Exhibit 10(a)
                         DIRECTOR STOCK BONUS PLAN

AIRBORNE FREIGHT CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation (the "Company"),
hereby establishes and sets forth the terms of the Airborne Freight
Corporation Director Stock Bonus Plan (the "Plan").

1.   Purpose of Plan
     The purpose of the Plan is to enable the Company to attract and retain
     outside persons of the highest caliber to serve on the Board of
     Directors of the Company (the "Board"), as such persons can make
     important contributions to the success of the Company.  The Plan will
     seek to achieve this purpose by means of automatic awards of Common
     Stock of the Company, $1.00 par value per share (the "Common Stock").
     The Plan will be effective as of April 26, 1996 (the "Effective

2.   Administration of the Plan
     The Plan shall be administered by the Board, except as provided in
     Section 8.2. Awards of Common Stock under the Plan shall be automatic
     as described in Section 4. However, the Board shall, subject to the
     provisions of the Plan, have the complete authority, in its sole and
     absolute discretion, to interpret the Plan, to prescribe, amend and
     rescind rules and regulations relating to the Plan, and to make all of
     the determinations necessary or advisable for the administration of
     the Plan. All such interpretations, rules, regulations and
     determinations shall, in the absence of fraud or patent mistake, be
     conclusive and binding on all persons with any interest in the Plan.
     The Board shall have all powers necessary or appropriate to accomplish
     its duties under the Plan.

3.   Eligibility to Participate
     Each individual who meets the following requirements on an Award Date
     (as defined in Section 4.1) shall be eligible to participate in the
     Plan (each such individual will be referred to as an "Eligible
     (a)  The individual is a member of the Board; and
     (b)  The individual was not an employee of or consultant to the
          Company or any of its direct or indirect subsidiaries at any time
          during the calendar year in which the Award Date falls or during
          the preceding calendar year.

     An Eligible Director will cease to be eligible for further
     participation in the Plan if he or she does not meet the foregoing
     eligibility requirements on any Award Date. Such cessation of
     participation shall not affect the Eligible Director's rights with
     respect to the shares of Common Stock that are carried in his or her
     Stock Account (as defined in Section 5.1).

4.   Share Awards
     Effective on April 26, 1996, and effective on the third (3rd) business
     day after the date of the Company's annual meeting of shareholders in
     1997 and in each succeeding year during which shares of Common Stock
     remain available under Section 9 (each such date will be referred to
     as an "Award Date"), the Company hereby awards, to each individual who
     is an Eligible Director on the Award Date, the number of shares of
     Common Stock (which number, if not a whole number, shall be rounded
     down to the nearest whole number) obtained by dividing (a) $3,000, by
     (b) the closing sales price of a share of Common Stock on the New York
     Stock Exchange on the Award Date (each such award to an Eligible
     Director will be referred to as a "Share Award"). If on any Award Date
     the number of shares of Common Stock available under Section 9 is
     insufficient to permit Share Awards covering the number of shares of
     Common Stock specified in the preceding sentence to be awarded to each
     Eligible Director, then each Eligible Director shall instead be
     granted a Share Award covering the largest whole number of shares of
     Common Stock as can then be awarded without exceeding the number of
     shares of Common Stock then available. All Share Awards shall occur
     automatically without further action of the Board.
5.   Deferral of Issuance of Shares
     Issuance of the shares of Common Stock under each Share Award shall be
     deferred as provided in this Section 5.
     5.1. For each Eligible Director who has received a Share Award, the
          Company shall maintain an unfunded account (the "Stock Account")
          as follows:

          (a)  The Stock Account shall be credited with the number of
               shares of Common Stock under each Share Award awarded to the
               Eligible Director.
          (b)  Whenever cash dividends are declared on shares of Common
               Stock of the Company, a dividend equivalent shall be
               computed with respect to each Stock Account.  The amount of
               the dividend equivalent shall be the product of (i) the
               number of shares of Common Stock in the Stock Account on the
               date as of which the Company determines the holders of
               record of its Common Stock who are entitled to receive the
               dividend, and (ii) the per share dividend amount. The
               dividend equivalent shall be deemed reinvested in additional
               shares of Common Stock by crediting to the Stock Account,
               effective on the date the cash dividend is paid, the number
               of shares of Common Stock (which number may be fractional)
               obtained by dividing (A) the amount of the dividend
               equivalent, by (B) the closing sales price of a share of
               Common Stock on the New York Stock Exchange on the dividend
               payment date. Dividend equivalents shall be credited and
               deemed reinvested under this Section 5.1(b) until all shares
               of Common Stock carried in the Stock Account have been
               issued to the Eligible Director or his or her estate.

          (c)  The Stock Account shall be debited for any shares of Common
               Stock that are issued under Section 5.2 or Section 8.
          (d)  The Stock Account shall be subject to any adjustment
               required or permitted pursuant to Section 8.

     5.2. The shares of Common Stock carried in the Stock Account of an
          Eligible Director (the "Account Shares") shall be issued to the
          Eligible Director as provided in this Section 5.2.

          (a)  All of the Account Shares of an Eligible Director shall be
               issued to the Eligible Director as soon as practicable after
               the end of the calendar year in which he or she ceases to be
               a director of the Company.
          (b)  Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5.2(a), if an
               Eligible Director ceases to be a director of the Company and
               becomes a proprietor, officer, partner or employee of, or
               otherwise becomes affiliated with, any business that is in
               competition with the Company or any of its direct or
               indirect subsidiaries, all of the Account Shares of the
               Eligible Director shall be issued to the Eligible Director
               as soon as practicable thereafter.
          (c)  Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5.2(a), if an
               Eligible Director should die prior to issuance of his or her
               Account Shares, they shall be issued to the Eligible
               Director's estate as soon as practicable thereafter.
          (d)  Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5.2(a), the
               Company shall have the right, exercisable at any time in its
               sole and absolute discretion, to immediately issue to an
               Eligible Director all of his or her Account Shares in full
               satisfaction of all obligations to the Eligible Director
               under the Plan, whether or not the Eligible Director has
               ceased to be a director of the Company.

     5.3. No fractional shares of Common Stock shall be issued under the
          Plan. If a fractional share of Common Stock would be issuable
          under the Plan in the absence of the preceding sentence, the
          number of shares of Common Stock issuable to the person entitled
          thereto shall instead be rounded down to the nearest whole

6.   Rights as Shareholder
     An Eligible Director shall have no voting or other rights as a
     shareholder of the Company on account of shares of Common Stock for
     which no certificate has been issued, regardless of the fact that the
     shares may have been credited to his or her Stock Account or become
     issuable under the provisions of the Plan. Except as expressly
     provided in Section 5.1(b) and Section 8, no adjustment will be made
     for dividends on, or other property or rights distributed with respect
     to, the Common Stock.

7.   Rights Nontransferable
     The rights of an Eligible Director under the Plan, including any
     rights with respect to any Stock Account maintained pursuant hereto,
     may not be transferred, assigned, pledged or hypothecated by the
     Eligible Director during his or her lifetime, whether by operation of
     law or otherwise, or be made subject to execution, attachment or
     similar process, and any attempt so to do shall be void and of no

8.   Adjustments

     8.1. If the outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company are
          increased, decreased, changed into, or exchanged for a different
          number or kind of shares or securities of the Company through
          reorganization, merger, recapitalization, reclassification, stock
          split-up, or other material alteration in the capital structure
          of the Company, the Board shall make such adjustment to the Plan
          (which adjustment may include, but shall not necessarily be
          limited to, a change in the number of shares of Common Stock
          available under Section 9) and to the shares of Common Stock
          carried in the Stock Accounts at the time of the material
          alteration (which adjustment may include, but shall not
          necessarily be limited to, a change in the number of such shares
          or in the securities thereafter to be carried in the Stock
          Accounts) as the Board determines to be appropriate and equitable
          under the circumstances. If the Board determines that the nature
          of a material alteration in the capital structure of the Company
          is such that it is not feasible or advisable to make any such
          adjustment, such event shall be subject to Section 8.2. For
          purposes of this Section 8.1, neither (a) the issuance of
          additional shares of Common Stock or other securities of the
          Company in exchange for adequate consideration (including
          services), nor (b) the conversion into Common Stock of any
          securities of the Company now or hereafter outstanding, shall
          constitute a material alteration in the capital structure of the

     8.2. Upon a reorganization, merger or consolidation of the Company
          with one or more corporations as a result of which the Company is
          not the surviving corporation, upon the acquisition by any
          person, partnership, or corporation of more than 25% of the
          outstanding shares of Common Stock, upon a sale of substantially
          all of the property of the Company, or upon a material change in
          the capital structure of the Company that is subject to this
          Section 8.2 in accordance with the last sentence of Section 8.1,
          a majority of the Continuing Directors of the Company (as the
          term "Continuing Director" is defined in Section 11.3(g) of the
          Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Company, as amended)
          shall have the power to determine, in their sole discretion, upon
          the effective date of such event or within thirty (30) days
          thereafter, what effect, if any, such event shall have on the
          Plan and the shares of Common Stock carried in the Stock Accounts
          at the time of the event, including, but not limited to, the
          power to cause the Stock Accounts to be terminated and the shares
          of Common Stock carried in the Stock Accounts to be issued to the
          Eligible Directors for whom the Stock Accounts are then held.
          Upon the dissolution or liquidation of the Company, the Plan
          shall terminate, and all shares of Common Stock carried in the
          Stock Accounts shall, prior to any distribution of assets of the
          Company pursuant to the dissolution or liquidation, be issued to
          the Eligible Directors for whom the Stock Accounts are then held.

9.   Term of the Plan
     The Plan shall become effective on the Effective Date and, if not
     sooner terminated under Section 8.2, shall terminate at such time as
     all Account Shares of all Eligible Directors have been issued to the
     Eligible Directors or their estates in accordance with Section 5.

10.  Shares Available for the Plan
     The aggregate number of shares of Common Stock that may be issued
     under the Plan shall be twenty thousand (20,000). This number shall be
     subject to any adjustment required or permitted pursuant to Section 8.
     The Company's treasury stock shall be used for all issuances of shares
     of Common Stock issuable under the Plan.

11.  Amendment
     The Board may from time to time amend the Plan in any respect
     whatsoever, except that (a) without the consent of each Eligible
     Director affected thereby, no amendment shall materially alter or
     impair any rights of Eligible Directors under the Plan with respect to
     their respective Account Shares at the time of the amendment, and (b)
     regardless of whether the consent of Eligible Directors is obtained,
     the Plan may not be amended more than once every six (6) months to
     change the designation of the class of directors eligible to receive
     Share Awards, the timing of the Share Awards, or the number of shares
     of Common Stock to be covered by Share Awards (except as provided in
     Section 8), unless the purpose of such amendment or revision is to
     comport with changes in the Internal Revenue Code or the rules

12.  Governing Law
     The Plan and all determinations made and actions taken pursuant hereto
     shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington and construed
     Adopted this 23rd day of April, 1996.

                         AIRBORNE FREIGHT CORPORATION

                    By   /s/ Robert S. Cline
                         Robert S. Cline
                         Chairman and Chief Executive Officer