May 6, 2005

Mail Stop 0511

Mr. Steven M. Hershman, President, Inc.
210 Avenue I, Suites E and F
Redondo Beach, California 90277

Re:, Inc
      File No. 24-10109
	Offering Statement Form 1-A
	Filed on April 8, 2005

Dear Mr. Hershman:

      We have reviewed your filing and have the following
Where indicated, we think you should revise your document in
to these comments.  If you disagree, we will consider your
explanation as to why our comment is inapplicable or a revision is
unnecessary.  Please be as detailed as necessary in your
In some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with
supplemental information so we may better understand your
After reviewing this information, we may or may not raise

      Please understand that the purpose of our review process is
assist you in your compliance with the applicable disclosure
requirements and to enhance the overall disclosure in your filing.
We look forward to working with you in these respects.  We welcome
any questions you may have about our comments or on any other
of our review.  Feel free to call us at the telephone numbers
at the end of this letter.

Part I.  Notification
Item 1 - Significant Parties

1. For each of the company`s directors and officers and for
of the company, please include the person`s personal address as
required by Item 1 of the Form 1-A.

2. Please provide the disclosure required by Item 1 of Form 1-A
each person listed or indicate it is not applicable.  It appears
there should be disclosure regarding beneficial owners of 5% or
of any class of the issuer`s securities and promoters of the

Item 4.  Jurisdiction in Which Securities Are to be Offered

3. The disclosure should be revised to note if true that the
securities have been or will be registered in the listed

4. Please revise this section to describe in more detail the
by which the securities will be offered.  See Item 4(b) of Form 1-

Item 5.  Unregistered Securities Issued or Sold Within One Year

5. Disclose the type of services provided in each transaction and
value placed upon those services.

6. For each of the transactions, please indicate the section of
Securities Act or Commission rule or regulation relied upon for
exemption from the registration requirements of such Act and state
briefly the facts relied upon for such exemption.  See Item 5(c)
Form 1-A.

Part II.  Offering Circular

7. Please revise the disclosure to be consistent with the order
in Model B.  Note that the risk factors section should immediately
follow the summary in the forepart of the offering circular.  See
Item 3 of Model B.

8. While there is no technical requirement to provide a discussion
historical results of operations under Model B of Form 1-A, in
case we believe that such disclosures are necessary to ensure that
investors are provided with all material information pertaining to
the company. Specifically, we note that your revenue declined by
50% from 2003 to 2004, and net income declined by over 90% over
same period. For the quarter ended March 31, 2005, it appears that
these negative trends have continued.  Accordingly, please provide
discussion of your historical results of operations in accordance
with Question 48 of Model A of Form 1-A.

Cover Page

9. The cover page should set forth the termination date of the
offering, and any arrangements to place the funds received in an
escrow, trust or similar arrangement.  See Item 2 of Model B.

10. Please indicate that funds in the escrow account will be
returned to the investors if the minimum is not reached after the
offering terminates. See Rule 10b-9 of the Securities Exchange Act
1934.  Revise throughout the offering circular as appropriate.

11. In a footnote to the table, please disclose the estimated
offering expenses.

12. Please explain the reference to 522,000 shares of common stock
underlying 522,000 shares of Series B 6.75% Convertible Preferred
Stock.  Are you registering the resale of the common stock?  What
the price of the securities in this offering?  We may have further

Description of the Business, page 2

13. Please describe the general developments of the business of Inc. during the past five years and before its
acquisition of Union Discount Mortgage.  Please include the date
incorporation of, Inc.  Describe the affiliation of
Loans4Less with Union Discount Mortgage before its acquisition of
Union Discount Mortgage.

14. Please explain the "`A` rated potential borrowers."

15. Please explain the "subprime market place."

16. Please provide in greater detail a discussion of your business
activities as a mortgage broker.

17. Please explain how you currently attract potential borrowers
through your website.

18. Please describe the principal terms of the agreement between
company and  Include the fee arrangement between
company and BrioRealty.  Please file the agreement as an exhibit.
Also describe how BrioRealty provides the company with a
supply of active borrowers.  In the management`s discussion and
analysis section, it may be useful to discuss the amount of
that the company received during the previous fiscal year from

19. Does the company receive a fee for the pre-qualification form?

20. Please explain the "lending network."

21. Please explain "deliverable rates" and "closing costs."

22. Please describe whether the company receives a fee when
access its website and use the rate tracker and mortgage

23. Please describe the "wholesale lending institutions."  Please
describe any agreements that the company has entered into with the
lending institutions.  All material agreements should be filed as

24. Please explain the terms which describe the institutional
portfolio loans, e.g., cost of funds index, negative amortization
adjustable rate mortgages etc.

25. Please describe whether Platinum Properties is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Loans4Less.  It may be appropriate to create a
subsection that discusses the business of Platinum Properties.

26. In discussing how the company earns revenue, please describe
of the methods in more detail.  It may be helpful to include
percentages.  In the management discussion and analysis section,
may be helpful to discuss the historic revenues for each of these

27. Please explain in detail the statement "[a]fter it becomes
public, the Company does not intend to engage in any activities in
any active securities trading, but may from time to time purchase
certain securities for strategic investment purposes, if the
determines such purchases as appropriate."

28. Please describe the principal market for and methods of
distribution of such products and services.  See Item 6(a)(1)(ii)
Model B.

29. Please revise to indicate the company`s competitive position
the industry and the principal methods of competition.  See Item
6(a)(2) of Model B.

Current Operations, page 3

30. Please disclose the total number of employees, in addition to
number of full-time employees.  See Item 6(a)(1)(iv) of Model B.

31. Please describe generally the positions of the seven full-time

32. Please discuss the affiliation between your company and Union
Discount at the time of the acquisition.  Was Mr. Hershman the
control person for prior to the acquisition?

33. Please discuss in more detail existing or probable
regulations.  See Item 6(a)(2) of Model B.  Discuss in greater
the licensing requirements.

34. Please discuss whether the company is dependent on one or a
major suppliers. See Item 6(a)(2) of Model B.

35. Please describe generally the principal terms of the
between the company and the mortgage lenders listed on the top of
page 4.

Business Plan, page 4

36. In general, some of the information in the business plan
subsection appears promotional, rather than factual, and should be
revised to remove all promotional statements.  No speculative
information should be included, unless clearly labeled as the
of management of the company along with disclosure of the
basis for such opinions or beliefs.  All claims of a speculative
nature not fully supported in the document should be deleted.  We
refer, for example, to the reference "major lending portal,"
"significant intangible value," or "will continue as an ever
resource to consumers shopping for mortgages . . . and will grow
considerably in the future."  Please revise accordingly.

37. Please significantly revise the business plan subsection to
the discussion to a specific plan of operations for the next
months.  Provide details of your specific plan of operations,
including detailed milestones, the anticipated time frame for
beginning and completing each milestone, the estimated expenses
associated with each milestone and the expected sources of such
funding.  Please explain how the company intends to meet each of
milestones if it cannot receive funding.

Description of Property, page 5

38. We note that the company states that it "shares offices."
explain.  Also, name the party from whom you lease the space.

Directors, Executive Officers and Significant Employees, page 5

39. Please disclose the period during which each director has
in this position.

40. Please provide a brief account of each person`s business
experience during the past five years.  For each job held, please
include the name of the company and the start date and ending date
month and year.  Also indicate the principal business of any
corporation or other organization where the occupation or
was carried on.  For example, please see the business experience
Julia Leah Greenfield.  Also for Steven Hershman, please
describe his experience in the mortgage loan business and
market business prior to 1993 or remove the reference.

41. Please provide more information regarding the claim of

Remuneration of Directors and Officers, page 7

42. Please include the amount of remuneration in the table.

43. Please describe the fully paid securities received by Steven
Hershman.  Also describe if a valuation can be given for the
Convertible Preferred Stock issued to Mr. Hershman.

44. Please include the three highest paid persons who are officers
directors in the executive compensation table.  Also, disclose
whether you have any compensation arrangements or agreements with
your executive officers.

Security Ownership of Management and Certain Securityholders, page

45. Please revise the percentages before the offering.  It appears
that the 25.5 million shares of common stock owned by Mr. Hershman
would be 98.6% of the common stock outstanding assuming no
before the offering.

46. In the table, please include a line item for all officer and
directors as a group.  See Item 10 of Model B.

Interest of Management and Others in Certain Transactions, page 8

47. Please include the amount of interest that Steven Hershman
received in connection with the described transactions.

Plan of Distribution, page 11

48. We note that the company may accept partial investment amounts
its option.  Please explain how this will be determined and
with the disclosure that there is a minimum investment of 5,000
shares in this offering.

49. For each person who will be selling the securities on behalf
the company, please set forth the basis of their qualification
Rule 3a4-1 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 with respect
each element of the safe harbor.

50. You need to indicate how your officers and directors will sell
the securities.  You must outline your plan of distribution.

51. Please revise to identify the officers and directors who will
sell the shares.

52. You indicate that the offering is subject to the terms and
conditions of the subscription letter that accompanies the
circular.  Revise to summarize the applicable terms and conditions
the subscription letter.

53. Please describe the escrow arrangements and the return of
to subscribers if the minimum is not sold.

54. We note that you plan to offer the securities through brokers
dealers not yet identified.  Please disclose when you plan to
identify them.

Use of Proceeds, page 11

55. Please provide the disclosure required by Item 5 of Model B.
Include a use of proceeds table including the use of proceeds for
minimum, maximum and various levels between the two.

Dilution, page 12

56. Please revise the dilution tables to include this information
varying levels of proceeds between the minimum and maximum.

57. Please remove the statement "[a]lthough the Company has showed
profit in the past three years."

58. We note the statement "purchasers of the shares may experience
immediate dilution."  Please revise to state that purchasers will
experience immediate dilution


59. Note that it may be helpful to provide a brief summary of the
information in the offering circular.  The offering should be
and provide an overview of key aspects of the offering.

Risk Factors, page 14

60. Please avoid the generic conclusion you reach in some of your
risk factors that the risk would have a material adverse impact,
harm or will adversely affect the company.  Instead, replace this
language with specific disclosure of how your business and
would be affected.

61. In risk factor three, you state that "[t]he company has had
profitable operations in California."  Please revise the risk
to focus only upon the risk.

62. You should present as risk factors only those factors that
represent a material risk to investors in this offering.  Do not
include risk factors that could apply to any issuer or to any
offering.  Please revise risk factor nine to cite a particular
or delete it.

63. Please include a risk factor regarding the lack of a market
your common stock.

Union Discount Mortgage Financial Statements for the Years ended
December 31, 2004 and 2003

64. Please consider combining the financial statements for each
into a single set of financial statements with one set of
covering both periods.  Also, please revise the financial
to clearly indicate the time periods to which they relate (e.g. -
year ended December 31, 2004).

65. We note that your financial statements do not include a
of stockholders` equity, which is required for financial
prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
Please revise the filing to include a statement of stockholders`
equity for each period presented.

66. We note that many assets and liabilities are classified based
the bank or brokerage account name (for assets) or vendor name
liabilities).  Please revise your descriptions through the
statements to reflect captions that are consistent with those
typically used in financial statements (e.g. - cash and cash
equivalents, short-term investments, notes receivable, accounts
payable, accrued expenses, etc.).

67. We note your disclosure that states the company had immaterial
accrued assets or liabilities at each respective balance sheet
Please revise your disclosure to eliminate this reference.  To the
extent that any items are required to be accrued under generally
accepted accounting principles, revise the financial statements

Balance Sheet

68. Please disclose the par value of your common stock (if any),
the number of shares authorized, issued and outstanding at each
balance sheet date.

69. Please combine the various captions shown (stockholder
distributions, retained earnings, current year net income) into a
single total for retained earnings.

Income Statement

70. We note the operating expense titled "rebates".  Please tell
supplementally what this expense item is comprised of, and your
in the accounting literature for its treatment as an operating

71. Please disclose earnings per share on the income statement as
required by paragraph 36 of FAS 128.

Cash Flow Statement

72. The statement of cash flows for each period does not comply
generally accepted accounting principles.  Please prepare a cash
statement for each respective period in accordance with FAS 95,
Statement of Cash Flows.

Revenue Recognition Footnotes

73. Please expand your disclosure regarding revenue recognition to
address each of the primary criteria in Staff Accounting Bulletin
104 (evidence of an arrangement, delivery or performance, selling
price fixed or determinable, collectibility is reasonably assured)
they pertain to your business.  We note that your financial
statements do not include any accounts receivable balances.
tell us supplementally whether this means that revenue is not
recognized until any amounts payable to the company have been
collected (assuming that all other criteria for revenue
are met).

Notes Receivable

74. Please tell us supplementally why the notes receivable were
classified as non-current at December 31, 2003, as your disclosure
states that such amounts were due in March 2004 and October 2004.
Please revise your disclosure to state whether the notes
have been collected, and revise the financial statements to
the notes receivable as current assets at December 31, 2003.

Retirement Plan

75. We note your disclosure that for the year ended December 31,
2003, contributions of $69,000 were made to the retirement plan,
representing 25% of gross salaries, limited to a maximum of
per participant.  In addition, we note that employee and payroll
expense was approximately $175,000 in 2003, compared to
$477,000 in 2004.  Please tell us supplementally whether a portion
the expense recorded in 2004 relates to services performed in
and if so, revise the financial statements to reflect the costs
incurred for each year on an accrual basis. If you believe that
payroll expense for each year is properly stated, please tell us
factors accounted for the significant increase in expenses. Also,
please tell us how the retirement plan contribution of $69,000 for
2003 was made in accordance with the terms of the plan, as the
contribution appears to represent approximately 40% of the total
employee and payroll tax expense for the year.

Marketable Securities

76. Please revise your disclosure to indicate how your investments
are classified in accordance with FAS 115.  We note that your
statement of operations includes both realized and unrealized
relating to investments, which would appear to indicate that
investments are classified as trading under FAS 115, as opposed to
available-for-sale or held-to-maturity.  If any securities are
classified as held-to-maturity, please tell us supplementally
there have been any instances in which a security classified as
to-maturity was sold prior to its maturity date, and if so, the
circumstances surrounding management`s determination to sell the

Property and Equipment

77. We note your disclosure that depreciation of property and
equipment is calculated using the straight-line and accelerated
methods.  If both methods are used for financial reporting
please disclose which method applies to each major asset category.
If the accelerated method is only used for tax purposes, please
delete the reference to this method in your disclosure.

J.P. Morgan Invest, LLC

78. Please revise your disclosure to clearly indicate whether the
securities and credit line represent the assets and liabilities of
the company.  Also, please revise the disclosure to include all
material terms of the credit line, including the interest rate,
any available but unused credit facilities at each balance sheet

Line of Credit

79. Please revise your disclosure to indicate the maximum
amount of the line of credit.

Legal Costs

80. We note your disclosure regarding the legal expenses incurred
2004 relating to the establishment of the 2004
Option Plan.  Please tell us supplementally whether there are any
stock options outstanding at each balance sheet date.  If there
any stock options outstanding, revise the financial statements to
include all of the disclosures required under APB 25, FAS 123, FAS
148 and paragraph 40 of FAS 128. Financial Statements for the period ended March 31,

81. The financial statements should be updated as necessary to
with paragraphs (1) and (2) of Part F/S of Form 1-A at the

82. Please revise the financial statements to include a statement
stockholders` equity, and a revised cash flow statement prepared
accordance with FAS 95. In addition, please revise the financial
statements to reflect captions that are consistent with those
typically used in financial statements. Lastly, please revise the
financial statements as necessary to address our prior comments
regarding the Union Discount Mortgage financial statements, to the
extent that such comments are also applicable to the
financial statements.

83. Based on your disclosures, it appears that the acquisition of
Union Discount Mortgage, Inc. by, Inc. is a
recapitalization of Union Discount Mortgage into
Accordingly, the financial statements should reflect the
financial statements of Union Discount Mortgage, combined with the
new capital structure of Typically, this is
in the financial statements by showing the issuance of stock by
operating company (Union Discount Mortgage) to acquire the net
monetary assets of the non-operating shell company
As a result, at the date of the acquisition, the retained earnings
balance will equal the historical balance for the operating
(Union Discount Mortgage), rather than being reset to zero as has
been done in your financial statements.  Please revise the
statements and related disclosures accordingly.  Also, please
describe the material terms of the recapitalization in Note 1 -
Description of Business.

84. Please revise the balance sheet to reflect the outstanding
stock and Series A and B preferred stock as of the balance sheet
date, with disclosure of the shares authorized, issued and
outstanding for each class of security.  Also, please provide the
disclosures required by FAS 129 regarding your capital structure
(which are similar to your disclosures on page 10 of the offering
circular) in the footnotes to the financial statements.

Note 9 - J.P. Morgan Invest, LLC

85. Please tell us supplementally how this transaction relates to
merger agreement between Union Discount Mortgage and,
which appears to describe an exchange of equity interests rather
a distribution of assets.  If the transaction represents a
to your major shareholder that was contemplated at the date of
acquisition, please revise your disclosure accordingly, and
the dividend payment in your statement of stockholders` equity.
may have additional comments after reviewing your response.

Pro Forma Financial Statements

86. Please remove all of the pro forma financial statements that
included in the offering circular, as the information that was
provided is not what was intended by Item 4 of Part F/S of Form 1-
It does not appear that any pro forma financial information is
required in your filing, as there are no disclosures regarding any
significant business combinations which have occurred or are


87. Please file an executed copy of the agreement and plan of

88. Please reconcile the number of shares being offered in this
offering circular with the disclosure in the escrow agreement.
escrow agreement should set forth the terms of the escrow
including the requirements that must be met to break escrow.

89. Please file a legality opinion.

Closing Comments

      As appropriate, please amend your offering statement in
response to these comments.  You may wish to provide us with
copies of the amendment to expedite our review.  Please furnish a
cover letter with your amendment that keys your responses to our
comments and provides any requested supplemental information.
Detailed cover letters greatly facilitate our review.  Please
understand that we may have additional comments after reviewing
amendment and responses to our comments.

      We urge all persons who are responsible for the accuracy and
adequacy of the disclosure in the filings reviewed by the staff to
certain that they have provided all information investors require
an informed decision.  Since the company and its management are in
possession of all facts relating to a company`s disclosure, they
responsible for the accuracy and adequacy of the disclosures they
have made.

      Notwithstanding our comments, in the event the company
acceleration of the qualification date of the pending offering
statement, it should furnish a letter, at the time of such
acknowledging that:

* should the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to delegated
authority, declare the filing qualified, it does not foreclose the
Commission from taking any action with respect to the filing;

* the action of the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to
delegated authority, in declaring the filing qualified, does not
relieve the company from its full responsibility for the adequacy
accuracy of the disclosure in the filing; and

* the company may not assert staff comments and the declaration of
qualification as a defense in any proceeding initiated by the
Commission or any person under the federal securities laws of the
United States.

      In addition, please be advised that the Division of
has access to all information you provide to the staff of the
Division of Corporation Finance in connection with our review of
filing or in response to our comments on your filing.

      We will consider a written request for acceleration of the
qualification date of the offering statement as a confirmation of
fact that those requesting acceleration are aware of their
responsibilities under the Securities Act of 1933 and the
Exchange Act of 1934 as they relate to the proposed offering of
securities specified in the above offering statement.  We will act
the request and, pursuant to delegated authority, grant
of the qualification date.

      Please allow adequate time after the filing of any amendment
for further review before submitting a request for acceleration.
Please provide this request at least two business days in advance
the requested qualification date.

      You may contact Carlton Tartar at (202) 551-3387 or Terence
O`Brien at (202) 551-3355 if you have questions regarding comments
the financial statements and related matters.  Questions on other
disclosure issues may be directed to Thomas Kluck at (202) 551-
or Pamela Howell, who supervised the review of your filing, at


						John Reynolds, Assistant Director
						Office of Emerging Growth Companies

cc:	Lee W. Cassidy
	Fax (202) 745-1920




?? Inc.
May 6, 2005
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