United States securities and exchange commission logo

                            April 29, 2022

       Teck Chia
       Chief Executive Officer
       CBL International Ltd
       Suite 19-9-6, Level 9, UOA Centre
       No. 19 Jalan Pinang
       50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

                                                        Re: CBL International
                                                            Draft Registration
Statement on Form F-1
                                                            Submitted March 31,
                                                            CIK NO. 0001914805

       Dear Mr. Chia:

              We have reviewed your draft registration statement and have the
following comments. In
       some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with information so
we may better
       understand your disclosure.

              Please respond to this letter by providing the requested
information and either submitting
       an amended draft registration statement or publicly filing your
registration statement on
       EDGAR. If you do not believe our comments apply to your facts and
circumstances or do not
       believe an amendment is appropriate, please tell us why in your

             After reviewing the information you provide in response to these
comments and your
       amended draft registration statement or filed registration statement, we
may have additional

       Draft Registration Statement on Form F-1 Submitted March 31, 2022

       Prospectus Cover Page , page i

   1.                                                   Your description here
and throughout the prospectus indicates that your operations are
                                                        based in Malaysia, Hong
Kong and Singapore, and that you may "from time to time" have
                                                        customers that are
based in China or Hong Kong. However, the geographic information
                                                        provided in Note 11 to
your your financial statements indicates that 95% of your revenue
                                                        comes from operations
in China, including mainland China and Hong Kong. Please revise
                                                        your disclosure
throughout your registration statement to clearly state that nearly all of
                                                        your revenue comes from
operations in China and Hong Kong, and indicate that
                                                        percentage of revenue
that you generate from China and Hong Kong. Please remove or
 Teck Chia
CBL International Ltd
April 29, 2022
Page 2
         revise any disclosure that suggests that you do not have substantial
operations in China
         and Hong Kong. To the extent that you continue to discuss operations
in Malaysia and
         Singapore, please also indicate the percentage of revenue that you
generate from each.
         Please also remove statements suggesting that you only occasionally
have customers
         based in China and Hong Kong, and clarify that nearly all of such
customers are in these
         regions, to the extent accurate. In addition, in each place that you
discuss the locations of
         ports where you provide services, such as on page 2, please indicate
the number of ports
         contained in each region listed, or disclose that the majority of such
ports are in China and
         Hong Kong.
2.       Where you disclose on page 2 that you recorded a 39.4% increase in
revenue from
         FY2020 to FY2021, please disclose that your sales volume for the same
         decreased, and that the increase in revenue was primarily attributable
to the increase in
         average market price per tonne of marine fuel. Please also include a
materially complete
         discussion elsewhere in your prospectus explaining impact of marine
fuel prices on your
         pricing and results of operations, as well as how historical
fluctuations in marine fuel
         prices have impacted your results of operations, including your gross
profit. Please
         include specific examples of the impact of historical fluctuations,
and include similar
         examples in your related risk factor on page 17. Please also discuss
any expected trends
         in marine fuel prices and whether you anticipate any material impact
to your future results
         of operations from such trends.
3.       Please disclose prominently on the prospectus cover page that you (CBL
         Limited) are not a Chinese operating company but a Cayman Islands
holding company
         with operations conducted by your subsidiaries based in Hong Kong.
Provide a cross-
         reference to your detailed discussion of risks facing the company and
the offering as a
         result of this structure.
4.       We note your disclosure that you do not consider yourself as
"China-based." It is unclear
         what you mean by "China-based," and whether you are using a particular
definition for
         this term. Because you are based in Hong Kong, and have the majority
of your operations
         in China and Hong-Kong, it does not appear appropriate for you to
state that you are not
         "China-based." Please revise to remove this statement or otherwise
tell us why you
         believe it is appropriate.
5.     We note your disclosure that "Except where the context otherwise
requires or where
       otherwise indicated, the terms 'Company,' 'we,' 'us,' 'our,' 'our
company,' 'our Group' and
       'our business' refer, prior to the Reorganization discussed below, to
Banle BVI and, after
       the Reorganization, to CBL International, in each case together with its
       subsidiaries as a consolidated entity." Please revise to clearly
disclose how you will refer
FirstName LastNameTeck Chia
       to the holding company and subsidiaries when providing the disclosure
throughout the
Comapany    NameCBL
       document   so thatInternational
                           it is clear toLtd
                                          investors which entity the disclosure
is referencing and
April 29, 2022subsidiaries
                Page 2       or entities are conducting the business
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6.       We note that you have provided a description of how cash is
transferred through your
         organization. Please amend your disclosure here and in the summary
risk factors and risk
         factor sections to state that, to the extent cash or assets in the
business is in the PRC or
         Hong Kong or a PRC or Hong Kong entity, the funds or assets may not be
available to
         fund operations or for other use outside of the PRC or Hong Kong due
to interventions in
         or the imposition of restrictions and limitations on the ability of
you or your subsidiaries
         by the PRC government to transfer cash or assets. On the cover page,
provide cross-
         references to those other discussions.
7.       We note your disclosure that during the reporting periods presented,
no cash and other
         asset transfers have occurred among Banle BVI and its subsidiaries,
and no dividends or
         distributions from any of the subsidiaries has been made to Banle BVI.
Please revise your
         disclosure to disclose whether any transfers, dividends or
distributions have been made to
         date between Banle BVI and its subsidiaries, or to investors, and
quantify the amounts
         where applicable. Provide cross-references to the condensed
consolidating schedule and
         the consolidated financial statements.
8.       To the extent you have cash management policies that dictate how funds
are transferred
         between you and your subsidiaries, summarize the policies on your
cover page and in the
         prospectus summary, and disclose the source of such policies (e.g.,
whether they are
         contractual in nature, pursuant to regulations, etc.); alternatively,
state on the cover page
         and in the prospectus summary that you have no such cash management
policies that
         dictate how funds are transferred. Provide a cross-reference on the
cover page to the
         discussion of this issue in the prospectus summary.
Prospectus Summary, page 1

9.       We note your disclosure on page 29 that, "[a]s of the date of this
prospectus, we and our
         dormant PRC subsidiary, Majestic Energy, (1) are not required to
obtain permissions from
         any PRC authorities to operate or issue our securities to foreign
investors, (2) are not
         subject to permission requirements from the CSRC, CAC or any other
entity that is
         required to approve of Majestic Energy    operations, and (3) have not
received or were
         denied such permissions by any PRC authorities." Please revise to
disclose each
         permission or approval that you or any of your subsidiaries are
required to obtain from
         Chinese authorities to operate your business and to offer the
securities being registered to
         foreign investors. We note that your current disclosure speaks
specifically to Majestic
         Energy's operations, when it should cover all of your business
operations conducted by
         you and your subsidiaries. If you believe that neither you nor any of
your subsidiaries are
         required to obtain any permissions or approvals from Chinese
authorities either to operate
         your business or offer the securities being registered to foreign
investors, disclose how
         you came to the conclusion, why that is the case, and the basis on
which you made
         this determination. Please also describe the consequences to you and
your investors if you
         or your subsidiaries: (i) do not receive or maintain such permissions
or approvals, (ii)
         inadvertently conclude that such permissions or approvals are not
required, or (iii)
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April 29, 2022
Page 4
         applicable laws, regulations, or interpretations change and you are
required to obtain such
         permissions or approvals in the future. To the extent that you or your
subsidiaries are not
         required to obtain any permissions or approvals from Chinese
authorities to operate your
         business, please supplementally explain why given that the substantial
majority of your
         operations are conducted in the PRC and Hong Kong.
10.      Provide a clear description of how cash is transferred through your
organization. Quantify
         any cash flows and transfers of other assets by type that have
occurred between the
         holding company and its subsidiaries, and direction of transfer.
Quantify any dividends or
         distributions that a subsidiary have made to the holding company and
which entity made
         such transfer, and their tax consequences. Similarly quantify
dividends or distributions
         made to U.S. investors, the source, and their tax consequences. Your
disclosure should
         make clear if no transfers, dividends, or distributions have been made
to date. Describe
         any restrictions on foreign exchange and your ability to transfer cash
between entities,
         across borders, and to U.S. investors because of limitations placed on
you by the PRC
         government. Describe any restrictions and limitations on your ability
to distribute
         earnings from the company, including your subsidiaries to the parent
company and U.S.
11.      Disclose that trading in your securities may be prohibited under the
Holding Foreign
         Companies Accountable Act if the PCAOB determines that it cannot
inspect or investigate
         completely your auditor, and that as a result an exchange may
determine to delist your
         securities. Disclose whether your auditor is subject to the
determinations announced by
         the PCAOB on December 16, 2021.
Our Business, page 2

12.      Please revise your disclosure here and elsewhere as appropriate to
disclose your market
         share in both the PRC and Hong Kong, as those are your principal
places of operation.
13.      We note that revenue from your five largest customers accounted for
83.6% of your total
         revenue in FY2021, and the revenue from your largest customer
accounted for 42.3% of
         your total revenue in the same period. Please disclose in an
appropriate place in the
         prospectus the length of time that you have provided refueling
services for each of these
         customers, and disclose whether you have term contracts or spot
contracts with such
         customers, including a general description of the terms of such
agreements. Please file
         your agreements with your largest customer as an exhibit to the
registration statement, or
         tell us why you do not believe you are required to do so.
14.    We note that in FY2021, the purchases from your five largest suppliers
accounted for
FirstName LastNameTeck Chia
       approximately 84.7% of your total cost of revenue. Please disclose in an
       placeNameCBL    International
             in your prospectus      Ltd you enter into long-term contracts or
agreements with
April 29,   suppliers.
          2022  Page 4
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Risks Relating to Doing Business in China, page 6

15.      For each risk factor listed here, please provide a cross reference to
the specific page that
         the risk factor starts on in your filing.
16.      Please disclose what is meant by the statement that the Chinese
authorities may deem you
         to be "Chinese-based." Please disclose whether this is a particular
finding that may be
         made by the PRC regulatory authorities, and, if so, what the criteria
are for you to be
         categorized as "Chinese-based." Clarify the specific impact or effect
on you and your
         business if you are deemed to be "Chinese-based." Please also indicate
the reasons why
         you believe that it is "unlikely" that you will be deemed to be
17.      In your summary of risk factors, disclose the risks that your
corporate structure and being
         based in or having the majority of the company   s operations in China
poses to investors.
         In particular, describe the significant regulatory, liquidity, and
enforcement risks with
         cross-references to the more detailed discussion of these risks in the
prospectus. For
         example, specifically discuss risks arising from the legal system in
China, including risks
         and uncertainties regarding the enforcement of laws and that rules and
regulations in
         China can change quickly with little advance notice, which could
result in a material
         change in your operations and/or the value of the securities you are
registering for sale.
Our Corporate Structure, page 7

18.      Please disclose to identify the individual or entities that hold
interests in CBL (Asia)
         Limited (Hong Kong) and Straits Energy Resources Berhad (Malaysia), as
well as the
         percentage owned by such individuals or entities. Please also include
the percentage
         directly owned by each entity listed in the chart. Please also include
the ownership
         amounts following the offering.
Risk Factors, page 16

19.      Please revise your risk factors to clearly indicate how the risks
discussed impact your
         company specifically, to the extent applicable. For example, to the
extent that your
         operations have been materially impacted by the credit risks of your
customers, material
         disruptions in availability or supply of marine fuel, or the reduction
or termination of trade
         credit from your suppliers, please discuss these instances in your
related risk factors.
         Please note that these are just examples.
20.      In light of recent events indicating greater oversight by the
Cyberspace Administration of
         China (CAC) over data security, particularly for companies seeking to
list on a foreign
         exchange, please revise your disclosure to explain how this oversight
impacts your
         business and your offering and to what extent you believe that you are
compliant with the
         regulations or policies that have been issued by the CAC to date. If
you do not believe
         CAC regulation are applicable to you, please discuss how you came to
that conclusion.
 Teck Chia
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21.      Certain risk factors in this section focus on your PRC subsidiary,
such as the risk factors
         on pages 30 and 31 that discuss dividends and distributions on equity
as well as loans and
         direct investment in the PRC entities. Please expand your disclosure
throughout to
         include a discussion of both your PRC and Hong Kong subsidiaries.
Certain judgements obtained against us by our shareholders..., page 37

22.      Please revise your disclosure here to identify the directors, officers
or members of senior
         management located in the PRC or Hong Kong. Please clearly explain the
challenges of
         bringing actions and enforcing judgments or liabilities against such
individuals. Please
         include similar disclosure in the section entitled "Enforcement of
Civil Liabilities" on
         page 42.
Capitalization, page 40

23.      Please revise your disclosures give effect to the sale of the ADSs in
this offering, at an
         assumed initial public offering price after deducting the underwriting
discounts and
         commissions and estimated offering expenses payable by you.
Management   s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Operations, page

24.      Please revise your disclosure, as applicable, to describe the impact
of the Russia-Ukraine
         conflict on your business. Specifically, please discuss how the recent
dramatic increase
         in marine fuel prices has impacted, or may impact, your working
capital requirements and
         financial condition.
Results of Operations for the Years Ended December 31, 2021 and 2020, page 49

25.      Please discuss the reason the specific factors created favorable and
         movements in your revenues and expenses. For example, discuss the
reason for
         the decrease in your sales volume of approximately 36,965 metric tons
or 5.6% from
         655,660 metric tons for the year ended December 31, 2020 to
approximately 618,695
         metric tons for the year ended December 31, 2021.
26.      Please revise to discuss material key performance indicators or other
metrics, if any, that
         management uses to manage the business. Please provide a clear
definition of such metric
         and how it is calculated; the reasons why the metric is useful to
investors, how
         management uses the metric in managing or monitoring the performance
of the business,
         and whether there are underlying estimates or assumptions necessary to
understand the
         metric or calculation. For additional guidance, refer to SEC Release
No. 33-10751.
 Teck Chia
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Liquidity and Capital Resources
Cash Flows in Operating Activities - Fiscal Years Ended December 31, 2021 and
2020, page 51

27.      Your discussion of cash flows from operating activities should be a
comparative analysis
         of material changes in this amount between periods. Refer to Item
303(a) and (b) of
         Regulation S-K. In your analysis, please note that references to
results of operations,
         which is prepared on the accrual basis of accounting, and working
capital movements may
         not provide a sufficient basis for an investor to fully understand
comparative changes in
         terms of cash. Your discussion should address the drivers underlying
each factor cited. For
         example, please discuss the specific items that created favorable and
         movements in working capital in terms of cash and the reasons
underlying such
Business, page 57

28.      Where you note that five of the top 10 international container ship
operators are your
         customers, please disclose the percentage of your total revenue
generated from such
29.      Where you note that your Group is considered one of the few leading
         facilitators in "some of the Asia Pacific regions," please specify the
particular regions in
         which the Group has a leading position, and specify the percentage of
market share in
         such regions, including the measure by which you are measuring such
market share.
Our Business Strategies, page 59

30.      Where you discuss strengthening your position in Singapore and South
Korea, please
         disclose the status of your current operations and your market share
in each region.
Our Operation Flows, page 65

31.      Please revise your disclosure in this section to discuss the general
terms of term contracts
         and spot contracts, including the duration of such agreements and
whether agreements set
         forth minimum volume requirements. Please also disclose the percentage
of your revenue
         that is derived from spot contracts versus term contracts. To the
extent that this varies
         from year to year, please disclose this and indicate how it impacts
your overall results of
         operations, if applicable.
Regulations, page 71

32.      Please revise this section to explain how the listed regulations, to
the extent
         material, impact your operations and whether you are in compliance
with such
         regulations. The current disclosure is simply a list of various
regulations, and it is unclear
         when and how they apply to you, and whether you are in compliance with
         regulations. Please revise to clearly state the material effects of
such regulations on your
         business. See Item 4.B. of Item 20-F.
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Page 8
Management, page 85

33.      Please file your employment agreements referenced on page 86 as
exhibits to the
         registration statement.
Financial Statements, page F-1

34.      Please include the financial statments of the Registrant, CBL
International Limited, or, if
         true, a a statement that the entity has not commenced operations and
has no (or nominal)
         assets or liabilities.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
Note 2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
M. Revenue and Cost of Revenue, page F-15

35.      You disclose that you recognize sales and distribution of marine fuel
revenue on a gross
         basis as you have control of the products or services before they are
delivered to your
         customers. In drawing this conclusion, you considered various factors,
including inventory
         risk management, latitude in establishing the sales price, discretion
in the supplier
         selection and that you are normally the primary obligor in the sales
arrangements. On
         pages 19 and 68, you disclose that generally, you do not maintain any
inventory as you
         arrange your suppliers to deliver marine fuel to your customers
vessels directly on your
         behalf. During FY2020 and FY2021, your did not maintain any inventory.
         you could bear inventory risk if the ownership of marine fuel is
passed to you before it is
         transferred to your customers. Please tell us your consideration of
ASU 606-10-55-37,
         which states that an entity does not necessarily control a specified
good if the entity
         obtains legal title to that good only momentarily before legal title
is transferred to a

36.      Please tell us of your consideration of providing pro forma financial
statements to present
         your financial position and results of operations after giving pro
forma effect to the
         reorganization of your corporate structure pursuant to which CBL
International will
         acquire all of the outstanding equity interests of Banle BVI.
37.    We note news reports that indicate that Banle Energy International Ltd
has filed an
       application for a listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Please tell
us whether you are
       planning to conduct a listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange at the
same time as you
       are seeking to list your ADSs on Nasdaq. To the extent that proceeds
from a planned
FirstName LastNameTeck Chia
       initial public offering on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange will be used for
the same
Comapany    NameCBL
       purposes          International
                 as outlined           Ltdof Proceeds section on page 39,
please disclose this fact
                              in the Use
April 29,   the amount
                Page 8 of proceeds that you expect to receive from the Hong
Kong IPO.
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 Teck Chia
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CBL International  Ltd
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FirstName LastName
       You may contact Patrick Kuhn at 202-551-3308 or Lyn Shenk at
202-5551-3380 if you
have questions regarding comments on the financial statements and related
matters. Please
contact Scott Anderegg at 202-551-3342 or Erin Jaskot at 202-551-3442 with any


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