Securities and Exchange Commission
                Washington, D.C.  20549

                       Form 10-Q

      EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

      For the quarterly period ended JuneSeptember 30, 1996.



   For the transition period from __________________________ to _______________.___________.

   Commission File Number 1-7978

                           Black Hills Corporation
   Incorporated in South Dakota      IRS Identification Number 46-0111677

                              625 Ninth Street
                        Rapid City, South Dakota  57709

                  Registrant's telephone number (605)-348-1700

       Former name, former address, and former fiscal year if changed
       since last report

Indicate  by  check  mark  whether  the  registrant  (1)  has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12  months  (or  for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                 Yes     X                      No

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each  of  the  issuer's classes of
common stock as of the last practicable date.

                  Class                     Outstanding at JulyOctober 31, 1996

        Common stock, $1.00 par value              14,439,93014,446,167 shares

                                  BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                                         I N D E X



Item 1. Financial Statements

       Consolidated Balance Sheets-                                 2-3
        JuneSeptember 30, 1996, December 31, 1995
        and JuneSeptember 30, 1995

       Consolidated Statements of Income-                             4
        Three, SixNine and Twelve Months
        Ended JuneSeptember 30, 1996 and 1995

       Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows-                         5
        Three, SixNine and Twelve Months
        Ended JuneSeptember 30, 1996 and 1995

       Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity-               6
        Three, SixNine and Twelve Months Ended
        JuneSeptember 30, 1996 and 1995

       Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                     7

Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of                     8-10
        Financial Position and Consolidated
        Statements of Earnings


Item 1. Legal Proceedings                                             11

Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                              11

Signatures                                                            12

                                   BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                                 Consolidated Balance Sheets

                             JuneSeptember 30       December 31   JuneSeptember 30
                                  1996              1995          1995
                             -------------------       -----------   -------------------     
                                       (in thousands)

Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents     $  3,7677,529         $  8,179        $ 4,56711,674
  Securities available for sale   10,59810,685            6,804           10,2634,696
  Receivables, net
    Customers                     11,09212,177           13,339          10,53713,004
    Other                          7,6378,346            3,825           2,4462,553
  Materials, supplies,
   and fuel                        7,5087,489            7,415           7,6197,432
  Prepaid expenses                 7752,422            1,247           1,2731,595
                                --------         --------        --------
                                  41,37748,648           40,809          36,70540,954
                                --------         --------        --------

Property and investments:
  Electric                       473,295477,040          469,135         455,399463,713
  Coal mining                     44,66849,763           44,473          51,13951,311
  Oil and gas                     42,99143,861           40,704          37,07238,755
  Other                            3,6643,273            3,330           3,3124,465
                                --------         --------        --------
                                 564,618573,937          557,642         546,922558,244

Less accumulated depreciation
 and depletion                  (174,836)(180,713)        (164,383)       (162,764)(168,248)
                                --------         --------        --------

  Net property and
   investments                   389,782393,224          393,259         384,158389,996
                                --------         --------        --------
Deferred charges:
  Federal income taxes             7,6207,803            7,543           7,6787,672
  Regulatory asset                 2,8763,026            2,576             709
  Other                            4,5448,632            4,643           5,0605,198
                                --------         --------        --------
                                  15,04019,461           14,762          13,44713,579
                                --------         --------        --------

     Total                      $446,199$461,333         $448,830        $434,310$444,529
                                ========         ========        ========

                                 BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                               Consolidated Balance Sheets

                            JuneSeptember 30       December 31   JuneSeptember 30
                                1996               1995          1995
                            -------------------       -----------   -------------------
                                              (in thousands)


Current liabilities:
   Current maturities of
    long-term debt            $  1,4681,534         $  1,405        $  2,0342,070
   Notes payable                 1,0781,348              618           3,5684,403
   Accounts payable              3,7146,090            9,737           8,6427,668
   Accrued liabilities-
     Taxes                       5,8576,823            7,046           6,2406,612
     Interest                    4,0463,011            4,089           3,6422,959
     Other                       5,6877,117            6,978           7,6086,795
                              --------         --------        --------
                                21,85025,923           29,873          31,73430,507
                              --------         --------        --------

Deferred credits:
   Federal income taxes         46,87347,207           45,290          41,38542,514
   Investment tax credits        4,7674,641            5,018           5,2705,144
   Reclamation costs            8,31416,293            7,974           7,9287,881
   Regulatory liability          6,9986,944            7,111           7,4097,371
   Other                         5,5075,667            5,153           4,4395,157
                              --------         --------        --------
                                72,45980,752           70,546          66,43168,067
                              --------         --------        --------

   Common stock equity-
     Common stock               14,44014,446           14,425          14,40914,417
     Additional paid-in
      capital                   46,64346,763           46,355          46,09946,231
     Retained earnings         125,488128,746          121,562         117,275119,377
                              --------         --------        --------
   Total common stock equity   186,571189,955          182,342         177,783180,025
   Long-term debt              165,319164,703          166,069         158,362165,930
                              --------         --------        --------
                               351,890354,658          348,411         336,145345,955
                              --------         --------        --------

        Total                 $446,199$461,333         $448,830        $434,310$444,529
                              ========         ========        ========

                                  BLACK HILLS CORPORATION
                             Consolidated Statements of Income

                         Three Months        SixNine Months      Twelve Months
                         JuneSeptember 30        JuneSeptember 30     JuneSeptember 30
                         1996     1995      1996     1995     1996     1995
                         ----     ----      ----     ----     ----     ----  
                                           (in thousands)
Operating revenues:
  Electric             $26,978  $23,990   $57,283  $50,013 $116,054 $102,929$31,073  $29,596   $88,357  $79,608 $117,532 $104,791
  Coal mining            7,418    7,797    15,486   14,736   30,620   30,7978,262    6,755    23,749   21,490   32,128   29,887
  Oil and gas            3,387    2,816     6,118    5,794   11,487   12,0683,230    2,711     9,348    8,505   12,007   11,588
                       -------  -------   -------  -------  -------- --------
                        37,783   34,603    78,887   70,543  158,161  145,794-------  -------
                        42,565   39,062   121,454  109,603  161,667  146,266
                       -------  -------   -------  -------  -------- ---------------  -------

Operating expenses:
  Fuel and purchased
   power                 7,931    9,743    16,745   19,770   36,241   40,0259,034   10,186    25,780   29,956   35,090   40,090
  Operations and
   maintenance           7,635    6,540    15,084   12,870   30,569   27,7057,190    6,662    22,276   19,492   31,086   26,649
  Administrative and
   general               1,843    1,799     3,940    4,478    8,909    8,8812,301    2,433     6,239    6,896    8,776    9,000
   and amortization      6,023    4,900    11,429    9,648   21,493   18,4375,928    5,604    17,357   15,193   21,817   19,467
  Taxes, other than
   income taxes          3,155    2,719     6,313    5,372   11,932   10,7753,193    2,549     9,506    7,920   12,575   10,618
                       -------  -------   -------  -------  -------- --------
                        26,587   25,701    53,511   52,138  109,144  105,823-------  -------
                        27,646   27,434    81,158   79,457  109,344  105,824
                       -------  -------   -------  -------  -------- ---------------  -------

Operating income:
  Electric              7,642    4,946    18,229   11,190   35,281   24,60610,828    8,980    29,057   20,169   37,129   26,041
  Coal mining            2,994    3,537     6,299    6,456   11,954   13,3483,304    2,668     9,604    9,238   12,591   12,927
  Oil and gas              560      419       848      759    1,782    2,017787      (20)    1,635      739    2,603    1,474
                       -------  -------   -------  -------  -------- --------
                        11,196    8,902    25,376   18,405   49,017   39,971-------  -------
                        14,919   11,628    40,296   30,146   52,323   40,442
                       -------  -------   -------  -------  -------- ---------------  -------

Other income and
  Interest expense      (3,462)  (3,448)   (6,930)  (7,015) (14,113) (12,875)(3,489)  (3,524)  (10,419) (10,537) (14,078) (13,679)
  Investment income        346      261       583      661    1,292    1,571400      295       982      953    1,398    1,471
  Allowance for funds
   used during
   construction            134    2,530       250    4,826    1,290    7,732111    1,014       360    5,840      387    7,698
  Other, net               127       50       650      120    1,774      260122      729       771      736    1,151      662
                       -------  -------   -------  -------  -------- --------
                        (2,855)    (607)   (5,447)  (1,408)  (9,757)  (3,312)-------  -------
                        (2,856)  (1,486)   (8,306)  (3,008) (11,142)  (3,848)
                       -------  -------   -------  -------  -------- ---------------  -------
Income before income
 taxes                  8,341    8,295    19,929   16,997   39,260   36,65912,063   10,142    31,990   27,138   41,181   36,594
Income taxes            (2,454)  (2,653)   (6,043)  (5,355) (11,424) (11,394)(3,820)  (3,210)   (9,861)  (8,564) (12,035) (11,376)
                       -------  -------   -------  -------  -------- ---------------  -------
  Net income available
   for common stock    $ 5,8878,243  $ 5,642   $13,886  $11,642  $27,836  $25,2656,932   $22,129  $18,574  $29,146  $25,218
                       =======  =======   =======  =======  ======== ===============  =======

Weighted average common
 shares outstanding     14,443   14,414    14,437   14,40514,404   14,433   14,400   14,425   14,386
                       =======  =======   =======  =======  ===============  =======
Earnings per share       $0.41    $0.39     $0.96    $0.81    $1.93    $1.76$0.57    $0.48      1.53    $1.29    $2.02    $1.75
                       =======  =======   =======  =======  ===============  =======
Dividends paid per
 share of common stock  $0.345   $0.335    $0.690   $0.670   $1.360   $1.330$1.035   $1.005   $1.370   $1.335
                       =======  =======   =======  =======  ===============  =======

                                 BLACK HILLS CORPORATION
                           Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                             Three Months     SixNine Months       Twelve Months
                             JuneSeptember 30     JuneSeptember 30      JuneSeptember 30
                             1996    1995     1996     1995     1996     1995
                             ----    ----     ----     ----     ----     ----
                                                 (in thousands)
Operating activities:
  Net Income               $5,887  $5,642   $13,886  $11,642  $27,836  $25,265$ 8,243 $ 6,932  $22,129  $18,574  $29,146  $25,218
  Principal non-cash items-
   Depreciation, depletion,
    and amortization         6,023   4,900    11,429    9,648   21,493   18,4375,928   5,604   17,357   15,193   21,817   19,467
   Deferred income taxes
    and investment tax
    credits, net               384     179       913      522    2,235    2,088208     971    1,122    1,746    1,473    2,832
   Allowance for other funds
    used during construction   (83) (1,564)     (156)  (2,982)    (819)  (4,791)(70)   (643)    (227)  (3,625)    (247)  (4,895)
  (Increase) decrease in
   receivables, inventories,
   and other current assets (357)  2,146    (1,186)   3,283   (5,137)     369(3,422) (2,709)  (4,608)     574   (5,850)  (2,657)
  Increase (decrease) in
   other current
   liabilities               (5,690) (2,977)   (8,546)  (3,138)  (6,829)   3,6983,737  (2,099)  (4,809)  (5,237)    (993)  (2,193)
  Other, net                 91     242       373    2,081    2,146    9,222
                           ------  ------1,656    (322)   2,028    1,564    4,553    7,981
                           ------- -------  -------  -------  6,255   8,568    16,713   21,056   40,925   54,288
                           ------  -------------  -------
                            16,280   7,734   32,992   28,789   49,899   45,753
                           ------- -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Investment activities:
  Property additions,
   excluding allowance
   for other funds used
   during construction      (5,041) (12,794)   (7,447) (29,453) (26,243) (102,563)(7,292) (9,514) (14,738) (38,966) (24,021) (80,601)
  Available for sale
   securities purchased     (233)    (599)   (9,905)  (8,434) (20,799)  (35,332)(3,285) (2,637) (13,191) (11,071) (22,079) (25,211)
  Available for sale
   securities sold           3,100    8,561     6,111   22,616   20,464    48,373
                          ------   ------3,198   7,775    9,310   30,391   16,090   49,722
                           ------- -------  -------  -------  (2,174)  (4,832)  (11,241) (15,271) (26,578)  (89,522)
                          ------   -------------  -------
                            (7,379) (4,376) (18,619) (19,646) (30,010) (56,090)
                           ------- -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Financing activities:
  Dividends paid            (4,982)  (4,826)   (9,960)  (9,651) (19,623)  (19,134)(4,985) (4,830) (14,945) (14,481) (19,777) (19,228)
  Common stock issued          123      157       303      382      575     1,222126     140      429      522      561      604
  Net short-term borrowings    155    1,350       460  (33,450)  (2,490)  (29,593)270     835      730  (32,615)  (3,055)  (3,090)
  Long-term debt issued          -  15,121        -   46,765        -   31,644   15,254    77,43946,765
  Long-term debt retired      -      (14)     (687)  (2,317)  (8,863)   (3,609)
                          ------   ------(550) (7,517)  (1,237)  (9,834)  (1,763)  (9,859)
                           ------- -------  -------  -------  (4,704)  (3,333)   (9,884) (13,392) (15,147)   26,325
                          ------   -------------  -------
                            (5,139)  3,749  (15,023)  (9,643) (24,034)  15,192
                           ------- -------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
 Increase (decrease)
   in cash and cash
   equivalents               (623)     403    (4,412)  (7,607)    (800)   (8,909)3,762   7,107     (650)    (500)  (4,145)   4,855
Cash and cash
  Beginning of period        4,390    4,1643,767   4,567    8,179   12,174   4,567    13,47611,674    6,819
                           ------- -------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
  End of period            $ 3,7677,529 $11,674  $ 4,5677,529  $11,674  $ 3,767  $ 4,567  $ 3,767   $ 4,5677,529  $11,674
                           ======= =======  =======  =======  =======  =======

Supplemental disclosure
 of cash flow information
  Cash paid during the
   period for:
   Interest                $ 2,4264,524 $ 2,639   $ 6,973  $ 6,168  $13,709   $10,8224,207  $11,495  $10,373  $14,026  $13,205
   Income taxes            $ 6,1502,666 $ 1,9251,550  $ 6,7509,416  $ 4,145  $10,3805,695  $11,496  $ 7,4107,460
  Assumption of reclamation
   liability in acquisition
   of Clovis Point
   properties              $ 7,800 $     -  $ 7,800  $     -  $ 7,800  $     -

                                 BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                       Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity

                         Three Months       SixNine Months        Twelve Months
                         JuneSeptember 30       JuneSeptember 30       JuneSeptember 30
                         1996     1995      1996     1995      1996     1995
                         ----     ----      ----     ----      ----     ----
                                             (in thousands)

Common stock:
 Beginning of period  $ 14,43414,440 $ 14,40014,409  $ 14,425 $ 14,386  $  14,40914,417  $ 14,34514,382
Issuance of $1 par
  value shares               6        9        15       238        21       31         6429        35
                      -------- --------  -------- --------  ---------  --------
   End of period        14,446   14,417    14,446   14,417     14,446    14,417
                      -------- --------  -------- --------  ---------  --------

Additional paid-in
 Beginning of period    46,643   46,099    46,355   45,740    46,231   45,662
 Net proceeds over
  par value of
  stock issued             120      132       408      491       532      569
                      -------- --------  -------- --------  -------- --------
   End of period        14,440   14,409    14,440   14,409    14,440    14,40946,763   46,231    46,763   46,231    46,763   46,231
                      -------- --------  -------- --------  -------- --------

Additional paid-in
 Beginning of period    46,526   45,951    46,355   45,740    46,099   44,942
 Net proceeds over
  par value of
  stock issued             117      148       288      359       544    1,157
                      -------- --------   -------  -------   -------  ------- 
   End of period        46,643   46,099    46,643   46,099    46,643   46,099
                      -------- --------   -------  -------   -------  -------

Retained earnings:
 Beginning of period   124,583  116,459125,488  117,275   121,562  115,284   117,275  111,144119,377  113,387
 Net income              5,887    5,642    13,886   11,642    27,836   25,2658,243    6,932    22,129   18,574    29,146   25,218
 Cash dividends on
  common stock          (4,982)  (4,826)   (9,960)  (9,651)  (19,623) (19,134)(4,985)  (4,830)  (14,945) (14,481)  (19,777) (19,228)
                      --------  -------   -------  -------   -------  -------
  End of period        125,488  117,275   125,488  117,275   125,488  117,275128,746  119,377   128,746  119,377   128,746  119,377
                      --------  -------   -------  -------   -------  -------

  Total shareholders'
   equity             $186,571 $177,783  $186,571 $177,783  $186,571 $177,783$189,955 $180,025  $189,955 $180,025  $189,955 $180,025
                      ======== ========  ======== ========  ======== ========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                              BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                        Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
            (Reference is made to Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                         included in the Company's Annual Report)


     The financial statements included herein have been prepared by Black Hills
Corporation  (the Company) without audit, pursuant to the rules and regulations
of the Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.  Certain information and footnote
disclosures normally included in financial  statements  prepared  in accordance
with  generally  accepted accounting principles have been condensed or  omitted
pursuant to such rules  and regulations; however, the Company believes that the
footnotes adequately disclose  the information presented.  It is suggested that
these financial statements be read in conjunction with the financial statements
and the notes thereto, included in the Company's 1995 Annual Report on Form 10-
K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     Accounting methods historically  employed  require certain estimates as of
interim  dates.   The  information  furnished  in  the  accompanying  financial
statements reflects all adjustments which are, in the  opinion  of  management,
necessary for a fair presentation of the JuneSeptember 30, 1996, December  31, 1995
and  JuneSeptember  30,  1995,  financial information and are of a normal recurring
nature.   The  results of operations  for  the  three  and  sixnine  months  ended
JuneSeptember 30, 1996,  are  not  necessarily  indicative  of  the  results  to be
expected for the full year.


   In  August  1996,  the  Company  announced  the  formation  of  a new energy
marketing  company,  Enserco  Energy Inc., headquartered in Lakewood, Colorado.
The Company owns a 50 percent interest  in  Enserco  with an option to increase
its  ownership  interest to 70 percent.  Enserco will market  natural  gas  and
electricity and related  services  to  customers  in  the Rocky Mountain region
initially,  expanding  to  national  markets  in the future.   The  results  of
operations  of  Enserco  for the periods ending September  30,  1996  were  not


   In AprilSeptember 1996, WYGEN, Inc.Wyodak  Resources  Development Corp., a subsidiary of the
Company, entered into an agreement to purchase  a  joint
development  agreement  with  Calpine  Corporation,portion  of the Clovis Point
and East Gillette Mine properties from Kerr-McGee Coal Corporation.  The Clovis
Point  Mine  properties  are  located  adjacent  to  Wyodak Resources'  current
reserves  in  Campbell  County, Wyoming, and consist of State  of  Wyoming  and
federal leased coal reserves.  The sale is subject to certain federal and state

   Upon completion of the  acquisition, Wyodak Resources will increase its coal
reserves from approximately 173 million tons to 300 million tons and will own a
national electric power
company headquartered in San Jose, California.train loadout facility.  In  addition,  the  acquisition  includes the existing
Clovis Point maintenance and processing facilities and a developed open pit.

   The  joint  plan  ispurchase  price  for  the  acquisition  consists  of Wyodak  Resources'
obligation  to  secure
appropriate  sales  agreementsassume the responsibility for the reclamation  of  an  existing
Clovis Point open  pit  and  to developpay Kerr-McGee overriding royalties if and when
coal is produced from the WYGEN Plant, an 80 MW mine-
mouth, coal fired, electric generating  plant,acquired  properties without any obligation of Wyodak
Resources  to be constructed atmine the coal.  As of September  30,  Wyodak  mine.   The  electricity  will  be  marketed  by  Calpine's   power   marketing
subsidiary,  Calpine Power Services Company,had  recorded  $7.8
million of mining  assets  and  liabilities  related  to  customers throughoutthis transaction.  An
independent study is currently being conducted to support the West.
Construction of  the  WYGEN  Plant  will  not commenceacquisition price
and WYGEN will not incur
substantial  costs  unless  long-term  power  sale   contracts   are  obtained,
justifying the construction.

   In  conjunction  with  the above agreement the Company also entered  into  a
Power Sales Enabling agreement with Calpine Corporation whereby the parties may
enter into transactions pursuant  to  which  power can be made available by one
party to the other at one or more delivery points.

related reclamation liability.

                Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                                and Results of Operations


      In  the  past  the Company has depended upon internally generated  funds,
issuance of short and  long-term  debt and sales of common stock to finance its
activities.  It is expected future activities will also be financed by the most
appropriate mix of these various sources of funds.

     The Company currently has bank lines of credit totaling $12,000,000, which
provides for interim borrowings and  the  opportunity  for  timing of permanent
financing.   The  Company  had no borrowings outstanding of $680,000  under  these
lines of credit on JuneSeptember  30,  1996.   There  are  no  compensating balance
requirements associated with these lines of credit.

   In addition to the above lines of credit, Wyodak Resources Development Corp.
has guaranteed a $15,000,000 line of credit for Enserco Energy,  Inc. to use to
guarantee letters of credit.  Enserco pays a .125% facility fee on this line of
credit.  At September 30, 1996, there were no balances outstanding on this line
of credit.


     Black Hills Corporation is an energy services company consisting of three principal
businesses:  electric, coal mining and oil and gas production.

     Consolidated income was $5,887,000$8,243,000 for the three months ended, $13,886,000$22,129,000
for the sixnine months ended and $27,836,000$29,146,000 for the twelve months ended JuneSeptember
30, 1996, an increase of 4 percent, 19 percent for the three and 10nine month periods and 16
percent  respectively.for  the twelve month period.  The increase in earnings was  primarily
due to increasedstrong sales  volumesgrowth  for  the electric operations the inclusion of Neil Simpson  Unit  #2  (NS #2), an 80 MW
coal-fired power plant which began commercial operation on August 1, 1995, into
the Company's rate base, and increased oil and
gas prices.
     Consolidated revenue and income from continuing operations provided by the
three businesses as a percentage of the total were as follows:

                  Three Months Ended   SixNine Months Ended  Twelve Months Ended
                      JuneSeptember 30       JuneSeptember 30        JuneSeptember 30
                      1996    1995       1996    1995        1996    1995
                      ----    ----       ----    ----        ----    ----

Electric               71%     69%        73%     71%         74%     71%76%        73%     73%         73%     72%
Coal mining            19      17         20      23         20          21          19      2120      20
Oil and gas             9       8       7          87       7           7       8
                      ---     ---        ---     ---         ---     ---  
                      100%    100%       100%    100%        100%    100%
                      ===     ===        ===     ===         ===     ===

Electric               56%     50%        60%     53%         60%     53%64%     64%        62%     57%         61%     55%
Coal mining            37      45         36      4329      35         33      40          33      41
Oil and gas             7       1          5       3           6       4       4           5       6
                      ---     ---        ---     ---         ---     ---
                      100%    100%       100%    100%        100%    100%
                      ===     ===        ===     ===         ===     ===

   Capital  expenditures  and  depreciation,  depletion,  and  amortization  by
industry segment were as follows:

                   Three Months Ended  SixNine Months Ended  Twelve Months Ended
                      JuneSeptember 30       JuneSeptember 30        JuneSeptember 30
                      1996    1995       1996     1995       1996     1995
                      ----    ----       ----     ----       ----     ----
                                        (in thousands)
(includes AFDC)

Electric            $ 3,738  $13,2503,866  $ 4,800  $30,232    $19,0308,475    $ 94,3618,665  $38,707    $14,420  $73,300
Coal mining           53       80        196      182      1,558     5,1351,208      172      1,404      355      2,593    5,286
Oil and gas           1,327    1,027      2,599    2,020      6,468     7,3852,236    1,510      4,836    3,529      7,195    6,438
Other                    6        1          8        1          7       47352        -         60        -         60      472
                    -------  -------    -------  -------    -------  ---------------
                    $ 5,124  $14,358    $ 7,603  $32,435    $27,063  $107,3547,362  $10,157    $14,965  $42,591    $24,268  $85,496
                    =======  =======    =======  =======    =======  ===============

Electric            $4,092  $ 4,0993,249    $11,896  $ 2,6618,554    $15,285  $ 7,803  $ 5,305    $14,442  $ 10,47311,158
Coal mining            647    1,090      1,310    1,997      2,947     3,366664      873      1,974    2,811      2,738     3,529
Oil and gas          1,277    1,149      2,316    2,346      4,104     4,5981,172    1,482      3,487    3,828      3,794     4,780
                    ------  -------    -------  -------    -------  -------- 
                    $5,928  $ 6,0235,604    $17,357  $15,193    $21,817  $ 4,900    $11,429  $ 9,648    $21,493  $ 18,43719,467
                    ======  =======    =======  =======    =======  ========


     Electric revenue increased  125  percent,  1511 percent and 1312 percent for the
three, sixnine and twelve months ended JuneSeptember 30, 1996, primarily due to strong
growth in sales and earnings associated with the  inclusion  of  NS  #2  in the
Company's rate base.  Firm kilowatthour sales increased 3  percent,  4 percent and 2 percent for the three
six and nine months ended, and 3 percent for the twelve month periods, respectively.period.  Degree days,
which is a measure of weather trends, were 127 percent abovebelow normal for the secondthird
quarter  of 1996 and 7 percent below last year.  Degree days for the sixnine month
period were 1713 percent above last year and 1411 percent above normal.
   Non-firm  sales  increased 66,530 megawatt hours for the three month period,
134,680 megawatt hours for the nine month period and 167,880 megawatt hours for
the twelve month period.   Although the increase in non-firm sales generated an
$821,000, $1,362,000 and $1,680,000 increase in electric revenue, respectively,
they were low margin sales and generated minimal earnings.

   Electric expenses remained  relatively  flat  for  the three and sixnine months
ended  JuneSeptember  30,  1996.   Although  purchased  power  expense   decreased,
depreciation and amortization expense increasedincreased.  This increase was largely due
to  the  commercial operationdepreciation  on  Neil  Simpson  Unit  #2  (NS #2) and the accelerated
depreciation  on  the  Kirk Plant.  The Kirk Power Plant  was  placed  in  cold
reserve in August 1995 and  is  expected  to be fully depreciated in the fourth
quarter of NS #2.1996.  Expenses for the twelve month  period  increased  32  percent,
also  due  to the inclusion of NS #2 in the Company's rate base.base and accelerated
depreciation taken on Kirk.

   Non-operating  income decreased for the three, sixnine and twelve month periods
due to a decrease in  AFUDC  of  $2.4$0.9  million,  $4.6$5.5 million and $6.4$7.3 million,
respectively.  This was a reflection of the completion of construction on NS #2
and was offset by the increase in electric revenues.


   Mining revenue decreased 5increased 22 percent, 11 percent and 18 percent for the three,
nine and twelve month periods and increased 5 percent for the six month period ended JuneSeptember 30,  1996,  compared  to the same
periods last year.  Tons of coal sold decreased
slightly for the quarter, while increasing  9increased 23 percent, 13 percent  and  210
percent  for  the  sixthree,  nine  and twelve month periods.  This increase was a
reflection of the sale of coal to  NS #2.  Mining expenses increased 5 percent, 13  percent  and  821 percent
for the three, sixthird quarter and 15 percent  for  the  nine  and  twelve  months ended
JuneSeptember 30, 1996.  The increase in expense is related to the increase in tons
of  coal  sold  as  well  as  an  increase  in  royalty expense offset by lower
depletion expense.  Last year a portion of the coal  mined  was  fee coal which
does  not  carry  a federal royalty, whereas this year the coal mined  was  all
Federal coal.


     Oil and gas production  revenue,  which represents less than 10 percent of
consolidated revenue, increased 2019 percent,  10  percent  and 64 percent for the
three,  nine  and six
months ended and decreased 5 percent for the  twelve months ended JuneSeptember 30, 1996, respectively.   This
increase was directly  related to an increase in oil and gas prices offset by a
decrease in equivalent barrels of oil sold.

   Operating expenses increased 18decreased  11  percent,  .9 percent and 57 percent for the
three, nine and sixtwelve month periods ended JuneSeptember 30, 1996,  due  to  increased production expense.
Operating  expenses  for  the  twelve  month period decreased  3  percent when compared to
the same periodperiods last year.


            Part II - Other Information


       There are no legal proceedings to be reported  on for the quarter ending
       JuneSeptember 30, 1996.


       a. EXHIBITS


       b. REPORTS ON FORM 8-K

          The  Registrant  filed  a  Form  8-K  on May 30,August 27,  1996,  reporting
          the items
          votedparticipation in a new Energy Marketing  Company named Enserco Energy

          The  Registrant  filed a Form 8-K on at the Annual MeetingSeptember  20,  1996,  reporting
          Wyodak Resources Development  Corp.,  a  subsidiary  of  Shareholders.Black  Hills
          Corporation, has agreed to purchase Clovis Point Mine properties from
          Kerr-McGee Coal Corporation.

                              BLACK HILLS CORPORATION


   Pursuant  to  the  requirements  of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this report  to  be  signed  on  its  behalf  by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                         BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                         /S/ DALE E. CLEMENT
                         Dale E. Clement,
                           Senior Vice President-FinancePresident - Finance
                  (Principal Financial Officer)

                         /S/ GARY R. FISH
                         Gary R. Fish, Controller
                           (Principal Accounting Officer)

Dated:    August 8,November 13, 1996