Mail Stop 3561
                                                           August 29, 2018

Qi Chen
Chief Executive Officer
Meili Inc.
Zheshang Wealth Center, 12/F, Building No. 1, No. 99 Gudun Road
Xihu District, Hangzhou, 310012
People's Republic of China

       Re:    Meili Inc.
              Draft Registration Statement on Form F-1
              Submitted August 1, 2018
              CIK No. 0001743971

Dear Mr. Chen:

      We have reviewed your draft registration statement and have the following
comments. In some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with
information so we
may better understand your disclosure.

       Please respond to this letter by providing the requested information and
submitting an amended draft registration statement or publicly filing your
statement on EDGAR. If you do not believe our comments apply to your facts and
circumstances or do not believe an amendment is appropriate, please tell us why
in your

      After reviewing the information you provide in response to these comments
and your
amended draft registration statement or filed registration statement, we may
have additional


1.     Please supplementally provide us with copies of all written
communications, as
       defined in Rule 405 under the Securities Act, that you, or anyone
authorized to do so
       on your behalf, present to potential investors in reliance on Section
5(d) of the
       Securities Act, whether or not they retain copies of the communications.
 Qi Chen
Meili Inc.
August 29, 2018
Page 2

Prospectus Summary, page 1

2.     Please revise to clarify whether you commissioned the April 2018 survey
       by iResearch that you first reference on page 3, and supplementally
provide us with
       that survey.

3.     Please include in this section a statement concerning the enforceability
of civil
       liabilities against foreign persons.

Our Challenges, page 3

4.     Please add a brief description of any risks involved with investing in
your ADSs.

Corporate History and Structure, page 4

5.     Since investors will be investing in a holding company that does not
directly own its
       operations in China, please make this fact clear in your prospectus
summary. It must
       be clear that the business you are describing is not the registrant's
business but is the
       business of your variable interest entities. Please also disclose in
this section the fact
       that the shareholders of your VIEs may have interests that conflict with
you, as you
       state on page 36.

6.     Please briefly disclose the significant restrictions on payment of
dividends imposed
       under PRC law and disclose the circumstances under which the funds of
       subsidiaries and VIEs are distributable as cash dividends to you. We
note the related
       disclosure on pages 37, 88 and 117.

Corporate Information, page 6

7.     Please clarify the status of your main website, as the address listed in
this section
       appears to not be operational.

Conventions that Apply to this Prospectus, page 6

8.     We note your definition of GMV on page 6. Please tell us your
consideration of
       expanding your definition to address your inclusion or exclusion of
discounts, returns,
       and shipping fees.

9.     Your definition of the term "mobile MAUs" on page 7 clarifies that,
"[i]f a mobile
       device accesses two different mobile apps or two different Mini Programs
of ours
       over the course of a calendar month, it would, under this methodology,
be counted as
       two mobile MAUs." Please revise your definition of "active buyers" on
page 6 to
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Meili Inc.
August 29, 2018
Page 3

        clarify whether you use this same methodology for your calculation of
that metric,
        and make similar clarifications where you discuss "average user time"
on pages 2 and

Risk Factors

Risks Related to Our Business and Industry

Our limited operating history makes it difficult . . . , page 15

10.     You state here that you "have a limited operating history across some
of [y]our
        business lines." Please revise to identify the business lines to which
this disclosure

If we fail to obtain and maintain the licenses . . . , page 21

11.     Please define the term "EDI license," upon first use.

Our business and operating results may be harmed by service disruptions . . . ,
page 23

12.     You state here that your "technology, system, [and] networks . . . have
been subject to
        . . . cyber-attacks, computer viruses, malicious code, phishing attacks
or information
        security breaches . . . ." Please revise to discuss here any material
        attacks or breaches you have experienced, and quantify the related
costs you have
        incurred and reasonably expect to incur here or elsewhere as
        Alternatively, please confirm to us that you have not experienced any
        cybersecurity attacks or breaches.

We rely on third-party payment service providers . . . ., page 27

13.     Please revise your Business section to provide additional disclosure
about the third-
        party online payment service providers with which you cooperate,
including whether
        you are dependent upon any particular provider or providers for such
services. Refer
        to Item 4.a of Form F-1 and Item 4.B.6 of Form 20-F. To the extent
material, provide
        additional disclosure about the terms of any cooperation agreements
with these
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Meili Inc.
August 29, 2018
Page 4

Risks Related to Our ADSs and This Offering

We will incur increased costs ..., page 52

14.    Please revise your disclosure to also state that as a result of your
election to take
       advantage of the extended transition period for new or revised
accounting standards,
       your financial statements may not be comparable to companies that comply
       public company effective dates.

Capitalization, page 58

15.    Please tell us your consideration of either revising the pro forma as
       capitalization table to reflect the conversion of the 157,047,506 Series
C-3 Preferred
       Shares issued in July 2018 and the exercise of 87,990,491 stock options
in June 2018
       or adding a footnote to the table that explains any material subsequent
events that are
       not reflected in the actual, pro forma or pro forma as adjusted
capitalization tables,
       such as the conversion of the 157,047,506 Series C-3 Preferred Shares
issued in July
       2018 and the exercise of 87,990,491 stock options in June 2018.

Management's Discussion & Analysis

Key Factors Affecting Our Results of Operations, page 74

16.    In your disclosure on page 73, you identify "[y]our ability to expand
[y]our user base,
       in particular [y]our active buyers, and strengthen [y]our user
engagement" as a factor
       that directly affects your results of operations. You also include
metrics such as
       "active buyers" and "mobile MAUs" in various locations throughout your
       Please expand your MD&A disclosure to present these metrics and discuss
       material trends in these and any other important metrics you use to
track user, buyer,
       and merchant acquisition, engagement, and retention. Refer to Item 4.a
of Form F-1
       and Item 5.D of Form 20-F. For guidance, refer to Section III.B of SEC
Release 33-

Key Components of Results of Operations

Revenues, page 75

17.    Please revise your discussion of commission revenues to include the
range of
       commission percentages that you may charge. Please refer to Item 4.a of
Form F-1
       and Item 5.A of Form 20-F.
 Qi Chen
Meili Inc.
August 29, 2018
Page 5

Results of Operations

Year ended March 31, 2018 compared to year ended March 31, 2017, page 79

18.    We note the 12.3% decrease in revenues in the year ended March 31, 2018,
       was due to a 35.6% decrease in marketing service revenues, partially
offset by
       increases in commission revenues and other revenues. Please disclose
whether and to
       what extent you expect these trends to be indicative of future operating
results. Refer
       to Item 303(a)(3)(ii) of Regulation S-K and related Instructions.

19.    Based on your disclosures in note 1(c) to the financial statements, we
note that
       revenues of consolidated VIEs decreased significantly during the year
ended March
       31, 2018 relative to the year ended March 31, 2017. Please tell us your
       of explaining this change and similar to the preceding comment, whether
and to what
       extent you expect this trend to be indicative of future operating

Costs and expenses, page 80

20.    Throughout your discussion of costs and expenses you often identify more
than one
       factor underlying the changes in your results without quantifying the
impact of each
       factor. Please quantify, to the extent practical, the impact of each
material factor
       identified. Refer to Item 303(a)(3) of Regulation S-K and SEC Release
No. 34-48960.

Liquidity and Capital Resources, page 82

21.    We note you disclose that 46% of your cash and cash equivalents were
held in China
       and denominated in the Renminbi. Please expand your disclosure to
include material
       amounts of cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments
disaggregated by
       currency denomination in each jurisdiction in which your affiliated
entities are

Critical Accounting Policies, page 84

22.    Given the significance of goodwill in your domestic business reporting
unit and the
       qualitative considerations that the Group has suffered from accumulated
losses and
       operating cash flow deficits, please tell us your consideration of
providing critical
       accounting policy disclosure related to goodwill impairment testing with
the objective
       of ensuring that investors are provided with information that allows for
an assessment
       of the probability of a future material impairment charge. In
particular, it appears the
       following disclosures might be warranted:
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Meili Inc.
August 29, 2018
Page 6

       a.     The percentage by which fair value exceeded carrying value as of
the date of
              the most recent test;
       b.     The amount of goodwill allocated to the reporting unit;
       c.     A description of the methods and key assumptions used and how the
              assumptions were determined;
       d.     A discussion of the degree of uncertainty associated with the key
              The discussion regarding uncertainty should provide specifics to
the extent
              possible (e.g., the valuation model assumes recovery from a
              downturn within a defined period of time); and
       e.     A description of potential events and/or changes in circumstances
that could
              reasonably be expected to negatively affect the key assumptions.


How is Meili Different?

Unique content-driven approach to online shopping, page 96

23.    You state here that the "combination of content with readily available
products is
       highly effective in driving transactions." You also state on page 99
that "[y]our live
       video broadcast function has . . . proven to be an effective means of
       products to [y]our key user demographics," and that you "have
established a proven
       approach to producing popular, original, short-form videos." You further
state on
       page 100 that you have "a proven track record of launching simple and
fun social
       features and other marketing campaigns that have developed into viral
       memes," and you characterize your professionally produced content as
       popular" on page 102. Please revise to substantiate these claims or to
clarify that they
       represent management's belief.

Our Online Platform, page 97

24.    Please revise to quantify, if material, the degree to which "[a]n
increasing number of
       [y]our users have been accessing [y]our mobile platform through Mini
Programs," as
       you state on page 98.

Our Users

Fashion Influencers, page 98

25.    We note your disclosure here that your fashion influencers directly earn
       from your merchants and brand partners. We also note your discussion of
       "cooperative agreements" with opinion leaders in this section, as well
as your earlier
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Meili Inc.
August 29, 2018
Page 7

       reference to "cooperative relationships" with content creators in the
risk factor
       disclosure on page 18. Please revise the disclosure in this section to
clarify whether
       you also pay opinion leaders and content creators pursuant to your
       arrangements with them.

Integration with Social Network Platforms, page 100

26.    You state here that your platform is "seamlessly integrated with the
functions of
       major social network platforms in China in order to enable [y]our users
to make
       purchases as part of their social activities." Please revise to quantify
here the
       proportion of your buyer traffic that you source from social networks
generally and
       from Weixin, specifically. Please provide similar disclosure in the risk
       discussing your use of social networks on page 20. Please also explain
in greater
       detail the "mini-programs" within Weixin to which you refer throughout
       prospectus and tell us whether the manner in which a buyer accesses your
       affects the way in which you derive revenues.

Intellectual Property, page 105

27.    We note your disclosure here that you own one registered patent. Please
revise to
       specify the nature and duration of this patent and to describe the
extent to which your
       business depends on it, or confirm to us that the patent is not material
to your
       business. Refer to Item 4.a of Form F-1 and Item 4.B.6 of Form 20-F.

Related Party Transactions

Business Cooperation Agreement and Transactions with Tencent, page 133

28.    Please expand the disclosure here to specify the material terms of your
       cooperation framework agreement with Tencent. Refer to Item 4.a of Form
F-1 and
       Item 7.B. of Form 20-F. Please also revise your disclosure throughout
the prospectus,
       including the prospectus summary, to more clearly disclose your
relationship with
       Tencent and the extent to which you are dependent upon Tencent platforms
       conduct your business, or tell us why you do not believe such disclosure
is required.
       In this regard, we note that you derive user traffic from Weixin, Weixin
Pay, and QQ
       Wallet, that you utilize Tencent's payment platform to settle
transactions on your
       website, and that you rely on Tencent Cloud to store your data.
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Meili Inc.
August 29, 2018
Page 8

Limitations on Obligations and Liability to ADS Holders

Limits on our obligations and the obligations of the depositary; limits on
liability to ADR
holders and holders of ADSs, page 153

29.    We note your disclosures on page 154 that each party to the deposit
       "irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law,
any right it may
       have to a trial by jury in any lawsuit or proceeding against the
depositary or [y]our
       company related to [y]our shares, the ADSs or the deposit agreement,"
and on page
       156 indicating that shareholders may be subject to arbitration on all
matters related to
       the deposit agreement. Please revise to clarify whether these provisions
apply to
       claims made under the federal securities laws.

Index to Consolidated Financial Statements

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

(gg) Segment reporting, page F-23

30.    Please tell us your consideration of whether the terminated operations
of the cross-
       border business reporting unit should be classified as discontinued
       pursuant to ASC 205-20.

(hh) Recent accounting pronouncements, page F-23

31.    We note your disclosure that you will adopt the guidance in ASU 2016-01
in the year
       ended March 31, 2021 and interim periods in the year ended March 31,
2022. We
       would expect your adoption date, using the emerging growth company
       accommodation, to be the same as the required adoption date for
non-public entities
       and this does not appear to be the case. Please revise or otherwise

11 Investments, page F-33

Equity Method Investment, page F-34

32.    Please tell us in more detail the basis in GAAP for the recognition of a
       gain on the contribution of an assembled workforce in exchange for the
       interest in JM Weshop. In determining the proper accounting, please tell
us how you
       considered the substantial continuing involvement in the transferred
assets and that
       the usual risks and rewards of ownership of the assets hadn't been fully
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Meili Inc.
August 29, 2018
Page 9

       transferred. Tell us any alternative accounting guidance that was
considered along
       with the reasons these alternatives were deemed not applicable. In
responding to the
       comment, please be sure to address your consideration of deferring all
or part of the
       gain. Please also provide support for your determination that the
       workforce that was transferred constitutes a business.

17 Ordinary Shares

Class C Ordinary Shares, page F-43

33.    We note your discussion here regarding Class C Ordinary Shares which
entitle their
       beneficial owner to thirty votes for each Class C Ordinary Share. We
also note that
       any ordinary shares beneficially owned by Chen Qi will be automatically
       into Class C Ordinary Shares on a 1:1 basis upon commencement of such
       ownership, and that any Class C Ordinary Shares shall be automatically
       into Class A Ordinary Shares once Mr. Qi ceases to beneficially own
those shares.
       Please provide disclosure discussing the disparate voting power and
influence held by
       Mr. Qi through his beneficial ownership of Class C Ordinary Shares and
       automatic conversion terms in your prospectus summary and description of
       capital, and also revise your prospectus cover page, selling shareholder
table and the
       risk factor on page 47 regarding disparate voting rights, accordingly.

        You may contact Scott Stringer, Staff Accountant, at (202) 551-3571 or
Manuel, Staff Accountant, at (202) 551-3823 if you have questions regarding
comments on
the financial statements and related matters. Please contact Parhaum J. Hamidi,
Counsel, at (202) 551-3421, Jennifer L pez, Staff Attorney, at 202-551-3792 or
me at (202)
551-3720 with any other questions.


                                                            /s/ Jennifer L pez

                                                            Mara L. Ransom
                                                            Assistant Director
                                                            Office of Consumer