SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION
                                              WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                                              June 12, 2020

  Via E-Mail
  Peter G. Smith
  Kramer Levin Nafatlis & Frankel LLP
  1177 Avenue of the Americas
  New York, New York 10036

          Re:     First Choice Healthcare Solutions, Inc.
                  PREN14A filed on June 9, 2020
                  Filed by VIA Acquisition Corp.
                  File No. 0-53012

  Dear Mr. Smith:

         The staff in the Office of Mergers and Acquisitions in the Division of
  Finance has conducted a limited review of the filing listed above. We have
the following
  comments. Defined terms used here have the same meaning as in your proxy

         Please respond to this letter by revising your proxy statement, by
providing the requested
  information, or by advising us when you will provide the requested response.
In some of our
  comments, we may ask you to provide us with information so we may better
understand your
  disclosure. If you do not believe our comments apply to your facts and
circumstances or do not
  believe an amendment is appropriate, please tell us why in your response.

         After reviewing your revised filing and the information you provide in
response to these
  comments, we may have additional comments. Please allow time for staff review
of your
  revised proxy statement.

  Preliminary Proxy Statement filed on June 9, 2020 - General

  1. The proxy statement was incorrectly "tagged" as a PREN14A. The correct
EDGAR tag is
     PREC14A. Please revise in future filings.

  2. The nominees are deemed participants in this contest and should be
included as filers on the
     cover page of the proxy statement.

  3. Anthony Salino is the sole stockholder, sole director and President of VIA
Corp. As a
     participant in this solicitation, please include him as a filer on the
proxy statement.

  4. Please mark the proxy statement as preliminary, as required by Rule
 Peter G. Smith, Esq.
Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
June 12, 2020
Page 2

5. We are unable to locate in your proxy statement the disclosure required by
Item 1(c) of
   Schedule 14A and Rule 14a-5(e) of Regulation 14A. Please revise or advise.

6. We have not located in your proxy statement the disclosure and undertaking
required by Item
   23 of Regulation 14A as to shareholders who share an address. Please revise
or advise.

7. Please fill in all blanks throughout the proxy statement. Information that
is subject to change
   may be bracketed to indicate that fact.

8. Please include a Background or other section in the proxy statement that
details the history
   (if any) between any participant and First Choice leading up to this proxy
contest, including a
   summary of the contacts between these parties and the court action that
resulted in the 2020
   Annual Meeting being held.

Proposal One: Election of Directors, page 3

9. Here or in the forepart of the proxy statement, clearly indicate how many
directors will be
   elected at the Annual Meeting. This is confusing because you state there are
currently three
   directors of First Choice but you are running four nominees.

Reasons for the Solicitation, page 8

10. We note the disclosure here that if elected, your nominees intend to cause
the Company to
    explore "strategic alternatives" including "a possible sale or merger of
the Company." In
    discussing your interests in this proxy contest, whether through share
ownership or
    otherwise, discuss whether a participant or any affiliate of a participant
could participate in a
    sale or merger of the Company, either as a party to such transaction or in
some other capacity
    such as an advisor, etc. See Item 5(b)(1) of Schedule 14A.

Certain Information Concerning the Participants, page 10

11. Disclose whether, it you are successful in this solicitation, you will seek
reimbursement from
    the Company for some or all of the costs of this solicitation. If so,
disclose whether you will
    seek shareholder approval of such reimbursement. See Item 4(b)(5) of
Schedule 14A.

12. The disclosure at the top of page 12 indicates that additional information
about VIA,
    Anthony Salino and the Nominees, including their beneficial ownership, will
appear in
    Schedule I attached to the proxy statement. However, Schedule I is one
sentence long and
    does not include any of this information, including all of the disclosure
required by Item 5 of
    Schedule 14A. Please revise to provide it.

13. Refer to the disclosure in the first paragraph of this section on page 10.
Expand the
    disclosure about VIA Corp. to state when it was founded, whether it has
employees, and what
    kind of "business consulting" it provides. See Item 5(b) of Schedule 14A.
 Peter G. Smith, Esq.
Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
June 12, 2020
Page 3

14. With respect to securities of First Choice purchased or sold within the
last two years by any
    participant, include the disclosure required by Item 5(b)(vi) of Schedule

15. Item 5 of Schedule 14A in certain instances requires affirmative disclosure
in the negative.
    For example, Item 5(b)(viii) requires you to state whether or not any
participant is or was
    within the last year a party to any contract, arrangements or understanding
with respect to
    any securities of the registrant. In addition, Item 5(b)(xii) requires
affirmative disclosure
    about whether the participant or its affiliates have any arrangements
regarding future
    transactions. Please disclose.

Other Matters, page 12

16. At the top of page 13, you reference information "anticipated to be in the
Company's Proxy
    Statement relating to the 2020 Annual Meeting." As you are aware, this is a
    meeting and the Company has not filed a proxy statement and it is not
apparent that it will do
    so. Please revise this and similar references to the Company's proxy
statement throughout
    your disclosure document, such as on page 14 and elsewhere.

Questions and Answers Relating to this Proxy Statement, page 13

17. Consider disclosing the record date for the 2020 Annual Meeting earlier in
the disclosure
    document. Currently this information first appears on page 14.

Revocation of Proxies, page 16

18. See our comment above about the record date for the Annual Meeting.
Additionally include
    information about the "location" of the Annual Meeting at the forepart of
the proxy
    statement, including information about how shareholders may attend the
virtual meeting.
    This disclosure currently first appears on page 16.

        We remind you that the filing persons are responsible for the accuracy
and adequacy of
their disclosures, notwithstanding any review, comments, action or absence of
action by the staff.
Please direct any questions to me at (202) 551-3263.


                                                             /s/ Christina

                                                             Christina Chalk
                                                             Senior Special
                                                             Office of Mergers
and Acquisitions