Mail Stop 4-7

September 23, 2004

Heather Remillard
Sound Revolution Inc.
Suite 507 - 3955 Graveley Street
Burnaby, British Columbia
Canada, V6C 3T4

RE: 	Sound Revolution Inc.
Form SB-2
Filed August 20, 2004
File No. 333-118398

Dear Ms. Remillard:

We have reviewed your registration statement and have the following
comments.  Please amend the registration statement in response to
these comments. If you disagree, we will consider your explanation as
to why our comment is inapplicable or a revision is unnecessary.
Please be as detailed as necessary in your explanation.  In some of
our comments, we may ask you to provide us with supplemental
information so we may better understand your disclosure.  After
reviewing this information, we may or may not raise additional

Please understand that the purpose of our review process is to assist
you in your compliance with the applicable disclosure requirements and
to enhance the overall disclosure in your filings.  We look forward to
working with you in these respects.  We welcome any questions you may
have about our comments or on any other aspect of our review.  Feel
free to call us at the telephone numbers listed at the end of this

Form SB-2


1. We note that this exclusively secondary offering is the initial
offering of your common shares.  We also note that while you are not
receiving any proceeds from the offering, the company is paying the
costs associated with this registration statement even though you
apparently are under no obligation to do so.  We further note that
your common shares do not trade on any market or quotation system, yet
you intend to pursue a listing on the OTC Bulletin Board after this
registration statement is declared effective.  Based upon these and
other factors, it appears that the selling shareholders may be
statutory underwriters within the meaning of the Securities Act.
Please tell us whether the selling shareholders have purchased from
the company with a view to, or are engaging in the direct or indirect
participation in, a distribution of your shares.  If any of the
selling shareholders are statutory underwriters, then they must be
named as such and the prospectus must be revised accordingly.

Your response analyzing whether the selling shareholders may be
statutory underwriters should include, but not be limited to, the
following factors:

* how long the selling shareholders have held the shares;
* the circumstances under which they received the shares;
* their relationship to the issuer;
* the amount of shares involved;
* whether the sellers are in the business of underwriting securities.

We may have additional comments based upon your response.

2. Please supplementally advise us whether any of the selling
shareholders are broker-dealers or affiliated with broker-dealers.
For all selling shareholders that are broker-dealers, disclose that
they are "underwriters" within the meaning of the Securities Act.  You
should revise the Plan of Distribution to state the names of the
selling shareholders who are broker-dealers, and to state that they
are also underwriters with respect to the shares that they are
offering for resale.

3. For selling shareholders who are affiliates of broker-dealers,
disclose, if true, that:

* The seller purchased in the ordinary course of business, and
* At the time of the purchase of the securities to be resold, the
seller had no agreements or understandings, directly or indirectly,
with any person to distribute the securities.

If these statements are not true for any selling shareholder, then the
prospectus must state that the selling shareholder is an underwriter.

4. We note that you are a development stage company with little if no
business operations, a capital deficit, and a negative financial
condition.  We also note that your officer, director and principal
shareholder Penny Green previously was an officer, director, and
principal shareholder of another public company -
Similar to Sound Revolution`s proposed offering, Mediatelevision
became a public company by means of an exclusively secondary initial
public offering in 2002 despite having little if no business
operations, a capital deficit, and a negative financial condition.  In
the two years since, it does not appear that Mediatelevision`s
business, investment, or financial condition changed.  Then, in April
2004, Mediatelevision announced a reverse merger in which Ms. Green
sold her shares in a change of control transaction to a company with
business operations.  Based upon filed Forms 8-K, it appears that the
sale closed on August 1, 2004.  In light of these facts, please
confirm and explain to us whether Sound Revolution actually intends to
pursue its business model or whether it actually is a blank check
company for which Ms. Green reasonably intends to seek a buyer of a
company with a registered class of shares.  We may have additional
comments based upon your response.

5. Please provide us with copies of any artwork you intend to use as
soon as possible for our review and comment.  Please keep in mind that
we may have comments on these materials and you should consider
waiting for further comments before printing and circulating any

6. When referring to dollar amounts, uniformly refer to either US or
Canadian dollars.  Revise throughout the filing.  Also, disclose in
the heading of your financial statements that your financial
statements are in US dollars.

Front Cover of Prospectus

7. Please delete the second and third sentences of the first
paragraph.  Those sentences are neither required by Item 501 of
Regulation S-B, nor appear key to an investment decision.

8. In the third full paragraph, please add a sentence briefly
highlighting that purchasers in this offering may be receiving an
illiquid security.

9. If you intend to circulate preliminary prospectuses, please revise
to include the legend required by Item 501(a)(10) of Regulation S-B.

Inside Front Cover

10. Please provide the dealer delivery obligation disclosure required
by Item 502(b).

Prospectus Summary, page 1

11. Please revise the Sound Revolution Inc. discussion to emphasize
more clearly that you have no operations, have not generated any
revenues, and do not expect to commence operations and generate
revenues until the middle of 2005.

12. Please revise to include a brief statement indicating what
percentage of your common stock is being offered in this prospectus.
Also clarify that both before and after the offering, your current
directors and officers will control the company.  Name those directors
and officers and state the percentage they will hold in your common
stock.  Also state that you are a subsidiary of Bacchus Entertainment
Ltd., a company which is 100% owned by your chairman, Penny Green.
Clarify what percentage of your shares are owned by Bacchus.

13. In the discussion of financial condition, please revise to include
a brief statement disclosing the amount of financing you expect to
require to continue in operations for the next year.

14. Please generally revise your registration statement to eliminate
technical and business jargon from the prospectus summary and to
reduce the amount of jargon throughout the rest of the prospectus.
Examples of terms that you should consider replacing with clear
concrete everyday language are:

* "fan management software product"
* "software that will allow artists and record labels to maximize
sales potentials"
* "developing digital music distribution services"
* "We intent to distribute our digital music online through seamless
digital integration."
* "music distribution end to end solutions"
* "Major labels are top-heavy and have high overheads"
* "break-even points"
* "digital content" and other variations on "content"

Risk Factors, page 2

15. Some of your risk factors are too long, too vague, too generic or
bundle multiple risks under one risk factor.  Meaningful risk factor
disclosure should clearly present adequate but not excessive detail
about distinct risks to your company or your offering.  For example,
please revise the following risk factors:

* "Because of our lack of operating history, we face a high risk of
business failure," page 2.  This risk factor  is too vague in that you
do not present sufficient, but not excessive, information for
investors to assess the magnitude of the risk.  Please revise
accordingly. As currently drafted this risk factor is also generic in
that it could apply to any company.  Please revise to clearly explain
how each risk applies to your industry, company, or offering.
Additionally, please revise the bodies of this and your other risk
factors so that the bodies of the risk factors explain how the risk
described in the caption may occur.
* "Our operating results may prove unpredictable ...," page 3.  This
risk factor bundles together multiple distinct risks.  In order to
give the proper prominence to each risk you present, please assign
each risk its own descriptive subheading.
* "We are a development stage online music distributor with no
experience ...," page 4.  This risk factor bundles several distinct
risks.  In doing so, you do not provide sufficient concrete detail for
investors to understand the magnitude of these risks.  Please revise
accordingly.  Once you revise to unbundle this and other risk factors,
as currently drafted, you should consider replacing repetitive risk
disclosure with a single risk factor.  For example, this and the
preceding two risk factors discuss the risk that you may not be able
to continue in operations without raising significant amounts of new
equity financing.

Again, the above are only examples.  Please revise throughout.

16. Please avoid the generic conclusion that a risk could have a
materially adverse effect on you, an adverse effect may result from
the risk, etc.  This does not represent meaningful disclosure, whether
in your risk factor captions or discussions.  Revise to specifically
disclose the actual risk and how it could affect your offering,
operating results, business strategy, profits, share price, etc.

17. Please revise to move the first risk factor following the "Risks
Related to Our Business" on page 4 so that it is the first risk factor
presented.  Also revise that risk factor to clarify that you have no
customers, no current products and no revenues.

Reliance on certain alliances, page 7

18. Please revise this caption to reflect the risk discussed in the
body of the risk factor.  Similarly revise your other risk factor
captions as appropriate, including "Change in technology environment
and access" on page 9.

A limited number of stockholders control us ..., page 12

19. Please revise this risk factor to clearly state and explain a risk
to investors.  State what adverse effect may occur and what may cause
it.  Similarly revise your other risk factors as appropriate,
including "We indemnify our directors ..." and "We have never paid
dividends" on page 12.

Determination of Offering Price, page 13

20. Please revise to disclose the factors you considered in
determining the offering price.  Since this is the initial offering of
your shares, it is unclear how you or the selling shareholders -
individually or in groups of shareholders and/or with the company -
arrived at the initial offering price of $0.20 per share.  Similarly,
it is unclear what privately negotiated factors might lead the selling
shareholders to sell shares at a price different than $0.20 per share.

21. In addition, please briefly describe in the summary how the
offering price was determined.

Plan of Distribution, page 15

22. Please revise your disclosure here to clarify that, in order to be
quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board, a market maker must file an
application on your behalf in order to make a market for your common
stock.  Clarify how long this takes and whether you have engaged a
market maker to apply for quotation on the OTC Bulletin Board on your
behalf.  Explain what effect quotation on the OTC Bulletin Board will
have on your liquidity.

Similarly, include a very brief statement about these items in the
prospectus summary.  Also, please revise the risk factor "The
securities offered may qualify as penny stocks..." on page 10, to
incorporate these details.

23. Please identify any selling shareholders that will engage in any
electronic offer, sale or distribution of the shares and describe
their procedures to us supplementally.

Further, tell us whether you or the selling shareholders have any
arrangements with a third party to host or access your prospectus on
the internet.  If so, identify the party and the website, describe the
material terms of your agreement, and provide us with a copy of any
written agreement.  Provide us also with copies of all information
concerning your company or prospectus that have appeared on their

Directors and Officers, page 16

24. Please remove your discussion of Digital Color Print, Inc.`s,
current stock price.

Audit Committee, page 18

25. Please revise to name the member of your audit committee.

Description of Securities, page 19

26. The statement "All outstanding shares of Common Stock are validly
authorized and issued, fully paid and non-assessable" is a legal
conclusion you are not qualified to make.  Either attribute it to
counsel or delete it.

27. Please remove your statement that the description of the common
stock does not purport to be complete.  Your Description of Securities
should be materially complete.  See Item 202 of Regulation S-B.
Please revise accordingly.

28. Please revise to describe your preferred stock.  You should state
how many shares are outstanding and in what series, and what material
terms they have.  See Item 202 of Regulation S-B.  In this regard, we
note your disclosure on page 12 in the risk factor "Some provisions of
our articles ...."

Description of Business, page 21

29. Please revise to begin your Business discussion by stating, if
true, that you have only recently begun your current operations and
that you have limited history of revenues and significant operational
losses to date as well as accumulated shareholder deficit.  Provide
quantitative figures for these items and state the dates that you
commenced each material category of your current operations.

30. Please generally revise your Business discussion, from page 21
through 26, to clarify what specific products you intend to distribute
in what specific markets and specifically how you plan to generate
revenues.  Also please generally revise to clearly and precisely state
the stage of development for each of your material products and
services.  Similarly clarify the stage of any material negotiations
and clarify whether you have binding written agreements.  Your current
disclosure is too vague.  For example, please replace the following
statements with concrete everyday language that clearly explains what
you sell, who supplies it to you and to whom you sell it:

* You indicate on page 21 that you have "been developing products and
services that will assist artists in generating new revenue streams
available in the digital economy."  Identify these products and
services and explain how they work.  Identify what type of artists you
are referring to.  Since you have not generated significant revenues,
it is unclear what your basis is to suggest these products and
services will "generat[e] new revenue streams available in the digital
economy."  Please support or remove that and similar statements.
* Also on page 21, you indicate that you "have been developing a
business model for a website that will combine music and charitable
causes for the sale of digital music."  Please revise to provide more
concrete details of this business model and clearly state what
specific steps you have taken to implement it and what steps remain.
Also clearly state that you have not signed up any charities to
participate in this project.
* Please revise to clarify how you intend to build your core software
yourselves, as you state on page 22, and have it completed in less
than one year`s time, as you indicate on page 23, when you also state
on page 26 that you have "no part time or full time employees" and
that you have "three contractors who work part time on a regular
basis," who happen to be officers and none of whom appears to be a
computer software developer.  If this software is being developed by
third parties, revise to clarify that and file your development
agreements as exhibits.

These are only examples, generally revise this section.

31. In many places in the discussion of your business, you make
assertions that reflect your beliefs about your future prospects.  In
each case, revise your discussion as necessary to clearly characterize
those assertions as your beliefs and to substantiate them with
supporting data and details.  If you cannot support your statements,
then you should delete them.  For example:

* clarify that the final bullet point on page 25 is your belief and
disclose your basis for this belief.  Further regarding that bullet
item, please reconcile your statement that you have a "competitive
edge" because "there are plenty of artists to sign" with your
statement on page 4 that "We have only signed one artist for our
* Please revise to explain in concrete detail your basis for stating
on page 28 that you believe you will generate "revenues from digital
music sales and fan management services within the year."

Our Competitive Position, page 23

32. Please revise to clearly state your market share, to which you
refer on page 24.

33. Please significantly revise the bullet list of your competitive
strengths on page 25.  The current discussion is too vague and should
be replaced with concrete statements, quantified where possible.  For

* Identify the "leaders and innovators from related fields" and state
their credentials.  Reconcile this statement with your statement on
page 6 that "The members of our management team have limited
experience in leadership roles in the music industry or in a public
* One of the bullet items is not a sentence, so it is unclear how it
gives you a competitive edge.  Please revise to clarify.

Customer Base, page 25

34. Please revise to quantify how many customers you have and how
long, on average, they have been your customers.  If one or more
customers individually represent 10% or more of your revenues, name
them.  We note disclosures throughout the registration statement
suggesting that you have significant numbers of customers that might
be lost due to competition.  Consider generally revising to remove
that suggestion, unless you do have a sizable stable customer base.
In this regard, we note your statement on page 4 that "We have ... no
client base."  Similarly, we note your statement on page 6 that "To
date, we have not signed up any charities for participation."

Research and Development, page 26

35. Please revise to clarify what the "Business Development Think
Tank" was.  Explain what its purpose was, who participated, why were
the participants given shares in your company and what did they
contribute in exchange for the shares.  Disclose the basis for valuing
the shares at $0.20 per share.

Employees, page 26

36. Please revise to clarify how many employees you have.  The first
paragraph under this caption says you have none, while the second
paragraph indicates you have one.  If your agreements with contracts
constitute material agreements, file them as exhibits.  For example,
consider filing agreements to develop your charity-related music web
site and your music fan sales contact software.

Management`s Discussion and Analysis or Plan of Operations, page 27

37. Please generally revise to provide greater concrete detail in your
discussion and analysis of your results of operations and your
financial condition.  Explain in greater concrete detail your specific
plans to achieve profitability and to address your auditor`s going
concern opinion.  Also clarify for how long into the future you expect
to incur significant operating losses.  These are only examples,
generally revise your Management`s Discussion and Analysis and
Liquidity and Capital Resources discussions and consider the guidance
in Securities Act Release No. 33-8350 (December 19, 2003), which is
available on our web site at <

38. Please revise to clarify the statement on page 27 beginning "If
operations and cash flow continue to improve."  Your financial
statements through the quarter ended May 31, 2004, do not indicate
that you have continuing operations, and do indicate that your net
loss and your cash used in operating activities are deteriorating
rather than improving.

Results of Operations, page 28

39. Regarding the two paragraphs before the Liquidity and Capital
Resources discussion on page 28, please revise to clarify whether you
currently generate revenues from these services and when and
specifically how you expect to do so.  Also provide greater concrete
descriptions of these "partnership and affiliate agreements" and
"marketing alliances."  Similarly revise your corresponding disclosure
on page 22.

40. Please revise your disclosure to provide a more detailed
discussion of changes in your financial condition and results from
operations as required by paragraph (b)(1) and (b)(2) of Item 303 of
Regulation S-B.  Specifically discuss the components of, and analysis
of changes in, marketing fee expense and general and administrative

41. Tell us how the marketing alliances you discuss "might involve
significant amounts of intangible assets."

42. Revise under this heading to discuss expected seasonal effects on
your results of operations.  In this regard, we note your risk factor
disclosure at the top of page 4 and your disclosure at the top of page

Liquidity And Capital Resources, page 28

43. Please generally revise your discussion and analysis of liquidity
and capital resources.  For example, explain your specific plans to
obtain financing for the $23,000 of anticipated development expenses
you discuss at the bottom of page 27 as well as the $15,000 of
anticipated annual operating expenses you discuss at the bottom of
page 28.  Explain in greater detail on what you will spend these
funds.  Provide greater detail about your definite plans for debt and
equity financing or clearly state that you have none.  Please revise
to explain your basis for believing that obtaining a listing will
allow you to raise equity financing.  These are only examples, revise
this discussion generally and consider the guidance in Part IV of
Securities Act Release No. 33-8350 (December 19, 2003), which is
available on our web site, as well as the other Releases identified
above in connection with your Management`s Discussion and Analysis.

44. We note your discussion of a "cash flow deficit of $20,198," which
is a term not defined by generally accepted accounting principles.
Revise your description of this amount to indicate that it represents
your "deficit accumulated during the development stage."

45. Please revise to provide greater detail regarding the amounts
borrowed from your Chairman.  Discuss the dates and amounts of these
borrowings and file the relevant promissory notes as exhibits pursuant
to Item 601(b)(10) of Regulation S-B.

46. Please revise to provide greater concrete detail about the costs
you expect to incur to "continue to offer competitive salaries" as
well as how you plan to fund these salaries, which you discuss on page
29.  In this regard, we note your statement on page 28 that until you
obtain sufficient equity financing to continue operations, you plan to
defer any cash compensation.

47. Similarly, you state that your President, Chairman and Chief
Financial Officer will be deferring any cash compensation until you
obtain sufficient equity financing.  Clarify for us whether these
officers are currently earning compensation, which will be paid at a
future date.  If so, tell us why you have not accrued this expense in
your financial statements for the applicable periods.

Undertakings, page 34

48. Please revise this disclosure to include the undertakings that are
applicable to you and to remove those that are not applicable.  See
Item 512 of Regulation S-B.  In this regard, we note that you include
some of these undertakings twice and you include the undertaking in
Item 512(f), which does not appear to apply to this offering.

Signatures, page 35

49. Please revise to include the signature of your controller or
principal accounting officer.  Any person who occupies more than one
of the specified positions must indicate each capacity in which he or
she signs the registration statement.  See Instructions for
signatures, at the end of Form SB-2.

Independent Auditors` Report, page F-3

50. Refer to your independent auditors report where your auditors
state that their audits are "in accordance with auditing standards
generally accepted in the United States." Ask your independent
auditors to revise their report to comply with PCAOB Auditing Standard

Consolidated Statements of Operations, page F-5

51. Describe for us in more detail the nature of the revenue generated
from the event SHOW!  In addition, tell us the nature of the costs
incurred relating to this event and revise your statement of
operations to present the amount of costs directly associated with the
generation of revenues as costs of sales.

Note 1 - The Company and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Going Concern, page F-9

52. In your going concern paragraph you explain that "continuation of
the Company as a going concern is dependent upon obtaining the
additional working capital necessary to accomplish its objective."
Disclose in further detail your plan for obtaining additional working
capital.  Include discussion of your timeline for when you anticipate
entering into these financing arrangements, the likelihood that you
will be able to obtain required financing, your considerations of
equity versus debt financing, and any encumbrances that might limit
your financing options.  Refer to FRC 607.02 for guidance.

Music Rights, page F-9

53. Describe for us in more detail the nature of the music rights you
acquired.  Tell us how you determined that these rights should be
recorded as an intangible asset under the guidance in SFAS 141 and
your determination of the useful life of the asset for amortization
purposes under SFAS 142.

Consolidated Statements of Operations, page F-13

54. Revise the heading to read "For the Three Months Ended May 31,
2004 and May 31, 2003" rather than "For the Three Months Ended May 31,
2004 and 2003" to provide clear and consistent financial statement


55. Please revise to remove your exhibits from the body of the
registration statement.  The exhibits should be separately filed and
tagged on EDGAR as exhibits, and not appended to the body of the
registration statement.

Exhibit 5

56. Please revise as appropriate to clarify what counsel means by
"proposed issuance" of the shares and why counsel refers to the shares
"when issued."  The prospectus and the structure of this transaction
as a resale offering suggest that the shares are already outstanding.
Please revise the opinion or the prospectus as appropriate to clarify.

57. Please revise to clarify why the opinion refers to the price as
$0.20.  The prospectus indicates that the sale price may be lower or

58. We note that counsel refers to and limits the opinion to "the
corporation laws of the State of Delaware."  Please confirm to us in
writing that counsel concurs with our understanding that this
reference and limitation includes the statutory provisions and also
all applicable provisions of the Delaware Constitution and reported
judicial decision interpreting these laws.  Please file this written
confirmation as part of your correspondence on EDGAR.  See Section
VIII.A.14 of Division of Corporation Finance, Current Issues and
Rulemaking Projects (November 14, 2000), also known as the Current
Issues Outline, which is available on our web site at
< >.

*   *   *   *   *

As appropriate, please amend your registration statement in response
to these comments.  You may wish to provide us with marked copies of
the amendment to expedite our review.  Please furnish a cover letter
with your amendment that keys your responses to our comments and
provides any requested supplemental information.  Detailed cover
letters greatly facilitate our review.  Please understand that we may
have additional comments after reviewing your amendment and responses
to our comments.

We urge all persons who are responsible for the accuracy and adequacy
of the disclosure in the filings reviewed by the staff to be certain
that they have provided all information investors require for an
informed decision.  Since the company and its management are in
possession of all facts relating to a company`s disclosure, they are
responsible for the accuracy and adequacy of the disclosures they have

Notwithstanding our comments, in the event the company requests
acceleration of the effective date of the pending registration
statement, it should furnish a letter, at the time of such request,
acknowledging that:

* should the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to delegated
authority, declare the filing effective, it does not foreclose the
Commission from taking any action with respect to the filing;

* the action of the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to
delegated authority, in declaring the filing effective, does not
relieve the company from its full responsibility for the adequacy and
accuracy of the disclosure in the filing; and

* the company may not assert this action as a defense in any
proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal
securities laws of the United States.

In addition, please be advised that the Division of Enforcement has
access to all information you provide to the staff of the Division of
Corporation Finance in connection with our review of your filing or in
response to our comments on your filing.

We will consider a written request for acceleration of the effective
date of the registration statement as a confirmation of the fact that
those requesting acceleration are aware of their respective
responsibilities under the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 as they relate to the proposed public offering of
the securities specified in the above registration statement.  We will
act on the request and, pursuant to delegated authority, grant
acceleration of the effective date.

We direct your attention to Rules 460 and 461 regarding requesting
acceleration of a registration statement.  Please allow adequate time
after the filing of any amendment for further review before submitting
a request for acceleration.  Please provide this request at least two
business days in advance of the requested effective date.

You may contact Kenya Wright, Staff Accountant, at (202) 824-5446, or
Carlos Pacho, Senior Assistant Chief Accountant, at (202) 942-1876 if
you have questions regarding comments on the financial statements and
related matters.  Please contact Daniel Zimmerman, Staff Attorney, at
(202) 942-1933 or me at (202) 942-1990 with any other questions.


Larry Spirgel
Assistant Director

cc:	Thomas A. Braun
Braun & Co.
702 - 777 Hornby Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6S 1Z2
(604) 605-0508  (fax)