- 0312

						March 31, 2005

John Pare
Senior Vice President,
   General Counsel and Secretary
Hughes Supply, Inc.
One Hughes Way
Orlando, FL 32805

	Re:	Hughes Supply, Inc. (HSI)
		File No.:  001-08772

Dear Mr. Pare,

      In your email to John Cash dated March 25, 2005 which was
forwarded to me, you state that on October 12, 2004 HSI issued
million of senior unsecured notes under Rule 144A which are to be
subject of a registered exchange offer.  You state that HIS has no
independent assets or operations and that its subsidiaries who
guaranteed the notes are all wholly-owned.  You also state that
guarantees are all full and unconditional, with the exception of
guarantee by a captive insurance carrier whose guarantee is
by capitalization requirements of the insurance regulator in
(the state of organization of that captive insurance carrier
You state that the assets, revenues and net income of the captive
insurance carrier whose guarantee is not full and unconditional
immaterial to HSI`s consolidated financial statements.  Therefore,
you propose providing the information required by Rule 3-10(f) of
Regulation S-X in abbreviated form similar to that allowed by Note
in HSI`s consolidated financial statements to be included in the
registration statement for the exchange notes.

      Separate audited financial statements are required by Rule
10(a) of Regulation S-X for subsidiaries who provide guarantees
are less than full and unconditional, without regard to the size
that subsidiary.  In addition, since all conditions to the Rule 3-
10(f) alternative disclosure in Note 1 have not been met, the full
condensed consolidating financial information specified in Rule 3-
10(f)(4) should be provided without abbreviation.

      The staff`s conclusion is based solely on the information
included in your letter and in HSI`s October 2004 Form 8-K
the issuance of the notes.  Different or additional material
information could lead to a different conclusion.  If you have any
questions regarding this letter, please call me at (202) 942-2960.


						Leslie A. Overton
						Associate Chief Accountant



