As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 18, 201615, 2019






Washington, D.C. 20549













For the fiscal year ended December 31, 20152018





For the transition period fromto





Date of event requiring this shell company report

Commission File Number:1-15092




(Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)


(Translation of Registrant’s Name into English)

Republic of Turkey

(Jurisdiction of Incorporation or Organization)

Turkcell Kucukyali Plaza

Aydinevler Mahallesi Inonu Caddesi No:20 Kucukyali Ofispark B Blok


Istanbul, Turkey

(Address of Principal Executive Offices)

Mr. Nihat NarinZeynel Korhan Bilek

Telephone: +90 212 313 12448150

Facsimile: +90 216 504 4058

Turkcell Kucukyali Plaza

Aydinevler Mahallesi Inonu Caddesi No:20 Kucukyali Ofispark B Blok


Istanbul, Turkey

(Name, Telephone,E-mail and/or Facsimile Number and Address of Company Contact Person)

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:


Title of each class


Name of each exchange on which registered

American Depositary Shares

Ordinary Shares, Nominal Value TRY 1.000*


New York Stock Exchange

New York Stock Exchange



Not for trading on the NYSE, but only in connection with the registration of ADSs representing such ordinary shares pursuant to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:


Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Act:




Indicate the number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer’s classes of capital or common stock as of the close of the period covered by the annual report.

Ordinary Shares, Nominal Value TRY 1.000                2,200,000,000

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act.    Yes  x    No  ¨

If this report is an annual or transition report, indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.    Yes  ¨    No  x

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.    Yes  x    No  ¨

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically and posted on its corporate Web site, if any, every Interactive Data File required to be submitted and posted pursuant to Rule 405 ofRegulation S-T (§232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit and post such files).    Yes  ¨    No  ¨

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, or anon-accelerated filer. See definition of “accelerated filer and large accelerated filer” inRule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.

Large Accelerated Filer  ☒

Accelerated Filer  ☐

Non-Accelerated Filer

Emerging growth company

If an emerging growth company that prepares its financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards* provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act.  (Check one):

Large Accelerated Filer  x                Accelerated Filer  ¨                Non-Accelerated Filer  ¨


The term ‘‘new or revised financial accounting standard’’ refers to any update issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board to its Accounting Standards Codification after April 5, 2012.

Indicate by check mark which basis of accounting the registrant has used to prepare the financial statements included in this filing:


U.S. GAAP  ¨


International Financial Reporting Standards as issued

by the International Accounting Standards Board  x

  Other  ¨

If “Other” has been checked in response to the previous question, indicate by check mark which financial statement item the registrant has elected to follow.    Item 17  ¨    Item 18  ¨

If this is an annual report, indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined inRule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).    Yes  ¨    No  x












































































































ITEM 10.













  10.E TAXATION120









ITEM 11.




ITEM 12.




ITEM 13.





ITEM 14.




ITEM 15.




ITEM 16.


















ITEM 17.




ITEM 18.




ITEM 19.







This is the 20152018 annual report for Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S. (“Turkcell”), a joint stock company organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Turkey. The “Company”, “we”, “us”, “our”, “Group” and similar terms refer to Turkcell, its predecessors, and its consolidated subsidiaries, except as the context otherwise requires.

Our audited Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 20152018 and 20142017 and for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 20152018 included in this annual report have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”).

Certain figures included in this annual report have been subject to rounding adjustments. Accordingly, figures shown for the same category presented in different tables may vary slightly, and figures shown as totals in certain tables may not total exactly. In this annual report, references to “TL”, “TRY” and “Turkish Lira” are to the Turkish Lira, and references to “$”, “U.S. Dollars”, “USD”, “U.S. $” and “cents” are to U.S. Dollars and, except as otherwise noted, all interest rates are on a per annum basis. In this annual report, references to “Turkey” or the “Republic” are to the Republic of Turkey.

Statements regarding our market share and total market size in Turkey are based on the Information and Communication Technologies Authority’s (“ICTA”) or operators’ announcements, and statements regarding penetration are based on the Turkish Statistical Institute’s (“TUIK”) announcements pertaining to the Turkish population. Furthermore, statements regarding our 2G coverage are based on the ICTA’s specifications as well as the TUIK’s announcements, and statements regarding our 3G coverage are based on the ICTA’s 3G coverage calculation specifications issued on April 25, 2012. Statements regarding 4.5G coverage and performance are based on our own calculations, pending publication of ICTA specifications.

References to the Information and Communication Technologies Authority or the ICTA include its predecessor entity, the Telecommunications Authority.

We have not independently verified the information in industry publications or market research, although management believes the information contained therein to be reliable. We do not represent that this information is accurate.

The methodology for calculating performance measures such as subscriber numbers, average revenue per user (“ARPU”) and churn rates varies substantially among operators and is not standardized across the telecommunications industry, and reported performance measures thus vary from those that would probably result from the use of a single methodology. In addition, subscriber numbers in the mobile communications sector may be difficult to calculate as a result of individuals having more than one SIM card or SIM cards being removed due to periods of inactivity. The differing methodologies for calculating these performance indicators make it difficult to draw comparisons between these figures for, and to determine the relative market share of, different mobile operators.


This annual report includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Safe Harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical facts included in this annual report, including, without limitation, certain statements regarding our operations, financial position, and business strategy, may constitute forward-looking statements. In addition, forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “may”, “will”, “expect”, “intend”, “estimate”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “continue”, or similar statements.

Although we believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable at this time, we can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Given these uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from our expectations are contained in cautionary statements in this annual report, including, without limitation, in conjunction with the forward-looking statements listed below, and include, among others, the following:


competition infrom our main market;

increased competitionhistoric competitors and/or the entrance of new direct and indirect competitors in the market due to new applications and regulatory changes in Turkey with respect to certain technologies;


our growth strategy being partly dependent on new investment opportunities;


instability in the recent transitionpolitical environment and/or downturn in our senior management team, the refocusingeconomy, as well as volatile international markets and events and the threat of our business strategyterrorism, in Turkey and the execution of this strategy;and/or internationally;


failure to successfully integrate and manage the new opportunities we pursue, particularly our new 4.5G license, consumer finance company established in 2015, new business models, new technologies and international activities;

regulatory decisions and changes in the regulatory environment, in particular the ICTA’s decisions in 2013, 2014 and 2015 and in the future;

managing changes in our liquidity position and increased indebtedness and finance costs, which will further increase if we are successful in our bid to acquire TeliaSonera’s stake in Fintur and Kcell;

failure to abide by the requirements of our licenses or applicable regulations;

economic and political developments in Turkey and internationally;

exposure to certain risks through our interests in associated companies, especially due to political instability in Ukraine and an increase in our exposure there resulting from the buyout of SCM’s interest in lifecell/Euroasia;

foreign exchange rate risks which will increasecould affect the Turkish macroeconomic environment and could significantly affect our results of operation and financial position in future periods if wehedging tools are successful in our bid to acquire TeliaSonera’s stake in Fintur and Kcell;not available at commercially reasonable terms;


reduction in cash generated from operations and increased capital needs, which may increase our borrowing requirements, and consequently, our finance costs and exposure to the risks associated with borrowing;


our ability to deal with spectrum limitations;

regulatory decisions and changes in the regulatory environment;


failure by us, our local partners with whom we enter into cooperation agreements or similar agreements, or one of our suppliers, to comply with laws and regulations regarding unethical business practices, including bribery and corruption, and international sanctions;

interests in several companies that may expose us to various economic, business, political, social, financial, liquidity, regulatory and legal risks and may not provide the benefits that we expect;

risks related to our dependence on network and IT systems and the products and services we provide through third party suppliers as well as our exposure to technological changes in the communications market, including industries where we traditionally do not compete;

various risks with respect to our base transceiver stations performance, including spectrum limitations and frequency costs, certain coverage and local production obligations relating to the 4.5G license and alleged health risks and zoning limitations related to our Base Transceiver Stations (“BTS”) and potential increase in coverage requirements;base transceiver stations;


potential liability and possible reduced usage of mobile phones as a result of alleged health risks related to BTSs and the use of handsets;

our dependence on certain suppliers for network equipment and the provision of data services;services as well as distributors;


Turkcell’s complex ownership structure and ongoing disagreements among our main shareholders;


our dependence on certain systems and suppliers for network technology and IT services and our exposure to potential natural disasters, regular or severe IT and network failures, human error, security breaches and other cybersecurity incidents and IT migration risk;

technological changes in the telecommunications market;

our dependence on third party providers to help us navigate the regulatory, security and business risks of industries where we traditionally do not compete;

our ability to retain key personnel and distributors;

legal actions and claims to which we are a party; and


inherent limitations of the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting.reporting and other controls;

All subsequent written

our ability to retain key personnel and oral forward-looking statements attributable to us are expressly qualifieddistributors; and

volatility in their entirety by reference to these cautionary statements.the market price of our ADSs.



Not Applicable.




Not Applicable.




3.A Selected Financial Data

Our audited annual Consolidated Financial Statements including our consolidated statements of financial position as of December 31, 20152018 and 20142017 and our consolidated statements of profit and loss, comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the three years in the period ended December 31, 20152018 (“Annual Consolidated Financial Statements”) included in this annual report have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”).

Effective from the fourth quarter of 2015, our financial statements will behave been presented in TRY only, the currency in which we recognize the majority of our revenues and expenses. We will no longer present financial statements in USD. This change will allowhas allowed us to align our Turkish and US reporting.

The following information should be read in conjunction with “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects”, our audited Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 20152018 and 20142017, and the related consolidated statements of profit and loss, comprehensive income, changes in equity, and cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2015, 20142018, 2017 and 2013,2016, and the related notes appearing elsewhere in this annual report.


The following table presents our selected consolidated statements of operations,income, statement of financial position and cash flows data as of and for each of the years in the three-yearfive-year period ended December 31, 2015,2018, presented in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB which have been derived from our audited Consolidated Financial Statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2015;2018 and our selected consolidated statements of operations, statement of financial position and cash flows data as of and for each of the years in the two-year period ended December 31, 2012, presented in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB which have been derived from our accounting records as of and for the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011. Our financial statements for 2012 and 2011 were originally published in US dollars and were audited.respective years.


  2015 2014 2013 2012 2011   2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 
  (Million TRY, except share data and certain other data)   (TRY millions, except share data and certain other data) 
Selected Financial Data Prepared in Accordance with IFRS as Issued by the IASB            

Consolidated Statement of Operations Data


Consolidated Statement of Income Data


Total revenues(1)

   12,769.4   12,043.6   11,407.9   10,507.0   9,370.1     21,292.5  17,632.1  14,285.6  12,769.4  12,043.6 

Direct cost of revenues(1)

   (7,769.5 (7,383.9 (7,063.9 (6,487.3 (5,954.3

Cost of revenues(2)

   (14,146.0 (11,350.2 (9,236.6 (7,769.5 (7,383.9

Gross profit

   4,999.9   4,659.7   4,344.0   4,019.7   3,415.8     7,146.5  6,281.9  5,049.0  4,999.9  4,659.7 

Other income

   44.5   58.9   35.5   32.3   54.0     241.4  74.4  78.6  44.5  58.9 

Administrative expenses

   (625.3 (562.7 (550.3 (484.2 (410.9   (673.4 (645.2 (721.8 (625.3 (562.7

Selling and marketing expenses

   (1,901.9 (1,974.6 (1,843.6 (1,705.7 (1,684.9   (1,626.7 (2,005.4 (1,910.9 (1,901.9 (1,974.6

Net impairment losses on financial and contract assets

   (346.4  —     —     —     —   

Other expenses

   (270.4 (135.2 (94.4 (137.5 (272.5   (381.5 (773.3 (312.8 (270.4 (135.2

Results from operating activities

   2,246.8   2,046.1   1,891.2   1,724.6   1,101.5  

Operating profit

   4,359.9  2,932.4  2,181.9  2,246.8  2,046.1 

Finance income

   756.1   955.4   759.9   691.7   545.6     1,932.1  818.4  961.6  756.1  955.4 

Finance costs

   (799.5 (1,247.0 (204.6 (224.2 (528.3   (3,619.1 (1,141.3 (1,134.4 (799.5 (1,247.0

Net finance income/(costs)

   (43.4 (291.6 555.3   467.5   17.3  

Monetary gain(2)

   —     205.1   176.9   169.9   273.5  

Share of profit of equity accounted investees(3)

   367.3   207.3   297.3   218.5   227.1  

Net finance/(cost)/income

   (1,687.0 (322.9 (172.8 (43.4 (291.6

Monetary gain(3)

   —     —     —     —    205.1 

Share of loss of equity accounted investees(4)

   (0.1  —     —     —    4.5 

Profit before income taxes

   2,570.7   2,166.9   2,920.7   2,580.5   1,619.4     2,672.8  2,609.5  2,009.1  2,203.3  1,964.0 

Income tax expense

   (667.1 (730.4 (591.4 (522.5 (485.0   (495.5 (571.8 (423.2 (667.1 (730.4

Profit from continuing operations

   2,177.3  2,037.8  1,586.0  1,536.2  1,233.6 

Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations(4)

   —     —    (42.2 367.3  202.8 

Profit for the period

   1,903.6   1,436.5   2,329.3   2,058.0   1,134.4     2,177.3  2,037.8  1,543.8  1,903.6  1,436.5 

Attributable to:


Owners of the Company

   2,021.1  1,979.1  1,492.1  2,067.7  1,864.7 

Non-controlling interest

   156.3  58.6  51.7  (164.1 (428.2

Profit for the period

   2,177.3  2,037.8  1,543.8  1,903.6  1,436.5 

Basic and diluted earnings per share – Total Group(5)

   0.93  0.90  0.68  0.94  0.85 

Basic and diluted earnings per share – from continuing operations(5)

   0.93  0.90  0.70  0.77  0.76 

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position Data (at period end)


Cash and cash equivalents

   7,419.2  4,712.3  6,052.4  2,918.8  9,031.9 

Total assets

   42,765.3  33,982.5  31,600.2  26,207.3  23,694.2 

Long-term debt(6)

   13,119.6  8,258.0  6,935.1  3,487.8  1,247.9 

Total debt(7)

   20,155.5  12,536.1  9,781.2  4,214.2  3,697.7 

Total liabilities

   26,711.7  18,937.4  15,531.8  11,788.4  6,983.6 

Share capital

   2,200.0  2,200.0  2,200.0  2,200.0  2,200.0 

Total equity

   16,053.6  15,045.1  16,068.4  14,418.9  16,710.6 

Weighted average number of shares(8)

   2,184,750,233  2,193,184,437  2,193,184,437  2,200,000,000  2,200,000,000 

   2015  2014  2013  2012  2011 
   (Million TRY, except share data and certain other data) 

Attributable to:


Equity holders of the Company

   2,067.7    1,864.7    2,325.9    2,079.0    1,177.7  

Non-controlling interest

   (164.1  (428.2  3.4    (21.0  (43.3

Profit for the period

   1,903.6    1,436.5    2,329.3    2,058.0    1,134.4  

Basic and diluted earnings per share

   0.94    0.85    1.06    0.95    0.54  

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position Data (at period end)


Cash and cash equivalents

   2,918.8    9,031.9    8,128.9    6,998.9    4,738.4  

Total assets

   26,207.3    23,694.2    21,284.6    18,687.4    17,186.7  

Long-term debt(4)

   3,487.8    1,247.9    1,528.5    1,103.8    1,997.3  

Total debt(5)

   4,214.2    3,697.7    3,332.5    3,039.6    3,528.6  

Total liabilities

   11,788.4    6,983.6    6,549.5    5,923.7    6,360.3  

Share capital

   2,200.0    2,200.0    2,200.0    2,200.0    2,200.0  

Total equity/net assets

   14,418.9    16,710.6    14,735.1    12,763.7    10,826.4  

Weighted average number of shares

   2,200,000,000    2,200,000,000    2,200,000,000    2,200,000,000    2,200,000,000  

Consolidated Cash Flows Data


Net cash generated by operating activities

   1,901.3    1,990.8    2,210.6    2,122.7    1,996.0  

Net cash (used in)/ generated by investing activities

   (3,830.9  (1,378.0  (1,085.5  543.4    (2,716.0

Net cash generated by/(used in) financing activities

   (4,619.5  93.0    (230.5  (309.9  48.1  

Other Financial Data


Dividends declared or proposed(6)(7)

   —      794.0    990.0    885.0    503.0  

Dividends per share (declared or proposed)(7)

   —      0.36    0.45    0.40    0.23  

Gross margin(8)

   39%    39%    38%    38%    37%  

Adjusted EBITDA(9)

   4,140.5    3,761.8    3,544.5    3,241.5    2,912.9  

Capital expenditures

   8,536.2    2,144.8    1,822.3    1,738.8    1,636.1  

   2018  2017  2016  2015  2014 
   (TRY millions, except share data and certain other data) 

Consolidated Cash Flows Data(9)


Net cash generated by operating activities

   5,829.9   3,101.3   607.1   1,901.3   1,990.8 

Net cash used in investing activities

   (4,535.6  (3,304.6  (2,976.7  (3,563.0  (1,378.0

Net cash generated by/ (used in) financing activities

   (534.4  (1,566.7  4,839.0��  (4,887.4  93.0 

Other Financial Data


Dividends declared or proposed(10)(11)

   —     1,900.0   3,000.0   —     794.0 

Dividends per share (declared or proposed)(11)

   —     0.86   1.36   —     0.36 

Gross margin(12)

   34  36  35  39  39

Adjusted EBITDA(13)

   8,788.0   6,228.3   4,619.5   4,140.5   3,761.8 

Capital expenditures(14)

              7,643.0              4,087.4             3,494.4               8,536.2              2,144.8 



Total revenues includes telecommunication services, equipment revenues, revenue and commission fees on betting business, call center revenues and revenues from financial services (Note 5).


Total cost of revenues includes payments for our treasury share (the amount paid to the government under our license) and universal service fund, transmission fees, base station rent and energy expenses,radio costs, billing costs, depreciation and amortization charges, technical, repair and maintenance expenses, roaming charges, interconnection fees, costscost of simcardsgoods sold, handset costs where we are the principal in the sale of handsets and personnel expenses for technical personnel related to our technicians.

(2)See Note 2 (Basistechnicians frequency expenses and cost of preparation) to our Consolidated Financial Statements in this Form 20-F for information regarding monetary gain.revenues from financial operations (Note 10).


A hyperinflationary period commenced on January 1, 2011 in Belarus. In the financial statements of profitsubsidiaries operating in Belarus, restatement adjustments have been made to compensate the effect of equity accounted investees primarily includeschanges in the income relatedgeneral purchasing power of the Belarusian Ruble in accordance with IAS 29. IAS 29 requires that financial statements prepared in the currency of a hyperinflationary economy be stated in terms of the measuring unit current at the balance sheet date. The economy of Belarus was considered to our 41.45%transit out of hyperinflationary status and 50.00% stakewe determined to cease applying IAS 29 starting from January 1, 2015. Therefore, subsidiaries operating in Fintur Holdings B.V. (“Fintur”) and A-Tel Pazarlama ve Servis Hizmetleri A.S. (“A-Tel”), respectively. Fintur currently holds all of our international mobile communications investments other than those related to our operationsBelarus have not applied IAS 29 in Northern Cyprus, Ukraine, Belarus and Germany. The service provider and distribution agreement with A-Tel was annulled via notification dated January 31, 2012, which was effective from August 1, 2012. Turkcell’s ownership in A-Tel was sold to Bereket Holding A.S. for a consideration of TL 31.0 million pursuant to the Share Sale Agreement signed on August 27, 2014. See Note 16 to our audited Consolidated Financial Statements included in “Item 18. Financial Statements” of this annual report on Form 20-F.2015.


Following inconclusive negotiations for us to purchase Telia’s stake in Fintur and KCell, we decided to sell our Fintur stake and consequently, Fintur is classified as held for sale and reported as discontinued operations (Note 16).


2016 and 2017 EPSs computed over 2,193,184,437 shares and 2018 EPS computed over 2,184,750,233 shares.


Long-term debt consists of long-term loans and borrowings, debt securities issued as well as long-term lease obligations.


Total debt consists of long-term and short-term loans and borrowings, debt securities issued as well as lease obligations excluding currency swap contracts and option contracts.obligations.

(6)(8)The Ordinary General Assembly meeting

We have purchased 8,434,204 shares with a price range of TRY 10.01 to 12.33 as part of our Company pertainingshare buyback decisions on July 27, 2016 and January 30, 2017. The transactions amount to TRY 94,620 thousand. Treasury shares are deducted from Equity (Notes 25 and 26).


The presentation of statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2015 has been revised in 2016.


The dividend paid in 2017 related to the years 2010 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014through 2016. With regard to the dividend paid in 2018 relating to the year 2017, the amount proposed by the Board of Directors on February 15, 2018 was TRY 1,239.5 million, however the amount approved a dividend in respect of these years amounting toat the Annual General Meeting held on March 29, 2018 was TRY 3,925 million, which represented 42.5% of net distributable income.1,900 million. The dividend was paid to shareholders on April 6, April 8 and April 13, 2015.Annual General Meeting for 2018 has not been called for as at March 7, 2019.


Dividends per share waswere computed over 2,200,000,000 shares. The dividenddividends per share were TRY0.23, TRY 0.40,0.36, TRY 0.451.36 and TRY 0.360.86 for the years ended 2011, 2012, 20132014, 2016 and 20142017 respectively (equivalent to $0.08, $0.14, $0.15$0.07, $0.26 and $0.12$0.16 respectively as of December 31, 2015)2018).


Gross margin is calculated as gross profit divided by total revenues.


Adjusted EBITDA is anon-GAAP financial measure that is defined as the profit of the Company for the period before finance income, finance costs, income tax expense, other income, other expense, monetary gain, profit or loss from discontinued operations, share of profit of equity accounted investees and depreciation and amortization. A reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to net income is presented below.


Capital expenditure in 2018 includes the impact of IFRS15 and IFRS16 adjustment amounting to TRY 3,000.5 million.

Non-IFRS measures

Adjusted EBITDA is anon-GAAP financial measure that is defined as the profit of the Company for the period before finance income, finance costs, income tax expense, other income, other expense, monetary gain, profit or loss from discontinued operations, share of profit of equity accounted investees and depreciation and amortization. Our management reviews Adjusted EBITDA as a key indicator each month to monitor our financial performance. Net income is also considered by our management as an indicator for our overall business performance which includes results from


our operations, financing and investing activities. Adjusted EBITDA is not a measurement of financial performance under IFRS and should not be construed as a substitute for profit for the period as a measure of performance or cash flow from operations as a measure of liquidity.

We believe Adjusted EBITDA, among other measures, facilitates performance comparisons from period to period and management decision making. It also facilitates performance comparisons from company to, subject to differences in the way it is calculated by different companies. Adjusted EBITDA as a performance measure eliminates potential differences caused by variations in capital structures (affecting interest expense), tax positions (such as the impact of changes in effective tax rates on periods or companies) and the age and book depreciation and amortization of tangible and intangible assets (affecting relative depreciation and amortization expense). We also present Adjusted EBITDA because we believe it is frequently used by securities analysts, investors and other interested parties in evaluating the performance of other mobile operators in the telecommunications industry in Europe, many of which present Adjusted EBITDA when reporting their results.

Nevertheless, Adjusted EBITDA has limitations as an analytical tool, and you should not consider it in isolation from, or as a substitute for analysis of, our results of operations, as reported under IFRS.

Some of these limitations are:


it does not reflect our cash expenditures or future requirements for capital expenditures or contractual commitments;


it does not reflect changes in, or cash requirements for, our working capital needs;


it excludes share of profit of equity announced investees;investees and discontinued operations;


it does not reflect the interest expense, or the cash requirements necessary to service interest or principal payments, on our debt;


it excludes depreciation, amortization and impairments and although depreciation and amortization arenon-cash charges, the assets being depreciated and amortized will often have to be replaced in the future, and Adjusted EBITDA does not reflect any cash requirements for such replacements;


it does not reflect other income and expense items which are generally outside the scope of our ordinary operations and mostly non-recurring;operations;


it is not adjusted for allnon-cash income or expense items that are reflected in our consolidated statement of cash flows; and


other companies in our industry may calculate this measure differently from how we do, which may limit its usefulness as a comparative measure.

We compensate for these limitations by relying primarily on our results under IFRS and using Adjusted EBITDA measures only supplementally. See “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” and the Consolidated Financial Statements contained elsewhere in this annual report.

The following table provides a reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA, as calculated using financial data prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB, tofrom net profit, which we believe is the most directly comparable financial measure calculated and presented in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB.


   Year ended December 31, 
   2015  2014  2013  2012  2011 
   (Million TRY) 

Adjusted EBITDA

   4,140.5    3,761.8    3,544.5    3,241.5    2,912.9  

Finance income/(costs)

   (43.4  (291.6  555.3    467.5    17.3  

Monetary gain

   —      205.1    176.9    169.9    273.5  

Other operating income/(expense)

   (225.9  (76.3  (58.9  (105.2  (218.5

Share of profit of equity accounted investees

   367.3    207.3    297.3    218.5    227.1  

Depreciation and amortization

   (1,667.8  (1,639.4  (1,594.4  (1,411.7  (1,592.9

Consolidated profit before income tax

   2,570.7    2,166.9    2,920.7    2,580.5    1,619.4  

Income tax expense

   (667.1  (730.4  (591.4  (522.5  (485.0

Profit for the period

   1,903.6    1,436.5    2,329.3    2,058.0    1,134.4  


   Year ended December 31, 
   2018  2017  2016  2015  2014 
   (Million TRY) 

Profit for the period

   2,177.3   2,037.8   1,543.8   1,903.6   1,436.5 

Profit or (loss) from discontinued operations

   —     —     (42.2  367.3   202.8 

Income tax expense

   (495.5  (571.8  (423.2  (667.1  (730.4

Consolidated profit before income tax

   2,672.8   2,609.5   2,009.1   2,203.3   1,964.0 

Share of loss of equity accounted investees

   (0.1  —     —     —     4.5 

Depreciation and amortization

   (4,288.0  (2,597.0  (2,203.3  (1,667.8  (1,639.4

Other operating income/(expense)

   (140.1  (698.9  (234.2  (225.9  (76.3

Monetary gain

   —     —     —     —     205.1 

Finance income/(costs)

   (1,687.0  (322.9  (172.8  (43.4  (291.6

Adjusted EBITDA

   8,788.0   6,228.3   4,619.5   4,140.5   3,761.8 

The following table presents selected operational data:

I. Operating Results


  As of and for the
year ended December 31,
   As of and for the
year ended December 31,
  2015   2014   2013   2018 2017 2016 

Industry Data


Population of Turkey (in millions)(1)

   78.7     77.7     76.7     82.0  80.8  79.8 

Turkcell Data(2)


Number of mobile postpaid subscribers at end of period (in millions)(3)

   16.6     15.2     14.0     18.8  18.5  17.4 

Number of mobile M2M subscribers at end of period (in millions)

   1.9     1.5     1.4     2.4  2.3  2.1 

Number of mobile prepaid subscribers at end of period (in millions)(3)

   17.4     19.4     21.2     14.9  15.6  15.7 

Number of fiber subscribers at end of period (in thousands)

   899.4     735.1     570.0     1,385.6  1,204.3  1,043.9 

Number of ADSL subscribers at end of period (in thousands)

   620.8     456.2     275.4     905.6  921.4  818.0 

Number of IPTV subscribers at end of period (in thousands)

   223.7     60.1     —       613.4  505.9  359.7 

Total subscribers at end of period (in millions)(3)

   35.8     35.9     36.0  

Mobile average monthly revenue per user (in TRY)(4)

   24.5     22.5     21.7  

Total Turkcell Turkey subscribers at end of period (in millions)

   36.7  36.7  35.3 

Total Turkcell Group subscribers at the end of period (in millions)(4)

   48.9  50.2  50.1 

Mobile average monthly revenue per user (in TRY)(5)

   33.9  29.8  26.8 


   38.5     37.7     37.3     48.2  43.0  39.2 

Postpaid (excluding M2M)

   42.7     41.5     41.1     54.9  48.5  44.0 


   3.3     3.2     3.4  


   12.4     11.6     11.8     16.9  14.9  13.9 

Fixed Residential average monthly revenue per user (in TRY)(4)(5)

   48.7     47.4     44.4     55.7  53.6  51.1 

Mobile average monthly minutes of use per subscriber(5)(6)

   296.6     275.3     259.3     359.5  347.1  323.9 

Mobile Churn(6)(7)

   27.3%     28.3%     27.4%     2.1 1.9 2.3

Fixed Churn(7)(8)

   16.7%     17.7%     17.0%     1.8 1.8 1.8

Number of Turkcell employees at end of period

   3,851     3,319     3,316     4,065  3,967  3,870 

Number of employees of consolidated subsidiaries at end of period(8)(9)

   12,798     12,311     10,999     20,120  19,768  18,995 



The population of Turkey for 2015, 20142018, 2017, and 20132016 is based on TUIK’s announcements.


For a discussion of how these metrics affect our revenues, please see “Item 5A. Operating Results,—VI. Year Ended December 31, 20152018 Compared to the Year Ended December 31, 2014—2017—a. Revenues”.


Subscriber numbers do not include subscribers in Ukraine, Belarus, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Germany or those of Fintur subsidiaries.Germany.


Subscriber numbers include subscribers in Ukraine, Belarus, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Germany.


We calculate average revenue per user (“ARPU”) using the weighted average number of our mobile andor fixed subscribers, as relevant, in Turkey during the period.


Average monthly minutes of use per subscriber is calculated by dividing the total number of incoming and outgoing airtime minutes of use by the average monthly sum of postpaid and prepaid mobile subscribers in Turkey for the year divided by twelve.



Average monthly mobile churn rate represents the rate of mobile subscriber disconnections during a certain period and is the percentage calculated by dividing the total number of subscriber disconnections during a certain period by the average number of subscribers for the same period. For these purposes, we define “average number of subscribers” as the number of subscribers at the beginning of the period plus one half of the total number of gross subscribers acquired during the period. Churn refers to our mobile subscribers in Turkey that are both voluntarily and involuntarily disconnected from our network. Additionally,See “Item 4.B. Business Overview—V. Churn” for information concerning subscriber disconnection policy, changes in the fourthpolicy and change in presentation as of the third quarter of 2015, 379 thousand subscriptions which were not topped-up within the stipulated period were also disconnected.2018.


Average monthly fixed churn rate represents the rate of fixed subscriber disconnections during a certain period and is the percentage calculated by dividing the total number of subscriber disconnections during a certain period by the average number of subscribers for the same period. For these purposes, we define “average number of subscribers” as the number of subscribers at the beginning of the period plus one half of the total number of gross subscribers acquired during the period. Churn refers to our fixed subscribers in Turkey that are both voluntarily and involuntarily disconnected from our network. Fixed churn rate includes switches between Fiber and ADSL.


See “Item 6.D. Employees” for information concerning our consolidated subsidiaries.

II. Exchange Rate Data

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York does not report, and historically has not reported, a noon buying rate for the Turkish Lira. For the convenience of the reader, this annual report presents translations of certain Turkish Lira amounts into U.S. Dollars at the relevant Turkish Lira exchange rate for purchases of U.S. Dollars at the $/TRY exchange rate announced by the Central Bank of

Republic of Turkey (“CBRT”). The assets and liabilities of foreign operations, including goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on acquisition, are translated to TRY from the functional currency of the foreign operation at foreign exchange rates prevailing at the reporting date. The income and expenses of foreign operations are translated to TRY at monthly average exchange rates excluding foreign operations in hyperinflationary economies which are translated to TRY at exchange rates at the reporting date.

The income and expenses of foreign operations in hyperinflationary economies are translated to TRY at the exchange rate at the reporting date. Prior to translating the financial statements of foreign operations in hyperinflationary economies, their financial statements for the current period are restated to account for changes in the general purchasing power of the local currency. The restatement is based on relevant price indices at the reporting date. As stated in the annual monetary and exchange rate policy announcements of the CBRT, which have been published since 2002, the foreign exchange rate is not a policy tool or target; it is determined by the supply and demand conditions in the market. Along with inflation targeting, the CBRT announced that it will continue to support financial stability and the implementation of the floating exchange rate regime in 2016.

The hyperinflationary period in Turkey ceased by December 31, 2005 and commenced in Belarus on January 1, 2011 and ceased by January 1, 2015. Accordingly, the economy of Belarus was considered to transit out of hyperinflationary status and determined to cease applying IAS 29 starting from January 1, 2015.

The following table sets forth, for the periods and the dates indicated, the CBRT’s buying rates for U.S. Dollars. These rates may differ from the actual rates used in preparation of our Consolidated Financial Statements and other information appearing herein. The $/TRY exchange rate on March 10, 2016 was TRY 2.908= $1.00.

   2016(2)(3)   2015(2)   2014(2)   2013(2)   2012(2)   2011(2) 


   3.050     3.060     2.367     2.160     1.889     1.907  


   2.904     2.278     2.071     1.746     1.734     1.496  


   2.966     2.720     2.188     1.901     1.793     1.670  

Period End

   2.908     2.908     2.319     2.134     1.783     1.889  

Source: CBRT

(1)Calculated based on the average of the daily exchange rates of each month during the relevant period.
(2)These columns set forth the CBRT’s buying rates for U.S. Dollars expressed in Turkish Lira.
(3)Through March 10, 2016.



   2.961     2.967     3.050     2.970     2.920     3.025  


   2.908     2.904     2.918     2.877     2.804     2.867  

Source: CBRT

(1)Through March 10, 2016.

No representation is made that Turkish Lira or the U.S. Dollar amounts as presented in this annual report could have been or could be converted into U.S. Dollars or Turkish Lira, as the case may be, at any particular rate. Changes in the exchange rate between Turkish Lira and U.S. Dollars could affect our financial results. For a discussion of the effects of fluctuating exchange rates on our business, see “Item 5A. Operating Results”.

3.B Capitalization and Indebtedness

Not applicable.

3.C Reasons for the Offer and Use of Proceeds

Not applicable.

3.D Risk Factors

The following is a discussion of those risks that we believe are the principal material risks faced by our Company and its subsidiaries. No assurance can be given that risks that we do not believe to be material today will not prove to be material in the future. Consequently, the risks described below should not be considered to be exhaustive.

Competition in the Turkish telecommunications market may adversely affect the growth of our business and our financial condition.condition and the competition that we face may evolve with our business strategy.

The majority of our revenue comes from our operations in Turkey. Competition in this market and certain regulatory actions, in particular those that limit our ability to respond effectively to competitive pressures, may adversely affect the growth of our business and our financial condition. Continued price and higher incentive-driven competition has, and will continue to, put pressure on our prices, market shares and profitability, as well as our liquidity. If the competition further intensifies or the market slows or develops in unexpected ways, this could harm our business and financial condition.

In thisour conventional Turkish telecommunications market, we currently face intensifyingprice competition on telecommunication services from two other operators, Vodafone and Turk Telekom Group, includingGroup. Turk Telekom’s majority shareholder, Oger Telecom, has defaulted on the bank loans it used to finance its wholly-owned subsidiary Avea.stake in Turk Telekom. Accordingly, the ownership of Oger Telecom’s 55% stake was transferred to a special purpose company established by the creditor banks in late 2018. We cannot predict how this situation will be resolved or whether there will be changes in its strategy or ownership in the meantime. The outcome of this situation could have a significant impact on the competitive environment in which we operate.

A key element of our strategy is to offer digital services and become the “digital operator”. As parta result, we expect to find ourselves increasingly in competition with companies that specialize in the development of internet applications and services (namely“over-the-top”, or “OTT” services). The leading companies in these businesses have the advantage of operating in more lightly regulated environments and are generally global (WhatsApp, Spotify, etc.), while our company today is primarily a Turkey-based telecom company in a heavily regulated market and with a smaller global footprint. Most of these global players have entered the Turkish market, which is likely to significantly increase the competition we face in these businesses and may have a negative impact on our growth capabilities as a digital operator. In addition, newer applications from less well-known developers are constantly being introduced and may disrupt areas of the changesdigital services industry in which we seek to our strategy announced in 2015, we have begun taking an integrated approach tocompete. These established and newer applications and services make use of the mobile, fixed and TV businesses. When viewing mobile and fixedinternet as a single converged market, we are the second largest player in Turkey in terms of revenue, after the Turk Telekom Group, whereas when viewing the mobile market alone, we are the market leader.

In light of this newly-defined strategy and market, our aim is to solidify our position in Turkey as a converged communications and technology services company. However, our convergence strategy faces numerous challenges, including gaining access to infrastructure, particularly from the incumbent operator, and to content. We also face the challenge of building or acquiring required assets at a reasonable cost. Furthermore, within our own organization, legal impediments prevent us from freely marketing allsubstitute for some of our more traditional services, to all ofsuch as messaging and voice. Reduced demand for these telecommunications services has had an adverse impact on our subscribers.

Asrevenues. Furthermore, other “traditional” operators in Turkey are also moving towards convergedoffer such services aggressively priced converged offers maythat they have an adverse effect on our revenue, ARPU and our market share. Furthermore, convergence may increasedeveloped independently or in partnership with global OTTs as part of their offerings, thereby increasing competition in the level of competition from other operators that have not been our traditional competitors, such as television service providers, that may prevent us from acquiring new customers. On the other hand, our market position may be adversely impacted if we fail to provide converged services on a timely or competitive basis relativelocal market.

Another obstacle to our competitors.growth as a “digital operator” is that certain apps offered by our competitors are already embedded in the phones of our customers, which increases their accessibility in comparison with our apps. For example, the Apple Music app, which is a competitor of our fizy app, is embedded into iPhones and is thus significantly more accessible.


In our conventional telecommunications business, in the past, Turkey’s principal telecommunications regulator, the ICTA, has interfered and may continue to interfere, with our ability to price our services and respond to competitive pressures. Regulatory actions, such asin large part from the ICTA’s regulations on our retail pricing and the ICTA’s ongoing pressure on interconnection rates and maximum retail pricesICTA, have also been and will likely continue to be, a significant factor in shaping the development of the Turkish market and in our ability to respond to changes in the market. Regulatory actions have often favored our competitors, such as interconnection rates which have been set asymmetrically and have facilitated increased competition. It is also possible that the ICTA may also act to regulate converged offers,other areas of our business, including data and digital services, and we cannot predict the impact that such regulation willwould have on our ability to execute our convergence strategy and on our competitive position. Furthermore,sub-brand initiatives of the existing competitors, and new licenses and authorizations issued by the regulator such as Fixed Telephony Service (“FTS”) and Mobile Virtual Network Operator (“MVNO”) licenses have made it easier and/or more attractive for new direct and indirect competitors to enter the market.

Competition has also been affected by the increasing use of applications andIn some businesses, we are dependent on our competitors for certain services that make usewe provide. For example, we are reselling xDSL from the incumbent operator Turk Telekom and we are dependent on their sales service in this business. Therefore, any delay or negligence of the internet as a substitute (namely “over the top” or “OTT” services) for someTurk Telekom could result in dissatisfaction of our more traditional services, such as messagingcustomers and voice. These have had an adverse impact onlead to churn of our revenues which may in the future be material. Reduced demand for our core services of voice, messaging and data could significantly impact our growth and profitability.

With respect to terminals, there is an increasing emphasis in the Turkish market on terminal bundled campaigns. Increased demand for terminal bundled campaigns will continue to lead higher working capital requirements and bad debt expense. Working capital requirements related to terminal financing and bad debt expenses are planned to be managed by our consumer finance company, which commenced operations in 2016.

xDSL subscribers. Competition in the market may also be adversely affected by changes in a number of other areas that are not specific to telecommunications, such as regulatory changes in the financialtaxes (in particular taxes on our services industry, which is now more relevant to us

following the establishment of our consumer finance company, tax,and on mobile devices), increases in interest rates, depreciation of the Turkish Lira against the U.S. Dollar or Euro, adverse macroeconomic developments and changes in consumer behavior, whichbehavior. Any one of these could in turn adversely affect our financial results and the development of our and consequently, our financial results.

Our growth strategy is partly dependent on new investment opportunities, which could affect our business and financial condition, and the return on our investments cannot be guaranteed.

In addition to growing our existing business, our strategy for growth involves selectively seeking and evaluating new investment opportunities and participating in those meeting our criteria. We intend tomay pursue inorganic growth opportunities, bothprincipally in Turkey and in countries whereor ventures in which we believe we can replicate our business model, including countries with a cultural affinity and similar dynamics to our domestic and international marketsare already present, in order to be able to leverage our experience and technological base. Thesebase in mobile or fixed telecommunications and/or services. We may also pursue opportunities maywhich include alliances, such as MVNOs, management service agreements, branding andknow-how support services, digital services cooperation and marketing partnerships, and may be in the area of mobile or fixed telecommunications and services.partnerships. In accordance with our convergence strategy, the opportunities that we pursue in some markets, including Turkey, may include services that would be adjacent or complementary to services that we already offer in such market. In addition,markets.

Further, we may provide services in related areas and also consider investing or increasing our investments in business areas outside of the scope of our core business. Examples of opportunities that we are currently considering or investing in outside of our traditional telecommunications activities include the following:


As part of our digital operator strategy, we offer our digital services outside of Turkey to other operators through our Dutch subsidiary Lifecell Ventures Cooperatief U.A. (“Lifecell Ventures”), which offers Turkcell’s digital communications, entertainment and transactional applications. Lifecell Ventures’ business model is based on charging consultancy, brand and license fees in return for provision of digital service infrastructure andknow-how to other operators. We cannot ensure the commercial success or profitability of this business. The success of this strategy to export our digital applications to countries outside of Turkey will depend on our and our partners’ ability to compete against global and local players in these markets, as well as the local competitive environment, consumer trends and preferences and market conditions, all of which may be significantly different from the Turkish market. Furthermore, as this business grows and expands into new markets, namely through digital services cooperation agreements and similar agreements, we will face increasing reputational, regulative and commercial risks in those new markets, both directly and through our local partners.

We have participated in a consortium that has committed to manufacture electric passenger cars in Turkey in the coming years. Turkcell aims to act as the technology partner in Fintur Holdings B.V.the consortium which has established a company in June 2018, named “Turkiye’nin Otomobili Girisim Grubu Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.” (“Fintur”TOGG”). We are a founding partner of TOGG with a 19% stake. The initial capital of the consortium is agreed upon as EUR 500 million, subject to the confirmation of a stimulus package by the Government, to which all parties have committed to contribute as per the level of their individual stakes. As of March 7, 2019, we invested TRY 50 million as our share of initial capital. This is a new business for us, in which we will face new risks. While still in the planning stage, the consortium aims to manufacture the prototype electric car by December 2019 and targets full production in 2022. Associated risks are envisaged to be financial, development and manufacturing process risks, as well as risks related to the shared control of TOGG and other risks.

In 2017, we entered the energy business, through Turkcell Enerji Cozumleri ve Elektrik Satis Ticaret Anonim Sirketi (“Turkcell Enerji”), which is engaged in electricity trading, wholesale sales and retail sales through its 58.55% stake,electricity supply license from the Turkish Energy Market Regulatory Authority (“EMRA”). Through this


business we face various risks that are new to us, including an exposure to a new regulatory regime and the risk of not being able to buy and sell electricity on commercially viable terms. The cost of electricity is significantly affected by exchange rates (imported resources such as natural gas and coal account for more than 50% of electricity production in Turkey), the available supply of natural gas and regulatory actions. Further, the profit margins in this business are currently lower than that of our telecommunications businesses. Turkcell Enerji is also evaluating new opportunities in solar energy production (primarily for our own use and for sale) which, if successful, might bring in additional operational, financial, regulatory and other risks.

A new company called Sofra Kurumsal ve Odullendirme Hizmetleri A.S. (“Sofra Kurumsal”) has initiatedbeen incorporated by our Company’s subsidiary Turkcell Odeme ve Elektronik Para Hizmetleri A.S. (“Turkcell Odeme”) together with Belbim Elektronik Para ve Odeme Hizmetleri A.S., a subsidiary of the Municipality of Istanbul, and Posta ve Telgraf Teskilati A.S., the Turkish Post. The company is mainly involved in the provision of services via various means such as service coupons, meal coupons, meal cards, electronic coupons and/or smart cards, as well as vehicle payments and smart keys. All three stakeholders share equal rights namely in terms of board nominations and the unanimous consent of the shareholders is required in the context of general assemblies, thereby possibly slowing down the decision-making process and affecting our ability to divestexecute business decisions and take other actions that we consider to be in the best interest of the company. Additionally, the financial success of this company cannot be assured, as its Eurasian assets. In line with our growth strategy andis largely dependent on its capacity to penetrate a highly competitive market which is largely controlled by a few key players. Turkcell Odeme may also participate as the minority (41.45%)a founding shareholder in Fintur (operatingthe incorporation of a “Joint Payment Company” together with private and public companies in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgiaorder to carry out system operating activities as well as other activities authorized under the Law numbered 6493 on Payment and Moldova),Security Settlement Systems, Payment Services and Electronic Money Institutions, within the scope of the operating permit to be obtained from the Central Bank of Republic of Turkey (“CBRT”).

We have established Turkcell Sigorta Aracılık Hizmetleri A.S. (“Guvencell”) as a fully owned subsidiary involved in the insurance agency business in 2018. In partnership with multiple insurance companies, Guvencell is entitled to offer insurance policies not only to Turkcell customers in Turkey but also to the other operators’ customers in the form of device protection insurance, life insurance and critical illnesses insurance. Guvencell has also acted as an agency in Turkcell Group employees’ health insurance. Guvencell is operational with the approval of the Undersecretariat of Treasury - General Directorate of Insurance and must operate in conformity with the relevant rules and regulations.

We are in the test phase of entering the smart device leasing business as an alternative to providing consumer finance loans for smart devices through one of our existing subsidiaries. If we submitted a binding offerdecide to acquire TeliaSonera’s 58.55% stake in Finturgo ahead, the commercial success of this business would be largely dependent on our ability to succesfully collect the leasing payments, as well as on our capacity to both lease the devices, service the devices through third party partners during the term of the loan, and its 24% direct stake in Kcell JSC (Kazakhstan). No assurance can be giventhen sell the devices that we will acquire these stakeshave been previously leased and refurbished, on commercially viable terms. These acquisitionsIn particular, we will entail certain risks, includingface the risk that the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency’s (“BRSA”) current regulation imposing a cap on the number of instalments with regard to consumer loans for mobile phones and smart devices might be applied or be deemed to apply to, the device leasing business, which could negatively affect demand and consequently the development of this business. This business will also lead to an increase in our debt, increased exposure to fluctuations in currencies that have been prone to devaluation, increased exposure to countries that haveinventory balance coupled with a high risk of corruption and other compliance issues. Furthermore,higher capital expenditure requirement, as we will have to purchase the devices to be exposedleased. If the competition in this business intensifies and we fail to risks inrespond rapidly and adequately, this could adversely affect the development of our ability to successfully integrate these companies, their systemsdevice leasing business and, their networks and to implement new strategies, and to the reaction of customers, competitors and regulators. If we do not complete these acquisitions, we also face the risk that TeliaSonera may sell to another party, leaving us as a minority shareholder with a new majority shareholder not chosen by us. Should there be a disagreement between us and the other shareholder in the future, no assurance can be given that we will be able to take the course of action that we believe appropriate, including with respect to operational and strategic matters. We may also have difficulty exiting, should we choose to do so, at an acceptable price.consequently, our financial results.

New investments may not achieve expected returns or returns that are in line with those of our core business in Turkey, which may cause high value erosion. In many of the markets and businesses in which we have invested, may invest or may invest,increase our investment, it may take several years and significant investmentsexpenditures to achieve desired profitability, if at all. As part of our strategy as a converged player offering multiple telecommunications services, we may consider acquiring fixed operators in certain of the markets in which we operate. Any such acquisition would increase our exposure to the risks associated with these countries and these types of businesses. If we become a minority shareholder in an investment, we might encounter difficulties in protecting our shareholder rights. In addition, if an asset in which we have invested does not provide the expected returns, we may need to make further investment or we may consider disposal at a sale price that may be below carrying value or liquidation.



Any instability in the contextpolitical environment and/or downturn in the economy, as well as volatile international markets and events and the threat of terrorism, in Turkey and/or internationally may have an adverse effect on our business and financial condition.

With a substantial portion of our evaluationrevenues, assets and business derived from and located in Turkey, and denominated in Turkish Lira, adverse developments in the Turkish economy are likely to have a material adverse effect on our business and financial condition. The performance of potentialthe Turkish economy may be affected by global, regional and domestic economic and political developments.

Since 2002, the AKP (the Justice and Development Party) won governing majorities four times during a period in which Turkey’s economy generally enjoyed growth and stability. Turkey held its inaugural presidential election on August 10, 2014 based on the constitutional changes implemented following the constitutional referendum held on October 21, 2007. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, leader of the ruling AKP, won the election in the first round. On April 16, 2017, a majority of Turkish voters approved a referendum amending certain articles of the Turkish Constitution to expand the powers of the president to create an executive presidency. Turkey’s political stability has been affected by the coup attempt against the government in power on July 15, 2016. Following the coup attempt, the Turkish government declared a state of emergency in the country, entitling it to exercise additional powers aimed at restoring stability across the country. In June 2018, Turkey held its first dual parliamentary and presidential elections, and then-President Recep Tayyip Erdogan won in the first round and became the Executive President for the next five years. Following the election, the Turkish Government halted the state of emergency in July 2018.

Turkey has experienced solid economic growth through 2017 and the first half of 2018, following a series of government-initiated measures to ensure financial stability. In August 2018, the Turkish economy experienced currency volatility where the Turkish Lira depreciated sharply due to growing tensions between the US and Turkey over the detained the US pastor Andrew Brunson in addition to the tighter monetary policy expectations of the financial markets needed to decrease currency volatility. The detention of Andrew Brunson also triggered bilateral imposition of sanctions. On August 1, 2018, the United States imposed sanctions against two Turkish Government officials for their roles in the arrest and detention of the Mr. Brunson under the Global Magnitsky Act. As retaliation, Turkey imposed sanctions against the U.S. officials on the basis of reciprocity. Additionally, on August 10, 2018, U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Turkey have been increased to 50% and 20%, respectively. Increasing tension in the U.S.–Turkey diplomatic relationship caused fluctuations in the local market, resulting in a depreciation of the TRY against the USD. Turkish regulatory bodies implemented several measures to prevent further deterioration of the TRY and the financial markets. The pastor was released after the trial on October 12, 2018, resulting in a gradual decrease of the tension between the U.S. and Turkey. With the aim of ensuring financial stability and supporting the Turkish Lira, the CBRT increased its policy rate by 625 bps in September 2018 and provided TRY and foreign exchange (FX) liquidity to the banking system. In addition, collateral FX deposit limits for TRY transactions of banks have been raised. To prevent a sudden decrease in economic activity, taxes were cut in several sectors, including automotive, white goods and furniture. The strong monetary policy tightening has led to a very sharp macro rebalancing in the form of a rapidly improving current account balance and slowing inflation. Improving price competitiveness contributing to exports and diminishing domestic demand, with substantial financial tightening, has resulted a sharp improvement in external balances. After all these measurements, Turkish Lira appreciated 20.4% against the U.S. Dollar between August and December 2018. Overall, the monetary policy has been effective with overshooting interest rates, contracting credit and collapsing imports, eventually reversing the upward trend of inflation.

After the financial turmoil in August 2018, the Turkish authorites took a series of measures to ensure financial stability and support the Turkish Lira. The Ministry of Treasury and Finance announced the New Economic Plan (“NEP”) and the year 2019 was announced as a rebalancing period. Although the NEP envisages growth of 2.3% in 2019, such outlook may be affected by a global economic slowdown, increasedgeo-political uncertainties and a weakening in domestic consumption. Exceptional food inflation and TRY depreciation have led to a yearly rise in headline inflation to 20.3% in December 2018, recording the highest level since December 2003. Inflation is expected to decline in 2019. Due to the fact that we enter into fixed term contracts with a large portion of our mobile and fixed voice and data customers, we face difficulties in adjusting our prices to adequately reflect any inflationary pressures, which has and may have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. The budget deficit rose to 2.0% of the GDP in December 2018, and is expected to widen as a result of increased government spending to sustain strong economic activity. Moreover, the announced restructuring campaign regarding consumer credit card debts and small & medium company loans, aimed at lowering interest rates via public banks, could expose the banking sector to further risks. Loan growth, which contracted in the fourth quarter of 2018, has been running above zero in the first quarter of 2019, however thenon-performing loan (“NPL”) ratio has continued to rise and it is expected to increase further as a result of the weak economic outlook. The Turkish Government has also announced it will reduce investments in those projects that are not deemed as directly serving the regionsessential needs of the public or adding value to the economy between 2019-2021. This decision may significantly reduce our business potential on the corporate side to do business with the government and negatively affect our business and financial condition. Additionally, even though we targetare not currently experiencing any repercussions, further deterioration in loans or in general economic outlook may negatively affect our mobile and consumer finance businesses along with other industries. Geopolitical and domestic political factors, such as the military intervention in Syria and therun-up to the March 2019 municipal elections, are other sources of uncertainty and impose further risks on the country’s economy. Also, the international credit rating agencies including Fitch, Standard & Poor’s (“S&P”) and Moody’s may cut Turkey’s grade further, and this also could further increase the pressure on the Turkish Lira and interest rates.


More generally, in our view, among the biggest threats to the global economy, including the Turkey economy, in 2019 are weakening global growth, trade tensions between U.S. and China, global financial tightening, the potential for international expansion, Turkcella significant slowdown in the Chinese economy and European political uncertainty. In January 2019, the International Monetary Fund (“IMF”) revised its global growth forecast for 2019 from 3.7% to 3.5%, and for 2020 from 3.7% to 3.6%, mainly because of the negative effects of tariff increases enacted in the United States and China, the weakening financial market sentiment, and the tightened financial conditions. A number of institutions such as the European Central Bank (“ECB”) and the IMF have published several trade war scenarios, showing that the effects of such measures have a negative impact on global growth. Taking into account global trade tensions, weakening investment expenditure and high levels of debt, a hard landing scenario for China is possible and would have serious implications not only for China, but also for Turkey and the global economy. According to the recent indicators and surveys, the Eurozone economy has considered opportunitiesbeen slowing from previously high levels, due to weakening domestic demand and higher borrowing costs, elevated sovereign yields in Italy, street protests in France, softening of private consumption, weakened industrial production following the introduction of revised auto emission standards, subdued foreign demand in Germany as well as the uncertainty surrounding Brexit. The 2019 elections in Eastern Europe may further exacerbate the political tensions in the region. As the largest exporting partner, a slowdown in Germany and the Eurozone presents an important risk to the Turkish economy. The effect of prolonged low energy prices on commodity-exporting countries in the region such as Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran may negatively affect the terms of trade between these countries and Turkey. After the globalsell-off in equities at the end of 2018, the US Federal Reserve (“Fed”) cut its rate hike projections for 2019. Nevertheless, ongoing normalization of Fed and ECB monetary policy, fragile growth outlook in Turkey’s key export destinations and geopolitical risks stemming from instability in Iraq, Syria, Iran, Georgia, Cyprus, Egypt, Tunisia, Israel, Armenia and Russia, the impact of this on Turkish foreign relations, including with the United States, as well as increasing uncertainty regarding the political outlook in Ukraine and in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Eastern Europe, regions are additional sources of risks for Turkey.

Furthermore, the BalkansTurkish Army is dedicated to fight against terrorist groups inside Turkey, Syria and Northern Iraq, notably the Middle East and Africa (“MEA”)People’s Congress of Kurdistan (known as the PKK), and may consider such opportunitiesalso extremist terrorist groups like ISIS in neighboring countries. Turkey’s probable Membic operation against ISIS,YPG/PYD/PKK, can impose higher risks on the budget deficit if the operation lasts longer than anticipated. Also, the departure of U.S. troops from Syria is likely to result in an increased uncertainty in the future. Operations in many of these countries are subject to economic, politicalregion.

Slower growth and other risks. Furthermore, for acquisitions outside of Turkey, current and future E.U., U.S. and international laws and regulations,inflationary pressures as well as legal and regulatory actions, targeting certain countries, local companies and individuals may curtail our ability to do business in affected countries and may impede our exercise of control. Turkcell itself, as well as certain of its key employees (notably those who are E.U. or U.S. citizens), could be subject to sanctions under such laws and regulations. Somea result of the countries and companies in which wefactors described above may have contemplated making investments and in which we may from time to time consider opportunities, such as Iran, Libya and Syria, and certain individuals involved in such companies, have been the specific targets of such laws and regulations. Similarly, jurisdictions in which we have invested may from time to time become subject to sanctions, as has been the case in Crimea. Investors may be reticent to investa negative impact on consumer sentiment, resulting in a company doing businessdecrease in such countries or other countries that may be at risk due to the political instability. These factorssales which could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. Furthermore, geopolitical risks are currently prevailing, primarily on the basis that relations with the US continue to be fragile on various fronts, and this could potentially lead to volatility in the future. There can be no assurance that the political and more importantly geopolitical situation within Turkey or its neighboring countries will not deteriorate. The rise of protectionism and the threat to globalization is likely to impact political and economic affairs. These, coupled with rising geopolitical risks, might deter politicians from implementing economic programs, may individually or in the aggregate adversely affect the Turkish economy and, in turn, our business, financial condition and results of operations.

Foreign exchange rate risks could affect the Turkish macroeconomic environment and could significantly affect our results of operation and financial position in future periods if hedging tools are not available at commercially reasonable terms.

We are exposed to foreign exchange rate risks because our income, expenses, assets and liabilities are denominated in a number of different currencies, primarily Turkish Lira, U.S. Dollars, Euros, Chinese Renminbi, Ukrainian Hryvnia (“UAH”), and Belarusian Ruble (“BYN”). Fluctuations of Turkish Lira, Ukrainian Hryvnia, Belarusian Rubles, and Chinese Renminbi versus U.S. Dollars and Euros, have had and may have an unfavorable impact on us. In particular, a substantial majority of our equipment expenditures is currently, and expected to continue to be, denominated in U.S. Dollars and Euros, while the revenues generated by our activities are denominated largely in local currencies, in particular the Turkish Lira, Ukrainian Hryvnia, Belarusian Ruble and Euro. As of December 31, 2018, our total debt was TRY 20,155.5 million. As of December 31, 2018, the debt balance of our companies operating in Turkey was TRY 18,748.6 million, of which TRY 9,761.5 million ($1,855.5 million as of December 31, 2018) was denominated in U.S. Dollars and TRY 7,127.5 million (EUR 1,182.4 million) in Euro. As of December 31, 2018, the debt balance of lifecell was TRY 925 million, denominated in UAH. Meanwhile, Belarusian Telecom had a debt balance of TRY 4.2 million, denominated in BYN.


In addition, we are exposed to currency mismatches with respect to certain capital expenditures andoff-balance sheet obligations, in particular with our universal service obligations for the installation of infrastructure in uncovered areas of Turkey, a service that we have contracted to provide for an amount in TRY, but which requires expenditures in foreign currencies (primarily in USD, but also Euro and Chinese Renminbi). Also, the financing of infrastructure investments, potential license fee payments and any other potential investment opportunities could lead to an increase in our U.S. dollar and/or Euro debt, further increasing our currency exposure. The effect of the depreciation in TRY is typically reflected in inflation rates in3-6 months on average. According to the research of the CBRT, the exchange rate pass through realization in Turkey is around10-15% and this figure might be well over 20% in an overheated economy. As of the third quarter of 2018 overall exchange rate pass through has increased to approximately 17% and is expected to decrease to10-15% level with the appreciation of the TRY. High exchange rate pass through creates increasing production prices which is eventually reflected in consumer prices. Between 2011 and 2015 additional point impact on inflation was 1.8 when average inflation was 8.2%. See “Item 8. Financial Information” and Note 35 to our audited Consolidated Financial Statements included in “Item 18. Financial Statements” of this annual report on Form20-F. Devaluations that are not matched by adjustments in our tariffs have had, and may continue to have, an adverse effect on our results of operations and our liquidity. See “Item 4B. Business Overview—II Tariffs”. We are also exposed to currency exchange rates on the prices of the smartphones that we rely on for the promotion of our digital and data services. After the 2008 financial crisis, with the flow of cheap funding, the Turkish economy experienced import driven growth. Therefore consumption patterns have shifted towards foreign currency denominated goods along with raw materials and intermediary goods used in production. Production has been negatively impacted by the price inflation of raw materials and intermediary goods. Depreciation in TRY triggered inflationary pressures which resulted in a deterioration in the purchasing power of consumers. Coupled with slow growth and low purchasing power, consumers demand has fallen. Turkish Lira depreciation has made smartphones that are procured in hard currencies more expensive for our customers, thus potentially reducing new sales of such devices and curbing the market for the services, which may have a negative impact on our profitability and financial position.

According to the CBRT, the TRY depreciated by 39% against the U.S. Dollar and 49% against the Euro in 2018, driven mainly by exacerbated macroeconomic conditions and geopolitical uncertainty as well as international developments such as increased U.S. interest rates, policy normalization signals from the ECB and rate hikes from the Fed and tensions between US and China. As of March 7, 2019 the TRY has depreciated a further 2.25% against the U.S. Dollar and 0.86% against the Euro according to the CBRT. Our currency hedging strategy includes derivative transactions and accumulating hard currency by using Turkish Lira cash from our operations. In addition, we have been further diversifying our currency exposure by entering into agreements with our vendors in local currencies, particularly in Chinese Renminbi.

Turkey has recently introduced a series of measures in relation to foreign exchange matters. A Presidential Decree amending the Decree No. 32 on the Protection of the Value of Turkish Currency, enacted on September 13, 2018 (“Presidential Decree”), provides that, except for certain exemptions determined by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance (“Ministry of Finance”), the contract price and all other payment obligations under (i) sale, purchase, and lease agreements (including financial leases) regarding immovable properties and vehicles, (ii) employment, (iii) services, and (iv) construction agreements entered into between Turkish andnon-Turkish natural and legal persons resident in Turkey must be in Turkish Lira. In other words, the Presidential Decree precludes Turkish andnon-Turkish natural and legal persons resident in Turkey from determining, or indexing to, the contract price or other payment obligations with regards to the aforementioned transactions in foreign currencies. Further, a30-day transition period was envisaged by the Presidential Decree for the Turkish andnon-Turkish natural and legal persons resident in Turkey to amend their existing agreements which fall within the scope of the restrictions, such that the contract price and all other payment obligations thereunder must bere-determined in Turkish Lira. The Ministry of Treasury and Finance determined on October 6, 2018 the scope of the restrictions above introduced by the Presidential Decree, by way of setting out the restrictions and exemptions on a contract type basis. On 16 November 2018, the scope of the exemptions was amended with another Communiqué numbered2018-32/52 published in the Official Gazette dated 16 November 2018 and numbered 30597. The main highlights to the exemptions include issuance of capital markets instruments, employment agreements related to work performed abroad, service agreements of which the parties are not Turkish citizens, sales agreements including software produced abroad within the scope of information technologies and license and service agreements including hardware and software produced abroad and financial leasing agreements within the scope of Article 17 and 17/A of Decree No. 32. While none of one of our material agreements has been amended under this legislative change, there can be no assurance that similar measures will not impact our ability to enter into foreign currency agreements.

While we are currently able to hedge our principal TRY exposure to the U.S. Dollar and the Euro on commercially reasonable terms, no assurance can be given that we will continue to be able to do so under all circumstances in the future. In several of the other countries in which we have businesses, in particular Ukraine and Belarus, there are no or few tools to hedge foreign exchange rate risks effectively due to restricted and undeveloped financial markets in these countries. Any significant fluctuations in the value of the TRY relative to other currencies could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


Reduction in cash generated from operations and increased capital needs may increase our borrowing requirements, which may increase our financing costs and our exposure to the risks associated with borrowing.

We continue to experience challenging macroeconomic, regulatory and competitive conditions in our markets that may reduce cash generated from operations, and we may continue to face increased funding needs, in particular to finance our technological expansion and investments. In the previous three years, this included the payment of the Turkish 4.5G license fee, Ukrainian 4.5G license fee and related capital expenditures in Turkey and Ukraine as well as the establishment of a consumer finance company in Turkey. Furthermore, in 2017 and 2018, we paid TRY 3 billion and TRY 1.9 billion dividend, respectively, and made capital expenditures and loan repayments, which significantly reduced our available cash. Looking ahead, we expect to continue to experience moderate cash outflows in relation to new licenses and networkroll-out, continuing fiber development and potential dividend payments. The ongoing disputes among our shareholders may also have an impact on our liquidity position, to the extent that they may affect dividend payments. In the past, as a result of such disputes, dividends were not paid for several years and then the resulting backlog was eventually paid in a short period of time. Our liquidity position may also be negatively impacted if our shareholders request dividend payments which are higher than our dividend policy. Our working capital requirements have increased in the last three years in particular after our consumer finance company began its operations. The BRSA’s current regulation imposing a cap on the number of instalments with regard to consumer loans for mobile phones significantly decreased the demand for new loans and thus has reduced our related working capital requirement accordingly. However, working capital requirements could once again increase should the priceBRSA increase the maximum number of instalments on mobile phone related loans or our entry to the leasing business, both of which could drive the demand up considerably. These cash outflows have in the past reduced, and may continue to reduce, our liquidity. Reduced liquidity may lead to an increase in our borrowing requirements and thus our borrowing costs.

Our borrowings may expose us to foreign exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and possibly, to increases in our total interest expense, each of which could have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial condition and results of operations. We enter into derivative transactions and hold hard currency to manage the risk with respect to the Turkish Lira. However, derivative transactions might have costs and may not fully cover all of our shares.

risks. Furthermore, no assurance can be given that we will continue to have access to financing on terms or be able to conduct derivative transactions with terms that are satisfactory to us or at all. In addition, no assurance can be given that unexpected cash outflows will not be required, which could further erode liquidity and increase borrowing requirements.

As of December 31, 2018, our total debt was TRY 20,155.5 million. TRY 8,590.5 million of our debt portfolio consisted of financing obligations paying interest at fixed rates. The remainder of our debt portfolio pays interest at floating rates, which has been increasing within the last year and could expose us to increased costs if rates increase further. In 2015, we arranged a number of financing facilities in a principal amount of approximately $2.9 billion (partly in U.S. Dollars and in Euro) for the refinancing needs of the Company and our subsidiaries and to fund infrastructure investments and any other potential investment opportunities, which has significantly increased our indebtedness. Of this financing amount, we issued a10-year Eurobond with an aggregate principal amount of $500 million and utilized $500 million in October 2015 which was followed by a EUR 1.25 billion, 10 year loan facility from the China Development Bank. EUR 500 million of this facility was immediately utilized. Furthermore, in 2016 we utilized USD 500 million and EUR 445 million under a5-year club loan agreement from five international banks. EUR 60 million in 2017 and USD 140 million, EUR 100 million and RMB 251 million were utilized in 2018 from the China Development Bank facility. In the last three years, we also borrowed to finance the growing business of our consumer finance company and to finance the working capital requirements of our operations in Ukraine. In April 2018, we issued another10-year Eurobond bond with an aggregate principal amount of $500 million with fixed coupon rate of 5.80% per annum. We may continue borrowing to finance our infrastructure investments, consumer finance company (depending on how the market evolves), loan repayments and any other potential investment opportunities. Additionally, on June 19, 2018, we entered into a framework shareholder loan agreement pursuant to which excess TRY cash in Turkcell is made available to other group companies in Turkey as a short term TRY loan at arm’s length basis in line with current market conditions.

In 2015, we received investment grade ratings from Moody’s, S&P and Fitch Ratings and sustained these in 2016 and 2017, although in 2017 Moody’s and S&P changed the outlook on our ratings to negative from stable. In 2018, Moody’s, S&P and Fitch Ratings downgraded our credit rating to non investment grade in accordance with their respective internal practices to reflect their individual decisions in the beginning of the third quarter of 2018 to reflect the downgrade Turkey’s sovereign rating. Fitch and Moody’s both put our company on negative outlook, while S&P changed the outlook to stable from negative bymid-2018. A decrease in our free cash flow, an increase in our net debt position or more generally a change in financial policies and projections, a material increase in investment and acquisition plans or shareholder returns and an increase in corporate governance issues could also result in a further credit rating downgrade. In November 2018, our contract with Moody’s ended. We continue to receive credit rating services from S&P and Fitch Ratings.

Some of our borrowing agreements contain cross default clauses, which could trigger an event of default under such agreements in the event of a default by a Group company under its own borrowing agreements (such default by that Group company being subject to certain thresholds).


Regulatory decisions and changes in the regulatory environment could adversely affect our business and financial condition.

Our industry isWe are subject to extensive regulation,a significant range of legislative and regulatory requirements, both in Turkey and the other countries in which we operate.internationally. Compliance with new and existing laws and regulations has had, and is likely to continue to have, a significant impact on the ways in which we do business. This may include but is not limited to the impact on our ability to set our pricing and offer new and existing services, including converged services, on customer use of our services, the way we handle, process and store customer data, the terms of our subscriber contracts, the way we can communicate with customers, including in particular our ability to contact subscribers with new convergedour offers, our ability to implement any planned or future network or infrastructure sharing initiatives and our ability to obtain and maintain licenses. Furthermore, the laws, regulations, regulatory orders and licenses under which we operate are subject to interpretation and enforcement by regulators with which we are not always in agreement. Complying with regulations may be costly, and failure to comply may lead to significant penalties, criminal prosecution, adverse publicity and the loss of licenses in the affected line of business or country and could adversely affect our business, financial condition and financial condition.cause significant reputational and brand damage with customers, investors and regulators. Furthermore, our licenses generally have specified terms and renewal is not assured. For more information on regulation and how it may impact our business, see “Item 4.B. Business Overview—Regulation of the Turkish Telecommunications Industry”.

Pricing is one of the key areas in which we are subject to regulation. The actions ofIn the recent past, the ICTA and Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (formerly the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications inof Turkey) (the “Turkish Ministry”) regulations and actions relating to our voice, SMS, data and value added services roaming and interconnection pricing have and will continue to, negatively affectaffected our pricing and our ability to design and launch campaigns and offers. Consequently,One of these regulations regarding the retail pricing per voice minute has been lifted and the regulatory burden has consequently been significantly reduced. However, the retail price cap in mobile has been reintroduced by the ICTA in October 2018. In addition, interconnection rates are still set by the ICTA, and, there is a possibility that further regulatory actions have and will continue tomay adversely affect our business and financial condition. For more information, see “Item 4.B. Business Overview—Regulation of the Turkish Telecommunications Industry”.company’s wholesale revenues. In addition, the ICTA has determined and may in the future determine that we are an operator with significant market power and as a result impose certain constraints on us, while imposing less stringent ones on other mobile and fixed telecommunications operators in the market, both of which may adversely affect our business and financial condition. RecentlyFor more information, see “Item 4.B. Business Overview—Regulation of the Turkish Telecommunications Industry”.

Expectations and standards with regard to privacy and data protection have been increasing both globally and in Turkey. Stricter privacy laws and regulations are being adopted or existing legislation is being more strictly interpreted and enforced by the authorities, which require companies to invest more diligence and effort towards ensuring compliance. While we are primarily subject to Turkish data protection legislation, the European General Data Protection Regulation and other foreign privacy legislation also have the potential to affect our business through some of our subsidiaries established in the EU and other countries, as well as some of our products and services provided to persons in the EU. Breach of such regulation may potentially result in penalties up to a maximum of 4% of global annual turnover or EUR 20,000,000. Ensuring compliance with these various privacy legislations is a longlasting commitment, which requires substantial costs, and it is possible that despite our efforts, governmental authorities or third parties will assert that our business practices fail to comply. Changes in privacy legislation or in interpretation of the existing legislation could have an adverse effect on our business and data processing operations and/or subject us to significant civil and criminal penalties, business disruption or reputational harm.

Furthermore, given that we process personal data, namely of our customers we are subject to the Law No. 6698 on The Protection of Personal Data and the regulations of the Turkish Personal Data Protection Authority, as well as data protection legislation under the Electronic Communications Law and the ICTA’s data protection regulations. For more information, see “Item 4.B. Business Overview-Regulation of the Turkish Telecommunications Industry”. Should we fail to properly implement and comply with these data protection laws and regulations, we might face administrative fines of up to approximately TRY 1,470,000 per breach, depending on the nature of the failure(s), as well as criminal sanctions or other regulatory actions by the Personal Data Protection Authority, and face administrative fines up to 3% of yearly net sales of the ICTA-regulated companies in breach. Changes to such data protection laws may impose more stringent requirements for compliance and impose significant penalties for non-compliance. In particular, we are facing increased risks with regard to these laws and regulations as the number of our Paycell customers -in relation to whom we hold sensitive data such as credit card information- increases rapidly. If we or those with whom we share information fail to comply with these laws and regulations, our reputation could be damaged, possibly resulting in lost future business. In addition, the cost and operational consequences of responding to breaches and implementing remediation measures could be significant.

The ICTA has introduced new regulations or changes to regulations in a number of areas that could affect our business, including the following:

Customer reimbursements are now more highly regulated, which will increase our liability and place a higher administrative burden on our company. For example, reimbursements must now take place in under a month (unless another period is set forth by a decision of the ICTA), and we may face penalties should we fail to meet this requirement. Additionally, we will be subject to the obligation to transfer unpaid reimbursements to a universal service fund.

The ICTA has taken decisions in the fiber market that have favored the incumbent Turk Telekom, in particular exempting the fiber market from market analysis (so called “fiber holiday”). The ICTA has not announced its final market analysis for fixed wholesale local and central accesses. The fiber holiday may continue to be in place depending on the ICTA’s final decision.

The ICTA reintroduced the “mobile retail price cap” obligations, from which Turkcell had been exempt since 2016. The ICTA adopted a decision, which sets new price caps applicable to fees for activation/deactivation, name/title change, account takeover, MSISDN change, SIM card change, detailed bill information, effective as of October 1, 2018. Following this decision, new price caps applicable to calls, SMS, international calls and directory assistance service have also been introduced, effective as of January 1, 2019. Turkcell applied for withdrawal of this decision, which was rejected by the ICTA. Turkcell filed a lawsuit for stay of execution and the cancellation of Article 1 of the decision. There is no progress on the case as at March 7, 2019.


The ICTA has cancelled the deregulation of the SMS/MMS Termination Market. Consequently, the SMS/MMS termination service will continue within the scope of obligations under the Mobile Call Termination Market Analysis. Also, the Mobile Access and Call Origination Market deregulation transition period has been extended until April 12, 2019. Within this period, Turkcell’s Significant Market Power (“SMP”) designation and our obligations under Mobile Access and Call Origination Market will be maintained until the concerned market is deregulated.

The ICTA had extended its “doubleopt-in rule” in 2018, requiring consumers to submit two approvals before purchasing value added services, from gaming and music services to all value added services that are purchased via SMS. This is an obstacle to the purchase by our customers of our services, which may adversely affect our services revenue. The ICTA may further regulate value added services, for example by considering app services as being in the scope of value added services regulations. Currently, it remains unclear whether the rules for value added services are applicable to operator applications. In addition, the administrative sanctions to be applied in the event of failure to comply with the obligations relating to value added services have been extended via the amendment made by the ICTA imposedto the Regulation on Administrative Sanctions.

In accordance with the decision taken by the ICTA on April 12, 2018, operators are now subject to new rulesprocesses related to the reimbursement of the remaining balances to prepaid subscribers whose subscriptions are terminated for various reasons. For instance, operators must reimburse the balance within 15 days from the termination date, in failure of which:

If the subscriber applies to the operator within two years following the termination of the subscription agreement, the remaining balance must be reimbursed to him/her.

Notwithstanding the above-mentioned right of application, if the userre-subscribes to the same operator within two years following the termination of the subscription agreement, the remaining balance must be deducted from the first invoice.

The new version of the Regulation on Consumer Rights in the Electronic Communications Sector, which came into force in April 2018, mainly preserves the provisions of the former regulation. However, under the new regulation, the first on/off operation in a calendar year must not be charged if the services were suspended/disconnected due tonon-payment within due date.

The ICTA requires an update of Turkcell’s subscription agreements reflecting the new consumer rights regulations. Changes include more strict consent obligations regarding subscription choices and the prorationcancellation of service feesoperators’ right to restrict subscriptions of subscribers with unpaid bills for other subscriptions.

An ICTA decision favoring subscribers with special needs, veterans and, widows/widowers and orphans of martyrs came into effect on January 1, 2019, requiring operators to offer their services with a 25% discount. The discount is offered upon proof of identity and the subscriber’s special need; however there is a high risk of fraud and consequently, of a decrease in our profitability. As of March 7, 2019, approximately 18,000 subscribers are registered to benefit from this discount.

The ICTA has put forward more stringent conditions regarding caller line identification and the use of alphanumeric titles, limiting businesses’ choice in titles for their advertising and ultimately threatening the growth of our bulk SMS business.

An increase in the wholesale prices for fixed broadband services provided by Turk Telekom is foreseen, following its request to increase the wholesale prices in 2018. This could affect our retail broadband business; however, this increase has not been approved by the ICTA as of the date of this annual report on Form20-F.

The Turkish Ministry informed the operators on June 7, 2018 that will leadthat they primarily have to revenue loss.request from the most prevailing operator in terms of infrastructure in Turkey - which is Turk Telekom – to perform the excavation work on their behalf. Although Turkcell filed a lawsuit to remove this measure, this situation might negatively affect our ability to expand our fibre network and our future investments.

In theTaxation and charges are also areas of customer protection and unsolicited electronic communicationsin which we are subject to specific regulations. We are for the purposes of direct marketing and processing of personal data, new regulations have been enacted in 2015 that limited our marketing and advertising activities and those that we could undertake for our corporate customers. This may weaken our brand image or limit our flexibility to respond to customer needs immediately or to proactively offer our converged services, which in turn could lead to customer and revenue loss. This has also ledexample subject to a declineSpecial Communication Tax (“SCT”), which is set at 7.5% across all product lines, and transceiver and receiver unit surcharge payments are set at 5% of monthly net sales since January 2018. Such taxes have affected, and could continue to adversely affect, consumer demand for products and services and our results of operations.


We are increasingly involved in revenues generated by corporateproviding financial services such as bulk SMS.

to our customers. As a result of the establishment of our consumerinsurance agency company and our participation finance company and(not operational yet) as well as our existing operations in mobileconsumer finance, payment ande-money services, we are subject to a variety of banking and finance laws and regulations (the principal regulator isregulators include the Banking RegulationBRSA and Supervision Agency (“BRSA”))the Insurance Directorate under Undersecretariat of the Treasury), and pursuant to our focus on services such as TV and music, we are subject to broadcasting and copyright laws and regulations. In 2017, Turkcell Enerji, which we fully own indirectly, has obtained an electricity supply license from EMRA for the purpose of electricity energy trading and wholesale and retail electricity sales. This company is subject to laws and regulations governing the electricity market in Turkey. These regulations are different from those that we currently encounter in our core communications business in Turkey and we will need to obtain and develop the expertise required to comply with these laws and regulations, which may be costly. As we enter new businesses, such as the automotive industry, service coupons and meal cards, we will also be exposed to the regulatory regimes and decisions specific to those businesses.

Any downturn in the economy and instability in the political environment in Turkey and internationally may have an adverse effect onIf we, our business and our financial condition.

With a substantial portionlocal partners with whom we enter into cooperation agreements or similar agreements, or one of our revenues, assetskey suppliers fail to comply with laws and regulations regarding unethical business derived frompractices, including bribery and located in Turkey,corruption, and denominated in Turkish Lira, adverse developments in the Turkish economy are likely to have a material adverse effect oninternational sanctions, this could adversely affect our business and financial condition. The performance

We are subject to various laws and regulations relating to unethical business practices, including bribery and corruption, and international sanctions. Bribery and anti-corruption laws in effect in many countries prohibit companies and their intermediaries from making improper payments to public officials for the purpose of obtaining new business or maintaining existing business relationships. Certain anti-corruption laws such as the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) also require the maintenance of proper books and records, and the implementation of controls and procedures in order to ensure that a company’s operations do not involve corrupt payments. Since we operate in several countries, and given that some of our clients, or local partners with whom we enter into cooperation agreements or similar agreements, are government-owned entities and that our projects and agreements often require approvals from public officials, we face the risk that our employees, local partners, consultants or agents may take actions that are in violation of our policies and of anti-corruption laws. In many parts of the Turkish economyworld where we currently operate or seek to expand our business, local practices and customs may be affected by global, regionalinconsistent with our policies, and domesticcould violate anti-corruption laws, including the FCPA and European Union regulations, as well as applicable economic sanctions and political developments. embargoes. Our employees, local partners or other parties acting on our behalf or with whom we enter into cooperation agreements or similar agreements, or our suppliers, could violate policies and procedures intended to promote compliance with anti-corruption laws or economic sanctions, regardless of whether we had participated in such acts or had knowledge of such acts at certain levels within our organization. Any of the foregoing could result in criminal prosecution and sanctions, fines penalties, withdrawal of licenses against us, companies in which we invested, and our and their officers and employees and significant damage to our reputation, and negatively affect our competitive advantage and financial position. There can be no assurance that acts of corruption will not occur or be alleged in respect of any of our activities or those of our current or past affiliates.

In particular, one of our view,key suppliers, Ericsson, has been the biggest threatssubject of corruption allegations and investigations, including in respect of its Turkish operations. Although we have not to our knowledge been implicated, no assurance can be given that these allegations and investigations will not touch our Group. Furthermore, we have strong commercial ties to several Chinese vendors from which we have in the global economy,past purchased network equipment, and currently have a significant installed base of their equipment, including Turkey, into 2016 arein the sustainabilitycontext of economic growththe development of our 5G network infrastructure. We also have access to financing from the China Development Bank which facilitates the purchase of Chinese equipment. Should any one of these vendors become subject to U.S. sanctions which would affect our ability to purchase their equipment in the future and require us to find alternative suppliers, or should we be compelled to terminate or suspend our relationships with these vendors for any other reason, namely as a result the ongoing tensions between China and the sustainability of current low energy prices, which have generally benefitted the Turkish economyU.S., this may lead to an increase in our costs or otherwise affect our ability to develop and the country’s current account deficit. The effect of prolonged low energy prices on commodity exporter countries in the region such as Russia, Saudi Arabiamaintain our increasingly advanced network infrastructure and Iran may negatively affect terms of trade between these countries and Turkey. Other potential threats to the Turkish economy result from uncertainty regarding the normalization of U.S. monetary policy, high volatility caused by concerns regarding Chinese growth, continuing Eurozone deflation risks, and geopolitical tensions and instability in Ukraine and the Middle East, including along Turkey’s borders and in the southeastern part of Turkey, in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Balkans and Caucasus regions. The Turkish economy is also sensitive to instability in the domestic political environment, which has been a factor in recent years. After the general elections held in June 2015 failed to result in a majority government, early elections that were held on November 1, 2015, which saw another term of single party government and eased political uncertainties. Moreover, political decisions in the local, regional or global arena to limit internet access (including limiting access to YouTube or twitter) may negatively impact our revenues.

The Turkish economy has grown for 24 successive quarters, including growth of 2.9% in 2014 and 3.4% in the first nine months of 2015. If the Turkish economy slows or develops in unexpected ways, this may have an adverse impact on our operationscompetitive advantage and financial condition.position.


We hold interests in several companies that may expose us to various economic, business, political, social, financial, liquidity, regulatory and legal risks and may not provide the benefits that we expect, and our pursuit of acquisition opportunities may increase these risks.

Our investments in subsidiaries and associated companies within Turkey and internationally couldhave and are likely to continue to expose us to economic, political, social, financial, regulatory, currency devaluation and legal risks. These risks have affected and could adversely affect our result of operations and the carrying value of assets in our financial statements. Turkcell Group has investments in emerging markets including Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Ukraine and has activities that involve other emerging markets. We are also exploring new opportunities, primarily in emerging markets.

Legal systems, institutions, commercial practices and economies in emerging markets tend to be relatively underdeveloped and some may also suffer from relatively high rates of fraud and corruption. Furthermore, throughThrough our subsidiaries in Turkey and internationally, we engage in businesses outside of the scope of our core mobile business. These other businesses are subject to risks that are in some respects different from those of our mobile business, such as in our new consumer finance We will need to obtain the expertise required to compete and operate in thisthese new business,businesses, which may be costly. No assurance may be given that we will succeed and that we will not incur losses that could adversely affect our business and financial condition. For example, several of our subsidiaries are providing financial services including, for instance, insurance, providing credit, payment intermediation and bill payment services, which are different from those in our traditional telecommunications activities and increase our exposure to certain risks that are common to both. Providing financing and financial services to our customers exposes us to liquidity and market risk, credit risk, fraud risk and cyber-attack risks, in particular with respect to credit cards and personal information that we process and hold. This includes through the expansion of our mobile payment business, Paycell, in Turkey, Ukraine and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

We also have a consumer finance company Turkcell Finansman A.S. (“Financell”), which manages the high working capital requirements and bad debt expenses arising from the high demand in the Turkish market for “bundled” offers featuring both communications services and a communications device, particularly a smartphone. Having commenced operations in 2016, Financell carried loans outstanding at December 31, 2018 totaled TRY 4.2 billion. While our cost of risk has improved to 1.97% in December 2018 from 2.26% in December 2017, this may increase particularly as the credit portfolio increases, or in the event that our lending criteria fail to preserve the quality of our assets, and/or in the event of economic activity and macroeconomic slowdown in Turkey and in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, where we also offer consumer financing. The foregoing may lead to losses and eventual tightening of lending criteria, which in turn may cause a reduction of the loan portfolio, which is likely to affect our profitability. Furthermore, the demand for consumer loans might be negatively affected by financial conditions, particularly interest rates and FX rates since most smartphones’ pricing is largely dependent on hard currencies. With regard to Financell’s swap agreements, if the FX rates are volatile and, for example, result in a substantial difference between the rates forecasted by our treasury and the spot rates at maturity, this could result in significant losses and a decrease in revenue and otherwise affect our profitability. The Turkish financial sector, including banks, financial leasing and factoring companies, payments ande-money institutions and consumer financing companies, is regulated by the BRSA. The BRSA may enact changes in regulations regarding consumer finance activities, which might restrict part of our consumer finance business. As such, initially on August 15, 2018 and later on February 26, 2019, restrictions on the number of installments depending on the purpose of the loan have been adopted through an amendment in the relevant legislation. The maturity of certain type of loans (other than loans to consumers for housing finance and complementary goods and services in relation to home renovation/improvement, the financial leases for homes leased to consumers, other loans for the purpose of purchasing real estate, loans for the purpose of financing education and learning fees, loans for any refinancing of the same) are explicitly determined under the Regulation on the Principles regarding Incorporation and Activities of Financial Leasing, Factoring and Financing Companies. Accordingly, Financell may provide loans of up to six months for mobile phones with a retail price of TRY 3,500 and above and up to twelve months for mobile phones with a retail price of below TRY 3,500, down from twenty-four months on average. This has negatively affected the number of smartphone sales in the Turkish market, which has had and is expected to continue to have a negative effect on the size of the digital services and solutions market. The long term growth prospects of our digital services and solutions businesses depend in part on the continuing expansion of the number of smart phone users in the market. Furthermore, on November 14, 2018, the BRSA has noticed the factoring, leasing and financial institutions via an article, restricting the distribution of dividends for 2018 and dividends earned before 2018 only to be distributed by prior approval of the BRSA. Furthermore, in February 2019, the President of Turkey was given the authority to increase the Special Consumption Tax rate on mobile phones from 25% to up to 50%. An increase in this tax may negatively impact the number of mobile phones sold in Turkey. We cannot rule out the possibility of further increases in tax rates or new taxes and charges, including on mobile devices, data, and services. These restrictions may include a prohibition on financing of specific goods or services in the future. More generally, the consumer finance sector is rapidly evolving and no assurance can be given that we will be able to adapt to market trends and that new competitors will not emerge. If this were the case, we may not be able to realize the synergies that we expect from our consumer finance business. Furthermore, our subsidiary Kule Hizmet ve İşletmecilik A.S. (“Global Tower”) operates a large portfolio of telecommunication towers in several countries. In the event of expiry,non-renewal or termination of certain concessions or licenses of Turkcell, Turkcell may be forced to transfer to ICTA the tower assets it owns where ground lease agreements are executed by Global Tower, which would lead to a loss of revenue and have an adverse effect on our business and results of operations.


Turkcell Group has investments in emerging markets including Belarus, Moldova, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Ukraine and has activities that involve other emerging markets. Legal systems, institutions, commercial practices and economies in emerging markets tend to be relatively underdeveloped and some may also suffer from relatively high rates of fraud and corruption. Were we to be affected by corruption, we could incur significant penalties under applicable anti-corruption legislation, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act as well as reputational harm. Turkcell Group also retains relevant risks with regards to its divested businesses.

In some countries, we hold our investments with another shareholder or local government and in some cases we are anon-controlling shareholder. Should there be a disagreement between us and other shareholders, in the future, no assurance can be given that we will be able to take the course of action we believe is appropriate. In these cases, we may consider exiting, or alternatively increasing our investment in order to take control, which may be costly. Furthermore, some of the countries in which we have businesses, or would consider investing, and the companies and individuals that we come into contact with, may be the target of E.U., U.S. and international sanctions, as has occurred in Crimea. There can be no assurance that political, legal, economic, social or other actions or developments in these countries or involving such companies and individuals will not have an adverse impact on our investments and businesses in these countries.

Investors may be reticent to invest in a company doing business in such countries or other countries that may be at risk due to the political instability. These factors could have an adverse effect on the demand for and the price of our shares. In this regard, we have and are likely to continue to experience issues in some of our Turkish and international businesses that adversely affect our Company. Recent issues include the following:


Our operations in Ukraine may beare adversely affected by military actions,the ongoing conflict with Russia, political instability, civil unrest and economic problems in that country. Tension with Russia escalated again since the Russian coastguard seized three Ukrainian vessels in the Kerch Strait. Following the event, martial law was declared in Ukraine on November 26, 2018 which lasted for 30 days. Due to increased political instabilitythe ongoing crisis in the Crimea region following its annexation by the Russian Federation, we were eventually obliged to discontinue services there sincein the fourth quarter of 2014. We impairedcompletelywrote-off our assets in the Crimea region, down to their scrap value, while retaining our license and frequency rights. We are currently evaluatingcontinue to evaluate our options with respect to the disposal of lifecell’s assets in Crimea and the actions that we may take may raise challenges with respect to compliance with lifecell’s license requirements. Furthermore, the current military and political crisis in the Eastern part (mainly in Donetsk and Luhansk) andLuhansk, otherwise referred to as the ATO zone) with Russia remains unresolved and could lead us to evaluate our options in the Eastern region. The ongoing crisis may further adversely affect the Ukrainian economy and our results of operations in Ukraine and/or the value and security of our assets and operations there. We are unable to predict the likely course or duration of these events, or the extent of the adverse impact that they have had and are likely to have on the telecommunications market dynamics and composition, our investment in Ukraine and our operations there. Additionally, presidential and parliamentary elections scheduled for March 31, 2019 and October 27, 2019 respectively may cause further uncertainty on both political and economic fronts.


In Ukraine, the local currency, the Ukrainian Hryvnia (“UAH”), depreciated against the U.S. Dollar by 97%3.2% in 20142017 and appreciated by 52%1.4% in 2015.2018 according to National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). The UAH has depreciatedappreciated by 4.4% against the U.S. Dollar by 9.1% in 2016 as of March 10, 2016. Furthermore, the7, 2019 as compared to closing rates on December 31, 2018. The National Bank of Ukraine, among other measures, continues to impose certain restrictions on the processing of client payments by banks and on the purchase of foreign currency on the inter-bank market. There remains further currency devaluation riskThe IMF executive board approved a 14 month 3.9 billion USDstand-by agreement for Ukraine on December 18, 2018. The result of the presidential elections is also deemed critical for the IMF agreement. If Tymoshenko emerges victorious from the election, that scenario might complicate the deal with the IMF. Due to the tight monetary stance of the National Bank of Ukraine, inflation dropped down to 9.8% in 2018 from 13.7% in 2017. The National Bank of Ukraine is expected to maintain its conservative stance on monetary policy in order to keep the inflation in check towards its target of 5%. Ukraine has been on positive growth territory since 2016, at a rate of 2.5% both in 2016 and 2017. Growth is expected to have stayed in the positive territory in 2018 as the country is suffering from continuing instability as noted above, and has a large current account deficit and high external funding needs.well. As of December 31, 2015,2018, our outstanding debt balance related to our Ukrainian operationslifecell was UAH 3.64.9 billion (equivalent to TRY 441.8925 million). lifecell’s foreign currency revenues were 23%6.5% of its total revenues and its foreign currency operational expenses were estimated at 22%14.5% of theits total revenues as of December 31, 2015.2018.

Our development strategy in Ukraine in 2015 was marked by our acquisition of the 44.96% in lifecell that we did not own, with a view to strengthening our regional position, a restructuring of lifecell’s balance sheet, and the acquisition of a 3G license at a cost of UAH 3,355 million (equivalent to TRY 406.5376 million as of December 31,March 19, 2015) paid in 2015. In May 2015, pluslifecell made payment of UAH 358350 million (equivalent to TRY 43.346 million as of December 31,May 8, 2015) paid in 2015 for spectrum conversion and an additional UAH 4267 million (equivalent to TRY 51.6 million) committed1 million as of May 12, 2015) for the first installment of conversion of spectrum from military use. In April 2017, lifecell has made payment of UAH 299 million (equivalent to be paidTRY 40 million as of April 28, 2017) for the second installment and indexedin October 2018, lifecell has made final payment of UAH 230 million (equivalent to inflation.TRY 45 million as of October 31, 2018) for the third installment of the conversion. These increases in our investment have further increased our country and currency risk exposure. There can be


The 4G license process was conducted in two phases in the first half of the year 2018. Accordingly, lifecell was awarded with 15 MHz spectrum in the 2600 band and 15 MHz spectrum in the 1800 band on January 31, 2018 and on March 6, 2018, respectively, at a total cost of UAH 1,704 million (equivalent to TRY 346 million as of March 7, 2019). Significant deployment costs were incurred in 2018. Our success in obtaining a 4G license has increased our exposure to Ukraine and there is no assurance that we will monetize this investment.

In another development, there is a possibility that the Mobile Number Portability (“MNP”) may be ablelaunched in Ukraine in 2019. The implementation of MNP may lead to develop a 3G network on commercially reasonable termshigh churn of subscribers between operators. In some cases, MNP has been more disadvantageous for the third player in the market.

Additionally, in the near future, there may be another licence tender in Ukraine, which may increase our costs and that we will not experience delaysconsequently negatively affect our profitability in developing our network,Ukraine. Furthermore, should there be a change in each case harming our competitive position and the valueownership of any of our investment.

competitors; the dynamics in the competitive environment may change to our disadvantage, which may adversely affect our financial and operational performance. Apart from these economic and political risks, our operations in Ukraine could also expose us also to operational, competitive, regulatory and legal risks, all of which may prevent us from delivering our strategic targets. These risks have affected and could adversely affect our result of operations.



Although the Belarusian economy returned to growth in 2017 following two years of recession and is expected to remain positive for 2018, the economic situation is fragile in Belarus. remains fragile.

The country still remains vulnerable to global shocks which may trigger renewed weakness in the country’s ability to service its external debt and further depreciation of the local currency, Belarusian Rubles (“BYR”),BYN, which could in turn lead to a further reduction in the value of our investment in this country. The BYRWe also believe that there is a risk of an increase in inflation in particular as a result of monetary easing by the Central Bank. According to the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus the BYN depreciated against the U.S. Dollar by 25%0.7% in 20142017 and further depreciated in 20152018 by 57%9.5%. The BYN appreciated by 1.0% as of March 7, 2019 as compared to the closing rate on December 31, 2018. Devaluation risks still remain, as limited currency reserves, high debt repayments and the current account deficit coupled with the close ties to the currently troubled Russian economy putsput the recent BYRBYN stabilization at risk and creates inflationary and devaluation pressure. Belarus has suffered from hyperinflation in the past and may again in the future.

In line with our strategic priority of improving our balance sheet structure, the outstanding debt of Belarusian Telecom has been restructured.was restructured in 2015. As part of the restructuring, Belarusian Telecom’s total existing intra-group loans were converted into subordinated loans, provided directly by Turkcell. As of December 31, 2015,2018, Belarusian Telecom’s outstanding debt was BYR 39.5 billionBYN 1.7 million (equivalent to TRY 6.24.2 million as of December 31, 2015)2018) owed to financial institutions and a €612EUR 612 million (equivalent to TRY 1,9453.7 million as of December 31, 2015)2018) subordinated loan owed to Turkcell.


In Belarus, as the third operator in the market, we face regulatory and operational difficulties. Nodifficulties and no assurance can be given that the regulatory situation will change in our favor in the future. These risks have affected and could adversely affect our resultreputation and results of operations.


There are ongoing

A 4G tender might be held in 2019 in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus where we have a subsidiary called Kibris Mobile Telekomunikasyon Limited. Such tender may require additional investments, including in fiber, which would in addition require us to obtain permits that we have no certainty of receiving and without which we would have difficulty operating a 4G network profitably. Also, there may be a tender to privatize the incumbent telecom operator, TRNC Telecommunications Office, although this has not yet been the subject of an official announcement. We face the risk that we may not be permitted to participate in the tender, and/or that the tender be awarded to one of our main competitors, which would adversely affect our growth and our competitiveness in the region. Further, this tender may include the issuance of a third mobile licence, which may increase the competition and adversely affect our results of operations. In the near past, there have been political discussions regarding the reunification of Cyprus, which, if resumed, may bring growth opportunities for our subsidiary, Turkcell Kuzey Kibris, but may also lead to risks including unfavorable changes in applicable regulations, an increase in competition, an increase in capex requirements and loss of revenues.


Corruption is an area of significant concern in emerging markets. We are subject to laws such as the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which prohibit corrupt payments to governmental officials or certain payments or remunerations to customers. Violations of these laws and regulations could result in significant fines and penalties, criminal sanctions against us, companies in which we are invested, and our and their officers and employees and could adversely affect our business in affected countries. Such violations or allegations of violations may also adversely affect our reputation, our revenue or our overall financial performance. There can be no assurance that acts of corruption will not occur or be alleged in respect of any of our activities or those of our affiliates. In this regard, Turkcell has received and responded to a request from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) to submit documents and information related to Uzbekistan and the Uzbek subsidiary of TeliaSonera (which is the majority owner of Fintur).

We hold a 41.45% stake in Fintur, which has operations in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, GeorgiaMoldova at current, and Moldova, and TeliaSoneraTelia Company (through Sonera Holding B.V.) holds the remainder. Allegations have been madeFollowing inconclusive negotiations regarding improper payments relating to the operationspurchase by us of Kcell, 51% subsidiary of Fintur. With respect to Kcell and the other Fintur companies, through our representation on the Fintur board, we remain vigilant about such allegations, however there can be no assurance that such issues will not be substantiated or that new allegations will not arise. Furthermore, should we increase our interestTelia Company’s stake in Fintur following TeliaSonera’s announced exit,and KCell, we may increasedecided to sell our exposureFintur stake and Fintur was classified as


an asset held for sale in our financial statements and reported as discontinued operations in the fourth quarter of 2016. Accordingly, a binding agreement with respect to the transfer of our shares in Fintur to Sonera Holding B.V. has been signed on December 12, 2018 for a total consideration of EUR 350 million subject to closing adjustments. The transfer of shares is expected to be completed following the obtainment of necessary regulatory approvals. No assurance can be given however that we will successfully close the transaction, or that we will not pursue another course of action. Should there be a disagreement between us and the other shareholder (Telia Company) in the future for any reason whatsoever, no assurance can be given that we will be able to take the course of action that we believe appropriate, including with respect to operational and strategic matters.

In 2018, prior to such issuesus selling our stake in Fintur, Fintur sold the shareholdings it owned in three telecommunications companies:

on March 5, 2018, Fintur companies. More generally, there can be no assurance that actstransferred its shareholding in Azertel Telekomunikasyon Yatirim Dis Ticaret A.S (Azercell) in Azerbaijan to Azerbaijan International Telecom LLC;

on March 20, 2018, Fintur transferred its shareholding in Geocell LLC in Georgia to Silknet JSC of corruption will not occur or be allegedGeorgia through its 99.99% subsidiary Gurtel Telekomunikasyon Yatirim ve Dis Ticaret A.S.; and

on December 21, 2018, Fintur’s 51% total shareholding in Kcell JSC in Kazakhstan was transferred to Kazakhtelecom JSC.

In October 2018, we established Turkcell Foundation (“Foundation”), with the intention to bring mainly all charities and donations namely in respect of anytechnology and education under one roof on a voluntary basis. The board of our activities, including but not limited to thosedirectors of the Fintur companies.

If our bid to acquire Fintur and TeliaSonera’s direct stake in Kcell is successful, we will significantly increase our exposure to Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Moldova, including the exposure to the Azeri and Kazakh currencies,Foundation consists of five members, all of which have recently experienced significant devaluation.been appointed among the high-level executives of Turkcell. The Foundation may be exposed to various Turkish regulatory and legal obligations specific to foundations.

In addition to the foregoing, the new Turkish Commercial Code and related legislation may require us to provide new capital or other financial support to certain of our controlled subsidiaries, which may divert resources from other needs. Our international and Turkish subsidiaries may not benefit us in the way we expect for the reasons cited above, as well as other reasons, including general macroeconomic conditions, poor management and legal, regulatory or political obstacles. For many of these subsidiaries, we do not expect to achieve desired levels of profitability in the near ormid-term, and we may be required to record impairments. We may also in response to such conditions consider increasing, restructuring or exiting certain of our investments. In addition to the foregoing, the new Turkish Commercial Code and related legislation may require us to provide new capital or other financial support to certain of our controlled subsidiaries, which may divert resources from other needs.

Furthermore, in addition to investing in our international operations, we also engage in business through roaming agreements in a number of countries. In international markets in which duopoly markets exist, such as the United Arab Emirates Tunisia or the Maldives, operators tend to increase their roaming prices despite the overall trend of declining roaming prices in the world, which could increase our roaming costs. The terms on which we enter into roaming agreements may change over time, adversely affecting our ability to sustain or enter into such agreements on commercially viable terms.

We are exposedface risks related to foreign exchange rate risks that could significantly affect our results of operationdependence on network and financial position.

We are exposed to foreign exchange rate risks because our income, expenses, assetsIT systems and liabilities are denominated in a number of different currencies, primarily Turkish Lira, U.S. Dollars, Euros, Ukrainian Hryvnia, Belarusian Rublesthe products and Azerbaijani Manat. In particular, a substantial majority of our equipment expenditures are currently, and are expected to continue to be, denominated in U.S. Dollars, while the revenues generated by our activities are denominated in other currencies, in particular the Turkish Lira, Ukrainian Hryvnia, Belarusian Ruble, Azerbaijani Manat and Euro. If our bid to acquire Fintur and TeliaSonera’s direct stake in Kcell is successful,services we will significantly increaseprovide through third party suppliers as well as our exposure to Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstantechnological changes in the communications market, including industries where we traditionally do not compete.

We are dependent on certain systems and Moldova. In addition, we are exposed to such currency mismatches with respect to certain capital expendituressuppliers for information technology (“IT”) and off-balance sheet obligations, in particularnetwork technology (“NT”) services, and also carry a significant inventory, and our obligations in respect of universal service for the installation of infrastructure in uncovered areas of Turkey, a service that we have contracted to provide for an amount in TRY, but which requires expenditures in foreign currencies. See “Item 8. Financial Information” and Note 31business continuity is at risk due to our audited Consolidated Financial Statements included in “Item 18. Financial Statements”exposure to potential natural disasters, sabotages, regular or severe IT and network failures, human error, security breaches and other cyber security incidents and IT migration risk, any of this annual report on Form 20-F.

The TRY depreciated by 25.4% against the U.S. Dollar in 2015, driven mainly by an increase in internal macroeconomic and political volatility as well as expectations regarding the Federal Reserve’s increasing interest rates and downward emerging markets growth outlook. In 2015, the Belarusian Ruble depreciated against the U.S. Dollar by 56.7% while the Ukrainian Hryvnia depreciated by 52.2%. During the same period the Belarusian Ruble depreciated by 24.8% and the Ukrainian Hryvnia depreciated by 21.3% against the TRY. In December 2015, the Azerbaijani Manat was allowed to float and total depreciation of the Manat against the U.S. Dollar reached 98.8% in 2015. Risks of further devaluation remain as the country struggles to bring its balance of payments for its energy-dependent economy back into equilibrium. The Kazakhstan Tenge depreciated by 86.2% against the U.S. Dollar in 2015 with most of the depreciation taking place after the Kazakhstan Central Bank switched to a floating foreign exchange rate regime in August 2015.

Sudden increases in inflation or the devaluation of these currencies or other currencies in which we generate revenue, have had, and may continue tocould have an adverse effect on our consolidatedoperations, damage our reputation and affect our relationships with our customers and/or our employees and result in a fine under relevant data protection legislation.

We are heavily dependent on IT and NT systems, suppliers of IT and NT services and our IT and NT employees for the continuity of our business and we are continually upgrading and converting our IT and NT systems. Although we devote significant resources to the development and improvement of IT and NT and of security, backup and continuity systems, we could still experience IT and network failures and outages due to system deficiencies, human error, natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods, unsuccessful migration to alternative or improved IT and NT systems, or other factors including but not limited to unintentional third party interruptions. These factors also put at risk the substantial inventory that we hold which, if damaged, could adversely affect business continuity and our results of operations.

Mobile networks are migrating towards internet protocol (“IP”) technology to transport information. These networks open up the possibility forIP-based services. However, once these services are introduced into the IP domain,


the mobile network may be harmed by potential attacks. The threats on the mobile network can originate from external sources, such as the public internet, or internal sources, such as terminals connected to our mobile network. Despite the systems and infrastructure which we have put in place to address these security concerns, we could encounter successful attacks on our infrastructure, which could have an adverse effect on our operations, damage our reputation and affect our relationships with our customers.

Our IT and NT services are exposed to hacking, sabotage and other cyber security threats, and terrorist or other destructive acts, any of which could have an adverse effect on our operations, damage our reputation and affect our relationships with our customers and/or our customers, incur substantial additional costs, result in a fine under relevant data protection legislation and lawsuits from affected customers.

Our commercial success is heavily dependent upon the security and continuity of our services, and maintaining the security of our customers’, employees’ and suppliers’ personal and financial data, intellectual property, and other confidential and sensitive data is essential to our business. In common with other high-profile businesses which are targeted for cyber-attacks, our networks and systems are constantly exposed to a variety of different cyber threats and we have experienced an increased number of sabotage incidents, as well as attempted cyber-attacks of varying degrees of sophistication by unauthorized parties attempting to obtain access to our computer systems and networks. We believe that no such attacks have succeeded in obtaining access to our critical systems, although in practice such attacks may develop over long periods of time during which they can remain undetected.

Based on our Cyber Defense Center practices, we have experienced many privilege theft and escalation attempts which have been stopped before causing any harm to our services and products. Also, many phishing and malware activities were detected and stopped, notably a global malware attack in October 2018 aimed at several telecommunication companies including Turkcell, which aimed at taking control over our clients and servers. So far, none of these attacks are regarded as material incidents. In June 2017, an incident took place (the Petya attack) which impacted many public entities and companies, including our subsidiary lifecell in Ukraine, resulting in a loss of data (although minimal and not sensitive). A successful hack could disrupt our network and our ability to provide services and/or could result in, for example, unauthorized access to, misuse, loss, or destruction of our data or systems and theft of sensitive or confidential data, including personal information of our employees and customers, and theft of services and/or funds. We do not have cybersecurity incident insurance, and a compromise of our security systems or those of our business associates, that results in the information we hold being accessed by unauthorized persons, could adversely affect our reputation with our customers and other stakeholders, as well as our operations, results of operations, financial condition and liquidity, and could result in litigation against us or liquidity.the imposition of penalties. In the current economic environment and considering the fragile economic conditions in Belarus and the current situation in Ukraine, there isaddition, a possibility of further devaluation. There are no tools to hedge foreign exchange rate risks effectively due to restricted and undeveloped financial markets in these countries.

Fluctuations of Turkish Lira, Ukrainian Hryvnia, Belarusian Rubles, Azerbaijani Manat and Kazakhstan Tenge, on the one hand, and U.S. Dollars and Euros, on the other, have had and may have an unfavorable impact on us. We may enter into derivative transactions to manage the risk with respectbreach could require that we expend significant additional resources related to the Turkish Lira; however, these transactions have a costsecurity of information systems and do not fully cover all ofcould disrupt our risks. As of December 31, 2015, our consolidated debt was TRY 4,214.2 million. Turkcell Turkey’s debt balance was TRY 3,766.2 million, of which TRY 1,630.8 million ($560.9 million) was denominatedoperations.

Although we closely follow general technological trends in U.S. Dollarcommunications and TRY 1,627.7 million (€512.2 million) in Euro. The debt balance of lifecell was TRY 441.8 million, denominated in UAH. Meanwhile, Belarusian Telecom had a debt balance of TRY 6.2 million, denominated in BYR. In 2015, we obtained

financing lines of around $2.9 billion (part in Dollars and part in Euro) to be utilized for the refinancing needs of the Company and our subsidiaries and to fund infrastructure investments and any other potential investment opportunities, which would significantly increase our indebtedness if fully drawn. Of this amount, we issued a Eurobond with an aggregate principal amount of US$500 million and drew €500 million of debt under our loan agreement with China Development Bank. We are likely to increase our debt for the financing of infrastructure investments, licence fee payments and any other potential investment opportunities or if we succeed in our bid to acquire Fintur and TeliaSonera’s direct stake in Kcell. In addition, no assurance can be given that unexpected cash outflows will not be required that could further erode liquidity and increase borrowing requirements.

Reduction in cash generated from operations and increased capital needs may increase our borrowing requirements, which may increase our financing costs and our exposure to the risks associated with borrowing.

We continue to experience challenging macroeconomic, regulatory and competitive conditions in our markets that may reduce cash generated from operations, andtechnology, we may continuebe unable to face increased capital needsadapt to finance ourrapid technological changes in communications and geographic expansion. In 2015, this included the payment of the Ukrainian 3G license fee and the buyout of SCM’s interest in lifecell/Euroasia and the debt restructuring of lifecell and Belarusian Telecom, the payment of the Turkish 4.5G license fee and related capital expenditures in Turkey, and the establishment of a consumer finance company. Furthermore, in 2015, we paid a dividend for the first time in several years,information technology, which significantly reduced our available cash. In addition, an increase in the volume of assigned contracted receivables has resulted in and may continue tocould result in higher working capital requirements ifexpenditures and a greater possibility of commercial failure.

Rapid technological changes in communications and information technology are redefining the markets in which we operate and the products and services we offer, shortening product life cycles and facilitating the convergence of various segments, including in our core mobile communications businesses. If we fail to successfully runanticipate, invest in and implement new technologies with the levels of service and prices that customers demand or to respond effectively to technological changes, our consumer finance company. These pressuresbusiness, financial condition and results of operations could be adversely affected. In addition, such new technologies require significant capital expenditures and it is impossible to predict with any certainty whether the technology selected by us will be the most economical, efficient or capable of attracting customer usage, or whether such technologies will be developed according to anticipated schedules, will perform according to expectations or will achieve commercial acceptance. Although we are following general technological trends in communications and technology, there can be no assurance that we will be able to develop new products and services that will enable us to compete efficiently.

We have become active in providing products and services for industries other than telecommunications, many of which are developed and/or maintained by third party providers. Our reliance on these third party providers to help us navigate the regulatory, security and business risks of industries where we traditionally do not compete adversely affects our business.

The operation of our business depends, in part, upon the successful deployment of continually evolving products and services, including for applications in industries other than telecommunications, such as TV, music, energy, mobile financial services, insurance agency services, corporate services such as meal coupons, contactless smart card for fare payment on public transport such as the Istanbul Card, mobile education solutions, authentication solutions, data center services and entertainment and community services. We are reliant upon third party providers to help us navigate risks relating to security, regulations and business in the past reduced, andindustries where we do not traditionally compete. Changes in such industries may continue to reduce,impair our liquidity. Reduced liquidity may lead to an increasepartners’ business and/or negatively impact the content we are developing, such as for entertainment, which, in our borrowing requirements. Our borrowings expose us to foreign exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and possibly to increases in our total interest expense, each of whichturn, could have a material adverse effect on our consolidatedbusiness and financial condition and results of operations. Furthermore, no assurance can be given that we will continue to have access to financing on terms that are satisfactory to us or at all. In addition, no assurance can be given that unexpected cash outflows will not be required that could further erode liquidity and increase borrowing requirements.condition.

As of December 31, 2015, our consolidated debt was TRY 4,214 million. TRY 2,439 million of our debt portfolio consisted of financing obligations paying interest at fixed rates. The remainder of our debt portfolio pays interest at floating rates, which has been favorable in the current interest rate environment, but would expose us to increased costs if rates increase further. In 2015, we obtained financing lines of around $2.9 billion (part in Dollars and part in Euro) to be utilized for the refinancing needs of the Company and our subsidiaries and to fund infrastructure investments and any other potential investment opportunities, which would significantly increase our indebtedness if fully drawn. Of this amount, we issued a Eurobond with an aggregate principal amount of $500 million and drew €500 million of debt under our loan agreement with China Development Bank.


We are likelysubject to increase our debt for the financinga variety of infrastructure investments, licence fee payments and any other potential investment opportunities or if we succeed in our bid to acquire Fintur and TeliaSonera’s direct stake in Kcell.

In 2015, we received investment grade ratings from Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings. These investment grade ratings may not be sustained in the event of a decrease in Turkey’s country rating or a decrease in our free cash flow, an increase in our net debt position or more generally a change in financial policies and projections, a material increase in investment and acquisition plans or shareholder returns and an increase in corporate governance issues.

In June 2011, we engaged in a forward start collar agreement for some portion of our debt which is due in 2015 and exposed to interest rate risk. The collar hedges variable interest rate risk for the period between 2013 and 2015 and has expired.

Some of our borrowing agreements contain cross default clauses under which a default by a group company could constitute an event of default under certain of our borrowings.

Our ability to deal with zoning limitations, right of way conflicts with major municipalities, increase in frequency costs, alleged health risks with BTS, dependence on suppliers for network equipment and failurerespect to abide by the requirements of our licenses or applicable regulations may affect our ability to maintain operational excellence.Base Transceiver Stations (“BTSs”) performance.

Spectrum limitations and frequency costs may adversely affect our ability to provide services to our subscribers and the cost to us of providing such services.

Our spectrum licenses have specified terms and are subject to renewal upon a payment of a fee, but renewal is not assured. The loss of, or failure to renew, our licenses could have a material adverse effect on our business and financial condition. Those licenses have also specified radio spectrum. The spectrum is a continuous range of frequencies within which the waves have certain specific characteristics. The number of subscribers that can be accommodated on a mobile network is constrained by the limited amount of spectrum allocated to the operator of the network and is also affected by subscriber usage patterns and network infrastructure. After the 4.5GIMT Advanced (known commercially as “4.5G”) auction held on August 26, 2015 in Turkey we have 2x10 MHz of FDD spectrum in 800 MHz band, 2x12.4 MHz of FDD spectrum in 900 MHz band, 2x30 MHz of FDD spectrum in 2100 MHz band, 10 MHz of TDD spectrum in 2100 MHz band, 2x29.8 MHz of FDD spectrum in 1800 MHz band, 2x25 MHz of FDD spectrum in 2600 MHz band and 10 MHz of TDD spectrum in 2600 band. Although the acquired spectrum can potentially be used for the next generation network technology known as 5G, some services that are specific to 5G and our future capacity needs will require us to eventually obtain new spectrum. If we are unable to maintain or obtain licenses for the provision of 5G specific telecommunications services or if our licenses are not renewed or are renewed on less favorable terms, our business and results of operations could be harmed. On the other hand, an earlier than expected 5G spectrum tender by the ICTA with the possibility of excessive prices can result in additional costs and investment, including capital expenditures. If the demand for 5G services fails to materialize at a level in line with the industry assumptions, the return on investment may not meet our expectations. Any of the foregoing factors could affect our profitability and our competitive position.

As our subscriber base and their demand for mobile services such as voice and data grow and as we offer a greater number of services, we will require additional capacity. We may face capacity problems, which may in turn lead to deterioration in our network’s quality and may negatively impact our operational results.

We have recently beenwere awarded a license allowing us to deploy a “4.5G”an IMT advanced network (“4.5G”) in Turkey.Turkey in October 2015. There are certain coverage and local production obligations imposed by the tender. Potential increase in coverage requirements or failure to abide by the requirements of our licenses or applicable regulations may have an adverse effect on our business and financial condition.

We are expectinghave achieved a major step forward in the development of telecommunications in Turkey with the deployment of IMT Advanced (known commercially as “4.5G”)4.5G networks in 2016. Our 4.5Gbuild-out will require requires significant financial investments and there can be no assurance that we will be able to develop 4.5G networks on commercially reasonable terms, that we will not experience delays in developing our networks or that we will be able to meet all of the 4.5G license terms and conditions. The auction for the 4.5G license was held on August 26, 2015. Although we were awarded the broadest frequency band of any mobile operator, the cost of the 4.5G license as well as the capital expenditure required in connection with our 4.5Gbuild-out is expected to be material.significant. Furthermore, the license agreement contains certain onerous terms that may weigh on the profitability of this investment and may have an adverse effect on our 4.5G investment plans in the future. These include terms regarding minimum required usageuse of domesticlocal equipment and procurement from local small and medium sized enterprises engaged in production in Turkey in meeting infrastructure obligations, (equipment that is currently not available on the market), an active network sharing obligation for a portion of the population, high coverage obligations for roads and railroads and significant taxes and spectrum usage fees, which will increase as the number of frequencies used increases. With respect to the local procurement requirement, there is not enough research and development, product development and production capacity in the local market to meet the license requirements and thus it has not been possible to comply. We have requested ICTA to waive this requirement initially for 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. However, the ICTA has not yet responded to our Company. In addition to the above obligations, we must ensure that our network equipment suppliers employ a certain number of engineers and local researchers in their local R&D centers. Although efforts have been made, we do not believe that compliance has been achieved. No assurance can be given that weICTA will not experience delaysfind us to be in developingbreach of our 4.5G network or that competing licensees will not complete their build-outs before we do. Demandlicense as a result of the foregoing. More generally, demand for 4.5G services may also not be at the level we expect, such that the return ofon investment we make in connection with 4.5G may not meet our expectations. Any of the foregoing factors could harm our competitive position and our profitability.

In addition, if we fail to obtain additional frequencies in the future at a reasonable cost, the competitive coverage advantage of our Company may be adversely impacted. The cost of obtaining new frequencies has increased significantly in recent years and is expected to continue to increase. This has had and is likely to continue to have an adverse impact on our cost of providing competitive coverage and also on our results of operations.

Consistent with the nature of terminal technology development, traffic on the 2G network is expected to shift to the 3G network and, once fully deployed, to the 4.5G network. However, terminal penetration is the key factor in providing the expected shift in traffic. Penetration may stay low or our subscribers may choose to stay on the 2G or 3G network for reasons such as the 2G network’s lower battery power consumption. In addition, coverage will depend on the full deployment of the 4.5G network, which will take time to achieve, compared to the coverage level of the 2G and 3G networks.


There are alleged health risks and zoning limitations related to our Base Transceiver Stations (“BTS”)BTS may adversely affect our ability to provide services at certain areas. The fiber business is also affected by local limitations.

We are aware of allegations that there may be health risks associated with the effects of electromagnetic signals from BTS and from mobile handsets. While we believe that there is currently no substantiated link between exposure to electromagnetic signals at the level transmitted by our BTS and mobile handsets and long term damage to health, the actual or perceived health risks of mobile communications devices could adversely affect us through a reduction in subscribers,

reduced usage per subscriber, increased difficulty in the leasing and acquisition of site locations for base stations and exposure to potential liability. Furthermore, we may not be able to obtain insurance with respect to such liability on commercially reasonable terms.terms or at all.

In recent years, legal proceedings have been brought against mobile operators seeking the removal of base station sites for health reasons. In addition, the Turkish Supreme Court overruled the decisions of some local courts, finding that a base station in question could have negative effects on human health over the long term. If the number of those cases increases or if new regulations were to result, these could have a material adverse effect on our operations and financial results. Such legal proceedings may make it more difficult for us to establish and maintain such sites. Furthermore, there are conflicting and confusing reports in the media about the health effects of BTS. These reports have even caused local residents in certain regions to form large protests in strong objection to the BTS sites. Such obstacles have made it increasingly difficult to build new BTS sites and maintain our existing sites. In addition, theThe ICTA is preparing a draft regulation that may lead to a potential change inhas issued an updated regulation which further tightenstightened electromagnetic field limits. This may negatively impact network quality and increase our capital expenditures.

Furthermore, thereThere are zoning limitations related to our BTS that require operators to obtain construction permits and certificates, which may be costly and may have an adverse effect on our operating results. Zoning law in Turkey may requirerequires mobile operators to obtain certifications for all existing and new BTS, which may result in significant compliance costs and/or closing of BTS for which certification cannot be obtained, negatively impacting our financial condition. An exception to this requirement for base stations was rescinded by a court decision. As a result of this situation, some municipalities take actions to suspend the construction of BTS or order their demolition. The Planned Areas Zoning Regulation has been in effect since October 1, 2017. The necessity of obtaining a building permission certificate and a construction permits document, which is not possible in practice, has been abolished by the new regulation. However, there remains some uncertainty regarding the provisions on building aesthetics and silhouette, permits of the flat owners and the project implementation. Any difficulty in maintaining or building BTS due to health concerns and our inability to obtain the required permission and certificates, may negatively impact the quality of our network, including our ability to expand and upgrade it, and affect our operational performance.

In addition,2012, metropolitan municipalities were authorized to consider the requirements of city and building aesthetics and electronic communication services when certifying BTS sites. Municipalities regulate the choice of operators’ BTS locations, and if we do not have, or are unable to obtain, a constructionsite selection certificate in our preferred location, we may have to move our BTS to another less desirable location. In relationaddition, the Site Selection Certificate Regulation entered into force in January 2018, according to ourwhich the site selection certificate and fee was set at TRY 2,400 (TRY 2,970 for the year 2019), applicable only to BTS sites established after December 2012. Such regulation is likely to lead to additional operational costs, and the certificate processes for implementation of sites may delay the permit process.

Our fiber business must excavate to lay new cables and repair existing cables, and there is an obligation to get permission for excavations from authorized municipalities or institutions. In some areas, excavations may have to be stopped due to the high cost of tariffs requested from municipalities. Our investment plans may be affected due to excavations being banned during certain seasons within the administrative boundaries of municipalities. Also, since June 2018 operators primarily have to request from the most prevailing operator in terms of infrastructure in Turkey - Turk Telekom – to perform the excavation work on their behalf, which might negatively affect our ability to expand our fibre network and our future investments (see —Regulatory decisions and changes in the regulatory environment could adversely affect our business and financial condition). In some cases, we could face the risk that, although we get the approval of the Turkish Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, institutions subordinate to the Turkish Ministry do not recognize these approvals and do not give permission to excavate. In addition, a new law has increased the number of metropolitan municipalities and in some cases, the size of their territory was increased, which may have the effect of increasing our coverage obligations and the number of BTS required to meet them. Furthermore, right of way conflicts with major municipalities to establish fiber optics infrastructure may affect our ability to provide services and to maintain operational excellence. Related regulatory actions in the future are likely to increase our costs and affect results of operations, in many cases, adversely.


We are dependent on a small number of suppliers for network equipment, information systems and handsets and for the provision of data and services. We also rely on a small number of distributors. The failure of any of our counterparty such as suppliers or distributors may have an adverse effect on our business and financial condition.

Like all telecommunications network operators, we purchase our mobile communications network equipment from a limited number of major suppliers. Our business is dependent on a small number of critical suppliers in areas such as network infrastructure, information systems and handsets and distribution. We also rely on a small number of distributors and, in 2015,Further, we have decreased the number ofworked with only two distributors that we work with in Turkey from five to two,since 2015 which may further increase thecreates concentration risk. Any financial difficulty or failure of any of our suppliers and/ or our distributors in terms of timing and quality and of any of our distributors may adversely affect our business and financial condition. There can be no assurance that we will be able to obtain equipment from one or more alternative suppliers on a timely basis in the event that any current supplier for any reason, including that the technological requirements for our increasingly advanced infrastructure are too complex, is unable or unwilling to satisfy our demands. ThisOur competitive position could also affect our competitive position,be adversely affected if our suppliers stayfall behind technological developments compared to the suppliers of our competitors.

Adverse economic conditions have negatively affected and may continue to affect our domestic and international suppliers, leading to a contraction in their business, which in turn may lead to a decrease in the quality of the services that they render to us and adversely affect timely delivery of such services, negatively impacting our business and operations. In particular, if prices at which we purchase products from our domestic and international suppliers increase, namely as a result of currency depreciation and inflation —both in Turkey and internationally—, we need to pass on all or a large portion of these additional costs to our customers to be able to maintain our margins. However, we may be unable to increase the selling price of products or services to fully or partially offset the price increases by our suppliers (some of which have considerable negotiating power), particularly if our main competitors choose not to implement such price increases. In addition, our existing and new license agreements or new regulations may require us to purchase network equipment from specified suppliers or meet certain specifications regarding our existing suppliers. Equipment from these suppliers may not always be compatible with our existing

equipment or the supplier may fail to integrate it, and our employees may not be familiar with the technical specifications and maintenance requirements of equipment from these suppliers. Furthermore, if our suppliers fail to meet the requirements, we may end up violating the terms of our license agreements. These factors could also have a material adverse effect on our business and financial condition.

Turkcell’s complex ownership structure and ongoing disagreements among our main shareholders have adversely impacted in the past and may continue to impact decision-making on important matters.matters in the future. These ongoing disputes may lead to further regulatory or legal actions, and affect the ownership and control of our company.

Our principal shareholders are Sonera Holding B.V. andshareholder is Turkcell Holding A.S., which hold 13.07% (not including additional shares totaling approximately 0.94% that TeliaSonera holds according to public filings) and 51.00%, respectively,51% of Turkcell’s shares as of March 10, 2016,7, 2019, based on the Company’s share book. Sonera Holding BV sold 13.07% of our shares to the market in two tranches (May 10 and September 21, 2017) which led to an increase of 48.95% in our publicly held shares.

Turkcell Holding A.S. is 52.91% owned by Cukurova Telecom Holdings Limited and 47.09% by Sonera Holding B.V., which according to public filings (a Schedule 13D filed in November 2009), is a wholly owned subsidiary of TeliaSoneraTelia Finland Oyj, which in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of TeliaSonera AB (“TeliaSonera”).Ojy. Cukurova Telecom Holdings Limited is 51% owned by Cukurova Finance International Limited and 49% by Alfa Telecom Turkey Limited. According to public filings (a Schedule 13D filed in November 2009), Alfa and TeliaSoneraTelia Company entered into an agreement regarding a possible consolidation of their holdings in Turkcell into a new company. In a Schedule 13D filing,filed on December 16, 2014, Alfa has deleted references to this agreement.

Cukurova and Alfa wereare involved in a long-running dispute regarding, in summary, amounts due by Cukurova to Alfa and Alfa’s claim to take ownership of Cukurova’s indirect 13.8% interest in our Company in settlement of such amounts. In 2014, as a result of a court decision, Cukurova paid Alfa $1.6 billion to release this claim. Cukurova has been provided loan financing amounting to $1.6 billion by the Turkish state-owned Ziraat Bank for which an indirect 13.8% interest in our Company has been provided as collateral. According to the latest publicly available information, Alfa and Cukurova remain in a stalemate over a right given to Alfa to buy Cukurova’s stake and rights of Cukurova to either buy Alfa’s stake or sell its own stake to Alfa. This dispute and other disputes have effectively blocked shareholder decision-making on important corporate matters, and could have an adverse effect on the ability of our management to execute business decisions and take other actions. We cannot predict how the resolution of this dispute will affect our Company, whether other disputes will be resolved and whether our shareholders will be able to achieve agreement on matters regarding the operation of our Company.

The shareholding structure and the ongoing disputes have adversely affected our company in a number of ways and present a number of risks, including in particular:


Our Articles of Association contain quorum and majority requirements, at various levels, for shareholder meetings and decisions. Failure to achieve a quorum or the required majority vote can block decisions that require shareholder approval. Prior to our shareholders’ meeting held in 2015, we have had difficulty convening shareholder meetings and numerous items submitted to our shareholders have not been approved, including the distribution of dividends, the approval of our dividend policy, the election of independent board members, the release of directors for actions taken and the approval of financial statements. In 2012, 2013 and 2014, due to lack of quorum, the annual general assemblies could not convene. Our board of directors has called an annual general assembly to be held on March 29, 2016. No assurance can be given that quorum requirements will be met and that actions will be taken for the future general assembly meetings.



including the distribution of dividends, the approval of our dividend policy, the election of independent board members, the release of directors for actions taken and the approval of financial statements. In 2012, 2013 and 2014, due to lack of quorum, the annual general assemblies could not convene on time. A general assembly was eventually convened on March 26, 2015. The annual general assembly meeting for 2016 and 2017 convened on May 25, 2017 and March 29, 2018; respectively, but in both instances did not approve all items submitted to it. It was decided at the annual general assembly meeting for 2017 that three members of the Board of Directors appointed as per the decision of the Capital Markets Board (“CMB”) shall be dismissed and three new candidates proposed by Turkcell Holding A.S., our majority shareholder, shall be appointed in their place. Our Board of Directors is yet to call the Annual General Assembly Meeting of our Company for 2018.

A number of new corporate governance requirements were enacted under Turkish regulations by the Capital Markets Board of Turkey (“CMB”) with mandatory effect from June 30, 2012.

We were unable to comply with some of these requirements because of a lack of consensus among our main shareholders, including a requirement thatone-third of our Board members and that all of our Audit Committee members be “independent”.

Under the Capital Markets Law, the CMB has the power to take action against the Company, our Board members and our main shareholders in respect of the various governance issues that have arisen or to amend the Articles of Association without general assembly approval. Under such powers, the CMB had directly appointed all of the current members of our Board.Board during 2013. The CMB appointed members’ terms of office will last until new appointments are made in accordance with applicable legislation.legislation, which may as in the past include by CMB appointment.

An “Investor Compensation Center” (“ICC”) was formed in 2013 by the CMB under the 2013 Capital Markets Law. Under the Capital Markets Law that deals with the duties and responsibilities of the CMB, it is stipulated that the ICC may use the rights vested on the general assembly in public companies whose ordinary general meetings of two consecutive financial

years could not be made within statutory deadlines and whose board members have been nominated partly or wholly by the CMB. The Regulation on the Investor Compensation Center was published in the Official Gazette with no further details on how this right shall be exercised by the ICC. The form and scope of such actions are not clearly defined and we are not aware of any precedents, thus were we to find ourselves in this situation in the future, we may not be able to predict what actions the ICC might eventually take, if any.

No assurance may be given regarding the impact of past or future CMB actions, future ICC actions, or any future legal actions against our Company, on the overall company strategy, convening of our general assembly or the distribution of dividends.

Compliance with our home country governance rules is an important element of our compliance with the listing requirements of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). Failure to comply with such rules could jeopardize the continued listing and trading of our ADRs on the NYSE.

For so long as our main shareholders are in dispute and/or unable to achieve consensus, we are likely to continue to experience difficulties obtaining corporate decisions, including with respect to the matters discussed above, and we may have difficulty obtaining decisions regarding our business and operations. This situation may also lead to further regulatory and legal actions being taken in respect of our Company, the nature and effects of which we cannot predict. Ongoing disputes among the shareholders may affect the ownership and control of our shares, the demand for and price of our shares and our ability to manage our business, and no assurance can be given that the interests of these shareholders will be aligned with those of our other shareholders.

We face risks related to our dependence on network and IT systems and the products and services we provide through third party suppliers as well as our exposure to technological changes in the communications market, including industries where we traditionally do not compete.

We are dependent on certain systems and suppliers for information technology (“IT”) and network technology (“NT”) services and our business continuity is at risk due to our exposure to potential natural disasters, regular or severe IT and network failures, human error, security breaches and other cyber security incidents and IT migration risk, any of which could have an adverse effect on our operations, damage our reputation and affect our relationships with our customers.

We are heavily dependent on IT and NT systems, suppliers of IT and NT services and our IT and NT employees for the continuity of our business and we are continually upgrading and converting our IT and NT systems. Although we devote significant resources to the development and improvement of IT and NT and of security, backup and continuity systems, we could still experience IT and network failures and outages due to system deficiencies, human error, security breaches, terrorist or other destructive acts, natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods, unsuccessful migration to alternative or improved IT and NT systems, or other factors. We have experienced an increased number of attempted cyber-attacks of varying degrees of sophistication by unauthorized parties attempting to obtain access to our computer systems and networks. As of the date of this annual report, we believe that no such attacks have succeeded in obtaining access to our critical systems, although such attacks in practice may develop over long periods of time during which they can remain undetected. Computer hackers routinely attempt to breach the security of technology products, services, and systems. If successful, these could result in, for example, unauthorized access to, misuse, loss, or destruction of our data or systems and theft of sensitive or confidential data, including personal information of our employees and customers, and theft of services and/or funds. In the event of such breaches, we could be exposed to potential liability, litigation, and regulatory action, as well as the loss of existing or potential customers, damage to our reputation, and financial loss. In addition, the cost and operational consequences of responding to breaches and implementing remediation measures could be significant.

Mobile networks are migrating towards internet protocol (“IP”) technology to transport information. These networks open up the possibility for IP-based services. However, once these services are introduced into the IP domain, the mobile network may be harmed by potential attacks. The threats on the mobile network can originate from external sources, such as the public internet, or internal sources, such as terminals connected to our mobile network. Despite the systems and infrastructure which we have put in place to address these security concerns, we could encounter successful attacks on our infrastructure, which could have an adverse effect on our operations, damage our reputation and affect our relationships with our customers.

Although we closely follow general technological trends in communications and technology, we may be unable to adapt to rapid technological changes in communications and information technology, which could result in higher capital expenditures and a greater possibility of commercial failure.

Rapid technological changes in communications and information technology are redefining the markets in which we operate and the products and services we offer, shortening product life cycles and facilitating the convergence of various segments, including in our core mobile communications businesses. If we fail to anticipate, invest in and implement new technologies with the levels of service and prices that customers demand or to respond effectively to technological changes, our business, financial condition and results of operations could be adversely affected. In addition, such new technologies require significant capital expenditures and it is impossible to predict with any certainty whether the technology selected by us will be the most economical, efficient or capable of attracting customer usage, or whether such technologies will be developed according to anticipated schedules, will perform according to expectations or will achieve commercial acceptance. Although we are following general technological trends in communications and technology, there can be no assurance that we will be able to develop new products and services that will enable us to compete efficiently.

We have become active in providing products and services for industries other than telecommunications, many of which are developed and/or maintained by third party providers. Our reliance on these third party providers to help us navigate the regulatory, security and business risks of industries where we traditionally do not compete adversely affects our business.

The operation of our business depends, in part, upon the successful deployment of continually-evolving products and services, including for applications in industries other than telecommunications, such as TV, music, mobile financial services, mobile health and mobile education solutions, authentication solutions, data center services and entertainment and community services. We are reliant upon third party providers to help us navigate risks relating to security, regulations and business in the industries where we do not traditionally compete. Changes in such industries may impair our partners’ business and/or negatively impact the content we are developing, such as for entertainment, which, in turn, could have a material adverse effect on our business and financial condition.

Our business, consolidated financial results and/or operational performance could be adversely affected unless we retain our key personnel, our partners and their employees.

Our performance depends, to a significant extent, on the abilities and continued service of our key personnel. Competition for qualified telecommunications and technology personnel in Turkey and elsewhere is intense. In addition, we depend on our dealers, distributors and their employees for the growth and maintenance of our customer base. The loss of the services or loyalty of key personnel could adversely affect our business and financial condition and could lead to breaches of confidentiality, particularly if a number of such persons were to join a competitor.

Our former Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Sureyya Ciliv, resigned from his position effective January 31, 2015. Mr. Kaan Terzioglu was appointed as our Chief Executive Officer on April 1, 2015. In 2015, there have been organizational changes in our Company, including changes to our management team, to our structure and business strategy and further changes may be made. Although, we have taken measures to prevent major disruptions to our operations, no assurance can be given that the changes being implemented will achieve their objectives, or that they will not have an adverse effect on our business. Failure to implement these changes successfully could adversely affect our ability to compete effectively, which could impact our revenues, operations, or results of operations.

We are involved in various claims and legal actions arising in connection with our business, which could have a material effect on our financial condition.

We are subject to investigations and regular audits by governmental authorities in Turkey, including the Competition Board, the ICTA, tax authorities and certain other parties, and governmental authorities in other countries in which we have operations. We are currently involved in various claims and legal actions with such authorities. We have set aside provisions for certain ofon anas-needed basis with regard to our ongoing disputes based onin line with applicable accounting standards. However, no assurance can be given that the provisions we set aside will be sufficient to cover ourany actual losses under these matters, andor that new disputes will not arise under which we would face additional liabilities and reputational risk. For a more detailed discussion of disputes that we presently believe to be significant, see “Item 8. Financial Information” and Note 3437 to our audited Consolidated Financial Statements included in “Item 18. Financial Statements” of this annual report on Form20-F.


We face a risk of tax audits and claims in many different areas that are subject to taxation, such as corporate tax, value added taxes and others. Such audits and claims have led to significant tax assessments and penalties in the past and may again in the future. In particular, weaddition, changes in tax laws andnon-tax regulations may lead to the growth of our tax burden and may, as a result, materially adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations. Disputes related to taxation have anbeen particularly significant and major penalties have resulted. Current tax disputes include the following:

We have had ongoing disputedisputes regarding the application of the Turkish Special Communication Tax (“SCT”) to prepaid card TL/package sales made byvia our distributors.sales channels over numerous years. In accordance with the Law no.6736 the Company filed applications for the restructuring of penalties and interest on the Special Communication Tax regarding the disputes on the tax amount for the years 2008-2012 in November 2016. The tax authority has assessed a significant special communication tax and a related penalty against our company as a result of a tax investigation regardingoffice accepted the restructuring application for the years 2008, to 2012. The2009, 2010, and 2012, and we paid the restructured amount and settled the disputes in November 2016. On the other hand, the tax office rejected the application for the restructuring of SCT regarding the dispute on the tax amount assessedfor the year 2011. The Company also filed a case for the cancellation of aforementioned rejection act of Tax Office for the year 2011. The case is pending as well as the cases regarding the cancellation of the SCT assessment for the year 2011.

In accordance with the Law no.7143, in August 2018, the Company filed applications for the restructuring of penalties and interest on the SCT regarding the disputes on the tax amount for the years 2013 and 2014. In August 2018, the tax office accepted the restructuring application for the years 2013 and 2014, and Company paid the restructured amount and settled the disputes by October 2018.

However, our Company remains under investigation on the same matter for the years 2015, 2016 and 2017. Although the Ministry of Finance has addressed this issue through Communiqués enacted on January 1, 2018 for periods after December 31, 2017, we may be subject to penalties or litigation with the tax authorities for the years 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Following a limited tax investigation at our Company with respect to Value Added Tax (“VAT”) and SCT pertaining to financial years 2015 and 2016, we were informed by the Large Taxpayers Office that no issues were identified for 2015. However, the Large Taxpayers Office made an additional request with respect to the Company is TRY 211.1taxation of applications included in some of the bundled offers and packages offered to our customers for financial year 2016 and imposed a tax assessment of TRY247.8 million asin total, comprising TRY53.8 million in principal and TRY 316.6TRY80.7 million as tax penalty totaling TRY 527.6 million. The dispute is being litigated in a variety of courtsrelation to SCT, and lower courts have notified their verdicts (someTRY45.3 million in our favor, some partiallyprincipal and TRY68.0 million penalty in our favor and partially against us, and some against us). These verdicts are being appealed byrelation to VAT. A settlement request related to this assessment has been sent to the party against which they were rendered and the appeal processes are ongoing. For those cases decided against us, interest shall apply at a rate of 2.50 % interest per monthRevenue Administration for the period between February 15, 2008 and November 18, 2009; 1.95 % interest per month for the period between November 19, 2009 and October 18, 2010 and 1.40 % interest per month for the period between October 19, 2010 and the payment dateof 2016 on December 9, 2018. Depending on the principal amount. Accordingly, in the event of an adverse decision in some or alloutcome of the cases under dispute, the interest payable could amount to a significant portion of the tax assessment and substantially increase our overall liability. In the case that the aforementioned lawsuits finalize against us, no interest shall be calculated on the penalty, on the condition that the payment is made in due time after the finalization. While we intend to vigorously defend our rights and our position in this case, no assurance can be given regarding the final outcome. If decided against us, these cases could have a material and adverse effect on our results of operations and our financial condition. Currently, we are under tax investigation for the year 2013 and may face investigations in respect of later years, and there is a risk thatsettlement, we may incur a special communication taxdecide to take this matter to court.

Under our licenses (2G and penalties3G) and Authorization Certificate (4.5G) as a resultpart of such investigations.

Due to our license, we pay the Undersecretariat of the Treasury (the “Turkish Treasury”) a monthly treasury share equal to 15% of our gross revenue includingsubject to some exemptions. TheWe are currently subject to ongoing audits in this are, for periods through 2017, and the Turkish Treasury may change its opinions based on interpretations of treasury share calculations. Therefore, unanticipated treasury share liabilities and fines may also be levied. We have also had several long running disputes with the Turkish Treasury regarding claims for payments of additional treasury share and allegations of deficient treasury share and contribution share payments and penalties imposed within the context of our 2G and 3G Concession Agreements.

We are also have been involved in several disputes regarding administrative fines imposed by the ICTA, warnings established by ICTA, and ICTA’s additional radio utilization and usage fee requests made after ICTA’s investigations on number of subscribers and radio utilization and usage fees regarding the years 2010-2011, 20122004 to 2014.

Under the Law No. 7061, we have settled the related Treasury share and 2004-2009. ICTA disputes described above, and increased the tax base within the scope of Law in order to restructure treasury share, contribution share to the universal service fund, contribution share payment and administrative fees for the periods for which examination is ongoing or has not been yet initiated. The settlement amount including interest on installments is TRY 600.8 which was paid out in 2018. No assurance can be given that further disputes will not arise with regard to the year 2018 and future years.

Based on the Laws stated above, all the installments have been paid and processes have been completed. In this regard, we have closed the possibilities with regard to investigations upon treasury share, universal service contribution and ICTA as of January 01, 2018.

According to Serial Nr. 7061 Law, as of January 1, 2018, Treasury Share investigations will be made by the Ministry of Finance. Investigations are held by the Ministry of Finance for the first time and there is no assessment for the period of January to September 2018. An investigation related to the last three months of 2018 was initiated on February 7, 2019.


The Company is also under investigation for (i) the year 2017 with regard to SCT and for (ii) the year 2018 with regard to SCT, Corporate Income Tax and VAT.

The Company Management decided to apply for VAT and corporate income tax base increase mechanism for 2017 in accordance with Law Serial No. 7143; accordingly, there will be no tax assessment for the applications related to VAT and CIT but the Company may remain subject to tax assessment for other taxes payable by it.

Under the Ministry of Trade (formerly Ministry of Customs and Trade) investigation with regard to value added services, subscription contracts and device campaigns, we received an administrative fine amounting to TRY 116.2 million. We filed a lawsuit for the stay of execution and cancellation of the penalty. After filing the lawsuit, the administrative penalty decision was withdrawn and the related audit reopened. The Court decided that there is no need to grant a decision regarding the withdrawal of the administrative fine. The case is in appeal progress. On the other hand, as a result of the investigation the Ministry of Trade decided to impose an administrative fine amounting to TRY 138 million against the Company. The Company filed a lawsuit for the stay of execution and cancellation of the administrative fine. The case is pending. No assurance can be given that significant penalties will not again be imposed and that further disputes will not arise.

Administrative fines were requested in the context of the ICTA investigation related to some reporting errors (both for 3G and 4.5G) and the failure to fulfill the obligations regarding the minimum required use of local equipment and procurement from local small andmedium-sized enterprises for the 2013-2016 periods under 4.5G licence terms. Furthermore, an additional fine may be requested in the investigation carried out by the ICTA for the following reporting period, on the same grounds.

The Turkish Competition Board has for several years alleged that we have abused our dominant position in the Turkish mobile market through our exclusive practices directed at our dealers. While there is no ongoing investigation of Turkcell regarding such allegations, this and similar actions may have financial consequences and hinder our ability to respond to the competition.

For a more detailed discussion of our disputes that we presently believe to be significant, see Note 3437 to our audited Consolidated Financial Statements included in “Item 18. Financial Statements” of this annual report on Form20-F.

Although we maintain and regularly review our internal control over financial reporting, there are inherent limitations on the effectiveness of our controls.controls, particularly as our Company grows and enters into new businesses.

We maintain and regularly review internal control over our financial reporting. However, internal control over financial reporting has inherent limitations and there is no assurance that a system of internal control over financial reporting, including one determined to be effective, will prevent or detect all misstatements on a timely basis. A control system, no matter how well-designed and operated, can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance regarding financial statement preparation and presentation. This risk is exacerbated by our rapid growth into new activities, which creates additional challenges in identifying risks and designing and implementing systems to control them. Furthermore, we operate in a decentralized structure in which most compliance functions are managed at the level of our operating companies rather than at the parent company level, which can further complicate the process of identifying risks and designing and implementing systems.

Our systems may not always allow us to detect and prevent fraud or other misconduct by our employees, representatives, agents, suppliers, dealers or other third parties. We may be exposed to fraud or other misconduct committed by our employees, representatives, agents, suppliers, dealers or other third parties that could subject us to litigation, financial losses and sanctions imposed by governmental authorities, as well as affect our reputation. Such misconduct could include misappropriating funds, conducting transactions that are outside of authorized limits, engaging in misrepresentation or fraudulent, deceptive or otherwise improper activities, including in return for any type of benefits or gains or otherwise not complying with applicable laws or our internal policies and procedures.

Our latest review as of December 31, 2015,2018, similar to last year, has revealed certain deficiencies in our controls, although none that we believe constituteconstitutes a “material weaknesses”weakness”. However, ourOur controls have in the past suffered from these and lesser deficiencies and no assurance can be given that others will not emerge in the future. A failure to detect or correct deficiencies and weaknesses in a timely manner could have an adverse effect on the accuracy of our financial reporting.reporting and on our operations and may also cause financial losses.


Our business, consolidated financial results and/or operational performance could be adversely affected unless we retain our key personnel, our partners and their employees.

Our performance depends, to a significant extent, on the abilities and continued service of our key personnel. Competition for qualified telecommunications and technology personnel in Turkey and elsewhere is intense, in particular in the area of cyber-security. In addition, we depend on our dealers, distributors and their employees for the growth and maintenance of our customer base. The loss of the services or loyalty of key personnel could adversely affect our business and financial condition and could lead to breaches of confidentiality, particularly if a number of such persons were to join a competitor.

Muhterem Kaan Terzioglu resigned from his position as Chief Executive Officer of our Company, effective March 15, 2019. Murat Erkan, our Company’s Executive Vice President of Sales, is now serving as acting Chief Executive Officer. Our future success will be dependent upon the ability to identify and engage a suitable candidate within a reasonable time period and, thereafter, the ability of the new Chief Executive Officer to effectively transition into this role. Our new Chief Executive Officer could make organizational changes, including changes to our management team and may make changes to our Company’s structure and business strategy. These changes could adversely affect the success of our business and our ability to compete effectively, which could impact our revenues, operations, and results of operations.

Our ADS price may be volatile, and purchasers of ADSs could incur substantial losses.

The market price of our ADSs may be highly volatile and could be subject to wide fluctuations, in particular due to the fact that trading in the ADSs will take place in different currencies (U.S. dollars on the NYSE and Turkish liras on the Borsa Istanbul), and mostly at different times (resulting from different time zones, different trading days and different public holidays in the United States and Turkey), resulting in the trading prices of these securities differing on these two markets. Securities markets worldwide experience significant price and volume fluctuations. This market volatility, as well as general economic, market or political conditions, could reduce the market price of our ADSs in spite of our operating performance. In addition, our operating results could be below the expectations of public market analysts and investors due to a number of potential factors, including changes in our quarterly operating results or dividends, additions or departures of key management personnel, failure to meet analysts’ earnings estimates, publication of negative research reports about our industry, failure of securities analysts to cover our shares or changes in financial estimates by analysts, litigation and government investigations, changes or proposed changes in laws or regulations or differing interpretations or enforcement thereof affecting our business, adverse market reaction to any indebtedness we may incur or securities we may issue in the future, changes in market valuations of similar companies or speculation in the press or investment community, announcements by our competitors of significant contracts, acquisitions, dispositions, strategic partnerships, joint ventures or capital commitments, adverse publicity about the industry we operate in or individual scandals. Consequently, in response to these events, the market price of our ADSs could decrease significantly, and purchasers of ADSs could incur substantial losses.




4.A History and Development of the Company

Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S. (“Turkcell”), a joint stock company organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Turkey, was formed in 1993 and commenced operations in 1994. Our principal shareholders are Sonera Holding B.V. andshareholder is Turkcell Holding A.S., which hold 13.07% (not including additional shares totaling approximately 0.94% that TeliaSonera holds according to

public filings) and 51.00%, respectively, of Turkcell’s shares based on the Company’s share book. Based on publicly-available information, we believe that Turkcell Holding A.S. is 52.91% owned by Cukurova Telecom Holdings Limited and 47.09% by Telia Sonera Holding B.V., which according to public filings (a Schedule 13D filed in November 2009), is a wholly owned subsidiary of TeliaSonera Finland Oyj, which in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of TeliaSonera AB (“TeliaSonera”).Oyj. Based on publicly-available information, we believe that Cukurova Telecom Holdings Limited is 51% owned by Cukurova Finance International Limited and 49% by Alfa Telecom Turkey Limited.

The address of our principal office is Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., Turkcell Kucukyali Plaza, Aydinevler Mahallesi Inonu Caddesi No:20 Kucukyali Ofispark, B Blok, Maltepe, Istanbul, Turkey. Our telephone number is +90 (212) 313 10 00. Our website address is In July 2000, we completed our initial public offering with the listing of our ordinary shares on the Borsa Istanbul and our ADSs on NYSE.

We operate under a25-year GSM license granted in April 1998, a20-year 3G license granted in April 2009 and a13-year4.5G license effective for 13 years untilauthorization certificate granted in April 30, 2029.2016.

Our GSM license was granted in April 1998 upon payment of an upfront license fee of $500 million.1998. Under our license, we pay the Undersecretariat of the Treasury (the “Turkish Treasury”) a monthly treasury share equal to 15% of our gross revenue. Of such fee, 10% is paid to the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications of Turkey (“Turkish Ministry”)Ministry for a universal service fund. We also operate under interconnection agreements with other operators that allow us to connect our networks with those operators to enable the transmission of calls to and from our GSM system.

In early 2009, we were granted the a20-year type A 3G license, which provides the widest frequency band for a consideration of €358 million (excluding VAT), and we signed the related 3G license agreement on April 30, 2009. The 3G license agreement has similar provisions to the aforementioned 2G license agreement.

In 2013, we won an auction held by the Turkish Ministry related to universal service, which requires installing sufficient infrastructure to uncovered areas with a population of less than 500 and the operation of the service in these


areas for three years. We startedThis contract was renewed through December 31, 2018 and the service in August 2013 and as of the end of 2015, infrastructure covering 1,793 settlements has been installed (out of the three-year target of 1,799) within the scope of the project, with network-sharing technology. Although the related contract has recently expired, we continueextension contained new requirements to provide mobile broadband services in this project, sinceand to operate the terms of services are, as a result of such expiration, unclear. The termsnew and existing networks together. Recently the contract was extended again with same conditions regarding the continuation of existing services in 1,799 locations, the addition of new rural locations within the scope of the universal service and extension of universal services to 3G and 4.5G are under examination by the Ministry of Transport Maritime Affairs and Communications.

Our subscriber base has grown substantially since we began operations in 1994. At year-end 1994, we had 63,500 subscribers. By year-end 2015, that number for the Group had grown to 68.9 million.

In 2015, we had total revenues of TRY 12,769.4 million, our adjusted EBITDA totaled TRY 4,140.5 million and we reported a net income attributable to the owners of Turkcell amounting to TRY 2,067.7 million.

For the year endedthrough December 31, 2015, we spent approximately TRY 8,536.2 million on capital expenditures including non-operational items and 4.5G license fee, compared to TRY 2,144.8 million and TRY 1,822.3 million in 2014 and 2013, respectively.2019

In the 4.5G auction held on August 26, 2015, we were awarded a total frequency band of technology agnostic 172.4 MHz, the largest amount of spectrum of any operator, for €1,623.5EUR 1,623.5 million (excluding VAT and interest payable on the installments). The license fee will be paid in four equal semi-annual installments of €413.8 million (including interest payable), the first installment €706 million, including VAT, was paid on October 26, 2015. We expect to commencecommenced offering 4.5G services from April 1, 2016. The 4.5G license is effective for 13 years until April 30, 2029. The total fee was paid in four installments, where the last installment amounting TRY 1,535 million (originally EUR 413.8 million, converted by the buying exchange rate on January 2, 2017 announced by CBRT) was paid in April 2017.

Following the 4.5G auction, we haveTurkcell has a total frequency bandwidth of 234.4 MHz. Our shareMHz, which corresponds to 43% of total spectrum available to the total bandwidth of the market also increased to 43%. We acquired twice the bandwidth acquired by Vodafone while paying the same amountmobile operators in terms of price per MHz, and 56% more bandwidth than Avea while paying only 9% more per MHz. Moreover, we paid the lowest per subscriber price for 1 MHz in the auction at €0.28 per subscriber, compared to €0.44 and €0.52 paid by Vodafone and Avea, respectively. We believe the frequencies we acquired,Turkey. The large spectrum assets, including the widestwide frequency bands on 1800 MHz and 2600 MHz, in the 4.5G auction will makealong with a strong network deployment, have enabled us the only operator in Turkey able to provide the fastest 4.5G speeds over 1 Gbps through carrier aggregation combinations and availability of advanced user devices supporting new features. In this scope, in April 2018, we showcased 1.2 Gbps peak speed of 375 Mbps followingin our live network with a commercial smartphone, aiming to provide our customers with the build-out of our 4.5G network. We expect that thesehighest peak speeds will increase to 1000 Mbps in the future through carrier provided by the latest technological advancements. According to the GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) report dated February 2019, Turkcell supports up to 1.2 Gbps speeds on its network which makes it one of the fastest mobile operators in the world. This will allowallows customers to get better network experience and access mobile services at a speedspeeds comparable to fiber broadband speeds.


Following the 4.5G launch, Turkcell focused on providing innovative and pioneering digital services; which differentiates its offerings from the competition. We develop and manage digital services and solutions to address the diverse needs of both consumers and corporate customers, thereby enriching their lives. Thus, Turkcell defines itself as a digital operator.

In 2018, we had total revenues of TRY 21,292.5 million and we reported net income of TRY 2,021.1 million (excludingnon-controlling interest). For the year ended December 31, 2018, we spent TRY 7,643.0 million on capital expenditures includingnon-operational items, 3G license fee payment in Ukraine and the impact of IFRS16 standard on lease contracts, compared to TRY 4,087.4 million and TRY 3,494.4 million in 2017 and 2016, respectively. Capital expenditures in 2017 and 2016 related mainly to our 4.5G license fee payment, and the GSM and fixed-line network investments of the Company, Superonline and lifecell in Ukraine.

Our subscriber base has grown substantially since we began operations in 1994.At year-end 1994, we had 63,500 subscribers.By year-end 2018, that number had grown to 48.9 million for the Group.

In addition to our operations in Turkey, we have various international operations. For more information, see “Item 4.B. Business Overview—International and Domestic Subsidiaries”.

4.B Business Overview

We areSince 2016, we have strived to pioneer the leading mobile telecommunications operator and the second largest converged telecommunications companyprovision of digital services in Turkey, and in termsline with this strategic vision we provide a wide range of revenue, with a 35.5% share among the three major operators in the Turkish telecommunications market (Turkcell Turkey, Turk Telekomcutting edge digital services over our leading network, on top of offeringhigh-end mobile and Vodafone) according to the operators’ announcements for the year ended December 31, 2015. In 2015, Turkcell Turkey has positioned itselffixed voice and data services as a converged playeroperator. We have now become a “digital operator”, while maintaining our strong position in the total telecommunications market in line withdue to our new strategic priorities. customer-oriented approach as well as our ability to quickly provide diverse solutions to meet our customers’ communication and digital needs throughout the day.

We have shifted to a newan organizational structure with the aim of increasing efficiency and simplifying our business processes, as well as strengthening our position as a provider of converged communications and technologydigital services. We have taken steps to integrateintegrated our marketing efforts and sales channelchannel; developed an internal company performance monitoring platform and technical platform as well as to establishhave established customer services as a key focus area.

We provide high-quality mobile and fixed voice, data, TV and other services over our advanced network and have developed what we believe to be the premier mobile service provider in Turkey by differentiating ourselves from our competitors with our value offers, which include superior and innovative technologies, more advantages, outstanding and extensive service quality, and being a leader in social responsibility. We maintain our strong position in the market due to our customer-oriented approach and our ability to provide quick and diverse solutions to meet customers’ needs through lifestyle segments.

We have differentiated our network in terms ofthrough its quality and speed of service, withand have extensive spectrum rights covering 43% of the total spectrum available, extensive 3G coverage (covering over 95% of the population) and the broadest 4.5G license of any operator in terms of spectrum allocation.

We have also focused on building out an advanced fiber network to support our mobile and fixed offerings (including broadband and television), through our 35,26943.3 thousand km fiber network which reached 15 cities in Turkey as of December 31, 2015. As a result, we2018. We are capable of delivering our fiber internet service to 6.44 million households in 28 cities with our own infrastructure and through partnership engagements.

We had a 54% subscriber market share48.9 million subscribers in Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, the Turkish Republic of the fiber marketNorthern Cyprus and Germany as of December 31, 2015 according to2018. In Turkey, we had 36.7 million total mobile, fixed and IPTV subscribers as at the operators’ announcements, despite not being the incumbent fixed line operator, and expect this to be a key focus area going forward.same date.

We are in compliance with all of our license requirements in all material respects.

Effective from 2015, we have changed our reportable segments in order to align the segments with our convergence strategy. Following this change, our29

Our business is divided into two main reportable segments: Turkcell Turkey and Turkcell International. The total number of subscribers in the five countries where we have consolidated operations reached 51.5 million as of December 31, 2015. In Turkey total mobile, fixed and IPTV subscribers were 35.8 million.



Turkcell Turkey.Our Turkish telecommunications business represents the largest share of our business, accounting for 89.9%85.8% of our revenues and 90.8%85.7% of our Adjusted EBITDA in 2015.the year ended December 31, 2018. During the first half of 2015 we realigned our strategy in Turkey to focus on developing innovative and integrated telecommunications solutions for consumer, corporate and wholesale customers in Turkey by leveraging our leading brand, extensive customer base, technological capabilities and strong distribution channels. We have invested in what we believe to be the most advanced mobile and fiber networks in Turkey and were recently awardedhave the broadest spectrum in 4.5G auctionspectrum in Turkey, which we expect will providebelieve provides us with a competitive advantage by allowing us to provide high quality and speedyhigh speed data service acrossto our customers, as well as providing digital services on top. Revenues from data and services and solutions have been growing rapidly, with an aggregate growth of 18.2% in the Turkish mobile telecommunications industry.year ended December 31, 2018.



Turkcell International.Turkcell International accounted for 6.7%6.8% of our Group revenues in 2015.the year ended December 31, 2018. We have telecommunications operations in a number of emerging market geographies that we believe are complementary to our operations in Turkey as a result of our cultural affinity and the potential to export our business model. These geographies include Ukraine (which accounted for 4.5%4.3% of our revenues in 2015)the year ended December 31, 2018), Belarus (which accounted for 1.1%1.4% of our revenues in 2015),the year ended December 31, 2018) and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (which accounted for 1.0%0.8% of our revenues in 2015)the year ended December 31, 2018) and Germany (which accounted for 0.1% of our revenues in 2015). We also operate in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Moldova through our

equity accounted investee, Fintur (which accounted for 17.8% of our net income attributable to equity holders of the Company in 2015).Germany.



Other Subsidiaries and intersegment eliminations.All other segments.Other Subsidiaries and intersegment eliminations mainly comprises Mainly comprised of our consumer financing services, information and entertainment services in Turkey and Azerbaijan and call center revenues, andrevenues. This segment accounted for 3.4%9.1% of our revenues in 2015.the year ended December 31, 2018, of which 1.7% is attributable to intersegment eliminations.

We have a strong track record of profitable operations with total revenues for 20152018 of TRY 12,769.421,292.5 million, and Adjusted EBITDA in 20152018 of TRY 4,140.5 million.8,788.0 million and net income in 2018 of TRY 2,021.1 million (excludingnon-controlling interests). We have achieved these results while continuing to invest in our network to support our strategy of offering innovative solutions, with capital expenditures for 20152018 of TRY 8,536.27,643.0 million.

We serve a broad range of consumer, corporate and wholesale customers, which accounted for 79.5%, 17.7% and 3.4% of Turkcell Turkey revenues (not including other revenues and prior to consolidation eliminations) in 2015. As part of the realignment of our strategy, we have emphasized the importance of customer services and established customer services as a separate focus area. In terms of the services we provide, voice, data, services and solutions, messaging and other accounted for 52.4%, 30.8%, 5.7% , 4.9% and 3.4% of our Turkcell Turkey revenues, respectively, in 2015. Revenues from data and services and solutions have been growing rapidly, with growth of 38.1% and 38.5%, respectively, in 2015. Voice revenues declined by 2.7% and messaging revenues declined by 13.5% over the same period following prevailing industry trends.

We have maintained a leverage strategy that we believe to be prudent and we have taken significant steps to improve the capital structure of our investments in Ukraine and Belarus through debt restructurings in July and August 2015, respectively, which we expect will position our investments well for future growth. Revenues from our operations in Ukraine through lifecell LLC (“lifecell”) were UAH 4,476.5 million in 2015, and lifecell’s EBITDA for the same period was UAH 1,485.2 million. Belarusian Telecom’s revenues were BYR 825.8 billion in 2015, and its EBITDA for the same period was BYR 18.1 billion.

We are the only company listed on both the NYSE and the Borsa Istanbul, withand had a market capitalization of TRY 21.827 billion as of December 31, 2015,2018, making us the fourthsixth most valuable publicly traded company in Turkey.Turkey at that time.

I. Industry

a. Overview

GSM, one of the digital standards for mobile communications, was developed in 1987 to facilitate unification and integration of mobile communications worldwide.

As a digital standard,Since Turkcell was founded in 1994, mobile technology has evolved from GSM offers a wide range of services that include(2G) to UMTS/HSPA+ (3G) toLTE/LTE-Advanced (4G/4.5G), providing new capabilities and extensive improvements in customer experience. 2G was originally intended to carry voice, circuit switched data, packetwith some limited data and fax,messaging capabilities whereas the focus in addition3G shifted more to standard service offerings such as call barring, call forwarding, call waitingdata, along with simultaneous voice and roaming into areas serviced by other GSM carriers. A key componentdata capability. 4G has brought fullyIP-based architecture where everything is considered data. Turkcell currently has all of these technologies in its mobile networks to serve customers who use and depend on them based on their subscription profiles and terminal types. With the GSM network is the simcard, which enables the useradvent of a mobile phone4G/4.5G technologies it has become possible to be identified. Simcards, also known as “smart cards”, are placed inside each handset and function as its digital brain. The simcard’s digital memory allows for storage of the subscribers’ personal information, such as the rate plan, phone number and service features. Both postpaid and prepaid subscribers are required to purchase a simcard in order to use the telecommunications service offered by Turkcell.

GSM networks have traditionally been used exclusively as personal voice communications networks. Data communication in GSM networks started with speeds of 9.6 kilobits per second (“Kbps”) and continued to improve with High Speed Circuit Switched Data (“HSCSD”), General Packet Radio Service (“GPRS”) and Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution (“EDGE”) technologies. Today, GSM networks can provide high-speed wireless data services of up to 300 Kbps.

The mobile telecommunications industry has increasingly provided mobile data/internet services and used 3G/HSPA+ as a technology platform that is more suitable for data transmission. Currently, many advanced technology platforms are being developed to enable the provision ofintroduce more sophisticated services utilizing lower latency and higher data services.speeds.

InOur Company has also branched out in to the early 3Gdevelopment of fixed line networks, the platform was only able to provide network speeds up to 384 Kbps. By using the new radio access technology, High Speed Downlink Packet Access (“HSDPA”) in UMTS networks, operators gain increased capacity and improved downlink speeds up to 14.4 megabits per second (“Mbps”). High Speed Packet Access Evolution (“HSPA+”) further enhanced the mobile broadband experience and increased the data capacity of HSPA. HSPA+ enhances mobile broadband with peak rates of 63.3 Mbps.

The latest mobile communications technology available in the commercial networks is 4.5G (IMT-Advanced) which is a 4.5G technology relying on All-IP architecture which runs over a currently deployed IP/MPLS Network and offers ultrafast mobile broadband speeds of more than 1000 Mbps with latencies of less than 10 ms. 4.5G networks have also evolved to offer voice services (VoLTE) and new services like LTE Broadcast (eMBMS). The strategic advantage of an IP-based solution is that having all-IP based infrastructure and services enables operators to deliver a broader, deeper communications portfolio—incorporating voice, data and video in addition to other communication services.

Fiber optics (optical fibers) are long, thin strands of very pure glass about the size of a human hair. They are arranged in bundles called optical cables and used to transmit communication signals over long distances. Fiber-optic data transmission systems send information over fiber by turning electronic signals into light. Fiber-optic networks have been used for decades to transmit large volumes of traffic. The economics of fiber networks have also allowed forincluding fiber-optics connecting the fiber directly to the home, creating afiber-to-the-home (“FTTH”) network.

b. The Turkish Telecommunications Market

TheWe believe that the Turkish telecommunications market has growth potential withdue to favorable demographics, including a relatively young population and lower penetration levels compared to Western Europe and other developed markets.

According to a TUIK announcement, the estimated median age of the Turkish population is 31,32, which is lower than elsewhere in Western Europe, and the majority of the population lives in urban areas. In addition, thereThere were 78.782 million people living in Turkey as of December 31, 2015.2018.


There are currently three major operators in the telecommunications sector in Turkey, Turkcell Turkey, Vodafone Telekomunikasyon A.S. (“Vodafone”) and Turk Telekomunikasyon A.S. (“Turk Telekom” and together with Aveaits mobile segment (formerly known as Avea) and TTNET, “Turk Telekom Group”). In 2015,2018, the total revenue of the Turkish mobile and fixed markets was TRY 32.849.3 billion compared to TRY 29.942.6 billion in 2014,2017, according to the operators’ announcements (for the calculation of total market revenues,non-group call centercenters and financial services revenues are added to Turkcell Turkey’s reported revenue)revenue and Turk Telekom’s construction revenue is excluded).

Vodafone entered the Turkish mobile market by acquiring Telsim on May 24, 2006 from the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund (“SDIF”) in August 2005. Avea is an operator majority-owned by Turk Telekom Group.. Turk Telekom Group is 55% owned by Oger Telecom, a multi-national telecommunications operator 35% owned by Saudi Telecom Company. On April 29, 2015, Turk Telekom Group announced that it entered into a share transfer agreement with Is Bankasi, which owns 10.01% of Avea. Following completion of this transaction, Turk Telekom Group became the sole owner of Avea.Levent Yapilandirma Yonetimi A.S.

II. Strategy

OurTurkcell began its digital transformation in April 2015, with the vision isof becoming a “digital operator” – a provider of the full set of digital experiences for its customers and a leader in the digitization of the economy in countries where it operates.

Almost four years on, we now define ourselves as a “digital operator”. Having reached 169 million digital apps and services downloads as of the end of 2018, we aim to become a converged communicationsglobal digital leader with 1 billion apps and technology services company withdownloads globally relevant services.

In an effortin the coming three years (driven in part by the expanstion of our services to additional geographies, including through partnership arrangements). Referring to the total number of minutes in a day, we seek to create value and customer engagement for our customers, we have identifiedeach and every one of the following four strategic pillars through which we intend to pursue sustainable profitable growth:

Position Turkcell as a Converged Company

A key element of1,440 minutes. In short, our strategy is to fulfill the term “Digital Operator 1440” and to expand ourthis digital model globally with operator partnerships. This strategy is also abbreviated as “DO 1440” as a reference to Turkcell Group’s execution-focused approach.

This strategy has allowed us to expand customer engagement from traditional communications to a wide range of multiple-play offerings, adding fixed, broadbanddigital activities including, among others, search and television customers to deliver a quad-play offering (including mobile, internet, fixed voicebrowsing, entertainment and TV) to the Turkish market. In this respect, we launchedinformation,IP-based communication, personal storage, productivity apps in areas as diverse as agriculture, transportation and digital management. This is enabled by our IPTV service, “Turkcell TV”, at the end of 2014 and had reached 224 thousand subscribers as of December 31, 2015. As a result of the launch of our new offerings, we have grown our share of fiber residential triple-play subscribers (who subscribe to our internet, voice and TV bundles) and mobile triple play subscribers (who subscribe to voice, data and strategic services).

We have also realigned our organization and have taken steps to integrate oursignificant mobile and fixed network platforms tocapabilities, which provide athe seamless experience to our customers. We also integrated our sales and marketing functions withconnectivity required for the goal of providing a full range of mobile, fixed and broadband products and services across all channels.

Strengthen Our Position in Turkey

Our goal is to meet our customers’ increasing demand for data while providing the highest quality network experience. To be able to do this, we acquired the widest range of spectrum in the 4.5G auction at a very competitive price per MHz and subscriber. We will also continue to invest in our fiber network both to ensure scale and to meet the demands of 4.5G technology.

We continued to create value for our customers through our services and solutions which we serve through our superior network. We increased our focus on strategic services including BiP, Turkcell Music, Smart Storage, Sports and Turkcell TV+. BiP, our integrated IP-based communication platform, has been downloaded by 4.8 million people; global downloads reached 184 thousand as of December 31, 2015. We believe that these services will facilitate our strategies shift from being a telecom operator to a technology services company. We are also seeking to expand in other adjacent business areas in Turkey, such as mobile finance and mobile education. Furthermore, we are pursuing opportunities to grow inorganically in Turkey to add new capabilities and/or widen the rangepenetration of our product/service offerings.

In addition, we aim to continue to increase our revenues from corporate customers by offering them fixed and mobile converged total telecom solutions. In line with this strategy, in order to become the leading cloud services provider in Turkey, we have established datacenters in Istanbul and Ankara to provide cloud services to our corporate customers.

Focus on International Expansion

We aim to improve the performance of our international subsidiaries and increase their revenue contribution to the Group. Following the restructuring of debt at both our Ukrainian and Belarusian subsidiaries, we believe we have positioned these businesses to be able to achieve profitable growth. As the third largest mobile operator in Ukraine and Belarus, we have been successful in gaining market share and improved performance in underlying currency terms. We also believe that the 3G license we acquired in Ukraine will contribute to our ability to grow services.

We also intendhelp enable the digitalization of other players in the business ecosystem of the countries where we operate. We have turned our credentials management capabilities into a digital service, adopting GSMA (The GSMAssociation)-led “Mobile Connect” technology as “Fast Login” – a safe, secure and seamless identity authentication gateway to actively pursue externalnumerous websites and mobile apps for both Turkcell andnon-Turkcell customers. We have expanded in fintech through our subsidiary Paycell, providing seamless digital and digitally-supported payment opportunities to customers – both online and in waysthe physical space. Together, Fast Login and Paycell form oure-commerce platform, through which we support content and service owners, adding digital customer care, cybersecurity and data center/cloud services where necessary. Our strategy is focused on developing these capabilities further and expanding them to more customers as we contribute to the value creation in the digital economy.

Approximately,two-thirds of our mobile customers use at least one Turkcell digital app in addition to voice and data services. Similarly, nearly every one out of two fiber customers use our IPTV services. Increasing the percentage of multiplay remains a core part of our strategy, as we continue to see greater customer engagement, higher ARPU and lower churn among adopters of our digital services.

In September 2017, our confidence in the relevance of our digital operator model had resulted in the launch of a brand based entirely on data and digital services: Lifecell. Lifecell marked another first in our digital operator strategy through its offers that would allow usseek to replicatemeet all communication and digital needs through mobile data and digital services. Our customers can make calls via BiP, listen to music via fizy, enjoy viewing through TV+, and search through Yaani with a dedicated data quota. In 2018, in line with our policy of making our business model open to all players of the digital ecosystem, we launched “Lifecell Mix” which curates apps and services from other providers with a dedicated internet quota, enabling greater choice for theend-user. As of the end of 2018, Lifecell subscribers had reached 2.5 million.

We continue to support our digital operator model with investments in countriesindustries that have synergies with cultural affinityour digital business. Our consumer finance company, Financell – which is Turkey’s largest issuer in terms of the number of credit lines extended – continues to enable users to access smart devices, most notably smartphones and similar dynamicstablets. Our energy company Turkcell Enerji focuses on renewable energy and uninterrupted power solutions. Our involvement in strategic projects in Turkey – city hospitals, domestic cars, connectivity in major infrastructure projects including the new Istanbul airport – leverage our joint capabilities in network technologies, big data analytics, digital interface development and, increasingly, machine-learning.We expand theknow-how generated in Turkey internationally to our domesticsubsidiaries in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Belarus and international marketsUkraine. Furthermore, in orderearly 2018, we established Lifecell Ventures, which facilitatesoperator-to-operator partnerships globally, taking Turkcell’s digital products and services,know-how and business practices to be ableother operators that seek to leverage our experience and technological base. Accordingly, to the extent that we continue to grow our internationaltransform their business we expect that our international revenues will represent a greater share of total group revenues over the medium term, further diversifying our revenue streams and positioning us for further growth.into digital models.

Create Predictable and Sustainable Value

In order to grow profitably, we aim to manage our costs effectively, while investing in growth areas. We have taken significant steps towards improving our balance sheet, thereby creating value for our shareholders. We have become the only Turkish company with an ‘investment grade’ rating from all three major rating agencies (S&P, Moody’s and Fitch). We obtained new sources of credit of approximately $2.9 billion (part in Dollars, part in Euro) that we may use for infrastructure investments, restructuring of existing debt, and possible new investment opportunities. We launched a consumer financing company to further facilitate the financing of the technology demands of our customers.31

III. Customer Segmentation and Services

a. Customer Segmentation

In Turkey, as at December 31, 2018, we havehad a total of 35.836.7 million customerssubscribers including 34.033.7 million mobile line, 1.5subscribers, 2.4 million fixed broadband subscribers and 224613.4 thousand IPTV subscribers. As at December 31, 2018, we had 3.4 million total TV users, including OTT TV only customers. We serve a broad range of consumer, corporate

With our digital operator vision and wholesale customers, which accounted for 79.5%, 17.7% and 3.4%as part of Turkcell Turkey revenues in 2015, excluding other revenues and consolidation eliminations. Revenues attributable to consumer and corporate segments grew by 10.2% and 6.5%, respectively in 2015, while revenues attributable to the wholesale segment increased by 9.4% over the same period.

Through our increased focus on customers, allwe take a number of actions designed to increase customer loyalty, and such loyalty actions are designed in line with the targeted segments’ lifestyles, needs, priorities, and expectations.

The aims of the segmentation are:are to:



increase the loyalty of existing Turkcell customers;



with the support of Turkcell digital services, create value for changing needs of customers.

ensure behavioral and emotional brand loyalty; and



ensure a seamless series of positive brand experiencesexperience throughout all customer touch points, as well as to points; and

attract new customers.

Turkcell Turkey divides its customers into three main categories:

Consumer SegmentsCategory

In the consumer category, we manage our mobile customers either under the mass segment or under one of our two largesub-segments, youth and premium. In line with our goal of being a digital operator, we seek to create value for our customers by bundling Turkcell digital services such as BiP, fizy, Upcall, TV+, Yaani and lifebox in multiplay propositions.

Our digital brand “Lifecell” embraces the opportunity of by delivering our own OTT services with a tariff model that is focused on digital services, thus encouraging its customers to explore every aspect of communication and entertainment on the internet. Lifecell’s motto:All is possible with internet, all you need is Lifecell.

Fixed consumer customers are consolidated under a single segment (residential) and managed under the consumer category along with mobile consumers. By positioning the residential segment under the consumer category, we aim to enhance convergence between mobile and fixed businesses. Under the residential segment, we have our fiber internet customers, who use our own fiber infrastructure, and our DSL customers, to whom Turkcell is a reseller.

Corporate Category

The consumer segments for our mobile business on which we focus include youth, professionals, households and premium customers with differentiated mobile communication offers, as well as campaigns and co-branded activities with selected companies from other sectors to create added values to targeted segments. For our fixed business, the only consumer segment is residential.

Corporate Segments

The Corporate segmentscorporate category for our mobile and fixed customers are composed of Small Office /Home Office (“SoHo”),comprises our Small and Medium Enterprises (“SME”)Business customers and our Enterprise customers, for which we havecustomers. We provide differentiated mobile communication offers for each of these customer types, as well as campaigns andco-branded activities with selected companies from other sectors to create added value for targeted segments.

Wholesale SegmentCategory

Our wholesale segmentcategory focuses on managing wholesale voice, data and roaming services with the national licensed operators, international operators and network centricnetwork-centric business owners such as data centers and content providers.

For the roaming services, the wholesale segment drives the group strategiescategory strives to achieve the best international coverage for the customers to have continuous communication wherever they travel and to enable all visitors to enjoy the service quality of Turkcell.

For the wholesale data and voice services, theour main strategy is to become the regional junction point in an increasingly digitally hyper-connected world, and while promoting our infrastructure in the international market, we are focusing on growing as a preferred wholesale partner of local operators in the hyper-connected world.domestic market as well.


We currently provide high quality mobile and fixed voice, data, TV and otherdigital services to our subscribers throughout Turkey. We provide a range of mobiletraditional telecommunication and digital services to our customers, enabling them to call, text, access the internet,search, stream music and watch videos and roam abroad. We provide these services through our network of over 41,300 base stations providing 99.85% 2G and 95.03% 3G coverage in Turkey. Our mobile subscribers can choose between our postpaid and


prepaid services. Currently, postpaid subscribers sign a subscription contract and receive monthly bills for services. Prepaid subscribers must purchase a starter pack, which consists of a simcard with 3GB of monthly data and a balance of TRY 35 or monthly usage allowance with 1000 minutes and 6 GB of data, together with aone-time 3GB additional data quota, while thetop-up (TRY refill) cards or usage allowance (package refill) cards (both physical and digital) can be purchased in amounts ranging from TRY 1530 to TRY 360.180. As of December 31, 2015,2018, we had approximately 17.414.9 million prepaid subscribers and 16.618.8 million postpaid subscribers, compared to approximately 19.415.6 million prepaid subscribers and 15.218.5 million postpaid subscribers as of December 31, 2014.2017.

We provide a range of fixed services in Turkey including voice, broadband and TVdigital services to consumers and a wider range of services to our corporate customers, including cloud services and traffic carrying. We provide these services through a combination of our own fiber infrastructure, through partnership engagements and leased copper.copper ADSL lines. Starting September 2018, our contracts with our customers are for a period of 12 months,. As of December 31, 2015,2018, we had approximately 1.52.4 million fixed line customers of which 899 thousandapproximately 1.4 million were fiber and 621905.6 thousand were ADSL customers. We cover 2.4 million homes with our fiber infrastructure.

(i) Voice Services

Voice services are one of the mainkey services that we provide to our customers. Voice services consist of high quality mobile communication services on a prepaid and postpaid basis and fixed voice services for consumers and corporate customers.

(ii) Broadband

Our broadband services consist of mobile broadband, fiber to the home/building and ADSL.ADSL Docsis, and LTE.

We commercially launched 3Gour LTE (4.5G) network simultaneously in 81 provincecity centers and major cities in Turkey aton April 1, 2016.

The launch of 4.5G has provided increased network abilities and data speeds. We believe that 4.5 services coupled with the endwider availability of July 2009 and reached 95.03% population coverage as of December 31, 2015 and 17.7 million 3G-enabled handsetstechnological products has contributed to a more connected life for our customers, resulting in our network. an increase in overall internet usage.

Smartphones, which are defined ascombine the features of a mobile phone with those of other popular digital mobile devices that(e.g. personal digital assistants, media players, GPS navigation, digital camera) and have a full touchscreen and/or complete keyboard (Qwerty/Qwertz) plus an open operating system (eg. Symbian OS, Palm,(e.g. iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Android),) allowing access to the internet and running a variety of third-party and owned software applications, are an important component forof the growth of our mobile broadband business. The smartphoneand digital services businesses. Smartphone penetration on our network reached 52%74% by the end of December 2015,2018, up from a 40%72% penetration at the end of 2014. It is expected that 4.5G services will be commercially launched in Turkey on April 1, 2016. In order to2017. To increase penetration of theour 4.5G services, Turkcell launched campaigns in which variouswe launch 4.5G enabled smartphones were offeredsmartphone campaigns throughout the year. As of December 31, 2018, subscribers who have signed up for 4.5G on our network have increased to Turkcell31 million, up from 30 million as of December 31, 2017. This represents 91% 4.5G subscriber penetration of our mobile customers by dealers at competitive Turkey. The table below shows the number of smartphones in our network and smartphone penetration for the periods indicated:


  2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 

Number of smartphones in our network(millions)

   0.9     2.0     3.8     6.2     9.6     12.7     16.1     9.6  12.7  16.1  19.2  22.1  22.4 


   3%     6%     12%     19%     30%     40%     52%     30 40 52 64 72 74



Smartphone penetration is calculated as the ending number of smartphone subscribers (excluding smartphone subscribers with deactivated status) divided by the ending number of Turkcell mobile voice subscribers (excluding Turkcell subscribers with deactivated status). Since the national launch of 4.5G in April 2016, the share of 4.5G enabled smartphones on our network increased to 80% (corresponding to 18.0 million), at the end of 2018, up from 15.7 million at the end of 2017.

A wide variety of data offers are made available as part of our voice and terminal bundled campaigns, where terminals are sold by dealers, to increase 3GLTE available device penetration, create a unique terminal experience and enhance the broadband internet experience. Since February 2014, selling smartphones through credit cards with installment plans has been banned in Turkey. Turkcell initiated Turkcell Finansman A.S. (“Financell”), which enables customers to buy devices with installment plans, to whom Financell provides loans of up to 12 months. Smartphones with a retail price at or above TRY 3,500 and tablets can be offered with a maximumsix-month installment plan, whereas this can go up to 12 months for smartphones with a retail price of up to TRY 3,500.

Distributors, dealers, Financell and Turkcell offer joint campaigns to the subscribers, which may include the sale of devices by the dealer and/or distributor and a communication service to be provided by us. In particular campaigns, the dealer makes the handset sale to the subscribers whose instalments will be collected by us based on the letter of undertaking signed by the subscriber. These campaigns containaddition, we are selling handsets ourselves as a principal. A variety of devices are offered through these campaigns, such as feature phones, smartphones, 3GLTE available modems and tablets.


tablets and some complimentary products such as accessorizes, game consoles, headsets and virtual reality sets. Throughout 2015, we maintained our position as leader of handset campaigns through our dealer channel and2018, we delivered attractive joint campaigns with “top of the class” models of brands in high demand such as Samsung, Apple, Huawei and LG.some local handset manufacturers such as Vestel and General Mobile. We have also launchedoffered Turkcell-branded T series smartphones and a tablet with Android operating systems since 2010, which we2010. We believe this contributes to increase inincreased smartphone penetration and data usage and further builds customer loyalty by offering a technologically advanced product at a competitive price. TheWe launched the latest version of ourT-series smartphone, the T80 in July 2017 and our first 4.5G enabledT-series the T60, tablet was launched in June 2015April 2016. Both devices have sold more than 100 thousand units in Turkey. In 2019 and ranked thirdonwards, device leasing, which will be the first such leasing opportunity in September 2015 in termsthe Turkish market for retail customers, will be another solution for us to facilitate the sale of smartphone sales in Turkey accordingsmartphones and otherLTE-enabled devices.

When we sell goods or services as a principal, income and payments to an independent research company.

We extend our value propositions to our broadband products by not charging our customers for activation, modem or installation services and by offering high-speed fiber broadband at attractive prices. Moreover, we use a segment-based approach to maintain customer loyalty, with offers tailoredsuppliers are reported on a customer-by-customer basis.gross basis in revenue and operating costs, respectively. If we sell goods or services as an agent, revenue and payments to suppliers are recorded in revenue on a net basis, representing the margin earned.

We offer fixed broadband internet packages to our residential customers. We also offer internet, voice and TV bundles, where we benefit from the use of our own fiber. We need the incumbent’s network to provide services outside our own fiber zones, thereforeinfrastructure, and in these circumstances we differentiate our offering with our customer services. Therefore, outside of our own fiber infrastructure we are only able to offer double-play packages only with internetbroadband and voice to our customers. We do not offer IPTV service on DSL because our TV technology is IP based and has a multicast structure, and for technical reasons DSL infrastructure cannot support this kind of service. We emphasize our “no hidden prices” value proposition with our broadband products by not charging our customers duefor activation, modem or installation services separately, and by offering high-speed fiber broadband at attractive prices.

We also serve our customers with Wireless to the limitations ofHome service “SUPERBOX”, which offers wireless high-speed internet access for customers who do not have fiber connectivity. The required equipment is included in the ADSL network.subscription plan and uses the LTE Advanced network as a backhaul to provide internet connectivity in customers’ premises.

(iii) OtherDigital Services and Solutions

By providingOver the course of the past three years, Turkcell has invested in building its own digital apps and services, reaching 169 million downloads worldwide. Today, our portfolio covers our communication platform BiP that has a widebroad range of services, Turkcell enables users to remain connected wherever theyfeatures, our music platform fizy, TV platform TV+, local search engine Yaani, secure login service Fast Login, the digital payments company Paycell, and our digital magazine platform Dergilik (which is in the process of being renamed Okudo) among others. We are via their mobile devices. From basic telecommunications services to social community services, Turkcell respondsinvesting in Turkey’s data infrastructure withstate-of-the-art data centers which host local, regional and global players. We contribute to the diverse needsdigital integration of subscribersvarious vertical industries from health to help them connecttransportation.

Since the beginning of this year, we are also focusing on taking this model abroad in cooperation with other trusted telecom operators and digital players in other countries.

After the 4.5G launch and due to life.our digital services strategy, one of our main targets is to increase mobile and fixed multi-play customers. “Mobile triple play” refers to mobile customers who use voice, data and at least one of our strategic digital services, and as of December 31, 2018, our mobile triple play ratio reached 66.7%, up from 55.8% a year ago. As of December 31, 2018, mobile triple play revenue share in mobile revenue increased to 82%, from 73% a year ago. On the fixed side, the “multi-play with TV” ratio refers to those customers who use our fixed residential services and our IPTV service. As of December 31, 2018, the multi-play with TV ratio increased to 48.6%, from 44.4% year over year.

Consumer Products andDigital Services

Turkcell seeks to differentiate itself by providing innovative and pioneering solutions in collaboration with its strong solution providers and various partnerships.

Consumer Product ManagementTurkcell is focused on developing and managing productsdigital services and servicessolutions to address the diverse needs of both consumers and corporate customers, thereby enriching their lives.lives all around the world. These services are designed around three pillars: enhancing the communication experience of our customers via better call management and messaging services, enriching their “on the go” experience by using mobiledigital technologies, especially in the areas of information and entertainment (i.e. television, communication, education, music and sports) and enabling our customers to access information according to their needs and providing conveniencee-commerce services such as secure login and mobile payment and finance services.

Turkcell has numerous activein-housedeveloped a number of Turkcell-branded mobile applications in-house. Turkcell App Market is a localized application store for users to download both free and paid mobile applications to their supported handsets. It enables people to download more than 10,000 applications including Turkcell-branded applications and third party applications such as news, games and sports. As of December 31, 2015, Turkcell has 52 active Turkcell-branded mobile applications that werewhich can be downloaded from app markets (App Store, Play Store, etc.) available for both iOS and Android platforms. These applications areall-access, as they are


available for any user regardless of their choice of mobile operator. Some of these digital services are owned and managed through Lifecell Ventures, a 100% subsidiary of Turkcell incorporated in the Turkcell App Market over 6 million times in 2015.Netherlands. Nearly all of these apps are created by ourin-house mobile application development team, comprised of approximately 1,200 engineers dedicated to developing and sustaining superior digital services experience.

Among others, below are the strategic digital services on which we focus:focus (in no particular order):



BiP is an IntegratedIP-based communication applicationplatform;

TV+ enables subscribers to watch live television channels andon-demand video content on their mobile devices and through the IPTV platform;



TurkcellTV+ enables Turkcell subscribers to watch live television channels and on-demand video content on their mobile devices and through IPTV platform

Turkcell Musicfizy is a digital music platform to stream and download music, listen to radio and watch video and live concerts;



lifebox is a personal cloud service that facilitates data storage;

Dergilik(currently beingre-branded as “Okudo”) is a digital publishing platform which enables access to popular magazines and newspapers published in Turkey;

Yaani is a search engine application, designed to understand the unique syntax of Turkish;

Paycell is the single platform that offers various payment services;

My Account(re-branded as “Digital Operator”) is an application for our customers to track their bills and usage, change their settings and make transactions and purchases;

Goals on Your Mobile (Goller Cepte) allows fans to follow their team and be updated on a wide variety of categories such as game scores and player transfers,transfers;



Smart StorageTurkcell Academy is a cloud service that facilitates data storage;provides digital learning contents and services in various categories such as technology, innovation, personal development, marketing, leadership and certificate programs;



Mobile financeUpCallprovides fast, secure is a call management service, which only Turkcell subscribers can use; it enables users to identify the caller ID, reach unknown numbers and convenient services for our customers’ financial needs such as mobile payment, remote payment, money transfer, utility payment and direct carrier billing.block spam calls.

Kopilot connects cars to smartphones and enables real-time monitoring of metrics on the vehicle’s performance and driving experience.

Supercam ensures the safety of the home and workplace through communication with internal and external cameras.

We regularly monitor the performance of our digital services portfolio through KPIs including the number of downloads, three-month active users (number of unique users who, in the last three months, have logged in the app at least once) and other KPIs that are relevant to each individual service.

IntegratedIP-Based Communication AppPlatform (BiP)

BiP is available for all operators’ subscribers on iOS and Android platforms through App Store and Play Store and has beenwas downloaded 4.833.4 million times in 169192 countries as of December 31, 2015.2018. The application supports five languages including Turkish, English, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian.eleven languages. As of December 31, 2018, BiP has 11.5 million3-month active users. In 2018, 148 million messages were sent daily on average.

The most important features of Turkcell’s IP-based communication app BiP include:includes:


Instant messaging, sending photos, videos, audios and audios,documents;


Group messaging with multiple people;people, instant translation ability;


Integrating two numbers under BiP;

Discover section on business, contests, weather and many more;

Money transfers;

High quality VoIP, and video call;call, group video call up to 10 people;


Entertaining content: Creating and sharing internet memes, a wide range of emojis;


Secret chat—

Disappearing messages in thepre-defined time;


Communicating withnon-BiP users via SMS;SMS and network call; and


Sharing location.

The latest “Official Accounts” feature


BiP Discover section offers a connected life experience as a marketplace that consists of various entertainment and information services. This section offers two way communication between users and services. BiP allows corporate brands, televisionDiscover serves more than 200 different services—including top Turkish banks, TV Shows, celebrities, content providers and radio programs or celebritiescustomer services—with around 50 million followers. In 2018, BiP also started to send real-time information to BiP followers and interact with them via instant messaging, VoIP or video call. Similar to the product offered in Turkey, BiP in Ukraine, includes voice and video call features in addition to messaging capabilities. lifecell subscribers also benefit from free data when using BiP. BiP is also planning to provide instant call center solutions with official accounts in the near future.

offer a gaming section which had seen 4.8 million unique visitors.

Turkcell TVTV+

Turkcell’s multi-screen TV platform Turkcell TV+, launched in October 2014, delivers an enhanced television viewing experience to its subscribers anywhere, any time.time with more than 150 channels. Its unique features as compared to other platforms include the abilities to pause and rewind live streams, record to cloud and the capability to switch between four screens. As of December 31, 2015 Turkcell2018 TV+ reached 558 thousand3.4 million subscribers, 224613.4 thousand of which were IPTV users. We expect that withCustomers who have downloaded TV+ reached 10.8 million. TV+ offers the launchUltra HD supported 4K content box and 4K content on IPTV platform. Within the scope of 4.5G technology in Turkey, a more extensive content library, a new generation 4K-Ultra HD technologythe strategy consisting of appearing on every screen, we deployed TV+ also on Apple TV, Android TV, and application portfolio starting with YouTube, TV+ will become an even more popular and attractive service for both fixed and mobile users while playing an important role for the growth of Turkcell Group.Smart TV applications.

Turkcell Musicfizy

Turkcell’s digital music service Turkcell Musicfizy enables its users, via anthrough the application and the web version, to access a number of songs, videos, live concerts and radio channels with high quality sound on a monthly subscription fee that also includes data available for this service free of data charges.charge. Users can discover new music with the “Weekly Discovery List” feature, and have the flexibility to listen to their favorite songs offline as well.offline. As of December 31, 2015 the Turkcell Music has been2018 fizy was downloaded 5.220.3 million times since 2011.and had 3.2 million3-month active users. In 2018, 30 concerts were broadcasted live on fizy and watched by 1.2 million users. Fizy is also available in Ukraine, Germany, Belarus and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Goals on Your Mobile

Goals on Your Mobile is a sports application tailored for the four biggest soccer clubs’ fans and have been downloaded by 1.6 million times as of December 31, 2015. The service plans to serve the customers new features, such as the fan profile system which offers special features for sports fans, location based games, wearable options such as fitness trackers integrated with the applications, in addition to making replay videos available instantly on the user’s phone.

Cloud Serviceslifebox

Turkcell’s personal cloud service, Turkcell Smart Storage,lifebox is athe first local storage service in Turkey and globally provides itsall users with the ability to store their photos, documents, and videos in one secure, convenient and personal space with autosyncingauto syncing abilities and to share them easily. Everyone who downloads and logs into the lifebox application is given a 5GB of storage space free of charge. In 2018, lifebox began to offer also a phone book synchronizing feature. As of December 31, 2018 lifebox was downloaded 9.6 million times and has 2.6 million3-month active users, with 41 files uploads per user per day on average.


Our digital publishing app, Dergilik gives users access to more than 1,500 popular magazines, including international ones, and more than 50 newspapers published in Turkey. All magazines and newspapers available on Dergilik can also be downloaded and read on a monthly subscription fee. The Dergilik service is enhanced with auto-download, favorite pages and magazines features. Dergilik users can also reach websites of magazines and newspapers free of data charge. As at the end of December 2018, Dergilik was downloaded by 9.6 million customers and reached 12.5 million3-month active users, including users who utilized the Dergilik magazines and newspapers via browser. Dergilik is in the process of being renamed as “Okudo” which is expected to be completed in 2019.


Yaani is Turkey’s search engine and browser, providing a fast, secure and stable browsing experience combined with a unique set of features through the Yaani Browser. Yaani is available for both iOS and Android and also through its website. Yaani was created based on Turkey’s specific user patterns and can access local content first, making each search relevant. With Yaani, Turkcell adds Turkey to the list of countries to have their own search engines. Yaani was downloaded 7.2 million times and has 3 million3-month active users by December 31, 2018.


Paycell is a techfin platfom providing digital payments and core financial solutions such ase-money and direct carrier billing. Paycell offers quick and easy payment services to around 5.2 million customers through following Paycell products and services. Paycell App was downloaded 2.6 million by the end of 2018. Paycell Direct Carrier Billing is a convenient way to pay for digital contents; Prepaid Card is the easiest way to make daily payments for unbanked and banked customers; Payment Gateway & Wallet (Card on File) solution has millions of users and cards for payment services; and Bill Payment services cover more than 300 institutions.


Goals on Your Mobile (Goller Cepte)

Goals on Your Mobile is a sports application designed for the four top soccer clubs’ and live score fans. It provides instant super league goal videos, VAR videos, betting analysis and the latest news. The app was downloaded 8.3 million times and has 1.6 million active users as of December 31, 2018. The service has a new simple and more user-friendly UX (user experience) since the last quarter of 2018.

Turkcell Academy

Turkcell launched the Turkcell Academy service in 2014. Enriched with Turkcell’s technology and trainingknow-how and content partnerships with top institutions worldwide, Turkcell Academy provides an access to a digital and innovative world. Turkcell believes that accessible knowledge with mobility will offer equal opportunities in education and empower people.

Turkcell Academy offers services for consumers and corporates. As the consumer service, Turkcell Academy has a website and mobile application that provide digital learning contents and services in various categories such as technology, innovation, personal development, marketing, leadership, certificate programs.

Regarding the corporate service, the Learning Management System (LMS) of Turkcell Academy enables to easily prepare trainings, courses, exams and questionnaires. User management on the LMS iseasy-to-use and the platform also allows detailed training-tracking and reporting. Besides these advantages of Turkcell Academy LMS as a training tool; it is also a highly developed evaluation tool with its capabilities of simultaneously reporting the responses.

Turkcell Academy mobile application was downloaded 2.8 million times by the end of 2018.

My Account (Digital Operator)

One of our priorities as Turkcell is to drive customer loyalty through the digital platform. Within the scope of this strategy, we have invested in our digital self-service channels. The primary channel is our mobile application called “My Account” with which we provide our customers the ability to track their bills, usage and settings and execute transactions and purchases. Our engagement activities combined with these offerings brought over 37.3 million downloads and 19.2 million3-month active users in 2018. In the fourth quarter of 2018, My Account users generated 27% more ARPU compared tonon-users. Our customer satisfaction and effort scores also indicate that we offer a simple and user friendly experience and make our customers’ lives easier with this service. In 2018, we also used My Account app as the platform to offer a well-appreciated marketing campaign “Shake & Win”, which has delivered 378 million gifts, where 34% of these gifts granted to customers were TV+, fizy, Dergilik, lifebox, BiP and Paycell. This has become a substantive medium for Turkcell subscribers to meet with and experience digital services. My Account is renamed as Digital Operator in the fourth quarter of 2018.


UpCall is an application enriching and facilitating our customers’ calling experience with its different features. When a call is received from a number that is not saved in the phonebook, the caller ID can be seen on the screen while the phone rings. The UpCall application also has a smart search feature that enables the access to the number of an unknown person or place through number query with name; the access to the identity of the owner of an unknown number; as well as the initiation of a group call with a single click. The application also offers its users the opportunity to add a topic, picture or a sticker to their calls. As of December 31, 2018, UpCall was downloaded 5.6 million times.


Kopilot was launched in July 2018 with the aim of making cars smarter. It connects cars to smartphones and enables real-time monitoring of metrics on the vehicle’s performance and the driving experience. Kopilot device and app track performance of vehicles, health, activity and location, providing helpful information on driving behavior, preventative maintenance and car issues.


Supercam was launched in June 2018 to ensure the safety of the home and the workplace with our internal and external cameras. Supercam provide a heightened experience to a growing number of users through its intelligent features.


Smart StoragePlaces & Business Applications

Since 2009, Turkcell has focused on its M2M/IoT business, whose principal markets in Turkey are car telematics, team tracking, fleet management, POS terminals, security alarms, smart metering, mobile health management, smart agriculture and sales force automation applications. Turkcell launched Turkey’s first M2M Platform in March 2012. With the M2M Platform, customers can manage their devices more effectively. As of December 31, 2018, the number of M2M subscribers increased its user base to 1.72.4 million compared to 2.3 million as of December 31, 2015.2017.

Turkcell will continue to pioneer this business line with the release of services on upcoming new technologies such as consumer/corporate IoT,NB-IoT (NarrowBand-Internet of Things). Turkcell aims to become a product factory and launch newend-to-end solutions on specific IoT verticals.

Mobile FinanceSmart Transportation

Smart transportation, a key internet of things vertical for Smart Places & Business Applications, refers to the integrated application of smart technologies and management strategies in mobility systems, which includes B2C/B2B vehicle tracking, connected car solutions and fleet management.

Smart Manufacturing & Energy

Turkcell Odeme Hizmetleri A.S. (“TOHAS”) was foundeddesigns industry 4.0 and energy solutions that increase the productivity of enterprises in Marchthe field of intelligent production and integrated energy solutions. Turkcell provides solutions to create smart factories and has explored various needs and solutions in the overall energy market. We have been offering smart energy solutions through partnerships since 2015 to createhelp corporates monitor their energy consumption and increase their efficiency. Since 2017, Turkcell and Siemens have been working on a convenient payment solutionnew smart energy service, targeting corporates in the market. In 2018, a demo version was successful; the commercial launch of the service is expected in 2019.

Smart Cities & Environment

Smart Cities and Environmental solutions aims to digitally facilitate the lives of citizens and help government institutions deal with challenges raised by urbanization and operate more efficiently. Turkcell aims to expand its role on the smart city value chain through its solutions for transportation, energy, environment, security management, etc. with its strong business partner ecosystem.

Turkcell also continues to support farmers by investing in the field of digital agriculture and livestock. In 2018, more than seventy thousand farmers were able to grow their crops more efficiently with the help of Turkcell SMS information services including village-based daily weather forecasts and right cultivation method recommendations.

Turkcell Filiz, launched in late November 2018, is a mobile application and used with the soil-weather IoT station. It provides instant data regarding the field and aims to increase productivity of the grower by helping their irrigation and spraying decisions according to soil and weather conditions.

Smart Buildings

Turkcell plans to launch smart home and building solutions to provide comfort and security for its userscustomers’ living and to offer them a streamlined shopping experience. TOHAS has applied to the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (the “BRSA”) for the Payment Services and E-Money Institutions license under the related legislation. Turkcell Mobile Payment service expanded its merchant network and reached over 2,000 merchants by providing quick and easy payment methods to mobile app stores, restaurant chains, parking lots, transportation services, insurance premium payments and the airport fast track services.working areas.

Corporate Products and ServicesBusiness Applications & Society Solutions

Corporate Product ManagementBusiness Applications provides corporate customers with a competitive advantage by providingnon-core industrial solutions. Fleet Management, Employee Tracking, Push-to-Talk Services, Energy Monitoring Servicesmanagement, employee tracking,push-to-talk services, cloud based Saas products, digital invoicing solutions, and New Generation Cash Register Solutionsnew generation cash register solutions are available to streamline customer processes and provide operational efficiency through new revenue streaming channels, better customer reach and experience.

Real-time Enterprise

Turkcell has started the “Real-time Enterprise” initiative which aims to transform traditional enterprise processes into innovative, mobile-centric, real-time business processes. Real-time Enterprise consists of 3 major strategies: Mobile Enterprise, Real-time Marketing and Zero Infrastructure Enterprise.

Mobile Enterprise uses end-to-end solutions running on smartphones and tablets, which are replacing computers, to access information from anywhere. The solutions consist of automation solutions such as field sales automation, M2M products such as Smart Fleet, Ekip Mobil and communication solutions such as the Turkcell Video Conference.

Real-time Marketing enables enterprises to reach the right and relevant audience at the right time and location. With the helprise of the big data analytics and the Internet of Things (“IoT”), Turkcell marketing solutions allow enterprises to understand their current or potential customers and provide the opportunity for effective marketing.

Zero Infrastructure Enterprise facilitates ownership of a flexible, scalable, reliable and secure IT and communication infrastructure without the burden of capital expenditure. Turkcell currently has datacenter investments, and provides collocation servicesenterprise applications market as well as publicimprovements in mobile internet, cloud services and private devices, businesses have been undergoing a strategically important process of digital and mobile transformation. Turkcell continues to be a strategic business partner to companies in all industries for transformation projects that aim to render all processes manageable via mobile devices anytime and anywhere.

e-Company is a platform which digitally transforms companies’ accounting and transaction processes. This platform, with more than a thousand customers, helps companies save paper, cartridge and storage space costs.

Big Data Services

In addition, to using data analysis for internal purposes, to refine and improve its offering to customers, Turkcell also offers managed ITanalytic services to fully managed enterprise ICTcompanies to help them understand the sector dynamics with sector based analysis, get to


know their customer base by providing demographic and behavioral analysis or competitor analysis to help them support their marketing strategy with data. Companies could also benefit from Turkcell’s user based data through cloud as an input to their business analytics processes on behalf of their customers.

or also get predictive services with Turkcell AI capabilities through cloud to help them reduce churn ratio, create a customer credit risk, target the right customer for the right offer or find the right people to advertise for new customer acquisition.

Turkcell Super Esnaf ApplicationInsights as a Service

Super Esnaf isTurkcell relaunched B2B insight services in 2018 to create an end to end solution for B2B customer market research needs. Turkcell provides a location-based application which provides the geographic information of approximately 300,000 small business owners. The aim of the application iscomprehensive market research or performance report to make small business owners more visibleseveral sectors on brand’s and accessible,competitors’ customer profile, branch visits, crowdedness, purchasing behavior etc. This serves as an innovative and data-based alternative for traditional market research. Also, base station signals are used for location analytics and mobility index projects to make it easiercreate data-based decision making process for people using Super Esnaf applicationtransportation and public sectors, or help companies boost their outdoor marketing activities by enabling them to find the nearest craftsmen according tobest locations that match their needs. There are 62 categories of business operators from grocery stores to carpenters available on the Super Esnaf application.brand.

Turkcell Smart Enablers Services

Turkcell Smart Enablers is a network of mobile-based and innovative technological services that offers companies the opportunity to know their customers better, reach the right customer in the right place, and increase security measures. These services are provided through a web service (API) that is easy to integrate into a company’s existing systems. Eighteen services have been launched within this service group.

As of the date of this annual report, more than 300 companies evaluate their business processes and provide new technological services to their customers by using Turkcell Smart Enablers web services (APIs).

Turkcell Smart Map: The Turkcell Smart Map service, which is another first for Turkey, makes it possible for companies who want to target specific customers to analyze large-scale data. Turkcell Smart Map is working on a website in which Turkcell’s corporate customers can analyze Turkcell’s mobile activity concentration at a point and time where an activity is being planned, or analyze where their own customers are concentrated at a specific time of day. Through this application, companies may have access to important data that will help them conduct marketing activities, develop growth strategies, and decide on new investment and design campaigns. In 2015, Turkcell developed new features such as Point of Interest (POI) analysis, movement analysis and interactive dashboard reports.

Location Based Services:

Corporate customers can monitor and manage their sales forces and fleets with Ekip Mobil. Ekip Mobil (“Team Mobile”). Team Mobile is a management console that allows customers to view their field teams/vehicles on a map, define alarms for specific regions and create direct communication channels to the field. Ekip MobilTeam Mobile can be used on any mobile device. For companies,device and comes at a minimal investment cost for the investment costscompanies.

Digital Society Solutions

Turkcell is eager to use its digital and technical competencies to create value for society, help disadvantaged groups to obtain equal social inclusion and create a better future. This focus resulted in several digital society solutions, includingHello Hope,My Dream Companion andMy Sign Language.

Hello Hope is a mobile application which aims at facilitating the lives of Syrian refugees in Turkey, launched as a corporate social responsibility project in September 2016. Previously recognized by the GSMA for best use of mobile technology in humanitarian and emergency situations, “Hello Hope” received another award from the World Summit for Information Society (WSIS), led by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the UN body for the telecommunications industry in 2017. Additionally, “Hello Hope” was selected among globally inspirational projects by the UNESCO-Pearson Initiative for Literacy. The mobile app reached almost 1 million downloads as of the end of 2018.

My Dream Companion (MDC) application enables visually disabled individuals to access information in a fast and easy manner, and provides them more active and independent social life. Users can access thousands of daily news, columns, audio books, trainings and magazines. MDC’s indoor navigation technology provides visually disabled people with and access to detailed information with regard to the stores they are minimal.passing by in shopping malls, and directs them to the appropriate store. Transportation technology of the application provides accessible transportation experiences for visually disabled people. Moreover, MDC provides audio description over a mobile application-a world first- without requiring any extra equipment or software.

My Sign Language is a mobile application that seeks to improve communication between hearing impaired people and people who do not know sign language. Written or spoken words/expressions can be instantly translated into video by the 3D Sign Language translator. It includes the most comprehensive Digital Sign Language dictionary with more than 3,500 words. As at the end of 2018, the application was downloaded 100 thousand times.


Arikovani (means ‘Beehive’ in Turkish) is a crowdfunding platform that helps entrepreneurs obtain funds needed to execute their technology or innovation-oriented projects through small to large support from the public. The main objectives of Arikovani are to increase Turkey’s domestic technology production and to raise social awareness around technology production. By the end of 2018, 34 projects raised more than TRY 4.6 million with individual backers and corporate companies. Turkcell supports every project at the “crowd funding” stage and encourages other corporates to support these projects.

Digital Business Infrastructure

Turkcell aims to contribute to increasing companies’ efficiency through its digital business infastructure solutions such as Domain, DNS, Web Hosting and Database services.

Turkcell Smart EducationWiFi: The aim provides Wifi Hotspot services for businesses with some core features that include the storing of the wifi records, all access carrier, consumer analytics and customer-oriented marketing.


Turkcell Smart Education programFax service enables corporate customers to send and receive faxes digitally from anywhere.

Digital Messaging Services enables companies to expand and reach their customers through their messages.

Rich Content Messages is a digital Messaging Service that enhances the customer’s ability to provide an interactive education platformsend visual messages by reaching their customers at the right place and at the right time through our location-based SMS services. This service has helped our customers to create fast and efficient solutions for corporate customers. Classrooms with interactive whiteboards, document cameras and lecture capture systems will support active-learning environments. Telepresence systems, video and web conferencing enables online education or distance learning for participants around the world.their marketing needs.

AuthenticationSMS Donation Services enables institutions and organizations to collect donations more conveniently.

Digital Identity Management Services

Fast Login is a secure universal login solution which allows consumers to securely access a wide array of digital services and websites using their mobile phone account for authentication. It is powered by GSMA under the Mobile Connect name and was launched in December 2015. Simply by matching the user to their mobile phone, Fast Login allows them to login to websites and applications quickly without the need to remember passwords and usernames.

Mobile Signature which was, launched in February 2007, enables mobile subscribers to sign electronic documents and transactions with a legally-acceptedlegally-binding digital signature using GSM SIM cards. Mobile signature subscribersSignature users can easily verify their personal identity in a digital environment and complete transactions remotely, without needing to be physically present. remotely.

One Time Password is widely used by corporate customers for two-leveltwo-factor authentication controls onin the context of transactions. The service allows corporate customersusers to send asingle-use password via SMS to consumers when providing authentication on transactions.transaction authentication. It is widely used for online banking processes and login transactions.

Cloud Services

Turkcell offers a wide range of cloud solutions for its corporate customers. These services range from collocationco-location solutions to infrastructure (next generation virtual server, virtual data center), backup, disaster recovery and security services. In 2015,2018, Turkcell managed over 20005,000 virtual servers and protected more than 15 Petabyte of data for its corporate customers. As of December 31 2015,2018, our datacenters are based across fiveeight locations in Turkey on approximately 7,00059,000 square meters.

meters of total data center indoor space.

In 2016, to meet Turkey’s digital data management need, we built the nation’s largest Tier 3 Designed data center in Gebze, which has a closed area of 33 thousand square meters with 10 thousand square meters of white space, 30 MVA power capacity meeting the highest standards. In 2018, we have invested in Izmir data center that has a 14,500 square meters in total space.

We have integrated all of our cloud services Through this platform, users may configure their infrastructure and software services within minutes and manage them through a self-service portal. Users can use the latest technologies providing business continuity over Turkcell Cloud without undertaking investment costs.

Turkcell offers cloud based applications from its data centers. Apart from the basic hosting ande-mail solutions, Turkcell offers cloud based (aaS) productivity applications such as videoconferencing and faxe-company which enable corporate customers to sendmanage their financial processes with already integrated accounting,e-invoice,e-ledger and receive fax digitally from anywhere.e-archive invoice products.

Machine to Machine (“M2M”)Management of Hospital Information Systems

Since 2009, Turkcell has focused on its M2M business, whose principal marketsWe have started the digital hospital era in Turkey are car telematics, team tracking, fleet management, POS terminals, security alarms, smart metering, mobile health management, smart agricultureby launching “City Hospitals” projects in cooperation with Ronesans Health Investment (four hospitals) and sales force automation applications. Turkcell launched Turkey’s first M2M PlatformAkfen (one hospital). Five City Hospitals operate through “Management of Hospital Information Systems” built by Turkcell. We expect to complete another contract in March 2012. With the M2M Platform, customers can manage their devices more effectively. As of December 31, 2015, the number of M2M subscribers increased to 1.9 million compared to 1.5 million as of December 31, 2014.2019.

Mobile MarketingTurkcell Securee-Commerce platform

Turkcell utilizes mobile marketingAs the usage of digital services increases, our customers tend to need a secure authentication and advertising channelspayment system for the products and services they access online. Responding to create additional value for its customers. In 2015, many companies sought to expand and reach their customers through corporate messaging products, differentiating themselves from the competition. Those companies tothis need, we have created fast and efficient solutions to their marketing needs through the use of bulk messaging stand apart from the competition by enriching their messages in terms of visual aspects with rich content messages which is a corporate messaging service that enhances the customer’s ability to send visual messages and by reaching their customers at the right place, at the right time, with our location-based SMS services. These companies also collected customer feedback by conducting satisfaction surveys using our Instant Response suite.

Increase in smartphone and tablet penetration has resulted in more data usage, more space to be creative and the need for more interactive marketing toolsestablished ane-commerce model (Turkcell Securee-Commerce platform) in order to be engagedcomplement our own digital services, and to provide solutions for our corporate partners in the Turkish electronic commerce market. Internet users can securely login to digital services with customers. As theour Fast Login. Further, users can shop online and use of mobile devices increases, mobile marketing has become a necessary part of every brand’s marketing strategy. Turkcell utilizes mobile marketingeasy and advertising channels to create additional value for payment methods provided by Paycell.

See “Item 3.D. Risk Factors” for a discussion of the regulatory changes affecting our mobile marketing services & solutions.

Turkcell Partner Network

Since 2002, Turkcell has been developing new products and services with its partners. Beginning in 2004, these partnerships were established under the Turkcell Partner Network programs. The Turkcell Partner Network is a business ecosystem comprising more than 200 registered business partners functioning as application service providers, content providers, service provider system integrators, independent service vendors, and original equipment manufacturer business partners. This ecosystem comprises a business network of more than 10,000 professionals recruited by our partners and their distribution channels. Functioning in a versatile business environment, the Turkcell Partner Network is reinforced with a framework of development programs, technological systems and digital communications infrastructure to announce, publicize, process, monitor, grade, analyze, improve, regulate and sustain partnership management schemes and models. By utilizing this framework, partners in the Turkcell Partner Network are evaluated on a semi-annual basis on financial and customer experience performances.40


(iv) Wholesale

(i) International Roaming

Our coverage extends to many countries inaround the through our roaming agreements. As of December 31, 2015,2018, we believe we have further enhanced our position as a leading mobile operator of international roaming services in Turkey by expanding our partnership in 208211 destinations throughout the world, pursuant to commercial roaming agreements with 695592 operators.

Since July 2002, we have provided roaming services for prepaid subscribers of foreign mobile operators visiting Turkey. We were the first operator to provide such a service in Turkey. This service, called Passive Customized Applications for Mobile Network Enhanced Logic (“passive CAMEL”), can only be enabled if both operators have installed the passive CAMEL system on their networks. As of December 31, 2015,2018, we offered prepaid roaming to the prepaid subscribers of 410372 operators in 154from 167 destinations.

Since October 2004, we have offered roaming services for Turkcell prepaid subscribers traveling abroad. This service, called Active Customized Applications for Mobile Network Enhanced Logic (“active CAMEL”), can only be enabled if both operators have installed the active CAMEL system on their networks. As of December 31, 2015,2018, we offered prepaid roaming to Turkcell prepaid subscribers through 422421 operators in 174182 destinations.

Since October 2002, we have offered GPRS roaming. As of December 31, 2015,2018, we allowedmade it possible for our subscribers to access the internet and reach their email accounts while traveling,passing through 558199 destinations serviced our 495 GPRS roaming partners across 197

As of December 31, 2015,2018, our subscribers can send SMS to more than 695724 mobile operators located in 207209 destinations, including North America and China and in orderChina. With a view to balancebalancing international SMS traffic, we have 6361 International SMS Interworking Agreements in place.

Since December 2005, our subscribers have been able to send and receive MMS to and from subscribers of foreign operators. As of December 31, 2015,2018, our subscribers were able to send MMS to 138390 mobile operators in 74142 destinations.

On July 30, 2009, we became the first operator in Turkey to launch 3G Roamingroaming services in many different locations around the world. As of December 31, 2015,2018, our subscribers enjoyed high speed mobile internet connections with 388430 operators in 163186 destinations.

On January 20, 2015, we launched LTE roaming services for our subscribers in many different locations around the world. As of December 31, 2018, our subscribers experienced LTE roaming services with 216 operators in 115 destinations.

On April 1, 2016, we launched LTE roaming services for visitor subscribers from many different countries. As of December 31, 2018, subscribers of 197 operators from 96 different locations experienced LTE roaming services on the Turkcell network.

We have entered into direct international roaming agreements with GSM operators around the world, including in Cuba, Iran, Sudan, Libya and Syria. These arrangements have been entered into in the ordinary course of business and onarm’s-length terms that we believe to be in line with industry standards. Under the roaming arrangements in the listed countries, our net revenues for roaming on our Turkish network totaled less than TRY2.9TRY 7 million in 2015 and2018 while our net expense for our subscribers roaming on the networks of operators in the listed countries was less than TRY2.5 million in 2015.TRY 3.1 million. In terms of revenue generation, we do not believe that our roaming arrangements with operators in Cuba, Iran, Sudan, Libya and Syria are material. For additional details regarding our international roaming agreements with Syria, please refer to “Item 4.B Disclosure Pursuant to Section 219 of the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 (ITRA)”.

(ii) Wholesale Voice

Turkcell and Superonline Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S. (“Turkcell Superonline”) together supply wholesale voice service by establishing interconnection agreements with fixed line and mobile operators and international carriers.

As of December 31, 2015,2018, Turkcell Superonline had interconnection agreementagreements with more than fifty localeighty national and international carriers. Turkcell has interconnection agreements with Turk Telekom, Vodafone, Avea (mobile section of Turk Telekom) and other Fixed Telephony Service Operators and via these agreements, parties connect their networks to enable the transmission of calls to and from their mobile communications system. As of December 31, 2015,2018, Turkcell had interconnection agreementagreements with 28more than 75 fixed line and mobile operators and carriers.


For Turkcell, current interconnection rates are based on the ICTA’s decision on the MTRsMobile Termination Rates (“MTRs”) and FTRs.Fixed Termination Rates (“FTRs”). ICTA designated Turkcell as an operator having significant market power in the mobile access and call origination markets. Due to this designation, Turkcell is obliged to provide access and call origination service to MVNOs and directory services.service providers. As of December 31, 2015,2018, Turkcell had agreements with 1211 Directory Service Providers. Commercial negotiations in view of reaching agreements with MVNOs are ongoing. For more information, see “Item 4.B. Business Overview—Regulation of the Turkish Telecommunications Industry”.

(iii) Wholesale Data

Our vision on wholesale data is to become a preferred regional player has been reinforced within a digitally hyper-connected world. To do this, we have developed a robust infrastructure which includes 11 border crossings in Turkey.from Turkey to other jurisdictions. Five border crossings are towards Europe where we can offer various diversity options to connect with important European cities through protected and completely diverseseparate routes. Six of the border crossings are towards the East, where we can offer capacity services to the Caucasus and Caspian region as well to the Middle East.

Starting from 2010,In accordance with our strategy, Turkcell Superonline is also establishing and executing a domestic wholesale business strategy to provide wholesale products such as a consortium member of Regional Cable Network (“RCN”) Project, we are linking Asiabit stream access via its FTTx fiber coverage, infrastructure services, backbone transmission, Ethernet, IP transit capacities, cyber security and VPN services to Europe through our fiber optic infrastructure, which represents a milestoneoperators, service providers and data center companies in the communications historydomestic market in Turkey.

Turkcell Superonline is leading the localization strategy for Turkey’s data and completing our visioninternet traffic by developing partnerships with national operators, internet exchange platforms,Tier-1 operators, global/local content and cloud service providers to make Istanbul the regional traffic exchange pointenable direct access to all networks and also commercializing internet traffic.

Turkcell Superonline, which aims to transform the Silk Road into the Fiber Road.

Road, and has been taking important steps to develop Istanbul as the world’s newest internet base due to its geostrategic location. Accordingly, the company provides a bridge between east and west, which supplies a continuous connection with partnerships with theTier-1 operators and strategic partners between Asia, the Middle East and Europe, such as RCN. Today, we provide telecom services to more than 70100 international operators includingTier-1 companies. Currently,As of December 31, 2018, we have the capacity to carry more than 2 Terabit7 Tbps of international traffic.

IV. Tariffs

Our charges for voice, messaging,data and datadigital services consist mainly of bundles and also monthly fees, usage prices, bundles and volume discount schemes and options under various tariff schemes. The ICTA regulations and our license agreement regulates our tariffs in terms of minimum and maximum prices for GSM services. For more information on how our maximum and minimum price levels are established, see “Item 4.B. Business Overview—Regulation of the Turkish Telecommunications Industry”.

We have various segmented tariff plans for mobile that target specific subscriber groups (postpaid or prepaid, corporate or consumer). In the postpaid segment, linear tariffs offer flat and on-net (Turkcell subscriber to Turkcell subscriber) usage advantages. A majority of our customers prefer chooseall-inclusive packages which include minutes to Turkcell, intra-company calls (for the corporate segment) and all national directions,calls, data, and SMS. Turkcell also offers all-inclusive packages with annual fixed-price plans that include price discounts and/or extra minutes.most of our digital services.

Turkcell’s fixed offers are based on speed quota and fair usage.quota. The tariffs are designed upon the composition of the different needs of different customers. Turkcell’s own fiber infrastructure lets fiber offers with high speeds throughout our own infrastructurespeed up to 1000 Mbps, usually bundled with voice, devices and TV products. DSLIn 2018, Turkcell also begun to offer a tariff for a speed of 10,000 Mbps. ADSL offers up to 16 mbps8 Mbps and has voice bundled tariffs. InSince 2016, we expect that VDSL will beis offered to our customers using DSL products, with higher speeds.speeds up to 100 Mbps.

Turkcell’s strategy is focused on providing high quality service and creating value rather than competing on prices. Accordingly, Turkcell aims to offer the best network quality to its customers, and also to be a leader in digital services. Better user experience and differentiated offers provide Turkcell with the flexibility to price its tariffs based on cost and investments and to apply an inflationary pricing policy.

In the new communication landscape, our Lifecell brand in Turkey is focused on the creation of customer value through tariff models by positioning digital services as its main core. Digital services constitute a significant part of Lifecell’s value proposition as tariffs have unlimited BiP to BiP minutes, music subscription and streaming with the music app fizy, TV subscription and video streaming data with TV+ along with personal cloud lifebox ande-magazine app Dergilik. Lifecell launched a new tariff structure in July 2018 where customers can create their packages by choosing their own applications from apre-defined list. Leveraging the same approach, in late 2018, Lifecell launched “Hadi”add-on packages through which customers can purchase hourly, daily and weekly data quota to watch videos or to share through social media without being limited by the data quota of their main tariff.


(i) Consumer Tariffs and Loyalty Programs

We mainly offer bundled packages including voice, data, SMS and various digital services. We focus on providing a leading mobile experience in Turkey, and in order to meet customer needs we offer a varietylarge portfolio of voice packages which include on-net and/or flat minutes. We also offer bundled versions of these packages includingtariffs. Our tariffs are becoming more data based and flat SMS.enriched with digital services in order to meet customer demand.

We have various tariff bundled terminalsmart device campaigns offered jointly by our dealer channel in which minutes, SMS and data and digital services can be bundled with these terminals,smart devices, which are expected to lead to higher mobile broadband and services usage.

We also have various mobile data bundled offers based on different customer needs according to their usage patterns such as lifestyle segments, data amount, usage hours, and seasonal usage. Examples include shared data packages, URL-based offers, throttling data packages, VINN (dongle) and VINN Wi-Fi offers, Kamu VINN and need-based VINN offers.

Today, more and more customersConsumers need reliable, consistent and uninterrupted internet connectivity both for mobile and fixed networks. At Turkcell, we focus on providing the best customer experience in all channels supported by competitive offers and an extensive network. We initiated our convergence program with two products for consumer and corporate segments, which include fixed broadband (fiber or DSL) and mobile broadband launched in December 2015. In 2016,2018, we will continuehave continued providing the best service and fastest speed with 4.5G offers in mobile. With Lifecell tariffs, we offer digital values instead of traditional telecommunication services (i.e. minutes or SMS). The voice and video calls and instant messaging needs of our customers are met via BiP. Customers can listen to music on fizy, watch movies on TV+, read magazines and newspapers on Dergilik, store their data on lifebox application, search through Yaani with unlimited data and also obtain 24/7 customer service support via BiP. BiP serves as the main communication channel between Lifecell tariff and its subscribers where Lifecell provides customer services, new campaigns and retention activities via the BiP channel. We continue to pioneer with new tariff structures through our Lifecell brand.

In fixed broadband products (fiber and DSL internet), we have various tariffs for different internet speeds and quota. We offer 2515 Mbps to 1000 Mbps internet speed in thefor fiber internet, which we serve through our own infrastructure. The campaign pricesIn 2018, we have launched our fiber internet offer with 10 Gbps speeds, which is currently not offered by our competitors in Turkey. Starting in 2018, our fixed broadband tariffs are valid for a 24-month12-month commitment (down from24-months) while we continue to have customers on24-month commitments. In late 2018, we have removed the fair usage quota from our fixed broadband tariffs, offering a constant speed experience for our customers. Furthermore, we have started to offer services to our customers through the Vodafone and Turksat infrastructure as part of our mutual infrastructure sharing agreements.

We also offer IPTV service TV+ on our fiber infrastructure and in 2018, we generally acquire customers for a 24-month commitment.continued marketing our TV+ bundled offers. Our fixed voice productservice is bundled with our fixed data product.broadband service. We also have tablet and desktopdesk phone campaigns in which the terminals are offered jointly by dealers, bundled with Turkcell Superonline fixed data products.

Turkcell intends to provide advantageous price schemes to consumer and corporate customers when abroad. With a customer-oriented focus, Turkcell offers alternatives to its subscribers with high- andlow-roaming usage. All Turkcell postpaid customers can enjoy “Roam Like Home” offer, enabling them to use their domestic tariff while abroad by paying a certain daily fee.

We have three applications called Platinum, GNC, and SIM which serve as platforms for our loyalty programs.

Platinum is an application for both consumer and corporate subscribers with the Platinum tariff. The Platinum app provides privileges and gifts such as plane tickets or free cinema tickets, free books, attractiveco-branding offers, car park services at several shopping malls and more. Our digital services such as TV+ and lifebox are bundled with Platinum tariffs.

GNC is an application for the youth segment for both Turkcell subscribers andnon-Turkcell users. The GNC app gives free internet two times a week through gamification. The “GNC App” also providesco-branding offers, numerous opportunities for education and career via Turkcell Academy.

SIM is the first digital platform in Turkey that is specific to women for both Turkcell subscribers andnon-Turkcell users. SIM provides information that women generally need in their daily lives from a single source. The usage of SIM is data free, enabling a better customer experience. Its users can access numerous special offers and discounts from different brands.

Further, we have been conducting a marketing campaign called “Shake & Win”, which can be deemed a loyalty program. The campaign is available through our online self-service channel My Account and extends various gifts including free one month subscriptions to some of our digital services, free daily or weekly data quota. We have also launched an interactive campaign called “Surprise Point” where customers join through BiP and visit certain locations to receive similar gifts as in the case of Shake & Win campaign. These campaigns not only have helped to increase data usage but also enabled our subscribers to become familiar with our digital services. These campaigns have also contributed to customer retention by increasing their loyalty.


(ii) Corporate Tariffs and Loyalty Programs

We offer a variety of bundle packages including voice, packagesdata, SMS, companyon-net and/or flat minutes and digital services and solutions to meet our corporate customers to meet theircustomers’ communication needs. These packages include company, on-net and/or flat minutes. We also offer bundled versions of these packages including data and flat SMS.

We also offer various terminal campaigns in which voice, SMS and data packages can be bundled with different terminals. In addition, we provide various mobile data packages in order to meet different customer needs. These packages include shared data packages,URL-based packages, VINNWi-Fi offers and tablet bundled campaigns.

In addition to mobile tariffs, we also address and provide solutions to our corporate customers’customers different telecommunication needs with the Total Telecom Solutions Provider (“TTSP”)our total telecom solutions provider approach. WeAccordingly, we provide TTSP products such as VOIP, MPLS/VPN, data center, cloud, and mobile and fixed bundle offers to our customers from a single source. Moreover, we have initiated new data center investments in Gebze and Ankara, which are expected to become active during the second half of 2016. Our corporate customers will benefit from the services provided by thethrough our data centers which include located in Kocaeli, Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir on a total of white area of 20 thousand square meters, includingco-location, cloud and security services.

We have dedicated voice and non-voice offers, and provide different benefits for “artisans”. We have a loyalty club called Artisans Club which addresses the 360-degree needs of artisans. The club offers advantages such as 30% discounted shipping with Yurtici Kargo and four-months free of Pronet Security Products and Services. In addition to dedicated products, tariffs and loyalty clubs for craftsmen, we created a Platinum platform in which craftsmen can receive extra Platinum Business benefits, as well as can benefit from customized customer experience processes which are designed only for them.

We also launched a new corporate add on packages primarily targeting enterprise segment customers. These add on packages enable our corporate customers to transfer voice, data or roaming packages to any Turkcell customer regardless of whether the line is owned by a corporate or an individual. Our corporate customers may transfer and cancel any add on package at any time by using the online transaction channel or via dedicated corporate representatives.

For corporate customers, Turkcell Superonline provides internet services over its fiber-optic infrastructure with the latest transport technology and DSL infrastructure of the incumbent fixed operator. We have “fixed internet” offers and “fixed internet and VoIP” bundle offers. With our offers, modem products are free.We have various tariffs for different internet speeds and quotas. We also offer fixed internet and exclusive tablet or smartphone bundles jointly by dealer channel for our increase revenue and customer loyalty.

We have two loyalty programs which area program called “Win at Work” and Platinum Business. We launchedfor our business to business (“B2B”) loyalty program, Win at Work, in March 2010, for Turkcell’s corporate customers. Win at Work, is the first loyalty program focused on the B2B segment. The main focus of Win at Work is to offersegment, offers several advantages to our corporate customers and provide them with cost advantages on their non-GSM costs.customers. With this program, Turkcell’s corporate customers get discounts in several areas such as market, gas, transportation, technology, car rentals, dry cleaning services, translation services. Platinum Businessareas. Also, this program is athe first corporate converged loyalty program, providing discounts for both corporate subscribers with Platinum tariff plan which provides attractive co-branding offers with various brands suchfixed customers and corporate mobile customers. Our corporate customers can also benefit from the advantages of the My Account app as discounts on sea taxi services betweenwell as the Asian-European sides of Istanbul and providing shuttle services to reach their destination during ski holidays.“Shake & Win” campaign.

(iii) Wholesale Tariffs

Turkcell intendsIn 2018, ensuring the necessary wholesale roaming cost basis to provide advantageous price schemesbe able to customers when abroad. With a customer-oriented focus, Turkcell offers products to subscribers with high-support the new roaming consumer and low-roaming usage. For subscribers preferring low-usage, Turkcell offers a linear roaming tariff known ascorporate tariffs and propositions “Roam Like Home” was one of the “Turkcell World Tariff”. The subscribers, unless they apply for a specific roaming package, are subject tomain focuses of the Turkcell World Tariff when traveling abroad. In January 2013, the “SmartWholesale Roaming Tariff” was launched. With this tariff, voice/SMS bundle and data-only solutions are offered. The Smart Roaming Tariff activates automatically, if and only when, the subscriber makes/receives a call, sends an SMS or uses GPRS. The tariff is activated again after the limits are exceeded. Whenever the subscriber goes abroad again, the tariff is reactivated automatically with the first usage unless the subscriber has already opted out. Additionally, Platinum customers enjoy “Super Roaming Campaign” which enables them to use their domestic tariff while abroad by paying a daily fee. Other than the Smart and Super Roaming options, Turkcell offers advantageous voice, internet and SMS packages for high-usage levels. Overall, Turkcell aims to provide better roaming experiences with various pricing schemes that fit different usage patterns.Agreements.

Based on Turkcell’s roaming agreements, Turkcell hosts the subscribers of foreign operators on its network. When a subscriber of a foreign operator makes a call using Turkcell’s network, that subscriber’s operator pays us our inter-operator tariff (“IOT”) for the specific call type. IOT is a wholesale tariff applied between mobile operators havingwith roaming agreements.

Interconnection rates in Turkey are based on the ICTA’s decision on the interconnection tariffs for Turkcell, Vodafone, Avea, Turk Telekom and Fixed Telephony Service Operators.

With respect to data sales, Turkcell intends to provide competitive prices to promote Istanbul as a regional hub for peering and IP transit and international capacities, as well as to support domestic wholesale market through its robust network with feasible commercial conditions.

V. Churn

Mobile churn rate is the percentage of disconnected subscribers calculated by dividing the total number of subscriber disconnections during a period by the average number of subscribers for the same period. For these purposes, we define “average number of subscribers” as the number of subscribers at the beginning of the period plus one half of the total number of gross subscribers acquired during the period. Churn refers to subscribers that are both voluntarily and involuntarily disconnected from our network. Under our disconnection process, postpaid subscribers who do not pay their bills are disconnected and included in churn upon the commencement of a legal process to disconnect them, which commences approximately 180 days from the due date of the unpaid bill. Pending disconnection,non-paying subscribers are suspended from service (but are still considered subscribers) and receive a suspension warning, which in some cases results in payment and reinstatement of service. Prepaid subscribers who do not reload TRYprovide the necessary payment for a period of 270 days are disconnected (this was changed in 2010 from 210 days). Under our churn policy, prepaid subscribers are disconnected from the system if they do nottop-up above TRY10 during a ninetwelve month period.

In the fourth quarter of 2015, 379 thousand subscriptions, and in the first quarter of 2016, 196 thousand subscriptions which were nottopped-up at all within the stipulated period were disconnected. In 2015, the first quarter of 2017, our mobile churn policy was extended from the regulatory minimum in Turkey of 9 months to 12 months, except with regard to prepaid customers who last topped up before March of each year, which will be disconnected byyear-end at the latest. Prior periods have not been restated to reflect the change in churn policy. The mobile churn rate decreasedfor 2017 disclosed in this document have been positively impacted by this change, in part due to 27.3%the fact that we have been successful in reactivating certain subscriptions during the additional 3 month extension. We believe that following this revision, the seasonality effect in churn rate, which is caused by periodic subscriber acquisition, has been reduced to a great extent.


Starting in the third quarter of 2018, we changed the presentation of churn figures to demonstrate average monthly churn figures which we believe corresponds to market practice. Accordingly, in 2018, the average monthly mobile churn rate increased to 2.1% from 28.3%1.9% in 2014,2017 primarily due to churn actions such as voice/data bundle offers based on different customer needs. The fixed churn rate also decreasedthe price increases throughout the year mainly to 16.7% in 2015 from 17.7% in 2014.reflect higher inflation.

We have what we believe to be an adequate allowance for doubtful receivables in our Consolidated Financial Statements fornon-payments and disconnections amounting to TRY816.4TRY 938.5 million and TRY727.7TRY 778.4 million as of December 31, 20152018 and 2014,2017, respectively.

The churn rate for the fixed broadband products is calculated in the same way as the churn rate for the mobile products.products (except in fixed broadband, customers that change infrastructure from fiber to DSL or vice versa counted in churn rate). Fixed broadband subscribers who do not pay their bills are disconnected in15-62 days according to the financial risk segments of the customers. The legal process commences approximately 104 days from the due date of the unpaid bill. The average monthly fixed churn rate was flat with 1.8% in 2018 compared to the same level in 2017.

VI. Seasonality

The Turkish mobile communications market is affected by seasonal peaks and troughs. Historically, the effects of seasonality on mobile communications usage has positively influenced our results in the second and third quarters of the fiscal year and negatively influenced our results in the first and fourth quarters of the fiscal year. Recently, however, dueThese seasonality effects have been less significant as we typically launch market campaigns to changing market dynamics, such asaddress the ICTA’s interventionchange in our tariffs and increasing competition in the Turkish telecommunications market, the effects of seasonality from our customers’ mobile communications usage has decreased.demand levels. Local and religious holidays in Turkey have also generally affectedaffect our operational results.results positively through higher consumption.

The Turkish fixed broadband market is also affected by seasonal peaks and troughs. Historically, the effects of seasonality on fixed broadband usage have negatively influenced our results in the third quarter of the fiscal year. This is mainly due to summer holidays when both usage and acquisition numbers decrease and churn increases due to residents moving.

VII. Mobile and Fixed Network


Statements regarding our 2G coverage are based on the ICTA’s specifications as well as the TUIK’s announcements regarding the population, and statements regarding our 3G coverage are based on the ICTA’s 3G coverage calculation specifications issued on April 25, 2012. 2015. Statements regarding 4.5G coverage and performance are based on our own calculations, pending publication of ICTA specifications.

Our mobile communications network is designed to provide high-quality coverage to the majority of Turkey’s population throughout the areas in which they live, work and travel. As of December 31, 2015, Turkcell covered 95.12% of Turkey and 99.85% of its population, including 100% of cities with a population of 1,000 or more. Coverage also includes a substantial part of the Mediterranean and Aegean coastline, and during 2015, wecoastline. We enhanced coverage inlow-populated areas (populations of less than 1,000 people) as well. In terms of 2G, we have significantly exceeded the minimum coverage requirements of our license.

We have also expanded our mobile communications network to add capacity to existing service areas and to offer service to new areas, including the improvement of existing urban, suburban and intercity road coverage.areas. In 2016, we will continue to expand our coverage and further enhance capacityaddition, in populated areas. As of the end of 2015,2018, within the scope of the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications’Turkish Ministry’s Rural Coverage Project as part of universal services which we started in August 2013, infrastructureabout one thousand 4.5G base stations covering 1,793 settlements1,623 villages with populations of less than 500 were installed. As per the universal service obligation, the network infrastructure serving these areas has been installed asto be shared by all operators. People living in these villages are currently served by LTE services (in addition to 2G) in a similar service quality provided in the urban areas. The daily lives of the end250 thousand people in these villages have been improved thanks to enhanced mobile communication and high-speed mobile internet services. ULAK’s 4.5G radio equipment was used markedly, corresponding to about half of 2015, with network sharing technology, which enables all operators to use the same BTS, BSC and IP Transmission deployments.

We commercially launched 3G simultaneously in 81 provinces and major cities in Turkey in July 2009. As of December 31, 2015, we covered 95.03% of Turkey’s population and 99.85% of 16 metropolitan municipalities’ populations. As a result of the amendment to the Law for Metropolitan Municipalities, the number of metropolitan municipalities increased and the borders of some municipalities were extended. After this amendment, the ICTA increased our coverage obligations, defined in our concession agreement..agreement by its decision, based on this amendment. We filed a lawsuit for a stay of execution and the cancellation of this aforementioned decision. The Council of State granted a motion for the stay of execution of ICTA’s aforementioned decision. The ICTA objected to this decision. The objection was also rejected in favor of Turkcell. The casehearing was held on November 27, 2018 and it is still pending.expected that the court will grant a decision in 2019.


Benefiting from higher-quality communications provided by the widest spectrum in 3G, Turkcell will continue to offer seamless communications services to its customers with what we believe to be the most extensive coverage amongst its peers.competitors.

In 2015,2018, we have continued to develop and improve the coverage and capacity of our network. In urban areas, we increased both coverage and capacity by placing network infrastructure in commercial sites such as shopping malls, business complexes and entertainment centers. We became the first mobile operator extendinghave been using 3G coverage to all of the districts in Turkey.

We began using 3Gand 4.5G Small Cells (such as Femto, pico and micro) which are solutions to further enhance our coverage in placesand capacity where signal penetration problems exist due to thick concrete walls, coated glass windows, basement floors, etc.necessary. Additionally, 3G Repeatersand 4.5G repeaters have been used to serveextend the same coverage without adding new sites.

FollowingAt theIMT-Advanced (“4.5G”) tender held on August 26, 2015, Turkcell acquired 10large amounts of FDD spectrum: 2x10 MHz offrom the 800 MHz, for use and an additional 1.42x1.4 MHz offrom the 900 MHz, 2x29.8 MHz from the 1800 MHz, additional 2x10 MHz from the 2100 MHz and 2x25 MHz from the 2600 MHz frequency bands. We plan to use theseAnd for TDD frequencies, 1x10 MHz from the 2100 MHz and 1x10 MHz from the 2600 MHz bands were also acquired. All frequency bands that provide high signal penetrationare technology-neutral and can be used for any technology, providing efficiency and flexibility for spectrum usage in order to provide IMT coveragethe network. We currently use the 900 MHz band for 2G and enhance 3G, coverage.the 2100 MHz band for 3G and 4.5G, and the 800 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2600 MHz bands for 4.5G.

Our fixed communications network is designed to provide high capacity and high-quality service to consumer and corporate customers. Moreover, we believe that it is very well designed and implemented to provide capacity to our mobile network. Our fixed network has capabilities to carry large volumes of data and internet traffic insidein the country and is also connected to national and international telecom operators.

As of December 31, 20152018 our own fiber network has reached to 35,26943,300 kilometers and connects 7779 of 81 cities.cities in Turkey. In 1521 cities we have fiber to the home (“FTTH”) network and homepass, which means the number of premises that are connected to theour fiber network has reached 2.4nearly 3.4 million. Through partnership engagements in 2018, we have become capable of delivering our fiber internet service to 6.44 million households in 28 cities. We also provide enterpriseWi-Fi services.

In the fixed access network we have two main network structures called fiber to the building (“FTTB”) and fiber to the home (“FTTH”).FTTH. In FTTB network, we are installing switches to access our subscribers. In FTTH networks, we are installing Gigabit Passive Optical Network (“GPON”) and10-Gigabit-capable symmetric passive optical network(“XGS-PON”) equipment which is the latest access network technology for residential and business subscribers. These network structures enable Turkcell to offer triple play services (High speed internet, TV, Voice over IP). The fixed access network also provides bandwidth requirement for mobile sites with Metro Ethernet services.

b.Quality of Service

The ICTA published a “Regulation on Quality of Service in the Electronic Communications Sector” on September 12, 2010, effective as of December 31, 2011 (see “Item 4.B. Business Overview —RegulationOverview—Regulation of the Turkish Telecommunications Industry” for further details). The Turkcell Networknetwork is currently above the standards set by the statement. As usual,statement by ICTA. Typically, “Call Drop” was one of the major Quality of Service figures that we focused on during 2015.2018.

Dropped calls are calls that are terminated involuntarily and are measured by using the ratio of total dropped calls during the most congested hour of network traffic during the relevant time period to the traffic intensity in that congested hour.all day. Using such industry standard for dropped calls, our dropped call rate for our 2G&3G network has further decreased below 0.65%.0.29% in 2018.

Turkcell also provides high quality services through its 3G network. In a short time, we have succeeded in reducing the 3G dropped call rate below the 2G network. Our dropped call rate for our 3G network is below 0.4%. The rate of service quality is being enhanced all the timecontinuously due to extensive network optimization and investments in our 2G and 3G network to improve the quality and capacity of the network. According to statistics gathered from the vendors, Turkcell has one of the best 2G and 3G dropped call rates compared to other networks around the world. As Turkcell has built one of the most robust LTE networks globally, in terms of VoLTE performance, Turkcell has already obtained a low drop rate in VoLTE, which is below 0.26%.

We have started to offloadbeen offloading voice and data traffic by increasing the percentage ofutilizing small cells in the network for improvingan improved customer satisfaction. We also focused onexperience. For this purpose, we are using a variety of solutions such as the Special Distributed Antenna Solutions (especially for major stadiums) indoor active systems that simplify deployment and customization of parameter settings in major stadiumsstreamline capacity/coverage expansions, and outdoor products to maximizeoptimize the coverage and capacity of our 2G/3GRadio Access Network. Together with Turkcell Superonline, we have also implementedWi-Fi offload integrated with the Turkcell 3G networkand 4.5G networks to further enhance the customer experience.


We are the only operator in Turkey that can increase its carrier number up to six carriers, due to our A-type license agreement and the recent acquisition of new spectrum from the 2100 MHz band. We are using this capability to increase our capacity to provide superior services to a larger number of subscribers and improve coverage. In 2015, we continued to increase the number of carriers with the advantage of large spectrum assets. We believe we have sufficient bandwidth to serve our current and projected short-term subscriber base and we currently meet the capacity requirements of both our 2G and 3G subscribers. We intend to deploy additional frequencies in 2016.

Turkcell has been awardedreceived the first ISO 9001 certificate since 1999in 1999. Since then, independent firms have been auditing Turkcell’s management system annually and renews itshave been novating the certificate every three years within the scope of International Mobile Communications Design, Installation, Operation, Sales and After Sales Services. The recent certificate was received on November 4, 2016 and revised based on ISO 9001 certification every two years in the fields of design, installation, operation, sales, after sales services of global mobile communications within Turkcell functions. The latest certification Turkcell was awarded is the ISO 9001:20082015 Quality Management System Certificate in 2014.Standards on September 14, 2018. This certificate will be valid until November 29, 2019. In addition, Turkcell received the ISO/IEC20000-1:2005 IT Service Management System Certificate in January 2011. As the first telecommunications company to receive the ISO20000-1:2005 certificate in Turkey, Turkcell has promoted the adoption of an integrated process approach to effectively deliver managed services to meet business requirements.

On the fixed network side, we monitor traffic utilization in our access network continuously to prevent any saturation and upgrade the capacity as soon as possible. Turkcell modifies and redesigns the network topology to meet the future requirements which allows us to improve our quality of service performance.

The optical transmission network relying on DWDMDense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (“DWDM”) systems with Automatically Switching Optical Network (“ASON”), Optical Transport Network (“OTN”) and traditional Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (“SDH”) using protection mechanisms benefit alternative fiber routes wherever available. This increases the capabilities ofre-routing in the event of service interruption. Thus, the delivered point to point services provides an experience up to 99,999%99.999% availability figures; a level of quality defining the transmission network as upper level “carrier-class” network.

c.Network Evolution

(i) Radio Network

We have already achieved a speedlaunched the LTE Advanced network (also known as 4.5G in Turkey) on April 1, 2016. We deployed 4.5G in all 81 provinces, including all counties. We also upgraded ourin-building systems (such as those in venues and shopping malls) so as to enhance the 4.5G user experience of our customers indoors.

With the 172.4 MHz spectrum acquired in the 2015 auction, Turkcell spectrum holdings reached 234.4 MHz, corresponding to 43% of total spectrum assets acquired by the mobile operators in Turkey. Leveraging the advantage of our large spectrum assets and significant network infrastructure investments, our 4.5G network evolved from peak speeds of 375 Mbps to 1.2 Gbps. Currently, Turkcell’s 4.5G network supports LTE Advanced Pro technology, providinghigh-end features like 4x4 MIMO, 256QAM,3-4-5 Carrier Aggregation, Narrow Band IoT(NB-IoT), eMTC and LAA. In the future, as technology and its ecosystem evolve to new heights, we expect to introduce new capabilities to keep our technology leadership, enhance customer experience and enable new services.

We upgraded our network in 32 provinces by modernizing our 2G and 3G network, attaining higher capacity, better customer experience and up to 43.2 Mbps through dual-carrier technology35% energy efficiency. This modernization has also enabled us to utilize our spectrum assets more efficiently and helped speed up our spectrum refarming efforts in 900 MHz and 2100 MHz bands. Byon-airingmore than 99%UMTS 900 carriers, we have enhanced our 3G coverage further to provide deep indoor and better rural coverage.

For voice services, Voice over LTE (VoLTE) has been supported from day one to provide voice services over our 4.5G network. We activated EVS (Enhanced Voice Services) on our VoLTE voice service to further enhance the voice quality and thus became one of the base stations acrossfew mobile operators in the country. We have also implemented HSUPA 5.76 Mbps in our entire 3G network. In the GSM network, EDGE is used as a complementary technology to UMTS/HSPA. EDGE is an evolution of the GSM technology which allows consumers to use cellular handsets, PC cards and other wireless devices at faster data rates of up to 300 Kbps. Today, all of our base stations support EDGE technology. To enhanceworld supporting thishigh-end feature. The applicable regulations mandate that our 2G network capacity where congestionremains active until 2023; however most of our voice traffic is already carried by our 3G network, which has enabled us to gradually make our 2G network leaner without affecting our customers. With a larger terminal support base, we expect that voice services will be migrated to the 4.5G network from legacy 3G/2G networks.

In order to provide a solution for VPN over the wireless technologies like 4.5G, we have announced the Mobile VPN offer to our corporate customers. With this solution, corporates are able to connect to the internet cloud over a wireless interface using 4.5G technology, without sacrificing their service quality requirements. This is a possibility,fast and flexible solution for connections between their branch offices and headquarters.

We provide a “Wireless to the Home” service called SUPERBOX, which offers wireless high-speed internet access for customers without fiber connectivity. The required equipment is included in the subscription plan and uses LTE Advanced network as a backhaul to provide internet connectivity in customers’ premises. As part of 5G preparations, we intendhave demonstrated 5G FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) capability in millimeter wave band, which was the first 5G live network test in Turkey.

Through our ongoing investment in LTE Advanced infrastructure, we became the first operator in Turkey to construct additionalsupportNB-IoT, which is required for new generation innovative applications on LTE Advanced networks. Use of this


technology is now available on request across our whole LTE footprint and enables machines to communicate faster and more effectively. Furthermore, through ourCat-M network sub-infrastructure,support which enables fleet management, asset tracking and smart metering, and which is presently supported by few operators in the world, we are able to provide higher data transfer throughput and have more mobility for machine to machine communications. With regard to international recognition in 2018, we won two technology awards for our accomplishments in RAN technology, namely for our ‘Connected Parking’ project from IoT World Europe (Best End to End IoT Solution Award) and ‘Smart Irrigation’ project from Telecoms World Middle East (Innovation Award).

For real-life scenarios in which the terrestrial network may be down or implement technological advancesunable to provide the required coverage, we have developed a technology called ‘Dronecell’ which provides 4.5G coverage from the air with the help of a micro base station installed on a drone. This solution can be useful when communications in the areas are affected by natural disasters, or when temporary coverage in some other areas are necessary.

Offering a unique experience to our customers with our strong 4.5G infrastructure, we continue our efforts to prepare our network for 5G. We have tested thoroughly the Massive MIMO technology (both for frequency division duplex (“FDD”) and time division duplex (“TDD”)), which can be deployed to meet capacity demand in dense areas. These collective activities help to maximize spectral efficiency, further enhancing network capacity and improving overall user experience. We believe that will permit bandwidthsTurkcell has a significant competitive advantage with its Massive MIMO, in addition to having the widest spectrum in Turkey.

While we have been investing into new technologies, we also have been upgrading our 3G/2G networks to improve the user experience of our customers who continue to be used more efficiently.served by the legacy networks. By conducting modernization projects, we have achieved an energy efficiency improvement up to 35% on our 3G/2G networks. The modernization also enables us to use multiple technologies (LTE, UMTS and GSM) in a mixed mode configuration in the same hardware units located at the sites, providing smaller footprints and cost reduction as we repurpose existing spectrum for newer technologies along with other benefits. It is also important to note that since the traffic volumes on the 3G network are still on the rise, we have been using newly acquired 2x10 MHz spectrum on 2100 MHz band as 5th and 6th carriers for additional capacity.

In 2015,Regarding our 3G and 2G networks, we focused on 3-Carrier High-Speedhave supported up to 63.3 Mbps speeds using3C-HSDPA (3 Carrier High Speed Downlink Packet Access (3C-HSDPA) and Dual-Carrier High-Speed Uplink Packet Access (DC-HSUPA) technologies. Turkcell, together with Ericsson and Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, successfully demoed one of the world’s first live 3C-HSDPA on a commercial network. 3C-HSDPA is engineered to increase user speedsAccess) technology for downlink by up to 50% throughout the entire cell compared to dual-carrier, regardless of network load. The demo recorded 63 Mbps downlinkdownloads and 11.5 Mbps usingDC-HSUPA (Dual Carrier High Speed Uplink Packet Access) technology for uplink. In 2014, we also implemented 3C-HSDPA (63.3 Mbps) and DC-HSUPA (11.5 Mbps) technologyuploads in our 3G network becoming one ofsince early 2015. These technologies globally had their first commercial network activations by Turkcell. For GSM, although shrinking in traffic load and capacity, up to 300 Kbps download speeds are supported with EDGE technology for users having legacy terminals or in rural areas whereGSM-only coverage exists.

Although the first mobile operators900 MHz band is still being primarily used for GSM900, we have been rolling out UMTS900 to provide this service in its network. We believe our customers will be able to experience the highest download/upload speeds ofmuch stronger 3G technology.

Turkcell’s radio network has evolved to a multilayer structure including 3G Small Cell (such as Femto, pico and micro).

Turkcell acquired a total of 172.4 MHz frequency incoverage layer for voice calls redirected from the 4.5G auction on August 26, 2015. During 2015,network via the technique called CS Fallback (CSFB), deep indoor and improved rural coverage. This has been possible by some previous projects such as Thin Layer Project for GSM 900, by which we continuedhave extracted enough spectral capacity to work onpartiallyre-farm the 4.5G technology as900 MHz band for UMTS. As the next step, we have started deploying second UMTS900 carrier, which leads to a more efficient utilization of 900 MHz band and generate additional capacity. As we migrate 3G traffic to 900 MHz, we obtain a capacity boost in the 2100 MHz band, which allows us to repurpose it gradually for LTE. In this regard, we have started deploying LTE in the 2100 MHz band, previously used by 3G only, to use it more efficiently with LTE2100, enlarge our 4.5G footprint in a cost-efficient manner and improve user experience.

Furthermore, we have been closely cooperating with our network vendors for long term prospects through projects that enable Turkcell to deploy the latest technologies even before their availability on the market. This puts Turkcell at the forefront of the technology race and allows for the evaluating of the new technology benefits in the development phase, and then their timely deployment following their commercial availability.

Turkcell continues to provide extensive support to the projects involving domestic products, mainly for fulfilling the obligations related to the usage of domestically produced network equipment as per the 4.5G licence. We cooperate with domestic companies regarding base stations, antennas, transports and infrastructure solutions. ULAK Project initially started as an initiative taken by Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (UDI), aiming to design and develop national software and hardware components for anLTE-Advanced communication system and enhance Turkey’s self-sufficiency in this area. ULAK has become a network vendor, producing 4.5G base stations. The first deployments of ULAK base stations in the network evolution path of mobile broadband services including field trials and network infrastructure readiness activities. In September 2015, we made a successful demo in which we reached speeds of up to 1200 Mbps with five carriers and 79.8 MHz Turkcell frequencies bandhave been realized in a lab environment with prototype LTE A modems. Turkcell aims to reach speeds of up to 375 Mpbscity in the 4.5Gnorth-eastern part of Turkey.

As a new technology, use of Massive MIMO in LTE can be a proper solution to increase radio network followingcapacity. TDD Massive MIMO enhances spectrum efficiency by means of beamforming and multi-user MIMO techniques but it may also cause user throughput degradation due to the limited bandwidth of Band 38 we have and due to its commercial launch in April 1, of at most1-2 MIMO layers per user. To mitigate these issues, an innovative algorithm has been developed by Turkcell on the Self-Organized Network (SON) Platform to optimize Massive MIMO’s benefits on system capacity, taking user experience into account as well.

Turkcell became a member


In the scope of the next generation technology, known as 5G, Turkcell has been participating in international organizations such as 3GPP,ITU-T,NGMN, (Next Generation Mobile Networks)5G-PPP and also a member of the NGMN Board in 2013. Turkcell joined NGMN 5GGSMA by joining meetings, work groups, alongprojects and programs to follow the latest developments and shape its strategies for the future accordingly. In this context, Turkcell has started to lead NGMN’s “5GPre-Commercial Networks Trials” project, aiming to test the 5G prototypes in the field. Turkcell has also signed agreements with vendors (Ericsson, Huawei, Samsung, ZTE, Aselsan) to collaborate in the research & development and work on various use case options. In addition to technology organizations and vendors, Turkcell has been doing some research activities with universities and research centers. An MoU for 5G Research and Development has been signed with some major universities in Turkey within the scope of “The 5G Valley” initiative led by the ICTA. As Turkcell’s first5G-PPP (The 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership) project, we have joined in5G-MOBIX project to develop cooperative, connected and automated mobility for vehicles. In the context of this project, we will be developing “Platooning” use case for 5G on the Turkish-Greek border together with other local and international partners.

With the leading global mobile operatorsvendors including Ericsson, Huawei and Samsung, we have been demonstrating and trialing 5G since 2017. In the scope of first 5G use cases, we tested FWA and AR/VR to definetake additional steps into the requirements of a 5G network during 2015.era.

(ii) Transmission Network

Turkcell is the first operator in Turkey to start deployingAll-IP NodeBs throughout its network. We are not only expanding our 3G network but also migrating legacyTDM-GSM sites to IP through the deployment of Abis over IP technologies. Thus, we currently have anAll-IP mobile backhaul of more than 20,00057,000 BTSs,Node-Bs and Node-BseNodeBs that provides resiliency, ease of operation and operational expense advantages. In addition, to this, we have also invested in topology redundancy projects due to our IP/MPLS backhaul for better service availability. Backhaul bandwidth capacities were increased for wide coverage of 43.2up to 450 Mbps dual-carrier4.5G applications and the Microwave Radio Link network was modernized for Native Ethernet and Adaptive Modulation support to increase availability and reduce outages due to severe rain conditions. Usage of fiber connectivity is moving further fromHigh-RAN aggregation points towardsLow-RAN aggregation points. Furthermore, fiber to themobile site applications have been started for 4.5G readiness of sites with very high traffic. Due to higher bandwidth requirements of the 4.5G users, we are migrating from SDH based leased lines to DWDM or dark fiber multi-Gigabit Ethernet links on the high traffic aggregation points.

(iii) Core Network

The whole Turkcell Core Network is currently composed of newIP based layered structure Next Generation Network (“NGN”) nodes.(NGN) nodes, supporting all mobile standards, including 2G/3G/4.5G. By using a Geographical Redundant Pool (GRP) structure, we get (i) full redundantMSC-Ss, (ii) redundant physical interfaces to MGWs, (iii) CAPEX efficiency, and (iv) improvementimprovements in radio network KPIs. By implementing IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) based VoLTE (Voice Over LTE) and SRVCC (VoLTE Voice Continuity to 2G/3G), all subscribers can use seamless HDVOICE technology.

We have deployed and continue to develop our all IP Mobile Broadband GPRS network to provide the high speed and reliability to meet the demand of our businesses and consumers. 2G/3G/4.5G data services are given from our converged core network, which is designed to support all mobile broadband.

(iv) Fixed Network

Our fiber optic network provides up to 1000 Mbps high speed internet service in 1521 cities across Turkey. We also provide superior triple play service experience to our subscribers. We are installing and investing in EDGE technology access equipment in our network. We believe that with this strategy Turkcell will be ready to offer future customer experiences. In February 2018, we began to offer 10 Gbps high speed internet as anon-demand service.

We are providingend-to-endWi-Fi services for our Enterprise customers, which enables their guests to access WiFi. The EnterpriseWi-Fi service includes installation with authentication services, and further provides the necessary interface.

We announced smartWi-Fi services for Soho Customer, which provides login andWi-Fi connectivity to customers. The service provides plug and play for easy installations.

We also have started to use Turksat cable network for Fixed Virtual Network Operator (FVNO) services, with the goal of reaching more homes our services.


Turkcell is the first company in the world that has realisedrealized a commercial application of colorless and directionless ASON on a live traffic carrying network. Turkcell also introduced coherent 100G technology in the backbone along with optical ASON in the early stages at the end of 2012 and early 2013. Today,In 2016, Turkcell continues its evolution plans via realizing testsalso tested for 1 Tbps per wavelength using super channels on existing DWDM networks.networks successfully.

Fixed networks will provide backhaul that not only connects the signal towers to the telecom network, but also allows for enough bandwidth to support operations in 4.5G. This is creating an environment in which optical cabling and fiber to ethernetEthernet media converters are among the most important parts of a mobile network. As a result, fiber will remain an integral part of telecom networks.

(v) Services and Platforms

We have an intelligent network and other service platforms enabling our services and we also provide secure and controlled access to the network for the content and service providers to provide messaging and data services. This infrastructure is being improved to open up more capabilities on the network for the application and content providers. New infrastructure also contains a portal where subscribers buy services, receive promotions and enroll for campaigns easily.

d.Network Operations

We have primarily employed experienced internal personnel for network engineering and other design activities while employing suppliers for our network infrastructure and as our partners in product/service development. Our suppliers install the base station cell site equipment and switches on aturn-key basis, while subcontractors employed by our suppliers perform the actual site preparation.

e.Network Maintenance

We have entered into several system service agreements. Under these agreements, our mobile and fixed communications network, including hardware repair and replacement, software and system support services, consultation services and emergency services are serviced by local providers. Our subcontractors perform corrective and preventative maintenance on our radiomobile and fixed communications network in the field, although providers repair all the network equipment. We have regional operation units with qualified Turkcell staff that operate and maintain our network in Turkey.

In addition, the Turkcell Network Operation Center located in Istanbul monitors our entire network 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and ensures that necessary maintenance is performed in response to any problems.problem.

f. Site Leasing

OnceIf a new coverage area has beenis identified, our technical staff determines the optimal base station location and the required coverage characteristics. The area is then surveyed to identify BTS sites. In urban areas, typical sites are building faces and rooftops. In rural areas, masts and towers are usually constructed. Our technical staff also identifies the best means of connecting the base station to the network. Once a preferred site has beenis identified and the exact equipment configuration for that site is determined, we start the process of site leasing and obtaining necessary regulatory permits. Site leasing processes and construction of the masts or towers isare performed by the Site Acquisition Unit in Real Estate and Construction Department of Turkcell.our wholly owned subsidiary, Global Tower. We lease or buy the land and provide site management services (yearly rental payments, contract renewals, rework permits) by using subcontractors.through Global Tower. If we decide to buy the land, another wholly owned subsidiary, Turkcell Gayrimenkul Hizmetleri A.S., will handle the necessary procedures. We manage all these processes for technical demands of Turkcell,also for Turkcell Superonline and Global Tower.

g.Business Continuity Management (“BCM”)

Turkcell Business Continuity Management identifies potential threats, their impact and provides a framework for building resilience with the ability to create an effective response that safeguards the interests of our key stakeholders, their reputation, brand and value-creating activities. We established the Business Continuity Management System (“BCMS”) to implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and improve the business continuity.

Turkcell BCMS is assisted by the coordinators and business continuity virtual team.coordinators at technical andnon-technical groups. Regular BCM training and awareness programs are carried out throughout the organization. The effectiveness of BCMS is monitored every year through internal/external audits, and integrated exercises, the results of which are reviewed in management review meetings. In 2015,2018, we exercised and tested our business continuity plans, communication and warning procedures to ensure that they are consistent with the business continuity objectives.


Turkcell’s BCM will be able to cover the majority of Turkcell’s operations through potential environmental events and natural disasters. Our aimpurpose is to ensure the continuity of the voice call, messaging, data/internet and societal security services for Turkcell, availability of fixed voice call services, data,data/internet, hosting services, data centers and societal security services for Turkcell Superonline, provision of site acquisition and contract management services for infrastructure requirements of GSMmobile operators, TV/Radio broadcasters and technical infrastructure suppliers and installation, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance of tower, in building, roof top infrastructure/Sites for Global Tower at acceptable predefined levels following disruptive incidents. Business continuity plans are prepared by taking into consideration the customer’s expectations, company policies and legal obligations. They are regularly exercised to guarantee the operation of time-sensitive business activities in case of business disruptions. We are continuously improving our business continuity capacity in accordance with the “ISO 22301 Societal Security, Business Continuity Management System” international while preserving our image as a reputable and solid integrated service provider.

h.Enterprise Risk Management (“ERM”)

Turkcell’s Enterprise Risk Management team is responsible for coordinating the process of identifying, assessing and overseeing actions by management and the company’s business units to manage the risks that may affect the business objectives of the company. ERM supplies an information platform to management regarding the risks which may have an effect on the decision making process. Turkcell ERM aims to develop an approach of integrating risk management with the core management processes as well as enterprise risk culture. While doing this, Turkcell uses an ERM framework which is compatible with the COSO ERM framework and the ISO 31000 Standard. Based on the ERM procedures, risks are identified and evaluated in terms of impact and likelihood. Risk responses controls, issues and controlsactions are developed and the whole process is monitored.

Turkcell’s ERM team is the owner of an enterprise risk database. A range of management tools are used for risk identification and evaluation such as Delphi surveys, workshops, brainstorming sessions, risk reporting from divisions’ directors and risk contacts,in-depth interviews with the management team and research reports while coordinating the process of identifying and assessing risks. The risk database, is monitored by the ERM team and criticalnew risks and opportunities, updates onon-going risks, financial risks, cyber risks and risk and trend research from the world are reported to the Early Detection of Risk Committee every two

VIII. Sales and Marketing

We design our sales and marketing strategy around subscriber needs and expectations. We try to ensure the loyalty of our subscribers by providing offers, campaigns and our advanced service delivery platforms.

a.Sales Channel

We support our sales efforts through one of the largest retail telecommunications distribution networks in Turkey, with approximately 1,080 exclusive1,467 branded stores, many with prime locations, as well as approximately 11,310 non-exclusive dealers.more than 4,600 semi-branded dealers as of December 31, 2018. Our two exclusive distributors provide our products and services as well as consumer technologies (such as handsets, tablets, notebooks, IoT devices and accessories) and aftersales services for this wide network of dealers, while 34seven exclusive Turkcell distribution centersDistribution Centers (TDCs) focus solely on non-exclusivesemi-branded dealers. We also have adoor-to-door sales force and home technology management team, which makesrealizes approximately 60,000115,000 connected home technology transaction per month. This provideprovides us with an important channel on which to distribute our integrated solutions directly into the homes of Turkish consumers. We also operate a dedicated corporate direct sales team of approximately 600more than 450 personnel who can offer tailored solutions to their respective segments.

Our nationwide distribution channel is an important asset that helps us differentiate ourselves from our competitors and achieve our sales targets. Our strong and extensive distribution network consists of distributors, Turkcell Distribution Centers (“TDC”),TDCs, Corporate Solution Centers, non-exclusivesemi-branded dealers Turkcell Communication Centers (“TIMs”), and Turkcell Branded Stores (Turkcell Plus & Turkcell) as well as points of sale for scratch cards and prepaid airtime, including digital channels, ATMs Pointand Points of SalesSale (POSs), web, call centers, supermarkets, gas stations and kiosks.. We sell postpaid and prepaid services, fixed and mobile solutions and digital services to subscribers through our distribution network. The number of exclusivebranded and non-exclusivesemi-branded dealers totaled approximately 12,390over 6,000 sales points as of December 31, 2015.2018.

OurDigital transformation has continued at full speed in our retail channel. At the beginning of 2018, we completed the physical transformation of Turkcell stores and have been offering the latest technologies and digital services to customers since then. In addition, sophisticated store concepts reflecting customer trends were put into place at selected locations. As the most important step in digital transformation, strategic infrastructure investments were realized at the stores where physical transformation was completed. The first major change occurred in the supply chain model. As of 2018, the product catalog presented to our customers was centralized in all Turkcell stores. Thus, more advantageous purchasing options and high-quality standard products were in place in stores. Turkcell retail partners began to supply commercial products through digital catalogs. The performance indicators in the procurement processes of the products started to be monitored in a transparent manner and efficiency was ensured.


With the experience gained from the transformation in exclusive retail network consistsTurkcell stores, thenon-branded sales channel structure has been completely renewed. Following the optimization of powerful retail dealersthe distribution structure, Turkcell Sales Points started to operate under the name of Digital Points of Sales (“DPoS”). DPoS started to be available on tablets and with good locations, modern designsthe help of digital signature technology, all printed documents were removed from the process and superior after-sales service. TIMs leadcustomer data started to be transported through Turkcell’s 4.5G network. DPoS have been differentiated from Turkcell Stores by focusing on the marketrenewed interface and widespread availability of basic products and services.

As the final step in digital transformation, the Turkcell GO project was launched, which digitized the sales dialogue between our employees and our customers. Thanks to GO, sales screens are now simple, easy to understand and transparent. Store employees can look at the sales screens with their user-friendly atmosphere,our customers, understand our customer’s needs with data and product information and easily offer the products according to these needs. GO, with its simple structure, has shortened the time for new store employees to specialize and learn new products.

Turkcell stores product portfolio has been enriched with new products such as SUPERBOX, subscription to Digiturk and services and dedicated employees. In 2009, TIMs were relaunched with the motto “We aim to ease your life with technology” in order to enhance our customer service-oriented image under the “TIM” brand. As of December 31, 2015, Turkcell had approximately 1,080 exclusive sales points. Every year, around 240 million visitors are served by our specialized sales force, which consists of approximately 8,180 people in TIMs.Paycell. In addition, the six flagshipmore than 150 institutions bills have become payable in Turkcell Stores in three cities (Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya), fully operated by Turkcell, continue to enhance Turkcell’s brand image instores.

The scope and prevalence of the retail world by providing what we believe to be the best customer experienceemployee certificate program, launched in 2017, were expanded. The advanced certification program was launched for experienced employees and introducing top-of-the-line new products and services to our customers. Moreover, we have 157 Technology Specialistsapproximately 300 passedface-to-face training in TIMs who coach the entire sales force, help customers experience technology and spread the latest technological information.cooperation with Marmara University.

Our non-exclusivenon-branded dealer network provides us with a high penetration of Turkcell products and services in Turkey. Our 34 TDCs7 TDC’s are aimed at enhancing our distribution effectiveness in the non-exclusivenon-branded channel and ensure the timely and efficient distribution of Turkcell products and merchandising materials. They also facilitate the Turkcell brand and offer awareness in this competitive channel.

Alternative sales channels arere-designed under four main branches: Telesales, New Sales Channels,Call center, Online Channel, which includes the company’s web site and the My Account app,Non-Telco Sales and Self-Service Channels.Turkcell Flagship Store.

We are working on attracting our customers to all of our channels through digital channels and by co-branding. We offer our customers fast and safe access to our products and services 7/2424/7 via,Call Center, our Online Sales Channel.web site ( and the My Account app. Our web site has been serving as a sales channel since 2012. Besides Turkcell’s digitalized products and services, we provide services for many categories, including smartphones, tablets, computers, mobile accessories and home technologies. Another channel is our Self-Service Channelnon-telco channel (which consists of ATMs, Call Centers, internet branches of banks Kiosks, and in other channels, over 15 thousand national and local markets and post office branches)chain stores) where we giveprovide our customers with the opportunity to access Turkcell’s products easily and quickly. We also proactively reach our customers and satisfy their needs easily and safely when they need our products and services through our Telesales channel. Further, we also serve through our flagship store in Istanbul.

All dealers are compensated based on the number of new subscribers they sign up and the level of such subscribers’ usage, as well as additional incentives based on their performance.

Sales Management develops strong relationships with and promotes brand loyalty among dealers through a variety of support and incentive programs. Training programs aim to educate dealers’ personnel on the technical aspects of our products and services, as well as sales techniques to increase sales and enhance customer relations. Our specialized sales employees, who are obliged to obtain a certificate to be eligible to work in the stores, serve around 200 million visitors annually. The certification program for our employees is quite extensive and involves different stages. The program began in April 2016 and has been widened with the inclusion of online assessments. The program has been created with a view to improving employee experience and making Turkcell an attractive work place. The technological development projects, commenced in 2007, coupled with merchandising services,point-of-purchase (POP) materials and channel specific campaigns, helphelps to support the sales efforts inacross all of our sales channels.

We address strategic enterprises, major enterprises, medium businesses, public enterprisesCorporate clients are managed in four different segments: Public Accounts, Strategic Accounts, Major Accounts, Small and small businesses through five channels, which theMedium Sized Businesses Accounts. The first four of channelsthree segments’ customers are focused from account managers and small businesses with indirect sales channels, corporate focused dealer organizationsdirectly contacted by Turkcell’s Account Managers, while dealers and telesales operations. Withteams manage the objectiveSmall and Medium Sized Business segment.

The corporate segment services consist of coordinating allfour basic categories including mobile telecom, fixed telecom, data center and cloud and information technologies.

Within Turkcell’s sales processes, working closelyteams, along with more customersTelecom Services, Mobile Product and improving effectivenessSolution Specialists, Fixed Product and efficiency,Solution Specialists, Corporate Data Network, DC Cloud, Cyber Security Specialists and Professional


Services teams specialized in IT solutions cater to the corporate customers are managed directly by these sales channels. The mainclients. In 2017, vertical solution teams were formed to develop such solutions for eleven sectors including banking, retail, manufacturing, energy, local government, tourism, healthcare, education, IT/media, defense and logistics. These teams aim to create cross industry solutions to serve the digital transformation of this activity isTurkcell’s corporate clients.

Turkcell also provides turnkey mobile and digital transformation and IT outsourcing projects for large corporations with the contribution of solution partners in Turkcell Satis ve Dijital Is Servisleri A.S.


Turkcell has been on an exciting transformational journey towards becoming one of the world’s leading digital operators since 2015. We have worked tirelessly to provide mobileevolve into a digital services-focused experience provider and enrich our customers’ lives with our digital services. Leveraging our network capabilities and the power of our 4.5G network, our services combine the best of the OTT world with the strongest capabilities of a converged telecom services operator, thus reaching what we believe to strategic, publicbe higher standards of quality and major enterprises and medium and small businessescustomer experience.

Following the launch of 4.5G in orderTurkey in 2016, users began to increasingly rely on the Internet to meet their communication requirementsneeds. This and alsoour vision to support these solutionsadd value to customers’ daily life with retentionour digital services through the 1,440 minutes in a day, we created our digital brand Lifecell which includes the tariffs that provide all communication and acquisition programsdigital needs entirely through mobile data and tariffs. digital services.

We work closely with solution partnersbase our communication efforts on three pillars that underlie our digital operator strategy. The first pillar comprises our four key assets that we believe ensure our position as the market leader: our integrated mobile and application providers to integrate mobility into companies’ operations through tailor-made total solutions packages.

b. Advertising

In 2015,fixed communication technologies, the social responsibility projects that we remained focused on understandingundertake throughout the year, our brand perception; and the “firsts” we have marked in the Turkish market. The second pillar involves customer conversations which spring from various products and services that target diverse needs of each consumer segment thoroughly and sought to offer them superior coverage, a seamless transition from 3G to the new 4.5G network in Turkey, tailored solutions, outstanding service quality, and leadership in social responsibility. We seek to empowerspecifically identified customer segments. The third pillar includes our customers by enabling them to be more connected to life with simple communications solutions ready at their fingertips. Through the nation’s fastest 4.5G bandwidth which we acquired in 2015, we believe we will be able to providedigital services that connect our customers with what the most reliable 4.5G LTE network nationwide in April 2016.

In 2016, our two main communication pillars will be what we believe is our superior 4.5G network and making Turkcell “the most preferred telecom service provider” both in mobile and fixed networks. Consequently, we aimdigital world has to reposition our brand as the provider of the fastest and most convenient technologies for our customers. We will also seek to maintain our leadership in social responsibility and sponsorship projects in Turkey.offer.

c.Customer and Experience Management

The key part of our customer and experience management strategy is to provide basic and premium services through several channels by thinking and acting in a customer-focused manner in line with market trends and Turkcell’s mobile and fixed solutions. Our goal is to maintain a continuous relationship with our customers through fostering a high level of customer satisfaction. We continuously ask our customers how satisfied they are with the service they receive and for any suggestions through near real-time mobile surveys. We aim to achieve operational excellence throughout all customer touch points for every customer segment by continuously improving and simplifying processes and services. Customer feedback is the major input for Turkcell’s continuous process and journey improvement efforts.

With respect to provision of customer services we mainly work with our subsidiary Global Bilgi Pazarlama DanismaDanismanlık ve Cagri Servisi Hizmetleri A.S. (“Turkcell Global Bilgi”). Turkcell Global Bilgi offers 24/7 contact center services at several sites and manages more than 200sites. In 2018, Turkcell Global Bilgi managed approximately 130 million contracts annually.calls received through its interactive voice response system. Turkcell’s customer service strategies for contact centers are implemented by Turkcell Global Bilgi and weBilgi. We audit all of their operations along with monitoring whether customer services and customer satisfaction programs are executed in line with Turkcell’s customer strategies. Turkcell Global Bilgi’s success has been affirmed by a number of domestic and international awards received in 2015.2018. Turkcell Global Bilgi was recognized asalso offers telesales and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) helpdesk services.

We have prioritized the global “Top Ranking Performer” in two categories by In the global awards ceremony held in Las Vegas, United States. Turkcell Global Bilgi received the top award in “Best use“digitalization” of Self-Service Technology” category with its full speech IVR solution which was developed in-house and which is based on native language understanding technology “enabling the customer to interactively communicate with the system just by speaking during the whole transaction”. The second award came in the “Best Home / Remote Agent Program” category. With regard to Turkcell’s customer satisfaction,our customers. Accordingly, we received “The Customer Satisfaction Sustainability Award” at the National Quality Awards organized by the Turkish Quality Association (“KalDer”) for sustaining our number one ranking in the Turkish Customer Satisfaction Index for the past seven years. We also offer customer service at face-to-face communication centers named TIMs and Turkcell stores. Our approximately 1,080 exclusive stores are established all around Turkey in order to meet our customers’ technological needs and demands.

We aim to channel our customers to reach us digitally. To realize this goal, we investhave invested in our online self-service channels.channels and aim for the migration of our customers on those channel. The primary online channel is our mobile application called “My Account” which provideswas downloaded 37.3 million times and had 19.2 million3-month active users as of fourth quarter 2018. The app enables our customers the ability to track thetheir bills, usage and settings, change tariffs and maketop-ups to their plans.plans and pay bills. Within the scope of convergence, both mobile and fixed customers can use “My Account”. In 2016,2018, we plan to focus more on increasing sales through this application.have also enhanced our Omni channel activities like scheduling appointments for Turkcell stores, tracking requests and viewing SMS that are sent to/received from Turkcell. Additionally, our customers can contact us via online chat available on both theour main website and the application.or through My Account. We also use online chat applications to reach our customers proactively when they are stuck on theour website or need assistance while trying to buybuying a product. In lightWe have launched anAI-based chatbot called “Turkcell Assistant” instead of the “crowdsourcing” trend, we also offerlive chat agent. 75% of all chats regarding billing have been resolved by Turkcell Forum in order to facilitate our customers’ interactions with each other and opportunities for them to learn from their experiences. Assistant without any agent involvement.

For corporate customers, account managers are assigned for an exclusive service. An account manager isserves as the single point of contact and provides proper solutions in response to customer needs. While managingwe serve our corporate customers through five salesby categorizing them under four segments, we also support our customersthem throughe-mails, calls and dedicated back offices under


the umbrella of our Contact center. We have Corporate Customer Representativescorporate customer representatives to support direct requests from our public accounts, strategic and largemajor enterprises, medium businesses and/or to support indirect requests received through our account managers. In addition, for small and medium businesses, we aim to meet faster and higher quality service standards by providing online solutions to satisfy the demands ofsupport our sales teams regarding their customers’ demands with our “Field Support Desk”. Moreover, we developed a mobilehave enriched our corporate application called “My Company” for corporate customers, which helps them to manage all their GSM lines via mobile. Our corporate customers can experiencewith the addition of new tariff and bill features. In 2018, 140 thousand companies have experienced the convenience and speed of doing self-service transactions for alltheir corporate lines by using this application.My Company for a total of 80 million transactions.

Turkcell has been awarded the ISO 10002 certificate since 2011 and continuously renews its ISO 10002 certification every year in the scope of design, installation, operation, sales, and after-sales services of global mobile communications within Turkcell Functions.functions. The latest certification is ISO 10002:2004 Quality Management-Customer Satisfaction-Complaints Handling Certificate which was awarded in 2014.2018.

IX. International and Domestic Subsidiaries

A component of our strategy has beenis to grow or improve our business in both international and domestic markets. International expansionour home market and in particular, continuedthe international markets where we are already present. Continued strong operations in the countries in which we are currently present is important for us. We believe these operations offer growth opportunities and will provide additional value to us in the future and will continue to serve an important role in our goal to be a converged communications and technology services company.future.

While continued improvement of our current operations is a key priority, we may further expand and increase our presence in key emerging markets in the region, such as the C.I.S. region, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa and the Balkans. Through such investments, we intend not only to transfer our technological know-how and marketing expertise, but also to maximize economies of scale and group synergy.

Our international and domestic endeavors will continue in 2016. We will continue to selectively seek and evaluate new investmentthe opportunities of being a digital operator by offering our portfolio of digital and financial services, both in our mainTurkey and adjacent communicationin international markets, and technology business areas as well as the businesses outsideincreasing their number of the scope of our core business.users.

Ukraine—Ukraine - lifecell

We acquired our interest in our subsidiary Astelit (renamedlifecell LLC (“lifecell”, formerly known as “lifecell”“LLC Astelit” or “Astelit”) on April 2, 2004, by purchasing the entire share capital of Astelit’s parent, CJSC Digital Cellular Communications (“DCC”), from its shareholders. Astelit, 99% owned by DCC, held a nationwide GSM 1800 license. On April 4, 2006, Astelit announced a merger of DCC and Astelit, which was completed on August 1, 2006. Our interest in Astelit was previously held through our wholly owned subsidiary, Turktell Uluslararasi Yatirim Holding A.S. (“Turktell Uluslararasi”). However, Turktell Uluslararasi merged into Turkcell and the registry record of Turktell Uluslararasi was deregistered on December 24, 2014.

On July 10, 2015, we completed the acquisition of SCM’s 44.96% stake in our Netherlands-based subsidiary Euroasia Telecommunications Holding B.V, which owns 100% of LLC Astelit.Astelit and which merged with Lifecell Ventures Cooperatief U.A. in December 2016. The terms of the acquisition required a payment of $100 million as consideration for the acquisition, the payment of Astelit’s debts obtained through and with guarantee of SCM Group, the termination of all guarantee agreements to which SCM Group is party and the release of SCM Group in this regard. In accordance with IFRS 10 “Consolidated Financial Statements”, the acquisition of the remaining 44.96% in Astelit for a total consideration of $100 million was considered an equity transaction and the deficit representing the difference between thenon-controlling interests was derecognized and the consideration paid for the acquisition of shares amounting to TRY 929 million was deducted from retained earnings in July 2015.

Following the acquisition of the 44.96% interest in Euroasia from SCM,this transaction, Astelit’s borrowings obtained from and with the guarantee of SCM Group have beenwas repaid in July 2015. The Group converted a material portion of Astelit’s borrowings

to equity and restructured Astelit’s remaining borrowings in order to mitigate the foreign exchange risks associated with borrowings denominated in foreign currency. Astelit’s capital has beenwas increased by $686 million (equivalent to TRY 1,995 million as of December 31, 2015) and Astelit obtained $66 million (equivalent to TRY 192 million as of December 31, 2015) subordinated loan directly from the Company in the third quarter of 2015. Additionally, underAs of 31 December, 2018, the guarantee of Turkcell, Astelitcompany utilized loans fully denominated in local currency of UAH 3.554.9 billion (equivalent to TRY 430925 million as of December 31, 2015). Regarding UAH 2.5 billion (equivalent to TRY 303 million as2018) under the guarantee of December 31, 2015) of these loans, a cash collateral of $120 million (equivalent to TRY 349 million as of December 31, 2015) has been provided by Turkcell and recognized in other currents assets in the financial statements as of December 31, 2015.Turkcell.

Astelit began its operations in the Ukrainian market in February 2005 with its brand “life:)” DuringAfter ten years the brand became highly recognized in the market due to its focus on a young, innovative and flexible audience. After ten yearof successful history in the industry, on January 15, 2016 the companyAstelit announced a new stage of its development which started with large-scale rebranding. Starting from 2016, the company now offers its services under the new brandrebranding into “lifecell”, and in connection therewith changed its tradelegal name to “lifecell LLC” aton February 2, 2016. This brand change marks a milestone in the operator’s journey as a technology leader in Ukraine. lifecell adopted blue and yellow as its brand colors, bringing Turkcell and its Ukrainian subsidiary closer in terms of brand identity. Under the new brand identity and with ongoing investments in 3G+ and 4G infrastructure and services, lifecell will continue its storypresence in the market, seeking to become Ukraine’s top data operator and usher in new possibilities in the country’s telecommunications landscape.

As of December 31, 2015,2018, lifecell had 13.59.9 million registered subscribers, a 2.9% annual decrease from 13.9 million registered subscribers as of December 31, 2014.subscribers. The majority of such subscribers arewere prepaid subscribers as of December 31, 2015.subscribers. lifecell’s three-month active subscribers reached 10.67.3 million as of December 31, 2015 from 10.3 million subscribers as of December 31, 2014. During the third quarter of 2010, the definition of active subscriber was modified to churn out any subscriber whose only activity was the receipt of bulk SMSs or call forwarding.2018.

The company has been known in the market as one of the most dynamic and innovative ever since lifecell was the first to introduce a number of new technologies and products that had previously been unavailable to Ukrainian subscribers. The company is highly motivated to keep its innovation leadership in marketing and sales. In 2011, lifecell adopted its new regional strategy, which divides the country into three major regions and focuses on each region with tailored marketing and sales activities. There are 6233 lifecell customer service centers and 184 exclusive lifecellbranded shops which are working in 91107 cities of Ukraine as of December 31, 2015.2018. There are 105 “facelifted” and 128 rebranded shops as of December 31, 2018. In addition, the customers can order lifecell services in 1441,964 branded sales points and 30,10824,978 other GSM andnon-GSM sales points throughout Ukraine. As of December 31, 2015,2018, lifecell provided roaming services in 196198 countries via 468301 roaming partners.


As of December 31, 2015,2018, lifecell operatedprovided services in 100% of theall cities ofin Ukraine (excluding Crimea)Crimea and Sevastopol city) with a population of more than 2,000 inhabitants (2,257 settlements) and in total more than 28,8711,988 settlements nationally, and all principal intercity highways and roads, whichroads. This corresponds to a coverage of approximately 98.85%92.19% of the whole population of Ukraine or 94.65%94.62% geographical coverage with 10,9726,970 base stations. lifecell stopped recording revenues from Crimea and Sevastopol city starting from the end of September 2014 and impaired its assets in that region. Furthermore, in 2016 the operator has also ceased services and lost its revenue stream on the uncontrolled territories of Luhansk region and since February 2017 lifecell is currently evaluating its options with respectunable to provide mobile services and stopped recording revenue on the dispositiondisputed part of the Donetsk region. The company impaired its assets in Crimea. Furthermore, the current militarydisputed part of Donetsk and political crisisLuhansk region in the Eastern region (mainly in Donetsk and Luhansk) and with Russia remains unresolved, which could lead us to evaluate our options in the Eastern region.fourth quarter of 2017. Cumulative capital expenditure for the development of lifecell’s coverage amounted to $1,795 million$2.2 billion as of December 31, 2015. In 2016, lifecell will continue investing to increase capacity of its network.

lifecell is dedicated to further developing innovations in the market. The National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization (“NCCIR”) held the 3G license tender on February 23, 2015. lifecell submitted a bid of UAH 3,355 million (equivalent to TRY 406.5 million as of December 31, 2015) and was awarded the first lot, which is the 1920-1935 / 2110-2125 MHz frequency band. Official notification was received on March 2, 2015 and the license payment was made on March 19, 2015. In May 2015, lifecell has made payment of UAH 358 million (equivalent to TRY 43.3 million as of December 31, 2015) as a first installment for conversion of spectrum from military use and committed approximately UAH 426 million (equivalent to TRY 51.6 million as of December 31, 2015) for the remaining installments of the conversion. The committed amount will be subject to change according to the inflation rates at the date of the payments. After winning the tender, lifecell launched 3G services on June 4, 2015, becoming the first operator to offer a 3G+ network in Ukraine, which is available to nearly 4.6 million subscribers as of December 31, 2015 all over the country. lifecell launched 3G+ in Ukraine, a peak of evolution of third generation technology which allows lifecell subscribers to enjoy a speed of up to 63.3 Mbps.

Since May 2015, lifecell has continued to roll out its 3G + network and officially launched 3G + network in eight regional centers of Ukraine, including Lviv, Kyiv, Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk, Chernigiv, Mykolaiv, Vinnytsa and Kharkiv, with the population over one million citizens. Currently 3G+ from lifecell is available in nearly 200 towns in Ukraine and settlements including eight regional centers.

3G+ services of the lifecell network are used by more than 2.0 million subscribers as of December 31, 2015. At the beginning of September 2015, lifecell opened access to the 3G + network to all of its customers, regardless of the current or new customers’ tariff plan. In December 2015, lifecell received a Grand Prix and the Silver Award for its 3G+launch advertising campaign from the prestigious international competition Effie Awards, which is the only award in Ukraine evaluating effectiveness of marketing communication.2018.

The Ukrainian telecommunications market is regulated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (main state policy), the State Service of Special Communication Administration (“SSSC”) (technical policy aspects) and by the NCCIRNational Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization (“NCCIR”) controlled by the President of Ukraine and which carries out general telecommunication market regulation and inspection.

Thelifecell is dedicated to further development of innovations in the market. NCCIR has draftedheld the 3G license tender on February 23, 2015. lifecell submitted a glidepathbid of UAH 3,355 million (equivalent to TRY 376 million as of March 19, 2015) and was awarded the first lot, which is the 1920-1935 / 2110-2125 MHz frequency band. In May 2015 lifecell made payments of UAH 350 million (equivalent to TRY 46 million as of May 8, 2015) and UAH 7 million (equivalent to TRY 1 million as of May 12, 2015) for the decreasefirst installment of conversion of spectrum from military use. In April 2017, lifecell had made payment of UAH 299 million (equivalent to TRY 40 million as of April 28, 2017) for the second installment of conversion. In October 2018 lifecell had made a payment of UAH 230 million (equivalent to TRY 45 million as of October 31, 2018) for the third installment of the conversion.

After winning the tender, lifecell launched 3G services on June 4, 2015, becoming the first operator to offer a 3G+ network in mobile termination rates. AccordingUkraine and as of December 31, 2018 3G+ from lifecell is available in more than 7,789 towns and settlements in Ukraine and in more than 1,213 Ukrainian towns and settlements lifecell is the only operator providing the third generation network services. As of December 2018, lifecell has the widest 3G geographical coverage over the country based on its own calculations by using operators’ relevant disclosures. In February 2017, the company became the 3G speed leader according to the OOKLA speed test. 3G+ services on the lifecell network can be used by 3.4 million Ukrainians as of December 31, 2018. As of December 2018, lifecell is a leader of smartphone penetration with 75% on its high-speed 3G+ network in the Ukrainian telecommunication market.

NCCIR plan,held the 4G license tenders for the 2600 MHz band on January 23, 2018 and for the 1800 MHz band on February 26, 2018. Lifecell was awarded 4G licenses for 15 years, at a cost of UAH 909 million (equivalent to TRY 173 million as of December 31, 2018), and UAH 795 million (equivalent to TRY 151 million as of December 31, 2018) for the 15 MHz in each frequency band, the latter of which was paid in April 2018. In February 2018 lifecell made payments of UAH 187 million (equivalent to TRY 36 million as of December 31, 2018) to PrJSC VF Ukraine, and in May 2018, UAH 19 million (equivalent to TRY 4 million as of December 31, 2018) to JSC Kyivstar for the installment of conversion of spectrum from operators use.

After winning the tenders, lifecell launched 4G services in the 2600 MHz band on March 30, 2018 and in the 1,800 MHz band on July 1, 2018, becoming the first operator to offer 4.5G services in Ukraine nationwide. As of December 31, 2018 4.5G from lifecell is available in more than 2,014 towns and settlements in Ukraine and in more than 609 Ukrainian towns and settlements lifecell is the only operator providing fourth generation network services.

In line with the Turkcell Group’s digital services strategy, in 2017 the company launched a number of unique digital services. lifecell was the first mobile termination rates were decreasedoperator to launch the cloud application “lifebox”, the Ukrainian radio application “fizy”, the Ukrainian online magazines application “lifecell Magazines”, the sports dedicated application “LifeSport” offering no data consuming packages for video, social networks and digital communication. All these digital services are also available for the users of other telecom operators. In response to the need of the Ukrainian market for cardless and cashless payment services, lifecell introduced its online money transfer tool available online.

lifecell is continuously focused on company security (tools, processes, people) and investment in security infrastructure. In January 2017, lifecell’s Corporate Security Department developed Emergency Notification System (“ENS”). ENS is a cloud-based solution serving as a tool for instant emergency alerts and mass notification of a certain target audiences via voice messages, SMS ande-mail. The solution was applied by lifecell during the massive global cyber-attack on the June 27, 2017. Theso-called Petya malware affected major companies and critical infrastructure in the country. However, it did not have a major impact on lifecell’s business continuity due to immediate reaction of the


company’s security team and real-time alerts sent to the lifecell employees. In September 2017, the company signed a Memorandum for cooperating with the Department of Cyber police of the National Police of Ukraine and granted the cyber-police with the license for ENS, which helps the Ukrainian government in creating an environment that is resistant to IT security attacks and coordinate the actions of people in case of emergency.

In 2018 NCCIR approved an MTR decrease from UAH 0.15 to UAH 0.23 from UAH 0.36 starting from October 1, 2015, and planned to decrease to UAH 0.18 starting from July 1, 2016 and UAH 0.150.12 per minute starting from January 1, 2017. This regulatory2019. Lifecell would benefit from a further decrease of MTR rates along with the introduction of asymmetry to reflect operator cost if the regulator decides to do so in the coming years. Such a change may have a positive effect on our businesswould likely stimulate competition in Ukraine. The regulatory authorities have been working on the draft law on Electronic Communications, called to updateUkrainian market, reducing the telecom market regulations including identification of retail and wholesale markets and operators with Significant Market Power.competitive barrier.

The Mobile Number Portability (“MNP”)MNP Procedure and Technical Requirements have been prepared by the SSSCdrafted with the involvement of operators and adopted by state authorities.authorities back in 2015. Tender for an MNP solution provider occurred on January 25, 2016. The planned launch dateMNP was not launched in 2016 because the Antimonopoly Committee of MNP is inUkraine (AMCU) annulled the beginningresult of the second quarterinitial MNP tender. There had been several claims to the court which were successfully resolved in spring 2018. In 2017 the NCCIR adopted a new Registration Procedure which allows remote ways of 2016.identification and will facilitate“donor-led approach”, where the registration is provided by donor within the MNP Procedure. New Registration Procedure came into force on December 13, 2018. The MNP introduction, which is expected to create a more competitive and transparent telecommunication market in Ukraine, is officially announced by NCCIR to begin on May 1, 2019.

In April 2016, lifecell LLC sold 811 towers to a subsidiary of Turkcell in Ukraine, Ukrtower LLC, and signed a tower lease agreement which allows lifecell to leaseback these assets.

As of August 2017, Paycell LLC has been incorporated as a subsidiary of lifecell LLC in order to operate as a financial institution and perform loan granting, leasing, money transfer ande-money services. Licenses for leasing and loan granting has been obtained as of October 2017, and licences fore-money and local currency transfers have been obtained in September and October 2018, respectively.

Belarusian Telecom

On July 29, 2008, Beltel Telekomunikasyon Hizmetleri A.S. (“Beltel”) signed a share purchase agreement to acquire an 80% stake in CJSC “Belarusian Telecommunication Network” (“Belarusian Telecom,Telecom”), which provides services using GSM and UMTS technologies, for a consideration of $500 million. On August 26, 2008, control of Belarusian Telecom was acquired from Belarus’ State Committee on Property and $300 million of the total consideration was paid. An additional $100 million was paid in December 2009 and another $100 million was paid in December 2010. An additional payment of $100 million will be made to the seller when Belarusian Telecom records a full-year positive net income for the first time. For more information, see Note 2527 (Othernon-current liabilities) to our Consolidated Financial Statements.

At December 31, 2015,2018, Belarusian Telecom had 1.5 million registered subscribers, the majority of whomwhich were prepaid, Belarusian Telecom’s three-month active subscribers reached 1.11.2 million as of December 31, 2015 from 1.0 million as of December 31, 2014.2018. Belarusian Telecom had 152150 exclusive and 401 more than 300non-exclusive sales points. points and the sales from online store continuously increases with the growing customer demand through online channels.

At December 31, 2015,2018, Belarusian Telecom operated 2G and 3G services in all cities with a population of more than 10,000, and provided 2G services on all principal intercity highways and roads of Republic of Belarus, (total length of all Belarus highways and roads is 15,476 km), which corresponds to coverage of approximately 99.79%99.9% of the entire population of Belarus, or 94.1%97.7% geographical coverage. Belarus Telecom has also launched 4G service in August 2016 on LTE infrastructure established by JLLC Belarusian Cloud Technologies (“beCloud”) and provides 4G services throughout the country in 182 cities, towns or settlements as of December 31, 2018. In Belarus, the only LTE license is owned by beCloud at current and beCloud is the only infrastructure provider for LTE services. Availability of 4G services to our customers has improved the quality of data services and customer experience in using data services. Belarusian Telecom’s data subscribers reached 700 thousand as of December 31, 2018.

In line with our strategic priority of improving our balance sheet structure, we have restructured the outstanding debt of Belarusian Telecom in 2015. As part of the restructuring, Belarusian Telecom’s total existing intra-group loans were converted into a subordinated loan, provided directly by Turkcell. Following the restructuring, Belarusian Telecom’s outstanding debt was BYR 39.5 billion (equivalent to TRY 6.2 million as of December 31, 2015) owed to financial institutions and a €612is EUR 612 million subordinated loan (equivalent to TRY 1,945 million3.7 billion as of December 31, 2015)2018) owed to Turkcell as of December 31, 2015.2018.

As of February 1, 2012, Mobile Number Portability was launched with a donor-initiated mechanism where subscribers who want to port their numbers had to apply to their existing operator, which was in favor of the dominant market players. In April 2014, the mobile number portability procedure was revised to a recipient-initiated mechanism. Popularity of the mobile number portability service has increased with the revision of the procedure andprocedure. Belarusian Telecom is the leader of Mobile Number Portability in Belarus in terms of number ofport-in subscribers’ count has increased approximately 3 times in 2015 compared to the previous year.count.


In Belarus, the lack of pricing regulations in the wholesale and retail mobile markets to prevent dominant operators’ abusive pricing practices continued to have an adverse impact on our business.

Belarus – Lifetech LLC

In Belarus, the only LTE licenseLifetech LLC, which is a subsidiary of Turkcell Group, was established in 2012. It is 99.9% owned by JLLC Belarusian Cloud Technologies (“BeCloud”) and BeCloud is the only infrastructure provider for LTE services. All operators are expected to use BeCloud’s infrastructure to provide LTE services to their customers. BeCloud’s LTE infrastructure exists only in Minsk and they are planning to expand their network in other oblast centers in 2016. Belarusian Telecom is planningand has more than 200 professionals located in Belarus. Lifetech LLC provides a full cycle of software development services and develops custom and platform-based solutions to provide LTE services withinits clients located in Belarus, Turkey, the second quarterNetherlands, the Russian Federation and the Turkish Republic of 2016.Northern Cyprus.

Turkcell Kuzey Kibris Turkcell

Turkcell Kibris Mobile Telekomunikasyon Limited (“Kuzey Kibris Turkcell”), a 100% owned subsidiary of Turkcell, was established in 1999.1999 in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. As of December 31, 2015, Turkcell2018, Kuzey Kibris Turkcell had 0.5 million registered subscribers.

On April 27, 2007, Turkcell Kuzey Kibris Turkcell signed a license agreement for the installation and operation of a digital, cellular and mobile telecommunication system with the Ministry of Communications and Public Works of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The license agreement became effective on August 1, 2007 and replaced the previousGSM-Mobile Telephony System Agreement dated March 25, 1999, which was based on revenue-sharing terms. The new license agreement granted a GSM 900, GSM 1800 and IMT 2000/UMTS license, for GSM 900 and GSM 1800 frequencies, while the usage of IMT 2000/UMTS frequency bands was subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions. The license agreement is valid for 18 years from the date of signing. The license fee was $30 million including VAT and financed by Turkcell Kuzey Kibris Turkcell through internal and external funds.

On March 14, 2008, Turkcell Kuzey Kibris Turkcell was awarded a 3G infrastructure license at a cost of $10 million including VAT, which was paid at the end of March 2008.

In the third quarter of 2010, Turkcell Kuzey Kibris Turkcell completed and began operating the radio transmission (airlink) project providing direct international voice and data connection to the mainland. The project is the only direct connection in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, aside from the Telecommunication Authority.

In 2012, Turkcell Kuzey Kibris Turkcell acquired Internet Service Provider and Infrastructure establishment and operation licenses. Turkcell Kuzey Kibris Turkcell applied for a right of way to major municipalities and the Ministry of Transportation (formerly known as “Ministry of Transportation and Public Works” which was separated into two authorities after the third quarter of 2015) in order to establish a national fiber optic infrastructure. On January 24, 2014, a protocol between Turkcell Kuzey Kibris Turkcell and the Ministry of Transportation was signed for the right of way for highway sides. In the fourth quarter of 2017, Lifecell Digital Ltd. has been incorporated in order to operate as an Internet Service Provider company and offer converged telecom services. Lifecell Digital Ltd. also acquired an infrastructure license in December 2018. Total fiber optic infrastructure implementation reached 68is at 69 kilometers by the end of 2015.2018.

The National Regulatory Authority started to decrease mobile termination rates gradually in July 2014 and there were 2 decreasesover a year; with around 71% decline in 2015 which is around 56% on average and 70% in, from TRY 0.10 to TRY 0.03.

The Ministry of Transportation reduced the call charges 30%41% foroff-net calls as of January 1, 2015. These recent price regulations havehad a substantial adverse effect on our business. According to the requirements of Electronic Communications Law, prepaid lines were registered. In addition, technical preparationsinfrastructure was completed for IMEI registrations. The registration requirement are almost completed and the requirement is expected to be put into implementation inof IMEI numbers continue since early 2016.

At the end of 2016, for the first time in the communication industry, Turkcell launched its digital brand Lifecell in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, providing all its services through internet based digital services. As of December 31, 2018 lifecell subscribers have 80% more ARPU when compared to other subscribers.

As of January 22, 2018 mobile number portability (“MNP”) has come into effect in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Turkcell Europe

Turkcell Europe GmbH (“Turkcell Europe”) was founded by Turkcell in 2010 as a mobile virtual network provider (MVNO)an MVNO providing service over theT-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom AG) network. Headquartered in Cologne, Germany, Turkcell Europe commenced activity in March 2011.


Until the end of 2014, Turkcell Europe continued its operation as a MVNO and offered Turkcell’s service quality across both Germany and Turkey not only to the people of Turkish origin living in Germany but also those who have close commercial contact with Turkey. Besides providing advantageous offers to those who call Turkey from Germany, Turkcell Europe always aimed to provide its customers in Turkey and Germany with a unique user experience. As of December 31, 2015, Turkcell Europe had 0.3 million registered subscribers.

In order to increase the efficiency of our operations in Germany, we made changes to the business model prior to the termination of the contract with Deutsche Telekom AG, which occurred in August 2014. The2014 from a “wholesale traffic purchase” agreement signed between Turkcell’s subsidiary Turkcell Europe GmbH operating in Germany and Deutsche Telekom for five years in 2010, has been modified to reflect the shift in business model to a “marketing partnership”. The newMarketing Partnership agreement between our companyTurkcell Europe and a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom was signed on August 27, 2014. The2014 which involved the transfer of Turkcell Europe subscribers and operations to a Deutsche Telekom’sTelekom subsidiary was executed onas of January 15, 2015.

Financell The contract has been renewed on December 12, 2017 and remains in effect. Turkcell and Deutsche Telekom have agreed to rebrand Turkcell Europe into the “lifecell” brand. Going forward Turkcell aims to offer its digital services also in the German market. As of December 31, 2018, Turkcell Europe had 190,751 registered subscribers.

Financell isB.V.

Financell B.V. was incorporated under the laws of Thethe Netherlands in 2007 and hashad its registered address in Thethe Netherlands. It is established as an intermediate financing company that is wholly owned by Turkcell. Financell will borrowborrowed funds from third party lenders with or without a Turkcell guarantee to fund other Turkcell subsidiaries. Due to other available options for funding the subsidiaries, the Board of Directors of Turkcell resolved to liquidate Financell B.V. on December 21, 2016 and liquidation was completed as of August 14, 2018.

Turkcell Global Bilgi

On October 1, 1999, we established Global Bilgi Pazarlama Danismanlik ve Cagri Servisi Hizmetleri A.S. (formerly known as Global Bilgi Pazarlama Danisma ve Cagri Servisi Hizmetleri A.S.) (“Turkcell Global BilgiBilgi”) was established in order to provide telemarketing, telesales, and call center services, particularly for Turkcell Group. In 2005, Turkcell Global Bilgi completed its transition from call center to contact center as Turkcell Global Bilgi started to manage customer contacts at every channel. Since then, in addition to providing services to Turkcell, Turkcell Global Bilgi offersstarted offering customer care services to companies in various sectorsfinance, retail, energy, public sector and the airline industry. In 2016, Turkcell Global Bilgi announced its presence as a “Customer Experience Solution Center”. By completing its business model transition from Customer Care to Customer Experience, Turkcell Global Bilgi started to analyze customer experiences deeper and gained a vast experience. As of August 4, 2017 Turkcell Global Bilgi has obtained an R&D center certificate from the public sector to finance, energyMinistry of Science, Technology and the retail sector.Industry. As of December 31, 2015,2018, Turkcell Global Bilgi employed 9,17912,034 employees, of whom approximately 57%64% provide usTurkcell with customer care and retention services, around 36%27% serve customers of other clients and while the remainder workworks as administrative personnel. We ownTurkcell owns approximately 100% of Turkcell Global Bilgi.

Turkcell Global Bilgi has ownedowns a 100% share of Global Bilgi LLC since 2008, which operates in Ukraine and provides telemarketingtelesales and telesales. Global Bilgi LLC launched a branch office in Russia in April 2013, in order to maintain a presence in the Russian market by increasing business relations and development activities with current and potential customers.

Turkcell Global Bilgi has owned a 99% share of Global Bilgi FLLC since 2009, which was operating in Belarus to provide call center services. As of October 9, 2014, the liquidation process was finalized for Global Bilgi FLLC, which solely served our subsidiary Belarusian Telecom. Belarusian Telecom continues to perform call center operations in-house.


Inteltek Internet Teknoloji Yatirim ve Danismanlik Ticaret A.S. (“Inteltek”) offers information and entertainment services. Currently, Turkcell holds 55% of Inteltek through its wholly owned subsidiary Turktell Bilisim Servisleri A.S. (“Turktell”), while Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery System and Services, a Greek company, holds 20% and Intralot Iberia Holdings S.A., a Spanish company, holds 25%.

Inteltek’s business is currently operated underInteltek has entered into a contract entered into on August 29, 2008 with Spor Toto Teskilati A.S.Teskilat Baskanligi (“Spor Toto”Toto Directorate”). The current contract is based on specific Turkish legislation relating in order to gaming enacted in 2008 and was entered into following numerous legal challenges to prior contracts. Under the current contract, Inteltek runs the sportrun a sports betting business iddaa, for a period of 10 years, effective as of March 1, 2009 and superseding a prior agreement. No assurance can be given that we will be able to renew this agreement on acceptable terms when it expires. Under this contract, Inteltek guaranteed a TRY 1,500 million turnover for the first year of the contract and has given similar guarantees for futureten years. The guaranteed turnover for the following years will be computed using producer price indices. Inteltek shall pay the guaranteed turnover difference (after deducting commission income) to Spor Toto if actual turnover is below guaranteed turnover. To date, actual turnover has exceeded that amount. In addition to the foregoing, Inteltek signed a mobile betting dealer agreement with Spor Toto on January 12, 2010, which gives it the right to operate 1,000 mobile terminals. On August 29, 2018, on the day its licence ended, Inteltek signed a new agreement with Spor Toto Directorate up to one year or up until a new license is tendered out. This contract, based on a specific Turkish legislation relating to gaming enacted in 2008, was entered into following numerous legal challenges to prior contracts.

On November 15, 2018, İnteltek agreed to sell its 51% owned subsidiary Azerinteltek QSC (“Azerinteltek”) to Baltech Investment LLC, shareholder of Azerinteltek with a 24.5% shareholding. The transaction was completed on January 11, 2019 for a total consideration of EUR 19.5 million.

On November 27, 2018, Spor Toto Directorate held the Tender For Procurement Of Fixed Odds And Pari-Mutuel Betting Based On Sports Competitions By Procurement Of The Same By Legal Persons Of Private Law (the “Tender”). Shortly after, Spor Toto announced the cancellation of the Tender where Inteltek was the only bidder. On February 13, 2019, Spor Toto held the Tender once again and Inteltek has been notified that the tender was awarded to the other bidder. Following a transition period of up to six months, Inteltek’s operations in sports betting will cease. Inteltek may consider exercising its rights stemming from the law within the respective time frame with respect to the tender process. Unless our legal challenge proves successful or there is a new tender, we expect that Inteltek will cease its activities in August 2019.


The respective revenues comprised approximately 1% of our 2018 consolidated revenues while 2019 contribution is anticipated to be lower considering our ongoing contract and the transfer process.

In 2017, Inteltek entered the context of evaluating investment opportunitiesdigital gaming sector by developing a gaming platform for Turkcell’s BiP application. Inteltek has launched the kids-oriented gaming platform “Playcell” and the first board game app “Backgammon Go” to the Turkish market in neighboring countries, Azerinteltek Closed Joint Stock Company (“Azerinteltek”) was incorporated2018. In 2018, over 18 million users visited Playcell; the BiP gaming platform had 4.8 million unique visitors and more than 240 thousand users downloaded Backgammon Go. Inteltek will focus on January 19, 2010 in Azerbaijan and is 51% owned by Inteltek. Azerinteltek received authorization from the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan and signed the Agreement with Azeridmanservis Limited Liability Company set under the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan to organize, operate, manage and develop the fixed-odds and parimutuel sports betting business in Azerbaijan for a period of 10 years. Azerinteltek startedgrowing its operations, with the brand name “Topaz”, on January 18, 2011 and reached 486 agents as of December 31, 2015. As of January 1, 2013, Azerinteltek was authorized to engagepresence in the operation of lottery games by Azerlotereya for a period of 3 years. On January 1, 2016, Azerinteltek authorization regarding the sales of lottery tickets was extended for 1 year.attractive gaming market.

Inteltek is the domestic market leader and is ranked among the most prominent operators in the international entertainment sector. Inteltek intends to continue to explore business opportunities both in Turkey and abroad in information and entertainment or adjacent businesses.

Turkcell Superonline

Superonline Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S. (“Turkcell SuperonlineSuperonline”) has a Fixed Telephony Servicesfixed telephony services authorization, which allows the company to provide call origination and termination for consumers and corporations, as well as wholesale voice carrying services. It also has authorization to provide satellite communication services, infrastructure operating services, internet services and wired broadcasting services, and mobile virtual network operating services. Currently, the company carries the majority of Turkcell’s traffic, previously carried by Turk Telekom (the incumbent operator). Turkcell Superonline was founded in 2009 through the merger of our subsidiary Tellcom with the Superonline business acquired from the Cukurova Group.

Established to be an innovative telecom service operator and with its extensive international connectivity, Turkcell Superonline offers its international and national clients wholesale voice termination, international leased data lines, internet access, telehouse and infrastructure services. Furthermore, Turkcell Superonline is in the retail broadband market, bringing fiber optics to residences. Turkcell Superonline provides fast communication technology with its own fiber optic infrastructure in Turkey and provides telecommunication solutions to individuals and corporations in the areas of voice, data and TV.

Turkcell Superonline is a telecom operator providing fixed network communication solutions to telecom operators, corporations and households in the areas of data, voice and video. Turkcell Superonline aims to be “the most preferred service provider of choice” by providing the best quality services. The group synergy arising from being a 100% subsidiary of Turkcell Group, together with the desired goals above sets Turkcell Superonline to become the most preferred network in the region. Bringing one of the world’s fastest internet services to Turkey through cooperation with major international operators, we carry on investing in order to transform the “Silk Road” into a “Fiber Road” by expanding our own infrastructure across Turkey with a fiber network stretching to every corner of the country. We believe that the group synergy arising from being a 100% subsidiary of Turkcell Group, along with our top quality services and our stated goals above sets Turkcell Superonline as a worthy candidate to become “the most preferred service provider of choice”.

We believe that Turkcell Superonline differentiates itself through its steadfast commitment to the quality of after-sale services. Turkcell Superonline supplies corporations with industry-leading service-level agreements utilizing its professional technical support personnel and highly qualified team of consultants. Turkcell Superonline has been awarded the ISO 9001:20002015 Quality Management System Certificate.Certificate from Bureau Veritas. Turkcell Superonline aims to become one of the “leading innovative telecommunications operators” in Turkey and it intends to continue to seize opportunities in the internet and telecommunications markets.

Turkcell Superonline won the tendertenders of BOTAS, Turkey’s state-owned pipeline company, and TEIAS, Turkey’s state owned electric power transmission company, for the indefeasible right to use the capacity of the fiber optic cables already installed by BOTAS for 15 years in 2009 and TEIAS for 15 years in 2017 including the right to install additional fiber optic cables and the right to use the capacity of these fiber optic cables during the same period. This transaction hasThese transactions have been both considered as a finance lease as the lease term is for the major part of the remaining useful life of the fiber optic cables already installed by BOTAS and Turkcell Superonline made a significant investment during the initial period of the lease agreement which is an indicator that the transaction is a finance lease. The recognized cost of the indefeasible right of use as of December 31, 20152018 is TRY42.2 million.TRY 118.0 million (December 31, 2014:2017: TRY 42.2113 million).

Turkcell Superonline began to provide 1000 Mbps service to homes in May 2011 for the first time in Turkey in line with the Turkcell Group’s strategy to providestate-of-the-art technology for its customers withtop-quality service. Turkcell Superonline has rendered Turkey as one of the first five countries in the world where a 1000 Mbps connection is provided to homes thanks to this service option. As of February 2018, Turkcell Superonline is the market leader and has 899 thousand fiber customers as of December 31, 2015.

On August 12, 2011, Turkcell Superonline signed a share purchase agreementSuperoline started to acquire a 100% stake in Global Iletisim, which is specialized in providing internet and telecommunications services. In November 2011, the control over Global Iletisim was acquired from Yildiz Holding A.S. for a consideration of TRY(0.8) million. Turkcell Superonline and Global Iletisim mergedoffer 10 Gbps connections on March 30, 2012.demand basis.

On March 7, 2013, Turkcell Superonline signed a share purchase agreement to acquire a 100% stake in Deksarnet Telekomunikasyon A.S. (“Deksarnet”) which is an affiliate of Vestel Elektronik San. ve Tic. A.S. Group. In July 2013, the control over Deksarnet was acquired from Vestel Elektronik San. ve Tic. A.S. Group for a consideration of TRY 3.4 million. Turkcell Superonline and Deksarnet merged on December 3, 2013.

On January 31, 2014, Turkcell Superonline signed a share purchase agreement to acquire a 100% stake in Metronet Iletisim Teknoloji A.S. (“Metronet”). In April 2014, the control over Metronet was acquired from Es Mali Yatirim ve Danismanlik.Danismanlik A.S. for a consideration of TRY 27 million. Turkcell Superonline and Metronet merged on July 4, 2014. With this acquisition, Turkcell Superonline’s fiberin-city coverage increased to 14 cities, up from 12 at the existing 12.time.


Turkcell Superonline merged with Turkcell Interaktif Dijital Platform Icerik Hizmetleri A.S. on December 28, 2016 (“Turkcell Interaktif”). Following the merger, Turkcell Interaktif was deregistered from Istanbul Trade Registry.

As of December 31, 2015,2018, Turkcell Superonline has 35,26943.3 thousand km of fiber backbone covering 7779 major cities in Turkey and has 118 border crossings. Turkcell Superonline has fiberin-city coverage in 1521 cities and increased its homepasses to around 2.43.4 million as of December 31, 20152018 from around 2.13.1 million a year ago. Including partnership engagements, we are capable of covering 6.44 million households in 28 cities. We have five border crossings to Europe, offering various diversity options to important European cities through protected and completely diverse routes. With our stable fiber infrastructure and six border crossings to the East, we offer capacity services through Middle-East, CIS and Asia. Our next generation network designed over this strong infrastructure enables us to deliver high quality solutions to telecom operators, multinational and national private corporations and the governmental institutions.

With the target of transforming Silk Road into Fiber Road, Turkcell Superonline cooperates with over 70 international operators and takes important steps for evolving Istanbul into the world’s newest internet base due to its geostrategic location. Accordingly, we provide a bridge between East and West, which supplies a continuous connection with a speed of light, by partnering with the Tier-1 operators and projects such as RCN between Asia, Middle East and Europe which will extend from the city of Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates to Istanbul in Turkey and then to Europe and will serve as a gateway to the Internet for 2 billion people. In the scope of the RCN project, Turkcell Superonline is representedbuilding and putting into motion its domestic wholesale business strategy as a member of the Procurement Group Subcommitteewell providing wholesale products such as Chairman of the Operationalbit stream access via its FTTx fiber coverage, infrastructure services, backbone transmission, Ethernet, IP transit capacities, cyber security and Maintenance Subcommittee. SixVPN services to operators, are involved in this project: Syria Telecom, Zainservice providers and Orange from Jordan, Mobily from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Etisalat-United Arab Emirates and Turkcell Superonline. The project is operatingdatacenter companies in the Jordan, Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaTurkish domestic market.

Turkcell Superonline is leading the localization strategy for Turkey’s data and United Arab Emirates segments only.

internet traffic by developing partnerships with internet exchange platforms,Tier-1 operators, global/local content and cloud service providers to enable direct access to all networks and also commercializing the internet traffic. Turkcell Superonline aims to continue to invest in and expand its own fiber optic network and further utilize the group synergy created with Turkcell.

On December 18, 2017, the Turkcell Board of Directors approved the issuance of management agreement based lease certificates (wakala sukuk) in accordance with capital markets legislation by Turkcell Superonline through an asset leasing company in the domestic market, for an amount of up to TRY 300 million, up to12-month tenor, on various dates and at various amounts without public offering, as private placement and/or to be sold to institutional investors. On January 19, 2018, application for the approval of the issue programme for lease certificates was made to the Capital Markets Board and the approval was obtained on March 1, 2018. The Company intendsfirst issue of TRY 125 million with a6-month tenor was made in March 22, 2018 and matured on September 13, 2018. It was followed by the second issue of TRY 75 million on December 13, 2018 with103-day tenor and the third issue of TRY 100 million on February 13, 2019 with121-day tenor, which concluded the issue programme under the CMB approval. On February 1, 2019, the Turkcell Board of Directors approved a new resolution to allow Turkcell Superonline to issue lease certificates for an amount of up to TRY 500 million under the same above conditions. Turkcell Superonline may continue to take advantageraise local currency funding through the issuance of business opportunities withinlease certificates in the broadband industrydomestic market.

JCR Eurasia Rating has evaluated Turkcell Superonline in investment-level category on the national and international scales and assigned the ratings on the Long Term National Scale as ‘AA (Trk)’ and the Short Term National Scale as‘A-1+ (Trk)’ with ‘Stable’ outlooks on May 29, 2018.

Global Tower

Kule Hizmet ve Isletmecilik A.S., (“Global Tower, foundedTower”) was established in 2006 isas a wholly owned100% subsidiary of Turkcell and commenced its operations in 2007 to provide infrastructure management by leasing places on towers to private and public entities and institutions. It is the leading technology infrastructure operatorfirst and only tower company in Turkey.Turkey and fifth largest tower company in Europe. In addition to Turkey, it has operations in Ukraine, Belarus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Today, it serves not only Mobile Network Operators (“MNO”) but also broadcasting, ISPs, energy, public institutions and other related industries. Its 100% owned subsidiary in Ukraine, UkrTower LLC, was founded in 2009. With the vision2009 and its 100% owned subsidiary in Belarus, Beltower LLC, was founded in 2016. Beltower has a right of “Carrying Communication Everywhere”, use agreement signed with Belarusian Telecom.

Global Tower rented, builtoperates a unique portfolio of 10,581 towers, 8,501 of which are located in Turkey. Global Tower owns 1,132 towers in Ukraine and leasedoperates 833 towers in Belarus, as well as 115 towers in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus with right of use, through agreements with the tower owners to sublease them to third parties though revenue share agreements. An assessment process for Telecom Operatorsa potential sale and TVlease-back arrangement relating to the remaining towers in Belarus is currently ongoing. Global Tower also provides service over 100 mobile towers. Global Tower provides fast and Radio Broadcastershigh-quality service to its customers in collaboration with its business partners.


In Turkey, Global Tower manages the processes of renting, maintaining and installing towers in 11 structured regions with its 5 solution partnerships. With this structure, the distance between any two service points in Turkey is less than 90 km.

Global Tower helps customers expand their network,peer-to-peer telecommunications and Ukraine. Today, it provides broadcasting field infrastructure solutions, turnkey setup services and professional operation-maintenance services. With its project management, field rental, construction works, telecommunications equipment setup andready-for use field delivery solutions, it helps private and public institutions reach more customers.

Global Tower’s core businesswide service range consists of:

Shared infrastructure services in tower/rooftop/in house fields

TV-Radio infrastructure solutions

E2E and wind power infrastructure solutions

M2M / Scada / Telemetry Infrastructure Solutions

GSM-R Solutions

Mini Data Centre Infrastructure Solutions

Mobile Tower Solutions

Acclimatized System Room Solutions

Energy infrastructure solutions

Hybrid Systems Solutions (Solar / Wind)

Infrastructure Maintenance and Operation Services

Field Acquisition and Contract Management Services

Satellite telecommunication solutions and services

The Turkcell Board of renting from landlords, selling electronic equipment, installation, implementation, maintenance, tower and rooftop site leasing. Global Tower serves diverse markets including telecommunications, TV and radio broadcasting and providing technology services. The main goalDirectors decided to initiate an initial public offering (“IPO”) of Global TowerTower’s shares in targetedJune 2016. However, due to adverse macroeconomic conditions in the markets, is to increase cost efficiency by sharing sitesthe IPO has been postponed. We are evaluating the IPO option for the coming periods if and services. Global Tower’s site sharing business model eliminateswhen the initial investment costs of its clients, decreases environmental impacts and promotes efficient use of resources. Many of the most famous radio and TV channels of Turkey have placed their transmitters on Global Tower sites. In 2015 Global Tower has started providing end to end service to TV and radio broadcasters mainly to leading national radios among all Turkish cities. End to end service consists of tower and system room leasing, electronic broadcasting system maintenance and providing broadcasting equipment. Besides Telecom Networks, SCADA/Telemetry Networks implementation and maintenance are in Global Tower’s scope. From the day it was established, Global Tower has achieved a rapid and persistent growth and aims to continue its growth by providing high-quality and efficient market conditions become favorable.

Turkcell Teknoloji

Turkcell Teknoloji Arastirma ve Gelistirme A.S (“Turkcell Teknoloji”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Turkcell, commenced operations in 2007 in the TUBITAK Marmara Research Center Technological Free Zone in Kocaeli, Turkey. In 2015, Turkcell Teknoloji consolidated its operations in Kucukyali Technology Plaza, Maltepe, Istanbul, Turkey. Turkcell Teknoloji’s new R&D center employs 678more than 800 researchers (excluding part-time employees) who have been accredited by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Industry. Turkcell Teknoloji’s established team of experts develops a wide range of convenient and reliable solutions with innovative roadmaps. Through integrated intelligence and high-performance core capabilities, (Big Data(Data Analytics SIM,and artificial intelligence, Blockchain, Network IoT)Technologies, IoT, VR/AR), Turkcell Teknoloji’s comprehensive portfolio addresses the following domains: SIM assetdigital services, location-based services and services management, location-based

services, new generation value-added services,platforms security, roaming solutions, blockchain software life cycle, artificial intelligence and big data processing, business intelligence applications, CRM solutions, sales forcenetwork technologies, financial solutions, network management, mobile finance, terminal applications, cloud solutions, mobile marketing, machine-to-machine communication platforms,internet of things (IOT), revenue management solutions and campaign management, music and entertainment services,Over-The Top (OTT) solutions and IP TV services.

Turkcell Teknoloji has been continuingcontinued to export technology and software to CIS, Europe, Middle East and Africa. The Turkcell Teknoloji Campaign Management System is deployed and used in sixten countries and Roaming Solutions is used in 10 countries. In 2015, Turkcell Technoloji implemented its roaming solutions in Almadar,Azerbaijan, Belarus, Ukraine, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Germany, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Moldova, Libya and delivered many change requests, which means additional development for existing products,Kazakhstan. In 2018, Turkcell continued to expand its customer base which are spread outwith digital services in 13 countries.Moldova, and looked for the new opportunities to implement its product catalogue with newly added products.

To ensure a permanent competitive edgeWith the goal of being Turkey’s leading R&D and innovation base, Turkcell Teknoloji demonstrates the value forit attaches to innovation with its solutions, increasing number of patents each year. In 2018, the Turkcell Teknoloji R&D Center submitted over 453 new national and 20 international patent applications. As of December 31, 2018, Turkcell Teknoloji has 1,605 national and 128 international patents applications and 369 granted patents.


Turkcell Teknoloji cooperates with a wide network of national and international R&D companies, universities and research centers and plays an active role in international R&D programs. WithHence, Turkcell Technology is an active participant in European collaborative research programs.

As a member of the goalboards of being Turkey’sITEA and CELTIC clusters of the Eureka program, which is a leading open platform for international cooperation in innovation involving over 40 countries, Turkcell Technology supports the establishment of the European research agenda. ITEA is a transnational and industry-driven Research, Development and Innovation programme in the domain of software innovation in ICT domain. CELTIC strengthens the competitiveness of the European industry by fostering European R&D cooperation in telecommunications and innovation base,the well-being of society by stimulating innovative information and telecommunication services. Turkcell Teknoloji demonstrates the value it attached to innovationTechnology also has a long history of developing research projects associated with Eureka programs, where we participated as a project leader, national leader or project partner. Turkcell Technology works closely with its increasing number of patents each year. In 2015, the Turkcell Teknoloji R&D Center submitted over 145 new national patent applications. As of December 31, 2015, Turkcell Teknoloji has 513 national and 56 international patents applicationsglobal partners to initiate new projects in Eureka clusters and 145 granted patents. Turkcell Teknoloji’s IPR performanceHorizon 2020 (Horizon 2020 is among the top three in Turkeybiggest EU Research and it has over 30 TUBITAK (TheInnovation programme to promote discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market) calls which are publicly funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) supported projects, of which seven are currently running.Turkey (TUBITAK) and the European Commission.

Turkcell Finansman A.Ş.A.S.

Turkcell Finansman A.Ş.A.S. (“TurkcellFinancell”, “Turkcell Finansman”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Turkcell, was established on October 22, 2015 with the approval of the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (“BRSA”-financial, the financial institutions regulator in Turkey) in order to provide financialfinancing solutions to itsTurkcell customers such asin the form of consumer loans. The company has commenced its operations in February 2016 after receiving the BRSA’s operational permission.permission and wasre-branded as Financell in 2017.

Turkcell Finansman is aimingFinancell was launched nationwide in March 2016 in order to provide effective financing solutions to itsexisting or new Turkcell customers withfor their handset, tablet or accessory purchases. With a prudent risk management within the scopeapproach, Financell mainly supports smartphone sales of the regulatory legislations. To ensure a permanent competitive edgeTurkcell and value for its solutions, Turkcell Finansmanthus cooperates with a wide network of Turkcell point-of-sales.point-of-sales across Turkey.

Equity Accounted InvestmentsFinancell is funded by equity and borrowings from different sources. Even though the major funding source is bilateral loans from domestic and international lenders, Financell may also tap into the local debt capital markets for bond issues. In order to diversify its borrowing base, Financell also resorts to other funding alternatives such as asset backed securities (“ABS”). From April 2017 to December 31, 2018, Financell executed four ABS issuances via Aktif Yatirim Bankasi A.S. (a domestic investment bank) at an amount totalling TRY 360 million. The very first ABS issuance of TRY 100 million fully matured on December 21, 2018. Fitch Ratings assigned Financell ‘BB’ Foreign and Local Currency Long-Term Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) and‘AA-(tur)’ National Long-Term Rating.

Financell had 4.4 million loans outstanding and TRY 4.2 billion of consumer loans had been granted as ofyear-end 2018. Cost of risk has improved to 1.97% in December 2018 from 2.26% in December 2017. Coverage ratio as of December 2018 was 77.6%.

In September 2017, Financell established a branch in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus started handset financing operations The business grew throughout 2018 by offering financing options for smart devices.

Financell expanded its services in 2017 into insurance and bundled insurance products with consumer loans through a revenue sharing agreement with BNP Paribas Cardiff. In June 2018, Turkcell Sigorta Aracilik Hizmetleri A.S. (“Guvencell”, “Turkcell Sigorta”) insurance agency has been incorporated as a subsidiary of Financell in order to offer various insurance products. In December 2018, Guvencell launched its first product which is for women health insurance.

Turkcell Ozel Finansman A.S.

Turkcell Ozel Finansman A.S. (“TOFAS”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Turkcell, was incorporated on February 12, 2018 with the approval of the BRSA in order to provide financing solutions in accordance with Islamic financing principles for purchases of goods and services. The company is currently waiting for the BRSA licensing process.

Turkcell Odeme ve Elektronik Para Hizmetleri A.S.

Turkcell Odeme ve Elektronik Para Hizmetleri A.S. (“Paycell” or “Turkcell Odeme”) became operational as of March 2015 to create a convenient payment solution for users and to offer them a streamlined shopping experience under “Paycell” brand.


In August 2016 Paycell has acquired a Payment Service Provider License from the BRSA and became the first MNO subsidiary having this license in Turkey. With its brand “Paycell”, Turkcell has expanded its merchant network and reached over 2,000 merchants by implementing easy and secure payment methods to new areas such as mobile app stores, restaurant chains, parking lots, transportation services, physical goods and airport fast track services.

After it was awarded an electronic money payments licence in July 2017, Paycell has launched digital money, prepaid card and utility bill payments though Paycell application and various Turkcell shops. In December 2017 VISA has confirmed Paycell’s membership. As of December 31, 2018, 2.7 million credit and debit cards are registered at Paycell. Throughout 2018, the business grew at an accelerating rate and added on other features of peer to peer money transfer, expanded merchant integrations and increasing penetration of Paycell prepaid cards.

Paycell took its first step toward globalization in October 2017 by launching direct carrier billing services in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The business grew throughout 2018 with addition of other Paycell products. In 2018, Paycell launchede-money and local currency transfer services in Ukraine, allowing Ukrainian customers to make digital payments. Paycell plans to grow into other international markets offering Turkcell’s digital solutions worldwide.

As of December 31, 2018, Paycell had 5.2 million three-month active users (including direct billing service users) and the Paycell app was downloaded 2.6 million times. In 2018, including Financell, Paycell generated TRY 5.8 billion transaction volume.

Lifecell Ventures

Lifecell Ventures Cooperatief U.A. (formerly named Beltur Cooperatief U.A., “Lifecell Ventures”, “Lifecell Digital”) is a 100% subsidiary of Turkcell and it is incorporated in the Netherlands.

In line with Turkcell Group’s strategic priority being a “digital operator” and spreading OTT products and services both in international and domestic markets, Lifecell Ventures is responsible for delivering our OTT services to the global markets and expanding Turkcell Group’s footprint by launching new offerings, accelerating the company’s owned OTT activities, growing current services and making strategic alliances. Lifecell Ventures uses technology to provide a digital experience to consumers worldwide and enable telecom operators to compete effectively by offering digital communications, entertainment, music, TV, transactional ande-commerce applications as well as cloud solutions on either a licence or a white-label basis. Lifecell Ventures’ business model is based on charging consultancy, brand and license fees in return for provision of digital service infrastructure andknow-how to other operators. Lifecell Ventures has the ambition to contribute in taking telecoms to the “next level”, which is a more digital service focus rather than being an infrastructure company.

Lifecell Ventures signed cooperation agreements with ALBtelecom SH.a. (ALBtelecom) of Albania, CG Corp Global of Nepal and Digicel Group of Carribean following its already-signed agreement with Moldcell of Moldova within the scope of our international digital business which will allow the use of our digital services in total 39 countries. ALB Telecom, which operates in Albania with a population of 3 million, will initially start to offer BiP and lifebox services to its customers, and then will expand its offerings to include fizy, Yaani, Dergilik and Kopilot in accordance with the cooperation. Digicel Group operating in 31 countries in the Caribbean, Central America and the Pacific will integrate these services into the infrastructure of operators in its countries of operations. With the agreement signed, CG Corp Global, part of the CG Group, will launch Nepal’s first digital operator that will offer our digital services BiP, lifebox, fizy, TV+, Dergilik and Fast Login to a population of around 30 million.

Lifecell Digital’s business model is based on charging consultancy, brand and license fees in return for provision of digital service infrastructure andknow-how to respective operators.

Turkcell Satis ve Dijital Is Servisleri A.S.

Turkcell Satis ve Dijital Is Servisleri A.S. (formerly known as Turkcell Satis ve Dagitim Hizmetleri A.S.) (“Turkcell Satis”) sells telecommunication and IT products through our flagship store and provides a wide variety of products via our In 2016, Turkcell Satis started to sell equipment to other entities as corporate sales. In addition, since Turkcell Satis is experienced in the sector, it also acts as an intermediary between producer and distributors to support the determination of products, pricing, amount to be sold, sales support components and management of their inventory.

In January 2019, the company’s legal name was changed to Turkcell Satis ve Dijital Is Servisleri A.S., and its area of operations have been expanded to cover end to end IT and technology related solutions and services for enterprises, including data center, cloud, security, digital transformation, system integration and IT managed services.


Turkcell Enerji

Turkcell Enerji Cozumleri ve Elektrik Satis Ticaret A.S. (“Turkcell Enerji”), a 100% owned subsidiary of Turkcell, was established on February 20, 2017 with the vision of being a leader for the transformation of energy markets in Turkey through digitalized, decentralized and decarbonized solutions. Turkcell Enerji supplies electricity to eligible residential, commercial and industrial customers in Turkey.

Turkcell Enerji owns an electricity supply licence, issued by the Energy Market Regulatory Board (EMRA), on May 11, 2017, for a period of 20 years. This enables the company to trade electricity and/or electrical capacity.

Sofra Kurumsal

Sofra Kurumsal ve Odullendirme Hizmetleri A.S. (“Sofra Kurumsal”), in which Turkcell indirectly holds a 33.3% stake, was incorporated on July 24, 2018. Belbim Elektronik Para ve Odeme Hizmetleri A.S., a subsidiary of the Municipality of Istanbul, and Posta ve Telgraf Teskilati A.S., the Turkish postal services company, act as shareholders together with our subsidiary Turkcell Odeme. Sofra Kurumsal will provide services via various means such as service coupons, meal coupons, meal cards, electronic coupons and/or smart cards, in vehicle payments as well as smart keys.

Turkcell Foundation

Turkcell Foundation (“Turkcell Vakfi”, “Foundation”) was founded by our Company on October 11, 2018. The Foundation is anon-for-profit foundation aiming to develop and implement charity and donation programs with respect to, including but not limited to, technology and education.

Assets Held for Sale

(i) Fintur

Turkcell holds a 41.45% stake in Fintur Holdings B.V (“Fintur”), which holds interests in the mobile operationsoperation in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Moldova.Moldova as of March 7, 2019.

TeliaSonera,Telia Company A.B. (“Telia Company”), which is one of our major shareholders and also our partner in Fintur through a 58.55% stake held by Sonera Holding B.V. (“Sonera”), announced on September 17, 2015 that it had initiated a process in relation to its Eurasian assets with the ultimate aim of a complete exit. In line with ourthe growth strategy in the region at the time, and as the minority shareholder in Fintur (which includesincluded assets in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova)Moldova at that time), we appointed strategic and financial advisors in order to explore our strategic options to acquire the remaining stake in Fintur. Onon February 26, 2016, weTurkcell submitted a binding offer for the remaining 58.55% stake of Sonera Holding B.V in Fintur that we doTurkcell did not own and TeliaSonera’sTelia Company’s 24% direct stake in J.S.C. Kcell (“Kcell”) operating in Kazakhstan. However, the negotiations were inconclusive and we decided to sell our Fintur stake. Fintur was classified as held for sale and reported as discontinued operations since October 2016.

Below is a descriptionAs part of the businesses currently held by Fintur.


this process, on January 26, 2018, Fintur, indirectly owns 51.3% of Azercell Telekom B.M.through its 99.99% subsidiary Gurtel Telekomunikasyon Yatirim ve Dis Ticaret A.S. (“Azercell”Gurtel”), which offers GSM servicessigned a binding agreement with Silknet JSC (“Silknet”), a joint stock company organized under the laws of Georgia, to transfer its 100% total shareholding in Geocell LLC, a limited liability company organized under the laws of Georgia for USD 153 million. The transaction was closed on bothMarch 20, 2018 following the receipt of regulatory approvals. On March 5, 2018, Fintur transferred its 51.3% total shareholding in Azertel Telekomunikasyon Yatirim Dis Ticaret A.S (“Azertel”) to Azerbaijan International Telecom LLC (“Azintelecom”), a prepaid and a postpaid basis in Azerbaijan. As of December 31, 2015, Azercell had approximately 4.1 million subscribers, of which approximately 0.5 million were postpaid and approximately 3.6 million were prepaid.

The agreement for the privatization ofcompany fully owned by the Republic of Azerbaijan’s 35.7% ownershipAzerbaijan, for EUR 221.7 million. The signing of the definitive agreement, the transfer of shares to Azintelecom and the transfer of proceeds to Fintur were completed simultaneously. On December 12, 2018, Fintur signed a binding agreement with JSC Kazakhtelecom to transfer its 51% total shareholding in AzercellKcell for USD 302.6 million. The transaction was signed in February 2008 and Azertel A.S., the parent company of Azercell, acquired the Republic of Azerbaijan’s entire stake. Azertel’s ownership in Azercell increased to 100%; however, Fintur’s effective ownership in Azercell remains at 51.3%. Azercell was granted a 3G license in the fourth quarter of 2011 and a 4G license in the second quarter of 2012.

Azercell’s licenses are up for renewal in November/closed on December 2016. Although we understand from TeliaSonera that at this stage they21, 2018. These transactions have no reason to expect material modifications toimpact on the termsCompany’s financial statements since Fintur is classified as “assets held for sale”. Simultaneously with the signing of the licenses, no assurance can be given that Azercell will get the necessary renewal on terms that are commercially reasonable for us.


At December 31, 2015, Fintur indirectly owned 100% of Geocell Ltd. (“Geocell”), which operates a GSM network and offers mobile telephony services in Georgia. As of December 31, 2015, Geocell had approximately 1.9 million subscribers, of which approximately 0.1 million were postpaid, approximately 0.3 million were paid-in-advance subscribers that had postpaid services but paid in advance and approximately 1.5 million were prepaid. Geocell was granted a 3G license in the second quarter of 2006 (frequencies was granted in the third quarter of 2009) and a 4G license in the first quarter of 2015.


Fintur owns 51% of Kcell. In 2012, the remaining 49% was acquired by TeliaSonera from Kazakhtelecom JSC, the Kazakh incumbent fixed line telecom provider. TeliaSonera sold 25% of the shares minus one share in Kcell in an Initial Public Offering (“IPO”) on the London and Kazakhstan Stock Exchanges, which was completed in December 2012. Following the completion of the IPO, TeliaSonera’s effective ownership in Kcell is 61.74%. Kcell offers mobile telephony services in Kazakhstan and had approximately 10.4 million subscribers as of December 31, 2015, of which approximately 0.3 million were postpaid, approximately 1.0 million were paid-in-advance subscribers and approximately 9.1 million were prepaid. Kcell was granted a 3G license in the fourth quarter of 2010 and a 4G license in the first quarter of 2016.


At December 31, 2015, Fintur directly and indirectly owned 100% of Moldcell S.A. (“Moldcell”), which offers GSM services in Moldova. As of December 31, 2015, Moldcell had 0.9 million subscribers, of which approximately 0.1 million were postpaid, approximately 0.3 million were paid-in-advance subscribers and approximately 0.5 million were prepaid. Moldcell was granted a 3G license in the third quarter of 2008 and a 4G license in the fourth quarter of 2012.

(ii) A-Tel

On August 9, 2006, Turkcell acquired 50% of A-Tel’s shares. A-Tel is a joint venture and the remaining 50% of its shares are held by Bilgin Holding A.S. Bilgin Holding’s 50% shares were acquired by the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund (SDIF) on October 18, 2004 in return to the debts of Bilgin Holding against the SDIF. Further, pursuant to the decision dated April 25, 2013, the SDIF resolved to reassign the shares in its possession to Bilgin Holding. A-Tel was involved in marketing, selling and distributing our prepaid systems. It acted as our only dealer for Muhabbet Kart (a prepaid card), and received dealer activation fees and simcard subsidies for the sale of Muhabbet Kart. In addition to the sales of simcards and scratch cards through an extensive network of newspaper kiosks located throughout Turkey, we had entered into several agreements with A-Tel for the sale of campaigns and for subscriber activations. Since 1999, the business cooperation between us and A-Tel provided important support to our sales and marketing activities. However, the service provider and distribution agreement with A-Tel was annulled through a notification dated January 31, 2012, effective August 1, 2012. Additionally, Turkcell’s whole stake in A-Tel has been sold to Bereket Holding A.S. (formerly known as Bilgin Holding) for a consideration of TRY 31 million as at the transaction date pursuant to a share sale agreement, Turkcell also signed on August 27, 2014.a binding agreement with Sonera Holding to transfer its 41.45% shareholding in Fintur for EUR 350 million, subject to closing adjustments. The transaction is expected be completed following the receipt of regulatory approvals from the Moldovan authorities, although we can provide no assurance that such approvals will be obtained.

X. Potential Investments

Our efforts to selectively seek and evaluate new investment opportunities continue. TheseOur strategy for growth involves selectively seeking and evaluating new investment opportunities and participating in those meeting our criteria. We may include the purchase of new licensespursue inorganic growth opportunities both in Turkey and the acquisition of existing companies as well as alternative business models such as management contracts, marketing partnerships or other forms of cooperation both inside and outside of Turkey, focusing on communications, technology and adjacent and new business opportunities. In addition, we may provide services in related areas and also consider investing or increasing our investments in business areas outside of the scope of our core business. Our international expansion strategy focuses on key emerging markets, mainly in the C.I.S. Region, Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Middle East and Africa. Furthermore, we may evaluate expanding into other Western European countries where there iswe are already present with a sizeable Turkish community through wholesale partnerships or alternative cooperative business models.

Our M&A strategy is based on evaluating opportunities in markets where there is cultural and geographical alignment, a balanced portfolio of fixed and mobile infrastructure and EBITDA contribution to Turkcell.

TeliaSonera, which is one of our major shareholders and also our partner in Fintur through a 58.55%controlling stake announced on September 17, 2015 that it had initiated a process in relation to its Eurasian assets with the ultimate aim of a complete exit. In line with our growth strategy in the region, and as the minority (41.45%) shareholder in Fintur (which includes assets in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova), we appointed strategic and financial advisors in order to explorebe able to leverage our strategic optionsexperience and technological base. We may also pursue opportunities which include alliances, such as MVNOs, management service agreements and marketing partnerships, and may be in the area of mobile or fixed telecommunications and services.


We will evaluate the opportunities of being a digital operator by enriching the portfolio of digital products and financial services in certain international markets and increasing the users for our digital services and products.

On November 2, 2017, Turkcell signed the Joint Initiative Group Cooperation protocol and on May 31, 2018 Shareholders Agreement was signed by Turkcell with the intention to acquireparticipate as a potential contributor in “Turkey’s Automobile Project”. Under this protocol, the remainingsigning parties has agreed to determine the framework of the activities to meet requirements of the project for designing, developing, manufacturing an electric car and establishing sales and distribution network, and to establish a local company that will own the intellectual and industrial property rights of this car. Accordingly, on June 25, 2018, Turkiye’nin Otomobili Girisim Grubu Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. (“Turkiye’nin Otomobili”, “TOGG”, “Turkey’s Car”) was incorporated, in which Turkcell has participated as a founding partner with a 19% stake and provided TRY 3.8 million as initial capital. AG Anadolu Grubu Holding A.S., BMC Otomotiv Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S., Kok Ulasim Tasimacilik A.S. and Turkcell have equal partnerships in Fintur. On February 26, 2016, we submittedTOGG each with a binding offer for19% shareholding; whereas Turkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birligi holds a 5%. The CEO of TOGG was appointed on September 1, 2018. The capital of the remaining 58.55% stakecompany was increased to TRY 50 million as of Sonera Holding B.V in FinturOctober 17, 2018.

TOGG has been established primarily to produce the electric car referred to above and to carry out supporting activities within the framework of Turkey’s Automobile Project. Turkcell continues its efforts towards developing smart transportation systems, leveraging on its high quality communication network and strong engineering and software capabilities embedded within its organization. We believe that we do not ownwill make an important contribution to Turkey’s Automobile Project as a technology partner with our knowhow and for TeliaSonera’s 24% direct stake in Kcell operating in Kazakhstan.competencies.

XI. Disclosure Pursuant to Section 219 of the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 (ITRA)(“ITRA”)

Based on our information and the information provided to us by our affiliates, as of the date of this annual report, we believe that certain of our business activities in Iran in 2015,2018 and in 2019, and the business activities of certain of our affiliates, are subject to disclosure pursuant to ITRA Section 219.

During the year ended December 31, 2015,2018, Turkcell and lifecell provided directhad international roaming services in Iran through agreementsrelationships with the following GSM operators:companies in Iran and Syria: Telecom Infrastructure Company of Iran (“TIC”), MTN Irancell, Taliya Iran, Telecommunication Kish Co., KIFZO and Rightel.Rightel and Syriatel and MTN Syria. During the year ended December 31, 2015,2018, Turkcell and lifecell had gross revenues of approximately TRY 0.825.5 million and a profitcost of approximately TRY 0.652.2 million while lifecell had gross revenues and net profits of approximately $5,269 attributable to these agreements. Turkcell has developed an OTT product called “BiP” which is available for download online for free. The Company believes that there have been downloads from within Iran, which have generated no revenue or profits. For details regarding the risks we face with regard to our business in Iran, please refer to “Item 3.D—Risk Factors—Any instability in the political environment and/or downturn in the economy, as well as volatile international markets and events and the threat of terrorism, in Turkey and/or internationally may have an adverse effect on our business and financial condition.”

Turkcell has voice interconnection agreements with TadbirErtebatat-E-Sigma (“Sigma LLC”). During the year ended December 31, 2018, gross revenues attributable to these agreements were TRY 41 million, and net losses of approximately TRY 16 million.

Turkcell Superonline provided Transittransit IP and leased line services through network interface agreements with Telecom Infrastructure Company of Iran (“TIC”).TIC. During the year ended December 31, 2015, gross2018, total revenues and net profits attributable to these agreements were TRY 10.7 million. Furthermore, Turkcell Superonline has a business relationship with Teleka Maedeh Co. (“Telecom Idea”) based in Iran. For the years 2017 and 2018 the services provided to this company generated no revenues, and the services received from this company amounted to approximately TRY 4.3 million and TRY 2 million, respectively.1.8 million. Payments for these costs were done to QBIC Electronics Trading LLC (a UAE company) which is authorized by Telecom Idea for receiving payments.

We have made enquiries of our major shareholders regarding activities in Iran and TeliaSonera has also informed us that TeliaSonera Region Europe has bilateral roaming agreementsSyria.

Telia Carrier AB of Sweden is interconnected with TCI Mobilethe Telecommunications Infrastructure Company of Iran and MTN Irancell.via an interconnection point outside of Iran, but did not exchange any international telephony traffic with TIC of Iran in the year ended December 31, 2018. Telia Carrier AB of Sweden receives international telephony traffic from the Syrian Telecommunications Establishment via an interconnection point outside of Syria. Telia Carrier AB does not send traffic to the Syrian Telecommunications Establishment via this interconnection point, as this agreement has been terminated. During the year ended December 31, 2015, TeliaSonera Region Europe had gross revenues of approximately €67,316 and no profits.

TeliaSonera has also informed us that certain Fintur companies had revenues under roaming agreements in Iran in 2015 with the following GSM operators: TCI Mobile Company of Iran/Irantelecom, MTN Irancell, Taliya Iran, Telecommunication kish Company (“IRNKI”), Rafsanjan Industrial Complex (Coop) (“IRNRI”) and Rightel. During the year ended December 31, 2015, we understand that Azercell (Azerbaijan) had2018, gross revenues and net profits attributable to this business relationship were EUR 29 thousand and EUR 27 thousand, respectively.


Furthermore, we have been informed that Telia Finland, Telia Norge AS, Telia Denmark, Moldcell and Telia Lithuania had roaming agreements with Mobile Company of approximately $68,579.72 and $657.22, respectively, Kcell (Kazakhstan) had gross revenues of approximately $6,050.98 and a loss of $3,444.88 and Moldcell (Moldova) had gross revenues of approximately $551.33 and net profits of approximately $473.01. In addition, duringIran (MCI), MTN Irancell, MTN Syria, Syriatel. For the year ended December 31, 2015, we understand that Ncell (Nepal), Tcell (Tajikistan), and Ucell (Uzbekistan) had gross revenues totaling approximately $26,003.10 and net profits of approximately $23,115.40.30, 2018, total costs associated with these agreements amounted to EUR 11 thousand.

Although it is difficult to do with a reasonable degree of certainty, we have concluded that our Iranian business partners described in this section may be owned or controlled indirectly by the Government of Iran. However, to our knowledge, none of the services provided by Turkcell and our affiliates in Iran described in this section have been used by the Government of Iran to commit serious human rights abuses against the people of Iran. Furthermore, we understand that the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control has issued a general license authorizing U.S. persons to engage in certain of the activities described in this section. We,With the exception of the roaming agreement between Telia Denmark and Syriatel which has been terminated in 2018, we and our affiliates intend to continue the activities described in this section in 2016.2019.

XII. Regulation of the Turkish Telecommunications Industry


All telecommunications activity in Turkey is regulated by the ICTA. The Electronic Communications Law No. 5809 (the “Electronic Communications Law”), which came into force on November 10, 2008, is the principal law

governing telecommunications activity in Turkey. The Electronic Communications Law was published to correspond to therapidly-evolving Turkish telecommunications industry, and all secondary regulations have been updated to be in accordance with this law. The duties of the ICTA, which may be exercised in a manner that is adverse to our operations and our financial results, include those described below.


The ICTA has the authority to grant licenses and set fees in the electronic telecommunications industry.

According to Article 8 of the Electronic Communications Law, electronic communications services are rendered and/or established (as in the case of an electronic communications network or infrastructure) and operated following the authorization made by the ICTA. Authorization is granted either through notification made in accordance with the principles and procedures determined by the ICTA, in cases where scarce resource allocation is not necessary, or by the granting of usage rights, in cases where scarce resource allocation is necessary (allocation of frequency, satellite position, etc.). Under the Electronic Communications Law, usage rights may be granted for up to 25 years; however, there is no clause relating to the term of notification. According to the Electronic Communications Law, the principles and procedures relating to the notification and granting of usage rights shall beis determined by the ICTA through secondary regulations.

OnAccording to the other hand, inElectronic Communications Law, usage rights can only be restricted where the resources are required to be operated by a limited number of operators and for the purpose of ensuring the effective and efficient use of the scarce resources. In cases where the quantity of rights of use is limited, SectionArticle 9-6(a) of the Electronic Communications Law allows the Turkish Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications to determine the criteria, such as (i) the authorization policy regarding electronic communications services which cover the assignment of satellite position and frequency band on a national scale and which need to be operated by a limited number of operators, (ii) the starting date of the service, (iii) the duration of the authorization and the number of operators to serve. While the criteria are determined by the Turkish Ministry, of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, the authorization is still granted by the ICTA.

Under Article 51 of the Electronic Communications Law, the ICTA iswas authorized to determine the principles and procedures related to the process of personal data and protection of privacy and has published “Regulations oon the Protection of Privacy and Processing of Personal Data”. With its decision rendered on April 9, 2014 and published in the Official Gazette on July 26, 2014, the Turkish Constitutional Court decided that Article 51 of the Electronic Communications Law is a violation of Article 20(3) of the Constitution, which stipulates data protection as a constitutional measure and that the measures should be regulated by the laws and therefore annulled the aforementioned provision (Article 51). The Article 51 of the Electronic Communications Law, which was repealed by Turkish Constitutional Court, was amended and came into force on April 15, 2015. In the amended Article 51, the main principles of recording and sharing subscribers’ personal data are defined in general. In addition, ICTA is also authorized to determine the procedures and principles related to the process of personal data and protection of privacy. A public consultation regarding the draft regulation has been collected by the ICTA, however the new regulation has not yet been adopted.

The Electronic Communications Law establishes legal principles and broad policy lines that the ICTA must follow, some of which are stated below:


Creation and protection of a free and efficient competitive environment.



Protection of consumer rights and interests.


Protection of the objectives of development plans and Government programs as well as the strategies and policies set by the Turkish Ministry.


Promotion of implementations that ensure that everyone can benefit from electronic communications networks and services.


Ensuringnon-discrimination among subscribers, users and operators under fair conditions.


Ensuring the conformity of electronic communications systems to international norms.


Protection of information safety and communication confidentiality.

The Electronic Communications Law also specifies general rules and principles relating to interconnection between operators. Agreements for interconnection are publicly available, but precautions are taken by the ICTA to protect commercial secrets of the parties.

The law entitled Universal Services and Amending Some Laws, Law No. 5369, determines the procedures and principles governing the provision and execution of universal service and the procedures and the rules relating to the fulfillment of universal services in the electronic communications sector, a universal public service that is financially difficult

for operators to provide (and performance of a universal service obligation in the electronic communications sector). In accordance with Law No. 5369, the scope of universal services is determined periodically by the CouncilPresident of Ministers,Republic of Turkey, which will not exceed three years.

The legislation designates the following as universal services: fixed-line telephony services, public pay telephones, telephone directory services to be provided in printed or electronic environments, emergency call services, basic internet services, passenger services to residential areas where access is solely provided by sea and sea communication and sailing safety communication services.

This law mandates that designated operators must provide universal services and the General Directorate of Communication can demand that operators provide universal services on a national and/or geographical basis. Turk Telekomunikasyon A.S. and the GSM operators are currently designated as universal services providers.

The CabinetCouncil of Ministers Decision No. 2011/1880, which was published in the Official Gazette numbered 27984 and dated July 4, 2011 allowed the use of the universal service fund to extend the mobile GSM network coverage listed in the annex of the decision to uncovered areas with a population of 500 or less. On February 13, 2013, we were appointed as universal service provider after a tender process and the related contract was signed on February 20, 2013. Under the aforementioned contract, Turkcell duly carried out its undertakings for installing sufficient infrastructure to cover 1,799 rural locations and the investment and operating expenses are compensated by the universal service fund of the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications. Following the expiration of aforementionedTurkish Ministry. This contract as of March 3, 2016, the terms and conditions regarding the continuation of existing services in 1,799 locations, addition of new rural locations within the scope of the universal service and extension of universalwas renewed until December 31, 2018 to add mobile broadband services to 3G/4.5G arethe existing infrastructure providing GSM services under examination byUniversal Service Law and to operate the Ministry of Transport Maritime Affairsnew and Communications.

existing networks together. Recently the contract has been extended with the same conditions as defined in the contract clause until December 31, 2019. The Electronic Communications Law also specifies general rules and principles relating to tariffs. Pursuant to the Electronic Communications Law, operators may freely determine the tariffs they apply in compliance with the relevant legislation and the ICTA arrangements. In the event of determination of the significant market power of the operator, the ICTA may determine the method of the approval, tracking and auditing of the tariffs. It may also determine the lower and upper limit of the tariffs and principles and procedures of the application of the same.

The Electronic Communications Law provides basic guidelines for the tariffs and pricing and thus leaves the detailed rules and enforcement to the ICTA. According to the law:

(1) The tariff may be determined as one or more subscription fees, fixed fees, call charges, line rentals, and similar fee items.

(2) Tariffs to be imposed in return for providing any kind of electronic communications services shall be subject to the following provisions:

(a) Operators shall freely determine the tariffs under their possession, provided that they comply with the regulations of the ICTA and the relevant legislation.

(b) If an operator is designated as having significant market power in the relevant market, the ICTA shall be entitled to determine the procedures regarding the approval, monitoring and supervision of tariffs as well as the highest and lowest limits of the tariffs and the procedures and principles for the implementation thereof.


(c) If an operator is designated as having significant market power in the relevant market, the ICTA shall be entitled to make the necessary arrangements to prevent anti-competitive tariffs such as price squeezing and predatory pricing and to supervise the implementation thereof.

(3) Procedures and principles pertaining to the implementation of this article,Article 13 of the Electronic Communications Law, submission of tariffs to the ICTA and publishing and announcing them to the public shall be determined by the ICTA.

According to this regulation, the ICTA may intervene in the structure of our tariffs or may impose certain criteria relating to the revision of our tariffs. Pursuant to its decision dated December 8, 2009,in 2005, the ICTA designated Turkcell as having “Significant Market Power” (SMP) in the “Mobile Access Call Origination Market” while all three operators were designated as having Significant Market Power in “Mobile Call Termination Market”.

As a result of the significant market power designation in the “MobileMobile Access and Call Origination Market”,Market, our Company iswas obliged to provide access and call origination services to other operators such as MVNOs and Directory Services Operators on a cost-based basis, while

competitors can set their prices freely on commercial basis. Being

Upon the renewal of related market analysis; following an operator designatedICTA Decision dated April 12, 2017 and numbered2017/DK-SRD/124, it has been decided that anex ante regulation is no longer needed for Mobile Access Call Origination Market and that Turkcell’s SMP designation will be removed as having Significant Market Power inof April 12, 2018 unless otherwise stated. However, the Mobile Access and Call Origination Market may have the effect of reducing the rates that we can charge other operators, such as MVNOs, which would have a material adverse effect on our business and results of operations. We cannot estimate the impact of such designation as there are currently no MVNOs in the market. Based on the ICTA’s market analysis for the 2012-2015deregulation transition period is extended until April 12, 2019. Within this period, Turkcell was designated aswill retain its SMP designation and obligations under the only operator with “Significant Market Power” in the “MobileMobile Access and Call Origination Market”. Currently the “Mobile Call Termination Market” and “Mobile Access and the Call Origination Market” are being analyzed by the ICTA. Market regulation will continue.

Upon the renewal of market analyses, operators having the SignificantMobile Call Termination Market Poweranalysis, by ICTA Decision dated April 19, 2017 and numbered2017/DK-SRD/131, it has been decided that SMS and MMS termination services will no longer be regulated as of April 19, 2018 unless otherwise stated. However, an ICTA decision on April 12, 2018 stated that deregulation of SMS/MMS termination services is cancelled and SMS/MMS termination services will be determinedregulated on the Mobile Termination Market.

In addition to the duties and authorities stated above, the Law Regarding the Establishment of ICTA No. 2813 has been amended and ICTA has been given the authority to apply a conciliation procedure for the 2016-2019 period.receivables including administrative sanctions (except for the receivables that are intermediated for collection and the penalty requirement for the treasury share) and the debts of ICTA. According to this provision, it is possible to settle on a part of the disputed amount and to waive the primary or secondary claims and the settled matters cannot be made the subject of a lawsuit or a complaint.

Telegraph and Telephone Law numbered 406 has also been amended and it has been regulated that in the event that the treasury share is not paid in full in the given period, ICTA has the right to impose a penalty in the amount of one full amount of the incomplete or unpaid treasury share.

c.Regulationon Quality of Service in the Electronic Communications Sector

The ICTA abolished the Regulation On Quality of Service (issued in 2005), and published a new Regulation Onon Quality of Service in the Electronic Communications Sector, effective as ofsince December 31, 2011 andis applicable to all operators that provide service to end users whichand sets out the procedures and principles to control the conformity of the services of operators. Mobile telephone operators are required to meet new service quality requirements and submit a report based on these requirements every three months to the ICTA. Additional requirements for service quality must be fulfilled. If the operators fail to reach these requirements more than once, this may result in the imposition of penalties. The results of quality measurements can also be made publicly available.available on the website of the ICTA for a period of one month, stating that the operator has failed to comply with the service quality requirements.

d.Regulationon Administrative Fines, Sanctions and Precautions in the Electronic Communications Sector

The ICTA abolishedAccording to the Regulation on Administrative Fines to be imposed on the operators (issued in 2004) and published a new Regulation on Administrative Fines, Sanctions and Precautions to be imposed on operators, effective as of February 15, 2014. The2014, the ICTA retains the right to impose fines in the event an operator:operator submits incorrect or misleading documents or fails to submit documents as requested by the ICTA; does not submit such documents in a timely manner; does not permit inspection or audits to be made by the ICTA; uses unpermitted equipment or equipment not complying with standards or alters technical features of equipment; or does not pay fees arising from its use of licenses and frequenciesfrequencies; does not meet the regulations regarding numbering, number portability, calling line identification (CLI), access and interconnection,end-user tariffs, consumer rights, value added services (VAS), data protection, national security and public order, service quality and such or does not comply with the provisions of license agreements, telecommunications licenses and general authorizations or the legislation. The ICTA is authorized to impose sanctions and precautions as well as administrative fines.


In 2018, there has been another amendment to the aforementioned regulation which introduces a new provision addressing “natural persons” and “private legal entities which are not operators” under the Electronic Communications Law. According to the new provision, entities (including “natural persons” and “private legal entities which are not operators”) who fail to comply with the obligations determined by ICTA regarding national cyber-security activities and protective measures against cyber-attacks, or fail to implement the measures taken by ICTA, will be subject to administrative fines.

e.Regulation on Authorization regarding the Electronic Communications Sector

In 2009, the ICTA published the “Regulation on Authorization regarding the Electronic Communications Sector” (“Authorization Regulation”), which determines the principles and procedures for the authorization of the companies that seek to provide electronic communication services and/or to install or operate electronic communications networks or infrastructure. In 2016, there had been major amendments to the aforementioned Regulation. According to the amendments:

(i) Wireless Interoperability(1) Operators authorized with the limited usage right authorization may sell devices, make installations, carry out maintenance or give consultations if it is related to or necessary for Microwaveits field of activity. As a result of this amendment, Turkcell is able to sell devices in relation with electronic communication services.

(2) Companies which apply to the ICTA to be authorized should have paid the minimum amount of paid capital set by ICTA. The operators authorized before the amendment of the Regulation are also liable to meet this condition. According to the ICTA decision dated March 31, 2016 and numbered2016/DK-YED/195, the operators authorized to provide Public Access (“WIMAX”) LicenseMobile Radio Service should have minimum paid capital amounting to TRY 250,000 and the operators granted with other authorization types should have minimum paid capital amounting to TRY 1,000,000.

Regulatory changes(3) All operators should obtain the consent of the ICTA prior to the transfer, acquisition or any other transaction regarding 10% or more of their shares. The operators authorized with limited usage right should also notify the ICTA within two months at the latest in Turkeycase of a transfer, acquisition or any other transaction of their shares up to introduce and promote WIMAX nationwide could10%.

(4) Operators should provide free call center services, which was not an obligation in the former Regulation.

(5) Operators should keep the traffic data of their customers for two years, which was set at one year in the former Regulation.

(6) Operators are liable to notify the ICTA of any amendments to the documents regarding the employees of the operators (including employee lists) which have a material adverse effect on our business and results of operations. Specifically, they may result in increased competition and/orbeen previously submitted to the entry of new direct or indirect competitors, which may have a negative impact on our ability to attract and retain customers, the competitiveness of our products and services, our distribution channels, our brand and visibility and our infrastructure investments.ICTA.

(ii) Fixed Line Telephone Services

(7) The ICTA issued Fixed Telephony Service (“FTS”) licenses pursuantis entitled to decline authorization applications and proceed with operator inspections to confirm the accuracy of the information and documents submitted during the authorization application.

In addition to the Regulation on Authorization regardingamendments of the Electronic Communications Sector, which enables existing long-distance telephony services (“LDTS”) operators, such as our subsidiary Turkcell Superonline, to provide call origination and termination. LDTS and, consequently, FTS providers, have not yet had a significant effect on our operations. In the long term they could have the effect of driving down prices and shifting traffic patterns for in-city as well as long-distance calls in Turkey, potentially having an adverse effect on our mobile telecommunications business.

On February 3, 2010,abovementioned Regulation, the ICTA published a new Regulation entitled “The Rightdecision on Procedures and Principles Regarding the Usage of Way in ExecutionCaller Line Identification (CLI) was published; the liabilities of the Electronic Communications Services”. This Regulation aims to determine the principles and procedures for the right of way for the establishment and usage of all kinds of electronic communications networks and/or infrastructure facilities, which is required for the execution of electronic communications services.operators are increased.

f.Regulationon Mobile Number Portability (“MNP”)

Pursuant to Article 32 of the Electronic Communications Law, operators are required to supply operator number portability.

MNP allows subscribers to keep their existing telephone number when changing their telephone operator, their physical location or current service plan. These regulations became operational in the fourth quarter of 2008. Since we believe the MNP regulations conflict with our rights under our license agreement, without due compensation, we filed a lawsuit in 2007 for the cancellation of the MNP regulation. While we do not object to the substance of mobile number portability, we do, however, believe that our rights under our license agreement should remain protected or, if they are violated, we should be justly compensated. The Court rejected the case in June 2009 and we appealed the decision. The Plenary Session of the Chambers for Administrative Cases approved the court decision. We applied for the correction of the decision and this process is still pending.decision. The Court rejected the Company’s request of the correction of the decision. The Company made an individual application before the Constitutional Court, against the respective decision. In 2009, the ICTA issued a new Regulation on MNP, abolishing the 2007 regulation.regulation and amended some Articles of this Regulation in November 2015. For new subscriptions, subscribers of mobile operators cannot port out to another operator in the first three months.months if the line has not been transferred to another subscriber.


g.Regulation on Security of Network and Information in Electronic Communications Sector

In 2008, the ICTA published the “Regulation on Security of Electronic Communication”, which determines the principles and procedures for precautions to be taken by the operators for eliminating or derogating the risks caused by threads or weaknesses of (i) the physical area of the operators, data, hardware/software security and reliability, and (ii) sustaining the reliability of human resources. In accordance with the regulation, our Company is required to comply with TS ISO/IEC 27001 or ISO/IEC 27001 standards. Turkcell was the first mobile operator in Turkey to receive the ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certification for its Network Operations function in 2008 covering all operations throughout Turkey. In 2011, Turkcell’s IT function was also certified for ISO/IEC 27001:2005 and Turkcell’s ISO/IEC 27001:2005 scope became one of the largest among telecommunication operators in Europe. In 2015, the Information and Communications Technology and Network departments successfully passed ISO 27001:2013 audits and waswere deemed to be in compliance with ISO 27001:2013 version. By having an ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certificate covering telecom infrastructure operations, Turkcell fulfilsfulfills its regulatory obligations and offers its customers the benefits of an internationally-recognized secure management of operations and services. In July 2014, the ICTA revisedrepealed the above regulation by adding a special clauseand published the “Regulation on cyber security,Security of Network and Information in Electronic Communication Sector” which requiredrequires the companyCompany to set up and maintain a specialized team to detect, prevent and report all cyber events and work in coordination with the National Cyber Event ReactionComputer Emergency Response Center, available 24/ addition to the abovementioned obligations.

h.Turkish Competition Law and the Competition Authority

In 1997, the Competition Law (No. 4054) established a Competition Board. The Competition Board consists of seven members who are appointed for a term of six years andone-third of the Board members are renewed every two years. It is an autonomous authority with administrative and financial independence established to ensure effective competition in markets for goods and services.

The Competition Board can carry out investigations, evaluate requests for exemptions, monitor the market, assess mergers and acquisitions, submit views to the Ministry of Industry and TradeTechnology (formerly known as Ministry of Industry and Trade) and perform other tasks stipulated by the Competition Law. The ICTA can apply to the Competition Board if it determines that agreements regarding access, network interconnection and roaming violate the Competition Law.

Any person or legal entity may file a complaint with the Competition Board. The Competition Board can take necessary measures to prevent violations and may impose fines on those who are liable for such prohibited practices. The Competition Board may impose fines of up to 10% of the annual gross income of the operators, which is constituted by the end of the previous financial year and determined by the Competition Board. The ICTA and the Competition Board entered into a Protocol on Cooperation in 2002, followed by a new ProtocolProtocols in 2011.2011 and 2015. The original Protocol established a framework whereby the ICTA and the Competition Board can cooperate on legal actions and policies regarding measures, regulations and inspections that affect competition conditions and competition in the telecommunications sector. The new Protocol regulatesProtocols regulate the mechanisms to improve cooperation between the ICTA and the Competition Board.

i.The Principles on the Applications Regarding the Anticompetitive Acts In Electronic Communications Sector

One of the principles that the ICTA must follow is the creation and protection of a free and efficient competitive environment. The Electronic Communications Law specifies that the ICTA is authorized to set rules (that do not contradict the Turkish Competition Law) to prevent anticompetitive acts, to investigate the operators as officio or upon a claim and to take necessary measures against the anticompetitive actions. Considering that the applications regarding the anticompetitive acts are made by different methods and are based upon a variety of documents, the ICTA published the “Principles on the Applications Regarding the Anticompetitive Acts in Electronic Communications Sector” on December 20, 2017 in order to clarify these points.

j.Regulation on the Establishment of Metropolitan Municipalities in Fourteen Provinces and of Twenty-Seven Districts and Amending Certain Laws and Decree Laws

The Law No. 6360 on the “Establishment of Metropolitan Municipalities in Fourteen Provinces and of Twenty-Seven Districts and Amending Certain Laws and Decree Laws” was published in the Official Gazette on December 6, 2012

and enacted on March 30, 2014 through municipal elections. The Law, increasing the number of metropolitan cities from 16 to 30, dissolves the legal entity of villages and special provincial administrations in cities where there are metropolitan municipalities. By the amendment of the Law for Metropolitan Municipalities, the number of metropolitan municipalities increased and the borders of some metropolitan municipalities were extended. After this amendment, the ICTA increased our coverage obligations, defined in our concession agreement, by its decision, based on this law amendment which requires us to make material capital expenditures. We filed a lawsuit for the stay of execution and


cancellation of the ICTA’s aforementioned decision. The Council of State granted a motion for the stay of execution of ICTA’s aforementioned decision. The ICTA objected to this decision. The objection was also rejected in favor of Turkcell. The casehearing was held on November 27, 2018 and it is still pending.expected that the court will grant a decision in 2019. Since then the ICTA has been working on a new regulation aligned with the law no. 6360.

j.k.Regulationon Base Station Implementation in Electronic Communication Sector

In 2012, according to Law no 6360 and Municipality Law No 5393, the Metropolitan Municipalities were authorized to give site selection certificate to the BTS considering the requirements of city and building aesthetics and electronic communication services. The Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs,Site Selection Certificate Regulation was published in the Official Gazette dated January 27, 2018, numbered 30314, and Communications, in coordination with the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning, published a draft regulationentered into force on the “Implementationdate of any kind of baseits publication. According to this regulation, the Site Selection Certificate and the TRY 2,970 per station antenna, tower, waveguide, container and related equipment and facility in fixed and mobile communication infrastructure” in September 2013. This draft regulated is expected to come into force in 2016. Followingfee for the publication of the regulation, mobile operatorsyear 2019 will be obliged to pay additional certificate fees accordingonly apply to the scale of charges, from governorships or municipalities, such as a site selection certificate. This may lead to additional certificate fees and operational costs, such as permission processes for implementation of base stations, which may take longer.

In the meantime the Ministry of Environment and City Planning has prepared a draft document in order to regulate the implementation of telecommunication especially for infrastructure underground. They will gather comments from the related parties, such as mobile and fixed network operators.BTSs established after December 6, 2012.

k.l.Zoning Law and Construction Certificate Requirement of Base Stations

The Supreme Court of Appeals rescinded the regulation regarding the base stations exemption from gettingobtaining construction permits in the zoning law on October 1, 2009. The existing zoning law in Turkey requires mobile operators to obtain construction certificates for all existing and new base stations, resulting in the shutdown of some stations for which certification cannot be obtained. In Turkey, nearly half of the premises were built illegally without any permission. As a result, some municipalities started taking legal action such as affixing seals to suspend the construction or demolition orders against base stations, negatively affecting our coverage, quality of service and customer experience. We have also taken legal action requesting nullity of those acts. In addition, studies for altering zoning laws regarding procedures for building certifications are being prioritized.

The Planned Areas Zoning Regulation was published in the Official Gazette dated July 3, 2017 and became effective as of October 1, 2017. The necessity of obtaining a building permission certificate and a construction permit, which is not possible in practice, has thereby been abolished. This regulation authorizes the establishment of a BTS without a construction license process, provided that necessary precautions and approval of ICTA are taken, and provides a special BTS installation procedure. The following requirements must be met for BTS to be established on private land and in buildings:

The Site Selection Certificate should be received prior to the establishment of the BTS.

Operators must undertake the technical responsibility the installation.

The consent of flat owners should be obtained prior to the establishment of a BTS.

A static report for the BTS installation should be obtained by operators.

The appearance of the BTS should not negatively affect the aesthetics, appearance and silhouette of the buildings.

The size of the antenna should not exceed 1.55 meters onroof-top sites.

l.m.Regulation Regulationon Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

In May 2012, the Regulation related to Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment was published in the Official Gazette and became effective. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment regulations may impose some obligations on our Company and increase our operational costs.

m.n.Regulationon the Internet

Law no. 5651 for the Regulation of Web Content has been revised by Law no. 6518, which became effective on February 19, 2014. The new law required that all internet access providers, which includesinclude all mobile and fixed network operators as well as all internet service providers, would form a Union of Internet Access Providers (“UAP”) within three months, which was established. After the establishment of the UAP, if any internet service provider or any operator giving internet services fails to become a member of the UAP, it shall also be fined with an amount equal to one percent of the previous year’s revenues.

In addition, the new law raises the existing fines for not removing content as requested by the court. The law also introducesURL-based blocking of websites which requires new capital as well as operating expenditures for all internet access providers.


n.o.GSM Licensing in Turkey

The terms of license agreements are governed by the Authorization Regulation, and it provides that the ICTA approve the transfer of licenses to third parties, ensure continuation of services in the event of cancellation of a license and approve the investment plans submitted by licensees.

A GSM license is subject to the ICTA’s right to suspend or terminate operations under the license on the grounds of security, public benefit, and national defense or to comply with the law. However, suspension or takeover of facilities under these circumstances is subject to the payment of compensation to the operator. The ICTA can also inspect such licensee and nullify its license if the licensee has materially failed to comply with the terms of its license. The ICTA may also terminate licenses in cases of gross negligence ornon-payment of the authorization fee.

The licensee is responsible for installing telecommunications equipment in conformance with international signalization systems and numbering plans. Furthermore, the licensee is obligated to make the necessary investments to offer the licensed service, including the design of the service, the making of financial investments and the installation and operation of the facility required for the service. Licensees are allowed to determine the prices for services, subject to the regulations of the ICTA. Upon the expiry of a license, including termination, the facilities and immovables of the licensee, in operating condition, will be transferred by the licensee in accordance with the license agreement.

o.p.Our GSM License Agreement


Since April 1998, we have operated under a25-year GSM license for which we paid an upfront license fee of $500 million. In 2002, we signed a renewed license agreement for our GSM license which provides that a monthly payment of 15% over our gross revenue paid to the Turkish Treasury shall be subject to the legal interest rate. If such payments are not duly paid twice in any given year, a penalty in an amount equal to triple the last monthly payment shall be payable to the Turkish Treasury. However, as a result of the aforementioned amendments made to the Telegraph and Telephone Law, it has been provided that in the event that the treasury share is not paid in full in the given period, the ICTA has the right to impose a penalty in the amount of one full amount of the incomplete or unpaid treasury share. The process of the amendment of the licence agreement in accordance with said Law is ongoing and the licence agreement is expected to be amended by the ICTA. In addition, we must pay annual contributions in an amount equal to 0.35% of our gross revenue to the ICTA’s expenses. After the tender relating to the allocation of additional GSM 900 frequency bands, made by the ICTA in June 2008, the license agreement was amended to include the additional frequency band and was signed by Turkcell and the ICTA in February 2009, which made small additional changes in the articles of the license agreement entitled performance bond and allocated frequency bands.bands and then it was signed again in February 2016 with small amendments.

Terms and Conditions

Under the license agreement, we hold a licensed concession to provide telecommunications services in accordance withGSM-PAN European Mobile Telephone System standards in the 900 MHz frequency band. Our license covers 55 channels and allocates telephone numbers between the 530 and 539 area codes in the national numbering plan. Our license also permits us to establish customer service centers, sign contracts with subscribers and market our services to subscribers. Our license was issued with an effective date of April 27, 1998, for an initial term of 25 years. At the end of the initial term, we can renew our license, subject to the approval of the ICTA, provided that we apply between 24 months and 6 months before the end of our license. Our license is not exclusive and is not transferable without the approval of the ICTA.

We paid a license fee of $500 million to the Turkish Treasury upon effectiveness of our license. On an ongoing basis, we must pay 15% of our gross revenue, defined as of March 2006 to exclude interest charges for late collections from subscribers and indirect taxes such as 18% VAT, as well as other expenses and the accrued amounts that are recorded for reporting purposes to the Turkish Treasury. We are required to pay 10% of our existing monthly treasury share to the Turkish Ministry as a universal service fund contribution. Since 2005, we are required to pay 90% of the treasury share to the Turkish Treasury and 10% to the Turkish Ministry as a universal service fund contribution. As of January 1, 2018, all of our treasury share is paid to the ICTA, which then transfers it to the Turkish Treasury and the Turkish Ministry as detailed above. The calculation method for the treasury share has also been revised and the following will consequently not be considered in calculation of the treasury share: overdue interests which are accrued to the subscribers for any unpaid balance, accrual amounts for the purpose of reporting, amounts for the purpose of correction accounting records which occur in the same year due to errors (such as customer information, type of business, amount, price).

Furthermore, under the Regulation on Authorization regarding the Electronic Communications Sector,Regulation, all kinds of share transfers, acquisitions and actions of the operators which are authorized by a Concession Agreement must be communicated to the ICTA, and such share


transfers, acquisitions and actions shall be made with the written approval of the ICTA if they result in a change of control component of such operators. The “control component” is defined as “the rights that allow for applying a decisive effect on an enterprise, either separately or jointly, de facto or legally”.

Our license subjects us to a number of conditions. It may be revoked in the event that we fail to meet any of these conditions.


Our license requires that we meet coverage and technical criteria. We must attain geographical coverage of 50% of the population of Turkey (living in cities or towns of 10,000 or more inhabitants) within three years of our license’s effective date and at least 90% of the population of Turkey (living in cities or towns of 10,000 or more inhabitants) within five years of the effective date of our license. This coverage requirement excludes coverage met through national roaming and installation sharing arrangements with other GSM systems and operators. Upon the request of the ICTA, we may also be required, throughout the term of our license, to cover at most two additional areas each year. Except in the event of force majeure, we must pay a late performance penalty of 0.2% of the investment in the related coverage area per day for any delay of more than six months in fulfilling a coverage area obligation. As at the end of today,2018, we have met and surpassed all coverage obligations.

Service Offerings

Our license requires that we provide services that, in addition to general GSM phone services, include free emergency calls and technical assistance for customers, free call forwarding to police and other public emergency services, receiver-optional short messages, video text access, fax capability, calling and connected number identification and restrictions, call forwarding, call waiting, call hold, multi-party and three-party conference calls, billing information, and the barring of a range of outgoing and incoming calls.

Service Quality

Generally, we must meet all the technical standards of the GSM Association as determined and updated by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute and Secretariat of the GSM Association. Moreover, we must meet the standards that the ICTA imposes under “Regulation on Quality of Service in the Electronic Communications Sector”.


The license agreement regulates our ability to determine our tariff for GSM services. The license agreement provides that, after consultation with us and consideration of tariffs applied abroad for similar services, the ICTA sets the initial maximum tariffs in Turkish Lira and U.S. Dollars. Thereafter, our license provides that the maximum tariffs shall be adjusted at least every six months. The license agreement provides a formula for adjusting the existing maximum tariffs. For the adjustment of the maximum tariffs established in Turkish Lira, the formula is: the Turkish Consumer Price Index announced by the Ministry of Industry and TradeTechnology for Turkey minus 3% of the Turkish Consumer Price Index announced by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.Technology. For the maximum tariffs established in U.S. Dollars, the same method is applied to the USA Consumer Price All Item Index Numbers.

The standard tariffs and the maximum tariffs set by the ICTA have been established in Turkish Lira and the ICTA’s schedule of standard tariffs and maximum rates are premised on the TRY/$ Exchange Rate in effect on the date they were approved by the ICTA. Although we believe the tariff structure in our license will, in most instances, permit adjustments designed to offset devaluations of the Turkish Lira against the U.S. Dollar, any such devaluation that we are unable to offset will require us to use a larger portion of our revenue to service ournon-Turkish Lira foreign currency obligations. Additionally, in the event that the ICTA were to establish maximum tariffs at levels below those that would enable us to adjust our rates to offset devaluations, this could have a material adverse effect on our business, consolidated financial condition, results of operations and/or liquidity.

We believe that, pursuant to our license agreement, we can determine our tariffs freely, provided that they remain within the framework of the applicable maximum price limit. However, under Article 13 of the Electronic Communications Law, in the event of determination of the significant market power of the operator, the ICTA may determine the lower and upper limit of the tariffs and principles and procedures of the application of the same. Based on such Article, the ICTA may take a similar decision which will have an effect on our future tariffs. With respect to our retail tariffs, in the fourth quarter of 2007, the ICTA intervened in our retail prices. Although we challenged that action on the basis that it exceeded the ICTA’s authority under then-applicable law, such action nonetheless had an adverse effect on our operational flexibility and our results of operations. With a board resolution dated March 25, 2009, the ICTA set a lower limit for solely Turkcell’s on-net retail tariffs. In addition, the ICTA with its board decision dated April 25, 2012 decided on the lower limit to be applied to our campaigns (specified offers and packages provided to specific customers for a limited time period) as well as on our tariffs, which further impacted our ability to price our services and respond to competitive pressures. Furthermore, with a board resolution dated March 13, 2013, the ICTA raised the lower limit to be applied on our tariffs to 0.0535 TRY/min from

0.0313 TRY/min. Simultaneously, the ICTA also decided that a lower limit on our SMS tariffs should be applicable over a rate of 0.0291 TRY/SMS. On the other hand, the ICTA excluded the campaigns from the scope of this decree, which was added in its decision dated April 25, 2012. The amendments were effective from July 2013 onwards. With the same board resolution, the ICTA linked the mobile termination rates to minimum on-net voice levels with a parameter of 1.7 such that our minimum on-net prices should be set multiplying the mobile termination rate with the above-mentioned parameter of 1.7. In addition, the ICTA with board resolutions dated April 12, 2013 and June 17, 2013, lowered the mobile termination rates for Turkcell from TRY 0.0170 to TRY 0.0043 for SMS and from TRY 0.0313 to TRY 0.0250 for voice. As a result, our minimum on-net price level has been decreased to TRY 0.0073 for SMS and TRY 0.0428 for voice due to the above-mentioned parameter. Moreover, with a board resolution dated January 6, 2014, the ICTA decided to bring the above-mentioned amendment back on our campaigns, which was effective as of February 1, 2014.

These pricing regulations are valid on each and every single voice tariff and campaign, whereas we are obliged to maintain our minimum on-net SMS rate on network base. The table below shows the current on-net prices and MTR rates:


  Before July 1, 2013   After July 1, 2013   Change % 

Minimum on-net voice price

   0.0313     0.0428     37

Minimum on-net SMS price

   —       0.0073     —    

Voice MTR

   0.0313     0.0250     (20%) 


   0.0170     0.0043     (75%) 

The maximum tariffs set by the ICTA may constitute the highest rates we may charge for the services included in these customized service packages. Generally, the maximum tariffs set by the ICTA for particular services are set higher than the standard tariffs determined by the ICTA for those services. AlthoughSuch caps were in force at the Concession Agreement includesbeginning of 2016, until a provision regarding onlydecision rendered in March 10, 2016 by the increase ofICTA annulled the maximum tariffs set by the ICTA has decreasedin 2015. On September 20, 2018, the ICTA set the maximum tariff since 2007, which has negatively affectedtariffs at 0.5670 TRY/min for voice and TRY 0.4075 for SMS with regard to Turkcell and Vodafone on the basis of the obligations in their licence agreements. Since Avea does not have such an obligation in its licence, a policy decision was taken by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastucture for Avea to comply with maximum tariffs.

With respect to our tariff structure. In 2011, the maximum tariff on SMS decreased by 48% and the maximum tariff on mobile voice increased by 4%. In 2013, the maximum tariff on mobile voice increased by approximately 6% to TRY 0.439, while as of January 2014 the maximum tariff on SMS decreased by 20% to TRY 0.332. Withretail tariffs, following a board resolution dated March 26, 2014,25, 2009, the ICTA set a lower limit solely for Turkcell’son-net retail tariffs. In the following years our minimumon-net price capslevel was changed several times by the ICTA, and was set at TRY 0.0073 for SMS and TRY 0.0428 for voice increasedfor the first two quarters of 2016. However, pursuant to 0.4625 TRY/min by 5.4% as of July 2014. A new boarda decision dated March 18, 2015, was effective as of April 1, 2015, accordingrendered on August 16, 2016, the ICTA removed the regulation on lower limit onon-net


retail prices and campaigns. These pricing regulations were valid on each and every single voice tariff and campaign, whereas we were obliged to which, maximum tariffs remained the same. Finally, with a board decision dated September 28, 2015, which became effective as of November 1, 2015, price caps for voice andmaintain our minimumon-net SMS remained the same, whereas price caps for some services (e.g. SIM card change, number change etc.) were decreased.rate on network base. The table below shows the evolution of maximum tariffs on voiceon-net prices and SMS:MTR rates until August 16, 2016:



  Maximum tariff on voice   Maximum tariff on SMS 


   0.80     0.71  


   0.64     0.73  


   0.65     0.74  


   0.40     0.80  


   0.40     0.80  


   0.42     0.42  


   0.42     0.42  


   0.42     0.42  


   0.42     0.42  


   0.44     0.42  


   0.44     0.42  


   0.44     0.33  


   0.46     0.33  


   0.46     0.33  


   0.46     0.33  

We filed lawsuits for the cancellation and stay of execution of some of the aforementioned decisions of the ICTA. Some of the lawsuits are pending while others were rejected by the courts and we have appealed these decisions. The Plenary

Session of The Chambers for Administrative Cases approved some of the First Instance Courts’ decisions. We applied for the correction of the decision process for the two respective decisions. For the other lawsuits, the appeal process and the correction of the decision process are pending.


  Before July 1, 2013   July 1, 2013 –
August 16, 2016
   Change % 

Minimumon-net voice price

   0.0313    0.0428    37

Minimumon-net SMS price

   —      0.0073    —   

Voice MTR

   0.0313    0.0250    (20%) 


   0.0170    0.0043    (75%) 

The ICTA has in the past intervened and may again intervene with the charging period, impacting the prices we charge for our tariffs. For example, effective September 1, 2010, the ICTA requires all operators to apply the maximum price cap during the first minute of all calls. The usage behavior and our financial results will be adversely affected if the ICTA intervenes on charging periods.

Relationship with the ICTA

The license agreement creates a mechanism for an ongoing relationship between us and the ICTA. The ICTA and Turkcell coordinate their activities through a License Coordination Committee (“the Committee”), which is responsible for ensuring the proper and coordinated operation of the GSM network, assisting in the resolution of disputes under the license agreement and facilitating the exchange of information between the parties.

License Suspension and Termination

The ICTA may suspend our operations for a limited or an unlimited period if necessary for the purpose of public security or national defense, including war and general mobilization. During suspension, the ICTA may operate our business, but we are entitled to any revenues collected during such suspension, and our license term will be extended by the period of any suspension.

Our license may be terminated under our license agreement upon a bankruptcy ruling that is not reversed or dismissed within 90 days, upon our failure to perform our obligations under the license agreement if such failure is not cured within 90 days, if we operate outside the allocated frequency ranges and fail to terminate such operations within 90 days or if we fail to pay our treasury fee.

In the event of termination, we must deliver the entire GSM system to the ICTA.

If our license is terminated for our failure to perform our obligations under our license, the performance guarantee given by us in an amount equal to 1% of the license fee may be called. The license agreement makes no provision for the payment of consideration to us for delivery of the system on such termination.

In the event of a termination of our license, our right to use allocated frequencies and to operate the GSM system ceases. Upon the expiration of the license agreement, initially scheduled to occur in 2023, without renewal, we must transfer to the ICTA, or an institution designated by the ICTA, without consideration, the network management center, the gateway exchanges, and the central subscription system, which are the central management units of the GSM network. We may apply to the ICTA between 24 and six months before the end of the25-year license term for the renewal of the license. The ICTA may renew the license, taking into account the legislation then currently in effect.

Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

Under our license agreement, any dispute arising from or under our licensescope, implementation and termination of the agreement shall be brought before the License Coordination Committee. If the dispute is not settled within 30 days before the License Coordination Committee, it shall be referred to the parties. If the dispute is not resolved by the parties within 15 days, then it shall be settled by an arbitral tribunal in accordance with ICC Rules. The governing law of any arbitration is Turkish law and any such arbitration shall be conducted in English. Disputes relating to national security or public policy shall not be subject to arbitration proceedings.

Additionally, the Law No. 7061 dated November 28, 2017 has introduced the settlement mechanism set forth in a provision of the Tax Procedural Law No. 213 for the disputes in relation to the payment of the treasury share.

p.q.Authorization of 3G License

In 2008, the ICTA conducted a tender process to grant four separate licenses to provide IMT 2000/UMTS services and infrastructure. We were granted theA-type license, which provides the widest frequency band, at a consideration of EUR 358 million (excluding VAT). We signed the license agreement relating to 3G authorization on April 30, 2009.2009 and then the agreement was renewed and resigned in February 2016 with small amendments which do not change the core of the service. The license agreement has a term of 20 years.


The 3G License Agreement has provisions that are generally similar to those contained in our license agreement relating to 2G. However, with respect to dispute resolution, while our 2G license provides for arbitration for the settlement of disputes, under the 3G License Agreement, disputes arising between the parties shall ultimately be settled by the Council of State of the Republic of Turkey.

With the 3G License Agreement, we wereare obliged to meet certain coverage obligations. We are required to cover the population within the borders of all metropolitan municipalities within three years and all cities and municipalities within six years. We are also obliged to cover every region with a population over 5,000 within eight years and population larger than 1,000 within 10 years. ByFollowing the amendment of the Law for Metropolitan Municipalities, the number of metropolitan municipalities increased and the borders of some metropolitan municipalities were extended. After this amendment, the ICTA increased our coverage obligations, defined in our concession agreement, by its decision, based on this law amendment. We filed a lawsuit for the stay of execution and the cancellation of this decision. The Council of State accepted our stay of execution request. ICTA objected to this decision. Objection was also rejected in favor of Turkcell. The casehearing was held on November 27, 2018 and it is still pending.expected that the court will grant a decision.

With the 3G License Agreement, as opposed to the 2G License Agreement, the Company assumed an obligation related to its electronic communications network investments, such as the obligation to provide at least 40% of its electronic communications investments from suppliers that have a Research and Development Center in Turkey and the obligation to provide at least 10% of its electronic communications investments from suppliers that are Smallsmall and Medium Size Enterprisesmedium size enterprises (“SME”SMEs”) established in Turkey.

According to the Authorization Regulation, breaches by operators resulting in the termination of the GSM concession agreement for any reason shall also result in the termination of the operator’s concession agreement signed forIMT-2000/UMTS service. Also, if the GSM concession agreement is not renewed at the end of its natural expiration, the ICTA may continue to allow the utilization of the needed infrastructure byIMT-2000/UMTS services on terms and conditions to be set by the ICTA itself.

The statutes, rules and regulations applicable to our activities and our 2G and 3G licenses are generally new, subject to change, in some cases, incomplete, and have been subject to limited governmental interpretation. Precedents for and experience with business and telecommunications regulations in Turkey are generally limited. In addition, there have been several changes to the relevant legal regime in recent years. There can be no assurance that the law or legal system will not change further or be interpreted in a manner that could materially and adversely affect our operations.

q.r.Authorization of 4.5G License

In theIMT- Advanced (“4.5G”) tender held on August 26, 2015 to grant spectrum usage for 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz (FDD,TDD) and 2600 MHz (FDD, TDD), the Company purchased a total of 172.4 MHz, the broadest 4.5G (IMT) spectrum allocation of any operator in Turkey (including widest frequency bands on 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz and 2600 MHz) for €1,623.5EUR 1,623.5 million (excluding VAT and interest payable on the installments). The license fee will be paid in four equal semi-annual installments of which the first installment including VAT was paid on October 26, 2015.

The tender gave equal opportunity to the operators in the low frequency bands utilized for coverage while enabled competition in higher frequency bands mainly used for capacity. The Company has reached a total frequency bandwidth of 234.4 MHz and our ownership in total bandwidth in the market increased to 43% (234.4 MHz / 549.2 MHz) with the new frequencies acquired. The operators will be able to utilize the new spectrum in a technology neutral way.

The 4.5G licensing process is finalized by signing of IMT License Commitments Document by Turkcell and therefore, the ICTA granted TurkcellTurkcell’s 4.5G License on October 27, 2015. The 4.5G License is effective for 13 years until April 30, 2029. According to the License, Turkcell expectsstarted to commence providingprovide 4.5G services from April 1, April 2016.

The 4.5G License Agreement has provisions that are generally similar to those contained in our license agreement relating to 2G and 3G. According to the IMT License Commitments Document, the Company;

(a) must achieve population coverage of 95% of the population of Turkey and coverage of 90% of the population within the borders of all cities and all city districts within eight years,

a)must achieve population coverage of 95% of the population of Turkey and coverage of 90% of the population within the borders of all cities and all city districts within eight years

b)(b) must cover 99% of highways, high speed railroads and tunnels with lengths more than one kilometers within eight years, 95% of double roads within six years and 90% of conventional railroads within ten years, and

(c) is obliged to share actively with other mobile operators, any new 3G or 4.5G site which it will decide to build within settlement areas with population of less than 10,000 and highways, double roads, tunnels, high speed railroads and conventional railroads, within ten years

c)is obliged to share actively with other mobile operators, any new 3G or 4.5G site which it will decide to build within settlement areas with population of less than 10.000 and highways, double roads, tunnels, high speed railroads and conventional railroads.

from the effective date of the License granted to the Company.


While building its infrastructure for 4.5G networks, Turkcell is required to purchase up to 45% of its network related hardware (i.e. base stations, switches, routers and as such) and software from local suppliers, and purchase up to 40%10% of the network equipment and software from vendors with local research and development centers.SMEs engaged in production in Turkey. The local network related hardware purchase requirement is defined in three periods: 30% for first year, 40% for second year and 45% for the third and following years. Reporting on these requirements should be made to the ICTA on a yearly basis. In case of a projection of a failure to meet the requirement for locally produced hardware and software due to the lack of sufficient local supply and other relevant conditions, the Company shall file an application to the ICTA 6 months before the due date, and request an easing or removal of the obligation. Based on the law, we have applied for the removal of the obligation for the first three 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 periods.

Breaches regarding the abovementioned obligations and the breaches resulting in the termination of the GSM andIMT-2000/UMTS concession agreements for any reason shall also result in the termination of the Operator’s 4.5G authorization. The Company may apply to the ICTA between 18 and 12 months before the natural end of authorization (April 30, 2029) for the renewal of the authorization. The ICTA may renew the authorization, taking into account the current legislation.

r.s.Licenses and Authorizations of our Subsidiaries

In addition to the foregoing, our majority owned subsidiary, Belarusian Telecom, and wholly owned subsidiaries lifecell and Kuzey Kibris TelekomTurkcell hold GSM licenses in Belarus, Ukraine and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, respectively, and all of them have obtained 3G licenses. If lifecell, Belarusian Telecom and Kuzey Kibris TelekomTurkcell fail to comply with the terms and conditions of their license agreements, they may incur significant penalties, which could have a material adverse effect on our strategy for international expansion and our business and results of operations. In addition, our subsidiaries Global Tower, Turkcell Superonline, Inteltek, Turkcell Enerji, Paycell and AzerinteltekFinancell have licenses to perform their business. Failure to comply with the terms of such licenses may lead to significant penalties and adversely affect their, as well as our, results of operations.

Ukraine License Agreement

As of December 31, 2018 lifecell owns threeeleven activity licenses, one for GSM 900, GSM 1800 and a technology neutral license, issued for 3G. As at December 31, 2015, lifecell owned 26 frequency use licenses for UMTS 2100, GSM 900, GSM 1800, CDMA and microwave Radiorelay, which are regional and national. In addition to the GSM licenses, lifecell owns3G, one license for international and long-distance calls and eight PSTN licenses for eight regions in Ukraine. 3G activityAs of December 31, 2018, lifecell owned 29 frequency use licenses for IMT(LTE-2600,LTE-1800),IMT-2000 (UMTS),GSM-900,GSM-1800,CDMA-800 and frequency licensesmicrowave Radiorelay and Broadband Radio Access, which are regional and national. Licenses for IMT(LTE-2600,LTE-1800) andGSM-1800 were issued on 4G tenders, held in March 2015 and are valid for 15 years.the first quarter of 2018. Additionally, lifecell holds a specific number range—range – three NDC codes for mobile networks, four permissionstwenty one permission on a number of resourcesresource for short numbers, eleven permissions on a number of resourcesresource forSS-7 codes (7 regional and 4 international), one permission on a number of resourcesresource for Mobile Network Code, and sixteennine permissions on a number of resourcesresource for local ranges for PSTN licenses.licenses, two permissions on a service codes for alternative routing selection for international and long-distance fixed telephony and one permission on a code for global telecommunication service “800”.

According to the licenses, lifecell must adhere to state sanitary regulations to ensure that the equipment used does not injure the population by means of harmful electromagnetic emissions. Licenses require lifecell to inform authorities of the start/end of operations within four months and changes in the incorporation address within 30 days. Also, lifecell must present all the required documents for inspection by the NCCIR by their request. The NCCIR may suspend the operations of lifecell for a limited or an unlimited period if necessary due to the expiration of the licenses, upon mutual consent, or in the case of a violation of the terms regarding the use of radio frequencies. If such a violation is determined, the Ukrainian Telecommunications Authority will notify lifecell of the violations and will set thea deadline for recovery. If the deadline is not met, the licenses may be terminated.

Belarus License Agreement

Belarusian Telecom owns a license, issued on August 28, 2008, for a period of 10 years, which was valid till August 28, 2018. However, in accordance with the Edict of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated November 26, 2015, numbered 475, the license is now issued without limitation of the period of validity. Starting from March 1, 2016 the license is valid from the date of the licensing authority’s decision on its issue and for an unlimited period. Under the terms of its license, Belarusian Telecom is requiredhad been provided with additional time by the license authority to gradually increase its geographicalfulfill all 2G signal coverage requirements regarding the settlements until the end of 2017.2018. We are in close communication with the regulatory body regarding 2G license requirements and we have applied for certain license requirement adjustments. We expect that another period extension will be provided imminently to Belarusian Telecom has fulfilled all coverage requirements except covering all Belarusian settlements. TheTelecom. As of December 2018, the number of uncovered settlements is 648646 out of a total of 22,552 settlements.


Turkcell Superonline Authorizations

Turkcell Superonline was authorized as a Fixed Telephony Service Provider as of November 19, 2004, Satellite Communication Service Provider as of March 24, 2004, Infrastructure Provider as of March 6, 2006, Internet Service Provider as of February 15, 2005, Satellite Communication Service Provider as of March 24, 2009, Cable Broadcast Service Provider as of November 23, 2009, Mobile Virtual Network Operator as of August 9, 2010 and Public Access Mobile Radio Service Provider for the Marmara and Guneydogu Anadolu regions as of January 27, 2007.July 14, 2015.

The AuthorizationBy-Law for Telecommunication Services and Infrastructure published in the Official Gazette on August 26, 2004 was abrogated with theBy-Law on Authorization for Electronic Communications Sector dated May 28, 2009. According to this abrogation, Turkcell Superonline’s “Authorization” on Infrastructure Operating Service, Internet Service Provision and Satellite Communication Service hashave been changed to “Authority” on Infrastructure Operating Service, Internet Service Provision, Satellite Communication Service and Cable Broadcast Service. Turkcell Superonline’s “License” on Long Distance Telephony Services License has been changed to “Authorizations” relevant to the Fixed Telephony Services. Aforementioned Public Access Mobile Radio Service Provider Authorization of Turkcell Superonline was annulled as of December 31, 2015.

In accordance with the new legislation issued by the ICTA in 2011, the term of the infrastructure operator authorization of Turkcell Superonline has become indefinite. As a result, Turkcell Superonline revised the expected useful lives of its operating license and related fixed network equipment from 15 years to 25 years.

Turkcell Superonline was authorized as a Platform Operator and Infrastructure Operator, according to the Radio and Television Supreme Council’s decision numbered 24, dated March 26, 2014. Such authorizations have been provided by the Radio and Television Supreme Council, according to the rules of the Media Law and also the Radio and Television Supreme CouncilBy-Law on Broadcasting via Cable Networks. In accordance with the Media Law and its regulations, the Platform Operator Authorization and Infrastructure Operator Authorization are provided annually. Within the scope of the Platform Operator Authorization and Infrastructure Operator Authorization, Turkcell Superonline has the right to operate the platform and infrastructure of TV services.

s.t.Access and Interconnection Regulation

The Access and Interconnection Regulation (the “Regulation”) became effective when it was issued by the ICTA on September 8, 2009 and abolished the Access and Interconnection Regulation which was published on May 23, 2003. The Regulation sets forth the rights and obligations of the operators relating to access and interconnection and establishes rules and procedures pertaining to their performance of such obligations. The Regulation primarily sets forth applicable principles, details of access and interconnection obligations, financial provisions, and policies and procedures regarding negotiations and contracts for access and interconnection.

The Regulation is driven largely by the goal of improving the competitive environment and ensuring that users benefit from electronic communications services and infrastructure at a reasonable cost. Under the Electronic Communications Law, the ICTA may compel a telecommunications operator to accept another operator’s request for access to and use of its network. All telecommunications operators in Turkey may be required to provide access to other operators. The operators who are compelled to provide access to other operators may be obliged to provide service and information on the same terms and qualifications provided to their shareholders, subsidiaries, and affiliates by the ICTA.

In accordance with Article 7 of the aforementioned Electronic Communications Law, the ICTA may determine the operators that have significant market power in the relevant market as a result of market analysis. After determination of the operators who have significant market power, the ICTA may impose additional liabilities for such operators in order to protect the competitive environment. On December 15, 2005, the ICTA designated Turkcell, Vodafone, and Avea as “operators holding significant market power” in the “GSM Mobile Call Termination Services Market” and designated Turkcell individually as an “operator holding significant market power” in the “Access to GSM Mobile Networks and Call Originating Markets”. According to the new Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated September 1, 2009, numbered 27336, unless otherwise agreed, any decisions taken by the ICTA in the years 2005 and 2006 relating to market analysis were valid and effective until the end of calendar year 2009. Pursuant to its decision dated December 8, 2009, the ICTA designated Turkcell individually as an operator holding significant market power in the “Access to Mobile Networks and Call Originating Markets” and designated Turkcell, Vodafone and Avea as operators holding significant market power in the

“Mobile “Mobile Call Termination Market”. Based on the market analysis of the ICTA for the 2012-2015 term, all three operators were declared as operators holding significant market power in the “Mobile Call Termination Market” and Turkcell is once again recognized as the only operator holding significant power in “Access to GSM Mobile Networks and Call Originating Markets”. As explained above, renewal of market analysis for both markets willwas expected to be renewedfinalized in 2016. However, public consultation documents were released at the end of 2016; and mobile market analyses were finalized in April 2017.

As a result of the significant market power designation in the “GSM Mobile Call Termination Services Market”, our company, as well as Avea and Vodafone, is required to provide interconnection services on a cost basis.


Consequently, according to the Electronic Telecommunications Law, the ICTA may oblige such operators to provide access and to submit their reference offers for access and interconnection to the ICTA for review, and may require amendments to the offers. Operators are obliged to make the amendments requested by the ICTA in a prescribed manner and within a prescribed period. In addition, the operators are obliged to publish their reference offers for access and interconnection, which have been approved by the ICTA, and to provide access under the conditions specified in their reference offers and interconnection, which have been approved by the ICTA. Please refer to the Interconnection table under the caption “Interconnection Rates—Turkcell, Vodafone, Avea and Turk Telekom” below for the approved interconnection rates. In September 2011, the ICTA decided that national and international mobile terminating call rates should be differentiated. As a result of this, the ICTA decided that operators could start to set their own rates liberally for international mobile terminating calls. As of August 2012, Turkcell has started to set its own mobile termination rates for international calls.

In 2014, SMP operators did not provide any reference offers since the ICTA rearranged the current reference offers by itself aiming to make the reference offers aligned. With a board resolution dated October 2014, reference offers for interconnection operations were announced for Avea, Vodafone and Turkcell. The ICTA has also set the MMS termination rate for all operators that were not previously regulated. We were not obliged to prepare new reference offers for interconnection operations in 2015. The ICTA is currently working on market analysis, and access and interconnection reference offers will be updated following the completion of such at March 7, 2019.

t.u.RegulationonCo-Location and Facility Sharing

The ICTA has required operators to share certain facilities with other operators under certain conditions specified in the Electronic Communications Law and to provideco-location on their premises for the equipment of other operators at a reasonable price.

Under the Regulation, operators holding significant market power are required to provide access and services to all operators on equal terms. Operators with significant market power are also required to perform unbundling of their services, which means that they have to provide separate service of, and access to, transmission, switching, and operation interfaces. Furthermore, the ICTA may establish rules applicable to the division of the costs of facilities among parties.

The ICTA published a Communiqué concerning “Co-Location“Co-Location and Facility Sharing” on December 2, 2010 (which abolished the Regulation published on December 31, 2003). According to the new Communiqué, the ICTA should determine operators to beco-location incumbent if operators do not enableco-location or there’s a dispute against competition orend-users. Similarly, the ICTA could set tariffs if the tariffs forco-layout are not determined on a cost basis.

The Communiqué defines the criteria for operators who are incumbents for facility sharing and also states the items which must be considered for determining the Facility Sharing prices.

Subsequently, the provisions that regulate the ICTA approval of the examination fee determined by theCo-Location and Facility Sharing incumbent have been removed, opening up theCo-Location and Facility Sharing process to negotiation. In addition, the Facility Sharing incumbent’s right to allocate a facility for its own network and investment plans has been reduced to 25% of the facility.

The ICTA published a Communiquéregulation concerning “Cellular System Antenna Facility Design, Set Up and Sharing” on March 18, 2011 (which abolished the Regulation published on April 16, 2008). The Communiquéregulation frames antenna facilities design, set up and sharing to enable base station facility usage by multiple operators. The emission points will not be determined by operators, therefore operators will have to work cellular planning together. Operators must share every base station facility regardless of tower orbuilding-top distinction. Antenna facilities must be set up in certain capacity that at least one more operator can benefit. Some incentives, such as exemptions on some certification fees, will be given if sharing occurs on existing or new sites. Finally, when antenna facility set up and sharing requests are evaluated, if the owner of the facility refuses the request, the requesting operator will be informed of the reason for the refusal. This way, negotiation between parties is supported and ICTA involvement is kept at a minimum levels.

level. On December 6, 2016, the ICTA repealed the above regulation and replaced it with “The Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of Sharing of Cellular System Antenna Installations and Radio Access Networks”. According to this Regulation:

The number of sharing types has increased. The terms and conditions of sharing at highways, railways and within tunnels is now a separate section.

In regions where the population is lower than 10,000, if an operator is unable to use the antenna installations built by another operator before the IMT licensing, the operator must notify the ICTA about the situation and the ICTA may let the operator build a new antenna installation. This operator is obliged to make an installation facilitating the sharing by all types with at least two other operators. The operator cannot turn down any sharing requests involving installations set up after IMT licensing in motorways, high speed and very high speed railways, dual carriage highways, tunnels and conventional railways, except for indoor installations.

In regions where the population is higher than 10,000 at the time of application to the Authority to build a new installation, provided that operator(s) are present and offer the new comer at least three of the possible share types, no wireless usage fee will be charged for the following year. If the antenna installation concerns towers exclusively, type 2 sharings (e.g. tower and direct sharings) will suffice. This rule will apply until December 31, 2023.

In regions where the population is lower than 10,000, except indoor installations, new antenna installations which were established between the date of the IMT authorization and the issue date of this Regulation, all settlements and motorways, high speed and very high speed railways, dual carriage highways, tunnels and conventional railways must be brought in line with the conditions set by this Regulation.


In the 4.5G Authorization Document, in provinces with a population of less than 10.000ten thousand and at sites to cover highways, double roads and railroads, any new 3G or 4.5G site to be built must be shared actively by all operators within this region. Current government officials declared that research and development (“R&D”) and production & development (“P&D”) in Turkey for high-tech products and services will be supported and some incentives will be introduced in the near future. One of the biggest local vendors in the defense industry that is already producing telecom equipment for the military declared it is planning to produce a 4.5G base station for commercial networks after 2015. In the 4.5G Authorization Document, usage of locally-produced equipment in network was obliged, with rates up to 45%. Yet if the lack of such equipment or absence in the demand for production of such equipment is proved by mobile operators, mobile operators will be freeand appealed before the end of thisreporting period, the ICTA may ease the conditions of the obligation or completely remove the obligation specifically for the related term.period. We informed the ICTA that we support any local R&D and P&D, as long as it complies with international technical and financial standards and can be sustainable. However, the 4.5G Authorization Document does not provide details on the compliance with international standards. The ICTA may oblige operators to buy and use the locally produced products, independent of the quality standards, if a local vendor produces sufficient equipment to support the mobile operators’ demands. This may cause technical problems in our network. Should such technical problems occur, it could negatively affect our quality of service, leading to increased costs for the 4.5G infrastructureroll-out and could negatively affect our customer experience.

u.v.Regulationon Consumer Rights in the Electronic Communications Sector

The ICTA published a “Regulation on Consumer Rights in the Electronic Communications Sector” on July 28, 2010 (which abolished the Regulation published on December 22, 2004) and made some changes to such regulation on June 20, 2013. This regulation introducesintroduced some radical changes to the electronic communications sector. With this regulation, the ICTA determined new procedures/changes regarding: the process and timing of churn steps, the obligation of operators to keep subscribers informed of services, including, but not limited to, informing customers about amendments of the campaigns and tariffs, the consumer complaints solution mechanism, billing processes and safe internet. The Regulation on Consumer Rights in the Electronic Communications Sector, which came into force in April 2018, repealed and replaced the previous regulation. Although the new version mainly preserves the provisions of the former regulation, one of the main differences is that the first service on/off operation in a calendar year may no longer be charged in case the services were suspended/disconnected due tonon-payment within due date.

In addition, the ICTA may restrict the conditions under which certain mobile internet and services are provided by third parties. Moreover, the ICTA published a board decision regarding Safe Internet on August 22, 2011, and the service is now offered to subscribers free of charge. Operators must provide Safe Internet Service to subscribers, who request this service, as two separate profiles, the child profile and the family profile, each of which can restrict subscribers from accessing certain internet addresses and content. The subscribers can easily change their profiles oropt-out from the Safe Internet Service.

The ICTA set forth the reimbursement process arising from its decisions by publishing the procedures and principles to be applied to the reimbursement of the subscribers which came into force in 2018. In addition, “the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Services with Limited Amount of Use and the Applications of Upper Limits of Receipts” that was published on August 19, 2016 has been in force since December 1, 2017. The notifications regarding the services with limited amount of use and the applications of upper limits of receipts used to be regulated by separate documents. But with the aforementioned Procedures and Principals, the means, the timing and the content of the notifications regarding the services with limited amount of use and the upper limits of receipts has been consolidated under a regulation. The ICTA’s regulation of these activities could have an adverse effect on our mobile telecommunications business and we may be fined if we do not comply. Furthermore, our compliance with the ICTA’s regulations may increase the costs of doing business and could negatively impact our financial results.

An ICTA decision dated June 21, 2018 favoring subscribers with special needs, veterans, and widows/widowers and orphans of martyrs was published and came to effect on January 1, 2019. The decision requires operators that have more than 200 thousand subscribers to offer their services to these groups that are “in need of social support” with a 25% discount. The discount is to be offered upon proof of identity and the subscriber’s special need.

v.w.Regulationon Data Privacy in Electronic Communications Sector

Under Article 51 of the Electronic Communications Law, the ICTA is authorized to determine the principles and procedures related to the process of personal data and protection of privacy. In this manner, ICTA had published “Regulations on the Protection of Privacy and Processing of Personal Data”. With its decision rendered on April 9, 2014 and published in the Official Gazette on July 26, 2014, the Turkish Constitutional Court decided that Article 51 of the Electronic Communications Law is a violation of Article 20(3) of the Constitution, which stipulates data protection as a constitutional measure and that the measures should be regulated by the laws and therefore annulled the aforementioned provision (Article 51). The Article 51 of the Electronic Communications Law, which was repealed by Turkish Constitutional Court, was amended and came into force on April 15, 2015. In the amended Article 51, the main principles of recording and sharing subscribers’ personal data are defined in general. In addition to that, ICTA is also authorized


again to determine the procedures and principles related to the process of personal data and protection of privacy. A public consultation regarding the draft regulation has been collected by the ICTA, however the new regulation has not been adopted so far.

Compliance with this regulation will involve operational expenses and may make it harderrequire further due diligence to process the customer data and provide segmented offers to our customers. Furthermore,non-compliance with this Regulation may result in the imposition of monetary fines, which could have a negative impact on our financial condition and reputation.

w.x.Law on the Protection of Personal Data

Turkey, as a part of its legislative reforms to align with the EU legislations, has adopted an extensive data protection regime. The Law on the Protection of Personal Data (the “Law”), which came into force on April 7, 2016, regulates personal data of real persons and its protection, process and transfers.

The Law introduced several obligations for processing and transferring the personal data including fair and lawful processing, protection of personal data, consent requirement, providing notice of processing, registration with the Data Protection Authority (the “DPA”) and notification of DPA in case of data breach. According to the Law, the DPA is authorized to impose sanctions and precautions as well as administrative fines which are determined in the Law.

The Law also determines the rights of the person whose data is processed, such as the right to apply to the Data Controller to learn whether the personal data has been processed, to learn if it is being used properly according to the purpose of the processing, to know the third parties to which the personal data is transferred in the country or abroad, to request the personal data to be erased or destroyed and the third parties to be notified of that.

As per Article 16 of the Law, the Regulation on the Registry of Data Controllers specifying procedures and principles regarding the Registry of Data was published on December 30, 2017 and came into force on January 1, 2018. Pursuant to this regulation, data controllers are obliged to register with the registry prior to processing personal data and the exemptions from the registration requirement is to be determined by the Board of Protection of Personal Data. The Company is subject to the obligation regarding the register with the registry until September 30, 2019; the data controllers that are not established in Turkey have the responsibility to register with the registry via their representative that they will assign and data controllers are obliged to prepare a personal data processing inventory that includes the purposes for processing personal data, data categories, subject groups of the data, the maximum retention period of the data and measures taken regarding the data security.

In addition to the aforementioned regulation, on October 28, 2017 the Regulation Regarding the Deletion, Destruction and the Anonymization was published and came into force on January 1, 2018. The objective of the Regulation is to set forth procedures and principles regarding the deletion, destruction or anonymization of personal data processed wholly or partly by automatic means and otherwise by automatic means which form part of a data recording system. The Regulation applies only to data controllers. Furthermore, the Communiqué on the Obligation to Provide Information and the Communiqué on Principles and Procedures for Application to Data Controller was published and came into force on March 10, 2018 regulating principles and procedures in relation to information obligation and rules and processes for data subjects to exercise their rights regarding personal data. With respect to international data transfers, the DPA has not published the list of countries, which have adequate level of protection as of the date hereof.

Failure to comply with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data may result in imposition of certain civil, criminal and administrative sanctions. As of the date of this annual report, the Company is carrying out a compliance program with regard to compliance matters arising from the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and secondary legislation.

y.Regulation on Electronic Commerce

Law No. 6563 on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce published in the Official Gazette on November 5, 2014, amended Article 50 of the Electronic Communications Law, providing that without the prior consent of the subscribers, unsolicited electronic communications for the purposes of direct marketing or messages with adult content is prohibited. An “opt-in”“opt-in” mechanism has been adopted for electronic messages; however, this provision does not apply retroactively to the databases which were established by taking the data subjects’ consent before the Law No. 6563 on Regulation of Electronic Commerce entered into force on May 1, 2015.

The Electronic Commerce Law and “Commercial Communications And Commercial Electronic Messages Regulation” published in accordance with this law exclude the messages that are sent to subscribers and users of the operators about their own products and services and these messages are regulated in “The Principles And The Procedures Regarding The Communication With The Purposes Of Advertising And Marketing” which was published by the ICTA on July 9, 2015. According to this legislation, these messages are also subject to the prior consent of the subscribers and users. Violation of this legislation may result in an administrative fine.

Some of the companies that previously used Turkcell’s permission database in high volumes may shift to global social media channels which may not be subject to government regulation. Law No. 6563 on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce will not only affect the permission database business of Turkcell, but also bulk SMS business. More companies may prefer to use the bulk SMS enablers that operate abroad because those enablers are not subject to regulation by the Turkish government.

Additionally, the new regulation may have a negative impact on Turkcell’s corporate business as a whole because the permission database and bulk SMS services are among Turkcell’s most effective services for acquiring corporate subscribers.80

x.z.Registered Email Service Regulation

Registered Electronic Mail Service was started in July 2012. Mobile operators cannot provide registered electronic mail service; however, the service may create a new mobile business area with new bundled mobile products, which are able to service our subscribers.

y.aa.Turk Telekom, Vodafoneand Avea Interconnection Agreements

(i) General

We have interconnection agreements with Turk Telekom, Vodafone, Avea and Fixed Telephony Service Operators whereby they allow us to connect our networks with theirs to enable the transmission of calls to and from our mobile communications system.

The interconnection agreements establish understandings between the parties relating to various key operational areas, including call traffic management, and the agreements contemplate that we and the other parties will agree on the contents of various manuals setting forth additional specifications concerning matters that are not specifically covered in the interconnection agreement, such as quality and performance standards and other technical, operational and procedural aspects of interconnection.

The interconnection agreements specify that the parties shall comply with relevant international standards, including standards adopted by the GSM Memorandum of Understanding, the Telecommunications Standards Bureau of the International Telecommunications Union, and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute. In the absence of applicable international standards, the interconnection agreements provide that the parties will establish written standards to govern their relationship.

The interconnection agreements outline the applicable interconnection principles and provide the technical basis and rationale for technical specifications and manuals to be agreed to by the parties.

In addition, the parties agree to provide the other party with information that is necessary to enable the performance of their interconnection obligations, the provision of services, or the utilization of equipment and/or buildings as contemplated in the interconnection agreement.

We have ongoing disputes with Turk Telekom, Vodafone and Avea over these agreements and with the ICTA regarding its decision related to these agreements. On December 30, 2015, Turkcell Group and Turk Telekom Group reached an agreement to mutually settle the ongoing lawsuits, enforcement procedures and disputes between Turkcell companies including Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS, Superonline Iletisim Hizmetleri AS, Kule Hizmet ve Isletmecilik AS and Turk Telekom Group companies including Turk Telekomunikasyon AS, Avea Iletisim Hizmetleri AS and TTNet AS. In this regard, we made a payment of TRY 225 million to Turk Telekom Group which is the net of rights, receivables and claims of both parties (excluding VAT and special communication tax, including all other tax and financial obligations and interest) on January 14, 2016. See “Item 8.A. Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information—Legal Proceedings”.

(ii) Interconnection Rates—Turkcell, Vodafone, Avea and Turk Telekom

In accordance with the relevant articles of the Electronic Communications Law and subsequent Access and Interconnection Ordinance, the ICTA regulatedregulates both fixed and mobile interconnection rates. In previous years, the interconnection rates have substantially decreased with the interventions of the ICTA.

CurrentMobile interconnection rates are based on the ICTA’s decision on the Interconnection Tariffs issued in April and June 2013. NewLast decision about interconnection rates werewas published in October 2014 and remain in force with no change in the existing rates. However, the Authority publishedThe MMS interconnection rates for the first time.were also introduced in 2014. The evolution of interconnection rates for voice calls between Turkcell, Vodafone, Avea, Turk TelecomTelekom and Alternative Fixed Line Operators is summarized in the table below.


  VOICE (TRY Kurus)   VOICE (TRY Kurus) 
              TURK TELEKOM   Alternative Fixed Line
               TURK TELEKOM   Alternative
Fixed Line
  TURKCELL   VODAFONE   AVEA   Local   Single   Double     TURKCELL   VODAFONE   AVEA   Local   Single   Double 


   15.60     15.60     15.60       4.10     5.90       15.60    15.60    15.60      4.10    5.90   


   14.80     14.80     14.80       3.40     5.10       14.80    14.80    14.80      3.40    5.10   


   14.00     14.00     14.00       2.00     3.70       14.00    14.00    14.00      2.00    3.70   


   14.00     15.20     17.50       2.00     3.70       14.00    15.20    17.50      2.00    3.70   


   13.60     14.50     16.70       1.89     3.00       13.60    14.50    16.70      1.89    3.00   


   9.10     9.50     11.20       1.71     2.70       9.10    9.50    11.20      1.71    2.70   


   6.55     6.75     7.75     1.39     1.71     2.70       6.55    6.75    7.75    1.39    1.71    2.70   


   3.13     3.23     3.70     1.39     1.71     2.24     3.2     3.13    3.23    3.70    1.39    1.71    2.24    3.2 


   2.50     2.58     2.96     1.39     1.71     2.24     3.2     2.50    2.58    2.96    1.39    1.71    2.24    3.2 


   2.50     2.58     2.96     1.39     1.71     2.24     3.2     2.50    2.58    2.96    1.39    1.71    2.24    3.2 


*In September 2011, the ICTA amended its Regulation on mobile termination rates by removing the restriction on the rates applicable to calls originating from international operators. After reaching commercial agreements with Turk Telekom and alternative fixed-line carriers, we began to charge higher termination rates for international calls effective August 1, 2012.


Effective from July 2013, Turkcell is paid TRY 0.0043 per SMS for SMS termination in its network. Respective rates for Vodafone are TRY 0.0043 per SMS and for Avea TRY 0.0047.


   SMS (TRY Kurus) 


   1.70     1.73     1.87     1.70  


   0.43     0.43     0.47     1.70  


   0.43     0.43     0.47     1.70  

   MMS (TRY Kurus) 


   0.86     0.86     0.94  
   SMS (TRY Kurus) 


   1.70    1.73    1.87   1.70 


   0.43    0.43    0.47   1.70 


   0.43    0.43    0.47   1.70 

Effective from October 2014, Turkcell is paid TRY 0.0086 per MMS for MMS termination inon its network. Respective rates for Vodafone are TRY 0.0086 per SMS and for Avea TRY 0.0094.

   MMS (TRY Kurus) 


   0.86    0.86    0.94 Concluded with the Fixed Telecommunication Services Operators

(i) Interconnection/Call Termination Agreements

Turkcell, as an “operator holding significant market power”, entered into interconnection/call termination agreements with fixed telecommunication service operators that applied to Turkcell for an agreement. Interconnection rates are regulated by the ICTA. Turkcell pays fixed-line operators TRY 0.0320 per minute and fixed-line operators pay Turkcell TRY 0.0250 per minute for national voice call traffic.

(ii) International Transit Traffic Services Agreements

Turkcell entered into International Traffic Carrying Services Agreements with operators who applied to Turkcell for an agreement. Under these Agreements, we may carry calls to these operators’ switches for onward transmission to their destinations and these operators should provide the termination of these calls on the relevant network. These operators charge us at various prices identified within the scope of the agreement for the calls directed to numerous networks around the globe. The operators may modify their rates upon a fifteen day advanced written notice and such rates will become applicable upon our approval.

(iii) SMS Termination Agreements

During 2011, Turkcell entered into SMS Termination Agreements with alternative operators who applied to Turkcell for an agreement. In accordance with the ICTA regulations on SMS Termination Rates in Turkcell’s network, Fixed Telephony Service Operators pay Turkcell TRY 0.0043 per SMS. Services

The ICTA has designated Turkcell as the operator having significant market power in the mobile access and call origination markets, which hashad implications such as mandatory MVNO access and cost-oriented call origination and termination rates. In its

ICTA’s decision regarding the Referencedated April 12, 2017, stating that anex-ante regulation was no longer needed for Mobile Access Offer of Turkcell, the ICTA determined the call originationCall Origination Market and termination fees for voice as TRY 0.0250 per minute, wholesale on net voice call fee as TRY 0.0428 per minute, origination and termination fees for SMS as TRY 0.0043 per SMS and wholesale on net SMS fee as TRY 0.0073 per SMS , origination and termination fees for video calls as TRY 0.0775 per minute and wholesale on net video calls fee as TRY 0.1325 per minutethat Turkcell’s SMP designation was to be applied to the MVNOs.lifted after a period of one year, has been cancelled following ICTA’s new decision dated April 4, 2018.

Highly competitive market conditions and heavy tax burdens have discouraged potential MVNOs from entering the market for years. Nevertheless, both commercial negotiations and conciliation processes by the ICTA with certain MVNO candidates are in progress and we expectthe ICTA gave signals of its intention to see some MVNO presencepromote the development of MVNOs in the Turkish market in the coming years.

The ICTA has determinedby extending Turkcell’s SMP designation on call origination and determination feesaccess market for Type-2 and Type-3 (Full MVNO) but not determined fees for Type-1 (Light MVNO) model. Commercial negotiations are the main subjects to be handled in Type-1 (Light MVNO) consultations between Turkcell and the potential additional year.

bb.dd.Agreements Concluded with Directory Service Providers

Turkcell entered into agreements relating to the provision of directory services with 1211 Directory Service Providers, which are licensed to provide directory services by the ICTA. The aforementionedThese agreements determine the principles and procedures related to the access of companies to the Turkcell database, the provision of directory services to the subscribers


subscribers and the clearing procedure of the parties. Such agreements are valid and binding for a term of one year. However, if neither party notifies the other party one month before the expiration of the agreement of its request to terminate, the agreement will automatically be renewed for anotherone-year term. Concluded with Operators Licensed to Provide Satellite Services

We have executed agreements with Globalstar Avrasya Uydu Ses ve Data Iletisim A.S. and Teknomobil Uydu Haberlesme A.S., operators licensed to provide satellite services. The scope of such agreements is the interconnection between the networks of the parties and the determination of the principles and procedures of the methods of network operation and clearance.

dd.ff. Prospective LegislationRecent Amendments to the Turkish Insolvency and RegulationsRestructuring Regime

The Electronic CommunicationsEnforcement and Bankruptcy Law provides that current telecommunications legislation shallNo. 2004 prevents a contractual arrangement by which a contractual event of default clause is stipulated to be revisedtriggered in case of any application is made by a Turkish company for debt restructuring upon settlement within the scope of Turkish Enforcement and amended. The revision and amending processes are still ongoing. However, duringBankruptcy Law No. 2004. In addition to this, period, all regulations and communiqués thaton March 15, 2018, changes were effective priorintroduced to the publicationTurkish Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law No. 2004. Among other changes, one of them states that the Electronic Communications Law will stillcontractual termination, default and acceleration clauses of an agreement cannot be validtriggered in case the debtor makes a concordat application and binding, on the condition that they aresuch application not contrary to the provisionsconstitute a breach of the Electronic Communications Law.such agreement.

4.C Organizational Structure

The following chart lists each of our key subsidiaries (including our ownership interest in Fintur) and our proportionate direct and indirect ownership interest as of March 10, 2016:7, 2019:





(1)Global Odeme Sistemleri

On February 16, 2018, the incorporation of Turkcell Ozel Finansman A.S. (formerly Corbuss) is 11% directly and 89% indirectly (in total 100%) owned by Turkcell. Global Odeme Sistemleri (“Global Odeme”)under the laws of Republic of Turkey was renamed Global Odeme Hizmetleri on February 5, 2015. Subsequently, Global Odeme Hizmetleri was renamed Turkcell Odeme Hizmetleri A.S. on September 18, 2015.announced in Trade Registry Gazette of Turkey.

(2)Turkcell Finansman A.S

On April, 9, 2018, the legal title of Global Bilgi Pazarlama Danisma ve Cagri Servisi Hizmetleri A.S. was incorporated on October 22, 2015.changed to Global Bilgi Pazarlama Danismanlik ve Cagri Servisi Hizmetleri A.S.


On June 25, 2018, the incorporation of Turkcell Sigorta Aracilik Hizmetleri A.S. under the laws of Republic of Turkey was announced in Trade Registry Gazette of Turkey.


On June 28, 2018, the incorporation of Turkiye’nin Otomobili Girisim Grubu Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. under the laws of Republic of Turkey was announced in Trade Registry Gazette of Turkey.


On July 10, 2015, Turkcell Iletisim30, 2018, the incorporation of Sofra Kurumsal ve Odullendirme Hizmetleri A.S. completedunder the acquisitionlaws of 44.96%Republic of Turkey was announced in Trade Registry Gazette of Turkey.


On August 14, 2018, the liquidation of Financell B.V was completed.


On January 9, 2019 the legal title of the company Turkcell Satis ve Dagitim Hizmetleri A.S. was changed to Turkcell Satis ve Dijital Is Servisleri A.S.


On January 11, 2019 sale of Azerinteltek QSC shares was completed.



Fintur was classified as asset held for sale and reported as discontinued operations as of October 2016. As disclosed under the Fintur section, Fintur transferred its 100% share in Geocell to Silknet and 51.3% total shareholding in Azertel to Azintelecom in the first quarter of 2018. On December 21, 2018, Fintur’s 51% of the shares of Euroasia Telecommunications Holding B.V., a subsidiary based in Netherlands, in which Turkcell held 55.04% shares.

Kcell JSC was transferred to Kazakhtelecom JSC.

(4)On November 25, 2015, the Board of Directors decided on the mergers of Euroasia Telecommunications Holding B.V being entirely acquired by Beltur Coöperatief U.A. and Turkcell Interaktif Dijital Platform ve Icerik Hizmetleri A.S being entirely acquired by Superonline Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.

For information on the country of incorporation of our key subsidiaries, see “Item 4.B. Business Overview”.

4.D Property, Plant and Equipment

As of December 31, 2015,2018, we operated 6577 facilities including network data centers, of which 5755 were located in Turkey, the rest in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Belarus Ukraine and Azerbaijan.Ukraine.

We have our own sixand leased buildings (Beyoglu, Maltepe, Kartal, Davutpasa, Mahmutbey, Halkali), located throughoutin Istanbul, as operation ofincluding our headquarters, mobile switching centers, network data centers, customer service offices and warehouse. Otherswarehouses. Our buildings in Turkey and outside of Turkey are in Bodrum, Ankara (Cinnah, Sogutozu, Ivedik), Malatya, Izmit, Tekirdag/Corlu, Zonguldak, Aydin, Denizli, Konya, Karaman, Erzurum, Balikesir, Mugla, Mersin, Sakarya, Hatay, Adana, Diyarbakir, Samsun, Izmir, Antalya, Trabzon, Bursa, Van, Kayseri, Gaziantep, Minsk (Belarus), which we useused for the purposes of administration, sales and other service centers as well marketing and operation of mobile switching centers and network data centers.

In September 2015, our headquarters moved to Kucukyali from Beyoglu bringing internal functions and group companies Turkcell Technoloji and Turkcell Superonline together in Istanbul, generating operational efficiencies.

In addition to Kucukyali (headquarters), we also lease buildings in Istanbul (Maltepe, Umraniye, Levent, Maslak), Edirne, Eskisehir, Manisa, Samsun, Trabzon, Bodrum, Ankara, Izmir, Gaziantep, Sanliurfa, Adana, Diyarbakir, Antalya, Artvin, Van (Ercis), Siirt, Karabuk, Corum, places outside of the Turkey such as Baku (Azerbaijan), Lefkosa (Northern Cyprus), Minsk, (Belarus), Kiev, Dnepr, Sumy, Kharkiv (Ukraine), for similar purposes, including marketing and sales, operation of mobile switching centers and network data centers.

As of December 31, 20152018 we also had 209156 owned and 1,0981,361 leased vehicles, used for operational purposes and provided as benefits to some of our employees.

a.Core Network Infrastructure

Our core network consists of three site Geographically Redundant Next Generation Home Location Register Home Subscriber Server (“NG HLR”/“HSS”), a combined Number Portability Switch Relay Function (“SRF”) and Number Portability Database and Signal Transfer Point (“STP”), Diameter Routing Agent (DRA). The Core Network is common for 2G, and 3G, 4.5G radio networks and carries voice over IP, with combined Mobile Switch Centers/Visitor Location Registers (“MSC/VLR”), Media Gateways (“MGW”), Charging Control Node (“CCN”) and Virtual Private Network (“VPN”).

We have an IMS based VoLTE (Voice over LTE) network. We are planning to converge Core Voice and IMS Networks. With convergence of the networks, the telco based fixed and mobile services and (OTT based) application services will be given easier and faster.

Our core packet switching network consistscombined of SGSNsSGSNs/MME’s (Serving GPRS Support Node)Node, Mobility Management Entity) and GGSNsGGSNs/SGW/PGWs (Gateway GPRS Support Node)Node, Serving and PDN Gateway) providing GPRS/EDGE, and HSPA/HSPA+ (High Speed Packet Access) capability for mobile packet traffic and also Policy and Charging Rules Function (“PCRF”) for subscriber policies. In addition, we already deployed Data Optimization equipment for customer experience.

We have switches in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana, Antalya, Bursa, Corlu (Tekirdag), Diyarbakir, Erzurum, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Malatya, Mersin, Mugla, Samsun, Trabzon, and Van. We also had Remote BSC (“RBSC”) location at Elazig which was moved to Malatya at the end of 2015.

In addition, we own switch buildings in different cities in Turkey, such as Istanbul (Mahmutbey, Kartal, Maltepe), Mugla, Izmit, Diyarbakir, and Erzurum. Switch buildings are where the network switching equipment, such as MSC, MGW, BSC and RNC, is located.

b.Access Network Infrastructure

Our Access Network consists of Base Station Controllers (“BSC”) and Radio Network Controllers (“RNC”) at Network Data Centers (“NDC”) and BTS,Node-Bs and Node-BseNode-Bs located on rooftops or towers. InSince 2014, we startedhave been calling our OMCs (Operation Maintenance Centers) as NDCs (Network Data Centers). BTSs are the fixed transmitter and receiver equipment in eacha cell, or coverage area of a single antenna,cluster of antennas, for a 2G mobile communications network that communicates by radio signal with

mobile telephones indevices. Similarly,Node-Bs are the cell. In the same manner, Node-Bs are radio signal transmitter and receivercorresponding equipment in eachfor 3G, cell, connected to and controlled by RNC in order to realize 3G and HSPA+ coverage for 3G /HSPA-equipped mobile phones.

Atphones andeNode-Bs are the end of December 2015, we owned over 41,300equipment that carry out equivalent functionalities for 4.5G with the important difference that they are directly connected to 4.5G Core Network. In addition to macro sites that serve large areas, there are sites using small base stations (2G+3G/HSDPA)called small cells that serve some specific and leasedlimited areas. We have been adding small cells to densify our network and meet certain performance objectives (enhanced user experience, higher speeds, higher capacity, improved coverage etc.). Depending on the land underlying such base stations.suitability and cost-effectiveness of the candidate solution, we are using small cell systems, repeaters or relay systems to augment our service quality.


In 2009, the ICTA resolved that operators may transfer the right of use of their towers to third parties. In accordance with this resolution, we transferred the rights of some towers to Global Tower.

c.Transmission Network Infrastructure

Turkcell’s mobile backhaul utilizes various transport technologies to provide for an efficient, resilient and cost effective transmission network. Connectivity between sites is provided using Microwave Radio Links and leased lines carried over Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (“SDH”) and Ethernet over Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (“DWDM”)DWDM where appropriate. Cell sites with site connectivity are mostly served bypoint-to-point microwave radio links owned and managed by Turkcell, make up more than 90% of our network. Interconnections with other Public Land Mobile Networks (“PLMN”), Public Switched Telephone Networks (“PSTN”), Long Distance Telephony Services (“LDTS”) and small operator companies are realized through leased line connections. More than 90% of our leased line network connectivity is currently provided by our subsidiary, “Turkcell Superonline”.Turkcell Superonline. The rest of the leased lines are provided by the incumbent, Telekom operator “Turk Telekom”. With the growth of data usage and in preparation for “4.5G”, fiber optic connectivity to cell cites has also become a part of our network topology.Turk Telekom. As a result the overall infrastructure capacity usage is fully optimized and a high grade of availability is achieved through topology resiliency and packet base IP mobile backhaul network infrastructure.








The following discussion and analysis of our management with regard to our financial condition and the results of our operations should be read together with the Consolidated Financial Statements included in this annual report. In addition to historical information, the following discussion contains forward-looking statements based on current expectations that involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results and the timing of certain events may differ significantly from those projected in such forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including those set forth in “Item 3.D. Risk Factors” and elsewhere in this annual report.

I. Overview of the Turkish and International Economy

2015 was another challenging yearWe witnessed a diversification in global economic growth in 2018. The US economy grew by 2.2% in the first quarter, 4.1% in the second quarter and 3.4% in the third quarter and 2.6% in the fourth quarter of 2018 as a result of fiscal stimulus, tax reforms and strong consumer consumption. Global trade has been threatened by bilateral import tariffs between US and China following previously imposed US tariffs on steel and aluminum as well as tight global financial conditions. Consequently, investors’ risk appetite have decreased and the most recent indicators indicate Eurozone, China and other emerging markets either slowing significantly from previously high levels or remaining sluggish in 2018. Following long standing quantitative easing programs, central banks around the world have been reversing their monetary policy, ending or curtailing these programs. Due to rising inflation, strengthening economic activity and historically low level of unemployment rate, the US Federal Reserve (“Fed”) raised interest rates four times in 2018 and reduced its balance sheet. Furthermore, at the end of 2018, the European Central Bank (“ECB”) ended its purchases of government and private debt. The Bank of England increased its policy rate from 0.50% to 0.75% despite weak growth. The potential for an additional interest rate increase by the Fed, the strengthening of the US dollar, the tightening global liquidity conditions and trade war tensions became catalysts that drew attention in particular to current account deficit countries, resulting in asell-off period emerging markets withbeginning at the end of April 2018.

Turkey’s GDP growth remained solid at 7.2% in the first quarter of 2018 and 5.3% in the second quarter of 2018 on the back of robust domestic consumption and investment expenditure. In June 2018, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan became an Executive President for the next five years following the first dual parliamentary and presidential elections in Turkey. The Government’s Party coalition (AKP andMHP) obtained the majority in the Turkish Assembly. Following the election, the Turkish Government terminated the state of emergency in July 2018 which had been declared as a further decelerationresult of activitythe failed coup attempt in key emerging and developing economies. The slowdown was accompanied by a further drop in commodity prices and volatility in financial markets.2016. Turkey’s credit rating was kept the same at all three major rating agencies with only Standard &Poor’s still remaining one notchdowngraded by Moody’s, S&P and Fitch in March, May and June, respectively. Turkey currently stands two notches below investment grade. Thegrade with regard to Fitch, three notches below with regard to Moody’s, and four notches below with regard to S&P. Along with the emerging markets equity and currencysell-off,Turkey-U.S political tensions related to the American pastor Andrew Brunson impacted Turkey’s financial markets and the Turkish economy has grown for twenty four quartersLira significantly depreciated against the USD as of August. Headline inflation increased to 25.24% in a rowOctober 2018 due to higher energy prices, exceptional food inflation and grew by 3.4% inTRY depreciation. Even though theyear-end inflation was 20.3%, up until the first nine monthshalf of 2015. Based on market estimates, the year-on-year GDP growth in Turkey is expected to be at around 3.0% in 2015 and 3.1% in 2016. 2016 is expected to be an even more challenging year globally due to high volatility from differing monetary policies from developed markets. On the U.S. side, the Federal Reserve (“FED”) has increased its policy rate for the first time since 2006 with a pickup in economic activity and a strong labor market. The European Central Bank has extended the maturity of its quantitative easing program by at least six months to March 2017 and is expected to increase the size of its bond buying program in 2016. The Bank of Japan has introduced negative interest rates for excess reserves for the first time to revive growth and inflation in the world’s third-largest economy. Furthermore, the recent drop in oil prices continues to give energy-importing countries like Turkey an opportunity in account rebalancing while increasing the pressure on public finances of energy exporting emerging market countries.

The TRY depreciated by 25.4% against the U.S. Dollar in 2015, and depreciated by 0.02% as of March 10, 2016 based on closing rates as of December 31, 2015. Market players continue to expect further devaluation in the TRY in 2016. The annual inflation rate increased to 8.8% by the end of 2015 from 8.2% at the end of 2014 led by an increase in food prices

and pass through effects due to the TRY depreciation. The latest CBRT expectations survey, as of February 18, 2016, indicated that2019, inflation is expected to be at 8.5%higher due to basis effect. High public spending to avoid a slowdown in the economy,pre-election transfers and extra defense spending have contributed to a deterioration of the fiscal balance to 2% of GDP.

The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (“CBRT”) and the Turkish Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (“BRSA”) eancted a series of measures and rules to ensure financial stability and support the Turkish Lira amid the high volatility. In 2018, the CBRT hiked its policy rate by 625 bps and provided TRY and FX liquidity to the banking


system. Additionally, in 2018, the average cost of funding increased by 1,125 bps. To prevent a sudden halt in economic activity, tax cuts were announced in several sectors. The Turkish economy started to rebalance in the second half of the year on the back of strong CBRT action and the currency shock. Loan growth entered into negative territory, with strength in exports coupled with a sharp decrease in import demand12-month rolling current account deficit rapidly improved and reached USD 27.6 billion at the end of 2016. The current account deficit decreasedthe year from USD 58 million in May. GDP growth slowed to approximately 4.5% of GDP1.6% in the first 11 monthsthird quarter of 2015 from approximately 5.7% in 2014. The current account deficit is expected to continue narrowing in 2016 due to low energy prices. Potential capital outflows due to a decrease in global USD liquidity2018 and rising U.S. interest rates may have a negative impact on the Turkish economy if not counterbalanced by European Central Bank and Bank of Japan actions.

Turkey held parliamentary elections in June 2015 but failed to form a government and therefore early elections took place in November 2015. Early elections resulted in a single majority government with AKP gaining the majority of the parliament. On a regional level, recent political tensions with Russia and further instabilitycontracted 3.0% in the CIS, Balkans, Middle East,fourth quarter of 2018, following the decline in investor and consumer confidence, the surge in financial market volatility and increase in bank loan rates.

Ongoing military operations in Syria, anticipated Turkish military operations where militant organizations such as the PKK, YPG or PYD dominate in North Africa and Caucasian regions may impact the development of the Turkish economy. Tension in Ukraine, Syria and the Middle East region remainupcoming local elections in March 2019 are key sources of uncertainty and could increase the most important neighboring political risks.volatility in FX and interest rate markets. Furthermore, the announced departure of U.S. troops from Syria may cause uncertainty for the region’s future and this situation may result in higher risks related to budget deficit if the Syria operation lasts longer than anticipated.

II. Taxation Issues in the Telecommunications Sector

Under current Turkish tax laws, there are several taxes imposed on the services provided by telecommunications operators in Turkey. These taxes are charged to subscribers by mobile operators and remitted to the relevant tax authorities. They may be charged upon subscription, on an annual basis or on anad valorem basis on the service fees charged to subscribers.

The following are the most significant taxes imposed on our telecommunications services:

a.Special Communications Tax

The Turkish government imposed a special 25% communications tax on mobile telephone services as part of a series of new taxes levied to finance public works required to respond to the earthquakes that struck Turkey’s Marmara region in 1999. This tax is paid by mobile users and collected by mobile operators. As of August 2004 other telecom services (i.e.(i.e., fixed lines and TV/radio transmission) are also included within the scope of the special communication (“SCT”).

Under Law No. 5838, which became effective onAs of March 1, 2009, wired,SCT rate for wireless and mobile internet service providers are subjectwas set to a special 5% communications tax (previously such tax was 25% on mobile, 15% on fixed lines). Other than mobile internet services, all mobile telecommunication services arewere subject to a special 25% and other telecommunication services (i.e.(i.e., fixed lines and TV/radio transmission) are subjectedwere subject to a 15% SCT since December 31, 2017. As of January 1, 2018, the SCT rate for all services within the scope of the tax rate. has been set to 7.5%.

The tax collected from subscribers in one calendar month is remitted to the tax authorities within the first 15 days of the following month.

The SCT on new mobile subscriptions was TRY 53, TRY 47 and TRY 46 in 2018, 2017 and 2016, respectively. As of January 1, 2019, the SCT on new subscriptions levied is TRY 65. The tax has had a correlative negative impact on mobile usage. As of January 1, 2018, only themark-up amount on subscribers’ invoices for roaming services is subject to SCT.

Under Law No. 6322, effective July 1, 2012, new mobile subscriptions for Machine to Machine (“M2M”)(M2M) simcards isare not subject to the special communication taxSCT levied upon new subscriptions.

The special communications tax on new mobile subscriptions was TRY 44 and TRY 40 in 2015 and 2014, respectively. As of January 1, 2016,2018, the special communicationsSCT is calculated for TRY and bundle package sales and also calling cards sales by including the margin of the distributor or/and retailer and these amounts. Mobile electronic telecommunication operators and authorized fixed telecommunication operators are responsible for the calculation and self-reporting to the tax authorities of the SCT amount on new subscriptions levied is TRY 46. The tax has had a correlative negative impact on mobile usage.thesepre-paid sales.

b.Value Added Tax (“VAT”)

Like all services in Turkey, services provided by GSM operators are subject to VAT. The general VAT whichrate for telecom services is 18% of the service fees charged to subscribers.and 1% for digital services (digital publishing rate was set at 18% for 2019 and subsequent years). We declare VAT to the Ministry of Treasury and Finance within 24 days and remit VAT paid by our subscribers within the first 26 days of the month following when the tax was incurred, after the offset of input VAT incurred by us.

VAT for roaming services was, until November 3, 2009, calculated solely on themark-up amount on subscribers’ invoices for roaming services. Following the Ministry of Treasury and Finance’s declaration of a change in its position regarding roaming charges, we began imposing VAT and the special communications tax on the entire amount of roaming charges, starting from November 3, 2009, to comply with this change in position. As of January 1, 2018, the VAT mechanism on roaming charges prior to November 3, 2009 was restored and since then only themark-up amount on subscribers’ invoices for roaming services has been subjected to VAT.



As of January 1, 2018 reverse charge VAT is calculatedexemption will be applied on the invoices, which are related to roaming services issued by foreign GSM operators.

Also new VAT requirements have been published in Official Gazette on January 31, 2018. Due to new legislation, as of January 1, 2018, if a nonresidente-service provider performse-services from abroad to real persons who are located in Turkey, service providers must be VAT tax payer in Turkey.E-service providers have to declare VAT over sales amount ofe-services, with VAT Return (Serial No.3) within 24 days and paid within the first 26 days of the month following. Also service providers can consider as deductible VAT which they have paid as VAT amount to the Turkish entities related to thesee-services.

As of January 1, 2018 VAT is calculated for TL and bundle package sales and also calling cards sales by including the margin of the distributor or/and retailer and these amounts. Mobile electronic telecommunication operators and authorized fixed telecommunication operators are responsible for the calculation and self-reporting to the tax authorities of the VAT amount on thesepre-paid sales.

c.License and Annual Utilization Fees

According to Article number 46 of the Electronic Communications Law, subscribers registered in the system are subject to both license and annual utilization fees. As of January 1, 2018, subscriptions for machine to machine (M2M) simcards are no longer subject to license and annual utilization fees.

GSM operators are charged with the duty of collecting of these fees.

The license fee is paid once on the subscription per subscriber. The license fee was TRY 17.9522.52, TRY 19.68 and TRY 16.3018.95 in 20152018, 2017 and 2014,2016, respectively. As of January 1, 2016,2019, the license fee is TRY

The payment of the annual utilization fee to the government depends on whether a subscriber is postpaid or prepaid. For postpaid subscribers, the monthly utilization fee was TRY 1.501.88, TRY 1.64 and TRY 1.361.58 in 20152018, 2017 and 2014,2016, respectively, and is charged to subscribers monthly. For prepaid subscribers, the annual utilization fee is calculated by multiplying the number of registered prepaid subscribers at the previous year end by the annual utilization fee and the calculated bulk annual utilization fee is paid by mobile operators the following year on the last business day in February. As of January 1, 2016,2019, the monthly utilization fee is TRY We decided to collect utilization fees from most of our prepaid subscribers starting from June 2011.2011 and we are collecting since then.

Other than subscribers’ license and annual utilization fees, operators must pay license and annual utilization fees for the wireless equipment to ICTA. Before January 1, 2018, the fee amount to be paid was calculated with respect to the amount per unit of wireless equipment (TRx); however, following a legislation shift, as of January 1, 2018 the fee is being calculated as 5% of monthly net sales amount and will be paid within the last working day of the following month.

d.Special Consumption Tax

The Special Consumption Tax (“SCT”) is a tax on prescribed goods, which includes mobile phones. The SCTSpecial Consumption Tax is charged on mobile phones either when they are imported or when they are sold by Turkish manufacturers. The SCTSpecial Consumption Tax rate on mobile phones (mobile phones are legally defined as “transmitter/receiver cellular phones”) was set at 20% prior to October 13, 2011, and the SCTSpecial Consumption Tax calculated in accordance with the 20% rate must not fall below TRY 40 per cellular phone device (Temporary Article 6 of Special Consumption Tax Code).

The SCTSpecial Consumption Tax rates were raised on some motor vehicles, mobile phones, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products by a decision of the Board of Ministers, which was published in the Official Gazette on October 13, 2011. The SCTSpecial Consumption Tax rate over cellular phones was increased from 20% to 25% and the minimum SCTSpecial Consumption Tax amount to be calculated was increased to TRY 100 (previously the minimum SCTSpecial Consumption Tax amount was TRY 40) effective from October 13, 2011.

The SCTSpecial Consumption Tax rates on some motor vehicles, mobile phones and alcoholic beverages were raised by a decision of the Board of Ministers, which was published in the Official Gazette on January 1, 2014. The minimum SCTSpecial Consumption Tax amount to be calculated over cellular phones was increased to TRY 120 effective from January 1, 2014. By a decision of the Board of Ministers, which was published in the Official Gazette on January 1, 2016, the minimum SCTSpecial Consumption Tax amount to be calculated over cellular phones was increased to TRY 160 effective from January 1, 2016. The said decision of the Board of Ministers has been cancelled in 2016 by the Supreme Court. Finally, a new article has been added to the Special Communication Tax Law (Temporary Article 6) on September 9, 2016 and the minimum Special Consumption Tax amount to be calculated over cellular phones was set at TRY 160 effective from September 9, 2016. There is a possibility that such tax may increase in the near future.


e.Turkish Radio and Television (“TRT”) Association Banderol Fee

According to Article number 4 of Law on TRT Revenues, mobile phones are subject to TRT banderol fee over (i) VAT base (excluded special consumption tax) related to sales amount for produced products (ii) VAT base (excluded special consumption tax) of Customs Declaration amount for import products. Before June 2016, mobile phones which can receive radio or television broadcasts via integrated tuner, were subjected to TRT banderol fee at the rate of 6%. As of June 2016, the following rates were applied: (i) 7% for mobile phones which can receive radio or television broadcasts via integrated tuner, and (ii) 6% for mobile phones which can receive radio or television broadcasts via internet connection. As of July 2017, all mobile phones which have 8517. customs tariff statistics position, subject to TRT banderol fee at the rate of 10%.

f.Treasury Share, Universal Service Fund Contribution

Due to our licenses (2G and 3G) and Authorization Certificate (4.5G), we are required to pay a treasury share equal to 15% of our gross revenue including some exemptions. 10% of the treasury share is paid as a universal service fund contribution. In addition, we must pay annual contributions in an amount equal to 0.35% of our net revenue to the ICTA’s expenses.

Since 2005, we are required to pay 90% of the treasury share to the Turkish Treasury and 10% to the Turkish Ministry as a universal service fund contribution. As of January 1, 2018, all of our treasury share will be paid to the ICTA, which will then transfer it to the Turkish Treasury and the Turkish Ministry as detailed above. The calculation method for the Treasury Share has also been revised and the following will consequently not be considered in calculation of the Treasury Share: overdue interests which are accrued to the subscribers for any unpaid balance, accrual amounts for the purpose of reporting, reflecting the installation and maintenance costs of the mobile radio stations to other mobile operators and finally, amounts for the purpose of correction accounting records which occur in the same year due to errors (such as customer information, type of business, amount, price).

Also, we are required to pay a Universal Service Fund Contribution equal to 1% of net sales revenue for Superonline, Global Tower and Rehberlik. These amounts are paid annually, within June of each following year.

In addition, we must pay annual contributions in an amount equal to 0.35% of our net revenue to the ICTA’s expenses for all companies.

g.Tax disputes

Changes in the Ministry of Treasury and Finance’s interpretation of the taxation codes, especially changes regarding consumption taxes (Value Added Tax and Special Communication Tax), may adversely affect consumer prices. In addition to the prospective financial impact of such changes, unanticipated tax liabilities and fines may also be levied against our financial results in prior years since a Turkish company’s operations in the previous five years may be subject to financial investigation. Regulations that became effective from July 1, 2010, however, have strengthened our rights with regards to this risk, particularly with regards to the following:

Tax inspectors shall not issue tax audit reports that contradict Decrees, Public Acts, Statutory Rules, General Communiqués and Circulars promulgated;

In the event that the tax authority differentiates previous interpretations of taxation codes via promulgated General Communiqués and Circulars, the new interpretation shall not be applied to previous transactions; and

Transactions that are compliant with rulings taken from the Tax Office shall be relieved from both tax penalty and overdue interest. Such shelter is valid only for a taxpayer that has applied for the ruling.

For a description of various tax related disputes to which we are party, see “Item 8.A. Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information—Legal Proceedings”.

III. Critical Accounting Policies

Our discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations are based upon our Consolidated Financial Statements, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB. The preparation of these financial statements requires us to make estimates, judgments and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses, and related disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the


financial statements and for the period then ended. On an ongoing basis, we evaluate the estimates used. We base our estimates on historical experience, actuarial estimates, current conditions and various other assumptions that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances. These estimates form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabilities and are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates. Our critical accounting policies are disclosed in Note 3 (Significant Accounting Policies)2 (Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies) to our Consolidated Financial Statements in this annual report on Form20-F.

IV. Change in Reportable Segments and in Reporting Currency

Beginning in 2015, we have modified our reportable segments to match our new internal operating and reporting structure, itself driven by our converged communications and technology services strategy which emphasizes marketing and sales around consumer and corporate customer groups.

Our operations are now aggregated under two main reportable segments, Turkcell Turkey and Turkcell International:

The Turkcell Turkey segment comprises mainly our telecommunication and technology services activities in Turkey and includes the operations of Turkcell, Turkcell Superonline, Turkcell Satis, group call center operations of Turkcell Global Bilgi, Turktell, Turkcell Teknoloji, Turktell Interaktif, Global Tower, Rehberlik, Turkcell Odeme and Turkcell Gayrimenkul.


The Turkcell International segment comprises mainly our telecommunication and technology services activities outside of Turkey and includes the operations of lifecell, Belarusian Telecom, Kibris Telekom, Eastasia, Euroasia, Beltur,Lifecell Ventures, Beltel, UkrTower, Global LLC, Turkcell Europe, Lifetech LLC, Beltower, Lifecell Digital Limited and Fintur.

Our “Other” reportable segment is comprised mainly of information and entertainment services in Turkey and Azerbaijan,non-group call center operations of Turkcell Global Bilgi, and consumer financing service operations of Financell, Paycell LLC and TOFAS (interest free), electricity energy trade operations of Turkcell Finansman A.S.Enerji, insurance agency activities of Turkcell Sigorta as well as the development and production of electric passenger cars and the carrying out of trading activities of Turkiye’nin Otomobili and Sofra Kurumsal. The accounting policies of our reportable segments are the same as those described in the summary of significant accounting policies.

With effectThe Group has transferred its total shareholding in Azerinteltek, controlled by Inteltek, to another shareholder of Azerinteltek, Baltech Investment LLC (“Baltech”). The share purchase agreement was signed on November 15, 2018 and the transfer of proceeds to Inteltek was completed on December 27, 2018. Group has lost the control over the subsidiary unconditionally on December 27, 2018 following the transfer of money. The transfer of shares to Baltech was completed subsequently on January 11, 2019. See Note 39 to our audited Consolidated Financial Statements included in “Item 18. Financial Statements” of this annual report on Form20-F for additional details.

Starting from Q4 2015,October 1, 2016, Fintur was classified as held for sale and discontinued operations, the Group has signed the definitive agreement on December 12, 2018 to transfer its total shareholding in Fintur to another shareholder of Fintur, Sonera Holding B.V. (“Sonera Holding”). The transfer to Sonera Holding will be completed subsequently to the obtainment of regulatory approvals, and the value of the transaction will be finalized on the closing date of the transaction, which is expected to take place in 2019. See Note 16 to our audited Consolidated Financial Statements included in “Item 18. Financial Statements” of this annual report on Form20-F.

Our financial statements are presented in TRY only, the currency in which we recognize the majority of our revenues and expenses. We will no longer present financial statements in USD. This change will allow us to align our Turkish and US reporting.

5.A Operating Results

Our audited Consolidated Financial Statements as at December 31, 20152018 and December 31, 20142017 and for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 20152018 included in this annual report have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB.

I. Overview of Business

Turkcell, a joint stock company organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Turkey, was formed in 1993 and commenced operations in 1994. We operate under a25-year GSM license (the “2G License”) and a20-year GSM license (the “3G License”). We were granted the 2G License in April 1998 upon payment of an upfront license fee of $500 million. On April 30, 2009, we signed a license agreement with the ICTA, which provides authorization for providing IMT 2000/UMTS services and infrastructure. We acquired theA-type license providing the widest frequency band for a consideration of EUR 358 million (excluding VAT). The 3G License is effective for 20 years starting from April 30, 2009. Pursuant to the agreement, we started to provide IMT 2000/UMTS services as of July 30, 2009.

Under our 2G License, we pay the Undersecretariat of the Treasury (the “Turkish Treasury”) a monthly treasury share equal to 15% of our gross revenue. Of such fee, 10% is paid to the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications of Turkey (“Turkish Ministry”) for the universal service fund.

We believe that the build-out of our network in Turkey is substantially completed. As of December 31, 2015, our network covered 100% of Turkish cities with a population of 1,000 or more and the majority of Turkey’s tourist areas and principal intercity highways (according to the Turkish Statistical Institute 2012 Census). We currently meet the coverage requirements of our 2G license in all material respects.

In accordance with our 3G license agreement, we are required to cover the population within the borders of all metropolitan municipalities and within the borders of all cities and municipalities in three and six years, respectively. Moreover, we are required to cover the population in all settlement areas with a population higher than 5,000 and 1,000 in eight and ten years, respectively, following the date of the agreement. As


In 2013, we won an auction held by the Turkish Ministry related to universal service, which requires installing sufficient infrastructure to uncovered areas with a population of less than 500, as well as the operation of the service for three years. Since its signature in 2013, its scope was increased in 2017 to encompass mobile broadband services on top of existing 2G services under the Universal Service Law, and recently it was granted an extension until December 31, 2015, we had reached 95.0% population coverage.2019 to operate both networks as per the same conditions defined under the contract.

In the 4.5G auction held on August 26, 2015, we agreed to purchase the use of 172.4 MHz, the largest amount of spectrum of any operator, for €1,623.5EUR 1,623.5 million (excluding VAT and interest payable on the installments). The license fee will beis being paid in four equal semi-annual installments of €413.8 million (together with interest payable), the first installment being paid the day before the signing date of the license together with applicable VAT for the total sum.installments. We agreed to purchase the use of widest frequency bands on 1800 MHz and 2600 MHz. We believe that these will allow us to offer high quality 4.5G services. We expect to commencecommenced offering 4.5G services from April 1, 2016. The 4.5G License is effective for 13 years until April 30, 2029.

Other than our 2G, 3G and 4.5G licenses, we also operate under interconnection agreements with other operators that allow us to connect our networks with those operators to enable the transmission of calls to and from our mobile communications system and fixed line networks through existing digital fixed telephone switches. For example, we have an interconnection agreement with Turk Telekom that provides for the interconnection of our network with Turk Telekom’s fixed-line network. Under our agreement with Turk Telekom, as amended, we pay Turk Telekom an interconnection fee per call based on the type and length of the call for calls originating on our network and terminating on Turk Telekom’s fixed-line network, as well as fees for other services. We also collect an interconnection fee from Turk Telekom for calls originating on their fixed-line network and terminating on ours. We also have interconnection agreements with Vodafone and Avea pursuant to which we have agreed, among other things, to pay interconnection fees to them for calls originating on our network and terminating on theirs, and they have agreed to pay interconnection fees for calls originating on their networks and terminating on our networks.

As at December 31, 2015, management believes that the Company is in compliance with the above mentioned license and interconnection agreements’ conditions and requirements in all material respects.

Our subscriber base has grown substantially since we began operations in 1994. At year-end 1994, we had 63,500 subscribers. By year-end 2015, that number for the Group had grown to 68.9 million including subscribers of subsidiaries and equity accounted investments.

In 2015, Turkcell Turkey has positioned itself as a converged player in the total telecommunication market in line with our new strategic leveraging its brand, extensive customer base, technological capabilities and strong distribution channel. We shifted to a newour organizational structure with the aim of increasing efficiency and simplification in our business processes, as well as strengthening our position as a provider of converged communications and technology services. Through our merged sales channels and integrated technical platform, we have generated efficiencies. Meanwhile, customerprocesses.

Our services have become a separate focus area.

Going forward, we will monitor our market share in terms of total telecom revenues as a converged player instead of mobile only revenues, or subscribers. In this regard, positioned as the second player in the converged market, our priority will be to increase our 35.5% revenue share within this market through differentiating our services and solutions, while remaining attuned to profitability.

We provideportfolio includes high-quality mobile and fixed voice, data, TV and otherdigital services over our network. We will continue to focus on our customer-oriented approach and our ability to provide quick and differentiated solutions to meet customers’ needs through lifestyle segments.segments and usage habits.

In 2016, we invested in the broadest 4.5G spectrum in Turkey and established what we believe to be the most advanced mobile and fiber network in Turkey. Post 4.5G launch, we realigned our strategy to focus on providing innovative and pioneering digital services, aiming to become more present and relevant in our customers’ daily lives. Turkcell develops and manages digital services and solutions to address the diverse needs of both consumers and corporate customers, thereby enriching their lives. Thus, Turkcell defines itself as a digital operator.

Due to our digital services strategy, one of our main targets is to increase digital services penetration, therefore increasing mobile and fixed multi-play customers, which in our experience generates higher ARPU and greater customer loyalty. For instance, in 2018, a mobile triple play customer generated 3 times the ARPU of a single play customer and had 30% less churn on average.

Our subscriber base has grown substantially since we began operations in 1994. Atyear-end 1994, we had 63,500 subscribers, and byyear-end 2018, that number for the Group had grown to 48.9 million including subscribers of subsidiaries.

In the mobile segment, we increased our postpaid subscriber base from 44%54% in 20142017 to 49%56% in 20152018 due to our focus on value. As of December 31, 2015,2018, we had 17.4approximately 14.9 million prepaid subscribers and 16.618.8 million postpaid subscribers, in our Turkish mobile network. compared to approximately 15.6 million prepaid subscribers and 18.5 million postpaid subscribers as of December 31, 2017.

Our average MoUminutes of usage (MoU) in Turkey increased 8%4% to 296.6359.5 minutes in 20152018 from 275.3347.1 minutes in 2014,2017, as a result of our higher incentives and higher packagehigh bundle packages utilization. Our mobile average revenue per userARPU in Turkey increased to TRY 24.533.9 in 20152018 compared to TRY 22.529.8 in 20142017 mainly due to continued strong growthdriven by our upsell strategy, favorable change in customer mix, focus on high value customer groups, and data usage and an increase in the postpaid subscriber service growth.

Our revenues are generated in large part from interconnection fees and retail tariffs. Regulatory decisions have had and may continue to have the effect of decreasing interconnection rates and imposing minimum and maximum prices on our retail tariffs. For a more detailed discussion of these factors, please see “Item 4.B. Business Overview—Regulation of the Turkish Telecommunications Industry” and “Item 5.D. Trend Information”.


Churn rate is the percentage calculated by dividing the total number of subscriber disconnections during a period by the average number of subscribers for the same period. For these purposes, we define “average number of subscribers” as the number of subscribers at the beginning of the period plus one half of the total number of gross subscribers acquired during the period. Churn refers to subscribers that are both voluntarily and involuntarily disconnected from our network. Our churn rate for mobile operations in Turkey was 27.3% for the year ended December 31, 2015, compared to 28.3% for the year ended December 31, 2014.

In the fixed segment, we increased our subscriber base from 1.22.1 million for the year ended December 31, 20142017, to 1.52.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2015. 59%2018. 60% of the subscriber base are fiber customers (899 thousand(1.4 million subscribers).

We haveprovided an allowanceimpairment provision for doubtfulcontract assets, other assets and receivables from financial services in our Consolidated Financial Statements for non-payments and disconnections that amounted to TRY 816.4938.5 million and TRY 727.7778.4 million as of December 31, 20152018 and 20142017 respectively, which we believe is adequate. The main reason for the increasechange in allowance for doubtfulimpairment losses is collections made in 2018 amounting to TRY 262.9 million and awrite-off of overdue receivables isamounting to TRY 118.6 million which was netted of with an impairment loss recognized amounting to TRY 196.6 million which was netted off609.3 million. Moreover, the Company signed a transfer of claim agreement with a write-offdebt management company to transfer some of overdueits doubtful receivables amounting to TRY 105.4 million.73.0 million stemming from the years between 1998 and 2016, excluding the amount from financial services which amounted to TRY 19.9 million stemming from the year 2017. Transferred doubtful receivables comprise of balances that the Company started legal proceedings.

II. International and Other Domestic Operations

In addition to our businesses in Turkey, we have telecommunications operations in Ukraine, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Belarus and Germany. We also operate in other countries through our associate, Fintur. For a description of, and additional information regarding, our international and other domestic operations, see “Item 4.B. Business Overview”.

III. Revenues

Revenues include telecommunication services which is comprised of voice, data, messaging, services and solutions, interconnect, roaming, wholesale and other revenues. Other revenues mainly consist of revenues from our retail business, call center business, information and entertainment services, tower business and tower services.

IV. Operating Costs

a. Direct Cost of Revenues

Direct costCost of revenues includes treasury shares, universal service fund, transmission fees, base station rent and energyradio expenses, billing costs, cost of goods sold, depreciation and amortization charges, repair and maintenance expenses directly related tofunding costs for financial services, rendered, roaming charges paid to foreign mobile communications operators for calls made by our subscribers while outside Turkey, interconnection fees mainly paid to Turk Telekom Vodafone and Avea, handset costs where the Company is the principal in the sale of the handsets,Vodafone and wages and salaries and personnel expenses for technical personnel.

b.Administrative Expenses

Administrative expenses consist of fixed costs, including company cars, office rental, office maintenance, travel, insurance, consulting, collection charges, wages, salaries and personnel expenses fornon-technical,non-marketing, andnon-sales employees, and other overhead charges. Our administrative expenses also include bad debt expenses of our subscribers and customers.

c.Selling and Marketing

Selling and marketing expenses consist of dealer and distributor commissions, advertising, uncharged prepaid frequency usage fees, wages, salaries and personnel expenses of sales and marketing related employees, and other expenses, including travel expenses, office expenses, insurance, company car expenses, and training and communication expenses.

d.Net impairment losses on financial and contract assets

Net impairment losses on financial and contract assets consist of impairment losses incurred through assessment of the Group at the end of each reporting period to consider whether there is objective evidence that a financial asset or group of financial assets was impaired. A financial asset or a group of financial assets was impaired and impairment losses were incurred only if there was objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the asset (a ‘loss event’) and that loss event had an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset or group of financial assets that could be reliably estimated. In the case of equity investments classified asavailable-for-sale, a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of the security below its cost was considered an indicator that the assets were impaired.


e.Results of Operations

The following table shows information concerning our consolidated statements of operations for the years indicated:


   For the years ended December 31, 
   2015  2014  2013 
(in TRY millions)          


   12,769.4    12,043.6    11,407.9  

Direct cost of revenues

   (7,769.5  (7,383.9  (7,063.9

Gross profit

   4,999.9    4,659.7    4,344.0  

  For the years ended December 31,   For the years ended December 31, 
  2015 2014 2013   2018   2017   2016 
(in TRY millions)        
  (in TRY millions) 


   20,350.6    17,026.4    14,100.9 

Revenue from financial services

   941.9    605.7    184.7 

Total revenue

   21,292.5    17,632.1    14,285.6 

Cost of revenue

   (13,785.4   (11,073.5   (9,166.4

Cost of revenue from financial services

   (360.5   (276.7   (70.2

Total cost of revenue

   (14,146.0   (11,350.2   (9,236.6

Gross profit

   7,146.5    6,281.9    5,049.0 

Administrative expenses

   (625.3 (562.7 (550.3   (673.4   (645.2   (721.8

Selling and marketing expenses

   (1,901.9 (1,974.6 (1,843.6   (1,626.7   (2,005.4   (1,910.9

Net impairment loses on financial and contract assets

   (346.4   —      —   

Other income/(expense), net

   (225.9 (76.3 (58.9   (140.1   (698.9   (234.2

Results from operating activities

   2,246.8    2,046.1    1,891.2  

Operating profit

   4,359.9    2,932.4    2,181.9 

Finance costs

   (799.5 (1,247.0 (204.6   (3,619.1   (1,141.3   (1,134.4

Finance income

   756.1   955.4   759.9     1,932.1    818.4    961.6 

Net finance (costs)/income

   (43.4  (291.6  555.3     (1,687.0   (322.9   (172.8

Monetary gain

   —     205.1   176.9  

Share of profit of equity accounted investees

   367.3   207.3   297.3  

Share of loss of equity accounted investees

   (0.1   —      —   

Profit before income taxes

   2,570.7    2,166.9    2,920.7     2,672.8    2,609.5    2,009.1 

Income tax expense

   (667.1 (730.4 (591.4   (495.5   (571.8   (423.2

Profit from continuing operations

   2,177.3    2,037.8    1,586.0 

Profit/ (loss) from discontinued operations

   —            (42.2) 

Profit for the year

   1,903.6    1,436.5    2,329.3     2,177.3    2,037.8    1,543.8 

Attributable to:


Equity holders of the Company

   2,067.7   1,864.7   2,325.9     2,021.1    1,979.1    1,492.1 

Non-controlling interest

   (164.1 (428.2 3.4     156.3    58.6    51.7 

Profit for the year

   1,903.6    1,436.5    2,329.3     2,177.3    2,037.8    1,543.8 

The following table shows certain items in our consolidated statement of operations as a percentage of revenue:


  For the years ended December 31,   For the years ended December 31, 
  2015 2014 2013   2018   2017   2016 

Statement of Operations Data (% of revenue)


Results of Operations (% of revenue)



   100.0    100.0    100.0     100.0    100.0    100.0 

Direct cost of revenues

   (60.8 (61.3 (61.9

Cost of revenues

   (66.4   (64.4   (64.7

Gross margin

   39.2   38.7   38.1     33.6    35.6    35.3 

Administrative expense

   (4.9 (4.7 (4.8   (3.2   (3.7   (5.1

Selling and marketing expenses

   (14.9 (16.4 (16.2   (7.6   (11.4   (13.4

Net impairment loses on financial and contract assets

   (1.6   —      —   

Other operating income/(expense), net

   (1.8 (0.6 (0.5   (0.7   (4.0   (1.6

Results from operating activities

   17.6    17.0    16.6  

Operating Profit

   20.5    16.6    15.3 


V. Segment Overview

Our operations are aggregated under two main reportable segments, Turkcell Turkey and Turkcell International:

   Turkcell Turkey  Turkcell
  Other  Intersegment
   2015  2014  2015  2014  2015  2014  2015  2014  2015  2014 
(in TRY millions)                               

Consumer segment revenue

   9,127.3    8,282.3    —      —      —      —      —      —      9,127.3    8,282.3  

Corporate segment revenue

   2,031.7    1,907.4    —      —      —      —      —      —      2,031.7    1,907.4  

Other Turkcell Turkey revenue

   321.9    290.5    —      —      —      —      —      —      321.9    290.5  

Turkcell International revenue

   —      —      856.1    1,137.9    —      —      —      —      856.1    1,137.9  

Other revenue

   —      —      —      —      458.6    457.8    —      —      458.6    457.8  


   —      —      —      —      —      —      (26.2  (32.4  (26.2  (32.4

Total revenue

   11,480.9    10,480.2    856.1    1,137.9    458.6    457.8    (26.2  (32.4  12,769.4    12,043.6  

Contribution to consolidated revenue

   11,466.3    10,457.1    844.4    1,128.8    458.7    457.7    —      —      12,769.4    12,043.6  

Reportable segment Adjusted EBITDA*

   3,759.6    3,326.4    246.0    281.0    134.5    154.6    0.5    (0.2  4,140.5    3,761.8  

Finance income

   732.0    930.4    22.9    19.0    96.1    140.9    (94.9  (134.8  756.1    955.4  

Finance cost

   231.4    125.8    (1,127.2  (1,497.8  (68.7  (124.3  165.0    249.4    (799.5  (1,247.0

Monetary gain

   —      —      —      205.1    —      —      —      —      —      205.1  

Depreciation and amortization

   (1,457.0  (1,311.6  (200.8  (319.2  (10.2  (8.8  0.2    0.2    (1,667.8  (1,639.4

Share of profit of equity accounted investees

   —      4.5    367.3    202.8    —      —      —      —      367.3    207.3  

Capital expenditure

   7,751.7    1,982.3    770.2    158.0    14.3    4.5    —      —      8,536.2    2,144.8  

Bad debt expense

   (188.0  (141.5  (8.3  (14.5  (0.3  0.0    —      —      (196.6  (155.9
   Turkcell Turkey  Turkcell
  Other  Intersegment
   2014  2013  2014  2013  2014  2013  2014  2013  2014  2013 
(in TRY millions)                               

Consumer segment revenue

   8,282.3    7,892.7    —      —      —      —      —      —      8,282.3    7,892.7  

Corporate segment revenue

   1,907.4    1,758.9    —      —      —      —      —      —      1,907.4    1,758.9  

Other Turkcell Turkey revenue

   290.5    245.6    —      —      —      —      —      —      290.5    245.6  

Turkcell International revenue

   —      —      1,137.9    1,209.5    —      —      —      —      1,137.9    1,209.5  

Other revenue

   —      —      —      —      457.8    333.5    —      —      457.8    333.5  


   —      —      —      —      —      —      (32.4  (32.2  (32.4  (32.2

Total revenue

   10,480.2    9,897.1    1,137.9    1,209.5    457.8    333.5    (32.4  (32.2  12,043.6    11,407.9  

Contribution to consolidated revenue

   10,457.1    9,874.5    1,128.8    1,200.3    457.7    333.1    —      —      12,043.6    11,407.9  

Reportable segment Adjusted EBITDA*

   3,326.4    3,149.3    281.0    288.3    154.6    107.7    (0.2  (0.9  3,761.8    3,544.5  

Finance income

   930.4    740.1    19.0    17.4    140.9    144.2    (134.8  (141.9  955.4    759.9  

Finance cost

   125.8    10.6    (1,497.8  (331.3  (124.3  (123.9  249.4    240.0    (1,247.0  (204.6

Monetary gain

   —      —      205.1    176.9    —      —      —      —      205.1    176.9  

Depreciation and amortization

   (1,311.6  (1,173.2  (319.2  (413.7  (8.8  (7.9  0.2    0.4    (1,639.4  (1,594.4

Share of profit of equity accounted investees

   4.5    (0.7  202.8    298.0    —      —      —      —      207.3    297.3  

Capital expenditure

   1,982.3    1,541.5    158.0    274.0    4.5    6.8    —      —      2,144.8    1,822.3  

Bad debt expense

   (141.5  (137.4  (14.5  (15.9  0.0    (0.0  —      —      (155.9  (153.4

The Turkcell Turkey segment comprises mainly our telecommunication and technology services activities in Turkey and includes the operations of Turkcell, Turkcell Superonline, Turkcell Satis, group call center operations of Turkcell Global Bilgi, Turktell, Turkcell Teknoloji, Global Tower, Rehberlik, Turkcell Odeme and Turkcell Gayrimenkul.

The Turkcell International segment comprises mainly our telecommunication and technology services activities outside of Turkey and includes the operations of lifecell, Belarusian Telecom, Kibris Telekom, Eastasia, Lifecell Ventures, Beltel, UkrTower, Global LLC, Turkcell Europe, Lifetech LLC, Beltower, Lifecell Digital Limited and Fintur.

Our “Other” reportable segment is comprised mainly information and entertainment services in Turkey and Azerbaijan,non-group call center operations of Turkcell Global Bilgi, consumer financing service operations of Financell, Paycell LLC, TOFAS (interest free), electricity energy trade operations of Turkcell Enerji, insurance agency activities of Turkcell Sigorta, as well as the development and production of electric passenger cars and to the carrying out of trading activities of Turkiye’nin Otomobili and Sofra Kurumsal. The accounting policies of our reportable segments are the same as those described in the summary of significant accounting policies.

The Group has transferred its total shareholding in Azerinteltek, controlled by Inteltek, to another shareholder of Azerinteltek, Baltech Investment LLC (“Baltech”). The share purchase agreement was signed on November 15, 2018 and the transfer of proceeds to Inteltek was completed on December 27, 2018. The Group has lost the control over the subsidiary unconditionally on December 27, 2018 with transfer of money. The transfer of shares to Baltech was completed subsequently on January 11, 2019. See Note 39 to our audited Consolidated Financial Statements included in “Item 18. Financial Statements” of this annual report on Form20-F for additional information.

Starting from 1 October 2016, Fintur was classified as held for sale and discontinued operations. The Group has signed the definitive agreement on December 12, 2018 to transfer its total shareholding in Fintur to the other shareholder of Fintur, Sonera Holding B.V. (“Sonera Holding”). The transfer to Sonera Holding will be completed subsequently to the obtainment of regulatory approvals and the value of transaction will be finalized on closing date of the transaction, which is expected to take place in 2019. See Note 16 to our audited Consolidated Financial Statements included in “Item 18. Financial Statements” of this annual report on Form20-F.


   Turkcell Turkey  Turkcell
  Other  Intersegment
   2018  2017  2018  2017  2018  2017  2018  2017  2018  2017 
   (in TRY millions) 

Total segment revenue

   18,265.8   15,450.1   1,457.0   1,067.1   1,933.8   1,187.5   (364.1  (72.6  21,292.5   17,632.1 

Inter-segment revenue

   (42.3  (31.7  (69.7  (40.9  (252.1  (0.0  364.1   72.6   —     —   

Revenues from external customers

   18,223.4   15,418.4   1,387.3   1,026.2   1,681.7   1,187.4   —     —     21,292.5   17,632.1 

Adjusted EBITDA*

   7,534.3   5,593.8   612.7   264.0   665.5   374.3   (24.5  (3.9  8,788.0   6,228.3 

Bad debt expense

   (248.2  49.5   (4.1  (6.1  (94.1  (79.7       —     (346.4  (36.3

   Turkcell Turkey  Turkcell
  Other  Intersegment
   2017  2016  2017  2016  2017  2016  2017  2016  2017  2016 
   (in TRY millions) 

Total segment revenue

   15,450.1   12,787.6   1,067.1   874.7   1,187.5   661.9   (72.6  (38.6  17,632.1   14,285.6 

Inter-segment revenue

   (31.7  (19.7  (40.9  (19.0  (0.0  (0.0  72.6   38.6   —     —   

Revenues from external customers

   15,418.4   12,767.9   1,026.2   855.7   1,187.4   661.9    —     —     17,632.1   14,285.6 

Adjusted EBITDA*

   5,593.8   4,160.9   264.0   235.3   374.3   222.8   (3.9  0.5   6,228.3   4,619.5 

Bad debt expense

   49.5   (195.5  (6.1  (6.0  (79.7  (10.0  —     —     (36.3  (211.4



For a definition of adjusted EBITDA, please see footnote 9 of the table in “Item 3.A. Selected Financial Data”.

Turkcell Turkey

a. 20152018 compared to 20142017

Total revenues generated by Turkcell Turkey increased 9.5%,18.2% to TRY 11,480.918,265.8 million in 20152018 from TRY 10,480.215,450.1 million in 2014,2017, mainly due to a 38.1%16.4% growth in data and digital services revenues driven by the increase in mobile broadbanddata and fixed broadbanddata revenues impacted by higher number of data users, increased data consumption per user and higher penetration of digital services, a larger postpaid subscriber base as well as our ability to upsell to higher tariffs in mobile business coupled with a larger subscriber base in fixed business and higher ratio of multiplay subscribers with TV. In 2018, postpaid ARPU excluding M2M subscribers was TRY 54.9 whereas prepaid average revenue per user was TRY 16.9, approximately 3.2 times higher. Additionally, voice and SMS revenues grew by 10.4%. For a more detailed discussion of the factors affecting our revenues, please see “Item 4.B. Business Overview—Regulation of the Turkish Telecommunications Industry” and “Item 5.D. Trend Information”.

Turkcell Turkey’s Adjusted EBITDA increased 34.7% to TRY 7,534.3 million in 2018 from TRY 5,593.8 million in 2017, mainly due to an increase in revenues and selling and marketing expenses which was partially offset by an increase in cost of revenues, administrative expenses and net impairment losses. The increase in the cost of revenues mainly resulted from an increase in treasury share expenses, interconnection cost, radio cost, wages, salaries and personnel, cost of goods sold, transmission cost and network related expenses. Decrease in selling and marketing expenses is mainly due to IFRS standards effect, which includes the capitalization of subscriber acquisition costs according to IFRS15, the capitalization of lease expenses according to IFRS16 and reclassification of frequency usage fees related to prepaid subscribers under net impairment losses on financial and contract assets according to IFRS 9 standard.


b.2017 compared to 2016

Total revenues generated by Turkcell Turkey increased 20.8% to TRY 15,450.1 million in 2017 from TRY 12,787.6 million in 2016, mainly due to a 51.2% growth in data and digital services revenues driven by the increase in mobile data and fixed data revenues impacted by increased smartphone penetration, higher usersubscriber numbers, and a rise in data consumption; a 38.5% increase inconsumption, price adjustments and higher digital services revenues whichsubscribers. This was partially offset by a 2.7%36.5% decrease in voice and SMS revenues. For a more detailed discussion of the factors affecting our revenues, please see “Item 4.B. Business Overview —RegulationOverview—Regulation of the Turkish Telecommunications Industry” and “Item 5.D. Trend Information”.

Turkcell Turkey’s Adjusted EBITDA increased 13.0%34.4% to TRY 3,759.65,593.8 million in 20152017 from TRY 3,326.44,160.9 million in 2014,2016, mainly due to an increase in revenues and decrease in administrative expenses which was partially offset by an increase in direct cost of revenues and administrative expenses.revenues. The increase in the direct cost of revenues mainly resulted from an increase in treasury share expenses, interconnection cost, wages, salaries and personnel, cost of goods sold and network related expenses. The increasedecrease in administrative expenses mainly resulted from ana decrease in bad debt expenses as opposed to increase in bad debtconsultancy expenses and wages, salaries and personnel expenses.

Net finance income decreased by 8.8% to TRY 963.4 million in 2015 from TRY 1,056.2 million in 2014 mainly

due to a decrease in interest earned on time deposits as a result of decreased cash balances and an increase in interest expenses mainly from interest expenses on settlement costs incurred regarding ongoing lawsuits, enforcement procedures and disputes with Turk Telekom Group. These impacts were partially set off by an increase in net foreign exchange gain.

Depreciation expense increased 11.1% to TRY 1,457.0 million in 2015 from TRY 1,311.6 million in 2014 mainly as a result of an increase in the capex additions.

b.2014 compared to 2013

Total revenues generated by Turkcell Turkey increased 5.9%, to TRY 10,480.2 million in 2014 from TRY 9,897.1 million in 2013, mainly due to a 36.7% growth in data revenues driven by the increase in mobile broadband and fixed broadband revenues impacted by increased smartphone penetration, higher user numbers and a rise in data consumption; a 11.6% increase in services revenues which was partially offset by a 1.2% decrease in voice revenues. For a more detailed discussion of the factors affecting our revenues, please see “Item 4.B. Business Overview —Regulation of the Turkish Telecommunications Industry” and “Item 5.D. Trend Information”.

Turkcell Turkey’s Adjusted EBITDA increased 5.6% to TRY 3,326.4 million in 2014 from TRY 3,149.3 million in 2013, mainly due to an increase in revenues which was partially offset by an increase in direct cost of revenues and sales and marketing expenses. The increase in the direct cost of revenues mainly resulted from an increase in treasury share expenses and network related expenses. The increase in selling and marketing expense mainly resulted from an increase in uncharged prepaid frequency usage fees, selling expenses and wages, salaries and personnel expenses.

Net finance income increased 40.7% to TRY 1,056.2 million in 2014 from TRY 750.7 million in 2013, mainly due to an increase in foreign exchange gain and interest earned on time deposits and assigned contracted receivables. The positive impact of significant change in net foreign exchange position, mainly due to an increase in foreign exchange denominated cash balance and a decrease in foreign exchange denominated borrowings, was partially offset by a lower depreciation of 8.6% in 2014 compared to a 19.7% depreciation of the TRY against the USD in 2013. Interest income on time deposits increased mainly due to an increase in cash balances and interest rates. The increase in interest earned on assigned contracted receivables is parallel to the increase in those receivables.

Depreciation expense increased 11.8% to TRY 1,311.6 million in 2014 from TRY 1,173.2 million in 2013 to mainly as a result of an increase in the capex additions.

Turkcell International

a.20152018 compared to 20142017

Total revenues generated by Turkcell International decreasedincreased by 24.8%36.5%, to TRY 856.11,457.0 million in 20152018 from TRY 1,137.91,067.1 million in 20142017 mainly due to currency devaluationappreciation in Ukraine and Belarus against the Turkish Lira in 2015.2018. The annual growth rates, in terms of local currency, of our major subsidiaries, lifecell and Belarusian Telecom were 10.5%8.1% and 6.2%11.7% respectively. The revenue growth in lifecell, which operates in Ukraine, was mainly driven by the increase in three-month active subscriber base to 10.6 million from 10.3 million and also 2.9%20.1% higher blended ARPU (three-month active) due to higher mobile broadband usage.usage which was partially offset by the increase in the three-month active subscriber base to 8.0 million from 7.3 million. The revenue growth in Belarusian Telecom which operates in Belarus was mainly due higher data revenues on the back of a rise in 4G users coupled with a higher data consumption . The penetration of its digital services in Belarusian Telecom continued to expansion of the subscriber base alongincrease in accordance with increased voice, mobile broadband and mobileTurkcell’s digital services revenues.strategy.

Turkcell International’s Adjusted EBITDA decreasedincreased by 12.5%132.1% to TRY 246.0612.7 million in 20152018 from TRY 281.0264.0 million in 20142017 mainly due to the negativepositive impact of new IFRS standards which included capitalization of lease expenses under IFRS16 and capitalization of subscriber acquisition costs according to IFRS15 as well as the currency devaluationappreciation in Ukraine and Belarus against the Turkish Lira. The majority of the segmentincrease in Turkcell International’s Adjusted EBITDA is drivenwas mainly due to increase in lifecell’s Adjusted EBITDA by lifecell which grew170.9% in terms of Turkish Lira. lifecell’s Adjusted EBITDA increased by 20.0%108.2% in terms of local currency in 2015 compared to 2014 due to effective cost management and better revenue mix.

Net finance cost decreased by TRY 374.5 million to a TRY 1,104.3 million loss in 2015 from a TRY 1,478.8 million loss in 2014, mainly due to decrease in foreign exchange lossthe effective cost control measures as a resultwell as the positive impact of debt restructuring in lifecell and Belarusian Telecom, foreign exchange losses recognized directlythe capitalization of its radio frequency usage costs starting in the foreign currency translation reservesfourth quarter of 2018 in equity as part of net investment in foreign operation accounting and lower devaluation of the UAH against the USD in 2015 which is partially offset by higher devaluation of the BYR against USD in 2015 compared to 2014. Foreign exchange losses in lifecell    amounted to TRY 465.5 million and TRY 991.2 million and foreign exchange losses in Belarusian Telecom, amounted to TRY 392.6 million and TRY 294.5 million in 2015 and 2014, respectively.accordance with IFRS16.

b. 20142017 compared to 20132016

Total revenues generated by Turkcell International decreasedincreased by 5.9%22.0%, to TRY 1,137.91,067.1 million in 20142017 from TRY 1,209.5874.7 million in 20132016 mainly due to currency devaluationappreciation in Ukraine and Belarus against the Turkish Lira in 2014.2017. The annual growth rates, in terms of local currency, of our major subsidiaries, lifecell and Belarusian Telecom were 12.7%0.8% and 15.6%13.4%, respectively. The revenue growth in lifecell, which operates in Ukraine, was mainly driven by 12% increase17% higher blended ARPU (three-month active) due to higher mobile broadband usage which was partially offset by the decrease in the three-month active subscriber base to 10.38.0 million from 9.2 million. The revenue growth in Belarusian Telecom, which operates in Belarus, was mainly due to a strong positionincreased number of 4G users, and higher data consumption led to increased data revenues. Meanwhile, BeST continued to increase the penetration of its digital services within its customer base in data and growth in value addedaccordance with Turkcell’s digital services despite a slight decrease in terminal revenues.strategy.

Turkcell International’s Adjusted EBITDA decreasedincreased by 2.5%12.2% to TRY 281.0264.0 million in 20142017 from TRY 288.3235.3 million in 20132016 due to the negativepositive impact of currency devaluationappreciation in Ukraine and Belarus against the Turkish Lira. The majority of the segmentincrease in Turkcell International’s Adjusted EBITDA is drivenwas mainly due to increase in lifecell’s Adjusted EBITDA by lifecell13.0% in terms of TRY, which grewwas decreased by 12.8%2.2% in terms of local currency in 2014 compared to 2013 due to continued focus on business efficiency and operational profitability.

Net finance cost deteriorated by TRY 1,164.9 million to a TRY 1,478.8 million loss in 2014 from a TRY 313.9 million loss in 2013, mainly due to an increase in foreign exchange loss as a result ofhigher network related costs resulting from the devaluation of UAH and BYR against USD in 2014. Foreign exchange losses in lifecell, which operates in Ukraine, amounted to TRY 991.2 million and TRY 7.6 million and foreign exchange losses in Belarusian Telecom, which operates in Belarus, amounted to TRY 294.5 million and TRY 123.6 million in 2014 and 2013, respectively.3G+roll-out.


VI. Year Ended December 31, 20152018 Compared to the Year Ended December 31, 20142017

We had 34.033.7 million mobile subscribers in Turkey, including 17.414.9 million mobile prepaid subscribers, as of December 31, 2015,2018, compared to 34.634.1 million mobile subscribers in Turkey, with 19.415.6 million mobile prepaid subscribers, as of December 31, 2014.2017. During 2015,2018, we recorded a decrease of 624 thousand0.4 million Turkish mobile subscribers.

In the fixed segment, we increased our subscriber base to 1.5from 2.1 million, of which 899 thousand1.2 million were fiber customers, for the year ended December 31, 2015 from 1.22017, to 2.3 million, of which 735 thousand1.4 million were fiber customers, for the year ended December 31, 2014.2018.

In Ukraine, we had 13.59.9 million and 13.911.1 million registered subscribers as of December 31, 20152018 and 2014,2017, respectively. During 2015,2018, we lost approximately 0.41.2 million Ukrainian registered subscribers, although we increased oursimilarly 3 months active subscribers decreased from 10.38.0 million to 10.67.3 million. This was primarily due to successful regional strategy, effective regional tariffs and campaigns.decreasing multiple SIM card usage.


Total revenues for the year ended December 31, 20152018 increased 6.0%20.8% to TRY 12,769.421,292.5 million in 20152018 from TRY 12,043.617,632.1 million in 2014.2017.

Total revenues generated by Turkcell Turkey increased 9.5%18.2%, to TRY 11,480.918,265.8 million in 20152018 from TRY 10,480.215,450.1 million in 2014,2017, mainly due to a 38.1%16.4% growth in data and digital services revenues and 10.4% growth in voice & SMS revenues driven by the increasehigher number of data users, increased data consumption per user and higher penetration of digital services as well as our ability to upsell in mobile broadbandbusiness coupled with a larger subscriber base in fixed business and fixed broadband revenues impacted by increased smartphone penetration, higher user numbers and a rise in data consumption; a 38.5% increase in services revenues which was partially offset by a 2.7% decrease in voice revenues.ratio of multiplay subscribers with TV.

Postpaid subscriber usage is generally higher than prepaid subscriber. In Turkey, during 2015,2018, we maintained our focus on the postpaid segment, with newly launched campaigns, offers and promotions to switch customers from the prepaid to the postpaid segment. We focus on postpaid subscribers because there is, in general, higher average revenue per postpaid subscriber and a lower churn rate. In 2015,2018, postpaid average revenue per userARPU excluding M2M subscribers was TRY 42.754.9 whereas prepaid average revenue per user was TRY These figures indicate that postpaid average revenue per user is approximately 3.43.2 times the prepaid average revenue per user. Therefore, the increase in the number of postpaid subscribers has a positive effect on blended average revenue per user.

Total revenues generated by Turkcell International decreasedincreased by 24.8%36.5%, to TRY 856.11,457.0 million in 20152018 from TRY 1,137.91,067.1 million in 20142017 mainly due to currency devaluationgrowth in Ukraine and Belarus business in addition to the appreciation of UAH and BYN against TRY during the Turkish Lira in 2015 and decline in Turkcell Europe revenues due to change in its business model.period. The annual growth rates of lifecell and Belarusian Telecom, in terms of local currency of our major subsidiaries, lifecellwere 8.1% and Belarusian Telecom were 10.5% and 6.2%11.7%, respectively.

Other subsidiaries’ revenues, and intersegment eliminations, mainly comprised of our revenues from information and entertainment services, and call center revenues,services and financial services, grew by 1.6%62.8% to TRY 432.41,933.8 million in 20152018 from TRY 425.51,187.5 million in 2014.2017. The increase in revenue is mainly attributable to Financell, our consumer finance business despite the negative impact of the introduction of a regulatory limitation on the number of installments for consumer loans for smartphones in August 2018.

b. Direct costCost of revenues

Direct costCost of revenues, including depreciation and amortization, increased by 5.2%24.6% to TRY 7,769.514,146.0 million in 20152018 from TRY 7,383.911,350.2 million in 2014,2017, due to an increase in depreciation and amortization charges, treasury shares and universal funds paid, network related expenses, wages, and salaries and personnel expenses, funding costs for financial services and other items.items and the impact of new IFRS standards which includes amortization charge of subscriber acquisition cost according to IFRS15 and capitalization of lease expenses, depreciation and amortization charges of right of use assets according to IFRS16. TRY depreciation and rising inflation resulted in an increase in the overall cost of revenues.

Depreciation and amortization charges (including impairment charges) increased by 1.7%65.1%, to TRY 1,667.84,288.0 million in 20152018 from TRY 1,639.42,597.0 million in 2014.2017. The effect of current year addition of IFRS standards is TRY 1,173.4. The amortization expense for our GSM license and other telecommunication operating licenses was TRY 125.3533.3 million in 20152018 mainly attributable to our 4.5G license and TRY 116.0537.2 million in 2014.2017.

Treasury shares and universal service funds on our mobile revenues paid to the Turkish Treasury and Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications (“Turkish Ministry”) increased 7.4%13.2%, to TRY 1,601.22,141.0 million in 20152018 from TRY 1,491.41,891.2 million in 20142017 which was mainly due to the increase in mobile revenues.


Interconnection and termination costs increased 0.8%9.7% to TRY 1,327.01,763.4 million in 20152018 from TRY 1,316.61,607.1 million in 2014 due to the decrease of interconnection traffic of lifecell and revised operational structure of Turkcell Europe which was partially offset by the increase in off net traffic of Turkey operations.

Transmission costs increased by 6.7% to TRY 113.6 million in 2015 from TRY 106.4 million in 2014. Furthermore, radio costs increased by 9.9%, to TRY 911.5 million in 2015 from TRY 829.7 million in 20142017 mainly due to the cumulative investment impact and increased taxes and costs, such as rent and energy.increase inoff-net interconnection traffic.

Wages, salaries and personnel expenses for technical personnel increased 12.0%14.9% to TRY 734.71,202.5 million in 20152018 from TRY 655.71,046.5 million in 2014,2017, mainly due to the periodic increase in wages and salaries and the increase in number of personnel.personnel which was partially offset by the decreasing impact of new IFRS standards which were capitalization of subscriber acquisition costs according to IFRS15 and capitalization of lease expenses according to IFRS16.

Radio cost decreased by 39.8% to TRY 508.9 million in 2018 from TRY 844.9 million in 2017 mainly due to impact of new IFRS16 standard.

Frequency expense increased by 123.3% to 622.4 million in 2018 from TRY 278.7 million 2017 due to a change in calculation method. Before January 1, 2018, the fee amount to be paid was calculated with respect to the amount per unit of wireless equipment (TRX); however, following a legislation shift, as of January 1, 2018 the fee is being calculated as 5% of monthly net sales amount.

Transmission costs increased by 49.4% to TRY 326.1 million in 2018 from TRY 218.2 million in 2017 mainly due to increases in roll out, capacity and effect of depreciation in TL.

Roaming expenses increased 17.3%28.0%, to TRY 108.1226.8 million in 20152018 from TRY 92.2177.3 million in 2014,2017, mainly due to depreciation of the TRY against the EUR and increased traffic.overall mobile network traffic increase.

Billing and archiving costs decreased 11.2%7.7% to TRY 73.350.9 million in 20152018 from TRY 82.555.2 million in 2014,2017, mainly due to the increase in the usage of the electronic and SMS invoices for billing.

Cost of revenue from financial services increased 28.9% to TRY 348.5 million in 2018 from TRY 270.4 million in 2017, due to the increased activities of Turkcell Finansman, which received official authorization in January 2016. Other costs in direct cost of revenues increased 5.3%12.9% to TRY 1,232.32,667.5 million in 20152018 from TRY 1,169.92,363.6 million in 2014 mainly2017 due to the increased contribution of our subsidiaries to our revenues, particularly in the fixed broadband and retail businesses.businesses, and universal service project.

As a percentage of revenues, direct cost of revenues decreased 0.5increased 2.0 percentage points to 60.8%66.4% in 20152018 from 61.3%64.4% in 2014,2017, mainly as a result of decreasesincreases in interconnection and termination expenses of 0.5 pp and depreciation and amortization expenses of 0.6 pp5.4 percentage points, frequency expense of 1.3 percentage points and transmission cost of 0.3 percentage points as opposed to a risedecreases in the operational expensesinterconnection costs of certain subsidiaries.0.8 percentage points, treasury share and universal fund 0.6 percentage points and radio cost 2.4 percentage points.

Gross profit margin increased 0.5decreased 2.0 percentage points from 38.7%35.6% in 20142017 to 39.2%33.6% in 2015.2018.

c.Administrative expenses

Administrative expenses increased 11.1%4.4%, to TRY 625.3673.4 million in 20152018 from TRY 562.7645.2 million in 2014,2017, mainly due to a decrease in consultancy expenses, the impact of new IFRS standards and showing impairment losses incurred in 2018 under net impairment losses on financial and contract asset partially offset by an increase in wages, salaries and salarypersonnel expenses, arising from periodic increases in such figures, together with the increase in bad debt expenses resulting from the increase in assigned contracted receivables.collection expense and travel and entertainment expenses. As a percentage of revenues, general and administrative expenses increaseddecreased to 4.9%3.2% for the year ended December 31, 2015,2018, from 4.7% in 2014.3.7% for the year ended December 31, 2017.

Wages, salaries and personnel expenses fornon-technical andnon-marketing employees increased 13.6%23.0%, to TRY 240.3425.7 million in 20152018 from TRY 211.6346.2 million in 2014,2017, primarily due to periodic increases in wages and salaries.

Bad debt expenses increased 26.1%, to TRY 196.6 million in 2015 from TRY 155.9 million in 2014, mainly due tosalaries and the increase in assigned receivables.

We provided an allowancenumber of TRY 816.4 millionpersonnel and TRY 727.7 million for doubtful receivables for the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively, depending on the likelihoodimpact of recoverability of trade and other receivables based on the aging of the balances, historical collection trends and general economic IFRS standards.

Other administrative expenses, including collection and consulting expenses, decreased 3.5%5.7% to TRY 188.4247.7 million in 20152018 from TRY 195.2262.8 million in 2014.2017 with the impact of the capitalization of lease expenses according to IFRS 16.

Starting from the fourth quarter of 2018, bad debt expenses for the full year were reclassified as impairment losses under the new item called “net impairment losses on financial and contract assets” according to IFRS 9.

d.Selling and marketing expenses

Selling and marketing expenses decreased 3.7%18.9%, to TRY 1,901.91,626.7 million in 20152018 from TRY 1,974.62,005.4 million in 2014, primarily2017, mainly due to athe decrease in selling expenses and marketing expensesthe effect of showing prepaid subscribers’ uncharged frequency


usage fees under net impairment losses on financial and contract asset, which was partially offset by anthe increase in wages, salaries, personnel and salarymarketing expenses. As a percentage of revenues, selling and marketing expenses decreased from 16.4%11.4% for the year ended December 31, 20142017 to 14.9 %7.6% for the year ended December 31, 2015.2018.

Selling expenses, which consist of distributor and dealer commissions and other selling expenses decreased 8.8%38.2%, to TRY 783.2555.2 million in 20152018 from TRY 858.8898.9 million in 2014,2017, mainly due to value focused approachthe TRY 664.7 million impact of our customerthe new IFRS standards which included capitalization of subscriber acquisition strategy.costs according to IFRS15 and the effect of reclassifying prepaid subscribers’ uncharged frequency usage fees under net impairment losses on financial and contract assets according to IFRS 9.

Marketing expenses, which consist of advertising, market research and sponsorships expenses, decreased 5.0%increased 3.4%, to TRY 428.6551.1 million in 20152018 from TRY 451.4533.0 million in 2014.2017 mainly due higher advertising expenses partially offset by the capitalization of lease expenses according to IFRS16.

Wages, salaries and personnel expenses for selling and marketing employees increased 6.5%11.8%, to TRY 381.6441.0 million in 20152018 from TRY 358.3394.4 million in 2014, mainly2017, primarily due to periodic increase in wages and salaries.

Prepaid subscribers’ uncharged frequency usage fee expenses increased 2.8%,amounting to TRY 191.4141.5 million in 2015reclassified from TRY 186.2 million in 2014.Selling and Marketing expenses to net impairment losses on financial and contract assets.

e.Net impairment losses on financial and contract assets

According to IFRS 9, “Net impairment expense recognized on receivables”, previously presented in administrative expenses, are now to be shown under “Net impairment losses on financial and contract assets” and impairment losses incurred in 2018 amounted to TRY 346.4 million. Additionally, “Prepaid subscribers’ uncharged frequency usage fees” amounting to TRY 141.5 million are reclassified from Selling and Marketing expenses.

We provided an impairment provision of TRY 938.5 million and TRY 778.4 million for contract assets, other assets and receivable from financial services for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017, respectively, depending on the evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that occurred following the initial recognition of the asset and that loss event had an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the asset.

f.Other operating income/(expense)

Other net operating expenses increaseddecreased to TRY 225.9140.1 million in 20152018 from TRY 76.3698.9 million in 2014,2017, mainly due to commercial agreements termination expensesdonations and litigation expenses as explained in Note 3437 (Commitments and Contingencies, Legal Proceedings)Contingencies) to our Consolidated Financial Statements in this annual report on Form 20-F.

20-F, partially offset by Azerinteltek share sales income.

f.g. Results from operating activitiesOperating Profit

Results from operating activitiesOperating profit increased by 9.8%48.7% to TRY 2,246.84,359.9 million in 20152018 from TRY 2,046.12,932.4 million in 2014.2017. As a percentage of revenues, results from operating activitiesprofit also increased from 17.0%16.6% in 20142017 to 17.6%20.5% in 20152018 mainly due to a decrease in direct cost of revenuesadministrative expenses and selling and marketing expenses as a percentage of revenues.

g.h.Net finance income/cost

Net finance cost improvedincreased to a TRY 43.41,687.0 million net expense in 20152018 from a TRY 291.6322.9 million net expense in 2014,2017, due to a decreasean increase in finance cost to TRY 799.53,619.1 million in 20152018 from TRY 1,247.01,413.3 million in 2014,2017, which was partially offset by the decreaseincrease in finance income to TRY 756.11,932.1 million in 20152018 from TRY 955.4818.4 million in 2014.2017.

Finance income decreased 20.9%increased by 136.1% to TRY 756.11,932.1 million in 20152018 from TRY 955.4818.4 million in 2014,2017, mainly due to a decreasean increase in gain from changes in the fair value of derivative instruments, cash flow hedges reclassified to profit or loss, interest earnedincome on timebank deposits dueand cash flow hedges reclassified to declined cash balance.profit or loss.

Finance cost improved 35.9%increased by 217.1% to TRY 799.53,619.1 million in 20152018 from TRY 1,247.01,141.3 million in 2014,2017, mainly due to the decrease inincrease net foreign exchange losses from TRY 1,110.8 million in 2014 to TRY 489.3 million in 2015.and interest expenses for financial liabilities measured at amortized cost, Net foreign exchange loss decreased mainly due to debt restructuringlosses increased from TRY 718.5 million in lifecell and Belarusian Telecom, foreign exchange losses recognized directly in the foreign currency translation reserves in equity as part of net investment in foreign operation accounting and lower devaluation of the UAH against USD in 2015 compared to 2014 which is partially offset by higher devaluation of the BYR against USD in 2015 compared to 2014. Foreign exchange losses in 2015 and 2014 were mainly attributable to our net foreign exchange position in our foreign operations.

Foreign exchange gains and losses arising from payables to foreign operations as a part of debt restructuring of lifecell and Belarusian Telecom and the settlement of which is neither planned nor likely in the foreseeable future, are considered to form part of a net investment in a foreign operation and are recognized directly in equity in the foreign currency translation. In 2015, the Company has recognized net foreign exchange losses net of tax amounting2017 to TRY 62.3 and TRY 200.2 resulting from net investment in lifecell and Belarusian Telecom respectively, in foreign currency translation differences in the consolidated financial statements in accordance with accounting policy for net investment in foreign operations.

h. Monetary gain

No monetary gain was recognized in 2015, as hyperinflationary accounting ceased in Belarus starting from January 1, 2015. Monetary gain was TRY 205.12,695.0 million in 2014.2018.


i. Share of profit of equity accounted investees

Our share of profit of equity accounted investees increased 77.2% to TRY 367.3 million in 2015 from TRY 207.3 million in 2014, mainly due to a higher net income contribution from Fintur. In 2014, due to non-cash charges in the Fintur financials, stemming from the write-down of operational assets and impairment charges relating to goodwill and fixed assets, our financials were impacted negatively by TRY 116 million on the basis of our 41.45% share in Fintur.

j.Income tax expense

Income tax expense decreased 8.7%13.3% to TRY 667.1495.5 million in 20152018 from TRY 730.4571.8 million in 2014.2017 mainly due to the tax exemption effect of Fintur.

The effective tax rate was 26.0%18.5% and 33.7%21.9% for the years ended December 31, 20152018 and 2014,2017, respectively.

Our domestic tax rate is 20%. On December 5, 2017, Turkey’s Law No. 7061 on the Amendment of Some Tax Laws and Some Other Laws, which was adopted on November 28, 2017, was published in the Official Gazette. The Law increases the corporate tax rate under the Corporate Tax Law, No. 5520, from the current 20% rate to 22% for tax years 2018, 2019, and 2020; the change took effect on the Law’s date of publication. It is expected to be set at 20% afterwards.

Differences between the effective tax rate and our domestic tax rate include, but are not limited to, the effect of allowance for deferred tax assets, tax rates in foreign jurisdictions, dividendtax-exempt income from investmentandnon-deductible expenses. The main driver of the decline in associates subject to certaineffective tax exemptions (including Fintur), tax-exempt income and non-deductible expenses.rate in 2018 is the tax exemption effect of Fintur. The high effective tax rate in 2015 and 2014 is mainly due to the fact that since it is not probable that taxable profit will be available against which the unused tax losses or unused tax credits of lifecell and Belarusian Telecom can be utilized, no deferred tax asset is recognized on any loss incurred in lifecell and Belarusian Telecom.

k. Non-controlling interests

Non-controlling interests in the net profit of our consolidated subsidiaries is classified separately in the consolidated financial statements of operations under “non-controlling interests”. Loss allocated to non-controlling interests amounted to TRY 428.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2014, compared to a TRY 164.1 million for 2015.

Loss allocated to non-controlling interests from lifecell’s net loss amounted to TRY 209.3 million in 2015 and TRY 479.7 million in 2014. In addition, profit allocated to non-controlling interests from net profit generated by Inteltek for the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014 amounted to approximately TRY 38.4 million and TRY 36.1 million respectively.

l. Profit for theyear attributable to equity holders of the Company

Profit for the year attributable to equity holders of the Company increased to TRY 2,067.7 million in 2015 from TRY 1,864.7 million in 2014, mostly due to increase in results from operating activities and share of profit of equity accounted investees, lower foreign exchange losses recorded, which was partially netted off with the decrease in interest income earned on time deposits, rise in interest expense and other expense items.

VII. Year Ended December 31, 2014 Compared to the Year Ended December 31, 2013

We had 34.6 million mobile subscribers in Turkey, including 19.4 million prepaid subscribers, as of December 31, 2014, compared to 35.2 million mobile subscribers in Turkey, with 21.2 million prepaid subscribers, as of December 31, 2013. During 2014, we recorded a decrease of 548 thousand Turkish GSM subscribers.

In the fixed segment, we increased our subscriber base to 1.2 million, of which 735 thousand were fiber customers for the year ended December 31, 2014 from 0.8 million of which 570 thousand were fiber customers for the year ended December 31, 2013.

In Ukraine, we had 13.9 million and 12.6 million registered subscribers as of December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively. During 2014, we gained approximately 1.3 million new Ukrainian GSM subscribers despite losing subscribers in Crimea. This was primarily due to successful regional strategy, effective regional tariffs and campaigns.

a. Revenues

Total revenues for the year ended December 31, 2014 increased 5.6% to TRY 12,043.6 million in 2014 from TRY 11,407.9 million in 2013.

Total revenues generated by Turkcell Turkey increased 5.9%, to TRY 10,480.2 million in 2014 from TRY 9,897.1 million in 2013, mainly due to a 36.7% growth in data revenues driven by the increase in mobile broadband and fixed broadband revenues impacted by increased smartphone penetration, higher user numbers and a rise in data consumption; a 11.6% increase in services revenues which was partially offset by a 1.2% decrease in voice revenues.

Postpaid subscriber usage is generally higher than prepaid subscriber. In Turkey, during 2014, we maintained our focus on the postpaid segment, with newly launched campaigns, offers and promotions to switch customers from the prepaid to the postpaid segment. We focus on postpaid subscribers because there is, in general, higher average revenue per postpaid subscriber and a lower churn rate. In 2014, postpaid average revenue per user excluding M2M users was TRY 41.5 whereas prepaid average revenue per user was TRY 11.6. These figures indicate that postpaid average revenue per user is approximately 3.6 times the prepaid average revenue per user. Therefore, the increase in the number of postpaid subscribers has a positive effect on blended average revenue per user.

Total revenues generated by Turkcell International decreased by 5.9%, to TRY 1,137.9 million in 2014 from TRY 1,209.5 million in 2013 mainly due to currency devaluation in Ukraine and Belarus against the Turkish Lira in 2014 The annual growth rates, in terms of local currency, of our major subsidiaries, lifecell and Belarusian Telecom were 12.7% and 15.6%, respectively.

Other subsidiaries’ revenues and intersegment eliminations, mainly comprised of our information and entertainment services and call center revenues, grew by 41.2% to TRY 425.5 million in 2014 from TRY 301.3 million in 2013.

b. Direct cost of revenues

Direct cost of revenues, including depreciation and amortization, increased 4.5% to TRY 7,383.9 million in 2014 from TRY 7,063.9 million in 2013, due to an increase in treasury shares and universal funds paid, network related expenses, wages and salaries, depreciation expenses and other items.

Treasury shares and universal funds paid to the Turkish Treasury and Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications (“Turkish Ministry”) increased 2.8% to TRY 1,491.4 million in 2014 from TRY 1,450.2 million in 2013, which was lower than the increase in revenues due to the increased contribution of our subsidiaries to revenues.

Transmission costs increased by 13.8% to TRY 106.4 million in 2014 from TRY 93.5 million in 2013. Furthermore, radio costs and expenses increased 9.4% to TRY 829.7 million in 2014 from TRY 758.6 million in 2013, mainly due to the cumulative investment impact and increased taxes and costs, such as rent and energy.

Wages, salaries and personnel expenses for technical personnel increased 4.6% to TRY 655.7 million in 2014 from TRY 626.6 million in 2013, mainly due to the periodic increase in wages and salaries.

Depreciation and amortization charges (including impairment charges) increased 2.8%, to TRY 1,639.4 million in 2014 from TRY 1,594.4 million in 2013, mainly due to the increase in depreciation and amortization charges of Turkcell Turkey companies, which was partially offset with the decrease in the after tax impairment loss for Belarusian Telecom to TRY 34.9 million in 2014 from TRY 61.2 million in 2013. The amortization expense for our GSM license and other telecommunication operating licenses was TRY 116.0 million in 2014 and TRY 124.1 million in 2013.

Roaming expenses increased 15.8%, to TRY 92.2 million in 2014 from TRY 79.6 million in 2013, mainly due to 14.2% depreciation, on average, of the TRY against the EUR, and increased traffic despite the decreasing unit costs.

Interconnection and termination costs decreased 6.1% to TRY 1,316.6 million in 2014 from TRY 1,402.0 million in 2013, due to the impact of interconnection fee cuts effective July 1, 2013, which was partially offset by the increase in off net traffic.

Billing and archiving costs decreased 7.3%, to TRY 82.5 million in 2014 from TRY 89.1 million in 2013, mainly due to the increase in the usage of the electronic and SMS invoices for billing.

Other costs in direct cost of revenues increased 20.6% to TRY 1,169.9 million in 2014 from TRY 969.9 million in 2013, due to the increased contribution of our subsidiaries to our revenues, particularly in the fixed broadband and retail businesses.

As a percentage of revenues, direct cost of revenues decreased 0.6 percentage points to 61.3% in 2014 from 61.9% in 2013, as a result of decreases in interconnection and termination expenses of 1.4 percentage points and depreciation and amortization expenses of 0.4 pp as opposed to a rise in the operational expenses of certain subsidiaries.

Gross profit margin increased 0.6 percentage points from 38.1% in 2013 to 38.7% in 2014.

c. Administrative expenses

Administrative expenses increased 2.3%, to TRY 562.7 million in 2014 from TRY 550.3 million in 2013, mainly due to an increase in wages and salary expenses arising from periodic increases in such figures, together with the increase in bad debt expenses resulting from the increase in assigned contracted receivables. As a percentage of revenues, general and administrative expenses decreased to 4.7% for the year ended December 31, 2014, from 4.8% in 2013.

Wages, salaries and personnel expenses for non-technical and non-marketing employees increased 1.9%, to TRY 211.6 million in 2014 from TRY 207.6 million in 2013, primarily due to periodic increases in wages and salaries, which was partially netted off with the decrease in the number of personnel.

Bad debt expenses increased 1.7%, to TRY 155.9 million in 2014 from TRY 153.4 million in 2013, mainly due to the increase in assigned receivables. We provided an allowance of TRY 727.7 million in 2014 and TRY 691.6 million in 2013 for doubtful receivables, depending on the likelihood of recoverability of trade and other receivables based on the aging of the balances, historical collection trends and general economic conditions.

Other administrative expenses, including collection and consulting expenses increased 3.0% to TRY 195.2 million in 2014 from TRY 189.4 million in 2013.

d. Selling and marketing expenses

Selling and marketing expenses increased 7.1%, to TRY 1,974.6 million in 2014 from TRY 1,843.6 million in 2013, primarily due to an increase in selling expenses, uncharged frequency usage fees for prepaid subscribers and wages and salary expenses, partially offset by a decrease in marketing expenses. As a percentage of revenues, selling and marketing expenses increased from 16.2% for the year ended December 31, 2013 to 16.4% for the year ended December 31, 2014.

Selling expenses, which consist of distributor and dealer commissions and other selling expenses, increased 8.6%, to TRY 858.8 million in 2014 from TRY 790.8 million in 2013, mainly due to an increase in dealer commissions arising from increased postpaid activations.

Prepaid subscribers’ uncharged frequency usage fee expenses increased 23.1%, to TRY 186.2 million in 2014 from TRY 151.3 million in 2013, mainly as a result of the decrease in the total amount charged to subscribers and higher tariffs.

Wages, salaries and personnel expenses for selling and marketing employees increased 8.3%, to TRY 358.3 million in 2014 from TRY 330.9 million in 2013, mainly due to periodic increase in wages and salaries.

Total marketing expenses, which consist of advertising, market research and sponsorships expenses decreased 3.6% to TRY 451.4 million in 2014 from TRY 468.3 million in 2013.

e. Other operating income/(expense)

Other net operating expenses increased to TRY 76.3 million in 2014 from TRY 58.9 million in 2013, mainly due to payments and provisions for the penalties imposed by the ICTA for not complying with the relevant regulations as explained in Note 34 (Commitments and Contingencies, Legal Proceedings), partially offset by the absence of impairment recognized on our investment in T-Medya Yatirim Sanayi ve Ticaret AS (“T-Medya”) and Aks Televizyon Reklamcilik ve Filmcilik Sanayi ve Ticaret AS (“Aks TV”) that existed in 2014 but not 2015, and the proceeds from the sale of A-Tel which is also explained in Note 16 (Investments in Equity Accounted Investees) to our Consolidated Financial Statements in this Form 20-F.

f. Results from operating activities

Results from operating activities increased by 8.2% to TRY 2,046.1 million in 2014 from TRY 1,891.2 million in 2013. As a percentage of revenues, results from operating activities also increased from 16.6% in 2013 to 17.0% in 2014 mainly due to a decrease in direct cost of revenues and administrative expenses as a percentage of revenues.

g. Net finance income/cost

Net finance cost/income deteriorated to a TRY 291.6 million net expense in 2014 from a TRY 555.3 million net income in 2013, due to an increase in finance cost from TRY 204.6 million in 2013 to TRY 1,247.0 million in 2014, which was partially offset by the increase in finance income from TRY 759.9 million in 2013 to TRY 955.4 million in 2014.

Finance income increased 25.7%, to TRY 955.4 million in 2014 from TRY 759.9 million in 2013, mainly due to an increase in interest earned on time deposits and assigned contracted receivables.

Finance cost increased 509.5%, to TRY 1,247.0 million in 2014 from TRY 204.6 million in 2013, mainly due to the increase in foreign exchange losses from TRY 75.6 million in 2013 to TRY 1,110.8 million in 2014. Foreign exchange loss increased mainly due to devaluation of the Ukrainian Hryvnia together with the depreciation of the Belarusian Ruble against the U.S. Dollar in 2014. Foreign exchange losses in 2014 and 2013 were mainly attributable to our net foreign exchange position in our foreign operations.

h. Monetary gain

Monetary gain which we recognize from our Belarusian operations increased 15.9% to TRY 205.1 million in 2014 from TRY 176.9 million in 2013, as a result of an increase in the balance of non-monetary items. The economic environment in Belarus deteriorated significantly starting from the second quarter of 2011 and the three-year cumulative inflation rate exceeded 100% at the end of 2011. As a result, Belarus was considered a hyperinflationary economy. As a consequence, the accounting rules for “Reporting in hyperinflationary economies” are being applied to our Belarusian operations starting from the year ended December 31, 2011. With respect to this, monetary gain is recorded as a result of the effect of general inflation and calculated as the difference resulting from the restatement of non-monetary assets, equity and statement of income items.

The three-year cumulative inflation at the end of 2011 of 153% was primarily influenced by the high inflation experienced in 2011 of 109%. The decrease in the inflation rate in subsequent years led the three-year cumulative rate as of the end of 2014 to decrease to 65%.

i. Share of profit of equity accounted investees

Our share of profit of equity accounted investees decreased 30.3% to TRY 207.3 million in 2014 from TRY 297.3 million in 2013, mainly due to a lower net income contribution from Fintur, mainly due to non-cash charges of $125 million in the Fintur financials, stemming from the write-down of operational assets and impairment charges relating to goodwill and fixed assets. These charges negatively impacted our financials by TRY 116 million on the basis of our 41.45% share in Fintur.

j. Income tax expense

Income tax expense increased 23.5% to TRY 730.4 million in 2014 from TRY 591.4 million in 2013.

The effective tax rate was 33.7% and 20.2% for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively.

Our domestic tax rate is 20%. Differences between the effective tax rate and our domestic tax rate include, but are not limited to, the effect of allowance for deferred tax assets, tax rates in foreign jurisdictions (including Fintur), tax-exempt income and non-deductible expenses. The increase in the effective tax rate in 20142017 is mainly due to the fact that since it is not probable that taxable profit will be available against which the unused tax losses or unused tax credits of lifecell and Belarusian Telecom can be utilized, no deferred tax asset is recognized on any loss incurred in lifecell and Belarusian Telecom.

j.Profit/ (loss) from discontinued operations

Starting from 1 October 2016, Fintur has been classified as held for sale and reported as a discontinued operation (Note 16). Fintur is therefore disclosed separately as discontinued operations in our Consolidated Financial Statements in this annual report on Form20-F. Comparative periods in the Consolidated Financial Statements are restated to reflect the classification of Fintur as discontinued operations.

Loss from discontinued operations was TRY 42.2 million in 2016 while there is no loss recorded for the years 2017 and 2018.

k.Non-controlling interests

Non-controlling interests in the net profit of our consolidated subsidiaries is classified separately in the consolidated financial statements of operations under “non-controlling“non-controlling interests”. LossProfit allocated tonon-controlling interests amounted to TRY 428.258.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2014,2017, compared to a TRY 3.4156.3 million gain for 2013.2018.

LossProfit allocated tonon-controlling interests from lifecell’s net loss amounted to TRY 479.7 million in 2014 and TRY 27.3 million in 2013. In addition, profit allocated to non-controlling interests from net profit generated by Inteltek for the years ended December 31, 20142018 and 20132017 amounted to approximately TRY 36.1105.1 million and TRY 26.035.9 million respectively.

l.Profit for theyear attributable to equity holders of the Company

Profit for the year attributable to equity holders of the Company decreasedincreased to TRY 1,864.72,021.1 million in 20142018 from TRY 2,325.91,979.1 million in 2013. This was2017, mostly due to deteriorationincrease in net finance costresults from operating activities, increase in interest income earned on time deposits, and share of profit of equity accounted investees,increase in fair value gains on derivative financial instruments which was partially netted off with decrease in interest income on financial assets measured at amortized cost and increase in interest expenses for derivative financial instruments.

VII. Year Ended December 31, 2017 Compared to the Year Ended December 31, 2016

We had 34.1 million mobile subscribers in Turkey, including 15.6 million mobile prepaid subscribers, as of December 31, 2017, compared to 33.0 million mobile subscribers in Turkey, with 15.7 million mobile prepaid subscribers, as of December 31, 2016. During 2017, we recorded an increase of 1.1 million Turkish mobile subscribers.

In the fixed segment, we increased our subscriber base from 1.9 million, of which 1.0 million were fiber customers, for the year ended December 31, 2016, to 2.1 million, of which 1.2 million were fiber customers, for the year ended December 31, 2017.

In Ukraine, we had 11.1 million and 12.4 million registered subscribers as of December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively. During 2017, we lost approximately 1.3 million Ukrainian registered subscribers, similarly 3 months active subscribers decreased from 9.2 million to 8.0 million. This was primarily due to decreasing multiple SIM card usage.



Total revenues for the year ended December 31, 2017 increased 23.4% to TRY 17,632.1 million in 2017 from TRY 14,285.6 million in 2016.

Total revenues generated by Turkcell Turkey increased 20.8%, to TRY 15,450.1 million in 2017 from TRY 12,787.6 million in 2016, mainly due to a 51.2% growth in data and digital services revenues driven by the increase in mobile data and fixed data revenues impacted by increased smartphone penetration, higher subscriber numbers and a rise in data consumption; which was partially offset by a 36.5% decrease in voice and SMS revenues.

Postpaid subscriber usage is generally higher than prepaid subscriber. In Turkey, during 2017, we maintained our focus on the postpaid segment, with newly launched campaigns, offers and promotions to switch customers from the prepaid to the postpaid segment. We focus on postpaid subscribers because there is, in general, higher average revenue per postpaid subscriber and a lower churn rate. In 2017, postpaid ARPU excluding M2M subscribers was TRY 48.5 whereas prepaid average revenue per user was TRY 14.9. These figures indicate that postpaid average revenue per user is approximately 3.3 times the prepaid average revenue per user. Therefore, the increase in the number of postpaid subscribers has a positive effect on blended average revenue per user.

Total revenues generated by Turkcell International increased by 22.0%, to TRY 1,067.1 million in 2017 from TRY 874.7 million in 2016 mainly due to growth in Ukraine and Belarus business. The annual growth rates, in terms of local currency, lifecell and Belarusian Telecom were 0.8% and 13.4% respectively.

Other subsidiaries’ revenues, mainly comprised of our revenues from information and entertainment services, call center services and financial services, grew by 79.4% to TRY 1,187.5 million in 2017 from TRY 661.9 million in 2016. The increase in revenue is mainly attributable to Financell which was commenced in February 2016.

b.Cost of revenues

Cost of revenues, including depreciation and amortization, increased by 22.9% to TRY 11,350.2 million in 2017 from TRY 9,236.6 million in 2016, due to an increase in depreciation and amortization charges, treasury shares and universal funds paid, network related expenses, wages, salaries and personnel expenses, funding costs for financial services and other items.

Depreciation and amortization charges (including impairment charges) increased by 17.9%, to TRY 2,597.0 million in 2017 from TRY 2,203.3 million in 2016. The amortization expense for our GSM license and other telecommunication operating licenses was TRY 537.2 million in 2017 mainly attributable to our 4.5G license and TRY 445.1 million in 2016.

Treasury shares and universal service funds paid to the Turkish Ministry increased 12.3%, to TRY 1,891.2 million in 2017 from TRY 1,683.5 million in 2016 which was mainly due to the increase in mobile revenues.

Interconnection and termination costs increased 13.2% to TRY 1,607.1 million in 2017 from TRY 1,420.2 million in 2016 mainly due to the increase inoff-net interconnection traffic.

Transmission costs increased by 56.8% to TRY 218.2 million in 2017 from TRY 139.2 million in 2016. Furthermore, radio costs increased by 6.2%, to TRY 1,123.7 million in 2017 from TRY 1,057.6 million in 2016 mainly due to the cumulative investment impact and increased costs such as rent and energy.

Wages, salaries and personnel expenses for technical personnel increased 21.8% to TRY 1,046.5 million in 2017 from TRY 859.1 million in 2016, mainly due to the periodic increase in wages and salaries and the increase in number of personnel.

Roaming expenses increased 38.1%, to TRY 177.3 million in 2017 from TRY 128.4 million in 2016, mainly due to depreciation of the TRY against the EUR and overall traffic increase.

Billing and archiving costs decreased 10.5% to TRY 55.2 million in 2017 from TRY 61.6 million in 2016, mainly due to the increase in the usage of the electronic and SMS invoices for billing.

Cost of revenue from financial services increased 294.7% to TRY 270.4 million in 2017 from TRY 68.5 million in 2016, due to the increased activities of Turkcell Finansman, which received official authorization in January 2016. Other costs in cost of revenues increased 46.4% to TRY 2,363.6 million in 2017 from TRY 1,614.9 million in 2016 due to increased contribution of our subsidiaries to our revenues, particularly in the fixed broadband and retail businesses, and universal service project.


As a percentage of revenues, cost of revenues decreased 0.3 pp to 64.4% in 2017 from 64.7% in 2016, mainly as a result of increases in cost of revenue from financial services of 1.1 pp, retail sales related to device costs of 1.1 pp and other costs in cost of revenues of 1.0 pp as opposed to decreases in interconnect costs of 0.8 pp, treasury share 1.1 pp, radio cost 1.0 pp and depreciation and amortization expenses of 0.7 pp.

Gross profit margin increased 0.3 percentage points from 35.3% in 2016 to 35.6% in 2017.

c.Administrative expenses

Administrative expenses decreased 10.6%, to TRY 645.2 million in 2017 from TRY 721.8 million in 2016, mainly due to an increase in wages, salaries and personnel expenses, rent expense, travel and entertainment expenses as opposed to the decrease in consultancy expenses and bad debt expenses. As a percentage of revenues, general and administrative expenses decreased to 3.7% for the year ended December 31, 2017, from 5.1% for the year ended December 31, 2016.

Wages, salaries and personnel expenses fornon-technical andnon-marketing employees increased 24.8%, to TRY 346.2 million in 2017 from TRY 277.4 million in 2016, primarily due to periodic increases in wages and salaries and the increase in number of personnel.

Bad debt expenses decreased 82.8%, to TRY 36.3 million in 2017 from TRY 211.4 million in 2016, due to recovery in collection performance.

We provided an allowance of TRY 778.4 million and TRY 974.5 million for doubtful receivables for the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively, depending on the likelihood of recoverability of trade and other receivables based on the aging of the balances, historical collection trends and general economic conditions.

Other administrative expenses, including collection and consulting expenses, increased 12.8% to TRY 262.8 million in 2017 from TRY 233.0 million in 2016.

d.Selling and marketing expenses

Selling and marketing expenses increased 4.9%, to TRY 2,005.4 million in 2017 from TRY 1,910.9 million in 2016, primarily due to an increase in selling expenses, wages, salaries, personnel and marketing expenses, which were partially offset by a decrease in prepaid subscribers’ uncharged frequency usage fee expenses.As a percentage of revenues, selling and marketing expenses decreased from 13.4% for the year ended December 31, 2016 to 11.4 % for the year ended December 31, 2017.

Selling expenses, which consist of distributor and dealer commissions and other selling expenses increased 18.6%, to TRY 898.9 million in 2017 from TRY 757.9 million in 2016, mainly due to our value focused customer acquisition strategy.

Marketing expenses, which consist of advertising, market research and sponsorships expenses, increased 2.8%, to TRY 533.0 million in 2017 from TRY 518.4 million in 2016.

Wages, salaries and personnel expenses for selling and marketing employees increased 11.3%, to TRY 394.4 million in 2017 from TRY 354.4 million in 2016, primarily due to periodic increase in wages and salaries.

Prepaid subscribers’ uncharged frequency usage fee expenses decreased 55.5%, to TRY 83.0 million in 2017 from TRY 186.5 million in 2016 due to increase in collection from customers.

e.Other operating income/ (expense)

Other net operating expenses increased to TRY 698.9 million in 2017 from TRY 234.2 million in 2016, mainly due to fixed asset sales gain, reversal of legal provisions, donations and litigation expenses as explained in Note 37 (Commitments and Contingencies) to our Consolidated Financial Statements in this annual report on Form20-F.


f.Operating Profit

Operating profit increased by 34.4% to TRY 2,932.4 million in 2017 from TRY 2,181.9 million in 2016. As a percentage of revenues, operating profit also increased from 15.3% in 2016 to 16.6% in 2017 mainly due to a decrease in administrative expenses and selling and marketing expenses as a percentage of revenues.

g.Net finance income/cost

Net finance cost increased to a TRY 322.9 million net expense in 2017 from a TRY 172.8 million net expense in 2016, due to an increase in finance cost to TRY 1,141.3 million in 2017 from TRY 1,134.4 million in 2016, which was partially offset by the increase in finance income to TRY 818.4 million in 2017 from TRY 961.6 million in 2016.

Finance income decreased by 14.9% to TRY 818.4 million in 2017 from TRY 961.6 million in 2016, mainly due to an increase in gain from changes in the fair value of derivative instruments, interest income on bank deposits partially netted off with the decrease in interest income on financial assets measured at amortized cost.

Finance cost increased by 0.6% to TRY 1,141.3 million in 2017 from TRY 1,134.4 million in 2016, mainly due to the increase interest expenses for derivative financial instruments and interest expenses for financial liabilities measured at amortized cost, and partially netted off with decrease in net foreign exchange losses. Net foreign exchange losses decreased from TRY 782.5 million in 2016 to TRY 718.5 million in 2017.

h.Income tax expense

Income tax expense increased 35% to TRY 571.8 million in 2017 from TRY 423.2 million in 2016.

The effective tax rate was 21.9% and 21.5% for the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively.

Our domestic tax rate is 20%. Differences between the effective tax rate and our domestic tax rate include, but are not limited to, the effect of allowance for deferred tax assets, tax rates in foreign jurisdictions, dividend income from investment in associates subject to certain tax exemptions (including Fintur),tax-exempt income andnon-deductible expenses. The high effective tax rate in 2017 and 2016 is mainly due to the fact that since it is not probable that taxable profit will be available against which the unused tax losses or unused tax credits of lifecell and Belarusian Telecom can be utilized, no deferred tax asset is recognized on any loss incurred in lifecell and Belarusian Telecom.

i.Profit/ (loss) from discontinued operations

Starting from 1 October 2016, Fintur has been classified as held for sale and reported as a discontinued operation (Note 16). Fintur is now therefore disclosed separately on a single line as discontinued operations in our Consolidated Financial Statements in this annual report on Form20-F. Comparative periods in the Consolidated Financial Statements are restated to reflect the classification of Fintur as discontinued operations.

Loss from discontinued operations is TRY 42.2 million in 2016.

j.Non-controlling interests

Non-controlling interests in the net profit of our consolidated subsidiaries is classified separately in the consolidated financial statements of operations under“non-controlling interests”. Profit allocated tonon-controlling interests amounted to TRY 51.7 million for the year ended December 31, 2016, compared to a TRY 58.6 million for 2017.

Profit allocated tonon-controlling interests from net profit generated by Inteltek for the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016 amounted to TRY 35.9 million and TRY 39.3 million respectively.

k.Profit for theyear attributable to equity holders of the Company

Profit for the year attributable to equity holders of the Company increased to TRY 1,979.1 million in 2017 from TRY 1,492.1 million in 2016, mostly due to increase in results from operating activities, increase in interest income earned on time deposits, and non-controlling interests.

increase in fair value gains on derivative financial instruments which was partially netted off with decrease in interest income on financial assets measured at amortized cost and increase in interest expenses for derivative financial instruments.


VIII. Effects of Inflation

TheAccording to the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), mainly due to the strong TRY depreciation and higher food price the annual inflation rates in Turkey were 8.8%, 8.2%reached 20.3% in December 2018, which is considerably higher than the 2017year-end figure, which was 11.92%. The TRY depreciated 42% against the USD in August and 7.4% foralong with the years ended December 31, 2015, 2014FX pass-though, headline inflation reached 24.52% and 2013, respectively, based on the Turkish consumer price index. An increase25.24% in unprocessed foodSeptember and services inflation in addition to pass through effects from TRY depreciation, pushed inflation higher in 2015.October, respectively. The current inflation target set byexpectation of the CBRT in its February 18, 20162019 Inflation Report is 7.5%, with a 70% confidence interval between 6.1% and 8.9%15.2% for 2016.2019. The most recentlatest CBRT expectations survey, dated January 14, 2016, indicatesas of February 2019, indicated that consumer inflation willis expected to be around 8.5% byat 16.0% at the end of 2016,2019, which is above the CBRT’s target. Administrative price hikes introduced at the beginning of year and minimum wage increase both attributed to the negative expectations on inflation in 2016, however the drop in energy prices could offset these effects in up to a certain level. For additional information, see “Item 3.A. Selected Financial Data—Exchange Rate Data” and “Item 3.D. Risk Factors”.

Though Inflation accelerated relatively in 2018 in Belarus. Headline inflation increased to 5.6% in 2018 from 4.6% in 2017, according to the inflationary pressures indata provided by National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus improved through 2015, mainly duehas been on an easing trajectory since the beginning of 2017, bringing the refinancing rate down to BYR devaluation not significantly affecting10% from 17% with gradual rate cuts. Economic activity continues to recover even though the food and non-food segments, inflation still remained in double digitsmomentum of the growth diminished slightly at the end of 2015. CPI has been gradually moderating since the second quarter of 2015 and fell to 12% at year end from 17.1% in January 2015 amid the Central Bank’s defensive tight monetary policy. Despite a slowdown in inflation, tight monetary policy is set to continue due to concerns about external imbalances and currency stability.year. Macroeconomic stability is still fragile due to the country’s reliance on Russia and the Russian economy being challenged by decreasing oil and gas prices. External vulnerability remainseconomy. On the external side, key risks include disruptions in energy price arrangements with Russia.

In Ukraine, inflation followed a major concern and next year’s financing picture remains challengingdownward path in 2018, due to Russia being the primary sourceweakening of finance. Given Belarus’ lowest level of foreign currency reserves since 2011 coupled with the high debt repayments due this yearfood prices amid more ample supply, economic activity slightly picked up driven by agriculture and the current account deficit, and the depreciating Russian Ruble, these factors may create further devaluation and thus inflationary pressures.

The fixed exchange rate regime (reviseddomestic demand. Annual inflation declined to floating exchange regime9.8% in early 2015) and the recession caused a persistent deflation in Ukraine. Ukraine experienced deflation until May 2012 when the political and economic tensions with Russia began to escalate and the rise in inflation continued even after the annexation of Crimea in April 2014. After 21 months of political instability, annual inflation increased to 43.3% in December 20152018 from 25%13.7% at the end of 2014. Ukraine has also undergone economic and financial reforms due2017 according to the requirementsNational Bank of its financial aid package agreement with IMF. The increaseUkraine. Current tight monetary stance supports the deceleration in inflation was mainly driventowards the National Bank’syear-end inflation target. The National Bank of Ukraine hiked its policy rate from 16% to 18% through 2018 and to 18% in January 2019 in an effort to curb inflation. 2018 brought forward favorable outcomes as growth continued to recover, risk of volatile markets and geopolitical risks remain in place as country head into presidential elections followed by parliamentary elections in 2019. Furthermore, if global liquity conditions become tighter, the services segment of the economy, which doubled due to the IMF agreement on tariff prices hikes while UAH depreciation negatively affected both the food and non-food segments. The inflationary environment is expected to normalize to approximately 15-20% in 2016 due to expected economic recovery and currency stability.will most likely come under increased pressure.

IX. Foreign Currency Fluctuations

We conduct our business in several currencies other than functional currencies of each of our locations. As a result of our exposure to foreign currency, exchange rate fluctuations have a significant impact, in the form of both translation and transaction risks, on our Consolidated Financial Statements.

Exchange rate movements impact our assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than TRY, Ukrainian Hryvnia, (“UAH”), Belarusian Rubles Euro and Azerbaijani ManatEuro for our operations in Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany and Azerbaijan,Germany, respectively. We hold some of our cash portfolio in foreign currency to manage ournon-TRY denominated liabilities in Turkey. Additionally, derivative financial instruments such as forward contracts, swap contracts and options are used.

The foreign exchange risks in Turkey as the result of purchases and borrowings in U.S. Dollars and Euros have been manageable, as there is a developed market enabling the hedging of such risk; however, in Belarus and Ukraine, there are no tools to hedge foreign exchange rate risks effectively due to restricted, thin and undevelopedunderdeveloped financial markets. In Belarus, no international bank offers hedging instruments and local banks are too undercapitalized to be able to enter into transactions.

In Ukraine, the only hedging tool seemed to benon-deliverable forwards (“NDF”) which is aare cash settled product in U.S. Dollar,Dollars, a short term forward contract on anon-convertible foreign currency which could not be delivered offshore. However, with the National Bank of Ukraine forbidding any NDF settlement, the already liquidity-thin market has become virtuallynon-existent. As of 1 March 2019, 30% mandatory sale of incoming payments in foreign currency is in effect replacing the former 50% mandatory FX sale. Additionally, “UAH freeze” rule in FX purchasing has been abolished by the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). NBU is expected to relax some of the FX restrictions in 2019. As of December 31, 2015, following military actions, political instability, civil unrest,2018, with improving outlook for the returneconomy on back of the currencyreal growth returning to free floatpositive territory, IMF financial aid package tranches, fiscal and economic problems, themacro reforms being implemented, downtrend in inflation and build up in FX reserves Ukrainian Hryvnia depreciatedappreciated against the U.S. Dollar by 52.2%1.4% in 2015.2018 compared to 3.2% depreciation in 2017.

In the current economic environment and considering the aforementioned fragile economic conditions, there is a possibility of further devaluations in Ukraine and Belarus.

Our foreign currency risk management policy is focused on hedging foreign currency exposure arising fromnon-TRY denominated liabilities and purchase commitments. See “Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk”.


X. Interest Rate Hedging

Monitoring and examining financing opportunities to improve our financial flexibility and performance has been a continuous process for us. Depending on the availability in both domestic and international debt/capital markets, we continuously monitor new financing alternatives for contingency purposes as well as to fund potential new investments or acquisitions. We are exposed to interest rate risk as part of our total debt portfolio is basedportfolio’s dependency on floating rates. We also closely monitor various hedging alternatives to hedge our interest rate risk with interest rate derivatives with a minimum cost. In June 2011, we engaged2017 and in 2018, a forward start collar agreement for somesignificant portion of our floating FX debt whichportfolio was due in 2015hedged and exposedconverted to fixed TRY liability through interest rate risk. The collars hedged variable interest rate risk for the period between 2013 and 2015 which have currently expired.derivatives.

a.New Accounting Standards Issued

See Note 3 (Significant2 (Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies, new standards and interpretations)policies) of our Consolidated Financial Statements in this annual report onForm 20-F.

5.B Liquidity and Capital Resources


We require significant liquidity to finance capital expenditures for the expansion and improvement of our mobile communications network, for operational capital expenditures, for working capital, and to service our debt obligations. A summary of our consolidated cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2015, 20142018, 2017 and 20132016 is as follows:


  2015 2014 2013   2018   2017   2016 
TRY million      
  TRY million 

Net cash generated by operating activities

   1,901.3   1,990.8   2,210.6     5,829.9    3,101.3    607.1 

Net cash used in investing activities

   (3,830.9 (1,378.0 (1,085.5   (4,535.6   (3,304.6   (2,976.7

Net cash generated by/(used in) financing activities

   (4,619.5 93.0   (230.5   (534.4   (1,566.7   4,839.0 

Net cash increase/ (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

   (6,549.1 705.8   894.6     759.9    (1,770.1   2,469.5 

Effects of foreign exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents

   436.0   197.7   235.0     1,947.0    430.1    664.1 

Net cash provided by our operating activities was TRY 1,901.35,829.9 million in 20152018 and TRY 1,990.83,101.3 million in 2014.2017.

The increase in profit amounting to TRY 467140 million compared to 20142017 has a positive impact on net cash generated by operating activities. We consider the subtotal after the adjustments for profit for the period in order to analyze the increase in cash from operating activities. Since these lines are adjusting in nature, they are to be excluded from net cash from operating activities, as they either do not have any effect on net cash from operating activities or they have an offsetting effect on the changes in working capital. As a result, the trend in cash from operating activities should be correlated with the trend in results from operating activities and income tax expense and dividends received.paid. The corresponding subtotal, after adjustments, increased to TRY 4,127.09,876.3 million in 20152018 from TRY 3,768.06,853 million in 2014.2017. Furthermore, the increase in interest paid to TRY 153.51,658.3 million in 20152018 from TRY 94.1909.9 million in 2014,2017, the increase in the income tax to TRY 751.1 millionchanges in 2015receivables from TRY 699.3 million in 2014 andfinancial operations, the increase in change in trade and other current assets had a higher negative impact on cash generated by operating activities whichpayables, partially offsetnetted off with the changedecrease in changes in trade receivables trade payables and other payables. These changesincome tax paid to TRY 657.7 million in 2018 from TRY 492.5 million in 2017 resulted in a 4.5% decrease88.0% increase in net cash provided by our operating activities.

Net cash used by investing activities increased to TRY 3,830.94,535.6 million in 20152018 from TRY 1,378.03,304.6 million in 2014.2017. The change in net cash used by investing activities is mainly due to the increase in acquisition of property, plant and equipment and acquisition of intangible assets. For the year ended December 31, 2018, we spent TRY 2,960.6 million on acquisition of property, plant and equipment compared to TRY 2,937.2 million in 2017 while we spent TRY 2,264.9 million on acquisition of intangible asset compared to TRY 1,172.8 million in 2017.

Net cash used for our financing activities for the year 2018 amounting to TRY 534.4 million, whereas net cash used was TRY 1,566.7 million for 2017. The change is mainly attributable to the proceeds from new loan agreements and issuance of bonds which partially netted off with dividends paid and repayment of borrowings. In 2018, dividend paid amounted to TRY 1,949.4 million, compared to dividend paid in 2017 amounting to TRY 3,050.9 million, with respect to the years ended December 31, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. In addition, we repaid TRY 43,987.1 million of our loans and borrowings in 2018, compared to TRY 22,265.1 million in 2017. The cash generation from the issuance of bonds increased to TRY 2,188.3 million in 2018 from TRY 209.8 million in 2017. The cash generation from issuance of loans and borrowings increased to TRY 44,341.1 million in 2018 compared to TRY 24,102.6 million in 2017.

Net cash provided by our operating activities was TRY 3,101.3 million in 2017 and TRY 607.1 million in 2016.


The increase in profit amounting to TRY 494 million compared to 2016 has a positive impact on net cash generated by operating activities. We consider the subtotal after the adjustments for profit for the period in order to analyze the increase in cash from operating activities. Since these lines are adjusting in nature, they are to be excluded from net cash from operating activities, as they either do not have any effect on net cash from operating activities or they have an offsetting effect on the changes in working capital. As a result, the trend in cash from operating activities should be correlated with the trend in results from operating activities and income tax paid. The corresponding subtotal, after adjustments, increased to TRY 6,853 million in 2017 from TRY 4,409 million in 2016. Furthermore, the increase in interest paid to TRY 909.9 million in 2017 from TRY 434.5 million in 2016, the increase in changes in receivables from financial operations, the increase in change in trade and other payables, partially netted off with the decrease in changes in trade receivables and income tax paid to TRY 492.5 million in 2017 from TRY 135.9 million in 2016 resulted in a 410.8% increase in net cash provided by our operating activities.

Net cash used by investing activities increased to TRY 3,304.6 million in 2017 from TRY 2,976.7 million in 2016. The change in net cash used by investing activities is mainly due to the increase in capital expenditures. For the year ended December 31, 2015,2017, we spent approximately TRY 2,135.42,937.2 million on acquisition of property, plant and equipment compared to TRY 1,553.62,572.4 million in 2014. We also2016 while we spent approximately TRY 2,461.61,172.8 million on acquisition of intangible asset compared to TRY 575.9855.1 million in 2014.2016.

We haveNet cash used net cash infor our financing activities for the year 20152017 amounting to TRY 4,619.51,566.7 million, whereas we had TRY 93.0 million of net cash generatedprovided was TRY 4,839.0 million for 2014.2016. The change is mainly attributable to the proceeds from new loan agreements and issuance of bonds which partially netted off with dividends paid and repayment of borrowings. In 2017, dividend paid amount was TRY 3,050.9 million, compared to dividend paid in 2016 amounting to TRY 51.4 million, with respect to the years ended December 31, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2014. The repayment of loans and borrowings also increased net cash used in our financing activities which partially netted off with the proceeds from issuance of bonds. In 2015, dividend paid amount was TRY 4,025.5 million, compared to TRY 8.2 million in 2014.2016. In addition, we repaid TRY 6,551.022,265.1 million of our loans and borrowings in 2015,2017, compared to TRY 4,635.74,932.8 million in 2014.2016. The cash generation from the issuance of bonds wasincreased to TRY 1,439.9209.8 million in 2015.2017 from TRY 167.5 million in 2016. The cash generation from issuance of loans and borrowings increased to TRY 24,102.6 million in 2017 compared to TRY 9,381.3 million in 2016.

b.Sources of Liquidity

WeTurkcell had applied to the Capital Markets Board and, on September 15, 2015, obtained its approval of an issuance certificate to issue bonds, commercial paper or any other debentures with an amount of up to $1 billion (or its equivalent in another currency) to real and legal persons domiciled outside of Turkey through private placement and/or sales to qualified investors without a public offering. OnIn October 2015, weTurkcell issued a Eurobond with an aggregate principal amount of $500 million,10-year maturity, a redemption date of October 10,15, 2025 and coupon rate of 5.75% based(based on a 5.95% reoffer yield to qualified investors domiciled outside of Turkey.investors). The bond issuance was completed and the proceeds of the issue were transferred to the Company’s account on October 15, 2015 and the notes are nowhave since been listed on the official list of the Irish Stock Exchange.

On September 16, 2015, weTurkcell signed a club loan facility with a group of international banks with a U.S. Dollar tranche in the maximum amount of $500 million and a Euro tranche in the maximum amount of €445EUR445 million. The facility has a maturity of five years, with semi-annual principal amortization during the last three years of the loan. Interest on the loan is payable semi-annually. The facility can be drawn down in one or more installments at any time prior to June 30, 2016.quarterly. The facility is unsecured withand has an interest rate of three-month3-month LIBOR/EURIBOR +2.0% per annum. AsThe company fully utilized both tranches in June 2016 and repayments commenced as of December 31, 2015 the company has not utilized any amount under this agreement.June 2018.

On October 23, 2015 we signed atwo loan agreement packageagreements with China Development Bank (“CDB”) for an amount of up to EUR500 million available(available for two years,years), to refinance certain of the Group’s existing loans, and for an amount of up to EUR750 million available(available for three years,years), to finance certain of our procurement requirements from Chinese suppliers in relation to certain of our infrastructure investments. The totalBoth loan package hasfacilities have a final maturity of 10 years, with principalsemi-annual equal amortization during the last seven years of the loan and will be paid back in equal The annual interest rate of the loan is EURIBOR +2.20%. As of December 31, 20152018 an amount of €500EUR 500 million (in October 2015) has been utilized whereas an amount of EUR318 million has been utilized.utilized out of the EUR 750 million facility. The remaining unutilized portion (of EUR 432million) of the latter facility is available for drawdown until April 22, 2019. On March 5, the scope of the EUR750 million loan facility (of its EUR690 million unutilized portion by then) was expanded. In this respect, in addition to Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., our subsidiaries Superonline Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., Financell and lifecell LLC will also be able to make drawdowns under the facility. In addition, the amendment authorized the abovementioned borrowers to make drawdowns in US Dollars and Renminbi (“CNY”) besides the original loan currency of EUR. The respective interest rates for USD and CNY loans were set at LIBOR + 2.22% and 5.51% whilst interest rates for EUR loans remained the same (EURIBOR +2.20%). There have been no changes to maturity and the repayment schedule of the loan.

OurOn March 22, 2018, the Capital Markets Board approved our application with respect to issuing debt instruments with an amount up to US$750 million or its equivalent in another currency, to be sold in international markets, through private placement and/or sales to qualified investors domiciled outside of Turkey. Following this approval, on April 11, 2018 we issued a Eurobond with an aggregate principal amount of $500 million with fixed coupon rate of 5.80% per annum (based on a 6.10% reoffer yield) and 10 years maturity.


Financell has a significant portion in Turkcell group debt balance due to the growing funding requirement of the company that comes from consumer loan growth. Financell mainly relies on bilateral loans from financial institutions consist of local and international banks. The bank borrowings are in either TRY or hard currencies, which are immediately swapped into TRY liabilities in order not to carry any FX risk. Whenever Financell borrows in USD or EUR, it executes cross currency swap transactions that match the full cashflow of the subject loan during its maturity. One of the major funding sources of Financell is a committed loan agreement entered into with the Bank of China in March 2018 for an amount of EUR 100 million having 3.5 year maturity where semi-annual equal amortizations start at the 18th month and with an interest rate of EURIBOR +1.25%. As of 31 December 2018, EUR40 million of this facility is available for drawdown until April 19, 2019. As of December 31, 2018, Financell’s total loan portfolio was TRY 4,096 million, and more than half of this portfolio consists of foreign currency loans (TRY 3,243 million).

In order to diversify its borrowing resources, Financell also resorted to other funding alternatives; as such it applied to the Capital Markets Board of Turkey (“CMB”) for the issuance of ABS. Following the respective approvals of the CMB, Financell mandated Aktif Yatirim Bankasi A.S. which issued four ABS at a total nominal size of TRY 360 million between April 2017 and December 2018 to qualified investors without public offering where Financell was the originator and the user of funds. TRY 160 million of these issuances were made in 2018 in two transactions.

On December 18, 2017, the Turkcell Board of Directors approved the issuance of management agreement based lease certificates (wakala sukuk) in accordance with capital markets legislation by Turkcell Superonline through an asset leasing company in the domestic market for an amount of up to TRY 300 million and up to12-month tenor. On January 19, 2018, application for the approval of the issue programme for lease certificates was made to the CMB and the approval was obtained on March 1, 2018. The first issue of TRY 125 million with a6-month tenor was made on March 22, 2018 and fully matured on September 13, 2018. The second issue of TRY 75 million came on December 13, 2018 with103-day tenor and the third issue of TRY 100 million followed on February 13, 2019 with121-day tenor. The issues were conducted to meet the short term funding needs of Superonline and were purchased by domestic institutional investors.

Our borrowings consist of bilateral and club loans from local and international financial institutions, 144A/RegS Eurobonds sold to qualified investors in the international markets and finance lease obligations with either fixed or floating interest rates. A significant portion of our bank borrowings is utilized to finance our consolidated subsidiaries’ financing needs and acquisition of GSM licenses. All of ourOur loans are denominated in several currencies including U.S. Dollar, BYR,BYN, CNY, EUR, HRVUAH or TRY. The floating interest rate is Liborrates vary from LIBOR + 2.6%1.25% and LIBOR + 2.22% for the loans denominated in U.S. Dollars. The fixed interest rates vary from 18.0%5.75% to 28.0%5.80% for the loans denominated in U.S. Dollars, from 8.3%0.82% to 10.9%3.35% for the loans denominated in EUR, from 12.60% to 27.50% for the loans denominated in TRY, from 12.0%21.50% to 16.0%22.50% for the loans denominated in BYR,UAH, from 20.0%12.00% to 25.0%16.00% for the loans denominated in HRVBYN, are 5.51% for the loans denominated in CNY. The floating interest rates vary from from LIBOR + 1.00% to LIBOR + 2.22% for the loans denominated in U.S. Dollars, and from EURIBOR + 1.20% and EURIBOR 2.20% for the fixed Euro rate is 3.4%. The loans denominated in EUR. Our borrowings are payable over the period from 20162019 to 2025.2031.

We also have what we believe to be a strong liquidity position with USD 1.4 billion equivalent of cash in hard currency, which approximately equals our debt repayments (including interest) due in the next two years, amounting to USD 874 million in 2019 and USD 550 million in 2020. Beyond that, we currently have debt repayments (including interest) amounting to USD 203 million for 2021, USD 200 million for 2022 and USD 1,706 million in total between 2023 and 2031.

The ratio of our loans and borrowingsdebt to equity was 29%is 126% as of December 31, 2015,2018, compared to 22%83% as of December 31, 2014.2017. We have been able to maintain our leverage at a satisfactory level and well in line with our targets. For more information, see Note 2628 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.

The auction for the 4.5G license was held on August 26, 2015 and the capital expenditure required in connection with our 4.5G build-out is expected to be material. The tender price of the 4.5G license amounting to EUR 1,623.5 million (equivalent to TRY 5,158.7 million as at December 31, 2015) (excluding VAT of 18%) will be paid in four equal installments amounting to EUR 1,655.3 million (equivalent to TRY 5,259.9 million as at 31 December 2015) including interest and excluding VAT of 18%. On October 26, 2015, we made the payment amounting to TRY 1,321.9 million for the original amount of EUR 413.8 million (including interest) as first installment and total VAT amounting to TRY 933.4 million for the original amount of EUR 292.2 million in cash.

We are continuing our efforts to selectively seek out and evaluate new investment opportunities. These opportunities could include the purchase of licenses and acquisitions in markets inside and outside of Turkey.

Under the current assumptions and circumstances, we expect to generate adequate levels of cash to maintain a positive cash position in the future and to have positive cash flow related to our communications and technology activities in Turkey. According to our current business plan for the operations in Turkey, we believe that we will be able to finance our current operations, capital expenditures, and financing costs and maintain and enhance our network through our operating cash flow existing credit facilities and other available credit lines. However, we continue to experience difficult pricing and competitive conditions in our markets, which we expect will continue. In addition, the increase in the volume of assigned contracted receivables may continue to result in higherour working capital requirements.requirements may increase should the BRSA increases the maximum number of instalments on mobile phone related loans or due to our entry to the leasing business. The working capital requirements related to terminal financing and bad debt expenses are planned to be managed by our consumer finance company, which commenced operations in 2016. We are also facing increased capital needs to finance our technological and geographic expansion, which may increase our net cash used for investing activities. These pressures have reduced, and may continue to reduce, our liquidity and may lead to an increase in borrowing needs and net cash used by financing activities.


Our cash outflows through 20162019 include possiblepotential dividend payments depending on the result of our general assembly meetings,meeting, quarterly corporate tax payments, 4.5G licence fee payments, capital expenditures, debt service and working capital needs.

We expect that our total operational capital expenditures as a percentage of revenues in 20162019 will be around 20%, with increased investments in preparation for the transition of the mobile network to 4.5G, further expansion of the fiber network, and the roll out of lifecell’s 3G+ network.16%-18%.

The forward-looking statements made here regarding our liquidity and any other financial results are not a guarantee of performance. They are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause future activities and results of operations to be different from those set forth in this annual report.

Important factors that may adversely affect our projections include general economic conditions, changes in the competitive environment, legal risks, developments in the domestic and international capital markets, increased investments, changes in telecommunications regulations and mismatches between the currencies in which we generate revenue and hold liquid assets and the currencies in which we incur liquid obligations and debt. See “Item 3.D. Risk Factors” for a discussion of these and other factors that may affect our projections.

c.Capital Transactions

All share amounts and per share figures reflected inIn 2018, we have entered into buyback transactions on our historical financial statements have been restated retrospectively for the aforementioned stock splits.own shares; please refer to “Item 10.B. ShareBuy-Backs”, as well as Item 16.E.

d.General Economic Conditions

Turkey’s economic growth was 3.4%slowed to 2.6% in the first nine months of 20152018 from 7.4% in 2017 and based on market estimates, growth for 2016it is expected to be around 3.1%,slow to 2.0% in 2019 mainly driven bydue to the domestic demand.tightened financial conditions.

e.Dividend Payments

On March 26, 2015,23, 2016, the Ordinary General AssemblyBoard of Shareholders approvedDirectors proposed a dividend distribution for the yearsyear ended December 31, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 20142015 amounting to TRY 3,925.01,200.0 million (equivalent to $1,535.9$228.1 million as of March 26, 2015)December 31, 2018), which represented 42.5%approximately 58% of net distributable income for the relevant years.year. This dividend proposal was discussed and rejected at the Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders held on March 29, 2016.

On May 25, 2017, the Company’s General Assembly approved the payment of a dividend amounting to TRY 3,000.0 million (equivalent to USD 841.6 million as of May 25, 2017, the date of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting) out of profits for the period from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2016. This represents a gross cash dividend of full TRY 1.3636364 (equivalent to full USD 0.3825604 as of May 25, 2017, the date of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting) per share. The Company paid TRY 3,000.0 million in total including withholding taxes in three installments on 15 June, 15 September and 15 December 2017 to the shareholders.

On March 29, 2018, the Company’s General Assembly approved the payment of a dividend was paid on April 6, April 8 and April 13, 2015amounting to TRY 1,900.0 million (equivalent to USD 475.8 million as of March 29, 2018, the date of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting) from the net distributable profit for the year ended December 31, 2017. This represents a gross cash dividend of full TRY 0.8636364 (equivalent to full USD 0.2162822as of March 29, 2018, the date of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting) per share. The distribution to shareholders was performed in three equal installments that took place on June 18, September 17 and was funded from cash on hand that we had accrued in light of our inability to receive approvals to pay dividends in prior periods.December 17, 2018, respectively.

For additional details regarding our dividend policy, see “Item 8.A. Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information—Dividend Policy”.

5.C Research and Development, Patents and Licenses, etc.

We own a number of patents, utility models, trademarks and industrial designs.

The activities of our technology center, which houses all of our R&D operations in a single location, include the following:


Partnership software development, customization and/or integration of software products of suppliers through the service and product development processes;


Developing network infrastructure strategies in a fast evolving information-communication technologies world; and



Designing short and long-term technology road maps for our operations.

Internally developed software arising from our R&D works amounted to approximately TRY 123.1 million, TRY 110.4 million and TRY 79.6 million in 2015, 2014 and 2013, respectively. Internally-developed software does not include any costs relating to the research phase.

5.D Trend Information

a.Changing Subscriber Base and Usage Patterns

The proportion of postpaid subscribers in our subscriber base in Turkey was 49%56%, 44%54% and 40%53% in 2015, 20142018, 2017 and 2013,2016, respectively, due to our value focus.

The majorityAs our market and business strategy evolve, we expect that the percentage of our revenues from mobile data and fixed data will continue to increase with increased smartphone penetration, a larger postpaid subscriber base however, consistsand a rise in data consumption. For these reasons and with our increased emphasis on OTT services, we also expect that the percentage of prepaid subscribers. Trends indicate that prepaid subscribers have more control over their usage patterns.our revenues from digital services will also increase. On the other hand, revenues from voice and SMS traffic are expected to continue to decrease as a percentage of our revenues.

b.Regulationsaffecting our prices

The ICTA has on several occasions intervened to place caps on the tariffs that we charge in the Turkish market. TheIn the past, the ICTA’s intervention in our retail voice and SMS prices has, and will continue to, negatively affectaffected our ability to design and launch campaigns and offers and, consequently, has had and will continue to have, a negative impact on our business. ICTA removed the regulation on lower limit onon-net retail prices and campaigns. These pricing regulations were valid on all single voice tariffs and campaigns, whereas we were obliged to maintain our minimumon-net SMS rate on network base.

The ICTA has alsoin the past intervened to decrease interconnection rates.

With respect to the interconnection rates that we charge, after a 33% reduction for Turkcell in 2008, the interconnection rates issued by the ICTA on March 25, 2009 for all mobile operators in Turkey provided for a further 29% decrease, on average, among all operators. On February 10, 2010, there was an additional 52% reduction in Turkcell’s interconnection rates. Finally, withfollowing the ICTA’s board resolution dated June 17, 2013, our mobile termination rates have beenwere set at TRY 0.0250, a 20% decline from TRY 0.0313.0.0250. In addition, the ICTA with a board resolution dated April 12, 2013, lowered SMS termination rates for Turkcell from TRY 0.0170 to TRY 0.0043. With its latest decision dated October 22, 2014, the ICTA also set the tariff for MMS termination rates for Turkcell at TRY 0.0086.

With respect to minimumThe table below shows theon-net prices and MTR rates:


  Before July 1, 2013   July 1, 2013 –
August 16, 2016
   As at March 7,

Minimumon-net voice price

   0.0313    0.0428    —   

Minimumon-net SMS price

   —      0.0073    —   

Voice MTR

   0.0313    0.0250    0.0250 


   0.0170    0.0250    0.0250 

The maximum tariffs with a board resolution dated March 25, 2009,set by the ICTA may constitute the highest rates we may charge for the services included in our service packages. Generally, the maximum tariffs set a lower limit solely for Turkcell’s on-net retail tariffs. In 2013,by the ICTA linkedfor particular services are set higher than the mobile termination rates to minimum on-net voice levels with a parameter of 1.7 such that our minimum on-net prices should be setstandard tariffs determined by multiplying the mobile termination rate with the above mentioned parameter of 1.7. As a result, the ICTA increasedfor those services. Such caps were in force until a decision rendered in March 2016 annulled the minimum tariffmaximum tariffs. The ICTA took a decision on September 20, 2018, to be applied by Turkcell from TRY 0.0313 to TRY 0.0428set the maximum tariffs at 0.5670 TRY/min for voice and to set the minimum tariff of0.4075 TRY 0.0073 for SMS applicable to both tariffsfor Turkcell and campaigns. The amendments for tariffs were effective as of July 2013 and for campaigns as of February 2014. These pricing regulations are valid on each and every single voice tariff and campaign, whereas we are obliged to maintain our minimum on-net SMS rate on network base.Vodafone.

With respect to the maximum tariffs, although the Concession Agreement includes a provision regarding only the increase of the maximum tariffs, theThe ICTA has decreasedin the maximum tariff since 2007, which has negatively affectedpast intervened and may again intervene, impacting the prices we charge for our tariff structure. The maximum tariff on mobile voice increased by approximately 6% to TRY 0.439 in 2013 and by approximately 5.4% to 0.4625 as of July 2014, while as of January 2014 the maximum tariff on SMS decreased by 20% to TRY 0.332. A new board decision dated March 18, 2015 was effective as of April 1, 2015; in which maximum tariffs remained the same. Finally, with a board decision dated September 28, 2015 which has been effective as of November 1, 2015; price caps for voice and SMS were remained the same, whereas price caps for some services (e.g. SIM card change, number change etc.) were decreased.tariffs.

Further cuts in interconnection rates and changes in minimum and maximum tariffs willmay make us redesign our tariffs and willmay impact our operational results, depending on pricing trendsresults.

The mobile market analysis of ICTA has been finalized. By its Board decision dated April 12, 2017, numbered2017/DK-SRD/124; ICTA decided to deregulate mobile access and marketing strategiescall origination market and to lift Turkcell’s Significant Market Power (SMP) status within a transition period of one year. Accordingly, our Company’s liabilities such as providing access and interconnection in the Turkish mobile communications market. Currently “Mobile Call Termination Market”call origination market,non-discrimination, transparency, preparation and “Mobileissuance of reference access tariffs, being subject to tariff control, account separation and cost accounting, andco-location obligations were to be abolished as of April 12, 2018. However, the Mobile Access and Call Origination Market” are being analyzed by ICTA. UponMarket deregulation transition period has been extended until April 12, 2019.

By its Board decision dated April 19, 2017, numbered2017/DK-SRD/131; the renewalICTA finalized its Mobile Call Termination market analysis and decided to deregulate SMS and MMS termination services within a transition period of one year, as of April 19, 2018. On the other hand, the Significant Market Power status would continue in the call termination market analyses, SMPfor mobile operators, will be determinedoperators that offer satellite communications services, and Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO), which could offer call termination services for the 2016-2019 period.

Given these factors, it is difficult to predictincoming calls of their subscribers. Nevertheless, with any degreeits decision dated April 12, 2018, the ICTA later cancelled the deregulation of certainty the growth and usage patterns of our subscribers and our ability to maintain or increase revenues or profitability. General economic conditions, competitive pressures andSMS/MMS Termination Market. As a result, the trend in our retail and interconnection pricing have exerted, andSMS/MMS termination service will continue to exert, pressure on our financial results.within the scope of obligations under the Mobile Call Termination Market Analysis.



Our activities have traditionally generated a strong positive cash flow. According to our current business plan for the operations in Turkey, we believe that we will be able to finance our current operations, capital expenditures, and financing costsdebt service and maintain and enhance our network through our operating cash flow, and existing committed credit facilities and other available credit lines. However, we continue to experience difficult pricing and competitive conditions in our operating markets, which we expect will continue. In addition, the increase in the volume of assigned contracted receivables may continue to result in higher working capital requirements. The working capital requirements related to terminal financing and bad debt expenses are planned to be managed by our consumer finance company, which commenced operationsFinancell. Following the BRSA’s limitation on the number of instalments with regard to consumer loans for handsets and smart devices, we expect that the decrease in 2016.demand will continue, and that consequently there will not be any additional working capital need for Financell. Indeed, we expect Financell’s indebtedness to continue to decrease throughout 2019, as has been the case since September 2018. We are also facing increased capital needs to finance our technological and geographic expansion, which may increase our net cash used for investing activities. Furthermore, we are likely to increase our debt if we succeed in our bid to acquire Fintur and TeliaSonera’s direct stake in Kcell. These pressures have reduced, and may continue to reduce, our liquidity and may lead to an increase in borrowing needs and net cash used by financing activities.

We expect that our total operational capital expenditures as a percentage of revenues in 20162019 will be around 20%, with16%-18%.

The forward-looking statements made here regarding our liquidity and any other financial results are not a guarantee of performance. They are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause future activities and results of operations to be different from those set forth in this annual report.

Important factors that may adversely affect our projections include general economic conditions, changes in the competitive environment, legal risks, developments in the domestic and international capital markets, increased investments, changes in preparation fortelecommunications regulations and mismatches between the transition of the mobile network to 4.5G, further expansion of the fiber network,currencies in which we generate revenue and hold liquid assets and the roll outcurrencies in which we incur liquid obligations and debt. See “Item 3.D. Risk Factors” for a discussion of lifecell’s 3G network.these and other factors that may affect our projections.

d.Currency devaluation and impairments

Our results of operations and the value of certain of our assets have been adversely affected by devaluations in the currencies of certain countries, in particular Ukraine, Belarus, and Turkey.Turkey in the last few years. The value of the Turkish Lira against USD decreased significantly in 2018, depreciating by 39.5% in 2018 compared to 7.2% in 2017. Ukraine Hryvnia appreciation against USD was 1.4% compared to 3.2% depreciation in 2017. In Belarus, the Belarusian Ruble depreciated 9.5% compared to 0.7% in 2017. Further currency devaluation remains a risk and may continue to have an adverse effect in the future. Furthermore, operational and technological changes, general macroeconomic conditions, legal, regulatory or political obstacles in Ukraine and Belarus may lead to further impairments in the values of certain of our assets in the future.

5.EOff-Balance Sheet Arrangements

Off-balance sheet arrangements refer to any transaction, agreement, or other contractual arrangement involving an unconsolidated entity (other than contingent liabilities arising from litigation, arbitration or regulatory actions) under which a company has:


provided guarantee contracts;


retained or contingent interests in transferred assets;


any obligation under derivative instruments classified as equity; or


any obligation arising out of material variable interests in an unconsolidated entity that provides financing, liquidity, market risk or credit risk support to the company, or that engages in leasing, hedging, or research and development arrangements with the company.

We routinely enter into operating leases for property in the normal course of business. The future minimum operating lease payments under non-cancellable leases amount to TRY 377.0 million in 2015 and TRY 264.8 million in 2014.


a.Contingent Liabilities

The following table illustrates our major contingent liabilities as of December 31, 2015.


       Amount of contingent liability expiration per period—
Remaining commitment
   At December 31,
   Indefinite*   Less than
one year
5 years
TRY million                            

Bank Letters of Guarantee

   803.8     803.8     591.0     129.1     27.2     2.2     54.3  

       Amount of contingent liability expiration per period—
Remaining commitment
   At December 31,
   Indefinite*   Less than
one year
5 years
   TRY million 

Bank Letters of Guarantee

   1,541.8    1,541.8    986.5    256.4    117.8    19.6    161.5 



Bank letters of guarantee are not given for a specific period. Most of the guarantees will remain as long as the business relationship with the counterparty continues.

As of December 31, 2015,2018, we are contingently liable in respect of bank letters of guarantee obtained from banks and given to custom authorities, private companies and other public organizations amounting to TRY 803.81,541.8 million. We also provided guarantees to private companies amounting to TRY153.8 million and provided restricted cash amounting to TRY 349.2 million deposited at a local bank as guarantees in connection with the loans utilized by lifecell.266.4 million.

See “Item 5.B. Liquidity and Capital Resources—Sources of Liquidity”.

5.F Tabular Disclosure of Contractual Obligations

The following tables illustrate our major contractual and commercial obligations and commitments as of December 31, 2015.2018.


   Payments due by period 

Contractual Obligations

  Total   Less than
1 year
5 years
(TRY million)                    

Loans and borrowings (*)

   5,370.2     742.7     854.6     658.5     3,114.4  

Finance lease obligations

   49.0     6.6     10.6     10.6     21.2  

Payable in relation to the acquisition of Belarusian Telecom

   290.8     —       —       290.8     —    

Operating leases

   377.0     163.5     127.9     78.1     7.5  

Total Contractual Cash Obligations

   6,087.0     912.8     993.1     1,038.0     3,143.1  
   Payments due by period 

Contractual Obligations

  Total   Less than
1 year
5 years
   (TRY million) 

Loans and borrowings(*)

   22,092.6    6,800.8    5,121.1    2,168.6    8,002.1 

Lease obligations

   2,497.4    646.0    696.5    381.0    773.9 

Payable in relation to the acquisition of Belarusian Telecom

   526.1    —      —      526.1    —   

Trade and other payables

   2,440.3    2,440.3    —      —      —   

Due to related parties

   45.3    45.3    —      —      —   

Total Contractual Cash Obligations

   27,601.7    9,932.4    5,817.6    3,075,7    8,776.0 



Includes undiscounted interest and bonds issued and excludes finance lease obligations.

  Amount of Commitment   Amount of Commitment 

Other Commercial Commitments

  Total   Less than
1 year
5 years
   Total   Less than
1 year
5 years
(TRY million)                    
  (TRY million) 

Purchase obligations

   2,752.1     1,769.8     945.6     36.7     —       1,353.8    1,117.0    115.0    121.8    —   

As at December 31, 2015,2018, outstanding purchase commitments with respect to the acquisition of property, plant and equipment, inventory and purchase of sponsorship and advertisement services amountamounted to TRY1,353.8 million.

To avoid foreign exchange risk, the Company used currency swaps, participating cross currency swap contracts, currency forward contracts and commitments related to those derivative financial liabilities amounted to TRY 2,752.1 million.165.3 million (Note 34).

5.G Safe Harbor

Not applicable.





6.A Directors and Senior Management

I. Board Members

Under the Turkish Commercial Code and our Articles of Association, the Board of Directors is responsible for our management. Our Articles of Association mandates a Board of Directors containing seven members.

Members of our Board of Directors are generally appointed for a term of three years. However, as the General Assembly could not convene due to athe lack of a quorum for meetings, in a series of resolutions in 2013, the CMB appointed new members to our Board, who shall remain members until new members are elected by the General Assembly or until the CMB announces a new resolution. The CMB stepped in based on its statutory authority to take actionsex officio where publicly held companies whose shares are traded on the exchange fail to comply with corporate governance principles partially or completely. The CMB with its resolution dated March 11, 2013, announced the replacement of Mehmet Bulent Ergin, Tero Erkki Kivisaari and Oleg Adolfovich Malis on our Board of Directors with three new members, Atilla Koc, Mehmet Hilmi Guler and Ahmet Akca, who serve as “independent board members” according to article 17/2 of the Capital Markets Law No. 6362. The CMB with its resolutions dated August 15, 2013 and September 13, 2013 announced the appointment of Mehmet Bostan, Bekir Pakdemirli, Jan Erik Rudberg and Erik Jean Christian Antoine Belfrage, as board members who satisfy the independence criteria. The latter two members were chosen from the independent nominees list submitted by TeliaSonera.Telia Company. They were appointed by the CMB pursuant tosub-paragraph (k) of the first paragraph of article 128 of Capital Markets Law No. 6362, in place of members of our Board of Directors who were elected at the general assembly meeting on April 29, 2010 for a duty period of three years and whose duty periods have expired and whose successors could not be elected at the general assembly meetings. Mr. Ahmet Akca, Mr. Atilla Koc and Mr. Mehmet Hilmi Guler will continue to serve as independent Board Members as per the letter of Capital Markets Board dated March 8, 2019.

At the ordinary general assembly meeting held on March 29, 2018, Mustafa Kıral, Hasan Tuvan Yalım and Ingrid Maria Stenmark were elected as board members in lieu of Jan Erik Rudberg, Erik Jean Christian Antoine Belfrage and Mehmet Bostan respectively for a duty period of three years. After Bekir Pakdemirli resigned from his office as of July 11, 2018 due to his appointment as Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, the Board of Directors functioned with six members until March 7, 2019. On March 7, 2019, with Board of Director’s decision, Mr. Bulent Aksu is appointed as a Board Member to the vacant seat, pursuant to Article 363 of the Turkish Commercial Code. On March 8, 2019 Mr. Hasan Tuvan Yalim resigned from his duties and our Company’s Board of Directors decided on the same day to appoint Mr. Huseyin Aydin to the seat which became vacant following Mr. Yalim’s resignation, pursuant to Article 363 of the Turkish Commercial Code. At the time of this annual report on Form20-F, Mr. Guler is running for municipal elections which are scheduled to take place on March 31, 2019.

As of March 10, 2016,8, 2019, our Board of Directors had the following members:




Date appointed to the Board of Directors by
Capital Markets Board resolution

Ahmet Akca (Chairman)

  March 11, 2013

Atilla Koc

  March 11, 2013

Bekir Pakdemirli

August 15, 2013

Erik Belfrage

September 13, 2013

Jan Erik Rudberg

September 13, 2013

Mehmet Bostan

August 15, 2013

Mehmet Hilmi Guler

  March 11, 2013

Ingrid Maria Stenmark

March 29, 2018

Mustafa Kiral

March 29, 2018

Bulent Aksu

March 7, 2019

Huseyin Aydin

March 8, 2019

II. Executive Officers

We are managed on aday-to-day basis by the Corporate Executive Team with the guidance of the Board of Directors. Officers do not have fixed terms of office. On October 25, 2018, Mr. Osman Yılmaz has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, and in December 2018, Omer Barbaros Yis was appointed as acting Executive Vice President of Marketing. The following table sets forth the name and office of each member of our Corporate Executive Team as of March 10, 2016.7, 2019.





Muhterem Kaan Terzioglu(1)


Chief Executive Officer

Izzet Serhat Demir


Executive Vice President—Legal and Regulation

Murat Dogan ErdenOsman Yilmaz


Executive Vice President—Finance

Murat Erkan(2)


Executive Vice President—Sales

Ilker Kuruoz

Executive Vice President—Technology

Seyfettin Saglam


Executive Vice President—Business SupportHuman Resources


Muhterem Kaan Terzioglu resigned from his position as Chief Executive Officer effective March 15, 2019.


Murat Erkan is the acting Chief Executive Officer effective March 15, 2019. Kadri Ozdal is the acting Executive Vice President of Sales effective March 15, 2019.




Ilter Terzioglu


Executive Vice President—Strategy

Dogus KuranOmer Barbaros Yis


Executive Vice President—Customer Services

Ismail ButunMarketing (Acting)

Senior Vice President—Retail Sales

Tugrul Cora

Senior Vice President—Corporate Sales

Serkan Ozturk


Executive Vice President—ICTCustomer Experience & Information Technologies

Aziz Gediz Sezgin


Executive Vice President—Network Technologies

Banu Isci SezenAli Turk


Executive Vice President—Turkcell AcademySupply Chain Management

Aysem Ertopuz Deobler

Executive Vice President—Digital Services & Solutions

III. Biographies

a.Current Board Members

Ahmet Akca1, born in 1956, was appointed to the Board of Directors by Capital Markets Board decision. He also acts as the president of Turkcell’s Audit Committee. Since August 2013, he has been serving as the Chairman of the Turkcell Board of Directors. From 19801981 to 1988, Mr. Akca served as a Foreign Trade Manager in thetwo reputable companies in glass and food industry. In 1988, he became the CEO of an International Trading Company,international trade company, a position he held until 1992. He later started his own business, Akca Lojistik Hizmetleri ve Tic. A.S and Tedarik Lojistik Hizmetleri A.S. which he still runs.runs as the Chairman. Mr. Akca is the founder and Chairman ofalso serves as an independent member at the Board of Directors of the logistics companyat BIM A.S. since May 2018. Mr. Akca Lojistik Hizmetleri ve Ticaret A.S. He was a member of the Committee of Trustees in January 2010, at the time of the Bezmialem Vakif University establishment, and has been serving as the Chairman of the Committee of Trustees since November 2011. After studying mathematicsstudied Mathematics at Middle East Technical University and sociologySociology at Istanbul University for a certain period, Mr. Akcaand graduated from the Department of Economics at Bursa Economics and Commercial Sciences Academy’s Department of Economics.Academy.

Atilla Koc1, born in 1946, was appointed to the Board of Directors by Capital Markets Board decision. He also serves as a member of the Audit Committee of Turkcell’s Board of Directors. Having workingworked as an Undersecretary at the Ministry of Interior, and as the Chief of Police in Konya, he served as the District Governor of the Ulubey, Nusaybin and Bayindir districts, and as the Governor of Siirt and Giresun provinces. He has also been the Prime Minister’s Undersecretary, the General Secretary of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, and the Central Governor. Then, Mr. Koc served as AKP Aydin deputyDeputy in the 22nd and 23rd period of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and theas Minister of Culture and Tourism in the 59th Government. Mr.Atilla Koc graduated from Ankara University’s Faculty of Political Science.

Mehmet Hilmi Guler1, born in 1949, was appointed to the Board of Directors by Capital Markets Board decision. He also serves as a member of the Audit Committee of Turkcell’s Board of Directors. He formerly worked as a Project Engineer and Group Chairman at TUSAS Aerospace Industries. HeMr. Guler also served as Vice President and Board Member of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), as Chairman and General Manager of the Machines and Chemical Industries Board (MKEK), as the General Manager and Chairman of Etibank, as the Chief Undersecretary to the Prime Minister, and as Board Member and Executive Director at ERDEMIR and IGDAS. Mr. Guler also served as Minister of Energy and Natural Resources in the 58th, 59th and 60th Governments. Mr.Mehmet Hilmi Guler graduated from Middle East Technical University’s Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering where he obtained his Master’s and Doctorate degrees.

Mehmet Bostan2Ingrid Maria Stenmark, born in 1971,1966, was appointed to the Turkcell Board of Directors by Capital Marketsthe General Assembly decision in 2018. Ms. Stenmark is responsible for Group Strategy, Enterprise Risk Management, Ethics and Compliance and overseeing Internal Audit at Telia Company. In addition, she has the responsibility for the associate operations in Turkcell and Latvia. Since joining Telia Company in 1994, Ms. Stenmark has held a number of senior positions in the Group, including Head of Group Regulatory affairs, acting General Counsel, and responsible for the associates Turkcell and MegaFon. Ms. Stenmark served as a board member of Kcell and MegaFon. Ms. Stenmark holds a Master of law from the University of Stockholm.

Mustafa Kiral, born in 1978, was appointed to the Turkcell Board decision.of Directors by the General Assembly decision in 2018. During his career, he served in Altimo, responsible for overseeing mergers and acquisitions. He serves ashas advised on some of the Chairmancompany’s key deals in recent years. He also served in various offices of McKinsey & Company. Prior to McKinsey, Mr. Kiral was a market maker in the Pacific Stock Exchange in San Francisco, trading technology options. He is currently a Senior Partner at LetterOne Technology in London, UK. Mustafa Kiral received a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and an MS in Biomedical Engineering from University of California at Berkeley.

Bulent Aksu,born in 1974,was appointed to the Turkcell Board of Directors by the Board of Directors decision in March 2019.Bulent Aksu has 22 years of managerial experience in finance, accounting, tax and management fields in various sectors including telecommunications, energy, petrochemicals, textiles and audit. He began his professional career at Kuveyt Turk’s Inspection Board as Auditor, and then he executed at Finance Manager and Group Finance Director positions at Calik Holding in 2003, respectively. He worked as CFO and Board Member at Akfel Group between years 2008-2012. He worked as CFO for Azerbaijani National Oil and Gas Company’s (SOCAR) subsidiaries


Petkim Petrokimya Holding A.S. and STAR Rafineri A.S. respectively between 2012 and 2016. Bulent Aksu served as CFO of Turkcell Global Bilgi since 2014between July 20, 2016 and Turkcell Global Odeme Sistemleri since 2015. Mr. Bostan formerly workedJuly 17, 2018 and was voted among the top 50 most influential CFOs in Turkey by the magazine Fortune Turkey in years 2016 and 2018. Bulent Aksu has taken office as Senior Relationship Manager at BNP Ak Dresdner Bank A.S., Manager at TSKB, Chief Turkey RepresentativeDeputy Minister for the Ministry of Dresdner Bank AGTreasury and Deputy General Manager at Gunes Sigorta.Finance as of August 3, 2018. He has served as Board Member at Turk Telekom between November 2018 – March 2019. Mr. Aksu graduated from Business Administration (English) Department of Istanbul University in 1996.

Huseyin Aydin, born in 1959, was appointed to the Turkcell Board of Directors by the Board of Directors decision in March 2019. Mr. Aydin graduated from the Ankara Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences (Faculty of Economics) in 1981. He began his career as an Assistant Inspector at Ziraat Bank and served as a Director in various departments at Ziraat Bank until 27 March 2003. After working as an Executive Board member at Halkbank, as a Board member at Pamukbank and as Deputy Chairman at Ziraat Bank, Mr. Aydin worked as the General Manager and Board Member of Vakif Emeklilik since 2010. He is a Board Member ofat Halkbank between May 31, 2005 and July 14, 2011. Having joined Ziraat Bank as the Pension Monitoring Center and Turkish Tennis Federation.CEO on July 15, 2011, Mr. Bostan graduated from International Relations, from the Faculty of Economics, at Istanbul University. He holds an MBA from Bilgi University.

Bekir Pakdemirli2, born in 1973, was appointed to the Board of Directors by Capital Markets Board decision. Over the past 10 years, Mr. Pakdemirli has workedAydin also serves as Regional Manager for the Middle East of a multinational company, General Manager of a ceramic company in Izmir and General Manager of a publicly-listed food company. Currently, he is Business Development Manager of the company McCain, and provides consultancy services on management, finance, efficiency and restructuring to corporations. Mr. Pakdemirli is a Board Member of Tarkem, historical Kemeralti Inc., a Member of Board of Trustess of the Anatolia Foundation for Autism and a member of the Capital Market Investors Association. Mr. Pakdemirli presents a weekly economic program on Ege TV. Mr. Pakdemirli is an amateur captain, amateur pilot and amateur radio operator. After graduating from Bilkent University, Faculty of Business Administration, he completed his Master’s degree in Management at Baskent University. Currently, Mr. Pakdemirli is working towards his PhD degree in Economics at Celal Bayar University.

Jan Erik Rudberg3, born in 1945, was appointed to the Board of Directors by Capital Markets Board decision. He is currently Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kcell JSC (Independent Director) and the Chairman of the Banks Association of Turkey and Board Member of Directors of Hogia AB. Since 2010, Mr. Rudberg is also a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Megafon (Independent Director). Between 1994 and 2003, he held various executive positions at Telia AB after having served as the Chief Executive Officer of Tele2 AB, Executive Vice President of Nordbanken AB, Chief Executive Officer of Enator AB, as well the Chief Executive Officer of Ericsson Information Systems Sweden AB and holding several managerial positions at IBM. Mr. Rudberg has a degree in Economics and Business Administration from the Gothenburg School of Economics.Turkiye Wealth Fund Management Co.

Erik Belfrage3, born in 1946, was appointed to the Board of Directors by Capital Markets Board decision. In the 70’s and 80’s, Mr. Belfrage worked as a Swedish diplomat in Geneva, Washington, Bucharest, Beirut, and in Paris. Since 1987, he has served as Senior Vice President at SEB, and as an advisor to Dr. Peter Wallenberg, an advisor to the Chairman at the companies Investor AB Jacob Wallenberg and SEB Marcus Wallenberg. In 2012 Mr. Belfrage set up a consultancy, Consilio International AB, where he also is the Chairman. The firm advises large Nordic corporates. Currently, Mr. Belfrage is chairman of several boards. He holds an MBA from the Stockholm School of Economics.

1Appointed by the Capital Markets Board as “independent board member” pursuant to Article 17, paragraph two, of Capital Markets Law No. 6362 on March 11, 2013.
2The board members who satisfy independency criteria were appointed by the Capital Markets Board pursuant to sub-paragraph (k) of the first paragraph of Article 128 of Capital Markets Law No. 6362 on August 15, 2013.
3The board members who satisfy independency criteria were appointed by the Capital Markets Board pursuant to sub-paragraph (k) of the first paragraph of Article 128 of Capital Markets Law No. 6362 on September 13, 2013.

b. Board members who were removed by the CMB and whose duty period expired

The CMB with its resolution dated March 11, 2013, announced the replacement of Mehmet Bulent Ergin, Tero Erkki Kivisaari and Oleg Adolfovich Malis on our Board of Directors with three independent members, Atilla Koc, Mehmet Hilmi Guler and Ahmet Akca. Furthermore, due to the fact that remaining Board members’ term of duty have expired as of April 2013, namely Colin J Williams, Karin B Eliasson, Alexey Khudyakov and Gulsun Nazli Karamehmet Williams, the CMB, with its resolution dated August 15, 2013, announced the appointment of two new members, Mehmet Bostan and Bekir Pakdemirli, in order to reach the quorum stipulated under the articles of association of the Company. Further, with its resolution dated September 13, 2013, in addition to its previous appointment of 5 members, it announced the appointment of two new members, Jan Erik Rudberg and Erik Belfrage. Please refer to our 2012 Form 20-F for the biographies of the previous members of the Board.

c.Executive Officers

Muhterem Kaan Terzioglu,born in 1968, was appointed as Turkcell’s Chief Executive Officer from April 2015 until March 15, 2019, when he resigned from his position. Mr. Terzioglu serves as board member of several international institutions and organizations. He is on April 1, 2015. Hethe GMSA board, the leading international mobile communication organization, and on advisory board of the World Economic Forum Center for Fourth Industrial Revolution. Mr. Terzioglu also serves as a board member for “Turkey’s Car” Initiative and he assumes the presidency of the Mobile Telecommunications Operators Association(m-TOD). Terzioglu is also on the board of Turkcell Foundation and as well as on the board ot the GSMA Foundation focusing on “Mobile Communications for Development”. Kaan Terzioglu began his professional life in 1990 as an Independent Auditor and CPA at Arthur Andersen Turkey. In 1992, Mr. Terzioglu joined Arthur Andersen USA as the IT Strategies and Security Specialist, and in 1994, began workingFrom 1990 to 1998, he undertook several roles on information technologies at Arthur Andersen in the USA, Belgium as the Leader of Information Management and Digital Strategy Services. In 1998, he was appointed Vice President of Consultancy Services Turkey Operations. BetweenTurkey. From 1999 andto 2012, he served asheld global managerial roles at the Team Leader of E-Commerce Strategies for the EMEA region, Sales Director of Advanced Technologies for the EMEA region, Managing Director of Technology Marketing Organization for the EMEA region, and the Vice President of Central and Eastern Europe at Cisco Systems Brussels branch, respectively. Between April 3,office. From 2012 and April 1,to 2015, Mr.Kaan Terzioglu was a Memberserved as member of the Boardboard of Directorsdirectors at Akbank, Aksigorta A.S., Teknosa Ic ve Dis Ticaret A.S. and Carrefoursa A.S. Kaan TerzioğluTerzioglu graduated from the Department of Business Administration at Bogazici University.

Serhat DemirOsman Yilmaz, born in 1983, was appointed as the Chief Financial Officer on August 1, 2018. Mr. Yılmaz started his professional career at Turkiye Is Bankasi Treasury Department in 2006. In 2007, he worked at BNP/TEB Treasury Department. From 2008 to 2016, he served as Senior Fund Manager in Structured Products and Group Head of Fixed Income and Multi Asset Funds at HSBC Global Asset Management. In August 2016, he joined Turkcell as Director of Treasury, Risk and Collection Management. Mr. Yilmaz holds a dual BSc degree in Economics and Management from London School of Economics and Istanbul Bilgi University, MSc in Financial Engineering from Bogazici University and a PhD in Finance from Ozyegin University.

Izzet Serhat Demir,born in 1974,joined Turkcell as the Executive Vice President of the Legal and Regulation Function in May 2015. Mr. Demir started his professional career in 1997 at Dun & Bradstreet’s Turkey office. HeFrom 2003 to 2007, he worked inat the Legal Advisory atDepartment of Yildiz Holding between 2003 and in 2007 and becamehe served as the Legal Advisor of ÇalikCounsel at Calik Holding in 2007.A.S. Between 2009 and 2015, he served as DirectorMr. Demir undertook the role of Legal Affairs Director at ÇalikCalik Holding ,and in the meantime he also served as member of the Board of Directors at holding level and at the same time, as a board member at various group companies operatingthat operated in the holding, telecom and finance sectors.fields. Serhat Demir graduated from the Faculty of Law at Istanbul University.

Murat Dogan Erden,born in 1969, started his career at the Treasury and Capital Markets Department of Bankers Trust Turkey. He joined Turkcell as the Director of Treasury and Risk Management in 2001. Since 2006, Mr. Erden has served as a Member of the Board of Directors of Turkcell Group companies and continues his Board of Directors activities. Mr. Erden is a graduate of Istanbul High School and the Department of Economics at Boğaziçi University and received his MBA degree from San Diego State University in 1995. He completed the Wharton Executive Development Program and holds certificates in Mergers and Acquisitions and Strategic Finance and Derivatives from similar international institutions.

Murat Erkan, born in 1969,joined Turkcell Group in June 2008 as the General Manager of Turkcell Superonline and as ofin December 1, 2015 he was appointed as the Executive Vice President of Sales. Prior to this position he had served asMr. Erkan is the Senior Vice President of Retail and Active Sales and Senior Vice President of Home and Consumer Business, respectively.acting Chief Executive Officer effective March 15, 2019. Mr. Erkan, who started his professional life at Toshiba, becameworked as an Application Engineer at Biltam MühendislikMuhendislik and then becameserved as the first “System Engineer” of Turkey at Cisco Turkey. He served as Chief Officer at Cisco Systems in charge of technology, sales, business developmentTechnology, Sales, Business Development and channel management for ten years. Prior to his position at Turkcell Superonline,Channel Management. As from 2006, Mr. Erkan had beenserved as the Business Unit Manager at Aneltech working onresponsible for solutions related to Telecommunication, Mobile,telecommunications, mobile, ICT, the defense industry and industrial products sectors since 2006.sectors. Murat Erkan graduated from the Yildiz Technical University Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department. He completed the Strategic Marketing Program at Harvard Business School in 2010.

Ilker Kuruoz,Kadri Özdal, born in 1970, joined Turkcell1974, was appointed as Services and Product Development Division Head in 2006. He has been serving as the ExecutiveActing Vice President of Technology since December 2013. Previously, he was the Chief Information and Communication Technologies Officer of Turkcell. Ilker KuruozSales on March 15, 2019. He started his professional lifecareer at Vodafone in 1994 at ABT.1999 where he worked in various sales, marketing and commercial operations departments. He later joined Turk Telekom where he worked in sales development, channel optimization and management, and then worked at NCRacted as its Chief Sales Officer from 2011 to 2012. Kadri Özdal also took part in the founding and management of, one of the largest e-commerce platforms in Turkey, and has also acted as its Chief Sales Officer. In February 2016, he undertook the role of Turkcell’s Alternative Sales Channels Director, and subsequently served as Non-Exclusive and Digital Sales Channels Director, and then acted as its Retail Channels Sales Director. He holds a System Consultant, at Garanti Teknoloji as a Division Manager and in Accenture as Senior Manager. Ilker Kuruoz graduated from Bilkent University in Computer Engineering and Information Sciences and received a Master’s DegreePhD from the same university.Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Public Administration at Dokuz Eylul University.

Seyfettin Saglam,born in 1971, joined Turkcell as Chief Group Human Resources Officer in July 2014. He was appointed2014 and undertook the Chief Officer roles in charge of Procurement, Real Estate and Construction and Human Resources. Mr. Saglam currently serves as the Executive Vice President responsible for Turkcell Group Human Resources. He is also a member of Business Support Officerthe Board of Directors of PERYON. He started his professional career at MSC Consulting. He held managerial roles at various levels in April 2015. He began his career in MSC Consulting Inc. in 1998. He worked as an HR professionalcharge of Human Resources at Tekstilbank, and as the Human Resources Group Manager at Yildiz Holding, responsible for Packaging, IT, Finance and Retail Groups. He served as the Assistant General Manager of T.C. Ziraat Bankasi. Subsequently, he was appointed Vice Chairman and Member of the Executive Committee atBankasi, Rixos Hotels & Sembol Insaat A.S. and Sembol Construction Inc. Mr.Borsa Istanbul. Seyfettin Saglam served as an Executive Vice President of Borsa İstanbul. He graduated from the Department of Sociology at Middle East Technical University. HeUniversity and he received a Master’shis master’s degree from the Marmara University Business Administration Department in International Quality Management. He completed the HR Management & Leadership Program at INSEAD and Leadership ProgramsExecutive Education Program at INSEAD.Harvard Business School.


Ilter Terzioglu,born in 1966, joined Turkcell in 2003 as Business Strategies, Regulation and Risk Consolidation Division Head. In October 2015, he was appointed as the Executive Vice President of Strategy. Prior to this appointment, he served as Senior Vice President of International Business under the Strategy in October 2015.Function. Previously at Turkcell, he undertook the roles of acting Chief of International Business, Chief Strategic Projects Officer and Chief Network Operations Officer. He also had worked as Assistant General Manager at Turkcell Group companies, including Show TV and Superonline. He had worked for Ericsson Turkey as the Assistant General Manager responsible for Turkcell between 1994 and 2002 and2002. He graduated from Istanbul University Department of Econometrics.

Omer Barbaros Yis,born in 1980, joined Turkcell in 2017. Mr. Yis continues to serve as Business Strategies, RegulationConsumer Marketing Director after holding Strategic and Risk Consolidation Division HeadFocused Marketing Director role. Omer Barbaros Yis was appointed as acting Executive Vice President of Marketing on December 18, 2018, in 2003. Previously,addition to his existing role in Turkcell. Having started his career in 2006 as Corporate and Consumer Pricing Specialist in Turkcell, he held various Senior Product Manager roles in the marketing department. From 2010 to 2013, he continued his career as the Global Telecom Industry Director in Peppers & Rogers Group. In 2013, he served as Senior Vice President of International Business under the Strategy Function. He has also undertaken the roles of acting Chief of International Business, Chief Strategic Projects OfficerExisting Customer Management Director, Premium Segment Customer Management Director and Chief Network Operations OfficerFixed Products Revenue Management Director at Turkcell. Prior to joining Turkcell, he had worked as Assistant General Manager at Turkcell Group companies, including Show TV and Superonline. HeTurk Telekom. Omer Barbaros Yis graduated from the Department of Econometrics at IstanbulKoc University

Dogus Kuran,born with a double major in 1973, joined Turkcell as Senior Vice President of Customer Services Function as of October 1, 2015. He had begun his career at Alcatel-Teletas. After holding executive positions in sales, business developmentBusiness Administration and internet solutions consultancy within Cisco SystemsEconomics and Microsoft Turkey organizations, he served as Chief Sales and Operations Officer at Ericsson Turkey. Prior to his position in Turkcell, he worked as a partner at the Accenture Turkey Office responsible for the telecommunication, media and technology sectors. Mr. Kuran graduated from the Istanbul Technical University, Electrical and Electronics Engineering department in 1995. He received his Master’smaster’s degree in Management EngineeringEconomics from Portland State University in 1997.

Ismail Butun,born in 1973, joined Turkcell as Senior Vice President of Retail Sales on January 2016. Mr. Bütün started his career at the Çuhadaroğlu Holding Moscow office. Between 1997 and 2000, Mr. Butun worked at Enka Group Foreign Trade department in Moscow as Sales and Business Development Manager. Starting from 2000, he worked at Nestle as CPW Turkey Country Manager, Central Asia Marketing Director in Uzbekistan and Turkey National Chain Stores Sales Manager. After 2011, he served at Nestle’s Global Headquarters in Switzerland, first as Business Excellence Manager at the Global Customer and Sales Management department and then as Marketing Manager at the Beverages Strategic Business unit. Most recently, Mr. Butun was the General Manager of Nestle Turkey Beverages Group and also served as a Board Member. Ismail Butun, graduated from the Bogaziçi University Business Administration department in 1996.

Tugrul Cora,born in 1969,was appointed as the Senior Vice President of the Corporate Sales Function in July of 2015. He joined the company in 2010, he served as the Director of Medium Business Management, and subsequently as the Director of Strategic and Major Accounts Management. Mr. Cora began his career at Aselsan, later holding various sales and management positions at Digital Equipment Turkey, Compaq Computer and Hewlett-Packard, then serving as the CEO of Millenicom Telecommunications between the years of 2004 and 2010. He graduated from the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Middle East Technical University in 1991. He received his MBA from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1993.Universitat Autonoma De Barcelona.

Serkan Ozturk,born in 1976,joined Turkcell in 2000 as a Project Supervisor. In August 2017, he was appointed as the SeniorExecutive Vice President of Customer Experience and Information and Communication Technologies under the Technology Function in September of 2015. He joined Turkcell as Project Manager in 2000.Technologies. Previously, he worked as project supervisor and manager at the Turkcell Project Management office between 2000 and 2009. He served as Chief Information Technologies Officer in lifecelllife-Ukraine between 2009 and 2010 and in Turkcell Superonline between 2010 and 2011. Prior hisFrom 2011 to his recent appointment,2015 he has been servingserved as director ofTurkcell Customer Relations Management and Business Intelligence Solutions (CRM & BIS) Director. Prior his to his last appointment, he was Executive Vice President of Information and BIS).Communication Technologies. Serkan Ozturk graduated from Middle East Technical University Electrical and Electronics Engineering department. He received his MBA degree from Istanbul University.

Aziz Gediz Sezgin, born in 1966,was appointed as the Senior Vice President of Network Technologies in October 2015. He joined Turkcell joined Turkcell as Network Engineer in 1995. In October 2015, he was appointed as the Executive Vice President of Network Technologies. Previously, he wasserved as Senior Vice President of Information and Communication Technologies, Chief Information and Communication Technologies Officer, Director of Application

Operations, Director of Service Network under the ICT Function and held various executive positions in the Technology Function. Mr. Sezgin started his career at Alcatel Teletas in 1991. He graduated from Istanbul Technical University in Electronics and Communication Engineering Department and received his Master’s degree from the same university.

Banu Isci SezenAli Turk,, born in 1972, was appointed1977,joined Turkcell as the Senior Vice President of Turkcell AcademySupply Chain Management in April 2015. Ms. Sezen May 2016. He was appointed as the Executive Vice President of Supply Chain Management in March 2017. Mr. Turk started his career at Basak Hayat Sigorta in 1999. From 2002 to 2007, he held various managerial positions responsible for logistics planning, warehouse and supply chain management processes at Ulker Group. From 2007 to 2011, he worked at Ceva Lojistik as Warehouse and Value Added Operations Group Manager. Mr. Turk joined Turkish Airlines in 2011 as Cargo Operations Vice President. He was appointed as Turkish Airlines Cargo Operations President in 2012. Ali Turk graduated from Istanbul Technical University Industrial Engineering Department and completed Executive MBA program of Istanbul Technical University.

Aysem Ertopuz Deobler,born in 1970,joined Turkcell Human Resources in 2003. Previously,January 2016 as Strategic Planning Director. In November 2016, she was Chief Turkcellappointed as the Executive Vice President of Digital Services and Solutions. She started her career in 1993 at Arcelik A.S. as Quality System Engineer. She served as Strategic Consultancy Services Manager at Arthur Andersen in 1997. Joining Cisco’s EMEA Region Organization in 2001 in Belgium, Aysem Ertopuz took managerial roles in several functions including Strategic Planning, Business Intelligence, Operations and Global Customer Management. She served as the manager of Business Intelligence Group Human Resources Officer, Directorwithin Cisco’s New York based Global Sales Strategy and Planning organization between 2006 and 2015, focusing on the fields of Turkcell Academyservice providers sector, market and held various executive positionscompetition dynamics, business strategy and performance, utilization of digital services in Turkcell. She led the restructuringnew business models. Aysem Ertopuz graduated from Middle East Technical University Industrial Engineering Department and received her MBA degree from New York University, Stern School of Turkcell Academy as a “Corporate University” in 2005. Before joining Turkcell, she worked at Izmir Mercantile Exchange Futures and Options, Garanti Bank, Humanitas Dogus and Baris Insurance in managerial positions. She is a graduate of Counseling and Psychological Guidance Department at Bogazici University.Business.

6.B Compensation

The compensation paid to members of the Board of Directors for their service on the Board is approved by the shareholders at General Assemblies.the ordinary general assembly each year. In accordance with the Company’s corporate governance practices, the Board, although it has no final authority on remuneration, upon the recommendation of the Compensation Committee may decide on a proposal to the General Assembly as to whether Board members will be remunerated, and if


such is the case, the form and amount of compensation to be paid to the Board members. At our Annual General Assembly held on April 29, 2010, it was decided that our Chairman would receive a net sum of €250,000EUR250,000 per year and each Board member would receive a net sum of €100,000EUR100,000 per year for the period of their service, effective February 25, 2010.

For the year ended December 31, 2015,2018, we provided, paid and accrued an aggregate of approximately TRY 66.993.2 million to our executive officers and members of the Board of Directorskey management personnel including: indemnities, salaries, bonuses and other benefits. There was no deferred or contingent compensation accrued for the year payable to executive officers and members of the Board of Directors other than that already included in the TRY 66.993.2 million. Furthermore, we do not maintain any profit sharing, pension or similar plans.A cash-settled long-term incentive plan offered to the management of Turkcell and group companies was introduced January 2016 and as of December 31, 2018, the Group recognized expenses of TRY 26.2 million regarding this plan compared to TRY 29.4 million in 2017. We have Directors and Officers Liability Insurance that covers our directors and officers from liabilities that arise in connection with performing their duties and our liabilities in connection with our directors’ and officers’ performance of their duties. The coverage amount is $400$315 million, and there are a number of insurers, each covering a different layer of the policy. The Directors and Officers Liability insurance is London based, but it is provided through Mapfre Genelby Ak Sigorta A.S., an insurance company in Turkey.Turkey, whereas reinsurance protection is provided by London-based markets. The policy will expireexpired on September 2, 2016,2018, and we will consider renewingrenewed its insurance limit based on the terms and conditions offered.offered until October 1, 2019.

6.C Board Practices

Under Turkish Commercial Code and our Articles of Association, our Board of Directors is responsible for our management. The Articles of Association provide for a Board of Directors consisting of seven members.members; however within his term of duty one of the members appointed by CMB, Mr. Bekir Pakdemirli, resigned on July 11, 2018; therefore our board of directors served with six members until the appointment of Mr. Bulent Aksu as a Board Member to the seat which had become vacant following Mr. Bekir Pakdemirli’s resignation, by the Board of Directors pursuant to Article 363 of the Turkish Commercial Code. On March 8, 2019 Mr. Hasan Tuvan Yalim resigned from his duties and our Company’s Board of Directors decided on the same day to appoint Mr. Huseyin Aydin to the seat which became vacant following Mr. Yalim’s resignation, pursuant to Article 363 of the Turkish Commercial Code. Members of our Board of Directors are generally appointed for a term of three years. However, in a series of resolutions in 2013, the CMB appointed new members to our Board, who shall remain members until new members are elected or until the CMB announces a new resolution. Mr. Ahmet Akca, Mr. Atilla Koc and Mr. Mehmet Hilmi Guler will continue to serve as independent Board Members as per the letter of Capital Markets Board dated March 8, 2019.

For more information on our directors and the period during which each director has served on the board, see “Item 6.A. Directors and Senior Management”.

Committees of the Board of Directors

a.The Audit Committee

We are required under Turkish laws and regulations, U.S. securities laws and regulations and the rules of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) to have an Audit Committee of the Board of Directors appointed from among the independent members of the Board of Directors. Our Audit Committee currently has three members: Mr. Ahmet Akca, Mr. Mehmet Hilmi Guler and Mr. Atilla Koc. Mr. Akca is the Chairman of the Audit Committee. All of the members are considered independent under the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the rules promulgated thereunder by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the applicable rules of the NYSE and the CMB Corporate Governance Principles. Mr. Ahmet Akca, Mr. Mehmet Hilmi Guler and Mr. Atilla Koc are relying on Rule10A-3(b)(1)(iv)(B).

Similar to the Swiss Code, board committees in Turkish law merely have a “decision-shaping”, rather than “decision-taking” role. Additionally, as per a decision of the Board of Directors, the responsibility of the Audit Committee members is also considered as a joint responsibility of all Board members.

The principal duties of the Audit Committee include the following:


assisting the board’s oversight of the quality and integrity of our financial statements and related disclosure;


overseeing the implementation and efficiency of our accounting system;


pre-approving the appointment of and services to be provided by our independent auditors;


preparing and monitoring the agreement between us and the independent auditor and overseeing the performance and efficiency of our independent audit system and internal audit mechanisms; and



establishing procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints regarding accounting, internal accounting control systems or auditing matters and establishing procedures for the confidential, anonymous submission by our employees of concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters.

b.The Corporate Governance Committee

The Corporate Governance Committee, based on the CMB’s corporate governance principles, mainly assists the Board of Directors with the development and implementation of our corporate governance principles and presents if needed to the Board of Directors remedial proposals to that end. Duties and working principles of the Corporate Governance Committee are determined within the framework of the regulations, provisions and principles in the Turkish Commercial Code, Capital Market Law, Articles of Association of the Company and Capital Market Board’s “Corporate Governance Principles”. In the relations between the Company and our shareholders, the Committee assists the board.Board. To that end, it oversees the investor relations activities.

The current members are Mr. Mehmet Hilmi Guler, Mr. Mehmet Bostan, Mr. Bekir PakdemirliMs. Ingrid Maria Stenmark and Mr. Nihat Narin our Investor RelationsZeynel Korhan Bilek, Treasury and Business DevelopmentCapital Markets Management Director, who isex officio member of the committee in conformity with the relevant CMB communiqué.and Mr. Emre Alpman, Corporate Governance & Anti-corruption Program Officer. Mr. Guler is the Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee. Mr. Zeynel Korhan Bilek and Mr. Emre Alpman were appointed members of the Corporate Governance Committee by a CMB communiqué requirement and they were appointed on November 2, 2016 and January 23, 2017 respectively.

c.The Candidate Nomination Committee

On April 27, 2012, the Candidate Nomination Committee was established in accordance with the CMB corporate governance principles to perform independent board member candidate nomination and performance assessment processes. The current members are Mr. Ahmet Akca, Mr. Mehmet Hilmi Guler and Mr. Atilla Koc, Mr. Mehmet Bostan and Mr. Bekir Pakdemirli.Koc. Mr. Akca is the Chairman of the Candidate Nomination Committee.

d.The Compensation Committee

On December 19, 2012, in conformity with the CMB corporate governance principles, our Board established a Compensation Committee to operate under our Board of Directors. The current members are Mr. Atilla Koc, Mr. Mehmet Hilmi Guler and Mr. Mehmet Bostan.Mustafa Kiral. Mr. Koc is the Chairman of the Compensation Committee. The Board also adopted the Compensation Committee’s Charter and approved that the Compensation Committee shall execute the duties relating to compensation issues which were earlier granted to the Corporate Governance Committee by the Corporate Governance Committee Charter and the Compensation Committee shall be authorized in lieu of the Corporate Governance Committee in “Total Remuneration Policy for the Board of Directors and Top Executives” adopted by our Board. The Committee determines the remuneration principles that apply to the Board members and senior management taking into account the long-term strategic goals of the Company. It sets out the remuneration criteria for the Board members and senior management’s performance and makes compensation recommendations to the Board.

e.The Early Detection of Risks Committee

The Early Detection of Risks Committee has been established in conformity both with the new Turkish Commercial Code and CMB corporate governance principles to assist the Board in early detection of risks that may jeopardize the Company’s existence, development and continuation, and to assist the Board in taking the necessary measures and remedial actions to manage such risks. The current members areFollowing the resignation of Mr. Hasan Tuvan Yalim on March 8, 2019, Mr. Mehmet Hilmi Guler Mr. Mehmet Bostanis the only member and Mr. Bekir Pakdemirli. Mr. Guler is the Chairman of the Early Detection of Risks Committee.

On January 28, 2016 the Board has adopted new charters relating to all of the above mentioned committees.

6.D Employees

From our formation in 1993, we have grown from approximately 90 employees to 16,64920,120 employees (disabled employees working at home are not included in the number of total employees) as of December 31, 2015.2018. Due to our customer growth and the increasing need for competent employees, we focus on the quality of our recruitment. The following table sets forth the number of employees by activity employed by us at December 31, 2015, 20142018, 2017 and 2013.2016.


   2015   2014   2013 



Board of Directors Office1

   14     —       —    

Group Internal Audit

   41     19     24  

CEO Office

   13     9     10  

Legal & Regulation2

   92     92     —    

Corporate Communications3

   38     —       41  

Turkcell Academy4

   50     —       —    

Business Support5

   336     —       —    


   233     298     313  


   28     —       —    

Customer Services7

   95     —       —    


   270     —       —    


   1,091     —       —    

Technology Group10

   1,550     —       —    

International Business

   —       11     11  

Consumer Sales

   —       331     318  

Consumer Marketing

   —       252     235  

Corporate Business

   —       798     795  

Information & Communication Technologies

   —       596     589  

Network Technologies

   —       643     649  

Products & Services

   —       65     47  

Group Human Resources

   —       194     202  

Group Strategy & Strategic Planning

   —       5     —    

Investor Relations

   —       6     —    

Legal Affairs

   —       —       39  

Regulation Strategies & Wholesale Business

   —       —       43  


   3,851     3,319     3,316  



Turkcell Global Bilgi

   9,179     7,880     6,549  

lifecell LLC

   1,037     1,108     1,131  

Belarusian Telecom

   355     419     520  

Global Bilgi LLC

   836     798     801  

Turkcell Superonline11

   26     670     615  

Turkcell Teknoloji

   712     766     754  

Kibris Telekom

   208     168     169  


   445     502     460  


   12,798     12,311     10,999  


   16,649     15,630     14,315  



  2018   2017   2016 

Board of Directors Office

   16    18    15 

Group Internal Audit

   60    71    46 

CEO Office

   24    15    13 

Legal & Regulation

   123    129    115 


   260    249    239 


   45    39    31 


   193    190    180 


   1,016    937    1,061 

Network Technologies

   1,349    1,345    —   

Digital Services & Solutions

   145    121    —   

Customer Experience & Information Technologies1

   444    483    124 

Human Resources2

   231    228    —   

Supply Chain Management2

   159    142    —   

Business Support2

   —      —      348 

Technology Group3

   —      —      1,619 

Product & Services

   —      —      79 


   4,065    3,967    3,870 



Turkcell Global Bilgi

   12,034    12,189    11,221 

lifecell LLC

   941    980    1,196 

Belarusian Telecom

   360    353    366 

Global Bilgi LLC

   716    714    910 

Turkcell Superonline

   26    29    33 

Turkcell Teknoloji

   956    830    775 

Kibris Telekom

   195    199    208 


   8    —      —   


   2    —      —   

Lifecell Digital Ltd.

   25    —      —   


   792    507    416 


   16,055    15,801    15,125 


   20,120    19,768    18,995 



As of June 2015, Board of Directors function is organized to consolidate Board of Directors support tasks.

2As of January 2014, Regulation Strategies and Wholesale Business and Legal Affairs have been merged under the Regulation & Legal function.
3As of June 2015, Corporate Communications function reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer.
4As of August 2015, Turkcell Academy directly reports to the Chief Executive Officer.
5As of August 2015, Group Human Resources is structured as Business Support function.
6As of November 2015, Group Strategy & Strategic Planning, Investor Relations are positioned under Strategy function.
7As of August 2015, customer and product experiences functions are consolidated underSeptember 2017, Customer Services function.
8As of August 2015, Consumer and Corporate Business functions are transformed into Sales, Marketing and Customer Services functions.
9As of August 2015, Consumer and Corporate Business functions are transformed into Sales, Marketing and Customer Services functions.
10As of January 2014, the Technology Group function has been establishedExperience and Information & Communication Technologies Networkconsolidated as Customer Experience & Information Technologies Products & Services, and Global Tower functions report directly to the Chief Technology Officer.


As of August 2015, main functions of Turkcell Superonline suchFebruary 2017, Business Support function is reorganized as Sales, Marketing, NetworkHuman Resources and Technology are centralized under Turkcell related functions.Supply Chain Management


As of March 2017, Technology Group function is reorganized as Network Technologies and Information and Communication Technologies


Others include the following subsidiaries: Inteltek, Internet Teknoloji Yatirim ve Danismanlik Ticaret A.S., Global Tower, Ukrtower, Azerinteltek and Turkcell Satis, ve Dagitim A.S., Turkcell Odeme, HizmetleriTurkcell Enerji and Lifetech.Lifetech LLC.

We remain confident that high levels of subscriber satisfaction will be possible with continued investment in our people. To that end we continue to strive to attract the best talent in the market.

We are able to recruit highly qualified employees due to our leader position in the Turkish mobile communication market and our strong corporate identity. Stringent hiring and training standards have resulted in a professional organization with high-caliber employees within a challenging workplace.

With regard to employee compensation and benefits, the major principles of our policy are to preserve internal equity and external competitiveness and reflect individual performance in compensation packages.

Significant factors involved in the process of determining compensation and benefits for our employees are our grading structure (based on the Hay Grading system), market movement data and individual performance. We

Starting as of the fourth quarter in 2018, we make salary adjustments once yearly.quarterly, reflecting the period inflation. Principal factors in salary adjustments are market movements and economic indicators (e.g., the rate of inflation). We pay performance bonuses quarterly to sales employees and annually to all other employees in accordance with individual and company performance results. Our performance evaluation system evaluates the whole year performance of our employees through target setting-based on strategic objectives and360-degree evaluation. Benefits packages are designed in line with the local market practice and linked to grade bands/levels where the benefits package improves as the grade band/level increases. We run a flexible benefits plan that allows our employees to select from a pool of choices


that suit them such as several shopping and travel vouchers, allowance for children and payment to the Defined Contribution Plan (the “DCP”). The DCP is a voluntary pension system in which we and the employee make equal contributions. After a vesting period of three years, the employee gets ownership of the contribution we made. The DCP covers all employees who have been working with us for a minimum of six months. As of

Starting from January 2016, we have launched a long-term incentive plan will be offered to the management of Turkcell and group companies. This plan aims to build a common interest with shareholders, support sustainable success, and ensure loyalty of key employees. The long-term incentive plan is subject to company performance measures and linked to our share price performance. The key performance indicators of the plan are; the total shareholder return in excess of weighted average cost of capital (WACC), and ranking of total shareholder return in comparison with the BIST 30 and peer group. The bonus amount is determined according to these evaluations, and it is distributed over a three-year payment plan. Accordingly, for 2017, the senior management and those employees who are covered as part of this plan were paid the cash equivalent of 2,065,490 shares in total in March 2018 as the first installment. The second installment was paid the cash equivalent of 1,836,740 shares in total in February 2019. The remaining third installment will be paid in 2020, respectively, again in cash equivalents of the same number of shares subject to accomplishment of certain conditions.

Each of our employees undergoes an orientation program incorporating classroom training ande-learning training. The training provides employees with information concerning corporate culture and ethics, an introduction to our services, basic mobile communications knowledge and functions of departments. Each employee has the opportunity to participate in the individual, organizational, functional and managerial development programs after regular analyses of his or her training needs. In addition, each employee receives specific training for his or her particular job.

Our employees are not members of any union, and there is no collective bargaining agreement with our employees. We have not experienced any work stoppages.

6.E Share Ownership

Based on reporting made to us inon March 2016,15, 2019, we believe that the aggregate amount of shares owned by our Board members and senior officers at such time was 6,65072,540 ordinary shares. No individual Board member or senior officer owned 1% or more of our outstanding shares.



7.A Major Shareholders

The following table sets forth our major shareholders’ ordinary share ownership representing approximately 64.12%51.05% of our company’s capital. This information is current as of March 10, 2016,7, 2019, based on the Company’s officialinformation provided by Central Securities Depository of Turkey and company share book.register. Our shareholders do not have different voting rights.


Name and Address of Owner

  Nominal TRY Value
of Shares Owned(1)
   Percent of Class   Nominal TRY Value
of Shares Owned
   Percent of Class 

Sonera Holding B.V.(2)

   287,632,179.557     13.07

P.O. Box 8675


NL 3009 AR Rotterdam


The Netherlands


Cukurova Holding A.S.

   995,509.429     0.05

Buyukdere Cad.Yapi Kredi Plaza


A Blok Kat: 15,


34330, Levent, Istanbul, Turkey


Turkcell Holding A.S.(3)

   1,122,000,000.238     51.00

Turkcell Holding A.S.(1)

   1,122,000,000.238    51.00

Buyukdere Cad.


Yapi Kredi Plaza


A Blok Kat: 15


34330, Levent, Istanbul, Turkey


Shares Publicly Held

   789,372,310.776     35.88%(4) 

Cukurova Holding A.S.

   995,509.429    0.05

Buyukdere Cad.


Yapi Kredi Plaza


A Blok Kat: 15


34330, Levent, Istanbul, Turkey


Shares Publicly Held(2)

   1,077,004,490.333    48.95










   2,200,000,000.000     100.00   2,200,000,000    100










(1)On April 29, 2005, the General Assembly approved a revaluation

52.91% of our ordinaryTurkcell Holding A.S. shares from TL 1,000 to TRY 1. The revaluation resulted in the formation of fractional shares, which have not yet been merged into whole ordinary shares. Therefore, we give the nominal value of the ordinary sharesare owned rather than the units or fractional units thereof.

(2)Controlled by TeliaSonera. On September 11, 2009, Sonera Holding, B.V. entered into a derivative transaction with Citibank, N.A. that was settled on October 30, 2009, resulting in Sonera Holding’s acquisition of 6,418,710 of Turkcell’s ADS (representing 16,046,775 shares) at a price of $17.30 per ADS.
(3)Controlled directly by Cukurova Telecom Holdings Limited, that owns 52.91% of its shares.and the remaining shares are owned by TeliaSonera Finland Oyj. 51% of Cukurova Telecom Holdings Limited’s shares are controlledowned by Cukurova Finance International Limited and 49% are controlledowned by Alfa Telecom Turkey Limited. For more information, see footnote 4 below and “Item 3.D—Risk Factors—Turkcell’s complex ownership structure and ongoing disagreements among our main shareholders have adversely impacted and may continue to impact decision-making on important matters. These ongoing disputes may lead to further regulatory or legal actions, and affect the ownership and control of our shares”company”.



We calculate shares publicly held by deducting from total shares outstanding those shareholders named above. However, a different level of shares publicly held is arrived at when calculating according to Turkish regulations, see Free Float Definition Rules in “Item 10.B. Memorandum and Articles of Association—Capital Structure—Free Float Definition Rules”. Based on public filings of TeliaSonera, we understand that approximately 0.94% of the shares they own in our Company is a part of float, which is in addition to 13.07% of our shares (for a total of 14.02%) held by Sonera Holding B.V., which is controlled by TeliaSonera (see footnote 2). According to an announcement made by Lazard Asset ManagementSilchester International Investors LLP on Borsa Istanbul’s Public Disclosure Platform on January 13, 2015,October 6, 2017, it currently holds 5.24%held 5.03% of our publicly held shares. As of March 7, 2019, we do not have further information about the shareholding status of Silchester International Investors LLP.

As of March 10, 2016,7, 2019, Turkcell had 65,691,19871,618,752 ADRs outstanding held by 4957 registered ADR holders. To the best of our knowledge, as of December 31, 2015,2018, in accordance with the loan agreements signed between our shareholders and various banks, 0.05% of shares having a nominal value of TRY 995,509.429999,509 have been pledged by our shareholders as security in favor of such banks.

Muflis Bilka Kaynak Iletisim San ve Tic. A.S. completed the sale of its 137,199.575On December 6 and 7, 2016, Sonera Holding B.V. registered 287,632,179.557 shares in our Company through the Central Registry Agency asSecurities Depository of March 30, 2012.Turkey. These shares are now classified as publicly held shares of the CompanyCompany. On May 10, 2017 and Muflis BilkaSeptember 21, 2017, Sonera Holding B.V. disclosed that transaction of selling these shares had been performed and their shares under the free float remained at a nominal value of TRY 1.604. Sonera Holding B.V. is therefore no longer listed as an ordinary shareholder.

On January 25, 2013, MV Holding registered 26,021,712.590 shares through the Central Registry Agency. These shares are now classified as publicly held shares of the Company and MV Holding is therefore no longer listed as an ordinary shareholder.

7.B Related Party Transactions

We have entered into agreements with our executive officers and with several of our current and former shareholders or affiliates of shareholders. We believe that all of such agreements are on terms that are comparable to those that would be available in transactions with unrelated parties. Our policy is to seek price quotes for services and goods we purchase and select the most favorable price. Additionally, our Board has adopted the “Rules to be Applied to Related Parties in Purchasing/Selling Assets and Services along with Transfers of Liabilities” to be applied by the relevant employees within the company and its group companies on November 22,24, 2014. For a discussion of our Related Party Transactions for fiscal year 2015,2018, see Note 3538 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.

7.C Interests of Experts and Counsel

Not Applicable.




8.A Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information

Audited Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 20152018, 2017 and 2014 and 2013,2016, and for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2015,2018, are included in “Item 18. Financial Statements”.

Our Company’s Board of Directors decided to appoint Basaran NasPwC Bagimsiz Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Musavirlik A.S. (PricewaterhouseCoopers)(PwC Turkey) as the independent audit firm to audit our accounts and operationsconsolidated financial statements for the year 2016.2018. The decision will be submitted to the approval ofwas approved by our shareholders at the next Annual General Assembly Meeting of our Company.Company on March 29, 2018.

I. Legal Proceedings

For a discussion of the various claims and legal actions in which we are involved, see Note 3437 (Commitments and Contingencies) to our Consolidated Financial Statements in this annual report on Form20-F. This includes disputes with the Turkish Treasury, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (formely known as the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications) and the ICTA on Treasury Share amounts payable by us; a dispute with the Turkish tax authorities regarding Special Communication Tax, an ICTA investigation on subscription numbers as they relate to the calculation of radio utilization and usage fees, a Competition Board investigation alleging abuse of market position; as well as various other matters.

II. Dividend Policy

On March 26, 2015, the OrdinaryThe 2016 General Assembly of Shareholders approvedMeeting was held on May 25, 2017 and during the meeting, a dividend distribution for the years ended December 31, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014year 2010-2016 was proposed by Turkcell Holding A.S., amounting to TRY 3,925.03,000.0 million, (equivalent to $1,535.9 million as of March 26, 2015), which represented 42.5%approximately 52.6% of distributable net income for the relevant years. This distribution approved to be conducted in three equal installments on June 15, 2017, September 15, 2017 and December 15, 2017 and all installments were paid as of December 2017.


On March 29, 2018, the Company’s General Assembly approved the payment of a dividend amounting to TRY 1,900.0 million (equivalent to USD 475.8 million as of March 29, 2018, the date of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting) from the net distributable profit for the year ended December 31,2017. This represents a gross cash dividend of full TRY 0.8636364 (equivalent to full USD 0.2162822 as of March 29, 2018, the date of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting) per share. The dividend was paid on April 6, April 8 and April 13, 2015distribution to shareholders was performed in three equal installments that took place on June 18, September 17 and was funded from cash on hand that we had accrued in light of our inability to receive approvals to pay dividends in prior periods.December 17, 2018, respectively.

We have adopted a dividend policy, which is included in our Corporate Governance Guidelines. As adopted, our general dividend policy is to pay dividends to shareholders with due regard to trends in our operating performance, financial condition and other factors. Since 2004, the Board of Directors has endeavored to distribute cash dividends of at least 50% of our distributable net profits per fiscal year, although the payment of dividends remains subject to our cash flow requirements, applicable Turkish laws and the approval of, or amendment by, the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of Shareholders.

In order to comply with the Capital Markets Board’sCMB’s Communiqué on DividendsII-19.1 dated January 23, 2014, the Turkcell Board of Directors amended its dividend distribution policy proposal in February 2014, as stated below, which was approved by the Ordinary General Assembly held on March 26, 2015:

“The Company shall target a dividend payout of at least 50% of its distributable net income as cash. This policy will be subject to the Company’s cash projections, business outlook, investment plans and capital market conditions. The actual dividend decision will be made for each fiscal year separately with the approval of the General Assembly of Shareholders. Dividend distribution shall be started on a date to be determined by the General Assembly of Shareholders which shall not be later than the end of the year in which the General Assembly convenes. The Company, in accordance with laws and regulations, may consider distributing advance dividends or making the dividend payment in equal or unequal installments.

Additionally, in order to create added value for its shareholders, the Company may also consider share repurchase programs depending on the conditions set forth above and applicable regulation.”

In accordance with Turkish law, the distribution of profits and the payment of an annual dividend with respect to the preceding financial year are subject to a recommendation which may be made by the Board of Directors each year for approval by the shareholders at the annual general assembly. The Board may decide whether or not to recommend a distribution of profits together with the amount of dividends, and the shareholders, through the general assembly, may accept, amend or reject such proposal, if any. Dividends are payable on a date proposed by the Board of Directors and determined at the general assembly of shareholders, which date, under the CMB requirements, must be earlier than the end of the financial year in which the general assembly decides on dividend distribution. However, the CMB is authorized to designate another deadline for distribution of dividends in any given year.

Annual profits are calculated and distributed in accordance with our Articles of Association after deduction from our annual revenues of all expenses, depreciation, taxes, required reserves and any losses from the previous years.

Pursuant to CMB regulations, dividend distributions of publicly held companies are regulated as follows.

From the distributable net dividend calculated as per the CMB’s regulations, the entire amount calculated according to the CMB regulations regarding the requirement of minimum dividend distribution shall be distributed in the event such amount can be covered by the distributable net dividend in the statutory records. In the event the entire amount cannot be covered by the distributable net dividend in the statutory records, the total distributable net dividend in the statutory records shall be distributed. In the event there is net loss in the financial statements prepared as per the CMB regulations or statutory records, there shall be no dividend distribution.

The new Capital Markets Law, which came into force on December 30, 2012, stipulates that public companies shall distribute dividends in line with their dividend policy determined by their general assembly and in conformity with the relevant legislation. However, the new law entitles the Board to regulate dividends. The CMB also published a Communiqué on Dividends(II-19.1) on January 23, 2014 andwhich entered into force on February 1, 2014. Within the scope of the Communiqué, companies shall distribute dividends through a general assembly resolution in accordance with current legislation and the policies of the company. As per the Communiqué, dividends may be distributed in installments in case a general assembly resolution is adopted in this regard. The Communiqué also sets out the principles and procedures for the distribution of dividends. This new Communiqué revoked the Communiqué on the Principles Regarding the Distribution of Dividends and Interim Dividends to be Followed by Publicly Held Joint Stock Companies subject to the Capital Markets Law Serial: IV No: 27, dated November 13, 2001.


To the extent we declare dividends in the future, we will pay those dividends in Turkish Lira. In the case of ordinary shares held in the form of ADSs, dividends will be converted into U.S. Dollars by the depositary for the ADSs, to the extent it can do so on a reasonable basis, and will be distributed to the holders of the ADSs. Because exchange rates between the Turkish Lira and the U.S. Dollar fluctuate continuously, a holder of ADSs will be subject to currency fluctuation generally, but particularly between the date on which dividends are declared and the date dividends are paid. Under current Turkish regulations, dividends or other distributions paid in respect of the ordinary shares or ADSs generally will be subject to withholding taxes. See “Item 10E. Taxation”.

8.B Significant Changes

Not applicable.




9.A Offer and Listing Details

Our capital consists of ordinary shares. Pursuant to an amendment in Turkish Capital Markets Law and a communiqué issued by the CMB, our shares traded on the Borsa Istanbul were dematerialized as of November 2005. For detailed information on the dematerialization of our shares, see “Item 10.B. Memorandum and Articles of Association—Transfer of Shares”.

Our ordinary shares are traded on the Borsa Istanbul under the symbol “TCELL” and our ADSs are traded on the NYSE under the symbol “TKC”. Currently two ADSs represent five of our ordinary shares. Our ADSs are evidenced by American Depositary Receipts (“ADRs”). On July 6, 2011, we signed an amended and restated Deposit Agreement (the “Deposit Agreement”) with Citibank N.A. (“Citibank”), as depositary (the “Depositary”), Turkcell and holders of ADRs, which transferred our ADR program from JPMorgan Chase Bank to Citibank.

Since January 1, 2006, capital gains realized without meeting aone-year holding period are subject to a withholding tax in Turkey. On July 7, 2006, a provision was added to article 1/a of Code 5527 stating that foreign-based taxpayers, natural persons and corporations are subject to 0% tax. See “Item 10.E.10E. Taxation”.

The table below sets forth, for the periods indicated, the reported high and low closing quotations (as extracted from Bloomberg) on the NYSE and the Borsa Istanbul. All quotations have been adjusted to take into account all dividends we have issued in the form of shares and cash.

   New York Stock Exchange
($ per ADS)
   Borsa Istanbul (TRY per
Ordinary Share)
   High   Low   High   Low 

Annual information for the past five years



   14.35     8.38     13.55     9.90  


   14.42     10.48     12.81     9.36  


   15.43     11.25     11.07     8.86  


   14.02     9.41     10.07     7.03  


   15.40     9.00     9.51     6.39  

Quarterly information for the past two years 2015


First Quarter

   14.35     10.21     13.55     10.81  

Second Quarter

   12.02     10.53     12.65     11.15  

Third Quarter

   11.90     8.68     12.70     10.55  

Fourth Quarter

   10.66     8.38     12.20     9.90  

Quarterly information for the past two years 2014


First Quarter

   11.96     10.48     10.38     9.36  

Second Quarter

   13.84     11.73     11.72     9.99  

Third Quarter

   14.42     11.27     12.16     10.25  

Fourth Quarter

   14.30     11.17     12.81     10.16  

Monthly information for most recent six months


October 2015

   10.06     8.62     11.80     10.50  

November 2015

   10.66     9.52     12.20     11.10  

December 2015

   9.65     8.38     11.13     9.90  

January 2016

   8.86     7.86     10.52     9.42  

February 2016

   9.42     8.94     11.20     10.44  

March 2016 (as of March 10, 2016)

   10.09     9.40     11.84     11.08  

Fluctuations in the exchange rate between the Turkish Lira and the U.S. Dollar will affect any comparisons of ordinary share prices and ADS prices.

On March 10, 2016, the closing price per ordinary share on the Borsa Istanbul was TRY 11.58 and per ADS on the NYSE was $9.99. The Depositary confirmed that we had 66,963,834 ADRs outstanding as of the close of business on December 31, 2015. We had 65,691,198 ADRs outstanding as of the close of business March 10, 2016.

9.B Plan of Distribution

Not applicable.

9.C Markets

Our ADSs are traded on the NYSE under the symbol “TKC” and our ordinary shares are traded on the Borsa Istanbul under the symbol “TCELL”.

9.D Selling Shareholders

Not applicable.

9.E Dilution

Not applicable.

9.F Expenses of the Issue

Not applicable.


ITEM 10.


10.A Share Capital

Not applicable.


10.B Memorandum and Articles of Association

I. General

We are registered in the Istanbul Trade Registry under number 304844. Pursuant to Article 3 of our Articles of Association, as amended on January 30, 2009, at the Extraordinary General Assembly, we are incorporated primarily for the provision of any telephone, telecommunication and similar services in compliance with the Telegraph and Telephone Law numbernumbered 406 and services stated in the GSM Pan Europe Mobile Telephone System bid that was signed with the Turkish Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications and to operate within the authorization regarding theIMT-2000/UMTS services and the infrastructure.

II. Board Members


According to our Articles of Association, the Board of Directors is comprised of seven members elected by the general assembly. An increase in the number of members of the Board of Directors must be approved by the general assembly. However, in a series of resolutions in 2013, the CMB appointed new members to our Board, who shall remain members until new members are elected or until the CMB announces a new resolution. With the new Turkish Commercial Code Act number 6102 (“TCC”), which came into force on July 1, 2012, the requirement of having a share of company in order to become a member of Board of Directors has been abolished. The individuals who do not have any shares in the company have been provided an opportunity to be elected as members of the Board of Directors and carry out such duty. Additionally, the TCC mandated that the Board members who have been elected as a representative of a legal entity be required to resign and that the new Board members (as individuals or representatives of the legal entity) be required to be appointed in their place until October 1, 2012 at the latest. Currently none of the directors on our Board are either representatives of shareholders that are legal entities or shareholders themselves.

The TCC does not require a Board member to be a Turkish citizen. There is no minimum age for the directors, provided that a Board member has reached the age of majority, which is 18, and there is no mandatory retirement age under applicable law. The conditions to be a Board member are regulated by the new TCC and the conditions to be an independent board member are regulated by the related CMB legislation.

b.Board Members’ Interest

The TCC forbids a Board member to enter into a transaction with us in any area relating to business, either on the Board member’s own behalf or on behalf of someone else, thus preventing the abuse of duty by Board members and protecting our interests (TCC Article 395) without the authorization of the general assembly. Our general assembly may authorize our Board members to enter into these types of transactions through a specific provision in our Articles of Association, or our general assembly may grant such a right on a yearly basis.

Interested Board members cannot participate in and sign such resolutions. If we suffer any loss because of a Board member’s failure to raise such an issue, the Board member shall be held liable to compensate us for the loss incurred due to such matters related to relatives.

Under TCC Article 396, without the authorization of the general assembly, the Board members are barred from participating in similar commercial activities outside our Company. Board members cannot become shareholders with unlimited liability or become Board members of companies active in similar types of business. A specific provision in our Articles of Association or our general assembly may grant such a right on a yearly basis.

Furthermore, based on the Corporate Governance Communiqué numberedII-17.1, which was published in the Official Gazette dated January 3, 2014, replacing the previous regulatory framework, in cases where shareholders having a management control, members of the board of directors, managers with administrative liability and their spouses, or relatives by blood or marriage up to second degree, conduct a significant transaction with the company or its subsidiaries which may cause a conflict of interest, and/or conduct a transaction on behalf of themselves or a third party, which is in the field of activity of the company or its subsidiaries, or become an unlimited shareholder to a corporation which operates in the same field of activity as the company or its subsidiaries, such transactions need to be included in the general assembly agenda as a separate item for providing detailed information at the general assembly meeting on the matter and need to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.


Any remuneration payable to Board members in relation to their Turkcell board membership shall be determined by our general assembly. The Board of Directors has no authority to determine such remuneration. At our Annual General Assembly held on April 29, 2010, it was decided that our Chairman would receive a net sum of €250,000EUR250,000 per year and each Board member would receive a net sum of €100,000EUR100,000 per year for the period of their service, effective February 25, 2010.


According to a CMB Communiqué Serial: IV, No: 56 Concerning the Establishment and Implementation of the Corporate Governance Principles, which was published in the Official Gazette dated December 30, 2011, a written Remuneration Policy for Board members and senior management was prepared. This Policy was posted on the company’s website and submitted at the Annual General Assembly as a separate agenda item for information. The Corporate Governance Communiqué numberedII-17.1, which was published in the Official Gazette dated January 3, 2014 and replaced the Communiqué Serial: IV, No: 56, kept this requirement as a mandatory corporate governance principle dealing with Financial Rights of Board Members and Executives Having Administrative Responsibility. The Annual General Assembly meeting of our Company pertaining to the years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 has been convened on March 26, 2015.2015, for the year 2015 has been convened on March 29, 2016, for the year 2016 has been convened on May 25, 2017 and for the year 2017 has been convened on March 29, 2018. The same item was on the agenda for the Annual General Assembly meeting held in 20152018 and shareholders have been informed.informed; however there was no proposal on the remuneration and therefore no voting took place. Payment plans such as stock options or those based on company performance are not used in the remuneration of independent Board members. Remuneration of independent board members must safeguard the independency level.

d.Borrowing Power

To the extent the relevant provisions of Turkish law allow, the Board of Directors of our Company is the body entitled to, directly or through representatives authorized by the Board of Directors, resolve to exercise our powers to borrow money or give any form of guarantee or surety relating to our or any third party’s obligations. The CMB adopted a rule on September 9, 2009, which was announced in its weekly bulletin in connection with credit extensions, that public companies can provide guarantees or pledges, including mortgages, to third parties, provided such third party (i) is fully consolidated in the company’s financial statements or (ii) the ordinary business operations of the company directly requires providing guarantees, pledges or mortgages. At the Ordinary General Assembly held on April 29, 2010, Article 3 entitled Purpose and Subject Matter of Turkcell’s Articles of Association was amended in line with CMB’s rule dated September 9, 2009. Under our Articles of Association, our Board of Directors is authorized to issue debentures and other securities subject to the TCC, Turkish Capital Markets Law and other relevant legislation. Under Turkish Capital Markets Law, the total value of capital market instruments shall not exceed the amount specified by the CMB, for each type of instrument. However, as a general rule, the total value of debentures and other debt instruments that a publicly held company may issue as capital market instruments may not exceed the balance remaining after deducting the losses, if any, from the total sum of the outstanding andpaid-up capital as shown on the latest independently audited financial statements submitted to the CMB, plus reserves and the revaluation fund stated in the latest financial statement approved by the general assembly. Pursuant to Article 3 of our Articles of Association, as amended on October 2, 2009 at the Extraordinary General Assembly, and as effective on

October 7, 2009, we can extend credits to companies in which we have direct or indirect shareholding interest, both in Turkey and overseas, as well as to our main company and group companies, in Turkish Lira or other foreign currencies, on the condition that such extensions do not conflict with applicable laws and regulations. In addition, the TCC similarly allows group companies to extend credits and guarantees to each other without abusing their authorityauthority. The Corporate Governance Communiqué numberedII-17.1, which was published in the Official Gazette dated January 3, 2014, incorporated the rule which was announced in its weekly bulletin on September 9, 2009 in its Article 12. Furthermore, as per Article 12, board resolutions with regard to providing guarantees or pledges including mortgages within the framework of ordinary business operations of the company should be signed by the majority of independent board members. In case the majority of independent board members do not approve the resolution, dissenting opinions should be announced to the public. In such resolutions, related board members, if any, could not participate to the relevant board meeting. The CMB further took a decision which is published in its weekly bulletin on January 27, 2016 according to which it is concluded that providing bynon-public affiliates to public parent companies of any guarantees, pledges including mortgages is not conflicting with Article 12.

e.CMB RulesRegarding Transactions with Related Parties

Initially, based on the CMB Communiqué Serial IV, No. 56, dated December 30, 2011, the approval of the majority of the independent members was necessary for any and all kinds of related party transactions of the company (related parties referred in the Communiqué will be determined in accordance with the Turkish Accounting Principles No. 24, equivalent of IAS 24), as well as for the resolutions of the board of directors with respect to giving guarantees, pledges and mortgages in favor of third parties. The CMB in a further announcement clarified that listed companies could adopt one board/general assembly resolution for the execution of transactions of a continuous and extensive nature with related parties unless the terms of those transactions had changed. In the event such changes occur, new board/general assembly resolutions will be needed. The new Capital Markets Law dated December 30, 2012 empowered the CMB to determine the nature of such transactions. Accordingly, the CMB with its Communiqué Serial IV, No. 63 dated February 22, 2013 restricted the scope and set out that only material related party transactions, as opposed to all kinds of transactions, shall be submitted to the approval of independent members. In cases where the majority of the independent


members do not approve such material transaction, the case shall be disclosed to the public in a manner covering sufficient information with respect to the transaction within the scope of public disclosure arrangements, and the transaction shall be submitted to the general assembly for approval. During such general assembly meetings, a resolution shall be adopted by vote in which the parties to the transaction as well as the individuals related thereto are not entitled to vote. Meeting quorum shall not be necessary for the general assembly meetings to be held for those cases. Such resolutions shall be adopted by simple majority of the attendees having the right to vote. The Company shall incorporate related mandatory provisions of the said Communiqué in its Articles of Association (along with other mandatory provisions relating to corporate governance, see “Item 16.G. Corporate Governance”). The Corporate Governance Communiquénumbered II-17.1, which was published in the Official Gazette dated January 3, 2014, defined the materiality as set out by the Communiqué Serial IV, No. 63. Accordingly, a 10% threshold will be applied in comparison with the relevant criteria such as total annual assets, annual revenues or market value of the company. When a transaction’s amount is above this 10% threshold, the majority vote of independent board members will be sought. Additionally, in order to ensure internal compliance with the CMB’s related party transactions, our Board has adopted the “Rules to be Applied to Related Parties in Purchasing/Selling Assets and Services along with Transfers of Liabilities” to be applied by the relevant employees within the company and its group companies on November 22, 2014.

III. Capital Structure


Our Board of Directors has adopted the authorized share capital system which, under Turkish law, allows us to increase our issued share capital up to the authorized share capital amount upon resolution by our Board and without need for further shareholder approval. On January 23, 2008, the CMB amended its Communiqué on principles regarding the registered capital system. According to this amendment, the registered capital ceiling authorization given by the CMB shall be valid for five years, including the year in which the authorization is granted. As this five-year term ended in January 23, 2013, as done in 2014, the Company applied for the CMB’s authorization in order to determine its capital ceiling for a five-year term between 20162018 and 2020, and will amend its2022, however the amendment of Articles of Association accordingly atreflecting the next ordinary general assembly meeting, which is expected to becapital ceiling was not approved in the General Assembly Meeting held on March 29, 2016.2018. In an effort to harmonize new legislation with the Capital Markets Law numbered 6362, which entered into force on December 30, 2012, the CMB released the Communiqué on the Registered Capital SystemII-18.1 which became effective on December 25, 2013. The new Communiqué mostly includes regulations in line with the former Communiqué (Serial: VI, No: 38) and de facto practice of the CMB. As for the determination of the ceiling, the new Communiqué contemplates a limitation for the ceiling and states that the registered capital ceiling shall not be more than five times the issued capital or the equity, whichever is higher. The new Communiqué also sets out that the

registered capital ceiling may be exceeded once within the scope of each ceiling (i) through conversion of all kinds of internal resources and dividends into the share capital; and (ii) as a result of transactions requiring general assembly resolutions such as mergers and spin-offs. However, both the former legislation and the new Communiqué provide that the registered capital ceiling may not be exceeded with capital increases through cash. As in the former regime, the registered capital ceiling approved by the CMB is valid for five years including the year in which the approval is granted. Upon the expiry of the term, even if the registered capital ceiling has not been reached, in order for the board of directors to adopt a capital increase resolution, the board of directors must obtain authorization for a new period at the first general assembly upon the approval of the CMB for the same ceiling or a new ceiling. The term of this authorization may be extended for five year periods through a general assembly resolution. In the event such authorization is not obtained, the new Communiqué emphasizes that companies may not realize a capital increase through a board of directors’ resolution, whereas under the former Communiqué, companies were deemed to be excluded from the registered capital system. The increase of the registered capital ceiling, extension of the permission period, capital increase and relevant resolutions of the board of directors shall be disclosed to the public within the framework of the CMB disclosure rules.

b.Preemption Rights

We may increase our capital only through the issuance of new shares, and such issuances may come in the form of a rights offering or a bonus issue. Under Turkish law, existing shareholders are entitled to subscribe for new shares, also known as preemption rights, in proportion to their respective shareholdings each time we undertake a capital increase. Our Board of Directors will generally recommend that new shares be issued at prices equal to their nominal value, which entitles the existing shareholders to subscribe for shares at a significant discount from their current market price. The exercise of preemption rights by shareholders must be made within a subscription period which we announce, which may not be less than 15 days nor more than 60 days after the issuance of the preemption rights circular. Shareholders who do not wish to subscribe for new shares may sell their rights on the Borsa Istanbul (“BIST”). Any shares not subscribed for by the existing shareholders or purchasers of the rights coupons are sold on the BIST at the current market price. Any differences between the rights issue price and the price realized for the shares on the BIST would accrue to our surplus account. Preemption rights of shareholders related to a rights offering may be restricted wholly or in part either by an affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares at an ordinary or extraordinary general assembly or a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors to such effect, provided that such authority is conferred upon the Board of Directors. CMB rules stipulate that such authority may be conferred upon the Board of Directors of companies that have


received permission from the CMB to adopt the authorized capital system. As per the new Communiqué on the Registered Capital SystemII-18.1, the General Assembly shall approve the amendments to the articles of association with respect to granting authorization to the board of directors to restrict thepre-emptive rights of the shareholders to acquire new shares. Contrary to the former Communiqué, the new Communiqué has not foreseen a meeting quorum. With regard to the decision quorum, the former Communiqué differentiated between companies making an initial public offering and public companies, whereas the new Communiqué has not stipulated any such distinction. Accordingly, the new Communiqué regulates that shareholders holding 2/3 of the shares having voting rights shall provide affirmative votes. In addition, the new Communiqué has prescribed that if at least shareholders holding half of the voting shares are present at the meeting, the decision quorum shall be the majority of the shares participating in the meeting.

By the amendment to the Articles of Association, we have conferred such authority on our Board of Directors. The CMB further requires that the right of the Board of Directors to restrict the preemption rights of shareholders applies equally with respect to all shareholders. Under Turkish law, bonus issues may be undertaken in order to convert all or a portion of the revaluation fund and reserves of a company into share capital.

c.Dividend Distribution and Allocation of Profits

Our Board of Directors recommends annual dividends, which then must be approved by our shareholders at their annual general assembly. Dividends are payable on a date determined at the annual general meeting. Under current rules, the Board of Directors may decide whether or not to recommend a distribution of dividends, and our shareholders at our annual general meeting may decide whether or not to distribute dividends in any year. According to new Capital Markets law, we may freely determine the amount of dividends to be distributed based on the Dividend Policy, pursuant to applicable Turkish laws and upon the approval of, or amendment by, the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of Shareholders. The Board decides whether or not to recommend an allocation of profits, as well as the amount of dividends, and the shareholders, through the general assembly, may accept, amend or reject such proposal, if any.

The new dividend distribution regime is governed by a CMB Communiqué on DividendsII-19.1 which was published in the Official Gazette dated January 23, 2014, numbered 28891, which entered into force on February 1, 2014. Within the scope of the Communiqué, companies shall distribute dividends through a general assembly resolution in accordance with current legislation and the policies of the company. As per the Communiqué, dividends may be distributed in installments in case a general assembly resolution is adopted in this regard. The Communiqué has also determined the principles and procedures for the distribution of dividends. The CMB allows public companies the possibility of choosing the timing and payment method of the dividend distribution on the condition that the company’s own dividend policy should regulate this. In any case, according to the new Communiqué, distribution should commence until the end of the financial year in which the general assembly decided on distributing a dividend.

In order to comply with this Capital Markets Board’s Communiqué, the Turkcell Board of Directors amended its dividend distribution policy proposal in February 2014, as stated below, and approved by the Ordinary General Assembly held on March 26, 2015:

“The Company shall target a dividend payout of at least 50% of its distributable net income as cash. This policy will be subject to the Company’s cash projections, business outlook, investment plans and capital market conditions. The actual dividend decision will be made for each fiscal year separately with the approval of the General Assembly of Shareholders. Dividend distribution shall be started on a date to be determined by the General Assembly of Shareholders which shall not be later than the end of the year in which the General Assembly convenes. The Company, in accordance with laws and regulations, may consider distributing advance dividends or making the dividend payment in equal or unequal installments.

Additionally, in order to create added value for its shareholders, the Company may also consider share repurchase programs depending on the conditions set forth above and applicable regulation.”

In parallel with the new Capital Markets Law, the new Communiqué on Dividends sets ground rules for donations: articles of association of public companies should contemplate it and an annual limit should be determined by the general assembly. On February 24, 2015, within the framework of the CMB regulations, our Board has resolved that, by means of determining the upper limit for the total amount of donations to be made by the Company within the year 2015 as up to 0.2% of our Company’s revenue included in the annual consolidated financial tables relating previous fiscal year announced to the public pursuant to CMB regulations, this abovementioned upper limit is approved by General Assembly of our Company. On January 28, 2016,30, 2017, our Board of Directors has resolved to determine the upper limit for the total amount of donations to be made by our Company within the year 20162017 as up to 1% of our Company’s revenue as set forth in the annual consolidated financial statements for the previous fiscal year as announced to the public pursuant to Capital Markets Board regulations. This limit shall be submitted for the shareholders’ approvalis approved at the next General Assembly of our Company.Company held on May 25, 2017.


Dividends are payable by transfer to the account of the shareholders with a bank in Turkey corresponding to the relevant portion of their shares. Shareholders’ entitlement to cash dividends remains in effect for a period of five years following the date of the general assembly approving such distribution, after which time they are transferred to the Turkish government.

Part of our remaining net profit may be distributed to our shareholders as a second dividend or retained by us as retained earnings, all at the discretion of our general assembly.

For additional details regarding our dividend policy see “Item 8.A. Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information—Dividend Policy”.

d.Voting Rights

Shareholders are entitled to one vote per share on all matters submitted to a vote of our shareholders.

CMB Communiqué Serial IV, No. 56 dated December 30, 2011 (see “Item 16.G. Corporate Governance” for further information), initially stated that transactions considered as material (transfer, acquisition or lease of all or significant portion of company assets or constitution of limited property right there on; providing concession or changing content or subject of existing concessions and being delisted) under certain conditions those material transactions will need to be approved by the general assembly. In the event that parties to such transactions are related parties, such related parties shall not vote at the general assembly. The new Capital Markets law dated December 30, 2012 further expanded the scope of “material

transactions”, which were exhaustively enumerated by the aforementioned Communiqué by adding the term “like” at the beginning of the enumeration. However, the topic has once again been regulated by another CMB Communiqué Serial IV, No. 63 dated February 22, 2013, and the term of “material transactions” with regard to the implementation of Corporate Governance Rules is again exhaustively defined in parallel with the Communiqué dated 2011.

The CMB issued the CommuniquéNo. II-23.1 on Common Principles Regarding Material Transactions and the Right of Separation (published in the Official Gazette dated December 24, 2013, No. 28861). Material transactions of public companies are exhaustively enumerated. Some of the issues covered by the Communiqué are listed below:


procedures and principles applicable to the material transactions of publicly held companies;


exercise of the right of separation in relation to the material transactions and the cases where the right of separation is not applicable;


pricing of the right of separation innon-listed companies;


mandatory tender offer in connection with the material transactions; and


mandatory meeting and decision quorums applicable to general assembly meetings with regard to material transactions.

The CMB CommuniquéNo. II-23.1 which has been amended and published in the Official Gazette No.30395 dated April 18, 2018, added another item to the list where no right of separation shall arise: in case any asset transfer is not made to the related parties and the minimum 90% of the fund to be acquired as a result of such transfer is used for the payment of debt of the publicly-held company, arising from cash loans from banks or in connection with any debt instrument issued by such publicly held companies, within one month as of the receipt of the fund no right of separation shall arise. It has been also stipulated that in the case the fund collected is used for repayment of the whole of the cash bank credits and/or debt originate from the debt instruments the percentage requirement shall not be applied.

e.Transfer of Shares

Subject to the limitations described below, shares may be sold and transferred by endorsement and delivery.

In practice, shares in registered form traded on the BIST are represented by the share certificates endorsed in blank, enabling such shares to be transferred as if they were in bearer form. As per the amendment in the then in force Capital Markets Law and a communiqué issued by the CMB in this respect, our Company’s shares traded at the Borsa Istanbul were dematerialized as of November 2005.

Legal and actual dematerialization of the share certificates commenced on November 28, 2005. Beginning from November 28, 2005, it is prohibited for companies registered on the ISEBIST to issue new share certificates, in consideration of rights issues or bonus issues. The new shares arising out of capital increases shall be transferred to the accounts of the rightful owners by registration.


A seven-year term given for the dematerialization of physical shares ended on December 31, 2012 and physical shares which were not delivered for dematerialization were supposed to become the property of the Company. However, according to the new Capital Markets Law which came into force on December 30, 2012, such undelivered physical shares are now transferred to the Investor Compensation Center and sold three months following the transfer on the Investor Compensation Center’s accounts. However, the Turkish Constitutional Court in its decision published in the Official Gazette on November 12, 2015, nullified the provisions of the Capital Markets Law regarding the ownership transfer of such undelivered physical shares to the Investor Compensation Center on the ground that such language contradicted with Art. 13 (Restriction of fundamental rights and freedoms) and Art. 35 (Right to property) of the Constitution. As a result of this decision, the CMB regulated the process of payment to the investors whose share ownership has been transferred to the ICC. This regulation has been published in the Official Gazette dated September 7, 2016 numbered 29824.

Concerning registration of share transfers, the Company will take into account the Central Registry Agency’sSecurities Depository of Turkey’s data without requiring any application from the interested parties. Provisions regarding the nominal values of the share certificates of the Company are regulated in the temporary article of the Company’s Articles of Association and such article was approved at the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting on April 29, 2005. The temporary article reads as follows:

Decree 32 on the Protection of the Value of the Turkish Currency issued in August 1989, as amended from time to time, provides that persons not resident in Turkey may purchase and sell our shares, provided that such purchase is effected through a bank or broker authorized pursuant to applicable Turkish capital markets legislation. Turkish capital markets legislation requires that shares of a company quoted on a Turkish securities exchange be traded exclusively on such exchange. The CMB has indicated that this requirement applies only to intermediary institutions licensed for trading on the stock exchange and to trade orders placed with them by investors. Accordingly, our shareholders that are not resident in Turkey may transfer such shares only on the ISE. This requirement does not apply to transfers of ADSs.

Under Turkish law, in the event that one of our shareholders transfers shares to any other shareholder or to any other third party investor, either foreign or local, the Foreign Investment General Directorate (“FIGD”) must be notified within one month of the transfer of shares.

Under Article 8 of the Electronic Communications Law, electronic communications services is rendered and/or electronic communications network or infrastructure is established and operated following the authorization made by the ICTA. Authorization is granted through the notification made in accordance with the principles and procedures determined by the ICTA, in case the resource allocation is not necessary, or given of usage right, in case the resource allocation, which means allocation of frequency, satellite position etc., is necessary. Furthermore, under the Authorization Regulation Regarding Telecommunication Services and Infrastructure Regulation, the ICTA must be notified in case of any share transfers within one month of the transfer of shares at the latest and in the event that the share transfer results in a change in control, such transfer of our shares by any of our shareholders should be realized with the written permission of the ICTA.

Under our Articles of Association, the Board of Directors is entitled to restrict the transfer of shares to foreigners in order to comply with Turkish shareholding requirements under Turkish law.

f.Disclosure of Beneficial Interests in the Shares

The Turkish Regulation on public disclosure of listed companies wasis regulated by the CMB Communiqué Serial VIII, No. 54 on Principles Regarding Public Disclosure of Material Events dated February 2009. The CMB released a new Communiqué on Public Disclosure of Material Events(II-15.1) which was published in the Official Gazette dated January 23, 2014, numbered 28891, which entered into force on February 23, 2014.. Insider information, which means anynon-public information that may possibly affect the value of capital market instruments and investors’ decisions, is required to be disclosed immediately by listed companies. Shareholders’ disclosure requirement would arise if they fall below or exceed the shareholding ratios established in theCommuniqué II-15.1 (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 33%, 50%, 67% and 95%). Following subsequent changes made to the Communique II.15.1 (which was published in the Official Gazette dated Novenber 17,2018 and No.30598) in cases where the relevant shareholders’ share ratio reaches, exceeds or falls below the aforementioned thresholds only the Central Securities Depository of Turkey (“MKK”) will make the relevant disclosure However, this will not be applicable for persons reaching, exceeding or falling below such thresholds (i)by acting in concert, (ii) indirectly, or (iii) with voting rights (through voting agreements etc.). Therefore, in these cases, rather than the MKK the relevant shareholder or the persons acting in concert with such shareholder will need to disclose the change in their shareholding. Disclosure of insider information may be delayed to protect the legitimate interests of the company without causing market manipulation. For those that have administrative responsibilities in Turkcell (including Board members and high-ranked executives), or are closely related persons and partners (whether natural or legal persons) of issuers that purchase and sell Turkcell’s capital market instruments (including, but not limited to, Turkcell shares), such transactions will need to be declared to the Borsa Istanbul; however, according to the CommuniquéII-15.1, if the cumulative amount of the above-mentioned Turkcell transactions in a calendar year does not exceed TL 50,000,TRY 286,000 (TRY 353,868 for 2019), such declaration will not be needed (TL 100,000 for the company’s securities other than shares).needed. This upper limit represents the total amount of all transactions


made by both Board members/high-ranked executives and their closely related persons of the company and that of its subsidiaries which represent more than 10% of the total assets according to the latest annual financial statements of the company. “Closely related persons” means: wives/husbands, children and individuals sharing the same residence at the time of transaction and corporations; legal entities run by, directly/indirectly controlled by or whose economic interests are similar with that of Board members; and high-ranked executives of the Company. The CMB by its decision dated June 27, 2014 issued new guidelines that is also amended on February 10, 2017 for the announcement of material events for public companies based on Article 27 of the CommuniquéII-15.1, thus repealing the old guidance which was prepared in conformity with the Communiqué Serial VIII, No:54. The Company’s internal public disclosure rules and procedures has also been adopted by the Board in accordance with the CommuniquéII-15.1 as amended on February 10, 2017.

In addition, the CMB adopted a “short-swing-profit rule” for company executives. The CMB has published the CommuniquéNo. VI-103.1 Regarding Managers’ Payment of Net Purchase and Sale Gains to the Issuers (published in the Official Gazette dated December 12, 2013, No. 28849). The Communiqué VI 103.1 relies on the Capital Markets Law Article 103/4 and indicates that (i) the board members and the committee members of an issuer, (ii) the persons with administrative responsibilities at the issuer and (iii) the persons that have the power to determine and control the issuer’s financial and operational policies, decisions or targets directly or indirectly, shall pay the net gains they have obtained through the purchases and sales within the samesix-month period. It is indicated in the Communiqué VI 103.1 that the purpose of this regulation is to remove the inequality of opportunity between the persons who receive insider information about the issuers easier and faster due to their positions and the investors that reach the insider information after public disclosure.

In addition, according to the Communiqué on Voluntary and Mandatory Tender Offers (“Communiqué Serial IV No. 44”) issued by the CMB on September 2, 2009, the mandatory tender offer shall be triggered when, directly or indirectly, more than 50% of our Company’s shareholding is acquired or management control of a public company is taken over through acquiring (i) the necessary number of shares granting the right to elect or (ii) privileged shares allowing the nomination of the majority of the board of directors. Communiqué Serial IV No. 44 also stipulates certain circumstances which will not trigger a mandatory offer, such as management control changes of the company by a voluntary tender offer and share transfers by privileged shareholders with management control or persons acting together resulting in a possession of more than 50% of the capital or voting rights. The new Capital Markets Law incorporates those rules under its relevant provisions. The

Communiqué on Tender Offer(II-26.1) which repeals the Communiqué Serial: IV No: 44 was published by the Capital Markets Board in the Official Gazette dated January 23, 2014, numbered 28891, which entered into force on the date of its publication. Through the Communiqué, the procedures and principles regarding mandatory and voluntary tender offers as a result of a change in management control have been regulated in compliance with the new Capital Markets Law No. 6362. Moreover, the definition of management control has been regulated as the direct or indirect acquisition of more than 50% of the share capital or the voting rights individually or collectively. Holding more than fifty percent of the voting rights of a corporation directly or indirectly, alone or jointly with persons acting in concert, or regardless of such percentage, holding privileged shares enabling their holder to elect a simple majority of the total number of the members of the board of directors or to nominate for the said number of directors in the general assembly meeting, is considered and treated as an acquisition of control.

The Communiqué on Tender Offer(II-26.1) was modified on February 27, 2015 and the following situation has been added amid cases where a mandatory tender offer will not be triggered. Following the purchase by a third party of a portion of the shares of a controlling shareholder, on the condition that this third party has 50% or less of voting rights of the company, should such third party share equally or less than the management control of the company with this controlling shareholder by virtue of a written agreement, this situation is not considered a trigger for a mandatory tender offer for this third party.

The said Communique was again amended and the amendement entered into force immediately upon its publication in the Official Gazette dated January 2, 2019 No.30643. As per the amendment, the relevant shareholder can be exempted from the requirement to launch a mandatory tender offer if the change of management control occurs as a result of the existing shareholders acquiring shares through a capital increase where thepre-emptive rights have not been restricted. However, as this is a ground for exemption and not an exception even if the said circumstances exist applicability of the exemption will be subject to the CMB’s approval.

In parallel, the Capital Markets Law No. 6362 introduces asqueeze-out right: in the event the shareholding of a shareholder reaches a threshold, which shall be determined by secondary legislation of the CMB, such shareholder shall have the right to purchase the shares of the minority shareholders and the minority shall have the right to sell their shares. The CMB released the Communiqué onSqueeze-Out Rights and Statutory Put Option Rights(II-27.1) on January 2, 2014 in the Official Gazette numbered 28870, which became effective as of July 1, 2014. This Communiqué was replaced with the CommuniquéII-27.2 which entered into force upon its publication in the Official Gazette dated November 12, 2014 and numbered 29173 (the “new Communiqué”). According to the CommuniquéII-27.1, if the controlling shareholder, directly or indirectly, holds at least 95% of the voting rights in a public company as a result of a mandatory tender offer or by any other means, the controlling shareholder has the right to squeeze out all other shareholders regardless of whether they hold privileged shares. As per the new Communiqué, in the event that a shareholder holds at least 98% of the voting rights in a public company either as a result of a mandatory tender offer or by any other means, or if the controlling shareholder already satisfying this threshold acquires an additional share, the controlling shareholder will be entitled to the right tosqueeze-out all other shareholders. Once thesqueeze-out right arises, the remaining minority shareholders will be entitled to the right tosell-out their shares. The new Communiqué also stipulates a transition period. Accordingly, the threshold of 95% shall continue to apply tosqueeze-out rights that arose before December 31, 2014 and a new threshold of 97% shall apply tosqueeze-out rights that will arise thereafter


until December 31, 2017. The new Communiqué regulates thesqueeze-out and the put option rights under the same provision. Accordingly, the controlling shareholder is obliged to make a public disclosure, if and when the controlling shareholders’ shareholding ratio reaches at least 98% of the voting rights or acquires additional shares to enhance its status. The remaining minority shareholders are entitled to exercise theirsell-out rights within three months following the public disclosure. The three-month period is statutory and thesell-out rights of the minority shareholders shall expire at the end of such period. The minority shareholder willing to exercise itssell-out right shall notify the public company in writing of its request. The board of directors shall procure the preparation of a valuation report in order to determine the purchase price for the minority shares within one month upon thesell-out request. Upon application of the controlling shareholder for exercising thesqueeze-out right, and approval of the board of directors about the fulfillment of the conditions for exercising thesqueeze-out right, the company shall apply to the CMB for issuance of new shares to replace the cancelled ones. A delisting application to the relevant stock exchange is also required. All payment and settlement transactions shall be conducted via the Central Registration Agency. The controlling shareholder shall deposit the share purchase amount to the company’s account, within three business days following the notification made by the company at the latest, and the company shall transfer such amount to the relevant minority shareholders’ account on the second succeeding business day to complete the share transfer transactions. As for the calculation of the purchase price, the purchase price during exercising of thesqueeze-out right shall be equivalent to the average of the weighted daily stock market price within the30-day period prior to the disclosure stating that the controlling shareholder has reached at least 98% of the voting rights or acquired additional shares for traded shares. The Communiqué refers to a “fair price” for the exercise of thesell-out right. Accordingly, (i) the price determined for thesqueeze-out right; (ii) the price determined per each share group through a valuation report; (iii) the price of a mandatory tender offer within the year preceding the public disclosure of control, if any; and (iv) the average of the weighted average prices on the exchange pertaining to the previous six months, previous year and previous five years shall be compared. The highest value shall be determined as the purchase price when thesell-out right is

exercised. The controlling shareholder is required to make a public disclosure if and when (i) the voting rights held by it exceed or fall below 98% of the total voting rights in the company; or (ii) it acquires additional shares when it already holds 98% or more of the voting rights. Additionally, the controlling shareholder is also obliged to make a public disclosure, if and when it decides to exercise thesqueeze-out right. The company as well is obliged to disclose the(i) squeeze-out right requests, the procedure ofsqueeze-out and the results of thesqueeze-out; (ii) application of asell-out right including the total number of shareholders making an application for exercising theirsell-out rights, the percentages of their voting rights, and the total price to be paid for the exercisedsell-out rights; (iii) the results of valuation reports for determining the share price and (iv) the results of exercising thesell-out right including information on the number of shareholders who have used such right and their voting right percentages and the voting right percentage of the controlling shareholder.

Capital Markets Law No. 6362 is amended on December 5, 2017 with the Omnibus Bill No. 7061 published on the Official Gazette and introduces a legal grounding for crowdfunding. The CMB was authorized therein to enact secondary legislation. As a consequence of this, the CMB has issued a draft Communique on Equity Crowdfunding and presented it to public’s opinion on January 3, 2019. In the draft, it is clearly pointed out that the Communique will only be applied to crowdfunding and the activies of fund raising from public via crowdfunding platforms in return of awards or donations shall not be governed by this regulation. The draft sets forth the procedures and principles regarding (i) equity crowdfunding; (ii) authorization of crowdfunding platforms by the CMB; (iii) activities of such platforms; (iv) fund raising from public via equity crowdfunding; and (v) control and supervision of the usage of such funds. CMB is expected to enact the secondary legislation accordingly.

g.Free Float Definition Rules

While 35.88%48.95% of our Company isshares are listed on the stock exchange, the number of our Company’s free floating shares as of March 10, 20167, 2019 was 765,908,887.051,074,496,616 according to the “Report on Free Float Ratios” released by the Central Registry AgencySecurities Depository of Turkey in accordance with the Capital Markets Board’s decision 21/655 of July 23, 2010, as amended by its decision 24/729 of August 18, 2010, and its free float ratio was 34.81%48.84%. The difference between these rates results from the exclusion of shares which are: i. held by a public entity, ii. held by the company’s incorporators and its affiliates (companies subject to consolidation), iii. held by shareholders who may be a natural person or a corporate body and control at least 10% of the Company’s capital (following the amendment by the CMB’s decision 31/1059 of October 30th, 2014), iv. held by a) the members of the Company’s Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors, b) General Manager or executives who are equal to or superior to a general manager in terms of their powers and functions, c) senior executives who report to General Manager or executives who are equal to or superior to a general manager in terms of their powers and functions, v. owned by the savings funds or foundations of companies, vi. provided as equity capital pursuant to regulations applicable to the capital markets legislation or as a collateral in respect of a margin trading or as a collateral except the ones which are given as a collateral only for Central Depository Bank markets, vii. which are legally restricted and cannot be subject to purchase and sale, viii. prohibited, ix. “seized” in the definition of free float ratio. The difference may result from one or more situations described in the decision and it is not possible for our Company to know it.


h.Trading Rules

According to the CMBCMB’s latest decision numbered 1/6 dated January 8, 2018 and according with CommuniquéII-17.1 on Corporate Governance, public companies whose shares are traded on the NationalBIST Stars Market, Second NationalBIST Main Market and Collective and Structured Products Market of the exchange shall be divided into three groups in accordance with their systemic significance considering their market values and the market values of the shares in active circulation. The average of the closing prices in the second session of the last trading days of March, June, September and December and the rates of the shares in active circulation is the basis of the calculation of the market price and the price of the shares in active circulation. In cases where different share groups of the same company are traded on the exchange, all of such groups shall be taken into consideration. This calculation shall be made by the CMB each year in January to determine the groups in which the corporations are included and the list shall be published by the Board Bulletin. In this regard, the numerical thresholds to be used for grouping are set forth below:

a)(a) First group: Companies whose average market value is above TRY 3 billion and average market value in actual circulation is above TRY 750 million;

b)(b) Second group: Companies among those excluded from the first group, the average market value of which is above TRY 1 billion and average market value in actual circulation is above TRY 250 million.

c)(c) Third group: Companies among those excluded from the first and second groups, the shares of which are traded on National Market, Second National Market and Collective Products Market.

Accordingly, the CMB by its decision numbered 31/1080 and dated October 30, 2014 determined the following thresholds and measures, which are effective as of January 2, 2015:



Value of


Shares in





Market Maker


Liquidity Builder

  Current or Additional Measures










Equity Ratio

of Short








30 Million

and above










10 - 30





 YES 100%  NO



Below 10



Continuous Auction

AuctionUniform Price




100%   NO 

According to the latest CMB decision, Turkcell is listed under Group A companies.

i.Protection of Minority Shareholders

Under Turkish securities law, minority shareholders, defined as those who hold 5% or more of our share capital, have the right, among other things, to request our Board of Directors to:


invite the shareholders to an extraordinary general assembly;


request that a matter be included on the agenda at both ordinary and extraordinary general assembly;


request the appointment of special auditors; if the general assembly rejects this request, minority shareholders may apply to the court for the appointment of a special auditor;


take action against Board members who have violated the Turkish Commercial Code or the articles of association of a company or who have otherwise failed to perform their duties;


pursuant to the TCC, provided there is a good reason, minority shareholders may claim from the competent court to rule in favor of dissolution of the Company; and


if provided by the Articles of Association of the Company, certain minority groups may be represented at the Board of Directors.

According to the new Capital Markets Law, in the event a shareholder votes against a material transaction in a general assembly meeting, as briefly described above, such shareholder obtains a right to exit from the company by selling his/her shares. If the shareholder uses that right, the company is required to purchase the shareholder’s shares.



In the event of liquidation, our shareholders are entitled to participate in any surplus in proportion to their shareholdings.

k.Changes in Capital Structure

Any increase in our Company’s registered capital ceiling requires an amendment to our Articles of Association and therefore shareholder approval through a general assembly. Such amendment is subject to the prior approval of the Ministry of Customs and Trade and the CMB. Our Board of Directors may also restrict the rights of existing shareholders and offer new shares to third parties. Changes in the voting and dividend rights of our shareholders require an amendment to our Articles of Association and approval by the general assembly. Such amendment is also subject to the prior approval of the Ministry of Customs and Trade and the CMB. Furthermore, under the Turkish Commercial Code, during the general assembly meetings held to amend the articles of association of a joint stock company, each share shall be entitled to only one vote, even if otherwise is provided under its articles of association.

Any decrease in our share capital requires an amendment to our Articles of Association. If we undertake to cancel our shares, we must notify any existing creditors, and within two months of notification, they may request payment or, if their receivables are not due and payable, we must create a security interest in their favor. Capital reduction is rarely applied in Turkey.


The new TCC contains several rules enabling Turkish companies to repurchase their own shares if they satisfy certain conditions. Accordingly, shares representing up to 10% of the total share capital of the company may be acquired by the company itself. We believe that this would allow both direct and indirect acquisitions. Before the entry into force of the new TCC, the CMB had taken an anticipatory step by enabling listed companies to buy back their own shares. The CMB announced this on August 11, 2011, in its Weekly Bulletin numbered 2011/32, and this announcement describes in detail the procedures and principles which apply to suchbuy-back transactions.

In accordance with the new Capital Markets Law dated December 30, 2012, the Communiqué on Share Buyback numberedII-22.1 was published in the Official Gazette on January 3, 2014. The Communiqué regulates the principles and procedures of share buybacks or the establishment of pledges over their own shares by public companies. Essentially, the Communiqué governs the principles regarding the (i) share buybacks of public companies or accepting their own shares as pledges;(ii) sell-out of repurchased shares or their amortization; (iii) public disclosure of such transactions; and (iv) safe harbor provisions where share buybacks will not be deemed insider trading or manipulation of the market.

Our Company currently is considering and evaluating the possibility to redeem its own shares. On February 18, 2016 a buyback plan of up to TRY 200 million was announced to be submitted for the approval of the shareholders at the Ordinary General Assembly for 2015.2015; however the proposal made during the General Assembly held on March 29, 2016 was rejected.

Following the coup attempt, on July 21, 2016, the CMB under its Communiqué on ShareBuy-backs decided to temporarily remove the limits that are applicable to public companies’ acquisition of their own shares (especially the limit restrictingbuy-backs up to 10% of the share capital) and authorized Turkish public companies to initiate stock repurchases, even in the absence of shareholder approval.

Our Company’s Board of Directors has authorized the management to execute sharebuy-back transactions, within the scope of the announcements dated July 21, 2016 and July 25, 2016 made by the CMB. We believe that this authorization could be extended to cover indirect share buybacks.

m.General Assemblies

Right holders, who have a right to attend the general assembly meetings, can attend such meetings by electronic means pursuant to article 1527 of the new TCC. Pursuant to the Communiqué on Electronic General Assembly Meetings held in Joint Stock Companies, the Company shall invite the right holders to attend, to deliver an opinion and to vote by electronic means, either setting up the electronic general assembly system; or purchase related services from the system providers that are specifically found for such purposes.

According to the new TCC, the general assembly meeting procedures should be regulated under the Internal Guidelines to be approved by the general assembly and registered at the Trade Registry. Accordingly, general assembly meeting procedures shall be executed with the related provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code, Articles of Association and the Internal Guidelines.


The following matters are among the ones required by the TCC and our Articles of Association to be included on the agenda of ordinary general assembly meeting:


review of the annual reports of our Board of Directors and the auditors;


the approval, amendment or rejection of the statement of financial position and statement of profit and loss prepared for the preceding financial year, the release of our Board of Directors from liability in respect of actions taken by them in the preceding financial year, and the proposals of our Board of Directors for the allocation and distribution of any of our net profits;


the approval of the remuneration of the Board members; and


there-election or replacement of directors and/or auditors whose terms of office have expired.

Shareholders representing at least 5% of our share capital may, by written notice, require any additional matters to be included on the agenda for discussion at any of our general assemblies.

Notices covering general assemblies (including postponements and rescheduling), which include the agenda of any such general assembly, must be published in the Trade Registry Gazette and at least two leading Turkish newspaperslocal newspaper published in Istanbul,where the headquarter of our Company is located, determined by us, at least two weeks before the date fixed for the meeting in accordance with the TCC and three weeks before the date fixed for the meeting in accordance with CMB regulation. The TCC requires us to send notice of any general assembly by registered mail to each person registered in our books as a holder of shares and to those

shareholders who have deposited at least one share certificate representing shares with us and have indicated a notice address. Under the Capital Markets Law, such notice requirement does not apply to holders of registered shares, which are also traded in the stock market.

Any shareholder holding any of our shares (excluding ADRs) and wishing to attend general assembly meetings to vote must present his/her identification document to our Head Office before the start of the meeting in order to obtain an entry permit for that meeting. Holders of thenon-public registered shares in our share book of registered shares need not comply with such requirement to attend a general assembly. Any shareholder not wishing to attend any such general assembly in person may appoint another person as a proxy. Shareholders attending the general assembly meeting by electronic means should follow the procedures established by the related legislation.

Except as set out by the provisions of the TCC and our Articles of Association, the required quorum at any general assembly is shareholders representing at leastone-quarter of the share capital. If such quorum is not present when a general assembly is convened, the meeting shall be adjourned, in which event the meeting is reconvened within a month, with shareholders or their proxies present at such meeting. Resolutions of general assembly meetings must be passed by a majority of the shareholders or their proxies present at such meetings.

As per the new Capital Markets Law, unless a higher quorum is accepted in the articles of association of public companies, affirmative votes oftwo-thirds of shareholders representing the share capital present at the general assembly (and this, without requiring a quorum) is needed for the following decisions: restricting preemptive rights of shareholders, authorizing the Board to restrict such preemptive rights in a registered capital system and reduction of the share capital and material transactions of the company as defined by the law. Nevertheless, if shareholders representing at least half of the company share capital are present at the meeting, simple majority decides unless a higher quorum is accepted by the articles of association.

In addition, the new Capital Markets Law stipulates that the CMB may require including some topics in the general assembly agenda to be discussed by the general assembly or to inform the shareholders at the general assembly.

According to our Articles of Association, the meeting quorum requirement at general assemblies is 51% of our share capital. Resolutions of our general assemblies must be passed by the shareholders (or their proxies) representing the majority of the votes of the shareholders present at that meeting.

The quorum requirement at general assemblies convened to increase our share capital ceiling is 51% of our share capital. Resolutions of general assemblies relating to capital increases must be passed by a majority of our shareholders or their proxies present at such meeting.

The meeting quorum requirement at general assemblies convened to amend our Articles of Association (excluding capital ceiling increase) istwo-thirds of our share capital. Resolutions of our general assemblies to amend our Articles of Association (excluding capital ceiling increase) shall be passed by the shareholders (or their proxies) representing at least 2/3 of the votes of the shareholders present at that meeting.

Changing our jurisdiction or increasing the obligations of the shareholders requires unanimous shareholder approval.


10.C Material Contracts

We are not a party to any material contracts other than those entered into in the ordinary course of business, except with regard to the settlement of certain legal disputes. For information regarding these settlements, see “Item 8.A. Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information—Legal Proceedings” and Note 3336” (Guarantees and purchase obligations) to our Consolidated Financial Statements in this annual report on Form20-F.

10.D Exchange Controls

Banks in Turkey set their own foreign exchange rates independently of those announced by the Central Bank.CBRT. Pursuant to Decree 32 on the Protection of the Value of the Turkish Currency (“Decree No.32”), most recently amended in 2003,2018, the government eased and ultimately abolished restrictions on the convertibility of the Turkish Lira for current account and nonresident capital account transactions by facilitating exchange of the proceeds of transactions in Turkish securities by foreign investors, which enabled Turkish citizens to purchase securities on foreign exchanges. These changes also permitted residents and nonresidents to buy foreign exchange without limitation and to transfer such foreign exchange abroad without ministerial approval.

Turkish citizens are permitted to buy unlimited amounts of foreign currency from banks and to hold foreign exchange in commercial banks. CapitalBanks are obliged to inform authorities to be determined by the Ministry about Turkish Lira transfers outside Turkeyabroad, excluding payments for exports, imports and invisible transactions that are above the equivalent of more than $5 million still require approvalUSD 50,000, within a 30 day period starting from the date of the Turkish government. Although we believe it is unlikely thattransfer. Any amendment to recent exchange controls will be reintroduced in the near term, any such exchange controlsprovisions may materially adversely affect our results of operations.

Capital Movements Circular and the Decree No.32 have recently been amended and have taken effect since May 2, 2018, introducing new restrictions on Turkish corporates to utilize foreign currency loans from Turkey and outside of Turkey. While the new regime continues to maintain existing prohibition on Turkish individuals to utilise foreign exchange loans and foreign exchange indexed loans, it introduces a strict prohibition on Turkishnon-bank corporates (Corporate Borrower) to utilise foreign currency indexed loans and also brings in new restrictions on corporate borrowers to utilise foreign currency loans (F/X Loan Restriction).

Accordingly, a corporate borrower shall be permitted to utilize foreign currency loans if (i) it generates foreign currency-denominated revenue, which is defined as “the revenue derived from export, transit trade, sales and deliveries considered as export and foreign currency generating activities (F/X Revenue Exemption)” in the new legislation; (ii) the purpose of the loan is to finance an activity that is exempt from the F/X Loan Restriction (Activity Exemption); (iii) if as of May 2, 2018, the unpaid outstanding balance of its total foreign currency loans and/or foreign currency indexed loans (Loan Balance) is more than USD 15 million or (iv) if the F/X loan to be utilized by a corporate borrower falls within the scope of the exemptions determined by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance.

As far as the F/X Revenue Exemption is concerned, (i) if the loan balance of a corporate borrower is below USD 15 million, the sum of (i) the foreign currency loan to be utilised; and, (ii) the existing loan balance must not be more than the combined value of its foreign currency revenues as stated in its last three years financials. Otherwise, the exceeding portion of the foreing currency loan must either be cancelled or converted into Turkish Lira.

With regard to the Activity Exemption, a legal entity must qualify as a public institution, banks and factoring, financial leasing and financing companies resident in Turkey in order to utilise foreign currency loans. In the case of corporate borrowers, the Activity Exemption must relate to an activity in the context of (i) a domestic tender with an international element awarded to such corporate borrower; (ii) defence industry projects approved by the Undersecretariat of Defence Industry; (iii) public private partnership projects; (iv) an export, transit trade, sales and related deliveries subject to the relevant corporate borrower certifying the scope of its relevant activity and its potential sources of foreign currency revenues and (iv) investment incentive certificate. Note that in order for a corporate borrower to benefit from the Activity Exemption summarised in item (iv), it must not have any foreign currency revenue within the last three financial years (which otherwise, would be subject to the F/X Revenue Exemption) and the maximum amount of foreign currency loan such Corporate Borrower can utilize is limited to the amount stated in its certified sources of foreign revenue.

As of December 31, 2015,2018, exchange restrictions and state controls exist in some jurisdictions in which Turkcell operates. The local currencies of Turkcell’s subsidiaries in both Ukraine and Belarus are not convertible outside of their respective countries. The foreign exchange regime of the Ukrainian Hryvnia is floating but there is no offshore forward market for the currency; only onshorenon-deliverable forwards are available. For Belarusian Ruble, the regime is managed floating with no access to forward markets or NDFs. Future movements of exchange rates will affect the carrying values of Turkcell’s assets and liabilities. The translation of underlying local currency amounts into USDTRY in Turkcell’s Consolidated Financial Statements should not be construed as a representation that such local currency amounts have been, could be or will in future be converted into USDTRY at the exchange rates shown or at any other exchange rate.


As of December 31, 2015,2018, significant exchange restrictions and state controls exist in mostsome jurisdictions in which Fintur operates. The local currenciescurrency of Fintur subsidiariessubsidiary in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova areis not convertible outside of their respective countries. Future movements ofMoldova. The exchange rates will affectrate regime for the carrying values ofMoldovan Leu is floating which means central banks can intervene in the Fintur’s assets and liabilities.foreign exchange market but does not make any explicit or implicit commitment with respect to an exchange rate target or path. The translation of underlying local currency amounts into USD in Fintur’s consolidated financial statements should not be construed as a representation that such local currency amounts have been, could be or will in future be converted into USD at the exchange rates shown or at any other exchange rate.

10.E Taxation

The following discussion is a summary of the material Turkish and United States federal income tax considerations relating to the ownership and disposition of our shares or ADSs. The discussion is based on current law and is for general information only. The discussion does not address all possible tax consequences relating to the ownership and disposition of shares, or ADSs, and holders are urged to consult their tax advisors regarding the applicable tax consequences of holding and disposing of the shares or ADSs based on their particular circumstances.

The discussion is based upon laws and relevant interpretations thereof in effect as of the date of this annual report, all of which are subject to change, possibly with retroactive effect. This summary is also based in part on representations of the Depositary and assumes that each obligation provided for in, or otherwise contemplated by, the Deposit Agreement or any related document will be performed in accordance with the terms of such agreement.

I. Republic of Turkey Taxation

The following summary of Turkish tax law as in force on the date of this annual report describes the principal tax consequences for Turkish residents and U.S. holders (as defined below in “Taxation—United States Federal Income Taxation”) of the ownership and disposition of shares and ADSs. It is not a complete description of all the possible tax consequences of such ownership and disposition. Shareholders should consult their own tax advisors concerning the Turkish and other tax consequences applicable in their particular situations.

a.Corporate Taxation

A corporation that has its legal and/or business center in Turkey (a “Resident Corporation”) is subject to a corporate tax, which is levied at 20% on such corporation’s taxable income. Resident Corporations are required to pay an “advance corporation tax”, also at 20%, on a quarterly basis. This rate will be applied at 22% for the years 2019 and 2020.

b.Taxation of Dividends

In the event that a Resident Corporation distributes dividends to individual shareholders (resident ornon-resident), or tonon-resident corporations that do not have a permanent establishment (fixed place of business or permanent representative) in Turkey (and are not subject to rate-reducing provisions in applicable bilateral tax treaties), a 15% withholding tax is payable by the Resident Corporation on behalf of its shareholders. In the event that Resident Corporations distribute dividends to resident legal entities or tonon-resident legal entities that have a permanent establishment in Turkey, such distributions are not subject to withholding tax.

Cash dividends received by Resident Corporations from other Resident Corporations are not subject to corporate tax. Dividends in cash received by resident individuals from Resident Corporations are subject to a withholding tax at the rate of 15% (as discussed above) and must file an annual income tax declaration. The withholding tax amount shall be deducted from the annual income tax. 50% of the dividend income received by resident individuals from Resident Corporations is exempt from the annual income declaration. The remaining 50% must be declared if it exceeded TRY 40,000 in 2019, TRY 34,000 in 2018 and TRY 30,000 in 20162017 and TRY 29,000 in 2015 (TRY 27,000 in 2014).2016.

Under the Income Tax Treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of Turkey, signed March 28, 1996 (the “Treaty”), the withholding tax rate is limited to 20% (including the surcharges on dividends paid by a Turkish Resident Corporation) of the gross amount of the dividends unless the beneficial owner of shares is a company which owns at least 10% of the voting stock of the company paying the dividends (in which case the rate would be limited to 15%). Because the current withholding tax rate applicable to publicly-traded corporations, such as Turkcell, is only 15%, the Treaty does not affect the current rate of Turkish withholding tax for U.S. holders. Cash dividends paid on ordinary shares or ADSs to a U.S. holder that does not have a permanent representative or place of business in Turkey will not be subject to taxation in Turkey, except in respect of the 15% income withholding tax discussed in the previous section. The distribution of dividends in kind (i.e., bonus shares) is not subject to a withholding tax, and such dividends in kind are not subject to an income declaration.


c.Taxation of Capital Gains

(i) Gains realized by Residents

For shares acquired on or after January 1, 2006:

Gains realized by resident individuals on the sale of shares traded on the Borsa Istanbul (such as Turkcell shares) or ADSs that represent shares traded on the Borsa Istanbul (such as Turkcell ADSs) to residents ornon-residents are exempt from income tax, provided that the holding period of such shares or ADSs exceeds one year. Where this holding period has not been met, there is a withholding tax from the gains derived from capital. The current rate for such withholding tax is 0%.

Gains realized by Resident Corporations on the sale of shares traded on the Borsa Istanbul (such as Turkcell shares) or ADSs that represent shares traded on the Borsa Istanbul (such as Turkcell ADSs) to residents ornon-residents shall benefit from the withholding exemption, if aone-year holding period is met. However, where this holding period has not been met, there is a withholding tax from the gains derived from capital gains. The current rate for such withholding tax is 0%.

Gains realized by Resident Corporations on the sale of shares or to residents ornon-residents must be included in corporate income and are subject to the applicable corporate tax. Upon fulfillment of the stated conditions in Article 5 of the Corporate Tax Law, 75% of capital gains derived from the sale of the shares will be exempt from corporate income tax.

For shares acquired before January 1, 2006:

Capital gains derived from shares held by an investor (both individuals and corporations) for over three months are not subject to any withholding tax. Where this holding period has not been met, capital gains received by individuals are computed by deducting the original cost of the shares or ADSs, after the application of a “cost adjustment” (which uses the Producer Price Index determined by the Turkish Statistical Institute to eliminate gain arising solely from inflation), from the amount received upon the sale or disposition of the shares or ADSs. Total capital gains are subject to declaration on the income tax return if they exceeded TRY 24,000 in 2016, TRY 23,000 in 2015 and TRY 21,000 in 2014.

Gains realized by Resident Corporations on the sale of shares are subject to the applicable corporate tax. Upon fulfillment of the stated conditions in Article 5 of the Corporate Tax Law, 75% of capital gains deriving from the sale of the shares will be exempt from corporate income tax.

(ii) Gains realized by U.S. holders

U.S. holders that do not have a permanent establishment in Turkey are exempt from Turkish tax on capital gains generated from the sale of shares quoted on an exchange, such as Turkcell shares, under Article 13 of the Treaty. U.S. resident legal entities having a permanent establishment (fixed place of business or permanent representative) in Turkey generally are subject to tax in Turkey on capital gains arising from the sale of such shares and should consult their own Turkish tax advisors as to the rules applicable to them. As of July 7, 2006, the withholding tax rate applicable tonon-resident holders of shares has been reduced to 0%.

U.S. holders who invest via ADSs will not have to comply with any procedures to avoid withholding tax, since gains derived from Turkcell ADSs are not generated in Turkey. However, U.S. holders who hold their shares directly in Turkey must comply with certain procedures to establish their exemption from Turkish capital gains withholding tax and are urged to consult their own tax advisors in this regard.

In addition, certain rules and procedures may need to be complied with in order to avoid Turkish withholding tax upon the conversion of ADSs to shares and from shares to ADSs in Turkey. U.S. holders are urged to consult their own tax advisors in this regard.

Pursuant to a Turkish Constitutional Court decision, which annulled the income tax provision regulating the 0% withholding application on capital gains fornon-resident individuals and corporations, the withholding tax regime has once again become subject to regulation pursuant to a law numbered 6009, which came into force on August 1, 2010. Pursuant to this new regulation, a 10% withholding on capital gains is applied to individual investors and a 0% withholding is applied to corporate investors, irrespective of the residency status.Non-resident corporate deposit receipt holders (depositaries of our ADR facility) are included within the scope of corporate investors.Non-resident investors of Turkcell ADRs will be subject to 0% withholding, provided that the depositary of our ADR facility is a corporate body. The Turkish Council of Ministers has the authority to raise the withholding levels to 5 percentage points.


d.Taxation of Investment and Mutual Funds

(i) Taxation on the Fund Level:

The gains realized from portfolio investment activities by resident Investment and Mutual Funds are exempt from corporate tax but are subject to withholding tax for the gains of stocks held and bonds/bills issued before January 1, 2006. Withholding tax rates are as follows:


if the institutions maintain a minimum of 25% of their portfolios invested in Turkish equity shares on a monthly weighted average basis, the applicable rate of withholding tax is 0%; and


if the percentage of Turkish equity shares in the portfolios of such institutions is below 25% during any month during the year, the applicable rate of withholding tax is 10%.

Gains from stocks purchased after January 1, 2006 and/or bonds and bills issued after January 1, 2006 are subject to withholding of 0%.

Anon-resident Investment or Mutual Fund may also qualify for this taxation regime if it appoints a permanent representative in Turkey, registers with the Turkish tax office, maintains legal books and meets the other tax requirements in Turkey.

(ii) Taxation on the Investor Level:

The gains realized by investors for participating within “FUND” are subject to taxation depending on the date of purchase of the “FUND” by the individual investors.


For “FUND” shares purchased before January 1, 2006, gains are not subject to income tax withholding. Capital gains received by individuals are computed by deducting the original cost of the shares after the application of a “cost adjustment” (which uses the Producer Price Index determined by the Turkish Statistical Institute to eliminate gains arising solely from inflation), from the amount received upon the sale or disposition of the shares. Total capital gains are subject to declaration on income tax returns if they exceeded TRY 34,000 in 2019, TRY 27,000 in 2018, TRY 24,000 in 2017 and 2016 and TRY 23,000 in 2015, and TRY 21,000 in 2014 (TRY 21,000 in 2013) and are required to be declared in compliance with the Turkish Tax Regime.

For “FUND” shares purchased after January 1, 2006:



If the “FUND” maintains at least 51% of the portfolio invested in the Borsa Istanbul Market and is held for more than aone-year period, gains shall not be subjected to withholding. Such gains shall be declared in compliance with the Turkish Tax Regime.



If the “FUND” does not meet the conditions above, gains shall be subject to withholding at 10% for resident investors. In cases wherenon-resident investors can certify their own residency status, 0% withholding shall be applied.


Pursuant to a Turkish Constitutional Court decision, which annulled the income tax provision regulating the 0% withholding application on capital gains fornon-resident individuals and corporations, the withholding tax regime has once again become subject to regulation pursuant to a law numbered 6009, which came into force on August 1, 2010. Pursuant to this new regulation, a 10% withholding on capital gains is applied to individual investors and a 0% withholding is applied to corporate investors, irrespective of the residency status.Non-resident corporate deposit receipt holders (depositaries of our ADR facility) are included within the scope of corporate investors.Non-resident investors of Turkcell ADRs will be subject to 0% withholding, provided that the depositary of our ADR facility is a corporate body.

e.Stamp Taxes

According to the Turkish Stamp Tax Law (Law No. 488), all agreements and documents specified in the law with a monetary value indicated thereon are subject to a stamp tax with rates from 0.189% to 0.948%, which is calculated on the aggregate amount of such agreement or document. Stamp tax to be calculated for a particular “PAPER” was capped at a maximum of TRY 1,487,397.70 per original in 2013 and TRY 1,545,852.40 per original in 2014, TRY 1,702,138.00 per original in 2015 and will be capped at a maximum of TRY 1,797,117.30 per original in 2016.

f. Certain Additional Tax Regulations

Changes in the Ministry of Finance’s interpretation of the taxation codes, especially changes regarding consumption taxes (Value Added Tax and Special Communication Tax), may adversely affect consumer prices. In addition to the prospective financial impact of such changes, unanticipated tax liabilities and fines may also be levied against our financial results in prior years since a Turkish company’s operations in the previous five years may be subject to financial investigation. Regulations that became effective July 1, 2010, however, have strengthened our rights with regards to this risk, particularly with regards to the following:

Tax inspectors shall not issue tax audit reports that contradict Decrees, Public Acts, Statutory Rules, General Communiqués and Circulars promulgated;

In the event that the tax authority differentiates previous interpretations of taxation codes via promulgated General Communiqués and Circulars, the new interpretation shall not be applied to previous transactions; and

Transactions that are compliant with rulings taken from the Tax Office shall be relieved from both tax penalty and overdue interest. Such shelter is valid only for a taxpayer that has applied for the ruling.

II. United States Federal Income Taxation

The following discussion is a summary of the material U.S. federal income tax considerations applicable to the ownership and disposition of shares or ADSs by you, if you are a U.S. holder. In general you will be a “U.S. holder” if:


you are the beneficial owner of our shares or ADSs;



you are either (i) an individual resident or citizen of the United States, (ii) a corporation (or other entity taxable as a corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes) created in or organized under the laws of the United States, any state thereof or the districtDistrict of Columbia, (iii) an estate whose income is subject to U.S. federal income taxation regardless of its source, or (iv) a trust if a U.S. court can exercise primary supervision over the administration of the trust and one or more U.S. persons are authorized to control all substantial decisions of the trust;


you own our shares or ADSs as capital assets (which generally means for investment purposes);


you own directly, indirectly or by attribution less than 10% (by vote or value) of our outstanding share capital or voting stock;


you are fully eligible for benefits under the Limitation on Benefits article of the Treaty; and


you are not also a resident of Turkey for Turkish tax purposes.

The Treaty benefits discussed generally are not available to holders who hold shares or ADSs in connection with the conduct of business through a permanent establishment, or the performance of personal services through a fixed base, in Turkey.

If a partnership (including for this purpose any entity or arrangement treated as a partnership for U.S. federal income tax purposes) holds shares or ADSs, the tax treatment of a partner generally will depend upon the status of the partner and the activities of the partnership. A partner in a partnership that holds shares or ADSs is urged to consult its own tax advisor regarding the specific tax consequences of owning and disposing of its shares or ADSs.

The summary does not purport to be a comprehensive description of all of the tax considerations that may be relevant to any particular holder, including tax considerations that arise from rules of general application or that are generally assumed to be known by U.S. holders. This summary is based on provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), existing and proposed U.S. Treasury Regulations, rulings, administrative pronouncements, judicial decisions and the Treaty, all as of the date of this annual report. All of these authorities are subject to change, possibly with retroactive effect, and to differing interpretations. In addition, this summary does not discuss all aspects of U.S. federal income taxation that may be applicable to investors in light of their particular circumstances or to U.S. holders who are subject to special treatment under U.S. federal income tax law, including insurance companies, U.S. expatriates, dealers in stocks or securities, banks or financial institutions,tax-exempt organizations, regulated investment companies, retirement plans, traders in securities who elect to apply amark-to-market method of accounting, persons who acquired their shares pursuant to the exercise of employee stock options or otherwise as compensation, persons holding shares as part of a straddle, hedging or conversion transaction, persons subject to the alternative minimum tax, and persons having a functional currency other than the U.S. Dollar.

U.S. holders are urged to consult with their own tax advisors regarding the tax consequences of the ownership or disposition of shares or ADSs, including the effects of federal, state, local, foreign and other tax laws with respect to their particular circumstances.


If we make distributions to you, you generally will be required to include in gross income as dividend income the amount of the distributions paid on the shares (including the amount of any Turkish taxes withheld in respect of such dividend as described above in “Taxation—Republic of Turkey Taxation”). Dividends paid by us will not be eligible for the dividends-received deduction applicable in some cases to U.S. corporations.

Any dividend paid in Turkish Lira, including the amount of any Turkish taxes withheld therefrom, will be includible in your gross income in an amount equal to the U.S. Dollar value of the Turkish Lira calculated by reference to the spot rate of exchange in effect on the date the dividend is received by you, in the case of shares, or by the Depositary, in the case of ADSs, regardless of whether the Turkish Lira are converted into U.S. Dollars. Any gain or loss resulting from currency exchange fluctuations during the period from the date the dividend is includible in your gross income to the date such payment is converted into U.S. Dollars generally will be treated as U.S. sourceU.S.-source ordinary income or loss. Special rules govern, and elections are available to, accrual method taxpayers to determine the U.S. Dollar amount includible in income in the case of taxes withheld in a foreign currency. Accrual basis taxpayers are urged to consult their own tax advisors regarding the requirements and elections applicable in this regard.

Any dividends paid by us to you with respect to shares or ADSs will be treated as foreign-source income and generally will be categorized as “passive category income” or, in the case of certain U.S. holders, “general category income” for foreign tax credit purposes.


Subject to limitations, you may elect to claim a foreign tax credit against your U.S. federal income tax liability for Turkish income tax withheld from dividends received in respect of shares or ADSs. The rules relating to the determination of the foreign tax credit are complex. Accordingly, you should consult your own tax advisor to determine whether and to what extent you would be entitled to the credit. If you do not elect to claim a foreign tax credit, you may instead claim a deduction for Turkish income tax withheld, but only for a year in which you elect to do so with respect to all foreign income taxes. A deduction does not reduce tax on adollar-for-dollar basis like a credit, but the deduction for foreign taxes is not subject to the same limitations applicable to foreign tax credits.

Certainnon-corporate U.S. holders (including individuals) are eligible for reduced rates of U.S. federal income tax in respect of “qualified dividend income” received. For this purpose, qualified dividend income generally includes dividends paid by anon-U.S. corporation if, amongst other things, the U.S. holder meets certain minimum holding periods and thenon-U.S. corporation satisfies certain requirements, including that either (i) the shares (or ADSs) with respect to which the dividend income has been paid are readily tradable on an established securities market in the United

States or (ii) thenon-U.S. corporation is eligible for the benefits of a comprehensive U.S. income tax treaty (such as the Treaty) which provides for the exchange of information. We currently believe that dividends paid with respect to our shares and ADSs should constitute qualified dividend income for U.S. federal income tax purposes, and we anticipate that our dividends will be reported as qualified dividends onForms 1099-DIV delivered to U.S. holders. In computing foreign tax credit limitations,non-corporate U.S. holders may take into account only a portion of a qualified dividend to reflect the reduced U.S. tax rate applicable to such dividend. Each U.S. holder of shares or ADSs is urged to consult its own tax advisor regarding the availability to it of the reduced dividend tax rate in light of its own particular situation and regarding the computations of its foreign tax credit limitation with respect to any qualified dividend income paid by us, as applicable.

The U.S. Treasury has expressed concerns that parties to whom ADSs are released may be taking actions that are inconsistent with the claiming of foreign tax credits or reduced tax rates in respect of qualified dividends by U.S. holders of ADSs. Accordingly, the discussion above regarding the creditability of Turkish withholding tax on dividends or the availability of qualified dividend treatment could be affected by future actions that may be taken by the U.S. Treasury with respect to ADSs.

b.Sale, Exchange or other Disposition of Shares or ADSs

Upon the sale, exchange or other disposition of shares or ADSs, you generally will recognize capital gain or loss equal to the difference between the amount realized on the disposition and your adjusted tax basis in your shares or ADSs (as determined in U.S. Dollars). Gain or loss upon the disposition of shares or ADSs generally will be U.S.-source gain or loss, and will be treated as long-term capital gain or loss if, at the time of the disposition, your holding period for the shares or ADSs exceeds one year. If you are an individual, capital gains generally will be subject to U.S. federal income tax at preferential rates if specified minimum holding periods are met. The deductibility of capital losses is subject to significant limitations.

The surrender of ADSs in exchange for shares pursuant to the Deposit Agreement governing the ADSs will not be a taxable event for U.S. federal income tax purposes. Accordingly, you will not recognize any gain or loss upon such surrender.

c.Net Investment Income Tax

Certain U.S. holders that are individuals, estates or trusts and whose income exceeds certain thresholds generally will be subject to a 3.8% tax on “net investment income”, including, among other things, dividends on, and gains from the sale or other taxable disposition of, our shares andor ADSs, subject to certain limitations and exceptions. You should consult your own tax advisor regarding the effect, if any, of such tax on your ownership and disposition of our shares andor ADSs.

d.Passive Foreign Investment CompanyStatus

We currently believe that we were not a passive foreign investment company (a “PFIC”) for U.S. federal income tax purposes for the taxable year ending December 31, 2015.2018. However, this conclusion is a factual determination that must be made annually and thus may be subject to change. A Therefore, it is possible that we could be classified as a PFIC in the future due to changes in our operations, the composition of our assets or income, as well as changes in market capitalization. In general, anon-U.S. corporation will be classified as a PFIC for any taxable year if at least 75% of its gross income consists of passive income (such as dividends, interest, rents, royalties or gains on the disposition of certain minority interests), or at least 50% of the average value of its assets consists of assets that produce, or are held for the production of, passive income. If we were characterized as a PFIC for any taxable year, you would suffer adverse tax consequences. These consequences may include having gains realized on the disposition of shares or ADSs treated as


ordinary income rather than capital gains, and being subject to punitive interest charges on certain dividends and on the proceeds of the sale or other disposition of the shares or ADSs. Furthermore, dividends paid by a PFIC would not be “qualified dividend income” (as discussed above) and would be taxed at the higher rates applicable to other items of ordinary income. You should consult your own tax advisor regarding the potential application of the PFIC rules to us and to your ownership of our shares andor ADSs.

e.U.S.Information Reporting and Backup Withholding

Dividend payments with respect to shares or ADSs and proceeds from the sale, exchange, redemption or other taxable disposition of shares or ADSs may be subject to information reporting to the Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) and possible U.S. backup withholding at a current rate of 28%24%. Certain exempt recipients (such as corporations) are not subject to these information reporting requirements. Backup withholding will not apply, however, to a holder who furnishes a correct taxpayer identification number or certificate of foreign status and makes any other required certification or who is otherwise

exempt from backup withholding. U.S. persons who are required to establish their exempt status generally must provide IRSForm W-9 (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification).Non-U.S. holders generally will not be subject to U.S. information reporting or backup withholding. However, such holders may be required to provide certification ofnon-U.S. status (generally on IRSForm W-8BEN orW-8BEN-E, as applicable) in connection with payments received in the United States or through certain U.S.-related financial intermediaries.

Backup withholding is not an additional tax. Amounts withheld as backup withholding may be credited against a holder’s U.S. federal income tax liability, and a holder may obtain a refund of any excess amounts withheld by filing the appropriate claim for refund with the IRS and furnishing any required information.

In addition, U.S. holders should be aware of annual reporting requirements with respect to the holding of certain foreign financial assets, including our shares and ADSs that are not held in an account maintained by certain types of financial institutions, if the aggregate value of all of such assets exceeds $50,000 (or $100,000 for married couples filing a joint return). You should consult your own tax advisor regarding the application of the information reporting and backup withholding rules to our shares and ADSs and the application of the annual reporting requirements to your particular situation.

10.F Dividends and Paying Agents

Not Applicable.

10.G Statement by Experts

Not Applicable.

10.H Documents on Display

Reports and other information of Turkcell can also be inspected without charge and copied at prescribed rates at the public reference facility maintained by the SEC in Room 1580, 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549. Copies of these materials are also available by mail from the Public Reference Section of the SEC, at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington D.C. 20549, at prescribed rates.

10.I Subsidiary Information

Not Applicable.


ITEM 11.


I. Overview

We are exposed to foreign exchange rate risks because our income, expenses, assets and liabilities are denominated in a number of different currencies, primarily Turkish Lira, U.S. Dollars, Euros, Chinese Yuan, Ukrainian Hryvnia, Azerbaijani Manat and Belarusian Rubles. In particular, a substantial majority of our debt obligations and equipment expenses are currently, and are expected to continue to be, denominated in U.S. Dollars and Euros, while the revenues generated by the corresponding activities are denominated in other currencies, in particular the Turkish Lira, Ukrainian Hryvnia and Belarusian Rubles. Similarly, we are subject to market risk deriving from changes in interest rates that may affect the cost of our financing.financing and also liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall due. We provide a detailed analysis of our foreign exchange and interest rate and liquidity risks in Note 31.35.


a.Foreign Exchange Risk Management

Our functional currency is the TRY for operations conducted in Turkey, but certain revenues, purchases, operating costs and expenses and resulting receivables and payables are denominated in a number of different currencies. In particular, a substantial majority of our debt obligations and equipment expenses are currently, and are expected to continue to be, denominated in U.S. Dollars, and Euros, while the revenues generated by the corresponding activities are denominated in other currencies, in particular the Turkish Lira, Ukrainian Hryvnia and Belarusian Rubles. Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are converted into functional currency at the exchange rates prevailing at the reporting date, with the resulting exchange differences recognized in the determination of net income. In 2015, net foreign exchange

losses were mainly attributable to the foreign exchange losses in Belarusian Telecom operating in Belarus and in lifecell operating in Ukraine and amounted to $858.1TRY 1,197.7 million, resulting from transactions related to foreign exchange effects. Foreign exchange losses from Belarusian Telecom and lifecell exclude foreign exchange losses arising in the foreign operations’ individual financial statements which have been recognized directly in equity in the foreign currency translation differences in the consolidated financial statements in accordance with accounting policy for net investment in foreign operations.

Market risk-sensitive instruments consist of loans and borrowings mainly denominated in foreign currencies (substantially in U.S. Dollars and Euros) totaling TRY 4,214.220,156 million, which represents the majority of total indebtedness as of December 31, 2015.2018.

To manage and hedge our foreign exchange risk more effectively, we used cross currency swaps contracts, participating cross currency swap contracts, currency forward contracts and we may enter into forward transactions and optioncurrency swap contracts and participating cross currency swap contracts.contracts in the future as well. In addition, in order to take advantage of market volatility in the foreign exchange markets and increase the yield on our free cash, we may enter into option transactions to buy or sell certain currencies, allowing us to mitigate our exposure to negative foreign exchange rate swings. AsSee Note 35 (Financial Instruments) to our audited Consolidated Financial Statements included in “Item 18. Financial Statements” of December 31, 2015 we had outstanding EUR/USD currency swap contracts with notional of €457 million and maturity as of January 4, 2016 and USD/TL currency forward with notional of $57.7 million and maturity as of January 4, 2016. The basisthis annual report on Form20-F for our sensitivity analysis to measure foreign exchange risk is an aggregate corporate-level currency exposure. The aggregate foreign exchange exposure is composed of all our assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies. This analysis excludes net foreign currency investments. It is estimated that a general increase of 10% in the value of TRY, Ukrainian Hryvnia and Belarusian Rubles, against other foreign currencies, would have decreased our profit before income tax by approximately TRY559.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2015. These aforementioned assumptions are hypothetical and the actual results may differ substantially from the projected figures.additional details.

All hedging transactions have been authorized and executed pursuant to clearly defined policies and procedures, which provide that the transaction is entered into to protect us from fluctuations in currency values. Analytical techniques are used to manage and monitor foreign exchange risk, which includes market valuation and sensitivity analysis. In addition, we keep a significant proportion of our monetary assets in U.S. Dollars/Euros to reduce our currency exposure. Furthermore, the maximum tariffs we may charge are adjusted periodically by the ICTA to account for, among other things, the devaluation of the TRY.

b.Interest Rate Risk Management

We are exposed to variations in interest rates, primarily in Euros, U.S. Dollars and TRY and UAH denominated debt and investments, which may affect the amounts of future interest income or expenses (reinvestment risk or cash flow risk) and also cause changes in the values of our interest-bearing assets, which have already been added to the statement of financial position. We manage interest rate risk by financingnon-current assets with long-term debt with variable interest rates and equity. To hedge our interest rate risk, we may utilize interest rate derivative structures considering the market levels. Turkcell started actively hedging its long term foreign exchange liabilities in 2016. Before hedging transactions, 84% of our debt was foreign currency denominated. Following the hedging, this ratio decreased to 42% and 85% of our financial debt had fixed interest rate. Also, we hold 100% of our TRY 7.419 billion cash & cash equivalents in hard currency.


The following table sets forth the carrying amount and fair value of loans, maturities and average effective interest rates for bank loans.


  December 31, 2015  December 31, 2014 
  2016  2017  2018  2019
  2015  2016  2017  2018
Fixed rate instruments              

Finance lease obligation



  20.5  0.1    0.1    —      —      —      0.1    2.2  0.7    0.7    —      —      —      0.7  


  3.4  41.8    5.3    4.1    4.3    28.1    41.8    3.4  40.6    4.6    3.7    3.7    28.6    40.6  

Secured bank loans

  December 31, 2018  December 31, 2017 
  2019  2020  2021  2022
  2018  2019  2020  2021

Variable rate instruments


Unsecured bank loans


USD floating rate loans

  4.3  4,589.2   2,058.6   1,816.3   186.0   528.3   4,589.2   3.2  2,880.6   779.0   981.6   1,120.0   —     2,880.6 

EUR floating rate loans

  2.1  6,975.9   2,466.1   1,557.4   654.5   2,297.9   6,975.5   2.1  5,511.6   1,278.2   1,476.3   1,004.3   1,752.8   5,511.6 

  December 31, 2015  December 31, 2014 
  2016  2017  2018  2019
  2015  2016  2017  2018

BYR fixed rate loans

  11.9  6.2    1.9    1.6    1.3    1.4    6.2    11.9  9.5    2.6    2.1    1.9    2.9    9.5  

UAH fixed rate loans

  29.1  311.7    311.7    —      —      —      311.7         

Unsecured bank loans


USD fixed rate

  —      —       —       —      —      6.0  281.3    259.0    22.3    —      —      281.3  

TL fixed rate

  10.2  507.8    156.6    351.2    —      —      507.8    9.8  474.7    87.0    135.2    252.5    —      474.7  

UAH fixed rate loans

  24.4  130.1    130.1    —      —      —      130.1    —      —      —      —      —      —      —    

Variable rate instruments


Secured bank loans


USD floating rate loans

  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      6.3  46.1    46.1    —      —      —      46.1  

Unsecured bank loans


USD floating rate loans

  3.1  189.5    5.9    183.6    —      —      189.5    2.1  2,844.8    2,049.9    555.8    183.0    56.1    2,844.8  

EUR floating rate loans

  2.4  1,585.9    33.8    34.5    33.7    1,483.9    1,585.9    —      —      —      —      —      —      —    

Debt securities issued

  5.8  1,441.1    81.0    76.3    71.8    1,212.0    1,430.4    —      —      —      —      —      —      —    


   4.214.2    726.4    651.3    111.1    2,725.4    4,203.5     3,697.7    2,449.9    719.1    441.1    87.6    3,697.7  

For contractual cash flows and nominal interest of bank loans, see Note 2628 and Note 3135 to our audited Consolidated Financial Statements included in “Item 18. Financial Statements” of this annual report onForm 20-F.

As of December 31, 2015, we did not have Turkish government floating rate note holdings; therefore, we were not exposed to interest rate risks on our financial assets.

We use sensitivity analysis techniques to measure and assess our interest rate risk. The basis for the sensitivity analysis is an aggregate corporate-level interest rate exposure composed of interest-bearing investments and interest-bearing debts. When we assume a 1 percentage point increase in interest rates for all maturities from their levels as of December 31, 2015,2018, with all other variables held constant, our profit before income tax decreases by TRY17.8TRY 234.2 million.


ITEM 12.


The Depositary may collect from (i) each person to whom ADSs are issued, including, without limitation, issuances against deposits of Shares, issuances in respect of Share Distributions, Rights and Other Distributions (as such terms are defined in the form of ADR certificate), issuances pursuant to a stock dividend or stock split declared by the Company, or issuances pursuant to a merger, exchange of securities or any other transaction or event affecting the ADSs or the Deposited Securities and (ii) each person surrendering ADSs for withdrawal of Deposited Securities or whose ADSs are cancelled or reduced for any other reason, U.S. $5.00 for each 100 ADSs (or portion thereof) issued, delivered, reduced, cancelled or

surrendered (as the case may be). The Depositary may sell (by public or private sale) sufficient securities and property received in respect of Share Distributions, Rights and Other Distributions prior to such deposit to pay such charge. These terms are set forth in Paragraph 7 of the Form of ADR certificate.

On July 6, 2011, we signed an amended and restated Deposit Agreement (the “Deposit Agreement”) with Citibank N.A. (“Citibank”), as depositary (the “Depositary”), Turkcell and holders of American Depositary Receipts, which transferred our ADR program from JPMorgan Chase Bank (“JPMorgan”) to Citibank. On July 1, 2016 the term was extended by another 5 years, until July 6, 2021.

As provided for in the American Depositary Receipt included as Exhibit A to the Deposit Agreement, holders of American Depositary Shares may be charged, directly or indirectly, the following amounts in relation to the ownership of depositary receipts held in the Company’s ADR Program, which are payable to the Depositary:






By Whom Paid

(1) Issuance of ADSs upon deposit of Shares (excluding issuances as a result of distributions described in paragraph (4) below).    Up to U.S. $5.00 per 100 ADSs (or fraction thereof) issued.    Person depositing Shares or person receiving ADSs.
(2) Delivery of Deposited Securities against surrender of ADSs.    Up to U.S. $5.00 per 100 ADSs (or fraction thereof) surrendered.    Person surrendering ADSs for the purpose of withdrawal of Deposited Securities or person to whom Deposited Securities are delivered.

(3) Distribution of cash dividends or other cash distributions (i.e., sale of rights and other entitlements).

    Up to U.S. $5.00 per 100 ADSs (or fraction thereof) held.    Person to whom distribution is made.

(4) Distribution of ADSs pursuant to (i) stock dividends or other free stock distributions, or (ii) exercise of rights to purchase additional ADSs.

    Up to U.S. $5.00 per 100 ADSs (or fraction thereof) held.    Person to whom distribution is made.

(5) Distribution of securities other than ADSs or rights to purchase additional ADSs (i.e.,spin-off shares).

    Up to U.S. $5.00 per 100 ADSs (or fraction thereof) held.    Person to whom distribution is made.

(6) Depositary Services.

    Up to U.S. $5.00 per 100 ADSs (or fraction thereof) held on the applicable record date(s) established by the Depositary.    Person holding ADSs on the applicable record date(s) established by the Depositary.

I. Direct Payments made by Citibank to Turkcell

Citibank, as depositary, has agreed to reimburse certain reasonable expenses related to our ADR program and incurred by us in connection with such program. In 2015,2018, the Depositary, as part of its agreement, reimbursed Turkcell $2,900,792.36$ 3,485,637 on an accrual basis. The amounts the Depositary has reimbursed and will reimburse are not necessarily related to the fees collected by the depositary from ADR holders. The table below sets forth the type of expenses that Citibank has reimbursed.


Category of Expenses

  Amount Reimbursed in 2015 

Investor Relations(1)



Category of Expenses

Amount Reimbursed in 2017

Investor Relations(1)

$     3,485,637



This type of expense includes activities tailored to increase the company’s ADR program, including, but not limited to, roadshows and training in the U.S., legal costs connected with20-F filing and ongoing SEC compliance and legal requirements and listing fees.

II. Indirect Payments made by Citibank to Turkcell

As part of its service to Turkcell, Citibank has agreed to waive fees for the standard costs associated with the administration of our ADR program and associated operating expenses estimated to total $4,892.97.$65,554. The table below sets forth the fees that Citibank has agreed to waive and/or expenses that Citibank has agreed to pay in the year ended December 31, 2015.


Category of Expenses

  Amount Waived or Paid by
Citibank for the period January 1,
2015 through December 31, 2015

Amount Waived or Paid by

Citibank for the period January 1,

2018 through December 31, 2018


Third-party expenses paid directly

  $4,108.13    $62,229 

Fees waived

  $784.84    $3,325 


ITEM 13.


Not applicable.


ITEM 14.


Not applicable.


ITEM 15.


(a)Disclosure Controls and Procedures. The Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer, after evaluating the effectiveness of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in U.S. Exchange ActRule 13a-15(e)) as of the end of the period covered by this annual report on Form20-F, have concluded that, as of such date, the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures were effective at a reasonable assurance level.

(b)Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting. The management of Turkcell is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting (as defined inRules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)and15d-15(f) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934), and for performing an assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2015.2018. The Company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with applicable generally accepted accounting principles. The Company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that:

(1) Pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the Company;

1.Pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the Company;

(2) Provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with applicable generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the Company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the Company; and

2.Provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with applicable generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the Company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the Company; and

(3) Provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the Company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

3.Provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the Company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Internal control over financial reporting has inherent limitations. It is a process that involves human diligence and compliance and is subject to lapses in judgment and breakdowns resulting from human failures. In addition, it can be circumvented by collusion or improper management override. Because of such limitations, there is a risk that material misstatements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis by internal controls over financial reporting. However, these inherent limitations are known features of the financial reporting process. Therefore, it is possible to design safeguards to reduce, though not eliminate, this risk.


Management assessed the effectiveness of the internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 20152018 based on criteria established in the Internal Control-Integrated Framework (2013), issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (“COSO”). Based on its assessment and those criteria, management has concluded that the Company’s internal control over financial reporting was effective at the reasonable assurance level as of December 31, 2015.2018.

The effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 20152018 has been audited by DRTPwC Bagimsiz Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Musavirlik A.S. (“Deloitte”PwC”), our independent registered public accounting firm in Turkey, as stated in their attestation report, which appears below under Item 15(c), Report of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.Audit Company.

(c)Attestation Report of the Independent Public Accounting Firm.

LOGODRT Bagimsiz Denetim ve Serbest
Muhasebeci Mali Musavirlik A.S.

Maslak No 1 Plaza

Eski Buyukdere Caddesi No: 1

Maslak, Sariyer 34398

Istanbul, Turkey

Tel: +90 212 366 60 00

Fax: +90 212 366 60 10

Mersis No : 0291001097600016

Ticari Sicil No: 304099


To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of

Turkcell İletişim Hizmetleri A.ŞIndependent Audit Company.


We havePwC Bagimsiz Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Musavirlik A.S., the independent public accounting firm that audited the internal control overconsolidated financial reporting of Turkcell İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (together the “Group”) as of December 31, 2015 based on criteria establishedstatements included inInternal Control Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. The Group’s management is responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and for its assessment of this annual report, has audited the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, included in the accompanying Management’s Report. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Group’s internal control over financial reporting based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audit included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk, and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed by, or under the supervision of, the company’s principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, and effected by the company’s board of directors, management, and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Because of the inherent limitations of internal control over financial reporting, including the possibility of collusion or improper management override of controls, material misstatements due to error or fraud may not be prevented or detected on

a timely basis. Also, projections of any evaluation of the effectiveness of the internal control over financial reporting to future periods are subject to the risk that the controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

In our opinion, the Group maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2015, based2018. Their attestation report on the criteria established inInternal Control Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission.

We have also audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the consolidatedinternal control over financial statements asreporting is included at and for the year ended December 31, 2015 of the Group and our report dated March 18, 2016 expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements and included an explanatory paragraph with regards to the change of presentation currency of the consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013 from US Dollars to Turkish Lira.




Istanbul, Turkey

March 18, 2016

Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) does not provide services to clients. Please see for a more detailed description of DTTL and its member firms.

Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LimitedpageF-1 herein.

(d)Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting. There were no changes in connection with the evaluation required byRule 13a-15(d) and RuleandRule 15d-15 in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the year ended December 31, 2015,2018, that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting. This conclusion has been made at a reasonable assurance level.


ITEM 16.

16.A Audit Committee Financial Expert

Currently no independent Audit Committee member is an “audit committee financial expert”, as that term is defined by the SEC in its final rules implementing Section 407 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, because, after self-evaluation, our Audit Committee members did not consider themselves, individually, as an “audit committee financial expert”. However, our Audit Committee members and our Board of Directors believe that our Audit Committee members are nonetheless qualified to carry out their duties on the Audit Committee given their experience and other qualifications in financial matters.

16.B Code of Ethics

We have adopted a code of ethics that applies to our Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and other executive officers and financial officers. ThisAn outlook of our code of ethics is posted on our website,

16.C Principal Accountant Fees and Services

DeloittePwC served as our independent registered public accountant for financial years ended December 31, 2015, 20142018, 2017 and 2013.2016. Our audited financial statements for the three-yearthree year period ended December 31, 20152018 appear in this annual report on Form20-F. At our general meeting of shareholders which occurred on March 29, 2016, May 25, 2017 and March 29, 2018, PwC was appointed as our independent auditors for our 2016, 2017 and 2018 fiscal years respectively.

The following table presents the aggregate fees for professional services and other services rendered by our auditors to us in 2015, 20142018, 2017, and 2013.


(Million TRY)  2015   2014   2013 
  2018   2017   2016 
  (Million TRY) 

Audit Fees(1)

   4.6     4.3     3.2     4.6    4.3    3.7 

Audit-Related Fees(2)

   0.6     —       —       1.2    —      1.0 

Tax Fees

   0.1     0.1     —       —      —      —   

All Other Fees(3)

   —       —       —       —      —      —   


   5.3     4.4     3.2     5.8    4.3    4.7 



Audit Fees consist of fees billed for professional services pertaining to the audit of the Company’s annual financial statements or services that are normally provided by the principal accountant in connection with statutory or regulatory filings or engagements.



Audit-Related Fees consist of mainly new IFRs standard, treasury operations, Superonline IPO and hedge accounting audit procedures in 2018 and Global Tower IPO audit procedures in 2016 and comfort letter related costs for our bond issuance that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit or review of the Company’s financial statements.statements for previous periods.


All Other Fees consist of fees billed for products and services other than services provided under Audit Fees, Audit-Relatedand Tax Fees and TaxAudit-Related Fees.

a.Audit CommitteePre-approval Policies and Procedures

Our Audit Committee haspre-approved all work performed by our external auditors for the year 20152018 and it has not adopted blanketpre-approval policies and procedures.

16.D Exemptions from the Listing Standards for Audit Committees

Not applicable.

16.E Purchases of Equity Securities by the Issuer and Affiliated Purchasers



  Total Number of
Shares Purchased
   Average Price Paid per
Share (in TRY)
   Total Number of Shares
Purchased as Part of Publicly
Announced Plan or Program
   TRY Value of Shares that
May Be Purchased Under the
Plan or Program(1)

12-24 July 2018

   2,560,479    11.14    2,560,479    205,865,434 

15-16 August 2018

   2,381,400    10.50    4,941,879    180,870,548 

5 October 2018

   924,000    10.82    5,865,879    170.872.123 

14-27 December 2018

   2,568,325    12.11    8,434,204    139,778,316 


This calculation does not include Eurobondbuy-back transactions. Between May 4, 2018 and August 7, 2018 our Company purchased Eurobonds (XS1298711729) with a total nominal value of USD 15.5 million (amounting to approximately TRY 81.5 million as of December 31, 2018) therefore the “TRY Value of Shares that May Be Purchased Under the Plan or Program” should be reduced by purchased Eurobonds amount. These amounts also do not include the Board’s buyback decision on January 30, 2016.

Between August 24, 2016 and December 30, 2016, our best knowledgecompany bought back its 6,815,563 shares in total.

On January 30, 2017, the Company’s Board of Directors has decided to increase the above mentioned fund amount to TRY 300 million in order to be utilized for share buy-backs, including American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) being traded at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). In 2017, there were no buy-backs and we did not utilize this fund.

In 2018, share buy-backs amounted to TRY 94,620 thousand, and our ratio of shares in accordance with the official Share Book of the Company, neither we nor any affiliated purchaser made any purchases of our ordinary shares during the fiscal year ended December 31, capital has reached 0.693%.

16.F Change in Registrant’s Certifying Accountant

(a) On December 1, 2015,Incorporated by reference to our Board of Directors upon the recommendation and approval of our Audit Committee, engaged Başaran Nas Bağimsiz Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirlik A.Ş (“PricewaterhouseCoopers”) as independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2016, and will dismiss Deloitte, which is currently serving as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm, upon completion of their audits of our consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ending December 31, 2015 and the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2015 and the issuance of their reports thereon. The decision to change auditor is expected to be approved at our Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders that has been called for March 29, 2016.

The audit reports of Deloitteannual report on our consolidated financial statements (includingForm20-F filed on the Company’s effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting) as of and for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013 did not contain any adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion and were not qualified or modified as to uncertainty, audit scope or accounting principles. The audit reports of Deloitte were modified by including explanatory paragraphs with regards to (1) the change of presentation currency of the consolidated financial statements from US Dollars to Turkish Lira and (2) non-approval of the consolidated financial statements and the dividend proposal by the General Assembly on our consolidated financial statements as of and for the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively.

During the two fiscal years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014, and through March 18, 2016, there were: no (1) disagreements with Deloitte on any matter of accounting principles or practices, financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope or procedures, which disagreements if not resolved to their satisfaction would have caused Deloitte to make reference in connection with their opinion to the subject matter of the disagreement, or (2) “reportable events” within the meaning of Item 304(a)(1)(v) of RegulationS-K.

We provided Deloitte with a copy of disclosures it is making in this Form 20-F and requested that Deloitte furnish a letter addressed to the Securities and Exchange Commission stating whether or not it agrees with the statements herein. A copy of Deloitte’s letter dated March 18, 2016 is filed as Exhibit 15 hereto.

(b) During the two most recent years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014, and through March 18, 2016, we have not consulted with Pricewaterhousecoopers regarding either;

(i) the application of accounting principles to a specified transaction, either completed or proposed, or the type of audit opinion that might be rendered on our financial statements, and no written or oral advice was provided to us by Pricewaterhousecoopers that Pricewaterhousecoopers concluded was an important factor considered by the Company in reaching a decision as to any accounting, auditing, or financial reporting issue; or

(ii) any matter that was subject of a disagreement, as that term is defined in Item 304(a)(1)(iv) of Regulation S-K, or other reportable event of the types described in Item 304(a)(1)(v) of Regulation S-K.2016.

16.G Corporate Governance

I. Significant Differences in Corporate Governance Practices

Matters related to corporate governance in Turkey are regulated by the new Turkish Commercial Code (“TCC”), which came into force on July 1, 2012 and the new law and regulations and communiqués of the CMB, the regulatory and supervisory authority, all of which are binding upon publicly held companies.


In addition, corporate governance practices in Turkey are also guided by the Corporate Governance Principles of the CMB (the “CMB Principles”), which took effect on a “comply or explain” basis on January 1, 2004. Effective fromSince 2005, the CMB requires listed companies to incorporate in their annual reports a “Corporate Governance Compliance Report” which compares the CMB Principles to the Corporate Governance principles under which the Company operates. This report is posted on our website, On January 10, 2019 the CMB introduced a new reporting format in compliance with corporate governance principles for publicly listed companies. As of this date, the reporting format previously announced by the CMB by the Communiqué on Corporate Governance PrinciplesII-17.1 was abolished. Accordingly, we have proceeded with the new reporting format and made the respective reporting by means of the Corporate Governance Compliance Report (“CRF”) which is used for the purpose of reporting the status of compliance with voluntary principles and the Corporate Governance Information Form (“CGIF”) which is prepared for the purposes of providing information on existing corporate governance practices. The reports are included in our annual report as well.

It is decided by the CMB that the companies must publish the same reports annually through the Public Disclosure Platform (“PDP”) within the financial statements announcement period and, in any case, at least three weeks prior to the date of the general assembly meeting. In the event of change with respect to the companies’ compliance with voluntary principles and any change in material information regarding the CGIF, the respective changes should be disclosed by revision of the templates under the PDP and these changes should also be included in the interim activity reports.

Effective in 2011, by way of various communiqués, the CMB revised its corporate governance principles with a view to strengthening the governance practices of listed companies. As a result, the CMB left the “comply or explain” approach to a limited extent and required listed companies to comply with certain corporate governance principles on a compulsory basis by June 30, 2012. In a further Communiqué dated September 13, 2012, the CMB empowered itself, effective until December 31, 2012, to take legal action before the relevant first instance court inwith a view to assure compliance with its corporate governance rules. No legal action has been taken there against our Company to the best of our knowledge. The new Capital Markets Law came into force on December 30, 2012. The Capital Markets Board is entitled by Article 17/2 to make decisions and perform actions accordingly on its own initiative in case time-bound compliance requirements relating to its corporate governance principles are not met in due time.

In a further Communiqué dated April 6, 2013, the CMB amended the corporate governance principles. The following rules have been added to the Communiqué:


If some or all of the Board members’ terms have ended and thereby compliance with the mandatory CMB Corporate Governance Rules cannot be established, the CMB will require the Board to call a general assembly meeting which must be held within 30 days. If a general assembly meeting cannot be called or a positive result cannot be reached at the general assembly meeting, the CMB, as per the new Capital Markets Law, will have the right to directly appoint the minimum number of Board members that meet independence criteria to achieve the necessary meeting and decision quorums. Those members’ terms of office will last until new appointments are made in accordance with the legislation. The new Board members will then make the necessary amendments to the Articles of Association to be in line with the mandatory CMB Corporate Governance Rules upon the approval of the CMB, which will be registered at the Trade registry.


If there are enough Board members to achieve such compliance, but there is not a positive result (at the Board or the general assembly meeting), then the CMB allows companies 30 days to take the necessary action. If the necessary action to ensure compliance cannot be realized within the given period, the CMB will have the right to directly appoint the minimum number of Board members that meet independence criteria to achieve the necessary meeting and decision quorums. The new Board will then make the necessary amendments to the Articles of Association to be in line with the mandatory CMB Corporate Governance Rules upon the approval of CMB, which will be registered at the Trade Registry.

The Corporate Governance Communiqué numberedII-17.1, which was published in the Official Gazette dated January 3, 2014 kept the above-mentioned second rule and removed the first one.

The following summarizes new mandatory CMB requirements that would apply to our Company.

The main mandatory rules relating to board membership and board structure include:


The number of independent members in the Board shall not be less than one third of the total number of the members of the Board of Directors. In calculating the number of independent board members, a fraction would be rounded up to the nearest integer. In any case the number of the independent board members shall not be less than two. The term of office of independent members of the board of directors is up to three years. Such members are eligible to be nominated again andre-elected.



Companies in the first group are required to notify the CMB of the independent member candidates at least 60 days prior to the planned General Assembly meeting at which the members will be elected. The CMB, having evaluated the independence of the candidates, is required to disclose its approval/disapproval within the next 30 days. Companies classified in the other two groups are not required to seek CMB approval. In view of the current relations between our controlling shareholders, our nomination process is currently handled directly by the CMB.


The CMB has updated its independence criteria for independent board members.


The following Board committees shall be established by listed companies:


Audit Committee (already existing at Turkcell Board level);


Corporate Governance Committee (already existing at Turkcell Board level);


Candidate Nomination Committee (already existing at Turkcell Board level);


Early Detection of Risks Committee (already existing at Turkcell Board level); and


Remuneration Committee (already existing at Turkcell Board level).

Committees should consist of two members at least. It is mandatory that both (in case oftwo-member committees) or the majority of the members of the committees benon-executive board members. Expert people who are not board members may be elected as committee members except for the Audit Committee. All of the members of the Audit Committee and the chairmen of the other committees shall be elected among the independent board members. The chief executive officer/general manager should not hold a position at the committees. Terms of reference, working principles and members of the committees shall be determined and disclosed to the public by the board of directors.

Mandatory rules relating to enhanced shareholder information:


General Assembly call content has been enhanced.


A written remuneration policy for board members and senior management must be prepared. This policy must be posted on the company’s website and submitted at the ordinary General Assembly as a separate agenda item for information. Payment plans, such as stock options or those based on company performance, are not used in the remuneration of independent board members. Remuneration of independent board members must safeguard their level of independence.


There are mandatory rules relating to material transactions and related party transactions/guarantees to third parties.

Internal Corporate Governance Mechanisms Revamped:

On January 28, 2016, our board has adopted new charters for the audit, corporate governance, candidate nomination, compensation and early detection of risks committees along with Turkcell Group Anti BriberyAnti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy. The same day, our board has also adopted Turkcell’s Internal Directive on the Operations of the Board of Directors.

Below is a summary of the significant differences between our corporate governance practices and those that would apply to U.S. companies under the NYSE corporate governance rules as of March 10, 2016:

NYSE Corporate Governance Rule for U.S. Issuers


Our Practice as a Foreign Private Issuer

Listed companies must have a majority of independent directors.


Our Board currently has three members who are deemed to meet the independence standards of both the SEC and CMB Principles. Under the CMB Principles, it is required to have a board comprised of at leastone-third independent members (or, in any event, two members).


In a series of resolutions dated March 11, August 15, and September 13, 2013, the CMB announced the replacement of members of Turkcell’s Board of Directors with the following new members: Atilla Koc, Mehmet Hilmi Guler, Ahmet Akca (all of whom serve as “independent board members”), Mehmet Bostan, Bekir Pakdemirli, Jan Erik Rudberg and Erik Belfrage. See “Item 6. Directors, Senior Officers and Employees—Directors and Senior Management—Board Members”.


Ahmet Akca, Atilla Koc and Mehmet Hilmi Guler have been appointed by the CMB as independent board members. HoweverAs per the other board members comply with the CMB’s independence standards in accordance with the CMB’s related announcements.letter of Capital Markets Board dated March 8, 2019, Mr. Ahmet Akca, Mr. Atilla Koc and Mr. Mehmet Hilmi Guler will continue to serve as independent Board Members.


NYSE Corporate Governance Rule for U.S. IssuersOur Practice as a Foreign Private Issuer

Thenon-management directors of each company must meet at regularly scheduled executive sessions without management.


Turkish law does not make any distinction between management andnon-management directors. However there is a distinction between executive/nonexecutive board members. Our board members are all non executivenon-executive members. Members of the board who are not also members of management do not meet in regularly scheduled executive sessions.

Listed companies must have a nominating/corporate governance committee composed entirely of independent directors, with a written charter that provides for (i) minimum duties, which are to identify individuals qualified to become board members, consistent with criteria approved by the board, and to select, or to recommend that the board select, the director nominees for the next annual meeting of shareholders; develop and recommend to the board a set of corporate governance guidelines applicable to the corporation; and oversee the evaluation of the board and management; and (ii) an annual performance evaluation of the committee.


On June 23, 2004, our Board of Directors established a Corporate Governance Committee. Both Corporate Governance and Candidate Nomination Committees have their written charters which were renewed by the Board of Directors on January 28, 2016, specifying their duties. According to the CMB Principles, only committee chairs are required to be independent as defined by the Principles themselves.

The charter substantially satisfies the minimum requirements of the NYSE corporate governance rules.

Listed companies must have a compensation committee composed entirely of independent directors, with a written charter that covers certain minimum specified duties.


On December 19, 2012, in conformity with the Capital Markets Board’s Communiqué then in force, our Board decided to establish a Compensation Committee to operate

NYSE Corporate Governance Rule for U.S. Issuers

Our Practice as a Foreign Private Issuer

under our Board of Directors. The Board also adopted the Compensation Committee’s Charter which was renewed by the Board on January 28, 2016. The Board approved that the Compensation Committee shall execute the duties relating to compensation issues which were earlier granted to the Corporate Governance Committee by the Corporate Governance Committee Charter and the Compensation Committee shall be authorized in lieu of the Corporate Governance Committee in “Total Remuneration Policy of the Board of Directors and Top Executives” adopted by our Board.

Listed companies must have an audit committee that satisfies requirements set forth in Exchange ActRule 10A-3 and additional requirements, including: (i) a minimum of three members; (ii) independence as defined in NYSE Rule 303A.02; and (iii) a written charter that addresses minimum duties in addition to those required by Exchange ActRule 10A-3.


Our Audit Committee currently has three members: Mr. Ahmet Akca, Mr. Mehmet Hilmi Guler and Mr. Atilla Koc. All of the members are considered independent under the U.S. Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002, the rules promulgated thereunder by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the applicable rules of the NYSE and the updated CMB Corporate Governance Principles.


The Audit Committee members are independent Board members as required by the relevant CMB Communiqué which is binding upon public companies in Turkey. Effective June 30, 2012, all listed companies in Turkey must have audit committees composed of independent board members. We are currently in compliance. Under Turkish law, our entire Board of Directors is responsible for all decisions; as a result, the Audit Committee’s duties are advisory. Pursuant to Turkish law, our external auditor is nominated by the Board of Directors upon advice of the Audit Committee and approved by our general assembly of shareholders.


NYSE Corporate Governance Rule for U.S. IssuersOur Practice as a Foreign Private Issuer

The Audit Committee revised its charter, effective June 20, 2005 and reviewed both “Turkcell Common Values and Business Ethics Document” and “Implementation of Turkcell Common Values and Business Ethics Rules” in order to comply with the requirements of applicable CMB legislation and Exchange ActRule 10A-3 and NYSE 303A.06. There was a second revision, effective July 21, 2006, to reconsider membership criteria. The third revision occurred on January 28, 2016. Our Audit Committee charter satisfies the requirements of the CMB. The charter does not provide for: an audit committee report to be included in Turkcell’s

NYSE Corporate Governance Rule for U.S. Issuers

Our Practice as a Foreign Private Issuer

annual proxy statement as it is not subject to the SEC proxy requirements; a review with the independent auditor of problems or difficulties and management’s responses thereto, although such review is not prohibited by the charter; the discussion of policies with respect to risk assessment and risk management, although such discussion is not prohibited by the charter; the review by the committee of Turkcell’s earnings releases or financial information or earnings guidance provided to analysts and ratings agencies; or the setting of clear hiring policies for employees or former employees of the independent auditors, although it does provide that the Audit Committee shall ensure that the independent auditors remain independent and avoid any conflicts of interest while performing their duties.

Listed companies must adopt and disclose corporate governance guidelines that cover certain minimum specified subjects.


We are not required specifically by the CMB Principles to adopt corporate governance guidelines. However, our Board of Directors has adopted Corporate Governance Guidelines and posted a summary on its official website Our corporate governance guidelines largely cover the subjects requested by the NYSE corporate governance standards except director qualification standards and director compensation.

We have further adopted an internal directive on the operations of the board of directors in order to regulate the operations of the board and principles on the exercise of its duties and authorities, and to increase cooperation with management in order to fulfill the Company’s duties as stipulated by the legislation faster, efficiently and easily, and to ensure exercise of authorities granted and eliminate reservations while exercising authority. The new Internal directive mainly covers subjects related to board and management structure, relationships between them, working principles of the board, duties and responsibilities and other related subjects.

16.H Mine Safety Disclosure

Not applicable.


ITEM 17.


We have responded to Item 18 in lieu of responding to this item.

ITEM 18.


Our audited Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2015,2018, and for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2015,2018, are filed as part of this annual report, onpages F-3 through F-178.F-1 throughF-121.



ITEM 19.







  1.1  Articles of Association of Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.
  8.1  Subsidiaries of Turkcell.
12.1  Certification of Kaan Terzioglu,Murat Erkan, Acting Chief Executive Officer of Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
12.2  Certification of Murat Dogan Erden,Osman Yilmaz, Chief Financial Officer of Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
13.1  Certification pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
15.Response of Auditor to Item 16.



The registrant hereby certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing onForm 20-F and that it has duly caused and authorized the undersigned to sign this annual report on its behalf.




Date: March 18, 201615, 2019



/s/ Murat Erkan

  Muhterem Kaan Terzioglu
Chief Executive Officer

Murat Erkan

Date: March 18, 2016


Acting Chief Executive Officer

  Date: March 15, 2019


/s/ Osman Yilmaz


Murat Dogan ErdenOsman Yilmaz

Chief Financial Officer


Index to Consolidated Financial Statements




Consolidated Financial Statements of Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.


ReportsReport of Independent Registered Public Accounting FirmsFirm


Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at December  31, 20152018 and 20142017


Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss for the  years ended December 31, 2015, 20142018, 2017 and 2013


Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the years ended December 31, 2015, 2014, and 20132016


Consolidated Statement of Other Comprehensive Income for the  years ended December 31, 2018, 2017, and 2016


Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the  year ended December 31, 20152018


Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the  years ended December 31, 2015, 2014,2018, 2017 and 20132016


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements



DRT Bagimsiz Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Musavirlik A.S.

Maslak No 1 PlazaLOGO

Eski Buyukdere Caddesi No: 1


Maslak, Sariyer 34398

Istanbul, Turkey

Tel: +90 212 366 60 00

Fax: +90 212 366 60 10

Mersis No: 0291001097600016

Ticari Sicil No: 304099


To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of

Turkcell İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş.


We have audited the accompanying consolidated statements of financial position of Turkcell İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. (“the Company”) and its subsidiaries (together “the Group”) as at December 31, 2015 and 2014 and the related consolidated statements of profit or loss, profit and loss and other comprehensive income, changes in equity, and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2015. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Group’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.

An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Group as at December 31, 2015 and 2014 and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2015, in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.

As discussed in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company has elected to change the presentation currency of the consolidated financial statements from US Dollars to Turkish Lira for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013.

We have also audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the Group’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2015 based on the criteria established inInternal Control Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission and our report dated March 18, 2016 expressed an unqualified opinion on the Group’s internal control over financial reporting.




Istanbul, Turkey

March 18, 2016

Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) does not provide services to clients. Please see for a more detailed description of DTTL and its member firms.

Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited



As at 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


   Note   2015   2014  2013 



Property, plant and equipment

   13     6,821,494     5,893,596    5,864,657  

Intangible assets

   14     8,232,637     2,447,395    2,362,394  

GSM and other telecommunication operating licenses

     2,520,785     1,002,090    1,114,243  

4.5G license not yet available for use

     3,984,954     —      —    

Computer software

     1,570,346     1,336,804    1,161,358  

Other intangible assets

     156,552     108,501    86,793  

Investment properties

   15     49,572     13,398    16,304  

Investments in equity accounted investees

   16     981,939     667,539    535,622  

Other investments

   17     —       —      8,219  

Other non-current assets

   18     441,940     525,572    251,779  

Trade receivables

   20     836,256     779,925    528,928  

Deferred tax assets

   19     48,615     59,074    73,277  










Total non-current assets

     17,412,453     10,386,499    9,641,180  











     75,471     71,322    70,102  

Other investments

   17     —       19,350    57,686  

Due from related parties

   35     11,760     12,938    21,369  

Trade receivables and accrued income

   20     4,098,928     3,502,515    2,763,141  

Other current assets

   21     1,689,902     669,706    602,197  

Cash and cash equivalents

   22     2,918,796     9,031,881    8,128,925  










Total current assets

     8,794,857     13,307,712    11,643,420  










Total assets

     26,207,310     23,694,211    21,284,600  












Share capital

   23     2,200,000     2,200,000    2,200,000  

Share premium

   23     269     269    269  

Capital contributions

   23     35,026     35,026    35,026  


   23     861,111     430,387    113,751  

Retained earnings

   23     11,258,411     14,427,741    12,567,620  










Total equity attributable to equity holders of Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS

     14,354,817     17,093,423    14,916,666  










Non-controlling interests

     64,085     (382,778  (181,531










Total equity

     14,418,902     16,710,645    14,735,135  










   Note   31 December 2018  31 December 2017 



Property, plant and equipment

   11    11,116,316   9,665,408 

Right-of-use assets

   15    1,649,602   —   

Intangible assets

   12    10,050,172   8,340,410 

Telecommunication licenses

     5,774,763   5,720,398 

Computer software

     3,057,143   2,346,236 

Other intangible assets

     1,218,266   273,776 

Investment properties

   14    15,425   980 

Trade receivables

   19    115,001   155,634 

Receivables from financial services

   20    884,686   1,297,597 

Contract assets

   21    3,513   —   

Deferred tax assets

   18    152,732   96,060 

Investments in equity accounted investees

     19,413   —   

Held to maturity investments

     —     654 

Othernon-current assets

   17    421,306   356,620 







Totalnon-current assets

     24,428,166   19,913,363 








   22    180,434   104,102 

Trade receivables

   19    2,505,990   2,848,572 

Due from related parties

   38    13,533   5,299 

Receivables from financial services

   20    3,286,243   2,950,523 

Contract assets

   21    711,928   —   

Derivative financial instruments

   34    1,356,062   981,396 

Held to maturity investments

     —     11,338 

Financial asset at fair value through profit or loss

     9,409   —   

Financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income

     42,454   —   

Cash and cash equivalents

   24    7,419,239   4,712,333 

Other current assets

   23    1,091,512   1,160,605 








     16,616,804   12,774,168 







Assets classified as held for sale

   16    1,720,305   1,294,938 







Total current assets

     18,337,109   14,069,106 













Total assets

     42,765,275   33,982,469 









Share capital

   25    2,200,000   2,200,000 

Share premium

     269   269 

Treasury shares

   25    (141,534  (56,313

Additionalpaid-in capital

     35,026   35,026 


     2,503,537   1,542,679 

Remeasurements of employee termination benefit

     (34,871  (44,776

Retained earnings

     11,359,317   11,312,276 







Total equity attributable to equity holders of Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS (“the Company”)


   15,921,744   14,989,161 







Non-controlling interests

     131,810   55,927 







Total equity

     16,053,554   15,045,088 







The above consolidated statement of financial position should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.




As at 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


   Note   2015   2014   2013 



Loans and borrowings

   26     3,487,786     1,247,868     1,528,480  

Employee benefits

   27     114,869     96,278     82,617  


   29     130,619     278,386     289,248  

Other non-current liabilities

   25     366,670     309,551     272,485  

Trade and other payables

   30     1,270,610     —       —    

Deferred tax liabilities

   19     113,437     60,314     65,630  










Total non-current liabilities

     5,483,991     1,992,397     2,238,460  










Bank overdraft

   22     —       —       506  

Loans and borrowings

   26     728,744     2,450,626     1,806,141  

Income taxes payable

   12     12,855     154,785     138,888  

Trade and other payables

   30     5,283,070     2,067,129     1,902,758  

Due to related parties

   35     6,555     24,632     90,235  

Deferred income

   28     121,078     164,423     196,826  


   29     152,115     129,574     175,651  










Total current liabilities

     6,304,417     4,991,169     4,311,005  










Total liabilities

     11,788,408     6,983,566     6,549,465  










Total equity and liabilities

     26,207,310     23,694,211     21,284,600  










   Note   31 December 2018   31 December 2017 




   28    13,119,636    8,257,995 

Employee benefit obligations

   29    224,747    197,666 


   32    268,722    197,418 

Deferred tax liabilities

   18    862,360    651,122 

Contract liabilities

   31    131,598    —   

Othernon-current liabilities

   27    364,610    409,337 







Totalnon-current liabilities

     14,971,673    9,713,538 








   28    7,035,909    4,278,154 

Current tax liabilities

     133,597    103,105 

Trade and other payables

   33    3,788,174    3,696,466 

Due to related parties

   38    45,331    6,980 

Deferred revenue

   30    8,948    193,831 


   32    307,068    835,199 

Contract liabilities

   31    255,756    —   

Derivative financial instruments

   34    165,265    110,108 







Total current liabilities

     11,740,048    9,223,843 







Total liabilities

     26,711,721    18,937,381 







Total equity and liabilities

     42,765,275    33,982,469 







The notes on pages F-11 to F-149 are an integral partabove consolidated statement of these consolidated financial statements.

position should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.




For the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


   Note   2015  2014  2013 


   8     12,769,415    12,043,587    11,407,887  

Direct costs of revenue

     (7,769,483  (7,383,947  (7,063,857










Gross profit

     4,999,932    4,659,640    4,344,030  










Other income

   9     44,454    58,929    35,502  

Selling and marketing expenses

     (1,901,859  (1,974,608  (1,843,641

Administrative expenses

     (625,279  (562,694  (550,339

Other expenses

   9     (270,446  (135,177  (94,300










Results from operating activities

     2,246,802    2,046,090    1,891,252  










Finance income

   11     756,039    955,401    759,862  

Finance costs

   11     (799,514  (1,246,986  (204,581










Net finance (costs) / income

     (43,475  (291,585  555,281  










Monetary gain

     —      205,068    176,871  

Share of profit of equity accounted investees

   16     367,336    207,287    297,260  










Profit before income tax

     2,570,663    2,166,860    2,920,664  










Income tax expense

   12     (667,112  (730,444  (591,398










Profit for the year

     1,903,551    1,436,416    2,329,266  










Profit / (loss) attributable to:


Owners of Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS

     2,067,654    1,864,640    2,325,914  

Non-controlling interests

     (164,103  (428,224  3,352  










Profit for the year

     1,903,551    1,436,416    2,329,266  










Basic and diluted earnings per share (in full TL)

   24     0.94    0.85    1.06  

   Note   2018  2017  2016 


   5    20,350,557   17,026,401   14,100,863 

Revenue from financial services

   5    941,918   605,663   184,698 










Total revenue

     21,292,475   17,632,064   14,285,561 










Cost of revenue

   10    (13,785,448  (11,073,465  (9,166,384

Cost of revenue from financial services

   10    (360,545  (276,709  (70,223










Total cost of revenue

     (14,145,993  (11,350,174  (9,236,607










Gross profit

     6,565,109   5,952,936   4,934,479 

Gross profit from financial services

     581,373   328,954   114,475 










Total gross profit

     7,146,482   6,281,890   5,048,954 










Other income

   6    241,435   74,438   78,569 

Selling and marketing expenses

   10    (1,626,714  (2,005,420  (1,910,947

Administrative expenses

   10    (673,370  (645,196  (721,849

Net impairment losses on financial and contract assets

   10    (346,390  —     —   

Other expenses

   6    (381,582  (773,329  (312,801










Operating profit

     4,359,861   2,932,383   2,181,926 










Finance income

   8    1,932,133   818,436   961,642 

Finance costs

   8    (3,619,091  (1,141,302  (1,134,441










Net finance costs

     (1,686,958  (322,866  (172,799










Share of loss of equity accounted investees

     (87  —     —   










Profit before income tax

     2,672,816   2,609,517   2,009,127 










Income tax expense

   9    (495,481  (571,758  (423,160










Profit from continuing operations

     2,177,335   2,037,759   1,585,967 










(Loss) from discontinued operations (attributable to owners of the Company)

     —     —     (42,164










Profit for the year

     2,177,335   2,037,759   1,543,803 










Profit for the year is attributable to:


Owners of the Company

     2,021,065   1,979,129   1,492,088 

Non-controlling interests

     156,270   58,630   51,715 











     2,177,335   2,037,759   1,543,803 










Basic and diluted earnings per share for profit attributable to owners of the Company (in full TL)

   26    0.93   0.90   0.68 

Basic and diluted earnings per share for profit from continuing operations attributable to owners of the Company (in full TL)

   26    0.93   0.90   0.70 

Basic and diluted earnings/(losses) per share for profit /(loss) from discontinued operations attributable to owners of the Company (in full TL)

     —     —     (0.02

The notes on pages F-11 to F-149 are an integral partabove consolidated statement of these consolidated financial statements.

profit or loss should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.




For the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


   2015  2014  2013 

Profit for the year

   1,903,551    1,436,416    2,329,266  

Other comprehensive income / (expense):


Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:


Actuarial (loss) / gain arising from employee benefits

   (13,466  (819  5,287  

Tax effect of actuarial gain / (loss) from employee benefits

   2,563    196    (1,026









   (10,903  (623  4,261  

Items that will or may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:


Change in cash flow hedge reserve

   719    1,089    541  

Foreign currency translation differences

   166,730    477,592    (233,074

Share of foreign currency translation differences of the equity accounted investees

   (551,196  (9,114  46,155  

Tax effect of foreign currency translation differences

   (5,749  (3,646  6,766  









   (389,496  465,921    (179,612










Other comprehensive (expense) / income for the year, net of income tax

   (400,399  465,298    (175,351










Total comprehensive income for the year

   1,503,152    1,901,714    2,153,915  










Total comprehensive income attributable to:


Owners of Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS

   1,616,867    2,098,610    2,194,151  

Non-controlling interests

   (113,715  (196,896  (40,236










Total comprehensive income for the year

   1,503,152    1,901,714    2,153,915  










   Note  2018  2017  2016 

Profit for the year

     2,177,335   2,037,759   1,543,803 

Other comprehensive income/(expense):


Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:


Remeasurements of employee termination benefits

     12,699   (3,738  (34,532

Income tax relating to remeasurements of employee termination benefits

     (2,794  748   7,066 









     9,905   (2,990  (27,466










Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss:


Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations

     424,817   27,959   63,920 

Exchange differences arising from discontinued operations

     425,371   72,190   154,552 

Cash flow hedges – effective portion of changes in fair value

     630,191   —     —   

Cash flow hedges – reclassified to profit or loss

  34   (611,035  —     —   

Cost of hedging reserve – changes in fair value

     (390,267  —     —   

Cost of hedging reserve – reclassified to profit or loss

     42,665   —     —   

Income tax relating to these items

     (154,409  (107,299  (87,381

-Income tax relating to exchange differences

     (226,667  (107,299  (87,381

-Income tax relating to cash flow hedges

  34   72,258   —     —   









     367,333   (7,150  131,091 










Other comprehensive income/(loss) for the year, net of income tax

     377,238   (10,140  103,625 










Total comprehensive income for the year

     2,554,573   2,027,619   1,647,428 










Total comprehensive income for the year is attributable to:


Owners of the Company

     2,398,930   1,968,102   1,594,465 

Non-controlling interests

     155,643   59,517   52,963 











     2,554,573   2,027,619   1,647,428 










Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to owners of the Company arises from:


Continuing operations

     1,957,396   1,903,109   1,496,209 

Discontinued operations

     441,534   64,993   98,256 











     2,398,930   1,968,102   1,594,465 










The notes on pages F-11 to F-149 are an integral partabove consolidated statement of these consolidated financial statements.

comprehensive income should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.




For the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


  Attributable to equity holders of the Company    
  Reserve for
Interest Put
  Total  Non-

Balance at 1 January 2013

  2,200,000    35,026    269    833,918    (2,349  (461,150  55,471    10,242,811    12,903,996    (140,324  12,763,672  

Total comprehensive income


Profit for the year

  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      2,325,914    2,325,914    3,352    2,329,266  

Other comprehensive income/(expense)


Foreign currency translation differences, net of tax

  —      —      —      —      —      (119,450  (17,115  —      (136,565  (43,588  (180,153

Actuarial gain arising from employee benefits

  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      4,261    4,261    —      4,261  

Change in cash flow hedge reserve

  —      —      —      —      541    —      —      —      541    —      541  


































Total other comprehensive income/(expense)

  —      —      —      —      541    (119,450  (17,115  4,261    (131,763  (43,588  (175,351


































Total comprehensive income/(expense) , net of tax

  —      —      —      —      541    (119,450  (17,115  2,330,175    2,194,151    (40,236  2,153,915  


































Transfers to legal reserves

  —      —      —      5,366    —      —      —      (5,366  —      —      —    

Dividend paid (Note 23)

  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      (1,046  (1,046

Change in non-controlling interest

  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      75    75  

Change in reserve for non-controlling interest put option

  —      —      —      —      —      (181,481  —      —      (181,481  —      (181,481


































Balance at 31 December 2013

  2,200,000    35,026    269    839,284    (1,808  (762,081  38,356    12,567,620    14,916,666    (181,531  14,735,135  


































Balance at 1 January 2014

  2,200,000    35,026    269    839,284    (1,808  (762,081  38,356    12,567,620    14,916,666    (181,531  14,735,135  

Total comprehensive income


Profit / (loss) for the year

  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      1,864,640    1,864,640    (428,224  1,436,416  

Other comprehensive income/(expense)


Foreign currency translation differences, net of tax

  —      —      —      —      —      (78,394  311,898    —      233,504    231,328    464,832  

Actuarial loss arising from employee benefits

  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      (623  (623  —      (623

Change in cash flow hedge reserve

  —      —      —      —      1,089    —      —      —      1,089    —      1,089  


































Total other comprehensive income/(expense), net of tax

  —      —      —      —      1,089    (78,394  311,898    (623  233,970    231,328    465,298  


































Total comprehensive income/(expense)

  —      —      —      —      1,089    (78,394  311,898    1,864,017    2,098,610    (196,896  1,901,714  


































Dividend paid (Note 23)

  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      (8,172  (8,172

Change in non-controlling interest

  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      (75  (75

Acquisition of non-controlling interest

  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      (3,896  (3,896  3,896    —    

Change in reserve for non-controlling interest put option

  —      —      —      —      —      82,043    —      —      82,043    —      82,043  


































Balance at 31 December 2014

  2,200,000    35,026    269    839,284    (719  (758,432  350,254    14,427,741    17,093,423    (382,778  16,710,645  


































  Cost of
  Reserve for
interest put
option (*)
reserve (*)
of employee
  Total  Non-controlling

Balance at 1 January 2016

  2,200,000   —     35,026   269   1,211,352   —     —     (489,065  138,824   (14,320  11,272,731   14,354,817   64,085   14,418,902 

Total comprehensive income/(loss):


Profit for the year

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     1,492,088   1,492,088   51,715   1,543,803 

Other comprehensive income/(loss):


Foreign currency translation differences

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (133,222  263,065   —     —     129,843   1,248   131,091 

Remeasurements of employee termination benefits

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (27,466  —     (27,466  —     (27,466











































Other comprehensive income for the year, net of income tax



  —     —     —     —     —     (133,222  263,065   (27,466  —     102,377   1,248   103,625 











































Total comprehensive income for the year

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (133,222  263,065   (27,466  1,492,088   1,594,465   52,963   1,647,428 












































  —     —     —     —     (16,148  —     —     —     —     —     16,148   —     —     —   

Dividends paid

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (51,416  (51,416

Change in fair value ofnon-controlling interests

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     128,090   —     —     —     128,090   —     128,090 

Transactions withnon-controlling interests

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (9,000  (9,000

Acquisition of treasury shares (-) (Note 25)

  —     (65,607  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (65,607  —     (65,607











































Balance at 31 December 2016

  2,200,000   (65,607  35,026   269   1,195,204   —     —     (494,197  401,889   (41,786  12,780,967   16,011,765   56,632   16,068,397 











































Balance at 1 January 2017

  2,200,000   (65,607  35,026   269   1,195,204   —     —     (494,197  401,889   (41,786  12,780,967   16,011,765   56,632   16,068,397 

Total comprehensive income/(loss):


Profit for the year

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     1,979,129   1,979,129   58,630   2,037,759 

Other comprehensive income/(loss):


Foreign currency translation differences

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (45,848  37,811   —     —     (8,037  887   (7,150

Remeasurements of employee termination benefits

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (2,990  —     (2,990  —     (2,990











































Other comprehensive loss for the year, net of income tax



  —     —     —     —     —     (45,848  37,811   (2,990  —     (11,027  887   (10,140











































Total comprehensive income for the year

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (45,848  37,811   (2,990  1,979,129   1,968,102   59,517   2,027,619 












































  —     —     —     —     447,820   —     —     —     —     —     (447,820  —     —     —   

Dividends paid

  —     9,294   —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (3,000,000  (2,990,706  (60,222  (3,050,928











































Balance at 31 December 2017

  2,200,000   (56,313  35,026   269   1,643,024   —     —     (540,045  439,700   (44,776  11,312,276   14,989,161   55,927   15,045,088 











































Balance at 1 January 2018

  2,200,000   (56,313  35,026   269   1,643,024   —     —     (540,045  439,700   (44,776  11,312,276   14,989,161   55,927   15,045,088 

Changes in accounting policy (Note 2)

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     518,874   518,874   —     518,874 











































Restated total equity at 1 January 2018

  2,200,000   (56,313  35,026   269   1,643,024   —     —     (540,045  439,700   (44,776  11,831,150   15,508,035   55,927   15,563,962 











































Total comprehensive income/(loss):


Profit for the period

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     2,021,065   2,021,065   156,270   2,177,335 

Other comprehensive income/(loss):


Foreign currency translation differences

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (270,147  894,295   —     —     624,148   (627  623,521 

Remeasurements of employee termination benefits

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     9,905   —     9,905   —     9,905 

Change in cash flow hedge reserve

  —     —     —     —     —     (271,130  14,942   —     —     —     —     (256,188  —     (256,188











































Total other comprehensive income, net of income tax

  —     —     —     —     —     (271,130  14,942   (270,147  894,295   9,905   —     377,865   (627  377,238 











































Total comprehensive income/(loss)

  —     —     —     —     —     (271,130  14,942   (270,147  894,295   9,905   2,021,065   2,398,930   155,643   2,554,573 











































Transfer to legal reserves

  —     —     —     —     592,898   —     —     —     —     —     (592,898  —     —     —   

Acquisition of treasury shares (-) (Note 25)

  —     (94,620  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (94,620  —     (94,620

Disposal of subsidiaries

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (20,982  (20,982

Dividends paid (Note 25)

  —     9,399   —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (1,900,000  (1,890,601  (58,778  (1,949,379











































Balance at 31 December 2018

  2,200,000   (141,534  35,026   269   2,235,922   (271,130  14,942   (810,192  1,333,995   (34,871  11,359,317   15,921,744   131,810   16,053,554 












































Included in Reserves in the consolidated statement of financial position.

The above consolidated statement of changes in equity should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.




For the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

  Attributable to equity holders of the Company    
  Reserve for
Interest Put
  Total  Non-

Balance at 1 January 2015

  2,200,000    35,026    269    839,284    (719  (758,432  350,254    14,427,741    17,093,423    (382,778  16,710,645  

Total comprehensive income


Profit / (loss) for the year

  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      2,067,654    2,067,654    (164,103  1,903,551  

Other comprehensive income/(expense)


Foreign currency translation differences, net of tax

  —      —      —      —      —      (229,173  (211,430  —      (440,603  50,388    (390,215

Actuarial loss arising from employee benefits

  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      (10,903  (10,903  —      (10,903

Change in cash flow hedge reserve

  —      —      —      —      719    —      —      —      719    —      719  


































Total other comprehensive income/(expense), net of tax

  —      —      —      —      719    (229,173  (211,430  (10,903  (450,787  50,388    (400,399


































Total comprehensive income/(expense)

  —      —      —      —      719    (229,173  (211,430  2,056,751    1,616,867    (113,715  1,503,152  


































Increase in legal reserves

  —      —      —      372,068    —      —      —      (372,068  —      —      —    

Dividend paid (Note 23)

  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      (3,925,000  (3,925,000  (100,515  (4,025,515

Change in fair value of minority put option

  —      —      —      —      —      498,540    —      —      498,540    —      498,540  

Acquisition of non-controlling interest (Note 36)

  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      (929,013  (929,013  661,093    (267,920


































Balance at 31 December 2015

  2,200,000    35,026    269    1,211,352    —      (489,065  138,824    11,258,411    14,354,817    64,085    14,418,902  


































The notes on pages F-11 to F-149 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



For the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


   Note   2015  2014  2013 

Cash flows from operating activities


Profit for the year

     1,903,551    1,436,416    2,329,266  

Adjustments for:


Depreciation and impairment of fixed assets and investment property

   13     1,118,499    1,157,720    1,138,128  

Amortization of intangible assets

   14     549,251    481,737    456,274  

Net finance (income)

   11     (515,040  (855,645  (640,561

Income tax expense

   12     667,112    730,444    591,398  

Share of profit of equity accounted investees

   16, 36     (367,336  (226,448  (297,260

(Gain)/loss on sale of property, plant and equipment

     (13,141  (10,158  (12,239

Unrealized foreign exchange and monetary gain/loss on operating assets

     579,372    943,303    (117,157

Allowance for trade receivables and due from related parties

   36     196,588    155,931    153,378  

Negative goodwill

     —      (2,085  (186

Deferred income

   28     8,095    (24,935  48,266  

Reversal of provision for equity accounted investees

     —      (19,161  —    

Loss on sale of A-tel

     —      902    —    

Impairment losses on equity accounted investees and other non-current investments

     —      —      37,957  









     4,126,951    3,768,021    3,687,264  

Change in trade receivables

   20     (821,208  (1,156,196  (874,637

Change in due from related parties

   36     3,907    7,838    (8,970

Change in inventories

     (4,526  (2,541  17,073  

Change in other current assets

   21     (771,583  (77,524  (101,507

Change in other non-current assets

   18     (70,030  (31,927  (28,311

Change in due to related parties

   36     (20,530  3,131    (9,271

Change in trade and other payables

     348,472    191,011    117,739  

Change in other non-current liabilities

   25     (14,088  29,045    43,830  

Change in employee benefits

   27     5,125    12,842    14,012  

Change in provisions

   29     23,423    (51,806  34,789  









     2,805,913    2,691,894    2,892,011  

Interest paid

     (153,529  (94,107  (113,365

Income tax paid

     (751,078  (699,293  (647,678

Dividends received

     —      92,263    79,584  










Net cash generated by operating activities

     1,901,306    1,990,757    2,210,552  










   Note  2018  2017  2016 

Cash flows from operating activities:


Profit before income tax from


Continuing operations

     2,177,335   2,037,759   1,585,967 

Discontinued operations

     —     —     (42,164










Profit before income tax including discontinued operations

     2,177,335   2,037,759   1,543,803 

Adjustments for:


Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment and investment properties

  11-14   1,894,445   1,501,579   1,281,539 

Amortization of intangible assets

  12   2,393,529   1,095,401   921,812 

Net finance (income)/expense

     983,881   165,387   (117,598

Fair value adjustments to derivatives

     (1,719,610  (562,562  (383,452

Income tax expense

  9   495,481   571,758   423,160 

Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment

     (43,727  (33,837  (25,010

Unrealized foreign exchange losses on operating assets

     2,954,304   966,340   545,287 


     796,520   980,040   197,543 

Share of profits of discontinued operations

     —     —     42,164 

Share of equity accounted investees

     87   —     —   

(Gain) on sale of subsidiary

     (110,308  —     —   

Deferred revenue

  30   54,391   131,486   (20,350









     9,876,328   6,853,351   4,408,898 

Change in operating assets/liabilities


Change in trade receivables

  19   273,110   613,404   1,197,053 

Change in due from related parties

  38   (5,870  1,107   7,514 

Change in receivables from financial services

  20   (69,991  (1,931,538  (2,396,372

Change in inventories

  22   (76,883  27,871   (62,090

Change in other current assets

  23   53,957   (198,268  643,444 

Change in othernon-current assets

  17   142,133   15,012   78,770 

Change in due to related parties

  38   40,072   (4,099  4,302 

Change in trade and other payables

  33   (501,980  (507,043  (2,733,901

Change in othernon-current liabilities

  27   (242,384  (82,018  (14,477

Change in employee benefit obligations

  29   (32,764  (18,627  15,151 

Change in short term contract asset

  21   (711,928  —     —   

Change in long term contract asset

  21   (3,513  —     —   

Change in short term contract liability

  31   255,756   —     —   

Change in long term contract liability

  31   131,598   —     —   

Changes in other working capital

     (981,764  (265,518  29,286 










Cash generated from operations

     8,145,877   4,503,634   1,177,578 

Interest paid

     (1,658,308  (909,881  (434,521

Income tax paid

     (657,715  (492,487  (135,920










Net cash inflow from operating activities

     5,829,854   3,101,266   607,137 










Cash flows from investing activities:


Acquisition of property, plant and equipment

  11   (2,960,648  (2,937,195  (2,572,401

Acquisition of intangible assets

  12   (2,264,912  (1,172,847  (855,097

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment

     103,864   58,740   49,639 

Proceeds from advances given for acquisition of property, plant and equipment

     (204,817  205,580   (209,686

Contribution of increase of share capital in joint ventures/associates

     (19,500  —     —   

Proceeds from sale of subsidiary

     118,528   —     —   

Payments for held to maturity investment

     —     (11,992  —   

Payment for financial asset at fair value through profit or loss

     2,577   —     —   

Payment for financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income

     (42,454  —     —   

Interest received

     731,793   553,066   610,837 










Net cash outflow from investing activities

     (4,535,569  (3,304,648  (2,976,708










Cash flows from financing activities:


Dividends received for treasury share

     9,399   —     —   

Capital decrease in subsidiaries

     —     —     (9,000

Proceeds from derivative instruments

     1,054,345   —     —   

Repayments of derivative instruments

     (710,522  —     —   

Proceeds from issues of loans and borrowings

     44,341,070   24,102,643   9,381,318 

Proceeds from issues of bonds

     2,188,313   209,808   167,500 

Repayment of borrowings

     (43,987,127  (22,265,088  (4,932,768

Repayment of bonds

     (191,312  (379,660  —   

Dividends paid to shareholders

     (1,900,000  (2,990,706  —   

Dividends paid tonon-controlling interest in subsidiaries

     (58,778  (60,222  (51,416

Acquisition of treasury shares

     (94,620  —     (65,607

(Increase)/decrease in cash collateral related to loans

     (20,272  (183,518  349,004 

Payments of lease liabilities

     (1,164,879  —     —   










Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing activities

     (534,383  (1,566,743  4,839,031 










Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents

     759,902   (1,770,125  2,469,460 

Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January

     4,712,333   6,052,352   2,918,796 

Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

     1,947,004   430,106   664,096 










Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December

  24   7,419,239   4,712,333   6,052,352 










The above consolidated statement of cash flows should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.




For the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

   Note   2015  2014  2013 

Cash flows from investing activities


Acquisition of property, plant and equipment

     (2,135,358  (1,553,590  (1,348,604

Acquisition of intangible assets

   14     (2,461,612  (575,885  (460,019

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment

     24,192    28,094    21,492  

Proceeds from currency option contracts

   11     1,070    2,770    870  

Payment of currency option contracts premium

   11     —      (33  (189

Change in financial assets

     19,350    38,336    (18,783

Acquisition of subsidiary net off cash acquired

   7     (267,920  (27,900  (1,520

Proceeds from sale of A-tel

     —      597    —    

Advanced paid for a acquisition of property, plant and equipment

     228,070    (236,042  —    

Interest received

     761,328    945,663    721,253  










Net cash provided/(used in) investing activities

     (3,830,880  (1,377,990  (1,085,500










Cash flows from financing activities


Proceeds from issuance of loans and borrowings

     4,866,381    4,736,913    1,705,223  

Proceeds from issuance of bonds

     1,439,862    —      —    

Repayment of borrowings

     (6,551,001  (4,635,652  (1,934,740

Change in non-controlling interest

     —      (75  75  

Dividends paid

     (4,025,515  (8,172  (1,046

Increase in cash collateral related to loans

     (349,243  —      —    










Net cash generated (used in) by financing activities

     (4,619,516  93,014    (230,488










Net increase/ (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     (6,549,090  705,781    894,564  

Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January

     9,031,881    8,128,418    6,998,870  

Effects of foreign exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents

     436,005    197,682    234,984  










Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December

   22     2,918,796    9,031,881    8,128,418  










The notes on pages F-11 to F-149 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)

Notes to the consolidated financial statements



1. Reporting entity


2. Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies


3. Significant accounting policies


4. Determination of fair values


5. Financial risk management


6. Operating segments


7. Acquisition of subsidiaries4. Segment information


5. Revenue


6. Other income and expenses


8. Revenue7. Employee benefit expenses


8. Finance income and costs


9. Other income and expensesIncome tax expense


10. Personnel expensesExpenses by nature


11. Finance income and costs


12. Income tax expense


13. Property, plant and equipment


14.12. Intangible assets


15.13. Impairment of assets


14. Investment property


16. Investments in equity accounted investees15. Right of use assets


17. Other investments16. Asset held for sale discontinued operation


18.17. Othernon-current assets


19.18. Deferred tax assets and liabilities


20.19. Trade receivables and accrued incomerevenue


20. Receivables from financial services


21. Contract assets


22. Inventory


23. Other current assets


22.24. Cash and cash equivalents


25. Equity


23. Capital and reserves


24.26. Earnings per share


25.27. Othernon-current liabilities


26.28. Loans and borrowings


27.29. Employee benefitsbenefit


28.30. Deferred incomerevenue


29.31. Contract liabilities


32. Provisions


30.33. Trade and other payables


34. Derivative financial instruments


31.35. Financial instruments


32. Operating leases


33.36. Guarantees and purchase obligations


34.37. Commitments and contingencies


35.38. Related parties


36.39. Subsidiaries


37.40. Cash flow information


41. Subsequent events





As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)



Reporting entity

Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri Anonim Sirketi (the “Company”) was incorporated in Turkey on 5 October 1993 and commenced its operations in 1994. The address of the Company’s registered office is Maltepe Aydinevler Mahallesi Inonu Caddesi No: 20, Kucukyali Ofispark / Ofispark/Istanbul. It is engaged in establishing and operating a Global System for Mobile Communications (“GSM”) network in Turkey and regional states.

In April 1998, the Company signed a license agreement (the “2G License”) with the Ministry of Transport Maritime Affairs and CommunicationsInfrastructure of Turkey (the “Turkish Ministry”), under which it was granted a 25 year GSM license in exchange for a license fee of $500,000. The License permits the Company to operate as a stand-alone GSM operator and releases it from some of the operating constraints in the Revenue Sharing Agreement, which was in effect prior to the 2G License. Under the 2G License,licence, the Company collects all of the revenue generated from the operations of its GSM network and pays in cash the Undersecretariat of the Treasury (the “Turkish Treasury”) a treasury sharemonthly tax levy namely ‘treasury share’ equal to 15% of itsthe Company’s gross revenue from Turkish GSM operations. The Company continues to build and operate its GSM network and is authorized to, among other things, set its own tariffs within certain limits, charge peak andoff-peak rates, offer a variety of service and pricing packages, issue invoices directly to subscribers, collect payments and deal directly with subscribers. Following the 3G tender held by the Information Technologies and Communications Authority (“ICTA”) regarding the authorization for providingIMT-2000/UMTS services and infrastructure, the Company has been granted theA-Type license (the “3G License”) providing the widest frequency band, at a consideration of EUR 358,000 (excluding Value Added Tax (“VAT”)). Payment of the 3G license was made in cash, following the necessary approvals, on 30 April 2009.

On 26 August 2015, “Authorization Tender on IMT Services and Infrastructure” publicly known as 4.5G license tender, was held by the ICTA and the Company was awarded with a total frequency band of 172.4 MHz for 13 years. The tender price is EUR 1,623,460 (equivalent to TL 5,158,706 as at 31 December 2015) (excluding VAT of 18%). IMT authorization period expires on 30 April 2029 and operators will bewere able to commence service delivery for 4.5G starting from 1 April 2016. 2x1.4 MHz frequency band in 900MHz spectrum and 2 units of 2x5 MHz frequency bands in 2100 MHz spectrum arewere commenced as aton 1 December 2015, while remaining packages will be ready to usewere commenced on 1 April 2016. For details please refer to Note 14.12.

On 25 June 2005, the Turkish Government declared that GSM operators are requiredThe Company is obliged to pay 10% of their existingthe ICTA a monthly treasury share equal to the Turkish Ministry as90% of 15% of gross revenue and 10% is paid for a universal service fund contribution in accordance with Law No: 5369. As a result, starting from 30 June 2005,fund. In addition, the Company pays 90%annual contributions in an amount equal to 0.35% of the treasury sharenet revenue to the Turkish TreasuryICTA’s expenses and 10%5% of net revenue to the Turkish MinistryICTA as universal service fund.a frequency fee (TRx).

In July 2000, the Company completed an initial public offering with the listing of its ordinary shares on the Istanbul Stock Exchange and American Depositary Shares, or ADSs, on the New York Stock Exchange.

As at 31 December 2015, two significant founding shareholders, SoneraThe Company’s parent is Turkcell Holding BV and Cukurova Group, directly and indirectly, own approximately 37.1% and 13.8%A.S., respectively of the Company’s share capital and are ultimate counterparties to a number of transactions that are discussed in the related parties footnote. Alfa Groupwhich holds 13.2%51% of the Company’s shares indirectly through Cukurova Holdings Limited andas of 31 December 2018. The main shareholders of Turkcell Holding A.S. are TeliaSonera Finland Oyj (Sonera), Cukurova Group and Alfa Telecom Turkey Limited (“Alfa”) according to the information obtained from public sources.

After failure to comply with corporate governance principles for election of independent board members, the CMB appointed 3 independent board members and 4 members, of which 2 members were chosen from the independent nominees list submitted by Sonera, as board members who satisfy the independence criteria in 2013. On 29 March 2018, in accordance with the shareholder proposal at the Ordinary General Assembly, 3 new members were elected to serve for 3 years instead of 3 members who are appointed by the CMB and meet the independence criteria. Since a member of board of directors resigned from his assignment as of 11 July 2018, Turkcell’s Board of Directors consists of a total of 6non-executive members including 3 independent members as of 31 December 2018.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Reporting entity (continued)

The consolidated financial statements of the Company as at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the “Group”) and the Group’s interest in one and a joint venture. Subsidiaries of the Company, their locations and their businessnature of operations are givendisclosed in Note 36.39. The Company’s and each of its subsidiaries’ and associate’s financial statements are prepared as at and for the year ended 31 December 2015.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)2018.



Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies

This note provides a list of the significant accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these consolidated financial statements to the extent they have not already been disclosed in the other notes below. These policies have been consistently applied to all the years presented, unless otherwise stated. The consolidated financial statements are for the Group consisting of Turkcell İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. and its subsidiaries and the Group’s interest in associates and a joint venture.


(a)Statement of compliance

Compliance with IFRS

The consolidated financial statements of the Group have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”IFRS”) and interpretations issued by the IFRS Interpretations Committee (“IFRS IC”) applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. The financial statements comply with IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”).

The Company selectedaccounting policies, presentation and methods of computation are consistent with those of the presentation form of “function of expense”previous financial year and corresponding reporting period, unless otherwise stated.

The Group adopted IFRS 9, “Financial Instruments” and IFRS 15, “Revenue from Contracts with Customers” for the statement of comprehensive income in accordance with IASfirst time for the year commencingPresentation of Financial Statements”.January 2018. The Group also elected to early adopt IFRS 16, “Leases” for the first time for the year commencing 1 January 2018.

The Company reports cash flows from operating activities by usingimpacts of adoption of IFRS 9, IFRS 15 and IFRS 16 on the indirect method in accordance with IAS 7 “Statement of Cash Flows”, whereby profit or loss is adjusted for the effects of transactions of a non-cash nature, any deferrals or accruals of past or future operating cash receipts or payments, and items of income or expense associated with investing or financing cash flows.

Authority for restatement and approval of consolidated financial statements belongsare explained in Note

The General Assembly has the power to amend and reissue the Board of Directors. Consolidatedfinancial statements. The consolidated financial statements are approvedas at and for the year ended 31 December 2017 were authorized for issue by the Board of Directors by the recommendation of Audit Committee of the Company.

The Group’s audited consolidated financial statements prepared as at and for the years ended 31 December 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 were approved by the General Assembly on 26 March 2015.15 February 2018.

The consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018 were approvedauthorized for issue by the Board of Directors on 1820 February 20162019 and updated by the management for anyto reflect subsequent events up until 18 March 2016.after the original date of authorisation for inclusion in its annual report on Form 20-F.


(b)Basis of measurement

Historical cost convention

The accompanying consolidated financial statements are based on the statutory records, with adjustments and reclassifications for the purpose of fair presentation in accordance with IFRSsIFRS as issued by the IASB. They areThe financial statements have been prepared on thea historical cost basis, adjustedexcept for the effects of inflation during the hyperinflationary periods in accordance with International Accounting Standard No 29“Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies” (“IAS 29”), where applicable, except that the following assets and liabilities are statedmeasured at their fair value: put option liability, derivative

Derivative financial instruments consideration

Consideration payable in relation to the acquisition and financial instruments classified as available-for-sale.

Historical cost is generally based on the fair value of the consideration given in exchange for goods and services. Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date, regardless of whether that price is directly observable or estimated using another valuation technique. In estimating the fair value of an asset or a liability, the Group takes into account the characteristics of the asset or liability if market participants would take those characteristics into account when pricing the asset or liability at the measurement date. Fair value for measurement and/or disclosure purposes in these consolidated financial statements is determined on such a basis, except for leasing transactions that are within the scope of IAS 17 “Leases”, and measurements that have some similarities to fair value but are not fair value, such as net realizable value in IAS 2 “Inventories” or value in use in IAS 36 “Impairment of assets”.Belarusian Telecom

In addition, for financial reporting purposes, fair value measurements are categorized into Level 1, 2 or 3 based on the degree to which the inputs to the fair value measurements are observable and the significance of the inputs to the fair value measurement in its entirety, which are described as follows:


Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the measurement date;




As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Functional and presentation currency


Transactions and balances

Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates at the dates of the transactions. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the reporting date are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates at that date.

Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at fair value are translated to the functional currency using the exchange rates at the date when the fair value was determined. Translation differences on assets and liabilities carried at fair value are reported as part of the fair value gain or loss. For example, translation differences onnon-monetary assets and liabilities such as equities held at fair value through profit or loss are recognised in profit or loss as part of the fair value gain or loss and translation differences onnon-monetary assets such as equities classified as at fair value through other comprehensive income are recognised in other comprehensive income.

Foreign exchange gains and losses are recognized in profit or loss, except:


Level 2 inputs

For capitalized foreign exchange differences relating to borrowings to the extent that they are inputs, other than quoted prices included within Level 1, thatregarded as an adjustment to interest costs eligible for capitalization.

Foreign exchange differences are observable fordeferred in equity if they relate to qualifying cash flow hedges and qualifying net investment hedges or are attributable to part of the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly;net investment in a foreign operation. Foreign exchange gains and

Level 3 inputs losses are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.

Hyperinflationary period ceased by 31 December 2005 in Turkey and commenced on 1 January 2011 and ceased by 1 January 2015 in Belarus. In the financial statements of subsidiaries operating in Belarus, restatement adjustments have been made to compensate the effect of changespresented in the general purchasing powerstatement of the Belarusian Ruble in accordance with IAS 29. IAS 29 requires thatprofit or loss on a net basis within finance income or finance costs.


Foreign operations

The results and financial statements prepared inposition of foreign operations (none of which has the currency of a hyperinflationary economy be stated in terms ofeconomy) that have a functional currency different from the measuring unit current atpresentation currency are translated into the balance sheet date. One characteristic that necessitates the application of IAS 29 is the cumulative three-year inflation rate approaching or exceeding 100%. Such cumulative rate in Belarus was 52% for the three years ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: 65% and 31 December 2013: 196%) based upon the consumer price index (“CPI”) announced by the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. Accordingly, the economy of Belarus was considered to transit out of hyperinflationary status and determined to cease applying IAS 29 starting from 1 January 2015. Therefore, subsidiaries operating in Belarus have not applied IAS 29 in 2015.

Such index and the conversion factors used to adjust the financial statements of the subsidiaries operating in Belarus for the effect of inflation as at 31 December 2014 are given below:


  Index   Conversion

31 December 2010

   1.6387     3.4406  

31 December 2011

   3.4197     1.6487  

31 December 2012

   4.1645     1.3538  

31 December 2013

   4.8501     1.1625  

31 December 2014

   5.6381     1.0000  

The annual change in the BYR exchange rate against USD and Euro can be compared with the rates of general price inflation in Belarus according to the CPI as set out below:


  2013  2014  2015 

Currency change USD (%)

   11  25  57

Currency change Euro (%)

   15  10  41

CPI inflation (%)

   16  16  12

As at 31 December 2015 the exchange rate announced by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus was BYR 18,569 = USD 1, BYR 20,300 = Euro 1 (31 December 2014: BYR 11,850 = USD 1, BYR 14,380 = Euro 1).

The main guidelines for the IAS 29 restatement arepresentation currency as follows:



assets and liabilities for each balance sheet presented are translated at the closing rate at the date of that balance sheet

income and expenses for each statement of financialprofit or loss and statement of position items, except forcomprehensive income are translated at average monthly exchange rates (unless this is not a reasonable approximation of the ones already presentedcumulative effect of the rates prevailing on the transaction dates, in which case income and expenses are translated at the current purchasing power level, are restated by applying a general price index.dates of the transactions), and



all resulting exchange differences are recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated in the foreign currency translation reserve, in equity.

On consolidation, exchange differences arising from the translation of any net investment in foreign entities, and of borrowings and other financial instruments designated as hedges of such investments, are recognized in other comprehensive income. When a foreign operation is sold or any borrowings forming part of the net investment are repaid, the associated exchange differences are reclassified to profit or loss, as part of the gain or loss on sale.

Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on the acquisition of a foreign operation are treated as assets and liabilities of the subsidiaries operating in Belarus are not restated because they are already expressed in terms of the current measuring unitforeign operation and translated at the balance sheet date. Monetary items presents money held and items to be received or paid in money.closing rate.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Non-monetary assets and liabilities of the subsidiaries operating in Belarus are restated by applying, to the initial acquisition cost and any accumulated depreciation, the change in the general price index from the date of acquisition or initial recording to the balance sheet date. Hence, property, plant and equipment, investments and similar assets are restated from the date of their purchase, not to exceed their market value. Depreciation is similarly restated. The components of shareholders’ equity are restated by applying the applicable general price index from the dates the components were contributed or arose otherwise.

All items in the statement of profit or loss of the subsidiaries operating in Belarus, except non-monetary items in the statement of financial position that have effect over statement of profit or loss, are restated by applying the relevant conversion factors from the dates when the income and expense items were initially recorded in the financial statements.

The gain or loss on the net monetary position is the result of the effect of general inflation and is the difference resulting from the restatement of non-monetary assets, shareholders’ equity and statement of profit or loss items. The gain or loss on the net monetary position is included in net income.

The comparative amounts relating to the subsidiaries operating in Belarusdisclosed in the consolidated financial statements of 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are not restated. The translation effect of Belarusian Ruble (“BYR”) denominated equity accounts determined upon the application of inflation accounting to TL is accounted under translation reserveexpressed in the consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2015.
Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)



Basis of preparation and presentation currencysummary of significant accounting policies (continued)

The consolidated financial statements are presented in Turkish Lira (“TL”), rounded to the nearest thousand. Moreover, all financial information expressed in US Dollars (“USD” or “$”), Euro (“EUR”) and Ukranian Hryvnia (“UAH”) and Belarusian Ruble (“BYR”) has been rounded to the nearest thousand. The functional currency of the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries located in Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is TL. The functional currency of Euroasia Telecommunications Holding BV (“Euroasia”) and Financell BV (“Financell”) is USD. The functional currency of Eastasian Consortium BV (“Eastasia”), Beltur Coöperatief UA, and Turkcell Europe is EUR. The functional currency of LLC Astelit (“Astelit”), LLC Global Bilgi (“Global LLC”) and UkrTower LLC (“UkrTower”) is UAH. The functional currency of Belarusian Telecommunication Network (“Belarusian Telecom”) and LLC Lifetech is BYR. The functional currency of Azerinteltek QSC (“Azerinteltek”) is Azerbaijan Manat.



Use of estimates and judgments

The preparation of the consolidated financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the applicationuse of accounting policies andestimates. Management also needs to exercise judgement in applying the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses.Group’s accounting policies. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which the estimates are revised and in any future periods affected.

Information about significant areas of estimation, uncertainty and critical judgments in applying accounting policies that have the most significant effect on the amounts recognized in the consolidated financial statements are described in Notes 4 and 36 and detailed analysis with respect to accounting estimates and critical judgments of allowance for doubtful receivables, useful lives or expected patterns of consumption of



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

the future economic benefits embodied in depreciable assets, commission fees, revenue recognition, income taxes and impairment testing for cash-generating unit containing goodwill are provided below:

Key sources of estimation uncertainty


Belarusian economy is still expected to continue contracting while vulnerabilities to external developments remain. In December 2015, Belarusian Statistics Office announced that GDP contracted by 3.9% in 2015. Contraction in economy resulted from weak economic activity in Russia, weak domestic demand and devaluation in BYR along with tight monetary stance. National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (“NBRB”) raised its refinancing rate to 25% in January 2015 with worsening expectations for the Russian economy. BYR depreciated by 25% throughout 2014 and 57% in 2015 against USD and finished the year at 18,569 on 31 December 2015. BYR rate against USD stood at 20,985 as of 10 March 2016.Tight monetary policy is still seen necessary because of weak domestic demand and foreign exchange rate concerns. Foreign exchange reserves excluding gold and IMF money (SDR) have decreased by $0.65 million to $2.2 million within 2015 and decreased by another $0.33 million to $1.9 million at the end of February 2016. Belarus repaid $6 million of internal and external foreign currency debt in 2015. On the other hand, Russia’s postponing payments of loans maturing in 2015 and allowing payments to be made in Russian Ruble rather than USD led external debt repayments to be made in 2015 decrease from $4 million to $2.7 million. RMB swap agreement made with the Chinese Central Bank also strengthened Belarus’s debt repayment ability. Annual inflation for the year 2015 decreased to 12%, the lowest level for the last four years. In spite of the devaluation in BYR since 2014, inflationary pressures are expected to ease over the medium term due to Central Bank policies prioritizing the fight against inflation.

The three-year cumulative inflation at the end of 2011 was 153% primarily influenced by the high inflation of 109% experienced in 2011. As the cumulative inflation in the last three years exceeded 100%, Belarus was considered a hyperinflationary economy at the end of 2011. In this context, IAS 29 “Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies” was being applied by subsidiaries operating in Belarus in financial statements starting from their annual financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2011. However, decrease in inflation rate in subsequent years led the three-year cumulative rate as of the end of 2014 to decrease to 65% (31 December 2015: 52%). Accordingly, the economy of Belarus was considered to transit out of hyperinflationary status determined to cease applying IAS 29 starting from 1 January 2015. Therefore, subsidiaries operating in Belarus have not applied IAS 29 in 2015.


Ukrainian economy is still struggling with high level of inflation and economic recession but growth outlook has turned positive for 2016 at around 1-2% after 2015 GDP data showed pace of economic contraction sharply slowing and successful debt restructuring negotiations with creditors. IMF agreement reached in the first half of 2015 and fiscal and financial reforms that were approved in accordance by the parliament turned the economic outlook to positive. IMF disbursed a total of $11 million with two tranches in 2015; one in March and the other in August. As of December 2015, current account deficit improved by $4.4 million (down from $4.6 million in January-December 2014 to $0.2 million in January-December 2015). Ukraine international foreign exchange reserves increased by $5.8 million to $13.3 million at the end of December 2015, compared to year-end 2014 due to IMF agreement and fiscal and economic reforms approved by the parliament. Foreign exchange reserves increased by another $0.2 million to $13.5 million at the end of February 2016.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

2014 GDP had contracted by 6.8% and even though the contraction continued in all quarters of 2015, it slowed down to 1.2% in fourth quarter of 2015 from 7.2% in the third quarter of 2015. World Bank and IMF forecast 2015 economic recession to be 11% and 12%, respectively. 2015 annual inflation has decreased to 43.3% as of December 2015. 2015 year end inflation that still stood elevated due to rising food and energy prices and devaluation of local currency is expected to slow further as hikes in regulated prices less pronounced and positive base effects.

The local currency has stabilized with IMF agreement and National Bank of Ukraine’s (“NBU”) restrictions on foreign exchange market. In order to comply with IMF aid agreement, NBU introduced free float foreign exchange rate regime as well in February 2015. With the correction after the IMF aid agreement, UAH rate managed to fall to 21.53 on September 2015 but continued its devaluation with volatility in emerging markets and delayed IMF aid tranches in September-December and lost 52% of its value against USD to finish the year at 24.00 on 31 December 2015. UAH rate against USD stood at 26.18 as of 10 March 2016.

Ukraine finalized a debt restructuring deal of $18 million with foreign creditors at the end of August, 2015. With no debt repayments until 2019, risks for debt outlook are limited in the medium term.

In order to stop depreciation of UAH, NBU raised its refinancing rates to 9.5% from 6.5% on 15 April 2014, to 12.5% from 9.5% on 18 July 2014, to 14% from 12.5% on 13 November 2014, to 19.5% from 14% on 6 February 2015 and lastly to the highest policy rate in the world, 30% on 2 March 2015. NBU decided to ease its policy rate due to slowing inflation and stabilization of foreign exchange market from 30% to 27% in August 2015 and to 22% in September 2015.

Although the conflict in the eastern part of Ukraine continues to affect country’s economy, positive effects of IMF aid on reform process, frozen situation in the eastern part of the country and debt restructuring deal completed with foreign creditors are expected to support growth in future years by limiting further depreciation in UAH and decreasing risk premiums.

As of 31 December 2014, Astelit has impaired its assets in Crimea region amounting to TL 17,951. The risk of further annexations of Luhansk and Donetsk regions still remain as a possibility. As of 31 December 2015, the net book value of non-current assets of the Group located in Donetsk and Luhansk amounts to TL 20,687 and TL 2,908 respectively (31 December 2014: TL 33,478 and TL 5,493 respectively).

Current and potential future political and economic changes in Belarus and Ukraine could have an adverse effect on the subsidiaries operating in these countries. The economic stability of Belarus and Ukraine depends on the economic measures that will be taken by the governments and the outcomes of the legal, administrative and political processes in these countries. These processes are beyond the control of the subsidiaries established in these countries.

Consequently, the subsidiaries operating within Belarus and Ukraine may subject to foreign currency and interest rate risks related to borrowings and the subscriber’s purchasing power and liquidity and increase in corporate and personal insolvencies, that may not necessarily be observable in other markets. The accompanying condensed interim consolidated financial statements contain the Group management’s estimations on the economic and financial positions of its subsidiaries operating in Belarus and Ukraine. The future economic situation of Belarus and Ukraine might differ from the Group’s expectations. As of 31 December 2015, the Group’s management believes that their approach is appropriate in taking all the necessary measures to support the sustainability of these subsidiaries’ businesses in the current circumstances.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)


In 2015, AZN was devalued twice against USD by total of 99%. On 21 February 2015, AZN was depreciated by 34% from 0.78 to 1.05 against USD. Secondly, on 21 December 2015, AZN depreciated by 48% from 1.05 to 1.55 against USD. AZN rate against USD stood at 1.63 as of 10 March 2016.

Critical accounting judgments in applying the Group’s accounting policies

Certain critical accounting judgments in applying the Group’s accounting policies are described below:

Allowance for doubtful receivables

The Group maintains an allowance for doubtful receivables for estimated losses resulting from the inability of the Group’s subscribers and customers to make required payments. The Group bases the allowance on the likelihood of recoverability of trade receivables, receivables from financial services and other receivables basedreceivables; when there was objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of asset a loss event and that loss event had an impact on the agingestimated future cash flows of the balances, historical collection trends and general economic asset or group of financial assets that could be reliably estimated. The allowance is periodically reviewed. The allowance charged to expenses is determined in respect of receivable balances, calculated as a specified percentage of the outstanding balance in each aging group, with the percentage of the allowance increasing as the aging of the receivable becomes longer.older.

UsefulCapitalization and useful lives of assets

The economic useful lives and residual values of the Group’s assets are determinedestimated by management at the time the asset is acquired and regularly reviewed for appropriateness. The Group defines useful life of its assets in terms of the assets’ expected utility to the Group. This judgment is based on the experience of the Group with similar assets. In determining the useful life of an asset, the Group also follows technical and/or commercial obsolescence arising on changes or improvements from a change in the market. The useful lives of the telecommunication licenses are based on the duration of the license agreements.

Belarusian Telecom has 10 years of special GSM and UMTS services licenses acquired on 26 August 2008. In accordance with IAS 16“Property, Plantaddition, the license period has been committed and Equipment” and IAS 38“Intangible Assets”, the residual value and the useful life ofsigned for an asset shall be reviewed at least at each financial year-end and, if expectations differ from previous estimates, the change(s) shall be accountedadditional 10 years for as a change in an accounting estimate in accordance with IAS 8“Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors”. As part of yearly review of useful lives of assets, the Group performed the necessary evaluation by considering current technological and economic conditions and recent business plans. Basedinsignificant fee. The amortization on the evaluation performed, changes inconsolidated financial statements has been recognized on the useful lives causedassumption that the following impacts on depreciation and amortization charges.


Depreciation and amortization charge for the year ended 31 December 2015

   1,673,168     1,667,750     5,418  

Due to the impracticability, the Group has not disclosed the effectduration of the changelicense would be extended. Starting from 1 March 2016, the license is valid from the date of the licensing authority’s decision on its issue and for the future unlimited period.

Commission feesGross versus net presentation of revenue

Commission fees relate to information and entertainment services performed in Turkey whereWhen the Group acts as anprincipal in sale of goods or rendering of services, revenue from customers and costs with suppliers are reported on a gross basis. When the Group acts as agent in sale of goods or rendering of services, revenue from customer and costs with suppliers are reported on a net basis, representing the transaction rather thannet margin earned. Whether the Group is acting as a principal. In April 2009,principal or agent depends on management’s analysis of both legal form and substance of the IASB issued amendments to

agreement between the Group and its business partners; such judgements impact the amount of reported revenue and costs but do not impact reported assets, liabilities or cash flows.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)



Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Use of estimates and judgments (continued)

Contracted handset sales

The Company, the illustrative guidance indistributors and dealers offer joint campaigns to the appendix to IAS 18 “Revenue” in respectsubscribers which may include the sale of identifying an agent versus a principal in a revenue-generating transaction. Based on this guidance; management considereddevice by the following factors in distinguishing between an agentdealer and/or distributor and a principal:communication service to be provided by the Company. The Company does not recognize any revenue for the device in these transactions by considering the below factors:


The Group

the Company is not primary obligor for the sale of handset,

the Company does not takehave control over the responsibility for fulfillmentsale prices of the games.handsets,


The Group

the Company has no inventory risk,

the Company has no responsibility on technical compability of equipment delivered to customers

the responsibility after sale belongs to the distributor and

the Company does not collectmake any modification on the proceeds from the final customer and it does not bear the credit risk.


The Group earns a pre-determined percentage of the total turnover.

Revenue recognitionMultiple performance obligations and price allocation

In arrangements which include multiple elements where the Group acts as principal, the Group considers thethese bundled elements to be separate units of accountinginvolve consideration in the arrangement. Total arrangement consideration relating to the bundled contractsform of a fixed fee or a fixed fee coupled with a continuing payment stream. A good or service is allocated among the different units accordingdistinct if both of the following criteria:criteria are met:


the component has standalone value to the customer; andgood or service is capable of being distinct


the fair valuepromise to transfer the good or service is distinct within the context of the component can be measured reliably.contract.

The arrangement consideration is allocated to each deliverableperformance obligation identified in proportion to the fair value of the individual deliverables.contract on a relative stand-alone selling prices. If a deliveredan element of a transaction is not a separately identifiable component,distinct, then it is accounted for as an integratedintegral part of the remaining componentselements of the transaction.

Income taxes

The calculation of income taxes involves a degree of estimation and judgment in respect of certain items whose tax treatment cannot be finally determined until resolution has been reached with the relevant tax authority or, as appropriate, through formal legal process.

As part of the process of preparing the consolidated financial statements, the Group is required to estimate the income taxes in each of the jurisdictions and countries in which they operate. This process involves estimating the actual current tax exposure together with assessing temporary differences resulting from differing treatment of items, such as deferred revenue and reserves for tax and accounting purposes. The Group management assesses the likelihood that the deferred tax assets will be recovered from future taxable income and to the extent the recovery is not considered probable the deferred asset is adjusted accordingly.

The recognition of deferred tax assets is based upon whether it is probable that future taxable profits will be available, against which the temporary differences can be utilized. Recognition, therefore, involves judgment regarding the future financial performance of the particular legal entity in which the deferred tax asset has been recognized.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Use of estimates and judgments (continued)

Provisions, Contingent Liabilitiescontingent liabilities and Contingent Assetscontingent assets

As detailed and disclosed in Note 34,37, the Group is involved in a number of investigations and legal proceedings (both as a plaintiff and as a defendant) during the year arising in the ordinary course of business. All of these investigations and litigations are evaluated by the Group Management in accordance with IAS 37“Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets” and disclosed or accounted in the consolidated financial statements. Future results or outcome of these investigations and litigations might



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

differ from Group Management’s expectations. As ofat the reporting date, the Group Management believes that appropriate recognition criteria and measurement basis are applied to provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets and that sufficient information is disclosed in the notes to enable users to understand their nature, timing and amount by considering current conditions and circumstances.

Annual impairment review

The GroupCompany tests annually whether goodwill and intangible asset not yet available for use have suffered any impairment in accordance with the accounting policy stated in Note 3.IAS 36“Impairment of Assets”. Additionally, the carrying amounts of Group’sCompany’s nonfinancial assets are reviewed at each reporting date to determine whether there is an indication of impairment. If any indication exists the assets recoverable amount is estimated in accordance with the accounting policy stated in Note 3. The recoverable amounts of cash-generating units have been determined based on value-in-usefair value less cost of disposal calculations. These calculations require the use of estimates as discussed in Note 14.13.

As at 31 December 2014, the Company has impaired its assets in Crimea region amounting to TL 19,897. As at 31 December 2018, there is no impairment on assets in Luhansk and Donetsk regions (31 December 2017: TL 10,872).

Current and potential future political and economic changes in Belarus and Ukraine could have an adverse effect on the subsidiaries operating in these countries. The economic stability of Belarus and Ukraine depends on the economic measures that will be taken by the governments and the outcomes of the legal, administrative and political processes in these countries. These processes are beyond the control of the subsidiaries established in these countries.

Consequently, the subsidiaries operating within Belarus and Ukraine may subject to foreign currency and interest rate risks related to borrowings, the subscriber’s purchasing power, liquidity and increase in corporate and personal insolvencies, that may not necessarily be observable in other markets. The accompanying consolidated financial statements contain the Company management’s estimations on the economic and financial positions of its subsidiaries operating in Belarus and Ukraine. The future economic situation of Belarus and Ukraine might differ from the Company’s expectations. As at 31 December 2018, the Group’s management believes that their approach is appropriate in taking all the necessary measures to support the sustainability of these subsidiaries’ businesses in the current circumstances and the achievability of the financials projections used in the impairment assessments.

Fair value measurements and valuation processes

Some of the Group’sCompany’s assets and liabilities are measured at fair value for financial reporting purposes. In estimating the fair value of an asset or a liability, the GroupCompany uses market-observable data to the extent it is available. Where Level 1 and 2 inputs are not available, the GroupCompany can engage third party qualified valuersexperts to perform the valuation, if necessary. The management works closely with the qualified external valuersexperts to establish the appropriate valuation techniques and inputs to the model. Information about the valuation techniques and inputs used in determining the fair value of various assets and liabilities are disclosed in Note 31.35.

Contracted handset sales

The Company,F-15



As at and for the distributorsyear ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and dealers offer joint campaignsnotes have been rounded off to the subscribers which may include the sale of device by the dealer and/or distributornearest thousand currency units and a communication service to be provided by the Company. The Company does not recognize any revenue for the deviceare expressed in these transactions by considering the below factors:Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


the Company is not primary obligor for the sale of handset,


the Company does not have control over the sale prices of handsets,

Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


the Company has no inventory risk,

the Company has no responsibility on technical compability of equipment delivered to customers

the responsibility after sale belongs to the distributor and

the Company does not make any modification on the equipment.

Changes in accounting policies

Other than the adoption of the new and revised standards as explained in Note 3(u)2(ae), the change of the presentation currency of the consolidated financial statements from US Dollars to TL which is the functional currency of the Company and change in Company’s reportable segments (Note 6) the Group did not make any majorsignificant changes to its accounting policies during the current year.



As at 31 December 2018, interest expense/income and fair value of derivative financial instruments are shown netted off on consolidated statement of profit or loss (Note 8). The Company has presented financials of 31 December 2017 and 2016 accordingly. This classification has no impact on operating profit, profit for the year ended 31 December 2015and cash flow statement.

(Amounts expressed in thousandsInterest expense and income for derivative financial instruments and option premium charges are shown net of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)under finance income (Note 8).



Changes in accounting estimates

If the application of changes in the accounting estimates affects the financial results of a specific period, the changes in the accounting estimates are applied in that specific period, if they affect the financial results of current and following periods; the accounting estimate is applied prospectively in the period in which such change is made. A change in the measurement basis applied is a change in an accounting policy, and is not a change in an accounting estimate. When it is difficult to distinguish a change in an accounting policy from a change in an accounting estimate, the change is treated as a change in an accounting estimate.

The Group didCompany does not have any majorsignificant changes in the accounting estimates during the current year, except for the useful lives of property, plant and equipment.year.


Comparative information and revision of prior period financial statements

The consolidated financial statements of the Group have been prepared consistent with prior periods.




As at and for the prior periods on a comparable basisyear ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in order to give consistent information about the financial position and performance. If the presentation or classification of the financial statements is changed, in order to maintain consistency, the financial statements of the prior periods are also reclassified in line with the related changes. Since the presentation currency of the consolidated financial statements changed from US Dollars to TL, the consolidated financial statements of the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013notes have been presentedrounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in TL for consistent presentation.Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)



Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these consolidated financial statements, and have been applied consistently by the Group entities other than the change of the presentation currency of the consolidated financial statements from US Dollars to TL which is the functional currency of the Company and change in Company’s reportable segments (Note 6).



Principles of consolidation and equity accounting



Business combinations

Acquisitions of businessesBusiness combinations are accounted for using the acquisition method. The consideration transferred in a business combination is measured atcomprises:

the fair value which is calculated as the sum of the acquisition-date fair values of the assets transferred by the Group,

liabilities incurred by the Group to the former owners of the acquiree and the acquired business

equity interests issued by the Group

the fair value of any asset or liability resulting from a contingent consideration arrangement, and

the fair value of anypre-existing equity interest in exchange for control of the acquiree. subsidiary.

Acquisition-related costs are generallyexpensed as incurred.

Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed in a business combination are, with limited exceptions, measured initially at their fair values at the acquisition date.

Goodwill is measured as the excess of the consideration transferred, amount of anynon-controlling interest in the acquired entity, and acquisition-date fair value of any previously held equity interest in the acquired entity over the fair value of the net identifiable assets acquired. If those amounts are less than the fair value of the net identifiable assets of the business acquired, the difference is recognized directly in profit or loss as incurred.a bargain purchase. The Group recognizes anynon-controlling interest in the acquired entity on anacquisition-by-acquisition basis either at fair value or at thenon-controlling interest’s proportionate share of the acquired entity’s net identifiable assets.

AtWhere settlement of any part of cash consideration is deferred, the amounts payable in the future are discounted to their present value as at the date of exchange. The discount rate used is the entity’s incremental borrowing rate, being the rate at which a similar borrowing could be obtained from an independent financier under comparable terms and conditions.

Contingent consideration is classified either as equity or a financial liability. Amounts classified as a financial liability are subsequently remeasured to fair value with changes in fair value recognized in profit or loss. Contingent consideration classified as equity is not subject to remeasurement. Instead, any gain or loss at settlement is recorded as an adjustment to equity through other comprehensive income.

If the business combination is achieved in stages, the acquisition date carrying value of the identifiable assets acquired andacquirer’s previously held equity interest in the liabilities assumed are recognized at theiracquire is remeasured to fair value except that:

deferred tax assets or liabilities, and assets or liabilities related to employee benefit arrangements are recognized and measured in accordance with IAS 12“Income Taxes” and IAS 19“Employee Benefits” respectively;

liabilities or equity instruments related to share-based payment arrangements of the acquiree or share-based payment arrangements of the Group entered into to replace share-based payment arrangements of the acquiree are measured in accordance with IFRS 2 at the acquisition date; and
date. Any gains or losses arising from such remeasurement are recognized in profit or loss.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


2.assets (or disposal groups) that are classified as held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5“Non-current Assets Held for Sale

Basis of preparation and Discontinued Operations” are measured in accordance with that Standard.summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

Goodwill is measured as the excess of the sum of the consideration transferred, the amount of any non-controlling interests in the acquiree, and the fair value of the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree (if any) over the net of the acquisition-date amounts of the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed. If, after reassessment, the net of the acquisition-date amounts of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed exceeds the sum of the consideration transferred, the amount of any non-controlling interests in the acquiree and the fair value of the acquirer’s previously held interest in the acquiree (if any), the excess is recognized immediately in profit or loss as a bargain purchase gain.

Non-controlling interests that are present ownership interests and entitle their holders to a proportionate share of the entity’s net assets in the event of liquidation may be initially measured either at fair value or at the non-controlling interests’ proportionate share of the recognized amounts of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets. The choice of measurement basis is made on a transaction-by-transaction basis. Other types of non-controlling interests are measured at fair value or, when applicable, on the basis specified in another IFRS.

When the consideration transferred by the Group in a business combination includes assets or liabilities resulting from a contingent consideration arrangement, the contingent consideration is measured at its acquisition-date fair value and included as part of the consideration transferred in a business combination. Changes in the fair value of the contingent consideration that qualify as measurement period adjustments are adjusted retrospectively, with corresponding adjustments against goodwill. Measurement period adjustments are adjustments that arise from additional information obtained during the ‘measurement period’ (which cannot exceed one year from the acquisition date) about facts and circumstances that existed at the acquisition date.

The subsequent accounting for changes in the fair value of the contingent consideration that do not qualify as measurement period adjustments depends on how the contingent consideration is classified. Contingent consideration that is classified as equity is not remeasured at subsequent reporting dates and its subsequent settlement is accounted for within equity. Contingent consideration that is classified as an asset or a liability is remeasured at subsequent reporting dates in accordance with IAS 39 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and measurement”, or IAS 37“Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets”, as appropriate, with the corresponding gain or loss being recognized in profit or loss.

Principles of consolidation and equity accounting (continued)




When a business combination is achieved in stages, the Group’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree is remeasured to its acquisition-date fair value and the resulting gain or loss, if any, is recognized in profit or loss. Amounts arising from interests in the acquiree prior to the acquisition date that have previously been recognized in other comprehensive incomeSubsidiaries are reclassified to profit or loss where such treatment would be appropriate if that interest were disposed of.

If the initial accounting for a business combination is incomplete by the end of the reporting period inall entities over which the combination occurs, the Group reports provisional amounts for the items for which the accounting is incomplete. Those provisional amounts are adjusted during the measurement period (see above), or additional assets or liabilities are recognized, to reflect new information obtained about facts and circumstances that existed at the acquisition date that, if known, would have affected the amounts recognized at that date.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

has control. The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the Company and entities (including structured entities) controlled by the Company and its subsidiaries. Control is achievedGroup controls an entity when the Company:

has power over the investee;

group is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the investee;entity and

has the ability to useaffect those returns through its power to affect its returns.
direct the activities of the entity. Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Group. They are deconsolidated from the date that control ceases.

The Company reassesses whether or not it controls an investee if facts and circumstances indicate that there are changes to one or more of the three elements of control listed above.

WhenIntercompany transactions, balances and unrealized gains on transactions between group companies are eliminated. Unrealized losses are also eliminated unless the Company has less than a majoritytransaction provides evidence of an impairment of the voting rightstransferred asset.

Accounting policies of an investee, it has power oversubsidiaries have been changed where necessary to ensure consistency with the investee when the voting rights are sufficient to give it the practical ability to direct the relevant activities of the investee unilaterally. The Company considers all relevant facts and circumstances in assessing whether or not the Company’s voting rights in an investee are sufficient to give it power, including:

the size of the Company’s holding of voting rights relative to the size and dispersion of holdings of the other vote holders;

potential voting rights heldpolicies adopted by the Company, other vote holders or other parties;

rights arising from other contractual arrangements; and

any additional factsNon-controlling interests in the results and circumstances that indicate that the Company has, or does not have, the current ability to direct the relevant activities at the time that decisions need to be made, including voting patterns at previous shareholders’ meetings.

Consolidationequity of a subsidiary begins when the Company obtains control over the subsidiary and ceases when the Company loses control of the subsidiary. Specifically, income and expenses of a subsidiary acquired or disposed of during the yearsubsidiaries are includedshown separately in the consolidated statement of profit or loss, and otherstatement of comprehensive income, from the date the Company gains control until the date when the Company ceases to control the subsidiary.statement of changes in equity and statement of financial position respectively.

Profit or loss and each component of other comprehensive income areNon -controlling interest has not been attributed to Belarus Telekom on the ownersgrounds that net assets of Belarus Telekom is negative, Belarus Telekom is financed solely by the Company and management’s assessment of relevant articles of the share purchase agreement with thenon-controlling shareholder.

Turkcell Finansman A.Ş. (“Turkcell Finansman”) sold financial loans amounting to TL 87,589 to Aktif Yatırım Bankası A.Ş. Turkcell Varlık Finansmanı Fund (“Fund”) founded by Aktif Yatırım Bankası A.Ş. on 14 April 2017 in order to create funds for issuance of Asset Backed Securities (“ABS”) which will be issued by the Fund in a structure where Turkcell Finansman will act as the source organization. Turkcell Finansman similarly sold second financial loans amounting to TL 89,607 to Aktif Yatırım Bankası A.Ş. Turkcell Varlık Finansmanı Fund (“Fund”) founded by Aktif Yatırım Bankası A.Ş. on 22 August 2017, third financial loans amounting to TL 90,272 on 16 February 2018 and fourth financial loans amounting to TL 56,716 on 20 December 2018. Turkcell Finansman transferred its contractual rights to receive cash flows from the financial loans that have been sold to the non-controlling interests. Total comprehensive incomeFund resulting inde-recognition of subsidiaries is attributed to the ownersrelated assets from its consolidated financial statements. Moreover, the Company did not consolidate the Fund since the activities of the Fund are not controlled by the Company and to the non-controlling interests even if this results in the non-controlling interests havingFund has been defined as a deficit balance.

When necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to bring their accounting policies into line with the Group’s accounting policies.structured entity.


(iii)Changes in the Group’s ownership interests in existing subsidiaries

Changes in the Group’s ownership interests in subsidiaries that do not result in the Group losing control over the subsidiaries are accounted for as equity transactions. The carrying amounts of the Group’s interests and the non-controlling interests are adjusted to reflect the changes in their relative interests in the subsidiaries. Any difference between the amount by which the non-controlling interests are adjusted and the fair value of the consideration paid or received is recognized directly in equity and attributed to owners of the Company. In this context, the Group’s ownership interest in Euroasia was increased to 100% in July, 2015 and the deficit representing the difference between the non-controlling interests derecognized and the consideration paid for the acquisition of shares amounting to TL 929,013 has been reduced from retained earnings in July 2015 and attributed to the owners of the Company.F-18



As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)



Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Principles of consolidation and equity accounting (continued)


Changes in ownership interests

The Group treats transactions withnon-controlling interests that do not result in a loss of control as transactions with equity owners of the Group. A change in ownership interest results in an adjustment between the carrying amounts of the controlling andnon-controlling interests to reflect their relative interests in the subsidiary. Any difference between the amount of the adjustment to thenon-controlling and any consideration paid or received is recognized in a separate reserve within equity attributable to owners of the Company.

When the Group loses controlceases to consolidate or equity account for an investment because of a subsidiary, a gainloss of control, joint control or losssignificant influence, any retained interest in the entity is remeasured to its fair value with the change in carrying amount recognized in profit or loss and is calculated as the difference between (i) the aggregate of theloss. This fair value becomes the initial carrying amount for the purposes of subsequently accounting for the consideration received and the fair value of any retained interest and (ii) the previous carrying amount of the assets (including goodwill), and liabilities of the subsidiary andas an associate, joint venture or financial asset. In addition, any non-controlling interests. All amounts previously recognized in other comprehensive income in relation torespect of that subsidiaryentity are accounted for as if the Group had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilitiesliabilities. This may mean that amounts previously recognized in other comprehensive income are reclassified to profit or loss.

If the ownership interest in a joint venture or an associate is reduced but joint control or significant influence is retained, only a proportionate share of the subsidiary (i.e.amounts previously recognized in other comprehensive income are reclassified to profit or loss or transferred to another category of equity as specified/permitted by applicable IFRSs). The fair value of any investment retained in the former subsidiary at the date when control is lost is regarded as the fair value on initial recognition for subsequent accounting under IAS 39, when applicable, the cost on initial recognition of an investment in an associate or a joint venture.where appropriate.



Acquisition from entitiesBusiness combinations under common control

Business combinations arising from transfers of interests inbetween entities that areor businesses under thecommon control of the shareholder that controls the Group are excluded from the scope of IFRS 3“Business Combinations”.3. In a business combinationscombination under common control, assets and liabilities subject to business combinationof the acquired entity are accounted forstated at theirpredecessor carrying values. Any difference between the consideration given and the aggregate book value of the assets and liabilities of the acquired entity at the date of the transaction is recognized in consolidatedequity. The acquired entity’s results and financial statements. Statements of profitposition are incorporated as if both entities (acquirer and acquiree) had always been combined, or loss are consolidated startingusing the results from the year thatdate when either entity joined the comparative financial statements are presented and financial statements of previous financial years are restated. Any positive or negative goodwill arising fromGroup, where such business combinationsa date is not recognized in the consolidated financial statements. Residual balance calculated by netting off investment in subsidiary and the share acquired in subsidiary’s equity accounted for as equity transactions (i.e. transactions with owners acting in their capacity as owners).later.



Transactions eliminated on consolidation

All intragroup assets and liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows relating to transactions between members of the Group are eliminated in full on consolidation. Unrealized gains arising from transactions with equity accounted investees are eliminated against the investment to the extent of the Group’s interest in the investee. Unrealized losses are eliminated in the same way as unrealized gains, but only to the extent that there is no evidence of impairment.

(vi)Non-controllingPut option over shares relating tonon-controlling interests

Where a put option is grantedwritten by the Group to the non-controlling interests shareholderson shares in an existing subsidiaries that provides for settlement in cash or in another financial asset,subsidiary held bynon-controlling interests, the Group recognizes a financial liability forat the present value of the estimated exercise priceredemption amount to reflect the put option. If the ownership risks and rewards of the option. The interests ofshares relating to the non-controlling shareholders that hold such put options are derecognized when the financial liabilityoption is recognized. The corresponding interests attributable to Group, the holder of the puttable non-controlling interests are presented as attributable to the equity holders of the parent and not as attributable to those non-controlling interests’ shareholders. interest is derecognized. The difference between the put option liability recognized and the amount of non-controlling interests’ shareholders interests derecognized is recorded under equity.

Subsequent changes in the fair value of the put option liability are recognized in equity for the business combinations before 1 January 2009 other than unwind of discount and associated foreign exchange gains and losses.equity. For the business combinations after 1 January 2009, subsequent changes in the fair value of the put option liability are recognized in profit or loss.

Reserve for put option over shares relating tonon-controlling interests included in equity arises from the difference between the fair value of the put option written by Fintur Holdings B.V. (“Fintur”) onnon-controlling shares in one of its subsidiaries and the derecognizednon-controlling interests relating to that put option.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)



Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Principles of consolidation and equity accounting (continued)


Investments in associates and joint ventures

An associate is an entity over which the Group has significant influence. Significant influence, is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is not control or joint control over those policies.control. This is generally the case where the Group holds between 20% and 50% of the voting rights. Investments in associates are accounted for using the equity method of accounting after initially being recognized at cost.

A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to the net assets of the joint arrangement. Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only when decisions about the relevant activities require unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.

The results and assets and liabilities of associates or joint ventures are incorporated in these consolidated financial statements using the equity method of accounting, except when the investment, or a portion thereof, is classified as held for sale, in which case it is accounted for in accordance with IFRS 5 “Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations”. accounting.

Under the equity method of accounting, an investment in an associate or a joint venture is initially recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position at cost and adjusted thereafter to recognize the Group’s share of the post-acquisition profits or losses of the investee in profit or loss, and the Group’s share of movements in other comprehensive income of the associateinvestee in other comprehensive income. Dividends received or joint venture. receivable from associates are recognized as a reduction in the carrying amount of the investment.

When the Group’s share of losses ofin an associateequity-accounted investment equals or a joint venture exceeds the Group’sits interest in that associate or joint venture (which includesentity, including any other unsecured long-term interests that, in substance, form part of the Group’s net investment in the associate or joint venture),receivables, the Group discontinues recognizing its share ofdoes not recognise further losses. Additional losses, are recognized only to the extent that the Groupunless it has incurred legal or constructive obligations or made payments on behalf of the associate or joint venture.other entity.

An investmentUnrealized gains on transactions between the Group and its associates are eliminated to the extent of the Group’s interest in these entities. Unrealized losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an associate or a joint venture isimpairment of the asset transferred. Accounting policies of equity accounted for usinginvestees have been changed where necessary to ensure consistency with the equity method frompolicies adopted by the date on which the investee becomes an associate or a joint venture. Group.

On acquisition of the investment in an associate, or a joint venture, any excess of the cost of the investment over the Group’s share of the net fair valuevalues of the associate’s identifiable assets and liabilities of the investee is recognized as goodwill, which is included withinin the carrying amount of the investment. Any excess of the Group’s share of the net fair value of the associate’s identifiable assets and liabilities over the cost of the investment after reassessment, is recognized immediately inincluded as part of the Group’s share of the associate profit or loss in the period in which the investment is acquired.

The requirements of IAS 39 are applied to determine whether it is necessary to recognize any impairment loss with respect to the Group’s investment in an associate or a joint venture. When necessary, the entire carrying amount of the investment (including goodwill)equity-accounted investments is tested for impairment in accordance with IAS 39the policy described in (Note 16). The Group measures an associate that is classified as a single asset by comparingheld for sale at the lower of its recoverablecarrying amount (higherat the date of value in useclassification as held for sale and fair value less costs to sell) with its carrying amount.

Any impairment loss recognized forms part of the carrying amount of the investment. Any reversal of that impairment loss is recognized in accordance with IAS 36 to the extent that the recoverable amount of the investment subsequently increases.

The Group discontinues the use of the equity method from the date when the investmentdisposal. Equity accounting ceases to beonce an associate or a joint venture, or when the investment is classified as held for sale. When


Financial instruments



From 1 January 2018, the Group retains an interestclassifies its financial assets in the former associate or joint venture and the retained interest is a financial asset, the Group measures the retained interestfollowing measurement categories:

those to be measured subsequently at fair value (either through OCI or through profit or loss), and

those to be measured at that dateamortised cost.

The classification depends on the Group’s business model for managing the financial assets and the contractual terms of the cash flows.

For assets measured at fair value, is regarded as itsgains and losses will either be recorded in profit or loss or OCI. For investments in equity instruments that are not held for trading, this will depend on whether the Group has made an irrevocable election at the time of initial recognition to account for the equity investment at fair value on initial recognition in accordance with IAS 39. The difference between the carrying amount of the associate or joint venture at the date the equity method was discontinued, and the fair value of any retained interest and any proceeds from disposing of a part interest in the associate or joint venture is included in the determination of the gain or loss on disposal of the associate or joint venture. In addition, the Group accounts for all amounts previously recognized inthrough other comprehensive income in relation to that associate


The Group reclassifies debt investments when and only when its business model for managing those assets changes.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)



Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Financial instruments (continued)


Recognition and derecognition

Regular way purchases and sales of financial assets are recognized on trade date, the date on which the Group commits to purchase or joint venturesell the asset. Financial assets are derecognized when the rights to receive cash flows from the financial assets have expired or have been transferred and the Group has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership.



At initial recognition, the Group measures a financial asset at its fair value plus, in the case of a financial asset not at fair value through profit or loss (FVPL), transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition of the financial asset. Transaction costs of financial assets carried at FVPL are expensed in profit or loss.

Financial assets with embedded derivatives are considered in their entirety when determining whether their cash flows are solely payment of principal and interest.

Debt instruments

Subsequent measurement of debt instruments depends on the same basis as would be required if that associate or joint venture had directly disposedGroup’s business model for managing the asset and the cash flow characteristics of the relatedasset. There are three measurement categories into which the Group classifies its debt instruments:

Amortised cost: Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows where those cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest are measured at amortised cost. Interest income from these financial assets is included in finance income using the effective interest rate method. Any gain or liabilities. Therefore, if aloss arising on derecognition is recognised directly in profit or loss.

FVOCI: Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows and for selling the financial assets, where the assets’ cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest, are measured at FVOCI. Movements in the carrying amount are taken through OCI, except for the recognition of impairment gains or losses, interest income and foreign exchange gains and losses which are recognised in profit or loss. When the financial asset is derecognised, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognizedrecognised in other comprehensive income by that associate or joint venture would beOCI is reclassified to profit or loss on the disposal of the related assets or liabilities, the Group reclassifies the gain or loss from equity to profit or loss (as a reclassification adjustment) whenloss. Interest income from these financial assets is included in finance income using the equity method is discontinued.effective interest rate method.

The Group continues to use

FVPL: Assets that do not meet the equity method when an investment in an associate becomes an investment in a joint venturecriteria for amortised cost or an investment in a joint venture becomes an investment in an associate. There is no remeasurement to fair value upon such changes in ownership interests.

When the Group reduces its ownership interest in an associate or a joint venture but the Group continues to use the equity method, the Group reclassifies to profit or loss the proportion of the gain or loss that had previously been recognized in other comprehensive income relating to that reduction in ownership interest if that gain or loss would be reclassified to profit or loss on the disposal of the related assets or liabilities.

When a group entity transacts with an associate or a joint venture of the Group, profits and losses resulting from the transactions with the associate or joint ventureFVOCI are recognized in the Group’s consolidated financial statements only to the extent of interests in the associate or joint venture that are not related to the Group.

(b)Foreign currency

(i)Foreign currency transactions

Transactions in foreign currencies are translated to the respective functional currencies of Group entitiesmeasured at exchange rates at the dates of the transactions. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the reporting date are retranslated to the functional currency at the exchange rate at that date. The foreign currencyFVPL. A gain or loss on monetary itemsa debt instruments that is the difference between amortized cost in the functional currency at the beginning of the period, adjusted for effective interest and payments during the period, and the amortized cost in foreign currency translated at the exchange rate at the end of the period.

Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies that aresubsequently measured at fair value are retranslated to the functional currency at the exchange rate at the date that the fair value was determined. Foreign currency differences arising on retranslation are recognized in the statement of profit or loss, except for differences arising on the retranslation of available-for-sale equity instruments, which are recognized directly in equity.

Exchange differences are recognizedFVPL is recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they arise except for:it arises.

Equity instruments

Exchange differencesThe Group subsequently measures all equity investments at fair value. Where the Group’s management has elected to present fair value gains and losses on foreign currency borrowings relatingequity investments in OCI, there is no subsequent reclassification of fair value gains and losses to assets under construction for future productive use, which are included inprofit or loss following the cost of those assets where they are regarded as an adjustment to interest costs on those foreign currency borrowings;

Exchange differences on monetary items receivable from or payable to a foreign operation for which settlement is neither planned nor likely to occur, which form partderecognition of the net investment in a foreign operation, and which are recognized in the foreign currency translation reserve and recognizedinvestment. Dividends from such investments continue to be recognised in profit or loss on disposal ofas other income when the net investment.
Group’s right to receive payments is established.

(ii)Foreign operations

The assets and liabilities of foreign operations, including goodwill andChanges in the fair value adjustments arisingof financial assets at FVPL are recognised in the statement of profit or loss as applicable. Impairment losses (and reversal of impairment losses) on acquisition,equity investments measured at FVOCI are translated to TLnot reported separately from the functional currency of the foreign operation at foreign exchange

other changes in fair value.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


rates ruling at the reporting date. The income and expenses of foreign operations are translated to TL at monthly average exchange rates excluding foreign operations in hyperinflationary economies which are translated to TL at exchange rates at the reporting date.

The income and expenses of foreign operations in hyperinflationary economies are translated to TL at the exchange rate at the reporting date. Prior to translating the financial statements of foreign operations in hyperinflationary economies, their financial statements for the current period are restated to account for changes in the general purchasing power of the local currency. The restatement is based on relevant price indices at the reporting date.

Foreign currency differences arising on retranslation are recognized directly in the foreign currency translation reserve, as a separate component of equity. Since 1 January 2005, the Group’s date of transition to IFRSs, such differences have been recognized in the foreign currency translation reserve.

Goodwill and fair value adjustments to identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed through acquisition of a foreign operation are treated as assets and liabilities of the foreign operation and translated at the rate of exchange prevailing at the end of each reporting period. Exchange differences arising are recognized in other comprehensive income.

Foreign exchange gains and losses arising from a monetary item receivable from or payable to a foreign operation, the settlement of which is neither planned nor likely in the foreseeable future, are considered to form part of a net investment in a foreign operation and are recognized directly in equity in the foreign currency translation reserves which shall be reclassified from equity to profit or loss on the disposal of a foreign operation. The Company has recognized net foreign exchange losses net of tax amounting to TL 200,248 and TL 62,260 resulting from net investment in their foreign operations located in Belarus and Ukraine respectively, in foreign currency translation reserves in the current period (31 December 2014: None).


(iii)2.Translation from functional to presentation currency

Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

Items included in the financial statements of each entity are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entities operate, normally under their local currencies.

The consolidated financial statements are presented in Turkish Liras, which is the presentation currency of the Group. The Group started to use TL as the presentation currency starting from 31 December 2015 since the majority of the Group’s income and expenses are in TL. This change will align the Group’s in the Republic of Turkey and United States.

Assets and liabilities for each statement of financial position presented (including comparatives) are translated to TL at exchange rates at the statement of financial position date. Income and expenses for each statement of profit or loss (including comparatives) are translated to TL at monthly average exchange rates excluding operations in hyperinflationary economies which are translated to TL at exchange rates at the reporting date.

Foreign currency differences arising on retranslation are recognized directly in a separate component of equity.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)



Financial instruments (continued)



Non-derivative financial instrumentsImpairment

Non-derivative financialFrom 1 January 2018, the Group assesses on a forward looking basis the expected credit losses associated with its debt instruments comprise investmentscarried at amortised cost and FVOCI. The impairment methodology applied depends on whether there has been a significant increase in equity and debt securities, trade and other receivables, cash and cash equivalents, loans and borrowings, and trade and other risk.

Non-derivative financial instruments which are not recognized or designated as financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss are recognized initially at fair value plus any directly attributable transaction costs. Subsequent to initial recognition, non-derivative financial instrumentsLoss allowances are measured as described below:on either the following bases.


12 month expected credit losses (ECLs): these are ECLs that result from possible default events within the 12 months after the reporting date; and cash equivalents comprise cash balances

lifetime ECLs: these are ECLs that result from all possible default events over the expected life of a financial instrument.

The Group applies lifetime ECL measurement for all group companies except Turkcell Finansman A.S. which applies both 12 month and call deposits with original maturities of three months or less. Bank overdrafts that are repayable on demand and form an integral part of the Group’s cash management are included as a component of cash and cash equivalents for the purpose of the statement of cash flows.

Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount presented in the statement of financial position when, and only when, the Group has a legal right to offset the amounts and intends either to settle on a net basis or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.lifetime ECL (general approach).



Derecognition of financial assetsDerivatives and hedging activities

The Group derecognizes a financial asset only when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the asset expire, or when it transfers the financial asset and substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the asset to another party. If the Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership and continues to control the transferred asset, the Group recognizes its retained interest in the asset and an associated liability for amounts it may have to pay. If the Group retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of a transferred financial asset, the Group continues to recognize the financial asset and also recognizes a collateralized borrowing for the proceeds received.

Accounting for finance income and costs is discussed in Note 3(m).

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

An instrument is classified as financial assetDerivatives are initially recognised at fair value through profit or loss if it is held for trading or is designated as such upon initial recognition.

A financial asset is classified as held for trading if:

it has been acquired principally foron the purpose of selling it in the near term; or

on initial recognition it is part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that the Group manages together and has a recent actual pattern of short-term profit-taking; or

it isdate a derivative thatcontract is not designated and effective as a hedging instrument.

A financial asset other than a financial asset held for trading may be designated as at fair value through profit or loss upon initial recognition if:

such designation eliminates or significantly reduces a measurement or recognition inconsistency that would otherwise arise; or



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

the financial asset forms part of a group of financial assets or financial liabilities or both, which is managed and its performance is evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance with the Group’s documented risk management or investment strategy, and information about the grouping is provided internally on that basis; or

it forms part of a contract containing one or more embedded derivatives, and IAS 39 permits the entire combined contract to be designated as at fair value through profit or loss.

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are stated at fair value, with any gains or losses arising on remeasurement recognized in profit or loss. The net gain or loss recognized in profit or loss incorporates any dividend or interest earned on the financial asset and is included in the statement of profit or loss.

Held-to-maturity financial assets

If the Group has the positive intent and ability to hold debt securities to maturity, then they are classified as held-to-maturity. Held-to-maturity financial assets are recognized initially at fair value plus any directly attributable transaction costs. Held-to-maturity financial assets are held-to-maturity investments that are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method, less any impairment losses.

Any sale or reclassification of a more than insignificant amount of held-to-maturity investments not close to their maturity would result in the reclassification of all held-to-maturity investments as available-for-sale, and prevent the Group from classifying investment securities as held-to-maturity for the current and the following two financial years.

Available-for-sale financial assets are non-derivative financial assets that are designated as available-for-sale and that are not classified in any of the previous categories.

The Group’s investments in equity securities and certain debt securities are classified as available-for-sale financial assets. Subsequent to initial recognition, they are measured at fair value and changes therein, other than impairment losses (see Note 3(h)(i)), and foreign exchange gains and losses on available-for-sale monetary items (see Note 3(b)(i)), are recognized directly in equity. When an investment is derecognized, the cumulative gain or loss in equity is transferred to the statement of profit of loss.


Other non-derivative financial instruments are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method, less any impairment losses.

(iii)Derivative financial instruments

The Group holds derivative financial instruments to hedge its foreign currency risk exposures arising from operational, financing and investing activities. In accordance with its treasury policy, the Group engages in forward, swap and option contracts. However, these derivatives do not qualify for hedge accounting and are accounted for as trading derivatives.

Embedded derivatives are separated from the host contract and accounted for separately if a) the economic characteristics and risks of the host contract and the embedded derivative are not closely related, b) a separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded derivative would meet the definition of a derivative, and c) the combined instrument is not measured at fair value through profit or loss.

Also the Group enters into derivative financial instruments to manage its exposure to interest rate, including interest rate collar. Further details of derivative financial instruments are disclosed in Note 26 and 32.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Derivatives are initially recognized at fair value at the date the derivative contracts are entered into and are subsequently re-measuredremeasured to their fair value at the end of each reporting period.

Forward foreign exchange, interest rate and foreign exchange swaps (IRS, Cross Currency Swaps etc.) and option transaction fair values are calculated with market levels of interest rates and Central Bank of Republic of Turkey (CBRT) exchange rates via Bloomberg financial terminal. If market levels are not available for valuation date, fair value for forward contracts will be value of discounted future value of difference between contract price level and forward value of CBRT exchange rate with risk fee rates for the period. Interest rate and currency swaps will be valued with the difference of discounted cash flows of each leg of the swaps using risk free rates and CBRT exchange rates. Option transactions will be valued with option pricing models using risk free rates and CBRT exchange rates.

The resulting gain or loss is immediately recognizedaccounting for subsequent changes in the statement of profit or loss unlessfair value depends on whether the derivative is designated and effective as a hedging instrument, in which event the timing of the recognition in statement of profit or loss depends onand if so, the nature of the hedge relationship.

Hedge Accounting

item being hedged. The Groupgroup designates certain hedging instruments which includederivatives as hedges of a particular risk associated with the cash flows of recognised assets and liabilities and highly probable forecast transactions (cash flow hedges. hedges).

At the inception of the hedge relationship, the Group documents the economic relationship between the hedging instrumentinstruments and the hedged item, along with its risk management objectives and its strategy for undertaking various hedge transactions. Furthermore, at the inception of the hedge and on an ongoing basis, the Group documentsitems including whether the hedging instrument is highly effective in offsetting changes in fair values orthe cash flows of the hedging instruments are expected to offset changes in the cash flows of hedged item attributable to the hedged risk.items. The Group documents its risk management objective and strategy for undertaking its hedge transactions.

Cash flow hedges that qualify for hedge accounting

The effective portion of changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as cash flow hedges is recognizedrecognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated under the heading of cash flow hedging reserve.hedge reserve within equity. The gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is recognizedrecognised immediately in profit or loss.

Gains or losses relating to the statementeffective portion of the change in intrinsic value of the options are recognised in the cash flow hedge reserve within equity. The changes in the time value of the options that relate to the hedged item (‘aligned time value’) are recognised within OCI in the costs of hedging reserve within equity.

Amounts accumulated in equity are reclassified in the periods when the hedged item affects profit or loss, and is included in the “finance income / costs” line item.

Hedge accounting is discontinued when the Group revokes the hedging relationship, when the hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated, or exercised, or when it no longer qualifies for hedge accounting. Any gain or loss recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity at that time remains in equity and is recognized when the forecast transaction is ultimately recognized in statement of profit or loss. When a forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the gain or loss accumulated in equity is immediately recognized in the statement of profit or loss in the same financial statement line item as the recognized hedged item.follows:


(iv)Financial liabilities and equity instruments

Classification as debt or equityF-22

Debt and equity instruments issued by the Group are classified as either financial liabilities or as equity item in accordance with the substance of the contractual arrangements entered into and the definitions of a financial liability and an equity instrument.

Equity instruments

An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the Group after deducting all of its liabilities. Equity instruments issued by the Group are recognized at the proceeds received, net of direct issue costs.

Repurchase of the Group’s own equity instruments is recognized and deducted directly in/ from equity. No gain or loss is recognized in profit or loss on the purchase, sale, issue or cancellation of the Group’s own equity instruments.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


2.    Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

(i)    Financial instruments (continued)


Derivatives and hedging activities (continued)

Subordinated debtCash flow hedges that qualify for hedge accounting (continued)

Where the hedged item subsequently results in the recognition of anon-financial asset, both the deferred hedging gains and losses and the deferred time value of the option contracts or deferred forward points, if any, are included within the initial cost of the asset. The deferred amounts are ultimately recognised in profit or loss as the hedged item affects profit or loss.

The gain or loss relating to the effective portion of the interest rate swaps hedging variable rate borrowings is recognised in profit or loss within finance cost at the same time as the interest expense on the hedged borrowings.

When a hedging instrument expires, or is sold or terminated, or when a hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, any cumulative deferred gain or loss and deferred costs of hedging in equity at that time remains in equity until the forecast transaction occurs, resulting in the recognition of anon-financial asset. When the forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss and deferred costs of hedging that were reported in equity are immediately reclassified to profit or loss.

Certain derivative instruments do not qualify for hedge accounting. Changes in the fair value of any derivative instrument that does not qualify for hedge accounting are recognised immediately in profit or loss.


Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities

Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount presented in the statement of financial position where the Group has a legally enforcable right to offset the recognized amounts, and there is an intention to settle on a net basis or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.

Financial instruments—Accounting policies applied until 31 December 2017

The foreign subsidiaries ofGroup has applied IFRS 9 retrospectively, but has elected not to restate comparative information for prior periods. As a result, the Company have issued subordinated debt instrumentscomparative information provided continues to the Company. These instruments are treated as equity instruments in subsidiaries’ separate financial statements and carried at historic costbe accounted for in accordance with IAS 32Financial Instruments: Presentationthe Group’s previous accounting policy. Accounting policies that changed on adoption of IFRS 9 are as it includes no contractual obligation to deliver cash or another financial asset to another entity or to exchangefollows. The Group’s new accounting policies are explained above.



Until 31 December 2017, the Group classified its financial assets or in the following categories:

financial liabilities with another entity under conditions that are potentially unfavorable to the issuer.

Financial liabilities

Financial liabilities are classified as either financial liabilitiesassets at fair value through profit or loss,

loans and receivables,

held-to-maturity investments, and

available-for-sale financial assets.

The classification depended on the purpose for which the investments were acquired. Management determined the classification of its investments at initial recognition and, in the case of assets classified asheld-to-maturity,re-evaluated this designation at the end of each reporting period.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Financial instruments (continued)

Financial instruments—Accounting policies applied until 31 December 2017 (continued)



The Group could choose to reclassify anon-derivative trading financial asset out of the held for trading category if the financial asset was no longer held for the purpose of selling it in the near term. Financial assets other than loans and receivables were permitted to be reclassified out of the held for trading category only in rare circumstances arising from a single event that was unusual and highly unlikely to recur in the near term. In addition, the Group could choose to reclassify financial assets that would meet the definition of loans and receivables out of the held for trading or otheravailable-for-sale categories if the Group had the intention and ability to hold these financial liabilities.assets for the foreseeable future or until maturity at the date of reclassification.

Financial liabilitiesReclassifications were made at fair value as of the reclassification date. Fair value became the new cost or amortized cost as applicable, and no reversals of fair value gains or losses recorded before reclassification date were subsequently made. Effective interest rates for financial assets reclassified to loans and receivables andheld-to-maturity categories were determined at the reclassification date. Further increases in estimates of cash flows adjusted effective interest rates prospectively.


Subsequent measurement

The measurement at initial recognition did not change on adoption of IFRS 9.

Subsequent to initial recognition, loans and receivables andheld-to-maturity investments were carried at amortized cost using the effective interest method.

Available-for-sale financial assets and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss were subsequently carried at fair value. Gains or losses arising from changes in the fair value were recognized as follows:

Financial liabilities are classified as

for ‘financial assets at fair value through profit or loss’ – in profit or loss

foravailable-for-sale financial assets that are monetary securities denominated in a foreign currency – translation differences related to changes in the amortized cost of the security were recognized in profit or loss whereand other changes in the carrying amount were recognized in other comprehensive income

for other monetary andnon-monetary securities classified asavailable-for-sale – in other comprehensive income

Details on how the fair value of financial instruments is determined are disclosed in Note 35.



The Group assessed at the end of each reporting period whether there was objective evidence that a financial asset or group of financial assets was impaired. A financial asset or a group of financial assets was impaired and impairment losses were incurred only if there was objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the asset (a ‘loss event’) and that loss event had an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial liabilityasset or group of financial assets that could be reliably estimated. In the case of equity investments classified asavailable-for-sale, a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of the security below its cost was considered an indicator that the assets were impaired.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Financial instruments (continued)

Financial instruments - Accounting policies applied until 31 December 2017 (continued)


Impairment (continued)

For loans and receivables, the amount of the loss was measured as the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have not been incurred) discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest rate. The carrying amount of the asset was reduced and the amount of the loss was recognised in profit or loss. If a loan orheld-to-maturity investment had a variable interest rate, the discount rate for measuring any impairment loss was the current effective interest rate determined under the contract. As a practical expedient, the Group could measure impairment on the basis of an instrument’s fair value using an observable market price.

If, in a subsequent period, the amount of the impairment loss decreased and the decrease could be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized (such as an improvement in the debtor’s credit rating), the reversal of the previously recognized impairment loss was recognized in profit or loss.

Impairment testing of trade receivables is either helddescribed in Note 35.

If there was objective evidence of impairment for trading or it is designatedavailable-for-sale financial assets, the cumulative loss – measured as atthe difference between the acquisition cost and the current fair value, less any impairment loss on that financial asset previously recognized in profit or loss – was removed from equity and recognized in profit or loss.

Impairment losses on equity instruments that were recognised in profit or loss were not reversed through profit or loss in a subsequent period.

If the fair value of a debt instrument classified asavailable-for-sale increased in a subsequent period and the increase could be objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognised in profit or loss, the impairment loss was reversed through profit or loss.

Financial liabilities


Cash and cash equivalents

For the purpose of presentation in the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents includes cash on hand, deposits held at call with financial institutions, other short-term, highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.


Trade receivables

Trade receivables are amounts due from customers for goods sold or services performed in the ordinary course of business. If collection of the amounts is expected in one year or less they are classified as current assets. If not, they are presented asnon-current assets.

Trade receivables are recognized initially at fair value through profit or loss are stated at fair value, with any gains or losses arising on remeasurement recognized in profit or loss. The net gain or loss recognized in profit or loss incorporates any interest paid on the financial liability and is included in the finance income and cost line items. Fair value is determined in the manner described in Note 31.

Other financial liabilities

Other financial liabilities, including borrowings and trade and other payables, are initially measured at fair value, net of transaction costs.

Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method, with interest expense recognized on an effective yield basis.

The effective interest method isless provision for impairment. See Note 35 for a method of calculating the amortized cost of a financial liability and of allocating interest expense over the relevant period. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments through the expected lifedescription of the Group’s impairment policies.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial liability, or, where appropriate, a shorter period,statements and notes have been rounded off to the net carrying amount on initial recognition.nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)

Derecognition of financial liabilities

The Group derecognizes financial liabilities when, and only when, the Group’s obligations are discharged, cancelled or they expire. The difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability derecognized and the consideration paid and payable is recognized in profit or loss.



Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Property, plant and equipment



Recognition and measurement

Items of property, plant and equipment are initially stated at historical cost less accumulated depreciation (see below) and accumulated impairment losses (see note 3(h)(ii)).losses. Property, plant and equipment related to the parentCompany and its subsidiaries operating in Turkey are adjusted for the effects of inflation during the hyperinflationary



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

period which ended on 31 December 2005. Since the inflation accounting commenced on 1 January 2011, property, plant and equipment related to the subsidiaries operating in Belarus are adjusted for the effects of inflation. However, decrease in inflation rate in subsequent years led the three-year cumulative rate as of the end of 2014 to decrease to 65%. Accordingly, the economy of Belarus was considered to transit out of hyperinflationary status and 2015 is determined to be appropriate to cease applying IAS 29. Therefore, subsidiaries operating in Belarus ceased applying IAS 29 in 2015.

CostHistorical cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable to the acquisition of the asset. The cost of self-constructed assets includes the cost of materials and direct labor, any other costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to a working condition for its intended use and the costs of dismantling and removing the items and restoring the site on which they are located, if any. Borrowing costs related to the acquisition or construction of qualifying assets are capitalized as part of the cost of that asset.

Purchased software that is integral to the functionality of the related equipment is capitalized as part of that equipment.

When parts of an item of property, plant and equipment have different useful lives, they are accounted for as separate items of property, plant and equipment.

Gains/Gains and losses on disposal of an item of property, plant and equipmentdisposals are determined by comparing the proceeds from disposal with the carrying amount of property, plant and equipment andamount. There are recognized net within other income or other expensesincluded in the statement of profit or loss.

Changes in the obligation to dismantle, remove assets on sites and to restore sites on which they are located, other than changes deriving from the passing of time, are added or deducted from the cost of the assets in the period in which they occur. The amount deducted from the cost of the asset shall not exceed the balance of the carrying amount on the date of change, and any excess balance is recognized immediately in the statement of profit or loss.

An asset’s carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset’s carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount.



Subsequent costs

The cost of replacing part of an item of property, plant and equipment is recognizedSubsequent costs are included in the asset’s carrying amount of the item ifor recognised as a separate asset, as appropriate, only when it is probable that the future economic benefits embodied withinassociated with the partitem will flow to the Groupgroup and itsthe cost of the item can be measured reliably. The carrying amount of the replaced itemany component accounted for as a separate asset is derecognized. The costs of the day-to-day servicing of property, plantderecognised when replaced. All other repairs and equipmentmaintenance are recognized in the statement ofcharged to profit or loss asduring the reporting period in which they are incurred.



Depreciation is recognized in the statement of profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of each part of an item of property, plant and equipment since this most closely reflects the expected pattern of consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in the asset. Leased assets are depreciated over the shorter of the lease term or their useful lives unless it is reasonably certain that the Group will obtain ownership by the end of the lease term. Land is not depreciated.F-26



As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)



Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Property, plant and equipment (continued)



Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method to allocate their cost, net of their residual values, over their estimated useful lives. The property, plant and equipment acquired under finance leases is depreciated over the asset’s useful life or over the shorter of the asset’s useful life and the lease term if there is no reasonable certainty that the group will obtain ownership at the end of the lease term.

Land is not depreciated.

The estimated useful lives for the current and comparative periods are as follows:



   21–21 – 25 years 

Mobile network infrastructure

   4–4 – 20 years 

Fixed network infrastructure

   3–3 – 25 years 

Call center equipment

   4–4 – 8 years 

Equipment, fixtures and fittings

   2–2 – 10 years 

Motor vehicles

   4–4 – 6 years 

Central betting terminals

   5–5 – 10 years 

Leasehold improvements

   3–3 – 5 years 

Depreciation methods, useful lives and residual values are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at least annually unless there is an indicatorthe end of impairment.each reporting period.



Borrowing costs

General and specific borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset are capitalized during the period of time that is required to complete and prepare the asset for its intended use or sale. Qualifying assets are assets that necessarily take a substantial period of time to get ready for their intended use or sale.

Investment income earned on the temporary investment of specific borrowings pending their expenditure on qualifying assets is deducted from the borrowing costs eligible for capitalization.

Other borrowing costs are expensed in the period in which they are incurred.


Intangible assets



GSM and other telecommunication operatingTelecommunication licenses

GSM and otherSeparately acquired telecommunication operating licenses that are acquired by the Group are measuredstated at historical cost adjusted for the effects of inflation during the hyperinflationary period, where applicable, less accumulated amortization (see below) and accumulated impairment losses (see note 3(h)(ii)). GSM and other telecommunication operating licenses related to the parent and subsidiaries operating in Turkey are adjusted for the effects of inflation during the hyperinflationary period which ended on 31 December 2005. Since the inflation accounting commenced on 1 January 2011 and ceased by 1 January 2015, GSM and other telecommunication operating licenses related to the subsidiaries operating in Belarus are adjusted for the effects of inflation until 1 January 2015.losses.


Amortization is recognized in the statement of profit or loss on a straight linestraight-line basis primarily by reference to the unexpired license period. The useful lives for the GSM and other telecommunication operating licenses are as follows:


GSM and other telecommunicationsTelecommunications licenses


3 – 25 years




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Intangible assets (continued)



Computer software

Acquired computer software licenses are capitalized on the basis of the costs incurred to acquire and bring to use the specific software.

Costs associated with maintaining computer software programsprogrammes are recognized as an expense as incurred. Costs

Development costs that are directly associated withattributable to the developmentdesign and testing of identifiable and unique software products controlled by the Group, and that will probably generate economic benefits exceeding costs beyond one year,group are recognizedrecognised as intangible assets. Costs includeassets when the following criteria are met:

it is technically feasible to complete the software so that it will be available for use

management intends to complete the software and use or sell it

there is an ability to use or sell the software

it can be demonstrated how the software will generate probable future economic benefits

adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to use or sell the software are available, and

the expenditure attributable to the software during its development can be reliably measured.

Directly attributable costs that are capitalized as part of the software include employee costs and an appropriate portion of relevant overheads.

Research expenditure and development expenditure that do not meet the criteria above are recognized as an expense as incurred. Development costs previously recognized as an expense are not recognized as an asset in a subsequent period.

Capitalized development costs are recorded as intangible assets and amortized from the point at which the asset is ready for use.


Amortization is recognized in the statement of profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives from the date the software is available for use.lives. The useful lives for computer software are as follows:


Computer software

       3–83 –8 years 



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)



Other intangible assets

Other intangible assets that are acquired by the Group which have finite useful lives are measuredstated at historical cost adjusted for the effects of inflation during the hyperinflationary period, where applicable, less accumulated amortization (see below) and accumulated impairment losses (see note 3(h)(ii)). Other intangible related to the parent and subsidiaries operating in Turkey are adjusted for the effects of inflation during the hyperinflationary periods ceased by 31 December 2005. Since the inflation accounting commenced on 1 January 2011 and ceased by 1 January 2015, other intangible assets related to the subsidiaries operating in Belarus are adjusted for the effects of inflation until 1 January 2015.

losses. Indefeasible Rights of Use (“IRU”) correspond to the rightare rights to use a portion of thean asset’s capacity of an asset granted for a fixed period of time. IRUs are recognized as an intangible asset when the Group has specific indefeasible rightrights to use an identified portion of thean underlying asset and the duration of the right is for the major part of the underlying asset’s useful economic life. IRUs are amortized over the shorter of the expected period of useunderlying asset’s useful economic life and the life of the contract.contract term.


(iv)Subsequent expenditure

Subsequent expenditure is capitalized only when it increases the future economic benefits embodied in the specific asset (that is purchased from independent third parties) to which it relates. All other expenditure, including expenditure on internally generated goodwill and brands, is recognized in the statement of profit or loss as incurred. Capitalized costs generally relate to the application development stage; any other costs incurred during the pre and post-implementation stages, such as repair, maintenance or training, are expensed as incurred.F-28

Borrowing costs should be capitalized as part of the cost of qualifying assets. Borrowing costs eligible for capitalization may include:

interest on loans and borrowings calculated using the effective interest rate method as described in IAS 39 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement; and

finance charges in respect of finance leases recognized in accordance with IAS 17Leases.

exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings to the extent that they are regarded as an adjustment to interest costs.

Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset are included in the cost of that asset. Such borrowing costs are capitalized as part of the cost of the asset when it is probable that they will result in future economic benefits to the entity and the costs can be measured reliably. An entity shall cease capitalizing borrowing costs when substantially all the activities necessary to prepare the qualifying asset for its intended use or sale are complete.

An entity shall suspend capitalization of borrowing costs during extended periods in which it suspends active development of a qualifying asset.

Exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings should be capitalized.

The amount of borrowing costs that may be capitalized should lie between the following two amounts:

actual interest costs denominated in the foreign currency, translated at the actual exchange rate on the date on which the expense is incurred; and

notional borrowing costs based on commercial interest rates prevailing in the functional currency at the date of initial recognition of the borrowing.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Intangible assets (continued)


Other intangible assets (continued)



Amortization is recognized inThe Group amortizes intangible assets with a limited useful life using the statement of profit or loss on a straight line basisstraight-line method over the estimated useful lives of intangible assets unless such useful lives are indefinite from the date that they are available for use. The estimated useful lives for the current and comparative periods are as follows:following periods:


Transmission linesline software

   5 –10 years 

Central betting system operating right

   –10– 10 years 

Customer listbase

   2 –15– 15 years 

Brand name

   9 –10– 10 years

Indefeasible right of use

15 years 

Amortization methods, useful lives and residual values are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at least annually unless there is an indicatorthe end of impairment.each reporting period.


From 1 January 2010 the Group has applied IFRS 3 (2008) “Business CombinationsGoodwill on acquisitions of subsidiaries is included in accounting for business combinations.

For acquisitions on or after 1 January 2010, the Group measures goodwill as the fair value of the consideration transferred (including the fair value of any previously-held equity interest in the acquiree) and the recognized amount of any non-controlling interests in the acquiree, less the net recognized amount (generally fair value) of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed, all measured as of the acquisition date.

When the excess is negative, a bargain purchase gain is recognized immediately in the statement of profit or loss.

Subsequent measurement

intangible assets. Goodwill is measurednot amortized but it is tested for impairment annually, or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that it might be impaired, and is carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses. Gains and losses if any. In respecton the disposal of equity accounted investees,an entity include the carrying amount of goodwill is included inrelating to the carrying amount of the investment and an impairment loss on such an investmententity sold.

Goodwill is not allocated to any asset including goodwill, that forms part of the carrying amount of the equity accounted investees.

On disposal of the relevant cash-generating unit, the attributable amount of goodwill is included in the determination of the profit or loss on disposal.

(v)Internally generated intangible assets—research and development expenditure

Expenditure on research activities is recognized as an expense in the period in which it is incurred.

An internally generated intangible asset arising from development (or from the development phase of an internal project) is recognized if, and only if, all of the following have been demonstrated:

The technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale;

The intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

The ability to use or sell the intangible asset;

How the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits;

The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to use or sell the intangible asset; and

The ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development.

The amount initially recognized for internally generated intangible assets is the sum of expenditure incurred from the date when the intangible asset first meets the recognition criteria listed above. Where no internally-generated intangible asset can be recognized, development expenditure is charged to the statement of profit or loss in the period in which it is incurred.

Subsequent to initial recognition, internally generated intangible assets are reported at cost less accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment losses, on the same basis as intangible assets acquired separately.

(vi)Derecognition of intangible assets

An intangible asset is derecognized on disposal, or when no future economic benefits are expected from use or disposal. Gains or losses arising from derecognition of an intangible asset, measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset, are recognized in profit or loss when the asset is derecognized.

(f)Leased assets

Leases in terms of which the Group assumes substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as finance leases. Upon initial recognition, the leased asset and related financial liability are measured at an amount equal to the lower of its fair value or the present value of the minimum lease payments. Subsequent to initial recognition, the asset is accounted for in accordance with the accounting policy applicable to that asset.

All other leases are operating leases and the leased assets are not recognized on the Group’s statement of financial position.


Inventories are measured at the lower of cost or net realizable value. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less selling expenses. The cost of inventory is determined using the weighted average method and includes expenditure incurred in acquiring the inventories and bringing them to their existing location and condition. As at 31 December 2015 and 2014, inventories mainly consist of simcards, scratch cards, handsets, modems and set-top box.


(i)Financial assets

A financial asset not carried at fair value through profit or loss is assessed at each reporting date to determine whether there is any objective evidence that it is impaired. A financial asset is impaired if



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

objective evidence indicates that a loss event has occurred after the initial recognition of the asset, and the loss event had a negative effect on the estimated future cash flows of that asset that can be estimated reliably.

An impairment loss in respect of a financial asset measured at amortized cost is calculated as the difference between its carrying amount and the present value of the estimated future cash flows discounted at the original effective interest rate. An impairment loss in respect of an available-for-sale financial asset is calculated by reference to its fair value.

Individually significant financial assets are tested for impairment on an individual basis. The remaining financial assets are assessed collectively in groups that share similar credit risk characteristics.

All impairment losses are recognized in the statement of profit or loss. Any cumulative loss in respect of an available-for-sale financial asset recognized previously in equity is transferred to the statement of profit or loss.

An impairment loss is reversed if the reversal can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognized. For financial assets measured at amortized cost and available-for-sale financial assets that are debt securities, the reversal is recognized in the statement of profit or loss. For available-for-sale financial assets that are equity securities, the reversal is recognized directly in other comprehensive income. For available-for-sale equity investments carried at cost, the reversal is not permitted.

(ii)Non-financial assets

The carrying amounts of the Group’s non-financial assets, other than inventories, and deferred tax assets are reviewed at each reporting date to determine whether there is any indication of impairment. If any such indication exists, then the asset’s recoverable amount is estimated. For goodwill and intangible asset not yet available for use, the recoverable amount is estimated each year at the same time.

For the purpose of impairment testing, assets are grouped together into the smallest group of assets that generates cash inflows from continuing use that are largely independent of the cash inflows of other assets or group of assets (the “cash-generating unit”). The recoverable amount of an asset or cash-generating unit is the greater of its value in use and its fair value less costs to sell. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a post-tax discount rate adjusted for the effects of tax cash outflows that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. The goodwill acquired in a business combination,units for the purpose of impairment testing,testing. The allocation is allocatedmade to those cash-generating units or groups of cash-generating units that are expected to benefit from the synergiesbusiness combination in which the goodwill arose. The units or groups of the combination.

The Group’s corporate assets do not generate separate cash inflows. If there is an indication that a corporate asset may be impaired, then the recoverable amount is determined from the cash-generating unit to which corporate asset belongs.

An impairment loss is recognized if the carrying amount of an asset or its cash-generating unit exceeds its estimated recoverable amount. Impairment losses are recognized in the statement of profit or loss. Impairment losses recognized in respect of cash-generating units are allocated first to reduceidentified at the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the units and then to reduce the carrying amount of the other assets in the unit (group of units) on a pro rata basis.



Aslowest level at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

An impairment loss in respect ofwhich goodwill is not reversed. In respect of other assets, impairment losses recognized in prior periods are assessed at each reporting datemonitored for any indications thatinternal management purposes, being the loss has decreased or no longer exists. An impairment loss is reversed if there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount.

An impairment loss is reversed only to the extent that the asset’s carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation or amortization, if no impairment loss had been recognized.

Goodwill that forms part of the carrying amount of an investment in an associate is not recognized separately, therefore, is not tested for impairment separately. Instead, the entire amount of the investment in an associate is tested for impairment as a single asset when there is objective evidence that the investment in an associate may be impaired.

(i)Employee benefits

(i)Retirement pay liability

In accordance with existing labor law in Turkey, the Company and its subsidiaries in Turkey are required to make lump-sum payments to employees who have completed one year of service and whose employment is terminated without cause or who retire, are called up for military service or die. Such payments are calculated on the basis of 30 days’ pay up to a of maximum full TL 4,093 as at 31 December 2015, which is effective from 1 January 2016, per year of employment at the rate of pay applicable at the date of retirement or termination. Reserve for retirement pay is computed and reflected in the consolidated financial statements on a current basis. The reserve has been calculated by estimating the present value of future probable obligation of the Company and its subsidiaries in Turkey arising from the retirement of the employees.

(ii)Defined contribution plans

A defined contribution plan is a post-employment benefit plan under which an entity pays fixed contributions into a separate entity and will have no legal or constructive obligation to pay further amounts. Obligations for contributions to defined contribution plans are recognized as an employee benefit expense in the statement of profit or loss when they are due.

The assets of the plan are held separately from the consolidated financial statements of the Group. The Company and other consolidated companies that initiated defined contribution retirement plan are required to contribute a specified percentage of payroll costs to the retirement benefit scheme to fund the benefits. The only obligation of the Group with respect to the retirement plan is to make the specified contributions.


A provision is recognized if, as a result of a past event, the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation that can be estimated reliably, and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation. Provisions are determined by discounting the expected future cash flows at a pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and, where appropriate, the risks specific to the liability. The unwinding of the discount is recognized as finance cost.

Onerous contracts

Present obligations arising under onerous contracts are recognized and measured as a provision. An onerous contract is considered to exist where the Group has a contract under which the unavoidable costs of meeting



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

the obligations under the contract exceed the economic benefits expected to be received under it. Other than the contract signed with Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications regarding the construction and operation of mobile communication infrastructure in rural areas (“Evrensel Project”) as explained in Note 34, the Group did not have any significant onerous contracts as at 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None except Evrensel Project).

Dismantling, removal and restoring sites obligation

The Group is required to incur certain costs in respect of a liability to dismantle and remove assets and to restore sites on which the assets were located. The dismantling costs are calculated according to best estimate of future expected payments discounted at a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the liability.


Provision for bonus is provided when the bonus is a legal obligation, or past practice would make the bonus a constructive obligation and the Group is able to make a reliable estimate of the obligation.


Revenues is recognized at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable, net of returns, trade discounts and rebates. Communication fees include postpaid revenue from incoming and outgoing calls, additional services, prepaid revenue, interconnect revenue and roaming revenue. Communication fees are recognized at the time the services are rendered.

With respect to prepaid revenue, the Group generally collects cash in advance by selling scratch cards to distributors. In such cases, the Group does not recognize revenue until the subscribers use the telecommunication services. Deferred income is recorded under current liabilities.

Services may be bundled with other products/services and these bundled services and products involve consideration in the form of fixed fee or a fixed fee coupled with a continuing payment stream. Total arrangement considerations relating to a bundled contract is allocated among the different units accounting the following criteria:

the deliverable has standalone value to the customer; and

the fair value of the deliverable can be measured reliably.

The arrangement consideration is allocated to each deliverable in proportion to the fair value of the individual deliverables. If a delivered element of a transaction is not a separately identifiable component, then it is accounted for as an integral part of the remaining deliverable of the transactions.

Revenue allocated to products given where the Group is the principal, which is included in other revenue, is recognized when the significant risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred to the buyer, collection is probable, the associated costs and possible return of goods can be estimated reliably, there is no continuing management involvement with the goods and the amount of revenue can be measured reliably.

The Company, the distributors and dealers offer joint campaigns to the subscribers which may include the sale of device by the dealer and/or distributor and a communication service to be provided by the Company. In particular campaigns, the dealer makes the handset sale to the subscribers whose instalments will be



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

collected by the Company based on the letter of undertaking signed by the subscriber. With the letters of undertaking, the dealer assigns its receivables from device sale to the distributor and the distributor assigns its receivables to the Company.

The Company pays the distributor the net present value of the instalments to be collected from the subscribers upfront and recognizes contracted receivable in its statement of financial position. The undue portion of assigned receivables from the distributors which were paid upfront by the Company is classified as “undue assigned contracted receivables” in trade receivables (Note 20). When monthly installment is invoiced to the subscriber, related portion is presented in “receivables from subscribers”. The Company collects the contracted receivables in installments during contract period and does not recognize any revenue for the device in these transactions as the Company is not the principal for the sale of handset.

Starting from 2014, the subscribers have an option to buy the handset by bank loan whose instalments will be collected by the Company on behalf of the bank. The Company does not bear any credit risk in this type of transaction. Since the Company collects the receivables during the contract period and is agent for the sale of device in this bank loan structure, the Company does not recognize any revenue for the device in these transactions.

Monthly fixed fees represent a fixed amount charged to postpaid subscribers on a monthly basis without regard to the level of usage. Fixed fees are recognized on a monthly basis when billed.

Commission fees mainly comprised of net takings earned to a maximum of 1.4% of gross takings, as a head agent of fixed odds betting games starting from 1 March 2009 and mobile agent revenues comprised of 2.24%-3.62% of mobile agency turnover after deducting VAT and Gaming tax as head agent starting from 23 March 2010. Commission revenues are recognized at the time all the services related with the games are fully rendered. Under the agreement signed with Spor Toto Teskilat Mudurlugu AS (“Spor Toto”), Inteltek Internet Teknoloji Yatirim ve Danismanlik AS (“Inteltek”) is obliged to undertake any excess payout, which is presented on net basis with the commission fees.

AzerInteltek received authorization from Azeridmanservis Limited Liability Company set under the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan to organize, operate, manage and develop the fixed odds and paramutual sports betting business. Since AzerInteltek acts as a principal, total consideration received from the player less payout (distribution to players) and amounts collected from players on behalf of Ministry of Sports is recognized at the time all the services related with the games are fully rendered.

Azerinteltek has been authorized for the Lottery games by Azerlotereya. Azerinteltek has been generating commission revenue over Lottery games turnover through its own agencies by applying 15% commission rate according to agreement between Azerinteltek and Azerlotereya. Commission revenues are recognized at the time all the services related with the games are fully rendered.

Simcard sales are recognized upon delivery to distributors, net of returns, discounts and rebates. Simcard costs are also recognized upon sale of the simcard to the distributors.

Call center revenue are recognized at the time services are rendered.

The revenue recognition policy for other revenue is to recognize revenue as services are provided.

Volume rebates or discounts and other contractual changes in the prices of roaming and other services are anticipated, as both the payer and the recipient, if it is probable that they have been earned or will take effect. Thus, contractual rebates and discounts are anticipated, but discretionary rebates and discounts are not anticipated because the definitions of asset and liability would not be met.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

(l)Lease payments

Payments made under operating leases are recognized in the statement of profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease. Lease incentives received are recognized as an integral part of the total lease expense, over the term of the lease.

Minimum lease payments made under finance leases are apportioned between the finance cost and the reduction of the outstanding liability. The finance cost is allocated to each period during the lease term so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability.

Determining whether an arrangement contains a lease

At inception of an arrangement, the Group determines whether such an arrangement is or contains a lease. A specific asset is the subject of a lease if fulfillment of the arrangement is dependent on the use of that specified asset. An arrangement conveys the right to use the asset if the arrangement conveys to the Group the right to control the use of the underlying asset. At inception or upon reassessment of the arrangement, the Group separates payments and other consideration required by such an arrangement into those for the lease and those for other elements on the basis of their relative fair values.

(m)Finance income and costs

Finance income comprises interest income on funds invested (including available-for-sale and held-to-maturity financial assets), late payment interest income, interest income on contracted receivables, gains on the disposal of available-for-sale financial assets, changes in the fair value of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and gains on derivative instruments that are recognized in the statement of income. Interest income is recognized as it accrues, using the effective interest method.

Finance costs comprise interest expense on borrowings, litigation late payment interest expense, unwinding of the discount on provisions, changes in the fair value of financial assets at fair value through profit or option premium expense.

Foreign currency gains and losses are reported on a net basis.

Borrowing costs

Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying assets, which are assets that necessarily take considerable time to get ready for their intended use or sale, are added to the cost of those assets, until such time as the assets are substantially ready for their intended use or sale. Investment income earned by the temporary investment of the part of the borrowing not yet used is deducted against the borrowing costs eligible for capitalization.

All other borrowing costs are recognized in the statement of profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.segments.


(n)Transactions with related parties

Investment properties

A related party is essentially any party that controls or can significantly influence the financial or operating decisions of the Group to the extent that the Group may be prevented from fully pursuing its own interests. For reporting purposes, investee companiesRecognition and their shareholders, non-controlling shareholders at subsidiaries, key management personnel, shareholders of the Group and the companies that the shareholders have a relationship with are considered to be related parties.measurement



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

(o)Income taxes

Income tax expense comprises current and deferred tax. Income tax expense is recognized in the statement of profit or loss except to the extent that it relates to items recognized directly in equity or in other comprehensive income.

The tax currently payable is based on taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit differs from ‘profit before tax’ as reported in the consolidated statement of profit or loss because of items of income or expense that are taxable or deductible in other years and items that are never taxable or deductible. Current tax is calculated using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years.

Deferred tax is recognized in respect of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes. Deferred tax is not recognized for the following temporary differences: the initial recognition of assets or liabilities in a transaction that is not a business combination and that affects neither accounting nor taxable profit, and differences relating to investments in subsidiaries and jointly controlled entities to the extent that they probably will not reverse in the foreseeable future as the Group is able to control the reversal of the temporary difference. Deferred tax is measured at the tax rates that are expected to be applied to the temporary differences when they reverse, based on the laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the reporting date.

Deferred tax liabilities and assets are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period in which the liability is settled or the asset realized, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset if there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax liabilities and assets, and they relate to income taxes levied by the same tax authority on the same taxable entity, or on different tax entities, but they intend to settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis or their tax assets and liabilities will be realized simultaneously.

A deferred tax asset is recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which temporary difference can be utilized. Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each reporting date and are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related tax benefit will be realized.

Interest and penalties assessed on income tax deficiencies are presented based on their nature.

(p)Earnings per share

The Group presents basic and diluted earnings per share (“EPS”) data for its ordinary shares. Basic EPS is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period. Diluted EPS is equal to basic EPS because the Group does not have any convertible notes or share options granted to employees.

In Turkey, companies can raise their share capital by distributing “Bonus Shares” to shareholders from retained earnings. In computing earnings per share, such “bonus share” distributions are treated as issued shares. Accordingly, the retrospective effect for such share distributions is taken into consideration in determining the weighted-average number of shares outstanding used in this computation.

(q)Operating segment

An operating segment is a component of the Group that engages in business activities from which it may earn revenue and incur expenses including revenue and expenses that relate to transactions with any of the



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Group’s other components. All operating segments’ operating results are regularly reviewed by the Group management to make decisions about resources to be allocated to the segment and assess its performance, and for which discrete financial information is available.

Starting from 2015, the Group has changed its reportable segments which are based on the dominant source and nature of the Group’s risk and returns as well as the Group’s new internal reporting structure (Note 6).

The Group revised its operations under three reportable segments within the year 2015 in accordance with its integrated communication and technology services strategy as Turkcell Turkey, Turkcell International and Other which represent economical integrity.

(r)Subscriber acquisition costs

The Group capitalizes directly attributable subscriber acquisition costs when the following conditions are met:

the capitalized costs can be measured reliably;

there is a contract binding the customer for a specific period of time; and

it is probable that the amount of the capitalized costs will be recovered through revenue generated by the service contract, or, where the customer withdraws from the contract in advance, through the collection of the penalty.

Capitalized subscriber acquisition costs are amortized on a straight-line basis over the minimum period of the underlying contract. In all other cases, subscriber acquisition costs are expensed when incurred.

(s)Government grants

Grants from the government are recognized at their fair value where there is a reasonable assurance that the grant will be received and the Group will comply with all attached conditions.

Government grants relating to costs are deferred and recognized in the statement of profit or loss over the period necessary to match them with the costs that they are intended to compensate.

Government grants relating to property, plant and equipment are included in non-current liabilities as deferred government grants and are transferred to the statement of profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the expected useful lives of the related assets.

Government grants that are receivable as compensation for expenses or losses already incurred recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they become receivable.

(t)Investment property

Investment properties are properties held to earn rentalsfor rental yields and/or for capital appreciation (including property under construction for such purposes). Investment properties are measured initiallystated at cost, including transaction costs. Subsequent to initial recognition, investment properties are measured athistorical cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses.

An investment property is derecognized upon disposal or when the investment property is permanently withdrawn from use and no future economic benefits are expected from the disposal. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the property (calculated as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset) is included in profit or loss in the period in which the property is derecognized.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)



Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Investment properties (continued)


Depreciation is recognized incalculated using the statementstraight-line method to allocate their cost, net of profit or loss on a straight-line basistheir residual values, over thetheir estimated useful lives.

The estimated useful lives for the current and comparative periods are as follows:


Investment Property

       25–4525 -45 years 

Depreciation methods, useful lives and residual values are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at leastthe end of each reporting period.



Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realizable value. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs necessary to make the sale. Cost of inventory is determined using the weighted average method and comprises all costs of purchase and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. Costs of purchased inventory are determined after deducting rebates and discounts. At 31 December 2018 and 2017, inventories mainly consisted of mobile phones,sim-cards, and other devices.


Impairment of assets

Goodwill and intangible assets that have an indefinite useful life are not subject to amortization and are tested annually for impairment, or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that they might be impaired. Other assets are tested for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs of disposal. For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest levels for which there are separately identifiable cash inflows which are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets (cash-generating units).Non-financial assets other than goodwill that suffered an impairment are reviewed for possible reversal of the impairment at the end of each reporting period.


Employee benefits


Short-term obligations

Liabilities for salaries includingnon-monetary benefits that are expected to be settled wholly within 12 months after the end of the period in which the employees render the related service are recognized in respect of employees’ services up to the end of the reporting period and are measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liabilities are settled. The liabilities are presented as trade and other payables in the statement of financial position.


Termination benefits

In accordance with the labor law in Turkey, the Company and its subsidiaries in Turkey are required to makelump-sum payments to employees who have completed one year of service and whose employment is terminated without cause or who retire, are called up for military service or die. Such payments are calculated on the basis of 30 days’ pay up to a of maximum full TL 5,434 as at 31 December 2018 (31 December 2017: TL 4,732), per year of employment at the rate of pay applicable at the date of retirement or termination. Termination benefits paid to key executive officers are presented as other expenses. Reserve for employee termination benefits is computed and reflected in the consolidated financial statements on a current basis. Discount rate used for calculating employee termination benefit as of 31 December 2018 is 4.41%(31 December 2017: 3.33%). The reserve is calculated by estimating the present value of future probable obligation of the Company and its subsidiaries in Turkey arising from retirement of employees. Reserve for employee termination benefits is calculated annually by independent actuaries using the projected unit credit method.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless thereotherwise stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Employee benefits (continued)


Defined contribution plans

For defined contribution plans, the Group pays contributions to publicly or privately administered pension insurance plans on a mandatory, contractual or voluntary basis. The Group has no further payment obligations once the contributions have been paid. The contributions are recognized as employee benefit expense when they are due. Prepaid contributions are recognized as an asset to the extent that a cash refund or a reduction in the future payments is available.


Share-based payments

The Group provides a cash-settled share-based payment plan for selected employees in return for their services. For cash-settled share-based payment transactions, the Group measures services acquired and the liability incurred at the fair value of the liability. Liabilities for cash-settled share-based payment plan are recognized as employee benefit expense over the relevant service period. The fair value of the liability isre-measured at each reporting date and at the settlement date. Any changes in fair value are recognized in profit or loss for the period.


Personnel bonus

Provision for bonus is provided when the bonus is a triggering obligation, or past practice would make the bonus a constructive obligation and the Group is able to make a reliable estimate of the obligation.



A provision is recognized if, as a result of a past event, the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation that can be estimated reliably, and it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation.

Where there are a number of similar obligations, the likelihood that an outflow will be required in settlement is determined by considering the class of obligations as a whole. A provision is recognized even if the likelihood of an outflow with respect to any one item included in the same class of obligations may be small.

Provisions are measured at the present value of management’s best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation at the end of the reporting period. The discount rate used to determine the present value is apre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the liability. The increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognized as interest expense.

Onerous contracts

Present obligation arising under an onerous contract is recognized and measured as a provision. An onerous contract is considered to exist where the Group has a contract under which the unavoidable costs of meeting the obligations under the contract exceed the economic benefits expected to be received under it.

Dismantling, removal and restoring sites obligation

The Group is required to incur certain costs in respect of a liability to dismantle and remove assets and to restore sites on which the assets were located. The dismantling costs are calculated according to best estimate of future expected payments discounted at apre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the liability.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)



Revenue is recognized at the amount of the transaction price that is allocated to the performance obligation. The transaction price is the amount of consideration to which an entity expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring promised goods or services to a customer. Revenue is recognized when control is transferred to the customer.

Revenue from telecommunication services includes postpaid and prepaid revenue from voice, data, messaging and value added services, interconnect revenue, monthly fixed fees, SIM card sales and roaming revenue. An entity transfers control of a service over time and, therefore, satisfies a performance obligation and recognizes revenue from telecommunication services over time.

With respect to prepaid revenue, the Group generally collects cash in advance by selling prepaid top up to distributors. In such cases, the Group does not recognize revenue until subscribers use the telecommunication services.

Services may be bundled with other products and services and these bundled elements involve consideration in the form of a fixed fee or a fixed fee coupled with a continuing payment stream. A good or service is distinct if both of the following criteria are met:

the good or service is capable of being distinct

the promise to transfer the good or service is distinct within the context of the contract.

The arrangement consideration is allocated to each performance obligation identified in the contract on a relative stand-alone selling prices. If an element of a transaction is not a distinct, then it is accounted for as an integral part of the remaining elements of the transaction.

Revenue from device sales is recognized when control of the device has transferred, being when delivered to the end customer. For device sales made to intermediaries, revenue is recognized when control of the device has transferred, being when the products are delivered to the intermediary and the intermediary has no general right to return the device to receive a refund. If control is not transferred, revenue is deferred until sale of the device to an end customer by the intermediary or expiry of any right of return.

The Company, the distributors and dealers offer joint campaigns to the subscribers which may include the sale of device by the dealer and/or the distributor and the sale of communication service by the Company. In certain campaigns, dealers make the handset sale to the subscribers instalments of which will be collected by the Company based on the letters of undertaking signed by the subscribers. With the letter of undertaking, the dealer assigns its receivables from handset sale to the distributor and the distributor assigns its receivables to the Company.

The Company pays the distributor net present value of the instalments to be collected from the subscribers and recognizes contracted receivables in its statement of financial position. The undue portion of assigned receivables from the distributors which were paid upfront by the Company is classified as “undue assigned contracted receivables” in trade receivables (Note 19). When monthly installment is invoiced to the subscriber, related portion is presented as “receivables from subscribers”. The Company collects the contracted receivables in installments during the contract period and does not recognize any revenue for the handset in these transactions as the Company does not act as principal for the sale of handset.

Starting from 2014, the subscribers has an option to buy handsets using bank loans instalments of which are collected by the Company on behalf of the bank. The Company does not bear any credit risk in these transactions. Since the Company collects receivables during the contract period and acts as agent for the sale of handset, the Company does not recognize any revenue for the handset in these transactions.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Revenue (continued)

Starting from 2016 the Company and distributors started to offer the option to buy a device through Turkcell Financing loan, which will be collected by the Company. The Group carries a risk of collection in these transactions. Turkcell Finansman collects the purchased credit from the subscriber during the contract period, and does not record revenue related to the device since it is not the main contractor in the device sale. Revenue from financial services comprise of interest income generated from consumer financing activities. Interest income is recognized as it accrues, using the effective interest method.

Monthly fixed fees represent a fixed amount charged to postpaid subscribers on a monthly basis without regard to the level of usage. Fixed fees are recognized on a monthly basis when billed. Monthly fixed fees are included telecommunication services revenues.

Revenues from betting business mainly comprise of net takings earned to a maximum of 1.4% of gross takings as the head agent of fixed odds betting games and mobile agent revenues of 7.25% of mobile agency turnover after deducting VAT and gaming tax as the head agent. Revenues from betting business are recognized at the time all services related to the games are fully rendered. Under the agreement signed with Spor Toto Teşkilat Müdürlüğü A.Ş. (“Spor Toto”), Inteltek Internet Teknoloji Yatırım ve Danışmanlık A.Ş. (“Inteltek”) is obliged to undertake any excess payout, which is presented on a net basis.

Azerinteltek received authorization from Azeridmanservis Limited Liability Company set under the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan to organize, operate, manage and develop the fixed odds and paramutual sports betting business. Since Azerinteltek acts as principal, total consideration received from the player less payout (distribution to players) and amounts collected from players on behalf of Ministry of Sports is recognized at the time all services related to the games are fully rendered.

Azerinteltek has been authorized for the Lottery games by Azerlotereya. Azerinteltek has been generating commission revenue over Lottery games turnover through its own agencies by applying 15% commission rate according to agreement between Azerinteltek and Azerlotereya. Commission revenues are recognized at the time all services related to the games are fully rendered.

Call center revenues are recognized at the time services are rendered during the contractual period.

When the Group sells goods or services as a principal, revenue and operating costs are recorded on a gross basis. When the Group sells goods or services as an agent, revenue and operating costs are recorded on a net basis, representing the net margin earned. Whether the Group is considered to be acting as principal or agent in the transaction depends on management’s analysis described below such judgements impact the amount of reported revenue and operating costs but do not impact reported assets, liabilities or cash flows:

Indicators that an entity is a principal:

the entity is primarily responsible for fulfilling the promise to provide the specified good or service.

the entity has inventory risk before the specified good or service has been transferred to a customer or after transfer of control to the customer

the entity has discretion in establishing the price for the specified good or service.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Revenue (continued)

The Company and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of Turkey, Directorate General of Communications signed a contract to continue the contract to establish and operate mobile communication infrastructure and operation in uncovered areas, until 31 December 2019 and to add mobile broadband services to the existing infrastructure providing GSM services under Universal Service Law and to operate the new and existing networks together. As of 31 December 2018, the Company has recognized TL 376,765 (31 December 2017: TL 257,866) revenue from its operations related to this contract. Since the Company acts as principal, revenue and operating costs are reported on a gross basis in these consolidated financial statements.

The revenue recognition policy for other revenues is to recognize revenue as services are provided.

Contract costs eligible for capitalization as incremental costs of obtaining a contract comprise commission on sale relating to postpaid contracts with acquired or retained subscribers. Contract costs are capitalized in the month of service activation if the Group expects to recover those costs. Contract costs comprise sales commissions to dealers and to own salesforce which can be directly attributed to an acquired or retained contract. Contract costs are classified as intangible assets in the consolidated financial statements. The asset is amortised on a straight line basis over the customer life time it relates to consistent with the pattern of recognition of the associated revenue.

Revenue - Accounting policies applied until 31 December 2017

The Group adopted the new standard on the required effective date using the modified retrospective method which requires the recognition of the cumulative effect of initially applying IFRS 15, as at 1 January, 2018, to retained earnings and not restate prior years. As a result, the comparative information provided continues to be accounted for in accordance with the Group’s previous accounting policy. Accounting policies that changed on adoption of IFRS 15 are as follows. The Group’s new accounting policies are explained above.

Contract cost

Contract costs were capitalized under prepaid expenses and amortised on a straight line basis over the contact term.


(u)New standards

Trade and interpretationsother payables

These amounts represent liabilities for goods and services provided to the Group prior to the end of financial year which are unpaid. Trade and other payables are presented as current liabilities unless payment is not due within 12 months after the reporting period. They are recognized initially at their fair value and subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.

(v)    Borrowings

Borrowings are initially recognized at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred. Borrowings are subsequently measured at amortized cost. Any difference between the proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the redemption amount is recognized in profit or loss over the period of the borrowings using the effective interest method. Fees paid on the establishment of loan facilities are recognized as transaction costs of the loan to the extent that it is probable that some or all of the facility will be drawn down. In this case, the fee is deferred until the draw down occurs. To the extent there is no evidence that it is probable that some or all of the facility will be drawn down, the fee is capitalized as a prepayment for liquidity services and amortized over the period of the facility to which it relates.

Borrowings are removed from the statement of financial position when the obligation specified in the contract is discharged, cancelled or expired. The difference between the carrying amount of a financial liability that has been extinguished or transferred to another party and the consideration paid, including anynon-cash assets transferred or liabilities assumed, is recognized in profit or loss.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)



Income taxes

The income tax expense or credit for the period is the tax payable on the current period’s taxable income based on the applicable income tax rate for each jurisdiction adjusted by changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities attributable to temporary differences and to unused tax losses.

Income tax expense is recognized in the statement of profit or loss, except to the extent that it relates to items recognized in other comprehensive income or directly in equity. In this case, the tax is also recognized in other comprehensive income or directly in equity, respectively.

The current income tax charge is calculated on the basis of the tax laws enacted or substantively enacted at the end of the reporting period in the countries where the Company’s subsidiaries and associates operate and generate taxable income. Management periodically evaluates positions taken in tax returns with respect to situations in which applicable tax regulation is subject to interpretation. It establishes provisions where appropriate on the basis of amounts expected to be paid to the tax authorities. Deferred income tax is provided in full, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the consolidated financial statements. However, deferred tax liabilities are not recognised if they arise from the initial recognition of goodwill. Deferred income tax is also not accounted for if it arises from initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction other than a business combination that at the time of the transaction affects neither accounting nor taxable profit or loss. Deferred income tax is determined using tax rates (and laws) that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the end of the reporting period and are expected to apply when the related deferred income tax asset is realized or the deferred income tax liability is settled. Deferred tax assets are recognized only if it is probable that future taxable amounts will be available to utilize those temporary differences and losses.

Deferred tax liabilities and assets are not recognized for temporary differences between the carrying amount and tax bases of investments in foreign operations where the company is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences and it is probable that the differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets and liabilities and when the deferred tax balances relate to the same taxation authority. Current tax assets and tax liabilities are offset where the entity has a legally enforceable right to offset and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.

Companies within the Group may be entitled to claim special tax deductions for investments in qualifying assets or in relation to qualifying expenditure (e.g., the Research and Development Tax Incentive regime in Turkey or other investment allowances). The Group accounts for such allowances as tax credits, which means that the allowance reduces income tax payable and current tax expense. A deferred tax asset is recognized for unclaimed tax credits that are carried forward as deferred tax assets.


Earnings per share

The Group does not have any potential ordinary shares in issue, therefore basic and diluted earnings per share (“EPS”) are equal. Since basic and diluted EPS are equal, the Group presents both basic and diluted EPS on one line described as “Basic and diluted EPS”.

Basic EPS is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the financial year, excluding treasury shares. In Turkey, entities can increase their share capital by distributing “Bonus share” to shareholders from retained earnings. In computing earnings per share, such “Bonus share” distributions are treated as issued shares. Accordingly, the retrospective effect for such share distributions is taken into consideration when determining the weighted-average number of shares outstanding.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Government grants

Grants from the government are recognized at their fair value where there is a reasonable assurance that the grant will be received and the Group will comply with all attached conditions.

Government grants relating to costs are deferred and recognized in profit or loss over the period necessary to match them with the costs that they are intended to compensate.

Government grants relating to property, plant and equipment are included innon-current liabilities as deferred government grants and are credited to profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the expected useful lives of the related assets.


Non-current asset held for sale and discontinued operations

Non-current assets are classified as held for sale if their carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use and a sale is considered highly probable. They are measured at the lower of their carrying amount and fair value less costs of disposal.

An impairment loss is recognized for any initial or subsequent write-down of the asset to fair value less costs of disposal. A gain is recognized for any subsequent increases in fair value less costs of disposal of an asset, but not in excess of any cumulative impairment loss previously recognized. A gain or loss not previously recognized by the date of the sale of thenon-current asset is recognized at the date of derecognition.

An associate must meet the conditions to be classified as held for sale. It is first measured in accordance with applicable standards. Such standard is IAS 28, and so the share of profits and remeasurement of carrying amounts are done in accordance with normal associate rules up to the point of classification as held for sale.

The associate or joint venture is then measured in accordance with IFRS 5. It is measured at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs of disposal. Equity accounting is ceased from the date the held for sale criteria are met.

Non-current assets classified as held for sale are presented separately from the other assets in the statement of financial position.

A discontinued operation is a component of the entity that has been disposed of or is classified as held for sale and that represents a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations, is part of a singleco-ordinated plan to dispose of such a line of business or area of operations, or is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale. The results of discontinued operations are presented separately in the statement of profit or loss.



Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of new shares are shown in equity as a deduction, net of tax, from the proceeds.

Where any Group company purchases the Company’s equity instruments, for example as the result of a sharebuy-back plan, the consideration paid, including any directly attributable incremental costs (net of income taxes) is deducted from equity attributable to the owners of the Company as treasury shares until the shares are cancelled or reissued. Where such ordinary shares are subsequently reissued, any consideration received, net of any directly attributable incremental transaction costs and the related income tax effects, is included in equity attributable to the owners of the Company.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)



Provision is made for the amount of any dividend declared, being appropriately authorised and no longer at the discretion of the Company, on or before the end of the reporting period but not distributed at the end of the reporting period.


Subsequent events

Events after the reporting date; Includes all events between the reporting date and the date on which the financial statements are authorized for issue, even if any announcement of profit or other selected financial information has been made publicly disclosed.

In case of events requiring correction after the reporting date, corrects this new situation accordingly. Events that are not required to be adjusted subsequent to the reporting date are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements in the consolidated financial statements.



At inception of a contract, the Group assesses whether a contract is, or contains a lease. A contract is, or contains, a lease if the contract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration. To assess whether a contract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset, The Group assess whether:

the contract involved the use of an identified asset – this may be specified explicitly or implicitly

the asset should be physically distinct or represent substantially all of the capacity of a physically distinct asset. If the supplier has a substantive substitution right, the asset is not identified;

the Group has the right to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits from the use of an asset throughout the period of use; and

the Group has the right to direct use of the asset. The Group has the right when it has the decision-making rights that are most relevant to changing the how and for what purpose the asset is used is predetermined, the Group has the right the use of asset if either:

the Group has the right to operate the asset or;

the Group designed the asset in a way that predetermines how and for what purpose it is used.

At inception or on reassessment of a contract that contains a lease component, the Group allocates the consideration in the contract to each lease component on the basis of their relative stand-alone prices.

Right of use asset

The Group recognizes aright-of use asset and a lease liability at the lease commencement date.

The right of use asset is initially recognized at cost comprising of:

amount of the initial measurement of the lease liability;

any lease payments made at or before the commencement date, less any lease incentives received;

any initial direct costs incurred by the Group; and

Theright-of-use asset is subsequently depreciated using the straight-line method from the commencement date to the earlier of the end date of the useful life of theright-of-use asset of the end date of the lease term. The estimated useful lives ofright-of-use assets are determined on the same basis as those property and equipment. In addition, theright-of-use asset is periodically reduced by impairment losses, if any, and adjusted for certain remeasurements of the lease liability (Note 28).




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)



Lease Liability

The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the lease payments that are not paid at the commencement date, discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease or, if that rate cannot be readily determined, the Group’ incremental borrowing rate. Group uses its incremental borrowing rate as the discount rate.

Lease payments included in the measurement of the lease liability comprise the following:

fixed payments, includingin-substance fixed payments;

variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate, initially measured using the index or rate as the commencement date;

amounts expected to be payable under a residual value guarantee; and

the exercise price under a purchase option that the Group is reasonably certain to exercise, lease payments in an optional renewable period if the Group is reasonably certain to exercise an extension option, and penalties for early termination of a lease unless the Group is reasonably certain to terminate early.

After initial recognition, the lease liability is measured (a) increasing the carrying amount to reflect interest on lease liability; (b) reducing the carrying amount to reflect the lease payments made; and (c) remeasuring the carrying amount to reflect any reassessment or lease modifications or to reflect revisedin-substance fixed lease payments.

Where, (a) there is a change in the lease term as a result of reassessment of certainty to exercise an exercise option, or not to exercise a termination option as discussed above; or (b) there is a change in the assessment of an option to purchase the underlying asset, assessed considering the events and circumstances in the context of a purchase option, the Group remeasures the lease liabilities to reflect changes to lease payments by discounting the revised lease payments using a revised discount rate. The Group determines the revised discount rate as the interest rate implicit in the lease for the remainder of the lease term, if that rate can be readily determined, or the its incremental borrowing rate at the date of reassessment, if the interest rate implicit in the lease cannot be readily determined.

Where, (a) there is a change in the amounts expected to be payable under a residual value guarantee; or (b) there is a change in the future lease payments resulting from a change in an index or a rate used to determine those payments, including change to reflect changes in market rental rates following a market rent review, the Group remeasures the lease liabilities by discounting the revised lease payments using an unchanged discount rate, unless the change in lease payments results from a change in floating interest rates. In such case, the Group use revised discount rate that reflects changes in the interest rate.

The Group recognises the amount of the remeasurement of lease liability as an adjustment to the right of use asset. Where the carrying amount of the right of use asset is reduced zero and there is further reduction in the measurement of the lease liability, the Group recognises any remaining amount of the remeasurement in profit or loss.

The Group accounts for a lease modification as a separate lease if both:

the modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or more underlying assets; and

the consideration for the lease increases by an amount commensurate with the stand-alone price for the increase in scope and any appropriate adjustments to that stand-alone price to reflect the circumstances of the particular contract.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


Leases (continued)

The Group as a Lessor

When the Group acts an intermediate lessor, it accounts for its interests in the head lease and thesub-lease separately. It assesses the lease classification of asub-lease with reference to theright-of-use-asset arising from the head lease, not with reference to the underlying asset.

If an arrangement contains lease andnon-lease components, the Group applies IFRS 15 to allocate the consideration in the contract.

Leases - Accounting policies applied until 31 December 2017

The Group adopted IFRS 16 using modified retrospective approach—option 2 application under which the cumulative effect of initially applying the Standard recognised at the date of initial application at 1 January 2018. As a result, the comparative information provided continues to be accounted for in accordance with the Group’s previous accounting policy. Accounting policies that changed on adoption of IFRS 16 are as follows. The Group’s new accounting policies are explained above.

Leases of property, plant and equipment where the group, as lessee, had substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership were classified as finance leases. Finance leases were capitalised at the lease’s inception at the fair value of the leased property or, if lower, the present value of the minimum lease payments. The corresponding rental obligations, net of finance charges, were included in other short-term and long-term payables. Each lease payment was allocated between the liability and finance cost. The finance cost was charged to the profit or loss over the lease period so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability for each period. The property and equipment acquired under finance leases was depreciated over the asset’s useful life or over the shorter of the asset’s useful life and the lease term if there was no reasonable certainty that the Group will obtain ownership at the end of the lease term.

Leases in which a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership were not transferred to the Group as lessee were classified as operating leases. Payments made under operating leases (net of any incentives received from the lessor) were charged to profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.


New standards and interpretations


Amendments to IFRSs affecting amounts reported and/or disclosures in the consolidated financial statements

None.This note explains the impact of the adoption of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers and IFRS 16 Leases on the Group’s consolidated financial statements.

The impacts of adoption of IFRS 9, IFRS 15 and IFRS 16 on the consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2018 are stated as below. The adoptions of these standards do not have a significant impact on the consolidated other comprehensive income (OCI) and consolidated statement of cash flows.

The following tables show the adjustments recognised for each individual line item. Line items that were not affected by the changes have not been included. As a result, thesub-totals and totals disclosed cannot be recalculated from the numbers provided. The adjustments are explained in more detail by standard below.


(ii)New and Revised IFRSs applied with no material effect on the consolidated financial statements


Amendments to IAS 19

Defined Benefit Plans: Employee Contributions1
Annual Improvements to 2010-2012 CycleIFRS 2, IFRS 3, IFRS 8, IFRS 13, IAS 16 and IAS 38, IAS 241
Annual Improvements to 2011-2013 CycleIFRS 1, IFRS 3, IFRS 13, IAS 401

1Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2014.

Amendments to IAS 19Defined Benefit Plans: Employee Contributions

This amendment clarifies the requirements that relate to how contributions from employees or third parties that are linked to service should be attributed to periods of service. In addition, it permits a practical expedient if the amount of the contributions is independent of the number of years of service, in that contributions, can, but are not required, to be recognised as a reduction in the service cost in the period in which the related service is rendered.

Annual Improvements to 2010-2012 Cycle

IFRS 2: Amends the definitions of ‘vesting condition’ and ‘market condition’ and adds definitions for ‘performance condition’ and ‘service condition’.

IFRS 3: Require contingent consideration that is classified as an asset or a liability to be measured at fair value at each reporting date.

IFRS 8: Requires disclosure of the judgments made by management in applying the aggregation criteria to operating segments, clarify reconciliations of segment assets only required if segment assets are reported regularly.

IFRS 13: Clarify that issuing IFRS 13 and amending IFRS 9 and IAS 39 did not remove the ability to measure certain short-term receivables and payables on an undiscounted basis (amends basis for conclusions only).



As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


IAS 16 and IAS 38: Clarify that the gross amount of property, plant and equipment is adjusted in a manner consistent with a revaluation of the carrying amount.

IAS 24: Clarify how payments to entities providing management services are to be disclosed.

Annual Improvements to 2011-2013 Cycle

IFRS 1: Clarify which versions of IFRSs can be used on initial adoption (amends basis for conclusions only).

IFRS 3: Clarify that IFRS 3 excludes from its scope the accounting for the formation of a joint arrangement in the financial statements of the joint arrangement itself.

IFRS 13: Clarify the scope of the portfolio exception in paragraph 52.

IAS 40: Clarifying the interrelationship of IFRS 3 and IAS 40 when classifying property as investment property or owner-occupied property.

      31 December
2018 As
   Effect Of
Due to
   Effect Of
Due to
   Effect Of
Due to
   31 December
2018 without



Property, plant and equipment

   11,116,316    —      —      —      11,116,316 

Right-of-use assets

   1,649,602    —      —      1,649,602    —   

Intangible assets

   10,050,172    —      1,059,866    —      8,990,306 

Investment properties

   15,425    —      —      —      15425 

Trade receivables

   115,001    (608   (3,513   —      119,122 

Contract assets

   3,513    —      3,513    —      —   

Receivables from financial services

   884,686    —      —      —      884,686 

Deferred tax assets

   152,732    —      —      14,696    138,036 

Investments in equity accounted investees

   19,413    —      —      —      19,413 

Othernon-current assets

   421,306    (228   (10,849   (161,426   593,809 
















Totalnon-current assets

   24,428,166    (836   1,049,017    1,502,872    21,877,113 

















   180,434    —      —      —      180,434 

Trade receivables

   2,505,990    49,567    (703,742   6,926    3,153,239 

Due from related parties

   13,533    67    —      —      13,466 

Receivables from financial services

   3,286,243    (40,463   —      —      3,326,706 

Derivative financial instruments

   1,356,062    —      —      —      1,356,062 

Held to maturity investments

   —      (51,863   —      —      51,863 

Financial asset at fair value through profit or loss

   9,409    9,409    —      —      —   

Financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income

   42,454    42,454    —      —      —   

Contract assets

   711,928    —      711,928    —      —   

Cash and cash equivalents

   7,419,239    (2,364   —      —      7,421,603 

Other current assets

   1,091,512    87    (137,997   (312,872   1,542,294 

















     16,616,804    6,894    (129,811   (305,946   17,045,667 
















Assets classified as held for sale

   1,720,305    —      —      —      1,720,305 
















Total current assets

   18,337,109    6,894    (129,811   (305,946   18,765,972 
















Total assets

     42,765,275    6,058    919,206    1,196,926    40,643,085 


















Share capital

   2,200,000    —      —      —      2,200,000 

Share premium

   269    —      —      —      269 

Treasury shares (-)

   (141,534   —      —      —      (141,534

Additional paid in capital

   35,026    —      —      —      35,026 


   2,503,537    (154   8,958    (740   2,495,473 

Remeasurements of employee termination benefit

   (34,871   —      —      —      (34,871

Retained earnings

   11,359,317    4,989    667,946    (71,464   10,757,846 
















Total equity attributable to equity holders of Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS (“the Company”)

   15,921,744    4,835    676,904    (72,204   15,312,209 
















Non-controlling interests

   131,810    —      —      —      131,810 
















Total equity

     16,053,554    4,835    676,904    (72,204   15,444,019 

















(iii)New and Revised IFRSs in issue but not yet effective

The Company has not applied the following new and revised IFRSs that have been issued but are not yet effective:F-40

IFRS 9Financial Instruments2
IFRS 14Regulatory Deferral Accounts1
Amendments to IFRS 11Accounting for Acquisition of Interests in Joint Operations1
Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 38Clarification of Acceptable Methods of Depreciation and Amortisation1
Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 41Agriculture: Bearer Plants1
IFRS 15Revenue from Contracts with Customers2
Amendments to IAS 27Equity Method in Separate Financial Statements1
Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28Sale or Contribution of Assets between an Investor and its Associate or Joint Venture1

Annual Improvements to

2012-2014 Cycle

IFRS 5, IFRS 7, IAS 19, IAS 341
Amendments to IAS 1Disclosure Initiative1
Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 28Investment Entities: Applying the Consolidation Exception1
IFRS 16Leases3

1Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016.
2Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018.
3Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019.

IFRS 9Financial Instruments

IFRS 9, issued in November 2009, introduces new requirements for the classification and measurement of financial assets. IFRS 9 was amended in October 2010 to include requirements for the classification and measurement of financial liabilities and for derecognition, and in November 2013 to include the new



As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


requirements for general hedge accounting. Another revised version of IFRS 9 was issued in July 2014 mainly to include a) impairment requirements for financial assets and b) limited amendments to the classification and measurement requirements by introducing a “fair value through other comprehensive income (“FVTOCI”) measurement category for certain simple debt instruments.

IFRS 14Regulatory Deferral Accounts

IFRS 14Regulatory Deferral Accounts permits an entity which is a first-time adopter of International Financial Reporting Standards to continue to account, with some limited changes, for ‘regulatory deferral account balances’ in accordance with its previous GAAP, both on initial adoption of IFRS and in subsequent financial statements.

IFRS 14 was issued by the IASB on 30 January 2014 and is applied to an entity’s first annual IFRS financial statements for a period beginning on or after 1 January 2016.

Amendments to IFRS 11Accounting for Acquisition of Interests in Joint Operations

This amendment requires an acquirer of an interest in a joint operation in which the activity constitutes a business to:

      31 December
2018 As
   Effect Of
Due to
   Effect Of
Due to
   Effect Of
Due to
   31 December
2018 without


   13,119,636    —      —      902,285    12,217,351 

Employee benefit obligations

   224,747    —      —      —      224,747 


   268,722    —      —      —      268,722 

Deferred tax liabilities

   862,360    1,223    193,854    —      667,283 

Contract liabilities

   131,598    —      131,598    —      —   

Othernon-current liabilities

   364,610    —      (102,887   —      467,497 
















Totalnon-current liabilities

   14,971,673    1,223    222,565    902,285    13,845,600 

















   7,035,909    —      —      366,845    6,669,064 

Current tax liabilities

   133,597    —      —      —      133,597 

Trade and other payables

   3,788,174    —      1,786    —      3,786,388 

Due to related parties

   45,331    —      17,951    —      27,380 

Contract liabilities

   255,756    —      255,756    —      —   

Deferred revenue

   8,948    —      (255,756   —      264,704 


   307,068    —      —      —      307,068 

Derivative financial instruments

   165,265    —      —      —      165,265 
















Total current liabilities

   11,740,048    —      19,737    366,845    11,353,466 
















Total liabilities

   26,711,721    1,223    242,302    1,269,130    25,199,066 
















Total equity and liabilities

   42,765,275    6,058    919,206    1,196,926    40,643,085 

















apply all of the business combinations accounting principles in IFRS 3 and other IFRSs, except for those principles that conflict with the guidance in IFRS 11,


disclose the information required by IFRS 3 and other IFRSs for business combinations.

Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 38Clarification of Acceptable Methods of Depreciation and Amortisation

This amendment clarifies that a depreciation method that is based on revenue that is generated by an activity that includes the use of an asset is not appropriate for property, plant and equipment, and introduces a rebuttable presumption that an amortisation method that is based on the revenue generated by an activity that includes the use of an intangible asset is inappropriate, which can only be overcome in limited circumstances where the intangible asset is expressed as a measure of revenue, or when it can be demonstrated that revenue and the consumption of the economic benefits of the intangible asset are highly correlated. The amendment also adds guidance that expected future reductions in the selling price of an item that was produced using an asset could indicate the expectation of technological or commercial obsolescence of the asset, which, in turn, might reflect a reduction of the future economic benefits embodied in the asset.

IFRS 15Revenue from Contracts with Customers

IFRS 15 provides a single, principles based five-step model to be applied to all contracts with customers.

The five steps in the model are as follows:

Identify the contract with the customer,

Identify the performance obligations in the contract,

Determine the transaction price,



As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


Allocate the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contracts,


Recognise revenue when the entity satisfies a performance obligation.

Amendments to IAS 27Equity Method in Separate Financial Statements

This amendment permits investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates to be optionally accounted for using the equity method in separate financial statements.

Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28Sale or Contribution of Assets between an Investor and its Associate or Joint Venture

This amendment clarifies the treatment of the sale or contribution of assets from an investor to its associate or joint venture.

Annual Improvements 2012-2014 Cycle

IFRS 5: Adds specific guidance in IFRS 5 for cases in which an entity reclassifies an asset from held for sale to held for distribution or vice versa and cases in which held-for-distribution accounting is discontinued.

IFRS 7: Additional guidance to clarify whether a servicing contract is continuing involvement in a transferred asset, and clarification on offsetting disclosures in condensed interim financial statements.

IAS 19: Clarify that the high quality corporate bonds used in estimating the discount rate for post-employment benefits should be denominated in the same currency as the benefits to be paid.

IAS 34: Clarify the meaning of ‘elsewhere in the interim report’ and require a cross-reference.

Amendments to IAS 1Disclosure Initiative

This amendment addresses perceived impediments to preparers exercising their judgment in presenting their financial reports.

Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 28Investment Entities: Applying the Consolidation Exception

This amendment addresses issues that have arisen in the context of applying the consolidation exception for investment entities by clarifying the following points:

   31 December
2018 As
  Effect Of
Due to
  Effect Of
Due to
  Effect Of
Due to
  31 December
2018 without


   20,350,557   —     (18,132  —     20,368,689 

Revenue from financial services

   941,918   —     308   —     941,610 
















Total revenue

   21,292,475   —     (17,824  —     21,310,299 
















Cost of revenue

   (13,785,448  —     (329,447  51,098   (13,507,099

Cost of revenue from financial services

   (360,545  —     —     —     (360,545
















Total cost of revenue

   (14,145,993  —     (329,447  51,098   (13,867,644
















Gross profit

   6,565,109   —     (347,579  51,098   6,861,590 

Gross profit from financial services

   581,373   —     308   —     581,065 
















Total gross profit

   7,146,482   —     (347,271  51,098   7,442,655 
















Other income

   241,435   —     —     35,012   206,423 

Selling and marketing expenses

   (1,626,714  141,527   523,210   51,208   (2,342,659

Administrative expenses

   (673,370  225,778   —     50,724   (949,872

Net impairment losses on financial and contract assets

   (346,390  (346,390  —     —     —   

Other expenses

   (381,582  —     —     (44,431  (337,151
















Operating profit

   4,359,861   20,915   175,939   143,611   4,019,396 
















Finance income

   1,932,133   —     —     892   1,931,241 

Finance costs

   (3,619,091  (14  —     (230,663  (3,388,414
















Net finance costs

   (1,686,958  (14  —     (229,771  (1,457,173
















Share of profit of equity accounted investees

   (87  —     —     —     (87
















Profit before income tax

   2,672,816   20,901   175,939   (86,160  2,562,136 
















Income tax expense

   (495,481  (4,764  (38,015  14,696   (467,398
















Profit for the period

   2,177,335   16,137   137,924   (71,464  2,094,738 
















Profit for the year is attributable to:


Owners of the Company

   2,021,065   16,137   137,924   (71,464  1,938,468 

Non-controlling interests (*)

   156,270   —     —     —     156,270 

















   2,177,335   16,137   137,924   (71,464  2,094,738 
















Basic and diluted earnings per share for profit attributable to owners of the Company (in full TL)

   0.93   0.01   0.06   (0.03  0.89 


The exemption from preparing consolidated financial statements for an intermediate parent entity is available to a parent entity that is a subsidiary of an investment entity, even if the investment entity measures all of its subsidiaries at fair value.


A subsidiary that provides services related to the parent’s investment activities should not be consolidated if the subsidiary itself is an investment entity.

When applying the equity method to an associate or a joint venture, a non-investment entity investor in an investment entity may retain the fair value measurement applied by the associate or joint venture to its interests in subsidiaries.

An investment entity measuring all of its subsidiaries at fair value provides the disclosures relating to investment entities required by IFRS 12.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


IFRS 16Leases

This new standard brings most leases on-balance sheet for lessees under a single model, eliminating the distinction between operating and finance leases. Lessor accounting however remains largely unchanged and the distinction between operating and finance leases is retained. IFRS 16 supersedes IAS 17 “Leases” and related interpretations and is effective for periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019, with earlier adoption permitted if IFRS 15 ‘Revenue from Contracts with Customers’ has also been applied.

The Group is evaluating the effects of these standards on the consolidated financial statements.



Basis of fair valuespreparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

A number


New standards and interpretations (continued)


Amendments to IFRSs affecting amounts reported and/or disclosures in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

IFRS 9 Financial Instruments – Impact of adoption

IFRS 9 replaces the provisions of IAS 39 that relate to the recognition, classification and measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities, derecognition of financial instruments, impairment of financial assets and hedge accounting.

The Group has taken advantage of the Group’sexemption allowing it not to restate comparative information for prior periods with respect to classification and measurement (including impairment) changes. Differences in the carrying amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities resulting from the adoption of IFRS 9 are recognized in retained earnings and reserves as at 1 January 2018.

The adoption of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments from 1 January 2018 resulted in changes in accounting policies and disclosures requireadjustments to the determination of fair value, for bothamounts recognised in the consolidated financial and non-financial assets and liabilities. Fair values have been determined for measurement and/or disclosure purposes basedstatements as stated below:

The total impact on the following methods. When applicable, further information about the assumptions made in determining fair valuesGroup’s retained earnings as at 1 January 2018 is disclosed in the notes specific to that asset or follows:


(i)Property, plant and equipment
1 January 2018

Retained Earnings Opening – 31 December 2017


Increase in provision for receivables from financial services


Decrease in provision for other financial assets


Deferred tax effect


Total impact of adoption in accordance with IFRS 9


Retained Earnings Opening – 1 January 2018 (Including IFRS9- excluding IFRS 15)


The fair value of property, plant and equipment recognized as a result of a business combination is based on market values. The market value of property is the estimated amount for which a property could be exchanged onOn the date of valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s length transaction after proper marketing whereininitial application, 1 January 2018, the parties had each acted knowledgeably, willingly. The market valuefinancial instruments of items of plant, equipment, fixtures and fittings is based on the quoted market prices for similar items.Company were as follows, with any reclassifications noted;


(ii)Investment property

The fair value of investment property is based on valuations performed by appointed independent registered appraisers taking into account valuation methods such as market data, discounted cash flow (“DCF”) method, replacement cost method, or the combination of two or all of these methods based on the applicability of the valuation method to the respective property. All these methods often provide different values for investment property, therefore the appraisers reconcile the varying results and meld the results of the methods utilized in a reasonable way. Based on the valuation method utilized, appraisers estimate the value of investment property which best reflects the market conditions at the balance sheet date.

Non-current financial assets  Original (IAS 39)   New (IFRS 9)   Original   New   Difference 

Trade receivables

   Amortized cost    Amortized cost    155,634    154,392    (1,242

Receivables from financial services

   Amortized cost    Amortized cost    1,297,597    1,297,597    —   

Held to maturity investments

   Held to maturity    Amortized cost    654    654    —   

Current financial assets


Trade receivables

   Amortized cost    Amortized cost    2,848,572    2,888,862    40,290 

Due from related parties

   Amortized cost    Amortized cost    5,299    5,522    223 

Receivables from financial services

   Amortized cost    Amortized cost    2,950,523    2,897,572    (52,951


   FVPL    FVPL    981,396    981,396    —   

Cash and cash equivalents

   Amortized cost    Amortized cost    4,712,333    4,711,452    (881

Held to maturity investments

   Held to maturity    Amortized cost    11,338    11,332    (6

Current financial liabilities



   FVPL    FVPL    110,108    110,108    —   


(iii)Intangible assets

The fair value of the brand acquired in the Superonline Iletisim Hizmetleri AS (“Turkcell Superonline”) business combination is based on the discounted estimated royalty payments that have been avoided as a result of the brand being owned. The fair value of customer list acquired in the Turkcell Superonline business combination are valued using the multi-period excess earnings method, whereby the subject asset is valued after deducting a fair return on all other assets that are part of creating the related cash flows.F-43

The fair value of the custom duty and VAT exemption agreement in the Belarusian Telecom business combination is based on the incremental cash flows method (cost saving approach) and this was used for the valuation analysis.

The fair value of mobile telephony licenses (GSM & UMTS) in the Belarusian Telecom business combination is based on the Greenfield (build-out) method, which is estimated to be appropriate and commonly used for the valuation of licenses, and this was used for the valuation analysis.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


The fair value of customer list acquired in business combinations was valued using the cost approach where by the subject asset was valued by using the information on a cost per subscriber basis under current market conditions and rates.

The fair value of other intangible assets is based on the discounted cash flows expected to be derived from the use and eventual sale of the assets.


(iv)2.Investments in equity

Basis of preparation and debt securitiessummary of significant accounting policies (continued)

The fair value


New standards and interpretations (continued)


Amendments to IFRSs affecting amounts reported and/or disclosures in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

IFRS 9 Financial Instruments – Impact of adoption (continued)

Impairment of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, held-to-maturity investments and available-for-sale

The group recognizes impairment charges for financial assets that are subject to the expected credit loss model in accordance with IFRS 9 as below:

Trade receivables resulting from operations

Financial services receivables

Cash and cash equivalents

Financial investments

Other receivables

Other assets

Financial services receivables

On 1 January 2018, credit risks were assessed for these loans in accordance with the impairment methodology and TL (52,951) has been recognized under retained earnings.

The reconciliation of impairment provision and opening balances for financial services receivables as of 1 January 2018 is determined by reference to their quoted bid price or over the counter market price at the reporting date. The fair value of held-to-maturity investments is determined for disclosure purposes only.stated as below:


(v)Trade and other receivables / due from related parties
1 January 2018

At 1 January 2018 (calculated under IAS 39)


Amounts restated through opening retained earnings


At 1 January 2018 (calculated under IFRS 9)


Current year provision at profit or loss statement – IFRS 9


Current year provision at profit or loss statement if IAS 39 was applied


Other financial assets

The fair valuesgroup applies the IFRS 9 simplified approach to measuring expected credit losses which uses a lifetime expected loss allowance for its financial assets comprising of trade and other receivables and due from related parties are estimatedcontract assets.

The reconciliation of impairment provision and opening balances for other financial assets as the present value of future cash flows, discounted at the market rate of interest at the reporting date.1 January 2018 is stated as below:


1 January 2018

At 1 January 2018 (calculated under IAS 39)


Amounts restated through opening retained earnings


At 1 January 2018 (calculated under IFRS 9)


Current year provision at profit or loss statement-IFRS 9


Current year provision at profit or loss statement if IAS 39 was applied


The fair value of forward exchange contracts, swap contracts and option contracts are based on their listed market price, if available. If a listed market price is not available, then fair values are derived from inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability or are derived by discounting the difference between the contractual forward price and the current forward price for the residual maturity of the contract using a risk-free interest rate (based on government bonds) or option pricing models.


(vii)Non-derivative financial liabilities

Fair value, which is determined for disclosure purposes, is calculated based on the present value of future principal and interest cash flows, discounted at the market rate of interest at the reporting date. For finance leases, the market rate of interest is determined by reference to similar lease agreements.

(viii)Contingent Consideration

The consideration the Group transfers in a business combination in exchange for the acquiree includes any asset or liability resulting from a contingent consideration arrangement. The Group recognises the acquisition-date fair value of contingent consideration as part of the consideration transferred in exchange for the acquiree.

The Group classifies an obligation to pay contingent consideration that meets the definition of a financial instrument as a financial liability or as equity on the basis of the definitions of an equity instrument and a financial liability considering IAS 32Financial Instruments: Presentation.

If the consideration is within the scope of IAS 39, it shall be measured at fair value at each reporting date and changes in fair value are recognised in profit or loss in accordance with IAS 39.

If the consideration is not within the scope of IAS 39, it shall be measured at fair value at each reporting date and changes in fair value shall be recognised in profit or loss.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


New standards and interpretations (continued)


Amendments to IFRSs affecting amounts reported and/or disclosures in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers – Impact of adoption

The Group adopted the new standard on the required effective date using the modified retrospective method which requires the recognition of the cumulative effect of initially applying IFRS 15 as at 1 January 2018 to retained earnings and not restate prior years.

The impact of adoption of IFRS 15, “Revenue from contracts with customers” on retained earnings as of 1 January 2018 is stated as below:

1 January 2018

Retained earnings 1 January 2018 - (including IFRS 9 effects-excluding
IFRS 15 effects)


Recognition of asset for subscriber acquisition cost


Decrease in current assets andnon-current assets


Deferred tax effect




Adjustment to retained earnings from adoption of IFRS 15


Opening retained earnings 1 January 2018 - (including IFRS 9 and IFRS 15 effects)


Contract costs capitalized prior to IFRS 15 have been classified under prepaid expenses. As of 1 January 2018, contract costs excluding the new incremental costs amounting to 156,879 TL has been classified from prepaid expenses to intangible assets.

Details of contract costs and related accumulated depreciation for the period 1 January—31 December 2018 has been disclosed under Note 12.

IFRS 16 Leases – Impact of adoption

Details of adoption on IFRS16 for the period 1 January - 31 December 2018 has been disclosed under Note 15.

The Group early adopted IFRS 16 with a date of initial application of 1 January 2018.

The Group adopted IFRS 16 using modified retrospective approach - option 2 application under which the cumulative effect of initially applying the Standard recognised at the date of initial application at 1 January 2018.

The amount of TL 542,179 of the right to use of the asset is attributable to the classification of the prepaid lease expenses accounted for under prepaid expenses before the application of IFRS 16.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


New standards and interpretations (continued)


Amendments to IFRSs affecting amounts reported and/or disclosures in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

IFRS 16 Leases – Impact of adoption (continued)

On transition to IFRS 16, the Group elected to apply practical expedient to grandfather the assessment of which transitions are leases. It applied IFRS 16 only to contracts that were previously identified as leases. Contracts that were not identified as leases under IAS 17 and IFRIC 4 were not reassessed for whether there is a lease. Therefore, the definition of a lease under IFRS 16 was applied only to contracts entered into or changed on or after 1 January 2018.

On transition the Group did not elect to apply recognition exemption for short-term leases by class of underlying assets and leases forlow-value items which shall be appliedlease-by-lease basis on both transition and subsequently.

As a lessee, the Group previously classified leases as operating and finance leases based on its assessment of whether the lease transferred significantly all of the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of the underlying asset to the Group. At transition lease liabilities were measured at the present value of the remaining lease payments, discounted at the Group’s incremental borrowing rate at 1 January 2018. The Group measuredright-of-use assets at an amount equal to the lease liability, adjusted by the amount of any prepaid or accrued lease payments under IFRS 16 modified retrospective approach option 2 application and used the following practical expedients;

Group applied a single discount rate to a portfolio of leases with similar characteristics

Adjusted theright-of-use assets by the amount of IAS 37 onerous contract provision immediately before the date of initial application

Excluded initial direct costs from measuring theright-of-use asset at the date of initial application

Used hindsight when determining the lease term when the contract contains options to renew or terminate the lease.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


New standards and interpretations (continued)


Standards, amendments and interpretations applicable as at 31 December 2018

Amendments to IFRS 4, ‘Insurance contracts’ regarding the implementation of IFRS 9, ‘Financial Instruments’; effective from annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018. These amendments introduce two approaches: an overlay approach and a deferral approach. The amended standard will:

give all companies that issue insurance contracts the option to recognise in other comprehensive income, rather than profit or loss, the volatility that could arise when IFRS 9 is applied before the new insurance contracts standard is issued; and

give companies whose activities are predominantly connected with insurance an optional temporary exemption from applying IFRS 9 until 2021. The entities that defer the application of IFRS 9 will continue to apply the existing financial instruments standard IAS 39.

Amendment to IAS 40, ‘Investment property’ relating to transfers of investment property; effective from annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018. These amendments clarify that to transfer to, or from, investment properties there must be a change in use. To conclude if a property has changed use there should be an assessment of whether the property meets the definition. This change must be supported by evidence.

Amendments to IFRS 2, ‘Share based payments’ on clarifying how to account for certain types of share-based payment transactions; effective from annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018. This amendment clarifies the measurement basis for cash-settled, share-based payments and the accounting for modifications that change an award from cash-settled to equity-settled. It also introduces an exception to the principles in IFRS 2 that will require an award to be treated as if it was wholly equity-settled, where an employer is obliged to withhold an amount for the employee’s tax obligation associated with a share-based payment and pay that amount to the tax authority.

Annual improvements 2014-2016;effective from annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018. These amendments impact 2 standards:

IFRS 1, ‘First time adoption of IFRS’, regarding the deletion of short-term exemptions for first-time adopters regarding IFRS 7, IAS 19 and IFRS 10,

IAS 28, ‘Investments in associates and joint venture’ regarding measuring an associate or joint venture at fair value.

IFRIC 22, ‘Foreign currency transactions and advance consideration’; effective from annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018. This IFRIC addresses foreign currency transactions or parts of transactions where there is consideration that is denominated or priced in a foreign currency. The interpretation provides guidance for when a single payment/receipt is made as well as for situations where multiple payments/receipts are made. The guidance aims to reduce diversity in practice.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


New standards and interpretations (continued)


Standards, amendments and interpretations that are issued but not effective as at 31 December 2018

Amendment to IFRS 9, ‘Financial instruments’;effective from annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019. This amendment confirm that when a financial liability measured at amortised cost is modified without this resulting inde-recognition, a gain or loss should be recognised immediately in profit or loss. The gain or loss is calculated as the difference between the original contractual cash flows and the modified cash flows discounted at the original effective interest rate. This means that the difference cannot be spread over the remaining life of the instrument which may be a change in practice from IAS 39.

Amendment to IAS 28, ‘Investments in associates and joint venture’;effective from annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019. These amendments clarify that companies account for long-term interests in associate or joint venture to which the equity method is not applied using IFRS 9.

IFRIC 23, ‘Uncertainty over income tax treatments’;effective from annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019. This IFRIC clarifies how the recognition and measurement requirements of IAS 12 ‘Income taxes’, are applied where there is uncertainty over income tax treatments. The IFRS IC had clarified previously that IAS 12, not IAS 37 ‘Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets’, applies to accounting for uncertain income tax treatments. IFRIC 23 explains how to recognise and measure deferred and current income tax assets and liabilities where there is uncertainty over a tax treatment. An uncertain tax treatment is any tax treatment applied by an entity where there is uncertainty over whether that treatment will be accepted by the tax authority. For example, a decision to claim a deduction for a specific expense or not to include a specific item of income in a tax return is an uncertain tax treatment if its acceptability is uncertain under tax law. IFRIC 23 applies to all aspects of income tax accounting where there is an uncertainty regarding the treatment of an item, including taxable profit or loss, the tax bases of assets and liabilities, tax losses and credits and tax rates.

IFRS 17, ‘Insurance contracts’;effective from annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2021. This standard replaces IFRS 4, which currently permits a wide variety of practices in accounting for insurance contracts. IFRS 17 will fundamentally change the accounting by all entities that issue insurance contracts and investment contracts with discretionary participation features.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies (continued)


New standards and interpretations (continued)


Standards, amendments and interpretations that are issued but not effective as at 31 December 2018 (continued)

Annual improvements 2015-2017;effective from annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019. These amendments include minor changes to:

IFRS 3, ‘Business combinations’, – a company remeasures its previously held interest in a joint operation when it obtains control of the business.

IFRS 11, ‘Joint arrangements’, – a company does not remeasure its previously held interest in a joint operation when it obtains joint control of the business.

IAS 12, ‘Income taxes’ – a company accounts for all income tax consequences of dividend payments in the same way.

IAS 23, ‘Borrowing costs’ – a company treats as part of general borrowings any borrowing originally made to develop an asset when the asset is ready for its intended use or sale.

Amendments to IAS 19, ‘Employee benefits’ on plan amendment, curtailment or settlement’; effective from annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019. These amendments require an entity to:

use updated assumptions to determine current service cost and net interest for the reminder of the period after a plan amendment, curtailment or settlement; and

recognise in profit or loss as part of past service cost, or a gain or loss on settlement, any reduction in a surplus, even if that surplus was not previously recognised because of the impact of the asset ceiling.

Amendments to IAS 1 and IAS 8 on the definition of material;effective from Annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2020. These amendments to IAS 1, ‘Presentation of financial statements’, and IAS 8, ‘Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors’, and consequential amendments to other IFRSs:

i) use a consistent definition of materiality throughout IFRSs and the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting;

ii) clarify the explanation of the definition of material; and

iii) incorporate some of the guidance in IAS 1 about immaterial information.

Amendments to IFRS 3 - definition of a business;effective from Annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2020. This amendment revises the definition of a business. According to feedback received by the IASB, application of the current guidance is commonly thought to be too complex, and it results in too many transactions qualifying as business combinations.

The Company does not expected material impact of new standards and interpretations on Company’s accounting policies.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)



Financial risk management

The Group practice is to centrally manage the Group’s predetermined capital / debt ratios by capital injection or using available credit facilities. The Group obtains short and long-term borrowings according to the Group’s financial needs and market predictions. Debt instruments include commercial bank loans to Export Credit Agency loans, money market instruments and capital market instruments such as debt securities issued which are seldom used in order to maintain diversified source of financing. The Group’s financial borrowing ratios are monitored for all transactions in order to prevent any negative effect on the Group’s credit ratings.

The Group has exposure to the following risks from its use of financial instruments:

Credit risk

Liquidity risk

Market risk

This note presents information aboutexplains the Group’s exposure to each of the abovefinancial risks and how these risks could affect the Group’s objectives, policiesfuture financial performance. Current year profit and processes for measuring and managing risk, and the Group’s management of capital. Please referloss information has been included where relevant to Note 31 for additional information on the Group’s exposure to risks.

Risk management frameworkadd further context.

The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the establishment and oversight of the Group’s risk management framework. Additionally,is carried out by a central treasury department (“Group Treasury) under policies approved by the CompanyAudit Committee. Group Treasury identifies, evaluates and manages financial risks in closeco-operation with the Group’s operating units. The Audit Committee provides written principles for overall risk management, as well as policies covering specific areas, such as foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, use of derivative financial instruments andnon-derivative financial instruments, and investment of excess liquidity. In addition, Risk Early Detection Committee was established a Risk Committee in accordance with the newNew Turkish Commercial Code effective from 1 July 2012.

Credit risk

At the reporting date, there were no significant concentrations of credit risk. The Group’smaximum exposure to credit risk management policies are established to identify and analyze the risks facedis represented by the Group, to set appropriate risk limitscarrying amount of cash and controls, and to monitor risks and adherence to limits. Risk management policies and systems are reviewed regularly to reflect changes in market conditions and the Group’s activities.

For the year ended 31 December 2014, TL depreciated against USD by 8.6% and appreciated against the EUR by 3.9% whereas for the year ended 31 December 2015 TL depreciated against both USD and EUR by 25.4% and 12.7% respectively. For the year ended 31 December 2014, UAH depreciated against the USD by 97.3% compared to 31 December 2013 and 52.2% for the year ended 31 December 2015 compared to 31 December 2014. BYR depreciated against USD by 24.6%cash equivalents, financial asset at fair value through 2014 compared to 31 December 2013 and 31 December 2015 depreciated by 56.7% when compared to the exchange rates as at 31 December 2014. Additional information related to Group’s exposure to currency risk is disclosed in Note 31.

Credit risk

Credit risk is the risk of aprofit or loss , derivative financial loss to the Group if a customer or counterparty to a financial instrument fails to meet its contractual obligations, and arises principally from the Group’sinstruments, trade receivables, receivables from customersfinancial services, due from related parties and investment securities.other assets (Note 35).

Management has a credit policy in place and the exposure to credit risk is monitored on an ongoing basis. The Group may require collateral in respect of financial assets. Also, the Group may demand letters of guarantee from third parties related to certain projects or contracts. The Group may also demand certain pledges from counterparties if necessary in return for the credit support it gives related to certain financings.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

financings (Note 19).

In monitoring customer credit risk, customers are grouped according to whether they are an individual or legal entity,subscribers, financial services customers, other corporate customers, aging profile, maturity and existence of previous financial difficulties. Trade receivables and accrued income are mainly related to the Group’s subscribers. The Group’s exposure to credit risk on trade receivables is influenced mainly by the individual payment characteristics of postpaid subscribers. The Group establishes an allowance for impairment that represents its estimate of incurred losses in respect of trade receivables.

The Group establishes an allowance for doubtful receivables that represents its estimate of incurred losses in respect of trade and other receivables.

This allowance includescomprise of the specific loss component that relates to individual subscribers exposures, and adjusted for a general provision which is determined based on the age of the balances and historical collection trends.

a loss event. Investments are preferred to be in liquid securities. The counterparty limits are set monthly depending on their ratings from the most credible rating agencies and the amount of their paid inpaid-in capital and/or shareholders equity. Policies are in place to review thepaid-in capital and rating of counterparties periodically to ensure credit worthiness.

Transactions involving derivatives are executed with local and international counterparties with whom the Group has signed international agreements and which have sound credit ratings.

At the reporting date, there were no significant concentrations of credit risk. The maximum exposure to credit risk is represented by the carrying amount of each financial asset in the statement of financial position.

The Group’s policy is to provide financial guarantees only to majority-owned subsidiaries.subsidiaries and distributors. At 31 December 2015,2018, guarantees of TL 1,101,195 guarantees4,988,580 were outstanding (31 December 2014:2017: TL 3,191,271)3,720,954).




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Financial risk management (continued)

Liquidity risk

LiquidityPrudent liquidity risk ismanagement implies maintaining sufficient cash and the risk thatavailability of funding through an adequate amount of committed credit facilities to meet obligations when due and to close out market positions. At the end of the reporting period the Group will not be ableheld deposits at call of TL 587,007 (2017: TL 603,553) that are expected to meet its financial obligations as they fall due. The Group’s approach to managereadily generate cash inflows for managing liquidity is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will always have sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when due, under both normal and stressed conditions, without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damagerisk. Due to the dynamic nature of the underlying businesses, Group Treasury maintains flexibility in funding by maintaining availability under committed credit lines.

Management monitors rolling forecasts of the Group’s reputation. Typically, the Group ensures that it has sufficientliquidity reserve (Note 35) and cash and cash equivalents (Note 24) on the basis of expected cash flows. In addition, the Group’s liquidity management policy involves projecting cash flows in major currencies and considering the level of liquid assets necessary to meet expected operational expenses, including financial obligations.these, monitoring balance sheet liquidity ratios against internal and external regulatory requirements and maintaining debt financing plans.

Market risk

Market risk is the risk that changes in market prices, such as foreign exchange rates, interest rates and equity prices will affect the Group’s income or the value of its holdings of financial instruments. The objective of market risk management is to manage and control market risk exposures within acceptable parameters, while optimizing the return on risk.

The Group buys and sellsuses derivatives in order to manage market risks. All such transactions are carried at within the guidelines set by the Group treasury and risk management.Treasury.



Foreign exchange risk

The Group operates internationally and is exposed to foreign exchange risk arising from foreign currency risk on certain revenues such as wholesale revenues, purchases and certain operating costs such as roaming expenses and network related costs and resulting receivables and payables, borrowings, payable in relationtransactions, primarily with respect to the acquisition of a telecommunication license in Turkey,



As atUSD, EUR and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

deferred payments related to the acquisition of Belarusian Telecom that areRMB. Foreign exchange risk arises from recognized assets and liabilities denominated in a currency other thanthat is not the respective functional currenciescurrency of the relevant Group entities, primarily TL for operations conducted in Turkey. The currencies in which these transactions are primarily denominated are EUR and USD.

entity. The Group holds a significant portion of its cash portfolioand cash equivalent in foreign currency in order to manage currencyforeign exchange risk. Additionally,In additional, derivative financial instruments such as forward, swap and option contracts are used to hedgemanage exposure to fluctuations in foreign exchange rates.rates and as of 1 July 2018 the Company applies hedge accounting.

The Group’s investments in its equity accounted investee Fintur are not hedged with respect to the currencyForeign exchange risk arising from the net assets as those net investments are considered to be long-termof the subsidiary Fintur is not managed by the Group.

Details of Company’s foreign exchange risk is disclosed in nature.Note 35.


Interest rate risk

The Group’s exposure to interest rate risk is related to its financial assets and liabilities. The Group managesmanage its financial liabilities by providing an appropriate distribution between fixed and floating rate debts. The risk is managed by the Group by maintaining an appropriate mix betweenloans. Floating rate exposures can be changed to fixed rate exposures based on short term and floating rate borrowings.long term market expectations via financial derivatives. The use of financial derivatives is governed by the Group’sGroup Treasury’s policies approved by the Audit Committee, which provide written principles on the use of financial derivatives consistent withderivatives.

The Group’s borrowings and receivables are carried at amortized cost. The borrowings are periodically contractually repriced (Note 35) and to that extent are also exposed to the Group’s treasuryrisk of future changes in market interest rates.




As at and risk management strategy. The Group also closely monitored various hedging alternatives to hedge interest risk with a minimum cost. In June 2011, the Group engaged in forward starting collar agreements for the half of its debt whichyear ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are dueexpressed in 2015 and exposed to interest rate risk. The collars hedged the variable interest rate risk for the period between 2013 and 2015.Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


6.4.Operating Segments

Segment information

Starting from 2015, theThe Group has changed itstwo reportable segments which are based on the dominant sourcein accordance with its integrated communication and nature of the Group’s risktechnology services strategy—Turkcell Turkey and returns as well as the Group’s new internal reporting structure. Prior year corresponding information has been also restated in the current period according to the new reportable segments.

SomeTurkcell International. While some of these strategic segments offer the same types of services, however they are managed separately because they operate in different geographical locations and are affected by different economic conditions.

Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the chief operating decision maker. The Group has two main reportable segments aschief operating decision maker function is carried out by the Board of 2015 in accordance with its integrated communicationDirectors, however Board of Directors may transfer the authorities, other than recognized by the law, to the General Manager and technology services strategy as Turkcell Turkey and Turkcell International. other directors.

Turkcell Turkey reportable segment includes the operations of Turkcell, Turkcell Superonline İletisimIletisim Hizmetleri A.S. (“Turkcell Superonline”), Turkcell Satis ve DagitimDijital Is Servisleri Hizmetleri A.S. (“Turkcell Satis”), group call center operations of Global Bilgi Pazarlama DanismaDanismanlık ve Cagri Servisi Hizmetleri A.S. (“Turkcell Global Bilgi”), Turktell Bilisim Servisleri A.S. (“Turktell”), Turkcell Teknoloji Arastirma ve Gelistirme A.S. (“Turkcell Teknoloji”), Turkcell Interaktif Dijital Platform ve Icerik Hizmetleri A.S. (“Turktell Interaktif”), Kule Hizmet ve Isletmecilik A.S. (“Global Tower”), Rehberlik Hizmetleri Servisi A.S. (“Rehberlik”), Turkcell Odeme Hizmetleri A.S. (“Turkcell Odeme”), and Turkcell Gayrimenkul Hizmetleri A.S. (“Turkcell Gayrimenkul”). Turkcell International reportable segment includes the operations of Kibris Mobile Telekomunikasyon Limited Sirketi (“Kibris Telekom”), Eastasia, Euroasia, Astelit, Beltur East Asian Consortium B.V. (“Eastasia”), Lifecell LLC (“lifecell”), Lifecell Ventures Coöperatief U.A (“Lifecell Ventures”), Beltel Telekomunikasyon Hizmetleri A.S. (“Beltel”), CJSC Belarusian Telecom,Telecommunications Network (“Belarusian Telecom”), LLC UkrTower (“UkrTower”), LLC Global LLC,Bilgi (“Global LLC”), Turkcell Europe GmbH (“Turkcell Europe”), Lifetech LLC (“Lifetech”), Beltower LLC (“Beltower”) and Fintur Holdings B.V.Lifecell Digital Limited (“Fintur”Lificell Digital”). The operations of these legal entities aggregated into one reportable segment as the nature of services are similar and most of them share similar economic characteristics. Other reportable segment mainly comprises the information and entertainment services in Turkey and Azerbaijan, and non-group call center operations of Turkcell Global Bilgi.

Bilgi, Turkcell Finansman A.Ş. (“ Turkcell Finansman”), Turkcell Özel Finansman A.Ş. (“TÖFAŞ”), Turkcell Enerji Cozumleri ve Elektrik Satıs Ticaret A.S (“Turkcell Enerji”) Paycell LLC (“Paycell”), Turkcell Sigorta Aracılık Hizmetleri A.Ş (“Turkcell Sigorta”), Türkiye’nin Otomobili Girişim Grubu Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (“Türkiye’nin Otomobili”) and Sofra Kurumsal ve Ödüllendirme Hizmetleri A.Ş. (“Sofra”).



As at and forThe Board primarily uses adjusted EBITDA to assess the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

In first, second and third quarterperformance of the year 2015, the operations of Turkcell Global Bilgi were included in Turkcell Turkey reportable segment. Since the Group changed its reportable segments which are the dominant source of information to evaluate the performance and to allocate resources in the fourth quarter of 2015, group call center operations of Global Bilgi were included in Turkcell Turkey reportable segment whereas non-group call center operations of Global Bilgi were included in Other reportable segment. Corresponding information for prior years have been also restated in the current period according to the new reportableoperating segments. Since the assets and liabilities of Turkcell Global Bilgi could not be allocated to group and non-group operations and are mainly related to group operations, total assets and liabilities of Turkcell Global Bilgi are reported under Turkcell Turkey reportable segment except trade receivables.

Segment reporting of revenue has been revised to reflect the focus of the Group Management in marketing and sales around consumer and corporate customer groups.

Information regarding the operations of each reportable segment is included below. Adjusted EBITDA is used to measure performance as management believes that such information is the most relevant in evaluating the results of certain segments relative to other entities that operate within these industries. Adjusted EBITDA definition includes revenue, direct cost of revenuesrevenue excluding depreciation and amortization, selling and marketing expenses and administrative expenses.

Adjusted EBITDA is not a financial measure defined by IFRS as a measurement of financial performance and may not be comparable to other similarly-titled indicators used by other companies.

The accounting policies Reconciliation of operating segments areAdjusted EBITDA to the same as those describedconsolidated profit for the year is included in the summary of significant accounting policies.

accompanying notes.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


  Turkcell Turkey  Turkcell International  Other  Intersegment
  2015  2014  2015  2014  2015  2014  2015  2014  2015  2014 

Consumer segment revenue

  9,127,329    8,282,297    —      —      —      —      —      —      9,127,329    8,282,297  

Corporate segment revenue

  2,031,743    1,907,373    —      —      —      —      —      —      2,031,743    1,907,373  

Other Turkcell Turkey revenue

  321,818    290,556    —      —      —      —      —      —      321,818    290,556  

Turkcell International revenue

  —      —      856,147    1,137,907    —      —      —      —      856,147    1,137,907  

Other revenue

  —      —      —      —      458,563    457,847    —      —      458,563    457,847  


  —      —      —      —      —      —      (26,185  (32,393  (26,185  (32,393

Total Revenue

  11,480,890    10,480,226    856,147    1,137,907    458,563    457,847    (26,185  (32,393  2,769,415    12,043,587  

Contribution to consolidated revenue*

  11,466,282    10,457,050    844,416    1,128,821    458,717    457,716    —      —      12,769,415    12,043,587  

Reportable segment adjusted EBITDA

  3,759,590    3,326,389    245,959    281,011    134,484    154,643    511    (248  4,140,544    3,761,795  

Finance income

  731,954    930,378    22,948    18,964    96,070    140,864    (94,933  (134,805  756,039    955,401  

Finance cost

  231,384    125,814    (1,127,230  (1,497,828  (68,676  (124,334  165,008    249,362    (799,514  (1,246,986

Monetary gain

  —      —      —      205,068    —      —      —      —      —      205,068  

Depreciation and amortization

  (1,457,020  (1,311,591  (200,765  (319,204  (10,183  (8,847  218    185    (1,667,750  (1,639,457

Share of profit of equity accounted investees

  —      4,466    367,336    202,821    —      —      —      —      367,336    207,287  

Capital expenditure

  7,751,746    1,982,343    770,211    158,001    14,273    4,452    —      —      8,536,230    2,144,796  

Bad debt expense

  (187,963  (141,477  (8,292  (14,470  (333  16    —      —      (196,588  (155,931

Consumer segment revenue

  8,282,297    7,892,672    —      —      —      —      —      —      8,282,297    7,892,672  

Corporate segment revenue

  1,907,373    1,758,884    —      —      —      —      —      —      1,907,373    1,758,884  

Other Turkcell Turkey revenue

  290,556    245,554    —      —      —      —      —      —      290,556    245,554  

Turkcell International revenue

  —      —      1,137,907    1,209,451    —      —      —      —      1,137,907    1,209,451  

Other revenue

  —      —      —      —      457,847    333,528    —      —      457,847    333,528  


  —      —      —      —      —      —      (32,393  (32,202  (32,393  (32,202

Total Revenue

  10,480,226    9,897,110    1,137,907    1,209,451    457,847    333,528    (32,393  (32,202  12,043,587    11,407,887  


Segment information (continued)

  Turkcell Turkey  Turkcell International  All other segments  Intersegment
  2018  2017  2018  2017  2018  2017  2018  2017  2018  2017 

Total segment revenue

  18,265,777   15,450,136   1,456,980   1,067,078   1,933,831   1,187,454   (364,113  (72,604  21,292,475   17,632,064 

Inter-segment revenue

  (42,344  (31,690  (69,657  (40,897  (252,112  (17  364,113   72,604   —     —   

Revenues from external customers

  18,223,433   15,418,446   1,387,323   1,026,181   1,681,719   1,187,437   —     —     21,292,475   17,632,064 

Adjusted EBITDA

  7,534,291   5,593,837   612,697   263,962   665,470   374,314   (24,476  (3,859  8,787,982   6,228,254 

Bad debt expense

  (248,171  49,468   (4,088  (6,070  (94,131  (79,676  —     —     (346,390  (36,278
  Turkcell Turkey  Turkcell International  All other segments  Intersegment
  2017  2016  2017  2016  2017  2016  2017  2016  2017  2016 

Total segment revenue

  15,450,136   12,787,592   1,067,078   874,692   1,187,454   661,923   (72,604  (38,646  17,632,064   14,285,561 

Inter-segment revenue

  (31,690  (19,680  (40,897  (18,964  (17  (2  72,604   38,646   —     —   

Revenues from external customers

  15,418,446   12,767,912   1,026,181   855,728   1,187,437   661,921   —     —     17,632,064   14,285,561 

Adjusted EBITDA

  5,593,837   4,160,861   263,962   235,348   374,314   222,849   (3,859  451   6,228,254   4,619,509 

Bad debt expense

  49,468   (195,472  (6,070  (5,956  (79,676  (9,956  —     —     (36,278  (211,384




As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


  Turkcell Turkey  Turkcell International  Other  Intersegment
  2015  2014  2015  2014  2015  2014  2015  2014  2015  2014 

Contribution to consolidated revenue*

  10,457,050    9,874,479    1,128,821    1,200,303    457,716    333,105    —      —      12,043,587    11,407,887  

Reportable segment adjusted EBITDA

  3,326,389    3,149,335    281,011    288,277    154,643    107,711    (248  (871  3,761,795    3,544,452  

Finance income

  930,378    740,088    18,964    17,440    140,864    144,192    (134,805  (141,858  955,401    759,862  

Finance cost

  125,814    10,578    (1,497,828  (331,310  (124,334  (123,863  249,362    240,014    (1,246,986  (204,581

Monetary gain

  —      —      205,068    176,871    —      —      —      —      205,068    176,871  

Depreciation and amortization

  (1,311,591  (1,173,239  (319,204  (413,697  (8,847  (7,872  185    406    (1,639,457  (1,594,402

Share of profit of equity accounted investees

  4,466    (717  202,821    297,977    —      —      —      —      207,287    297,260  

Capital expenditure

  1,982,343    1,541,483    158,001    273,951    4,452    6,849    —      —      2,144,796    1,822,283  

Bad debt expense

  (141,477  (137,409  (14,470  (15,947  16    (22  —      —      (155,931  (153,378


(*)4.“Contribution to the consolidated revenue” represents operating segments’ revenues from companies other than those included in the consolidated financial statements. Group management monitors financial performance of the segments based on their separate financial statements. Contribution of operating segments on the Group’s revenue is presented to give additional

Segment information to the readers of the financial statements.(continued)



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)


   As at 31 December 2015 and 2014 
  Turkcell Turkey   Turkcell International   Other   Intersegment
  2015   2014   2015   2014   2015   2014   2015  2014  2015   2014 

Reportable segment assets

   20,701,617     12,756,612     1,460,983     1,053,945     85,884     82,083     (10,921  (8,097  22,237,563     13,884,543  

Investment in associates

   —       —       981,939     667,539     —       —       —      —      981,939     667,539  

Reportable segment liabilities

   6,868,877     2,521,522     481,338     439,123     105,460     117,552     (10,089  (8,225  7,445,586     3,069,972  
   As at 31 December 2014 and 2013 
  Turkcell Turkey   Turkcell International   Other   Intersegment
  2014   2013   2014   2013   2014   2013   2014  2013  2014   2013 

Reportable segment assets

   12,756,612     10,760,900     1,053,945     1,618,248     82,083     75,419     (8,097  (8,525  13,884,543     12,446,042  

Investment in associates

   —       —       667,539     535,622     —       —       —      —      667,539     535,622  

Reportable segment liabilities

   2,521,522     2,355,587     439,123     552,636     117,552     112,827     (8,225  (11,230  3,069,972     3,009,820  



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

   31 December
   31 December
   31 December

Turkcell Turkey adjusted EBITDA

   3,759,590     3,326,389     3,149,335  

Turkcell International adjusted EBITDA

   245,959     281,011     288,277  


   134,484     154,643     107,711  

Intersegment eliminations

   511     (248   (871










Consolidated adjusted EBITDA

   4,140,544     3,761,795     3,544,452  

Finance income

   756,039     955,401     759,862  

Finance costs

   (799,514   (1,246,986   (204,581

Monetary gain

   —       205,068     176,871  

Other income

   44,454     58,929     35,502  

Other expenses

   (270,446   (135,177   (94,300

Share of profit of equity accounted investees

   367,336     207,287     297,260  

Depreciation and amortization

   (1,667,750   (1,639,457   (1,594,402










Consolidated profit before income tax

   2,570,663     2,166,860     2,920,664  










Income tax expense

   (667,112   (730,444   (591,398










Profit for the period

   1,903,551     1,436,416     2,329,266  









   31 December
   31 December
   31 December



Total assets for reportable segments

   22,162,600     13,810,557     12,379,148  

Other assets

   85,884     82,083     75,419  

Intersegment eliminations

   (10,921   (8,097   (8,525

Investments in equity accounted investees

   981,939     667,539     535,622  

Other unallocated assets

   2,987,808     9,142,129     8,302,936  










Consolidated total assets

   26,207,310     23,694,211     21,284,600  









   31 December
   31 December
   31 December



Total liabilities for reportable segments

   7,350,215     2,960,645     2,908,223  

Other liabilities

   105,460     117,552     112,827  

Intersegment eliminations

   (10,089   (8,225   (11,230

Other unallocated liabilities

   4,342,822     3,913,594     3,539,645  










Consolidated total liabilities

   11,788,408     6,983,566     6,549,465  












As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

   2018   2017   2016 

Profit for the period

   2,177,335    2,037,759    1,543,803 



Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations

   —      —      42,164 

Profit from continuing operations

   2,177,335    2,037,759    1,585,967 

Income tax expense

   495,481    571,758    423,160 

Finance income

   (1,932,133   (818,436   (961,642

Finance costs

   3,619,091    1,141,302    1,134,441 

Other income

   (241,435   (74,438   (78,569

Other expenses

   381,582    773,329    312,801 

Depreciation and amortization

   4,287,974    2,596,980    2,203,351 

Share of loss of equity accounted investees

   87    —      —   










Consolidated adjusted EBITDA

   8,787,982    6,228,254    4,619,509 










Geographical information

In presenting the information on the basis of geographical segments, segment revenue is based on the geographical location of operations and segment assets are based on the geographical location of the assets.


  31 December
   31 December
   31 December
   2018   2017   2016 




   11,779,345     10,735,138     10,076,874     19,636,682    16,431,863    13,321,503 


   571,630     765,410     866,846     923,181    664,643    573,951 


   293,181    209,884    149,005 


   145,654     179,628     130,710     268,471    174,021    108,329 


   141,219     151,845     150,697  

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

   125,668     135,954     126,177     169,014    148,637    129,785 


   5,899     75,612     56,583     1,580    3,016    2,988 


   366    —      —   












   12,769,415     12,043,587     11,407,887     21,292,475    17,632,064    14,285,561 












  31 December
   31 December
   31 December

Non-current assets



   15,032,606     8,764,282     7,562,211  


   993,546     491,639     998,380  


   224,784     288,853     344,595  

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

   116,180     104,122     98,870  


   14,727     10,689     10,584  


   —       106     9,422  

Unallocated non-current assets

   1,030,610     726,808     617,118  






   17,412,453     10,386,499     9,641,180  








7.Acquisition of subsidiaries
   31 December
   31 December

Non-current assets



   21,037,351    18,098,228 


   2,751,277    1,408,783 


   293,622    141,802 

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

   177,380    138,371 


   —      13,663 

Unallocatednon-current assets

   168,536    112,516 






   24,428,166    19,913,363 







Acquisition of Metronet Iletisim Teknoloji AS

On 31 January 2014, Superonline Iletisim Hizmetleri AS (“Turkcell Superonline”) signed a Share Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) to acquire a 100% stake in Metronet Iletisim Teknoloji AS (“Metronet”), which is specialized in rendering of telecommunications services. On 15 April 2014, the control over Metronet is acquired from ES Mali Yatirim ve Danismanlik AS for a nominal consideration of TL 27,045.F-54

Subsequent to the acquisition, Metronet reported revenue of TL 1,894 and loss of TL 904 until Turkcell Superonline merger. Since Metronet’s statement of profit or loss prepared in accordance with IFRS for the year ended 31 December 2013 is not available, the estimated revenue and profit or loss for the current reporting period if the acquisition had occurred on 1 January 2014 could not be disclosed.

After the acquisition of Metronet in 2014, management merged the Metronet’s operations with its wholly owned subsidiary, Turkcell Superonline on 4 July 2014.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


Acquisition of Metronet Iletisim Teknoloji AS

The acquisition of Metronet had the following effect on the Group’s assets and liabilities on the acquisition date:



   Fair value
values on

Property, plant and equipment

   38,995     (26,897   12,098  

Intangible assets

   542     702     1,244  

Other non-current assets

   5,302     —       5,302  

Deferred tax assets

   6,326     5,239     11,565  

Trade receivables and accrued income

   2,004     —       2,004  

Other current assets

   931     —       931  

Cash and cash equivalents

   446     —       446  

Loans and borrowings-non current

   (900   —       (900

Loans and borrowings-current

   (1,474   —       (1,474

Trade and other payables

   (2,086   —       (2,086










Net identifiable assets and liabilities

   50,086     (20,956   29,130  










Present value of the acquisition consideration


Less: fair value of identifiable net assets acquired





Bargain purchase gain on acquisition





Consideration paid in cash


Add: cash and cash equivalent balances acquired





Net cash and cash equivalent effect of the business combination




  Turkcell Turkey  Turkcell International  Other  Intersegment
 2018  2017  2018  2017  2018  2017  2018  2017  2018  2017 

Telecommunication services

  16,752,587   14,236,174   1,281,595   952,246   —     —     56,485   72,604   17,977,697   15,115,816 

Equipment revenues

  1,337,495   1,089,699   101,350   69,801   —     —     —     —     1,438,845   1,159,500 

Revenue from financial services

  —     —     —     —     941,918   605,663   —     —     941,918   605,663 

Call center revenues

  —     —     9,763   7,706   211,195   224,973   17,786   —     203,172   232,679 

Commission fees on betting business

  —     —     —     —     200,315   181,886   —     —     200,315   181,886 

Revenue from betting business

  —     —     —     —     268,470   174,021   —     —     268,470   174,021 


  175,695   124,263   64,272   37,325   311,933   911   289,842   —     262,058   162,499 
































  18,265,777   15,450,136   1,456,980   1,067,078   1,933,831   1,187,454   364,113   72,604   21,292,475   17,632,064 






























  Turkcell Turkey  Turkcell International  Other  Intersegment
 2017  2016  2017  2016  2017  2016  2017  2016  2017  2016 

Telecommunication services

  14,236,174   12,126,395   952,246   796,225   —     —     72,604   38,646   15,115,816   12,883,974 

Equipment revenues

  1,089,699   579,820   69,801   44,532   —     —     —     —     1,159,500   624,352 

Revenue from financial services

  —     —     —     —     605,663   184,698   —     —     605,663   184,698 

Call center revenues

  —     —     7,706   7,084   224,973   191,480   —     —     232,679   198,564 

Commission fees on betting business

  —     —     —     —     181,886   176,167   —     —     181,886   176,167 

Revenue from betting business

  —     —     —     —     174,021   108,329   —     —     174,021   108,329 


  124,263   81,377   37,325   26,851   911   1,249   —     —     162,499   109,477 
































  15,450,136   12,787,592   1,067,078   874,692   1,187,454   661,923   72,604   38,646   17,632,064   14,285,561 































The fair value of intangible assets and liabilities recognized on acquisition has been determined based on independent valuation.

The bargain purchase gain on the acquisition has been included in other income in the Group’s consolidated statement of profit or loss.F-55

The Group incurred acquisition-related costs of TL 70 related to external consultancy costs which are included in administrative expenses in the Group’s statement of profit or loss.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)



Revenue (continued)


   2015   2014   2013 

Communication fees

   10,813,598     10,437,154     10,242,800  

Revenue from betting business

   145,654     179,628     130,710  

Call center revenue

   185,771     165,714     110,703  

Commission fees on betting business

   131,871     118,290     99,664  

Monthly fixed fees

   33,018     51,518     75,900  

Simcard sales

   31,518     31,700     29,784  

Other revenue (*)

   1,427,985     1,059,583     718,326  









   12,769,415     12,043,587     11,407,887  










(*)Other revenue consists of handsets, modems, internet subscription revenue, tower rent incomes and other several revenue.
   Other   Intersegment

Telecommunication Services

   16,752,587    1,281,595    —      56,485    17,977,697 

At a point in time

   267,329        —      7,493    259,836 

Over time

   16,485,258    1,281,595    —      48,992    17,717,861 

Equipment Related

   1,337,495    101,350    —      —      1,438,845 

At a point in time

   1,330,808    101,350    —      —      1,432,158 

Over time

   6,687    —      —      —      6,687 

Call Center

   —      9,763    211,195    17,786    203,172 

At a point in time

   —      —      —      —      —   

Over time

   —      9,763    211,195    17,786    203,172 

Commision fees on betting business

   —      —      200,315    —      200,315 

At a point in time

   —      —      —      —      —   

Over time

   —      —      200,315    —      200,315 

Revenue from betting business

   —      —      268,470    —      268,470 

At a point in time

   —      —      —      —      —   

Over time

   —      —      268,470    —      268,470 

Revenue from financial operations

   —      —      941,918    —      941,918 

At a point in time

   —      —      38,955    —      38,955 

Over time

   —      —      902,963    —      902,963 

All other segments

   175,695    64,272    311,933    289,842    262,058 

At a point in time

   12,211    8,556    7,576    —      28,343 

Over time

   163,484    55,716    304,357    289,842    233,715 


   18,265,777    1,456,980    1,933,831    364,113    21,292,475 

At a point in time

   1,610,348    109,906    46,531    7,493    1,759,292 

Over time

   16,655,429    1,347,074    1,887,300    356,620    19,533,183 



Other income and expensesexpense

Other income amountsamounted to TL 44,454,241,435, TL 58,92974,438 and TL 35,50278,569 for the years ended 31 December 2015, 20142018, 2017 and 2013,2016, respectively.

Other expenses amounted to TL 381,582, TL 773,329 and TL 312,801 for years ended 31 December 2018, 2017 and 2016, respectively.

Other income for the years ended 31 December 2018 mainly consist of reversal of legal provisions, gain on sale of investments and fixed assets and gain on modification of lease contract .

Other income for the years ended 31 December 2017 and 2016 mainly consist of gain on sale of fixed assets and reversal of legal provisions (Note 37).

Other expenses for the year ended 31 December 2018 mainly consist of donations and litigation expenses, loss on modification of lease contract.

Other income for the year ended 31 December 2015 mainly consists of gain on disposal of fixed asset sales. Other income for the year ended 31 December 2014 mainly consists of proceeds from sale of A-Tel amounting to TL 19,161 as explained in Note 16.

Other expenses amount to TL 270,446, TL 135,1772017 and TL 94,300 for the years ended 31 December 2015, 2014 and 2013, respectively. Other expenses for the year ended 31 December 20152016 mainly consist of commercial agreements termination expensesdonations and litigation expenses. Other expenses as of 31 December 2014 mainly consist of payments and provisions for the penalties imposed by ICTA for not complying with relevant regulations as explained in Note 34 and payments regarding to litigation expenses to consolidated financial statements. Other expenses as of 31 December 2013 mainly consist of payments and provisions for the penalties imposed by ICTA for not complying with relevant regulations as explained in Note 34, and impairment recognized on the Group’s investment in T-Medya and Aks TV amounting to TL 18,466 and TL 19,408 respectively.(Note 37).


10.Personnel expenses


   2015   2014   2013 

Wages and salaries (*)

   1,317,655     1,185,382     1,129,914  

Increase in liability for long-service leave (**)

   30,593     32,435     28,673  

Contributions to defined contribution plans

   8,364     7,876     6,576  









   1,356,612     1,225,693     1,165,163  










(*)Wages and salaries include compulsory social security contributions and bonuses.
(**)The actuarial losses / (gains) for the years ended 31 December 2015, 2014 and 2013 amounting to TL 13,466, TL 819 and TL (5,287) respectively, are reflected in other comprehensive income.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)



Employee benefit expenses

   2018   2017   2016 

Wages and salaries (*)

   2,030,641    1,746,147    1,450,262 

Employee termination benefits (**)

   29,140    32,862    32,977 

Defined contribution plans

   9,361    8,107    7,722 









   2,069,142    1,787,116    1,490,961 











Wages and salaries include compulsory social security contributions, bonuses and share based payments.


Remeasurements of employee termination benefits for the years ended 31 December 2018, 2017 and 2016 amounting to TL (12,699), TL 3,738 and TL 34,532 respectively are reflected in other comprehensive income.

Employee benefit expenses are recognized in cost of revenue, selling and marketing expenses and administrative expenses.


Finance income and costs

Recognized in the statement of profit or loss:


   2015   2014   2013 

Interest income on bank deposits

   303,221     650,780     511,432  

Interest income on late payment and

contracted receivables

   436,024     285,916     217,672  

Premium income on option contracts

   1,070     2,770     870  

Discount interest income

   13,865     9,596     23,780  

Other interest income

   1,859     6,339     6,108  










Finance income

   756,039     955,401     759,862  










Net foreign exchange loss

   (489,320   (1,110,833   (75,592

Interest expense on financial liabilities

measured at amortized cost

   (224,724   (120,414   (113,267

Litigation late payment interest expense

   (68,083   (6,963   (3,864

Option premium expense

   (2,290   (33   (189


   (15,097   (8,743   (11,669










Finance cost

   (799,514   (1,246,986   (204,581










Net finance income / (loss)

   (43,475   (291,585   555,281  









   2018   2017   2016 

Fair value gains on derivative financial instruments and interest

   654,933    317,542    282,408 

Cash flow hedges – reclassified to profit or loss

   568,370    —      —   

Interest income on bank deposits

   395,045    278,599    158,206 

Interest income on financial assets measured at amortized cost

   204,191    185,004    445,943 

Credit finance income

   50,828    36,186    74,522 


   58,766    1,105    563 










Finance income

   1,932,133    818,436    961,642 










Net foreign exchange losses

   (2,695,045   (718,501   (782,463

Interest expenses for financial liabilities

measured at amortized cost

   (807,120   (385,386   (343,290

Late payment interest expense

   —      (29,115   —   


   (116,926   (8,300   (8,688










Finance costs

   (3,619,091   (1,141,302   (1,134,441










Net finance costs

   (1,686,958   (322,866   (172,799










Capitalization rates and amounts other than borrowings made specifically for the purpose of acquiring a qualifying asset are 9.7%, 12.8% and 11.4%, TL 75,315, TL 15,320 and TL 14,451Finance incomes for the years ended 31 December 2015, 20142018, 2017 and 2013, respectively.2016 are mainly attributable to interest income on contracted handset sales, changes in fair value of derivative financial instruments, interest income on bank deposits and cash flow hedge.

Net finance income or expense amountsForeign exchange losses mainly include foreign exchange losses on borrowings and bonds issued amounting to TL (43,475), TL (291,585)2,378,910 and TL 555,2811,335,308 as of 31 December 2018.

Finance costs for the yearsyear ended 31 December 2015, 20142018 and 2013, respectively.

The foreign exchange income amounting2017 mainly attributable to TL 555,297, TL 230,246 and TL 146,269 have been presented on net basis withthe financing costs of borrowings, foreign exchange losses from operating and financing activities.

Finance costs for the yearsyear ended 31 December 2015, 2014 and 2013, respectively.

Net foreign exchange loss2016 is mainly attributable to the financing costs of borrowings, 4.5G license fees payable, foreign exchange losses inof Belarusian Telecom operating in Belarus amounting to TL 392,607, TL 294,532 and TL 123,575 and foreign exchange loss in Astelitlosses of lifecell operating in Ukraine amounting to TL 465,452, TL 991,150 and TL 7,588 foreign exchange loss for the years ended 31 December 2015, 2014 and 2013 respectively. Ukraine.

Foreign exchange losses from Belarusian Telecom and Astelitlifecell exclude foreign exchange losses arisingincurred in the foreign operations’ individual financial statements which have been recognized directly in equity in theunder foreign currency translation differencesreserve in the consolidated financial statements in accordance with the accounting policy for net investment in foreign operations as disclosed in Note 3b.





As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)



Income tax expense


   2015   2014   2013 

Current tax expense


Current period

   (591,297   (709,437   (650,513

Deferred tax benefit


Origination and reversal of temporary differences

   (98,678   (21,384   23,012  

Utilization of previously unrecognized tax losses

   22,863     377     36,103  









   (75,815   (21,007   59,115  










Total income tax expense

   (667,112   (730,444   (591,398









   2018   2017   2016 

Current income tax expense

   (654,953   (437,967   (200,663

Deferred income tax (expense)/credit

   159,472    (133,791   (222,497










Total income tax expense

   (495,481   (571,758   (423,160










Income tax recognized directly in equityexpense is attributable to profit from continuing operations.


Income tax relating to each component of other comprehensive income

  Before tax Tax (expense)/
 Net of tax   Before tax   Tax (expense)/
   Net of tax 





Foreign currency translation differences

   (384,466 (5,749 (390,215   850,188    (226,667   623,521 

Change in cash flow hedge reserve

   719    —     719     19,156    (4,214   14,942 

Change in actuarial gain / (loss)

   (13,466 2,563   (10,903

Change in cost of hedging reserve

   (347,602   76,472    (271,130

Remeasurements of employee termination benefits

   12,699    (2,794   9,905 












   (397,213  (3,186  (400,399   534,441    (157,203   377,238 

















Foreign currency translation differences

   468,478   (3,646 464,832     100,149    (107,299   (7,150

Change in cash flow hedge reserve

   1,089    —     1,089  

Change in actuarial gain / (loss)

   (819 196   (623

Remeasurements of employee termination benefits

   (3,738   748    (2,990












   468,748    (3,450  465,298     96,411    (106,551   (10,140

















Foreign currency translation differences

   (186,919 6,766   (180,153   218,472    (87,381   131,091 

Change in cash flow hedge reserve

   541    —     541  

Change in actuarial (loss) / gain

   5,287   (1,026 4,261  

Remeasurements of employee termination benefits

   (34,532   7,066    (27,466












   (181,091  5,740    (175,351   183,940    (80,315   103,625 
















As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


Income tax expense (continued)


Reconciliation of effective tax rate

The reported income tax expense for the years ended 31 December 2015, 2014 and 2013 are different than the amounts computed by applying the statutory tax rate to profit before income tax of the Company, as shown in the following reconciliation:


      2015     2014     2013 

Profit for the year

    1,903,551     1,436,416     2,329,266  

Total income tax expense

    667,112     730,444     591,398  










Profit before income tax

    2,570,663     2,166,860     2,920,664  










Income tax using the Company’s domestic tax rate

   20  (514,133  20  (433,372  20  (584,133

Effect of tax rates in foreign jurisdictions

   2  (52,688  2  (51,277  1  (23,018

Tax exempt income

   —      3,685    —      5,867    —      2,210  

Non-deductible expenses and permanent differences

   1  (16,104  3  (72,484  1  (42,698

Tax incentives

   —      3,378    —      2,984    —      1,883  

Utilization of previously unrecognized

tax losses

   (1)%   22,863    —      377    (1)%   36,103  

Unrecognized deferred tax assets

   8  (198,364  12  (255,048  2  (66,559

Difference in effective tax rate of equity

accounted investees

   (2)%   55,100    (1)%   30,423    (2)%   44,697  

Deferred tax effect of investment in subsidiaries

   (1)%   32,926    —      —      —      —    


   —      (3,775  (2)%   42,086    (1)%   40,117  










Total income tax expense

    (667,112   (730,444   (591,398









   2018   2017   2016 

Profit from continuing operations before income tax expense

   2,672,816    2,609,517    2,009,127 

(Loss) from discontinued operations before income tax expense

   —      —      (42,164










Profit before income tax expense

   2,672,816    2,609,517    1,966,963 










Tax at the Turkey’s tax rate

   (588,020   (521,903   (393,393

Difference in overseas tax rates

   7,617    4,133    (15,935

Effect of exemptions (*)

   198,160    73,916    104,244 

Effect of amounts which are not deductible

   (91,778   (102,102   (78,571

Tax exemption from subsidiary sale(**)

   24,268    —      —   

Utilization of previously unrecognized tax losses

   —      —      1,253 

Change in unrecognized deferred tax assets (***)

   (50,551   (41,340   (30,616

Adjustments for current tax of prior years

   2,510    11,280    (8,176

Tax effect of investment in associate

   —      —      —   


   2,313    4,258    (1,966










Total income tax expense

   (495,481   (571,758   (423,160










The income taxes payable amounting to TL 12,855, TL 154,785 and TL 138,888 as at 31 December 2015, 2014 and 2013, respectively, represents the amount of income taxes payable in respect of related taxable profit for the years ended 31 December 2015, 2014 and 2013, respectively netted off with advance tax payments.


Mainly comprises of research and development tax credit and the exemption effect of Fintur amounted to TL 76,164.


The Group’s transfer of its total shareholding in Azerinteltek controlled by Inteltek to one of other shareholder of Azerinteltek, Baltech Investment LLC (Not 39)


Mainly comprises of tax losses for which no deferred tax asset has been recognized.

The Turkish entities within the Group are subject to corporate tax at the rate of 20%. Corporate tax is applied on taxable corporate income, which is calculated from the statutory accounting profit by adding backnon-deductible expenses, and by deducting tax exempt income. On December 5, 2017, Turkey’s Law No. 7061 on the Amendment of Some Tax Laws and Some Other Laws, which was adopted on November 28, 2017, was published in the Official Gazette. The Law increases the corporate tax rate under the Corporate Tax Law, No. 5520, from the current 20% rate to 22% for tax years 2018, 2019, and 2020; the change took effect on the Law’s date of publication.

In Turkey, there is no procedure for a final and definitive agreement on tax assessments. Companies file their tax returns at the end of Apriluntil the 25th day of the forth month following the close of the accounting year to which they relate. Corporate tax payment is made until the end of the month in which the tax return is filed. Tax authorities may, however, examine such returns and the underlying accounting records and may revise assessments within five years. Advance tax returns are filed on a quarterly basis.

Corporate tax is applied on taxable corporate income, which is calculated from the statutory accounting profit by adding back non-deductible expenses, and by deducting tax exempt income.

In Turkey, the transfer pricing provisions have been stated under the Article 13 of Corporate Tax Law with the heading of “disguised profit distribution via transfer pricing”. The General Communiqué on disguised profit distribution via Transfer Pricing, dated 18 November 2007 sets details about implementation.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Income tax expense (continued)

If a taxpayer enters into transactions regarding sale or purchase of goods and services with related parties, where the prices are not set in accordance with arm’s length principle, then related profits are considered to be distributed in a disguised manner through transfer pricing. Such disguised profit distributions through transfer pricing are not accepted as tax deductible for corporate income tax purposes.

The deduction of 100% of the research and development expenses is allowed when the taxpayers are made these expenditures exclusively for new technology and information researches.

Dividend payments of Turkish resident corporations to Turkish real persons, foreign corporations and foreign real persons are subject to 15% withholding tax. It is possible to apply reduced withholding tax rate for dividend payments made to abroad, under the scope of provisions of an applicable double taxation treaty. On the other hand, dividend payments made to Turkish resident companies are not subject to withholding tax.

Dividend income of Turkish taxpayers received from other Turkish taxpayers is exempted from corporate tax. However, dividends received from participation shares and stocks of fund and investment partnerships cannot utilize from this exemption.

75% of the profits arising from sale of affiliate shares, founders’ shares, redeemed shares and preemptive rights that are held by the corporations for at least two years are exempted from corporate tax. However, as of 5 December 2017, the date of the publication of the Law No. 7061, 50% part of the profits arising from the sale of the immovable properties that are included in assets of the corporations for two years are exempted from corporate tax. The exemption rate is 75% before this date. In order to benefit from these exemptions, profits must be recorded under a passive fund account in balance sheet and not withdrawn for 5 years. Also, the sale amounts must be received until the end of the second calendar year following the sale.

Pursuant to Article10/13-h of Law No.7143 which was published in the Official Gazette dated 18 May 2018 and numbered 30425;

for the resident real persons and institutions,

Income from the sale ofnon-resident subsidiary shares,

Participation income fromnon-resident subsidiaries,

Commercial income through permanent establishment and permanent representatives abroad,

including those obtained until the date 31 October 2018, are exempted from income tax or corporation tax under condition that incomes are transferred from the effective date of Article until 31December 2018. In accordance with the President Decision dated 29 August 2018 and numbered 48, the terms of the Article has been extended for 6 months. In this way, including those obtained until the date 30 April 2019, income from the sale ofnon-resident subsidiary’s shares are exempted from corporation tax under condition that incomes are transferred until 30 June 2019.

for the resident real persons and institutions, income from the liquidation ofnon-resident institutions are exempt from income tax or corporation tax under condition that incomes are transferred to Turkey until the date 31 December 2018. In accordance with the President Decision dated 29 August 2018 and numbered 48, the terms of the Article has been extended for 6 months. In this way, income from the liquidation ofnon-resident institutions are exempted from corporation tax under condition that incomes are transferred until 30 June 2019.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


13.10.Property, plant and equipment

Expenses by nature

  Balance as at
1 January

  Additions  Disposals  Transfers  Impairment
  Transfers to
  Effects of
movements in
  Balance as at
31 December

Cost or deemed cost


Network infrastructure (All operational)

  10,918,769    358,297    (652,051  1,061,692    —      —      (384,381  11,302,326  

Land and buildings

  516,724    20,167    —      310    —      (144,268)    (3,567  389,366  

Equipment, fixtures and fittings

  564,429    57,204    (30,632  1,467    —      —      (6,005  586,463  

Motor vehicles

  35,807    883    (1,609  —      —      —      (1,405  33,676  

Leasehold improvements

  228,530    30,008    (23,575  72,460    —      —      (1,247  306,176  

Construction in progress

  444,200    1,715,044    (877  (1,136,521  (2,523  —      (13,965  1,005,358  





























  12,708,459    2,181,603    (708,744  (592  (2,523  (144,268)    (410,570  13,623,365  




























Accumulated depreciation


Network infrastructure (All operational)

  5,900,269    1,016,762    (647,280  —      17,990    —      (311,042  5,976,699  

Land and buildings

  231,044    15,950    —      —      (2,851  (101,634)    (1,882  140,627  

Equipment, fixtures and fittings

  456,100    42,062    (29,998  —      9    —      (5,555  462,618  

Motor vehicles

  29,615    2,872    (1,474  —      —      —      (1,309  29,704  

Leasehold improvements

  197,835    15,826    (20,610  —      896    —      (1,724  192,223  





























  6,814,863    1,093,472    (699,362  —      16,044    (101,634)    (321,512  6,801,871  




























Total property, plant and equipment

  5,893,596    1,088,131    (9,382  (592  (18,567  (42,634)    (89,058  6,821,494  




























DepreciationBreakdown of expenses by nature for the years ended 31 December 2015, 20142018, 2017 and 2013 are TL 1,112,039, TL 1,154,8142016 is as follows:

Cost of revenue:

   2018   2017   2016 

Depreciation and amortization

   (4,287,974   (2,596,980   (2,203,351

Treasury share

   (1,884,556   (1,669,807   (1,491,503

Interconnection and termination expenses

   (1,763,414   (1,607,079   (1,420,233

Employee benefit expenses

   (1,202,485   (1,046,544   (859,143

Cost of goods sold

   (1,108,734   (870,226   (551,656

Frequency expenses

   (622,390   (278,727   (229,396

Radio expenses

   (508,884   (844,941   (828,222

Cost of revenue from financial services (*)

   (348,492   (270,366   (68,546

Transmission expenses

   (326,080   (218,221   (139,185

Universal service fund

   (256,454   (221,431   (192,045

Roaming expenses

   (226,806   (177,258   (128,429

Billing and archiving expenses

   (50,929   (55,185   (61,647


   (1,558,795   (1,493,409   (1,063,251









   (14,145,993   (11,350,174   (9,236,607











As at 31 December 2018, depreciation and amortization expenses includes depreciation and amortization expenses related to the financial services amounting to TL 12,053 (31 December 2017: TL 6,343; 31 December 2016: TL 1,677).

Selling and TL 1,137,972 respectively including impairment losses and recognized in direct costs of revenues.

marketing expenses:

   2018   2017   2016 

Selling expenses

   (555,158   (898,936   (757,869

Marketing expenses

   (551,127   (532,989   (518,382

Employee benefit expenses

   (440,976   (394,421   (354,380

Frequency usage fees related to prepaid subscribers (**)

   —      (82,994   (186,530


   (79,453   (96,080   (93,786









   (1,626,714   (2,005,420   (1,910,947











As of 31 December 2018, Frequency usage fees related to prepaid subscribers are shown under net impairment losses on financial and contract assets according to IFRS 9.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)




Expenses by nature (continued)

Administrative expenses:

   2018   2017   2016 

Employee benefit expenses

   (425,681   (346,151   (277,438

Travel and entertainment expenses

   (38,406   (30,957   (18,913

Consultancy expenses

   (38,252   (50,247   (54,315

Collection expenses

   (37,525   (20,415   (20,827

Maintenance and repair expenses

   (26,867   (24,342   (20,315

Rent expenses

   —      (36,280   (30,314

Net impairment expense recognized on receivables

   —      (36,278   (211,384


   (106,639   (100,526   (88,343









   (673,370   (645,196   (721,849










Net impairment losses on financial and contract assets:

   2018   2017 

Net impairment losses on financial and contract assets

   (346,390   —   






   (346,390   —   










As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Property, plant and equipment

  Balance as at
1 January 2018
  Additions  Disposals  Transfers  Impairment
  Disposal of
  Effects of
movements in
exchange rates
  Transfer to
  Balance as at
31 December



Network infrastructure (All operational)

  15,480,128   650,610   (232,888  2,270,262   —     (15,081  979,247   —     19,132,278 

Land and buildings

  786,058   28,828   (2,535  156,540   —     —     6,831   (45,821  929,901 

Equipment, fixtures and fittings

  728,202   59,311   (15,827  10,712   —     (4,041  25,143   —     803,500 

Motor vehicles

  37,216   3,121   (775  —     —     (1,400  1,944   —     40,106 

Leasehold improvements

  314,867   5,998   (547  3,123   —     (1,639  5,690   —     327,492 

Construction in progress

  672,294   2,260,360   (670  (2,448,448  (10,744  —     39,295   —     512,087 





























  18,018,765   3,008,228   (253,242  (7,811  (10,744  (22,161  1,058,150   (45,821  21,745,364 




























Accumulated depreciation


Network infrastructure (All operational)

  7,326,559   1,693,374   (218,894  —     23,568   (6,887  628,497   —     9,446,217 

Land and buildings

  209,918   50,514   (274  —     9   —     4,686   (25,765  239,088 

Equipment, fixtures and fittings

  539,827   77,694   (10,839  —     49   (2,694  29,470   —     633,507 

Motor vehicles

  31,306   2,637   (712  —     —     (918  1,917   —     34,230 

Leasehold improvements

  245,747   30,233   (547  —     12   (1,639  2,200   —     276,006 





























  8,353,357   1,854,452   (231,266  —     23,638   (12,138  666,770   (25,765  10,629,048 




























Net book amount

  9,665,408   1,153,776   (21,976  (7,811  (34,382  (10,023  391,380   (20,056  11,116,316 




























Depreciation expenses for the years ended 31 December 2018, 2017 and 2016 amounting to TL 1,888,834, TL 1,499,242 and TL 1,278,009, respectively include impairment losses and are recognized in cost of revenue.

Impairment losses on property, plant and equipment for the years ended 31 December 2015, 20142018, 2017 and 20132016 are TL 18,567,34,382, TL 83,76139,721 and TL 82,41543,198, respectively and are recognized in depreciation expense.expenses.

Capitalization rates and amounts other than borrowings made specifically for the purpose of acquiring a qualifying asset are 6.8%, 10.0% and 9.9%, TL 75,054 and TL 66,513 and TL 76,899 for the years ended 31 December 2018, 2017 and 2016 respectively.

Impaired network infrastructure mainly consists of damaged or technologically inadequate mobile and fixed network infrastructure investments.

The network infrastructure mainly consists of mobile and fixed network infrastructure investments.


  Balance as at
1 January 2014
  Additions  Disposals  Transfers  Impairment  Acquisitions
  Effect of
movements in
rates and
  Balance as at
31 December

Cost or deemed cost


Network infrastructure (All operational)

  11,129,167    230,617    (841,887  1,257,785    —      10,685    (867,598  10,918,769  

Land and buildings

  506,112    25,433    —      81    —      —      (14,902  516,724  

Equipment, fixtures and fittings

  528,892    53,363    (9,053  2,370    —      617    (11,760  564,429  

Motor vehicles

  35,090    2,290    (1,495  212    —      —      (290  35,807  

Leasehold improvements

  233,486    4,185    (6,422  438    —      —      (3,157  228,530  

Construction in progress

  529,484    1,252,011    (3,613  (1,292,861  (2,240  796    (39,377  444,200  


























  12,962,231    1,567,899    (862,470  (31,975  (2,240  12,098    (937,084  12,708,459  

























Accumulated depreciation


Network infrastructure (All operational)

  6,219,414    1,001,706    (830,671  —      81,434    —      (571,614  5,900,269  

Land and buildings

  217,392    18,519    —      —      —      —      (4,867  231,044  

Equipment, fixtures and fittings

  439,474    35,584    (8,341  —      50    —      (10,667  456,100  

Motor vehicles

  27,172    3,891    (1,403  —      22    —      (67  29,615  

Leasehold improvements

  194,122    11,353    (5,362  —      15    —      (2,293  197,835  


























  7,097,574    1,071,053    (845,777  —      81,521    —      (589,508  6,814,863  

























Total property, plant and Equipment

  5,864,657    496,846    (16,693  (31,975  (83,761  12,098    (347,576  5,893,596  




























As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


Leased assets


Property, plant and equipment (continued)

  Balance as at
1 January 2017
  Additions  Disposals  Transfers  Impairment
  Effects of
movements in
exchange rates
  Transfer from
  Balance as at
31 December



Network infrastructure (All operational)

  13,897,308   574,301   (1,009,922  1,907,022   —     111,419   —     15,480,128 

Land and buildings

  519,702   162,206   (1,340  39,130   —     1,766   64,594   786,058 

Equipment, fixtures and fittings

  617,732   117,087   (10,854  2,209   —     2,028   —     728,202 

Motor vehicles

  34,136   4,415   (1,719  —     —     384   —     37,216 

Leasehold improvements

  311,761   7,400   (5,041  486   —     261   —     314,867 

Construction in progress

  566,523   2,063,329   —     (1,949,000  (14,535  5,977   —     672,294 


























  15,947,162   2,928,738   (1,028,876  (153  (14,535  121,835   64,594   18,018,765 

























Accumulated depreciation


Network infrastructure (All operational)

  6,843,580   1,353,419   (990,719  —     23,589   96,690   —     7,326,559 

Land and buildings

  159,351   26,295   (221  —     1,482   645   22,366   209,918 

Equipment, fixtures and fittings

  497,606   48,393   (8,202  —     115   1,915   —     539,827 

Motor vehicles

  30,252   2,276   (1,642  —     —     420   —     31,306 

Leasehold improvements

  220,668   29,138   (4,417  —     —     358   —     245,747 


























  7,751,457   1,459,521   (1,005,201  —     25,186   100,028   22,366   8,353,357 

























Net book amount

  8,195,705   1,469,217   (23,675  (153  (39,721  21,807   42,228   9,665,408 

























The Group leases equipment under a number of finance lease agreements. At the end of each lease period, the Group has the option to purchase the equipment at a beneficial price. F-64



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015, net carrying amount of fixed assets acquired under finance leases amounted2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to TL 91,395 (31 December 2014: TL 107,207the nearest thousand currency units and 31 December 2013: TL 111,194).are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)

Property, plant and equipment under construction

Construction in progress mainly consisted of capital expenditures resulting from 4.5G license as at 31 December 2015 and GSM and fixed-line network of the Company, Astelit, Kibris Mobile Telekomunikasyon Limited Sirketi (“Kibris Telekom”), Belarusian Telecom and Turkcell Superonline as at 31 December 2014.



Intangible assets

Turkcell - 2G License

InOn 27 April 1998, the Company signed the License with the Turkish Ministry, under which it was granted a25-year GSM license which(the “2G License”) for a consideration of USD 500,000, the carrying amount of the 2G license is TL 195,425 at 31 December 2018 (31 December 2017: TL 241,407) and it is amortized over 25 years with a carrying amount of TL 333,372 as at 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: TL 379,355). The amortization period of the license will end in 2023.years.

Turkcell - 3G License

On 30 April 2009, the Company signed a license agreement (the “3G License”) with the ICTA which provides authorization for providing IMT 2000/UMTS services and infrastructure. The Company acquired the A typeA-type license providing the widest frequency band for a consideration of EUR 358,000 (excluding VAT). The license is effective for a duration of 20 years starting from 30 April 2009. The carrying amount asof the 3G License is TL 397,543 at 31 December 2015 is TL 512,958 and the amortization period of the license will end in 20292018 (31 December 2014:2017: TL 551,430).436,014) and it is amortized over 25 years.

Turkcell - 4.5G License

On 26 August 2015, “Authorization Tender on IMT Services and Infrastructure” publicly known as 4.5G license tender, was held by the Information Technologies and Communication Authority. TheAuthority and the Company has been awarded for 13 years with; 2x10 MHz frequency band in 800 MHz spectrum for EUR 372,926 (equivalent to TL 1,185,010 as at 31 December 2015), 2x1.4 MHz frequency band in 900 MHz spectrum for EUR 39,940 (equivalent to TL 126,913 as at 31 December 2015), 2x29.8 MHz frequency band in 1800 MHz spectrum for EUR 430,000 (equivalent to TL 1,366,368 as at 31 December 2015), 2 units of 2x5 MHz frequency band in 2100 MHz spectrum for EUR 348,000 (equivalent to TL 1,105,805 as at 31 December 2015), 1x10 MHz frequency band in 2100 MHz spectrum for EUR 35,664 (equivalent to TL 113,326 as at 31 December 2015), 2x25 MHz frequency band in 2600 MHz spectrum for EUR 384,000 (equivalent to TL 1,220,198 as at 31 December 2015) and 1x10 MHz frequency band in 2600 MHz spectrum for EUR 12,930 (equivalent to TL 41,086 as at 31 December 2015). The tender price forwas granted a total frequency band of 172.4 MHz is172.4M Hz for 13 years for a consideration of EUR 1,623,460 (equivalent to TL 5,158,706 as at 31 December 2015) (excluding VAT by 18%)VAT).

IMT authorization period expires on 30 April 2029 and operators will be able to commencecommenced service delivery startingfor 4.5G from 1 April 2016. 2x1.4 MHz frequency band in 900MHz spectrum amounting to EUR



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

39,940 (equivalent to TL 126,913 as at 31 December 2015) and 2 units of 2x5 MHz frequency band in 2100 MHz spectrum amounting to EUR 348,000 (equivalent to TL 1,105,805 as at 31 December 2015) are in operation as atwere commenced on 1 December 2015, and have been recorded as GSM and other telecommunication operating licenses. Remainingwhile remaining packages amounting to EUR 1,235,520 (equivalent to TL 3,925,988 as at 31 December 2015) will be ready to usewere commenced on 1 April 2016 and have been recorded as 4.5G license not yet available for use. As at 31 December 2015, the2016.

The carrying amount of the 4.5G License is TL 5,222,687.

Tender price amounting to EUR 1,623,460 (equivalent to TL 5,158,706 as4,125,743 at 31 December 2015) (excluding VAT of 18%) will be paid semi-annually by four equal installments total of which are amounting to EUR 1,655,290 (equivalent to2018 (31 December 2017: TL 5,259,850 as4,528,254).




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015) including interest2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and excluding VAT of 18%. On 26 October 2015,notes have been rounded off to the Company madenearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Intangible assets (continued)

   Balance at
1 January 2018
   Impact of
   Additions   Disposals  Transfers  Impairment  Disposal of
  Effects of movements
in exchange rates
   Balance at
31 December



Telecommunication licenses

   8,139,628    —      6,394    (220,986  466,379   —     —     331,583    8,722,998 

Computer software

   7,117,116    —      1,175,040    (4,822  159,453   —     (18,370  110,621    8,539,038 

Transmission line software

   71,820    —      1,319    —     —     —     —     —      73,139 

Central betting system operating right

   11,981    —      —      —     —     —     —     —      11,981 

Indefeasible right of usage

   112,556    —      5,062    —     —     —     —     —      117,618 

Brand name

   7,040    —      —      —     —     —     —     —      7,040 

Customer base

   15,512    —      —      —     —     —     —     —      15,512 


   32,834    —      —      —     —     —     —     —      32,834 

Subscriber acquisition cost

   —      1,431,901    583,809    —     —     —     —     18,343    2,034,053 


   42,749    —      7,473    (37  11   —     (191  —      50,005 

Construction in progress

   127,637    —      485,815    —     (618,032  —     —     22,587    18,007 





























   15,678,873    1,431,901    2,264,912    (225,845  7,811   —     (18,561  483,134    19,622,225 




























Accumulated amortization


Telecommunication licenses

   2,419,230    —      533,311    (184,582  —     —     —     180,276    2,948,235 

Computer software

   4,770,880    —      663,967    (3,071  —     3,232   (12,793  59,680    5,481,895 

Transmission line software

   62,468    —      4,549    —     —     —     —     —      67,017 

Central betting system operating right

   11,491    —      583    —     —     —     —     —      12,074 

Indefeasible right of usage

   23,274    —      8,581    —     —     —     —     —      31,855 

Brand name

   6,512    —      528    —     —     —     —     —      7,040 

Customer base

   11,774    —      437    —     —     —     —     —      12,211 

Subscriber acquisition cost

   —      601,890    360,232    —     —     —     —     12,078    974,200 


   32,834    —      4,899    (31  —     —     (176  —      37,526 





























   7,338,463    601,890    1,577,087    (187,684  —     3,232   (12,969  252,034    9,572,053 




























Net book amount

   8,340,410    830,011    687,825    (38,161  7,811   (3,232  (5,592  231,100    10,050,172 




























Amortization expenses for the paymentyears ended 31 December 2018, 2017 and 2016 amounting to TL 1,321,8731,580,319, TL 1,095,401and TL 921,812, respectively include impairment losses and are recognized in cost of revenue.

Impairment losses on intangible assets for the originalyears ended 31 December 2018, 2017 and 2016 are TL 3,232, TL 1,986 and TL 3,181 respectively and are recognized in amortization expenses.

Computer software includes capitalized software development costs that meet the definition of an intangible asset. The amount of EUR 413,823 as first installmentcapitalized development costs is TL 171,442 for the year ended 31 December 2018 (31 December 2017: TL 124,504). The amortization expenses related to capitalized software development costs for the years ended 31 December 2018, 2017 and total VAT2016 amounting to TL 933,44740,934, TL 37,532 and TL 30,148, respectively are recognized in cost of revenue.




As at and for the original amount of EUR 292,223 in cash. Last installment will be paid on 27 April 2017.

Astelit 3G License

3G License tender in Ukraine was held on 23 February 2015. Astelit submitted a bid of UAH 3,355,400 (equivalent to TL 406,495 as atyear ended 31 December 2015)2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and was awardednotes have been rounded off to the first lotnearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Intangible assets (continued)

   Balance at
1 January 2017
   Additions   Disposals  Transfers  

  Effects of movements
in exchange rates
   Balance at
31 December 2017



Telecommunication licenses

   8,039,431    10,154    —     69,945   —     20,098    8,139,628 

Computer software

   6,076,405    470,457    (8,624  569,153   —     9,725    7,117,116 

Transmission line software

   71,602    218    —     —     —     —      71,820 

Central betting system operating right

   11,981    —      —     —     —     —      11,981 

Indefeasible right of usage

   46,017    66,539    —     —     —     —      112,556 

Brand name

   7,040    —      —     —     —     —      7,040 

Customer base

   15,512    —      —     —     —     —      15,512 


   32,834    —      —     —     —     —      32,834 


   38,321    5,016    —     (588  —     —      42,749 

Construction in progress

   142,875    620,463    —     (638,357  —     2,656    127,637 























   14,482,018    1,172,847    (8,624  153   —     32,479    15,678,873 






















Accumulated amortization


Telecommunication licenses

   1,878,895    537,162    —     —     —     3,173    2,419,230 

Computer software

   4,237,996    537,805    (8,120  —     1,219   1,980    4,770,880 

Transmission line software

   58,203    3,498    —     —     767   —      62,468 

Central betting system operating right

   10,588    903    —     —     —     —      11,491 

Indefeasible right of usage

   18,785    4,489    —     —     —     —      23,274 

Brand name

   5,808    704    —     —     —     —      6,512 

Customer base

   11,286    488    —     —     —     —      11,774 


   24,468    8,366    —     —     —     —      32,834 























   6,246,029    1,093,415    (8,120  —     1,986   5,153    7,338,463 






















Net book amount

   8,235,989    79,432    (504  153   (1,986  27,326    8,340,410 

























As at and for 15 years, which is the 1920-1935 / 2110-2125 MHz frequency band. Official notification was received on 2 March 2015 and the license payment was made on 19 March 2015. The cost of 3G license has been presented in GSM and other telecommunication operating licenses as atyear ended 31 December 2015. In May 2015, Astelit made2018

(All amounts disclosed in the payment amounting to UAH 357,568 (equivalent to TL 43,318 as at 31 December 2015) for the first installment of conversion of spectrum from military useconsolidated financial statements and committed approximately UAH 426,311 (equivalent to TL 51,646 as of 31 December 2015) for the remaining installments of the conversion. Committed amount will be subject to change accordingnotes have been rounded off to the inflation rates at the date of the payments.nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)

Impairment testing for long-lived


Impairment of assets

The carrying amounts of the Group’s non-financial assetscash-generating units (CGUs) are reviewed at each reporting date to determine whether there is any indication of impairment. If any such indication exists, then the asset’s recoverable amount of the CGU is estimated. Long-lived assetsThe recoverable amount of the CGU is its fair value less cost of disposal. Ukraine and Belarus CGUs were tested for impairment as at 31 December 2015.2018. None of these CGUs contains goodwill or an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life.


Independent appraisals were obtained for fair values to determine recoverable amount for Astelit. For the purpose of impairment testing, assets that cannot be tested individually are grouped together into the smallest group of assets, cash generating units. As atAt 31 December 2015,2018, impairment test for long-lived assets of Astelit is made onUkraine CGU was tested using the assumption that Astelitlifecell was the CGU.

The recoverable amount of lifecell is the cash generating unit.

As the recoverable amountsdetermined based on thefair value inless cost of disposal calculations which require the use of assumptions. The calculations use cash generating unitsflow projections based on financial budgets approved by management covering asix-year period. Cash flows beyond thesix-year period are extrapolated using the estimated growth rate.

Sensitivity analysis was higher thanperformed on the carrying amount of cash-generating units of Astelit, no impairment was recognized. change in WACC by+0.5%/-0.5% (31 December 2017:+0.5%/-0.5%).

The assumptions used in value in use calculationrecoverable amount calculations of Astelit were:lifecell for the year 2018 and 2017 were respectively:

A 29.5% post-tax WACC rate of 27.0% for 2016the period from 2019 to 2021,2024, a 28.7% post-tax WACC rate of 26.3% for the period after 20212024 and a 6.0% terminal growth rate of 5.3% were used to extrapolate cash flows beyond the6-year forecasts period based on the business plans. The pre-tax

Apost-tax WACC rate of 26.5% for disclosure purposes was 30.6%.


NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS—(Continued)the period from 2018 to 2022, apost-tax WACC rate of 25.9% for the period after 2022 and a terminal growth rate of 6.0% were used to extrapolate cash flows beyond the6-year forecasts period based on the business plans.

As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousandsrecoverable amount of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

lifecell was higher than its carrying amount, no impairment charge was recognized.

Belarusian Telecom

The aggregate carrying amount of goodwill arising from the acquisition of Belarusian Telecom was totally impaired as at 31 December 2011. The gross amount of goodwill accumulated impairment losses adjusted for the effects of hyperinflation and translation would have been amounting to TL 412,059 as at 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: TL 514,964 and 31 December 2013: TL 507,867). The cumulative impairment loss recognized in the statement of profit andor loss is TL 228,774.

Independent appraisals were obtained for fair values to determine recoverable amount for Best. For the purpose of impairment testing, assets that cannot be tested individually are grouped together into the smallest group of assets, cash generating units. As atAt 31 December 2015,2018, impairment test for long-lived assets of Best is made onBelarus CGU was tested using the assumption that BestBelarusian Telecom was the CGU.

The recoverable amount of Belarusian Telecom is determined based on fair value less cost of disposal calculations which require the use of assumptions. The calculations use cash generating unit.flow projections based on financial budgets approved by management covering a five-year period. Cash flows beyond the five-year period are extrapolated using the estimated growth rate.

Sensitivity analysis was performed on the change in WACC by+0.5%/-0.5% (31 December 2017:+0.5%/-0.5%).




As at and for the recoverableyear ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts based ondisclosed in the valueconsolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in use of cash generating units was higher than the carrying amount of cash-generating units of Best, no impairment was recognized. Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Impairment of assets (continued)

The assumptions used in value in use calculationrecoverable amount calculations of Best were:Belarusian Telecom for the year 2018 and 2017 were respectively:

A 31.1% post-tax WACC rate of 22.8% for 2016the period from 2019 to 2020,2024, a 30.5% post-tax WACC rate of 22.4% for the period after 20202024, and a 11.0% terminal growth rate of 5.0% were used to extrapolate cash flows beyond the 5-year forecasts6-year forecast period based on the business plans. The pre-taxplan.

Apost-tax WACC rate of 25.4% for disclosure purposes was 32.6%.

Impairment testingthe period from 2018 to 2022, apost-tax WACC rate of 24.9% for cash-generating units containing goodwill

Goodwill allocatedthe period after 2022, and a terminal growth rate of 8.0% were used to extrapolate cash generating units and carrying values of all cash generating units are annually tested for impairment. The recoverable amounts (that is, higher of value in use and fair value less cost to sell) are normally determinedflows beyond the5-year forecast period based on the basisbusiness plan.

As the recoverable amount of value in use, applying discounted cash flow calculation. Independent appraisals were obtained for fair values to determine recoverable amounts for Belarusian Telecom and Turkcell Superonline as at 31 December 2015, the date of the goodwillwas higher than its carrying amount, no impairment test.

In calculating the net present value of the future cash flows, certain assumptions are required to be made in respect of highly uncertain matters including management’s expectations of growth in adjusted EBITDA, calculated as results from operating activities before depreciation and amortization and other income / (expenses), timing and quantum of future capital expenditure, long term growth rates, and the selection of discount rates to reflect the risks involved.charge was recognized.    

Turkcell Superonline

As at 31 December 2015,2018, the aggregate carrying amount of goodwill allocated to Turkcell Superonline is TL 32,834 (31 December 2014:2017: TL 32,384 and 31 December 2013: TL 32,834).Independent appraisal. No impairment test was obtainedperformed for fair valuegoodwill allocated to determine recoverable amounts. As the recoverable value basedTurkcell Superonline on the value in usegrounds of the cash generating units was estimated to be higher than carrying amount, no impairment was required for goodwill arising from the acquisition of Superonline as at 31 December 2015. The calculation of the value in use was based on the following key assumptions:

Values assigned to adjusted EBITDA for the periods forecasted include the expected synergies to be achieved from operating as a part of the Group. Values assigned to this key assumption reflect past experience except for efficiency improvements and synergies. Management believes that any reasonably possible change in the key assumptions on which Superonline recoverable amount is based would not cause Superonline’s carrying amount to exceed its recoverable amount.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

The projection period for the purposes of goodwill impairment testing was taken as 5 years between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2020.

Cash flows for further periods (perpetuity) were extrapolated using a constant growth rate of 3.5%. This growth rate does not exceed the long-term average growth rate for the market in which Superonline operates.

A 16.5% post-tax WACC rate was applied in determining the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit. Discounting post-tax cash flows at a post-tax discount rate and discounting pre-tax cash flows at pre-tax discount rate gave same results, since the pre-tax discount rate is the post-tax discount rate adjusted to reflect the specific amount and timing of the future tax cash flows. For disclosure purposes pre-tax discount rate is 20.2%.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Impairment testing for intangible assets not yet available for use


As at 31 December 2015, impairment test for long-lived assets of Turkcell was performed on the assumption that Turkcell Turkey Mobile is a cash generating unit. As the recoverable amounts based on the value in use of cash generating units was higher than the carrying amount of cash-generating units of Turkcell, no impairment was recognized. The assumptions used in value in use calculation of Turkcell were:

A 14.0% post-tax discount rate and a 5.0% terminal growth rate were used to extrapolate cash flows beyond the 5-year forecasts based on the business plans. The pre-tax rate for disclosure purposes was 16.2%.

   Balance at
1 January 2015
   Additions   Disposals  Transfers  Effects of
movements in
  Balance at
31 December

GSM and other telecommunication operating licenses

   2,334,822     9,092     (31,263  1,653,536    (15,458  3,950,729  

Computer software

   4,730,454     377,853     (4,155  279,213    (41,309  5,342,056  

Transmission lines

   62,789     8,717     —      —      —      71,506  

Central betting system operating right

   11,758     149     —      —      —      11,907  

Indefeasible right of usage

   42,132     —       —      —      —      42,132  

Brand name

   7,040     —       —      —      —      7,040  

Customer base

   15,512     —       —      —      —      15,512  


   32,834     —       —      —      —      32,834  


   22,370     7,111     —      232    —      29,713  

4.5G license not yet available for use

   —       5,230,471     —      (1,245,517  —      3,984,954  

Construction in progress

   3,414     736,817     —      (686,872  (762  52,597  




















   7,263,125     6,370,210     (35,418  592    (57,529  13,540,980  



















Accumulated amortization


GSM and other telecommunication operating licenses

   1,332,732     125,258     (31,263  —      3,217    1,429,944  

Computer software

   3,393,650     406,652     (2,297  —      (26,295  3,771,710  

Transmission lines

   48,530     3,528     —      —      —      52,058  

Central betting system operating right

   8,786     877     —      —      —      9,663  

Indefeasible right of usage

   12,552     2,894     —      —      —      15,446  

Brand name

   4,400     704     —      —      —      5,104  

Customer base

   8,690     1,421     —      —      —      10,111  


   6,390     7,917     —      —      —      14,307  




















   4,815,730     549,251     (33,560  —      (23,078  5,308,343  



















Total intangible assets

   2,447,395     5,820,959     (1,858  592    (34,451  8,232,637  





















As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Amortization expenses on intangible assets other than goodwill for the years ended 31 December 2015, 2014 and 2013 are TL 549,251, TL 481,737 and TL 456,274 respectively including impairment losses and recognized in direct cost of revenues. The impairment losses on intangible assets for the years ended 31 December 2015, 2014 and 2013 are nil, TL 12,063 and TL 31,087 respectively and recognized in depreciation expense. Computer software includes internally generated capitalized software development costs that meet the definition of an intangible asset. The amount of internally generated capitalized cost is TL 123,067 for the years ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: TL 110,391).

   Balance at
1 January 2014
   Additions   Disposals  Transfers  Impairment  Acquisitions
   Effects of
movements in
rates and
  Balance at
31 December

GSM and other telecommunication operating licenses

   2,373,715     11,627     (1,228  7,400    —      —       (56,692  2,334,822  

Computer software

   4,244,677     395,998     (1,780  159,509    —      146     (68,096  4,730,454  

Transmission lines

   52,073     10,834     —      —      —      —       (118  62,789  

Central betting system operating right

   11,465     604     —      —      —      —       (311  11,758  

Indefeasible right of usage

   39,459     2,433     (86  —      —      —       326    42,132  

Brand name

   7,040     —       —      —      —      —       —      7,040  

Customer base

   14,414     —       —      —      —      1,098     —      15,512  


   32,834     —       —      —      —      —       —      32,834  


   5,557     7,208     —      10,663    —      —       (1,058  22,370  

Construction in progress

   2,819     147,181     —      (145,597  —      —       (989  3,414  


























   6,784,053     575,885     (3,094  31,975    —      1,244     (126,938  7,263,125  

























Accumulated amortization


GSM and other telecommunication operating licenses

   1,259,472     104,943     (1,228  —      11,087    —       (41,542  1,332,732  

Computer software

   3,083,319     354,830     (389  (761  976    —       (44,325  3,393,650  

Transmission lines

   47,766     868     —      —      —      —       (104  48,530  

Central betting system operating right

   8,307     790     —      —      —      —       (311  8,786  

Indefeasible right of usage

   9,404     2,825     —      —      —      —       323    12,552  

Brand name

   3,696     704     —      —      —      —       —      4,400  

Customer base

   7,320     1,370     —      —      —      —       —      8,690  


   2,375     3,344     —      761    —      —       (90  6,390  


























   4,421,659     469,674     (1,617  —      12,063    —       (86,049  4,815,730  

























Total intangible assets

   2,362,394     106,211     (1,477  31,975    (12,063  1,244     (40,889  2,447,395  



























As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)materiality.



Investment propertyproperties

The Group transferred various properties from owner occupied asset to investment property to earn rental income and/or for capital appreciation in 2015.

   31 December
   31 December



Opening balance

   99,938    165,472 


   —      (940

Transfer to property, plant and equipment (*)

   45,821    (64,594







Closing balance

   145,759    99,938 







Accumulated depreciation


Opening balance

   (98,958   (119,202

Transfer to property, plant and equipment

   (25,765   22,366 

Depreciation and impairment charges during the year

   (5,611   (2,337


   —      215 


   —      —   







Closing balance

   (130,334   (98,958







Net book amount

   15,425    980 








During the year ended 31 December 2017, the Group transferred its building located in Istanbul, Tepebası from investment properties to property, plant and equipment due to the change in purpose of use.

Determination of the fair valuevalues of the Group’s investment properties

The fair value of the Group’s investment properties as at 31 December 2015 has been arrived at on the basis of a valuation carried out on the respective dates by independent valuation companies which areGroup engages qualified external experts, authorized by the Capital Markets Board and have appropriate qualifications and recent experience inof Turkey, to perform the valuation of properties ininvestment properties. Management works closely with the relevant locations.qualified external experts to establish the appropriate valuation techniques and inputs to the model. The fair valuevalues of these investment properties waswere determined using a variety of valuation methods which are: income approach methods, (directmethods:direct capitalization approach andincome capitalization approach),approach, replacement cost approach andmarket approach.approach. In estimating the fair valuevalues of the properties, the highest and best use of the property is its current use.

The rental




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Investment properties (continued)

Rent income obtainedfrom investment properties during the year ended 31 December 20152018 is TL 1,8363,092 (31 December 2014:2017: TL 1,102)2,821 and 31 December 2016: TL 2,317). TotalThere is no direct operating expense fromfor investment propertyproperties during the year ended 31 December 2015 is TL 1262018 (31 December 2014:2017: TL 119)22 and 31 December 2016: TL 22).

Details of theThe Group’s investment properties and information about thetheir fair value hierarchy asvalues at 31 December 20152018 and 20142017 are as follows:


31 December 2015

  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   

Valuation Method

Investment properties in İstanbul:

- Istanbul Tepebasi

—  —  310,070Direct capitalization

- Kucukcekmece

—  —  12,240Market approach&Cost approach

Investment properties in Gebze

   —      —      11,80217,960   Income capitalization approach

Investment properties in IzmirAnkara

   —      —      39,86715,915   Market approach

Other investmentInvestment properties in Istanbul

   —      —      22,28113,800   Market approach

Other investmentInvestment properties in Aydın

   —      —      5,1992,110   CostMarket approach





















31 December 2014

  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   

Valuation Method

Investment properties in Izmir

—  —  52,110Replacement cost approach

Investment properties in Gebze

   —      —      13,39816,690   Income capitalization approach

Investment properties in Ankara

—  —  15,160Market approach

Investment properties in Istanbul

—  —  13,000Market approach

Investment properties in Adana

—  —  3,150Replacement cost approach

Investment properties in Balıkesir

—  —  3,112Replacement cost approach

Other investment properties

—  —  3,970Replacement cost approach

Other investment properties

—  —  2,146Market approach

—  —  109,338





As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)

14.(*)There were no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 during the year.

Investment properties (continued)

Significant unobservable inputs and sensitivity of thefair values of respective investment properties based on the valuation method are as follows:

Fair valuevalues of the investment property which is measuredproperties determined based on the “direct capitalization” approach will increase / increase/(decrease) significantly, when there is a significant decrease/ (increase) in capitalization rate and a significant increase/(decrease) in current market rentals. Capitalization rate is calculated by dividing comparable properties’ annual net operating income by the selling price of the respective properties.

In the “income capitalization” approach, a significant increase/(decrease) in rentals will cause a significant increase/(decrease) in the fair value. In addition, a slight decrease/(increase) in risk premium and discount rate which are calculated by considering the current market conditions will cause a significant increase/(decrease) in the fair value.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

In the “cost“replacement cost approach”, a significant increase/(decrease) of construction costs and miscellaneous costs of any similar properties in the market will cause a significant increase/(decrease) in the fair value.

In the “market approach”, a significant increase/(decrease) in the market value of any properties which are located in the similar areas with similar conditions will cause a significant increase increase/(decrease) in the fair value.


   31 December
   31 December

Cost value


Opening balance

   20,199     20,199  

Transfer from tangible fixed assets (*)

   144,268     —    







Ending balance

   164,467     20,199  







Accumulated depreciation


Opening balance

   (6,801   (3,895

Transfer from tangible fixed assets

   (101,634   —    

Charge for the year and impairmentduring the period (**)

   (6,460   (2,906







Ending balance

   (114,895   (6,801







Carrying value

   49,572     13,398  








(*)The real estates of the Group, which are held for obtaining rental or appreciation income as of 31 December 2015, are classified as investment property.
(**)The impairment losses on investment property for the year ended 31 December 2015 is TL 2,592 and recognized in depreciation expense. (31 December 2014: TL 2,364)



As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


16.15.Investments in equity accounted investees

Right of use assets

As of 1 January 2018, The Company provided a right of use asset equal to the lease liability adjusted for prepaid or accrued rent payments. In accordance with this methodology, application of IFRS 16 does not have an impact on the Group’s shareretained earnings as of profit in its equity accounted investees1 January 2018.

Closing balances of right of use assets as of 1 January and 31 December 2018 and depreciation and amortization expenses for the years ended 31 December 2015, 2014 and 2013 are TL 367,336, TL 207,287 and TL 297,260, respectively. Summary financial information for equity accounted investees adjusted for the accounting policy differences for the same events under similar circumstances and not adjusted for the percentage ownership held by the Group2018 is stated as follows (The summarized of financial information is presented in USD):below:


   Ownership  Current
   Total assets   Current
   Equity attributable
to parent
   Total liabilities
and equity

31 December 2015


Fintur (associate)

   41.45  770,402     923,237     1,693,639     316,504     482,668     189,441     705,026     1,693,639  
























    770,402     923,237     1,693,639     316,504     482,668     189,441     705,026     1,693,639  

























31 December 2014


Fintur (associate)

   41.45  659,282     1,577,070     2,236,352     434,472     910,381     334,584     556,915     2,236,352  
























    659,282     1,577,070     2,236,352     434,472     910,381     334,584     556,915     2,236,352  
























   Tangible  Intangible    
   Site Rent  Building  Network
  Other  Total  Right
of way
  License  Total  Total 

Balance at 1 January

   1,077,517   146,826   226,243   115,652   1,566,238   12,321   —     12,321   1,578,559 

Depreciation and amortization charge for the year

   (451,850  (43,563  (181,741  (81,325  (758,479  (6,458  (48,273  (54,731  (813,210

Balance at 31 December

   1,021,638   135,158   50,538   109,883   1,317,217   8,643   323,742   332,385   1,649,602 

As at 31 December 2018, additions to right of use assets amount to TL 1,156,973 and interest expense on lease liabilities is TL 210,200.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


   Revenues   Profit/loss*   Other comprehensive
   Total comprehensive




   1,325,535     327,194     (592,741   (265,547












   1,325,535     327,194     (592,741   (265,547
















   1,801,432     227,988     (47,694   180,294  


   —       4,191     —       4,191  












   1,801,432     232,179     (47,694   184,485  
















   2,035,678     375,748     (39,156   336,592  


   —       (771   —       (771












   2,035,678     374,977     (39,156   335,821  














16.*The figures present the amounts attributable to the parent.

Asset held for sale and discontinued operations

Disposal of Fintur

In 2016, the Group has committed to plan to exit from Fintur operations in relevant jurisdictions and initiated an active program to locate a buyer for its associate. In this regard, Fintur has been classified as held for sale and reported as discontinued operation starting from 1 October 2016.

Equity accounting for Fintur ceased starting from 1 October 2016, and in accordance with IFRS 5, Fintur has been measured at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell.

The delay during 2018 in the sales process was caused by events and circumstances beyond the Company’s investmentcontrol.

Fintur, has transferred its total shareholding in Azertel Telekomunikasyon Yatırım Dış Ticaret A.Ş (“Azertel”) to Azerbaijan International Telecom LLC (“Azintelecom”) at the price of EUR 221,687 on 5 March 2018. The signing of definitive agreement, the transfer of shares to Azintelecom and the transfer of proceeds to Fintur Holdings BVwere completed simultaneously. The transaction has no impact on consolidated financial statements since Fintur is classified as “assets held for sale” in the statement of financial position.

Fintur has completed the transfer of all its shares in Geocell LLC to Silknet JSC on 20 March 2018, a joint stock company organized under the laws of Georgia, for a total consideration of USD 153,000 upon receiving the necessary regulatory approvals. The transaction has no impact on consolidated financial statements since Fintur is classified as “assets held for sale” in the statement of financial position.

Fintur, has transferred its total shareholding in Kcell JSC to Kazakhtelecom JSC (“Fintur”Kazakhtelecom”) amounts to TL 981,939 as at 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: TL 667,539).

In 2013, Fintur decided to distribute, established in Kazakhstan, a dividend amounting to $105,000. The Company reduced the carrying value of investments in Finturfixed line operator controlled by the accrued dividend of $43,523 and this amount has been collected in July 2013.

In the General Assembly of Shareholders’ Meeting of Fintur, it has been decided on 23 July 2014 to distribute a dividend amounting to $112,000. The Company reduced the carrying value of investments in Fintur by the accrued dividend of $46,424 and this amount has been collected in July 2014.

In April 2008, the privatizationgovernment of the Republic of Azerbaijan’s 35.7% ownership in Azercell Telecom B.M. (“Azercell”),Kazakhstan through sovereign wealth fundSamruk-Kazyna for a 51% owned consolidated subsidiarytotal consideration of Fintur, was completed.USD 302,571. The non-controlling shareholders in Azercell acquireddefinitive agreement has been signed on 12 December 2018. The transfer of shares to Kazakhtelecom and the 35.7% sharestransfer of Republic of Azerbaijan increasing their effective ownership in Azercell to 49%. At the same time, the non-controlling shareholders in Azertel increased their ownership to 49%. Fintur’s effective ownership in Azercell therefore remained at 51%. One of the non-controlling shareholders was also granted a put option, giving the shareholder the right to sell its 42.2% stakeproceeds to Fintur at fair valuewere completed simultaneously on 21 December 2018.

The transaction has no impact on consolidated financial statements since Fintur is classified as “assets held for sale” in certain deadlock situations regarding significant decisions at the General Assembly.statement of financial position.

The Company has signed the definitive agreement on 12 December 2018 to transfer its total shareholding in Fintur has initially accounted for the present value of the estimated option redemption amount as a provision and derecognized the non-controlling interest and the amounts recognized in equity regarding the measurement of put option amounting to TL (633,351) is accounted under equity, in accordance with the Group’s accounting policy.

On 17 September 2015, TeliaSonera, which is one of Company’s major shareholders and also theother shareholder of Fintur, with a 58.55% stake, announced its intentSonera Holding B.V. (“Sonera Holding”). Transfer to exit from its Euroasian assets. The Company has appointed a strategic and financial advisor forSonera Holding will be completed subsequent to obtainment of regulatory approvals, the potential acquisitionvalue of transaction will be finalized on closing date of the remaining 58.55% staketransaction. Closing is expected in Fintur. As of 26 February 2016, the Company has submitted a binding offer to acquire TeliaSonera’s 58.55% stake in Fintur and its 24% direct stake in Kcell JSC (Kazakhstan).





As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


Reconciliation of the above summarized financial information to the carrying amount of the interest in Fintur recognized in the consolidated financial statements:


Asset held for sale and discontinued operations (continued)


   2015   2014 

Net assets of Fintur

   2,049,934     1,291,430  

Proportion of the Group’s ownership interest in Fintur

   849,697     535,297  


   132,242     132,242  







Carrying amount of the Group’s interest in Fintur

   981,939     667,539  







Significant restrictions

As at 31 December 2015, significant exchange restrictions and state controls exist in most jurisdictions in which Fintur operates. The local currencies of Fintur subsidiaries in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova are not convertible outside of the respective countries. Future movements of exchange rates will affect the carrying values of the Fintur’s assets and liabilities. The translation of underlying local currency amounts into USD in Fintur’s consolidated financial statements should not be construed as a representation that such local currency amounts have been, could be or will in future be converted into USD at the exchange rates shown or at any other exchange rate.


The Company accounted for its joint venture A-Tel by applying equity method accounting until 27 August 2014. The Company’s investment in A-Tel amounts to TL 46,624 as at 31 December 2013. In accordance with Settlement Protocol signed with Bereket Holding A.Ş. (formerly known as Bilgin Holding A.Ş.) on 27 August 2014, it has been decided to pay a compensation amounting to TL 30,428 to A-Tel and TL 19,161 has been recorded as other income after the elimination as a resultreconciliation of the decline in initial provision accrued amount from TL 68,750 to TL 30,428. Bereket Holding A.Ş. and Savings Deposits Insurance Funds (“SDIF”) have waived from the lawsuit regarding alleged loss occurred from termination of Service Provider Agreement.

Additionally, Turkcell’s whole stake in A-tel has been transferred to Bereket Holding A.Ş. for a consideration of TL 31,025 within the context of the Share Sale Agreement signed on 27 August 2014. Loss on sale amounting to TL 902 was recognized in the statement of profit or loss as detailed below:statement of Fintur is listed below (The financial statements are presented in USD);


   31 December1 January -
201430 September

Share sale priceRevenue


Less: carrying amountCost of investment on the date of salesales





Loss recognizedGross profit


Selling and marketing expenses


General and administrative expenses


Other operating (expenses), net


Operating profit


Finance (expense)/income, net


Profit before income tax


Total income tax


(Loss)/profit for period


Attributable to:

-owners of the parent


-non-controlling interests


(Loss)/profit for period






Othernon-current assets

   2018   2017 

Advances given for property, plant and equipment

   216,894    12,078 

Prepaid expenses

   89,603    197,431 

Receivables from the Public Administration

   72,848    72,848 

Deposits and guarantees given

   27,071    23,999 

VAT receivable

   2,318    4,429 


   12,572    45,835 






   421,306    356,620 










As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


17.Other investments

Current investments:

   2015   2014 

Held to maturity financial assets:


Corporate debt securities

   —       11,207  

Available for sale financial assets:


Time deposits mature over 3 months

   —       8,143  






   —       19,350  







As at 31 December 2014, corporate debt securities with a carrying amount of TL 11,207 have effective interest rates of 9.8% to 13.8%.


18.Other non-current assets

   2015   2014 

Prepaid expenses

   175,543     131,964  

VAT receivable

   121,905     119,880  

Receivables from Public Administration (Note 34)

   72,848     —    

Deposits and guarantees given

   23,671     17,808  

Advances given for fixed assets

   7,972     236,042  


   40,001     19,878  






   441,940     525,572  







19.Deferred tax assets and liabilities

Unrecognized deferred tax liabilities

At 31 December 2015, a deferred tax liability of TL 92,725 (31 December 2014: TL 64,436) for temporary differences of TL 463,623 (31 December 2014: TL 322,179) related to investments in subsidiaries was not recognized because the Company controls whether the liability will be incurred and it is satisfied that it will not be incurred in the foreseeable future.

Unrecognized deferred tax assets

Deferred tax assets have not been recognized in respect of the following items:

   31 December
   31 December

Deductible temporary differences

   80,910     107,896  

Tax losses

   457,271     362,420  







Total unrecognized deferred tax assets

   538,181     470,316  







The deductible temporary differences do not expire under current tax legislation. Turkish tax legislation does not allow companies to file tax returns on a consolidated basis. Therefore, deferred tax assets have not



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

been recognized in respect of these items resulting from certain consolidated subsidiaries because it is not probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the Group can utilize the benefits therefrom.

As at 31 December 2015, expiration of tax losses is as follows:

Expiration Date












2021 – 2025








As at 31 December 2015, tax losses which will be carried indefinitely are amounting to TL 1,438,300 (31 December 2014: TL 1,248,270).

Recognized deferred tax assets and liabilities

Deferred tax assets and liabilities as at 31 December 20152018 and 20142017 are attributable to the following:


   Assets  Liabilities  Net 
   2015  2014  2015  2014  2015  2014 

Property, plant & equipment and intangible assets

   9,172    17,307    (303,063  (244,987  (293,891  (227,680


   34,765    1,531    (69,502  (45,411  (34,737  (43,880

Provisions and employee terminaton benefit

   70,206    90,627    —      —      70,206    90,627  

Trade and other payables

   36,632    54,790    —      (109  36,632    54,681  

Tax credit carry forwards

(Investment tax credit)

   29,799    27,369    —      —      29,799    27,369  

Other items

   142,344    99,745    (15,175  (2,102  127,169    97,643  



















Tax assets / (liabilities)

   322,918    291,369    (387,740  (292,609  (64,822  (1,240



















Net off of tax

   (274,303  (232,295  274,303    232,295    —      —    



















Net tax assets / (liabilities)

   48,615    59,074    (113,437  (60,314  (64,822  (1,240


















   Assets  Liabilities  Net 
   2018  2017  2018  2017  2018  2017 

Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (*)

   106,128   41,903   (936,167  (680,134  (830,039  (638,231


   32,926   32,926   —     —     32,926   32,926 

Derivative instruments

   15,380   1,492   (429,162  (182,806  (413,782  (181,314

Reserve for employee termination benefits and provisions

   155,132   202,112   (45,581  (64  109,551   202,048 

Asset classified as held for sale

   —     —     —     (92,327  —     (92,327

Tax losses carried forward

   224,179   —     —     —     224,179   —   

Tax allowances

   20,554   10,775   —     —     20,554   10,775 

Other assets and liabilities (**)

   248,251   545,968   (101,268  (434,907  146,983   111,061 



















Deferred tax assets/(liabilities)

   802,550   835,176   (1,512,178  (1,390,238  (709,628  (555,062




















   (649,818  (739,116  649,818   739,116   —     —   



















Net deferred tax assets/ (liabilities)

   152,732   96,060   (862,360  (651,122  (709,628  (555,062




















The impact of adoption of IFRS 15, “Revenue from contracts with customers” is accounted under Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (Not 2)


Mainly comprises of loans and bonds’ deferred tax assets.

Movement in deferred tax assets/ (liabilities) for the years ended 31 December 2018 and 2017 were as follows:

   2018   2017 

Opening balance

   (555,062   (406,905

IFRS 9 and 15 effects

   (141,213   —   

Income statement charge

   159,472    (133,791

Tax charge relating to components of other comprehensive income

   (157,203   (6,449

Prior year corporate tax base differences

   (8,608   (2,729

Exchange differences

   (7,014   (5,188







Closing balance, net

   (709,628   (555,062










As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)




Deferred tax assets and liabilities (continued)

The Group did not recognise deferred income tax assets of TL 5,310,000 in temporary differences asrespect of tax losses amounting to TL 972,730 that can be carried forward against future taxable income. The unused tax losses were mainly incurred by lifecell and Belarusian Telecom that are not likely to generate taxable income in the foreseeable future.

Unused tax losses will expire at 31 December 2015 and 2014the following dates:


   Balance at
1 January
in the
statement of
profit or loss
  Recognized in
  Acquired in
   Effect of
in exchange
   Balance at
31 December

Property, plant & equipment and intangible assets

   (227,680  (73,248  —      —       7,037     (293,891


   (43,880  6,510    2,633    —       —       (34,737

Provisions and employee termination benefit

   90,627    (22,984  2,563    —       —       70,206  

Trade and other payables

   54,681    (18,049  —      —       —       36,632  

Tax credit carry forward

   27,369    2,430    —      —       —       29,799  

Other items

   97,643    29,526    —      —       —       127,169  




















   (1,240  (75,815  5,196    —       7,037     (64,822


















   Balance at
1 January
in the
statement of
profit or loss
  Recognized in
  Acquired in
   Effect of
in exchange
   Balance at
31 December

Property, plant & equipment and intangible assets

   (209,294  (33,956  —      —       15,570     (227,680


   (33,866  (6,368  (3,646  —       —       (43,880

Provisions and employee termination benefit

   87,286    3,145    196    —       —       90,627  

Trade and other payables

   51,600    3,081    —      —       —       54,681  

Tax credit carry forward

   42,484    (15,115  —      —       —       27,369  

Other items

   69,437    28,206    —      —       —       97,643  




















   7,647    (21,007  (3,450  —       15,570     (1,240



















Expiration Date


































Trade receivables and accrued incomerevenue


  2015   2014   31 December
   31 December

Receivables from subscribers

   1,634,427    1,369,948 

Accounts and notes receivable

   560,665    498,397 

Undue assigned contracted receivables

   2,216,010     1,828,618     271,306    347,596 

Receivables from subscribers

   1,218,126     1,101,091  

Accounts and checks receivable

   271,743     210,919  

Accrued income

   393,049     361,887  

Accrued revenue

   —      632,631 


   39,592    —   








   4,098,928     3,502,515     2,505,990    2,848,572 









Trade receivables are shown net of allowanceprovision for doubtful debtsimpairment amounting to TL 816,071 as738,181, at 31 December 20152018 (31 December 2014:2017: TL 727,652)705,213). The changeMovements in allowanceprovision for impairment of trade receivables and due from related parties isare disclosed in Note 35. The accounts and notes receivable represent receivables from distributors and roaming receivables. The Group’s exposure to currency risk and credit risk arising from trade receivables are disclosed in Note 35.

Letters of guarantee received with respect to the accounts and checksnotes receivable are amounted to TL 134,798174,975 and TL 162,204 as339,543 at 31 December 20152018 and 2014,2017, respectively.

The undue assigned contracted receivables are the remaining portion of the assigned receivables from the distributors related to the handset campaigns which will be collected from subscribers in instalments by the



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Company. When monthly instalment is invoicedbilled to the subscriber, relatedthat portion is transferred to “receivables“Receivables from subscribers”. The Company measures the undue assigned contracted receivables at amortized cost, bears the credit risk and recognizes interest income throughout the contract period.

The accrued incomerevenue represents accrued revenue accrued for subscriber calls (air-time) which have not been billed and will be billed within one year.from subscribers. Due to the high volume of subscribers, there are different billing cycles; accordingly,cycles. Accordingly, an accrual is made at the end of each reporting period end to accrue revenue for services rendered but not yetbilled. The undue assigned contracted receivables related to handset campaigns, which will be billed after one year is presented undernon-current trade receivable amounting to TL 115,001.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Receivables from financial services

   31 December
   31 December

Current receivables from financial services

   3,286,243    2,950,523 

Non-current receivables from financial services

   884,686    1,297,597 






   4,170,929    4,248,120 







Movements in provision for impairment of receivables from financial services are disclosed in Note 35.

Starting from 2016 the Group and its distributors have offered handset campaigns where subscribers can buy handsets using loans placed by Turkcell Finansman. The Group assumes credit risk in these transactions. Turkcell Finansman collects the loan from the subscriber during the contract period and does not recognize handset revenue since it is not acting as principal in the handset sale.


Contract assets

Current contract assets:

31 December
31 December

Contract assets



Non-current contract assets:

31 December
31 December

Contract assets



The contract assets represents contract assets from subscribers. Due to the high volume of subscribers, there are different billing cycles. Accordingly, an accrual is made at the end of each reporting period to accrue revenue for services rendered but not billed. Contracted receivables related to handset campaigns, which will be invoicedbilled after one year is presented under non-current trade receivables amounting to TL 834,833 (31 December 2014: TL 779,925).

The Group’s exposure to currency risks and impairment losses related to trade receivables are disclosed in Note 31.long term contract assets.


21.22.Other current assets


   2015   2014 

VAT receivable

   763,844     16,836  

Restricted cash

   349,243     —    

Prepaid expenses

   290,063     228,798  

Prepayment for subscriber acquisition cost

   98,656     85,311  

Advances to suppliers

   34,554     40,831  

Special communication tax to be collected from subscribers

   32,755     35,882  

Amounts to be received from Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications

   29,782     174,978  

Receivables from personnel

   10,054     5,248  

Interest income accruals

   2,769     23,712  

Currency forward contracts (*)

   216     —    


   77,966     58,110  






   1,689,902     669,706  







The increase in VAT receivable mainly results from 4.5G license VAT payment made as at 26 October 2015As of 31 December 2018 inventories amounting to TL 933,447. Discount impact180,434 which consist of VAT receivable amounting to TL 36,976 is recorded in finance costs (Note 11).

As at 31 December 2015, restricted cash amounting to TL 349,243 represents the amounts deposited at a bank as guarantees in connection with the loans utilized by Astelit (Note 26)mainly mobile phone, modem, tablet, sim card and tower construction materials (31 December 2014: None)2017: TL 104,102).

Prepaid expenses mainly comprises prepaid rent expenses and prepaid credit management fees.

The amount to be received from the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications is related with the construction and operation of mobile communication infrastructure in rural areas (“Evrensel Project”) as explained in Note 34. Receivables from Evrensel project have been presented on net basis with provision accrued amounting to TL 29,782.F-77



As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


Subscriber acquisition costs are subsidies paid to dealers for engaging a fixed term contract with the subscriber that require a minimum consideration.

(*) Details of currency forward contracts are given below:

Forward Currency contracts


Exchange Rate







Fair value




  USD  57,732  216  4 January 2016

22.Cash and cash equivalents

   2015   2014 

Cash in hand

   453     246  

Cheques received

   3     79  


   2,912,741     9,026,576  

- Demand deposits

   572,895     574,005  

- Time deposits

   2,339,846     8,452,571  

Investment funds, bonds and bills

   5,599     4,980  







Cash and cash equivalents in the statement of cash flows

   2,918,796     9,031,881  







As at 31 December 2015, the average maturity of time deposits is 27 days (31 December 2014: 67 days).

The Group’s exposure to interest rate risk and a sensitivity analysis for financial assets and liabilities are disclosed in Note 31.



Other current assets

   31 December
   31 December

Receivables from the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of Turkey

   415,524    143,669 

Restricted cash

   204,077    183,806 

Advances given to suppliers

   92,715    55,754 

Receivables from tax office

   83,392    93,917 

Prepaid expenses

   79,149    322,388 

VAT receivable

   65,123    38,934 

Subscriber acquisition costs

   —      138,177 

Special communication tax to be collected from subscribers

   —      38,318 


   151,532    145,642 






   1,091,512    1,160,605 







As at 31 December 2018, restricted cash amounting to TL 204,077 represents the deposits as guarantees in connection with the foreign currency loans utilized by Turkcell Finansman.


Cash and reservescash equivalents

   31 December
   31 December

Cash in hand

   144    192 


   7,413,113    4,712,141 

- Demand deposits

   587,007    603,553 

- Time deposits

   6,826,106    4,108,588 

Other cash and cash equivalents

   5,982    —   







Cash and cash equivalents

   7,419,239    4,712,333 







As at 31 December 2018, the average effective interest rates of TL, USD and EUR time deposits are 22.5%, 5.9% and 3.3% (31 December 2017: 14.3%, 5.8% and 2.2%) respectively.

As at 31 December 2018, average maturity of time deposits is 35 days (31 December 2017: 32 days).




As at and for the year ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)



Share capital

As at 31 December 2015, common stock represented2018, share capital represents 2,200,000,000 (31 December 2014:2017: 2,200,000,000) authorized, issued and fully paid shares with a par value of TL 1 each. In accordance with the Law No. 5083 with respect to TL, on 9 May 2005, par value of each share is registered to be TL 1. In this respect, share capital presented in the consolidated financial statements refers to nominal amount of registered share capital registered by trade

The holdersEvery holder of shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared and areis entitled to one vote per share at meetings of the Company.a meeting in person or by proxy.

Companies with their shareholding percentage are as follows:

   31 December 2018   31 December 2017 
   (%)   TL   (%)   TL 

Turkcell Holding A.Ş. (“Turkcell Holding”)

   51.00    1,122,000    51.00    1,122,000 

Public Share

   48.95    1,077,004    48.95    1,077,004 


   0.05    996    0.05    996 














   100.00    2,200,000    100.00    2,200,000 

Inflation adjustment to share capital

     (52,352     (52,352







Inflation adjusted capital

     2,147,648      2,147,648 







As at 31 December 2015,2018, total number of shares pledged shares hold by various institutionsas security is 995,509 (31 December 2014:(2017: 995,509).

Capital contributionLegal reserves

Capital contribution comprisesThe legal reserves consist of first and second reserves, appropriated in accordance with the contributed assets and certain liabilitiesTurkish Commercial Code (“TCC”). The TCC stipulates that the government settledfirst legal reserve is appropriated out of statutory profits at the rate of 5% per annum, until the total reserve reaches 20% of a company’spaid-in share capital. The second legal reserve is appropriated at the rate of 10% per annum of all cash dividends in excess of 5% of thepaid-in share capital. Under the TCC, the legal reserves can only be used to offset losses and are not available for any other usage unless they exceed 50% ofpaid-in share capital.

Treasury shares

During 2018, the Company purchased 8,434,204 of its shareson-market with prices ranging from full TL 10.01 to full TL 12.33. Thebuy-back was approved by the Board of Directors on behalf27 July 2016 and 30 January 2017. Total cost of TL 94,620 was deducted from equity (2017: None).



On 25 May 2017, the Company’s General Assembly has approved payment of a dividend amounting to TL 3,000,000 (equivalent to USD 841,633 as of 25 May 2017, the date of the Group that do not meetOrdinary General Assembly Meeting) out of profits for the definitionperiod from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2016. This represents a gross cash dividend of a government grant whichfull TL 1.3636364 (equivalent to full USD 0.3825604 as of 25 May 2017, the government is actingdate of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting) per share. The Company paid TL 3,000,000 in its capacity as a shareholder.

total including withholding taxes in three instalments on 15 June, 15 September and 15 December 2017 to the shareholders.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Translation reserve

The translation reserve comprises all foreign currency differences arising from the translation of the financial statements of foreign and domestic operations from their functional currencies to presentation currency of TL.

Fair value reserve

The fair value reserve comprises the cumulative net change in the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets until the investments are derecognized or the asset is impaired.

Legal reserve

Under the Turkish Commercial Code, Turkish companies are required to set aside first and second level legal reserves out of their profits. First level legal reserves are set aside 5% of the distributable income per statutory accounts each year. The ceiling on the first legal reserves is 20% of the paid-up capital. The reserve requirement ends when the 20% of paid-up capital level has been reached. Second legal reserves correspond to 10% of profits actually distributed after the deduction of the first legal reserves and the minimum obligatory dividend pay-out (5% of the paid-up capital). There is no ceiling for second legal reserves and they are accumulated every year. In this respect, legal reserve presentedAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements refers to nominal amount of legal reserve.

Cash flow hedging reserve

The cash flow hedging reserve represents the cumulative effective portion of gains or losses arising on changes in fair value of hedging instruments entered into for cash flow hedges. The cumulative gain or loss arising on changes in fair value of the hedging instruments that are recognized and accumulated under the heading of cash flow hedging reserve will be reclassified to profit or loss only when the hedged transaction affects the profit or loss, or included as a basis adjustmentnotes have been rounded off to the non-financial hedged item, consistent with the relevant accounting policy.nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)

Reserve for non-controlling interest put option liability

The reserve for non-controlling interest put option liability includes the difference between the put option liability granted to the non-controlling shareholders in existing subsidiaries recognized and the amount of non-controlling interest derecognized. Since the current option relates to the business combinations before 1 January 2009, subsequent changes in the fair value of the put option liability other than unwind of discount and associated foreign exchange gains and losses are also recognized in this reserve.


Equity (continued)

Dividends (continued)

Turkcell:Turkcell (continued):

On 2529 March 2015,2018, the Company’s Board of DirectorsGeneral Assembly has proposedapproved a dividend distribution for the year ended 31 December 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 20142017 amounting to TL 3,925,000 (equivalent to $1,535,903 as at 26 March 2015, date of Ordinary General Assembly Meeting), which represented 42.5% of distributable income. This1,900,000; this represents a netgross cash dividend of full TL 1.784091 (equivalent to full $0.70 as at 26 March 2015, date of Ordinary General Assembly Meeting)0.86364 per share. This dividend proposal was



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressedThe Company paid TL 1,900,000 in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

discussed and approved at the Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders held on 26 March 2015. The dividend was paidtotal including withholding taxes in three installmentsinstalments on 6 April, 8 April18 June, 17 September and 13 April 201517 December 2018 to the shareholders.

Due to the seizure on all receivables of Cukurova Holding AS. including its dividend receivables as detailed in Note 34, dividend payables to Çukurova Holdings AS. was paid to SDIF.


In the Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders’ Meeting of Azerinteltek held on 25 February 2014, it had been decided to distribute dividends amounting to AZN 227 (equivalent to TL 424 as at 31 December 2015). The dividend was paid in two installments on 19 March 2014 and 27 March 2014 to the shareholders.

In the Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders Meeting of Azerinteltek held on 25 February 2014, it has been decided to pay dividends to the Shareholders in proportion of their shares on interim basis in advance during 2014 financial year after fulfillment of liabilities arising from the Shareholder Agreement and payment of the current debts. According to the resolution of the General Assembly Meeting of Inteltek dated 31 March 2017, the Company, on 17 April 2014 Azerinteltek’sshareholders decided to pay a dividend amounting to TL 63,528 out of profits for the year ended 31 December 2016 (remaining amount after deducting interim dividends for thesix-month period ended 30 June 2016 amounting to TL 20,455) and a dividend out legal reserves amounting to TL 11,585. The aggregate amount of dividends were paid as of 31 December 2017. According to the the resolution of General Assembly Meeting of Inteltek dated 25 December 2017, shareholders decided to pay dividend amounting to TL 28,402 for the first 9 months of 2017 profit. The related dividend payment was made in January 2018.

According to Board of Directors Resolution of Inteltek dated 18 December 2017 the advanced dividend payment has decidedbeen made in January 2018 amounting to distribute the dividend accrued inTL 28,402 for the first quarternine months of 2014 financial2017 profit. According to the resolution of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of Inteltek dated 30 March 2018, the shareholders resolved to pay a dividend amount equal to TL 60,011 out of profits for the year ended 31 December 2017 (remaining amount after deducting interim dividends for the nine-month period ended 30 September 2017 amounting to AZN 3,631 (equivalentTL 28,402) and a dividend out legal reserves amount equal to TL 6,777 as at 31 December 2015). Dividend payments have9,507. The aggregate amount of dividends has been completed as at 4 August 2014.paid on May 2018.


According to the resolution of the General Assembly Meeting of Azerinteltek Azerinteltek’sdated 10 April 2017 and 30 April 2018, Board of Directors hashave decided to pay the dividend accrued in the second and third quarters of 2014 financial year amounting to AZN 2,146 (equivalent to34,797 (31 December 2018: TL 4,005 as at 31 December 2015) on 23 October 2014. Dividend payments have been completed as at 4 November 2014.

According to56,111) from the resolution ofprofit realized for the General Assembly Meeting of Azerinteltek, Azerinteltek’s Board of Directors has decided on 22 January 2015 to pay the dividend accrued in the fourthlast quarter of 2014 financial year amounting to AZN 2,258 (equivalent to TL 4,214 as at 31 December 2015). Dividend payments have been completed as at 28 January 2015.

According to the resolution of the General Assembly Meeting of Azerinteltek, Azerinteltek’s Board of Directors has decided on 30 April 2015 to pay the dividend accrued in the2017, first quarters of 2015 financial year amounting to AZN 2,151 (equivalent to TL 4,015 as at 31 December 2015) and the remaining amount of AZN 134 (equivalent to TL 250 as at 31 December 2015) from 2014 financial year. Dividend payments have been completed as at 4 May 2015 and 5 May 2015.

According to the resolution of the General Assembly Meeting of Azerinteltek, Azerinteltek’s Board of Directors has decided on 9 July 2015 to pay the dividend accrued in the second quarter of 2015 financial year amounting to AZN 530 (equivalent to TL 989 as at 31 December 2015). The dividend2018. Dividend payment was paidmade in two installments on 10 July 2015 and 7 August 2015 to the shareholders.2018.

According to the resolution of the General Assembly Meeting of Azerinteltek, Azerinteltek’s Board of Directors has decided on 12 October 2015 to pay the dividend accrued in the third quarter of 2015 financial year amounting to AZN 822 (equivalent to TL 1,534 as at 31 December 2015). The dividend was paid in two installments on 16 October 2015 and 3 December 2015 to the shareholders.




As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)



Furthermore, according to the resolution of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of Inteltek Internet Teknoloji Yatirim ve Danismanlik Ticaret A.S. (“Inteltek”), Inteltek’s Board of Directors has decided on 25 June 2015 to pay the dividend accrued in 2012, 2013 and 2014 financial years amounting to TL 173,456. The dividend was paid in two installments on 29 July 2015 and 19 August 2015 to the shareholders.

Furthermore, according to the resolution of the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting of Inteltek held on 11 November 2015, Inteltek’s Board of Directors has decided on 13 November 2015 to pay the dividend accrued in the first nine months of 2015 financial year amounting to TL 32,192. Dividend payments have been completed as at 30 November 2015.



Earnings per share

The calculations of basic

   2018   2017   2016 



Profit attributable to owners of the Company

   2,021,065    1,979,129    1,492,088 



Weighted average number of shares (*)

   2,184,750,233    2,193,184,437    2,193,184,437 










Basic and diluted earnings per share for profit attributable to owners of the Company (in full TL)

   0.93    0.90    0.68 











Refer to Note 25 - Treasury shares

   2018   2017   2016 



Profit from continuing operations attributable to owners of the Company

   2,021,065    1,979,129    1,534,252 



Weighted average number of shares (*)

   2,184,750,233    2,193,184,437    2,193,184,437 










Basic and diluted earnings per share for profit from continuing operations attributable to owners of the Company (in full TL)

   0.93    0.90    0.70 











Refer to Note 25 - Treasury shares




As at and diluted earnings per share as at 31 December 2015 were based on the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders for the yearsyear ended 31 December 2015, 20142018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and 2013 of TL 2,067,654, TL 1,864,640notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and TL 2,325,914 respectively and a weighted average number of shares outstanding during the years ended 31 December 2015, 2014 and 2013 of 2,200,000,000 calculated as follows:are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


   2015   2014   2013 



Net profit for the period attributed to owners

   2,067,654     1,864,640     2,325,914  



Weighted average number of shares

   2,200,000,000     2,200,000,000     2,200,000,000  










Basic and diluted earnings per share

   0.94     0.85     1.06  












25.Othernon-current liabilities

Other non-current liabilities


   2015   2014 

Consideration payable in relation to acquisition of Belarusian Telecom

   235,281     163,234  

Deferred revenue

   83,889     38,098  

Deposits and guarantees taken from agents

   47,500     38,583  

Accrual for Evrensel Project (Note 34)

   —       62,874  


   —       6,762  






   366,670     309,551  






   2018   2017 

Consideration payable in relation to the acquisition of Belarusian Telecom

   358,304    323,691 

Deferred revenue

   2,497    85,646 

Deposits and guarantees received from dealers

   3,809    —   






   364,610    409,337 







Consideration payable in relation to the acquisition of Belarusian Telecom represents the present value of the long-term contingent paymentconsideration payables to the seller. Payment of $100,000USD 100,000 (equivalent to TL 290,760526,090 as atof 31 December 2015)2018) is contingent on the financial performance of Belarusian Telecom, and based on management’s estimations, the amount is expected to be paid during the first quarter of 20202023 (31 December 2014:2017: the first quarter of 2022)2021). Discount rate used for calculating present value of the consideration payable in relation to the acquisition of Belarusian Telecom as of 31 December 2018 is 9.5% (31 December 2017: 4.8%).


Loans and borrowings

   31 December
   31 December

Non-current liabilities


Unsecured bank loans

   7,244,992    6,376,981 

Secured bank loans

   1,862    2,368 

Finance lease liabilities

   —      108,164 

Lease liabilities

   1,026,955    —   

Debt securities issued

   4,845,827    1,770,482 






   13,119,636    8,257,995 







Current liabilities


Unsecured bank loans

   3,737,393    2,643,112 

Current portion of unsecured bank loans

   2,544,462    1,513,425 

Current portion of secured bank loans

   2,318    2,022 

Current portion of finance lease liabilities

   —      14,556 

Current portion of lease liabilities

   20,156    —   

Current portion of long-term debt securities issued

   289,738    105,039 

Debt securities issued

   74,997    —   

Lease liabilities

   366,845    —   






   7,035,909    4,278,154 







The sale process of the bond issuance of the Company with an aggregate principal amount of USD 500,000, 10 year maturity, a redemption date of 11 April 2028 and are-offer price of 97.8 % with a fixed coupon rate of 5.80% per annum to qualified investors abroad was completed on 11 April 2018 and the notes are listed on the official list of Euronext Dublin (Irish Stock Exchange).




As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)



Loans and borrowings (continued)

This note provides information about the contractual terms

The scope of the Group’s interest-bearingEUR 690,000 unutilized portion of the EUR 750,000 loan agreement signed with China Development Bank (CDB) has been expanded. In this respect, in addition to Turkcell, the Company’s subsidiaries Turkcell Superonline, Turkcell Finansman and lifecell LLC will also be able to utilize the corresponding loan. Furthermore, in addition to the right to utilize in EUR terms, relevant loan may also be utilized in USD and Renminbi (RMB) with respective annual interest rates of LIBOR + 2.2% and 5.5%. There have been no changes to maturity and the repayment schedule of the loan. As at 31 December 2018, the Company has utilized RMB 251,089 (equivalent to TL 191,337 as at 31 December 2018), USD 140,000 (equivalent to TL 736,526 as at 31 December 2018) and EUR 100,000 (equivalent to TL 602,800 as at 31 December 2018) comparatively, under this agreement.

One of the main reason of increase in borrowings arises from funds received by Turkcell Finansman in order to provide loans to its customers and borrowings, which are measuredbond issuance.

Within the scope ofbuy-back decisions on 27 July 2016 and 30 January 2017, the Company purchased their debt securities issued with a total nominal value of USD 15,500 as at amortized cost. For more information about31 December 2018.

In the Group’s exposureyear 2018, the Company has approved issuance of management agreement based lease certificates in accordance with capital markets legislation through KT Sukuk Varlık Kiralama A.S. in the domestic market, in Turkish Lira terms, at an amount of up to foreign currency for interest bearing loans, see Note 31.TL 300,000, on various dates and at various amounts without public offering, as private placement and/or to be sold to institutional investors. As at 31 March 2018, the Company has issued management agreement based lease certificates amounting to TL 125,000 (not discounted), as at 30 September 2018, issued management agreement based lease certificates was redeemed. As at 31 December 2018, the Company has issued management agreement based lease certificates through KT Sukuk Varlık Kiralama A.S amounting to TL 75,000 (not discounted).

In the year 2019, the Company has approved issuance of management agreement based lease certificates in accordance with capital markets legislation in the domestic market, in Turkish Lira terms, at an amount of up to TL 500,000, on various dates and at various amounts without public offering, as private placement and/or to be sold to institutional investors.


   2015   2014 

Non-current liabilities


Unsecured bank loans

   2,086,871     1,204,833  

Secured bank loans

   4,262     6,986  

Finance lease liabilities

   36,449     36,049  

Debt securities issued

   1,360,204     —    






   3,487,786     1,247,868  







Current liabilities


Unsecured bank facility

   130,109     1,639,816  

Secured bank facility

   311,682     —    

Current portion of unsecured bank loans

   196,385     755,953  

Current portion of secured bank loans

   1,930     48,651  

Current portion of finance lease liabilities

   5,389     5,369  

Debt securities issued

   80,959     —    

Currency swap contracts(*)

   2,290     —    

Option contracts used for hedging

   —       837  






   728,744     2,450,626  










As at and for the year ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


Loans and borrowings (continued)


Terms and conditions of outstanding loans are as follows:


   31 December 2015 31 December 2014           31 December 2018   31 December 2017 
 Currency Interest
interest rate
 Year of
 Nominal interest
 Year of
   Currency   Interest
rate type
   Nominal interest rate   Payment
   Nominal interest

Unsecured bank loans (*)

   USD    Floating    Libor+2.0%-Libor+4.1%    2019-2026    4,589,157    Libor+2,0%-Libor+3,3%    2018-2020    2,880,615 

Unsecured bank loans (*)

   EUR    Floating    

   2019-2026    6,975,890    

   2018-2026    5,511,579 

Unsecured bank loans

 USD Floating    Libor+2.6%   2017   189,542    Libor+0.7%-3.5%   2015-2018   2,844,757     TL    Fixed    12.6%-25.0%    2019    873,914    11.1%-15.5%    2018-2019    1,620,391 

Unsecured bank loans

 EUR Floating   Euribor+2.2%   2019-2025   1,585,939    —      —      —       UAH    Fixed    21.5%-22.5%    2019    894,511    11%-14.5%    2018    520,933 

Unsecured bank loans

 USD Fixed    —      —      —     2.4%-8.0%   2015-2016   281,157     RMB    Fixed    5.5%    2019-2026    193,375    —      —      —   

Unsecured bank loans

 TL Fixed   8.3%-10.9%   2016-2017   507,775    8.3%-10.5%   2015-2017   474,688  

Unsecured bank loans

 UAH Fixed   20%   2016   130,109    —      —      —    

Secured bank loans*

 UAH Fixed   25%   2016   311,682    —      —      —    

Secured bank loans**

 BYR Fixed   12%-16%   2016-2020   6,192   12%-16%   2020   9,521  

Secured bank loans***

 USD Floating    —      —      —     Libor+3.5%   2015   46,116  

Secured bank loans (**)

   BYN    Fixed    12-16%    2019-2020    4,180    12%-16%    2018-2020    4,390 

Debt securities issued

   USD    Fixed    5.8%    2019-2028    5,135,565    5.8%    2018-2025    1,875,521 

Debt securities issued

 USD Fixed   5.8%   2025   1,441,163    —      —      —       TL    Fixed    24.5%    2019    74,997    —      —      —   

Finance lease liabilities

 EUR Fixed   3.4%   2016-2024   41,750   3.4%   2015-2024   40,685     EUR    Fixed    —      —      —      3.4%    2018-2024    116,797 

Finance lease liabilities

 USD Fixed   18%-28%   2016-2018   88   0.7%-8.0%   2015   733     USD    Fixed    —      —      —      22.5%    2018    41 

Finance lease liabilities

   TL    Fixed    —      —      —      27.5%-27.7%    2018-2020    5,882 

Lease liabilities

   EUR    Fixed    1.0%-7.9%    2019-2031    194,645    —      —      —   

Lease liabilities

   TL    Fixed    16.1%-45.0%    2019-2048    719,718    —      —      —   

Lease liabilities

   USD    Fixed    3.9%-10.8%    2019-2027    40,351    —      —      —   

Lease liabilities

   UAH    Fixed    16.6%-24.0%    2019-2067    418,390    —      —      —   

Lease liabilities

   BYN    Fixed    12.0%-15.0%    2019-2028    40,852    —      —      —   








      4,214,240      3,697,657             20,155,545        12,536,149 











Turkcell Finansman’s liabilities originated from banks abroad are subject to certain reserve requirements as obliged by Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT). As at 31 December 2018, blocked deposit amounting to USD 120,114 (equivalent to TL 349,243), in connection with the foreign currency loans utilized by Astelit.Turkcell Finansman from banks outside of Turkey amounting to TL TL 204,077 is accounted in other current assets.


Belarusian Telecom pledged its certain property, plant and equipment to secure these bank loans. Also, these bank loans are secured by the Government of the Republic of BelarusBelarus. (Note 36)

(***)Secured by System Capital Management Limited (“SCM”).




As at and for the yearyears ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)




Loans and borrowings (continued)

For the acquisitionmajority of 44.96%the borrowings, the fair values are not materially different to their carrying amounts, since the interest payable on those borrowings is either close to current market rates or the borrowings are of a short-term nature.

Details of the Group’s exposure to risks arising from current andnon-current borrowings are set out in Euroasia from SCM Holdings Limited’s (“SCM”), Astelit’s borrowings obtained fromNote 35.


Employee benefits

   31 December
   31 December

Retirement pay liability provision

   160,613    149,449 

Unused vacation provision

   64,134    48,217 






   224,747    197,666 







Provision for annual leave

As 31 December 2018 and with guarantee of SCM Group have been repaid in July 2015. The Group converted a material portion of Astelit’s borrowings to equity and restructured Astelit’s remaining borrowings in order to mitigate the foreign exchange risks associated with borrowings denominated in foreign currency. Astelit’s capital has been increased by $686,000 (equivalent2017, provision for annual leave amounted to TL 1,994,61464,134 and TL 48,217, respectively.

Provision for employee termination benefits

Movements in provision for employee termination benefits are as at 31 December 2015) and Astelit obtained $66,000 (equivalentfollows:

   2018   2017 

1 January

   149,449    120,755 

Service cost

   26,971    32,696 


   (12,699   3,738 

Interest expense

   16,957    13,877 

Benefit payments

   (20,065   (21,617







31 December

   160,613    149,449 







The sensitivity of provision for employee termination benefits to TL 191,902 as at 31 December 2015) subordinated loan directly from the Companychanges in the third quarter of 2015. Additionally, under the guarantee of Turkcell, Astelit utilized loans fully denominated in local currency which is UAH 3.55 million (equivalent to TL 430,071 as at 31 December 2015). Regarding UAH 2.5 million (equivalent to TL 302,867 as at 31 December 2015) of these loans, a cash collateral of $120,114 (equivalent to TL 349,243 as at 31 December 2015) has been provided by Turkcell and recognised in other currents assets in the financial statements as at 31 December 2015.significant actuarial assumptions is:

In line with the Group’s strategic priority of improving balance sheet structure, the Company has restructured the outstanding debt of Belarusian Telecom. As part of the restructuring, Belarusian Telecom’s total existing intragroup loans were converted into a EUR 610,213 (equivalent to TL 1,939,013 as at 31 December 2015) subordinated loan, provided directly by Turkcell.

31 December 2018  Discount Rate   Inflation Rate 

Sensivity Level

  1% increase   1% decrease   1% increase   1% decrease 

Change in assumption

   (13.0%)    15.7%    16.5%    (13.7%) 

Impact on provision for employee termination benefits

   (20,880)    25,216    26,501    (22,004) 

The Company signed a loan agreement with BNP Paribas, Citibank, HSBC, ING and Intesa Sanpaolo SpA for an amount of $500,000 (equivalent to TL 1,453,800 as at 31 December 2015) and EUR 445,315 (equivalent to TL 1,415,033 as at 31 December 2015) with an availability period until 30 June 2016 to be utilized by the Company and its subsidiaries for the purpose of funding infrastructure investments and any other potential investment opportunities. Each respective unsecured loan has 2 years grace period, 5 years maturity, principal repayment every 6 months and an annual interest rate of 3 month LIBOR/EURIBOR+ 2%. As at 31 December 2015, the Company has not utilized any amount under this agreement.F-85

Additionally, as at 23 October 2015 the Company signed a loan agreement package with China Development Bank (CDB) for an amount of up to EUR 500,000 (equivalent to TL 1,588,800 as at 31 December 2015) with 2 years availability period to refinance the Group’s existing loans and for an amount of up to EUR 750,000 (equivalent to TL 2,383,200 as at 31 December 2015) with 3 years availability period to finance the Group’s procurements from China in relation to infrastructure investments. The total loan package has 10 years final maturity with 3 years grace period and will be paid back in equal installments. The annual interest rate of the loan is EURIBOR + 2.2%. As at 26 October 2015, the Company utilized EUR 500,000 (equivalent to TL 1,588,800 as at 31 December 2015) under this agreement.

The Company has completed the sale process of its debt securities issuance on 15 October 2015; for an aggregate principal amount of USD 500,000 (equivalent to TL 1,453,800 as at 31 December 2015) with 10 years maturity, a redemption date of 15 October 2025 and a coupon rate of 5.75% being paid semi-annually, priced on a 5.95% reoffer yield to qualified investors domiciled outside of Turkey. The notes are listed on the official list of the Irish Stock Exchange and the proceeds have been transferred to the Company’s accounts on 15 October 2015.



As at and for the yearyears ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


Finance lease liabilities are payable as follows:

   31 December 2015   31 December 2014 
   Future minimum
lease payments
   Interest   Present value
of minimum
lease payments
   Interest   Present value
of minimum lease

Less than one year

   6,627     1,238     5,389     6,574     1,205     5,369  

More than one year

   42,357     5,908     36,449     42,423     6,374     36,049  


















   48,984     7,146     41,838     48,997     7,579     41,418  



















Currency swap contracts:

   Currency Swap Contracts     
   Buy   Sell     

Exchange Rate



   EUR     180,000     USD     196,961     (769)     4 January 2016  


   EUR     277,000     USD     303,218     (1,521)     4 January 2016  









     457,000       500,179     (2,290  










Interest collars:

Under interest rate collar contracts, the Group agrees to exchange the difference between the collar (1.25% –4%) and floating rate (LIBOR) interest amounts calculated on agreed notional principal amounts. Such contracts enable the Group to mitigate the risk of changing interest rates on the cash flow exposures on the issued variable rate debt. The fair value of interest rate collar at the end of the reporting period is determined by the quotations by the financial institutions and is disclosed below.

The following tables detail the notional principal amounts outstanding at the end of the reporting period.

   Currency   Notional amount   Fair value asset /
       2015   2014   2015   2014 

Interest collar

  US$      —       86,000     —       (837

All interest rate collar contracts exchanging floating rate interest amounts for fixed rate interest amounts are designated as cash flow hedges in order to reduce the Group’s cash flow exposure resulting from variable interest rates on borrowings. The interest rate collars and the interest payments on the loan occur simultaneously and the amount accumulated in equity is reclassified to profit or loss over the period that the floating rate interest payments on debt affect profit or loss.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)



Employee benefits (continued)

International Accounting Standard No 19 “Employee Benefits” (“IAS 19”) requires actuarial valuation methods

31 December 2017  Discount Rate   Inflation Rate 

Sensivity Level

  1% increase   1% decrease   1% increase   1% decrease 

Change in assumption

   (14.6%)    18.1%    18.3%    (14.3%) 

Impact on provision for employee termination benefits

   (21,820)    27,050    27,349    (21,371) 

The above sensitivity analyses are based on a change in an assumption while holding all other assumptions constant. In practice, this is unlikely to occur, and changes in some of the assumptions may be developed to estimate the enterprise’s obligation under defined benefit plans. As detailed in Note 10, such actuarial gains/losses are recognized within other comprehensive income starting from 31 December 2012. The liability for this retirement pay obligation is recorded in the accompanying consolidated financial statements at its present value using a discount rate between 4.55% and 4.80% depending on the expected payout date (31 December 2014: between 3.46% and 3.82%).correlated.

Movement in the reserve for employee termination benefits as at 31 December 2015 and 2014 are as follows:

   2015   2014 

Opening balance

   96,278     82,617  

Provision set/reversed during the period

   26,403     28,110  

Actuarial loss

   13,466     819  

Unwind of discount

   4,190     4,325  

Payments made during the period

   (25,468   (19,593







Closing balance

   114,869     96,278  







Actuarial loss amounting to TL 13,466 has been reflected in other comprehensive income for the year ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: TL 819 actuarial loss).

The liability is not funded, as there is no funding requirement.Defined contribution plans

Obligations for contributionscontribution to defined contribution plans are recognized as an expense in the consolidated statement of profit or loss as incurred. The Group incurred TL 8,364,9,361, TL 7,8768,107 and TL 6,5767,722 in relation to defined contribution retirement plan for the years ended 31 December 2015, 20142018, 2017 and 2013,2016, respectively.

Share based payments

The Group has a share performance based payment plan (cash settled incentive plan) in order to build a common interest with its shareholders, support sustainable success, and ensure loyalty of key employees. The KPIs of the plan are; the total shareholder return in excess of weighted average cost of capital (WACC), and ranking of total shareholder return in comparison withBIST-30 and peer group. Bonus amount is determined according to these evaluations, and it is distributed over a three-year payment plan.

As of 31 December 2018, the Group recognized expenses of TL 26,224 regarding this plan (31 December 2017: TL 29,413).



Deferred incomerevenue

Deferred incomerevenue primarily consists of loan application fee and it is classified as current at 31 December 2018 and 2017. The amount of deferred revenue is TL 8,948 and TL 193,381 as at 31 December 2018 and 2017, respectively.


Contract liabilities

Current contract liabilities:

31 December
31 December

Contract liabilities



Non-current contract liabilities:

31 December
31 December

Contract liabilities






As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Contract liabilities (continued)

Contract liabilities primarily consists of right of use sold but not used by prepaid subscribers and it is classifiedsubscribers. The following table shows unrealized performance obligation result as current as atof 31 December, 2015 and 2014. The amount2018;

31 December

Mobile telecommunications service


Other (*)





In consist of Hospital Revenue

Management expects that 75% of deferred income is TL 121,078 and TL 164,423 asthe transaction price allocated to the unsatisfied contracts at of 31 December 2015 and 2014, respectively.2018 will be recognized as revenue during the next reporting period. The remaining 25% will be recognized in the 2019 financial year.

Revenue recognized in the current reporting period relates to carried forward contract liabilities is TL181,710.




Non-current provisions:


   Legal   Obligations for
removing and
site restoration

Balance at 1 January 2014

   155,486     133,762     289,248  

Provision made/ used during the year

   574     (4,603   (4,029

Unwind of discount

   4,784     4,233     9,017  

Transfer from current provision

   449     —       449  

Effect of change in foreign exchange rate

   —       (16,299   (16,299










Balance at 31 December 2014

   161,293     117,093     278,386  










   Legal claims   Obligations for
removing and
site restoration

Balance at 1 January 2018

   8,887    188,531    197,418 

Provisions recognized

   5,859    47,580    53,439 

Unwinding of discount

   —      9,760    9,760 

Transfer to current provisions

   (5,382   —      (5,382

Effect of changes in exchange rates

   —      13,487    13,487 










Balance at 31 December 2018

   9,364    259,358    268,722 









   Legal claims   Obligations for
removing and
site restoration

Balance at 1 January 2017

   6,889    180,652    187,541 

Provisions recognized/(reversed)

   4,256    (8,461   (4,205

Unwinding of discount

   —      15,328    15,328 

Transfer to current provisions

   (2,258   —      (2,258

Effect of changes in exchange rates

   —      1,012    1,012 










Balance at 31 December 2017

   8,887    188,531    197,418 












As at andProvision for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

   Legal   Obligations for
removing and
site restoration

Balance at 1 January 2015

   161,293     117,093     278,386  

Provision made/ used during the year (*)

   (155,792   12,622     (143,170

Unwind of discount

   —       3,308     3,308  

Transfer to current provision

   (1,398   —       (1,398

Effect of change in foreign exchange rate

   —       (6,507   (6,507










Balance at 31 December 2015

   4,103     126,516     130,619  










(*)Regarding the settlement made with Turk Telekom Group (Note 34), the Company has reversed legal provision amounting to TL 156,864 as at 31 December 2015.

Legal provisionslegal claims are setrecognized for the probable cash outflows related to legal disputes. Refer to Note 37.




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Provisions (continued)

The Group is required to incur certain costs in respect of a liability to dismantle and remove assets and to restore sites on which the assets were located. The dismantling costs are calculated according to best estimate of future expected payments discounted at apre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the liability.

The above mentioned additionsIt is expected that the obligations for dismantling, removing and site restoration will be realized in accordance with the useful life of GSM services materials.

Additions to obligations for dismantling, removing and site restoration during the period arenon-cash transactions and are recorded against property, plant and equipment.

Obligations for dismantling, removing and site restoration are discounted using a discount rate of 5.1% at 31 December 2018 (31 December 2017: 5.6%).

Current provisions:


   Legal   Bonus   Total 

Balance at 1 January 2014

   49,392     126,259     175,651  

Provision made/ (reversed) during the year

   108,033     128,799     236,832  

Provisions used during the year

   (145,724   (130,842   (276,566

Unwind of discount

   367     —       367  

Transfer to non-current provision

   (449   —       (449

Effect of change in foreign exchange rate

   (3,508   (2,753   (6,261










Balance at 31 December 2014

   8,111     121,463     129,574  









   Legal claims   Bonus   Total 

Balance at 1 January 2018

   605,679    229,520    835,199 

Provisions recognized/(reversed)

   (3,520   408,740    405,220 


   (626,214   (338,650   (964,864

Transfers fromnon-current provisions

   5,381    —      5,381 

Unwinding of discount

   26,185    —      26,185 

Disposal of subsidiaries

   —      (2,070   (2,070

Effect of changes in exchange rates

   1,082    935    2,017 










Balance at 31 December 2018

   8,593    298,475    307,068 











   Legal   Bonus   Total 

Balance at 1 January 2015

   8,111     121,463     129,574  

Provision made/ (reversed) during the year

   2,811     178,416     181,227  

Provisions used during the year

   (1,861   (155,491   (157,352

Unwind of discount

   13     126     139  

Transfer from non-current provision

   1,398     —       1,398  

Effect of change in foreign exchange rate

   (212   (2,659   (2,871










Balance at 31 December 2015

   10,260     141,855     152,115  










Legal provisions are set for the probable cash outflows related to legal disputes. In Note 34, under legal proceedings section, detailed explanations are given with respect to legal provisions.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

   Legal claims   Bonus(*)   Other   Total 

Balance at 1 January 2017

   18,266    173,391    785    192,442 

Provisions recognized/(reversed)(**)

   583,788    318,603    (785   901,606 


   (1,188   (263,080   —      (264,268

Transfer fromnon-current provisions

   2,258    —      —      2,258 

Unwinding of discount

   2,531    —      —      2,531 

Effect of changes in exchange rates

   24    606    —      630 













Balance at 31 December 2017

   605,679    229,520    —      835,199 














The bonus provision totaling to TL 141,855 comprises mainly the provision for the year ended 31 December 2015 and is planned to be paid in March 2016.

Includes share-based payment (Note 29).


Refer to Note 37.1 and 37.3 for legal claim.



Trade and other payables

The breakdown of trade and other payables as at 31 December 2015 and 2014 is as follows:

   2018   2017 

Payable to suppliers

   2,372,512    2,527,152 

Taxes payable

   465,966    415,650 

Accrued treasury share, universal service fund contribution and contributions to the ICTA’s expenses

   455,496    305,208 

Accrued selling and marketing expenses

   91,747    79,011 


   402,453    369,445 






   3,788,174    3,696,466 







   2015   2014 

4.5G license payable

   2,591,235     —    

Payables to suppliers

   1,555,767     1,158,374  

Taxes and withholdings payable

   319,542     377,710  

Payables regarding the legal settlement with Turk Telekom Group

   309,250     —    

License fee and ICTA share accrual

   216,602     192,147  

Selling and marketing expense accrual

   68,531     137,437  

Accrual for Evrensel Project (Note 34)

   39,767     —    


   182,376     201,461  






   5,283,070     2,067,129  







4.5G license payables are related to the frequency bands which the Company has been awarded with, from Authorization Tender on IMT Services and Infrastructure tender. Non-current trade and other payables consist of 4.5G license payable amounting to TL 1,270,610 as at 31 December 2015 (Note 1 and 14).

Balances payablesPayable to suppliers are arisingarises in the ordinary course of business.

Taxes and withholdingspayables include VAT payable,payables, special communications tax,taxes payable, frequency usage fees payable to the ICTA and personnel income taxes.taxes payable.





As at and Turk Telekom Group agreed to settle ongoing lawsuits and disputes as atfor the years ended 31 December 2015. In this regard, Turkcell agreed to make a payment of TL 309,250 (including VAT2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and special communication tax) to Turk Telekom Group. The payment was made on 14 January 2016.

In accordance with the license agreement, Turkcell pays 90% of the treasury share, which equals 15% of its gross revenue,notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Treasury and 10% of the treasury share as universal service fund to the Turkish Ministry.Liras unless otherwise stated.)



Trade and other payables (continued)

Accrued selling and marketing expense accrual isexpenses mainly resultedresult from services received from third parties related to the marketing activities of the Group which arebut not yet invoiced.


Derivative financial instruments

Fair value of derivative financial instruments at 31 December 2018 and 2017 are attributable to the following:

   31 December 2018   31 December 2017 
   Assets   Liabilities   Assets   Liabilities 

Held for trading

   709,617    131,097    961,665    17,724 

Derivatives used for hedging

   730,924    —      —      —   














   1,440,541    131,097    961,665    17,724 













At 31 December 2018, total held for trading derivative financial assets of TL 1,356,062 also include net accrued interest expense of TL 84,479 and total held for trading derivative financial liabilities of TL 131,097 also include net accrued interest expense of TL 34,168.

Derivatives used for hedging

Participating cross currency swap and FX swap contracts

The notional amount and the fair value of participating cross currency swap and FX swap contracts for hedging purposes at 31 December 2018 are as follows:



















Participating cross currency swap contracts      


 1,650,000 EUR 500,000 208,462 23 October 2025


 275,850 EUR 60,000 64,670 22 April 2026


 435,000 USD 150,000 167,116 16 September 2020


 293,500 USD 100,000 108,777 16 September 2020


 194,000 USD 50,000 39,394 16 September 2020


 386,500 USD 100,000 79,688 16 September 2020


 113,400 USD 20,000 9,234 22 April 2026

Cross currency swap contracts



 123,878 RMB 202,600 53,583 22 April 2026



Derivatives used for hedge accounting financial assets




EUR 500,000 participating cross currency swap contracts includes TL 690,146 guarantees after CSA agreement.




As at and for the yearyears ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


Derivative financial instruments (continued)

Held for trading

Currency swap, cross currency swap and participating cross currency swap contracts

The notional amount and the fair value of currency swap, participating cross currency swap and FX swap contracts for hedging purposes at 31 December 2018 are as follows:
















Currency Swap



 266,760 USD 50,000  (3,715 2 January 2019


 266,510 USD 50,000  (3,465 2 January 2019


 719,996 USD 135,000  (9,774 2 January 2019


 212,736 USD 40,000  (2,300 2 January 2019


 265,925 USD 50,000  (2,880 2 January 2019


 1,366 USD 253  (48 19 March 2019


 4,199 USD 680  (939 16 January 2019


 5,681 USD 920  (1,277 22 January 2019


 6,040 EUR 1,000  (41 2 January 2019


 68,654 EUR 60,000  (861 15 January 2019


 11,462 EUR 10,000  (4 8 January 2019

Cross currency swap contracts




 6,159 USD 1,000  (912 28 January 2019


 6,159 USD 1,000  (910 24 January 2019


 130,488 USD 24,000  (9,365 20 March 2023


 268,200 USD 50,000  (5,791 14 June 2019


 128,436 USD 24,000  (2,652 19 June 2019


 169,368 EUR 24,000  (24,895 8 January 2019


 118,800 EUR 18,000  (22,051 23 September 2021


 111,732 EUR 18,867  1,920  14 February 2019


 185,100 EUR 30,000  (8,296 22 April 2026


 183,300 EUR 30,000  (8,642 22 April 2026

Participating cross currency swap contracts




 193,800 EUR 30,000  (7,148 16 September 2020


 91,700 USD 20,000  (17,051 22 April 2026




Total Held for trading derivative financial liabilities








As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Derivative financial instruments (continued)

Held for trading
















Cross currency swap contracts




 67,410 USD 18,000  27,928  28 January 2019


 95,550 USD 25,000  36,751  24 January 2019


 52,164 USD 14,620  27,870  16 July 2019


 69,744 USD 19,780  38,636  22 July 2019


 242,873 USD 70,500  160,594  16 September 2020


 269,451 USD 70,500  131,437  22 December 2020


 191,300 USD 50,000  74,095  13 February 2019


 98,625 EUR 25,000  57,161  13 June 2019


 203,600 EUR 50,000  109,610  23 July 2019


 97,997 EUR 21,500  37,825  19 December 2019


 105,280 EUR 18,800  7,710  23 September 2021




Total held for trading derivative financial assets





Participating cross currency swap and FX swap contracts
at 31 December 2017


















 47,304 EUR 39,835  1,005  02 January 2018


 69,680 USD 20,000  6,554  27 August 2018


 81,480 EUR 20,000  9,965  14 December 2018


 95,550 USD 25,000  72  24 January 2019


 67,410 USD 18,000  1,498  28 January 2019


 98,625 EUR 25,000  17,354  13 June 2019


 52,164 USD 14,620  4,465  16 July 2019


 69,744 USD 19,780  6,996  22 July 2019


 203,600 EUR 50,000  27,198  23 July 2019


 435,000 USD 150,000  142,085  16 September 2020


 386,500 USD 100,000  (4,645 16 September 2020


 293,500 USD 100,000  90,071  16 September 2020


 242,873 USD 70,500  33,535  16 September 2020


 194,000 USD 50,000  (2,951 16 September 2020


 1,650,000 EUR 500,000  627,385  25 October 2025


 275,850 EUR 60,000  1,078  22 April 2026




Total derivative financial assets








As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Derivative financial instruments (continued)

Held for trading

At 31 December 2017, total derivative financial assets of TL 981,396 also include net accrued interest income of TL 19,731.

Participating cross currency swap and FX swap contracts
at 31 December 2017


















 470,232 USD 122,680  (2,465 2 January 2018


 180,023 USD 47,250  (545 2 January 2018


 141,001 USD 36,786  (726 3 January 2018


 219,162 USD 57,245  (1,043 4 January 2018


 115,022 USD 30,150  (435 5 January 2018


 17,204 USD 4,500  (284 10 January 2018


 15,916 EUR 3,500  (157 10 January 2018


 91,556 EUR 20,140  (620 22 January 2018


 137,834 EUR 30,400  (601 05 February 2018


 82,013 EUR 17,860  (1,413 19 February 2018


 1,143 EUR 250  (25 5 Mart 2018


 97,997 EUR 21,500  (2,154 19 December 2019


 269,451 USD 70,500  (5,010 22 December 2020




Total derivative financial liabilities





Currency forward contracts at 31 December 2017





Notional amount

 Fair value  



 50,000  (2,246 30 January 2018




Total derivative financial liabilities





At 31 December 2017, total derivative financial liabilities of TL 110,108 also include net accrued interest expense of TL 92,384.




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Derivative financial instruments (continued)

Fair value of derivative instruments and risk management

This section explains the judgements and estimates made in determining the fair values of the financial instruments that are recognized and measured at fair value in the financial statements. To provide an indication about the reliability of the inputs used in determining fair value, the Group has classified its financial instruments into the three levels prescribed under the accounting standards. An explanation of each level is as follows:

Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the measurement date;

Level 2 inputs are inputs, other than quoted prices included within Level 1, that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly; and

Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.

   Fair values
   31 December
  31 December
  Fair Value

Valuation Techniques

a)Participating cross currency swap contracts (*)

   653,142   950,862   Level 3   Pricing models based on discounted cash Present value of the estimated future cash flows based on unobservable yield curves and end period FX rates

-Held for trading

   (24,199  950,862    

-Derivatives used for hedging

   677,341   —      

b)FX swap contracts

   656,302   (4,675  Level 2   Present value of the estimated future cash flows based on observable yield curves and end period FX rates

-Held for trading

   602,719   (4,675   

-Derivatives used for hedging

   53,583   —      

c)Currency forward contracts

   —     (2,246  Level 2   Forward exchange rates at the balance sheet date

-Held for trading

   —     (2,246)    


TL 118,647 accrual of net interest expense has been reflected to consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2018 (31 December 2017: TL 72,653). Sincebid-ask spread is unobservable input; in valuation of participating cross currency swap contracts, prices inbid- ask price range which were considered the most appropriate were used instead of mid prices. If mid prices were used in the valuation the fair value of participating cross currency swap contracts would have been TL 123,995 lower as at 31 December 2018 (31 December 2017: TL 129,870).

There were no transfers between fair value hierarchy levels during the year.




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Derivative financial instruments (continued)

Fair value of derivative instruments and risk management (continued)

The following table presents the Group’s financial assets and financial liabilities measured and recognised at fair value at 31 December 2018 and 2017 on a hedge accounting basis:

Fair values


Participating cross currency swap

   Maturity Date   31 December
   31 December
   Change in

value of
since 1 July
   Change in
value of
item used to

EUR Contracts

   500,000    23 October 2025    208,462    627,385    Level 3    1:1    359,400    (359,400

EUR Contracts

   60,000    22 April 2026    64,670    1,078    Level 3    1:1    43,128    (43,128

USD Contracts

   400,000    16 September 2020    394,975    224,560    Level 3    1:1    179,388    (179,388

USD Contracts

   20,000    10 April 2026    9,234    —      Level 3    1:1    13,519    (13,519

Fair values


Cross currency swap contracts

   Maturity Date   31 December
   31 December
   Change in

value of
since 1 July
   Change in
value of
item used to

CNY Contracts

   202,600    22 April 2026    53,583    —      Level 2    1:1    15,600    (15,600




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Derivative financial instruments (continued)

Fair value of derivative instruments and risk management (continued)

EUR 500,000 participating cross currency swap contracts includes TL 690,146 guarantees after CSA agreement.

Movements in the participating cross currency swap contracts for the years ended 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2017 are stated below:

   31 December
   31 December

Opening balance

   950,862    382,054 

Cash flow effect

   (612,466   —   

Total gain/loss:


Gains recognized in profit or loss

   314,746    568,808 







Closing balance

   653,142    950,862 







Net off / Offset

The Company signed a Credit Support Annex (CSA) against default risk of the parties in respect of a EUR 500,000 participating cross currency swap transaction executed on 15 July 2016 and restructured respectively on 26 May 2017 and 9 August 2018. As per the CSA, the swap’s current(mark-to-market) value will be determined on the 10th and 24th calendar day of each calendar month and if themark-to-market value is positive and exceeds a certain threshold, the bank will be posting cash collateral to the Company which will be equal to an amount exceeding the threshold (i.e. if themark-to-market value is negative, the Company would be required to post collateral to the bank by an amount exceeding the threshold).

With respect to the valuations on abi-weekly basis, a transfer will take place between the parties only if themark-to-market value changes by at least EUR 1,000. Following the execution of CSA, the bank transferred EUR 153,540 as collateral to the Company (31 December 2018: TL 925,539) which was the amount exceeding the threshold (EUR 10,000) and the Company transferred EUR 39,050 as collateral to the bank (31 December 2018: TL 235,393) which was the amount exceeding the threshold (EUR 10,000). The Company clarified this with the derivative assets included in the statement of financial position because it has the legal right to offset the collateral amount TL 690,146 that it recognizes under the borrowings and intends to pay according to the net fair value. This amount was netted from the borrowings and deducted from the derivative instruments in the balance sheet. As of 31 December 2018, If this transaction was not conducted, derivative financial instruments assets would have been TL 2,046,208 and current borrowings would have been TL 7,726,055.

Market risk

The Group uses various types of derivatives to manage market risks. All such transactions are carried out within the guidelines set by the treasury and risk management department. Generally, the Group seeks to apply hedge accounting to manage volatility in profit or loss.




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Derivative financial instruments (continued)

Fair value of derivative instruments and risk management (continued)

Currency risk

The Group’s risk management policy is to hedge its estimated foreign currency exposure in respect of borrowing payments with various maturities at any point in time. The Group uses participating cross currency contracts to hedge its currency risk, most with a maturity of more than one year from the reporting date. These contracts are generally designated as cash flow hedges.

The Group designates the hedge ratio, between the amount of hedged item and the hedging instrument is 1:1 to hedge its currency risk.

The time value of options in participating cross currency swap contracts are included in the designation of the hedging instrument and are separately accounted for as a cost of hedging, which is recognised in equity in a cost of hedging reserve. The Group’s policy is for the critical terms of the participating cross currency contracts to align with the hedged item.

The Group determines the existence of an economic relationship between the hedging instruments and hedged item based on the currency, amount and timing of their respective cash flows. The Group assesses whether the derivative designated in each hedging relationship is expected to be and has been effective in offsetting changes in cash flows of the hedged item using the hypothetical derivative method.

In these hedge relationships, the main sources of ineffectiveness are;

the effect of the counterparties’ credit risk on the fair value of the swap contracts, which is not part of the hedged risk and associated credit risk considered to be very low at inception in the fair value of the hedged cash flows attributable to the change in exchange rates;

the entire fair value of the derivative contracts including currency basis was designated as the hedging instrument in cash flow hedge. The hypothetical derivative is modelled to exclude the impact of currency basis.

Interest rate risk

The Group adopts a policy of ensuring that its interest rate risk exposure is at a fixed rate. This is achieved partly by entering into fixed-rate instruments and partly by borrowing at a floating rate and using cross currency and interest rate swaps as hedges of the variability in cash flows attributable to movements in interest rates. The Group applies a hedge ratio of 1:1.

The Group determines the existence of an economic relationship between the hedging instrument and hedged item based on the reference interest rates, tenors, repricing dates and maturities and the notional or par amounts.

The Group assesses whether the derivative designated in each hedging relationship is expected to be effective in offsetting changes in cash flows of the hedged item using the hypothetical derivative method.

In these hedge relationships, the main sources of ineffectiveness are:

the effect of the counterparties’ credit risk on the fair value of the swap contracts, which is not part of the hedged risk and associated credit risk considered to be very low at inception in the fair value of the hedged cash flows attributable to the change in interest rates;




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Derivative financial instruments (continued)

Fair value of derivative instruments and risk management (continued)

Cash flow sensitivity analysis for variable-rate instruments

A reasonably possible change of 100 basis points in interest rates and 10 % change in foreign exchange currency at the reporting date would have increased (decreased) equity and profit or loss by the amounts shown below. This analysis assumes that all other variables, remain constant.

   Profit or Loss   Equity, net of tax 
   100 bp
   100 bp
   100 bp
   100 bp

31 December 2018


Participating cross currency swap contracts

   937,845    9,455    (360,596   (259,066

Cross currency swap contracts

   31,584    320    1,452    4,765 













Cash Flow sensitivity (net)

   969,429    9,775    (359,144   (254,301













Cash flow hedges

The following table provides a reconciliation by risk category of components of equity and analysis of OCI items, net of tax, resulting from cash flow hedge accounting.

   Cost of Hedging

Balance at 1 January 2018

   —      —   

Cash Flow Hedges


Changes in fair value:

   683,706    (448,833

Foreign currency risk

   612,733    (448,833

Interest rate risk

   70,973    —   

Amount reclassified into profit or loss:

   (664,550   101,231 

Foreign currency risk

   (611,035   101,231 

Interest rate risk

   (53,515   —   

Tax on movements during the year:

   (4,214   76,472 







Balance at 31 December 2018

   14,942    (271,130










As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)



Financial instruments

Credit risk

Exposure to credit risk:

The carrying amount of financial assets represents the maximum credit exposure. The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date was:is:


       2015   2014 

Trade receivables

   20     4,935,184     4,282,440  

Cash and cash equivalents*

   22     2,918,343     9,031,635  

Other current assets**

   21     394,089     41,334  

Other non-current assets**

   18     12,687     9,777  

Due from related parties-current

   35     11,760     12,938  


   17     —       11,207  

Available for sale

   17     —       8,143  






     8,272,063     13,397,474  






       2018   2017 

Trade receivables

   19    2,620,991    3,004,206 

Contract assets

     715,441    —   

Receivables from financial services

   20    4,170,929    4,248,120 

Cash and cash equivalents*

   24    7,419,095    4,712,141 

Participating cross currency swap and FX swap contracts

   32    1,356,062    981,396 

Other current assets**

   22    287,469    316,042 

Held to maturity investments

     —      11,992 

Financial asset at fair value through profit or loss

     9,409    —   

Financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income

     42,454    —   

Due from related parties

   37    13,533    5,299 






     16,635,383    13,279,196 









Cash onin hand is excluded from cash and cash equivalents.

**Non-financial instruments such as prepaid

Prepaid expenses, receivable from personnel, receivable from the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of Turkey, other and advances given are excluded from other current assets and othernon-current assets.




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Financial instruments

Credit risk (continued)

Credit quality:

The maximum exposure to credit risk for trade and subscriber receivables, other assets and cash and cash equivalent arising from sales transactions including those classified as due from related parties at the reporting date by type of customer is:


   2015   2014 

Receivable from subscribers

   4,600,214     4,029,290  

Receivables from distributors and other operators

   283,095     210,380  


   63,635     55,708  






   4,946,944     4,295,378  






Other Assets at 31 December 2018(*) Not Due  More Than
30 Days
Past Due
  More Than
60 Days
Past Due
  More Than
90 Days
Past Due
  More Than
120 Days
Past Due
  More Than
150 Days
Past Due
  More Than
150 Days -3
years Past
  More Than
3 - 4 years
Past Due
  More Than
4 - 5 years
Past Due

Gross Carrying Amount

  8,656,954   214,351   80,762   57,761   43,038   25,543   755,982   272,547   319,298   10,426,236 

Loss Allowance

  24,864   4,567   5,238   4,900   6,368   6,028   214,893   182,431   281,522   730,811 


Other Assets includes trade receivables, subscriber receivables, other assets, cash and cash equivalent and due from related parties.

Contract Assets at 31 December 2018 Not Due  More Than
30 Days
Past Due
  More Than
60 Days
Past Due
  More Than
90 Days
Past Due
  More Than
120 Days
Past Due
  More Than
150 Days
Past Due
  More Than
150 Days - 3
years Past
  More Than
3 - 4 years
Past Due
  More Than
4 - 5 years
Past Due

Gross Carrying Amount

  715,441   —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     715,441 

Loss Allowance

  7,370   —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     7,370 




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Financial instruments

Credit risk (continued)

Credit quality:

Other Assets as at 1 January
 Not Due  More Than
30 Days
Past Due
  More Than
60 Days
Past Due
  More Than
90 Days
Past Due
  More Than
120 Days
Past Due
  More Than
150 Days
Past Due
  More Than
150 Days - 3 years
Past Due
  More Than
3 - 4 years
Past Due
  More Than
4 - 5 years
Past Due

Gross Carrying Amount

  6,021,990   194,517   81,804   35,799   52,851   20,493   823,359   208,127   141,717   7,580,657 

Loss Allowance

  24,936   6,136   5,662   4,279   9,766   7,076   323,124   158,198   122,751   661,928 


Other Assets includes trade receivables, subscriber receivables and other assets.

Contract Assets as at 1 January 2018 Not Due  More Than
30 Days
Past Due
  More Than
60 Days
Past Due
  More Than
90 Days
Past Due
  More Than
120 Days
Past Due
  More Than
150 Days
Past Due
  More Than
150 Days - 3
years Past
  More Than
3 - 4 years
Past Due
  More Than
4 - 5 years
Past Due

Gross Carrying Amount

  514,223   —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     514,223 

Loss Allowance

  5,128   —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     5,128 




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Financial instruments (continued)

Impairment losses

Individual receivables which are known to be uncollectible are written off by reducing the carrying amount directly. The agingother receivables are assessed collectively to determine whether there objective evidence that an impairment has been incurred but not yet is been identified. The Group considers that there is evidence of impairment if any of the following indicators are present:

significant financial difficulties of the customer

probability that the customer will enter bankruptcy or financial reorganisation, and

default or delinquency in payments

Receivables for which an impairment provision was recognized are written off against the provision when there is no expectation of recovering additional cash.

Impairment losses are recognized in profit or loss within net impairment losses on financial and contract assets (Note 10). Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off are credited against Net impairment losses on financial and contract assets (Note 10).

Movements in the provision for impairment of trade receivables and due from related parties are as at 31 December 2015 and 2014:follows:


   2015   2014 

Not past due

   4,508,081     3,897,333  

1-30 days past due

   197,250     159,946  

1-3 months past due

   125,497     124,008  

3-12 months past due

   116,116     114,090  






   4,946,944     4,295,377  






   31 December
Contract Asset
   31 December
Other Asset**

Opening balance

   —         705,440 

IFRS 9 effect

   5,128    (43,512

Provision for impairment recognized during the year

   2,242    416,557 

Amounts collected

   —      (166,641

Unused amount reversed (*)

   —      (73,023

Receivables written off during the year as uncollectible

   —      (118,553

Exchange differences

   —      10,540 

Disposal of subsidiaries

   —      3 






Closing balance   7,370    730,811 







31 December
Contract Asset
31 December
Other Asset**

Opening balance

—  964,311

Provision for impairment recognized during the year

—  180,948

Amounts collected

—  (224,460

Unused amount reversed (*)

—  (79,958

Receivables written off during the year as uncollectible

—  (138,529

Exchange differences

—  3,128

Closing balance—  705,440


The Company signed a transfer of claim agreement with a debt management company to transfer some of its doubtful receivables stemming from the years between 1998 to 2016, Transferred doubtful receivables comprise of balances that the Company started legal proceedings.


Other Assets includes trade receivables, subscriber receivables and other assets.




As at and for the yearyears ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


Financial instruments (continued)


Impairment losses (continued)

The change

Movements in allowancethe provision for tradeimpairment of receivables and due from related parties as at 31 December 2015 and 2014 isfinancial services are as follows:


   2015   2014 

Opening balance

   727,732     691,550  

Impairment loss recognized

   196,588     155,931  

Acquisition through business combination

   —       2,316  

Effect of change in foreign exchange rate

   (2,563   (7,372

Amounts written-off

   (105,384   (114,693







Closing balance

   816,373     727,732  







The impairment loss recognized of TL 196,588 for the year ended 31 December 2015 relates to its estimate of incurred losses in respect of trade receivables and due from related parties (31 December 2014: TL 155,931).

Trade receivables and due from related parties are reserved in an allowance account until the Group can determine that the amounts are no longer collectible. When this becomes probable the Group reverses the allowance and writes-off the receivable.

Liquidity risk

Current cash debt coverage ratio as at 31 December 2015 and 2014 is as follows:

   2015   2014 

Cash and cash equivalents

   2,918,796     9,031,881  

Current liabilities

   6,304,417     4,991,169  

Current cash debt coverage ratio (*)

   46%     181%  
   31 December
   31 December

Opening balance

   72,992    10,170 

IFRS 9 effect

   52,951    —   

Provision for impairment recognized during the year

   190,509    117,293 

Amounts collected

   (96,278   (37,503

Unused amount reversed (*)

   (19,901   (16,968






Closing balance   200,273    72,992 








(*)Fluctuation between cash

The Company signed a transfer of claim agreement with a debt coverage ratios as at 31 December 2015 and 2014 resultedmanagement company to transfer some of its doubtful receivables stemming from the dividend paid in 2015, current portionsyear 2017. Transferred doubtful receivables comprise of 4.5G license payable and debt securities issued (Note 23, 30 and 26 respectively).balances that the Company started legal proceedings.





As at and for the yearyears ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


Financial instruments (continued)

Liquidity risk


The following tables detailtable below analyses the Group’s remaining contractual maturity for its financial liabilities with agreed repayment periods. The tables have been drawn upinto relevant maturity groupings based on their contractual maturities for:

allnon-derivative financial liabilities, and

gross settled derivative financial instruments for which the undiscountedcontractual maturities are essential for an understanding of the timing of the cash flows, of financial liabilities based on the earliest date on which the Group can be required to pay. The tables include both interest and principal cash flows. To the extent that interest flows are floating rate, the undiscounted amount is derived from interest rate curves at the end of the reporting period. The contractual maturity is based on the earliest date on which the Group may be required to pay.


  31 December 2015  31 December 2014 
cash flows
  6 months
or less
  More than
5 Years
cash flows
  6 months
or less
  More than
5 Years

Non-derivative financial liabilities


Secured bank loans

  317,874    (327,188  (319,116  (1,050  (1,997  (5,025  —      55,637    (63,433  (51,120  (1,352  (2,586  (6,583  (1,792

Unsecured bank


  2,413,365    (2,753,323  (311,931  (27,032  (647,846  (523,845  (1,242,669  3,600,602    (3,781,992  (1,297,483  (1,099,495  (788,131  (596,883  —    

Finance lease Liabilities

  41,838    (48,985  (6,622  (5  (5,300  (15,897  (21,161  41,418    (48,997  (6,514  (68  (4,754  (14,181  (23,480

Debt securities issued

  1,441,163    (2,289,736  (41,797  (41,797  (83,594  (250,780  (1,871,768  —      —      —      —      —      —      —    

Trade and other


  5,726,862    (5,825,730  (3,195,806  (1,314,962  (1,314,962  —      —      1,158,374    (1,165,748  (1,165,748  —      —      —      —    

Due to related


  6,555    (6,555  (6,555  —      —      —      —      24,632    (24,687  (24,687  —      —      —      —    

Consideration payable in relation to acquisition of Belarusian Telecom (Note 25)

  235,281    (290,760  —      —      —      (290,760  —      163,234    (231,890  —      —      —      —      (231,890



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

 31 December 2015 31 December 2014  31 December 2018 31 December 2017 
cash flows
 6 months
or less
 More than
5 Years
cash flows
 6 months
or less
 More than
5 Years
  Carrying Contractual 6 months 6-12 1-2 2-5 More
than 5
 Carrying Contractual 6 months 6-12 1-2 2-5 More than

Derivative financial



Currency swap contracts

 2,290   (2,159 (2,159  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —    
 Amount cash flows or less Months years years Years Amount cash flows or less months years years Years 

Non-derivative financial liabilities


Secured bank loans

 4,180  (4,712 (1,272 (1,209 (2,231  —     —    4,390  (5,011  —    (1,117 (2,045 (1,849  —   

Unsecured bank loans

 13,526,847  (14,353,989 (4,354,548 (2,065,424 (3,587,398 (2,503,531 (1,843,088 10,533,518  (11,094,697 (3,275,230 (955,637 (2,575,807 (3,035,914 (1,252,109

Finance lease liabilities

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —    122,720  (133,570 (18 (17,429 (16,789 (38,933 (60,401

Debt securities issued

 5,210,562  (7,733,943 (228,838 (149,564 (299,128 (897,385 (6,159,028 1,875,521  (2,753,486 (54,221 (54,221 (108,442 (325,326 (2,211,276

Lease liabilities

 1,413,956  (2,497,426 (372,682 (273,273 (410,826 (666,760 (773,885  —     —     —     —     —     —     —   

Trade and other payables*

 2,372,512  (2,440,300 (2,440,300  —     —     —     —    2,527,152  (2,548,365 (2,548,365  —     —     —     —   

Due to related parties

 45,331  (45,331 (45,331  —     —     —     —    6,980  (6,980 (6,980  —     —     —     —   

Consideration payable in relation to acquisition of Belarusian Telecom (Note 35)

 358,304  (526,090  —     —     —    (526,090  —    323,691  (377,190  —     —     —    (377,190  —   

Derivative financial liabilities Participating Cross Currency Swap and FX swap contracts

 165,265  97,761  55,377   —    12,960  14,522  14,902  107,862  23,428  18,982   —    4,446   —     —   


  —     1,452,163   1,452,163    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      3,444,271  2,519,383   —    193,800  249,288  481,800   1,838,554  1,471,106   —    367,448   —     —   


  —     (1,454,322 (1,454,322  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      (3,346,510 (2,464,006  —    (180,840 (234,766 (466,898  (1,815,126 (1,452,124  —    (363,002  —     —   

Option contracts

  —      —      —      —      —      —      —     837   (837 (837  —      —      —      —    

Currency forward contracts

 (216 (390 (390  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —     —     —     —     —     —     —    2,246  (2,246 (2,246  —     —     —     —   


  —     167,862   167,862    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —             190,185  190,185   —     —     —     —   


  —     (168,252 (168,252  —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —             (192,431 (192,431  —     —     —     —   


























































  10,185,012    (11,544,826  (3,884,376  (1,384,846  (2,053,699  (1,086,307  (3,135,598  5,044,734    (5,317,584  (2,546,389  (1,100,915  (795,471  (617,647  (257,162  23,096,957   (27,504,030  (7,387,594  (2,489,470  (4,286,623  (4,579,244  (8,761,099  15,504,080   (16,898,117  (5,868,078  (1,028,404  (2,698,637  (3,779,212  (3,523,786



























































Advances taken,received, license fee accruals, taxes and withholding taxes payable are excluded from trade and other payables.




As at and for the yearyears ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


Exposure to currency


Financial instruments (continued)

Foreign exchange risk

The Group’s exposure to foreign currencyexchange risk at the end of the reporting period, based on notional amounts, iswas as follows:


  31 December 2014   31 December 2018 
  USD   EUR   USD   EUR   RMB 

Foreign currency denominated assets


Other non-current assets

   57     2,131     222    11    —   

Financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income

   —      7,043    —   

Due from related parties-current

   4,519     190     1,965    223    —   

Trade receivables and accrued income

   31,901     30,557  

Trade receivables and contract assets

   15,786    52,140    —   

Other current assets

   10,852     4,215     70,710    18,977    —   

Cash and cash equivalents

   1,556,596     4,466     786,322    384,800    —   




   1,603,925     41,559  





Foreign currency denominated liabilities


Loans and borrowings-non current

   (362,578   (14,983

Other non-current liabilities

   (88,021   —    

Loans and borrowings-current

   (990,122   (2,093

Trade and other payables

   (139,005   (23,912

Due to related parties

   (2,107   (3,390




   (1,581,833   (44,378





Net exposure

   22,092     (2,819




  31 December 2015 
  USD   EUR 

Foreign currency denominated assets


Other non-current assets

   2,576     2,131  

Due from related parties-current

   3,553     207  

Trade receivables and accrued income

   21,536     29,947  

Other current assets

   141,385     6,200  

Cash and cash equivalents

   618,831     17,911  




   787,881     56,396    










    875,005    463,194    —   

Foreign currency denominated liabilities


Loans and borrowings-non current

   (63,152   (499,911   (481,438   (748,142   (224,519

Debt securities issued-non- current

   (467,810   —       (921,102   —      —   


   (4,719   (24,068   —   

Other non-current liabilities

   (96,481   —       (68,107   —      —   

Loans and borrowings-current

   (2,066   (12,328   (390,876   (523,595   (29,244

Debt securities issued-current

   (27,844   —       (55,074   —      —   

Rent lease obligations-current

   (2,951   (8,223   —   

Trade and other payables-current

   (264,091   (833,791   (233,805   (32,946   (70,553

Trade and other payables-non-current

   —       (399,865

Due to related parties

   (312   (141   (686   (52   —   

Currency swap contracts

   (500,179   457,000  


   —       457,000  


   (500,179   —    

Currency forward contracts

   57,732     —    


   57,732     —    










   (1,364,203   (1,289,036   (2,158,758   (1,337,026   (324,316











Exposure related to derivative instruments


Participating cross currency swap and FX swap contracts

   1,082,036    811,167    202,600 







Net exposure

   (576,322   (1,232,640   (201,717   (62,665   (121,716











   31 December 2017 
   USD   EUR 

Foreign currency denominated assets


Othernon-current assets

   72    2,681 

Due from related parties-current

   571    407 

Trade receivables and accrued income

   18,890    57,283 

Other current assets

   43,039    35,049 

Cash and cash equivalents

   688,717    237,697 






   751,289    333,117 







Foreign currency denominated liabilities



Loans andborrowings-non current

   (557,180   (960,629

Debt securitiesissued-non- current

   (469,387   —   

Othernon-current liabilities

   (85,816   —   

Loans and borrowings-current

   (206,535   (285,827

Debt securities issued-current

   (27,848   —   

Trade and other payables-current

   (328,323   (29,442

Due to related parties

   (1,172   (394






   (1,676,261   (1,276,292







Exposure related to derivative instruments


Participating cross currency swap and FX swap contracts

   937,011    748,650 

Currency forward contracts

   50,000    —   







Net exposure

   62,039    (194,525










As at and for the yearyears ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


The following significant exchange rates are applied during the period:


Financial instruments (continued)

Exposure to currency risk (continued)


   Average Rate   Closing Rate 
   31 December
   31 December
   31 December
   31 December


   2.7271     2.1850     2.9076     2.3189  


   3.0219     2.9004     3.1776     2.8207  


   15,917     10,255     18,569     11,850  


   21.7893     11.8661     24.0007     15.7686  

Sensitivity analysis

The basis for the sensitivity analysis to measure foreign exchange risk is an aggregate corporate-level currency exposure. The aggregate foreign exchange exposure is composed of all assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies. Thecurrencies, the analysis excludes net foreign currency investments.

10% strengtheningstrengthening/weakening of the TL, UAH, BYRBYN against the following currencies as at 31 December 20152018 and 201431 December 2017 would have increased /increased/ (decreased) profit or loss before by the amounts shown below. This analysis assumes that all other variables, in particular interest rates, remain constant.


   Profit or loss 
   2015   2014 


   167,572     (5,123


   391,683     795  

10% weakening of the TL, UAH, BYR against the following currencies as at 31 December 2015 and 2014 would have increased / (decreased) profit or loss before tax by the amounts shown below. This analysis assumes that all other variables, in particular interest rates, remain constant.

Sensitivity analysis


31 December 2018

   Profit/(Loss)   Equity 
   Appreciation of
foreign currency
   Depreciation of
foreign currency
   Appreciation of
foreign currency
   Depreciation of
foreign currency

1- USD net asset/liability

   (106,121   106,121    —      —   

2- Hedged portion of USD risk (-)

   —      —      (9,596   9,596 

3- USD net effect (1+2)

   (106,121   106,121    (9,596   9,596 













4- EUR net asset/liability

   (37,775   37,775    —      —   













5- Hedged portion of EUR risk (-)

   —      —      (23,613   23,613 













6- EUR net effect (4+5)

   (37,775   37,775    (23,613   23,613 













7- Other foreign currency net asset/liability (RMB)

   (9,275   9,275    —      —   

8- Hedged portion of other foreign currency risk (-) (RMB)

   —      —      364    (364

9- Other foreign currency net effect (7+8)

   (9,275   9,275    364    (364













Total (3+6+9)

   (153,171   153,171    (32,845   32,845 














   Profit or loss 
   2015   2014 


   (167,572   5,123  


   (391,683   (795

Sensitivity analysis


31 December 2017

   Profit/(Loss)   Equity 
   Appreciation of
foreign currency
   Depreciation of
foreign currency
   Appreciation of
foreign currency
   Depreciation of
foreign currency

1- USD net asset/liability

   23,400    (23,400   —      —   

2- Hedged portion of USD risk (-)

   —      —      —      —   













3- USD net effect (1+2)

   23,400    (23,400   —      —   













4- EUR net asset/liability

   (87,838   87,838    —      —   

5- Hedged portion of EUR risk (-)

   —      —      —      —   













6- EUR net effect (4+5)

   (87,838   87,838    —      —   













7- Other foreign currency net asset/liability (RMB)

   —      —      —      —   

8- Hedged portion of other foreign currency risk (-) (RMB)

   —      —      —      —   

9- Other foreign currency net effect (7+8)

   —      —      —      —   













Total (3+6+9)

   (64,438   64,438    —      —   
















As at and for the yearyears ended 31 December 20152018

(AmountsAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)


Financial instruments (continued)


Interest rate risk

As at 31 December 20152018 and 20142017 the interest rate profile of the Group’s variable rate interest-bearing financial instruments was:


       31 December 2015   31 December 2014 
   Note   Effective

Fixed rate instruments


Time deposits



     2.6  1,787,190     2.6  3,696,607  


     2.6  54,814     1.0  11,155  


     12.8  481,264     11.2  4,708,441  


     16.6  16,578     18.3  36,368  

Restricted cash



     2.3  349,243     —      —    

Held-to-maturity securities


TL corporate securities

     —      —       10.1  2,965  

Finance lease obligations



     20.5  (88   2.2  (733


     3.4  (41,750   3.4  (40,685

Unsecured bank loans


USD fixed rate loans

     —      —       6.0  (281,157

TL fixed rate loans

     10.2  (507,775   9.8  (474,688

UAH fixed rate loans

     24.4  (130,109   —      —    

Secured bank loans


BYR fixed rate loans

     11.9  (6,192   11.9  (9,521

UAH fixed rate loans

     29.1  (311,682   —      —    

Trade and other payables (*)


EUR fixed rate payables

   30     2.6  (3,861,845   —      —    

Debt securities issued

        —      —    


   26     5.8  (1,441,163   —      —    

Variable rate instruments


Held-to-maturity securities


TL corporate securities

     —      —       12.1  8,242  

Secured bank loans


USD floating rate loans

     —      —       6.3  (46,116

Unsecured bank loans


USD floating rate loans

     3.1  (189,542   2.1  (2,844,757

EUR floating rate loans

     2.4  (1,585,939   —      —    

(*)Includes 4.5G license payables related to the frequency bands which the Company has been awarded with.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

       31 December 2018  31 December 2017 
       Effective  Carrying  Effective  Carrying 
  Interest  interest 
   Note   Rate  Amount  rate  Amount 

Variable rate instruments


USD floating rate loans

     4.3  (4,589,157  3.2  (2,880,615

EUR floating rate loans

     2.1  (6,975,890  2.1  (5,511,579

Sensitivity analysis

Cash flow sensitivity analysis for variable rate instruments:

A changeAn increase/decrease of interest rates by 100 basis points in interest rates as at 31 December 2015 would have (decreased)/increased / (decreased) equity and profit or loss by the amounts shown below. This analysis assumes that all other variables, in particular foreign exchange rates, remain constant. The analysis is performed on the same basis as at 31 December 20152018 and 2014.2017:


   Profit or loss   Equity 
   100 bps
   100 bps
   100 bps
   100 bps

31 December 2015


Variable rate instruments

   (17,755   17,755     —       —    













Cash flow sensitivity (net)

   (17,755   17,755     —       —    













31 December 2014


Variable rate instruments

   (9,632   9,632     —       —    













Cash flow sensitivity (net)

   (9,632   9,632     —       —    












   Profit or loss   Equity 
   100 bps
   100 bps
   100 bps
   100 bps

31 December 2018


Variable rate instruments (financial liability)

   (234,196   234,196    —      —   













Cash flow sensitivity (net)

   (234,196   234,196    —      —   













31 December 2017


Variable rate instruments (financial liability)

   (83,922   83,922    —      —   













Cash flow sensitivity (net)

   (83,922   83,922    —      —   













Fair values

Fair value of the Group’s financial assets and financial liabilities that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis

SomeThis section explains the judgements and estimates made in determining the fair values of the Group’s financial assetsinstruments that are recognized and financial liabilities are measured at fair value in the financial statements. To provide an indication about the reliability of the inputs used in determining fair value, the Group has classified its financial instruments into the three levels prescribed under the accounting standards. An explanation of each level is as follows:

Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the end of each reporting period. The following table gives information about how the fair values of these financial assets and financial liabilities are determined (in particular, the valuation technique(s) and inputs used).measurement date;


   Fair values    
   31 December
   31 December
   Fair Value

Valuation Techniques

Currency swap contracts

   (2,290   —       Level 3    Pricing models based on discounted cash flow analysis using the applicable yield curve

Currency forward contracts

   216     —       Level 3    Pricing models based on discounted cash flow analysis using the applicable yield curve

Option contracts used for hedging

   —       (837   Level 2    Quoted bid prices in financial institutions

Consideration payable in relation to acquisition of Belarusian Telecom

   (235,281   (163,234   Level 3    Net present value (*)

There were no transfers between Level 2 inputs are inputs, other than quoted prices included within Level 1, that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly; and

Level 3 ininputs are unobservable inputs for the period.asset or liability.


(*)Discount rate of 5.1% used for the present value calculation for the consideration payable in relation to acquisition of Belarusian Telecom as of 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: 5.0%). Company management expects consideration payable to be paid during the first quarter of 2020 (31 December 2014: the first quarter of 2022).




As at and for the yearyears ended 31 December 20152018

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Relationship of unobservable inputs to fair value is the higher the discount rate, the lower the fair value.

Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities that are not measured at fair value on a recurring basis (but fair value disclosures are required).

Except as detailed in the following table, the directors consider that the carryingAll amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities recognizeddisclosed in the consolidated financial statements approximate their fair values.

The categories of financial assets and financial liabilities thatnotes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are not measured at fair value on a recurring basis (but fair value disclosures are required) are stated below:

       31 December 2015   31 December 2014 
   Note   Carrying

Assets carried at amortized cost


Other non-current assets**

   18     12,687     12,687     9,777     9,777  

Due from related parties-short term

   36     11,760     11,760     12,938     12,938  

Trade receivables and accrued income*

   20     4,935,184     4,935,184     4,282,440     4,282,440  

Other current assets**

   21     393,873     393,873     41,334     41,334  

Currency forward contract

   21     216     216     —       —    


   17     —       —       11,207     11,207  

Available for sale

   17     —       —       8,143     8,143  

Cash and cash equivalents***

   22     2,918,796     2,918,796     9,031,881     9,031,881  












     8,272,516     8,272,516     13,397,720     13,397,720  













Liabilities carried at amortized cost


Loans and borrowings-long term

   26     (2,127,582   (2,127,582   (1,247,868   (1,247,868

Loans and borrowings-short term

   26     (645,495   (645,495   (2,449,789   (2,449,789

Debt securities issued

   26     (1,441,163   (1,430,409   —       —    

Trade and other payables****

   30     (5,726,862   (5,726,862   (1,158,374   (1,158,374

Due to related parties

   36     (6,555   (6,555   (24,632   (24,632

Currency swap contracts

   26     (2,290   (2,290   —       —    












     (9,949,947   (9,939,193   (4,880,663   (4,880,663













*Includes non-current trade receivables amounting to TL 836,256 (31 December 2014: TL 779,925).
**Non-financial instruments such as prepaid expenses and advances given are excluded from other current assets and other non-current assets.
***Cashand cash equivalents are the only level 1 item on above stated tables all other items are level 2.
****Advances taken, taxes, withholdings payable and accruals are excluded from trade and other payables.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)stated.)



Financial instruments (continued)

Fair values (continued)

Valuation inputs and relationships to fair value

The methodsfollowing table summarizes the quantitative information about the significant unobservable inputs used in determining the fair values of financial instruments are discussed in Note 4.

Reconciliation of Levellevel 3 fair value measurement of contingent consideration,     


Fair value at




31 December



31 December





31 December


31 December


Relationship of unobservable inputs to fair

Contingent consideration

 358,304 323,691 Risk-adjusted discount rate 9,5% 4,8% A change in the discount rate by 100 bps would increase/decrease FV by TL (13,582) and TL 14,250 respectively,
   Expected settlement date first quarter of 2023 first quarter of 2021 If expected settlement date changes by 1 year FV would increase/decrease by TL (31,047) and TL 33,896 respectively,

Changes in the Group’s financial assets and financial liabilities that are measured at fair value on a recurring base is stated below:

Considerationconsideration payable in relation to acquisition of Belarusian Telecom:Telecom for the years ended 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2017 are stated below:


  2015   2014   2018   2017 

Opening balance

   163,234     147,382     323,691    295,062 

Total gains or losses:


in profit or loss

   72,047     15,852  

Gains recognized in profit or loss

   34,613    28,629 









Closing balance

   235,281     163,234     358,304    323,691 









Financial assets:

Carrying values of significant portion of financial assets do not differ significantly from their fair values due to their short-term nature.

Financial liabilities:

Fair values of financial liabilities are assumed to approximate their carrying values due to their short term nature and floating interest rates.

As at 31 December 2018, the fair value of debt securities issued by the Company in 2015 with a nominal value of USD 500,000 and fixed interest rate (Note 28), is TL 2,380,855 (31 December 2017:2,063,972).

As at 31 December 2018, the fair value of debt securities issued by the Company in 2018 with a nominal value of USD 500,000 and fixed interest rate (Note 28), is TL 2,329,011 (31 December 2017:None).

Fair value of cash and cash equivalents and debt securities issued are classified as level 1 and fair value of other financial assets and liabilities are classified as level 2.




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


32.36.Operating leases

The lease contracts, which mainly comprise leases of radio, transmission, office and internet capacity, expire on various dates. The Group does not have right to purchase the leased asset at the end of the lease period. Price escalation clauses of renewal conditions in operational lease agreements differ according to various conditions.

The future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable leases are as follows:

   2015   2014 

Less than one year

   163,526     128,840  

Between one and five years

   206,030     118,564  

More than five years

   7,478     17,375  






   377,034     264,779  







Payments recognized as an expense:

   2015   2014   2013 

Minimum lease payments

   751,816     573,973     616,771  

Contingent lease payments

   1,733     2,848     —    











   753,549     576,821     616,771  










33.Guarantees and purchase obligations

As atAt 31 December 2015,2018, outstanding purchase commitments with respect to the acquisition of property, plant and equipment, inventory, advertising and purchase of sponsorship rent and advertisement services amount to TL 2,752,1391,353,789 (31 December 2014: 2017:TL 3,793,226)592,956). Payments for these commitments are going towill be made in awithin 5 year period.years.

As at 31 December 2015, theThe Group is contingently liable in respect of bank letters of guarantee obtained from banks and given to customs authorities,public institutions and private companies and other public organizations, provided guarantees to private companiesentities, and financial guarantees provided to subsidiaries totalingamounting to TL 2,058,810 as6,530,374 at 31 December 20152018 (31 December 2014:2017: TL 3,789,979).



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

As at 31 December 2015, the amounts the Company has commitments regarding Astelit’s 3G license purchases amounted to UAH 426,311 (equivalent to TL 51,646 as of 31 December 2015) (Note 14)4,926,916).

At 31 December 2015, the total amount of guarantee obtained from banks and provided to Spor Toto amounted to TL 184,7522018, there is no commitments regarding lifecell’s 3G (31 December 2014: TL 188,739)2017:UAH 217,793). The targeted payout is 50% of the turnover balance, including the VAT. The fact that Inteltek is obliged to pay the difference between the realized and the targeted payout balances, whenever the pool balance falls negative, creates an excess payment risk.



Commitments and Contingencies

The following disclosures comprise of material legal lawsuits, investigations andin-depth investigations against the Company.

License Agreements


On 27 April 1998, the Company signed the Agreement for grant of concession for the establishment and Operation of thePan-European Mobile Telephone System, GSM (hereinafter referred to as the “License Agreement”) with the Turkish Ministry. In accordance with the License Agreement, the Company was granted a 25 year license for the provision of GSM services for a license fee of $500,000. The License Agreement permits the Company to operate as a stand-alone GSM operator. Under the License, the Company collects all of the revenue generated from the operations of its GSM network and pays the Turkish Treasury a treasury share and universal service fund, respectively, equal to 15% of its gross revenues from Turkish GSM operations. In February 2002, the GSM License of the Company was renewed under provisions of the new License Agreement signed with the ICTA and in accordance with the License Agreement, the Company became obliged to pay 0.35% of its yearly gross revenue once a year as ICTA Fee. Moreover on 25 June 2005, the Turkish government declared that GSM operators are required to pay 10% of their existing monthly treasury share to the Turkish Ministry as a universal service fund contribution in accordance with Law No: 5369. As a result, starting from 30 June 2005, the Company pays 90% of the treasury share to the Turkish Treasury and 10% to the Turkish Ministry as universal service fund. The Company is authorized to, among other things, set its own tariffs within certain limits, charge peak and off-peak rates, offer a variety of service and pricing packages, issue invoices directly to subscribers, collect payments and deal directly with subscribers.

In accordance with the renewed License Agreement signed with the ICTA in February 2002, the Company became subject to a number of new requirements, including those regarding the build-out, operation, quality and coverage of the Company’s GSM network, prohibitions on anti-competitive behaviour and compliance with national and international GSM standards. Failure to meet any requirement in the renewed License, or the occurrence of extraordinary unforeseen circumstances, can also result in revocation of the renewed License, including the surrender of the GSM network without compensation, or limitation of the Company’s rights thereunder, or could otherwise adversely affect the Company’s regulatory status. Thereafter, the provisions of the License granted to the Company was revised and updated twice under the subsequent License Agreements signed between the Company and the ICTA in 2006 and in 2009. As of the date of this report, the License Agreement dated 21 February 2009 is still in effect.

Certain conditions of the current License Agreement include the following:

Coverage: The Company had to achieve population coverage of 50% with certain exceptions within the first three years, and 90% of the population of Turkey within five years from the effective date of the first License granted to the Company.

Service offerings: The Company must provide certain services in addition to general GSM services, including free emergency calls and technical assistance for subscribers, free call forwarding to police and



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

other public emergency services, receiver-optional short messages, video text access, calling and connected number identification and restrictions, call forwarding, call waiting, call hold, multi-party and third-party conference calls, billing information and barring of a range of outgoing and incoming calls.

Service quality: In general, the Company must meet all national and international service quality standards determined and updated by both the ICTA and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute and Secretariat of the GSM MoU. Service quality requirements include that call blockage cannot exceed 5% and unsuccessful calls cannot exceed 2%.

Tariffs: ICTA sets the initial maximum retail tariffs in TL and USD. Thereafter, the revised License provides that the ICTA will adjust the maximum tariffs at most every six months or, if necessary, more frequently. The Company is free to set its own tariffs up to the maximum tariffs.

Rights of the ICTA, Suspension and Termination:

The revised License is not transferable without the prior approval of the ICTA. In addition, the License Agreement gives the ICTA certain monitoring rights and access to the Company’s technical and financial information and allows for inspection rights, and gives certain rights to suspend operations under certain circumstances. Also, the Company is obliged to submit financial statements, contracts and investment plans to the ICTA.

The ICTA may suspend the Company’s operations for a limited or an unlimited period if necessary for the purpose of public security and national defence etc. During period of suspension, the ICTA may operate the Company’s GSM network itself.

The License term will be extended by the period of any suspension. The revised License may also be terminated upon a bankruptcy ruling against the Company or for other license violations, such as operating outside of its allocated frequency ranges, and the penalties for such violations can include fines, loss of frequency rights, revocation of the license and confiscation of the network management centre, the gateway exchanges and central subscription system, including related technical equipment, immovables and installations essential for the operation of the network.

Based on the law enacted on 3 July 2005 with respect to the regulation of privatization, gross revenue description used for the calculation of treasury share has been changed. According to this new regulation, accrued interest charges for the late payments, taxes such as indirect taxes, and accrued revenues are excluded from the description of gross revenue. Calculation method of gross revenue for treasury share stipulated in the law according to the new regulation shall be valid as of the application date of the Company with the claim of amendment of its license agreement in compliance with the said Law. In the meanwhile, the Company realized the payments including above-mentioned items between 21 July 2005 and 10 March 2006, when the amendment in license agreement was effective.

On 9 June 2008, the Company filed a lawsuit before Administrative Court for the difference between the aforementioned period amounting to TL 102,649 and interest amounting to TL 68,276 (equivalent to till to the date the case is filed. The Administrative Court rejected the case with the reason that there is not any definite and executable process and the Company appealed the decision. The Council of State rejected the appeal request. The Company requested correction of the decision. The Council of State rejected the Company’s request for the correction of the decision.

On 26 August 2013, the Company filed a lawsuit before ICC against Undersecretariat of Treasury. The lawsuit is still pending. The arbitral tribunal accepted the case with respect to all claims and ruled Treasury to pay Turkcell amounting to TL 102,649 together with its interest from date of the each payment made between 2005 and 2006 till the date of refund. Treasury filed a lawsuit for cancellation of the Final Award.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

USD 500,000.

3G License

On 30 April 2009, the Company signed a separate License Agreement with ICTA which provides authorization for providing IMT 2000/UMTS services and establishment and operation of the required infrastructure. Turkcell acquired the A license providing the widest frequency band for a consideration of EUR 358,000 (excluding VAT). The license is effective for duration of 20 years starting from 30 April 2009.2009, According to the agreement, operators haveTurkcell has provided IMT 2000/UMTS services starting from 30 July 2009.

In accordance with the 3G License Agreement, the Company must cover the population within the borders of all metropolitan municipalities and borders of all cities and municipalities in three and six years, respectively. Moreover, the Company must cover the population in all settlement areas with a population higher than 5,000 and 1,000 within eight and ten years, respectively following the effective date of the IMT 2000/UMTS License agreement.

4.5G License

In the 4.5G (IMT) tender held on 26 August 2015, the Company purchased a total of 172.4 MHz, the broadest 4.5G (IMT) spectrum allocation of any operator in Turkey (including widest frequency bands on 1800 MHz and 2600 MHz) for EUR 1,623,460 (equivalent to TL 5,158,706 as at 31 December 2015). (excluding VAT of 18%) will be paid semi-annually by four equal installments total of which amount to EUR 1,655,290 (equivalent to TL 5,259,850 as at 31 December 2015) including interest and excluding VAT of 18%. As at 26 October 2015, the Company made a payment of TL 1,321,873 for the original amount of EUR 413,823 as first installment and total VAT amounting to TL 933,447 for the original amount of EUR 292,223 in cash. Last installment will be paid on 27 April 2017.

The 4.54,5 licensing process is finalized by signing of IMT License Commitments Document by Turkcell and therefore, ICTA granted Turkcell 4.5G4,5G License on 27 October 2015. The 4.5G License is effective for 13 years until 30 April 2029.2029, According to the License, Turkcell expectstarted to commence providingprovide 4.5G services fromon 1 April 2016.

According to the IMT License Commitments Document, the Company;

a)must achieve population coverage of 95% of the population of Turkey and coverage of 90% of the population within the borders of all cities and all city districts within eight years,

b)must cover 99% of highways, high speed railroads and tunnels with lengths more than one kilometers within three years, 95% of double roads within six years and 90% of conventional railroads within ten years and,

c)is obliged to share actively with other mobile operators, any new 3G or 4.5G site which it will decides to build within settlement areas with a population of less than 10,000 and highways, double roads, tunnels, high speed railroads and conventional railroads.

from the effective date of the first License granted to the Company.

Also, Turkcell must to only purchase locally produced network equipment and purchase up to 45% of the network equipment and services from vendors with local research and development centers while building its infrastructure for 4.5G networks.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Belarusian Telecom:

Belarusian Telecom owns a license issued on 28 August 2008 for a period of 10 years and was valid till 28 August 2018. According to the Sale and Purchase Agreement signed, the State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus committed to grant the license from the acquisition date of 26 August 2008 for a period of 10 years. In accordance with the Edict of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 26 November 2015, numbered 475, the license is now issued without limitation of the period of validity. Starting from 1 March 2016, the license is valid from the date of the licensing authority’s decision on its issue and for an unlimited period. Under the terms of its license, Belarusian Telecom is required to gradually increase its geographical coverage until the end of 2017.2018. Belarusian Telecom has fulfilled all coverage requirements except covering all Belarusian settlements. The number of uncovered settlements is 648646 out of a total of 22,552 settlements.




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Commitments and Contingencies (continued)

License Agreements (continued)


Astelitlifecell owns threeeleven activity licenses:licenses, for GSM 900, GSM 1800 and a technology neutral license, issued for 3G. As at December 31, 2015, Astelit owned 26 frequency use licenses for UMTS 2100, GSM 900, GSM 1800, CDMA and microwave Radiorelay, which are regional and national. In addition to the GSM licenses, Astelit owns3G, one license for international and long-distance calls and eight PSTN licenses for eight regions in Ukraine. As of December 31, 2018, lifecell owned 29 frequency use licenses for IMT(LTE-2600,LTE-1800,IMT-2000 (UMTS),GSM-900,GSM-1800,CDMA-800.Wi-fi and microwave Radiorelay and Broadband Radio Access, which are regional and national. Licenses for IMT(LTE-2600,LTE-1800) andGSM-1800 were issued on 4G tenders, held in Q1’2018. Additionally, Astelitlifecell holds a specific number range—range – three NDC codes for mobile networks, fourtwenty one permissions on a number of resourcesresource for short numbers, eleven permissions on a number of resourcesresource forSS-7 codes (7 regional and 4 international), one permission on a number of resourcesresource for Mobile Network Code, and sixteennine permissions on a number of resourcesresource for local ranges for PSTN licenses.

According to the licenses, Astelit must adhere to state sanitary regulations to ensure that the equipment used does not injure the population by means of harmful electromagnetic emissions. Licenses require Astelit to inform authorities of the start/end of operations within four monthstwo permissions on a service codes for alternative routing selection for international and changes in the incorporation address within 30 days.

Also, Astelit must present all the required documentslong-distance fixed telephony and one permission on a code for inspection by the NCCIR by their request. The NCCIR may suspend the operations of Astelit for a limited or an unlimited period if necessary due to the expiration of the licenses, upon mutual consent, or in the case of a violation of the terms regarding the use of radio frequencies. If such a violation is determined, the Ukrainian Telecommunications Authority will notify Astelit of the violations and will set the deadline for recovery. If the deadline is not met, the licenses may be telecommunication service “800”.


Our affiliate, Inteltek following an international bidding process, signed a contractInternet Teknoloji Yatırım ve Danılşmanlık Ticaret A.Ş. (“Inteltek”), on 30 July 2002 which provides for the installation, support and operationCompany holds 55% of an on-line central betting system as well as maintenance and support for the provision of football games. The Central Betting System Contract was scheduled to expire on 30 March 2008.

Inteltek signed another contract with General Directorate of Youth and Sports (“GDYS”) on 2 October 2003 which authorized Inteltekits shares, has been incorporated in order to establish and operate a risk management center and become head agentcentral system for fixed odds betting. The Fixed Odds Betting Contract was scheduled to expire in October 2011. However, in relation to the lawsuits related to the operationsgames of Inteltek, GDYS ceased the implementation of the Fixed Odds Betting Contract starting from March 2007. Following this annulment decision, Spor Toto and Inteltek signed a new Fixed Odds Betting Contract on 15 March 2007, with less-advantageous conditions compared to previous contract signed in 2003, which expired onchance through multi-access electronic platforms. Until 1 March 2008.



As at and for2009, İnteltek operated games of chance basing on the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Inteltek signed a new Fixed Odds Betting Contractagreement executed with Spor Toto havingDirectorate (“Spor Toto”) dated 29 August 2008. Inteltek gave the same terms and conditions withbest offer at the latest contracts signed with Spor Toto which took effect on 1 March 2008. At the same time, Inteltek signed a new Central Betting System Contract with Spor Toto, which took effect on 31 March 2008 as having the same conditions with the current contract and both contracts were to be valid for one year almost until the operation started as a result of the new tender.

On 12 August 2008, Spor Toto conducted a tender which allowed private companies to organize fixed oddsgames of chance and paramutual betting games based on sports competitions. Inteltek gave the best offer for the tender. On 29 August 2008, Inteltek signed a new contract with Spor Toto, receiving the rights to operate the fixed odds and paramutual betting games based on sports competitions for the nexta term of ten years. New commission rate, which is 1.4% ofUnder this agreement, the takings arising from the operation of the fixed odds and paramutual betting games based on sports competitions (until 1 March 2009, commission rate was 7%1.4% and the targeted payout was 50% of gross takings), is applicable starting from March 2009.the turnover balance including VAT. As ofat 31 December 31, 2015,2018, Inteltek has a letter of guarantee of TL 159,752159,572 (31 December 2014:2017: TL 159,752) provided to Spor Toto.

As the term of the agreement executed between Spor Toto and İnteltek dated 29 August 2008 has been expired on 29 August 2018 and the new tender has not been concluded yet, an agreement of “procurement through bargaining” has been signed between İnteltek and Spor-Toto being effective from 29 August 2018 and for a term of up to 1 year as per to the article 26 of the Law on the Transfer of Rights to Organize Fixed Odds and Paramutual Betting Games Based on Sports Competitions to Private Legal Entities numbered 5738. The agreement of “procurement through bargaining” is afollow-up of the agreement which currently exists and the terms and conditions of this agreement are generally same with the agreement which has been expired as of 29 August 2018.

Inteltek has a mobile agency agreement with Spor Toto, receiving the rights to assign mobile sub agencies to operate the fixed odds and paramutual betting games based on sports competitions. As at 31 December 2018, Inteltek has mobile agency commission revenue by applying commission rate between % 2.24 – % 3.62 of mobile agency turnover after deducting VAT and Gaming Tax. As of 31 December 2015, Inteltek hasprovided a letter of guarantee of TL 25,000 (31 December 2014:2017: TL 28,987)25,000) provided to Spor Toto for mobile agency agreement. The targeted payout is 50% of the turnover balance including VAT. The fact that Inteltek is obliged to pay the difference between the realized and the targeted payout balances, whenever the pool balance falls negative, creates an excess payment risk.

Kibris Telekom:

On 27 April 2007, Kibris Telekom signed the License Agreement for Installation and Operation of a Digital, Cellular, Mobile Telecommunication System (“Mobile Communication License Agreement”) with the Ministry of Communications and Public Works of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus which is effective from 1 August 2007, replacing the previousGSM-Mobile Telephony System Agreement dated 25 March 1999. In accordance with the Mobile Communication License Agreement, Kibris Telekom was granted an 18 year GSM 900, GSM 1800 and IMT 2000/UMTS license for GSM 900, GSM 1800 frequencies while the usage of IMT 2000/UMTS frequency bands is subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions.




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Commitments and Contingencies (continued)

License Agreements (continued)

Kibris Telekom(continued):

On 14 March 2008, Kibris Telekom was awarded a 3G infrastructure license at a cost of $10,000.000$10,000 including VAT, which was paid at the end of March 2008. Under the terms of the license, the system had to be operational bymid-October 2008. In 2010, Kibris Telekom has completed the radio transmission (air link) project providing direct international voice and data connection with mainland and started using it from the third quarter of 2010. The Project is the only direct connection in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus besides Telecommunication Authority.

Under the Mobile Communication License Agreement, Kibris Telekom also pays the tax authorities


Dispute on Treasury Share Amounts

The Undersecretariat of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus aTreasury and ICTA alleged that Company made deficient treasury share on monthly basis equal to 15% of gross revenues excluding accrued interest charges for the late payments, indirect taxes and accrued revenues for reporting purposes, payments made to third parties for value added services, interconnection revenues, roaming income from own subscribers after the related payment made to other operators.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Turkcell Superonline:

Turkcell Superonline was authorized as a Fixed Telephony, Satellite Communication Service, Infrastructure, Internet Service Provider, Cable Broadcast Service and Mobile Virtual Network Operator.

Authorization By-Law for Telecommunication Services and Infrastructure published in Official Gazette on dated 26 August 2004 abrogated the By-Law on Authorization for Electronic Communications Sector dated 28 May 2009. According to this abrogation, Superonline’s “License” on, Infrastructure Operating Service, Internet Service Provision, Satellite Communication Service has been changed to “Authority” on, Infrastructure Operating Service, Internet Service Provision, Satellite Communication Service, Cable Broadcast Service and Superonline’s “License” on Long Distance Telephony Services License has been changed to “Authority” relevantcontribution to the Fixed Telephony Services.

In accordance withauthority expenses payments in the new legislation issued by ICTA,past, the infrastructure operator authorization right of Superonline has become infinite. As a result, Superonline revised the expected useful lives of its operating license and related fixed network equipment from 15 yearsCompany objected to 25 years.

Superonline was authorized as Platform Operator and Infrastructure Operator, according to the Radio and Television Supreme Council’s decision numbered 24, dated 26 March 2014.

Such Authorizations have been provided by the Radio and Television Supreme Council, according to the rules of the Media Law and also the Radio and Television Supreme Council By-Law on Broadcasting via Cable Networks.

In accordance with the Media Law and its regulations, the Platform Operator Authorization and Infrastructure Operator Authorization are provided annually.

Within the scope of the Platform Operator Authorization and Infrastructure Operator Authorization, Superonline has the right to operate the platform and Infrastructure of TV services.


Azerinteltek, in which Inteltek’s shareholding is 51%, was established on 19 January 2010, and authorized to organize, operate, manage and develop the fixed-odds and para-mutual sports betting games by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan for a period of 10 years. The agreement signed with Azeridmanservis which is founded by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan is renewed with the same terms and conditions in accordance with the new legislation enforced in Azerbaijan regarding the betting games based on sports on 30 September 2010. Azerinteltek officially commenced sports betting games on 18 January 2011. On 4 March 2015, Azerinteltek authorization of organizing, operating, managing and developing the fixed-odds and para-mutual sports betting games of was extended till 2 March 2025.

Starting from 1 January 2013, Azerinteltek has been authorized for 3 years regarding the sales of Lottery tickets by Azerlotereya. On 1 January 2016, Azerinteltek authorization regarding the sales of Lottery tickets was extended for 1 year.

Interconnection Agreementsthese claims.

The Company has entered into interconnection agreements with a numberresolved the following within the scope of operators in TurkeyProvisional Article 13 added to the Telegraph and overseas including Turk Telekom, Vodafone Telekomunikasyon AS (“Vodafone”), Avea Iletisim Hizmetleri AS (“Avea”), GmbH and Globalstar Avrasya Uydu Ses ve Data Iletisim AS (“Globalstar”).



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

The initial Access and Interconnection Regulation became effective when it was first issued by the ICTA on 23 May 2003, on 14 June 2007 and 8 September 2009, two subsequent Access and Interconnection Regulations were issued by the ICTA which repealed the previous Regulation. AsTelephone Law No.406 dated 4 February 1924 of the date of this report, the Access and Interconnection Regulation dated 8 September 2009 (the “Regulation”) is still in effect.

The Regulation is driven largely by a goal to improve the competitive environment. Under the Regulation, the ICTA may compel all telecommunications operators to accept another operator’s request for use of and access to its network. All telecommunications operators in Turkey may be required to provide access to other operatorsLaw on the same termsAmendment of Certain Tax Laws and qualifications providedOther Laws No. 7061 published in the Official Gazette dated December 5th, 2017: to restructure relevant disputes and their shareholders, subsidiaries and affiliates.

In accordance with the Regulation, the Company entered into access and interconnection agreements with 53 different operators.

In addition, the ICTA has required operators holding significant market power, as well as Turk Telekom, to share certain facilities with other operators under certain conditionsinterest fees and to provide co-location on their premiseschoose the method of increasing for the equipment of other operators at a reasonable price. The ICTA has also required telecommunications operators to provide number portability, which means allowing users to keep the same phone numbers even after they switch from one network to another starting from 9 November 2008.

Under a typical interconnection agreement, each party agrees, among other things to permit the interconnection of its network with the Company’s network to enable calls to be transmitted to, and receivedrelevant years’ legal payment amounts from the GSM system operated by each party in accordance with technical specifications set out in the interconnection agreement. Typical interconnection agreements also establish understandings between the parties relating to a number of key operational areas, including call traffic management, quality and performance standards, interconnection interfaces and other technical, operational and procedural aspects of interconnection.

There are no minimum payment obligations under the interconnection agreements; however, failure to carry the counterparty’s traffic may expose the Company to financial and other penalties or loss of interconnection privileges for its own traffic. On the other hand, ICTA regulates “Standard Interconnection Tariffs” for domestic traffic.

As at 31 December 2014 the management believes that Turkcell is in compliance with the above mentioned license and interconnection agreements’ conditions and requirements in all material respects.

Commitments and Contingencies related to Turkcell

Onerous contracts

The Company won the tender regarding the construction and operation of mobile communication infrastructure in rural areas (“Evrensel Project”) with the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications on 17 January 2013. The Company is liable to complete the construction for a predetermined amount in TL while most of the expenditures are in foreign currencies. The appreciation in the foreign exchange rates has resulted in the unavoidable costs of meeting the obligations to exceed the economic benefits expected to be received. Therefore, the Company accrued a provision amounting to TL84,693 for the difference between the unavoidable costs and benefits expected to be received for this onerous contract. However, the Company has also increased their foreign currency denominated bank deposits position within the period of undertaking the projectoptions in order to hedge against the currency



As atrestructure relevant disputes and their interest fees for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressedperiods for which examination is ongoing or has not been yet initiated. The Company applied for restructure, and according to the Law the Company submitted waiver petition or accepted the cases related to the restructured amounts. In some of the cases, the Courts already granted decisions in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

risk associatedline with the contractpetitions submitted by the Company and additionally recognized accumulated foreign exchange gains over these deposits as a resultin the other pending cases, it is expected that the Courts shall grant decisions in line with the statement of waiver/acceptance of the appreciation in the foreign exchange rates in the consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2015.

In the consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2015, TL 44,925 of the respective amount was netted off with expenses paid upfront in relation to “Evrensel Project” under short-term prepaid expenses

Legal Proceedings

The Group is involved in various claims and legal actions arising in the ordinary course of business described below.

Concession Agreement

Dispute on treasury share in accordance with the amended license agreementaforementioned cases.

Based on the law enactedLaws stated above, the total amount, including principal and interest, calculated is TL 206,365 and is TL 209,159, respectively. The total payment including interest on 3 July 2005 with respect to the regulation of privatization, the calculation basis for the treasury share has been changed. According to this new regulation, accrued interest charges for the late payments, taxes such as indirect taxes,installments is TL 436,300 and accrued revenues are excluded from the calculation basis. Calculation method of gross sales for treasury share stipulated in the law according to the new regulation shall be valid as of the application date of Turkcell with the claim of amendment of its license agreement in compliance with the said Law. In the meanwhile, Turkcell realized the payments including above-mentioned items between 21 July 2005 and 10 March 2006, when the amendmenthave been made in license agreement was effective.6 equal installments in 2018.

On 9 June 2008, Turkcell filed a lawsuit before Administrative Court for the difference between the aforementioned period amounting to TL 102,649 and interest amounting to TL 68,276 till to the date the case is filed. The Administrative Court rejected the case without any examination and reasoned that the case shall be settled by arbitration. Turkcell appealed the decision. The Council of State rejected the appeal request. Turkcell requested correction of the decision. The Council of State rejected the Turkcell’s request for the correction of the decision.

On 26 August 2013, Turkcell filed a lawsuit before International Chamber of Commerce (“ICC”) Court of Arbitration against the Undersecretariat of Treasury. The arbitral tribunal accepted the case with respect to all claims and ruled Treasury to pay Turkcell amounting to TL 102,649 together with its interest from date of the each payment made between 2005 and 2006 till the date of refund. Undersecretariat of Treasury filed a lawsuit for cancellation of the Final Award.

Since it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, no asset or related income is recognizedNo liabilities remain in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 20152018 (31 December 2014: None)2017: TL 417,668).


Disputes on Special Communication Tax and Value Added Tax


Disputes on SCT for the year 2011

Large Tax Payers Office levied Special Communication Tax (SCT) and tax penalty on the Company as a result of the Tax Investigation for the year 2011. The Company filed lawsuits for the cancellation of the notification regarding the contribution share payments arising afteraforementioned SCT assessment. The court partially accepted and partially rejected the amendments made tocases and the Concession Agreement in accordance withparties appealed the Code numbered 5398decisions regarding the parts against them. The Large Tax Payers Office has collected TL 80,355 calculated for the parts against the Company for the assessment of the SCT for the year 2011 by offsetting the receivables of the Company from Public Administrations.

BasedAs per the Law no. 6736, the Company filed applications for the restructuring of penalties and interest on the 9tharticleSCT regarding the dispute on the tax, while the cases are pending before the court of appeal. Tax Office rejected the application for the year 2011. The Company also filed a case for the cancellation of aforementioned rejection act of the license agreement dated 10 March 2006, Turkcell has been obliged to pay 0.35%Tax Office for the year 2011. The case is pending as well as the cases regarding the cancellation of its yearly gross revenue once athe SCT assessment for the year as ICTA Fee.2011.

However, in the previous license agreement, Turkcell was obliged to pay 0.35% of its yearly gross revenue after deducting treasury share, universal service fund and other indirect taxes from the calculation base




As at and for the yearyears ended 31 December 20152018

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

whereas in the new agreement, these aforementioned payments are not deducted from the base of the calculation. Therefore, on 12 April 2006, Turkcell filed a lawsuit for the cancellation of the 9tharticle of the new license agreement.

On 10 March 2009, the Court rejected the case. Turkcell appealed the decision. The Council of State decided to approve the decision of the First Instance Court. Turkcell applied for the correction of the decision. The correction of the decision process is still pending.

On 21 June 2006, ICTA notified Turkcell that the ICTA fee for the year 2005 which had been already paid in April 2006 should have been calculated according to the new license agreement dated10 March 2006 instead of the previous license agreement which was effective in the year 2005. Therefore, ICTA requested Turkcell to pay additional TL 4,011 and its accrued interest. Turkcell made the payment and filed a lawsuit for the stay of execution and cancellation of the aforesaid decision of ICTA on 28 August 2006. On 24 July 2009, the Court decided in favor of Turkcell and annulled additional payment request of ICTA. The ICTA appealed the decision. The Council of State reversed the decision with the reason that the case shall be settled by arbitration. ICTA applied for the correction of the decision. The Council of State rejected ICTA’s request for the correction of the decision. The First Instance Court granted its decision in line with the reversal decision and rejected the case. Both Turkcell and ICTA appealed the decision. Turkcell replied this request. The Council of State approved the First Instance Court decision. Turkcell requested for the correction of decision in due time. The correction of the decision process is still pending.

Turkcell received the related principal amount of TL 4,011 on 8 February 2010 and recorded incomeAll amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements asand notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Commitments and Contingencies (continued)


Disputes on Special Communication Tax and Value Added Tax


Disputes on SCT for the years 2013 and 2014 and effects of Law No. 7143

Tax assessments for prepaid card sales for 2013 and 2014 have been completed. The Company has been notified of the tax audit reports prepared at the end of the said investigations. The Company management has decided to benefit from Law No. 7143, which provides advantageous payment and discount provisions, regarding the criticized issues in the tax audit reports and TL 39,362 has been paid (31 December 2017: TL 24,175).


Disputes on SCT and VAT for the years 2015 and 2016

Turkish telecom sector players including Turkcell has been subjected to a limited tax audit with respect from VAT and SCT for 2015 and 2016. At the end of the tax audit process for the year endedCompany no issues to be criticized were identified for 2015. However, some of bundle offers and some services offered by the Company are subjected to criticism by tax authority for 2016. As of 31 December 2009. Upon2018, respectively tax claims arising from SCT and VAT amounting to TL 134,537 and TL 113,367 including the reversal decision ofprincipal and penalty amounts have been notified to the Council of State, ICTA re-claimed the aforementioned amount which returned to TurkcellCompany. Administrative process has been initiated in accordance with the first instance court decision. Turkcell paid back the aforementioned amount with its accrued interest on 24 January 2013.

On the other hand, as the interest was not paid with the payment that ICTA made on 8 February 2010, Turkcell initiated a lawsuit on 17 March 2010, for the accrued interest amounting to TL 3,942 for the time being devoid of the amount which was paid to ICTA. The Court decided in favor of Turkcell for the part of TL 1,392 of the compensation request. ICTA appealed the decision. Turkcell also appealed the decision’s rejected part. The appeal process is still pending. Turkcell received the aforementioned amount on 18 May 2011 and recorded as income in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2011. Upon the re-pay request of the ICTA, Turkcell paid back the aforementioned amount on 24 January 2013.

Dispute on the discounts which are paid over the treasury share and ICTA fee

At the end of 2006, Tax Auditors of Turkcell claimed that gross revenue in the statutory accounts should include discounts granted to distributors although Turkcell recorded these discounts in a separate line item as sales discounts.

Starting from 1 January 2007, Turkcell started to deduct discounts granted to distributors from gross revenue and present them on a net basis. Accordingly, Turkcell decided that, it has paid excess treasury share and universal service fund for the year 2006 totaling TL 51,254.

Through the letter dated 23 February 2007, Turkcell requested treasury share amounting to TL 46,129 and interest accrued amounting to TL 5,020 from Turkish Treasury and universal service fund amounting to TL 5,125 and interest accrued amounting to TL 558 from Turkish Ministry to be paid in 10 days. Since



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Turkish Treasury and Turkish Ministry have not made any payment, Turkcell started to deduct these amounts from ongoing monthly payments. As at 31 December 2007, Turkcell deducted TL 51,254 from monthly treasury share and universal service fund payments.

Turkish Treasury sent a letter to Turkcell dated 17 July 2007 and objected the deduction of the discounts granted to the distributors from the treasury share payments. Accordingly, Turkcell is asked to return TL 2,960 that is deducted from treasury share payment for May 2007. Turkcell has not made the related payment and continued to deduct such discounts treasury share and universal service fee amount related to discounts granted to distributors for the year 2006.

Management believes that Turkcell has the legalrelevant legislation while reserving right to make deductions with respect to this issue. Accordingly, the Company has not recorded any provisions with respect to this matter in its consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Turkcell filed two lawsuits before ICC claiming that Turkcell is not obliged to pay treasury share and ICTA Fee in accordance with the 8th and 9th Articles of the Concession Agreement, respectively, on discounts granted to distributors. On the both lawsuits, ICC has decided in favor of Turkcell. As stated in both of the Final Awards, Turkcell is not under obligation of paying Treasury Share and the Contribution to the expenses of Authority pursuant to Article of 8 and 9 of the Concession Agreement dated 10 March 2006. ICTA filed lawsuits for cancellation of these Final Awards. In both lawsuits, the Court decided in favor of Turkcell. ICTA appealed the decisions. Turkcell replied to the appeal requests. The Court of Cassation reversed the decisions of the First Instance Court. Turkcell has applied for the correction of the decision. The Court of Cassation rejected the request for correction of the decision of Turkcell. On the hearing dated 28 November 2012, the Local Court decided to accept the lawsuit in accordance with the reversal decision of The Court of Cassation. Full decisions are notified to Turkcell. Turkcell appealed the decisions. Appeal process is still pending.

Dispute on payments of additional treasury share payment for the period between 1 June 2004 and 9 March 2006

Turkish Treasury, through a letter which is based on the Report of the Treasury Controller’s Board following the examinations covering the period between 1 June 2004 and 9 March 2006, requested additional treasury share payment regarding the mentioned period. Turkcell initiated a lawsuit before ICC on 18 December 2009 in order to obtain a declaratory judgment that Turkcell is not obliged to pay TL 3,320 of the requested amount and treasury share over the exchange differences arising from roaming revenue. The arbitral tribunal partially accepted Turkcell’s claims and decided that Turkcell is not obliged to pay TL 885. ICTA filed a lawsuit for cancellation of the in favor parts of the Final Award. Subsequently Turkcell filed a lawsuit for cancellation of the disadvantageous part of the Final Award. The lawsuit filed by Turkcell has been dismissed. The final award is appealed by ICTA. Turkcell submitted its responses to the appeal. Appeal process is still pending.

ICTA, through a letter dated 14 May 2010 which is based on the Report of the Treasury Controller’s Board following the examinations covering the period between 1 June 2004 to 9 March 2006, requested additional treasury share payment of TL 4,909 together with the penalty of TL 12,171 on the ground that the treasury share and treasury share over the exchange differences arising from roaming revenue are not paid entirely.

On 26 May 2010, Turkcell, in order to provide the suspension of the payment, requested a preliminary injunction from the Civil Court of First Instance based on the grounds that the payment of additional treasury share payment of TL 4,909 together with the penalty of TL 12,171 is a pending case before ICC



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Arbitration Court. The Civil Court of First Instance accepted Turkcell’s request. ICTA raised an objection to the preliminary injunction and this objection has been rejected.

Turkcell filed a lawsuit before ICC on 27 January 2012 claiming the contradiction to law of the penalty of TL 12,171. ICC Arbitration Court decided in favor of Turkcell, accepting all its claims. ICTA filed a lawsuit for cancellation of the final award in the Ankara Civil Court of First Instance. The Court held its award rejecting ICTA’s claim of cancellation. ICTA appealed the decision. The appeal process is still pending.

The ICTA, through a letter dated 19 October 2010 which is based on the Report of the Treasury Controller’s Board following the examinations covering the period between 10 March 2006 and 31 December 2008, requested treasury share of TL 72,527 and conventional penalty of TL 205,594. Turkcell paid TL 1,535 of the aforementioned amount.

On 13 December 2010, Turkcell, seeking to suspend the payment, requested a preliminary injunction from the Civil Court of First Instance based on the grounds that the payment of treasury share of TL 70,992 and conventional penalty of TL 205,594 was a pending case before ICC Arbitration Court. The Court accepted Turkcell’s request. The ICTA’s objection against the decision has been rejected.

Turkcell filed lawsuit request for arbitration before ICC on 12 January 2011 regarding the allegedly underpaid treasury share payments over certain revenue items as discussed in the Treasury Controller’s Report dated 30 May 2010, and corresponding purported penalty in amount of TL 205,594. Turkcell requested the Arbitral Tribunal to award that TL 68,365 of the total amount requested in the Treasury Controller’s Report has either been paid or is the subject matter of other arbitration cases. Turkcell further requested the Tribunal to declare that the request for treasury share payment of the remaining TL 4,163 is unfounded, together with a declaration that Turkcell should not be obliged to make treasury share payment over certain revenue items as discussed in the Treasury Controller’s Report. Finally, Turkcell requested the Tribunal to award that it is not obliged to pay the requested penalty and declare that penalty cannot be accrued where the basis of the penalty request is disputed. On 18 March 2013, the Tribunal awarded that Turkcell is not obliged to pay TL 1,351 of the remaining amount requested by the Treasury (The relief sought by Turkcell for the treasury share payment of TL 2,812 requested over SIM card and equipment sales abroad was rejected). The Tribunal declared that Turkcell is not obliged to pay penalty in amount of TL 205,594; but dismissed (without prejudice) the requests for declaration that Turkcell should not be obliged to make treasury share payment over certain revenue items as discussed in the Treasury Controller’s Report, and that penalty cannot be accrued where the basis of the penalty request is disputed. The ICTA, Undersecretariat of Treasury and the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs, and Communications filed two separate lawsuits for cancellation of the Final Award. Subsequently Turkcell filed a lawsuit for cancellation of the disadvantageous part of the Final Award. The Court has decided to consolidate the lawsuits under the lawsuit filed by Undersecretariat of Treasury and the Ministry of Transport. The Court decided to appoint an expert committee for examination of the file. The expert report which is in favor of Turkcell was submitted to the file.

The Court decided to obtain an additional expert report. The additional report is in favor of Turkcell. The lawsuits are still pending.take legal action.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits is deemed to settle the obligation is notbe less than probable, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 20152018 (31 December 2014:2017: None).


Tax Base Increase due to Law Serial No. 7143



As atThe Company Management decided to apply for VAT and corporate tax base increase mechanism for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Dispute on treasury share amounts which are absorbed2017 due to retrospective board decisions taken by ICTA

In consequence of collection of treasury share from Turkcell without considering its payments to the other operatorsLaw Serial No. 7143 and some subscribers due to the retrospective procedure amendments of ICTA on both interconnection fees and some tariffs; Turkcell commenced a lawsuit on 5 August 2010 before ICC on the ground that treasury share which collected from diminishing returns are unlawful and deductions committed by Turkcell between the years 2006 – 2010 from the treasury share are rightful and claimedTL 35,443 payment of TL 1,600 and its interest to the overpayment amount which is paid under the name of treasury share, against ICTA due to its administrative act leading to this case and against Turkish Undersecretariat of Treasury and Turkish Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs, and Communications due to making benefit from aforementioned amount.

ICC Arbitration Court decided partially in favor of Turkcell in March 2012 and ordered that deductions committed by Turkcell between the years 2006 – 2010 from the Treasury Share are rightful, and ICTA should refund TL 1,371 paid by Turkcell in this respect as Treasury Share and ICTA fee and reject Turkcell’s claim to refund TL 273 paid as ICTA fee between 2006 – 2008. ICTA, Undersecretariat of Treasury and the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs, and Communications filed a lawsuit for cancellation of the Final Award. The lawsuit initiated by ICTA has been consolidated by the court with the lawsuit initiated by Undersecretariat of Treasury and the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs, and Communications. The court rejected both lawsuits. ICTA and Undersecretariat of Treasury and the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs, and Communications appealed the decision. Turkcell replied the appeal request. Appeal process is still pending.

Since it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, no asset or related income is recognized in the consolidated financial statements prepared as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

The allegation of deficient treasury share payment and the penalty imposed within the context of 2G Concession Agreement

The Treasury Controller’s Board under the Undersecretariat of Treasury, for the period ofmade onJanuary 2009 – 31 December 2009 and 10 March 2006 – 31 December 2008, requested additional treasury share payment in the amount of TL 16,387 by alleging that Turkcell paid the treasury share deficient in accordance with the 2G Concession Agreement. Turkcell has objected to the amount of TL 16,121 of the requested amount on the ground that it was contrary to the Concession Agreement, and paid the remaining portion of it with reservation. ICTA by its letter dated 1 August 2013, imposed a penalty in the amount of TL 47,648 according to the Concession Agreement over the Treasury Share amount which was alleged that was paid deficient by Turkcell. Undersecretariat of Treasury revised the unpaid treasury share amount as TL 16,062 by its letter dated 16 August 2013 and consequently ICTA by its letter dated 4 September 2013 revised the amount of penalty as TL 47,505.

Turkcell requested a preliminary injunction from the Ankara Civil Court of First Instance in order to provide the suspension of the payment of treasury share of TL 16,062 and the penalty of TL 47,505 until the end of the case to be filed before ICC Arbitration Court. The Court accepted Turkcell’s request. ICTA and Undersecretariat of Treasury and the Ministry of Transport objected the decision of the Court. The Court rejected ICTA’s objections. ICTA and Undersecretariat of Treasury and the Ministry of Transport appealed the decision. The Court of Appeal rejected the request for appeal and upheld the decision in favor of Turkcell.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Turkcell requested a preliminary injunction from the Ankara Civil Court of First Instance in order to provide the suspension of the payment of treasury share of TL 16,062 and the penalty of TL 47,505 until the end of the case to be filed before ICC Arbitration Court. The Court accepted Turkcell’s request. ICTA and Undersecretariat of Treasury and the Ministry of Transport objected the decision of the Court. The Court rejected ICTA’s objections. ICTA and Undersecretariat of Treasury and the Ministry of Transport appealed the decision. The Court of Appeal rejected the request for appeal and upheld the decision in favor of Turkcell.

ICTA also by its letter dated 5 August 2013 requested additional contribution share payment in the amount of TL 382 for the period of 1 January 2009 – 31 December 2009 and 10 March 2006 – 31 December 2008 based on the Report of the Treasury Controller’s Board by alleging that it was paid deficient. ICTA by its letter dated 13 September 2013 has revised the amount of additional contribution share payment as TL 381 and requested it to be paid.

Turkcell requested a preliminary injunction from the Ankara Civil Court of First Instance in order to provide the suspension of the payment of contribution share until the end of the case to be filed before ICC Arbitration Court. The Court accepted Turkcell’s request. ICTA objected the decision of the Court. The Court rejected ICTA’s objections. ICTA appealed the decision. Turkcell submitted its reply to the appeal request of ICTA. The Court of Appeal rejected the request for appeal and upheld the decision in favor of Turkcell.

Turkcell commenced a lawsuit on 2 October 2013 before ICC, claiming that Turkcell is not obliged to pay treasury share in the amount of TL 16,062 and contribution share in the amount of TL 381 requested based on the Treasury Auditors Board Report relating Turkcell’s Treasury Share calculations during 1 January 2009 – 31 December 2009 in respect of the 2G Concession Agreement, which was revised by the letter of Undersecretariat of Treasury dated 16 August 2013 and conventional penalty in the amount of TL 47,505 requested by the letter of ICTA dated 20 August 2013. The hearings were held in April and September 2014. The arbitral tribunal, with respect to all claims, awarded in favor of Turkcell. ICTA and Undersecretariat of Treasury and The Ministry of Transport filed two separate lawsuits for cancellation of the Final Award. The cases filed by the Undersecretariat of Treasury are rejected in favor of Turkcell.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation is uncertain, thus, no provision is recognized2018. No liabilities remain in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 20152018 (31 December 2014:2017: None).

The allegation of deficient treasury share and contribution share payment


Investigation initiated by ICTA on subscription numbers and radio utilization and usage fees

ICTA commencedin-depth investigations, against the penalty imposed within the context of 3G Concession Agreement

The Treasury Controller’s Board under the Undersecretariat of Treasury requested additional treasury share payment,GSM operators for the periodyears, 2004-2009, 2010-2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. As a result of 30 April 2009 – 31 December 2009, in the amount of TL 1,193 by alleging that Turkcell, contraryinvestigations, ICTA imposed administrative fines to the 3G Concession Agreement,Company amounting TL 11,240 in total and decided to warn the Company. The administrative fines were paid within 1 month following the treasury share deficient. Turkcell objected to TL 1,184notification of the requested amount, on the grounds that this request is contrary to the Concession Agreement. Turkcell paid the remaining partdecision of this request,ICTA, with reservation. Turkcell25% discount. The Company filed a lawsuit against Undersecretariat of Treasury, ICTA and Ministry of Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communications,lawsuits for the cancellation of aforementioned administrative fines and ICTA’s administrative acts. ICTA filed lawsuits against Company for the Undersecretariat of Treasury’s administrative act, which is related to the additional treasury share requestcollection of the Undersecretariat of Treasuryradio utilization and also for the cancellation of the Treasury Report which is the legal basis of the aforementioned administrative act. The Concil of State rejected the Turkcell’s stay of execution request. Turkcell objected to this decision. Objection was rejected. The case is still pending.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

ICTA by its letter dated 1 August 2013 imposed a penalty in the amount of TL 3,119 according to the Concession Agreement over the Treasury Shareusage fee amount which was alleged that the Company paid deficient. Turkcell filed a lawsuit against ICTAdeficiently.

The Company has resolved the following based on the Laws No. 7061 as explained in detailed note 37.1 to restructure radio fees which are in dispute and Undersecretariat of Treasuryrespective penalty, default interest regarding these disputes. The Company applied for the cancellation of ICTA’s decision which is the legal basis of the aforementioned penalty, before the Council of State. The Council of State rejected the stay of execution request of Turkcell. Turkcell objected to this decision. Objection was rejected. The case is still pending.

ICTA by its letter dated 5 August 2013 requested additional contribution share paymentrestructure, and according to the 3G Concession Agreement inLaw the amount of TL 28 forCompany submitted waiver petition or accepted the period of 30 April 2009 – 31 December 2009 based on the Report of the Treasury Controller’s Board by alleging that it was paid deficient. Turkcell filed a lawsuit against ICTA for the cancellation of ICTA’s decision and administrative actcases related to ICTA’s additional contribution payment request, before the Council of State.restructured amounts. The case is still pending.Courts granted decisions in line with the petitions submitted by the Company.

The total amount, including principal and interest, calculated within the scope of clause 2 is TL 5,195 mentioned158,340. The total payment including interest on instalments is TL 166,257 and the letters of ICTA dated 1 August 2013 and 5 August 2013, were paid to ICTA on 12 September 2013 and recognized as expensepayments have been made in 6 equal instalments in 2018.

No liabilities have been remained in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2013.2018 (31 December 2017: TL 157,446).

The Treasury Controller’s Board under the Undersecretariat of Treasury requested additional treasury share payment, for the years 2010 and 2011, in the amount of TL 13,034; by alleging that Turkcell, contrary to the 3G Concession Agreement, paid the treasury share deficient. Turkcell filed a lawsuit for the stay of execution and the cancellation of the aforementioned administrative act and the Treasury Report which is the legal basis of the respective act, against Undersecretariat of Treasury, ICTA and Ministry of Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communications.

In addition to this, ICTA Board’s decision dated 3 February 2016 was received on 25 February 2016, requesting the payment of additional treasury share payment in the amount of TL 13,034 and the penalty fee in the amount of TL 36,896 to be paid within one month. The Company shall file a lawsuit in due time, for the stay of execution and the cancellation of the aforementioned Board decision and related administrative act.F-111

On 23 February 2016, ICTA also requested additional ICTA contribution payment over the same basis in the amount of TL 304 (interest to be calculated) to be paid within one month. The Company shall also file a lawsuit in due time, for the cancellation of the respective administrative act.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation is not probable, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015.

Dispute regarding the ICTA decision increasing The Turkcell’s 3G coverage obligations

By the amendment of the Law for Metropolitan Municipalities, the number of metropolitan municipalities increased and the borders of some metropolitans were extended. On the grounds of this law amendment, ICTA increased the Turkcell’s coverage obligations, defined in the Turkcell’s concession agreement, by its decision dated 21 July 2014 and numbered 2014/DK-YED/376. Turkcell filed a lawsuit for the stay of execution and the cancellation of the aforesaid decision. The Court proposed the stay of the execution. ICTA objected to this decision. The objection is rejected. The case is pending.

Dispute on Turk Telekom Group

Turkcell Group and Turk Telekom Group reached an agreement to mutually settle the ongoing lawsuits, enforcement procedures and disputes between Turkcell companies including Turkcell İletişim Hizmetleri



As at and for the yearyears ended 31 December 20152018

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

AS, Superonline İletişim Hizmetleri AS, Kule Hizmet ve İşletmecilik AS. and Turk Telekom Group companies including Türk Telekomünikasyon AS, Avea İletişim Hizmetleri AS and TTNet AS.

In this regard, the Company made a payment of TL 225,000 to Turk Telekom Group which is the net of right, receivables and claims of both parties (excluding VAT and special communication tax, including all other tax and financial obligations and interest) on 14 January 2016 (Note 7).

The provision amounting to TL 156,864All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2014 hasnotes have been presented in trade and other payables in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 together with the additional charges and taxes payable duerounded off to the settlement.nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Commitments and Contingencies (continued)


Disputes regarding the Law on the Protection of Competition

On the grounds of the investigation initiated by the Competition Board on the grounds that the Company violated the competitive environment through abusing its dominant position in the Turkish mobile market and it was decided to apply administrative fine amounting to TL 91,942 on the Company. A lawsuit was filed by the Company. The Court rejected the case. The Company appealed the decision with the request of the stay of the execution.

Three private companies filed a lawsuits against the Company in relation with this case claiming in total of TL 112,084 together with up to 3 times of the loss amount to be determined by the court for its material damages by reserving its rights for surpluses allegedly. The cases are still pending.

As a result of the abovementioned investigation, Competition Board concluded that the Company did not determine retail prices and there was no need to impose an administrative fines on this issue. After the lawsuit filed by a third party, this part of Competition Board’s judgement was reversed by the Council of State and Competition Board launched a new process. Consequently, the Board decided on January 2019 that the Company determined the retail prices of units and to apply administrative fine amounting to TL 91,942 on the Company. After the receiving of the reasoned decision, the Company will take legal action.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits is uncertain, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2018 (31 December 2017: None).


Ministry of Trade Administrative Fine

Ministry of Trade prepared a report upon the investigation initiated against the Company on subscriber agreements, distance contracts, value added services and commitment campaigns including device procurement for the year 2015. The Company filed a lawsuit for the stay of execution and cancellation of the Notice of Administrative Fine imposed by Istanbul Governorship Directorate of Commerce based to the aforementioned report of the Ministry, amounting to TL 138,173 and the Decision of Administrative Fine of Istanbul Governorship Directorate of Commerce. Furthermore, the Company demanded the Court to recourse to the Constitutional Court for the cancellation of the related part of the 19th paragraph of the article 77 of the Law on the Protection of Consumers numbered 6502.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits is uncertain, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2018 (31 December 2017: None).




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Commitments and Contingencies (continued)


Other ongoing lawsuits and tax investigations

Within consolidated financial statements prepared as of 31 December 2018, obligations which are related to following ongoing disputes have been evaluated.


  31 December 2018
Anticipated Maximum
(excluding accrued
   31 December 2017
Anticipated Maximum
(excluding accrued
   31 December 2018
   31 December 2017

Disputes related with ICTA

   13,367    13,367    —      —   

The Company is under tax investigation with respect to application of the Turkish Special Communication Tax to prepaid TL/card sales made via its sales channels for the years 2015, 2016 and 2017. Investigation has been started on December 2018.

In addition following tax and treasury share investigations have started in the Company: (i) for FY 2017 with regard to SCT, (ii) FY 2018 with regard to SCT, Corporate Income Tax and Value Added Tax, (iii) treasury share investigation with regard to 2018 October-December period.

Based on the management opinion, an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits is deemed to be less than probable, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2018 (31 December 2017: None).




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)

Dispute regarding38.

Related parties

Transactions with key management personnel

Key management personnel comprise of the Group’s members of the Board of Directors and chief officers.

There are no loans to key management personnel as of 31 December 2018 and 2017.

The Group provide additional benefits to key management personnel and contribution to retirement plans based on apre-determined ratio of compensation.

   31 December
   31 December
   31 December

Short-term benefits (*)

   92,341    74,696    50,001 

Termination benefits

   121    604    10,064 

Long-term benefits

   755    548    479 









   93,217    75,848    60,544 











Includes share-based payment,

The following balances are outstanding at the end of the reporting period in relation to transactions with related parties:

Due from related parties  31 December
   31 December

Vimpelcom OJSC (“Vimpelcom”)

   9,138    —   

Telia Sonera International Carrier AB (“Telia”)

   1,741    1,256 

Kyivstar GSM JSC (“Kyivstar”)

   210    1,061 

GSM Kazakhstan Ltd (“Kazakcell”)

   2    830 

Azercell Telekom MMC (“Azercell”)

   —      364 


   2,442    1,788 






   13,533    5,299 







There is no net of allowance for doubtful receivables of due from related parties at 31 December 2018 (31 December 2017: TL 227).

Due from Telia, Vimpelcom, Azercell and Kyivstar resulted from telecommunications services.

Due from Kazakcell, mainly resulted from software services and telecommunications services.




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Related parties (continued)

Due to related parties  31 December
   31 December

Turkcell Vakfı

   39,544    —   

Kyivstar GSM JSC (“Kyivstar”)

   3,591    2,346 

Wind Telecomunicazioni S,P,A,

   886    1,738 

Teliasonera International Carrier Switzerland Ag

   523    —   

Vimpelcom (Bvı) Ltd,

   3    1,552 

Geocell LLC (“Geocell”)

   2    447 


   782    897 






   45,331    6,980 







Due to Kyivstar, Geocell, Wind Telecomunicazioni S,P,A, and Vimpelcom (Bvı) Ltd, mainly resulted from telecommunications services received.

The Group’s exposure to currency risk related to outstanding balances with related parties is disclosed in Note 35.

The following transactions occurred with related parties:

Revenue from related parties  2018   2017   2016 

Sales to Kyivstar


Telecommunications services

   52,946    30,875    30,964 

Sales to Telia


Telecommunications services

   7,941    10,020    15,761 

Sales to Vimpelcom


Telecommunications services

   5,418    7,230    20,775 

Sales to Azercell(****)


Telecommunication services

   256    1,583    2,585 

Sales to Krea (*)


Call center services, fixed line services, rent

and interest charges

   —      —      3,422 

Sales to Millenicom (**)


Telecommunication services

   —      —      997 

Sales to other related parties

   7,920    11,324    14,922 









   74,481    61,032    89,426 













As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Related parties (continued)

Related party expenses  2018   2017   2016 

Charges from Kyivstar


Telecommunications services

   77,174    49,178    47,595 

Charges from Turkcell Vakfı



   44,247    —      —   

Charges from Telia


Telecommunications services

   6,047    3,120    2,499 

Charges from Wind Telecomunicazioni


Telecommunications services

   4,812    —      —   

Charges from Vimpelcom


Telecommunications services

   2,751    10,853    2,721 

Charges from Azercell (****)


Telecommunications services

   79    734    1,361 

Charges from Hobim (***)


Invoicing and archiving services

   —      16,993    31,832 

Charges from Krea


Digital television broadcasting services

   —      —      5,975 

Charges from other related parties

   9,799    17,001    11,659 









   144,909    97,879    103,642 











Transactions with Krea include transactions until 26 August 2016,


Transactions with Millenicom include transactions until 21 January 2016,


Transactions with Hobim include transactions until 20 June 2017,


Transactions with Azercell include transactions until 5 March 2018,

Transactions with Kyivstar:

Kyivstar, an entity under common control with Alfa, is rendering and receiving telecommunications services such as interconnection and roaming.

Transactions with Hobim:

Hobim, one of the leading data processing and application service provider companies in Turkey, is owned by Cukurova Group, The Company has entered into invoice printing and archiving agreements with Hobim under which Hobim provides the Company with monthly invoice printing services, manages archiving of invoices and subscription documents, Prices of the agreements are determined through alternative proposals’ evaluation.

Transactions with Vimpelcom:

Vimpelcom, an entity under common control with Alfa, is rendering and receiving telecommunications services such as interconnection and roaming.

Transactions with Telia:

Telia, a subsidiary of Sonera, is rendering and receiving telecommunications services such as interconnection and roaming.

Transactions with Azercell:

Azercell, a subsidiary of Sonera, is rendering and receiving telecommunications services such as interconnection and roaming.




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Related parties (continued)

Transactions with Krea:

Çukurova Holding has signed a share purchase agreement with BeIN Media Group LLC related to the sale of their shares in Krea, Share transfer has finalized as at 26 August 2016.

Krea, adirect-to-home digital television service company under the Digiturk brand name.

There are no specific agreements between Turkcell and digital channels branded under Digiturk name, Every year, as in every other media channel, standard ad spaces are purchased on a spot basis, Also, Krea provides instant football content related to Spor Toto Super League to the Company to be delivered to mobile phones and tablets.

The Company has agreements for fixed telephone, leased line, corporate internet, and data center services provided by the Company’s subsidiary Turkcell Superonline.

Transactions with Turkcell Vakfı:

On 11 October 2018, Turkcell Vakfı, was incorporated for rendering social responsibility and donation transaction.

Transactions with Wind:

Wind, an entity under common control with Alfa, is rendering and receiving telecommunications services such as interconnection and roaming.




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)



The Group’s ultimate parent company is Turkcell Holding, Subsidiaries, associates and a joint venture of the Company as at 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2017 are as follows:

         Effective Ownership Interest




Country of



  31 December
2018 (%)
  31 December
2017 (%)

Kibris Telekom

  Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus  Telecommunications  100  100

Turkcell Global Bilgi

  Turkey  Customer relations and human resources management  100  100



Information technology, value

added GSM services and entertainment investments

  100  100

Turkcell Superonline

  Turkey  Telecommunications, television services and content services  100  100

Turkcell Satis

  Turkey  Sales, delivery and digital sales services  100  100


  Netherlands  Telecommunications investments  100  100

Turkcell Teknoloji

  Turkey  Research and development  100  100

Global Tower


Telecommunications infrastructure


  100  100


  Turkey  Directory Assistance  100  100


  Netherlands  Financing business  —    100

Lifecell Ventures

  Netherlands  Telecommunications investments  100  100


  Turkey  Telecommunications investments  100  100

Turkcell Gayrimenkul

  Turkey  Property investments  100  100

Global LLC

  Ukraine  Customer relations management  100  100



Telecommunications infrastructure


  100  100

Turkcell Europe

  Germany  Telecommunications  100  100

Turkcell Odeme

  Turkey  Payment services ande-money license  100  100


  Ukraine  Telecommunications  100  100

Turkcell Finansman

  Turkey  Consumer financing services  100  100


  Republic of Belarus  Telecommunications Infrastructure business  100  100

Turkcell Enerji

  Turkey  Electricity energy trade and wholesale and retail electricity sales  100  100


  Ukraine  Consumer financing services  100  100

Lifecell Digital

  Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus
  Telecommunications  100  100


  Turkey  Interest free consumer financing services  100  —  

Turkcell Sigorta(3)

  Turkey  Insurance agency activities  100  —  

Belarusian Telecom

  Republic of Belarus  Telecommunications  80  80


  Republic of Belarus  Information technology, programming and technical support  80  80


  Turkey  Information and Entertainment Services  55  55

Azerinteltek (6)

  Azerbaijan  Information and Entertainment Services  —    28




As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)


Subsidiaries (continued)

         Effective Ownership Interest




Country of




  31 December
2018 (%)
  31 December
2017 (%)


  Netherlands  Telecommunications investments  41  41

Türkiye’nin Otomobili (2)

  Turkey  Electric passenger car development, production and trading activities  19  —  
         Effective Ownership Interest

Joint Venture Name


Country of



  31 December
2018 (%)
  31 December
2017 (%)

Sofra (4)

  Turkey  Meal coupons and cards  33  —  


On 16 February 2018, Turkcell Ozel Finansman A,S, which will grant loans within the fine applied byframework of Islamic financing principles for purchases of goods and services, was incorporated under the Competition Board

The Competition Board commenced an investigationlaws of business dealings between the CompanyRepublic of Turkey.


On 28 June 2018, Türkiye’nin Otomobili, which will develop and the mobile phone distributorsproduce mainly electric passenger car and to carry out trading activities, was incorporated and accounted under investments in October 1999. The Competition Board decided that the Company disrupted the competitive environment through an abuse of a dominant position in the Turkish mobile market and infringements of certain provisions of the Law on the Protection of Competition.

As a result, the Company was fined a nominal amount of approximately TL 6,973 and was enjoined to cease these infringements. The Company initiated a lawsuit before Council of State for the injunction and cancellation of the decision. On 15 November 2005, the Court cancelled the Competition Board’s decision.

After the cancellation of the Competition Board’s decision, the Competition Board has given the same decision again on 29 December 2005. On 10 March 2006, the Company initiated a lawsuit before Council of State for the injunction stay of execution and the cancellation of the Competition Board’s decision dated 29 December 2005. On 13 May 2008, Council of State rejected the case. The Company appealed the decision. The Council of State rejected the Company’s request for appeal. The Company applied for the correction of the decision. The correction of the decision request is rejected. So that, the first instance court decision, given against the Company, is finalized. Based on the decision of Competition Board, Ankara Tax Office requested Turkcell to pay TL 6,973 through the payment order dated 4 August 2006. On 25 September 2006, Turkcell made the related payment and initiated a lawsuit for the cancellation of this payment order. The Court dismissed the lawsuit. Thereupon Turkcell appealed this decision. On 17 March 2009, Council of State reversed the judgment of the Local Court. Local Court decided in line with the decision of Council of State. On 18 December 2009, the Court rejected the case and Turkcell appealed this decision. Council of State reversed the judgment of the First Instance Court. First Instance Court decided in line with the decision of Council of State. On 15 June 2011, the Court rejected the case again.

Turkcell also appealed this decision. Council of State accepted Turkcell’s stay of execution request made during the appeal phase. Council of State reversed the judgment of the Instance Court again. The Inheritance and Charges Tax Office applied for the correction of the decision. Turkcell replied this request. The Council of State rejected the correction of the decision request of The Inheritance and Charges Tax Office. The Court of First Instance decided to comply with the Council of State’s reversing decision and decided to cancel the payment order. The Inheritance and Charges Tax Office appealed the decision. Turkcell replied this request. The appeal process is still pending.

Since it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, no asset or related income is recognizedequity accounted investees in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).2018.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Dispute regarding the fine applied by the Competition Board regarding mobile marketing activities


On 23 December 2009, as a result of an investigation initiated by the Competition Board, Turkcell was fined amounting to TL 36,072, based on the grounds that Turkcell violated competition rules in GSM and mobile marketing services markets. The payment was made within 1 month following the notification of the decision of the Competition Board. Therefore, 25% discount was applied and TL 27,054 is paid as the monetary fine on 25 May 2010. Turkcell filed a legal case on 25 June 2010 for the stay of execution2018, Turkcell Sigorta Aracılık Hizmetleri A,S,, which will engage in insurance agency activities, was incorporated.


On 30 July 2018, Sofra, which will provide services via various means such as service coupons, meal coupons, meal card, electronic coupon and/or smart card, in vehicle payment, smart key, was incorporated and cancellation of the aforementioned decision. The Court rejected the Turkcell’s stay of execution request. Turkcell objected to the decision. The objection was rejected. The Court rejected the case. Turkcell appealed the decision. The appeal process is still pending.

Avea, depending on the Competition Board decision, initiated a lawsuit against Turkcell claiming a compensation from Turkcell for its damages amounting to TL 1,000, with reservation of further claims, on the ground that Turkcell violated the competition. During the judgment, Avea increased its request of material compensation to TL 5,000 andaccounted under investments in addition requested TL 1,000 for non-pecuniary damages. The Court decided to separate these requests and to reject the lawsuits demanding compensation and moral damages. Avea appealed the case. Turkcell has submitted its response to appeal. The Court of Appeal rejected Avea’s request for appeal and upheld the decision in favor of Turkcell. Avea applied for the correction of decision. The Supreme Court of Appeals reversed the decision of the court of first instance. The first Instance Court insisted on the decision and rejected the case in the favor of Turkcell aspects of both cases.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation is uncertain, thus, no provision is recognizedequity accounted investees in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Dispute with the Competition Board regarding the business practices with sub-distributors

On 1 December 2009, Competition Board decided to initiate an investigation against2018, Turkcell whether Turkcell, violated the related clausesÖdeme ve Elektronik Para Hizmetleri A,Ş, BELBİM Elektronik Para ve Ödeme Hizmetleri A,Ş, and Posta ve Telgraf Teşkilatı A,Ş, (“PTT”) holds equal shareholding ratios of Sofra.


The liquidation process of Financell B.V., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Competition Act numbered 4054Company incorporated in the Netherlands and which isnon-operational since December 2015, has been completed as of 14 August 2018.


The Group has transferred its total shareholding in Azerinteltek controlled by its applicationsInteltek to one of other shareholder of Azerinteltek, Baltech Investment LLC (“Baltech”), for a total consideration of EUR 19,530. The share purchase agreement was signed on its sub-distributors.

As a result15 November 2018 and the transfer of proceeds to Inteltek was completed on 27 December 2018. Group have lost the respective investigation,control over the subsidiary unconditionally on 9 June 201127 December 2018 with transfer of money. The transfer of shares to Baltech was completed subsequently on 11 January 2019. The Due to the Competition Board imposed an administrative finedivestment of holding in Azerinteltek, the Group has recognized gain on Turkcellsale of subsidiary amounting to TL 91,942 on the grounds that Turkcell violates its dominant position in GSM services market. On 8 December 2011, Turkcell filed a lawsuit for annulment of the decision. Turkcell requested stay of execution for the aforementioned Competition Board decision. The Council of State accepted the request of Turkcell for stay of execution for the part of the Competition Board decision fining Turkcell amounting to TL 91,942 but rejected the request for the parts of the decision determining that Turkcell abused its dominant position with its practices subject to the Competition Board decision and have to end the violation. The Competition Board objected to the decision. Turkcell objected to the decision for the rejected part. The Plenary Session of Administrative Law Divisions of the Council of State cancelled the stay of execution decision and decided to send the file back to the First Instance Court to be examined with respect to the reasons related to the basis of the Competition Board’s decision. Upon this decision, The Council of State rejected the Turkcell’s stay of execution request. Turkcell objected to the decision. Objection was rejected. The case is still pending.

On 8 March 2012, payment order has been sent to Turkcell by the Tax Office. Turkcell filed a lawsuit for cancellation of the payment order on 13 March 2012. The Court accepted Turkcell’s stay of execution request until the Tax Office’s legal argument is submitted to the Court. Upon submission of the Tax Office’s



As at and110,308 for the year ended 31 December 20152018.

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Details ofnon-wholly owned subsidiaries that have materialnon-controlling interests to the Company are disclosed below:

Name of subsidiary  Place of
and principal
place of business
   Proportion of ownership
interests and voting
held bynon-controlling
  Profit/(loss) allocated to
non-controlling interests
controlling interests


   Turkey    45,00  45,00  105,112    35,924    131,506    46,072 

Individually immaterial subsidiaries with non –controlling interest

       51,158    22,706    304    9,855 












       156,270    58,630    131,810    55,927 
















As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)



legal argument to the Court, the Court rejected the request of Turkcell for stay of execution. Turkcell objected to the Court’s decision. The objection was dismissed. Turkcell requested a stay of execution for the second time but the Court rejected the request. Turkcell objected to the Court’s decision, but the objection was dismissed. Subsequently, the Court accepted the lawsuit and cancelled the payment order. Tax Office appealed the decision. Turkcell replied the appeal request. Appeal process is still pending. The blockage applied by the Tax Office with respect to the payment order on Turkcell’s deposit amounting to TL 91,942 has been released in 2014.

Pamuk Elektronik, a former dealer of Turkcell whose contract has been terminated, initiated a lawsuit against Turkcell on 19 December 2011 claiming TL 2,100 by reserving its rights for surpluses on the ground that Turkcell caused that damage by unjust termination of the contract and actions which are stated in the Competition Board decision in which the Board imposed TL 91,942 administrative fine to Turkcell. Turkcell replied in due time. On 19 April 2012, the Court decided to reject the lawsuit with the reason that the dispute must be solved with arbitration procedure because of the term in the agreement. Pamuk Elektronik appealed the case. Turkcell submitted its answer to the appeal. The Court of Cassation approved the decision of the First Instance Court. Pamuk Elektronik applied for the correction of the decision. Turkcell replied to the correction of decision. The Court of Cassation rejected Pamuk Elektronik’s correction of the decision request. Pamuk Elektronik has sent a warning to Turkcell in order to initiate arbitration procedure. Turkcell has responded to the warning. Arbitration proceedings have been initiated by Pamuk Elektronik against Turkcell and the lawsuit petition has been served to Turkcell. Turkcell submitted its reply to the case. The lawsuit is pending.

Dogan Dagitim AS filed a lawsuit against Turkcell on 5 June 2012 claiming TL 110,484 together with up to 3 times of the loss amount to be determined by the court for its material damages by reserving its rights for surpluses allegedly on the ground that Turkcell caused that damage by its applications to its sub-distributors which constituted a violation of the Law no. 4054 and that violation was proved by the Competition Board decision in which the Board imposed TL 91,942 administrative fine to Turkcell. The lawsuit is pending.

On 31 December 2008, Mep Iletisim ve Dis Ticaret AS, which is former distributor of Turkcell and whose agreement is no longer valid, initiated a lawsuit against Turkcell claiming that it has a loss of TL 64,000 due to the applications of Turkcell and requested TL 1,000 and remaining amount to be reserved. An expert report from committee of experts appointed by the Court has been submitted to the Court. The Court decided to obtain a supplementary report from the same committee. In the supplementary expert report submitted to the file by the committee, the damages amounting to TL 64,000 claimed by Mep Iletisim ve Dis Ticaret AS was calculated as TL 16,700. Mep Iletisim ve Dis Ticaret AS increased its claim and demanded TL 16,700 from Turkcell. Turkcell and MEP Iletisim ve Dis Ticaret AS made a settlement to solve this dispute. MEP Iletisim ve Dis Ticaret waived from the lawsuit.

Mobiltel Iletisim Hizmetleri Sanayi ve Ticaret AS (“Mobiltel”) filed a lawsuit against Turkcell on 17 August 2012 claiming TL 500 together with up to 3 times of the loss amount to be determined by the court for its material damages by reserving its rights for surpluses allegedly on the ground that Turkcell gives exclusive competence to its sub-dealers and that violation was proved by the Competition Board decision in which the Board imposed TL 91,942 administrative fine to Turkcell and that Mobiltel was not able to sale any product to the sub-dealers which were given exclusive competence by Turkcell. The court decided to obtain an expert report. The lawsuit is pending.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation is uncertain and a reliable estimation of the amount of the obligation, if any, cannot



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

be made; thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Investigation of the Competition Board regarding vehicle tracking services

The decision of the Competition Board dated 2 April 2008, regarding the allegation that Turkcell has exclusive practices on vehicle tracking services market, was cancelled by the Council of State. Accordingly, the Competition Board decided to initiate an investigation regarding the same. After the aforementioned investigation, the Competition Board decided that Turkcell infringed competition rules by its exclusive practices on vehicle tracking service market and imposed a fine amounting to TL 39,727. The reasoned judgment has been delivered to Turkcell on 15 May 2014.

Since the administrative fine amounting to TL 39,727 was paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of Competition Board, 25% discount was applied and payment amounting to TL 29,795 was made on 13 June 2014 and recognized as expense in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2014.

Turkcell filed a lawsuit on 11 July 2014 for the stay of execution and the cancellation of the aforementioned administrative act and fine. The Court decided to reject the stay of execution request. Turkcell objected to this decision. Objection was rejected. The hearing was held and it is expected from the Court to render its judgement. The case is pending.

Carrying international voice traffic

In May 2003, Turkcell was informed that the ICTA had initiated an investigation against Turkcell claiming that Turkcell has violated Turkish laws by carrying some of its international voice traffic through an operator other than Turk Telekom. On 5 March 2004, ICTA fined Turkcell a nominal amount of approximately TL 31,731 with the claim that Turkcell exceeded its authorization given by its concession agreement.

Turkcell filed a lawsuit for the cancellation of the related administrative acts and decision of ICTA, however, paid the administrative fine on 9 April 2004. On 5 November 2004, Council of State grant a motion for stay of execution. With respect to that decision, ICTA paid back TL 18,000 on 26 January 2005 and deduct a sum of TL 13,731from the radio utilization and usage fee that shall be paid on December. On 26 December 2006, the Council of State canceled the decision and the fine imposed by the ICTA yet rejected the case regarding the part related to the Regulation which is the legal basis of the administrative fine. ICTA appealed the decision. The decision was approved by the Council of State, Plenary Session of the Chamber for Administrative Divisions. ICTA applied for the correction of the decision. The Council of State, Plenary Session of the Chamber for Administrative Divisions rejected the ICTA’s correction of the decision request. Therefore, the Court decision is finalized in favor of Turkcell. On 6 June 2012, Turkcell filed a lawsuit against ICTA in order to cover its damages in the amount of TL 5,783 occurred between the period when Turkcell made the payment of the aforementioned administrative fine and collected it back from ICTA. The Court decided to obtain an expert report. The expert report is in favour of Turkcell. Turkcell amended its claim and increased its request to TL 10,070 according to the expert report. The case is still pending.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Dispute on National Roaming Agreement

The ICTA decided that Turkcell has not complied with its responsibility under the Regulation on National Roaming which was enacted pursuant to article 10 of the Telegram and Telephone Law numbered 406 which obliges Turkcell to provide national roaming services and fined Turkcell by nominal amount of approximately TL 21,822. On 7 April 2004, although Turkcell made the related payment with its accrued interest, it also filed a lawsuit before the Council of State for the cancellation of the respective administrative fine and the regulation of the ICTA which sets the ground for the administrative fine. Upon the Council of State decision for the stay of execution of the administrative fine imposed to Turkcell until the conclusion of the law suit on 1 December 2004, Turkcell re-collected the respective amount from the ICTA on 3 January 2005. Following the cancellation of the administrative fine and finalization of this decision on 22 July 2010, Turkcell initiated a lawsuit against ICTA for the collection of TL 7,111 which is the accrued interest of the total amount that Turkcell could not benefit between the period when Turkcell made the payment and ICTA returned the same amount to Turkcell. The Court partially accepted the lawsuit and decided that ICTA should pay TL 6,505 to Turkcell with the accrued interest. On 15 April 2013, ICTA paid TL 6,505 with its accrued interest amounting to TL 1,596 to Turkcell. ICTA appealed the decision. Thereupon, Turkcell replied to this request and also appealed the parts of the decision that the Court rejected against Turkcell. The Council of State rejected ICTA’s request for the stay of execution during the appeal process. Appeal process is still pending.

Although payment was received from ICTA, the Court decision is not finalized. Therefore, it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, and no income is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Disputes regarding the pricing applications

Dispute regarding the fine applied by ICTA on pricing applications of Turkcell

On 7 April 2010, ICTA decided to impose administrative fine to Turkcell amounting to TL 4,008 for misinforming the Authority and TL 374 for making some subscribers suffer. The payment was made within 1 month following the notification of the decision of the ICTA. Therefore, 25% discount was applied and TL 3,287 is paid in total as the administrative fine on 9 June 2010. Turkcell filed two lawsuits on 22 September 2010 for the stay of execution and cancellation of the aforementioned decision. The Court rejected Turkcell’s stay of execution requests and Turkcell objected to the decisions but the objections are rejected. On 28 April 2011, the Court rejected the cases. Turkcell appealed the decisions. Council of State rejected Turkcell’s stay of execution requests at appeal phase. Appeal processes are pending.

Since it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, no contingent asset or related income is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Dispute on campaigns

On 21 May 2008, ICTA decided that Turkcell damaged the subscribers’ financial interests related to the campaigns in which free minutes or counters are given and requested TL32,088. On 10 July 2008, Turkcell filed a lawsuit for the injunction and cancellation of the ICTA’s decision. However, Turkcell benefited from the early payment option with a 25% early payment discount and paid TL 24,066 on 1 August 2008. On 10 November 2010, the Court decided to reject the case. Turkcell appealed the decision. The State of



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Council rejected Turkcell’s request for the stay of execution of the First Instance Court’s decision. The appeal process is still pending.

Since it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, no asset or related income is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Dispute regarding the fine applied by ICTA on tariffs above upper limits

On 21 April 2010, ICTA decided to impose administrative fine to the Company amounting to TL 53,467 by claiming that the Company applied tariffs above the upper limits of GSM-GSM in GSM Upper Limits Table approved by ICTA on 25 March 2009. The payment was made within 1 month following the notification of the decision of the ICTA. Therefore, 25% discount was applied and TL 40,100 is paid as the administrative fine on 3 June 2010. The Company filed a lawsuit on 28 June 2010, for the cancellation of the aforementioned decision. The Court overruled the stay of execution claim, Turkcell objected to the decision and the Court accepted this objection and decided for the stay of the execution. Accordingly, ICTA paid back TL 40,100 on 27 January 2011. On 3 May 2011, the Court rejected the case. Turkcell appealed the decision and paid back TL 40,100 to ICTA on 6 October 2011. Council of State rejected Turkcell’s stay of order request at appeal phase. Appeal process is pending.

Amount to be reimbursed to the subscribers was calculated as TL 46,228 and deducted from revenues in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2009. Reimbursement to subscribers was made in January 2010.

ICTA notified Turkcell on 23 November 2011, to pay the amount of TL 13,367 which is the unpaid portion arising from the 25% cash discount of the administrative fine amounting to TL 53,467 that was imposed for applying tariffs above the upper limits. Turkcell filed a lawsuit on 23 December 2011 for stay of execution and for the annulment of this process. The Court accepted the request of Turkcell for stay of execution. ICTA objected to the decision but the objection is rejected. The Court decided in favor of Turkcell. ICTA appealed the decision and Turkcell replied this request. The Council of State rejected ICTA’s request for stay of execution during the appeal process. Appeal process is still pending.

On 20 February 2012, payment order has been sent to Turkcell by the Tax Office. On 24 February 2012, Turkcell filed a lawsuit for cancellation of the payment order. The Court accepted the request of Turkcell for stay of execution. The Tax Office objected to the decision but the objection is rejected. The Court decided in favor of Turkcell. The Tax Office appealed the decision and Turkcell replied this request. Appeal process is still pending.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the additional request regarding unpaid portion arising from the 25% discount of the administrative fine is uncertain, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Dispute on deposits at banks

Turkcell, in 2001, initiated an enforcement proceeding to collect receivables amounting to $6,329 arising from deposits in a bank. The bank has been objected to the enforcement proceeding and Turkcell filed a lawsuit for the cancellation of the objection. The Court decided in favor of Turkcell on 1 March 2005. The bank appealed the decision and Turkcell replied the same. On 3 April 2006, Supreme Court of Appeals



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

decided the reversal of the Court’s decision in favor of the defendant. The Court abided by the decision of the Supreme Court of Appeals. The Court decided to obtain an expert report. The lawsuit is pending.

Since it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, no contingent asset or related income is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Dispute on Special Communication Tax

Large Tax Payers Office levied Special Communication Tax and tax penalty on Turkcell in the amount of TL 211,056 principal and TL 316,583 totaling to TL 527,639 based upon the claim, stated on Tax Investigation Reports prepared for the years 2008-2012, that Turkcell should pay Special Communication Tax over the prepaid card sales made by the distributors. Turkcell filed 60 lawsuits before the Tax Courts for the cancellation of each tax and tax penalty demand. After the lawsuits were filed, Turkcell applied to settlement procedure. The parties could not reach a settlement so that, they signed a minute stating that there is no settlement between the parties.

Respective Courts accepted 24 of the cases filed for the cancellation of the accrual slips prepared for the year 2008 and 2009. Large Taxpayer Office appealed the decisions. Turkcell replied this requests.

The Company shall pay the respective tax amounts with its accrued interest and tax penalty, in the case that the cases are finalized against the Company. This interest would be calculated as a case by case basis. Accordingly, the interest that may be paid in some or all of the cases, could amount to a significant portion of the tax assessment.

The Court partially accepted 12 of the cases filed for the cancellation of the accrual slips prepared for the year 2011. Turkcell appealed the decisions regarding the parts against Turkcell. The Large Tax Payers Office appealed the decisions regarding the parts against the Large Tax Payers Office. The Council of State rejected the stay of execution requests, made during the appeal process, regarding the cases filed for year 2011.

The tax and tax penalty demands, the accrual slips and its payment order issued by the Large Tax Payer’s Office, in the amount of TL 77,480 pursuant to the court decisions for the cases related to the term 2011, were notified to Turkcell. Turkcell filed 13 lawsuits for the stay of execution and cancellation of these tax penalty demands, the accrual slips and its payment order. The Court rejected Turkcell’s stay of execution requests. Turkcell objected to these decisions. These objections were rejected. The Large Tax Payer’s Office has collected TL 80,355 (TL 77,480 and TL 2,876 overdue interest) by offsetting the receivables of Turkcell from Public Administrations.

The Court partially accepted 12 of the cases filed for the cancellation of the accrual slips prepared for the year 2010. The Company appealed the decisions regarding the parts against the Company. Tax office notified tax and tax penalty demands for tax, its accrued interest and penalty amounting TL 97,135 in line with tax court decision on 19 February 2016. The Company shall file lawsuits for the stay of execution and cancellation of these tax and tax penalty demands.

The Court rejected 12 cases filed for the cancellation of the accrual slips prepared for the year 2012. The Company appealed the respective decisions. Tax office notified tax and tax penalty demands for tax, its accrued interest and penalty amounting TL 152,212 in line with tax the court decision dated 4 March 2016. The Company shall file lawsuits for the stay of execution and cancellation of these tax and tax penalty demands.

Limited tax investigation has been performed for the year 2013, regarding the aforementioned case. As of reporting date no notification has been received regarding the result of the investigation by Turkcell.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation is not probable, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Dispute on over assessment following the settlement on VAT fine pertaining to International Roaming Agreements

On 9 February 2009, Turkcell applied to the Tax Office for the refund of the interest charge amounting TL 6,609 which was miscalculated after the settlement with the Tax Office regarding the VAT and tax penalties accrued due to roaming agreement for years 2000, 2001 and 2002. Tax Office rejected Turkcell’s request, and Turkcell filed a lawsuit with the same claim. Upon the refusal of this request, Turkcell filed a lawsuit for the cancellation of this administrative act. The Court rejected the case. Turkcell appealed the decision. The Council of State approved the decision. Turkcell applied for the correction of the decision. The Council of State rejected Turkcell’s correction of the decision request. Therefore, the court decision is finalized.

Moreover, Turkcell filed another lawsuit for the cancellation of the aforementioned interest charge amounting to TL 6,609. On the other lawsuit, the Court rejected the case. Subsequently Turkcell appealed the case. The appeal process is pending.

Since it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, no asset or related income is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Lawsuit regarding the loss arisen due to the fact that Turkcell cannot write off the extra units, loaded to the cellular phone lines of the inactive subscribers, paid for the year 2014 Corporate Tax

Turkcell filed a lawsuit for the stay of execution and the cancellation of the part of the Corporate Tax, in the amount of TL 26,620 which was subject to the tax payment, paid with reservation in the year 2014, within the scope of the loss arisen because Turkcell cannot write off the extra units loaded to the cellular phone lines of the inactive prepaid subscribers. The Court rejected Turkcell’s stay of execution request. Turkcell objected to this decision. Objection was rejected. The case is pending.

Since it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, no contingent asset or related income is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Lawsuit regarding the loss arisen out of the sale of A-Tel’s shares, paid for the year 2014 Corporate Tax

Turkcell filed a lawsuit for the stay of execution and the cancellation of the part of the Corporate Tax in the amount of TL 28,345 which was subject to the tax payment, paid with reservation in the year 2014 regarding the loss in the amount of TL 188,963 arisen out of the sale of A-Tel’s shares. The Court rejected Turkcell’s stay of execution request. Turkcell objected to this decision. The objection is rejected. The case is pending.

Since it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, no contingent asset or related income is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Lawsuit regarding the loss, arisen out of the sale of T-Medya’s shares of Turktell paid for the year 2014 Corporate Tax

Turktell filed a lawsuit for the cancellation of the part of the Corporate Tax in the amount of TL 12,986 which was subject to the payment with reservation in the year 2014 regarding the loss in the amount of TL 17,314 arisen out of the sale of T-Medya’s shares. The case is pending.

Since it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, no contingent asset or related income is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Lawsuit filed for the recovery of the loss, arisen out of Large Tax Payers Office’s late refund

Turkcell made an application to Large Tax Payers Office for the recovery of its loss, arisen out of Large Tax Payer Office’s late payment of the tax amounts that it should pay to Turkcell. The Tax Office rejected the application implicitly. Turkcell filed a lawsuit for the cancellation of this implicit rejection and the recovery of its losses with its accrued interest, arisen out of Large Tax Payers Office’s late refund of the overpaid tax amounts. Turkcell requested TL 4,903 with its legal interest accrued from 15 February 2013 and TL 2,342 with its legal interest accrued from 13 December 2013 until the date of collection of the respective amounts. The Court accepted the part of Turkcell’s request regarding the cancellation of the implicit rejection and recovery of its losses; rejected the part of the request regarding the interest. The Large Tax Payers Office appealed the decision. Turkcell appealed the decision concerning the rejected part of the decision.

Since it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, no asset or related income is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

The lawsuit filed against EnerjiSA in order to collect the amounts which were collected from Turkcell regarding the unpaid/illegal electricity consumption costs and etc.

Turkcell filed a lawsuit against EnerjiSA Elektrik AS in order to collect TL 107,149 which was collected from Turkcell between 1 January 2011 and 1 April 2014, with its advance interest to be accrued from the payment date of each invoice until the date of collection. EnerjiSA’s collection is composed of unpaid/illegal electricity consumption costs, distribution costs, meter reading costs, retail sales service and transmission costs and also the TRT share, the Energy Fund and the Municipal Consumption Tax calculated on unpaid/illegal electricity consumption costs. The case is pending.

Since it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, no asset or related income is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

The lawsuit filed against AKSA in order to collect the amounts which were collected from Turkcell regarding the illegal electricity consumption and etc.

Turkcell filed a lawsuit against AKSA Elektrik AS in order to collect TL 45,744 which was collected from Turkcell between 1 April 2014 and 31 May 2015 with its advance interest to be accrued from the payment date of each invoice until the date of collection. AKSA’s collection is composed of unpaid/illegal electricity consumption costs, distribution costs, meter reading costs, retail sales service and transmission costs and



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

also the TRT share, the Energy Fund and the Municipal Consumption Tax calculated on unpaid/illegal electricity consumption costs. Case is pending.

Since it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, no asset or related income is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Dispute with MTN regarding Iranian GSM tender process

In 2004, Turkcell was awarded Iran’s first private GSM license through an international tender. Subsequently Turkcell was barred from concluding its license arrangement, and Iran entered into a license agreement with the South Africa based operator MTN, instead of Turkcell. With respect to newly received information by Turkcell indicating that the signing of the license agreement with MTN instead of Turkcell was a consequence of MTN’s actions at that time. In light of the harm caused by MTN’s actions to both Turkcell and to its shareholders, Turkcell filed a lawsuit against MTN on 28 March 2012 seeking the compensation of such damages.

Considering extensive business dealings of both companies in the United States and due to the allegations that MTN breached rules of international law, the lawsuit has been filed in United States District Court for the District of Columbia. The lawsuit has been withdrawn in order to file a lawsuit in another jurisdiction.

Turkcell filed a lawsuit against MTN based on the same allegations before the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa. Turkcell submitted the revised particulars of claim. The lawsuit is still pending.

Since it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, no asset or related income is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Dispute on the decision of CMB regarding audit committee member

On 15 October 2008, the CMB decided on an administrative fine amounting to TL 12 since the Company did not fulfill the decision of CMB dated 26 January 2007 and required the Company to inform its shareholders at the next General Assembly Meeting. The Company commenced a lawsuit before the Administrative Court. The Court rejected the Company’s stay of execution request and the Company’s objection to this decision has been rejected. On 27 May 2011, the Court rejected the case. The Company appealed the decision. Council of State rejected the injunction request of the First Instance Court’s decision. Council of State rejected the stay of execution request of the Company. The appeal process is still pending.

Dispute on payment request of Savings Deposits Insurance Fund

On 26 July 2007, Savings Deposits Insurance Fund (“SDIF”) requested TL 15,149 to be paid in one month period on the ground that the stated amount is recorded as receivable from the Company in the accounting records of Telsim, which is taken over by SDIF. On 20 September 2007, the Company filed a lawsuit for the injunction and cancellation of the SDIF’s request. Council of State accepted the injunction request of the Company. On 19 January 2010, the Court accepted the Company’s claim and cancelled the aforementioned request of SDIF. SDIF appealed the decision. The Plenary Session of Administrative Law Divisions of the Council of State approved the First Instance Court’s decision in favor of the Company. The defendant



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

applied to the correction of the decision. The Company replied the same. The correction of the decision process is pending.

SDIF issued payment orders for the aforementioned amount and, on 19 October 2007, the Company initiated a lawsuit for the cancellation of the payment request of SDIF. On 29 March 2010, the Court decided on the cancellation of the payment order. SDIF appealed such decision. The Council of State approved the first instance court decision in favor of the Company.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation is uncertain, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Dispute with the Ministry of Industry and Trade

Ministry of Industry and Trade notified the Company that the Company is not informing the subscribers properly before service subscriptions and content sales and charged administrative fine of TL 68,201. On 24 August 2009, the Company initiated a lawsuit for the cancellation of the payment notification and related decision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The Court rejected the Company’s injunction request. The Court cancelled decision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on 8 June 2010. Ministry of Industry and Trade appealed the decision. Council of State reversed the judgment of the Instance Court. The Company requested correction of the decision. Council of State rejected the Company’s request for the correction of the decision. The Local Court made a decision in line with the reversal decision of Council of State and rejected the case. The Company appealed the decision. The Council of State approved the First Instance Court decision. The Company requested for correction of the decision. The Council of State rejected the Company’s correction of the decision request. The Company made an individual application before the Constitutional Court.

On 14 December 2009, the Company filed a lawsuit for the stay of execution and the cancellation of the payment order of TL 68,201 with respect to the decision of Ministry of Industry and Trade. The Court accepted the case. Tax Administration appealed the decision. Council of State reversed the judgment of the Instance Court. The Company requested correction of the decision. Council of State rejected the Company’s request for the correction of the decision request. The Court of First Instance decided to comply with the Council of State’s reversal decision and rejected the case. The Company appealed the decision. The Council of State approved the First Instance Court decision. The Company requested for correction of the decision. The Council of State rejected the Company’s correction of the decision request.

The administrative fine amounting to TL 68,201 was paid on 13 May 2014 with reservation and recognized as expense in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2014. The Company filed a lawsuit on 11 June 2014 for the cancellation of the accrual slip which was issued by the Large Taxpayer Office, and for the reimbursement of the aforementioned amount. The Court rejected the case. The Company appealed the respective decision in due time. Appeal process is still pending.

Dispute on VAT and SCT regarding Shell & Turcas Petrol AS campaign

The Company and Shell&Turcas Petrol A.S. signed an agreement on 27 November 2007 where eligible subscribers can get free counters and minutes from the Company or free oil from Shell&Turcas Petrol AS.

As a result of the tax investigation, Tax Controllers notified that VAT and special communication tax are not calculated over the free counters and minutes and imposed special communication tax amounting to



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

TL 1,214 and tax penalty of TL 1,822 and VAT amounting to TL 874 and tax penalty of TL 1,315. On 16 September 2009, the Company filed lawsuits for the cancellation of the tax penalty. The court decided to accept the cases. Tax Administration appealed the decisions. The Council of State approved the first instance court’s decisions, in favor of the Company, regarding the cancellation of the special communication tax and its tax penalty assessment. Tax Administration applied for the correction of the decision process against the respective decisions. The Council of State rejected the Tax Administration’s correction of the decision requests made by the Tax Administration regarding the cases filed for the cancellation of the SCT and its tax penalty. Therefore, the Court decisions, given on the aforementioned cases are finalized in favor of the Company.

The Council of State approved the First Instance Courts’ decisions in favor of the Company, regarding the 3 cases filed for the cancellation of the VAT and its tax penalty. Tax Administration applied for the correction of the decision process against the decisions. The correction of the decision processes are pending.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation is uncertain, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Decisions of ICTA on tariff plans

On 15 November 2009, ICTA notified that the Company has changed the conditions of a tariff plan after the launch and shall reimburse overcharged amounts to the subscribers. On 1 February 2010, the Company initiated a lawsuit for stay of execution and the cancellation of the decision of ICTA. The Court rejected the Company’s stay of execution request. The Company objected to this decision. The Court rejected the objection request of the Company. The case is still pending.

Amount to be reimbursed to the subscribers is calculated as TL 15,660 and deducted from revenues in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2009. Reimbursement to subscribers was made in January 2010.

On 17 May 2010, ICTA decided to impose TL 802 administrative fine against the Company on the ground that one of the tariff option of the Company contradicts the board decision which sets lower limit to the on-net tariffs. The payment was made within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA. Therefore, 25% discount was applied and TL 601 as fine on 21 June 2010. Besides, the Company filed a lawsuit on 21 July 2010 in request for the cancellation of fine. The Court overruled the stay of execution request and the Company objected to this decision. The Court rejected the objection request of the Company. The Court rejected the lawsuit. The Company appealed the decision. The state of Council rejected the stay of execution request of the First Instance Court’s decision. The appeal process is still pending.

ICTA decided to apply an administrative penalty in the amount of TL 26,483 to the Company on 22 September 2010 as a result of an investigation initiated related to a tariff plan. Since the administrative fine was paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA, 25% discount was applied and TL 19,862 was paid on 7 December 2010. The Company initiated a lawsuit to suspend the execution of administrative fine and cancellation, on 10 December 2010. The Court overruled the stay of execution request and the Company objected to this decision. On 17 February 2011, the Regional Ankara Administrative Court accepted the objection and decided to suspend the execution. ICTA reimbursed the paid amount on 30 March 2011. The Court rejected the case. The Company appealed the decision and also



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

demanded the stay of execution of the decision along with this appeal request. The Council of State, decided to approve the First Instance Court’s decision. The Company applied for the correction of the decision. The Council of State rejected the Company’s correction of the decision request. The Company made an individual application against the respective decision, before the Constitutional Court.

In accordance with the proceedings in the legal case, the administrative fine in the amount of TL 19,862 was refunded to ICTA on 30 January 2014 and the reimbursement procedure, which should be made to the subscribers, was also started again in 2014.

In the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2013, provisions amounting to TL 19,862 and TL 26,716 were recognized for the administrative fine which was imposed by ICTA and for the amounts which had not been reimbursed to the subscribers, respectively.

In the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015, no provision is recognized for the expected reimbursement to the subscribers (31 December 2014: TL 8,527).

Decision of ICTA regarding telephone directory and unknown numbers service

On 7 July 2010, ICTA decided to fine the Company by TL 401 and transfer back all kinds of software, hardware, infrastructure and equipment which make available the telephone directory and unknown numbers service to the ownership of the Company from its wholly owned subsidiary on the ground that ownership of the whole system related to telephone directory and unknown number service does not pertain to the Company. Administrative fine was paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA. Therefore, 25% discount was applied and TL 301 as fine on 7 September 2010.

The Company filed a lawsuit on 22 September 2010 for the stay of execution and cancellation of the administrative fine. The Court overruled the stay of execution request of the Company and the Company objected to this decision. The Court rejected the lawsuit. The Company appealed the decision. The Council of State rejected the Company’s stay of execution request made during the appeal process. The appeal process is still pending.

Since it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, no contingent asset or related income is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Investigation of ICTA based on the complaint of a subscriber

After the investigation ICTA initiated against the Company upon the complaint of Ozalp Insaat Pazarlama Tic. Ltd. Sti., ICTA decided to impose administrative fine to the Company amounting to TL 8,016 on 13 January 2011, for making some subscribers suffer and TL 2,004 for misinforming the Authority. Since the administrative fine was paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA, 25% discount was applied and payment totaling to TL 7,515 is made on 17 February 2011. The Company filed two lawsuits on 14 March 2011 for the stay of execution and cancellation of these administrative fines. The stay of execution requests have been rejected in the lawsuits. The Company objected to the decisions. The objections were rejected. The Courts rejected both cases. The Company appealed both cases. The Council of State rejected the Company’s stay of execution requests, during the appeal process. Appeal processes are still pending.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Dispute regarding the fine applied by ICTA regarding breaching confidentiality of personal data and relevant legislation which is launched by ICTA

Upon the investigation ICTA decided to launch, related to breaching confidentiality of personal data and relevant legislation, within the context of the news in the press regarding unlawful wiretapping, ICTA decided to impose an administrative fine on the Company amounting to TL 11,225 and its decision was delivered to the Company on 6 June 2011. Since the administrative fine was paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA, 25% discount was applied and TL 8,418 was paid on 5 July 2011. On 24 August 2011, the Company filed a lawsuit for the annulment of the decision with stay of execution request. The Court rejected the case. The Company appealed the decision. Council of State rejected the Company’s stay of execution request at appeal phase. The Company requested stay of execution for the second time. The Council of State, decided to approve the First Instance Court’s decision. The Company applied for the correction of the decision.

Dispute with Avea on SMS interconnection termination fees

On 22 December 2006, Avea initiated a lawsuit against the Company claiming that although there was an agreement between the Company and Avea stating that both parties would not charge any SMS interconnection termination fees, the Company has charged SMS interconnection fees for the messages terminating on its own network and also assumed liabilities for the SMS terminating on Avea’s network and made interconnection payments to Avea after deducting the net balance of those SMS charges and accruals. Avea requested provisions of Interconnection Agreement regarding SMS pricing to be applied and requested collection of its losses amounting to nominal amount of TL 6,480 for the period between January 2006 and August 2006 with its accrued interest till payment. On 25 November 2008, the Court decided in favor of Avea. The Company has appealed the decision.

Supreme Court of Appeal reversed the judgment of the Local Court. The Company has applied for the correction in terms of justification of the decision for the Supreme Court’s reversal decision. Avea has also applied for the correction of the decision. Supreme Court rejected the request for correction of the decision of Avea, and partially accepted the Company’s demand. On 13 December 2011, the Local Court decided to accept the lawsuit again. The Company appealed the decision. The Court of Cassation decided to approve the decision of the First Instance Court. The Company applied for the correction of the decision. The Court of Cassation rejected the correction of the decision requests. The Company applied to the Constitutional Court against the decision.

The Company has paid the principal of TL 6,480 late payment interest of TL 5,103 and related fees of TL 524 on 30 March 2009.

In line with the court decision stating that charging SMS interconnection termination fees violates the agreement between the Company and Avea, neither SMS interconnection revenue nor SMS interconnection expense has been recognized from February 2005 to 23 March 2007.

Moreover, the Company applied to ICTA for the determination SMS interconnection termination fees and starting from 23 March 2007, the Company has applied the SMS interconnection termination fees announced by ICTA until January 2009. ICTA determined new SMS termination rate in January 2009 upon the application of Avea.

Since it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, no asset or related income is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Investigation initiated by ICTA upon complaint of subscriber of data tariffs’ charging

In consequence of consumer complaint, ICTA notified the Company on 3 October 2011, to impose an administrative fine amounting to TL 1,645. Since the administrative fine was paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA, 25% discount was applied and payment totaling to TL 1,234 was made on 1 November 2011. The Company filed a lawsuit on 2 December 2011 for the stay of execution and cancellation of the administrative fine. The stay of execution request has been rejected. The Company objected to the decision. The Regional Ankara Administrative Court rejected the objection. The Court rejected the case. The Company appealed the decision. Council of State rejected the Company’s stay of execution requests at appeal phase. Appeal process is still pending.

Investigation of ICTA on the implementation of article 18 of “By-law on Consumer Rights in the Electronic Communications Sector”

On 22 February 2011, ICTA decided to investigate compatibility of Company’s practices regarding the “cancellation procedure” which is regulated at article 18 of theBy-law on Consumer Rights in the Electronic Communications Sector.

ICTA, with its decision which was notified to the Company on 19 August 2011, decided to impose an administrative fine amounting to TL 11,442. Since the administrative fine paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA, 25% discount applied and TL 8,581 is paid in total on 15 September 2011. On 18 October 2011, the Company filed a lawsuit for the annulment of the decision with stay of execution request. The Court rejected the request of the Company for stay of execution. The Company objected to the decision. The objection was dismissed. The court rejected the lawsuit. The Company appealed the decision. The Council of State rejected the Company’s request for stay of execution during the appeal process. Appeal process is still pending.

On the other hand, ICTA, with its decision which was notified to the Company on 1 February 2013, imposed another administrative fine amounting to TL 1,000 about the Company’s practices regarding the “subscription cancellation procedure”. Since the administrative fine paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA, 25% discount applied and TL 750 is paid in total on 15 March 2013. On 1 April 2013, the Company filed a lawsuit for the annulment of the decision with stay of execution request. The Court decided to analyze the Company’s stay of execution request after ICTA submits its plea of defense. The Court rejected the Company’s request for stay of execution. The Company objected to this decision. The objection was rejected. The Court rejected the lawsuit. The Company appealed the decision. The Council of State approved the decision of the First Instance Court. The Company applied for the correction of the decision in due time.

Investigation of ICTA regarding access failures on emergency call services

On 16 June 2011, ICTA decided to initiate an investigation in order to evaluate the Company’s access failures realized on emergency call services which are deemed as critically important for end-users. Investigation Report is submitted to the Company on 28 December 2011 and the Company submitted its defense statement to ICTA within the due date.

On 26 June 2012, ICTA decided to impose administrative fine to the Company amounting to TL 1,809 with the reasons that the Company has not given priority to the failures and has not given the requested information for the investigation in due time.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Since the administrative fine was paid within 1 month beginning from the notification of the decision of ICTA, 25% discount was applied and TL 1,357 was paid on 3 October 2012. The Company filed two lawsuits on 5 November 2012 for the stay of execution and cancellation of the decision. The Court rejected the Company’s stay of execution demand on the case filed for the cancellation of the administrative fine which was imposed to the Company with the reason that the Company has not given priority to fix the failures. The Company objected to the decision, but objection was rejected. The Court rejected this case. The Company appealed the decision. The Council of State approved the decision of the First Instance Court. The Company applied to the correction of the decision. The Council of State rejected the correction of the decision requests. The Company made an individual application against the decision, before the Constitutional Court.

The Court rejected the Company’s stay of execution request on the other lawsuit, which was filed for the cancellation of the administrative fine, imposed to the Company for not giving the requested information in due time. The Company objected to the decision. The objection was rejected. The Court rejected this case. The Company appealed the decision. The Council of State approved the decision of the First Instance Court. The Company applied to the correction of the decision. The correction of the decision process is pending.

Investigation of ICTA regarding “Atlas of Places Only Turkcell Covers” distributed with Tempo magazine

On 2 November 2011, ICTA decided to initiate an investigation regarding “Atlas of Places Only Turkcell Covers” which locations marked on the map of Turkey with “only” Turkcell coverage. As a result of the investigation, ICTA imposed an administrative fine amounting to TL 1,635 and the decision was notified to the Company on 6 August 2012. Since the administrative fine paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA, 25% discount applied and TL 1,226 was paid on 4 September 2012. The Company filed a lawsuit on 2 October 2012 for stay of execution and for the annulment of the decision. The court rejected the stay of execution request. The Company objected the decision. The objection was rejected. The Court rejected the lawsuit. The Company appealed the decision. The Council of State approved the decision of the First Instance Court. The Company applied for the correction of the decision. The Council of State rejected the Company’s correction of the decision request. The Company applied to the Constitutional Court against the decision. Examination is in progress.

Dispute with ICTA regarding annual radio utilization fees

The Company filed a lawsuit before ICC in April 2012, claiming that the Company is not obliged to pay treasury share and ICTA Fee in accordance with the 8th and 9th Articles of the Concession Agreement, respectively, on annual utilization fees deducted from the prepaid subscribers and return of overpaid TL 5,852 treasury share for the period between August 2011 and February 2012. The Tribunal has partially accepted the case in favor of the Company and awarded that the Company is entitled to receive overpaid treasury share amounting TL 4,100 together with simple legal interest. Two lawsuits one by ICTA, and one by Undersecretariat of Treasury and the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs, and Communications were filed for cancellation of the Final Award. The cases were dismissed by the Courts. Both ICTA and Undersecretariat of Treasury and the Ministry of Transport appealed the decision. The Supreme Court of Appeal reversed the decision of the First Instance Court. The Company applied for the correction of the decision. Undersecretariat of Treasury and Ministry of Transport submitted its reply to the correction of decision The correction of the decision process is pending. Appeal process is still pending for the lawsuit which is initiated by ICTA.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Since it is not virtually certain that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, no asset or related income is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Administrative fine imposed by the ICTA regarding base stations

Istanbul Regional Directorate of ICTA, has decided to impose an administrative fine to the Company in the amount of TL 2,057, on the ground that the measurement reports of 484 base stations was not submitted to the ICTA by the Company in the 30-day period pursuant to the regulations, after commissioning of systems are activated. The Company filed a lawsuit on 25 April 2008 for stay of execution and for the annulment of the decision. The court rejected the lawsuit. The Company appealed the decision. The Council of State reversed the first instance court’s decision on the ground that Istanbul Regional Directorate of ICTA has not been authorized to impose aforementioned administrative fine. The Court of First Instance decided to accept the lawsuit in accordance with the reversal decision of the Council of State. ICTA appealed the decision. The Company replied the appeal request. Appeal process is still pending.

Then ICTA gave the same decision with the Regional Directorate gave before and imposed an administrative fine to the Company in the amount of TL 2,057 again pursuant to the regulations in force in the relevant time by its decision which was notified to the Company on 5 December 2012. The Company filed a lawsuit for stay of execution and for the annulment of the decision. The Court rejected the Company’s request. The Company objected to the decision. The objection was also rejected. The Court accepted the lawsuit in favor of the Company. ICTA appealed the decision. The Company replied the appeal request. The Council of State approved the first instance court’s decision. The ICTA applied for the correction of the decision. The Council of State rejected ICTA’s correction of the decision request, in favor of the Company. Since therefore, the first instance court decision is finalized on September 3,2015.

Since the administrative fine was paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA, 25% discount was applied and TL 1,542 was paid on 3 January 2013.

ICTA reimbursed the relative amount to Turkcell on 2 July 2014 with respect to the Court decision.

Investigation initiated by ICTA on invoicing mistakes

ICTA pursued an investigation to examine the subscribers’ complaints which are about the Company’s invoicing mistakes. On-site investigations have been commenced between 14-17 January and 15-16 May 2014. The inquiry of investigation which includes the findings of the investigation was delivered to the Company on 2 June 2014. On 2 July 2014 the Company filed its written defenses to ICTA. An oral hearing was held before the ICTA Board on 31 October 2014.

ICTA, by its decision dated 31 October 2014 took upon the aforementioned investigation, decided to issue an official warning to the Company as regards to the allegation that the Company misinformed the subscribers regarding one of its Tariff Package; moreover, ICTA imposed an administrative fine of TL 1,213 in total, with respect to its allegations that the Company violated its obligations related to correct invoicing and also violated its obligations related to the consumer rights and the obligations arisen out of its authorization; furthermore, ICTA decided that the reimbursements (stipulated to be made to the subscribers due to the infringements, which were alleged that occur within the scope of the aforementioned Board Decision) should be finalized within 6 six month. The Company filed 8 separate lawsuits for the cancellation of the aforementioned decision on 15 January 2015. The Court rejected the Company’s stay of



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

execution request, made on the lawsuit, which was filed for the cancellation of the Article 8 of the aforementioned Board Decision. The Company objected to this decision. Objection was rejected. All of the cases are pending.

Since the administrative fine amounting to TL 1,213 was paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA, 25% discount was applied and payment amounting to TL 910 was made on 7 January 2015.

In the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015, no provision is recognized for the expected reimbursement to subscribers (31 December 2014: TL 2,957).

Investigation initiated by ICTA on limited usage services

ICTA initiated an investigation in order to determine whether the Company is in compliance with the regulations on limited usage services. The ICTA Board decided that the Company’s practices are incompatible with the ICTA regulations and imposed an administrative fine of TL 18,539 to the Company. The Board also obliged the Company to make a reimbursement amounting TL 37,184 to the subscribers within six months.

Since the administrative fine amounting to TL 18,539 was paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA, 25% discount was applied and payment amounting to TL 13,905 was made on 31 January 2014. The Company filed a lawsuit on 4 February 2014 for the stay of execution and the cancellation of the aforementioned act and decision. The Court rejected the stay of execution request of the Company. The Company objected to this decision. District Administrative Court rejected the objection. The case is pending.

In the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015, no provision is recognized for the expected reimbursement to subscribers (31 December 2014: TL 10,047).

Investigation initiated by ICTA about Processing Personal Data

ICTA commenced an investigation in order to determine whether Company is in compliance with the regulations on “Processing Personal Data and Protecting of Secrecy”. As a result of the investigation ICTA decided to impose an administrative fine to the Company on 16 January 2014, amounting to TL 1,413. The Company filed a lawsuit on 28 March 2014 for the stay of execution and the cancellation of the aforementioned decision. The Court rejected the stay of execution request of the Company. The Company objected to this decision. Objection was rejected. The Company requested stay of execution again. The Court rejected the stay of execution request of the Company again. The Company objected to this decision. Objection was rejected. The case is still pending.

Since the administrative fine was paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA, and 25% discount was applied and payment amounting to TL 1,059 was made on 7 March 2014.

Administrative fine imposed by the ICTA regarding the number of subscribers and radio utilization and usage fees of 2010-2011

ICTA commenced an investigation, against the GSM operators, on the accuracy of the subscription numbers reports of 2010 and 2011 which is essential for the payment of radio utilization and usage fee, and on-site investigations have been commenced.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

The inquiry of investigation which includes the findings of the investigation was delivered to the Company on 31 July 2013. The inquiry claims that the Company paid less radio utilization and usage fees amounting to TL 67,493 than it was required for the years 2010 and 2011, and an administrative fine should be imposed. On 2 September 2013 the Company filed its written defense, and an oral hearing was held before the ICTA Board on 11 December 2013 to submit the Company’s further comments. ICTA issued an official warning to the Company for the amount of TL 4,512 regarding the radio utilization and usage fee which the Company allegedly did not pay for the years 2010-2011. In addition, ICTA imposed an administrative fine to the Company amounting to TL 2,648 for the amount of TL 62,399 of radio utilization and usage fee which the Company allegedly did not pay for the year 2010-2011 and to initiate an in-depth investigation to further inspect the correctness of the radio utilization and usage fee payments regarding terms do not fall under the scope of this investigation. The Company filed a lawsuit on 28 April 2014 for the cancellation of the aforementioned decision. The case is still pending.

Since the administrative fine was paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA, 25% discount was applied and payment amounting to TL 1,986 was made on 16 April 2014.

ICTA sent notifications to the Company dated 27 May 2014 and 26 June 2014 and by these notifications, ICTA demanded the Company to pay the radio utilization and usage fees amounting to TL 67,493; the amount which the Company allegedly paid deficiently on ICTA’s decision took upon the aforementioned investigation on the radio utilization and usage fees regarding the term 2010-2011. After that, ICTA send another notification to the Company on 24 July 2014 and notify the Company that it deducted the Company’s claims which the Company entitled to collect by sharing its antenna facilities. The Company filed a lawsuit on 5 September 2014 for the cancellation of these 3 administrative acts. Moreover, the Company also requested the Court to recourse to Constitutional Court for the cancellation of the 1st, 3rd and 5th paragraphs of the 46th article of the Code numbered 5809 by this lawsuit.

ICTA filed a lawsuit against the Company on 13 October 2014 for the collection of TL 40,885 the amount which ICTA alleged that the Company paid deficiently by its Board decision, took upon the investigation on the radio utilization and usage fees regarding the term 2010-2011 with its accrued interest. The Court decided to obtain an expert report, regarding the respective case. The case is still pending.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation regarding the additional utilization and usage fees request amounting to TL 67,493 is not probable, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

ICTA, imposed an administrative act on the Company by referring to its Board Decision took upon the investigation on the radio utilization and usage fees regarding the period 2010-2011 and alleged that the Company has also paid the radio utilization and usage fees deficiently in the amount of TL 1,257, during the term 2013 July-December and by this administrative act, send accrual slips so as to collect the respective amount. The Company filed a lawsuit on 8 September 2014 for the cancellation of ICTA’s aforementioned accrual slips and administrative act, implied on the Company. The Company also requested the Court to recourse to Constitutional Court for the cancellation of the 1st, 3rd and 5th paragraphs of the 46th article of the Code numbered 5809. The case is still pending.

Due to the fact that the Company did not pay TL 1,257, the amount which was alleged that the Company paid deficiently during the term 2013 July-December, ICTA filed a lawsuit on 23 December 2014 for the collection of the aforementioned amount with its accrued interest, which will be calculated according to Code numbered 6183. The Court decided to consolidate this lawsuit with the lawsuit filed by ICTA on 13 October 2014. The cases are pending.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits is uncertain, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Investigation initiated by ICTA on subscription numbers and radio utilization and usage fees of 2012

ICTA commenced an on-site investigations, against the GSM operators, on the accuracy of the subscriber numbers report of 2012 which is essential for radio utilization and usage fees.

As a result of the investigation, ICTA imposed an administrative fine to the Company amounting to TL 2,802 for the amount of TL 43,736 of radio utilization and usage fee which the Company allegedly did not pay for the year 2012.

Since the administrative fine was paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA, 25% discount was applied and payment amounting to TL 2,101 was made on 11 September 2014. The Company filed a lawsuit on 2 October 2014 for the cancellation of the aforementioned Board Decision. The Company also requested the Court to recourse to Constitutional Court for the cancellation of the 1st, 3rd and 5th paragraphs of the 46th article of the Code numbered 5809 by this lawsuit. The case is pending.

The Company filed a lawsuit on 24 November 2014 for the cancellation of ICTA’s administrative acts implied on the Company for the collection of the radio utilization and usage fees in the amount of TL 43,519 which was claimed to have been paid deficiently on the aforementioned administrative act. The Company also requested the Court to recourse to Constitutional Court for the cancellation of the 1st, 3rd and 5th paragraphs of the 46th article of the Code numbered 5809 by this lawsuit. The case is pending.

ICTA filed a lawsuit on 3 March 2015 for the collection of TL 43,519. The amount which was alleged that the Company paid deficiently by the ICTA decision took upon the investigation on the radio utilization and usage fees, regarding the year 2012 with its accrued interest, which will be calculated. The Court decided to take an expert report. The case is pending.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation regarding the additional utilization and usage fees request amounting to TL 43,736 is not probable, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

In-depth investigation initiated by ICTA regarding the number of subscribers and radio utilization and usage fees of 2004-2009

ICTA commenced an in-depth investigation regarding the term 2004-2009 years, against the GSM operators, on the accuracy of the subscription numbers’ reports, which are the essential for the payment of radio utilization and usage fees. As a result of the investigation, ICTA imposed an administrative fine to the Company amounting to TL 2,802 with the allegation that during 2006-2009 years the radio utilization and usage fees which Turkcell’s subscribers should pay were paid deficient.

Since the administrative fine was paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA, 25% discount was applied and payment amounting to TL 2,101 was.

The Company filed two separate lawsuits for the cancellation of the respective parts of the aforementioned Board Decision and the respective administrative acts.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

In the meantime, ICTA, based on the aforementioned Board decision, notified the Company that Turkcell caused both deficient payment and also overpayment of the radio utilization and usage fees from the radio utilization and usage fees that shall be paid on October-December 2005. Therefore, ICTA deducted the amounts that were alleged to have been paid deficiently with their accrued delay penalty; from Turkcell’s overpaid amounts. Moreover, by this administrative act, ICTA notified the Company that after this deduction, ICTA recorded the remaining Turkcell’s receivables, in the amount of TL 13,310 into its accounts. Turkcell filed a lawsuit for the cancellation of this administrative act and the accrual slips sent by this administrative act.

Furthermore, demanded Turkcell to pay the radio utilization and usage fees in the amount of TL 110,722 with its accrued delay penalty, which is alleged to have been paid deficiently during the years 2006-2009 and notified the Company that it may deduct the overpaid radio utilization and usage fees in the amount of TL 73,200. The Company filed a lawsuit for the cancellation of the aforementioned administrative act. The cases are pending.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation is not probable, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Investigation initiated by ICTA on ICTA Board Decision No: 149

ICTA carried out an investigation whether the Company is compliant with ICTA Board decision number 149 and related decisions, which set a minimum rate for the Company’s on-net prices and an obligation to report the actual prices for tariffs.

As a result of the investigation ICTA imposed an administrative fine of TL 4,061 to the Company, for not complying with its reporting obligation set by the aforementioned ICTA decision, by submitting false and misleading reports and information to the ICTA and for not keeping the necessary information regarding the investigation during the term of the investigation.

Since the administrative fine was paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA, 25% discount was applied and payment amounting to TL 3,046 was made on 1 April 2014.

The Company filed 3 separate lawsuits for the stay of execution and the cancellation of the related articles of the aforementioned decision. The Court rejected the stay of execution requests. The Company objected these decisions. Objections were rejected. The cases are pending.

Tax Penalty as a result of tax investigation regarding deduction of stamp duty calculation of the year 2009

Istanbul Large Taxpayers Group Presidency of Tax Inspection Board inspected year 2009 stamp duty in accordance with its limited stamp duty review and issued a report on incorrect stamp duty rates applied for some rent agreements. The Company paid a total of TL 2,918 on 28 November 2015 for stamp duty and loss of tax as a result of the compromise on 29 September 2015 and recognized as expense in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015.

Investigation initiated by Competition Authority for Exclusive Agreements for the base station areas

The decision of the Competition Board based on a preliminary investigation dated 22 April 2009, on which there are no findings of an infringement of competition rules, regarding the Company’s exclusive



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

agreements for the areas where base stations are erected, was cancelled by the Council of State. Accordingly, the Competition Board decided to initiate an investigation regarding the issue. The notification of the investigation has been received by the Company on 16 August 2013. The Company has submitted its first written defense and additional information requested within due dates. Competition Board decided to extend investigation period for additional 2 months. The report regarding the investigation and additional report has been sent to the Company. Written defenses were submitted within due date. The Competition Authority Board decided that the Company’s practices did not cause any infringement under the Law number 4054.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation regarding the additional utilization and usage fees request is uncertain, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Cancellation of the administrative acts and accrual slips regarding the TRX Radio Utilization fees

The Company filed a lawsuit on September 2, 2014; for the stay of execution and the cancellation of ICTA’s administrative acts and the accrual slips regarding the TRX Radio Utilization Fees, amounting to TL 1,418. Since ICTA ordered the Company to re-pay the radio utilization fees for the TRXs that are relocated so that the Company had to pay the radio utilization fees retrospectively for the same TRXs in the same year, due to these aforementioned administrative acts. Respective court case is separated into two cases. In the case, filed for the stay of execution and the cancellation of the accrual slips, the Court rejected the Company’s stay of execution request. The Company objected to this decision. The objection is rejected. The Company requested stay of execution again.

The Company also filed a lawsuit for the stay of execution and the cancelation of the “TRX Notification Form” and the term placed in the “Additional TRX” definition (defined in the Explanation Guide to the respective Form) stating that “…of the new base station that is mounted, independently from the base station that is demounted in the same year…”. The Council of State accepted the Company’s stay of execution request.

On the other hand, ICTA cancelled some of the aforementioned accrual slips and prepared new accrual slips in the amount of TL 395 instead of the cancelled ones. The Company filed a lawsuit on 2 March 2015; for the cancellation of the respective new accrual slips and the administrative act regarding the notification of these accrual slips. The case is pending.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation regarding the additional utilization and usage fees request is uncertain, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Investigation initiated by ICTA on open lines

ICTA initiated an investigation about the Company’s compliance with open lines and unit/minute frauds regulations. On-site investigations have been commenced on 18-20 August 2014. The inquiry of investigation which includes the findings of the investigation was delivered to the Company on 22 October 2014. The Company’s written defenses was submitted within due date. The oral hearing was held before the ICTA Board on 27 May 2015.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

As a result of the investigation ICTA imposed an administrative fine amounting to TL 3,082 in total for five separate violations by its decision dated 9 July 2015. The Company applied to ICTA to retrieve its aforementioned Board decision. ICTA implicitly rejected this application. The Company filed five separate lawsuits for the cancellation of the respective Board decision and implicit rejection.

Since the administrative fine was paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA, 25% discount was applied and payment amounting to TL 2,311 was made on 2 December 2015.

Investigation initiated by ICTA on processing of personal data

ICTA initiated an investigation about the Company’s compliance with the regulations of processing personal data, withdrawal cost calculations, target messaging, smart advertising. On-site investigations have been commenced on 22-24 January 2014 and 16-18 April 2014. The inquiry of investigation which includes the three violation findings of the investigation was delivered to the Company on 4 November 2014. The Company’s written defenses was submitted within due date. The oral hearing was held on 28 July 2015 before the ICTA Board. As a result of the investigation ICTA issued a legal warning to the Company and also imposed separate administrative fines in the amount of TL 2,801 in total by its decision dated 29 July 2015. Besides ICTA requested the Company to reimburse the overcharged amounts to the subscribers and to complete reimbursements within 4 months. Moreover, if there be any other overcharged amount recognized between the inspection date and the date of notification of the decision have been also requested to be reimbursed within 6 months. The Company applied to ICTA to retrieve its aforementioned Board decision. ICTA implicitly rejected this application. The Company filed three separate lawsuits for the cancellation of the aforementioned Board decision’s respective articles and the implicit rejection.

Since the administrative fine was paid within 1 month following the notification of the decision of ICTA, 25% discount was applied and payment amounting to TL 2,101 was made on 30 November 2015. In the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015, no provision is recognized for the expected reimbursement to subscribers (31 December 2014: TL 5,408).

Investigation initiated by ICTA regarding Invoice Upper Limit

ICTA initiated an investigation about invoice upper limit regulations which is about; informing subscribers during international mobile data roaming, overcharging subscribers during the change of some tariffs and misinforming some subscribers. On-site investigation has been commenced on 14-16 October 2014 and inquiry of investigation which includes claims of the investigation was delivered to the Company on 25 February 2015. The inquiry also states that the Company didn’t send the mandatory messages to the subscribers in most of the cases thus some subscribers were overcharged in the amount of TL 7,170. As a result of the investigation ICTA imposed three separate administrative fines totaling to 1,016 TL by its decision dated 23 November 2015. By its aforementioned decision, ICTA also alleged that the Company overcharged its subscribers by TL 6,181 and it should reimburse these amounts to the subscribers within 6 months.

The Company filed 3 separate lawsuits for the cancellation of the respective articles of the aforementioned Board decision.

In the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015, provisions amounting to TL 762 for administrative fines which was imposed by ICTA and TL 3,517 are recognized for the expected reimbursement to subscribers, respectively (31 December 2014: None).



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Since the administrative fine was paid within 1 month following the notification of ICTA’s respective decision, 25% discount was applied and payment amounting to TL 762 was made on 23 February 2016.

Investigation initiated by ICTA regarding the number of subscribers and radio utilization and usage fees of 2013

ICTA commenced an investigation on the accuracy of the subscription numbers reports of 2013 which is essential for the payment of radio utilization and usage fee. The inquiry of investigation claims that the Company paid less radio utilization and usage fees total amounting to TL 21,191 and an administrative fine should be imposed. The Company’s written defense was submitted within due date.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation regarding the additional utilization and usage fees request is uncertain, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Investigation initiated by ICTA on termination of subscription

ICTA initiated an in investigation about the Company’s compliance with the regulations about subscribers’ termination demands. As a result of the investigation ICTA decided to issue an official warning to the Company for one violation, for two violations ICTA imposed amounting to TL 3,082 for administrative fines. In addition, The Board also obliged the Company to make a reimbursement amounting TL 2,043 to the subscribers within three months. Reimbursement procedure, which should be made to the subscribers, was also started before ICTA decision thus in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015, no provision is recognized for the amount which has not been reimbursed to the subscribers.In the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015, provision amounting to TL 2,311 for administrative fines which was imposed by ICTA. (31 December 2014: None).

Investigation initiated by ICTA on TRX Radio Utilization Fees

ICTA commenced an investigation on the correctness of notifications about TRX channels which are essential for the radio utilization and usage fees, made to ICTA by the Company in 2011 and before. The inquiry claims that the Company paid less radio usage fees than it was required for the years 2005-2011, and besides an administrative fine should be imposed. The Company’s written defense was submitted within due date. After submitting the written defense ICTA commenced a supplemental on-site investigation on14-17 September 2015 and afterwards a new inquiry was delivered to the Company. The inquiry claims that the Company paid less radio usage fee total amounting to TL 8,782 than it was required for the years 2005-2011, and besides an administrative fine should be imposed. The Company’s written defense will be submitted within due date.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation regarding the additional utilization and usage fees request is uncertain, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Investigation initiated by ICTA on solving consumer complaints

ICTA initiated an in investigation about the Company’s compliance with the regulations about resolving consumer complaints. The inquiry of investigation which includes the two violation findings of the investigation was delivered to the Company on 31 August 2015. The Company’s written defences was submitted within due date. The oral hearing will be held on 15 March 2016.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation regarding the additional utilization and usage fees request is uncertain, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Investigation initiated by ICTA on R&D and SME investments

ICTA initiated an in investigation about Company’s compliance with R&D and SME investments to the concession agreement. The inquiry of investigation was delivered to the Company on 19 October 2015. The Company’s written defences was submitted within due date.

Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation regarding the additional utilization and usage fees request is uncertain, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Investigation initiated by ICTA on Infrastructure System Notifications

ICTA initiated an investigation on the accuracy of the Company’s infrastructure system notifications with the infrastructure systems in Ankara and Kirikkale. The inquiry of investigation which includes a finding of the investigation was delivered to the Company on 29 February 2016. The Company’s written defences will be submitted within due date. Based on the management opinion, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation regarding the additional utilization and usage fees request is uncertain, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Commitments and Contingencies related to Inteltek

Disputes with Spor Toto

Permission request made to Spor Toto regarding the change of Inteltek’s shareholder structure

Intralot Integrated Lottery Systems & Services (“Intralot SA”), one of the shareholders of Inteltek, notified Inteltek regarding the plan of share transfer and merger transactions in Intralot group. Inteltek requested a written permission from Spor Toto Directorate on 30 January 2013 within the frame of Article 18/2 of “Agreement on Assigning Fixed Odds and Joint Betting Games Based on Sports Competition to Legal Persons described on Private Law” dated 29 August 2008 and signed between Inteltek and Spor Toto. As a result of the “implied rejection” of Inteltek’s permission request by Spor Toto, Inteltek filed a lawsuit for the cancellation and the stay of execution of this implied rejection. The Court has decided to reject the lawsuit because of the lack of competence. Inteltek appealed the decision. The 13th Council of State has decided to accept Inteltek’s appeal request and reversed the decision of the Administrative Court. The defendant applied for correction of decision. It has been replied to the request for correction of decision within its legal



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

term by Inteltek. The Council of State decided to reject the request for correction of decision. The lawsuit file has been sent to its Court of First Instance. The defendant has objected on competence. The court rejected the competence objection and decided to evaluate the motion for stay of execution following the completion of the term for competence. The defendant claimed on competence. Our Company replied to this claim within its legal term. The case file is at Court Of Jurisdictional Disputes for the determination of the competence.

Commitments and Contingencies related to Astelit

Astelit 3G Agreement

In March 2015, Astelit received 3G license amounting to UAH 3,355,400 (equivalent to TL406,495 as at 31 December 2015) . According to 3G License terms, license is covering all 27 Ukrainian regions. It is taken for 30 MHz range in 1920-1935 and 2110-2125 band and is valid for 15 years. 3G license obligations include: to ensure quality of 3G service in regional centers within 18 months, to ensure quality of 3G service in all settlements with population more than 10,000 within 2-6 years and to finance conversion of spectrum from military use.

Dispute of Astelit with its distributor

One of Astelit’s distributors filed a lawsuit against Astelit claiming a compensation in the amount of UAH 106,443 (equivalent to TL12,895 as at 31 December 2015) which is allegedly the sum of advance payment for undelivered goods. According to the commission agreement, signed between parties, the payment terms are 30 days after delivery date (net of distributor’s commission). The distributor violated the conditions of agreement and did not pay on time. Therefore, Astelit made a counterclaim for the recovery of indebtedness in the amount of UAH 35,292 (equivalent to TL4,276 as at 31 December 2015).

Dispute passed through all the instances twice. On 26 March 2012, the High Commercial Court of Ukraine approved the previous positive decision for Astelit counterclaim.

Enforcement document was submitted to the State Enforcement Service. According to Ukrainian legislation, the distributor has a right to appeal the decision before Supreme Court of Ukraine within three months from the date of judgment of the High Commercial Court of Ukraine but the distributor did not use the right.

The distributor had a statute of limitation for 3 years from the date of the High Commercial Court decision, which expired on 26 March 2015. The distributor is not conducting economic activity for a long period of time and has not appealed the decision. The possibility of such actions from distributor is lost.

Based on the management decision, the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the obligation is uncertain, thus, no provision is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: None).

Dispute of Astelit related to withholding tax on interest expense

Ukrainian Tax Administration sent a tax notice to Astelit stating that withholding tax rate on interest expense for the loan agreement with Euroasia should be 10% for the year 2009. According to Ukrainian legislation and Convention on avoiding double taxation between Ukraine and the Netherlands, Astelit paid withholding tax at 2%. Astelit filed a suit to cancel tax notice, which imposed Astelit to pay additional UAH 11,651 (equivalent to TL1,411 as at 31 December 2015). The High Administrative Court decided in favor of



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Tax Administration on 27 March 2014. Therefore, Astelit paid the aforementioned amount on 4 April 2014. Also, additional penalty based on 120% of NBU’s daily rate will be paid to the Tax Authority according to the court decision. The court has decided that Euroasia status as financial institution must be defined under Ukrainian law.

On 27 June 2014, Astelit filed an application to the Supreme Court for review of abovementioned decision and proof that Dutch legislation should be applied. On 14 July 2014, the High Administrative Court applied Astelit’s admission for review in Supreme Court.

On 2 December 2014, the Supreme Court has rejected Astelit`s appeal completely. The initial tax decision regarding additional withholding tax paid (UAH 11,651) (equivalent to TL1,411 as at 31 December 2015) and Euroasia qualification as nonfinancial institution remain in force.

Based on negative court decision, Ukrainian Tax Authority invited Astelit’s representatives to the meeting and proposed to pay voluntarily the difference of withholding tax up to 10% and 3% of tax fine for the period of 2011-2012. Astelit paid this difference amounting to UAH 4,105 (equivalent to TL497 as at 31 December 2015) in December 2014.

On 26 March 2015, Astelit lodged an application to the Supreme Court for review of abovementioned decision and proof that Dutch legislation should be applied. On 30 March 2015, Supreme Court of Ukraine dismissed Astelit’s claim.

Based on the management opinion, provision amounting to UAH 4,806 (equivalent to TL582 as at 31 December 2015) has been set for the penalty risks belonging to years 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: TL707).

Commitments and Contingencies related to Superonline

Order of payment notified to Turkcell Superonline according to universal service fund

On 24 October 2011, Beykoz Tax Administration notified Turkcell Superonline with an order of payment amounting to TL 1,192 for insufficient payments made by Turkcell Superonline for universal service fund related to years of 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. Four legal cases have been filed as of 31 October 2011 to revoke payment orders. Based on the management decision, TL 1,203 was paid on 7 December 2011 with its accrued interest. On 21 December 2011, based on the scope of Share Purchase Agreement, Turkcell Superonline sent a notice in order to receive payment from Demir Toprak Ith.Ihr. ve Tic. AS, Sinai ve Mali Yatirimlar Holding AS and Endustri Holding AS. Any payment has not been received as of 31 December 2015. Said payment shall be reimbursed in case of execution of suspension or the Court’s decision in favor of Turkcell Superonline. On 28 November 2012, two of the said order of payments, each amounting to TL 330 and TL 450 have been cancelled in favor of Turkcell Superonline which were notified on 23 January 2013 and 28 January 2013, respectively. The said cancellation decisions are appealed by Beykoz Tax Administration but this application was rejected, decisions are approved. Turkcell Superonline filed two lawsuits for repayment of TL 410 and TL 558. After the full remedy action lawsuits for repayment, Communication General Directorate which related to Ministry of Communications paid TL 330 in regard to universal service fund for the year 2005 and TL 449 in regard to universal service fund for the year 2006 to Turkcell Superonline on 17 June 2015. Because of the insufficient amount paid for the lawsuits which we claimed other than principal that TL 80 interest for the year 2005 and TL 109 interest for the year 2006. The Company continue both lawsuits for these insufficient amounts. The other two cases were rejected by the



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

court, those decisions were appealed. The appeal requests for the cancellation of the both payment orders in the amount of TL 68 and TL 354 were accepted by the Council of State in favor of Turkcell Superonline. The Court made a decision in line with the reversal decision and accepted the case filed for the cancellation of the payment order, in the amount of TL 354.

35.Related parties

Transactions with key management personnel:

Key management personnel comprise the Group’s directors and key management executive officers.

As at 31 December 2015 and 2014, none of the Group’s directors and executive officers has outstanding personnel loans from the Group.

In addition to their salaries, the Group also provides non-cash benefits to directors and executive officers and contributes to a post-employment defined plan on their behalf. The Group is required to contribute a specified percentage of payroll costs to the retirement benefit scheme to fund the benefits.

Total compensation provided to key management personnel is TL 66,876, TL 32,817 and TL 32,528 for the years ended 31 December 2015, 2014 and 2013, respectively.

The Company has agreements or protocols with several of its shareholders, consolidated subsidiaries and affiliates of the shareholders.

Due from related parties – short term

  2015   2014 

Vimpelcom OJSC (“Vimpelcom”)

   5,223     1,875  

GSM Kazakhstan Ltd (“Kazakcell”)

   1,662     1,135  

Megafon OJSC (“Megafon”)

   1,592     1,169  

Millenicom Telekomunikasyon AS (“Millenicom”)

   784     89  

Azercell Telekom MMC (“Azercell”)

   633     564  

KVK Teknoloji Urunleri AS (“KVK Teknoloji”)

   —       5,904  


   1,866     2,202  






   11,760     12,938  







Due from related parties short term is shown net of allowance for doubtful debts amounting to TL 302 as at 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: TL 80).

Due from Vimpelcom, Megafon, Millenicom and Azercell resulted from telecommunications services such as interconnection and roaming.

Millenicom shares held by Cukurova Group were acquired by EWE Turkey Holding on 21 January 2016.

Due from Kazakcell, mainly resulted from the software services and telecommunications services such as interconnection and roaming.

KVK Teknoloji’s shares held by Cukurova Group were acquired by MV Holding on 6 July 2015 and receivables from KVK Teknoloji are reclassed as trade receivables after the transfer of shares. Due from



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

KVK Teknoloji as at 31 December 2014, mainly resulted from simcard, scratch card sales and advances given to this company.

Due to related parties – short term

  2015   2014 

Hobim Bilgi Islem Hizmetleri AS (“Hobim”)

   3,491     7,071  

Kyivstar GSM JSC (“Kyivstar”)

   1,375     465  

KVK Teknoloji Urunleri AS (“KVK Teknoloji”)

   —       9,411  

Krea Icerik Hizmetleri ve Produksiyon AS (“Krea”)

   —       3,491  


   1,689     4,194  






   6,555     24,632  







Due to Hobim resulted from invoice printing services and subscription documents services rendered by this company.

Due to Kyivstar mainly resulted from rendering telecommunications services such as interconnection and roaming.

Due to KVK Teknoloji as at 31 December 2014, mainly resulted from payables for sales commissions, terminal purchases and payables in relation to assigned receivables from KVK Teknoloji.

Due to Krea mainly resulted from the content services rendered by this company.

The Group’s exposure to currency risk related to due from / (due to) related parties is disclosed in Note 31.

Transactions with related parties

Intragroup transactions that have been eliminated are not recognized as related party transaction in the following table:

Revenue from related parties

  2015   2014   2013 

Sales to KVK Teknoloji (*)


Simcard and prepaid card sales

   217,080     428,234     573,642  

Sales to Kyivstar


Telecommunications services

   41,728     69,469     94,229  

Sales to Vimpelcom


Telecommunications services

   20,489     48,360     30,466  

Sales to Teliasonera International


Telecommunications services

   16,955     17,936     13,070  

Sales to Megafon


Telecommunication services

   14,958     30,394     19,488  

Sales to Millenicom Telekomunikasyon AS (“Millenicom”)


Telecommunications services

   8,861     10,898     11,072  

Sales to Krea


Call center revenues, fixed line services, rent and interest charges

   4,831     10,746     16,737  



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Related party expenses

  2015   2014   2013 

Charges from KVK Teknoloji (*)


Dealer activation fees and others

   76,743     112,776     77,180  

Charges from Kyivstar


Telecommunications services

   49,608     69,947     85,198  

Charges from Hobim


Invoicing and archieving services

   29,570     36,160     41,776  

Charges from Krea


Digital television broadcasting services

   15,826     12,931     8,988  

Charges from Millenicom


Telecommunications services

   5,418     7,491     7,105  

Charges from Vimpelcom


Telecommunications services

   4,348     13,642     12,927  

Charges from Megafon


Telecommunications services

   4,342     12,688     15,038  

Charges from Teliasonera International


Telecommunications services

   3,409     15,100     16,561  

(*)Includes the transactions until 6 July 2015.

The significant agreements are as follows:

Transactions with KVK Teknoloji:

KVK Teknoloji, one of the Company’s principal simcard distributors, was affiliated with Cukurova Group, one of the shareholders of the Company. KVK Teknoloji’s shares held by Cukurova Group have been acquired by MV Holding on 6 July 2015. In addition to sales of simcards and scratch cards, the Company has entered into several agreements with KVK Teknoloji, in the form of advertisement support protocols, each lasting for different periods pursuant to which KVK Teknoloji must place advertisements for the Company’s services in newspapers. The objective of these agreements is to promote and increase handset sales with the Company’s prepaid and postpaid brand simcards, thereby supporting the protection of the Company’s market share in the prevailing market conditions. The prices of the contracts were determined according to the cost of advertising for KVK Teknoloji and the total advertisement benefit received, reflected in the Company’s market share in new subscriber acquisitions. Distributors’ campaign projects and market share also contributed to the budget allocation.

The amount of handset sales to the subscribers of the Company performed by KVK Teknoloji for the period ended 6 July 2015, when KVK Teknoloji’s shares are acquired by MV Holding, is TL 853,650 which is paid to KVK Teknoloji in advance in accordance with certain commitment arrangements and collected from the subscribers throughout the campaign period (31 December 2014: TL 1,165,998). Additionally, the Group made handset purchases from KVK for the sale of the product and marketing activities to subscribers.

Transactions with Kyivstar:

Alfa Group, one of the shareholders of the Company, holds the majority shares of Kyivstar. Kyivstar is rendering and receiving telecommunications services such as interconnection and roaming.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Transactions with Vimpelcom:

Vimpelcom, a subsidiary of Alfa Group, is rendering and receiving telecommunications services such as interconnection and roaming.

Transactions with Teliasonera International:

Teliasonera International, one of the shareholders of the Company, is rendering and receiving telecommunications services such as interconnection and roaming.

Transactions with Megafon:

Megafon, a subsidiary of Sonera Holding, is rendering and receiving telecommunications services such as interconnection and roaming.

Transactions with Millenicom:

European Telecommunications Holding AG, a subsidiary of Cukurova Group, holds the majority shares of Millenicom. Millenicom is rendering and receiving telecommunications services such as interconnection and roaming.

Millenicom shares held by Cukurova Group were acquired by EWE Turkey Holding on 21 January 2016.

Transactions with Krea:

Krea, a direct-to-home digital television service company under the Digiturk brand name, is a subsidiary of one of the Company’s shareholders, Cukurova Group. SDIF took over the management of Krea in 2013.

There are no specific agreements between Turkcell and digital channels branded under Digiturk name. Every year, as in every other media channel, standard ad spaces are purchased on a spot basis. Also, Krea provides instant football content related to Spor Toto Super League to the Company to be delivered to mobile phones and tablets.

The Company has agreements for fixed telephone, leased line, corporate internet, and data center services provided by the Company’s subsidiary Turkcell Superonline.

The Company’s subsidiary Global Bilgi is also providing call center services for Krea.

Çukurova Holding has signed a share purchase agreement with BeIN Media Group related to the sale of their shares in Krea. Share transfer is not finalized as at 31 December 2015.

Transactions with Hobim:

Hobim, one of the leading data processing and application service provider companies in Turkey, is owned by Cukurova Group. The Company has entered into invoice printing and archiving agreements with Hobim under which Hobim provides the Company with monthly invoice printing services, manages archiving of invoices and subscription documents. Prices of the agreements are determined through alternative proposals’ evaluation.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Legal restrictions on related party transactions

Notifications of levy against Cukurova Holding AS sent by various creditors

As per the notifications of levy sent by different Executive Directorates on various dates, the Company has been informed about seizure decisions on the rights and receivables and assets of the Company in the amount of TL 260,508. However, as the dematerialized shares owned by shareholders of the Company and also related transactions in accordance with the relevant legislation must be met by brokerage firms the required attachment of any transaction in shares of the Company have not been established.

Attachment levied by SDIF against Cukurova Holding AS

The Company has been informed about two different seizure decisions taken on the rights, receivables and assets of Cukurova Holding A.S. in the amount of TL 854,379 in the Company due to the debts of Cukurova Holding A.S. to SDIF. However, as the dematerialized shares owned by shareholders of the Company and also related transactions in accordance with the relevant legislation must be met by brokerage firms the required attachment of any transaction in shares of the Company have not been established. With a different notice by SDIF, the Company has been informed about seizure on all receivables of Cukurova Holding AS. including its dividend receivables Dividend payables to Cukurova Holdings AS amounting to TL 1,776, were paid to SDIF on 13 April 2015.


The Group’s ultimate parent company is Turkcell. Subsidiaries of the Company as at 31 December 2015 and 2014 are as follows:(continued)

Subsidiaries Name


Country of



 Effective Ownership Interest 
   31 December
2015 (%)
  31 December
2014 (%)

Kibris Telekom

 Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Telecommunications  100    100  

Global Bilgi

 Turkey Customer relations management  100    100  

Turktell Bilisim


Information technology, value

added GSM services investments

  100    100  

Turkcell Superonline

 Turkey Telecommunications  100    100  

Turkcell Satis

 Turkey Telecommunications  100    100  


 Netherlands Telecommunications investments  100    100  

Turkcell Teknoloji

 Turkey Research and Development  100    100  

Global Tower


Telecommunications infrastructure


  100    100  

Turkcell Interaktif

 Turkey Radio and television broadcasting  100    100  


 Netherlands Financing business  100    100  


 Turkey Telecommunications  100    100  


 Netherlands Telecommunications investments  100    100  


 Turkey Telecommunications investments  100    100  

Turkcell Gayrimenkul

 Turkey Property investments  100    100  

Global LLC

 Ukraine Customer relations management  100    100  



Telecommunications infrastructure


  100    100  

Turkcell Europe

 Germany Telecommunications  100    100  

Turkcell Odeme(*)

 Turkey GSM services  100    100  


 Netherlands Telecommunications  100    55  


 Ukraine Telecommunications  100    55  

Turkcell Finansman A.Ş(***)

 Turkey Financing Services  100    —    

Belarusian Telecom

 Republic of Belarus Telecommunications  80    80  

Lifetech LLC

 Republic of Belarus Research and Development  78    78  


 Turkey Information and Entertainment Services  55    55  


 Azerbaijan Information and Entertainment Services  28    28  



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

(*)The trade name of Global Ödeme Hizmetleri A.Ş. has changed as “Turkcell Ödeme Hizmetleri A.Ş” as at 5 October 2015.
(**)The trade name of Astelit has changed as “lifecell LLC” as at 2 February 2016.
(***)As at 22 October 2015, the consumer financing company is incorporated a capital of TL 70,000 thousand. The Company is non-operating, since official authorization does not exist as at 31 December 2015. The company has received official authorization as at 21 January 2016.

The Company signed a share purchase agreement to acquire SCM Holdings Limited’s (“SCM”) 44.96% stake in its subsidiary, Euroasia on 26 June 2015 and the shares were acquired on 10 July 2015 for a total consideration of $100,000 (equivalent to TL 267,920 as at 31 December 2015). In accordance with IFRS 10 “Consolidated Financial Statements”, the transaction has been considered as an equity transaction and the deficit presenting the difference between the non-controlling interests derecognized and the consideration paid for the acquisition of shares amounting to TL 929,013 has been reduced from retained earnings in July 2015.



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

Details of non-wholly owned subsidiaries that have material non-controlling interests to the Group are disclosed below:

Name of subsidiary


Place of


and principal

place of business

 Proportion of ownership
interests and voting
rights held by
  Profit / (loss)
allocated to
    31 December
  31 December
  31 December
  31 December
  31 December
  31 December
  31 December
  31 December
  31 December


 Turkey  45.00  45.00  45.00  38,362    36,126    26,011    63,819    114,786    78,658  


 Netherlands/Ukraine  —      44.96  44.96  (209,323  (479,672  (27,283  —      (506,812  (258,466

Individually immaterial subsidiaries with non -controlling interest

      6,858    15,322    4,624    266    9,248    (1,723


















      (164,103  (428,224  3,352    64,085    (382,778  (181,531



















(*)Figures for the year 2015 represent the amounts acquired till the date of acquisition of 44,96% shares of Euroasia from SCM.

Summarized financial information in respect of Inteltek and Euroasia is set out below. The summarized financial information below represents amounts before intragroup eliminations.


   31 December
   31 December
   31 December

Current assets

   203,028     303,714     212,991  

Non-current assets

   25,068     24,486     29,559  

Current liabilities

   31,135     28,447     27,853  

Non-current liabilities

   55,141     44,674     39,900  


   141,820     255,079     174,797  



As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated except share amounts)

   2015   2014   2013 


   139,077     127,763     107,901  


   (53,829   (47,484   (50,099










Profit for the year

   85,248     80,279     57,802  










Other comprehensive income / (loss) for the year

   (379   (13   40  










Dividend paid to non-controlling interests

   (92,542   —       (1,046

Net cash inflow from operating activities

   66,055     64,573     61,030  

Net cash outflow from investing activities

   27,355     30,369     6,183  

Net cash inflow / (outflow) from financing activities

   (205,648   —       (2,325

Effects of foreign exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents

   11,795     2,900     5,744  










Net cash inflow / (outflow)

   (100,443   97,842     70,632  











   31 December
   31 December
   31 December

Current assets

   —       108,188     77,337  

Non-current assets

   —       471,651     942,187  

Current liabilities

   —       1,717,812     1,592,576  

Non-current liabilities

   —       12,678     25,150  

Deficit in equity

   —       (1,150,651   (598,202
   2015(*)   2014   2013 


   259,537     758,161     861,562  


   (725,114   (1,825,047   (922,244










Loss for the year

   (465,577   (1,066,886   (60,682










Other comprehensive income / (loss) for the year

   122,386     514,437     (96,218










Net cash inflow from operating activities

   213,957     153,943     155,775  

Net cash outflow from investing activities

   (616,340   (93,082   (124,682

Net cash inflow / (outflow) from financing activities

   417,498     (10,925   (88,692

Effects of foreign exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents

   (49,158   (26,423   25  










Net cash inflow / (outflow)

   (34,043   23,513     (57,574










(*)Figures for the year 2015 represent the amounts acquired till the date of acquisition of 44,96% shares of Euroasia from SCM.


37.Subsequent events

Turkcell Board of Directors has decided to convene the Annual General Assembly Meeting of the Company pertaining to the year of 2015 on 29 March 2016.

Share capital of Turkcell Finansman A.S was increased by TL 430,000 in March 2016.

Summarized financial information in respect of Inteltek is set out below. The summarized financial information below represents amounts before intragroup eliminations.


   31 December
   31 December

Current assets

   403,427    223,119 

Non-current assets

   9,043    9,290 

Current liabilities

   115,080    125,286 

Non-current liabilities

   5,154    4,742 

Equity attributable to owners

   292,236    102,381 
   2018    2017 








   208,239    184,025 

(Expenses) / Income (net)

   (93,133   (104,194

Gain on Sale of Investments

   118,476    —   







Profit for the year

   233,582    79,831 







Other comprehensive income/(loss) for the year

   179    172 

Dividend paid tonon-controlling interests

   31,283    (46,582

Net cash inflow from operating activities

   31,380    73,575 

Net cash inflow from investing activities

   158,946    19,930 

Net cash outflow from financing activities

   (69,518   (75,113

Effects of foreign exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents

   56,949    8,574 







Net cash inflow

   177,757    26,966 










As at and for the years ended 31 December 2018

(All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units and are expressed in Turkish Liras unless otherwise stated.)



F-149Cash flow information

Net debt reconciliation:

   Debt securities
   Loans   Financial

Balance at 1 January 2017

   1,922,656    7,810,392    48,114    9,781,162 

Cash inflows

   209,808    24,030,222    72,421    24,312,451 

Cash outflows

   (503,391   (22,768,911   (1,068   (23,273,370

Othernon-cash movements

   246,448    1,466,205    3,253    1,715,906 













Balance at 31 December 2017

   1,875,521    10,537,908    122,720    12,536,149 













Cash and cash equivalents





Net debt





   Debt securities

Balance at 1 January 2018

   1,875,521    10,537,908    122,720    12,536,149 

Increase in rent lease obligations (IFRS 16)

   —      —      1,036,380    1,036,380 

Cash inflows

   2,188,313    43,728,604    —      45,916,917 

Cash outflows

   (432,140   (44,339,377   (1,180,831   (45,952,348

Othernon-cash movements

   1,578,868    3,603,892    1,435,687    6,618,447 













Balance at 31 December 2018

   5,210,562    13,531,027    1,413,956    20,155,545 













Cash and cash equivalents





Net debt






Subsequent events

On 2 January, the Company purchased 827,750 of its shareson-market with prices ranging from full TL 11.89 to full TL 12.24 and total cost was TL 9,997. Thebuy-back was approved by the Board of Directors on 27 July 2016 and 30 January 2017.

Our 55% owned subsidiary İnteltek İnternet Teknoloji Yatĺrĺm ve Danĺşmanlĺk Ticaret A.Ş. (“İnteltek”) has been notified that the “Tender on Fixed Odds and Pari-Mutuel Betting Games Based on Sports Competitions Shall Be Made by Spor Toto Directorate through Private Legal Entities” is concluded. The tender was awarded to the other bidder. The respective revenues comprise 1% of our consolidated revenues while 2019 contribution is expected to be lower considering our ongoing contract and the transfer process.

İnteltek, which has been operating İddaa game since 2004, has been one of the greatest supporters of the sports since its establishment, and contributed significantly to the development of the sports industry. With respect to the tender process, our rights stemming from the law will be exercised by Inteltek within the respective time frame. Inteltek, under its “procurement agreement through bargaining” will continue its activities together with its activities in digital gaming sector.
