Mail Stop 6010
      July 27, 2005

David M. Daniels, CEO
National Health Partners, Inc.
120 Gibraltar Road, Suite 107
Horsham, PA 19044

Dear Mr. Daniels:

      We have reviewed your filing and have the following
Where indicated, we think you should revise your document in
to these comments.  If you disagree, we will consider your
explanation as to why our comment is inapplicable or a revision is
unnecessary.  Please be as detailed as necessary in your
In some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with
information so we may better understand your disclosure.  After
reviewing this information, we may raise additional comments.

      Please understand that the purpose of our review process is
assist you in your compliance with the applicable disclosure
requirements and to enhance the overall disclosure in your filing.
We look forward to working with you in these respects.  We welcome
any questions you may have about our comments or any other aspect
our review.  Feel free to call us at the telephone numbers listed
the end of this letter.

Fee Table
Selling Security Holders, page 56
Plan of Distribution, page 59

1. We note that the company`s common stock does not trade on any
established market.  Provide that selling shareholders will sell
at a
specified fixed price per share until your shares are quoted on
OTC Bulletin Board (or other specified market) and thereafter at
prevailing market prices or at privately negotiated prices.
your prospectus, including your plan of distribution, accordingly.

National Health Partners, Inc., page 1

2. We note in a press release by dated October 23,
that you apparently operated under the name International Health
Partners, Inc. at that time.  Please revise to discuss any former
alternative or trade style names you used in the past five years.
3. Please expand the appropriate section to discuss in greater
your relationship with independent marketing representatives, such
the number of representatives, the fees paid to them and the
percentage of your revenues from marketing representatives.

Risk Factors, page 2

4. Please expand the appropriate risk factor to highlight the
concern opinion.

Overview, page 15

5. Please provide us with support for the reference to "a leading
national healthcare savings organization."

Management`s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations, page 15

Comparison of Three-Month Periods Ended March 31, 2005 and 2004,

6. Please tell us why you only discuss $57,562 of your total
of $111,464 in general and administrative expenses.  Please
the causes of the other significant changes, or tell us why
additional disclosure is not necessary or required.    Please tell
why you expensed the fiscal 2004 audit fee of $74,232 in the three
months ended March 31, 2005, and not within fiscal 2004.
7. Please revise to discuss the nature of the significant cost
elements included within your cost of sales.  Please also discuss
causes of significant changes in your cost of sales and gross
for each period presented in your financial statements.  Please
that you should not present separate line items titled cost of
and gross profit unless your cost of sales line item includes all
expenses related to your cost of sales.  For example, we note that
you exclude all salary expenses and depreciation from your cost of
sales and gross profit.  Please tell us how this presentation
complies with SAB Topic 11.B.
8. Please expand the disclosure about commissions received from
sale of insurance products to discuss, if material, the insurance

General and Administrative Expenses, pages 18 and 19

9. Please discuss the amount of commissions paid during each
and the principal factors bearing upon the percentage of revenues
represented by commission costs.

Comparison of Years Ended December 31, 2004 and 2003, page 19

10. We note from your disclosure on page 17 that you derive
from two sources: monthly membership fees and commissions from the
sale of insurance products.  Please disclose the extent to which
source contributed to your revenues in each period presented and
discuss the causes of significant changes in each type of revenue.
For membership fees, we note that you sell the memberships
or through retailers, outlets, unions and associations.  Please
disclose the extent to which each of these sources contributed to
your revenues in the three months ended March 31, 2005 compared to
the same period in 2004.  Please explain why and how the
in the source of your revenues (i.e., direct vs. indirect) impacts
your revenues and costs.  We note the significant reduction in
revenues between 2004 and 2003 as a result of a change in the
of your revenues.  Please also quantify to the extent practicable
amount of revenues derived in each period related to new members
versus recurring revenues from old members.  If practicable,
the number of members in each period.
11. Please also tell us why you only discuss $172,001 of your
change of $328,543 in general and administrative expenses.  Please
disclose the causes of the other significant changes, or tell us
additional disclosure is not necessary or required.  Please tell
why you include payroll taxes within general and administrative
expenses and not within salary expense.  Due to the significance
the amount of professional fees incurred in 2004, please revise
discussion of the causes of significant changes for this item to
quantify each of the factors listed to the extent practicable.
Please also disclose in more detail the nature of the business
transactions and the accounting and marketing activities of
and February 2004 that you discuss in the first paragraph on page
12. Please expand the appropriate section to discuss the services
$874,125 from your chief executive officer and any material
offsetting expenses.

Health Savings Industry, page 26

13. Please provide us with support for the references to $1
and $27 billion.

Our CARExpress Membership Program, page 27

14. Your website discusses long term care facilities as providers.
Please discuss this aspect of your provider network and member
15. At an appropriate place please discuss the number of members
have at relevant benchmark dates.  Break down the number by sales
channel and plan level.  Discuss your member retention rate.
16. Please discuss, if material, how your program would be of
interest to persons enrolled in large publicly-funded health
insurance/care programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and the
Health Administration.
17. Please discuss how the provider verifies that the membership
currently valid.
18. Please discuss in greater detail your arrangement with your
contract partner, such as identify the contract partner and
the material terms of your agreement with the contract partner.

CARExpress Insurance Programs, page 32

19. Please discuss the material terms of your agreement with
Health Brokerage Group.
20. The disclosure on page 33 about the insurance products you
conflicts with disclosure elsewhere in your document, such as
pages 6
and 28, about insurance.  Please advise or revise.

Suppliers, page 35

21. Please provide a description of the provider services you
from each of your principal suppliers.  Also, discuss the material
terms of your agreements with preferred provider organizations.

Marketing and Distribution, page 35

22. Please describe what you refer to as "healthcare contacts
to our executive officers."  Explain the significance of these
contacts in securing and maintaining supplier relationships.
23. Please describe in greater detail the arrangements you have
retailers such as commission structure and incentives.  Describe
methods they use to sell your memberships.  Provide similar
information for unions and associations, and small business and
24. Please disclose how small businesses, trade associations,
and associations are compensated for distributing your product.
25. Please identify by name your principal marketing partners.
26. Please describe your success with each principal distribution
channel to date.
27. Please revise to describe the "network marketing" operations
your representatives.  We note discussion later of regulation of
business practice.

Customer Service, Training and Support, page 37

28. Please provide us with support for the reference to "superior
customer support."
29. Please disclose the number of service agents as of the most
recent practical date.

Technology, page 38

30. Please quantify the "substantial investments."
31. Please explain the term "genealogy reporting."

Competition, page 39

32. Please provide a comparative description of products,
promotional incentives and prices with your principal competitors.

Regulatory and Legislative Issues, page 40

33. Please describe the "current regulations in certain states"
limit your ability to operate.
34. Please describe the "recently enacted or introduced
and/or regulations" that may affect your selling methods.
how you will be affected to the extent practical.
35. Please expand the first paragraph on page 42 to clarify the
reference to "certain markets" such as which markets and whether
markets are applicable to your business.
36. Please clarify why you believe you are not currently required
comply with HIPAA.  Also, clarify the references to "certain of
regulations" and "certain aspects," such as which regulations and
which aspects.  In addition, please tell us why you have not
a risk factor that highlights this matter.

Employees, page 43

37. Please clarify whether management executives, and call center
other customer service personnel are included in the total
count of nine.

Properties, page 43

38. Please file material leases as exhibits to the registration
Management, page 44

39. Please expand the appropriate section to clarify the nature
scale of the company`s business operations prior to 2004.  For
example, the statement of operation for 2003 shows a total of only
$160,000 for all salaries and general and administrative expenses.
Also, expand the disclosure to clarify the nature and extent of
duties of Mr. Folts and Ms. Bathurst during that period.
40. Please describe in greater detail the nature and extent of the
"financing and management consulting services" provided by Mr.
Daniels from 1998 to 2004.

Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management,

41. Please add a risk factor to highlight the control of the
and directors.
42. Please clarify your relationship with Ronald Westman and Jay
43. Please disclose the exercise price of the warrants and

Shares Eligible for Future Sale, page 54

44. Please expand the second paragraph to clarify the number of
shares subject to outstanding warrants and options that will be
freely tradable upon exercise.
45. Please state the warrant expiration date(s) and exercise
46. Disclose any offering period restrictions.  For example, we
in Item 26 of the registration statement that the exercisability
some warrants expires after a fixed period following effectiveness
this registration statement.

Rule 144, page 54

47. Please clarify the final sentence in this subsection.

Selling Security Holders, page 55

48. Please disclose the transactions in which the registered
were acquired by each selling shareholder.
49. Please tell us whether any of the selling shareholders are
broker-dealers or affiliates of broker-dealers.
50. Please describe any position, office or other material
relationship that each selling security holder has had within the
past three years with you or any of your predecessors or
See Item 507 of Regulation S-B.

Registration Rights, page 55

51. Please file the registration rights agreement, as well as any
securities sales agreements to the extent required by Reg. S-B

Where you can find more information, page 64

52. Please clarify the last paragraph of this section about your
Annual Financial Statements, page F-1

Consolidated Statements of Stockholders` Equity, page F-6

53. Please reconcile the descriptions, number of shares, and
amounts in 2004 to your disclosures of equity transactions on
22 and II-2.

Note 1. Nature of Organization, page F-9

a. Organization and Business Activities, page F-9

54. Please explain to us in more detail the structure of your
relationship with marketing representatives.  Tell us the nature
significant terms of these relationships and any related
Discuss whether or not these representatives must pay you any
or ongoing fees as a result of their relationship to you.

e. Basic Loss Per Share, page F-9

55. We note your disclosure that the Company has excluded
common stock equivalents for the year ended December 31, 2004.
Please revise to discuss why these shares have been excluded from
computation of basic loss per share.

g. Revenue Recognition, page F-11

56. We note that you record revenue upon the receipt of payment.
Please tell us why you believe that this revenue recognition
is appropriate and consistent with U.S. GAAP.   Explain methods of
billing, timing of receipt of payment, and the related timing of
services you provide.  Discuss why you refer to pre-billing
and recording a deferral for the amount.  We note no accounts
receivable.  Please explain the entries you record for this
transaction.  Tell us and disclose the nature of any refund
obligations, rights of return, money-back guarantees, etc. and how
you account for those obligations and why.  Cite the accounting
literature upon which you relied.  Discuss how you considered both
the accounting and disclosure requirements of SAB Topic 13.A,
Question 4(a) and why.  Reconcile with the disclosures on page 16.

57. We note from page 36 that you are offering features to
new subscribers to try out CARExpress membership programs,
early cancellation privileges, refund guarantees and trial periods
free or discounted membership.  Please tell us and disclose the
nature of these programs and how you account for them.  Cite the
accounting literature upon which you relied and explain how you
applied that literature to your situation.  Tell us the extent to
which you offered the programs in the periods presented, including
interim periods in fiscal 2005.
58. Please tell us and disclose the significant terms of your
agreements with health care providers and how you account for
agreements and why.

h. Newly Issued Accounting Pronouncements, page F-11

59. Since you are a small business issuer, it appears that you
adopt SFAS 123R as of the beginning of your annual reporting
that begins after December 15, 2005.  Please revise and clarify
you plan to adopt the new statement.  You should clearly describe
MD&A the change in accounting policy that will be required by
Statement 123R in subsequent periods and the reasonably likely
material future effects.  See SAB`s 74 and 107 and

k. Fixed Assets, page F-13

60. We note that you have capitalized costs related to your
We note in your discussion of results of operations on page 18
you also expense a portion of your website development costs.
tell us how you have considered the guidance in EITF 00-2 in
accounting for your website development costs.

Note 3. Accrued Expenses and Note 4. Notes Payable, page F-14

61. We note that you have accrued expenses of $75,955 and notes
payable of $80,993 to U.S. Script as of December 31, 2004.  Please
tell us and disclose the nature of your relationship with U.S.
Script.  That is, discuss whether or not U.S. Script is a related
party and the nature of the services, goods, etc. provided in
exchange for the notes and accounts payable.

Note 7. Equity Transactions, page F-16

62. We note that on February 17, 2004 you issued 1.7 million
of common stock to your Chief Executive Officer for services
rendered, resulting in total consideration of $874,125.  Tell us
revise to disclose the time period in which the services were
rendered and how the amounts are reflected in the statements of
63. Please tell us why the losses on extinguishment of debt of
$11,710 and $13,260 on March 4, 2004 were accounted for as a debit
additional paid-in capital and show us the accounting entries you
made for these transactions.  Cite the accounting literature upon
which you relied.
64. Please disclose the dates that you issued the shares in each
your three private placements in fiscal 2004.  Please disclose the
significant terms of the private placement agreements, including
warrants and any registration rights and related penalties
with the stock and underlying warrants.  Tell us and disclose how
are accounting for and valuing the warrants and tell us why.  Cite
the accounting literature upon which you relied.  See EITF 00-19
SFAS 133.

Note 8. Stock Options, page F-18

65. We note that you granted 7,015,000 options to your employees,
officers and directors at $0.40 per share in September and
2004 that fully vested on the grant date.  We also note that you
issued common stock in private placements during 2004 at $0.50 per
share and valued common stock issued for services during this time
$0.50 per share.  Since it appears that the exercise price is
the fair market value of the common stock on the date of grant,
please tell us why you did not record stock compensation expense
related to these stock options.
66. Please revise the notes to your annual and interim financial
statements to move your stock option pro forma disclosure from
footnote to your summary of significant accounting policies
in accordance with paragraph 45 of SFAS 123.

March 31, 2005 Financial Statements, page F-21

Review Report of Auditors, page F-21

67. Please request your auditors to include the city and state of
issue on their report.  Additionally, we note that the report does
not refer to your subsidiary or consolidated financial statements.
As such, please either remove this review report, or include a
report that addresses your consolidated interim financial
and not just the financial information of the parent.
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, page F-25

68. Please tell us why you classified the increase in your
certificate of deposit as net cash used by financing activities.

Note 5. Equity Transactions, page F-29

69. Please reconcile the descriptions, number of shares, and
amounts and type of consideration received in 2005 to your
disclosures of equity transactions in Note 7 on page F-31, and
22 and II-2.  Please reconcile the disclosures for 2005 on pages
and II-2, including your March 2005 offering, June 2005 offering
2,587,000 shares and the nature of the consideration received for
May 2005 offering where you acquired shares of Infinium Labs.
70. On page II-3 you discuss the issuance of 737,742 common
Class A warrants to acquire 368,871 shares of common stock and
B warrants to acquire 368,871 shares of common stock to investors
your 2004 private placements in exchange for an extension of the
by which you would use your best efforts to file a registration
statement for the securities underlying the shares and the
Please reconcile with your description of the reason for issuing
shares on page F-29.  Please also tell us why you assigned no
to these additional shares and cite the accounting literature upon
which you relied.  Discuss the significant terms of the agreement
with the investors including any registration rights and penalties
associated with the shares and warrants.

Note 6. Stock Options, page F-29

71. We note that you cancelled the vested options that you granted
your officers and directors in September 2004 to purchase
common shares at $0.40 per share, and that none of these
options were exercised.  We note that you replaced these options
options to purchase 4,500,000 shares at $0.40 per share, and that
new options do not fully vest as of the grant date.  Please tell
if you recorded stock compensation expense related to the
modification of the awards in accordance with paragraphs 32-37 of

Note 7. Subsequent Events, page F-31

72. Please reconcile the following with page II-4:
* The name of the company whose shares you acquired.  That is,
F-31 refers to Infiniom Lass, Inc. and page II-4 refers to
Labs, Inc.
* The number of common shares underlying Class A and Class B
warrants.  That is, page F-31 refers to the sale of 600,000 units
with each unit including one Class A warrant and one Class B
each exercisable into 1.5 shares of your common stock.  Page II-4
refers to Class A and Class B warrants to each acquire 1,800,000
shares of your common stock.
73. Please tell us how you have accounted for and valued the sale
the 600,000 units in exchange for the 2.7 million shares of
Labs common stock and why.  Cite the accounting literature upon
you relied.  We note that the price of the stock of Infinium Labs
significantly decreased since May 2005.  Please discuss the
of the investor to issue the additional shares or cash under the
agreement`s make-whole provisions.
74. Please disclose the date upon which you sold the 600,000
Please also disclose all of the significant terms of the units,
including the warrants.  We note the additional disclosure on page
75. Please tell us and disclose the nature of the consulting
to be rendered to the company in exchange for the issuance of
2,587,000 shares of your common stock in June 2005.  Discuss the
relationship of the company to the person who will provide the
services.  Please tell us and disclose how you are accounting for
valuing these shares and tell us why.  Cite the accounting
upon which you relied.

Item 26, page II-2

76. For each of the private placements to multiple investors
demonstrate for us the basis for your claim of Section 4(2) or
506 exemption.  For example, how did you verify that each
was an "accredited investor?"
77. Please tell us the consideration you gave to possible
of your private placement offerings and the effect on your
registration exemptions.  We note that several sales occurred over
period of a few months.
78. For transactions not involving cash consideration disclose the
basis for valuing the other consideration, such as consulting

Item 27, page II-5

79. Please file all material contracts made within the last two
or to be performed after the effective date.  In this regard we
that you describe numerous contractual relationships with
partners and suppliers.  See Reg. S-B Item 601(b)(10).
80. Please be advised that we may have additional comments after
file your exhibits.

      As appropriate, please amend your registration statement in
response to these comments.  You may wish to provide us with
copies of the amendment to expedite our review.  Please furnish a
cover letter with your amendment that keys your responses to our
comments and provides any requested information.  Detailed cover
letters greatly facilitate our review.  Please understand that we
have additional comments after reviewing your amendment and
to our comments.

      We urge all persons who are responsible for the accuracy and
adequacy of the disclosure in the filing to be certain that the
filing includes all information required under the Securities Act
1933 and that they have provided all information investors require
for an informed investment decision.  Since the company and its
management are in possession of all facts relating to a company`s
disclosure, they are responsible for the accuracy and adequacy of
disclosures they have made.

      Notwithstanding our comments, in the event the company
acceleration of the effective date of the pending registration
statement, it should furnish a letter, at the time of such
acknowledging that:

* should the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to delegated
authority, declare the filing effective, it does not foreclose the
Commission from taking any action with respect to the filing;

* the action of the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to
delegated authority, in declaring the filing effective, does not
relieve the company from its full responsibility for the adequacy
accuracy of the disclosure in the filing; and

* the company may not assert staff comments and the declaration of
effectiveness as a defense in any proceeding initiated by the
Commission or any person under the federal securities laws of the
United States.

	In addition, please be advised that the Division of
has access to all information you provide to the staff of the
Division of Corporation Finance in connection with our review of
filing or in response to our comments on your filing.

      We will consider a written request for acceleration of the
effective date of the registration statement as confirmation of
fact that those requesting acceleration are aware of their
responsibilities under the Securities Act of 1933 and the
Exchange Act of 1934 as they relate to the proposed public
of the securities specified in the above registration statement.
will act on the request and, pursuant to delegated authority,
acceleration of the effective date.

      We direct your attention to Rules 460 and 461 regarding
requesting acceleration of a registration statement.  Please allow
adequate time after the filing of any amendment for further review
before submitting a request for acceleration.  Please provide this
request at least two business days in advance of the requested
effective date.

      You may contact Thomas Dyer at (202) 551-3641 Michelle
at (202) 551-3327 if you have questions regarding comments on the
financial statements and related matters.  Please contact Alan
at (202) 551-3601 or me at (202) 551-3602 with any other


      					Thomas A. Jones
      					Senior Attorney

cc. Alex Soufflas (Duane Morris)
Via telefax (609) 631-2401

David M. Daniels, CEO
National Health Partners, Inc.
 July 27, 2005
Page 14