August 1, 2005

Mail Stop 3561

via U.S. mail and facsimile

Frank Aiello, President
Cal Alta Auto Glass, Inc.
#8 3927 Edmonton Trail N.E.
Calgary, Alberta, CANADA T2E6T1

Re:  Cal Alta Auto Glass, Inc.
       Amendment 2 of Form 10-SB
       Filed July 25, 2005
       File No. 0-51227

Dear Mr. Aiello:

	We have completed a preliminary reading of your registration
statement.  It appears that your document fails in several
respects to comply with the requirements of the Securities Act of
1933, the rules and regulations under that Act, and the
of the Form.  In particular, please revise your filing to include
updated financial statements as required by Item 310(g) of
S-B.  For this reason, we will not perform a detailed examination
the registration statement and will not issue comments until these
material deficiencies, indicated below, are addressed.

	As long as it remains in its current form, we will not
acceleration of the effective date of the registration statement.
Also note that should the registration statement become effective
its present form, we would be required to consider what
recommendation, if any, we should make to the Commission.  We
that you consider submitting a substantive amendment to correct

      Please understand that the purpose of our review process is
assist you in your compliance with the applicable disclosure
requirements and to enhance the overall disclosure in your

      You may contact Babette Cooper at (202) 551- 3396 if you

regarding the financial statements and related matters.  Please
contact Susann Reilly at (202) 551-3236 with other questions.


John D. Reynolds
Assistant Director
Office of Emerging Growth Companies

cc:   By facsimile to Frank Aiello
	At (403) 216-3479





Frank Aiello, President
Cal Alta Auto Glass, Inc.
August 1, 2005
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