   (AMERCO and the Debtors to Mary Anna, Timothy, and Maran)

            This   Release  is  made  pursuant  to  that  certain
Settlement  Agreement dated September 19, 1995 (the "Agreement"),
executed  by  and  among:  (i) MARY ANNA SHOEN EATON,  a  married
woman  in her sole and separate right ("Mary Anna"); (ii)  MARAN,
INC. ("Maran"); (iii) EDWARD J. SHOEN ("E. Shoen"); (iv) JAMES P.
SHOEN ("J. Shoen"); (v) AUBREY K. JOHNSON ("Johnson"); (vi)  JOHN
M.  DODDS ("Dodds"); (vii) WILLIAM E. CARTY ("Carty"); and (viii)
AMERCO,  a Nevada corporation ("AMERCO").  This Release  also  is
executed pursuant to, and in consideration for, the Release dated
September  19,  1995 which has been executed by  Mary  Anna,  her
spouse  TIMOTHY EATON ("Timothy"), and Maran in favor  of  AMERCO
and  the  Debtors.  Terms used herein with their initial  letters
capitalized  that  are  defined in the Agreement  will  have  the
meaning  given  them  in the Agreement unless  otherwise  defined

           In  consideration of the mutual promises set forth  in
the  Agreement  and  for  other good and  valuable  consideration
(including  the mutual Release described above), the receipt  and
adequacy  of which are hereby acknowledged, AMERCO, E. Shoen,  J.
Shoen,  Johnson, Dodds, and Carty, and each of them, voluntarily,
knowingly, and unconditionally, with specific and express intent,
and   on  behalf  of  themselves  and  any  officers,  directors,
employees,   agents,  representatives,  accountants,   attorneys,
affiliates, partners, heirs, predecessors, successors and assigns
of  any  of them (collectively, the "Releasing Parties"),  hereby
fully  release, acquit, and forever discharge Mary Anna, Timothy,
and  Maran,  and  each  of  them  and  any  officers,  directors,
employees,   agents,  representatives,  accountants,   attorneys,
affiliates,  partners, heirs, predecessors, successors,  assigns,
and  insurers of either of them, and any other party who  may  be
responsible  or liable for the acts or omissions  of  Mary  Anna,
Timothy, or Maran (collectively, the "Released Parties"), of  and
from  any  and  all  actions, causes of action, suits,  defenses,
debts,   disputes,  damages,  claims,  obligations,  liabilities,
costs,  expenses and demands of any kind or character whatsoever,
at  law or in equity, in contract or in tort, whether matured  or
unmatured,  liquidated  or unliquidated,  vested  or  contingent,
choate  or  inchoate, known or unknown, suspected or  unsuspected
(collectively, "Claims") that the Releasing Parties  (or  any  of
them)  had, now have, or hereafter can, will, or may have against
the  Released Parties or any of them for, upon, or by  reason  of
any  matter,  cause, or thing whatsoever directly  or  indirectly
arising  in  connection with or related to:  (i)  the  Agreement,
including,  but not limited to, the manner in which the  Released
Parties  handle and report for income tax purposes the Settlement
Amount  and  the  Stock Purchase Amount; (ii) the Stock  Purchase
Agreement executed contemporaneously with but separately from the

Agreement;  (iii)  the  Share Case Judgment;  (iv)  the  Punitive
Damage Judgment; (v) the Reorganization Cases; or (vi) any  other
relationship  between  the  Releasing Parties  and  the  Released

            Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  hereof,  this
Release  will not release the Released Parties from any liability
in  conjunction with or resulting from any breach or violation of
the Agreement or the Stock Purchase Agreement.

          Each Released Party who is not a party to the Agreement
is  nevertheless an express and intended third-party  beneficiary
of both the Agreement and this Release.

           AMERCO, E. Shoen, J. Shoen, Johnson, Dodds, and Carty,
and  each  of  them, hereby agree that they will not assert,  and
that  they  are  estopped from asserting,  against  the  Released
Parties,  or  any of them, any Claim that they have  released  in
this  Release.  In addition, AMERCO, E. Shoen, J. Shoen, Johnson,
Dodds,  and Carty, and each of them, hereby agree that they  will
not  commence, join in, prosecute or participate in any  suit  or
other  proceeding in a position that is adverse  to  any  of  the
Released  Parties arising directly or indirectly from  any  Claim
that  they  have released in this Release, with the exception  of
obtaining  a Specific Performance Order as provided  for  in  the

           No  waiver  or  amendment  of  this  Release,  or  the
promises, obligations or conditions herein, will be valid  unless
set  forth  in writing and signed by the party against whom  such
waiver  or  amendment is to be enforced, and no evidence  of  any
waiver  or amendment of this Release will be offered or  received
in evidence in any proceeding, arbitration, or litigation between
the  Releasing Parties (or any of them) and the Released  Parties
(or  any of them) arising out of or affecting this Release unless
such  waiver  or  amendment is in writing and  signed  as  stated

           AMERCO, E. Shoen, J. Shoen, Johnson, Dodds, and Carty,
and each of them, hereby represent and warrant that they have not
assigned, pledged, or transferred in any manner to any person  or
entity any Claim that is the subject of this Release.  AMERCO, E.
Shoen,  J.  Shoen, Johnson, Dodds, and Carty, and each  of  them,
will  indemnify the Released Parties, and each of them, from  and
against all Claims that are the subject of this Release that  are
asserted  by  any  person or entity by or through  any  Releasing
Party or as a result of any assignment, pledge, or transfer  that
caused the foregoing representation to be false.

           AMERCO, E. Shoen, J. Shoen, Johnson, Dodds, and  Carty
hereby  agree, represent and warrant that each has had advice  of
counsel  of  their  own  choosing in  negotiations  for  and  the
preparation of this Release, that each has read this  Release  or
has  had the same read to them by their respective counsel,  that
each  has  had this Release and the Agreement fully explained  by
such  counsel,  that  each is fully aware of their  contents  and
legal  effect, and that each of the Releasing Parties, therefore,
gives  this  Release voluntarily and with full awareness  of  the
full effect of the Release.

          This Release will be binding upon the heirs, successors
and  assigns  of  the Releasing Parties, and will  inure  to  the
benefit  of  the  heirs,  successors and assigns  of  Mary  Anna,
Timothy, and Maran.

           This  Release  will  automatically  become  effective,
without  further  act of the Releasing Parties  or  the  Released
Parties,  upon the earlier to occur of the Closing  Date  or  the
entry of a Specific Performance Order.

           This  Release  will be governed by  and  construed  in
accordance  with the laws of the State of Arizona.  By  executing
this   Release,  the  undersigned  consent  to  the   transaction
evidenced hereby.

           The  provisions  of this Release will be  specifically

          DATED this 19th day of September, 1995.

                              a Nevada corporation
                              By   /S/ Gary Klinefelter
                                   Its  Secretary & General Counsel
                              EDWARD J. SHOEN
                              /S/ Edward J. Shoen

                              JAMES P. SHOEN
                              /S/ James P. Shoen
                              AUBREY K. JOHNSON
                              /S/ Aubrey K. Johnson
                              JOHN M. DODDS
                              /S/ John M. Dodds
                              WILLIAM E. CARTY
                              /S/ William E. Carty