Mail Stop 4-6

December 15, 2004

Mr. Jerome R. Mahoney
Chairman of the Board
iVoice Technology, Inc.
750 Highway 34
Matawan, New Jersey 07747

Re:	iVoice Technology, Inc.
	Registration Statement on Form SB-2 filed November 15, 2004
	File No. 333-120490

Dear Mr. Mahoney:

      We have reviewed your filing and have the following
Where indicated, we think you should revise your document in
to these comments.  If you disagree, we will consider your
explanation as to why our comment is inapplicable or a revision is
unnecessary.  Please be as detailed as necessary in your
In some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with
supplemental information so we may better understand your
After reviewing this information, we may or may not raise

      Please understand that the purpose of our review process is
assist you in your compliance with the applicable disclosure
requirements and to enhance the overall disclosure in your filing.
We look forward to working with you in these respects.  We welcome
any questions you may have about our comments or any other aspect
our review.   Feel free to call us at the telephone numbers listed
the end of this letter.


1. On August 2004, you entered into a standby equity distribution
agreement with Cornell Capital Partners for the sale of up to $10
million of your common stock, relying upon Rule 506 of Regulation
and/or Section 4(2) of the Securities Act.   Thereafter, you filed
registration statement concerning Cornell Capital`s resale of the
shares underlying the equity line.  After considering the factual
context of the proposed equity line financing, we do not believe
a binding contractual commitment for the sale of shares under the
equity line was entered into with Cornell Capital, because at the
time the equity line was entered, iVoice Technology was (and is) a
non-reporting company with no trading market.  As such, the
arrangement by Cornell Capital to pay for shares at a purchase
that is effectively 87.5% of a "market price," does not represent
irrevocable commitment to purchase the equity line shares.
the conditions to Cornell Capital`s purchase obligation include
admission of the shares to the OTC Bulletin Board, which is also
inconsistent with a conclusion that there is a pre-existing,
irrevocable purchase commitment.  Please revise the disclosure
throughout the filing to remove any implication that there is an
existing equity line arrangement with Cornell Capital that
you with a viable mechanism to obtain needed financing.

2. We note iVoice, Inc.`s press release dated September 9, 2004
regarding its intent to sell its speech engine and related
intellectual property to Biometric Company for $6.25 million.
supplementally inform us concerning the relationship between this
speech engine technology and the technology that will be
to you and the business you will conduct.

Prospectus Cover Page

3. We note that Mr. Mahoney will not be receiving shares of your
Class A common stock.  Please advise us of any other affiliates
will not be receiving shares of your Class A common stock.

4. Please provide the legend specified by Item 502(b) of

Prospectus Summary

Overview, pp. 1-2

5. Tell us whether any of the remaining patents and patent rights
held by iVoice includes technology that is used in the IVR
business or whether all necessary technology assets will be
transferred to you.  It does not appear that an assignment or
contribution agreement specifying the terms and assets being
transferred as well as the liabilities being incurred has been, or
planned to be, filed as a material exhibit.  Please file this
agreement.  Please see Items 601(b)(2) and (10) of Regulation S-B.

6. You indicate that you may expand through acquisitions.  Please
disclose whether there are any plans, proposals or arrangements,
whether in writing or oral, concerning proposed acquisitions.
us the status of any potential acquisitions being considered which
have not resulted in plans, proposals or arrangements.

7. You indicate that iVoice will be receiving 5% Series A
preferred stock with an aggregate stated value of $750,000 in
exchange for the transfer of the IVR software business.  Disclose
also inform us in detail how the value of such assets was
We note that the balance sheet in iVoice`s recent Form 10-QSB for
quarter ended September 30, 2004 shows intangible assets with a
recorded value of $199,000.  It also appears that your pro forma
balance sheet does not reflect assets that will be contributed to
iVoice Technology that have a carrying value of $750,000.
Nevertheless, on page 24 you state that the assets to be
have "an aggregate book value of $750,000."  Please advise and
as appropriate.

8. In a prominent place in the summary, please inform stockholders
about the existence and potential adverse effects of securities
have conversion (or exercise) prices that are dependent upon a
fluctuating market price.  There appear to be at least three
categories of these "toxic" securities, including the $750,000 of
convertible debt to be held by iVoice, the $190,000 of convertible
debt to be held by Mr. Mahoney and the $560,000 of convertible
held by Cornell Capital.  In addition to an overview in the
ensure that a prominently positioned risk factor concisely and
comprehensively addresses the potential adverse effects of a
substantial portion of your capitalization being convertible at
substantial discounts to fluctuating market prices.  Throughout
filing you sometimes indicate that shares issuable under these
arrangements are "indeterminable."  Please revise these references
more precisely describe the below market conversion feature and if
true, state that there is no limitation on the number of shares
may be obligated to issue under the arrangements.  Ensure that you
provide numerical examples to show investors the potential effects
fluctuations in the market price on the number of shares you are
obligated to issue.  In view of the absence of a market price for
your securities, we suggest that you use book value and declines
75%, 50% and 25% of book value to provide investors with
concrete examples of the sensitivity of your share issuance
obligations to changes in market prices for your securities.

9. We note your disclosure on page 25 regarding Mr. Mahoney`s
agreement to forego receiving any of your Class A common stock as
result of his ownership of capital stock in iVoice.  Is there a
written agreement which may need to be filed as an exhibit?
see Items 601(b)(4) and (10) of Regulation S-B.  We also note that
pursuant to iVoice`s filings, it appears that Mr. Mahoney owns
approximately 90 percent of iVoice.  Mr. Mahoney will be
however, a note convertible into Class B common stock with
extraordinary voting rights.  Please summarily discuss the
issues in this section, particularly the control over the company
that Mr. Mahoney may acquire upon conversion of his note to Class
common stock as well as through his control of iVoice and its
A preferred stock holdings.

10. We note that iVoice disclosed in its recent Form 10-QSB for
quarter ended September 30, 2004 a cash balance of approximately
million.  Please advise us whether you will be receiving any
of this cash balance.  In light of iVoice`s capital resources,
discuss summarily in this section and more fully elsewhere in your
prospectus the issues that were considered by iVoice`s management
board of directors in creating your initial financial condition
capitalization with respect to your business plans and objectives.

About Us, p. 2

11. iVoice, Inc. maintains a Web site that continues to reflect
business to be transferred to you.  Please supplementally advise
whether you will be maintaining a separate Web site upon the
of the IVR software business to you.  If available, please
disclosing your prospective new Internet address.  Please see Item
101(c)(3) of Regulation S-B.

12. We note your disclosure regarding iVoice Technology, Inc., a
Nevada corporation.  Please elaborate further on the relationship
iVoice Technology Nevada to you and iVoice as well as the purpose
the assignments.  Please briefly identify the material agreements
that have been transferred to you.  Please revise your disclosure
Management`s Discussion and Analysis as appropriate.  Such
as well as the conveyance instruments may need to be filed as
exhibits.  Please see Item 601(b)(10) of Regulation S-B.

Summary of the Distribution, pp. 2-7

13. If the record date has been selected, please disclose it in
next filing.   If you plan to select a record date at a later
please modify the presentation so that it will accommodate the
of the applicable date.

14. With respect to your "Distribution Ratio" discussion, please
disclose the number of shares of iVoice outstanding on the record
date as well as the actual portion of such outstanding shares that
will be participating in the Distribution.  We note that Mr.
and other affiliates, if any, will not receive a distribution of
shares of your Class A common stock with respect to their holdings
iVoice shares.

15. We note your disclosure under "Our Relationship With iVoice
the Distribution" and elsewhere in your prospectus regarding the
administrative services agreement.  Please supplementally inform
the purpose of such an agreement when the business has yet to
transferred to and operated by you.  Please clarify your

 Summary of Consolidated Financial Information, p. 7

16. At the outset of the section, please add a discussion
how you derived your financial information from the financial
information of iVoice.  Address the fact that such financial
information does not represent actual historical results and
your performance as if you operated as an independent entity.
note that such financial information is based on significant
assumptions and allocations, among other things, that may not
represent actual results.  In addition to this discussion, ensure
that a prominently positioned risk factor concisely and
comprehensively addresses the risk reflected in your financial
information having been prepared on a fictional basis as opposed
reflecting actual historical results.

Risk Factors

iVoice Technology will face many of the difficulties that
in the early stage may face, p. 8

17. Please limit each risk factor to a clearly defined risk with a
discussion of its applicability to you.  This particular risk
is general and broad.  Please consider preparing separate risk
factors with fuller discussions for each of the points that you
enumerate in this risk factor.  You should review your other risk
factors in light of this comment.

iVoice Technology has no operating history as an independent
company and may be unable to operate profitably as a stand-alone
company, pp. 8-9

18. Discuss how long iVoice has operated the IVR software business
that is being spun off to you.

iVoice`s operations demonstrate a history of net losses and cash
shortfalls and iVoice Technology`s likely will as well, p. 9

19. More specifically discuss your net loss and negative cash
from operations for your last fiscal year and your nine-months
September 30, 2004 with respect to the IVR software business that
being transferred to you.

iVoice Technology has received a going concern opinion from its
independent auditors that describes the uncertainty regarding its
ability to continue as a going concern, p. 9

20. Please revise this risk factor to briefly discuss the
to investors of the fact that the financial statements do not
any adjustments that might result from the outcome of the
regarding the your ability to operate as a going concern.

iVoice`s earnings and stock price will be subject to significant
fluctuations, p. 10

21. Why are fluctuations in iVoice`s stock price a material risk
holders of iVoice Technology stock?  Clarify why this paragraph is
provided, and among other matters, expand the risk factor caption
state the material risk to holders of iVoice Technology stock that
results from the uncertainty you describe.  Given that you
only a component of iVoice, your disclosure regarding the earnings
and stock price of iVoice appears to be of limited applicability
assessing any risks that affect your business and stock price.

If either iVoice or iVoice Technology lose the services of any key
personnel, including our chief executive officer or our directors,
our business may suffer, p. 10

22. We note that you plan to have a very limited business
relationship with iVoice upon the Distribution.  As such, please
inform us why the loss of iVoice personnel presents a risk to your
business.  Otherwise, please revise this risk factor accordingly.

Members of iVoice Technology`s Board of Directors and management
have conflicts of interest after the Distribution; iVoice
does not have any formal procedure for resolving conflicts in the
future, p. 11

23. Please provide additional disclosure as to how a conflict of
interest between you and iVoice may result in a risk.  In
we note your disclosure regarding conflicts that may arise as a
result of potential business acquisitions.  Please elaborate
on how a prospective acquisition by you may conflict with the
interests of iVoice.

iVoice Technology stockholders may experience significant dilution
future equity offerings are used to fund operations or acquire
businesses, pp. 11-12

24. Specifically discuss your expectations and plans to obtain
working capital from future equity offerings and the likelihood of
dilution as a result of such offerings.  Please quantify your need
for additional capital resources over the 12-month period
the distribution.

iVoice Technology faces intense price-based competition for
of its products which could reduce profit margins, p. 12

25. Please disclose whether such price competition has previously
resulted in any pressure on the pricing of your products in the
software business.  If such pressure did exist, please provide
details of such pricing pressure and the effect on your business.

iVoice Technology may be unsuccessful in developing new
channels, p. 12

26. We note your disclosure regarding existing relationships
dealers and resellers with iVoice.  Please revise to discuss
you will be assuming any of these relationships and the extent to
which you will need to develop a new network as opposed to
the assumed iVoice network.  Also address any risks presented by
iVoice`s dealers and resellers in not agreeing to the transfer of
relationship to you.  Also elaborate on the risks presented by
"rapidly evolving distribution and marketing technologies."

Product returns may exceed established reserves and affect iVoice
Technology`s revenues, p. 13

27. We note your disclosure in the first paragraph on page 27
you state that your policy is to not provide customers the right
refund any portion of its license fees.  We also note your
in the third paragraph on page 27 of your filing in which you
that "[c]urrent reseller agreements do not provide for a
right of return."  The foregoing statements differ from your
disclosure in this risk factor.  Please reconcile the disclosures.
Further, please disclose whether any returns for a period
exceeded the reserves you had established for such period.

iVoice Technology may depend on distribution by resellers and
distributors for a significant portion of revenues, p. 13

28. You mentioned the existence of reseller relationships in your
filing.   The prior comment noted one such instance and on page 30
you mention the existence of more than 100 resellers.  Please
reconcile such disclosure with the text in this risk factor
that "[n]o such relationships currently exist" and your disclosure
page 32 stating that you have "traditionally sold [y]our product
primarily on a direct basis."  Please revise your risk factor and
other disclosure as appropriate.

29. Please consider discussing in this risk factor or in a
risk factor your dependence on any customer which represents a
material portion of your revenues.  We note that iVoice identifies
specific customers such as ADP and the American Red Cross in its
press releases.

The results of iVoice Technology`s research and development
are uncertain, p. 13

30. In the caption, disclose the risk to investors that result
this uncertainty.  Do you expect your business will be dependant
the results of a specific ongoing research and development
Please revise to provide more specific information concerning
research and development efforts that are in process that subject
investors to material risks.

The greater than expected length of the product development cycle
adversely affect our future revenues, p. 13

31. Please revise to include details of specific examples of when
your product development cycle exceeded your expectations.  Please
provide specific information that provides a context to the
about the scope of this risk and how it has affected you in the
by detailing how such delays have previously affected your
and financial results.

iVoice Technology must attract and retain personnel while
for personnel in this industry is intense, p. 14

32. We note that you currently have only five full-time employees
that you plan to terminate the administrative services agreement
iVoice and fulfill such services in-house.  Please discuss
specifically your needs and plans for hiring additional personnel
operate as an independent company.  Elaborate on the specific
of not being able to fulfill personnel requirements to meet such
needs.  We would expect to see quantitative disclosure in the
Management`s Discussion and Analysis regarding these plans and the
extent to which they will cause expenditures and cash rate usage
future periods to vary from the expenditure levels and cash
requirements that were recorded in the carve-out financial

iVoice Technology relies on third party technologies which may not
support iVoice Technology products, p. 14

33. If applicable, please consider adding disclosure regarding any
reliance upon licensed software or hardware that is material to
operations of your business.  Any substantial dependency upon
technology licenses should also be described under Business or
another appropriate portion of the body of the prospectus,
a description of license terms and conditions.  As applicable,
identify each material license on which you are substantially
dependent and disclose the term of each such agreement, the scope
the license, its termination provisions and other significant
Such agreements may need to be filed as exhibits.  Please see Item
601(b)(10) of Regulation S-B.

We may not be able to access sufficient funds when needed, p. 15

34. As previously noted, please provide a specific discussion
quantifying your capital requirements to fund planned operations
the next 12 months and your current deficiency with respect to the
same.  Please discuss your plans to meet such deficiency and the
to investors if you are unable to address the deficiency.  Will
seek to obtain a new equity line agreement after the Distribution,
and if you are unable to negotiate one, what steps would you take
address capital deficiencies?

Quarterly financial results are subject to significant
which could cause iVoice Technology`s stock price to decline, p.

35. This risk factor appears to be similar to the risk factor
presented at the bottom of page 9 of your filing.  Please

Government regulation of telemarketing activities may diminish
Technology`s earning potential, p. 17

36. Please discuss the extent to which you have been marketing
products to telemarketers and the portion of your revenue, if any,
that is derived from sales to telemarketers.

The Distribution of iVoice Technology Class A Common Stock will
result in substantial tax liability, pp. 17-18

37. In this paragraph you indicate that the distribution will only
taxable "to the extent of [your] current or accumulated earnings
profits."  Since it does not appear that there are any earnings or
profits, why do you believe that a tax liability will be
Furthermore, including this information concerning the limited
to which tax liability is likely to be incurred suggests that
will be no tax liability.  We note the disclosure in the Federal
Income Tax Consequence section at page 48 as well.  Given the
of the transaction you are registering, expand to provide a
materially complete tax matters discussion and provide an opinion
that is referenced in and supports the material tax consequences
describe.  See Item 601(b)(8) of Regulation S-B.

Management`s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations

38. Please consider preparing a separate "Overview" section in
to provide a general analysis and discussion of the condition of
business.  Please note that Management`s Discussion and Analysis
should include disclosure based on currently known trends, events
uncertainties that are reasonably expected to have material
upon you.  For example, your separation from iVoice may likely
significant expenditures to hire necessary personnel and develop
administrative systems, among other things.  Please also disclose
whether any customer provides a material portion of your revenue.
preparing your response, refer to Item 303 of Regulation S-B and
Release Nos. 33-6835 and 33-8350 for additional guidance.
include in the first paragraph of such "Overview" a discussion
regarding your carve-out financial statements and how such
statements do not reflect actual results.

Separation from iVoice, pp. 20-21

39. We refer you to the first paragraph in this section.  Please
revise your disclosure to indicate that the IVR software business
will be transferred to you by iVoice in exchange for Series A
preferred stock with an aggregate stated value of $750,000.  As a
result, iVoice also will have a significant continuing ownership
interest in you.

40. We refer you to the second paragraph on page 21 of your
Please consider revising your disclosure to detail the specific
material assets being transferred to you and to discuss whether
agreements or other obligations are being transferred.  In this
regard, we note that any existing customer, reseller, distributor,
co-marketing, alliance or vendor agreements that are material to
IVR software business may likely be transferred to you as well.

41. We refer you to the third paragraph on page 21 of your filing.
We also note your disclosure in Note 1 to your financial
on page F-7 stating that the temporary administrative services
agreement may be continued on a month-to-month basis.  Please
consider elaborating on such continuation option and your
expectations of employing such option.  We note your disclosure
elsewhere in your filing in which you state that the
services agreement will be terminated upon the Distribution
qualification.  Please revise such disclosure in order to reflect
this option.

Results of Operations for the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004
Compared with the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003, pp. 21-22

42. Please discuss the causes for any material changes, and
the impact of each identified source for significant changes, from
period to period in line items of your financial statements.  For
example, you state that your low sales volume is attributable to
minimal resources provided by iVoice.  The limitations of minimal
resources in both periods, however, does not explain the change in
revenue between the two periods.  Following are further
examples of other disclosure requiring a more robust discussion of
material changes:

* With reference to the first paragraph of page 22, how much of
change in operating expenses is attributable to executive
compensation and how much is due to professional fees;
* With reference to the fourth paragraph of page 22, it appears
only $28,000 of the $450,000 change in other expenses is
* With reference to the second paragraph of page 23, there appears
be no discussion regarding the specific changes in your
business conditions or transactions that led to the $230,000
What other events or business conditions contributed materially to
the changes in results and what was the dollar impact of each of
contributing factors?  Please refer to Item 303 of Regulation S-B
Section III.D of Release No. 33-6835 for guidance.

43. The fourth paragraph on page 22 indicates that you will incur
charges for the effects of the beneficial conversion feature of
convertible debentures.  Please expand the discussion to describe
such amounts will be calculated and how they will be reflected in
financial statements of future periods.

44. With respect to the last paragraph on page 22, please quantify
the amount of the change in price and discuss in quantitative
the effect the change in price had on your revenues as compared to
the portion of the change that was due to a change in the volume

Results of Operations for Year Ended December 31, 2003 as Compared
with Year Ended December 31, 2002, pp. 22-23

45. The numbers disclosed for your loss of operations in this
do not reconcile with the numbers presented in your financial
statements.  The numbers appear to be for net loss.  Please
and reconcile.

Liquidity and Capital Resources, pp. 23-25

46. You state that "Mr. Mahoney has agreed to accept shares of
Class B Common Stock in satisfaction of [your] obligations" in the
second paragraph of this section.  Does this statement refer to
$190,000 note to Mr. Mahoney that is by its terms convertible into
either Class A or B common stock or has Mr. Mahoney also agreed to
accept the note for payments owed to him under his employment
agreement with Class B common stock?  Please inform us whether
are any other obligations owed by you to Mr. Mahoney.  Please
your disclosure and note that any agreement would need to be filed
an exhibit.  Please see Item 601(b)(10)(i)(A) of Regulation S-B.

47. Please supplementally inform us of the terms of your sale of
convertible debentures.  Are the terms embodied in a purchase
agreement?  Does Cornell Capital Partners have discretion as to
whether it shall purchase the $140,000 of convertible debentures?
note that the purchase is related to the effectiveness of this
filing.  However, your subsequent registration statement, File No.
333-120608, filed in connection with your equity line of credit
appears to state that the subsequent purchase of convertible
debentures is related to the effectiveness of that registration

48. Your amended disclosure in this section will not include a
discussion of the equity line of credit and as a result, your
financing arrangements will not be sufficient for the next 12
Please expand to address your capital requirements in quantitative
terms and how you plan to meet such requirements.  Based on your
if" assumptions in your carve-out financial statements, at what
do you use cash in operations and for what period of time will you
able to fund your anticipated business operations with existing
capital resources?  Please discuss any expenditure for staffing,
equipment and services, among other things, that you plan to
undertake in order to become a functioning independent company.

49. Please consider revising your disclosure regarding the
note to discuss the reason for your assumption of a liability that
unrelated to your business.  Also, provide a reasonably detailed
explanation of the transactions that generated the $190,000
of iVoice to Mr. Mahoney.  Is this liability attributable to cash
advances only or does it include an interest component?  If so,
much of the $190,000 obligation represents funds advanced to

Our Business

50. Please elaborate on your plans to expand by acquisition.  In
regard, what strategies do you expect to pursue regarding the
acquisition of businesses.  For example, is your objective to
complementary products, to diversify your current business or to
expand your geographic reach?

Competition, pp. 30-31

51. You identify two specific markets in which you compete-the IVR
enterprise market and the IVR enhanced network services market.
Please elaborate on the distinction between these two markets and
discuss how your products address the needs of customers in these

Product Development, pp. 31-32

52. Please discuss whether any development efforts are currently
being undertaken in the IVR software business and, if applicable,
provide a brief summary of the status of such efforts.  Are you
developing any new versions of your products?

Business Development, p. 32

53. With respect to your strategic alliances and OEM and reseller
accounts, consider disclosing the status of any current
Expand to describe the nature and significance of any material
strategic alliances and OEM and reseller accounts.

Employees, p. 34

54. Please expand to discuss your specific requirements and plans
increase the number of employees in order to operate your

Properties, p. 35

55. Discuss your specific plans with respect to your office space
after the Distribution.

iVoice Technology`s Management

56. We refer to your statement concerning Mr. Mahoney in which you
state that "we merged [with International Voice Technologies] on
21, 1999."  Please clarify.

57. On page 45 of the filing under "Reasons for the Distribution"
discuss the ability to create equity incentive plans as a reason
the Distribution.  Please disclose the material features of such
equity incentive plans, if any.  Are there any current plans,
proposals or arrangements to provide awards under an equity
plan following the Distribution?  If so, please provide a
complete description of those planned awards.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

58. Please indicate the relationship you have with Cornell Capital
that requires you to disclose your transactions with them in this
section.  In particular, is Cornell Capital a significant
or will it become one in connection with the Distribution?  What
the specific nature of its intent?  Please refer to Item 404 of
Regulation S-B.

Principal Stockholders

59. Please include iVoice and Cornell Capital in your table with
respect to their Series A preferred stock and convertible notes,
respectively.  It appears iVoice and Cornell Capital each have a
contractual right to acquire the underlying shares of common stock
within 60 days and would be the beneficial owners of the
shares.  Please see Rule 13d-3.  In addition, please disclose with
clarity in a footnote or otherwise that control of the company
remain with Mr. Mahoney through (1) his promissory that is
convertible to Class B common stock with extraordinary voting
as well as (2) his ownership of iVoice and their holdings of your
Series A preferred stock.  If you don`t believe Mr. Mahoney will
the controlling person following the Distribution, tell us why in
your response letter.

Further, please note that once a market price is determined and
are able to determine the number of shares issuable upon
of iVoice, Cornell Capital and Mr. Mahoney`s respective
you will need to assess the adequacy of your disclosure concerning
the principal beneficial owners, particularly during the
distribution period.

Description of Securities

Class A Common Stock, p. 39

60. You state that 100 shares of your Class A common stock was
and outstanding as of September 30, 2004.  However, you were not
incorporated as a legal entity until November 10, 2004.  Please
modify your disclosure to convey that the financial statements
that 100 shares were outstanding but that these shares were not
actually outstanding at September 30, and are presented as such as
part of the preparation of those statements on a carve-out basis.

Series A 5% Convertible Preferred Stock, pp. 41-42

61. Disclose the prospective stated value of your to-be-issued
preferred shares.  Provide a materially complete explanation of
the aggregate stated value of the 30 shares was determined.  Did
obtain an opinion of a third party as to the value of the assets
being transferred?  What steps were taken by the board of
in establishing this dollar amount?

The Distribution

Results of the Distribution, p. 46

62. Please also explain to us your statement that "regardless of
number of stockholders of record and outstanding iVoice shares as
the Record Date" you expect to have 10 million shares outstanding
approximately 20,000 holders.   Do you intend to adjust the
distribution ratio so that the 10 million shares will be allocated
among the holders?  You plan to distribute one share of your Class
common stock for every 874 shares of iVoice stock or fraction
thereof.  Please also explain your statement in the Prospectus
Summary that the ratio is subject to change depending on the
of shares outstanding.

Please also confirm whether your apparent uncertainty as to the
Distribution ratio is derived from the existence of nominee
holding for the accounts of beneficial stockholders.  Please
how and when you will compute Distribution ratio to achieve the
issuance of the desired 10 million shares.  Will the shares held
aggregate by nominee holders or will each beneficial owner`s
shareholdings be used to determine the shares issuable as well as
serve as the basis for any rounding determinations.

Further, please supplementally provide us with an analysis of what
you would do in terms of updating your disclosure, if you were to
change the Distribution ratio after the effective date.  Would you
able to make this change by prospectus supplement and, if so, what
the basis for such belief?

63. We refer you to Rule 10b-17 of the Exchange Act in connection
with your proposed dividend.

64. Please provide the disclosure required by Item 201(a)(2) of
Regulation S-B.

Financial Statements

65. Your attention is directed to Item 310(g) of Regulation S-B
the need for updated financial statements and related disclosures.

66. You are reminded that a currently dated consent of the
independent accountants with typed signature should be included in
any amendment to the registration statement.

Note 6 - Related Party Transactions, p. F-13 to F-14

67. Please provide consistent disclosures regarding administrative
services following the completion of the Distribution.  The risk
factor on page 14 of the text indicates that the agreement with
iVoice will terminate following the distribution and you will be
required to obtain such services from another party which could be
more expensive.  Note 6 to your December 31, 2003 and 2002
statements indicates that the amounts allocated by iVoice on a
historical basis are a reasonable approximation of what would have
been incurred by you on a stand alone basis and Note 1 indicates
the administrative services agreement may be continued after the
distribution if you are unable to replace it.  We note similar
disclosures in Management`s Discussion and Analysis and throughout
the prospectus.  Please also note our prior comment.

Note 6 - Convertible Debenture and Equity Line of Credit, p. F-27

68. Please expand Note 6 to your September 30, 2004 financial
statements to quantify the amount capitalized for the beneficial
conversion feature and how such amount was calculated.

Selected Historical and Pro Forma Financial Information, pp. F-32

69. Pro forma adjustments should only include those adjustments
are directly attributable to the specific transaction requiring
forma presentation, are factually supportable and expected to have
continuing impact.  It appears to us that the impairment of
intangible assets is not directly attributable to the spin-off and
the adjustment should therefore be eliminated from the pro forma
presentation.  Revise the historical financial statements to
the impairment in the appropriate period and provide an
of the reasons for the impairment in the notes to the financial
statements and in Management`s Discussion and Analysis.

Item 27. Exhibits.

70. Please file all required exhibits.  The exhibits form an
part of your registration statement, provide material disclosure
investors and facilitate our review of your filing.  Please refer
Item 601(b) of Regulation S-B for additional guidance.  We will
review the exhibits when they are filed and may have further
at that time.


71. Per your disclosure, Mr. Seidler also serves as a director.
Please revise as appropriate.

*              *              *              *

      As appropriate, please amend your registration statement in
response to these comments.  You may wish to provide us with
copies of the amendment to expedite our review.  Please furnish a
cover letter with your amendment that keys your responses to our
comments and provides any requested supplemental information.
Detailed cover letters greatly facilitate our review.  Please
understand that we may have additional comments after reviewing
amendment and responses to our comments.

      We urge all persons who are responsible for the accuracy and
adequacy of the disclosure in the filings reviewed by the staff to
certain that they have provided all information investors require
an informed decision.  Since the company and its management are in
possession of all facts related to your disclosure, they are
responsible for the accuracy and adequacy of the disclosures they
have made.

      Notwithstanding our comments, in the event the company
acceleration of the effective date of the pending registration
statement, it should furnish a letter, at the time of such
acknowledging that:

* should the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to delegated
authority, declare the filing effective, it does not foreclose the
Commission from taking any action with respect to the filing;
* the action of the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to
delegated authority, in declaring the filing effective, does not
relieve the company from its full responsibility for the adequacy
accuracy of the disclosure in the filing; and
* the company may not assert the staff comments and the
of effectiveness as a defense in any proceeding initiated by the
Commission or any person under the federal securities laws of the
United States.

      In addition, please be advised that the Division of
has access to all information you provide to the staff of the
Division of Corporation Finance in connection with our review of
filing or in response to our comments on your filing.

      We will consider a written request for acceleration of the
effective date of your registration statement as a confirmation of
the fact that those requesting acceleration are aware of their
respective responsibilities under the Securities Act and the
Act as they relate to the proposed public offering of the
specified in the above registration statement.  We will act on the
request and, pursuant to delegated authority, grant acceleration
the effective date.

      We direct your attention to Rule 461 regarding requesting
acceleration of a registration statement.  Please allow adequate
after the filing of any amendment for further review before
submitting a request for acceleration.  Please provide this
at least two business days in advance of the requested effective

      You may contact Maureen Bauer at (202) 942-1824, or Tia
at (202) 942-1902, if you have questions or comments on the
statements and related matters.  Please contact Daniel Lee at
942-1871 with any other questions.  If you need further
you may contact me at (202) 942-1818 or Barbara Jacobs, Assistant
Director, at or (202) 942-1800.


	Mark P. Shuman
	Branch Chief - Legal

cc:	Via Facsimile
	Scott Rosenblum, Esq.
	Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
	919 Third Avenue
	New York, New York 10022
	Telephone: (212) 715-9100
	Facsimile:  (212) 715-8000