May 23, 2022


Corey F. Rose, Esq.
Dechert LLP
1900 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006

Re:    Registration Statement on Form N-6 of AUL American Individual Variable
Life Unit
       Trust (the    Separate Account   ) of American United Life Insurance
Company (the
          Company   ) relating to OneAmerica VUL (File Nos. 811-08311 and
       (the    Registration Statement   )

Dear Mr. Rose:

        The staff has reviewed the Registration Statement on Form N-6 filed on
March 22, 2022
by the Separate Account under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
1933 Act   ), and the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the    1940 Act   ). All
capitalized terms not
otherwise defined herein have the respective meanings given to them in the
Statement. References to    Items    or    Instructions    herein are to Items
and Instructions in Form
N-6 and references to    Rule    are to Rules under the 1933 Act.


1.     Please confirm that all missing information, including financial
statements and exhibits,
       and current expense data for all Portfolios listed in the Appendix, will
be filed in a pre-
       effective amendment to the Registration Statement. We may have further
       when you supply the omitted information.

2.     Where a comment is made with regard to disclosure in one location of the
       Statement, it is applicable to all similar disclosure appearing
elsewhere in the
       Registration Statement. Please ensure that corresponding changes are
made to all similar

3.     Please clarify supplementally whether there are any guarantees or
support agreements
       with third parties to support any policy features or benefits, or
whether the Company will
       be solely responsible for any benefits or features associated with the
Policy issued by the
       Separate Account.
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4.     Please provide powers of attorney that relate specifically to the
Registration Statement as
       required by Rule 483(b).

5.     Please format the Prospectus to assist with investor comprehension. For

           a. Please set off headings and subheadings from the rest of the

           b. Please use defined terms consistently throughout the document,
and define terms
              in context where first used. For example, the term    OAS    is
first used on page 17,
              but is first defined in Part C of the Registration Statement. The
term    policy
              should also be capitalized throughout when referring to the
policy registered in
              this Registration Statement. Additionally, defined terms used on
the Cover Page
              should be consistently defined in context where first used to
assist with investor
              comprehension. Finally, terms should be consistently capitalized
(and defined) or
              lowercased throughout the document (e.g.,    us,       surrender
charge,    and    grace
              period   )

           c. Please use spacing and gridlines, or similar methods, to more
clearly differentiate
              the rows of the Key Information Table.


6. Please revise the exact name of the registrant to match the name of the
Separate Account;
   i.e.,    OneAmerica VUL     AUL American Individual Variable Life Unit


7.        OneAmerica VUL    appears on the cover page, directly above the name
of the Company.
       If this is the name of the Policy, please update the EDGAR class
identifiers accordingly.
       See Rule 313(b) of Regulation S-T.

8.     Please revise the third sentence of the fifth paragraph to conform to
the legend required
       by Item 1(a)(8) (i.e.,    Upon cancellation, you will receive either a
full refund of the
       amount you paid with your application or your total [Policy] value.


Definitions of Terms

9.     Please revise the definition of Depositor to make clear that the
Depositor is American
       United Life Insurance Company.

10.    The definition of Home Office includes a reference to a toll-free number
and provides
       AUL   s website homepage. Please clarify how the website and toll-free
number relate to
       the Home Office. E.g., can investors provide proper notice to the Home
Office by calling
       the toll-free number or accessing the website?
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11.    The use of the terms Portfolio, Fund, and Fund Portfolio throughout the
document are
       confusing. Sometimes they appear to be used interchangeably to refer to
the subaccount
       investment options under the Policy (see, e.g., the subsections General
Information about
       AUL, the Separate Account and the Fund     The Funds and Voting Rights).
However, the
       term Portfolio is defined as a    separate investment Fund in which the
Separate Account
       invests,    and the term Fund is defined as a    diversified, open-end
       investment company commonly referred to as a Fund, or a Portfolio
thereof.    Please
       consider whether a specific definition (i.e., Fund) is needed to refer
to the trusts of which
       the Portfolios are series.

12.    Please consider whether the defined terms Statutory Prospectus and
Summary Prospectus
       are necessary.

13.    The defined terms Separate Account and Variable Account appear to be
       Please consider using a single defined term throughout the Registration

14.    Please consider adding the term Right to Examine, which is currently
defined in context,
       to the Definitions of Terms. Please also confirm that the definition of
Right to Examine is
       consistent with Right to Cancel (Examination Right), as used in the

Table of Contents

15.    Please move the Table of Contents to either the outside front, inside
front, or outside back
       cover page of the prospectus, as required by Rule 481(c). Currently, the
Definitions of
       Terms section precedes the Table of Contents.

16.    Please supplementally confirm that, in electronic versions of the
summary and statutory
       Prospectuses and SAI, cross-references in the Table of Contents will
link directly to the
       relevant sections in the documents where the subject matter is

17.    Please include the headings    Important Information You Should Consider
about the
       Policy    and    Other Benefits Available Under the Policy,    and any
other major headings,
       in the Table of Contents. Please also ensure that all major subheadings
are listed under
       each heading in the Table of Contents.

18.    Please move the legend appearing at the bottom of the Table of Contents
to the front
       cover page. See Rule 481(b).

Key Information Table     Important Information You Should Consider About the
(pages 9-10)

19.    Please revise section headings to match the presentation format in Form
N-6 (e.g., revise
       the heading of Item 2 to    Important Information You Should Consider
about the Policy   )
       and to conform the headings in the Prospectus with the headings in the
       Prospectus for New Investors (   ISP   ). See Instruction 1(a) of Item
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20.     Please supplementally confirm that the Key Information Table
cross-references in the
        electronic versions of the summary and statutory Prospectuses will link
directly to the
        location in the statutory Prospectus where the subject matter is
discussed in greater detail,
        or will provide a means of facilitating access to that information
through equivalent
        methods or technologies. Instruction 1(b) to Item 2.

21.     Please ensure that all cross-references in the    Location in
Prospectus    column direct the
        reader to the appropriate section and subsection of the statutory
Prospectus where the
        subject matter is discussed in greater detail. For example,
cross-references to    Addition,
        Deletion or Substitution of Investments    should be revised to read
The Policy
        Addition, Deletion or Substitution of Investments.

Fees and Expenses

   Transaction Charges

22.     Please provide a cross-reference in the right-hand column that directs
investors to more
        information about transaction charges that may apply to Face Amount
decreases (e.g., to
           Death Benefit and Changes in Face Amount     Decrease in Face Amount

   Ongoing Fees and Expenses (annual charges)

23.     Please revise the first row of the table to read    Investment options*
(Portfolio Company
        fees and expenses),    in order to use the defined term    Portfolio
consistently throughout.

24.     Please confirm that the Portfolio fees and expenses shown in the table
are expressed as a
        percentage of Portfolio net assets.


   Risks Associated with Investment Options

25.     Please revise the second bullet to read as follows:    Each Fund
Portfolio (including a
        Fixed Account investment option) has its own unique risks. You should
review each
        investment option (Fund   s including each Portfolio   s prospectus)
before making an
        investment decision.    Please also add cross-references to the
appropriate section of the
        statutory Prospectus where the Fixed Account is discussed in greater

   Insurance Company Risks

26.     Please indicate how investors can request financial strength ratings
from the Company
        (e.g., via a toll-free telephone number, or via a website link more
specific than the
        Company   s homepage).
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27.    The third bullet reads as follows:    We reserve the right to close,
add, substitute or remove
       Investment Accounts as investment options under the Policy. A Fund may
also be merged
       into another Fund.    To avoid investor confusion, please replace
Investment Accounts
       and    Fund    with a single defined term (e.g., Portfolio). See
Instruction 4(a) to Item 2
       (using    Portfolio Companies    throughout).

   Optional Benefits

28.    Please briefly note that the Policy offers several asset allocation
models (   Models   ) and
       that these Models may change over time. Please add a cross-reference to
the appropriate
       section and subsection of the statutory Prospectus where the subject
matter is discussed in
       greater detail.

Conflicts of Interest

   Investment Professional Compensation

29.    For consistency, please revise    financial professionals    to read
       professionals    in the first sentence.


30.    Please lowercase    Policy    throughout the second bullet, in order to
clarify that this
       disclosure is referring to variable life insurance policies more

Overview of the Policy (pages 11-12)


31.    The penultimate sentence states that the Policy    may be appropriate
for you if you have a
       long investment time horizon and the Policy   s terms and conditions are
consistent with
       your financial goals.    Please briefly explain how the Policy is
intended to help investors
       meet long-term financial goals.


32.    The second paragraph reads:    Generally, the Initial Net Premium and
any Net Premium
       received during the Right to Examine period are allocated to the money
market account
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       on the later of the Policy Date or the date we receive the Premium at
AUL   s Home

          a. Please delete    generally    from the beginning of this sentence,
or disclose any

          b. Please reconcile this language with the second sentence under
Overview of the
             Policy     Policy Features     Right to Cancel (Examination
Right), which states that
                AUL generally allocates Net Premiums to the Fixed Account and
             Accounts on the later of the day the    right to examine    period
expires, or the date
             AUL receives the premium at the Home Office.

          c. Please disclose here the amount that will be refunded to investors
upon returning
             the Policy. Given that all premiums will be invested in the money
market fund
             during the right to examine period, please indicate whether you
intend to refund
             the greater of Account Value or premiums paid. If this amount will
not include
             earnings from the money market fund, please supplementally explain
why. Please
             make conforming changes throughout, as applicable, including in
the section The
             Policy     Right to Examine Period.

33.    The first sentence of the fourth paragraph reads:    The amount
allocated to the Fixed
       Account will earn [an] interest rate not less than the guaranteed
interest rate, see Fixed
       Account.    Here, and throughout, please consider revising to more
clearly indicate the
       presence of a cross-reference. For example, the sentence could be
revised as follows:
          The amount allocated to the Fixed Account will earn [an] interest
rate not less than the
       guaranteed interest rate. For more information, see Fixed Account.

Policy Features

   Supplemental Benefits and Riders

34.    The disclosure in this subsection refers to both    optional benefits
and    optional riders.
       Please explain the difference between optional benefits and optional
riders. If they are
       synonymous, please clarify.

35.    The sentence following the list of supplemental benefits available
states:    An additional
       charge or fee upon exercising the benefit may apply to optional riders.
  Specify those
       with an additional charge. Please also add, if true, that an additional
charge or fee may
       apply to certain standard benefits (e.g., the Overloan Protection

   Right to Cancel (Examination Right)

36.    Please disclose the refund that an Owner receives (i.e., either the
premiums paid or the
       Account Value).
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Fee Table (pages 12-13)

Periodic Charges Other than Fund Expenses

37.    Please revise the title of the table to    Periodic Charges Other than
Annual Fund
       Portfolio Expenses    in the title of the table, to conform to the
presentation format of Item

38.    Please conform the presentation format of the rows in the    Charge
column to match
       Item 4. For example,    Minimum and Maximum Charge    and    Charge for
       Representative Investor    should appear as sub-headings under the Cost
of Insurance row,
       and Representative COI should be merged with the    Charge for a
       Investor    sub-heading.

39.    The rows for Accelerated Death Benefit for Chronic Illness Rider and
Accelerated Death
       Benefit for Terminal Illness Rider state that charges are deducted
[u]pon any payment of
       the rider   s benefit.    Please confirm whether these are non-recurring
charges. Any non-
       recurring Policy fee, account fee, or similar fee should be included in
the    Transaction
       Fees    table. See Instruction 2(c) to Item 4.

40.    Footnote 4 to the table states    [s]ubject to state availability
(referring to optional
       benefits under the Policy). Here, and throughout the Registration
Statement as applicable,
       please remove disclosure stating that the operation of the product
(including the
       availability of benefits) may vary by state. All material state
variations must be disclosed
       in the Prospectus (or an appendix thereto).

41.    Please revise footnote 2 to clarify that the charge is    not deducted,
  rather than    reduced
       to zero,    when the Insured reaches the Attained Age of 121.

Total Annual Fund Company Operating Expenses

42.    Please bold the legend immediately preceding this table to match the
presentation format
       of Item 4.

43.    Please revise the title of the table to    Annual Portfolio Company
Operating Expenses    to
       match the presentation format of Item 4.

Principal Risks of the Policy (pages 14-15)

44.    Please summarize the principal risks of the Portfolio Optimization
Program, including
       any relevant disclosure regarding material conflicts of interest, in
this section.

45.    Please confirm whether natural disasters and pandemics, generally, are
principal risks of
       the Policy. If not, please consider tailoring the principal risk
disclosure accordingly.
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Policy Lapse

46.    The Company states in the second sentence that    [t]here is no
guarantee that the Owner   s
       Policy will not lapse even if the Owner pays the Owner   s Planned

          a. Please briefly explain here why the Policy may lapse, even if a
Policy holder pays
             the planned premiums (i.e., if the Cash Surrender Value is less
than the Monthly
             Deduction on the day the deduction is made).

          b. Please briefly discuss the operation of the Grace Period if the
Policy is in default,
             including the notice to be provided, and that the Policyholder has
an opportunity
             to make an additional payment to keep the Policy in force.

          c. Please reference the no-lapse guarantee riders (e.g., the Policy
will not lapse so
             long as the conditions of the riders are satisfied).

          d. Please also provide corresponding cross-references to the sections
of the statutory
             Prospectus where the subject matter is discussed in greater

Limitations on Access to Cash Value

47.    The second sentence states that making a Partial Surrender or taking a
loan may change
       the Owner   s Policy   s Total Face Amount. Please also caution in the
principal risk
       discussion that a decrease in Face Amount may result in a proportional
Surrender Charge.

48.    Please revise the third sentence to state:    Partial Surrenders and
loans may make the
       Owner   s Policy more susceptible to lapse.

Tax Treatment of Life Insurance Contracts

49.    Please briefly discuss (i) the tax treatment AUL intends for the Policy
(as discussed in the
       first sentence) and (ii) the tax treatment of a Modified Endowed
Contract (as discussed in
       the second sentence).

50.    The last sentence states:    There may be adverse tax consequences (i.e.
a 10% penalty) in
       the event of a Surrender or withdrawal if the Owner is under the age of
59   .    Please
       replace    i.e.    with    including    to clarify that such adverse tax
consequences may include,
       but are not limited to, a 10% federal penalty.

General Information About AUL, the Separate Account and the Fund

The Funds

51.    Please revise the first sentence to read:    Each Investment Account of
the Separate
       Account invests in shares of a corresponding Portfolio Fund.    Please
also revise this
       subsection consistent with the comment, supra, regarding the use of the
terms Portfolios
       and Funds throughout the Registration Statement.
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Voting Rights

52.    The second sentence states:    In accordance with its present view of
applicable law, AUL
       will exercise voting rights attributable to the shares of each Portfolio
held in the
       Investment Accounts at regular and special meetings of the shareholders
of the Funds or
       Portfolios on matters requiring shareholder voting under the 1940 Act.
 Please revise this
       sentence consistent with the comment, supra, regarding the use of the
terms Portfolios
       and Funds throughout the Registration Statement, to clarify that Owners
have voting
       rights only in the series of a trust held in an Investment Account of
the Separate Account
       (i.e., voting rights would apply to series of a Fund that are available
as investment
       options, but not necessarily every underlying series of a Fund). Please
       corresponding changes throughout this section.

53.    The penultimate sentence of the third paragraph states:    If required
by the SEC or under a
       contract with any of the Funds, AUL reserves the right to determine in a
different fashion
       the voting rights attributable to the shares of the Portfolio.    Please
explain what    under a
       contract with any of the Funds    is intended to refer to.

54.    Please revise the second sentence of the fourth paragraph, consistent
with prior
       comments, as follows:    AUL will vote shares of an Investment Account
Portfolio, if
       any   .

55.    The last sentence of the fourth paragraph states that    AUL will vote
its own shares in the
       same proportion as the voting instructions that are received in a timely
manner for
       Policies participating in the Investment Account.    Please also
disclose that, due to
       proportionate voting, the vote of a small number of Owners can determine
the outcome of
       a proposal.

Revenue AUL Receives

56.    The last sentence of the second paragraph on page 18 states:    The
investment objectives
       of each of the Portfolios are described below.    Please add a
cross-reference to the

57.    The first sentence of the penultimate paragraph on page 18 states:
The Funds are
       described in their Prospectuses, which accompany this Prospectus.
Please (i) clarify
       whether the term Prospectus, as used in this disclosure, refers to the
summary or statutory
       prospectuses of the underlying Portfolios; and (ii) confirm whether
prospectuses for the
       underlying Portfolios will be delivered (along with the ISP) to

Premium Payments and Allocations (pages 21-25)

58.    Please move the discussions of optional benefits in this section (i.e.,
Dollar Cost
       Averaging Program, Portfolio Rebalancing Program) to the Optional
Benefits Available
       Under the Policy section. Please also disclose, in the Portfolio Options
    Transfers and
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       Optional Benefits Available Under the Policy sections, that only one of
these transfer
       programs may be elected at any time.


59.    Please disclose in this section the minimum required initial premium
amount. If none,
       please so state. See Item 9(a)(1).

60.    Please add disclosure explaining the Guideline Premium Test and the Cash
       Accumulation Test.

Premium Allocations and Crediting

61.    The penultimate paragraph of this subsection states, in part, that if an
Owner exercises the
       right to examine and cancels it by returning it to AUL, then AUL    will
refund either the
       premiums paid or the Account Value.    Please add this disclosure from
this paragraph
       throughout the Registration Statement where the right to examine is

Transfer Privilege

62.    Please delete the last two sentences of the first paragraph, which
discuss transfer charges.
       There do not appear to be any applicable transfer charges.

Dollar Cost Averaging Program

63.    The fifth paragraph notes that    AUL reserves the right to impose a $25
transfer charge
       for each transfer effected under a DCA Program.    Please include this
charge in the Fee

Portfolio Rebalancing Program

64.    The final paragraph notes that AUL does not currently charge for its
       Rebalancing Program. If AUL reserves the right to charge, please include
the applicable
       charge in the Fee Table. Otherwise, please delete    currently.

Portfolio Optimization Program

   The Program

65.    Please explain whether you intend to send an Investment Adviser Brochure
(Part 2 of
       Form ADV) and a Form CRS to investors that elect the Portfolio
Optimization Program.
       If not, please explain your legal basis. Also, please state in the
Prospectus that MFIM a
       registered adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and has an
       relationship with each Owner who elects into the Program.
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   The Portfolio Optimization Models

66.    Please specifically describe the Models in this section (e.g., include
the allocation
       percentages), describe the strategies of each Model, and explain where
Owners can find
       more information about each Model and its strategy.

   Periodic Updates of the Portfolio Optimization Model and Notices of Updates

67.    The last two sentences of this section reads as follows:    Some of the
riders available
       under the Contract require the Owner to participate in a specific asset
allocation service.
       If the Owner purchased any of these riders, such riders will terminate
if the Owner
       withdraws from Portfolio Optimization or allocates any portion of the
Owner   s
       subsequent Premiums or Account Value to an Investment Option that is not
       allowed with the rider (as more fully described in each rider.    Please
       confirm whether this disclosure is accurate. If so, please add
corresponding disclosure, in
       the    Brief Description of Restrictions/Limitations    column, of the
Other Benefits
       Available Under the Policy table describing any such rider limitations
or restrictions.

Fixed Account (page 26)

Summary of the Fixed Account

68.    Please revise the last two sentences of the first paragraph as follows:
       neither the Fixed Account nor any interests therein are subject to the
provisions of these
       Acts and, as a result, the staff of the SEC has not reviewed the
disclosure in this
       Prospectus relating to the Fixed Account. The disclosure regarding the
Fixed Account
       is, may, however, be subject to certain generally applicable provisions
of the federal
       securities laws relating to the accuracy and completeness of statements
made in

Minimum Guaranteed and Current Interest Rates

69.    The last sentence states:    AUL bears the investment risk for Owner   s
Fixed Account
       values and for paying interest at the Current Rate on amounts allocated
to the Fixed
       Account.    Please add disclosure clarifying that, although AUL bears
the investment risk,
       investors continue to bear investment risk related to the Company   s
claims-paying ability
       and financial strength.

Charges and Deductions (pages 27-28)

70.    Briefly describe current charges for each of the charges listed in this
section. See Item

Surrender Charge

71.    Identify what is provided in consideration for Surrender Charges (e.g.,
the use of
       Surrender Charges to pay distribution costs). See Item 7(a).
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Table of Surrender Charges: Based on a $500,000 Face Amount

72.    Please provide the Surrender Charges in this table in percentage terms.
See Instruction 1
       to Item 7.

73.    The sentence immediately following the table states:    Partial
Surrenders are limited to the
       Cash Surrender Value of the Policy; therefore, there is no surrender
charge assessed on
       Partial Surrenders.    Here, and elsewhere as appropriate in the
Prospectus, please add that
       withdrawals and Surrenders may have tax consequences, including a
possible tax penalty
       if withdrawn before age 59   .

74.    The first sentence of the third paragraph under the table states:    If
a Face Amount
       decrease is requested, AUL will deduct a proportional Surrender Charge
from the
       Account Value on the effective date of the decrease.    Please provide
an example of a
       proportional Surrender Charge deduction.

Death Benefit and Changes in Face Amount (30-37)

Changes in Death Benefit Option

75.    The first sentence of the second paragraph states:    If the Owner
requests a change from
       Death Benefit option 1 to Death Benefit option 2, the Face Amount will
be decreased by
       the amount of the Account Value on the date of change.    Please
disclose here, if true, that
       this decrease in Face Amount will result in a proportional Surrender

Other Benefits Available Under the Policy

76.    Please identify in this table each benefit that may not be available to
all investors. We
       note that the second sentence of Important Information You Should
Consider about the
       Policy     Optional Benefits states that optional benefit availability
may vary by state or by
       selling broker-dealer.

77.    Please add a description of the Portfolio Optimization Program to the

78.    The    Brief Description of Restrictions/Limitations    column of the
Children   s Insurance
       Benefit Rider row states that the    rider is not allowed on policies
rated worse than Table

          a. Please clarify where investors can find Table D.

          b. Throughout the Registration Statement, where similar references
are made to
             supplemental tables, please clarify where investors can access
these tables.

79.    The    Brief Description of Restrictions/Limitations    column of the
Overloan Protection
       Rider row states that the rider may be exercised only if certain
conditions are met. Please
       specify these conditions.
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80.    The    Brief Description of Restrictions/Limitations    column of the
Dollar Cost Averaging
       row states that    AUL reserves the right to impose a $25 transfer
charge for each transfer
       effected under a DCA program.    Please add this disclosure to the
discussion of the
       benefit under The Policy     Dollar Cost Averaging Program. Please also
add this to the
       Transaction Fees table in the Fee Table section of the Prospectus.

   Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Illness Rider

81.    This subsection notes that a one-time Administrative Fee may be charged
when the
       Accelerated Death Benefit is paid under this rider. Please add this to
the Transaction
       Fees table in the Fee Table section of the Prospectus.

   Accelerated Death Benefit for Chronic Illness Rider

82.    This subsection notes that a one-time Administrative Fee may be charged
when the
       Accelerated Death Benefit is paid under this rider. Please add this to
the Transaction
       Fees table in the Fee Table section of the Prospectus.

Cash Benefits (pages 38-40)

Policy Loans

83.    To assist with investor comprehension, consider disclosing the purpose
of Policy loans
       (i.e., to access Policy value without adverse tax consequences
associated with partial

Partial Surrenders

84.    The second sentence of the third paragraph states:    The maximum
Partial Surrender
       amount is the Cash Surrender Value minus the greater of (1) $1,000 or
(2) three times the
       most recent Monthly Deductions. Please make    Monthly Deductions
singular, and
       consider revising the subparagraph numbering as follows to clarify the
formula:    The
       maximum Partial Surrender amount is the Cash Surrender Value minus the
greater of (a)
       $1,000 or (b) three times the most recent Monthly Deductions.

Other Policy Provisions (pages 42-44)

Deferral of Payments

   Variable Account

85.    Please revise the parenthetical in this paragraph as follows:    (except
normal holiday
       closings and weekends)   .
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Appendix: Funds Available Under the Policy

86.    If applicable, please include a statement explaining that updated
performance information
       is available and providing a website address and/or toll-free (or
collect) telephone number
       where the updated information may be obtained. Instruction 1(e) to Item

87.    The sentence immediately preceding the table states:    Depending on the
optional benefits
       you choose, you may not be able to invest in certain Underlying Funds.
 Please indicate
       which Portfolios are available (or are restricted) under the benefits
offered under the
       Policy or delete this statement. See Instruction 1(f)(2) to Item 18. If
the statement is kept,
       please change    Underlying Funds    to    Funds.

88.    Please generally revise the columns of the table to conform to the
presentation format of
       Item 18. In particular:

          a. Please delete the    Fund Identifier    and    Fund Family

          b. Please move the    Type of Fund    column to the left-hand side of
the table.

          c. Please revise the    Fund Name    row to reflect the presentation
format in Item 18
             (i.e.,    Portfolio Company and Adviser/Subadviser   ).

          d. Please delete the words    Expense Ratio    in the fifth column

89.    If applicable, identify each Portfolio subject to an expense
reimbursement or fee waiver
       arrangement and provide a footnote stating that their annual expenses
reflect temporary
       fee reductions. See Instruction 4 to Item 18.


90.    The information required by Item 1(b) appears on the final page of the
Appendix. Please
       move this to a separate page.

91.    Please add the EDGAR contract identifier on the bottom of the back cover
page in type
       size smaller than that generally used in the Prospectus (e.g., 8-point
modern type). Item


Item 37. Fee Representation

92.    Please replace    The Registrant    with    American United Life
Insurance Company
       (   Insurance Company   ).
 Corey F. Rose, Esq.
May 23, 2022
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93.    The Registration Statement is signed by the principal executive officer.
Please note the
       signature requirements of Section 6(a) of the Securities Act of 1933,
which require that
       the Registration Statement also be signed by (i) the comptroller or
principal accounting
       officer and (ii) the principal financial officer. In this regard, any
person who occupies
       more than one of the positions specified in Section 6(a) of the
Securities Act should
       indicate each capacity in which he or she signs the Registration


94.    To the extent relevant, please apply all foregoing comments to the
statutory Prospectus to
       the ISP.

95.    Please revise the title of the ISP as follows:    Form of Summary
Prospectus for New

96.    The section of the ISP titled Additional Information About Fees
currently provides
       disclosure responsive to Item 7. Please remove this disclosure from the
ISP and replace it
       with the statutory Prospectus disclosure responsive to Item 4. See also
Rule 498A.

97.    Please supplementally confirm that the following sections of the summary
prospectus are
       identical to the corresponding sections of the statutory Prospectus:
Important Information
       You Should Consider About the Policy (Item 2); Overview of the Policy
(Item 3);
       Standard Death Benefits (Item 10(a)); Other Benefits Available Under the
Policy (Item
       11(a)); Buying the Policy (Item 9(c)-(c)); How Your Policy Can Lapse
(Item 14(a)-(c));
       Making Withdrawals: Accessing the Money in Your Policy (Item 12(a); and
       Available Under the Policy Appendix (Item 18). See also Rule 498A.

98.    Please supplementally confirm that in the electronic version of the ISP:
(a) the website
       address in the legend will comply with the requirements of Rule
498A(b)(2)(v)(B) and
       any other website address will comply with the requirements of Rule
498A(i)(4); and (b)
       the Table of Contents (if applicable), cross references, and all defined
terms will comply
       with the requirements of Rule 498A(h)(2)(ii), (iii) and (iv),

                                             * * * *

        Responses to this letter should be made in a letter to me filed on
EDGAR and in the form
of a pre-effective amendment filed pursuant to Rule 472 under the Securities
Act. Where no
change will be made in a filing in response to a comment, please indicate this
fact in the letter to
us and briefly state the basis for your position.

        You should review and comply with all applicable requirements of the
federal securities
laws in connection with the preparation and distribution of a preliminary
 Corey F. Rose, Esq.
May 23, 2022
Page 16 of 16

       We remind you that the Company is responsible for the accuracy and
adequacy of its
disclosure in the registration statement, notwithstanding any review, comments,
action, or
absence of action by the staff.

       You may contact me at (202) 551-7703 or if you have

                                                   /s/ Matthew S. Williams
                                                   Senior Counsel

cc: Michael C. Pawluk, Senior Special Counsel
    Sally Samuel, Branch Chief
    James Catano, Esq.