United States securities and exchange commission logo

                             January 29, 2021

       Tom Wasserman
       Chief Executive Officer
       Altimar Acquisition Corporation
       40 West 57th Street
       33rd Floor
       New York, NY 10019

                                                        Re: Altimar Acquisition
Statement on From S-4
                                                            Filed January 4,
                                                            File No. 333-251866

       Dear Mr. Wasserman:

              We have reviewed your registration statement and have the
following comments. In
       some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with information so
we may better
       understand your disclosure.

              Please respond to this letter by amending your registration
statement and providing the
       requested information. If you do not believe our comments apply to your
facts and
       circumstances or do not believe an amendment is appropriate, please tell
us why in your

              After reviewing any amendment to your registration statement and
the information you
       provide in response to these comments, we may have additional comments.

       Registration Statement on From S-4 filed January 4, 2021

       Selected Definitions, page 3

   1.                                                   Please revise to
include Seller Earnout Securities, Seller Earnout Share and Seller Earnout
                                                        Unit in your selected
       Questions and Answers About this Business Combination, page 13

   2.                                                   Please revise this
section to include a question that asks and answers the question, "What
                                                        will Altimar Acquistion
Corporation equity holders receive as a result of the business
                                                        combination?" In this
regard, please include in the question and answer section disclosure
                                                        of the percent of Blue
Owl that Altimar's public stockholders will own following the
                                                        business combination.
Please also discuss in this section the multi-class structure of Blue
 Tom Wasserman
FirstName  LastNameTom   Wasserman
Altimar Acquisition Corporation
January 29,NameAltimar
            2021        Acquisition Corporation
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         Owl common stock and how that will effect the concentration of voting
power with the
         Owl Rock Principals and Dyal Principals. Please also disclosure here
that Blue Owl will
         be a controlled company following the business combination.
Q: What will Owl Rock Equityholders and Dyal Equityholders Receive, page 14

3.       Please clarify here that the cash consideration is coming from Altimar
and proceeds from
         the proposed PIPE Investments.
Summary, page 27

4.       Please revise to provide the existing organizational and ownership
structure of relevant
         Owl Rock and Dyal entities.
Simplified Post-Combination Blue Owl Structure, page 28

5.       Please revise this chart to indicate the percentages of voting and
economic interests each
         of the stakeholders will have in Blue Owl Capital Inc. following the
Owl Rock Funds, page 53

6.       We note your various disclosures that Blue Owl will acquire 15% of the
carried interest,
         performance fees, and any other incentive-base allocations or fees
arising in respect of all
         existing and future Owl Rock and Dyal funds, with certain exceptions.
Please revise your
         disclosure at page 13 under "What is the Busness Combination?" to
briefly explain the
         carried interest. Please also revise your disclosures in the risk
factor section and
         elsewhere, as appropriate, to indicate what this means in terms of
future dividends or
         impact on the value of the shares your current shareholders will
receive as part of this
Risk Factors
Altimar's shareholders will experience dilution, page 94

7.       Please clarify here, as you disclose on page 119, that Altimar's
public stockholders will
         own approximately 2% of the common stock of Blue Owl (assuming that no
shares are
         elected to be redeemed), or advise.
Explanatory Note Regarding the Business Combination Agreement, page 108

8.       We note your statement that the representations and warranties in the
         combination agreement:    may be subject to a contractual standard of
materiality different
         from that generally applicable to shareholders and reports and
documents filed with the
         SEC and some representations, warranties and covenants were qualified
by the matters
         contained in the confidential disclosure letters that Altimar,
Neuberger, Owl Rock Capital,
         Owl Rock Feeder and Owl Rock Capital Partners each delivered in
connection with the
         Business Combination Agreement and certain documents filed with the
SEC. Moreover,
         information concerning the subject matter of the representations and
warranties, which do
 Tom Wasserman
FirstName  LastNameTom   Wasserman
Altimar Acquisition Corporation
January 29,NameAltimar
            2021        Acquisition Corporation
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         not purport to be accurate as of the date of this proxy
statement/prospectus, may have
         changed since the date of the Business Combination Agreement."

         Please clarify that information in a business combination agreement
filed as an exhibit to
         an S-4 is part of the disclosure document and may be subject to
federal securities law
Transaction Structure, page 123

9.       We note your disclosure on page 249 that carried interest in the Dyal
Equity Funds and
         any related co-investment or secondary-transaction vehicles will not
be part of Blue Owl.
         We also note disclosure in Note 3 Adjustment (a) on page 203 that
removes certain
         investments and non-controlling interests from Dyal since they are not
part of the
         acquisition of Dyal. Please revise this section and other sections
that discuss the business
         combination agreement to more clearly disclose the parts of Dyal   s
business that are not
         being acquired.
Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Financial Information, page 193

10.      We note your disclosure that the acquisition of Owl Rock is deemed to
be a transaction
         between entities under common control because the same parties which
controlled Owl
         Rock prior to the Business Combination are expected to have a majority
voting interest in
         Blue Owl. Please tell us the following:

                The guidance that supports this accounting determination.
                Why you believe the fact that the same parties which controlled
the target (i.e. Owl
              Rock) prior to the Business Combination are expected to have a
majority voting
              interest in the combined entity (i.e. Blue Owl) is relevant to
the accounting
                How you considered the fact that the entities were not under
common control prior to
              the business combination.
11.      We note your disclosure that Owl Rock is a VIE for which Altimar is
the primary
         beneficiary. Please tell us how you considered the guidance in ASC
805-10-25-5 that
         states that    in a business combination in which a variable interest
entity (VIE) is acquired,
         the primary beneficiary of that entity always is the acquirer    in
determining the
         appropriate accounting for the business combination. Additionally,
please tell us how you
         considered whether you should account for the business combination as
a forward
         purchase acquisition with Altimar as the accounting acquirer.
12.      Please tell us how you determined that the acquisition of Dyal should
be treated as a
         business combination under ASC 805 and accounted for using the
acquisition method.
          Please tell us all the key facts and circumstances and the accounting
guidance that
         supports your accounting determinations, including addressing the

                If Dyal is a variable interest entity, and if so, how you
determined which entity was
 Tom Wasserman
FirstName  LastNameTom   Wasserman
Altimar Acquisition Corporation
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            2021        Acquisition Corporation
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              considered to be the primary beneficiary.
                How you determined which entity was the acquirer.
13.      To more clearly show the impact of the business combination agreement,
please revise
         your pro forma financial information to present the common control
acquisition of Owl
         Rock separately from the Dyal acquisitions. For instance, the
presentation could include
         the following information:

                Historical financial statements of Altimar,
                Historical financial statements of Owl Rock,
                Altimar IPO adjustments,
                Pro forma transaction accounting adjustments,
                Pro forma combined Altimar and Owl Rock,
                Historical financial statements of Dyal,
                Dyal perimeter adjustments,
                Dyal PPA adjustments, and
                Pro forma combined.
Sources and Uses of Funds for the Business Combination, page 200

14.      Please revise to quantify the amount of the earnout payable to certain
holders of Class A
         Units in Owl Rock Group related to a 2018 recapitalization and clarify
how that amount is
         presented in the Uses section of the table and in the pro forma
balance sheet.
Basis of Presentation , page 201

15.      Please revise to provide additional information regarding what the
Autonomous Entity
         Adjustments represent and where they are presented in the pro forma
financial statements.
Note 3     Adjustments to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Balance Sheet,
page 203

16.      Please revise adjustment (a) to provide additional detail regarding
the investments and
         non-controlling interests of Dyal that will not be acquired or refer
to the section of the
         filing that provides this information.
17.      Please revise adjustment (f) to provide a full purchase price
allocation analysis that more
         clearly shows the recognition and calculation of goodwill measured as
the excess of (a)
         over (b) as described in ASC 805-30-30-1 and as illustrated in ASC
18.      Please ensure that each Dyal PPA Adjustment included in the proforma
balance sheet can
         be clearly traced to a note which provides appropriate context to
understand the reason
         and nature of the adjustment and detail to understand how it is
calculated. For example,
         provide this information related to the $59,901 APIC adjustment (f)
and the ($4,715,941)
         APIC adjustment (n).
19.      Please revise adjustment (f) to discuss how you determined the fair
value of the earnout
         amount recognized as consideration and as an adjustment to additional
paid-in capital.
 Tom Wasserman
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Altimar Acquisition Corporation
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            2021        Acquisition Corporation
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20.      We note that in adjustment (g) you recognize a liability and a
decrease in APIC related to
         the Tax Receivable Agreement in the Owl Rock common control
transaction. Please tell
         us the guidance that supports your presentation.
21.      Please revise to more clearly disclose how the non-controlling
interest adjustments of
         ($5,817,139) and ($5,960,240) presented in the table at the bottom of
page 205 are
Business of Blue Owl, page 222

22.      Please revise to compare and contrast the characteristics of permanent
capital vehicles,
         long-dated private funds and managed accounts so an investor clearly
understands the key
         differences among each and how they impact your current and future
financial results.
Our Market Opportunity, page 227

23.      Please indicate whether you or any of the parties connected to this
business combination
         have any relationship with Preqin Ltd. Also indicate whether you or
any of these related
         parties have contributed to the funding of any of Preqin's reports or
studies referred to in
         this registration statement.
Owl Rock   s Management   s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of
Operations, page 256

24.      As disclosed on page F-45, waived fees totaled $123.5 million for the
nine months ended
         September 30, 2020. Noting the material impact these amounts had on
revenues, please
         revise your MD&A to provide information regarding your fee waiver
program to inform
         investors about the quality of, and potential variability of, your
earnings and cash flow, so
         that investors can ascertain the likelihood that past performance is
indicative of future
Non-GAAP Financial Measures, page 262

25.      For each adjustment in your reconciliation to fee related earnings on
page 273 (i.e. long
         term deferred compensation costs back out, deferred distribution cost
add back,
         contribution from Class A investors add back, net loss attributable to
         interests add back), please revise to clarify why the adjustment is
needed and appropriate
         in assessing your core operating results. Please especially detail why
long term deferred
         compensation is not considered part of your core operating results.
26.      For each material adjustment in your reconciliation to distributable
earnings on page 273
         (i.e. long term deferred compensation costs back out, deferred
distribution cost add back,
         contribution from Class A investors add back, net loss attributable to
         interests add back), please revise to clarify why the adjustment is
needed and appropriate
         in assessing your ability to make dividend payments.
27.      Considering the significant number of material adjustments in your
 Tom Wasserman
FirstName  LastNameTom   Wasserman
Altimar Acquisition Corporation
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            2021        Acquisition Corporation
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         to Adjusted EBITDA on page 273, please revise to clarify why you
believe characterizing
         this performance measure as a measure of EBITDA is useful for
investors and
         appropriate. Please tell us why a characterization of this performance
measure as adjusted
         earnings is not more accurate and appropriate.
28.      Please revise to clarify what the contributions from Class A investors
represent and why
         you consider them to be revenue in your Adjusted Revenue non-GAAP
Operating Metrics     Assets Under Management, page 263

29.      Please revise to include a roll forward, for all periods presented, of
assets under
         management (AUM) and fee paying assets under management (FPAUM)
showing the
         beginning balance, gross inflows, gross outflows, market
appreciation/deprecation, new
         funds established, acquisitions/dispositions of existing funds, etc.,
to arrive at an ending
         balance. Please disaggregate the roll forwards by the fund categories,
strategy, type,
         products, etc., if meaningful to understand your business or financial
results. Please also
         identify significant trends or concentrations your AUM and FPAUM and
discuss the
         causal factors for the trends. Refer to Item 303(a)(3) of Regulation
30.      Please revise to disclose your AUM and FPAUM by investment strategy
for each period
Available Capital and AUM Not Yet Paying Fees, page 265

31.      Please revise to disclose any expected timeframe of deployment for
your AUM not yet
         paying fees to allow an investor to better understand how this AUM
will impact future
         financial results.
Components of Consolidated Results of Operations, page 268

32.      Noting the material amounts of    Administrative, transaction and
other fees    as compared
         to total revenues, please revise to separately present any
quantitatively significant type of
         Administrative, transaction and other fees in your income statement
presentation for all
         periods presented.
Critical Accounting Estimates, page 279

33.      We note your disclosure that there have been no material changes to
the critical
         accounting estimates previously disclosed in your audited financial
statements. Please
         revise here and in the MD&A of Dyal to provide enhanced discussion and
analysis of
         critical accounting estimates and assumptions that:

                identifies your critical accounting estimates or assumptions,
                supplements, but does not duplicate, the description of
accounting policies in the
              notes to the financial statements, and
                provides greater insight into the quality and variability of
information regarding
              financial condition and operating performance.
 Tom Wasserman
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Altimar Acquisition Corporation
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            2021        Acquisition Corporation
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         For further guidance, refer to Release No. 33-8350 Interpretation:
Commission Guidance
         Regarding Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
and Results of
The Business Services Platform Overview, page 284

34.      Please revise to quantify the amount of revenue earned for each period
presented, clarify
         where the revenue is presented and provide additional discussion
regarding how the
         Business Services platform impacts your financial results.
Operating Metrics     Assets Under Management, page 288

35.      Please revise to include a roll forward, for all periods presented, of
assets under
         management (AUM) and fee paying assets under management (FPAUM)
showing the
         beginning balance, gross inflows, gross outflows, market
appreciation/deprecation, new
         funds established, acquisitions/dispositions of existing funds, etc.,
to arrive at an ending
         balance. Please disaggregate the roll forwards by the fund categories,
strategy, type,
         products, etc., if meaningful to understand your business or financial
results. Please
         identify significant trends or concentrations in your AUM and FPAUM
and discuss the
         causal factors for the trends. Refer to Item 303(a)(3) of Regulation
36.      Please revise to disclose your AUM and FPAUM by investment strategy
and by any other
         meaningful metric for each period presented to allow an investor to
understand your
         business and financial trends.
Results of Operations, page 291

37.      Noting its apparent material impact on your management fees, please
revise your
         discussion to quantify the amount of catch-up fees recognized for each
period presented.
Certain Relationships and Related Party Transactions, page 310

38.      We note your disclosures that Altimar is affiliated with HPS
Investment Partners and
         Dylan Fund IV's interest in an affiliate of HPS. Please revise this
section, or elsewhere in
         the filing where appropriate to include a discussion that further
explains the various
         connections and related party transactions between any and all of the
relevant parties to
         the many corporate transactions involved in the business combination.
Note 1. Organization and Business Description, page F-35

39.      We note your disclosure that FIC Interests are an equity interest in
the Group. Please
         revise to clearly state, if true, that FIC Interests are not
recognized or presented in the
         carve-out financial statements of Owl Rock Capital.
 Tom Wasserman
Altimar Acquisition Corporation
January 29, 2021
Page 8
Expense Support Agreement, page F-45

40.      Please revise to clarify, if true, that the amounts referred to as
Expense Support    have not
         be reimbursed at period end.
Independent Auditor   s Report, page F-79

41.      Please revise to provide an audit report stating that the audit was
conducted in accordance
         with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
(United States)
         and includes all relevant elements noted in PCAOB Auditing Standard
3101 including
         paragraph 9 or tell us why the current audit report is appropriate and
include supporting
Note 4. Variable Interest Entities, page F-90

42.      We note your disclosure that you consolidate certain entities in which
you are determined
         to be the primary beneficiary. Please revise to disclose the
information required by ASC

43.      Please file the form of Preliminary Proxy Card with the next
amendment. Please also file
         before effectiveness the agreements, such as the Tax Receivables
Agreement, which are
         disclosed under Certain Relationships and Related Party Transactions,
or advise.
        We remind you that the company and its management are responsible for
the accuracy
and adequacy of their disclosures, notwithstanding any review, comments, action
or absence of
action by the staff.

       Refer to Rules 460 and 461 regarding requests for acceleration. Please
allow adequate
time for us to review any amendment prior to the requested effective date of
the registration

       You may contact Michael Volley at (202) 551-3437 or Amit Pande at (202)
551-3423 if
you have questions regarding comments on the financial statements and related
matters. Please
contact Eric Envall at (202) 551-3234 or Susan Block at (202) 551-3210 with any

FirstName LastNameTom Wasserman                                Sincerely,
Comapany NameAltimar Acquisition Corporation
                                                               Division of
Corporation Finance
January 29, 2021 Page 8                                        Office of
FirstName LastName