Mail Stop 3561
                                                                    June 29,

       Jos  Neves
       Chief Executive Officer
       Farfetch Limited
       The Bower
       211 Old Street
       London EC1V 9NR, UK

                 Re:   Farfetch Limited
                       Draft Registration Statement on Form F-1
                       Submitted May 30, 2018
                       CIK No. 0001740915

       Dear Mr. Neves:

              We have reviewed your registration statement and have the
following comments. In
       some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with information so
we may better
       understand your disclosure.

              Please respond to this letter by amending your registration
statement and providing the
       requested information. If you do not believe our comments apply to your
facts and
       circumstances or do not believe an amendment is appropriate, please tell
us why in your

              After reviewing any amendment to your registration statement and
the information you
       provide in response to these comments, we may have additional comments.


           1. Please supplementally provide us with copies of all written
communications, as defined
              in Rule 405 under the Securities Act, that you, or anyone
authorized to do so on your
              behalf, present to potential investors in reliance on Section
5(d) of the Securities Act,
              whether or not they retain copies of the communications.

       Prospectus Summary, page 1

           2. We note your discussion on page 158 concerning the enforcement of
civil liabilities.
              Please include in this section a brief statement concerning the
enforceability of civil
              liabilities against foreign persons.
 Jos  Neves
Farfetch Limited
June 29, 2018
Page 2

    3. Please provide support for the qualitative and competitive position
statements contained
       in your prospectus. Specifically, disclose the basis for your assertions
that you are the
       "leading technology platform for the global luxury fashion industry,"
and "we operate the
       only truly global luxury digital marketplace at scale" and describe what
measure you are
       using in making these statements. In this regard, disclose whether this
information is
       based upon management's belief, industry data, reports/articles or any
other source. If
       the statement is based upon management's belief, please indicate that
this is the case and
       include an explanation for the basis of such belief.

Use of Proceeds, page 58

    4. It appears that you have no specific plan for your use of proceeds, as
such please revise
       your disclosure to discuss the principal reasons for the offering.
Please refer to Item
       3.C.1 of Form 20-F.

Selected Consolidated Financial and Operating Data, page 63

    5. Please tell us how you have met the requirement of Item 3.A.2 of Form
20-F to disclose
       both net assets and capital stock.

Management's Discussion & Analysis

    6. Here or in an appropriate section of your prospectus, please revise to
disclose whether
       mobile sales generate a material portion of your Adjusted Platform
Revenues and, if so,
       disclose this amount.

Our Business Model, page 67

    7. In an appropriate place in your prospectus, please tell us how you plan
to monetize your
       Farfetch Store of the Future concept and clarify what services for the
consumer or luxury
       retailer will drive such monetization.

Factors Affecting our Financial Condition and Results of Operation

Growth and Quality of our Luxury Supply, page 69

    8. Tell us why you differentiate between retailers and brands and to what
extent this
       differentiation is apparent to the consumer. If your commissions or any
other measure of
       financial performance differs depending upon the whether you are
engaging with a
       retailer or brand, please explain how this impacts your results of

Growth and Quality of our Luxury Supply, page 69

    9. Please add a footnote to or include in the accompanying narrative
discussion of your
       stock value chart how you calculate stock value.
 Jos  Neves
Farfetch Limited
June 29, 2018
Page 3

Cost of Consumer Acquisition and Engagement, page 71

    10. Revise your disclosure to explain how you arrived at your six month
LTV/CAC ratios for
        the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2016. Given the more recent
growth in your
        Adjusted Platform Revenue, provide narrative disclosure that explains
how readers
        should interpret these metrics, especially given that December 31, 2017
information has
        not been provided yet.

Key Operating and Financial Metrics, page 75

    11. Please expand your definition of "Third-Party Take Rate" to define
revenue from first
        party sales. Please also make it clear why the revenue realized from
first-party sales is
        equal to the GMV of such sales.

    12. You state that platform fulfilment revenue is net of consumer
promotional incentives
        such as free shipping and promotional codes. Please explain to us how
        incentives are reflected in your consolidated statements of operations
and how you are
        netting such items with revenue.

Components of our Results of Operations

Revenue, page 76

    13. Elaborate upon the terms of the commissions you generate on sales. For
        explain your reference to "blended commissions," on page 79.

Results of Operations, page 78

    14. Please revise your discussion of results of operations to provide more
insight to your
        investors on the causes of increases or decreases in each components of
net income. For
        example, when you identify intermediate causes of changes in revenues,
such as an
        increase in GMV, third-party take rate, or active consumers, please
provide your
        investors with insight into the underlying drivers of those changes. In
this regard please
        make it clear whether the increase in the third party take rate was due
to pricing actions
        taken by the company or the result of increased volume.

Demand Generation Expense, page 79

    15. Elaborate upon your indication that you gained efficiencies in your
        marketing spend "through increased sophistication in consumer
segmentation and more
        focus on costs at a channel-by-channel level."
 Jos  Neves
Farfetch Limited
June 29, 2018
Page 4

Adjusted EBITDA, page 81

    16. Your discussion of Adjusted EBIDA in total and as a percentage of
revenue is unclear as
        to what you mean by "investment supporting growth in both GMV and
        Revenue" and "leverage operation synergies" in terms of the
year-to-year fluctuations in
        these two metrics. Please revise to be more explanatory.


Applications, page 93

    17. Elaborate upon the "individual off-the-shelf elements to full-service
branded ecommerce
        solutions," you describe in your discussion of Farfetch Black and
White. Explain
        whether you have monetized these solutions.

Our Products, page 100

    18. Please explain how your app's contribution to your GMV has increased
from 13% to

Competition, page 110

    19. We note your statement that your "global platform has no direct
competition in luxury
        fashion." However, it appears that you have many online competitors
that offer luxury
        fashion merchandise. Please expand your discussion to better reflect
the competitive
        market that you operate in.

Our Strategy in China and Relationship with, page 112

    20. Elaborate upon the nature of the services that provides to you
and for what
        consideration, with a view to understanding the importance of this
partnership to your

Consolidated Financial Statements

    21. We note that you have provided financial statements for
Limited, a private
        limited company incorporated in the Isle of Man. Please tell us whether
you considered
        presenting audited financial statements of Farfetch Limited, the
registrant, or at a
        minimum an audited balance sheet to comply with Rule 3-01(a) of
Regulation S-X. If
        you believe that audited registrant financial statements may be omitted
from your filing,
        please explain your reasoning to us.
 Jos  Neves
Farfetch Limited
June 29, 2018
Page 5

Notes to the consolidated financial statements

Note 2.3. Summary of significant accounting policies

e) Revenue recognition, page F-12

    22. You state that "Additional non-delivery services .....are not distinct
and are therefore
        recognized on a gross basis." Please explain to us the significance of
this statement.

Note 6. Segmental and geographical information, page F-28

    23. We note that you have identified four operating segments of (1)
Farfetch Marketplace, (2)
        Farfetch Black & White, (3) Farfetch Store of the Future and (4) Browns
Stores. We
        further note your disclosure that as Farfetch Marketplace represents
over 90% of revenue,
        results and assets and you have presented one reportable segment with
all operating
        segments included. Please tell us if these other segments meet most or
all of the criteria
        in IFRS 8 paragraph 12 to be aggregated with each other or the Farfetch
        respectively. See IFRS 8 paragraph 14. Please also explain why you
believe it is more
        appropriate to aggregate with the Farfetch Marketplace as opposed to
presentation as "all
        other" category as contemplated in IFRS 8 paragraph 16.

    24. You disclose revenue from external customers based on consumer
location. You further
        disclose UK revenue based on location of sale to your brands and
boutiques. Please
        explain to us in detail what this further disclosure means and how it
differs from the
        revenue based on consumer location. Please consider rewording the
disclosure to be

Note 29. Share options   equity and cash settled, page F-46

    25. We note that you have share based payments and have identified this as
a critical
        accounting judgement in Note 3 on page F-20. Please update your
disclosure to include
        the methods that management used to determine the fair value of the
company's shares
        and the nature of the material assumptions involved. Please also
disclose the extent to
        which the estimates are considered highly complex and subjective and
that the estimates
        will not be necessary to determine the fair value of new awards once
the underlying
        shares begin trading.

        We remind you that the company and its management are responsible for
the accuracy
and adequacy of their disclosures, notwithstanding any review, comments, action
or absence of
action by the staff.

       Refer to Rules 460 and 461 regarding requests for acceleration. Please
allow adequate
time for us to review any amendment prior to the requested effective date of
the registration
 Jos  Neves
Farfetch Limited
June 29, 2018
Page 6

       Please contact Lisa Sellars, Staff Accountant, at (202) 551-3348 or me,
Senior Assistant
Chief Accountant, at (202) 551-3849 if you have questions regarding comments on
the financial
statements and related matters. Please contact Scott Anderegg, Attorney
Adviser, at (202) 551-
3342, or Mara L. Ransom, Assistant Director at (202) 551-3720 if you have
questions regarding
the comments.


                                                           /s/ James Allegretto

                                                           James Allegretto
                                                           Senior Assistant
Chief Accountant
                                                           Office of Consumer