United States securities and exchange commission logo

                              November 4, 2021

       Byron Roth
       Co-Chief Executive Officer
       Roth CH Acquisition III Co
       888 San Clemente Drive, Suite 400
       Newport Beach, CA 92660

                                                        Re: Roth CH Acquisition
                                                            Amended Preliminary
Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A
                                                            Filed October 20,
                                                            File No. 001-40147

       Dear Mr. Roth:

              We have reviewed your amended filing and have the following
comments. In some of
       our comments, we may ask you to provide us with information so we may
better understand your

              Please respond to these comments within ten business days by
providing the requested
       information or advise us as soon as possible when you will respond. If
you do not believe our
       comments apply to your facts and circumstances, please tell us why in
your response.

             After reviewing your response to these comments, we may have
       comments. Unless we note otherwise, our references to prior comments are
to comments in our
       September 7, 2021 letter.

       Preliminary Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A filed on October 20, 2021

       Letter to Stockholders, page i

   1.                                                   We reissue prior
comment 2. When discussing the business combination, please quantify
                                                        the "portion of the
merger consideration" allocated to each step of the business
                                                        combination and the
capital contribution from ROCR.
   2.                                                   We partially reissue
comment 3. Please clarify and reconcile the 22.2% ownership of
                                                        initial shareholders as
disclosed in the letters to shareholders with the amounts in the
                                                        beneficial ownership
table on page 224.
 Byron Roth
FirstName LastNameByron
Roth CH Acquisition III Co Roth
Comapany 4,
November  NameRoth
             2021    CH Acquisition III Co
Page 2    4, 2021 Page 2
FirstName LastName
Summary of the Proxy Statement, page 18

3.       We note the revisions made in response to comment 6. We note that the
"equity value"
         includes "the value of any Equity Interests of the Company issued as
consideration for any
         acquisitions by the Company prior to the Closing." Please disclose, to
the extent known,
         the current estimated value of this component of the equity value.
Please also revise the
         disclosure to clearly disclose the total consideration to be paid and
how the consideration
         will be allocated to the holders of QualTek, as previously requested.
Clearly disclose the
         amount of consideration that will be paid in cash and the
consideration to be paid in
         equity, clearly disclosing the allocation of each to the holders of
Qualtek. Please clarify
         the "distribution waterfalls" referenced on page 20.
4.       We partially reissue comment 10. Please update the out of pocket
expenses owed to the
         Sponsor or ROCR executive officers and directors as of the most recent
practicable date.
         Please also clearly disclose the value of the shares held by the
Sponsor, ROCR officers
         and directors, and their affiliates based on the market price as of a
recent practicable date.
         Please also disclose any compensation arrangements that will be
provided to Mr. Chawla
         as a director post-business combination, to the extent known.
5.       We partially reissue comment 13. Please highlight the material risks
to public warrant
         holders, including those arising from differences between private and
public warrants.
6.       We partially reissue comment 15. Please revise to disclose the
potential impact of the pre-
         PIPE securities and the PIPE securities, on non-redeeming
Risks Related to ROCR and the Business Combination, page 52

7.       Please revise the risk factor on page 59 relating to the founder
shares and/or private units
         may receive a positive return when the public shareholders receive a
negative return on
         their investment. Please revise to clearly disclose the stock price at
which the founders
         shares and/or private units will achieve a positive return and
contrast that to the purchase
         price of public shareholders.
8.       Revise your disclosure to show the potential impact of redemptions on
the per share value
         of the shares owned by non-redeeming shareholders by including a
sensitivity analysis
         showing a range of redemption scenarios, including minimum, maximum
and interim
         redemption levels. In addition, the dilution information provided on
page 61should be
         revised to provide dilution information at each of the redemption
levels detailed in your
         sensitivity analysis for redemption scenarios, including any needed
9.       We reissue comment 18. It appears that 3.5% marketing fee payable to
Roth and Craig-
         Hallum remains constant and is not adjusted based on redemptions.
Revise your risk
         factor disclosure to disclose the effective fee on a percentage basis
for shares at each
         redemption level presented in your sensitivity analysis related to
 Byron Roth
FirstName LastNameByron
Roth CH Acquisition III Co Roth
Comapany 4,
November  NameRoth
             2021    CH Acquisition III Co
Page 3    4, 2021 Page 3
FirstName LastName
Unaudited Historical Comparative and Pro Forma Combined Per Share Data Of ROCR
Qualtek, page 94

10.      We note your disclosure that you do not intend on providing historical
book value per
         share, weighted average shares outstanding for basic and diluted
purposes and net loss per
         share basic and diluted for Qualtek due to your disclosure that
QualTek   s historical equity
         structure makes such measures not valuable metrics. In order to better
understand the
         Company's position, please further describe why such measures would
not be considered
         valuable metrics in light of the fact that your financial statements
already disclose the
         weighted average number of units and net loss per share on pages F-38
and F-62.
Background of the Business Combination, page 95

11.      We reissue comment 21. Please revise the disclosure in this section to
provide a
         description of how Qualtek was identified and by whom, and how the
negotiations were
         started and by whom.
12.      We note that the initial communications with Qualtek were with ROCC,
an affiliated
         SPAC. Please clearly disclose the executive officers and directors of
ROCC who are also
         officers and directors of ROCR. Please also clearly disclose any
communications between
         ROCC, its officers or directors, or other representatives of ROCC, and
Qualtek relating to
         the consideration of completing a business combination through ROCR.
Please clearly
         disclose the initial communications between Qualtek and ROCR,
including the date and
         who initiated the communications.
13.      Please clearly identify who at ROCR connected with the investment
banking group at
         Citigroup on March 4 and clarify the nature of the communications and
whether Mr.
         Weinberg, and/or Qualtek were involved with this communication. Please
also clearly
         disclose how the members of ROCR management were previously aware of
14.      We reissue comment 23. Please disclose any discussions about the need
to obtain
         additional financing for the combined company through a PIPE
transaction(including the
         pre PIPE), and the negotiation/marketing processes, such as who
selected the potential
         PIPE investors, what relationships did the PIPE investors have to
ROCR, the sponsor,
         Qualtek and its affiliates, and the placement agent, and how were the
terms of the PIPE
         transactions determined. In addition, please disclose whether there
were any valuations or
         other material information about the ROCR, Qualtek, or the de-SPAC
         provided to potential PIPE investors that have not been disclosed
The Board of Directors' Reasons for the Approval of the Business Combination,
page 101

15.      We reissue comment 27. Please clarify whether and how the Board took
into account the
         consideration being paid in this transaction in recommending the
transaction, and if not,
         why not.
 Byron Roth
FirstName LastNameByron
Roth CH Acquisition III Co Roth
Comapany 4,
November  NameRoth
             2021    CH Acquisition III Co
Page 4    4, 2021 Page 4
FirstName LastName
Consideration to be Received in the Business Combination, page 110

16.      Please calculate and disclose clearly the consideration to be received
by the equityholders
         of QualTek in the business combination, as requested in comment 28.
For instance,
         clarify the reference in calculating the blocker owner consideration
to "the number of
         shares of Class A Common Stock equal to the merger consideration."
Management of ROCR, page 165

17.      Please provide clear disclosure of the current stock price of prior
affiliated SPACs.
Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates
Impairment of Goodwill and Long-lived Assets, page 206

18.      We note your response to comment 36. Please further expand your
disclosures to:
             Quantify and discuss the material assumptions underlying your
estimate of the fair
            value of the reporting units for which you recorded an impairment;
             Quantify and discuss the potential impact of changes in those
assumptions on the
            remaining goodwill in those reporting units.
Note 1. Nature of Business and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Revenue Recognition, page F-43

19.      We note your response to comment 41. Please further clarify how you
recognize revenue
         for each identified performance obligation. Given your disclosure that
for the Company   s
         projects recognized under the input method, the Company typically
identifies two
         promised goods and services in the contract: (a) delivery of materials
and (b) installation
         and construction services, it is unclear whether the Company has
concluded that revenue
         for both identified performance obligations should be recognized over
time using the input
         method. In that regard, please tell us how you considered the guidance
under 606-10-25-
         23 through ASC 606-10-25-30 for each of your identified performance
obligations. Please
         expand your disclosures accordingly consistent with the guidance in
ASC 606-10-50-17
         through ASC 606-10-50-19.
20.      Notwithstanding our comment above, please further expand your
disclosures to highlight
         the number of performance obligations you identified in your revenue
streams that do not
         use an input measure. In that regard, and based on your disclosures on
page F-44, please
         clarify how many performance obligations you identified for the
revenue recognized for
         your engineering, aerial and underground construction contracts that
you use an output
         measure to recognize revenue and your fulfillment, maintenance,
compliance, and
         recovery services contracts that you bill on a contractually agreed
price per unit on a work
         order basis. Please tell us how you considered the guidance under
606-10-25-23 through
         ASC 606-10-25-30 for each of your identified performance obligations
for those contracts
         and expand your disclosures consistent with the guidance in ASC
606-10-50-17 through
         ASC 606-10-50-19.
 Byron Roth
Roth CH Acquisition III Co
November 4, 2021
Page 5
Note 13. Subsequent Events, page F-76

21.   We note your disclosures that on August 6, 2021, August 30, 2021 and
October 15, 2021
      you acquired Broken Arrow Communications, Inc., Concurrent Group LLC and
      Cable Technology LLC, respectively. We further note on page 107 your
      that QualTek is also currently in negotiations with a number of other
acquisition targets.
      Please clarify if there are currently any probable acquisitions, and tell
us your
      consideration of any financial statement requirements for these completed
      probable acquisitions, if any.
        We remind you that the company and its management are responsible for
the accuracy
and adequacy of their disclosures, notwithstanding any review, comments, action
or absence of
action by the staff.

       You may contact Ameen Hamady at 202-551-3891 or Isaac Esquivel at
202-551-3395 if
you have questions regarding comments on the financial statements and related
matters. Please
contact Ruairi Regan at 202-551-3269 or Pam Howell at 202-551-3357 with any
other questions.

FirstName LastNameByron Roth
                                                           Division of
Corporation Finance
Comapany NameRoth CH Acquisition III Co
                                                           Office of Real
Estate & Construction
November 4, 2021 Page 5
cc:       Janeane R. Ferrari, Esq.
FirstName LastName