Exhibit 11

                 FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31
        (In millions, except share and per share amounts)

                                                 1994          1993          1992
                                                 ----          ----          ----
1.    Income applicable to common                           
      stock before extraordinary loss            $441.0          $2.7         $20.3
      and accounting changes*
2.    Net income (loss) aplicable          
      to common stock*                           $373.1          $2.7     ($1,141.3)
3.    Average number of common                              
      shares outstanding at the                                  
      beginning of the year and the end
      of each month during the year         177,881,428   175,346,282   170,948,178
4.    Primary earnings per common                           
      share before extraordinary loss                            
      and accounting changes (1 divided
      by 3)                                      $ 2.48          $.02          $.12
5.    Primary earnings (loss) per                           
      common share (shares for accounting                                  
      changes and extraordinary
      items = 177,247,646 in 1994
      and 170,164,638 in 1992)                   $ 2.10          $.02        ($6.70)
6.    Interest on 6-1/4%                                    
      convertible subordinated                                   
      debentures and amortization of
      related debt discount and
      expenses, net of taxes                         -             -           $6.3
7.    Fully diluted earnings                                
      before extraordinary loss and
      accounting changes (1 + 6)                $441.0           $2.7         $26.6
8.    Fully diluted earnings
      (loss) (2 + 6)                            $373.1           $2.7     ($1,135.0)
9.    Shares issuable upon full                                  
      conversion of convertible
      subordinated debentures                       -              -      4,806,452
10.   Shares issuable under stock                                
      incentive plans (treasury stock
      method)                                   22,930          17,350       82,882
11.   Shares issuable upon                                  
      exercise of dilutive outstanding                           
      stock options (treasury stock
      method)                                1,232,914         405,062      726,532
12.   Fully diluted shares (3 + 9
      + 10 + 11)                           179,137,272     175,768,694  176,564,044             4
13.   Fully diluted earnings per                            
      common share before extraordinary                          
      loss and accounting changes (7 
      divided by 12)                             $2.46            $.02         $.15
14.   Fully diluted earnings                                
      (loss) per common share (shares                            
      for extraordinary items and
      accounting change calculations =
      177,908,286 in 1994 and
      176,184,486 in 1992)                       $2.08            $.02       ($6.44)
* After preferred dividend requirement
