(Release No. 34-85978; File No. 013-00140)

May 31, 2019

Initial Form ATS-N Filing; Notice of Extension of Commission Review Period

              On February 13, 2019, Virtu MatchIt ATS filed an initial Form
ATS-N ("Form ATS-N")

with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission"). Pursuant to Rule
304 under the

Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 ("Act"), the Commission may, after notice
and an

opportunity for hearing, declare an initial Form ATS-N ineffective no later
than 120 days from

the date of filing with the Commission, or, if applicable, the extended review
period. June 13,

2019 is 120 calendar days from the date of filing. Pursuant to Rule
304(a)(1)(iv)(B), the

Commission may extend the initial Form ATS-N review period for up to an
additional 120

calendar days if the initial Form ATS-N is unusually lengthy or raises novel or
complex issues

that require additional time for review.

              Virtu MatchIt ATS was operating pursuant to an initial operation
report on Form ATS on

file with the Commission as of January 7, 2019.1 Virtu MatchIt ATS filed an
initial Form ATS-

N on February 13, 2019. During the initial 120 calendar day review period, the

staff has been reviewing the disclosures on Virtu MatchIt ATS's initial Form

addition, the staff has been engaged in ongoing discussions with Virtu MatchIt
ATS about its

disclosures and manner of operations, as well as the requirements of Form
ATS-N, to facilitate

complete and comprehensible disclosures that reflect the complexities of those

              An NMS Stock ATS (as defined in Rule 300(k) of Regulation ATS)
that was operating
              pursuant to an initial operation report on Form ATS on file with
the Commission as of
              January 7, 2019 is a "Legacy NMS Stock ATS." 17 CFR
        Form ATS-N requires NMS Stock ATSs to file with the Commission, and
disclose to the

public for the first time, certain information, including descriptions by the
NMS Stock ATSs of

their fees, the trading activities by their broker-dealer operators and their
affiliates in the NMS

Stock ATSs, their use of market data, their written standards for granting
access to trading on the

NMS Stock ATSs, and their written safeguards and procedures for protecting
their subscribers'

confidential trading information required by revised Rule 301(b)(10) of
Regulation ATS. The

initial Form ATS-N disclosures and discussions with Commission staff have

complexities about the operations of Legacy NMS Stock ATSs including, among
other things,

matching functionalities, means of order entry, order interaction and execution

conditional order processes, segmentation of orders, and counterparty selection
protocols. The

Commission staff needs additional time to review novel and complex issues such
as these, which

Commission staff has discussed with Virtu MatchIt ATS. Extending the initial
Form ATS-N

Commission review period for an additional 120 calendar days will provide
Commission staff an

opportunity to continue its review of the initial Form ATS-N disclosures and
discussions with

Virtu MatchIt ATS.

       In the conversations between Virtu MatchIt ATS and Commission staff
about the initial

Form ATS-N disclosures and the ATS operations, Commission staff and Virtu
MatchIt ATS

have discussed a potential amendment to update Virtu MatchIt ATS's disclosures
regarding the

complexities of its operations. Extending the review period will enable the NMS
Stock ATS to

amend its disclosures, if appropriate, and allow Commission staff to conduct a
thorough review

of amendments to the initial disclosures provided on the initial Form ATS-N.

       For the reasons given above, the Commission is extending the review
period of the initial

Form ATS-N submitted by Virtu MatchIt ATS. Accordingly, pursuant to Rule
 October 11, 2019 is the date by which the Commission may declare the initial
Form ATS-N

submitted by Virtu MatchIt ATS ineffective.

       By the Commission.

                                              Eduardo A. Aleman
                                              Deputy Secretary