Washington, D.C. 20549



For the quarterly period ended September 30, 20172018




For the transition period from --- to ---

Commission file number0-12014


(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)




(State or other jurisdiction

 (I.R.S. Employer

of incorporation or organization)

 Identification No.)

505 Quarry Park Boulevard S.E.


Calgary, Alberta, Canada

 T2C 5N1

(Address of principal executive offices)

 (Postal Code)

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code:1-800-567-3776



The registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 9190 days.

YES    NO  


 ✓    NO

The registrant has submitted electronically and posted on its corporate Web site, if any, every Interactive Data File required to be submitted and posted pursuant to Rule 405 of RegulationS-T during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit and post such files).

YES    NO  


 ✓    NO

The registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, anon-accelerated filer, smaller reporting company, or an emerging growth company. See the definition of “large accelerated filer”, “accelerated filer”, “smaller reporting company” and “emerging growth company” in Rule12b-2 of the Exchange Act of 1934).


Large accelerated filer

  ✓     Smaller reporting company        

Non-accelerated filer

     Emerging growth company        

Accelerated filer


If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act.        

The registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule12b-2 of the Exchange Act of 1934).

YES    NO  


NO   ✓    

The number of common shares outstanding, as of September 30, 20172018 was 837,581,329.792,702,836.




Table of contents




Item 1.

Financial statements


Consolidated statement of income


Consolidated statement of comprehensive income


Consolidated balance sheet


Consolidated statement of cash flows


Notes to the consolidated financial statements


Item 2.

Management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations


Item 3.

Quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk


Item 4.

Controls and procedures21
Item 2.Unregistered sales of equity securities and use of proceeds22
Item 6.Exhibits




Item 2. Unregistered sales of equity securities and use of proceeds


Item 6. Exhibits






In this report all dollar amounts are expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated. This report should be read in conjunction with the company’s annual report on Form10-K for the year ended December 31, 2016.2017. Note that numbers may not add due to rounding.

The term “project” as used in this report can refer to a variety of different activities and does not necessarily have the same meaning as in any government payment transparency reports.

In this report, unless the context otherwise indicates, reference to “the company” or “Imperial” includes Imperial Oil Limited and its subsidiaries.






Item 1.   Financial statements

Consolidated statement of income (U.S. GAAP, unaudited)


                     Nine Months 
      Third Quarter   

Nine Months

to September 30

     Third Quarter     to September 30 
millions of Canadian dollarsmillions of Canadian dollars  2017   2016   2017       2016        2018     2017     2018     2017  


Revenues and other income

Revenues and other income


Operating revenues(a)

   7,134    6,568    21,077    17,967    

Investment and other income(note 3)

   24    874    270    945    


Revenues (a)

     9,697      7,134      27,113      21,077  

Investment and other income(note 5)

     35      24      96      270 

Total revenues and other income

Total revenues and other income

   7,158    7,442    21,347    18,912         9,732      7,158      27,209      21,347 







   7    16    29    75         4      7      13      29 

Purchases of crude oil and products(b)

Purchases of crude oil and products(b)

   4,251    3,857    13,226    10,884         6,099      4,251      17,416      13,226 

Production and manufacturing(c)

Production and manufacturing(c)

   1,338    1,261    4,238    3,842         1,480      1,314      4,557      4,154 

Selling and general(c)

Selling and general(c)

   219    275    626    812         224      217      691      618 

Federal excise tax

Federal excise tax

   438    434    1,253    1,237         432      438      1,241      1,253 

Depreciation and depletion

Depreciation and depletion

   391    398    1,135    1,229         410      391      1,145      1,135 

Financing costs(note 5)

   18    19    49    52    


Non-service pension and postretirement benefit(d)

     27      26      80      92 

Financing(note 7)

     30      18      79      49 

Total expenses

Total expenses

   6,662    6,260    20,556    18,131         8,706      6,662      25,222      20,556 


Income (loss) before income taxes

Income (loss) before income taxes

   496    1,182    791    781         1,026      496      1,987      791 

Income taxes

Income taxes

   125    179    164    60         277      125      526      164 


Net income (loss)

Net income (loss)

   371    1,003    627    721         749      371      1,461      627 


Per-share information(Canadian dollars)


Net income (loss) per common share - basic(note 8)

   0.44    1.18    0.74    0.85    

Net income (loss) per common share - diluted(note 8)

   0.44    1.18    0.74    0.85    

Dividends per common share

   0.16    0.15    0.47    0.44    




Amounts from related parties included in operating revenues.

   756    448    2,801    1,457    



Amounts to related parties included in purchases of crude oil and products.

   604    623    1,919    1,540    


 Amounts to related parties included in production and manufacturing, and selling and general expenses.   127    133    415    394    
Per share information(Canadian dollars)                

Net income (loss) per common share - basic(note 10)

     0.94      0.44      1.79      0.74 

Net income (loss) per common share - diluted(note 10)

     0.94      0.44      1.79      0.74 

(a) Amounts from related parties included in revenues.

     1,809      756      4,951      2,801 

(b) Amounts to related parties included in purchases of crude oil and products.

     1,071      604      3,337      1,919 

(c) Amounts to related parties included in production and manufacturing, and selling and general expenses.

     136      127      433      415 

(d) Prior year amounts have been reclassified. See note 2 for additional details.


The information in the notes to consolidated financial statements is an integral part of these statements.





Consolidated statement of comprehensive income (U.S. GAAP, unaudited)


                     Nine Months 
  Third Quarter   

Nine Months

to September 30

     Third Quarter     to September 30 
millions of Canadian dollars  2017   2016       2017       2016        2018     2017     2018   2017 

Net income (loss)

     749      371      1,461    627  


Net income (loss)

   371    1,003    627    721    

Other comprehensive income (loss), net of income taxes


Post-retirement benefits liability adjustment (excluding amortization)

   -    -    41    100    

Amortization of post-retirement benefits liability adjustment included in net periodic benefit costs

   34    34    106    108    


Postretirement benefits liability adjustment (excluding amortization)

     -      -      (19   41 

Amortization of postretirement benefits liability adjustment included in net periodic benefit costs

     34      34      101    106 

Total other comprehensive income (loss)

   34    34    147    208         34      34      82    147 



Comprehensive income (loss)

   405    1,037    774    929         783      405      1,543    774 


The information in the notes to consolidated financial statements is an integral part of these statements.





Consolidated balance sheet (U.S. GAAP, unaudited)


    As at    As at   
    Sept 30   Dec 31   
millions of Canadian dollars  

As at

Sept 30


As at

Dec 31

     2018   2017  



Current assets



   833  391      1,148    1,195 

Accounts receivable, less estimated doubtful accounts(a)

   1,896  2,023      2,729    2,712 

Inventories of crude oil and products

   989  949      1,392    1,075 

Materials, supplies and prepaid expenses

   441  468      464    425 

Total current assets

   4,159  3,831      5,733    5,407 

Investments and long-term receivables(b)

   931  1,030      837    865 

Property, plant and equipment,

   53,844  53,515      53,592    52,778 

less accumulated depreciation and depletion

   (18,248 (17,182     (19,386   (18,305

Property, plant and equipment, net

   35,596  36,333      34,206    34,473 


   186  186      186    186 

Other assets, including intangibles, net

   498  274 

Other assets, including intangibles, net(note 9)

     857    670 

Total assets

   41,370  41,654      41,819    41,601 



Current liabilities


Notes and loans payable(b)

   202  202 

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities(a) (note 7)

   3,041  3,193 

Notes and loans payable(c)

     202    202 

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities(a) (note 9)

     4,565    3,877 

Income taxes payable

   59  488      11    57 

Total current liabilities

   3,302  3,883      4,778    4,136 

Long-term debt(c) (note 6)

   5,013  5,032 

Other long-term obligations(d) (note 7)

   3,698  3,656 

Long-term debt(d) (note 8)

     4,986    5,005 

Other long-term obligations(e) (note 9)

     3,334    3,780 

Deferred income tax liabilities

   4,336  4,062      4,742    4,245 

Total liabilities

   16,349  16,633      17,840    17,166 

Shareholders’ equity


Common shares at stated value(e) (note 8)

   1,547  1,566 

Earnings reinvested(note 9)

   25,224  25,352 

Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)(note 10)

   (1,750 (1,897

Common shares at stated value(f) (note 10)

     1,465    1,536 

Earnings reinvested(note 11)

     24,247    24,714 

Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)(note 12)

     (1,733   (1,815

Total shareholders’ equity

   25,021  25,021      23,979    24,435 

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity

   41,370  41,654      41,819    41,601 

Accounts receivable, less estimated doubtful accounts included net amounts receivable from related parties of $87$385 million (2016(2017 - $172$509 million).


Investments and long-term receivables included amounts from related parties of $94 million (2017 - $19 million).


Notes and loans payable included amounts to related parties of $75 million (2016(2017 - $75 million).


Long-term debt included amounts to related parties of $4,447 million (2016(2017 - $4,447 million).


Other long-term obligations included amounts to related parties of $71$27 million (2016(2017 - $104$60 million).


Number of common shares authorized and outstanding were 1,100 million and 838793 million, respectively (2016(2017 - 1,100 million and 848831 million, respectively).

The information in the notes to consolidated financial statements is an integral part of these statements.





Consolidated statement of cash flows (U.S. GAAP, unaudited)


                 Nine Months 
Inflow (outflow)  Third Quarter 

    Nine Months

    to September 30

       Third Quarter   to September 30 
millions of Canadian dollars  2017 2016 2017 2016     2018   2017   2018   2017 


Operating activities


Net income (loss)

   371  1,003   627  721      749    371    1,461    627 

Adjustments fornon-cash items:


Depreciation and depletion

   391  398   1,135  1,229      364    391    1,099    1,135 

(Gain) loss on asset sales(note 3)

   (6 (909  (219 (952

Impairment of intangible assets(note 9)

     46    -    46    - 

(Gain) loss on asset sales(note 5)

     (10   (6   (29   (219

Deferred income taxes and other

   131  215   294  35      276    131    485    294 

Changes in operating assets and liabilities:


Accounts receivable

   (297 275   127  (121     (104   (297   (17   127 

Inventories, materials, supplies and prepaid expenses

   104  (7  (13 112      (179   104    (356   (13

Income taxes payable

   19  (13  (429  -      (78   19    (46   (429

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities

   81  (241  (159 (59     78    81    102    (159

All other items - net(a)

   43  51   320  299 


All other items - net(a) (b)

     65    43    306    320 

Cash flows from (used in) operating activities

   837  772   1,683  1,264      1,207    837    3,051    1,683 


Investing activities


Additions to property, plant and equipment

   (241 (189  (683 (893

Proceeds from asset sales(note 3)

   8  1,194   230  1,244 

Additions to property, plant and equipment(b)

     (327   (241   (1,055   (683

Proceeds from asset sales(note 5)

     13    8    34    230 

Additional investments

   (1  -   (1 (1     -    (1   -    (1


Loan to equity company

     (38   -    (75   - 

Cash flows from (used in) investing activities

   (234 1,005   (454 350      (352   (234   (1,096   (454


Financing activities


Short-term debt - net

   -  (1,591  -  (1,679

Long-term debt - additions(note 6)

   -   -   -  495 

Reduction in capitalized lease obligations(note 6)

   (7 (6  (20 (21

Reduction in capitalized lease obligations(note 8)

     (7   (7   (20   (20

Dividends paid

   (136 (127  (390 (364     (155   (136   (421   (390

Common shares purchased(note 8)

   (250  -   (377  - 


Common shares purchased(note 10)

     (418   (250   (1,561   (377

Cash flows from (used in) financing activities

   (393 (1,724  (787 (1,569     (580   (393   (2,002   (787


Increase (decrease) in cash

   210  53   442  45      275    210    (47   442 

Cash at beginning of period

   623  195   391  203      873    623    1,195    391 


Cash at end of period(b)

   833  248   833  248 


Cash at end of period(c)

     1,148    833    1,148    833 

(a) Included contribution to registered pension plans.

   (78  (44)   (176  (120)      (52   (78   (153   (176

(b)  The impact of carbon emission programs are included in additions to property, plant and equipment, and all other items, net.

(c)   Cash is composed of cash in bank and cash equivalents at cost. Cash equivalents are all highly liquid securities with maturity of three months or less when purchased.

Non-cash transaction

As a result of the Government of Ontario’s revocation of its cap and trade legislation, the company reclassified approximately $570 million of its Ontario carbon emission obligation from long-term liabilities to current liabilities. The impact of this reclassification was not reflected in “Accounts payable and accrued liabilities” and “All other items - net” lines on the Consolidated statement of cash flows as it was not a cash transaction.

The information in the notes to consolidated financial statements is an integral part of these statements.





Notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited)



Basis of financial statement preparation

These unaudited consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles of the United States of America (GAAP) and follow the same accounting policies and methods of computation as, and should be read in conjunction with, the most recent annual consolidated financial statements filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the company’s 20162017 annual report on Form10-K. In the opinion of the company, the information furnished herein reflects all known accruals and adjustments necessary for a fair statement of the results for the periods reported herein. All such adjustments are of a normal recurring nature. Prior year’s data has been reclassified in certain cases to conform to the current presentation basis.

The company’s exploration and production activities are accounted for under the “successful efforts” method.

The results for the nine months ended September 30, 2017,2018, are not necessarily indicative of the operations to be expected for the full year.

All amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated.






Accounting changes

2. Business segmentsEffective January 1, 2018, Imperial adopted the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s standard,Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Topic 606), as amended. The standard establishes a single revenue recognition model for all contracts with customers, eliminates industry and transaction specific requirements, and expands disclosure requirements. The standard was adopted using the modified retrospective method, under which prior year results are not restated, but supplemental information is provided for any material impacts of the standard on 2018 results. The adoption of the standard did not have a material impact on any of the lines reported in the company’s consolidated financial statements. The cumulative effect of adoption of the new standard was de minimis. The company did not elect any practical expedients that require disclosure. See note 4 for additional details.

Effective January 1, 2018, Imperial adopted the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s standard update, Compensation – Retirement Benefits (Topic 715):Improving the Presentation of Net Periodic Pension Cost and Net Periodic Postretirement Benefit Cost. The update requires separate presentation of the service cost component from other components of net benefit costs. The other components are reported in a new line on the company’s consolidated statement of income,“Non-service pension and postretirement benefit”. Imperial elected to use the practical expedient which uses the amounts disclosed in the pension and other postretirement benefit plan note for the prior comparative periods as the estimation basis for applying the retrospective presentation requirements, as it is impracticable to determine the amounts capitalized in those periods. Beginning in 2018, the other components of net benefit costs are included in the Corporate and other expenses. The“Non-service pension and postretirement benefit” line reflects thenon-service costs, which primarily includes interest costs, expected return on plan assets, and amortization of actuarial gains and losses, that were previously included in “Production and manufacturing” and “Selling and general” expenses. Additionally, only the service cost component of net benefit costs is eligible for capitalization in situations where it is otherwise appropriate to capitalize employee costs in connection with the construction or production of an asset.

The impact of the retrospective presentation change on Imperial’s consolidated statement of income for the period ended September 30, 2018 is shown below.


Third Quarter             Upstream    Downstream     Chemical 
millions of Canadian dollars  2017  2016   2017  2016  2017   2016  



Revenues and other income


Operating revenues(a)

   1,668   1,316   5,204   4,971   262    281 

Intersegment sales

   587   709   241   253   62    58 

Investment and other income(note 3)

   7   1   15   870   -    1 


   2,262   2,026   5,460   6,094   324    340 






   7   16   -   -   -     

Purchases of crude oil and products

   947   861   4,014   3,827   179    188 

Production and manufacturing

   893   887   394   323   51    51 

Selling and general

   5   (1  167   238   19    22 

Federal excise tax

   -      438   434   -     

Depreciation and depletion

   330   346   53   46   3    2 

Financing costs(note 5)

   1   (2  -   -   -     



Total expenses

   2,183   2,107   5,066   4,868   252    263 



Income (loss) before income taxes

   79   (81  394   1,226   72    77 

Income taxes

   17   (55  102   224   20    21 



Net income (loss)

   62   (26  292   1,002   52    56 



Cash flows from (used in) operating activities

   479   432   268   264   99    73 

Capital and exploration expenditures(b)

   92   149   55   38   5    7 


Third Quarter          Corporate and Other     Eliminations   Consolidated 
millions of Canadian dollars  2017  2016   2017  2016  2017   2016  



Revenues and other income


Operating revenues(a)

   -      -   -   7,134    6,568 

Intersegment sales

   -      (890  (1,020  -     

Investment and other income(note 3)

   2   2   -   -   24    874 


   2   2   (890  (1,020  7,158    7,442 






   -      -   -   7    16 

Purchases of crude oil and products

   -      (889  (1,019  4,251    3,857 

Production and manufacturing

   -      -   -   1,338    1,261 

Selling and general

   29   17   (1  (1  219    275 

Federal excise tax

   -      -   -   438    434 

Depreciation and depletion

   5   4   -   -   391    398 

Financing costs(note 5)

   17   21   -   -   18    19 



Total expenses

   51   42   (890  (1,020  6,662    6,260 



Income (loss) before income taxes

   (49  (40  -   -   496    1,182 

Income taxes

   (14  (11  -   -   125    179 



Net income (loss)

   (35  (29  -   -   371    1,003 



Cash flows from (used in) operating activities

   (9  3   -   -   837    772 

Capital and exploration expenditures(b)

   7   11   -   -   159    205 


   Third Quarter     Nine Months to 
millions of Canadian dollars  2017      September 30, 2017 



       Change  As
       Change  As

 Production and manufacturing

   1,338    (24)   1,314      4,238    (84)   4,154  

 Selling and general

   219    (2)   217      626    (8)   618  

 Non-service pension and postretirement benefit

      26    26          92    92  

Effective January 1, 2018, Imperial adopted the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s standard update, Financial Instruments - Overall (Subtopic825-10):Recognition and Measurement of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities. The standard requires investments in equity securities other than consolidated subsidiaries and equity method investments to be measured at fair value, with changes in the fair value recognized through net income. The company elected a modified approach for equity securities that do not have a readily determinable fair value. This modified approach measures investments at cost minus impairment, if any, plus or minus changes resulting from observable price changes in orderly transactions for the identical or a similar investment of the same issuer. There was no cumulative effect related to the adoption of this standard. The carrying value of equity securities without readily determinable fair values as at September 30, 2018 were not significant to Imperial.

The standard also expanded disclosures related to financial statements. The company’s only notable financial instrument is long-term debt ($4,447 million, excluding capitalized lease obligations), where the difference between fair value and carrying value was de minimis. The fair value of long-term debt was primarily a level 2 measurement.



Business segments

Third Quarter        Upstream       Downstream      Chemical 
millions of Canadian dollars  2018  2017  2018  2017  2018   2017 

Revenues and other income



   2,489   1,668   6,880   5,204   328    262 

Intersegment sales

   771   587   425   241   79    62 

Investment and other income(note 5)

   2   7   25   15   1    - 
    3,262   2,262   7,330   5,460   408    324 




   4   7   -   -   -    - 

Purchases of crude oil and products

   1,566   947       5,567       4,014   239    179 

Production and manufacturing(b)

   1,073   893   356   394   51    51 

Selling and general (b)

   -   5   199   167   21    19 

Federal excise tax

   -   -   432   438   -    - 

Depreciation and depletion (c)

   309   330   91   53   4    3 

Non-service pension and postretirement benefit(b)

   -   -   -   -   -    - 

Financing(note 7)

   -   1   -   -   -    - 

Total expenses

   2,952   2,183   6,645   5,066   315    252 

Income (loss) before income taxes

   310   79   685   394   93    72 

Income taxes

   88   17   183   102   24    20 

Net income (loss)

   222   62   502   292   69    52 

Cash flows from (used in) operating activities

   872   479   281   268   79    99 

Capital and exploration expenditures(d)

   257   92   105   55   8    5 
Third Quarter      Corporate and other       Eliminations       Consolidated 
millions of Canadian dollars  2018  2017  2018  2017  2018   2017 

Revenues and other income



   -   -   -   -   9,697    7,134 

Intersegment sales

   -   -   (1,275  (890  -    - 

Investment and other income(note 5)

   7   2   -   -   35    24 
    7   2   (1,275  (890  9,732    7,158 




   -   -   -   -   4    7 

Purchases of crude oil and products

   -   -   (1,273  (889      6,099        4,251 

Production and manufacturing(b)

   -   -   -   -   1,480    1,338 

Selling and general(b)

   6   29   (2  (1  224    219 

Federal excise tax

   -   -   -   -   432    438 

Depreciation and depletion(c)

   6   5   -   -   410    391 

Non-service pension and postretirement benefit(b)

   27   -   -   -   27    - 

Financing(note 7)

   30   17   -   -   30    18 

Total expenses

   69   51   (1,275  (890  8,706    6,662 

Income (loss) before income taxes

   (62  (49  -   -   1,026    496 

Income taxes

   (18  (14  -   -   277    125 

Net income (loss)

   (44  (35  -   -   749    371 

Cash flows from (used in) operating activities

   (25  (9  -   -   1,207    837 

Capital and exploration expenditures(d)

   6   7   -   -   376    159 



Included export sales to the United States of $1,080$1,741 million (2016(2017 - $941$1,080 million). Export sales to the United States were recorded in all operating segments, with the largest effects in the Upstream segment.


As part of the implementation of Accounting Standard Update, Compensation – Retirement Benefits (Topic 715), beginning January 1, 2018, Corporate and other includes allnon-service pension and postretirement benefit expense. Prior to 2018, the majority of these costs were allocated to the operating segments. See note 2 for additional details.


The Downstream segment in 2018 included anon-cash impairment charge of $46 million, before tax, associated with the Government of Ontario’s revocation of its carbon emission cap and trade regulation.


Capital and exploration expenditures (CAPEX) include exploration expenses, additions to property, plant and equipment, additions to capital leases, additional investments and acquisitions. CAPEX excludes the purchase of carbon emission credits.





Nine Months to September 30              Upstream     Downstream  Chemical         Upstream        Downstream       Chemical 
millions of Canadian dollars  2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016    2018 2017   2018   2017   2018   2017 


Revenues and other income


Operating revenues(a)

   5,166  3,699   15,087  13,470   824  798  


   6,796  5,166    19,357    15,087    960    824 

Intersegment sales

   1,494  1,516   792  689   191  156     2,078  1,494    1,119    792    226    191 

Investment and other income(note 3)

   17  22   248  919   (1  

   6,677  5,237   16,127  15,078   1,014  955  

Investment and other income(note 5)

   6  17    66    248    1    (1

    8,880  6,677    20,542    16,127    1,187    1,014 




   29  75   -   -   -       13  29    -    -    -    - 

Purchases of crude oil and products

   3,089  2,584   12,037  10,139   573  518     4,513  3,089    15,664    12,037    657    573 

Production and manufacturing

   2,917  2,634   1,169  1,059   152  149  

Selling and general

   1  (3  540  729   60  63  

Production and manufacturing(b)

   3,191  2,917    1,212    1,169    154    152 

Selling and general(b)

   -  1    569    540    65    60 

Federal excise tax

   -   -   1,253  1,237   -       -   -    1,241    1,253    -    - 

Depreciation and depletion

   964  1,053   148  158   9   

Financing costs(note 5)

   5  (6  -   -   -    


Depreciation and depletion(c)

   927  964    191    148    11    9 

Non-service pension and postretirement benefit(b)

   -   -    -    -    -    - 

Financing(note 7)

   -  5    -    -    -    - 

Total expenses

   7,005  6,337   15,147  13,322   794  736     8,644  7,005    18,877    15,147    887    794 


Income (loss) before income taxes

   (328 (1,100  980  1,756   220  219     236  (328   1,665    980    300    220 

Income taxes

   (103 (336  230  363   59  59     64  (103   441    230    80    59 


Net income (loss)

   (225 (764  750  1,393   161  160     172  (225   1,224    750    220    161 


Cash flows from (used in) operating activities

   904  32   626  1,028   176  205     1,199  904    1,647    626    278    176 

Capital and exploration expenditures(b)

   286  745   128  145   12  21  

Total assets as at September 30

   35,387  36,975   4,671  4,403   365  379  

Capital and exploration expenditures(d)

   646  286    250    128    19    12 

Total assets as at September 30(c)

   34,570  35,387    5,426    4,671    427    365 
Nine Months to September 30              Corporate and Other     Eliminations  Consolidated       Corporate and other        Eliminations        Consolidated 
millions of Canadian dollars  2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016    2018 2017   2018   2017   2018   2017 


Revenues and other income


Operating revenues(a)

   -   -   -   -   21,077  17,967  


   -   -    -    -    27,113    21,077 

Intersegment sales

   -   -   (2,477 (2,361  -       -   -    (3,423   (2,477   -    - 

Investment and other income(note 3)

   6  3   -   -   270  945  

   6  3   (2,477 (2,361  21,347  18,912  

Investment and other income (note 5)

   23  6    -    -    96    270 

    23  6    (3,423   (2,477   27,209    21,347 




   -   -   -   -   29  75     -   -    -    -    13    29 

Purchases of crude oil and products

   -   -   (2,473 (2,357  13,226  10,884     -   -    (3,418   (2,473   17,416    13,226 

Production and manufacturing

   -   -   -   -   4,238  3,842  

Selling and general

   29  27   (4 (4  626  812  

Production and manufacturing(b)

   -   -    -    -    4,557    4,238 

Selling and general(b)

   62  29    (5   (4   691    626 

Federal excise tax

   -   -   -   -   1,253  1,237     -   -    -    -    1,241    1,253 

Depreciation and depletion

   14  12   -   -   1,135  1,229  

Financing costs(note 5)

   44  58   -   -   49  52  


Depreciation and depletion(c)

   16  14    -    -    1,145    1,135 

Non-service pension and postretirement benefit(b)

   80   -    -    -    80    - 

Financing(note 7)

   79  44    -    -    79    49 

Total expenses

   87  97   (2,477 (2,361  20,556  18,131     237  87    (3,423   (2,477   25,222    20,556 


Income (loss) before income taxes

   (81 (94  -   -   791  781     (214 (81   -    -    1,987    791 

Income taxes

   (22 (26  -   -   164  60     (59 (22   -    -    526    164 


Net income (loss)

   (59 (68  -   -   627  721     (155 (59   -    -    1,461    627 


Cash flows from (used in) operating activities

   (23 (1  -   -   1,683  1,264     (73 (23   -    -    3,051    1,683 

Capital and exploration expenditures(b)

   29  37   -   -   455  948  

Total assets as at September 30

   1,283  674   (336 (337  41,370  42,094  


Capital and exploration expenditures(d)

   19  29    -    -    934    455 

Total assets as at September 30(c)

   1,727  1,283    (331   (336   41,819    41,370 



Included export sales to the United States of $3,024$4,509 million (2016(2017 - $2,704$3,024 million). Export sales to the United States were recorded in all operating segments, with the largest effects in the Upstream segment.


As part of the implementation of Accounting Standard Update, Compensation – Retirement Benefits (Topic 715), beginning January 1, 2018, Corporate and other includes allnon-service pension and postretirement benefit expense. Prior to 2018, the majority of these costs were allocated to the operating segments. See note 2 for additional details.


The Downstream segment in 2018 included anon-cash impairment charge of $46 million, before tax, associated with the Government of Ontario’s revocation of its carbon emission cap and trade regulation.


Capital and exploration expenditures (CAPEX) include exploration expenses, additions to property, plant and equipment, additions to capital leases, additional investments and acquisitions. CAPEX excludes the purchase of carbon emission credits.






Accounting policy for revenue recognition

Imperial generally sells crude oil, natural gas and petroleum and chemical products under short-term agreements at prevailing market prices. In some cases, products may be sold under long-term agreements, with periodic price adjustments to reflect market conditions.

Revenue is recognized at the amount the company expects to receive when the customer has taken control, which is typically when title transfers and the customer has assumed the risks and rewards of ownership. The prices of certain sales are based on price indexes that are sometimes not available until the next period. In such cases, estimated realizations are accrued when the sale is recognized, and are finalized when final information is available. Such adjustments to revenue from performance obligations satisfied in previous periods are not significant. Payment for revenue transactions is typically due within 30 days. Future volume delivery obligations that are unsatisfied at the end of the period are expected to be fulfilled through ordinary production or purchases. These performance obligations are based on market prices at the time of the transaction and are fully constrained due to market price volatility.

“Revenues” and “Accounts receivable, less estimated doubtful accounts” primarily arise from contracts with customers. Long-term receivables are primarily fromnon-customers. Contract assets are mainly from marketing assistance programs and are not significant. Contract liabilities are mainly customer prepayments, loyalty programs and accruals of expected volume discounts, and are not significant.


Investment and other income

Investment and other income included gains and losses on asset sales as follows:

                    Nine Months 
  Third Quarter   

Nine Months

to September 30

     Third Quarter     to September 30  
millions of Canadian dollars  2017     2016     2017     2016       2018     2017     2018     2017 

Proceeds from asset sales

   8      1,194      230      1,244        13      8      34      230 

Book value of asset sales

   2      285      12      292        3      2      5      12 

Gain (loss) on asset sales, before tax(a) (b)

   6      909      219      952   

Gain (loss) on asset sales, after tax(a) (b)

   5      774      191      808   

Gain (loss) on asset sales, before tax(a)

     10      6      29      219 

Gain (loss) on asset sales, after tax(a)

     6      5      21      191 

The nine months ended September 30, 2017 included a gain of $174 million ($151 million after tax) for the sale of a surplus property in Ontario.

(b)Third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2016, included gains of $0.8 billion ($0.7 billion, after tax) from the sale of company-owned Esso retail sitessurplus property in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.Ontario.



Employee retirement benefits

The components of net benefit cost were as follows:


                Nine Months 
  Third Quarter Nine Months
to September 30
     Third Quarter   to September 30  
millions of Canadian dollars  2017 2016 2017 2016     2018   2017   2018   2017  

Pension benefits:


Current service cost

   54  50   163  152      59    54    179    163 

Interest cost

   77  82   235  240      76    77    227    235 

Expected return on plan assets

   (104 (101  (306 (300     (100   (104   (301   (306

Amortization of prior service cost

   2  2   7  7      1    2    3    7 

Amortization of actuarial loss (gain)

   43  39   132  121      43    43    130    132 

Net periodic benefit cost

   72  72   231  220      79    72    238    231 

Other post-retirement benefits:


Other postretirement benefits:


Current service cost

   4  4   12  12      5    4    13    12 

Interest cost

   6  7   18  20      5    6    16    18 

Amortization of actuarial loss (gain)

   2  3   6  10      2    2    5    6 

Net periodic benefit cost

   12  14   36  42      12    12    34    36 




Financing costs and additional notes and loans payable information


   Third Quarter   Nine Months
to September 30
  millions of Canadian dollars  2017    2016    2017    2016  

  Debt-related interest

   24     32     73     95  

  Capitalized interest

   (7)    (11)    (29)    (37) 

  Net interest expense

   17     21     44     58  

  Other interest

       (2)        (6) 

  Total financing costs

   18     19     49     52  


                 Nine Months 
     Third Quarter   to September 30 
 millions of Canadian dollars    2018   2017   2018   2017 

 Debt-related interest

     36    24    98    73 

 Capitalized interest

     (6   (7   (19   (29

 Net interest expense

     30    17    79    44 

 Other interest

     -    1    -    5 

 Total financing

     30    18    79    49 



Long-term debt


    As at     As at 
   As at
Sept 30
   As at
Dec 31
     Sept 30     Dec 31 
millions of Canadian dollarsmillions of Canadian dollars  2017   2016     2018     2017 

Long-term debt

Long-term debt

   4,447    4,447      4,447      4,447 

Capital leases

Capital leases

   566    585      539      558 

Total long-term debt

Total long-term debt

   5,013    5,032      4,986      5,005 



Other long-term obligations


    As at     As at 
   As at
Sept 30
   As at
Dec 31
     Sept 30     Dec 31 
millions of Canadian dollarsmillions of Canadian dollars  2017   2016     2018     2017 

Employee retirement benefits(a)

Employee retirement benefits(a)

   1,410    1,645      1,466      1,529 

Asset retirement obligations and other environmental liabilities(b)

Asset retirement obligations and other environmental liabilities(b)

   1,577    1,544      1,473      1,460 

Share-based incentive compensation liabilities

Share-based incentive compensation liabilities

   138    139      131      99 

Other obligations(c)

Other obligations(c)

   573    328 

Other obligations(c)

     264      692 

Total other long-term obligations

Total other long-term obligations

   3,698    3,656      3,334      3,780 


Total recorded employee retirement benefits obligations also included $58$56 million in current liabilities (2016(2017 - $58$56 million).


Total asset retirement obligations and other environmental liabilities also included $108$101 million in current liabilities (2016(2017 - $108$101 million).


Included carbon emission program obligations. Carbon emission program credits are recorded under other assets, including intangibles, net.

On July 3, 2018, the Government of Ontario revoked its carbon emission cap and trade regulation, prohibiting all trading of emissions allowances. On July 25, 2018, the Government of Ontario introduced legislation proposing to repeal Ontario’s cap and trade legislation and providing the framework for the wind down of the cap and trade program. In light of these announcements and the anticipated legislative process, the company recorded anon-cash impairment charge of $46 million, before tax, associated with the company’s net carbon emission program credits (obligation) as at September 30, 2018.



Common shares


8.Common shares

     As of
Sept 30
   As of
Dec 31
thousands of shares  2017   2016 




   1,100,000    1,100,000 

Common shares outstanding

   837,581    847,599 



From 1995 through September 2017, the company had a series of12-month normal course issuer bid share purchase programs. Cumulatively, 916,563 thousand shares were purchased under these programs. Exxon Mobil Corporation’s participation in these programs, including concurrent programs outside the normal course issuer bids, maintained its ownership interest in Imperial at approximately 69.6 percent.

     As of     As of 
     Sept 30     Dec 31 
 thousands of shares��   2018     2017 


     1,100,000       1,100,000  

 Common shares outstanding

     792,703       831,242  

The current12-month normal course issuer bid program was announced oncame into effect June 22, 2017,27, 2018, under which Imperial plans towill continue its existing share purchase program. The program enables the company to purchase up to a maximum of 25,395,92740,391,196 common shares (3(5 percent of the total shares on June 13, 2017),2018) which includes shares purchased under the normal course issuer bid and from Exxon Mobil Corporation concurrent with, but outside of the normal course issuer bid. As in the past, Exxon Mobil Corporation has advised the company that it intends to participate to maintain its ownership percentage at approximately 69.6 percent. The results of these activities are as shown below:

year  Purchased shares
   Millions of



1995 - 2015

   906,544    15,708 

2016 - Third quarter

   -    - 

         - Full year

   1    - 

2017 - Third quarter

   6,732    250 


   10,018    377 



Cumulative purchase to date

   916,563    16,085 




The excess of the purchase cost over the stated value of shares purchased has been recorded as a distribution of earnings reinvested.

The company’s common share activities are summarized below:

   Thousands of  Millions of 
    shares  dollars 

Balance as at December 31, 2016

   847,599   1,566 

Issued under employee share-based awards

   2   - 

Purchases at stated value

   (16,359  (30

Balance as at December 31, 2017

   831,242   1,536 

Issued under employee share-based awards

   -   - 

Purchases at stated value

   (38,539  (71

Balance as at September 30, 2018

   792,703   1,465 

The following table provides the calculation of net incomebasic and diluted earnings per common share:share and the dividends declared by the company on its outstanding common shares:


       Nine Months 
       Third Quarter   to September 30 
   2017   2016   2017   2016 

Net income (loss) per common share - basic


Net income (loss)(millions of Canadian dollars)

   371    1,003    627    721 

Weighted average number of common shares outstanding(millions of shares)

   841.8    847.6    845.5    847.6 

Net income (loss) per common share(dollars)

   0.44    1.18    0.74    0.85 

Net income (loss) per common share - diluted


Net income (loss)(millions of Canadian dollars)

        371      1,003         627         721 

Weighted average number of common shares outstanding(millions of shares)

   841.8    847.6    845.5    847.6 

Effect of employee share-based awards(millions of shares)

   3.1    3.2    2.9    3.0 

Weighted average number of common shares outstanding, assuming dilution(millions of shares)

   844.9    850.8    848.4    850.6 

Net income (loss) per common share(dollars)

   0.44    1.18    0.74    0.85 

9.Earnings reinvested

      Nine Months 
       Third Quarter  to September 30 
millions of Canadian dollars  2017  2016  2017  2016 

Earnings reinvested at beginning of period

   25,224   23,160   25,352   23,687 

Net income (loss) for the period

   371   1,003   627   721 

Share purchases in excess of stated value

   (237  -   (358  - 

Dividends declared

   (134  (127  (397  (373

Earnings reinvested at end of period

   25,224   24,036   25,224   24,036 
               Nine Months 
     Third Quarter     to September 30 
      2018     2017     2018     2017 

Net income (loss) per common share - basic


Net income (loss)(millions of Canadian dollars)

     749      371      1,461      627 

Weighted average number of common shares outstanding(millions of shares)

     797.6      841.8      814.2      845.5 

Net income (loss) per common share(dollars)

     0.94      0.44      1.79      0.74 

Net income (loss) per common share - diluted


Net income (loss)(millions of Canadian dollars)

     749      371      1,461      627 

Weighted average number of common shares outstanding(millions of shares)

     797.6      841.8      814.2      845.5 

Effect of employee share-based awards(millions of shares)

     2.9      3.1      2.7      2.9 

Weighted average number of common shares outstanding, assuming dilution(millions of shares)

     800.5      844.9      816.9      848.4 

Net income (loss) per common share(dollars)

     0.94      0.44      1.79      0.74 

Dividends per common share - declared(dollars)

     0.19      0.16      0.54      0.47 






Earnings reinvested

              Nine Months 
     Third Quarter      to September 30 
 millions of Canadian dollars    2018   2017   2018   2017 

Earnings reinvested at beginning of period

     24,049    25,224    24,714    25,352 

Net income (loss) for the period

     749    371    1,461    627 

Share purchases in excess of stated value

     (400   (237   (1,490   (358

Dividends declared

     (151   (134   (438   (397

Earnings reinvested at end of period

     24,247    25,224    24,247    25,224 


Other comprehensive income (loss) information

Changes in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss):


millions of Canadian dollars  2017 2016     2018   2017 


Balance at January 1

   (1,897 (1,828     (1,815   (1,897

Post-retirement benefits liability adjustment:


Postretirement benefits liability adjustment:


Current period change excluding amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive

   41  100      (19   41 

Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income

   106  108      101    106 


Balance at September 30

   (1,750 (1,620     (1,733   (1,750


Amounts reclassified out of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) -before-tax income (expense):


   Third Quarter  Nine Months
to September 30
millions of Canadian dollars  2017  2016  2017  2016 

Amortization of post-retirement benefits liability adjustment
included in net periodic benefit cost (a)

   (47  (44  (145  (138

(a)    This accumulated other comprehensive income component is included in the computation of net periodic benefit cost (note 4).


         Nine Months 
     Third Quarter   to September 30 
 millions of Canadian dollars    2018   2017   2018   2017 

 Amortization of postretirement benefits liability adjustment included in net periodic benefit cost(a)

     (46   (47   (138   (145

(a) This accumulated other comprehensive income component is included in the computation of net periodic benefit cost (note 6).

Income tax expense (credit) for components of other comprehensive income (loss):


   Third Quarter   Nine Months
to September 30
millions of Canadian dollars  2017   2016   2017   2016 

Post-retirement benefits liability adjustments:


Post-retirement benefits liability adjustment (excluding amortization)

   -    -    16    37 

Amortization of post-retirement benefits liability adjustment included in
net periodic benefit cost

   13    10    39    30 


   13    10    55    67 
           Nine Months 
     Third Quarter     to September 30 
 millions of Canadian dollars    2018     2017     2018   2017 

 Postretirement benefits liability adjustments:


Postretirement benefits liability adjustment (excluding amortization)

     -      -      (7   16 

Amortization of postretirement benefits liability adjustment included in net periodic benefit cost

     12      13      37    39 


     12      13      30    55 



Recently issued accounting standards

In May 2014,Effective January 1, 2019, Imperial will adopt the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued a newBoard’s standard,Revenue from Contracts with CustomersLeases (Topic 842). The standard establishes a single revenue recognition model for all contracts with customers, eliminates industry specific requirements and expands disclosure requirements. The standard is required to be adopted beginning January 1, 2018. The company expects to adopt the standard using the modified retrospective method, under which prior years’ results are not restated, but supplemental information on the impact of the new standard will be included in the 2018 results. The impact from the standard is not expected to have a material effect on the company’s financial statements.

In February 2016, the FASB issued a new standard, amended. The standard requires all leases with an initial term greater than one year to be recorded on the balance sheet as a right of use asset and a lease liability. Imperial expects to use the transition method that applies the new lease standard at January 1, 2019 and recognizes any cumulative effect adjustment to the opening balance of the 2019 retained earnings. The company acquired lease accounting software to facilitate implementation, and is currently configuring and testing the software. Based on leases outstanding at the end of 2017, the company estimates the operating lease right of use asset and lease liability.liability would have been in the range of $200 million to $250 million at that time. The effect on Imperial’s consolidated balance sheet as a result of implementing the standard is required to be adopted beginningon January 1, 2019. Imperial is evaluating2019 could differ considerably depending on operating leases commenced in 2018, as well as interest rates and other factors such as the standard and its effect onexpiry or renewal of leases during the company’s financial statements and plans to adopt it in 2019.year.





In March 2017, the FASB issued an Accounting Standards Update2017-07, Compensation – Retirement Benefits (Topic 715):Improving the Presentation of Net Periodic Pension Cost and Net Periodic Postretirement Benefit Cost. The update requires that the service cost component of net benefit costs be reported in the same line in the income statement as other compensation costs and that the other components of net benefit costs be presented separately from the service cost component. Additionally, only the service cost component of net benefit costs will be eligible for capitalization. Imperial will adopt the update beginning January 1, 2018. As a result of Imperial’s adoption of the update, the company expects to add a new lineNon-service pension and other postretirement benefit expense to its consolidated statement of income. This line would reflect the other components of net benefit costs as described in the Accounting Standards Update and would include amounts that were previously included in Production and manufacturing expenses, and Selling and general expenses. As of January 1, 2018, these costs will no longer be considered for capitalization. The impact from this change on the company’s net income is not expected to be material. Furthermore, as part of the adoption of the update, the company expects it will include all of these costs in its Corporate and Other expenses.


Item 2.

Management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations

Operating results

Third quarter 20172018 vs. third quarter 20162017

The company’s net income for the third quarter of 20172018 was $371$749 million or $0.44per-share$0.94 per share on a diluted basis, an increase of $378 million compared to the net income of $1,003$371 million or $1.18per-share$0.44 per share, for the same period last year.2017. Third quarter 2016 results includedfor 2018 include a $716non-cash impairment charge of $33 million gain from($0.04 per share) associated with the saleGovernment of retail sites.Ontario’s revocation of its carbon emission cap and trade regulation.

Upstream recorded net income was $222 million in the third quarter, of $62up $160 million compared to a net loss of $26 million infrom the same period of 2016. Results in the third quarter of 2017 reflected2017. Improved results reflect the impact of higher Canadian crude oil realizations of about $190$320 million and higher Kearl volumes of about $50 million. These impacts were$120 million, partially offset by lower Syncrude and conventional volumes of about $80$150 million including the absence of production at Norman Wells, and higher royaltiesoperating expenses of about $50$70 million.

West Texas Intermediate (WTI) averaged US$48.2369.43 per barrel in the third quarter of 2017,2018, up from US$44.9448.23 per barrel in the same quarter of 2016.2017. Western Canada Select (WCS) averaged US$38.2947.49 per barrel and US$31.4338.29 per barrel respectively for the same periods. The WTI / WCS differential narrowedwidened to 21 percentapproximately US$22 per barrel in the third quarter of 2017,2018, from 30 percentaround US$10 per barrel in the same period of 2016.2017.

The Canadian dollar averaged US$0.800.76 in the third quarter of 2017, an increase2018, a decrease of US$0.030.04 from the third quarter of 2016.2017.

Imperial’s average Canadian dollar realizations for bitumen and synthetic crudes increased generally in line with the North American benchmarks, adjusted for changes in exchange rates and transportation costs. Bitumen realizations averaged $39.02$50.42 per barrel for the third quarter of 2017,2018, an increase of $8.86$11.40 per barrel versus the third quarter of 2016.2017. Synthetic crude realizations averaged $61.14$89.70 per barrel, an increase of $2.17$28.56 per barrel for the same period of 2016.2017.

Gross production of Cold Lake bitumen averaged 163,000150,000 barrels per day in the third quarter, up from 157,000compared to 163,000 barrels per day in the same period last year. The higher production was mainlyLower volumes were primarily due to theproduction timing of theassociated with steam

Gross production of Kearl bitumen averaged 182,000244,000 barrels per day in the third quarter (129,000(173,000 barrels Imperial’s share), up from 159,000182,000 barrels per day (113,000(129,000 barrels Imperial’s share) during the third quarter of 2016.2017. Higher production was mainly the result of improved reliability.operational reliability associated with ore preparation, enhanced piping durability and feed management, partially offset by planned turnaround activity.

The company’s share of gross production from Syncrude averaged 74,00045,000 barrels per day, compared to 85,00074,000 barrels per day in the third quarter of 2016. Repairs associated with2017. Lower production was due to a site-wide power disruption that occurred on June 20, 2018, resulting in a complete shutdown of all processing units. Production was progressively restored throughout the Syncrude Mildred Lake upgrader firequarter and all cokers were completed in late July. Lower third quarter volumes reflect the impact of the fire on operations, when compared to the same quarter in 2016.backon-line bymid-September.

Downstream net income was $292$502 million in the third quarter, compared to $1,002up $210 million infrom the same periodthird quarter of 2016.2017. Earnings decreasedincreased mainly due to the absence of a $716 million gain from the sale of company-owned retail sites and higher refining turnaround activity of about $100 million. These factors were partly offset by higher refiningstronger margins of about $140 million.$220 million, partially offset by anon-cash impairment charge of $33 million associated with the Government of Ontario’s revocation of its carbon emission cap and trade regulation.

Refinery throughput averaged 385,000388,000 barrels per day, compared to 407,000up from 385,000 barrels per day in the third quarter of 2016. Reduced throughput reflects2017. Capacity utilization increased turnaround activity associated with the Nanticoke refineryto 92 percent from 91 percent in the third quarter of 2017.


Petroleum product sales were 500,000516,000 barrels per day, compared to 505,000up from 500,000 barrels per day in the third quarter of 2016.


2017. Sales growth continues to be driven by optimization across the full downstream value chain, and the expansion of Imperial’s logistic capabilities.

Chemical net income was $52$69 million in the third quarter, up $17 million from the same quarter of 2017, reflecting strong polyethylene pricing and advantaged feedstocks.

Corporate and other expenses were $44 million in the third quarter, compared to $56 million in the same quarter of 2016.

Net income effects from Corporate and Other were negative $35 million in the third quarter, compared to negative $29 million in the same period of 2016.2017. As part of the implementation of the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s update, Compensation – Retirement Benefits (Topic 715):Improving the Presentation of Net Periodic Pension Cost and Net Periodic Postretirement Benefit Cost, beginning January 1, 2018, Corporate and other includes allnon-service pension and postretirement benefit expenses. Prior to 2018, the majority of these costs were allocated to the operating segments.





Nine months 20172018 vs. nine months 20162017

Net income in the first nine months of 20172018 was $1,461 million, or $1.79 per share on a diluted basis, an increase of $834 million compared to a net income of $627 million or $0.74per-share on a diluted basis versus net income of $721 million or $0.85 per-share per share in the first nine months of 2016.2017.

Upstream recorded a net loss of $225income was $172 million in the first nine months of 2017,2018, an increase of $397 million compared to a net loss of $764$225 million from the same period of 2016. Results reflected2017. Improved results reflect the impact of higher Canadian crude oil realizations of about $940$670 million and higher Kearl volumes of about $50 million. These impacts were$120 million, partially offset by the impact of lower Cold Lake and Syncrude volumes of about $170 million, higher operating costs of about $120 million and higher royalties of about $150 million, lower Syncrude and conventional volumes of about $130 million, including the absence of production at Norman Wells, higher energy costs of about $90 million, and higher operating expenses at Syncrude of about $90$60 million.

West Texas Intermediate averaged US$49.4066.77 per barrel in the first nine months of 2017,2018, up from US$41.5449.40 per barrel in the same period of 2016.2017. Western Canada Select averaged US$37.5744.98 per barrel and US$27.7437.57 per barrel respectively for the same periods. The WTI / WCS differential narrowedwidened to 24 percentapproximately US$22 per barrel in the first nine months of 2017,2018, from 33 percentaround US$12 per barrel in the same period of 2016.2017.

During the first nine months of 2017, the Canadian dollar strengthened relative to the US dollar versus the same period of 2016. The Canadian dollar averaged US$0.770.78 in the first nine months of 2017,2018, an increase of about US$0.01 from the same period of 2016.2017.

Imperial’s average Canadian dollar realizations for bitumen and synthetic crudes increased generally in line with the North American benchmarks, adjusted for changes in the exchange rate and transportation costs. Bitumen realizations averaged $37.82$45.04 per barrel for the first nine months of 2017,2018, an increase of $14.05$7.22 per barrel versus the same period of 2016.2017. Synthetic crude realizations averaged $64.37$83.66 per barrel, an increase of $10.92$19.29 per barrel from the same period of 2016.2017.

Gross production of Cold Lake bitumen averaged 161,000145,000 barrels per day in the first nine months of 2017,2018, compared to 162,000161,000 barrels per day from the same period of 2016.2017. Lower volumes were primarily due to planned maintenance and production timing associated with steam management.

Gross production of Kearl bitumen averaged 179,000202,000 barrels per day in the first nine months of 2017 (127,0002018 (144,000 barrels Imperial’s share) up from 169,000179,000 barrels per day (120,000(127,000 barrels Imperial’s share) from the same period of 2016.2017. Increased 20172018 production reflects improved operational reliability associated with the mining and ore preparation, operations.enhanced piping durability and feed management.

During the first nine months of 2017,2018, the company’s share of gross production from Syncrude averaged 56,00053,000 barrels per day, compared to 61,00056,000 barrels per day from the same period of 2016.2017. Syncrude year to dateyear-to-date production was impacted by a site-wide power disruption that occurred on June 20 resulting in a complete shutdown of all processing units. Production was progressively restored throughout the Marchthird quarter 2018 and all cokers were backon-line bymid-September. Production in 2017 fire atwas impacted by repairs associated with the Syncrude Mildred Lake upgrader and planned maintenance. In 2016, production was impacted by the Alberta wildfires and planned

Downstream net income was $750$1,224 million, compared to $1,393an increase of $474 million fromversus the same periodprior year. Higher earnings primarily reflect stronger margins of 2016. Earnings decreased mainly due toabout $910 million, partially offset by the impact of increased planned turnaround activity and reliability events of about $190 million, the absence of a $719the $151 million gain from the sale of company-owned retail sites and lower marketing margins of approximately $170 million associated with the impact of the retail divestment. These factors were partially offset by a gain of $151 million fromon the sale of a surplus property in 2017, and higher industry refining marginsanon-cash impairment charge of about $90 million.$33 million associated with the Government of Ontario’s revocation of its carbon emission cap and trade regulation.

Refinery throughput averaged 381,000386,000 barrels per day in the first nine months of 2017,2018, up from 351,000381,000 barrels per day from the same period of 2016.2017. Capacity utilization increased to 9091 percent from 8390 percent in the same period of 2016, reflecting reduced turnaround maintenance activity.2017.

Petroleum product sales were 492,000503,000 barrels per day in the first nine months of 2017,2018, up from 481,000492,000 barrels per day from the same period of 2016.2017. Sales growth continues to be driven by strong collaborationoptimization across ourthe full downstream value chain, and the expansion of Imperial’s wholesale, industrial and commercial networks.logistics capabilities.

Chemical net income was $161 million, up from $160 million from the same period of 2016.





ForChemical net income was $220 million, an increase of $59 million versus the prior year, reflecting higher margins and volumes.

Corporate and other expenses were $155 million for the first nine months of 2017, net income effects from Corporate and Other were negative2018, compared to $59 million versus negative $68 million fromin the same period of 2016.2017. Beginning January 1, 2018, Corporate and other includes allnon-service pension and postretirement benefit expenses. Prior to 2018, the majority of these costs were allocated to the operating segments.





Liquidity and capital resources

Cash flow generated from operating activities was $1,207 million in the third quarter, up from $837 million from the corresponding period in 2017, reflecting higher earnings.

Investing activities used net cash of $352 million in the third quarter, compared with $772 million in the corresponding period in 2016.

Investing activities used net cash of $234 million in the third quarter, compared with $1,005 million cash generated from investing activitiesused in the same period of 2016,2017, reflecting lower proceeds from asset sales.

Cash used in financing activities was $393 million in the third quarter, compared with $1,724 million in the third quarter of 2016, reflecting the absence of debt repayments. Dividends paid in the third quarter of 2017 were $136 million. Theper-share dividend paid in the third quarter was $0.16, up from $0.15 in the same period of 2016. In the second quarter of 2017, Imperial resumed share purchases under its share buyback program. During the third quarter, the company purchased about 6.7 million shares for approximately $250 million.

The company’s cash balance was $833 million at September 30, 2017, versus $248 million at the end of the third quarter of 2016.

Cash flow generated from operating activities was $1,683 million in the first nine months of 2017, compared with $1,264 million in 2016, reflecting higher earnings, excluding the impact of asset sales, partially offset by unfavourable working capital effects.

Investing activities used net cash of $454 million in the first nine months of 2017, compared with cash generated from investing activities of $350 million from the same period of 2016, reflecting lower proceeds from asset sales partially offset by lower additions to property, plant and equipment.

Cash used in financing activities was $787$580 million in the third quarter, compared with $393 million used in the third quarter of 2017. Dividends paid in the third quarter of 2018 were $155 million. The per share dividend paid in the third quarter was $0.19, up from $0.16 in the same period of 2017. During the third quarter, the company, under its share purchase program, purchased about 10 million shares for approximately $418 million, including shares purchased from Exxon Mobil Corporation.

The company’s cash balance was $1,148 million at September 30, 2018, versus $833 million at the end of third quarter 2017.

Cash flow generated from operating activities was $3,051 million in the first nine months of 2017, compared with $1,5692018, up from $1,683 million from the same period of 2016,2017, primarily reflecting higher earnings.

Investing activities used net cash of $1,096 million in the absencefirst nine months of debt repayments.2018, compared with $454 million used in the same period of 2017, reflecting higher additions to property, plant and equipment, and lower proceeds from asset sales.

Cash used in financing activities was $2,002 million in the first nine months of 2018, compared with $787 million used in the same period of 2017. Dividends paid in the first nine months of 20172018 were $390$421 million. Theper-share per share dividend paid in the first nine months of 20172018 was $0.46,$0.51, up from $0.43 for$0.46 from the same period of 2016.

2017. During the first nine months of 20172018, the company, under its share purchase program, purchased about 1038.5 million shares for $377approximately $1,561 million, including shares purchased from Exxon Mobil Corporation.

Recently issued accounting standards

In May 2014,Effective January 1, 2019, Imperial will adopt the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued a newBoard’s standard,Revenue from Contracts with CustomersLeases (Topic 842). The standard establishes a single revenue recognition model for all contracts with customers, eliminates industry specific requirements and expands disclosure requirements. The standard is required to be adopted beginning January 1, 2018. The company expects to adopt the standard using the modified retrospective method, under which prior years’ results are not restated, but supplemental information on the impact of the new standard will be included in the 2018 results. The impact from the standard is not expected to have a material effect on the company’s financial statements.

In February 2016, the FASB issued a new standard, amended. The standard requires all leases with an initial term greater than one year to be recorded on the balance sheet as a right of use asset and a lease liability. Imperial expects to use the transition method that applies the new lease standard at January 1, 2019 and recognizes any cumulative effect adjustment to the opening balance of the 2019 retained earnings. The company acquired lease accounting software to facilitate implementation, and is currently configuring and testing the software. Based on leases outstanding at the end of 2017, the company estimates the operating lease right of use asset and lease liability.liability would have been in the range of $200 million to $250 million at that time. The effect on Imperial’s consolidated balance sheet as a result of implementing the standard is required to be adopted beginningon January 1, 2019. Imperial is evaluating2019 could differ considerably depending on operating leases commenced in 2018, as well as interest rates and other factors such as the standard and its effect onexpiry or renewal of leases during the company’s financial statements and plans to adopt it in 2019.year.





In March 2017, the FASB issued an Accounting Standards Update2017-07, Compensation – Retirement Benefits (Topic 715):Improving the Presentation of Net Periodic Pension Cost and Net Periodic Postretirement Benefit Cost. The update requires that the service cost component of net benefit costs be reported in the same line in the income statement as other compensation costs and that the other components of net benefit costs be presented separately from the service cost component. Additionally, only the service cost component of net benefit costs will be eligible for capitalization. Imperial will adopt the update beginning January 1, 2018. As a result of Imperial’s adoption of the update, the company expects to add a new lineNon-service pension and other postretirement benefit expense to its consolidated statement of income. This line would reflect the other components of net benefit costs as described in the Accounting Standards Update and would include amounts that were previously included in Production and manufacturing expenses, and Selling and general expenses. As of January 1, 2018, these costs will no longer be considered for capitalization. The impact from this change on the company’s net income is not expected to be material. Furthermore, as part of the adoption of the update, the company expects it will include all of these costs in its Corporate and Other expenses.

Forward-looking statements

Statements in this report regarding future events or conditions are forward-looking statements. Actual future financial and operating results could differ materially due to the impact of market conditions, changes in law or governmental policy, changes in operating conditions and costs, changes in project schedules, operating performance, demand for oil and gas, commercial negotiations or other technical and economic factors.





Item 3.   Quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk

Information about market risks for the nine months ended September 30, 2017,2018, does not differ materially from that discussed on page 2224 of the company’s annual report on Form10-K for the year ended December 31, 2016.2017 and Form10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2018.

Item 4.   Controls and procedures

As indicated in the certifications in Exhibit 31 of this report, the company’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer have evaluated the company’s disclosure controls and procedures as of September 30, 2017.2018. Based on that evaluation, these officers have concluded that the company’s disclosure controls and procedures are effective in ensuring that information required to be disclosed by the company in the reports that it files or submits under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, is accumulated and communicated to them in a manner that allows for timely decisions regarding required disclosures and are effective in ensuring that such information is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules and forms.

There has not been any change in the company’s internal control over financial reporting during the last fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the company’s internal control over financial reporting.






Item 2.   Unregistered sales of equity securities and use of proceeds

Issuer purchases of equity securities



  Total number of
      shares purchased    


    Average price    
  paid per share    


Total number of
  shares purchased    
  as part of publicly    
  announced plans    
or programs


    Maximum number    
of shares that may
  yet be purchased  
under the plans or

July 2017

(Jul 1 – Jul 31)

  -  -  -  25,395,927

August 2017

(Aug 1 – Aug 31)

  3,876,648  36.42  3,876,648  21,519,279

September 2017

(Sept 1 – Sept 30)

  2,855,022  38.10  2,855,022      18,664,257 (b)

Total number of

shares purchased


Average price paid

per share

(Canadian dollars)


Total number of

shares purchased

as part of publicly

announced plans

or programs


Maximum number

of shares that may

yet be purchased

under the plans or

programs (a)


July 2018


(July 1 - July 31)

   3,379,344    43.72    3,379,344    36,529,089  

August 2018


(August 1 - August 31)

   3,540,254    41.69    3,540,254    32,988,835  

September 2018


(September 1 - September 30)

   3,057,493    40.09    3,057,493    29,931,342  (b)

On June 22, 2017,2018, the company announced by news release that it had received final approval from the Toronto Stock Exchange for a new normal course issuer bid and will continue its existing share purchase program. The program enables the company to purchase up to a maximum of 25,395,92740,391,196 common shares during the period June 27, 20172018 to June 26, 2018, which2019. This maximum includes shares purchased under the normal course issuer bid and from Exxon Mobil Corporation concurrent with, but outside of the normal course issuer bid. As in the past, Exxon Mobil Corporation has advised the company that it intends to participate to maintain its ownership percentage at approximately 69.6 percent. The program will end should the company purchase the maximum allowable number of shares, or on June 26, 2018.2019.


In its most recent quarterly earnings release, the company stated that fourth quarter 2017it currently anticipates exercising its share purchases are anticipated to equal approximately $250 million.uniformly over the duration of the program. Purchase plans may be modified at any time without prior notice.

The company will continue to evaluate its share purchase program in the context of its overall capital activities.


Item 6.Exhibits

Item 6. Exhibits

(31.1) Certification by the principal executive officer of the company pursuant to Rule13a-14(a).

(31.2) Certification by the principal financial officer of the company pursuant to Rule13a-14(a).

(32.1) Certification by the chief executive officer of the company pursuant to Rule13a-14(b) and 18 U.S.C. Section 1350.

(32.2) Certification by the chief financial officer of the company pursuant to Rule13a-14(b) and 18 U.S.C. Section 1350.

(101) Interactive data files.






Pursuant to the requirements of theSecurities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.



Imperial Oil Limited


Date:  October 31, 2017November 6, 2018 

/s/ Beverley A. BabcockDaniel E. Lyons


 (Signature) (Signature)
 Beverley A. Babcock Daniel E. Lyons
 Senior Vice-President, Finance and Administration and Controller 

Senior vice-president, finance and administration,

and controller

 (Principal Accounting Officer) (Principal accounting officer)
Date:  October 31, 2017November 6, 2018 

/s/ Cathryn Walker


 (Signature) (Signature)
 Cathryn Walker
 Assistant Corporate Secretary Assistant corporate secretary