Exhibit 99.7


     This AGREEMENT is amended and restated as of March  29,
2006, by and between AMR Corporation, a Delaware corporation
(the "Corporation") and an officer or a key employee of  one
of   the  Corporation's  Subsidiaries  (the  "Employee")  as
identified  in the e-mail or mail notification sent  to  the
Employee on April x, 2006 (the "Notification").

     WHEREAS,  pursuant to the 2003 Employee Stock Incentive
Plan,  as  it may be amended from time to time (the "ESIP"),
the  Compensation Committee of the Board of  Directors  (the
"Committee") has determined that the Employee is an  officer
or  key employee and has further determined to make an award
of  Deferred Shares to the Employee as an inducement for the
Employee   to   remain   with  one  of   the   Corporation's
Subsidiaries  and  to  motivate  the  Employee  during  such

     NOW, THEREFORE, the Corporation and the Employee hereby
agree as follows:

     1.   Grant of Award.

     The Employee is hereby granted as of July 26, 2004 (the
"Grant  Date") a deferred share award (the "Award"), subject
to  the  terms and conditions of this Agreement, as  amended
and restated, with respect to the number of shares of Common
Stock set forth in the Notification (the "Shares").  Subject
to  the  terms and conditions of this Agreement, the  Shares
covered  by  the Award will vest, if at all,  in  accordance
with  Section 2 hereof, on July 26, 2007 (such  date  hereby
established as the "Vesting Date" of the Award).

     2.   Distribution of Award.

     Distribution with respect to the Award, on the  Vesting
Date,  will  occur,  if  at  all,  in  accordance  with  the
following terms and conditions:

     (a)   If the Employee is on the payroll of a Subsidiary
that  is  wholly owned by the Corporation as of the  Vesting
Date, the Shares will be distributed to the Employee on July
27, 2007.

     (b)   In  the  event the Employee's employment  with  a
Subsidiary  of the Corporation is terminated  prior  to  the
Vesting  Date  due to the Employee's death,  Disability  (as
defined  in  section 409A(a)(2)(C) of the  Internal  Revenue
Code  of  1986,  as  amended, (the "Code")),  Retirement  or
termination not for Cause (each an "Early Termination"), the
Shares  covered  by the Award will vest on a pro-rata  basis
and  will be paid to the Employee (or, in the event  of  the
Employee's death, the Employee's designated beneficiary  for
the purposes of the Award, or in the absence of an effective
beneficiary designation, the Employee's estate).   The  pro-


rata basis will be a percentage where the denominator is  36
and  the  numerator is the number of months from  the  Grant
Date through the month of Early Termination, inclusive.  The
pro-rata Award will be paid (subject to Section 2(e) hereof)
to  the  Employee (or, in the event of the Employee's death,
the  Employee's designated beneficiary for the  purposes  of
the  Award,  or  in the absence of an effective  beneficiary
designation, the Employee's estate) within 60 days after the
Employee's death, Disability, Retirement or termination  not
for Cause.

     (c)   In  the  event  of a Change  in  Control  of  the
Corporation  (as  defined in Section  5  hereof)  after  the
Vesting Date but prior to the distribution of the Award, the
Award  will be distributed in accordance with the  terms  of
the ESIP.

     (d)   Notwithstanding the terms of Section  2(a),  (b),
(c), the Award will be forfeited in its entirety if prior to
the Vesting Date:

          (i)  The    Employee's   employment    with    the
               Corporation   (or  Subsidiary  or   Affiliate
               thereof) is terminated for Cause, or  if  the
               Employee terminates his/her employment with a
               Subsidiary of the Corporation;

          (ii) The   Employee  becomes  an  employee  of   a
               Subsidiary  that is not wholly owned  by  the
               Corporation; or

          (iii) The Employee takes a leave of absence without
               reinstatement rights, unless otherwise agreed in
               writing between the Corporation and the Employee.

     (e)  Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2(b) hereof,
if   the   Employee   is   a  person  subject   to   section
409A(a)(2)(B)(i)  of  the Code, any payment  on  account  of
Retirement  or  termination not for Cause  of  the  Employee
shall  be delayed until the sixth month anniversary  of  the
date  of  separation from employment due  to  Retirement  or
termination not for Cause.

     3.   Transfer Restrictions.

     Unless  otherwise  permitted by  the  Corporation,  the
Award is non-transferable other than by will or by the  laws
of  descent  and  distribution, and  may  not  be  assigned,
pledged   or  hypothecated  and  will  not  be  subject   to
execution, attachment or similar process.  Upon any  attempt
by the Employee (or the Employee's successor in the interest
after  the Employee's death) to effect any such disposition,
or  upon  the  levy  of  any such  process,  the  Award  may
immediately become null and void, at the discretion  of  the

     4.   [Intentionally omitted]


     5.   Miscellaneous.

     This  Agreement (a) will be binding upon and  inure  to
the benefit of any successor of the Corporation, (b) will be
governed  by  the  laws  of  the  State  of  Texas  and  any
applicable  laws of the United States, and (c)  may  not  be
amended  without the written consent of both the Corporation
and  the Employee.  No contract or right of employment  will
be implied by this Agreement.

     In   consideration  of  the  Employee's  privilege   to
participate  in  the Plan, the Employee agrees  (i)  not  to
disclose     any    trade    secrets    of,     or     other
confidential/restricted information of,  American  Airlines,
Inc.  ("American")  or its Affiliates  to  any  unauthorized
party  and  (ii) not to make any unauthorized  use  of  such
trade  secrets  or  confidential or  restricted  information
during his or her employment with American or its Affiliates
or  after  such employment is terminated, and (iii)  not  to
solicit any then current employees of American or any  other
Subsidiaries of the Corporation to join the Employee at  his
or  her place of employment after his or her employment with
American or its Affiliates is terminated. The failure by the
Employee to abide by the foregoing obligations shall  result
in the Award being immediately forfeited in its entirety.

     For  purposes of Section 2(c) hereof, the term  "Change
in  Control" will mean a "change in ownership" or "change in
effective  control", or "change in ownership of the  assets"
of  the  Corporation,  as determined  pursuant  to  Internal
Revenue Service Notice 2005-1 (or successor guidance thereto
under section 409A of the Code).

     The   Employee  will  not  have  the  right  to   defer
distribution  of  the  Award. Except  as  provided  in  this
Agreement,  the  Committee  and  the  Corporation  will  not
accelerate distribution of the Award.

      Capitalized  terms not otherwise defined herein  shall
have the meanings set forth for such terms in the ESIP.

     6.   Adjustments in Awards.

     In  the event of a Stock dividend, Stock split, merger,
consolidation, re-organization, re-capitalization  or  other
change  in  the  corporate  structure  of  the  Corporation,
appropriate  adjustments  may  be  made  by  the  Board   of
Directors in the number of Shares awarded.

     7.   Prior Deferred Unit Awards.

     In   consideration   of  this  amended   and   restated
Agreement,  the Employee irrevocably agrees that  any  prior
award  granted  to the Employee under a 2004  Deferred  Unit
Agreement,  as  hereby  amended  and  restated,  is   hereby


forfeited  in  its  entirety and will  hereafter  be  of  no
further  effect  and  such prior award is  replaced  in  its
entirety with the Award granted under this Agreement.

     8.   American Jobs Creation Act.  Amendments to this
Agreement may be made by the Corporation, without the
Employee's consent, in order to ensure compliance with the
American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.

     IN  WITNESS  HEREOF, the Employee and  the  Corporation
have executed this Deferred Unit Agreement as of the day and
year first above written.

Employee                           AMR CORPORATION

______________________________     __________________________
                                   Charles D. MarLett
                                   Corporate Secretary