The Town of Hilton Head Island
                             Regular Town Council Meeting
                                          April 22, 2014
                                              4:00 P.M.

             As a Courtesy to Others Please Turn Off/Silence All Mobile Devices
                                     the Town Council Meeting
   1)   Call to Order
  2)    Pledge to the Flag
  3)    Invocation
  4)    FOIA Compliance - Public notification of this meeting has been
published, posted, and
        mailed in compliance with the Freedom oflnformation Act and the Town of
Hilton Head
        Island requirements .
  5)    Proclamations and Commendations
        a. Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month and Child Abuse
Awareness Month
        b. Bike Month
  6)    Approval of Minutes
        a. Town Council Meeting-April 1, 2014
  7)    Report of the Town Manager
        a. Heritage Library Request - Linda Piekut, Executive Director
        b. Know2 - South Carolina High Education Foundation Request - Jeff
        c. Town Manager' s Items oflnterest
        d. March, 2014 Policy Agenda, Management Targets and CIP Updates
  8)    Reports from Members of Council
        a. General Reports from Council
        b. Report of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee - George
Williams, Chairman
        c. Report of the Personnel Committee - Lee Edwards, Chairman
        d. Report of the Planning & Development Standards Committee -John
McCann, Chairman
        e. Report of the Public Facilities Committee - Kim Likins, Chairman
        f.   Report of the Public Safety Committee - Marc Grant, Chairman
        g. Report of the LMO Rewrite Committee- Kim Likins, Ex-Officio Member
  9)    Appearance by Citizens

  Town Council Agenda                         Pagel
April 22, 2014
    Copyrighted Material Omitted
 10) Unfinished Business
     a. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2014-05
        Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2014-05 to amend Title 16, "The
        Management Ordinance," of the Municipal Code of the Town of Hilton Head
        South Carolina, by amending Section 16-4-102, the Official Zoning Map
with respect to
        that certain parcel identified as Parcel 347 A on Beaufort County Tax
Map 12, to apply the
        RFZ (Redevelopment Floating Zone Overlay District) to the existing PD-1
        Development) Zoning District; and providing for severability and an
effective date .
     b. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2014-07
        Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2014-07 to amend the budget for
the Town of
        Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, for the fiscal year ending June 30,
2014; to provide
        for the expenditures of certain funds; and to allocate the sources of
revenue for the said
        funds .
11) New Business
     a. First Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2014-08
        First Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2014-08 of the Town of Hilton Head
Island, South
        Carolina, authorizing the execution of a contract for purchase and sale
and the execution
        of a deed for the sale of 10 acres of real property near William Hilton
Parkway and
        Mathews Drive to Pineland Associates II, LLC pursuant to the authority
of S.C. Code
        Ann.   5-7-40 (Supp. 2011), and  2-7-20, Code of the Town of Hilton
Head Island, South
        Carolina, (1983); and providing for severability and an effective date.
12) Executive Session
     a. Land Acquisition
          (1) Consideration of Sale of Property to Pineland Associates II, LLC
     b. Legal Matters
     c. Contractual Matters
13) Adjournment

Town Council Agenda                         Page 2
April 22, 2014
                   TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND
                            Community Development Department

TO:           Stephen G. Riley, ICMA-CM, Town Manager
FROM:         Charles F. Cousins, AICP, Director of Community Development
DATE:         March 27, 2014
SUBJECT:      Authorize the Sale of Town Property Near Pineland Station

Recommendation: Staff recommends that Town Council approve first reading of an
ordinance authorizing the sale of approximately 10 acres of Town-owned property
facilitate the redevelopment of Pineland Station.

Summary: In 2001 the Town purchased 10 acres on Mathews Drive immediately
Pineland Station with the intent of creating a law enforcement center and
relocating the Town
Court. The purchase price was $1 ,100,385 of which $1 ,000,000 was for the land
and the
remainder was for 18,000 gallons of water and sewer capacity. Later the Town
that locating the law enforcement center elsewhere was a better option so this
property is no
longer needed for its original purpose. The sale of this property to Pineland
would facilitate the redevelopment of Pineland Station. The sales price would
be $1 ,000,000
and the Town would retain the water and sewer capacity it purchased.

On March 26, 2014 the Public Facilities Committee voted to recommend the
execution of a
contract for this purpose.

Background: The Town purchased 10 acres in 2001 along Mathews Drive to create a
enforcement center and to house the Town Court operations. The Town' s 10 acres
immediately adjacent to Pineland Station. One of the original ideas behind
selecting this site
was the belief that placing the law enforcement center and courts there would
activity that could reinvigorate this older shopping center. Since that time
the Town decided
to purchase an existing building in the Shelter Cove area and has relocated the
Sheriff to that
site. This land is no longer needed to meet its original intent with the
creation of the law
enforcement center in the Shelter Cove area.

However, the challenges of Pineland Station still exist. Pineland Station is an
older shopping
center with a large number of vacancies that is really showing its age. The
shopping center
also has numerous non-conformities as it was developed prior to the Town's Land
Management Ordinance. The Town's land offers an opportunity to work with the
owner of a
worn out facility to replace much of it and create a new shopping center that
corrects many of
those non-conformities. This proposal would feature the tear down of the
majority of the
buildings on the property and create a more exciting retail space with the Town
recouping its
original investment. The redevelopment would include roughly 20,000 additional
square feet
which is less than would be allowed on the 10 acre Town parcel. Thus the
community will
experience a new shopping center at no financial costs to the Town or any
rezoning to

                  Town Government Center     ,   One Town Center Court   ,
Building C
                          Hilton Head Island   ,   South Carolina   ,   29928
                                 843-341-4 757 ,     (FAX) 843-842-8908
 allocate additional square footage. Five acres of the Town's ten acres are
wetlands. These
would be set aside by the developer and not developed.

Attachments: Pineland Station Parcels map and Pineland Station Redevelopment


                                   Town of Hilton Head Island
                                      Pineland Station Parcels
     PHONE (843) 341-4600
           i\-9y30, 2013                     1 inch = 300feet

~-----I- -~


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  PROPOSED ORDINANCE NUMBER 2014-08                             ORDINANCE
NUMBER 2014-

ANN.   5-7-40 (SUPP. 2011), AND  2-7-20, CODE OF THE TOWN OF HILTON HEAD

                                   LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS

         WHEREAS , the Town of Hilton Head Island (hereinafter "Town") owns two
(2) parcels

of real property known as R511-008-000-0156-0000 and R511-008-000-098B-0000

collectively referred to as the "Town Property"), which is located on Hilton
Head Island,

Beaufort County, South Carolina; and,

         WHEREAS, the Town has agreed to sell the Town Property to Pineland
Associates II,

LLC in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in that certain
Contract for Purchase

and Sale, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" (the "Contract");

         WHEREAS , under the provisions of S.C. Code Ann.  5-7-40 (SUPP. 2011)
and  2-7-

20, Code of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, (1983), the
conveyance or granting

of an interest in real property owned by the Town of Hilton Head Island must be
authorized by



Section 1.      Execution of Agreement.

   (a)       The Mayor and Town Manager are hereby authorized to execute and
deliver the

             Contract in a substantially similar form to that attached hereto
as Exhibit "A" for the

             conveyance of Town-owned real property to Pineland Associates II,
LLC; and

    (b)       The Mayor and/or Town Manager are hereby authorized to take such
other and

             further actions as may be necessary to complete the transactions
contemplated in the

             Contract as authorized hereby, including the execution and
delivery of the Deed and

             all other documents called for in the Contract.

Section 2.       Severability.

         If any section, phrase, sentence or portion of this Ordinance is, for
any reason, held or

deemed to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent
jurisdiction, then such

section, phrase, sentence or portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and

provision and shall not affect the remaining portion thereof.

Section 3.       Effective Date.

         This Ordinance shall become effective upon adoption thereof by the
Town Council for

the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.

- - - - - - - - - - -, 2014.

                                                                Drew A.
Laughlin, Mayor

Victoria L. Pfannenschmidt, Town Clerk

First Reading:

Second Reading:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Approved as to form: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                     Gregory M. Alford, Town Attorney

Introduced by Council Member:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


+/- 10 Acres near William Hilton Parkway and Mathews Drive
           on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina:

                     By and Between

      The Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina,


                Pineland Associates II, LLC

             Dated as of: May ~   = -
                                        , 2014
 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA                      )
                                             )       SALE AND PURCHASE
COUNTY OF BEAUFORT                           )

       This Agreement (hereinafter the "Agreement") is made and entered into by
and between

The Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina (hereinafter, the "Seller"), and

Associates II, LLC (hereinafter, the "Purchaser") on this __ day of May, 2014.

                                     W IT N E S S E T H:

1.     Sale and Purchase:     For and in consideration of the Purchase Price
set forth in Article 3

of this Agreement to be paid to Seller by Purchaser, and in further
consideration of the full and

faithful performance of the covenants, conditions and agreements hereinafter
set forth to be

performed, fulfilled and observed by Seller and Purchaser, and subject to the
fulfillment of the

Conditions set forth in Article 8 of this Agreement, Seller agrees to sell and
Purchaser agrees to

purchase from Seller that certain real property located on Hilton Head Island,
Beaufort County,

South Carolina, and which is described in Articles 1.1 and 1.2 of this

1.1    Real Property: The Real Property is hereinafter referred to as the "Real
Property" or the

"Property" and is described as follows:

       ALL that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being
in the Town
       of Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, shown and
described as
       Parcel C (Mathews Drive Parcel) on a plat dated March 29, 1982 and
recorded in
       the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina,
in Plat
       Book 30 at Page 112. Said property being more fully described in that
       deed of Pineland Mall Associates, L.P. , dated January 30, 2001 , and
recorded in
       the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina
       January 31 , 2001 in Official Record Book 13 79 at Page 1319.

       Beaufort County TMS#: R511-008-000-0156-0000

                                          Page 1 of 19
       AND ALSO:

      ALL that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being
in the Town
      of Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, shown and
described as
      containing 8.35 acres on a plat dated March 29, 1982 and recorded in the
      of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat
Book 30 at
      Page 112. Said property being more fully described in that certain deed
      Pineland Mall Associates, L.P. , dated January 30, 2001 , and recorded in
      Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on
      31 , 2001 in Official Record Book 13 79 at Page 1319.

      Beaufort County TMS#:         R511-008-000-098B-0000

      This being the same property conveyed to The Town of Hilton Head Island,
      Carolina by deed of Pineland Mall Associates, L.P. , dated January 30,
2001 , and
      recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County,
      Carolina on January 31 , 2001 in Official Record Book 13 79 at Page 1319.

1.2   Intangible Personal Property:

      (a)    In connection with the Real Property, Seller may have (i) obtained
      governmental permits and approvals and (ii) obtained certain contractual
rights and other
      intangible assets, which are hereinafter referred to as the "Intangible
Personal Property"
      and which are described as follows:

             (i)     Any and all contract rights, declarant rights, access
rights or easements,
                     utility easements, covenant rights burdening other
property in favor of the
                     Real Property, easements, rights with respect to lands or
marshlands lying
                     below the S. C. D. H. E. C. - 0. C.R. M. Critical Line,
development plan
                     approvals, zoning rights or approvals, development
permits, utility
                     allocations, State, Federal or Local governmental permits
and approvals,
                     S. C. D. H. E. C. - 0. C. R. M. Permits; United States
Army Corps of
                     Engineers Permits; and,

             (ii)    Any and all rights, funds, rights to funds , including
deductibles, associated
                     with or related to any pending or previous environmental
cleanup affecting
                     the Real Property; and,

             (iii)   Any and all other rights, contracts, easements, contract
rights or
                     governmental or other approvals, regardless of
description, which affect,
                     touch or concern the Real Property in any way, shape or
form, regardless
                     of description, except the 18,000 gallons per day of water
and sewer
                     capacity with Hilton Head Island Number 1 Public Service
District as
                     reflected in Article 1. 4 herein below.

                                         Page 2 of 19
        (b)     It shall be agreed between Seller and Purchaser that the
eighteen thousand
       (18 ,000) gallons per day of water and sewer capacity with Hilton Head
Island Number 1
       Public Service District shall not be included in the Intangible Personal
Property conveyed
       by Seller to Purchaser, as reflected in Article 1.4 herein below.

1.3    Definition of the "Property ": Both the Real Property and the Intangible

Property are hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Property".

1.4     Water and Sewer Capacity Rights:      Pursuant to that certain
"Contract for Purchase and

Sale of 10.39 Acres, More or Less", dated January 9, 2001 between Seller and
Pineland Mall

Associates, a South Carolina Limited Partnership, and pursuant to that certain

Assignment of Water and Sewer Service", dated January 31 , 2001 between
Pineland Mall

Associates and Seller, and acknowledged by Hilton Head # 1 Public Service
District, Pineland

Mall Associates assigned all of its allocated water and sewer capacity
(consisting of 18,000

gallons per day) with the Hilton Head #1 Public Service District pertaining to
Parcel C and

Parcel D, Pineland Mall to Seller. Seller and Purchaser hereby agree that the

"Prorata Assignment of Water and Sewer Service" and its terms shall remain in
force and shall

not be altered in any way, nor shall such water and sewer rights be conveyed or

transferred from Seller to Purchaser, in connection with this Agreement or the

contemplated therein.

2.     Current Survey:         Purchaser shall have prepared, at its own cost
and expense, an

updated current boundary and as-built survey or ALT A survey of the Property,
prepared for and

certified to Purchaser.

2.1    Delivery of Documents:          Seller shall, within fifteen (15) days
of the Effective Date

of this Agreement and upon demand by Purchaser, tender to Purchaser copies of
the following

documents in Seller's possession:

                                            Page 3 of 19
           (a)    Any existing title insurance policies in the possession of
Seller or Seller's attorney
          insuring title to the Real Property.

          (b)    Copies of any documents evidencing utility allocations or
capacity or other
          contracts benefiting the Real Property.

          (c)    Any and all documents relating to any rights or obligations
which run to or from
          the Real Property.

          (d)    Copies of all engineering studies, wetland delineations,
environmental studies,
          surveys and the like of the Real Property which are in Seller's
possession. Such studies
          may be given with appropriate disclaimers.

          (e)    Copies of any reports, studies or documentation of any type
pertaining to any
          ongoing or previous environmental cleanup affecting the Real

3.        Purchase Price:        The Purchase Price for the Property is One
Million and 00/100

Dollars ($1 ,000,000.00) (hereinafter, the "Purchase Price"), which shall be
paid in cash or its

equivalent at the closing of the transactions contemplated in this Agreement
(the "Closing").

3 .1      Payment of Purchase Price: Upon execution of this Agreement by all
parties, Purchaser

shall deposit with Escrow Agent hereinafter described, in the amount of Twenty
Thousand and

00/100 Dollars ($20,000.00) (the "Escrow Deposit"), which shall be held in
escrow pending

compliance with this Agreement by Seller and Purchaser. At Closing, Purchaser
shall pay to

Seller the balance of the Purchase Price by certified check made payable to
Seller, or by a wire

transfer of cleared funds to the account of Seller at a financial institution
which is designated by

Seller.    Seller shall give written notice of how it wishes for the purchase
price to be paid,

together with written bank wire instructions, if applicable, no later than
three (3) business days

prior to the Closing Date.

4.        Title:   Seller shall provide Purchaser with good and marketable
title to the Property by

Deed of General Warranty, free and clear of any and all monetary liens and
encumbrances, the

form which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A".

                                              Page 4 of 19
 4.1.   Title Evidence:           Purchaser may obtain a current ALTA Owner's
Title Insurance

Commitment (the "Commitment") underwritten on, and issued by, a Title Insurance
Company of

Purchaser's choosing (hereinafter, the "Title Company"), by which Commitment
the Title

Company shall agree to insure fee simple marketable title to the Real Property
in the name of

Purchaser in an amount equal to the Purchase Price. Seller and Purchaser
understand and agree

that as of the date of the Title Commitment and the Closing Date, fee simple
marketable title to

the Property shall be vested in Seller, and the Commitment shall show and

       (a)     That fee simple, marketable title to the Real Property is vested
in Seller;

       (b)    That title to the Real Property is in the condition required by
this Article 4. The
       cost of, or premium associated with, the Commitment, and any Final
Policy of Title
       Insurance issued thereon, shall be the responsibility of and shall be
paid for by Purchaser.

4.2.   Objections to Title:      If Purchaser's title examination or the
Commitment shall reveal

that Seller's title to the Real Property is subject to any easements,
covenants, clouds on or to the

title, encroachments, boundary discrepancies, liens, encumbrances, or any other
matter affecting

title, or Purchaser's proposed use of the Real Property, then Purchaser shall
notify Seller, in

writing, of such title defects and Purchaser's objection to the same within ten
(10) days after

Purchaser's receipt of the Commitment and copies of all of the documents
referred to in the

Commitment.     Upon such notification, the same shall be treated as defect(s)
in title ("Title

Defects"). Unless Purchaser delivers said written objections within the said
ten (10) day period

following the delivery of the Commitment, it shall be conclusively deemed that
Purchaser has

accepted title to the Real Property in its then-existing condition.

4.3.   Seller's Right to Cure:          Seller shall have thirty (30) days from
receipt of

Purchaser's written notice of any Title Defects to Cure (hereinafter defined),
or to cause to be

Cured, the Title Defects. Seller agrees to use its best efforts and due
diligence in Curing, or in

                                            Page 5 of 19
 causing to be Cured, the Title Defects. If said thirty (30) day period given
Seller to Cure the

Title Defects shall extend beyond the Closing Date, and Seller does not Cure,
or cause to be

Cured, the Title Defects before the Closing Date, then closing shall be held
within ten (10) days

after Seller delivers written notice to Purchaser that the Title Defects have
been Cured. "Cured"

as used herein means that a title insurance company authorized to do business
in South Carolina

and a member of the American Land Title Association will issue a Title
Insurance Policy

insuring title to the Real Property at standard rates and with only the
standard exceptions and, if

such title insurance company is not the Title Company, Seller's agreement to
pay any cost of

such Title Insurance Policy in excess of the cost that would have been charged
by the Title


4.4.   Seller's Failure to Cure:     If Seller cannot Cure, or cause to be
Cured, the Title

Defects within the said thirty (30) day period, or within such longer period to
which Seller and

Purchaser may agree in writing, then Purchaser shall have the option of:

       (a)     Closing this transaction in accordance with the terms and
conditions hereof, and
       accepting title to the Real Property in its then-existing condition by
deed, taking
       exception to such uncured Title Defects, with such adjustments to the
purchase price as
       are agreed to by the Parties; or,

       (b)     Terminating this Agreement, whereupon Purchaser shall be
refunded the entire
       Escrow Deposit together with any interest accrued thereon, and Seller
and Purchaser shall
       thereafter be released from any and all further obligations or
liabilities to one another
       arising under or out of this Agreement.

4.5.   Subsequent Matters: Seller acknowledges that a period of days will
elapse between the

delivery of the Commitment as required herein and Closing. Acceptance of the
Commitment by

Purchaser shall not be deemed a waiver of any Title Defect arising between the
date of delivery

of the Commitment and the date of Closing.

                                          Page 6 of 19
        (a)     Purchaser shall notify Seller of any Title Defects arising
subsequent to delivery of
       the Title Commitment prior to closing.

       (b)     Upon notification to Seller by Purchaser of any Title Defects
arising subsequent
       to delivery of the Title Commitment, the "Cure" provisions of Article
4.3 and 4.4 shall
       become effective.

4.6    Commercial Shopping Center:            It is understood and agreed to by
the parties that the

Property (excluding the portions which are jurisdictional wetlands) shall be
developed by the

Purchaser as a commercial shopping center (including single user freestanding
buildings) in

conjunction with the substantial redevelopment of property which is adjacent to
the Property and

known as Beaufort County Tax Map # : R511-008-000-098E-0000, within two (2)
years of the

date of recording of the Deed referenced in Article 4 herein above, in
accordance with all

applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including but not
limited to the Land

Management Ordinance of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
Specifically, the

Property shall be developed by the Purchaser, in conjunction with the
aforementioned adjacent

property, as a multi-tenant commercial facility that is substantially in
conformance with the

Conceptual Site Plan attached hereto as Exhibit "B", except as otherwise
consented to in writing

by the Seller, which consent Seller agrees will not be unreasonably withheld,
delayed or

conditioned.   It is agreed by the parties that this Article 4.6 is a material
element of this

Agreement and Seller is relying on its terms in the execution of this
Agreement. The provisions

of this Article 4.6 shall survive Closing, and any violation of the terms of
this Article 4.6 shall

serve as a Default to this Agreement, and Seller reserves the right to seek any
legal or equitable

remedies for the enforcement of the same.

5.     Closing:       This transaction shall be "Closed" and title to the
Property shall be

conveyed from Seller to Purchaser by delivery of the Deed (hereinafter defined)
and other

                                            Page 7 of 19
 documents required herein from Seller to Purchaser (hereinafter the "Closing")
at 10:00 o'clock

A. M. on the Closing Date (hereinafter defined) at the Office of Purchaser's
Attorney, or at such

other place as Purchaser and Seller shall mutually agree in writing. Subject to
fulfillment of all

of Seller's obligations and any conditions hereunder, the Closing, unless
otherwise modified or

extended by mutual agreement of Seller and Purchaser in writing, shall occur on
or before ninety

(90) days after Condition Satisfaction Date as defined in Article 8 below (the
"Closing Date").

5 .1.   Seller's Obligations at Closing:     At Closing, Seller shall deliver
to Purchaser, at

Seller's expense, the following Closing Documents:

        (a)    A good and sufficient General Warranty Deed (the "Deed") so as
to convey to
        Purchaser Fee Simple, Marketable Title to the Real Property, as
provided in Article 4
        above. The Deed shall be in recordable form, with documentary stamps
(if any) affixed,
        executed by Seller and duly acknowledged before a Notary Public.

        (b)    A "Certification by Entity Transferor," certifying that Seller
is not a "foreign
        person" as that term is used and defined in Section 1445 (f)(3) of the
Internal Revenue
        Code of 1986, as amended.

        (c)     A mechanic's lien affidavit, duly executed by Seller and
acknowledged before a
        notary public, attesting to the absence, unless otherwise provided for
in this Agreement,
        or unless created by acts of Purchaser, of any claims of lien or
potential lienors and
        further attesting that there have been no improvements to the Real
Property for ninety
        five (95) days immediately preceding the Closing Date for which the
cost thereof remains

        (d)    A South Carolina residency affidavit certifying the address,
Residence and
        Federal Identification Number of Seller to establish the withholding
requirements of S. C.
        Code Ann.   12-9-310 (Supp. 2011), and South Carolina Revenue Ruling
Number 90-3.

        (e)     Full and complete releases, in recordable form, of any
mortgages, liens, claims or
        other encumbrances to the title of the Real Property, except as may be
otherwise provided
        in Article 4 above.

        (f)    Such other documents as Purchaser, Purchaser's Attorney or
Purchaser's Title
        Insurance Company may reasonably require or deem as necessary to convey
the Property
        to Purchaser in accordance with the terms and provisions of this

        (g)    Certified copy of the Resolution of the Town Council authorizing
the execution of

                                           Page 8 of 19
        this Agreement.

       (h)    Certified copy of the Ordinance of the Town Council authorizing
the sale of the
       Real Property and execution of the above-referenced Closing Documents.

       (i)    Certified copy of the Minutes of the Town Council meetings
wherein the
       Resolution and Ordinance referenced in Articles 5.1 (g) and (h) above
were approved.

5.2.   Purchaser's Obligations at Closing: At Closing, Purchaser shall deliver
to Seller, at

Purchaser's expense, the following:

       (a)      The balance of the Purchase Price.

       (b)     Such other documents as Seller or Seller's attorney may
reasonably require or
       deem necessary to convey the Property to Purchaser in accordance with
the terms and
       provisions of this Agreement.

5.3.   Escrow Agent: The Escrow Agent shall serve as Closing Agent for all
Parties at Closing.

Deposit with the Escrow Agent of the Purchase Price, the instruments of
conveyance and such

other funds and/or documents as are required of either Party under the terms of
this Agreement,

and/or the Title Company, shall be deemed to be a good and sufficient tender of
performance in

accordance with the terms hereof Seller shall pay all fees and charges of the
Escrow Agent.

6.     Default by Purchaser: Except as may be otherwise expressly provided or
limited herein

with respect to any specific act or omission, if Purchaser shall default in any
of its obligations,

covenants, or agreements contained within this Agreement or any of the Exhibits
hereto, and

shall remain in default after ten (10) day's written notice specifying the
default and demanding

that the default be cured, then Seller shall be entitled to receive The Escrow
Deposit as liquidated

damages as its sole and exclusive remedy. The provisions of this Article 6
shall be binding upon

the successors and assigns of Purchaser, and shall survive the Closing of the

contemplated herein.

7.     Default by Seller:     Except as may be otherwise expressly provided or
limited herein

                                           Page 9 of 19
 with respect to any specific act or omission, if Seller shall default in any
other obligations,

covenants, or agreements contained within this Agreement or any of the Exhibits
hereto, and

shall remain in default after ten (10) day's written notice specifying the
default and demanding

that the default be cured, then Purchaser shall be entitled to pursue any
remedy at law or in

equity against Seller, including an action for damages or for Specific
Performance of this

Agreement. The provisions of this Article 7 shall be binding upon the
successors and assigns of

Seller, and shall survive the Closing of the transaction contemplated herein.

8.      Conditions to Purchaser's Obligation to Close:        The    obligation
of Purchaser to

purchase the Property from Seller is subject to satisfaction, as of the Closing
Date, of the

following conditions (any of which may be waived, in writing, in whole or in
part by Purchaser

at or prior to Closing):

        (a)     All of the representations and warranties of Seller set forth
herein shall be true on
        and as of the Closing in all respects, as though such representations
and warranties were
        made at and as of the Closing; and all covenants, agreements and
documents required of
        Seller in this Agreement shall have been performed, complied with or
delivered (as the
        case may be) in accordance with this Agreement.

        (b)     The Property shall not be in material violation of any
governmental laws,
        ordinances, rules or regulations, and there shall be no action, suit or
proceeding pending
        or filed against or affecting the Property or any portion thereof, or
relating to or affecting
        or arising out of the ownership or development of the Property or any
portion thereof, in
        any state or federal court or by any federal, state, county or
municipal department,
        commission, board bureau, or agency or other governmental

        (c)     The receipt by Purchaser of a Jurisdictional Determination from
the U.S. Army
        Corps of Engineers (the "Corps") confirming that the Property contains
no more than
        five (5) acres of wetlands that are subject to the jurisdiction of the
Corps and that the non-
        wetlands acreage is in a location (or locations) and in a configuration
satisfactory to

        (d) Purchaser's obtaining a financing commitment satisfactory to it for
cost of the
        acquisition of the Property and development and construction of the
Project; and

        (e)     Purchaser's receipt of an environmental assessment of the
Property satisfactory to

                                           Page 10 of 19
        it, which assessment shall be coordinated and paid for by Purchaser and
not Seller.

In the event any of the above stated conditions is not satisfied or waived in
writing by Purchaser

prior to Closing, this Agreement shall terminate on the Option of Purchaser,
any Escrow Deposit

and any accrued interest thereon shall be returned to Purchaser, and neither
Party shall have any

further obligation or rights with respect to the other. Purchaser shall notify
Seller when all of the

conditions set forth in clauses (c) through (e) above have been satisfied. The
date of such notice

shall be the "Condition Satisfaction Date." If the Condition Satisfaction Date
does not occur on

or before September 30, 2014, then either party may terminate this Contract by
written notice to

the other, in which event the Escrow Deposit shall be refunded to Purchaser and
neither party

shall have any further rights against or obligations to the other.

9.     [Omitted]

10.    Representations and Warranties of Seller:       To induce Purchaser to
enter into this

Agreement and to purchase the Property, Seller represents and warrants (which

and warranties shall survive the Closing) to Purchaser as follows:

       (a)     As of the date of this Agreement and as of the date of Closing,
Seller will have all
       requisite legal power and authority to execute and deliver the Deed and
other documents
       to be delivered pursuant to this Agreement. The individual( s) executing
this Agreement
       on behalf of Seller has, and as of the date of Closing will have,
express authority and full
       power on behalf of Seller to enter into and deliver this Agreement and
the Deed and other
       documentation required hereunder.

       (b)    Other than work or material contracted for by Purchaser, as of
the Closing, no
       work will have been performed or will be in process at the Property, and
no materials will
       have been delivered to the Property that might provide the basis for the
filing of a
       Mechanic's, Materialman's or other lien against the Property or any
portion thereof. The
       requirements set forth in this Article 10(b) shall be deemed satisfied
if the Title
       Company, based upon Seller's mechanic's lien affidavit, is willing to
give Purchaser
       affirmative mechanic's lien coverage.

       (c)     There has been no deferral of taxes with respect to this

                                            Page 11 of 19
          (d)     Other than is expressly provided for herein, Seller shall not
grant any easements,
         or enter into any covenants or agreements concerning the Property or
title to the Real
         Property, or in any other way affect the Property or title to the Real
Property without the
         written consent of Purchaser.

         (e)     There are no rights or claims of parties in possession not
shown by the Public
         Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina; and there is no
litigation now pending or
         threatened against Seller which would materially affect the Property,
title to the Real
         Property, the execution, delivery or enforceability of this Agreement,
or Seller's
         performance or other obligations hereunder.

         (f)     No options, leases or other contracts are still outstanding
which give any other
         party a right to purchase the Real Property.

11.      Brokers:          Seller and Purchaser warrant and represent that no
broker, finder, or other

person is entitled to a commission, finder's fee or other compensation in
connection with this

Agreement, and Seller shall indemnify and hold harmless the other party from
any and all

claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses arising from the claim
of any other

broker, finder or other person for such compensation, arising by, under or
through such party.

The obligations under this Article 11 shall survive the Closing.

12.      Effective Date:          The "Effective Date" of this Agreement shall
be the date upon

which the officials of The Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, execute
and deliver this

Agreement to Seller.

13.      Miscellaneous:

13 .1.   Assignability: This Agreement may not be assigned by either Purchaser
or Seller without

the express written consent of both parties, except that Purchaser may assign
its rights under this

Agreement to an entity or entities that is or are controlled by Jon S. Wheeler
and/or Wallace

Cahoon without Seller's consent.          Purchaser shall notify Seller, in
writing, each time that

Purchaser assigns and/or otherwise transfers any interest in this Agreement to
any other entity.

Such notification shall include the legal name of the acquiring entity, the
current address and the

                                              Page 12 of 19
 name of a contact person at that entity, and the amount of interest
transferred. Any assignee or

entity acquiring any rights under this Agreement shall execute a document
acknowledging this

Agreement and agreeing to be bound by its terms, in a form reasonably
satisfactory to Seller.

13.2    Binding Effect: This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall
be binding upon

Seller and Purchaser and their respective successors and assigns.

13.3.   Amendment, Changes and Modifications:            Except as otherwise
provided herein, this

Agreement may not be effectively amended, changed, modified or altered without
the written

consent of both parties hereto.

13.4.   Severability: In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall
be held invalid or

unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not
invalidate or render

unenforceable any other provision hereof

13.5.   Execution in Counterparts: This Agreement may be simultaneously
executed in several

counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall
constitute but one and the

same instrument.

13.6.   Applicable Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with

the laws of the State of South Carolina.

13.7.   Captions:    The captions or headings herein are for convenience only
and in no way

define, limit or describe the scope or intent of any provisions or sections of
this Agreement.

13.8.   Recording:     The parties hereto may not record this Agreement, or a
short form

Memorandum thereof, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County,


13.9.   Plural/Singular:          Where appropriate, the use of the singular
herein shall include and

be deemed to be the plural, and the use of the plural herein shall be deemed to
include the

                                             Page 13 of 19

13.10. No Third Party Beneficiaries:The Parties hereto affirmatively represent
that this

Agreement is made solely for the benefit of the parties hereto and their
respective successors and

assigns and not for the benefit of any third party who is not a signature party
hereto. No party

other than the signature parties and their respective successors and assigns
hereto shall have any

enforceable rights hereunder, or have any right to the enforcement hereof, or
any claim for

damages as a result of any alleged breach hereof

13 .11. Notices:    All notices, applications, requests, certificates or other

hereunder shall be sufficiently given and shall be deemed given when delivered
in person, or

mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid (in such
case, delivery shall be

deemed complete upon mailing), addressed as follows, or to such other place as
may be

designated in writing by the parties:

       To Seller:              THE TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND
                               Stephen G. Riley, Manager
                               One Town Center Court
                               Hilton Head Island, SC 29928

       With Copy to :          Gregory M. Alford, Esq.
                               Alford Law Firm, LLC
                               Post Office Drawer 8008
                               Hilton Head Island, SC 29938-8008

       To Purchaser:           Pineland Associates II, LLC
                               c/o Wheeler Interests, Inc.
                               Attn: Jon S. Wheeler
                               Riversedge North
                               2529 Virginia Beach Blvd., Suite 200
                               Virginia Beach, VA 23452

       With Copy to :          Charles E. Land, Esquire
                               c/o Kaufman & Canoles, P.C.
                               150 W. Main Street, Suite 2100
                               Norfolk, VA 23510

                                           Page 14 of 19
 13.12. Further Assurances and Corrective Documents:            Seller and
Purchaser agree to do,

execute, acknowledge, deliver or cause to be done all such further acts as may
be reasonably

determined to be necessary to carry out this Agreement and give effect hereto.
              Seller and

Purchaser agree that each shall, upon request, execute and deliver such other
or corrective

documents, or any such document as may be requested by any governmental or

agencies, including but not limited to any such documents relating to any
pending or previous

environmental cleanup affecting the Real Property, as may be reasonably
determined to be

necessary, either before or after the Closing. The obligations of this Article
13.12 shall survive

the Closing.

14.     Possession:      Possession of the Property shall be delivered to
Purchaser at Closing,

provided, however, that the Purchase Price, minus adjustments and prorations,
is paid in full by

or on behalf of Purchaser at Closing.

15.     Prorations:      Payment of the following is to be pro-rated between
Seller and Purchaser

as of the Closing Date:

        (a)     Real Property Taxes and Assessments, if any, shall be made on
the basis of the
        current year's tax with due exemptions, if allowed for the said year.
If Closing occurs on
        a date when the current year's taxes are not fixed, taxes will be
apportioned based upon
        the prior year's taxes plus ten (10%) per cent. Any tax apportionment
based upon an
        estimate shall be recalculated when the property taxes are finally
fixed, and Seller or
        Purchaser, as the case may be, shall make payment to the other based
upon such
        recalculation. The provisions of this Article 15 shall survive the
Closing and delivery of
        the Deed.

16.     Closing Costs:

16.1.   Seller's Closing Costs:         Seller shall be responsible to pay for
the Cost of:

        (a)    Any documentary stamp expense or taxes which may be payable to
the State of
        South Carolina and/or the County of Beaufort, and any other fees or
charges payable by
        reason of the execution, delivery and recording of the Deed, excluding
any transfer fee(s)

                                            Page 15 of 19
         payable to the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina and/or any
other applicable
        entity, which shall be paid by Purchaser; and,

        (b)    Any other Seller's Closing Costs which are customary in Beaufort
County, South

16.2.   Purchaser's Closing Costs:     Purchaser shall be responsible to pay
the cost of:

        (a)    Recording of the Deed and any Town of Hilton Head Island, South
        Transfer Fee and any other applicable transfer fee(s) ;

        (b)    The Cost of any title insurance premium chargeable for the
Commitment and any
        policy of Title Insurance issued therefrom; and,

        (c)    Any other Purchaser Closing Costs which are customary in
Beaufort County,
        South Carolina.

17.     Attorney's Fees and Costs:     If any legal action or other proceeding
is brought for the

enforcement of this Agreement, or because of a dispute, breach, default or
misrepresentation in

connection with any of the provisions of this Agreement, the successful or
prevailing party or

parties shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorney's fees and any
costs incurred as a result

of any such dispute, whether incurred before the institution of suit or after
the commencement of

suit, including appellate proceedings, in addition to any other relief to which
the prevailing party

is entitled.

18.     Damage or Risk of Loss:        The risk of loss or complete or partial
destruction of the

Property shall rest with Seller up to the time that the Closing occurs. If the
Property is damaged,

but repairable prior to Closing, Seller has the option of repairing and
proceeding. If the Property

is damaged, but un-repairable prior to Closing, Purchaser shall be entitled to
a return of any

Escrow Deposit together with any accrued interest thereon, and this Agreement
shall be

terminated, and neither party shall have any further rights or obligations with
respect to the other.

19.      Condemnation:         If, between the date of this Agreement and the
Closing, a taking or

                                           Page 16 of 19
 condemnation of the Property is threatened or commenced by any party or entity
other than

Purchaser, Purchaser may elect, in writing, within five (5) days after receipt
of notice from Seller

of such taking or condemnation, accompanied by information regarding the amount
and payment

of the condemnation proceeds, to terminate this Agreement or to purchase the
Property without

regard to such condemnation.       If Purchaser fails to notify Seller of
Purchaser's election,

Purchaser will be deemed to have elected to proceed with the purchase of the
Property without

regard to such taking or condemnation. In the event Purchaser elects to
purchase, Seller shall

have no obligation to repair or replace any of the Property destroyed, nor
shall the purchase price

be adjusted. If Purchaser elects to terminate this Agreement, Purchaser shall
notify Seller of

such election in writing; this Agreement shall be of no further force and
effect; Escrow Agent

shall immediately return the Deposit to Purchaser; and Seller shall be entitled
to receive any

condemnation awards payable as a result of such taking or condemnation. If
Purchaser elects to

purchase the Property despite such taking or condemnation Seller shall assign
its rights to and

Purchaser shall be entitled to receive any condemnation awards payable as a
result of such taking

or condemnation. However, in the event Seller determines that the amount of

awards payable as a result of such taking or condemnation exceeds the Purchase
Price, Seller

may elect at any time and in their sole discretion to terminate this Agreement
and retain and

receive all rights to such condemnation awards, and Purchaser shall be entitled
to the return of all

deposits paid, and neither party shall have any further rights or obligation
against the other.

Nothing in this Article shall apply to any taking or condemnation instigated by

       20.     Escrow Agent: The "Escrow Agent" shall be Gregory M. Alford,
Alford Law

Firm, LLC, 18 Executive Park Road, Building 1, Hilton Head Island, South
Carolina 29928, P.O.

Drawer 8008, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina 29938 . If any dispute should
arise as to

                                           Page 17 of 19
 whether Escrow Agent is obligated to deliver any Escrow Deposit, or any funds
or documents

which it holds, Escrow Agent shall not be required to make delivery thereof,
but, in such event

shall hold the same until receipt, by Escrow Agent, of written authorization
from Seller and

Purchaser directing the disposition of the same. In the absence of such written

Escrow Agent may hold any Escrow Deposit, or any other funds or documents in

with this transaction in its possession until a final determination of the
rights of the Parties by a

Court of competent jurisdiction. If such written authorization is not given or
proceedings for

such determination are not begun and diligently continued, Escrow Agent may
institute an

appropriate proceeding for leave to place any Escrow Deposit, or any other
funds or documents

in connection with this transaction in its possession with the Clerk of Court
for Beaufort County,

South Carolina, pending such determination. Escrow Agent shall not be charged
with notice of

any fact or circumstance unless and until written notice of the same is
received by Escrow Agent.

Upon making the delivery of the funds or documents which Escrow Agent may hold

accordance with the provisions of this Article 20, Escrow Agent shall have no
further obligation

or liability to Purchaser and Seller, and Purchaser and Seller agree to
indemnify and hold Escrow

Agent harmless from any such liability.

       21.     Matters Subsequent to Closing:         Seller acknowledges that
it has obligations

under this Agreement to be fulfilled subsequent to Closing. Seller acknowledges
that all such

obligations survive the Closing whether or not a specific statement to that
effect is set forth in

connection with each such obligation.

                                (SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS)

                                           Page 18 of 19
        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller and Purchaser caused their duly authorized
officers and

representatives to execute this Agreement as of the date and year first above

WITNESSES:                                    THE TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND,
                                              SOUTH CAROLINA

                                             By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                                                  Drew A. Laughlin, Mayor

                                              Attest: - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                                      Stephen G. Riley, Town

WITNESSES:                                   PINELAND AS SOCIATES II, LLC

                                             By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                                                  Jon S. Wheeler, Manager

                                          Page 19 of 19

                        )                       GENERAL WARRANTY DEED


ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA ("Grantor") in the State aforesaid and in consideration
of the

sum of ONE MILLION AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) and no other

to it in hand paid at and before the sealing of these presents by PINELAND

LLC ("Grantee"), having an address of c/o Wheeler Interests, Inc., Riversedge
North, 2529

Virginia Beach Boulevard, Suite 200, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452 , in the
State aforesaid, the

receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and
released, and by these

Presents does grant, bargain, sell and release unto the said Grantee, its
successors and assigns

forever, in the following described property:

       ALL that certain piece, parcel or tract ofland situate, lying and being
in the Town
       of Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, shown and
described as
       Parcel C (Mathews Drive Parcel) on a plat dated March 29, 1982 and
recorded in
       the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina,
in Plat
       Book 30 at Page 112. Said property being more fully described in that
       deed of Pineland Mall Associates, L.P., dated January 30, 2001 , and
recorded in
       the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina
       January 31 , 2001 in Official Record Book 13 79 at Page 1319.

       Beaufort County TMS#: R511-008-000-0156-0000

       AND ALSO :

       ALL that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being
in the Town
       of Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, shown and
described as
       containing 8.35 acres on a plat dated March 29, 1982 and recorded in the

        of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat
Book 30 at
       Page 112. Said property being more fully described in that certain deed
       Pineland Mall Associates, L.P., dated January 30, 2001 , and recorded in
       Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on
       31 , 2001 in Official Record Book 13 79 at Page 1319.

       Beaufort County TMS#:          R511-008-000-098B-0000

       This being the same property conveyed to The Town of Hilton Head Island,
       Carolina by deed of Pineland Mall Associates, L.P. , dated January 30,
2001 , and
       recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County,
       Carolina on January 31 , 2001 in Official Record Book 13 79 at Page

       This Deed was prepared in the law offices of Alford Law Firm, LLC, Post
       Drawer 8008, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, 29938-8008, by Mitchell
       Thoreson, Esq.

       TOGETHER with all and singular, the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and
Appurtenances to the said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or

       TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular, the said Premises before
mentioned unto
the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever.

       AND the said Grantor does hereby bind Grantor and Grantor's successors,
executors and administrators , to warrant and forever defend, all and singular,
the said Premises
unto the said Grantee, the Grantee's successors and assigns, against Grantor
and Grantor's
successors and assigns and all persons whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to
claim the same or
any part thereof.

                            (SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE)

         WITNESS Grantor' s Hand and Seal, this - - - day of - - - - - - - - -
, 2014.

                                                    SOUTH CAROLINA

Signature of 1'1 Witness                            By: Drew A. Laughlin, Mayor

Signature of 2"d Witness (the Notary Public)        Attest: Stephen G. Riley,
Town Manager

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA                    )
                                           )        ACKNOWLEDGMENT
COUNTY OF BEAUFORT                         )

       I, the undersigned Notary Public do hereby certify that Drew A. Laughlin
and Stephen G.
Riley personally appeared before me this day and, in the presence of the two
witnesses above
named, acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument.

        Witness my hand and seal this _ _ day of - - - - - - -, 2014.

        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(SEAL)
        Signature of Notary Public for State of South Carolina
        My Commission expires: _ _ _ _ __
        (affix seal)

      EXHIBIT "B"



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