Washington, D.C. 20549




(Mark One)


For the fiscal year ended December 31, 20112012




For the transition period from to.



File Number


Registrant; State of Incorporation;

Address; and Telephone Number


IRS Employer

Identification Number




(An Arizona Corporation)

88 E. Broadway Boulevard

Tucson, AZ 85701

(520) 571-4000





(An Arizona Corporation)

88 E. Broadway Boulevard

Tucson, AZ 85701

(520) 571-4000


Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Exchange Act:




Title of Each Class


Name of Each Exchange

on Which Registered

UniSourceUNS Energy Corporation

  Common Stock, no par value    New York Stock Exchange

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Exchange Act:






Title of Each Class


Name of Each Exchange

on Which Registered

Tucson Electric Power Company

  Common Stock, without par value    N/A

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act of 1933.



UNS Energy Corporation

  Yes  x  


Tucson Electric Power Company

    Yes  ¨  

Tucson Electric Power Company         Yes  ¨�� No  x

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act).



UNS Energy Corporation

  Yes  ¨  

No  x

Tucson Electric Power Company

  Yes  ¨  

No  x

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.



UNS Energy Corporation

  Yes  x  

No  ¨

Tucson Electric Power Company

  Yes  x  

No  ¨

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically and posted on its corporate Web site,website, if any, every Interactive Data File required to be submitted and posted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit and post such files).



UNS Energy Corporation

  Yes  x  

No  ¨

Tucson Electric Power Company

  Yes  x  

No  ¨

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the best of each registrant’s knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K.  x

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, or a smaller reporting company. See the definitions of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer” and “smaller reporting company” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. (Check one):


UniSourceUNS Energy Corporation

 Large Accelerated Filer          x Accelerated Filer  ¨ Non-accelerated filer  ¨
 Smaller Reporting Company  ¨  

Tucson Electric Power Company

 Large Accelerated Filer          ¨ Accelerated Filer  ¨ Non-accelerated filer  x
 Smaller Reporting Company  ¨  

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).



UNS Energy Corporation

  Yes  ¨  

No  x

Tucson Electric Power Company

  Yes  ¨  

No  x

The aggregate market value of UniSourceUNS Energy Corporation voting Common Stock held by non-affiliates of the registrant was $1,361,485,759$1,574,040,179 based on the last reported sale price thereof on the consolidated tape on June 30, 2011.2012.

At February 21, 2012, 37,956,16913, 2013, 41,386,469 shares of UniSourceUNS Energy Corporation Common Stock, no par value (the only class of Common Stock), were outstanding.

At February 21, 2012,13, 2013, 32,139,434 shares of Tucson Electric Power Company’s Common Stock, no par value, were outstanding, all of which were held by UniSourceUNS Energy Corporation.

Tucson Electric Power Company meets the conditions set forth in General Instructions (I)(1)(a) and (b) on Form 10-K and is therefore filing this report with the reduced disclosure format.

Documents incorporated by reference: Specified portions of UniSourceUNS Energy Corporation’s Proxy Statement relating to the 20122013 Annual Meeting of Shareholders are incorporated by reference into Part III.




Table of Contents




— PART I —


Item 1. – Business


Overview of Consolidated Business




Service Area and Customers


Generating and Other Resources


Fuel Supply


Transmission Access


Rates and Regulation


TEP’s Utility Operating Statistics


Environmental Matters




Service Territory and Customers


Gas Supply and Transmission


Rates and Regulation


Environmental Matters


UNS Electric


Service Territory and Customers


Power Supply and Transmission


Rates and Regulation


Environmental Matters


Other Non-Reportable Segments






Executive Officers of the Registrants


SEC Reports Available on UniSourceUNS Energy’s Website


Item 1A. – Risk Factors


Item 1B. – Unresolved Staff Comments


Item 2. – Properties


TEP Properties


UES Properties


Item 3. – Legal Proceedings


Item 4. – Mine Safety Disclosures




Item  5. – Market for Registrant’s Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Common Equity


Item 6. – Selected Consolidated Financial Data


UniSourceUNS Energy




Item  7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations


UniSourceUNS Energy Consolidated


Outlook and Strategies


Results of Operations


Liquidity and Capital Resources


Tucson Electric Power Company


Results of Operations


Factors Affecting Results of Operations


Liquidity and Capital Resources






Results of Operations


Factors Affecting Results of Operations


Liquidity and Capital Resources


UNS Electric


Results of Operations


Factors Affecting Results of Operations


Liquidity and Capital Resources


Other Non-Reportable Business Segments


Results of Operations


Factors Affecting Results of Operations


Critical Accounting Policies


Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements


Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements


Item 7A. – Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk


Item 8. – Consolidated Financial Statements and Supplementary Data


Management’s Reports on Internal Controls Over Financial Reporting


Reports of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


UniSourceUNS Energy Corporation


Consolidated Statements of Income


Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


Consolidated Balance Sheets


Consolidated Statements of Capitalization


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders’ Equity and Comprehensive Income


Tucson Electric Power Company


Consolidated Statements of Income


Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


Consolidated Balance Sheets


Consolidated Statements of Capitalization


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholder’s Equity and Comprehensive Income


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Note 1. Nature of Operations and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies


Note 2. Regulatory Matters


Note 3. Segment and Related Information


Note 4. Commitments, Contingencies, and Proposed Environmental Matters


Note 5. Utility Plant and Jointly-Owned Facilities


Note 6. Debt, Credit Facilities, and Capital Lease Obligations


Note 7. Stockholders’ Equity


Note 8. Income Taxes


Note 9. Employee Benefit Plans


Note 10. Share-Based Compensation Plan


Note 11. Fair Value Measurements


Note 12. UniSourceUNS Energy Earnings Per Share (EPS)


Note 13. Millennium Investments


Note 14. Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements


Note 15. Supplemental Cash Flow Information


Note 16. Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities


Note 17. Quarterly Financial Data (Unaudited)


Schedule II – Valuation and Qualifying Accounts


Item 9. – Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure


Item 9A. – Controls and Procedures



Item 9B. – Other Information





Item 10. – Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance of the Registrants


Item 11. – Executive Compensation


Item  12. – Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters


Item 13. – Certain Relationships and Related Transactions and Director Independence


Item 14. – Principal Accountant Fees and Services




Item 15. – Exhibits and Financial Statement SchedulesSchedule




Exhibit Index





The abbreviations and acronyms used in the 20112012 Form 10-K are defined below:


1992 Mortgage  

TEP’s Indenture of Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of December 1, 1992,

to the Bank of New York Mellon, successor trustee, as supplemented

1999 Settlement2010 TEP Reimbursement     Agreement  

TEP’s SettlementReimbursement Agreement approved by the ACC in November 1999 that provided for electric retail competitiondated December 14, 2010 among

TEP as borrower and transition asset recovery

2008 TEP Rate Order

A rate order issued by the ACC resulting in a new retail rate structure for TEP, effective December 1, 2008financial institution

ACC  Arizona Corporation Commission
AMTAFUDC  Alternative Minimum TaxAllowance for Funds Used During Construction
AOCI  Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income
APS  Arizona Public Service Company
ARO  Asset Retirement Obligation
BART  Best Available Retrofit Technology
Base O&M  

A non-GAAP financial measure that represents the fundamental level of

operating and maintenance expense related to our business

Base Rates  

The portion of TEP’s and UNS Electric’s Retail Rates attributed to

generation, transmission, distribution costs, and customer charge; and UNSGas’UNS

Gas’ delivery costs and customer chargecharge. Base Rates exclude costs that

are passed through to customers for fuel and purchased energy costs.

BHPBHP Minerals International, Inc.
BMGS  Black Mountain Generating Station
Btu  British thermal unit(s)
CCRsCoal combustion residuals

The ability to produce power; the most power a unit can produce or the

maximum that can be taken under a contract; measured in MWsmegawatts

CO2CC&NCertificate of Convenience and Necessity
CCRsCoal Combustion Residuals
Circuit CourtUnited States Court of Appeals
CO2  Carbon dioxideDioxide
Common Stock  UniSourceUNS Energy’s common stock, without par value
Company or UniSourceUNS Energy  UniSourceUNS Energy Corporation and its subsidiaries
Convertible Senior NotesUNS Energy Corporation’s 4.5% Convertible Senior Notes
Cooling Degree Days  

An index used to measure the impact of weather on energy usage

calculated by subtracting 75 from the average of the high and low

daily temperatures

DSM  Demand side managementSide Management
ECAEnvironmental Compliance Adjustor
EEIPEnergy Efficiency Implementation Plan
Electric EE Standards  Electric and Gas Energy Efficiency Standards
Emission Allowance(s)  

An allowance issued by the Environmental Protection Agency which

permits emission of one ton of sulfur dioxide or one ton of nitrogenoxide;nitrogen

oxide; allowances can be bought and sold


The amount of power produced over a given period of time; measured

in MWhmegawatt-hours

EPA  The Environmental Protection Agency
EL Paso  El Paso Electric Company
EPNG  El Paso Natural Gas Company
EPSEarnings Per Share
ESP  EnergyElectric Service Provider
Express LineFAA  

A dedicated 345-kV transmission line from Springerville Unit 2 to TEP’s retail service area

Federal Arbitration Act
FERC  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Fixed CTC  

Competition Transition Charge that was included in TEP’s retail rate for the purpose of

recovering TEP’s TRA;Transition Recovery Asset; approximately $58 million is beingwas credited to customers through the PPFAC

Four Corners  Four Corners Generating Station
GAAP  Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
Gas EE Standards  Gas Utility Energy Efficiency Standards


GHG  Greenhouse gasesGases
GWh  Gigawatt-hour(s)

Haddington Energy Partners II, LP, a limited partnership that funds energy-related investments

Heating Degree Days  

An index used to measure the impact of weather on energy usage

calculated by subtracting the average of the high and low daily

temperatures from 65




Industrial development revenue or pollution control revenue bonds



Internal Revenue Service











Lost Fixed Cost Recovery Mechanism

LIBORLondon Interbank Offered Rate

LOCLetter of Credit

Long-Term Wholesale Margin Revenues


A non-GAAP measure that demonstrates the underlying profitability of TEP’s long-term wholesale sales contracts


Luna Generating Station
Mark-to-Market Adjustments  

Luna Energy Facility

Mark-to-Market Adjustments

Forward to forward energy sales and purchase contracts that are

considered to be derivatives and are adjusted monthly by recording

unrealized gains and losses to reflect the market prices at the end of each month


Mercury and Air Toxics Standards


Millennium Energy Holdings, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of UniSource

UNS Energy



Million British Thermal Units

Mortgage Bonds


Mortgage Bonds issued under the 1992 Mortgage









Navajo Generating Station



North American Electric Reliability Corporation



Nitrogen oxide



Negotiated Sales Program

NTUANavajo Tribal Utility Authority



Operations and Maintenance Expense



Performance Based Incentives

PGAPurchased Gas Adjuster a retail rate mechanism designed to recover the cost of gas purchased for retail gas customers

Pima Authority


The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima


Public Service Company of New Mexico



PNM Resources, Incorporated, PNM’s parent company

PPAPower Purchase Agreement



Purchased Power and Fuel Adjustment Clause






Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

RECRenewable Energy Credit
RESRenewable Energy Standard and Tariff

Reimbursement Agreement

Retail Margin Revenues

Reimbursement Agreement dated as of December 14, 2010 among TEP as borrower and a group of financial institutions

Retail Margin Revenues

A non-GAAP financial measure that demonstrates the underlying revenue trend

and performance of our core utility businesses.


Retail Rates


Rates designed to allow a regulated utility an opportunity to recover its

reasonable operating and capital costs and earn a return on its

utility plant in serviceservice. Retail Rates include the recovery of fuel and

purchased power costs, as well as other surcharges and adjustor

mechanisms charged to retail customers.



Retail Electric Competition Rules

established by the ACC in 1999


San Carlos

Carboelectrica Sabinas, S. de R.L. de C.V., a Mexican limited liability company; prior to June 2009, Millennium owned 50% of Sabinas

San Carlos

San Carlos Resources Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of TEP

San Juan


San Juan Generating Station



Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan



Selective catalytic reduction

Catalytic Reduction



Southwest Energy Solutions, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Millennium



Sulfur dioxide




Springerville Generating Station


Springerville Coal Handling Facilities Leases


Leveraged lease arrangements relating to the coal handling facilities serving Springerville

Springerville Common Facilities


Facilities at Springerville used in common withby all four Springerville Unit 1 and Springerville Unit 2


Springerville Common Facilities Leases


Leveraged lease arrangements relating to an undivided one-half interest in certain Springerville Common Facilities.


Springerville Unit 1


Unit 1 of the Springerville Generating Station

Springerville Unit 1 Leases


Leveraged lease arrangement relating to Springerville Unit 1 and an

undivided one-half interest in certain Springerville Common Facilities


Springerville Unit 2


Unit 2 of the Springerville Generating Station

Springerville Unit 3


Unit 3 of the Springerville Generating Station

Springerville Unit 4


Unit 4 of the Springerville Generating Station



Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District



H. Wilson Sundt Generating Station (formerly known as the Irvington Generating Station)

Sundt Lease


The leveraged lease arrangement relating to Sundt Unit 4

Sundt Unit 4


Unit 4 of the H. Wilson Sundt Generating Station



Southwest Gas Corporation



Tucson Electric Power Company, the principal subsidiary of UniSourceUNS Energy


TEP Credit Agreement


Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement between TEP and a syndicate of Banks, dated as of November 9, 2010 (as amended)

TEP Letter of Credit Facility

Letter of credit facility under the TEP Credit Agreement

TEP Revolving Credit Facility

Revolving credit facility under the TEP Credit Agreement


A unit of heating value equivalent to 100,000 British thermal units (Btu)


Transition Recovery Asset, a $450 million regulatory asset established in TEP’s 1999 Settlement Agreement that was fully recovered in May 2008


Transwestern Pipeline Company


Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association


UniSource Energy Development Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of UniSource Energy, which engages in developing generation resources and other project development services and related activities


UniSource Energy Services, Inc., an intermediate holding company established to own the operating companies (UNS Gas and UNS Electric) which acquired the Citizens Arizona gas and electric utility assets in 2003

UniSource Credit Agreement

Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement between UniSource Energy and a syndicate of banks, dated as of November 9, 2010 (as amended)

TEP Letter of Credit Facility

Letter of credit facility under the TEP Credit Agreement
TEP Revolving Credit FacilityRevolving credit facility under the TEP Credit Agreement
ThermA unit of heating value equivalent to 100,000 Btus
TranswesternTranswestern Pipeline Company
Tri-StateTri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc.
UEDUniSource Energy

Development Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of UNS Energy Corporation

UniSource Energy CorporationServices, Inc., an intermediate holding company

established to own UNS Gas and UNS Electric

UNS Electric

Credit Agreement

Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement between UNS Energy and a

syndicate of banks, dated as of November 9, 2010 (as amended)

UNS EnergyUNS Energy Corporation (formerly known as UniSource Energy Corporation)
UNS ElectricUNS Electric, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of UES

UNS Electric Term Loan


Four-year $30 million term loan agreement dated as of August 10, 2011.




UNS Gas, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of UES

UNS Gas/UNS Electric Revolver


Revolving credit facility under the Second Amended and Restated Credit

Agreement among UNS Gas and UNS Electric as borrowers, and UES as

guarantor, and a syndicate of banks, dated as of November 9, 2010 (as amended)



Valencia power plant owned by UNS Electric



Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association



Western Area Power Administration




This combined Form 10-K is being filed separately by UniSourceUNS Energy Corporation (UNS Energy) and Tucson Electric Power Company (TEP) (collectively, the Registrants). Information contained herein relating to any individual registrant is filed by such registrant on its own behalf. TEP does not make any representation as to information relating to any other subsidiary of UniSourceUNS Energy.

This Annual Report on Form 10-K contains forward-looking statements as defined by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You should read forward-looking statements together with the cautionary statements and important factors included elsewhere in this Form 10-K.10-K (SeeItem 7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements). Forward-looking statements include statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance, and underlying assumptions. Forward-looking statements are not statements of historical facts. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as “anticipates,” “estimates,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “predicts,” “projects,” and similar expressions. We express our expectations, beliefs, and projections in good faith and believe them to have a reasonable basis. However, we make no assurances that management’s expectations, beliefs, or projections will be achieved or accomplished. In addition, UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP disclaim any obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this report.




UNS Energy Corporation (UNS Energy), formerly UniSource Energy Corporation, is a utility services holding company with no significant operationsengaged, through its subsidiaries, in the electric generation and energy delivery business. Each of its own. UniSourceUNS Energy’s operating subsidiaries areis a separate legal entitiesentity with theirits own assets and liabilities. UniSourceUNS Energy owns the outstanding common stock100% of Tucson Electric Power Company (TEP), UniSource Energy Services, Inc. (UES), Millennium Energy Holdings, Inc. (Millennium), and UniSource Energy Development Company (UED),.

TEP is a regulated public utility and Millennium Energy Holdings,UNS Energy’s largest operating subsidiary, representing approximately 84% of UNS Energy’s total assets as of December 31, 2012. TEP generates, transmits and distributes electricity to approximately 406,000 retail electric customers in a 1,155 square mile area in southeastern Arizona. TEP also sells electricity to other utilities and power marketing entities, located primarily in the western United States. In addition, TEP operates Springerville Generating Station (Springerville) Unit 3 on behalf of Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. (Millennium)(Tri-State) and Springerville Unit 4 on behalf of Salt River Project Agriculture Improvement and Power District (SRP).

Our business includes three primary business segments: TEP;UES holds the common stock of two regulated public utilities, UNS Gas, Inc. (UNS Gas); and UNS Electric, Inc. (UNS Electric). TEPUNS Gas is an electric utility serving the community of Tucson, Arizona. UES providesa regulated gas distribution company, which services approximately 149,000 retail customers in Mohave, Yavapai, Coconino, and electric service to more than 30 communitiesNavajo counties in northern andArizona, as well as in Santa Cruz County in southern Arizona through its two operating subsidiaries, UNS Gas and UNS Electric.

Other subsidiaries include UED, which developed the Black Mountain Generating Station (BMGS) in northwestern Arizona in 2008. The facility, which includes two natural gas-fired combustion turbines, initially provided energy toArizona. UNS Electric throughis a power sales agreement. In July 2011, UNS Electric purchased BMGS from regulated public utility, which generates, transmits and distributes electricity to approximately 92,000 retail customers in Mohave and Santa Cruz counties.

UED leaving UED with no significant remaining assets. This transaction did not impact UniSource Energy’s consolidated financial statements.

Millennium has existingand Millennium’s investments in unregulated businesses that representedrepresent less than 1% of UniSourceUNS Energy’s total assets as of December 31, 2011. We have no new investments planned for Millennium. Southwest Energy Solutions (SES) is a subsidiary of Millennium that provides supplemental labor and meter reading services to TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric.

UniSource Energy was incorporated in the state of Arizona in 1995 and obtained regulatory approval to form a holding company in 1997. TEP and UniSource Energy exchanged shares of stock in 1998, making TEP a subsidiary of UniSource Energy.2012.


The table below shows the contributions to our consolidated after-tax earnings by our three business segments.


September 30,September 30,September 30,
    2011   2010   2009   2012   2011 2010 
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 


    $85    $108    $91    $65    $85   $108  


     10     9     7     9     10    9  

UNS Electric

     18     15     11     17     18    15  


     (3   (19   (3

Other Non-Reportable Segments and Adjustments(1)

   —       (3  (19













Consolidated Net Income

    $110    $113    $106    $91    $110   $113  















Includes: UniSourceUNS Energy parent company expenses; interest expense (net of tax) on UniSource Energy Convertible Senior Notesexpenses, Millennium, UED, and on the UniSource Credit Agreement; Millennium; and UED.intercompany eliminations.

See Note 3 for additional financial information regarding our business segments.

References in this report to “we” and “our” are to UniSourceUNS Energy and its subsidiaries, collectively.

Rates and Regulation of TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric

The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) regulates portions of TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric’s utility accounting practices and energy rates. The ACC has authority over rates charged to retail customers, the issuance of securities, and transactions with affiliated parties. Our regulated utility Retail Ratesrates for retail electric and natural gas service are determined on a “cost of service” basis. Retail Rates are designed to provide, after recovery of allowable operating expenses, an opportunity for our utility businesses to earn a reasonable return on rate base. Rate base is generally determined by reference to the original cost (net of depreciation) of utility plant in service to the extent deemed used and useful, and to various adjustments for deferred taxes and other items, plus a working capital component. Over time, additions to utility plant in service increase rate base while depreciation and retirements of utility plant reduce rate base.

Retail RatesThe rates charged to retail customers by TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric also include pass-through mechanisms that allow each utility to recover the actual costs of its fuel, transmission, and energy purchases.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulates the terms and prices of transmission services and wholesale electricity sales, wholesale transport and purchases of natural gas, and portions of our accounting practices. TEP and UNS Electric have FERC tariffs to sell power at market-based rates.


TEP was incorporated in the State of Arizona in 1963. TEP is the principal operating subsidiary of UniSourceUNS Energy. In 2011,2012, TEP’s electric utility operations contributed 77%78% of UniSourceUNS Energy’s operating revenues and comprised 82%84% of its assets.


TEP is a vertically integrated utility that provides regulated electric service to approximately 404,000406,000 retail customers in southeastern Arizona. TEP’s service territory covers 1,155 square miles and includes a population of approximately one million people in the greater Tucson metropolitan area in Pima County, as well as parts of Cochise County. TEP also sells electricity to other utilities and power marketing entities in the western United States.

Retail Customers

TEP provides electric utility service to a diverse group of residential, commercial, industrial, and public sector customers. Major industries served include copper mining, cement manufacturing, defense, health care, education, military bases, and other governmental entities. TEP’s retail sales are influenced by several factors, including economic conditions, seasonal weather patterns, demand side management (DSM) initiatives and the increasing use of energy efficient products, and opportunities for customers to generate their own electricity.

Customer Base

The table below shows the percentage distribution of TEP’s energy sales by major customer class over the last three years. Over the next several years,In 2013, the retail energy consumption by customer class is expected to be similar to the historical distribution.


September 30,September 30,September 30,
    2011 2010 2009   2012 2011 2010 


     42  42  42   41  42  42


     21  21  21   21  21  21

Non-mining Industrial

     23  23  23   23  23  23


     11  12  11   12  11  12

Public Authority

     3  2  3   3  3  2

Local, regional, and national economic factors can impact the growth in the number of customers in TEP’s service territory. In 2009,2012, 2011, and 2010, and 2011, TEP’s average number of retail customers increased by less than 1% perin each year.

We expect the number of TEP’s retail customers to increase at a rate of less than 1% in 2013 and 2014.

Two of TEP’s largest retail customers are in the copper mining industry. TEP’s kilowatt-hour (kWh) sales to mining customers depend on a variety of factors including the market price of copper, the Retail Rateelectricity rate paid by mining customers, and the mines’ potential development of their own electric generation resources. TEP’s kWh sales to mining customers increased by 0.9% in 2012 and 0.3% in 2011 and 1.4% in 2010 as a result of increased production due to high copper prices.

We expect the number of TEP’s retail customers to increase at a rate of approximately 0.5% in 2012 and approximately 0.9% in 2013.

Retail Sales Volumes

WeakDuring the past three years, economic conditions and the implementation ofstate requirements for energy efficiency programsand distributed generation have had a negative impact onnegatively affected retail electricity sales. In 2009 and 2010, TEP’s retail kWh sales declined by 1.4% and 0.8%, respectively. In 2011, TEP’s retail kWh salesvolumes in 2012 were 0.4% above 2010 due in part to a 0.3% increase in the average number of retail customers. In 2012, we expect kWh sales to TEP’s retail customers to be near the same level as 2011.approximately 9,265 Gigawatt-hours (GWh) or 1.1% below 2009.

Energy Service Providers

Although the ACC’s Retail Electric Competition Rules established by the ACC in 1999 (Rules) contemplated that TEP’s retail customers may be eligible to choose an alternative energy service provider (ESP), portions of those Rules have been invalidated by the Arizona courts and there are no ESPs currently authorized to provide alternative retail electric service to TEP’s customers. SeeRates and Regulation, below for more information regarding the status of retail competition in Arizona.

Wholesale Business

TEP’s electric utility operations include the wholesale marketing of electricity to other utilities and power marketers. Wholesale sales transactions are made on both a firm and interruptible basis. A firm contract requires TEP to supply power on demand (except under limited emergency circumstances), while an interruptible contract allows TEP to stop supplying power under defined conditions. SeeGenerating and Other Resources, Purchases and Interconnections, below.

Generally, TEP commits to future sales based on expected excess generating capability, forward prices, and generation costs, using a diversified portfolio approach to provide a balance between long-term, mid-term, and spot energy sales. When TEP expects to have excess generating capacity and energy (usually in the first, second and fourth calendar quarters), itsTEP’s wholesale sales consist primarily of two types of sales:

Long-Term Sales

Long-term wholesale sales contracts cover periods of more than one year. TEP typically uses its own generation to serve the requirements of its long-term wholesale customers. TEP currently hasTEP’s long-term contracts with three entities to sell energy:are described below:


From January 1, 2012 through the end of the contract in May 2016, SRPSalt River Project Agriculture Improvement and Power District (SRP) is required to purchase 500,000 MWh of on-peak energy per year. TEP does not receive a demand charge and the price of energy is based on a discount to the Palo Verde Market Index. Prior to June 1, 2011, TEP received an annual demand charge of approximately $22 million.

TEP’s contract with the Navajo Tribal Utility Authority (NTUA) expires in December 2015. TEP serves the portion of NTUA’s load that is not served by the authority’s allocation of federal hydroelectric power. Over the last three years, sales to NTUA averaged 225,000 MWh per year. Since 2010, the price of 50% of the MWh sales to NTUA from June to September has been based on the Palo Verde Market Index. In 2011,2012, approximately 12%13% of the total energy sold to NTUA was priced based on the Palo Verde Market Index. The remaining power sales occur at a fixed price under TEP’s contract with NTUA.


TEP’s 2 MW contract with the Tohono O’odham Utility Authority—2 MW,Authority expires in 2014.

Short-Term Sales

Forward contracts commit TEP to sell a specified amount of capacity or energy at a specified price over a given period of time, typically for one-month, three-month, or one-year periods. TEP also engages in short-term sales by selling energy in the daily or hourly markets at fluctuating spot market prices and making other non-firm energy sales. All revenues from short-term wholesale sales offset fuel and purchased power costs and are passed through to TEPTEP’s retail customers. TEP uses short-term wholesale sales as part of its hedging strategy to reduce customer exposure to fluctuating power prices. SeeRates and Regulation,below.

See Item 7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, Tucson Electric Power Company, Factors Affecting Results of Operations,for additional discussion of TEP’s wholesale marketing activities.


At December 31, 2011,2012, TEP owned or leased 2,2622,267 MW of net generating capability, as set forth in the following table:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
 Net      Net   
 Unit Date Fuel Capability Operating 

TEP’s Share

  Unit Date Resource Capability Operating TEP’s Share 

Generating Source

 No. Location In Service Type MW Agent % MW  No. Location In Service Type MW Agent % MW 

Springerville Station(1)

 1 Springerville, AZ 1985 Coal  401    TEP    100.0    401   1 Springerville, AZ 1985 Coal  401   TEP  100.0    401  

Springerville Station

 2 Springerville, AZ 1990 Coal  403    TEP    100.0    403   2 Springerville, AZ 1990 Coal  403   TEP  100.0    403  

San Juan Station

 1 Farmington, NM 1976 Coal  340    PNM    50.0    170   1 Farmington, NM 1976 Coal  340   PNM  50.0    170  

San Juan Station

 2 Farmington, NM 1973 Coal  340    PNM    50.0    170   2 Farmington, NM 1973 Coal  340   PNM  50.0    170  

Navajo Station

 1 Page, AZ 1974 Coal  750    SRP    7.5    56   1 Page, AZ 1974 Coal  750   SRP  7.5    56  

Navajo Station

 2 Page, AZ 1975 Coal  750    SRP    7.5    56   2 Page, AZ 1975 Coal  750   SRP  7.5    56  

Navajo Station

 3 Page, AZ 1976 Coal  750    SRP    7.5    56   3 Page, AZ 1976 Coal  750   SRP  7.5    56  

Four Corners Station

 4 Farmington, NM 1969 Coal  784    APS    7.0    55   4 Farmington, NM 1969 Coal  784   APS  7.0    55  

Four Corners Station

 5 Farmington, NM 1970 Coal  784    APS    7.0    55   5 Farmington, NM 1970 Coal  784   APS  7.0    55  

Luna Energy Facility

 1 Deming, NM 2006 Gas  555    PNM    33.3    185  

Luna Generating Station

 1 Deming, NM 2006 Gas  555   PNM  33.3    185  

Sundt Station

 1 Tucson, AZ 1958 Gas/Oil  81    TEP    100.0    81   1 Tucson, AZ 1958 Gas/Oil  81   TEP  100.0    81  

Sundt Station

 2 Tucson, AZ 1960 Gas/Oil  81    TEP    100.0    81   2 Tucson, AZ 1960 Gas/Oil  81   TEP  100.0    81  

Sundt Station

 3 Tucson, AZ 1962 Gas/Oil  104    TEP    100.0    104   3 Tucson, AZ 1962 Gas/Oil  104   TEP  100.0    104  

Sundt Station

 4 Tucson, AZ 1967 Coal/Gas  156    TEP    100.0    156   4 Tucson, AZ 1967 Coal/Gas  156   TEP  100.0    156  

Sundt Internal Combustion Turbines

  Tucson, AZ 1972-1973 Gas/Oil  50    TEP    100.0    50    Tucson, AZ 1972-1973 Gas/Oil  50   TEP  100.0    50  

DeMoss Petrie

  Tucson, AZ 1972 Gas/Oil  75    TEP    100.0    75    Tucson, AZ 1972 Gas/Oil  75   TEP  100.0    75  

North Loop

  Tucson, AZ 2001 Gas  95    TEP    100.0    95    Tucson, AZ 2001 Gas  95   TEP  100.0    95  

Springerville Solar Station

  Springerville, AZ 2002-2010 Solar  6    TEP    100.0    6  

Community Solar Projects

  Tucson, AZ 2010 Solar  7    TEP    100.0    7  

Springerville Solar Station

Tucson Solar Projects

  Springerville, AZ

Tucson, AZ

























Total TEP Capacity(2)

         2,262           2,267  





Leased asset as of December 31, 2011.2012.


Excludes 1,009683 MW of additional resources, which consist of certain capacity purchases and interruptible retail load. At December 31, 2011,2012, total owned capacity was 1,8611,866 MW and leased capacity was 401 MW.

Springerville Generating Station

SpringervilleTEP currently owns a 14% undivided interest in Unit 1 of the Springerville Generating Station (Springerville Unit 1) and the remainder is leased by TEP andTEP. Unit 2 of the Springerville Generating Station (Springerville Unit 2) is owned by San Carlos Resources, Inc. (San Carlos), a wholly-owned subsidiary of TEP. TEP’s other interests in the Springerville Generating Station (Springerville) include leasehold interests in the Springerville Coal Handling Facilities and the facilities at Springerville used in common by all four Springerville units (Springerville Common Facilities.Facilities).

Springerville Unit 1 Leases

The terms of the leveraged lease arrangement relating to Springerville Unit 1 Leases, which include a 50%and an undivided one-half interest in thecertain Springerville Common Facilities (Springerville Unit 1 Leases), expire in 2015 but have optional fair market value renewal and purchase provisions. In 1985, TEP sold and leased back the remaining 50% interest in the Springerville Common Facilities.

In December 2011, TEP and the owner participants of the Springerville Unit 1 Leases completed a formal appraisal procedure to determine the fair market value purchase price. The formal appraisal process was completed in accordance with the Springerville Unit 1 lease agreements. The purchase price was determined to be $478 per kW of capacity.capacity, based on a continuous capacity rating of 387 MW. TEP has until September 1, 2013 to give notice that it will exercise its purchase option, with the purchase occurring in January 2015. TEP can choose to exercise this option to purchase any or all of the lease interests not currently owned by TEP; TEP currently owns a 14% undivided interest in Springerville Unit 1.TEP. If TEP chooses to purchase all of the remaining interests in Springerville Unit 1 from the owner participants, the aggregate purchase price would be $159 million. SeeItem 3. – Legal Proceedings,Springerville Unit 1 Appraisal.

The Springerville Common Facilities Leases

The leveraged lease arrangements relating to an undivided one-half interest in certain Springerville Common Facilities (Springerville Common Facilities Leases), which expire in 2017 and 2021, have optional fair market value renewal options as well as a fixed-price purchase provision. The fixed prices to acquire the leased interests in the Springerville Common Facilities are $38 million in 2017 and $68 million in 2021.

Springerville Coal Handling Facilities Lease

In 1984, TEP sold and leased back the Springerville Coal Handling Facilities. Since entering the lease, TEP purchased a 13% ownership interest in the Springerville Coal Handling Facilities. The terms of the Springerville Coal Handling Facilities Leases expire in April 2015 but have optional fixed-rate renewal options if certain conditions are satisfied as well as a fixed-price purchase provision of $120 million.

See Note 6 and Item 7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, Tucson Electric Power Company, Liquidity and Capital Resources, Contractual Obligations, for more information regarding the Springerville leases.

Sundt Generating Station

The H. Wilson Sundt Generating Station (Sundt) and the internal combustion turbines located in Tucson are designated as “must-run generation” facilities. Must-run generation units are required to run in certain circumstances to maintain distribution system reliability and to meet local load requirements.

In 2010, TEP purchased 100% of the equity interest in the Sundt Unit 4 lease for approximately $51 million, redeemed the outstanding Sundt Unit 4 lease debt of $5 million, and terminated the lease agreement.

Renewable Energy Resources

Owned Resources

As of December 31, 2011, TEP’s2012, TEP owned 18 MW of photovoltaic (PV) solar generating capacity totaled 13 MW.capacity. The Springerville Generating Station solar system, which is located near TEP’sthe Springerville coal-fired facility in eastern Arizona, includes 43,380 PV modules, withGenerating Station, has a total capacity of 6 MW. TEP’s remaining 712 MW of PV solar generating capacity is located in the cityCity of Tucson.

Power Purchase Agreements

In order to meet the ACC’s renewable energy requirements, TEP has power purchase agreements (PPAs) for 130125 MW of capacity from solar resources, 50 MW of capacity from wind resources and 2 MW of capacity from a landfill gas generation plant. As of December 31, 2011,2012, approximately 274 MW of contracted solar resources and 50 MW of contracted wind resources were operational. The remaining resources are expected to be developed over the next several years. The solar PPAs contain options that would allow TEP to purchase all or part of the related project at a future period. SeeRates and Regulation, Renewable Energy Standard and Tariffbelow for more information.

Purchases and Interconnections

TEP purchases power from other utilities and power marketers. TEP may enter into contracts: (a) to purchase energy under long-term contracts to serve retail load and long-term wholesale contracts, (b) to purchase capacity or energy during periods of planned outages or for peak summer load conditions, and (c) to purchase energy for resale to certain wholesale customers under load and resource management agreements.

TEP typically uses generation from its gas-fired units, supplemented by purchased power purchases, to meet the summer peak demands of its retail customers. Some of these PPAs are price-indexed to natural gas prices. Due to its increasing seasonal gas and purchased power usage, TEP hedges a portion of its total natural gas exposure with fixed price contracts for a maximum of three years. TEP also purchases energy in the daily and hourly markets to meet higher than anticipated demands, to cover unplanned generation outages, or when doing so is more economical than generating its own energy.

TEP is a member of a regional reserve-sharing organization and has reliability and power sharing relationships with other utilities. These relationships allow TEP to call upon other utilities during emergencies, such as plant outages and system disturbances, and reduce the amount of reserves TEP is required to carry.

As a result of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, owners and operators of bulk power transmission systems, including TEP, are subject to mandatory reliability standards that are developed and enforced by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and subject to the oversight of the FERC. TEP periodically reviews its operating policies and procedures to ensure continued compliance with these standards.

Springerville Units 3 and 4

Springerville Units 3 and 4 are each approximately 400 MW coal-fired generating facilities that are operated, but not owned by TEP. These facilities are located at the same site as TEP’s Springerville Units 1 and 2. The owners of Springerville Units 3 and 4 compensate TEP for operating the facilities and pay an allocated portion of the fixed costs related to the Springerville Common Facilities and Coal Handling Facilities. SeeItem 7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, Tucson Electric Power Company, Factors Affecting Results of Operations, Springerville Units 3 and 4.

Peak Demand and Resources


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,

Peak Demand

    2011 2010 2009 2008 2007   2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 
        -MW-       -MW- 

Retail Customers

     2,334    2,333    2,354    2,376    2,386     2,290    2,334    2,333    2,354    2,376  

Firm Sales to Other Utilities

     322    340    385    394    369     286    322    340    385    394  





















Coincident Peak Demand (A)

     2,656    2,673    2,739    2,770    2,755     2,576    2,656    2,673    2,739    2,770  

Total Generating Resources

     2,262    2,245    2,229    2,204    2,204     2,267    2,262    2,245    2,229    2,204  

Other Resources(1)

     1,009    799    781    966    785     683    1,009    799    781    966  





















Total TEP Resources (B)

     3,271    3,044    3,010    3,170    2,989     2,950    3,271    3,044    3,010    3,170  

Total Margin (B) – (A)

     615    371    271    400    234     374    615    371    271    400  

Reserve Margin (% of Coincident Peak Demand)

     23  14  10  14  8   15  23  14  10  14













Other Resources include firm power purchases and interruptible retail and wholesale loads. Additional firm power purchases were made in 2009 and 2010 to displace more expensive owned gas generation.

Peak demand occurs during the summer months due to the cooling requirements of TEP’s retail customers. Retail peak demand varies from year-to-year due to weather, economic conditions, and other factors. TEP’s retail peak demand declined fromover the period of 2008 to 20102012 due primarily to weak economic conditions and the implementation of energy efficiency programs.

The chart above shows the relationship over a five-year period between TEP’s peak demand and its energy resources. TEP’s total margin is the difference between total energy resources and coincident peak demand, and

the reserve margin is the ratio of margin to coincident peak demand. TEP’s reserve margin in 20112012 was in compliance with reliability criteria set forth by the Western Electricity Coordinating Council, a regional council of NERC.

Forecasted retail peak demand for 20122013 is 2,2692,243 MW, compared with actual peak demand of 2,3342,290 MW in 20112012 when cooling degree daysCooling Degree Days exceeded the ten-year average by 4%4.9%. TEP’s 20122013 estimated retail peak demand is based on normal weather patterns. TEP believes existing generation capacity and power purchase agreements are sufficient to meet expected demand in 2012.2013.

Future Generating Resources

TEP will add generating resources and/or transmission import capability to meet forecasted retail and firm wholesale load. TEP anticipates that additional import capacity and/or additional local peaking resources of 75 to 150 MW may be required by 2018. TEP expects to add approximately 565 MW of new solar PV resources in 2012.2013.


Fuel Summary

Fuel cost and usage information is provided below:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Average Cost per MMBtu     Percentage of Total Btu   Average Cost per MMBtu   Percentage of Total Btu 




   Consumed   Consumed 
    2011     2010     2009     2011 2010 2009   2012   2011   2010   2012 2011 2010 


    $2.42      $2.23      $2.11       92  90  90  $2.44    $2.42    $2.23     88  92  90


    $5.20      $4.69      $4.51       8  10  10  $3.92    $5.20    $4.69     12  8  10

All Fuels

    $2.65      $2.47      $2.34       100  100  100  $2.63    $2.65    $2.47     100  100  100


TEP’s principal fuel for electric generation is low-sulfur, bituminous or sub-bituminous coal from mines in Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado. More than 90% of TEP’s coal supply is purchased under long-term contracts, which results in more predictable prices. The average cost per ton of coal, including transportation, forwas $45.84 in 2012, $46.64 in 2011, 2010 and 2009 was $46.64, $41.99 and $39.81, respectivelyin 2010.


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,


    Coal Supplier    2011 Coal
(tons in 000’s)

 Coal Obtained From (A)  Coal Supplier  2012 Coal
(tons in 000’s)

 Coal Obtained  From(1)


    Peabody Coalsales     3,123       2020       0.9 Lee Ranch Coal Co.  Peabody Coalsales   3,287     2020     0.9 Lee Ranch Coal Co.

Four Corners

    BHP Billiton     387       2016       0.8 Navajo Indian Tribe  BHP Billiton   400     2016     0.8 Navajo Indian Tribe

San Juan

    San Juan Coal Co.     1,217       2017       0.8 Federal and State


  San Juan Coal Co.   1,098     2017     0.8 Federal and State Agencies


    Peabody Coalsales     529       2019       0.4 Navajo and Hopi Indian


  Peabody Coalsales   475     2019     0.4 Navajo and Hopi Indian Tribes


    Peabody Coalsales     265       2012       0.5 Twentymile Mine



Substantially all of the suppliers’ mining leases extend at least as long as coal is being mined in economic quantities.

TEP Operated Generating Facilities

TEP is the operator, and sole owner (or lessee), of the Springerville Units 1 and 2 and Sundt Unit 4. The coal supplies for Springerville Units 1 and 2 are transported approximately 200 miles by railroad from northwestern New Mexico. TEP expects coal reserves to be sufficient to supply the estimated requirements for Springerville Units 1 and 2 for their presently estimated remaining lives.

The coal supplies for Sundt Unit 4 are transported approximately 1,300 miles by railroad from Colorado. Prior to 2010, Sundt Unit 4 was predominantly fueled by coal; however, the generating station also can be operated with natural gas. Both fuels are combined with methane, a renewable energy resource, piped in from a nearby landfill. Since 2010, TEP has fueled Sundt Unit 4 with both coal and natural gas depending on which resource is most economic. In 2012,2013, TEP expects to fuel Sundt Unit 4 with natural gas.coal from inventory. See Note 4 for more information.

Generating Facilities Operated by Others

TEP also participates in jointly-owned coal-fired generating facilities at the Four Corners Generating Station (Four Corners), the Navajo Generating Station (Navajo), and the San Juan Generating Station (San Juan). Four Corners, which is operated by Arizona Public Service (APS), and San Juan, which is operated by PNM,Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM), are mine-mouth generating stations located adjacent to the coal reserves. Navajo, which is operated by SRP, obtains its coal supply from a nearby coal mine and a dedicated rail delivery system. The coal supplies are under long-term contracts administered by the operating agents. TEP expects coal reserves available to these three jointly-owned generating facilities to be sufficient for the remaining presently estimated lives of the stations.

Natural Gas Supply

TEP typically uses generation from its facilities fueled by natural gas, in addition to energy from its coal-fired facilities and purchased power, to meet the summer peak demands of its retail customers and local reliability needs. TEP purchases gas from Southwest Gas Corporation under a retail tariff for North Loop’s 95 MWsMW of internal combustion turbines and receives distribution service under a transportation agreement for DeMoss Petrie, a 75 MW internal combustion turbine. TEP purchases capacity from El Paso Natural Gas Company (EPNG) for transportation from the San Juan and Permian Basins to its Sundt plant under a contract that expires in April 2013, with right-of-first-refusal for continuation thereafter. TEP also buys gas from third-party suppliers for Sundt and DeMoss Petrie.

TEP purchases gas transportation for Luna Generating Station (Luna) from EPNG from the Permian Basin to the plant site under an agreement effective through January 2017, with right-of-first-refusal for continuation thereafter. TEP purchases gas for its share of Luna from various suppliers in the Permian Basin region.


TEP has transmission access and power transaction arrangements with over 120 electric systems or suppliers. TEP also has various ongoing projects that are designed to increase access to the regional wholesale energy market and improve the reliability, capacity and efficiency of its existing transmission and distribution systems.

TEP is participating in the continuation of the 500 kV transmission line from the Pinal West substation to the Pinal Central substation. TEP is also in the process of obtaining permitshas obtained ACC approval to build a 40-mile 500-kV transmission line from the Pinal Central substation to the Tortolita substation northwest of Tucson to further enhance its ability to access the region’s energy resources. TEP expects the transmission lines to be in service in 2014.2016. As a result of these high-voltage transmission additions, TEP anticipatesexpects that its ability to import energy into its service territory shouldwould increase by at least 250 MW.

Tucson to Nogales Transmission Line

TEP and UNS Electric are parties to a project development agreement initiated in 2000 for the joint construction of a 60-mile 345kV transmission line from Tucson, Arizona to Nogales, Arizona. TheThis project development agreement was initiated in response to an order by the ACC to UNS Electric to improve the reliability to UNS Electric’s retail customersof electric service in Nogales and surrounding Santa Cruz County by building a second transmission line to Nogales. TEP received approval from the ACC for construction along a specific route in 2002. However, due to an impasse with the US Forest Service, UNS Electric has taken alternative steps towards improving service reliability in the area.

As of December 31, 2011, TEP had previously capitalized $11 million related to the project, including $2 million ofto secure land and land rights. If TEP does not receive the required approvals or abandons the project, TEP believes that cost recovery is probable for prudent and reasonably incurred costsUNS Electric had previously capitalized $0.4 million related to the project.

TEP and UNS Electric expect to abandon the project as a consequencebased on the cost of the ACC’s requirementproposed 345-kV line, the difficulty in reaching agreement with the Forest Service on a path for the line, and concurrence by the ACC of recent transmission plans filed by TEP and UNS Electric supporting the elimination of this project. In TEP’s pending rate case proceeding before the ACC, TEP entered into a second transmission line serving Santa Cruz County.proposed settlement agreement in which it agrees to seek recovery of the project costs from FERC before seeking rate recovery from the ACC. In the fourth quarter of 2012, TEP and UNS Electric wrote off a portion of the capitalized costs believed not probable of recovery and recorded a regulatory asset for the balance deemed probable of recovery. TEP and UNS Electric believe it is probable that we will recover at least $5 million and $0.2 million, respectively, of costs incurred through 2012. See Note 4 and seeItem 7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, Tucson Electric Power, Factors Affecting Results of Operations, 2012 TEP Rate Case, for more information.


2012 TEP Rate Case

In July 2012, TEP filed an application for a base rate increase with the ACC. SeeItem 7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, Tucson Electric Power, Factors Affecting Results of Operations, 2012 TEP Rate Case, for more information.

Purchased Power and Fuel Adjustment Clause

The PPFACPurchased Power and Fuel Adjustment Clause (PPFAC) allows TEP to recover its fuel, transmission, and purchased power costs, including demand charges, and the prudent costs of contracts for hedging fuel and purchased power costs from its retail customers. The PPFAC consists of a forward component and a true-up component.


The forward component is updated on April 1 of each year. The forward component is based on the forecasted fuel and purchased power costs for the 12-month period from April 1 to March 31 of the following year, less the base fuel, transmission, and purchased power costs embedded in Base Rates.year.


The true-up component will reconcile any over/under collected amounts from the preceding 12-month period and will be credited to or recovered from customers in the subsequent year.

For the 12 month period ending March 31, 2012, the PPFAC rate of 0.5 cents per kWh includes a forward component charge of 0.1 cents per kWh and the true-up component charge of 0.4 cents per kWh.

As part of the reconciliation of fuel and purchased power costs and PPFAC revenues, TEP credits, among other things, 100% of short-term wholesale revenues against the recoverable costs.

As part ofIn March 2012, the 2008 Rate Order, TEP was required to credit $58 million of previously collected revenues to customers through the PPFAC. AsACC approved a result, the PPFAC charge has been zero since it became effective in January 2009. As of November 2011, the $58 million was fully refunded to customers and TEP began deferring the PPFAC eligible costs until a new PPFAC rate is approved by the ACC.

In February 2012, TEP filed its annual PPFAC update report with the ACC. TEP is requesting an increase in the total PPFAC rate from approximately 0.5of 0.77 cents per kWh effective April 2012 to 0.8 cents per kWh. The proposed PPFAC rate includes a forward component charge of approximately 0.3 cents per kWh and a true-up component charge of approximately 0.5 cents per kWh. TEP’s proposed PPFAC rate, including the forward component, is expected to collect approximatelyrecover $77 million of under-collected fuel and purchased power costs. IfAt December 31, 2012, TEP had under-collected fuel and purchased power costs on a billed-to-customer basis of $12 million.

A proposed settlement agreement in TEP’s pending rate case proceeding includes certain modifications to TEP’s PPFAC. In February 2013, TEP filed a request with the ACC approves TEP’sto defer the effective date of resetting the PPFAC filing, it is anticipated thatuntil the effective date of new PPFAC rate would be implemented on April 1, 2012.

Base Rate Increase Moratorium

TEP’s Base Rates are frozen through December 31, 2012. TEP is prohibited from submitting an application for new Base Rates before June 30, 2012. The test year to be usedrates in TEP’s next Base Rate application must conclude no earlier than December 31, 2011.

Notwithstandingpending rate case. This request is consistent with a provision of the Base Rate increase moratorium, Base Rates and adjustor mechanisms may be changed in emergency conditions beyond TEP’s controlsettlement agreement. TEP cannot predict if or when the ACC concludes such changes are requiredwill respond to protect the public interest. The moratorium does not precludeits request. SeeItem 7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, Tucson Electric Power, Factors Affecting Results of Operations, 2012 TEP from seeking rate relief in the event of the imposition of a federal carbon tax or related regulations.Rate Case,PPFAC Modifications, for more information.

Renewable Energy Standard and Tariff

The ACC’s Renewable Energy Standard and Tariff (RES) requires TEP, UNS Electric, and other affected utilities to increase their use of renewable energy each year until it represents at least 15% of their total annual retail energy requirements in 2025. Affected utilities must file annual RES implementation plans for review and approval by the ACC. The approved cost of carrying out those plans is recovered from retail customers through the RES surcharge. Any RES surcharge collections above or below the costs incurred to implement the plans are deferred and reflected in TEP’s financial statements as a regulatory asset or liability.

In 2010, the ACC approved a funding mechanism that allows TEP to recover operating costs, depreciation, property taxes, and a return on investments in company-owned solar projects through RES funds until such costs are reflected in TEP’s Base Rates.

In 2011, the ACC approved TEP’s RES implementation plan including investments of $28 million in 2012 and $8 million in 2013 for company-owned solar projects. In 2012, TEP’s solar energy investments totaled $28 million. During 2012, TEP earned approximately $2 million pre-tax on its non-rate base investments in solar projects. In 2012, TEP spent $34$30 million on its 20112012 RES implementation and met the 2011 renewable energy target of 3%. TEP expects to collect $30 million in surcharges from retail customers in 2012 to implement its RES plan and expects to meetmet the 2012 renewable energy target of 3.5%.

of retail kWh sales.

For more information, seeItem 7. Management’s DiscussionIn January 2013, the ACC approved TEP’s 2013 RES implementation plan. Under the plan, TEP expects to collect approximately $36 million from retail customers during 2013. The plan includes an investment of $28 million in 2013 for company-owned solar projects, of which $8 million was previously approved by the ACC, as well as the continuation of the funding mechanism for company-owned solar projects. In accordance with the funding mechanism approved by the ACC, TEP could earn approximately $4 million pre-tax in 2013 on solar investments made in 2010, 2011, and Analysis2012. TEP expects to meet the 2013 renewable energy target of Financial Condition and Results4.0% of Operations, Tucson Electric Power Company, Factors Affecting Results of Operations, Renewable Energy Standard and Tariff.retail kWh sales.

Electric Energy Efficiency Standards and Decoupling

In August 2010, the ACC approved new Electric Energy Efficiency Standards (Electric EE StandardsStandards) designed to require TEP, UNS Electric, and other affected electric utilities to implement cost-effective programs to reduce customers’ energy consumption. In 2011, TEP estimates its programs saved energy equal to 1.4% of its 2010 sales. In 2012, the Electric EE Standards target total kWh savings of 3.0%3% of 2011 retail kWh sales; in 2013, the Electric EE Standards target total kWh savings of 5% of 2012 retail kWh sales. The Electric EE Standards increase annually thereafter up to a targeted cumulative annual reduction in retail kWh sales of 22% by 2020. The cumulative annual energy savings from TEP’s energy efficiency and DSM programs equaled approximately 2.5% of its 2011 retail kWh sales.

In January 2012, TEP filed a modification to its Energy Efficiency Implementation Plan with the ACC. The proposal includes a request for an increase in the performance incentive based on TEP’s ability to meet the EE targets for 2012 and for 2013. TEP’s proposed annual performance incentive for 2012 and 2013 ranges from $6 million to $8 million. TEP expects the ACC to issue a decision on this matter in the first quarter of 2012.

The EE Standards can be met by newNew and existing DSM programs, direct load control programs, and energy efficient building codes.codes are acceptable means to meet the Electric EE Standards as set forth by the ACC. The Electric EE Standards provide for the recovery of costs incurred to implement DSM programs. TEP’s programs, and the rates charged to customers for such programs, are subject to annual review and approval by the ACC.

A proposed settlement agreement in TEP’s pending rate case proceeding includes a new mechanism for recovery of costs incurred to implement DSM programs. SeeItem. 7—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Result of Operations, Tucson Electric Power, Factors Affecting Results of Operations, 2012 TEP Rate Case, Energy Efficiency Resource Plan.


In December 2010, the ACC issued a policy statement recognizing the need to adopt rate decoupling or another mechanism to make Arizona’s Electric EE Standards viable. A decoupling mechanism is designed to encourage energy conservation by restructuring utility Retail Ratesrates to separate the recovery of fixed costs from the level of energy consumed. The policy statement allows affected utilities to file rate decoupling proposals in their next general rate case. TEP expects to file its next generalA proposed settlement agreement in TEP’s pending rate case on or after June 30, 2012.proceeding includes a partial decoupling mechanism. SeeItem. 7—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Result of Operations, Tucson Electric Power, Factors Affecting Results of Operations, 2012 TEP Rate Case, Lost Fixed Cost Recovery Mechanism.

Retail Electric Competition Rules

In 1999, the ACC approved the Retail Electric Competition Rules (Rules) that provided a framework for the introduction of retail electric competition in Arizona. Certain portions of the ACC Rules that enabled ESPsElectric Service Providers (ESPs) to compete in the retail market were invalidated by an Arizona Court of Appeals decision in 2005.2004. In 2008, the ACC opened an administrative proceeding to address the Rules.Rules but has since taken no action. During 2012, a small number of companies filed applications for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CC&N) with the ACC to provide competitive retail electric services in TEP’s service territory as an ESP. Unless and until the ACC clarifies the Rules and/or authorizes alternative ESPsgrants a CC&N to provide retail electric service, and ESPs offer to provide energy in TEP’s service area,an ESP, it is not possible for TEP’s retail customers to use an alternative ESPs.ESP. We cannot predict what changes, if any, the ACC will make to the Rules.Rules or if the ACC will grant a CC&N to an ESP.



September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    2011     2010   2009   2008   2007  2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 

Generation and Purchased Power – kWh (000)


Remote Generation

     10,005,127       9,077,032     9,134,183     10,438,864     11,001,318    10,284,612    10,005,127    9,077,032    9,134,183    10,438,864  

Local Tucson Generation (Oil, Gas & Coal)

     906,496       1,492,885     1,131,399     1,016,254     1,065,778  

Local Tucson Generation (Oil, Gas, & Coal)

  803,146    906,496    1,492,885    1,131,399    1,016,254  

Renewable Generation

  44,930    28,049    24,511    23,712    33,776  

Purchased Power

     2,686,918       2,759,912     3,677,925     3,077,619     1,713,125    2,328,420    2,686,918    2,846,005    3,809,890    3,358,577  





















Total Generation and Purchased Power

     13,598,541       13,329,829     13,943,507     14,532,737     13,780,221    13,461,108    13,626,590    13,440,443    14,099,184    14,847,471  

Less Losses and Company Use

     794,171       768,819     780,529     638,302     625,073    789,613    822,220    879,423    936,206    953,036  





















Total Energy Sold

     12,804,370       12,561,010     13,162,978     13,894,435     13,155,148    12,671,495    12,804,370    12,561,010    13,162,978    13,894,435  

Sales – kWh (000)



     3,888,011       3,869,540     3,905,696     3,852,707     4,004,797    3,820,637    3,888,011    3,869,540    3,905,696    3,852,707  


     1,972,526       1,963,469     1,988,356     2,034,453     2,057,982    1,973,931    1,972,526    1,963,469    1,988,356    2,034,453  


     2,145,163       2,138,749     2,160,946     2,263,706     2,341,025    2,132,214    2,145,163    2,138,749    2,160,946    2,263,706  


     1,083,071       1,079,327     1,064,830     1,095,962     983,173    1,092,518    1,083,071    1,079,327    1,064,830    1,095,962  

Public Authorities

     243,336       240,703     250,915     255,817     247,430    245,519    243,336    240,703    250,915    255,817  





















Total – Electric Retail Sales

     9,332,107       9,291,788     9,370,743     9,502,645     9,634,407    9,264,819    9,332,107    9,291,788    9,370,743    9,502,645  

Electric Wholesale Sales

     3,472,263       3,269,222     3,792,235     4,391,790     3,520,741    3,406,676    3,472,263    3,269,222    3,792,235    4,391,790  





















Total Electric Sales

     12,804,370       12,561,010     13,162,978     13,894,435     13,155,148    12,671,495    12,804,370    12,561,010    13,162,978    13,894,435  





















Operating Revenues (000)



    $383,908      $372,212    $377,761    $351,079    $362,967   $387,840   $383,908   $372,212   $377,761   $351,079  


     223,621       217,032     219,694     211,639     213,364    228,940    223,621    217,032    219,694    211,639  


     164,024       159,937     163,720     164,849     168,279    166,739    164,024    159,937    163,720    164,849  


     65,720       62,112     61,033     55,619     48,707    66,158    65,720    62,112    61,033    55,619  

Public Authorities

     20,024       19,128     19,865     19,146     18,332    20,910    20,024    19,128    19,865    19,146  


     46,633       37,767     25,443     2,781     —      45,292    46,633    37,767    25,443    2,781  


     —         —       —       415     4,822    —      —      —      —      415  





















Total – Electric Retail Sales

     903,930       868,188     867,516     805,528     816,471    915,879    903,930    868,188    867,516    805,528  

CTC To Be Refunded

     —         —       —       (58,092   —      —      —      —      —      (58,092

Wholesale Revenue- Long-Term

     41,056       55,653     48,249     57,493     55,788    24,910    41,056    55,653    48,249    57,493  

Wholesale Revenue- Short-Term

     72,798       71,435     84,410     197,754     126,732    71,257    72,798    71,435    84,410    197,754  

California Power Exchange Provision for Wholesale Refunds

     —         (2,970   (4,172   —       —      —      —      (2,970  (4,172  —    


     16,392       20,863     18,974     17,173     14,842    15,793    16,392    20,863    18,974    17,173  

Other Revenues

     122,210       112,098     84,361     72,292     56,956    133,821    122,210    112,098    84,361    72,292  





















Total Operating Revenues

    $1,156,386      $1,125,267    $1,099,338    $1,092,148    $1,070,789   $1,161,660   $1,156,386   $1,125,267   $1,099,338   $1,092,148  





















Customers (End of Period)



     367,396       366,217     365,157     363,861     361,945    369,480    367,396    366,217    365,157    363,861  


     36,203       35,877     35,759     35,432     34,759    36,214    36,203    35,877    35,759    35,432  


     636       635     629     633     641    632    636    635    629    633  


     2       2     2     2     2    2    2    2    2    2  

Public Authorities

     62       62     61     61     61    62    62    62    61    61  





















Total Retail Customers

     404,299       402,793     401,608     399,989     397,408    406,390    404,299    402,793    401,608    399,989  





















Average Retail Revenue per kWh Sold (cents)



     9.9       9.6     9.7     9.1     9.1    10.2    9.9    9.6    9.7    9.1  


     11.3       11.1     11.0     10.4     10.4    11.6    11.3    11.1    11.0    10.4  

Industrial and Mining

     7.1       6.9     7.0     6.6     6.6    7.2    7.1    6.9    7.0    6.6  

Average Retail Revenue per kWh Sold

     9.7       9.3     9.3     8.5     8.5  

Average Retail Revenue per kWh Sold (excludes RES and DSM)

  9.4    9.2    8.9    9.0    8.4  

Average Revenue per Residential Customer

    $1,047      $1,018    $1,036    $968    $1,009   $1,050   $1,045   $1,016   $1,035   $965  

Average kWh Sales per Residential Customer

     10,606       10,579     10,708     10,621     11,129    10,341    10,583    10,566    10,696    10,588  












Air and water quality, resource extraction, waste management and land use are regulated by federal, state and local authorities. TEP facilities are in substantial compliance with existing regulations.

Clean Air Act Requirements

TEP generating facilities are subject toThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limits on the amount of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide (NOx), particulate matter, mercury and other emissions released into the atmosphere.atmosphere by power plants. TEP capitalized $2 million in 2012, $8 million in 2011, and $18 million in 2010 and $24 million in 2009 in construction costs to comply with environmental requirements, including TEP’s share of new pollution control equipment installed at San Juan described below.Juan. TEP expects to capitalize environmental compliance costs of $7$10 million in 20122013 and $25$27 million in 2013.

2014. In addition, TEP recorded operating expensesOperations and Maintenance (O&M) expense of $15 million in 2012, $12 million in 2011, and $14 million in 2010 and $13 million in 2009 related to environmental compliance. TEP expects environmental O&M expenses to record $14be $16 million in operating expenses related to environmental compliance in 2012. 2013.

TEP may incur additionaladded costs to comply with future changes in federal and state environmental laws, regulations, and permit requirements at existing electric generating facilities. Complianceits power plants. Complying with these changes may reduce operating efficiency. TEP expects to recover the cost of environmental compliance from its retail customers.

TEP has sufficient Emission Allowancesemission allowances to comply with acid rain SO2 regulations.

EPA Information Request

TEP has submitted its response to the request received in 2010 from the EPA under Section 114 of the Clean Air Act for information regarding projects and operations at the Sundt Generating Station. TEP owns and operates all four units at Sundt. Units 1, 2 and 3 can be operated on either natural gas or diesel oil. Unit 4 can be operated on either natural gas or coal.

The EPA uses information obtained from such requests to determine if additional action is necessary. TEP can neither predict whether the EPA will take further action at Sundt nor project the impact of any such action.

Hazardous Air Pollutant Requirements

The Clean Air Act requires the EPA to develop emission limit standards for hazardous air pollutants that reflect the maximum achievable control technology. In 2009,February 2012, the EPA entered into a consent order through which it agreed to developissued final rules establishing standardscalled the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) setting limits for the control ofmercury emissions of mercury and other hazardous air pollutants from electric generating units. The EPA issued the final rule in December 2011.power plants.


Based on the EPA’s final standards, Navajo may need mercury and particulate matter emission control equipment may be required at Navajo by 2015. TEP’s share of the estimated capital cost of this equipment for Navajo is less than $1 million for mercury control and approximatelyabout $43 million if the installation of baghouses to control particulates is necessary. TEP expects its share of the annual operating costs for mercury control and baghouses to be less than $1 million each. The operator of Navajo is currently analyzing the need for baghouses under various regulatory scenarios, which includes the regional haze final Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) rules.

SpringervilleSan Juan

TEP expects San Juan’s current emission controls to be adequate to comply with the EPA’s final standards.

Four Corners

Based on the EPA’s final standards, Four Corners may need mercury emission control equipment by 2015. TEP’s share of the estimated capital cost of this equipment is less than $1 million. We expect TEP’s share of the annual operating cost of the mercury emission control equipment to be less than $1 million.

Springerville Generating Station

Based on the EPA’s final standards, Springerville Units 1 and 2 may be required at Springervilleneed mercury emission control equipment by 2015. The estimated capital cost of this equipment for Springerville Units 1 and 2 is approximatelyabout $5 million. TheTEP expects the annual operating cost associated withof the mercury emission control equipment is expected to be approximatelyabout $3 million.

San Juan

Current emission controls at San Juan are expected to be adequate to achieve compliance with the EPA’s final standards.

Sundt Generating Station

TEP does not anticipateexpects the final EPA rulestandards will have a material impactlittle effect on TEP’s capital expenditures related to Sundt Unit 4.at Sundt.

Four Corners

Based on the EPA’s final standards, mercury emission control equipment may be required at Four Corners by 2015. The estimated capital cost of this equipment is less than $1 million. The annual operating cost associated with the mercury emission control equipment is expected to be less than $1 million.

Climate Change

In 2007, the Supreme Court ruled in Commonwealth of Massachusetts, et al. v. EPA that carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs)Greenhouse Gases (GHG) are air pollutants under the Clean Air Act. In 2009, the EPA issued a final Endangerment Finding stating that GHGs endanger public health and welfare. The EPA issued final GHG regulations for new motor vehicles in 2010 triggering GHG permitting requirements for power plants under the Clean Air Act. As of January 2, 2011, air quality permits for new sources and modifications of existing sources must include an analysis for GHG controls. In the near term, based on our current construction plans, we do not expect the new permitting requirements to impact TEP or UNS Electric.

While the debate over the direction of domestic climate policy continues on the national level, several states have developed state-specific policies or regional initiatives to reduce GHG emissions. In 2007, the governors of several western states, including the then-governor of Arizona, signed the Western Regional Climate Action Initiative (the Western Climate Initiative) which directed their respective states to develop a regional target for reducing greenhouse gases. The states in the Western Climate Initiative announced a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 15% below 2005 levels by 2020. In 2008, the Western Climate Initiative participants submitted their design recommendation for the Western Climate Initiative cap-and-trade program for greenhouse gas emissions, with an implementation date set for 2012.

In 2010, New Mexico adopted regulations limiting GHG emissions from power plants and providing for participation in the Western Climate Initiative. Several parties filed petitions to repeal those regulations and the New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board held hearings on the repeal petitions in November and December 2011. In FebruaryMarch 2012, the New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board repealed some, butEPA released its proposed new source performance standard for GHGs. TEP does not all, of the GHG regulations andanticipate this standard will deliberatehave any material impact on the repeal of the remaining regulations in March 2012. We cannot predict if, or when, the remaining regulations will impact the generating output or cost of operations at San Juan and Luna.its existing facilities.

Based on the competing proposals to regulate GHG emissions by federal, state, and local regulatory and legislative bodies and uncertainty in the regulatory and legislative processes, the scope of such requirements and initiatives and their effect on our operations cannot be determined at this time.

Regional Haze Rules

The EPA’s regional haze rules require emission controls known as Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART)BART for certain industrial facilities emitting air pollutants that reduce visibility. The rules call for all states to establish goals and emission reduction strategies for improving visibility in national parks and wilderness areasareas. States must submit these goals and to submit a state implementation planstrategies to the EPA for approval. Because Navajo and Four Corners are located on the Navajo Indian Reservation, and thereforethey are not subject to state regulatory jurisdictions.oversight. The EPA is the lead regulatory agencyoversees Regional Haze planning for these plants in terms of regional haze planning.power plants.

ComplianceComplying with the EPA’s BART determinations, coupledfindings, and with other future environmental rules, may make it economically impractical to continue operating the financial impact of future climate change legislation, other environmental regulations and other business considerations, could jeopardize the economic viability of theNavajo, San Juan, and Four Corners and Navajopower plants or the ability offor individual participantsowners to meet their obligations and maintain participationcontinue to participate in these power plants. TEP cannot predict the ultimate outcome of these matters.


In January 2013, the EPA proposed an alternative BART determination that would require the installation of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) technology on all three units at Navajo by 2023. If SCR technology is ultimately required at Navajo, TEP estimates its share of the capital cost will be $42 million. Also, the installation of SCR technology at Navajo could increase the power plant’s particulate emissions which may require that baghouses be installed. TEP estimates that its share of the capital expenditure for baghouses would be about $43 million. TEP’s share of annual operating costs are estimated at less than $1 million for each of the control technologies (SCR and baghouses).

San Juan

In August 2011, the EPA Region VI issued a Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) establishing new emission limits for NOx, SO2 and sulfuric acid emissionsair pollutants at San Juan. These requirements are more stringent than those proposed by the San Juan Generating Station.State of New Mexico. The FIP requires the installation of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)SCR technology with sorbent injection on all four units within five years in order to reduce NOx and control sulfuric acid emissions. San Juan is able to meet the FIP’s SO2 limit with current emissions control equipment. Based on two cost analyses commissioned by PNM, TEP’sSeptember 2016. TEP estimates its share of the cost to install SCR technology with sorbent injection is estimated to be between $180 million and $200 million.

 TEP expects its share of the annual operating costs for SCR technology to be approximately $6 million.

In September 2011, PNM filed a petition for review of and a motion to reviewstay the Federal Implementation PlanFIP with the 10thTenth Circuit United States Court of Appeals challenging various aspects of that plan.(Circuit Court). In addition, PNM filed a request for reconsideration of the rule with the EPA and a request to stay the five-year installation timeframe for environmental upgrades orderedeffectiveness of the rule pending the EPA’s reconsideration and the review by the Federal Implementation Plan until the 10th Circuit considers and rules on the petition to review.

In October 2011, PNMCourt. The State of New Mexico filed a Petition for Reconsideration of the Federal Implementation Plan. PNM also filed a Request to Stay the effective date of the final BART Federal Implementation Plan under the Clean Air Actsimilar motions with the Circuit Court and the EPA. In November 2011, PNM filed with the 10th Circuit a Motion to Stay the Federal Implementation Plan. WildEarth Guardians, Dine Citizens against Ruining our Environment, National Parks Conservation Association, New Energy Economy, San Juan Citizens Alliance and Sierra ClubSeveral environmental groups were granted leavepermission to intervenejoin in opposition to PNM’s petition to review in the 10th Circuit. Neither the Petition in the 10th Circuit nor the Petition for Reconsideration by the EPA delays the implementation timeframe unless a stay is granted.Court. In addition, WildEarth Guardians filed a separate appeal against the EPA challenging the FIP’s five-year rather than three-year, implementation schedule. PNM was granted leavepermission to intervenejoin in opposition to that appeal. In March 2012, the Circuit Court denied PNM’s and the State of New Mexico’s motion for stay. Oral argument on the appeal was heard in October 2012 and the parties are currently awaiting the Court’s decision.

In October 2011, Governor Susana MartinezFebruary 2013, the State of New Mexico released a proposed plan that it presented to the EPA as an alternative to the FIP. The proposed plan includes: the retirement of San Juan Units 2 and 3 by December 31, 2017; the replacement of those units with non-coal generation sources; and the installation of selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) technology on San Juan Units 1 and 4 by January 31, 2016. TEP estimates its share of the cost to install SNCR technology on San Juan Unit 1 would be approximately $25 million.

TEP owns 340 MW, or 50%, of San Juan Units 1 and 2. At December 31, 2012, the book value of TEP’s share of San Juan Units 1 and 2 was $217 million. If Unit 2 is retired early, we expect to request ACC approval to recover, over a reasonable time period, all costs associated with the early closure of the unit. We are evaluating various replacement resources. Any decision regarding early closure and replacement resources will require various actions by third parties as well as UNS Energy board and regulatory approvals.

If the proposed plan is not accepted and agreed to by the EPA, New Mexico EnvironmentEnvironmental Department, filed a Petition for Reviewthe San Juan participants, and various other regulatory entities, TEP may begin making capital expenditures to install SCRs on San Juan Units 1 and 2 in 2013 to meet the FIP compliance deadline. TEP cannot predict the outcome of the EPA’s final Federal Implementation Plan determination in the 10th Circuit and a Petition for Reconsideration of the rule with the EPA. In November 2011, the New Mexico Governor and Environment Department filed a motion with the 10th Circuit to stay the rule. These appeals and motions are all currently pending.this matter.

Four Corners

In February 2011,August 2012, the EPA supplementedfinalized the proposedRegional Haze FIP for Four Corners. The final FIP requires SCR technology to be installed on all five units by 2017. However, the BART determination at Four CornersFIP also includes an alternative plan that it had originally issued in 2010. If approved, the revised plan would requireallows APS to close their wholly owned Units 1, 2, and 3 and install SCR technology on Units 4 and 5. This option allows the installation of SCR on Units 4 and 5 bytechnology to be delayed until July 2018. In either case, TEP’s estimated share of the capital costs to install SCR technology is approximatelyabout $35 million. TEP’s share of annual operating costs for SCR is estimated at $2 million.


Regional Haze regulations requiring emission control upgrades do not apply to Springerville currently and are not likely to impact Springerville operations until after 2018.


In December 2012, the EPA issued a proposed rule on provisions, that had not been previously addressed, in the Arizona State Implementation Plan related to regional haze. Contrary to the Arizona plan the EPA disapproved, among other things, the determination that Sundt Unit 4 is not subject to the BART provisions of the regional haze rule and is therefore subject to BART requirements. If the BART eligibility determination stands, Sundt Unit 4 will be required to reduce certain emissions within five years of the final EPA BART rule which is likely to be completed in October 2013. The EPA is expected to issuerelease a proposed rule establishing the BART requirement for Navajo following the consideration ofSundt Unit 4 in March 2013.

Environmental Investments and Expenses

The table below provides a report by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in partnership with the Departmentsummary of the Interiorestimated impact of pending environmental regulations on TEP’s annual O&M expense and the Department of Energy. The report addresses potential energy, environmental and economic issues related to compliance with the regional haze rule. The report was submitted to the EPA in January 2012. A final BART rule is expected later in 2012. If the EPA determines that SCR is required at Navajo, the capital cost impact to TEP is estimated to be $42 million. In addition, the installation of SCR at Navajo could increase the plant’s particulate emissions, necessitating the installation of baghouses. If baghouses are required, TEP’s estimated share of the capital expenditure for the required baghouses would be approximately $43 million. The cost of required pollution controls will not be known until final determinations are made by the regulatory agencies. TEP anticipates that if the EPA finalizes a BART rule for Navajo that requires SCR, the owners would have five years to achieve compliance.expenditures.

Generating Station

Annual  O&M
(Compliance Date)
  -Millions of Dollars-     

San Juan Units 1 & 2

 $6   $180 – $200   Regional Haze/BART (2016) SCRs(1)

Navajo Units 1-3

 $3   $86   MATS (2015)

Regional Haze/BART

 Mercury Controls;
SCRs; Baghouses

Four Corners Units 4 & 5

 $3   $36   MATS (2015)

Regional Haze/BART

 Mercury Controls; SCRs

Springerville Units 1 & 2

 $3   $5   MATS (2015) Mercury Controls


If SNCR technology is installed on San Juan Unit 1, TEP estimates its share of the cost would be approximately $25 million. SeeRegional Haze Rules, San Juan,above.

Coal Combustion Residuals

In 2010, the EPA published its proposed regulations governinga rule to regulate the handling and disposal of coal ash and other coal combustion residualsCoal Combustion Residuals (CCRs). The EPA has proposed regulating CCRs as either non-hazardous solid waste or hazardous waste. The hazardous waste alternative would require additional capital investments and operational costs associated withfor both storage and handling at plants and transportation to the disposal locations. Both the hazardous waste and non-hazardous solid waste alternatives would require liners for new ash landfills or expansions to existing ash landfills. The rules will apply to CCRs produced by all of TEP’s coal-fired generating assets. San Juan may also be subject to separate regulations being drafted by the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement because it disposes of CCRs in surface mine pits.

The EPA has not yet indicated a preference for an alternative. Each option would allow CCRs to be beneficially reused or recycled as components of other products. TheWe expect the EPA has indicated that it willto issue a final rule byin 2013 or 2014. TEP cannot determine the end of 2012. The financial impact of this rulemaking to TEP, if any, cannot be determined at this time.

Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard

In September 2011, President Obama ordered the EPA to withdraw its reconsideration of the 2008 National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Ozone. The ozone standard is scheduled to be updated in 2013 as required by the Clean Air Act.



UNS Gas is a gas distribution company serving approximately 148,000149,000 retail customers in Mohave, Yavapai, Coconino, and Navajo counties in northern Arizona, as well as Santa Cruz County in southeastern Arizona. These counties comprise approximately 50% of the territory in the state of Arizona, with a population of approximately 700,000. UNS Gas’ customer base is primarily residential. Sales to residential customers provided approximately 60%58% of total revenues in 2011, while sales to other retail customer classes accounted for about 36% of total revenues.2012.

UNS Gas’ annual retail customer growth rate was less than 1% from 20092010 through 2011.2012. In 2012,2013, we expect UNS Gas’ retail customer base to increase by less than 1%approximately 0.4%.


UNS Gas directly manages its gas supply and transportation contracts. The market price for gas varies based upon the period during which the commodity is purchased and is affected by weather, supply issues, the economy, and other factors. UNS Gas hedges its gas supply prices by entering into fixed price forward contracts and financial swaps at various times during the year to provide more stable prices to its customers. These purchases and hedges are made up to three years in advance with the goal of hedging at least 45% of the expected monthly gas consumption with fixed prices prior to entering into the month.

UNS Gas buys most of the gas it distributes from the San Juan Basin in the Four Corners region.Basin. The gas is delivered on the EPNG and Transwestern Pipeline Company (Transwestern) interstate pipeline systems under firm transportation agreements with combined capacity sufficient to meet UNS Gas’ customers’ demands.

With EPNG, the average daily capacity right of UNS Gas is approximately 655,000 therms per day, with an average of 1,095,000 therms per day in the winter season (November through March) to serve its northern and southern Arizona service territories. UNS Gas has capacity rights of 250,000 therms per day on the San Juan Lateral and Mainline of the Transwestern pipeline. The Transwestern pipeline principally delivers gas to the portion of UNS Gas’ distribution system serving customers in Flagstaff and Kingman and also the Griffith Power Plant in Mohave County.

UNS Gas signed a separate agreement with Transwestern for transportation capacity rights on the Phoenix Lateral Extension Line. The 15-year agreement beganLine that expires in 2009, when construction of that pipeline was completed.2024. UNS Gas’ average daily capacity right is 126,100 therms per day, with an average of 221,900 therms per day in the winter season (November through March).season.

SeeItem 7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, UNS Gas, Liquidity and Capital Resources, Contractual Obligations, UNS Gas Supply Contracts, for more information.


20112012 UNS Gas Rate FilingOrder

Due to increases in capital and operating costs, UNS Gas filed a general rate case with the ACC in April 2011 requesting higher Base Rates. The proposed Retail Rates include a higher fixed service charge and a decoupling mechanism to assist in recovering the company’s authorized fixed costs under the EE Standards. The table below summarizes UNS Gas’ request.

Test year – 12 months ended Dec. 31, 2010

Initial Request by UNS Gas

Original cost rate base

$184 million

Revenue deficiency

$5.6 million

Total rate increase (over test year revenues)


Cost of equity


Actual capital structure

51% equity / 49% debt

Weighted average cost of capital


In JanuaryApril 2012, the ACC Staff filed testimony recommendingapproved a Base Rate increase of $2.7 million as well as a Lost Fixed Cost Recovery (LFCR) mechanism to enable UNS Gas to recover lost fixed-costfixed cost revenues as a result of implementing the ACC’sGas Energy Efficiency Standards (Gas EE Standards. In February 2012, UNS Gas filed testimony indicating that managementStandards). The LFCR is willingexpected to agree with ACC Staff’s recommendationsrecover lost fixed cost revenues of less than $0.1 million in the context2013, based on estimated lost retail therm sales from May through December 2012. The new rates became effective on May 1, 2012. The impact of this rate proceeding. Hearings before an ACC administrative law judge concluded in February 2012. UNS Gas expects the ACC to issue a final order in the second quarter of 2012. If the proposed Base Rate increase is approved, UNS Gas indicated that it would fileon customers’ bills was offset by a proposal withtemporary credit adjustment to the ACC requesting to return the over-collected PGA bank balance to customers.PGA. SeePurchased Gas Adjustor, (PGA),below, for more information.

2010 UNS Gas Rate Order

Effective April 2010, UNS Gas implementedThe ACC authorized a Base Rate increase of $3 million, or 2%., effective in April 2010.

Purchased Gas Adjustor (PGA)

The PGA mechanism is intended to address the volatility of natural gas prices and allow UNS Gas to recover its actual commodity costs, including transportation, through a price adjustor. The difference between UNS Gas’ actual monthly gas and transportation costs and the rolling 12-month average cost of gas and transportation is deferred and recovered or returned to customers through the PGA mechanism.

The PGA mechanism has two components, the PGA factor and the PGA surcharge or surcredit.credit. The PGA factor is a mechanism that calculates the twelve-month12-month rolling weighted average gas cost and automatically adjusts monthly, subject to limitations on how much the price per therm may change in a 12-month period. The annual cap on the maximum increase in the PGA factor is $0.1515 cents per therm in a 12-month period.

At any time UNS Gas’ PGA balancing account, called the PGA bank balance, is under-recovered, UNS Gas may request a PGA surcharge with the goal of collecting the amount deferred from customers over a period deemed appropriate by the ACC. When the PGA bank balance reaches an over-collected balance of $10 million on a billed-to-customersbilled-to-customer basis, UNS Gas is required to make a filing with the ACC to determine how the over-collected balance should be returned to customers. On

In April 2012, the ACC approved a temporary PGA credit adjustment of 4.5 cents per therm which became effective on May 1, 2012. At December 31, 2011,2012, the PGA bank balance was over-collected by $8$10 million on a billed-to-customersbilled-to-customer basis.

Gas Utility Energy Efficiency Standards and Decoupling

In August 2010, the ACC approved new Gas Utility Energy EfficiencyEE Standards (Gas EE Standards)which are designed to require UNS Gas and other affected utilities to implement cost-effective DSM programs. In 2011,2012, the Gas EE Standards targeted total retail therm savings equal to 0.5%1.2% of 20102011 sales; UNSin 2013, the Gas estimates itsEE Standards target total therm savings in 2011 were 0.25%.of 1.8% of 2012 retail therm sales. Targeted savings increase annually in subsequent years until they reach a cumulative annual reduction in retail therm sales of 6% by 2020. UNS Gas’ programs, during 2011 and 2012, saved cumulative energy equal to approximately 0.35% of its 2011 retail therm sales.

The Gas EE Standards can be met by: newNew and existing DSM programs, renewable energy technology that displaces gas, and by a portion ofcertain energy efficient building codes.codes are acceptable means to meet the Gas EE Standards. The Gas EE Standards provide for the recovery of costs incurred to implement DSM programs. UNS Gas’ DSM programs and Retail Ratesrates charged to retail customers for these programs are subject to ACC approval.

In December 2010,2011, UNS Gas filed its 2011-2012 Gas Energy Efficiency implementation plan and subsequently filed an update in September 2011 which requested a waiver of the Gas EE Standards. In 2012, UNS Gas filed a request to amend its plan to include its 2013 Energy Efficiency plan and for a modified waiver of the Gas EE Standards. We cannot predict when the ACC approved a policy statement recognizingwill rule on the need to adopt rate decoupling or another mechanism to make Arizona’s Gas EE Standards viable. For more information about decoupling, seeTEP, Rates and Regulation, Electric Energy Efficiency Standards and Decoupling, above.plan or the subsequent requests.


UNS Gas is subject to environmental regulation of air and water quality, resource extraction, waste disposal, and land use by federal, state, and local authorities. UNS Gas’ facilities are in substantial compliance with existing regulations. SeeItem. 1 – Business, TEP, Environmental Matters, for more information.



UNS Electric is a vertically integrated electric utility company serving approximately 91,00092,000 retail customers in Mohave and Santa Cruz counties. These counties have a combined population of approximately 240,000. The average number of250,000. UNS Electric’s annual retail customers grew bycustomer growth rate was less than 1% in 2009,from 2010 and 2011.through 2012. We estimate that UNS Electric’s retail customer base will increase by less than 1%approximately 0.8% in 2012.2013. UNS Electric’s customer base is primarily residential, with some small commercial and both light and heavy industrial customers. Peak demand for 20112012 was 438437 MW.


Purchased Energy

UNS Electric relies on a portfolio of long, intermediate, and short-term purchases to meet customer load requirements.

Generating Resources

UNS Electric owns and operates Black Mountain Generating Station (BMGS), a 90 MW gas-fired facility located near Kingman, Arizona. In July 2011, UNS Electric purchased BMGS from UED. UNS Gas purchases and transports natural gas to BMGS for UNS Electric under long-term natural gas transportation and sales agreements. SeeRates and Regulation, 2010 UNS Electric Rate Order, below for more information.

UNS Electric also owns and operates the Valencia Power Plant (Valencia), located in Nogales, Arizona. Valencia consists of four gas and diesel-fueled combustion turbine units and provides approximately 62 MW of peaking resources. The facility is directly interconnected with the distribution system serving the city of Nogales and the surrounding areas.

Renewable Energy Resources

UNS Electric has agreed to purchase the output of a combined wind farm and solar generating facility located near Kingman. The above-market cost of energy purchased through the 20-year PPA will be recovered through the RES surcharge. For more information seeRates and Regulation, Renewable Energy Standard and Tariff below.

Future Generating Resources

UNS Electric invested $5 million in 20112012 in company-owned solar PV capacity and expects to invest approximately $5 million annually from 2012 throughin 2013 and 2014 to build about 1.25 MW per year in company-owned solar PV capacity. SeeItem 7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, UNS Electric, Factors Affecting Results of Operations, Renewable Energy Standard and Tariff for more information.


UNS Electric imports the power generated at BMGS into its Mohave County and Santa Cruz County service territories over Western Area Power Administration’s (WAPA) transmission lines. UNS Electric has a network transmission service agreement for its primary transmission capacityagreements with WAPA for the Parker-Davis system that expires in August 2016. UNS Electric also has a long-term electric point-to-pointits transmission capacity agreement with WAPA for the Southwest Intertie system that expiresexpire in June 2016.

UNS Electric plans to upgrade theis upgrading its existing 115 kV transmission line serving Santa Cruz County to 138 kV by October 2014 to improve service reliability. This upgrade is expected to be completed by October 2014 and is included in UNS Electric’s current capital expenditures forecast. SeeItem 7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, UNS Electric, Liquidity and Capital Resources for more information.


2012 UNS Electric Rate Filing

In December 2012, UNS Electric filed an application for a base rate increase with the ACC. SeeItem 7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, UNS Electric, Factors Affecting Results of Operations, 2012 UNS Electric Rate Filing, for more information.

2010 UNS Electric Rate Order

In 2010, the ACC authorized a Base Rate increase of $7.4 million, or 4%, effective in October 1, 2010.

The 2010 UNS Electric Rate Order approved UNS Electric’s purchase of BMGS from UED, subject to FERC approval and other conditions. FERC approved the purchase in June 2011.UED.

The 2010 UNS Electric Rate Order also approved a plan for UNS Electric to invest $5 million each year from 2011 through 2014 in solar projects that would be owned by UNS Electric.

In compliance with the 2010 Rate Order, UNS Electric filed a rate case application in December 2012. SeeItem 7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, UNS Electric, Factors Affecting Results of Operations, Renewable Energy Standard and Tariff2012 UNS Electric Rate Filing,, for more information.

In compliance with the 2010 Rate Order, UNS Electric expects to file a rate case in the second half of 2012.

Purchased Power and Fuel Adjustment Clause

The PPFAC allows UNS Electric to recover its fuel, transmission, and purchased power costs, including demand charges and the prudent costs of contracts for hedging fuel and purchased power costs from its retail customers. The PPFAC consists of a forward component and a true-up component.


The forward component is updated on June 1 of each year. The forward component is based on the forecasted fuel, transmission, and purchased power costs for the 12-month period from June 1 of the current year to May 31 of the following year, less the base fuel, transmission, and purchased power costs embedded in Base Rates. The cap on the PPFAC forward component, over the 6.77 cents per kWh in Base Rates, is 1.845 cents per kWh.


The true-up component will reconcile any over/under collected amounts from the preceding 12 month12-month period and will be credited to or recovered from customers in the subsequent year.

At December 31, 2012, UNS Electric’s PPFAC bank balance was under-collected by $11 million on a billed-to-customer basis.

Renewable Energy Standard and Tariff

The ACC’s RES requires UNS Electric, TEP, and other affected utilities to increase their use of renewable energy each year until it represents at least 15% of their total annual retail energy requirements in 2025. Affected utilities must file annual RES implementation plans for review and approval by the ACC. The approved costs of carrying out those plans are recovered from retail customers through the RES surcharge. Any surcharge collections above or below the costs incurred to implement the plans are deferred and reflected in UNS Electric’s financial statements as a regulatory asset or liability.

In 2011,

As part of the 2010 UNS Electric spent $5 millionrate order, the ACC authorized UNS Electric to recover operating costs, depreciation, property taxes, and a return on its investment in company-owned solar projects through RES implementation and met the 2011 renewable energy target of 3%.funds until these costs are reflected in its Base Rates. Under these terms, UNS Electric expects to collect $8invest $5 million annually in surcharges from retail customers2013 and 2014 in 2012 to implement itssolar photovoltaic projects.

In January 2013, the ACC approved UNS Electric’s 2013 RES plan and expects to meet the 2012 renewable energy target of 3.5%.

For more information seePower Supply and Transmission,Renewable Energy Resources,above, andItem 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis,implementation plan. UNS Electric Factors Affecting Resultswill collect approximately $7 million from customers during 2013, a portion of Operations, Renewable Energy Standardwhich is expected to provide recovery of operating costs and Tariff.a return on investment to UNS Electric for company-owned solar projects.

Energy Efficiency Standards and Decoupling

In 2010, the ACC approved Electric EE Standards designed to require UNS Electric, TEP, and other affected electric utilities to implement cost effective DSM programs. For more information, seeTEP, Rates and Regulation, Electric Energy Efficiency Standards and Decoupling, above. UNS Electric’s programs, during 2011 and 2012, saved cumulative energy equal to approximately 2.5% of its 2011 retail kWh sales.

UNS Electric filed a general rate case in December 2012 which included a request for a partial decoupling mechanism. SeeItem. 7—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, UNS Electric, Factors Affecting Results of Operations, 2012 UNS Electric Rate Case, Lost Fixed Cost Recovery Mechanism.

In June 2012, UNS Electric filed its 2013 Energy Efficiency implementation plan with the ACC. The proposal includes a request for a 2013 performance incentive of approximately $1 million. UNS Electric requested a waiver from complying with the 2013 Electric EE Standards. UNS Electric is unable to predict when the ACC will issue a final order in this matter.


UNS Electric is subject to environmental regulation of air and water quality, resource extraction, waste disposal, and land use by federal, state, and local authorities. UNS Electric believes that its facilities are in substantial compliance with all existing regulations and will be in compliance with expected environmental regulations. SeeItem. 1 – Business, TEP, Environmental Matters, for more information.



As of December 31, 2011,2012, Millennium had assets of $20$7 million, including a $15 million note receivable (seeSabinasbelow), and cash and cash equivalents of $5$4 million. In total, Millennium’s assets represented less than 1% of UniSourceUNS Energy’s total consolidated assets. SeeItem 7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, Other Non-Reportable Business Segments,for more information.


In 2009, Millennium sold its 50% interest in Sabinas and recorded a $6 million pre-tax gain on the sale.

Millennium received an upfront $5 million cash payment in January 2009. Other key terms of the transaction included a three-year, 6% interest-bearing, collateralized $15 million note, which matures in June 2012.


SES, a wholly ownedwholly-owned subsidiary of Millennium, provides electrical contracting and meter reading services in Arizona, as well as other services at the Springerville Generating Station.Springerville.

EMPLOYEES (Asof(As of December 31, 2011)2012)

TEP had 1,3911,392 employees, of which approximately 51%49% are represented by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local No. 1116. A new collective bargaining agreement between the IBEW and TEP was entered into in January 2013 and expires in January 2013.2016.

UNS Gas had 187186 employees, of which 108110 employees were represented by IBEW Local No. 1116 and 5 employees were represented by IBEW Local No. 387. The agreements with the IBEW Local No. 1116 and No. 387 expire in June 20122015 and February 2014, respectively.

UNS Electric had 154148 employees, of which 2730 employees were represented by the IBEW Local No. 387 and 9688 employees were represented by the IBEW Local No. 769. The existing agreements with the IBEW Local No. 387 and No. 769 expire in February 2014 and June 2013, respectively.

SES had 272253 employees, of which approximately 96% are represented by unions. Of the employees represented by unions, 236226 are represented by IBEW Local No. 1116 and 2516 by IBEW Local No. 570; these570. These agreements expire onin December 31, 2012,2014 and May 31, 2012,2013, respectively.


Executive Officers – UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP

Executive Officers of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP, who are elected annually by UniSourceUNS Energy’s Board of Directors and TEP’s Board of Directions, respectively,Directors, are as follows:


September 30,September 30,September 30,



Position(s) Held

Officer Since

Position(s) Held

Officer Since

Paul J. Bonavia

    60    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer    2009  61  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer  2009

David G. Hutchens

    45    President    2007  46  President  2007

Michael J. DeConcini

    47    Senior Vice President, Operations    1999  48  Senior Vice President, Operations  1999

Kevin P. Larson

    55    Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer(1)    2000  56  Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer(1)  2000

Philip J. Dion III

    43    Vice President, Public Policy    2008  44  Vice President, Public Policy  2008

Kentton C. Grant

    53    Vice President, Finance and Rates(2)    2007  54  Vice President, Finance and Rates(2)  2007

Todd C. Hixon

    45    Vice President and General Counsel    2011  46  Vice President and General Counsel  2011

Arie Hoekstra

    64    Vice President, Generation    2007  65  Vice President, Generation  2007

Karen G. Kissinger

    57    Vice President, Controller and Chief Compliance Officer    1998  58  Vice President, Controller and Chief Compliance Officer  1998
Mark Mansfield  57  Vice President, Generation  2012

Thomas A. McKenna

    63    Vice President, Engineering    2007  64  Vice President, Engineering  2007

Catherine E. Ries

    52    Vice President, Human Resources    2007  53  Vice President, Human Resources  2007

Herlinda H. Kennedy

    50    Corporate Secretary    2006  51  Corporate Secretary  2006



Mr. Larson is also Treasurer at UniSourceUNS Energy.


Mr. Grant is also Treasurer at TEP.


Paul J. Bonavia  Mr. Bonavia has served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP since January 2009; he2009. He also served as President from January 2009 to December 2011. Prior to joining UniSourceUNS Energy, Mr. Bonavia served as President of the Utilities Group of Xcel Energy. Mr. Bonavia previously served as President of Xcel Energy’s Commercial Enterprises business unit and President of the company’s Energy Markets unit.
David G. Hutchens  Mr. Hutchens has served as President of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP since December 2011. In March 2011, Mr. Hutchens was named Executive Vice President of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP. In May 2009, Mr. Hutchens was named Vice President of Energy Efficiency and Resource Planning. In January 2007, Mr. Hutchens was elected Vice President of Wholesale Energy at UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP. Mr. Hutchens joined TEP in 1995.
Michael J. DeConcini  Mr. DeConcini has served as Senior Vice President, Operations of UniSourceUNS Energy since May 2010 and Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of TEP from May 2009 to December 2011 when his title at TEP was changed to Senior Vice President, Operations. Mr. DeConcini joined TEP in 1988 and was elected Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Energy Resources business unit of TEP, effective January 1, 2003. In August 2006, he was named Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Transmission and Distribution.
Kevin P. Larson  Mr. Larson has served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP since September 2005. Mr. Larson is also Treasurer of UniSourceUNS Energy. Mr. Larson joined TEP in 1985 and thereafter held various positions in its finance department and investment subsidiaries. He was elected Treasurer in August 1994 and Vice President in March 1997. In October 2000, he was elected Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

Philip J. Dion III  Mr. Dion has served as Vice President of Public Policy of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP since April 2010. Mr. Dion joined UniSourceUNS Energy in February 2008 as Vice President of Legal and Environmental Services. Prior to joining UniSourceUNS Energy, Mr. Dion was chief of staff and chief legal advisor to Commissioner Marc Spitzer of the FERC. Mr. Dion previously worked in various roles at the ACC, including as an administrative law judge and as an advisor to Mr. Spitzer, prior to his appointment to the FERC.

Kentton C. Grant  Mr. Grant has served as Vice President of Finance and Rates of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP since January 2007. Mr. Grant also serves as Treasurer of TEP. Mr. Grant joined TEP in 1995.
Todd C. Hixon  Mr. Hixon has served as Vice President and General Counsel of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP since May 2011. Mr. Hixon joined TEP’s legal department in 1998 and served in a variety of capacities, most recently serving as Associate General Counsel.
Arie Hoekstra  Mr. Hoekstra has served as Vice President of Generation of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP since January 2007. Mr. Hoekstra joined TEP in 1979 and thereafter served in various positions at TEP’s generating stations in Tucson and Springerville.
Karen G. Kissinger  Ms. Kissinger has served as Vice President, Controller and Principal Accounting Officer of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP since January 1998 and has served as Chief Compliance Officer since 2003. Ms. Kissinger joined TEP as Vice President and Controller in January 1991.
Mark MansfieldMr. Mansfield is Vice President of Generation. He joined the company in 2008, most recently serving as Senior Director of Generation. Prior to joining TEP, Mr. Mansfield held various leadership positions at PacifiCorp Energy.
Thomas A. McKenna  Mr. McKenna has served as Vice President of Engineering of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP since January 2007. Mr. McKenna joined Nations Energy Corporation (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Millennium) in 1998.
Catherine E. Ries  Ms. Ries has served as Vice President of Human Resources of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP since June 2007. Prior to joining UniSourceUNS Energy, Ms. Ries worked for Clopay Building Products, a division of Griffon Corporation, from 2000 to 2007, and held the position of Vice President of Human Resources.
Herlinda H. Kennedy  Ms. Kennedy has served as Corporate Secretary of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP since September 2006. Ms. Kennedy joined TEP in 1980 and was named assistant Corporate Secretary in 1999.


UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP make available their annual reports on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, current reports on Form 8-K, and all amendments to those reports as soon as reasonably practical after they electronically file them with, or furnish them to, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These reports are available free of charge through UniSourceUNS Energy’s website address:http://www.uns.com. A link from UniSourceUNS Energy’s website to these SEC reports is accessible as follows: At the UniSourceUNS Energy main page, select Investors from the menu shown at the top of the page; next select SEC filings from the menu shown on the Investor Relations page. UniSourceUNS Energy’s code of ethics, which applies to the Board of Directors and all officers and employees of UniSourceUNS Energy and its subsidiaries, and any amendments or any waivers made to the code of ethics, is also available on UniSourceUNS Energy’s website.

UNS Energy and TEP are providing the address of UNS Energy’s website solely for the information of investors and do not intend the address to be an active link. Information contained at UniSourceUNS Energy’s website is not part of any report filed with the SEC by UniSourceUNS Energy or TEP.



The business and financial results of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including those set forth below and in other documents we file with the SEC. These risks and uncertainties fall primarily into five major categories: revenues, regulatory, environmental, financial, and operational.


National and local economic conditions can have a significant impact on the results of operations, net income, and cash flows at TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric.

Economic conditions have contributed significantly to a reduction in TEP’s retail customer growth and lower energy usage by the company’s residential, commercial, and industrial customers. As a result of weak economic conditions, TEP’s average retail customer base grew by less than 1% per0.4% in each year infrom 2008 through 20112012 compared with average increases of approximately 2% perin each year from 2003 to 2007. In 2011,2012, total retail kWh sales were 0.4% above 20100.7% below 2011 levels. TEP estimates that a 1% decreasechange in annual retail sales could reduceimpact pre-tax net income and pre-tax cash flows by approximately $6 million.

Similar impacts were felt at UNS Gas and UNS Electric. Annual average increases in the number of retail customers at both companies remained below 1% in 2008 through 20112012 compared with average annual growth rates of 3% from 2003 to 2007. We estimate that a 1% decreasechange in annual retail sales at UNS Gas and UNS Electric could reduceimpact pre-tax net income and pre-tax cash flows by less thanapproximately $1 million.

TEP’s Base Rates are frozen through December 31, 2012, which could limit our ability to cope with the impact of risks and uncertainties and negatively affect TEP’s results of operations, net income and cash flows.

Under the terms of the 2008 TEP Rate Order, TEP is prohibited from submitting an application for new Base Rates before June 30, 2012. New Base Rates would not be in effect until approval by the ACC, which is not anticipated to occur before the third quarter of 2013. If the cost of serving TEP’s customers rises more quickly than the revenues it collects from customers, TEP’s results of operations, net income and cash flows could be negatively impacted.

New technological developments and the implementation of new Energy Efficiency Standards maywill continue to have a significant impact on retail sales, which could negatively impact UniSourceUNS Energy’s results of operations, net income, and cash flows.

Heightened awareness of energy costs has increased demand for products intended to reduce consumers’ use of electricity. TEP and UNS Electric also are promoting DSM programs designed to help customers reduce their energy use, and these efforts will increase significantly under new energy efficiency rules approved in 2010 by the ACC. Unless the ACC makes a specific provision for the recovery of usage-based revenues lost to these energy efficiency programs, the reduced retail sales that would result from the success of these efforts would negatively impact the results of operations, net income, and cash flows of TEP and UNS Electric.

The revenues, results of operations, and cash flows of TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric are seasonal, and are subject to weather conditions and customer usage patterns, which are beyond the companies’ control.

TEP typically earns the majority of its operating revenue and net income in the third quarter because retail customers increase their air conditioning usage during Tucson’s hot summer weather.the summer. Conversely, TEP’s first quarter net income is typically limited by relatively mild winter weather in its retail service territory. UNS Electric’s earnings follow a similar pattern, while UNS Gas’ sales peak in the winter during home heating season. Cool summers or warm winters may reduce customer usage at all three companies, adversely affecting operating revenues, cash flows, and net income by reducing sales. TEP estimates that a 1% decreaseimpact in annual retail sales could reducewould impact pre-tax net income and pre-tax cash flows by approximately $6 million. We estimate that a 1% decreasechange in annual retail sales at UNS Gas and UNS Electric could reducewould impact pre-tax net income and pre-tax cash flows by less thanapproximately $1 million.


TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric are subject to regulation by the ACC, which sets the companies’ Retail Rates and oversees many aspects of their business in ways that could negatively affect the companies’ results of operations, net income, and cash flows.

The ACC is a constitutionally created body composed of five elected commissioners. Commissioners are elected state-wide for staggered four-year terms and are limited to serving a total of two terms. As a result, the composition of the commission, and therefore its policies, are subject to change every two years.

The ACC is charged with setting retail electric and gas rates that provide utility companies with an opportunity to recover their costs of service and earn a reasonable rate of return. The decisions these elected officials make on such matters impact the net income and cash flows of TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric.

Changes in federal energy regulation may negatively affect the results of operations, net income, and cash flows of TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric.

TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric are subject to the impact of comprehensive and changing governmental regulation at the federal level that continues to change the structure of the electric and gas utility industries and the ways in which these industries are regulated. UniSourceUNS Energy’s electric utility subsidiaries are subject to regulation by the FERC. The FERC has jurisdiction over rates for electric transmission in interstate commerce and rates for wholesale sales of electric power, including terms and prices of transmission services and sales of electricity at wholesale prices.


UniSourceUNS Energy’s utility subsidiaries are subject to numerous environmental laws and regulations that may increase their cost of operations or expose them to environmentally-related litigation and liabilities.Many of these regulations could have a significant impact on TEP due to its reliance on coal as its primary fuel for energy generation.

Numerous federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulations affect present and future operations. Those laws and regulations include rules regarding air emissions, water use, wastewater discharges, solid waste, hazardous waste, and management of coal combustion residuals.

These laws and regulations can contribute to higher capital, operating, and other costs, particularly with regard to enforcement efforts focused on existing power plants and new compliance standards related to new and existing power plants. These laws and regulations generally require us to obtain and comply with a wide variety of environmental licenses, permits, authorizations, and other approvals. Both public officials and private individuals may seek to enforce applicable environmental laws and regulations. Failure to comply with applicable laws and regulations may result in litigation, and the imposition of fines, penalties, and a requirement for costly equipment upgrades by regulatory authorities.

We cannot provide assurance that existing environmental laws and regulations will not be revised or that new environmental laws and regulations will not be adopted or become applicable to our facilities. Increased compliance costs or additional operating restrictions from revised or additional regulation could have an adverse effect on our results of operations, particularly if those costs are not fully recoverable from our ratepayers.customers. TEP’s obligation to comply with the EPA’s BART determinations as a participant in the San Juan, Four Corners, and Navajo plants, coupled with the financial impact of future climate change legislation, other environmental regulations and other business considerations, could jeopardize the economic viability of these plants or the ability of individual participants to meet their obligations and continue their participation in these plants. TEP cannot predict the ultimate outcome of these matters.

TEP also is contractually obligated to pay a portion of the environmental reclamation costs incurred at generating stations in which it has a minority interest and is obligated to pay similar costs at the mines that supply these generating stations. While TEP has recorded the portion of its costs that can be determined at this time, the total costs for final reclamation at these sites are unknown and could be substantial.

New federal regulations to limit greenhouse gas emissions could increase TEP’s cost of operations and result in a change in the composition of TEP’s coal-dominated generating fleet.

Based on the finding by the EPA in December 2009 that emissions of greenhouse gases endanger public health and welfare, the agency is in the process of regulating greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, there are proposals and ongoing studies at the state, federal, and international levels to address global climate change that could also result in the regulation of carbon dioxide (COCO2) and other greenhouse gases. Any future regulatory actions taken to address global climate change represent a business risk to our operations. In 2011, 73%2012, 72% of TEP’s total energy resources came from its coal-fueled generating facilities.

Reductions in CO2 emissions to the levels specified by some proposals could be materially adverse to our financial position or results of operations if associated costs of control or limitation cannot be recovered from customers.

Any future legislation or regulation addressing climate change could produce a number of other results including costly modifications to, or reexamination of the economic viability of, our existing coal plants; changes in the overall fuel mix of our generating fleet; or additional costs to fund energy efficiency activities. The impact of legislation or regulation to address global climate change would depend on the specific terms of those measures and cannot be determined at this time.


Volatility or disruptions in the financial markets may increase our financing costs, limit our access to the credit markets, and increase our pension funding obligations, which may adversely affect our liquidity and our ability to carry out our financial strategy.

We rely on access to the bank markets and capital markets as a significant source of liquidity and for capital requirements not satisfied by the cash flow from our operations. Market disruptions such as those experienced over the last four years in the United States and abroad may increase our cost of borrowing or adversely affect our ability to access sources of liquidity needed to finance our operations and satisfy our obligations as they become due. These disruptions may include turmoil in the financial services industry, including substantial uncertainty surrounding particular lending institutions and counterparties we do business with, unprecedented volatility in the markets where our outstanding securities trade, and general economic downturns in our utility service territories. If we are unable to access credit at competitive rates, or if our borrowing costs dramatically increase, our ability to finance our operations, meet our short-term obligations, and execute our financial strategy could be adversely affected.

Changing market conditions could negatively affect the market value of assets held in our pension and other postretirement pensionretiree plans and may increase the amount and accelerate the timing of required future funding contributions.

UniSourceUNS Energy’s net income and cash flows can be adversely affected by rising interest rates.

As of February 21, 2012,13, 2013, TEP had $215 million of tax-exempt variable rate debt obligations, $50 million of which was hedged with a fixed for floatingfixed-for-floating interest rate swap through September 2014. The interest rates are set weekly with maximum interest rates of 20% on $178 million of debt obligations and 10% on the remaining $37 million. The average weekly interest rate ranged from 0.05%0.06% to 0.34%0.26% in 2011.2012. A 100 basis point increase in the average interest rates on this debt over a twelve-month period would increase TEP’s interest expense by approximately $2 million.

UniSourceUNS Energy, TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric also are subject to risk resulting from changes in the interest rate on their borrowings under revolving credit facilities. Revolving credit borrowings may be made on a spread over LIBORLondon Interbank Offer Rate (LIBOR) or an Alternate Base Rate. Each of these agreements is a committed facility and expires in November 2016.

If capital market conditions result in rising interest rates, the resulting increase in the cost of variable rate borrowings would negatively impact UniSourceUNS Energy’s, TEP’s, UNS Gas’, and UNS Electric’s results of operations, net income, and cash flows.

TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric may be required to post margin under their power and fuel supply agreements, which could negatively impact their liquidity.

TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric secure power and fuel supply resources to serve their respective retail customers. The agreements under which TEP, UNS Gas and UNS Electricwe contract for such resources include requirements to post credit enhancement in the form of cash or letters of credit (LOCs) under certain circumstances, including changes in market prices which affect contract values, or a change in creditworthiness of the respective companies.

In order to post such credit enhancement, TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric would have to use available cash, draw under their revolving credit agreements, or issue letters of creditLOCs under their revolving credit agreements.

The maximum amount TEP may use under its revolving credit facility is $200 million. As of February 21, 2012,13, 2013, TEP had $114$169 million available to borrow under its revolving credit facility. The maximum amount UNS Gas or UNS Electric may use under their revolving credit facilityborrow is $70 million, so long as the combined amount drawn by

both companies does not exceed $100 million.million (the size of their combined borrowing capacity under the revolving credit facility). As of February 21, 2012,13, 2013, UNS Gas had $70 million and UNS Electric had $64 million and $70 million, respectively,available to borrow under their revolving credit facility. From time to time, TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric use their respective revolving credit facilities to post collateral. If additional collateral is required, it may negatively impact TEP, UNS Gas, and/or UNS Electric’s ability to fund their capital requirements. As of December 31, 2011,2012, TEP and UNS Electric each had posted less than $1 million and $6 million, respectively, with counterparties in the form of cash or letters of credit.LOCs.

UniSourceUNS Energy and its subsidiaries have debt which could adversely affect their business and results of operations.

UniSourceUNS Energy has no operations of its own and derives all of its revenues and cash flow from its subsidiaries. At December 31, 2011,2012, the ratio of total debt (including capital lease obligations net of investments in lease debt) to total capitalization for UniSourceUNS Energy and its subsidiaries was 67%63%. This debt level:


requires UniSourceUNS Energy and its subsidiaries to dedicate a substantial portion of their cash flow to pay principal and interest on their debt, which could reduce the funds available for working capital, capital expenditures, acquisitions, and other general corporate purposes; and


could limit UniSourceUNS Energy and its subsidiaries’ ability to borrow additional amounts for working capital, capital expenditures, acquisitions, dividends, debt service requirements, execution of its business strategy, or other purposes.

The cost of purchasing TEP’s leased assets, or the cost of procuring alternate sources of generation or purchased power in 2015, could require significant outlays of cash in one year, which could be difficult to finance.

TEP leases the following generation facilities under separate sale and leaseback arrangements that expire in 2015:


September 30,September 30,

Leased Asset




Purchase Option

Springerville Unit 1

  2015  Fair market value purchase option of $159 million

Springerville Coal Handling Facilities

  2015  Fixed price purchase option of $120 million

TEP may renew the leases or purchase the assets when the leases expire in 2015. The renewal and purchase options for Springerville Unit 1 are for fair market value, with the fair market value purchase price having been determined in December 2011 through an appraisal process to be $159 million. The owner participants of Springerville Unit 1 have disputed the appraisal price; however, TEP believes that the appraisal procedure was properly conducted in accordance with the lease agreements and that the results are final and binding.

The Springerville Coal Handling Facilities can be purchased in 2015 for a fixed price of $120 million. TEP also leases a 50% undivided interest in Springerville Common Facilities with primary lease terms ending in 2017 and 2021. Upon expiration of the Springerville Coal Handling and Common Facilities Leases (whether at the end of the initial term or any renewal term), TEP has the obligation under agreements with the owners of Springerville Units 3 and 4 to purchase such facilities. Upon acquisition by TEP, the owner of Springerville Unit 3 has the option and the owner of Springerville Unit 4 has the obligation to purchase from TEP a 14% interest in the Common Facilities and a 17% interest in the Coal Handling Facilities.

Regulatory rules and other restrictions could limit the ability of TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric to make distributions to UniSourceUNS Energy.

As a holding company, UniSourceUNS Energy is dependent on the earnings and distributions of funds from its subsidiaries to service its debt and pay dividends to shareholders.

Restrictions include:


TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric are restricted from lending to affiliates or issuing securities without ACC approval;


The Federal Power Act restrictsstates that an electric utilities’ ability to payutility’s dividends shall not be paid out of funds that are properly included in their capital account.accounts. TEP has an accumulated deficit rather than positive retained earnings. Although the terms of the Federal Power Act are unclear, we believe there is a reasonable basis for TEP to pay dividends from current year earnings; and

TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric must be in compliance with their respective debt agreements to make dividend payments to UniSourceUNS Energy.

Unanticipated financing needs or reductions to net income could adversely impact our ability to comply with financial covenants in the UniSourceUNS Energy, TEP, and UES Credit Agreements.

The UniSourceUNS Energy, TEP, and UES credit and reimbursement agreements include a maximum leverage ratio. The leverage ratios are calculated as the ratio of total indebtedness to total capital. The ability to comply with these covenants could be adversely impacted by unanticipated borrowing needs or unexpected charges to earnings or shareholder equity. In the event that we seek to renegotiate these provisions to provide additional flexibility, we may need to pay fees or increased interest rates on borrowings as a condition to any amendments or waivers.


The operation of electric generating stations involves risks that could result in unplanned outages or reduced generating capability that could adversely affect TEP’s or UNS Electric’s results of operations, net income, and cash flows.

The operation of electric generating stations involves certain risks, including equipment breakdown or failure, interruption of fuel supply, and lower than expected levels of efficiency or operational performance. Unplanned outages, including extensions of planned outages due to equipment failure or other complications, occur from time to time and are an inherent risk of our business. If TEP’s or UNS Electric’s generating stations operate below expectations, TEP or UNS Electric could be adversely affected.

The operation of electric transmission and distribution systems involves a risk of significant unplanned outages that could adversely affect TEP’s and UNS Electric’s businesses, results of operations, net income, and cash flows.

The operation of electric transmission and distribution systems involves certain risks, including equipment failure and damage caused by storms, fires, or other hazards. Unplanned outages occur from time to time and are an inherent risk of our business. If TEP’s or UNS Electric’s transmission and distribution systems experience a significant failure, TEP or UNS Electric could be adversely affected.

The nature of our gas operations presents inherent risks of loss that could adversely affect our results of operations.

The operation of UNS Gas’ transmission and distribution systems involves certain risks, including gas leaks, fires, natural disasters, catastrophic accidents, explosions, pipeline ruptures, and other hazards and risks that may cause unforeseen interruptions, personal injury, or property damage. Any such incident could have an adverse effect on UNS Gas.

TEP could be subject to higher costs and the possibility of significant penalties as a result of mandatory transmission standards.

As a result of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, owners and operators of bulk power transmission systems, including TEP, are subject to mandatory transmission standards developed and enforced by NERC and subject to the oversight of FERC. Compliance with modified or new transmission standards may subject TEP to higher operating costs and increased capital costs. Failure to comply with the mandatory transmission standards could subject TEP to sanctions, including substantial monetary penalties.

We may be subject to cyber attacks and information security risks.

As operators of critical energy infrastructure, we may face a heightened risk of cyber attack, and our corporate and informational technology systems may be vulnerable to disability or failures as a result of unauthorized access due to hacking, viruses, acts of war or terrorism, and other causes. In addition, our utility business requires access to sensitive customer data, including personal and credit information, in the ordinary course of business. If, despite our security measures, a significant or widely publicized breach occurred, we could have our operations disrupted, property damaged, and customer information stolen; experience substantial loss of revenues, response costs, and other financial loss; and be subject to increased regulation, litigation, and damage to our reputation, any of which could have a negative impact on our business and results of operations.

TEP or UNS Electric might not be able to secure adequate right-of-way to construct transmission lines and distribution-related facilities, and could be required to find alternate ways to provide adequate sources of energy and maintain reliable service for their customers.

TEP and UNS Electric rely on federal, state, and local governmental agencies to secure right-of-way and siting permits to construct transmission lines and distribution-related facilities. If adequate right-of-way and siting permits to build new transmission lines cannot be secured:

TEP and UNS Electric may need to rely on more costly alternatives to provide energy to their customers;


TEP and UNS Electric may not be able to maintain reliability in their service areas; or


TEP and UNS Electric’s ability to provide electric service to new customers may be negatively impacted.







TEP’s transmission facilities, located in Arizona and New Mexico, transmit the output from TEP’s remote electric generating stations at Four Corners, Navajo, San Juan, Springerville, and Luna to the Tucson area for use by TEP’s retail customers (seeItem 1. Business, TEP, Generating and Other Resources). The transmission system is interconnected at various points in Arizona and New Mexico with other regional utilities. TEP has arrangements with approximately 140 companies to interchange generation capacity and transmission of energy.

As of December 31, 2011,2012, TEP owned or participated in an overhead electric transmission and distribution system consisting of:


512564 circuit-miles of 500-kV lines;


1,088 circuit-miles of 345-kV lines;


405 circuit-miles of 138-kV lines;


479481 circuit-miles of 46-kV lines; and


2,6152,612 circuit-miles of lower voltage primary lines.

TEP’s underground electric distribution system includes 4,3894,410 cable-miles. TEP owns approximately 76% of the poles on which its lower voltage lines are located. Electric substation capacity consists of 103 substations with a total installed transformer capacity of 13,266,85013,269,950 kilovolt amperes.

Substantially all of the utility assets owned by TEP are subject to the lien of the 1992 Mortgage. Springerville Unit 2, which is owned by San Carlos, Resources,a wholly-owned subsidiary of TEP, is not subject to the lien.

The electric generating stations (except as noted below), administrative headquarters, warehouse and service center are located on land owned by TEP. The electric distribution and transmission facilities owned by TEP are located:


on property owned by TEP;


under or over streets, alleys, highways, and other places in the public domain, as well as in national forests and state lands, under franchises, easements, or other rights which are generally subject to termination;


under or over private property as a result of easements obtained primarily from the record holder of title; or


over American Indian reservations under grant of easement by the Secretary of Interior or lease by American Indian tribes.

It is possible that some of the easements, and the property over which the easements were granted, may have title defects or may be subject to mortgages or liens existing at the time the easements were acquired.

Springerville is located on property ownedheld by TEP under a long-term surface ownership agreement with the State of Arizona.

Four Corners and Navajo are located on properties held under easements from the United States and under leases from the Navajo Nation, respectively.Nation. TEP, individually and in conjunction with PNM in connection with San Juan, has acquired land rights, easements and leases for the plant, transmission lines and a water diversion facility located on land owned by the Navajo Nation. TEP also has acquired easements for transmission facilities related to San Juan, Four Corners, and Navajo across the Zuni, Navajo, and Tohono O’dham American Indian Reservations. TEP, in conjunction with PNM and Phelps Dodge,Freeport McMoRan, holds an undivided ownership interest in the property on which Luna is located.

TEP’s rights under these various easements and leases may be subject to defects such as:


possible conflicting grants or encumbrances due to the absence of, or inadequacies in, the recording laws or record systems of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and the American Indian tribes;


possible inability of TEP to legally enforce its rights against adverse claimants and the American Indian tribes without Congressional consent; or


failure or inability of the American Indian tribes to protect TEP’s interests in the easements and leases from disruption by the U.S. Congress, Secretary of the Interior, or other adverse claimants.

These possible defects have not interfered, and are not expected to materially interfere, with TEP’s interest in and operation of its facilities.

TEP, under separate sale and leaseback arrangements, leases the following generation facilities (which do not include land):


Springerville Coal Handling Facilities;


a 50% undivided interest in the Springerville Common Facilities; and


Springerville Unit 1 and the remaining 50% undivided interest in the Springerville Common Facilities.

See Note 6 and Item 7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, Tucson Electric Power Company, Liquidity and Capital Resources, Contractual Obligations, for additional information on TEP’s capital lease obligations.



As of December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Gas’ transmission and distribution system consisted of approximately 31 miles of steel transmission mains, 4,2204,229 miles of steel and plastic distribution piping, and 137,160137,705 customer service lines.

UNS Electric

As of December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Electric’s transmission and distribution system consisted of approximately 56 circuit-miles of 115-kV transmission lines, 274 circuit-miles of 69-kV transmission lines, and 3,6163,648 circuit-miles of underground and overhead distribution lines. UNS Electric also owns the 6562 MW Valencia plant, the 90 MW BMGS, as well as 3940 substations having a total installed capacity of 1,494,0001,504,000 kilovolt amperes.

The gas and electric distribution and transmission facilities owned by UNS Gas and UNS Electric are located:


on property owned by UNS Gas or UNS Electric;


under or over streets, alleys, highways, and other places in the public domain, as well as national forests and state lands, under franchises, easements, or other rights which are generally subject to termination; or


under or over private property as a result of easements obtained primarily from the record holder of title.



Right of Way Matters

TEP was a defendant in a class action filed in February 2009 in the United States District Court in Albuquerque, New Mexico by members of the Navajo Nation. The plaintiffs alleged, among other things, that the rights of way for defendants’ transmission lines on Navajo lands were improperly granted and that the compensation paid for such rights of way was inadequate. The plaintiffs were requesting, among other things, that the transmission lines on these lands be removed. In June 2009, TEP and the other defendants filed motions to dismiss the lawsuit on procedural grounds. In March 2010, the Courtcourt granted several of the defendants’ motions to dismiss and entered a final judgment dismissing the case in April 2010. The plaintiffs filed a Notice of Appeal with the Bureau of Indian

Affairs (BIA)BIA in May 2010, appealing the BIA’s decision to grant the rights of way that were the subject of the now-dismissed complaint. In June 2010, the BIA found that the Notice of Appeal failed to meet the minimum filing requirements. In September 2010, the plaintiffs filed new Notices of Appeal concerning the same rights of way. The appeals are currently pending. TEP cannot predict the outcome of these appeals.

Springerville Unit 1 Appraisal

Springerville Unit 1 is leased by TEP under leases which expire in 2015 and which provide TEP with an option to purchase the lease interests upon the lease expiration at fair market value. In December 2011, TEP and the owner participants of the Springerville Unit 1 Leases completed a formal appraisal procedure with three appraisers in accordance with the lease agreements to determine the fair market value purchase price. The lease agreements provide that the purchase price determined through the appraisal procedure will be final and binding upon the parties. The aggregate purchase price for the owner participants’ lease interests was determined to be $159 million.

On April 26, 2012, TEP filed a petition to confirm the appraisal in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona naming the owner participants (Daimler Capital Services LLC, LDVFI TEP LLC, Alterna Springerville LLC, MWR Capital Inc., and Pacific Harbor Capital Inc.) and the owner trustee and co-trustee (Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade) as respondents. The petition states that TEP filed the petition since neither the owner participants nor the owner trustee and co-trustee have acknowledged that the purchase price determined by the appraisal procedure in December 2011 is final and binding and that TEP seeks an order from the court confirming the appraisal as an arbitration award under the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA).

On June 1, 2012, the owner participants filed a response in opposition to TEP’s petition. In their response, the owner participants allege that the appraisal procedure failed to yield a legitimate purchase price for the lease interests, stating, among other things, that not all of the three appraisers performed their appraisals in accordance with required standards. The owner participants requested that the court dismiss the action and deny TEP’s petition on the grounds that there is not a present controversy for the court to decide, since, among other things, TEP has not exercised the purchase option. The owner participants also dispute TEP’s position that the appraisal procedure should be treated as an arbitration award for purposes of judicial review. In January 2013, the court denied TEP’s petition on the grounds that the court is without jurisdiction under the FAA to confirm the appraisal.

On February 12, 2013, TEP appealed the matter to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

TEP believes that the appraisal procedure was properly conducted in accordance with the lease agreements and that the results are final and binding. TEP intends to continue vigorously pursuing its legal remedies to confirm the results of the appraisal procedure.

In addition, see legal proceedings described in Note 4.



Not applicable.




Stock Trading

UniSourceUNS Energy’s common stockCommon Stock is traded under the ticker symbol UNS and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. On February 21, 2012,13, 2013, the closing price was $37.76,$46.42 with 8,3397,881 shareholders of record.

TEP’s common stock is wholly-owned by UniSourceUNS Energy and is not listed for trading on any stock exchange.


UniSourceUNS Energy

UniSourceUNS Energy’s Board of Directors expects to continue to pay regular quarterly cash dividends on our common stock;Common Stock; however, such dividends are subject to the Board’s evaluation of our financial condition, earnings, cash flows, and dividend policy.

On February 24, 2012, UniSource25, 2013, UNS Energy declared a first quarter cash dividend of $0.43$0.435 per share on its common stock.of Common Stock. The first quarter dividend, totaling approximately $16$18 million, will be paid March 22, 2012,25, 2013 to shareholders of record at the close of business March 12, 2012.13, 2013. The table below summarizes UniSourceUNS Energy’s dividends paid in 20092010 through 2011.2012.


September 30,September 30,September 30,
    2011     2010     2009   2012   2011   2010 

Quarterly Dividend Per Common Share

    $0.42      $0.39      $0.29    $0.43    $0.42    $0.39  

Annual Dividend Per Common Share

    $1.68      $1.56      $1.16    $1.72    $1.68    $1.56  

Common Stock Dividends Paid

    $62 million      $57 million      $41 million    $70 million    $62 million    $57 million  

UniSourceUNS Energy is the sole shareholder of TEP’s common stock and relies on dividends from its subsidiaries, primarily TEP, to declare and pay dividends. The TEP Board of Directors typically declares a dividend at the end of each year.


TEP paid $30 million of dividends to UNS Energy in 2012. TEP did not pay any dividends to UniSourceUNS Energy in 2011. TEP declared and paid cash$60 million of dividends to UniSourceUNS Energy of $60 million in 2010 and $60 million in 2009.2010.

TEP can pay dividends if it maintains compliance with the TEP Credit Agreement and certain financial covenants. As of December 31, 2011,2012, TEP was in compliance with the terms of the TEP Credit Agreement.

The Federal Power Act states that dividends shall not be paid out of funds properly included in capital accounts. TEP has an accumulated deficit rather than positive retained earnings. Although the terms of the Federal Power Act are unclear, we believe that there is a reasonable basis for TEP to pay dividends from current year earnings.


UNS Gas paid dividends to UniSourceUNS Energy of $20 million in 2012, and $10 million in both 2011 and 2010. In February 2012, UNS Gas paid a $10 million dividend to UniSource Energy. UNS Gas’ ability to pay future dividends will depend on the cash needs for capital expenditures and various other factors.

The note purchase agreement for UNS Gas contains restrictions on dividends. UNS Gas may pay dividends so long as (a) no default or event of default exists and (b) it could incur additional debt under the debt incurrence test. As of December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Gas was in compliance with the terms of its note purchase agreement.

UNS Electric

As of December 31, 2011, UNS Electric had not paid dividends to UniSource Energy.UNS Energy of $10 million in 2012. UNS Electric did not pay any dividends to UNS Energy in 2011 or 2010. UNS Electric’s ability to pay future dividends will depend on the cash needs for capital expenditures and various other factors.

The note purchase agreement for UNS Electric contains restrictions on dividends. UNS Electric may pay dividends so long as (a) no default or event of default exists and (b) it could incur additional debt under the debt incurrence test. As of December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Electric was in compliance with the terms of its note purchase agreement.

Other Non-Reportable Segments

In 2012, Millennium paid dividends of $14 million to UNS Energy. In 2011 and 2010, Millennium paid dividends of $3 million and 2009$8 million to UNS Energy, respectively.

UED did not pay any dividends to UNS Energy in 2012. In 2011 and 2010 UED paid dividends to UniSourceUNS Energy of $39 million $9 million and $30$9 million, respectively. Of those dividends paid by UED, the portions representing a return of capital were $28 million in 2011 and $4 million in 2010 and $30 million in 2009.2010.

SeeItem 7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, UniSourceUNS Energy Consolidated, Liquidity and Capital Resources, Dividends on Common StockStock.

Common Stock Dividends and Price Ranges


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    2011     2010   2012   2011 


    Market Price per           Market Price per         Market Price per       Market Price per     
  Share of Common   Dividends   Share of Common   Dividends 
    Share of Common
     Dividends     Share of Common
     Dividends   Stock(1)   Declared   Stock(1)   Declared 
    High     Low     Declared     High     Low     Declared   High   Low       High   Low     


    $37.74      $34.84      $0.42      $33.54      $29.13      $0.39    $38.66    $36.31    $0.43    $37.74    $34.84    $0.42  


     38.71       35.47       0.42       34.42       29.04       0.39     38.86     35.66     0.43     38.71     35.47     0.42  


     38.55       34.36       0.42       33.75       29.85       0.39     42.71     39.08     0.43     38.55     34.36     0.42  


     39.25       34.28       0.42       36.92       33.19       0.39     43.56     39.02     0.43     39.25     34.28     0.42  


















            $1.68              $1.56        $1.72        $1.68  











UniSourceUNS Energy’s common stockCommon Stock price as reported by the New York Stock Exchange.

Convertible Senior Notes

In March 2005, UniSourceUNS Energy issued $150 million of 4.50% convertible bondsConvertible Senior Notes due in 2035. Each $1,000In 2012, holders of convertible bonds can beapproximately $147 million of the Convertible Senior Notes outstanding converted their interests into 28.814approximately 4.3 million shares of UniSource Energy common stock at any time.Common Stock. The conversion ratio represents a conversion price of approximately $34.71 per share of common stock and is subject to adjustments including an adjustment to reduce the conversion price upon the payment of quarterly dividends in excess of $0.19 per share. As of February 21, 2012, there were $115remaining $3 million of convertible bonds outstanding.outstanding Convertible Senior Notes were redeemed at par for cash. SeeItem 7.- Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, UniSourceUNS Energy Consolidated, Liquidity and Capital Resources, Convertible Senior Notes,below, for more information.

Issuer Purchases of Common Equity

UniSourceUNS Energy did not purchase any shares of its common stockCommon Stock during 2012, 2011, 2010, or 2009.2010.



UNS Energy


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,

UniSource Energy

    2011   2010*   2009*   2008*   2007* 
    - In Thousands - 
    (except per share data)   2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 

Summary of Operations


- In Thousands -

(Except per Share Data)


Summary of Operations (1)


Operating Revenues

    $1,509,515    $1,453,966    $1,397,052    $1,410,407    $1,381,660    $1,461,766   $1,478,702   $1,425,947   $1,396,606   $1,410,407  

Net Income

    $109,975    $112,984    $105,901    $16,955    $60,712    $90,919   $109,975   $112,984   $105,901   $16,955  

Basic Earnings per Share:


Net Income

    $2.98    $3.10    $2.95    $0.47    $1.70    $2.25   $2.98   $3.10   $2.95   $0.47  

Diluted Earnings per Share:


Net Income

    $2.75    $2.86    $2.73    $0.53    $1.62    $2.20   $2.75   $2.86   $2.73   $0.53  

Shares of Common Stock Outstanding



     36,962     36,415     35,858     35,632     35,486  

Shares of Common Stock Outstanding:


Weighted Average

   40,362    36,962    36,415    35,858    35,632  

End of Year

     36,918     36,542     35,851     35,458     35,315     41,344    36,918    36,542    35,851    35,458  

Year-end Book Value per Share

    $24.07    $22.73    $21.18    $19.35    $19.65    $25.77   $24.07   $22.73   $21.18   $19.35  

Cash Dividends Declared per Share

    $1.68    $1.56    $1.16    $0.96    $0.90    $1.72   $1.68   $1.56   $1.16   $0.96  





















Financial Position


Total Utility Plant – Net

    $3,182,263    $2,961,498    $2,785,714    $2,617,693    $2,407,295    $3,300,363   $3,182,263   $2,961,498   $2,785,714   $2,617,693  

Investments in Lease Debt and Equity

    $65,829    $103,844    $132,168    $126,672    $152,544  

Total Investments in Lease Debt and Equity

  $45,457   $65,829   $103,844   $132,168   $126,672  

Other Investments and Other Property

    $34,205    $61,676    $60,239    $64,096    $70,677    $36,537   $34,205   $61,676   $60,239   $64,096  

Total Assets

    $3,985,231    $3,791,243    $3,610,065    $3,503,821    $3,189,747    $4,140,429   $3,989,279   $3,796,246   $3,615,211   $3,510,608  

Long-Term Debt

    $1,517,373    $1,352,977    $1,307,795    $1,313,615    $993,870    $1,498,442   $1,517,373   $1,352,977   $1,307,795   $1,313,615  

Non-Current Capital Lease Obligations

     352,720     429,074     488,349     513,517     530,973     262,138    352,720    429,074    488,349    513,517  

Common Stock Equity

     888,474     830,756     759,329     686,090     693,958     1,065,465    888,474    830,756    759,329    686,090  





















Total Capitalization

    $2,758,567    $2,612,807    $2,555,473    $2,513,222    $2,218,801    $2,826,045   $2,758,567   $2,612,807   $2,555,473   $2,513,222  





















Selected Cash Flow Data












Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities

    $337,320    $346,920    $347,310    $273,767    $320,642    $348,109   $337,320   $346,920   $347,310   $273,767  





















Capital Expenditures

    $(374,122  $(330,629  $(294,020  $(354,080  $(243,242  $(307,277 $(374,122 $(330,629 $(294,020 $(354,080

Other Investing Cash Flows(1)

     47,034     25,569     (2,624   (95,493   27,961  

Other Investing Cash Flows(2)

   44,378    47,034    25,569    (2,624  (95,493





















Net Cash Flows From Investing Activities

    $(327,088  $(305,060  $(296,644  $(449,573  $(215,281  $(262,899 $(327,088 $(305,060 $(296,644 $(449,573





















Net Cash Flows From Financing Activities

    $(1,441  $(51,183  $(28,916  $140,605    $(119,229  $(37,682 $(1,441 $(51,183 $(28,916 $140,605  





















Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges(3)

   2.32    2.46    2.64    2.48    1.28  











Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges(2)

     2.46     2.64     2.48     1.28     1.71  












September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,


    2011   2010*   2009*   2008*   2007* 
     -Thousands of Dollars- 

Summary of Operations


Operating Revenues

    $1,156,386    $1,125,267    $1,099,338    $1,092,148    $1,070,789  

Net Income

    $85,334    $108,260    $90,688    $7,206    $55,591  
















Financial Position


Total Utility Plant – Net

    $2,650,652    $2,410,077    $2,261,325    $2,120,619    $1,957,506  

Investments in Lease Debt and Equity

     65,829     103,844     132,168     126,672     152,544  

Other Investments and Other Property

     32,313     43,588     31,813     31,291     35,460  

Total Assets

    $3,275,484    $3,075,978    $2,922,062    $2,847,408    $2,567,808  

Long-Term Debt

    $1,080,373    $1,003,615    $903,615    $903,615    $682,870  

Non-Current Capital Lease Obligations

     352,720     429,074     488,311     513,370     530,714  

Common Stock Equity

     824,943     709,884     650,591     589,613     580,512  
















Total Capitalization

    $2,258,036    $2,142,573    $2,042,517    $2,006,598    $1,794,096  
















Selected Cash Flow Data


Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities

    $268,294    $302,483    $268,064    $265,756    $262,714  
















Capital Expenditures

    $(351,890  $(277,309  $(240,079  $(291,990  $(161,141

Other Investing Cash Flows(1)

     39,879     24,273     (9,522   (95,814   25,414  
















Net Cash Flows From Investing Activities

    $(312,011  $(253,036  $(249,601  $(387,804  $(135,727
















Net Cash Flows From Financing Activities

    $51,452    $(51,882  $(29,320  $128,713    $(120,088
















Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges(2)

     2.42     2.76     2.58     1.18     1.78  

















*As revised. See Note 1 to the financial statements for more information.
   2012  2011  2010  2009  2008 
   -Thousands of Dollars- 

Summary of Operations


Operating Revenues

  $1,161,660   $1,156,386   $1,125,267   $1,099,338   $1,092,148  

Net Income

  $65,470   $85,334   $108,260   $90,688   $7,206  
















Financial Position


Total Utility Plant – Net

  $2,750,421   $2,650,652   $2,410,077   $2,261,325   $2,120,619  

Total Investments in Lease Debt and Equity

   45,457    65,829    103,844    132,168    126,672  

Other Investments and Other Property

   35,091    32,313    43,588    31,813    31,291  

Total Assets

  $3,461,046   $3,277,661   $3,078,411   $2,924,108   $2,852,195  

Long-Term Debt

  $1,223,442   $1,080,373   $1,003,615   $903,615   $903,615  

Non-Current Capital Lease Obligations

   262,138    352,720    429,074    488,311    513,370  

Common Stock Equity

   860,927    824,943    709,884    650,591    589,613  
















Total Capitalization

  $2,346,507   $2,258,036   $2,142,573   $2,042,517   $2,006,598  
















Selected Cash Flow Data


Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities

  $267,919   $268,294   $302,483   $268,064   $265,756  
















Capital Expenditures

  $(252,782 $(351,890 $(277,309 $(240,079 $(291,990

Other Investing Cash Flows(2)

   24,901    39,879    24,273    (9,522  (95,814
















Net Cash Flows From Investing Activities

  $(227,881 $(312,011 $(253,036 $(249,601 $(387,804
















Net Cash Flows From Financing Activities

  $11,987   $51,452   $(51,882 $(29,320 $128,713  
















Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges(3)

   2.12    2.42    2.76    2.58    1.18  


















See Note 1 for revisions to prior period financial statements.


Other Investing Cash Flows in 2008 includes the $133 million deposit to Trustee for Repayment of Collateral Trust Bonds.


For purposes of this computation, earnings are defined as pre-tax earnings from continuing operations before minority interest, or income/loss from equity method investments, plus interest expense and amortization of debt discount and expense related to indebtedness. Fixed charges are interest expense, including amortization of debt discount, interest on operating lease payments, and expense on indebtedness.

SeeItem 7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.



Management’s Discussion and Analysis explains the results of operations, the general financial condition, and the outlook for UniSourceUNS Energy and its three primary business segments and includes the following:


outlook and strategies;


operating results during 2012 compared with 2011, and 2011 compared with 2010, and 2010 compared with 2009;2010;


factors which affect our results and outlook;


liquidity, capital needs, capital resources, and contractual obligations;


dividends; and


critical accounting policies.

UniSourceUNS Energy Corporation (UniSource Energy) is a utility services holding company engaged, through its subsidiaries, in the electric generation and energy delivery business. Each of UniSourceUNS Energy’s subsidiaries is a separate legal entity with its own assets and liabilities. UniSourceUNS Energy owns 100% of Tucson Electric Power Company (TEP), UniSource Energy Services, Inc. (UES), Millennium Energy Holdings, Inc. (Millennium), and UniSource Energy Development Company (UED).

TEP is a regulated public utility and UniSourceUNS Energy’s largest operating subsidiary, representing approximately 82%84% of UniSourceUNS Energy’s total assets as of December 31, 2011.2012. TEP generates, transmits and distributes electricity to approximately 404,000406,000 retail electric customers in a 1,155 square mile area in southeastern Arizona. TEP also sells electricity to other utilities and power marketing entities, located primarily in the western U.S. In addition, TEP operates Springerville Generating Station (Springerville) Unit 3 on behalf of Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. (Tri-State) and Springerville Unit 4 on behalf of Salt River Project Agriculture Improvement and Power District (SRP).

UES holds the common stock of UNS Gas, Inc. (UNS Gas) and UNS Electric, Inc. (UNS Electric). UNS Gas is a regulated gas distribution company with approximately 148,000149,000 retail customers in Mohave, Yavapai, Coconino, and Navajo counties in northern Arizona, as well as in Santa Cruz County in southern Arizona. UNS Electric is a regulated vertically integrated public utility with approximately 91,00092,000 retail customers in Mohave and Santa Cruz counties.

UED developed the Black Mountain Generating Station (BMGS) in northwestern Arizona. The facility includes two natural gas-fired combustion turbines. Prior to July 2011, UNS Electric received energy from BMGS through a power sales agreement with UED. In July 2011, UNS Electric purchased BMGS from UED, leaving UED with no significant remaining assets. The transaction had no impact on UniSourceUNS Energy’s consolidated financial statements.

Millennium’s investments in unregulated businesses represent less than 1% of UniSourceUNS Energy’s assets as of December 31, 2011.2012.

Our business is comprised of three reporting segments – TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric.

References to “we” and “our” are to UniSourceUNS Energy and its subsidiaries, collectively.



Our financial prospects and outlook are affected by many factors including: the TEP 2008 Rate Order that freezes Base Rates through 2012;outcome of TEP’s pending rate proceeding before the ACC; national, regional, and regionallocal economic conditions; volatility in the financial markets; environmental laws and regulations; and other regulatory factors. Our plans and strategies include the following:


Focusing on our core utility businesses through operational excellence, investing in utility rate base, emphasizing customer satisfaction, and maintaining a strong community presence, andpresence.

Strengthening the underlying financial condition of our utility subsidiaries by achieving constructive regulatory outcomes.outcomes, evaluating our capital structure, improving our credit ratings, and promoting economic development in our service territories.

Developing strategic responses to new environmental regulations and potential new legislation, including potential limits on greenhouse gas emissions. We are evaluating TEP’s existing mix of generation resources and defining steps to achieve environmental objectives that provide an appropriate return on investment and are consistent with earnings growth.protect the financial stability of our utility businesses.


Developing a long-term diversification strategy for our generating portfolio. We are evaluating several energy resource options including coal, natural gas, and renewable generating resources. The focus of our resource strategy is to provide long-term rate stability for our customers, mitigate environmental impacts, comply with regulatory requirements, and leverage our existing utility infrastructure.

Expanding TEP’s and UNS Electric’s portfolio of renewable energy resources and programs to meet Arizona’s Renewable Energy Standard (RES) while creating ownership opportunities for renewable energy projects that benefit customers, shareholders, and the communities we serve.


Developing strategic responses to Arizona’s Energy Efficiency Standards that protect the financial stability of our utility businesses and provide benefits to our customers.


Contribution by Business Segment

We conduct our business through three primary business segments – TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric. The table below shows the contributions to our consolidated after-tax earnings by these business segments.


September 30,September 30,September 30,  2012   2011 2010 
    2011   2010   2009   -Millions of Dollars- 


    $85    $108    $91    $65    $85   $108  


     10     9     7     9     10    9  

UNS Electric

     18     15     11     17     18    15  

Other Non-Reportable Segments and Adj.(1)

     (3   (19   (3

Other Non-Reportable Segments and Adjustments(1)

   —       (3  (19













Consolidated Net Income

    $110    $113    $106    $91    $110   $113  















Includes: UniSourceUNS Energy parent company expenses; Millennium;expenses, Millennium, and UED.

Revision offor Prior Period Financial Statements

In the secondfourth quarter of 2012, we identified that we had incorrectly reported UNS Electric’s sales and thirdpurchase contracts which did not result in the physical delivery of energy. The transactions were reported on a gross basis rather than on a net basis during the first three quarters of 2012, as well as the calendar years 2011 we identified errors related to amounts recorded, at their dollar value, owed to or payable by TEP for electricity deliveries settled in-kind or to be settled in-kind during prior years under threeand 2010. This error resulted in an equal and offsetting overstatement of our transmission agreements. In the second quarter of 2011, we also identified errors in prior yearsElectric Wholesale Sales and Purchased Energy in the calculationincome statements of $31 million in 2011, and $28 million in 2010. This error had no impact to operating income, tax expense arising from not treating Allowance for Equity Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) as a permanent book to tax difference.

net income, retained earnings, or cash flows. We assessed the materialityimpact of these errors on prior period financial statements and concluded they were not material to any prior annual or interim periods; however,period. However, the cumulative impact, if recognizederrors were significant to the individual line items. As a result, in 2011, could be material to results in 2011. In accordance with Staff Accounting Bulletin 108, and as set forth in Note 1 towe have revised the Financial Statements in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended June 30, 2011 and September 30, 2011, we revised our prior period2010 financial statements included herein to correct these errors. See Note 11.

Executive Overview

2012 Compared with 2011


TEP reported net income of $65 million in 2012 compared with $85 million in 2011. The decrease in net income was due primarily to: a decrease in retail kWh sales and margin revenues due in part to fewer Cooling Degree Days during the summer months compared with 2011, as well as the effects of the ACC’s energy efficiency and distributed generation requirements; a decrease in long-term wholesale margin revenues related to a change in the price of energy sold under TEP’s largest wholesale sales contract; higher depreciation and amortization expense due to an increase in plant-in-service; and a partial write-off of transmission-related assets. These factors were partially offset by a decrease in TEP’s Base O&M, resulting primarily from fewer planned generating plant outages. Net income in 2011 included the recognition of a gain related to the settlement of a dispute with El Paso Electric. SeeTucson Electric Power, Results of Operations,below, for more information.

Executive OverviewUNS Gas and UNS Electric

UNS Gas reported net income of $9 million in 2012 compared with net income of $10 million in 2011. SeeUNS Gas, Results of Operations,below, for more information.

UNS Electric reported net income of $17 million in 2012 compared with net income of $18 million in 2011. SeeUNS Electric, Results of Operations,below, for more information.

Other Non-Reportable Segments

Millennium’s financial results are included in UNS Energy’s Other Non-Reportable Segments. Millennium reported net income of $2 million in both 2012 and 2011. SeeOther Non-Reportable Segments, Results of Operations,below, for more information.

2011 Compared with 2010


TEP reported net income of $85 million in 2011 compared with $108 million in 2010. The decrease in net income was due primarily to: a decline in long-term wholesale margin revenues;revenues due to a change in the price of energy sold under TEP’s largest wholesale sales contract; a decrease in wholesale transmission revenues;revenues due in part to a temporary increase in wholesale transmission revenues in 2010; an increase in Base O&M;&M due in part to an increase in planned generating plant outages; higher depreciation expense;expense related to an increase in plant-in-service; and an increase in interest expense. Those factors were partially offset by the recognition of a gain in 2011 related to the settlement of a dispute with El Paso Electric. SeeTucson Electric Power, Results of Operations,below, for more information.

UNS Gas and UNS Electric

UNS Gas reported net income of $10 million in 2011 compared with net income of $9 million in 2010. SeeUNS Gas, Results of Operations,below, for more information.

UNS Electric reported net income of $18 million in 2011 compared with net income of $15 million in 2010. The increase is due in part to a Base Rate increase that took effect in October 2010. SeeUNS Electric, Results of Operations,below, for more information.

Other Non-Reportable Segments

Millennium’s financial results are included in UniSourceUNS Energy’s Other Non-Reportable Segments. Millennium reported net income of $2 million in 2011 compared with a net loss of $13 million in 2010. Millennium’s results in the 2010 reflect losses related to the write-off of deferred taxes and impairment losses. SeeOther Non-Reportable Segments, Results of Operations,below, for more information.

2010 Compared with 2009


TEP reported net income of $108 million in 2010 compared with net income of $91 million in 2009. The increase was due primarily to: a $17 million decrease in depreciation and amortization expense resulting from a change in depreciation rates for TEP’s transmission assets, the purchase of Sundt Unit 4, and a decline in amortization on capital lease obligations (the decrease excludes adjustments made to depreciation and amortization in 2009 related to an investment in Springerville Unit 1 lease equity); operating benefits of $11 million related to the start of commercial operation of Springerville Unit 4 in December 2009; a $3 million decrease in Base O&M resulting from a decline in planned power plant maintenance outages, cost-containment efforts and lower pension and post retirement medical expense; and a $5 million decrease in retail margin revenues resulting from a 0.8% decrease in retail kWh sales.

UNS Gas and UNS Electric

UNS Gas reported net income of $9 million in 2010 compared with $7 million in 2009. The increase was due primarily to an increase in retail sales due to colder winter weather and an increase in Base Rates that took effect in April 2010.

UNS Electric reported net income of $15 million in 2010 compared with $11 million in 2009. The increase was due primarily to an increase in demand from a mining customer; the addition of a new industrial customer; and an increase in Base Rates that took effect in October 2010; and a pre-tax gain of $3 million related to the settlement of a dispute regarding wholesale energy transactions.

Other Non-Reportable Segments

Millennium recorded a net loss of $13 million in 2010 compared with net income of $2 million in 2009. The net loss in 2010 resulted from several factors, including the write-off of deferred tax assets and impairment losses on certain investments.


The table below summarizes the items included in UniSourceUNS Energy’s O&MOperations and Maintenance (O&M) expense.


September 30,September 30,September 30,
     2011   2010   2009 
     -Millions of Dollars- 

TEP Base O&M (non-GAAP)(1)

    $237    $228    $231  

UNS Gas Base O&M (non-GAAP)(1)

     24     25     25  

UNS Electric Base O&M (non-GAAP)(1)

     20     21     21  

Consolidating Adjustments and Other(2)

     (11   (9   (7










UniSource Energy Base O&M (non-GAAP)

     270     265     270  

Reimbursed Expenses Related to Springerville Units 3 & 4

     63     65     41  

Expenses Related to Customer-Funded Renewable Energy and Demand Side Management Programs

     46     40     23  










Total UniSource Energy O&M (GAAP)

    $379    $370    $334  









   2012   2011   2010 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

UNS Energy Base O&M (non-GAAP) (1)

  $266    $271    $265  

Reimbursed Expenses Related to Springerville Units 3 & 4

   72     63     65  

Expenses Related to Customer-Funded Renewable Energy and Demand Side Management Programs

   46     45     40  










Total UNS Energy O&M (GAAP) (2)

  $384    $379    $370  












Base O&M, a non-GAAP financial measure, should not be considered as an alternative to Other O&M, which is determined in accordance with GAAP.generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). We believe Base O&M provides useful information to investors because it represents the fundamental level of operating and maintenance expense related to our core business. Base O&M excludes expenses that are directly offset by revenues collected from customers and other third parties.


Includes Millennium, UED, and UniSourceUNS Energy stand-alone O&M, and inter-company eliminations.



Dividends from UniSourceUNS Energy’s subsidiaries primarily TEP, represent the parent company’s mainprimary source of liquidity. Under UniSourceUNS Energy’s tax sharing agreement, subsidiaries make income tax payments to UniSourceUNS Energy, which makes payments on behalf of the consolidated group. group to taxing authorities. SeeIncome Tax Position,below, for more information.

The table below provides a summary of the liquidity position of UniSourceUNS Energy and each of its segments.segments:


September 30,September 30,September 30,

Balances as of February 21, 2012

    Cash and Cash
 Borrowings under
Revolving Credit
     Amount Available
under Revolving
Credit Facility
Balances as of February 13, 2013  Cash and  Cash
 Borrowings under
Revolving Credit
   Amount Available
under Revolving
Credit Facility
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

UniSource Energy Stand-Alone

    $5   $52      $73  

UNS Energy Stand-Alone

  $1   $45    $80  


     21    86       114     44    31     169  


     40    —         70(2)    43    —       702) 

UNS Electric

     6    6       64(2)    9    —       70(2) 


     6(3)   N/A       N/A     4(3)   N/A     N/A  






    $78         $101     







Includes LOCsLetters of Credit (LOCs) issued under revolving credit facilities.


Either UNS Gas or UNS Electric may borrow up to a maximum of $70 million; the total combined amount borrowed by both companies cannot exceed $100 million.


Includes cash and cash equivalents at Millennium and UED.

Short-term Investments

UniSourceUNS Energy’s short-term investment policy governs the investment of excess cash balances. We regularly review and update this policy in response to market conditions. As of December 31, 2011, UniSource2012, UNS Energy’s short-term investments included highly-rated and liquid money market funds and certificates of deposit, and commercial paper.deposit. These short-term investments are classified as Cash and Cash Equivalents on the Balance Sheet.

Access to Revolving Credit Facilities

UniSource Energy and its three primary subsidiariesWe have access to working capital through revolving credit agreements with lenders. Each of these agreements is a committed facility that expires in November 2016. The TEP and UNS Gas/UNS Electric Credit Agreements may be used for revolving borrowings as well as to issue letters of credit.LOCs. TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric each issue letters of creditLOCs from time to time to provide credit enhancement to counterparties for their power or gasenergy procurement and hedging activities. The UniSourceUNS Credit Agreement also may be used to issue letters of creditLOCs for general corporate purposes.

We believe that we have sufficient liquidity under our revolving credit facilities to meet short-term working capital needs and to provide credit enhancementsupport, as necessary, under energy procurement and hedging agreements. SeeItem 7A.Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk, Credit Risk, below.

Liquidity Outlook

In November 2011, UniSource Energy, TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric each amended and extended their respective Credit Agreements that were due to expire in 2014 to extend the expiration dates to November 2016.

UniSource Energy Consolidated Cash Flows


September 30,September 30,September 30,
    2011   2010   2009   2012 2011 2010 
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

Operating Activities

    $337    $347    $347    $348   $337   $347  

Investing Activities

     (327   (305   (297   (263  (327  (305

Financing Activities

     (1   (51   (29   (38  (1  (51

UniSourceUNS Energy’s operating cash flows are generated primarily by the retail and wholesale energy sales at TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric, net of the related payments for fuel and purchased power.energy. Generally, cash from operations is lowest in the first quarter and highest in the third quarter due to TEP’s summer-peaking load. UniSourceUNS Energy, TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric use their revolving credit facilities to fund their business activities during periods when sales are seasonally lower.

Capital expenditures at TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric represent the primary use of cash for investing activities.

Cash used for investing and financing activities can fluctuate year-to-year depending on:on capital expenditures, repayments and borrowings under revolving credit facilities;facilities, debt issuances or retirements;retirements, capital lease payments by TEP;TEP, and dividends paid by UniSourceUNS Energy to its shareholders.

Operating Activities

In 2011,2012, net cash flows from operating activities were $10$11 million lowerhigher than they were in 2010 due to:

a $32 million increase2011. The following items impacted the year-over-year change in O&M costs due in part to higher planned generating plant outage costs, higher up-front incentive payments for customer-installed solar systems, and higher DSM payments; and

a $17 million increase in taxes other than income taxes paid due to a higher sales tax rate effective in June 2010 and sales taxes paid on higher retail kWh sales;

partially offset by

a $14 millionoperating cash flows: an increase in cash receipts from electric and gas sales, net of fuel and purchased energy costs. The increase wascosts, due in part to: a Base Rate increaseto lower purchased power costs at UNS Gas in April 2010; a Base Rate increase atTEP and UNS Electric, and the collection of under-recovered fuel and purchased energy costs at TEP and UNS Gas; and a decrease in October 2010;capital lease interest paid due to lower capital lease obligation balances.

These increases in cash were partially offset by: a decrease in income tax refunds received due to overestimated payments made in 2010 and refunded in 2011; lower interest received due to lower balances in investments in lease debt; and an increase in retail electric sales; higher fuel and purchased power cost recoveries from UNS Electric customers; and higher salesproperty tax collections from customers resulting from a 1% increase in the sales tax rate that took effect in June 2010; and

a $26 million decrease in income taxes paid net of income tax refundspayments due to lower taxable income resulting from bonus depreciation deductions.higher rates and property values.

Investing Activities

Net cash flows used for investing activities increaseddecreased by $22$64 million in 2012. Capital expenditures during 2012 were $307 million compared with $374 million in 2011. Capital expenditures during 2011 were $374 million compared with $331 million last year. TEP’s 2011 capital expenditures includein 2011 included $85 million related to construction of a new administrative headquarters. Capital expenditures in 2010 included the purchase of Sundt Unit 4 by TEP for $51 million. Investing activities in 2011 included a $13 million increase in proceeds from investments in Springerville lease debt.

Capital Expenditures Forecast


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,


     2011   2012     2013     2014     2015     2016 
         -Millions of Dollars- 


    $352    $289      $346      $379      $331      $418  


     13     11       12       13       14       14  

UNS Electric (1)

     33     34       41       41       31       35  

Consolidating Adjustments (2)

     (24   —         —         —         —         —    



















UniSource Energy Consolidated

    $374    $334      $399      $433      $376      $467  



















(1)UNS Electric purchased BMGS from UED for approximately $63 million in 2011. Since this is an inter-company transaction, it is not included in the chart, as it is eliminated from UniSource Energy consolidated capital expenditures. SeeUNS Electric,Factors Affecting Results of Operations, Rates,below, for more information.

(2)Consolidating adjustments of approximately $24 million represent costs incurred during 2010 at UniSource Energy for the construction of a new administrative headquarters building. These costs were reimbursed to UniSource Energy when TEP purchased the building in November 2011.
   Actual   Estimated 
   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017 
   -Millions of Dollars- 


  $253    $323    $296    $331    $287    $278  


   16     12     14     14     15     17  

UNS Electric

   38     58     29     34     31     38  



















UNS Energy Consolidated

  $307    $393    $339    $379    $333    $333  



















TEP’s estimated capital expenditures exclude the potential purchase of interests in Springerville Unit 1 for $159 million and the potential purchase of interests in the Springerville Coal Handling Facilities for $120 million upon the expiration of their respective leases in January 2015.

TEP’s estimated capital expenditures include approximately $25 million for TEP’s share of potential environmental expenditures related to the installation of SNCR at San Juan Unit 1. TEP estimates its share of capital expenditures would be approximately $200 million if SCR technology were to be installed at San Juan Units 1 and 2 instead of SNCR at San Juan Unit 1. SeeItem. 1 Business, TEP, Environmental Matters, Regional Haze Rules, San Juan, for more information.

These estimates are subject to continuing review and adjustment. Actual capital expenditures may differ from these estimates due to changes in business conditions, construction schedules, environmental requirements, state or federal regulations and other factors.

For more information regarding TEP’s capital expenditures, seeTucson Electric Power Company, Liquidity and Capital Resources, Investing Activities, Capital Expenditures,below.

Financing Activities

Net cash flows used for financing activities were $50$36 million lowerhigher in 20112012 compared with 2010 primarily2011 due to:

to a $16 milliondecrease in borrowings (net of repayments) under revolving credit facilities, an increase in scheduled payments on capital lease obligations, and an increase in Common Stock dividends paid due to an increased number of shares outstanding from the conversion of the Convertible Senior Notes. These cash outflows were partially offset by an increase in proceeds from the issuance of long-term debt (net of long-term debt repayments and issuance/retirement costs); at TEP.

a $70 million increase in borrowings (net of repayments) under revolving credit facilities;

partially offset by

an $18 million increase in payments on capital lease obligations;

a $5 million increase in common stock dividends paid; and

a $7 million decrease in cash from other financing activities.

Capital Contributions

UNS Energy made no capital contributions to its subsidiaries in 2012.

In July 2011, UniSourceUNS Energy contributed $20 million in capital to UNS Electric to help fund its purchase of BMGS from UED.

In December 2011, UniSourceUNS Energy contributed $30 million in capital to TEP.TEP to help fund the purchase of TEP’s headquarters building.

In 2010, UED paid UniSourceUNS Energy a $9 million dividend, of which $4 million represented a return of capital distribution. UniSourceUNS Energy contributed $15 million in capital to TEP in 2010 to help fund the purchase of Sundt Unit 4.

SeeOther Non-Reportable Business Segments, UED andTucson Electric Power Company, Liquidity and Capital Resources, below, for more information.

UniSourceUNS Credit Agreement

InThe UNS Credit Agreement, which expires in November 2011, UniSource Energy amended its existing credit agreement (the UniSource Credit Agreement). The UniSource Credit Agreement2016, consists of a $125 million revolving credit and revolving letter of creditLOC facility. The amendment extended the term of the UniSource Credit Agreement by two years to November 2016. As of December 31, 2011,2012, there was $57$45 million outstanding at a weighted average interest rate of 2.0%1.96%.

The UniSourceUNS Credit Agreement restricts additional indebtedness, liens, mergers, and sales of assets. The UniSourceUNS Credit Agreement also requires UniSourceUNS Energy to meet a minimum cash flow to interest coverage ratio determined on a UniSourceUNS Energy stand-alone basis. Additionally, UniSourceUNS Energy cannot exceed a maximum leverage ratio determined on a consolidated basis. Under the terms of the UniSourceUNS Credit Agreement, UniSourceUNS Energy may pay dividends so long as it maintains compliance with the agreement.

UNS Energy’s obligations under the agreement are secured by a pledge of the common stock of Millennium, UES, and UED. As of December 31, 2011,2012, we were in compliance with the terms of the UniSourceUNS Credit Agreement.

Interest Rate Risk

UniSourceUNS Energy is subject to interest rate risk resulting from changes in interest rates on its borrowings under the revolving credit facility. The interest paid on revolving credit borrowings is variable. UniSourceUNS Energy may be required to pay higher rates of interest on borrowings under its revolving credit facility if LIBORthe London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) and other benchmark interest rates increase. SeeItem 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk, Credit Risk, below.

Convertible Senior Notes

In March 2005, UniSourceUNS Energy issued $150 million of 4.50% Convertible Senior Notes due in 2035. Each $1,000Between December 2011 and May 2012, UNS Energy issued a series of Convertible Senior Notes can be converted into 28.814 sharesseparate notices of UniSource Energy common stock at any time. The conversion ratio represents a conversion price of approximately $34.71 per share of common stock and is subject to adjustments including an adjustment to reduce the conversion price upon the payment of quarterly dividends in excess of $0.19 per share.

On December 28, 2011, UniSource Energy gave notice of a partial redemption of the Convertible Senior Notes by calling $35 million of theall $150 million outstanding. The redemption period ended on January 12, 2012. Holders of the called Convertible Senior Notes had the option of converting their interests to common stockCommon Stock or redeemingreceiving the redemption price of par plus accrued interest for the Convertible Senior Notes at par plus accrued interest.Notes. The notes were convertible into shares of UniSource Energy’s common stockCommon Stock at a conversion rate applicable at the time of 28.814 shares per $1,000 principal amounteach notice. During the first half of Convertible Senior Notes. Approximately $33.52012, holders of approximately $147 million of the Convertible Senior Notes selected for redemptionoutstanding converted their interests into approximately 964,0004.3 million shares of UniSource Energy’s common stock.Common Stock. The remaining $1.5$3 million was redeemed for cash on January 12, 2012.

The closing price of UniSource Energy’s Common Stock was $37.76 on February 21, 2012.

UniSource Energy has the option to redeem the remainingoutstanding Convertible Senior Notes in whole or in part,were redeemed for cash, at a price equal to 100% of the principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest. Holders of the Convertible Senior Notes will have the right to require UniSource Energy to repurchase the Convertible Senior Notes, in whole or in part, for cash on March 1, 2015, 2020, 2025 and 2030, or if certain specified fundamental changes involving UniSource Energy occur. The repurchase price will be 100% of the principal amount of the remaining notes plus accrued and unpaid interest.cash.

Contractual Obligations

The following chart displays UniSourceUNS Energy’s consolidated contractual obligations by maturity and by type of obligation as of December 31, 2011.2012:



UniSource Energy’s Contractual Obligations

- Millions of Dollars -


UNS Energy’s Contractual Obligations

- Millions of Dollars -

UNS Energy’s Contractual Obligations

- Millions of Dollars -


Payment Due in Years

Ending December 31,

 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
and after
 Other Total   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018
and after
   Other   Total 

Long Term Debt


Principal(1) (9)

 $—     $—     $37   $130   $235   $1,115   $—     $1,517  

Long-Term Debt



  $ —      $37    $130    $223    $ —      $1,109    $ —      $1,499  


  73    73    73    73    67    728    —      1,087     68     68     67     61     58     538     —       860  

Capital Lease Obligations(3)

  118    122    195    23    18    61    —      537     121     194     23     17     18     42     —       415  

Operating Leases

  2    2    2    1    1    10    —      18     2     2     2     1     1     10     —       18  

Purchase Obligations:



  107    71    68    50    47    96    —      439     91     78     58     53     43     77     —       400  

Purchased Power(5)

  83    61    48    16    16    227    —      451     105     91     43     34     33     466     —       772  


  7    5    5    4    4    23    —      48     7     5     5     4     3     22     —       46  

Other Long-Term Liabilities(5):


Pension & Other Post Retirement Obligations(6)

  28    5    6    6    6    34    —      85  

Acquisition of Springerville Coal Handling and Common Facilities(7)

  —      —      —      120    —      106    —      226  

Solar Equipment(8)

  12    12    —      —      —      —      —      24  

RES Performance-Based Incentives(6)

   4     4     4     4     4     42     —       62  

Solar Equipment(7)

   12     —       —       —       —       —       —       12  

Solar Project(8)

   4     4     —       —       —       —       —       8  

Service Agreement

   2     2     —       —       —       —       —       4  

Other Long-Term Liabilities(9):


Pension & Other Post Retirement Obligations(10)

   31     6     6     6     6     33     —       88  

Acquisition of Springerville Coal Handling and Common Facilities(11)

   —       —       120     —       38     68     —       226  

Unrecognized Tax Benefits

  —      —      —      —      —      —      29    29     —       —       —       —       —       —       30     30  

































Total Contractual Cash Obligations

 $430   $351   $434   $423   $394   $2,400   $29   $4,461    $447    $491    $458    $403    $204    $2,407    $30    $4,440  



































TEP’s variable rate IDBsindustrial development revenue or pollution control revenue bonds (IDBs) are secured by letters of creditLOCs issued pursuant to the TEP Credit Agreement, which expires in 2016, and the 2010 TEP Reimbursement Agreement, which expires in 2014. Although the $215 million of variable rate IDBs mature between 2018 and 2032, the above maturity reflects a redemption or repurchase of such bonds as though the letters of creditLOCs terminate without replacement upon expiration of the TEP Credit Agreement in 2016 (that supports $178 million of IDBs) and the 2010 TEP Reimbursement Agreement in 2014.2014 (that supports $37 million of IDBs).


Excludes interest on revolving credit facilities.


Effective with commercial operation of Springerville Unit 3 in July 2006 and Unit 4 in December 2009, Tri-State and SRP are reimbursing TEP for various operating costs related to the common facilities on an ongoing basis, including a total of $14 million annually related to the Springerville Common and Springerville Coal Handling Facilities Leases. TEP remains the obligor under these capital leases, and Capital Lease Obligations do not reflect any reduction associated with this reimbursement.


Excludes TEP’s liability for final environmental reclamation at the coal mines which supply the Navajo, San Juan and Four Corners generating stations as the timing of payment has not been determined. See Note 4.4.


Purchased Power includes TEP’s six long-term Purchase Power Agreements (PPAs) and UNS Electric’s two long-term PPAs with renewable energy generation producers to meet compliance under the RES tariff. The facilities achieved commercial operation in 2011 and 2012. TEP and UNS Electric are obligated to purchase 100% of the output from these facilities. The table above includes estimated future payments based on expected power deliveries under these contracts through 2032. TEP and UNS Electric have entered into additional long-term renewable PPAs to comply with the RES; however, TEP’s and UNS Electric’s obligation to accept and pay for electric power under these agreements does not begin until the facilities are constructed and operational.


TEP has entered into REC purchase agreements to purchase the environmental attributes from retail customers with solar installations. Payments for the RECs are termed Performance Based Incentives (PBIs) and are paid in contractually agreed upon intervals (usually quarterly) based on metered renewable energy production. PBIs are recoverable through the RES tariff. See Note 2.


TEP committed to purchase 9 MW of photovoltaic equipment through December 2013. The ACC approved this purchase under TEP’s RES Implementation Plan.


In December 2012, UNS Electric entered into an agreement for the construction of a 7.182 MW solar photovoltaic power plant that will be constructed in two phases. The first phase will result in a 4.2 MW plant that UNS Electric expects to be operational in June of 2013. The balance of the project will be completed in 2014. UNS Electric invested $5 million in this project in 2012. The contract requires additional investments of $4 million in each of 2013 and 2014. This is an approved project under UNS Electric’s RES implementation plan. See Note 2.


Excludes asset retirement obligations expected to occur through 2066.


These obligations represent TEP’s and UES’ expected contributions to pension plans in 2012,2013, TEP’s expected benefit payments for its unfunded Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (SERP) and TEP’s expected postretirementretiree benefit costs to cover medical and life insurance claims as determined by the plans’ actuaries. TEP and UES do not know and have not included pension contributions beyond 20122013 for their funded pension plans due to the significant impact that returns on plan assets and changes in discount rates might have on such amounts. TEP previously funded the postretirementretiree benefit plan on a pay-as-you-go basis. In 2009, TEP established a VEBAVoluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA) Trust to partially fund expected future benefits for union employees. Benefit payments are not expected to be madeDisbursements from the VEBA Trust for several years.began in 2012. The 20122013 obligation includes expected VEBA contributions. VEBA contributions for periods beyond 20122013 cannot be determined at this time.


TEP has agreed with the owners of Springerville Units 3 and 4 that, prior to expiration of the Springerville Coal Handling Facilities and Common Leases, TEP will either renew such leases or exercise its fixed price purchase option under such leases and acquire the leased facilities. TEP has the option of purchasing the facilities at the end of the initial lease term or after one or more renewal periods through 2025 for the Springerville Common Facilities and through 2035 for the Springerville Coal Handling Facilities. The table above reflects the purchase as if TEP exercised the fixed price purchase option at the end of the initial lease term. Upon such acquisitions by TEP, the owners of Springerville Unit 3 have the option and the owner of Springerville Unit 4 has the obligation to purchase from TEP a 17% interest in the Springerville Coal Handling Facilities and a 14% interest in the Springerville Common Facilities.


TEP has a commitment to purchase 9 MW of photovoltaic equipment through December 2013. 6 MW were approved by the ACC, and 3 MW remain subject to ACC approval, which is expected in the fourth quarter of 2012.


In January 2012, UniSource Energy redeemed $35 million of its convertible senior notes. Pursuant to the redemption, substantially all of the notes were converted into approximately 1 million shares of UniSource Energy Common Stock.

We have reviewed our contractual obligations and provide the following additional information:


We do not have any provisions in any of our debt or lease agreements that would cause an event of default or cause amounts to become due and payable in the event of a credit rating downgrade.


None of our contracts or financing arrangements contains acceleration clauses or other consequences triggered by changes in our stock price.

Dividends on Common Stock

On February 24, 2012, UniSource25, 2013, UNS Energy declared a first quarter cash dividend of $0.43$0.435 per share on its common stock.of Common Stock. The first quarter dividend, totaling approximately $16$18 million, will be paid March 22, 201225, 2013 to shareholders of record at the close of business March 12, 2012.13, 2013. The table below summarizes UniSourceUNS Energy’s dividends paid in 20092010 through 2011.2012.


September 30,September 30,September 30,
    2011     2010     2009   2012   2011   2010 

Quarterly Dividend Per Common Share

    $0.42      $0.39      $0.29    $0.43    $0.42    $0.39  

Annual Dividend Per Common Share

    $1.68      $1.56      $1.16    $1.72    $1.68    $1.56  

Common Stock Dividends Paid

    $62 million      $57 million      $41 million    $70 million    $62 million    $57 million  

Income Tax Position

As of December 31, 2011, UniSource Energy and TEP had the following carry-forward amounts:

September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,

UniSource Energy



     Amount     Expiring Year     Amount     Expiring Year 
     -Amounts in Millions of Dollars- 

Capital Loss

    $8       2015      $—         —    

Federal Net Operating Loss

     230       2031       212       2031  

State Net Operating Loss

     —         2016       13       2016  

State Credits

     1       2016       2       2016  

AMT Credit

     43       None       25       None  

The 2010 Federal Tax Relief Act includes provisions that make qualified property placed into service between September 8, 2010 and January 1, 2012 eligible for 100% bonus depreciation for tax purposes. The same law makes qualified property placed in service during 2012 eligible for 50% bonus depreciation for tax purposes. The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 extended 50% bonus depreciation for tax purposes on qualified property placed in service during 2013. This is an acceleration of tax benefits UniSourceUNS Energy otherwise would have received over 20 years. As a result of these provisions, UniSourceUNS Energy did not pay any federal income taxes for the tax yearyears 2011 and 2012, and does not expect to pay any federal income taxes through 2015. See Note 8 for 2012.additional information.



Executive Summary

TEP’s financial condition and results of operations are the principal factors affecting the financial condition and results of operations of UniSourceUNS Energy. The following discussion relates to TEP’s utility operations, unless otherwise noted.

2012 Compared with 2011

TEP recorded net income of $65 million in 2012 compared with $85 million in 2011. The following factors contributed to the decrease in TEP’s net income:

a $7 million decline in retail margin revenues resulting from lower retail kWh sales due to milder summer weather than 2011, as well as the effects of the ACC’s energy efficiency and distributed generation requirements;

an $8 million decline in long-term wholesale margin revenues resulting primarily from a change in the pricing of energy sold under the SRP wholesale contract effective June 1, 2011;

a $3 million decrease in pre-tax income related to an unplanned outage at Springerville Unit 3;

a $7 million pre-tax gain recorded in 2011 related to the settlement of a dispute with El Paso Electric;

an $11 million increase in depreciation and amortization expense as a result of an increase in utility plant-in-service; and

a $5 million decrease in pre-tax income as a result of the write-off of a portion of the planned Tucson to Nogales transmission line;

partially offset by

a $4 million decrease in Base O&M primarily due to lower planned generating plant maintenance expense at San Juan.

2011 Compared with 2010

TEP recorded net income of $85 million in 2011 compared with $108 million in 2010. The following factors contributed to the decrease in TEP’s net income:

a $15 million decline in long-term wholesale margin revenues resulting primarily from a change in the pricing of energy sold under the SRP wholesale contract effective June 1, 2011;


a $5 million decrease in wholesale transmission revenues. In the first quarter of 2010, transmission revenues benefitted from the temporary sale of transmission capacity to SRP;


an $9a $10 million increase in Base O&M primarily due to TEP’s share of planned generating plant maintenance expense at San Juan; and


a $5 million increase in depreciation expense as a result of an increase in utility plant-in-service;

partially offset by


a $7 million pre-tax gain related to the settlement of a dispute with El Paso Electric; and


a $3 million loss recorded in 2010 related to the settlement of disputed wholesale power transactions.

2010 Compared with 2009

TEP recorded net income of $108 million in 2010 compared with net income of $91 million in 2009. The following factors contributed to the change in TEP’s net income:

$11 million of pre-tax benefits recognized by TEP related primarily to Springerville Unit 4 for operating fees and contributions toward common facility costs received from the owner of Springerville Unit 4. Commercial operation of the unit began in December 2009. SeeFactors Affecting Results of Operations, Springerville Units 3 and 4, below for more information;

a $10 million decrease in depreciation expense due to lower depreciation rates on TEP’s transmission assets and a lengthened depreciation period for leasehold improvements at Sundt Unit 4, partially offset by depreciation related to an increase in plant-in-service. The decrease excludes a $7 million adjustment that increased depreciation expense in the second quarter of 2009, related to a change in accounting for TEP’s investment in Springerville Unit 1 lease equity. SeeFactors Affecting Results of Operations,below for more information;

a $3 million decrease in base O&M expense, which excludes costs directly offset by customer surcharges for renewable energy and demand side management programs and third party reimbursements. The decrease resulted from a decline in pension and postretirement medical expense and lower power plant maintenance expense. SeeOperating Expenses, O&M,below for more information;

a $7 million decrease in amortization expense due to a decline in the balance of capital lease obligations. The decrease excludes a $3 million adjustment made in the second quarter of 2009 that decreased amortization expense. The adjustment was related to a change in accounting for TEP’s investment in Springerville Unit 1 lease equity;

a $5 million decrease in interest expense on capital lease obligations, excluding an adjustment made in 2009 related to an investment in Springerville Unit 1 lease equity. As TEP pays down its capital lease obligations over time, the resulting interest expense also declines. The decrease in capital lease interest expense was offset by a $5 million decline in interest income during 2010. TEP’s investment in lease debt balance, and resulting interest income, also declines over time as TEP pays down its capital lease obligations;

a $3 million increase in long-term wholesale margin revenues due primarily to an increase in sales volumes to one of TEP’s long-term wholesale customers; and

a $2 million increase in wholesale transmission revenues as TEP temporarily provided transmission capacity for Springerville Unit 4 during the first quarter of 2010.

These factors were partially offset by:

an $8 million decrease in total other income due in part to interest related to an income tax refund received in 2009 and a decline in gains recognized on company owned life insurance. The decrease excludes a $3 million adjustment that increased other income in the second quarter of 2009, related to a change in accounting for TEP’s investment in Springerville Unit 1 lease equity;

a $6 million increase in interest expense on long-term debt due primarily to the conversion of $130 million of debt from a variable rate to a fixed rate. Although the fixed interest rate is higher than the variable interest rate that was in effect at the time of the conversion, the fixed rate conversion reduced TEP’s future interest rate risk and provided other benefits; and

a $5 million decrease in total retail margin revenues. Weather, the implementation of energy efficiency measures and weak economic conditions contributed to a 0.8% decrease in kWh sales compared with 2009. Cooling Degree Days during 2010 were 3.5% below 2009.

In June 2009, TEP adjusted its accounting for a 2006 investment in 14% of Springerville Unit 1 lease equity. As a result, TEP recorded a net increase to the income statement of $0.6 million, before tax. The adjustment recorded in June 2009 for the period from July 2006 through June 2009 included additional depreciation expense of $7 million; a reduction in amortization expense of $3 million; a reduction of interest expense on capital leases of $2 million; and $3 million of equity in earnings, which is included in Other Income on the income statement.

Utility Sales and Revenues

Customer growth, weather, economic conditions, energy efficiency, distributed generation, and other consumption factors affect retail sales of electricity. Electric wholesale revenues are affected by prices in the wholesale energy market, the availability of TEP’s generating resources, and the level of wholesale forward contract activity.

The table below provides trend information on retail sales by major customer class over the last three years as well as weather data for TEP’s service territory.


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,

Energy Sales, kWh (in millions)

    2011     2010     2011 vs.

% Change*
 2009     2010 vs.

% Change*





2012 vs.


% Change*




2011 vs.


% Change*

Electric Retail Sales:



     3,888       3,870       0.5  3,906       (0.9%)  3,821 3,888 (1.7%) 3,870 0.5%


     1,973       1,963       0.5  1,988       (1.3%)  1,974 1,973 0.1% 1,963 0.5%


     2,145       2,139       0.3  2,161       (1.0%)  2,132 2,145 (0.6%) 2,139 0.3%


     1,083       1,079       0.3  1,065       1.4 1,093 1,083 0.9% 1,079 0.3%

Public Authorities

     243       241       1.1  251       (4.1%)  245 243 0.9% 241 1.1%




















Total Electric Retail Sales

     9,332       9,292       0.4  9,371       (0.8%)  9,265 9,332 (0.7%) 9,292 0.4%




















Retail Margin Revenues (in millions):



    $252      $252       0.2 $254       (0.9%)  $248 $252 (1.4%) $252 0.2%


     160       159       0.6  160       (0.5%)  160 160 0.1% 159 0.6%


     95       97       (2.1%)   100       (3.1%)  93 95 (2.5%) 97 (2.1%)


     32       31       1.9  30       3.0 30 32 (3.8%) 31 1.9%

Public Authorities

     12       12       0.8  12       (2.4%)  13 12 2.4% 12 0.8%




















Total Retail Margin Revenues (Non-GAAP)**

    $551      $551       0.0 $556       (1.0%) 

Total Retail Margin Revenues (Non-GAAP) (1)

 $544 $551 (1.2%) $551 0.0%

PPFAC Revenues

     307       279       9.6  287       (2.2%)  327 307 6.5% 279 9.6%

RES and DSM Revenues

     46       38       23.3  25       48.8 45 46 (2.6%) 38 23.3%




















Total Retail Revenues (GAAP)

    $904      $868       4.1 $868       0.1 $916 $904 1.3% $868 4.1%




















Avg. Retail Margin Revenue (cents / kWh):



     6.48       6.50       (0.3%)   6.49       0.2 6.50 6.48 0.3% 6.50 (0.3%)


     8.11       8.10       0.1  8.04       0.8 8.12 8.11 0.1% 8.10 0.1%


     4.42       4.53       (2.4%)   4.62       (2.1%)  4.33 4.42 (2.0%) 4.53 (2.4%)


     2.92       2.87       1.7  2.82       1.6 2.78 2.92 (4.8%) 2.87 1.7%

Public Authorities

     5.05       5.07       (0.4%)   4.98       1.7 5.13 5.05 1.6% 5.07 (0.4%)




















Avg. Retail Margin Revenue / kWh

     5.90       5.93       (0.5%)   5.93       (0.1%)  5.87 5.90 (0.5%) 5.93 (0.5%)

Avg. PPFAC Revenue / kWh

     3.29       3.01       9.3  3.05       (1.4%)  3.52 3.29 7.0% 3.01 9.3%

Avg. RES & DSM Revenue / kWh

     0.50       0.41       22.0  0.27       50.0 0.49 0.50 (2.0%) 0.41 22.0%




















Total Avg. Retail Revenue / kWh

     9.69       9.35       3.7  9.25       0.9 9.88 9.69 2.0% 9.35 3.7%




















Cooling Degree Days



     1,528       1,543       (1.0%)   1,599       (3.5%)  1,556 1,528 1.8% 1,543 (1.0%)

10-Year Average

     1,473       1,468       NM    1,469       NM   1,484 1,473 NM 1,468 NM

Heating Degree Days



     1,597       1,469       8.7  1,287       14.1 1,201 1,597 (24.8%) 1,469 8.7%

10-Year Average

     1,417       1,430       NM    1,434       NM   1,394 1,417 NM 1,430 NM





















*Percent change calculated on un-rounded data; may not correspond to data shown in table.


Retail Margin Revenues, a non-GAAP financial measure, should not be considered as an alternative to Net Electric Retail Sales, which is determined in accordance with GAAP. Retail Margin Revenues excludes:exclude: (i) revenues collected from retail customers that are directly offset by expenses recorded in other line items; and (ii) revenues collected from third parties that are unrelated to kWh sales to retail customers. We believe the change in Retail Margin Revenues between periods provides useful information to investors because it demonstrates the underlying revenue trend and performance of our core utility business. Retail Margin Revenues represents the portion of retail operating revenues available to cover the operating expenses of our core utility business.


In 2012, residential kWh sales decreased by 1.7% compared with 2011 due in part to a decrease in the number of Cooling Degree Days during the summer months of 2012 compared with 2011. Other factors affecting TEP’s 2012 retail sales volumes included the ACC’s Electric EE Standards and distributed generation requirements, as well as the pace of economic recovery. Residential margin revenues in 2012 decreased by $4 million when compared with 2011.


Commercial kWh sales increased by 0.1% compared with 2011 due primarily to a 0.4% increase in the number of commercial customers. Commercial margin revenues increased by less than $1 million, or 0.1%, compared with 2011.


Industrial kWh sales decreased by 0.6% in 2012 compared with 2011, while margin revenues declined by 2.5%. The decline in margin revenues resulted from a change in usage patterns by certain industrial customers that reduced their demand charges paid to TEP.


The continuation of high copper prices led to increased mining activity, resulting in a 0.9% increase in sales volumes in 2012 compared with 2011. However, margin revenues from mining customers decreased by 3.8% compared with 2011, due to changing usage patterns which resulted in lower demand charges paid to TEP.

2011 Compared with 2010


In 2011, residential kWh sales increased by 0.5% compared with 2010 due in part to a 0.2% increase in the number of residential customers. Residential margin revenues in 2011 were unchanged compared with 2010.


Commercial kWh sales increased by 0.5% compared with 2010 due primarily to a 0.6% increase in the number of commercial customers. Commercial margin revenues increased by $1 million, or 0.6%, compared with 2010.


Industrial kWh sales increased by 0.3% in 2011 compared with 2010, while margin revenues declined by 2.1%. The decline in margin revenues, despite higher kWh sales, resulted from a change in usage patterns by certain industrial customers that reduced their demand charges paid to TEP.


The continuation of high copper prices led to increased mining activity, resulting in a 0.3% increase in sales volumes in 2011 compared with 2010. Margin revenues from mining customers increased by 1.9% over 2010 due to higher energy consumption and changing usage patterns which resulted in higher demand charges paid to TEP.

2010 Compared with 2009


Residential kWh sales were 0.9% lower in 2010 compared with 2009, which led to a decrease in residential margin revenues of $2 million. The decline in residential kWh sales can be attributed to a 3.5% decrease in Cooling Degree Days compared with 2009, weak local economic conditions and energy efficiency measures.


Commercial kWh sales in 2010 were 1.3% below 2009 levels. A decline in Cooling Degree Days and weak economic conditions contributed to the sales decline. The lower sales volumes, and resulting lower demand charges, led to a decline in commercial margin revenues of $1 million.


Industrial kWh sales declined by 1.0% compared with 2009, due primarily to weak economic conditions. Margin revenues from industrial customers decreased by 3.1%, or $3 million due to changing usage patterns that reduced demand charges.


Higher copper prices led to increased mining activity resulting in a 1.4% increase in sales volumes in 2010 compared with 2009. Margin revenues from mining customers increased $1 million, or 3.0%, compared with the prior year due to changing usage patterns that increased demand charges.

Wholesale Sales and Transmission Revenues


September 30,September 30,September 30,  2012   2011   2010 
    2011     2010     2009   -Millions of Dollars- 

Long-Term Wholesale Revenues:

    -Millions of Dollars-       

Long-Term Wholesale Margin Revenues (Non-GAAP)*

    $13      $28      $25    $5    $13    $28  

Fuel and Purchased Power Expense Allocated to Long- Term Wholesale Revenues

     28       28       23  

Fuel and Purchased Power Expense Allocated to Long-Term Wholesale Revenues

   20     28     28  













Total Long-Term Wholesale Revenues

    $41      $56      $48    $25    $41    $56  

Transmission Revenues

     16       21       19     16     16     21  

Short-Term Wholesale Revenues

     73       64       86     70     73     64  













Electric Wholesale Sales (GAAP)

    $130      $141      $153    $111    $130    $141  














*Long-Term Wholesale Margin Revenues, a non-GAAP financial measure, should not be considered as an alternative to Electric Wholesale Sales, which is determined in accordance with GAAP. We believe the change in Long-Term Wholesale Margin Revenues between periods provides useful information to investors because it demonstrates the underlying profitability of TEP’s long-term wholesale sales contracts. Long-Term Wholesale Margin Revenues represents the portion of long-term wholesale revenues available to cover the operating expenses of our core utility business.

Long-termIn 2012, long-term wholesale margin revenues from long-term wholesale contracts were $15$8 million lower than in 2010.2011. The decrease was due primarily to a change in the pricing of energy sold under the SRP contract. SeeFactors Affecting Results of Operations, Long-Term Wholesale Sales, Salt River Project, below, for more information.

Wholesale transmission revenues in 2012 were the same as 2011. Unlike 2012 and 2011, decreased by $5 million compared with 2010. Inin 2010 TEP provided short-term transmission capacity to SRP for Springerville Unit 4.

TEP credits all revenues from short-term wholesale sales and 90% of the margin on wholesale trading activity against the fuel and purchased power costs eligible for recovery in the PPFAC.Purchased Power and Fuel Adjustment Clause (PPFAC). There was no wholesale trading activity in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2011.2012.

In April 2010, TEP settled all remaining claims arising from certain of its transactions with the California Power Exchange (CPX) and the California Independent System Operator (CISO) during the California energy crisis of 2000 and 2001. As a result of this settlement, TEP recorded a $3 million pre-tax charge against income in the first quarter of 2010. In December 2009, TEP recorded a pre-tax charge of $4 million against income also related to transactions with the CPX and CISO in 2000 and 2001.

Other Revenues


September 30,September 30,September 30,
    2011     2010     2009   2012   2011   2010 
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

Revenue related to Springerville Units 3 and 4(1)

    $97      $97      $60    $101    $97    $97  

Other Revenue

     26       22       23     33     26     22  













Total Other Revenue

    $123      $119      $83    $134    $123    $119  















Represents reimbursements for expenses incurred by TEP related to the operation of Springerville Units 3 and 4.

In addition to reimbursements related to Springerville Units 3 and 4, TEP’s other revenues include:include inter-company revenues from UNS Gas and UNS Electric for corporate services provided by TEP;TEP and miscellaneous service-related revenues such as power pole attachments, damage claims, and customer late fees.

Operating Expenses

20112012 Compared with 20102011

Fuel and Purchased Power Expense

TEP’s fuel and purchased power expense and energy resources for 2012, 2011, 2010 and 20092010 are detailed below:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,


    Generation and Purchased Power   Fuel and Purchased Power
   Generation and Purchased Power Fuel and Purchased Power
    2011   2010   2009   2011   2010   2009   2012 2011 2010 2012   2011 2010 
    -Millions of kWh-   -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of kWh- -Millions of Dollars- 

Coal-Fired Generation

     9,946     9,481     9,272    $254    $217    $198     9,702    9,946    9,481   $247    $254   $217  

Gas-Fired Generation

     929     1,078     992     55     60     76     1,435    929    1,078    65     55    60  

Renewable Generation

     37     32     30     —       —       —       45    28    25    —       —      —    

























Total Generation

     10,912     10,591     10,294     309     277     274     11,182    10,903    10,584    312     309    277  

Purchased Power

     2,687     2,846     3,810     106     119     145     2,328    2,687    2,846    80     106    119  

Reimbursed Fuel Expense

     —       —       —       8     7     5     —      —      —      7     8    7  


     —       —       —       (1   3     3     —      —      —      6     (1  3  

Increase (Decrease) to Reflect PPFAC Treatment

     —       —       —       (6   (21   (18   —      —      —      31     (6  (21

























Total Resources

     13,599     13,437     14,104    $416    $385    $409     13,510    13,590    13,430   $436    $416   $385  













Less Line Losses and Company Use

     (795   (876   (941         (839  (786  (869    













Total Energy Sold

     12,804     12,561     13,163           12,671    12,804    12,561      














Total generating output increased during 2012 compared with 2011. The higher output was due primarily to increased gas usage at Sundt Unit 4, a dual-fuel unit capable of using either coal or natural gas.

Purchased Power

Purchased power volumes decreased in 2012 compared with 2011. The lower volume of power purchases was primarily due to the increased usage of TEP’s gas-fired generating resources.

The table below summarizes TEP’s cost per kWh generated or purchased.

   2012   2011   2010 
   -Cents Per kWh Generated- 


   2.54     2.56     2.29  


   4.54     5.99     5.58  

Purchased Power

   3.44     3.94     4.17  

All Sources

   3.19     3.30     3.24  

Market Prices

As a participant in the western U.S. wholesale power markets, TEP is affected by changes in market conditions. We cannot predict whether changes in various factors that influence demand and supply will cause prices to change during 2013. The table below shows the average wholesale market price for power and natural gas.

Average Market Price for Around-the-Clock Energy

(Dow Jones Palo Verde Index)








Average Market Price for Natural Gas

(Permian Basin)









The table below summarizes the items included in TEP’s O&M expense.

   2012  2011  2010 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Base O&M (Non-GAAP)(1)

  $234   $238   $228  

O&M recorded in Other Expense

   (6  (8  (7

Reimbursed expenses related to Springerville Units 3 and 4

   72    63    65  

Expenses related to customer funded renewable energy and DSM programs

   35    38    31  










Total O&M (GAAP)

  $335   $331   $317  











Base O&M, a non-GAAP financial measure, should not be considered as an alternative to O&M, which is determined in accordance with GAAP. We believe Base O&M provides useful information to investors because it represents the fundamental level of operating and maintenance expense related to our business. Base O&M excludes expenses that are directly offset by revenues collected from customers and other third parties.

TEP’s Base O&M expense in 2012 was $4 million lower than 2011 primarily due to fewer scheduled generating plant outages.

Income Tax Expense

In 2012, TEP’s effective tax rate was 37% compared with 38% in 2011. See Note 8 for more information.

2011 Compared with 2010


Total generating output increased during 2011 compared with 2010. The higher output was primarily due to the increased availability of TEP’s largest coal-fired generating plants, Springerville Units 1 and 2. In 2010, Springerville Units 1 and 2 experienced unplanned outages, in addition to a planned maintenance outage at Springerville Unit 1.

Purchased Power

Purchased power volumes decreased in 2011 compared with 2010. The lower volume of power purchases was primarily due to the increased availability of TEP’s coal-fired generating resources.

The table below summarizes TEP’s cost per kWh generated or purchased.

September 30,September 30,September 30,
     2011     2010     2009 
     -cents per kWh generated- 


     2.56       2.29       2.14  


     5.99       5.58       7.66  

Purchased Power

     3.94       4.17       3.79  

Market Prices

As a participant in the western U.S. wholesale power markets, TEP is affected by changes in market conditions. We cannot predict whether changes in various factors that influence demand and supply will cause prices to change during 2012.

September 30,

Average Market Price for Around-the-Clock Energy








September 30,

Average Market Price for Natural Gas









The table below summarizes the items included in TEP’s O&M expense.

September 30,September 30,September 30,
     2011   2010   2009 
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Base O&M (Non-GAAP)(1)

    $237    $228    $231  

O&M recorded in Other Expense

     (8   (7   (7

Reimbursed expenses related to Springerville Units 3 and 4

     63     65     41  

Expenses related to customer funded renewable energy and DSM programs

     39     31     18  










Total O&M (GAAP)

    $331    $317    $283  











Base O&M, a non-GAAP financial measure, should not be considered as an alternative to Other O&M, which is determined in accordance with GAAP. We believe Base O&M provides useful information to investors because it represents the fundamental level of operating and maintenance expense related to our business. Base O&M excludes expenses that are directly offset by revenues collected from customers and other third parties.

TEP’s base O&M expense in 2011 was $237$238 million, or $9$10 million above 2010. The increase is due primarily to unplanned outages at San Juan in 2011.

Income Tax Expense

In 2011, TEP’s effective tax rate was 38% compared with 36% in 2010. The increase is primarily due to a decrease in federal deductions along with federal and state tax credits. See Note 8 for more information.

2010 Compared with 2009


Coal-related fuel expense in 2010 increased by $19 million compared with 2009 due primarily to the switching of fuel at Sundt Unit 4 from natural gas to coal. TEP fueled Sundt 4 on coal for eight months in 2010, compared with two months in 2009. Gas-related fuel expense decreased in 2010 due primarily to a decrease in realized losses on gas hedging activities.

Purchased Power

Purchased power volumes and expense during 2010 were lower than 2009 due to a decrease in short-term wholesale sales activity, an increase in coal-fired generating output, and a decline in retail sales volumes.


TEP’s base O&M expense in 2010 was $228 million, or $3 million below 2009. The decline is due primarily to fewer plant maintenance outages and a decrease in pension and postretirement medical expense in 2010 compared with 2009.


Base2012 TEP Rate Increase MoratoriumCase

PursuantIn February 2013, TEP, ACC Staff, and other parties to TEP’s pending rate case proceeding entered into a settlement agreement (2013 Settlement Agreement). The 2013 Settlement Agreement requires the approval of the ACC before new rates can become effective.

The terms of the 2013 Settlement Agreement include, but are not limited to:

an increase in non-fuel retail Base Rates of approximately $76 million over adjusted test year revenues;

an Original Cost Rate Base (OCRB) of approximately $1.5 billion and a Fair Value Rate Base (FVRB) of approximately $2.3 billion;

a return on equity of 10.0%, a long-term cost of debt of 5.18%, and a short-term cost of debt of 1.42%, resulting in a weighted average cost of capital of 7.26%;

a 0.68% return on the fair value increment of rate base (the fair value increment of rate base represents the difference between OCRB and FVRB of approximately $800 million);

a capital structure of approximately 43.5% equity, 56.0% long-term debt, and 0.5% short-term debt; and

an agreement by TEP to seek recovery of costs related to the 2008Nogales transmission line from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission before seeking rate recovery from the ACC.

The 2013 Settlement Agreement also includes cost adjustment mechanisms, an energy efficiency resource plan and modifications to TEP’s PPFAC, which are described below.

Lost Fixed Cost Recovery Mechanism

A Lost Fixed Cost Recovery mechanism (LFCR) would allow TEP Rate Order,to recover certain non-fuel costs that would otherwise go unrecovered due to lost kWh sales attributed to compliance with the ACC’s Electric EE Standards and distributed generation requirements under the RES. The LFCR rate would be adjusted annually and be subject to ACC approval and a year-over-year cap of 1% of TEP’s total retail revenues.

Environmental Compliance Adjustor

An Environmental Compliance Adjustor (ECA) mechanism would allow TEP to recover the costs of complying with environmental standards required by federal or other governmental agencies between rate cases. The ECA would be adjusted annually to recover environmental compliances costs, subject to a cap equal to 0.25% of TEP’s total retail revenues.

Energy Efficiency Resource Plan

The Energy Efficiency Resource Plan (EERP) would allow TEP to invest in cost-effective energy efficiency programs approved by the ACC. Investments under the EERP would be considered regulatory assets and amortized over five-years. If certain thresholds are met as established in the EE implementation plans and approved by the ACC, TEP would recover its costs associated with the EERP, including a return on and a return of its investments, through TEP’s existing demand-side management surcharge.

Purchased Power and Fuel Adjustment Clause

A new PPFAC rate, which includes a one-time credit of approximately $3 million related to sulfur credits and a $9.7 million deferral of certain costs, will be effective at the same time new Base Rates are frozen through at least December 31, 2012. approved by the ACC. TEP’s existing PPFAC mechanism will continue with certain modifications, including the recovery of the following costs and/or credits: lime costs; sulfur credits; broker fees; and 100% of the proceeds from the sale of SO2 allowances.

Procedural Schedule

Hearings before the ACC administrative law judge assigned to TEP’s rate case proceeding are scheduled to begin on March 6, 2013. The judge will issue a recommended opinion and order following the conclusion of hearings. That recommendation is then subject to approval by the ACC.

The parties to the 2013 Settlement Agreement agreed to ask the ACC (1) to find that the terms and conditions of the 2013 Settlement Agreement are just and reasonable and in the public interest, along with any and all other necessary findings, and (2) to approve the 2013 Settlement Agreement such that it and the rates contained therein may become effective on July 1, 2013.

TEP is prohibited from submitting an application for new Base Rates before June 30, 2012. The test year tocannot predict if the 2013 Settlement Agreement will be used in TEP’s next Base Rate application cannot end earlier than December 31, 2011.approved or modified by the ACC.

Notwithstanding the rate increase moratorium, BasePurchased Power and Fuel Adjustment Clause

SeeItem 1. Business, TEP, Rates and adjustor mechanisms may change under emergency conditions beyond TEP’s control if the ACC concludes such changes are required to protect the public interest. The moratorium does not preclude TEP from seeking rate relief in the event of the imposition of a federal carbon tax or related federal carbon regulations.Regulation, Purchased Power and Fuel Adjustment Clause.

Springerville Units 3 and 4

TEP operates and receives annual benefits in the form of rental payments and other fees and cost savings from operating Springerville Unit 3 on behalf of Tri-State and Springerville Unit 4 on behalf of SRP. Springerville Unit 4 began commercial operations in December 2009. TEP recorded

In 2012, the annual impact to TEP’s pre-tax income ofresulting from operating Springerville Units 3 and 4 was approximately $21 million compared with $24 million in 2011 and 2010, and $132011. The decrease is related to an unplanned outage that occurred at Springerville Unit 3 in 2012. TEP recorded a pre-tax loss of $2 million in 2009 related to2012 because the operationoutage prevented TEP from meeting certain availability requirements under the terms of these units. TEP’s operating agreement with Tri-State.

The table below summarizes the income statement line items wherein which TEP records revenues and expenses related to Springerville Units 3 and 4.4:


September 30,September 30,September 30,
    2011   2010   2009   2012 2011 2010 
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

Other Revenues

    $97    $97    $60    $101   $97   $97  

Fuel Expense

     (8   (7   (5   (7  (8  (7

Operations and Maintenance Expense

     (63   (65   (41


   (72  (63  (65

Taxes Other Than Income Taxes

     (2   (1   (1   (1  (2  (1













Total Pre-Tax Income

    $24    $24    $13    $21   $24   $24  













Tucson to Nogales Transmission Line

SeeItem 1. Business, TEP, Transmission Access, Tucson to Nogales Transmission Line.

Pension and PostretirementRetiree Benefit Expense

The table below summarizes TEP’s pension and other postretirementretiree benefit expenses charged to O&M in 2009, 2010,2012, 2011, and 2011.2010. See Note 9 for more information.


September 30,September 30,September 30,
    2011     2010     2009   2012   2011   2010 
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

Pension Expense Charged to O&M

    $10      $9      $12    $10    $10    $9  

Other Postretirement Benefit Expense Charged to O&M

     4       4       4  

Other Retiree Benefit Expense Charged to O&M

   5     4     4  














    $14      $13      $16    $15    $14    $13  













In 2012,2013, TEP expects to charge $10 million of pension and $5 million of other postretirementretiree benefit expense to O&M.

Long-Term Wholesale Sales

In 2011 and 2010, TEP’s margin on long-term wholesale sales was $5 million in 2012 and $13 million and $28 million, respectively.in 2011. TEP’s two primary long-term wholesale contracts are with SRP and NTUA.the Navajo Tribal Utility Authority (NTUA).

Salt River Project

Prior to June 1, 2011, under the terms of the SRP contract, TEP received a monthly demand charge of approximately $1.8 million, or $22 million annually, and sold the energy at a price based on TEP’s average fuel cost. From June 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011, SRP was required to purchase 73,000 MWh per month. From January 1, 2012 through the end of the contract in May 2016, SRP is required to purchase 500,000 MWh of on-peak energy per year. TEP does not receive a demand charge and the price of energy is based on a discount to the price of on-peak power on the Palo Verde Market Index. As of February 21, 2012,13, 2013, the average forward price of on-peak power on the Palo Verde Market Index for the calendar year 2013 was $36 per MWh. In 2012, the average on-peak price of power on the Palo Verde Market Index was $30.33approximately $29 per MWh.

Navajo Tribal Utility Authority

TEP serves the portion of NTUA’s load that is not served from NTUA’s allocation of federal hydroelectric power. Over the last three years, sales to NTUA averaged 225,000 MWh. Since 2010, the price of 50% of the MWh sales from June to September has been based on the Palo Verde Market Index. In 2011,2012, approximately 12%13% of the total energy sold to NTUA was priced based on the Palo Verde Market Index. The remaining power sales occur at a fixed price under TEP’s contract with NTUA.

For more information on long-term wholesale sales seeItem. 1 Business, TEP, Service Area and Customers, Wholesale Business.

Electric Energy Efficiency Standards (EE Standards)

In August 2010, the ACC approved new EE Standards designed to requireSeeItem 1. Business, TEP, UNSRates and Regulation, Electric and other affected electric utilities to implement cost-effective programs to reduce customers’ energy consumption. In 2011, TEP’s programs saved energy equal to approximately 1.4% of its 2010 sales. In 2012, the EE Standards target total kWh savings of 3% of 2011 sales. The EE Standards increase annually thereafter up to a targeted cumulative annual reduction in retail kWh sales of 22% by 2020.

The EE Standards can be met by new and existing DSM programs, direct load control programs and energy efficient building codes. The EE Standards provide for the recovery of costs incurred to implement DSM programs. TEP’s programs and Retail Rates charged to customers for such programs are subject to annual approval by the ACC.

In January 2012, TEP filed a modification to its Energy Efficiency Implementation Plan with the ACC. The proposal includes a request for an increase in the performance incentive based on TEP’s ability to meet the EE targets for 2012Standards and for 2013. TEP’s proposed annual performance incentive for 2012Decoupling.

Renewable Energy Standard and 2013 ranges from $6 million to $8 million.Tariff

SeeItem 1. Business, TEP, expects the ACC to issue a decision on this matter in the first quarter of 2012.

DecouplingRates and Regulation, Renewable Energy Standard and Tariff.

In December 2010, the ACC issued a policy statement recognizing the need to adopt rate decoupling or another mechanism to make Arizona’s EE Standards viable. A decoupling mechanism is designed to encourage energy conservation by restructuring utility Retail Electric Competition Rules

SeeItem 1. Business, TEP, Rates to separate the recovery of fixed costs from the level of energy consumed. The policy statement allows affected utilities to file rate decoupling proposals in their next general rate case. TEP expects to file its next general rate case on or after June 30, 2012.and Regulation, Retail Electric Competition Rules.


New technological developments and the implementation of Electric EE Standards may reduce energy consumption by TEP’s retail customers. TEP’s customers also have the ability to install renewable energy technologies and conventional generation units that could reduce their reliance on TEP’s services. Self-generation by TEP’s customers has not had a significant impact to date. In the wholesale market, TEP competes with other utilities, power marketers, and independent power producers in the sale of electric capacity and energy. SeeItem 1. Business, TEP, Rates and Regulation, Electric Energy Efficiency Standards and Decoupling for more information.

Renewable Energy Standard and Tariff

In 2010, the ACC approved a funding mechanism that allows TEP to recover operating costs, depreciation, property taxes, and a return on investments in company-owned solar projects through RES funds until such costs are reflected in TEP’s Base Rates. TEP invested $14 million in two solar projects that were completed in December 2010 and began cost recovery through the RES surcharge in January 2011. During 2011, TEP earned approximately $1 million pre-tax on its 2010 investment in solar projects. In accordance with the funding mechanism approved by the ACC in 2010, TEP could earn approximately $1 million pre-tax in 2012 on solar investments made in 2010 and 2011.

In December 2011, the ACC approved TEP’s RES implementation plan including investments of $28 million in 2012 and $8 million in 2013 for company-owned solar projects. In 2011, TEP’s renewable energy investments totaled $28 million. In accordance with the funding mechanism approved by the ACC, TEP could earn approximately $1 million pre-tax in 2012 on solar investments made in 2010 and 2011 and approximately $4 million pre-tax in 2013. For more information seeItem 1. Business, TEP, Rates and Regulation, Renewable Energy Standard and Tariff.

Sales to Mining Customers

The continuationContinued pricing of copper prices ofabove $3 per pound has led to increasedtriggered an increase in mining activity at the copper mines operating in TEP’s service area. TEP’s mining customers have indicated they are taking initial steps to increase production either through expansion of their current mining operations or by the re-opening of non-operational mine sites. If efforts to increase production are successful, TEP’s mining load could increase by up to 100 MW over the next several years. The market price for copper and the ability to obtain necessary permits could affect the mining industry’s expansion plans.

In 2011,2012, sales to TEP’s mining customers increased 0.3%0.9% compared with 20102011 and represented 11%12% of TEP’s total retail kWh sales and 6% of total retail margin revenues.

In addition to the mining customers that TEP currently serves, in 2007, Augusta Resources Corporation (Augusta) filed a plan of operations with the United States Forest Service (USFS)in 2007 for the proposed Rosemont Copper Mine near Tucson, Arizona. The Rosemont mineCopper Mine requires electric service from TEP via a 138kV138 kilo-volt (kV) transmission line for the construction and ongoing operation of the mine. A certificate of environmental compatibility (CEC) from the ACC’sstate line siting committee was approved in December 2011 for the 138 kV transmission line. Appeals have been filed relative toIn 2012, the issuance ofACC finalized the CEC. If the Rosemont Copper Mine reacheswere to reach full production, it would be expected to become TEP’s largest retail customer.customer, with TEP would serveserving approximately 10090 MW of the Rosemont Copper Mine’smine’s total estimated load of approximately 110100 MW.

TEP cannot predict if or when existing mines will expand operations or new or re-opened mines will commence operations.

Interest Rates

TEP is exposed to interest rate risk resulting from changes in interest rates on certain of its variable rate debt obligations, as well as borrowings under its revolving credit facility. As a result, TEP may be required to pay significantly higher rates of interest on outstanding variable rate debt and borrowings under its revolving credit facility. At December 31, 20112012, TEP had $215 million in tax-exempt variable rate debt outstanding. The interest rates on TEP’s tax-exempt variable rate debt are reset weekly by its remarketing agents. The maximum interest payable under the indentures for the bonds is 10%20% on the $37$178 million of bonds and 20%10% on the other $178$37 million. During 2011,2012, the average rates paid ranged from 0.05%0.06% to 0.34%0.26%. At February 21, 2012,13, 2013, the average rate on the debt was 0.26%0.12%.

TEP has a fixed-for-floating interest rate swap in place to hedge $50 million of its variable rate IDBs.

TEP is also subject to interest rate risk resulting from changes in interest rates on its borrowings under the revolving credit facility. The interest paid on revolving credit borrowings is variable. If LIBOR and other benchmark interest rates increase, TEP may be required to pay higher rates of interest on borrowings under its revolving credit facility. See Item 7A.Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk, Interest Rate Risk, below..

San Juan Mine Fire

In September 2011, a fire at the underground mine that provides coal to San Juan caused mining operations to shut down. TEP owns approximately 20% of San Juan, which is operated by PNM. As we are unable to predict when operations will resume at the mine, we and the other owners of San Juan are considering alternatives for operating the facility.

However, based on information we have received to date, we do not expect the mine fire to have a material effect on our financial condition, results of operations, or cash flows due to the current inventory of previously mined coal and the current low market price of wholesale power. TEP expects that any incremental fuel and purchased power costs would be recoverable from customers through the PPFAC, subject to ACC approval.

Fair Value Measurements

TEP’s income statement exposure to risk is mitigated as TEP reports the change in fair value of energy contract derivatives as a regulatory asset or a regulatory liability, or as a component of AOCIaccumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI) rather than in the income statement. See Note 11 for more information.


TEP Cash Flows

The table below shows the cash available to TEP after capital expenditures, scheduled debt payments, and payments on capital lease obligations:


September 30,September 30,September 30,
    2011   2010   2009   2012 2011 2010 

Net Cash Flows – Operating Activities (GAAP)

    $268    $302    $268    $268   $268   $302  

Amounts from Statements of Cash Flows:


Less: Capital Expenditures(1)

     (352   (277   (240   (253  (352  (277













Net Cash Flows after Capital Expenditures (Non-GAAP)*

     (84   25     28  

Net Cash Flows after Capital Expenditures (Non-GAAP)(2)

   15    (84  25  

Amounts From Statements of Cash Flows:


Less: Retirement of Capital Lease Obligations

     (74   (56   (24   (89  (74  (56

Plus: Proceeds from Investment in Lease Debt

     38     26     13     19    38    26  













Net Cash Flows after Capital Expenditures and Required Payments on Debt and Capital Lease Obligations (Non-GAAP)*

    $(120  $(5  $17  

Net Cash Flows after Capital Expenditures and Required Payments on Debt and Capital Lease Obligations (Non-GAAP)(2)

  $(55 $(120 $(5















2010 includes a $51 million payment for the purchase of Sundt Unit 4 lease equity.

September 30,September 30,September 30,
    2011   2010   2009   2012 2011 2010 

Net Cash Flows – Operating Activities (GAAP)

    $268    $302    $268    $268   $268   $302  

Net Cash Flows – Investing Activities (GAAP)

     (312   (253   (250   (228  (312  (253

Net Cash Flows – Financing Activities (GAAP)

     51     (52   (29   12    51    (52

Net Cash Flows after Capital Expenditures (Non-GAAP)*

     (84   25     28  

Net Cash Flows after Capital Expenditures and Required Payments on Debt and Capital Lease Obligations (Non-GAAP)*

     (120   (5   17  

Net Cash Flows after Capital Expenditures (Non-GAAP)(2)

   15    (84  25  

Net Cash Flows after Capital Expenditures and Required Payments on Debt and Capital Lease Obligations (Non-GAAP)(2)

   (55  (120  (5



Net Cash Flows after Capital Expenditures and Net Cash Flows Available after Capital Expenditures and Required Payments on Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, both non-GAAP measures of liquidity, should not be considered as alternatives to Net Cash Flows - Flows—Operating Activities, which is determined in accordance with GAAP. We believe that Net Cash Flows after Capital Expenditures and Net Cash Flows Available after Capital Expenditures and Required Payments on Debt and Capital Lease Obligations provide useful information to investors as measures of TEP’s ability to fund capital requirements, make required principal payments on debt and capital lease obligations (net), and pay dividends to UniSourceUNS Energy.

Liquidity Outlook

During 2012,2013, TEP expects to generate sufficient internal cash flows to fund the majority of its capital expenditures and operating activities. Cash flows may vary during the year, with cash flow from operations typically the lowest in the first quarter and highest in the third quarter due to TEP’s summer peaking load. As a result of the varied seasonal cash flow, TEP will use, as needed, its revolving credit facility to fund its business activities.

Operating Activities

In 2011,2012, net cash flows from operating activities decreased by $34 millionwere the same when compared with 2010.2011. Net operating cash flows in 2012 were impacted by:

the collection of under-recovered fuel and purchased power costs; a $38 million increasedecrease in purchased power costs due in part to lower market prices for power; lower O&M costs due in part to fewer scheduled outages at TEP’s generating facilities; a decrease in income tax refunds received due to overestimated payments made in 2010 and refunded in 2011; higher generating plant outagefuel costs higher up-front incentive payments for customer-installed solar systems, and higher DSM payments;

a $5 millionpaid due in part to an increase in taxes other than income taxes due to a higher salescoal inventory at Sundt Unit 4 and an increase in the output of gas-fired generating units; an increase in property tax rate effective in June 2010 and sales taxes paid on higher retail kWh sales; and

a $10 million decrease in cash receipts from electric sales, net of fuel and purchased power costs. This decrease waspayments due to higher coal costsrates and lower long-term wholesale margins compared with 2010;

partially offset by

property values; and a $17 million decrease in income taxes paidinterest received due to lower taxable income resulting from bonus depreciation deductions.the declining balance of TEP’s investment in lease debt.

Investing Activities

Net cash flows used for investing activities increaseddecreased by $59$84 million in 20112012 compared with 2010. Capital2011. A decrease in capital expenditures during 2011 were $75of $99 million higher than in 2010, which was partially offset by a $13$19 million increasedecrease in proceeds from the return of investment in Springerville lease debt.

Capital Expenditures

TEP’s forecasted capital expenditures are summarized below:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     2012     2013     2014     2015     2016 
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Transmission and Distribution

    $158      $179      $129      $99      $118  

Generation Facilities

     57       80       93       72       169  

Renewable Energy Generation

     32       30       30       30       30  


     2       19       89       94       64  

General and Other

     40       38       38       36       37  

















    $289      $346      $379      $331      $418  
















   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Transmission and Distribution

  $156    $116    $161    $108    $89  

Generation Facilities

   88     83     68     56     82  

Renewable Energy Generation

   35     36     35     36     36  


   5     23     35     50     38  

General and Other

   39     38     32     37     33  

















  $323    $296    $331    $287    $278  
















TEP’s estimated capital expenditures in 2015 exclude the potential $159 million purchase of interests in Springerville Unit 1 and the potential $120 million purchase of interests in Springerville Coal Handling Facilities upon the expiration of their respective leases in January 2015. SeeCapital Lease Obligations, below, for more information.

TEP’s estimated capital expenditures also excludeinclude approximately $25 million for TEP’s share of potential environmental expenditures related to the estimated costinstallation of SNCR at San Juan Unit 1. TEP estimates its share of capital expenditures would be approximately $200 million if SCR technology were to construct a proposed Tucson to Nogales, Arizona 345 KV transmission linebe installed at San Juan Units 1 and 2 instead of $120 million.SNCR at San Juan Unit 1. SeeItem 1.Item. 1 Business, TEP, Transmission Access, Tucson to Nogales Transmission LineEnvironmental Matters, Regional Haze Rules, San Juan,for more information.

All of these estimates are subject to continuing review and adjustment. Actual capital expenditures may be different from these estimates due to changes in business conditions, construction schedules, environmental requirements, state or federal regulations, and other factors.

Investments in Springerville Lease Debt

At December 31, 2011, TEP had $29 million of investments in lease debt on its balance sheet. Unless TEP makes new investments in lease debt, the investment in lease debt balance declines over time due to the amortization of lease debt that occurs as a result of the normal payments TEP makes on its capital lease obligations. The Springerville Unit 1 and Springerville Coal Handling Facilities leases expire in 2015.

See Note 6 for more information.

Financing Activities

In 2011,2012, net cash from financing activities was $103$39 million higherlower than in 20102011 due to: a $45 million increase inhigher dividends paid to, and lower capital contributions from, UNS Energy; lower borrowings (net of repayments) made under TEP’s revolving credit facility; a $15 millionRevolving Credit Facility; and an increase in scheduled payments on TEP’s capital contributions from UniSource Energy in 2011; and a $60 million reduction in dividends paid to UniSource Energy during 2011;lease obligations. These cash outflows were partially offset by an $18 million increase in payments on capital lease obligations.proceeds from the issuance of long-term debt (net of repayments).

TEP Credit Agreement

In November 2011, TEP amended and extended its existing credit agreement (the TEP Credit Agreement). The TEP Credit Agreement consistedconsists of a $200 million revolving credit and revolving letter of credit facility and a $341$186 million letter of credit facility to support variable rate tax-exempt bonds. The amendment extended the term of the TEP Credit Agreement expires in November 2016 and is secured by two years to November 2016.$386 million of Mortgage Bonds. As of December 31, 2012, there were no outstanding borrowings and less than $1 million of LOCs issued under the TEP Revolving Credit Facility.

In December 2011, TEP reduced its letter of creditLOC facility from $341 million to $186 million, following the repurchase of $150 million of variable rate IDBs and the cancellation of $155 million of LOCs supporting those bonds. The TEP Credit Agreement is secured by $386 million of Mortgage Bonds. See2011 Bond Issuances, Purchase and Redemptions, below.

At December 31, 2011, TEP had $10 million in borrowings outstanding and $1 million of letters of credit issued under the revolving credit facility.

The TEP Credit Agreement contains restrictions on liens, mergers, and sale of assets. The TEP Credit Agreement also requires TEP not to exceed a maximum leverage ratio. If TEP complies with the terms of the TEP Credit Agreement, TEP may pay dividends to UniSourceUNS Energy. As of December 31, 2011,2012, TEP was in compliance with the terms of the TEP Credit Agreement.

2010 TEP Reimbursement Agreement

In December 2010, TEP entered into a four-year $37 million reimbursement agreement (2010 TEP Reimbursement Agreement). A $37 million letter of creditLOC was issued pursuant to the 2010 TEP Reimbursement Agreement. The letter of creditLOC supports $37 million aggregate principal amount of variable rate tax-exempt IDBspollution control bonds that were issued on behalf of TEP in December 2010.

The 2010 TEP Reimbursement Agreement contains substantially the same restrictive covenants as the TEP Credit Agreement described above. As of December 31, 2011,2012, TEP was in compliance with the terms of the 2010 TEP Reimbursement Agreement.

Capital Contribution from UniSourceUNS Energy

In December 2011, UniSourceUNS Energy contributed $30 million of capital to TEP. TEP used the proceeds to partially fund the purchase of its headquarters building.

In March 2010, UniSourceUNS Energy contributed $15 million of capital to TEP. TEP used the proceeds to helppartially fund the purchase of Sundt Unit 4.

In March 2009, UniSource Energy contributed $30 million of capital to TEP. TEP used the proceeds to purchase Springerville Unit 1 lease debt.

20112012 Bond Issuances Purchases and Redemptions

In November 2011,March 2012, $177 million of unsecured tax-exempt pollution control bonds were issued on behalf of TEP. The bonds bear interest at a fixed rate of 4.50%, mature in March 2030 and may be redeemed at par on or after March 1, 2022. In April 2012, the proceeds of the bond issuance, as well as $7 million of internal cash, were used to redeem $184 million of unsecured tax-exempt bonds with interest rates of 5.85% and 5.875%, and maturity dates ranging from 2026 to 2033. See Note 6.

In June 2012, approximately $16 million of unsecured tax-exempt IDBs were issued on behalf of TEP. The bonds bear interest at a fixed rate of 4.50%, mature in June 2030 and may be redeemed at par on or after June 1, 2022.

In July 2012, the proceeds of the bond issuance were used to redeem approximately $16 million of unsecured tax-exempt bonds with interest rates of 5.85% and 5.875%, and maturity dates ranging from 2026 to 2033. See Note 6.

In September 2012, TEP issued $250$150 million inof 3.85% unsecured notes due in November 2021 (TEP Notes). TheMarch 2023. TEP Notes bear interest at 5.15% and are callablemay call the debt prior to August 2021December 15, 2022, with a make-whole redemption premium.premium plus accrued interest. After December 15, 2022, TEP may call the debt at par plus accrued interest. The TEP Notesunsecured notes contain a limitation on the amount of secured debt that TEP may have outstanding. TEP used the net proceeds to repay approximately $72 million outstanding on the revolving credit facility, with the remaining proceeds used for general corporate purposes. See Note 6.

2011 Bond Issuances, Purchases, and Redemptions

In November 2011, TEP issued $250 million of 5.15% Notes due November 2021. TEP may call the debt anytime before August 15, 2021, with a make-whole premium plus accrued interest. After August 15, 2021, the debt is callable at par plus accrued interest. TEP used the net proceeds from the sale of the TEP Notes to (i)to: repurchase $150 million of its tax-exempt variable rate bonds, (ii)bonds; redeem approximately $22 million of 6.1% fixed rate bonds with a coupon of 6.1%bonds; and (iii) repay $78 million on itsof outstanding revolving credit facility.facility balances.

The $150 million of tax-exempt variable rate debt purchased by TEP was not retired but will be held in treasury and may be reissued or refunded in the future. See Note 6.

2010 Bond Issuances

In 2010, $137 million of tax-exempt bonds were issued on behalf of TEP, with $37 million of such bonds being applied to redeem a corresponding amount of outstanding tax-exempt bonds. In addition, in 2010 TEP converted the interest rate mode on $100$130 million of tax-exempt bonds from a variable rate to a fixed rate.

Tax-Exempt Bonds

TEP has financed a substantial portion of utility plant assets with revenue bonds issued by governmental entities on TEP’s behalf. The interest on these bonds is excluded from gross income of the bondholder for federal income tax purposes. The proceeds of the bonds are loaned to TEP, with TEP agreeing to repay the loans by making payments in amounts and at times to enable payments of principal and of and interest on the tax-exempt bonds to be paid when due. Of the $831$824 million of tax-exempt bonds outstanding as of December 31, 2011, $6162012, $609 million are unsecured and bear interest at fixed rates and $215 million are variable rate bonds. The variable rate bonds accrue interest at a weekly rate, with bondholders having the right to require their bonds to be purchased upon demand at a purchase price of par plus accrued interest. Variable rate bonds which have been put for purchase are generally remarketed to third parties to pay the purchase price. Payments of principal, interest, and purchase price on the variable rate bonds are supported by direct-pay letters of credit,LOCs, with TEP being required to reimburse the letter of creditLOC banks for drawings on the letters of credit.LOCs. SeeTEP Credit Agreement andTEP Reimbursement Agreementfor more information.

Mortgage Indenture

TEP’s mortgage indenture creates a lien on and security interest in most of TEP’s utility plant assets. Springerville Unit 2, which is owned by San Carlos, is not subject to this lien and security interest. The mortgage indenture allows TEP to issue additional mortgage bonds on the basis of (1) a percentage of net utility property additions and/or (2) the principal amount of retired mortgage bonds. The amount of bonds that TEP may issue is also subject to a net earnings test under the mortgage indenture.

At December 31, 2011,2012, TEP had a total of $423 million in outstanding Mortgage Bonds, consisting of $386 million in bonds securing the TEP Credit Agreement and $37 million in bonds securing the 2010 TEP Reimbursement Agreement.

Capital Lease Obligations

At December 31, 2011,2012, TEP had $430$353 million of total capital lease obligations on its balance sheet. The table below provides a summary of the outstanding lease amounts in each of the obligations.obligations:


September 30,September 30,September 30,


    Capital Lease Obligation
     Expiration     Renewal/Purchase
 Capital Lease Obligation



    -Millions of Dollars-             -Millions of Dollars- 

Springerville Unit 1(1)

    $253       2015      Fair market value

purchase option of $159 million

 $197   2015 Fair market value purchase option of $159 million(2)

Springerville Coal Handling Facilities Lease

     65       2015      Fixed price

purchase option

of $120  million(2)

Springerville Coal Handling Facilities

  48   2015 Fixed price purchase option of $120 million(3)

Springerville Common Facilities(3)

2017 and
    Fixed price purchase

option of $106 million(2)

  108   2017 and 2021 Fixed price purchase option of $106 million(4)





Total Capital Lease Obligations

    $430           $353    







The Springerville Unit 1 Leases cover both Unit 1 and an undivided one-half interest in certain Springerville Common Facilities.


SeeItem 3. – Legal Proceedings, Springerville Unit 1 Appraisalfor information on a dispute related to the purchase option.


TEP agreed with Tri-State, the ownerlessee of Springerville Unit 3 and SRP, the owner of Springerville Unit 4, that if the Springerville Coal Handling Facilities and Common Leases are not renewed, TEP will exercise the purchase options under these contracts. SRP will then be obligated to buy a portion of these facilities and Tri StateTri-State will then be obligated to either 1)(1) buy a portion of these facilities; or 2)(2) continue making payments to TEP for the use of these facilities.


The Springerville Common Facilities Leases cover an undivided one-half interest in certain Springerville Common Facilities.

TEP’s capital lease obligation balances decline over time due to the normal capital lease payments made by TEP. See Note 6 for more information about the fixed purchase price amounts.

Contractual Obligations

The following chart displays TEP’s contractual obligations as of December 31, 20112012 by maturity and by type of obligation.

TEP’s Contractual Obligations

- Millions of Dollars -obligation:



Payment Due in Years

Ending December 31,

 2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017
and after
  Other  Total 

Long Term Debt



 $—     $—     $37   $—     $178   $866   $—     $1,081  


  53    53    53    53    53    551    —      816  

Capital Lease Obligations

  118    122    195    23    18    61    —      537  

Operating Leases

  2    2    2    1    1    10    —      18  

Purchase Obligations:


Fuel (including Transportation)

  84    59    58    44    41    75    —      361  

Purchased Power1

  29    21    17    13    13    184    —      277  


  3    3    3    3    3    23    —      38  

Other Long-Term Liabilities:


Pension & Other Post

Retirement Obligations

  26    5    6    6    6    34    —      83  

Acquisition of Springerville

Coal Handling and Common Facilities

  —      —      —      120    —      106    —      226  

Solar Equipment

  12    12    —      —      —      —      —      24  

Unrecognized Tax Benefits

  —      —      —      —      —      —      24    24  

























Total Contractual Cash Obligations

 $327   $277   $371   $263   $313   $1,910   $24   $3,485  


























Purchased Power includes two long-term Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with renewable energy generation producers to meet compliance under the RES tariff. The facilities achieved commercial operation in 2011. TEP is obligated to purchase 100% of the output from these facilities. The table above includes estimated future payments based on expected power deliveries under these contracts through 2031. TEP has entered into additional long-term renewable PPAs to comply with the RES tariff; however, TEP’s obligation to accept and pay for electric power under these agreements does not begin until the facilities are constructed and operational.


TEP’s Contractual Obligations

- Millions of Dollars -


Payment Due in Years

Ending December 31,

  2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018
and after
   Other   Total 

Long-Term Debt



  $—      $37    $—      $178    $—      $1,009    $—      $1,224  


   55     55     54     54     51     493     —       762  

Capital Lease Obligations

   121     194     23     17     18     42     —       415  

Operating Leases

   2     2     2     1     1     10     —       18  

Purchase Obligations:


Fuel (including Transportation)

   65     65     50     47     39     60     —       326  

Purchased Power

   50     41     29     28     28     386     —       562  


   3     3     3     3     3     22     —       37  

RES Performance-Based Incentives

   4     4     4     4     4     42       62  

Solar Equipment

   12     —       —       —       —       —       —       12  

Service Agreement

   2     2     —       —       —       —       —       4  

Other Long-Term Liabilities:


Pension & Other Post-

Retirement Obligations

   29     6     6     6     6     33     —       86  

Acquisition of Springerville Coal Handling and Common Facilities

   —       —       120     —       38     68     —       226  

Unrecognized Tax Benefits

   —       —       —       —       —       —       23     23  

























Total Contractual Cash Obligations

  $343    $409    $291    $338    $188    $2,165    $23    $3,757  

























SeeUniSourceUNS Energy Consolidated, Liquidity and Capital Resources, Contractual Obligations, above, for a description of these obligations.

We have reviewed our contractual obligations and provide the following additional information:


TEP’s Credit Agreement contains pricing based on TEP’s credit ratings. A change in TEP’s credit ratings can cause an increase or decrease in the amount of interest TEP pays on its borrowings, and the amount of fees it pays for its letters of creditLOCs and unused commitments. A downgrade in TEP’s credit ratings would not cause a restriction in TEP’s ability to borrow under its revolving credit facility.



TEP’s Credit Agreement contains certain financial and other restrictive covenants, including a leverage test. Failure to comply with these covenants would entitle the lenders to accelerate the maturity of all amounts outstanding. At December 31, 2011,2012, TEP was in compliance with these covenants. SeeTEP Credit Agreement,above.


TEP conducts its wholesale marketing and risk management activities under certain master agreements whereby TEP may be required to post credit enhancements in the form of cash or a letter of creditan LOC due to exposures exceeding unsecured credit limits provided to TEP, changes in contract values, a change in TEP’s credit ratings, or if there has been a material change in TEP’s creditworthiness. As of December 31, 2011,2012, TEP had posted aless than $1 million letter of creditin LOCs as collateral with counterparties for credit enhancement.

Dividends on Common Stock

TEP paid $30 million of dividends to UNS Energy in 2012. TEP did not pay any dividends to UniSourceUNS Energy in 2011. TEP declared and paid $60 million of dividends to UniSourceUNS Energy of $60 million in 2010 and $60 million in 2009.2010.

TEP can pay dividends if it maintains compliance with the TEP Credit Agreement, the 2010 TEP Reimbursement Agreement, and certain financial covenants. As of December 31, 2011,2012, TEP was in compliance with the terms of the TEP Credit Agreement and the 2010 TEP Reimbursement Agreement.

The Federal Power Act states that dividends shall not be paid out of funds properly included in capital accounts. TEP has an accumulated deficit rather than positive retained earnings. Although the terms of the Federal Power Act are unclear, we believe that there is a reasonable basis for TEP to pay dividends from current year earnings.



UNS Gas reported net income of $9 million in 2012, $10 million in 2011, and $9 million in 2010 and $7 million in 2009.2010. We expect operations at UNS Gas to vary with the seasons, with peak energy usage occurring in the winter months.

The table below provides summary financial information for UNS Gas.Gas:


September 30,September 30,September 30,
    2011     2010     2009   2012   2011   2010 
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

Gas Revenues

    $148      $146      $149    $128    $148    $146  

Other Revenues

     3       4       4     5     3     4  













Total Operating Revenues

     151       150       153     133     151     150  













Purchased Gas Expense

     90       91       99     74     90     91  

Other Operations and Maintenance Expense

     25       26       25  


   25     25     26  

Depreciation and Amortization

     9       8       7     9     8     8  

Taxes Other Than Income Taxes

     3       3       3     4     4     3  













Total Other Operating Expenses

     127       128       134     112     127     128  













Operating Income

     24       22       19     21     24     22  

Total Interest Expense

     7       7       6  

Interest Expense

   6     7     7  

Income Tax Expense

     7       6       6     6     7     6  













Net Income

    $10      $9      $7    $9    $10    $9  













The table below shows UNS Gas’ therm sales and revenues for 2011, 2010 and 2009.revenues:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
                Increase (Decrease)             Increase (Decrease)   
    2011     2010     Amount   Percent* 2009   2012   2011   Amount Percent(1) 2010 

Energy Sales, Therms (in millions)


Energy Sales, Therms (in millions):


Gas Retail Sales:



     74       73       1     1.2  70     67     74     (7  (9.1%)   73  


     31       30       1     2.9  30     29     31     (2  (5.7%)   30  


     2       2       —       22.9  2     2     2     —      (15.1%)   2  

Public Authorities

     7       7       —       (0.2%)   6     6     7     (1  (13.0%)   7  





















Total Gas Retail Sales

     114       112       2     1.9  108     104     114     (10  (8.5%)   112  

Negotiated Sales Program (NSP)

     26       28       (2   (8.4%)   30     32     26     6    21.2  28  





















Total Gas Sales

     140       140       —       (0.2%)   138     136     140     (4  (3.02%)   140  





















Gas Revenues (in millions):


Retail Margin Revenues:



    $40      $39      $1     2.6 $36    $38    $40    $(2  (3.5%)  $39  


     11       10       1     4.9  10     11     11     —      0.9  10  


     —         —         —       21.9  —    

Public Authorities

     2       2       —       4.8  2     2     2     —      (4.5%)   2  





















Total Retail Margin Revenues (Non-GAAP)**

     53       51       2     3.1  48  

Total Retail Margin Revenues (Non-GAAP)(2)

   51     53     (2  (2.7%)   51  

Transport and NSP

     17       17       —       (4.6%)   16     16     17     (1  (4.2%)   17  


     1       1       —       10.0  1     1     1     —      %     1  

Retail Fuel Revenues

     77       77       —       1.0  84     60     77     (17  (22.5%)   77  





















Total Gas Revenues (GAAP)

    $148      $146      $2     1.2 $149    $128    $148    $(20  (13.2%)  $146  





















Weather Data:


Heating Degree Days


Year Ended December 31

     25,794       25,457       337     1.3  24,305  

Year Ended December 31,

   19,026     21,484     (2,458  (11.4%)   21,188  

10-Year Average

     24,894       24,828       NM     NM    24,739     20,567     20,759     NM    NM    20,704  



Percent change calculated on unrounded data and may not correspond exactly to data shown in table.


Retail Margin Revenues, a non-GAAP financial measure, should not be considered as an alternative to Total Gas Revenues, which is determined in accordance with GAAP. Retail Margin Revenues excludes revenues collected from retail customers that are directly offset by expenses recorded in other line items. We believe the change in Retail Margin Revenues between periods provides useful information to investors because it demonstrates the underlying revenue trend and performance of our core utility business. Retail Margin Revenues represents the portion of retail operating revenues available to cover the operating expenses of our core utility business.

Retail therm sales during 2011 increased2012 decreased by 1.9%8.5% compared with 2010 due in part to a 1.3% increase in heating degree days and an increase in the number of retail customers. Retail margin revenues increased by 3.1%, or $2 million, during 2011 due in part to colder winter weather and a Base Rate increase that was implementedan 11.4% decrease in April 1, 2010. As of December 31, 2011,Heating Degree Days. Retail margin revenues decreased by 2.7%, or $2 million. UNS Gas had approximately 148,000149,000 retail customers, which represents an increase of less than 1% compared with the end of 2010.2011.

UNS Gas supplies natural gas to some of its large transportation customers. Approximately one half of the margin earned on these NSP sales is retained by UNS Gas while the remainder benefits retail customers through a credit to the PGAPurchase Gas Adjustor (PGA) mechanism which reduces the gas commodity price.



New technological developments and the implementation of Gas EE Standards may reduce energy consumption by UNS Gas’ retail customers. Customers of UNS Gas also have the ability to switch from gas to an alternate energy source that could reduce their reliance on services provided by UNS Gas. SeeItem 1. Business, UNS Gas, Rates and Regulation, Gas Utility Energy Efficiency Standards and Decoupling,above,for more information.


2012 UNS Gas Rate Order

In April 2012, the ACC approved a Base Rate increase of $2.7 million as well as a LFCR mechanism to enable UNS Gas to recover lost fixed cost revenues as a result of implementing the Gas EE Standards. The LFCR is expected to recover lost fixed cost revenues of less than $0.1 million in 2013, based on estimated lost retail therm sales from May through December 2012.

The new rates became effective on May 1, 2012. The impact of the Base Rate increase on customers’ bills is offset by a temporary credit adjustment to the PGA. SeeItem 1. Business, UNS Gas, Rates and Regulation, Purchased Gas Adjustor.

Purchased Gas Adjustor

SeeItem 1. Business, UNS Gas, Rates and Regulation, 2011 UNSPurchased Gas Rate Filing.Adjustor.

Interest Rates

UNS Gas is subject to interest rate risk resulting from changes in interest rates on its borrowings under its revolving credit facility. The interest paid on revolving credit borrowings is variable. If LIBOR or other benchmark interest rates increase, UNS Gas may be required to pay higher rates of interest on borrowings under its revolving credit facility. SeeItem 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk, Interest Rate Risk, below.

Fair Value Measurements

UNS Gas’ income statement exposure to risk is mitigated as UNS Gas reports the change in fair value of energy contract derivatives as a regulatory asset or a regulatory liability rather than in the income statement. See Note 11 for more information.


Liquidity Outlook

UNS Gas’ capital requirements consist primarily of capital expenditures. In 2011,2012, capital expenditures were $13$16 million. UNS Gas expects operating cash flows to fund its future operating activities and a large portion of its construction expenditures. If natural gas prices rise and UNS Gas is not allowed to recover its projected gas costs or PGA bank balance on a timely basis, UNS Gas may require additional funding to meet operating and capital requirements. Sources of funding future capital expenditures could include draws on the revolving credit facility, additional credit lines, the issuance of long-term debt, or capital contributions from UniSourceUNS Energy.

Operating Cash Flow and Capital Expenditures

The table below provides summary cash flow information for UNS Gas.Gas:


September 30,September 30,September 30,
    2011   2010   2009   2012 2011 2010 
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

Cash Provided By (Used In):


Operating Activities

    $32    $18    $37    $28   $32   $18  

Investing Activities

     (12   (9   (13   (15  (12  (9

Financing Activities

     (11   (11   —       (20  (11  (11













Net Increase (Decrease in Cash)

     9     (2   24  

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash

   (7  9    (2

Beginning Cash

     29     31     7     38    29    31  













Ending Cash

    $38    $29    $31    $31   $38   $29  













Operating Activities

Operating cash flows increaseddecreased by $4 million in 2012 when compared with 2011 due in part to a $4 million decrease in total gas revenues.

Investing Activities

UNS Gas incurred capital expenditures of $16 million in 2012 compared with $13 million in 2011.

Financing Activities

Cash used for financing activities at UNS Gas was $9 million higher in 2012 than in 2011 due in part to the temporary over-collectionan increase of PGA gas costs from customers.$10 million in dividends paid to UNS Energy.

UNS Gas/UNS Electric Revolver

In November 2011, UNS Gas and UNS Electric amended their existing unsecured credit agreement. The UNS Electric/Gas/UNS GasElectric Revolver consists of a $100 million unsecured revolving credit and revolving letter of credit facility. Either company can borrow up to a maximum of $70 million as long as the combined amount borrowed does not exceed $100 million. The amendment extended the term of the UNS Electric/Gas/UNS GasElectric Revolver by two years toexpires in November 2016.

UNS Gas is only liable for UNS Gas’ borrowings, and similarly, UNS Electric is only liable for UNS Electric’s borrowings under the UNS Gas/UNS Electric Revolver. UES guarantees the obligations of both UNS Gas expects to draw upon the UNS Gas/UNS Electric Revolver from time to time for seasonal working capital purposes, to fund a portion of its capital expenditures, or to issue LOCs to provide credit enhancement for its natural gas procurement and hedging activities. As of December 31, 2012, UNS Electric.Gas had no outstanding borrowings or LOCs under the UNS Gas/UNS Electric Revolver.

The UNS Gas/UNS Electric Revolver restricts additional indebtedness, liens, and mergers. It also requires each borrower not to exceed a maximum leverage ratio. Each borrower may pay dividends so long as it maintains compliance with the agreement. As of December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Gas and UNS Electric each were in compliance with the terms of the UNS Gas/UNS Electric Revolver.

UNS Gas expects to draw upon the UNS Gas/UNS Electric Revolver from time to time for seasonal working capital purposes, to fund a portion of its capital expenditures, or to issue letters of credit to provide credit enhancement for its natural gas procurement and hedging activities. As of December 31, 2011, UNS Gas had no outstanding borrowings or letters of credit under the UNS Gas/UNS Electric Revolver.

Senior Unsecured Notes

UNS Gas has $100 million of senior unsecured notes outstanding, of which $50 million matures in 2015 and $50 million matures in 2026.

All of UNS Gas’ senior unsecured notes are guaranteed by UES. The note purchase agreements for UNS Gas restrict transactions with affiliates, mergers, liens, restricted payments, and incurrence of indebtedness. The agreements also contain a minimum net worth test. As of December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Gas was in compliance with the terms of its note purchase agreements.

UNS Gas must meet a leverage test and an interest coverage test to issue additional debt or to pay dividends. However, UNS Gas may, without meeting these tests, refinance existing debt and incur up to $5 million in short-term debt.

Note Issuance

In August 2011, UNS Gas issued $50 million of 5.39% senior unsecured notes. The proceeds were used to pay off $50 million of senior unsecured notes that matured in August 2011.

Contractual Obligations

UNS Gas Supply Contracts

UNS Gas directly manages its gas supply and transportation contracts. The market price for gas varies based upon the period during which the commodity is purchased. UNS Gas has firm transportation agreements with capacity sufficient to meet its current load requirements. These contracts expire in various years between 20122013 and 2023.2024. These costs are passed through to UNS Gas’ customers via the PGA.

UNS Gas hedges its gas supply prices by entering into fixed price forward contracts and financial swaps at various times during the year to provide more stable prices to its customers. These purchases and hedges are made up to three years in advance with the goal of hedging at least 45% of the expected monthly gas consumption with fixed prices prior to entering into the month. UNS Gas hedged approximately 45%55% of its expected monthly consumption for the 2011/20122012/2013 winter season (November through March). Additionally, UNS Gas has approximately 38%37% of its expected gas consumption hedged for April through October 2012,2013, and 32%30% hedged for the period November 2012 through March 2013.2013/2014 winter season.

The following table displays UNS Gas’ contractual obligations as of December 31, 20112012 by maturity and by type of obligation.obligation:



UNS Gas Contractual Obligations

-Millions of Dollars-


UNS Gas Contractual Obligations

-Millions of Dollars-


Payment Due in Years

Ending December 31,

Payment Due in Years

Ending December 31,

 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
 Other Total   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018
   Other   Total 

Long Term Debt

Long Term Debt




 $—     $—     $—     $50   $—     $50   $—     $100    $—      $—      $50    $—      $—      $50    $—      $100  



  6    6    6    6    3    27    —      54     6     6     6     3     3     24     —       48  

Purchase Obligations—Fuel

Purchase Obligations—Fuel

  23    12    10    6    6    21    —      78     26     13     8     6     4     17     —       74  

Pension & Other Post Retirement Obligations

  1    —      —      —      —      —      —      1  

Unrecognized Tax Benefits

  —      —      —      —      —      —      1    1  

Pension & Other Postretirement Obligations

   1     —       —       —       —       —       —       1  

































Total Contractual Cash Obligations

Total Contractual Cash Obligations

 $30   $18   $16   $62   $9   $98   $1   $234    $33    $19    $64    $9    $7    $91    $—      $223  

































UNS Gas conducts certain of its gas procurement and risk management activities under agreements whereby UNS Gas may be required to post margin due to changes in contract values, a change in UNS Gas’ creditworthiness, or exposures exceeding credit limits provided to UNS Gas. As of December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Gas had not posted any such credit enhancements.

Dividends on Common Stock

UNS Gas paid dividends to UniSourceUNS Energy of $20 million in 2012, and $10 million in 2010,both 2011 and in February 2012.2010. UNS Gas’ ability to pay future dividends will depend on the cash needs for capital expenditures and various other factors.

The note purchase agreement for UNS Gas contains restrictions on dividends. UNS Gas may pay dividends so long as (a)(i) no default or event of default exists and (b)(ii) it could incur additional debt under the debt incurrence test. As of December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Gas was in compliance with the terms of its note purchase agreement. SeeSenior Unsecured Notes, above.



In its September 2010 UNS Electric rate order, the ACC approved UNS Electric’s purchase of BMGS from UED, subject to FERC approval and other conditions. FERC approved the purchase in June 2011, and UNS Electric completed the purchase of BMGS for $63 million on July 1, 2011. In accordance with accounting rules related to the transfer of a business held under common control, we reflect UNS Electric’s purchase of BMGS as if it occurred on January 1, 2009. The transaction had no impact on UniSource Energy’s consolidated financial statements for 2009 or 2010.

UNS Electric had net income of $18$17 million in 2011,2012, compared with net income of $15$18 million in 2010. The increase is due primarily to a rate increase that was implemented in October 2010.

Results in 2010 included $3 million of pre-tax income related to a settlement with Arizona Public Service Company for refunds related to transactions with the California Power Exchange.2011.

As with TEP, UNS Electric’s operations are generally seasonal in nature, with peak energy demand occurring in the summer months.

The table below provides summary financial information for UNS Electric.Electric:


September 30,September 30,September 30,
     2011     2010     2009 
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Retail Electric Revenues

    $182      $183      $180  

Wholesale Electric Revenues

     37       31       5  

Other Revenues

     2       2       2  










Total Operating Revenues

     221       216       187  

Purchased Energy and Fuel Expense

     137       137       116  

Other Operations and Maintenance Expense

     27       29       26  

Depreciation and Amortization Expense

     17       17       16  

Taxes Other Than Income Taxes

     4       4       4  










Total Other Operating Expenses

     185       187       162  










Operating Income

     36       29       25  

Other Income

     —         3       —    

Total Interest Expense

     7       7       7  

Income Tax Expense

     11       10       7  










Net Income

    $18      $15      $11  










   2012   2011   2010 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Retail Electric Revenues

  $171    $182    $183  

Wholesale Electric Revenues

   17     6     2  

Other Revenues

   2     2     2  










Total Operating Revenues

   190     190     187  

Fuel and Purchased Energy Expense

   101     106     109  


   31     27     29  

Depreciation and Amortization

   18     17     16  

Taxes Other Than Income Taxes

   4     4     4  










Total Other Operating Expenses

   154     154     158  










Operating Income

   36     36     29  

Other Income

   —       —       3  

Interest Expense

   8     7     7  

Income Tax Expense

   11     11     10  










Net Income

  $17    $18    $15  










The table below summarizes UNS Electric’s kWh sales and margin revenues for 2011, 2010 and 2009.revenues:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
                 Increase (Decrease)    
     2011     2010     Amount   Percent*  2009 

Energy Sales, kWh (in millions)


Electric Retail Sales:



     828       820       8     0.9  814  


     602       606       (4   (0.7%)   608  


     221       219       2     0.8  197  


     200       210       (10   (4.2%)   163  

Public Authorities

     2       2       —       (16.3%)   2  
















Total Electric Retail Sales

     1,853       1,857       (4   (0.2%)   1,784  
















Electric Retail Revenues (in millions):


Retail Margin Revenues:



    $31      $27      $4     13.9 $21  


     29       27       2     5.9  22  


     9       9       —       4.7  7  


     7       6       1     22.2  3  

Public Authorities

     —         —         —       (25.0%)   —    
















Total Retail Margin Revenues (Non-GAAP)**

    $76      $69      $7     10.0 $53  

Retail Fuel Revenues

     99       105       (6   (5.6%)   121  

DSM and RES Revenues

     7       9       (2   (22.4%)   6  
















Total Retail Revenues (GAAP)

    $182      $183      $(1   (0.5%)  $180  
















September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,

Weather – Cooling Degree Days

    2011     2010              2009 

Year Ended December 31

     9,092       8,821       271       3.1  9,183  

10-Year Average

     8,994       9,031       NM       NM    9,059  
           Increase (Decrease)    
   2012   2011   Amount  Percent(1)  2010 

Energy Sales, kWh (in millions)


Electric Retail Sales:



   836     828     8    1.0  820  


   614     602     12    2.0  606  


   213     221     (8  (3.5%)   219  


   91     200     (109  (54.8%)   210  

Public Authorities

   2     2     —      (1.7%)   2  
















Total Electric Retail Sales

   1,756     1,853     (97  (5.3%)   1,857  
















Electric Retail Revenues (in millions):


Retail Margin Revenues:



  $32    $31    $1    2.6 $27  


   29     29     —      %     27  


   9     9     —      %     9  


   7     7     —      (1.5%)   6  

Public Authorities

   —       —       —      (33.3%)   —    
















Total Retail Margin Revenues (Non-GAAP)(2)

  $77    $76    $1    0.8 $69  

Retail Fuel Revenues

   83     99     (16  (15.9%)   105  

DSM and RES Revenues

   11     7     4    71.2  9  
















Total Retail Revenues (GAAP)

  $171    $182    $(11  (5.8%)  $183  
















Weather Data:


Cooling Degree Days


Year Ended December 31,

   9,639     9,092     547    6.0  8,821  

10-Year Average

   9,052     8,994     NM    NM    9,031  



Percent change calculated on unrounded data and may not correspond exactly to data shown in table.


Retail Margin Revenues, a non-GAAP financial measure, should not be considered as an alternative to Total Retail Revenues, which is determined in accordance with GAAP. Retail Margin Revenues exclude revenues collected from retail customers that are directly offset by expenses recorded in other line items. We believe the change in Retail Margin Revenues between periods provides useful information to investors because it demonstrates the underlying revenue trend and performance of our core utility business. Retail Margin Revenues represents the portion of retail operating revenues available to cover the operating expenses of our core utility business.

In 2011,2012, retail kWh sales decreased by 0.2%5.3% compared with 2010. A 4% Base Rate increase that took effect in October 2010, contributed2011 due to a $7 million increase in retail margin revenues in 2011 compared with 2010.large customer generating a portion of its own electricity needs.

As of December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Electric had approximately 91,00092,000 retail customers, which was an increase of less than 1% compared with 2010.2011.

Wholesale revenues increased by $6$11 million in 20112012 due to an increase in short-term wholesale sales. All revenues from wholesale sales are credited against costs recovered through UNS Electric’s PPFAC.


2012 UNS Electric Rate Case

In December 2012, UNS Electric filed a rate case application with the ACC as required by the ACC in UNS Electric’s 2010 Rate Order.

The key provisions of UNS Electric’s rate request include:

an increase in non-fuel retail Base Rates of $7.5 million, or 4.6%, over adjusted test year revenues;

an original cost rate base of approximately $217 million, which includes approximately $13 million of post test year adjustments for utility plant that is expected to be in service by June 30, 2013;

a capital structure of approximately 47% debt and 53% equity; and

a cost of long-term debt of 5.97% and return on equity of 10.50%.

Lost Fixed Cost Recovery Mechanism

UNS Electric proposed a LFCR mechanism that would allow UNS Electric to recover non-fuel costs that would otherwise go unrecovered due to lost kWh sales attributed to compliance with the ACC’s Electric EE Standards and distributed generation requirements under the ACC’s RES. The LFCR is not a full decoupling mechanism and is not intended to recover lost fixed costs attributable to weather or economic conditions.

Transmission Cost Adjustment Mechanism

UNS Electric proposed a Transmission Cost Adjustment Mechanism (TCA) that would allow UNS Electric to recover, on a more timely basis, transmission costs associated with serving retail customers. UNS Electric’s proposed retail Base Rates include a transmission cost reflective of the current FERC rate. As the FERC rate changes, the TCA will result in a corresponding adjustment to the transmission component of retail Base Rates.

Energy Efficiency Resource Plan

UNS Electric proposed a three-year pilot program that would allow it to invest in energy efficiency programs in order to meet the ACC’s Electric EE Standards in the most cost-effective manner. Electric EE Standards investments would be considered regulatory assets and amortized over a four-year period. UNS Electric would earn a return on its investments and recover the return and amortization expense through the existing demand-side management surcharge.

UNS Electric requested new rates be effective no later than January 1, 2014. We cannot predict the outcome of this proceeding or whether UNS Electric’s rate request will be adopted by the ACC in whole or in part.


New technological developments and the implementation of Electric EE Standards may reduce energy consumption by UNS Electric’s retail customers. UNS Electric’s customers also have the ability to install renewable energy technologies and conventional generation units that could reduce their reliance on UNS Electric’s services. Self-generation by UNS Electric’s customers has not had a significant impact to date. SeeItem 1. Business, UNS Electric, Rates and Regulation, Energy Efficiency Standards and Decoupling,above, for more information.


SeeItem 1. Business, UNS Electric, Rates and Regulation, 2010 UNS Electric Rate Order for more information..

Mining CustomerLarge Customers

One of UNS Electric’s largest customer, a copper mine located near Kingman, Arizona,retail customers began generating a portion of its own electricity needs in 2011. In 2012, UNS Electric expects its mining kWh sales to decrease by approximately 50% compared with 2011; however, dueDue to UNS Electric’s retail rate structure UNS Electric expectsand the customer’s peak electric demand, the margin revenues from this customer to bein 2012 were near the same level as 2011. In 2011,Another large retail customer shut down its operations in UNS Electric’s mining-relatedservice territory. As a result of these two events, we estimate UNS Electric’s non-residential retail margin revenues were $7 million.will be approximately $4 million lower in 2013 than in 2012.

Renewable Energy Standard and Tariff

As part of the 2010 UNS Electric rate order, the ACC authorized UNS Electric to recover operating costs, depreciation, property taxes and a return on its investment in company-owned solar projects through RES funds until these costs are reflected in its Base Rates. Under these terms, UNS Electric expects to invest $5 million annually in 2012 through 2014 in solar photovoltaic projects. We estimate that each $5 million investment would build approximately 1.25 MW of solar capacity. For more information, seeSeeItem 1. Business, UNS Electric, Rates and Regulation, 2010 Renewable Energy Standard and Tariff.Tariff.

Interest Rates

UNS Electric is subject to interest rate risk resulting from changes in interest rates on its borrowings under its revolving credit facility. The interest paid on revolving credit borrowings is variable. If LIBOR or other benchmark interest rates increase, UNS Electric may be required to pay higher rates of interest on borrowings under its revolving credit facility. SeeItem 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk, Interest Rate Risk, below.

Fair Value Measurements

UNS Electric’s income statement exposure to risk is mitigated as UNS Electric reports the change in fair value of energy contract derivatives as a regulatory asset or a regulatory liability rather than in the income statement. See Note 11 for more information.


Liquidity Outlook

In 2011,2012, UNS Electric’s capital expenditures were $38 million. In 2011, UNS Electric had capital expenditures of $96 million, which included the purchase of BMGS for $63 million from an affiliate, UED. Going forward, UNS Electric expects operating cash flows to fund a large portion of its construction expenditures. Additional sources of funding future capital expenditures could include draws on the UNS Gas/UNS Electric Revolver, additional credit lines, the issuance of long-term debt, or capital contributions from UniSourceUNS Energy.

Operating Cash Flow

The table below provides summary cash flow information for UNS Electric.Electric:


September 30,September 30,September 30,
    2011   2010   2009   2012 2011 2010 
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

Cash Provided By (Used In):


Operating Activities

    $43    $34    $48    $50   $43   $34  

Investing Activities

     (93   (23   (28   (37  (93  (23

Financing Activities

     44     (10   (19   (10  44    (10













Net Increase (Decrease in Cash)

     (6   1     1  

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash

   3    (6  1  

Beginning Cash

     11     10     9     5    11    10  













Ending Cash

    $5    $11    $10    $8   $5   $11  













Operating Activities

Cash provided by operating activities increased by $7 million in 2012 compared with 2011 due primarily to higher cash receipts from electric sales (net of fuel and purchased energy costs paid) partially offset by higher operations and maintenance costs.

Operating cash flows increasedInvesting Activities

UNS Electric had capital expenditures of $38 million in 2012 compared with $96 million in 2011. Capital expenditures in 2011 dueincluded $63 million related to the acquisition of BMGS from UED.

Financing Activities

Cash provided by financing activities at UNS Electric in part2012 decreased by $54 million compared with 2011. Financing activities in 2012 included $10 million in dividends paid to UNS Energy. Financing activities in 2011 included the following items related to the acquisition of BMGS: the issuance of $30 million of long-term debt; a Base Rate increase that became effective in October 2010 as well as an increase in wholesale sales.$20 million equity investment from UNS Energy; and a $6 million payment to UED.

UNS Gas/UNS Electric Revolver

SeeUNS Gas, Liquidity and Capital Resources, UNS Gas/UNS Electric Revolver, above, for a description of UNS Electric’s unsecured revolving credit agreement.

UNS Electric expects to draw upon the UNS Gas/UNS Electric Revolver from time to time for seasonal working capital purposes, to fund a portion of its capital expenditures, or to issue letters of creditLOCs to provide credit enhancement for its energy procurement and hedging activities. At February 21,December 31, 2012, UNS Electric had $6less than $1 million of outstanding LOCs under the UNS Gas/UNS Electric Revolver.

Senior Unsecured Notes

UNS Electric has $100 million of senior unsecured notes outstanding, consisting of $50 million of 6.50% notes due in 2015 and $50 million of 7.10% notes due in August 2023. The notes are guaranteed by UES. The note purchase agreement for UNS Electric contains certain restrictive covenants, including restrictions on transactions with affiliates, mergers, liens to secure indebtedness, restricted payments, and incurrence of indebtedness. As of December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Electric was in compliance with the terms of its note purchase agreement.

Under the note purchase agreement, UNS Electric must meet a leverage test and an interest coverage test to issue additional debt or to pay dividends. However, UNS Electric may, without meeting these tests, refinance existing debt and incur up to $5 million in short-term debt.

UNS Electric Credit Agreement

In August 2011, UNS Electric entered into a four-year $30 million variable rate term loan credit agreement. UNS Electric used the $30 million in proceeds to repay borrowings under its revolving credit facility. The interest rate currently in effect is three-month LIBOR plus 1.25%1.125%. At the same time, UNS Electric entered into a fixed-for-floating interest rate swap in which UNS Electric will pay a fixed rate of 0.97% and receive a three monththree-month LIBOR rate on a $30 million notional amount over a four yearfour-year period ending in August 10, 2015. The UNS Electric term loan credit agreement, included in Long-Term Debt inon the balance sheet, is guaranteed by UES.

The term loan credit agreement contains certain restrictive covenants for UNS Electric and UES. The covenants include restrictions on transactions with affiliates, restricted payments, additional indebtedness, liens, and mergers. UNS Electric must meet an interest coverage ratio to issue additional debt. However, UNS Electric may, without meeting these tests, refinance indebtedness and incur short-term debt in an amount not to exceed $5 million. The credit agreement also requires UNS Electric to maintain a maximum leverage ratio and allows UNS Electric to pay dividends so long as it maintains compliance with the credit agreement. As of December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Electric was in compliance with the terms of the credit agreement.

Contractual Obligations

UNS Electric Power Supply and Transmission Contracts

UNS Electric enters into various power supply agreements for periods of one to five years. Certain of these contracts are at a fixed price per MW and others are indexed to natural gas prices.

UNS Electric’s power purchase contracts and risk management activities are subject to master agreements that may require UNS Electric to post margin due to changes in contract values or if there has been a material change in UNS Electric’s creditworthiness, or exposures exceeding credit limits provided to UNS Electric. As of December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Electric had posted $6less than $1 million of such credit enhancements in the form of letters of credit.LOCs.

UNS Electric imports the power it purchases over the Western Area Power Administration’s (WAPA) transmission lines. SeeItem 1. Business, UNS Electric, Power Supply and Transmission, Transmission for more information.

The following table displays UNS Electric’s contractual obligations as of December 31, 20112012 by maturity and by type of obligation.



Sept 30Sept 30Sept 30Sept 30Sept 30Sept 30Sept 30Sept 30

UNS Electric Contractual Obligations

-Millions of Dollars-


UNS Electric Contractual Obligations

-Millions of Dollars-


Payment Due in Years

Ending December 31,

    2012     2013     2014     2015     2016     2017
     Other     Total   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018
   Other   Total 

Long Term Debt:



    $—        $—        $—        $80      $—        $50      $—        $130    $—      $—      $80    $—      $—      $50    $—      $130  


     7       7       7       7       4       25       —         57     7     7     7     4     4     21     —       50  

Purchase Obligations:


Purchased Power1

     54       40       31       3       3       43       —         174  

Purchased Power

   55     50     14     6     5     80     —       210  


     4       2       2       1       1       —         —         10     4     2     2     1     —       —       —       9  

Pension & Other Post Retirement Obligations

     1       —         —         —         —         —         —         1  

Solar Project

   4     4     —       —       —       —       —       8  

Pension & Other Postretirement Obligations

   1     —       —       —       —       —       —       1  

Unrecognized Tax Benefits

     —         —         —         —         —         —         4       4     —       —       —       —       —       —       6     6  

































Total Contractual Cash Obligations

    $66      $49      $40      $91      $8      $118      $4      $376    $71    $63    $103    $11    $9    $151    $6    $414  

































SeeUNS Energy Consolidated, Liquidity and Capital Resources, Contractual Obligations, above, for a description of these obligations.


Purchased Power includes a long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with a renewable energy generation producer to meet compliance under the RES tariff. The facility achieved commercial operation in September 2011. UNS Electric is obligated to purchase 100% of the output from this facility. The table above includes estimated future payments based on expected power deliveries under the contract through 2031. UNS Electric has entered into additional long-term renewable PPAs to comply with the RES tariff; however, UNS Electric’s obligation to accept and pay for electric power under these agreements does not begin until the facilities are constructed and operational.

Dividends on Common Stock

As of December 31, 2011, UNS Electric had not paid $10 million of dividends to UniSource Energy.UNS Energy in 2012. UNS Electric’s ability to pay future dividends will depend on the cash needs for capital expenditures and various other factors.

The note purchase agreement for UNS Electric contains restrictions on dividends. UNS Electric may pay dividends so long as (a)(i) no default or event of default exists and (b)(ii) it could incur additional debt under the debt incurrence test. As of December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Electric was in compliance with the terms of its note purchase agreement. SeeSenior Unsecured Notes, above.



The table below summarizes the income (loss) for the other non-reportable segments in the last three years.years:


September 30,September 30,September 30,
    2011   2010   2009   2012 2011 2010 
    - Millions of Dollars -   - Millions of Dollars - 


    $2    $(13  $2    $2   $2   $(13

Other (1)

     (5   (6   (5   (2  (5  (6













Total Other Net Loss

    $(3  $(19  $(3  $—     $(3 $(19















Includes parent company expenses, UED, and reconciling adjustments.


Millennium recorded net income of $2 million in 2011 compared with a net loss of $13 million in 2010. TheMillennium’s net loss in 2010 resulted primarily from several factors including the write-off of deferred tax assets and impairment losses on certain investments. Millennium’s results in 2009 included a $6 million pre-tax gain on the sale of an investment.

In December 2011 and December 2010, Millennium received annual interest payments of $1 million on its $15 million note receivable from Mimosa.

UniSourceUNS Energy Parent Company

UniSourceUNS Energy parent company expenses in 2012, 2011, and 2010 primarily include interest expense (net of tax) related to the UniSourceUNS Energy Convertible Senior Notes and the UniSourceUNS Credit Agreement. During the first six months of 2012, UNS Energy converted or redeemed all $150 million of outstanding Convertible Senior Notes.


In its September 2010 UNS Electric rate order, the ACC approved UNS Electric’s purchase of BMGS from UED, subject to FERC approval and other conditions. The FERC approved the purchase in June 2011, and UNS Electric completed the purchase of BMGS for $63 million onin July 1, 2011.

UED did not pay any dividends to UNS Energy in 2012. In 2011, UED paid dividends ofa $39 million dividend to UniSourceUNS Energy, of which $28 million represented a return of capital. In 2010, UED paid a $9 million dividend to UniSourceUNS Energy, of which $4 million represented a return of capital. In 2009, UED paid a $30 million dividend to UniSource Energy which also represented a return of capital.


Millennium Investments

Millennium is in the process of exiting its remaining investments which may yield gains or losses. At December 31, 2011,2012, Millennium had assets of $20$7 million including a $15 million note receivable and a cash balance of $5$4 million.

In July 2011, Millennium sold a building for $3 million resulting in an after-tax gain of approximately $1 million.

Note Receivable

In June 2009, Millennium finalized the sale of its 50% interest in Sabinas to Mimosa. The terms called forsold an equity investment, receiving an upfront payment of $5 million payment whichin 2009 and a $15 million promissory note. Millennium received in January 2009. Other key termsthe remaining principal amount of the transaction include a three-year, 6% interest-bearing, collateralized $15 million note from Mimosa due Junein 2012. In June 2009, Millennium recorded a $6 million pre-tax gain

Dividends on the sale.Common Stock

Millennium made $3$14 million in dividend payments to UniSourceUNS Energy in 2012, $3 million in 2011, and $8 million in 2010 and $3 million in 2009.2010. All of these dividends represented return of capital distributions. Millennium’s remaining commitment for all of its investments combined is less than $1 million.


The preparation of the financial statements in accordance with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)GAAP requires management to apply accounting policies and make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying notes. UniSourceUNS Energy considers the areas described in the Critical Accounting Policies as those that could yield materially different financial statement results based on application and interpretation of accounting policy. Since making estimates and assumptions are subjective and complex, actual results could differ in subsequent periods. For additional information on UniSourceUNS Energy’s other significant accounting policies and recently issued accounting standards see Note 1.

Accounting for Rate Regulation

We generally use the same accounting policies and practices used by unregulated companies for financial reporting under GAAP. However, sometimes these principles require special accounting treatment for regulated companies to show the effect of regulation. For example, the ACC can determine that we are allowed to recover certain expenses at a designated time in the future. In this situation, we defer these items as regulatory assets on the balance sheet and then reflect the costs as expenses when we are allowed to recover the costs from ratepayers.customers. Similarly, certain revenue items may be deferred as regulatory liabilities and not reflected as revenue until Retail Ratesthe rates charged to retail customers are reduced. We evaluate regulatory assets each period and believe recovery is probable.

If in the future a portion of operations no longer meets regulatory accounting criteria, the impact would be material to the financial statements. If we stopped applying regulatory accounting to all our regulated operations, we would write off the related balances of regulatory assets as an expense and record the regulatory liabilities as revenue onin the income statement or in accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI).AOCI.

At December 31, 2011,2012, regulatory liabilities net of regulatory assets totaled $50 million at TEP and $35 million at UNS Gas. Regulatory assets net of regulatory liabilities totaled $4 million at TEP and $15$5 million at UNS Electric. Regulatory liabilities net of regulatory assets totaled $26 million at UNS Gas. We regularly assess whether we can continue to apply regulatory accounting to cost-based rate regulated operations. Expectations of future recovery are generally based on orders issued by regulatory commissions and historical experience. There are no current or expected proposals or changes in the regulatory environment that impact the probability of future recovery of these assets. See Note 2.

Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations


TEP is required to record the fair value of a liability for a legal obligation to retire ana long-lived tangible asset in the period in which the liability is incurred. This includes obligations resulting from conditional future events. TEP incurs legal obligations as a result of environmental and other governmental regulations, contractual agreements and other factors. To estimate the liability, management must use significant judgment and assumptions in: determining whether a legal obligation exists to remove assets; estimating the probability of a future event for a conditional obligation; estimating the fair value of the cost of removal; estimating when final removal will occur; and estimating the credit-adjusted risk-free interest rates to be used to discount the future liabilities. Changes that may arise over time with regard to these assumptions and determinations will change amounts recorded in the future as expense for asset retirement obligations.

A liability for the fair value of ana legal asset retirement obligation (ARO) is recognized in the period in which it is incurred if it can be reasonably estimated, with the offsetting associated asset retirement costs capitalized as a part of the carrying amount of the long-lived assets. The asset retirement cost is subsequently charged to depreciation expense over itsthe useful life.life of related tangible assets, or when applicable the terms of a lease subject to ARO requirements. Upon retirement of the asset, TEP either settles the obligation for its recorded amount or incurs a gain or loss if the actual costs differ from the recorded amount.

TEP identified legal obligations to retire generation plant assets specified in land leases for its jointly-owned Navajo and Four Corners Generating Stations. The land on which these stations reside is leased from the Navajo Nation. The provisions of the leases require the lessees to remove the facilities upon request of the Navajo Nation at the expiration of the leases. Additionally, TEP entered into a ground lease agreementagreements with Campus Research Corporationcertain land owners for the installation of photovoltaic (PV) assets. The provisions of the PV ground leaseleases require TEP to remove the PV facilities upon expiration of the lease in 2031.leases. The legal retirement obligationARO related to the PV assets is estimated to be approximately $4$9 million at the retirement date. TEP also has certain environmental obligations at the Luna, San Juan, Sundt and Springerville Generating Stations. TEP estimated that its share of the cost to remove the Navajo and Four Corners facilities and settle the Luna, San Juan, Sundt and Springerville environmental obligations will be approximately $160$159 million at the retirement dates. No other legal obligations to retire generation plant assets were identified.

TEP has various transmission and distribution lines that operate under leases and rights-of-way that contain end dates and restrictiverestorative clauses. TEP operates its transmission and distribution lines as if they will be operated in perpetuity and would continue to be used or sold without land remediation. As such, there are no legal obligations that require applicationAROs for these assets. However, TEP has identified in its distribution equipment certain AROs for which the accrual amount is less than $1 million at December 31, 2012.

The total net present value of the accounting requirements for asset retirement obligations. ARO accrual was $14 million and reported in Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities—Other on the balance sheets at December 31, 2012.

Nevertheless, included in the revenue requirement underlying the Company’sTEP’s retail electric service Retail Ratesrates is a component of depreciation expense intended to enable TEP to accrue the future costs of retiring assets for which no legal obligations exists.exist. The accumulated balance of such$231 million at December 31, 2012 representing non-legal asset retirement obligation accruals, less actual removal costs incurred, net of salvage proceeds realized, is reported as a regulatory liability.was included in Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities, Regulatory Liabilities – Noncurrent on TEP’s balance sheet See Note 2 for details regarding net cost of removal for interim retirements.

UNS Gas and UNS Electric

UNS Gas and UNS Electric have various transmission and distribution lines that operate under land leases and rights-of-way that contain end dates and restorative clauses. UNS Gas and UNS Electric operate their transmission and distribution lines as if they will be operated in perpetuity and would continue to be used or sold without land remediation. As a result, UNS Gas and UNS Electric are not recognizing the cost of final removal of the transmission and distribution lines in the financial statements.statements.

The net present value of AROs related to the Generation and PV assets of UNS Electric was included in the Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities, Other on UNS Energy’s consolidated balance sheet on December 31, 2012. Both UNS Electric and UNS Gas accrue the future costs of retiring assets, for which no legal obligation exist through their own rate recovery mechanisms. The total accumulated balance of $36 million including UNS Electric’s and UNS Gas’ non-legal asset retirement obligation accruals, less actual removal costs incurred, net of salvage proceeds realized, was reported in Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities, Regulatory Liabilities – Noncurrent on UNS Energy’s consolidated balance sheet on December 31, 2012. See Note 2.

Pension and Other PostretirementRetiree Benefit Plan Assumptions

TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric record plan assets, obligations, and expenses related to pension and other postretirementretiree benefit plans based on actuarial valuations, which include key assumptions on discount rates, expected returns on plan assets, compensation increases, and health care cost trend rates. These actuarial assumptions are reviewed annually and modified as appropriate. The effect of modifications is generally recorded or amortized over future periods. We believe that the assumptions used in recording obligations are reasonable based on prior experience, market conditions, and the advice of plan actuaries. Note 9 discusses the rate of return and discount rate used in the calculation of pension plan and other postretirementretiree plan obligations for TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric.

TEP is required to recognize the underfunded status of its defined benefit pension and other postretirementretiree plans as a liability. The underfunded status is the difference between the fair value of the plans assets and the projected benefit obligation for pension plans or accumulated postretirementretiree benefit obligation for other postretirementretiree benefit plans. As the funded status, discount rates, and actuarial facts change, the liability will vary significantly in future years. TEP records the underfunded amount for its pension and other postretirementretiree obligations as a liability and a regulatory asset to reflect expected recovery of pension and other postretirementretiree obligations through Retail Rates.the rates charged to retail customers.

At December 31, 2011,2012, TEP discounted its future pension plan obligations at 5.0%4.1% and its other postretirementretiree plan obligations at a rate of 4.7%3.8%. The discount rate for future pension plan and other postretirementretiree plan obligations is determined annually based on the rates currently available on high-quality, non-callable, long-term bonds. The discount rate is based on a corporate yield curve using an average yield between the 60th and 90th percentile of AA-graded U.S. corporate bonds with future cash flows that match the timing and amount of expected future benefit payments. For TEP’s pension plans, a 25-basis point change in the discount rate would increase or decrease the projected benefit obligationProjected Benefit Obligation (PBO) by approximately $9$12 million and the 20122013 plan expense by $1 million. For TEP’s other postretirementretiree benefit plan, a 25-basis point change in the discount rate would increase or decrease the accumulated postretirement benefit obligationAccumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation (APBO) by approximately $2 million. A 25-basis point change in the discount rate would impact plan expense by less than $1 million.

TEP calculates the market-related value of pension plan assets using the fair value of the assets on the measurement date. TEP assumed that its pension plans’ assets would generate a long-term rate of return of 7.0%7% at December 31, 2011.2012. In establishing its assumption as to the expected return on assets, TEP reviews the asset allocation and develops return assumptions for each asset class based on advice from an investment consultant and the pension’s actuary that includes both historical performance analysis and forward-looking views of the financial markets. Pension expense decreases as the expected rate of return on assets increases. A 25-basis point change in the expected return on assets would impact pension expense in 20122013 by less than $1 million.

TEP used a current year health care cost trend rate of 6.9% in valuing its postretirementretiree benefit obligation at December 31, 2011.2012. This rate reflects both market conditions and historical experience. Assumed health care cost trend rates have a significant effect on the amounts reported for health care plans. A one-percentage point change in assumed health care cost trend rates would change the postretirementretiree benefit obligation by approximately $5 million and the related plan expense in 20122013 by less than $1 million.

In 2012,2013, TEP will incur pension and other postretirement benefit costs of approximately $14 million and other retiree benefit costs of approximately $6 million, respectively.million. TEP expects to charge approximately $15 million of these costs to O&M expense, $3$4 million to capital, and $2$1 million to Other Expense. TEP expects to make pension plan contributions of $20$22 million in 2012.2013. In 2009, TEP established a Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA)VEBA trust to fund its other postretirementretiree benefit plan. In 2012,2013, TEP expects to make benefit payments to retirees under the postretirementretiree benefit plan of approximately $4 million and contributions to the VEBA trust of $2$3 million.

UNS Gas and UNS Electric discounted their future pension plan obligations using a rate of 4.9%4.3% at December 31, 2011.2012. For UNS Gas and UNS Electric’s pension plan, a 25-basis point change in the discount rate would impact the benefit obligation and 20122013 pension expense by less than $1 million. UNS Gas and UNS Electric will record pension expense of $2 million in 2012,2013, of which less than $1 million will be capitalized. UNS Gas and UNS Electric expect to make combined pension plan contributions of $3$2 million in 2012.2013.

UNS Gas and UNS Electric discounted their other postretirementretiree plan obligations using a rate of 4.7%3.8% at December 31, 2011.2012. UNS Gas and UNS Electric will record postretirementretiree medical benefit expense and make benefit payments to retirees under the postretirementretiree benefit plan of less than $1$0.5 million in 2012.2013.

Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities

Commodity Derivative Contracts

TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric enter into forward contracts to purchase or sell capacity or energy at contract prices over a given period of time, typically for one month, three months, or one year, within established limits to take advantage of favorable market opportunities. In general, TEP enters into forward purchase contracts when market conditions provide the opportunity to purchase energy for its load at prices that are below the marginal cost of its supply resources or to supplement its own resources (e.g., during plant outages and summer peaking periods). TEP enters into forward sales contracts when it forecasts that it has excess supply and the market price of energy exceeds its marginal cost. TEP and UNS Gas enter into forward gas commodity price swap agreements to lock in fixed prices on a portion of forecasted summer gas purchases.

Unrealized gains and losses on commodity derivative contracts entered into for retail customer load are recorded as either a regulatory asset or regulatory liability on the balance sheets of TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric. There are no current or expected proposals or changes in the regulatory environment that impact the probability of future recovery of these assets through the PPFAC or PGA mechanisms.

The market prices used to determine fair values for TEP,TEP’s, UNS GasGas’, and UNS Electric’s derivative instruments at December 31, 2011,2012, are estimated based on various factors including broker quotes, exchange prices, over the counter prices, and time value.

TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric manage the risk of counterparty default by performing financial credit reviews, setting limits, monitoring exposures, requiring collateral when needed, and using a standardized agreement, which allows for the netting of current period exposures to and from a single counterparty.

Interest Rate Swaps

TEP hedges the cash flow risk associated with unfavorable changes in the variable interest rates relatedtied to LIBOR on the Springerville Common Facilities Lease. AtAs of December 31, 2011, TEP hedged2012, approximately $29 million and $34$25 million of variable rate lease debt payments for the Springerville Common Facilities Lease to a fixedhad been hedged through an interest rate swap agreement through July 1, 2014, and $34 million had been hedged through January 2, 2020, respectively.2020. In August 2009, TEP entered into a swap that had the effect of converting $50 million of variable rate industrial development bondsvariable-rate IDBs to a fixed rate from September 2009 through September 2014.

In August 2011, UNS Electric entered into an interest rate swap with the effect of converting the variable interest rate for their $30 million term loan to a fixed rate from August 2011 through August 2015. See Note 6.

Commodity Cash Flow Hedge

TEP hedges the cash flow risk associated with a six-year power wholesale supply agreement using a six-year power purchase swap agreement. Unrealized gains and losses are recorded in AOCI. See Note 1 for additional details regarding Cash Flow Hedges.

cash flow hedges. SeeItem 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk, Commodity Price Risk.

Unbilled Revenue

TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric’s retail revenues, which are recognized in the period that electricity or energy is delivered and consumed by customers, include unbilled revenue based on an estimate of MWh/therms delivered at the end of each period. Unbilled revenues are dependent upon a number of factors that require management’s judgment including estimates of retail sales and customer usage patterns. The unbilled revenue is estimated by comparing the estimated MWh/therms delivered to the MWh/therms billed to TEP, UNS Gas and UNS Electric’sour retail customers. The excess of estimated MWh/therms delivered over MWh/therms billed is then allocated to the retail customer classes based on estimated usage by each customer class. TEP, UNS Gas and UNS ElectricWe then record revenue for each customer class based on the various Retail Rates for each customer class. Due to the seasonal fluctuations of TEP and UNS Electric’s actual load, the unbilled revenue amount increases during the spring and summer and decreases during the fall and winter. Conversely the unbilled revenue amount for UNS Gas sales increases during the fall and winter and decreases during the spring and summer. A provision for uncollectible accounts is recorded as a component of operations and maintenanceO&M expense.

Plant Asset Depreciable Lives

TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric have significant investments in electric generation assets and electric and natural gas transmission and distribution assets. We calculate depreciation expense based on our estimate of the useful lives of our plant assets and expected net removal costs. Useful life of plant assets is further detailed in Note 5. Changes to depreciation estimates resulting from a change of estimated service life or removal costs could have a significant impact on the amount of depreciation expense recorded onin the income statement.statements. The estimated useful lives andACC approves depreciation rates presently used to calculate depreciation expense for electricall generation and distribution assets for TEP, UNS Gas and UNS Electric have been approved by the ACC in prior rate decisions.assets. Depreciation rates for such assets cannot be changed without ACC approval. For current approved ACC depreciation rates see Note 1. Depreciation rates for electricTEP and UNS Electric transmission assets fall underare subject to the jurisdiction of the FERC.

In January 2010, TEP obtained an updated depreciation study which indicated that its transmission assets’ depreciable lives should be extended. As a result, TEP adopted new transmission depreciation rates effective January 2010, which have the effect of reducing depreciation expense by approximately $14 million annually.

Income Taxes

Due to the differences between GAAP and income tax laws, many transactions are treated differently for income tax purposes than they are in the financial statements. We account for this difference by recording deferred income tax assets and liabilities using the effective income tax rate at our balance sheet date.

Consolidated income tax liabilities are allocated to subsidiaries based on their taxable income and deductions as reported in the consolidated tax return.

A valuation allowance is established against deferred tax assets for which management believes it is more likely than not that the deferred asset will not be realized. In making this judgment, management evaluates all available evidence and gives more weight to objective verifiable evidence. At December 31, 2011, UniSource2012, UNS Energy had a $7 million valuation allowance. The valuation allowances related to unregulated investments’ losses are treated as capital losses for income tax purposes. If UniSourceUNS Energy incurs additional capital losses in the future, a valuation allowance will be recorded against the deferred tax asset unless management can identify future capital gains to offset the losses. For additional information see Note 8.


The following recently issued accounting standards are not yet reflected in the UniSource Energy and TEP financial statements:

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued authoritative guidance that will eliminate the current option to report other comprehensive income in the statement of changes in equity. An entity can elect to present items of net income and other comprehensive income in one continuous statement, or in two separate but consecutive statements. We will be required to comply in the first quarter of 2012 and plan to present a separate statement of other comprehensive income.

The FASB issued authoritative guidance that changed some fair value measurement principles and disclosure requirements. The most significant disclosure change is expansion of required information for unobservable inputs. We will be required to comply in the first quarter of 2012, and we do not expect this pronouncement to have a material impact on the valuation techniques used to estimate the fair value of assets and liabilities.

The FASB issued authoritative guidance that requiresrequire entities to disclose both gross and net information about instruments and transactions eligible for offset in the statement of financial position as well as instruments and transactions subject to an agreement similar to a master netting arrangement. In addition, the standard requires disclosure of collateral received and posted in connection with master netting arrangements. We will be required to comply in the first quarter of 2013.2013 and do not expect this pronouncement to have a material impact on our disclosures.

The FASB issued authoritative guidance which amends the guidance for impairment testing of indefinite-lived intangible assets. An entity will have the option to perform qualitative analysis to determine whether an indefinite-lived intangible asset may be impaired. If the qualitative assessment does not result in likely impairment, an entity will not be required to perform the quantitative impairment test. We will be required to comply in the first quarter of 2013; however, we do not expect this pronouncement to have a material impact on our financial statements as our indefinite-lived intangible assets, RECs, are currently recoverable under the RES as we use RECs to comply with renewable resources requirements.

The FASB decided to require new disclosures on items reclassified from AOCI. Companies will be required to disclose, in a single location, amounts reclassified from each component of AOCI based on its source and the income statement line items affected by the reclassification. This information can be presented parenthetically on the face of the financial statements or in the footnotes. We plan to present this information in a footnote. We will be required to comply in the first quarter of 2013 and do not expect this decision to have a material impact on our financial statements.


This Annual Report on Form 10-K contains forward-looking statements as defined by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP are including the following cautionary statements to make applicable and take advantage of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 for any forward-looking statements made by or for UniSourceUNS Energy or TEP in this Annual Report on Form 10-K. Forward-looking statements include statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance, and underlying assumptions and other statements that are not statements of historical facts. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as “anticipates”, “estimates”, “expects”, “intends”, “plans”, “predicts”, “projects”, and similar expressions. From time to time, we may publish or otherwise make available forward-looking statements of this nature. All such forward-looking statements, whether written or oral, and whether made by or on behalf of UniSourceUNS Energy or TEP, are expressly qualified by these cautionary statements and any other cautionary statements which may accompany the forward-looking statements. In addition, UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP disclaim any obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this report.

Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. We express our expectations, beliefs, and projections in good faith and believe them to have a reasonable basis. However, we make no assurances that management’s expectations, beliefs, or projections will be achieved or accomplished. We have identified the following important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in our forward-looking statements. These may be in addition to other factors and matters discussed in Item 1A. Risk Factors,Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, and other parts of this report: state and federal regulatory and legislative decisions and actions; regional economic and market conditions which could affect customer growth and energy usage; weather variations affecting energy usage; the cost of debt and equity capital and access to capital markets; the performance of the stock market and changing interest rate environment, which affect the value of our pension and other postretirementretiree benefit plan assets and the related contribution requirements and expense; unexpected increases in O&M expense; resolution of pending litigation matters; changes in accounting standards; changes in critical accounting estimates; the ongoing restructuring of the electric industry; changes to long-term contracts; the cost of fuel and power supplies; cyber attacks or challenges to our information security; and the performance of TEP’s generating plants.


Market Risks

We are exposed to various forms of market risk. Changes in interest rates, returns on marketable securities, and changes in commodity prices may affect our future financial results.

For additional information concerning risk factors, including market risks, seeSafe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements, above.

Risk Management Committee

We have a Risk Management Committee responsible for the oversight of commodity price risk and credit risk related to the wholesale energy marketing activities of TEP and the fuel and power procurement activities at TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric. Our Risk Management Committee, which meets on a quarterly basis and as needed, consists of officers from the finance, accounting, legal, wholesale marketing, transmission and distribution operations, and generation operations departments of UniSourceUNS Energy. To limit TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric’s exposure to commodity price risk, the Risk Management Committee sets trading and hedging policies and limits, which are reviewed frequently to respond to constantly changing market conditions. To limit TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric’s exposure to credit risk, the Risk Management Committee reviews counterparty credit exposure as well as credit policies and limits.

Interest Rate Risk

Long-Term Debt

TEP is exposed to interest rate risk resulting from changes in interest rates on certain of its variable rate debt obligations. At December 31, 2011 and December 31, 2010, TEP had $215 million and $365 million, respectively,at December 31, 2012 in tax-exempt variable rate debt outstanding. The interest rates on TEP’s tax-exempt variable rate debt are reset weekly by its remarketing agents. The maximum interest rate payable under the indentures for these bonds is 10% for $37 million of variable rate IDBs, and 20% on the remaining $178 million in variable rate IDBs. The average interest rate on TEP’s variable rate debt (excluding letter of credit fees) was 0.17% in 2012 and 0.18% in 2011 and 0.26% in 2010.2011. The average weekly interest rate ranged from 0.06% to 0.26% in 2012 and 0.05% to 0.34% in 2011 and 0.17% to 0.39% during 2010.2011. Although short-term interest rates have been relatively low and stable in 20112012 and 2010,2011, TEP may still be subject to volatility in its tax-exempt variable rate debt. A 100 basis point increase in average interest rates on this debt, over a twelve month period, would result in a decrease in TEP’s pre-tax net income of approximately $2 million.

TEP manages its exposure to variable interest rate risk by entering into interest rate swaps and financing transactions to rebalance its mix of variable rate and fixed rate long-term debt.

TEP has fixed-for-floating interest rate swaps in place to hedge floating rate interest rate risk associated with $63$59 million of Springerville Common Facilities lease debt and $50 million of its variable rate IDBs. In addition, in 2010 and 2011, TEP also entered into the following transactions to change its mix of fixed and floating rate debt.


In 2010, TEP converted the interest rate on its $130 million IDBs from a variable rate to an unsecured fixed rate of 5.75% through maturity in 2029;

In 2010, TEP refinanced $37 million of its 7.125% unsecured fixed rate IDBs with variable rate IDBs; and

TEP issued $250 million of 5.15% fixed-rate unsecured notes in 2011, and repurchasedused a portion of the proceeds to repurchase $150 million of variable rate IDBs to hold in treasury, and redeemed $22treasury.

In 2010, TEP converted the interest rate on $130 million of its 6.1% unsecured fixed-rate IDBs.

IDBs from a variable rate to a fixed rate of 5.75% through maturity in 2029.

As a result of these transactions, TEP’s un-hedged variable rate debt comprised approximately 15% and 31%13% of its total long-term debt at December 31, 20112012 and 2010, respectively.15% at December 31, 2011.

In August 2011, UNS Electric entered into a fixed-for-floating interest rate swap in which UNS Electric will pay a fixed rate of 0.97% and receive a three-month LIBOR rate on a $30 million notional amount through August 2015 to hedge the interest rate risk associated with its $30 million credit agreement.

Interest Rate Swaps

To adjust the value of TEP’s interest rate swaps, classified as a cash flow hedge,hedges, to fair value in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), TEP recorded the following net unrealized gains (losses):


September 30,September 30,September 30,
     2011   2010   2009 
     - Millions of Dollars - 

Unrealized Gains (Losses)

    $(5  $(8  $1  
   2012  2011  2010 
   -In Millions- 

Unrealized Gains (Losses)

  $(2 $(5 $(8

Revolving Credit Facilities

UniSourceUNS Energy, TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric are also subject to interest rate risk resulting from changes in interest rates on their borrowings under revolving credit facilities. Revolving credit borrowings may be made on the basis of a spread over LIBOR or an Alternate Base Rate. With the recent disruptions in the financial markets, the spread between LIBOR and other similar maturity short-term rates, such as U.S. Treasury securities, has been significantly higher than historical relationships. As a result, UniSourceUNS Energy, TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric may experience significant volatility in the rates paid on LIBOR borrowings under their revolving credit facilities.

Marketable Securities Risk

UniSourceUNS Energy has a short-term investment policy which governs the investment of excess cash balances by UniSourceUNS Energy and its subsidiaries. We review this policy periodically in response to market conditions to adjust, if necessary, the maturities and concentrations by investment type and issuer in the investment portfolio. As of December 31, 2011, UniSource2012, UNS Energy’s short-term investments consisted of liquid, highly-rated money market funds commercial paper, and certificates of deposit. These short-term investments are classified as Cash and Cash Equivalents on the balance sheet.

TEP had marketable securities comprised of investments in lease debt and equity with an estimated fair value of $32 million at December 31, 2012, and $50 million at December 31, 2011, and $111 million at December 31, 2010.2011. At December 31, 2011,2012, the carrying value exceeded fair value by $16$13 million. No impairment was recorded as TEP expects to recover the full carrying value of its lease equity investment in future Retail Rates.rates charged to retail customers. At December 31, 2010,2011, the fair value exceeded the carrying value by $6$16 million. These securities represent TEP’s investments in lease debt and equity underlying certain of TEP’s capital lease obligations. Changes in the fair value of such debt securities do not present a material risk to TEP, as TEP intends to hold these investments to maturity.

Commodity Price Risk


TEP is exposed to commodity price risk primarily relating to changes in the market price of electricity, natural gas, and coal. This risk is mitigated through a PPFAC mechanism which fully recovers the actual retail fuel and purchased power costs incurred on a timely basis from TEP’s retail customers. The PPFAC mechanism has a forward component and a true-up component. The forward component of the PPFAC rate is based on forecasted fuel and purchased power costs. The true-up component reconciles actual fuel and purchased power costs with the amounts collected in the prior year and any amounts under/over-collected will be collected from/credited to customers. If the actual price of power is higher than the forecasted PPFAC rate, TEP is exposed to the price difference until the subsequent 12-month period when the true-up component is adjusted to allow the recovery of this difference.

Purchases and Sales of Energy

To manage its exposure to energy price risk, TEP enters into forward contracts to buy or sell energy at a specified price and future delivery period. Generally, TEP commits to future sales based on expected excess generating capability, forward prices and generation costs, using a diversified market approach to provide a balance between long-term, mid-term, and spot energy sales. TEP generally enters into forward purchases during its summer peaking period to ensure it can meet its load and reserve requirements, and account for other contracts and resource contingencies. TEP also enters into limited forward purchases and sales to optimize its resource portfolio and take advantage of locationalgeographical differences in price. These positions are managed on both a volumetric and dollar basis and are closely monitored using risk management policies and procedures overseen by the Risk Management Committee. For example, the risk management policies provide that TEP should not take a short physical position in the third quarter and must have owned generation backing up all physical forward sales positions at the time the sale is made. TEP’s risk management policies also restrict entering into forward positions with maturities extending beyond the end of the next calendar year except for approved hedging purposes.

TEP’s risk management policies also allow for financial purchases and sales of energy subject to specified risk parameters established and monitored by the Risk Management Committee. These include financial trades in a futures account on an exchange, with the intent of optimizing market opportunities.

The majority of TEP’s

TEP enters into forward contracts are considered to be “normal purchases and sales” of electric energy and are therefore not accounted for as derivatives. TEP records revenues on its “normal sales” and expenses on its “normal purchases” in the period in which the energy is delivered. From time to time, however, TEP also enters into forward contracts that are not considered to be “normal purchases and sales” and therefore are accounted for as derivatives. When TEP has derivative forward contracts, it marks them to market using actively quoted prices obtained from brokers for power traded over-the-counter at Palo Verde and at other Southwestern U.S. trading hubs. TEP believes that these broker quotations used to calculate the mark-to-market values represent accurate measures of the fair values of TEP’s positions because of the short-term nature of TEP’s positions, as limited by risk management policies, and the liquidity in the short-term market.

Long-Term Wholesale Sales

Prior to June 1, 2011, under the terms of the SRP contract, TEP received a monthly demand charge of approximately $1.8 million, or $22 million annually, and sold the energy at a price based on TEP’s average fuel cost. From June 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011, SRP was required to purchase 73,000 MWh per month. From January 1, 2012 through the end of the contract in May 2016, SRP is required to purchase 500,000 MWh of

on-peak energy per year. TEP does not receive a demand charge and the price of energy is based on a discount to the price of on-peak power on the Palo Verde Market Index. As of February 21, 2012,13, 2013, the average forward price of on-peak power on the Palo Verde Market Index for the calendar year 20122013 was $30.33$36 per MWh.

The chart below summarizes the annual change in pre-tax income if the market price of on-peak power on the Palo Verde Market Index changes by $5 per MWh.


September 30,September 30,
     Change in Per MWh Price 
     $5 Increase     $5 Decrease 
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Change in Pre-Tax Income

    $ 3      $(3
   Change in Per MWh Price 
   $5 Increase   $5 Decrease 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Change in Pre-Tax Income

  $ 3    $(3

Natural Gas

TEP is also subject to commodity price risk from changes in the price of natural gas. In addition to energy from its coal-fired facilities, TEP typically uses power purchases, supplemented by generation from its gas-fired units to meet the summer peak demands of its retail customers and to meet local reliability needs. Some of these purchased power contracts are price indexed to natural gas prices. Short-term and spot power purchase prices are also closely correlated to natural gas prices. Due to its increasing seasonal gas and purchased power usage, TEP hedges a portion of its total natural gas exposure from plant fuel, gas-indexed power purchases, and spot market purchases with fixed price contracts for a maximum of three years. TEP purchases its remaining gas fuel needs and purchased power in the spot and short-term markets.

As required by fair value accounting rules, for the year ended December 31, 2011,2012, TEP considered the impact of non-performance risk in the measurement of fair value of its derivative assets and derivative liabilities net of collateral posted. The adjustment required for TEP was less than $0.5 million at December 31, 2011.2012.

To adjust the value of its commodity derivatives to fair value in Regulatory Assetsregulatory assets or Regulatory Liabilities,regulatory liabilities, TEP recorded the following net unrealized gains (losses):


September 30,September 30,September 30,
     2011   2010     2009 
     - Millions of Dollars - 

Unrealized Gains (Losses)

    $(2  $4      $11  
   2012   2011  2010 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Unrealized Gains (Losses)

  $ 6    $(2 $4  

The chart below displays the valuation methodologies and maturities of TEP’s power and gas derivative contracts.


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,

Unrealized Gain (Loss) of TEP’s

Hedging Activities

     - Millions of Dollars - 

Source of Fair Value at Dec. 31, 2011

    Maturity 0 –6
   Maturity 6 –12
over 1 yr.

Prices actively quoted

    $(3  $(5  $(3  $(11

Prices based on models and other valuation methods

     —       1     1     2  














    $(3  $(4  $(2  $(9













Unrealized Gain (Loss) of TEP’s

Hedging Activities

  - Millions of Dollars - 

Source of Fair Value at Dec. 31, 2012

 Maturity 0 – 6
  Maturity 6 – 12
over 1 yr.
Gain (Loss)

Prices Actively Quoted

 $(2 $(2 $—     $(4

Prices Based on Models and Other Valuation Methods

  1    1    —      2  














 $(1 $(1 $—     $(2













Sensitivity Analysis of Derivatives

TEP uses sensitivity analysis to measure the impact of favorable and unfavorable changes in market prices on the fair value of its derivative forward contracts. TEP records unrealized gains and losses as either a regulatory asset or regulatory liability. As contracts settle, the unrealized gains and losses are reversed and realized gains or losses are recorded to the PPFAC. The chart below summarizes the change in unrealized gains or losses if market prices increase or decrease by 10%.


September 30,September 30,
     - Millions of Dollars - 

Change in Market Price As of December 31, 2011

    10% Increase     10% Decrease 

Non-Cash Flow Hedges


Forward power sales and purchase contracts

    $2      $(2

   - Millions of Dollars - 

Change in Market Price As of December 31, 2012

  10% Increase   10% Decrease 

Non-Cash Flow Hedges


Forward Power Sales and Purchase Contracts

  $1    $(1

Forward Gas Swaps and Collars Contracts

   2     (2


TEP is subject to commodity price risk from changes in the price of coal used to fuel its coal-fired generating plants.

In 2003, TEP amended and extended the long-term coal supply contract for Springerville Units 1 and 2 through 2020 and expects coal reserves to be sufficient to supply the estimated requirements for Units 1 and 2 for their presently estimated remaining lives. During the extension period from 2011 through 2020, the coal price is determined by the cost of Powder River Basin coal delivered to Springerville Unit 3 subject to a floor and ceiling. This range would be from $19.30 to $26.15 per ton. TEP estimates its future minimum annual payments under this contract to be $14 million from 2012 through 2020.

TEP does not have a long-term coal supply contract for Sundt Unit 4. TEP purchases coal for Sundt Unit 4 on the spot market and can supply that unit with natural gas when the price is competitive with coal. Coal burned at Sundt Unit 4 represents less than 10% of TEP’s total coal consumption. In December 2011, the take-or-pay obligations under a coal transportation agreement previously effective through December 2015 were terminated. As a result, TEP iswas relieved of a $4 million obligation recognized under this contract in December 2010. TEP reversed a $4 million regulatory asset. TEP has a short-term coal supply contract for Sundt Unit 4 ending December 31, 2012, and has hedged gas costs through September 2012.

TEP also participates in jointly-owned generating facilities at Four Corners, Navajo, and San Juan, where coal supplies are under long-term contracts administered by the operating agents. TEP expects coal reserves available to these three jointly-owned generating facilities to be sufficient for the remaining lives of the stations.

The contracts to purchase coal for use at the jointly-owned facilities require TEP to purchase minimum amounts of coal at an estimated average annual cost of $21 million for the next five years. See Item 7. – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, UniSourceUNS Energy Consolidated, Liquidity and Capital Resources, Contractual Obligations and Note 4.


UNS Gas is subject to commodity price risk, primarily from the changes in the price of natural gas purchased for its customers. This risk is mitigated through the PGA mechanism which provides an adjustment to UNS Gas’ Retail Rates to recover the actual costs of gas and transportation. UNS Gas further reduces this risk by purchasing forward fixed price contracts or entering into financial gas swaps for a portion of its projected gas needs under its Price Stabilization Plan. UNS Gas purchases at least 45% of its estimated gas needs in this manner.

As required by fair value accounting rules, for the year ended December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Gas considered the impact of non-performance risk in the measurement of fair value of its derivative assets and derivative liabilities net of collateral posted. The adjustment required for UNS Gas was less than $0.5 million at December 31, 2011.2012.

To adjust the value of its commodity derivatives to fair value in Regulatory Assetsregulatory assets or Regulatory Liabilities,regulatory liabilities, UNS Gas recorded the following net unrealized gains (losses):


September 30,September 30,September 30,
     2011   2010   2009 
     - Millions of Dollars - 

Unrealized Gains (Losses)

    $(1  $(2  $6  
   2012   2011   2010 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Unrealized Gains (Losses)

  $ 6    $1    $(2

For UNS Gas’ forward gas purchase contracts, a 10% decrease in market prices would result in an increase in unrealized net losses reported as a regulatory asset of $2 million, while a 10% increase in market prices would result in a decrease in unrealized net losses reported as a reduction in regulatory assets of $2 million.

UNS Electric

UNS Electric is exposed to commodity price risk from changes in the price for electricity and natural gas. This risk is mitigated through a PPFAC mechanism which allows for the recovery of costs from retail customers. The PPFAC mechanism has a forward component and a true-up component. The forward component of the PPFAC rate is based on forecasted fuel and purchased power costs. The true-up component reconciles actual fuel and

purchased power costs with the amounts collected in the prior year and any amounts under/over-collected will be collected from/credited to customers. If the actual price of power is higher than the forecasted PPFAC rate, UNS Electric is exposed to the price difference until the subsequent 12-month period when the true-up component is adjusted to allow the recovery of this difference.

UNS Electric enters into various power supply agreements for periods of one to five years. Certain of these contracts are at a fixed price per MW and others are indexed to natural gas prices. UNS Electric estimates its future minimum payments under these contracts to be $51 million in 2012, $37 million in 2013, and $28 million in 2014 based on natural gas prices at December 31, 2011.

Because a portion of the costs under these contracts will vary from period to period based on the market price of gas, the PPFAC, as currently structured, may not provide recovery of the costs incurred under these new contracts on a timely basis.

For UNS Electric’s forward power sales and purchase contracts, a 10% decrease in market prices would result in an increase in unrealized net gainslosses reported as a regulatory asset of $5 million, while a 10% increase in market prices would result in a decrease in unrealized net gainslosses reported as a reduction in regulatory assets of $5 million.

UNS Electric hedges a portion of its natural gas exposure from gas-indexed purchased power agreements with fixed price contracts. In addition, UNS Electric hedges a portion of its anticipated natural gas exposure from plant fuel. UNS Electric currently has approximately 53%45% of this aggregate summer exposure hedged for the summer of 2012.2013. UNS Electric will satisfy its remaining gas and purchased power needs through a combination of additional forward purchases and purchases in the short-term and spot markets.

As required by fair value accounting rules, for the year ended December 31, 2012, UNS Electric considered the impact of non-performance risk in the measurement of fair value of its derivative assets and derivative liabilities net of collateral posted. The adjustment required for UNS Electric was less than $0.5 million at December 31, 2011.2012.

To adjust the value of its commodity derivatives to fair value in Regulatory Assetsregulatory assets or Regulatory Liabilities,regulatory liabilities, UNS Electric recorded the following net unrealized gains (losses):


September 30,September 30,September 30,
     2011     2010   2009 
     - Millions of Dollars- 

Unrealized Gains (Losses)

    $ 1      $(2  $12  
   2012   2011  2010 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Unrealized Gains (Losses)

  $ 9    $(1 $(2

For UNS Electric’s forward gas purchase contracts, a 10% decrease in market prices would result in an increase in unrealized net losses reported as a regulatory asset of $1 million, while a 10% increase in market prices would result in a decrease in unrealized net losses reported as a reduction in regulatory assets of $1 million.

Credit Risk

UniSourceUNS Energy is exposed to credit risk in its energy-related marketing activities related to potential nonperformancenon-performance by counterparties. We manage the risk of counterparty default by performing financial credit reviews, setting limits, monitoring exposures, requiring collateral when needed, and using standard agreements which allow for the netting of current period exposures to and from a single counterparty. We calculate counterparty credit exposure by adding any outstanding receivable (net of amounts payable if a netting agreement exists) to the mark-to-market value of any forward contracts. A positive number means that we are exposed to the creditworthiness of our counterparties. If exposure exceeds credit limits or contractual collateral thresholds, we may request that a counterparty provide credit enhancement in the form of cash collateral or a letter of credit. Conversely, a negative exposure means that a counterparty is exposed to the creditworthiness of TEP, UNS Gas, or UNS Electric. If such exposure exceeds credit limits or collateral thresholds, we may be required to post collateral in the form of cash or letters of credit.LOCs.

TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric each have entered into short-term and long-term transactions with several financial institution counterparties with terms of one month through five years. Due to the recent turmoil in the financial and credit markets, we have been closely monitoring our transactions with financial institutions. As of December 31, 2011,2012, the combined credit exposure to TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric from financial institution counterparties was approximately $4$3 million.

As of December 31, 2011,2012, TEP’s total credit exposure related to its wholesale marketing and gas hedging activities was approximately $17$15 million. TEP had one non-investment grade counterparty with exposure of greater than 10% of its total credit exposure, totaling approximately $4$3 million. TEP’s total exposure to non-investment grade counterparties was $4$3 million.

At December 31, 2011,2012, TEP posted no cash collateral and less than $1 million in letters of creditLOCs as credit enhancements with its counterparties, and did not hold any collateral from its counterparties.

UNS Gas is subject to credit risk from non-performance by its supply and hedging counterparties to the extent that these contracts have a mark-to-market value in favor of UNS Gas. As of December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Gas had purchased under fixed price contracts approximately 32%30% of its expected consumption for the 2012/20132013/2014 winter season. At December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Gas had no mark-to-market credit exposure under its supply and hedging contracts.As of December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Gas had posted no cash collateral and no letters of creditLOCs as credit enhancements with its counterparties, and did not hold any collateral from counterparties.

UNS Electric enters into energy purchase agreements as well as gas hedging contracts to hedge the risk in its gas-indexed power purchase agreements. To the extent that such contracts have a positive mark-to-market value, UNS Electric is exposed to credit risk under those contracts. At December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Electric had less than $1 million in credit exposure under such contracts. As of December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Electric had posted $6less than $1 million in letters of creditLOCs and no cash collateral as credit enhancements with its counterparties, and had not collected any collateral margin from its counterparties.


UniSourceUNS Energy—Management’s Report on Internal Controls Over Financial Reporting

UniSourceUNS Energy’s management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting. Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

Management assessed the effectiveness of UniSourceUNS Energy’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2011.2012. In making this assessment, management used the criteria set forth by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) in Internal Control – Integrated Framework.

Based on management’s assessment using those criteria management has concluded that, as of December 31, 2011, UniSource2012, UNS Energy’s internal control over financial reporting was effective.

The effectiveness of UniSourceUNS Energy’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2011,2012, has been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, as stated in their report in Item 8 of this Annual Report on Form 10-K.

Tucson Electric Power Company—Management’s Report on Internal Controls Over Financial Reporting

Tucson Electric Power Company’sTEP’s management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting. Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

Management assessed the effectiveness of Tucson Electric Power Company’sTEP’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2011.2012. In making this assessment, management used the criteria set forth by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) inCOSO Internal Control – Integrated Framework.

Based on management’s assessment using those criteria, management has concluded that, as of December 31, 2011, Tucson Electric Power Company’s2012, TEP’s internal control over financial reporting was effective.

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of

UniSourceUNS Energy Corporation:

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements listed in the index appearing under Item 15(a)(1) present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of UniSourceUNS Energy Corporation and its subsidiaries at December 31, 20112012 and December 31, 2010,2011, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 20112012 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. In addition, in our opinion, the financial statement schedule listed in the Index appearing under Item 15(a)(2) presentpresents fairly, in all material respects, the information set forth therein when read in conjunction with the related consolidated financial statements. Also in our opinion, the Company maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2011,2012, based on criteria established inInternal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). The Company’s management is responsible for these financial statements and financial statement schedule, for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, included in the accompanying Management’s Report on Internal Controls OverControl over Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements, on the financial statement schedule, and on the Company’s internal control over financial reporting based on our integrated audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement and whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audits of the financial statements included examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our audit of internal control over financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. Our audits also included performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinions.

A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (i) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (ii) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (iii) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.


/s/PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Phoenix, Arizona

February 27, 201226, 2013

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Directors and Stockholder of

Tucson Electric Power Company:

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements listed in the index appearing under Item 15(a)(1) present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Tucson Electric Power Company and its subsidiaries at December 31, 20112012 and December 31, 20102011, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 20112012 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. In addition, in our opinion, the financial statement schedule listed in the Index appearing under Item 15(a)(2) presents fairly, in all material respects, the information set forth therein when read in conjunction with the related consolidated financial statements. These financial statements and financial statement schedule are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial statement schedule based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these statements in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.


/s/PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Phoenix, Arizona

February 27, 201226, 2013




September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Years Ended December 31,   Years Ended December 31, 
    2011   2010   2009   2012 2011 2010 
    - Thousands of Dollars -   - Thousands of Dollars - 
    (Except Per Share Amounts)   (Except Per Share Amounts) 

Operating Revenues


Electric Retail Sales

    $1,085,822    $1,051,002    $1,047,619    $1,087,279   $1,085,822   $1,051,002  

Electric Wholesale Sales

     163,159     151,962     131,255     125,414    132,346    123,943  

California Power Exchange (CPX) Provision for Wholesale Refunds

     —       (2,970   (4,172   —      —      (2,970

Gas Revenue

     145,053     141,036     144,609     123,133    145,053    141,036  

Other Revenues

     115,481     112,936     77,741     125,940    115,481    112,936  













Total Operating Revenues

     1,509,515     1,453,966     1,397,052     1,461,766    1,478,702    1,425,947  













Operating Expenses



     324,520     295,652     296,248     327,832    324,520    295,652  

Purchased Energy

     307,423     307,288     296,861     224,696    276,610    279,269  


     7,334     10,945     10,181     14,540    7,334    10,945  

Decrease to Reflect PPFAC/PGA Recovery Treatment

     (4,932)    (29,622   (14,553

Increase (Decrease) to Reflect PPFAC/PGA Recovery Treatment

   32,246    (4,932  (29,622













Total Fuel and Purchased Energy

     634,345     584,263     588,737     599,314    603,532    556,244  

Other Operations and Maintenance

     379,220     370,037     333,579  

Operations and Maintenance

   383,689    379,220    370,037  


     133,832     128,215     144,960     141,303    133,832    128,215  


     30,983     28,094     31,058     35,784    30,983    28,094  

Taxes Other Than Income Taxes

     49,463     46,243     45,858     49,881    49,428    46,243  













Total Operating Expenses

     1,227,843     1,156,852     1,144,192     1,209,971    1,196,995    1,128,833  













Operating Income

     281,672     297,114     252,860     251,795    281,707    297,114  













Other Income (Deductions)


Interest Income

     4,568     7,779     12,072     1,106    4,568    7,779  

Other Income

     8,293     11,038     18,063     7,085    8,288    11,038  

Other Expense

     (5,249)    (15,202   (5,292   (7,988  (5,279  (15,202













Total Other Income (Deductions)

     7,612     3,615     24,843     203    7,577    3,615  













Interest Expense


Long-Term Debt

     73,217     65,020     58,134     71,909    73,217    65,020  

Capital Leases

     40,359     46,740     49,270     33,613    40,359    46,740  

Other Interest Expense

     2,535     1,651     3,468     1,983    2,535    1,651  

Interest Capitalized

     (3,753)    (2,587   (2,302   (2,153  (3,753  (2,587













Total Interest Expense

     112,358     110,824     108,570     105,352    112,358    110,824  













Income Before Income Taxes

     176,926     189,905     169,133     146,646    176,926    189,905  

Income Tax Expense

     66,951     76,921     63,232     55,727    66,951    76,921  













Net Income

    $109,975    $112,984    $105,901    $90,919   $109,975   $112,984  













Weighted-Average Shares of Common Stock Outstanding (000)



     36,962     36,415     35,858     40,362    36,962    36,415  














     41,609     41,041     40,450     41,755    41,609    41,041  













Earnings per Share



    $2.98    $3.10    $2.95    $2.25   $2.98   $3.10  














    $2.75    $2.86    $2.73    $2.20   $2.75   $2.86  













Dividends Declared per Share

    $1.68    $1.56    $1.16    $1.72   $1.68   $1.56  













See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.



   Years Ended December 31, 
   2012  2011  2010 
   -Thousands of Dollars- 

Comprehensive Income


Net Income

  $90,919   $109,975   $112,984  










Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)


Unrealized Loss on Cash Flow Hedges, net of $1,119, $2,376, and $4,216 income taxes

   (1,710  (3,626  (6,431

Reclassification of Realized Losses on Cash Flow Hedges to Net Income, net of $(1,862), $(1,412), and $(2,140) income taxes

   2,844    2,153    3,264  

SERP Benefit Adjustments, net of $608, $(804) and $523 income taxes

   (840  1,158    (800










Total Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Income Taxes

   294    (315  (3,967










Total Comprehensive Income

  $91,213   $109,660   $109,017  










See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.




September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Years Ended December 31,   

Years Ended December 31,

    2011   2010   2009   2012 2011 2010 
    - Thousands of Dollars -   - Thousands of Dollars - 

Cash Flows from Operating Activities


Cash Receipts from Electric Retail Sales

    $1,163,537    $1,142,364    $1,145,051    $1,197,390   $1,163,537   $1,142,364  

Cash Receipts from Electric Wholesale Sales

     183,151     194,580     175,679     149,722    183,151    194,580  

Cash Receipts from Gas Sales

     159,529     157,397     162,725     141,590    159,529    157,397  

Cash Receipts from Operating Springerville Units 3 & 4

     104,754     102,563     68,951     107,927    104,754    102,563  

Cash Receipts from Wholesale Gas Sales

     12,404     422     716     5,233    12,404    422  

Performance Deposits Received

     7,050     18,470     34,630  

Interest Received

     6,334     10,026     13,470     2,947    6,334    10,026  

Income Tax Refunds Received

     4,672     341     20,242     1,821    4,672    341  

Performance Deposits Received

   200    7,050    18,470  

Other Cash Receipts

     23,937     32,011     26,176     24,105    23,937    32,011  

Fuel Costs Paid

   (321,355  (277,386  (243,639

Payment of Operations and Maintenance Costs

   (291,512  (295,662  (259,833

Purchased Energy Costs Paid

     (328,713)    (364,132   (334,481   (250,231  (328,713  (364,132

Payment of Other Operations and Maintenance Costs

     (291,607)    (255,988   (246,895

Fuel Costs Paid

     (281,441)    (247,484   (300,810

Taxes Other Than Income Taxes Paid, Net of Amounts Capitalized

     (179,766)    (163,037   (161,574   (187,257  (179,766  (163,037

Wages Paid, Net of Amounts Capitalized

     (122,370)    (125,893   (122,245   (127,176  (122,370  (125,893

Interest Paid, Net of Amounts Capitalized

     (68,027)    (59,749   (54,641   (69,478  (68,027  (59,749

Capital Lease Interest Paid

     (32,103)    (38,646   (38,598   (28,788  (32,103  (38,646

Wholesale Gas Costs Paid

     (11,822)    —       —       —      (11,822  —    

Performance Deposits Paid

     (4,550)    (19,220   (22,260   (200  (4,550  (19,220

Income Taxes Paid

     (700)    (22,797   (9,050   —      (700  (22,797

Other Cash Payments

     (6,949)    (14,308   (9,776   (6,829  (6,949  (14,308













Net Cash Flows - Operating Activities

     337,320     346,920     347,310  







Net Cash Flows—Operating Activities

   348,109    337,320    346,920  







Cash Flows from Investing Activities


Return of Investments in Springerville Lease Debt

   19,278    38,353    25,615  

Proceeds from Note Receivable

   15,000    —      —    

Other Cash Receipts

   22,094    15,251    12,958  

Capital Expenditures

     (374,122)    (279,240   (294,020   (307,277  (374,122  (279,240

Purchase of Intangibles - Renewable Energy Credits

     (5,992)    (7,514   —    

Purchase of Intangibles—Renewable Energy Credits

   (10,317  (5,992  (7,514

Deposit—San Juan Mine Reclamation Trust

   (1,445  —      —    

Purchase of Sundt Unit 4 Lease Asset

     —       (51,389   —       —      —      (51,389

Purchase of Springerville Lease Debt

     —       —       (31,375

Prepayment Deposits on UED Debt

     —       (3,188   (3,625

Other Cash Payments

     (578)    (2,302   (868   (232  (578  (5,490

Return of Investments in Springerville Lease Debt

     38,353     25,615     12,736  

Other Cash Receipts

     15,251     12,958     20,508  













Net Cash Flows - Investing Activities

     (327,088)    (305,060   (296,644







Net Cash Flows—Investing Activities

   (262,899  (327,088  (305,060







Cash Flows from Financing Activities


Proceeds from Borrowings Under Revolving Credit Facilities

     391,000     239,000     203,000     359,000    391,000    239,000  

Proceeds from Issuance of Long-Term Debt

     340,285     127,815     —       149,513    340,285    127,815  

Proceeds from Stock Options Exercised

     8,115     13,391     3,441     3,570    8,115    13,391  

Proceeds from Issuance of Short-Term Debt

     —       —       30,000  

Other Cash Receipts

     4,743     12,406     8,937     4,865    4,743    12,406  

Repayments of Borrowings Under Revolving Credit Facilities

     (351,000)    (268,500   (198,000   (381,000  (351,000  (268,500

Repayments of Long-Term Debt

     (252,125)    (51,592   (6,000

Payments of Capital Lease Obligations

     (74,381)    (55,997   (24,192   (89,452  (74,381  (55,997

Common Stock Dividends Paid

     (61,904)    (56,590   (41,429   (69,648  (61,904  (56,590

Repayments of Long-Term Debt

   (9,341  (252,125  (51,592

Payments of Debt Issue/Retirement Costs

     (4,361)    (8,341   (2,268   (3,547  (4,361  (8,341

Other Cash Payments

     (1,813)    (2,775   (2,405   (1,642  (1,813  (2,775













Net Cash Flows - Financing Activities

     (1,441)    (51,183   (28,916







Net Cash Flows—Financing Activities

   (37,682  (1,441  (51,183







Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents

     8,791     (9,323   21,750     47,528    8,791    (9,323

Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Year

     67,599     76,922     55,172     76,390    67,599    76,922  













Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Year

    $76,390    $67,599    $76,922    $123,918   $76,390   $67,599  













Non-Cash Financing Activity


Repayment of UED Short-Term Debt

    $—      $(3,188  $(3,625  $—     $—     $(3,188













See Note 15 for supplemental cash flow information.

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.




September 30,September 30,
    December 31,   December 31, 
    2011   2010   2012 2011 
    - Thousands of Dollars -   -Thousands of Dollars- 



Utility Plant


Plant in Service

    $4,856,108    $4,452,928    $5,005,768   $4,856,108  

Utility Plant Under Capital Leases

     582,669     583,374     582,669    582,669  

Construction Work in Progress

     89,749     210,971     128,621    89,749  









Total Utility Plant

     5,528,526     5,247,273     5,717,058    5,528,526  

Less Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization

     (1,869,300)    (1,824,843   (1,921,733  (1,869,300

Less Accumulated Amortization of Capital Lease Assets

     (476,963)    (460,932   (494,962  (476,963









Total Utility Plant - Net

     3,182,263     2,961,498  





Total Utility Plant—Net

   3,300,363    3,182,263  





Investments and Other Property


Investments in Lease Debt and Equity

     65,829     103,844     36,339    65,829  


     34,205     61,676     36,537    34,205  









Total Investments and Other Property

     100,034     165,520     72,876    100,034  









Current Assets


Cash and Cash Equivalents

     76,390     67,599     123,918    76,390  

Accounts Receivable - Customer

     94,585     98,333  

Accounts Receivable—Customer

   93,742    98,633  

Unbilled Accounts Receivable

     51,464     53,084     53,568    51,464  

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

     (5,572)    (6,125   (6,545  (5,572

Materials and Supplies

   93,322    82,649  

Fuel Inventory

     33,263     29,216     62,019    33,263  

Materials and Supplies

     82,649     65,832  

Regulatory Assets—Current

   51,619    97,056  

Deferred Income Taxes—Current

   34,260    23,158  

Investments in Lease Debt

   9,118    —    

Derivative Instruments

     11,966     5,214     3,165    11,966  

Regulatory Assets - Current

     97,056     56,962  

Deferred Income Taxes - Current

     23,158     30,822  


     32,577     30,091     33,567    32,577  









Total Current Assets

     497,536     431,028     551,753    501,584  









Regulatory and Other Assets


Regulatory Assets - Noncurrent

     173,199     192,966  

Derivative Instruments

     2,019     9,806  

Regulatory Assets—Noncurrent

   191,077    173,199  

Other Assets

     30,180     30,425     24,360    32,199  









Total Regulatory and Other Assets

     205,398     233,197     215,437    205,398  









Total Assets

    $3,985,231    $3,791,243    $4,140,429   $3,989,279  









See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

(Consolidated Balance Sheets Continued)





September 30,September 30,
     December 31, 
     2011     2010 
     - Thousands of Dollars - 





Common Stock Equity

    $888,474      $830,756  

Capital Lease Obligations

     352,720       429,074  

Long-Term Debt

     1,517,373       1,352,977  







Total Capitalization

     2,758,567       2,612,807  







Current Liabilities


Current Obligations Under Capital Leases

     77,482       60,347  

Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt

     —         57,000  

Borrowing Under Revolving Credit Facility

     10,000       —    

Accounts Payable - Trade

     109,759       108,950  

Interest Accrued

     38,302       39,120  

Accrued Taxes Other than Income Taxes

     41,997       39,140  

Accrued Employee Expenses

     24,917       26,969  

Customer Deposits

     32,485       29,795  

Regulatory Liabilities - Current

     41,911       69,483  

Derivative Instruments

     36,467       30,574  


     5,151       1,678  







Total Current Liabilities

     418,471       463,056  







Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities


Deferred Income Taxes - Noncurrent

     300,326       246,466  

Regulatory Liabilities - Noncurrent

     234,945       201,329  

Derivative Instruments

     20,403       22,969  

Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits

     139,356       127,343  


     113,163       117,273  







Total Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities

     808,193       715,380  







Commitments, Contingencies, and Proposed Environmental Matters (Note 4)









Total Capitalization and Other Liabilities

    $3,985,231      $3,791,243  







   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   -Thousands of Dollars- 





Common Stock Equity

  $1,065,465    $888,474  

Capital Lease Obligations

   262,138     352,720  

Long-Term Debt

   1,498,442     1,517,373  







Total Capitalization

   2,826,045     2,758,567  







Current Liabilities


Current Obligations Under Capital Leases

   90,583     77,482  

Borrowing Under Revolving Credit Facilities

   —       10,000  

Accounts Payable—Trade

   107,740     109,760  

Accrued Taxes Other than Income Taxes

   41,939     41,997  

Interest Accrued

   31,950     38,302  

Accrued Employee Expenses

   24,094     25,660  

Regulatory Liabilities—Current

   43,516     41,911  

Customer Deposits

   34,048     32,485  

Derivative Instruments

   14,742     36,467  


   10,517     8,455  







Total Current Liabilities

   399,129     422,519  







Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities


Deferred Income Taxes—Noncurrent

   364,756     300,326  

Regulatory Liabilities—Noncurrent

   279,111     234,945  

Pension and Other Retiree Benefits

   159,401     139,356  

Derivative Instruments

   12,709     20,403  


   99,278     113,163  







Total Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities

   915,255     808,193  







Commitments, Contingencies, and Environmental Matters (Note 4)


Total Capitalization and Other Liabilities

  $4,140,429    $3,989,279  







See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

(Consolidated Balance Sheets Concluded)





September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
              December 31,      December 31, 
              2011   2010      2012 2011 
              - Thousands of Dollars -      - Thousands of Dollars - 



Common Stock-No Par Value

            $725,903    $715,687     $882,138   $725,903  




           2012 2011     

Shares Authorized

    75,000,000    75,000,000        75,000,000    75,000,000    

Shares Outstanding

    36,918,024    36,541,954        41,343,851    36,918,024    

Accumulated Earnings

             172,655     124,838      193,117    172,655  

Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss

             (10,084)    (9,769    (9,790  (10,084









Total Common Stock Equity

             888,474     830,756      1,065,465    888,474  











No Par Value, 1,000,000 Shares Authorized, None Outstanding

             —       —        —      —    











Springerville Unit 1

             253,481     302,229      196,843    253,481  

Springerville Coal Handling Facilities

             65,022     76,583      48,038    65,022  

Springerville Common Facilities

             111,699     110,571      107,840    111,699  


             —       38  









Total Capital Lease Obligations

             430,202     489,421      352,721    430,202  

Less Current Maturities

             (77,482)    (60,347    (90,583  (77,482









Total Long-Term Capital Lease Obligations

             352,720     429,074      262,138    352,720  















Interest Rate

           Maturity Interest Rate     

UniSource Energy:


UNS Energy:


Convertible Senior Notes

    2035    4.50%     150,000     150,000    2035    4.50%    —      150,000  

Credit Agreement

    2016    Variable     57,000     27,000    2016    Variable    45,000    57,000  

Tucson Electric Power Company:


Variable Rate IDBs

    2014 - 2016    Variable     215,300     365,300  

Unsecured Fixed Rate IDBs

    2020 - 2040    3.25% to 6.375%     615,855     638,315  

Variable Rate Tax-Exempt Bonds

  2014 – 2016    Variable    215,300    215,300  

Unsecured Fixed Rate Bonds

  2020 – 2040    4.50% – 6.38%    609,320    615,855  

Unsecured Notes

    2021    5.15%     249,218     —      2021 – 2023    3.85% – 5.15%    398,822    249,218  

UNS Gas and UNS Electric:


Senior Unsecured Notes

    2015 - 2026    5.39% to 7.1%     230,000     200,000    2015 – 2026    5.39% – 7.10%    200,000    200,000  



Secured Term Loan

    2012    Variable     —       29,362  

Total Stated Principal Amount

             1,517,373     1,409,977  

Less Current Maturities

             —       (57,000

UNS Electric:


Unsecured Term Loan

  2015    Variable    30,000    30,000  













Total Long-Term Debt

             1,517,373     1,352,977      1,498,442    1,517,373  









Total Capitalization

            $2,758,567    $2,612,807     $2,826,045   $2,758,567  









See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.




September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
 - Thousands of Dollars -   Common         Other Total 
  Shares   Common   Accumulated Comprehensive Stockholders’ 

Balances at December 31, 2008

  35,458   $687,360   $5,590   $(6,855)  $686,095  
  Outstanding*   Stock   Earnings Loss Equity 
  - Thousands of Dollars - 

Balances at December 31, 2009

   35,851    $696,206    $68,925   $(5,802 $759,329  





Comprehensive Income:


2009 Net Income

    105,901     105,901  

Unrealized Loss on Cash Flow Hedges (net of $33 income taxes)

     51    51  

Reclassification of Realized Losses on Cash Flow Hedges to Net Income (net of $690 income taxes)

     1,053    1,053  

Employee Benefit Obligations Amortization of SERP Net Prior Service Cost Included in Net Periodic Benefit Cost (net of $33 income taxes)

     (51  (51

2010 Net Income

       112,984     112,984  

Other Comprehensive Loss, net of $2,599 income taxes

        (3,967  (3,967





Total Comprehensive Income

      106,954           109,017  

Dividends, Including Non-Cash Dividend Equivalents

    (42,566   (42,566       (57,071   (57,071

Shares Issued under Deferred Compensation Plans

  10    279      279     16     519       519  

Shares Issued for Stock Options

  282    4,077      4,077     660     12,756       12,756  

Shares Issued Under Stock Compensation Plans

  101    —        —    

Shares Issued Under Performance Share Awards

   15     —         —    


   4,490      4,490       6,206       6,206  











Balances at December 31, 2009

  35,851   $696,206   $68,925   $(5,802)  $759,329  



Comprehensive Income:


2010 Net Income

    112,984     112,984  

Unrealized Loss on Cash Flow Hedges (net of $4,216 income taxes)

     (6,431  (6,431

Reclassification of Realized Losses on Cash Flow Hedges to Net Income (net of $2,140 income taxes)

     3,264    3,264  

Employee Benefit Obligations Amortization of SERP Net Prior Service Cost Included in Net Periodic Benefit Cost (net of $523 income taxes)

     (800  (800



Total Comprehensive Income


Dividends, Including Non-Cash Dividend Equivalents

    (57,071   (57,071

Shares Issued under Deferred Compensation Plans

  16    519      519  

Shares Issued for Stock Options

  660    12,756      12,756  

Shares Issued Under Stock Compensation Plans

  15    —        —    


   6,206      6,206  





















Balances at December 31, 2010

  36,542   $715,687   $124,838   $(9,769)  $830,756     36,542     715,687     124,838    (9,769  830,756  





Comprehensive Income:


2011 Net Income

    109,975     109,975         109,975     109,975  

Unrealized Loss on Cash Flow Hedges (net of $2,376 income taxes)

     (3,626  (3,626

Reclassification of Realized Losses on Cash Flow Hedges to Net Income (net of $1,412 income taxes)

     2,153    2,153  

Employee Benefit Obligations Amortization of SERP Net Prior Service Cost Included in Net Periodic Benefit Cost (net of $804 income taxes)

     1,158    1,158  



Other Comprehensive Loss, net of $160 income taxes

        (315  (315



Total Comprehensive Income

      109,660           109,660  

Dividends, Including Non-Cash Dividend Equivalents

    (62,158   (62,158       (62,158   (62,158

Shares Issued for Stock Options

  319    8,176      8,176     319     8,176       8,176  

Shares Issued Under Stock Compensation Plans

  57    —        —    

Shares Issued Under Performance Share Awards

   57     —         —    


   2,040      2,040       2,040       2,040  





















Balances at December 31, 2011

  36,918   $725,903   $172,655   $(10,084)  $888,474     36,918     725,903     172,655    (10,084  888,474  













Comprehensive Income:


2012 Net Income

       90,919     90,919  

Other Comprehensive Income, net of $(135) income taxes

        294    294  



Total Comprehensive Income


Dividends, Including Non-Cash Dividend Equivalents

       (70,457   (70,457

Shares Issued on Conversion of Notes and Related Tax



   4,262     149,805       149,805  

Shares Issued for Stock Options

   133     3,511       3,511  

Shares Issued Under Performance Share Awards

   31     —         —    


     2,919       2,919  











Balances at December 31, 2012

   41,344    $882,138    $193,117   $(9,790 $1,065,465  












*UniSourceUNS Energy has 75 million authorized shares of Common Stock.

We describe limitations on our ability to pay dividends in Note 7.

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.




September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Years Ended December 31,   Years Ended December 31, 
    2011   2010   2009   2012 2011 2010 
    - Thousands of Dollars -   - Thousands of Dollars - 

Operating Revenues


Electric Retail Sales

    $903,930    $868,188    $867,516    $915,879   $903,930   $868,188  

Electric Wholesale Sales

     129,861     141,103     153,306     111,194    129,861    141,103  

California Power Exchange (CPX) Provision for Wholesale Refunds

     —       (2,970   (4,172   —      —      (2,970

Other Revenues

     122,595     118,946     82,688     134,587    122,595    118,946  













Total Operating Revenues

     1,156,386     1,125,267     1,099,338     1,161,660    1,156,386    1,125,267  













Operating Expenses



     318,268     284,744     279,303     318,901    318,268    284,744  

Purchased Power

     105,766     118,716     144,529     80,137    105,766    118,716  


     (1,435)    3,254     3,066     5,722    (1,435  3,254  

Decrease to Reflect PPFAC Recovery Treatment

     (6,165)    (21,541   (18,186

Increase (Decrease) to Reflect PPFAC Recovery Treatment

   31,113    (6,165  (21,541













Total Fuel and Purchased Energy

     416,434     385,173     408,712     435,873    416,434    385,173  

Other Operations and Maintenance

     330,801     316,625     282,986  

Operations and Maintenance

   334,553    330,801    316,625  


     104,894     99,510     116,970     110,931    104,894    99,510  


     34,650     32,196     35,931     39,493    34,650    32,196  

Taxes Other Than Income Taxes

     40,226     37,732     37,406     40,323    40,199    37,732  













Total Operating Expenses

     927,005     871,236     882,005     961,173    926,978    871,236  













Operating Income

     229,381     254,031     217,333     200,487    229,408    254,031  













Other Income (Deductions)


Interest Income

     3,567     6,707     11,471     136    3,567    6,707  

Other Income

     5,693     6,629     10,996     6,043    5,693    6,629  

Other Expense

     (12,037)    (11,506   (9,589   (13,772  (12,064  (11,506













Total Other Income (Deductions)

     (2,777)    1,830     12,878     (7,593  (2,804  1,830  













Interest Expense


Long-Term Debt

     49,858     42,378     36,226     55,038    49,858    42,378  

Capital Leases

     40,358     46,734     49,258     33,613    40,358    46,734  

Other Interest Expense

     1,127     433     1,571     1,446    1,127    433  

Interest Capitalized

     (2,073)    (1,880   (1,752   (1,782  (2,073  (1,880













Total Interest Expense

     89,270     87,665     85,303     88,315    89,270    87,665  













Income Before Income Taxes

     137,334     168,196     144,908     104,579    137,334    168,196  

Income Tax Expense

     52,000     59,936     54,220     39,109    52,000    59,936  













Net Income

    $85,334    $108,260    $90,688    $65,470   $85,334   $108,260  













See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.



   Years Ended December 31, 
   2012  2011  2010 
   -Thousands of Dollars- 

Comprehensive Income


Net Income

  $65,470   $85,334   $108,260  










Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)


Unrealized Loss on Cash Flow Hedges, net of $913, $2,331, and $4,216 income taxes

   (1,396  (3,555  (6,431

Reclassification of Realized Losses on Cash Flow Hedges to Net Income, net of $(1,800), $(1,390), and $(2,140) income taxes

   2,750    2,122    3,264  

SERP Benefit Adjustments, net of $608, $(804) and $523 income taxes

   (840  1,158    (800










Total Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Income Taxes

   514    (275  (3,967










Total Comprehensive Income

  $65,984   $85,059   $104,293  










See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.




September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Years Ended December 31,   Years Ended December 31, 
    2011   2010   2009   2012 2011 2010 
    - Thousands of Dollars -   - Thousands of Dollars - 

Cash Flows from Operating Activities


Cash Receipts from Electric Retail Sales

    $963,247    $947,498    $944,873    $1,006,926   $963,247   $947,498  

Cash Receipts from Electric Wholesale Sales

     152,618     190,779     199,918     124,594    152,618    190,779  

Cash Receipts from Operating Springerville Units 3 & 4

     104,754     102,563     68,951     107,927    104,754    102,563  

Reimbursement of Affiliate Charges

     18,448     18,356     19,998     20,926    18,448    18,356  

Cash Receipts from Wholesale Gas Sales

     11,825     —       —       4,652    11,825    —    

Interest Received

   2,025    5,367    8,998  

Income Tax Refunds Received

     7,492     3,369     14,462     493    7,492    3,369  

Interest Received

     5,367     8,998     12,768  

Performance Deposits Received

     1,640     5,040     14,000  

Other Cash Receipts

     17,971     18,389     19,440     18,850    19,611    23,429  

Payment of Other Operations and Maintenance Costs

     (283,560)    (245,050   (233,075

Fuel Costs Paid

     (276,030)    (236,436   (282,653   (313,742  (271,975  (232,591

Payment of Operations and Maintenance Costs

   (282,752  (287,615  (248,895

Taxes Other Than Income Taxes Paid, Net of Amounts Capitalized

     (139,728)    (134,540   (124,053   (147,859  (139,728  (134,540

Wages Paid, Net of Amounts Capitalized

   (104,955  (100,942  (101,815

Purchased Power Costs Paid

     (117,224)    (169,658   (185,129   (81,328  (117,224  (169,658

Wages Paid, Net of Amounts Capitalized

     (100,942)    (101,815   (97,289

Interest Paid, Net of Amounts Capitalized

     (45,433)    (38,232   (33,128   (52,125  (45,433  (38,232

Capital Lease Interest Paid

     (32,103)    (38,640   (38,586   (28,786  (32,103  (38,640

Income Taxes Paid

   (1,796  (2,346  (19,663

Wholesale Gas Costs Paid

     (11,822)    —       —       —      (11,822  —    

Income Taxes Paid

     (2,346)    (19,663   (14,606

Performance Deposits Paid

     (1,640)    (5,040   (14,000

Other Cash Payments

     (4,240)    (3,435   (3,827   (5,131  (5,880  (8,475













Net Cash Flows - Operating Activities

     268,294     302,483     268,064  







Net Cash Flows—Operating Activities

   267,919    268,294    302,483  







Cash Flows from Investing Activities


Capital Expenditures

     (351,890)    (225,920   (240,079

Purchase of Intangibles - Renewable Energy Credits

     (5,111)    (7,903   —    

Purchase of Sundt Unit 4 Lease Asset

     —       (51,389   —    

Purchase of Springerville Lease Debt

     —       —       (31,375

Other Cash Payments

     (558)    (1,483   (411

Return of Investments in Springerville Lease Debt

     38,353     25,615     12,736     19,278    38,353    25,615  

Other Cash Receipts

     7,195     8,044     9,528     15,957    7,195    8,044  

Capital Expenditures

   (252,782  (351,890  (225,920

Purchase of Intangibles—Renewable Energy Credits

   (8,889  (5,111  (7,903

Deposit—San Juan Mine Reclamation Trust

   (1,445  —      —    

Purchase of Sundt Unit 4 Lease Asset

   —      —      (51,389

Other Cash Payments

   —      (558  (1,483













Net Cash Flows - Investing Activities

     (312,011)    (253,036   (249,601







Net Cash Flows—Investing Activities

   (227,881  (312,011  (253,036







Cash Flows from Financing Activities


Proceeds from Borrowings Under Revolving Credit Facility

   189,000    220,000    177,000  

Proceeds from Issuance of Long-Term Debt

     260,285     118,245     —       149,513    260,285    118,245  

Proceeds from Borrowings Under Revolving Credit Facility

     220,000     177,000     171,000  

Equity Investment from UniSource Energy

     30,000     15,000     30,000  

Equity Investment from UNS Energy

   —      30,000    15,000  

Other Cash Receipts

     2,458     3,241     2,447     3,132    2,458    3,241  

Repayments of Borrowings Under Revolving Credit Facility

     (210,000)    (212,000   (146,000   (199,000  (210,000  (212,000

Payments of Capital Lease Obligations

   (89,452  (74,343  (55,889

Dividends Paid to UNS Energy

   (30,000  —      (60,000

Repayments of Long-Term Debt

     (172,460)    (30,000   —       (6,535  (172,460  (30,000

Payments of Capital Lease Obligations

     (74,343)    (55,889   (24,091

Payments of Debt Issue/Retirement Costs

     (3,594)    (5,988   (1,329   (3,547  (3,594  (5,988

Dividends Paid to UniSource Energy

     —       (60,000   (60,000

Other Cash Payments

     (894)    (1,491   (1,347   (1,124  (894  (1,491













Net Cash Flows - Financing Activities

     51,452     (51,882   (29,320







Net Cash Flows—Financing Activities

   11,987    51,452    (51,882







Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents

     7,735     (2,435   (10,857   52,025    7,735    (2,435

Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Year

     19,983     22,418     33,275     27,718    19,983    22,418  













Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Year

    $27,718    $19,983    $22,418    $79,743   $27,718   $19,983  













See Note 15 for supplemental cash flow information.

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.




September 30,September 30,
    December 31,   December 31, 
    2011   2010   2012 2011 
    - Thousands of Dollars -   - Thousands of Dollars - 



Utility Plant


Plant in Service

    $4,222,236    $3,863,431    $4,348,041   $4,222,236  

Utility Plant Under Capital Leases

     582,669     582,669     582,669    582,669  

Construction Work in Progress

     76,517     153,981     98,460    76,517  









Total Utility Plant

     4,881,422     4,600,081     5,029,170    4,881,422  

Less Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization

     (1,753,807)    (1,729,747   (1,783,787  (1,753,807

Less Accumulated Amortization of Capital Lease Assets

     (476,963)    (460,257   (494,962  (476,963









Total Utility Plant - Net

     2,650,652     2,410,077  

Total Utility Plant—Net

   2,750,421    2,650,652  









Investments and Other Property


Investments in Lease Debt and Equity

     65,829     103,844     36,339    65,829  


     32,313     43,588     35,091    32,313  









Total Investments and Other Property

     98,142     147,432     71,430    98,142  









Current Assets


Cash and Cash Equivalents

     27,718     19,983     79,743    27,718  

Accounts Receivable - Customer

     71,435     78,200  

Accounts Receivable—Customer

   71,813    73,612  

Unbilled Accounts Receivable

     32,386     32,217     33,782    32,386  

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

     (3,766)    (4,106   (4,598  (3,766

Accounts Receivable - Due from Affiliates

     4,049     5,444  

Accounts Receivable—Due from Affiliates

   5,720    4,049  

Materials and Supplies

   80,377    70,749  

Fuel Inventory

     32,981     29,209     61,737    32,981  

Materials and Supplies

     70,749     54,732  

Derivative Instruments

     1,439     1,318  

Regulatory Assets - Current

     71,747     34,023  

Deferred Income Taxes - Current

     21,678     32,077  

Deferred Income Taxes—Current

   37,212    21,678  

Regulatory Assets—Current

   34,345    71,747  

Investments in Lease Debt

   9,118    —    


     13,753     26,467     34,393    15,192  









Total Current Assets

     344,169     309,564     443,642    346,346  









Regulatory and Other Assets


Regulatory Assets - Noncurrent

     157,386     182,304  

Derivative Instruments

     1,398     1,834  

Regulatory Assets—Noncurrent

   178,330    157,386  

Other Assets

     23,737     24,767     17,223    25,135  









Total Regulatory and Other Assets

     182,521     208,905     195,553    182,521  









Total Assets

    $3,275,484    $3,075,978    $3,461,046   $3,277,661  









See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

(Consolidated Balance Sheets Continued)





September 30,September 30,
    December 31,   December 31, 
    2011     2010   2012   2011 
    - Thousands of Dollars -   - Thousands of Dollars - 





Common Stock Equity

    $824,943      $709,884    $860,927    $824,943  

Capital Lease Obligations

     352,720       429,074     262,138     352,720  

Long-Term Debt

     1,080,373       1,003,615     1,223,442     1,080,373  









Total Capitalization

     2,258,036       2,142,573     2,346,507     2,258,036  









Current Liabilities


Current Obligations Under Capital Leases

     77,482       60,309     90,583     77,482  

Borrowing Under Revolving Credit Facility

     10,000       -     —       10,000  

Accounts Payable - Trade

     84,508       77,021  

Accounts Payable - Due to Affiliates

     4,827       3,990  

Accounts Payable—Trade

   82,122     84,509  

Accounts Payable—Due to Affiliates

   3,134     4,827  

Accrued Taxes Other than Income Taxes

   33,060     32,155  

Interest Accrued

     30,877       31,771     26,965     30,877  

Accrued Taxes Other than Income Taxes

     32,155       29,873  

Accrued Employee Expenses

     21,356       23,710     20,715     22,099  

Customer Deposits

     23,743       21,191     24,846     23,743  

Regulatory Liabilities—Current

   20,822     23,702  

Derivative Instruments

     9,040       7,288     4,899     9,040  

Regulatory Liabilities - Current

     23,702       58,936  


     4,524       3,379     7,085     5,957  









Total Current Liabilities

     322,214       317,468     314,231     324,391  









Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities


Deferred Income Taxes - Noncurrent

     263,225       227,615  

Regulatory Liabilities - Noncurrent

     200,599       170,223  

Deferred Income Taxes—Noncurrent

   319,216     263,225  

Regulatory Liabilities—Noncurrent

   241,189     200,599  

Pension and Other Retiree Benefits

   149,718     130,660  

Derivative Instruments

     14,142       11,650     10,565     14,142  

Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits

     130,660       120,590  


     86,608       85,859     79,620     86,608  









Total Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities

     695,234       615,937     800,308     695,234  









Commitments, Contingencies, and Proposed Envirionmental Matters (Note 4)







Commitments, Contingencies, and Environmental Matters (Note 4)


Total Capitalization and Other Liabilities

    $3,275,484      $3,075,978    $3,461,046    $3,277,661  









See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

(Consolidated Balance Sheets Concluded)





September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
              December 31,      December 31, 
              2011   2010      2012 2011 
              - Thousands of Dollars -      - Thousands of Dollars - 



Common Stock-No Par Value

   $888,971   $888,971  

Common Stock-No Par Value

            $888,971    $858,971  




           2012 2011     

Shares Authorized

    75,000,000    75,000,000        75,000,000    75,000,000    

Shares Outstanding

    32,139,434    32,139,434        32,139,434    32,139,434    

Capital Stock Expense

             (6,357)    (6,357    (6,357  (6,357

Accumulated Deficit

             (47,627)    (132,961    (12,157  (47,627

Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss

             (10,044)    (9,769    (9,530  (10,044









Total Common Stock Equity

             824,943     709,884      860,927    824,943  











No Par Value, 1,000,000 Shares Authorized, None Outstanding

             —       —    

No Par Value, 1,000,000 Shares Authorized, None Outstanding


  —       —    











Springerville Unit 1

             253,481     302,229      196,843    253,481  

Springerville Coal Handling Facilities

             65,022     76,583      48,038    65,022  

Springerville Common Facilities

             111,699     110,571      107,840    111,699  









Total Capital Lease Obligations

             430,202     489,383      352,721    430,202  

Less Current Maturities

             (77,482)    (60,309    (90,583  (77,482









Total Long-Term Capital Lease Obligations

             352,720     429,074      262,138    352,720  















Interest Rate

           Maturity Interest Rate     

Variable Rate IDBs

    2014 - 2016    Variable     215,300     365,300  

Unsecured Fixed Rate IDBs

    2020 - 2040    3.25% to 6.375%     615,855     638,315  

Variable Rate Tax-Exempt Bonds

  2014 – 2016    Variable    215,300    215,300  

Unsecured Fixed Rate Bonds

  2020 – 2040    4.50% – 6.38%    609,320    615,855  

Unsecured Notes

    2021    5.15%     249,218     —      2021 – 2023    3.85% – 5.15%    398,822    249,218  









Total Long-Term Debt

             1,080,373     1,003,615      1,223,442    1,080,373  









Total Capitalization

            $2,258,036    $2,142,573     $2,346,507   $2,258,036  









See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.




September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
  - Thousands of Dollars - 

Balances at December 31, 2008

 $813,971   $(6,357)  $(211,146)  $(6,855)  $589,613  




Comprehensive Income:


2009 Net Income

    90,688     90,688  

Unrealized Loss on Cash Flow Hedges (net of $33 income taxes)

     51    51  

Reclassification of Realized Losses on Cash Flow Hedges to Net Income (net of $690 income taxes)

     1,053    1,053  

Employee Benefit Obligations Amortization of SERP Net Prior Service Cost Included in Net Periodic Benefit Cost (net of $33 income taxes)

     (51  (51




Total Comprehensive Income


Capital Contribution from UniSource Energy

  30,000       30,000  


    (60,763   (60,763
















Balances at December 31, 2009

  843,971    (6,357)   (181,221)   (5,802)   650,591  




Comprehensive Income:


2010 Net Income

    108,260     108,260  

Unrealized Loss on Cash Flow Hedges (net of $4,216 income taxes)

     (6,431  (6,431

Reclassification of Realized Losses on Cash Flow Hedges to Net Income (net of $2,140 income taxes)

     3,264    3,264  

Employee Benefit Obligations Amortization of SERP Net Prior Service Cost Included in Net Periodic Benefit Cost (net of $523 income taxes)

     (800  (800




Total Comprehensive Income


Capital Contribution from UniSource Energy

  15,000       15,000  

Dividends Paid

    (60,000   (60,000
















Balances at December 31, 2010

  858,971    (6,357)   (132,961)   (9,769)   709,884  




Comprehensive Income:


2011 Net Income

    85,334     85,334  

Unrealized Loss on Cash Flow Hedges (net of $2,331 income taxes)

     (3,555  (3,555

Reclassification of Realized Losses on Cash Flow Hedges to Net Income (net of $1,390 income taxes)

     2,122    2,122  

Employee Benefit Obligations Amortization of SERP Net Prior Service Cost Included in Net Periodic Benefit Cost (net of $804 income taxes)

     1,158    1,158  




Total Comprehensive Income


Capital Contribution from UniSource Energy

  30,000       30,000  
















Balances at December 31, 2011

 $888,971   $(6,357)  $(47,627)  $(10,044)  $824,943  















       Capital     Other  Total 
   Common   Stock  Accumulated  Comprehensive  Stockholder’s 
   Stock   Expense  Deficit  Loss  Equity 

Balances at December 31, 2009

  $843,971    $(6,357 $(181,221 $(5,802 $650,591  

Comprehensive Income:


2010 Net Income

      108,260     108,260  

Other Comprehensive Loss, net of $2,599 income taxes

       (3,967  (3,967




Total Comprehensive Income


Capital Contribution from UNS Energy

   15,000        15,000  

Dividends Paid

      (60,000   (60,000
















Balances at December 31, 2010

   858,971     (6,357  (132,961  (9,769  709,884  




Comprehensive Income:


2011 Net Income

      85,334     85,334  

Other Comprehensive Loss, net of $137 income taxes

       (275  (275




Total Comprehensive Income


Capital Contribution from UNS Energy

   30,000        30,000  
















Balances at December 31, 2011

   888,971     (6,357  (47,627  (10,044  824,943  




Comprehensive Income:


2012 Net Income

      65,470     65,470  

Other Comprehensive Income, net of $(279) income taxes

       514    514  




Total Comprehensive Income


Dividends Paid

      (30,000   (30,000
















Balances at December 31, 2012

  $888,971    $(6,357 $(12,157 $(9,530 $860,927  
















We describe limitations on our ability to pay dividends in Note 7.

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.





UNS Energy Corporation (UNS Energy), formerly UniSource Energy Corporation, (UniSource Energy) is a utility services holding company engaged, through its subsidiaries, in the electric generation and energy delivery business. Each of UniSourceUNS Energy’s subsidiaries is a separate legal entity with its own assets and liabilities. UniSourceUNS Energy owns 100% of Tucson Electric Power Company (TEP), UniSource Energy Services, Inc. (UES), Millennium Energy Holdings, Inc. (Millennium), and UniSource Energy Development Company (UED).

TEP is a regulated public utility and UniSourceUNS Energy’s largest operating subsidiary, representing approximately 82%84% of UniSourceUNS Energy’s total assets as of December 31, 2011.2012. TEP generates, transmits and distributes electricity to approximately 404,000406,000 retail electric customers in a 1,155 square mile area in southeastern Arizona. TEP also sells electricity to other utilities and power marketing entities, located primarily in the western U.S.United States. In addition, TEP operates Springerville Generating Station (Springerville) Unit 3 on behalf of Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. (Tri-State) and Springerville Unit 4 on behalf of Salt River Project Agriculture Improvement and Power District (SRP).

UES holds the common stock of two regulated public utilities, UNS Gas, Inc. (UNS Gas) and UNS Electric, Inc. (UNS Electric). UNS Gas is a regulated gas distribution company, which services approximately 148,000149,000 retail customers in Mohave, Yavapai, Coconino, and Navajo counties in northern Arizona, as well as in Santa Cruz County in southern Arizona. UNS Electric is a regulated public utility, which generates, transmits and distributes electricity to approximately 91,00092,000 retail customers in Mohave and Santa Cruz counties.

UED developed the Black Mountain Generating Station (BMGS) in northwestern Arizona. The facility includes two natural gas-fired combustion turbines. Prior to July 2011, UNS Electric received energy from BMGS through a power sales agreement with UED. In July 2011, UNS Electric purchased BMGS from UED, leaving UED with no significant remaining assets. The transaction had no impact on UniSource Energy’s consolidated financial statements.

and Millennium’s investments in unregulated businesses represent less than 1% of UniSourceUNS Energy’s assets as of December 31, 2011. Millennium’s $13 million net loss for 2010, which reflected impairment losses, caused it to be a reportable segment at December 31, 2010. Millennium is not a reportable segment at December 31, 2011.2012.

Our business is comprised of three reporting segments – TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric.

References to “we” and “our” are to UniSourceUNS Energy and its subsidiaries, collectively.


In the secondfourth quarter of 2012, we identified that we had incorrectly reported UNS Electric’s sales and thirdpurchase contracts, which did not result in the physical delivery of energy. The transactions were reported on a gross basis rather than on a net basis during the first three quarters of 2012 as well as the calendar years 2011 we identified errors related to amounts recorded as owed to or payable by TEP for electricity deliveries settled in-kind or to be settled in-kind during prior years under our transmission, interconnection and certain joint operating agreements. These agreements typically provide that the parties to such agreements will monitor transmission2010. This error resulted in an equal and delivery lossesoffsetting overstatement of Electric Wholesale Sales and other energy imbalances and make payments to each other to compensate for any losses and imbalances. Payments for such losses and imbalances are made in-kind with energy (MWh) rather than cash. The amount of these losses and imbalances is typically a very low portion of the energy flows subject to these agreements and is usually settled on a one day or one month lag. We also identified minor errors to prior year amounts billed to third parties for operations and maintenance expense. Separately,Purchased Energy in the second quarterincome statements of $31 million in 2011 we identified errorsand $28 million in prior years in the calculation of2010. This error had no impact to operating income, tax expense arising from not treating Allowance for Equity Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) as a permanent book to tax difference.

net income, retained earnings, or cash flows. We assessed the materialityimpact of these errors on prior period financial statements and concluded they were not material to any prior annual or interim periods, butperiod. However, the cumulative impact, if recognized in 2011, could be materialerrors were significant to the annual period ending December 31, 2011 and the interim period ended June 30, 2011.individual line items. As a result, in accordance with Staff Accounting Bulletin 108, we have revised our prior periodthe 2011 and 2010 financial statements included herein to correct these errors. See Note 17 for the quarterly impact of the revisions on the years presented. The interim financial data is unaudited. The revisions noted above impacted UNS Energy’s statements of income as shown in the tables below:

   UNS Energy 
   Year Ended   Year Ended 
   December 31, 2011   December 31, 2010 
   As Reported   As Revised   As Reported   As Revised 
   -Thousands of Dollars- 

Income Statement


Electric Wholesale Sales

  $163,159    $132,346    $151,962    $123,943  

Total Operating Revenues

   1,509,515     1,478,702     1,453,966     1,425,947  

Purchased Energy

   307,423     276,610     307,288     279,269  

Total Fuel and Purchased Energy

   634,345     603,532     584,263     556,244  

Total Operating Expenses

   1,227,843     1,196,995     1,156,852     1,128,833  




   UNS Energy
Three Months Ended
   March 31,   June 30,   September 30, 

-Thousands of Dollars


Income Statement


Electric Wholesale Sales

  $37,104    $33,538    $28,684    $24,381    $32,494    $28,836  

Purchased Energy

   63,276     59,790     51,376     48,203     60,238     57,085  

Total Fuel and Purchased Energy

   134,276     130,790     151,328     148,155     175,687     172,534  

Total Operating Expenses

   284,479     280,984     299,112     295,932     330,852     327,700  

errors. We assessed the materiality of the third quarter 2011 errors, together with the errors identified in the first half of 2011, on prior period financial statements and concluded that, while they were not material to any prior annual or interim periods, we should update the prior revision to reflect all of the errors identified in 2011.

   UNS Energy
Three Months Ended
   March 31,   June 30,   September 30,   December 31, 
   -Thousands of Dollars 

Income Statement


Electric Wholesale Sales

  $40,914    $35,438    $38,744    $35,331    $41,847    $32,818    $41,654    $28,759  

Purchased Energy

   78,274     71,685     66,336     61,804     88,734     79,343     74,079     63,778  

Total Fuel and Purchased Energy

   146,579     139,990     155,539     151,007     182,766     173,376     149,461     139,159  

Total Operating Expenses

   299,946     293,357     298,383     293,852     327,187     317,796     302,327     291,990  

The income tax adjustment affected fiscal years 2003 through 2010 for UniSource Energy and fiscal years 2009 and 2010 for TEP. The adjustment for transmission and delivery losses and energy imbalances settled in-kind or to be settled in-kind affected fiscal years 2004 through 2010. The operations and maintenance expense adjustment affected fiscal years 2006 through 2010. The revision increased UniSource Energy’s net income by $2 million for each of the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009. The revision increased TEP’s net income by $1 million for each of the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009. UniSource Energy’s Accumulated Earnings increased by $7 million for the periods prior to January 1, 2009, as a result of the revisions.

   UNS Energy 
   Six Month Period Ended   Nine Month Period Ended 
   June 30, 2012   June 30, 2011   September 30, 2012   September 30, 2011 
   -Thousands of Dollars 

Income Statement


Electric Wholesale Sales

  $65,787    $57,919    $79,658    $70,769    $98,282    $86,755    $121,506    $103,587  

Total Operating Revenues

   686,044     679,384     714,439     703,318     1,123,305     1,113,492     1,165,387     1,144,875  

Purchased Energy

   114,653     107,993     144,610     133,489     174,891     165,078     233,344     212,832  

Total Fuel and Purchased Energy

   285,605     278,945     302,118     290,997     461,292     451,479     484,885     464,373  

Total Operating Expenses

   583,590     576,916     598,330     587,209     914,428     904,616     925,518     905,005  

Operating Income(1)

   102,454     102,468     116,109     116,109     208,877     208,876     239,869     239,869  

The revised amounts include(1) Includes immaterial reclassifications to conform to the current year presentation. TEP reclassified Other Operations and Maintenance costs of $7 million in 2010, and $6 million in 2009from Operating Expense to Other Expense to correctly account forconform with current year presentation.


The Financial Accounting Standards Board issued authoritative guidance that eliminated the regulatory treatmentoption to report other comprehensive income in the statement of changes in equity. Rather, an entity must elect to present items of net income and other comprehensive income in one continuous statement or in two separate but consecutive statements. In 2012, we elected to include two separate but consecutive statements.

We implemented accounting guidance in 2012 which enhances our disclosures regarding unobservable inputs in calculating the fair market value of certain expenses.

assets and liabilities. The revisionguidance requires additional quantitative analysis of inputs when we use significant unobservable inputs to measure the fair value of our derivatives and reclassifications impacted statements of income and balance sheets as shown in the tables below:financial instruments. See Note 11.

September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     UniSource Energy   TEP 
     Year Ended
December 31, 2010
     -Thousands of Dollars- (Except Per Share Amounts) 

Income Statement


Electric Wholesale Sales

    $151,673    $151,962    $140,815    $141,103  


     296,980     295,652     286,071     284,744  

Purchased Energy

     307,288     307,288     118,716     118,716  

Decrease to Reflect PPFAC/PGA Recovery Treatment

     (31,105   (29,622   (23,025   (21,541

Other Operations and Maintenance

     370,067     370,037     323,537     316,625  

Income Tax Expense

     78,266     76,921     61,057     59,936  

Net Income

     111,477     112,984     106,978     108,260  

Basic EPS

     3.06     3.10     N/A     N/A  

Diluted EPS

     2.82     2.86     N/A     N/A  

Balance Sheet


Accounts Receivable -Customer

     91,556     98,333     71,425     78,200  

Deferred Income Taxes –Current Assets

     32,386     30,822     33,640     32,077  

Regulatory Assets -Noncurrent

     196,736     192,966     186,074     182,304  

Common Stock Equity

     828,368     830,756     707,495     709,884  

Accounts Payable -Trade

     109,896     108,950     77,967     77,021  

Deferred Income Taxes –Noncurrent Liabilities

     246,466     246,466     227,615     227,615  



September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     UniSource Energy   TEP 
     Year Ended
December 31, 2009
     -Thousands of Dollars- (Except Per Share Amounts) 

Income Statement


Electric Wholesale Sales

    $130,904    $131,255    $152,955    $153,306  


     298,655     296,248     281,710     279,303  

Purchased Energy

     296,861     296,861     144,528     144,529  

Decrease to Reflect PPFAC/PGA Recovery Treatment

     (17,091   (14,553   (20,724   (18,186

Other Operations and Maintenance

     333,887     333,579     289,765     282,986  

Income Tax Expense

     64,348     63,232     55,130     54,220  

Net Income

     104,258     105,901     89,248     90,688  

Basic EPS

     2.91     2.95     N/A     N/A  

Diluted EPS

     2.69     2.73     N/A     N/A  


We consolidate our investments in subsidiaries when we hold a majority of the voting stock and we can exercise control over the operations and policies of the company. Consolidation means accounts of the parent and subsidiary are combined and intercompany balances and transactions are eliminated. Intercompany profits on transactions between regulated entities are not eliminated.

We used the equity and cost methods to report Millennium’s investments until the assets became fully impaired in 2010.eliminated if recovery from ratepayers is probable. See Note 13.2.




Management makes estimates and assumptions when preparing financial statements under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in the U.S.United States. These estimates and assumptions affect:


Assets and liabilities inon our balance sheets at the dates of the financial statements;


Our disclosures about contingent assets and liabilities at the dates of the financial statements; and


Our revenues and expenses in our income statements during the periods presented.

Because these estimates involve judgments based upon our evaluation of relevant facts and circumstances, actual amountsresults may differ from the estimates.


We generally use the same accounting policies and practices used by unregulated companies. However, sometimes regulatory accountingGAAP requires that rate-regulated companies apply special accounting treatment to show the effect of rate regulation. For example, we capitalize certain costs that would be included as expense in the current period by unregulated companies. Regulatory assets represent incurred costs that have been deferred because they are probable of future recovery in customerthe rates charged to retail customers. Our Retail Rates.Rates are designed to allow TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric an opportunity to recover reasonable operating and capital costs and earn a return on utility plant in service. Regulatory liabilities generally represent expected future costs that have already been collected from customers or items that are expected to be returned to customers through billing reductions. We evaluate regulatory assets each period and believe recovery is probable. If future recovery of costs ceases to be probable, the assets would be written off as a charge into current period earnings.

WeTEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric apply regulatory accounting as the following conditions exist:


An independent regulator sets rates;


The regulator sets the rates to recover the specific enterprise’s costs of providing service; and


Rates are set at levels that will recover the entity'sentity’s costs and can be charged to and collected from customers.




We define Cash and Cash Equivalents as cash (unrestricted demand deposits) and all highly liquid investments purchased with an original maturity of three months or less.

As of December 31, 2012, we include $7 million of restricted cash in Investments and Other Property—Other on the balance sheets, of which $2 million has been legally restricted as to its use. At December 31, 2011, we included $9 million of restricted cash in Investments and Other Property – Other on the balance sheets, of which $3 million had been legally restricted as to its use.


Utility Plant includes the business property and equipment that supports electric and gas services, consisting primarily of generation, transmission, and distribution facilities. We report utility plant at original cost. Original cost includes materials and labor, contractor services, construction overhead (where(when applicable), and an Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC).

We record the cost of repairs and maintenance, including planned major overhauls, to Other Operations and Maintenance Expense on(O&M) expense in the income statements as the costs are incurred.

When a unit of regulated property is retired, we reduce accumulated depreciation by the original cost plus removal costs less any salvage value. There is no income statement impact.



AFUDC and Capitalized Interest

AFUDC reflects the cost of debt or equity funds used to finance construction and is capitalized as part of the cost of regulated utility plant. AFUDC amounts capitalized are included in rate base for establishing Retail Rates. For operations that do not apply regulatory accounting, we capitalize interest related only to debt as a cost of construction. The capitalized interest capitalized that relates to debt reduces Other Interest Expense onin the income statements. The capitalized cost capitalized for equity funds is recorded as Other Income.Income in the income statements.

The average AFUDC rates on regulated construction expenditures are included in the table below:


   2012  2011  2010 


   7.22  6.72  6.65


   7.95  8.32  8.19

UNS Electric

   7.89  8.18  8.22

September 30,September 30,September 30,

Average AFUDC Rate on Regulated Construction Expenditures

    2011  2010  2009 


     6.72  6.65  6.40


     8.32  8.19  7.05

UNS Electric

     8.18  8.22  7.62

UniSourceUNS Energy did not capitalize interest in 2012. UNS Energy capitalized interest at a rate of 3.30% for 2011 and 1.96% for 2010 related to the development of a new corporate headquarters.2010.


We compute depreciation for owned utility plant on a group method straight-line basis at depreciation rates based on the economic lives of the assets. See Note 5. The ACCArizona Corporation Commission (ACC) approves depreciation rates for all utility plant. TEP transmissiongeneration and distribution assets. Transmission assets are subject to FERC jurisdiction.the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Depreciation rates are based on average useful lives and reflect estimated removal costs, net of estimated salvage value for interim retirements. Below are the summarized average annual depreciation rates for all utility plants.plant, which reflect immaterial adjustments in the calculation of rates in the years presented to exclude allocated depreciation (the adjustment did not affect Depreciation Expense recorded in the income statements).


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     TEP  UNS Gas  UNS Electric  UED 


     3.15  3.32  4.31  3.03


     3.14  2.83  4.35  2.57


     3.64  2.76  4.33  2.57



   TEP  UNS Gas  UNS Electric 


   3.22  2.69  3.99


   3.14  2.84  4.02


   3.16  2.83  4.35

Computer Software Costs

We capitalize costs incurred to purchase and develop internal use computer software for internal use and amortize those costs over the estimated economic life of the product. If the software is no longer useful, we immediately charge capitalized computer software costs to expense.

TEP Utility Plant underUnder Capital Leases

TEP financed the following generation assets with capital leases: Springerville Common Facilities,Unit 1; facilities at Springerville used in common with Springerville Unit 1 and Unit 2 (Springerville Common Facilities); and the Springerville Coal Handling Facilities. The amount ofcapital lease expense incurred for TEP’s generation-related capital leases consists of amortization expense, as described inAmortization Expense (see Note 5,5) and Interest Expense on Expense—Capital Leases as reflected on the income statements.Leases. The lease terms are described in Note 6.


TEP holds investmentsheld an investment in lease debt in TEP’srelating to Springerville Unit 1 capital leases. These holdings are considered held-to-maturity investments because TEP has the abilitythrough its maturity date in January 2013 and intent to hold them until maturity. TEP records these investmentsrecorded this investment at amortized cost and recognizesrecognized interest income. TEP holds a 14% equity interest in Springerville Unit 1 and a one-half interest in certain Springerville Common Facilities (Springerville Unit 1 Leases). The fair value of these investments is described in Note 11. These investments do not reduce the capital lease obligations reflected on the balance sheet because there is no legal right of offset. TEP makes lease payments to a trustee who then distributes the payments to debt andthe equity holders.

TEP accounts for its 14% equity interest in the Springerville Unit 1 leaseLease trust using the equity method.




TEP has investments in several generation and transmission facilities jointly-owned with other companies. These projects are accounted for on a proportionate consolidation basis.basis based on our ownership percentage. See Note 5.


TEP and UNS Electric record a liability for the estimated present value of a conditional asset retirement obligationAsset Retirement Obligation (ARO) as follows:


When it is able to reasonably estimate the fair value of any future obligation to retire as a result of an existing or enacted law, statute, ordinance, or contract; or


If it can reasonably estimate the fair value.

When the liability is initially recorded at net present value, TEP and UNS Electric capitalize the cost by increasing the carrying amount of the related long-lived asset. TEP and UNS Electric adjust the liability to its present value by recognizing accretion expense in Other Operations and MaintenanceO&M expense, and the capitalized cost is depreciated in Depreciation and Amortization expense over the useful life of the related asset.asset or when applicable, the terms of the lease subject to ARO requirements.

Based on the decommissioning studies to estimate timing and amount of future retirement of certain generation assets, both TEP and UNS Electric record legal AROs for these assets. Additionally, TEP and UNS Electric incurred AROs related to their photovoltaic assets as a result of entering into various ground leases.

TEP and UNS Electric record cost of removal for generation assets that are recoverable through Retail Ratesthe rates charged to retail customers. See Note 2.

We record cost of removal for transmission and distribution assets through depreciation rates and recover those amounts in Retail Ratesthe rates charged to retail customers. There are no legal obligations associated with thesetransmission and distribution assets. We have recorded an obligation for estimated costs of removal as regulatory liabilities.


We evaluate long-lived assets and investments for impairment whenever events or circumstances indicate the carrying value of the assets may be impaired. If discounted expected future cash flows (without discounting) are less than the carrying value of the asset, an impairment loss is recognized if the impairment is other than temporaryother-than-temporary and the loss is not recoverable through rates, and the asset is written down to the fair value of the asset.





We defer the costs to issue debt and amortize such costs to interest expense on a straight-line basis over the life of the debt as this approximates the effective interest method. These costs include underwriters’ commissions, discounts or premiums, and other costs such as legal, accounting, regulatory fees, and printing costs.

We defer and amortize the gains and losses on reacquired debt associated with regulated operations to interest expense over the remaining life of the original debt.


We record utility operating revenues when services or commodities are delivered to customers. Operating revenues include an estimate for unbilled revenues from service that has been provided but not billed by the end of an accounting period.

We determine amounts delivered through periodic readings of customer meters. At the end of the month, the usage since the last meter reading is estimated and the corresponding unbilled revenue is calculated. Unbilled revenue is estimated based on daily generation or purchased volumes, estimated customer usage by customer class, estimated line losses, and estimated average customer Retail Rates. Accrued unbilled revenues are reversed the following month when actual billings occur. The accuracy of the unbilled revenue estimate is affected by factors that include fluctuations in energy demands, weather, line losses, customer Retail Rates, and changes in the composition of customer classes.

We are



The ACC authorized a rate-adjustment mechanism for TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric that provides for the recovery of actual fuel, transmission, and purchased power/energy cost. The revenue surcharge or surcredit adjusts the customers’ retail rate for delivered electricity or gas to collect or return under- or over- recoveredover-recovered energy costs. The ACC revises these rate-adjustment mechanisms periodically (annually for TEP and UNS Electric; monthly for UNS Gas) and may increase or decrease the level of costs recovered through Retail Rates for any difference between the total amount collected under the clausesmechanisms and the recoverable costs incurred. See Note 2.

Arizona’s mandatory Renewable Energy Standard (RES) requires TEP and UNS Electric to increase their use of renewable energy and allows recovery of RES compliance costs through a RES surcharge to customers. We charge customers a Demand Side Management (DSM) surcharge to recover the cost of ACC-approved energy efficiency programs.Electric Energy Efficiency Programs (Electric EE Programs) or Gas Energy Efficiency Programs (Gas EE Programs). We defer differences between actual RES or DSM qualified costs incurred and the recovery of such costs from retail customers through the RES and DSM surcharges. Cost over-recoveries (the excess of cost recoveries through the RES and DSM surcharges over actual qualified costs incurred) are deferred as regulatory liabilities and cost under-recoveries (the excess of actual qualified costs incurred over cost recoveries through the RES and DSM surcharges) are deferred as regulatory assets. The surcharges aretypically reset annually and incorporate an adjustor mechanism that, upon approval of the ACC, allows us to apply any shortage or surplus in the prior year’s program expenses to the subsequent year’s RES or DSM surcharge. See Note 2.

For purchased power and wholesale sales contracts that are not settled with energy, TEP netsand UNS Electric net the sales contracts with the purchase power contracts and reflectsreflect the net amount as Electric Wholesale Sales. The corresponding cash receipts are recorded in the statement of cash flows as Cash Receipts from Electric Wholesale Sales, while cash payments are recorded as Purchased EnergyEnergy/Power Costs Paid.

We record an Allowance for Doubtful Accounts to reduce accounts receivable for amounts estimated to be uncollectible. The allowance is determined based on historical bad debt patterns, retail sales, and economic conditions. We refer uncollected accounts to external collection agencies after 90 days.

TEP earns and recognizes revenue from operatingOther Revenues monthly as the operator of Springerville Unit 3 on behalf of Tri-State and Springerville Unit 4 on behalf of Tri-State and SRP as Other Revenues. Effective with commercial operation of Springerville Unit 3 in July 2006 and Springerville Unit 4 in December 2009,SRP. Tri-State and SRP reimburse TEP for various operating costsexpenses at Springerville, which are recorded in the Springerville generating station.respective line item of the income statements based on the nature of service or materials provided. Tri-State and SRP also pay TEP for the use of the Springerville Common Facilities and the Springerville Coal Handling Facilities which are recorded as Other Revenues. Operating expenses are recorded in the respective line item of the income statements based on the nature of service or materials provided.




Materials and suppliesSupplies consist of transmission, distribution, and generation construction and repair materials. We record fuel, materials, and supply inventories at the lower of weighted average cost or market prices. We capitalize handling and procurement costs (such as materials, labor, overhead costs, and transportation costs) as part of the cost of the inventory.


TEP and UNS Electric Purchased Power and Fuel Adjustment Clause (PPFAC)

TEP and UNS Electric defer differences betweenrecord the actual fuel, transmission, and purchased power costs and current PPFAC costs incurred andon a monthly basis. Retail customers are billed monthly for the recovery of such costs in base rates. Cost over-recoveries (the excesscost of fuel, costs recoveriestransmission, and purchased power in Base Rates overand via the current Purchased Power and Fuel Adjustment Clause (PPFAC) rate. The difference between the costs billed to customers (recoveries) and actual fuel costs incurred)incurred to provide retail electric service is deferred. Cost over-recoveries (excess of fuel cost recoveries) are deferred as regulatory liabilities and cost under-recoveries (the excess(excess of actual costs incurred over fuel costs recovered in Base Rates)recovered) are deferred as regulatory assets. See Note 2.



UNS Gas Purchased Gas Adjustor (PGA)

UNS Gas defers the difference between actual gas costs incurred and the recovery of such costs under a Purchased Gas Adjustor (PGA) mechanism. Gas cost over-recoveries (the excess of gas costs recovered under the PGA mechanism over actual gas costs incurred) are deferred as regulatory liabilities and under-recoveries (the excess of actual gas costs incurred over gas costs recovered via the PGA mechanism) are deferred as regulatory assets. See Note 2.


The ACC uses Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) to measure compliance with the RES requirements. A REC equals one kWh generated from renewable resources. The cost of REC purchases are qualified renewable expenditures recoverable through the RES surcharge. When TEP or UNS Electric purchasepurchases renewable energy, the premium paid above the market cost of conventional power is the REC cost a qualified cost recoverable through the RES surcharge, and the remaining cost is recoverable through the PPFAC.

When RECs are purchased, TEP and UNS Electric record the cost of the unretired RECs (an indefinite-lived intangible asset) as Other Assets, and a corresponding regulatory liability, to reflect the obligation to use the RECs for future RES compliance. Unretired RECs are recorded as Other Assets on the balance sheet. RECs are expensed to the income statements when theWhen RECs are reported to the ACC for compliance with RES requirements, TEP and UNS Electric recognize Purchased Power expense and Other Revenues in an equal amount, in the RES requirements.income statements. See Note 2.


Due to the difference between GAAP and income tax laws, many transactions are treated differently for income tax purposes than they are in thefor financial statements.statement presentation purposes. Temporary differences are accounted for by recording deferred income tax assets and liabilities on our balance sheets. These assets and liabilities are recorded using income tax rates expected to be in effect when the deferred tax assets and liabilities are realized or settled. We record a valuation allowance to reduce deferred tax assets by a valuation allowance when, we believein the opinion of management, it is more likely than not that some portion or the entire deferred income tax asset will not be realized.

Tax benefits are recognized in the financial statementsas reductions to Deferred Income Taxes – Noncurrent/Other Current Liabilities when it is more likely than not that a tax position will be sustained upon examination by the tax authorities based on the technical merits of the position. The tax benefit recorded is the largest amount that is more than 50% likely to be realized upon ultimate settlement with the tax authority, assuming full knowledge of the position and all relevant facts. Interest Expense includes interest accrued by UniSource Energy and TEP on tax positionsTax benefits taken on tax returns which havedo not been reflectedmeet these requirements are recorded in the financial statements.



Deferred Income Taxes – Noncurrent/Other Liabilities – Noncurrent. Interest expense accruals relating to income tax obligations are recorded in Other Interest Expense.

Prior to 1990, TEP flowed through to ratepayers certain accelerated tax benefits related to utility plant as the benefits were recognized on tax returns. Regulatory Assets – Noncurrent includes Income Taxes Recoverable Through Future Rates,income taxes recoverable through future rates, which reflects the future revenues due us from ratepayers as these tax benefits reverse. See Note 2.

We account for Federal Energy Creditsfederal energy credits generated prior to 2012 using the grant accounting model. The credit is treated as deferred revenue, which is recognized over the depreciable life of the underlying asset. The deferred tax benefit of the credit is treated as a reduction to income tax expense in the year the credit arises. This benefit is offset byFederal energy credits generated in 2012 are deferred as Regulatory Liabilities – Noncurrent and amortized as a reduction in Income Tax Expense over the tax expenselife of the underlying asset. Income Tax Expense attributable to the reduction in tax basis required to be recognized.is accounted for in the year the federal energy credit is generated. All other federal and state income tax credits are treated as a reduction to income tax expenseIncome Tax Expense in the year the credit arises.

Consolidated income tax liabilities are allocated to subsidiaries based on their taxable income as reported in the consolidated tax return.




We act as conduits or collection agents for sales taxes, utility taxes, franchise fees, and regulatory assessments. As we bill customers for these taxes and assessments, we record trade receivables. At the same time, we record liabilities payable, on the balance sheet, to governmental agencies for these taxes and assessments. These amounts are not reflected in the income statements.


Risks and Overview

We are exposed to energy price risk associated with gas and purchased power requirements, volumetric risk associated with seasonal load, and operational risk associated with power plants, transmission, and transportation systems. We reduce our energy price risk through a variety of derivative and non-derivative instruments. The objectives for entering into such contracts include: creating price stability;stability, ensuring we can meet load and reserve requirements;requirements, and reducing exposure to price volatility that may result from delayed recovery under the PPFAC or PGA. See Note 2.

We consider the effect of counterparty credit risk in determining the fair value of derivative instruments that are in a net asset position after incorporating collateral posted by counterparties and allocate the credit risk adjustment to individual contracts. We also consider the impact of our own credit risk after considering collateral posted on instruments that are in a net liability position and allocate the credit risk adjustment to all individual contracts.

We present cash collateral and derivative assets and liabilities associated with the same counterparty separately in our financial statements, and we bifurcateseparate all derivatives into current and long-term portions on the balance sheet.

In 2010 through 2012, we did not engage in trading of derivative financial instruments.

Cash Flow Hedges

TEP hedges the cash flow risk associated with unfavorable changes in the variable interest rates related to the leveraged lease arrangements relating to the Springerville Common Facilities LeaseUnit 1 Leases and variable rate industrial development bonds.revenue or pollution control revenue bonds (IDBs). In addition, TEP hedges the cash flow risk associated with a six-year power supply agreement using a six-year power purchase swap agreement. UNS Electric entered into a cash flow hedge in August 2011 to fixeffectively convert the interest rate on the UNS Electric term loan from a variable interestrate to a fixed rate. TEP and UNS Electric account for cash flow hedges as follows:


The effective portion of the changes in the fair value of the interest rate swaps and TEP’s six-year power purchase swap agreement are recorded in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (AOCI) and the ineffective portion, if any, is recognized in earnings; and


When TEP and UNS Electric determine a contract is no longer effective in offsetting the changes in cash flow of a hedged item, TEP and UNS Electric recognize the changes in fair value in earnings. The unrealized gains and losses at that time remain in AOCI and are reclassified into earnings as the underlying hedged transaction occurs.



We formally assess, both at the hedge’s inception and on an ongoing basis, whether the derivatives have been and are expected to remain highly effective in offsetting changes in the cash flows of hedged items. We discontinue hedge accounting when: (1) the derivative is no longer effective in offsetting changes in the fair value or cash flows of a hedged item; (2) the derivative expires or is sold, terminated, or exercised; (3) it is no longer probable that the forecasted transaction will occur; or (4) we determine that designating the derivative as a hedging instrument is no longer appropriate.



Subsequent Measurement at Fair Value



TEP’s hedges, such as forward power purchase contracts indexed to gas, short-term forward power sales contracts, or call and put options (gas collars), that did not qualify for either cash flow hedge accounting treatment or the normal scope exception are considered mark-to-market transactions.transactions subsequently measured at fair value. TEP hedges a portion of its monthly natural gas exposure for plant fuel, gas-indexed purchased power, and spot market purchases with fixed price contracts for a maximum of three years. Unrealized gains and losses are recorded as either a regulatory asset or regulatory liability to the extent they qualify for recovery through the PPFAC.

In 2009 through 2011 we had no trading activity.



UNS Gas enters into derivative contracts such as forward gas purchases and gas swaps, creating price stability and reducing exposure to natural gas price volatility that may result in delayed recovery under the PGA. Unrealized gains and losses are recorded as either a regulatory asset or regulatory liability, as the UNS Gas PGA mechanism permits the recovery of the cost of hedging contracts.


UNS Electric

UNS Electric hedges a portion of its purchased power exposure to fixed price and natural gas-indexed contracts with forward power purchases, financial gas swaps, and call and put options. Unrealized gains and losses are recorded as either a regulatory asset or regulatory liability, as the UNS Electric PPFAC mechanism allows recovery of the prudent costs of contracts for hedging fuel and purchased power costs.

Normal PurchasePurchases and Normal SaleSales

We enter into forward energy purchase and sales contracts, including call options, to support our current load forecasts, with counterparties for load serving requirements or counterparties with generating capacity.capacity to support our current load forecasts. These contracts are not required to be marked-to-marketmeasured at fair value and are accounted for on an accrual basis. We evaluate our counterparties on an ongoing basis for non-performance risk to ensure it does not impact our ability to obtain the normal purchases and normal sales scope exception.


We sponsor noncontributory, defined benefit pension plans for substantially all employees and certain affiliate employees. Benefits are based on employees’ years of service and average compensation. We also maintain a Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (SERP) for upper management. TEP also provides limited health care and life insurance benefits for retirees. We fund the pension plans by contributing at least the minimum amount required under Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations.

We recognize the underfunded status of our defined benefit pension plans as a liability on our balance sheets. The underfunded status is measured as the difference between the fair value of the pension plans’ assets and the projected benefit obligation for the pension plans. We recognize a regulatory asset to the extent these future costs are probable of recovery in the rates charged to retail customers, and expect to recover these costs over the estimated service lives of employees.

Additionally, we provide supplemental retirement benefits to certain employees whose benefits are subject to IRS benefit or compensation limitations. Changes in SERP benefit obligations are recognized as a component of AOCI.

Pension and other postretirementretiree benefit expense are determined by actuarial valuations, based on assumptions that we evaluate annually. See Note 9.





UNS Energy and TEP reclassified the following items in the 2011 and 2010 financial statements to be comparable to the presentation in the 2012 financial statements:

UNS Energy reclassified $4 million of 2011 trade receivables with credit balances from Accounts Receivable – Customer to Other Current Liabilities;

UNS Energy and TEP reclassified $4 million of 2011 and 2010 O&M costs paid from Fuel Costs Paid to Payment of Operations and Maintenance Costs in the statements of cash flows;

TEP reclassified $2 million of 2011 trade receivables with credit balances from Accounts Receivable – Customer to Other Current Liabilities;

UNS Energy and TEP reclassified $1 million of 2011 payroll withholding taxes from Other Current Liabilities to Accrued Employee Expenses; and

UNS Energy and TEP reclassified $35 thousand from Taxes Other Than Income Taxes to Other Expense in the 2011 income statement to conform to current year presentation.



The ACC and the FERC each regulate portions of the utility accounting practices and rates used by TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric. The ACC regulates rates charged to retail customers, the siting of generation and transmission facilities, the issuance of securities, and transactions with affiliated parties. The FERC regulates terms and prices of transmission services and wholesale electricity sales.

TEP Rates

TEP 2008 Rate Order

The 2008 TEP Rate Order, issued by the ACC and effective December 1, 2008, provided an average base rate increase of 6% over TEP’s previous Base Rates; an 8% authorized rate of return on original costOriginal Cost Rate Base (OCRB) of approximately $1 billion; a 5.6% rate base;of return on Fair Value Rate Base (FVRB) of approximately $1.5 billion, which did not include a return on the fair value increment of rate base (the fair value increment of rate base represents the difference between the OCRB and FVRB). The ACC authorized a fuel rate included in Base Rates of 2.9 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh); a PPFAC effective January 1, 2009; and a base rate increase moratorium through January 1, 2013.

2010 UNS GasPending TEP Rate Order

Effective April 2010, the ACC approved a base rate increase of 2% ($3 million), including an 8% authorized rate of return on original cost rate base.

Pending UNS Gas Rate Case

In April 2011, UNS GasJuly 2012, TEP filed a general rate case, (onon a cost-of-service basis)basis, with the ACC requesting a base rateBase Rate increase of 3.8%approximately 15% to cover a revenue deficiency of $5.6$128 million. TEP requested a 7.74% return on an OCRB of $1.5 billion and a 5.68% return on FVRB of $2.3 billion. The return on FVRB includes a 1.56% return on the fair value increment of rate base (the fair value increment of rate base represents the difference between OCRB and FVRB of approximately $800 million).

TEP requested a Lost Fixed Cost Recovery (LFCR) mechanism to recover non-fuel costs that would go unrecovered due to lost kilowatt-hour (kWh) sales as a result of implementing the ACC’s Electric Energy Efficiency Standards (Electric EE Standards) and the RES. TEP also requested a mechanism, which would be adjusted annually, to recover the costs of complying with environmental standards required by federal or other governmental agencies between rate cases.

TEP proposed a three-year pilot program allowing for investment in Electric EE Programs to meet the Electric EE Standards in the most cost effective manner. Under TEP’s proposal, energy efficiency investments would be considered regulatory assets and amortized over a four-year period. TEP would earn a return on investment and recover the return and amortization expense through the existing DSM surcharge.



In February 2012,2013, TEP, ACC Staff, recommendedand other parties to TEP’s pending rate case proceeding entered into a base rateproposed settlement agreement. The proposed settlement agreement requires the approval of the ACC before new rates can become effective.

UNS Gas Rates

2012 UNS Gas Rate Order

In April 2012, the ACC approved a Base Rate increase of $2.7 million, as well asor 1.8%, and a mechanism to enable UNS Gas to recover lost fixed-costfixed cost revenues as a result of implementing the ACC’s Gas Energy Efficiency Standards (Gas EE Standards. Standards). UNS Gas recognized less than $0.1 million of revenue under the LFCR in 2012.

The ACC is expected to issueapproved an authorized rate of return of 8.3% on an OCRB of $183 million, and a final order1.0% return on the fair value increment of rate base (the fair value increment of rate base represents the difference between OCRB and FVRB of approximately $70 million). The new rates became effective in the second quarter ofMay 2012.

2008 UNS Electric Rate OrderRates

In May 2008, the ACC approved a base rate increase of 2.5% ($4 million) effective June 2008.

2010 UNS Electric Rate Order

In September 2010, the ACC approved a base rate increase of $7 million, or 4% ($7 million), including an 8%8.3% authorized rate of return on original costan OCRB of $169 million, and a 1.3% return on the fair value increment of rate base effective October 1, 2010.(the fair value increment of rate base represents the difference between OCRB and FVRB of approximately $73 million). The ACC approvedorder also authorized new depreciation rates, effective in October 2010.

In July 2011, UNS Electric completed the ACC and the FERC approved purchase of BMGS from UED for $63 million, UED’s book value for the assets. BMGS was included in UNS Electric’s rate baseRate Base through a revenue-neutral rate reclassification of approximately 0.7 cents per kWh from base power supply rate to non-fuel Base Rates.

Pending UNS Electric Rate Case

In December 2012, as required in the 2010 UNS Electric Rate Order, UNS Electric filed with the ACC a general rate case, on a cost-of-service basis, requesting a non-fuel Base Rate increase of $7.5 million, or 4.6%. UNS Electric requested a rate of return of 8.4% on an OCRB of approximately $217 million and a 6.7% rate of return on a FVRB of $286 million. The return on FVRB includes a 1.6% return on the fair value increment of rate base (the fair value increment of rate base represents the difference between OCRB and FVRB of approximately $69 million).

UNS Electric requested a LFCR mechanism to recover non-fuel costs that would go unrecovered due to lost kWh sales as a result of implementing Electric EE Standards and the RES. In addition to the LFCR mechanism, UNS Electric requested a Transmission Cost Adjustor (TCA). The TCA is designed to track changes to UNS Electric’s FERC approved Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) rate which is updated annually and would allow UNS Electric to recover transmission costs in a timely manner.


TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric have received regulatory decisions that allow for more timely recovery of certain costs through the following recovery mechanisms.



mechanisms described below.

Purchased Power and Fuel Adjustment Clause (PPFAC)

The PPFAC provides for the adjustment of Retail Rates to reflect variations in retail fuel, transmission, and purchased power costs, including demand charges, and the prudent costs of contracts for hedging fuel. TEP and UNS Electric record deferrals for recovery or refund to the extent actual retail fuel, transmission, and purchased power costs vary from the fuel rate and current PPFAC rates. The TEP PPFAC became effective in January 2009. A PPFAC rate adjustment is made annually each April 1st (unless otherwise approved by the ACC) and goes into effect for the subsequent 12-month period automatically unless suspended by the ACC. UNS Electric’s PPFAC rate adjustment is made annually each June 1st, effective for the subsequent 12-month period.



The PPFAC rate includes (a)includes: 1) a “Forward Component,”forward component, under which TEP and UNS Electric recover or refund differences between, a) forecasted fuel, transmission, and purchased power costs for the upcoming calendar year and, b) those embedded in the fuel rate and the current PPFAC rates; (b)and 2) a “True-up Component,”true-up component, which reconciles differences between actual fuel, transmission, and purchased power costs and those recovered through the combination of the fuel rate and the forward component for the preceding 12-month period.

The table below summarizes TEP’s and UNS Electric’s PPFAC rates in cents per kWh that are compared against actual fuel cost to create regulatory assets or liabilities:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    2011   2010   2012 2011 
    June -
   April -
   January -
   June –
   April -
   January -
   June -
 April -
 January -
 June -
 April -
 January -




     0.53     0.53     0.09     0.09     0.09     0.18     0.77    0.77    0.53    0.53    0.53    0.09  


     (0.53   (0.53   (0.09   (0.09   (0.09   (0.18   0.00    0.00    (0.53  (0.53  (0.53  (0.09

























Total PPFAC Rate

     —       —       —       —       —       —       0.77    0.77    —      —      —      —    

UNS Electric

     (0.88   0.08     0.08     (0.28   (1.06   (1.06   (1.44  (0.88  (0.88  (0.88  0.08    0.08  



Competition Transition Charge

(2)TEP’s first PPFAC rate began April 2009 at 0.18 cents per kWh. UNS Electric’s PPFAC rate from January to May 2009 was 1.50 cents per kWh, and the PPFAC rate from June to December 2009 was (1.06) cents per kWh.

As part of the TEP 2008 Rate Order, TEP was required to credit previously collected revenues to customers through the PPFAC. As a result, the PPFAC charge hashad been zero since it became effective in January 2009. In November 2011, the Fixed CTC revenue was fully refunded to customers and TEP began deferring the PPFAC eligible costs until a new PPFAC rate iswas approved by the ACC.

The following table shows the changesACC in TEP’s PPFAC related accounts and the impacts on revenue and expense for the year ended December 31, 2011:

September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
(Liability) at
December 31,
   Year Ended
December 31, 2011
     2011     2010   Increase to
     Reduction to
Fuel and
Power Expense
     -Millions of Dollars- 

PPFAC - Fixed CTC Revenue to be Refunded (current and noncurrent)

    $—        $(36  $36      










PPFAC (current and noncurrent)

    $60      $54        $6  










For the year ended December 31, 2010, changes in the deferred PPFAC regulatory asset (liability) resulted in a $10 million increase to revenue and a $22 million decrease to fuel and purchased power expense.



April 2012.

UNS Gas Purchased Gas Adjustor (PGA)

The PGA mechanism provides for the adjustment ofallows UNS Gas to adjust Retail Rates to reflect variations in natural gas costs. UNS Gas records deferrals for recovery or refund to the extent actual natural gas costs vary from the PGA rate. The PGA rate reflects a weighted, rolling average of the gas costs incurred by UNS Gas over the preceding 12 months. The PGA rate automatically adjusts monthly, but it is restricted from rising or falling more than $0.15 per therm in a twelve-month period. UNS Gas is required to request an additional surcredit if deferral balances reflect $10 million or more on a billedbilled-to-customer basis. In 2012, the ACC approved a PGA temporary surcredit of 4.5 cents per therm effective for the period from May 2012 through April 2014, or when the PGA balance reaches zero, whichever comes first. At December 31, 2012, the PGA bank balance was over-collected by $10 million on a billed-to-customer basis, an increase of $2 million from December 31, 2011.

The PGA rate ranged from $0.5202 to $0.6501 cents per therm in 2012, and ranged from $0.6593 to $0.7296 cents per therm in 2011, and ranged from $0.6433 to $0.7306 cents per therm in 2010.2011.

RES and Energy Efficiency Standards

The ACC has a mandatory RES that requires TEP and UNS Electric to expand their use of renewable energy through efforts funded by customer surcharges. TEP and UNS Electric are required to file five-year implementation plans with the ACC and annually seek approval for the upcoming year’s RES funding amount. Similarly, TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric recover the cost of ACC-approved energy efficiency programs through DSM surcharges established by the ACC.



The following table shows RES and DSM tariffs collected:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    TEP RES     UNS Electric RES     TEP DSM     UNS Gas DSM     UNS Electric
   TEP RES   UNS Electric RES   TEP DSM   UNS Gas DSM   UNS Electric DSM 
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 


  $30    $7    $11    $1    $7  


    $35      $7      $11      $1      $2     35     7     11     1     2  


     32       7       10       1       2     32     7     10     1     2  


     29       5       7       1       1  

Renewable Energy Standard

In 2010, the ACC approved:The following table summarizes TEP’s authorized 2010-2012 RES programs:


A funding mechanism for approximately $14 million of TEP-owned renewable energy projects in 2010, and approximately $5 million in UNS Electric owned solar projects per year between 2011 and 2014. TEP’s projects were completed in 2010, and TEP began recovering its costs through the RES tariff in January 2011.

   Years Ended
December 31,
   2012(2)   2011   2010 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Investment in Company-Owned Solar Projects

  $28    $28    $14  

Return on Investment for Company-Owned Solar Projects

   2     1     —    

Program Budget(1)

   30     36     44  


TEP’s 2011 RES implementation plan. As approved by the plan, TEP invested $28 million in TEP-owned solar projects in 2011.

In 2011, the ACC approved TEP’s 2012 RES implementation plan. The plan allows TEP to invest $28 million in 2012, and $8 million in 2013 for TEP-owned solar projects.

The authorized program budget for 2010 includes $12 million in carryforward of 2008 and 2009 RES funds.


TEP met the 2012 renewable energy target of 3.5%.

The funding mechanism allows TEP and UNS Electric to use RES funds to recover operating costs, depreciation, and property taxes, and to earn a return on company-owned solar projects until the projects can be incorporated in Base Rates.

In January 2013, the ACC approved TEP’s 2013 RES implementation plan. Under the plan, TEP expects to collect approximately $36 million from retail customers during 2013. The plan includes an investment of $28 million in 2013 for company-owned solar projects, of which $8 million was previously approved by the ACC, as well as the continuation of the funding mechanism for company-owned solar projects. In accordance with the funding mechanism approved by the ACC, TEP could earn approximately $4 million pre-tax in 2013 on solar investments made in 2010, 2011, and 2012.

The following table summarizes UNS Electric’s authorized 2010-2012 RES programs:

   Years Ended December 31, 
   2012(1)   2011   2010 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Investment in Company-Owned Solar Projects

  $5    $5    $—    

Return on Investment for Company-Owned Solar Projects

   1     —       —    

Program Budget

   8     8     9  


UNS Electric met the 2012 renewable energy target of 3.5%.

UNS Electric will invest up to $5 million per year in company-owned renewable assets (between 2013 and 2014) subject to an annual prudency review and approval by the ACC. UNS Electric will recover the associated operating costs, depreciation, and property taxes under the RES program until the next rate case is filed and the assets are incorporated in the Base Rates.

In January 2013, the ACC approved UNS Electric’s 2013 RES implementation plan. UNS Electric’s will collect approximately $7 million from retail customers during 2013, a portion of which is expected to provide recovery of operating costs and a return on investment to UNS Electric for company-owned solar projects.



TEP and UNS Electric entered into multiple ACC approvedACC-approved long-term purchase power agreements with companies developing renewable energy generation facilities. TEP and UNS Electric are required to purchase the full output of each facility for 20 years. Both utilities are authorized to recover a portion of the cost of renewable energy through the PPFAC, with the balance of costs recoverable through the RES tariff.



Electric Energy Efficiency Standards

In 2010, the ACC approved new Electric Energy Efficiency (EE)EE Standards designed to require TEP and UNS Electric to implement cost-effective Demand Side Management (DSM)DSM programs, effective in 2011. In 2011, the Electric EE Standards targeted total retail kWh savings equal to 1.25% of 2010 sales, increasing to 22% by 2020. The EE Standards2020, and provide for a DSM surcharge to recover the costs to implement DSM programs.

In JanuaryMay 2012, the ACC granted UNS ElectricTEP filed a waiver from complyingmodification to its proposed 2011-2012 Energy Efficiency implementation plan with the 2011ACC. The proposal included a request for a performance incentive for 2012 ranging from approximately $3 million to $4 million and the collection of the performance incentive over a period from October 1, 2012 EE Standards.to December 31, 2012. An administrative law judge issued a recommended opinion and order in August 2012. TEP did not record any income related to the proposed performance incentive in 2012. A proposed settlement agreement in TEP’s pending rate case proceeding includes a new mechanism for recovery of costs incurred to implement DSM programs. The proposed settlement agreement requires the ACC’s approval before it becomes effective.

The ACC approved new Gas EE Standards which required UNS Gas to implement cost effective DSM programs to reduce total retail therm sales in 2011, by 701,113 therms, or 0.5% of 2010 sales and to reduce total retail therm sales in 2012 by 1,679,890 therms, or 1.2% of 2011 sales. Targeted savings increase annually in subsequent years until they reach a cumulative annual reduction in retail therm sales of 6% by 2020.

In 2011, UNS Gas filed its 2011-2012 Gas Energy Efficiency implementation plan and subsequently filed an update in September 2011 which requested a waiver of the Gas EE Standards. In 2012, UNS Gas filed a request to amend its plan to include its 2013 Gas Energy Efficiency plan and for a modified waiver of the Gas EE Standards. We cannot predict when the ACC will rule on the Gas Energy Efficiency plan or the subsequent requests.

In January 2012, TEPthe ACC granted UNS Electric a waiver from complying with the 2011 and 2012 Electric EE Standards.

In June 2012, UNS Electric filed a modification to its 2012/2013 Energy Efficiency Implementation Planimplementation plan with the ACC. The proposal includes a request for an increase in thea 2013 performance incentive based on TEP’s abilityof approximately $1 million. UNS Electric requested a waiver from complying with the 2013 Electric EE Standards. UNS Electric is unable to meetpredict when the ACC will issue a final order in this matter.

Lost Fixed Cost Recovery Mechanism

In May 2012, the ACC authorized a mechanism for UNS Gas to recover therm sales lost as a result of implementing programs under the Gas EE targets for 2012 and for 2013. TEP’s proposed annual performance incentiveStandards. The LFCR mechanism enables UNS Gas to recover non-purchased energy related costs that would go unrecovered due to lost therm sales as a result of implementing the Gas EE Standards. UNS Gas recorded less than $0.1 million of LFCR revenue in each of 2012 and 2013 ranges from $6 million to $8 million.2012.

Renewable Energy Credits

The following table showsUNS Electric had $2 million of RECs on December 31, 2012, and $1 million of RECs on December 31, 2011, recorded in Other Assets on the REC activitybalance sheets. TEP did not have RECs balances at the end of the periods presented since all RECs have been retired for 2011 and 2010:compliance with the RES standard.

September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     UniSource Energy   TEP 
     December 31,   December 31, 
     2011   2010   2011   2010 
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Beginning Balance, included in Other Assets

    $3    $—      $2    $—    

RECs Purchased

     6     8     5     8  

RECs Recovered Through Revenues (RES surcharge)

     (8   (5   (7   (6













Ending Balance, included in Other Assets

    $1    $3    $—      $2  
















Regulatory Assets and Liabilities

The following tables summarize regulatory assets and liabilities:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    December 31, 2011   December 31, 2012 
    TEP   UNS
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

Regulatory Assets—Current


Property Tax Deferrals(1)

    $16    $—      $—      $16    $18   $—     $—     $18  

Derivative Instruments (Notes 11 and 16)

     7     7     10     24     2    3    6    11  

Deregulation Costs(2)

     3     —       —       3  


     34     —       7     41     7    —      8    15  


     8     —       1     9     5    —      —      5  

Other Current Regulatory Assets(4)

     4     —       —       4     2    1    —      3  

















Total Regulatory Assets—Current

     72     7     18     97     34    4    14    52  

















Regulatory Assets—Noncurrent


Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits (Note 9)

     107     3     4     114  

Pension and Other Retiree Benefits (Note 9)

   130    4    5    139  

Income Taxes Recoverable through Future Revenues(5)

     10     —       2     12     8    —      2    10  


     6     —       —       6  

PPFAC—Final Mine Reclamation and Retiree Health Care Costs(6)

     20     —       —       20     22    —      —      22  

Derivative Instruments (Notes 11 and 16)

     2     2     3     7  

Tucson to Nogales Transmission Line(7)

   5    —      —      5  

Other Regulatory Assets(4)

     12     1     1     14     13    1    1    15  

















Total Regulatory Assets—Noncurrent

     157     6     10     173     178    5    8    191  

















Regulatory Liabilities—Current



     —       (15   —       (15


     (22   —       (3   (25


   —      (17  —      (17


   (19  —      (4  (23

Other Current Regulatory Liabilities

     (2   —       —       (2   (2  (1  (1  (4

















Total Regulatory Liabilities—Current

     (24   (15   (3   (42   (21  (18  (5  (44

















Regulatory Liabilities—Noncurrent


Net Cost of Removal for Interim Retirements(8)

     (198   (23   (10   (231

Net Cost of Removal for Interim Retirements(9)

   (231  (25  (11  (267

Income Taxes Payable through Future Rates

   (5  (1  —      (6

Deferred Investment Tax Credit(10)

   (5  —      —      (5

Other Regulatory Liabilities

     (3   (1   —       (4   —      —      (1  (1

















Total Regulatory Liabilities—Noncurrent

     (201   (24   (10   (235   (241  (26  (12  (279

















Total Net Regulatory Assets (Liabilities)

    $4    $(26  $15    $(7  $(50 $(35 $5   $(80




















September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    December 31, 2010   December 31, 2011 
    TEP   UNS
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

Regulatory Assets—Current


Property Tax Deferrals(1)

    $16    $—      $—      $16    $16   $—     $—     $16  

Derivative Instruments (Notes 11 and 16)

     5     8     12     25     7    7    10    24  

Deregulation Costs(2)

     4     —       —       4     3    —      —      3  


     —       —       3     3     34    —      7    41  


     5     —       —       5     8    —      1    9  

Other Current Regulatory Assets(4)

     4     —       —       4     4    —      —      4  

















Total Regulatory Assets—Current

     34     8     15     57     72    7    18    97  

















Regulatory Assets—Noncurrent


Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits (Note 9)

     90     2     2     94  

Pension and Other Retiree Benefits (Note 9)

   107    3    4    114  

Income Taxes Recoverable through Future Revenues(5)

     22     —       1     23     10    —      2    12  


     37     —       —       37  


   6    —      —      6  

PPFAC—Final Mine Reclamation and Retiree Health Care Costs (6)

     17     —       —       17     20    —      —      20  

Deregulation Costs(2)

     3     —       —       3  

Derivative Instruments (Notes 11 and 16)

     —       2     2     4     2    2    3    7  

Other Regulatory Assets(4)

     13     2     —       15     12    1    1    14  

















Total Regulatory Assets—Noncurrent

     182     6     5     193     157    6    10    173  

















Regulatory Liabilities—Current



     —       (9   —       (9

PPFAC—Fixed CTC Revenue to be Refunded(7)

     (36   —       —       (36


     (22   —       (1   (23


   —      (15  —      (15


   (22  —      (3  (25

Other Current Regulatory Liabilities

     (1   —       —       (1   (2  —      —      (2

















Total Regulatory Liabilities—Current

     (59   (9   (1   (69   (24  (15  (3  (42

















Regulatory Liabilities—Noncurrent


Net Cost of Removal for Interim Retirements(8)

     (169   (22   (9   (200

Net Cost of Removal for Interim Retirements(9)

   (198  (23  (10  (231

Other Regulatory Liabilities

     (1   —       —       (1   (3  (1  —      (4

















Total Regulatory Liabilities—Noncurrent

     (170   (22   (9   (201   (201  (24  (10  (235

















Total Net Regulatory Assets (Liabilities)

    $(13  $(17  $10    $(20  $4   $(26 $15   $(7

















Regulatory assets are either being collected in Retail Rates or are expected to be collected through Retail Rates in a future period. We describe regulatory assets and state when we earn a return below:



Property Tax is recovered over an approximatelyapproximate six-month period as costs are paid, rather than as costs are accrued.


Deregulation costs represent deferred expenses that TEP incurred to comply with various ACC deregulation orders, as authorized by the ACC. TEP earnsearned a return on this asset and is recoveringrecovered these costs through Retail Rates over a four-year period endingended November 2012.


See Cost Recovery Mechanisms discussion.discussion above.


TEP’s other assets include unamortized loss on reacquired debt (recovery through 2032);, coal contract amendment (recovery through 2017);, and other assets (recovery through 2014). UNS Gas’ other assets consist of rate case costs (recovery over 3 years), and costs of the low income assistance program.


Income Taxes Recoverable through Future Revenues are amortized over the life of the assets.


Final Mine Reclamation and Retiree Health Care Costs stem from TEP’s jointly-owned facilities at the San Juan Generating Station, the Four Corners Generating Station, and Navajo.the Navajo Generating Station. TEP is required to recognize the present value of its liability associated with final mine reclamation and retiree health care obligations. TEP recorded a regulatory asset because TEP is permitted to fully recover these costs through the PPFAC when the costs are invoiced by the miners. TEP expects to recover these costs over the remaining life of the mines, which is estimated to be between 1514 and 2120 years.


The Tucson to Nogales Transmission Line regulatory asset does not earn a return. TEP and UNS Electric will request recovery from FERC for the prudent cost incurred to develop a high-voltage transmission line, which we expect to abandon. See Note 4.



Regulatory liabilities represent items that TEPwe either expects to pay to customers through billing reductions in future periods or plans to use for the purpose for which they were collected from customers, as described below:





See Cost Recovery Mechanisms discussion above.


Net Cost of Removal for Interim Retirements represents an estimate of the cost of future asset retirement obligationsAROs net of salvage value. These are amounts collected through revenue for the net cost of removal of interim retirements for transmission, distribution, general, and intangible plant which are not yet expended. TEP and UNS Electric have also collected amounts for generation plant, which they have not yet expended.


The Deferred Investment Tax Credit is related to federal energy credits generated in 2012 and are deferred as Regulatory Liabilities – Noncurrent and amortized over the tax life of the underlying asset.

Income Statement Impact of Applying Regulatory Accounting

Regulatory accounting had the following effects on TEP’s net income:


   Years Ended December 31, 
   2012  2011  2010 
   -Millions of Dollars- 



Operating Revenues


Amortization of the Fixed CTC Revenue to be Refunded

  $ —     $36   $10  

Operating Expenses


Depreciation (related to Net Cost of Removal for Interim Retirements)

   (33  (29  (30

(Amortization)/Deferral of PPFAC Costs

   (31  6    22  


   (7  —      (8

Non-Operating Income/Expenses


Long-Term Debt (Amortization of Loss on Reacquired Debt Costs)

   1    1    1  


   3    4    4  

Income Taxes—Deferral

   (3  (8  1  

Offset by the Tax Effect of the Above Adjustments

   26    (4  —    










Net (Decrease)/Increase to Net Income

  $(44 $6   $—    










September 30,September 30,September 30,
     Years Ended December 31, 
     2011   2010   2009 
     -Millions of Dollars- 



Operating Revenues


Amortization of the Fixed CTC Revenue to be Refunded

    $36    $10    $13  

Operating Expenses


Depreciation (related to Net Cost of Removal for Interim


     (29   (30   (41

Deferral of PPFAC Costs

     6     22     18  


     —       (8   (16

Non-Operating Income/Expenses


Long-Term Debt (Amortization of Loss on Reacquired Debt Costs)

     1     1     —    


     4     4     4  

Income Taxes—Deferral

     (8   1     —    

Offset by the Tax Effect of the Above Adjustments

     (4   —       9  










Net (Decrease)/Increase to Net Income

    $6    $—      $(13










Had UNS Gas and UNS Electric not applied regulatory accounting each would have recognized the difference between expected and actual purchased energy costs and commodity derivative unrealized gains or losses as a change in income statement expense, rather than as a change in regulatory balances. Regulatory accounting had the following effects on UNS Gas’ and UNS Electric’s net income:


   Years Ended December 31, 
   2012  2011  2010 
   -Millions of Dollars- 



Net (Decrease)/Increase to Net Income

  $(6 $(5 $(1

UNS Electric


Net (Decrease)/Increase to Net Income

   (7  3    (7




September 30,September 30,September 30,
     Years Ended December 31, 
     2011   2010   2009 
     -Millions of Dollars- 



Net (Decrease)/Increase to Net Income

    $(5  $(1  $6  

UNS Electric


Net (Decrease)/Increase to Net Income

     3     (7   7  

Future Implications of Discontinuing Application of Regulatory Accounting

We regularly assess whether we can continue to apply regulatory accounting to regulated operations, and we have concluded regulatory accounting is applicable. If we stopped applying regulatory accounting to our regulated operations, the following would occur:


Regulatory pension assets would be reflected in AOCI;


We would write-offwrite off remaining regulatory assets as an expense and regulatory liabilities as income onin the income statements;


At December 31, 2011,2012, based on the regulatory assets balances, net of regulatory liabilities:




TEP would have recorded an extraordinary after-tax gain of $62$48 million and an after-tax loss in AOCI of $64$78 million;


UNS Gas would have recorded an extraordinary after-tax gainloss of $18$19 million and an after-tax loss in AOCI of $2$3 million; and


UNS Electric would have recorded an extraordinary after-tax lossgain of $6 million and an after-tax loss in AOCI of $3 million.

While future regulatory orders and market conditions may affect cash flows, our cash flows would not be affected if we stopped applying regulatory accounting to our regulated operations.


We have three reportable segments that are determined based on the way we organize our operations and evaluate performance:


 (1)TEP, a regulated electric utility business, is our largest subsidiary;


 (2)UNS Gas is a regulated gas distribution utility business; and


 (3)UNS Electric is a regulated electric utility business.

Results for the UniSourceUNS Energy and UES holding companies, Millennium, and UED are included in Other below.

In accordance with accounting rules related to the transfer of a business held under common control, we reflect UNS Electric’s purchase of BMGS as if it occurred on January 1, 2009. UNS Electric’s net income and reconciling adjustments in the table below increased by $3 million for the year ended December 31, 2011, and $5 million for each of the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009. The transaction had no impact on UniSource Energy’s consolidated financial statements. In addition, the segments disclosed in the 2010 and 2009 sections of the table below were revised to move Millennium into the “Other” segment as it is no longer a reportable segment.

We disclose selected financial data for our reportable segments in the following tables:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Reportable Segments               Reportable Segments         


    TEP   UNS
   Other   Reconciling
    -Millions of Dollars-   TEP UNS
 Other   Reconciling
  -Millions of Dollars- 



Income Statement


Operating Revenues-External

    $1,141    $149    $219    $—      $1    $1,510    $1,145   $129   $189   $—      $(1 $1,462  

Operating Revenues- Intersegment

     15     2     2     23     (42   —       17    4    1    18     (40  —    

Depreciation and Amortization

     140     8     17     1     (1   165     150    9    18    —       —      177  

Interest Income

     4     —       —       1     —       5     —      —      —      1     —      1  

Interest Expense

     89     7     7     9     —       112     88    6    8    3     —      105  

Income Tax Expense (Benefit)

     52     7     11     (1   (2   67  

Net Income (Loss)

     85     10     18     —       (3   110  

Income Tax Expense

   39    6    11    —       —      56  

Net Income

   65    9    17    —       —      91  

























Cash Flow Statement


Capital Expenditures

     (352   (13   (96   (34   121     (374   (253  (16  (38  —       —      (307

























Balance Sheet


Total Assets

     3,275     319     370     1,172     (1,151   3,985     3,461    310    370    1,121     (1,122  4,140  




























   Reportable Segments          
  Other  Reconciling
   -Millions of Dollars- 



Income Statement


Operating Revenues-External(1)

  $1,141   $149   $188   $—     $1   $1,479  

Operating Revenues-Intersegment

   15    2    2    23    (42  —    

Depreciation and Amortization

   140    8    17    1    (1  165  

Interest Income

   4    —      —      1    —      5  

Interest Expense

   89    7    7    9    —      112  

Income Tax Expense (Benefit)

   52    7    11    (1  (2  67  

Net Income

   85    10    18    —      (3  110  



















Cash Flow Statement


Capital Expenditures

   (352  (13  (96  (34  121    (374



















Balance Sheet


Total Assets

   3,278    320    370    1,172    (1,151  3,989  





















Income Statement


Operating Revenue-External(1)

  $1,096   $144   $185   $—     $1   $1,426  

Operating Revenue-Intersegment

   29    6    2    28    (65  —    

Depreciation and Amortization

   132    8    16    2    (2  156  

Interest Income

   7    —      —      1    —      8  

Interest Expense

   88    7    7    9    —      111  

Net Loss from Equity Method Investments

   —      —      —      (6  —      (6

Income Tax Expense

   60    6    10    4    (3  77  

Net Income (Loss)

   108    9    15    (14  (5  113  



















Cash Flow Statement


Capital Expenditures

   (277  (12  (24  (18  —      (331




















September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     Reportable Segments   








    TEP   UNS
   Other   Reconciling
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Income Statement


Operating Revenue-External

    $1,096    $144    $213    $—      $1    $1,454  

Operating Revenue- Intersegment

     29     6     2     28     (65   —    

Depreciation and Amortization

     132     8     16     2     (2   156  

Interest Income

     7     —       —       1     —       8  

Interest Expense

     88     7     7     9     —       111  

Net Loss from Equity Method


     —       —       —       (6   —       (6

Income Tax Expense (Benefit)

     60     6     10     4     (3   77  

Net Income (Loss)

     108     9     15     (14   (5   113  



















Cash Flow Statement


Capital Expenditures

     (277   (12   (24   (18   —       (331



















Balance Sheet


Total Assets

     3,076     310     356     1,152     (1,103   3,791  





















Income Statement


Operating Revenues-External

    $1,065    $148    $183    $—      $1    $1,397  

Operating Revenues- Intersegment

     34     5     4     28     (71   —    

Depreciation and Amortization

     153     7     16     2     (2   176  

Interest Income

     11     —       —       1     —       12  

Net Gain from Equity Method


     —       —       —       5     —       5  

Interest Expense

     85     6     7     11     —       109  

Income Tax Expense (Benefit)

     54     5     7     —       (3   63  

Net Income (Loss)

     91     7     11     2     (5   106  



















Cash Flow Statement


Capital Expenditures

     (240   (15   (29   (10   —       (294




















The amounts previously reported have been revised.




Reconciling adjustments consist of the elimination of intersegment revenue resulting from the following transactions, and theywhich are eliminated in consolidation:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     Reportable Segments 
     TEP     UNS
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Intersegment Revenue




Wholesale Sales—TEP to UNS Electric(4)

    $2      $—        $—        $—    

Wholesale Sales—UNS Electric to TEP(4)

     —         —         2       —    

Wholesale Sales—UED to UNS Electric

     —         —         —         5  

Wholesale Sales—UNS Gas to TEP(5)

     —         —         —         —    

Gas Revenue—UNS Gas to UNS Electric

     —         2       —         —    

Other Revenue—TEP to Affiliates(1)

     10       —         —         —    

Other Revenue—Millennium to TEP, UNS Electric, & UNS Gas(2)

     —         —         —         18  

Other Revenue—TEP to UNS Electric(3)

     3       —         —         —    













Total Intersegment Revenue

    $15      $2      $2      $23  















Wholesale Sales—TEP to UNS Electric(4)

    $18      $—        $—        $—    

Wholesale Sales—UNS Electric to TEP(4)

     —         —         2       —    

Wholesale Sales—UED to UNS Electric

     —         —         —         11  

Wholesale Sales—UNS Gas to TEP(5)

     —         1       —         —    

Gas Revenue—UNS Gas to UNS Electric

     —         5       —         —    

Other Revenue—TEP to Affiliates(1)

     8       —         —         —    

Other Revenue—Millennium to TEP, UNS Electric, & UNS Gas(2)

     —         —         —         17  

Other Revenue—TEP to UNS Electric(3)

     3       —         —         —    













Total Intersegment Revenue

    $29      $6      $2      $28  















Wholesale Sales—TEP to UNS Electric(4)

    $23      $—        $—        $—    

Wholesale Sales—UNS Electric to TEP(4)

     —         —         4       —    

Wholesale Sales—UED to UNS Electric

     —         —         —         12  

Gas Revenue—UNS Gas to UNS Electric

     —         5       —         —    

Other Revenue—TEP to Affiliates(1)

     8       —         —         —    

Other Revenue—Millennium to TEP, UNS Electric, & UNS Gas(2)

     —         —         —         16  

Other Revenue—TEP to UNS Electric(3)

     3       —         —         —    













Total Intersegment Revenue

    $34      $5      $4      $28  












   Reportable Segments 
   TEP   UNS

Intersegment Revenue

  -Millions of Dollars- 



Wholesale Sales—TEP to UNS Electric(1)

  $2    $—      $—      $—    

Wholesale Sales—UNS Electric to TEP(1)

   —       —       1     —    

Wholesale Sales—UNS Gas to TEP(2)

   —       1     —       —    

Gas Revenue—UNS Gas to UNS Electric

   —       3     —       —    

Other Revenue—TEP to Affiliates(3)

   12     —       —       —    

Other Revenue—Millennium to TEP, UNS Electric, & UNS Gas(4)

   —       —       —       18  

Other Revenue—TEP to UNS Electric(5)

   3     —       —       —    













Total Intersegment Revenue

  $17    $4    $1    $18  















Wholesale Sales—TEP to UNS Electric(1)

  $2    $—      $—      $—    

Wholesale Sales—UNS Electric to TEP(1)

   —       —       2     —    

Wholesale Sales—UED to UNS Electric

   —       —       —       5  

Gas Revenue—UNS Gas to UNS Electric

   —       2     —       —    

Other Revenue—TEP to Affiliates(3)

   10     —       —       —    

Other Revenue—Millennium to TEP, UNS Electric, & UNS Gas(4)

   —       —       —       18  

Other Revenue—TEP to UNS Electric(5)

   3     —       —       —    













Total Intersegment Revenue

  $15    $2    $2    $23  















Wholesale Sales—TEP to UNS Electric(1)

  $18    $—      $—      $—    

Wholesale Sales—UNS Electric to TEP(1)

   —       —       2     —    

Wholesale Sales—UED to UNS Electric

   —       —       —       11  

Wholesale Sales—UNS Gas to TEP(2)

   —       1     —       —    

Gas Revenue—UNS Gas to UNS Electric

   —       5     —       —    

Other Revenue—TEP to Affiliates(3)

   8     —       —       —    

Other Revenue—Millennium to TEP, UNS Electric, & UNS Gas(4)

   —       —       —       17  

Other Revenue—TEP to UNS Electric(5)

   3     —       —       —    













Total Intersegment Revenue

  $29    $6    $2    $28  















TEP and UNS Electric sell power to each other at third-party market prices.


UNS Gas provides gas to TEP for generation of power at third-party market prices.


Common costs (systems, facilities, etc.) are allocated on a cost-causative basis and recorded as revenue by TEP. Management believes this method of allocation is reasonable.


Millennium provides a supplemental workforce and meter-reading services to TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric. Amounts are based on costs of services performed and management believes that the charges for services are reasonable. Millennium charged TEP $17 million in 2012 and 2011, and $16 million in 2010 and $15 million in 2009 for these services.


TEP charged UNS Electric for control area services based on a FERC approvedFERC-approved tariff.

(4)TEP and UNS Electric sell power to each other at Dow Jones Four Corners Daily Index prices.

(5)Starting in 2010, UNS Gas provides gas to TEP for generation of power at third-party market prices.

TEP provides all corporate services (finance, accounting, tax, information technology services, etc.) to UniSourceUNS Energy UNS Gas and, UNS Electric as well as to UniSource Energy’s non-utility businesses.affiliated entities. Costs are directly assigned to the benefiting entity. Direct costs charged by TEP to affiliates were $10 million in 2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009.2010.



UniSourceUNS Energy incurs corporate costs that are allocated to TEP and its other subsidiaries. Corporate costs are allocated based on a weighted-average of three factors: assets, payroll, and revenues. Management believes this method of allocation is reasonable and approximates the cost that TEP would have incurred as a standalone entity. Charges allocated to TEP were $2 million in 2012 and 2011, and $3 million in 2010, and $2 million in 2009.2010.




Other significant reconciling adjustments include intercompany interest between UniSource Energy and UED, the elimination of investments in subsidiaries held by UniSourceUNS Energy and reclassifications of deferred tax assets and liabilities.



Firm Purchase Commitments

At December 31, 2011,2012, TEP had the following firm non-cancelable purchase commitments (minimum purchase obligations) and operating leases:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Purchase Commitments   Purchase Commitments 
    2012     2013     2014     2015     2016     Thereafter     Total   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   Thereafter   Total 
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

Fuel (including Transportation)

    $84      $59      $58      $44      $41      $75      $361  

Fuel (Including Transportation)

  $65    $65    $50    $47    $39    $60    $326  

Purchased Power

     29       21       17       13       13       184       277     50     41     29     28     28     386     562  

RES Performance-Based Incentive Payments

   4     4     4     4     4     42     62  

Solar Equipment

     12       12       —         —         —         —         24     12     —       —       —       —       —       12  


     3       3       3       3       3       23       38     3     3     3     3     3     22     37  

Operating Leases

     2       2       2       1       1       10       18     2     2     2     1     1     10     18  

Service Agreement

   2     2     —       —       —       —       4  





























Total Unrecognized Firm


    $130      $97      $80      $61      $58      $292      $718    $138    $117    $88    $83    $75    $520    $1,021  





























Fuel, Purchased Power, and Transmission Contracts

TEP has long-term contracts for the purchase and delivery of coal and natural gas with various expiration dates from 2012 through 2020. Amounts paid under these contracts depend on actual quantities purchased and delivered. Some of these contracts include a price adjustment clause that will affect the future cost. TEP expects to spend more to meet its fuel requirements than the minimum purchase obligations outlined above.to meet its fuel requirements.

TEP has agreements with utilities and other energy suppliers for purchased power to meet system load and energy requirements, replace generation from company-owned units under maintenance and during outages, and meet operating reserve obligations. In general, these contracts provide for capacity payments and energy payments based on actual power taken under the contracts. These contracts expire in various years between 20122013 and 2014.2015. Certain of these contracts are at a fixed price per MW and others are indexed to natural gas prices. The commitment amounts included in the table are based on projected market prices as of December 31, 2011.2012.

Additionally, Purchased Power includes twosix 20-year Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with renewable energy generation facilities that achieved commercial operation in 2011.2011 and 2012. TEP is obligated to purchase 100% of the output from these facilities. TEP has additional long-term renewable PPAs to comply with the RES requirements; however, TEP’s obligation to purchase power under these agreements does not begin until the facilities are operational.

Fuel, purchased power and transmission costs are recoverable from customers through the PPFAC.




Fuel, purchased power, and transmission costs are recoverable from customers through the PPFAC. A portion of the cost of renewable energy is recoverable through the PPFAC, with the balance of costs recoverable through the RES tariff. See Note 2.

RES Performance-Based Incentives

TEP has entered into REC purchase agreements to purchase the environmental attributes from retail customers with solar installations. Payments for the RECs are termed Performance-Based Incentives (PBIs) and are paid in contractually agreed-upon intervals (usually quarterly) based on metered renewable energy production. PBIs are recoverable through the RES tariff. See Note 2.

Solar Equipment

TEP has a commitmentcommitted to purchase 9 MW of photovoltaic equipment through December 2013. The ACC approved 6 MW, and we are seeking approval from the ACC for the remaining 3 MW in 2012. TEP spent $11 million in 2012 and $10 million in 2011 under this contract. The ACC approved this purchase under TEP’s RES implementation plan. TEP earns a return on investment in company-owned solar projects. See Note 2.

Operating Leases

TEP’s aggregate operating lease expense is primarily for rail cars, office facilities, and computer equipment, with varying terms, provisions, and expiration dates. This expense totaled $2 million in each of 2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009.2010.

Service Agreement

In February 2012, TEP entered into a long-term agreement for information technology services. TEP is obligated to pay $2 million per year through December 2014.


At December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Gas had firm non-cancelable purchase commitments for fuel, including transportation, as described in the table below:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     Purchase Commitments 
     2012     2013     2014     2015     2016     Thereafter     Total 
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Total Unrecognized Firm Commitments – Fuel

    $23      $12      $10      $6      $6      $21      $78  





















   Purchase Commitments 
   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   Thereafter   Total 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Total Unrecognized Firm Commitments – Fuel

  $26    $13    $8    $6    $4    $17    $74  






















UNS Gas purchases gas from various suppliers at market prices. However, UNS Gas’ risk of loss due to increased costs (as a result of changes in market prices of fuel) is mitigated through the use of the PGA, which provides for the pass-through of actual commodity costs to customers. UNS Gas’ forward gas purchase agreements expire through 2015. Certain of these contracts are at a fixed price per MMBtuMillion British Thermal Units (MMBtu) and others are indexed to natural gas prices. The commitment amounts included in the table above are based on market prices as of December 31, 2011.2012. UNS Gas has firm transportation agreements with capacity sufficient to meet its load requirements. These contracts expire in various years between 20122013 and 2024.



At December 31, 2011,2012, UNS Electric had various firm non-cancelable purchase commitments as described in the table below:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Purchase Commitments   Purchase Commitments 
    2012     2013     2014     2015     2016     Thereafter     Total   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   Thereafter   Total 
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

Purchased Power

    $54      $40      $31      $3      $3      $43      $174    $55    $50    $14    $6    $5    $80    $210  


     4       2       2       1       1       —         10     4     2     2     1     —       —       9  





























Total Unrecognized Firm Commitments

    $58      $42      $33      $4      $4      $43      $184    $59    $52    $16    $7    $5    $80    $219  





























UNS Electric enters into agreements with various energy suppliers for purchased power at market prices to meet its energy requirements. In general, these contracts provide for capacity payments and energy payments based on actual power taken under the contracts.taken. These contracts expire in various years through 2014.2015. Certain of these contracts are at a fixed price per MW and others are indexed to natural gas prices. The commitment amounts included in the table above are based on market prices as of December 31, 2011.2012. Purchased power commitments also include onetwo 20-year PPAPPAs with a renewable energy generation facilityfacilities that achieved commercial operation in September 2011.2011 and 2012. UNS Electric is obligated to purchase 100% of the output from this facility.these facilities.

UNS Electric imports the power it purchases over the Western Area Power Administration’s (WAPA) transmission lines. UNS Electric’s transmission capacity agreements with WAPA provide for annual rate adjustments and expire in 20122013 and 2016. However, the effects of both purchased power and transmission cost adjustments are mitigated through a purchased power rate-adjustment mechanism.



UNS Electric’s PPFAC.

UNS Gas and UNS Electric have operating lease expense,leases, primarily for office facilities and computer equipment, with varying terms and expiration dates. The expense was less than $1 million in each of the years 2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009.2010. UNS Gas’ and UNS Electric’s estimated future minimum payments under non-cancelable operating leases are less than $1 million per year for 2013 through 2031.

RES Performance-Based Incentives

UNS Electric is contractually obligated to make RES PBI payments to retail customers with solar installations. UNS Electric’s total obligation for RES PBIs is about $6 million with payments required over periods ranging from 10 to 20 years based on metered renewable energy production. PBIs are recoverable through the RES tariff. See Note 2.

Solar Project

In December 2012, through 2017.UNS Electric entered into an agreement for the construction of a 7.182 MW solar photovoltaic power plant that will be constructed in two phases. The first phase will result in a 4.2 MW plant that UNS Electric expects to be operational in June of 2013. The balance of the project will be completed in 2014. UNS Electric invested $5 million in this project in 2012. The contract requires additional investments of $4 million in each of 2013 and 2014. This is an approved project under UNS Electric’s RES implementation plan. See Note 2.


San Juan Mine FireSpringerville Generating Station Unit 3 Outage

In September 2011,July 2012, Springerville Unit 3 experienced an unplanned outage. As a fire atresult of the underground mine that provides coal to San Juan caused mining operations to shut down.outage, TEP owns approximately 20%recorded a pre-tax loss of San Juan, which is operated by PNM. As we are unable to predict when operations will resume at$2 million in the mine, we andthird quarter of 2012 as TEP did not meet certain availability requirements under the other ownersterms of San Juan are considering alternatives forTEP’s operating the facility.

However, based on information we have received to date, we do not expect the mine fire to have a material effect on our financial condition, results of operations, or cash flows due to the current inventory of previously mined coal and the current low market price of wholesale power. TEP expects that any incremental fuel and purchased power costs would be recoverable from customers through the PPFAC, subject to ACC approval.agreement with Tri-State.

Claims Related to San Juan Generating Station

In April 2010, the Sierra Club filed a citizens’ suit under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and the Surface Mine Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico against PNM, as operator of San Juan; PNM’s parent PNM Resources, Inc. (PNMR); San Juan Coal Company (SJCC), which operates the San Juan mine that supplies coal to San Juan; and SJCC’s parent BHP Minerals International Inc. (BHP). The Sierra Club alleges in the suit that certain activities at San Juan and the San Juan mine associated with the treatment, storage and disposal of coal and coal combustion residuals (CCRs), primarily coal ash, are causing imminent and substantial harm to the environment, including ground and surface water in the region, and that placement of CCRs at the mine constitute “open dumping” in violation of RCRA. The RCRA claims are asserted against PNM, PNMR, SJCC and BHP. The suit also includes claims under SMCRA which are directed only against SJCC and BHP. The suit seeks the following relief: an injunction requiring the parties to undertake certain mitigation measures with respect to the placement of CCRs at the mine or to cease placement of CCRs at the mine; the imposition of civil penalties; and attorney’s fees and costs. With the agreement of the parties, the court entered a stay of the action in August 2010, to allow the parties to try to address the Sierra Club’s concerns. If the parties are unable to settle the matter, PNM has indicated that it plans an aggressive defense of the RCRA claims in the suit.

SJCC operates an underground coal mine in an area where certain gas producers have oil and gas leases with the federal government, the State of New Mexico, and private parties. These gas producers allege that SJCC’s underground coal mine interferes with their operations, reducing the amount of natural gas they can recover. SJCC has compensated certain gas producers for any remaining production from wells deemed close enough to the mine to warrant plugging and abandoning them. These settlements, however, do not resolve all potential claims by gas producers in the area. TEP owns 50% of Units 1 and 2 at San Juan Generating Station (San Juan), which represents approximately 20% of the total generation capacity at San Juan, and is responsible for its share of any settlements. TEP cannot estimate the impact of any future claims by these gas producers on the cost of coal at San Juan.

UNS ENERGY, TEP, owns 50% of San Juan Units 1 and 2, which represents approximately 20% of the total generation capacity of the entire San Juan Generating Station, and is responsible for its share of any resulting liabilities.AND SUBSIDIARIES


Claims Related to Four Corners Generating Station

In October 2011, EarthJustice, on behalf of several environmental organizations, filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico against APSArizona Public Service Company (APS) and the other Four Corners Generating Station (Four Corners) participants, alleging violations of the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) provisions of the Clean Air Act at Four Corners. In January 2012, EarthJustice amended their complaint alleging violations of New Source Performance Standards resulting from equipment replacements at Four Corners. Among other things, the plaintiffs seek to have the court enjoinissue an order to cease operations at Four Corners until any required PSD permits are issued, and order the payment of civil penalties, including a beneficial mitigation project.



In April 2012, APS filed Motions to Dismiss with the court for all claims asserted by EarthJustice in the amended complaint. The parties filed a Joint Motion to Stay in November 2012 in furtherance of settlement talks.

TEP owns 7% of Four Corners Units 4 and 5 and is liable for its share of any resulting liabilities.

TEP cannot predict the final outcome of the claims relating to San Juan and Four Corners, and, due to the general and non-specific nature of the claims and the indeterminate scope and nature of the injunctive relief sought for these claims, TEP cannot determine estimates of the range of loss cannot be determined at this time. TEP accrued estimated losses of less than $1 million in 2011 in respect of these claims.for this claim.

Mine Closure Reclamation at Generating Stations Not Operated by TEP

TEP pays ongoing reclamation costs related to coal mines that supply generating stations in which TEP has an ownership interest but does not operate. TEP is liable for a portion of final reclamation costs upon closure of these mines.the mines servicing Navajo Generating Station (Navajo), San Juan, and Four Corners. TEP’s share of the reclamation costs foris expected to be $27 million upon expiration of the coal supply agreements, expiring inwhich expire between 2016 through 2019 is approximately $26 million. TEP recognizes this cost over the remaining termsand 2019. The reclamation liability (present value of these coal supply agreementsfuture liability) was $16 million at December 31, 2012, and had recorded liabilities of $13 million at December 31, 2011, and $11 million at December 31, 2010.2011.

Amounts recorded for final reclamation are subject to various assumptions, such as estimations of reclamation costs, the dates when final reclamation will occur, and the credit-adjusted risk-free interest rate to be used to discount future liabilities. As these assumptions change, TEP will prospectively adjust the expense amounts for final reclamation over the remaining coal supply agreement terms. TEP does not believe that recognition of its final reclamation obligations will be material to TEP in any single year because recognition will occur over the remaining terms of its coal supply agreements.

TEP’s PPFAC allows TEPus to pass through most fuel costs (including final reclamation costs) to customers. Therefore, TEP classifies these costs as a regulatory asset. TEP will increaseasset by increasing the regulatory asset and the reclamation liability over the remaining life of the coal supply agreements on an accrual basis and recoverrecovering the regulatory asset through the PPFAC as final mine reclamation costs are paid to the coal suppliers.

In June 2012, the participants at San Juan executed a Trust Reclamation Agreement requiring each participant to individually establish and fund a trust based on the participant’s share of the estimated final mine reclamation costs. The trust must remain in effect through completion of final mine reclamation activities currently projected to be 2050. TEP established and funded its trust with $1 million in 2012. TEP expects to make additional cumulative deposits to the trust of approximately $1 million over the next five years.

Tucson to Nogales Transmission Line

TEP and UNS Electric are parties to a project development agreement for the joint construction of an approximatelya 60-mile transmission line from Tucson, Arizona to Nogales, Arizona. UNS Electric’s participation in thisThis project was initiated in response to an order by the ACC to UNS Electric to improve the reliability of electric service in Nogales. That order was issued before UniSource Energy purchased the electric system in Nogales and surrounding Santa Cruz County from Citizens Utilities in August 2003.

In 2002, the ACC authorized construction of the proposed 345-kV line along a route identified as the Western Corridor subject to a number of conditions, including the issuance of all required permits from state and federal agencies. The U.S. Forest Service subsequently expressed its preference for a different route in its final Environmental Impact Statement for the project. TEP and UNS Electric are considering options for the project. If a decision is made to pursue an alternative route, approvals will be needed from the ACC, the Department of Energy, U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and the International Boundary and Water Commission. As of December 31, 2011, and December 31, 2010, TEP had previously capitalized $11 million related to the project, including $2 million to secure land and land rights. If TEP does not receive the required approvals or abandons the project, TEP believes cost recovery is probable for prudent and reasonably incurred costsUNS Electric had previously capitalized $0.4 million related to the project as a consequence of the ACC’s requirement for a second transmission line serving the Nogales, Arizona area.


Settlement of El Paso Electric Dispute

In November 2011, a settlement agreement between TEP and El Paso became effective after receiving FERC approval in August 2011. The settlement resolved a dispute over transmission service from Luna to TEP’s system, totaling $11 million, under the 1982 Power Exchange and Transmission Agreement between the parties (Exchange Agreement).

The settlement reduced TEP’s rights for transmission under the Exchange Agreement from 200 MW to 170 MW and required TEP to pay El Paso a lump-sum of $5 million, equivalent to the total amount that TEP would have paid El Paso for 30 MW of transmission from February 1, 2006, through the settlement date, including interest.project.




UnderTEP and UNS Electric expect to abandon the PPFAC mechanism,project based on the cost of the proposed 345-kV line, the difficulty in reaching agreement with the Forest Service on a path for the line, and concurrence by the ACC of recent transmission plans filed by TEP is allowed to recover $2 millionand UNS Electric supporting the elimination of this additional transmission expense from its customers.project. In accordance withTEP’s pending rate case proceeding before the ACC, TEP entered into a proposed settlement agreement TEP has entered into two new firm transmission service agreements under El Paso’s Open Access Transmission Tariff for a total of 40 MW. The settlement agreement also required El Pasoin which it agrees to withdraw its appeal before the United States Court of Appeals District of Columbia Circuit and required TEP to withdraw its related complaint before the Arizona Districtseek recovery of the United States District Court.

TEP recognized a pre-tax gain of approximately $7 million, including interest, inproject costs from FERC before seeking rate recovery from the thirdACC. In the fourth quarter of 2011. To reflect2012, TEP and UNS Electric wrote off a portion of the gain, TEPcapitalized costs believed not probable of recovery and recorded a $7.1 million net reduction to Transmission Expense, $0.9 million of Interest Income, and $0.6 million of Interest Expense on the income statements. TEP recorded the payment of $5 million in Purchased Power in the cash flow statements.

Take-Or-Pay Accrual for Coal Transportation Agreement

In December 2010, TEP recorded a $4 million liability and regulatory asset for take-or-pay obligations under a coal transportation agreement for Sundt Unit 4, effectivethe balance deemed probable of recovery. TEP and UNS Electric believe it is probable that we will recover at least $5 million and $0.2 million, respectively, of costs incurred through December 2015. In December 2011, TEP’s take-or-pay obligations were terminated. As a result, TEP reversed its $4 million liability and regulatory asset.2012.

Claims Related to Navajo Generating StationRESOLUTION OF CONTINGENCIES

In June 1999,April 2010, the Navajo NationSierra Club filed a citizens’ suit under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and the Surface Mine Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) in the U.S.United States District Court for the District of Columbia (D.C. Lawsuit)New Mexico against Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM), as operator of San Juan, SJCC, and PNM’s and SJCC’s respective parent companies. The suit alleged that certain activities at San Juan and the San Juan mine associated with the treatment, storage, and disposal of coal and Coal Combustion Residuals (CCRs) violated RCRA and SMCRA. The suit sought an injunction with respect to the placement of CCRs at the mine, the imposition of civil penalties, and attorney’s fees and costs. In March 2012, the parties including SRP; several Peabody Coal Company entities including Peabody Western Coal Company (Peabody),settled the coal supplier to Navajo Generating Station (Navajo); Southern California Edison Company (SCE); and other defendants. Although case. The settlement was approved by the court.

TEP is not a named defendant inresponsible for its share of the D.C. Lawsuit,settlement of the San Juan claims. TEP owns 7.5% of Navajo Units 1, 2 and 3. The D.C. Lawsuit alleged, among other things, that the defendants obtained a favorable coal royalty rate on the lease agreements under which Peabody mines coal by improperly influencing the outcome of a federal administrative process pursuant to which the royalty rate was to be adjusted. The suit initially sought $600 million in damages, treble damages, punitive damages of notrecorded less than $1 billion, and the ejection of defendants from all possessory interests and Navajo Tribal lands arising outmillion for its share of the primary coal lease.costs to fund environmental projects and Sierra Club attorney and expert fees required by the settlement, substantially all of which was recorded in 2011. In addition, TEP paid $1 million for its share of construction costs for a new groundwater recovery system adjacent to San Juan and other environmental projects required by the settlement.

San Juan Mine Fire

In July 2001,September 2011, a fire at the District Court dismissed all claims against SRP. In April 2010, the Navajo Nation filed a Second Amended Complaint which dropped the treble damages claim. In August 2011, the Navajo Nation, Peabody, SCE and SRP executed a written settlement agreementunderground mine that provides coal to San Juan caused mining operations to shut down. The mine resumed production in return for the Navajo Nation’s dismissal of all claims in the D.C. Lawsuit. SRP asked that the Navajo participants, including TEP, contribute toward the settlement based on their respective ownership interests in the Navajo plant, which for TEP is 7.5%. TEP paid SRP the requested contribution whichJune 2012. The mine fire did not have a material impacteffect on TEP’s financial statements.

In 2004, Peabody filed a complaintcondition, results of operations, or cash flows due to the use of on-hand inventory of previously mined coal and the low market price of wholesale power during the closure. TEP awaits final resolution in the Circuit Court formatter pending an insurance settlement between the City of St. Louis, Missouri against the participants at Navajo, including TEP, for reimbursement of royaltiesmine operator and other costs arising out of the D.C. Lawsuit. In July 2008, the parties entered into a joint stipulation of dismissal of these claims which was approved by the Circuit Court. TEP does not believe the lawsuit will be re-filed based upon the final outcome of the D.C. Lawsuit.its insurance company.



TEP’s generating facilities are subject toThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limits on the amount of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide (NOx), particulate matter, mercury and other emissions released into the atmosphere.atmosphere by power plants. TEP capitalized $2 million in 2012, $8 million in 2011, and $18 million in 2010 and $24 million in 2009 in construction costs to comply with environmental requirements, including TEP’s share of new pollution control equipment installed at San Juan Generating Station (San Juan) described below.Juan. TEP expects to capitalize environmental compliance costs of $7$10 million in 20122013 and $25$27 million in 2013.2014. In addition, TEP recorded operatingO&M expenses of $15 million in 2012, $12 million in 2011, and $14 million in 2010 and $13 million in 2009 related to environmental compliance. TEP expects environmental O&M expenses to be $14$16 million in 2012.2013.

TEP may incur additional costs to comply with future changes in federal and state environmental laws, and regulations, and permit requirements at its electric generating facilities. Compliancepower plants. Complying with these changes may reduce operating efficiency. TEP expects to recover the cost of environmental compliance from its ratepayers.




Hazardous Air Pollutant Requirements

The Clean Air Act requires the EPA to develop emission limit standards for hazardous air pollutants that reflect the maximum achievable control technology. TheIn February 2012, the EPA is required to developissued final rules establishing standardscalled the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards setting limits for the control ofmercury emissions of mercury and other hazardous air pollutants from electric generating units. The EPA issued the final rule in December 2011.power plants.


Based on the EPA’s final standards, Navajo may need mercury and particulate matter emission control equipment may be required at Navajo by 2015. TEP’s share of the estimated capital cost of this equipment is less than $1 million for mercury control and approximatelyabout $43 million if the installation of baghouses to control particulates is necessary. TEP expects its share of the annual operating costs for mercury control and baghouses to be less than $1 million each. The operator of Navajo is currently analyzing the need for baghouses under various regulatory scenarios, which include the regional haze final Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) rules.

San Juan

TEP expects San Juan’s current emission controls to be adequate to comply with the EPA’s final standards.

Four Corners

Based on the EPA’s final standards, Four Corners may need mercury emission control equipment by 2015. The estimated capital cost of this equipment is less than $1 million. TEP expects the annual operating cost of the mercury emission control equipment to be less than $1 million.


Based on the EPA’s final standards, Springerville may need mercury emission control equipment may be required at Springerville by 2015. The estimated capital cost of this equipment for Springerville Units 1 and 2 is approximatelyabout $5 million. TheTEP expects the annual operating cost associated withof the mercury emission control equipment is expected to be approximatelyabout $3 million.

San Juan

Current emission controls at San Juan are expected to be adequate to achieve compliance with the EPA’s final federal standards.

Sundt Generating Station

TEP does not anticipateexpects the final EPA rulestandards will have a materiallittle effect on capital impact onexpenditures at Sundt Unit 4.

Four Corners

Based on the EPA’s final standards, mercury emission control equipment may be required at Four Corners by 2015. The estimated capital cost of this equipment is less than $1 million. The annual operating cost associated with the mercury emission control equipment is expected to be less than $1 million.Generating Station (Sundt).

Regional Haze Rules

The EPA'sEPA’s regional haze rules require emission controls known as Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART)BART for certain industrial facilities emitting air pollutants that reduce visibility. The rules call for all states to establish goals and emission reduction strategies for improving visibility in national parks and wilderness areasareas. States must submit these goals and to submit a state implementation planstrategies to the EPA for approval. Because Navajo and Four Corners are located on the Navajo Indian Reservation, and thereforethey are not subject to state regulatory jurisdictions.oversight. The EPA oversees regional haze planning for these power plants.

ComplianceComplying with the EPA’s BART determinations, coupledfindings, and with the financial impact of future climate change legislation, other environmental regulations and other business considerations could jeopardizerules, may make it economically impractical to continue operating the economic viability of theNavajo, San Juan, and Four Corners and Navajopower plants or the ability offor individual participantsowners to meet their obligations and maintain participationcontinue to participate in these power plants. TEP cannot predict the ultimate outcome of these matters.


In January 2013, the EPA proposed an alternative BART determination that would require the installation of SCR technology on all three units at Navajo by 2023. If SCR technology is ultimately required at Navajo, TEP estimates its share of the capital cost will be $42 million. Also, the installation of SCR technology at Navajo could increase the power plant’s particulate emissions which may require that baghouses be installed. TEP estimates that its share of the capital expenditure for baghouses would be about $43 million. TEP’s share of annual operating costs is estimated at less than $1 million for each of the control technologies (SCR and baghouses).



San Juan

In August 2011, the EPA Region VI issued a Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) establishing new emission limits for NOx, SO2 and sulfuric acid emissionsair pollutants at San Juan. These requirements are more stringent than those proposed by the San Juan Generating Station.State of New Mexico. The FIP requires the installation of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)SCR technology with sorbent injection on all four units within five years to reduce NOx and control sulfuric acid emissions. Based on two cost analyses commissionedemissions by PNM, TEP’sSeptember 2016. TEP estimates its share of the cost to install SCR technology with sorbent injection is estimated to be between $180 million and $200 million.



expects its share of the annual operating costs for SCR technology to be approximately $6 million.

In September 2011, PNM filed a petition for review of and a motion to reviewstay the Federal Implementation PlanFIP with the 10thTenth Circuit United States Court of Appeals challenging various aspects of that plan.(Circuit Court). In addition, PNM filed a request for reconsideration of the rule with the EPA and a request to stay the five-year installation timeframe for environmental upgrades orderedeffectiveness of the rule pending the EPA’s reconsideration and the review by the Federal Implementation Plan until the 10th Circuit considers and rules on the petition to review.

In October 2011, PNMCourt. The State of New Mexico filed a Petition for Reconsideration of the Federal Implementation Plan. PNM also filed a Request to Stay the effective date of the final BART Federal Implementation Plan under the Clean Air Actsimilar motions with the Circuit Court and the EPA. In November 2011, PNM filed with the 10th Circuit a Motion to Stay the Federal Implementation Plan. WildEarth Guardians, Dine Citizens against Ruining our Environment, National Parks Conservation Association, New Energy Economy, San Juan Citizens Alliance and Sierra ClubSeveral environmental groups were granted leavepermission to intervenejoin in opposition to PNM’s petition to review in the 10th Circuit. Neither the Petition in the 10th Circuit nor the Petition for Reconsideration by the EPA delays the implementation timeframe unless a stay is granted.Court. In addition, WildEarth Guardians filed a separate appeal against the EPA challenging the FIP’s five-year rather than three-year, implementation schedule. PNM was granted leavepermission to intervenejoin in opposition to that appeal. In March 2012, the Circuit Court denied PNM’s and the State of New Mexico’s motion for stay. Oral argument on the appeal was heard in October 2012 and the parties are currently awaiting the Circuit Court’s decision.

In October 2011, Governor Susana MartinezFebruary 2013, the State of New Mexico released a proposed plan that it presented to the EPA as an alternative to the FIP. The proposed plan includes: the retirement of San Juan Units 2 and 3 by December 31, 2017; the replacement of those units with non-coal generation sources; and the installation of selective non-catalytic reduction technology (SNCR) on San Juan Units 1 and 4 by January 2016. TEP estimates its share of the cost to install SNCR technology on San Juan Unit 1 would be approximately $25 million.

TEP owns 340 MW, or 50%, of San Juan Units 1 and 2. At December 31, 2012, the book value of TEP’s share of San Juan Units 1 and 2 was $217 million. If Unit 2 is retired early, we expect to request ACC approval to recover, over a reasonable time period, all costs associated with the early closure of the unit. We are evaluating various replacement resources. Any decision regarding early closure and replacement resources will require various actions by third parties as well as UNS Energy board and regulatory approvals.

If the proposed plan is not accepted and agreed to by the EPA, the New Mexico EnvironmentEnvironmental Department, filed a Petition for Reviewthe San Juan participants, and various other regulatory entities, TEP may begin making capital expenditures to install SCRs on San Juan Units 1 and 2 in 2013 to meet the FIP compliance deadline. TEP cannot predict the ultimate outcome of the EPA’s final Federal Implementation Plan determination in the 10th Circuit and a Petition for Reconsideration of the rule with the EPA. In November 2011, the New Mexico Governor and Environment Department filed a motion with the 10th Circuit to stay the rule. These appeals and motions are all currently pending.this matter.

Four Corners

In February 2011,August 2012, the EPA supplementedfinalized the proposedregional haze FIP for Four Corners. The final FIP requires SCR technology to be installed on all five units by 2017. However, the BART determination at Four CornersFIP also includes an alternative plan that would requireallows APS to close their wholly-owned Units 1, 2, and 3 and install SCR technology on Units 4 and 5. This option allows the installation of SCR on Units 4 and 5 bytechnology to be delayed until July 2018. In either case, TEP’s estimated share of the capital costs to install SCR technology is approximatelyabout $35 million. TEP’s share of annual operating costs for SCR is estimated at $2 million.


Regional haze regulations requiring emission control upgrades do not apply to Springerville currently and are not likely to impact Springerville operations until after 2018.


In December 2012, the EPA issued a proposed rule on provisions, that had not been previously addressed, in the Arizona State Implementation Plan related to regional haze. Contrary to the Arizona plan the EPA disapproved, among other things, the determination that Sundt Unit 4 is not subject to the BART provisions of the regional haze rule and is therefore subject to BART requirements. If the BART eligibility determination stands, Sundt Unit 4 will be required to reduce certain emissions within five years of the final EPA BART rule which is likely to be completed in October 2013. The EPA is expected to issuerelease a proposed rule establishing the BART requirement for Navajo following the consideration of a report by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)Sundt Unit 4 in partnership with the Department of the Interior and the Department of Energy. The report addresses potential energy, environmental and economic issues related to compliance with the regional haze rule. The report was submitted to the EPA in January 2012. If the EPA determines that SCR is required at Navajo, the capital cost impact to TEP is estimated to be $42 million. In addition, the installation of SCR at Navajo could increase the plant’s particulate emissions, necessitating the installation of baghouses. If baghouses are required, TEP’s estimated share of the capital expenditure for the required baghouses would be approximately $43 million. The cost of required pollution controls will not be known until final determinations are made by the regulatory agencies. TEP anticipates that if the EPA finalizes a BART rule for Navajo that requires SCR, the owners would have five years to achieve compliance.March 2013.






The following table shows Utility Plant in Service by major class.class:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    UniSource Energy     TEP   UNS Energy   TEP 
    December 31,     December 31,   December 31,   December 31, 
    2011     2010     2011     2010   2012   2011   2012   2011 
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

Plant in Service:


Electric Generation Plant

    $1,879      $1,787      $1,795      $1,709    $1,932    $1,879    $1,847    $1,795  

Electric Transmission Plant

     810       741       766       705     842     810     796     766  

Electric Distribution Plant

     1,453       1,368       1,234       1,168     1,495     1,453     1,271     1,234  

Gas Distribution Plant

     233       224       —         —       240     233     —       —    

Gas Transmission Plant

     18       18       —         —       18     18     —       —    

General Plant

     331       215       302       187     347     331     309     302  

Intangible Plant—Software Costs

     44       34       43       33  

Intangible Plant—Software Costs(1) (2)

   124     122     123     121  

Intangible Plant—Other

     83       61       78       57     5     5     —       —    

Electric Plant Held for Future Use

     5       5       4       4     3     5     2     4  

















Total Plant in Service(1)

     4,856       4,453       4,222       3,863  









Total Plant in Service

  $5,006    $4,856    $4,348    $4,222  









Utility Plant under Capital Leases

    $583      $583      $583      $583    $583    $583    $583    $583  



















AtUnamortized computer software costs were $36 million for UNS Energy and $35 million for TEP as of December 31, 2010, UniSource2012, and $43 million for UNS Energy and $42 million for TEP as of December 31, 2011.


The amortization of computer software costs in UNS Energy’s total plant included $65income statements was $13 million in 2012, $10 million in 2011, and $9 million in 2010. The amortization of non-regulated plantcomputer software costs in service related to BMGS, with $4TEP’s income statements before intercompany allocations was $13 million of accumulated depreciation. See Note 2 for information regarding UNS Electric’sin 2012, $10 million in 2011, purchase of BMGS from UED.and $9 million in 2010.

TEP Utility Plant under Capital Leases

All TEP utility plant under capital leases is used in TEP’s generation operations and amortized over the primary lease term. See Note 6. In April 2010, TEP terminated the capital lease of Sundt Unit 4 and purchased the related leased assets. At December 31, 2011,2012, the utility plant under capital leases includesincludes: 1) Springerville Unit 1; 2) Springerville Common Facilities, Springerville Unit 1,Facilities; and 3) Springerville Coal Handling Facilities. The following table shows the amount of lease expense incurred for TEP’s generation-related capital leases:


September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Years Ended December 31,   Years Ended
December 31,
    2011     2010     2009   2012   2011   2010 
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

Lease Expense:


Interest Expense – Included in:


Capital Leases

    $40      $47      $49    $34    $40    $47  

Operating Expenses – Fuel

     4       4       4     3     4     4  

Other Expense

     1       2       1     —       1     2  

Amortization of Capital Lease Assets – Included in:


Operating Expenses – Fuel

     3       3       2     4     3     3  

Operating Expenses – Depreciation and Amortization

     14       14       26  

Operating Expenses – Amortization

   14     14     14  













Total Lease Expense

    $62      $70      $82    $55    $62    $70  
















The depreciable lives as of December 31, 20112012, were as follows:


Major Class of Utility Plant in Service




UNS Gas and

UNS  Electric

Electric Generation Plant

  6-5911-57 years  38-4238-49 years

Electric Transmission Plant

  20-60 years  20-50 years

Electric Distribution Plant

  28-60 years  23-50 years

Gas Distribution Plant

  n/a  30-55 years

Gas Transmission Plant

  n/a  30-65 years

General Plant

  5-31 years  5-40 years

Intangible Plant

  3-183-19 years  5-323-32 years

SeeUtility Plantin Note 1 andTEP Capital Lease Obligationsin Note 6.


At December 31, 2011,2012, TEP’s interests in jointly-owned generating stations and transmission systems were as follows:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
Work in


Work in

   Net Book
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

San Juan Units 1 and 2

    50.0% $430      $8      $219      $219    50.0% $443    $7    $220    $230  

Navajo Station Units 1, 2 and 3

    7.5  146       1       99       48  

Navajo Units 1, 2, and 3

  7.5  148     1     106     43  

Four Corners Units 4 and 5

    7.0  96       2       71       27    7.0  97     2     73     26  

Luna Energy Facility

  33.3  53     —       —       53  

Transmission Facilities

    7.5 to 95.0  289       9       179       119    7.5 to 95.0  328     22     186     164  

Luna Energy Facility

    33.3  52       —         1       51  


















     $1,013      $20      $569      $464     $1,069    $32    $585    $516  

















TEP has financed or provided funds for the above facilities and TEP’s share of its operating expenses is reflected in the income statements based on the nature of the expense.


The accrual of AROs is primarily related to generation and photovoltaic assets and is included in Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities on the balance sheets. The following table reconciles the beginning and ending aggregate carrying amounts of ARO accruals on the balance sheets:

   UNS Energy and TEP 
   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Beginning Balance

  $13    $4  

Liabilities Incurred

   —       1  

Liabilities Settled

   —       —    

Accretion Expense

   1     —    

Revision to Estimated Cash Flows

   —       8  







Ending Balance

  $14    $13  








Long-term debt matures more than one year from the date of the financial statements. We summarize UniSourceUNS Energy’s and TEP’s long-term debt in the statements of capitalization.




In 2005, UniSourceUNS Energy issued $150 million of 4.50% Convertible Senior Notes (Convertible Senior Notes) due in 2035. UniSourceIn 2012, UNS Energy hasconverted or redeemed the option to redeementire $150 million Convertible Senior Notes outstanding. Holders of the Convertible Senior Notes in wholehad the option of converting their interests to Common Stock at a conversion rate applicable at the time of each notice of redemption or in part, for cash at par plus accrued interest. Investors may require UniSource Energy to repurchasereceiving the Convertible Senior Notes, in whole or in part, for cash atredemption price of par plus accrued interest on March 1 of 2015, 2020, 2025 and 2030, and uponfor the occurrence of certain fundamental changes, such as a change in control. Each $1,000 of Convertible Senior Notes can be converted into 28.814 sharesNotes. In the first quarter of UniSource Energy Common Stock at any time, which is equivalent to a conversion price of approximately $34.71 per share of common stock. The conversion rate is subject to adjustments including an adjustment to reduce the conversion price upon the payment of quarterly dividends in excess of $0.19 per share.

In December 2011, UniSource Energy announced that it would redeem $35 million of the $150 million outstanding Convertible Senior Notes on January 12, 2012, at a redemption price of 100% of the principal amount plus accrued interest. In January 2012, holders of approximately $33$73 million of the Convertible Senior Notes converted their interests into approximately 964,0002.1 million shares of UniSource Energy Common Stock. The remainingStock and $2 million of



Convertible Senior Notes were redeemed for cash. AfterIn the partial redemption, UniSource Energy had $115second quarter of 2012, holders of approximately $74 million of Convertible Senior Notes outstanding.converted their interests into approximately 2.2 million shares of Common Stock and $1 million were redeemed for cash.


Tax-Exempt Variable Rate Tax-Exempt Bonds (IDBs)and Interest Rate Swap

At December 31, 2011, TEP had $215 million in tax-exempt variable rate debt outstanding. Atoutstanding at December 31, 2010, TEP had $365 million outstanding.2012 and December 31, 2011. Each series of bonds is supported by a letterLetter of creditCredit (LOC) issued under the TEP Credit Agreement or separate TEP Letter of Credit and Reimbursement Agreements. The letters of creditLOCs are secured by mortgage bonds issued under TEP’s 1992 Mortgage.

In November 2011, TEP repurchased $150 million of variable rate IDBs.bonds. TEP did not cancel the repurchased bonds, which remained outstanding under their respective indentures but were not reflected as debt on the balance sheet. See 2011 TEP Unsecured Notes below.

In December 2010, TEP issued $37 million of Coconino County, Arizona, tax-exempt pollution control bonds (2010 Coconino Bonds). The 2010 Coconino Bonds are supported by a letter of credit (LOC). The LOC, which is secured by $37 million of 1992 Mortgage Bonds and expires December 2014. The bonds accrue interest at a variable weekly rate and are due October 2032. These bonds are multi-modal bonds that allow TEP to change the interest feature of the bonds. They are callable at any time at par plus accrued interest and are subject to mandatory redemption under certain circumstances if the LOC is not extended. The average interest rate on TEP’s 2010 Coconino Bonds was 0.22% in 2012 and 0.23% in 2011 and 0.38% in 2010.2011. TEP used the proceeds to redeem a corresponding principal amount of fixed rate Coconino pollution control bonds.

TEP capitalized less than $1 million in costs related to the issuance of these bonds and will amortize the costs to interest expenseInterest Expense – Long-Term Debt in the income statements through October 2032, the term of the bonds.

The following table shows interest rates on TEP’s variable rate IDBsbonds which are reset weekly by its remarketing agents:


September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Years Ended December 31,   Years Ended December 31, 
    2011 2010 2009   2012 2011 2010 

Interest Rates on IDBs:


Interest Rates on Bonds:


Average Interest Rate

     0.18  0.26  0.41   0.17  0.18  0.26

Range of Average Weekly Rates




to 0.34




to 0.39




to 0.79

   0.06  0.05  0.17
   to 0.26  to 0.34  to 0.39

In August 2009, TEP entered into an interest rate swap that had the effect of converting $50 million of variable rate IDBsbonds to a fixed rate of 2.4% from September 2009 to September 2014.

Unsecured Fixed Rate IDBsBonds

At December 31, 2012, TEP had $609 million in unsecured fixed rate bonds. At December 31, 2011, TEP had $616 million inoutstanding.



In March 2012, the Industrial Development Authority of Apache County, Arizona issued $177 million of unsecured tax-exempt pollution control bonds on behalf of TEP. The bonds bear interest at a fixed rate IDBs. At December 31, 2010,of 4.5%, mature in March 2030, and may be redeemed at par on or after March 1, 2022. The proceeds from the sale of the bonds, together with $7 million of principal and $1 million for accrued interest provided by TEP, had $638were deposited with a trustee to retire $184 million outstanding.of unsecured tax-exempt bonds with interest rates of 5.85% and 5.875% and maturity dates ranging from 2026 to 2033. TEP’s $8 million payment to the trustee was the only cash flow activity since proceeds from the newly-issued bonds were not received or disbursed by TEP. TEP capitalized approximately $2 million in costs related to the issuance of the bonds and will amortize the costs to Interest Expense – Long-Term Debt in the income statements through March 2030, the term of the bonds.

In June 2012, the Industrial Development Authority of Pima County, Arizona issued approximately $16 million of unsecured tax-exempt industrial development bonds on behalf of TEP. The bonds bear interest at a fixed rate of 4.5%, mature in June 2030, and may be redeemed at par on or after June 1, 2022. The proceeds from the sale of the bonds together with $0.4 million accrued interest provided by TEP, were deposited with a trustee to retire approximately $16 million of outstanding unsecured tax-exempt bonds with interest rates of 5.85% and 5.875%, and maturity dates ranging from 2026 to 2033. TEP’s payment of accrued interest was the only cash flow activity since proceeds from the newly-issued bonds were not received or disbursed by TEP. TEP capitalized less than $0.5 million in costs related to the issuance of the bonds and will amortize the costs to Interest Expense – Long-Term Debt in the income statements through June 2030, the term of the bonds.

In November 2011, TEP redeemed $22 million in unsecured fixed rate IDBs.bonds. See 2011 TEP Unsecured Notes below.

In October 2010, TEP issued $100 million of Pima County, Arizona tax-exempt IDBs. The IDBs are unsecured, bear interest at a rate of 5.25%, mature in October 2040, and are callable at par on or after October 1, 2020. Net of an underwriting discount, $99 million of proceeds were deposited in a construction fund with the bond trustee. The proceeds were applied to the construction of certain of TEP’s transmission and distribution facilities used to provide electric service in Pima County. TEP drew down $88 million of the proceeds from the construction fund in 2010 and $11 million in 2011.



TEP capitalized approximately $1 million in costs related to the issuance of these bonds and will amortize the costs to interest expenseInterest Expense-Long-Term Debt in the income statements through October 2040, the term of the bonds.

2012 TEP Unsecured Notes

In September 2012, TEP issued $150 million of 3.85% unsecured notes due March 2023. TEP may call the debt prior to December 15, 2022, with a make-whole premium plus accrued interest. After December 15, 2022, TEP may call the debt at par plus accrued interest. The unsecured notes contain a limitation on the amount of secured debt that TEP may have outstanding. TEP used the net proceeds to repay approximately $72 million outstanding on the revolving credit facility, with the remaining proceeds used for general corporate purposes. TEP capitalized approximately $1 million in costs related to the issuance of unsecured notes and will amortize the costs to Interest Expense – Long-Term Debt in the income statements through March 2023, the term of the unsecured notes.

2011 TEP Unsecured Notes

In November 2011, TEP issued $250 million of 5.15% Notesunsecured notes due November 2021 at a discount of $0.8 million. The2021. TEP may call the debt is callable anytimeany time before August 15, 2021, with a make-whole premium plus accrued interest. Anytime afterAfter August 15, 2021, the debt is callable at par plus accrued interest. TEP used the net proceeds from the sale toto: 1) repurchase $150 million of variable rate IDBs,bonds; 2) redeem $22 million of 6.1% fixed rate IDBsbonds; and 3) repay $78 million of outstanding revolving credit facility balances, with anythe remaining proceeds to be applied to general corporate purposes. The variable rate IDBsbonds were supported by letters of credit (LOCs)LOCs issued under TEP’s Credit Facility. As a result of the repurchase of the variable rate IDBs,bonds, TEP cancelled $155 million of LOCs and reduced its mortgage bonds supporting the LOCs by the same amount.

TEP capitalized $2 million in costs related to the issuance of the notes and will amortize the costs to interest expenseInterest Expense-Long-Term Debt in the income statements through November 2021, the term of the unsecured notes.



1992 Mortgage

TEP'sTEP’s 1992 Mortgage creates liens on and security interests in most of TEP'sTEP’s utility plant assets, with the exception of Springerville Unit 2. San Carlos Resources Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of TEP, holds title to Springerville Unit 2. Utility Plant under Capital Leases is not subject to such liens ornor is it available to TEP creditors, other than the lessors. The net book value of TEP'sTEP’s utility plant subject to the lien of the indenture was approximately $2 billion at December 31, 20112012, and December 31, 2010.2011.


Springerville Leases

The terms of TEP’s capital leases are as follows:


The Springerville Common Facilities Leases have an initial term to December 2017 for one lease and January 2021 for the other two leases, subject to optional renewal periods of two or more years through 2025. Instead of extending the leases TEP may exercise a fixed-price purchase provision. The fixed prices for the acquisition of common facilities are: $38 million in 2017 and $68 million in 2021.

The Springerville Coal Handling Facilities Leases have an initial term to April 2015 but have fixed-rate lease renewal options if certain conditions are satisfied as well as a fixed-price purchase provision of $120 million. The lease provides for one renewal period of six years beginning in April 2015, with additional renewal periods of five or more years through 2035.

The Springerville Unit 1 Leases have an initial term to January 2015 and provide for renewal periods of three or more years through 2030. TEP has a fair market value purchase option for facilities under the Springerville Unit 1 Lease.

TEP agreed with Tri-State, the owner of Springerville Unit 3, and SRP, the owner of Springerville Unit 4, that if the Springerville Coal Handling Facilities and Common Leases are not renewed, TEP will exercise the purchase options under these contracts. SRP will then be obligated to buy a portion of these facilities and Tri State will then be obligated to either 1) buy a portion of these facilities; or 2) continue making payments to TEP for the use of these facilities.

In December 2011, TEP and the owner participants of the Springerville Unit 1 Leases completed a formal appraisal process to determine the fair market value purchase price, in accordance with the Springerville Unit 1 Leases agreements. Based on that appraisal, TEP would have to pay $159 million in 2015 for the 86% interest not already owned by TEP. In 2012, TEP initiated a proceeding seeking judicial confirmation of the results of the appraisal process in federal district court. In the proceeding, the owner participants alleged that the appraisal process failed to yield a legitimate purchase price for the leased interest. In January 2013, the federal district court denied TEP’s petition on the grounds that the court lacks jurisdiction in the matter. In February 2013, TEP appealed the matter to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

The Springerville Coal Handling Facilities Leases have an initial term to April 2015 and provide for fixed-rate lease renewal options if certain conditions are satisfied as well as a fixed-price purchase provision of $120 million. The lease provides for one renewal period of six years beginning in April 2015, with additional renewal periods of five or more years through 2035.

The Springerville Common Facilities Leases have an initial term to December 2017 for one lease and January 2021 for the other two leases, subject to optional renewal periods of two or more years through 2025. Instead of extending the leases TEP may exercise a fixed-price purchase provision. The fixed prices for the acquisition of common facilities are $38 million in 2017 and $68 million in 2021.

TEP agreed with Tri-State, the owner of Springerville Unit 3, and SRP, the owner of Springerville Unit 4, that if the Springerville Coal Handling Facilities and Common Facilities Leases are not renewed, TEP will exercise the purchase options under these contracts. SRP will then be obligated to buy a portion of these facilities and Tri-State will then be obligated to either: 1) buy a portion of these facilities; or 2) continue making payments to TEP for the use of these facilities.

In January 2012,2013, through scheduled lease payments, TEP reduced its capital lease obligations by $74$82 million.



Investments in Springerville Lease Debt and Equity

TEP’s investments in Springerville Unit 1 lease debt totaled $9 million at December 31, 2012, and $29 million at December 31, 2011 and $672011. In January 2013, TEP received the final maturity payment of $9 million at December 31, 2010. The investmentson the investment in Springerville Unit 1 lease debt mature in 2013.debt. TEP also held an undivided equity ownership interest in the Springerville Unit 1 Leases totaling $36 million at December 31, 2012, and $37 million at December 31, 2011 and December 31, 2010.2011.



Interest Rate Swaps—Springerville Common Facilities Lease Debt

TEP’s interest rate swaps hedge the floating interest rate risk associated with the Springerville Common Facilities Lease Debt.lease debt. Interest on the lease debt is payable at six-month LIBORLondon Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) plus a spread. The applicable spread was 1.75% at December 31, 2012, and 1.625% at each of December 31, 2011 and December 31, 2010. 2011.

The swaps have the effect of fixing the interest rates on the amortizing principal balances as follows:


September 30,September 30,

Outstanding at December 31, 2011


$ 34 million

     5.77  1.625

$ 22 million

     3.18  1.625

$ 7 million

     3.32  1.625

Outstanding at December 31, 2012


$ 34 million

   5.77  1.75

$ 19 million

   3.18  1.75

$ 6 million

   3.32  1.75

TEP recorded these interest rate swaps as a cash flow hedge for financial reporting purposes. See Note 16.


UNS Electric has $100 million of senior unsecured notes;notes: $50 million at 6.5%, due 2015 and $50 million at 7.1%, due 2023. The UNS Electric long-term notes are guaranteed by UES. The notes may be prepaid with a make-whole call premium reflecting a discount rate equal to an equivalent maturity U.S.United States Treasury security yield plus 50 basis points.

UNS Electric’s long-term notes contain certain restrictive covenants, including restrictions on transactions with affiliates, mergers, liens to secure indebtedness, restricted payments, and incurrence of indebtedness.


In August 2011, UNS Electric entered into a four-year $30 million variable rate term loan credit agreement. UNS Electric used the $30 million in proceeds to repay borrowings under its revolving credit facility. The interest rate currently in effect is three-month LIBOR plus 1.25%1.125%. At the same time, UNS Electric entered into a fixed-for-floating interest rate swap in which UNS Electric will pay a fixed rate of 0.97% and receive a three-month LIBOR rate on a $30 million notional amount over a four-year period ending August 10, 2015. The UNS Electric term loan credit agreement, included in Long-Term Debt on the balance sheet, is guaranteed by UES.

The term loan credit agreement contains certain restrictive covenants for UNS Electric and UES. The covenants include restrictions on transactions with affiliates, restricted payments, additional indebtedness, liens, and mergers. UNS Electric must meet an interest coverage ratio to issue additional debt. However, UNS Electric may, without meeting these tests, refinance indebtedness and incur short-term debt in an amount not to exceed $5 million. The credit agreement also requires UNS Electric to maintain a maximum leverage ratio, and allows UNS Electric to pay dividends so long as it maintains compliance with the credit agreement.


In August 2011, UNS Gas issued $50 million of senior guaranteed notes at 5.39%, due August 2026. UNS Gas used the proceeds to pay in full the $50 million of UNS Gas 6.23% notes that matured in August 2011. UNS Gas has another $50 million of notes at 6.23%, due August 2015. The notes may be prepaid with a make-whole call premium reflecting a discount rate equal to an equivalent maturity U.S.United States Treasury security yield plus 50 basis points. UES guarantees the notes.



UNS Gas capitalized less than $0.5 million of costs related to the issuance of the notes and will amortize these costs over the life of the notes.

UNS Gas’ long-term debt contains certain restrictive covenants, including restrictions on transactions with affiliates, mergers, liens to secure indebtedness, restricted payments, and incurrence of indebtedness.




In November 2011, UniSourceUNS Energy amended its existing credit agreement to extend the expiration date from November 2014 to November 2016.

In November 2010, UniSourceUNS Energy amended and restated its existing credit agreement. As amended, the agreement consists of a $125 million revolving credit facility and revolving letter of credit facility. UniSource Energy'sUNS Energy’s obligations under the agreement are secured by a pledge of the capital stock of Millennium, UES, and UED.

UniSourceUNS Energy capitalized less than $0.5 million related to the 2011 credit agreement amendment and $1 million related to the 2010 credit agreement amendment and restatement, and will amortize these costs through November 2016.

UnisourceUNS Energy had $57$45 million of outstanding borrowings at December 31, 20112012, and $27$57 million of outstanding borrowings at December 31, 2010,2011, under its revolving credit facility. The weighted average interest rate on the revolver was 1.96% at December 31, 2012, and 2.04% at December 31, 2011, and 3.26% at December 31, 2010. We have included2011.We reflected the revolver borrowings in Long-Term Debt on the balance sheet as UniSourceUNS Energy has the ability and the intent to have outstanding borrowings for the next twelve months. As of February 21, 2012,13, 2013, outstanding borrowings under the UniSourceUNS Credit Agreement were $52$45 million.

Interest rates and fees under the UniSourceUNS Energy Credit Agreement are based on a pricing grid tied to UniSourceUNS Energy’s credit ratings. The interest rate currently in effect on borrowings is LIBOR plus 1.75% for Eurodollar loans or Alternate Base Rate plus 0.75% for Alternate Base Rate loans.

The UniSourceUNS Energy Credit Agreement contains a number of covenants which restrict UniSourceUNS Energy and its subsidiaries, including restrictions on additional indebtedness, liens, mergers, and sales of assets. The UniSourceUNS Energy Credit Agreement also requires UniSourceUNS Energy to meet a minimum cash flow to interest coverage ratio determined on a UniSourceUNS Energy standalone basis and not to exceed a maximum leverage ratio determined on a consolidated basis. Under the UniSourceUNS Energy Credit Agreement, UniSourceUNS Energy may pay dividends so long as it maintains compliance with the agreement.


In December 2011, TEP reduced its letter of credit facility from $341 million to $186 million, following the repurchase of $150 million of variable rate IDBsbonds and the cancellation of $155 million of LOCs supporting those bonds.

In November 2011, TEP amended its existing credit agreement to extend the expiration date from November 2014 to November 2016.

In November 2010, TEP amended and restated its existing credit agreement, consisting of a $200 million revolving credit, and revolving letter of creditLOC facility, and a $341 million letter of creditLOC facility to support tax-exempt bonds.

The TEP credit facility is secured by $386 million of mortgage bonds issued under the 1992 Mortgage, which creates a lien on and security interest in most of TEP’s utility plant assets.

TEP capitalized $1 million related to the 2011 credit agreement amendment and $4 million related to the 2010 credit agreement amendment and restatement, and will amortize these costs through November 2016.

Interest rates and fees under the TEP Credit Agreement are based on a pricing grid tied to TEP’s credit ratings. The interest rate currently in effect on borrowings is LIBOR plus 1.125% for Eurodollar loans or Alternate Base Rate plus 0.125% for Alternate Base Rate loans. The margin rate currently in effect on the $186 million letter of credit facility is 1.125%.



The TEP Credit Agreement contains a number of covenants which restrict TEP and its subsidiaries, including restrictions on liens, mergers, and sale of assets. The TEP Credit Agreement also requires TEP not to exceed a maximum leverage ratio. Under the TEP Credit Agreement, TEP may pay dividends to UniSourceUNS Energy so long as it maintains compliance with the agreement.



As of December 31, 2012, TEP had no borrowings outstanding and $1 million in LOCs issued under its revolving credit facility. As of December 31, 2011, TEP had $10 million in borrowings and $1 million outstanding in letters of credit under its revolving credit facility. The weighted average interest rate on the revolver was 3.38%, at December 31, 2011. As of December 31, 2010, TEP only had $1 million outstanding in letters of creditLOCs under its revolving credit facility. The revolving loan balance was included in Current Liabilities in the UniSource Energyon UNS Energy’s and TEPTEP’s balance sheets. The outstanding letters of creditLOCs are off-balance sheet obligations of TEP. As of February 21, 2012,13, 2013, TEP had $85$30 million in borrowings and $1 million outstanding in letters of creditLOCs under its revolving credit facility.


In December 2010, TEP entered into a four-year $37 million reimbursement agreement (2010 TEP Reimbursement Agreement). A $37 million letter of credit was issued pursuant to the 2010 TEP Reimbursement Agreement. The letter of credit supports $37 million aggregate principal amount of variable rate tax-exempt IDBsbonds that were issued on behalf of TEP in December 2010, (Seesee Variable Rate Tax-Exempt Bonds, above).above.

The 2010 TEP Reimbursement Agreement is secured by $37 million of mortgage bonds issued under TEP’s 1992 Mortgage. Fees are payable on the aggregate outstanding amount of the letter of credit at a rate of 1.50% per annum.

The 2010 TEP Reimbursement Agreement contains substantially the same restrictive covenants as the TEP Credit Agreement described above.


In November 2011, UNS Gas and UNS Electric amended their existing unsecured credit agreement to extend the expiration date from November 2014 to November 2016.

In November 2010, UNS Gas and UNS Electric amended and restated their existing unsecured credit agreement. As amended, the UNS Gas/UNS Electric Credit AgreementRevolver consists of a $100 million revolving credit and revolving letter of credit facility. The maximum borrowings outstanding at any one time for UNS Gas or UNS Electric under the agreement may not exceed $70 million. UNS Gas and UNS Electric each are liable for only their own individual borrowings under the UNS Gas/UNS Electric Credit Agreement.Revolver. UES guarantees the obligations of both UNS Gas and UNS Electric. The UNS Gas/UNS Electric Credit AgreementRevolver may be used to issue letters of credit,LOCs, as well as for revolver borrowings. UNS Gas and UNS Electric issue letters of credit,LOCs, which are off-balance sheet obligations, to support power and gas purchases and hedges.

UNS Gas and UNS Electric capitalized less than $0.5 million of costs related to the 2011 credit agreement amendment and $1 million related to the 2010 credit agreement amendment and restatement, and will continue to amortize these costs through November 2016.2016 to Interest Expense – Long-Term Debt in the income statements.

Interest rates and fees under the UNS Electric/Gas/UNS Gas Credit AgreementElectric Revolver are based on a pricing grid tied to their credit ratings. The interest rate currently in effect on borrowings is LIBOR plus 1.5%1.25% for Eurodollar loans or Alternate Base Rate plus 0.5%0.25% for Alternate Base Rate loans.

The UNS Electric/Gas/UNS Gas Credit AgreementElectric Revolver contains a number of covenants which impose restrictions on UNS Gas, UNS Electric, and UES, including restrictions on additional indebtedness, liens, and mergers. The UNS Electric/Gas/UNS Gas Credit AgreementElectric Revolver also stipulates a maximum leverage ratio. Under the terms of the UNS Electric/Gas/UNS Gas Credit Agreement,Electric Revolver, UNS Gas and UNS Electric may pay dividends so long as they maintain compliance with the agreement.



UNS Electric had $6 million and $13less than $0.5 million in outstanding letters of creditLOCs under the UNS Gas/UNS Electric Credit AgreementRevolver as of December 31, 2011,2012, and $6 million outstanding as of December 31, 2010, respectively, which2011. These balances are not shown on the balance sheet.


In July 2011, UED received $63 million from UNS Electric from the sale of BMGS. UED used a portion of those funds to fully repay the $27 million outstanding under its secured term loan.


As ofAt December 31, 2011, UniSource2012, UNS Energy and its subsidiaries were in compliance with the terms of their respective loan, note purchase, and credit agreements. No amounts of net income were subject to dividend restrictions.




Long-term debt, including term loan payments, revolving credit facilities classified as long-term, and capital lease obligations mature on the following dates:


Rate IDBs
by Letters
of Credit(1)
 Total   TEP
Rate  Bonds

by Letters
of Credit(1)

 - Millions of Dollars -   —Millions of Dollars - 


 $—     $—     $118   $118   $—     $—     $—     $118  


  —      —      122    122    —      —      —      122    $—      $—      $121   $121   $—      $—      $—      $121  


  37    —      195    232    —      —      —      232     37     —       194    231    —       —       —       231  


  —      —      23    23    50    80    —      153     —       —       23    23    50     80     —       153  


  178    —      18    196    —      —      57    253     178     —       17    195    —       —       45     240  


   —       —       18    18    —       —       —       18  

































Total 2012 – 2016

  215    —      476    691    50    80    57    878  

Total 2013 – 2017

   215     —       373    588    50     80     45     763  


  —      866    61    927    50    50    150    1,177     —       1,009     42    1,051    50     50     —       1,151  

Less: Imputed Interest

  —      —      (107  (107  —      —      —      (107   —       —       (62  (62  —       —       —       (62


































 $215   $866   $430   $1,511   $100   $130   $207   $1,948    $215    $1,009    $353   $1,577   $100    $130    $45    $1,852  



































TEP’s Variable Rate IDBsvariable rate bonds are backed by $186 million in LOCs issued pursuant to TEP’s Credit Agreement which expires in November 2016 and TEP’s $37 million Reimbursement Agreement which expires in December 2014. Although the Variable Rate IDBsvariable rate bonds mature between 2018 and 2032, the above table reflects a redemption or repurchase of such bonds in 2014 and 2016 as though the LOCs terminate without replacement upon expiration of the TEP Credit Agreement.


The repayment of TEP Unsecured Notes is not reduced by the approximately $1 million discount.


In January 2012, UniSource Energy redeemed $35 million of its convertible senior notes. Pursuant to the redemption, substantially all of the notes were converted into approximately 1 million shares of UniSource Energy Common Stock.



UniSourceUNS Energy

OurUNS Energy’s ability to pay cash dividends on Common Stock outstanding depends, in part, upon cash flows from our subsidiaries: TEP, UES, Millennium, and UED, as well as compliance with various debt covenant requirements. UniSourceUNS Energy and each of its subsidiaries were in compliance with debt covenants at December 31, 2011;2012; therefore, TEP and the other subsidiaries were not restricted from paying dividends.

In February 2013, UNS Energy declared a first quarter dividend to shareholders of $0.435 per share of UNS Energy Common Stock. The dividend, totaling approximately $18 million, will be paid on March 25, 2013, to common shareholders of record as of March 13, 2013.

In the first half of 2012, $147 million of the Convertible Senior Notes outstanding were converted into approximately 4.3 million shares of UNS Energy Common Stock increasing common stock equity by $147 million.


The Federal Power Act states that an electric utility’s dividends shall not be paid out of funds properly included in capital accounts. TEP has an accumulated deficit rather than positive retained earnings. Although the terms of the Federal Power Act are unclear, we believe that there is a reasonable basis for TEP to pay dividends from current year earnings. TEP paid dividends to UNS Energy of $30 million in 2012; no dividends were paid in 2011; and $60 million were paid in 2010.




In February 2012, UniSourceUNS Energy declared a first quarter dividend to shareholders of $0.43 per share of UniSource Energy Common Stock. The dividend, totaling approximately $16 million, will be paid on March 22, 2012, to common shareholders of record as of March 12, 2012.

In January 2012, holders of approximately $33 million of the Convertible Senior Notes converted their interests into approximately 964,000 shares of UniSource Energy Common Stock increasing common stock equity by $33 million.


UniSource Energy is the holder of TEP’s common stock. TEP pays dividends from current year earnings; therefore the dividend restriction in the Federal Power Act does not limit TEP’s payment of dividends from net income. TEP paid dividends to UniSource Energy of $60 million in both 2010 and 2009. TEP did not pay dividends to UniSource Energy in 2011.

UniSource Energy contributedcontribute capital to TEP in 2012 but made capital contributions of $30 million in 2011 and $15 million in 2010, and $30 million in 2009.2010.


A reconciliation of the federal statutory income tax rate to each company’s effective income tax rate follows:


  UniSource Energy  TEP 
  Years Ended December 31, 
  2011  2010  2009  2011  2010  2009 
  -Millions of Dollars- 

Federal Income Tax Expense at Statutory Rate

 $62   $66   $59   $48   $58   $51  

State Income Tax Expense, Net of Federal Benefit

  8    9    7    6    8    6  

Deferred Tax Asset Valuation Allowance

  —      8    —      —      —      —    

Deferred Tax Asset Write-Off Related to Unregulated Investment

  —      3    —      —      —      —    

AFUDC Equity

  (1  (1  (1  (1  (1  (1

Domestic Production Deduction

  —      (3  (1  —      (3  (1

Federal/State Tax Credits

  (3  (2  (1  (2  (2  (1


  1    (3  —      1    —      —    



















Total Federal and State Income Tax Expense

 $67   $77   $63   $52   $60   $54  



















Effective Tax Rate

  38  41  37  38  36  37

In 2010, UniSource Energy recorded a $3 million out-of-period income tax expense. The out-of-period expense related to the write-off of a previously recorded deferred tax asset associated with the excess of tax over book basis difference in a consolidated unregulated investment. Management concluded that this out-of-period adjustment was not material to the current and prior period financial statements.

   UNS Energy  TEP 
   Years Ended December 31, 
   2012  2011  2010  2012  2011  2010 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Federal Income Tax Expense at Statutory Rate

  $51   $62   $66   $37   $48   $58  

State Income Tax Expense, Net of Federal Benefit

   7    8    9    5    6    8  

Deferred Tax Asset Valuation Allowance

   —      —      8    —      —      —    

Deferred Tax Asset Write-off Related to Unregulated Investment

   —      —      3    —      —      —    

AFUDC Equity

   (1  (1  (1  (1  (1  (1

Domestic Production Deduction

   —      —      (3  —      —      (3

Federal/State Tax Credits

   (1  (3  (2  (1  (2  (2


   —      1    (3  (1  1    —    



















Total Federal and State Income Tax Expense

  $56   $67   $77   $39   $52   $60  



















Effective Tax Rate

   38  38  41  37  38  36
In 2010, UNS Energy recorded a $3 million out-of-period income tax expense. The out-of-period expense related to the write-off of a previously recorded deferred tax asset associated with the excess of tax over book basis difference in a consolidated unregulated investment. Management concluded that this out-of-period adjustment was not material to current and prior period financial statements.     
Income tax expense included in the income statements consists of the following:       
   UNS Energy  TEP 
   Years Ended December 31, 
   2012  2011  2010  2012  2011  2010 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Current Tax Expense (Benefit)



  $(2 $(7 $34   $(4 $(5 $28  


   (2  (2  7    (2  (2  7  




















   (4  (9  41    (6  (7  35  



















Deferred Tax Expense (Benefit)



   51    64    32    38    50    24  

Federal Investment Tax Credits

   —      (1  (1  —      (1  (1


   9    13    5    7    10    2  




















   60    76    36    45    59    25  



















Total Federal and State Income Tax Expense

  $56   $67   $77   $39   $52   $60  






















Income tax expense included in the income statements consists of the following:

September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     UniSource Energy     TEP 
     Years Ended December 31, 
     2011   2010   2009     2011   2010  2009 
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Current Tax Expense (Benefit)



    $(7  $34    $6      $(5  $28   $7  


     (2   7     —         (2   7    1  




















     (9   41     6       (7   35    8  



















Deferred Tax Expense (Benefit)



     64     32     47       50     24    38  

Federal Investment Tax Credits

     (1   (1   —         (1   (1  —    


     13     5     10       10     2    8  




















     76     36     57       59     25    46  



















Total Federal and State Income Tax Expense

    $67    $77    $63      $52    $60   $54  



















The significant components of deferred income tax assets and liabilities consist of the following:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     UniSource Energy
December 31,
December 31,
     2011   2010   2011   2010 
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Gross Deferred Income Tax Assets


Capital Lease Obligations

    $169    $192    $169    $192  

Net Operating Loss Carryforwards

     81     —       76     —    

Customer Advances and Contributions in Aid of Construction

     30     43     17     27  

Alternative Minimum Tax Credit

     43     34     25     16  

Accrued Postretirement Benefits

     23     24     23     24  

Renewable Energy Credit Up-Front Incentive Payments

     22     14     18     11  

Emission Allowance Inventory

     10     11     10     11  

Unregulated Investment Losses

     9     9     —       —    


     34     29     29     26  













Gross Deferred Income Tax Assets

     421     356     367     307  













Deferred Tax Assets Valuation Allowance

     (7   (8   —       —    













Gross Deferred Income Tax Liabilities



     (581   (465   (513   (413

Capital Lease Assets—Net

     (41   (48   (41   (48

Regulatory Asset—Income Taxes Recoverable Through Future Revenues

     (4   (7   (3   (7


     (17   (12   (18   (13


     (19   (1   (16   —    


     (29   (30   (17   (22













Gross Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

     (691   (563   (608   (503













Net Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

    $(277  $(215  $(241  $(196















   UNS Energy  TEP 
   December 31,  December 31, 
   2012  2011  2012  2011 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Gross Deferred Income Tax Assets


Capital Lease Obligations

  $141   $169   $141   $169  

Net Operating Loss Carryforwards

   72    81    85    76  

Customer Advances and Contributions in Aid of Construction

   34    30    19    17  

Alternative Minimum Tax Credit

   43    43    24    25  

Accrued Postretirement Benefits

   23    23    23    23  

Renewable Energy Credit Up-Front Incentive Payments

   26    22    20    18  

Emission Allowance Inventory

   10    10    10    10  

Unregulated Investment Losses

   9    9    —      —    


   44    34    43    29  













Gross Deferred Income Tax Assets

   402    421    365    367  













Deferred Tax Assets Valuation Allowance

   (7  (7  —      —    













Gross Deferred Income Tax Liabilities


Plant – Net

   (648  (585  (571  (516

Capital Lease Assets – Net

   (34  (41  (34  (41


   (23  (17  (24  (18


   (6  (19  (3  (16


   (15  (29  (15  (17













Gross Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

   (726  (691  (647  (608













Net Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

  $(331 $(277 $(282 $(241













The balance sheets display the net deferred income tax liability on the balance sheet is as follows:


   UNS Energy  TEP 
   December 31,  December 31, 
   2012  2011  2012  2011 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Deferred Income Taxes – Current Assets

  $34   $23   $37   $22  

Deferred Income Taxes – Noncurrent Liabilities

   (365  (300  (319  (263













Net Deferred Income Tax Liability

  $(331 $(277 $(282 $(241













September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     UniSource Energy   TEP 
     December 31,   December 31, 
     2011   2010   2011   2010 
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Deferred Income Taxes – Current Assets

    $23    $31    $22    $32  

Deferred Income Taxes – Noncurrent Liabilities

     (300   (246   (263   (228













Net Deferred Income Tax Liability

    $(277  $(215  $(241  $(196













Deferred tax assets are reduced by a valuation allowance when, in the opinion of management, it is more likely than not that some portion or the entire deferred income tax asset will not be realized. The $9 million unregulated investment loss deferred tax asset includes $7 million of capital loss at December 31, 20112012, and $8 million at December 31, 2010.2011. The deferred tax asset can only be used if the company has capital gains to offset the losses. Management believes that it is more likely than not that the company will not be able to generate future capital gains. As a result, UniSourceUNS Energy recorded a $7 million valuation allowance against the deferred tax asset as of December 31, 20112012, and $8 million at December 31, 2010.2011. Management believes that based on its historical pattern of taxable income, UniSourceUNS Energy will produce sufficient income in the future to realize all other deferred income tax assets.



Income Tax Position

As of December 31, 2012, UNS Energy and TEP had the following carryforward amounts:

   UNS Energy  TEP
   Amount   Expiring Year  Amount   Expiring Year
   -Amounts in Millions of Dollars-

Capital Loss

  $8    2015  $—      —  

Federal Net Operating Loss

   202    2031-32   233    2031-32

State Net Operating Loss

   14    2032   57    2016-32

State Credits

   2    2016-17   4    2016-17

AMT Credit

   43    None   24    None

State Tax Rate Change

We record deferred tax assets and liabilities using the income tax rates expected to be in effect when the deferred tax assets and liabilities are realized or settled. In the first quarter of 2011, the Arizona legislature passed a bill reducing the corporate income tax rate from the current rate of 6.968%. The tax rate reduction will be phased in beginning in 2014, with a reduction of approximately 0.5% per year until the income tax rate reaches 4.9% for 2017 and later years. As a result of these tax rate reductions, we reduced the net deferred tax liabilities at UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP by $13 million, offset entirely by adjustments to regulatory assets and liabilities. The income tax rate change did not have an impact on UniSourceUNS Energy’s and TEP’s effective tax rate for 2012 or 2011.

Excess Tax Benefit Realized from Share-Based Compensation Plans

UNS Energy records excess tax benefits as an increase to Common Stock when tax deductions for share-based compensation exceed the expense recorded in the financial statements and they result in a reduction to income taxes payable. As of December 31, 2012, UNS Energy had $2 million of excess tax benefits that were not recorded in Common Stock. The excess benefits will be recorded in Common Stock when the Federal net operating loss carryforwards of $202 million are used.

Uncertain Tax Positions

In accordance with accounting rules related to uncertain tax positions, we are required to determine whether it is “moremore likely than not”not that we will sustain an income tax position under examination. Each income tax position is measured to determine the amount of benefit to recognize in the financial statements. The following table shows the changes in unrecognized tax benefits of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     UniSource Energy   TEP 
     December 31,   December 31, 
     2011   2010   2011   2010 
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Unrecognized Tax Benefits, beginning of year

    $41    $19    $35    $19  

Additions based on tax positions taken in the current year

     9     11     8     8  

Reductions based on settlements with tax authorities

     (22   —       (19   —    

Additions based on tax positions taken in the prior year

     1     16     —       13  

Reductions based on tax positions taken in the prior year

     —       (4   —       (4

Reductions based on expiration of the statute of limitations

     —       (1   —       (1













Unrecognized Tax Benefits, end of year

    $29    $41    $24    $35  












   UNS Energy  TEP 
   December 31,  December 31, 
   2012  2011  2012  2011 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Unrecognized Tax Benefits, Beginning of Year

  $29   $41   $24   $35  

Additions Based on Tax Positions Taken in the Current Year

   5    9    3    8  

Reductions Based on Settlements with Tax Authorities

   (4  (22  (4  (19

Additions Based on Tax Positions Taken in the Prior Year

   —      1    —      —    













Unrecognized Tax Benefits, End of Year

  $30   $29   $23   $24  













Unrecognized tax benefits of $1 million, if recognized, would reduce the effective tax rate at December 31, 2011,2012, and December 31, 2010,2011, for both UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP. Included in reductions based on settlements with authorities is $13 million for UniSource Energy and $10 million for TEP related to a change in accounting method filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in 2011. The remaining balance in unrecognized tax benefits could change in the next twelve12 months as a result of ongoing IRS audits, but we are unable to determine the amount of the change.



UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP recognize interest accrued related to unrecognized tax benefits in Other Interest Expense in the income statements. UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP recorded a reduction to interest expense of $1 million in 2011 and 2009. We did not recognize a reduction to interest expense in 2010.2012. A reduction to Other Interest Expense of $1 million was recorded in 2011. The balance of interest payable for UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP was $1 million at both December 31, 20112012 and $2 million at December 31, 2010.2011. We have no penalties accrued in the years presented.




UNS Energy and TEP have been audited by the IRS through tax year 20062008 and are currently under audit by the IRS for 2008 through2009 and 2010. 2007 was not selected for audit. We are unable to determine when the audits will be completed. UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP are not currently under audit by any state tax agencies.



We maintain noncontributory, defined benefit pension plans for substantially all regular employees and certain affiliate employees. Benefits are based on years of service and the employee's average compensation. We fund the pension plans by contributing at least the minimum amount required under Internal Revenue Service regulations.

We recognize the underfunded status of our defined benefit pension plans as a liability on our balance sheets. The underfunded status is measured as the difference between the fair value of the pension plans’ assets and the projected benefit obligation for pension plans. We recognize a regulatory asset to the extent these future costs are probable of recovery in Retail Rates, and expect to recover these costs over the estimated service lives of employees.

Additionally, we provide supplemental retirement benefits to certain employees whose benefits are limited by Internal Revenue Service benefit or compensation limitations. Changes in Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (SERP) benefit obligations are recognized as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI).

Pension Contributions

The Pension Protection Act of 2006 (The Pension Act) established minimum funding targets for pension plans. A plan’s funding target is the present value of all benefits accrued or earned as of the beginning of the plan year. While the annual targets are not legally required, benefit payment options are limited for plans that do not meet the targets, and a funding deficiency notice must be sent to all plan participants. Our plans are in compliance with The Pension Act.

In 2012, UniSource2013, UNS Energy expects to contribute $23$24 million to the pension plans, including $20$22 million in contributions by TEP.


TEP provides limited health care and life insurance benefits for retirees. All regularActive TEP employees may become eligible for these benefits if they reach retirement age while working for TEP or an affiliate. UNS Gas and UNS Electric provide postretirementretiree medical benefits for current retirees. UNS Gas and UNS Electric active employees doare not participate in the postretirementeligible for retiree medical plan.benefits.

In 2009, TEP establishedhas a Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA) to fund its other postretirementretiree benefit plan.plan related to classified employees. TEP contributed $3 million in 2012, and $2 million in each of 2011 and 2010 and $1 million in 2009 to the VEBA. We record changes in other postretirementretiree obligation, not yet reflected in net periodic benefit cost, as a regulatory asset, as such amounts are probable of future recovery in Retail Rates. the rates charged to retail customers. Other retiree benefits for unclassified employees are funded on a year-by-year basis.

TEP’s retiree medical plan was amended effective December 31, 2011, to increase the participant contributions for unclassified employees who retire on or after July 1, 2012. TEP’s retiree medical plan was amended in 2012, to increase the participant contributions for classified employees who retire after February 1, 2014.




The pension and other postretirementretiree benefit related amounts (excluding tax balances) included on the UniSourceUNS Energy balance sheet are:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     Pension Benefits   Other Postretirement
     Years Ended December 31, 
     2011   2010   2011   2010 
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Regulatory Pension Asset included in Other Regulatory Assets

    $106    $86    $8    $8  

Accrued Benefit Liability included in Accrued Employee Expenses

     (1   —       (2   (4

Accrued Benefit Liability included in Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits

     (72   (63   (66   (65

Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss (SERP)

     2     4     —       —    













Net Amount Recognized

    $35    $27    $(60  $(61












   Pension Benefits  Other  Retiree
   Years Ended December 31, 
   2012  2011  2012  2011 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Regulatory Pension Asset Included in Other Regulatory Assets

  $129   $106   $10   $8  

Accrued Benefit Liability Included in Accrued Employee Expenses

   (1  (1  (2  (2

Accrued Benefit Liability Included in Pension and Other Retiree Benefits

   (90  (72  (69  (66

Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss (related to SERP)

   4    2    —      —    













Net Amount Recognized

  $42   $35   $(61 $(60













The table above includes accrued pension benefit liabilities for UNS Gas and UNS Electric of approximately $9 million at December 31, 2012, and $8 million at December 31, 2011, and $6 million at December 31, 2010.2011. The table also includes a postretirementretiree benefit liability of $1 million for UNS Gas and UNS Electric for each period presented.


We measured the actuarial present values of all pension benefit obligations and other postretirementretiree benefit plans at December 31, 2011,2012, and December 31, 2010.2011. The tablestable below includeincludes TEP’s, UNS Gas’, and UNS Electric’s plans. The change in projected benefit obligation and plan assets and reconciliation of the funded status are as follows:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Pension Benefits   Other Postretirement
    Years Ended December 31,   Pension Benefits Other  Retiree
    2011   2010   2011   2010   Years Ended December 31, 
    -Millions of Dollars-   2012 2011 2012 2011 
  -Millions of Dollars- 

Change in Projected Benefit Obligation


Benefit Obligation at Beginning of Year

    $283    $242    $73    $71    $319   $283   $73   $73  

Actuarial (Gain) Loss

     22     28     —       (1   51    22    3    —    

Interest Cost

     16     15     4     4     15    16    3    4  

Service Cost

     10     8     3     3     10    10    3    3  


     —       —       (2   —       —      —      —      (2


     —       1     —       —    

Benefits Paid

     (12   (11   (5   (4   (15  (12  (4  (5

















Projected Benefit Obligation at End of Year

     319     283     73     73     380    319    78    73  

















Change in Plan Assets


Fair Value of Plan Assets at Beginning of Year

     220     184     4     2     245    220    5    4  

Actual Return on Plan Assets

     14     25     —       —       36    14    1    —    

Benefits Paid

     (12   (11   (5   (4   (15  (12  (4  (5

Employer Contributions (1)

     23     22     6     6     23    23    5    6  

















Fair Value of Plan Assets at End of Year

     245     220     5     4     289    245    7    5  

















Funded Status at End of Year

    $(74  $(63  $(68  $(69  $(91 $(74 $(71 $(68



















TEP made $20 million in pension contributions and $6$5 million of other postretirementretiree benefits contributions in 20112012 and 2010.2011.




In March 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was signed into law. One provision of PPACA imposes a 40% excise tax on plans in which the aggregate value of employer-sponsored health insurance exceeds a threshold amount starting in 2018. There are uncertainties surrounding implementation and calculation of the excise tax. Our best estimate of the potential impact resulted in an increase in the postretirement benefit obligation of $1 million at December 31, 2011 and $2 million at December 31, 2010.

The table above includes the following for UNS Gas and UNS Electric:


Pension benefit obligations of $8$23 million at December 31, 2011,2012, and $6$18 million at December 31, 2010;



Plan assets of $10 million December 31, 2011, and $9$14 million at December 31, 2010;2012, and

$10 million at December 31, 2011; and


A postretirementretiree benefit liabilityobligation of $1 million at December 31, 20112012, and at December 31, 2010.


The following table provides the components of UniSourceUNS Energy’s regulatory assets and accumulated other comprehensive loss that have not been recognized as components of net periodic benefit cost as of the dates presented:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Pension Benefits     Other Postretirement
    Years Ended December 31,   Pension Benefits   Other  Retiree
    2011     2010     2011   2010   Years Ended December 31, 
    -Millions of Dollars-   2012   2011   2012 2011 
  -Millions of Dollars- 

Net Loss

    $108      $89      $11    $11    $133    $108    $13   $11  

Prior Service Cost (Benefit)

     1       1       (3   (3   1     1     (3  (3

Information for pension plans with Accumulated Benefit Obligations in excess of pension plan assets follows:


September 30,September 30,
    December 31,   December 31, 
    2011     2010   2012   2011 
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

Projected Benefit Obligation at End of Year

    $319      $283    $380    $319  

Accumulated Benefit Obligation at End of Year

     281       243     334     281  

Fair Value of Plan Assets at End of Year

     245       220     289     245  

At December 31, 2011,2012, and December 31, 2010,2011, all UniSourceUNS Energy defined benefit pension plans had accumulated benefit obligations in excess of pension plan assets.

The components of net periodic benefit costs are as follows:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Pension Benefits   Other Postretirement
    Years Ended December 31,   Pension Benefits Other Retiree
    2011   2010   2009   2011   2010   2009   Years Ended December 31, 
    -Millions of Dollars-   2012 2011 2010 2012   2011 2010 
  -Millions of Dollars- 

Service Cost

    $10    $8    $7    $3    $3    $2    $10   $10   $8   $3    $3   $3  

Interest Cost

     15     15     14     4     4     4     16    15    15    3     4    4  

Expected Return on Plan Assets

     (16   (14   (11   —       —       —       (17  (16  (14  —       —      —    

Prior Service Cost Amortization

     —       —       1     (1   (2   (2   —      —      —      —       (1  (2

Recognized Actuarial Loss

     6     5     7     —       —       1     7    6    5    —       —      —    

























Net Periodic Benefit Cost

    $15    $14    $18    $6    $5    $5    $16   $15   $14   $6    $6   $5  

























Approximately 19%20% of the net periodic benefit cost was capitalized as a cost of construction and the remainder was included in current year earnings.




The changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as regulatory assets or in AOCI are as follows:


   Pension Benefits 
   2012   2011  2010 
  AOCI   Regulatory
  AOCI  Regulatory
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Current Year Actuarial (Gain) Loss

  $30   $1    $25   $(2 $16   $1  

Amortization of Actuarial Gain (Loss)

   (7  —       (5  —      (5  —    



















Total Recognized (Gain) Loss

  $23   $1    $20   $(2 $11   $1  




















September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     Pension Benefits 
     2011   2010     2009 
   AOCI   Regulatory
   AOCI     Regulatory
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Current Year Actuarial (Gain) Loss

    $25    $(2  $16    $1      $(21

Amortization of Actuarial (Gain) Loss

     (5   —       (5   —         (7

Plan Amendments

     —       —       —       —         (1
















Total Recognized (Gain) Loss

    $20    $(2  $11    $1      $(29
















September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Other Postretirement Benefits   Other Retiree Benefits 
    2011   2010   2009   2012   2011 2010 
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

Prior Service Cost (Credit)

    $(2  $—      $—      $ —      $(2 $—    

Current Year Actuarial (Gain) Loss

     —       (1   1     2     —      (1

Amortization of Actuarial Gain (Loss)

     —       (1   (1

Prior Service (Cost) Amortization

     1     2     2  

Amortization of Actuarial (Gain) Loss

   —       —      (1

Amortization of Prior Service (Cost) Credit

   —       1    2  













Total Recognized (Gain) Loss

    $(1  $—      $2    $2    $(1 $—    













For all pension plans, we amortize prior service costs on a straight-line basis over the average remaining service period of employees expected to receive benefits under the plan. We will amortize $7$9 million estimated net loss and less than $0.5 million prior service cost from other regulatory assets and less than $0.5 million prior service cost from AOCI into net periodic benefit cost in 2012.2013. The estimated net loss for the defined benefit postretirement plans that will be amortized from other regulatory assets into net periodic benefit cost in 20122013 is less than $1 million. The estimated prior service benefit that will be amortized is less than $1 million.



Pension Benefits

  Other Retiree




  2012  2011 

Weighted-Average Assumptions Used to Determine

Benefit Obligations as of December 31,


Discount Rate

  4.1%-4.3%  4.9%-5.0%   3.8  4.7

Rate of Compensation Increase

  3.0%  3.0%   N/A    N/A  


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     Pension Benefits     Other Postretirement
      2011     2010     2011     2010 

Weighted-Average Assumptions Used to Determine Benefit Obligations as of the Measurement Date


Discount Rate

     4.9%-5.0%       5.5% - 5.6%       4.7%       5.2%  

Rate of Compensation Increase

     3.0%       3.0% – 5.0%       N/A       N/A  

September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Pension Benefits    Other Postretirement

Pension Benefits

  Other Retiree Benefits 
    2011    2010    2009    2011    2010    2009  






  2012 2011 2010 

Weighted-Average Assumptions Used to Determine Net Periodic Benefit Cost for Years Ended December 31


Weighted-Average Assumptions Used to Determine Net Periodic Benefit Cost for Years Ended December 31,


Discount Rate

    5.5%-5.6%    6.3%    6.3%    5.2%    6.0%    6.5%  4.9% - 5.0%  5.5% - 5.6%  6.3%   4.7  5.2  6.0

Rate of Compensation Increase

    3.0%-5.0%    3.0%–5.0%    3.0% -5.0%    N/A    N/A    N/A  3.0%  3.0% - 5.0%  3.0% - 5.0%   N/A    N/A    N/A  

Expected Return on Plan Assets

    7.0%    7.5%    8.0%    5.1%    5.6%    N/A  7.0%  7.0%  7.5%   7.0  5.1  5.6

Net periodic benefit cost is subject to various assumptions and determinations, such as the discount rate, the rate of compensation increase, and the expected return on plan assets.

We use a combination of sources in selecting the expected long-term rate-of-return-on-assets assumption, including an investment return model. The model used provides a “best-estimate” range over 20 years from the 25th percentile to the 75th percentile. The model, used as a guideline for selecting the overall rate-of-return-on-assets assumption, is based on forward looking return expectations only. The above method is used for all asset classes.




Changes that may arise over time with regard to these assumptions and determinations will change amounts recorded in the future as net periodic benefit cost. The assumed health care cost trend rates follow:


September 30,September 30,
    December 31,   December 31, 
    2011 2010   2012 2011 

Assumed Health Care Cost Trend Rates


Health Care Cost Trend Rate Assumed for Next Year

     6.9  7.9   6.9  6.9

Ultimate Health Care Cost Trend Rate Assumed

     4.5  4.5   4.5  4.5

Year that the Rate Reaches the Ultimate Trend Rate

     2049    2027     2027    2027  

Assumed health care cost trend rates significantly affect the amounts reported for health care plans. A one-percentage-point change in assumed health care cost trend rates would have the following effects on the December 31, 20112012, amounts:


September 30,September 30,
Point Increase
Point Decrease
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Effect on Total of Service and Interest Cost Components

    $1      $(1

Effect on Postretirement Benefit Obligation

     5       (5
Point Increase
Point Decrease
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Effect on Total Service and Interest Cost Components

  $1    $(1

Effect on Retiree Benefit Obligation

   6     (5


Pension Assets

We calculate the fair value of plan assets on December 31, the measurement date. Pension plan asset allocations, by asset category, on the measurement date were as follows:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    TEP Plan Assets UNS Gas and UNS Electric Plan Assets   TEP Plan Assets UNS Gas and UNS Electric Plan
    December 31,
 December 31,
 December 31,
 December 31,
   2012 2011 2012 2011 

Asset Category


Equity Securities

     49  57  55  57   50  49  56  55

Fixed Income Securities

     42    34    34    32     41    42    33    34  

Real Estate

     7    7    11    11     7    7    11    11  


     2    2    —      —       2    2    —      —    


















     100  100  100  100   100  100  100  100




















The following tables set forth the fair value measurements of pension plan assets by level within the fair value hierarchy:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     Fair Value Measurements of Pension Assets
December 31, 2011
     Quoted Prices
in Active
(Level 1)
     Significant Other

(Level 2)

(Level 3)
     - Millions of Dollars - 

Asset Category


Cash Equivalents

    $1      $—        $—        $1  

Equity Securities:


U.S. Large Cap

     —         61       —         61  

U.S. Small Cap

     —         13       —         13  


     —         47       —         47  

Fixed Income

     —         101       —         101  

Real Estate

     —         7       11       18  

Private Equity

     —         —         4       4  














    $1      $229      $15      $245  













September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Fair Value Measurements of Pension Assets
December 31, 2010
   Fair Value Measurements of Pension Assets
December 31, 2012
    Quoted Prices
in Active
(Level 1)

(Level 2)

(Level 3)
     Total   Quoted Prices
in Active
(Level 1)
   Significant Other

(Level 2)

(Level 3)
    - Millions of Dollars -   - Millions of Dollars - 

Asset Category


Cash Equivalents

    $1      $—        $—        $1    $1    $—      $—      $1  

Equity Securities:


U.S. Large Cap

     —         63       —         63  

U.S. Small Cap

     —         12       —         12  


     —         51       —         51  

United States Large Cap

   —       71     —       71  

United States Small Cap

   —       15     —       15  

Non-United States

   —       59     —       59  

Fixed Income

     —         75       —         75     —       116     —       116  

Real Estate

     —         6       10       16     —       8     13     21  

Private Equity

     —         —         2       2     —       —       6     6  


















    $1      $207      $12      $220    $1    $269    $19    $289  
















  Fair Value Measurements of Pension Assets
December 31, 2011
  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
  - Millions of Dollars - 

Asset Category


Cash Equivalents

  $1    $—      $—      $1  

Equity Securities:


United States Large Cap

   —       61     —       61  

United States Small Cap

   —       13     —       13  

Non-United States

   —       47     —       47  

Fixed Income

   —       101     —       101  

Real Estate

   —       7     11     18  

Private Equity

   —       —       4     4  










  $1    $229    $15    $245  









Level 1 cash equivalents are based on observable market prices and are comprised of the fair value of commercial paper, money market funds, and certificates of deposit.

Level 2 investments comprise amounts held in commingled equity funds, U.S.United States bond funds, and real estate funds. Valuations are based on active market quoted prices for assets held by each respective fund.

Level 3 real estate investments were valued using a real estate index value. The real estate index value was developed based on appraisals comprising 85%87% of real estate assets tracked by the index in 2011,2012 and comprising 94%85% in 2010.2011.

Level 3 private equity funds are classified as funds-of-funds. They are valued based on individual fund manager valuation models.



The tables above reflecting the fair value measurements of pension plan assets include Level 2 assets for the UES pension plan of $14 million at December 31, 2012, and $10 million at December 31, 2011, and $9 million at December 31, 2010.2011.



The following tables set forth a reconciliation of changes in the fair value of pension assets classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy. There were no transfers in or out of Level 3.


   Year Ended
December 31, 2012
   Real Estate   Total 

Beginning Balance at January 1, 2012

  $4    $11    $15  

Actual Return on Plan Assets:


Assets Held at Reporting Date

   1     2     3  

Purchases, Sales, and Settlements

   1     —       1  










Ending Balance at December 31, 2012

  $6    $13    $19  











September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Year Ended
December 31, 2011
    Private Equity     Real Estate     Hedge Fund     Total   Year Ended
December 31, 2011
    - Millions of Dollars -   Private
   Real Estate   Total 

Beginning Balance at January 1, 2011

    $2      $10      $—        $12    $2    $10    $12  

Actual Return on Plan Assets:


Assets Held at Reporting Date

     —         1       —         1     —       1     1  

Assets Sold During the Period

     —         —         —         —    

Purchases, Sales, and Settlements

     2       —         —         2     2     —       2  















Ending Balance at December 31, 2011

    $4      $11      $      $15    $4    $11    $15  















September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     Year Ended
December 31, 2010
     Private Equity     Real Estate     Hedge Fund   Total 
     - Millions of Dollars - 

Beginning Balance at January 1, 2010

    $1      $8      $1    $10  

Actual Return on Plan Assets:


Assets Held at Reporting Date

     —         1       —       1  

Assets Sold During the Period

     —         —         (1   (1

Purchases, Sales, and Settlements

     1       1       —       2  













Ending Balance at December 31, 2010

    $2      $10      $    $













UES hasUNS Gas and UNS Electric have no pension assets classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.

Pension Plan Investments

Investment Goals

Strategic assetAsset allocation is the principal method for achieving each pension plan’s investment objective,objectives, while maintaining an appropriate level of risk. We will consider the projected impact on benefit security of any proposed changes to the current asset allocation policy. The expected long-term returns and implications for pension plan sponsor funding will be reviewed in selecting policies to ensure that current asset pools are projected to be adequate to meet the expected liabilities of the pension plans. We expect to use asset allocation policies weighted most heavily to equity and fixed income funds, while maintaining some exposure to real estate and opportunistic funds. Within the fixed income allocation, long-duration funds may be used to partially hedge interest rate risk.

Risk Management

We recognize the difficulty of achieving investment objectives in light of the uncertainties and complexities of the investment markets. We also recognize some risk must be assumed to achieve a pension plan’s long-term investment objectives. In establishing risk tolerances, the following factors affecting risk tolerance and risk objectives will be considered: 1) plan status; 2)status, plan sponsor financial status and profitability; 3)profitability, plan features;features, and 4) workforce characteristics. We have determined that the pension plans can tolerate some interim fluctuations in market value and rates of return in order to achieve long-term objectives. TEP tracks each pension plan’s portfolio relative to the benchmark through quarterly investment reviews. The reviews consist of a performance and risk assessment of all investment categories and on the portfolio as a whole. Investment managers for the pension plan may use derivative financial instruments for risk management purposes or as part of their investment strategy. Currency hedges may also have beenbe used for defensive purposes.



Relationship between Plan Assets and Benefit Obligations

The overall health of each plan will be monitored by comparing the value of plan obligations (both Accumulated Benefit Obligation and Projected Benefit Obligation) against the marketfair value of assets and tracking the changes in each. The frequency of this monitoring will depend on the availability of plan data, but will be no less frequent than annually via annual actuarial valuation.



Target Allocation Percentages

The current target allocation percentages for the major asset categories of the plan assets as of December 31, 20112012, follow. Each plan allows a variance of +/- 2% from these targets before funds are automatically rebalanced.


September 30,September 30,September 30,
     TEP Plan  UES Plan  VEBA Trust 

Fixed Income

     41  33  38

U.S. Large Cap

     24  28  33

Non-U.S. Developed

     15  17  9

Real Estate

     8  11  —    

U.S. Small Cap

     5  5  7

Non-U.S. Emerging

     5  6  11

Private Equity

     2  —      —    

Cash / Treasury Bills

     —      —      2











     100  100  100









   TEP Plan  UES Plan  VEBA Trust 

Fixed Income

   41  33  35

United States Large Cap

   24    28    43  

Non-United States Developed

   15    17    13  

Real Estate

   8    11    —    

United States Small Cap

   5    6    2  

Non-United States Emerging

   5    5    5  

Private Equity

   2    —      —    

Cash/Treasury Bills

   —      —      2  











   100  100  100










Pension Fund Descriptions

The funds are managerFor each type of manager funds, which allow differentasset category selected by the Pension Committee, our investment consultant assembles a group of third-party fund managers and allocates a portion of the total investment to make investment decisions, witheach fund manager. In the exceptioncase of the private equity fund, which holdsour investment consultant directs investments to a portfolio of investmentprivate equity manager that invests in third-parties’ funds.

Other PostretirementRetiree Benefit Assets

As of December 31, 2012, the fair value of VEBA trust assets was $7 million, of which $3 million were fixed income investments and $4 million were equities. As of December 31, 2011, the fair value of VEBA trust assets werewas $5 million, of whichincluding $3 million were fixed income investments and $2 million were equities. As of December 31, 2010, the fair value of VEBA trust assets was $4 million, including $2 million of fixed income investments and approximately $2 million of equity and money market funds. The VEBA trust assets are primarily Level 2. There are no level threeLevel 3 assets in the VEBA trust.


TEP expects the following benefit payments to be made by the defined benefit pension plans and postretirementretiree plan, which reflect future service, as appropriate.


   -Millions of Dollars- 


  $15    $4  


   16     5  


   16     5  


   18     5  


   20     5  

Years 2018-2022

   110     30  

TEP’s union plan was amended in 2012 to allow terminated participants to elect early retirement benefits equal to the actuarial equivalent of the participant’s termination retirement benefit. The impact of the amendment on estimated future benefit payments shown above was approximately $5 million in total. The pension benefit obligation was not materially affected by this amendment.

September 30,September 30,
     -Millions of Dollars- 


    $13      $4  


     15       5  


     16       5  


     17       5  


     18       5  

Years 2017-2021

     109       31  

UNS Gas and UNS Electric expect annual pension and postretirement benefit payments, of approximately $6 million in 2012 through 2016 and $9 million in 2017 through 2021 to be made by the defined benefit pension and postretirement plans.retiree plans, to be approximately $2 million in 2013 through 2017, and $9 million in 2018 through 2022.





We offer a defined contribution savings plansplan to all eligible employees. The Internal Revenue Code identifies the plansplan as a qualified 401(k) plans.plan. Participants direct the investment of contributions to certain funds in their account which may include a UNS Energy stock fund. We match part of a participant’s contributions to the plans.plan. TEP made matching contributions to these plansthe plan of $5 million in 2012, $5 million in 2011, and $4 million in each of 2010 and 2009.2010. UNS Gas and UNS Electric made matching contributions of less than $1 million in each of 2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009.2010.


In 2011, UniSource Energy shareholders approvedUnder the UniSourceUNS Energy 2011 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan (2011 Plan), a new share-based compensation plan. Under the 2011 Plan, the Compensation Committee of the UniSourceUNS Energy Board of Directors (Compensation Committee) may issue various types of share-based compensation, including stock options, restricted shares/units, and performance shares. The total number of shares which may be awarded under the 2011 Plan cannot exceed 1.2 million shares. The 2011 Plan supersedes and replaces the UniSource Energy 2006 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan (2006 Plan) and all other prior equity compensation plans (Prior Plans). The Prior Plans, however, remain in effect until all stock options and other awards granted thereunder have been exercised, forfeited, canceled, expired or terminated.


No stock options were granted by the Compensation Committee during 2011 or 2010. In 2009, the Compensation Committee granted 248,760 stock options to officers with an exercise price of $26.11.

Stock options are granted with an exercise price equal to the fair market value of the stock on the date of grant, vest over three years, become exercisable in one-third increments on each anniversary date of the grant, and expire on the tenth anniversary of the grant. Compensation expense is recorded on a straight-line basis over the service period for the total award based on the grant date fair value of the options less estimated forfeitures. For awards granted to retirement eligibleretirement-eligible officers, compensation expense is recorded immediately. The 2002 stock option award accrues dividend equivalents that are paid in cash on the earlier of the date of separation of service or the date the option expires. Dividend equivalents are recorded as dividends when paid.

The fair value of the 2009 option award was estimated on the date of grant using the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model with the assumptions noted in the following table. The expected termSee summary of the stock options granted in 2009 was estimated using historical exercise data. The risk-free rate was based on the rate available on a U.S. Treasury Strip with a maturity equal to the expected term of the option at the time of the grant. The expected volatility was based on historical volatility for UniSource Energy’s stock for a period equal to the expected term of the award. The expected dividend yield on a share of stock was calculated using the historical dividend yield with the implicit assumption that current dividend yields will continueactivity in the future.table below:


(Shares in Thousands)

  2012   2011   2010 

Stock Options

  Shares  Weighted
   Shares  Weighted
   Shares  Weighted

Outstanding, Beginning of Year

   581   $29.11     921   $27.96     1,598   $24.50  


   —      —       —      —       —      —    


   (132  26.54     (319  25.60     (660  19.33  


   (40  37.88     (21  31.92     (17  37.88  










Outstanding, End of Year

   409    29.09     581    29.11     921    27.96  










Exercisable, End of Year

   409   $29.09     508   $29.53     654   $28.70  

Aggregate Intrinsic Value of Options Exercised ($000s)

   $1,878     $3,690     $9,124  


September 30,

Expected Term (years)


Risk-free Rate


Expected Volatility


Expected Dividend Yield


Weighted-Average Grant-Date Fair Value of


Options Granted During the Period

   At December 31, 2012 

Aggregate Intrinsic Value for Options Outstanding ($000s)


Aggregate Intrinsic Value for Options Exercisable ($000s)


Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life of Outstanding Options

   5.2 years  

Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life of Exercisable Options

   5.2 years  




See summary of the stock option activity in the table below:

September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,

(Shares in Thousands)

    2011     2010     2009 

Stock Options

    Shares   Weighted
     Shares   Weighted
     Shares   Weighted

Outstanding, Beginning of Year

     921    $27.96       1,598    $24.50       1,635    $22.50  


     —       —         —       —         249     26.11  


     (319   25.60       (660   19.33       (282   14.46  


     (21   31.92       (17   37.88       (4   12.28  










Outstanding, End of Year

     581     29.11       921     27.96       1,598     24.50  










Exercisable, End of Year

     508    $29.53       654    $28.70       1,085    $23.06  

Aggregate Intrinsic Value of Options Exercised ($000s)

    $3,690        $9,124        $4,177    

September 30,
     At December 31, 2011 

Aggregate Intrinsic Value for Options Outstanding ($000s)


Aggregate Intrinsic Value for Options Exercisable ($000s)


Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life of Outstanding Options

     5.6 years  

Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life of Exercisable Options

     5.4 years  

See summary of stock options in the table below:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     Options Outstanding     Options Exercisable 

Range of Exercise Prices

    Number of

     Number of


$17.44 - $17.84

     20       1.3 years      $17.75       20      $17.75  

$26.11 - $37.88

     561       5.7 years      $29.51       489      $30.01  
   Options Outstanding   Options Exercisable 

Range of Exercise Prices

  Number  of

   Number  of

Exercise Price


   409     5.2 years    $29.09     409    $29.09  


Restricted Stock Units

Restricted stock and stock units are generally granted to non-employee directors. Restricted stock is an award of Common Stock that is subject to forfeiture if the restrictions specified in the award are not satisfied. Stock units are a non-voting unit of measure that is equivalent to one share of Common Stock. The directors may elect to receive stock units in lieu of restricted stock. Restricted stock generally vests over periods ranging from one to three years and is payable in Common Stock. Stock units vest either immediately or over periods ranging from one to three years. The restricted stock units vest immediately upon death, disability, or retirement. In the January following the year the person is no longer a director, Common Stock shares will be issued for the vested stock units. Compensation expense equal to the fair market value on the grant date is recognized over the vesting period. Fully vested but undistributed stock unit awards accrue dividend equivalent stock units based on the fair market value of common shares on the date the dividend is paid.

Common Stock shares totaling 31,058 in 2012, 56,705 in 2011, and 14,866 in 2010 and 101,765 in 2009 were issued with no additional increase in equity as the expense was previously recognized over the vesting period.



The Compensation Committee granted in total, the following stock units to non-employee directors:


May 2012—15,303 stock units at a weighted average fair value of $35.94 per share;

2011—14,655 stock units at a weighted average fair value of $37.53 per share,share; and


May 2010—15,620 stock units at a weighted average fair value of $31.69 per share,

May 2009—21,886 stock units at a weighted average fair value of $26.73 per share.

Performance Share Awards

In 2012, 2011, and 2010, the Compensation Committee granted performance share awards to officers.upper management. Half of the performance share awards had a grant date fair value, based on a Monte Carlo simulation, of $33.73 per share. Those awards will be paid out in shares of UniSource Energy Common Stock based on a comparison of UniSourceUNS Energy’s cumulative Total Shareholder Return to the Edison Electric Institute Index during the performance period of January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2013.period. The remaining half had a grant date fair value of $36.58 per share andthese awards with a market condition were derived based on a Monte Carlo simulation. Compensation expense equal to the fair value on the grant date is recognized over the vesting period if the requisite service period is fulfilled, whether or not the threshold is achieved. The remaining half will be paid out in shares of UniSource Energy Common Stock based on cumulative net income during the performance period. The grant date fair values of these awards with a performance condition were the closing Common Stock market prices on the dates of grant. Compensation expense equal to the fair value on the grant date is recognized over the requisite service period only for the three-year period ending December 31, 2013.awards that ultimately vest. The performance shares vest based on the achievement of these goals by the end of the performance period; any unearned awards are forfeited. PerformanceVested performance shares are eligible for dividend equivalents during the performance period.

In 2010, the Compensation Committee granted performance share awards to officers. Half of the performance share awards had a grant date fair value, based on a Monte Carlo simulation, of $31.26 per share. Those awards will be paid out in shares of UniSource Energy Common Stock based on a comparison of UniSource Energy’s cumulative Total Shareholder Return to the Edison Electric Institute Index during the performance period of January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2012. The remaining half had a grant date fair value of $30.52 per share and will be paid out in shares of UniSource Energy Common Stock based on cumulative net income for the three-year period ending December 31, 2012. The performance shares vest based on the achievement of goals by the end of the performance period; any unearned awards are forfeited. Performance shares are eligible for dividend equivalents during the performance period.

In 2009, the Compensation Committee granted performance share awards to officers at a grant date fair value, based on a Monte Carlo simulation, of $21.62 per share. At December 31, 2011, upon completion of the three-year performance period, 45,642 shares vested based on goal attainment at 75% of targeted UniSource Energy Total Shareholder Return during the performance period compared to the Total Shareholder Return over the same period of an industry or peer group; 23,414 shares were unearned and forfeited. Compensation expense equal to the fair value on the grant date was recognized over the vesting period for the requisite service period.

September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     Performance Shares     Restricted Stock Units 
Fair Value
Fair Value

Non-vested at January 1, 2011

     156    $27.19       16    $31.69  


     93     35.26       15     37.53  


     (46   23.41       (16   31.69  


     (50   28.29       —       —    







Non-vested at December 31, 2011

     153    $32.85       15    $37.53  






           Grant Date Fair Value 



  Performance Period   Shares


   January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2014     80,140    $32.71    $36.40  


   January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2013     80,440     33.73     36.58  


   January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2012     93,720     31.26     30.52  




At December 31, 2012, upon completion of the three-year performance period, 76,478 shares were earned and vested; 17,242 shares were unearned and forfeited. The vested performance shares also earned 10,516 in dividend equivalent shares.

   Performance Shares   Restricted Stock Units 
Grant  Date

Fair Value
Grant  Date

Fair Value

Non-vested at January 1, 2012

   153   $32.85     15   $37.53  


   80    34.56     15    35.94  


   (77  31.08     (15  37.53  


   (11  31.42     —      —    







Non-vested at December 31, 2012

   145    34.83     15    35.94  







SHARE-BASED COMPENSATION EXPENSE (Stock Options, Performance Shares and Restricted Stock Units)Units, and Performance Shares)

Annually during 20092010 through 2011, UniSource2012, UNS Energy recorded share-based compensation expense of $3 million, $2 million of which related to TEP. No share-based compensation was capitalized as part of the cost of an asset. UniSourceThe actual tax deduction realized from the exercise of share-based payment arrangements totaled less than $1 million in 2012 and $3 million in 2010. UNS Energy did not realize a tax deduction from the exercise of share-based payment arrangements in 2011. In each of 2010 and 2009, UniSource Energy realized an actual tax deduction from the exercise of share-based payment arrangements of $3 million.

At December 31, 2011,2012, the total unrecognized compensation cost related to non-vested share-based compensation was $2 million, which will be recorded as compensation expense over the remaining vesting periods through December 2013.2014. The total number of shares awarded but not yet issued, including target performance based shares, under the share-based compensation plans at December 31, 2011,2012, was 0.71 million.


We categorize our assets and liabilities at fair value into the three-level hierarchy based on inputs used to determine the fair value measurement. Level 1 inputs are unadjusted quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in an active market. Level 2 inputs include quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities, quoted prices in non-active markets, and pricing models whose inputs are observable. Level 3 inputs are unobservable and supported by little or no market activity.



The following tables set forth,present, by level within the fair value hierarchy, UniSourceUNS Energy’s and TEP’s assets and liabilities accounted for at fair value on a recurring basis. These assets and liabilities are classified in their entirety based on the lowest level of input significant to the fair value measurement. There were no transfers between Levels 1, 2, or 3 for either reporting period.


   UNS Energy 
   Level 1   Level 2  Level 3  Total 
   December 31, 2012 
   - Millions of Dollars - 



Cash Equivalents(1)

  $20    $—     $—     $20  

Rabbi Trust Investments to Support the Deferred Compensation and SERP Plans(2)

   —       19    —      19  

Energy Contracts(3)

   —       2    5    7  













Total Assets

   20     21    5    46  















Energy Contracts(3)

   —       (7  (10  (17

Interest Rate Swaps(4)

   —       (10  —      (10













Total Liabilities

   —       (17  (10  (27













Net Total Assets and (Liabilities)

  $20    $4   $(5 $19  














September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    UniSource Energy   UNS Energy 
    Quoted Prices
in Active
Markets for
Identical Assets

(Level 1)

(Level 2)

(Level 3)
   Total   Level 1   Level 2 Level 3 Total 
    December 31, 2011   December 31, 2011 
    - Millions of Dollars -   - Millions of Dollars - 



Cash Equivalents(1)

    $23      $—      $—      $23    $23    $—     $—     $23  

Rabbi Trust Investments to support the Deferred Compensation and SERP Plans(2)

     —         16     —       16  

Energy Contracts(4)

     —         —       14     14  

Rabbi Trust Investments to Support the Deferred Compensation and SERP Plans(2)

   —       16    —      16  

Energy Contracts(3)

   —       —      14    14  

















Total Assets

     23       16     14     53     23     16    14    53  



















Energy Contracts(4)

     —         (21   (24   (45

Interest Rate Swaps(5)

     —         (12   —       (12

Energy Contracts(3)

   —       (21  (24  (45

Interest Rate Swaps(4)

   —       (12  —      (12

















Total Liabilities

     —         (33   (24   (57   —       (33  (24  (57

















Net Total Assets and (Liabilities)

    $23      $(17  $(10  $(4  $23    $(17 $(10 $(4

















   Level 1   Level 2  Level 3  Total 
   December 31, 2012 
   - Millions of Dollars - 



Cash Equivalents(1)

  $7    $—     $—     $7  

Rabbi Trust Investments to Support the Deferred Compensation and SERP Plans(2)

   —       19    —      19  

Energy Contracts(3)

   —       1    2    3  













Total Assets

   7     20    2    29  















Energy Contracts(3)

   —       (3  (2  (5

Interest Rate Swaps(4)

   —       (10  —      (10













Total Liabilities

   —       (13  (2  (15













Net Total Assets and (Liabilities)

  $7    $7   $—     $14  
















September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     UniSource Energy 
     Quoted Prices
in Active
Markets for
Identical Assets

(Level 1)

(Level 2)

(Level 3)
     December 31, 2010 
     - Millions of Dollars - 



Cash Equivalents(1)

    $38      $—      $—      $38  

Rabbi Trust Investments to support the Deferred Compensation and SERP Plans(2)

     —         16     —       16  

Collateral Posted(3)

     —         3     —       3  

Energy Contracts(4)

     —         —       15     15  













Total Assets

     38       19     15     72  















Energy Contracts(4)

     —         (19   (25   (44

Interest Rate Swaps(5)

     —         (10   —       (10













Total Liabilities

     —         (29   (25   (54













Net Total Assets and (Liabilities)

    $38      $(10  $(10  $18  













September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     Quoted Prices
in Active
Markets for
Identical Assets

(Level 1)

(Level 2)

(Level 3)
     December 31, 2011 
     - Millions of Dollars - 



Cash Equivalents(1)

    $8      $—      $—      $8  

Rabbi Trust Investments to support the Deferred Compensation and SERP Plans(2)

     —         16     —       16  

Energy Contracts(4)

     —         —       3     3  













Total Assets

     8       16     3     27  















Energy Contracts(4)

     —         (9   (3   (12

Interest Rate Swaps(5)

     —         (11   —       (11













Total Liabilities

     —         (20   (3   (23













Net Total Assets and (Liabilities)

    $8      $(4  $—      $4  















September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    TEP   TEP 
    Quoted Prices
in Active
Markets for
Identical Assets

(Level 1)

(Level 2)

(Level 3)
   Total   Level 1   Level 2 Level 3 Total 
    December 31, 2010   December 31, 2011 
    - Millions of Dollars -   - Millions of Dollars - 



Cash Equivalents(1)

    $21      $—      $—      $21    $8    $—     $—     $8  

Rabbi Trust Investments to support the Deferred Compensation and SERP Plans(2)

     —         16     —       16  

Energy Contracts(4)

     —         —       3     3  

Rabbi Trust Investments to Support the Deferred Compensation and SERP Plans(2)

   —       16    —      16  

Energy Contracts(3)

   —       —      3    3  

















Total Assets

     21       16     3     40     8     16    3    27  



















Energy Contracts(4)

     —         (7   (2   (9

Interest Rate Swaps(5)

     —         (10   —       (10

Energy Contracts(3)

   —       (9  (3  (12

Interest Rate Swaps(4)

   —       (11  —      (11

















Total Liabilities

     —         (17   (2   (19   —       (20  (3  (23

















Net Total Assets and (Liabilities)

    $21      $(1  $1    $21    $8    $(4 $—     $4  



















Cash Equivalents are based on observable market prices and include the fair value of commercial paper, money market funds and certificates of deposit. These amounts are included in Cash and Cash Equivalents and in Investments and Other Property—Other on the balance sheets.


Rabbi Trust Investments include amounts held in mutual and money market funds related to deferred compensation and SERP benefits. The valuation is based on quoted prices traded in active markets. These investments are included in Investments and Other Property—Property – Other on the balance sheets.

(3)Collateral provided for energy contracts with counterparties to reduce credit risk exposure. Collateral Posted is included in Current Assets—Other on the UniSource Energy balance sheet.

(4)Energy Contracts include gas swap agreements (Level 2), gas collarsand power options (Level 3), forward power purchase and sales contracts (Level 3), and forward power purchase contracts indexed to gas (Level 3), entered into to reduce exposure to energy price risk. These contracts are included in Other Assets and Derivative Instruments on the balance sheets. The valuation techniques are described below. See Note 16.


Interest Rate Swaps are valued based on the 3-month or 6-month LIBOR index or the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) Municipal Swapmunicipal swap index. These interest rate swaps are included in Derivative Instruments on the balance sheets.

Energy Contracts

We primarily apply the market approach for recurring fair value measurements. When we have observable inputs for substantially the full term of the asset or liability—liability, such as gas swap derivatives valued using New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) pricing adjusted for basis differences—differences, we categorize the instrument in Level 2. We categorize derivatives in Level 3 usingwhen we use an aggregate pricing service or published prices that represent a consensus reporting of multiple brokers.

For both power and gas prices, TEP and UNS Electricwe obtain quotes from brokers, major market participants, exchanges, or industry publications, and rely on our own price experience from active transactions in the market. We primarily use one set of quotations each for power and for gas and then validate those prices using other sources. We believe that the market information provided is reflective of market conditions as of the time and date indicated.

Published prices for energy derivative contracts may not be available due to the nature of contract delivery terms including: delivery periods duringsuch as non-standard time blocks delivery during only a few months of a given year when prices are quoted only for the annual average, or delivery at illiquidand non-standard delivery points. In these cases, we use percentage multipliers to value non-standard time blocks, we apply adjustments based on historical price curve relationships, to calendar year quotes, and we include adjustments for transmission, and line losses tolosses.

We estimate the fair value contracts at illiquid delivery points. of our options using the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model which includes inputs such as implied volatility, correlations, interest rates, and forward price curves.



We also consider the impact of counterparty credit risk using current and historical default and recovery rates, as well as our own credit risk using market credit default swap data. We review these assumptions quarterly.



TEP estimates the fair value of its purchase power call option using an internal pricing model which includes assumptions about market risks such as liquidity, volatility, and contract valuation. This model also considers credit and non-performance risk.

UNS Gas estimates the fair value of its gas collar using the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model which includes assumptions about future prices of energy, interest rates, volatility, credit worthiness and credit spread.

UniSource Energy’s and TEP’sOur assessments of the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurements requires judgment and may affect the valuation of fair value assets and liabilities and their placement within the fair value hierarchy levels. We review the assumptions underlying our contracts monthly.

The following table provides quantitative information regarding significant unobservable inputs in UNS Energy’s Level 3 fair value measurements:

   Fair Value at December 31, 2012  Range of 
   Assets   Liabilities  Unobservable Input 
   -Millions of Dollars-    

Forward Contracts(1)

  $4    $(10 

Valuation Technique: Market approach


Unobservable Input:


Market price per MWh

      $19.50 - $ 56.24  

Option Contracts(2)

   1     —     

Valuation Technique: Option model


Unobservable Inputs:


Market Price per MWh

      $29.50 - $ 46.00  

Power Volatility

      30.38% - 59.95%  

Market Price per MMbtu

      $3.22 - $ 3.84  

Gas Volatility

      29.32% -36.14%  







Level 3 Energy Contracts

  $5    $(10 








TEP comprises $1 million of the forward contract assets and $2 million of the forward contract liabilities.


The option contracts relate to TEP.

Our exposure to risk resulting from changes in the unobservable inputs identified above is mitigated as we report the change in fair value of energy contract derivatives as a regulatory asset or a regulatory liability. These are recoverable through the PPFAC or PGA mechanisms, or as a component of other comprehensive income, rather than in the income statements.

The following tables set forthpresent a reconciliation of changes in the fair value of assets and liabilities classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy:


September 30,September 30,
     Year Ended
December 31, 2011
     Energy Contracts 
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Balance as of December 31, 2010

    $(10  $1  

Gains and (Losses) (Realized/Unrealized) Recorded to:


Net Regulatory Assets – Derivative Instruments

     (9   2  

Other Comprehensive Income

     (1   (1


     10     (2







Balance as of December 31, 2011

    $(10  $—    







Total gains (losses) attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets/liabilities still held at the end of the period

    $(9  $—    






   Year Ended
December 31, 2012
   Energy Contracts 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Balance as of December 31, 2011

  $(10 $—    

Realized/Unrealized Gains/(Losses)Recorded to:


Net Regulatory Assets/Liabilities – Derivative Instruments

   (5  1  


   10    (1







Balance as of December 31, 2012

  $(5 $—    







Total Gains/(Losses) Attributable to the Change in Unrealized Gains/(Losses) Relating to Assets/Liabilities Still Held at the End of the Period

  $(1 $—    










September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     Year Ended
December 31, 2010
     UniSource Energy   TEP 
   Total   Energy
     - Millions of Dollars - 

Balance as of December 31, 2009

    $(13  $6    $(7  $(4

Gains and (Losses) (Realized/Unrealized) Recorded to:


Net Regulatory Assets – Derivative Instruments

     (9   —       (9   9  

Other Comprehensive Income

     (1   —       (1   (1

Other Expense

     —       (6   (6   —    


     13     —       13     (3













Balance as of December 31, 2010

    $(10  $—      $(10  $1  













Total gains (losses) attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets/liabilities still held at the end of the period

    $(4  $—      $(4  $5  













(1)In December 2010, Millennium reduced to zero the book value of its equity investments classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.
   Year Ended
December 31, 2011
   Energy Contracts 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Balance as of December 31, 2010

  $(10 $1  

Realized/Unrealized Gains/(Losses) Recorded to:


Net Regulatory Assets/Liabilities – Derivative Instruments

   (9  2  

Other Comprehensive Income

   (1  (1


   10    (2







Balance as of December 31, 2011

  $(10 $—    







Total Gains/(Losses) Attributable to the Change in Unrealized Gains/(Losses) Relating to Assets/Liabilities Still Held at the End of the Period

  $(9 $—    







Financial Instruments Not Carried at Fair Value

The fair value of a financial instrument is the market price received when sellingto sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability at the measurement date is the fair value of a financial instrument.date. We use the following methods and assumptions for estimating the fair value of our financial instruments:


The carrying amounts of our current assets and liabilities, including Current Maturitiescurrent maturities of Long-Term Debt,long-term debt, and amounts outstanding under our credit agreements, which approximate theirthe fair valuevalues due to the short-term nature of these instruments; with the exception of $50 million of UNS Gas Senior Unsecured Notes, outstanding at December 31, 2010, with a make-whole provision on a call premium that have a fair value of $51 million.financial instruments. These items have been excluded from the table below.


InvestmentsFor Investment in Lease Debt, and Equity: TEP calculateswe calculate the present value of remaining cash flows at the balance sheet date using current market rates for instruments with similar characteristics with respect tosuch as credit rating and time-to-maturity. We also incorporate the impact of counterparty credit risk using market credit default swap data. The fair value of TEP’s

For Investment in Lease Equity, decreased significantly duringwe estimate the fourth quarterprice at which an investor would realize a target internal rate of 2011return. Our estimates include: the mix of debt and equity an investor would use to finance the purchase; the cost of debt; the required return on equity; and income tax rates. The estimate assumes a residual value based on the recentan appraisal of Springerville Unit 1 appraisal. No impairment was recorded as TEP expects to recover the full carrying value in Retail Rates.2011.


For Long-Term Debt: UniSource Energy and TEPDebt, we use quoted market prices, where available, or calculate the present value of remaining cash flows at the balance sheet date usingdate. When calculating present value, we use current market rates for bonds with similar characteristics with respect tosuch as credit rating and time-to-maturity. TEP considersWe consider the principal amounts of variable rate debt outstanding to be reasonable estimates of theirthe fair value. We also incorporate the impact of our own credit risk using a credit default swap rate when determining the fair value of long-term debt.rate.




The use of different estimation methods and/or market assumptions may yield different estimated fair value amounts. The amountcarrying value recorded on the balance sheet (carrying value) and the estimated fair values of our financial instruments included the following:were as follows:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    December 31,   ��   December 31, 
    2011     2010       2012   2011 
   Fair Value
    -Millions of Dollars-       -Millions of Dollars- 



TEP Investment in Lease Debt and Equity

    $66      $50      $105      $111  

TEP Investment in Lease Debt

   Level 2    $9    $9    $29    $29  

TEP Investment in Lease Equity

   Level 3     36     23     37     21  



Long-Term Debt


UNS Energy

   Level 2     1,498     1,583     1,517     1,543  


     1,080       1,061       1,004       862     Level 2     1,223     1,271     1,080     1,061  

UniSource Energy

     1,517       1,543       1,353       1,238  

TEP intends to holdheld the $29 million investmentInvestment in Springerville Lease Debt Securities to maturity.maturity in January 2013. This investment iswas stated at amortized cost, which means the purchase cost hashad been adjusted for the amortization of the premium and discount to maturity.

The fair value of TEP’s Long-Term Debt increased from prior year because of a change in valuation methodology concerning the make-whole premium applied to the bonds if they are called early.


We compute basic EPSEarnings Per Share (EPS) by dividing Net Income by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period. Except when the effect would be anti-dilutive, the diluted EPS calculation includes the impact of shares that could be issued upon exercise of outstanding stock options; contingently issuable shares under equity-based awards, or common shares that would result from the conversion of convertible notes.Convertible Senior Notes. The numerator in calculating diluted EPS is Net Income adjusted for the interest on Convertible Senior Notes (net of tax) that would not be paid if the remaining notes, not yet converted, were converted to common shares.Common Stock.



The following table shows the effects of potentially dilutive common stock on the weighted average number of shares:


September 30,September 30,September 30,
     Years Ended December 31, 
     2011     2010     2009 
     -Thousands of Dollars- 



Net Income

    $109,975      $112,984      $105,901  

Income from Assumed Conversion of Convertible Senior Notes

     4,390       4,390       4,390  










Adjusted Numerator

    $114,365      $117,374      $110,291  









     -Thousands of Shares- 



Weighted Average Shares of Common Stock Outstanding:


Common Shares Issued

     36,780       36,200       35,653  

Fully Vested Deferred Stock Units

     129       123       105  

Participating Securities

     53       92       100  










Total Weighted Average Shares of Common Stock Outstanding and Participating Securities—Basic

     36,962       36,415       35,858  

Effect of Diluted Securities:


Convertible Senior Notes

     4,281       4,178       4,093  

Options and Stock Issuable under Share Based Compensation


     366       448       499  










Total Shares—Diluted

     41,609       41,041       40,450  












   Years Ended December 31, 
   2012   2011   2010 
   -Thousands of Dollars- 



Net Income

  $90,919    $109,975    $112,984  

Income from Assumed Conversion of Convertible Senior Notes

   1,100     4,390     4,390  










Adjusted Numerator

  $92,019    $114,365    $117,374  









   -Thousands of Shares- 



Weighted Average Shares of Common Stock Outstanding:


Common Shares Issued

   40,212     36,780     36,200  

Fully Vested Deferred Stock Units

   150     129     123  

Participating Securities

   —       53     92  










Total Weighted Average Shares of Common Stock Outstanding and Participating Securities—Basic

   40,362     36,962     36,415  

Effect of Diluted Securities:


Convertible Senior Notes

   1,062     4,281     4,178  

Options and Stock Issuable Under Share-Based Compensation Plans

   331     366     448  










Total Shares—Diluted

   41,755     41,609     41,041  










The following table shows the number of stock options excluded from the diluted EPS computation because the stock option’s exercise price was greater than the average market price of the Common Stock:


September 30,September 30,September 30,
     Years Ended December 31, 
     2011     2010     2009 
     -Thousands of Shares- 

Stock Options Excluded from the Diluted EPS Computation

     153       212       395  









   Years Ended December 31, 
   2012   2011   2010 
   -Thousands of Shares- 

Stock Options Excluded from the Diluted EPS Computation

   50     153     212  










In Januarythe first half of 2012, holders of approximately $33 millionthe entire balance of Convertible Senior Notes was converted their interests into approximately 964,000 shares of UniSource Energyto Common Stock. This conversion of convertible notes to common stock will have a minimal impact on diluted EPS as the dilutive effect of the convertible notes has been reflected in the diluted EPS computation.Shares or redeemed for cash. See Note 6.


In 2010, Millennium recorded impairment losses of $10 million reducing the book value of its unconsolidated equity and cost method investments to zero. Millennium received notification of valuation changes and ownership percentage reductions as projects lost viability and funding failed. In addition, Millennium sold a wholly-owned subsidiary and recorded a gain of less than $1 million. Gains and losses were included in Other Income or Other Expense on UniSource Energy'sin UNS Energy’s income statements. Millennium also wrote off $3 million of Deferred Tax Assets related to its investments.

In 2009, Millennium sold an equity investment, and recorded a $6 million gain on the sale which is included in Other Income on UniSource Energy's income statements. Millennium receivedreceiving an upfront payment of $5 million in 2009 and a $15 million, three-year, 6%, secured note receivable due in June 2012. Principal onpromissory note. Millennium received the note is due at maturity; interest on the note is due annually on December 31. Theremaining principal amount of $15 million note is included in Current Asset – Other on UniSource Energy’s balance sheet.2012.




The following recently issued accounting standards are not yet reflected in the financial statements:


The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued authoritative guidance that will eliminate the current option to report other comprehensive income in the statement of changes in equity. An entity can elect to present items of net income and other comprehensive income in one continuous statement, or in two separate but consecutive statements. We will be required to comply in the first quarter of 2012 and plan to present a separate statement of other comprehensive income.

The FASB issued authoritative guidance that changed some fair value measurement principles and disclosure requirements. The most significant disclosure change is expansion of required information for unobservable inputs. We will be required to comply in the first quarter of 2012, and we do not expect this pronouncement to have a material impact on the valuation techniques used to estimate the fair value of assets and liabilities.

The FASB issued authoritative guidance that will require entities to disclose both gross and net information about instruments and transactions eligible for offset in the statement of financial position as well as instruments and transactions(balance sheet) or subject to an agreement similar to a master netting arrangement. In addition, the standardpronouncement requires disclosure of collateral received and posted in connection with master netting arrangements. We will be required to comply in the first quarter of 2013.2013 and do not expect this pronouncement to have a material impact on our disclosures.

The FASB issued a rule which amends the guidance for impairment testing of indefinite-lived intangible assets. An entity will have the option to perform qualitative analysis to determine whether an indefinite-lived intangible asset may be impaired. If the qualitative assessment does not result in likely impairment, an entity will not be required to perform the quantitative impairment test. We will be required to comply in the first quarter of 2013; however, we do not expect this pronouncement to have a material impact on our financial statements as our indefinite-lived intangible assets, RECs, are currently recoverable under the RES as we use RECs to comply with renewable resources requirements.

The FASB decided in December 2012 to require new disclosures on items reclassified from AOCI. Companies will be required to disclose, in a single location, amounts reclassified from each component of AOCI based on its source and the income statement line items affected by the reclassification. We plan to present this information in a footnote. We will be required to comply in the first quarter of 2013 and do not expect this decision to have a material impact on our financial statements.





A reconciliation of net income to net cash flows from operating activities follows:


September 30,September 30,September 30,
    UniSource Energy   UNS Energy 
    Years Ended December 31,   Years Ended December 31, 
    2011   2010   2009   2012 2011 2010 
    -Thousands of Dollars-   -Thousands of Dollars- 

Net Income

    $109,975    $112,984    $105,901    $90,919   $109,975   $112,984  

Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities


Depreciation Expense

     133,832     128,215     144,960     141,303    133,832    128,215  

Amortization Expense

     30,983     28,094     31,058     35,784    30,983    28,094  

Depreciation and Amortization Recorded to Fuel and Other O&M Expense

     6,140     5,432     4,929  

Depreciation and Amortization Recorded to Fuel and O&M Expense

   6,622    6,140    5,432  

Amortization of Deferred Debt-Related Costs included in Interest Expense

     3,985     3,753     4,171     3,000    3,985    3,753  

Provision for Retail Customer Bad Debts

     2,072     3,724     3,583     2,767    2,072    3,724  

Use of Renewable Energy Credits for Compliance

     5,695     4,745     —       5,935    5,695    4,745  

California Power Exchange Provision for Wholesale Revenue Refunds Refunds

     —       —       4,172  

Deferred Income Taxes

     75,588     28,142     57,452     60,273    75,787    28,142  

Deferred Tax Valuation Allowance

     (73   7,510     —       (9  (272  7,510  

Pension and Postretirement Expense

     21,202     19,688     23,594  

Pension and Postretirement Funding

     (28,775   (27,742   (30,078

Share Based Compensation Expense

     2,599     2,751     2,779  

Pension and Retiree Expense

   21,856    21,202    19,688  

Pension and Retiree Funding

   (29,058  (28,775  (27,742

Share-Based Compensation Expense

   2,573    2,599    2,751  

Excess Tax Benefit from Stock Options Exercised

     —       (3,338   (3,256   (145  —      (3,338

Allowance for Equity Funds Used During Construction

     (4,496   (4,232   (4,113   (3,464  (4,496  (4,232

CTC Revenue Refunded

     (35,958   (10,095   (12,726

Decrease to Reflect PPFAC/PGA Recovery

     (4,932   (29,622   (14,553

Increase (Decrease) to Reflect PPFAC/PGA Recovery

   32,246    (4,932  (29,622

Competition Transition Charge Revenue Refunded

   —      (35,958  (10,095

Partial Write-off of Tucson to Nogales Transmission Line

   4,668    —      —    

Liquidated Damages for Springerville Unit 3 Outage

   2,050    —      —    

Gain on Settlement of El Paso Electric Dispute

     (7,391   —       —       —      (7,391  —    

Loss/(Gain) on Millennium’s Investments

     —       9,936     (4,730

Loss on Millennium’s Investments

   —      —      9,936  

Changes in Assets and Liabilities which Provided (Used)


Cash Exclusive of Changes Shown Separately


Accounts Receivable

     2,743     (8,851   6,458     3,369    2,743    (8,851

Materials and Fuel Inventory

     (20,864   21,744     (24,621   (39,429  (20,864  21,744  

Accounts Payable

     7,397     2,661     (8,243   595    8,792    2,661  

Income Taxes

     (2,739   24,470     11,443     (11,557  (2,739  24,470  

Interest Accrued

     14,344     14,354     15,956     6,922    14,344    14,354  

Taxes Other Than Income Taxes

   (58  2,857    2,442  

Current Regulatory Liabilities

     2,644     2,788     10,009     (684  2,644    2,788  

Taxes Other Than Income Taxes

     2,857     2,442     (48


     20,492     7,367     23,213     11,631    19,097    7,367  













Net Cash Flows – Operating Activities

    $337,320    $346,920    $347,310    $348,109   $337,320   $346,920  
















September 30,September 30,September 30,
    TEP   TEP 
    Years Ended December 31,   Years Ended December 31, 
    2011   2010   2009   2012 2011 2010 
    -Thousands of Dollars-   -Thousands of Dollars- 

Net Income

    $85,334    $108,260    $90,688    $65,470   $85,334   $108,260  

Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities


Depreciation Expense

     104,894     99,510     116,970     110,931    104,894    99,510  

Amortization Expense

     34,650     32,196     35,931     39,493    34,650    32,196  

Depreciation and Amortization Recorded to Fuel and Other O&M Expense

     4,509     3,855     3,439  

Depreciation and Amortization Recorded to Fuel and O&M Expense

   5,384    4,509    3,855  

Amortization of Deferred Debt-Related Costs included in Interest Expense

     2,378     2,146     2,364     2,227    2,378    2,146  

Provision for Retail Customer Bad Debts

     1,447     2,506     2,342     1,871    1,447    2,506  

Use of Renewable Energy Credits for Compliance

     5,190     4,245     —       5,071    5,190    4,245  

California Power Exchange Provision for Wholesale Revenue Refunds Refunds

     —       —       4,172  

Deferred Income Taxes

     59,309     24,897     45,678     45,232    59,309    24,897  

Pension and Postretirement Expense

     18,816     17,454     21,294  

Pension and Postretirement Funding

     (25,878   (25,672   (28,330

Share Based Compensation Expense

     2,027     2,131     2,121  

Allowance for Equity Funds used During Construction

     (3,842   (3,567   (3,516

CTC Revenue Refunded

     (35,958   (10,095   (12,726

Decrease to Reflect PPFAC Recovery

     (6,165   (21,541   (18,186

Pension and Retiree Expense

   19,289    18,816    17,454  

Pension and Retiree Funding

   (25,899  (25,878  (25,672

Share-Based Compensation Expense

   2,029    2,027    2,131  

Allowance for Equity Funds Used During Construction

   (2,840  (3,842  (3,567

Increase (Decrease) to Reflect PPFAC Recovery

   31,113    (6,165  (21,541

Competition Transition Charge Revenue Refunded

   —      (35,958  (10,095

Partial Write-off of Tucson to Nogales Transmission Line

   4,484    —      —    

Liquidated Damages for Springerville Unit 3 Outage

   2,050    —      —    

Gain on Settlement of El Paso Electric Dispute

     (7,391   —       —       —      (7,391  —    

Changes in Assets and Liabilities which Provided (Used)


Cash Exclusive of Changes Shown Separately


Accounts Receivable

     4,809     (5,156   (951   (871  4,809    (5,156

Materials and Fuel Inventory

     (19,789   20,920     (23,794   (38,384  (19,789  20,920  

Accounts Payable

     13,166     (447   (10,456   1,115    14,561    (447

Income Taxes

     (5,582   20,203     (2,714   (11,421  (5,582  20,203  

Interest Accrued

     14,268     14,431     16,142     8,055    14,268    14,431  

Taxes Other Than Income Taxes

   905    2,282    1,469  

Current Regulatory Liabilities

     303     2,500     10,555     (3,040  303    2,500  

Taxes Other Than Income Taxes

     2,282     1,469     725  


     19,517     12,238     16,316     5,655    18,122    12,238  













Net Cash Flows – Operating Activities

    $268,294    $302,483    $268,064    $267,919   $268,294   $302,483  














In 2012, the issuancefollowing non-cash transactions occurred:

UNS Energy converted $147 million of the previously outstanding $150 million Convertible Senior Notes into Common Shares. See Note 6; and

TEP redeemed $193 million of tax-exempt bonds and reissued debt using a trustee. Since the cash flowed through trust accounts, the redemption and reissuance of debt resulted in a non-cash transaction at TEP. See Note 6.

In 2010, Coconino Bonds were deposited withthe following non-cash transactions occurred:

TEP used a trustee to issue and were used in 2010 to redeem $37 million of pollution controltax-exempt bonds. TEP had no cash receipts or payments as a result of this transaction. See Note 6; and


TEP deposited proceeds from the issuance of $100 million of Pima County tax-exempt IDBs were deposited in a construction fund with a trustee. TEP drew down funds as qualified expenditures were incurred. The $11 million remaining in the construction fund at December 31, 2010, affected recognized assets and liabilities but did not result in cash receipts or payments. TEP drew down the remaining funds in the construction fund by March 2011. See Note 6.


Proceeds from the issuance of $95 million of unsecured fixed rate IDBs in 2009 were deposited with a trustee and were used in 2009, to redeem approximately $95 million of unsecured fixed rate IDBs. TEP had no cash receipts or payments as a result of this transaction.NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued)

Other non-cash investing and financing activities that affected recognized assets and liabilities but did not result in cash receipts or payments were as follows:




September 30,September 30,September 30,
    Years Ended December 31,   Years Ended December 31, 
    2011   2010   2009   2012   2011 2010 
    -Thousands of Dollars-   -Thousands of Dollars- 

(Decrease)/Increase to Utility Plant Accruals(1)

    $(2,154  $8,514    $1,082    $4,813    $(2,741 $8,514  

Net Cost of Removal of Interim Retirements(2)

     31,626     4,592     43,381     35,983     31,626    4,592  

Capital Lease Obligations(3)

     15,162     16,630     17,984     11,967     15,162    16,630  

Asset Retirement Obligations(4)

     7,638     (1,872   —       789     7,638    (1,872

UED Secured Term Loan Prepayments(5)

     —       3,188     3,625     —       —      3,188  



The non-cash additions to Utility Plant represent accruals for capital expenditures.


The non-cash net cost of removal of interim retirements represents an accrual for future asset retirement obligations that does not impact earnings.


The non-cash change in capital lease obligations represents interest accrued for accounting purposes in excess of interest payments.


The non-cash additions to asset retirement obligations and related capitalized assets represent revision of estimated asset retirement cost due to changes in timing and amount of expected future asset retirement obligations.


The non-cash UED Secured Term Loan prepayment represents deposits applied to $30 million of loan principal.


See Note 1 for description of our related accounting policies and Note 11 for information related to the fair value of derivatives.


Cash Flow Hedges

At December 31, 2011, UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP had liabilities related to their cash flow hedges of $12 million as of December 31, 2012, and $14 million and $12 million atas of December 31, 2010.2011. TEP’s power purchase swap agreement under which these hedges are entered into expires in 2015.

The net after-tax unrealized gains and losses on derivative activitiescash flow hedge activity and amounts reclassified to earnings are reported in AOCI were as follows:the statements of other comprehensive income. The amounts reclassified to earnings are reported in Long Term Debt Interest Expense, Capital Leases Interest Expense, and Purchased Power Expense in the statements of income. The amounts expected to be reclassified to earnings within the next twelve months is estimated to be $2 million.

September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     UniSource Energy     TEP 
     Years Ended December 31, 
     2011     2010     2009     2011     2010     2009 
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Net After-Tax Unrealized Losses

    $4      $6      $—        $4      $6      $—    

Regulatory Treatment of Commodity Derivatives

The following table disclosesWe disclose unrealized gains and losses on energy contracts that are recoverable through the PPFAC or PGA on the balance sheetsheets as a regulatory asset or a regulatory liability rather than as a componentin the statements of AOCIother comprehensive income or in the income statements.statements, as shown in the following table:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     UniSource Energy   TEP 
     Years Ended December 31, 
     2011     2010     2009   2011     2010   2009 
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Increase (Decrease) to Regulatory Assets

    $2      $—        $(29  $2      $(4  $(11
   UNS Energy   TEP 
   Years Ended December 31, 
   2012  2011   2010   2012  2011   2010 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Increase (Decrease) to Regulatory Assets /Liabilities

  $(21 $2    $—      $(6 $2    $(4




The fair valuevalues of derivative assets and liabilities were as follows:


   UNS Energy  TEP 
   Years Ended December 31, 
   2012  2011  2012  2011 
   -Millions of Dollars- 


  $7   $14   $4   $3  


   (15  (43  (4  (9













Net Assets (Liabilities)

  $(8 $(29 $—     $(6













Derivative assets are included in Derivative Instruments and Other Non-Current Assets on the UNS Energy balance sheet and Other Current Assets and Other Non-Current Assets on the TEP balance sheet.

September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     UniSource Energy   TEP 
     December 31,
   December 31,
   December 31,
   December 31,
     -Millions of Dollars- 


    $14    $15    $3    $3  


     (43   (42   (9   (7













Net Assets (Liabilities)

    $(29  $(27  $(6  $(4













The realized losses on settled gas swaps that are fully recoverable through the PPFAC or PGA were as follows:


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
     UniSource Energy     TEP 
     Years Ended December 31, 
     2011     2010     2009     2011     2010     2009 
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Realized Losses on Gas Swaps

    $19      $23      $51      $7      $9      $29  
   UNS Energy  TEP 
   Years Ended December 31, 
   2012  2011  2010  2012  2011  2010 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Realized Losses on Gas Swaps

  $(22 $(19 $(23 $(10 $(7 $(9

At December 31, 2011, UniSource2012, UNS Energy and TEP had contracts that will settle through the thirdfourth quarter of 2015.

Other Commodity Derivatives

The settlement of forward purchased power and sales contracts that do not result in physical delivery were reflected in the financial statements of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP as follows:


   UNS Energy  TEP 
   2012  2011  2010  2012  2011  2010 
   -Millions of Dollars- 

Recorded in Wholesale Sales (1):


Forward Power Sales

  $22   $41   $53   $5   $14   $27  

Forward Power Purchases

   (20  (46  (62  (6  (15  (34



















Total Sales and Purchases Not Resulting in Physical Delivery

  $2   $(5 $(9 $(1 $(1 $(7



















(1) The amounts previously reported have been revised.

September 30,September 30,September 30,
     2011   2010   2009 
     -Millions of Dollars- 

Recorded in Wholesale Sales:


Forward Power Sales

    $10    $27    $20  

Forward Power Purchases

     (15   (34   (18










Total Sales and Purchases Not Resulting in Physical Delivery

    $(5  $(7  $2  











At December 31, 2011, UniSource2012, UNS Energy had gas swaps totaling 14,856 Billion14,351 billion British thermal units (GBtu) and power contracts totaling 3,1472,228 Gigawatt-hours (GWh), while TEP had gas swaps totaling 6,158 GBtu and power contracts totaling 820 GWh. At December 31, 2011, UNS Energy had gas swaps totaling 14,856 GBtu and power contracts totaling 3,147 GWh, while TEP had gas swaps totaling 6,855 GBtu and power contracts totaling 815 GWh. At December 31, 2010, UniSource Energy had gas swaps totaling 14,973 GBtu and power contracts totaling 4,807 GWh while TEP had gas swaps totaling 6,424 GBtu and power contracts totaling 1,144 GWh. We account for gas swaps and power contracts as derivatives.


When the fair value of our derivative contracts is reflected as an asset, the counterparty owes us and this creates credit risk. We also consider the impact of our own credit risk on instruments that are in a net liability position. The impact of counterparty credit risk and our own credit risk on the fair value of derivative asset contracts was less than $0.5 million at December 31, 2011,2012 and December 31, 2010.2011.


The use of contractual arrangements to manage the risks associated with changes in energy commodity prices creates credit risk exposure resulting from the possibility of non-performance by counterparties pursuant to the terms of their contractual obligations. We enter into contracts for the physical delivery of energy and gas which contain remedies in the event of non-performance by the supply counterparties. In addition, volatile energy prices can create significant credit exposure from energy market receivables and mark-to-marketsubsequent measurement at fair value valuations.



We have contractual agreements for energy procurement and hedging activities that contain certain provisions requiring each company to post collateral under certain circumstances. These circumstances include: exposures



in excess of unsecured credit limits provided to TEP, UNS Gas, or UNS Electric; credit rating downgrades; or a failure to meet certain financial ratios. In the event that such credit events were to occur, we would have to provide certain credit enhancements in the form of cash or letters of creditLOCs to fully collateralize our exposure to these counterparties.

The following table shows the sum of the fair value of all derivative instruments under contracts with credit-risk related contingent features that are in a net liability position at December 31, 2011.2012. It also shows cash collateral and letters of creditLOCs posted and additional collateral to be posted if credit-risk related contingent features wereare triggered.


September 30,September 30,
    TEP     UniSource
   UNS Energy   TEP 
    December 31, 2011   December 31, 2012 
    -Millions of Dollars-   -Millions of Dollars- 

Net Liability Position

    $16      $64    $36    $10  

Cash Collateral Posted

     —         —    

Letters of Credit

     1       6  


   1     1  

Additional Collateral to Post if Contingent Features Triggered

     16       61     36     10  

As of December 31, 2011,2012, TEP had $17$15 million of credit exposure to other counterparties’ creditworthiness related to its wholesale marketing and gas hedging activities;activities, of which two counterparties individually composed greater than 10% of the total credit exposure. UNS Electric and UNS ElectricGas had less than $1 million of such credit exposure related to its supply and hedging contracts.

UNS ENERGY, TEP, had four counterparties which individually comprise greater than 10% of the total credit exposure and UNS Electric had one. At December 31, 2011, UNS Gas had no exposure to other counterparties’ creditworthiness.AND SUBSIDIARIES



Our quarterly financial information is unaudited but, in management’s opinion, includes all adjustments necessary for a fair presentation. Our utility businesses are seasonal in nature. Peak sales periods for TEP and UNS Electric generally occur during the summer while UNS Gas’ sales generally peak during the winter. Accordingly, comparisons among quarters of a year may not represent overall trends and changes in operations.


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    UniSource Energy   UNS Energy 
First     Second     Third     Fourth  First   Second   Third   Fourth 

-Thousands of Dollars-

(Except Per Share Amounts)


-Thousands of Dollars-

(Except Per Share Amounts)




Operating Revenue

  $315,387    $363,997    $434,108    $348,274  

Operating Income

   34,403     68,065     106,409     42,918  

Net Income

   6,476     26,273     50,664     7,506  

Basic EPS

   0.17     0.65     1.22     0.18  

Diluted EPS

   0.17     0.64     1.21     0.18  



Operating Revenue

    $344,766      $369,673      $450,948      $344,128    $338,177    $365,141    $441,557    $333,827  

Operating Income

     44,820       71,289       123,760       41,803     44,820     71,290     123,760     41,837  

Net Income

     13,472       28,604       59,712       8,187     13,472     28,604     59,712     8,187  

Basic EPS

     0.37       0.77       1.61       0.22     0.37     0.77     1.61     0.22  

Diluted EPS

     0.35       0.71       1.46       0.22     0.35     0.71     1.46     0.22  



Operating Revenue

    $318,849      $339,114      $438,830      $357,173  

Operating Income

     52,955       72,301       123,524       48,334  

Net Income

     20,178       25,889       55,665       11,252  

Basic EPS

     0.56       0.71       1.52       0.31  

Diluted EPS

     0.52       0.66       1.38       0.30  

EPS is computed independently for each of the quarters presented. Therefore, the sum of the quarterly EPS amounts may not equal the total for the year.



September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
    TEP   TEP 
First     Second     Third     Fourth  First Second   Third   Fourth 
    -Thousands of Dollars-   -Thousands of Dollars- 



Operating Revenue

  $223,978   $299,419    $366,910    $271,353  

Operating Income

   17,892    58,211     94,079     30,305  

Net Income (Loss)

   (1,461  21,910     44,569     452  



Operating Revenue

    $239,588      $295,233      $369,846      $251,719    $239,588   $295,233    $369,845    $251,720  

Operating Income

     27,792       62,497       111,479       27,613     27,792    62,497     111,479     27,640  

Net Income

     4,704       25,157       53,912       1,561     4,704    25,158     53,912     1,560  



Operating Revenue

    $231,083      $274,694      $354,638      $264,852  

Operating Income

     38,248       63,901       116,055       35,827  

Net Income

     10,490       27,941       59,704       10,125  

The following tables reflect the quarterly impact of revisions on UNS Energy’s statements of income recorded in the second and third quartersfourth quarter of 20112012 (See Note 1):


Three Months Ended
  March 31,  June 30,  September 30,  December 31, 
  -Thousands of Dollars- (Except Per Share Amounts) 
  UniSource Energy 

Income Statement


Net Income

 $19,972   $20,178   $25,886   $25,889   $54,883   $55,665   $11,082   $11,252  

Basic EPS

  0.55    0.56    0.71    0.71    1.50    1.52    0.30    0.31  

Diluted EPS

  0.52    0.52    0.66    0.66    1.36    1.38    0.29    0.30  

Income Statement


Net Income

 $10,349   $10,490   $27,938   $27,941   $58,993   $59,704   $9,999   $10,125  
   UNS Energy 
Three Months Ended
   March 31,   June 30,   September 30,     
   -Thousands of Dollars- 

Income Statement


Operating Revenue


Operating Income(1)

   34,395     34,403     68,059     68,065     106,409     106,409      
Three Months Ended
   March 31,   June 30,   September 30,   December 31, 
   -Thousands of Dollars- 

Income Statement


Operating Revenue

  $344,766    $338,177    $369,673    $365,141    $450,947    $441,557    $344,129    $333,827  

Operating Income(1)

   44,820     44,820     71,290     71,290     123,760     123,760     41,802     41,837  



Includes immaterial reclassifications from Operating Expense to Other Expense to conform with current year presentation.

Schedule Valuation and Qualifying Accounts

Schedule II—Valuation and Qualifying Accounts – UniSourceUNS Energy


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,


to Income
     Deductions     Ending
Charged  to
   Deductions   Ending
  -Millions of Dollars- 
Year Ended December 31,    -Millions of Dollars-         

Reserve for Uncollectible Accounts(1)



  $16    $4    $13    $7  


    $13      $5      $2      $16    $13    $5    $2    $16  


    $13      $4      $4      $13    $13    $4    $4    $13  


    $27      $4      $18      $13  

Deferred Tax Assets Valuation Allowance(2)



  $7    $—      $—      $7  


    $8      $—        $1      $7    $8    $—      $1    $7  


    $—        $8      $—        $8    $—      $8    $—      $8  


    $—        $—        $—        $—    




  $6        $9  


    $4              $6    $4        $6  


    $2              $4    $2        $4  


    $4              $2  



TEP, UNS Gas, and UNS Electric record additions to the Reserve for Uncollectible Accounts based on historical experience and any specific customer collection issues identified. Deductions principally reflect amounts charged off as uncollectible, less amounts recovered. Amounts include reserves for trade receivables, wholesale sales, and in-kind transmission imbalances.


Deferred tax assets are reduced by a valuation allowance when, in the opinion of management, it is more likely than not that some portion or the entire deferred income tax asset will not be realized. Management believes that it is more likely than not that we will not be able to generate future capital gains to offset the capital losses related to an unregulated investment loss deferred tax asset. As a result, an $8 million valuation allowance was recorded against the deferred tax asset as of December 31, 2010.


Principally reserves for sales tax audits, litigation matters, and damages billable to third parties. As the Other reserves are not individually significant, additions and deductions need not be disclosed.

Schedule II—Valuation and Qualifying Accounts—TEP


September 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,


to Income
     Deductions     Ending
Charged  to
   Deductions   Ending
  -Millions of Dollars- 
Year Ended December 31,    -Millions of Dollars-         

Reserve for Uncollectible Accounts(1)



  $14    $3    $12    $5  


    $11      $4      $1      $14    $11    $4    $1    $14  


    $11      $3      $3      $11    $11    $3    $3    $11  


    $24      $2      $15      $11  




  $4        $8  


    $3              $4    $3        $4  


    $—                $3    $—          $3  


    $4              $—    



TEP records additions to the Reserve for Uncollectible Accounts based on historical experience and any specific customer collection issues identified. Deductions principally reflect amounts charged off as uncollectible, less amounts recovered. Amounts include reserves for trade receivables, wholesales sales, and in-kind transmission imbalances.


Principally reserves for sales tax audits, litigation matters, and damages billable to third parties. As the Other reserves are not individually significant, additions and deductions need not be disclosed.

TEP had no deferred tax assets valuation allowance in the periods presented.






UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer supervised and participated in UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP’s evaluation of their disclosure controls and procedures as such term is defined under Rule 13(a) – 15(e) or Rule 15(d) – 15(e) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the Exchange Act), as of December 31, 2011.2012. Disclosure controls and procedures are controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP’s periodic reports filed or submitted under the Exchange Act, is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules and forms. These disclosure controls and procedures are also designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP in the reports that they file or submit under the Act is accumulated and communicated to management, including the principal executive and principal financial officers, or person performing similar functions, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure. Based upon the evaluation performed, UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP’s disclosure controls and procedures are effective.

While UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP continually strive to improve their disclosure controls and procedures to enhance the quality of their financial reporting, there has been no change in UniSourceUNS Energy or TEP’s internal control over financial reporting during the fourth quarter of 2011,2012, that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, UniSourceUNS Energy or TEP’s internal control over financial reporting.

UniSourceUNS Energy’s and TEP’s Management’s Reports on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Under 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley appear as the first two reports under Item 8 in UniSourceUNS Energy’s and TEP’s 20112012 Annual Report on Form 10-K, the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for UniSourceUNS Energy appears as the third report under Item 8, and the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for TEP appears as the fourth report under Item 8.






Directors – UniSourceUNS Energy


September 30,September 30,September 30,


    Age    Board
  Age   Board

Paul J. Bonavia

    60    None    2009   61     None     2009  

Lawrence J. Aldrich

    59    2,3,5    2000   60     2,3     2000  

Barbara M. Baumann

    56    1,2,4    2005   57     1,2,4     2005  

Larry W. Bickle

    66    3,4,5    1998   67     3,5     1998  

Harold W. Burlingame

    71    2,3,5    1998   72     2,3     1998  

Robert A. Elliott

    56    1,2,3,4,5    2003   57     1,2,3,4,5     2003  

Daniel W.L. Fessler

    70    1,3,5    2005   71     1,3,5     2005  

Louise L. Francesconi

    59    1,2,4    2008   60     1,2,4     2008  

Warren Y. Jobe

    71    1,2,4    2001   72     1,4,5     2001  

Ramiro G. Peru

    56    1,2,4    2008   57     1,2,4     2008  

Gregory A. Pivirotto

    59    1,3,4    2008   60     1,2,4     2008  

Joaquin Ruiz

    59    2,3,5    2005
   60     3,5     2005  


*Board Committees



(3)Corporate Governance and Nominating


(5)Environmental, Safety and Security


Paul J. Bonavia

Mr. Bonavia has served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP since January 2009; he also served as President from January 2009 to December 2011. Prior to joining UniSourceUNS Energy, Mr. Bonavia served as President of the Utilities Group of Xcel Energy. Mr. Bonavia previously served as President of Xcel Energy’s Commercial Enterprises business unit and President of the company’s Energy Markets unit.

Lawrence J. Aldrich

Chairman and Executive Director, Arizona Business Coalition on Health, since October 2011; President and Chief Executive Officer of University Physicians Healthcare (UPH) from 2009-2010.2009 to 2010; Senior Vice President/Corporate Operations and General Counsel for UPH from 2007 to 2008; President of Aldrich Capital Company since January 2007; Chief Operating Officer of The Critical Path Institute from 2005-2007; General Partner of Valley Ventures, LP from September 20022005 to December 2005; Managing Director and Founder of Tucson Ventures, LLC, from February 2000 to September 2002.2007.

Barbara M. Baumann

President and Owner of Cross Creek Energy Corporation since 2003; Executive Vice President of Associated Energy Managers, LLC from 2000 to 2003; former Vice President of Amoco Production Company; Director of SM Energy Company since 2002; memberMember of the Board of Trustees of theThe Putnam Mutual Funds since 2010; Director of Cody Resources since 2010.

Larry W. Bickle

Director of SM Energy Company since 1994; Retired private equity investor;investor since 2007; Managing Director of Haddington Ventures, LLC from 1997 to 2007.2007; Non-executive Chairman of Quantum Natural Gas Strategies,Storage, LLC since 2008.

Harold W. Burlingame

Executive Vice President of AT&T from 1986-2001; Senior Executive Advisor for ATT Wireless from 2001-2005; Chairman of ORC Worldwide from 2004-2010; President of IRC Foundation since December 2010; Director of Cornerstone On Demand since 2006.

Robert A. Elliott

President and owner of The Elliott Accounting Group since 1983; Vice Chairman of AAA of Arizona since 2012 and Director since 2007; Director and Corporate Secretary of Southern Arizona Community Bank from 1998-2010;1998 to 2010; Television Analyst/Pre- gamePre-game Show Co-host for Fox Sports Arizona from 1998-2009; Chairman of the Board of

Tucson Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce from 20021998 to 2003; Chairman of the Board of Tucson Urban League from 2003 to 2004;2009; Chairman of the Board of the Tucson Airport Authority from January 2006 to January 2007; Director of AAA since 2007; DirectorPresident and Chairman of the NBABoard of the National Basketball Retired Players Association since 2010; and2011; Director of the University of Arizona Foundation.Foundation, a philanthropic organization, since 2011.

Daniel W.L. Fessler

President of the California Public Utility Commission from 1991-1996;1991 to 1996; Professor Emeritus of the University of California since 1994; Of counselCounsel for the law firm of Holland & Knight from 2003-2007;2003 to 2007; Partner in the law firm of LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae LLP from 1997 to 2003; previously served on the UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP boards of directors from 1998 to 2003; Managing Principal of Clear Energy Solutions, LLC since December 2004.

Louise L. Francesconi


President of Raytheon Missile Systems;Systems from 1997 to 2008; Director of Stryker Corporation since July 2006; Chairman of the Board of Trustees for TMC Healthcare;Healthcare since 1999; and Director of Global Solar Energy, Inc. since 2008.from 2008 to 2011.

Warren Y. Jobe

Certified Public Accountant (licensed, but not practicing); Senior Vice President of Southern Company from 1998 to 2001; Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Georgia Power Company from 1987-1998; Director of WellPoint Health Networks, Inc. from 2003 to December 2004; Director of WellPoint, Inc. since December 2004; Trustee of RidgeWorth Funds since 2004. Director of Home Banc Corp. from 2005-2009.

Ramiro G. Peru

Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Swift Corporation a trucking company, from June 2007 to December 2007; Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Phelps Dodge Corporation from October 2004 to March 2007; Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Phelps Dodge Corporation from May 1999 to September 2004; Director of WellPoint Health Networks, Inc. from 2003 to December 2004; Director of WellPoint, Inc. since December 2004; Director of Southern Peru Copper Corporation from 2002 to 2004.

Gregory A. Pivirotto

Adjunct Professor at the University of Arizona College of Law since 2013; President and Chief Executive Officer and Director of University Medical Center Corporation, in Tucson, AZ from 1994-2010; Certified Public Accountant1994 to 2010; certified public accountant since 1978; Director of Arizona Hospital & Healthcare Association from 1997 to 2005.2005; Director of Tucson Airport Authority since 2008; Member of the Advisory Board of Harris Bank since 2010.

Joaquin Ruiz

Professor of Geosciences, University of Arizona since 1983; Dean, College of Science, University of Arizona, since 2000; Executive Dean of the University of Arizona College of Letters, Arts and Science since 2009.

Directors – TEP


September 30,September 30,


    Age     Director
   Age  Director

Paul J. Bonavia

     60       2009    61  2009

Michael J. DeConcini

     47       2009    48  2009

David G. Hutchens

     45       2011    46  2011

Kevin P. Larson

     55       2009    56  2009


Paul J. Bonavia

Mr. Bonavia has served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP since January 2009; he also served as President from January 2009 to December 2011. Prior to joining UniSourceUNS Energy, Mr. Bonavia served as President of the Utilities Group of Xcel Energy. Mr. Bonavia previously served as President of Xcel Energy’s Commercial Enterprises business unit and President of the company’s Energy Markets unit.

Michael J. DeConcini

Mr. DeConcini has served as Senior Vice President, Operations of UniSourceUNS Energy since May 2010 and Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of TEP from May

2009 to December 2011 when his title at TEP was changed to Senior Vice President, Operations. Mr. DeConcini joined TEP in 1988 and was elected Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Energy Resources business unit of TEP, effective January 1, 2003. In August 2006, he was named Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Transmission and Distribution.

2009 to December 2011 when his title at TEP was changed to Senior Vice President, Operations. Mr. DeConcini joined TEP in 1988 and was elected Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Energy Resources business unit of TEP, effective January 1, 2003. In August 2006, he was named Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Transmission and Distribution.

David G. Hutchens

Mr. Hutchens has served as President of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP since December 2011. In March 2011, Mr. Hutchens was named Executive Vice President of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP. In May 2009, Mr. Hutchens was named Vice President of Energy Efficiency and Resource Planning. In January 2007, Mr. Hutchens was elected Vice President of Wholesale Energy at UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP. Mr. Hutchens joined TEP in 1995.

Kevin P. Larson

Mr. Larson has served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP since September 2005. Mr. Larson is also Treasurer of UniSourceUNS Energy. Mr. Larson joined TEP in 1985 and thereafter held various positions in its finance department and investment subsidiaries. He was elected Treasurer in August 1994 and Vice President in March 1997. In October 2000, he was elected Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

Executive Officers of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP

SeeItem 1. Business, Executive Officers of the Registrants.

Information required by Items 401, 405, 406 and 407 (c)(3), (d)(4) and (d)(5) of SEC Regulation S-K will be included in UniSourceUNS Energy’s Proxy Statement relating to the 2012 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which will be filed with the SEC not later than 120 days after December 31, 2011,2012, which information is incorporated herein by reference.



Information concerning Executive Compensation will be contained in UniSourceUNS Energy’s Proxy Statement relating to the 20122013 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which will be filed with the SEC not later than 120 days after December 31, 2011,2012, which information is incorporated herein by reference.




At February 21, 2012, UniSource13, 2013, UNS Energy had outstanding 38.041.4 million shares of Common Stock. At February 21, 2012,13, 2013, the number of shares of Common Stock beneficially owned by all directors and officers of UniSourceUNS Energy as a group amounted to approximately 3%less than 1% of the outstanding Common Stock.

At February 21, 2012, UniSource13, 2013, UNS Energy owned 100% of the outstanding shares of common stock of TEP.

Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners

Information concerning the security ownership of certain beneficial owners of UniSourceUNS Energy will be contained in UniSourceUNS Energy’s Proxy Statement relating to the 20122013 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which will be filed with the SEC not later than 120 days after December 31, 2011,2012, which information is incorporated herein by reference.

Security Ownership of Management

Information concerning the security ownership of the Directors and Executive Officers of UniSourceUNS Energy will be contained in UniSourceUNS Energy’s Proxy Statement relating to the 20122013 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which will be filed with the SEC not later than 120 days after December 31, 2011,2012, which information is incorporated herein by reference.

Securities Authorized for Issuance Under Equity Compensation Plans

Information concerning securities authorized for issuance under equity compensation plans will be contained in UniSourceUNS Energy’s Proxy Statement relating to the 20122013 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which will be filed with the SEC not later than 120 days after December 31, 2011,2012, which information is incorporated herein by reference.



Information concerning certain relationships and related transactions, and director independence of UniSourceUNS Energy and TEP will be contained under Transactions with Management and Others, Director Independence and Compensation Committee Interlocks, and Insider Participation in UniSourceUNS Energy’s Proxy Statement relating to the 20122013 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which will be filed with the SEC not later than 120 days after December 31, 2011,2012, which information is incorporated herein by reference.



Information concerning principal accountant fees and services will be contained in UniSourceUNS Energy’s Proxy Statement relating to the 20122013 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which will be filed with the SEC not later than 120 days after December 31, 2011,2012, which information is incorporated herein by reference.





September 30,

(a)    (1).     Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 20112012 and 20102011 and for Each of the Three Years in

the Period Ended December 31, 20112012


UniSourceUNS Energy Corporation


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Consolidated Statements of Income


Consolidated Statements of Income


Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


Consolidated Balance Sheets


Consolidated Statements of Capitalization


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders’ Equity


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Tucson Electric Power Company

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Consolidated Balance SheetsStatements of Income


Consolidated Statements of Capitalization


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders’ Equity


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Tucson Electric Power CompanyComprehensive Income

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Consolidated Statements of Income


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


Consolidated Balance Sheets


Consolidated Statements of Capitalization


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholder’s EquityCash Flows


Notes to Consolidated Financial StatementsBalance Sheets


Consolidated Statements of Capitalization


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholder’s Equity


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


         (2).     Financial Statement SchedulesSchedule


Schedule II


Valuation and Qualifying Accounts


         (3).     Exhibits


Reference is made to the Exhibit Index commencing on page 162.

Reference is made to the Exhibit Index commencing on page 167.


Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 and 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.



Date: February 27, 2012

26, 2013 By: /s/ Kevin P. Larson
  Kevin P. Larson
  Senior Vice President and Principal
Chief Financial Officer

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Paul J. Bonavia*
  Paul J. Bonavia
  Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
  (Principal Executive OfficerOfficer)
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Kevin P. Larson
  Kevin P. Larson
  PrincipalSenior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Financial Officer)
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Karen G. Kissinger*
  Karen G. Kissinger
  Principal AccountingVice President, Controller, and Chief Compliance Officer
(Principal Accounting Officer)
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Lawrence J. Aldrich*
  Lawrence J. Aldrich
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Barbara M. Baumann*
  Barbara M. Baumann
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Larry W. Bickle*
  Larry W. Bickle
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Harold W. Burlingame*
  Harold W. Burlingame
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Robert A. Elliott*
  Robert A. Elliott

Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Daniel W.L. Fessler*
  Daniel W.L. Fessler
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Louise L. Francesconi*
  Louise L. Francesconi
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Warren Y. Jobe*
  Warren Y. Jobe
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Ramiro Peru*
  Ramiro Peru
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Gregory A. Pivirotto*
  Gregory A. Pivirotto
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Joaquin Ruiz*
  Joaquin Ruiz
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013 By: /s/ Kevin P. Larson
  Kevin P. Larson
  As attorney-in-fact for each
of the persons indicated


Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 and 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date: February 27, 201226, 2013 By: /s/ Kevin P. Larson
  Kevin P. Larson
  Senior Vice President and Principal
Chief Financial Officer

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Paul J. Bonavia*
  Paul J. Bonavia
  Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
  (Principal Executive OfficerOfficer)
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Kevin P. Larson
  Kevin P. Larson
  PrincipalSenior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Director
(Principal Financial Officer)
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Karen G. Kissinger*
  Karen G. Kissinger
  Principal AccountingVice President, Controller, and Chief Compliance Officer
(Principal Accounting Officer)
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ Michael J. DeConcini*
  Michael J. DeConcini
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013  /s/ David G. Hutchens*
  David G. Hutchens
Date: February 27, 201226, 2013 By: /s/ Kevin P. Larson
  Kevin P. Larson
  As attorney-in-fact for each of the persons indicated



*2(a)Agreement and Plan of Exchange, dated as of March 20, 1995, between TEP, UniSource Energy and NCR Holding, Inc. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31,1997, File No. 13739 – Exhibit. 2(a)).
*3(a)   Restated Articles of Incorporation of TEP, filed with the ACC on August 11, 1994, as amended by Amendment to Article Fourth of our Restated Articles of Incorporation, filed with the ACC on May 17, 1996. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996, File No. 1-5924-Exhibit No 3(a)).
*3(a)(1)   TEP Articles of Amendment filed with the ACC on September 3, 2009 (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2010, File No. 1-1379 – Exhibit 3(a))
*3(b)   Bylaws of TEP, as amended as of August 31, 2009 (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2009, File No. 13739 – Exhibit 3.1).
*3(c)   Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of UniSource Energy.UNS Energy, as amended. (Form 8-A/A,8-K, dated January 30, 1998,May 10, 2012, File No. 1-13739 – Exhibit 2(a))3.1).
*3(d)   Revised and restated bylaws of UniSourceUNS Energy, as revised and restated December 14, 2011 (Form 8-K, dated December 15, 2011, File No. 13739 – Exhibit 3.1)
4(a)   Reserved.
*4(b)(1)   Loan Agreement, dated as of October 1, 1982, between the Pima County Authority and TEP relating to Floating Rate Monthly Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1982 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Sundt Project). (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1982, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(a)).
*4(b)(2)   Indenture of Trust, dated as of October 1, 1982, between the Pima County Authority and Morgan Guaranty authorizing Floating Rate Monthly Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1982 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Sundt Project). (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1982, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(b)).
*4(b)(3)   First Supplemental Loan Agreement, dated as of March 31, 1992, between the Pima County Authority and TEP relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1982 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Sundt Project). (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 4(h)(3)).
*4(b)(4)   First Supplemental Indenture of Trust, dated as of March 31, 1992, between the Pima County Authority and Morgan Guaranty relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1982 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Sundt Project). (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 4(h)(4)).
*4(c)(1)   Loan Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1982, between the Pima County Authority and TEP relating to Floating Rate Monthly Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1982 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Projects). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1982, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(k)(1)).
*4(c)(2)   Indenture of Trust dated as of December 1, 1982, between the Pima County Authority and Morgan Guaranty authorizing Floating Rate Monthly Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1982 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Projects). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1982, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(k)(2)).
*4(c)(3)   First Supplemental Loan Agreement, dated as of March 31, 1992, between the Pima County Authority and TEP relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1982 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Projects). (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 4(i)(3)).

*4(c)(4)   First Supplemental Indenture of Trust, dated as of March 31, 1992, between the Pima County Authority and Morgan Guaranty relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1982 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Projects). (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 4(i)(4)).
*4(d)(1)   Loan Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1983, between the Apache County Authority and TEP relating to Floating Rate Monthly Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1983, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(I)(1)).
*4(d)(2)   Indenture of Trust, dated as of December 1, 1983, between the Apache County Authority and Morgan Guaranty authorizing Floating Rate Monthly Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1983, File no. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(I)(2)).
*4(d)(3)   First Supplemental Loan Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between the Apache County Authority and TEP relating to Floating Rate Monthly Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1987, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(k)(3)).
*4(d)(4)   First Supplemental Indenture, dated as of December 1, 1985, between the Apache County Authority and Morgan Guaranty relating to Floating Rate Monthly Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1987, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(k)(4)).
*4(d)(5)   Second Supplemental Loan Agreement, dated as of March 31, 1992, between the Apache County Authority and TEP relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 4(k)(5)).
*4(d)(6)   Second Supplemental Indenture of Trust, dated as of March 31, 1992, between the Apache County Authority and Morgan Guaranty relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 4(k)(6)).
*4(e)(1)   Loan Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1983, between the Apache County Authority and TEP relating to Variable Rate Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series B (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1983, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(m)(1)).
*4(e)(2)   Indenture of Trust dated as of December 1, 1983, between the Apache County Authority and Morgan Guaranty authorizing Variable Rate Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds. 1983 Series B (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1983, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(m)(2)).
*4(e)(3)   First Supplemental Loan Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between the Apache County Authority and TEP relating to Floating Rate Monthly Demand Industrial Developmental Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series B (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1987, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(I)(3)).
*4(e)(4)   First Supplemental Indenture, dated as of December 1, 1985, between the Apache County Authority and Morgan Guaranty relating to Floating Rate Monthly Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series B (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1987, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(I)(4)).
*4(e)(5)   Second Supplemental Loan Agreement, dated as of March 31, 1992, between the Apache County Authority and TEP relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series B (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 4(I)(5)).

*4(e)(6)   Second Supplemental Indenture of Trust, dated as of March 31, 1992, between the Apache County Authority and Morgan Guaranty relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series B (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 4(I)(6)).
*4(e)(7)   Third Supplemental Indenture of Trust, dated as of December 7, 2011, between the Apache County Authority and U.S. Bank Trust National Association, as successor trustee, relating to Industrial Development Bonds 1983 Series B (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project).
*4(f)(1)   Loan Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1983, between the Apache County Authority and TEP relating to Variable Rate Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series C (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for year ended December 31, 1983, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(n)(1)).
*4(f)(2)   Indenture of Trust dated as of December 1, 1983, between the Apache County Authority and Morgan Guaranty authorizing Variable Rate Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series C (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1983, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(n)(2)).
*4(f)(3)   First Supplemental Loan Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between the Apache County Authority and TEP relating to Floating Rate Monthly Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series C (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1987, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(m)(3)).
*4(f)(4)   First Supplemental Indenture, dated as of December 1, 1985, between the Apache County Authority and Morgan Guaranty relating to Floating Rate Monthly Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series C (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1987, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(m)(4)).
*4(f)(5)   Second Supplemental Loan Agreement, dated as of March 31, 1992, between the Apache County Authority and TEP relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series C (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 4(m)(5)).
*4(f)(6)   Second Supplemental Indenture of Trust, dated as of March 31, 1992, between the Apache County Authority and Morgan Guaranty relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series C (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 4(m)(6)).
*4(f)(7)   Third Supplemental Indenture of Trust, dated as of December 7, 2011, between the Apache County Authority and U.S. Bank Trust National Association, as successor trustee, relating to Industrial Development Bonds 1983 Series C (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project).
4(g)   Reserved
*4(h)(1)   Loan Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between the Apache County Authority and TEP relating to Variable Rate Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1985 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1985, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(r)(1)).
*4(h)(2)   Indenture of Trust dated as of December 1, 1985, between the Apache County Authority and Morgan Guaranty authorizing Variable Rate Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1985 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1985, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(r)(2)).

*4(h)(3)   First Supplemental Loan Agreement, dated as of March 31, 1992, between the Apache County Authority and TEP relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1985 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 4(o)(3)).
*4(h)(4)   First Supplemental Indenture of Trust, dated as of March 31, 1992, between the Apache County Authority and Morgan Guaranty relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1985 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville Project). (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 4(o)(4)).
*4(i)(1)   Indenture of Mortgage and Deed of Trust dated as of December 1, 1992, to Bank of Montreal Trust Company, Trustee. (Form S-1, Registration No. 33-55732 — Exhibit 4(r)(1)).
*4(i)(2)   Supplemental Indenture No. 1 creating a series of bonds designated Second Mortgage Bonds, Collateral Series A, dated as of December 1, 1992. (Form S-1, Registration No. 33-55732 — Exhibit 4(r)(2)).
*4(i)(3)   Supplemental Indenture No. 2 creating a series of bonds designated Second Mortgage Bonds, Collateral Series B, dated as of December 1, 1997. (Form 10-K for year ended December 31, 1997, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(m)(3)).
*4(i)(4)   Supplemental Indenture No. 3 creating a series of bonds designated Second Mortgage Bonds, Collateral Series, dated as of August 1, 1998. (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1998, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(c)).
*4(i)(5)   Supplemental Indenture No. 4 creating a series of bonds designated Second Mortgage Bonds, Collateral Series C, dated as of November 1, 2002. (Form 8-K dated November 27, 2002, File Nos. 1-05924 and 1-13739 — Exhibit 99.2).
*4(i)(6)   Supplemental Indenture No. 5 creating a series of bonds designated Second Mortgage Bonds, Collateral Series D, dated as of March 1, 2004. (Form 8-K dated March 31, 2004, File Nos. 1-05924 and 1-13739 — Exhibit 10 (b)).
*4(i)(7)   Supplemental Indenture No. 6 creating a series of bonds designated Second Mortgage Bonds, Collateral Series E, dated as of May 1, 2005. (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2005, File Nos. 1-5924 and 1-13739 – Exhibit 4(b)).
*4(i)(8)   Supplemental Indenture No. 7 creating a series of bonds designated First Mortgage Bonds, Collateral Series F, dated as of December 1, 2006. (Form 8-K dated December 22, 2006, File Nos. 1-5924 and 1-13739 – Exhibit 4.1).
*4(i)(9)   Supplemental Indenture No. 8 creating a series of bonds designated First Mortgage Bonds, Collateral Series G, dated as of June 1, 2008. (Form 8-K dated June 25, 2008, File Nos. 1-5924 and 1-13739 – Exhibit 4(b)).
*4(i)(10)   Supplemental Indenture No. 9 dated as of July 3, 2008, (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009, File No. 1-3739, Exhibit 4(i)(10)).
*4(i)(11)   Supplemental Indenture No. 10 creating a series of bonds designated as First Mortgage Bonds, Collateral Series H, dated as of March 1, 2010. (Form 8-K dated March 5, 2010, File No. 1-13739, Exhibit 4(b)).
*4(i)(12)   Supplemental Indenture No.11, dated as of November 1, 2010, between Tucson Electric Power Company and The Bank of New York Mellon, as trustee. (Form 8-K dated November 15, 2010, File No. 1-13739, Exhibit 4.5).
*4(i)(13)   Supplemental Indenture No. 12, dated as of December 1, 2010, between TEP and the Bank of New York Mellon, creating a series of bonds designated First Mortgage Bonds, Collateral Series J. (Form 8-K dated December 17, 2010, File No. 1-13739, Exhibit 4(b)).

*4(i)(14)   Supplemental Indenture No.13, dated as of November 1, 2011, between Tucson Electric Power Company and The Bank of New York Mellon, amending terms of bonds designated First Mortgage Bonds, Collateral Series I.
*4(j)(1)   Indenture of Trust, dated as of June 1, 2008, between The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima and U.S. Bank Trust National Association authorizing Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 2008 Series B (Tucson Electric Power Company Project). (Form 8-K dated June 25, 2008, File Nos. 1-5924 and 1-13739 — Exhibit 4(a)).
*4(j)(2)   Loan Agreement, dated as of June 1, 2008, between The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima and TEP relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 2008 Series B (Tucson Electric Power Company Project). (Form 8-K dated June 25, 2008, File Nos. 1-5924 and 1-13739 — Exhibit 4(b)).
*4(k)(1)   Indenture of Trust, dated as of December 1, 2010, between the Coconino County, Arizona Pollution Control Corporation and U.S. Bank Trust National Association authorizing Pollution Control Bonds, 2010 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Navajo Project). (Form 8-K dated December 17, 2010, File No. 1-13739, Exhibit 4(c)).
*4(k)(2)   Loan Agreement, dated as of December 1, 2010, between the Coconino County, Arizona Pollution Control Corporation and TEP relating to Pollution Control Bonds, 2010 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Navajo Project). (Form 8-K dated December 17, 2010, File No. 1-13739, Exhibit 4(d)).
*4(l)(1)   Indenture of Trust, dated as of March 1, 2012, between The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Apache and U.S. Bank Trust National Association, authorizing Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2012 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Project). (Form 8-K dated March 21, 2012, File No. 1-13739, Exhibit 4(a)).
*4(l)(2)Loan Agreement, dated as of March 1, 1998,2012, between The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Apache and TEP, relating to Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 19982012 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Project). (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended8-K dated March 31, 1998,21, 2012, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(a)).
*4(l)(2)Indenture of Trust, dated as of March 1, 1998, between The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Apache and First Trust of New York, National Association, authorizing Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 1998 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Project). (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1998, File No. 1-5924 —1-13739, Exhibit 4(b)).
*4(m)(1)   Loan Agreement,Indenture of Trust, dated as of MarchJune 1, 1998,2012, between The Industrial Development Authority of the County of ApachePima and TEP relating to Pollution ControlU.S. Bank Trust National Association, authorizing Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 19982012 Series BA (Tucson Electric Power Company Project). (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1998,8-K dated June 21, 2012, File No. 1-5924 —1-13739, Exhibit 4(c)4(a)).
*4(m)(2)   Indenture of Trust,Loan Agreement, dated as of MarchJune 1, 1998,2012, between The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Apache and First Trust of New York, National Association, authorizing Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 1998 Series B (Tucson Electric Power Company Project). (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1998, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(d)).
*4(n)(1)Loan Agreement, dated as of March 1, 1998, between The Industrial Development Authority of the County of ApachePima and TEP, relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 19982012 Series CA (Tucson Electric Power Company Project). (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1998,8-K dated June 21, 2012, File No. 1-5924 —1-13739, Exhibit 4(e)4(b)).
*4(n)(2)   Indenture of Trust, dated as of March 1, 1998, between The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Apache and First Trust of New York, National Association, authorizing Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1998 Series C (Tucson Electric Power Company Project). (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1998, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 4(f)).Reserved.
*4(o)(1)   Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, dated as of November 9, 2010, among Tucson Electric Power Company, Union Bank, N.A., as Administrative Agent, and a group of lenders. (Form 8-K dated November 15, 2010, File No. 1-13739, Exhibit 4.3).
*4(o)(2)   Amendment No. 1 to Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, dated as of November 18, 2011, among Tucson Electric Power Company, Union Bank, N.A., as Administrative Agent, and a group of lenders.

*4(p)(1)   Note Purchase and Guaranty Agreement dated August 11, 2003 among UNS Gas, Inc., and UniSource Energy Services, Inc., and certain institutional investors. (Form 8-K dated August 21, 2003, File Nos. 1-5924 and 1-13739 — Exhibit 99.2).

*4(p)(2)   Note Purchase Agreement, dated as of May 4, 2011, among UNS Gas, Inc., UniSource Energy Services, Inc., and a group of purchasers,purchasers. (Form 8-K dated August 12, 2011, File 1-13739 — Exhibit 4.1).
*4(q)(1)   Note Purchase and Guaranty Agreement dated August 5, 2008, among UNS Electric, Inc., and UniSource Energy Services, Inc., and certain institutional investors. (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2008, File Nos. 1-5924 and 1-13739 — Exhibit 4).
*4(r)(1)   Indenture dated as of March 1, 2005, to The Bank of New York, as Trustee. (Form 8-K dated March 3, 2005, File Nos. 1-5924 and 1-13739 — Exhibit 4.1).Reserved.
*4(s)(1)   Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, dated as of November 9, 2010, among UniSourceUNS Energy Corporation, Union Bank, N.A., as Administrative Agent, and a group of lenders. (Form 8-K dated November 15, 2010, File No. 1-13739, Exhibit 4.1).
*4(s)(2)   Amendment No. 1 to Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, dated as of November 18, 2011, among UniSourceUNS Energy Corporation, Union Bank, N.A., as Administrative Agent, and a group of lenders.
*4(t)(1)   Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, dated as of November 9, 2010, among UNS Electric, Inc., UNS Gas, Inc., UniSource Energy Services, Inc., Union Bank, N.A., as Administrative Agent, and a group of lenders. (Form 8-K dated November 15, 2010, File No. 1-13739, Exhibit 4.4).
*4(t)(2)   Amendment No. 1 to Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, dated as of November 18, 2011, among UNS Electric, Inc., UNS Gas, Inc., UniSource Energy Services, Inc., Union Bank, N.A., as Administrative Agent, and a group of lenders.
*4(u)(1)   Reimbursement Agreement, dated as of December 14, 2010, among TEP, as Borrower, the financial institutions from time to time, parties thereto and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as Administrative Agent and as Issuing Bank. (Form 8-K dated December 17, 2010, File No. 1-13739, Exhibit 4(a)).
*4(v)(1)   Second Amended and Restated Pledge Agreement, dated as of November 9, 2010, among UniSourceUNS Energy Corporation, Union Bank, N.A., as Administrative Agent, and a group of lenders. (Form 8-K dated November 15, 2010, File No. 1-13739, Exhibit 4.2).
*4(w)(1)   Indenture of Trust, dated as of March 1, 2008, between The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima and U.S. Bank Trust National Association authorizing Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 2008 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Project). (Form 8-K dated March 19, 2008, File Nos. 1-5924 and 1-13739 — Exhibit 4(a)).
*4(w)(2)   Loan Agreement, dated as of March 1, 2008, between the Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima and TEP relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 2008 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Project). (Form 8-K dated March 19, 2008, File Nos. 1-5924 and 1-13739 — Exhibit 4(b)).
*4(x)(1)   Indenture of Trust, dated as of October 1, 2009, between The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima and U.S. Bank Trust National Association authorizing Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2009 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Navajo Project). (Form 8-K dated October 13, 2009, File No. 1-13739- Exhibit 4(A)).

*4(x)(2)   Loan Agreement, dated as of October 1, 2009, between The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima and TEP relating to Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2009 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company San Juan Project). (Form 8-K dated October 13, 2009, File No. 1-13739- Exhibit 4(B)).
*4(x)(3)   Indenture of Trust, dated as of October 1, 2009, between Coconino County, Arizona Pollution Control Corporation and U.S. Bank Trust National Association authorizing Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2009 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Navajo Project). (Form 8-K dated October 13, 2009, File No. 1-13739- Exhibit 4(C)).

*4(x)(4)   Loan Agreement, dated as of October 1, 2009, between Coconino County, Arizona Pollution Control Corporation and TEP relating to Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2009 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Navajo Project). (Form 8-K dated October 13, 2009, File No. 1-13739- Exhibit 4(D)).
*4(y)(1)   Indenture of Trust, dated as of October 1, 2010, between the Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima and U.S. Bank Trust National Association, authorizing Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 2010 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Project). (Form 8-K dated October 8, 2010, File No. 1-13739 Exhibit 4(a)).
*4(y)(2)   Loan Agreement, dated as of October 1, 2010, between the Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima and TEP, relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 2010 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Project). (Form 8-K dated October 8, 2010, File No. 1-13739 Exhibit 4(b)).
*4(z)(1)   Credit Agreement, dated as of August 10, 2011, among UNS Electric, Inc., UniSource Energy Services, Inc., and Union Bank, N.A., as Administrative Agent (Form 8-K dated August 12, 2011, File 1-13739 — Exhibit 4.2).
*4(aa)(1)   Indenture, dated November 1, 2011, between Tucson Electric Power Company and U.S. Bank National Association, as trustee, authorizing 5.15% Notes due 2021 and 3.85% Notes due 2023 (Form 8-K dated November 8, 2011, File 1-13739 — Exhibit 4.1).
*10(a)(1)   Lease Agreements, dated as of December 1, 1984, between Valencia and United States Trust Company of New York, as Trustee, and Thomas B. Zakrzewski, as Co-Trustee, as amended and supplemented. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1984, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(d)(1)).
*10(a)(2)   Guaranty and Agreements, dated as of December 1, 1984, between TEP and United States Trust Company of New York, as Trustee, and Thomas B. Zakrzewski, as Co-Trustee. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1984, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(d)(2)).
*10(a)(3)   General Indemnity Agreements, dated as of December 1, 1984, between Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors; General Foods Credit Corporation, Harvey Hubbell Financial, Inc. and J.C. Penney Company, Inc. as Owner Participants; United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee; Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America as Loan Participant; and Marine Midland Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1984, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(d)(3)).
*10(a)(4)   Tax Indemnity Agreements, dated as of December 1, 1984, between General Foods Credit Corporation, Harvey Hubbell Financial, Inc. and J.C. Penney Company, Inc., each as Beneficiary under a separate Trust Agreement dated December 1, 1984, with United States Trust of New York as Owner Trustee, and Thomas B. Zakrzewski as Co-Trustee, Lessor, and Valencia, Lessee, and TEP, Indemnitors. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1984, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(d)(4)).
*10(a)(5)   Amendment No. 1, dated December 31, 1984, to the Lease Agreements, dated December 1, 1984, between Valencia and United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee, and Thomas B. Zakrzewski as Co-Trustee. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1986, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(e)(5)).

*10(a)(6)   Amendment No. 2, dated April 1, 1985, to the Lease Agreements, dated December 1, 1984, between Valencia and United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee, and Thomas B. Zakrzewski as Co-Trustee. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1986, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(e)(6)).
*10(a)(7)   Amendment No. 3 dated August 1, 1985, to the Lease Agreements, dated December 1, 1984, between Valencia and United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee, and Thomas Zakrzewski as Co-Trustee. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1986, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(e)(7)).

*10(a)(8)   Amendment No. 4, dated June 1, 1986, to the Lease Agreement, dated December 1, 1984, between Valencia and United States Trust Company of New York as Owner Trustee, and Thomas Zakrzewski as Co-Trustee, under a Trust Agreement dated as of December 1, 1984, with General Foods Credit Corporation as Owner Participant. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1986, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(e)(8)).
*10(a)(9)   Amendment No. 4, dated June 1, 1986, to the Lease Agreement, dated December 1, 1984, between Valencia and United States Trust Company of New York as Owner Trustee, and Thomas Zakrzewski as Co-Trustee, under a Trust Agreement dated as of December 1, 1984, with J.C. Penney Company, Inc. as Owner Participant. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1986, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(e)(9)).
*10(a)(10)   Amendment No. 4, dated June 1, 1986, to the Lease Agreement, dated December 1, 1984, between Valencia and United States Trust Company of New York as Owner Trustee, and Thomas Zakrzewski as Co-Trustee, under a Trust Agreement dated as of December 1, 1984, with Harvey Hubbell Financial Inc. as Owner Participant. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1986, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(e)(10)).
*10(a)(11)   Lease Amendment No. 5 and Supplement No. 2, to the Lease Agreement, dated July 1, 1986, between Valencia, United States Trust Company of New York as Owner Trustee, and Thomas Zakrzewski as Co-Trustee and J.C. Penney as Owner Participant. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1986, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(e)(11)).
*10(a)(12)   Lease Amendment No. 5, to the Lease Agreement, dated June 1, 1987, between Valencia, United States Trust Company of New York as Owner Trustee, and Thomas Zakrzewski as Co-Trustee and General Foods Credit Corporation as Owner Participant. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1988, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(f)(12)).
*10(a)(13)   Lease Amendment No. 5, to the Lease Agreement, dated June 1, 1987, between Valencia, United States Trust Company of New York as Owner Trustee, and Thomas Zakrzewski as Co-Trustee and Harvey Hubbell Financial Inc. as Owner Participant. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1988, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(f)(13)).
*10(a)(14)   Lease Amendment No. 6, to the Lease Agreement, dated June 1, 1987, between Valencia, United States Trust Company of New York as Owner Trustee, and Thomas Zakrzewski as Co-Trustee and J.C. Penney Company, Inc. as Owner Participant. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1988, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(f)(14)).
*10(a)(15)   Lease Supplement No. 1, dated December 31, 1984, to Lease Agreements, dated December 1, 1984, between Valencia, as Lessee and United States Trust Company of New York and Thomas B. Zakrzewski, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively (document filed relates to General Foods Credit Corporation; documents relating to Harvey Hubbell Financial, Inc. and JC Penney Company, Inc. are not filed but are substantially similar). (Form S-4 Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 10(f)(15)).

*10(a)(16)   Amendment No. 1, dated June 1, 1986, to the General Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1984, between Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors, General Foods Credit Corporation, as Owner Participant, United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee, Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, as Loan Participant, and Marine Midland Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1986, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(e)(12)).
*10(a)(17)   Amendment No. 1, dated June 1, 1986, to the General Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1984, between Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors, J.C. Penney Company, Inc., as Owner Participant, United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee, Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, as Loan Participant, and Marine Midland Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1986, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(e)(13)).

*10(a)(18)   Amendment No. 1, dated June 1, 1986, to the General Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1984, between Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors, Harvey Hubbell Financial, Inc., as Owner Participant, United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee, Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, as Loan Participant, and Marine Midland Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1986, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(e)(14)).
*10(a)(19)   Amendment No. 2, dated as of July 1, 1986, to the General Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1984, between Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors, J.C. Penney Company, Inc., as Owner Participant, United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee, Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, as Loan Participant, and Marine Midland Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee. (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 10(f)(19)).
*10(a)(20)   Amendment No. 2, dated as of June 1, 1987, to the General Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1984, between Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors, General Foods Credit Corporation, as Owner Participant, United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee, Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, as Loan Participant, and Marine Midland Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee. (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 --Exhibit—Exhibit 10(f)(20)).
*10(a)(21)   Amendment No. 2, dated as of June 1, 1987, to the General Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1984, between Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors, Harvey Hubbell Financial, Inc., as Owner Participant, United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee, Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, as Loan Participant, and Marine Midland Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee. (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 10(f)(21)).
*10(a)(22)   Amendment No. 3, dated as of June 1, 1987, to the General Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1984, between Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors, J.C. Penney Company, Inc., as Owner Participant, United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee, Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, as Loan Participant, and Marine Midland Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee. (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 10(f)(22)).
*10(a)(23)   Supplemental Tax Indemnity Agreement, dated July 1, 1986, between J.C. Penney Company, Inc., as Owner Participant, and Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1986, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(e)(15)).
*10(a)(24)   Supplemental General Indemnity Agreement, dated as of July 1, 1986, among Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors, J.C. Penney Company, Inc., as Owner Participant, United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee, Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, as Loan Participant, and Marine Midland Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1986, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(e)(16)).
*10(a)(25)   Amendment No. 1, dated as of June 1, 1987, to the Supplemental General Indemnity Agreement, dated as of July 1, 1986, among Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors, J.C. Penney Company, Inc., as Owner Participant, United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee, Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, as Loan Participant, and Marine Midland Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee. (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 10(f)(25)).

*10(a)(26)   Valencia Agreement, dated as of June 30, 1992, among TEP, as Guarantor, Valencia, as Lessee, Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, as Loan Participant, Marine Midland Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee, United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee, and Thomas B. Zakrzewski, as Co-Trustee, and the Owner Participants named therein relating to the Restructuring of Valencia’s lease of the coal-handling facilities at the Springerville Generating Station. (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 10(f)(26)).

*10(a)(27)   Amendment, dated as of December 15, 1992, to the Lease Agreements, dated December 1, 1984, between Valencia, as Lessee, and United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee, and Thomas B. Zakrzewski, as Co-Trustee. (Form S-1, Registration No. 33-55732 — Exhibit 10(f)(27)).
*10(b)(1)   Lease Agreements, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos Resources Inc. (San Carlos) (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Registrant) jointly and severally, as Lessee, and Wilmington Trust Company, as Trustee, as amended and supplemented. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1985, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(f)(1)).
*10(b)(2)   Tax Indemnity Agreements, dated as of December 1, 1985, between Philip Morris Credit Corporation, IBM Credit Financing Corporation and Emerson Finance Co., each as beneficiary under a separate trust agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, with Wilmington Trust Company, as Owner Trustee, and William J. Wade, as Co-Trustee, and TEP and San Carlos, as Lessee. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1985, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(f)(2)).
*10(b)(3)   Participation Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, among TEP and San Carlos as Lessee, Philip Morris Credit Corporation, IBM Credit Financing Corporation, and Emerson Finance Co. as Owner Participants, Wilmington Trust Company as Owner Trustee, The Sumitomo Bank, Limited, New York Branch, as Loan Participant, and Bankers Trust Company, as Indenture Trustee. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1985, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(f)(3)).
*10(b)(4)   Restructuring Commitment Agreement, dated as of June 30, 1992, among TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, Philip Morris Credit Corporation, IBM Credit Financing Corporation and Emerson Capital Funding, William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, The Sumitomo Bank, Limited, New York Branch, as Loan Participant and United States Trust Company of New York, as Indenture Trustee. (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 10(g)(4)).
*10(b)(5)   Lease Supplement No.1, dated December 31, 1985, to Lease Agreements, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively (document filed relates to Philip Morris Credit Corporation; documents relating to IBM Credit Financing Corporation and Emerson Financing Co. are not filed but are substantially similar). (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860 — Exhibit 10(g)(5)).
*10(b)(6)   Amendment No. 1, dated as of December 15, 1992, to Lease Agreements, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, as Lessor. (Form S-1, Registration No. 33-55732 — Exhibit 10(g)(6)).
*10(b)(7)   Amendment No. 1, dated as of December 15, 1992, to Tax Indemnity Agreements, dated as of December 1, 1985, between Philip Morris Credit Corporation, IBM Credit Financing Corporation and Emerson Capital Funding Corp., as Owner Participants and TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee. (Form S-1, Registration No. 33-55732 — Exhibit 10(g)(7)).

*10(b)(8)   Amendment No. 2, dated as of December 1, 1999, to Lease Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, under a Trust Agreement with Philip Morris Capital Corporation as Owner Participant. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1999, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(b)(8)).
*10(b)(9)   Amendment No. 2, dated as of December 1, 1999, to Lease Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, under a Trust Agreement with IBM Credit Financing Corporation as Owner Participant. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1999, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(b)(9)).

*10(b)(10)   Amendment No. 2, dated as of December 1, 1999, to Lease Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, under a Trust Agreement with Emerson Finance Co. as Owner Participant. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1999, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(b)(10)).
*10(b)(11)   Amendment No. 2, dated as of December 1, 1999, to Tax Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and Philip Morris Capital Corporation as Owner Participant, beneficiary under a Trust Agreement dated as of December 1, 1985, with Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, together as Lessor. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1999, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(b)(11)).
*10(b)(12)   Amendment No. 2, dated as of December 1, 1999, to Tax Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and IBM Credit Financing Corporation as Owner Participant, beneficiary under a Trust Agreement dated as of December 1, 1985, with Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, together as Lessor. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1999, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(b)(12)).
*10(b)(13)   Amendment No. 2, dated as of December 1, 1999, to Tax Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and Emerson Finance Co. as Owner Participant, beneficiary under a Trust Agreement dated as of December 1, 1985, with Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, together as Lessor. (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1999, File No. 1-5924 — Exhibit 10(b)(13)).
*10(b)(14)   Amendment No. 3 dated as of June 1, 2003, to Lease Agreements, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, under a Trust Agreement with Philip Morris Capital Corporation as Owner Participant. (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2003, File No. 1-5924 – Exhibit 10(a)).
*10(b)(15)   Amendment No. 3 dated as of June 1, 2003, to Lease Agreements, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, under a Trust Agreement with IBM Credit, LLC as Owner Participant. (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2003, File No. 1-5924 – Exhibit 10(b)).
*10(b)(16)   Amendment No. 3 dated as of June 1, 2003, to Lease Agreements, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, under a Trust Agreement with Emerson Finance Co. as Owner Participant. (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2003, File No. 1-5924 – Exhibit 10(c)).

*10(b)(17)   Amendment No. 3 dated as of June 1, 2003, to Tax Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and Philip Morris Capital Corporation as Owner Participant, beneficiary under a Trust Agreement dated as of December 1, 1985, with Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, together as Lessor. (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2003, File No. 1-5924 – Exhibit 10(d)).
*10(b)(18)   Amendment No. 3 dated as of June 1, 2003, to Tax Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and IBM Credit, LLC as Owner Participant, beneficiary under a Trust Agreement dated as of December 1, 1985, with Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, together as Lessor. (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2003, File No. 1-5924 – Exhibit 10(e)).

*10(b)(19)   Amendment No. 3 dated as of June 1, 2003, to Tax Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and Emerson Finance Co. as Owner Participant, beneficiary under a Trust Agreement dated as of December 1, 1985, with Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, together as Lessor. (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2003, File No. 1-5924 – Exhibit 10(f)).
*10(b)(20)   Amendment No. 4, dated as of June 1, 2006, to Lease Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Cotrustee, respectively, under a Trust Agreement with Philip Morris Capital Corporation as Owner Participant. (Form 8-K dated June 12, 2006, File No. 1-5924 – Exhibit 10.1).
*10(b)(21)   Amendment No. 4, dated as of June 1, 2006, to Lease Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Cotrustee, respectively, under a Trust Agreement with Selco Service Corporation as Owner Participant. (Form 8-K dated June 12, 2006, File No. 1-5924 – Exhibit 10.2).
*10(b)(22)   Amendment No. 4, dated as of June 1, 2006, to Lease Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Cotrustee, respectively, under a Trust Agreement with Emerson Finance LLC as Owner Participant. (Form 8-K dated June 12, 2006, File No. 1-5924 – Exhibit 10.3).
*10(b)(23)   Amendment No. 4, dated as of June 1, 2006 to Tax Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, as Lessee, and Philip Morris Capital Corporation as Owner Participant, beneficiary under a Trust Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, with Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Cotrustee, respectively, together as Lessor. (Form 8-K dated June 12, 2006, File No. 1-5924 – Exhibit 10.4).
*10(b)(24)   Amendment No. 4, dated as of June 1, 2006 to Tax Indemnity Agreement , dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, as Lessee, and Selco Service Corporation as Owner Participant, beneficiary under a Trust Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, with Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Cotrustee, respectively, together as Lessor. (Form 8-K dated June 12, 2006, File No. 1-5924 – Exhibit 10.5).

  Amendment No. 4, dated as of June 1, 2006 to Tax Indemnity Agreement , dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP and San Carlos, as Lessee, and Emerson Finance LLC as Owner Participant, beneficiary under a Trust Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, with Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Cotrustee, respectively, together as Lessor. (Form 8-K dated June 12, 2006, File No. 1-5924 – Exhibit 10.6).

*10(d)   Participation Agreement, dated as of June 30, 1992, among TEP, as Lessee, various parties thereto, as Owner, Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, and LaSalle National Bank, as Indenture Trustee relating to TEP’s lease of Springerville Unit 1. (Form S-1, Registration No. 33-55732 — Exhibit 10(u)).
*10(e)   Lease Agreement, dated as of December 15, 1992, between TEP, as Lessee, and Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, as Lessor. (Form S-1, Registration No. 33-55732 — Exhibit 10(v)).

*10(f)   Tax Indemnity Agreements, dated as of December 15, 1992, between the various Owner Participants parties thereto and TEP, as Lessee. (Form S-1, Registration No. 33-55732 — Exhibit 10(w)).
+*10(h)   1994 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan of UniSource Energy. (Form S-8 dated January 6, 1998, File No. 333-43767).


+*10(i)   Management and Directors Deferred Compensation Plan of UniSource Energy. (Form S-8 dated January 6, 1998, File No. 333-43769).


+*10(j)   TEP Supplemental Retirement Account for Classified Employees. (Form S-8 dated May 21, 1998, File No. 333-53309).


+*10(k)   TEP Triple Investment Plan for Salaried Employees. (Form S-8 dated May 21, 1998, File No. 333-53333).


+*10(m)   Notice of Termination of Change in Control Agreement from TEP to Karen G. Kissinger, dated as of March 3, 2005 (including a schedule of other officers who received substantially identical notices). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2004, File No. 1-5924 – Exhibit 10(q)).


+*10(n)   Amended and Restated UniSourceUNS Energy 1994 Outside Director Stock Option Plan of UniSourceUNS Energy. (Form S-8 dated September 9, 2002, File No. 333-99317).
*10(o)   Asset Purchase Agreement dated as of October 29, 2002, by and between UniSource Energy and Citizens Communications Company relating to the Purchase of Citizens’ Electric Utility Business in the State of Arizona. (Form 8-K dated October 31, 2002, File No. 1-13739 — Exhibit 99-1).


+*10(p)   UniSourceUNS Energy 2006 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan. (Form S-8 dated January 31, 2007, File No. 333-140353).
+*10(q)   Stock Option Agreement between UniSource Energy and Raymond S. Heyman dated as of September 15, 2005 (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2007, File No. 1-13739, Exhibit 10(r)).


+*10(r)   Management and Directors Deferred Compensation Plan II of UniSourceUNS Energy. (Form S-8 dated December 30, 2008, File No. 333-156491).
+*10(s)   Letter of Employment dated as of December 9, 2008, between UniSource Energy and Paul J. Bonavia. (Form 8-K dated December 15, 2008, File No. 1-13739).


+*10(t)   Amended and Restated Officer Change in Control Agreement, dated as of October 9, 2009, between TEP and Michael J. DeConcini (including a schedule of other officers who are covered by substantially identical agreements). (Form 8-K dated October 13, 2009, File No. 1-13739 – Exhibit 10(A)).
+*10(u)   Employment Agreement, dated May 4, 2009, between UniSource Energy and Paul J. Bonavia. (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2009, File No. 13739 – Exhibit 4).


+*10(v)   UniSourceUNS Energy Corporation 2011 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan. (Form 8-K dated May 10, 2011, File 1-13739 – Exhibit 10.1).

12(a)   Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges – UniSourceUNS Energy.
12(b)   Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges – TEP.
21   Subsidiaries of the Registrants.

Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm – UniSourceUNS Energy.

23(b)   Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm – TEP.
24(a)   Power of Attorney – UniSourceUNS Energy.
24(b)   Power of Attorney – TEP.
31(a)   Certification Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act – UniSourceUNS Energy, by Paul J. Bonavia.
31(b)   Certification Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act – UniSourceUNS Energy, by Kevin P. Larson.
31(c)   Certification Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act – TEP, by Paul J. Bonavia.
31(d)   Certification Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act – TEP, by Kevin P. Larson.
**32   Statements of Corporate Officers (pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002).
#****101   The following materials from UniSourceUNS Energy’s and TEP’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2011,2012, formatted in XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language):

(a)UniSourceUNS Energy’s and TEP’s (i) Consolidated Statements of Income, (ii) Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (iii) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, (iii)(iv) Consolidated Balance Sheets, (iv)(v) Consolidated Statements of Capitalization, (v)(vi) Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders’ Equity and Comprehensive Income;Equity; and

(b)Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

#These exhibits are deemed furnished and not filed pursuant to Rule 406T of Regulation S-T.


(*)Previously filed as indicated and incorporated herein by reference.

(+)Management contracts or compensatory plans or arrangements required to be filed as exhibits to this Form 10-K by item 601(b)(10)(iii) of Regulation S-K.

**Pursuant to Item 601(b)(32)(ii) of Regulation S-K, this certificate is not being “filed” for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
***XBRL materials for Tucson Electric Power Company are deemed not filed or part of a registration statement or prospectus for the purposes of Section 11 or 12 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and are deemed not filed for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and otherwise are not subject to liability under these sections.

