SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION
                                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                                                       April 9,
  Aneliya Crawford, Esq.
  Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP
  New York, New York 10022

          Re:     Argo Group International Holdings, Ltd.
                  PRRN14A filed by Voce Catalyst Partners LP, et al.
                  Filed April 5, 2019
                  File No. 001-15259

  Dear Ms. Crawford:

          We have reviewed the above-captioned filing, and have the following
comments. Some
  of our comments may ask for additional information so we may better
understand the disclosure.

         Please respond to this letter by amending the filing and/or by
providing the requested
  information. If you do not believe our comments apply to your facts and
circumstances and/or
  do not believe an amendment is appropriate, please tell us why in a written

          After reviewing any amendment to the filing and any information
provided in response to
  these comments, we may have additional comments.

  Schedule 14A

  1. The participants represent that "votes to `ABSTAIN' will not have any
effect on the election
     of directors and will have the same effect as an `AGAINST' vote with
respect to [Proposal
     1]." Because Proposal 1 has a majority of votes cast  as distinguished
from plurality voting
      standard, abstentions will have no effect on the outcome of the vote on
that proposal
     whereas a vote AGAINST could prove outcome-determinative. Please revise or

  2. Please refer to the following statement: "A representative of the
Company's IR department
     responded to Voce's email and offered a call with her or a meeting during
a future
     investment conference (at an unspecified time and with unspecified
attendees)." Please
     advise us whether Argo's Investor Relations offered the names of any
specific individuals
     who would also be willing to meet outside of an industry conference and/or
organized event.

  3. Please refer to the following statement: "Argo announced the purported
appointment of two
     new directors to its Board...despite the fact that there were no `casual
vacancies' (i.e., those
     resulting from a death or resignation between annual meetings) existing on
the Board at the
     time of the appointments." Please remove the implication the appointments
were illegal
     under Bermuda law, or provide us with a brief legal analysis in support of
the apparent
     conclusion that only casual vacancies may be lawfully filled through a
Board action.
 Aneliya Crawford, Esq.
April 9, 2019
Page 2

        We remind you that the participants are responsible for the accuracy
and adequacy of
their disclosures, notwithstanding any review, comments, action or absence of
action by the staff.

        You may contact me at (202) 551-3266 with any questions.


                                                            /s/ Nicholas P.

                                                            Nicholas P. Panos
                                                            Senior Special
                                                            Office of Mergers
and Acquisitions