United States securities and exchange commission logo

                              November 22, 2022

       Murray Bailey
       Chief Executive Officer and President
       EESTech, Inc.
       Suite 417, 241 Adelaide Street
       Brisbane, 4000, Australia

                                                        Re: EESTech, Inc.
Statement on Form 10-12G
                                                            Filed October 26,
                                                            File No. 000-32863

       Dear Murray Bailey:

              We have reviewed your filing and have the following comments. In
some of our
       comments, we may ask you to provide us with information so we may better
understand your

              Please respond to these comments within ten business days by
providing the requested
       information or advise us as soon as possible when you will respond. If
you do not believe our
       comments apply to your facts and circumstances, please tell us why in
your response.

            After reviewing your response and any amendment you may file in
response to these
       comments, we may have additional comments. Any reference to prior
comments is to our prior
       comment letter dated September 22, 2022.

       Registration Statement on Form 10-12G filed October 26, 2022

       Description of Business, page 3

   1.                                                   We note you disclose
that you are currently focused on the delivery of terms under an
                                                        agreement with Samancor
Chrome South Africa. Please expand your disclosure here to
                                                        clarify the current
status of the Samancor project. Discuss in greater detail the "delivery
                                                        of terms" on which you
are currently focused and your plan of operations for the next
                                                        twelve months. In
addition, please discuss any significant steps that must be taken or any
                                                        significant future
milestones that must be achieved in order to accomplish the Samancor
   2.                                                   Please expand your
disclosure to discuss your work orders for Sasol Limited in greater
                                                        detail. Explain clearly
what steps you have taken to date and which steps remain to be
                                                        implemented and the
expected timetable for such work orders. In addition, please discuss
 Murray Bailey
FirstName LastNameMurray Bailey
EESTech, Inc.
Comapany 22,
November  NameEESTech,
              2022        Inc.
Page 2    22, 2022 Page 2
FirstName LastName
         the status of the Sasol conceptual engineering and design study for a
commercial scale
         fine coal agglomeration facility to validate commercial scaling and
financial feasibility of
         such a process facility. Describe any specific milestones that have
been met and need to
         be satisfied related to the study.
Company Overview, page 4

3.       We note your response to prior comment 3. Please expand your
disclosure to clarify
         whether your Heads of Agreement with Inductotherm Group and Tetronics
are binding
         agreements. To the extent such agreements are binding agreements,
please file copies of
         the Heads of Agreements as exhibits to your registration statement or
tell us why you
         believe you are not required do so. Refer to Item 601(b) of Regulation
S-K. In that
         regard, we note you disclose on page 9 that you announced the signing
of an exclusive
         supply agreement with Inductotherm on February 19, 2020.
4.       Please expand your disclosure to disclose the name of the individual
from Inductotherm
         that is quoted on page 5 and tell us why you do not provide the
consent the such
         individual and Dr, Tim Johnson. Refer to Rule 436 of the Securities

Samancor Chrome Holdings Proprietary Limited, page 12

5.       We note your expanded disclosure in response to prior comment 5.
Please further expand
         your disclosure to address the following points:

                Clarify how you will fulfill your contract of recycling
Samancor   s 10 million tons of
              FeCr slag waste over a 10-year period if your slag reclamation
facility only has a
              processing capacity of approximately 700,000 tons of FeCr slag
per annum.
                Disclose the basis that supports your revenue forecast price of
$150 per ton for
              Tailings Sand.
                Revise your Tailings Sand calculation as appropriate, as the
currently disclosed
              sale of 500,000 tons does not yield $825 million.
                Besides the $50 million estimated deployment costs to
commission the slag
              reclamation facility, discuss the nature and estimates of other
costs, including cost of
              sales, that you expect to incur under the Samancor contract.
6.       Revise your disclosure to clarify whether stage 2 of your 2-stage
deployment program,
         described on page 12 as    the deployment of your patent pending
plasma over induction
         furnace (IRF) technology for the primary smelting of chrome
concentrate WRAM-ROX
         into FeCr metal, then sold back to Samancor under the terms of an
Off-Take Agreement
         for all FeCr metal produced   , is part of your February 21, 2019
contract with Samancor or
         a separate agreement.

         If a separate agreement, please clarify the status of the agreement
for stage 2 and describe
         the key terms of such agreement, including time period, volumes and
prices, as applicable.
 Murray Bailey
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EESTech, Inc.
Comapany 22,
November  NameEESTech,
              2022        Inc.
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         Discuss the expected deployment timing of your IRF and other
         technologies; the remaining material work and estimated costs required
to reach
         deployment, including cost to build and/or commission an IRF smelting
or operating
         facility, as applicable; and the uncertainties that may cause delays
in deployment,
         including the extent of additional time and cost.
EESTech Customers/Prospects
Sasol South Africa Limited, page 14

7.       We note your response to prior comment 6 and reissue it in part.
Please file your two work
         orders with Sasol as exhibits to your registration statement or tell
us why you believe you
         are not required to do so. Refer to Item 601(b) of Regulation S-K. In
addition, to the
         extent you are dependent on the work from Sasol, please include
related risk factor
Intellectual Property Rights and Strategy
Trade marks, page 18

8.       We note your response to prior comment 1 and reissue it in part.
Please revise your filing
         to describe the duration of your existing trademark for the EESTech
leaf now registered in
Sasol, page 22

9.       Regarding the work orders given to you by Sasol, please expand your
disclosure to specify
         whether these orders include fixed pricing terms for your services or
clarify what you
         mean by    Sasol seeking $46 per ton tolling/fee for your services.
Additionally, disclose
         the estimated costs associated with completing and delivering your
         obligations for these two work orders.

Advisory Board, page 23

10.      We note your revised disclosure in response to prior comment 9 states
that your advisory
         board assists you with corporate and finance and research and
development matters.
         Please revise your disclosure to identify the members of your advisory
board in your
         registration statement and discuss whether the advisory board receives
any compensation
         for its services.
Management's Discussion and analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Impact of COVID-19, page 30

11.      We note your revised disclosure in response to prior comment 18
reflects that you have
         and will continue to take "ordinary business steps to mitigate the
impact of COVID-19"
         supply chain disruptions. Please expand your disclosure to discuss how
these supply
         chain disruptions have impacted your operations and describe the
ordinary business steps
 Murray Bailey
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EESTech, Inc.
Comapany 22,
November  NameEESTech,
              2022        Inc.
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         you have taken or intend to take to mitigate the impact of such
Liquidity and Capital Resources, page 31

12.      We note your disclosure of Project Financing on page 32 responding to
prior comment 12.
         Please expand your disclosure to quantify all of your known short-term
and long-term
         material cash requirements, specifying the nature and relevant time
period for the related
         cash requirements, for Samancor, Sasol and any other significant
projects, obligations or
         commitments. Your disclosure should include, but not be limited to,
the cash requirements
         to establish your FeCr slag reclamation facility, as well as cash
requirements to deploy
         your IRF technology, including the cost to construct any required
equipment and/or
         related facility.
Financial Statements
General, page F-1

13.      Please update your financial statements and related disclosures to
comply with Rule 8-08
         of Regulation S-X.
Balance Sheets, page F-3

14.      We note your response to prior comment 15; however, your current
balance sheet
         presentation does not comply with the guidance in FASB ASC
810-10-45-16. Please
         revise your balance sheets on pages F-3 and F-16 to reposition the
Change in
         proportionate interest reserve    line item below the    Total
stockholders    equity (deficit)
         line item, with the latter line item relabeled to clarify that it
represents equity attributable
         to EESTech. Refer to FASB ASC 810-10-55-4 for an illustration of the
         presentation of a noncontrolling interest in a balance sheet.
Similarly reposition the
         columns in your statements of changes in stockholders    equity on
pages F-5 and F-18.
         Further, please correct the column headings in your statements of
changes in stockholders'
         equity (deficit) on page F-5 as they appear to be misaligned.
 Murray Bailey
EESTech, Inc.
November 22, 2022
Page 5

        We remind you that the company and its management are responsible for
the accuracy
and adequacy of their disclosures, notwithstanding any review, comments, action
or absence of
action by the staff.

       You may contact Lily Dang, Staff Accountant, at (202) 551-3867 or
Jenifer Gallagher,
Staff Accountant, at (202) 551-3706 if you have questions regarding comments on
the financial
statements and related matters. Please contact Claudia Rios, Staff Attorney, at
202-551-8770 or
Karina Dorin, Staff Attorney, at (202) 551-3763 with any other questions.

FirstName LastNameMurray Bailey
                                                           Division of
Corporation Finance
Comapany NameEESTech, Inc.
                                                           Office of Energy &
November 22, 2022 Page 5
cc:       David Mittelman
FirstName LastName