland. In theMiller case,plaintiffs allege a violation of the Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Practices Act and civil conspiracy alleging certain LLCs provided settlement services without the borrower’s knowledge. In theJones case, the plaintiffs allege the LLCs violated the Maryland Lender Act by acting as lenders and/or brokers in Maryland without proper licenses and allege this arrangement amounted to a civil conspiracy. The plaintiffs in both theMiller andJones cases seek a disgorgement of fees, other damages, injunctive relief and attorney fees on behalf of the class of plaintiffs. The Company believes that these claims are without merit and intends to vigorously defend against them.

In December 2005, a putative class action was filed against NHMI in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana entitledPearson v. NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc.Plaintiff contends that NHMI violated the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”) in connection with its use of pre-approved offers of credit and its failure to make certain disclosures required by federal law. Plaintiff seeks (on his own behalf, as well as for others similarly situated) statutory damages, other nominal damages, punitive damages and attorney’s fees and costs. The Company believes that these claims are without merit and intends to vigorously defend against them.

In December 2005, a putative class action was filed against NovaStar Mortgage in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington entitledPierce et al. v. NovaStar Mortgage, Inc.Plaintiffs contend that NovaStar Mortgage failed to disclose prior to closing that a broker payment would be made on their loans, which was an unfair and deceptive practice in violation of the Washington Consumer Protection Act. The plaintiffs seek a return of fees paid on the affected loans, excess interest charged, and damage to plaintiffs’ credit and finances, treble damages as provided in the Washington Consumer Protection Act and attorney fees. The Company believes that these claims are without merit and intends to vigorously defend against them.

In addition to those matters listed above, the Company is currently a party to various other legal proceedings and claims, including, but not limited to, breach of contract claims, class action or individual claims for violations of the RESPA, FLSA, federal and state laws prohibiting employment discrimination and federal and state licensing and consumer protection laws.

While management, including internal counsel, currently believes that the ultimate outcome of all these proceedings and claims will not have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition or results of operations, litigation is subject to inherent uncertainties. If an unfavorable ruling were to occur, there exists the possibility of a material adverse impact on the Company’s financial condition and results of operations.

In April 2004, the Company received notice of an informal inquiry from the Commission requesting that the Company provide various documents relating to our business. The Company has cooperated fully with the Commission’s inquiry and provided it with the requested information.

The Company maintains a number of equity-based compensation plans for its employees, including a 401(k) plan, and a Direct Stock Purchase and Dividend Reinvestment Plan (“DRIP”) for its employees and the public. Up to approximately 23,000 shares

of common stock under the Company’s 401(k) plan and up to approximately 287,000 shares of common stock under the DRIP (collectively, the “Subject Shares”), may have been sold in a manner that may not have complied with the registration requirements of applicable securities laws during the twelve month period ending January 20, 2006, the date the rescission offers were initiated. In connection with sales under the Company’s 401(k) plan, the Subject Shares were purchased in the open market and as a result the Company did not receive any proceeds from such transactions, which may not be deemed to be sales for these purposes. In connection with sales of up to approximately 287,000 Subject Shares that were not registered under the Company’s DRIP in May 2005, the Company received approximately $10.8 million in net proceeds. As a result, the Company initiated offers to rescind the purchase of the Subject Shares. While the Company does not expect all eligible purchasers to exercise their rescission rights pursuant to the rescission offers, the Company has agreed to repurchase the Subject Shares still held by eligible purchasers generally for an amount equal to the original purchase price for the shares plus interest, less dividends, and to compensate eligible purchasers generally for any losses incurred in the sale of the Subject Shares, plus interest, less dividends. The number of eligible purchasers and the amount that the Company will pay for the shares that are rescinded will be determined by reference to the closing price of the Company’s common stock on March 30, 2006, the expiration date of the rescission offers. Furthermore, the Company could be subject to monetary fines or other regulatory sanctions as provided under applicable securities laws.

The damage caused by the Gulf State hurricanes, particularly Katrina, Rita and Wilma, has affected the Company’s mortgage loans held-for-sale and the mortgage loan portfolio it services which underlies its mortgage securities – available-for-sale by impairing the ability of certain borrowers to repay their loans. At present, the Company is unable to predict the ultimate impact of the Gulf State hurricanes on its future financial results and condition as the impact will depend on a number of factors, including the extent of damage to the collateral, the extent to which damaged collateral is not covered by insurance, the extent to which unemployment and other economic conditions caused by the hurricane adversely affect the ability of borrowers to repay their loans, and the cost to the Company of collection and foreclosure moratoriums, loan forbearances and other accommodations granted to borrowers. Many of the loans are to borrowers where repayment prospects have not yet been determined to be diminished, or are in areas where properties may have suffered little, if any, damage or may not yet have been inspected. The Company currently has a mortgage protection insurance policy, which protects it from uninsured losses as a result of these hurricanes up to a maximum of $5 million in aggregate losses with a deductible of $100,000 per hurricane. At this time, the Company believes the overall financial impact the Gulf State hurricanes will have on its future financial condition and results of operations will be immaterial.

Note 10. Shareholders’ Equity

On June 2, 2005, the Company completed a public offering of 1,725,000 shares of its common stock at $35 per share. The Company raised $57.9 million in net proceeds from this offering.

The Company’s DRIP allows for the purchase of stock directly from the Company and/or the automatic reinvestment of all or a percentage of the dividends shareholders receive and allows for a discount from market of up to 3%. The Company sold 2,609,320 shares of its common stock during 2005 at a weighted average discount of 2.0%. Net proceeds of $83.6 million were raised under these sales of common stock. Under the DRIP, the Company sold 1,104,488 shares of its common stock during 2004 at a weighted average discount of 1.4%. Net proceeds of $49.4 million were raised under these sales of common stock.

During 2005 and 2004, 148,797 and 433,181 shares of common stock were issued under the Company’s stock-based compensation plan, respectively. Proceeds of $0.7 million and $2.0 million were received under these issuances during 2005 and 2004, respectively.

In November 2004, the Company completed a public offering of 1,725,000 shares of its common stock at $42.50 per share. The Company raised $70.1 million in net proceeds from this offering.

In the first quarter of 2004, the Company sold 2,990,000 shares of Series C Cumulative Redeemable Perpetual Preferred Stock, raising $72.1 million in net proceeds. The shares have a liquidation value of $25.00 per share and pay an annual coupon of 8.90% and are not convertible into any other securities. The Company may, at its option, redeem the preferred stock, in the aggregate or in part, at any time on or after January 22, 2009. As such, this stock is not considered mandatorily or contingently redeemable under the provisions of SFAS 150,Accounting for Certain Financial Instruments with Characteristics of both Liabilities and Equity and is therefore classified as a component of equity.

The Company’s Board of Directors has approved the purchase of up to $9 million of the Company’s common stock. No shares were purchased during the three years ended December 31, 2005. Under Maryland law, shares purchased under this plan are to be returned to the Company’s authorized but unissued shares of common stock. Common stock purchased under this plan is charged against additional paid-in capital.

In connection with various regulatory lending requirements, certain wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company are required to maintain minimum levels of net worth. At December 31, 2005, the highest minimum net worth requirement applicable to any subsidiary was $250,000. The wholly-owned subsidiaries were in compliance with these requirements as of December 31, 2005.

The following is a rollforward of accumulated other comprehensive income for the three years ended December 31, 2005 (dollars in thousands):









Used in Cash Flow




Balance, January 1, 2003

  $72,639  $(9,704) $62,935 

Change in unrealized gain (loss), net of related tax effects

   15,086   (1,038)  14,048 

Net settlements reclassified to earnings

   —     8,303   8,303 

Other amortization

   —     (103)  (103)



Other comprehensive income (loss)

   15,086   7,162   22,248 



Balance, December 31, 2003

  $87,725  $(2,542) $85,183 



Change in unrealized gain (loss), net of related tax effects

   (24,398)  (38)  (24,436)

Impairment reclassified to earnings

   15,902   —     15,902 

Net settlements reclassified to earnings

   —     2,497   2,497 

Other amortization

   —     (26)  (26)



Other comprehensive (loss) income

   (8,496)  2,433   (6,063)



Balance, December 31, 2004

  $79,229  $(109) $79,120 



Change in unrealized gain, net of related tax effects

   14,690   —     14,690 

Impairment reclassified to earnings

   17,619   —     17,619 

Net settlements reclassified to earnings

   —     109   109 



Other comprehensive income (loss)

   32,309   109   32,418 



Balance, December 31, 2005

  $111,538  $—    $111,538 



Note 11.  Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities

The Company’s objective and strategy for using derivative instruments is to mitigate the risk of increased costs on its variable rate liabilities during a period of rising rates.rates, subject to cost and liquidity risk constraints. The Company’s primary goals for managing interest rate risk are to maintain the net interest margin between its assets and liabilities and diminish the effect of changes in general interest rate levels on the market value of the Company.

The derivative instruments used by the Company to manage this risk are interest rate caps and interest rate swaps. Interest rate caps are contracts in which the Company pays either an upfront premium or monthly or quarterly premium to a counterparty. In return, the Company receives payments from the counterparty when interest rates rise above a certain rate specified in the contract. During 2005, 20042008 and 2003,2007, premiums paid relatedpursuant to interest rate cap agreements related to continuing operations aggregated $2.4 million, $1.6$0.4 million and $7.4$0.8 million, respectively. When premiums are financed by the Company, a liability is recorded for the premium obligation. Premiums due to counterparties as of December 31, 20052008 and 20042007 were $3.4$0.1 million and $1.9$0.5 million, respectively, and bearhad a weighted average interest rate of 3.5%3.9% for both 2008 and 1.9% in 2005 and 2004, respectively.2007. The future contractual maturities of premiums due to counterparties as of December 31, 20052008 are $1.5 million, $1.0 million, $0.7 million, $0.1 million and $0.1 million due in years 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and2009.  There is no future contractual maturities premium due in 2010 respectively.or after. The interest rate swap agreements to which the Company is party stipulate that the Company pay a fixed rate of interest to the counterparty and the counterparty pays the company a variable rate of interest based on the notional amount of the contract. The liabilities the Company hedges are asset-backed bonds and borrowings under its mortgage loan and mortgage security repurchase agreements as discussed in Note 8.


During 2007, the Company entered into several inter-related transactions involving credit default swaps (“CDS”) and other investments.  A CDS is an agreement to provide credit event protection based on a specific security in exchange for receiving an upfront premium and a fixed-rate fee over the life of the contract.   The additional investments purchased bear yields that mirror LIBOR.   The result of the transaction is to create an instrument that mirrors the results of the referenced securities underlying the CDS.  The CDS had a notional amount of $16.5 million and a fair value of $6.1 million at the date of purchase and are pledged as collateral against the CDO ABB.  The fair value was $0.2 million and $2.5 million as of December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively.  The Company recorded losses related to fair value adjustments of $2.3 million and $3.6 million for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively.   These losses are included in the “(Losses) gains on derivative instruments” line item of the Company’s consolidated statements of operations.

These CDS are accounted for as non-cash flow hedging derivative instruments, reported at fair value with the changes in fair value recognized through the Company’s statements of operations. The value of these contracts decrease for a variety of reasons, including when the probability of the occurrence of a specific credit event increases, when the market’s perceptions of default risk in general change, or when there are changes in the supply and demand of these instruments.

The Company’s derivative instruments that meet the hedge accounting criteria of SFAS No. 133 are considered cash flow hedges. During the three years ended December 31, 2005, there was no hedge ineffectiveness. At December 31, 2005, theThe Company had noalso has derivative instruments considered cash flow hedges, as they all hadthat do not metmeet the requirements for hedge accounting. However, these derivative instruments do contribute to the Company’s overall risk management strategy by serving to reduce interest rate risk on average short-term borrowingsasset-backed bonds collateralized by the Company’s loans held-for-sale.


The following tables present derivative instruments as of December 31, 20052008 and 20042007 (dollars in thousands):









Days to


As of December 31, 2005:


Non-hedge derivative instruments

  $1,555,000  $8,395  1,820



As of December 31, 2004:


Cash flow hedge derivative instruments

  $35,000  $(179) 84

Non-hedge derivative instruments

   1,965,000   12,141  1,089



Total derivative instruments

  $2,000,000  $11,962   



  Notional Amount  Fair Value  
Days to
As of December 31, 2008:         
Non-hedge derivative instruments $461,500  $(9,034)  390 
Cash flow hedge derivative instruments  40,000   (68)  25 
As of December 31, 2007:            
Non-hedge derivative instruments $1,101,500  $(6,406)  756 
Cash flow hedge derivative instruments  300,000   (490)  391 


The Company recognized $0.2 million, $3.1net (income) expense of $2.5 million and $9.4$(0.3) million during the three years ended December 31, 2005, 20042008 and 2003,2007, respectively, in net expense on derivative instruments qualifying as cash flow hedges, which is recorded as a component of interest expense.

The derivative financial instruments

During the Company uses also subject them to “margin call” risk. The Company’s deposits with derivative counterparties were $4.4 million and $6.7 million as oftwo years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively.

2008, hedge ineffectiveness was insignificant. The net amount included in other comprehensive income expected to be reclassified into earnings within the next twelve months is expense of approximately $68,000.

The Company’s derivative instruments involve, to varying degrees, elements of credit and market risk in addition to the amount recognized in the consolidated financial statements.

Credit RiskThe Company’s exposure to credit risk on derivative instruments is equal to the amount of deposits (margin) held by the counterparty, plus any net receivable due from the counterparty, plus the cost of replacing the contracts should the counterparty fail. The Company seeks to minimize credit risk through the use of credit approval and review processes, the selection of only the most creditworthy counterparties, continuing review and monitoring of all counterparties, exposure reduction techniques and thorough legal scrutiny of agreements. Before engaging in negotiated derivative transactions with any counterparty, the Company has in place fully executed written agreements. Agreements with counterparties also call for full two-way netting of payments. Under these agreements, on each payment exchange date all gains and losses of counterparties are netted into a single amount, limiting exposure to the counterparty to any net receivable amount due.

Market RiskThe potential for financial loss due to adverse changes in market interest rates is a function of the sensitivity of each position to changes in interest rates, the degree to which each position can affect future earnings under adverse market conditions, the source and nature of funding for the position, and the net effect due to offsetting positions. The derivative instruments utilized leave the Company in a market position that is designed to be a better position than if the derivative instrument had not been used in interest rate risk management.

Other Risk ConsiderationsThe Company is cognizant of the risks involved with derivative instruments and has policies and procedures in place to mitigate risk associated with the use of derivative instruments in ways appropriate to its business activities, considering its risk profile as a limited end-user.

Note 12. Interest Income Taxes

The following table presents the components of interest income tax expense (benefit) attributablerelated to continuing operations for the years ended December 31, 2005, 20042008 and 2003 were as follows2007 (dollars in thousands):

   For the Year Ended December 31,








  $7,561  $9,976  $24,181 

State and local

   1,198   872   4,527 



Total current

   8,759   10,848   28,708 

Deferred: (A)



   (17,477)  (1,258)  (4,926)

State and local

   (2,182)  (64)  (922)



Total deferred

   (19,659)  (1,322)  (5,848)



Total income tax (benefit) expense

  $(10,900) $9,526  $22,860 



 For the Year Ended December 31, 
 2008 2007 
Interest income:    
Mortgage securities $46,997  $102,500 
Mortgage loans held-in-portfolio  186,601   258,663 
Other interest income (A)  1,411   5,083 
Total interest income $235,009  $366,246 

(A)Does not reflect the deferred tax effects of unrealized gains and losses
Other interest income represents interest earned on derivative financial instruments that are included in shareholders’ equity. As a result of these tax effects, shareholders’ equity decreased by $70,000 and $587,000 in 2005 and 2004, respectively.corporate operating cash balances.

A reconciliation

Note 13. Interest Expense

The following table presents the components of the expected federal income taxinterest expense (benefit) using the federal statutory tax rate of 35 percentrelated to the taxable REIT subsidiary’s actual income tax expense and resulting effective tax rate from continuing operations for the years ended December 31, 2005, 20042008 and 2003 were as follows2007 (dollars in thousands):

   For the Year Ended December 31,




Income tax at statutory rate (taxable REIT subsidiary)

  $(10,887) $8,187  $18,102

Taxable gain on security sale to REIT

   —     1,342   2,761

State income taxes, net of federal tax benefit

   (639)  525   1,549

Nondeductible expenses

   601   240   228

Reduction of estimated income tax accruals

   —     (904)  —  


   25   136   220



Total income tax (benefit) expense

  $(10,900) $9,526  $22,860



Significant components

 For the Year Ended December 31, 
 2008 2007 
Interest expense:    
Short-term borrowings secured by mortgage securities $436  $23,649 
Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage loans  95,012   178,937 
Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities  13,271   17,635 
Junior subordinated debentures  6,261   8,148 
Total interest expense $114,980  $228,369 


Note 14. Discontinued Operations

As discussed in Note 2, the Company undertook Exit Plans to align its organization and costs with its decision to discontinue its mortgage lending and mortgage servicing activities. Implementation of the taxable REIT subsidiary’s deferred tax assets and liabilities at December 31, 2005 and 2004 were as follows (dollars in thousands):

   December 31,




Deferred tax assets:


Federal net operating loss carryforwards

  $22,569  $—   

Excess inclusion income

   16,489   18,449 

Deferred compensation

   5,997   5,158 

Deferred lease incentive income

   2,353   1,026 

Deferred loan fees, net

   542   548 

Mark-to-market adjustment on held-for-sale loans

   2,123   5,423 

State net operating loss carryforwards

   7,469   2,353 

Accrued expenses for branch closings

   201   743 

Accrued expenses, other

   2,181   666 


   358   427 


Gross deferred tax asset

   60,282   34,793 

Valuation allowance

   (5,498)  (2,353)


Deferred tax asset

   54,784   32,440 


Deferred tax liabilities:


Mortgage servicing rights

   21,246   16,199 

Mark-to-market adjustment on derivative instruments

   1,470   2,706 

Premises and equipment

   996   2,119 


   292   226 


Deferred tax liability

   24,004   21,250 


Net deferred tax asset

  $30,780  $11,190 


As of December 31, 2005 the taxable REIT subsidiary has an estimated federal net operating loss carryforward of $64.5 million, which will be available to offset future taxable income. If not used, this net operating loss will expire in 2025.

The valuation allowance included in the taxable REIT subsidiary’s deferred tax assets at December 31, 2005 and 2004 represent various state net operating loss carryforwards for which it is more likely than not that realization will not occur. The state net operating losses will expire in varying amounts through 2025. The $3.1 million increase in the valuation allowance for deferred tax assets resulted from the net increase of state net operating losses generatedExit Plans approved by the taxable REIT subsidiaryAudit Committee in 2005 where realization is not expected to occur.

Note 13. Employee Benefit Plans

The NovaStar Financial, Inc. 401(k) Plan (the Plan) is a defined contribution plan which allows eligible employees to save for retirement through pretax contributions. Under2007 both began and concluded during the Plan, employees of the Company may contribute up to the statutory limit. The Company may elect to match a certain percentage of participants’ contributions. The Company may also elect to make a discretionary contribution, which is allocated to participants based on each participant’s compensation. Contributions to the Plan by the Company for the yearsyear ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 were $1.2 million, $3.1 million and $2.0 million, respectively.

The Company has a Deferred Compensation Plan (the DCP) that is a nonqualified deferred compensation plan that benefits certain designated key members of management and highly compensated employees and allows them to defer payment of a portion of their compensation to future years. Under the DCP, an employee may defer up to 50% of his or her base salary, bonus and/or commissions on a pretax basis. The Company may make both discretionary and/or matching contributions to the DCP on behalf of DCP participants. All DCP assets are corporate assets rather than individual property and are therefore subject to creditors’ claims against the Company. The Company made contributions to the DCP for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 of $777,000, $371,000 and $643,000, respectively.

Note 14. Stock Compensation Plans


On June 8, 2004, the Company’s 1996 Stock Option Plan (the “1996 Plan”) was replaced by the 2004 Incentive Stock Plan (“the 2004 Plan”). The 2004 Plan provides for the grant of qualified incentive stock options (“ISOs”), non-qualified stock options (“NQSOs”), deferred stock, restricted stock, performance share awards, dividend equivalent rights (“DERs”) and stock appreciation and limited stock appreciations awards (“SARs”). The Company has granted ISOs, NQSOs, restricted stock, performance share awards and DERs. ISOs may be granted to employees of the Company. NQSOs, DERs, SARs and stock awards may be granted to the directors, officers, employees, agents and consultants ofNovember 1, 2007, the Company or any subsidiaries. Under the termssold all of the Plan, the number of shares available for grant is equal to 2.5 million shares of common stock.its mortgage servicing rights.  The Plan will remain in effect unless terminated by the Board of Directors or no shares of stock remain available for awards to be granted.

Effective January 1, 2003, the Company adopted the fair value recognition provisions of SFAS No. 123. The Company selected the modified prospective method of adoption described in SFAS No. 148. Compensation cost recognized in 2003 is the same as that which would have been recognizedloan servicing operations had the fair value method of SFAS No. 123 been applied from its original effective date. See Note 1. In accordance with the provisions of SFAS No. 123 and SFAS No. 148, $2.2 million, $1.8 million and $1.3 million of stock-based compensation expense was recorded in 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively.

All options have been granted at exercise prices greater than or equal to the estimated fair value of the underlying stock at the date of grant. Outstanding options generally vest equally over four years and expire ten years after the date of grant.

The following table summarizes stock option activity for 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively:




Stock Options
















Outstanding at the beginning of year

  433,600  $10.16  746,800  $8.22  1,032,670  $7.40


  396,946   29.72  15,000   33.59  15,000   22.66


  (108,750)  6.08  (305,700)  6.55  (275,390)  5.98


  (22,810)  19.28  (22,500)  10.50  (25,480)  7.79


  (297,818)  25.95  —     —    —     —  




Outstanding at the end of year

  401,168  $18.39  433,600  $10.16  746,800  $8.22






Exercisable at the end of year

  242,100  $11.57  215,600  $7.48  275,050  $7.67






Pursuant to a resolution of the Company’s compensation committee of the Board of Directors dated December 14, 2005, 227,455 and 70,363 options issued to employees and directors, respectively, were modified. The Company modified all options which were either unvested as of January 1, 2005 or were granted during 2005. For employee options, the rate in which DERs accrue was modified from sixty percent of the dividend per share amount to one hundred percent and the form for which DERs will be paid was modified from stock to cash upon vesting. For director options, only the form for which DERs will be paid was modified from stock to cash upon vesting. These options are included in the granted and canceled amounts during 2005 in the table above. No modifications were made to the exercise prices, vesting periods or expiration dates. At the date of modification, the canceled options were revalued and the modified options were initially valued. The incremental difference between the value of the modified option and the canceled option will be amortized into compensation expense over the remaining vesting period. The Company recognized $0.2 million in incremental compensation expense due to the modification of these awards in 2005.

For options which vested prior to January 1, 2005, a recipient is entitled to receive additional shares of stock upon the exercise of options. For employees, the DERs accrue at a rate equal to the number of options outstanding times sixty percent of the dividends per share amount at each dividend payment date. For directors, the DERs accrue at a rate equal to the number of options outstanding times the dividends per share amount at each dividend payment date. The accrued DERs convert to shares based on the stock’s fair value on the dividend payment date. Certain of the options exercised in 2005, 2004 and 2003 had DERs attached to them when issued. As a result of these exercises, an additional 13,972, 47,969 and 23,485 shares of common stock were issued in 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively.

For options granted after January 1, 2005, a recipient is entitled to receive DERs paid in cash upon vesting of the options. The DERs accrue at a rate equal to the number of options outstanding times the dividends per share amount at each dividend payment date. The DERs begin accruing immediately upon grant, but are not paid until the options vest.

The following table presents information on stock options outstandingceased as of December 31, 2005.



Exercise Price



Weighted Average


Contractual Life





Exercise Price





Exercise Price

$1.53 – $7.16

  93,500  5.66  $5.79  93,500  $5.79

$7.91 - $12.97

  184,350  6.44   11.74  122,350   11.61

$22.66 - $33.59

  30,000  7.91   28.12  11,250   26.30

$36.20 - $42.13

  93,318  9.20   41.00  15,000   36.20
   401,168  7.01  $18.39  242,100  $11.57


The following table summarizes the weighted average fair value of options granted, determined using the Black-Scholes option pricing model and the assumptions used in their determination.

   2005 (A)




Weighted average:


Fair value, at date of grant

  $14.25  $21.24  $22.48 

Expected life in years

   2   6   7 

Annual risk-free interest rate

   4.4%  4.7%  3.3%


   0.3   0.7   2.0 

Dividend yield

   0.0%  0.0%  0.0%

(A)Includes the assumptions used in the revaluation of modified options. The weighted average expected life of newly granted options in 2005 (not including prior year granted options modified in 2005) was four.

The Company granted and issued shares of restricted stock during 2005 and 2004. The 2005 restricted stock awards vest at the end of 10 years while the 2004 restricted stock awards vest equally over four years.

During 2005, the Company granted restricted shares to employees and officers under Performance Contingent Deferred Stock Award Agreements. Under the agreements, the Company will issue shares of restricted stock if certain performance targets are achieved by the Company within a three-year period. The shares vest equally over two years upon issuance. No shares were issued under these agreements in 2005 and the total number of shares which can be issued in the future is 21,185 as of December 31, 2005.

In November 2004, the Company entered into a Performance Contingent Deferred Stock Award Agreement with an executive of the Company. Under the agreement, the Company will issue shares of restricted stock if certain performance targets based on wholesale nonconforming origination volume are achieved by the Company within a five-year period. The shares vest equally over four years upon issuance. No shares were issued related to this agreement in 2005 and the total number of shares that can be issued in the future is 100,000 as of December 31, 2005.

The following table summarizes restricted stock activity for 2005 and 2004, respectively:

Restricted Stock








Outstanding at the beginning of year

  140,300  —   


  46,050  141,200 


  (10,076) —   


  (6,305) (900)


Outstanding at the end of year

  169,969  140,300 


During 2005 and 2004, the Company issued 7,515 and 39,112 shares of restricted stock as payment for bonus compensation earned by certain executives of the Company in 2004 and 2003, respectively. The shares were issued at an average fair market value of $34.85 and $46.42 in 2005 and 2004, respectively. The shares are fully vested upon issuance but may not be sold by the holders for four years.

Note 15. Branch Operations

Prior to 2004, the Company was party to limited liability company (“LLC”) agreements governing LLCs formed to facilitate the operation of retail mortgage broker businesses as branches of NHMI. The LLC agreements provided for initial capitalization and membership interests of 99.99% to each branch manager and 0.01% to the Company. The Company accounted for its interest in the LLC agreements using the equity method of accounting. In December 2003, the Company determined it would terminate the LLCs effective January 1, 2004. During February 2004, the Company notified the branch managers of the limited liability companies that the Company was terminating these agreements effective January 1, 2004. Continuing branches that were formerly supported under these agreements became operating units of the Company and their financial results are included in the consolidated financial statements. The inclusion resulted in expected increases in general and administrative expenses, which were substantially offset by increases in related fee income. The Company did not purchase any assets or liabilities as a result of these branches becoming operating units.

On November 4, 2005, the Company adopted a formal plan to terminate substantially all of the remaining NHMI branches by June 30, 2006. As the demand for conforming loans has declined significantly since 2004, many branches have not been able to produce sufficient fees to meet operating expense demands. As a result of these conditions, a significant number of branch

managers have voluntarily terminated employment with the Company. The Company has also terminated branches when loan production results were substandard. 2007.

The Company considers a branchan operating unit to be discontinued upon its termination date, which is the point in time when the operations substantially cease.  The provisions of SFAS 144 require the results of operations associated with those operating units terminated to be classified as discontinued operations apply toand segregated from the branchCompany’s continuing results of operations segment presented in Note 16. Thefor all periods presented.  In accordance with Statement SFAS 144, the Company has presentedreclassified the operating results of those branches terminated through December 31, 2005,its entire mortgage lending segment and servicing operations segment as discontinued operations in the Consolidated Statementsconsolidated statements of Incomeoperations for the year ended December 31, 2008 and 2007.

As of June 30, 2006, the Company had terminated all of the remaining NHMI branches and related operations.  The Company has reclassified the operating results of NHMI through December 31, 2008, as discontinued operations in the consolidated statements of operations for the years ended December 31, 20052008 and 2004. 2007 in accordance with SFAS 144.

The consolidated statementmajor classes of income for the year endedassets and liabilities reported as discontinued operations as of December 31, 2003 has not been reclassified, as the effect of branch terminations on the operating results in that year is immaterial. The operating results of all discontinued operations2008 and 2007 are summarized as follows (dollars in thousands):


For the Year Ended

December 31, 2005


For the Year Ended

December 31, 2004


Fee income

  $20,998  $114,166 

General and administrative expenses

   28,120   132,238 


Loss before income tax benefit

   (7,122)  (18,072)

Income tax benefit

   (2,649)  (6,723)


Loss from discontinued operations

  $(4,473) $(11,349)


As of December 31, 2005 the Company has $0.3 million in cash, $0.1 million receivables included in other assets and $0.4 million in payables included in

  December 31,  
  2008   2007(A) 
Mortgage loans - held-for-sale
 $1,117  $5,253 
Real estate owned  324   2,574 
Other assets  -   428 
Total assets $1,441  $8,255 
 Short-term borrowings secured by mortgage loans $-  $19 
 Accounts payable and other liabilities  2,536   59,397 
Total liabilities $2,536  $59,416 

(A) The accounts payable and other liabilities pertaining to discontinued operations, which are included in the consolidated balance sheets. Asline includes a $45.2 million liability as of December 31, 2004,2007 recorded in connection with the Company had $1.6 million in cash, $2.2 in receivables included in other assets and $3.8 in payables included in accounts payable and other liabilities pertaining to discontinued operations, which are includedjudgment rendered against NHMI in the consolidated balance sheets. The discontinued operations only impactedCalifornia Action by AIM, the cash from operations sectionsettlement of the consolidated statementwhich became final as of cashflows for the periods ending December 31, 2005 and December 31, 2004.

As of December 31, 2003, there were 423 such branches. For the year ended December 31, 2003 the Company recorded fee income aggregating $12.8 million for providing administrative services for the branches. During 2003 the aggregate amount of loans brokered by these branches was approximately $5.7 billion. Of this amount, approximately $1.3 billion was acquired by the Company’s mortgage subsidiary. September 11, 2008.

The aggregate premiums paid by the Company for loans brokered by these branches was approximately $15.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2003.

Note 16. Segment Reporting

The Company reviews, manages and operates its business in four segments: mortgage portfolio management, mortgage lending, loan servicing and branch operations. Mortgage portfolio management operating results are driven from the income generated on the assets the Company manages less associated costs. Mortgage lending operations include the marketing, underwriting and funding of loan production. Loan servicing operations represent the income and costs to service the Company’s on and off-balance sheet loans. The loan servicing segment was previously reported as part of mortgage lending and loan servicing, but it has been separated to more closely align the segments with the way the Company reviews, manages and operates its business. The information for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003 have been restated for this change. Branch operations include the collective income generated by the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary (NHMI), brokers and the associated operating costs. Also, the corporate-level income and costs to support the NHMI branches are represented in the branch operations segment. As discussed in Note 15, the LLC agreements were terminated effective January 1, 2004. As of January 1, 2004 the financial results of the continuing branch operations, that were formerly supported by these agreements, were included in the consolidated financial statements. Branches that have terminated through December 31, 2005 have been segregated from the results of the ongoing operations of the Company for the years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004. Following is a summary of the operating results of the Company’s segments for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, as reclassified to reflect the operations of branches closed from January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2005 asall discontinued operations for the years ended December 31, 20042008 and December 31, 2005 (dollars in thousands):

For the Year Ended December 31, 2005

















Interest income

  $193,167  $106,118  $—    $536  $(49) $299,772 

Interest expense

   19,028   74,708   —     88   (12,981)  80,843 






Net interest income before credit losses

   174,139   31,410   —     448   12,932   218,929 

Provision for credit losses

   (1,038)  —     —     —     —     (1,038)

Gains (losses) on sales of mortgage assets

   (27)  49,303   —     3,665   15,232   68,173 

Premiums for mortgage loan insurance

   (341)  (5,331)  —     —     —     (5,672)

Fee income

   —     9,188   21,755   27,041   (11,698)  46,286 

Gains on derivative instruments

   248   17,907   —     —     —     18,155 

Impairment on mortgage securities – available-for-sale

   (17,619)  —     —     —     —     (17,619)

Other income (expense)

   22,911   (7,788)  18,251   173   (12,667)  20,880 

General and administrative expenses

   (14,450)  (128,619)  (34,515)  (37,813)  —     (215,397)






Income (loss) from continuing operations before income tax (benefit

   163,823   (33,930)  5,491   (6,486)  3,799   132,697 

Income tax expense (benefit)

   —     (12,599)  2,062   (2,388)  2,025   (10,900)






Income (loss) from continuing operations

   163,823   (21,331)  3,429   (4,098)  1,774   143,597 

Loss from discontinued operations, net of income tax

   —     —     —     (1,054)  (3,419)  (4,473)






Net income (loss)

  $163,823  $(21,331) $3,429  $(5,152) $(1,645) $139,124 






December 31, 2005:


Total assets

  $968,740  $1,489,211  $27,553  $19,072  $(168,842) $2,335,734 







For the Year Ended December 31, 2004



















Interest income

  $140,306  $83,757  $—    $—    $(39) $224,024 

Interest expense

   21,071   39,727   —     108   (8,316)  52,590 






Net interest income before credit losses

   119,235   44,030   —     (108)  8,277   171,434 

Provision for credit losses

   (726)  —     —     —     —     (726)

Gains (losses) on sales of mortgage assets

   360   113,211   —     —     31,379   144,950 

Premiums for mortgage loan insurance

   (528)  (3,690)  —     —     —     (4,218)

Fee income

   —     10,431   20,692   39,534   (19,905)  50,752 

Gains on derivative instruments

   (111)  (8,794)  —     —     —     (8,905)

Impairment on mortgage securities – available-for-sale

   (15,902)  —     —     —     —     (15,902)

Other income (expense)

   16,651   (6,445)  4,167   35   (7,799)  6,609 

General and administrative expenses

   (7,473)  (127,063)  (24,698)  (58,676)  10,180   (207,730)






Income (loss) from continuing operations before income tax (benefit

   111,506   21,680   161   (19,215)  22,132   136,264 

Income tax expense (benefit)

   —     7,651   160   (7,494)  9,209   9,526 






Income (loss) from continuing operations

   111,506   14,029   1   (11,721)  12,923   126,738 

Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of income tax

   —     —     —     5,202   (16,551)  (11,349)






Net income (loss)

  $111,506  $14,029  $1  $(6,519) $(3,628) $115,389 






December 31, 2004:


Total assets

  $1,078,064  $894,338  $21,022  $35,283  $(167,396) $1,861,311 






For the Year Ended December 31, 2003

















Interest income

  $109,542  $60,878  $—    $—    $—    $170,420 

Interest expense

   17,433   31,055   —     —     (8,124)  40,364 






Net interest income before credit recoveries

   92,109   29,823   —     —     8,124   130,056 

Credit recoveries

   389   —     —     —     —     389 

Gains (losses) on sales of mortgage assets

   (1,911)  140,870   —     —     5,046   144,005 

Premiums for mortgage loan insurance

   (908)  (2,194)  —     —     —     (3,102)

Fee income

   (620)  26,541   11,496   40,290   (8,834)  68,873 

Gains on derivative instruments

   (894)  (29,943)  —     —     —     (30,837)

Other income (expense)

   17,185   (12,369)  342   53   (4,799)  412 

General and administrative expenses

   (6,667)  (118,935)  (14,793)  (34,545)  —     (174,940)






Income (loss) from continuing operations before income tax (benefit

   98,683   33,793   (2,955)  5,798   (463)  134,856 

Income tax expense (benefit)

   —     21,916   (1,336)  2,280   —     22,860 






Net income (loss)

  $98,683  $11,877  $(1,619) $3,518  $(463) $111,996 






December 31, 2003:


Total assets

  $563,930  $814,478  $20,502  $17,276  $(16,229) $1,399,957 






Intersegment revenues and expenses that were eliminated in consolidation were2007 are summarized as follows (dollars in thousands):





Amounts paid to (received from) mortgage portfolio management from (to) mortgage lending:


Interest income on intercompany debt

  $12,819  $8,200  $8,124 

Guaranty, commitment, loan sale and securitization fees

   9,494   10,833   9,244 

Interest income on warehouse borrowings

   100   47   —   

Gain on sale of mortgage securities – available-for-sale retained in securitizations

   (2,073)  (2,800)  —   

Amounts paid to (received from) mortgage portfolio management from (to) loan servicing:


Loan servicing fees

  $(251) $(423) $(685)

Amounts paid to (received from) branch operations from (to) mortgage lending:


Lender premium (A)

  $16,878  $27,269  $5,509 

Subsidized fees

   —     24   3,325 

Interest income on warehouse line

   (49)  (39)  —   

Fee income on warehouse line

   (13)  (30)  —   

Gain on sales of loans

   641   —     —   

For the Years Ended
December 31,
  2008  2007 
Interest income $1,173  $102,648 
Interest expense  (12)  79,483 
Net interest income  1,185   23,165 
Other operating (expense) income:        
Gains (losses) on sales of mortgage assets  1,281   (2,579)
Gains (losses) on derivative instruments  -   (4,913)
Valuation adjustment on mortgage loans – held-for-sale  (3,331)  (101,125)
Fee income  903   22,900 
Premiums for mortgage loan insurance  -   (2,668)
Other income  409   (6,777)
Total other operating expense  (738)  (95,162)
General and administrative expenses (A)  36,187   (184,783)
Gain (loss) from discontinued operations before income tax expense  36,634   (256,780)
Income tax expense  13,804   - 
Gain (loss) income from discontinued operations $22,830  $(256,780)


(A)Approximately $5.4The general and administrative expenses line includes the reversal of a $45.2 million and $19.1 million of this elimination is related to discontinued operations for the yearsliability during year ended December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively.2008 which was recorded in connection with the judgment rendered against NHMI in the California Action by AIM, the settlement of which became final as of September 11, 2008.

Mortgage Loans – Held-for-Sale

Mortgage loans – held-for-sale, all of which are secured by residential properties, consisted of the following as of December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007 (dollars in thousands):

December 31, 
31, 2007
Mortgage loans – held-for-sale:      
Outstanding principal $15,578  $17,545 
Allowance for the lower of cost or fair value  (14,461)  (12,292)
Mortgage loans – held-for-sale $1,117  $5,253 
Weighted average coupon  10.13%  10.23%

Activity in the allowance for the lower of cost or fair value on mortgage loans – held-for-sale is as follows for years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively (dollars in thousands):

For the Year Ended December
  2008  2007 
Balance, beginning of period $12,292  $5,006 
Valuation adjustment on mortgage loans - held-for-sale  3,331   101,125 
Transfer from the reserve for loan repurchases  -   23,206 
Transfer to cost basis of mortgage loans – held-in-portfolio  -   (14,843)
Reduction due to loans securitized or sold to third parties  -   (82,384)
Transfers to real estate owned  239   (19,818)
Charge-offs, net of recoveries  (1,401)  - 
Balance, end of period $14,461  $12,292 

Loan Securitizations and Loan Sales

Loan Securitizations.  The Company executed loan securitization transactions that are accounted for as sales of loans. Derivative instruments were transferred into the trusts as part of each of these sales transactions to reduce interest rate risk to the third-party bondholders.

There were no securitizations structured as sales during the year ended December 31, 2008.  Details of the securitizations structured as sales during the years ended December 31, 2007 are as follows (dollars in thousands):

Allocated Value of
Retained Interests
Net Bond
of Loans
Fair Value
NMFT Series 2007-2 $1,331,299  $9,766  $56,387  $1,400,000  $4,161  $4,981 


In 2004,this securitization, the Company retained residual securities (representing interest-only securities, prepayment penalty bonds and overcollateralization bonds) and certain subordinated securities representing subordinated interests in the underlying cash flows and servicing responsibilities. The value of the Company’s retained securities is subject to credit, prepayment, and interest rate risks on the transferred financial assets.

During 2007, U.S. government-sponsored enterprises purchased 50% of the bonds sold to the third-party investors in the Company’s securitization transaction. The investors and securitization trusts have no recourse to the Company’s assets for failure of borrowers to pay when due except when defects occur in the loan documentation and underwriting process, either through processing errors made by the Company or through intentional or unintentional misrepresentations made by the borrower or agents during those processes. Refer to Note 7 for further discussion.

As described in Note 1, fair value of the residual securities at the date of securitization is either measured by the whole loan price methodology or the discount rate methodology. For the whole loan price methodology, an implied yield (discount rate) is calculated based on SFAS No. 91, “Accounting for Nonrefundable Feesthe value derived and Costs Associated with Originating or Acquiring Loans and Initial Direct Costs of Leases”,using projected cash flows generated using key economic assumptions. Comparatively, under the discount rate methodology, the Company deferred certain nonrefundable fees and direct costs associatedassumes a discount rate that it believes is commensurate with current market conditions.

Key economic assumptions used to project cash flows at the originationtime of loan securitization during the year ended December 31, 2007 were as follows:

NovaStar Mortgage
Funding Trust Series
Average Life
 (in Years)
Expected Total Credit Losses, Net
of Mortgage Insurance (A)
2007-2  34%  2.31   5.7%  20%

(A)Represents expected credit losses for the life of the securitization up to the expected date in which the related asset-backed bonds can be called.

Fair value of the subordinated securities at the date of securitization is based on quoted market prices.

Loan Sales.  The Company executes all of its sales of loans to third parties with servicing released. Gains and losses on whole loan sales are recognized in the branch operations segment which were subsequently brokeredperiod the sale occurs.

The Company sold no mortgage loans during 2008 as compared to theapproximately $969.1 million during 2007.  The Company sold $668.8 million of mortgage lending segment. The mortgage lending segment ultimately funded the loans and then sold the loans either through securitizations or outright salesheld-for-sale at a price of 91.5% of par to third parties. The net deferred cost (income) became partWachovia during 2007 in an effort to reduce margin call risk.  In light of the 91.5% sale price, a lower of cost basisor market valuation adjustment of the loans and served to either increase (net deferred income) or decrease (net deferred cost) the gain or loss recognized by the mortgage lending and servicing segment. In 2004, these transactions were accounted for in the eliminations column. In 2005, the branch operations segment began originating and selling these loans to the mortgage lending segment instead of brokering the loans as in prior years. Therefore, the Company began recording the net deferred cost (income) to the branch operations segment instead of through the eliminations column. The following table summarizes these amountsapproximately $47.0 million was recorded for the year ended December 31, 20052007, respectively.  These adjustments are included in the “Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of income tax” line item on the Company’s consolidated statements of operations.

The Company generally has an obligation to repurchase whole loans sold in circumstances in which the borrower fails to make any of the first several (generally not more than the first three) payments. Additionally, the Company is also required to repay all or a portion of the premium it receives on the sale of whole loans in the event that the loan is prepaid in its entirety in the first year. The Company records a reserve for losses on repurchased loans upon the sale of the mortgage loans which is included in the liabilities of discontinued operations on the Company’s  consolidated balance sheets.  The reserve for losses on repurchased loans is reversed through the provision for repurchased loans when the repurchase time period expires.

Activity in the reserve for repurchases was as follows for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 (dollars in thousands):

For the Years Ended
December 31,
  2008  2007 
Balance, beginning of period $2,153  $24,773 
Provision for repurchased loans  (1,782)  3,254 
Transfer to the allowance for the lower of cost of fair value on mortgage loans – held for sale  -   (23,206)
Charge-offs, net  (276)  (2,668)
Balance, end of period $95  $2,153 
Mortgage Servicing Rights

The Company recorded mortgage servicing rights arising from the transfer of loans to securitization trusts.


The Company sold all of its mortgage servicing rights and servicing advances relating to its securitizations.  The transaction closed on November 1, 2007 and the Company received total proceeds of $154.9 million after deduction of expenses.  The mortgage servicing rights and servicing related advances sold for $95.0 million and $62.9 million, respectively.  The Company removed $47.3 million of mortgage servicing rights from its consolidated balance sheet and recorded a gain of $19.8 million which is included in the Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of income tax line item of the consolidated statements of operations.  The $95.0 million of proceeds also included $22.8 million for mortgage servicing rights related to the Company’s securitizations structured as financings where no mortgage servicing rights have been recorded by the Company.
The following schedule summarizes the carrying value of mortgage servicing rights and the activity during the year ended December 31, 2007 (dollars in thousands):

Balance, beginning of period $62,830 
Amount capitalized in connection with transfer of loans to securitization trusts  9,766 
Amortization  (25,252)
Sale of mortgage servicing rights  (47,344)
Balance, end of period $- 

When the Company was the servicer, it received annual servicing fees approximating 0.50% of the outstanding balance and rights to future cash flows arising after the investors in the securitization trusts have received the return for which they contracted. Servicing fees received from the securitization trusts were $43.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2007. During the year ended December 31, 2007 the Company paid $32,000 to cover losses on delinquent or foreclosed loans from securitizations in which the Company did not maintain control over the mortgage loans transferred.
The Company held, as custodian, principal and interest collected from borrowers on behalf of the securitization trusts, as well as funds collected from borrowers to ensure timely payment of hazard and primary mortgage insurance and property taxes related to the properties securing the loans. These funds were not owned by the Company and were held in trust.  The Company held no funds as custodian as of December 31, 2008 and 2007.
Short-term Borrowings

$1.9 Billion Comprehensive Financing Facility




Gains on sales of mortgage assets

  $(140) $8,472 

Fee income

   —     (11,277)

General & administrative expenses

   —     10,182 

Loss from discontinued operations

   —     (7,236)

.  In May 2007, the Company executed a $1.9 billion comprehensive financing facility arranged by Wachovia.  On May 9, 2008, the Company fully repaid all outstanding borrowings with Wachovia and all agreements were terminated effective the same day.

The Company had no repurchase agreements used in connection with discontinued operations as of December 31, 2008. The following table summarizes the Company’s repurchase agreements used in connection with discontinued operations as of December 31, 2007 (dollars in thousands):

Days to
December 31, 2007          
Short-term borrowings (indexed to one-  month LIBOR):
Repurchase agreement expiring May 8, 2008 (A)

(A)Eligible collateral for this agreement was both mortgage loans and mortgage securities.  The maximum borrowing capacity under this facility was reduced by the amount of borrowings outstanding from time to time with this lender under related facilities.

The following table presents certain information on the Company’s repurchase agreements related to discontinued operations for the year ended December 31, 2007 (dollars in thousands):

  2007 (A) 
Maximum month-end outstanding balance during the period $2,339,431 
Average balance outstanding during the period  865,495 
Weighted average rate for period  6.80
Weighted average interest rate at period end  4.57

(A)Information pertaining to the year ended December 31, 2008, was not included as the outstanding balance was paid off during May 2008.


The Company’s mortgage loans and certain servicing related advances were pledged as collateral on these borrowings.

Repurchase agreements generally contain margin calls under which a portion of the borrowings must be repaid if the fair value of the assets collateralizing the repurchase agreements falls below a contractual ratio to the borrowings outstanding.
There was no accrued interest on the Company’s repurchase agreements used in connection with discontinued operations as of December 31, 2008 and 2007.
Commitments and Contingencies

The Company had no outstanding commitments to originate, purchase or sell loans at December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007.
In the ordinary course of the Company’s mortgage lending business, the Company sold whole pools of loans with recourse for borrower defaults. When whole pools are sold as opposed to securitized, the third party has recourse against the Company for certain borrower defaults. Because the loans are no longer on the Company’s balance sheet, the recourse component is considered a guarantee. During 2008 the Company sold no loans with recourse for borrower defaults as compared to $912.9 million in 2007.  The Company maintained a reserve of $0.1 million related to these guarantees as of December 31, 2008 compared with a reserve of $2.2 million as of December 31, 2007. During 2008 and 2007, the Company paid $0.1 million and $104.3 million, respectively, in cash to repurchase loans sold to third parties.
In the ordinary course of the Company’s mortgage lending business, the Company sold loans to securitization trusts and guarantees losses suffered by the trusts resulting from defects in the loan origination process. Defects may occur in the loan documentation and underwriting process, either through processing errors made by the Company or through intentional or unintentional misrepresentations made by the borrower or agents during those processes. If a defect is identified, the Company is required to repurchase the loan. As of December 31, 2008 and 2007 the Company had loans sold with recourse with an outstanding principal balance of $8.1 billion and $10.1 billion, respectively. Historically, repurchases of loans where a defect has occurred have been insignificant; therefore, the Company has recorded no reserves related to these guarantees.
Note 17. Commitments. The Company leases office space under various operating lease agreements. Rent expense for 2008 and 2007, under leases related to discontinued operations, aggregated $2.8 million and $9.3 million, respectively. At December 31, 2008, future minimum lease commitments under those leases are as follows (dollars in thousands):
2009 $1,465 
2010  1,057 
2011  497 
2012  212 

The Company has entered into various lease agreements pursuant to which the lessor agreed to repay the Company for certain existing lease obligations.  The Company has recorded deferred lease incentives related to these payments which will be amortized into rent expense over the life of the respective lease on a straight-line basis. There were no deferred lease incentives related to discontinued operations as of December 31, 2008.   Deferred lease incentives related to discontinued operations as of December 31, 2007 were $54,000.

The Company has also entered into various sublease agreements for office space formerly occupied by the Company. The Company received approximately $0.5 million and $1.1 million in 2008 and 2007, respectively under these agreements. At December 31, 2008, future minimum rental receipts under these subleases are as follows (dollars in thousands):
2009 $        681 
2010  576 
2011  419 
2012  177 

Fair Value Accounting

Effective January 1, 2007, the Company adopted SFAS 157 and SFAS 159. Both standards address aspects of the expanding application of fair value accounting.


Fair Value Measurements (SFAS 157)

SFAS 157 defines fair value, establishes a consistent framework for measuring fair value and expands disclosure requirements about fair value measurements. SFAS 157, among other things, requires the Company to maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs when measuring fair value.

The following tables provide quantitative disclosures about the fair value measurements for the Company’s assets related to discontinued operations which are measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis as of December 31, 2008 and 2007(dollars in thousands):

    Fair Value Measurements at Reporting Date Using 
Fair Value at
December 31,
Quoted Prices in
Active Markets for
Identical Assets
(Level 1)
Significant Other
Observable Inputs
(Level 2)
Unobservable Inputs
(Level 3)
Mortgage loans-held-for-sale  $1,117  $-  $-  $1,117 
Real estate owned   324   -   -   324 
Total  $1,441  $-  $-  $1,441 

Fair Value at
December 31,
Quoted Prices in
Active Markets for
Identical Assets
(Level 1)
Significant Other
Observable Inputs
(Level 2)
Unobservable Inputs
(Level 3)
Mortgage loans-held-for-sale $5,253  $-  $-  $5,253 
Real estate owned  2,574   -   -   2,574 
Total $7,827  $-  $-  $7,827 

The Company’s mortgage loans held-for-sale have a fair value lower than their cost basis of $14.5 million and $12.3 million as of December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively.  Therefore, all mortgage loans held-for-sale have been written down to fair value. The Company recorded valuation adjustments of $3.3 million and $101.1 million on mortgage loans – held-for-sale for the year ended December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively.  At the time a mortgage loan held-for-sale becomes real estate owned, the Company records the property at the lower of its carrying amount or fair value.  Upon foreclosure and through liquidation, the Company evaluates the property's fair value as compared to its carrying amount and records a valuation adjustment when the carrying amount exceeds fair value.  For mortgage loans held-for-sale, valuation adjustments for discontinued operations are recorded in the “(Loss) income from discontinued operations, net of income tax” line item of the Company's consolidated statements of operations. 

The following table provides a summary of the impact to earnings for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 from the Company’s assets and liabilities which are measured at fair value on a recurring and nonrecurring basis as of the periods indicated (dollars in thousands):

Asset or Liability
Measured at Fair
Fair Value
Fair Value
Adjustments for
the Year Ended
December 31, 2008
Fair Value
Adjustments for the
Year Ended
December 31, 2007
Statement of Operations
Line Item Impacted
Mortgage loans held-for-sale Nonrecurring $(3,331) $(101,125)Valuation adjustment on mortgage loans – held-for-sale
Real estate owned Nonrecurring  (656)  (6,250)(Losses) gains on sales of mortgage assets
Total fair value losses   $(3,987) $(107,375) 

Valuation Methods

Mortgage loans - held-for-sale and real estate owned

Mortgage loans - held-for-sale are carried at the lower of cost or fair value.  As of December 31, 2008 and 2007, the Company estimated the fair value of its mortgage loans – held-for-sale based on 2 categories.  All loans which had mortgage insurance were marked down to a value which reflects current market pricing for such assets.  In 2007, the Company received market bids for the pool of assets with mortgage insurance and believes the market bids to be indicative of the net realizable value of the loans.  All loans which did not have mortgage insurance were valued at zero due to their nonperforming characteristics.


Real estate owned is carried at the lower of cost or fair value.  The Company values individual real estate owned based on historical and expected loss experience, taking into consideration whether or not the loan carries mortgage insurance.

Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities

The Company had terminated all of its derivative instruments related to discontinued operations as of December 31, 2007.

The Company’s derivative instruments included in discontinued operations did not meet the requirements for hedge accounting. However, these derivative instruments contributed to the Company’s overall risk management strategy by serving to reduce interest rate risk on average short-term borrowings collateralized by the Company’s loans held-for-sale.   The Company used both interest rate cap and swap agreements related to its discontinued operations.

No premiums were paid related to interest rate cap agreements during 2008.   For 2007, premiums paid related to interest rate cap agreements aggregated $1.9 million. When premiums are financed by the Company, a liability is recorded for the premium obligation. The Company had no premiums due to counterparties as of December 31, 2008 and 2007 related to its discontinued operations.

Exit or Disposal Activities

During 2007, management of the Company committed the Company to workforce reductions pursuant to Exit Plans. The Company undertook these Exit Plans to align its organization with changing conditions in the mortgage market and as a result of the sale of its mortgage servicing rights portfolio. The Exit Plans resulted in the elimination of approximately 1,316 positions in 2007. The Exit Plans were approved and concluded in 2007.

During the year ended December 31, 2007, the Company recorded pre-tax charges of $11.3 million related to one-time employment termination benefits for the Exit Plans. These amounts are included in the “Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of income tax” line item of the Company’s consolidated statements of operations.  The Company had no liability as of December 31, 2007 remaining to be paid under the Exit Plans.

The Company also recorded charges related to the abandonment of property, plant and equipment and termination costs related to leases for the Exit Plans.  The charges related to property, plant and equipment for the year ended December 31, 2007 aggregated approximately $12.2 million, while the charges related to leases aggregated approximately $3.4 million during the year ended December 31, 2007.

Fair Value of Financial Instruments

The following disclosure of the estimated fair value of financial instruments presents amounts that have been determined using available market information and appropriate valuation methodologies. However, considerable judgment is required to interpret market data to develop the estimates of fair value. Accordingly, the estimates presented herein are not necessarily indicative of the amounts that could be realized in a current market exchange. The use of different market assumptions or estimation methodologies could have a material impact on the estimated fair value amounts.

The estimated fair values of the Company’s financial instruments related to discontinued operations are as follows as of December 31, 2008 and 2007 (dollars in thousands):



   Carrying Value

  Fair Value

  Carrying Value

  Fair Value

Financial assets:


Cash and cash equivalents

  $264,694  $264,694  $268,563  $268,563

Mortgage loans:



   1,291,556   1,298,244   747,594   758,932


   28,840   29,452   59,527   61,214

Mortgage securities - available-for-sale

   505,645   505,645   489,175   489,175

Mortgage securities - trading

   43,738   43,738   143,153   143,153

Mortgage servicing rights

   57,122   71,897   42,010   58,616

Deposits with derivative instrument counterparties

   4,370   4,370   6,700   6,700

Accrued interest receivable

   4,866   4,866   2,841   2,841

Financial liabilities:





   1,418,569   1,418,569   905,528   905,528

Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage loans

   26,949   26,949   53,453   53,453

Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities

   125,630   123,965   336,441   336,726

Accrued interest payable

   3,676   3,676   1,977   1,977

Derivative instruments:


Interest rate cap agreements

   5,105   5,105   5,819   5,819

Interest rate swap agreements

   3,290   3,290   6,143   6,143

  2008  2007 
  Carrying Value  Fair Value  
  Fair Value 
Financial assets:            
Mortgage loans – held-for-sale $1,117  $1,117  $5,253  $5,253 
Financial liabilities:                
    Short-term borrowings  -   -   19   19 

Mortgage loans – held-for-sale – The fair value of mortgage loans - held-for-sale is based on two categories.  All loans that had mortgage insurance were marked down to a value which reflects current market pricing for such assets.  The Company received market bids for the pool of loans with mortgage insurance and believes the market bids to be indicative of the net realizable value of the loans.  All loans which did not have mortgage insurance were valued at zero due to their nonperforming characteristics.

Borrowings – The fair value of short-term borrowings approximates their carrying value as the borrowings were paid off during 2008 at their carrying value.


Note 15. Segment Reporting

As of December 31, 2008, the Company reviews, manages and operates its business in one segment: mortgage portfolio management. Mortgage portfolio management operating results come from the income generated on the mortgage assets the Company manages less associated costs. As discussed under Note 14, the Company discontinued its mortgage lending and loan servicing segments during 2007 and had discontinued its branch operations in 2006.  The mortgage portfolio management segment’s operating results for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 are the same as the Company’s  consolidated statements of operations.

Note 16. Earnings Per Share

The computations of basic and diluted earnings per share for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 are as follows (dollars in thousands, except per share amounts):

For the Year Ended December
  2008  2007 
Loss from continuing operations $(683,312) $(467,497)
Dividends on preferred shares  (15,273)  (8,805)
Loss from continuing operations available to common shareholders  (698,585)  (476,302)
Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of income tax  22,830   (256,780)
Loss available to common shareholders $(675,755) $(733,082)
Weighted average common shares outstanding – basic  9,338,131   9,332,405 
Weighted average common shares outstanding – dilutive:        
Weighted average common shares outstanding – basic  9,338,131   9,332,405 
Stock options  -   - 
Restricted stock  -   - 
Weighted average common shares outstanding – dilutive  9,338,131   9,332,405 
Basic earnings per share:        
Loss from continuing operations $(73.17) $(50.10)
Dividends on preferred shares  (1.64)  (0.94)
Loss from continuing operations available to common shareholders  (74.81)  (51.04)
Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of income tax  2.44)  (27.51)
Net loss available to common shareholders $(72.37) $(78.55)
Diluted earnings per share:        
Loss from continuing operations $(73.17) $(50.10)
Dividends on preferred shares  (1.64)  (0.94)
Loss from continuing operations available to common shareholders  (74.81)  (51.04)
Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of income tax  2.44)  (27.51)
Net loss available to common shareholders $(72.37) $(78.55)

The following stock options to purchase shares of common stock and shares of restricted stock were outstanding during each period presented, but were not included in the computation of diluted earnings per share because the effect would be antidilutive (in thousands, except exercise prices):

For the Year Ended
December 31,
 2008 2007 
Number of stock options and restricted stock (in thousands) 206  340 
Weighted average exercise price of stock options $57.36 $35.88 


Note 17. Income Taxes

The components of income tax expense (benefit) attributable to continuing operations for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 were as follows (dollars in thousands):

For the Year Ended
December 31,
  2008   2007(A) 
Federal $(2,804) $21,422 
State and local  (985)  3,470 
Total current  (3,789)  24,892 
Federal  (12,293)  36,706 
State and local  (1,512)  4,914 
Total deferred  (13,805)  41,620 
Total income tax expense (benefit) $(17,594) $66,512 

(A)Does not reflect the deferred tax effects of unrealized gains and losses on mortgage securities-available-for-sale and derivative financial instruments that are included in shareholders’ equity. As a result of these tax effects, shareholders’ equity increased by $1.9 million in 2007.  Additionally, it does not reflect the deferred tax effects of a contribution of securities and the write-off of net operating losses related to equity based compensation recorded to additional paid-in-capital of $7.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2007.

A reconciliation of the expected federal income tax expense (benefit) using the federal statutory tax rate of 35 percent to the Company’s actual income tax expense (benefit) and resulting effective tax rate from continuing operations for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 were as follows (dollars in thousands):

For the Year Ended
December 31,
  2008  2007 
Income tax at statutory rate $(245,317) $(140,345)
State income taxes, net of federal tax benefit  (12,028)  (29,618)
Tax effect of REIT termination effective January 1, 2006  -   (51,476)
Valuation allowance  250,161   276,967 
Interest and penalties  1,581   8,132 
Tax benefit of gain recorded in discontinued operations  (13,804)  - 
Other  1,813   2,852 
Total income tax expense (benefit) $(17,594) $66,512 

Significant components of the Company’s deferred tax assets and liabilities at December 31, 2008 and 2007 were as follows (dollars in thousands):


December 31,
December 31, 
Deferred tax assets:      
Basis difference – investments $377,129  $229,371 
Federal net operating loss carryforwards  93,783   60,335 
Accrued litigation  75   17,887 
Allowance for loan losses  106,073   25,375 
State net operating loss carryforwards  13,922   14,964 
Deferred compensation  -   7,070 
Excess inclusion income  3,918   4,932 
Loan sale recourse obligations  36   811 
Other  9,980   8,650 
Gross deferred tax asset  604,916   369,395 
Valuation allowance  (601,110)  (368,312)
Deferred tax asset  3,806   1,083 
Deferred tax liabilities:        
Other  3,806   1,083 
Deferred tax liability  3,806   1,083 
Net deferred tax asset $-  $- 

Based on the evidence available as of December 31, 2008, including the significant pre-tax losses incurred by the Company in 2008 and 2007, the liquidity issues facing the Company and the decision by the Company to close all of its mortgage lending and loan servicing operations, the Company believes that it is more likely than not that the Company will not realize its deferred tax assets.

In determining the amount of valuation allowance to record as of December 31, 2008, the Company concluded that it is more likely than not that the entire net deferred tax asset will not be realized.  Based on these conclusions, the Company recorded a valuation allowance of $601.1 million for deferred tax assets as of December 31, 2008 compared to $368.3 million as of December 31, 2007.

As of December 31, 2008, the Company had a federal net operating loss of approximately $267.9 million.  The federal net operating loss may be carried forward to offset future taxable income, subject to applicable provisions of the Code, including substantial limitations in the event of an “ownership change” as defined in Section 382 of the Code. If not used, this net operating loss will expire in years 2025 through 2028.  The Company has state net operating loss carryovers arising from both combined and separate filings from as early as 2004.  The loss carryovers may expire as early as 2010 and as late as 2028.

Effective January 1, 2007, the Company adopted FIN 48.  FIN 48 requires a company to evaluate whether a tax position taken by the company will “more likely than not” be sustained upon examination by the appropriate taxing authority.  It also provides guidance on how a company should measure the amount of benefit that the company is to recognize in its financial statements.  As a result of the implementation of FIN 48, the Company recorded a $1.1 million net liability as an increase to the opening balance of accumulated deficit.  As of January 1, 2007, the total gross amount of unrecognized tax benefits was $1.0 million and the total amount of unrecognized tax benefits that would impact the effective tax rate, if recognized, was $0.6 million.

As of December 31, 2008, the total gross amount of unrecognized tax benefits was $0.5 million which also represents the total amount of unrecognized tax benefits that would impact the effective tax rate.  The Company does not expect the unrecognized tax benefit to change in the next twelve months.

During 2008, the Company requested the Internal Revenue Service to issue a closing agreement or determination letter with respect to an uncertain tax position taken by the Company in 2007.  The Company received a response from the Internal Revenue Service and has adjusted the FIN 48 liability accordingly.  The unrecognized tax benefit related to the uncertain tax position was $5.4 million as of December 31, 2007.

It is the Company’s policy to recognize interest and penalties related to income tax matters in income tax expense.  Interest and penalties recorded in income tax expense was $1.6 and $8.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively. Accrued interest and penalties was $2.0 million and $3.0 million as of December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively.

The Company and its subsidiaries are subject to U.S. federal income tax as well as income tax of multiple state and local jurisdictions. Tax years 2006 to 2008 remain open to examination for U.S. federal income tax. Tax years 2005 – 2008 remain open for major state tax jurisdictions.


The activity in the accrued liability for unrecognized tax benefits for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 was as follows (dollars in thousands):

  2008  2007 
Beginning balance $6,329  $962 
Gross decreases – tax positions in prior period  (5,367)  - 
Gross increases – tax positions in current period  -   5,367 
Lapse of statute of limitations  (482)  - 
Ending balance $480  $6,329 

Management believes it has adequately provided for potential tax liabilities that may be assessed for years in which the statute of limitations remains open.  However, if there were an assessment of any material liability it may adversely affect the Company’s financial condition, liquidity and ability to continue as a going concern.

Note 18. Employee Benefit Plans
The NovaStar Financial, Inc. 401(k) Plan (the “Plan”) is a defined contribution plan which allows eligible employees to save for retirement through pretax contributions. Under the Plan, employees of the Company may contribute up to the statutory limit. The Company may elect to match a certain percentage of participants’ contributions. The Company may also elect to make a discretionary contribution, which is allocated to participants based on each participant’s compensation. No company contributions were made to the Plan for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007.  As a result of the Exit Plans described in Note 14, the Plan was subject to a partial termination during 2007.

The Company had a Deferred Compensation Plan (the “DCP”) that was a nonqualified deferred compensation plan that benefited certain designated key members of management and highly compensated employees and allowed them to defer payment of a portion of their compensation to future years. Under the DCP, an employee could defer up to 50% of their base salary, bonus and/or commissions on a pretax basis. The Company could make both discretionary and/or matching contributions to the DCP on behalf of DCP participants.  The Company made no contributions to the DCP for the year ended December 31, 2007.   The DCP was terminated effective December 31, 2007 and all assets, which included $7.5 million in cash and Company stock, were distributed in January 2008 as a result of prior distribution elections and such termination.

Note 19. Stock Compensation Plans

On June 8, 2004, the Company’s 1996 Stock Option Plan (the “1996 Plan”) was replaced by the 2004 Incentive Stock Plan (the “2004 Plan”). The 2004 Plan provides for the grant of qualified incentive stock options (“ISOs”), non-qualified stock options (“NQSOs”), deferred stock, restricted stock, restricted stock units, performance share awards, dividend equivalent rights (“DERs”) and stock appreciation awards (“SARs”). The Company has granted ISOs, NQSOs, restricted stock, performance share awards and DERs. ISOs may be granted to employees of the Company. NQSOs, DERs, SARs and stock awards may be granted to the directors, officers, employees, agents and consultants of the Company or any subsidiaries. The Company registered 625,000 shares of common stock under the 2004 Plan, of which approximately 536,000 shares were available for future issuances as of December 31, 2008. The 2004 Plan will remain in effect unless terminated by the Board of Directors or no shares of stock remain available for awards to be granted. The Company’s policy is to issue new shares upon option exercise.

Effective January 1, 2006, the Company adopted provisions of SFAS No. 123(R). The Company selected the modified prospective method of adoption. The Company recorded stock-based compensation expense of $0.1 million and $0.7 million for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively. There was no income tax benefit recognized in the income statement for stock-based compensation arrangements in 2008 and 2007.  As of December 31, 2008, there was $0.7 million of total unrecognized compensation cost related to non-vested share-based compensation arrangements granted. The cost is expected to be amortized over a weighted average period of 1.68 years.

The Company adopted an Equity Award Policy on February 12, 2007 governing the grant of equity awards. In general, equity awards may be granted only at a meeting of the Compensation Committee or the entire Board during the “Trading Window,” as defined in the Company’s Insider Trading and Disclosure Policy for Designated Insiders. The Trading Window for a particular quarter is open beginning on the second business day following an earnings release with respect to the prior quarter until the 15th day of the third month of the quarter. The exercise price (if applicable) of all equity awards will be equal to the price at which the Company’s common stock was last sold on the date of grant.

On May 23, 2008 the Company granted 5,000 stock options to directors with an exercise price of $1.65, which was the closing market price on the NYSE of the Company’s common stock on the date of grant.  The options granted vested immediately.

Grants of long-term equity awards for 2007 were made on March 14, 2007, in accordance with the Company’s Equity Award Policy. On that date 206,096 stock options were granted to employees with an exercise price of $16.72, which was the closing market price on the NYSE of the Company’s common stock on that date. The options granted are subject to a four year vesting period.


During the second quarter of 2007 the Company granted 6,000 stock options to employees with an exercise price of $25.68, which was the closing market price on the NYSE of the Company’s common stock on May 3, 2007, the date of grant.  The options granted are subject to a four year vesting period.

On May 7, 2007 the Company granted 5,000 stock options to directors with an exercise price of $27.36, which was the closing market price on the NYSE of the Company’s common stock on the date of grant.  The options granted vested immediately.

All options have been granted at exercise prices greater than or equal to the estimated fair value of the underlying stock at the date of grant. Outstanding options generally vest equally over four years and expire ten years after the date of grant.

The following table summarizes the weighted average fair value of options granted for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively, determined using the Black-Scholes option pricing model and the assumptions used in their determination. Due to the unusual market conditions and significant volatility in the Company’s stock price during 2007, the expected volatility for options granted in 2007 was based on historical volatility of the Company’s stock.  The historical volatility was estimated based on a period of time during the Company’s past which management believed would be representative of the expected volatility for the life of the options granted.  The expected life is a significant assumption as it determines the period for which the risk free interest rate, volatility and dividend yield must be applied. The expected life is the period over which employees and directors are expected to hold their options and is based on the Company’s historical experience with similar grants. The Company’s options have DERs and accordingly, the assumed dividend yield was zero for these options.

  2008  2007 
Weighted average:      
Fair value, at date of grant $1.40  $10.06 
Expected life in years  10   5 
Annual risk-free interest rate  3.84%  4.46%
Volatility  84.3%  65.0%
Dividend yield  0.0%  0.0%

The following table summarizes activity, pricing and other information for the Company’s stock options activity for the year ended December 31, 2008:

Stock Options 
Number of
Exercise Price
Weighted Average
Contractual Term
Intrinsic Value
(in thousands)
Outstanding at the beginning of the year 267,342 $47.81      
Granted 5,000  1.65      
Exercised -  -      
Forfeited or expired (111,945) 34.62      
Outstanding at the end of the year 160,397 $55.63 5.01 $(8,880
Exercisable at the end of the year 114,612 $65.32 3.80 $(7,456
Stock options expected to vest at the end of the year 22,835 $38.29 8.05 $(1,424

The following table summarizes activity, pricing and other information for the Company’s stock options activity for the year ended December 31, 2007:


Stock Options 
Number of
Term (Years)
Value (in
Outstanding at the beginning of the year 124,432 $94.60      
Granted 217,101  15.08      
Exercised (6,875) 30.48      
Forfeited or expired (67,316) 37.41      
Outstanding at the end of the year 267,342 $47.81 7.94 $(12,009)
Exercisable at the end of the year 81,499 $77.45 5.52 $(6,076)
Stock options expected to vest at the end of the year 41,468 $68.23 8.56 $(2,710)

There were no options exercised during the year ended December 31, 2008.  The total intrinsic value of options exercised during the years ended December 31, 2007 was $51,925. The total fair value of options vested during the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 was 1.0 million and $0.8 million, respectively.

For options that vested prior to January 1, 2005, a recipient is entitled to receive additional shares of stock upon the exercise of options as a result of DERs associated with the option. For employees, the DERs accrue at a rate equal to the number of options outstanding times sixty percent of the dividends per share amount at each dividend payment date. For directors, the DERs accrue at a rate equal to the number of options outstanding times the dividends per share amount at each dividend payment date. The accrued DERs convert to shares based on the stock’s fair value on the dividend payment date. There were no options exercised during 2008.  Certain of the options exercised in 2007 had DERs payable in additional shares of stock attached to them when issued.   As a result of these exercises, an additional 8,766 shares of common stock were issued in 2007.
For options granted after January 1, 2005, a recipient is entitled to receive DERs paid in cash upon vesting of the options. The DERs accrue at a rate equal to the number of options outstanding times the dividends per share amount at each dividend payment date. The DERs begin accruing immediately upon grant, but are not paid until the options vest.
The Company did not grant and issue shares of restricted stock during 2008.  The Company granted and issued shares of restricted stock during 2007.  These awards vest at the end of 5 years

During 2005, the Company granted restricted shares to employees and officers under Performance Contingent Deferred Stock Award Agreements. Under the agreements, the Company would have issued shares of restricted stock if certain performance targets were achieved by the Company within a three-year period. As of December 31, 2007 which is the end of the three-year period, the targets were not achieved and the shares were subsequently forfeited.

In November 2004, the Company entered into a Performance Contingent Deferred Stock Award Agreement with an executive of the Company. Under the agreement, the Company will issue shares of restricted stock if certain performance targets based on wholesale nonconforming origination volume are achieved by the Company within a five-year period. The shares vest equally over four years upon issuance. The agreement was terminated in 2007.

The following tables present information on restricted stock outstanding as of December 31, 2008 and 2007.

  December 31, 2008  December 31, 2007 
Number of
Grant Date
Fair Value
Grant Date
Fair Value
Outstanding at the beginning of year  107,211  $36.50   55,219  $111.52 
Granted  -   -   115,463   16.72 
Vested  (1,745)  185.68   (2,237)  185.68 
Forfeited  (71,220)  33.96   (61,234)  28.55 
Outstanding at the end of period  34,246  $38.38   107,211  $36.50 

There was no restricted stock granted during the year ended December 31, 2008.  The weighted average grant date fair value of restricted stock granted during the years ended December 31, 2007 was $16.72.


Note 20.  Fair Value of Financial Instruments

The following disclosure of the estimated fair value of financial instruments presents amounts that have been determined using available market information and appropriate valuation methodologies. However, considerable judgment is required to interpret market data to develop the estimates of fair value. Accordingly, the estimates presented herein are not necessarily indicative of the amounts that could be realized in a current market exchange. The use of different market assumptions or estimation methodologies could have a material impact on the estimated fair value amounts.

The estimated fair values of the Company’s financial instruments related to continuing operations are as follows as of December 31, 2008 and 2007 (dollars in thousands): 

  2008 2007 
  Fair Value 
Financial assets:            
Cash and cash equivalents $24,790  $24,790  $25,364  $25,364 
Restricted cash  6,046   5,595   8,998   8,998 
Mortgage loans - held-in-portfolio  1,772,838   1,772,838   2,870,013   2,459,105 
Mortgage securities - trading  7,085   7,085   109,203   109,203 
Mortgage securities - available-for-sale  12,788   12,788   33,371   33,371 
Accrued interest receivable  77,292   77,292   61,704   61,704 
Financial liabilities:                
Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage loans  2,599,351   1,772,838   3,065,746   2,410,894 
Asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities  5,376   5,376   74,385   74,385 
Short-term  -   -   45,488   45,488 
Junior subordinated debentures  77,323   6,248   83,561   83,561 
Accrued interest payable  10,242   10,242   6,903   6,903 
Derivative instruments:                
Interest rate cap agreements  (8)  (8)  (85)  (85
Interest rate swap agreements  9,302   9,302   9,441   9,441 
Credit-default swap agreements  (193)  (193)  (2,460)  (2,460

Cash and cash equivalents – The fair value of cash and cash equivalents approximates its carrying value.

Restricted Cash – The fair value of restricted cash was estimated by discounting estimated future release of the cash from restriction.

Mortgage loans – The fair value for all loans is estimated by discounting the projected future cash flows using market discount rates at which similar loans made to borrowers with similar credit ratings and maturities would be discounted in the market.

Mortgage securities – available-for-sale – Mortgage securities – available-for-sale is made up of residual securities and subordinated securities. The fair value of residual securities is estimated by discounting future projected cash flows using a discount rate commensurate with the risks involved.

Mortgage securities- trading – Mortgage securities – trading is made up of residual securities and subordinated securities. The fair value of residual securities is estimated by discounting future projected cash flows using a discount rate commensurate with the risks involved. The fair value of the subordinated securities is estimated using quoted market prices.

Mortgage securities- trading – The fair value of mortgage securities - trading is estimated using quoted market prices.

Mortgage servicing rights – The fair value of mortgage servicing rights is calculated based on abroker prices and compared to internal discounted cash flow methodology incorporating numerous assumptions, including servicing income, servicing costs, market discount rates and prepayment speeds.flows.

Deposits with derivative instrument counterparties – The fair value of deposits with counterparties approximates its carrying value.Borrowings

Borrowings – The fair value of short-term borrowings and asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage loans approximates their carrying value as the borrowings bear interest at rates that approximate currentmarket rates for similar borrowings. The fair value of junior subordinated debentures approximates their carrying value as the borrowings were restructured in 2009 and the principal balance did not change. As of December 31, 2007, the fair value of junior subordinated debentures approximates their carrying value as the borrowings bear interest at rates that approximate market rates for similar borrowings.  The fair value of asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities is determined byloans was estimated using the presentfair value of future payments based on interest rate conditionsmortgage loans – held-in-portfolio at December 31, 2005 and 2004.2008 as the trusts have no recourse to the Company’s other, unsecuritized assets.  The fair value of asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage loans was estimated using observable market prices for similar borrowings at December 31, 2007.  The fair value of asset-backed bonds secured by mortgage securities is approximated using quoted market prices.


Derivative instruments – The fair value of derivative instruments is estimated by discounting the projected future cash flows using appropriate rates. The fair value of commitments to originate mortgage loans is estimated using the Black-Scholes option pricing model.

Accrued interest receivable and payable – The fair value of accrued interest receivable and payable approximates their carrying value.

Note 18. Supplemental Disclosure21.  Subsequent Events

Junior Subordinated Debentures Settlement Agreement. On February 18, 2009, the Company, NMI, NovaStar Capital Trust I and NovaStar Capital Trust II (the “Trusts”) and the trust preferred security holders entered into agreements to settle the claims of Cash Flow Information

(dollars in thousands)





Cash paid for interest

  $79,880  $51,431  $41,058 



Cash paid (received) for income taxes

   (4,712)  27,944   18,831 



Cash received on mortgage securities – available-for-sale with no cost basis

   17,564   32,244   20,707 



Cash received for dividend reinvestment plan

   3,903   1,839   1,247 



Non-cash investing and financing activities:


Cost basis of securities retained in securitizations

   332,420   381,833   292,675 



Retention of mortgage servicing rights

   43,476   39,259   20,774 



Change in loans under removal of accounts provision

   23,452   6,455   3,020 



Change in due to securitization trusts

   (23,452)  (6,455)  (3,020)



Repurchase of mortgage loans from securitization trusts

   7,423   —     —   



Assets acquired through foreclosure

   2,891   3,558   6,619 



Dividends payable

   45,070   73,431   30,559 



Restricted stock issued in satisfaction of prior year accrued bonus

   262   1,816   —   



Note 19. Earnings Per Share

The computationsthe trust preferred security holders arising from NMI’s failure to make the scheduled quarterly interest payments on unsecured notes (collectively, the “Notes”) outstanding to the Trusts which secure trust preferred securities issued by the Trusts.  As part of basic and diluted earnings per share for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 are as follows (dollars in thousands, except per share amounts):

   For the Year Ended December 31,






Income from continuing operations

  $143,597  $126,738  $111,996

Dividends on preferred shares

   (6,653)  (6,265)  —  



Income from continuing operations available to common shareholders

   136,944   120,473   111,996

Loss from discontinued operations, net of income tax

   (4,473)  (11,349)  —  



Net income available to common shareholders

  $132,471  $109,124  $111,996





Weighted average common shares outstanding – basic

   29,669   25,290   22,220



Weighted average common shares outstanding – dilutive:


Weighted average common shares outstanding – basic

   29,669   25,290   22,220

Stock options

   316   435   601

Restricted stock

   8   38   —  



Weighted average common shares outstanding – dilutive

   29,993   25,763   22,821



Basic earnings per share:


Income from continuing operations

  $4.84  $5.01  $5.04

Dividends on preferred shares

   (0.23)  (0.25)  —  



Income from continuing operations available to common shareholders

   4.61   4.76   5.04

Loss from discontinued operations, net of income tax

   (0.15)  (0.45)  —  



Net income available to common shareholders

  $4.46  $4.31  $5.04



Diluted earnings per share:


Income from continuing operations

  $4.79  $4.92  $4.91

Dividends on preferred shares

   (0.22)  (0.24)  —  



Income from continuing operations available to common shareholders

   4.57   4.68   4.91

Loss from discontinued operations, net of income tax

   (0.15)  (0.44)  —  



Net income available to common shareholders

  $4.42  $4.24  $4.91



The following stock options and warrants to purchase shares of common stock were outstanding during each period presented, but were not included insettlement, the computation of diluted earnings per share because the number of shares assumed to be repurchased, as calculated, was greater than the number of shares to be obtained upon exercise, therefore, the effectexisting preferred obligations would be antidilutive:

   For the Year Ended December 31,




Number of stock options and warrants (in thousands)

   93   15   15

Weighted average exercise price

  $40.58  $33.59  $22.66

Note 20. Condensed Quarterly Financial Information (unaudited)

During 2004,exchanged for new preferred obligations.  The settlement and exchange were contingent upon, among other things, the dismissal of the involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy.  On March 9, 2009, the Bankruptcy Court entered an order dismissing the involuntary proceeding.  On April 27, 2009 (the “Exchange Date”), the parties executed the necessary documents to complete the Exchange.  On the Exchange Date, the Company changed policies governing its broker branches, as discussed in Note 15. As a result, a significant number of branch managers have voluntarily terminated employment with the Company. On November 4, 2005, the Company adopted a formal plan to terminate substantially all of the remaining NHMI branches. The Company considers a branch to be discontinued upon its termination date, which is the point in time when the operations cease. The provisions of SFAS No. 144,Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets, require the results of operations associated with those branches terminated subsequent to January 1, 2004 to be classified as discontinued operations and segregated from the Company’s continuing results of operations for all periods presented. The Company has presented the operating results of those branches terminatedpaid interest due through December 31, 2005, as discontinued operations2008, in the Consolidated Statementsaggregate amount of Income for$5.3 million.  In addition, the years ended December 31, 2005Company paid $0.3 million in legal and 2004. administrative costs on behalf of the Trusts.

The Company’s condensed consolidatednew preferred obligations require quarterly operating results fordistributions of interest to the three months ended March 31, June 30 and September 30, 2005 and 2004 as revised from amounts previously reportedholders at a rate equal to account for branches discontinued1.0% per annum beginning January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2005 are2009, subject to reset to a variable rate equal to the three-month LIBOR plus 3.5% upon the occurrence of an “Interest Coverage Trigger.”   For purposes of the new preferred obligations, an Interest Coverage Trigger occurs when the ratio of EBITDA for any quarter ending on or after December 31, 2008 and on or prior to December 31, 2009 to the product as follows (dollarsof the last day of such quarter, of the stated liquidation value of all outstanding 2009 Preferred Securities (i) multiplied by 7.5%, (ii) multiplied by 1.5 and (iii) divided by 4, equals or exceeds 1.00 to 1.00.   Beginning January 1, 2010 until the earlier of  February 18, 2019 or the occurrence of an Interest Coverage Trigger, the unpaid principal amount of the new preferred obligations will bear interest at a rate of 1.0% per annum and, thereafter, at a variable rate, reset quarterly, equal to the three-month LIBOR plus 3.5% per annum.

Advent Securities Purchase Agreement. On April 26, 2009, NovaStar Financial, Inc. (“NovaStar”) entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) with Advent Financial Services, LLC (“Advent”) and Mark A. Ernst (“Ernst”).  Advent is a start-up company with the goal of providing tailored banking accounts and low cost small-dollar banking services to meet the needs of underserved low- and moderate-income consumers.   Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, NovaStar will acquire 70% of the fully diluted membership interests in thousands, except per share amounts):Advent in exchange for an initial payment of $2.0 million and, upon Advent’s achievement of certain financial metrics for the twelve months ended April 30, 2010, an additional payment of $2.0 million.   

   2005 Quarters

  2004 Quarters










Net interest income before credit (losses) recoveries

  $45,448  $54,109  $63,039  $56,333  $39,638  $42,947  $45,439  $43,410 

Credit (losses) recoveries

   (619)  (100)  (331)  12   (146)  (515)  (182)  117 

Gains on sales of mortgage assets

   18,385   32,570   10,829   6,389   51,780   25,174   46,415   21,581 

Gains (losses) on derivative instruments

   14,601   (7,848)  6,522   4,880   (25,398)  27,115   (19,536)  8,914 

Income from continuing operations before income tax expense (benefit)

   38,310   37,692   35,207   21,488   36,155   47,498   28,482   24,129 

Income tax expense (benefit)

   1,283   (2,602)  (2,357)  (7,224)  2,226   8,809   (48)  (1,461)

Income from continuing operations

   37,027   40,294   37,564   28,712   33,929   38,689   28,530   25,590 

Loss from discontinued operations, net of income tax

   (1,824)  (775)  (1,271)  (603)  (3,004)  (3,063)  (4,142)  (1,140)

Net income

   35,203   39,519   36,293   28,109   30,925   35,626   24,388   24,450 

Dividends on preferred stock

   1,663   1,663   1,663   1,664   1,275   1,663   1,663   1,664 

Net income available to common shareholders

   33,540   37,856   34,630   26,445   29,650   33,963   22,725   22,786 

Basic earnings per share:


Income from continuing operations available to common shareholders

  $1.28  $1.34  $1.17  $0.87  $1.32  $1.48  $1.08  $0.90 

Loss from discontinued operations, net of income tax

   (0.07)  (0.03)  (0.04)  (0.02)  (0.12)  (0.12)  (0.17)  (0.04)








Net income available to common shareholders

  $1.21  $1.31  $1.13  $0.85  $1.20  $1.36  $0.91  $0.86 








Diluted earnings per share:


Income from continuing operations available to common shareholders

  $1.25  $1.32  $1.16  $0.86  $1.29  $1.46  $1.05  $0.89 

Loss from discontinued operations, net of income tax

   (0.06)  (0.03)  (0.04)  (0.02)  (0.12)  (0.12)  (0.16)  (0.04)








Net income available to common shareholders

  $1.19  $1.29  $1.12  $0.84  $1.17  $1.34  $0.89  $0.85 










To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of

NovaStar Financial, Inc.

Kansas City, Missouri

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of NovaStar Financial, Inc. and subsidiaries (the “Company”"Company") as of December 31, 20052008 and 2004,2007, and the related consolidated statements of income,operations, shareholders’ equity,deficit, and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2005.then ended.  These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’sCompany's management.  Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States).  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 20052008 and 2004,2007, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the periodthen ended December 31, 2005 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

The accompanying financial statements have been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern.  As discussed in Note 1 to the financial statements, the Company's recurring losses, negative cash flows, shareholders’ deficit and the lack of significant operations raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern.  Management's plans concerning these matters are also described in Note 1.  The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.
We have also audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the effectiveness of the Company’sCompany's internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2005,2008, based on the criteria established inInternal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission and our report dated March 14, 2006May 26, 2009 expressed an unqualifiedadverse opinion on management’s assessment of the effectiveness of the Company’sCompany's internal control over financial reporting and an unqualified opinion on the effectivenessbecause of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.a material weakness.

/s/ Deloitte &and Touche LLP

Kansas City, Missouri

March 14, 2006

May 26, 2009


Item 9.Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure


Item 9A.Controls and Procedures

Disclosure Controls and Procedures

The Company maintains a system of disclosure controls and procedures which are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the Company in reports that it files or submits under the federal securities laws, including this report, is recorded, processed, summarized and reported on a timely basis. These disclosure controls and procedures include controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed under the federal securities laws is accumulated and communicated to the Company’s management on a timely basis to allow decisions regarding required disclosure. The Company’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer evaluated the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(d)) as of the end of the period covered by this report and concluded that the Company’s controls and procedures were effective.

Internal Control over Financial Reporting

Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting

Management of NovaStar Financial, Inc. and subsidiaries (the “Company”) is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting as defined in Rule 13a-15(f) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. This internal control system has been designed to provide reasonable assurance to the Company’s management and board of directors regarding the preparation and fair presentation of the company’sCompany’s published financial statements.

All internal control systems, no matter how well designed, have inherent limitations. Therefore, even those systems determined to be effective can provide only reasonable assurance with respect to financial statement preparation and presentation.

Management of the Company has assessed the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2005.2008. To make this assessment, management used the criteria for effective internal control over financial reporting described inInternal Control—Integrated Framework, issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. Based on our assessment under the framework inInternal Control—Integrated Framework, management concluded that the Company’s internal control over financial reporting was not effective as of December 31, 2005.2008 because of the existence of a material weakness in internal controls over financial reporting related to the lack of segregation of duties within our accounting department

A material weakness is a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal controls over financial reporting, such that there is a reasonable possibility a material misstatement of the company’s annual or interim financial statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis.

The Company identified a control deficiency that was deemed a material weakness in internal controls over financial reporting at September 30, 2008. The deficiency relates to the inadequate segregation of duties amongst the Company's employees with respect to accounting, financial reporting and disclosure. The material weakness was a result of the reduction in our accounting staff which occurred during the third quarter ended September 30, 2008.  The material weakness identified above did not result in the restatement of prior period financial statements or any other related financial disclosure, nor did it disclose any errors or misstatements.

Management has taken steps to remedy the material weakness by hiring additional accounting department staff, and reallocating duties, including responsibilities for financial reporting, among the Company’s employees.   Based on the lack of resources available to hire and train employees, this material weakness was not remediated as of December 31, 2008.

Our independent registered public accounting firm, Deloitte & Touche LLP, has issued an attestation report, included herein, on our assessmentthe effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.

reporting as of December 31, 2008.

Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting


Except for the material weakness described above, there were no changes in our internal controls over financial reporting during the quarter endedas of December 31, 20052008 that have materially affected, or isare reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal controlcontrols over financial reporting.


Attestation Report of the Registered Public Accounting Firm


To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of

NovaStar Financial, Inc.

Kansas City, Missouri

We have audited management’s assessment, included in the accompanying Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting, that NovaStar Financial Inc. and subsidiariessubsidiaries' (the “Company”"Company") maintained effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2005,2008, based on the criteria established inInternal Control—Control — Integrated Frameworkissued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. The Company’sCompany's management is responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting.reporting, included in the accompanying Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on management’s assessment and an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’sCompany's internal control over financial reporting based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States).  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects.  Our audit included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, evaluating management’s assessment,assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on that risk, and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances.  We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinions.


A company’scompany's internal control over financial reporting is a process designed by, or under the supervision of, the company’scompany's principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, and effected by the company’scompany's board of directors, management, and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.  A company’scompany's internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’scompany's assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Because of the inherent limitations of internal control over financial reporting, including the possibility of collusion or improper management override of controls, material misstatements due to error or fraud may not be prevented or detected on a timely basis.  Also, projections of any evaluation of the effectiveness of the internal control over financial reporting to future periods are subject to the risk that the controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control over financial reporting, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the company’s annual or interim financial statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis.  The following material weakness has been identified and included in management's assessment: internal control over financial reporting was not effective because there was a lack of segregation of duties within the Company’s accounting department. This material weakness was considered in determining the nature, timing, and extent of audit tests applied in our audit of the consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2008, of the Company and this report does not affect our report on such financial statements.
In our opinion, management’s assessment thatbecause of the effect of the material weakness identified above on the achievement of the objectives of the control criteria, the Company has not maintained effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2005, is fairly stated, in all material respects,2008, based on the criteria established inInternal Control—Control — Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. Also in our opinion, the Company maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2005, based on the criteria established inInternal Control—Integrated Frameworkissued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission.

We have also audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 20052008, of the Company and our report dated March 14, 2006May 26, 2009 expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements.

statements and included an explanatory paragraph regarding the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.

/s/ Deloitte &and Touche LLP

Kansas City, Missouri

March 14, 2006

May 26, 2009


Item 9B. Other Information



Item 10.Directors, and Executive Officers of the Registrant

and Corporate Governance

Information with respect to Item 401Items 401,405 and Item 405407(d)(4) and (d)(5) of Regulation S-K is incorporated by reference to the information included on NovaStar Financial’sin our Proxy Statement, for the 2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held at May 5, 2006 at 11:30, Central Time, at the NovaStar Financial, Inc. Corporate Offices, 8140 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, Missouri 64114.


Information with respect to our corporate governance guidelines, charters of audit, compensation, nominating and corporate governance committees, and code of conduct may be obtained from the corporate governance section of our website (www.novastarmortgage.com) or by contacting us directly. References to our website do not incorporate by reference the information on such website into this Annual Report on Form 10-K and we disclaim any such incorporation by reference.

The code of conduct applies to our principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer, directors and other employees performing similar functions. We intend to satisfy the disclosure requirements regarding any amendment to, or waiver from, a provision of our code of conduct that applies our principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer, controller or persons performing similar functions by disclosing such matters on our website.

Our investor relations contact information follows:

Investor Relations

8140 Ward Parkway,

2114 Central Street
Suite 300


Kansas City, MO  64114



Email:  ir@novastar1.com

Because our common stock is listed on NYSE, our chief executive officer is required to make an annual certification to the NYSE stating that he is not aware of any violation by NovaStar Financial, Inc. of the NYSE Corporate Governance listing standards. Last year, our chief executive officer submitted such annual certification to the NYSE. In addition,

NovaStar Financial, Inc. has filed, as exhibits to last year’s Annual Report on Form 10-K and is filing as exhibits to this Annual Report, the certifications of its chief executive officer and chief financial officer required under Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding the quality of NovaStar Financial, Inc. public disclosure.


Item 11.Executive Compensation

Information with respect to ItemItems 402 and 407(e)(4) and (e)(5) of Regulation S-K is incorporated by reference to the information included on NovaStar Financial’sin our Proxy Statement for the 2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held at May 5, 2006 at 11:30 a.m., Central Time, at the NovaStar Financial, Inc. Corporate Offices, 8140 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, Missouri 64114.



Item 12.Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters


Information with respect to ItemItems 403 and 407(a) of Regulation S-K is incorporated by reference to the information included on NovaStar Financial’sin our Proxy Statement for the 2009 Annual Meeting of ShareholdersShareholders.
The following table sets forth information as of December 31, 2008 with respect to compensation plans under which our common stock may be held at May 5, 2006 at 11:30 a.m., Central Time, at the NovaStar Financial, Inc. Corporate Offices, 8140 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, Missouri 64114.


Equity Compensation Plan Information 
Plan Category 
Number of
Securities to be
Issued Upon
Exercise of
Warrants and
Price of
and Rights
Number of
Available for
Under Equity
Reflected in
the First
Equity compensation plans approved by stockholders 160,397(A) $55.63 535,594(B)
Equity compensation plans not approved by stockholders -   - - 
Total 160,397  $55.63 535,594 

(A)Certain of the options have dividend equivalent rights (DERs) attached to them when issued. As of December 31, 2008, these options have 22,149 DERs attached.
(B)Represents shares that may be issued pursuant to the Company’s 2004 Incentive Stock Plan, which provides for the grant of qualified incentive stock options, non-qualified stock options, deferred stock, restricted stock, restricted stock units, performance share awards, dividend equivalent rights and stock appreciation awards.
Item 13.Certain Relationships and Related Transactions.

Transactions, and Director Independence.

Information with respect to Item 404 of Regulation S-K is incorporated by reference to the information included on NovaStar Financial’sin our Proxy Statement for the 2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held at May 5, 2006 at 11:30 a.m., Central Time, at the NovaStar Financial, Inc. Corporate Offices, 8140 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, Missouri 64114.


Item 14.Principal Accountant Fees and Services.

Information with respect to Item 9(e) of Schedule 14A is incorporated by reference to the information included on NovaStar Financial’sin our Proxy Statement for the 2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held at May 5, 2006 at 11:30 a.m., Central Time, at the NovaStar Financial, Inc. Corporate Offices, 8140 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, Missouri 64114.




Item 15.Exhibits and Financial Statements Schedules

Financial Statements and Schedules

(1)The financial statements as set forth under Item 8 of this report on Form 10-K are included herein.
(2)The required financial statement schedules are omitted because the information is disclosed elsewhere herein.

Exhibit Listing

Exhibit No.


Description of Document


Servicing Rights Transfer Agreement, dated as of October 12, 2007, between Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc. and NovaStar Mortgage, Inc.

Articles of Amendment and Restatement of the Registrant

NovaStar Financial, Inc.(including all amendments and applicable Articles Supplementary)

Certificate of Amendment of the Registrant

Articles Supplementary of the Registrant adopted January 15, 2004.


Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Registrant, adopted July 27, 2005


Specimen Common Stock Certificate


Specimen Preferred Stock Certificate


Form of Master Repurchase Agreement for mortgage loan financing


Form of Master Repurchase Agreement of the Registrant


Employment Agreement, dated September 30, 1996, between the Registrant and Scott F. Hartman


Amendment dated December 20, 2006 to the Employment Agreement dated September 30, 1996 between NovaStar Financial Inc., and Scott F. Hartman.

Employment Agreement, dated September 30, 1996, between the Registrant and W. Lance Anderson


Form of IndemnificationAmendment dated December 20, 2006 to the Employment Agreement for Officers and Directors ofdated September 30, 1996 between NovaStar Financial Inc., and its Subsidiaries

W. Lance Anderson.

NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. Amended and Restated Deferred Compensation Plan


1996 Executive and Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan, as last amended December 6, 1996


NovaStar Financial Inc. 2004 Incentive Stock Plan


Stock Option Agreement under NovaStar Financial, Inc. 2004 Incentive Stock Plan


Restricted Stock Agreement under NovaStar Financial, Inc. 2004 Incentive Stock Plan


Performance Contingent Deferred Stock Award Agreement under NovaStar Financial, Inc. 2004 Incentive Stock Plan


NovaStar Financial, Inc. Executive Officer Bonus Plan

10.27(7) Employment Agreement between NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. and David A. Pazgan, Executive Vice President of NovaStar Mortgage, Inc.

 DescriptionAmendment dated December 20, 2006 to the Employment Agreement dated July 15, 2004 between NovaStar Mortgage Inc., and Dave Pazgan.
Separation and Consulting Agreement, dated as of Oral At-WillOctober 16, 2007 among NovaStar Mortgage and David A. Pazgan.
Employment Agreement between NovaStar Financial, Inc. and Jeffrey D. Ayers, Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
2004 Supplemental Compensation for Independent Directors
10.30(7)2005 Compensation Plan for Independent Directors
10.31(7) Employment Agreement between NovaStar Financial, Inc. and Gregory S. Metz, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
 Amendment dated December 20, 2006 to the Employment Agreement dated July 15, 2004 between NovaStar Financial Inc., and Michael L. Bamburg, Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer
10.33(7)Description of Oral At-Will Agreement between NovaStar Financial, Inc. and Rodney E. Schwatken, Vice President, Controller and Chief Accounting Officer
10.34(11)Purchase Agreement, dated March 15, 2005, among the Registrant, NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Capital Trust I, Merrill Lynch International and Taberna Preferred Funding I, LTD
10.35(11)Amended and Restated Trust Agreement, dated March 15, 2005, between the Registrant, JPMorgan Chase Bank, Chase Bank USA and certain administrative trustees
10.36(11)Junior Subordinated Indenture, dated March 15, 2005, between the Registrant and JPMorgan Chase Bank
10.37(11)Parent Guarantee Agreement, dated March 15, 2005, between the Registrant and JP Morgan Chase Bank
10.34(15)NovaStar Financial, Inc. Long Term Incentive Plan
11.1(3)Statement regarding computation of per share earnings
14.1(15)NovaStar Financial, Inc. Code of Conduct
21.1Subsidiaries of the Registrant
23.1Consents of Deloitte & Touche LLP
31.1Chief Executive Officer Certification - Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
31.2Principal Financial Officer Certification - Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
32.1Chief Executive Officer Certification - Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
32.2Principal Financial Officer Certification - Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002Gregory Metz.

(1)Incorporated by reference to the correspondingly numbered exhibit to the Registration Statement on Form S-11 (373-32327) filed by the Registrant with the SEC on July 29, 1997, as amended.
(2)Incorporated by reference to the correspondingly numbered exhibit to the Annual Report on Form 10-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on March 16, 2005.
(3)See Note 19 to the consolidated financial statements.
(4)1Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.15 to the Registration Statement on Form S-8 (333-116998) filed by the Registrant with the SEC on June 30, 2004.
(5)Incorporated by reference to the correspondingly numbered exhibit to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on February 4, 2005.

(6)Incorporated by reference to the correspondingly numbered exhibit to Form S-11 filed by the Registrant with the SEC on July 29, 1997.
(7)Incorporated by reference to the correspondingly numbered exhibit to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on February 11, 2005.
(8)Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.4 to Form 8-A/A filed by the Registrant with the SEC on January 20, 2004.
(9)Incorporated by reference to the correspondingly numbered exhibit to Form 8-A/A filed by the Registrant with the SEC on January 20, 2004.
(10)Incorporated by reference to the correspondingly numbered exhibit2.1 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on August 5, 2005.November 14, 2007.

(11)2Incorporated by reference to the correspondingly numbered exhibitExhibit 3.1 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 5, 2005.August 9, 2007.
(12)3Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 26, 2005.
(13)4Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.3.1 to Form 10-Q filed by the correspondingly numbered exhibitRegistrant with the SEC on August 5, 2005.
5Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registration StatementRegistrant with the SEC on August 5, 2005.
6Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.3 to Form S-3 (333-126699)8-A/A filed by the Registrant with the SEC on January 20, 2004.
7Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.8 to Form S-11 filed by the Registrant with the SEC on July 19,29, 1997.
8Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on December 21, 2006.
9Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.9 to Form S-11 filed by the Registrant with the SEC on July 29, 1997.
10Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on December 21, 2006.
11Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.27 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on February 11, 2005.
(14)12Incorporated by reference to an Exhibit 10 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on December 21, 2006.
13Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on October 18, 2007
14Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.28 to Form 10-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on March 1, 2007.
15Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.31to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on February 11, 2005.
16Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on December 21, 2006.
Exhibit No.Description of Document
Separation and Consulting Agreement, dated as of January 3, 2008, by and between NovaStar Financial, Inc. and Gregory Metz.
Employment Agreement between NovaStar Financial, Inc. and Michael L. Bamburg, Executive President and Chief Investment Officer
10.9Employment Agreement between NovaStar Financial, Inc. and Todd M. Phillips, dated December 17, 2007
10.10Retention Agreement, dated as of December 17, 2007, by and between NovaStar Financial, Inc. and Todd M. Phillips
Employment Agreement, dated as of January 7, 2008, by and between NovaStar Financial, Inc. and Rodney E. Schwatken.
Form of Indemnification Agreement for Officers and Directors of NovaStar Financial, Inc. and its Subsidiaries
NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. Deferred Compensation Plan Amended and Restated Effective as of December 31, 2007
Amended and Restated Trust Agreement for the NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. Deferred Compensation Plan
Amendment One to the Amended and Restated Trust Agreement for the NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. Deferred Compensation Plan
1996 Executive and Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan, as last amended December 6, 1996
NovaStar Financial Inc. 2004 Incentive Stock Plan
Amendment One to the NovaStar Financial, Inc. 2004 Incentive Stock Option Plan
Stock Option Agreement under NovaStar Financial, Inc. 2004 Incentive Stock Plan
Restricted Stock Agreement under NovaStar Financial, Inc. 2004 Incentive Stock Plan
Performance Contingent Deferred Stock Award Agreement under NovaStar Financial, Inc. 2004 Incentive Stock Plan
NovaStar Financial, Inc. Executive Bonus Plan
2005 Compensation Plan for Independent Directors
NovaStar Financial, Inc. Long Term Incentive Plan
Purchase Agreement, dated March 15, 2005, among NovaStar Financial, Inc., NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Capital Trust I, Merrill Lynch International and Taberna Preferred Funding I, LTD
Amended and Restated Trust Agreement, dated March 15, 2005, between NovaStar Financial, Inc., JPMorgan Chase Bank, Chase Bank USA and certain administrative trustees
Junior Subordinated Indenture, dated March 15, 2005, between NovaStar Financial, Inc., and JPMorgan Chase Bank

18Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.32 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on March 28, 2007.
19Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K/A filed by the Registrant with the SEC on January 10, 2008.
20Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.10 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on November 16, 2005.
(15)21Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on December 21, 2007.
22Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.6 to Form S-8 filed by the Registrant with the SEC on November 29, 2006.
23Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.45.1 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 10, 2007.
24Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.14 to Form S-11 filed by the Registrant with the SEC on July 29, 1997.
25Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.15 to Form S-8 filed by the Registrant with the SEC on June 30, 2004.
26Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.46 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 10, 2007.
27Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.25.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on February 4, 2005.
28Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.25.2 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on February 4, 2005.
29Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.25.3 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on February 4, 2005.
30Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.26 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on March 15, 2007.
31Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.30 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on February 11, 2005.
32Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.34 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on February 14, 2006.
33Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.34 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 5, 2005.
34Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.4 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 5, 2005.
35Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.5 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 5, 2005.
Exhibit No.Description of Document
Parent Guarantee Agreement, dated March 15, 2005, between NovaStar Financial, Inc., and JP Morgan Chase Bank
Purchase Agreement, dated April 18, 2006, among NovaStar Financial, Inc., NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Capital Trust II and Kodiak Warehouse LLC
Amended and Restated Trust Agreement, dated April 18, 2006, between NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA Chase Bank USA, NA and certain administrative trustees as well as the form of security representing the Junior Subordinated Notes and the form of Trust Preferred Securities Certificate
Junior Subordinated Indenture, dated April 18, 2006 between NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Financial, Inc. and JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA
Parent Guarantee Agreement, dated April 18, 2006, between NovaStar Financial, Inc. and JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA
Master Repurchase Agreement (2007 Residual Securities), dated as of April 18, 2007, among Wachovia  Investment Holdings, LLC, Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC, NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC and NovaStar Certificates Financial Corporation
Amendment Number One to Master Repurchase Agreement (Residual Securities), dated as of May 10, 2007, among Wachovia Investment Holdings, LLC, Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC, NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing, LLC, NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NovaStar Financial, Inc., NFI Holding Corporation and HomeView Lending, Inc.
Amendment  Number Two, dated as of September 7, 2007, to the Master Repurchase Agreement (2007 Residual Securities), dated as of April 18, 2007, among Wachovia  Investment Holdings, LLC, Wachovia Capital Markets LLC, NovaStar Mortgage,  Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, NovaStar Certificates Financing Corp., NovaStar Financial, Inc. and NFI Holding Corporation
Letter Agreement (Release of Security Interest relating to Master Repurchase Agreement (2007 Residual Securities)), dated as of January 4, 2008, by and among NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NFI Holding Corporation, NovaStar Financial, Inc., HomeView Lending, Inc., Wachovia Investment Holdings, LLC, and Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC.
Guaranty, dated as of April 18, 2007, made by NovaStar Financial, Inc., NFI Holding Corporation, NovaStar Mortgage Inc. and Homeview Lending,  Inc. in favor of Wachovia Investment Holdings, LLC
Collateral  Security, Setoff and Netting Agreement, dated as of April 18, 2007, among Wachovia Bank,  NA, Wachovia Investment Holdings, LLC, Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC, NovaStar Financial, Inc.,  NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. and certain of their respective affiliates
Master Repurchase Agreement (2007 Servicing Rights), dated as of April 25, 2007, among Wachovia Bank, N.A., Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC, and NovaStar Mortgage, Inc
Amendment Number One to Master Repurchase Agreement (2007 Servicing Rights), dated as of May 10, 2007, among Wachovia Bank, N.A., Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC, NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Financial, Inc., NovaStar Holding Corporation and HomeView Lending, Inc.
Amendment Number Two, dated as of September 7, 2007 to Master Repurchase Agreement (2007 Servicing Rights), dated as of April 25, 2007, among Wachovia Bank, N.A., Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC, NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Financial, Inc., NovaStar Holding Corporation and HomeView Lending, Inc.

36Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.6 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 5, 2005.
37Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.38 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on April 24, 2006.
38Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.39 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on April 24, 2006.
39Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.40 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on April 24, 2006.
40Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.41exhibit to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on April 24, 2006.
41Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on April 25, 2007.
42Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.4 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 15, 2007
43Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.5 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on September 12, 2007.
44Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on January 10, 2008.
45 Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on April 25, 2007.
46 Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.3 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on April 25, 2007.
47 Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 1, 2007.
48Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.3 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 15, 2007
49Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.4 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on September 12, 2007.
Exhibit No.Description of Document
Amendment Number Three, dated as of October 22, 2007, to the Master Repurchase Agreement (2007 Servicing Rights), dated as of April 25, 2007, among Wachovia Bank, N.A., as Buyer, Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC, as Agent, NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., as Seller and a Guarantor, and NovaStar Financial, Inc., NFI Holding Corporation, and HomeView Lending, Inc., as Guarantors.
Guaranty and Pledge  Agreement, dated as of April 25, 2007, made by NovaStar Financial, Inc., NFI Holding Corporation, NovaStar Mortgage Inc. and HomeView Lending, Inc. in favor of Wachovia Bank, N.A.
Amended and Restated Master Repurchase Agreement, dated January 5, 2007, among DB Structured Products, Inc., Aspen Funding Corp., and Newport Funding Corp., as Buyers, and NovaStar Financial, Inc., NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, Acceleron Lending, Inc., and HomeView Lending, Inc., as Sellers
Master Repurchase Agreement, dated August 2, 2006, among Aspen Funding Corp., Newport
Funding Corp., and Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc., as Buyers, and NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, and NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., as Sellers
Guaranty dated August 2, 2006, by NovaStar Financial, Inc., as Guarantor, in favor of Buyers
Amended and Restated Master Netting Agreement dated January 5, 2007, among DB Structured Products, Inc., Aspen Funding Corp., and Newport Funding Corp., and NovaStar Financial, Inc., NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, Acceleron Lending, Inc., and HomeView Lending, Inc.
Master Repurchase Agreement dated May 19, 2006 between Greenwich Capital Financial Products, Inc., as Buyer, and NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Financial, Inc., NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, HomeView Lending, Inc., and Acceleron Lending, Inc., as Sellers
Amendment Number One to Master Purchase Agreement, dated September 20, 2006, among NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Financial, Inc., NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, HomeView Lending, Inc., and Acceleron Lending, Inc., as Sellers, and Greenwich Capital Financial Products, Inc., as Buyer
Amendment Number Two to Master Purchase Agreement, dated October 27, 2006, among NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Financial, Inc., NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, HomeView Lending, Inc., and Acceleron Lending, Inc., as Sellers, and Greenwich Capital Financial Products, Inc., as Buyer
Amendment Number Three to Master Purchase Agreement, dated November 9, 2006, among NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Financial, Inc., NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, HomeView Lending, Inc., and Acceleron Lending, Inc., as Sellers, and Greenwich Capital Financial Products, Inc., as Buyer
Master Repurchase Agreement dated June 30, 2006 between Greenwich Capital Financial Products, Inc., as Buyer, and NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, and NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, as Sellers
Guaranty dated June 30, 2006, by NovaStar Financial, Inc., as Guarantor, in favor of Buyer
Sales Agreement between NovaStar Financial, Inc. and Cantor Fitzgerald & Co., dated September 8, 2006
Master Repurchase Agreement (2007 Whole Loan), dated as of May 9, 2007, among Wachovia Bank, N.A., NFI Repurchase Corporation, NMI Repurchase Corporation, HomeView Lending, Inc., NMI Property Financing, Inc., NovaStar Financial, Inc., NFI Holding Corporation and NovaStar Mortgage, Inc.

50Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on October 25, 2007.
51Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 1, 2007.
52Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.58 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 10, 2007.
53Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.59 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 10, 2007.
54Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.60 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 10, 2007.
55Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.61 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 10, 2007.
56Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.62 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 10, 2007.
57Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.62.1 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 10, 2007.
58Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.62.2 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 10, 2007.
59Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.62.3 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 10, 2007.
60Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.63 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 10, 2007.
61Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.64 to Form 10-Q filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 10, 2007.
62Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 1.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on September 8, 2006.
63Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 15, 2007
Exhibit No.Description of Document
Amendment Number One, dated as of September 7, 2007, to the Master Repurchase Agreement (2007 Whole Loan),  dated as of May 9, 2007, among Wachovia Bank, N.A., NFI Repurchase Corporation,  NMI Repurchase Corporation, HomeView Lending,  Inc., NMI Property Financing, Inc., NovaStar Financial, Inc., NFI Holding Corporation and NovaStar Mortgage, Inc.
Guaranty, dated as of May 9, 2007, among NovaStar Financial, Inc., NFI Holding Corporation, NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., HomeView Lending, Inc. and Wachovia Bank, NA
Master Repurchase Agreement (2007 Non-Investment Grade Securities), dated as of May 31, 2007, among Wachovia Investment Holdings, LLC, Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC, NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing, LLC, NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NFI Holding Corporation and NovaStar Financial, Inc.
Amendment Number One, dated as of September 7, 2007, to the Master   Repurchase Agreement (Non-Investment Grade Securities), dated as of May 31, 2007, among  Wachovia Investment Holdings, LLC, Wachovia Capital Markets LLC, NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, and NovaStar Certificates Financing Corp.
Guaranty, dated as of May 31, 2007, among NovaStar Financial, Inc., NFI Holding Corporation and Wachovia Investment Holdings, LLC
Master Repurchase Agreement (2007 Investment Grade Securities), dated as of May 31, 2007, among Wachovia Bank, N.A., Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC, NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing, LLC, NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NFI Holding Corporation and NovaStar Financial, Inc.
Amendment Number One, dated as of September 7, 2007, to the Master Repurchase Agreement (Investment Grade Securities), dated as of May 31, 2007, among Wachovia Bank, N.A., Wachovia Capital Markets LLC, NovaStar  Mortgage,  Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, NovaStar Certificates Financing Corp., and NovaStar Financial, Inc. and NFI Holding Corporation.
Guaranty, dated as of May 31, 2007, among NovaStar Financial, Inc., NFI Holding Corporation and Wachovia Bank, N.A.
Waiver Agreement dated August 17, 2007 by and among NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NFI Repurchase Corporation, NMI Repurchase Corporation, NMI Property Financing, Inc., HomeView Lending, Inc., NovaStar Financial, Inc., NFI Holding Corporation, Wachovia Bank, N.A., Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC and Wachovia Investment Holdings, LLC.
Waiver Agreement, dated as of November 7, 2007, by and among NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NFI Repurchase Corporation, NMI Repurchase Corporation, NMI Property Financing, Inc., HomeView Lending, Inc., NovaStar Financial, Inc., NFI Holding Corporation, Wachovia Bank, N.A. and Wachovia Investment Holdings, LLC.
Waiver Agreement, dated as of November 30, 2007, by and among NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NFI Repurchase Corporation, NMI Repurchase Corporation, NMI Property Financing, Inc., HomeView Lending, Inc., NovaStar Financial, Inc., NFI Holding Corporation, Wachovia Bank, N.A. and Wachovia Investment Holdings, LLC.
Waiver Agreement, dated as of December 7, 2007, by and among NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NFI Repurchase Corporation, NMI Repurchase Corporation, NMI Property Financing, Inc., HomeView Lending, Inc., NovaStar Financial, Inc., NFI Holding Corporation, Wachovia Bank, N.A. and Wachovia Investment Holdings, LLC.

64Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on September 12, 2007
65Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on May 15, 2007
66Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on June 6, 2007
67Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.3 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on September 12, 2007
68Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on June 6, 2007
69Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.3 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on June 6, 2007
70Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on September 12, 2007
71Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.4 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on June 6, 2007
72Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on August 23, 2007
73Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on November 14, 2007.
74Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on December 5, 2007.
75Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on December 10, 2007.
Exhibit No.Description of Document
Waiver Agreement, dated as of January 4, 2008, by and among NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NFI Repurchase Corporation, NMI Repurchase Corporation, NMI Property Financing, Inc., HomeView Lending, Inc., NovaStar Financial, Inc., NFI Holding Corporation, Wachovia Bank, N.A. and Wachovia Investment Holdings, LLC.
Waiver Agreement, dated February 4, 2008, by and among NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NFI Repurchase Corporation, NMI Repurchase Corporation, NMI Property Financing, Inc., HomeView Lending, Inc., NovaStar Financial, Inc., NFI Holding Corporation, Wachovia Bank, N.A. and Wachovia Investment Holdings, LLC.
Waiver Agreement, dated February 11, 2008, by and among NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NFI Repurchase Corporation, NMI Repurchase Corporation, NMI Property Financing, Inc., HomeView Lending, Inc., NovaStar Financial, Inc., NFI Holding Corporation, Wachovia Bank, N.A. and Wachovia Investment Holdings, LLC.
Waiver Agreement, dated March 11, 2008, by and among NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., NovaStar Certificates Financing LLC, NovaStar Certificates Financing Corporation, NFI Repurchase Corporation, NMI Repurchase Corporation, NMI Property Financing, Inc., HomeView Lending, Inc., NovaStar Financial, Inc., NFI Holding Corporation, Wachovia Bank, N.A. and Wachovia Investment Holdings, LLC.
Securities Purchase Agreement, dated July 16, 2007, by and among NovaStar Financial,  Inc., Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, Jefferies Capital Partners IV L.P., Jefferies Employee Partners IV LLC and JCP Partners IV LLC
Standby Purchase Agreement, dated July 16, 2007, by and among NovaStar Financial,  Inc.,  Massachusetts  Mutual Life Insurance Company,  Jefferies Capital Partners IV L.P.,  Jefferies Employee Partners IV LLC and JCP Partners IV LLC
Registration Rights and Shareholders Agreement, dated July 16, 2007, by and among NovaStar Financial, Inc., Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, Jefferies Capital Partners IV L.P., Jefferies Employee Partners IV LLC and JCP Partners IV LLC
Letter Agreement, dated July 16,  2007, by and among  NovaStar Financial,  Inc., Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, Jefferies Capital Partners IV L.P., Jefferies Employee Partners IV LLC and JCP Partners IV LLC, and Scott Hartman
Letter Agreement, dated July 16,  2007, by and among NovaStar Financial, Inc., Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, Jefferies Capital Partners IV L.P.,  Jefferies Employee Partners IV LLC and JCP Partners IV LLC, and Lance Anderson
Letter Agreement, dated July 16, 2007, by and among  NovaStar Financial, Inc., Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, Jefferies Capital Partners IV L.P., Jefferies Employee Partners IV LLC and JCP Partners IV LLC, and Mike Bamburg
Statement Regarding Computation of Per Share Earnings
NovaStar Financial, Inc. Code of Conduct
21.1Subsidiaries of the Registrant
23.1Consents of Deloitte & Touche LLP
31.1Chief Executive Officer Certification - Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
31.2Principal Financial Officer Certification - Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
32.1Chief Executive Officer Certification - Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
32.2Principal Financial Officer Certification - Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

76Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on January 10, 2008.
77Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on February 8, 2008.
78Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on February 15, 2008.
79Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on March 14, 2008.
80Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on July 20, 2007
81Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on July 20, 2007
82Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.3 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on July 20, 2007
83Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.4 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on July 20, 2007
84Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.5 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on July 20, 2007
85Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.6 to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on July 20, 2007
86See Note 16 to the  consolidated financial statements
87Incorporated by reference to the correspondingly numbered exhibit to Form 8-K filed by the Registrant with the SEC on February 14, 2006.


Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

DATE:March 15, 2006


Scott F. Hartman,DATE: May 27, 2009/s/ W. LANCE ANDERSON
W. Lance Anderson, Chairman of the Board
 of Directors and Chief Executive Officer

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and dates indicated.

DATE: May 27, 2009
DATE:March 15, 2006


 Scott F. Hartman,W. Lance Anderson, Chairman of the Board
 of Directors and Chief Executive Officer
 (Principal Executive Officer)
DATE:March 15, 2006 May 27, 2009


 W. Lance Anderson, President,
Chief Operating Officer and Director
DATE:March 15, 2006


Gregory S. Metz,
Rodney E. Schwatken, Chief Financial Officer
and Chief Accounting Officer
 (Principal Financial Officer)
DATE:March 15, 2006 May 27, 2009


Rodney E. Schwatken, Vice President,
Controller and Chief Accounting Officer
(Principal Accounting Officer)
DATE:March 15, 2006


 Edward W. Mehrer, Director
DATE:March 15, 2006 May 27, 2009


 Gregory T. Barmore, Director
DATE:March 15, 2006 May 27, 2009


 Art N. Burtscher, Director
DATE:March 15, 2006 May 27, 2009


 Donald M. Berman, Director