October 22, 2004
Mr. Paul Biberkraut, CFO
Superior Galleries, Inc.
9478 West Olympic Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

	RE:	Superior Galleries, Inc.
		Registration Statement on Form SB-2
		Commission File No. 333-119253
		Filed on September 24, 2004

Dear Mr. Biberkraut:

	We have reviewed your filing and have the following comments.
Where indicated, we think you should revise your document in
to these comments.  If you disagree, we will consider your
explanation as to why our comment is inapplicable or a revision is
unnecessary.  Please be as detailed as necessary in your
In some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with
supplemental information so we may better understand your
After reviewing this information, we may or may not raise

	Please understand that the purpose of our review process is
assist you in your compliance with the applicable disclosure
requirements and to enhance the overall disclosure in your filing.
We look forward to working with you in these respects.  We welcome
any questions you may have about our comments or on any other
of our review.  Feel free to call us at the telephone numbers
at the end of this letter.

Registration Fee Table
1. You may not rely on Rule 416 for the registration of shares
in excess of the amount set forth in the registration fee table
result by operation of the conversation ratios.  Please revise or
remove this statement as appropriate. We note a similar statement
the selling shareholder table.  See Telephone Interpretation #3S
under the Securities Act Sections of the March 1999 supplement to
Manual of Publicly-Available Telephone Interpretations.

Cover Page
2. Please include a statement on the cover page indicating that
will not receive any of the proceeds from the sale of shares by
selling shareholders.  State that Stanford Venture Capital
Inc., your majority shareholder, intends to sell all of its shares
common stock.  Also, generally identify the remaining selling
3. Provide the closing stock price as of the most recent date

Prospectus Summary, page 3
4. Clarify that this section highlights the "material" information
from the prospectus.
5. Consider whether it is necessary to define "us," "we," and
We note similar disclosure on page 25.

The Offering, page 4
6. Please explain the statement appearing in the third bullet
"any additional shares of common stock we may issue from time to
after September 24, 2004."

Risk Factors, page 5
7. Please revise your risk factor subheadings to concisely state
specific material risk each risk factor presents to your company
investors and the consequences should that risk factor occur.
simply referring to a fact about your company or a future event in
your subheadings.  Stating that the risk may "adversely affect" or
"harm" your business does not adequately address the potential
consequences.  For example, under the caption "Risks Related to
Business," please revise the subheadings of risk factors two,
five, six, seven, nine, ten, thirteen, seventeen, eighteen,
and twenty.
8. In general, information that may be readily transferable to
offering documents or describes circumstances that may apply
to other businesses in the same industry are considered generic.
Please eliminate all generic disclosures from your risk factors
section, or revise to specifically indicate how the stated risk
applies to your company.  For example, refer to risk factors
twelve, fourteen, and fifteen under the caption "Risks Related to
Business" and risk factors two and three under the caption "Risks
Related to this Offering."
9. Please include tabular information demonstrating the effect of
conversion ratio for the preferred stock if you were to sell your
common stock at a price below $1.00 per share, and explain clearly
how the conversion ratio operates if the price of newly-issued
stock is below $1.00.  Show the additional amount of shares that
holders of convertible securities could acquire if the price of
common stock to be issued were 75%, 50% and 25% of $1.00.
the increase in the number of securities that Stanford Venture
Capital Holdings, Inc. would hold based on conversion ratio.  You
should discuss in a risk factor the dilutive effect of the
number of shares that would be outstanding if the price were to
decline by the specified amounts.
10. It appears that you should relocate risk factor regarding
Stanford Venture Capital Holdings, Inc.`s control of you so it
appears among the first risk factors.
11. You should include a risk factor that describes the total
of indebtedness that you have outstanding.  Discuss how this
indebtedness may affect your ability to conduct operations and
discuss the limitations on your ability to repay indebtedness.
as indicated in MD&A, indicate that you may need to incur more
indebtedness to service your indebtedness and fund liquidity needs
and discuss your alternatives should you be unable to raise
sufficient capital to fund indebtedness.  Also describe any
to comply with the terms of your indebtedness.
Our business of selling premium collectibles..., page 5
12. Revise the disclosure to specifically identify your primary
Our success depends on our management team..., page 7
13. Revise to specifically identify all those executive officers
key personnel upon which the company relies.  Disclose if you do
have employment agreements with any of the key personnel referred
Do not add mitigating language if you do have employment
Our quarterly operating results may vary..., page 7
14. Revise to ensure the bullet points present a risk you face.
example, the last bullet point refers to your success in expanding
sales and distribution channels, not the risk that you may be
to expand sales and distribution channels.
Shares of our common stock eligible or to become eligible..., page
15. Please explain the "certain volume limitations and other
requirements" of Rule 144.
Our common stock price is subject to significant volatility...,
16. Please delete reference to securities analysts following your
stock.  Eliminate the reference to potential class action
since it is overly speculative and generic.

Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements, page 12
17. Please delete the word "will" from the list of words appearing
the second sentence under this caption.
Price Range of Common Stock, page 14
18. Please delete reference to the "NASD" when referring to the
Electronic Bulletin Board, as investors may confuse this with the
Nasdaq market.
Management`s Discussion and Analysis, page 17
19. Please expand this section to discuss known material trends
uncertainties that will have or are reasonably likely to have a
material impact on your revenues or income or result in your
liquidity decreasing or increasing in any material way.  In doing
provide additional information about the quality and variability
your earnings and cash flows so that investors can ascertain the
likelihood of the extent past performance is indicative of future
performance.  In addition, please discuss in reasonable detail:

* economic or industry-wide factors relevant to your company, and

* material opportunities, challenges, and risks in short and long
term and the actions you are taking to address them.

See SEC Release No. 33-8350 and Item 303 of Regulation S-B.
20. Statements made by companies issuing penny stock are expressly
excluded from the safe harbor protections you refer to in the
full paragraph under this caption.  Please revise to delete such
21. Please tell us supplementally why you do not consider
valuation to be a critical accounting policy.  To the extent that
estimation process for inventory reserves is subjective, please
consider the applicability of the guidance regarding critical
accounting policies. Please also provide Schedule II - Valuation
Qualifying Accounts for the activity in your allowance for

Years Ended June 30, 2004 and 2003, page 19
22. Please explain "hammer prices realized" as that phrase is used
the penultimate paragraph in this section.
23. Please discuss any seasonal aspects that had a material effect
the financial conditions or results of operations.  See Item
303(b)(1)(vii) of Regulation S-B.

24. We note that the discussion of changes in revenues, costs of
sales and selling, general and administrative (SG&A) costs does
appear to address, in sufficient detail, the reasons for material
changes.  For example, you have stated that the increase in
coin sales was primarily due to strong market demand from other
dealers and your higher level of inventory available for sale.
However there is no discussion of the reasons for the strong
demand from other dealers or higher inventory available for sale.
You have also stated that SG&A costs decreased due in part to
operational consolidation efforts that were completed in the last
half of the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003.  You should disclose
what these efforts were comprised of and the cost benefit impact
realized.  You state in your discussion of other income and
that during the year ended June 30, 2004 you were able to
significantly increase auction and customer advances as a result
of a
$7.5 million line of credit facility obtained in October 2003.
need to explain how this had an impact on other income and
and why it is important to your operations.   Please revise to
describe the specific impact of each underlying reason for
changes in line items and provide a context within which a reader
discern the importance of each reason.  Refer to the guidance
contained in Interpretation: Commission Guidance Regarding
Management`s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations (Commission`s MD&A Guidance) issued on
19, 2003.
25. You should correlate revenue changes that have a direct impact
gross profit as a percentage of sales.  For example, you cite
aggressive pricing in 2003 yet gross margin remained constant at
due to "comparable price increases both when selling and
rare coins" and your high inventory turn rate.  Furthermore we
expect your disproportionate increase in wholesale revenue to have
depressive effect on gross margin yet it remained stable.  To the
extent you have offsetting effects to gross margin, you should
identify and quantify them individually
Impairment of Goodwill, page 20
26. Please identify "SGBH."
Liquidity and Capital Resources, page 21
Financing Activities, page 21

27. We note that the company has an outstanding balance on a loan
with a private lender in the amount of $2,500,000, not including
accrued interest, that is callable with five days notice.  Please
disclose the amount of accrued interest on this loan.  It appears
that this circumstance should be addressed as a risk factor since
loan is secured by the company`s inventory.  Also, in this
address the impact or likely impact on your financial condition if
this line of credit is called.  You should describe fully your
to raise additional capital in the event the line of credit is
called. Disclose the current status of the negotiations with the
lender for repayment of the note.  Refer to Securities Act Release
No. 33-8350.

28. On page 22 you disclose that on April 10, 2002 you executed a
subordinated note payable to your CEO and, pursuant to a
agreement, your quarterly installment payments were reduced from
$150,000 to $50,000 commencing on September 30, 2003.  You also
indicate that during the year ended June 30, 2004 the note was
reduced by $100,000.  In Note 9 to your financial statements you
disclose that your CEO verbally agreed to delay the two $50,000
principal payments due on March 31, 2004 and June 30, 2004 to
September 30, 2004.  You should revise your MD&A to discuss this
verbal related party agreement and the repercussions of not making
two of the three payments that were due under the modified
You should make it clear in MD&A whether you made these two
on September 30, 2004 and whether you made the other payment due
September 30, 2004 along with the amount of any accrued interest
this note.  Discuss the status of this deferral and the effect on
your liquidity if the CEO were to request payment of the note.
to Securities Act Release No. 33-8350.

29. File the Commercial Loan and Security Agreement with Stanford
Financial Group Company as a material exhibit.  See Item 601 of
Regulation S-B. Also, discuss the risks presented by the loan
agreement, as it is secured by substantially all of the company`s
30. Identify the purchaser of the Series B Preferred Stock and the
Series D Preferred Stock.
31. Please clearly disclose whether the company is currently in
compliance with all of its financial covenants.

Contractual Obligations Table, page 24

32. Please revise to include all of your contractual obligations
including interest requirements on your long-term debt in the
on page 24.  Please note that to the extent that interest rates
variable and unknown, you may use your best judgment to determine
whether or not to include estimates of future interest payments in
the table.  In the event you decide to include interest payments,
note in a footnote to the table should provide appropriate
to clarify the assumptions made.  If interest payments are
then the table should be supplemented with additional information
that is material to an understanding of your interest cash
requirements.  Please confirm that you have included all of the
required categories of contractual obligations in the table.
also disclose the terms of your Guaranteed Liquidity and Buy Back
Grade warranty and your inability to determine the amount of the
potential repurchase obligation in this table.  Please keep in
that (a) any purchase obligations and (b) other long-term
reflected on your balance sheet under GAAP are among the items
required in the tabular disclosure.  Refer to Item 303 (A) (5) of
Regulation S-K.

Business, page 25
Background of the Coin and Collectibles Industry, page 26
33. Please avoid promotional terms and phrases under this caption
throughout this section.  For example, we note the statement that
"Coins have been highly esteemed for their beauty and appeal as a
solid store of wealth."
34. Eliminate your reference to Sotheby`s Holdings and its stock
symbol.  It does not appear relevant in the context of the
Auction Operations, page 28
35. Please provide the basis for the belief that Superior
Inc. is "the largest rare coin auction firm in the Western United
States and one of the largest three in the United States."  Please
delete this statement if you are unable to substantiate it.
 Competition, page 29
36. Please describe your methods of competition in greater detail.
See Item 101(b)(4) of Regulation S-B.  For example, further
how the company competes based on "staff expertise, reputation and
generally high quality inventory."  It would appear that your
competitors also have staff expertise, reputation and high quality
Regulation, page 29
37. Please further describe the potential ramifications to your
business if it is subject to the regulations outlined in this
Management, page 32

38. Please revise the biography of Mr. DiGenova to disclose how
he has been the company`s chairman of the board, chief executive
officer and a director. Please also substantiate or delete the
statement that he is a "recognized leader in the numismatic and
arts field."

39. Refer to the biography of Mr. Wolfe.  Please identify the
privately-held direct marketing start-up company where he was a
40. Refer to the biography of Mr. Biberkraut.  Please describe the
primary operations of PacifiCare Health Systems, Inc. and Quality
Systems, Inc.
41. Refer to the biography of Mr. Ittner.  Please describe the
primary operations of Cellstar Corporation and disclose his term
employment at Cellstar.
Employment Agreements, page 34
42. Disclose the time period for which the market capitalization
exceed $50 million in order for the CEO to receive a bonus.  Also
describe the "certain limitations" on the bonus that you
Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, page 36
43. Disclose the market price for the common stock at the time
you reduced the exercise price for the warrants.  Also, disclose
value of the shares (at the then-current stock price relative to
exercise price) issued to each of the persons you have identified.
Describe the reasons for reducing the exercise price, and identify
the party that requested the reduced exercise price.   State why
believed that a reduction in the exercise price was in the best
interests of the company.
44. Tell us whether shareholders approved the issuance of the
preferred securities to Stanford since the issuances exceeded 20%
the company`s voting securities.
45. Please file your consulting agreement with Stanford Venture
Capital Holdings, Inc. as a material exhibit.  See Item 601 of
Regulation S-B.  Disclose whether the fees paid in connection with
the consulting agreement are comparable to those you could have
obtained from an unrelated third party.
46. Please disclose whether the lease of the Newport Beach
to your CEO terminated on September 30, 2004.
47. It appears that you should discuss the repayment terms of the
advance from the CEO for working capital purposes.  Disclose
the purchase price for the art inventory was on terms comparable
those you would have received from an unaffiliated third party.
Item 404 of Regulation S-B.

Principal and Selling Shareholders, page 37

48. Disclose the identity of the natural persons who have the
ultimate voting or investment control for each of the entities you
have identified either directly or through other entities.
49. Please indicate whether any selling shareholder is a broker-
dealer or affiliated with a broker-dealer.  We may have further
comment upon review.
50. Tell us whether Stanford Venture Capital Holdings, Inc.
the securities it holds with a view toward distribution, and
at the time of purchase, the seller had an agreements or
understandings, directly or indirectly, with any person to
the securities.
51. It appears that Stanford Venture Capital Holdings, Inc. should
have filed an amendment to the Schedule 13D to reflect that it
intends to dispose of all of its securities as identified in the
registration statement.  See Item 4 of Schedule 13D.  Please
52. Disclose all material relationships between you and the
shareholders during the past three years.  See Item 507 of
S-B.   Also, disclose the manner in which each of the selling
shareholders acquired its securities.
53. Separately identify the holdings of each of your officers and
directors in this table.  See Item 403(b) of Regulation S-B.
Plan of Distribution, page 39

54. We note that you indicate that the methods by which the
shareholders may sell their shares includes "block trades in which
the broker-dealer will attempt to sell the shares as agent but may
position and resell a portion of the block as principal to
the transaction...."  On a supplemental basis, confirm your
that prior to any involvement of any broker-dealer in the
such broker-dealer must seek and obtain clearance of the
compensation and arrangements from the NASD Corporate Finance
55. Please discuss Rule 144 in greater detail as it pertains to
sale of the company`s shares.
Series B $1.00 Convertible Preferred Stock, page 42
56. Describe fully the adjustment to the conversion ratio for the
Series B and the Series D preferred stock if you issue common
for a price less than $1.00.   Disclose whether this adjustment
provision would apply to securities issued to current holders of
preferred stock.
Where You Can Find More Information, page 47
57. It is not appropriate to qualify the disclosure in the
by referring to exhibits.  Please revise your first paragraph
this caption accordingly.

Financial Statements for the year ended June 30, 2004

Independent Auditors` Consent

58. We note that the consent of Singer Lewak Goldstein & Greenbaum
LLP filed as Exhibit 23.2 also consents to the use of their report
dated July 27, 2004 relating to the financial statement schedules
appearing elsewhere in the registration statement.  However, we
unable to locate either the schedules or their report on the
schedules in the registration statement.  Please revise or advise.

Note 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, page F-13

Revenue Recognition, page F-15

59. Please disclose when you recognize revenues for sales in which
revenue is recognized based on shipping terms such as FOB shipping
point or FOB delivery.  We note your return policy for retail
transactions allows customers to return graded rare coins
within 7 days of the receipt of the coins for full refund as long
the rare coins are returned in exactly the same condition as they
were delivered.  Please confirm that such retail sales are point
sale transactions.  Please also tell us whether you have any other
return policies for all other sales.  If you do not, tell us what
recourse the buyer may have other than non-payment if a credit
or litigation.  We may have further comment.

Stock Based Compensation, page F-18

60. Please revise the presentation of pro forma stock-based
compensation to deduct any  stock-based employee compensation
net of related tax effects that is included in the determination
net income as reported.  Refer to paragraph 2.e.c.of FAS 148.

Segment Reporting, page F-19

61. You state that you view your operations and manage your
as one segment, collectibles.  We assume that each of your
retail, and consignment sales operations meets the definition of
operating segment as defined by paragraph 10 of SFAS 131 but that
reporting purposes you have aggregated them into one reportable
segment.  Provide us with sufficient information for us to
how each of these operating segments met all the aggregation
requirements set forth in paragraph 17 of SFAS 131.  If you do not
view them as separate segments for other reasons, please explain.
There appear to be differences in the customer base, method of
distribution, economic characteristics and growth potential that
would preclude aggregation.  Provide us with the sales, gross
and operating results for each potential operating segment for the
last five years.  Compare these economic indicators as well as the
trends they depict and address for us any dissimilar changes among
the operating segments you aggregate.  Since you indicate that you
operate in several foreign countries, please either provide
geographic segment information or tell us why such information is
required.  Please be detailed in your response.


62. Please tell us your classification of shipping and handling
costs.  The costs of shipping and handling should be included in
costs of sales or you should disclose the amount of such costs and
the line item in the financial statements where the costs are
included.  In this connection, please make it clear in MD&A your
income statement classification of in-bound and out-bound shipping
costs.  Please disclose whether you offer shipping to customers.
so, please disclose where you reflect shipping and handling
in your financial statements.  Refer to EITF 00-10 for guidance.
63. We note you state in your description of your business that
operate in several foreign countries.  Please provide an
policy for foreign currency transactions.  If you do not have
liabilities or transactions denominated in a currency other than
dollar, please explain.
64. Please provide an accounting policy note that describes in
the specific nature of the costs included in inventories and costs
sales.  In other words if indirect costs relating to inventory are
accumulated and tied with specific units of inventory or represent
reclassified period costs, make it clear which type of expenses
treated that way and explain to us supplementally your rationale.

Note 2. Inventories, page F-21

65. We note your disclosure that from time to time you enter into
joint ventures or purchase financing arrangements with third
for the purchase and sale of specific rare coins or fine
collectibles.  You state that these agreements may include profit
sharing provisions of 25% to 50% of the gross profit adjusted for
agreed upon expenses and interest costs.   You state that as of
30, 2004 and 2003, your inventory totals reflected your total
appropriate ownership and do not include any minority interest
in regard to such joint venture or partnership arrangements.
tell us supplementally whether you are conveying that you are
recording your proportional share of the inventory subject to
arrangements or that you hold title to the inventory and record
entire cost of such inventory without regard to any minority
claims to a portion of the anticipated gross profits.  Please also
revise your disclosures to make them clearer.

Note 5. Auction and Customer Advances, page F-22

66. Please revise to disclose the relevant terms of the auction
customer advances.  Specifically, tell us whether the auction or
customer advances bear interest, and if so, at what rate(s) and do
they have a set or maximum term or date by which they must be
in the event that the collateral or consigned item has not yet
sold.  Also tell us whether the customer may set a minimum sales
price they will accept for the item.  Please provide us sufficient
information on how such arrangements operate such that we can
evaluate your disclosure.

Note 7. Lines-of-Credit, page 24

67. Please revise to disclose the outstanding balance at June 30,
2003 of the $2,000,000 oral auction line of credit entered into
February 21, 2003.  Tell us supplementally where the balance is
reflected on your June 30, 2003 balance sheet.

 Note 11. Equity, page F-30

Sale and Redemption of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock

68. Please tell us supplementally and disclose how you accounted
the issuance of the 6,250 warrants that were issued due to your
failure to timely file a registration statement on the common
issuable on the conversion of the Series A Convertible Preferred

69. You disclosed that all of the holders of your Series A
Stock requested the redemption of their shares.  You state that
because your liabilities did and currently exceed your assets, you
are prohibited under Delaware corporation law from commencing the
redemption.  You state that you have notified the shareholders
you intend to begin the redemption once you are legally allowed to
so.  Please tell us supplementally and disclose why $343,750 of
total amount you are required to pay to the holders of your Series
Preferred Stock in connection with the redemption is classified in
your balance sheet as a long-term liability.

Series B Convertible Preferred Stock

70. Please revise to disclose here and also on page 43 the date
Series B Convertible Preferred Stock was issued.  Disclose the
original number of warrants issued in connection with the Series B
Preferred and the original warrant exercise price.  Disclose how
accounted for the warrants at issuance including the model used to
determine the value at which to record them.

Stock Options

71. Please revise to disclose for your stock option plans all of
information required by SFAS 123 as amended, paragraphs 47 b., e.,
and f. and 48.
72. Please tell us supplementally how your co-employees met the
definition of employees for the purposes of accounting for
stock based compensation.

Part II

73. Please file the Secured Revolving Line of Credit Agreement and
the related Renewal and Modification Agreement as material
agreements.  File all agreements relating to loans extended to the
company by the CEO and others.  We note, for example, that you
modified the terms of the note with the CEO on February 14, 2003
that the CEO filed an amended Schedule 13D, but that you have not
filed the Share Exchange and Note Modification.  You also should
the Stock Purchase and Warrant Exercise Agreement, Liquidation
Preference Agreement, and the Registration Rights Agreement dated
February 14, 2003 and the Securities Purchase Agreement dated
1, 2003.  Please supplementally confirm upon filing these and any
agreements that you have filed all material agreements.  We may
further comments on the registration statement following our
of these agreements.

Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities
74. Provide us with your analysis as to why the numerous issuances
securities should not be integrated.
75. Please include the entire undertakings required by Item
512(a)(1)(ii) of Regulation    S-B.
Form 10-KSB for the Year Ended June 30, 2004
76. The comments on the Form SB-2 should be complied with in your
Form 10-KSB to the extent applicable.
Item 8A.  Controls and Procedures, page 25
77. In this section, you should refer to Exchange Act Rules 13a-
and 15d-15(e).  Also, you must state whether there were any
significant changes in internal controls over financial reporting.
Furthermore, the evaluation should be made as of the end of the
period.  Please delete the reference to July 13, 2004.
78. Your reference to Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14 in your
certifications is not correct.  The certifications you provide
be identical to the certifications set forth in Item 601(b)(31) of
Regulation S-B.  We also note that you refer to making the
determination of effectiveness within a date as of 90 days prior
filing the annual report.  This time period is incorrect.  The
certifications must include the concept of internal control over
financial reporting.  Revise accordingly.
You are required to file these certifications as exhibit 31 to the
registration statement.  The certifications required by Section
of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act should be filed as exhibit 32 to the
registration statement.

	As appropriate, please amend your filings in response to
comments.  You may wish to provide us with marked copies of the
amendments to expedite our review.  Please furnish a cover letter
with your amendments that keys your responses to our comments and
provides any requested supplemental information.  Detailed cover
letters greatly facilitate our review.  Please understand that we
have additional comments after reviewing your amendments and
responses to our comments.

	 We urge all persons who are responsible for the accuracy and
adequacy of the disclosure in the filings reviewed by the staff to
certain that they have provided all information investors require.
Since the company and its management are in possession of all
relating to a company`s disclosure, they are responsible for the
accuracy and adequacy of the disclosures they have made.

	In connection with responding to our comments, please
in writing, a statement from the company acknowledging that

* the company is responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of the
disclosure in the filings;
* staff comments or changes to disclosure in response to staff
comments in the filings reviewed by the staff do not foreclose the
Commission from taking any action with respect to the filing; and
* the company may not assert staff comments as a defense in any
proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the
federal securities laws of the United States.

	In addition, please be advised that the Division of
has access to all information you provide to the staff of the
Division of Corporation Finance in our review of your filing or in
response to our comments on your filing.

	You may contact Sondra Snyder at (202) 942-1827 or Jim
Allegretto, Senior Assistant Chief Accountant, at (202) 942-1885
you have questions regarding comments on the financial statements
related matters.  Please contact Matthew Benson at (202) 942-2824
Ellie Quarles at (202) 942-1859 with any other questions you may


				H. Christopher Owings
				Assistant Director

cc: 	Thomas Brockington, Esq.

Fax:	(714) 546-9035





Superior Galleries, Inc.
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