United States securities and exchange commission logo

                             July 21, 2022

       Heng Fai Ambrose Chan
       Chief Executive Officer
       Impact BioMedical, Inc.
       275 Wiregrass Pkwy
       West Henrietta, NY 14586

                                                        Re: Impact BioMedical,
                                                            Amendment No. 3 to
Registration Statement on Form S-1
                                                            Filed July 11, 2022
                                                            File No. 333-253037

       Dear Mr. Chan:

             We have reviewed your amended registration statement and have the
       comments. In some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with
information so we
       may better understand your disclosure.

              Please respond to this letter by amending your registration
statement and providing the
       requested information. If you do not believe our comments apply to your
facts and
       circumstances or do not believe an amendment is appropriate, please tell
us why in your

              After reviewing any amendment to your registration statement and
the information you
       provide in response to these comments, we may have additional comments.
Unless we note
       otherwise, our references to prior comments are to comments in our
October 26, 2021 letter.

       Amendment No. 3 to Form S-1 filed July 11, 2022

       Business Overview, page 2

   1.                                                   Please revise your
summary to present a balanced view of your company and its current
                                                        stage of development by
focusing on the most material aspects of your company. As
                                                        currently written, your
summary focuses on the positive aspects of your business and
                                                        includes a lengthy
recitation of disclosures appearing in the Management's Discussion and
                                                        Analysis and Business
sections. Please balance the description of your strengths with
                                                        equally prominent
disclosure of the challenges you face and the risks and limitations that
                                                        could harm your
business or inhibit your strategic plans. Ensure that you discuss the risks
                                                        and obstacles you face
in developing your product candidates with the same level of detail
 Heng Fai Ambrose Chan
FirstName  LastNameHeng
Impact BioMedical, Inc. Fai Ambrose Chan
July       NameImpact BioMedical, Inc.
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Page  2 2022 Page 2
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         as you use to discuss the positive aspects of your operations. For
example, but without
         limitation, balance your discussion to disclose the following:
             that you have not conducted and do not have any current plans to
conduct any pre-
              clinical testing for any of your product candidates;
             that you have no FDA approved products;
             that it may be several years before you seek FDA approval for any
of your products;
             that you have not yet found any third-parties or customers that
are interested
              in purchasing, licensing, or co-developing products that leverage
any of your
             that you cannot guarantee that you will be able to find such
third-parties or enter into
              such agreements;
             that you have not yet generated any revenue from your operations;
             information regarding your history of net losses, negative class
flows, and
              accumulated deficit over the last two years.
2.       We note your revisions in response to our prior comment 2. We also
note that your
         wholly-owned subsidiary, DSS PureAir, Inc., was not included in the
subsidiary chart.
         Please revise your chart to include all subsidiaries of Impact
BioMedical, Inc.
3.       We note what appear to be several apparent discrepancies in the
beneficial ownership
         disclosures of your subsidiaries. For example, we note the following
             On page 2, 18 and 27, you state that Impact Biomedical is the sole
owner of Global
              Biomedical, Inc. and Impact Biolife Science, Inc. However, your
subsidiary chart
              appears to indicate that Peggy Tang owns 9.09% of Global
Biomedical, Inc., and on
              page 34, you state that GRDG is a stockholder of Impact BioLife.
             On pages 2, 18 and 27, you state that Impact Biomedical owns 90%
of Global
              BioLife Inc.'s outstanding equity through Global Biomedical, Inc.
However, you
              state on page 5 that you own 80% of Global BioLife through Global
Biomedical and
              on page F-24 you state that the attributable interest as of March
31, 2022 in Global
              BioLife, Inc. was 81.8%.
             The subsidiary chart does not convey Impact's 90% equity ownership
and Holista's
              10% equity ownership of Biolife Sugar, Inc.
             You disclose that you are the owner of 50% of the outstanding
equity of Sweet Sense,
              that the other equity owner is BioLife Sugar, Inc., and that you
own 90% of Biolife
              Sugar, Inc. and the other equity owner is Holista CollTech
Limited (10%). Please
              reconcile this disclosure to the information on page F-24 that
the attributable interest
              as of March 31, 2022 in Sweet Sense, Inc. was 95.5%.

         Please revise your subsidiary chart and your disclosure throughout to
address these
         apparent discrepancies in the equity interests of your subsidiaries.
4.       We note the inclusion of several products in your Summary that are not
discussed in your
         Business Section (i.e. Procombin, VanXin, Quantum, CRST 1, Keto Sweet,
Solarin, and
         Bio Med). Given the limited amount of disclosure related to these
programs, please
         explain why these programs are sufficiently material to your business
to warrant inclusion
 Heng Fai Ambrose Chan
Impact BioMedical, Inc.
July 21, 2022
Page 3
         in your Summary. If they are material, please expand your disclosure
in your Business
         section to provide a more fulsome discussion of these programs,
including a description of
         development activities conducted. Alternatively, remove any programs
that are not
         currently material from your Summary on page 4.
5.       We note your revision in response to our prior comment 12 and reissue.
We note your
         statement that Equivir is a compound that is "believed to be
successful in antiviral
         infection treatments" and your description of Equivir as
"viral-fighting." Efficacy and
         safety are determinations that are solely within the authority of the
FDA. Please remove
         these and all other statements of efficacy.
6.       We also note your statement on page 4 that Equivir is "a novel blend
of FDA Generally
         Recognized as Safe ("GRAS") eligible natural compounds which have
demonstrated anti
         viral effects." Please balance your disclosure here by stating that
the FDA has not
         approved this product, that GRAS designation means that the FDA does
not question the
         basis for a notifier's GRAS determination, and that GRAS determination
does not increase
         the likelihood that your product candidate will receive marketing
7.       We note your disclosure on pages 20 and 21 that you have not conducted
         testing and have no plans to conduct any scientific testing relating
to Linebacker, Laetose,
         or Equivir. Given the early stage of development of these programs,
please explain why
         each program is sufficiently material to your business to warrant
discussion in this
         prospectus. To the extent that these product candidates are material,
please clearly state
         for each product candidate on page 4 that you have not conducted and
have no current
         plans to conduct any preclinical testing for that product.
Stockholders Agreement between Impact BioLife and the Impact BioLife
Stockholders, page 6

8.       We note that the Company contracted for the same consideration and
incurred the exact
         same expenses for 2020 and 2021 under the Stockholders Agreement
between Global
         BioLife and the Global BioLife Stockholders as it did under the
         2020 Stockholders Agreement between Impact BioLife and the Impact
         Shareholders. Please clarify whether these terms are two separate
payment obligations to
         GRDG, such that Impact BioMedical pays a total of $86,000 per month to
GRDG, or
         whether they are one payment obligation, such that Impact BioMedical
pays $43,000 per
Summary of the Distribution
Tax Consequences to DS Stockholders, page 10

9.     We have reviewed your revisions in response to our prior comment 1. We
note your
FirstName LastNameHeng Fai Ambrose Chan
       statement on page 10 that DSS shareholders "will potentially" be subject
to a taxable
       eventNameImpact    BioMedical,
             on the distribution of the Inc.
                                        Impact Shares. Please revise to clarify
that DSS expects
       the DSS  shareholders
July 21, 2022 Page 3          to be subject  to a taxable event on the
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 Heng Fai Ambrose Chan
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Impact BioMedical, Inc. Fai Ambrose Chan
July       NameImpact BioMedical, Inc.
     21, 2022
July 21,
Page  4 2022 Page 4
FirstName LastName
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2021 compared to Year Ended December 31, 2020,
page 23

10.      We note your disclosure that your results of operations for the year
ended December 31,
         2020 have been prepared on a combined proforma basis. However, it does
not appear as
         though you have presented combined proforma information for the year
ended December
         31, 2020. Please revise the filing to delete reference to the combined
pro forma basis or
         advise us accordingly.
11.      We note the significant increase in your income tax benefit. Please
revise your results of
         operations discussion to include analysis of your income tax benefit.
Other Expense, page 24

12.      We note that through your distribution agreement with BioMed
Technologies Asia Pacific
         Holdings Limited, you sold $82,664 of product during the year ended
December 31, 2021,
         which was offset by costs of approximately $78,000. Please explain to
us how you are
         accounting for this agreement under ASC 606, including your analysis
of whether you are
         a principal or an agent in these transactions.
Critical Accounting Policies
Goodwill, page 25

13.      We note your added disclosure in response to prior comment 11. Please
revise your
         disclosure to provide more specific detail regarding your goodwill
impairment testing. As
         you appear to only have done a qualitative analysis based on your
disclosure in Note 6.
         Goodwill on page F-13, please address why no quantitative analysis was
necessary in light
         of recurring operating losses, negative working capital and negative
operating cash flows.
         In addition, as your business model appears to be to license, sell, or
co-develop your
         technologies and your only significant agreement is with GRDG, which
appears to be a
         related party, please tell us your consideration of how these factors
were considered in
         determining your goodwill impairment analysis. If you performed a
quantitative analysis,
         please address our prior comment 11, including the percentage by which
the fair value of
         your reporting unit exceeded its carrying value at the date of the
most recent test.
Business, page 27

14.      We note your response to our prior comment 13 and reissue in part. We
note your
         statements that "natural compounds used in the Linebacker platform
have demonstrated
         strong potential in treating and preventing a range of diseases . . ."
and that "use of
         Laetose in a daily diet, compared to sugar, could result in 30% less
sugar consumption and
         lower glycenmic index/load." Given the early stage of these products,
please explain your
         basis for these claims. Please also describe any discovery activities
you have conducted
         for these and your other product candidates.
 Heng Fai Ambrose Chan
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Impact BioMedical, Inc. Fai Ambrose Chan
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15.      We note your revisions in response to our prior comment 14 and reissue
in part. Please
         describe the material terms of your joint venture with Quality
Ingredients, LLC and please
         file the Exclusive Distribution Agreement with BioMed as an exhibit.
Equivir, page 30

16.      If known, please describe the potential mechanism of action for
Equivir. If not known or
         understood, please make that clear.
DSS Note, page 32

17.      We note your revisions in response to our prior comment 18. We also
note that while
         your disclosure states that the Revolving Promissory Note was amended
on December 31,
         2021, the Revolving Promissory Note you filed as Exhibit 10.6 appears
to be dated June
         30, 2021. Please revise to clarify whether this is the same promissory
note and file the
         amended December 31, 2021 Revolving Promissory Note as an exhibit.
         please provide a definition for the "Maximum Lawful Rate."
Intellectual Property, page 35

18.      We note your revisions in response to our prior comment 15. Please
provide the expected
         expiration dates of your pending patent applications. Please also
remove your
         expired Patent No. 63,027,775 from your chart.
Management, page 38

19.      We reissue our prior comment 19. Please revise your management section
to identify and
         disclose Mr. Daryl Thompson's background to the same extent as your
executive officers,
         as required by Item 401(c) of Regulation S-K. Please also clarify the
role of Dr. Rajen M.
         Dato and to the extent that he is expected to make significant
contributions to your
         business, please similarly identify and disclose his background to the
same extent as your
         executive officers.
Certain Relationships and Related Party Transactions, page 43

20.      We note your revisions in response to prior comment 20 and note that
you continue to
         attribute the value of the acquired suite of technologies to an
independent valuation
         expert. While management may elect to take full responsibility for
valuation used, if you
         elect to refer to an expert, you may need to include their consent as
an exhibit to
         registration statement. Please refer to Question 141.02 of the
Compliance and Disclosure
         Interpretations on Securities Act Sections and file the consent of
Destum Partners if
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm, page F-2

21.      We note that Freed Maxick CPAs, P.C. audited your December 31, 2020
         statements and Turner, Stone & Company, LLP audited your December 31,
2021 financial
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         statements. Please revise your filing to provide the information
required by Item 304 of
         Regulation S-K . Refer to Item 11(i) of Form S-1.
Financial Statements for the years ended December 31, 2021
2. Summary of Significant Accounting and Reporting Policies
Intangible Assets, page F-11

22.      Refer to prior comment number 24 and address the following.
             Please tell us supplementally how you addressed Staff Accounting
Bulletin (SAB)
             Topic 5:G when determining how to record the developed technology
and pending
             patents. In this regard, tell us your consideration of whether or
not the parties
             involved in the transfer of the company, including Alset, are
considered promoters of
             the offering and or a shareholders. We note that Mr. Chan is the
Chairman of the
             Board and largest shareholder of DSS and is the Chief Executive
Officer and largest
             shareholder of Alset International Ltd. If you do not believe SAB
Topic 5G applies,
             please tell us why.
             You state beginning on page 28 that you do not plan to conduct
preclinical testing or
             clinical trials or other testing of your platforms/technology and
you intend to identify
             third parties or customers that are interested in purchasing,
licensing or co-developing
             products for your product candidates. Please provide us an
analysis as to why you
             believe the intangible assets were not impaired at each balance
sheet date.
             If you continue to believe the intangible assets are not impaired
at the balance sheet
             date, please provide the disclosures required by ASC 350-30-50 in
your interim and
             annual financial statements.
Note 5. Investments, page F-12

23.      Refer to your response to prior comment number 22. You state on page
F-13 that you
         entered an agreement to purchase 500,000 shares of Vivacitas common
stock with an
         option to purchase 1,500,000 additional shares (Vivacitas Agreement
#1). On March 18,
         2021 you acquired Impact Oncology PTE Ltd., which owned 2,480,000
shares of common
         stock of Vivacitas along with the option to purchase an additional
250,000 shares of
         common stock. It appears you also acquired additional shares of
Vivacitas on April 1,
         2021 in connection with Vivacitas Agreement #2. On July 22, 2021, you
         1,000,000 of available options under the Vivacitas Agreement #1. You
state that your
         equity position in Vivacitas was 90,000 shares or 16% as of December
31, 2021. Please
         address the following:
             Disclose the number of shares of Vivacitas you acquired in
connection with the
             Vivacitas Agreement #2.
             Tell us how you concluded you owned 90,000 shares as of December
31, 2021 in
             light of the disclosures noted above. In this regard, clarify if
some of the shares
             acquired were sold during the period.
             If you owned more than 16% of Vivacitas, please update your
analysis of your
             accounting treatment of Vivacitas, particularly in light of your
two seats on the board
 Heng Fai Ambrose Chan
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Page 7
           of directors.

24.   We note that you have entered into a License Agreement with ProPhase Labs
and a
      Licensing Proceeds Distribution Agreement with DRDG. Please describe the
      terms of each agreement, including a description of each party's rights
and obligations, a
      quantification of any payment obligations including milestones and range
of royalty
      payments, the contract term and any termination provisions. Please also
file the
      agreements as exhibits or provide us with an analysis supporting a
determination that you
      are not required to file them as an exhibit.
25.   Please file complete exhibits. For example, it appears that Exhibit B
mentioned in Section
      6.2 of Exhibit 10.13 appears to be missing.
       You may contact Eric Atallah at 202-551-3663 or Mary Mast at
202-551-3613 if you
have questions regarding comments on the financial statements and related
matters. Please
contact Jordan Nimitz at 202-551-5831 or Tim Buchmiller at 202-551-3635 with
any other

FirstName LastNameHeng Fai Ambrose Chan
                                                           Division of
Corporation Finance
Comapany NameImpact BioMedical, Inc.
                                                           Office of Life
July 21, 2022 Page 7
cc:       Darrin M. Ocasio, Esq.
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