EXHIBIT 10 - AEP System Survivor Benefit Plan, effective January



JANUARY 27, 1998
ARTICLE I-PURPOSE	                  1
1.1 Purpose	                          1
1.2 Effective Date	                  1
ARTICLE II-DEFINITIONS	                  1
2.1 Alternative Term Rate	          1
2.2 Base Coverage	                  1
2.3 Board	                          1
2.4 Cash Value	                          1
2.5 Committee	                          1
2.6 Compensation	                  2
2.7 Date of Participation	          2
2.8 Employer	                          2
2.9 Employer's Premium	                  2
2.10 Endow	                          2
2.11 Enhanced Postretirement Benefit	  2
2.12 Entry Date                      	  3
2.13 Insurer	                          3
2.14 Participant	                  3
2.15 Participant's Cash Value	          3
2.16 Participant's Share of Premium	  3
2.17 Plan	                          3
2.18 Plan Benefit	                  4
2.19 Policy	                          4
2.20 Retirement	                          4
2.21 Standard Postretirement Benefit	  4 
2.22 Supplemental Coverage	          4
2.23 Totally and Permanently Disabled	  5
3.1 Eligibility	                          5
3.2 Participation	                  5
4.1 Policy Ownership	                  5
4.2 Accelerated Living Benefit 
    Limitation                            6
4.3 Employer's Security Interest	  6
5.1 Premium Payment	                  6
5.2 Payment of Participant's Share	  6
 POLICY	                                  6
6.1 Collateral Assignment	          6
6.2 Limitations	                          6
 IN THE POLICY	                          7
7.1 Cash Surrender Value	          7
7.2 Plan Benefit	                  7
7.3 Insurance Proceeds	                  7
 DISABILITY	                          7
8.1 Termination of Employment Prior
 to Retirement	                          7
8.2 Termination of Employment Due
 to Retirement	                          7
 OF PLAN	                          8
9.1 Amendment	                          8
9.2 Termination	                          8
11.1 Named Fiduciary	                  9
11.2 Indemnification	                  9
12.1 Claims	                          9
12.2 Review of Claim	                  9
12.3 Notice of Denial of Claim	         10
12.4 Reconsideration of Denied Claim	 10
12.5 Employer to Supply Information 	 10
13.1 Not a Contract of Employment	 11
13.2 Protective Provisions	         11
13.3 Transfer of Participant's
 Interest in the Policy	                 11
13.4 Terms                             	 11
13.5 Governing Law                  	 11
13.6 Validity	                         11
13.7 Notice	                         11
13.8 Successors	                         12
Collateral Assignment



1.1	Purpose

	This Plan has been established to provide certain key 
employees of American Electric Power Service Corporation, 
its affiliates and subsidiaries with life insurance pro-
tection. The Plan will provide life insurance benefits to 
the beneficiaries of the participating employees under a 
split-dollar life insurance arrangement.

1.2	Effective Date

	This Plan will be effective as of January 27, 1998.


	Whenever used in this Plan, the following terms shall 
have the meanings set forth in this Article unless a con-
trary or different meaning is expressly provided:

2.1	Alternative Term Rate

	"Alternative Term Rate" shall equal the lower of the 
PS 58 rate or the Insurer's current published premium rate 
for annually renewable term insurance for standard risk.

2.2	Base Coverage

	"Base Coverage" shall equal one (1) times the Par-
ticipant's Compensation, rounded to the nearest thousand.

2.3	Board

	"Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of American 
Electric Power Service Corporation, a New York corpora-

2.4	Cash Value

	"Cash Value" shall mean the cash value of the Policy, 
as that term is defined in the Policy.

2.5	Committee

	"Committee" shall mean the AEP Employee Benefits 
Trust Committee appointed to administer the Plan pursuant 
to Article XI.

2.6	Compensation

	"Compensation" shall mean the base annual salary rate 
payable to the Participant as of January 1 and considered 
to be "wages" for purposes of federal income tax withhold-
ing before reduction for amounts deferred under any elec-
tive salary reduction program (regardless of whether such 
program is "qualified" or "nonqualified" under the Inter-
nal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended). "Compensation" does 
not include long-term incentive compensation, bonuses, 
cash awards, expense reimbursement, reimbursements for 
premium or taxes under this Plan, any form of noncash com-
pensation, or benefits.

2.7	Date of Participation

	"Date of Participation" shall mean the date on which 
the Policy is issued.

2.8	Employer

	"Employer" shall mean American Electric Power Service 
Corporation, a New York corporation, and any affiliate or 
subsidiary of American Electric Power Service Corporation 
participating in this Plan.

2.9	Employer's Premium

	"Employer's Premium" shall mean the aggregate amount 
of insurance premium paid by the Employer, less the Par-
ticipant's Share of Premium.

2.10	Endow

	"Endow" shall mean that when using the interest cred-
iting rate and mortality charges, in effect at the time of 
testing, the Policy is projected to have a cash value 
equal to the Plan Benefit at age ninety-five (95), assum-
ing no additional premium payments after the Employer re-
leases its interest in the Policy.

2.11	Enhanced Postretirement Benefit

	"Enhanced Postretirement Benefit" shall mean that, 
for Participants who elect such benefit, it shall be one 
hundred percent (100%) of the Postretirement Benefit 
through age seventy-five (75). On each anniversary of the 
policy following age seventy-five (75), the Participant's 
benefit shall be adjusted as follows:

Age                  Benefit Level
                   as a Percent of
                 Preretirement Benefit
65-75                     100%
76                         95
77                         90
78                         85
79                         80
80                         75
81                         70
82                         65
83                         60
84                         55
85 and Thereafter          50

2.12	Entry Date

	"Entry Date" shall mean the first (1st) of the month 
following the date in which the employee becomes eligible 
to participate in the Plan pursuant to Section 3.1.

2.13	Insurer

	The "Insurer" with respect to any Policy maintained 
under the Plan shall mean the insurance company issuing 
such Policy.

2.14 	Owner

	"Owner" shall mean the Participant  or the Partici-
pant's transferee, as specified in Section 13.3, who has 
the ownership rights in the Policy.

2.15	Participant

	"Participant" shall mean a key employee of the Em-
ployer who is at least salary grade 30, or a key employee 
approved for participation by the Chief Executive Officer 
of the Employer, and has completed all documentation re-
quired under Section 3.2.

2.16	Participant's Cash Value

	"Participant's Cash Value" shall mean the portion of 
the Cash Value that exceeds Employer's Premium.

2.17	Participant's Share of Premium

	"Participant's Share of Premium" shall mean the ag-
gregate portion of premiums required to be contributed by 
the Owner. This amount shall be based on the Postretire-
ment Benefit elected by the Owner.

	(a)	If the Participant elects the Standard Postre-
tirement Benefit, the Participant's Share of Premium 
shall be an amount equal to the sum of the Base Cov-
erage times the Alternative Term Rate, plus the Sup-
plemental Coverage (if any), times two (2) times the 
Alternative Term Rate. This amount shall be payable 
by the Participant regardless of the actual amount 
(if any) of premiums paid by the Employer with re-
spect to the Policy in any particular year.

	(b)	If a Participant elects the Enhanced Postre-
tirement Benefit, the Participant's Share of Premium 
shall equal the sum of the Base Coverage times one 
and one-half (1.5) times the Alternative Term Rate, 
plus the Supplemental Coverage (if any), times two 
and one-half (2.5) times the Alternative Term Rate.

	However, any Participant who enters the Plan after 
February 1, 1998 shall only pay one (1) times the Alterna-
tive Term Rate on the amount of coverage elected for the 
period from the Participant's Entry date until the Par-
ticipant's Date of Participation; thereafter the above 
schedule shall apply.

2.18	Plan

	"Plan" shall mean the AEP System Survivor Benefit 

2.19	Plan Benefit

	"Plan Benefit" shall mean insurance proceeds payable 
to the Participant's Beneficiary equal to the following:

	(a)	Preretirement.  The preretirement benefit 
shall equal the Base Coverage plus any Supplemental 
Coverage elected by the Participant. The preretire-
ment Plan Benefit shall be adjusted annually in Feb-
ruary based on the Participant's annual Compensation 
rate on January 1 of the current calendar year.

	(b)	Postretirement.  The insurance proceeds pay-
able to the Participant's Beneficiaries shall be one 
hundred percent (100%) of the preretirement benefit 
through age sixty-five (65). On the anniversary of 
the policy following the Participant's birthday, the 
benefit shall be adjusted based upon the Standard or 
Enhanced Postretirement Benefit elected by the Par-

2.20	Policy

	"Policy" shall mean, with respect to each Partici-
pant, all life insurance policies which are maintained un-
der the Plan on the life of such Participant.

2.21	Retirement

	"Retirement" shall mean termination of employment 
with the Employer on or after age fifty-five (55) and five 
(5) Years of Service.

2.22	Standard Postretirement Benefit

	"Standard Postretirement Benefit" shall mean that, 
for Participants who elected such benefit and retired, on 
the anniversary of the policy following the Participant's 
birthday, the Postretirement Benefit shall be as follows:

Age                   Benefit Level
                     as a Percent of
                 Preretirement Benefit
66                        90%
67                        80
68                        70
69                        60
70 and Thereafter         50

2.23	Supplemental Coverage

	"Supplemental Coverage" shall be coverage in addition 
to the Base Coverage elected by the Participant which 
shall be equal to one (1) or two (2) times the Partici-
pant's Base Coverage.

2.24	Totally and Permanently Disabled

	"Totally and Permanently Disabled" shall mean that 
the Participant, due to sickness or injury, is not engaged 
in the Participant's or any other gainful occupation and 
will continue to be unable to engage in any gainful occu-
pation for which the Participant is, or may reasonably be-
come, fitted by education, training, or experience.


3.1	Eligibility

	All employees of the Employer who are in or enter 
salary grade 30 or higher shall be eligible to partici-
pate. Such other employees of the Employer who are ap-
proved for participation by the Chief Executive Officer of 
the Employer shall also be eligible to participate.

3.2	Participation

	In order to participate in the Plan, a designated em-
ployee must complete and execute such documents and agree-
ments as are prescribed by the Committee for use in carry-
ing out the terms and provisions of the Plan. An employee 
who becomes eligible for the Plan after February 1, 1998, 
shall not be a Participant until the first (1st) of the 
month following the date in which the employee became eli-
gible under Section 3.1. If an eligible employee fails to 
complete the necessary documents and agreements within 
thirty (30) days after receipt, such employee shall not be 
a Participant in this Plan.


4.1	Policy Ownership

	The Owner of the Policy may exercise all ownership 
rights granted to the Owner by the terms of the Policy, 
subject to the rights of the Employer as herein provided. 
The Owner's rights shall include, but are not limited to, 
the right to assign the Owner's interest in the Policy 
(subject to the rights of the Employer in the Policy), the 
right to change the beneficiary of that portion of the 
proceeds to which the Owner is entitled under Article VII, 
and the right to exercise settlement options with respect 
to that portion. Prior to the release of the Employer's 
Security Interest, the Owner shall not borrow against, 
surrender, or cancel the Policy nor terminate the Policy 
dividend election without the express written consent of 
the Employer.

4.2	Accelerated Living Benefit Limitation

	Subject to all of the provisions of the Policy, if a 
Participant becomes terminally ill and has a life expec-
tancy of twelve (12) months or less, the Owner of the pol-
icy may request a portion of the Plan Benefit while the 
Participant is living. The amount the Owner receives shall 
be limited to the lesser of five hundred thousand dollars 
($500,000) or fifty percent (50%) of the Plan Benefit.

4.3	Employer's Security Interest

	The Employer shall have a security interest as de-
fined in the Form of Collateral Assignment attached hereto 
as Exhibit A and as hereinafter provided under Article VI 
in a portion of the death benefit and Cash Value of the 
Policy equal to the Employer's Premium.


5.1	Premium Payment

	Each premium on the Policy shall be paid by the Em-
ployer as it becomes due.

5.2	Payment of Participant's Share

	Annually, the Employer shall notify the Participant 
of the Participant's Share of Premium. The Employer may: 
(1) deduct such amount from the Participant's Compensa-
tion; (2) deduct such amount from the Participant's pay-
ments from the American Electric Power System Retirement 
Plan, if applicable; or invoice the Owner annually for the 
amount of each premium payment until the Employer releases 
all interest in the policy. If the Participant becomes To-
tally and Permanently Disabled before Retirement, the pay-
ment of the Participant's Share of Premium shall be waived 
by the Employer.


6.1	Collateral Assignment

	Each Owner shall assign the Policy to the Employer as 
collateral under the Form of Collateral Assignment at-
tached hereto as Exhibit A. Such assignment shall give the 
Employer the limited power to enforce its right to recover 
the Employer's Premium from the Cash Value or from the 
death benefit of the policy. The collateral assignment of 
the Policy to the Employer shall not be terminated, al-
tered, or amended by the Owner without the express written 
consent of the Employer. The Employer and each Owner will 
take all action necessary to cause the collateral assign-
ment to conform to the provisions of this Plan.

6.2	Limitations

	The interest of the Employer in and to the Policy 
shall be specifically limited to the following rights in 
and to the Cash Value and a portion of the death benefit:

	(a)	The right to recover Cash Value equal to the 
Employer's Premium in the event the Policy is surren-
dered or canceled prior to the Participant's Retire-

	(b)	Upon the death of the Participant prior to the 
release of the Collateral Assignment, the right to 
recover all of the Policy proceeds in excess of the 
Plan Benefit under Section 7.2;

	(c)	The right to withdraw from the Policy the Em-
ployer's Premium in the event of termination of em-
ployment by the Participant prior to Retirement for 
reasons other than death or Disability; and

	(d)	The right to withdraw from the Policy the Em-
ployer's Premium at or after retirement as set out in 
Section 8.2.


7.1	Cash Surrender Value

	Notwithstanding any other provision in the Plan to 
the contrary, the Owner shall at all times own that por-
tion of the Cash Value which exceeds the Employer's Pre-
mium. In the event of the Participant's termination of em-
ployment prior to Retirement or the Employer's termination 
of the Plan, the Employer shall withdraw from the Policy 
Cash Value an amount equal to the Employer's Premium and 
then release the Collateral Assignment.

7.2	Plan Benefit

	Upon the death of the Participant, the beneficiary or 
beneficiaries designated by the Participant shall be enti-
tled to receive the Plan Benefit.

7.3	Insurance Proceeds

	The Employer shall promptly take all action and exe-
cute all documents necessary to facilitate the payment of 
the Plan Benefit.


8.1	Termination of Employment Prior to Retirement

	In the event of the Participant's termination of em-
ployment prior to Retirement for reasons other than death 
or Disability, the Employer shall withdraw from the Policy 
Cash Value an amount equal to the Employer's Premium and 
then release the Collateral Assignment.

8.2	Termination of Employment Due to Retirement

	In the event of the Participant's termination of em-
ployment with the Employer due to Retirement, the Employer 
shall do the following:

	(a)	If the Participant's termination date occurs 
prior to the fifteenth (15th) anniversary of the Par-
ticipant's Date of Participation, the Employer and 
Participant shall continue to pay any premiums due 
through the fifteenth (15th) anniversary of the Par-
ticipant's Date of Participation. After the fifteenth 
(15th) anniversary, the Employer shall immediately 
withdraw from the Policy Cash Value an amount equal 
to the Employer's Premium and release its interest in 
the Policy and in the collateral assignment. Upon re-
lease of the collateral assignment, the Employer 
shall have no further obligation to pay future Policy 
premiums and the Employer shall have no further in-
terest in the Policy.

	(b)	If the Participant's termination date occurs 
after the fifteenth (15th) anniversary of the Par-
ticipant's Date of Participation, then the Employer 
shall immediately withdraw from the Policy Cash Value 
an amount equal to the Employer's Premium and release 
its interest in the Policy and in the collateral as-
signment. Upon release of the collateral assignment, 
the Employer shall have no further obligation to pay 
future Policy Premiums and the Employer shall have no 
further interest in the Policy.

	(c)	It is the intent of this Plan that retired 
Participants be provided the Plan Benefit from the 
Policy as set out in Section 2.18. Before such Policy 
is released in (a) or (b) above, the Policy shall be 
tested to ensure Cash Value will Endow the Policy at 
age ninety-five (95). If the Participant's Cash Value 
is insufficient to Endow the Policy, then Employer 
shall either leave a portion of the Employer's Pre-
mium Value in the contract so that the total Cash 
Value left in the Policy at release is sufficient to 
Endow the Policy, or the Employer shall pay addi-
tional premiums until such point as there is suffi-
cient Participant Cash Value to Endow the Policy. The 
action taken above shall be mutually agreed upon by 
the Owner and Employer, and there shall be no re-
quired additional premium payments by the Owner to 
the Employer.


9.1	Amendment

	The Employer may amend this Plan from time to time as 
may be necessary for administrative purposes and legal 
compliance. The power to amend the Plan pursuant to this 
Section 9.1 shall include, but not be limited to, the 
power to increase or decrease the Plan Benefit as defined 
under the Plan. However, no such amendment shall reduce 
the amount of benefit payable with respect to a Partici-
pant who is eligible to retire or who has retired.

9.2	Termination

	The Employer may, at any time, in its sole discre-
tion, terminate the Plan, in whole or in part. Upon termi-
nation, in whole or in part, the Employer shall withdraw 
from the Policy Cash Value an amount equal to the Em-
ployer's Premium and then release the Collateral Assign-
ment. However, such termination shall not apply to a Par-
ticipant who has retired or who is eligible for Retirement 
before the effective date of termination of the Plan. Pre-
miums on the Policy on such Participant shall continue to 
be paid, and said Policy shall be transferred to such Par-
ticipant as provided in Section 8.2.


	The Insurer shall be bound only by the provisions of 
the Policy, any endorsements on the Policy and the collat-
eral assignment. Any payments made or action taken by an 
Insurer in accordance therewith shall fully discharge it 
from all claims, suits, and demands of all persons whatso-
ever. Except as specifically provided by endorsement on 
the Policy, it shall in no way be bound by the provisions 
of this Plan.


11.1	Named Fiduciary

	The Committee is hereby designated as the "Named Fi-
duciary." As the Named Fiduciary, the Committee shall have 
the authority to make, amend, interpret, and enforce all 
appropriate rules and regulations for the administration 
of the Plan and decide or resolve any and all questions, 
including interpretations of the Plan, as may arise in 
such administration. The Committee may allocate to others 
certain aspects of the management and operation responsi-
bilities of the Plan, including the employment of advisors 
and the delegation of any ministerial duties to qualified 

11.2	Indemnification

	The Employer shall indemnify and hold harmless the 
Committee and its individual members from and against any 
and all claims, loss, damage, expense, or liability aris-
ing from any action or failure to act with respect to this 
Plan, except in the case of gross negligence or willful 


12.1	Claims

	The Committee shall establish rules and procedures to 
be followed by Participants and their beneficiaries:

	(a)	In filing claims for benefits; and

	(b)	For furnishing and verifying proofs necessary 
to establish the right to benefits in accordance with 
the Plan, consistent with the remainder of this Arti-

	Such rules and procedures shall require that claims 
and proofs be made in writing and directed to the Commit-

12.2	Review of Claim

	The Committee shall review all claims for benefits. 
Upon receipt by the Committee of such a claim, it shall 
determine all facts which are necessary to establish the 
right of the claimant to benefits under the provisions of 
the Plan and the amount thereof as herein provided within 
ninety (90) days of receipt of such claim. If prior to the 
expiration of the initial ninety (90) day period the Com-
mittee determines additional time is needed to come to a 
determination on the claim, the Committee shall provide 
written notice to the Participant, the beneficiary or 
beneficiaries, or other claimant of the need for the ex-
tension, not to exceed a total of one hundred eighty (180) 
days from the date the application was received.

12.3	Notice of Denial of Claim

	In the event that any Participant, beneficiary, or 
other claimant claims to be entitled to a benefit under 
the Plan, and the Committee determines that such claim 
should be denied in whole or in part, the Committee shall 
notify such claimant in writing that his or her claim has 
been denied, in whole or in part, setting forth the spe-
cific reasons for such denial. Such notification shall be 
written in a manner reasonably expected to be understood 
by such claimant and shall refer to the specific Sections 
of the Plan relied on, shall describe any additional mate-
rial or information necessary for the claimant to perfect 
the claim and an explanation of why such material or in-
formation is necessary, and where appropriate, shall in-
clude an explanation of how the claimant can obtain recon-
sideration of such denial.

12.4	Reconsideration of Denied Claim

	(a)	Within sixty (60) days after receipt of notice 
of the denial of a claim, such claimant or his duly-
authorized representative may request, by mailing or 
delivery of such written notice to the Committee, a 
reconsideration by the Committee of the decision de-
nying the claim. If the claimant or his duly-
authorized representative fails to request such a re-
consideration within such sixty (60) day period, it 
shall be conclusively determined for all purposes of 
this Plan that the denial of such claim by the Com-
mittee is correct. If such claimant or his duly-
authorized representative requests a reconsideration 
within such sixty (60) day period, the claimant or 
his duly-authorized representative shall have thirty 
(30) days after filing a request for reconsideration 
to submit additional written material in support of 
the claim, review pertinent documents, and submit is-
sues and comments in writing.

	(b)	After such reconsideration request, the Com-
mittee shall determine within sixty (60) days of re-
ceipt of the claimant's request for reconsideration 
whether such denial of the claim was correct and 
shall notify such claimant in writing of its determi-
nation. The written notice of decision shall include 
specific reasons for the decision, written in a man-
ner calculated to be understood by the claimant, as 
well as specific references to the pertinent Plan 
provisions on which the decision is based. In the 
event of special circumstances determined by the Com-
mittee, the time for the Committee to make a decision 
may be extended for an additional sixty (60) days 
upon written notice to the claimant prior to com-
mencement of the extension. If such determination is 
favorable to the claimant, it shall be binding and 
conclusive. If such determination is adverse to such 
claimant, it shall be binding and conclusive unless 
the claimant or his duly-authorized representative 
notifies the Committee within ninety (90) days after 
the mailing or delivery to the claimant by the Com-
mittee of its determination that the claimant intends 
to institute legal proceedings challenging the deter-
mination of the Committee and actually institutes 
such legal proceedings within one hundred eighty 
(180) days after such mailing or delivery.

12.5	Employer to Supply Information

	To enable the Committee to perform its functions, the 
Employer shall supply full and timely information to the 
Committee of all matters relating to the employment, Re-
tirement, death, or other cause for termination of employ-
ment of all Participants and such other pertinent facts as 
the Committee may require.


13.1	Not a Contract of Employment

	The terms and conditions of the Plan shall not be 
deemed to constitute a contract of employment between the 
Employer and the Participant, and neither the Participant 
nor the Participant's beneficiary or beneficiaries shall 
have any rights against the Employer except as may other-
wise be specifically provided herein. Moreover, nothing in 
this Plan shall be deemed to give a Participant the right 
to be retained in the service of the Employer or to inter-
fere with the right of the Employer to discipline or dis-
charge him at any time.

13.2	Protective Provisions

	The Participant will cooperate with the Employer by 
furnishing any and all information requested by the Em-
ployer in order to facilitate the payment of benefits 
hereunder, by taking such physical examinations as the In-
surer may require, and by taking such other reasonable ac-
tion as may be requested by the Employer.

13.3	Transfer of Participant's Interest in the Policy

	In the event the Participant shall transfer all of 
his interest in the Policy, then all of the Participant's 
interest in the Policy shall be vested in his transferee, 
who shall be substituted as a party hereunder, and the 
Participant shall have no further interest in the Policy.

13.4	Terms

	In this Plan, unless the context clearly indicates to 
the contrary, the references to the masculine gender will 
be deemed to include the feminine gender, and the singular 
shall include the plural.

13.5	Governing Law

	The provisions of this Plan shall be construed and 
interpreted according to the laws of the State of Ohio, 
except as preempted by federal law.

13.6	Validity

	In case any provision of this Plan shall be held il-
legal or invalid for any reason, such illegality or inva-
lidity shall not affect the remaining parts hereof, but 
this Plan shall be construed and enforced as if such ille-
gal and invalid provision had never been inserted herein.

13.7	Notice

	Any notice or filing required or permitted to be 
given to the Employer under this Plan shall be sufficient 
if in writing and hand delivered or sent by registered or 
certified mail to the Committee. Such notice, if mailed, 
shall be addressed to the principal offices of the Em-
ployer, Attention, Director-Employee Benefits, System Hu-
man Resources. Notices mailed to the Participant shall be 
at such address as is given in the records of the Em-
ployer. Notices shall be deemed given as of the date of 
delivery or, if delivery is made by mail, as of the date 
shown on the postmark on the receipt for registration or 
13.8	Successors

	The provisions of this Plan shall bind and inure to 
the benefit of the Employer and its successors and as-
signs. The term "successors" as used herein shall include 
any corporate or other business entity which shall, 
whether by merger, consolidation, purchase, or otherwise, 
acquire all or substantially all of the business and as-
sets of the Employer and successors of any such corpora-
tion or other business entity.

	IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Employer has caused this Plan 
to be executed by its officer thereunto duly authorized as 
of the 27th day of January, 1998.


							By: /s/ Armando A. Pena

							Title: Senior Vice President - Finance,
              Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer



Collateral Assignment

	THIS ASSIGNMENT, made and entered into this _________ 
day of _____________, 19_____, by the undersigned as owner 
(the "Owner") of that certain Life Insurance Policy No. 
_____________ issued by Pacific Life Insurance Company, 
Newport Beach, California ("Insurer") and any supplemen-
tary contracts issued in connection therewith (said policy 
and contract being herein called the "Policy"), upon the 
life of ______________________________ ("Insured"), to 
American Electric Power Service Corporation, a New York 
corporation (the "Company") and any participating affili-
ate or subsidiary of the Company ("Assignee").


	WHEREAS, the Insured is an employee of the Company; 

	WHEREAS, said Assignee desires to assist the Insured 
by paying a portion of the annual premium due on the Pol-
icy, as more specifically provided for in that certain AEP 
System Survivor Benefit Plan dated January 1, 1998, 
adopted by the Company (the "Plan"); and 

	WHEREAS, in consideration of the Assignee agreeing to 
pay such premiums, the Owner agrees to grant the Assignee 
a security interest in said Policy as a collateral secu-
rity for the repayment of that portion of the premiums 
paid by the Assignee.

	NOW, THEREFORE, for value received, the undersigned 
hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the Assignee, 
its successors and assigns, the following specific rights 
in the Policy and subject to the following terms and con-

	1.	This Assignment is made, and the Policy is to be 
held, as collateral security for all liabilities of the 
Owner to the Assignee, either now existing or that may 
hereafter arise, pursuant to the terms of the Plan.

	2.	The Assignee's interest in the Policy shall fur-
ther be limited to:

	(a)	The right to recover from the Policy Cash 
Value the Employer's Premium in the event the Policy 
is surrendered or canceled, prior to the Insured's 
Retirement, as provided in the Plan; 

	(b)	The right to recover, upon the death of the 
Insured, all of the Policy proceeds in  excess of 
those payable to the Participant's beneficiary or 
beneficiaries, as provided under the Plan, reduced by 
any indebtedness against the Policy; and

	(c)	The right to withdraw from the Policy Cash 
Value equal to the Employer's Premium in the event of 
termination of the Insured's employment prior to Re-
tirement for reasons other than death or Disability; 



Collateral Assignment

	(d) 	The right to withdraw from the Policy Cash 
Value equal to the Employer's Premium at or after Re-
tirement as provided in Article VIII of the Plan 

	(e) 	The right to withdraw from the Policy Cash 
Value equal to the Employer's Premium in the event 
the Plan is terminated by the Board prior to the In-
sured's Retirement.

	3.	Except as specifically herein granted to the As-
signee, the Owner shall retain all incidents of ownership 
in the Policy, including the right to assign his interest 
in the Policy, the right to change the beneficiary of that 
portion of the proceeds to which he is entitled under Ar-
ticle VII of the Plan, and the right to exercise all set-
tlement options permitted by the terms of the Policy; pro-
vided, however, that all rights retained by Owner shall be 
subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan.

	4.	The Assignee shall, upon request, forward the Pol-
icy to the Insurer, without reasonable delay, for endorse-
ment of any designation or change of beneficiary, any 
election of optional mode of settlement, or the exercise 
of any other right reserved by the Owner hereunder.

	5.	The Insurer is hereby authorized to recognize the 
Assignee's claims to rights hereunder without investigat-
ing the reason for any action taken by the Assignee, the 
validity or amount of liabilities of the Owner to the As-
signee under the Agreement, the existence of any default 
therein, the giving of any notice required herein, or the 
application to be made by the Assignee of any amounts to 
be paid to the Assignee. The signature of the Assignee 
shall be sufficient for the exercise of any rights under 
the Policy assigned hereby to the Assignee and the receipt 
of the Assignee for any sums received by it shall be a 
full discharge and release therefor to the Insurer. 

	6.	Upon termination of employment at Retirement, the 
Assignee shall, as provided for under Paragraph 8.2 of the 
Plan, reassign to the Owner the Policy and all specific 
rights included in this Collateral Assignment. 

	IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Owner has exe-
cuted this Assignment.



Relationship to In-