For further information, contact: John B. Kelley, Vice President Phone 808-525-8422 E-mail: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, February 24, 2005 A&B WEB CAST TO INCLUDE FINANCIAL MATTERS ----------------------------------------- Honolulu (February 24, 2005)--In a previous press release, Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALEX) announced that it would conduct a web cast on the subject of the just-announced new Guam China service by its subsidiary, Matson Navigation Company, Inc. at 11:30 a.m. EST on Friday, February 25. The web cast also will include discussion of the financial effects of the new service. Listeners can access the web cast on A&B's corporate website, via a link called "Matson's Guam China Service Web Cast, February 25, 2005, 11:30 a.m. EST." #####