United States securities and exchange commission logo

                              April 20, 2022

       Marc Rossiter
       Chief Executive Officer
       Enerflex Ltd.
       1331 Macleod Trail S.E., Suite 904
       Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2G 0K3

                                                        Re: Enerflex Ltd.
Statement on Form F-4
                                                            Filed March 18,
                                                            File No. 333-263714

       Dear Mr. Rossiter:

              We have reviewed your registration statement and have the
following comments. In
       some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with information so
we may better
       understand your disclosure.

              Please respond to this letter by amending your registration
statement and providing the
       requested information. If you do not believe our comments apply to your
facts and
       circumstances or do not believe an amendment is appropriate, please tell
us why in your

              After reviewing any amendment to your registration statement and
the information you
       provide in response to these comments, we may have additional comments.

       Registration Statement on Form F-4

       Questions and Answers about the Transaction and the Exterran Special
       How does the Exterran board recommend that I vote at the Exterran
special meeting?, page 23

   1.                                                   Where you address that
the directors and executive officers of Exterran have interests in
                                                        the transaction that
may differ from the interests of Exterran stockholders generally here
                                                        and in the "summary"
section, highlight that Exterran's executive officers are party to a
                                                        Change in Control
Agreement and that certain executive officers are also entitled to
                                                        golden parachute
compensation. Quantify the total amount of compensation that these
                                                        executive officers will
receive as a result of the merger.
 Marc Rossiter
FirstName   LastNameMarc Rossiter
Enerflex Ltd.
April       NameEnerflex Ltd.
       20, 2022
April 220, 2022 Page 2
FirstName LastName
Conditions to the Transaction, page 46

2.       For the avoidance of doubt, please clarify which conditions are
waivable and not
Risk Factors
Risks Relating to the Transaction
Uncertain geopolitical conditions could adversely affect Enerflex   s results
of operations, page 73

3.       We note that Enerflex sources natural gas from Russia. Please disclose
whether and how
         Enerflex's business segments, products, lines of service, projects, or
operations are
         materially impacted by supply chain disruptions in light of the
conflict between Russia
         and Ukraine. For example, discuss whether Enerflex has:
             had to suspend the production, purchase, sale or maintenance of
certain items;
             experienced higher costs due to constrained capacity or increased
commodity prices;
             experienced surges or declines in consumer demand for which you
are unable to
             adequately adjust your supply; or
             been unable to supply products at competitive prices or at all due
to export
             restrictions, sanctions, or the ongoing conflict.
4.       To the extent material, please disclose any known trends or
uncertainties that have had or
         are reasonably likely to have a material impact on your liquidity,
financial position, or
         results of operations arising from the conflict between Russia and
Enerflex relies on suppliers to source raw materials, component parts and
finished products...,
page 75

5.       We note your disclosure that "some of the components used in Enerflex
 s products are
         obtained from a single source or a limited group of suppliers." Please
expand your
         disclosure to discuss with more specificity Enerflex's material
sources for components, the
         availability of raw materials, and the identity of any principal
Background of the Transaction, page 95

6.       We note statements made by Mr. Rossiter to the press following the
announcement of the
         proposed transaction indicating that Enerflex has been considering a
         with Exterran "literally for years." The discussion on page 96
suggests that March 15,
         2021 was the first substantive discussion between Mr. Rossiter and Mr.
Way about a
         potential transaction between Enerflex and Exterran. Please revise the
disclosure to state
         whether the March 15 call was the first discussion between management
of Enerflex and
         management of Exterran. Additionally, revise to disclose, to the
extent applicable,
         whether Enerflex had prior internal discussions specifically about a
potential acquistion
         or business combination with Exterran.
 Marc Rossiter
FirstName   LastNameMarc Rossiter
Enerflex Ltd.
April       NameEnerflex Ltd.
       20, 2022
April 320, 2022 Page 3
FirstName LastName
Financial Analyses, page 117

7.       Explain why the only companies selected for each of the respective
Selected Public
         Companies Analyses are the parties to this business combination.
Additionally, we note
         the assertion in the Exterran Financial Analyses that "none of the
selected companies used
         in Wells Fargo Securities    analyses is identical to Exterran" and a
similar assertion in
         the Enerflex Financial Analyses with respect to Enerflex. Please
clarify these statements
         given that both Exterran and Enerflex were "selected" companies for
purposes of the
Certain Unaudited Prospective Financial Information, page 122

8.       Revise to disclose and quantify each material assumption underlying
the projections,
         including but not limited to the assumptions and variables used with
respect to general
         economic and competitive conditions and prevailing interest rates.
Additionally, given
         that the sets of projections for each of Exterran and Enerflex were
prepared using different
         assumptions, highlight the materially differing assumptions.
Summary of Exterran Prospective Financial Information, page 124

9.       We note that Exterran management prepared a separate sensitivity
analysis that factored in
         an assumed equity raise, and that Wells Fargo Securities considered
both the Status Quo
         Sensitivity and the Equity Issuance Sensitivity in connection with the
selected public
         companies analysis and discounted cash flow analysis, which in turn
were used by Wells
         Fargo Securities in formulating its fairness opinion. Accordingly,
please provide
         disclosure of the Equity Issuance Sensitivity pursuant to Item
1015(b)(6) of Regulation
Certain U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences, page 134

10.      We note that Enerflex and Exterran intend that the transaction will
qualify as a
            reorganization    within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the U.S.
Internal Revenue
         Code. Given the parties' representation that a U.S. holder that
exchanges shares of
         Exterran common stock for the merger consideration in the transaction
will generally not
         recognize gain or loss other than with respect to any cash received in
lieu of fractional
         Enerflex common shares, revise to include counsel's tax opinion as an
exhibit as required
         by Item 601(b)(8) of Regulation S-K.
11.      We note that your discussion is framed as a "general summary" only and
"is not
         a complete description of all tax considerations that may be
relevant." Revise to remove
         the implication that the discussion may not address all material
federal tax consequences.
         Refer to Section III.C.1 of Staff Legal Bulletin 19.
 Marc Rossiter
FirstName   LastNameMarc Rossiter
Enerflex Ltd.
April       NameEnerflex Ltd.
       20, 2022
April 420, 2022 Page 4
FirstName LastName
Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information
6. Pro forma adjustments to the consolidated statement of earnings of Enerflex
(b) Cost of Goods Sold, page 194

12.      Please clarify why there is a net decrease in compensation expense of
$8.7 million
         resulting from the difference between Exterran   s historical
share-based compensation
         expense and the estimated share-based compensation expense related to
         awards issued to continuing employees. Clarify how the terms of the
replacement awards
         differ from the historical awards and how the fair value was
calculated. Revise your
         disclosure accordingly.
(d) Nonrecurring Item, page 195

13.      Please clarify how the impairment charge relating to a customer
contract in Latin America
         is related to the merger or financing transactions to which your pro
forma financial
         statements give effect, and why this is an appropriate pro forma
adjustment. Refer to
         Article 11-02(a)(6) of Regulation S-X
(e) Transaction related costs (including financing fees), page 195

14.      Please revise your disclosure to clarify the basis for the $19.4
million in severance costs
         and $22.6 million in advisory, legal and transaction costs and whether
they are based on
         agreements in place or estimates. Also clarify whether these
adjustments represent all of
         the expected costs relating to these activities or just some portion.
For any adjustments
         that will not recur in the income statement of the registrant beyond
12 months after the
         transaction, please identify as such. Refer to Article 11-02(a)(11)(i)
of Regulation S-X.
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Engineered Systems Bookings and Backlog, page 203

15.      Please revise your disclosure to further clarify the nature of your
bookings and backlog
         and the timing of recognition. Clarify the portion represented by
newly manufactured
         equipment that will be accounted for as finance leases and will be
fully realized in 2022,
         and the portion that will be recognized over time using
         accounting. For contracts recognized over time, clarify the period
over which this revenue
         will be recognized.
Segmented Results, page 204

16.      Revise your disclosure for each of your segment results to quantify
the extent to which
         your changes in revenue are attributable to changes in prices, changes
in the volume or
         amount of products or services being sold, or the introduction of new
products or
         services. Refer to Item 5.A. of Form 20-F.
 Marc Rossiter
FirstName   LastNameMarc Rossiter
Enerflex Ltd.
April       NameEnerflex Ltd.
       20, 2022
April 520, 2022 Page 5
FirstName LastName
Free Cash Flow, page 218

17.      The title of your measure    Free Cash Flow    suggests that this is a
non-IFRS liquidity
         measure. However we note that the measure adjusts cash flow from
operating activities to
         exclude working capital changes. As such, it is unclear how this is a
liquidity measure
         and why the title    Free Cash Flow    is appropriate. Please revise
or advise. Ensure that
         any non-IFRS liquidity measures you present do not exclude charges
that require or have
         required cash settlement. Refer to Item 10(e)(1)(ii)(A) of Regulation
S-K and Question
         103.1 of the commission   s Non-GAAP Compliance and Disclosure
          Please also ensure that you include the disclosures required by Item
10(e)(1)(i) of
         Regulation S-K for all non-IFRS measures presented, including why
management believes
         the measure to be useful to investors and the purposes for which
management uses the
Beneficial Ownership of Securities
Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management of Exterran,
page 305

18.      Please revise the beneficial ownership table to identify the natural
person(s) who hold
         voting and/or investment power over the shares beneficially owned by
Chai Trust Co LLC
         and Dimensional Fund Advisors LP.
Consolidated Financial Statements
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Note 3. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
(q) Revenue Recognition
Engineered Systems, page F-16

19.      Your disclosure indicates that you recognize revenue from Engineered
Systems on a
         percentage of completion basis over the construction period. Please
revise your disclosure
         to clarify the period of time over which these systems are typically
constructed and
         revenue recognized.
20.      Please further clarify the nature and terms of your contracts that
have been classified as
         finance leases for newly built equipment. Tell us how you considered
the factors in
         paragraphs 62 through 65 of IFRS 16 in determining to account for
these arrangements as
         finance leases. Revise your disclosures accordingly. Please also
provide the same
         information and disclosures for your contracts classified as finance
leases relating to
         existing or pre-owned equipment recorded as Energy Infrastructure
Note 23. Revenue, page F-37

21.      Please disclose the amount of selling profit recognized from your
finance leases and the
         amount of lease income recognized from your operating leases for each
period presented.
         Refer to paragraph 90 of IFRS 16.
 Marc Rossiter
Enerflex Ltd.
April 20, 2022
Page 6

        We remind you that the company and its management are responsible for
the accuracy
and adequacy of their disclosures, notwithstanding any review, comments, action
or absence of
action by the staff.

       Refer to Rules 460 and 461 regarding requests for acceleration. Please
allow adequate
time for us to review any amendment prior to the requested effective date of
the registration

       You may contact Laura Veator, Senior Staff Accountant, at 202-551-3716
or Stephen
Krikorian, Accounting Branch Chief, at 202-551-3488 if you have questions
comments on the financial statements and related matters. Please contact Kyle
Wiley, Staff
Attorney, at 202-344-5791 or Josh Shainess, Legal Branch Chief, at 202-551-7951
with any
other questions.

FirstName LastNameMarc Rossiter
                                                           Division of
Corporation Finance
Comapany NameEnerflex Ltd.
                                                           Office of Technology
April 20, 2022 Page 6
cc:       Lee McIntyre
FirstName LastName