SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION
                                               WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                                                 May 3, 2019

  By E-Mail

  Andrew M. Freedman, Esq.
  Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP
  1325 Avenue of the Americas
  New York, NY 10019

          Re:     Gannett Co., Inc.
                  Definitive Additional Materials on Schedule 14A filed by MNG
                    Inc., et. al.
                  Filed on May 2 and 3, 2019
                  File No. 001-36874

  Dear Mr. Freedman:

         We have reviewed your filings and have the following comments. In some
of our
  comments, we may ask you to provide us with information so we may better
understand your

  1.      Refer to the second page of the press release dated May 2, 2019. On
that page you list a
          series of bullet points that purport to be quotes from the ISS
report. The last paragraph on
          the page begins with quotation marks but does not have closing
quotation marks and you
          do not specify whose statement is intended to be included. Given that
ISS appears to have
          recommended that shareholders vote for only one of your nominees, the
          relating to all three of your nominees would appear to be from MNG
but it is not so
          stated. Please revise your disclosure or advise.

  2.      Refer to the press release dated May 3, 2019. Given Mr. Kramer's
former employment
          with the company, it is unclear how he is conflicted, lacks
independence and lacks
          objectivity to fulfill the functions of a director you reference in
your disclosure. Please
          revise your disclosure to explain it or tell us why it is not
necessary to do so.

          Please direct any questions to me at (202) 551-3619.


                                                                 /s/ Daniel F.
                                                                 Daniel F.
                                                                 Office of
Mergers and Acquisitions