Mail Stop 4561
                                                           June 26, 2018

Charles W. Allen
Chief Executive Officer
9466 Georgia Avenue #124
Silver Spring, MD 20901

       Re:    BTCS Inc.
              Amendment No. 5 to Registration Statement on Form S-1
              Filed May 16, 2018
              File No. 333-219893

Dear Mr. Allen:

      We have reviewed your amended registration statement and have the
comments. In some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with
information so we
may better understand your disclosure.

       Please respond to this letter by amending your registration statement
and providing the
requested information. If you do not believe our comments apply to your facts
circumstances or do not believe an amendment is appropriate, please tell us why
in your

       After reviewing any amendment to your registration statement and the
information you
provide in response to these comments, we may have additional comments. Unless
we note
otherwise, our references to prior comments are to comments in our April 18,
2018 letter.


1.     Your response to prior comment 4 refers to information on your website
indicating that
       you are "the first pure-play" U.S. public company involved with digital
assets and block
       chain technologies. Your disclosure states that you plan to provide your
investors with a
       "diversified pure-play exposure to bitcoin and blockchain technologies."
Please define
       the term "diversified pure-play" and explain what distinguishes you from
other public
       companies with similar goals and operations.
 Charles W. Allen
June 26, 2018
Page 2

2.     In the glossary, you state that digital assets are commonly referred to
as "cryptocurrency
       or virtual currency." Please clarify that the use of these terms is not
indicative of the
       regulatory or accounting distinction of digital assets and that digital
assets therefore may
       be deemed securities or other types of assets. In addition, explain that
not all digital
       assets function as a medium of exchange.

3.     We note that your portfolio will focus only on bitcoin and "other
       tokens." Please explain how protocol tokens differ from other types of
tokens, and
       discuss whether there are any material challenges related to this
limitation. Further,
       clarify how your portfolio will provide investors with exposure to
bitcoin and blockchain

4.     We note the prospectus does not include the information that you
provided in response to
       prior comment 3. Please revise. Further, we note that such response
indicates that you
       may otherwise pursue strategic opportunities involving the acquisition
of "businesses
       using blockchain technology and those involved with digital assets."
Please clarify how
       such opportunities may be different from, and synergistic to, your
creation of a portfolio
       of digital assets and the potential resumption of your transaction
       services. Explain the scope of the blockchain technology applications
and digital asset
       activities that you would consider acquiring. In this regard, we note
prior disclosure
       indicating that you were pursuing a company that owns and operates a
digital asset

Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of

Accounting Treatment of Digital Assets, page 26

5.     You state that you plan to create a portfolio of digital assets. In
order to facilitate our
       evaluation of your analysis of ASC 946, please tell us what this means
and clarify your
       business purpose for creating this portfolio. In this regard, explain
whether you intend to
       use the portfolio as part of your operations and, if so, how; or tell us
whether you intend
       to hold these assets for appreciation.

6.     In response to comment 5, you state the "company has the objective of
obtaining returns
       from capital appreciation or investment income." Please explain further
how this
       statement supports your conclusions that you do not meet the fundamental
       of an investment company pursuant to ASC 946-10-15-6.

Consolidated Financial Statements


7.     A comparison of your December 31, 2017 Form 10-K to your March 31, 2018
Form 10-
       Q suggests that you have changed classifications on the statements of
operations and cash
       flows related to your digital assets. Please identify the changes for us
and provide an
 Charles W. Allen
June 26, 2018
Page 3

       analysis, with specific citation to authoritative literature, supporting
the appropriateness
       of the revised classifications.

Note 4. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Digital Currencies Translations and Remeasurements, page F-8

8.     You state in your response to prior comment 5 that your digital assets
meet the definition
       of an intangible asset. While we continue to assess your responses
related to investment
       company accounting, please note that we are unable to identify a scope
exception in ASC
       350-30 that permits the measurement of intangible assets at fair value
in each reporting
       period. Please describe for us your basis for measuring your digital
assets at fair value.
       If your digital assets are within the scope of ASC 350-30, please revise
your accounting
       to comply with those requirements.

       You may contact Kathleen Collins, Accounting Branch Chief, at (202)
551-3499 if you
have questions regarding comments on the financial statements and related
matters. Please
contact Bernard Nolan, Staff Attorney, at (202) 551-6515 or, in his absence, me
at (202) 551-
3453 with any other questions. If you require further assistance, you may
contact Barbara C.
Jacobs, Assistant Director, at (202) 551-3730.


                                                              /s/ Jan Woo

                                                              Jan Woo
                                                              Legal Branch
                                                              Office of
                                                              Technologies and

cc:    Michael D. Harris, Esq.
       Nason, Yeager, Gerson, White & Lioce, P.A.