Mail Stop 4561
                                                           April 20, 2018

Alex Mardikian
Chief Executive Officer
4720 Salisbury Road
Jacksonville, FL 32256

       Re:    OBITX, Inc.
              Amendment No. 1 to Registration Statement on Form S-1
              Filed March 23, 2018
              File No. 333-222978

Dear Mr. Mardikian:

      We have reviewed your amended registration statement and have the
comments. In some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with
information so we
may better understand your disclosure.

       Please respond to this letter by amending your registration statement
and providing the
requested information. If you do not believe our comments apply to your facts
circumstances or do not believe an amendment is appropriate, please tell us why
in your

       After reviewing any amendment to your registration statement and the
information you
provide in response to these comments, we may have additional comments. Unless
we note
otherwise, our references to prior comments are to comments in our March 9,
2018 letter.


1.     Your revised disclosure in response to prior comment 15 states that your
services to the
       digital asset industry "included marketing and advertising, corporate
structuring, and
       business processes." We note mCig's press releases, dated January 17,
2018, and
       January 24, 2018, reporting that the consulting arm of OBITX, ICOmethod
LLC, assists
       customers with their initial coin offerings. Please expand your
disclosure to include a
       materially complete discussion of the services that you provide,
including through
       ICOmethod and to your principal customer, Render Payment, LLC.

2.     Your disclosure indicates that Render Payment, LLC owes you payment for
       $1,250,000 in services that were rendered to the digital asset industry
during the three
       months ended October, 31, 2017. We note that, according to a published
white paper and
 Alex Mardikian
April 20, 2018
Page 2

       other third-party reports, Render Payment issued its RPM ERC20 tokens to
       providers and investors pursuant to an initial coin offering. While we
note your response
       to prior comment 15 that you have not yet received any cryptocurrencies
as payment for
       services, please disclose whether you intend to receive payment from
Render Payment in
       the form of such tokens or other digital assets.

3.     In response to prior comment 18, you advise that you do not intend to
mine for digital
       assets or cryptocurrencies at this time. We note, however, that mCig's
January 17, 2018
       press release reports that your latest ventures "include crypto mining
projects" and that
       you have "secured a location and [have been] buying hardware to start
       immediately, based on current tests and data." Please revise or advise.

4.     On page ii-1, you disclose that you have not sold any securities that
were not registered
       under the Securities Act. We note, however, your disclosure in Note 10
to the financial
       statements on page F-14 indicates that you have issued unregistered
securities since
       inception. Please disclose the information required by Item 701 of
Regulation S-K,
       including the exemption from registration that was claimed.

5.     We note your response to prior comment 10. We identified two remaining
references to a
       date of inception other than March 30, one on page 12 (April 3) and one
on page F-6
       (March 13). Please revise accordingly.

Cover Page

6.     In response to prior comment 3, you revised your disclosure to indicate
that the selling
       shareholders will sell their shares in a range of $0.55 - $1.00 until
your common stock
       has been accepted for quotation on the OTCBB, OTCQX, or OTCQB. We note,
       however, that your common stock has not yet been accepted for quotation
on any of these
       markets, as you state on page 3 that an application will be filed
"within 90 days of the
       distribution." Please disclose the fixed price at which selling
shareholders are offering
       their securities pursuant to Item 501(b)(3) of Regulation S-K. We note
that you may
       provide a price range in a prospectus supplement or post-effective
amendment once your
       common stock has been accepted for quotation on one of these markets and
that selling
       shareholders may sell at prevailing market prices or privately
negotiated prices once
       quotation of your common stock begins.

Business, page 39

7.     We note that you generated substantially all your revenue from one
customer for the
       period ended October 31, 2017, and that related party transactions
represented all your
       revenue during such period. Please disclose this information here and
address the
       inherent risk posed by such dependence in a risk factor. Refer to Item
101(h)(4)(vi) of
       Regulation S-K. File your contract with Render Payment as an exhibit to
the registration
       statement. Refer to Item 601(b)(10) of Regulation S-K.
 Alex Mardikian
April 20, 2018
Page 3

Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of

Operating Results, page 46

8.     We note your response to prior comment 24. In your narrative discussion
of Operating
       Expenses for the three-month period ended October 31 here and of Gross
Profit and
       Operating Expenses for the nine-month period ended October 31 on page
48, it appears
       you did not adjust the total amounts, and related percentage to total
revenue, to
       appropriately adjust for depreciation and amortization expenses. Please

Liquidity and Capital Resources, page 48

9.     Please disclose the current rate at which you use funds in your
operations and state the
       minimum period of time that you will be able to conduct planned
operations using
       currently-available capital resources. To the extent that you have funds
to operate for
       less than one year, disclose the minimum additional capital expected to
be necessary to
       fund planned operations for a 12-month period. In light of your
intention to accept
       payment for services rendered to the digital assets industry in the form
of digital assets or
       cryptocurrencies, you should address any known trends or uncertainties
that are
       reasonably likely to result in a material change in your liquidity. In
this regard, we note
       your revised disclosure in response to prior comment 8 that "[t]hese
digital assets may be
       highly volatile and [you] may not be able to convert them into FIAT,
thereby restricting
       the value and use of the digital assets." Refer to Item 303(a)(1) of
Regulation S-K.

Management, page 49

10.    We note that based on the website of KrypNetwork, Mr. Mardikian appears
to be serving
       as the Chief Marketing Officer of such company. Please disclose this in
the filing and
       indicate in an appropriate place in the filing the number of hours per
week that he devotes
       to your operations. Please also provide a risk factor that addresses
limitations on the time
       and attention that he is able to devote to the company, any potential
conflicts of interest
       faced by him as a result of such activity, and any procedures for
addressing potential
       conflicts of interest.

Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management, page 51

11.    Your beneficial ownership table generally accounts for the shares of
common stock
       underlying the shares of Series A Preferred Stock held by mCig in
calculating the amount
       and percentage of the outstanding common stock beneficially owned by the
       identified shareholders. Those shares, however, should not be deemed
outstanding with
       respect to any other shareholder. Please revise, and identify the
natural person or entity
       that has voting or investment power with respect to the shares of common
stock held by
       APO Holdings, LLC. Refer to Instruction 1 to Item 403 of Regulation S-K
and Rule 13d-
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April 20, 2018
Page 4

       3 of the Securities Exchange Act. Further, please revise to separately
disclose the
       beneficial ownership of the outstanding shares of Series A Preferred
Stock pursuant to
       Item 403(a) of Regulation S-K.

        You may contact Brittany Ebbertt, Staff Accountant, at (202) 551-3572
or Craig Wilson,
Senior Assistant Chief Accountant, at (202) 551-3226 if you have questions
regarding comments
on the financial statements and related matters. Please contact Bernard Nolan,
at (202) 551-6515 or, in his absence, me at (202) 551-3453 with any other
questions. If you
require further assistance, you may contact Barbara C. Jacobs, Assistant
Director, at (202) 551-


                                                           /s/ Jan Woo

                                                           Jan Woo
                                                           Legal Branch Chief
                                                           Office of
                                                           Technologies and

cc:    Thomas G. Amon
       Law Office of Thomas G. Amon