Mail Stop 3561

      	January 27, 2006

Mr. Joseph A. Merkel, President
American Antiquities, Inc.
2531 Jackson Road, Suite 177
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

      Re:	American Antiquities, Inc.
      Registration Statement on Form SB-2
      Filed December 19, 2005
		File No. 333-130446

      We have reviewed your filing and have the following
Where indicated, we think you should revise your document in
to these comments.  If you disagree, we will consider your
explanation as to why our comment is inapplicable or a revision is
unnecessary.  Please be as detailed as necessary in your
In some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with
supplemental information so we may better understand your
After reviewing this information, we may or may not raise

      Please understand that the purpose of our review process is
assist you in your compliance with the applicable disclosure
requirements and to enhance the overall disclosure in your filing.
We look forward to working with you in these respects.  We welcome
any questions you may have about our comments or on any other
of our review.  Feel free to call us at the telephone numbers
at the end of this letter.


1. Please provide the Securities and Exchange Commission`s new
address as appropriate throughout the document:  100 F Street, NE,
Washington, DC 20549.

2. On the prospectus cover page, you state "[t]here is no minimum
amount of common shares we must sell so no money raised from the
of such common shares will go into escrow, trust or another
arrangement."  However, earlier on the cover page and elsewhere in
the document, you state that there is a minimum of 200,000 shares.
Please clarify.  If there is a minimum, please clarify whether
will be refunded to investors if the minimum is not attained and
describe the escrow arrangement or similar arrangement.  See also
page 26, where a minimum is indicated.
Front of Registration Statement

3. Please provide the exact name of the registrant that appears to
American Antiquities, Inc.

Table of Contents and Outside Back Cover Pages of Prospectus

4. In light of the Rule 415 undertakings in Part II of the
registration statement, please revise or remove the statement on
outside back cover page of the prospectus that "[t]he information
contained in this prospectus is accurate only as of the date of
prospectus, regardless of the time of delivery of this prospectus
of any sale of common stock."
Prospectus Cover Page

5. Please identify the persons selling the securities, such as
officers or directors, and describe the underwriting arrangements
required by Item 501(a)(9)(i)-(iv) of Regulation S-B.
Prospectus Summary, page 5

6. We note that the company refers to the risk factors beginning
page 7.  However, the risk factors do not appear to begin on page
Please revise the page numbers throughout the prospectus.

7. Under "Operations," please describe whether American
is a development stage company and whether it has any current
operations.  Also indicate that the company has no revenues to
as reflected in the company`s financial statements.

8. Please clarify whether the company will be selling its items
through the company`s website or other companies` websites.

9. Please provide a summary financial information table.

Risk Factors, page 6

10. In the first paragraph, please revise your disclosure to
that you discuss all material risks in this section.

11. Please reconcile the risks described in the subheadings of
factors 4, 5, 11 and 13 with the risks discussed in the

12. You should present as risk factors only those factors that
represent a material risk to investors in this offering.  Do not
include risk factors that could apply to any issuer or to any
offering.  Several of your risk factors seem to fit into this
category and you should revise to cite a particular risk, or
them.  For example, see risk factors six and nine. Also each
must also explain how it applies to your company or your offering.

13. Please add a risk factor that discusses the risk to the
plan of operation if the company fails to raise the minimum or
maximum amount of proceeds.

14. If there is no minimum for the offering, please add a risk
that describes the risk of the funds not being held in escrow or
other similar arrangement.

15. In risk factors 5 and 13, it appears that several risk factors
are discussed under one subheading.  For example, the risk that
company may not develop relationships with key antiques and
collectibles vendors is different than the risk that vendors will
continue to manufacture desirable or popular collectibles
or product lines.  Also the risk that management is involved in
matters and will only devote a portion of their time to the
is different than the risk of management having limited
Please separate each risk factor and revise accordingly.

Risk Factors Relating to this Offering, page 10

16. In the narrative of risk factor seven, please correct the
reference to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Business, page 12

General, page 12

17. Please discuss the company`s operations to date.  See Item
of Regulation S-B.

18. Please discuss the company`s use of two offices.  Also
the principal terms of the lease agreements and file any
as an exhibit.

Operations, page 12

19. On page 13, you state "[w]e do not plan to have any physical
retail stores but may use them for placement of various purchases
consignments."  Please clarify whether you are referring to stores
owned or operated by you or others.

20. Please explain the statement "[a]lthough our management team
extensive experience in holding estate sales and auctions, we will
not begin operating until this offering is cleared and effective."

21. Please discuss whether the company will purchase items from,
sell items to, officers or companies in which the officers are

22. We note the reference to your customer mailing list.  Please
clarify whether this is an existing mailing list or one that you
intend to produce after the business is operational.

23. Please define the terms TIAS and NAA Live that appear on page

24. Please describe whether the company will have its own website
conducts auctions.

Revenues, page 13

25. Please describe how the company will determine the percentage
receives from any consignment sales.  If determinable, please
the range of the percentage that the company could receive.

Marketing Strategy, page 13

Sales Strategy, page 13

26. Please further explain what "customary auction consignment
are.  Clarify that the 8% to 25% fees are what you plan to charge.
Please also describe what "all other normal marketing charges"

Internet, page 14

27. Please describe the costs if the company only resells items.

28. Please clarify and explain the statement "[b]ased on current
technological trends, we may seek to try additional internet based
marketing, not currently known to the market."

Competition, page 15

29. In the second paragraph, there appear to be some statements
missing.  For example, see the first sentence.  Please revise.

Employees, page 15

30. We note that there are "oral employment agreements with [your]
officers [that will] commence after successful completion of this
offering."  Please clarify what is meant by "successful."


31. Please describe the distribution of the products.  See Item
101(b)(2) of Regulation S-B.

32. Please describe how the company will compete.  See Item
of Regulation S-B.

33. Please disclose the names of current or expected principal
suppliers.  See Item 101(b)(5) of Regulation S-B.

34. Please disclose whether the company is or will be dependent on
few major customers.  See Item 101(b)(6) of Regulation S-B.

35. Please disclose any patents, trademarks or licenses.  See Item
101(b)(7) of Regulation S-B.

36. Please discuss the need for any governmental approval of
principal products or services and the effect of governmental
regulation.  Please include a discussion of whether the company
a license to conduct auctions.   See Item 101(b)(8) and (9) of
Regulation S-B.

Use of Proceeds, page 16

37. We note the statement that "[a]ny proceeds received from the
of our common shares will be deposited directly into the operating
account ... to fund our operations."  Please reconcile this
with the disclosure that the company will have a minimum.

38. We note that the company has allocated a substantial amount of
the proceeds towards "Working Capital."  Please describe the
use of the proceeds.  See Item 504 of Regulation S-B.

39. Please include a footnote that describes the offering
In addition, please reconcile the amount of the offering expenses
this section with the amount described in Part II, Item 25.

Dilution, pages 16

40. Please compare the offering price per share to the price paid
officers, directors, promoters and affiliated persons.  See Item
506(a) of Regulation S-B.

Management`s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations, page 18

Trends and Uncertainties, page 18

41. You state that you "are pursuing financing for [your]
and seeking additional investments and [you] will need a minimum
$50,000 over the next twelve months to commence and continue
operations."  Please further describe the type of financing you

42. Please describe what will happen to you if you fail to raise
least $50,000.  Will the company be able to continue with its
business plan?  Please explain.

Results of Operations, page 19

43. We note the statement "[i]n addition, American Antiquities has
significant assets or revenue generating operations."  It appears
that the company has generated no revenues.  Please revise.

44. We note that the company states that "[i]f the offering is not
successful, we will have to seek alternative funding through
additional advances ..."  Please disclose the persons from whom
company would seek advances.  Please describe any agreements.

45. You state that "[n]o specific terms of possible equity or debt
financing have been determined or pursued."  As noted above,
you state on page 19 that you are pursuing financing and seeking
additional investments.  Please clarify.

46. Please revise the first sentence on page 20 to disclose
management will pursue the following milestones.

47. Please reconcile the milestones with the use of proceeds.  For
example, the $10,000 for the marketing costs of the database does
appear in the use of proceeds.  Also note the statement that
"[a]dditional funds raised beyond the minimum proceeds will be for
the acquisition of selected inventory."

48. Please explain whether the company will be able to proceed
its plan of operation if it does not have funding to create the

49. Please describe the company`s plan of operations for the next
twelve months as required by Item 303(a) of Regulation S-B.
details of your specific plan of operations, including detailed
milestones, the anticipated time frame for beginning and
each milestone, the estimated expenses associated with each
and the expected sources of such funding.  Please explain how the
company intends to meet each of the milestones if it cannot
funding.  See Item 303(a)(1) of Regulation S-B.

50. Please clarify whether the database of collectors, dealers and
museums is the same as the mailing list identified on page 12.
company may need to revise the related parts of the business

Business Experience of Officers and Directors, page 22

51. Please clearly state whether each officer is currently
with other companies and, if yes, please state whether the person
full-time or part-time with such company.  If an officer is not
working full-time for you, please provide the amount of time that
officer will spend per week working for you.

52. Please disclose whether any of the officers or directors have
involvement or duties with other companies which will present any
conflicts of interest with his position or duties with you.  The
company should also add a risk factor to the risk factors section
addressing the conflicts of interest.

53. Under the description of the business experience for Joseph
Merkel, please define the term "head grader."

Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management,

54. We note the entry on page 24 that Joseph Merkel owns 2.5
shares and the reference on page 25 that you sold Merkel`s Auction
Specialists, Inc. 2.5 million shares.  Please clarify whether
Merkel`s shares are owned individually or through the corporation.
Please clarify the relationship between Merkel`s Auction
Inc. and Merkel`s Auctioneers and Appraisers.  See also Item 26-
Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities.

55. Please describe whether Messrs. Merkel and Quinlan are
as required by Item 404(d) of Regulation S-B.

Certain Relationships and Related Transaction, page 24

56. Please describe in the use of proceeds section whether the
company will use any of the proceeds to pay officers for the
owed to them as described in this section.

Shares Eligible for Future Sale, page 25

57. Please indicate the amount of common stock that could be sold
pursuant to Rule 144 under the Securities Act as required by Item
201(a)(2)(ii) of Regulation S-B.
Plan of Distribution, page 26

58. Please outline briefly the plan of distribution by including
the company will solicit the securities.  Also include the names
the states in which the securities will be offered and whether the
securities will be registered in such states.  See Item 508(c) of
Regulation S-B.

59. We note the statement that "[s]elected broker-dealers may sell
our common A shares and will receive standard industry
If broker-dealers assist the company in selling the company`s
securities, the company should disclose that the company must file
amendment to the registration statement which provides the name(s)
the broker-dealer(s), describes the relationship between the
and such broker-dealer and identifies the broker-dealer(s) as
underwriter(s).  See Item 508 of Regulation S-B.

60. Please identify any finders.  See Item 508(g) of Regulation S-

61. These securities appear to be penny stocks.  Please provide
disclosure obligations required by Rules 15g-2 through 15g-6 of
Exchange Act.

Market for Common Equity and Related Stockholder Matters, page 27

62. Please clearly disclose that there is no public trading market
for the common stock.  See Item 201(a)(1) of Regulation S-B.
Financial Statements


63.  Please provide a currently dated consent with any amendment
the registration statement.

Part II

Item 26. Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities

64. For each transaction, please include the total offering price.
See Item 701(c) of Regulation S-B.

Item 28. Undertakings

65. Please include the disclosure required by Item 512 of
S-B.  For example, see Item 512(a)(4).

Exhibits - Legality Opinion

66. Revise your legality opinion to indicate that opinion opines
Illinois law including the Illinois Constitution, all applicable
provisions of the statutory provisions, and reported judicial
decisions interpreting those laws.

* * * * *

      As appropriate, please amend your registration statement in
response to these comments.  You may wish to provide us with
copies of the amendment to expedite our review.  Please furnish a
cover letter with your amendment that keys your responses to our
comments and provides any requested supplemental information.
Detailed cover letters greatly facilitate our review.  Please
understand that we may have additional comments after reviewing
amendment and responses to our comments.

	We urge all persons who are responsible for the accuracy and
adequacy of the
disclosure in the filings reviewed by the staff to be certain that
they have provided all information investors require for an
decision.  Since the company and its management are in possession
all facts relating to a company`s disclosure, they are responsible
for the accuracy and adequacy of the disclosures they have made.

	Notwithstanding our comments, in the event the company
acceleration of the effective date of the pending registration
statement, it should furnish a letter, at the time of such
acknowledging that:

* should the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to delegated
authority, declare the filing effective, it does not foreclose the
Commission from taking any action with respect to the filing;

* the action of the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to
delegated authority, in declaring the filing effective, does not
relieve the company from its full responsibility for the adequacy
accuracy of the disclosure in the filing; and

* the company may not assert staff comments and the declaration of
effectiveness as a defense in any proceeding initiated by the
Commission or any person under the federal securities laws of the
United States.

	In addition, please be advised that the Division of
has access to all information you provide to the staff of the
Division of Corporation Finance in connection with our review of
filing or in response to our comments on your filing.

      We will consider a written request for acceleration of the
effective date of the registration statement as a confirmation of
fact that those requesting acceleration are aware of their
responsibilities under the Securities Act of 1933 and the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as they relate to the proposed
offering of the securities specified in the above registration
statement.  We will act on the request and, pursuant to delegated
authority, grant acceleration of the effective date.

      We direct your attention to Rules 460 and 461 regarding
requesting acceleration of a registration statement.  Please allow
adequate time after the filing of any amendment for further review
before submitting a request for acceleration.  Please provide this
request at least two business days in advance of the requested
effective date.

	You may contact Blaise Rhodes at (202) 551-3374 or Hugh West
(202) 551-3872 if you have questions regarding the financial
statements and related matters.  Questions on other disclosure
may be directed to Ronald E. Alper at (202) 551-3329 or Thomas
who supervised the review of your filing, at (202) 551-3233.


      John Reynolds
      Assistant Director

cc:	Jody Walker, Esq.
	Fax: (303) 220-9902




Mr. Joseph A. Merkel
American Antiquities, Inc.
January 27, 2006
Page 1