United States securities and exchange commission logo

                               November 9, 2021

       Edward Robinson
       Chief Executive Officer
       Bright Green Corp
       401 East Las Olas Blvd.
       Suite 1400
       Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

                                                        Re: Bright Green Corp
                                                            Draft Registration
Statement on Form S-1
                                                            Submitted October
12, 2021
                                                            CIK No. 0001886799

       Dear Mr. Robinson:

              We have reviewed your draft registration statement and have the
following comments. In
       some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with information so
we may better
       understand your disclosure.

              Please respond to this letter by providing the requested
information and either submitting
       an amended draft registration statement or publicly filing your
registration statement on
       EDGAR. If you do not believe our comments apply to your facts and
circumstances or do not
       believe an amendment is appropriate, please tell us why in your

             After reviewing the information you provide in response to these
comments and your
       amended draft registration statement or filed registration statement, we
may have additional

       Draft Registration Statement submitted on October 12, 2021

       Cover Page

   1.                                                   On the cover page, you
have indicated that you have elected not to use the extended
                                                        transition period for
complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards
                                                        provided pursuant to
Section 7(a)(2)(B) of the Securities Act. In a risk factor on page 19,
                                                        however, you state that
you have elected not to opt out of such extended transition
                                                        period and, therefore,
will be able to adopt the same new or revised accounting standards
                                                        at the moment private
companies adopt these standards. Please correct these apparent
                                                        inconsistencies. If you
elect to opt out of these provisions, please indicate as such on the
                                                        cover page.
 Edward Robinson
FirstName LastNameEdward  Robinson
Bright Green Corp
Comapany 9,
November   NameBright
             2021     Green Corp
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2.       We note your disclosure on the cover page and throughout the
registration statement that
         you intend for your common stock to list on The Nasdaq Capital Market.
We also note,
         however, that you have discussed index rules throughout the
registration statement,
         including those concerning how an opening price is determined and how
         with financial advisors work, that are not consistent with Nasdaq's
rules for direct listings.
         For example, Nasdaq rules do not reference a designated market maker
("DMM") as part
         of its process for determining the offering price. Please ensure your
disclosure throughout
         the registration statement, including on the Cover Page, in the Risk
Factors and in the Plan
         of Distribution section, as appropriate, clearly explains Nasdaq's
current rules with respect
         to direct listings. Please also revise your disclosure to include the
word    traditional    in
         front of    book building    in your description of this process
throughout the registration
3.       Please update the cover page of your registration statement to include
a highlighted cross-
         reference to the risk factors section. Refer to Item 501(b)(5) of
Regulation S-K.
Prospectus Summary, page 1

4.       We note your disclosure in the Business section on page 32 that you
may not commence
         cannabis growing operation until both the State of New Mexico and the
         government or its authorized agencies, in particular the DEA, have
signed off and fully
         authorized that you are in full compliance of all applicable rules.
Please revise your
         disclosure in the Prospectus Summary to include a similar statement.
5.       We note your disclosure in a risk factor on page 10 that if the
federal government were to
         legalize cannabis, it is possible that cannabis could become subject
to FDA regulations,
         which could prevent you from operating. Please revise your disclosure
in the prospectus
         summary to state that cannabis may be subject to FDA regulations, that
there is no
         guarantee that the FDA will find your products safe and effective or
grant you required
         approvals, and that this may inhibit your business prospects even in
the case that the
         federal government were to legalize cannabis.
Planned Business Lines, page 2

6.       We note your disclosure throughout this section that you plan to sell
your products
         "[f]ollowing final approval from the DEA" or "once legal under
applicable law" in the
         case of your cannabinoid-focused products, or "once cannabis
legalization occurs at the
         federal level" with respect to selling directly to consumers. For each
of these statements
         here as well as in Business section, please revise your disclosure to
clarify that there is no
         guarantee that you will receive final approval from the DEA, that
         products will become legal or that cannabis will ever be legalized at
the federal level.
Recent Developments, page 2

7.       We note your description here of the MOA you have entered into with
the DEA. We also
         note your disclosure in a risk factor on page 10 that "[you] cannot
guarantee that the DEA
 Edward Robinson
FirstName LastNameEdward  Robinson
Bright Green Corp
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November   NameBright
             2021     Green Corp
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         will ultimately satisfy [its] obligations under the MOA" as well as
your statement that the
         MOA is effective for an initial one-year term and subject to automatic
renewal for up to
         four additional one-year terms, but that "[t]here is no guarantee that
the needed
         authorizations will be renewed." Please revise your disclosure here to
state that there is no
         guarantee that the DEA will satisfy its obligations and to clarify
that the MoA is only
         effective for a one-year term, renewable for up to four additional
one-year terms, and that
         there is no guarantee that you will obtain necessary authorization now
or in the future for
         renewal purposes.
Our listing differs significantly from an underwritten initial public offering,
page 15

8.       We note several statements here and elsewhere throughout the
registration statement that
         there    are no underwriters    or that the Advisor is "not acting as
an underwriter." Please
         note that whether the financial advisors would be considered statutory
         requires an analysis of the facts and circumstances; therefore, please
revise all of these
         references that imply the absence of underwriters, or that your
financial advisors are not
         considered underwriters, to clarify instead that the direct listing
does not involve a firm
         commitment underwriting. Please also ensure that your revised Plan of
         describes each function to be performed by your financial advisors in
connection with the
Risk Factors
Risks Related to Ownership of Our Common Stock, page 15

9.       Please revise to include a risk factor that discusses any impact of
the company   s brand and
         consumer recognition on the demand for your shares.
Taking advantage of the reduced disclosure requirements applicable to "emerging
companies" may make our common stock less attractive, page 19

10.      Since you are also a smaller reporting company, please add a separate
risk factor
         disclosing that even if you no longer qualify as an emerging growth
company, you may
         still be subject to reduced reporting requirements so long as you are
         a smaller reporting company.
Capitalization, page 25

11.      Please revise the total capitalization amount to include total debt in
addition to total
         shareholders    equity.
Managements Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Liquidity and Capital Resources, page 28

12.      We note your intention to build additional greenhouses on your
properties that will
         include a research and development facility. Please provide a
discussion of your material
         known or anticipated capital expenditures and other investments that
includes quantified
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FirstName LastNameEdward  Robinson
Bright Green Corp
Comapany 9,
November   NameBright
             2021     Green Corp
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         information for the costs of these capital projects and how you intend
to finance these
         projects. Refer to Item 303(b)(1)(ii)(A) of Regulation S-K for
Background, page 29

13.      We note your disclosure here that you own a 70 acre parcel of land
including a completed
         greenhouse structure and a 40 acre parcel of land as well as your
statement that you are
         constructing additional greenhouses on these properties, one of which
will be used as a
         research and development facility. We also note your discussion on
page 31 disclosing
         your phased approach to increasing production on your sites in Grants,
         Mexico. Please expand your discussion here or elsewhere in the
Business section to
         include a description of the general character of all of your
facilities, including your
         greenhouses as well as any additional space, such as office space,
that you may currently
         utilize or plan to utilize to operate your business. For example,
provide the size of each of
         your facilities, each of their productive capacities, if applicable,
and comment on their
         suitability for your current and planned operations. Refer to Item 102
of Regulation S-K.

14.      Please explain what it means that your greenhouses will be "automated"
and that you will
         provide a "safe" inventory of cannabis for researchers.
15.      Please revise your disclosure in your Business section to describe
briefly any material
         pending legal proceedings to which you are a party to or of which any
of your property is
         the subject. Refer to Item 103 of Regulation S-K
Greenhouse Facility in Grants, New Mexico, page 31

16.      We note your disclosure on page 4 that "[you] will partner with a
leading greenhouse
         manufacturer to build a state-of-the-art facility." To the extent that
you have a material
         contract in place with this manufacturer, please describe the material
terms of
         this agreement. Please also file this agreement as an exhibit to the
registration statement,
         or, in the alternative, please tell us why you believe that you are
not required to file the
         agreement. Refer to Item 601(b)(10) of Regulation S-K.
17.      We note your disclosure on page 4 that you will work with Nordic
Supreme as well as
         your disclosure here that you will depend on the expertise in cannabis
development of
         Aurora Larssen Projects to launch your production. Please expand your
disclosure to
         address the sources and availability of raw materials as well as to
include the names of
         your principal suppliers. Furthermore, to the extent that you have
agreements in place with
         these named entities or other suppliers, please describe the material
terms of these
         agreements in your disclosure and file these agreements as exhibits to
the registration
         statement, or, in the alternative, please tell us why you believe that
you are not required to
         file the agreements. Refer to Item 101(h)(4)(v) and Item 601(b)(10) of
Regulation S-K.
 Edward Robinson
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Bright Green Corp
Comapany 9,
November   NameBright
             2021     Green Corp
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Intellectual Property, page 31

18.      Please revise to disclose for each material patent and patent
application the expiration
         dates and applicable material jurisdictions, including any foreign
jurisdiction. Please also
         disclose whether you intend to file additional patent applications and
include, to the extent
         known, the specific product(s) to which such patent applications would
relate, the type of
         patent protection, the expiration dates and the applicable material
jurisdictions, including
         foreign jurisdictions.
Recent Developments and Current Licenses Held, page 31

19.      We note your disclosure on page 1 that "[f]inal approval from the DEA
is conditioned on,
         among other things, completed construction of manufacturing and
production facilities
         and systems" as well as your disclosure here that final registration
"is contingent upon
         completion of construction and a successful inspection by the DEA of
[your] facilities."
         We also note your disclosure in a risk factor on page 9 that the DEA
will need to satisfy
         various obligations under the MOA. Please revise your disclosure to
clarify all conditions
         contained in the MOA that you must meet as well as any obligations
that must be fulfilled
         by the DEA or other authorized agencies prior to final approval and
20.      We note that you state on page 40 that you did not have any employees
for the years 2019
         or 2020. Please disclose your current number of total employees and
number of full-time
         employees in your Business section. Refer to Item 101(h)(4)(xii) of
Regulation S-K.
Legal Background - Cannabis, page 32

21.      Please revise your disclosure to discuss the effect of all material
existing or probable
         governmental regulations on your business, including, for example, the
potential for
         regulation by the FDA. Please also discuss the costs and effects of
compliance with
         environmental laws at the federal, state and local level that may
materially impact your
         business. Refer to Items 101(h)(4)(ix) and (xi) of Regulation S-K.
Market Growth, page 34

22.      We note your statement that "[n]otably, research to date indicates
that cannabis does not
         pose a threat to public health and safety." Given the current legality
status of cannabis at
         the federal level as well as that conclusory statements related to
safety and efficacy are
         within the exclusive authority of the FDA while the FDA has not yet
found cannabis to be
         safe and effective, this statement would appear to be premature.
Please remove this
         statement or clarify the basis on which you have made this statement
and explain why you
         believe it is adequate given the current context.
23.      Please expand your disclosure to include the key assumptions
underlying the prediction
         that the U.S. legal cannabis market will more than double by 2025.
 Edward Robinson
FirstName LastNameEdward  Robinson
Bright Green Corp
Comapany 9,
November   NameBright
             2021     Green Corp
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FirstName LastName
Legal Proceedings, page 39

24.      We note you state that "[o]ther than as set forth below..." to your
knowledge, none of your
         directors or officers are involved with ongoing legal proceedings.
There is not, however,
         any additional disclosure set forth below this statement. Please
clarify whether your are
         aware of any legal proceedings involving your directors or officers.
Certain Relationships and Related Person Transactions
Other Related Party Transactions, page 43

25.      Please revise to ensure that your disclosure of related party
transactions provides all
         information required by Item 404 of Regulation S-K. For example,
please identify the
         approximate dollar value of the amount involved in the transaction and
the approximate
         dollar value of the amount of the related person   s interest in the
transaction. Additionally,
         please clarify the number of shares of common stock issued to Mr.
26.      We note your disclosure that the company entered into an agreement
with your director
         Lynn Stockwell for an unsecured, non-interest bearing note. Please
file any
         written agreement for this loan as an exhibit to the registration
statement, or, in the
         alternative, please tell us why you believe that you are not required
to file such agreement.
         Refer to Item 601(b)(10) of Regulation S-K.
Principal and Registered Stockholders, page 44

27.      Please revise your disclosure to identify the natural person(s) who
have sole or shared
         voting or investment power for the securities beneficially owned by E.
         ENTERPRISES, INC. For guidance, please refer to Item 403 of Regulation
Plan of Distribution, page 54

28.      We note your disclosure on page 54 that "there has not been a recent
sustained history of
         trading in our common stock in a private placement market prior to
listing." However, on
         the Cover Page you state that "[y]our common stock has a limited
history of trading in
         private transactions" and on page 49 you state that "[y]our common
stock has a history of
         trading in private transactions." Please revise your disclosure
throughout the registration
         statement to clarify these inconsistencies. To the extent that you
have determined that
         there has not been a recent sustained history of trading in your
common stock in a private
         placement market prior to listing, please explain your basis for
making this determination
         and specify what you took into consideration.
29.      We note your disclosure here that    [i]f the Registered Stockholders
utilize a broker-dealer
         in the sale of the common stock being offered by this prospectus, such
broker-dealer may
         receive commissions in the form of discounts, concessions, or
commissions . . .
         [which] may be in excess of those customary in the types of
         involved.    However, we also note that you disclose on the Cover Page
that the Registered
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Bright Green Corp
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             2021     Green Corp
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         Stockholders only intend to engage in "ordinary brokerage
transactions." Please revise
         your disclosure to resolve this apparent inconsistency regarding the
receipt of excessive
Notes to Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements for the three and six months
ended June 30,
2021 and 2020
10. Subsequent Events, page F-14

30.      Please separately disclose the number of shares of common stock issued
for services and
         for cash, including the value of the shares issued for services and
the amount of cash
         received, respectively.
Notes to Financial Statements for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019
2. Basis of Presentation, page F-23

31.      You indicate on page 28 that the financial statements included in the
prospectus have been
         prepared on a going concern basis and that your ability to continue as
a going concern is
         dependent upon, among other things, your ability to raise capital to
start building facilities
         to grow, research and distribute medical plants. Please include the
disclosure required by
         ASC 205-40-50 regarding the conditions and events that raise
substantial doubt about
         your ability to continue as a going concern and the impact of
management   s plans on
         those conditions and events.
7. Stockholders Equity, page F-30

32.      We note your disclosure that you estimated the value of the shares of
common stock
         issued for services using the asset approach. Please tell us how you
determined the asset
         approach was appropriate given the cash transactions for shares of
common stock.
Item 15. Unregistered Sales of Securities, page II-2

33.      Please revise your disclosure to furnish the complete disclosure
         by Item 701 of Regulation S-K. In this regard, please provide the date
of each sale, name
         the persons or identify the class of persons to whom the securities
were sold, indicate the
         section of the Securities Act or the rule of the Commission under
which exemption from
         registration was claimed, and state briefly the facts relied upon to
make the exemption
         available for all the transactions disclosed here.

34.      Please supplementally provide us with copies of all written
communications, as defined in
         Rule 405 under the Securities Act, that you, or anyone authorized to
do so on your behalf,
         present to potential investors in reliance on Section 5(d) of the
Securities Act, whether or
         not they retain copies of the communications.

         You may contact Tracey Houser at (202) 551-3736 or Angela Connell at
(202) 551-3426
 Edward Robinson
Bright Green Corp
November 9, 2021
Page 8

if you have questions regarding comments on the financial statements and
matters. Please contact Jessica Ansart at (202) 551-4511 or Celeste Murphy at
(202) 551-3257
with any other questions.

FirstName LastNameEdward Robinson
                                                          Division of
Corporation Finance
Comapany NameBright Green Corp
                                                          Office of Life
November 9, 2021 Page 8
cc:       Rob Condon
FirstName LastName