                            (TENDERED FOR SIGNATURES)

                         SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT

      This  Settlement Agreement (the "Agreement") is  made this

19th day of September, 1995, by and among:  (i) MARY ANNA SHOEN EATON,  

a  married  woman in her sole and separate right ("Mary Anna");  

(ii) MARAN, INC. ("Maran"); (iii) EDWARD J. SHOEN ("E. Shoen"); 

(iv) JAMES P. SHOEN ("J. Shoen"); (v) AUBREY K. JOHNSON ("Johnson"); 

(vi) JOHN M. DODDS ("Dodds"); (vii) WILLIAM E. CARTY ("Carty");  

and  (viii)  AMERCO, a Nevada corporation  ("AMERCO") 

(collectively, the "Parties").

I.        RECITALS.
     1.1      On August 2, 1988, Mary Anna and Maran, among others

(Mary  Anna,  Maran and the other plaintiffs will be referred  to

collectively  as  the  "Share  Case Plaintiffs"), instituted  an

action  in the Superior Court of the State of Arizona in and for

Maricopa  County  (Case No. CV 88-20139) (the  "Superior Court")

against  E.  Shoen,  J.  Shoen, Johnson, Dodds,  and  Carty (the

"Director  Defendants"), and against Paul F. Shoen ("P. Shoen"),

all  of  whom were directors of AMERCO at the time (the "Arizona


     1.2      After a jury verdict, post-trial motions, and the entry

of remittiturs which the Share Case Plaintiffs accepted, the
Superior Court entered two (2) separate judgments in the Arizona

Litigation.  A judgment for punitive damages against E. Shoen was

entered in the amount of $7,000,000.00 (the "Punitive Damage

Judgment").  A judgment against the Director Defendants and P.

Shoen was entered in the amount of $461,838,000.00 (the "Share

Case Judgment").  The Punitive Damage Judgment and the Share Case

Judgment will be collectively referred to hereinafter as the

"Arizona Litigation Judgments."

     1.3      Mary Anna does not own any shares of the common stock


     1.4      On February 21, 1995, E. Shoen filed a voluntary

Chapter 11 reorganization case in the United States Bankruptcy

Court for the District of Arizona (the "Court" or "Bankruptcy

Court"), which was assigned Case No. 95-1430-PHX-JMM.

     1.5      On February 21, 1995, J. Shoen filed a voluntary

Chapter 11 reorganization case in the United States Bankruptcy

Court for the District of Arizona, which was assigned Case

No. 95-1431-PHX-JMM.

     1.6      On February 21, 1995, Johnson filed a voluntary Chapter

11 reorganization case in the United States Bankruptcy Court for

the District of Arizona, which was assigned Case

No. 95-1432-PHX-CGC.

     1.7      On February 21, 1995, Dodds filed a voluntary Chapter

11 reorganization case in the United States Bankruptcy Court for

the District of Arizona, which was assigned Case

No. 95-1433-PHX-RGM.

     1.8      On February 21, 1995, Carty filed a voluntary Chapter

11 reorganization case in the United States Bankruptcy Court for

the District of Arizona, which was assigned Case No. 95-1434-PHX-GBN.

     1.9      Pursuant to an Order entered by the Bankruptcy Court on

April 10, 1995, the Chapter 11 cases filed by E. Shoen, J. Shoen,

Johnson, Dodds, and Carty (collectively, the "Debtors") are being

jointly administered by the Court as Case No. 95-1430-PHX-JMM

(the "Reorganization Cases").

     1.10     On March 27, 1995, E. Shoen filed a notice of appeal

before the Arizona Court of Appeals regarding the Punitive  Damage


     1.11     The Debtors assert that they retain unexpired appeal

rights with regard to the Share Case Judgment.

     1.12     The Debtors have filed plans of reorganization

(collectively, including all amendments, modifications, and

restatements, the "Plans") in their respective Reorganization

Cases.  The Bankruptcy Court has set October 2, 1995 as the

deadline to file ballots voting on the Plans (the "Ballot

Deadline"), and has set November 6, 1995, as the date when

hearings will begin regarding confirmation of the Plans. AMERCO

has agreed, under certain conditions, to fund the Plans.
     1.13     Mary Anna and Maran have entered into this Agreement,

and have agreed to settle their claim(s), to avoid the 

uncertainty of litigation and to finally resolve the many years

of litigation between Mary Anna, Maran, the Director Defendants,


     1.14     The Parties want to terminate all past, present, and

potential controversies between and among the Parties, including,

but not limited to, the issues raised in the Arizona Litigation

and the Arizona Litigation Judgments, and to fully and finally

compromise and settle the Arizona Litigation Judgments against

the Debtors, and all other claims which Mary Anna, her spouse

TIMOTHY EATON ("Timothy"), and Maran (on the one hand) and the

Director Defendants and AMERCO (on the other hand) have or may

have against each other.

     2.1      The Parties hereby acknowledge the accuracy of the

foregoing  "Recitals," which are incorporated into the "Operative
            --------                                    ---------
Provisions" segment of this Agreement as though fully  set forth
- ----------
herein and are made a part of the "Operative Provisions" for all

     2.2      In  consideration of the promises and the mutual

covenants set forth herein, the Parties stipulate and agree that

on approval of this Agreement by an Order of the Bankruptcy Court

in the Reorganization Cases:

          (a)       The Director Defendants, or their designee, will pay to

     Mary  Anna the sum of $41,352,083.20 in settlement and full

     satisfaction of all claims of Mary Anna against the  Debtors,

     AMERCO, any subsidiary or affiliate of AMERCO, and any officers,

     directors, employees, agents, representatives,  attorneys and

     accountants of any of the foregoing, including, but not limited

     to the claims of Mary Anna arising out of the Arizona Litigation

     Judgments,  and  any  and  all  claims  of  Mary  Anna for

     nondischargeability or objections to discharges against the

     Debtors (the "Settlement Amount").

          (b)      Upon payment of the Settlement Amount and the Stock

     Purchase Amount pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement, any and

     all claims of Mary Anna and Maran against the Debtors, arising

     from the Arizona Litigation  Judgments or otherwise, will be

     deemed fully satisfied, including but not limited to, any claims

     which have been or may be asserted by Mary Anna or Maran

     (collectively or individually) in the Reorganization Cases.

          (c)       The payments to be made pursuant to this Section 2.2

     and the transfers to be effected will be made and transferred at

     the Closing (as hereinafter defined).
     2.3      By virtue of their receipt of the foregoing amounts,

and  full satisfaction and settlement of their claims against the

Debtors,  Mary Anna and Maran will not be deemed to have cast  a

vote to accept or reject any of the Plans.

     2.4      If this Agreement is not approved prior to the Ballot

Deadline, the Ballot Deadline will be deemed automatically

extended as to Mary Anna and Maran for a period of three (3)

business days after the entry of the Bankruptcy Court's Order

denying approval of this Agreement.

     2.5      This Agreement does not impose a requirement on any of

the Parties as to how they must report the proceeds described in

this Agreement for federal and/or state income tax purposes.

     2.6      Payment of the Settlement Amount to Mary Anna and the

Stock Purchase Amount to Maran and performance of the Parties

under this Agreement is not contingent upon confirmation of any

of the Plans in the Reorganization Cases.
                        APPROVALS AND CLOSING
     2.7      Promptly upon execution of this Agreement, the Debtors

will  execute  and  file with the Bankruptcy Court  a Motion  to

Approve Stock Purchase Agreement and Settlement Agreement, along

with  a  proposed  Order Granting Motion for  Approval  of Stock

Purchase  Agreement and Settlement Agreement, and Mary  Anna and

Maran  will separately support said motion and cooperate  in any

Court  appearances or further filings, notices or  other actions

necessary  to  obtain  the  approval of  this  Agreement  by the

Bankruptcy Court.

     2.8     The Parties will effectuate the transfers  described in

Section 2.2 above pursuant to a "Closing" which will occur on the

first  business  day  that is fourteen (14) calendar  days after

approval  of this Agreement by the Bankruptcy Court, unless that

date is voluntarily extended, in writing, by the mutual agreement

of  the  Parties (the "Closing Date"); provided, however, subject

to  Sections  2.10  and 2.12 below, that in  no  event  will the

Closing  Date  occur  later than November  6,  1995,  unless the

Parties   mutually  agree,  in  writing,  upon  a   later date.

Hereinafter  all  references to "Closing Date" will  include any

mutually agreed extensions for Closing beyond November 6, 1995.

     2.9       Closing of the transaction contemplated by this

Agreement will occur at the offices of Streich Lang, P.A., in Las Vegas,

Nevada, unless otherwise mutually agreed by the Parties, and the 

following will occur at the Closing:
          (a)       Maran, or its duly authorized representative, will

     deliver the Maran Shares duly endorsed.  In the event that Maran

     cannot deliver stock certificates for all of the Maran Shares,

     Maran, or its duly authorized representative, will provide a duly

     executed  affidavit of lost stock certificate, in  the form

     attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated

     herein, at the Closing.

          (b)       The Director Defendants, or their designee, will pay

     the Settlement Amount to Mary Anna and the Stock Purchase Amount

     (pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement) to Maran in cash or

     immediately available funds, pursuant to the respective

     instructions of Mary Anna and Maran, said instructions to be

     given three (3) days prior to the Closing Date.

          (c)       The Releases (defined below) will become fully

     operative and effective without further action of the Parties and

    will be exchanged.
                      SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE
     2.10        In the event that Mary Anna and Maran (or either of

them)  fail  or refuse to perform their obligations pursuant  to

this  Agreement,  AMERCO  and the Debtors  will  be entitled  to

specific performance of this Agreement, pursuant to the terms  of

Section 2.12 below, if each of the following has occurred:

          (a)       the Parties have approved the final settlement

     documents, including this Agreement;

          (b)       the Bankruptcy Court has approved this Agreement; 

          (c)       the Director Defendants, or their designee, have

     deposited the Settlement Amount and the Stock Purchase Amount

     into an escrow account to be established for that purpose at at

     a bank, title company, or escrow company independent of the

     Director Defendants or their affiliates (the "Escrow Agent") for

     delivery to Mary Anna and Maran on or before the Closing Date.
     2.11        In the event that any of the foregoing conditions is

not  satisfied, this Agreement and the underlying settlement will

be null and void and the Parties will not be prejudiced by virtue

of having entered into this Agreement.

     2.12        If all of the conditions set forth in Section 2.10

above are met, AMERCO and the Debtors will be entitled to obtain

an order from the Bankruptcy Court granting specific performance

(the "Specific Performance Order") as follows:
          (a)       An authorized officer of AMERCO and each of the 
     Debtors will file a sworn affidavit (the "Non-Performance

     Affidavits") with the Bankruptcy Court, setting forth: (i) 
     that the Bankruptcy Court approved this Agreement prior to the 
     Closing Date; (ii) that the Director Defendants, or their 
     designee, deposited the Settlement Amount and the Stock 

     Purchase Amount with the Escrow Agent on or before the Closing 
     Date; (iii) that the Closing was to occur on a specified date; 
     and (iv) that Mary Anna and Maran have  refused  to appear 
     (either personally  or through  an authorized representative) 
     at the Closing and perform. A Motion for entry of the Specific 
     Performance Order will accompany the Nonperformance Affidavits.

          (b)       AMERCO and the Debtors will promptly serve notice of

     the Motion and copies of the Non-Performance Affidavit(s) upon

     Mary Anna and Maran and their counsel.

          (c)       Mary Anna and Maran will not be entitled to file a

     Response to the Motion unless the Response is accompanied by a

     sworn affidavit alleging that the Non-Performance Affidavit(s)

     contain(s) false statements (collectively, the "Controverting

     Response").  The affidavit(s) also must specify the allegedly

     false statements and must state what the affiant claims to be the

     true facts.

          (d)       AMERCO and the Debtors will be entitled to entry of 
     the Specific Performance Order without a hearing on the Motion 
     unless a Controverting Response has been filed, in which event 
     AMERCO and the Debtors will have the right to an expedited 
     hearing on the Motion.

          (e)       The Bankruptcy Court will retain jurisdiction over this

     Agreement and the underlying settlement to enter the Specific

     Performance Order.

          (f)       The Parties agree that the Bankruptcy Court

     administering the Reorganization Cases has in personam

     jurisdiction over Mary Anna and Maran.

          (g)       Upon receipt of a certified copy of the Specific

     Performance Order, the Escrow Agent will release the Settlement

     Amount and the Stock Purchase Amount to Mary Anna and Maran,

     respectively, or, alternatively, act solely in reliance on their

     instructions as to the disposition of said funds.

          (h)       The Specific Performance Order will specifically

     authorize and direct AMERCO or its stock transfer agent to
     transfer the Maran Shares on the books of AMERCO.

          (i)       Upon entry of the Specific Performance Order, the

     Releases (defined below) will be immediately effective.
     2.13     Contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement,

the  Parties and Timothy have executed the respective "Releases,"
in  the forms attached hereto as Exhibits "B" and "C" and by this

reference incorporated herein (the "Releases"), which will become

effective on the earlier to occur of the Closing Date or entry of

the  Specific Performance Order.  Should neither of the foregoing

events occur, the Releases will be null and void.

     2.14     Mary Anna represents and warrants on behalf of herself

and  on  behalf  of Maran that, notwithstanding  that  she is  a

married  woman,  her  interest in the Share  Case  Judgment, the

Punitive Damage Judgment, and any claims against the Debtors and

AMERCO  which  are being released pursuant to this Agreement are

her  sole and separate property and sole and separate claims; and

that  her  spouse, Timothy, has no interest in or  claim  to the

Share  Case  Judgment, the Punitive Damage Judgment,  any claims

against  the Debtors and AMERCO which are being released pursuant

to  this  Agreement, the Settlement Amount, or the Stock Purchase

Amount.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Timothy has executed, and

has joined with Mary Anna and Maran in executing, the Release  in

favor  of  AMERCO  and  the  Debtors  in  exchange  for, and  in

consideration of, AMERCO's and the Debtors' inclusion of Timothy

in  the  Release  which AMERCO and the Debtors have executed  in

favor of Mary Anna, Timothy, and Maran.

     2.15      Mary Anna, Timothy, and Maran, on behalf of themselves,

and as to their claims only on behalf of any officers, directors,

employees, agents, representatives, attorneys and accountants of

any of them, will release the Debtors, AMERCO, any subsidiary or

affiliate of AMERCO, and any officers, directors, employees,

agents, representatives, attorneys and accountants of any of the

foregoing, pursuant to the "Release" attached hereto as Exhibit
"B" contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement, and

subject to Sections 2.13 and 2.14 above.

     2.16     AMERCO and the Debtors, on behalf of themselves and any

officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, attorneys 

and accountants of any of them, will release Mary Anna, Timothy, 

and Maran and any officers, directors, employees, agents, 

representatives, attorneys and accountants of any of them, pursuant 

to the "Release" attached hereto as Exhibit "C" contemporaneously 
with the execution of this Agreement, and subject to Sections 2.13 

and 2.14 above.
                          GENERAL PROVISIONS

     2.17     The Parties hereby agree to do such acts, and  to

execute  such  documents, as may be necessary or appropriate  to

implement and accomplish the purposes of this Agreement  and the

intent of the Parties.

     2.18     This  Agreement, and the Bankruptcy  Court Order

approving  this  Agreement, will survive  any  dismissal  of the

Reorganization   Cases,   and  will  be   fully   effective and


     2.19     The Parties agree that the laws of the State of Arizona, 

and the provisions of the United States Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. 

Section Section 101 et seq., will govern and control this Agreement,
including, but not limited to, any documents executed pursuant to

this Agreement.

     2.20      No provision of this Agreement may be waived, modified,

or altered, except by a writing executed by all of the Parties hereto.

     2.21     Time and strict performance are of the essence of this
     2.22      This Agreement (including, but not limited to, all

exhibits and release provisions) will inure to the benefit of,

and will be binding on, all of the Parties and their respective

heirs, assigns, representatives, and successors in interest of any kind.

     2.23     The language of this Agreement has been freely and

voluntarily negotiated between the Parties, each of whom has been

advised and is represented by competent and effective counsel.

The Parties have been fully advised of the legal effect of this

Agreement and have read this Agreement in its entirety or have

had it read to them.  By executing this Agreement, the Parties

represent and warrant to each other that each of them understands

the contents of this Agreement.  This Agreement is intended to be

enforceable according to its written terms, and there are no

promises, oral agreements, or expectations of the Parties to the

     2.24     The Parties agree that this Agreement may be executed

in  multiple  counterparts,  each of  which  will  be deemed  an

original  document,  and  when all of  the  Parties  hereto have

executed  one or more counterparts, all such counterparts,  taken

together, will constitute a single agreement.

          DATED this 19th day of September, 1995.

                                   AMERCO, a Nevada corporation

                                   By /S/ Gary Klinefelter
                                        Its Secretary & General Counsel

                                   EDWARD J. SHOEN

                                   /S/ Edward J. Shoen

                                   JAMES P. SHOEN
                                   /S/ James P. Shoen

                                   AUBREY K. JOHNSON

                                   /S/ Aubrey K. Johnson

                                   JOHN M. DODDS

                                   /S/ John M. Dodds

                                   WILLIAM E. CARTY

                                   /S/ William E. Carty

                                   MARAN, INC.

                                   By  /S/ Mary Anna Shoen Eaton
                                        Its President

                                   MARY ANNA SHOEN EATON

                                   /S/ Mary Anna Shoen Eaton

                          EXHIBIT "A"



hereby certify that Maran, Inc.'s share certificate:

     Certificate No.          Company Name        Number Shares
     ---------------          ------------        -------------     
          5110           AMERCO, a Nevada Corp.     3,343,076

has  been  lost or misplaced and after diligent search cannot be
           I hereby make this statement of lost certificate under
oath  in  order  to induce the Company to transfer Maran,  Inc.'s
stock   ownership  in  AMERCO  pursuant  to  the  Stock  Purchase
Agreement dated September 19, 1995.  Maran, Inc. hereby agrees to
hold  harmless and indemnify the Company for any loss  occasioned
by the reappearance of such certificate.

                                   MARAN, INC.

DATED: ______________              By:_____________________
                                      Mary Anna Shoen Eaton,

STATE OF  ________________

COUNTY OF ________________

           I,  Mary  Anna Shoen Eaton, President of Maran,  Inc.,
being first duly sworn, depose and declare the foregoing to be  a
complete  and  correct  statement to the best  of  my  knowledge,
information and belief.

                                   Mary Anna Shoen Eaton

           Subscribed  and sworn to before me this  ____  day  of
________________, 1995.

                                   Notary Public

(Notarial Seal)

                          EXHIBIT "B"
                       TIMOTHY, AND MARAN

                    INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE 
                        TO EXHIBIT 10.5
                    FILED WITH THE COMPANY'S
                  QUARTERLY REPORT OF FORM 10-Q
              FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995,
                        FILE NO. 0-7862.

                          EXHIBIT "C"

                    INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE 
                        TO EXHIBIT 10.6
                    FILED WITH THE COMPANY'S
                  QUARTERLY REPORT OF FORM 10-Q
              FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995,
                        FILE NO. 0-7862.