May 28, 2019

Donald Steinberg
Chief Executive Officer
Marijuana Co of America, Inc.
1340 West Valley Parkway, Suite 205
Escondido, California 92029

       Re: Marijuana Co of America, Inc.
           Form 10-K for period ended December 31, 2018
           Filed April 15, 2019
           Form 10-Q for the period ended March 31, 2019
           Filed May 20, 2019
           File No. 000-27039

Dear Mr. Steinberg:

       We have reviewed your filing and have the following comments. In some of
comments, we may ask you to provide us with information so we may better
understand your

       Please respond to these comments within ten business days by providing
the requested
information or advise us as soon as possible when you will respond. If you do
not believe our
comments apply to your facts and circumstances, please tell us why in your

       After reviewing your response to these comments, we may have additional

Form 10-K for period ended December 31, 2018 filed April 15, 2019

Consulting Services, page 5

1.    We note your revisions in amendment 2 to your Form S-1 to clarify that
you have not yet
      offered any bookkeeping or property management services to date. Revise
      disclosures throughout your Form 10-K to correct your descriptions of the
status of those
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Operations, page

2.    It appears you have removed most of your disclosure about your
Bougainville and Gate
      C joint ventures in your Form 10-K. Given that your MD&A is required to
address all the
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Comapany NameMarijuana Co of America, Inc.
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         periods for which financial statements are presented and your
activities related to these
         joint ventures significantly affected your results of operations and
cash flows in those
         periods, revise to more clearly address the activities related to your
joint ventures
         with Bougainville and Gate C, balanced with appropriate disclosure to
clearly explain the
         current status of these joint ventures. Clearly quantify the amounts
invested and
         impairments taken.
Results of Operations, page 22

3.       Revise to provide a tabular breakdown of the amounts included in your
Selling, General
         and Administrative expenses, and more clearly explain the fluctuations
during the periods
Revenue, page 22

4.       Please address the following regarding your reported 89.4% increase in
annual revenue of
         $225,305 to $252,135 at December 31, 2018 pursuant to Item
303(a)(3)(iii) of Regulation
           Please revise your brief discussion to provide a quantified
narrative explaining the
            extent to which this increase is the result of price increases
versus volume increases.
           You disclose on page 42 that you have introduced several new
products. Clearly
            identify the nature of the new products and the amount of revenue
produced by the
            new products.
5.       Please address the following:
           Tell us and revise your MD&A to more clearly identify the nature of
the revenues
            labeled "Related Party Sales" on page 23.
           Revise your related party disclosures to identify the recipient of
the services.
           To the extent these revenues are derived from services rendered
rather than product
            sales, separately report the cost of these revenues from your cost
of product sales.
Liquidity and Capital Resources, page 24

6.       Please revise to address the following regarding the material
definitive agreement signed
         with Natural Plant Extract of California, Inc. effective April 15,
2019 as disclosed on page
           Given the significance of the $2 million in cash and $1 million
worth of your restricted
            common stock you committed to convey to Natural Plant Extract
within 90 days of
            April 15, 2019 to your available liquidity, revise to describe the
expected material
            impact to your capital resources, and disclose your anticipated
source of funding to
            fulfill such commitment. The discussion should include cash,
equity, and any other
            resources impacted. Refer to Item 303(a)(2) of Regulation S-K.
           Revise the "one million shares of our restricted common stock"
currently disclosed
            throughout this filing, to reconcile with the language in the Stock
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Marijuana Co of America, Inc.
May 28, 2019
Page 3
             Agreement in Exhibit 10.2 to Form 8-K dated April 15th and filed
April 17, 2019 that
             the "Purchaser agreed to issue to Seller one million dollars worth
of Purchasers'
             unregistered and restricted common stock."
             Revise the "March 15, 2019" currently disclosed in this filing, to
reconcile the
             inconsistency with the terms "effective on April 15, 2019" in the
agreement in the
             aforementioned Form 8-K.
             Revise to disclose a timeline of your activities and discussions
conducted with the
             owners and management of Natural Plant Extract that culminated in
the material
             definitive agreement.
Investing Activities, page 25

7.       You disclose on page 24 that none of your investments in MoneyTrac,
Conveniant Hemp
         Mart, and the joint ventures with Global Hemp Group have produced
revenue, and most
         have been fully impaired with a significant impact to your liquidity
and results of
         operations. Please revise to address the following:
           Please revise to include all of your investments, including
Bougainville and Gate C.
           Further revise to disclose this known trend and uncertainty
regarding these critical
            estimates, specifically quantifying the amount impairment for each
of your
            investments entered into during 2017 and 2018.
Item 9A. Controls and Procedures, page 30

8.       Regarding your conclusion that your disclosure controls and procedures
(DCP) were
         effective, please revise to address the following:
           Please tell us how you were able to conclude that your DCP were
effective considering
             the fact that you did not file all your periodic reports in a
timely manner. DCP should
             be designed to ensure that information disclosed in your reports
filed or submitted
             under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized, and
reported within the
             periods specified in the SEC's rules.
           Further revise your DCP conclusion based on the other comments in
this letter as
9.       Please revise your disclosure to provide management's annual report on
internal control
         over financial reporting. Refer to Regulation S-K, Item 308.
Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and
Stockholder Matters, page 33
FirstName LastNameDonald Steinberg
10.    Please revise to provide the beneficial ownership of Robert L. Hymers
III or tell us
Comapany NameMarijuana is not required. Refer to Item 403(b) and Item 402(a)(3)
       why the information Co of America, Inc.
       Regulation S-K.
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Marijuana LastNameDonald Steinberg
Comapany NameMarijuana Co of America, Inc.
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Consolidated Financial Statements
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm, page F-1

11.      The audit report accompanying your financial statements omits the
opinion sentence, and
         therefore, does not meet the requirements of Rule 2.02 of Regulation
S-X. Please address
         the following:
           As previously requested, please ensure that your auditors provide
reports that are fully
             compliant with PCAOB AS 3101, including the actual opinion
sentence of the report.
           Revise to ensure that the auditor's city and state reflected in both
this audit report and
             the auditor's consent in exhibit 23 are consistent.
Note 1 - Significant Accounting Policies
Stock Based Compensation, page F-7

12.      Please address the following:
           As previously requested in comment #6 issued in our February 22,
2019 letter, revise
            to specifically clarify whether you used the trading price of your
stock in determining
            the fair value of your options via the Binomial Option Pricing
Model and whether any
            adjustments were made to the trading price in determining the fair
value of the award.
            If adjustments were made to the trading price, disclose the reasons
for and nature of
            the adjustments, and tell us the amount of such adjustments.
           To the extent you used the fair value of services rendered in lieu
of the share-based
            payments, disclose the extent this occurred, and tell us the
amounts and reasons this
13.      You disclose on page F-7 that there were no stock options outstanding
as of December 31,
         2018. However, elsewhere in your documents you disclose that there
were options
         exercisable into one million shares outstanding as of December 31,
2018. Revise to
         reconcile this apparent inconsistency. If the inconsistency relates to
the February 27, 2019
         cancellation of Larsen and Steinberg options, revise to more clearly
disclose that fact and
         how the cancellation was accounted for.
Adoption of Accounting Standards, page F-9

14.      Your revenue recognition policy on page F-6 continues to be based on
the recognition
         framework of ASC 605. However, elsewhere you disclose that you adopted
ASC 606
         effective January 1, 2018. Please address the following:
           Revise to provide the required transitional disclosures under ASC
606, including the
             nature and amount of adjustments upon adoption.
           To the extent you do not believe there were any adjustments upon
your adoption of
             ASC 606, disclose that fact and tell us in detail how you arrived
at that conclusion.
           Revise your revenue recognition policies throughout your document to
reflect your
             appropriate consideration of the guidance and framework of ASC
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Marijuana LastNameDonald Steinberg
Comapany NameMarijuana Co of America, Inc.
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Note 4 - Investments, page F-10

15.      We note your revision to disclose your quarterly investment activity
on page 44 of your
         amended Form S-1. Revise to provide this rollforward in your Form
10-K. Further as
         previously requested in comment #4 issued in our February 22, 2019
letter, in light of
         your significant cash outlays, debt obligations, impairments, losses
on equity investments,
         and gain on cancellation of debt related to your various interests
reported in both your
         Investments and Short-term Investments line items, please also revise
your investment
         rollforward to provide a separate tabular rollforward for the related
debt line items for
         each of the periods presented in your next amendment that reconciles
to the amounts
         presented on your Balance Sheet and Statements of Operations.
16.      In addition, revise to disclose the following:
           Separately disclose the activity of your two Global Hemp
investments: the New
             Brunswick investment and the Scio, Oregon Investment, or explain
how they are
             related to each other and why they should be combined.
           Clearly label your Global Hemp investments throughout your filings
as related party
           Regarding each of the investments in the Global Hemp Group, explain
the following
             for each investment:
             o   the $375,000 loss in the third quarter of 2017 after only a
$10,775 investment,
             o   the subsequent $364,225 gain in the fourth quarter of 2017 -
how it was calculated,
             o   the large $986,654 investment in 2018 after a zero balance at
December 31, 2017;
             o   why it was impaired at December 31, 2018;
           Regarding Benihemp, identify the triggers for impairment at December
31, 2018.
           Regarding MoneyTrac, explain why it was moved to short-term and how
             unrealized gain was calculated.
           Regarding Bougainville Ventures, Inc., disclose the background of
             investment during the periods presented, including the impairments
taken, and identify
             the triggers for those impairment charges.
           Regarding Gate C Research, Inc., disclose the background of this
investment during
             the periods presented, including the impairments taken, and
identify the triggers for
             those impairment charges.
Note 13 - Commitments and Contingencies
Litigation, page F-21

17.      We note $1,682,870 of legal contingency expense in 2018 on pages F-3
and 23, and stock
         issued to settle a legal case on pages F-4 and F-17. Please revise the
           Revise this litigation footnote to describe each material case or
exposure experienced
             during the periods presented;
           Revise MD&A to describe this material unusual event; and
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Marijuana LastNameDonald Steinberg
Comapany NameMarijuana Co of America, Inc.
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             Revise your critical accounting policies and significant
accounting policies to address
             your accounting for loss contingencies, including how you ensure
they are recorded on
             a timely basis.
Note 15 - Subsequent Events, page F-24

18.      We note the Letter of Intent you entered into with Natural Plant
Extract of California, Inc.
         on March 18, 2019 on page F-24. Please provide the following:
           It appears the material definitive agreement was effective on April
15, 2019, which is
            the same as the audit report date. Revise your subsequent events
footnote to
            acknowledge existence and terms of the material definitive
           Please provide us with your quantified significance tests for this
investment for
            purposes of both Rule 8-03(b) Regulation S-X and ASC 323-10-50-3.
Certifications, page E.31

19.      We note the certifications filed as Exhibits 31.1 and 31.2, with this
10-K on April 15,
         2019, are missing the introductory language in paragraph 4 referring
to internal control
         over financial reporting. We note that you also omitted the paragraph
regarding design of
         internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, please file an
amendment to your
         Form 10-K that includes the entire filing together with the
certifications of each of your
         current CEO and CFO in the form currently set forth in Item 601(b)(31)
of Regulation S-
Form 10-Q for period ended March 31, 2019 filed May 20, 2019

Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
Statement of Cash Flows, page 7

20.      We note your $12,000 impairment of investment in BV joint venture
during the three
         months ended March 31, 2019. Please revise your MD&A to disclose the
trigger for this
         impairment charge, including the timing for this charge after the
investment was fully
         impaired in 2018.
Note 3--Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Revenue Recognition, page 9

21.      Revise your disclosures here to reflect your adoption of ASC 606 as
noted in above
Note 3--Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Recent Accounting Pronouncements, page 12

22.      You disclose here that you adopted ASC 842 for leases as of January 1,
2019 using the
         modified retrospective method. Revise to provide the disclosures
required by ASC 842,
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Marijuana LastNameDonald Steinberg
Comapany NameMarijuana Co of America, Inc.
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         including the transitional guidance depicting the adjustments
reflecting the impact of your
         adoption. To the extent you believe there were no adjustments, provide
us with your
         detailed analysis of the literature as it applies to your current
leases that supports your
Note 11 - Subsequent Events, page 22

23.      Please revise to address the following regarding your definitive
material agreement with
         Unicast Equities, LLC entered into on May 1, 2019, and your Letter of
Intent with
         Essence Farms, LLC signed on May 14, 2019, on page 22:
           Please revise to disclose the details and timing of any current or
future commitments
            you made under either transaction.
           Please revise to discuss the nature of the Unicast consulting
           File the documents related to the Essence Farms agreements.

Management's Discussion and Analysis, page 24

24.      Revise to provide the investment and joint venture rollforward similar
to that provided in
         your Form S-1 for the periods presented here. Update the rollforward
to address the
         relevant comments, including addition of the debt related to those
Item 4. Controls and Procedures, page 32

25.      Regarding your conclusion that your disclosure controls and procedures
(DCP) were
         effective, please revise to address the following:
           Please tell us how you were able to conclude that your DCP were
effective considering
             the fact that you did not file all your periodic reports in a
timely manner. DCP should
             be designed to ensure that information disclosed in your reports
filed or submitted
             under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized, and
reported within the
             periods specified in the SEC's rules.
           Further revise your DCP conclusion based on the other comments in
this letter as
        We remind you that the company and its management are responsible for
the accuracy
and adequacy of their disclosures, notwithstanding any review, comments, action
or absence of
action by the staff.
 Donald Steinberg
Marijuana Co of America, Inc.
May 28, 2019
Page 8

       You may contact Bonnie Baynes at 202-551-4924 or Kevin Vaughn at
202-551-3494 if
you have questions regarding comments on the financial statements and related
matters. Please
contact Jeffrey Gabor at 202-551-2544 or Mary Beth Breslin at 202-551-3625 with
any other

FirstName LastNameDonald Steinberg
                                                          Division of
Corporation Finance
Comapany NameMarijuana Co of America, Inc.
                                                          Office of Healthcare
& Insurance
May 28, 2019 Page 8
cc:       Tad Mailander, Esq.
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