United States securities and exchange commission logo

                              April 28, 2022

       Aneil Manhas
       Chief Executive Officer
       Bruush Oral Care Inc.
       30 Wellington Street West, 5th Floor
       Toronto, ON M5L 1E2

                                                        Re: Bruush Oral Care
                                                            Draft Registration
Statement on Form F-1
                                                            Submitted April 1,
                                                            CIK No. 0001913210

       Dear Mr. Manhas:

              We have reviewed your draft registration statement and have the
following comments. In
       some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with information so
we may better
       understand your disclosure.

              Please respond to this letter by providing the requested
information and either submitting
       an amended draft registration statement or publicly filing your
registration statement on
       EDGAR. If you do not believe our comments apply to your facts and
circumstances or do not
       believe an amendment is appropriate, please tell us why in your

             After reviewing the information you provide in response to these
comments and your
       amended draft registration statement or filed registration statement, we
may have additional

       Draft Registration Statement on Form F-1

       About this Prospectus, page 1

   1.                                                   We note your cautionary
statements concerning the representations, warranties and
                                                        covenants made in
agreements filed as exhibits to the registration statement. Disclosure
                                                        regarding an
agreement's representations, warranties and covenants in a registration
                                                        statement (whether
through incorporation by reference or direct inclusion) constitutes a
                                                        disclosure to
investors, and you are required to consider whether additional disclosure is
                                                        necessary in order to
put the information contained in, or otherwise incorporated into that
                                                        publication, into
context so that such information is not misleading. Please refer to Report
                                                        of Investigation
Pursuant to Section 21(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and
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April 228, 2022 Page 2
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         Commission Statement on potential Exchange Act Section 10(b) and
Section 14(a)
         liability, Exchange Act Release No. 51283 (Mar. 1, 2005). If you
continue to use these
         cautionary statements in your registration statement, please revise
them to remove any
         implication that the agreements do not constitute disclosure under the
federal securities
         laws and to clarify that you will provide additional disclosure to the
extent that you are or
         become aware of the existence of any material facts that are required
to be disclosed under
         the federal securities laws and that might otherwise contradict the
         warranties and covenants contained in the agreements and will update
such disclosure as
         required by federal securities laws.
Prospectus Summary, page 3

2.       The disclosure in the summary should be a balanced presentation of
your business. Please
         balance the description of the opportunity you see in your market,
your value proposition
         and your growth strategy with equally prominent disclosure of the
challenges you face and
         the risks and limitations that could harm your business or inhibit
your strategic plans. For
         example, but without limitation, revise your disclosure to also
discuss your history of
         recurring net losses, risks related to your current branding strategy,
and any risks your
         business may face as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
3.       We note your intention to launch several new products in 2022. Please
discuss the
         development efforts needed to commercially launch these products,
where your
         development efforts currently stand with respect to each of these
products and the
         regulatory approvals necessary in order commence selling these
products to the public.
4.       We note your disclosure on page 24 that you "accepted a lower selling
price per Br  ush
         Kit to increase market penetration and increase brand awareness, as
well as increase
         [y]our active subscriber base to generate more future recurring
revenue from [y]our
         Br  ush Refill subscription program" as well as on page 26 that you
"accepted a higher
         operating loss to increase brand awareness and continue to build
[y]our active subscriber
         base to generate more future recurring revenue through our Br  ush
Refill subscription
         program." Please revise your disclosure in the Prospectus Summary as
well as the
         Business Section to discuss this branding strategy. Furthermore,
please revise your Risk
         Factors to address any risks associated with this strategy that lowers
selling price to
         increase market penetration and brand awareness and which has resulted
in a history of
         net losses for your business.
The Opportunity, page 3

5.       We note your statement that "[o]ral care professionals agree that
brushing with an electric
         toothbrush is one of the most crucial steps to improving oral health."
Please revise your
         disclosure to provide your basis for this statement.
6.       Please identify the studies referred to in this section that were
reviewed by the Company.
         Please also tell us whether you commissioned the report by Mintel,
and, if so, analyze
         whether you are required to file a consent pursuant to Rule 436 of the
Securities Act.
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Our Value Proposition, page 3

7.       We note your statements discussing your leadership in the electric
toothbrush market and
         your position relative to your competition here and throughout the
registration statement.
         For example, you state here that you offer consumers a
"top-of-the-line" or "high-quality
         electric toothbrush" at "a more affordable price than a comparable
electric toothbrush
         from the competition" and that your toothbrush is equipped with
         technology." We also note that on page 4 you state that your "the Br
ush Toothbrush is
         one of the sleekest looking brushes on the market." Please revise your
disclosure here and
         throughout the registration statement, including in the Competition
subsection on page 36,
         to provide the basis for any statements regarding your competitive
position and
         comparisons between your products and those of your competitors. Refer
to Item 4.B.7. of
         Form 20-F.
8.       We note your discussion of your subscription program and in
particular, your statement
         that "almost 80% of [y]our customers purchased a Br  ush Kit with a
Subscription," which
         you state "evidences the fact that this aspect of [y]our value
proposition is very appealing
         to the consumers." We also note, however, your statement on page 24
that "[you] accepted
         a lower selling price per Br  ush Kit to [...] increase [y]our active
subscriber base to
         generate more future recurring revenue from [y]our Br  ush Refill
subscription program."
         In light of this statement, please revise your discussion here to
provide greater context on
         your strategy for your subscription program including how you are
appealing to customers
         through your current subscription offering.
Growth Strategy, page 4

9.       We note your statement here and throughout the registration statement
that you have "over
         27,000 active subscriptions" or "active subscribers." Please revise
your disclosure to
         define an "active subscription."
Introduce new products, page 4

10.      We note that you plan to launch a suite of new oral care products in
2022 that are
         "[r]ooted in innovative, effective ingredients and elegant
formulations." Please expand
         your disclosure to discuss how these new products are innovative and
to provide the basis
         upon which you have determined that they are effective. To the extent
that any of these
         products would need regulatory approvals prior to commercialization,
please discuss those
         approvals and whether you have obtained them. For products requiring
approval by, for
         example, the FDA or a foreign government equivalent, conclusions
regarding efficacy and
         safety are determinations that only the FDA or a foreign government
equivalent has the
         authority to make. In the case that your products will need such
approvals, but they have
         not yet been obtained, please revise your disclosure throughout your
document, including
         but not limited to the statement noted here, to eliminate the
implication that your product
         candidates have been or will ultimately be determined safe and/or
effective or have
         demonstrated safety and/or efficacy for purposes of approval by the
FDA or comparable
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              Care Inc.
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April 428, 2022 Page 4
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The Offering
Use of Proceeds, page 5

11.      Please revise your disclosure here regarding the expected uses of your
net proceeds to
         align with the specific purposes that you describe in the Use of
Proceeds section on page
Risk Factors, page 8

12.      Please expand your risk factor disclosure to include a risk factor
discussing any material
         cybersecurity risks and developments you face, in particular as an
e-commerce company.
         To the extent you have been materially impacted by a cybersecurity
breach, please include
         a description of the incident, costs, and other consequences. For
additional guidance,
         please refer to CF Disclosure Guidance Topic No. 2 on Cybersecurity.
Capitalization, page 19

13.      Please revise your presentation to present cash rather than total
current assets and to
         include total debt. Revise your calculation of total capitalization to
only include total debt
         and total stockholders    deficiency.
Use of Proceeds, page 21

14.      Please revise this section to provide more specific detail regarding
the use of the funds to
         be allocated to your working capital needs, growth strategies and
sales and marketing
         activities. For each category, please discuss what aspects of the
purpose will be covered
         by the funds and how far into your plans for each purpose the funding
will enable you to
         reach. For example, we note that you plan to launch several new oral
care products in
         2022, including toothpaste, mouthwash, dental floss, a whitening pen
and an electric
         toothbrush designed for kids. To the extent that some of these
proceeds will go towards
         commercialization of these products, please discuss how far into the
commercialization of
         each product you anticipate the funding will enable you to reach. If
the anticipated
         proceeds will not be sufficient to fund all the proposed purposes,
please ensure that the
         order of priority of such purposes is given, as well as the amount and
sources of other
         funds needed. Refer to Item 3.C. of Form 20-F.
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Results of Operations, page 24

15.      Please expand your discussion and analysis of revenues to quantify the
extent to which
         changes in volume, pricing and mix of products (i.e., kits versus
refills) sold had on
         revenues for each period presented. Refer to Item 303(b)(2)(iii) of
Regulation S-K and
         Sections 501.04 and 501.12 of the Financial Reporting Codification.
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              Care Inc.
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16.      Please quantify the amount of discounts recognized as an offset to
revenues for each
         period presented given the material impact to gross profit. Refer to
Item 303(b)(2) of
         Regulation S-K and Section 501.12 of the Financial Reporting
17.      Please expand your disclosure for the fair market value of warrants to
describe the factors
         contributing to the significant increase in fair value of the warrants
from the issuance of
         the July/August 2020 warrants to the issuance of the August/September
2020 warrants.
Liquidity and Capital Resources, page 27

18.      We note that inventory is a significant component of total current
assets as of the two
         most recent balance sheet dates. As such, please include the inventory
turnover ratio or
         other measure used by management to monitor inventory for each period
presented along
         with an analysis of the ratio trends. Refer to Item 303(b)(1) of
Regulation S-K and
         Section 501.13.b. of the Financial Reporting Codification for
Financial Instruments and Risk Management, page 32

19.      Please expand your disclosures for foreign exchange risk to disclose
the amount of
         financial assets held in Canadian dollars by type of financial asset.
Business, page 34

20.      We note your disclosure on page 35 that you currently sell products in
the United States
         and Canada. Please revise your Business section to provide a breakdown
of total revenues
         by geographic market for the last three financial years. Refer to Item
4.B.2. of Form 20-F.
Facilities, Production and Distribution, page 35

21.      We note your disclosure that you develop and manufacture products with
         manufacturing partners located in Canada and China. Given the ongoing
impact from the
         outbreak of COVID-19, in particular in China, please revise your
disclosure to address
         whether you or your third-party manufacturing partner in China have
experienced any
         availability problems or supply shortages related to raw materials,
interruptions or delays
         related to the manufacture of your products in China or any
interruptions or delays with
         respect to moving your product from your manufacturers in Canada and
China to your
         distributor in Utah. To the extent that there is a material risk to
the manufacturing and/or
         distribution of your products due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,
please also revise
         your Risk Factors to specifically address this risk.
Sales Channels, page 35

22.      We note that you have partnered with third-party retailers including
Indigo, Harry Rosen,
         Macy's and Urban Outfitters who sell your products on their websites.
Please clarify
         whether you have commercial arrangements in place with these
retailers. Furthermore, to
         the extent you are dependent upon any contract you have in place with
your partners,
         please disclose the material terms of any such contract and file it as
an exhibit to the
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April       NameBruush Oral Care Inc.
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April 628, 2022 Page 6
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         registration statement. Alternatively, advise us why such agreement is
not material and
         required to be described and filed. Refer to Item 4.B.6, Item 10.C.
and Section 4.(a) to the
         Instructions as to Exhibits of Form 20-F.
23.      We note the estimated market size included in this section is for the
oral care market.
         Please provide the market size for electronic toothbrushes and the
your current share of
         that market.
Brand Strategy, page 36

24.      Please revise your disclosure here to further explain your unique
brand strategy. Please
         explain what your "organic seeding programs" are and how you generate
         content through these programs. We also note that you "received over
200 brand-elevating
         press placements" with various press outlets. Please explain how you
generate these press
         placements and whether you pay for these placements. Finally, we note
that you have
         collaborated "with over 200 on-brand influencers." Please explain how
you generate these
         collaborations and whether you have any commercial arrangements in
place with these
         influencers. To the extent that you depend on any such arrangement
with an influencer,
         please disclose the material terms of the arrangement and file it as
an exhibit to the
         registration statement. Refer to Items 4.B.5. and 4.B.6. as well as
Section 4.(a) to the
         Instructions as to Exhibits of Form 20-F.
Partnership with Kevin Hart, page 36

25.      Please expand your discussion here of your Endorsement Agreement with
K. Hart
         Enterprises, Inc., to disclose all material terms of the agreement
including each parties'
         rights and obligations as well as a more detailed explanation of the
various compensation
Regulatory Environment, page 37

26.      Please expand your discussion of the regulatory environment in which
your business
         operates to include a discussion of any material effects of Canadian
         regulations on your business. Furthermore, we note that you intend to
         various new oral care products in 2022 such as toothpaste, mouthwash,
dental floss and
         whitening. To the extent that the commercialization of any of these
new products would
         be subject to government regulations such as FDA approval, please
revise your discussion
         here to describe the material effects of such government regulations.
Intellectual Property, page 38

27.      Please revise your disclosure here to specify the product(s) to which
these patents relate as
         well as the expiration dates of these patents. Furthermore, to the
extent that you have any
         pending or planned patent applications related to the products you
intend to launch in
         2022, please provide for each pending on planned patent application
the following
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                the specific product to which the patent relates;
                whether the patent is owned or licensed;
                the type of patent protection (for example, composition of
matter, use, or process);
                the patent expiration dates; and
                the applicable jurisdictions.
Executive Officers, page 39

28.      Please include the age for each of your officers and directors and
provide clear disclosure
         regarding their business experience during the last five years,
including the companies at
         which they worked and the dates of employment at each company.
Equity Compensation Plan, page 43

29.      Please revise your disclosure to describe the material terms of the
existing Stock Option
         Plan. Refer to Item 6.E.2. of Form 20-F.
Executive and Director Compensation
Employment, Consulting and Management Agreements, page 44

30.      Please revise your disclosure to include a summary of the material
terms of the
         employment agreement between the company and Matthew Kavanagh.
Summary Compensation Table, page 44

31.      Please tell us why the amount of stock-based compensation is not
included in the
         summary compensation table.
Principal Shareholders, page 45

32.      To the extent known, please disclose any significant change in the
percentage ownership
         held by any major shareholders during the past three years. Refer to
Item 7.A.1.(b) of
         Form 20-F.
33.      Please include the share ownership information for each officer and
director of the
         company. Please also revise your disclosure to identify the natural
person or persons who
         have voting and/or investment control of the shares held by Yaletown
Bros Ventures Ltd.
Experts, page 61

34.      Please include the identification of your independent registered
public accounting firm
         and specific reference to their reports on your consolidated financial
statements as experts
         in auditing and accounting. Refer to Item 4 of Form F-1 and Item 10.G.
of Form 20-F for
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Notes to the Financial Statements
3. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and Use of Estimates and
Judgments, page F-9

35.      Please include your accounting policy for the identification of
operating and reportable
         segments. To the extent that you have more than one reportable
segment, please provide
         the disclosures required by IFRS 8.20 through .30. Finally, provide
the entity-wide
         disclosures required by IFRS 8.31 through .34 regardless of the number
of reportable
         segments identified.
Revenue recognition, page F-9

36.      Please revise to more clearly describe the arrangements underlying
your deferred revenue
         liability account and provide the disclosures required by IFRS
37.      We note from page 3 that you distribute a starter kit, which includes
a toothbrush, brush
         heads, a charger and travel case and separately a refill kit that only
includes brush heads.
         We also note within MD&A that you attribute changes in sales and gross
margins to the
         differences between the two products. Accordingly, please revise to
provide the
         disaggregation of revenue disclosures required by IFRS 15.114-115 for
your starter kits
         and refill kits.
Research and development costs, page F-11

38.      Please expand your disclosure to state the amount of research and
development costs
         expensed for each period presented.
Share capital, page F-13

39.      We note your accounting policy is to assign warrants issued as part of
a unit a residual
         value only to the extent that the price of the unit exceeds the market
price of the
         underlying share at issuance otherwise it is assigned no value. Please
expand your
         accounting policy to clarify that this assumes the warrant is equity
classified and to also
         provide your accounting policy for warrants issued as part of a unit
that does not qualify
         for equity classification. Refer to IAS 32.
Critical accounting estimates and significant management judgments, page F-14

40.      Please include a discussion of the estimates and judgments management
made to estimate
         the fair value of the Class B common shares that are underlying and
drive the fair value of
         warrants and stock-based compensation. In this regard, we did not note
any cash
         transactions during the nine-months ended October 31, 2021.
12. Share Capital
(a) Options, page F-19

41.      Please revise your disclosure for the 309,498 options granted during
fiscal year 2021 to
         disclose the total fair value of these options with compensation
expense of $145,933
 Aneil Manhas
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Page 9
      recognized during fiscal year 2021 and $92,276 recognized during the
9-months ended
      October 31, 2021. In this regard, it is unclear how $145,933 is the total
fair value of the
      grant as currently disclosed.
13. Derivative Warrant Liability, page F-19

42.   Please revise your disclosures for the assumptions used in the
Black-Scholes Option
      Pricing Model to include the fair value of the Class B Common Shares, as
this is a
      material input into estimating fair value of the warrants. Please also
address this comment
      for your presentation in MD&A on page 26.
43.   For the warrants issued in connection with a private placement of units
in August and
      September 2020, please address the inconsistent disclosure regarding the
fair value of the
      warrants upon issuance of $821,346 in Note 12 on page F-18 versus
$774,895 on page F-
44.   We note that you issued 236,073 broker warrants with the same terms as
the unit warrants
      for the August and September 2020 private placement units with an
issuance fair value of
      $123,981. Please tell us why these warrants have not been included in the
disclosure of
      the derivative warrant liability and marked to fair value for each period

45.   Please supplementally provide us with copies of all written
communications, as defined in
      Rule 405 under the Securities Act, that you, or anyone authorized to do
so on your behalf,
      present to potential investors in reliance on Section 5(d) of the
Securities Act, whether or
      not they retain copies of the communications.
       You may contact Tracey Houser at 202-551-3736 or Kevin Kuhar at
202-551-3662 if you
have questions regarding comments on the financial statements and related
matters. Please
contact Jessica Ansart at 202-551-4511 or Christopher Edwards at 202-551-6761
with any other

FirstName LastNameAneil Manhas
                                                             Division of
Corporation Finance
Comapany NameBruush Oral Care Inc.
                                                             Office of Life
April 28, 2022 Page 9
cc:       Lahdan S. Rahmati
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