Mail Stop 3561

September 2, 2005

William A. Sanger
Chief Executive Officer
Emergency Medical Services Corporation
6200 S. Syracuse Way
Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Re: 	Emergency Medical Services Corporation
Form S-1
Filed August 2, 2005
File No. 333-127115

Dear Mr. Sanger:

      We have reviewed your filings and have the following
Please amend the registration statement in response to these
comments.  If you disagree, we will consider your explanation as
why our comment is inapplicable or a revision is unnecessary.
be as detailed as necessary in your explanation.  In some of our
comments, we may ask you to provide us with supplemental
so we may better understand your disclosure.  After reviewing this
information, we may or may not raise additional comments.

      Please understand that the purpose of our review process is
assist you in your compliance with the applicable disclosure
requirements and to enhance the overall disclosure in your
We look forward to working with you in these respects.  We welcome
any questions you may have about our comments or on any other
of our review.  Feel free to call us at the telephone numbers
at the end of this letter.

Form S-1


1. We note a number of blank spaces throughout your registration
statement for information that you are not entitled to omit under
Rule 430A, such as the anticipated price range.  Please note that
may have additional comments once you have provided this
Also, we may have further comments after you revise to clarify the
effects of your reorganization.  Therefore, please allow us
sufficient time to review your complete disclosure prior to any
distribution of preliminary prospectuses.

2. We encourage you to file all exhibits with your next amendment
otherwise furnish us drafts of your legality opinion and
agreement.  We must review these documents before the registration
statement is declared effective, and we may have additional

3. Please provide us with copies of your prospectus artwork prior
circulating your preliminary prospectus.  Since we may have
that could result in material revisions to your artwork, please
provide us with sufficient time to comment on your artwork prior
circulating your preliminary prospectus.  See Item VIII of the
31, 2001 quarterly update to the Division of Corporation Finance`s
Current Issues and Rulemaking Projects outline, which is available
our website at

4. We note the growth estimate data and other figures cited
throughout the document, such as those provided by the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services, the CDC and the Journal of
Medical Services.  Please provide us with marked copies of any
materials that support these and other third party statements,
clearly cross-referencing each statement with the underlying
support.  In addition, please remove your statement that you
guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information, as you
are responsible for the disclosure in your registration statement.

Front Cover of Prospectus

5. Please confirm to us in your response letter that all of the
underwriters listed on the cover are managing underwriters.
Otherwise, please delete them.  See Item 501(b)(8) of Regulation
In addition, please remove the term "Joint Book-Running Managers"
from the front cover of the prospectus, as this information is
appropriate for disclosure in the plan of distribution or the back
cover page.

About this Prospectus, page ii

6. Please revise to incorporate the disclosure on this page into
prospectus summary or body of the prospectus, as appropriate.  For
example, move the explanation about your financial information to
summary financial data to the extent it is already not disclosed

7. Glossaries are generally not appropriate in the front portion
prospectuses and should be avoided in the body of the prospectus.
Instead, revise as appropriate so that your disclosure is clear
its context, and use everyday language.  See Rule 421(b)(3) of
Regulation C.  Furthermore, since potential investors will be
purchasing securities in your company after any pre-offering
reorganization, draft your disclosure from an investor`s
by focusing on the company as it will exist at the time of the

8. Please revise throughout the registration statement to use a
descriptive term than "the acquisition" to refer to your February
2005 acquisition by Onex Partners LP, as the use of this term
that potential investors are familiar with the history of your

Prospectus Summary, page 1

9. As currently drafted, the summary section is too long.  The
summary should provide a brief, balanced, non-repetitive
of the most material aspects of you and your offering.  Please
the amount of detail by carefully considering and identifying
aspects of the offering that are the most significant and
how best to highlight those points in clear, plain language.  For
example, consider significantly reducing or deleting the
entitled Competitive Strengths, Business Strategy and Our Equity
Investor.  This disclosure is too detailed for the summary and is
more appropriate for your Business discussion.  Furthermore, the
amount of detail you provide about your equity investor, Onex
Partners, is confusing, as potential investors are investing in
company and not Onex Partners.

10. After you reduce the summary, please revise to begin your
prospectus summary with an overview very briefly disclosing the
following information:

* in February 2005, an investor group led by Onex Partners LP and
Onex Corporation and including members of your management
your operating subsidiaries, AMR and EmCare from Laidlaw
International, Inc., and Laidlaw in turn purchased the
in 1997;
* you will continue to pay an annual management fee of $1 million
Onex for five years;
* the purchase price for your operating subsidiaries, the amount
the purchase price that was financed by debt and the amount and
of that debt that you plan to repay with proceeds from this
* the percentage of the equity interest and the voting power that
are selling in this offering; and
* following this offering, management and Onex affiliates will
continue to own ___ % of the economic equity interest and ___ % of
the voting power of the company, including ___ shares of Class B
common stock and ___ "LP exchangeable units" each of which has ten
votes, as opposed to one vote per share of Class A common stock
sold in this offering.

11. In portions of your prospectus, your use of business jargon,
industry and defined terms makes your disclosure difficult to
understand.  We encourage you to make your disclosure
from its context to people who are not experts in your industry.
Examples of terms and phrases that you should replace or explain
everyday language are:

* your statements that AMR`s investments allow them "to deliver a
compelling value proposition to our customers;"
* "core component of the patient care continuum;"
* "increased demand for technology-enhanced and data-driven
* "our ability to leverage our infrastructure and technology to
increased productivity and efficiency;"
* "Our initial implementation of these technologies has improved
ability to capture revenue;"
* "CAGR;" and
* "IFT."

12. We note your statements about your leadership position.
briefly state upon what measures you are basing your leadership
claims where the statements first appear.  In addition, clarify
expects the growth rate of ambulance transports to increase at a
steady rate of 1% to 2% per year and who considers EmCare`s risk
management initiatives one of the leading programs of its kind in
emergency department industry.

13. Please identify who is "one of the largest managed care
organizations" with which you have an exclusive contract.  Confirm
your response letter that you receive a material amount of
from this contract.

The Offering, page 6

14. Please disclose that the number of shares being offered
represents __% of your shares outstanding and __% of your voting

15. Very briefly clarify here and under Use of Proceeds on page 33
that your underwriters are affiliates of the lenders under the
facility that you will repay with proceeds from this offering.

Summary of Historical Combined, Consolidated and Pro
Forma Consolidated Financial Information and Other Data, page 7

16. Please confirm that your calculation of adjusted EBITDA in
section is identical to its calculation in your senior secured
facility.  Second, provide the discussion suggested by "Answer 10"
our June 13, 2003 "Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Use of
Non-GAAP Financial Measures" for your use of adjusted EBITDA.
revise your characterization of the amounts that you refer to as
EBITDA since it is not calculated as "earnings before interest,
taxes, depreciation, and amortization."  Fourth, provide separate
statements of purpose for each of EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA, as
required by Item 10(e)(1)(i)(C) and (D) of Regulation S-K.  And
fifth, make any other revisions to your presentation necessary to
comply with Item 10(e) of Regulation S-K and other staff guidance.

Risk Factors, page 10

17. Revise to move the risk factors under the caption Risk Factors
Related to our Capital Structure, at pages 26 through 28, to the
beginning of your Risk Factor discussion on page 10, since those
to be the most relevant risks you disclose.

18. Many of your risk factors are too long, too vague, too generic
bundle multiple risks under one risk factor.  Meaningful risk
disclosure should clearly present adequate but not excessive
about distinct risks to your company or your offering.  For
please revise the following risk factors:

* "We could be subject to lawsuits for which we are not fully
or reserved, and our insurance reserves are subject to inherent
uncertainties," page 10.  This risk factor bundles together
distinct risks including the risk that you may be sued, the risk
your actuarial assumptions may be inaccurate and the risk that
commercial insurance company providers may cease to be
In order to give the proper prominence to each risk you present,
please assign each risk its own descriptive subheading and tailor
risks to your circumstances.

* "We are subject to the financial risks associated with our fee-
service contracts," page 11.  This risk factor is too long.
revise to eliminate excessive and unnecessary background and
from these and other risk factors.  It is sufficient to identify
briefly the risk at the outset and provide only enough detail to
place the risk in context.  Move more extensive discussions to the
Business or other appropriate sections.

* "The high level of competition in our segments ...," page 13.
risk factor is also too long.  Please revise to disclose the risk
investors more briefly and move the detailed discussion to the
Business section in connection with your discussion of

* "Our business depends on numerous complex information systems
page 14.  This risk factor is too vague in that you do not present
sufficient, but not excessive, information for investors to assess
the magnitude of the risk.  Please revise accordingly. As
drafted, this risk factor is also generic in that it could apply
any company.  Please revise to clearly explain how each risk
to your industry, company, or offering.  Additionally, please
the bodies of this and your other risk factors so that the bodies
the risk factors explain how the risk described in the caption may
occur and avoid the generic conclusion that the risks "may
harm our operations" or that your operations "may be materially
adversely affected."

In your revisions, provide quantitative details where possible to
the risk in context.  For example, we note your estimates of
decreased revenues due to regulatory changes on pages 47 and 48.

Again, these are only examples.  Please revise throughout.  We may
comment further once you have revised your risk factors and risk
factor captions to ensure that they clearly and concisely describe
the risk, the consequences of the risk and how the risk
applies to you.

19. Please remove your statement that, "The risks and
described below are not the only ones we face" and the subsequent
sentence.  You are required to present all risks and uncertainties
known to you.  In addition, once you describe all material risks,
tailor each one to your specific facts and circumstances, you will
not need this generic risk disclosure.

Risk Factors Related to Our Business, page 10

We may become involved in litigation ..., page 15

20. This risk factor appears to duplicate disclosure in your first
risk factor on page 10.  Revise to replace repetitive risk
with a single risk factor.  Also revise to combine repetitive risk
factor disclosure on pages 18 and 21 regarding third party
reimbursements.  Similarly revise elsewhere as appropriate.

Risk Factors Related to Healthcare Regulation, page 16

We conduct business in a heavily regulated industry ..., page 16

21. This risk factor is too long.  Revise to disclose the risk to
investors briefly, consider separately discussing each discrete
and move the rest of this discussion to your Regulatory Matters
discussion at page 92.  Similarly revise each of the risk factors
from pages 16 through 26 and move most of this detail to your
Business discussion.

Formation of Holding Company, page 32

22. Please revise this discussion to present the information for
perspective of investors who are not already familiar with your
restructuring plan.  Emphasize the consequences of the
rather than isolated legal steps.  For example, clarify what will
the post-restructuring ownership structure of the new entity,
including the number of Class A common stock, Class B common
Class B special voting stock and LP exchangeable units.  The
disclosure as currently drafted is not clear regarding what
of these securities will be outstanding following the

Management`s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations, page 45

Key Factors and Measures We Use to Evaluate Our Business, page 46

23. You reference several measures that you use to evaluate your
business.  To the extent material, revise the discussion of your
operating results to clarify your analysis of these measures.

Results of Operations, page 48

24. With respect to the increase in net revenue, expand your
disclosure for all periods presented to discuss the factors behind
AMR`s increase in weighted transports and EmCare`s increase in
patient encounters.  Refer to Item 303(a)(3)(iii) of Regulation S-
for further guidance.

25. With respect to insurance expense, discuss the factors behind
favorable development of claim costs and reserve estimates and
whether you believe this trend will continue.

Five months ended June 30, 2005 (Successor) compared to
the five months ended June 30, 2004 (Predecessor), page 52

26. You make several statements that "Costs incurred to date to
replace the services previously performed by Laidlaw are included
the statement of operations."  Revise the statements to disclose
amounts of those costs.  See pages 52, 53, 54 and 55 under
fees and compensation charges."  Similarly revise elsewhere as
appropriate to quantify the comparable effects following your
purchase from Laidlaw.

27. Revise to clarify why you include Onex management fees in
Selling, general and administrative expenses of EmCare on page 53
not for AMR on page 52.  Similarly clarify what are the
fees of $1.2 million, primarily related to post-acquisition
consulting fees" under Operating expenses for AMR on page 52 and
similar disclosure on page 54.

Liquidity and Capital Resources, page 62

Debt Facilities, page 63

28. Please revise to clarify why the $24.3 million in outstanding
letters of credit reduces the amount available to you under the
revolving credit facility.  Also clarify how you used the proceeds
from those letters of credit.  Additionally clarify how and when
repaid the $20.2 million you initially borrowed under the
credit facility.

29. Please disclose clearly whether or not you will incur a
prepayment penalty or any similar charges in connection with
portions of the credit facility with proceeds from this offering.

Tabular Disclosure of Contractual Obligations and Other
page 64

30. Revise to clarify where you disclose the $1 million annual
management fee payable to Onex.

31. Also clarify that you are disclosing all contractual
required by Item 303(a)(5) of Regulation S-K, not just cash

Critical Accounting Policies, page 65

32. Please discuss your policy with respect to determining when a
receivable is recorded as a bad debt and ultimately written off.
addition, disclose the steps you take in determining the adequacy
your reserves and disclose the make up of bad debt expense by
class (self-pay, commercial insurance/managed care, Medicare and
Medicaid or any other categories with material collection
uncertainties) at the most recent balance sheet date.

Industry, page 67

33. Revise to balance your statements about estimated growth in
healthcare industry by also very briefly disclosing the increased
incidence of healthcare-related litigation and regulatory
that you discuss in your Risk Factors.

Business, page 69

American Medical Response, page 73

Contracts, page 78

34. We note your references to contracts with Kaiser, Aetna,
Healthnet, Cigna and SummaCare in context.  To clarify the
materiality of these customers, please disclose whether any of
customers represent revenues amounting to 10% or more of your
revenues.  Provide similar context in your discussion of EmCare
contracts at page 88 and elsewhere as appropriate.

Legal Matters, page 82

35. You discuss several government investigations and similar
at pages 24, 82, 91, 100, F-24 and F-41 .  Please revise to
in a single location the factual bases alleged, the amounts in
dispute and other relief sought.  See Item 103 of Regulation S-K.

Corporate Compliance Program and Corporate Integrity Obligations,
page 99

36. Revise to clarify what you mean by "the guidance provided by
OIG" on page 99 and provide more detail to provide context for
statement on page 100 that "as a condition to settlement of two
government investigations, certain of our operations are subject
Corporate Integrity Agreements, or CIAs, with the HHS."

Management, page 101

37. Revise to clarify what you mean by your statement on page 105
that "we granted to each of Messrs. Epstein, Kelly and Smith an
option to purchase 2,500 partnership units."  To what partnership
you referring?  Similarly clarify your discussion under Equity
beginning at page 108.

Executive Compensation, page 105

38. We note that you have disclosed fiscal year 2005 option grants
information for options granted in connection with your
of AMR and EmCare.  Please consider also providing disclosure of,
a cross-reference to, the bonuses paid to your named executive
officers in connection with the acquisition.

Employment Agreements, page 107

39. Revise to clarify on page 108 how the target bonus percentages

Description of Capital Stock, page 113

40. Please revise the Overview so that the number of securities
you disclose will be outstanding on closing this offering is
consistent with your disclosure elsewhere, including under The
Offering on page 6, Formation of Holding Company on page 32 and
Capitalization on page 34.  For example, at the bottom of page 6,
suggest that all of the LP exchangeable units will be converted
shares of Class B common stock.  Elsewhere you indicate that the
exchangeable units will remain outstanding and unconverted and
there will be no outstanding Class B common stock.

Equityholder Agreements, page 119

41. Disclose how many shares are held by the "Other Investors" and
how many shares are subject to the investor equityholders

Certain Relationships and Related Party Transactions, page 121

Management Bonuses in connection with the Acquisition, page 121

42. Please revise to disclose what were the conditions for
these bonuses.

Shares Eligible for Future Sale, page 129

43. Please explain your statement in the second to last paragraph
page 129 that "[t]he issuance of the shares of our class A common
stock to holders of EMS L.P. partnership units in connection with
formation as a holding company is registered by a prospectus
with the registration statement filed for this offering."  You
make the same assertion in the first sentence of the next
Please tell us in your response letter whether you intend to
this transaction in the current registration statement.  If so,
you do believe that you can register the offer by the company of
class A common stock to holders of EMS L.P. partnership units?  If
not, upon what exemption from registration are relying?  Please
provide a thorough analysis in your response letter.

44. Please clarify what you mean by "class B exchangeable units"
the top of page 130.

Underwriting, page 131

IPO Pricing, page 132

45. Please revise to describe in greater detail the various
considered in determining offering price.  For example, disclose
price per share indicated by the February 2005 purchase of the
business as well as the price per share indicated by the recent
of unregistered securities that you disclose on pages II-2 to II-
See Item 505 of Regulation S-K.

Lock-up Agreements, page 133

46. Disclose how many shares are subject to the lock-up.  Also
disclose the number subject to the equityholders agreements you
reference on page 119.

Online Offering, page 133

47. Briefly describe any electronic distribution of the filing and
identify any members of the underwriting syndicate that will
in any electronic offer, sale or distribution of the shares and
describe their procedures to us in your response letter.  If you
become aware of any additional members of the underwriting
that may engage in electronic offers, sales or distributions after
you respond to this comment, promptly supplement your response to
identify those members and provide us with a description of their

Also, tell us in your response letter how your procedures ensure
the distribution complies with Section 5 of the Securities Act.
particular, please address:

* the communications used;
* the availability of the preliminary prospectus;
* the manner of conducting the distribution and sale, such as the
of indications of interest or conditional offers; and
* the funding of an account and payment of the purchase price.

To the extent that the SEC Division of Corporation Finance has
already reviewed these procedures, please confirm this and tell us
whether the underwriters have changed or revised the procedures
subsequent to our clearance.

Further, tell us whether you or the underwriters have any
arrangements with a third party to host or access your preliminary
prospectus on the Internet.  If so, identify the party and the
website, describe the material terms of your agreement, and
us with a copy of any written agreement.  Provide us also with
of all information concerning your company or prospectus that have
appeared on their website.  Again, if you subsequently enter into
such arrangements, promptly supplement your response.

Finally, tell us whether any members of the selling group have
copies of the preliminary prospectus available over the Internet.
so, tell us when.  If not, tell us whether they intend to do so.
this regard, please note that we would consider this posting a
circulation of the preliminary prospectus.

We may have further comment.

Where You Can Find More Information, page 137

48. You may revise your reference to the SEC`s public reference
to include the current address of our public reference room at 100
Street, N.E., Washington, DC 20549.

Financial Statements of American Medical Response, Inc. and EmCare
Holdings, Inc., page F-1

Combined Statements of Cash Flow, page F-8

49. Please tell us why your insurance deposits increased for the
months ended January 31, 2005 and fiscal year 2004 when you
in MD&A improved claims development trends.

Notes to the Combined Financial Statements, page F-9

Note 1: General, page F-9

Restatement, page F-9

50. Please tell us in further detail the nature of the "error in
reserving methodology" that resulted in the restatement of your
financial statements.  As part of your response, explain your
previous methodology and why you believe your revised methodology
appropriate.  In addition, tell us how you discovered the error.

Note 2: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, page F-13

Trade and Other Accounts Receivable, net, page F-14

51. Please separately disclose accounts receivable and the related
allowance for each of your segments.  Second, separately disclose
under "Revenue Recognition" the amount of contractual discounts
estimated uncompensated care as a percentage of gross revenue for
each segment.  Third, explain in MD&A the reason for the
provisions as a percentage of gross revenue.  And fourth, update
financial statements of EMS with the amount of the provision for
contractual discounts and estimated uncompensated care as a
percentage of gross revenue.

Contractual Arrangements, page F-16

52. Please provide us your analysis of the consolidation
outlined in EITF 97-2 for your management contracts.  Also,
the terms of your arrangements that meet these requirements.  For
nominee shareholder model, see the six required characteristics
outlined in footnote 1 of EITF 97-2 and for the controlling
interest model, see the six requirements under Issue 1 of EITF 97-

53. Please explain to us how you have determined that the
in FIN 46(R) does not apply to your management contracts.

Note 6: Accrued Liabilities, page F-21

54. Please quantify the significant components of "other" accrued
liabilities for all periods presented.

Note 10:  Commitments and Contingencies, page F-24

55. Under SFAS 5, you should accrue for contingencies that are
probable and reasonably estimable.  If a potential loss is not
reasonably estimable, but a material loss is reasonably possible,
then you should disclose the nature of the contingency and an
estimate of the possible loss or range of loss.  In our view,
or overly broad disclosures that simply reference general risks or
litigation are not sufficient for an investor to understand the
specific types of contingencies that you are evaluating.
Accordingly, you should make every effort to provide investors
an estimate of the possible loss or range of loss for each
significant lawsuit and investigation.

56. Please separately disclose on the face of the statement of
operations the amount of legal reserves that you have recorded for
each period.

Note 15: Valuation and Qualifying Accounts, page F-32

57. Please separately disclose allowances for uncompensated care
allowances for contractual discounts.

Financial Statements of Emergency Medical Services L.P., page F-35

Notes to the Unaudited Financial Statements, page F-39

Note 3:  Equity-based Compensation, page F-40

58. Please disclose the impact to the options upon the anticipated

59. Pleased provide us the following information for your
of options to purchase partnership units:

* The date of grant/issuance;
* The number of options granted or issued;
* The fair value of the underlying partnership unit; and
* The total amount of compensation deferred and expense
reconciled to your financial statement disclosures.

60. Tell us how you determined fair value of the underlying
partnership unit at each grant or issue date.  Where you have used
valuation methods to determine fair value, tell us whether you
used a
third-party valuation specialist and when the valuation was
performed.  Describe the material assumptions used in your
valuations.  Highlight any transactions with unrelated party
believed by management to be particularly strong evidence of an
objective fair value per share determination.  Discuss and
the impact on your fair value of any events which occurred between
the date the equity-related issues were granted and the date the
registration statement was filed.  Your response should clarify
reasons for any difference between the fair value at the
date and the estimated IPO price range.  Describe significant
intervening events within the company and the broader market that
explain the significant changes in fair value of your common
In addition, tell us your proposed IPO price, when you first
initiated discussions with underwriters, and when the underwriters
first communicated their estimated price range for your stock.

Note 6: Insurance, page F-42

61. Please disclose your accounting policy for the captive
company and tell us the basis for your policy.

Segment information, page F-43

62. We note on page 47 that approximately 75% of EmCare`s net
revenues are generated from emergency department staffing services
and approximately 25% from management services to independent
physician groups and hospitals.  Please tell us why the different
services EmCare provides would not constitute separate reportable
segments under SFAS 131.


63. The independent public accountants in each amendment should
furnish manually signed and currently dated consents to the Form

Part II - Information not Required in the Prospectus, page II-1

Item 15. Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities, page II-2

64. Please revise to provide disclosure for the sales of your 10%
senior subordinated notes.  See Item 701 of Regulation S-K.

65. Please revise to disclose the consideration in each of these
sales and name the directors and members of senior management to
you sold securities.  See Item 701(b) and (c) of Regulation S-K.

*   *   *   *   *

      Please amend your registration statement in response to
comments.  You may wish to provide us with marked copies of the
amendment to expedite our review.  Please furnish a response
with your amendment that keys your responses to our comments and
provides any requested supplemental information.  Please submit
response letter on EDGAR as correspondence.  Detailed response
letters greatly facilitate our review.  Please understand that we
have additional comments after reviewing your amendment and
to our comments.

      We urge all persons who are responsible for the accuracy and
adequacy of the disclosure in the filings reviewed by the staff to
certain that they have provided all information investors require
an informed decision.  Since the company and its management are in
possession of all facts relating to a company`s disclosure, they
responsible for the accuracy and adequacy of the disclosures they
have made.

      Notwithstanding our comments, in the event the company
acceleration of the effective date of the pending registration
statement, it should furnish a letter, at the time of such
acknowledging that:

* should the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to delegated
authority, declare the filing effective, it does not foreclose the
Commission from taking any action with respect to the filing;
* the action of the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to
delegated authority, in declaring the filing effective, does not
relieve the company from its full responsibility for the adequacy
accuracy of the disclosure in the filing; and
* the company may not assert staff comments and the declaration of
effectiveness as a defense in any proceeding initiated by the
Commission or any person under the federal securities laws of the
United States.

      In addition, please be advised that the Division of
has access to all information you provide to the staff of the
Division of Corporation Finance in connection with our review of
filing or in response to our comments on your filing.

      We will consider a written request for acceleration of the
effective date of the registration statement as a confirmation of
fact that those requesting acceleration are aware of their
responsibilities under the Securities Act of 1933 and the
Exchange Act of 1934 as they relate to the proposed public
of the securities specified in the above registration statement.
will act on the request and, pursuant to delegated authority,
acceleration of the effective date.

      We direct your attention to Rules 460 and 461 regarding
requesting acceleration of a registration statement.  Please allow
adequate time after the filing of any amendment for further review
before submitting a request for acceleration.  Please provide this
request at least two business days in advance of the requested
effective date.

      You may contact Patrick Kuhn, Staff Accountant, at (202)
3308 or Michael Fay, Accounting Branch Chief, at (202) 551-3812 if
you have questions regarding comments on the financial statements
related matters.  Please contact Daniel Zimmerman, Staff Attorney,
(202) 551-3367, Kathleen Krebs, Special Counsel, at (202) 551-
or me at (202) 551-3810 with any other questions.


Larry Spirgel
Assistant Director