2003 - 2005 PERFORMANCE SHARE PLAN
                       AS OF MARCH 29, 2006


The  purpose of the 2003 - 2005 AMR Corporation Performance  Share
Plan ("Plan") for Officers and Key Employees is to provide greater
incentive  to  officers and key employees of the subsidiaries  and
affiliates  of  AMR  Corporation ("AMR" or the  "Corporation")  to
achieve the highest level of individual performance and to meet or
exceed specified goals which will contribute to the success of the

The  Plan is adopted under the 2003 Employee Stock Incentive  Plan
(the "ESIP").


For purposes of the Plan, the following definitions will control:

"Affiliate" is defined as a subsidiary of AMR or any entity that
is designated by the Committee as a participating employer under
the Plan, provided that AMR directly or indirectly owns at least
20% of the combined voting power of all classes of stock of such

"Committee"  is  defined  as the Compensation  Committee,  or  its
successor, of the AMR Board of Directors (the "Board").

"Comparator Group" is defined as the six major U.S. based carriers
including AMR Corporation, Continental Airlines, Inc., Delta Air
Lines, Inc., Northwest Airlines Corp., Southwest Airlines Co., and
UAL Corporation.

"Measurement Period" is defined as the three year period beginning
January 1, 2003, and ending December 31, 2005.

"Total Shareholder Return (TSR)" is defined as the rate of return
reflecting stock price appreciation plus reinvestment of dividends
over the Measurement Period.  The average Daily Closing Stock
Price (adjusted for splits and dividends) for the three months
prior to the beginning and ending points of the Measurement Period
will be used to smooth out market fluctuations.

"Daily Closing Stock Price" is defined as the stock price at the
close of trading (4:00 PM EST) of the National Exchange on which
the stock is traded.

"National Exchange" is defined as one of the New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE), the National Association of Stock Dealers and
Quotes (NASDAQ), or the American Stock Exchange (AMEX).

Accumulation of Award

Any distribution under the Plan will be determined by (i) the
Corporation's TSR rank within the Comparator Group and (ii) the
terms and conditions of the award agreement between the
Corporation and the employee.  The distribution percentage of a
target award, based on rank, is specified below:

Granted Target Award  - Percent of Target Based on Rank

 Rank      6        5        4        3       2       1
Payout %   0%      50%      75%     100%     135%    175%

In  the event that a carrier (or carriers) in the Comparator Group
ceases  to  trade  on  a National Exchange at  any  point  in  the
Measurement  Period, the following distribution  percentage  of  a
target   award,  based  on  rank  and  the  number  of   remaining
comparators, will be used accordingly.

                           5 Comparators

Granted Target Award - Percent of Target Based on Rank

 Rank      5        4        3        2      1
Payout %  50%      75%     100%     135%    175%

                           4 Comparators

Granted Target Award - Percent of Target Based on Rank

 Rank      4        3        2       1
Payout %  75%     100%     135%     175%

                           3 Comparators

Granted Target Award - Percent of Target Based on Rank

 Rank         3         2         1
Payout %     50%      135%      175%


The  Committee will have authority to administer and interpret the
Plan,    establish   administrative   rules,   approve    eligible
participants, and take any other action necessary for  the  proper
and  efficient operation of the Plan.  The distribution percentage
of a target award, if any, will be determined based on an audit of
AMR's  TSR rank by the General Auditor of American Airlines,  Inc.
("American").  A summary of awards under the Plan will be provided
to  the Board at the first regular meeting following determination
of  the  awards.  Awards, if any, will be distributed in cash  and
stock. The Committee will determine the precise allocation between
cash and stock on April 19, 2006. The Cash Payment will be made on
April  28, 2006, and any such payment will be based upon the  Fair
Market Value of the Corporation's Common Stock on April 19,  2006,
or  such  date the award is approved for payment by the Committee.
The  Stock  Distribution under this Plan will  be  distributed  on
April  20,  2006, or on the business day that immediately  follows
the  date on which the Committee approves the distribution  of  an


Neither this Plan nor any action taken hereunder will be construed
as  giving any employee or participant the right to be retained in
the employ of American or an Affiliate.

Nothing in the Plan will be deemed to give any employee any right,
contractually or otherwise, to participate in the Plan or  in  any
benefits  hereunder, other than the right to receive an  award  as
may  have been expressly awarded by the Committee subject  to  the
terms   and   conditions  of  the  award  agreement  between   the
Corporation and the employee.

In  the  event of any act of God, war, natural disaster,  aircraft
grounding, revocation of operating certificate, terrorism, strike,
lockout,   labor  dispute,  work  stoppage,  fire,   epidemic   or
quarantine  restriction,  act  of government,  critical  materials
shortage,  or any other act beyond the control of the Corporation,
whether  similar  or dissimilar,  (each a "Force Majeure  Event"),
which   Force  Majeure  Event  affects  the  Corporation  or   its
Subsidiaries  or  its  Affiliates,  the  Committee,  in  its  sole
discretion, may (i) terminate or (ii) suspend, delay,  defer  (for
such  period  of  time  as the Committee may deem  necessary),  or
substitute  any  awards due currently or in the future  under  the
Plan,  including, but not limited to, any awards that have accrued
to  the benefit of participants but have not yet been paid, in any
case  to  the extent permitted under Proposed Treasury  Regulation
1.409A-3(d) and/or 1.409A-3(e), or successor guidance thereto.

In consideration of the employee's privilege to participate in the
Plan,  the  employee agrees (i) not to disclose any trade  secrets
of,  or other confidential/restricted information of, American  or
its Affiliates to any unauthorized party and, (ii) not to make any
unauthorized  use  of  such  trade  secrets  or  confidential   or
restricted information during his or her employment with  American
or  its  Affiliates  or after such employment is  terminated,  and
(iii) not to solicit any then current employees of American or its
Affiliates  to  join  the employee at his  or  her  new  place  of
employment  after  his  or her employment  with  American  or  its
Affiliates is terminated. The failure by the employee to abide  by
the foregoing obligations will result in the award being forfeited
in its entirety.

The Committee may amend, suspend, or terminate the Plan at any