November 2, 1999

                    Company Order and Officers' Certificate
                    Floating Rate Notes, Series A, due 2000

Bankers Trust Company
Attn: Corporate Trust Division
Four Albany Street, 4th Floor
New York, New York 10006

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Pursuant to Article Two of the  Indenture,  dated as of September 1, 1997 (as it
may be amended or supplemented,  the  "Indenture"),  from Kentucky Power Company
(the "Company") to Bankers Trust Company,  as trustee (the  "Trustee"),  and the
Board  Resolutions  dated  February 24,  1999, a copy of which  certified by the
Secretary or an Assistant  Secretary of the Company is being delivered  herewith
under  Section  2.01  of the  Indenture,  and  unless  otherwise  provided  in a
subsequent Company Order pursuant to Section 2.04 of the Indenture,

            1. The  Company's  Floating  Rate  Notes,  Series  A, due 2000  (the
      "Notes") are hereby  established.  The Notes shall be in substantially the
      form attached hereto as Exhibit 1.

            2. The terms and  characteristics  of the Notes  shall be as follows
      (the  numbered   clauses  set  forth  below  correspond  to  the  numbered
      subsections  of  Section  2.01 of the  Indenture,  with terms used and not
      defined  herein  having the meanings  specified in the Indenture or in the

            (i)  the   aggregate   principal   amount  of  Notes  which  may  be
            authenticated  and delivered under the Indenture shall be limited to
            $80,000,000,  except  as  contemplated  in  Section  2.01(i)  of the

            (ii) the date on which the  principal  of the Notes shall be payable
            shall be November 2, 2000;

            (iii)  interest on the Notes shall be payable  monthly on the second
            day of each month in each year (each,  an "Interest  Payment Date"),
            commencing  on December 2, 1999 and shall accrue from and  including
            the date of authentication  of the Notes to, but excluding  December
            2, 1999, and  thereafter,  from and including each Interest  Payment
            Date to, but excluding, the next succeeding Interest Payment Date or
            Stated Maturity, as the case may be; the Regular Record Date for the
            determination  of  holders to whom  interest  is payable on any such
            Interest Payment Date shall be the fifteenth  calendar day preceding
            the relevant  Interest Payment Date;  provided that interest payable
            on Stated  Maturity  shall be paid to the  Person to whom  principal
            shall be paid;

            (iv) the Notes will bear  interest  at a per annum  rate  ("Interest
            Rate") determined by the Calculation  Agent,  subject to the maximum
            interest rate permitted by New York or other  applicable  state law,
            as  such  law  may be  modified  by  United  States  law of  general
            application.  The  Interest  Rate for each  Interest  Period will be
            equal to LIBOR on the Interest  Determination Date for such Interest
            Period plus 0.65%; provided,  however, that in certain circumstances
            described  below,  the  Interest  Rate  will be  determined  without
            reference to LIBOR.

                If  the   following   circumstances   exist   on  any   Interest
            Determination  Date,  the  Calculation  Agent  shall  determine  the
            interest rate for the notes as follows:

                 (1) In the event no Reported Rate appears on Telerate Page 3750
                as of  approximately  11:00  a.m.  London  time  on an  Interest
                Determination  Date,  the  Calculation  Agent shall  request the
                principal  London  offices  of each of four  major  banks in the
                London interbank market selected by the Calculation Agent (after
                consultation  with the  Company) to provide a  quotation  of the
                rate (the  "Rate  Quotation")  at which one  month  deposits  in
                amounts of not less than  $1,000,000  are offered by it to prime
                banks in the London interbank market, as of approximately  11:00
                a.m. on such Interest Determination Date, that is representative
                of  single  transactions  at  such  time  (the   "Representative
                Amounts").  If at least two Rate  Quotations  are provided,  the
                interest rate will be the arithmetic mean of the Rate Quotations
                obtained by the Calculation Agent, plus 0.65%.

                (2) In the event no Reported  Rate appears on Telerate Page 3750
                as of  approximately  11:00  a.m.  London  time  on an  Interest
                Determination Date and there are fewer than two Rate Quotations,
                the  interest  rate  will be the  arithmetic  mean of the  rates
                quoted at  approximately  11:00 a.m.  New York City time on such
                Interest  Determination  Date,  by three major banks in New York
                City selected by the Calculation Agent (after  consultation with
                the  Company),  for  loans in  Representative  Amounts  in U. S.
                dollars to leading  European banks,  having an index maturity of
                one month for a period  commencing on the second London Business
                Day immediately following such Interest Determination Date, plus
                0.65%;  provided,  however,  that  if  fewer  than  three  banks
                selected by the  Calculation  Agent are quoting such rates,  the
                interest  rate for the  applicable  Interest  Period will be the
                same  as  the  interest  rate  in  effect  for  the  immediately
                preceding Interest Period.

            (v)   the Notes shall not be redeemable prior to maturity;

            (vi)(a) the Notes shall be issued in the form of a Global Note;  (b)
            the Depositary  for such Global Note shall be The  Depository  Trust
            Company;  and  (c) the  procedures  with  respect  to  transfer  and
            exchange  of Global  Notes shall be as set forth in the form of Note
            attached hereto;

            (vii) the title of the Notes shall be "Floating  Rate Notes,  Series
            A, due 2000";

            (viii) the form of the Notes shall be as set forth in  Paragraph  1,

            (ix)  see item (iv) above;

            (x)   the Notes shall not be subject to a Periodic Offering;

            (xi)  not applicable;

            (xii) not applicable;

            (xiii) not applicable;

            (xiv) the Notes shall be issuable in denominations of $1,000 and any
            integral multiple thereof;

            (xv)  not applicable;

            (xvi) the Notes shall not be issued as Discount Securities;

            (xvii) not applicable;

            (xviii) see item (iv) above; and

            (xix) not applicable.

            3. You are hereby  requested to authenticate  $80,000,000  aggregate
      principal amount of Floating Rate Notes,  Series A, due 2000,  executed by
      the Company and delivered to you concurrently  with this Company Order and
      Officers Certificate, in the manner provided by the Indenture.

            4. You are hereby  requested to hold the Notes as custodian  for DTC
      in accordance with the Letter of  Representations  dated October 27, 1999,
      from the Company and the Trustee to DTC.

            5. Concurrently  with this Company Order and Officers'  Certificate,
      an Opinion of Counsel  under  Sections  2.04 and 13.06 of the Indenture is
      being delivered to you.

            6. The undersigned Henry W. Fayne and Thomas G. Berkemeyer, the Vice
      President and Assistant Secretary,  respectively, of the Company do hereby
      certify that:

            (i) we have read the relevant  portions of the Indenture,  including
            without  limitation  the conditions  precedent  provided for therein
            relating  to the  action  proposed  to be  taken by the  Trustee  as
            requested in this Company Order and Officers'  Certificate,  and the
            definitions in the Indenture relating thereto;

            (ii) we have  read the  Board  Resolutions  of the  Company  and the
            Opinion of Counsel referred to above;

            (iii) we have  conferred  with other  officers of the Company,  have
            examined  such  records  of the  Company  and have made  such  other
            investigation   as  we  deemed   relevant   for   purposes  of  this

            (iv) in our opinion,  we have made such examination or investigation
            as is  necessary  to enable us to express an informed  opinion as to
            whether or not such conditions have been complied with; and

            (v) on the basis of the  foregoing,  we are of the opinion  that all
            conditions  precedent  provided for in the Indenture relating to the
            action proposed to be taken by the Trustee as requested  herein have
            been complied with.

Kindly  acknowledge  receipt of this Company  Order and  Officers'  Certificate,
including the documents  listed herein,  and confirm the  arrangements set forth
herein by signing and returning the copy of this document attached hereto.

Very truly yours,


By:   /s/ A. A. Pena
      Vice President

And: /s/ Thomas G. Berkemeyer
        Assistant Secretary

Acknowledged by Trustee:

By:  /s/ Vince Chorney
       Vice President