Mail Stop 3-8

      March 17, 2005

By Facsimile and U.S. Mail

Mr. D. Gary McRae
McRae Industries, Inc.
President, Treasurer and Director
400 North Main Street
Mount Gilead, NC 27306

      Re:    Form 10-K for the year ended July 31, 2004
      	Form 10-K/A for the year ended July 31, 2004
                File No.  1-08578

Dear Mr. McRae:

	We have completed a limited review of the above referenced
filings and have the following comments.  Where indicated, we
you should revise your document in response to these comments.  If
you disagree, we will consider your explanation as to why our
is inapplicable or a revision is unnecessary.  Please be as
as necessary in your explanation.  In some of our comments, we may
ask you to provide us with supplemental information so we may
understand your disclosure.  Where a comment below requests
additional disclosures or other revisions to be made, please show
in your supplemental response what the revisions will look like.
Include these revisions in your future filings, including those
interim periods.  After reviewing this information, we may or may
raise additional comments.

Form 10-K for the Year Ended July 31, 2004 as amended

Item 7. Management`s Discussion and Analysis of Financial
and Results of Operations, page 9
Critical Accounting Policies, page 9

1. Please supplement the critical accounting policies already
disclosed by addressing specifically why your estimates or
assumptions for contract contingencies, inventories, goodwill and
intangible assets impairments, revenue recognition and income
bear the risk of change.  State whether there are uncertainties
attached to the estimates or assumptions or whether the estimates
difficult to measure or value.  Further, provide an analysis, to
extent material, of the factors you consider in arriving at the
estimates or assumptions, how accurate the estimates or
have been in the past and whether the estimates are reasonably
to change in the future.  Also include a discussion of the impact
percentage point change in estimates would have on earnings.
refer to paragraph V. of SEC Release No. 33-8350.
Military Boot Unit Results of Operations, Fiscal 2004 Compared to
Fiscal 2003, page 13

2. You identify the intermediate causes of change in your
military boot segment gross profits.  Please tell us and disclose
there is any known trend that will cause the relationship between
costs and revenues to continue this trend of increasing sales and
decreasing gross profits.  Additionally, to the extent that the
financial statements disclose material changes in net sales,
include a discussion why such changes are attributable to changes
price, volume and new products or services.  See Item
of Regulation S-K as well as SEC Release No. 33-8350.

Contractual Obligations, page 18

3. Please advise or revise your disclosure in future filings to
include the amount of interest payments you expect on debt for the
periods presented as required by Item 303 (a)(5)(ii)(A) of
S-K.   Please include disclosure of the assumptions used to
amounts included in the table where you have used variable
rates as of the most recent balance sheet date to compute the
estimated contractual interest rates.

4. Please revise future filings to include the disclosures
by Item 10(e) of Regulation S-K if you choose to continue to
the non-GAAP measure of adjusted net earnings.
Consolidated Balance Sheets, page 22

5. Please tell us if the cash surrender value of life insurance is
the amount that could be realized under the insurance contract as
the balance sheet date and if the change in cash surrender value
during the period is an adjustment of premiums paid in determining
the expense or income to be recognized under the contract for the
period.  Reference is made to FASB Technical Bulletin No. 85-4.
Clarify your disclosures in future filings accordingly.

6. Tell us how you determined that you do not have any significant
continuing involvement in the operations of McRae Office
Inc. after your disposal transaction. Include in your explanation
description of the sublease arrangement of your corporate
headquarters to Connected Office Products, Inc. and any other
existing arrangements between you and the purchaser.  See
42 of SFAS No. 144.

Consolidated Statement of Operations, page 24

7. Paragraph 61 of SFAS No. 128 requires the use of the two-class
method of computing earnings per share for enterprises with
classes of common stock according to dividends declared and
participation rights in undistributed earnings.  Please tell us
the if-converted method rather than the two-class method is
appropriate considering your participation rights in dividends for
Series A and B common shares disclosed on page 8 of your amended
K.  If you determine that the if-converted method is not
please amend your financial statements to present earnings per
employing the two-class method in your consolidated statement of
operations and elsewhere in Form 10-K See paragraphs 36 and 37 of
No. 20.
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, page 26

8. In future interim and annual filings please present gross
in both accounts receivable and valuation allowance cash flow
separately as this information does not qualify for net cash flow
reporting as prescribed by paragraphs 11 through 13 of SFAS No.

9. In future filings please revise your statements of cash flows
adjusting net earnings instead of net earnings from continuing
operations to calculate net cash provided by operating activities.
Refer to paragraphs 28 through 30 of SFAS 95.

10. If you choose to present cash flows relating to discontinued
operations, the individual cash flows within each category are not
generally combined or netted.  See also footnote 10 to paragraph
of SFAS 95.  Please advise and revise your statements of cash
in future filings as appropriate.

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, page 27
1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, page 27

11. Please tell us where you classify buying, postage, external
distribution and warehousing costs in your consolidated statements
operations.  If you currently exclude a portion of these costs
cost of sales, in future filings please disclose the amounts and
line item(s) that these excluded costs are classified for each
presented.  Otherwise, state in your accounting policies that they
are included in your cost of sales.

12. Please supplement your significant accounting policies already
disclosed in your financial statements with disclosures for your
policies on cash surrender value of life insurance policies, real
estate held for investment, related party transactions and assets
subject to liens. See Rule 4-08 of Regulation S-X.

Principles of Consolidation, page 27

13. Please expand to describe the principles followed in
whether to include or exclude the subsidiaries from the
financial statements.  See Rule 3A-03 of Regulation S-X.

Revenue Recognition, page 28

14. Please include your accounting policy for estimating
where rights to return exist and your policy for recognizing
related to equipment leasing, financing of receivables, software
licensing and other services provided by Compsee and your other
business segment.  Please reference the applicable accounting
literature as it relates to your policies.   Also, please tell us
amounts of revenue recognized from equipment leasing, financing of
receivables, software licensing and other service or non-tangible
product sources for the three years ended July 31, 2004.

15. You disclose that your contract with the government is based
actual and estimated allowable costs plus a reasonable profit
and that the contract is accounted for in accordance with SAB No.
104.  Please tell us if you also apply the provisions of ARB No.
as it applies to cost plus fixed fee contracts.  Specifically tell
a. If there are instances where you accrue fees for partial
performance, i.e. partial deliveries, percentage of completion or
otherwise, or if you recognize revenue only after QAR inspection,
acceptance and your subsequent invoicing of the government; and
b. If you received any advances from the government and, if
applicable, whether the advance is offset against a receivable
the government.
Please tell us and clarify the disclosure in future filings to
describe how you determine the amount to bill, including profit to
recognize, and the amount of any unbilled receivables or advances.

7. Commitments and Contingencies, page 33

16. We note that in conjunction with the sale of McRae Office
Solutions you now sublease a portion of your corporate
In accordance with paragraph 16 of SFAS No. 13, in future filings
please include the total minimum rentals to be received in the
under noncancelable subleases as of your balance sheet date and a
general description of the leasing arrangement including but not
limited to the criteria in paragraph 16.d. of the Statement.

Item 9A. Disclosure Controls and Procedures, page 42

17. We reviewed your statement that the chief executive officer
chief financial officer have concluded that the company`s
controls and procedures are effective "except as discussed below."
Given the material weaknesses noted, it is unclear why your chief
executive officer and chief financial officer have concluded that
your disclosure controls and procedures are effective.  Please
your disclosure to state in clear, unqualified language, the
conclusions reached by your chief executive officer and chief
financial officer on the effectiveness of your disclosure controls
and procedures.  If true, you can state that your disclosure
and procedures are effective including your consideration of the
identified matters, so long as you provide the appropriate
explaining how the disclosure controls and procedures were
in light of the material weaknesses. Or, if true, you can state
given the identified material weaknesses, your disclosure controls
and procedures are not effective. The current conclusion that your
disclosure controls and procedures are effective except to the
that they are not effective is not clear.  Please amend your
and first quarter interim filings to include a revised statement
the effectiveness of disclosure controls and procedures.

18. Please expand your discussion to also indicate when the
weakness began.

		Please respond to these comments within 10 business
or tell us when you will provide us with a response.  Please
us with a supplemental response letter that keys your responses to
our comments and provides any requested supplemental information.
Detailed letters greatly facilitate our review.  File your
supplemental response on EDGAR as a correspondence file.  Please
understand that we may have additional comments after reviewing
responses to our comments.

	 We urge all persons who are responsible for the accuracy and
adequacy of the disclosure in the filing reviewed by the staff to
certain that they have provided all information investors require
an informed decision.  Since the company and its management are in
possession of all facts relating to a company`s disclosure, they
responsible for the accuracy and adequacy of the disclosures they
have made.

	In connection with responding to our comments, please
in writing, a statement from the company acknowledging that:

* the company is responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of the
disclosure in the filing;

* staff comments or changes to disclosure in response to staff
comments do not foreclose the Commission from taking any action
respect to the filing; and

* the company may not assert staff comments as a defense in any
proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the
federal securities laws of the United States.

	In addition, please be advised that the Division of
has access to all information you provide to the staff of the
Division of Corporation Finance in our review of your filing or in
response to our comments on your filing.

		If you have any questions regarding our comments, please
direct them to Brian V. McAllister at (202) 824-5664 or, Donna Di
Silvio at (202) 942-1852, or in their absence, to the undersigned
(202) 942-2823.


									Michael Moran
									Branch Chief





Mr. McRae
McRae Industries, Inc.
March 17, 2005
Page 1