Rental Agreement THIS AGREEMENTmadethe l" duy of November,2005. BETWEENDeltron,Inc. ("thetenant")AND S.N.BAbogados("thelandlord"). 1. Addressof Premises The address of the premiseto be rented is locatedat 100 metros Oestede Restaurante PrincessaMarina,SabanaOeste,SanJose,Republicde Costa Rica. 2. Description of Property The property to be rentedis an office of approximately 150 square feetwithin the 3,000 squarefoot office of the landlord. 3. Term of Agreement will be month-to-month The term of this agreement rental,whichwill begin on November1", 2005. 4. Rent Therentwill be $200.00U.S.permonth,andmustbepaidon or before the l" day of eachmonth. The first month'srentwill be payableon Novemberl't, 2005. Thetenant must paytherent on time. If the rent is late, the landlordmay issue aNotice to End a RentalTenancyto the tenant,which may take effect not earlier than 10 days afterthe date the Notice is given. 5. Ending the Tenancy The tenantmay end a month-to-monthtenancyby giving the landlord at least one month'swritten notice. The landlordmust receive the written noticebeforethe daythe rent is due, for the tenant to moveout at theend of the followingmonth. The landlord and tenantmay mutually agreein writing to endthis rentalagreementat any time |