United States securities and exchange commission logo

                            September 1, 2020

       Purnanand D. Sarma, Ph.D.
       Chief Executive Officer
       Immunome Inc.
       665 Stockton Drive, Suite 300
       Exton, PA 19341

                                                        Re: Immunome Inc.
                                                            Draft Registration
Statement on Form S-1
                                                            Filed August 12,
                                                            File No. 377-03406

       Dear Dr. Sarma:

              We have reviewed your draft registration statement and have the
following comments. In
       some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with information so
we may better
       understand your disclosure.

              Please respond to this letter by providing the requested
information and either submitting
       an amended draft registration statement or publicly filing your
registration statement on
       EDGAR. If you do not believe our comments apply to your facts and
circumstances or do not
       believe an amendment is appropriate, please tell us why in your

             After reviewing the information you provide in response to these
comments and your
       amended draft registration statement or filed registration statement, we
may have additional

       Draft Registration Statement on Form S-1 filed August 12, 2020

       Prospectus Summary , page 1

   1.                                                   Please add disclosure
to clarify that, while the company has been working on oncology
                                                        applications of its
therapeutic platforms for an extended period of time, the infectious
                                                        disease applications
needed to develop a therapeutic approach to combat the SARS-CoV-2
                                                        virus are a new area of
study. Clarify any significant disparities between the two
                                                        applications that you
have already identified, and balance the disclosure by noting any
                                                        risks associated with
the shift in focus.
   2.                                                   Please amend your
disclosure to clarify what makes your platform different from other
                                                        research platforms, and
whether any other research currently employs a similar approach.
                                                        In particular, explain
what you mean when you say your approach is "unbiased," and
 Purnanand D. Sarma, Ph.D.
ImmunomeLastNamePurnanand    D. Sarma, Ph.D.
Comapany 1,
September NameImmunome
             2020         Inc.
Page 2    1, 2020 Page 2
FirstName LastName
         whether that is unique to your company. If it is not unique, contrast
your approach to
         those of other companies.
3.       Please define hybridoma, immunoglobulins and IL-38 and other terms of
art on first use.
4.       Please provide more information about the therapeutic approach to
SARS-CoV2, how it
         differs from your approach to oncological disease, and the timing of
anticipated product
         candidate development. Clarify early in your disclosure the time that
you anticipate being
         required to bring such products to market.

5.       Please disclose in the Risk Factors Summary on page 4 that you have on
         funds sufficient to fund your operations only into January 2021.
Please make a
         conforming revision to the going concern risk factor on page 12.
6.       Please supplementally provide us with copies of all written
communications, as defined in
         Rule 405 under the Securities Act, that you, or anyone authorized to
do so on your behalf,
         present to potential investors in reliance on Section 5(d) of the
Securities Act, whether or
         not they retain copies of the communications. Please contact Julia
Griffith at 202-551-
         3267 to discuss how to submit the materials, if any, to us for our
Summary Financial Data, page 8

7.       Please revise note (1) to reference financial statement Note 2. Also,
please expand this
         note to clarify that the EPS data gives effect to the reverse stock
split mentioned on page
Risk Factors, page 10

8.       Please refer to the risk factor on page 23 discussing the company's
possible use of
         accelerated approval pathways for FDA approval. Please disclose the
specific programs
         applicable to products or therapeutic platforms that you are currently
Strategic Collaborations and License Agreements
IMM-BCP-01 Collaboration with the DoD, page 96

9.       Please expand the description of your agreement with the DoD to
disclose the materials
         terms of the agreement. In doing so, please address the nature, scope
and ownership
         of intellectual property created or transferred through the
collaboration, each parties
         rights and obligations, the duration of the agreement, as well as
provisions for future
         payments and royalties, if any. Please make conforming revisions to
the description of the
         agreement in the prospectus summary.
 Purnanand D. Sarma, Ph.D.
Immunome Inc.
September 1, 2020
Page 3

       You may contact Tracie Mariner at 202-551-3744 or Al Pavot at
202-551-3738 if you
have questions regarding comments on the financial statements and related
matters. Please
contact Julia Griffith at 202-551-3267 or Dietrich King at 202-551-8071 with
any other

FirstName LastNamePurnanand D. Sarma, Ph.D.              Sincerely,
Comapany NameImmunome Inc.
                                                         Division of
Corporation Finance
September 1, 2020 Page 3                                 Office of Life
FirstName LastName