
October 8, 2004

Mr. Andrew M. Sims
MHI Hospitality Corporation
814 Capitol Landing Road
Williamsburg, Virginia 23185

Re:	MHI Hospitality Corporation
	Registration Statement on Form S-11, filed on September 9, 2004
	File No.  333-118873

Dear Mr. Sims:

We have reviewed your filing and have the following comments.  Where
indicated, we think you should revise your document in response to
these comments.  If you disagree, we will consider your explanation
as to why our comment is inapplicable or a revision is unnecessary.
Please be as detailed as necessary in your explanation.  In some of
our comments, we may ask you to provide us with supplemental
information so we may better understand your disclosure.  After
reviewing this information, we may or may not raise additional

Please understand that the purpose of our review process is to assist
you in your compliance with the applicable disclosure requirements
and to enhance the overall disclosure in your filing.  We look
forward to working with you in these respects.  We welcome any
questions you may have about our comments or on any other aspect of
our review.  Feel free to call us at the telephone numbers listed at
the end of this letter.

1. We note that you intend to elect to be taxed as a REIT and that
your offering may constitute a "blind-pool" offering.  If so, please
revise to include all applicable Industry Guide 5 disclosure,
including prior performance information substantially similar to that
required under Item 8 and Appendix II of Industry Guide 5.  Refer to
Release 33-6900.  If you do not believe you are required to provide
prior performance disclosures, or if you do not believe that you have
any prior performance to disclose, please supplementally explain the
basis for that belief.

2. We note that in connection with the formation transactions, the
company will issue partnership units to affiliates and non-
affiliates, which units are convertible into shares of the company`s
common stock, in exchange for the contribution to MHI of five of your
initial hotel properties. Please supplementally provide us with your
analysis with respect to the potential for the integration of the
offers and sales of limited partnership units convertible into common
stock with your public offering of common stock, including a
discussion of any relevant staff interpretations.
3. We note that in the formation transactions you will be
consolidating the ownership of properties through the issuance of
operating partnership units to owners of various property entities.
It appears that these transactions may constitute a roll-up
transaction that would be subject to Subpart 900 of Regulation S-K.
Please provide all the disclosure and other relevant information
required by Subpart 900, or provide us with a supplemental analysis
of why the formation transactions do not constitute a roll-up
4. Please supplementally provide us with copies of any graphics,
maps, photographs, and related captions or other artwork including
logos that you intend to use in the prospectus.  Such graphics and
pictorial representations should not be included in any preliminary
prospectus distributed to prospective investors prior to our review.
5. Please provide us with all written promotional and sales material,
including material that will be used only by broker-dealers.  In this
regard, note that sales materials must set forth a balanced
presentation of the risks and rewards to investors and should not
contain any information or disclosure that is inconsistent with or
not also provided in the prospectus.  For guidance, refer to Item
19.D. of Guide 5.
6. It appears that the number of securities to be issued in the
formation transactions has been fixed. Please advise us
supplementally how the number of securities to be issued was
7. Supplementally tell us if you have a website, and if so, please
revise to include your website address.
8. We note that you rely on industry information in the filing and
you reference market data provided by Smith Travel Research.  Please
provide us with copies of articles and industry reports you rely on
and reference in the filing.  These materials should be appropriately
marked, dated, and refer to the page numbers on which they are cited.
Please indicate how these materials support your belief regarding
industry trends.  Additionally, tell us whether any of the reports
were prepared for you or were published generally.

9. We are unable to find disclosure pursuant to Item 25(b) of Form S-
11.  Please advise or revise.
10. Please fill in or provide supplementally all remaining
uncompleted information in the next amendment, other than pricing
information that you have omitted pursuant to Rule 430A. We may have
further comments based on the revised materials.

Prospectus Cover Page
11. We note the inclusion of red herring language on the cover page.
Supplementally advise us whether you have circulated or intend to
circulate the preliminary prospectus.
12. The cover page should contain only information required by Item
501 or that is key information.  Much of the information you have
included in paragraph one is not appropriately placed on the cover
page, including, for example, that you are succeeding to the lodging
assets and operations of your predecessor group. Please revise. See
our Plain English Handbook available at www.sec.gov.
13. Please revise to include cover page risk factor disclosure
addressing the most significant risks associated with your offering.
Please include, for example, cover page risk factor disclosure with
respect to:

* Your long-term debt of $25.7 million on a pro forma basis as of
June 30, 2004;
* The extent to which officers, directors, and affiliates will
control equity interest in the company on a fully diluted basis upon
completion of the offering and the substantial benefits to be
received by affiliates in connection with the offering.
* Federal income taxes consequences in the event you fail to qualify
as a REIT.
* The tax indemnification obligations of MHI Hospitality Corporation.
* The conflicts of interest officers and directors will experience
based on their ownership interest in the operating partnership.
* The geographic concentration of your hotels.
* The absence in your organizational documents of limitations on the
amount of debt you may incur.
* The fact that you have not obtained independent third party
appraisals of the hotels, and that therefore the consideration paid
in the formation and structuring transactions may exceed the fair
market value of the contributed properties.

Prospectus Summary
14. The Summary should provide investors with a clear, concise and
coherent "snapshot" description of the most significant aspects of
the offering.  We note that much of the information in the Summary is
repeated in the body of the prospectus, particularly within your
Business section.  Please revise the prospectus to delete repetitive
disclosure and to provide a brief overview of only the most salient
aspects of the transaction.  Please see Item 503(a) of Regulation S-

Overview - page 1
15. Please revise to clarify your corporate history, including
identifying your predecessor group. When you revise, please indicate
the reason you are succeeding to the assets and operations of your
predecessor group, and indicate how you will do so.
16. Please revise to include the disclosure required by Item 3(b) of
Form S-11 with respect to underwriting compensation and the
percentage of securities being offered to affiliates, or advise us
why you believe it is appropriate not to do so.
17. Please revise to briefly explain the significance of the terms
"upper upscale" and midscale" the first time you use them in your
18. Please revise throughout to balance the description of
management`s experience with disclosure that your management has no
experience operating a public company or a REIT.
19. Please revise to clarify what it means to "leverage the
experience" of your management team and MHI Hotels Services.
20. Please revise to indicate why management believes the hotels
referenced at the bottom of page one are well-positioned for future
21. Please revise to briefly explain what it means to score in the
"upper echelons" as rated by Hilton and Holiday Inn. For example,
what scale do these franchisors use? What percentage of franchisees
typically score in the upper echelon?

Growth-Oriented Balance Sheet, page 2
22. Please revise to state that there are no limits in your charter
or bylaws on your ability to incur debt.

Improved Lodging Cycle - page 2
23. Please revise to indicate why management believes there is a
recovery in the lodging industry. When you revise, please also
indicate why management believes there is "significant upside
potential" in the current U.S. lodging environment.

Summary risk factors - page 3
24. Please revise to clarify that you have included all material
25. To the extent we highlight or request risk factor disclosure on
in the Summary risk factors, please make conforming changes in the
Risk Factors section.
26. Please revise to include risk factor disclosure related to your
lack of operating history.
27. Please revise to include risk factor disclosure related to your
long-term debt.
28. Please revise to include risk factor disclosure addressing and
quantifying the amount of proceeds you will use to purchase
properties and the amount that you will use to repay indebtedness
related to such properties.
29. Please revise to include risk factor disclosure related to the
absence in your organizational documents of a limitation on the
amount of debt you may incur.
30. Please revise to include risk factor disclosure related to your
possible use of hedging.
31. Please revise to include risk factor disclosure related to the
control that officers, directors, and affiliates will have upon
completion of the offering.
32. Please revise the risk at bullet factor four to quantify the
extent of your tax indemnification obligations, and to describe the
nature of and the term of the obligations you reference.
33. Please describe the risks in the event that you fail to qualify
as a REIT.

Our Initial Properties, page 4
34. Please revise to include similar disclosure regarding the
leasehold resort.
35. Please revise to include a column disclosing the acquisition cost
of each property.

Formation Transactions - page 5
36. With respect to our comments on this section of the prospectus
summary, please provide conforming changes to the discussion of your
formation transactions in the body of the prospectus.

Conflicts of Interest - page 6
37. Please revise to include disclosure of conflicts that existed in
connection with negotiating the consideration for the contribution of
interests in the initial hotel properties.

Use of Proceeds, page 12
38. We note that you intend to use $25.1 million to repay debt
related to three properties.  Please revise to specify the properties
and include the information described in Instruction 4 to Item 504 of
Regulation S-K.  Furthermore, we note that on page 140 you state that
an affiliate of BB&T is the lender under a mortgage loan secured by
the Holiday Inn Brownstone and that a portion of the proceeds will be
used to repay this mortgage loan. Please describe and quantify this
use of the offering proceeds. Please similarly revise the disclosure
on page 34.

Our Distribution Policy - page 13
39. Please revise to state that your cash available for distributions
may be less than 90% of your REIT taxable income, which could require
you to sell assets or borrow funds in order to make distributions.
Also disclose that distributions in excess of available cash will
constitute a return of capital rather than a dividend to

Risk Factors - page 16
40. Please revise your risk factor subheadings so that each one
conveys the specific risk to you.  Currently, some of your
subheadings merely state a general risk or a fact about your
business.  We note the following examples:

* Our returns depend on management of our hotels by MHI Hotels
* Our TRS lessee structure subjects us to the risk of increased hotel
operating expenses.
* Complying with REIT requirements may cause us to forego otherwise
attractive opportunities.
* Complying with REIT requirements may force us to liquidate
otherwise attractive investments.
41. Please include a separate risk factor to disclose the risk that
since the number of op units is fixed the value of the consideration
to affiliates may increase if the offering price increases.
42. Please revise to include risk factor disclosure addressing your
lack of operating history.
43. Please revise to include risk factor disclosure addressing your
geographic concentration.

Conflicts of interest could result in our executive officers and
certain of our directors acting other than in our stockholders` best
interests - page 16
44. We note that you discuss multiple conflicts under this one
heading.  Please revise to break out the various conflicts under
separate headings or subheadings.

Our executive officers and certain of our directors may experience
conflicts of interest in connection with their ownership interests in
our operating partnership - page 17
45. Please revise to provide aggregate disclosure with respect to the
percentage that affiliates will own in the operating partnership, in
addition to the individual disclosure you have provided.

Our tax indemnification obligations, which apply in the event that we
sell certain properties, could subject us to liability for
substantial payments and limit our operating flexibility and reduce
our returns on our investments - page 17
46. Please revise to state, if true, that the tax indemnification
agreement was not the result of arm`s length negotiations.
47. Please revise to quantify the extent of the tax indemnification
obligations in the forepart of your discussion.

We did not obtain independent appraisals of our initial hotel
properties or the leasehold interests in the resort property - page
48. Please revise to include the aggregate value of the units you
will issue to executive officers and directors in connection with
your formation transactions.

We have agreed to provide certain of our contributors opportunities
to guaranty liabilities of our operating partnership - page 19
49. Please revise to more fully explain how the contributors are able
to defer recognition of gain by guaranteeing liabilities of the
operating partnership. Please also state the term of the protected
period, i.e., five years or ten years.

Future debt service obligations could adversely affect our overall
operating results - page 19
50. Please expand your disclosure to address, if true, that lenders
may impose restrictions that could affect your distribution and
operating policies, as well as your ability to incur additional debt.

Our net income would be adversely affected if our leases for the
resort property are terminated - page 21
51. Please revise to briefly explain under what circumstances the
Shell Island leases could be terminated.

Joint venture investments could be adversely affected by our lack of
sole decision-making authority - page 21
52. We note your statement that you may in certain circumstances be
liable for the actions of your third-party partners or co-venturers.
Please expand your disclosure to briefly describe those circumstances
under which you would be liable for the actions of your third-party
partners or co-venturers.

Our operating results are sensitive to fluctuations in interest
rates, and our hedging strategies may not be effective - page 22
53. Please revise to quantify the portion of your debt that is
sensitive to fluctuations in interest rates.
54. Please revise to discuss the risks associated with your hedging
activities under a separate heading.  Please also revise to indicate
the extent to which you intend to engage in hedging activities.

Capital Expenditures - page 23
55. Please revise to quantify the annual amounts that lenders may
require you to set aside for capital improvements.

Risks related to our Organization and Structure - page 26
56. Please revise to address, as applicable, any tax risk related to
your taxable REIT subsidiary, such as the TRS Lessee. For example,
would the TRS Lessee be limited in its ability to deduct interest
payments made to an affiliated REIT?

Our failure to qualify as a REIT under the federal tax laws will
result in adverse tax consequences - page 26
57. Please revise the heading of your risk factor to indicate the
nature of the adverse tax consequences to investors should you fail
to qualify as a REIT.

Provisions in our charter may limit the ability of a third party to
acquire control of our company - page 29
58. Please revise to address whether the board has the ability to
waive the share ownership limitations in any instance.
59. Please revise to address whether shareholder approval is required
for the future issuance of common or preferred shares. Please
similarly address this requirement at "Future offerings of debt
securities or preferred stock, which would be senior to our common
stock upon liquidation and for the purposes of distributions, may
cause the market price of our common stock to decline" on page 32.

The ability of our board of directors to revoke our REIT status -
page 30
60. Please revise your risk factor heading to indicate the nature of
the adverse consequence to shareholders in the event the board were
to revoke the company`s REIT status.

The number of shares available for future sale could cause our share
price to decline - page 31
61. Please revise to quantify the number of shares that will be
available for resale upon consummation of the offering.

Use of Proceeds - page 34
62. Please revise to briefly describe the "customary closing
conditions and contingencies" you reference in the final paragraph.

Capitalization, page 35
63. Please remove cash from the capitalization table which generally
depicts equity capitalization.

Dilution - page 37
64. Please consider adding a table which will set forth, on a pro
forma basis giving effect to the formation transactions and the
offering: (i) the number of units issued to the continuing investors
in connection with the formation transactions and the number of
shares of common stock to be sold to investors in the offering and
related percentages; (ii)  the total consideration amounts and
related percentages; (iii) and the average price per share paid.
65. Please limit the use of footnotes in this section.  For example,
please include the information that explains the net tangible book
value per share amounts in the narrative section preceding the net
tangible book value amounts.

Management`s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations
Overview, page 41
66. Identify the specific transactions in which you will apply
carryover basis to and provide your basis in GAAP for such treatment,
particularly where the interests in hotels are acquired from third

Results of Operations of the MHI Services Group, page 43
67. Revise to provide the disclosures required for non-GAAP measures
set forth in Item 10(e) of Regulation S-K as it relates to operating
income before depreciation and amortization.
Liquidity and Capital Resources - page 47
68. Please revise to address, as applicable, the impact of the
present offering on the company`s long term and short-term liquidity.
69. Please revise to discuss the impact of your use of leverage and
its impact on cash flow.  In addition, please revise to discuss the
impact of the franchise and management fees on cash flow and quantify
these fees.

Outstanding Debt, page 48
70. Please revise to quantify the amount of the prepayment penalties.
71. Please clarify if the table represents the contractual
obligations of MHI Hotels Services Group.

Tax and Depreciation - page 50
72. Please provide disclosure pursuant to Item 15(g) & (h) of Form S-
11 for each property, including estimated taxes on proposed

Formation Transactions, page 51
73. Disclose the assumption of $35.5 million in debt as part of the
transaction to acquire four of the six initial hotel properties.

Financing Strategy - page 56
74. We note that you intend to enter into a $23 million revolving
credit facility secured by two mortgages on two of your initial hotel
properties. Please revise to describe the material terms of the
credit facility, and file the agreement as an exhibit to the filing.
Clarify, if true, that this facility will be obtained from an
affiliate of BB&T.

Our Initial Properties - page 64
75. We note that you include the names of numerous companies in
describing corporate demand.  Please note that the prospectus should
not highlight the largest, most well known of your customers.  Please
tell us how you determined that these customers constituted a
representative sample. For example, have you designated the companies
by the largest in the industry or by the greatest amount of revenues
that you derive from such customers?  If any of the customers account
for 10% or more of your revenue, then they should be disclosed.  If
none of them are material customers, then they it would be
inappropriate to highlight the most easily recognizable of your

Competition - page 67
76. Please discuss your competitive position in the hotel industry
and discuss positive and negative factors pertaining to your

Shell Island Resort, page 72
77. Please revise to include operating and occupancy information for
the leasehold resort.

Environmental Matters - page 73
78. We note your discussion of asbestos in paragraph two and on page
74. If this is a material risk, please revise your risk factors
section to include disclosure with respect to it.

Our Principal Agreements - page 75
79. We note that you do not appear to have included disclosure with
respect to the material terms of the contribution agreements filed as
exhibits to your registration statement. Please revise or advise.
80. Please file all of these principal agreements as exhibits to your
registration statement and revise the exhibit index accordingly.  We
note that the index does not include the management or franchise
81. For each principal agreement, please revise to state the term of
the agreement, quantify the fees based on historical performance and
any caps on fees, and describe any amendment provisions.

Our Franchise Agreements - page 81
82. Please advise us, with a view towards disclosure, whether the
franchise agreements require you to maintain a reserve fund for
capital expenditures.

Management - page 85

Directors and Executive Officers - page 85
83. Please move footnotes 1,2, and 4 so that they appear in the
descriptions of business experience.
84. Please indicate any other directorships held by each director or
person nominated or chosen to become a director pursuant to Item
401(e)(2) of Regulation S-K

Registration Rights - page 98
85. Please revise to quantify the number of shares subject to
registration rights.  Also state the number of shares that are
subject to lock-up agreements.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, page 99
86. Please revise paragraph 1 to quantify the "substantial amount" of
ownership interests held by MHI Hotels Services in four of the
initial hotel properties.
87. Please revise paragraph 3 and the Formation Transactions section
to describe the conditions to acquiring the initial portfolio of
88. Please revise to state that the tax indemnification obligation
may equal $46 million, as disclosed on page 10.  Please similarly
revise the disclosure on page 53.

Other Matters - page 108
89. Please identify your transfer agent in your next filing.

Taxation of Our Company - page 117
90. Please revise your disclosure to indicate that you have received
an opinion from Baker & McKenzie, rather than that you will receive
such an opinion, since the opinion will have to be issued and filed
as an exhibit to the registration statement prior to effectiveness.
Note that we may have further comments on the tax disclosure after
reviewing the opinion of counsel.

Underwriting - page 138
Directed Share Program
91. We note that you intend to ask the underwriters to reserve a
portion of the common stock issued in this offering for a directed
share program.  Supplementally, describe the mechanics of how and
when these shares are offered or sold to investors in the directed
share program.  Also, provide us with copies of the materials the
underwriters intend to use in connection with the directed share
program.  Revise your prospectus disclosure to more specifically
describe who is eligible to participate in the directed share
program, such as employees, family members, certain customers.
Explain how you will determine the prospective recipients of reserved
92. We note that an affiliate of BB&T Capital Markets is the lender
under a mortgage loan secured by the Holiday Inn Brownstone hotel to
be acquired in the formation transaction. Please revise, as
appropriate, to include risk factor disclosure relating to the
affiliate relationship.

Financial Statements

Independent Auditors` Report, pages F-2, F-6, F-22 and F-33
93. The second paragraph of each report includes a reference to
auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of
America.  Please have your auditor revise their report to  refer to
the "standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
(United States)".  Refer to FR-73.

Notes to Financial Statements of MHI Hospitality Corporation, pages
F-4 to F-5
Summary of Significant Accounting Polices, page F-4
94. Please disclose your consolidation policies, including the
principles you follow in determining the inclusion or exclusion of
operating partnerships, taxable REIT subsidiaries and other entities
in your financial statements.  We refer you to Rule 3A-03 of
Regulation S-X.
95. Please add disclosure within the notes to the financial
statements and within Form S-11, as appropriate, to clearly indicate
how you will account for the acquisition of the interests of those
entities that own the initial hotels.  In this regard, it is not
evident that the entities contributing the initial four hotels are
under common control.  Also, based on the ownership structure of the
entities contributing the initial four hotels, the basis for
accounting for the contribution of the four hotels at historical
costs is not clear.  Please advise us of the consideration given to
SFAS 141 and the identification of one of the existing combining
entities as the acquirer  based on the available evidence (refer to
paragraphs 15 to 19 of SFAS 141).  Please supplementally advise us of
your accounting and revise your disclosure as appropriate.

Related Party Transactions
96. We note from your discussion on pages 6 through 9 that certain of
your executive officers and directors, including Andrew Sims, are
currently officers and/or directors of MHI Hotels Services.  Add
disclosure of your relationship with MHI Hotel Services and consider
referencing the strategic alliance and tax indemnification agreements
in addition to the management agreement.   Reference is made to Rule
4-08 (k) of Regulation S-X.

Combined Financial Statements of MHI Hotels Services Group, pages F-7
to F-20
97. Disclose the general nature of the reserves and escrows accounts
and restrictions on their use.

Note A - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, page F-10
Principles of Combination, page F-10
98. MHI Hotels Services, LLC is noted as owning 70.1% of Capitol
Hotel Associates LP, LLP whereas on page 7 the ownership interest is
disclosed as 25%.  Revise as appropriate to resolve the apparent
99. Revise to clarify the basis for the combined financial
statements.  In this regard, it is not clear how MHI Hotels Services,
LLC controls Capitol Hotel Associates LP, LLP with its 25% ownership

Deferred Costs, page F-12
100. Please supplementally advise us and expand your disclosure to
clarify the basis for deferring the initial franchise fees paid.
Reference is made to SFAS 45.

MHI Hospitality Corporation

Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Information, pages F-42 to F-51
101. Include an introductory paragraph to the pro forma financial
statements briefly describing the transaction, entities involved and
the periods presented.  See Rule 11-02(b) of Regulation S-X.

Notes to Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheets, pages F-44 to F-48
102. Reference is made to the introduction to the notes to the pro
forma balance sheets.  Expand the disclosure to clarify the total
purchase price for the interests acquired.  For example only,
indicate the total purchase price of the acquisition of the MAVAS
103. Revise Adjustment (a) to explain the adjustments.  For example,
why is an adjustment being made to cash for a distribution?  See Rule
11-02(b)(6) of Regulation S-X.
104. Adjustment (i) indicates that you have capitalized a $2 million
payment being made to terminate the management agreements between MHI
Hotel Services and five of the initial hotels prior to the signing of
new agreements for the management services that MHI Hotel Services
will provide to the same hotels.  It appears the payment represents a
contract termination which would more appropriately be expensed.
Please advise us of any pertinent termination provisions in the
former management agreements, and support your accounting treatment
of capitalizing the payment.  Cite relevant accounting literature.
Further, disclose why you intend to amortize this payment over a ten
year period and support your position as appropriate.
105. Adjustment (i) indicates that you have capitalized the Shell
Island leases.  Please clarify for us, your accounting treatment and
cite relevant accounting literature.  Further, please advise why you
intend to amortize these leases over a nine year period and support
your position as appropriate.
106. Please expand the discussion at Adjustment (b) to reflect the
nature of the mark up of the assets and the accounting treatment.
Expand to indicate the total purchase price as it relates to the
allocation of the purchase price depicted.  Also disclose what
interests are included in the minority interests, that is, what
constitutes the minority interests.
107. Clarify what is meant by "WHAC" reflected in Adjustment (b).
108. Explain the reason and purpose for the adjustments to debt as
well as the adjustments to related party accruals.  Clarify how these
adjustments relate to the transactions reflected in the pro formas.

Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Information, pages F-42 to F-51

Notes to Pro Forma Consolidated Statements of Operations, pages F-51
to F-53
109. Revise to include the presentation of earnings per share as
required by SFAS 128.
110. Adjustment B indicates that you have estimated an increase in
general and administrative costs will result.  Information about the
possible or expected impact of current actions taken by management in
response to the pro forma transaction, as if management`s actions
were carried out in previous reporting periods, is considered a
projection and not an objective of Article 11 of Regulation S-X.  All
adjustments reflected in the pro forma adjustments column should give
effect to events that are directly attributable to each specific
transaction and factually supportable.  Please revise the pro forma
adjustments accordingly.

111. Please file all remaining exhibits at the time of filing the
first amendment to your registration statement. Please note that we
will need adequate time to review the exhibits once filed, and may
have further comment. If you are unable to file the legal and tax
opinions with your next amendment, please provide draft opinions for
us to review.

Part II

Item 31.  Other Expenses of Issuance and Distribution
112. Please revise to complete this table of expenses.  If the
amounts of any items are not known, please revise to provide
estimates, identified as such. Please see Instruction to Item 511 of
Regulation S-K.

Item 33-Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities
113. We note that you have not included Item 701 disclosure with
respect to the operating partnership units you will issue in
connection with the formation transactions. Please revise to do so,
or advise us why you believe it is appropriate not to provide this


As appropriate, please amend your registration statement in response
to these comments.  You may wish to provide us with marked copies of
the amendment to expedite our review.  Please furnish a cover letter
with your amendment that keys your responses to our comments and
provides any requested supplemental information.  Detailed cover
letters greatly facilitate our review.  Please understand that we may
have additional comments after reviewing your amendment and responses
to our comments.

We urge all persons who are responsible for the accuracy and adequacy
of the disclosure in the filings reviewed by the staff to be certain
that they have provided all information investors require for an
informed decision.  Since the company and its management are in
possession of all facts relating to a company`s disclosure, they are
responsible for the accuracy and adequacy of the disclosures they
have made.

	Notwithstanding our comments, in the event the company requests
acceleration of the effective date of the pending registration
statement, it should furnish a letter, at the time of such request,
acknowledging that:

?	should the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to delegated
authority, declare the filing effective, it does not foreclose the
Commission from taking any action with respect to the filing;

?	the action of the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to
delegated authority, in declaring the filing effective, does not
relieve the company from its full responsibility for the adequacy and
accuracy of the disclosure in the filing; and

?	the company may not assert this action as a defense in any
proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the
federal securities laws of the United States.

	In addition, please be advised that the Division of Enforcement
has access to all information you provide to the staff of the
Division of Corporation Finance in connection with our review of your
filing or in response to our comments on your filing.

We will consider a written request for acceleration of the effective
date of the registration statement as a confirmation of the fact that
those requesting acceleration are aware of their respective
responsibilities under the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 as they relate to the proposed public offering
of the securities specified in the above registration statement.  We
will act on the request and, pursuant to delegated authority, grant
acceleration of the effective date.

We direct your attention to Rules 460 and 461 regarding requesting
acceleration of a registration statement.  Please allow adequate time
after the filing of any amendment for further review before
submitting a request for acceleration.  Please provide this request
at least two business days in advance of the requested effective

You may contact Howard Efron at 202-824-5347 or Donna Di Silvio at
202-942-1852 if you have questions regarding comments on the
financial statements and related matters.  Please contact Paul
Fischer at 202-942-1903 or the undersigned at 202-942-2987 with any
other questions.


			Peggy Kim
			Senior Counsel

cc:	Thomas J. Egan, Esq.
	Baker & McKenzie LLP
	by facsimile, 202-452-7074

MHI Hospitality Corporation
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