United States securities and exchange commission logo

                              November 6, 2023

       Cynthia Lo Bessette
       Wise Origin Bitcoin Trust
       c/o FD Funds Management LLC
       245 Summer Street V13E
       Boston, MA 02210

                                                        Re: Wise Origin Bitcoin
                                                            Amendment No. 1 to
Registration Statement on Form S-1
                                                            Filed October 17,
                                                            File No. 333-254652

       Dear Cynthia Lo Bessette:

            We have reviewed your amended registration statement and have the

              Please respond to this letter by amending your registration
statement and providing the
       requested information. If you do not believe a comment applies to your
facts and circumstances
       or do not believe an amendment is appropriate, please tell us why in
your response.

              After reviewing any amendment to your registration statement and
the information you
       provide in response to this letter, we may have additional comments.
Unless we note otherwise,
       any references to prior comments are to comments in our September 29,
2023 letter.

       Amendment No. 1 to Registration Statement on Form S-1


   1.                                                   To the extent that you
intend to use a fact sheet, please provide us a copy for our review.
   2.                                                   Please describe the
AML, KYC and any other procedures conducted by the Trust, the
                                                        Sponsor, the Authorized
Participant and the Custodian to determine, among other things,
                                                        whether the
counter-party in any transactions is not a sanctioned entity. To the extent
                                                        the Trust, Sponsor,
Authorized Participant or Custodian may not know the counter-party,
                                                        please add risk factor
disclosure regarding the potential risk of transactions with a
                                                        sanctioned entity and
the impact if such a transaction occurs.
 Cynthia Lo Bessette
Wise OriginLastNameCynthia   Lo Bessette
             Bitcoin Trust
Comapany 6,
November   NameWise
              2023     Origin Bitcoin Trust
Page 2     6, 2023 Page 2
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Cover Page

3.       Please revise your disclosure here to identify the initial Authorized
Purchaser as an
         underwriter, and disclose the initial price per Share.
Prospectus Summary
Overview, page 1

4.       We note your disclosure on page 1 that the Trust provides direct
exposure to bitcoin. This
         disclosure is inconsistent with disclosure on pages 3 and 27 that an
investment in the
         Shares of the Trust is not a direct investment in bitcoin. Please
revise accordingly.
5.       Please revise to disclose here that Shareholders do not have voting
6.       Please revise your summary risk factors to disclose that the amount of
the Trust's assets
         represented by each Share will decline over time as the Trust's assets
are used to pay the
         Sponsor Fee and any other expenses.
Bitcoin and the Bitcoin Network, page 1

7.       Please revise to provide quantitative information that demonstrates
the volatility of the
         price of bitcoin.
Summary of Risk Factors, page 2

8.       Refer to your response to comment 5 and your revised disclosure on
page 32. Please
         revise to briefly address here the risks associated with the
competition you will face in
         launching and sustaining your product, including the risk that your
timing in reaching the
         market and your fee structure relative to other bitcoin ETPs could
have a detrimental
         effect on the scale and sustainability of your product.
The Trust's Investment Objective, page 2

9.       We note your disclosure on page 2 that "[b]arring the liquidation of
the Trust or
         extraordinary circumstances, the Trust will not purchase or sell
bitcoin directly, although
         the Trust may transfer bitcoin to pay the Sponsor Fee." Please revise
to clarify what you
         mean by "extraordinary circumstances" by providing examples of such
Pricing Information Available on the Exchange and Other Sources, page 4

10.      Refer to your response to comment 7. On page 4, you disclose that
"[a]ny adjustments
         made to the Index will be published on the Sponsor   s website at
         Please revise to describe the adjustments that may be made to the
Index, summarize the
         impact that such adjustments could have on the NAV of the Trust and
discuss the
         adjustments and potential impact in greater detail in The Trust and
Bitcoin Prices section
         that begins on page 51. In addition, please disclose here whether,
and, if so, how the
         Trust will notify investors of any material adjustments to the Index
such as a change in
 Cynthia Lo Bessette
Wise OriginLastNameCynthia   Lo Bessette
             Bitcoin Trust
Comapany 6,
November   NameWise
              2023     Origin Bitcoin Trust
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FirstName LastName
         methodology or a change in exchanges underlying the Index or the
Sponsor's decision to
         change the Index. Also disclose here that the Sponsor may, in its sole
discretion change
         the Index without Shareholder approval. In the Trust and Bitcoin Price
section or
         elsewhere, please revise to disclose how and when the Sponsor will
notify the
         Shareholders and revise to disclose the criteria the Sponsor will use
to determine that
         another index or standard better reflects the price of bitcoin.
Custody of the Trust's Assets, page 6

11.      Refer to your response to comment 9. We note your disclosure on page 6
that the Trust's
         bitcoin will be stored in omnibus wallets. Please disclose whether
these are hot or cold
         wallets. We also note your disclosure that the "Custodian will ensure
that private keys
         stored in 'cold storage' are associated with a substantial portion of
the Trust   s bitcoin."
         Please revise to clarify what you mean by "substantial portion" by
providing quantitative
         information, and disclose the geographic location where the private
keys will be stored.
         In addition, please summarize the impact that the Custodian's
bankruptcy could have on
         the Trust's assets. We also note that the Custodian may be directed to
transfer bitcoin to
         pay the Sponsor Fee and other expenses and that the Custodian
transfers bitcoin to the
         Authorized Participants and receives bitcoin from the Authorized
Participants in
         connection with creations and redemptions. Please disclose on page 59
how and when the
         Custodian transfers the bitcoin for such purposes, including whether
and when it
         moves bitcoin to a hot wallet and when it transfers the bitcoin it
receives to cold storage.
12.      Please revise to disclose here and on page 59 that "[t]he Trust may
change the custodial
         arrangements described in this prospectus at any time without notice
to Shareholders." In
         addition, please disclose how and when the Trust will notify the
Shareholders that such a
         change has occurred.
The Trust's Fees and Expenses, page 6

13.      We note your disclosure on page 6 that "[t]he Administrator will
calculate the Sponsor
         Fee in respect of each day by reference to the Trust   s NAV as of
that day" but that "[t]he
         amount of bitcoin transferred or sold may vary from time to time
depending on the market
         price of bitcoin relative to the Trust's expenses and liabilities."
Please revise to disclose
         how you calculate the "market price of bitcoin." In addition, please
disclose whether the
         Trust is responsible for paying any costs associated with the transfer
of bitcoin to the
         Sponsor or the sale of the bitcoin or if these expenses are included
in the Sponsor Fee. In
         addition, we note your disclosure that "the Sponsor has agreed to pay
all operating
         expenses (except for litigation expenses and other extraordinary
expenses) out of the
         Sponsor Fee." Please revise to clarify what you mean by "other
extraordinary expenses"
         by providing examples of such expenses, and disclose whether any of
the Trust's expenses
         payable by the Sponsor from the Sponsor Fee are capped.
14.      Please expand this section to describe the mechanics of how the Trust
 s bitcoin will be
         exchanged for U.S. dollars to pay the Trust   s expenses and
liabilities, including whether
 Cynthia Lo Bessette
Wise OriginLastNameCynthia   Lo Bessette
             Bitcoin Trust
Comapany 6,
November   NameWise
              2023     Origin Bitcoin Trust
Page 4     6, 2023 Page 4
FirstName LastName
         the Custodian will use a third party or affiliate to assist in the
sale of the Trust   s bitcoins,
         and, if so, disclose any risks or conflicts of interests that may
exist in connection with how
         the Custodian arranges for the sale of the Trust   s bitcoin.
Risk Factors
Risks Associated with Bitcoin and the Bitcoin Network
Operational cost may exceed the award for solving blocks or transaction fees,
page 23

15.      Please expand this risk factor to address the maximum number of
bitcoins that may be
         released into circulation and the number of bitcoin currently in
Bitcoin mining activities are energy-intensive, page 25

16.      Please expand this risk factor to address the reasons why bitcoin
mining may implicate
         different risks than other crypto asset mining such as the differences
in proof-of-work and
         proof-of-stake, and revise to discuss in greater detail regulations
that states have passed or
         are currently considering that impact crypto asset mining.
Risks Associated with Investing in the Trust
The development and commercialization of the Trust, page 32

17.      Refer to your response to comment 5. We note your disclosure on page
32 that "the
         Sponsor   s competitors may commercialize a product involving bitcoin
more rapidly or
         effectively than the Sponsor is able to, which could adversely affect
the Sponsor   s
         competitive position, the likelihood that the Trust will achieve
initial market acceptance
         and the Sponsor   s ability to generate meaningful revenues from the
Trust, which in turn
         could cause the Sponsor to dissolve and terminate the Trust." Please
revise to quantify or
         otherwise describe what "meaningful revenues" means.
The Trust and Bitcoin Prices
Description of Index Construction and Maintenance, page 51

18.      Refer to your response to comment 7. We note your disclosure that
"[t]he Committee may
         from time to time add or remove other digital asset trading platforms
from the Index
         calculation without prior notice to the Trust or the Shareholders, and
the Trust will not
         notify Shareholders of any such addition or removal." Please tell us
why you believe that
         it is not necessary to notify Shareholders regarding a change to the
Index to satisfy your
         Exchange Act reporting obligations. In addition, please disclose, if
true, that the
         Committee reviews the Index every six months for potential updates,
and please disclose
         how you will notify Shareholders of material changes to the Index. In
this regard, we note
         the June 2021 Index Methodology Document on the Index Provider's
19.      Refer to your response to comment 7. Please revise to disclose the
pricing window that is
         used to determine the composite bitcoin price.
20.      Please include a brief description of each of the crypto asset
exchanges used in the
 Cynthia Lo Bessette
Wise OriginLastNameCynthia   Lo Bessette
             Bitcoin Trust
Comapany 6,
November   NameWise
              2023     Origin Bitcoin Trust
Page 5     6, 2023 Page 5
FirstName LastName
         calculation of the Index, including where they are located and how
they are licensed or
21.      Please disclose what policies or procedures you have in place if the
Index becomes
         unavailable or if the Sponsor determines that the Index does not
reflect the accurate
         bitcoin price.
Calculation of NAV, page 53

22.      We acknowledge your response to comment 8 and that for purposes of
your financial
         statements, you will utilize a pricing source that is consistent with
GAAP, as of the
         financial statement measurement date. Please tell us and revise your
next amendment to
         address the following:

                Include a description of how you will identify and determine
the pricing source based
              on your consideration of the fair value measurement framework in
ASC 820-10 and
              the principal or most advantageous market for GAAP purposes.
                The specific markets in which you and your Authorized
Participants expect to
              transact and identify them by type. In that regard, we note that
ASC 820-10-235-36A
              includes definitions of four types of markets (e.g. brokered,
dealer, exchange, and
              principal to principal markets).
                If you and your Authorized Participants plan to transact in
any, or all, of the specific
              exchanges listed on page 51 of the amendment that are used by the
Index Provider.
                How your determination of    a principal market    and or index
for bitcoin is consistent
              with    your principal market    that you will have access to and
will normally transact
              in. Refer to ASC 820-10-35-5A and ASC 820-10-35-6A.
23.      We note your disclosure on page 54 regarding the pause between 4:00pm
EST and
         5:30pm EST (or later) to algorithmically detect, flag, investigate and
correct unusual
         pricing should it occur. Please revise to clarify who is responsible
for monitoring for
         unusual pricing, who can correct the price, and how any such
correction would impact the
         Index Price and/or NAV.
Amendments, page 57

24.      Please revise to disclose how Shareholders will be notified of
material changes to the
         Trust Agreement.
The Trust's Service Providers
The Sponsor, page 57

25.      Please discuss here the Sponsor's experience sponsoring exchange
traded funds and
         specifically its experience related to crypto asset markets.
Custody of the Trust's Assets, page 59

26.      Please revise your disclosure here or on page 75 to include a
materially complete
 Cynthia Lo Bessette
Wise OriginLastNameCynthia   Lo Bessette
             Bitcoin Trust
Comapany 6,
November   NameWise
              2023     Origin Bitcoin Trust
Page 6     6, 2023 Page 6
FirstName LastName
         discussion of your custody arrangements. For example, disclose the
term and termination
         provisions of the Custodial Services Agreement, the "multi-person and
         organizational access controls" that the Custodian uses for the
Trust's private keys, the
         procedures for moving the Trust's assets out of cold storage in
connection with
         redemptions and the payment of the Trust's expenses, the procedures
for moving bitcoin
         into cold storage in connection with creations, the percentage of the
Trust's assets and
         private keys held in cold storage, the geographic location of where
the Trust's assets will
         be stored, the instructions that the Sponsor has provided to the
Custodian regarding
         airdrops or forks. In this regard, we note that you have provided a
summary of your
         custody procedures on page 6 but you should discuss your custody
procedures in greater
         detail here or on page 75 or include cross-references to where
investors can find such
Plan of Distribution, page 61

27.      Please identify by name all of the Authorized Participants with which
you have an
         agreement at the time of effectiveness of the registration statement.
Creation and Redemption of Shares, page 62

28.      Refer to your response to comment 10. We note your disclosure on page
62 that Baskets
         "generally" are only made in exchange for delivery to the Trust or the
distribution by the
         Trust of the amount of Bitcoin represented by the Baskets being
created or redeemed.
         Please disclose the situations in which the Baskets will be made for
another purpose.
29.      Refer to your response to comment 10. We note your disclosure that the
delivery of
         bitcoin to the Custodian or to an Authorized Participant "may" settle
on the Bitcoin
         network. Please revise to clarify whether all creation and redemption
transactions will be
         settled on-chain.
30.      Please provide a detailed discussion of the mechanics of the creation
and redemption
         transactions, including whether your Authorized Participants will be
required to maintain
         an account with your Custodian, whether and how the Authorized
Participants are able to
         participate directly in the acquisition, transfer or receipt of
bitcoin and whether and to
         what extent creation and redemption transactions will be settled
on-chain or off-chain and
         any risks associated with the settlement process. Please describe the
specifics of how an
         Authorized Participant will "facilitate the deposit of bitcoin with
the Trust," including the
         various steps necessary to transfer the bitcoin to its ultimate
storage location with the
         Custodian, and whether and under what circumstances the Authorized
Participant will
         utilize an affiliate or third-party to transfer the bitcoin to the
Creation Procedures, page 63

31.      Refer to your response to comment 10. We note your disclosure on page
64 that
         "[b]itcoin held in the Trust   s Custodian account is the property of
the Trust and is not
         traded, leased, or loaned except as may be necessary to pay the
Sponsor Fee or the Trust   s
 Cynthia Lo Bessette
Wise OriginLastNameCynthia   Lo Bessette
             Bitcoin Trust
Comapany 6,
November   NameWise
              2023     Origin Bitcoin Trust
Page 7     6, 2023 Page 7
FirstName LastName
         expenses and liabilities." Please revise to clarify if the Trust's
assets are leased or loaned
         in connection with the Sponsor Fee or the Trust expenses and
liabilities or used as
         collateral for any loan, margin, rehypothecation or similar activities
to which you or your
         affiliates are a party.
32.      Refer to your response to comment 10. Please revise to discuss the
Sponsor's ability to
         suspend creations. In addition, disclose whether and how you will
notify Shareholders if
         the Trust has suspended creations and redemptions, and discuss the
potential impact of
         suspending creations and redemptions.
Rejection of Purchase Orders, page 64

33.      Refer to your response to comment 10. Please revise to provide an
example of when the
         acceptance of the Basket Deposit would have an adverse tax consequence
to the Trust
         and an example of when the acceptance of the Basket Deposits would
have an adverse
         effect on the rights of the beneficial owners of the Trust. In
addition, we note your
         disclosure on page 65 that references the "purchase authorization
limit afforded to the
         Participant by the Trust" and the Participant's failure to deposit an
amount in excess of the
         purchase authorization with the Trust's Custodian prior to 3:00pm EST
on Transmittal
         Day. Please revise to discuss the purchase authorization limits for
Authorized Participants
         and the need to deposit an amount in excess of the purchase
authorization. Also please
         revise to include a definition of the term "Transmittal Day."
Conflicts of Interest, page 68

34.      Refer to your response to comment 12. We note your disclosure on page
68 that "there
         may be less expensive service providers or parties with greater
experience or expertise
         than the affiliates selected by the Sponsor" and that, "[b]ecause of
the Sponsor   s affiliated
         status, it may be disincentivized from replacing affiliated service
providers in connection
         with this conflict of interest, Shareholders should understand that
affiliated service
         providers will be compensated for providing services to the Trust."
Please add a risk
         factor that addresses these risks. In addition, we note that the
Sponsor and its affiliates do
         not have policies and procedures for the pre-clearance of
bitcoin-related transactions.
         Please revise to add a risk factor that addresses the potential risk
to Shareholders. Also we
         note that Fidelity Product Services LLC is the Index Provider for the
Fidelity Bitcoin
         Index PR and an affiliate of the Sponsor and that "[p]rocedures have
been implemented to
         manage any conflicts of interest adversely affecting the interests of
Shareholders." Please
         revise to describe these procedures.
Governing Law; Consent to Delaware Jurisdiction, page 75

35.      We note your disclosure on page 75 that each Shareholder consents to
the exclusive
         jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Delaware. Please disclose
whether this provision
         applies to actions arising under the Securities Act or Exchange Act.
If so, please also state
         that there is uncertainty as to whether a court would enforce such
provision. If the
 Cynthia Lo Bessette
Wise Origin Bitcoin Trust
November 6, 2023
Page 8
      provision applies to Securities Act claims, please also state that
investors cannot waive
      compliance with the federal securities laws and the rules and regulations
thereunder. In
      that regard, we note that Section 22 of the Securities Act creates
concurrent jurisdiction
      for federal and state courts over all suits brought to enforce any duty
or liability created by
      the Securities Act or the rules and regulations thereunder. If this
provision does not apply
      to actions arising under the Securities Act or Exchange Act, please also
ensure that the
      exclusive forum provision in the governing documents states this clearly,
or tell us how
      you will inform investors in future filings that the provision does not
apply to any actions
      arising under the Securities Act or Exchange Act.
       Please contact Kate Tillan at 202-551-3604 or Michelle Miller at
202-551-3368 if you
have questions regarding comments on the financial statements and related
matters. Please
contact Sonia Bednarowski at 202-551-3666 or Sandra Hunter Berkheimer at
202-551-3758 with
any other questions.

FirstName LastNameCynthia Lo Bessette
                                                             Division of
Corporation Finance
Comapany NameWise Origin Bitcoin Trust
                                                             Office of Crypto
November 6, 2023 Page 8
cc:       Morrison C. Warren
FirstName LastName