Washington, D.C. 20549










For fiscal year ended December 31, 20052006





(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


MARYLAND 53-0261100
(State of incorporation) (IRS Employer Identification Number)





(Address of principal executive office) (Zip code)


Registrant’s telephone number, including area code (301) 984-9400


Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: None


Title of Each Class


Name of exchange on which registered

Shares of Beneficial Interest New York Stock Exchange


Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act.    YES  x    NO  ¨


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Act.    YES  ¨    NO  x


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding twelve (12) months (or such shorter period that the Registrant was required to file such report) and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past ninety (90) days.    YES  x    NO  ¨


Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the best of the Registrant’s knowledge in definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K.  x


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer or a non-accelerated filer (see definition of “accelerated filer and large accelerated filer” in Exchange Act Rule 12b-2).    YES

Large Accelerated Filer  x    NOAccelerated Filer  ¨    Non-Accelerated Filer  ¨


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Act).    YES  ¨    NO  x


As of February 27, 2006 42,175,42823, 2007 45,042,185 Shares of Beneficial Interest were outstanding. As of June 30, 2005,2006, the aggregate market value of such shares held by non-affiliates of the registrant was approximately $1,314,238,598$1,653,042,190 (based on the closing price of the stock on June 30, 2005)2006).




Portions of the Trust’s definitive Proxy Statement relating to the 20062007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, are incorporated by reference in Part III, Items 10-14 of this Annual Report on Form 10-K as indicated herein.











Item 1.




Item 1A.

  Risk Factors  6

Item 1B.

  Unresolved Staff Comments  1213

Item 2.




Item 3.


Legal Proceedings


Item 4.


Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders




Item 5.


Market for the Registrant’s Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities


Item 6.


Selected Financial Data


Item 7.


Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of


Item 7A.


Qualitative and Quantitative Disclosures About Market Risk


Item 8.


Financial Statements and Supplementary Data


Item 9.


Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial


Item 9A.


Controls and Procedures


Item 9B.


Other Information




Item 10.


Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrantand Corporate Governance


Item 11.


Executive Compensation


Item 12.


Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters, and Director Independence


Item 13.


Certain Relationships and Related Transactions


Item 14.


Principal Accountant Fees and Services




Item 15.


Exhibits and Financial Statements Schedules








The Trust


Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (“WRIT,” the “Trust,” or the “company”) is a self-administered, self-managed, equity real estate investment trust (“REIT”) successor to a trust organized in 1960. Our business consists of the ownership and development of income-producing real properties in the greater Washington—BaltimoreWashington metro region. We own a diversified portfolio of general purpose office buildings, medical office buildings, industrial/flex properties, multifamily buildings and retail centers.


We believe that we qualify as a REIT under Sections 856-860 of the Internal Revenue Code and intend to continue to qualify as such. To maintain our status as a REIT, we are required to distribute 90% of our ordinary taxable income to our shareholders. When selling properties, we have the option of (i) reinvesting the sale price of properties sold, allowing for a deferral of income taxes on the sale, (ii) paying out capital gains to the shareholders with no tax to the company or (iii) treating the capital gains as having been distributed to the shareholders, paying the tax on the gain deemed distributed and allocating the tax paid as a credit to the shareholders. $33.5 millionWe did not dispose of gains from property disposedany of our properties in 2005 was reinvested in replacement properties. Approximately $3.5 of gains from disposed property in 2005 was distributed to share holders. We2006, and we distributed all of our 2006, 2005, 2004 and 20032004 ordinary taxable income to our shareholders. In 2005, $33.5 million of the gains from the property disposal were reinvested in replacement properties and approximately $3.5 million of the gains were distributed to shareholders. Gains from the property disposed in 2004 were distributed to shareholders. No provision for income taxes was necessary in 2006, 2005, 2004 or 2003.2004. Over the last five years, dividends paid per share have been $1.64 for 2006, $1.60 for 2005, $1.55 for 2004, $1.47 for 2003, and $1.39 for 2002 and $1.31 for 2001.2002.


We generally incur short-term floating rate debt in connection with the acquisition and development of real estate. As market conditions permit, we replace the floating rate debt with fixed-rate secured loans or unsecured senior notes, or repay the debt with the proceeds of sales of equity securities. We may acquire one or more properties in exchange for our equity securities or operating partnership units which are convertible into WRIT shares.


Our geographic focus is based on two principles:


 1.Real estate is a local business and is more effectively selected and managed by owners located, and with expertise, in the region.


 2.Geographic markets deserving of focus must be among the nation’s best markets with a strong primary industry foundation and diversified enough to withstand downturns in their primary industry.


We consider markets to be local if they can be reached from the Washington centered market within two hours by car. Our Washington centered market reaches north to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and south to Richmond, Virginia. While we have historically focused most of our investments in the greater Washington/Baltimore Region,Washington metro region, in order to maximize acquisition opportunities we will and have considered investments within the two-hour radius described above. We will also consider opportunities to duplicate our Washington focused approach in other geographic markets which meet the criteria described above.


All of our Trustees, officers and employees live and work in the greater Washington/BaltimoreWashington metro region and our officers average over 20 years of experience in this region.


This section includes or refers to certain forward-looking statements. You should refer to the explanation of the qualifications and limitations on such forward-looking statements beginning on page 46.47.


The Greater Washington/BaltimoreWashington Metro Area Economy


2005The Washington metro region is currently the 8th largest metropolitan statistical area in the United States. 2006 proved to be aanother year of strong performance for the greater Washington/Baltimore areaWashington metro region with both the professional


and business services sectors fueling job growth. The region’s labor market economic indicators verify the strength of the region’s economy with the unemployment rate at 3.0% for the 12 months ended November 2006, which is the lowest rate among all of the nation’s largest metro areas and well below the national average of 4.5%. The U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, reported the metropolitan Washington region experienced above average job growth by adding 66,200 jobs through the 12 months ended November 2006, 21% above the long-term average of 54,800. According to the Center for Regional Analysis (“CRA”) at George Mason University, the increase in jobs were concentrated in the professional and business services and high value-added occupations in health, education, and finance which accounted for 63.4% of the gains.

While there have been shifts among its core industries, the Washington metro area has a robust economy that continues to grow. The professional and business services, education and health services, and retail trade are the core industries that experienced the most job growth in the greater Washington metro economy. In 2005, the Federal government, professional and business services, and transportation were the sectors that led job growth. Federal government employees are pursuing higher paid jobs as contractors, fueling growth in professional and business services. While analysts project a shift in Congress’ focus, overall Federal procurement spending continues to be strong, particularlyshould remain high in the defense industry, with its issuanceregion, but will taper off from the growth levels experienced in 2004 and 2005. The Washington area’s gross regional product (“GRP”) was $334.8 billion in 2006, a 4% increase compared to 2005. Over one-third of defense, intelligence and security contracts. Continued spendingthe area’s GRP was generated by the General Services Administration and the corresponding government contracting firms and professional services firms is expected to further drive regional growth. Office leasing activity has increased


and has had a positive impact on the industrial and multifamily rental markets. Retail leasing space has been positively affected by the Metro area’s overall population growth and high levels of discretionary income.

Federal government. We believe regional job growth in 20062007 will continue to be driven by professional and business services firms, including government contractors. AccordingCRA projects the economy will add 56,600 new jobs in 2007 and forecast GRP growth of 3.5% for the Washington metro area in 2007.

Greater Washington Metro Region Real Estate Markets

The robust economy in the greater Washington metro region has translated into stronger relative real estate market performance in each of our sectors, compared to other national metropolitan regions as reported by Delta Associates / Transwestern Commercial Services (“Delta”), a national full service real estate firm that provides market research and evaluation services for commercial property types including office, industrial, retail and apartments:


The Metropolitan Washington region led the nation in job growth for the fifth year in a row, adding 86,900 jobs through the 12 months ended November 2005.

The Washington area unemployment rate was 3.3% in November 2005, down from 3.7% one year ago and well below the national rate of 5.0%.

Approximately 75,000 new jobs are projected for the region in 2006.

While growth is very important, from an investment perspective, economic stability is equally important. The Federal government, professional/business services and transportation are the core industries in the greater Washington/Baltimore area economy. Increased spending by the Federal government is expected to continue driving regional economic growth. Federal government spending in the region increased 15% in 2005 and accounts for 17% of the Gross Regional Product.

Greater Washington/Baltimore Real Estate Markets

The economic stability in the greater Washington/Baltimore region has translated into stronger relative real estate market performance in each of our four sectors, compared to other national metropolitan regions as reported by Delta:

Office and Medical Office Sectors


Rents rose 2.5%2.7% in 20052006 in the region, as a whole,and rents are expected to rise 4.0% Metro wide2.5% in 2006, as vacancy in suburban Maryland submarkets and Northern Virginia declines.2007.


Vacancy was 8.5% at year-end 2006, up from 7.9% (with sublet space included) at year-end 2005 and down from 9.2% (with sublet space) at year-end 2004, among2004. The region has the fifth lowest vacancy rate of any majorlarge metro area.areas in the United States.


The overall vacancy rate is projected to increase to 9.4% in the District over the next two years due to levelsincreased supply – still below the national average of new construction.10.4%.


Net absorption totaled 7.66.8 million square feet, down from 11.67.6 million square feet in 2004.2005.


Of the 17.716.8 million square feet of office space under construction at year-end 2005, 49% was estimated as2006, 35% is pre-leased.


Multifamily Sector


Overall, apartment rents increased 4.6%4.7% in the greater Washington/BaltimoreWashington metro region in 2005.2006.



Delta reports that given modest vacancy rates and solid rent growth, prospects for the apartment market in the Washington market are expected to rise over the next 12 months with nominal concessions.excellent.


The pipeline of new supply is at its lowest level in several years.


Grocery-Anchored Retail Centers Sector


Retail employment increased by 8,200 positions in 2005.

Strong regional household income averages as follows—Fairfax County, Virginia—$130,000, Montgomery County, Maryland—$128,300 and Alexandria, Virginia—$115,700—versus a national average of $64,800.

Steady vacancy rates at 2.3% at year-end 2006 compared to 2.9% at year-end 2005 compared to 2.8% at year-end 2004.2005.


Rental rates at Grocery-Anchored Centersgrocery-anchored centers increased 22.7%5.7% in 2005.2006.



Industrial/Flex Sector


Average industrial rents increased 1.5%2.8% in the greater Washington/Baltimore region in 2005.2006.


Rents are projected to increase 2-3%1.5-2.5% in 2006,2007, as vacancy rates improve.market conditions remain favorable.


Vacancy was 2.4% (with sublet space)9.8% at year-end 2006, up from 9.4% at year-end 2005 and down from 10.4% (with sublet space) at year-end 2004.


Of the 5.110.1 million square feet of industrial space under construction at year-end 2005, 34%2006, 21% is pre-leased, as compared to 3.75.1 million and 19%34%, respectively, at year-end 2004.2005.




As of December 31, 2005,2006, we owned a diversified portfolio of 6882 properties consisting of 2124 general purpose office buildings, 7properties, 13 medical office buildings, 12properties, 14 retail centers, 9 multifamily buildingsproperties, 22 industrial/flex properties and 19 industrial/flex properties.land held for development. Our principal objective is to invest in high quality properties in prime locations, then proactively manage, lease, and developdirect ongoing capital improvement programs to improve their economic performance. The percentage of total real estate rental revenue by property group for 2006, 2005 2004 and 20032004 and the percent leased, calculated as the percentage of physical net rentable area leased, as of December 31, 20052006 were as follows:


Percent Leased*

December 31, 2005

       Real Estate Rental Revenue*






  Office buildings    40%  45%  46%
Percent Leased*     Real Estate Rental Revenue*


December 31, 2006






  Office buildings  40% 40% 45%


  Medical office buildings    10   8   5   Medical office buildings  11  10  8 


  Retail centers    17   16   17 


  Multifamily    16   17   18 


  Retail centers  17  17  16 


  Multifamily  15  16  17 


  Industrial    17   14   14   Industrial  17  17  14 






       100%  100%  100%     100% 100% 100%






*Data excludes discontinued operations.

* Data excludes discontinued operations.


On a combined basis, our portfolio was 94% leased at December 31, 2006, 94% leased at December 31, 2005 and 92% leased at December 31, 2004 and 2003.2004.


Total rental revenue from continuing operations was $219.7 million for 2006, $190.0 million for 2005 and $171.6 million for 2004 and $153.6 million for 2003.2004. During the three year period endingended December 31, 2005,2006, we acquired twofour general purpose office buildings, fiveeight medical office buildings, twothree retail centers and fiveseven industrial properties. During that same time frame, we sold three office buildings and one industrial property. These acquisitions and dispositions were the primary reason for the shifting of each group’s percentage of total revenue reflected above.


No single tenant accounted for more than 3.5% of revenue in 2006, 3.3% of revenue in 2005, and 3.3% of revenue in 2004, and 2.5% of revenue in 2003.2004. All Federal government tenants in the aggregate accounted for approximately 1.8%2.3% of our 20052006 total revenue. Federal government tenants include the Department of Defense, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Office of Personnel Management, U.S. Department of Consumer AffairsSecret Service, Federal Aviation Administration, NASA and the National Institutes of Health. WRIT’s larger non-Federalnon-federal government tenants include the World Bank, Sunrise Senior Living, Inc., Lockheed Corporation, George Washington University, IQ Solutions, Sun Microsystems, INOVA Health Systems, URS Corporations, George Washington University, Lockheed Corporations, United Communications Group and Westat.



We expect to continue investing in additional income producing properties. We only invest in properties which we believe will increase in income and value. Our properties compete for tenants with other properties throughout the respective areas in which they are located on the basis of location, quality and rental rates.


We have recently engaged in ground-up development in order to further strengthen our portfolio with long-term growth prospects. We currently have three ground-up development projects underway. The first is a 224-unit


mixed-use residential and retail apartment property in Arlington, VA, referred to as Bennett Park, formerly Rosslyn Towers, with completion of the mid rise building expected in late 2006 and the high risemid-rise building expected in the second quarter 2007 and the high-rise building expected in the third quarter 2007. The second is a 75-unit mixed-use residential and retailapartment property in Alexandria, VA referred to as The Clayborne Apartments, formerly South Washington Street, with completion expected in earlythe third quarter of 2007. The third is our December 2005 acquisition of Dulles Station in Herndon, VA. TheseThe property is entitled for two office buildings will totaltotaling 540,000 square feet when the two phases are complete.feet. The completion of the first 185,000180,000 square feet offoot office building construction is expected late in the third quarter 2007 and construction of the 360,000 square foot second building of 355,000 square feet is expected to be completedcommence sometime in 2008 or 2009, depending on market conditions.


We make capital improvements on an ongoing basis to our properties for the purpose of maintaining and increasing their value and income. Major improvements and/or renovations to the properties in 2006, 2005, 2004, and 20032004 are discussed under the heading “Capital Improvements.”


Further description of the property groups is contained in Item 2, Properties and in Schedule III. Reference is also made to Item 7, Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.


On February 28, 2006,22, 2007, we had 260282 employees including 179199 persons engaged in property management functions and 8183 persons engaged in corporate, financial, leasing, and asset management and other functions.




A copy of this Annual Report on Form 10-K, as well as our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on Form 8-K and any amendments to such reports are available, free of charge, on the Internet on our website www.writ.com. All required reports are made available on the website as soon as reasonably practicable after they are electronically filed with or furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission. The reference to our website address does not constitute incorporation by reference of the information contained in the website and such information should not be considered part of this document.




Set forth below are the risks that we believe are material to our shareholders. We refer to the shares of beneficial interest in Washington Real Estate Investment Trust as our “shares,” and the investors who own shares as our “shareholders.”"shareholders." This section includes or refers to certain forward-looking statements. You should refer to the explanation of the qualifications and limitations on such forward-looking statements beginning on page 46.47.


Our performance and value are subject to risks associated with our real estate assets and with the real estate industry.


Our economic performance and the value of our real estate assets are subject to the risk that if our office, medical office, industrial, multifamily and retail properties do not generate revenues sufficient to meet our operating expenses, including debt service and capital expenditures, our cash flow and ability to pay distributions to our shareholders will be adversely affected. The following factors, among others, may adversely affect the revenues generated by our commercial and multifamily properties:


downturns in the national, regional and local economic climate;


competition from similar asset type properties;


local real estate market conditions, such as oversupply or reduction in demand for office, industrial, multi-family or retail properties;



changes in interest rates and availability of financing;


vacancies, changes in market rental rates and the need to periodically repair, renovate and re-let space;


increased operating costs, including insurance premiums, utilities and real estate taxes;




weather conditions;



weather conditions;

consumer confidence, unemployment rates, and consumer tastes and preferences;


civil disturbances, earthquakes and other natural disasters, terrorist acts or acts of war may result in uninsured or underinsured losses;


significant expenditures associated with each investment, such as debt service payments, real estate taxes, insurance and maintenance costs, are generally not reduced when circumstances cause a reduction in revenues from a property; and


the economic health of our tenants and the ability to collect rents from tenants.rents.


We are dependent upon the economic climate of the greater Washington/BaltimoreWashington metropolitan region.


All of our properties are located in the Washington metropolitan region which exposes us to a greater Washington/Baltimore region.amount of risk than if we were geographically diverse. General economic conditions and local real estate conditions in thisour geographic region may be dependent upon one or more industries, thus, a downturn in one of the industries may have a particularly strong effect. In particular, economic conditions in our market are directly affected by Federal government spending in the region. In the event of reduced Federal spending or negative economic changes in our region, we may experience a negative impact to our profitability and may be limited in our ability to make distributions to our shareholders.


We face risks associated with property acquisitions.


We intend to continue to acquire properties which would continue to increase our size and could alter our capital structure. Our acquisition activities and success may be exposed to the following risks:


we may be unable to acquire a desired property because of competition from other real estate investors, including publicly traded real estate investment trusts, institutional investment funds and private investors;


even if we enter into an acquisition agreement for a property, it is subject to customary conditions to closing, including completion of due diligence investigations which may behave findings that are unacceptable;


competition from other real estate investors may significantly increase the purchase price;


we may be unable to finance acquisitions on favorable terms;


acquired properties may fail to perform as we expected in analyzing our investments; and


our estimates of the costs of repositioning or redeveloping acquired properties may be inaccurate.


We may acquire properties subject to liabilities and without recourse, or with limited recourse, with respect to unknown liabilities. As a result, if liability were asserted against us based upon the acquisition of a property, we may have to pay substantial sums to settle it, which could adversely affect our cash flow. Unknown liabilities with respect to properties acquired might include:


liabilities for clean-up of undisclosed environmental contamination;


claims by tenants, vendors or other persons dealing with the former owners of the properties;


liabilities incurred in the ordinary course of business; and


claims for indemnification by general partners, directors, officers and others indemnified by the former owners of the properties.



We face new and different risks associated with property development.


The ground-up development of Bennett Park, formerly Rosslyn Towers, The Clayborne Apartments, formerly South Washington Street, and Dulles Station, as opposed to renovation and redevelopment of an existing property, is a relatively new activity for WRIT. Developing properties, in addition to the risks historically associated with our business, presents a number of new and additional risks for us, including risks that:


the development opportunity may be abandoned after expending significant resources resulting in the loss of deposits or failure to recover expenses already incurred, if we are unable to obtain all necessary zoning and other required governmental permits and authorizations;authorizations or abandon the project for any other reason;



the development and construction costs of the project may exceed original estimates;estimates due to increased interest rates and increased materials, labor, leasing or other costs, which could make the completion of the project less profitable because market rents may not increase sufficiently to compensate for the increase in construction costs;


construction and/or permanent financing may not be available on favorable terms or may not be available at all;all, which may cause the cost of the project to increase and lower the expected return;


the project may not be completed on schedule as a result of a variety of factors, many of which are beyond our control, such as weather, labor conditions and material shortages, which would result in increases in construction costs and debt service expenses; and


occupancy rates and rents at the newly completed property may not meet the expected levels and could be insufficient to make the property profitable.


Properties developed or acquired for development may generate little or no cash flow from the date of acquisition through the date of completion of development. In addition, new development activities, regardless of whether or not they are ultimately successful, may require a substantial portion of management’s time and attention.


These risks could result in substantial unanticipated delays or expenses and, under certain circumstances, could prevent completion of development activities once undertaken, any of which could have an adverse effect on our financial condition, results of operations, cash flow, the trading price of our common shares, and ability to satisfy our debt service obligations and to pay dividends to shareholders.

We face potential difficulties or delays renewing leases or re-leasing space.


From 20062007 through 2010,2011, leases on our Office, Medical Office, Retail and Industrialcommercial properties will expire on a total of approximately 69% of our leased square footage as of December 31, 2005,2006, with leases on approximately 14%11% of our leased square footage expiring in 2006, 11%2007, 12% in 2007,2008, 15% in 2008, 14%2009, 18% in 20092010 and 15%13% in 2010.2011. We derive substantially all of our income from rent received from tenants. Also, whenif our tenants decide not to renew their leases, we may not be able to re-let the space. If tenants decide to renew their leases, the terms of renewals, including the cost of required improvements or concessions, may be less favorable than current lease terms. As a result, our cash flow could decrease and our ability to make distributions to our shareholders could be adversely affected. Residential properties are leased under operating leases with terms of generally one year or less. For the years ended 2006, 2005 2004 and 2003,2004, the residential tenant retention rate was 57%68%, 59%57% and 53%59%, respectively.


We face potential adverse effects from major tenants’ bankruptcies or insolvencies.


The bankruptcy or insolvency of a major tenant may adversely affect the income produced by a property. Although we have not experienced material losses from tenant bankruptcies or insolvencies in the past, a major tenant could file for bankruptcy protection or become insolvent in the future. We cannot evict a tenant solely because of its bankruptcy. On the other hand, a court might authorize the tenant to reject and terminate its lease. In such case, our claim against the bankrupt tenant for unpaid, future rent would be subject to a statutory cap that might be substantially less than the remaining rent actually owed under the lease, and, our claim for unpaid rent


would likely not be paid in full. This shortfall could adversely affect our cash flow and results from operations. If a tenant experiences a downturn in its business or other types of financial distress, it may be unable to make timely rental payments.


Our properties face significant competition.


We face significant competition from developers, owners and operators of office, medical office, industrial, multifamily, retail and other commercial real estate. Substantially all of our properties face competition from similar properties in the same market. Such competition may affect our ability to attract and retain tenants and may reduce the rents we are able to charge. These competing properties may have vacancy rates higher than our properties, which may result in their owners being willing to make space available at lower prices than the space in our properties.


Compliance or failure to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and other laws could result in substantial costs.


The Americans with Disabilities Act generally requires that public buildings, including commercial and multifamily properties, be made accessible to disabled persons. Noncompliance could result in imposition of


fines by the Federal government or the award of damages to private litigants. If, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, we are required to make substantial alterations and capital expenditures in one or more of our properties, including the removal of access barriers, it could adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations, as well as the amount of cash available for distribution to our shareholders. We may also incur significant costs complying with other regulations. Our properties are subject to various federal, state and local regulatory requirements, such as state and local fire and life safety requirements. If we fail to comply with these requirements, we may incur fines or private damage awards. We believe that our properties are currently in material compliance with all of these regulatory requirements. However, we do not know whether existing requirements will change or whether compliance with future requirements will require significant unanticipated expenditures that will adversely affect our cash flow and results from operations.


Some potential losses are not covered by insurance.


We carry insurance coverage on our properties of types and in amounts that we believe are in line with coverage customarily obtained by owners of similar properties. We believe all of our properties are adequately insured. The property insurance that we maintain for our properties has historically been on an “all risk”"all risk" basis, which is in full force and effect until renewal in September 2007. There are other types of losses, such as from wars or catastrophic acts of nature, for which we cannot obtain insurance at all or at a reasonable cost. In the event of an uninsured loss or a loss in excess of our insurance limits, we could lose both the revenues generated from the affected property and the capital we have invested in the affected property. Depending on the specific circumstances of the affected property it is possible that we could be liable for any mortgage indebtedness or other obligations related to the property. Any such loss could adversely affect our business and financial condition and results of operations.


Also, we have to renew our policies in most cases on an annual basis and negotiate acceptable terms for coverage, exposing us to the volatility of the insurance markets, including the possibility of rate increases. Any material increase in insurance rates or decrease in available coverage in the future could adversely affect our results of operations and financial condition.


Potential liability for environmental contamination could result in substantial costs.


Under Federal, state and local environmental laws, ordinances and regulations, we may be required to investigate and clean up the effects of releases of hazardous or toxic substances or petroleum products at our properties, regardless of our knowledge or responsibility, simply because of our current or past ownership or operation of


the real estate. In addition, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration are increasingly involved in indoor air quality standards, especially with respect to asbestos, mold and medical waste. The clean up of any environmental contamination, including asbestos and mold, can be costly. If unidentified environmental problems arise, we may have to make substantial payments which could adversely affect our cash flow, because:


as owner or operator we may have to pay for property damage and for investigation and clean-up costs incurred in connection with the contamination;


the law typically imposes clean-up responsibility and liability regardless of whether the owner or operator knew of or caused the contamination;


even if more than one person may be responsible for the contamination, each person who shares legal liability under the environmental laws may be held responsible for all of the clean-up costs; and


governmental entities and third parties may sue the owner or operator of a contaminated site for damages and costs.


These costs could be substantial and in extreme cases could exceed the value of the contaminated property. The presence of hazardous or toxic substances or petroleum products or the failure to properly remediate


contamination may adversely affect our ability to borrow against, sell or rent an affected property. In addition, applicable environmental laws create liens on contaminated sites in favor of the government for damages and costs it incurs in connection with a contamination.


We have a storage tank third party liability, corrective action and cleanup policy in place to cover potential hazardous releases from underground storage tanks on our properties. This insurance is in place to mitigate any potential remediation costs from the effect of releases of hazardous or toxic substances from these storage tanks. Additional coverage is in place under a pollution legal liability real estate policy. This would, dependent on circumstance and type of pollutants discovered, provide further coverage above and beyond the storage tank policy.


Environmental laws also govern the presence, maintenance and removal of asbestos. Such laws require that owners or operators of buildings containing asbestos:


properly manage and maintain the asbestos;


notify and train those who may come into contact with asbestos; and


undertake special precautions, including removal or other abatement, if asbestos would be disturbed during renovation or demolition of a building.


Such laws may impose fines and penalties on building owners or operators who fail to comply with these requirements and may allow third parties to seek recovery from owners or operators for personal injury associated with exposure to asbestos fibers.


It is our policy to retain independent environmental consultants to conduct Phase I environmental site assessments and asbestos surveys with respect to our acquisition of properties. These assessments generally include a visual inspection of the properties and the surrounding areas, an examination of current and historical uses of the properties and the surrounding areas and a review of relevant state, Federal and historical documents, but do not involve invasive techniques such as soil and ground water sampling. Where appropriate, on a property-by-property basis, our practice is to have these consultants conduct additional testing, including sampling for asbestos, for mold, for lead in drinking water, for soil contamination where underground storage tanks are or were located or where other past site usages create a potential environmental problem, and for contamination in groundwater. Even though these environmental assessments are conducted, there is still the risk that:


the environmental assessments and updates did not identify all potential environmental liabilities;


a prior owner created a material environmental condition that is not known to us or the independent consultants preparing the assessments;



new environmental liabilities have developed since the environmental assessments were conducted; and


future uses or conditions such as changes in applicable environmental laws and regulations could result in environmental liability to us.


Recently enacted changes in securities laws are likely to increase our costs.


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as well as new rules subsequently implemented by the Securities and Exchange Commission, havehas required changechanges in some of our corporate governance and accounting practices. In addition, the New York Stock Exchange has promulgated a number of regulations. We expect these laws, rules and regulations to increase our legal and financial compliance costs and to continue to make some activities more difficult, time consuming and costly. We also expect these new rules and regulations to continue to make it more difficult and more expensive for us to obtain director and officer liability insurance, and we may be required to accept reduced coverage or incur significantly higher costs to obtain coverage. These new laws, rules and regulations could also make it more difficult for us to attract and retain qualified members of our board of trustees, particularly to serve on our audit committee, and qualified executive officers.



We face risks associated with the use of debt to fund acquisitions and developments, including refinancing risk.


We rely on borrowings under our credit facilities to finance acquisitions and development activities and for working capital. If we were unable to borrow under our credit facilities, or to refinance existing indebtedness, our financial condition and results of operations would likely be adversely affected.


We are subject to the risks normally associated with debt financing, including the risk that our cash flow may be insufficient to meet required payments of principal and interest. We anticipate that only a small portion of the principal of our debt will be repaid prior to maturity. Therefore, we are likely to need to refinance at least a portion of our outstanding debt as it matures. There is a risk that we may not be able to refinance existing debt or that the terms of any refinancing will not be as favorable as the terms of the existing debt. If principal payments due at maturity cannot be refinanced, extended or repaid with proceeds from other sources, such as new equity capital, our cash flow will not be sufficient to repay all maturing debt in years when significant “balloon” payments come due.


Rising interest rates would increase our interest costs.


We may incur indebtedness that bears interest at variable rates. Accordingly, if interest rates increase, so will our interest costs, which could adversely affect our cash flow and our ability to service debt. As a protection against rising interest rates, we may enter into agreements such as interest rate swaps, caps, floors and other interest rate exchange contracts. These agreements, however, increase our risks including other parties to the agreements not performing or that the agreements may be unenforceable.


Covenants in our debt agreements could adversely affect our financial condition.


Our credit facilities contain customary restrictions, requirements and other limitations on our ability to incur indebtedness. We must maintain certain ratios, including total debt to assets, secured debt to total assets, debt service coverage and minimum ratios of unencumbered assets to unsecured debt. Our ability to borrow under our credit facilities is subject to compliance with our financial and other covenants.


Failure to comply with any of the covenants under our unsecured credit facilities or other debt instruments could result in a default under one or more of our debt instruments. This could cause our lenders to accelerate the timing of payments and would therefore have a material adverse effect on our business, operations, financial condition and liquidity.



Further issuances of equity securities may be dilutive to current shareholders.


The interests of our existing shareholders could be diluted if additional equity securities are issued to finance future developments and acquisitions instead of incurring additional debt. Our ability to execute our business strategy depends on our access to an appropriate blend of debt financing, including unsecured lines of credit and other forms of secured and unsecured debt, and equity financing.


Failure to qualify as a REIT would cause us to be taxed as a corporation, which would substantially reduce funds available for payment of dividends.


If we fail to qualify as a REIT for federal income tax purposes, we would be taxed as a corporation. We believe that we are organized and qualified as a REIT and intend to operate in a manner that will allow us to continue to qualify as a REIT.



If we fail to qualify as a REIT we could face serious tax consequences that could substantially reduce the funds available for payment of dividends for each of the years involved because:


we would not be allowed a deduction for dividends paid to shareholders in computing our taxable income and could be subject to federal income tax at regular corporate rates;


we also could be subject to the Federal alternative minimum tax and possibly increased state and local taxes;


unless we are entitled to relief under statutory provisions, we could not elect to be subject to tax as a REIT for four taxable years following the year during which we are disqualified; and


all dividends would be subject to tax as ordinary income to the extent of our current and accumulated earnings and profits potentially eligible as “qualified dividends” subject to the 15% income tax rate.


In addition, if we fail to qualify as a REIT, we would no longer be required to pay dividends. As a result of these factors, our failure to qualify as a REIT could impair our ability to expand our business and raise capital, and could adversely affect the value of our shares.


The market value of our securities can be adversely affected by many factors.


As with any public company, a number of factors may adversely influence the public market price of our common shares, many of which are beyond our control. These factors include:


level of institutional interest in us;



perceived attractiveness of REITs generally and REITs with portfolios similarinvestment in WRIT, in comparison to ours, in particular, by market professionals;other REITs;


attractiveness of securities of REITs in comparison to other companiesasset classes taking into account, among other things, that a substantial portion of REITs’ dividends are taxed as ordinary income;


our financial condition and performance;


the market’s perception of our growth potential and potential future cash dividends;


government action or regulation, including changes in tax law;


increases in market interest rates, which may lead investors to expect a higher annual yield from our distributions in relation to the price of our shares; and


relatively low trading volume of shares of REITs in general, which tends to exacerbate a market trend with respect to our stock.


Provisions of the Maryland General Corporation Law, or the MGCL, may limit a change in control of our company.

There are several provisions of the Maryland General Corporation Law, or the MGCL, that may limit the ability of a third party to acquire a change in control of our company, including:

a provision where a corporation is not required to engage in any business combination with any “interested stockholder,” defined as any holder or affiliate of any holder of 10% or more of the corporation’s stock, for a period of five years pursuant to that holder becoming an “interested stockholder;”

a provision where the voting rights of “control shares” acquired in a “control share acquisition,” as defined in the law, may be restricted, such that the “control shares” have no voting rights, except to the extent approved by a vote of two-thirds of the votes entitled to be cast on the matter.

These provisions may delay, defer, or prevent a transaction or a change in control of our company that may involve a premium price for holders of our common stock or otherwise be in their best interests.








The schedule on the following pages lists our real estate investment portfolio as of December 31, 2005,2006, which consisted of 6882 properties.


As of December 31, 2005,2006, the percent leased is the percentage of net rentable area for which fully executed leases exist and may include signed leases for space not yet occupied by the tenant.


Cost information is included in Schedule III to our financial statements included in this Annual Report on Form 10-K.








 Year Constructed

 Net Rentable
Square Feet




  Year Constructed

Square Feet



Office Buildings


1901 Pennsylvania Avenue

 Washington, D.C. 1977 1960 97,000 92%  Washington, D.C.  1977  1960 97,000  99%

51 Monroe Street

 Rockville, MD 1979 1975 208,000 96%  Rockville, MD  1979  1975 210,000  100%

515 King Street

 Alexandria, VA 1992 1966 78,000 78%  Alexandria, VA  1992  1966 76,000  84%

The Lexington Building

 Rockville, MD 1993 1970 46,000 64%  Rockville, MD  1993  1970 46,000  50%

The Saratoga Building

 Rockville, MD 1993 1977 59,000 99%  Rockville, MD  1993  1977 58,000  100%

Brandywine Center

 Rockville, MD 1993 1969 35,000 94%  Rockville, MD  1993  1969 35,000  94%

6110 Executive Boulevard

 Rockville, MD 1995 1971 199,000 85%  Rockville, MD  1995  1971 198,000  95%

1220 19th Street

 Washington, D.C. 1995 1976 102,000 100%  Washington, D.C.  1995  1976 102,000  100%

Maryland Trade Center I

 Greenbelt, MD 1996 1981 190,000 93%  Greenbelt, MD  1996  1981 184,000  97%

Maryland Trade Center II

 Greenbelt, MD 1996 1984 158,000 88%  Greenbelt, MD  1996  1984 158,000  90%

1600 Wilson Boulevard

 Arlington, VA 1997 1973 166,000 90%  Arlington, VA  1997  1973 166,000  94%

7900 Westpark Drive

 McLean, VA 1997 1972/1986/19991 521,000 84%  McLean, VA  1997  1972/1986/19991 523,000  88%

600 Jefferson Plaza

 Rockville, MD 1999 1985 115,000 89%  Rockville, MD  1999  1985 112,000  91%

1700 Research Boulevard

 Rockville, MD 1999 1982 103,000 95%  Rockville, MD  1999  1982 101,000  100%

Parklawn Plaza

 Rockville, MD 1999 1986 40,000 100%  Rockville, MD  1999  1986 40,000  97%

Wayne Plaza

 Silver Spring, MD 2000 1970 91,000 100%  Silver Spring, MD  2000  1970 91,000  85%

Courthouse Square

 Alexandria, VA 2000 1979 113,000 98%  Alexandria, VA  2000  1979 113,000  100%

One Central Plaza

 Rockville, MD 2001 1974 267,000 94%  Rockville, MD  2001  1974 267,000  91%

The Atrium Building

 Rockville, MD 2002 1980 81,000 96%  Rockville, MD  2002  1980 80,000  94%

1776 G Street

 Washington, D.C. 2003 1979 262,000 100%  Washington, D.C.  2003  1979 263,000  100%

Albemarle Point

 Chantilly, VA 2005 2001 90,000 89%  Chantilly, VA  2005  2001 89,000  95%

6565 Arlington Blvd

  Falls Church, VA  2006  1967/1998 140,000  82%

West Gude Drive

  Rockville, MD  2006  1984/1986/1988 289,000  95%

The Ridges

  Gaithersburg, MD  2006  1990 104,000  100%



 3,021,000 91%         3,542,000  93%


Medical Office Buildings


Woodburn Medical Park I

 Annandale, VA 1998 1984 71,000 97%  Annandale, VA  1998  1984 71,000  100%

Woodburn Medical Park II

 Annandale, VA 1998 1988 96,000 100%  Annandale, VA  1998  1988 96,000  100%

Prosperity Medical Center I

 Merrifield, VA 2003 2000 92,000 100%  Merrifield, VA  2003  2000 92,000  100%

Prosperity Medical Center II

 Merrifield, VA 2003 2001 88,000 100%  Merrifield, VA  2003  2001 88,000  100%

Prosperity Medical Center III

 Merrifield, VA 2003 2002 75,000 100%  Merrifield, VA  2003  2002 75,000  100%

Shady Grove Medical Village II

 Rockville, MD 2004 1999 66,000 100%  Rockville, MD  2004  1999 66,000  100%

8301 Arlington Boulevard

 Fairfax, VA 2004 1965 50,000 88%  Fairfax, VA  2004  1965 49,000  99%

Alexandria Professional Center

  Alexandria, VA  2006  1968 113,000  100%

9707 Medical Center Drive

  Rockville, MD  2006  1994 38,000  100%

15001 Shady Grove Road

  Rockville, MD  2006  1999 51,000  100%

Plumtree Medical Center

  Bel Air, MD  2006  1991 33,000  100%

15005 Shady Grove Road

  Rockville, MD  2006  2002 52,000  100%

The Crescent

  Gaithersburg, MD  2006  1989 49,000  88%



 538,000 99%         873,000  99%


Retail Centers


Takoma Park

 Takoma Park, MD 1963 1962 51,000 100%  Takoma Park, MD  1963  1962 51,000  100%


 Westminster, MD 1972 1969 146,000 90%  Westminster, MD  1972  1969 151,000  90%

Concord Centre

 Springfield, VA 1973 1960 76,000 100%  Springfield, VA  1973  1960 76,000  98%

Wheaton Park

 Wheaton, MD 1977 1967 72,000 100%  Wheaton, MD  1977  1967 72,000  100%


 Alexandria, VA 1984 1955 168,000 100%  Alexandria, VA  1984  1955 168,000  100%

Chevy Chase Metro Plaza

 Washington, D.C. 1985 1975 50,000 100%  Washington, D.C.  1985  1975 49,000  100%

Montgomery Village Center

 Gaithersburg, MD 1992 1969 198,000 99%  Gaithersburg, MD  1992  1969 198,000  99%

Shoppes of Foxchase2

 Alexandria, VA 1994 1960 128,000 97%  Alexandria, VA  1994  1960 128,000  99%

Frederick County Square

 Frederick, MD 1995 1973 227,000 100%

800 S. Washington Street3

 Alexandria, VA 1998/20032 1955/1959 45,000 100%

Centre at Hagerstown

 Hagerstown, MD 2002 2000 334,000 100%

Frederick Crossing

 Frederick, MD 2005 1999/2003 295,000 100%


 1,790,000 99%













Square Feet




  Year Constructed

Square Feet



Retail Centers (continued)


Frederick County Square

  Frederick, MD  1995  1973 227,000  99%

800 S. Washington Street3

  Alexandria, VA  1998/2003  1955/1959 44,000  95%

Centre at Hagerstown

  Hagerstown, MD  2002  2000 332,000  100%

Frederick Crossing

  Frederick, MD  2005  1999/2003 295,000  100%

Randolph Shopping Center

  Rockville, MD  2006  1972 82,000  93%

Montrose Shopping Center

  Rockville, MD  2006  1970 143,000  67%


         2,016,000  96%

Multifamily Buildings / # units


3801 Connecticut Avenue / 306

 Washington, D.C. 1963 1951 177,000 91%  Washington, D.C.  1963  1951 179,000  94%

Roosevelt Towers / 190

 Falls Church, VA 1965 1964 168,000 89%  Falls Church, VA  1965  1964 170,000  94%

Country Club Towers / 227

 Arlington, VA 1969 1965 159,000 96%  Arlington, VA  1969  1965 163,000  94%

Park Adams / 200

 Arlington, VA 1969 1959 172,000 92%  Arlington, VA  1969  1959 173,000  96%

Munson Hill Towers / 279

 Falls Church, VA 1970 1963 259,000 90%  Falls Church, VA  1970  1963 259,000  94%

The Ashby at McLean / 254

 McLean, VA 1996 1982 244,000 81%  McLean, VA  1996  1982 252,000  93%

Walker House Apartments / 212

 Gaithersburg, MD 1996 1971/20034 154,000 95%  Gaithersburg, MD  1996  1971/20034 159,000  96%

Bethesda Hill Apartments / 194

 Bethesda, MD 1997 1986 226,000 92%  Bethesda, MD  1997  1986 226,000  86%

Avondale / 237

 Laurel, MD 1999 1987 170,000 94%  Laurel, MD  1999  1987 170,000  96%


Subtotal (2,099 units)

 1,729,000 91%         1,751,000  94%


Industrial Distribution/Flex Properties


Industrial/Flex Properties


Fullerton Business Center

 Springfield, VA 1985 1980 104,000 100%  Springfield, VA  1985  1980/1982 104,000  91%

Charleston Business Center

 Rockville, MD 1993 1973 85,000 93%  Rockville, MD  1993  1973 85,000  93%

Tech 100 Industrial Park

 Elkridge, MD 1995 1990 167,000 88%  Elkridge, MD  1995  1990 166,000  90%

Crossroads Distribution Center

 Elkridge, MD 1995 1987 85,000 70%  Elkridge, MD  1995  1987 85,000  100%

The Alban Business Center

 Springfield, VA 1996 1981/1982 87,000 100%  Springfield, VA  1996  1981/1982 87,000  100%

The Earhart Building

 Chantilly, VA 1996 1987 93,000 100%  Chantilly, VA  1996  1987 92,000  100%

Ammendale Technology Park I

 Beltsville, MD 1997 1985 167,000 91%  Beltsville, MD  1997  1985 167,000  100%

Ammendale Technology Park II

 Beltsville, MD 1997 1986 108,000 76%  Beltsville, MD  1997  1986 107,000  77%

Pickett Industrial Park

 Alexandria, VA 1997 1973 246,000 100%  Alexandria, VA  1997  1973 246,000  100%

Northern Virginia Industrial Park

 Lorton, VA 1998 1968/1991 788,000 94%  Lorton, VA  1998  1968/1991 787,000  93%

8900 Telegraph Road

 Lorton, VA 1998 1985 32,000 100%  Lorton, VA  1998  1985 32,000  96%

Dulles South IV

 Chantilly, VA 1999 1988 83,000 100%  Chantilly, VA  1999  1988 83,000  100%

Sully Square

 Chantilly, VA 1999 1986 95,000 49%  Chantilly, VA  1999  1986 95,000  53%


 Beltsville, MD 1999 1986 31,000 100%  Beltsville, MD  1999  1986 31,000  100%

Sullyfield Center

 Chantilly, VA 2001 1985 245,000 100%  Chantilly, VA  2001  1985 244,000  73%

Fullerton Industrial Center

 Springfield, VA 2003 1980 137,000 83%  Springfield, VA  2003  1980 137,000  99%

8880 Gorman Road

 Laurel, MD 2004 2000 141,000 100%  Laurel, MD  2004  2000 141,000  100%

Dulles Business Park Portfolio

 Chantilly, VA 2004 1999-2004 325,000 99%  Chantilly, VA  2004  1999-2004 324,000  100%

Albemarle Point

 Chantilly, VA 2005 2001/2003/2005 206,000 100%  Chantilly, VA  2005  2001/2003/2005 207,000  100%

Hampton Overlook

  Capital Heights, MD  2006  1989 134,000  100%

Hampton South

  Capital Heights, MD  2006  1989/2005 168,000  100%

9950 Business Parkway

  Lanham, MD  2006  2005 102,000  79%



 3,225,000 93%         3,624,000  93%



 10,303,000          11,806,000   


A 49,000 square foot addition to 7900 Westpark Drive was completed in September 1999.




Development on approximately 60,000 square feet of the center is under development.was completed in December 2006.



South Washington Street includes 718 E. Jefferson Street, acquired in May 2003 to complete the ownership of the entire block of 800 S. Washington Street.



A 16 unit addition referred to as The Gardens at Walker House was completed in October 2003.


*Multifamily buildings are presented in gross square feet.









No matters were submitted to a vote of security holders during the fourth quarter of 2005.2006.







Our shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange. Currently, there are approximately 47,30045,800 shareholders.


The high and low sales price for our shares for 20052006 and 2004,2005, by quarter, and the amount of dividends we paid per share are as follows:


Per Share

  Quarterly Share
Price Range






Per Share

  Quarterly Share
Price Range






  $.4125  $43.40  $38.36


  $.4125  $41.89  $35.90


  $.4125  $39.17  $33.70


  $.4025  $36.61  $30.06




  $.4025  $32.00  $28.36  $.4025  $32.00  $28.36


  $.4025  $33.69  $29.42  $.4025  $33.69  $29.42


  $.4025  $32.54  $28.70  $.4025  $32.54  $28.70


  $.3925  $33.95  $27.65  $.3925  $33.95  $27.65




  $.3925  $34.48  $30.17


  $.3925  $31.47  $27.31


  $.3925  $32.95  $25.21


  $.3725  $32.50  $28.10


We have historically paid dividends on a quarterly basis. Dividends are normally paid based on our cash flow from operating activities.


During the period covered by this report, we did not sell any equity securities without registration under the Securities Act.


Neither we nor any affiliated purchaser (as that term is defined in Securities Exchange Act Rule 10b-18(a) (3)) made any repurchases of our shares during the fourth quarter of the fiscal years covered by this report.















  (in thousands, except per share data)   (in thousands, except per share data)

Real estate rental revenue

  $190,046  $171,646  $153,576  $141,136  $134,775  $219,662  $190,046  $171,646  $153,576  $141,136

Income from continuing operations

  $40,443  $40,641  $40,558  $41,725  $40,496  $38,661  $40,443  $40,641  $40,558  $41,725

Discontinued Operations:


Income from operations of properties sold or held for sale

  $184  $3,894  $4,329  $6,273  $7,561   —    $184  $3,894  $4,329  $6,273

Gain on property disposed

  $37,011  $1,029   —    $3,838   —     —    $37,011  $1,029   —    $3,838

Income before gain on sale of real estate

  $77,638  $45,564  $44,887  $51,836  $48,057

Gain on sale of real estate

   —     —     —     —    $4,296

Net income

  $77,638  $45,564  $44,887  $51,836  $52,353  $38,661  $77,638  $45,564  $44,887  $51,836

Income per share from continuing operations—diluted

  $0.96  $0.97  $1.02  $1.06  $1.08  $0.88  $0.96  $0.97  $1.02  $1.06

Earnings per share—diluted

  $1.84  $1.09  $1.13  $1.32  $1.38  $0.88  $1.84  $1.09  $1.13  $1.32

Total assets

  $1,141,285  $1,012,393  $928,089  $756,299  $707,935  $1,531,265  $1,139,159  $1,012,393  $928,089  $756,299

Lines of credit payable

  $24,000  $117,000   —    $50,750   —    $61,000  $24,000  $117,000   —    $50,750

Mortgage notes payable

  $169,617  $173,429  $142,182  $86,951  $94,726  $237,073  $169,617  $173,429  $142,182  $86,951

Notes payable

  $520,000  $320,000  $375,000  $265,000  $265,000  $728,255  $518,600  $319,597  $374,493  $264,610

Shareholders’ equity

  $380,305  $366,009  $378,748  $326,177  $323,607  $441,931  $380,305  $366,009  $378,748  $326,177

Cash dividends paid

  $67,322  $64,836  $58,605  $54,352  $49,686  $72,681  $67,322  $64,836  $58,605  $54,352

Cash dividends paid per share

  $1.60  $1.55  $1.47  $1.39  $1.31

Cash dividends declared and paid per share

  $1.64  $1.60  $1.55  $1.47  $1.39
*See footnote 3 which indicates the Company’s acquisitions and dispositions as such activity impacts the comparability of the information year to year.





The discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations are based upon our consolidated financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. The preparation of these financial statements requires us to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses. On an on-going basis, we evaluate these estimates, including those related to estimated useful lives of real estate assets, estimated fair value of acquired leases, cost reimbursement income, bad debts, contingencies and litigation. We base the estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. There can be no assurance that actual results will not differ from those estimates.




Our revenues are derived primarily from the ownership and operation of income-producing real properties in the greater Washington/BaltimoreWashington metro region. As of December 31, 2005,2006, we owned a diversified portfolio of 6882 properties, consisting of 2114 retail centers, 24 general purpose office buildings, 7properties, 13 medical office buildings, 12 retail centers,properties, 22 industrial/flex properties, 9 multifamily buildings and 19 industrial complexes totaling 10.3multi-family properties encompassing in the aggregate 11.8 million net rentable square feet. We also holdfeet, and land for development. We have a fundamental strategy of regional focus, diversification by property type and conservative capital management.


When evaluating our financial condition and operating performance, management focuses on the following financial and non-financial indicators, discussed in further detail herein:


Net Operating Income (“NOI”) by segment. NOI is calculated as real estate rental revenue less real estate operating expenses.expenses excluding depreciation. It is a supplemental measure to Net Income.



Economic occupancy (or “occupancy”—defined as actual rental revenues recognized for the period indicated as a percentage of gross potential rental revenues for that period), leased percentage (the percentage of available physical net rentable area leased for our commercial segments and percentage of apartment units leased for our residential segment) and rental rates.


Leasing activity—new leases, renewals and expirations.


Funds From Operations (“FFO”), a supplemental measure to Net Income.


During 20052006, we continued our long-standing strategy of focusing our investment in the greater Washington/BaltimoreWashington metro region, one of the most stable real estate markets in the country. The area’s economy continues to expand, but at a decelerating pace as growth rates have normalized from the accelerated growth experienced in 2004 and 2005. The region posted positive job growth of approximately 3.0%2.3% in the twelve months ended November 20052006 and an unemployment rate of 3.3%3.0% compared to the national averageaverages of 5.0%.1.3% and 4.5%, respectively. The job growth occurred principally in the professional/professional and business services, education and health, and retail and constructiontrade sectors. This is a positive sign for continued economic growth in the region. Overall conditions in the region improved duringwere strong in 2006, with Washington, D.C. remaining one of the year, with continued strengthtop office and high-rise apartment investment markets in the retail sector and stabilizing rents in the office and industrial sectors, as the multifamily sector began to benefit from the overall market conditions.country.


Overall occupancies, as well as our results in 20052006, were primarily impacted by the $229.1$423.4 million in acquisitions we completed in 20042006 and 2005, dispositions in 2005 of $83.5$37.0 million and the performance of our core portfolio (consisting of properties owned for the entirety of 20052006 and the same time period in 2004)2005) which improved slightly compared to 2004.2005.



The performance of our five operating segments generally reflected market conditions in our region:


The regional office market particularlywas steady during the year with overall vacancy increasing slightly due to increased supply. Northern Virginia improved duringand the year. While leasing activityDistrict experienced strong absorption, while suburban Maryland’s market softened. The Washington metro region has the fifth lowest overall vacancy rate in the United States, among large metro areas; however, the overall vacancy rate for the region increased rental rates generally remained flatslightly to slightly up due to remaining vacant space.8.6% from 7.9% one year ago. Our Northern Virginiageneral purpose office portfolio was 87% leased, compared to 98% in our Washington, DC portfolio and 93% in92.1% occupied, for 2006, a significant improvement from the Maryland portfolio. The Washington, DC office market led the region in overall occupancy and development activity and experienced moderate rental rate growth due to strong market conditions. Overall leasing activity in the suburban Maryland market improved, however rental rates were generally flat to down depending on the submarket, as the pace of economic recovery was slower than anticipated and National Institutes of Health and its subcontractors showed little demand.year 2005 at 87.9%.


The medical office market iscontinues to be excellent with little to no new construction activity and strong demand. This is reflected in our medical office portfolio which is 99% leased atoccupancy of 98.9% for the year end.2006.


The neighborhood and community shopping center market remained strong in the region due to continued job growth, spurringleading to high occupancies and strong sales, as was reflected in oursales. Our retail portfolio which was 99% leased at96.0% occupied for the year end.2006.


The multifamily market is in strong condition due to the healthy job market and low unemployment rate combined with decreasinghigh barriers to entry that have kept the pipeline of on-coming apartment supply due to condo conversions.in check. The multifamily portfolio was 91%92.4% occupied as of December 31, 2005.for the year 2006.


The industrial market benefitedis still healthy, but has softened since last year. Rents have increased 2.6% while absorption has declined from the region’s strengthening economy during the year, particularly in the Baltimore/Washington and Dulles corridors, with positive absorption and increased rents.2005 levels. Our industrial portfolio experienced positive rental rate growth and was 93% leased at year-end.occupied for the year 2006.


During 2005 development2006, we completed the redevelopment of the Shoppes at Foxchase, a retail shopping center anchored by the Harris Teeter grocery store. Development continued on Phase I ofat Bennett Park, formerly Rosslyn Towers, our mixed-use residentialwhich is a Class A high-rise and retailmid-rise apartment community located in Arlington, Virginia. We beganprogressed on the development atof The Clayborne Apartments, formerly South Washington Street, and redevelopment at Foxchase Shopping center, bothwhich is a Class A apartment building that includes additional retail space located in Alexandria, Virginia and startedVirginia. Development began on the planning, late in the year, for the developmentfirst phase of Dulles Station, acquiredwhich consists of 180,000 square feet of office space located in December 2005.Herndon, Virginia. The development of Bennett Park, The Clayborne Apartments, and phase one of Dulles Station is anticipated to be complete during 2007.


Significant transactions during the two years ended December 31, 20052006 are summarized below:



The acquisition of six medical office properties for $105.9 million, adding approximately 336,000 square feet of rentable space, 98.3% leased at the end of 2006, three general purpose office properties for $112.0 million adding approximately 533,000 square feet of rentable space, 92.6% leased at the end of 2006, three industrial/flex properties for $34.8 million, adding approximately 404,000 square feet of rentable space, 82.3% leased at the end of 2006 and two retail centers, for $50.3 million, adding approximately 225,000 square feet of rentable space, 70.8% leased as of the end of 2006.

The completion of a public offering of 2,745,000 shares of beneficial interest priced at $34.40 per share raising $90.9 million, net.

The issuance of $150.0 million of 5.95% senior unsecured notes due June 15, 2011 at an effective yield of 5.961% raising $149.6 million, net.

The issuance of $100 million in convertible senior notes with a coupon of 3.875%, raising $97.0 million, net and the issuance of an additional $10 million of the convertible senior notes upon the exercise of the underwriters over-allotment option, raising an additional $9.7 million, net.

The opening of a new, unsecured revolving credit facility of $200.0 million. This facility replaces Credit Facility No. 3. Under the new Credit Facility interest only payments are due on a monthly basis until the maturity of this facility on November 2, 2010.


The investment of $68.6 million in the major development and redevelopment of several properties.

The execution of new leases for 1,611,000 square feet of commercial space.



The acquisition of one retail property, for a purchase price of $44.8 million, adding approximately 295,000 square feet of rentable retail space, which was 100% leased as of the end of 2005, one industrial property for $8.8 million, adding approximately 60,000 square feet of rentable industrial space, 100.0% leased as of the end of 2005 and one office and industrial property for $66.8 million, adding approximately 90,000 square feet of rentable office space and approximately 206,000 square feet of rentable industrial space, 97% leased as of the end of 2005. The $24.7 million acquisition of land for the development of a 540,000 square foot office complex.



property for a purchase price of $8.8 million, adding approximately 60,000 square feet of rentable industrial space which was 100.0% leased as of the end of 2005 and one office and industrial property for a purchase price of $66.8 million, adding approximately 90,000 square feet of rentable office space and approximately 206,000 square feet of rentable industrial space which was 97% leased as of the end of 2005. The acquisition of land for $24.7 million for the development of a 540,000 square foot office complex with an estimated completion date for the first building, 185,000 square feet, in the second quarter 2007.

The disposition of one industrial and three office properties, totaling approximately 480,000 square feet, for a gain of approximately $35.1 million and the recognition of a previously deferred gain of $1.9 million from the sale of an Officeoffice property in November, 2004.


The extension and increase of our line of Credit Facility No. 21 until 2008 for $70 million.


The issuance of $50.0 million of 5.05% senior unsecured notes due May 1, 2012 and $50.0 million of 5.35% senior unsecured notes due May 1, 2015, at effective yields of 5.064% and 5.359%, respectively. On October 3, 2005, we reopened the series of 5.35% senior unsecured notes and issued an additional $100 million of notes.


The investment of $17.3 million in the major development and redevelopment of several properties.


The execution of new leases for 1,720,000 square feet of Office, Medical Office, Retail and Industrial space, combined.commercial space.



The acquisitions of two Industrial properties for an aggregate purchase price of $57.5 million, adding approximately 406,000 square feet of Industrial rental space, and two Medical Office properties for an aggregate price of $26.5 million, adding approximately 116,000 square feet of Medical Office rental space.

The disposition of 8230 Boone Boulevard, a 58,000 square foot Office property, for a sale price of $10.0 million and a gain of $1.0 million.

The execution of new leases for 1,799,000 square feet of Office, Medical Office, Retail, and Industrial space combined.

The execution of a new $85.0 million line of credit with Bank One, NA and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association that replaced the previous $25.0 million facility with Bank One, NA.

The repayment of $55.0 million of 7.78% unsecured notes in November 2004.



We believe the following critical accounting policies reflect the more significant judgments and estimates used in the preparation of our consolidated financial statements. Our significant accounting policies are described in Note 2 in the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements in Item 8 of this Form 10-K.

New Accounting Pronouncements

In December, 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 123R, “Share-Based Payment.” This statement is a revision of SFAS No. 123, “Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation,” and supersedes APB opinion No. 25 (APB No. 25), “Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees” and amends SFAS No. 95, “Statement of Cash Flows.” Statement No. 123R addresses the accounting for share-based payment transactions in which an enterprise receives employee services in exchange for (a) equity instruments of the enterprise or (b) liabilities that are based on the fair value of the enterprise’s equity instruments or that may be settled by the issuance of such equity instruments. SFAS No. 123R requires all share-based payments to employees, including grants of employee stock options, to be recognized in the financial statements based on their fair values and eliminates the intrinsic value method of accounting in APB No. 25, which was permitted under SFAS No. 123, as originally issued. The Company has applied the provisions of this statement as of January 1, 2006.

Since we used the fair-value-based method of accounting under the original provisions of SFAS No. 123, in pro forma disclosure, we were required to adopt the provisions of the new standard using either the modified-prospective-transition or the modified-retrospective-transition method. Under both methods, for awards granted, settled or modified subsequent to adopting the standard and for awards granted prior to the date of adoption for which the requisite service has not been completed as of the adoption date, compensation cost must be recognized in the financial statements. Under the modified-retrospective-method, financial statements for prior periods are restated for this change and under the modified prospective method only statements subsequent to adoption will include this compensation cost. The modified-prospective-method also requires a cumulative adjustment in the first period of adoption to conform to the new standard. The Company has adopted


SFAS No. 123R using the modified-prospective-transition method and that adoption did not have a material impact on income from continuing operations, net income, cash flows from operations or financing activities, or basic and diluted EPS.

In July, 2006 the FASB issued Interpretation No. 48, “Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes”, an interpretation of FAS 109, “Accounting for Income Taxes” (FIN 48), to create a single model to address accounting for uncertainty in tax positions. FIN 48 clarifies the accounting for income taxes, by prescribing a minimum recognition threshold a tax position is required to meet before being recognized in the financial statements. FIN 48 also provides guidance on derecognition, measurement, classification, interest and penalties, accounting in interim periods, disclosure and transition. FIN 48 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2006. WRIT will adopt FIN 48 as of January 1, 2007, as required. We do not expect that the adoption of FIN 48 will have a significant impact on our financial position and results of operations.

In September 2006, the FASB issued FASB Statement No. 158, “Employers’ Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Plans, an amendment of FASB Statements No. 87, 106, and 132(R)” (SFAS No. 158). SFAS No. 158 requires plan sponsors of defined benefit pension and other postretirement benefit plans (collectively, “postretirement benefit plans”) to recognize the funded status of their postretirement benefit plans in the statement of financial position, measure the fair value of plan assets and benefit obligation as of the date of the fiscal year-end statement of financial position, and provide additional disclosures. On December 31, 2006, the Company adopted the recognition and disclosure provisions of SFAS No. 158. SFAS No. 158 did not have an effect on the Company’s consolidated financial condition at December 31, 2006. SFAS No. 158’s provisions regarding the change in the measurement date of postretirement benefit plans are not applicable as the Company already uses a measurement date of December 31 for its defined benefit plan. See Note 8 to the consolidated financial statements for further discussion of the effect of adopting SFAS No. 158 on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.


Revenue Recognition


Residential properties are leased under operating leases with terms of generally one year or less, and commercial properties are leased under operating leases with average terms of three to seven years. We recognize rental income and rental abatements from our residential and commercial leases when earned on a straight-line basis in accordance with SFAS No. 13 “Accounting for Leases.” Recognition of rental income commences when control of the facility has been given to the tenant. We record a provision for losses on accounts receivable equal to the estimated uncollectible amounts. This estimate is based on our historical experience and a review of the current status of the company’s receivables. Percentage rents, which represent additional rents based on gross tenant sales, are recognized when tenants’ sales exceed specified thresholds.



In accordance with SFAS No. 66, “Accounting for Sales of Real Estate,” sales are recognized at closing only when sufficient down payments have been obtained, possession and other attributes of ownership have been transferred to the buyer and we have no significant continuing involvement.


We recognize cost reimbursement income from pass-through expenses on an accrual basis over the periods in which the expenses were incurred. Pass-through expenses are comprised of real estate taxes, operating expenses and common area maintenance costs which are reimbursed by tenants in accordance with specific allowable costs per tenant lease agreements.


Capital Expenditures


We capitalize those expenditures related to acquiring new assets, significantly increasing the value of an existing asset, or substantially extending the useful life of an existing asset. We also capitalize costs incurred in connection with our development projects, including capitalizing interest during periods in which development projects are in progress. Expenditures necessary to maintain an existing property in ordinary operating condition are expensed as incurred. In addition, we capitalize tenant leasehold improvements when certain conditions are met, including when we supervise construction and will own the improvements. Expenditures necessary to maintain an existing property in ordinary operating condition are expensed as incurred.



Real Estate Assets


Real estate assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis over estimated useful lives ranging from 28 to 50 years. All capital improvement expenditures associated with replacements, improvements, or major repairs to real property are depreciated using the straight-line method over their estimated useful lives ranging from 3 to 30 years. All tenant improvements are amortized over the shorter of the useful life or the term of the lease.


We allocate the purchase price of acquired properties to the related physical assets and in-place leases based on their relative fair values, in accordance with SFAS No. 141, “Business Combinations.” The fair values of acquired buildings are determined on an “as-if-vacant” basis considering a variety of factors, including the physical condition and quality of the buildings, estimated rental and absorption rates, estimated future cash flows and valuation assumptions consistent with current market conditions. The “as-if-vacant” fair value is allocated to land, building and tenant improvements based on property tax assessments and other relevant information obtained in connection with the acquisition of the property.


The fair value of in-place leases consists of the following components—components – (1) the estimated cost to us to replace the leases, including foregone rents during the period of finding a new tenant and foregone recovery of tenant pass-throughs (referred to as “Absorption Cost”), (2) the estimated cost of tenant improvements, and other direct costs associated with obtaining a new tenant (referred to as “Tenant Origination Cost”); (2)(3) estimated leasing commissions associated with obtaining a new tenant (referred to as “Leasing Commissions”); (3)(4) the above/at/below market cash flow of the leases, determined by comparing the projected cash flows of the leases in place to projected cash flows of comparable market-rate leases (referred to as “Net Lease Intangible”); and (4)(5) the value, if any, of customer relationships, determined based on our evaluation of the specific characteristics of each tenant’s lease and our overall relationship with the tenant (referred to as “Customer Relationship Value”).


The amounts used to calculate Tenant Origination Cost, Leasing Commissions, and Net Lease Intangible are discounted using an interest rate which reflects the risks associated with the leases acquired. Tenant Origination Costs are included in Real Estate Assets on our balance sheet and are amortized as depreciation expense on a straight-line basis over the remaining life of the underlying leases. Leasing Commissions and Absorption Costs are classified as Other Assets and are amortized as amortization expense on a straight-line basis over the remaining life of the underlying leases. The aggregate value of the cash flow for above market leases results in Net Lease Intangible Assets which are classified as Other Assets and are amortized on a straight-line basis as a decrease to Real Estate Rental Revenue over the remaining term of the underlying leases. The aggregate value of the cash flow for below market leases results in Net Lease Intangible Liabilities which are classified as Other Liabilities and are amortized on a straight-line basis as an increase to Real Estate Rental Revenue over the remaining term of the underlying leases. The aggregate valueShould a tenant terminate its lease, the unamortized portion of the cash flow of leases at market results in no additional assets or liabilities.Tenant Origination Cost, Leasing Commissions, Absorption Costs and Net Lease Intangible associated with that lease are written off to depreciation expense, amortization expense, and rental revenue, respectively.



Discontinued Operations


We dispose of assets (sometimes using tax-deferred exchanges) that are inconsistent with our long-term strategic or return objectives and wherewhen market conditions for sale are favorable. The proceeds from the sales are reinvested into other properties, used to fund development operations or to support other corporate needs, or are distributed to our shareholders.


We classify properties as held for sale when they meet the necessary criteria specified by SFAS No. 144, “Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets”. These include: senior management commits to and actively embarks upon a plan to sell the assets, the sale is expected to be completed within one year under terms usual and customary for such sales and actions required to complete the plan indicate that it is unlikely that significant changes to the plan will be made or that the plan will be withdrawn. Depreciation on these properties is discontinued, but operating revenues, operating expenses and interest expense continue to be recognized until the date of sale.



Under SFAS No. 144, revenues and expenses of properties that are either sold or classified as held for sale are treated as discontinued operations for all periods presented in the Statements of Income. As of December 31, 2006 there were no properties held for sale or classified as discontinued operations.


Impairment Losses on Long-Lived Assets


We recognize impairment losses on long-lived assets used in operations, development or land held for future development, when indicators of impairment are present and the net undiscounted cash flows estimated to be generated by those assets are less than the assets’assets' carrying amount.amount and estimated undiscounted cash flows associated with future development expenditures. If such carrying amount is in excess of the estimated cash flows from the operation and disposal of the property, we would recognize an impairment loss equivalent to an amount required to adjust the carrying amount to the estimated fair market value. There were no property impairments recognized during the three-year period ended December 31, 2005.2006.


Federal Income Taxes


We believe that we qualify as a REIT under Sections 856-860 of the Internal Revenue Code and intend to continue to qualify as such. To maintain our status as a REIT, we are required to distribute 90% of our ordinary taxable income to our shareholders. We have the option of (i) reinvesting the sale price of properties sold, allowing for a deferral of income taxes on the sale, (ii) paying out capital gains to the shareholders with no tax to the company or (iii) treating the capital gains as having been distributed to the shareholders, paying the tax on the gain deemed distributed and allocating the tax paid as a credit to the shareholders. We distributed 100% of our 20052006 and 20042005 ordinary taxable income and the gains from the property disposed in 2004, to shareholders. $33.5 million of the gainsgain from property disposed in 2005 was reinvested in replacement properties. Approximately $3.5 million of gainsthe gain from disposed property in 2005 was distributed to shareholders. We distributed 100% of our 2003 ordinary taxable income to our shareholders. No provision for income taxes was necessary during the three year period ended December 31, 2005.2006.




The discussion that follows is based on our consolidated results of operations for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 2004 and 2003.2004. The ability to compare one period to another may be significantly affected by acquisitions completed and dispositions made during those years.


For purposes of evaluating comparative operating performance, we categorize our properties as “core”, “non-core” or Discontinued Operations.discontinued operations. A “core” property is one that was owned for the entirety of the periods being evaluated and is included in continuing operations. A “non-core” property is one that was acquired during either of the periods being evaluated and is included in continuing operations. Results for properties sold or held for sale during any of the periods evaluated are classified as Discontinued Operations.discontinued operations. Fourteen properties were acquired during 2006, four properties were acquired during 2005 and four properties were acquired in 2004. There were no properties sold or classified as held for sale in 2006. Four properties were sold in 2005 and are classified as discontinued operations for the 2005 and 2004 Periods. One property was sold in 2004 and classified as discontinued operations for that year.


To provide more insight into our operating results, our discussion is divided into two main sections: (1) Consolidated Results of Operations where we provide an overview analysis of results on a consolidated basis and (2) Net Operating Income (“NOI”) where we provide a detailed analysis of core versus non-core property-level NOI results by segment. NOI is calculated as real estate rental revenue less real estate operating expenses.



Consolidated Results of Operations


Real Estate Rental Revenue


Real Estate Rental Revenue is summarized as follows (all data in thousands except percentage amounts):





  2005 vs


 2004 vs





  2006 vs


 2005 vs



Minimum base rent

  $170,038  $154,956  $139,035  $15,082  9.7% $15,921  11.4%  $196,922  $170,038  $154,956  $26,884  15.8% $15,082  9.7%

Recoveries from tenants

   15,482   11,989   9,885   3,493  29.1%  2,104  21.2%   19,029   15,482   11,989   3,547  22.9%  3,493  29.1%

Parking and other tenant charges

   4,526   4,701   4,656   (175) (3.7%)  45  1.0%   3,711   4,526   4,701   (815) (18.0%)  (175) (3.7%)














  $190,046  $171,646  $153,576  $18,400  10.7% $18,070  11.8%  $219,662  $190,046  $171,646  $29,616  15.6% $18,400  10.7%















Real estate rental revenue is comprised of (1) minimum base rent, which includes rental revenues recognized on a straight-line basis, (2) revenue from the recovery of operating expenses from our tenants and (3) other revenue such as parking and termination fees and percentage rents.


Minimum base rent increased $26.9 million (15.8%) in 2006 as compared to 2005 and $15.1 million (9.7%) in 2005 as compared to 20042004. The increase in minimum base rent in 2006 was due primarily to additional rent from properties acquired in 2005 and $15.92006 ($17.9 million), combined with a $9.0 million (11.4%)increase in 2004 as comparedminimum base rent from core properties due to 2003.rental rate increases in the office, multifamily, industrial and retail sectors and lower vacancies in the office sector. The increase in minimum base rent in 2005 was due primarily to the increase in rent from properties acquired in 2004 and 2005 ($12.5 million), combined with a $2.6 million increase in minimum base rent from core properties due to lower vacancies and rental rate increases in the Retail, Industrialretail, industrial and Multifamily sectors. The increase in minimum base rent in 2004 was due primarily to the increase in rent from properties acquired in 2004 ($1.8 million) and 2003 ($13.1 million), combined with a $1.0 million increase in minimum base rent from core properties due to rental rate increases and lower vacancies in the Office and Retailmultifamily sectors.


A summary of economic occupancy for properties classified as continuing operations by sector follows:


Consolidated Economic Occupancy





  2005 vs

  2004 vs



  88.1% 89.2% 88.9% (1.1%) 0.3%

Medical Office

  98.4% 98.2% 97.4% 0.2% 0.8%


  97.6% 94.8% 96.0% 2.8% (1.2%)


  93.2% 90.5% 90.8% 2.7% (0.3%)


  94.5% 92.7% 87.9% 1.8% 4.8%






  92.4% 91.4% 90.6% 1.0% 0.8%









  2006 vs

  2005 vs



  92.1% 87.9% 89.2% 4.2% (1.3%)

Medical Office

  98.9% 98.4% 98.2% 0.5% 0.2%


  96.0% 97.6% 94.8% (1.6%) 2.8%


  92.4% 93.2% 90.5% (0.8%) 2.7%


  93.3% 94.5% 92.7% (1.2%) 1.8%






  93.7% 92.3% 91.4% 1.4% 0.9%






Our overall economic occupancy increased 100140 basis points in 2006 as compared to 2005 and increased 90 basis points in 2005 as compared to 20042004. Property acquisitions and increased 80 basis pointsdecreased vacancy in 2004 as compared to 2003.the office and medical office sectors, partially offset by higher vacancies in the retail, industrial and multifamily sectors, accounted for the increase in overall economic occupancy in 2006. Property acquisitions in the Industrialindustrial and Retailretail sectors and decreased vacancy in the Multifamilymultifamily sector, partially offset by higher vacancies in the Officeoffice sector, accounted for the increase in overall economic occupancy in 2005. Acquisitions of highly occupied properties and increased Industrial leasing activity, partially offset by higher vacancies in the Multifamily and Retail sectors accounted for the increase in 2004. A detailed discussion of occupancy by sector can be found in the Net Operating Income section.


Recoveries from tenants increased $3.5 million (22.9%) in 2006 as compared to 2005 and $3.5 million (29.1%) in 2005 as compared to 20042004. The increase in recoveries from tenants in 2006 was due primarily to properties acquired in 2006 and $2.1 million (21.2%) in 2004 as compared2005 ($3.1 million) and increased recovery income from core properties ($0.4 million) due to 2003.higher operating expense, utilities, common area maintenance, real estate taxes. The increase in recoveries from tenants in 2005 was due primarily to increased recovery income from core properties ($1.7 million) due to higher operating expense, utilities, common area maintenance, real estate taxes and from properties acquired in 2005 and 2004 ($1.8 million). The increase in recoveries from tenants in 2004 was due primarily to recoveries from properties acquired in 2003 and 2004 ($0.8 million) and a $1.3 million increase in recoveries from core properties due to higher common area maintenance, real estate tax and operating expenses.



Parking and other tenant charges decreased $0.8 million in 2006 as compared to 2005 and decreased $0.2 million in 2005 as compared to 2004 and were flat in 2004 as compared to 2003.2004. The decrease in parking and other charges in 20052006 was driven by core properties due primarily to higher bad debt expense and lower percentage rent. The decrease in parking and other tenant charges for 2005 compared to 2004 was due primarily to lower percentage rent.


Real estate operating expenses


Real estate operating expenses are summarized as follows (all data in thousands except percentage amounts):





  2005 vs


 2004 vs





  2006 vs


 2005 vs



Property operating expenses

  $42,158  $37,266  $32,743  $4,892  13.1% $4,523  13.8%  $48,933  $42,158  $37,266  $6,775  16.1% $4,892  13.1%

Real estate taxes

   15,958   14,062   11,884   1,896  13.5%  2,178  18.3%   18,335   15,958   14,062   2,377  14.9%  1,896  13.5%














  $58,116  $51,328  $44,627  $6,788  13.2% $6,701  15.0%  $67,268  $58,116  $51,328  $9,152  15.7% $6,788  13.2%















Property operating expenses include utilities, repairs and maintenance, property administration and management, operating services, common area maintenance and other operating expenses.

Real estate operating expenses as a percentage of revenue were 30.6% for 2006, 30.6% for 2005 and 29.9% for 2004 and 29.1% for 2003.2004.


Properties acquired in 2005 and 2006 accounted for $4.8 million (70.8%) of the $6.8 million increase in 2006 property operating expenses. Core property operating expenses increased $2.0 million as a result of higher utility costs due largely to rate increases, increased administrative expenditures and higher repairs and maintenance costs. Real estate taxes increased $2.4 million due primarily to the properties acquired in 2005 and 2006, which accounted for $1.8 million (77.7%) of the increase. The remainder of the increase in real estate taxes was due primarily to higher value assessments among our core properties.

Property acquisitions in 2004 and 2005 accounted for $2.1 million (43.5%) of the $4.9 million increase in 2005 property operating expenses.expenses in 2005. Core property operating expenses increased $2.9 million as a result of higher utility costs due largely to rate increases and an increase in the Montgomery County, MD energy taxes,tax, increased administrative expenditures and higher repairs and maintenance costs. Real estate taxes increased $1.9 million due primarily to the properties acquired in 2004 and 2005,property acquisitions, which accounted for $1.1 million (59.1%) of the increase. The remainder of the increase in real estate taxes was due primarily to higher value assessments among our core properties.


Property acquisitions in 2004 and 2003 accounted for $2.7 million (60%) of the $4.5 million increase in property operating expenses in 2004. Core property operating expenses increased $1.8 million as a result of higher utility costs due largely to rate increases and an increase in the Montgomery County, MD energy tax, increased security related expenditures and higher repairs and maintenance costs. Real estate taxes increased $2.2 million due primarily to property acquisitions, which accounted for $1.7 million (77%) of the increase. The remainder of the increase in real estate taxes was due primarily to higher value assessments among our core properties.

Other Operating Expenses


Other operating expenses are summarized as follows (all data in thousands except percentage amounts):





  2005 vs


 2004 vs





  2006 vs


 2005 vs



Depreciation and amortization

  $47,161  $39,309  $33,490  $7,852  20.0% $5,819  17.4%  $54,170  $47,161  $39,309  $7,009  14.9% $7,852  20.0%

Interest expense

   37,743   34,500   30,040   3,243  9.4%  4,460  14.8%   47,846   37,743   34,500   10,103  26.8%  3,243  9.4%

General and administrative

   8,005   6,194   5,275   1,811  29.2%  919  17.4%   12,622   8,005   6,194   4,617  57.7%  1,811  29.2%














  $92,909  $80,003  $68,805  $12,906  16.1% $11,198  16.3%  $114,638  $92,909  $80,003  $21,729  23.4% $12,906  16.1%















Depreciation and amortization

The $7.0 million increase in depreciation and amortization expense in 2006 relative to 2005 was due substantially to acquisitions of $303.0 million and $145.1 million in 2006 and 2005, respectively.


The $7.9 million increase in depreciation and amortization expense in 2005 relative to 2004 was due substantially to acquisitions of $145.1 million and $84.0 million in 2005 and 2004, respectively. The increase in depreciation and amortization expense attributable to 2005 and 2004 acquisitions combined was $5.1 million or 64.7% of the total $7.9 million increase.


The $5.8 million increase in depreciation and amortization expense in 2004 as compared to 20032004 was due primarily to acquisition activity in both years. The increase in depreciation and amortization expense attributable to 20042005 and 20032004 acquisitions combined was $4.9$5.1 million (84%(64.7%) of the total $5.8$7.9 million increase, due to the $84.0$145.1 million and $174.4$84.0 million acquisitions in 20042005 and 2003,2004, respectively.



Interest expense


Interest expense increased $10.1 million in 2006 compared to 2005 due to increased acquisition and development activity and increases in short term interest rates, partially offset by the refinancing of higher interest rate unsecured notes and mortgages. This activity was funded primarily by debt, including: (1) the issuance in June 2006 of $100.0 million of 5.95% unsecured notes due June 15, 2011 and $50.0 million of 5.95% unsecured notes due June 15, 2011, in September 2006 the issuance of $110.0 million of 3.875% senior convertible notes due September 15, 2026 as well as the issuance in April 2005 of $50.0 million of 5.05% senior unsecured notes due May 1, 2012 and $50.0 million of 5.35% senior unsecured notes due May 1, 2015 and in October 2005, the issuance of an additional $100.0 million of notes of the series of 5.35% senior unsecured notes due May 1, 2015, (2) the increase in short-term borrowing on our lines of credit, and (3) the assumption of five mortgages totaling $76.1 million for the acquisitions of 9707 Medical Center Drive ($5.7 million), Plumtree Medical Center ($4.9 million), 15005 Shady Grove Road ($8.8 million), West Gude Drive ($33.9 million) and The Ridges and Crescent ($23.0 million), offset somewhat by an increase in capitalized interest of $2.7 million.

Interest expense increased $3.2 million increase in interest expense in 2005 as compared to 2004 was primarily due to increased acquisition and development activity and increases in short term interest rates, partially offset by the refinancing of higher interest rate unsecured notes in November 2004, and higher rate mortgages repaid in 2005. This activity was funded with debt, including: (1) the issuance in April 2005 of $50.0 million of 5.05% senior unsecured notes due May 1, 2012 and $50.0 million of 5.35% senior unsecured notes due May 1, 2015 and in October 2005, the issuance of an additional $100.0 million of notes of the series of 5.35% senior unsecured notes due May 1, 2015, (2) the increase in short-term borrowing on our lines of credit, to fund acquisitions and (3) the mortgage assumption of $24.3 million (fair value of $25.0 million) in March 2005 for the acquisition of Frederick Crossing Shopping Center. The increase to interest expense as a result of this activity ($7.5 million) was partially offset by lower interest expense of $3.9 million due to repayment of $55.0 million of 7.78% unsecured notes in November 2004, and higher capitalizedCapitalized interest on development projects of $0.4 million.

The $4.5 million increase in interest expense in 2004 as compared to 2003 was primarily due to (1) the issuance of $100.0 million in 5.25% unsecured notes in December 2003 to refinance short-term borrowings used to fund a portion of the 1776 G Street and Prosperity Medical Center acquisitions, (2) the issuance of $60.0 million in 5.125% unsecured notes in March 2003, (3) the assumption of $49.8 million in mortgages in October 2003 for the acquisition of Prosperity Medical Center and (4) the assumption of $29.6 million in mortgages in 2004 for the acquisitions of Shady Grove Medical Village II and Dulles Business Park. The increase to interest expense as a result of this activity ($7.7 million) was partially offsetincreased by lower interest expense of $2.2 million due to the payoff of $50.0 million of 7.125% unsecured notes in August 2003 and $0.5 million due to the repayment of $55.0 million of 7.78% unsecured notes in November 2004, and higher capitalized interest on development projects of $0.4 million.


A summary of interest expense for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 2004, and 20032004 appears below (in millions):


Debt Type





2005 vs.


 2004 vs.





2006 vs.


 2005 vs.


Notes payable

  $25.5  $24.5  $21.4  $1.0  $3.1   $36.2  $25.5  $24.5  $10.7  $1.0 


   11.2   9.7   7.4   1.5   2.3    11.8   11.2   9.7   0.6   1.5 

Lines of credit/short-term note payable

   2.1   1.0   1.5   1.1   (0.5)   3.6   2.1   1.0   1.5   1.1 

Capitalized interest

   (1.1)  (0.7)  (0.3)  (0.4)  (0.4)   (3.8)  (1.1)  (0.7)  (2.7)  (0.4)











  $37.7  $34.5  $30.0  $3.2  $4.5   $47.8  $37.7  $34.5  $10.1  $3.2 











General and administrative expense

The $4.6 million increase in general and administrative expense in 2006 was due to increased salary costs for the addition of the Chief Investment Officer in 2005 and subsequent severance costs associated with his departure in June, 2006 of $1.6 million, recognition of compensation expense for accelerated vesting of CEO share grants (upon the adoption of SFAS No. 123R) of $1.2 million, higher incentive compensation and staff salary increases related to the growth of our portfolio. Benefits expense also increased as a result of these staffing and compensation increases.


The $1.8 million increase in general and administrative expense in 2005 from 2004 was due primarily to increased salary costs for the addition of the Chief Investment Officer and other staff related to the growth of our portfolio. Benefits expenseexpenses also increased as a result of both this staffing and benefit rate increases. This was somewhat offset by decreases in reduced depreciation, software maintenance and internal audit costs.


The $0.9 million increase in general and administrative expense in 2004 from 2003 was due primarily to increased internal and external audit costs related to Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404, which requires management to report on the company’s internal control over financial reporting, an increase in long-term equity incentive compensation based on share grants issued in 2003 and 2004 under our long-term incentive plan and increased salary expense due to staffing increases, partially offset by lower short-term (cash) incentive compensation.


Discontinued Operations


We dispose of assets (sometimes using tax-deferred exchanges) that are inconsistent with our long-term strategic or return objectives and where market conditions for sale are favorable. The proceeds from the sales are reinvested into other properties, used to fund development, operations or to support other corporate needs, or distributed to our shareholders.


On February 1, 2005 we sold three office buildings, 7700 Leesburg, Tycon Plaza II, Tycon Plaza III and certain development rights and approvals related to Tycon Plaza II26

There were no discontinued operations for a sale price of $67.5 million with a gain on the sale of $32.1 million. $31.3 million of the proceeds from the disposition were escrowed in a tax-free property exchange account and subsequently used to fund a portion of the purchase price of Frederick Crossing Shopping Center on March 23, 2005 and the Coleman Building on April 8, 2005. $31.0 million of the proceeds were used to pay down $31.0 million outstanding under Credit Facility No. 2.

On September 8, 2005 the Pepsi Distribution Center, an industrial property, was sold for $6.0 million for a gain of $3.0 million. Proceeds of $5.8 million were escrowed in a tax-free exchange account.2006. Discontinued operations for 2005 consist of the properties sold in February and September 2005. For 2004, discontinued operations include those same properties and 8230 Boone Boulevard, which was sold on November 15, 2004. There was a gain of $1.9 million recognized in 2005 that had been previously deferred from the sale of Boone Boulevard.


On September 8, 2005 the Pepsi Distribution Center, an industrial property, was sold for $6.0 million resulting in a gain of $3.0 million. Proceeds of $5.8 million were escrowed in a tax-free exchange account.

On February 1, 2005 we sold three office buildings, 7700 Leesburg, Tycon Plaza II, Tycon Plaza III and certain development rights and approvals related to Tycon Plaza II for $67.5 million with a gain on the sale of $32.1 million. Proceeds of $31.3 million were escrowed in a tax-free property exchange account and subsequently used to fund a portion of the purchase price of Frederick Crossing Shopping Center on March 23, 2005 and the Coleman Building on April 8, 2005. The remaining $31.0 million of the proceeds were used to pay down $31.0 million outstanding under Credit Facility No. 2.

On November 15, 2004, we sold 8230 Boone Boulevard for a sale price of $10.0 million. A portion of the proceeds was in the form of a subordinated $1.8 million 10% note receivable from the seller, which matured in November 2005. We recognized a gain on disposal of $1.0 million gain at the time of sale, and offset the $1.8 million note from the buyer with a deferred gain liability in the same amount, in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 66, “Accounting for Sales of Real Estate.” SFAS 66 limits gain recognition when the seller’s note is subject to future subordination to the amount by which the buyer’s cash payments at settlement exceed the seller’s cost of the property sold. The deferred gain was recognized in April, 2005.


Also inIn November 2004 we concluded thatclassified 7700 Leesburg, Tycon Plaza II, Tycon Plaza III and certain development rights and approvals related to Tycon Plaza III met the criteriaas held for sale as specified by SFAS No. 144, “Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets,Assets. necessary to classify these properties as held for sale. Senior management had committed to, and actively embarked upon, a plan to sell the assets and the sale was expected to be completed within one year under terms usual and customary for such sales, with no indication that the plan would be significantly altered or abandoned. Depreciation on these properties was discontinued at that time, but operating revenues and other operating expenses continued to be recognized until the date of sale. Under SFAS No. 144 revenues and expenses of properties that are classified as held for sale or sold are treated as discontinued operations for all periods presented in the Statements of Income.


Operating results of the properties classified as discontinued operations are summarized as follows (in thousands):









  $656  $8,895  $9,829   $656  $8,895 

Property expenses

   (401)  (3,217)  (3,235)   (401)  (3,217)

Depreciation and amortization

   (71)  (1,784)  (2,265)   (71)  (1,784)





  $184  $3,894  $4,329   $184  $3,894 






Net operations of properties sold or held for sale decreased $0.2 million for 2006 compared to 2005 and $3.7 million for 2005 compared to 2004. The decrease from 2005 to 2006 was because there were no property sales in 2006 and the decrease in 2005 from 2004 and $0.4 million for 2004 compared to 2003. Both decreases werewas due primarily to the number and timing of the property sales within each year.


Net Operating Income


Real estate Net Operating Income (“NOI”), defined as real estate rental revenue less real estate operating expenses, is the primary performance measure we use to assess the results of our operations at the property level. We provide


NOI as a supplement to net income calculated in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”). NOI does not represent net income calculated in accordance with GAAP. As such, it should not be considered an alternative to net income as an indication of our operating performance. NOI is calculated as net income, less non-real estate (“other”) revenue and the results of discontinued operations (including the gain on sale, if any), plus interest expense, depreciation and amortization and general and administrative expenses. A reconciliation of NOI to net income is provided on the following page.



2006 Compared to 2005

The following tables of selected operating data provide the basis for our discussion of NOI in 2006 compared to 2005. All amounts are in thousands except percentage amounts.

   Years Ended December 31,



  $ Change

  % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $191,464  $183,069  $8,395  4.6%


   28,198   6,977   21,221  304.2%




Total Real Estate Rental Revenue

  $219,662  $190,046  $29,616  15.6%

Real Estate Expenses



  $59,188  $56,682  $2,506  4.4%


   8,081   1,434   6,647  463.5%




Total Real Estate Expenses

  $67,269  $58,116  $9,153  15.7%

Net Operating Income



  $132,276  $126,387  $5,889  4.7%


   20,117   5,543   14,574  262.9%




Total Net Operating Income

  $152,393  $131,930  $20,463  15.5%




Reconciliation to Net Income



  $152,393  $131,930        

Other revenue

   906   918        

Other income from property settlement

   —     504        

Interest expense

   (47,846)  (37,743)       

Depreciation and amortization

   (54,170)  (47,161)       

General and administrative expenses

   (12,622)  (8,005)       

Discontinued operations (2)

   —     184        

Gain on Disposal

   —     37,011        



Net Income

  $38,661  $77,638        



Economic Occupancy





  93.9% 92.2%      


  92.3% 94.9%      




  93.7% 92.3%      




Non-core properties include:

2006 acquisitions—Hampton Overlook, Hampton South, Alexandria Medical Center, 9707 Medical Center Drive, 15001 Shady Grove Road, Montrose Shopping Center, Randolph Shopping Center, 9950 Business Parkway, Plumtree Medical Center, 15005 Shady Grove Road, 6565 Arlington Blvd, West Gude Drive, The Ridges, The Crescent

2005 acquisitions—Frederick Crossing, Coleman Building and Albemarle Point


Discontinued operations include gain on disposals and income from operations for:

2005 disposals—Tycon Plaza II, Tycon Plaza III, 7700 Leesburg Pike and the Pepsi Distribution Center

We recognized NOI of $152.4 million in 2006, which was $20.5 million (15.5%) greater than in 2005 due largely to our acquisitions of four office properties, six medical office properties, three retail centers and five industrial properties in 2005 and 2006, which added approximately 2,151,000 square feet of net rentable space. Acquired properties contributed $20.1 million in NOI in 2006 (13.2% of total NOI), a $14.6 million increase over 2005.


Core properties experienced a $5.9 million (4.7%) increase in NOI due to an $8.3 million increase in revenues offset by a $2.5 million increase in real estate expenses. Revenue was positively impacted by improvements in all lines of business due to rental rate growth across the portfolio (3.4%) and higher core occupancy in the office, retail and medical office sectors. The increase in core expenses was driven by the office, retail and multifamily sectors, which contributed $1.7, $0.4 and $0.4 million, respectively, in additional expense as a result of higher utilities, repairs and maintenance, operating services, and real estate taxes.

Overall economic occupancy increased from 92.3% in 2005 to 93.7% in 2006 due to higher core occupancy in the office and retail sectors and higher occupancy in our acquired office and medical office properties. Core economic occupancy increased 170 basis points due to a 400 basis point increase in the office sector and a 180 basis point increase in the retail sector offset somewhat by a 130 basis point decrease in the industrial sector and an 80 basis point decrease in the multifamily sector. During 2006, 78.0% of the commercial square footage expiring was renewed as compared to 70.2% in 2005 and 1,611,000 commercial square feet were leased at an average rental rate increase of 12.8%

An analysis of NOI by sector follows.

Office Sector

   Years Ended December 31,



  $ Change

  % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $80,113  $76,055  $4,058  5.3%


   6,700   921   5,779  627.5%




Total Real Estate Rental Revenue

  $86,813  $76,976  $9,837  12.8%

Real Estate Expenses



  $27,704  $26,015  $1,689  6.5%


   2,160   262   1,898  724.4%




Total Real Estate Expenses

  $29,864  $26,277  $3,587  13.7%

Net Operating Income



  $52,409  $50,040  $2,369  4.7%


   4,540   659   3,881  588.9%




Total Net Operating Income

  $56,949  $50,699  $6,250  12.3%




Economic Occupancy





  92.1% 88.1%        


  91.9% 80.7%        




  92.1% 87.9%        




Non-core properties include:

2006 acquisitions—6565 Arlington Blvd, West Gude Drive, The Ridges

2005 acquisitions—Albemarle Point Office Building


Discontinued operations include gain on disposals and income from operations for:

2005 disposals—Tycon Plaza II, Tycon Plaza III, 7700 Leesburg Pike

The office sector recognized NOI of $56.9 million which was $6.3 million (12.3%) higher than in 2005 due primarily to the $2.4 million increase in Core NOI and the NOI from acquired properties in 2006 which contributed $4.5 million (8.0% of total) to NOI.


Core office properties achieved a $2.4 million (4.7%) increase in NOI due to a $4.1 million increase in revenues offset somewhat by a $1.7 million increase in core real estate expenses. Core revenue was higher due to the 400 basis point increase in occupancy ($3.1 million) led by occupancy gains at Maryland Trade Center I and II, 1600 Wilson Boulevard, 1700 Research Boulevard, 600 Jefferson Plaza and 7900 Westpark, and rental rate increases ($1.7 million). This increase was offset somewhat by an increase in bad debt reserves ($0.3 million) and rent abatements ($0.3 million). The increase in real estate expenses was due to higher utility costs driven by escalating fuel rates, consumption and energy taxes, real estate tax expense that increased due to higher value assessments for properties across several tax jurisdictions and increased custodial costs associated with the increase in occupancy.

During 2006, 71.4% of the square footage that expired was renewed compared to 65.1% in 2005, excluding properties sold or classified as held for sale. During 2006, we executed new leases for 597,000 square feet of office space at an average rent increase of 9.1%.

Medical Office Sector

   Years Ended December 31,



  $ Change

  % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $18,094  $18,024  $70  0.4%


   6,566   —     6,566  —   




Total Real Estate Rental Revenue

  $24,660  $18,024  $6,636  36.8%

Real Estate Expenses



  $4,759  $4,649  $110  2.4%


   2,427   —     2,427  —   




Total Real Estate Expenses

  $7,186  $4,649  $2,537  54.6%

Net Operating Income



  $13,335  $13,375  $(40) (0.3%)


   4,139   —     4,139  —   




Total Net Operating Income

  $17,474  $13,375  $4,099  30.6%




Economic Occupancy





  98.8% 98.4%        


  99.2% —           




  98.9% 98.4%        




Non-core properties include:

2006 acquisitions—Alexandria Professional Center, 9707 Medical Center Drive, 15001 Shady Grove Road, Plumtree Medical Center, 15005 Shady Grove Road and The Crescent

The medical office sector NOI increased from $13.4 million in 2005 to $17.5 million in 2006, an increase of $4.1 million or 30.6%. This was substantially due to the acquisitions made in 2006 which contributed $4.1 million to the NOI and added approximately 336,000 net rentable square feet to the portfolio.

Core medical office property NOI was flat. Revenues for core properties were positively impacted by a 40 basis point increase in occupancy and a 0.6% increase in rental rates. Expenses increased due to higher repair and maintenance costs.

During 2006, 87.7% of the square footage that expired was renewed compared to 74.7% in 2005. During 2006, we executed new leases for 119,900 square feet of medical office space at an average rent increase of 19.9%.


Retail Sector

   Years Ended December 31,



  $ Change

  % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $30,545  $28,425  $2,120  7.5%


   6,718   3,482   3,236  92.9%




Total Real Estate Rental Revenue

  $37,263  $31,907  $5,356  16.8%

Real Estate Expenses



  $6,718  $6,296  $422  6.7%


   1,265   583   682  117.0%




Total Real Estate Expenses

  $7,983  $6,879  $1,104  16.0%

Net Operating Income



  $23,827  $22,129  $1,698  7.7%


   5,453   2,899   2,554  88.1%




Total Net Operating Income

  $29,280  $25,028  $4,252  17.0%




Economic Occupancy





  99.1% 97.3%          


  84.2% 100.0%          




  96.0% 97.6%          




Non-core properties include:

2006 acquisitions—Randolph and Montrose Shopping Centers

2005 acquisition—Frederick Crossing

Retail sector NOI increased $4.3 million (17.0%) in 2006 due to the 2006 and 2005 acquisitions which contributed $5.4 million to NOI (18.6% of the total) and a $1.7 million increase in NOI from core properties. The core revenue increase was due to rental rate growth of 8.5% driven by the Harris Teeter lease at Shoppes at Foxchase and escalating market rates at other centers and a 180 basis point increase in occupancy across most of the remaining portfolio.

Overall economic occupancy for the retail sector decreased approximately 160 basis points primarily as a result of the acquisitions of the Montrose and Randolph shopping centers which were 58% and 91% leased, respectively, at the time of their acquisition. During 2006, our retention rate was 90.8% compared to 95.3% in 2005 and we executed new leases for approximately 123,000 square feet of retail space at an average rent increase of 20.8%.


Multifamily Sector

   Years Ended December 31,



  $ Change

  % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $32,478  $30,529  $1,949  6.4%

Real Estate Expenses



   13,220   12,816   404  3.2%

Net Operating Income






  $19,258  $17,713  $1,545  8.7%




Economic Occupancy





  92.4% 93.2%          



Multifamily NOI increased $1.5 million (8.7%) in 2006 as compared to 2005 as a result of a $1.9 million increase in revenue offset somewhat by a $0.4 million increase in expenses. The revenue increase was driven by an increase in minimum base rent throughout the portfolio ($2.0 million), offset somewhat by the 80 basis point decrease in occupancy ($0.4 million) compared to 2005 due to units at two properties that were taken off-line for renovation and the move out of a block of 28 units leased by one individual. Real estate expenses increased $0.4 million due primarily to higher repairs and maintenance costs, higher administrative costs related to property-level leasing and maintenance positions and increased marketing costs, and increased utility expense related to higher fuel costs.


Industrial Sector

   Years Ended December 31,



  $ Change

  % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $30,234  $30,036  $198  0.7%


   8,214   2,574   5,640  219.1%




Total Real Estate Rental Revenue

  $38,448  $32,610  $5,838  17.9%

Real Estate Expenses



  $6,787  $6,906  ($119) (1.7%)


   2,229   589   1,640  278.4%




Total Real Estate Expenses

  $9,016  $7,495  $1,521  20.3%

Net Operating Income



  $23,447  $23,130  $317  1.4%


   5,985   1,985   4,000  201.5%




Total Net Operating Income

  $29,432  $25,115  $4,317  17.2%




Economic Occupancy





  92.8% 94.1%     


  95.1% 98.5%     




  93.3% 94.2%     




Non-core properties include:

2006 acquisitions—Hampton Overlook, Hampton South and 9950 Business Parkway

2005 acquisitions—Coleman Building and Albemarle Point Industrial Buildings


Discontinued operations include gain on disposal and income from operations for:

2005 disposal—Pepsi Distribution Center

Industrial sector NOI increased $4.3 million (17.2%) over 2005 due to acquisitions in 2005 and 2006. These acquisitions contributed $6.0 million in NOI, 20.3% of the total NOI.

Core properties achieved a $0.3 million (1.4%) increase in NOI due to a $0.2 million increase in real estate revenues, while real estate expenses decreased $0.1 million. The revenue increase was driven by a 2.6% increase in rental rates offset somewhat by a 130 basis point decrease in occupancy primarily due to vacancies at Sully Square.

During 2006 our retention rate was 79.3% compared to 65.0% in 2005 and we executed new leases for approximately 770,000 square feet of industrial space at an average rent increase of 14.3%.


2005 Compared to 2004


The following tables of selected operating data provide the basis for our discussion of NOI in 2005 compared to 2004. All amounts are in thousands except percentage amounts.


  Years Ended December 31,

   Years Ended December 31,



 $ Change

  % Change



 $ Change

  % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $173,963  $169,595  $4,368  2.6%  $173,963  $169,595  $4,368  2.6%


   16,083   2,051   14,032  684.2%   16,083   2,051   14,032  684.2%








Total Real Estate Rental Revenue

  $190,046  $171,646  $18,400  10.7%  $190,046  $171,646  $18,400  10.7%

Real Estate Expenses



  $54,429  $50,890  $3,539  7.0%  $54,429  $50,890  $3,539  7.0%


   3,687   438   3,249  741.8%   3,687   438   3,249  741.8%








Total Real Estate Expenses

  $58,116  $51,328  $6,788  13.2%  $58,116  $51,328  $6,788  13.2%

Net Operating Income



  $119,534  $118,705  $829  0.7%  $119,534  $118,705  $829  0.7%


   12,396   1,613   10,783  668.5%   12,396   1,613   10,783  668.5%








Total Net Operating Income

  $131,930  $120,318  $11,612  9.7%  $131,930  $120,318  $11,612  9.7%








Reconciliation to Net Income



  $131,930  $120,318       $131,930  $120,318     

Other revenue

   918   326        918   326     

Other income from property settlement

   504   —          504   —       

Interest expense

   (37,743)  (34,500)       (37,743)  (34,500)    

Depreciation and amortization

   (47,161)  (39,309)       (47,161)  (39,309)    

General and administrative expenses

   (8,005)  (6,194)       (8,005)  (6,194)    

Discontinued operations (2)

   184   3,894        184   3,894     

Gain on Disposal

   37,011   1,029        37,011   1,029     





Net Income

  $77,638  $45,564       $77,638  $45,564     






Economic Occupancy







  91.9% 91.4%          91.9% 91.4%          


  97.4% 97.8%          97.4% 97.8%          






  92.4% 91.4%          92.3% 91.4%          






Non-core properties include:


2005 acquisitions—Frederick Crossing, Coleman Building and Albemarle Point


2004 acquisitions—Shady Grove Medical Village II, 8301 Arlington Boulevard, 8880 Gorman Road and Dulles Business Park



Discontinued operations include gain on disposals and income from operations for:


2005 disposals—Tycon Plaza II, Tycon Plaza III, 7700 Leesburg Pike and the Pepsi Distribution Center


2004 disposal—8230 Boone Boulevard



We recognized NOI of $131.9 million in 2005, which was $11.6 million (9.7%) greater than in 2004 due largely to our acquisitions of one Officeoffice building, two Medical Officemedical office buildings, one Retailretail property and four Industrialindustrial properties in 2004 and 2005, which added approximately 1,173,000 square feet of net rentable space. Acquired properties contributed $12.4 million in NOI in 2005 (9.4% of total NOI), a $10.8 million increase over 2004.


Rental operations at 718 Jefferson Street ceased in the third quarter of 2004 as the property was incorporated into the South Washington StreetClayborne Apartments development project.


Core properties experienced a $0.8 million (0.7%) increase in NOI due to a $4.4 million increase in revenues offset by a $3.5 million increase in real estate expenses. Revenue was positively impacted by improvements in all lines of business except the office sector due to lower occupancy and reduced rental rates. Higher occupancy and rental rate increases in the industrial, medical office, retail and multifamily sectors and higher expense recoveries in the retail and industrial sectors positively impacted those respective lines of business. The increase in core expenses was driven by the Industrial, Officeindustrial, office and Multifamilymultifamily sectors, which contributed $0.5, $1.2 and $1.2 million, respectively, in additional expense as a result of higher utilities, repairs and maintenance, operating services, and real estate taxes. Revenue was positively impacted by improvements in all lines of business except the Office sector due to lower occupancy and reduced rental rates. Higher occupancy and rental rate increases in the Industrial, Medical Office, Retail and Multifamily sectors and higher expense recoveries in the Retail and Industrial sectors positively impacted those respective lines of business.


Overall economic occupancy increased from 91.4% in 2004 to 92.4% in 2005 due to higher core occupancy, higher occupancy in our acquired office property and 100% occupancy in our acquired retail property. Core economic occupancy increased 50 basis points due to increases in every sector except the Officeoffice sector. During 2005, 70.2% of the square footage expiring was renewed as compared to 65.9% in 2004 and 1,720,000 square feet were leased at an average rental rate increase of 8.7%.


An analysis of NOI by sector follows.


Office Sector


  Years Ended December 31,

   Years Ended December 31,



  $ Change

 % Change



  $ Change

 % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $76,055  $77,070  $(1,015) (1.3%)  $76,055  $77,070  $(1,015) (1.3%)


   921   —     921  100%   921   —     921  100.0%








Total Real Estate Rental Revenue

  $76,976  $77,070  $(94) (0.1%)  $76,976  $77,070  $(94) (0.1%)

Real Estate Expenses



  $26,015  $24,835  $1,180  4.8%  $26,015  $24,835  $1,180  4.8%


   262   —     262  100%   262   —     262  100.0%








Total Real Estate Expenses

  $26,277  $24,835  $1,442  5.8%  $26,277  $24,835  $1,442  5.8%

Net Operating Income



  $50,040  $52,235  $(2,195) (4.2%)  $50,040  $52,235  $(2,195) (4.2%)


   659   —     659  100%   659   —     659  100.0%








Total Net Operating Income

  $50,699  $52,235  $(1,536) (2.9%)  $50,699  $52,235  $(1,536) (2.9%)









Economic Occupancy







  88.1% 89.2%      88.1% 89.2%          


  90.1% —         90.1% —             






  88.1% 89.2%      87.9% 89.2%          






Non-core properties include:


2005 acquisitions—Albemarle Point Office Building



Discontinued operations include gain on disposals and income from operations for:


2005 disposals—Tycon Plaza II, Tycon Plaza III, 7700 Leesburg Pike


2004 disposal—8230 Boone Boulevard



The Officeoffice sector recognized NOI of $50.7 million (2.9%) lower than in 2004 due primarily to the $2.2 million reduction in Core NOI. The property acquired in 2005 contributed $0.7 million (1.3% of total) to NOI.


Core Officeoffice properties experienced a $2.2 million (4.2%) decrease in NOI due to a $1.0 million decline in revenues combined with a $1.2 million increase in core real estate expenses. Revenue was impacted by lower minimum base rent of $0.6 million due primarily to higher vacancies and a decrease in rental rates, higher bad debt expense of $0.3 million and lower lease termination fee income of $0.1 million. The increase in real estate expenses was due to higher utility costs driven by escalating fuel rates and energy taxes, additional real estate tax expense due to higher value assessments for properties across several tax jurisdictions and increased repairs and maintenance costs.


Core economic occupancy declined 110 basis points due to vacancies at Maryland Trade Center I, 6110 Executive Boulevard, Saratoga, Lexington, and 515 King Street. Overall economic occupancy decreased from 89.2% to 88.1%.


During 2005, 65.1% of the square footage that expired was renewed compared to 50.5% in 2004, excluding properties sold or classified as held for sale. During 2005, we executed new leases for 711,700 square feet of Officeoffice space at an average rent increase of 3.8%.


Medical Office Sector


   Years Ended December 31,



  $ Change

  % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $14,787  $14,016  $771  5.5%


   3,237   1,034   2,203  213.1%




Total Real Estate Rental Revenue

  $18,024  $15,050  $2,974  19.8%

Real Estate Expenses



  $3,686  $3,400  $286  8.4%


   964   286   678  237.1%




Total Real Estate Expenses

  $4,650  $3,686  $964  26.2%

Net Operating Income



  $11,101  $10,616  $485  4.6%


   2,273   748   1,525  203.9%




Total Net Operating Income

  $13,374  $11,364  $2,010  17.7%





Economic Occupancy





  99.3% 98.4%     


  94.5% 96.3%     




  98.4% 98.2%     




Non-core properties include:


2004 acquisitions—Shady Grove Medical Village II and 8301 Arlington Boulevard



The Medical Office Sectormedical office sector NOI increased from $11.4 million in 2004 to $13.4 million in 2005, an increase of $2.0 million or 17.7%. This was substantially due to the acquisitions made in 2004 which contributed $2.3 million to the NOI and added approximately 116,000 net rentable square feet to the portfolio.


Core Medical Officemedical office property NOI increased $0.5 million with a $0.8 million revenue increase offset somewhat by a $0.3 million increase in real estate expenses. Revenues for core properties were positively impacted by


increased occupancy and rental rates as well as increased expense reimbursements from tenants. Expenses increased due to higher utility costs and real estate taxes. Core occupancy increased 90 basis points as vacancies decreased at Woodburn II.


During 2005, 74.7% of the square footage that expired was renewed compared to 100% in 2004. During 2005, we executed new leases for 40,000 square feet of Medical Officemedical office space at an average rent increase of 11.2%.


Retail Sector


  Years Ended December 31,

   Years Ended December 31,



  $ Change

  % Change



  $ Change

  % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $28,425  $27,243  $1,182  4.3%  $28,425  $27,243  $1,182  4.3%


   3,482   —     3,482  100%   3,482   —     3,482  100.0%








Total Real Estate Rental Revenue

  $31,907  $27,243  $4,664  17.1%  $31,907  $27,243  $4,664  17.1%

Real Estate Expenses



  $6,296  $5,899  $397  6.7%  $6,296  $5,899  $397  6.7%


   582   —     582  100%   582   —     582  100.0%








Total Real Estate Expenses

  $6,878  $5,899  $979  16.6%  $6,878  $5,899  $979  16.6%

Net Operating Income



  $22,129  $21,344  $785  3.7%  $22,129  $21,344  $785  3.7%


   2,900   —     2,900  100%   2,900   —     2,900  100.0%








Total Net Operating Income

  $25,029  $21,344  $3,685  17.3%  $25,029  $21,344  $3,685  17.3%









Economic Occupancy





  97.3% 94.8%     


  100.0% —        




  97.6% 94.8%     




Non-core properties include:


2005 acquisition—Frederick Crossing



Retail sector NOI increased $3.7 million (17.3%) in 2005 due to the 2005 acquisition which contributed $2.9 million to NOI and a $0.8 million increase in NOI from core properties. The acquisition NOI was $2.9 million (11.6%) of the total. The core revenue increase was due to rental rate growth of 1.5% driven by escalating market rates, higher common area maintenance and real estate tax recoveries and higher occupancy. Rental operations at 718 Jefferson Street ceased in the third quarter of 2004 as the property was incorporated into the South Washington StreetClayborne Apartments development project.


Overall economic occupancy for the Retailretail sector increased approximately 250280 basis points primarily as a result of the completion of the renovation at Westminster forwhere a national grocery store chain which took possession in November 2004. During 2005, our retention rate was 95.3% compared to 77.4% in 2004 and we executed new leases for 180,700 square feet of retail space at an average rent increase of 28.6%.



Multifamily Sector


   Years Ended December 31,



  $ Change

  % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $30,529  $28,858  $1,671  5.8%

Real Estate Expenses



   12,816   11,637   1,179  10.1%

Net Operating Income






  $17,713  $17,221  $492  2.9%





Economic Occupancy





  93.2% 90.5%     




Multifamily NOI increased $0.5 million (2.9%) as compared to 2004 as a result of a $1.7 million increase in revenue offset somewhat by a $1.2 million increase in expenses. The revenue increase was driven by an increase in minimum base rent and increases in occupancy throughout most of the portfolio. Occupancy for the overall portfolio increased 270 basis points compared to 2004. Revenue was additionally impacted by increased rent abatements, the result of efforts to improve leasing activity across the portfolio. Real estate expenses increased $1.2 million due primarily to higher administrative costs related to property-level leasing and maintenance positions and increased marketing costs, higher repairs and maintenance expense and increased utility expense related to higher fuel costs.



Industrial Sector


  Years Ended December 31,

   Years Ended December 31,



  $ Change

  % Change



  $ Change

  % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $24,167  $22,408  $1,759  7.8%  $24,167  $22,408  $1,759  7.8%


   8,443   1,017   7,426  730.2%   8,443   1,017   7,426  730.2%








Total Real Estate Rental Revenue

  $32,610  $23,425  $9,185  39.2%  $32,610  $23,425  $9,185  39.2%

Real Estate Expenses



  $5,616  $5,119  $497  42.4%  $5,616  $5,119  $497  9.7%


   1,879   152   1,727  1136.2%   1,879   152   1,727  1136.2%








Total Real Estate Expenses

  $7,495  $5,271  $2,224  42.4%  $7,495  $5,271  $2,224  42.2%

Net Operating Income



  $18,551  $17,289  $1,262  7.3%  $18,551  $17,289  $1,262  7.3%


   6,564   865   5,699  658.8%   6,564   865   5,699  658.8%








Total Net Operating Income

  $25,115  $18,154  $6,961  38.3%  $25,115  $18,154  $6,961  38.3%









Economic Occupancy





  93.0% 92.4%     


  98.6% 99.5%     




  94.5% 92.7%     




Non-core properties include:


2005 acquisitions—Coleman Building and Albemarle Point Industrial Buildings


2004 acquisitions—8880 Gorman Road and Dulles Business Park



Discontinued operations include gain on disposal and income from operations for:


2005 disposal—Pepsi Distribution Center


Industrial sector NOI increased $7.0 million (38.3%) over 2004 due to the acquisitions of 8880 Gorman Road and Dulles Business Park in 2004 and the acquisition of the Coleman Building and the Albemarle Point Industrial Buildings in 2005. These acquisitions contributed $6.6 million in NOI, 26.1% of the total NOI.


Core properties experienced a $1.3 million (7.3%) increase in NOI due to a $1.8 million increase in real estate revenues, while real estate expenses increased only $0.5 million. The revenue increase was driven by a 60 basis point growth in occupancy due to increased leasing activity, particularly at Ammendale Technology Park II, Earhart and Northern Virginia Industrial Park. Revenue was also positively impacted by higher lease termination fees and reimbursements for common area maintenance and real estate taxes ($0.5 million combined) and a 4.4% increase in rental rates.


We executed new leases for 787,500 square feet of Industrialindustrial space at an average rent increase of 12.2%.



2004 Compared to 2003

The following tables of selected operating data provide the basis for our discussion of NOI in 2004 compared to 2003. All amounts are in thousands except percentage amounts.

   Years Ended December 31,



  $ Change

  % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $148,250  $146,250  $2,000  1.4%


   23,396   7,326   16,070  219.4%




Total Real Estate Rental Revenue

  $171,646  $153,576  $18,070  11.8%

Real Estate Expenses



  $45,053  $42,713  $2,340  5.5%


   6,275   1,914   4,361  227.8%




Total Real Estate Expenses

  $51,328  $44,627  $6,701  15.0%

Net Operating Income



  $103,197  $103,537  $(340) (1.3%)


   17,121   5,412   11,709  216.4%




Total Net Operating Income

  $120,318  $108,949  $11,369  10.4%




Reconciliation to Net Income



  $120,318  $108,949        

Other revenue

   326   414        

Interest expense

   (34,500)  (30,040)       

Depreciation and amortization

   (39,309)  (33,490)       

General and administrative expenses

   (6,194)  (5,275)       

Discontinued operations (2)

   4,923   4,329        



Net income

  $45,564  $44,887        



Economic Occupancy





    90.1%    90.4%       


    98.9%    93.8%       




    91.4%    90.6%       



(1)Non-core properties include:

2004 acquisitions—8880 Gorman Road, Shady Grove Medical Village II, 8301 Arlington Boulevard and Dulles Business Park

2003 acquisitions—1776 G Street, Prosperity Medical Center I, Prosperity Medical Center II, Prosperity Medical Center III, 718 Jefferson Street and Fullerton Industrial.

(2)Discontinued operations include the gain on disposals and income from operations for:

2005 disposals—7700 Leesburg Pike, Tycon II, Tycon III and the Pepsi Distribution Center

2004 disposal—8230 Boone Boulevard

NOI was $11.4 million (10.4%) greater than in 2003 due largely to our acquisitions of one Office building, five Medical Office buildings, one Retail property and three Industrial properties in 2003 and 2004, which added 1,181,000 square feet of net rentable space. These acquired properties contributed $17.1 million in NOI in 2004 (14.2% of total NOI) and $5.4 million in NOI in 2003 (5.0% of total NOI). 718 Jefferson Street was acquired in connection with our development projects at South Washington Street.


Core property NOI was flat due to a $2.0 million increase in revenues offset by a $2.3 million increase in real estate expenses. The revenue increase was driven by higher revenue in the Retail, Multifamily and Industrial sectors due to higher minimum base rent and increased rental rates. The increase in core expenses was driven by the Office and Multifamily sectors which contributed $1.5 million and $0.8 million, respectively, to the increase as a result of higher utilities, property administrative costs, common area maintenance and operating services and supplies. Overall economic occupancy increased from 90.6% in 2003 to 91.4% in 2004. The decrease in core economic occupancy was due to higher vacancies in every sector except Industrial which increased due to greater leasing activity. During 2004, the retention rate on our commercial properties (Office, Medical Office, Retail and Industrial sectors) was 63.1% compared to 72.3% in 2003.

An analysis of NOI by sector follows.

Office Sector

   Years Ended December 31,



  $ Change

  % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $65,980  $66,184  $(204) (0.3%)


   11,090   4,123   6,967  169.0%




Total Real Estate Rental Revenue

  $77,070  $70,307  $6,763  9.6%

Real Estate Expenses



  $21,432  $19,981  $1,451  7.3%


   3,403   1,210   2,193  181.2%




Total Real Estate Expenses

  $24,835  $21,191  $3,644  17.2%

Net Operating Income



  $44,548  $46,203  $(1,655) (3.6%)


   7,687   2,913   4,774  163.9%




Total Net Operating Income

  $52,235  $49,116  $3,119  6.4%




Economic Occupancy





  87.6%    88.8%       


  100.0%    90.1%       




  89.2%    88.9%       



(1)Non-core properties include:

2003 acquisitions—1776 G Street

(2)Discontinued operations include gain on disposal and income from operation for:

2005 disposals—7700 Leesburg Pike, Tycon II and Tycon III

2004 disposal—8230 Boone Boulevard


Office NOI was $3.1 million (6.4%) higher than in 2003 due primarily to WRIT’s acquisition of 1776 G Street in August 2003 which contributed $7.7 million in NOI.

Core Office properties experienced a $1.7 million (3.6%) decrease in NOI due to a $0.2 million decrease in revenues, while core real estate expenses increased $1.5 million. The revenue decline was due to a 120 basis point drop in occupancy and expenses increased due to higher utility costs, additional real estate tax expense due to higher value assessments for properties across several tax jurisdictions, increased repairs and maintenance costs and additional security related expenditures.

Overall occupancy for the Office sector increased to 89.2% from 88.9%. Core occupancy decreased to 87.6% from 88.8%. This was driven primarily by increased vacancy at Maryland Trade Center I and II, 7900 Westpark and the Tyson’s Corner properties sold in early 2005, offset somewhat by the decreased vacancy at 1700 Research Boulevard. The increase in non-core occupancy from 90.1% to 100.0% reflects the 100.0% occupancy at 1776 G Street acquired in 2003.

During 2004 we executed new leases for 668,900 square feet of Office space at an average rent increase of 1.3%.

Medical Office Sector

   Years Ended December 31,



  $ Change

  % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $5,097  $5,084  $13  0.3%


   9,953   1,947   8,006  411.2%




Total Real Estate Rental Revenue

  $15,050  $7,031  $8,019  114.1%

Real Estate Expenses



  $1,259  $1,217  $42  3.5%


   2,427   411   2,016  490.5%




Total Real Estate Expenses

  $3,686  $1,628  $2,058  126.4%

Net Operating Income



  $3,838  $3,867  $(29) (0.7%)


   7,526   1,536   5,990  390.0%




Total Net Operating Income

  $11,364  $5,403  $5,961  100.3%




Economic Occupancy





    96.4%  97.3%       


    99.3%  97.7%       




    98.2%  97.4%       



(1)Non-core properties include:

2004 acquisitions—Shady Grove Medical Village II and 8301 Arlington Boulevard

2003 acquisition—Prosperity Medical Center I, Prosperity Medical Center II, Prosperity Medical Center III


Medical Office NOI increased $6.0 million (100.3%) due to the three acquisitions in October 2003 and the two acquisitions in the second half of 2004. The five acquisitions combined added 371,000 of net rentable square feet to the Medical Office portfolio. The Core property NOI was flat due to slight increases in both rental revenue and real estate expenses.

Overall occupancy increased 80 basis points to 98.2% in 2004 from 97.4% in 2003 due to the 99.3% occupancy of the properties acquired in 2003 and 2004. Core occupancy decreased by 90 basis points from 97.3% in 2003 to 96.4% in 2004 due to increased vacancy at Woodburn I.

Retail Sector

   Years Ended December 31,



  $ Change

  % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $27,222  $26,450  $772  2.9%


   21   24   (3) (12.5%)




Total Real Estate Rental Revenue

  $27,243  $26,474  $769  2.9%

Real Estate Expenses



  $5,888  $5,910  $(22) (0.4%)


   11   11   —    —   




Total Real Estate Expenses

  $5,899  $5,921  $(22) (0.4%)

Net Operating Income



  $21,334  $20,540  $794  3.9%


   10   13   (3) (23.1%)




Total Net Operating Income

  $21,344  $20,553  $791  3.8%




Economic Occupancy





    94.6%  95.8%       


    95.9%  96.4%       




    94.8%  96.0%       



(1)Non-core properties include:

2003 acquisitions—718 Jefferson Street

Retail sector NOI increased $0.8 million (3.8%) in 2004 due to a $0.8 million increase in revenue from core properties. The core revenue increase was due to rental rate growth of 2.4% ($0.6 million) driven by escalating market rates, higher common area maintenance and real estate tax recoveries of $0.4 million and lower bad debt expense, offset slightly by higher vacancy. Rental operations at 718 Jefferson Street ceased in the third quarter of 2004 as the property was incorporated into the South Washington Street development project.

Both core and overall economic occupancy for the Retail sector declined approximately 120 basis points primarily as a result of the renovation at Westminster for a regional grocery store chain, which took possession in November 2004. The 2004 retention rate of 77.4% was lower than the past year because of the intentional termination of a large tenant at Foxchase in preparation for the center’s planned renovation. The City Council of Alexandria, VA approved our renovation plans in February 2005, the project is underway and we expect the project to be completed in late 2006.


During 2004, we executed new leases for 278,800 square feet of retail space at an average rent increase of 31.3%.

Multifamily Sector

   Years Ended December 31,



  $ Change

  % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $28,858  $28,266  $592  2.1%

Real Estate Expenses



   11,637   10,860   777  7.2%

Net Operating Income






  $17,221  $17,406  $(185) (1.1%)




Economic Occupancy





    90.5%    90.8%       

Multifamily NOI declined $0.2 million (1.1%) as compared to 2003 as a result of a $0.6 million increase in revenue offset by a $0.8 million increase in expenses. The revenue increase was driven by an increase in minimum base rent that was generally portfolio-wide, but driven by the addition of 16 garden-style apartment units at Walker House in October 2003 and higher rates on the 51 renovated units at The Ashby at McLean, 47 of which were leased as of December 31, 2004. The exception was Bethesda Hill, which experienced significantly lower occupancy as compared to 2003, and no increase in rental rates. Occupancy for the overall portfolio was relatively flat compared to 2003. Revenue was additionally impacted by increased rent abatements, in an effort to improve leasing activity across the portfolio. Real estate expenses increased $0.8 million due primarily to higher administrative costs related to property-level leasing and maintenance positions and increased marketing costs, higher repairs and maintenance expense and increased utility expense related to higher fuel costs.


Industrial Sector

   Years Ended December 31,



  $ Change

  % Change


Real Estate Rental Revenue



  $21,093  $20,266  $827  4,1%


   2,332   1,232   1,100  89.3%




Total Real Estate Rental Revenue

  $23,425  $21,498  $1,927  9.0%

Real Estate Expenses



  $4,837  $4,745  $92  1.9%


   434   282   152  53.9%




Total Real Estate Expenses

  $5,271  $5,027  $244  4..9%

Net Operating Income



  $16,256  $15,521  $735  4.7%


   1,898   950   948  99.8%




Total Net Operating Income

  $18,154  $16,471  $1,683  10.2%




Economic Occupancy





  92.3%  87.9%     


  97.8%  89.1%     




  92.7%  87.9%     



(1)Non-core properties include:

2004 acquisitions—8880 Gorman Road and Dulles Business Park

2003 acquisition—Fullerton Industrial

(2)Discontinued operations include: the gain on disposals and income from operations for:

2005 disposal—Pepsi Distribution Center

Industrial sector NOI increased $1.7 million (10.2%) over 2003 due to the acquisitions of Fullerton Industrial Center in 2003 and 8880 Gorman Road and Dulles Business Park in 2004. These acquisitions contributed $1.9 million in NOI, a 99.8% increase over 2003 NOI from non-core properties. The 870 basis point increase in non-core occupancy was driven by properties acquired in 2004, which had a combined occupancy of 99.5% during the year.

Core properties experienced a $0.7 million (4.7%) increase in NOI due to a $0.8 million increase in real estate revenues, while real estate expenses remained relatively flat at $4.8 million. The revenue increase was driven by a 440 basis point increase in occupancy due to leasing activity beginning in the second half of 2003 through the third quarter of 2004, particularly at Ammendale Technology Park II, Earhart and Northern Virginia Industrial Park. Revenue was also positively impacted by higher recoveries of common area expense and real estate taxes ($0.3 million combined), partially offset by a 1.1% decline in rental rates.

During 2004, retention in the Industrial portfolio was 82% compared to 71% in 2003. We executed new leases for 759,000 square feet of Industrial space at an average rent increase of 9.4%.




GeneralCapital Structure


We manage our capital structure to reflect a long-term investment approach, generally seeking to match the cash flow of our assets with a mix of equity and various debt instruments. We expect that our capital structure will allow us to obtain additional capital from diverse sources that could include additional equity offerings of


common shares, public and private debt financings and possible asset dispositions. Our primaryability to raise funds through the sale of debt and equity securities is dependent on, among other things, general economic conditions, general market conditions for REITs, our operating performance, our debt rating and the current trading price of our shares. We will always analyze which source of capital is most advantageous to us at any particular point in time; however the capital markets may not consistently be available on terms that we consider attractive.

We currently expect that our principal sources of liquidity are our real estate operationsfor acquisitions, development, expansion and our unsecured credit facilities, in addition to the capital markets. Asrenovation of December 31, 2005, we had approximately $4.9 million in cashproperties, plus operating and cash equivalents and $129.0 million available for borrowingadministrative will include:

Cash flow from operations;

Borrowings under our unsecured credit facilities excluding lettersfacilities;

Proceeds for unsecured note issuances and equity offerings; and

Net proceeds from the sale of credit. We derive substantially all of our revenue from tenants under leases at our properties. Our operating cash flow therefore depends materially on our ability to lease our properties to tenants, the rents that we are able to charge to our tenants, and the ability of these tenants to make their rental payments.assets.

Our primary uses of cash are to fund distributions to shareholders, to fund capital investments in our existing portfolio of operating assets, to fund new acquisitions, redevelopment and ground-up development activities and to fund operating and administrative expenses. As a REIT, we are required to distribute at least 90% of our taxable income to our shareholders on an annual basis. We also regularly require capital to invest in our existing portfolio of operating assets in connection with large-scale renovations, routine capital improvements, deferred maintenance on properties we have recently acquired, and our leasing activities, including funding tenant improvement allowances and leasing commissions. The amounts of the leasing-related expenditures can vary significantly depending on negotiations with tenants and the current competitive leasing environment.


During 2006,2007, we expect that we will have significant capital requirements, including the following items. There can be no assurance that our capital requirements will not be materially higher or lower than these expectations.


Funding dividends on our common shares and minority interest distributions to third party unit holders;


Approximately $39.4$44.0 million to invest in our existing portfolio of operating assets, including approximately $10.4$16.0 million to fund tenant-related capital requirements and leasing commissions;


Approximately $82.0$64.0 million to invest in our development projects;


Approximately $118.0$150.0 million to fund our expected property acquisitions;

We expect to meet our capital requirements using cash generated by our real estate operations, borrowings on our unsecured credit facilities, additional debt or equity capital raised in the public markets, asset dispositions or funding acquisitions of properties through property-specific mortgage debt.


We believe that we will generate sufficient cash flow from operations and have access to the capital resources necessary to fund our requirements. However, as a result of general, greater Washington/Baltimore regional,Washington metro region, or tenant economic downturns, unfavorable fluctuations in interest rates or our stockshare price, unfavorable changes in the supply of competing properties, or our properties not performing as expected, we may not generate sufficient cash flow from operations or otherwise have access to capital on favorable terms, or at all. If we are unable to obtain capital from other sources, we may not be able to pay the dividend required to maintain our status as a REIT, make required principal and interest payments, make strategic acquisitions or make necessary routine capital improvements or undertake re-development opportunities with respect to our existing portfolio of operating assets. In addition, if a property is mortgaged to secure payment of indebtedness and we are unable to meet mortgage payments, the holder of the mortgage could foreclose on the property, resulting in loss of income and asset value.

If principal amounts due at maturity cannot be refinanced, extended or paid with proceeds of other capital transactions, such as new equity capital, our cash flow may be insufficient to repay all maturing debt. Prevailing interest rates or other factors at the time of a refinancing (such as possible reluctance of lenders to make commercial real estate loans) may result in higher interest rates and increased interest expense.

Capital Structure

We manage our capital structure to reflect a long-term investment approach, generally seeking to match the cash flow of our assets with a mix of equity and various debt instruments. We expect that our capital structure will


allow us to obtain additional capital from diverse sources that could include additional equity offerings of common shares, public and private debt financings and possible asset dispositions. Our ability to raise funds through the sale of debt and equity securities is dependent on, among other things, general economic conditions, general market conditions for REITs, our operating performance, our debt rating and the current trading price of our shares. We will always analyze which source of capital is most advantageous to us at any particular point in time, however the capital markets may not consistently be available on terms that are attractive.

In May 2005, we issued $50 million of seven-year and $50 million of ten-year unsecured notes. Also in October 2005, we reopened the 2015 issuance and raised an additional $100 million in unsecured notes, at an effective interest rate of 5.5%.

In March and December 2003, respectively, we issued $60 million of 5.125% and $100 million of 5.25%, unsecured notes. Also in December 2003, we issued 2.2 million common shares for net proceeds of approximately $63.0 million. During 2004, we issued no notes or equity securities.

In April 2004, we filed a shelf registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), which allows us to offer from time to time common shares, warrants to purchase common shares and unsecured senior or subordinated debt securities up to an aggregate amount of approximately $503.0 million.


Debt Financing


We generally use unsecured, corporate-level debt, including unsecured notes and our unsecured credit facilities, to meet our borrowing needs. Long-term, we generally use fixed rate debt instruments in order to match the returns from our real estate assets. We also utilize variable rate debt for short-term financing purposes. At times, our mix of variable and fixed rate debt may not suit our needs. At those times, we may use derivative financial instruments including interest rate swaps and caps, forward interest rate options or interest rate options in order to assist us in managing our debt mix. We would either hedge our variable rate debt to give it a fixed interest rate or hedge fixed rate debt to give it a variable interest rate. At December 31, 2005,2006, there were no derivative securities outstanding.


Typically we have obtained the ratings of two credit rating agencies in the underwriting of our unsecured debt. As of December 31, 2005,2006, Standard & Poors had assigned its A- rating with a negative outlook, and Moody’sMoody's Investor Service has assigned its Baa1 rating with a stable outlook, to our unsecured debt offerings. A downgrade in rating by either of these rating agencies could result from, among other things, a change in our financial


position, or a downturn in general economic condition. Any such downgrade could adversely affect our ability to obtain future financing or could increase the interest rates on our existing variable rate debt. However, we have no debt instruments under which the principal maturity would be accelerated upon a downward change in our debt rating. Each rating is subject to revision or withdrawal at any time by the assigning rating organization.


Our total debt at December 31, 20052006 is summarized as follows (in thousands):


  Total Debt

  Total Debt

Fixed rate mortgages

  $169,617  $237,073

Unsecured credit facilities

   24,000   61,000

Senior unsecured notes

   520,000   730,000


  $713,617  $1,028,073



The $169.6Mortgage Debt

At December 31, 2006, our $237.1 million in fixed rate mortgages, which includes $3.9$3.1 million in unamortized premiums due to fair value adjustments, bore an effective weighted average interest rate of 5.9% at December 31, 2005 and had a weighted average maturity of 5.65.3 years. We generally do not initiate secured mortgage debt, but will assume mortgage debt from time-to-time in conjunction with property acquisitions.

Unsecured Credit Facilities


Our primary external source of liquidity is our two revolving credit facilities. We can borrow up to $155.0$270.0 million under these lines, which bear interest at an adjustable spread over LIBOR based on our public debt rating.


Credit Facility No. 1 is a three-year, $85.0 million unsecured credit facility expiring in July 2007. Credit Facility No. 2 is a three-year, $70.0 million unsecured credit facility expiring in July 2008. We had $0.0$28.0 outstanding as of December 31, 20052006 related to Credit Facility No. 1, with $0.9$1.9 million in Lettersletters of Creditcredit issued and $84.1$40.1 million unused and available for subsequent acquisitions or capital improvements. At December 31, 2004, $67.0available.

Credit Facility No. 2 is a four-year $200.0 million was outstanding under thisunsecured credit facility all of which was paidexpiring in full usingNovember 2010, with a portion ofone year extension option. This facility replaces the proceeds from the April 2005 issuance of $50.0previous $85 million of seven-year 5.05% unsecured notes and $50.0 million of ten-year 5.35% unsecured notes (See Note 6—Notes Payable). Borrowings were used to repay mortgage debt in August and September 2005 of $7.5 million and $18.0 million, respectively, and an additional $5.0 million in September to fund capital improvements were repaid in October 2005 using a portion of the proceeds from the October 2005 issuance of an additional $100.0 million of our 5.35% senior unsecured notes maturing in May 2015.credit facility.


We had $24.0$33.0 million outstanding as of December 31, 20052006, related to Credit Facility No. 2, with an additional $1.1 million in Lettersas a result of Credit issuedborrowings for development and $44.9 million unused and available for subsequent acquisitions or capital improvements. Of the $24.0 million outstanding at December 31, 2005, $21.0 million was borrowed in December 2005 to fund the acquisition of Dulles Station and $3.0 million was borrowed to fund certain capital improvements to real estate. At December 31, 2004, $50.0 million was outstanding under this facility. In February 2005, we repaid $31.0 million of the $50.0 million outstanding at December 31, 2004 using a portion of the $67.5 million proceeds from the disposition of 7700 Leesburg, Tycon Plaza II and Tycon Plaza III. In April 2005, we repaid the remaining outstanding balance at December 31, 2004 under Credit Facility No. 2 using a portion of the proceeds from the April 2005 issuance of $50.0 million of seven-year, 5.05% unsecured notes and $50.0 million of ten-year, 5.35% unsecured notes (See Note 6—Notes Payable). In July 2005, we borrowed $63.0 million under this facility to fund our purchase of Albemarle Point, all of which we repaid in October 2005 using a portion of the proceeds from the October 2005 issuance of an additional $100.0 million of our 5.35% senior unsecured notes maturing in May 2015.

In March 2004, we borrowed $11.0 million under Credit Facility No. 1 to fund the acquisition of 8880 Gorman Road, an additional $8.6 million in August 2004 to fund the acquisition of Shady Grove Medical Village II, $7.8 million in October to fund the acquisition of 8301 Arlington Boulevard, $7.0 million in November to pay down a portion of the $55.0 million of 7.78% unsecured notes due, plus accrued interest, $28.0 million in November and December to fund the acquisition of Dulles Business Park and $13.2 million to fund certain capital improvements to real estate. The $8.6 million borrowed to fund the Shady Grove Medical Village II acquisition was subsequently repaid in November. We borrowed $50.0 million in November 2004 under Credit Facility No. 2 to pay down the remaining portion of the $55.0 million 7.78% notes due. In February 2005 we repaid $31.0 million under Credit Facility No. 2 using a portion of the $67.5 million proceeds from the disposition of 7700 Leesburg, Tycon Plaza II and Tycon Plaza III.


Our unsecured credit facilities contain financial and other covenants with which we must comply. Some of these covenants include:


A minimum ratio of annual EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) to interest expense;


A minimum ratio of tangible fair market value of our unencumbered assets to aggregate unsecured debt; and


A maximum ratio of total debt to tangible fair market value of our assets.


Failure to comply with any of the covenants under our unsecured credit facilities or other debt instruments could result in a default under one or more of our debt instruments. This could cause our lenders to accelerate the timing of payments and would therefore have a material adverse effect on our business, operations, financial condition and liquidity.


As of December 31, 2005,2006, we were in compliance with our loan covenants; however, our ability to draw on our unsecured credit facility or incur other unsecured debt in the future could be restricted by the loan covenants.




If principal amounts due at maturity cannot be refinanced, extended or paid with proceeds of other capital transactions, such as new equity capital, our cash flow may be insufficient to repay all maturing debt. Prevailing interest rates or other factors at the time of a refinancing (such as possible reluctance of lenders to make commercial real estate loans) may result in higher interest rates and increased interest expense.

Senior Unsecured Notes

We generally issue senior unsecured notes to fund our real estate assets long-term. We intend to ladder the maturities of our debt to mitigate exposure to interest rate risk in future years.

We anticipate that over the near term, interest rate fluctuations will not have a material adverse effect on earnings. Our unsecured fixed-rate notes payable have maturities ranging from August 2006February 2008 through February 2028 (see Note 6), as follows (in thousands):


   December 31, 2005
Note Principal

7.25% notes due 2006


6.74% notes due 2008


5.103% notes due 2012


5.125% notes due 2013


5.25% notes due 2014


5.41% notes due 2015


7.25% notes due 2028



On April 26, 2005, we sold $50.0 million of 5.05% senior unsecured notes due May 1, 2012 and $50.0 million of 5.35% senior unsecured notes due May 1, 2015, at effective yields of 5.064% and 5.359% respectively. The net proceeds from the sale of the notes of $99.1 million were used to repay borrowings under our lines of credit totaling $90.5 million and the remainder was used for general corporate purposes.

In March 2003, we issued $60.0 million of 5.125% unsecured notes. In August 2003, we repaid $50.0 million of 7.125% unsecured notes. No notes were issued in 2004. As noted above, we repaid $55.0 million of unsecured notes in November 2004 utilizing credit facility borrowings.


December 31, 2006

Note Principal














Our unsecured notes contain covenants with which we must comply. These include:


Limits on our total indebtedness;


Limits on our secured indebtedness;


Limits on our required debt service payments; and


Maintenance of a minimum level of unencumbered assets.


We are in compliance with our unsecured notes covenants as of December 31, 2005.2006.

Common Equity

We have authorized for issuance 45 million common shares, of which 42.1 million shares were outstanding at December 31, 2006.

In June 2006, we completed a public offering of 2.745 million common shares of beneficial interest which provided net cash of $90.9 million. We used the proceeds to repay borrowings on our lines of credit.




We pay dividends quarterly. The maintenance of these dividends is subject to various factors, including the discretion of the Board of Trustees, the ability to pay dividends under Maryland law, the availability of cash to make the necessary dividend payments and the effect of REIT distribution requirements, which require at least 90% of our taxable income to be distributed to shareholders. The table below details our dividend and distribution payments for 2006, 2005 2004 and 20032004 (in thousands).








Common dividends

  $67,322  $64,836  $58,605  $72,681  $67,322  $64,836

Minority interest distributions

   172   155   89   134   131   127






  $67,494  $64,991  $58,694  $72,815  $67,453  $64,963








Dividends paid for 20052006 as compared to 20042005 increased as a direct result of a dividend rate increase from $1.55 per share in 2004 to $1.60 per share in 2005.2005 to $1.64 per share in 2006 as well as the issuance of 2,745,000 shares in an equity offering in June 2006. Dividends paid in 20042005 increased as compared to 20032004 due to the dividend rate increase to $1.55$1.60 per share from $1.47$1.55 per share and the issuance of 2.2 million shares in December 2003.share.


Cash flows from operations are an important factor in our ability to sustain our dividend at its current rate. Cash flows from operations increaseddecreased from $79.9 million in 2004 to $87.5 million in 2005 to $85.2 million in 2006 due in part to an increase in other assets for the acquisitions completed in 2004 and 2005.2006. If our cash flows from operations were to decline significantly, we may be unablehave to borrow on our lines of credit to sustain ourthe dividend payment at its currentrate or reduce the dividend payout rate.


Capital Commitments


We will require capital for development and redevelopment projects currently underway and in the future. As of December 31, 2005,2006, we had under development a residentialBennett Park, Clayborne Apartments and retail project with 224 apartment units and 5,900 square feet of retail space in Arlington, VA (Rosslyn Towers), a mixed-use project with 75 residential units and 2,600 square feet of retail space in Alexandria, VA (South Washington Street), and a 5.27 acre development site located along the Dulles Toll Road which is to be developed in two phases to include approximately 540,000 square feet of office and retail space (Dulles Station).Station. Our total investment in Rosslyn TowersBennett Park is expected to be $63.6$76.6 million and we expect to fund $32.0 million during 2007; a construction contract worth approximately $55.7 million has been executed for this project. As of December 31, 2006, we had invested $44.7 million in Bennett Park including land costs. Our total investment in Clayborne Apartments is expected to be $32.7 million. As of December 31, 2005,2006, we had invested $20.2$18.0 million in Rosslyn Towers including land costs,this project, and we expect to fund approximately $29.0$14.7 million of the total project costs during 2006. Our total investment in South Washington Street is expected to be $32.2 million. As of December 31, 2005, we had invested $7.2 million in this project, completing the first of three phases, and we expect to fund approximately $19.0 million of the total project costs during 2006.2007. There is a $6.2$14.7 million letter agreementconstruction contract in place for the second phase of construction.project’s completion. Our investment in phase one of Dulles Station is expected to be $55.8 million including land costs.$59.2 million. As of December 31, 2005,2006, we had invested $26.6$51.5 million in this project, including $26.2 million to acquire the land for both phases, of this project, and we expect to fund approximately $26.0$33.9 million of the total project costs during 2006.2007.


As of December 31, 2006, the redevelopment of the Shoppes at Foxchase was substantially complete after an investment of $11.2 million. We expect to fund the remaining project cost of approximately $0.6 million in 2007. In addition, we anticipate funding a redevelopment projectseveral major renovation projects in our portfolios during 2007, as follows (in thousands):


  Project Spending

Office buildings


Medical office buildings


Retail centers








These projects include common area and unit renovations at several of our multifamily properties, roof replacement projects at some of our industrial and retail portfolio during 2006, Foxchase Shopping Center,properties, and several majorrestroom, façade and common area renovations inat some of our office and residential portfolios at Maryland Trade Centers I and II, Country Club Towers, Bethesda Hill, Roosevelt Towers and Wayne Plaza. Our total investment in Foxchase is expected to be $10.0 million. As of December 31, 2005, we had invested $2.7 million in this project, and we expect to fund approximately $7.3 million of the total project costs during 2006. Our total investment in Maryland Trade Centers I and II is expected to be $3.1 million. As of December 31, 2005, we had invested $1.7 million in this project, and we expect to fund approximately $1.4 million of the total project costs during 2006. Our total investment in Country Club Towers is expected to be $3.2 million. As of December 31, 2005, we had invested $0.1 million in this project, and we expect to fund approximately $3.1 million of the total project costs during 2006. Our total investment in Bethesda Hill is expected to be $2.9 million. As of December 31, 2005, we had invested $0.1 million in this project, and we expect to fund approximately $2.8 million of the total project costs during 2006. Our total investment in Roosevelt Towers is expected to be $1.8 million. As of December 31, 2005, we had invested $0.1 million in this project, and we expect to fund approximately $1.7 million of the total project costs during 2006. Our total investment in Wayne Plaza is expected to be $1.5 million. As of December 31, 2005, we had invested $0.5 million in this project, and we expect to fund approximately $1.0 million of the total project costs during 2006. In addition, we anticipate funding $7.6 million for smaller redevelopment projects within our existing portfolio during 2006, though notproperties. Not all of the anticipated spending had been committed via executed construction contracts at December 31, 2005.2006. We expect to meet our requirements using cash generated by our real estate operations, through borrowings on our unsecured credit facilities, or raising additional debt or equity capital in the public market.



Contractual Obligations


Below is a summary of certain contractual obligations that will require significant capital (in thousands):


  Payments due by Period

  Payments due by Period


  Less than 1

  1-3 years

  4-5 years

  After 5


  Less than
1 year

  1-3 years

  4-5 years

  After 5

Long-term debt(1)

  $1,020,595  $99,025  $248,262  $69,101  $604,207  $1,712,551  $70,735  $365,395  $316,279  $960,142

Purchase obligations(2)

   12,133   3,031   6,177   821   2,104   9,142   3,339   3,635   728   1,440

Estimated development commitments(3)

   85,705   65,915   19,790   —     —     52,161   52,161      —     —  

Tenant-related capital(4)

   5,495   4,529   966   —     —     3,111   2,890   32   110   79

Building capital(5)

   10,391   10,391   —     —     —     11,729   8,738   2,991   —     —  

Operating leases

   21   21   —     —     —     71   34   37   —     —  


See Notes 4, 5 and 6 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. Amounts include principal, interest, unused commitment fees and facility fees.



Represents elevator maintenance contracts with terms through 2016, electricity sales agreements with terms through 2008, and natural gas purchase agreements with terms through 2006.2007.



Committed development obligations based on contracts in place as of December 31, 2005.2006.



Committed tenant-related capital based on executed leases as of December 31, 2005.2006.



Committed building capital additions based on contracts in place as of December 31, 2005.2006.


We have various standing or renewable contracts with vendors. The majority of these contracts are cancelable with immaterial or no cancellation penalties, with the exception of our elevator maintenance and natural gas purchase agreements, which are included above on the purchase obligations line. Contract terms on cancelable leases are generally one year or less. Development commitments include executed construction and professional services contracts associated with our Bennett Park, Clayborne Apartments, Dulles Station and Shoppes at Foxchase projects. We are currently committed to fund tenant-related capital improvements as described in the table above for executed leases. However, expected leasing levels could require additional tenant-related capital improvements which are not currently committed. We expect that total tenant-related capital improvements, including those already committed, will be approximately $11.3$18.9 million in 2006.2007. Due to the competitive office leasing market and higher vacancy rates, we expect that tenant-related capital costs will continue at this level into 2007.2008.


Historical Cash Flows


Consolidated cash flow information is summarized as follows (in millions):


  For the year ended
December 31,


   For the year ended
December 31,





 2005 vs.

 2004 vs.




 2006 vs.

 2005 vs.


Cash provided by operating activities

  $87.5  $79.9  $76.0  $7.6  $3.9   $86.3  $87.5  $79.8  $(1.2) $7.7 

Cash used in investing activities

  $(98.5) $(80.4) $(147.5) $(18.1) $67.1   $(334.7) $(98.5) $(80.4) $(236.2) $(18.1)

Cash provided by financing activities

  $10.9  $0.8  $63.6  $10.1  $(62.8)  $252.1  $10.9  $0.9  $241.2  $10.0 


Operations generated $87.5$86.3 million of net cash in 20052006 compared to $79.9$87.5 million in 2004 and $76.0 million in 2003.2005. The increasedecrease in cash flow in both 2004 and2006 compared to 2005 was due primarily to the additional incomechanges in rents and other assets from assetsproperties acquired in 20042005 and 2005.2006. The level of net cash provided by operating activities is also affected by the timing of receipt of revenues and payment of expenses.


Our investing activities used net cash of $334.7 million in 2006 and $98.5 million in 2005, $80.4 million in 2004 and $147.5 million in 2003.2005. The change in cash flows from investing activities in 20052006 was primarily due to the $123.4$226.5 million of cash invested in acquisitions,


net of assumed debt, throughout the year, which was $68.3$103.2 million higher than the prior year offset somewhat by property disposals in


the first and third quarters that were $65.8development spending of $68.6 million which was $50.8 million higher than the prior year. In addition, capital improvements to existing properties increased $15.4 millionyear, property disposals in 2005 due largely tothat provided $73.9 million of net cash proceeds in the redevelopment of Foxchase and improvements across the Residential portfolio especially at the Ashby. The change in cash flows used in investing activities in 2004 was due primarily to real estate acquisitions net of assumed debt of $55.1 million, $64.9 million lower than acquisitions completed in 2003, and $8.1 million in proceeds from the disposition of 8230 Boone Boulevard, partially offset by an increase in capital improvement expenditures of $5.9 million due largely to the common area renovation project at Munson Hill Towersprior year and increased spending on the redevelopment project at Westminster Shopping Center.capital improvements of $7.1 million.


Our financing activities provided net cash of $252.1 million in 2006 and $10.9 million in 2005, $0.8 million in 2004 and $63.6 million in 2003.2005. The increase in net cash provided by financing activities in 20052006 is the result of the debt offerings in AprilJune, July and OctoberSeptember which provided $197.2$255.1 million offset somewhat by repayment of borrowingand the equity offering in June which provided $90.9 million. Borrowings on the lines of credit provided $37.0 million, offset somewhat by the note repayments of $93.0$50.0 million, payment of dividends of $67.3$72.7 million and mortgage principal payments of $28.8$9.1 million. The decreaseDividends increased in net cash provided by financing activities in 2004 was2006 due primarily to the fact that we drew on our credit facilities to fund acquisitionsissuance of 2,745,000 shares in June and development spending and to pay down $55.0 millionan increase in unsecured debt that matured in November, and we increased ourthe dividend rate. We issued no unsecured debt or equity in 2004.




Capital improvements and development costs of $48.6$106.4 million were completed in 2005,2006, including tenant improvements. CapitalThese improvements to our properties in 2005 and 2004 were $48.6 million and 2003 were $33.2 million, respectively. We consider capital improvements to be accretive to revenue and $27.4 million, respectively.not necessarily to net income.


Our capital improvement and development costs for the three years ending December 31, 20052006 were as follows (in thousands): (CC6)


  Year Ended December 31,

  Year Ended December 31,







Accretive capital improvements:


Acquisition related

  $918  $212  $612  $1,430  $918  $212

Expansions and major renovations/development

   29,628   14,525   10,725

Expansions and major renovations

   18,195   11,762   6,446


   68,621   17,866   8,079

Tenant improvements

   8,932   9,432   9,506   9,473   8,932   9,432






Total accretive capital improvements

   39,478   24,169   20,843   97,719   39,478   24,169


   9,125   9,068   6,548   8,685   9,125   9,068







  $48,603  $33,237  $27,391  $106,404  $48,603  $33,237







Accretive Capital Improvements


Acquisition Related—These are capital improvements to properties acquired during the current and preceding two years which were anticipated at the time we acquired the properties. These types of improvements were made in 20052006 to Frederick CrossingAlbemarle Point, Montrose, Randolph, Dulles Business Park, Alexandria Professional, Hampton Overlook and 1776 G Street.Hampton South.


Expansions and Major Renovations—Expansion projects increase the rentable area of a property. Majorproperty, while major renovation projects are improvements sufficient to increase the income otherwise achievable at a property. 20052006 expansions and major renovations included Foxchase Shopping Center, which includes construction of a pad site for a large regional grocer; common area and unit renovations for The Ashby at McLean,Bethesda Hill, Munson Hill, Roosevelt TowersPark Adams and Park Adams; andCountry Club Towers; façade renovation at Wayne Plaza; lobby renovations at Maryland Trade Centers I and II.II; and roof replacements at Ammendale Park, Tech 100 and Northern Virginia Industrial Park.


In February 2001, we acquired an apartment building at 1611 North Clarendon Boulevard adjacentDevelopment/Re-development—Development costs represent expenditures for ground up development of new operating properties. Re-development costs represent expenditures for improvements intended to our 1600 Wilson Boulevard office property with the intent of developing a high-rise apartment building onre-position properties in their markets and increase income that site utilizing the available density rights from both properties. We subsequently acquired the retail property 1620 Wilson Boulevard in 2002, also adjacent, as part of this planned development. This effort to develop a mixed-use


space with 224 multifamily units and 5,900 square feet of retail space is referred to as Rosslyn Towers, with expected completion in late 2006 for the Mid Rise building and mid-2007 for the High Rise building. In May 2003, we acquired 718 E. Jefferson Street to complete our ownership of the entire block of 800 S. Washington Street, with the intent of developing a mixed-use property with 75 apartment units and 2,600 square feet of retail space. Completion of South Washington Street is expected in early 2007.would be otherwise achievable. Development costs in each of the years presented include costs associated with the ground up development of Rosslyn TowersBennett Park and South Washington Street.Clayborne. In December 2005, we acquired a 5.27 acre site located along2006 these costs also include expenditures associated with Dulles Station. Completion of Bennett Park, our residential project under development in Arlington, VA, is expected in the Dulles Toll Road—second quarter 2007 for the site, referred to asmid-rise


building and third quarter 2007 for the high-rise building. Completion of Clayborne Apartments, our residential project under construction in Alexandria, VA, is also expected in the third quarter 2007. Completion of Phase I of Dulles Station, is part of a planned 63-acre mixed use development, and is approved forour 540,000 square foot office project in Herndon, VA, of which Phase I represents 180,000 square feet, of office and ancillary retail space. Construction will occur in two phases. The first phase is a 185,000 square-foot six-story building, with planned deliveryexpected in the fourththird quarter of 2007. The second phase is a twelve-story, 355,000 square-foot office tower with anticipated deliveryRe-development costs in 2008 or 2009 depending on market conditions.each of the years presented were incurred for the Shoppes at Foxchase, which was substantially completed in 2006. In 2004 and 2005, re-development costs included expenditures for the completion of the Food Lion grocery store at Westminster.


Tenant Improvements—Tenant Improvements are costs, such as space build-out, associated with commercial lease transactions.

Our average Tenant Improvement Costs per square foot of space leased were as follows during the three years ended December 31, 2005:2006:


  Year Ended December 31,

  Year Ended December 31,







Office Buildings*

  $10.42  $7.13  $11.41  $11.52  $10.42  $7.13

Medical Office Buildings

  $7.65  $9.35  $10.48  $17.78  $7.65  $9.35

Retail Centers

  $0.85  $0.90  $0.81  $0.05  $0.85  $0.90

Industrial/Flex Properties*

  $1.44  $1.01  $1.91  $1.84  $1.44  $1.01

*Excludes properties sold or classified as held for sale.


The $3.29$1.10 increase in tenant improvement costs per square foot of space leased for Officeoffice buildings in 20052006 was primarily due to leases executed at Maryland Trade Centers I & II and 1776 G Street in 2005, allowing for $2.1 and $1.27900 Westpark requiring $2.7 million respectively in tenant improvements.improvements, including $1.5 million for a single tenant. The Retail$10.13 increase in tenant improvement costs per square foot of space leased for medical office buildings in 2006 was primarily due to leases executed at 15001 Shady Grove and IndustrialWoodburn I requiring $1.8 million in tenant improvements, primarily to a single tenant. The retail and industrial tenant improvement costs are substantially lower than Officeoffice and Medical Officemedical office improvement costs due to the tenant improvements required in these property types being substantially less extensive.extensive than in office and medical. Excluding properties sold or classified as held for sale, approximately 65%71% of our Officeoffice tenants renewed their leases with us in 2005,2006, compared to 65% in 2005 and 50% in 2004 and 68% in 2003.2004. Renewing tenants generally require minimal tenant improvements. In addition, lower tenant improvement costs are one of the many benefits of our focus on leasing to smaller office tenants. Smaller office suites have limited configuration alternatives. Therefore, we are often able to lease an existing suite with limited tenant improvements.


Other Capital Improvements


Other Capital Improvements are those not included in the above categories. These are also referred to as recurring capital improvements. Over time these costs will be re-incurredrecurring in nature to maintain a property’s income and value. In our residential properties, these include new appliances, flooring, cabinets and bathroom fixtures. These improvements, which are made as needed upon vacancy of an apartment, totaled $0.9$0.6 million in 20052006, and averaged $1,084$925 per apartment for the 39%32% of apartments turned over relative to our total portfolio of apartment units. In our commercial properties and residential properties aside from apartment turnover discussed above, these include installation of new heating and air conditioning equipment, asphalt replacement, new signage, permanent landscaping, window replacements, new lighting and new finishes. In addition, during 2005,2006, we incurred repair and maintenance expenses of $7.3$8.2 million that were not capitalized, to maintain the quality of our buildings.





This Annual Report contains forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. Such forward looking statements include the following statements with respect to the greatermetropolitan Washington real estate markets: (a) job growth in 2005 is a positive sign for continued economic growth in the region; (b) continued spending by the Federal Government, government contracting firms and professional services firms is expected to furthercontinue to drive regional economic growth; (b) industrial rental rates are projected to increase; (c) increased office leasing activitythe Washington metro area is expected to have a positive impact occupancy with moderate rental rate growth going forward; (d) retail leasing space may continue to be positively affected by the Metro area’s overall population growth and high levels of discretionary income; (e) the office sector vacancy rate is projected to decline over the next two years; (f) multifamily sector occupancy will be impacted by the number of units taken off line for renovation; (g) the Washington Metro area market continues to be a strong retail marketmultifamily market; and we expect to continue(d) office vacancy is expected to increase rents substantially; and (h) industrial sector rents are projecteddue to increaseincreased supply in the first half of 2006, as vacancy rates improve.market. Such forward looking statements also include the following statements with respect to WRIT: (a) our intention to invest in properties that we believe will increase in income and value; (b) our belief that external sources of capital will continue to be available and that additional sources of capital will be available from the sale of shares or notes; and (c) our belief that we have the liquidity and capital resources necessary to meet our known obligations and to make additional property acquisitions and capital improvements when appropriate to enhance long-term growth. Forward looking statements also include other statements in this report preceded by, followed by or that include the words “believe,” “expect,” “intend,” “anticipate,” “potential,” “project,” “will” and other similar expressions.


We claim the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 for the foregoing statements. The following important factors, in addition to those discussed elsewhere in this Annual Report, could affect our future results and could cause those results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements: (a) the economic health of our tenants; (b) the economic health of the greater Washington/BaltimoreWashington Metro region, or other markets we may enter, including the effects of changes in Federal government spending; (c) the supply of competing properties; (d) inflation; (e) consumer confidence; (f) unemployment rates; (g) consumer tastes and preferences; (h) stock price and interest rate fluctuations; (i) our future capital requirements; (j) compliance with applicable laws, including those concerning the environment and access by persons with disabilities; (k) governmental or regulatory actions and initiatives; (l) changes in general economic and business conditions; (m) terrorist attacks or actions; (n) acts of war; (o) weather conditions; (p) the effects of changes in capital available to the technology and biotechnology sectors of the economy, and (q) other factors discussed under the caption “Risk Factors.” We undertake no obligation to update our forward-looking statements or risk factors to reflect new information, future events, or otherwise.




The following table sets forth our ratios of earnings to fixed charges and debt service coverage for the periods shown:


   Year Ended December 31,





Earnings to fixed charges

  2.01x 2.13x 2.33x

Debt service coverage

  3.05x 3.29x 3.53x
Year Ended December 31,




Earnings to fixed charges


Debt service coverage



We computed the ratio of earnings to fixed charges by dividing earnings by fixed charges. For this purpose, earnings consist of income from continuing operations plus fixed charges, less capitalized interest. Fixed charges consist of interest expense, including amortized costs of debt issuance, plus interest costs capitalized.


We computed the debt service coverage ratio by dividing EBITDA (which is earnings before interest income and expense, taxes, depreciation, amortization and gain on sale of real estate) by interest expense and principal amortization.



Funds From Operations


Funds from Operations (“FFO”) is a widely used measure of operating performance for real estate companies. We provide FFO as a supplemental measure to net income calculated in accordance with accounting principles


generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”). Although FFO is a widely used measure of operating performance for REITs, FFO does not represent net income calculated in accordance with GAAP. As such, it should not be considered an alternative to net income as an indication of our operating performance. In addition, FFO does not represent cash generated from operating activities in accordance with GAAP, nor does it represent cash available to pay distributions and should not be considered as an alternative to cash flow from operating activities, determined in accordance with GAAP as a measure of our liquidity. The National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts, Inc. (“NAREIT”) defines FFO (April, 2002 White Paper) as net income (computed in accordance with GAAP) excluding gains (or losses) from sales of property plus real estate depreciation and amortization. We consider FFO to be a standard supplemental measure for REITs because it facilitates an understanding of the operating performance of our properties without giving effect to real estate depreciation and amortization, which historically assumes that the value of real estate assets diminishes predictably over time. Since real estate values have instead historically risen or fallen with market conditions, we believe that FFO more accurately provides investors an indication of our ability to incur and service debt, make capital expenditures and fund other needs. Our FFO may not be comparable to FFO reported by other REITs. These other REITs may not define the term in accordance with the current NAREIT definition or may interpret the current NAREIT definition differently.


The following table provides the calculation of our FFO and a reconciliation of FFO to net income for the years presented (in thousands):









Net income

  $77,638  $45,564  $44,887  $38,661  $77,638  $45,564 



Depreciation and amortization

   47,161   39,309   33,490   54,170   47,161   39,309 

Gain on property disposed

   (37,515)  (1,029)  —     —     (37,515)  (1,029)

Discontinued operations depreciation and amortization

   71   1,784   2,265   —     71   1,784 






FFO as defined by NAREIT

  $87,355  $85,628  $80,642  $92,831  $87,355  $85,628 










The principal material financial market risk to which we are exposed is interest rate risk. Our exposure to interest rate risk relates primarily to refinancing long-term fixed rate obligations, the opportunity cost of fixed rate obligations in a falling interest rate environment and our variable rate lines of credit. We primarily enter into debt obligations to support general corporate purposes including acquisition of real estate properties, capital improvements and working capital needs. In the past we have used interest rate hedge agreements to hedge against rising interest rates in anticipation of imminent refinancing or new debt issuance.


The table below presents principal, interest and related weighted average fair value interest rates by year of maturity, with respect to debt outstanding on December 31, 2005.2006.


(In thousands) 2006
















Unsecured fixed rate debt



 $50,000   —    $60,000   —     —    $410,000  $520,000  $523,768   —    $60,000   —     —    $150,000  $520,000  $730,000  $736,081

Interest payments

 $30,264  $26,639  $24,569  $22,500  $22,500  $129,401  $255,873    $39,826  $37,757  $35,688  $35,688  $31,225  $170,837  $351,021  

Interest rate on debt maturities

  7.49%  —     6.74%  —     —     5.57%  5.89%    —     6.74%  —     —     6.00%  5.23%  5.51% 

Unsecured variable rate debt



  —     —    $24,000   —     —     —    $24,000  $24,000   —    $28,000   —    $33,000   —     —    $61,000  $61,000

Variable interest rate on debt maturities(a)

  —     —     4.97%  —     —     —     4.97%    —     5.90%  —     5.78%  —     —     5.83% 



Principal amortization (30 year schedule)

 $8,678  $9,991  $2,232  $52,338  $2,438  $93,940  $169,617  $171,478  $11,264  $3,571  $53,768  $25,428  $12,763  $130,279  $237,073  $239,781

Interest payments

 $9,850  $9,004  $8,883  $7,884  $5,107  $9,923  $50,651    $13,427  $13,241  $12,151  $8,863  $7,796  $10,521  $65,999  

Weighted average interest rate on principal amortization

  5.76%  6.46%  5.22%  7.06%  5.23%  5.27%  5.92%    6.38%  5.43%  7.02%  5.76%  5.30%  5.46%  5.88% 

(a)Variable interest rates based on LIBOR in effect on our borrowings outstanding at December 31, 2005.2006.




The financial statements and supplementary data appearing on pages 5960 to 8892 are incorporated herein by reference.










We maintain disclosure controls and procedures that are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in our Securities Exchange Act reports is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms, and that such information is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President of Accounting, as appropriate, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure. In designing and evaluating the disclosure controls and procedures, management recognized that any controls and procedures, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable assurance of achieving the desired control objectives, and management necessarily was required to apply its judgment in evaluating the cost-benefit relationship of possible controls and procedures.


We carried out an evaluation, under the supervision and with the participation of our management, including our Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President of Accounting, of the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and procedures as of December 31, 2005.2006. Based on the foregoing, our Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President of Accounting concluded that the Trust’s disclosure controls and procedures were effective.


Changes in Internal Control Overover Financial Reporting


See the Report of Management in Item 8 of this Form 10-K.

See the Reports of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm in Item 8 of this Form 10-K. During the three months ended December 31, 2005,2006, there was no change in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control overfor financial reporting.









Certain information required by Part III is omitted from this report in that we will file a definitive proxy statement pursuant to Regulation 14A with respect to our 20062007 Annual Meeting (the “Proxy Statement”) no later than 120 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this report, and certain information included therein is incorporated herein by reference. Only those sections of the Proxy Statement which specifically address the items set forth herein are incorporated by reference. Such incorporation does not include the Performance Graph included in the Proxy Statement. In addition, we have adopted a Code of Ethics which can be reviewed and printed from our websitewww.writ.com.




The information required by this Item is hereby incorporated herein by reference to the Proxy Statement.




The information required by this Item is hereby incorporated herein by reference to the Proxy Statement.




The information required under this Item by Item 403 of Regulation S-K is hereby incorporated herein by reference to the Proxy Statement.


Equity Compensation Plan InformationInformation*


Plan Category

  Number of securities to be
issued upon exercise of
outstanding options,
warrants and rights

  Weighted-average exercise
price of outstanding options,
warrants and rights

  Number of securities remaining
available for future issuance
under equity compensation
plans (excluding securities
reflected in column (a))

   Number of securities to be
issued upon exercise of
outstanding options,
warrants and rights

  Weighted-average exercise
price of outstanding options,
warrants and rights

  Number of securities remaining
available for future issuance
under equity compensation
plans (excluding securities
reflected in column (a))

  (a)  (b)  (c)   (a)  (b)  (c)

Equity compensation plans approved by security holders

  466,779  $23.93  1,313,000   407,006  $24.18  1,313,000

Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders

  64,000   25.76  66,000*  44,000   26.67  66,000





  530,779  $24.15  1,379,000   451,006  $24.42  1,379,000

*We maintain a Share Grant Plan for officers, trustees and trustees. The aggregate number of shares which can be made the subject of awards under this Share Grant Plan, together with the aggregate number of shares issued either directly or in connection with the exercise of a stock option under any other plan maintained by the Trust, may not exceed three percent (3%) of the number of then-outstanding shares in any one calendar year and may not exceed, in the aggregate, during any five (5) year period, ten percent (10%) of the number of then-outstanding shares.non-officer employees. As of December 31, 2005, 228,1642006, 306,710 shares and 21,880 restricted share units have been granted under this plan. We maintained a stock option plan for trustees which provided for the annual granting of 2,000 non-qualified stock options to trustees the last of which were granted in 2004. 84,000 options had been granted as of December 31, 2005.2006.


The aggregate number of shares which can be made the subject of awards under this Share Grant Plan, together with the aggregate number of shares issued either directly or in connection with the exercise of a stock option under any other plan maintained by the Trust, may not exceed three percent (3%) of the number of then-outstanding shares in any one calendar year and may not exceed, in the aggregate, during any five (5) year period, ten percent (10%) of the number of then-outstanding shares. See Note 7 to the consolidated financial statements for a description of the Share Grant Plan.




The information required by this Item is hereby incorporated herein by reference to the Proxy Statement.




The information required by this Item is hereby incorporated by reference to the material in the Proxy Statement under the caption “Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.”







(A). The following documents are filed as part of this Report:




Financial Statements


Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Consolidated Balance Sheets asReport of December 31, 2005 and 2004Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2006 and 2005


Consolidated Statements of Income for the Years Ended December 31, 2006, 2005 2004 and 20032004


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity for the Years Ended December 31, 2006, 2005 2004 and 20032004


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Years Ended December 31, 2006, 2005 2004 and 20032004


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Financial Statement Schedules


Schedule III—Consolidated Real Estate and Accumulated Depreciation



  3.    Declaration of Trust and Bylaws


  Declaration of Trust. Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3 to the Trust’s registration statement on Form 8-B dated July 10, 1996.


  Bylaws. Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4 to the Trust’s registration statement on Form 8-B dated July 10, 1996.


  Amendment to Declaration of Trust dated September 21, 1998. Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3 to the Trust’s Form 10-Q dated November 13, 1998.


  Articles of Amendment to Declaration of Trust dated June 24, 1999. Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4c to Amendment No. 1 to the Trust’s Form S-3 registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission as of July 14, 1999.


  Amendment to Bylaws dated February 21, 2002. Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3(e) to the Trust’s Form 10-K dated April 1, 2002.


Articles of Amendment to Declaration of Trust dated June 1, 2006. Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4d to the Trust’s Form S-3 registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission as of August 28, 2006.
  4.    Instruments Defining Rights of Security Holders


  [Intentionally omitted ]omitted]


  Amended and restated credit agreement dated July 25, 1999, among Washington Real Estate Investment Trust, as borrower, SunTrust Bank (successor by merger to Crestar Bank), as lender, First Union National Bank (successor by merger to Signet Bank), as lender, and SunTrust Bank, as agent.(1)


  Indenture dated as of August 1, 1996 between Washington Real Estate Investment Trust and The First National Bank of Chicago.(2)


  Officers’ Certificate Establishing Terms of the Notes, dated August 8, 1996(2)


  [Intentionally omitted]


  Form of 2006 Notes(2)


  Form of MOPPRS Notes(3)


  Form of 30 year Notes(3)


  Remarketing Agreement(3)




  Form of 2004 fixed-rate notes(4)


  [Intentionally omitted]


  Credit agreement dated July 23, 2002 between Washington Real Estate Investment Trust, as borrower, Bank One, as lender, and Bank One, as agent(7)




  Amendment to amended and restated credit agreement dated July 25, 2002, among Washington Real Estate Investment Trust, as borrower, SunTrust Bank, successor to Crestar Bank, as Agent, and SunTrust Bank (SunTrust), successor to Crestar Bank, and Wachovia Bank, National Association (Wachovia), successor to First Union National Bank (the Credit Agreement).(7)


  Officer’s Certificate Establishing Terms of the Notes, dated March 12, 2003.(8)


  Form of 2013 Notes.(8)
    (p)  Officer’sOfficers’ Certificate Establishing Terms of the Notes, dated December 8, 2003.(9)


  Form of 2014 Notes.(9)


  [Intentionally omitted]


  Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, Dated as of July 21, 2004, among Washington Real Estate Investment Trust, as borrower and Bank One, NA, and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as lenders and Bank One, NA, as agent and Banc One Capital Markets, Inc., as lead arranger and sole book runner.(10)


  Form of 5.05% Senior Notes due May 1, 2012(11)


  Form of 5.35% Senior Notes due May 1, 2015 dated April 26, 2005(11)


  Officer’sOfficers Certificate establishing the terms of the Notes, dated April 20, 2005(11)


  CreditAmendment to credit agreement dated July 25, 2005 between Washington Real Estate Investment Trust as borrower and SunTrust Bank as lender.lender.(12)


  Form of 5.35% Senior Notes due May 1, 2015 dated October 6, 2005(13)


  Officer’sOfficers Certificate establishing the terms of the Notes, dated October 3, 2005(13)


Form of 5.95% Senior Notes due June 15, 2011(16)


Officers’ Certificate establishing the terms of the Notes, dated June 6, 2006(16)


Amendments to Credit Facility No. 1 dated as of June 30, 2006(23)


Form of 3.875% Senior Convertible Notes due September 15, 2026(17)


Officers’ Certification establishing the terms of the Notes, dated September 11, 2006(17)


Form of additional 3.875% Senior convertible Notes due September 15, 2026(18)


Form of 5.95% senior notes due June 15, 2011, dated July 21, 2006(19)


Officers’ Certification establishing the terms of the Notes, dated July 21, 2006(19)


Credit agreement dated November 2, 2006 between Washington Real Estate Investment Trust as borrower and a syndicate of banks as lender with The Bank of New York as documentation agent, The Royal Bank of Scotland, plc as syndication agent and Wells Fargo Bank, NA, as agent(20)
       We are a party to a number of other instruments defining the rights of holders of long-term debt. No such instrument authorizes an amount of securities in excess of 10 percent of the total assets of the Trust and its Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis. On request, we agree to furnish a copy of each such instrument to the Commission.
  10.    Management Contracts, Plans and Arrangements


  Employment Agreement dated May 11, 1994 with Edmund B. Cronin, Jr.(5)


  1991 Incentive Stock Option Plan, as amended.(5)


  Nonqualified Stock Option Agreement dated December 14, 1994 with Edmund B. Cronin, Jr.(5)


  Nonqualified Stock Option Agreement dated December 19, 1995 with Edmund B. Cronin, Jr. Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10(e) to the 1995 Form 10-K filed March 29, 1996.


  Share Grant Plan(6)


  Share Option Plan for Trustees(6)


  Deferred Compensation Plan for Executives dated January 1, 2000, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10(g) to the 2000 Form 10-K filed March 19, 2001.




  Split-Dollar Agreement dated April 1, 2000, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10(h) to the 2000 Form 10-K filed March 19, 2001.


  2001 Stock Option Plan incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit A to 2001 Proxy Statement dated March 29, 2001.


  Share Purchase Plan.(7)


  Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan.(7)


  Description of Washington Real Estate Investment Trust Short-term and Long-term Incentive Plan incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10(l) to the 2005 Form 10-K filed March 16, 2005.


  Description of Washington Real Estate Investment Trust Revised Trustee Compensation Plan incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10(m) to the 2005 Form 10-K filed March 16, 2005.



Employment Agreement dated October 3, 2005 with Christopher P. Mundy.Mundy.(14)




Change in control Agreement dated October 3, 2005 with Christopher P. Mundy.Mundy.(15)




Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan(21)




Change in control Agreement dated May 22, 2003 with Thomas L. Regnell(21)




Change in control Agreement dated June 13, 2005 with David A. DiNardo(21)




Change in control Agreement dated May 22, 2003 with George F. McKenzie(21)





Change in control Agreement dated May 22, 2003 with Laura M. Franklin(21)




Change in control Agreement dated May 22, 2003 with Kenneth C. Reed(21)




Change in control Agreement dated May 22, 2003 with Sara L. GrootwassinkGrootwassin(21)




Change in control Agreement dated January 1, 2006 with James B. Cederdahl(21)


Change in Control Agreement dated December 17, 1999 with Edmund B. Cronin, Jr.(22)


Separation Agreement dated July 10, 2006 with Christopher P. Mundy(23)


Amendment No. 2 to the Share Grant Plan


Long Term Incentive Plan, effective January 1, 2006


Short Term Incentive Plan, effective January 1, 2006


Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges


Subsidiaries of Registrant

In 1995, WRIT formed a subsidiary partnership, WRIT Limited Partnership; a Maryland limited partnership in which it owns 100% of the partnership interest.
In 1998, WRIT formed a subsidiary limited liability company, WRIT-NVIP, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company in which it owns 93% of the membership interest. The 7% minority ownership interest is discussed further in Note 2 to the financial statements.
In 2003, WRIT formed a subsidiary limited liability company, WRIT Prosperity Holdings, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company in which WRIT owns 100% of the membership interests.
In 2003, WRIT formed subsidiary limited liability companies WRIT 8501-8503, L.L.C. and WRIT 8505, L.L.C., both Delaware limited liability companies in which WRIT owns 100% of the membership interests.
In 2004, WRIT formed a subsidiary limited liability company, Shady Grove Medical Village II, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company in which WRIT owns 100% of the membership interests.
In 2004, WRIT formed subsidiary limited liability companies WRIT Dulles Holdings, L.L.C., WRIT Dulles I, L.L.C. and WRIT Dulles II, L.L.C., all Delaware limited liability companies in which WRIT owns 100% of the membership interests.
  23.    Consents
    (a)  Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
  31.    Rule 13a-14(a)/15(d)-14(a) Certifications
    (a)  Certification – Chief Executive Officer
    (b)  Certification – Senior Vice President – Accounting and Administration
    (c)  Certification – Chief Financial Officer
  32.    Section 1350 Certifications
    (a)  Written Statement of Chief Executive Officer and Financial Officers


Incorporated herein by reference to the Exhibits of the same designation to the Trust’s Form 10-K filed March 24, 2000.




Incorporated herein by reference to the Exhibit of the same designation to the Trust’s Form 8-K filed August 13, 1996.



Incorporated herein by reference to the Exhibit of the same designation to the Trust’s Form 8-K filed February 25, 1998.



Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4 to the Trust’s Form 10-Q filed November 14, 2000.



Incorporated herein by reference to the Exhibit of the same designation to Amendment No. 2 to the Trust’s Registration Statement on Form S-3 filed July 17, 1995.



Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibits 4(a) and 4(b), respectively, to the Trust’s Registration Statement on Form S-8 filed on March 17, 1998.



Incorporated herein by reference to the Exhibits of the same designation to the Trust’s Form 10-Q filed November 14, 2002.




Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibits 4(a) and 4(b), respectively, to the Trust’s Form 8-K filed March 17, 2003.



Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibits 4(a) and 4(b), respectively, to the Trust’s Form 8-K filed December 11, 2003.



Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4 to the Trust’s Form 10-Q filed August 6, 2004.



Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibits 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 to the Trust’s Form 8-K filed April 26, 2005



Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4 to the Trust’s Form 10-Q filed August 5, 2005



Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.1 and 4.2 to the Trust’s Form 8-K filed October 6, 2005



Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10 to the Trust’s Form 10-Q filed November 9, 2005



Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10 to the Trust’s Form 8-K filed October 7, 2005


Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibits 4.1 and 4.2, respectively to the Trust’s Form 8-K filed June 6, 2006


Incorporated herein by reference to the Trust’s Form 424B5 filed September 11, 2006


Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Trust’s Form 8-K filed September 26, 2006


Incorporated herein by reference to the Trust’s Form 424B5 filed July 21, 2006


Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Trust’s Form 8-K filed November 8, 2006


Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10 to the Trust’s Form 10-K filed March 16, 2006


Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10 to the Trust’s Form 10-Q filed May 5, 2006


Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10 to the Trust’s Form 10-Q filed August 8, 2006






Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date: March 16, 20061, 2007    
      By: /s/    EDMUND B. CRONIN, JR.        

Edmund B. Cronin, Jr.

President, Chief Executive Officer and



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.







/s/    EDMUND B. CRONIN, JR.        

Edmund B. Cronin, Jr.



 March 16, 20061, 2007

/s/    JOHN M. DERRICK, JR.        

John M. Derrick, Jr.



 March 16, 20061, 2007

/s/    JOHN P. MCDANIEL        

John P. McDaniel



 March 16, 20061, 2007

/s/    CHARLES T. NASON        

Charles T. Nason



 March 16, 20061, 2007

/s/    DAVID M. OSNOS        

David M. Osnos



 March 16, 2006

/s/    ROBERT W. PIVIK        

Robert W. Pivik


March 16, 20061, 2007

/s/    SUSAN J. WILLIAMS        

Susan J. Williams



 March 16, 20061, 2007

/s/    Edward S. Civera        

Edward S. Civera


March 1, 2007

/s/    Thomas Edgie Russell, III        

Thomas Edgie Russell, III


March 1, 2007

/s/    LAURA M. FRANKLIN        

Laura M. Franklin


Senior Vice President Accounting and Administration and Corporate Secretary

 March 16, 20061, 2007

/s/    SARA L. GROOTWASSINK        

Sara L. Grootwassink


Chief Financial Officer

 March 16, 20061, 2007






Management of Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (the “Trust”) is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting and for the assessment of the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting. The Trust’s internal control system over financial reporting is a process designed under the supervision of the Trust’s principal executive and principal financial officers to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.


All internal control systems, no matter how well designed, have inherent limitations. Therefore, even those systems determined to be effective can provide only reasonable assurance with respect to financial statement preparation and presentation. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions.


In connection with the preparation of the Trust’s annual consolidated financial statements, management has undertaken an assessment of the effectiveness of the Trust’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2005,2006, based on criteria established in Internal Control-Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (the COSO Framework). Management’s assessment included an evaluation of the design of the Trust’s internal control over financial reporting and testing of the operational effectiveness of those controls.


Based on this assessment, management has concluded that as of December 31, 2005,2006, the Trust’s internal control over financial reporting was effective to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.


Ernst & Young LLP, the independent registered public accounting firm that audited the Trust’s consolidated financial statements included in this report, have issued an attestation report on management’s assessment of internal control over financial reporting, a copy of which appears on the next page of this annual report.






To the Board of Trustees and Shareholders of

Washington Real Estate Investment Trust


We have audited management’s assessment, included in the accompanying Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting, that Washington Real Estate Investment Trust and Subsidiaries (the “Company”) maintained effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2005,2006, based on criteria established in Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (the COSO criteria). Washington Real Estate Investment Trust and Subsidiaries’ management is responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on management’s assessment and an opinion on the effectiveness of the company’sCompany’s internal control over financial reporting based on our audit.


We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audit included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, evaluating management’s assessment, testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control, and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.


A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.


Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.


In our opinion, management’s assessment that Washington Real Estate Investment Trust and Subsidiaries maintained effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2005,2006, is fairly stated, in all material respects, based on the COSO criteria. Also, in our opinion, Washington Real Estate Investment Trust and Subsidiaries maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2005,2006, based ontheon the COSO criteria.


We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the consolidated balance sheets of Washington Real Estate Investment Trust and Subsidiaries as of December 31, 20052006 and 2004,2005, and the related consolidated statements of income, changes in shareholders’ equity, and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 20052006 of Washington Real Estate Investment Trust and Subsidiaries and our report dated March 8, 2006February 26, 2007 expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.


/s/ Ernst & Young LLPMcLean, Virginia

February 26, 2007


McLean, Virginia

March 8, 2006




To the Board of Trustees and Shareholders of

Washington Real Estate Investment Trust


We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Washington Real Estate Investment Trust and Subsidiaries as of December 31, 20052006 and 2004,2005, and the related consolidated statements of income, shareholders’shareholders' equity, and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2005.2006. Our audits also included the financial statement schedule listed in the Index at Item 15(a). These financial statements and schedule are the responsibility of the Company’sCompany's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and schedule based on our audits.


We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.


In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of Washington Real Estate Investment Trust and Subsidiaries at December 31, 20052006 and 2004,2005, and the consolidated results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2005,2006, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Also, in our opinion, the related financial statement schedule, when considered in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole, presents fairly in all material respects the information set forth therein.


As discussed in Note 1 to the financial statements, in 2006 the Company changed its accounting for stock-based compensation in connection with the adoption of FASB Statement No. 123(R), “Share-Based Payment.”

We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the effectiveness of Washington Real Estate Investment Trust and Subsidiaries’Subsidiaries' internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2005,2006, based on criteria established in Internal Control-Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission and our report dated March 8, 2006February 26, 2007 expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.


/s/ Ernst & Young LLPMcLean, Virginia

February 26, 2007


McLean, Virginia

March 8, 2006





AS OF DECEMBER 31, 20052006 AND 20042005











  $226,217  $204,831   $294,977  $226,217 

Income producing property

   1,024,702   895,553    1,300,824   1,024,702 




   1,250,919   1,100,384    1,595,801   1,250,919 

Accumulated depreciation and amortization

   (240,153)  (200,375)   (290,003)  (240,153)




Net income producing property

   1,010,766   900,009    1,305,798   1,010,766 

Development in progress

   58,241   12,280    120,656   58,241 




Total investments in real estate, net

   1,069,007   912,289    1,426,454   1,069,007 

Investment in real estate held for sale, net

   —     36,986 

Cash and cash equivalents

   4,938   5,065    8,721   4,938 

Restricted cash

   1,764   962    4,151   1,764 

Rents and other receivables, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $2,916 and $2,636, respectively

   25,258   21,402 

Rents and other receivables, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $3,635 and $2,916, respectively

   32,632   25,258 

Prepaid expenses and other assets

   40,318   34,969    59,307   38,192 

Other assets related to properties held for sale

   —     720 




Total assets

  $1,141,285  $1,012,393   $1,531,265  $1,139,159 






Notes payable

  $728,255  $518,600 

Mortgage notes payable

   237,073   169,617 

Lines of credit

   61,000   24,000 

Accounts payable and other liabilities

  $32,728  $22,586    45,291   32,002 

Advance rents

   5,572   5,108    6,325   5,572 

Tenant security deposits

   7,393   5,784    9,651   7,393 

Other liabilities related to properties held for sale

   —     848 

Mortgage notes payable

   169,617   173,429 

Lines of credit

   24,000   117,000 

Notes payable

   520,000   320,000 




Total liabilities

   759,310   644,755    1,087,595   757,184 




Minority interest

   1,670   1,629    1,739   1,670 




Shareholders’ equity


Shares of beneficial interest; $.01 par value; 100,000 shares authorized: 42,139 and 42,000 shares issued and outstanding, respectively

   421   420 

Shares of beneficial interest; $.01 par value; 100,000 shares authorized:


45,042 and 42,139 shares issued and outstanding, respectively

   451   421 

Additional paid in capital

   407,972   405,029    500,727   405,112 

Distributions in excess of net income

   (25,228)  (35,544)   (59,247)  (25,228)

Less: Deferred compensation on restricted shares

   (2,860)  (3,896)




Total shareholders’ equity

   380,305   366,009    441,931   380,305 




Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity

  $1,141,285  $1,012,393   $1,531,265  $1,139,159 





See accompanying notes to the financial statements.







FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006, 2005, 2004, AND 20032004












Real estate rental revenue

  $190,046  $171,646  $153,576   $219,662  $190,046  $171,646 




   11,153   9,375   7,677    13,858   11,153   9,375 

Real estate taxes

   15,958   14,062   11,884    18,335   15,958   14,062 

Repairs and maintenance

   7,255   6,668   5,848    8,182   7,255   6,668 

Property administration

   5,472   4,965   4,223    6,195   5,472   4,965 

Property management

   5,678   5,153   4,685    6,592   5,678   5,153 

Operating services and common area maintenance

   9,967   8,834   8,153    11,342   9,967   8,834 

Other real estate expenses

   2,633   2,271   2,157    2,765   2,633   2,271 

Depreciation and amortization

   47,161   39,309   33,490    54,170   47,161   39,309 

General and administrative expenses

   8,005   6,194   5,275 

General and administrative

   12,622   8,005   6,194 






   113,282   96,831   83,392    134,061   113,282   96,831 






Real estate operating income

   76,764   74,815   70,184    85,601   76,764   74,815 






Other income (expense)


Interest expense

   (37,743)  (34,500)  (30,040)   (47,846)  (37,743)  (34,500)

Other income

   918   326   414    906   918   326 

Other income from property settlement

   504   —     —      —     504   —   






   (36,321)  (34,174)  (29,626)   (46,940)  (36,321)  (34,174)






Income from continuing operations

   40,443   40,641   40,558    38,661   40,443   40,641 

Discontinued operations:


Income from operations of properties sold or held for sale

   184   3,894   4,329    —     184   3,894 

Gain on disposal

   37,011   1,029   —      —     37,011   1,029 






Net Income

  $77,638  $45,564  $44,887 

Net income

  $38,661  $77,638  $45,564 






Basic net income per share


Continuing operations

  $0.96  $0.98  $1.03   $0.89  $0.96  $0.98 

Discontinued operations including gain on disposal

   0.89   0.11   0.11    —     0.89   0.11 






Net income per share

  $1.85  $1.09  $1.14   $0.89  $1.85  $1.09 






Diluted net income per share


Continuing operations

  $0.96  $0.97  $1.02   $0.88  $0.96  $0.97 

Discontinued operations including gain on disposal

   0.88   0.12   0.11    —     0.88   0.12 






Net income per share

  $1.84  $1.09  $1.13   $0.88  $1.84  $1.09 






Weighted average shares outstanding—basic

   42,069   41,642   39,399 

Weighted average shares outstanding – basic

   43,679   42,069   41,642 






Weighted average shares outstanding—diluted

   42,203   41,863   39,600 

Weighted average shares outstanding – diluted

   43,874   42,203   41,863 






Dividends paid per share

  $1.60  $1.55  $1.47   $1.64  $1.60  $1.55 







See accompanying notes to the financial statements.







FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006, 2005 2004 AND 20032004




  Shares of
Interest at
Par Value


Paid in

in excess of
Net Income



Balance, December 31, 2002

  39,168   392   (458)  328,797   (2,554)  326,177 

Net income

  —     —     —     —     44,887   44,887 


  —     —     —     —     (58,605)  (58,605)

Share offering

  2,201   22   —     62,802   —     62,824 

Share options exercised

  181   2   —     3,236   —     3,238 

Share grants, net of share grant amortization

  57   —     (1,400)  1,627   —     227 






  Shares of
Interest at
Par Value

Paid in

in excess of
Net Income



Balance, December 31, 2003

  41,607   416   (1,858)  396,462   (16,272)  378,748   41,607  $416  $394,604  $(16,272) $378,748 

Net income

  —     —     —     —     45,564   45,564   —     —     —     45,564   45,564 


  —     —     —     —     (64,836)  (64,836)  —     —     —     (64,836)  (64,836)

Share options exercised

  302   3   —     5,662   —     5,665   302   3   5,662   —     5,665 

Share grants, net of share grant amortization

  91   1   (2,038)  2,905   —     868   91   1   867   —     868 









Balance, December 31, 2004

  42,000  $420  $(3,896) $405,029  $(35,544) $366,009   42,000   420   401,133   (35,544)  366,009 

Net income

  —     —     —     —     77,638   77,638   —     —     —     77,638   77,638 


  —     —     —     —     (67,322)  (67,322)  —     —     —     (67,322)  (67,322)

Share options exercised

  136   1   —     2,845   —     2,846   136   1   2,845   —     2,846 

Share grants, net of share grant amortization

  3   —     1,134   —     1,134 




Balance, December 31, 2005

  42,139   421   405,112   (25,228)  380,305 

Net income

  —     —     —     38,661   38,661 


  —     —     —     (72,703)  (72,703)

Equity offering, net

  2,745   28   90,904    90,932 

Share options exercised

  80   1   1,802   —     1,803 

Share grants, net of share grant amortization, net of forfeitures

  3   —     1,036   98   —     1,134   78   1   2,909   23   2,933 









Balance, December 31, 2005

  42,139  $421  $(2,860) $407,972  $(25,228) $380,305 

Balance, December 31, 2006

  45,042  $451  $500,727  $(59,247) $441,931 










See accompanying notes to the financial statements.










Cash flows from operating activities


Net income

  $77,638  $45,564  $44,887 

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities:


Gain on sale of real estate

   (37,011)  (1,029)  —   

Depreciation and amortization

   47,233   41,093   35,755 

Provision for losses on accounts receivable

   872   964   1,835 

Amortization of share grants

   1,134   868   227 

Changes in other assets

   (6,735)  (9,404)  (8,448)

Changes in other liabilities

   4,391   1,867   1,723 



Net cash provided by operating activities

   87,522   79,923   75,979 



Cash flows from investing activities


Real estate acquisitions, net*

   (123,358)  (55,135)  (120,000)

Capital improvements to real estate

   (48,603)  (33,237)  (27,391)

Net cash received for sale of real estate

   73,879   8,071   —   

Non-real estate capital improvements

   (437)  (101)  (132)



Net cash used in investing activities

   (98,519)  (80,402)  (147,523)



Cash flows from financing activities


Net proceeds from share offering

   —     —     62,824 

Line of credit (repayments)/borrowings, net

   (93,000)  117,000   (50,750)

Notes payable repayments

   —     (55,000)  (50,000)

Dividends paid

   (67,322)  (64,836)  (58,605)

Principal payments—mortgage notes payable

   (28,820)  (2,041)  (1,333)

Net proceeds from debt offering

   197,166   —     158,178 

Net proceeds from exercise of share options

   2,846   5,665   3,238 



Net cash provided by financing activities

   10,870   788   63,552 



Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents

   (127)  309   (7,992)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year

   5,065   4,756   12,748 



Cash and cash equivalents at end of year

  $4,938  $5,065  $4,756 



Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:


Cash paid for interest

  $36,662  $32,157  $28,889 



*Supplemental discussion of non-cash investing and financing activities:

On March 23, 2005 we purchased Frederick Crossing Shopping Center for $44.8 million. We assumed a mortgage in the amount of $24.3 million, fair valued at $25.0 million, and funded the balance ($20.5 million) utilizing $1.0 million in credit facility borrowings and $19.5 million of the $31.3 million in cash escrowed from the sale of Tycon Plaza II, Tycon Plaza III and 7700 Leesburg Pike in February 2005. The $24.3 million of assumed mortgage is not included in the $20.9 million shown as real estate acquisitions for the year ended December 31, 2005, as the assumption of the mortgage was a non-cash acquisition cost. On April 9, 2005 we purchased the DBP Coleman Building for $8.8 million which was funded in part ($8.3 million) from cash escrowed from the aforementioned sale of Tycon Plaza II, Tycon Plaza III and 7700 Leesburg Pike.

On August 12, 2004, we purchased Shady Grove Medical Village II for $18.5 million. We assumed a mortgage in the amount of $10.1 million, fair valued at $11.2 million, and paid the balance in cash utilizing a borrowing under Credit Facility No. 1. On December 22, 2004, we purchased Dulles Business Park for $46.0 million. We assumed two mortgages in the total amount of $19.5 million, fair valued at $22.0 million, and borrowed $28.0 million under Credit Facility No. 1 to fund the acquisition. The $29.6 million of total assumed mortgages is not included in the $55.1 million shown as 2004 acquisitions, as the assumption of these mortgages was a non-cash acquisition cost.

On January 24, 2003, we purchased Fullerton Industrial Center for $10.6 million. We assumed a mortgage in the amount of $6.6 million, fair valued at $6.8 million, and paid the balance in cash. On October 9, 2003, we purchased Prosperity Medical Center for $78.0 million. We assumed two mortgages in the total amount of $49.8 million (fair valued at $49.8 million), borrowed $27.0 million under Credit Facility No. 3 and paid the balance in cash. The $120.0 million shown as 2003 real estate acquisitions does not include the $56.4 million in total assumed mortgages for Fullerton Industrial and Prosperity Medical Center, as the assumption of these mortgages was a non-cash acquisition cost.


See accompanying notes to the financial statements.






YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006, 2005 AND 2004






Cash flows from operating activities


Net income

  $38,661  $77,638  $45,564 

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities:


Gain on sale of real estate

   —     (37,011)  (1,029)

Depreciation and amortization

   54,170   47,233   41,093 

Provision for losses on accounts receivable

   1,500   872   964 

Amortization of share grants, net

   2,933   1,134   868 

Changes in other assets

   (17,927)  (6,735)  (9,507)

Changes in other liabilities

   7,005   4,391   1,867 



Net cash provided by operating activities

   86,342   87,522   79,820 



Cash flows from investing activities


Real estate acquisitions, net*

   (226,538)  (123,358)  (55,135)

Capital improvements to real estate

   (37,846)  (30,737)  (25,158)

Development costs

   (68,621)  (17,866)  (8,079)

Net cash received for sale of real estate

   —     73,879   8,071 

Non-real estate capital improvements

   (1,666)  (437)  (101)



Net cash used in investing activities

   (334,671)  (98,519)  (80,402)



Cash flows from financing activities


Net proceeds from equity offering

   90,932   —     —   

Line of credit (repayments)/borrowings, net

   37,000   (93,000)  117,000 

Notes payable repayments

   (50,000)  —     (55,000)

Dividends paid

   (72,681)  (67,322)  (64,836)

Principal payments – mortgage notes payable

   (9,149)  (28,820)  (2,041)

Proceeds from debt offering

   259,465   198,810   —   

Deferred financing costs

   (5,449)  (1,782)    

Note discount amortization

   191   138   103 

Proceeds from exercise of share options

   1,803   2,846   5,665 



Net cash provided by financing activities

   252,112   10,870   891 



Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

   3,783   (127)  309 

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year

   4,938   5,065   4,756 



Cash and cash equivalents at end of year

  $8,721  $4,938  $5,065 



Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:


Cash paid for interest

  $49,660  $36,662  $32,157 



*See Note 3 for the supplemental discussion of non-cash investing and financing activities.

See accompanying notes to the financial statements.




FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006, 2005 2004 AND 20032004


1.Nature of Business:


Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (“WRIT,” the “company”“Company” or the “Trust”), a Maryland Real Estate Investment Trust,real estate investment trust, is a self-administered, self-managed equity real estate investment trust, successor to a trust organized in 1960. Our business consists of the ownership of income-producing real estate properties in the greater Washington—BaltimoreWashington metropolitan region. We own a diversified portfolio of office buildings, medical office buildings, industrial/flex properties, multifamily buildings and retail centers.


Federal Income Taxes


We believe that we qualify as a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) under Sections 856-860 of the Internal Revenue Code and intend to continue to qualify as such. To maintain our status as a REIT, we are required to distribute 90% of our ordinary taxable income to our shareholders. When selling properties, we have the option of (i) reinvesting the sale price of properties sold, allowing for a deferral of income taxes on the sale, (ii) paying out capital gains to the shareholders with no tax to the company or (iii) treating the capital gains as having been distributed to the shareholders, paying the tax on the gain deemed distributed and allocating the tax paid as a credit to the shareholders. All of the gains on the sale of properties disposed in 2005 were reinvested in replacement properties. We distributed 100% of our 2006, 2005 2004 and 20032004 ordinary taxable income to our shareholders. $33.5 million of the gains from property disposed in 2005 was reinvested in replacement properties. Approximately $3.5 million of gains from disposed property in 2005 was distributed to shareholders. The gain on the property sold during 2004 was paid out to the shareholders. No provision for income taxes was necessary in 2006, 2005 2004 or 2003.2004.


The following is a breakdown of the taxable percentage of our dividends for 2006, 2005 2004 and 2003,2004, respectively:



 Return of



Section 1250





 Return of



Section 1250






  84% 16% 0% 0%


  81% 14% 5% 0%  81% 14% 5% 0%


  86% 10% 2% 2%  86% 10% 2% 2%


  97% 3% 0% 0%


2.Accounting Policies:


Basis of Presentation


The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Trust and its majority owned subsidiaries, after eliminating all intercompany transactions.


New Accounting Pronouncements


In December 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 123R, “Share-Based Payment.”Payment” (SFAS No. 123R). This statement is a revision of SFAS No. 123, “Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation,” and supersedes APB opinion No. 25 (APB No. 25), “Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees” and amends SFAS No. 95, “Statement of Cash Flows.” StatementSFAS No. 123R addresses the accounting for share-based payment transactions in which an enterprise receives employee services in exchange for (a) equity instruments of the enterprise or (b) liabilities that are based on the fair value of the enterprise’s equity instruments or that may be settled by the issuance of such equity instruments. SFAS No. 123R requires all share-based payments to employees, including grants of employee stock options, to be recognized in the financial statements based on their fair values and eliminates the intrinsic value method of accounting in APB No. 25, which was permitted under SFAS No. 123, as originally issued. The Company will bewas required to apply the provisions of this statement as of January 1, 2006.



Since we used the fair-value-based method of accounting under the original provisions of SFAS No. 123, in pro forma disclosure, we arewere required to adopt the provisions of the new standard using either the modified-prospective-transition or the modified-retrospective-transition method. Under both methods, for awards granted, settled or modified subsequent to adopting the standard and for awards granted prior to the date of adoption for which the requisite service has not been completed as of the adoption date, compensation cost must be recognized in the financial statements. Under the modified retrospective method, financial statements for prior periods are restated for this change and under the modified prospective method only statements subsequent to adoption will include this compensation cost. The modified prospective method also requires a cumulative adjustment in the first period of adoption to conform to the new standard. The Company plans to adopthas adopted SFAS No. 123R using the modified prospective transition method.method and that adoption did not have a material impact on income from continuing operations, net income, cash flows from operations or financing activities, or basic and diluted EPS.

In July 2006, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 48, “Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes,” an interpretation of FAS 109, “Accounting for Income Taxes” (FIN 48), to create a single model to address accounting for uncertainty in tax positions. FIN 48 clarifies the accounting for income taxes, by prescribing a minimum recognition threshold a tax position is required to meet before being recognized in the financial statements. FIN 48 also provides guidance on derecognition, measurement, classification, interest and penalties, accounting in interim periods, disclosure and transition. FIN 48 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2006. WRIT will adopt FIN 48 as of January 1, 2007, as required. We do not expect that the adoption of FIN 48 will have a material impact on our financial position and results of operations.

In September 2006, the FASB also issued FASB Statement No. 157, “Fair Value Measurements”. SFAS No. 157 defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value in generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), and expands disclosures about fair value measurements. The Company anticipates that adoptioneffective date of this statement is for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007 and according all the provisions of SFAS No. 123R157 will be considered when we adopt it in January 2008.

In September 2006, the FASB issued FASB Statement No. 158, “Employers’ Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Plans, an amendment of FASB Statements No. 87, 106, and 132(R)” (SFAS No. 158). SFAS No. 158 requires plan sponsors of defined benefit pension and other postretirement benefit plans (collectively, “postretirement benefit plans”) to recognize the funded status of their postretirement benefit plans in the statement of financial position, measure the fair value of plan assets and benefit obligation as of the date of the fiscal year-end statement of financial position, and provide additional disclosures. On December 31, 2006, the Company adopted the recognition and disclosure provisions of SFAS No. 158. SFAS No. 158 did not have material impactan effect on the Company’s consolidated financial condition as of December 31, 2006. SFAS No. 158’s provisions regarding the change in the measurement date of postretirement benefit plans are not applicable as the Company already uses a measurement date of December 31 for its resultspension plans. At December 31, 2006 the projected accrued pension obligation and accrued benefit obligation are each $1.7 million. See Note 8 for further discussion of operations and itsthe effect of adopting SFAS No. 158 on the Company’s consolidated financial position.statements.


Revenue Recognition


Residential properties (our Multifamilymultifamily segment) are leased under operating leases with terms of generally one year or less, and commercial properties (our Office, Medical Office, Retailoffice, medical office, retail and Industrialindustrial segments) are leased under operating leases with average terms of three to seven years. We recognize rental income and rental abatements from our residential and commercial leases when earned on a straight-line basis in accordance with SFAS No. 13 “Accounting for Leases.” Recognition of rental income commences when control of the facility has been given to the tenant. We record a provision for losses on accounts receivable equal to the estimated uncollectible amounts. This estimate is based on our historical experience and a review of the current status of the company’s receivables. Percentage rents, which represent additional rents based on gross tenant sales, are recognized when tenants’ sales exceed specified thresholds.



In accordance with SFAS No. 66, “Accounting for Sales of Real Estate,” sales are recognized at closing only when sufficient down payments have been obtained, possession and other attributes of ownership have been transferred to the buyer and we have no significant continuing involvement.


We recognize cost reimbursement income from pass-through expenses on an accrual basis over the periods in which the expenses were incurred. Pass-through expenses are comprised of real estate taxes, operating expenses and common area maintenance costs which are reimbursed by tenants in accordance with specific allowable costs per tenant lease agreements.


Minority Interest


We entered into an operating agreement with a member of the entity that previously owned Northern Virginia Industrial Park in conjunction with the acquisition of this property in May 1998. This resulted in a minority ownership interest in this property based upon defined company ownership units at the date of purchase. The operating agreement was amended and restated in 2002 resulting in a reduced minority ownership percentage interest. We account for this activity by allocatingrecording minority interest expense by applying the minority owner’s percentage ownership interest of the net income of the property to minority interest includedand including such amounts in our general and administrative expenses, thereby reducing net income. Minority interest expense was $204,100, $172,000 $154,800 and $167,400$154,800 for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 2004 and 20032004 respectively. Quarterly distributions are made to the minority owner equal to the quarterly dividend per share for each ownership unit.


Deferred Financing Costs


CostsExternal costs associated with the issuance or assumption of mortgages, notes payable and fees associated with the lines of credit are capitalized and amortized using the effective interest rate method or the straight-line method which approximates the effective interest rate method over the term of the related debt. As of December 31, 20052006 and 20042005 deferred financing costs of $14.5$16.6 million and $11.3$11.1 million, respectively, net of accumulated amortization of $5.8$5.5 million and $4.7$4.6 million were included in Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets on the balance sheets. The amortization is included in interest expense in the accompanying statements of income.


The amortization of debt costs included in interest expense totaled $1.4$1.6 million, $1.3 million and $1.3$1.2 million for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 2004 and 2003,2004, respectively.


Deferred Leasing Costs


Costs associated with the successful negotiation of leases, both external commissions and internal direct costs, are capitalized and amortized on a straight-line basis over the terms of the respective leases. If an applicable lease terminates prior to the expiration of its initial lease term, the carrying amount of the costs are written-off to amortization expense. As of December 31, 20052006 and 20042005 deferred leasing costs of $15.1$20.0 million and $11.5$15.1 million, respectively, net of accumulated amortization of $4.9$6.8 million and $3.6$4.9 million, were included in Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets on the balance sheets.

The amortization of deferred leasing costs included in amortization expense for properties classified as continuing operations totaled $2.0$2.6 million, $1.5$2.0 million and $1.5 million for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 2004 and 2003,2004, respectively.


Real Estate and Depreciation


Buildings are depreciated on a straight-line basis over estimated useful lives ranging from 28 to 50 years. All capital improvement expenditures associated with replacements, improvements, or major repairs to real property that extend its useful life are capitalized and depreciated using the straight-line method over their estimated useful lives ranging from 3 to 30 years. We also capitalize costs incurred in connection with our development projects, including capitalizing interest and other internal costs during periods in which development projects are in progress. In addition, we capitalize tenant leasehold improvements when certain criteria are met, including when we supervise construction and will own the improvements. All tenant improvements are amortized over the


shorter of the useful life of the improvements or the term of the related tenant lease. Real estate depreciation expense from continuing operations for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 and 2003 was $47.6 million, $41.8 million $34.4 million and $29.6$34.4 million, respectively. Maintenance and repair costs are charged to expense as incurred.


We capitalize interest costs incurred on borrowing obligations while qualifying assets are being readied for their intended use in accordance with SFAS No. 34, “Capitalization of Interest cost.Cost.” Total interest expense capitalized to real estate assets related to development and major renovation activities was $3,781,600, $1,127,300 $703,400 and $247,600,$703,400, for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 2004 and 2003,2004, respectively. Interest capitalized is amortized over the useful life of the related underlying assets upon those assets being placed into service.


We recognize impairment losses on long-lived assets used in operations, whendevelopment assets or land held for future development, if indicators of impairment are present and the net undiscounted cash flows estimated to be generated by those assets are less than the assets’assets' carrying amount.amount and estimated undiscounted cash flows associated with future development expenditures. If such carrying amount is in excess of the estimated cash flows from the operation and disposal of the property, we would recognize an impairment loss equivalent to an amount required to adjust the carrying amount to the estimated fair market value. There were no property impairments recognized during the three-year period ended December 31, 2005.2006.


We allocate the purchase price of acquired properties to the related physical assets and in-place leases based on their fair values, in accordance with SFAS No. 141, “Business Combinations.” The fair values of acquired buildings are determined on an “as-if-vacant” basis considering a variety of factors, including the physical condition and quality of the buildings, estimated rental and absorption rates, estimated future cash flows and valuation assumptions consistent with current market conditions. The “as-if-vacant” fair value is allocated to land, building and tenant improvements based on property tax assessments and other relevant information obtained in connection with the acquisition of the property.


The fair value of in-place leases consists of the following components—(1) the estimated cost to us to replace the leases, including foregone rents during the period of finding a new tenant and foregone recovery of tenant pass-throughs (referred to as “Absorption Cost”), (2) the estimated cost of tenant improvements, and other direct costs associated with obtaining a new tenant (referred to as


“Tenant “Tenant Origination Cost”); (2)(3) estimated leasing commissions associated with obtaining a new tenant (referred to as “Leasing Commissions”); (3)(4) the above/at/below market cash flow of the leases, determined by comparing the projected cash flows of the leases in place to projected cash flows of comparable market-rate leases (referred to as “Net Lease Intangible”); and (4)(5) the value, if any, of customer relationships, determined based on our evaluation of the specific characteristics of each tenant’s lease and our overall relationship with the tenant (referred to as “Customer Relationship Value”).


The amounts used to calculate Tenant Origination Cost, Leasing Commissions, and Net Lease Intangible are discounted using an interest rate which reflects the risks associated with the leases acquired. Tenant Origination Costs are included in Real Estate Assets on our balance sheet and are amortized as depreciation expense on a straight-line basis over the remaining life of the underlying leases. Leasing Commissions and Absorption Costs are classified as Other Assets and are amortized as amortization expense on a straight-line basis over the remaining life of the underlying leases. Net Lease Intangible Assets are classified as Other Assets and are amortized on a straight-line basis as a decrease to Real Estate Rental Revenue over the remaining term of the underlying leases. Net Lease Intangible Liabilities are classified as Other Liabilities and are amortized on a straight-line basis as an increase to Real Estate Rental Revenue over the remaining term of the underlying leases. Should a tenant terminate its lease, the unamortized portion of the Tenant Origination Cost, Leasing Commissions, Absorption Costs and Net Lease Intangible associated with that lease are written off to depreciation expense, amortization expense, and rental revenue, respectively.



Balances, net of accumulated depreciation or amortization, as appropriate, of the components of the fair value of in-place leases at December 31, 20052006 and 20042005 are as follows (in millions):


  December 31,

  December 31,





  Gross Carrying





  Gross Carrying















Tenant Origination Costs

  $12.3  $3.8  $8.5  $8.2  $1.9  $6.3  $19.8  $6.4  $13.4  $12.3  $3.8  $8.5

Leasing Commissions

  $7.4  $2.2  $5.2  $5.2  $1.1  $4.1

Leasing Commissions/Absorption Costs

  $16.3  $3.3  $13.0  $7.4  $2.2  $5.2

Net Lease Intangible Assets

  $6.8  $1.7  $5.1  $5.5  $0.7  $4.8  $9.2  $3.5  $5.7  $6.8  $1.7  $5.1

Net Lease Intangible Liabilities

  $8.9  $1.8  $7.1  $4.1  $0.7  $3.4  $13.0  $3.3  $9.7  $8.9  $1.8  $7.1


Amortization of these components combined was $4.0 million, $3.0 million $2.1 million and $0.9$2.1 million for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 2004 and 2003,2004, respectively. No value had been assigned to Customer Relationship Value at December 31, 20052006 or December 31, 2004.2005.


Discontinued Operations


We classify properties as held for sale when they meet the necessary criteria specified by SFAS No. 144, “Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets”. These include: senior management commits to and actively embarks upon a plan to sell the assets, the sale is expected to be completed within one year under terms usual and customary for such sales and actions required to complete the plan indicate that it is unlikely that significant changes to the plan will be made or that the plan will be withdrawn. Depreciation on these properties is discontinued, but operating revenues, operating expenses and interest expense continue to be recognized until the date of sale.


Under SFAS No. 144, revenues and expenses of properties that are either sold or classified as held for sale are presented as discontinued operations for all periods presented in the Statements of Income.


Cash and Cash Equivalents


Cash and cash equivalents include investments readily convertible to known amounts of cash with original maturities of 90 days or less.



Restricted Cash


Restricted cash at December 31, 20052006 and December 31, 20042005 consisted of $1.8$4.2 million and $1.0$1.8 million, respectively, in funds escrowed for tenant security deposits, real estate tax, insurance and mortgage escrows and escrow deposits required by lenders on certain of our properties to be used for future building renovations or tenant improvements.


Stock Based Compensation


We maintain a Share Grant PlansPlan and Incentive Stock Option Plans as described in Note 7, Share Options and Grants, which include qualifiedpursuant to these plans we have made restricted share grants and non-qualifiedgranted share options to officers, eligible employees and deferred shares for eligible employees.trustees. Shares are granted to officers, non-officer employees and trustees under the Share Grant Plans.Plan. Officer share grants vestvesting over 5five years vest in annual installments commencing one year after the date of grant.grant and share grants that vest over three years vest twenty-five percent from date of grant in years one and two and fifty percent in year three. Officer performance share units, granted under an amendment to the Share Grant Plan, cliff vest at the end of a three year performance period. Officer and non-officer employee restricted share units, granted under an amendment to the Share Grant Plan, vest over 5 years. Trustee share grants are fully vested immediately upon date of share grant and are restricted from transferability for the period of the Trustee’strustee’s service.



Compensation expense is recognized for share grants over the vesting period equal to the fair market value of the shares on the date of issuance. Compensation expense for the trustee grants is fully recognized upon issuance based upon the fair market value of the shares on the date of grant. The unvested portion of officer and non-officer employee share grants is recognized as deferred compensation.in compensation cost over the vesting period.


Unvested shares are forfeited upon an employee’s termination while unvested shares for employees eligible for retirement fully vest upon retirement. For shares granted to employees who are eligible for retirement or will become eligible for retirement during the vesting period, compensation cost is recognized over the explicit service period with acceleration of expense upon the date of actual retirement for these employees. The Company will continue this practice for awards granted prior to the adoption of FAS 123(R)January 1, 2006, when SFAS No. 123R was adopted, and for shares granted after the adoption of FAS 123(R)SFAS No. 123R the Company will recognize compensation expense through the date that the employee is no longer required to provide service to earn the award (e.g. the date the employee is eligible to retire.) The Company will recognize $1.0 million in compensation cost in the future for awards amortized over the explicit service period.retire).


Stock options were historically issued annually to officers, trustees and non-officer key employees and trustees under the Incentive Stock Option Plans. They were last issued to officers in 2002, to non-officer key employees in 2003 and to trustees in 2004. The options vestvested over a 2-year period in annual installments commencing one year after the date of grant, except for trustee options which vested immediately upon the date of grant. Stock options issued prior to the adoption of SFAS No. 123R are accounted for in accordance with APB No. 25, whereby if options are priced at fair market value or above at the date of grant and if other requirements are met then the plans are considered fixed and no compensation expense is recognized. Accordingly, we have recognized no compensation cost for stock options.



Had we determined compensation cost prior to January 1, 2006 for the Plans consistent with SFAS No. 123, “Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation,” our net income and earnings per share would have been reduced to the following pro-forma amounts (in thousands, except per share data):


  For the Years Ended December 31,

   For the Years Ended
December 31,







Pro-forma Information


Net income, as reported

  $77,638  $45,564  $44,887   $77,638  $45,564 

Add: Stock-based employee compensation expense included in reported net income

   1,134   868   227    1,134   868 

Deduct: Total stock-based employee compensation expense determined under fair value method

   (1,210)  (1,218)  (935)   (1,210)  (1,218)





Pro-forma net income

  $77,562  $45,214  $44,179   $77,562  $45,214 

Earnings per share:


Basic—as reported

  $1.85  $1.09  $1.14   $1.85  $1.09 


  $1.84  $1.09  $1.12   $1.84  $1.09 

Diluted—as reported

  $1.84  $1.09  $1.13   $1.84  $1.09 


  $1.84  $1.08  $1.12   $1.84  $1.08 


Earnings per Common Share


We calculate basic and diluted earnings per share in accordance with SFAS No. 128, “Earnings per Share.” “Basic earnings per share” is computed as net income divided by the weighted-average common shares outstanding. “Diluted earnings per share” is computed using the treasury stock method,which isas net income divided by the total weighted-average common shares outstanding plus the effect of dilutive common equivalent shares outstanding for the period. Using this method, dilutiveDilutive common equivalent shares reflect the assumed issuance of additional common shares pursuant to certain of our share based compensation plans that could potentially reduce or “dilute” earnings per share, based on the treasury stock method. Other potentially dilutive common shares, including shares potentially resulting from the senior convertible notes, are considered when calculating diluted earnings per share.



Use of Estimates in the Financial Statements


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles U.S. generally accepted in the United States requires management to make certain estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.




Certain prior year amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current year presentation.



Comprehensive Income

We recorded no comprehensive income for the twelve months ending December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004.

3.Real Estate Investments:


Our real estate investment portfolio, at cost, consists of properties located in Maryland, Washington, D.C. and Virginia as follows (in thousands):


  December 31,

  December 31,





Office buildings

  $548,110  $486,691  $645,414  $520,966

Medical Office buildings

   142,067   141,510

Medical office buildings

   246,143   142,067

Retail centers

   200,395   145,757   254,472   190,383


   153,549   131,617   145,007   132,464

Industrial/Flex properties

   265,039   207,089   304,765   265,039




  $1,309,160  $1,112,664  $1,595,801  $1,250,919





The amounts above reflect properties classified as continuing operations, which means they are to be held and used in rental operations or are currently(income producing property).

We have several properties in development. development in our office and multifamily sectors and one property in our retail sector that was in redevelopment for 2005 and most of 2006, but placed in service in 2006. The cost of our real estate portfolio in development is illustrated below (in thousands):

   December 31,



Office buildings

  $54,168  $27,144

Medical office buildings

   —     —  

Retail centers

   745   3,054


   65,743   28,043

Industrial/Flex properties

   —     —  


   $120,656  $58,241


We dispose of assets (sometimes using tax-deferred exchanges) that are inconsistent with our long-term strategic or return objectives and where market conditions for sale are favorable. The proceeds from the sales may be redeployed into other properties, used to fund development operations or to support other corporate needs, or distributed to our shareholders. Properties are considered held for sale when they meet the criteria specified by SFAS No. 144 (see Note 2—Discontinued Operations). Depreciation on these properties is discontinued at that time, but operating revenues, other operating expenses and interest continue to be recognized until the date of sale. We had no properties classified as held for sale at December 31, 2005,2006 and four held for sale at December 31, 2004 as follows (in thousands):2005.


   December 31,

    ��  2005    



Office buildings

  —    $45,573 

Industrial buildings

  —     4,211 


  —     49,784 

Less accumulated depreciation

  —     (12,798)

   —    $36,986 


Our results of operations are dependent on the overall economic health of our markets, tenants and the specific segments in which we own properties. These segments include commercialgeneral purpose office, medical office, retail, multifamily and industrial. All sectors are affected by external economic factors, such as inflation, consumer confidence, unemployment rates, etc. as well as changing tenant and consumer requirements. Because the properties are located primarily in the Washington-BaltimoreWashington metro region, the Company is subject to a concentration of credit risk related to these properties.


As of December 31, 20052006 no single property or tenant accounted for more than 10% of total real estate assets or total revenues.



Properties we acquired during the years ending December 31, 2006, 2005 2004 and 20032004 are as follows:


Acquisition Date





Square Feet



Purchase Price

(In thousands)






Square Feet



Purchase Price

(In thousands)

February 15, 2006

  Hampton Overlook  Industrial  134,000  $10,040

February 15, 2006

  Hampton South  Industrial  168,000   13,060

April 11, 2006

  Alexandria Professional Center  Medical Office  113,000   26,900

April 13, 2006

  9707 Medical Center Drive  Medical Office  38,000   15,800

April 29, 2006

  15001 Shady Grove Rd  Medical Office  51,000   21,000

May 16, 2006

  Montrose Shopping Center  Retail  143,000   33,200

May 16, 2006

  Randolph Shopping Center  Retail  82,000   17,100

May 26, 2006

  9950 Business Parkway  Industrial  102,000   11,700

June 22, 2006

  Plumtree Medical Center  Medical Office  33,000   7,700

July 12, 2006

  15005 Shady Grove Road  Medical Office  52,000   22,500

August 11, 2006

  6565 Arlington Blvd  Office  140,000   30,000

August 25, 2006

  West Gude Drive  Office  289,000   57,000

August 25, 2006

  The Ridges  Office  104,000   25,000

August 25, 2006

  The Crescent  Medical Office  49,000   12,000

     Total 2006  1,498,000  $303,000

March 23, 2005

  Frederick Crossing  Retail  295,000  $44,800  Frederick Crossing  Retail  295,000  $44,800

April 8, 2005

  Coleman Building  Industrial  60,000   8,800  Coleman Building  Industrial  60,000   8,800

July 29,2005

  Albemarle Point  Office/Industrial  296,000   66,800  Albemarle Point  Office/Industrial  296,000   66,800

December 2, 2005

  Dulles Station  Development  n/a   24,700  Dulles Station  Development  n/a   24,700


     Total 2005  651,000  $145,100     Total 2005  651,000  $145,100


March 10, 2004

  8880 Gorman Road  Industrial  141,000  $11,500  8880 Gorman Road  Industrial  141,000  $11,500

August 12, 2004

  Shady Grove Medical Village II  Medical Office  66,000   18,500  Shady Grove Medical Village II  Medical Office  66,000   18,500

October 12, 2004

  8301 Arlington Boulevard  Medical Office  50,000   8,000  8301 Arlington Boulevard  Medical Office  50,000   8,000

December 22, 2004

  Dulles Business Park  Industrial  265,000   46,000  Dulles Business Park  Industrial  265,000   46,000


     Total 2004  522,000  $84,000     Total 2004  522,000  $84,000


January 24, 2003

  Fullerton Industrial Center  Industrial  137,000  $10,550

May 29, 2003

  718 Jefferson Street  Retail  5,000   1,120

August 7, 2003

  1776 G Street  Office  262,000   84,750

October 9, 2003

  Prosperity Medical Center I  Medical Office  92,000   27,990

October 9, 2003

  Prosperity Medical Center II  Medical Office  88,000   27,010

October 9, 2003

  Prosperity Medical Center III  Medical Office  75,000   23,000

     Total 2003  659,000  $174,420


We accounted for these acquisitions using the purchase method of accounting. As discussed in Note 2, we allocate the purchase price to the related physical assets (land, building and tenant improvements) and in-place leases (tenant(absorption, tenant origination costs, leasing commissions, and net lease intangible assets/liabilities) based on their fair values in accordance with SFAS No. 141, “Business Combinations.” The results of operations of the acquired properties are included in the income statement as of their respective acquisition date.


The fair value of in-place leases recorded as a result71

We have allocated the total purchase price of the above acquisitions as follows (in millions):


  Fair Value of In-Place

  Allocation of Purchase Price









  $68.8  $21.4  $10.0 


   219.6   124.1   72.3 

Tenant origination costs

  $4.2  $2.8  $4.7   7.5   4.2   2.8 

Leasing commissions

  $2.2  $1.3  $2.6

Leasing commissions/Absorption costs

   8.9   2.2   1.3 

Net lease intangible assets

  $1.3  $2.9  $0.8   2.3   1.3   2.9 

Net least intangible liabilities

  $4.8  $0.8  $3.0   (4.1)  (4.8)  (0.8)




  $303.0  $148.4  $88.5 



*Additional settlement costs, closing costs and adjustments are included in the basis for 2006, 2005 and 2004


The weighted average life in months for the components above, other than land and building, ranged from 4 months to 118 months for 2006 acquisitions and from 58 months to 120 months for 2005 acquisitions and from 62 months to 102 months for 2004 acquisitions.


The difference in total 2006 contract purchase price of properties acquired per the above chart of $303.0 million and the acquisition cost per the Statement of Cash Flows of $226.5 million is the $76.5 million in mortgages assumed on the acquisitions of 9707 Medical Center Drive, Plumtree Medical Center, 15005 Shady Grove Road, West Gude Drive, The Ridges and Crescent. The difference in total 2005 contract purchase price of properties acquired per the above chart of $145.1 million and the acquisition cost per the Statement of Cash Flows of $123.4 million is the $24.3$25.0 million mortgage assumed on the acquisition of Frederick Crossing, offset by $1.7$3.3 million in predevelopment costs (not included in the contract price) paid at closing for Dulles Station and closing costs on all acquisitions.


The difference in total 2004 contract purchase price of properties acquired per the above chart of $84.0 million and the acquisition cost per the Statement of Cash Flows of $55.1 million is the $29.6$28.9 million in mortgages assumed on the acquisitions of Shady Grove Medical Village II and Dulles Business Park, net of closing costs.


The difference in total 2003 contract purchase price of properties acquired per the above chart of $174.4 million and the acquisition cost per the Statement of Cash Flows of $120.0 million is the $56.4 million in mortgages assumed on the acquisitions of Fullerton Industrial Center and Prosperity Medical Center, net of closing costs.


The following unaudited pro-forma combined condensed statements of operations set forth the consolidated results of operations for the years ended December 31, 20052006 and 20042005 as if the above described acquisitions had occurred at the beginning of the period of acquisition and the same period in the year prior to the acquisition. The unaudited pro-forma information does not purport to be indicative of the results that actually would have occurred if the acquisitions had been in effect for the years ended December 31, 20052006 and December 31, 2004.2005. The unaudited data presented is in thousands, except per share data.


  Year Ended December 31,

  Year Ended
December 31,





Real estate revenues

  $194,957  $190,343  $233,214  $219,014

Income from continuing operations

  $40,480  $41,804  $40,301  $45,307

Net income

  $77,675  $46,727  $40,301  $82,502

Diluted earnings per share

  $1.84  $1.12  $0.92  $1.95


We dispose of assets (sometimes using tax-deferred exchanges)72

Properties that are inconsistent with our long-term strategicwere sold or return objectives and where market conditionsclassified as held for sale are favorable. The proceeds from the sales may be reinvested into other properties, used to fund development operations or to support other corporate needs, or are distributed to our shareholders.

Properties we sold during the three years ending December 31, 20052006 are as follows:


Disposition Date



Square Feet


Contract Sale Price

(in thousands)




Square Feet


Contract Sale Price

(in thousands)

February 1, 2005

  7700 Leesburg Pike  Office  147,000  $20,150  7700 Leesburg Pike  Office  147,000  $20,150

February 1, 2005

  Tycon Plaza II  Office  127,000   19,400  Tycon Plaza II  Office  127,000   19,400

February 1, 2005

  Tycon Plaza III  Office  137,000   27,950  Tycon Plaza III  Office  137,000   27,950

September 8, 2005

  Pepsi Distribution Center  Industrial  69,000   6,000  Pepsi Distribution Center  Industrial  69,000   6,000


     Total  480,000  $73,500     Total  480,000  $73,500


November 15, 2004

  8230 Boone Boulevard  Office  58,000  $10,000  8230 Boone Boulevard  Office  58,000  $10,000



The Officeoffice properties sold on February 1, 2005, classified as discontinued operations effective November 2004, were sold to a single buyer for a $67.5 million contract sales price.million. WRIT recognized a gain on disposal of $32.1 million, in accordance with SFAS No. 66, “Accounting for Sales of Real Estate.” $31.3 million of the proceeds from the disposition were escrowed in a tax-free property exchange account and subsequently used to fund a portion of the purchase price of Frederick Crossing Shopping Center on March 23, 2005 and the Coleman Building on April 8, 2005. The proceeds of $31.0 million of the proceeds were used to pay down $31.0 millionborrowings outstanding under Credit Facility No. 2.2 (See Note 5- Unsecured Lines of Credit Payable). In September 2005, the Industrialindustrial property was sold for $6.0 million for a gain of $3.0 million. Proceeds of $5.8 million were escrowed in a tax-free exchange account and were used to partially fund the purchase of Dulles Station on December 2, 2005. There were no properties classified as discontinued operations in December 2005.2006. Discontinued operations for 2005 consist of the properties sold in February and September 2005. For 2004, discontinued operations include those same properties and 8230 Boone Boulevard, which was sold on November 15, 2004. There was a gain of $1.9 million recognized in April 2005 that had been previously deferred from the sale of Boone Boulevard.


On November 15, 2004, we sold 8230 Boone Boulevard for a sale price of $10.0 million. A portion of the proceeds was in the form of a subordinated $1.8 million 10% note receivable from the seller, which was scheduled to mature in November 2005. We recognized a gain on disposal of $1.0 million and offset the $1.8 million note from the buyer with a deferred gain liability in the same amount, in accordance with Statement of


Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS)SFAS No. 66, “Accounting for Sales of Real Estate.” SFAS No. 66 limits gain recognition when the seller’s note is subject to future subordination to the amount by which the buyer’s cash payments at settlement exceed the seller’s cost of the property sold. We distributed the gain from the 2004 disposition of 8230 Boone Boulevard to the shareholders.


Also in November 2004 we concluded that 7700 Leesburg, Tycon Plaza II, Tycon Plaza III and certain development rights and approvals related to Tycon Plaza III met the criteria specified by SFAS No. 144, “Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets,” necessary to classify these properties as held for sale. Senior management had committed to and actively embarked upon a plan to sell the assets and the sale was expected to be completed within one year under terms usual and customary for such sales, with no indication that the plan would be significantly altered or abandoned. Depreciation on these properties was discontinued at that time, but operating revenues and other operating expenses continued to be recognized until the date of sale. Under SFAS No.144 revenues and expenses of properties that are classified as held for sale or sold are presented as discontinued operations for all periods presented in the Statements of Income.


Operating results of the properties classified as discontinued operations are summarized as follows (in thousands):



Operating Income

For the Year Ending
December 31,

   Operating Income
For the Year Ending
December 31,








  $656  $8,894  $9,829   $656  $8,894 

Property expenses

   (401)  (3,216)  (3,235)   (401)  (3,216)

Depreciation and amortization

   (71)  (1,784)  (2,265)   (71)  (1,784)





  $184  $3,894  $4,329   $184  $3,894 







Operating income by property is summarized below (in thousands):



Operating Income

For the Year Ending
December 31,

     Operating Income
For the Year Ending
December 31,










8230 Boone Boulevard

  Office  $0  $204  $144  Office  $0  $204

7700 Leesburg

  Office   89   903   1,245  Office   89   903

Tycon Plaza II

  Office   30   1,340   1,652  Office   30   1,340

Tycon Plaza III

  Office   111   1,223   1,054  Office   111   1,223

Pepsi Distribution Center

  Industrial   (46)  224   234  Industrial   (46)  224





     $184  $3,894  $4,329     $184  $3,894







4.Mortgage Notes Payable:


  December 31,

  December 31,





On November 30, 1998, we assumed a $9.2 million mortgage note payable and a $12.4 million mortgage note payable as partial consideration for our acquisition of Woodburn Medical Park I and II. Both mortgages bore interest at 7.69% per annum. Principal and interest were payable monthly until September 15, 2005, at which time all unpaid principal and interest were paid in full.   $—    $18,658
On September 20, 1999, we assumed an $8.7 million mortgage note payable as partial consideration for our acquisition of the Avondale Apartments. The mortgage bore interest at 7.88% per annum. Principal and interest were payable monthly until November 1, 2005. This mortgage was paid off prior to maturity on August 15,2005.    —     7,677
On September 27, 1999, we executed a $50.0 million mortgage note payable secured by Munson Hill Towers, Country Club Towers, Roosevelt Towers, Park Adams Apartments and the Ashby of McLean. The mortgage bears interest at 7.14% per annum and interest only is payable monthly until October 1, 2009, at which time all unpaid principal and interest are payable in full.    50,000   50,000  $50,000  $50,000
On November 1, 2001, we assumed an $8.5 million mortgage note payable, with an estimated fair value* of $9.3 million, as partial consideration for our acquisition of Sullyfield Commerce Center. The mortgage bears interest at 9.00% per annum and includes a significant prepayment penalty. Principal and interest are payable monthly until February 1, 2007, at which time all unpaid principal and interest are payable in full.    8,144   8,487
On November 1, 2001, we assumed an $8.5 million mortgage note payable, with an estimated fair value* of $9.3 million, as partial consideration for our acquisition of Sullyfield Commerce Center. The mortgage bears interest at 9.00% per annum and includes a significant prepayment penalty. Principal and interest were payable monthly until February 1, 2007. All unpaid principal and interest were paid in full in January 2007.   7,833   8,144
On January 24, 2003, we assumed a $6.6 million mortgage note payable, with an estimated fair value* of $6.8 million, as partial consideration for our acquisition of Fullerton Industrial Center. The mortgage bears interest at 6.77% per annum. Principal and interest are payable monthly until September 1, 2006, at which time all unpaid principal and interest are payable in full.    6,292   6,491
On January 24, 2003, we assumed a $6.6 million mortgage note payable, with an estimated fair value* of $6.8 million, as partial consideration for our acquisition of Fullerton Industrial Center. The mortgage bears interest at 6.77% per annum. Principal and interest were payable monthly until July 10, 2006, at which time all unpaid principal and interest were paid in full.   —     6,292
On October 9, 2003, we assumed a $36.1 million mortgage note payable and a $13.7 million mortgage note payable as partial consideration for our acquisition of Prosperity Medical Center. The mortgages bear interest at 5.36% per annum and 5.34% per annum respectively. Principal and interest are payable monthly until May 1, 2013, at which time all unpaid principal and interest are payable in full.    48,196   48,911   47,441   48,196
On August 12, 2004, we assumed a $10.1 million mortgage note payable with an estimated fair value* of $11.2 million, as partial consideration for our acquisition of Shady Grove Medical Village II. The mortgage bears interest at 6.98% per annum. Principal and interest are payable monthly until December 1, 2011, at which time all unpaid principal and interest are payable in full.    10,855   11,149   10,574   10,855
On December 22, 2004, we assumed a $15.6 million mortgage note payable with an estimated fair value of $17.8 million, and a $3.9 million mortgage note payable with an estimated fair value* of $4.2 million as partial consideration for our acquisition of Dulles Business Park. The mortgages bear interest at 7.09% per annum and 5.94% per annum, respectively. Principal and interest are payable monthly until August 10, 2012, at which time all unpaid principal and interest are payable in full.    21,443   22,056   20,846   21,443
On March 23, 2005, we assumed a $24.3 million mortgage note payable with an estimated fair value* of $25.0 million as partial consideration for our acquisition of Frederick Crossing. The mortgage bears interest at 5.95% per annum. Principal and interest are payable monthly until January 1, 2013, at which time all unpaid principal and interest are payable in full.    24,687   —     24,246   24,687


  $169,617  $173,429



   December 31,



On April 13, 2006, we assumed a $5.7 million mortgage note payable as partial consideration for the acquisition of 9707 Medical Center Drive. The mortgage bears interest at 5.32% per annum. Principal and interest are payable monthly until July 1, 2028 at which time all unpaid principal and interest are payable in full.  $5,569  $—  
On June 22, 2006, we assumed a $4.9 million mortgage note payable as partial consideration for the acquisition of Plumtree Medical Center. The mortgage bears interest at 5.68% per annum. Principal and interest are payable monthly until March 11, 2013 at which time all unpaid principal and interest are payable in full.   4,836   —  
On July 12, 2006, we assumed an $8.8 million mortgage note payable as partial consideration for the acquisition of 15005 Shady Grove Road. The mortgage bears interest at 5.73% per annum. Principal and interest are payable monthly until March 11, 2013 at which time all unpaid principal and interest are payable in full.   8,751   —  
On August��25, 2006, we assumed a $34.2 million mortgage note payable as partial consideration for the acquisition of 20-50 West Gude Drive. The mortgage bears interest at 5.86% per annum. Principal and interest are payable monthly until March 11, 2013 at which time all unpaid principal and interest are payable in full.   33,990   —  
On August 25, 2006, we assumed a $23.1 million mortgage note payable as partial consideration for the acquisition of 902-904 Wind River Lane and 200 Orchard Ridge Road. The mortgage bears interest at 5.82%** per annum. Principal and interest are payable monthly until August 11, 2033** at which time all unpaid principal and interest are payable in full. The note may be repaid without penalty on August 11, 2010.   22,987   —  


   $237,073  $169,617


*The fair value of the mortgage notes payable was estimated upon acquisition based upon dealer quotes for instruments with similar terms and maturities. There is no notation when the fair value is the same as the carrying value.
**If the loan is not repaid on August 11, 2010, from and after August 11, 2010, the interest rate adjusts to one of the following rates: (i) the greater of (A) 10.82% or (B) the Treasury Rate (determined as of August 11, 2010, and defined as the yield calculated using linear interpolation approximating the period from August 11, 2010 to August 11, 2033 on the basis of Federal Reserve Stat. Release H.15-Selected Interest Rates under the heading U.S. Governmental Security/Treasury Constant Maturities) plus 5%; or (ii) if the Note is an asset of an entity formed for purposes of securitization and pursuant thereto securities rated by a rating agency have been issued, then the rate will equal: the greater of (A) 7.82% or (B) the Treasury Rate plus 2%. Due to the high probability that the mortgage will be paid off on August 11, 2010, that date is reflected in the future maturities schedule.



Total carrying amount of the above mortgaged properties was $289.4$422.0 million and $282.0$289.4 million at December 31,200531, 2006 and 2004,2005, respectively. Scheduled principal payments during the five years subsequent to December 31, 20052006 and thereafter are as follows (in thousands):


  Principal Payments

  Principal Payments




   9,991  $11,264


   2,233   3,571


   52,338   53,768


   2,438   25,428




   93,939   130,279


  $169,617  $237,073




5.Unsecured Lines of Credit Payable and Short-term Note Payable:


As of December 31, 2005,2006, we maintained an $85.0a $70.0 million unsecured line of credit maturing in July 20072008 (“Credit Facility No. 1”) and a $70.0$200.0 million line of credit maturing in July 2008November 2010 (“Credit Facility No. 2”).


Credit Facility No. 1


We had $0.0$28.0 million outstanding as of December 31, 20052006 related to Credit Facility No. 1, with $0.9and $1.9 million in Letters of Credit issued, and $84.1with $40.1 million unused and available for subsequent acquisitions or capital improvements. At December 31, 2004, $67.0$24.0 million was outstanding under this facility all of which was paid in full using a portion of the proceeds from the April 2005 issuance of $50.0at December 31, 2005. During 2006, we borrowed $53.0 million to fund development projects, $102.5 million to fund acquisitions and $46.5 million for secured and unsecured debt maturities. $198.0 million of seven-year 5.05% unsecured notes and $50.0 million of ten-year 5.35% unsecured notes (See Note 6—Notes Payable). Borrowings were used to repay mortgage debt in August and September 2005 of $7.5 million and $18.0 million, respectively, and an additional $5.0 million in September to fund capital improvements weregross borrowing was repaid in October 2005 using a portion of the proceeds from the October 2005 issuance of an additional $100.0 million of our 5.35% senior unsecured notes maturing in May 2015.

Advances under this agreement bear interest at LIBOR plus a spread based on the credit rating on our publicly issued debt. All outstanding advances are due and payable upon maturity in July 2007. Interest only payments are due and payable generally on a monthly basis. For the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, we recognized interest expense (excluding unused commitment and facility fees) of $783,000, $455,000, and $251,000, respectively, on Credit Facility No. 1 representing an average interest rate of 3.30%, 2.36%, and 1.90% per annum, respectively.

From July 2002 through July 20, 2004, Credit Facility No. 1 had a maximum available commitment of $25.0 million and required us to pay the lender unused line of credit fees which averaged 0.326% in 2004 and 0.279% in 2003. These fees were payable quarterly. For the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003, we incurred unused commitment fees of $29,500 and $40,200, respectively.

On July 21, 2004, we closed on a new $50.0 million line of credit2006 with Bank One, NA (now J.P. Morgan) and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, replacing the former $25.0 million facility. On November 10, 2004, we amended the Credit Agreement to increase the maximum available commitment from $50.0 million to $85.0 million. Currently, Credit Facility No. 1 requires us to pay the lender a facility fee on the total commitment ranging from 0.15% to 0.25% per annum according to a sliding scale based on the credit rating on our publicly issued debt. These fees are payable quarterly. For the years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004, we incurred facility fees of $131,200 and $41,200, respectively.


Credit Facility No. 2

We had $24.0 million outstanding as of December 31, 2005 related to Credit Facility No. 2, with an additional $1.1 million in Letters of Credit issued and $44.9 million unused and available for subsequent acquisitions or capital improvements. Of the $24.0 million outstanding at December 31, 2005, $21.0 million was borrowed in December 2005 to fund the acquisition of Dulles Station and $3.0 million was borrowed to fund certain capital improvements to real estate. At December 31, 2004, $50.0 million was outstanding under this facility. In February 2005, we repaid $31.0 million of the $50.0 million outstanding at December 31, 2004 using a portion of the $67.5 million proceeds from the disposition of 7700 Leesburg, Tycon Plaza II$150.0 million 5.95% notes issued in June and Tycon Plaza III. In April 2005, we repaidJuly 2006, and the remaining outstanding balance at December 31, 2004 under Credit Facility No. 2 using a portion of the proceeds from the April 2005 issuance of $50.0$110 million of seven-year, 5.05% unsecured3.875% convertible notes and $50.0 million of ten-year, 5.35% unsecured notes (See Note 6—Notes Payable). In July 2005, we borrowed $63.0 million under this facility to fund our purchase of Albemarle Point, all of which we repaidissued in October 2005 using a portion of the proceeds from the October 2005 issuance of an additional $100.0 million of our 5.35% senior unsecured notes maturing in May 2015.

September 2006. Advances under this agreement bear interest at LIBOR plus a spread. An advance may also be converted into a term loan based upon a Treasury rate plus a spread. All outstanding advances are due and payable upon maturity in July 2008. Interest only payments are due and payable generally on a monthly basis. For the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 2004 and 2003,2004, we recognized interest expense (excluding unused commitment and facility fees) of $2,154,000, $898,000 $192,000 and $442,000,$192,000, respectively, on Credit Facility No. 2,1, representing an average interest rate of 3.88%5.64%, 2.93%3.88% and 1.91%2.93% per annum, respectively.


Before its renewal in July 2005, Credit Facility No. 21 required us to pay the lender unused line of credit fees ranging fromof 0.15% to 0.25% per annum according to a sliding scale based on the credit rating on our publicly issued debt.annum. The fee was paid quarterly in arrears. For the years ended December 31, 2005 2004 and 2003,2004, we incurred $38,400 $89,000 and $54,000,$89,000, respectively, in unused commitment fees on this facility.


On July 25, 2005, we renewed Credit Facility No. 2,1, extending its maturity date to July 25, 2008, and increasing the commitment to $70.0 million. This renewal and extension included a carve-out for letters of credit in the amount of $14.0 million. Credit Facility No. 21 requires us to pay the lender an annual facility fee on the total commitment rangingof 0.15% per annum. These fees are payable quarterly. For the years ended December 31, 2006 and 2005, we incurred facility fees of $109,900 and $46,700, respectively.

Credit Facility No. 2

On November 2, 2006, we entered into a new, unsecured revolving credit facility of $200.0 million with Wells Fargo Bank National Association, as Lead Arranger, The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC, as Syndication Agent and the Bank of New York, as the Document Agent. This facility replaces Credit Facility No. 3 (See –next section). WRIT has the option to further increase the capacity under the new facility up to $400 million from $200 million to the extent banks (from the syndicate or otherwise) agree to provide the additional commitment. In addition, WRIT has the ability to extend the maturity date of the facility for an additional one-year period to November 1, 2011. Under the new facility, WRIT may obtain letters of credit up to $20 million. We had $33.0 million outstanding as of December 31, 2006 related to Credit Facility No. 2, and $0.9 million in Letters of Credit issued. Borrowings during 2006 totaled $33.0 million to fund development costs, certain capital improvements to real estate and acquisition related due diligence costs.

Advances under this agreement bear interest at WRIT’s option of LIBOR plus 0.40% or Wells Fargo Bank’s prime rate. All outstanding advances are due and payable upon maturity in November 2010. Interest only payments are due and payable generally on a monthly basis. For the year ended December 31, 2006, we recognized interest expense (excluding facility fees) of $48,000 representing an average interest rate of 5.86%.

Currently, Credit Facility No. 2 requires us to pay the lender a facility fee on the total commitment of 0.15% per annum. These fees are payable quarterly. For the year ended December 31, 2006, we incurred facility fees of $50,000.


Credit Facility No. 3

This $85.0 million line of credit with Bank One, NA (now J.P. Morgan) and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association was terminated on November 2, 2006 and replaced with Credit Facility No. 2. No balance was outstanding under this facility at December 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005. During 2006, we borrowed $109.0 million to 0.25%fund acquisitions and $12.0 million to fund unsecured debt maturities. All borrowings were repaid using proceeds from the $100.0 million 5.95% notes issued in June 2006 and the $110.0 million 3.875% convertible notes issued in September 2006. Advances under this agreement bore interest at LIBOR plus 55 basis points, based on the credit rating of our publicly issued debt. There were no outstanding advances payable under the facility upon the termination of the agreement in November 2006. Interest only payments were due and payable generally on a monthly basis. For the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, we recognized interest expense (excluding unused commitment and facility fees) of $684,000, $783,000, and $455,000, respectively, on Credit Facility No. 3, representing an average interest rate of 5.71%, 3.30%, and 2.36% per annum, accordingrespectively.

From July 2002 through July 20, 2004, Credit Facility No. 3 had a maximum available commitment of $25.0 million and required us to pay the lender unused line of credit fees which averaged 0.326% in 2004. These fees were payable quarterly. For the year ended December 31, 2004 we incurred unused commitment fees of $29,500.

On July 21, 2004, we closed on a sliding scale$50.0 million line of credit with Bank One, NA (now J.P. Morgan) and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, replacing the former $25.0 million facility. On November 10, 2004, we amended the Credit Agreement to increase the maximum available commitment from $50.0 million to $85.0 million. Credit Facility No. 3 required us to pay the lender a facility fee on the total commitment of 0.15% per annum, based on the credit rating on our publicly issued debt. These fees arewere payable quarterly. For the yearyears ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, we incurred facility fees of $46,700.

Credit Facility No. 3

On August 7, 2003, we executed a $60.0 million unsecured term note, the proceeds of which were utilized as partial payment for the acquisition of 1776 G Street. With the acquisition of Prosperity Medical Center on October 9, 2003, we increased this facility to $90.0 million$108,000, $131,200 and drew $27.0 million on the extension to fund a portion of the purchase price. We subsequently repaid these borrowings using proceeds from the issuance of $100.0 million of 5.25% unsecured notes in December 2003. Subsequent to 2003, we had no additional borrowings under this facility, which we allowed to expire without renewal in February 2004. For the year ended December 31, 2003 we recognized interest expense of $457,000 on Credit Facility No. 3, representing an average interest rate of 1.82% per annum.

Borrowings under this facility bore interest at LIBOR plus a spread based on the credit rating on our publicly issued debt. Interest only payments were due on a monthly basis.$41,200, respectively.


Credit Facility No. 1 and No. 2 contain certain financial and non-financial covenants, all of which we have met as of December 31, 2005.2006.



Information related to revolving credit facilities is as follows (in thousands)(1):






Total revolving credit facilities at December 31

  $155,000  $135,000  $75,000 

Borrowings outstanding at December 31

   24,000   117,000   —   

Weighted average daily borrowings during the year

   46,229   26,338   35,378 

Maximum daily borrowings during the year

  $117,000  $117,000  $72,500 

Weighted average interest rate during the year

   3.58%  2.43%  1.91%

Weighted average interest rate at December 31

   4.97%  3.07%  —   

(1)Excludes Credit Facility No. 3 which was not a revolving facility.




Total revolving credit facilities at December 31

  $270,000  $155,000  $135,000 

Borrowings outstanding at December 31

   61,000   24,000   117,000 

Weighted average daily borrowings during the year

   50,937   46,229   26,338 

Maximum daily borrowings during the year

  $184,500  $117,000  $117,000 

Weighted average interest rate during the year

   5.66%  3.58%  2.43%

Weighted average interest rate at December 31

   6.05%  4.97%  3.07%


6.Notes Payable:


On August 13, 1996 we sold $50.0 million of 7.125% 7-year unsecured notes due August 13, 2003, andissued $50.0 million of 7.25% unsecured 10-year notes due August 13, 2006. The 7-year notes were sold at 99.107% of par and the 10-year notes were sold2006 at 98.166% of par.par resulting in an effective interest rate of 7.49%. Net proceeds to the Trust after deducting underwriting expenses were $97.6$48.8 million. The 7-yearThese notes which wewere paid off at maturity in full on August 200313, 2006, with an advance underadvances from Credit Facility No. 2, bore an effective interest rate of 7.46%. The 10-year notes due in August 2006 bear an effective interest rate of 7.49%.1 and Credit Facility No. 3.


On February 20, 1998 we soldissued $50.0 million of 7.25% unsecured notes due February 25, 2028 at 98.653% to yield approximately 7.36%. We also sold $60.0 million in unsecured Mandatory Par Put Remarketed Securities (“MOPPRS”) at an effective borrowing rate through the remarketing date (February 2008) of approximately 6.74%. Our costs of the borrowings and related closed hedge settlements of approximately $7.2 million are amortized over the lives of the notes using the effective interest method. These notes do not require any principal payment and are due in full at maturity.



On November 6, 2000 we soldissued $55.0 million of 7.78% unsecured notes due November 2004. The notes bear an effective interest rate of 7.89%. Our total proceeds, net of underwriting fees, were $54.8 million. We used the proceeds of these notes to repay advances on our lines of credit. We paid off the noterepaid notes on November 15, 2004, with a $50.0 million advance under Credit Facility No. 21 and a $7.0 million advance under Credit Facility No. 1.3.


On March 17, 2003, we soldissued $60.0 million of 5.125% unsecured notes due March 2013. The notes bear an effective interest rate of 5.23%. Our total proceeds, net of underwriting fees, were $59.1 million. We used portions of the proceeds of these notes to repay advances on our lines of credit and to fund general corporate purposes.


On December 11, 2003, we soldissued $100.0 million of 5.25% unsecured notes due January 2014. The notes bear an effective interest rate of 5.34%. Our total proceeds, net of underwriting fees, were $99.3 million. We used portions of the proceeds of these notes to repay advances on our lines of credit.


On April 26, 2005, we soldissued $50.0 million of 5.05% senior unsecured notes due May 1, 2012 and $50.0 million of 5.35% senior unsecured notes due May 1, 2015, at effective yields of 5.064% and 5.359% respectively. The net proceeds from the sale of the notes of $99.1 million were used to repay borrowings under our lines of credit totaling $90.5 million and the remainder was used for general corporate purposes. In

On October 6, 2005 we soldissued an additional $100.0 million of notes of the series of 5.35% senior unsecured notes due May 1, 2015, at an effective yield of 5.49%. $93.5 million of the $98.1 million net proceeds from the sale of these notes was used to repay borrowings under our lines of credit and to fund general corporate purposes.


On June 6, 2006, we issued $100.0 million of 5.95% unsecured notes due June 15, 2011 at 99.951% of par, resulting in an effective interest rate of 5.96%. Our total proceeds, net of underwriting fees, were $99.4 million. We used the proceeds of these notes to repay advances on one of our lines of credit.

On July 26, 2006 we issued an additional $50.0 million of the series of 5.95% unsecured notes due June 15, 2011 at 100.127% of par, resulting in an effective yield of 5.92%. Our total proceeds, net of underwriting fees, were $50.2 million. We used the proceeds of these notes to repay borrowings under our lines of credit and to fund general corporate purposes.

On September 11, 2006, we issued $100.0 million of 3.875% senior convertible notes due September 15, 2026. On September 22, 2006, we issued an additional $10.0 million of the 3.875% senior convertible notes due September 15, 2026, upon the exercise by the underwriter of an over-allotment option granted by WRIT. The notes were issued at 99.5% of par, resulting in an effective interest rate of 4.000%. Our total proceeds, net of underwriting fees, were $106.7 million. We used the proceeds of these notes to repay borrowings under our lines of credit and to fund general corporate purposes.

These notes are convertible into shares of our common stock, at the option of the holder, under specific circumstances or on or after July 15, 2026, at an initial exchange rate of 20.090 shares of common stock per $1,000 principal amount of notes. This is equivalent to an initial conversion price of $49.78 per share, which represents a 22% premium over the $40.80 closing price of our shares at the time the transaction was priced. Holders may convert their notes into shares of our common stock prior to the maturity date based on the applicable conversion rate during any fiscal quarter if the closing price of our common stock for at least 20 trading days in the 30 consecutive trading day period ending on the last trading day of the immediate preceding fiscal quarter is more than 130% of the conversion price per share on the last day of such preceding fiscal quarter. The initial conversion rate is subject to adjustment in certain circumstances including an adjustment to the rate if the quarterly dividend rate to common shareholders is in excess of $0.4125 per share. In addition, the conversion rate will be adjusted if we make distributions of cash or other consideration by us or any of our subsidiaries in respect of a tender offer or exchange offer for our common stock, to the extent such cash and the value of any such other consideration per share of common stock validly tendered or exchanged exceeds the closing price of our common stock as defined in the note offering. Upon an exchange of notes, we will settle any amounts up to the principal amount of the notes in cash and the remaining exchange value, if any, will be settled,


at our option, in cash, common shares or a combination thereof. The senior convertible notes could have a dilutive impact on our earnings per share calculation in the future. However, these notes are not dilutive in the period and not included in our earnings per share calculations.

On or after September 20, 2011, we may redeem the notes at a redemption price equal to the principal amount of the notes plus any accrued and unpaid interest, if any, up to, but excluding, the purchase date. In addition, on September 15, 2011, September 15, 2016 and September 15, 2021 or following the occurrence of certain change in control transactions prior to September 15, 2011, holders of these notes may require us to repurchase the notes for an amount equal to the principal amount of the notes plus any accrued and unpaid interest thereon.

The following is a summary of our unsecured note borrowings (in thousands):

   December 31,




7.25% notes due 2006

  $—    $50,000 

6.74% notes due 2008

   60,000   60,000 

5.95% notes due 2011

   150,000   —   

5.05% notes due 2012

   50,000   50,000 

5.125% notes due 2013

   60,000   60,000 

5.25% notes due 2014

   100,000   100,000 

5.35% notes due 2015

   150,000   150,000 

3.875% notes due 2026

   110,000   —   

7.25% notes due 2028

   50,000   50,000 

Discount on notes issued

   (2,204)  (1,838)

Premium on notes issued

   459   438 



  $728,255  $518,600 


The required principal payments excluding the effects of note discounts or premium for the remaining years subsequent to December 31, 2006 are as follows (in thousands):














Interest on these notes is payable semi-annually. These notes contain certain financial and non-financial covenants, all of which we have met as of December 31, 2005.2006.



The covenants under one of the line of credit agreements require us to insure our properties against loss or damage in the amount of the replacement cost of the improvements at the properties. The covenants for the notes require us to keep all of our insurable properties insured against loss or damage at least equal to their then full insurable value. We have an insurance policy which has no terrorism exclusion; however, our financial condition and results of operations are subject to the risks associated with acts of terrorism and the potential for uninsured losses as the result of any such acts. Effective November 26, 2002, under this existing coverage, any losses caused by certified acts of terrorism would be partially reimbursed by the United States under a formula established by federal law. Under this formula the United States pays 90%85% of covered terrorism losses exceeding the statutorily established deductible paid by the insurance provider, and insurers pay 10% until aggregate insured losses from all insurers reach $100 billion in a calendar year. If the aggregate amount of insured losses under the Act exceeds $100 billion during the applicable period for all insured and insurers combined, then each insurance provider will not be liable for payment of any amount which exceeds the aggregate amount of $100 billion. This legislation originally scheduled to expire onexpires December 31, 2005, was extended through December 31, 2007, with the enactment of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Extension Act of 2005. With the extension, the Federal share of compensation for insured losses decreases to 85% in 2007.


Scheduled maturity dates of securities during the five years subsequent to December 31, 2005 and thereafter are as follows:79

   (in thousands)














7.Share Options and Grants:




We have historically maintained Incentive Stock Option Plans (the “Plans”), which included qualified and non-qualified options. In 2003 the Board approved a change in the composition of officer share options and share grant awards such that annual incentive compensation is awarded as the same percentage of cash compensation as in prior years except it is in the form of share grants only. The last option awards to Officers were in 2003 and to Trustees in 2004. Effective 2005 officers and Trustees received annual share grant awards only.

We adopted the Washington Real Estate Investment Trust 2001 Stock Option Plan (“New Stock Option Plan”) to replace the 1991 Stock Option Plan (“Stock Option Plan”) that expired on June 25, 2001. UnderThe plans provided for the Plans, options, whichgrant of qualified and non-qualified options. Options granted under the plans were issued atgranted with exercise prices equal to the market price on the date of grant vested 50% after year one and 50% after year two and expire ten years following the date of grant. We adopted the Washington Real Estate Investment Trust Stock Option Plan for Trustees in March 1998. Options granted to trustees were granted with exercise prices equal to the market price on the date of grant and were fully vested on the grant date. Activity under the Plans is summarized below:The last option awards to officers were in 2002, to non-officer key employees in 2003 and to trustees in 2004. Effective 2005 officers, non-officer key employees, and trustees received annual share grant awards described below.









 Wtd Avg
Ex Price


 Wtd Avg
Ex Price



Wtd Avg

Ex Price



Wtd Avg

Ex Price



Wtd Avg

Ex Price



Wtd Avg

Ex Price

Outstanding at January 1

  667,000  23.49  977,000  21.99  1,107,000  $20.94  531,000  24.15  667,000  23.49  977,000  $21.99


  —    —    12,000  33.09  57,000   29.49  —    —    —    —    12,000   33.09


  (136,000) 20.91  (302,000) 18.70  (181,000)  17.83  (80,000) 22.60  (136,000) 20.91  (302,000)  18.70


  —    —    (20,000) 28.14  (6,000)  25.36  —    —    —    —    (20,000)  28.14




Outstanding at December 31

  531,000  24.15  667,000  23.49  977,000   21.99  451,000  24.42  531,000  24.15  667,000   23.49

Exercisable at December 31

  531,000  24.15  652,000  23.34  834,000   21.16  451,000  24.42  531,000  24.15  652,000   23.34



The 531,000451,000 options outstanding at December 31, 2005,2006, all of which are exercisable, have exercise prices between $14.47 and $33.09, with a weighted-average exercise price of $24.15$24.42 and a weighted average remaining contractual life of 6.15.2 years. Of the 531,000 optionsThe aggregate intrinsic value of outstanding exercisable shares at December 31, 2006 was $7.0 million. The aggregate intrinsic value of options exercised in 2006, 2005 185,000 options have an exercise price between $14.47 and $21.34, with a weighted-average exercise price of $20.612004 was $1.2 million, $1.3 million and a weighted average remaining contractual life of 4.8 years. The remaining 346,000 options outstanding have an exercise price between $24.84 and $33.09, with a weighted-average exercise price of $26.04, and a weighted average remaining contractual life of 6.8 years.

$3.4 million, respectively. The weighted-average fair value of options granted and related assumptions are summarized below:







Weighted-average fair value of options Granted

  —    $2.79  $2.04 

Weighted-average fair value of options granted


Weighted-average assumptions:


Expected lives (years)

  —     5   5    5 

Risk free interest rate

  —     3.53%  3.18%   3.53%

Expected volatility

  —     15.30%  14.40%   15.30%

Expected dividend yield

  —     4.75%  4.97%   4.75%


The assumptions used in the calculations of weighted average fair value of options granted are as prescribed under accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. Such assumptions may not be the same as those used by the financial community and others in determining the fair value of such options. The option values are based upon a Black Scholes model calculation.


Share Grants, Performance Share Units and Restricted Share Units


We maintain a Share Grant Plan for officers, trustees, and trustees. Atother members of management.

In 2004 and 2005, awards were granted to officers and other members of management in the approvalform of restricted shares, with a value equal to various percentages of a participant’s salary based upon WRIT’s performance compared to an appropriate benchmark target, with minimum and maximum thresholds. The awards were valued based on market value at the date of grant. Shares vest ratably over a five year period from the date of grant.

In December 2006, WRIT Board of Trustees approved written amendments to the Share Grant Plan was changedproviding for the granting of restricted share units to officers and other members of management and performance share units to officers


based upon various percentages of their salaries and their positions with WRIT. For officers, one-third of the award will be in 2003 sothe form of restricted share units that officers received anvest twenty percent per year based upon continued employment and two-thirds of the award will be in the form of sharesperformance share units. Performance targets will be set annually based on appropriate benchmarks with a market valueminimum and maximum thresholds. The grants and each award are based on cumulative performance over three years, and performance share units will cliff vest at the end of athe three year period based upon the percentage of the individual’s cash compensation depending on levelperformance targets achieved. For other members of officer.

In November 2004,management, 100% of the Board of Trustees approved an amended short-term and long-term incentive plan for officers and executives. The first cash benefits under the amended short-term plan were paid in late 2005, and the first share grants under the amended long-term planaward will be made in 2006. The short-term incentive compensation plan provides for the annual paymentform of cash bonusesrestricted shares that vest 20% per year from date of grant based upon WRIT’s achievement of its annualon performance targets. Performance targets for funds from operations (FFO) per share (a non-GAAP financial measure) and EBITDA as defined by the revised plan (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization). Each target will be determined in November of the preceding year by management and approved by the Board of Trustees. The long-term incentive plan provides for the annual grant of restricted WRIT sharesset annually based on appropriate benchmarks with minimum and maximum thresholds. WRIT’s total shareholder return compared to a benchmark or index appropriate to the industry. Shares granted to officersChairman and CEO was excluded from long-term awards under the Share Grant Plan vest 20%in view of his announced intention to retire in 2007. With respect to the performance share units, which are based on three-year cumulative performance targets set at the beginning of each year, the grant date does not occur until all such targets are set and thus the significant terms of the award are known. Because payouts are probable, the Company estimates the compensation expense at each reporting period, until the grant date occurs and as progress towards meeting target is known, and recognizes this expense ratably over the three-year period. The estimated expense related to the 2006 performance share units based on the stock price at the end of the period was approximately $1.7 million of which $554,000 was recognized in 2006. Participants who terminate prior to the end of the three-year performance period forfeit their entire portion of the award. There were 21,877 restricted share units awarded to officers and other members of management. Performance and restricted share units awarded were valued at a weighted average price of $39.54 per year over five years and are restricted from transfer for five years fromshare based upon the market value on the date of grant. Prior to

In 2004, each Trustee received an annual grant oftrustees were awarded 400 unrestricted shares under the trustee compensation plan. In November 2004, the Board of Trustees approved revisions to the trustee compensation plan, under which the first cash and share grant benefits were paidgrants each. Beginning in 2005. Under this plan,2005, annual long-term incentive compensation for trustees iswas changed from options forof 2,000 shares plus 400 restricted shares to $30,000 in restricted shares. These restricted shares vest immediately and are restricted from sale for the period of the Trustees’trustees service. Additionally, the amounts of certain director fees and retainers were amended.


During 2006, 2005 2004 and 2003,2004 we issued 17,044, 87,06675,128, 11,182 and 56,67888,732 share grants, respectively, to our executivesofficers and trustees.other members of management. Of the restricted shares awarded in 2005, 11,182 were awarded by the Trust pursuant to the Employment Agreement of the Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer (CIO) in October 2005. The Employment Agreement provides for an additional installment of share grants with a market value of $150,000 on May 31, 2006, assuming the CIO is promoted to Chief Operating Officer on or before that date. The CIOThese shares granted in October 2005 (and, if granted, in May 2006) will vest 50%were fully vested upon his fourth anniversary of


employment and the remaining 50% upon his fifth anniversary. For the first five years of the CIO’s employment, his long term incentive payout will be based on WRIT’s total shareholder return compared to a benchmark or index appropriate toseverance from the industry for the nearest whole number of yearsTrust in which he has been employed (e.g. in year one, a one year average, in year two, a two year average, etc.).June 2006. The 87,066 of restricted75,128 shares awarded in 2004 includes a special2006 included an award of 59,85964,700 shares to officers in recognitionas the Trust transitions from 100% restricted share grants to the terms of the Trust’s performance for 2003,share grant plan as amended in December 2006. The 64,700 shares vest twenty-five percent from date of grant in years one and 4,066two and fifty percent in year three except shares awarded to non-officer key employees.

The total share grantsthe CEO, totaling 21,349 shares, who announced his intention to retire in 2007, which shares vested at December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 were 124,175, 87,467 and 65,528, respectively. The total share grants unvested at December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 were 103,989, 137,684 and 68,491, respectively. The total compensation expense recognized in income for stock-based compensation awards for December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 was $1.2 million, $0.9 million and $0.2 million, respectively. Share grants awarded in 2005 were valued at $31.10 per share based on their market value on theexpensed immediately upon date of grant.


The following are tables of activity for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 related to our share grants, and restricted share unit grants.

Share Grants






Wtd Avg




Wtd Avg




Wtd Avg


Unvested at January 1

  103,989  30.76  137,684  30.56  68,491  27.47


  79,683  36.34  17,044  31.10  91,132  31.88

Vested during year

  (67,042) 32.78  (36,708) 30.10  (21,939) 26.47


  (1,138) 32.50  (14,031) 30.85  —    —  




Unvested at December 31

  115,492  33.16  103,989  30.76  137,684  30.56

Vested at December 31

  191,217  27.17  124,175  24.14  87,467  21.64

The total fair value of shares vested during the years ending December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 is $2.5 million, $1.1 million and $0.7 million, respectively. As of December 31, 2006, the total compensation cost related to non-vested share awards not yet recognized was $2.9 million, which is expected to be recognized over a weighted average period of 30 months on a straight-line basis.


Restricted Share Units




Wtd Avg


Unvested at January 1

  —    —  


  21,877  39.54


  —    —  




Unvested at December 31

  21,877  39.54

Vested at December 31

  —    —  

The value of unvested restricted share units at December 31, 2006 was $865,000, which is expected to be recognized as compensation cost over a period of 60 months on a straight-line basis.

Total compensation expense recognized for stock based awards in each of the three years ending 2006 was (in millions):






2006 (1)



Included $1.2 million related to the accelerated vesting of CEO share grant awards as required by SFAS No. 123R—Share based payments and $358,000 related to the severance of the former CIO.

Earnings per Share


The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted earnings per share (dollars in thousands; except per share data):








Numerator for basic and diluted per share calculations:


Income from continuing operations

  $40,443  $40,641  $40,558  $38,661  $40,443  $40,641

Discontinued operations including gain on disposal

   37,195   4,923   4,329   —     37,195   4,923






Net income

  $77,638  $45,564  $44,887  $38,661  $77,638  $45,564

Denominator for basic and diluted per share calculations:


Denominator for basic per share amounts—weighted average shares

   42,069   41,642   39,399   43,679   42,069   41,642

Effect of dilutive securities:


Employee stock options

   134   221   201

Employee stock options/restricted share awards and units

   195   134   221






Denominator for diluted per share amounts

   42,203   41,863   39,600   43,874   42,203   41,863

Income from continuing operations per share



  $0.96  $0.98  $1.03  $0.89  $0.96  $0.98


  $0.96  $0.97  $1.02  $0.88  $0.96  $0.97

Discontinued operations including gain on disposal



  $0.89  $0.11  $0.11  $—    $0.89  $0.11


  $0.88  $0.12  $0.11  $—    $0.88  $0.12

Net income per share



  $1.85  $1.09  $1.14  $0.89  $1.85  $1.09


  $1.84  $1.09  $1.13  $0.88  $1.84  $1.09



8.Other Benefit PlanPlans


We have a Retirement Savings Plan (the “401K Plan”), which permits all eligible employees to defer a portion of their compensation in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code. Under the 401K Plan, the companyCompany may make discretionary contributions on behalf of eligible employees. For the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, and 2003, the companyCompany made contributions to the 401K plan of $0.3 million each year.

We adopted a split dollar life insurance plan for executive officers (the Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President of Real Estate and Senior Vice President Accounting and Administration) and other company officers, excluding the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”), in 2000. The purpose of the plan is to provide these officers with financial security in exchange for a career commitment. It is intended that we will recover our costs from the life insurance policies at death prior to retirement, termination prior to retirement or retirement at age 65. It is intended that the officers can use the cash values of the policy in excess of the Trust’s interest, which is equal to the cash value and death benefit of each policy to the extent of the sum of premium payments we have made.


Subsequent to July 2002 we discontinued premium advances under this plan for the benefit of executive officers. For the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, the company paid premiums of $0.2 million, $0.4 million and $0, respectively. We expect to terminate the split dollar agreements in February 2006 upon the purchase of additional life insurance for the officers. We intend to transfer ownership of the policies back to WRIT. At December 31, 2005 and 2004 the cash surrender value was approximately $1.2 million, which is less than the premiums paid since the plan’s inception.


We have adopted a non-qualified deferred compensation plan for the officers and members of the Board of Trustees. The plan allows for a deferral of a percentage of annual cash compensation and trustee fees. The plan is unfunded and payments are to be made out of the general assets of the Trust. The deferred compensation liability was $1.8 million, $1.6 million $1.3 million and $0.9$1.3 million at December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively. Effective in 2007 under the Long Term Incentive Plan, elected deferrals of short term incentive awards by officers are converted into restricted share units and 2003, respectively.WRIT will match 25% of the deferred short term incentive in restricted share units.


We established a Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (“SERP”) effective July 1, 2002 for the benefit of the CEO. In November 2005,Under this plan, upon the Board of Trustees approved the establishment of a SERP for the benefit of the executive officers, including the Chief Investment Officer appointed in October 2005, and other company officers. Under these plans, upon a participant’sCEO’s termination of employment from the Trust for any reason other than death or discharge for cause or total and permanent disability, the participanthe will be entitled to receive an annual benefit equal to his or her accrued benefit times his or her vested interest. We account for these plansthis plan in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting StandardsSFAS No. 87, “Employers’ Accounting for Pensions,” whereby we accrue benefit cost in an amount that will result in an accrued balance at the end of each participant’sthe CEO’s employment which is not less than the present value of the estimated benefit payments to be made. For the three years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 2004 and 2003,2004, we recognized current service cost of $565,000,$467,000, $419,000 and $355,000, respectively. On December 31, 2006, WRIT adopted the recognition and $309,000,disclosure provisions of SFAS No. 158. SFAS No. 158 required the Trust to recognize the funded status (i.e., the difference between the fair value of plan assets and the projected benefit obligations) of its pension plan in the December 31, 2006 statement of financial position, with a corresponding adjustment to accumulated other comprehensive income, net of tax. Because the CEO’s SERP is unfunded, the adoption of SFAS No. 158 did not have an effect on the Trust’s consolidated financial condition at December 31, 2006, or for any prior period presented and it will not affect the Trust’s operating results in future periods. The Trust currently has an investment in corporate owned life insurance intended to meet the SERP benefit liability upon the CEO’s retirement.

In November 2005, the Board of Trustees approved the establishment of a SERP for the benefit of the officers, other than the CEO. This is a defined contribution plan under which, upon a participant’s termination of employment from the Trust for any reason other than discharge for cause, the participant will be entitled to receive a benefit equal to the participant’s accrued benefit times the participant’s vested interest. We account for this plan in accordance with EITF 97-14, “Accounting for Deferred Compensation Arrangements Where Amounts Earned are Held in a Rabbi Trust and Invested” and SFAS No. 115, “Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities,” whereby the investments are reported at fair value, and unrealized holding gains and losses are included in earnings. For the years ended December 31, 2006 and 2005, we recognized current service cost of $269,000 and $146,000, respectively. This plan supersedes the split dollar life insurance plan terminated in April 2006. The Company terminated the split dollar agreements regaining ownership of the policies.


9.Fair Value of Financial Instruments:


SFAS No. 107 “Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments” requires disclosure of the fair value of financial instruments. Whenever possible, the estimated fair value has been determined using quoted market information as of December 31, 2005.2006. The estimated market values have not been updated since December 31, 2005;2006; therefore, current estimates of fair value may differ significantly from the amounts presented.


Below is a summary of significant methodologies used in estimating fair values and a schedule of fair values at December 31, 2005.2006.



Cash and cash equivalents


IncludesCash and cash equivalents includes cash and commercial paper with remaining maturities of less than 90 days, which are valued at the carrying value.


Mortgage notes payable


Mortgage notes payable consist of instruments in which certain of our real estate assets are used for collateral. The fair value of the mortgage notes payable is estimated based upon dealer quotes for instruments with similar terms and maturities.


Lines of credit payable


Lines of credit payable consist of bank facilities which we use for various purposes including working capital, acquisition funding or capital improvements. The lines of credit advances are priced at a specified rate plus a spread. The carrying value of the lines of credit payable is estimated to be market value since the interest rate adjusts with the market.



Notes payable


The fair value of these securities is estimated based on dealer quotes for securities with similar terms and characteristics.






(in thousands)  Carrying

  Fair Value


  Fair Value


  Fair Value


  Fair Value

Cash and cash equivalents

  $6,702  $6,702  $6,027  $6,027  $12,871  $12,871  $6,702  $6,702

Mortgage notes payable

  $169,617  $171,478  $173,429  $179,585  $237,073  $239,781  $169,617  $171,478

Lines of credit payable

  $24,000  $24,000  $117,000  $117,000  $61,000  $61,000  $24,000  $24,000

Notes payable

  $520,000  $523,768  $320,000  $335,353  $728,255  $736,081  $518,600  $523,768


10.Rentals under Operating Leases:


Non-cancelable commercial operating leases provide for minimum rental income from continuing operations during each of the next five years and thereafter as follows (in millions):


  Rental Income

  Rental Income




   127.9  $170.4


   112.4   152.9


   92.8   130.8


   71.4   105.4




   181.5   198.4


  $727.0  $834.0



Apartment leases are not included as they are generally for one year. Most of these commercial leases increase in future years based on agreed-upon percentages or in some instances, changes in the Consumer Price Index. Percentage rents from retail centers, based on a percentage of tenants’ gross sales, were $0.4 million, $0.1 million and $0.3 million in 2006, 2005 and $0.5 million in 2005, 2004, and 2003, respectively. Real estate tax, operating expense and common area maintenance reimbursement income from continuing operations was $19.0 million, $15.5 million $12.0 million and $9.9$12.0 million for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 2004 and 2003,2004, respectively.



11.Commitments and Contingencies:


Development Commitments


At December 31, 20052006 and 2004,2005, we had various contracts outstanding with third parties in connection with our ongoing development projects. Total accumulated spending, including land costs, for development projects at December 31, 20052006 and December 31, 20042005 were $56.7$125.3 million and $12.8$56.7 million, respectively. Remaining contractual commitments for development projects at December 31, 20052006 were $85.6$52.2 million.




We are involved from time to time in various legal proceedings, lawsuits, examinations by various tax authorities and claims that have arisen in the ordinary course of business. Management believes that the resolution of such matters will not have a material adverse effect on our financial condition or results of operations.





At December 31, 2005,2006, we were contingently liable under anunused letters of credit in the amounts of $885,000 unused letter of creditand $815,000, related to our assumption of mortgage debt on Dulles Business Park and West Gude, respectively, to ensure the funding of certain tenant improvements and leasing commissions over the term of the debt. We were also contingently liable under unused letters of credit totaling $1,053,000 related to our development projects at Rosslyn Towers,Clayborne Apartments, the Shoppes at Foxchase Shopping Center and South Washington Street,Bennett Park, to ensure the complete installation of public improvements in accordance with the projects’ related site plans.


12.Segment Information:


We have five reportable segments: Office Buildings, Medical Office Buildings, Retail Centers, Multifamilygeneral purpose office buildings, medical office buildings, retail centers and Industrial/Flex Properties. Office Buildingsmultifamily and industrial/flex properties. General purpose office buildings provide office space for various types of businesses and professions. Medical Officeoffice buildings provide offices and facilities for a variety of medical services. Retail Centerscenters are typically neighborhood grocery store or drug store anchored retail centers. Multifamily properties provide rental housing for families throughout the Washington Metropolitanmetropolitan area. Industrial/Flex Centersflex centers are used for flex-office, warehousing, services and distribution type facilities.


Real estate revenue as a percentage of the total for each of the five reportable operating segments is as follows:



Year Ended

December 31,





Office Buildings

  40% 45% 46%

Medical Office Buildings

  10% 8% 5%

Retail Centers

  17% 16% 17%

Multifamily Properties

  16% 17% 18%

Industrial/Flex Centers

  17% 14% 14%
   Year Ended
December 31,






  40% 40% 45%

Medical office

  11% 10% 8%


  17% 17% 16%


  15% 16% 17%


  17% 17% 14%


RealThe percentage of total income producing real estate assets, as a percentage of the totalat cost, for each of the five reportable operating segments areis as follows:


   December 31,




Office Buildings

  42% 44%

Medical Office Buildings

  11% 12%

Retail Centers

  15% 13%

Multifamily Properties

  12% 12%

Industrial/Flex Centers

  20% 19%
   December 31,





  41% 42%

Medical office

  15% 11%


  16% 15%


  9% 11%


  19% 21%


The accounting policies of each of the segments are the same as those described in Note 2. We evaluate performance based upon operating income from the combined properties in each segment. Our reportable


operating segments are consolidations of similar properties. Statement of Financial Accounting StandardsSFAS No. 131, Disclosures“Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information, or SFAS No. 131, requires that segment disclosures present the measure(s) used by the chief operating decision maker for purposes of assessing segments’ performance. Net operating income is a key measurement of our segment profit and loss. Net operating income is defined as segment revenues less direct segment operating expenses.


Included in our segment reporting for 2005, 2004 and 2003 is the new Medical Office segment. This portfolio of buildings was previously reported as part of the Office segment and has now become a significant element of our diversified total portfolio.


Segment reporting has been restated for prior periods to conform to this presentation.

The following table presents revenues and net operating income for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 2004 and 2003,2004 from these segments, and reconciles net operating income of reportable segments to operating income as reported (in thousands):









and Other







and Other



Real estate rental revenue

  $76,976  $18,024  $31,907  $30,529  $32,610  $—    $190,046   $86,813  $24,660  $37,263  $32,478  $38,448  $—    $219,662 

Real estate expenses

   26,277   4,650   6,878   12,816   7,495   —     58,116    29,864   7,186   7,983   13,220   9,016   —     67,269 














Net Operating Income

  $50,699  $13,374  $25,029  $17,713  $25,115  $—    $131,930 

Net operating income

  $56,949  $17,474  $29,280  $19,258  $29,432  $—    $152,393 

Depreciation and amortization

                     (47,161)                     (54,170)

Interest expense

                     (37,743)                     (47,846)

General and administrative

                     (8,005)                     (12,622)

Other income

                     1,422                      906 

Income from discontinued operations


Gain on property disposal















Net income

                    $77,638                     $38,661 














Capital expenditures

  $14,625  $609  $9,743  $20,982  $2,644  $437  $49,040   $17,268  $1,126  $966  $13,290  $5,218  $1,666  $39,534 














Total assets

  $457,398  $133,274  $182,098  $108,632  $237,808  $22,075  $1,141,285   $599,062  $236,552  $233,810  $159,720  $269,341  $32,780  $1,531,265 
























and Other







and Other



Real estate rental revenue

  $77,070  $15,050  $27,243  $28,858  $23,425  $—    $171,646   $76,976  $18,024  $31,907  $30,529  $32,610  $—    $190,046 

Real estate expenses

   24,835   3,686   5,899   11,637   5,271   —     51,328    26,277   4,650   6,878   12,816   7,495   —     58,116 














Net Operating Income

  $52,235  $11,364  $21,344  $17,221  $18,154  $—    $120,318 

Net operating income

  $50,699  $13,374  $25,029  $17,713  $25,115  $—    $131,930 

Depreciation and amortization

                     (39,309)                     (47,161)

Interest expense

                     (34,500)                     (37,743)

General and administrative

                     (6,194)                     (8,005)

Other income

                     326                      1,422 

Income from discontinued operations

                     3,894                      184 

Gain on property disposal

                     1,029                      37,011 














Net income

                    $45,564                     $77,638 














Capital expenditures

  $14,707  $375  $5,644  $10,008  $2,503  $101  $33,338   $14,625  $609  $1,904  $10,955  $2,644  $437  $31,174 














Total assets

  $447,439  $137,136  $127,915  $91,870  $187,295  $20,738  $1,012,393   $457,398  $133,274  $175,141  $115,589  $237,808  $19,949  $1,139,159 























and Other







and Other



Real estate rental revenue

  $70,307  $7,031  $26,474  $28,266  $21,498  $—    $153,576   $77,070  $15,050  $27,243  $28,858  $23,425  $—    $171,646 

Real estate expenses

   21,191   1,628   5,921   10,860   5,027   —     44,627    24,835   3,686   5,899   11,637   5,271   —     51,328 














Net Operating Income

  $49,116  $5,403  $20,553  $17,406  $16,471  $—    $108,949 

Net operating income

  $52,235  $11,364  $21,344  $17,221  $18,154  $—    $120,318 

Depreciation and amortization

                     (33,490)                     (39,309)

Interest expense

                     (30,040)                     (34,500)

General and administrative

                     (5,275)                     (6,194)

Other income

                     414                      326 

Income from discontinued operations

                     4,329                      3,894 

Gain on property disposal

                     —                        1,029 














Net income

                    $44,887                     $45,564 














Capital expenditures

  $16,835  $4  $2,055  $7,199  $1,298  $132  $27,523   $14,707  $375  $741  $6,838  $2,503  $101  $25,265 














Total assets

  $458,775  $112,333  $127,884  $83,445  $128,844  $16,808  $928,089   $447,439  $137,136  $126,594  $93,191  $187,295  $20,738  $1,012,393 
















13.Selected Quarterly Financial Data (in thousands, unaudited):


The following table summarizes our financial data by quarter for 20052006 and 2004.2005:


  Quarter (1)

  Quarter (1)











Real estate rental revenue (2)

  $45,282  $46,567  $48,939  $49,258

Income from continuing operations (2)

   9,848   9,004   10,523   11,068



Real estate rental revenue

  $50,925  $53,070  $56,675  $58,993

Income from continuing operations

   10,632   7,719   10,230   10,081

Net income

   42,234   10,875   13,461   11,068   10,632   7,719   10,230   10,081

Income from continuing operations per share (2)


Income from continuing operations per share



  $0.24  $0.21  $0.25  $0.26  $0.25  $0.18  $0.23  $0.22


  $0.23  $0.21  $0.25  $0.26  $0.25  $0.18  $0.23  $0.22

Net income per share (3)


Net income per share



  $1.01  $0.26  $0.32  $0.26  $0.25  $0.18  $0.23  $0.22


  $1.01  $0.26  $0.32  $0.26  $0.25  $0.18  $0.23  $0.22



Real estate rental revenue (2)

  $42,159  $42,517  $43,246  $43,724

Income from continuing operations (2)

   10,403   10,086   9,764   10,388



Real estate rental revenue

  $45,282  $46,567  $48,939  $49,258

Income from continuing operations

   9,848   9,004   10,523   11,068

Net income

   11,302   11,082   10,797   12,383   42,234   10,875   13,461   11,068

Income from continuing operations per share (2)


Income from continuing operations per share



  $0.25  $0.24  $0.23  $0.25  $0.24  $0.21  $0.25  $0.26


  $0.25  $0.24  $0.23  $0.25  $0.23  $0.21  $0.25  $0.26

Net income per share (3)


Net income per share (2)



  $0.27  $0.27  $0.26  $0.30  $1.01  $0.26  $0.32  $0.26


  $0.27  $0.26  $0.26  $0.30  $1.01  $0.26  $0.32  $0.26


With regard to per share calculations, the sum of the quarterly results may not equal full year results due to rounding.



These amounts differ from amounts previously reported due to the disposal of the Pepsi Distribution Center in September 2005 as discussed in Note 3—Real Estate Investments.

(3)Includes gain on the sale of real estate of $0.77 per share, basic and $0.76 per share, diluted in the first quarter of 2005, $.04 per share in the second quarter of 2005 and $0.07 per share in the third quarter of 2005 and $0.02 per share in the fourth quarter of 2004.2005.


14.Subsequent EventEvents


On February 14, 2006January 17, 2007, WRIT purchasedsold $135.0 million of 3.875% senior convertible notes due September 15, 2026. On January 30, 2007, we closed an additional $15.0 million of the 3.875% senior convertible notes due September 15, 2026, upon the exercise by the underwriter of the over-allotment option. The Hampton Properties, a five building, 303,000 square foot Industrial portfolio locatednotes were sold at an issue price of 100.5% of par, resulting in Capitol Heights, MD for $23.1an effective interest rate of 4.003%. Our total proceeds, net of underwriting fees, were $146.3 million. We drew $23.1 million onused the proceeds of these notes to repay borrowings under our linelines of credit and to complete the transaction. The properties are 74% leased.fund general corporate purposes.











 Initial Cost(b)






Gross Amounts at which carried at

December 31, 2005




December 31,


Year of













 Initial Cost(b)






Gross Amounts at which carried at

December 31, 2006




December 31,


Year of






















Date of












Date of



Office Buildings


1901 Pennsylvania Avenue

 Washington, DC $892,000 $3,481,000 $12,795,000 $892,000 $16,276,000 $17,168,000 $9,147,000 1960 May 1977 97,000 28 Years Washington, DC $892,000 $3,481,000 $13,187,000 $892,000 $16,668,000 $17,560,000 $9,906,000 1960 May 1977 97,000 28 Years

51 Monroe Street

 Maryland  840,000  10,869,000  16,747,000  840,000  27,616,000  28,456,000  14,793,000 1975 August 1979 208,000 41 Years Maryland  840,000  10,869,000  17,404,000  840,000  28,273,000  29,113,000  16,238,000 1975 August 1979 210,000 41 Years

515 King Street

 Virginia  4,102,000  3,931,000  2,156,000  4,102,000  6,087,000  10,189,000  2,271,000 1966 July 1992 78,000 50 Years Virginia  4,102,000  3,931,000  2,780,000  4,102,000  6,711,000  10,813,000  2,537,000 1966 July 1992 76,000 50 Years

The Lexington Building

 Maryland  1,180,000  1,262,000  1,280,000  1,180,000  2,542,000  3,722,000  1,102,000 1970 November 1993 46,000 50 Years Maryland  1,180,000  1,262,000  1,983,000  1,180,000  3,245,000  4,425,000  1,241,000 1970 November 1993 46,000 50 Years

The Saratoga Building

 Maryland  1,464,000  1,554,000  2,190,000  1,464,000  3,744,000  5,208,000  1,590,000 1977 November 1993 59,000 50 Years Maryland  1,464,000  1,554,000  2,414,000  1,464,000  3,968,000  5,432,000  1,829,000 1977 November 1993 58,000 50 Years

Brandywine Center

 Maryland  718,000  735,000  1,448,000  718,000  2,183,000  2,901,000  735,000 1969 November 1993 35,000 50 Years Maryland  718,000  735,000  1,467,000  718,000  2,202,000  2,920,000  868,000 1969 November 1993 35,000 50 Years

6110 Executive Boulevard

 Maryland  4,621,000  11,926,000  6,430,000  4,621,000  18,356,000  22,977,000  7,843,000 1971 January 1995 199,000 30 Years Maryland  4,621,000  11,926,000  7,851,000  4,621,000  19,777,000  24,398,000  8,812,000 1971 January 1995 198,000 30 Years

1220 19th Street

 Washington, DC  7,803,000  11,366,000  3,033,000  7,803,000  14,399,000  22,202,000  4,892,000 1976 November 1995 102,000 30 Years

1220 19th Street

 Washington, DC  7,803,000  11,366,000  3,476,000  7,803,000  14,842,000  22,645,000  5,574,000 1976 November 1995 102,000 30 Years

Maryland Trade Center I

 Maryland  3,330,000  12,747,000  7,396,000  3,330,000  20,143,000  23,473,000  6,808,000 1981 May 1996 190,000 30 Years Maryland  3,330,000  12,747,000  8,921,000  3,330,000  21,668,000  24,998,000  7,990,000 1981 May 1996 184,000 30 Years

Maryland Trade Center II

 Maryland  2,826,000  9,486,000  3,653,000  2,826,000  13,139,000  15,965,000  4,291,000 1984 May 1996 158,000 30 Years Maryland  2,826,000  9,486,000  5,229,000  2,826,000  14,715,000  17,541,000  4,997,000 1984 May 1996 158,000 30 Years

1600 Wilson Boulevard

 Virginia  6,661,000  16,742,000  4,394,000  6,661,000  21,136,000  27,797,000  6,001,000 1973 October 1997 166,000 30 Years Virginia  6,661,000  16,742,000  5,006,000  6,661,000  21,748,000  28,409,000  6,988,000 1973 October 1997 166,000 30 Years

7900 Westpark Drive

 Virginia  12,049,000  71,825,000  16,199,000  12,049,000  88,024,000  100,073,000  23,381,000 1972/’86/’99 November 1997 521,000 30 Years Virginia  12,049,000  71,825,000  18,543,000  12,049,000  90,368,000  102,417,000  27,330,000 1972/’86/‘99 November 1997 523,000 30 Years

600 Jefferson Plaza

 Maryland  2,296,000  12,188,000  1,356,000  2,296,000  13,544,000  15,840,000  3,383,000 1985 May 1999 115,000 30 Years Maryland  2,296,000  12,188,000  2,390,000  2,296,000  14,578,000  16,874,000  3,940,000 1985 May 1999 112,000 30 Years

1700 Research Boulevard

 Maryland  1,847,000  11,105,000  2,551,000  1,847,000  13,656,000  15,503,000  2,829,000 1982 May 1999 103,000 30 Years Maryland  1,847,000  11,105,000  2,726,000  1,847,000  13,831,000  15,678,000  3,579,000 1982 May 1999 101,000 30 Years

Parklawn Plaza

 Maryland  714,000  4,053,000  655,000  714,000  4,708,000  5,422,000  1,083,000 1986 November 1999 40,000 30 Years Maryland  714,000  4,053,000  929,000  714,000  4,982,000  5,696,000  1,294,000 1986 November 1999 40,000 30 Years

Wayne Plaza

 Maryland  1,564,000  6,243,000  3,011,000  1,564,000  9,254,000  10,818,000  1,798,000 1970 May 2000 91,000 30 Years Maryland  1,564,000  6,243,000  4,587,000  1,564,000  10,830,000  12,394,000  2,205,000 1970 May 2000 91,000 30 Years

Courthouse Square

 Virginia  0  17,096,000  1,664,000  0  18,760,000  18,760,000  3,588,000 1979 October 2000 113,000 30 Years Virginia  0  17,096,000  3,020,000  0  20,116,000  20,116,000  4,477,000 1979 October 2000 113,000 30 Years

One Central Plaza

 Maryland  5,480,000  39,107,000  7,659,000  5,480,000  46,766,000  52,246,000  7,960,000 1974 April 2001 267,000 30 Years Maryland  5,480,000  39,107,000  8,138,000  5,480,000  47,245,000  52,725,000  10,123,000 1974 April 2001 267,000 30 Years

Atrium Building

 Maryland  3,182,000  11,281,000  1,884,000  3,182,000  13,165,000  16,347,000  1,801,000 1980 July 2002 81,000 30 Years Maryland  3,182,000  11,281,000  2,003,000  3,182,000  13,284,000  16,466,000  2,503,000 1980 July 2002 80,000 30 Years

1776 G Street

 Washington, DC  31,500,000  54,327,000  533,000  31,500,000  54,860,000  86,360,000  6,090,000 1979 August 2003 262,000 30 Years Washington, DC  31,500,000  54,327,000  560,000  31,500,000  54,887,000  86,387,000  8,073,000 1979 August 2003 263,000 30 Years

Albermarle Point

 Virginia  1,326,000  18,211,000  1,000  1,326,000  18,212,000  19,538,000  332,000 2001 July 2005 90,000 30 Years Virginia  1,326,000  18,211,000  463,000  1,326,000  18,674,000  20,000,000  1,063,000 2001/03/05 July 2005 89,000 30 Years

Dulles Station(f)

 Virginia  26,584,000  0  560,000  26,584,000  560,000  27,144,000  0 n/a December 2005 0 n/a Virginia  24,465,000  1,719,000  27,982,000  24,465,000  29,701,000  54,166,000  0 n/a December 2005 0 n/a

West Gude (a)

 Maryland  11,580,000  43,240,000  1,518,000  11,580,000  44,758,000  56,338,000  713,000 1984/'86/'88 August 2006 289,000 30 Years

The Ridges (a)

 Maryland  4,058,000  19,207,000  13,000  4,058,000  19,220,000  23,278,000  280,000 1990 August 2006 104,000 30 Years

6565 Arlington Boulevard

 Virginia  5,584,000  23,195,000  14,000  5,584,000  23,209,000  28,793,000  346,000 1967 August 2006 140,000 30 Years














 $120,979,000 $329,535,000 $97,595,000 $120,979,000 $427,130,000 $548,109,000 $111,718,000 3,021,000  $140,082,000 $416,896,000 $142,604,000 $140,082,000 $559,500,000 $699,582,000 $132,906,000 3,542,000 















Medical Office


Woodburn Medical Park I

 Virginia $2,563,000 $12,460,000 $913,000 $2,563,000 $13,373,000 $15,936,000 $3,300,000 1984 November 1998 71,000 30 Years Virginia $2,563,000 $12,460,000 $1,748,000 $2,563,000 $14,208,000 $16,771,000 $3,792,000 1984 November 1998 71,000 30 Years

Woodburn Medical Park II

 Virginia  2,632,000  17,574,000  752,000  2,632,000  18,326,000  20,958,000  4,373,000 1988 November 1998 96,000 30 Years Virginia  2,632,000  17,574,000  905,000  2,632,000  18,479,000  21,111,000  5,042,000 1988 November 1998 96,000 30 Years

8501 Arlington Blvd. (a)

 Virginia  2,071,000  26,317,000  154,000  2,071,000  26,471,000  28,542,000  2,151,000 2000 October 2003 92,000 30 Years Virginia  2,071,000  26,317,000  150,000  2,071,000  26,467,000  28,538,000  3,126,000 2000 October 2003 92,000 30 Years

8503 Arlington Blvd (a)

 Virginia  1,598,000  25,850,000  1,000  1,598,000  25,851,000  27,449,000  2,084,000 2001 October 2003 88,000 30 Years Virginia  1,598,000  25,850,000  7,000  1,598,000  25,857,000  27,455,000  3,028,000 2001 October 2003 88,000 30 Years

8505 Arlington Blvd. (a)

 Virginia  2,819,000  19,680,000  66,000  2,819,000  19,746,000  22,565,000  1,601,000 2002 October 2003 75,000 30 Years Virginia  2,819,000  19,680,000  73,000  2,819,000  19,753,000  22,572,000  2,331,000 2002 October 2003 75,000 30 Years

Shady Grove Medical II (a)

 Maryland  1,995,000  16,601,000  0  1,995,000  16,601,000  18,596,000  860,000 1999 August 2004 66,000 30 Years Maryland  1,995,000  16,601,000  57,000  1,995,000  16,658,000  18,653,000  1,483,000 1999 August 2004 66,000 30 Years

8301 Arlington Boulevard

 Virginia  1,251,000  6,589,000  182,000  1,251,000  6,771,000  8,022,000  312,000 1965 October 2004 50,000 30 Years Virginia  1,251,000  6,589,000  435,000  1,251,000  7,024,000  8,275,000  590,000 1965 October 2004 49,000 30 Years

Alexandria Professional Ctr

 Virgina  6,783,000  19,676,000  211,000  6,783,000  19,887,000  26,670,000  540,000 1968 April 2006 113,000 30 Years

9707 Medical Center Drive (a)

 Maryland  3,069,000  11,777,000  10,000  3,069,000  11,787,000  14,856,000  342,000 1994 April 2006 38,000 30 Years

15001 Shady Grove Road

 Maryland  4,094,000  16,410,000  5,000  4,094,000  16,415,000  20,509,000  461,000 1999 April 2006 51,000 30 Years

15005 Shady Grove Road (a)

 Maryland  4,186,000  17,548,000  9,000  4,186,000  17,557,000  21,743,000  296,000 2002 July 2006 52,000 30 Years

Plum Tree Medical Center (a)

 Maryland  1,723,000  5,749,000  7,000  1,723,000  5,756,000  7,479,000  131,000 1991 June 2006 33,000 30 Years

The Crescent (a)

 Maryland  2,060,000  9,451,000  0  2,060,000  9,451,000  11,511,000  145,000 1989 August 2006 49,000 30 Years














 $14,929,000 $125,071,000 $2,068,000 $14,929,000 $127,139,000 $142,068,000 $14,681,000 538,000  $36,844,000 $205,682,000 $3,617,000 $36,844,000 $209,299,000 $246,143,000 $21,307,000 873,000 















Retail Center


Takoma Park

 Maryland $415,000 $1,084,000 $94,000 $415,000 $1,178,000 $1,593,000 $978,000 1962 July 1963 51,000 50 Years Maryland $415,000 $1,084,000 $95,000 $415,000 $1,179,000 $1,594,000 $1,007,000 1962 July 1963 51,000 50 Years


 Maryland  519,000  1,775,000  8,581,000  519,000  10,356,000  10,875,000  2,985,000 1969 September 1972 146,000 37 Years Maryland  519,000  1,775,000  8,977,000  519,000  10,752,000  11,271,000  3,536,000 1969 September 1972 151,000 37 Years

Concord Centre

 Virginia  413,000  850,000  3,145,000  413,000  3,995,000  4,408,000  2,275,000 1960 December 1973 76,000 33 Years Virginia  413,000  850,000  3,002,000  413,000  3,852,000  4,265,000  2,392,000 1960 December 1973 76,000 33 Years

Wheaton Park

 Maryland  796,000  857,000  3,711,000  796,000  4,568,000  5,364,000  2,064,000 1967 September 1977 72,000 50 Years Maryland  796,000  857,000  4,174,000  796,000  5,031,000  5,827,000  2,247,000 1967 September 1977 72,000 50 Years


 Virginia  4,152,000  5,383,000  6,999,000  4,152,000  12,382,000  16,534,000  6,252,000 1955 December 1984 168,000 40 Years Virginia  4,152,000  5,383,000  7,012,000  4,152,000  12,395,000  16,547,000  6,687,000 1955 December 1984 168,000 40 Years

Chevy Chase Metro Plaza

 Washington, DC  1,549,000  4,304,000  3,744,000  1,549,000  8,048,000  9,597,000  3,509,000 1975 September 1985 50,000 50 Years Washington, DC  1,549,000  4,304,000  3,914,000  1,549,000  8,218,000  9,767,000  3,805,000 1975 September 1985 49,000 50 Years

Montgomery Village Center

 Maryland  11,625,000  9,105,000  1,371,000  11,625,000  10,476,000  22,101,000  3,075,000 1969 December 1992 198,000 50 Years

Shoppes of Foxchase

 Virginia  5,838,000  2,979,000  3,480,000  5,838,000  6,459,000  12,297,000  1,196,000 1960 June 1994 128,000 50 Years

Frederick County Square

 Maryland  6,561,000  6,830,000  2,063,000  6,561,000  8,893,000  15,454,000  3,370,000 1973 August 1995 227,000 30 Years

800 S. Washington Street(f)

 Virginia  3,173,000  5,489,000  5,688,000  3,604,000  10,746,000  14,350,000  1,143,000 1951/’55/’59/’90 June 1998 45,000 30 Years

Centre at Hagerstown

 Maryland  13,029,000  25,415,000  470,000  13,029,000  25,885,000  38,914,000  3,270,000 2000 June 2002 334,000 30 Years

Frederick Crossing(a)

 Virginia  12,759,000  34,763,000  1,333,000  12,759,000  36,096,000  48,855,000  1,055,000 1999-2003 March 2005 295,000 30 Years







 $60,829,000 $98,834,000 $40,679,000 $61,260,000 $139,082,000 $200,342,000 $31,172,000 1,790,000 



















 Initial Cost(b)






Gross Amounts at which carried at

December 31, 2005




December 31,


Year of













 Initial Cost(b)






Gross Amounts at which carried at

December 31, 2006




December 31,


Year of






















Date of












Date of



Montgomery Village Center

 Maryland  11,625,000  9,105,000  1,428,000  11,625,000  10,533,000  22,158,000  3,339,000 1969 December 1992 198,000 50 Years

Shoppes of Foxchase

 Virginia  5,838,000  2,979,000  11,965,000  5,838,000  14,944,000  20,782,000  1,442,000 1960 June 1994 128,000 50 Years

Frederick County Square

 Maryland  6,561,000  6,830,000  2,107,000  6,561,000  8,937,000  15,498,000  3,762,000 1973 August 1995 227,000 30 Years

800 S. Washington Street

 Virginia  2,904,000  5,489,000  -988,000  2,904,000  4,501,000  7,405,000  1,315,000 1951/’55/’59/’90 June 1998 44,000 30 Years

Centre at Hagerstown

 Maryland  13,029,000  25,415,000  363,000  13,029,000  25,778,000  38,807,000  4,191,000 2000 June 2002 332,000 30 Years

Frederick Crossing (a)

 Virginia  12,759,000  35,477,000  654,000  12,759,000  36,131,000  48,890,000  2,416,000 1999-2003 March 2005 295,000 30 Years

Randolph Shopping Center

 Maryland  4,928,000  13,025,000  82,000  4,928,000  13,107,000  18,035,000  370,000 1972 May 2006 82,000 30 Years

Montrose Shopping Center

 Maryland  11,612,000  22,410,000  348,000  11,612,000  22,758,000  34,370,000  505,000 1970 May 2006 143,000 30 Years







 $77,100,000 $134,983,000 $43,133,000 $77,100,000 $178,116,000 $255,216,000 $37,014,000 2,016,000 








Multifamily Properties


3801 Connecticut Avenue

 $420,000 $2,678,000 $5,826,000 $420,000 $8,504,000 $8,924,000 $5,948,000 1951 January 1963 177,000 307 30 Years Washington, DC $420,000 $2,678,000 $6,497,000 $420,000 $9,175,000 $9,595,000 $6,321,000 1951 January 1963 179,000 307 30 Years

Roosevelt Towers(a)

 Virginia  336,000  1,996,000  5,704,000  336,000  7,700,000  8,036,000  3,807,000 1964 May 1965 168,000 190 40 Years Virginia  336,000  1,996,000  7,363,000  336,000  9,359,000  9,695,000  4,235,000 1964 May 1965 170,000 190 40 Years

Country Club Towers(a)

 Virginia  299,000  2,562,000  5,593,000  299,000  8,155,000  8,454,000  4,922,000 1965 July 1969 159,000 227 35 Years Virginia  299,000  2,562,000  9,772,000  299,000  12,334,000  12,633,000  5,299,000 1965 July 1969 163,000 227 35 Years

Park Adams(a)

 Virginia  287,000  1,654,000  6,157,000  287,000  7,811,000  8,098,000  4,178,000 1959 January 1969 172,000 200 35 Years Virginia  287,000  1,654,000  6,879,000  287,000  8,533,000  8,820,000  4,598,000 1959 January 1969 173,000 200 35 Years

Munson Hill Towers(a)

 Virginia  322,000  3,337,000  11,616,000  322,000  14,953,000  15,275,000  6,945,000 1963 January 1970 259,000 279 33 Years Virginia  322,000  3,337,000  12,154,000  322,000  15,491,000  15,813,000  7,748,000 1963 January 1970 259,000 279 33 Years

The Ashby at McLean(a)

 Virginia  4,356,000  17,102,000  9,917,000  4,356,000  27,019,000  31,375,000  7,832,000 1982 August 1996 244,000 250 30 Years Virginia  4,356,000  17,102,000  10,276,000  4,356,000  27,378,000  31,734,000  9,393,000 1982 August 1996 252,000 250 30 Years

Walker House Apartments

 Maryland  2,851,000  7,946,000  4,598,000  2,851,000  12,544,000  15,395,000  4,007,000 1971 March 1996 154,000 212 30 Years Maryland  2,851,000  7,946,000  4,944,000  2,851,000  12,890,000  15,741,000  4,704,000 1971/'03 March 1996 159,000 212 30 Years

Bethesda Hill Apartments

 Maryland  3,900,000  13,412,000  4,229,000  3,900,000  17,641,000  21,541,000  5,271,000 1986 November 1997 226,000 194 30 Years Maryland  3,900,000  13,412,000  7,850,000  3,900,000  21,262,000  25,162,000  6,200,000 1986 November 1997 226,000 194 30 Years


 Maryland  3,460,000  9,244,000  2,758,000  3,460,000  12,002,000  15,462,000  3,027,000 1987 September 1999 170,000 236 30 Years Maryland  3,460,000  9,244,000  3,110,000  3,460,000  12,354,000  15,814,000  3,594,000 1987 September 1999 170,000 236 30 Years

Rosslyn Towers (f)

 Virginia  2,861,000  917,000  17,263,000  4,774,000  16,267,000  21,041,000  6,000 1957 February 2001 —   —   -

Bennett Park (f)

 Virginia  2,861,000  917,000  43,709,000  4,774,000  42,713,000  47,487,000  6,000 N/A February 2001 —   —   —  

The Clayborne (f)

 Virginia  269,000  —    17,988,000  700,000  17,557,000  18,257,000  —   N/A June 2003 —   —   —  














 $19,092,000 $60,848,000 $73,661,000 $21,005,000 $132,596,000 $153,601,000 $45,943,000 1,729,000 2,095  $19,361,000 $60,848,000 $130,542,000 $21,705,000 $189,046,000 $210,751,000 $52,098,000 1,751,000 2,095 















Industrial Properties


Fullerton Business Center

 Virginia $950,000 $3,317,000 $958,000 $950,000 $4,275,000 $5,225,000 $1,970,000 1980 September 1985 104,000 50 Years Virginia $950,000 $3,317,000 $1,170,000 $950,000 $4,487,000 $5,437,000 $2,083,000 1980 September 1985 104,000 50 Years

Charleston Business Center

 Maryland  2,045,000  2,091,000  717,000  2,045,000  2,808,000  4,853,000  786,000 1973 November 1993 85,000 50 Years Maryland  2,045,000  2,091,000  717,000  2,045,000  2,808,000  4,853,000  879,000 1973 November 1993 85,000 50 Years

Tech 100 Industrial Park

 Maryland  2,086,000  4,744,000  928,000  2,086,000  5,672,000  7,758,000  2,301,000 1990 May 1995 167,000 30 Years Maryland  2,086,000  4,744,000  1,983,000  2,086,000  6,727,000  8,813,000  2,541,000 1990 May 1995 166,000 30 Years

Crossroads Distribution Center

 Maryland  894,000  1,946,000  808,000  894,000  2,754,000  3,648,000  864,000 1987 December 1995 85,000 30 Years Maryland  894,000  1,946,000  880,000  894,000  2,826,000  3,720,000  1,006,000 1987 December 1995 85,000 30 Years

The Alban Business Center

 Virginia  878,000  3,298,000  411,000  878,000  3,709,000  4,587,000  1,347,000 1981/1982 October 1996 87,000 30 Years Virginia  878,000  3,298,000  528,000  878,000  3,826,000  4,704,000  1,504,000 1981/'82 October 1996 87,000 30 Years

The Earhart Building

 Virginia  916,000  4,129,000  1,404,000  916,000  5,533,000  6,449,000  1,878,000 1987 December 1996 93,000 30 Years Virginia  916,000  4,129,000  1,463,000  916,000  5,592,000  6,508,000  2,115,000 1987 December 1996 92,000 30 Years

Ammendale Technology Park I

 Maryland  1,335,000  6,466,000  1,489,000  1,335,000  7,955,000  9,290,000  2,902,000 1985 February 1997 167,000 30 Years Maryland  1,335,000  6,466,000  2,182,000  1,335,000  8,648,000  9,983,000  3,287,000 1985 February 1997 167,000 30 Years

Ammendale Technology Park II

 Maryland  862,000  4,996,000  1,111,000  862,000  6,107,000  6,969,000  1,916,000 1986 February 1997 108,000 30 Years Maryland  862,000  4,996,000  1,647,000  862,000  6,643,000  7,505,000  2,210,000 1986 February 1997 107,000 30 Years

Pickett Industrial Park

 Virginia  3,300,000  4,920,000  1,020,000  3,300,000  5,940,000  9,240,000  1,761,000 1973 October 1997 246,000 30 Years Virginia  3,300,000  4,920,000  1,045,000  3,300,000  5,965,000  9,265,000  2,026,000 1973 October 1997 246,000 30 Years

Northern Virginia Industrial Park

 Virginia  4,971,000  25,670,000  8,690,000  4,971,000  34,360,000  39,331,000  9,825,000 1968/1991 May 1998 788,000 30 Years Virginia  4,971,000  25,670,000  9,458,000  4,971,000  35,128,000  40,099,000  11,465,000 1968/'91 May 1998 787,000 30 Years

8900 Telegraph Road

 Virginia  372,000  1,489,000  153,000  372,000  1,642,000  2,014,000  500,000 1985 September 1998 32,000 30 Years Virginia  372,000  1,489,000  160,000  372,000  1,649,000  2,021,000  555,000 1985 September 1998 32,000 30 Years

Dulles South IV

 Virginia  913,000  5,997,000  223,000  913,000  6,220,000  7,133,000  1,482,000 1988 January 1999 83,000 30 Years Virginia  913,000  5,997,000  246,000  913,000  6,243,000  7,156,000  1,709,000 1988 January 1999 83,000 30 Years

Sully Square

 Virginia  1,052,000  6,506,000  234,000  1,052,000  6,740,000  7,792,000  1,532,000 1986 April 1999 95,000 30 Years Virginia  1,052,000  6,506,000  259,000  1,052,000  6,765,000  7,817,000  1,768,000 1986 April 1999 95,000 30 Years


 Virginia  246,000  1,987,000  -4,000  246,000  1,983,000  2,229,000  414,000 1986 September 1999 31,000 30 Years Virginia  246,000  1,987,000  0  246,000  1,987,000  2,233,000  481,000 1986 September 1999 31,000 30 Years

Sullyfield Center(a)

 Virginia  2,803,000  19,711,000  674,000  2,803,000  20,385,000  23,188,000  2,855,000 1985 November 2001 245,000 30 Years Virginia  2,803,000  19,711,000  592,000  2,803,000  20,303,000  23,106,000  3,560,000 1985 November 2001 244,000 30 Years

Fullerton Industrial (a)

 Virginia  2,465,000  8,397,000  201,000  2,465,000  8,598,000  11,063,000  862,000 1980/1982 January 2003 137,000 30 Years

Fullerton Industrial

 Virginia  2,465,000  8,397,000  394,000  2,465,000  8,791,000  11,256,000  1,161,000 1980/'82 January 2003 137,000 30 Years

8880 Gorman Road

 Maryland  1,771,000  9,230,000  89,000  1,771,000  9,319,000  11,090,000  626,000 2000 March 2004 141,000 30 Years Maryland  1,771,000  9,230,000  99,000  1,771,000  9,329,000  11,100,000  983,000 2000 March 2004 141,000 30 Years

Dulles Business Park (a)

 Virginia  6,085,000  50,504,000  278,000  6,085,000  50,782,000  56,867,000  2,084,000 1999/2004/2005 December/
 ‘04/’05 325,000 30 Years

Albermarle Point

 Virginia  6,159,000  40,154,000  1,000  6,158,000  40,156,000  46,314,000  734,000 2001/2003/2005 July 2005 206,000 30 Years







 $40,103,000 $205,552,000 $19,385,000 $40,102,000 $224,938,000 $265,040,000 $36,639,000 3,225,000 —   









 $255,932,000 $819,840,000 $233,388,000 $258,275,000 $1,050,885,000 $1,309,160,000 $240,153,000 10,303,000 2,095 















 Initial Cost(b)






Gross Amounts at which carried at

December 31, 2006




December 31,


Year of






















Date of



Dulles Business Park (a)

 Virginia  6,085,000  50,504,000  1,085,000  6,085,000  51,589,000  57,674,000  4,187,000 1999/'04/'05 December/
 '04/'05 324,000   30 Years

Albermarle Point

 Virginia  6,159,000  40,154,000  342,000  6,159,000  40,496,000  46,655,000  2,315,000 2001/'03/'05 July 2005 207,000   30 Years


 Maryland  7,048,000  16,223,000  298,000  7,048,000  16,521,000  23,569,000  609,000 1989/'05 February 2006 302,000   30 Years

9950 Business Parkway

 Maryland  2,035,000  9,236,000  20,000  2,035,000  9,256,000  11,291,000  234,000 2005 May 2006 102,000   30 Years







    $49,186,000 $231,011,000 $24,568,000 $49,186,000 $255,579,000 $304,765,000 $46,678,000       3,624,000 —    









   $322,573,000 $1,049,420,000 $344,464,000 $324,917,000 $1,391,540,000 $1,716,457,000 $290,003,000       11,806,000 2,095  









(a)a)At December 31, 2005,2006, our properties were encumbered by non-recourse mortgage amounts as follows: $13,700,000 on the Ashby, $7,755,000 on Country Club Towers, $10,560,000 on Munson Hill Towers, $9,625,000 on Park Adams, $8,360,000 on Roosevelt Towers, $8,144,000$7,833,000 on Sullyfield Center, $6,292,000 on Fullerton Industrial Center, $10,855,000$10,574,000 on Shady Grove Medical Village II, $24,687,000$24,246,000 on Frederick Crossing, $48,196,000$47,441,000 on Prosperity Medical Center, and $21,443,000$20,846,000 on Dulles Business Park.Park, $5,569,000 on 9707 Medical Center Drive, $4,836,000 on Plum Tree Medical Center, $8,751,000 on 15005 Shady Grove Road, $33,990,000 on West Gude Drive and $22,987,000 on The Ridges and The Crescent.


(b)b)The purchase cost of real estate investments has been divided between land and buildings and improvements on the basis of management’s determination of the relative fair values.


(c)c)At December 31, 2005,2006, total land, buildings and improvements are carried at $1,372,726,000$1,735,111,000 for federal income tax purposes.


(d)d)The useful life shown is for the main structure. Buildings and improvements are depreciated over various useful lives ranging from 3 to 50 years.


(e)e)Residential properties are presented in gross square feet.


(f)f)As of December 31, 2005,2006, we had under development a residential and retail project with 224 apartment units and 5,900 square feet of retail space in Arlington, VA (Rosslyn Towers)(Bennett Park), a mixed-use project with 75 residential units and 2,600 square feet of retail space in Alexandria, VA (South Washington Street)(The Clayborne Apartments at South Washington), and a 5.27 acre development site located along the Dulles Toll Road which isan office project with 540,000 square feet of office space to be developed in two phases to include approximately 540,000 square feet of office and retail spacein Herndon, VA (Dulles Station). The total land value of our development projects at December 31, 2006 was $29.9 million.








The following is a reconciliation of real estate assets and accumulated depreciation for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 2004 and 2003:2004:


(In Thousands)








Real Estate Assets


Balance, beginning of period

  $1,162,448  $1,052,866  $850,805   $1,309,160  $1,162,448  $1,052,866 

Additions—property acquisitions*

   149,696   85,047   176,156    295,853   149,696   85,047 


   50,858   33,439   27,391    111,784   50,858   33,439 

Deductions—write-off of disposed assets

   (4,099)  (182)  (1,486)   (340)  (4,099)  (182)

Deductions—property sales

   (49,743)  (8,722)  —      —     (49,743)  (8,722)






Balance, end of period

  $1,309,160  $1,162,448  $1,052,866   $1,716,457  $1,309,160  $1,162,448 






Accumulated Depreciation


Balance, beginning of period

  $213,173  $177,640  $146,912   $240,153  $213,173  $177,640 


   43,876   37,387   32,214    50,190   43,876   37,387 

Deductions—write-off of disposed assets

   (4,099)  (182)  (1,486)   (340)  (4,099)  (182)

Deductions—property sales

   (12,797)  (1,672)  —      —     (12,797)  (1,672)






Balance, end of period

  $240,153  $213,173  $177,640   $290,003  $240,153  $213,173 






*Includes non-cash accruals for capital items and assumed mortgage.mortgages.





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has fully caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.



/s/Edmund B. Cronin, Jr.


Edmund B. Cronin, Jr.

Chairman of the Board, President and

Chief Executive Officer

/s/Laura M. Franklin


Laura M. Franklin

Senior Vice President

Accounting, Administration and

Corporate Secretary

/s/ Sara L. Grootwassink


Sara L. Grootwassink

Chief Financial Officer


Date: March 16, 20061, 2007