WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                    Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                              (Amendment No. ____)

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:
[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted
     by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[x]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to 240.14a-11(c) or 240.14a-

        (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]  No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-
     6(i)(4) and 0-11.

          Title of each class of securities to which transaction

          Aggregate number of securities to which transaction

          Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
          computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth
          the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and
          state how it was determined)

          Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identity the filing for which
the offsetting fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous
filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule
and the date of its filing.
     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:
     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     (3)  Filing Party:
     (4)  Date Filed:


                             One East Fourth Street
                             Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

                    Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                               and Proxy Statement

                           To be Held on May 24, 2001

Dear Shareholder:

         We invite you to attend our Annual Meeting of Shareholders on Thursday,
May 24, 2001, in Cincinnati, Ohio. At the meeting, you will hear a report on our
operations  and  have  an  opportunity  to meet  your  Company's  directors  and

         This booklet  includes  the formal  notice of the meeting and the proxy
statement.  The proxy  statement  tells you more about the agenda and procedures
for the meeting.  It also  describes  how your Board of  Directors  operates and
provides information about the director candidates.

         We want your  shares to be  represented  at the meeting and we urge you
either to use our telephone voting system,  or promptly to complete,  sign, date
and return your proxy form.


                                 BY:s/CARL H. LINDNER
                                      Carl H. Lindner
                                      Chairman of the Board and
                                         Chief Executive Officer

Cincinnati, Ohio
April 12, 2001

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           Date:               Thursday, May 24, 2001

           Time:               10:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time

           Place:              The Cincinnatian Hotel
                               Second Floor -- Filson Room
                               601 Vine Street
                               Cincinnati, Ohio

           Purpose:            o   Elect Directors
                               o   Conduct other business if properly raised

           Record Date:        March  31,  2001 -  Shareholders  of  record  on
                               that date are entitled to receive notice of and
                               to vote at the meeting.

           Mailing Date:       The approximate mailing date of this proxy
                               statement and accompanying proxy form is
                               April 16, 2001.

           AFG  Meeting:       The  meeting   will  be  held concurrently
                               with the meeting of shareholders of
                               American Financial Group, Inc. ("AFG"),
                               the  Company's parent company.

Your vote is important. Whether or not you attend the meeting, you may vote your
shares (1) using the  toll-free  telephone  voting  system  described  on page 1
below, or (2) by mailing a signed proxy form, which is the bottom portion of the
enclosed  perforated form. If you do attend the meeting,  you may either vote by
proxy or revoke your proxy and vote in person. You may also revoke your proxy at
any time  before the vote is taken at the meeting by written  revocation,  using
the telephone voting system or by submitting a later-dated proxy form.


                                Table Of Contents


         GENERAL INFORMATION.........................................       1

         ELECTION OF DIRECTORS.......................................       2

         PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS......................................       2

         MANAGEMENT..................................................       3

         COMPENSATION................................................       5


         INDEPENDENT AUDITORS........................................      11

         NOMINATIONS AND SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS.......................      12

         REQUESTS FOR FORM 10-K......................................      12

         CERTAIN FINANCIAL INFORMATION...............................     F-1


                               GENERAL INFORMATION

Record Date; Shares Outstanding

         As of March 31,  2001,  the record  date for  determining  shareholders
entitled to notice of and to vote at the  meeting,  the Company had  outstanding
two classes of voting securities,  its common stock, no par value and its Series
J Preferred  Stock. At the Record Date,  10,593,000  shares of Common Stock were
outstanding,  all of which were held by AFG, and  2,886,161  shares of Preferred
Stock were  outstanding.  Each share of  outstanding  common stock and preferred
stock is  entitled to one vote on each matter to be  presented  at the  Meeting.
Abstentions and broker non-votes will have no effect on any item voted on at the

Cumulative Voting

         Shareholders have cumulative voting rights in the election of directors
and one  vote  per  share  on all  other  matters.  Cumulative  voting  allows a
shareholder  to  multiply  the number of shares  owned on the record date by the
number of  directors  to be  elected  and to cast the total for one  nominee  or
distribute the votes among the nominees as the shareholder desires. Nominees who
receive  the  greatest  number  of votes  will be  elected.  In order to  invoke
cumulative  voting,  notice of cumulative  voting must be given in writing to an
executive  officer of the Company  not less than 48 hours  before the time fixed
for the holding of the meeting.

Proxies and Voting Procedures

         Registered shareholders may vote by using a toll-free telephone number,
by  completing  a proxy  form  and  mailing  it to the  proxy  tabulator,  or by
attending the meeting and voting in person. The telephone voting facilities will
open on April 16, 2001, and close at 9:00 a.m.  Eastern Daylight Savings Time on
the meeting date. The telephone voting facilities are open Monday through Friday
from 8:00 a.m.  until 10:30 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
Eastern Daylight  Savings Time. The telephone voting  procedures are designed to
authenticate  shareholders  by  use  of a  proxy  control  number  and  personal
identification  number  ("PIN")  to allow  shareholders  to  confirm  that their
instructions have been properly recorded.

         Shareholders  whose  shares  are held in the name of a broker,  bank or
other nominee should refer to their proxy card or the  information  forwarded by
such broker, bank or other nominee to see what voting options are available.

         To  vote  by  telephone,   shareholders  should  call   1-877-298-0570,
toll-free,  using any  touch-tone  telephone  and have their proxy form at hand.
Shareholders  will be asked to enter  the proxy  control  number  and PIN,  then
follow  simple  recorded  instructions.  To vote by  mail,  shareholders  should
complete  and sign the bottom  portion  of the proxy  form and return  only that
portion to the proxy tabulator in the reply envelope provided.

         Solicitation of proxies  through the mail, in person and otherwise,  is
being made by management  at the direction of the Company's  Board of Directors,
without additional  compensation.  AFC will pay all costs of soliciting proxies.
In addition, the Company will request brokers and other custodians, nominees and
fiduciaries to forward proxy  soliciting  material to the  beneficial  owners of
shares held of record by such  persons,  and AFC will  reimburse  them for their

         The  execution of a proxy or vote by phone does not affect the right to
vote in person at the  meeting,  and a proxy or vote by phone may be  revoked by
the person  giving it prior to the  exercise  of the powers  conferred  by it. A
shareholder  may revoke a prior vote by writing to the  Secretary  of AFC at the
Company's  principal  offices or by properly  executing  and  delivering a proxy
bearing a later date (or recording a later telephone vote). In addition, persons
attending the meeting in person may withdraw their proxies.

         If a choice is specified on a properly  executed proxy form, the shares
will be voted  accordingly.  If a proxy  form is  signed  without  a  preference
indicated,  those shares will be voted "FOR" the election of the eight  nominees
proposed  by the Board of  Directors.  The  authority  solicited  by this  Proxy
Statement includes discretionary  authority to cumulate votes in the election of
directors.  If any  other  matters  properly  come  before  the  meeting  or any
adjournment  thereof,  each  properly  executed  proxy form will be voted in the
discretion of the proxies named therein.

Adjournment and Other Matters

         Approval of a motion for  adjournment  or other matters  brought before
the meeting  requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares voting at
the meeting. Management knows of no other matters to be presented at the meeting
other than those stated in this document.

                      PROPOSAL -- ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         The Board of Directors  has  nominated  eight  directors to hold office
until the next annual  meeting of  Shareholders  and until their  successors are
elected and qualified. If any of the nominees should become unable to serve as a
director, the proxies will be voted for any substitute nominee designated by the
Board of Directors but, in any event,  no proxy may be voted for more than eight
nominees.  The eight  nominees who receive the greatest  number of votes will be

         The nominees for election to the Board of Directors are:

                    Carl H. Lindner                   Keith E. Lindner
                    S. Craig Lindner                  Carl H. Lindner III
                    Theodore H. Emmerich              Thomas M. Hunt
                    James E. Evans                    William R. Martin

         All of these nominees were elected directors at the last annual meeting
of  shareholders  of the  Company  held on May 9,  2000.  See  "Management"  and
"Compensation"  below for  information  concerning  the  background,  securities
holdings, remuneration and other matters relating to the nominees.

         The  Board  of  Directors  recommends  that  shareholders  vote FOR the
election of these eight nominees as directors.

                             PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS

         The following shareholders are the only persons known by the Company to
own beneficially 5% or more of its outstanding voting securities as of March 31,

 ----------------------------------   ---------------------   -----------------
          Name and Address             Amount and Nature of      Percent of
        of Beneficial Owner            Beneficial Ownership   Voting Securities
 ==================================   =====================   =================

 American Financial Group, Inc. (a)      10,593,000 shares          78.6%
   One East Fourth Street                 of Common Stock
   Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
 ----------------------------------   ---------------------   -----------------

(a)    Carl H. Lindner, S. Craig Lindner,  Carl H. Lindner III, Keith E. Lindner
       and trusts for their benefit  (collectively,  the "Lindner  Family") were
       the beneficial  owners of approximately  44.2% of the voting stock of AFG
       at March  31,  2001.  AFG and the  Lindner  Family  may be  deemed  to be
       controlling persons of the Company.



         The directors, nominees and executive officers of the Company are:

                                                                                                  Director or
                            Age*                              Position                          Executive Since
                            ----                              --------                          ---------------

Carl H. Lindner              81        Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer             1959
S. Craig Lindner             46        Co-President and a Director                                   1979
Keith E. Lindner             41        Co-President and a Director                                   1981
Carl H. Lindner III          47        Co-President and a Director                                   1980
Theodore H. Emmerich         74        Director                                                      1988
James E. Evans               55        Senior Vice President and General Counsel
                                       and a Director                                                1976
Thomas M. Hunt               77        Director                                                      1982
William R. Martin            72        Director                                                      1994
Keith A. Jensen              50        Senior Vice President                                         1999
Thomas E. Mischell           53        Senior Vice President - Taxes                                 1985
Fred J. Runk                 58        Senior Vice President and Treasurer                           1978

- ---------------------
*As of March 31, 2001

         Carl H. Lindner  (Chairman of the Executive  Committee)  Mr. Lindner is
the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. During the
past five  years,  Mr.  Lindner  has also been  Chairman  of the Board and Chief
Executive  Officer of AFG.  He is Chairman  of the Board of  Directors  of Great
American Financial Resources,  Inc. and Chiquita Brands International,  Inc. Mr.
Lindner is the father of Carl H.  Lindner  III,  S. Craig  Lindner  and Keith E.

         S. Craig Lindner (Member of the Executive Committee) For more than five
years,  Mr. Lindner has served as Co-President and a director of the Company and
AFG. He is also  President  of Great  American  Financial  Resources,  Inc.,  an
83%-owned subsidiary of AFC that markets tax-deferred  annuities  principally to
employees  of  educational  institutions  and offers  life and health  insurance
products.   Mr.  Lindner  is  also   President  of  American  Money   Management
Corporation, a subsidiary which provides investment services for the Company and
its  affiliated  companies.  Mr.  Lindner is also a director  of Great  American
Financial Resources.

         Keith E. Lindner (Member of the Executive Committee) For more than five
years,  Mr. Lindner has served as Co-President and a director of the Company and
AFG.  In March  1997,  Mr.  Lindner  was  named  Vice  Chairman  of the Board of
Directors of Chiquita Brands International, a worldwide marketer and producer of
bananas  and other  food  products  in which  the  Company  has a 36%  ownership
interest.  For more than five years  prior to that time,  Mr.  Lindner  had been
President and Chief Operating Officer and a director of Chiquita.

         Carl H. Lindner III (Member of the Executive  Committee)  For more than
five years, Mr. Lindner has served as Co-President and a director of the Company
and AFG. For over ten years,  Mr. Lindner has been  principally  responsible for
the Company's property and casualty insurance operations.

         Theodore H. Emmerich  (Chairman of the Audit  Committee;  Member of the
Compensation  Committee)  Prior to his  retirement  in 1986,  Mr.  Emmerich  was
managing partner of the Cincinnati office of the independent  accounting firm of
Ernst & Whinney.  He is also a director of AFG,  Carillon Fund,  Inc.,  Carillon
Investment  Trust,   Gradison  Custodial  Trust,   Gradison-McDonald   Municipal
Custodial  Trust,  Gradison-McDonald  Cash Reserve  Trust and Summit  Investment

         James E. Evans For more than five years, Mr. Evans has served as Senior
Vice  President and General  Counsel of the Company and AFG. Mr. Evans is also a
director of AFG.

         Thomas M. Hunt (Member of the Compensation and Audit Committees) During
the past five years,  Mr. Hunt has been Chairman of the Board of Hunt  Petroleum
Corporation, an oil and gas production company. He is also a director of AFG.


         William R. Martin  (Chairman of the Compensation  Committee;  Member of
the Audit Committee) During the past five years, Mr. Martin has been Chairman of
the Board of MB Computing,  Inc., a computer software and services company.  Mr.
Martin is also a director of Great American Financial Resources and AFG.

         Keith A.  Jensen was named a Senior Vice  President  of the Company and
AFG in  February  1999.  Since  February  1997,  he has also  been  Senior  Vice
President of Great American Financial Resources.  For more than five years prior
thereto he was a partner with Deloitte & Touche LLP, an  independent  accounting

         Thomas E.  Mischell has served as Senior Vice  President - Taxes of the
Company for over five years.

         Fred J. Runk has served as Senior Vice  President  and Treasurer of the
Company for more than five years.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

         Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires  AFC's  executive  officers,
directors  and persons who own more than ten  percent of AFC's  voting  stock to
file reports of ownership  with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission and to
furnish the Company with copies of these reports.  The Company believes that all
filing requirements were met during 2000.

Securities Ownership

         The  following  table sets  forth  information,  as of March 31,  2001,
concerning the beneficial  ownership of equity securities of the Company and its
parent and  subsidiaries by each director,  nominee for director,  the executive
officers named in the Summary Compensation Table (see "Compensation"  below) and
by all directors and executive officers as a group. Such information is based on
data furnished by the persons named. Except as set forth in the following table,
no director or executive officer  beneficially  owned 1% or more of any class of
equity  security  of  the  Company,  its  parent  or  any  of  its  subsidiaries
outstanding at March 31, 2001.

                                 Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership (a)

      Name of                   Shares of Common         Shares of Preferred
  Beneficial Owner                 Stock Held                 Stock Held
- ---------------------------    -----------------       ------------------------

Carl H. Lindner                 10,593,000 (b)                  ---
Carl H. Lindner III             10,593,000 (b)                  ---
S. Craig Lindner                10,593,000 (b)                  ---
Keith E. Lindner                10,593,000 (b)                  ---
Theodore H. Emmerich                    ---                     ---
James E. Evans                          ---                     ---
Thomas M. Hunt                          ---                     ---
William R. Martin                       ---                 40,126 (c)

All directors and executive     10,593,000 (b)              60,830 (d)
  officers as a group
  (11 persons)

(a)      Does  not  include  the  following   ownership   interests  in  certain
         affiliates of the Company: Messrs. Emmerich,  Evans, Hunt, S.C. Lindner
         and  Martin,  and  all  directors  and  executive  officers  as a group
         beneficially  own 1,561;  11,138;  382;  105,158;  10,547  and  272,120
         shares,  respectively,  of the common stock of Great American Financial
         Resources.  Also  excludes the following  ownership of Chiquita  common
         stock:  Messrs.  Emmerich,  C.H.  Lindner  and  K.E.  Lindner,  and all
         directors and  executive  officers as a group  beneficially  own 1,000;
         2,128,625 (3.2%); 17,326 and 2,363,099 (3.6%) shares, respectively.


(b)      Represents  shares held by AFG. The Lindner  Family may be deemed to be
         the  beneficial  owners of these shares,  which  represent  100% of AFC
         common stock outstanding.

(c)      Represents 1.4% of the preferred stock outstanding.

(d)      Represents 2.1% of the preferred stock outstanding.


         The following  table  summarizes  the aggregate cash  compensation  for
2000,  1999 and 1998 of the Company's  Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Officer and its four other most highly  compensated  executive  officers  during
2000 (the "Named  Executive  Officers")  as reported in the proxy  statement for
AFG's 2001 annual meeting.  Such  compensation  includes amounts paid by AFC and
AFG as  well  as its  subsidiaries  and  certain  affiliates  during  the  years

                                   SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                                                   Annual Compensation               Compensation
                                           ------------------------------------  ---------------------
               Name                                                Other Annual  Securities Underlying   All Other
               And                                                 Compensation     Options Granted     Compensation
        Principal Position         Year    Salary (a)  Bonus (b)        (c)        (# of Shares) (d)        (e)
                                   2000     $950,500         $0       $54,000              ---            $106,500
   Carl H. Lindner                 1999      968,000    600,000        65,000              ---              68,000
     Chairman of the Board and     1998      968,000    697,000       190,000              ---              73,000
        Chief Executive Officer

                                   2000      950,500          0        35,000          110,000              34,000
   Keith E. Lindner                1999      968,000    600,000        56,000           50,000              44,000
     Co-President                  1998      968,000    697,000        22,000           40,000              47,000

                                   2000      950,500          0        79,000          110,000              29,000
   Carl H. Lindner III             1999      968,000    600,000       106,000           50,000              34,000
     Co-President                  1998      968,000    697,000       128,000           40,000              34,000

                                   2000      950,500          0        99,000          110,000              28,000
   S. Craig Lindner                1999      968,000    600,000        75,000           50,000              33,000
     Co-President                  1998      968,000    697,000       184,000           40,000              33,000

                                   2000      950,500    290,000           500          100,000              30,000
   James E. Evans                  1999      968,000    580,000         2,000           45,000              36,000
     Senior Vice President and     1998      968,000    670,000         4,000           35,000             787,000
        General Counsel

(a)      This column  includes  salaries paid by Chiquita to Keith E. Lindner of
         $47,500 in 2000, and to each of Carl H. Lindner and Keith E. Lindner of
         $50,000 in 1999, and $100,000 in 1998.

(b)      Bonuses are for the year shown, regardless of when paid.  Approximately
         one-fourth of the bonuses for each individual was paid in shares of AFG
         common stock.


(c)      This column  includes  amounts for personal  homeowners  and automobile
         insurance  coverage,  and the use of corporate  aircraft and automobile
         service as follows.

         Name                     Year      Insurance    Aircraft & Automobile
         --------------------     ----      ---------    ---------------------

         Carl H. Lindner          2000       $25,000            $ 29,000
                                  1999        21,000              44,000
                                  1998        16,000             174,000

         Keith E. Lindner         2000        21,000              14,000
                                  1999        42,000              14,000
                                  1998        11,000              11,000

         Carl H. Lindner III      2000        32,000              47,000
                                  1999        29,000              77,000
                                  1998        28,000             100,000

         S. Craig Lindner         2000        44,000              54,000
                                  1999        32,000              43,000
                                  1998        43,000             141,000

         James E. Evans           2000            --                 500
                                  1999            --               2,000
                                  1998            --               4,000

(d)      The number of options  shown as granted  during 2000  includes the 2001
         grant, which was made in late December 2000.

(e)      Includes Company or subsidiary  contributions or allocations  under the
         (i) defined  contribution  retirement  plans and (ii) employee  savings
         plan in which the following Named Executive  Officers  participate (and
         related  accruals  for  their  benefit  under  the  Company's   benefit
         equalization plan which generally makes up certain reductions caused by
         Internal  Revenue Code  limitations in the Company's  contributions  to
         certain of the Company's  retirement plans) and Company paid group life
         insurance  as set forth  below.  For Mr.  Evans only,  this column also
         includes a special 1998 cash bonus of $750,000.

                                            Auxiliary     Retirement    Savings Plan   Directors'
         Name                    Year         RASP           Plan                         Fees         Term Life
         ----------------------- --------- ------------ --------------- ------------- --------------- --------------
         Carl H. Lindner         2000        $16,500         $8,500            --        $62,500           $19,000
                                 1999         20,400          9,600            --         15,000            23,000
                                 1998         20,400          9,600            --         15,000            28,000

         Keith E. Lindner        2000         16,500          8,500        $8,000              --            1,000
                                 1999         20,400          9,600        12,000              --            2,000
                                 1998         20,400          9,600        16,000              --            1,000

         Carl H. Lindner III     2000         16,500          8,500         2,000              --            2,000
                                 1999         20,400          9,600         2,000              --            2,000
                                 1998         20,400          9,600         2,000              --            2,000

         S. Craig Lindner        2000         16,500          8,500         2,000              --            1,000
                                 1999         20,400          9,600         2,000              --            1,000
                                 1998         20,400          9,600         2,000              --            1,000

         James E. Evans          2000         16,500          8,500         2,000              --            3,000
                                 1999         20,400          9,600         2,000              --            4,000
                                 1998         20,400          9,600         2,000              --            5,000


         Stock Options

         The tables set forth below  disclose AFG stock  options  granted to, or
exercised by, the Named Executive Officers during 2000, and the number and value
of unexercised options held by them at December 31, 2000.

                                            OPTION GRANTS IN 2000
                     ------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
                                          Individual Grants                              Potential Realizable
                     -------------------- -------------- ------------- -----------
                          Number of        Percent of      Exercise                Value at Assumed Annual Rates of
                         Securities           Total       Price per                           Stock Price
                     Underlying Options      Options        Share                       Appreciation for Option
                                           Granted to    (fair market                          Term (b)
                         Granted (a)      Employees in     value at    Expiration  ---------------- -----------------
       Name             (# of shares)         2000         date of        Date           5%               10%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carl H. Lindner            -         -             -              -           -                 -                 -

Keith E. Lindner          AFG     55,000        2.75%         $19.84     2/21/10          $686,250        $1,739,092
                                  55,000        2.75%          19.75    12/17/10           683,137         1,731,203

S. Craig Lindner          AFG     55,000        2.75%         $19.84     2/21/10          $686,250        $1,739,092
                                  55,000        2.75%          19.75    12/17/10           683,137         1,731,203

Carl H. Lindner III       AFG     55,000        2.75%         $19.84     2/21/10          $686,250        $1,739,092
                                  55,000        2.75%          19.75    12/17/10           683,137         1,731,203

James E. Evans            AFG     50,000         2.5%         $19.84     2/21/10          $623,863        $1,580,993
                                  50,000         2.5%          19.75    12/17/10           621,033         1,573,821

Stock Appreciation
 for All AFG
  66,045,992 shares (c)                                                             $1,103,299,190    $2,795,976,766

(a)      The options  were  granted  under AFG's Stock Option Plan and cover AFG
         common stock.  They vest (become  exercisable) to the extent of 20% per
         year, beginning one year from the respective dates of grant, and become
         fully  exercisable  in the event of death or disability or in the event
         of involuntary  termination of employment without cause within one year
         after a change of control of AFG.

(b)      Represents the  hypothetical  future values that would be realizable if
         all of the options were exercised immediately prior to their expiration
         in 2010 and  assuming  that the market  price of AFG's common stock had
         appreciated in value through the year 2010 at the annual rate of 5% (to
         $32.32 per share for the February grant and to $32.17 per share for the
         December  grant) or 10% (to $51.46 per share for the February grant and
         to $51.23 per share for the December grant).  Such hypothetical  future
         values have not been  discounted to their  respective  present  values,
         which are lower.

(c)      On December  31,  2000,  the price of AFG common  stock on the New York
         Stock  Exchange was $26.5625.  The gain shown for All AFG  Shareholders
         assumes  that the market price of AFG's  common  stock  appreciates  in
         value  through  the year 2010 at the  annual  rate of 5% (to $43.27 per
         share) or 10% (to $68.90 per share).

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            Number of Securities
                                  Shares                          Underlying                Value of Unexercised
                               Acquired on                   Unexercised Options           In-the-Money Options
                                 Exercise                         at Year End                 at Year End (a)
                                   (# of        Value      ---------------------------------------------------------
       Name           Company    Shares)       Realized    Exercisable  Unexercisable   Exercisable   Unexercisable
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carl H. Lindner        AFG            -             -           -           -                   -          -

Carl H. Lindner III    AFG         1,091        $4,904     448,363         194,000      $1,015,203        $744,425

S. Craig Lindner       AFG         1,091        $7,154     448,363         194,000      $1,019,254        $744,425

Keith E. Lindner       AFG         1,091        $4,635     448,363         194,000      $1,017,201        $744,425

James E. Evans         AFG          -            -         169,000         192,000          $  -0-        $676,750

(a)      The value of unexercised  in-the-money  options is calculated  based on
         the New York Stock Exchange  closing market price of AFG's common stock
         at year-end 2000. This price was $26.5625 per share.


Compensation Committee Report

         The Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors consists of three
directors,  none  of  whom  is an  employee  of the  Company,  AFG or any of its
subsidiaries.  This Committee also acts as the  Compensation  Committee for AFG.
The Committee's  functions include reviewing and making  recommendations  to the
Board of Directors  with respect to the  compensation  of the  Company's  senior
executive officers,  as defined from time to time by the Board. The term "senior
executive  officers"  currently  includes  the  Chairman  of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer (the "CEO") and the Co-Presidents.  The Compensation Committee
has the exclusive authority to grant stock options under AFG's Stock Option Plan
to employees of the Company and its  subsidiaries,  including  senior  executive

         Compensation of Executive Officers.  The Company's  compensation policy
for all executive officers of the Company has three principal components: annual
base salary,  annual incentive bonuses and stock option grants. Before decisions
were made regarding 2000 compensation for senior  executives,  the Committee had
discussions  with  Company   executives  to  solicit  their  thoughts  regarding
compensation.  Based  in  part on such  discussions  as well as the  Committee's
review of the Company's  financial results for the preceding year, the Committee
deliberated,  formed  its  recommendations,  and  presented  its  determinations
regarding  salary and bonus to the full Board for its review and  approval.  The
compensation  decisions discussed in this report conformed with  recommendations
made by the Committee, the CEO and the Co-Presidents.

         Annual Base Salaries.  The Committee  approved annual base salaries and
salary increases for senior  executive  officers that were  appropriate,  in the
Committee's  subjective  judgment,  for their respective positions and levels of
responsibilities.  The  Committee  approved the 2000 salaries of the CEO and the
Co-Presidents,  noting that such salaries would be substantially  the same rates
in 2000 as in 1999, 1998 and the latter part of 1997.

         Annual Bonuses.  As was the case for the past four years, the Committee
developed an annual bonus plan for 2000 for the CEO and the  Co-Presidents  that
would make a substantial  portion of their total  compensation  dependent on the
Company's  performance,  including  achievement of pre-established  earnings per
share  targets.  Other  executive  officers of the Company were  included in the
annual bonus plan for 2000 by action of the Executive Committee.

         The annual  bonus plan for 2000 made 50% of each  participant's  annual
bonus dependent on the Company attaining certain earnings per share targets. The
other  50% is  based  on the  Company's  overall  performance,  as  subjectively
determined by the Committee.  A significant aspect of the 2000 annual bonus plan
(as in prior  years)  was that it  provided  that 25% of any  bonuses be paid in
AFG's  common  stock.  As in the grant of stock  options  discussed  below,  the
Committee  believes that payment of a substantial  portion of annual  bonuses in
common stock align further the interests of the Company's senior executives with
those of its shareholders.

         Under the 2000 annual bonus plan,  the bonus target  amount for the CEO
and each of the  Co-Presidents  was $950,000 with 0% to 175% of $475,000 (50% of
$950,000) to be paid depending on AFG achieving  certain 2000 earnings per share
allocable  to  insurance  operations  (the  "EPS  Component")  and 0% to 175% of
$475,000  to be  paid  based  on  AFG's  overall  performance,  as  subjectively
determined by the Committee (the "Company Performance Component").  The earnings
per share target which would result in the payment of 100% of the EPS  Component
bonus was set by the Committee at $2.65. In  recommending  the 2000 annual bonus
plan to the Board for adoption, the Committee noted that no bonus should be paid
under the plan if 2000  earnings per share from  insurance  operations  are less
than $1.98 (75% of the 2000 EPS  target).  AFG's  2000  earnings  per share from
insurance  operations  were less than 75% of the EPS  target  and no amount  was
earned attributable to the EPS Component.

         The Committee then evaluated the Company's performance during 2000. The
Committee considered a number of factors in discussions of such performance with
senior  executives and noted that each requested that no bonus be paid for 2000.
In  agreeing  with the CEO and the  Co-Presidents  that they not be  awarded  an
amount  attributable  to  the  Company  Performance  Component,   the  Committee
considered  several  factors.  Included  among those factors were the successful
redeployment  of resources in the Company's  Specialty  Group,  a successful AFG
common stock offering,  the proceeds of which were contributed to the capital of
operating subsidiaries,  and the maintenance of AFG's debt-to-capital ratio in a
range desirable for investment grade companies.  Notwithstanding  these positive
developments,  the  Committee  noted that  AFG's  stock  price  trailed an index
composed  of many other  insurance  holding  companies  during  2000.  The Board
adopted all of the  Committee's  recommendations  resulting  in no 2000  bonuses
being paid to the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Presidents.

         The  annual  base  salary and bonus  target  amounts of the CEO and the
Co-Presidents  are virtually  identical  because the  Committee  reviews them as
working as a management team whose skills and areas of expertise complement each


         Stock Option Grants.  Stock options  represent an important part of the
Company's  performance-based  compensation  system.  The Committee believes that
Company shareholders' interests are well served by aligning the Company's senior
executives'  interests with those of its shareholders through the grant of stock
options in  addition  to paying a portion of any annual  bonus in common  stock.
Options  under AFG's Stock  Option Plan are granted at exercise  prices equal to
the fair market  value of common stock on the date of grant and vest at the rate
of 20% per year. The Committee  believes that these features provide an optionee
with substantial incentive to maximize the Company's long-term success.  Options
for 55,000  shares  were  granted to each of the  Co-Presidents  and  additional
options  were  granted to the other  senior  executives  of the Company in early
2000. In December  2000,  management  recommended  that the  Committee  consider
granting stock options near the public  offering of AFG common stock rather than
in the first  quarter  of 2001 to senior  executives  and  others  whose  annual
compensation reviews typically include stock option grants. The Committee agreed
that it may be  beneficial  to  shareholders  of the  Company  and AFG to  grant
options with an exercise price close to the public  offering price. As a result,
the Co-Presidents were granted options for 55,000 shares in December 2000. It is
expected  that no  options  will be granted  to them in 2001.  No  options  were
granted to the CEO in 2000.

Members of the Compensation Committee:            William R. Martin, Chairman
                                                  Theodore H. Emmerich
                                                  Thomas M. Hunt

Certain Transactions

         The  Company  and its  subsidiaries  have had and expect to continue to
have transactions with AFG's directors, officers, principal shareholders,  their
affiliates  and  members  of  their  families.  The  Company  believes  that the
financial terms of these  transactions  are comparable to those that would apply
to unrelated parties and are fair to AFC.

         Members of the Lindner  Family are the  principal  owners of  Provident
Financial  Group,   Inc.   ("Provident").   AFC  provides   security  guard  and
surveillance  services at the main office of Provident for which  Provident paid
$100,000 in 2000.  Provident  leases its main banking and corporate  office from
AFG for which  Provident  paid  rent of  $2,951,000  in 2000.  A  subsidiary  of
Provident  leases  equipment to subsidiaries of AFG for which Provident was paid
an aggregate of $710,000 during 2000.

         Coupons  redeemable  for ice cream,  and  certificates  redeemable  for
tickets to a home  Cincinnati  Reds Major League  Baseball  game,  were given as
gifts to  employees  at the  Company  Christmas  party.  During  2000,  AFG paid
$121,000 to United Dairy  Farmers,  Inc.  for the ice cream  coupons and related
items.  UDF is owned by one of Carl H.  Lindner's  brothers and his family.  AFG
paid the Reds  $53,200 for the  Christmas  gift  tickets and  $128,000 for other
tickets during 2000. Carl H. Lindner is the Chief Executive Officer of the Reds.
In addition,  a subsidiary of AFG, and a company owned by Carl H. Lindner,  Carl
H. Lindner III,  Keith E. Lindner and S. Craig  Lindner,  are part owners of the

         In July 2000, a subsidiary of AFC entered into a thirty-year  agreement
with the Reds,  pursuant to which the Reds' home  stadium  will be named  "Great
American  Ball Park" upon its expected  completion in time for the 2003 baseball
season.  The AFC  subsidiary  paid the Reds $2 million during 2000, and will pay
the Reds an aggregate of $72.7 million over the term of the agreement which also
includes premium seating and related sponsorship rights.

         During 2000,  AFG and its  subsidiaries  chartered an aircraft  from an
entity owned by one of Carl H.  Lindner's  brothers.  The total charges for such
aircraft usage were $445,000.

         In July 1997, Carl H. Lindner and Great American  Financial  Resources,
Inc. (an 83%-owned  subsidiary of AFG) purchased 51% and 49%,  respectively,  of
the outstanding  common stock of a newly  incorporated  entity formed to acquire
the assets of a company  engaged in the  production of ethanol.  GAFRI  invested
$4.9 million and Mr.  Lindner  invested  $5.1  million;  the asset  purchase was
completed in December 1997.  Another AFG subsidiary has a working capital credit
facility in place  under which the ethanol  company may borrow up to $10 million
at a rate of prime plus 3%.  There  were no  borrowings  outstanding  under this
facility in 2000. In September 1998, GAFRI made a loan to the ethanol company in
the amount of $4 million,  bearing  interest at the rate of 14% and  maturing in
September  2008. In September  2000,  the ethanol  company  repurchased  the 49%
interest  from GAFRI for $7.5 million  cash plus 219,000  shares of newly issued
preferred  stock.  As a result of this  transaction,  GAFRI  recognized  a $17.7
million  after-tax-gain.  In December  2000,  the ethanol  company  acquired the
219,000 shares of preferred  stock in exchange for $3 million cash plus an $18.9
million  subordinated  debenture  bearing  interest  at 12-1/4%  with  scheduled
repayments through 2005.


         An AFG subsidiary is the lender under a credit  agreement with American
Heritage Holding Corporation,  a Florida-based homebuilder which is 49% owned by
AFG and 51% owned by brothers of Carl H. Lindner.  The homebuilder may borrow up
to $8 million at 13% per annum,  with interest  deferred and added to principal.
The highest  outstanding  balance owed to the AFG subsidiary during 2000 and the
balance at year-end was $8 million million.

Performance Graph

         No performance  graph is included as the Company's  common stock is not
publicly traded.

Directors' Compensation

         AFC's  Board of  Directors  receives no annual  compensation  from AFC.
However, they are paid as directors of AFG, as follows:

         Pursuant  to  AFG's  Non-Employee  Directors'  Compensation  Plan  (the
"Directors'  Plan"),  all directors who are not officers or employees of AFG are
paid the following  fees: an annual  retainer of $40,000;  an additional  annual
retainer of $12,000 for each Board Committee on which the non-employee  director
serves;  and an  attendance  fee of $1,000 for each Board or  Committee  meeting
attended.  Non-employee directors who become directors during the year receive a
pro rata portion of these annual  retainers.  The  retainers and fees to be paid
under the  Directors'  Plan are reviewed by the Board of Directors  from time to
time and are subject to change at its discretion.

         In order to align further the interests of AFG's non-employee directors
with the interests of shareholders,  the Directors' Plan provides that a minimum
of 50% of such  directors'  annual  retainers  are paid  through the issuance of
shares of AFG common stock.

         The Board of Directors  has a program  under which a retiring  director
(other than an officer or employee of AFG or any of its  subsidiaries)  will, if
the director has met certain eligibility  requirements,  receive upon retirement
(in a lump sum or, if elected,  in deferred  payments)  an amount  equal to five
times the then current  annual  director's  fee.  For purposes of this  program,
retirement means resignation as a director or not being nominated for reelection
by  shareholders  as a director.  To be eligible for the retirement  benefit,  a
person  must have  served as a director  for at least  four  years  while not an
officer or employee of AFG or any of its subsidiaries.  In addition,  a director
will not become  eligible for the  retirement  benefit until  reaching age 55. A
director who receives a retirement benefit must provide  consulting  services to
AFG on request for five years following  retirement without further compensation
(except reimbursement for expenses). Under the program, a death benefit equal to
the retirement benefit will be paid (in lieu of any retirement benefit under the
program) to the designated beneficiary or legal representative of any person who
dies while  serving as a  director,  whether or not  eligible  for a  retirement
benefit at time of death. This death benefit will not be available to a director
who at any time during the two years immediately  preceding death was an officer
or employee of AFG or any of its subsidiaries.

         In  addition  to  providing  for the  grant  of  stock  options  to key
employees,  AFG's Stock Option Plan  provides  for  automatic  annual  grants of
options to each  non-employee  director of AFG. During 2000,  each  non-employee
director  was  granted an option  under the  foregoing  provisions  of the Stock
Option Plan to purchase 1,000 shares at an exercise price of $28.22 per share on
June 1, 2000,  the  exercise  price being the fair market  value of AFG's common
stock on the date of grant.  At their annual meeting  (which is concurrent  with
the  AFC  annual  shareholders   meeting),   AFG  shareholders  are  considering
amendments  to AFG's stock  option  plan,  including a proposal to increase  the
amount of the  annual  grant of  options to  non-employee  directors  from 1,000
shares to 2,500 shares.


         The  Company's  Board of  Directors  held four  meetings  in 2000.  The
Company's Board of Directors has an Executive Committee,  an Audit Committee and
a Compensation Committee. There is no Nominating Committee.

         Executive  Committee:  The  Executive  Committee  consists  of  Carl H.
Lindner (Chairman),  Carl H. Lindner III, S. Craig Lindner and Keith E. Lindner.
The  Committee's  functions  include  analyzing  the future  development  of the
business affairs and operations of the Company,  including  further expansion of
businesses in which the Company is engaged and  acquisitions and dispositions of
businesses.  With  certain  exceptions,  the  Executive  Committee  is generally
authorized to exercise the powers of the Board of Directors  between meetings of
the Board of  Directors.  The Executive  Committee  consulted  among  themselves
informally  many times  throughout  the year and took action in writing on eight
occasions in 2000.

         Compensation  Committee.  The Compensation Committee met four times and
took action in writing on four occasions in 2000.


         Audit Committee.  The Audit Committee met eight times in 2000.

Audit Committee Report

         The Audit  Committee is comprised of three  directors,  each of whom is
experienced  with financial  statements and two of whom have past  accounting or
related  financial  management  experience.  Each of the  members  of the  Audit
Committee  is  independent  as defined by the New York  Stock  Exchange  listing
standards.  A copy of the Audit Committee Charter,  adopted in 2000, is attached
to this Proxy Statement as Appendix A.

         The primary  function of the Audit  Committee is to assist the Board in
fulfilling its oversight responsibilities by reviewing the financial information
which will be  provided  to  shareholders  and  others,  the systems of internal
controls which management has established, and the audit process. The members of
the Committee are Theodore H. Emmerich (Chairman),  William R. Martin and Thomas
M. Hunt.

         Management is responsible for the Company's  internal  controls and the
financial  reporting  process.  The independent  accountants are responsible for
performing  an  independent  audit  of  the  Company's   consolidated  financial
statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and to issue
a report thereon. The Committee's responsibility is to monitor and oversee these
processes.  Additionally,  the  Audit  Committee  recommends  to  the  Board  an
accounting firm to be engaged as the Company's independent accountants.

         The  Committee has met and held  discussions  with  management  and the
independent  accountants.  Management  represented  to the  Committee  that  the
Company's  consolidated  financial  statements  were prepared in accordance with
generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  and the Committee has reviewed and
discussed  the  consolidated   financial  statements  with  management  and  the
independent   accountants.   The  Committee   discussed  with  the   independent
accountants  matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards
No. 61 (Communications with Audit Committees).

         The Company's  independent  accountants  also provided to the Committee
the written disclosures and the letter required by Independence  Standards Board
Standard No. 1 (Independence  Discussions with Audit Committees) and disclosures
required by the Audit Committee  Charter,  and the Committee  discussed with the
independent accountants that firm's independence.

         Based  on  the   Committee's   discussions   with  management  and  the
independent  accountants and the  Committee's  review of the  representation  of
management and the report of the independent  accountants to the Committee,  the
Committee  recommended  that the audited  consolidated  financial  statements be
included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December
31, 2000 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Members of the Audit Committee:            Theodore H. Emmerich, Chairman
                                           William R. Martin
                                           Thomas M. Hunt

                              INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

         The accounting firm of Ernst & Young LLP served as AFG's as well as the
Company's  independent  auditors  for the fiscal year ended  December  31, 2000.
Representatives  of that  firm will  attend  the  meeting  and will be given the
opportunity  to  comment,  if they so  desire,  and to  respond  to  appropriate
questions  that may be asked by  shareholders.  No auditor has yet been selected
for the current year because it is generally  the practice of the Company not to
select independent auditors prior to the annual shareholders meeting.

Audit Fees, Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees and All
Other Fees. Ernst and Young's aggregate fees to AFG and the Company for services
related to the audits of financial  statements  for the year ended  December 31,
2000,  and for quarterly  reviews within that period  amounted to  approximately
$2.1 million.  While they were not billed separately,  we estimate that fees for
statutory  audits for  insurance  regulatory  purposes and similar audit related
services amounted to approximately one-fourth of the aggregate audit fees.

         In addition,  during 2000 Ernst & Young billed  approximately  $725,000
for  services  related to  actuarial  reviews,  approximately  $450,000  for tax
services and approximately $400,000 for all other miscellaneous services.  There
were no Ernst & Young fees in 2000 for financial  information systems design and
implementation.  The Audit Committee  considered the non-audit services provided
in satisfying itself as to Ernst & Young's independence.



         In   accordance   with  the   Company's   Code  of   Regulations   (the
"Regulations"),  the only  candidates  eligible  for  election  at a meeting  of
shareholders  are  candidates  nominated by or at the  direction of the Board of
Directors  and  candidates  nominated  at the meeting by a  shareholder  who has
complied with the procedures set forth in the Regulations.  Shareholders will be
afforded a reasonable  opportunity at the meeting to nominate candidates for the
office of director.  However, the Regulations require that a shareholder wishing
to  nominate a director  candidate  must have first given the  Secretary  of the
Company at least five and not more than thirty days prior written notice setting
forth or  accompanied  by (1) the name and residence of the  shareholder  and of
each nominee specified in the notice, (2) a representation  that the shareholder
was a holder of record of the Company's voting stock and intended to appear,  in
person or by proxy,  at the meeting to nominate  the  persons  specified  in the
notice and (3) the  consent  of each such  nominee  to serve as  director  if so

         The Proxy Form used by the  Company  for the annual  meeting  typically
grants  authority to  management's  proxies to vote in their  discretion  on any
matters  that come before the meeting as to which  adequate  notice has not been
received.  In order  for a notice  to be  deemed  adequate  for the 2002  annual
meeting,  it must be received by December 1, 2001. In order for a proposal to be
considered for inclusion in AFC's proxy  statement for that meeting,  it must be
received by February 28, 2002.

                             REQUESTS FOR FORM 10-K

         The Company will send, upon written request,  without charge, a copy of
the Company's  current Annual Report on Form 10-K to any  shareholder who writes
to Fred J. Runk, Senior Vice President and Treasurer,  American Financial Group,
Inc., One East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.


Pages F-1 though  F-35 which  follow are taken from AFC's Annual  Report on Form
10-K for the year ended  December 31, 2000.  This  information is being included
herein in accordance  with Rule 14a-3  promulgated  under the  Securities Act of

                            Proxy for Annual Meeting

Registration Name and Address

The undersigned  hereby appoints James C. Kennedy and Karl J. Grafe,  and either
of them, attorneys and proxies,  with the power of substitution to each, to vote
all shares of Common  Stock or Series J Preferred  Stock  (collectively  "Voting
Stock") of the  Company  that the  undersigned  may be  entitled  to vote at the
Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of the  Company to be held on May 24,  2001 at
10:30 A.M.,  in the election of directors  (and at their  discretion to cumulate
votes if cumulative voting is invoked by a shareholder  through proper notice to
the Company),  and on such other matters as may properly come before the meeting
or any adjournment thereof.

                        The  Board  of  Directors  recommends  a  vote  FOR  the
following Proposals:

1.     Proposal to Elect Directors

       / / FOR  AUTHORITY  to elect the / / WITHHOLD  AUTHORITY to nominees
           listed below (except vote for every nominee those whose names have
           been listed below crossed out)

       Carl H. Lindner        Carl H. Lindner III          S. Craig Lindner
       Keith E. Lindner       Theodore H. Emmerich         James E. Evans
       Thomas M. Hunt         William R. Martin

DATE:                    , 2001            SIGNATURE:
      -------------------                             -------------------------

                                           (if held jointly)  Important:  Please
                                           sign exactly as name  appears  hereon
                                           indicating,  where  proper,  official
                                           position or representative  capacity.
                                           In case of joint holders,  all should

                                      - 2 -


This proxy form is  designed  to enable the  shareholder  to detach and mail the
vote card  without a return  envelope.  This is  intended  to reduce  processing
costs,   to  maintain   confidentiality,   and  to  provide  added   shareholder

Information  pertaining to shareholder  registration  (account number and shares
held) appears only on this section of the card, which you retain. Information on
the part of the card  mailed  is  encoded  and is used  solely  to  enable  vote

       If you have any questions about voting your shares with this form,
                   please call 1-800-368-3417 or 513-579-2414


   The named proxy holders will vote the shares represented by this proxy in
   the manner indicated. Unless a contrary direction is indicated, the proxy
      holders vote such shares "FOR" the proposal. If any further matters
      properly come before the meeting, such shares shall be voted on such
       matters in accordance with the best judgment of the proxy holders.

                              TO VOTE BY TELEPHONE

                     Call TOLL-FREE using a Touch-Tone Phone


                         (Cincinnati Area use 579-6707)

                            Follow these easy steps:

1.    Review the accompanying Proxy Statement and Proxy Form and have them
      nearby when you call.

2.    Call the Toll Free number 1-877-298-0570 or the Cincinnati area local
      number 579-6707.

3.    Enter the 6 digit Proxy Number located in the gray shaded area above the
      list of proposals on your proxy form.

4.    Enter the 6 digit PIN Number located in the same gray shaded area.

5.    Follow the recorded instructions.

     Telephone voting is available Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.
         Eastern Time and Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time.

          Telephone voting will close at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time on the
                                 meeting date.

FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This document contains certain forward-looking
statements that are subject to numerous assumptions, risks or uncertainties. The
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a safe harbor for
forward-looking statements. Some of the forward-looking statements can be
identified by the use of forward-looking words such as "believes", "expects",
"may", "will", "should", "seeks", "intends", "plans", "estimates", "anticipates"
or the negative version of those words or other comparable terminology. Actual
results could differ materially from those contained in or implied by such
forward-looking statements for a variety of factors including:

 o   changes in economic conditions, including interest rates, performance of
     securities markets, and the availability of capital;
 o   regulatory actions;
 o   changes in legal environment;
 o   tax law changes;
 o   levels of catastrophes and other major losses;
 o   adequacy of loss reserves;
 o   availability of reinsurance; and
 o   competitive pressures, including the ability to obtain rate increases.

Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date made. AFC undertakes no
obligations to update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or
circumstances arising after the date on which they are made.

      AFC is a holding company which, through its subsidiaries, is engaged
primarily in private passenger automobile and specialty property and casualty
insurance businesses and in the sale of tax-deferred annuities and certain life
and supplemental health insurance products. AFC's property and casualty
operations originated in the 1800's and make up one of the thirty largest
property and casualty groups in the United States based on statutory net
premiums written.


      Not applicable - Registrant's Common Stock is owned by American Financial
Group, Inc. See the Consolidated Financial Statements for information regarding


                             SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA

      The following table sets forth certain data for the periods indicated
(dollars in millions).

                                                      2000         1999         1998         1997          1996
                                                      ----         ----         ----         ----          ----
Earnings Statement Data:
- -----------------------
Total Revenues                                      $3,826       $3,368       $4,091       $4,058        $4,131
Operating Earnings Before Income Taxes                 120          310          269          385           411
Earnings (Loss) Before Extraordinary Items
  and Accounting Changes                               (23)         153          130          208           250
Extraordinary Items                                      -           (4)          (1)          (7)          (28)
Cumulative Effect of Accounting Changes                 (9)          (4)           -            -             -
Net Earnings (Loss)                                    (32)         145          129          201           222

Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges (a)                2.02         4.01         3.44         4.20          4.99
Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges
  and Preferred Dividends (a)                         1.87         3.67         3.15         3.52          3.96

Balance Sheet Data:
- ------------------
Total Assets                                       $16,407      $16,024      $15,848      $15,738       $14,999
Long-term Debt:
  Holding Companies                                    204          113          315          287           340
  Subsidiaries                                         195          240          177          194           178
Minority Interest                                      510          490          524          510           307
Shareholders' Equity                                 1,454        1,324        1,531        1,393         1,277

(a)     Fixed charges are computed on a "total enterprise" basis. For purposes
        of calculating the ratios, "earnings" have been computed by adding to
        pretax earnings the fixed charges and the minority interest in earnings
        of subsidiaries having fixed charges and the undistributed equity in
        losses of investees. Fixed charges include interest (excluding interest
        on annuity benefits), amortization of debt premium/discount and expense,
        preferred dividend and distribution requirements of subsidiaries and a
        portion of rental expense deemed to be representative of the interest




      Following is a discussion and analysis of the financial statements and
other statistical data that management believes will enhance the understanding
of AFC's financial condition and results of operations. This discussion should
be read in conjunction with the financial statements beginning on page F-12.

      IT INITIATIVE In 1999, AFC initiated an enterprise-wide study of its
information technology ("IT") resources, needs and opportunities. The initiative
entails extensive effort and costs and has led to substantial changes in the
area, which should result in significant cost savings, efficiencies and
effectiveness in the future. While the costs (most of which are being expensed)
precede the expected savings, management expects benefits to greatly exceed the
costs incurred, all of which have been and will be funded through available
working capital.


RATIOS AFC's debt to total capital ratio at the parent holding company level
(excluding amounts due AFG) was approximately 12% and 8% at December 31, 2000
and 1999. Including amounts due AFG, the ratio was 31% at the end of 2000 and
27% at the end of 1999.

      AFC's ratio of earnings to fixed charges, excluding and including
preferred dividends, on a total enterprise basis for the year ended December 31,
2000, was 2.02 and 1.87 respectively.

      The National Association of Insurance Commissioners' model law for risk
based capital ("RBC") applies to both life and property and casualty companies.
RBC formulas determine the amount of capital that an insurance company needs to
ensure that it has an acceptable expectation of not becoming financially
impaired. At December 31, 2000, the capital ratios of all AFC insurance
companies substantially exceeded the RBC requirements (the lowest capital ratio
of any AFC subsidiary was 2.1 times its authorized control level RBC; weighted
average of all AFC subsidiaries was 5.0 times).

SOURCES OF FUNDS AFC and American Premier are organized as holding companies
with almost all of their operations being conducted by subsidiaries. These
parent corporations, however, have continuing cash needs for administrative
expenses, the payment of principal and interest on borrowings, shareholder
dividends, and taxes. Funds to meet these obligations come primarily from
dividend and tax payments from their subsidiaries.

      Management believes these parent holding companies have sufficient
resources to meet their liquidity requirements through operations. If funds
generated from operations, including dividends and tax payments from
subsidiaries, are insufficient to meet fixed charges in any period, these
companies would be required to generate cash through borrowings, sales of
securities or other assets, or similar transactions.

      AFC has a reciprocal Master Credit Agreement with various AFG holding
companies under which these companies make funds available to each other for
general corporate purposes.

      AFC has a revolving credit line with several banks under which it can
borrow up to $300 million until December 31, 2002. This credit line provides
ample liquidity and can be used to obtain funds for operating subsidiaries or,
if necessary, for the parent companies. At December 31, 2000, there was $178
million borrowed under the line.


      In December 2000, AFC borrowed $155 million under its credit agreement
with AFG to make capital contributions to its property and casualty operations.
In April 1999, AFC used funds borrowed under its credit agreement with AFG to
retire outstanding holding company public debt and borrowings under its credit

      Dividend payments from subsidiaries have been very important to the
liquidity and cash flow of the individual holding companies during certain
periods in the past. However, the reliance on such dividend payments has been
lessened in recent years by the combination of (i) reductions in the amounts and
cost of debt at the holding companies from historical levels (and the related
decrease in ongoing cash needs for interest and principal payments), (ii) the
ability to obtain financing in capital markets, as well as (iii) the sales of
certain noncore investments.

      For statutory accounting purposes, equity securities are generally carried
at market value. At December 31, 2000, AFC's insurance companies owned publicly
traded equity securities with a market value of $1.1 billion, including equity
securities of AFC affiliates (including subsidiaries) of $.7 billion. Since
significant amounts of these are concentrated in a relatively small number of
companies, decreases in the market prices could adversely affect the insurance
group's capital, potentially impacting the amount of dividends available or
necessitating a capital contribution. Conversely, increases in the market prices
could have a favorable impact on the group's dividend-paying capability.

      Under tax allocation agreements with AFC, its 80%-owned U.S. subsidiaries
generally compute tax provisions as if filing separate returns based on book
taxable income computed in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles. The resulting provision (or credit) is currently payable to (or
receivable from) AFC.


      LITIGATION Great American's liability for unpaid losses and loss
adjustment expenses includes amounts for various liability coverages related to
environmental, hazardous product and other mass tort claims. At December 31,
2000, Great American had recorded $463 million (before reinsurance recoverables
of $106 million) for such claims on policies written many years ago where, in
most cases, coverage was never intended. Due to inconsistent court decisions on
many coverage issues and the difficulty in determining standards acceptable for
cleaning up pollution sites, significant uncertainties exist which are not
likely to be resolved in the near future.

      AFC's subsidiaries are parties in a number of proceedings relating to
former operations. While the results of all such uncertainties cannot be
predicted, based upon its knowledge of the facts, circumstances and applicable
laws, management believes that sufficient reserves have been provided. See Note
M to the financial statements.

      EXPOSURE TO MARKET RISK Market risk represents the potential economic loss
arising from adverse changes in the fair value of financial instruments. AFC's
exposures to market risk relate primarily to its investment portfolio and
annuity contracts which are exposed to interest rate risk and, to a lesser
extent, equity price risk. AFC's long-term debt is also exposed to interest rate

      FIXED MATURITY PORTFOLIO The fair value of AFC's fixed maturity portfolio
is directly impacted by changes in market interest rates. For example, as a
result of increased market rates, AFC's fixed maturity portfolio declined in
value by more than six percent in 1999. AFC's fixed maturity portfolio is
comprised of substantially all fixed rate investments with primarily short-term
and intermediate-term maturities. This practice allows flexibility in reacting
to fluctuations of interest rates. The portfolios of AFC's property and casualty
insurance and life and annuity operations are managed with an attempt to achieve
an adequate risk-adjusted return while maintaining sufficient liquidity to meet
policyholder obligations. AFC's life and annuity operations use various
actuarial models in an attempt to align the duration of their invested assets to
the projected cash flows of policyholder liabilities.


      The following table provides information about AFC's fixed maturity
investments at December 31, 2000 and 1999, that are sensitive to interest rate
risk. The table shows principal cash flows (in millions) and related weighted
average interest rates by expected maturity date for each of the five subsequent
years and for all years thereafter. Callable bonds and notes are included based
on call date or maturity date depending upon which date produces the most
conservative yield. Mortgage-backed securities ("MBSs") and sinking fund issues
are included based on maturity year adjusted for expected payment patterns.
Actual cash flows may differ from those expected.

                    December 31, 2000                      December 31, 1999
                   -------------------                    --------------------
                    Principal                              Principal
                   Cash Flows     Rate                    Cash Flows      Rate
                   ----------     ----                    ----------      ----
      2001          $   494.2     8.46%       2000         $   618.2      7.83%
      2002              673.4     7.60        2001             622.6      8.69
      2003            1,406.6     7.74        2002             848.4      8.14
      2004              835.6     8.01        2003           1,267.6      7.65
      2005            1,142.1     7.46        2004             999.2      7.73
      Thereafter      5,737.0     7.41        Thereafter     5,871.0      7.50
                    ---------                              ---------

      Total         $10,288.9     7.57%                    $10,227.0      7.69%
                    =========                              =========

      Fair Value    $10,164.6                              $ 9,862.2
                    =========                              =========

      EQUITY PRICE RISK Equity price risk is the potential economic loss from
adverse changes in equity security prices. Although AFC's investment in "Other
stocks" is less than 4% of total investments, it is concentrated in a relatively
limited number of major positions. While this approach allows management to more
closely monitor the companies and industries in which they operate, it does
increase risk exposure to adverse price declines in a major position.

      Included in "Other stocks" at December 31, 2000 were warrants (valued at
$10.1 million) to purchase common stock of various companies. Under Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 133, which was adopted as of October
1, 2000, these warrants are generally considered derivatives and marked to
market through current earnings as realized gains and losses. Realized gains
(losses) on sales of securities includes $1.5 million in gains recognized during
the fourth quarter of 2000 to adjust the carrying value of these warrants to
market value at December 31, 2000.

      ANNUITY CONTRACTS Substantially all of GAFRI's fixed rate annuity
contracts permit GAFRI to change crediting rates (subject to minimum interest
rate guarantees of 3% to 4% per annum) enabling management to react to changes
in market interest rates and maintain an adequate spread. Projected payments (in
millions) in each of the subsequent five years and for all years thereafter on
GAFRI's fixed annuity liabilities at December 31 were as follows.

                   First      Second      Third      Fourth      Fifth         Thereafter          Total         Value
                   -----      ------      -----      ------      -----         ----------         ------        ------
       2000         $700        $610       $530        $480       $470             $2,754         $5,544        $5,426
       1999          690         620        550         490        440              2,730          5,520         5,371

      Nearly half of GAFRI's fixed annuity liabilities at December 31, 2000,
were two-tier in nature in that policyholders can receive a higher amount if
they annuitize rather than surrender their policy, even if the surrender period
has expired. Current stated crediting rates on GAFRI's principal fixed annuity
products range from 3% on equity-indexed annuities (before any equity
participation) to over 8% on certain new policies (including first year bonus
amounts). GAFRI estimates that its effective weighted average crediting rate
over the next five years will approximate 5%. This rate reflects actuarial
assumptions as to (i) deaths, (ii) the number of policyholders who annuitize and
receive higher credited amounts and (iii) the number of policyholders who
surrender. Actual experience and changes in actuarial assumptions may result in
different effective crediting rates than those above.

      GAFRI's equity-indexed fixed annuities provide policyholders with a
crediting rate tied, in part, to the performance of an existing stock market
index. GAFRI attempts to mitigate the risk in the equity-based component of
these products through the purchase of call options on the appropriate index.
GAFRI's strategy is


designed so that an increase in the liabilities due to an increase in the market
index will be substantially offset by unrealized gains on the call options.
Under SFAS No. 133, both the equity-based component of the annuities and the
related call options are considered derivatives and marked to market through
current earnings as annuity benefits. Annuity benefits includes a charge of $.2
million during the fourth quarter of 2000 to adjust these derivatives to market
at December 31, 2000.

      DEBT AND PREFERRED SECURITIES The following table shows scheduled
principal payments (in millions) on fixed-rate long-term debt of AFC and its
subsidiaries and related weighted average interest rates for each of the
subsequent five years and for all years thereafter.

                       December 31, 2000                     December 31, 1999
                       -----------------                    ------------------
                       Scheduled                            Scheduled
                       Principal                            Principal
                        Payments   Rate                      Payments     Rate
                       ---------   ----                     ---------     ----
           2001           $  2.9   6.74%        2000           $ 26.9     9.96%
           2002              4.7   6.86         2001              *
           2003              *                  2002              *
           2004             14.2   8.38         2003              *
           2005              9.7   9.16         2004             14.2     8.38
           Thereafter      127.2   7.17         Thereafter      135.0     7.25
                          ------                               ------

           Total          $159.8   7.38%                       $180.1     7.74%
                          ======                               ======

           Fair Value     $152.9                               $171.6
                          ======                               ======

           (*) Less than $2 million.

      At December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively, AFC and its subsidiaries had
$239 million and $171 million in variable-rate debt maturing primarily in 2002
and 2004. The weighted average interest rate on AFC's variable-rate debt was
7.10% at December 31, 2000 compared to 6.82% at December 31, 1999. There were
$218 million and $220 million of subsidiary trust preferred securities
outstanding at December 31, 2000 and 1999, none of which are scheduled for
maturity or mandatory redemption during the next five years; the weighted
average interest rate on these securities was 8.44% at December 31, 2000 and
8.45% at December 31, 1999.

INVESTMENTS Approximately two-thirds of AFC's consolidated assets are invested
in marketable securities. A diverse portfolio of primarily publicly traded bonds
and notes accounts for over 95% of these securities. AFC attempts to optimize
investment income while building the value of its portfolio, placing emphasis
upon long-term performance. AFC's goal is to maximize return on an ongoing basis
rather than focusing on short-term performance.

      Fixed income investment funds are generally invested in securities with
short-term and intermediate-term maturities with an objective of optimizing
total return while allowing flexibility to react to changes in market
conditions. At December 31, 2000, the average life of AFC's fixed maturities was
about 6 years.

      Approximately 92% of the fixed maturities held by AFC were rated
"investment grade" (credit rating of AAA to BBB) by nationally recognized rating
agencies at December 31, 2000. Investment grade securities generally bear lower
yields and lower degrees of risk than those that are unrated or noninvestment
grade. Management believes that the high quality investment portfolio should
generate a stable and predictable investment return.

      Investments in MBSs represented approximately one-fourth of AFC's fixed
maturities at December 31, 2000. AFC invests primarily in MBSs which have a
reduced risk of prepayment. In addition, the majority of MBSs held by AFC were
purchased at a discount. Management believes that the structure and discounted
nature of the MBSs will mitigate the effect of prepayments on earnings over the
anticipated life of the MBS portfolio. Over 90% of AFC's MBSs are rated "AAA"
with substantially all being of investment grade quality. The market in which
these securities trade is highly liquid. Aside from interest rate risk, AFC does
not believe a material risk (relative to earnings or liquidity) is inherent in
holding such investments.


      Individual portfolio securities are sold creating gains or losses as
market opportunities exist. Pretax capital gains (losses) recognized upon
disposition of securities, including investees, during the past five years have
been: 2000 - ($27 million); 1999 - $20 million; 1998 - $16 million; 1997 - $57
million and 1996 - $166 million. At December 31, 2000, AFC had a net unrealized
gain on fixed maturities of $16.4 million (before income taxes). The net
unrealized gain on equity securities was $210.4 million (before income taxes) at
that same date.


GENERAL Operating earnings before income taxes were $120 million in 2000, $310
million in 1999 and $269 million in 1998. Results for 1998 include a pretax
charge of $214 million for reserve strengthening relating to asbestos and other
environmental matters ("A&E") and $159 million of pretax gains on sales of

      Pretax operating earnings for 2000 were 61% lower than those of 1999 due
primarily to a decline in property and casualty underwriting results (including
a $35 million charge for reserve strengthening in the California workers'
compensation business), special litigation charges and lower realized gains,
partially offset by $23 million in income from the sale of certain lease rights.

      Pretax operating earnings for 1999 were 4% lower than those of 1998
(excluding the above mentioned A&E charge and sales gains) due primarily to
decreased investment income and a fourth quarter charge of $10 million for
estimated expenses related to realignment within the operating units of the
life, health and annuity business. These were partially offset by improved
underwriting results in the property and casualty insurance operations.

operations consist of two major business groups: Personal and Specialty.

      The Personal group sells nonstandard and preferred/standard private
passenger auto insurance and, to a lesser extent, homeowners' insurance.
Nonstandard automobile insurance covers risks not typically accepted for
standard automobile coverage because of the applicant's driving record, type of
vehicle, age or other criteria.

      The Specialty group includes a highly diversified group of business lines.
Some of the more significant areas are inland and ocean marine, California
workers' compensation, agricultural-related coverages, executive and
professional liability, fidelity and surety bonds, collateral protection, and
umbrella and excess coverages.

      To understand the overall profitability of particular lines, the timing of
claims payments and the related impact of investment income must be considered.
Certain "short-tail" lines of business (primarily property coverages) have quick
loss payouts which reduce the time funds are held, thereby limiting investment
income earned thereon. On the other hand, "long-tail" lines of business
(primarily liability coverages and workers' compensation) have payouts that are
either structured over many years or take many years to settle, thereby
significantly increasing investment income earned on related premiums received.

      Underwriting profitability is measured by the combined ratio which is a
sum of the ratios of underwriting losses, loss adjustment expenses, underwriting
expenses and policyholder dividends to premiums. When the combined ratio is
under 100%, underwriting results are generally considered profitable; when the
ratio is over 100%, underwriting results are generally considered unprofitable.
The combined ratio does not reflect investment income, other income or federal
income taxes.

      For certain lines of business and products where the credibility of the
range of loss projections is less certain (primarily the various specialty
businesses listed above), management believes that it is prudent and appropriate
to use conservative assumptions until such time as the data, experience and
projections have more credibility, as evidenced by data volume, consistency and
maturity of the data. While this practice mitigates the risk of adverse
development on this business, it does not eliminate it.


      While AFC desires and seeks to earn an underwriting profit on all of its
business, it is not always possible to do so. As a result, AFC attempts to
expand in the most profitable areas and control growth or even reduce its
involvement in the least profitable ones.

      Underwriting results of AFC's insurance operations outperformed the
industry average for the fifteenth consecutive year (excluding the special $214
million A&E charge in 1998). AFC's insurance operations have been able to exceed
the industry's results by focusing on growth opportunities in the more
profitable areas of the specialty and nonstandard auto businesses.

      Net written premiums and combined ratios for AFC's property and casualty
insurance subsidiaries were as follows (dollars in millions):

                                                     2000      1999     1998
                                                     ----      ----     ----
     Net Written Premiums (GAAP)
     Personal                                      $1,311    $1,154   $1,279
     Specialty                                      1,324     1,111    1,312(*)
     Other Lines                                        3        (2)      18
                                                   ------    ------   ------
                                                   $2,638    $2,263   $2,609
                                                   ======    ======   ======

     Combined Ratios (GAAP)
     Personal                                       108.6%    100.7%    97.3%
     Specialty                                      107.9     102.7    105.0
     Aggregate (including A&E and other lines)      108.0%    102.0%   110.7%

     (*)   Includes $232 million for the 1998 year generated by the
           Commercial lines sold.

      SPECIAL 1998 A&E CHARGE Under the agreement covering the sale of its
Commercial lines division in 1998, AFC retained liabilities for certain A&E
exposures. Prompted by this retention and as part of the continuing process of
monitoring reserves, AFC began a thorough study of its A&E exposures. AFC's
study was reviewed by independent actuaries who used state of the art actuarial
techniques that have wide acceptance in the industry. The methods used involved
sampling and statistical modeling incorporating external databases that
supplement the internal information. AFC recorded a fourth quarter charge of
$214 million increasing A&E reserves at December 31, 1998, to approximately $866
million (before deducting reinsurance recoverables of $241 million).

      PERSONAL The Personal group's increase in net written premiums for 2000
reflects firming market prices in the nonstandard auto market and expanded
writings in certain private passenger automobile markets. These items were
partially offset by the expected decline in volume caused by rate increases
implemented throughout 2000. The combined ratio for 2000 increased due to (i)
increased auto claim frequency and severity (particularly in medical and health
related costs), (ii) the impact of a very competitive pricing environment on
policies written during 1999 and early 2000 and (iii) increased underwriting
expenses associated with the direct and Internet marketing initiatives. In an
effort to alleviate increasing losses, AFC implemented rate increases averaging
approximately 13% in 2000. The full impact of these rate actions on earnings
should take effect in 2001. AFC expects rate increases in excess of 10% in this
business in 2001.

      The Personal group's net written premiums for 1999 include $71 million in
net premiums written by Worldwide since its acquisition in April. The decrease
in written premiums reflects continuing strong price competition in the private
passenger automobile market. The combined ratio for 1999 increased as loss and
underwriting expenses declined at a slower rate than premiums.

      SPECIALTY The Specialty group's increase in net written premiums reflects
the effect of (i) the January 2000 termination of reinsurance agreements
relating to the California workers' compensation business which were in effect
throughout 1999, (ii) rate increases in certain casualty markets (particularly
California workers' compensation) and (iii) the realization of growth
opportunities in certain commercial markets. Excluding the impact of the
terminated reinsurance agreements, net written premiums were up approximately
14% for 2000.


      In response to continuing losses in the California workers' compensation
business, rate increases implemented for this business averaged 25% in 2000 and
will likely be in excess of 40% on renewals in the first quarter of 2001. Rate
increases implemented in the other specialty operations averaged 12% in 2000 and
are expected to be around 15% in the first quarter of 2001.

      Due primarily to adverse development in prior year losses, AFC recorded a
$35 million pretax charge in the third quarter of 2000 to strengthen loss
reserves in its California workers' compensation business. The combined ratio
for 2000 reflects this reserve strengthening (a combined ratio effect of 2.9
points) and the effect of a highly competitive pricing environment on policies
written during 1999.

      The Specialty group's net written premiums for 1999 increased slightly
compared to the 1998 period, excluding premiums of the Commercial lines division
sold in December 1998. The combined ratio improved as the beneficial effects of
the Commercial lines sale more than offset less favorable underwriting results
in other specialty businesses, in particular the multi-peril crop insurance
program. The Specialty group's underwriting results for 1999 include $28 million
representing amortization of a portion of the deferred gain related to the
Commercial lines business ceded to Ohio Casualty in 1998. In addition,
underwriting margins improved in the California workers' compensation business
as favorable reinsurance agreements executed during 1998 more than offset an
increase in reserves during the fourth quarter of 1999.

premiums and benefits increased in 2000 and 1999 (excluding Funeral Services
division sold in 1998) due primarily to the acquisition of United Teacher
Associates in October 1999 and increased sales of traditional life insurance by
GALIC's life operations.

START-UP MANUFACTURING BUSINESSES AFC's pretax operating earnings for 2000
include losses of $6.7 million from two start-up manufacturing businesses
acquired in 2000 from their former owners. AFC sold the equity interests in
these businesses in the fourth quarter of 2000 for a nominal cash consideration
plus warrants to repurchase a significant ownership interest. Beginning in the
fourth quarter of 2000, AFC's equity in the results of operations of these
businesses is included in investee earnings. Loans outstanding to these
businesses totaled $61.5 million at December 31, 2000. Because AFC retains the
financial risk in these businesses, it will continue accounting for their
operations on the equity method. The businesses are expected to reach
"break-even" by the latter part of 2001.

INVESTMENT INCOME Changes in investment income reflect fluctuations in market
rates and changes in average invested assets. Investment income decreased 5% in
1999 compared to 1998 due primarily to the transfer of investment assets in
connection with the sales of the Commercial lines division and Funeral Services
division in 1998, partially offset by the effect of the purchases of Worldwide
and United Teacher Associates in 1999.

GAIN ON SALE OF OTHER INVESTMENTS In September 2000, GAFRI realized a $27.2
million pretax gain on the sale of its minority ownership in a company engaged
in the production of ethanol. GAFRI's investment was repurchased by the ethanol
company which, following the purchase, became wholly-owned by AFC's Chairman.

GAIN ON SALE OF INVESTEE The gain on sale of investee in 1998 represents pretax
gains to AFC as a result of Chiquita's public issuance of shares of its common

GAINS ON SALES OF SUBSIDIARIES In 2000, AFC recognized (i) a $25 million pretax
gain representing an earn-out related to the 1998 sale of its Commercial lines
division, (ii) a $10.3 million pretax loss (including post closing adjustments)
on the sale of Stonewall Insurance Company and (iii) a $10.7 million pretax loss
related to the pending sale of its Japanese division. In connection with the
sale of the Japanese division, a gain of approximately $21 million on ceded
insurance will be deferred and subsequently recognized over the estimated
settlement period (weighted average of 4 years) of the claims ceded.

      The gains on sales of subsidiaries in 1998 include (i) a pretax gain of
$152.6 million on the sale of the Commercial lines division, (ii) a pretax gain
of $21.6 million on GAFRI's sale of its Funeral Services division and (iii) a
charge of $15.5 million relating to the disposal of other operations.


REAL ESTATE OPERATIONS AFC's subsidiaries are engaged in a variety of real
estate operations including hotels, apartments, office buildings and
recreational facilities; they also own several parcels of land. Revenues and
expenses of these operations, including gains and losses on disposal, are
included in AFC's statement of operations as shown below (in millions).

                                                     2000    1999      1998
                                                     ----    ----      ----
       Other income                                 $95.9   $87.4    $103.4
       Other operating and general expenses          65.6    62.5      56.8
       Interest charges on borrowed money             2.6     2.8       3.4
       Minority interest expense, net                 1.9     2.1       3.6

      Other income includes net pretax gains on the sale of real estate assets
of $12.4 million in 2000, $15.2 million in 1999 and $34.6 million in 1998.


      2000 COMPARED TO 1999 Other income increased $76.3 million (42%) in 2000
due primarily to increased fee income generated by certain insurance operations,
income from the sale of lease rights and lease residuals and increased revenues
from real estate operations.

      1999 COMPARED TO 1998 Other income increased $6.7 million (4%) in 1999 as
increased fee income generated by certain insurance operations more than offset
a decrease in income from the sale of real estate assets and lease residuals.

ANNUITY BENEFITS For GAAP financial reporting purposes, annuity receipts are
accounted for as interest-bearing deposits ("annuity benefits accumulated")
rather than as revenues. Under these contracts, policyholders' funds are
credited with interest on a tax-deferred basis until withdrawn by the
policyholder. Annuity benefits reflect amounts accrued on annuity policyholders'
funds accumulated. The rate at which GAFRI credits interest on most of its
annuity policyholders' funds is subject to change based on management's judgment
of market conditions. As a result, management has been able to react to changes
in market interest rates and maintain a desired interest rate spread. While
GAFRI believes the interest rate and stock market environment over the last
several years has contributed to an increase in annuitizations and surrenders,
the company's persistency rate remains approximately 90%.

INTEREST ON BORROWED MONEY Changes in interest expense result from fluctuations
in market rates as well as changes in borrowings. AFC has generally financed its
borrowings on a long-term basis which has resulted in higher current costs.
Interest expense increased in 2000 due primarily to higher average indebtedness
and decreased in 1999 due primarily to lower average indebtedness.


      2000 COMPARED TO 1999 Other operating and general expenses for 2000
include second quarter charges of $32.5 million related to an agreement to
settle a lawsuit against a GAFRI subsidiary and $8.8 million for an adverse
California Supreme Court ruling against an AFC property and casualty subsidiary.
Excluding these litigation charges, other operating and general expenses
increased $56.5 million (14%) primarily due to the inclusion of the operations
of UTA following its acquisition in October 1999 and increased expenses from
certain start-up operations.

      1999 COMPARED TO 1998 Other operating and general expenses increased $23.1
million (6%) as GAFRI's $10 million realignment charge and increased expenses
from start-up insurance services subsidiaries and real estate operations more
than offset a decrease in franchise taxes, a decrease in amortization of annuity
and life acquisition costs related to the Funeral Services division sold and a
decrease in Year 2000 costs.

      During 1999 and 1998, AFC expensed approximately $23 million and $27
million, respectively, to successfully ensure that its systems would function
properly in the year 2000 and beyond. Because a significant portion of the Year
2000 Project was completed using internal staff, these costs do not represent
solely incremental costs.


INCOME TAXES See Note K to the Financial Statements for an analysis of items
affecting AFC's effective tax rate.

INVESTEE CORPORATIONS Equity in net losses of investee corporations includes
AFC's proportionate share of the results of Chiquita Brands International.
Chiquita reported net losses attributable to common shareholders of $112
million, $75.5 million and $35.5 million in 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

      Equity in net losses of investees for 2000 includes a $95.7 million pretax
charge to writedown AFC's investment in Chiquita to a market value of
approximately $1 per share. Chiquita's results for 2000 include $20 million in
charges and writedowns of production and sourcing assets in its Fresh Produce

      Chiquita's operating income declined in 1999 from 1998 primarily due to
weak banana pricing, particularly in Europe as a result of the overallocation of
EU banana import licenses early in the year and weakness in demand from Eastern
Europe and Russia. In late 1999, Chiquita underwent a workforce reduction
program that streamlined certain corporate and staff functions in the U.S.,
Central America and Europe. While the program is expected to generate annual
savings of $15 to $20 million, operating income for 1999 includes a $9 million
charge for severance and other costs associated with the program.

      Chiquita's results for 1998 include pretax writedowns and costs of $74
million as a result of significant damage in Honduras and Guatemala caused by
Hurricane Mitch.

      In 2000, equity in losses of investee corporations also includes $4.1
million in losses of two start-up manufacturing businesses.

Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative
Instruments and Hedging Activities", which requires all derivatives to be
recognized in the balance sheet at fair value and that the initial effect of
recognizing derivatives at fair value be reported as a cumulative effect of a
change in accounting principle. Accordingly, AFC recorded a charge of $9.1
million (net of minority interest and taxes) to record its derivatives at fair
value at the beginning of the fourth quarter of 2000.

      In the first quarter of 1999, GAFRI implemented Statement of Position
98-5, "Reporting on the Costs of Start-Up Activities". The SOP requires that
costs of start-up activities be expensed as incurred and that unamortized
balances of previously deferred costs be expensed and reported as the cumulative
effect of a change in accounting principle. Accordingly, AFC expensed previously
capitalized start-up costs of $3.8 million (net of minority interest and taxes)
in the first quarter of 1999.

RECENT ACCOUNTING STANDARDS The following accounting standards have been
implemented by AFC in 1999 or 2000. The implementation of these standards is
discussed under various subheadings of Note A to the Financial Statements;
effects of each are shown in the relevant Notes.

     Standard       Subject of Standard (Year Implemented)    Reference
     ----------     --------------------------------------    ---------
     SOP 98-5       Start-up Costs (1999)                     "Start-up Costs"
     SFAS #133      Derivatives (2000)                        "Derivatives"

      Other standards issued in recent years did not apply to AFC or had only
negligible effects on AFC.

      In February 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued a
proposal to eliminate the amortization of goodwill and require that goodwill be
tested for impairment. Other operating and general expenses include goodwill
amortization of $17.3 million in 2000, $14.4 million in 1999 and $12.2 million
in 1998. The carrying value of AFC's goodwill at December 31, 2000, was $322
million. The proposal requires that an initial assessment for impairment be
performed for all existing reporting units with goodwill within six months of
adoption. Management has not determined the impact of such assessment.


                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


Report of Independent Auditors                                       F-13

Consolidated Balance Sheet:
      December 31, 2000 and 1999                                     F-14

Consolidated Statement of Operations:
      Years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998                   F-15

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity
      Years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998                   F-16

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows:
      Years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998                   F-17

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                           F-18

"Selected Quarterly Financial Data" has been included in Note N to the
Consolidated Financial Statements.


                         REPORT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

Board of Directors
American Financial Corporation

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of American
Financial Corporation and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2000 and 1999, and the
related consolidated statements of operations, changes in shareholders' equity
and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31,
2000. Our audits also included the financial statement schedules listed in the
Index at Item 14(a). These financial statements and schedules are the
responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements and schedules based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement
presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the consolidated financial position of American Financial
Corporation and subsidiaries at December 31, 2000 and 1999, and the consolidated
results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in
the period ended December 31, 2000, in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States. Also, in our opinion, the related
financial statement schedules, when considered in relation to the basic
financial statements taken as a whole, present fairly in all material respects
the information set forth therein.

                                                 ERNST & YOUNG LLP

Cincinnati, Ohio
February 9, 2001


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                             (Dollars In Thousands)

                                                                     December 31,
                                                                  2000                  1999
                                                                  ----                  ----
 Cash and short-term investments                           $   437,263           $   389,018
  Fixed maturities - at market
   (amortized cost - $10,148,248 and $10,101,005)           10,164,648             9,862,205
  Other stocks - at market
   (cost - $174,959 and $229,201)                              385,359               409,701
  Investment in investee corporations                           23,996               159,984
  Policy loans                                                 213,469               217,171
  Real estate and other investments                            270,250               265,288
                                                           -----------           -----------
      Total investments                                     11,057,722            10,914,349

 Recoverables from reinsurers and prepaid
  reinsurance premiums                                       1,845,171             2,105,818
 Agents' balances and premiums receivable                      700,215               656,924
 Deferred acquisition costs                                    763,097               660,672
 Other receivables                                             239,806               222,438
 Variable annuity assets (separate accounts)                   533,655               354,371
 Prepaid expenses, deferred charges and other assets           508,163               384,567
 Cost in excess of net assets acquired                         322,380               335,652
                                                           -----------           -----------

                                                           $16,407,472           $16,023,809
                                                           ===========           ===========

Liabilities and Capital:
 Unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses                $ 4,515,561           $ 4,795,449
 Unearned premiums                                           1,414,492             1,325,766
 Annuity benefits accumulated                                5,543,683             5,519,528
 Life, accident and health reserves                            599,360               520,644
 Payable to American Financial Group, Inc.                     439,371               370,965
 Long-term debt:
  Holding companies                                            204,338               112,557
  Subsidiaries                                                 195,087               239,733
 Variable annuity liabilities (separate accounts)              533,655               354,371
 Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other
  liabilities                                                  998,104               970,495
                                                           -----------           -----------
      Total liabilities                                     14,443,651            14,209,508

 Minority interest                                             509,705               490,194

 Shareholders' Equity:
  Preferred Stock (liquidation value $72,154)                   72,154                72,154
  Common Stock, no par value
    - 20,000,000 shares authorized
    - 10,593,000 shares outstanding                              9,625                 9,625
  Capital surplus                                              974,766               960,782
  Retained earnings                                            258,371               296,246
  Unrealized gain (loss) on marketable
    securities, net                                            139,200               (14,700)
                                                           -----------           -----------
      Total shareholders' equity                             1,454,116             1,324,107
                                                           -----------           -----------

                                                           $16,407,472           $16,023,809
                                                           ===========           ===========

See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                      (In Thousands, Except Per Share Data)

                                                                 Year ended December 31,
                                                                2000            1999             1998
                                                                ----            ----             ----
  Property and casualty insurance premiums                $2,494,892      $2,210,819       $2,698,738
  Life, accident and health premiums                         230,441         119,160          165,485
  Investment income                                          837,361         834,889          875,909
  Realized gains (losses) on sales of:
    Securities                                               (26,581)         20,053            6,275
    Investee                                                    -               -               9,420
    Subsidiaries                                               4,032            -             158,673
    Other investments                                         27,230            -                -
  Other income                                               258,975         182,683          176,026
                                                          ----------      ----------       ----------
                                                           3,826,350       3,367,604        4,090,526

Costs and Expenses:
  Property and casualty insurance:
    Losses and loss adjustment expenses                    1,961,538       1,588,651        2,215,283
    Commissions and other underwriting expenses              735,241         665,109          772,917
  Annuity benefits                                           278,927         262,632          261,666
  Life, accident and health benefits                         175,174          86,439          131,652
  Interest charges on borrowed money                          67,310          64,888           72,625
  Other operating and general expenses                       487,901         390,143          367,085
                                                          ----------      ----------       ----------
                                                           3,706,091       3,057,862        3,821,228
                                                          ----------      ----------       ----------
Operating earnings before income taxes                       120,259         309,742          269,298
Provision for income taxes                                    32,812         101,020           92,699
                                                          ----------     -----------       ----------

Net operating earnings                                        87,447         208,722          176,599

Minority interest expense, net of tax                        (18,051)        (38,436)         (38,618)
Equity in net losses of investees, net of tax                (92,449)        (17,783)          (8,578)
                                                          ----------      ----------       ----------
Earnings (loss) before extraordinary items
  and accounting changes                                     (23,053)        152,503          129,403
Extraordinary items - loss on prepayment of debt                -             (3,849)            (763)
Cumulative effect of accounting changes                       (9,072)         (3,854)            -
                                                          ----------      ----------       ----------

Net Earnings (Loss)                                      ($   32,125)     $  144,800       $  128,640
                                                          ==========      ==========       ==========

See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                             (Dollars In Thousands)

                                                      Common Stock                        Unrealized
                                        Preferred      and Capital        Retained       Gain (Loss)
                                            Stock          Surplus        Earnings     on Securities               Total
                                       ----------     ------------        --------     -------------          ----------
Balance at December 31, 1997              $72,154         $945,779         $34,350         $341,200           $1,393,483

Net earnings                                 -                -            128,640             -                 128,640
Change in unrealized                         -                -               -               7,100                7,100
  Comprehensive income                                                                                           135,740

Dividends on Preferred Stock                 -                -             (5,772)            -                  (5,772)
Capital contribution from parent             -               6,963            -                -                   6,963
Other                                        -                 242            -                -                     242
                                          -------         --------        --------         --------           ----------

Balance at December 31, 1998              $72,154         $952,984        $157,218         $348,300           $1,530,656
                                          =======         ========        ========         ========           ==========

Net earnings                                 -                -            144,800             -              $  144,800
Change in unrealized                         -                -               -            (363,000)            (363,000)
  Comprehensive income (loss)                                                                                   (218,200)

Dividends on Preferred Stock                 -                -             (5,772)            -                  (5,772)
Capital contribution from parent             -              12,267            -                -                  12,267
Other                                        -               5,156            -                -                   5,156
                                          -------         --------        --------         --------           ----------

Balance at December 31, 1999              $72,154         $970,407        $296,246        ($ 14,700)          $1,324,107
                                          =======         ========        ========         ========           ==========

Net earnings (loss)                          -                -            (32,125)            -                ($32,125)
Change in unrealized                         -                -               -             153,900              153,900
  Comprehensive income                                                                                           121,775

Dividends on Preferred Stock                 -                -             (5,772)            -                  (5,772)
Capital contribution from parent             -              12,267            -                -                  12,267
Other                                        -               1,717              22             -                   1,739
                                          -------         --------        --------         --------           ----------

Balance at December 31, 2000              $72,154         $984,391        $258,371         $139,200           $1,454,116
                                          =======         ========        ========         ========           ==========

See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                 (In Thousands)

                                                                         Year ended December 31,
                                                                    2000              1999             1998
                                                                    ----              ----             ----
Operating Activities:
  Net earnings (loss)                                        ($   32,125)       $  144,800       $  128,640
    Extraordinary items                                             -                3,849              763
    Cumulative effect of accounting changes                        9,072             3,854             -
    Equity in net losses of investees                             92,449            17,783            8,578
    Depreciation and amortization                                117,063            94,829          106,280
    Annuity benefits                                             278,927           262,632          261,666
    Changes in reserves on assets                                  3,795            (8,285)          14,020
    Realized gains on investing activities                       (25,173)          (37,889)        (205,659)
    Deferred annuity and life policy acquisition
      costs                                                     (146,686)         (119,382)        (117,202)
    Decrease (increase) in reinsurance and other
      receivables                                                 71,090          (100,824)        (432,394)
    Decrease (increase) in other assets                          (87,387)           66,302           (9,433)
    Increase in insurance claims and reserves                    189,587           112,721          480,052
    Increase (decrease) in other liabilities                      (6,049)          (51,773)         158,973
    Increase (decrease) in minority interest                        (445)           22,224           10,175
    Dividends from investees                                        -                4,799            4,799
    Other, net                                                     1,927             4,643          (12,105)
                                                              ----------        ----------       ----------
                                                                 466,045           420,283          397,153
                                                              ----------        ----------       ----------
Investing Activities:
  Purchases of and additional investments in:
    Fixed maturity investments                                (1,635,578)       (2,034,642)      (2,155,192)
    Equity securities                                            (45,800)          (80,624)         (78,604)
    Subsidiaries                                                    -             (285,971)         (30,325)
    Real estate, property and equipment                          (88,371)          (74,063)         (66,819)
  Maturities and redemptions of fixed maturity
    investments                                                  689,691         1,047,169        1,248,626
  Sales of:
    Fixed maturity investments                                   810,942         1,212,208          795,520
    Equity securities                                             84,147           100,076           28,850
    Investees and subsidiaries                                    30,694              -             164,589
    Real estate, property and equipment                           30,150            31,354           53,962
  Cash and short-term investments of acquired
    (former) subsidiaries, net                                  (132,163)           54,331          (21,141)
  Decrease (increase) in other investments                         5,637            21,439          (15,135)
                                                               ---------        ----------       ----------
                                                                (250,651)           (8,723)         (75,669)
                                                               ---------        ----------       ----------

Financing Activities:
  Fixed annuity receipts                                         496,742           446,430          480,572
  Annuity surrenders, benefits and withdrawals                  (731,856)         (698,281)        (688,226)
  Net transfers from fixed to variable annuities                 (50,475)          (19,543)          (4,708)
  Additional long-term borrowings                                182,462           269,700          262,537
  Reductions of long-term debt                                  (141,577)         (415,478)        (251,837)
  Borrowings from AFG                                            174,500           266,100            6,000
  Payments to AFG                                               (108,413)         (168,800)         (80,000)
  Repurchases of trust preferred securities                       (1,427)           (5,509)            -
  Capital contribution                                            18,667            18,667           18,667
  Cash dividends paid                                             (5,772)           (5,772)          (5,772)
                                                              ----------        ----------       ----------
                                                                (167,149)         (312,486)        (262,767)
                                                              ----------        ----------       ----------

Net Increase in Cash and Short-term Investments                   48,245            99,074           58,717

Cash and short-term investments at beginning of
  period                                                         389,018           289,944          231,227
                                                              ----------        ----------       ----------

Cash and short-term investments at end of period              $  437,263        $  389,018       $  289,944
                                                              ==========        ==========       ==========

See notes to consolidated financial statements.




- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 INDEX TO NOTES

A. Accounting Policies                         I. Minority Interest
B. Acquisitions and Sales of Subsidiaries      J. Shareholders' Equity
   and Investees                               K. Income Taxes
C. Segments of Operations                      L. Extraordinary Items
D. Investments                                 M. Commitments and Contingencies
E. Investment in Investee Corporations         N. Quarterly Operating Results
F. Cost in Excess of Net Assets Acquired       O. Insurance
G. Payable to American Financial Group         P. Additional Information
H. Long-Term Debt
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      BASIS OF PRESENTATION The consolidated financial statements include the
      accounts of American Financial Corporation ("AFC") and its subsidiaries.
      Certain reclassifications have been made to prior years to conform to the
      current year's presentation. All significant intercompany balances and
      transactions have been eliminated. All acquisitions have been treated as
      purchases. The results of operations of companies since their formation or
      acquisition are included in the consolidated financial statements.

      The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with generally
      accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and
      assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements
      and accompanying notes. Changes in circumstances could cause actual
      results to differ materially from those estimates.

      INVESTMENTS All fixed maturity securities are considered "available for
      sale" and reported at fair value with unrealized gains and losses reported
      as a separate component of shareholders' equity. Short-term investments
      are carried at cost; loans receivable are carried primarily at the
      aggregate unpaid balance. Premiums and discounts on mortgage-backed
      securities are amortized over their expected average lives using the
      interest method.

      Gains or losses on sales of securities are recognized at the time of
      disposition with the amount of gain or loss determined on the specific
      identification basis. When a decline in the value of a specific investment
      is considered to be other than temporary, a provision for impairment is
      charged to earnings and the carrying value of that investment is reduced.

      INVESTMENT IN INVESTEE CORPORATIONS Investments in securities of 20%- to
      50%-owned companies are generally carried at cost, adjusted for AFC's
      proportionate share of their undistributed earnings or losses.

      Due to Chiquita's announced intention to pursue a plan to restructure its
      public debt, AFC wrote down its investment in Chiquita common stock to
      market value at December 31, 2000, and may suspend accounting for Chiquita
      under the equity method pending resolution of the current uncertainty.

      COST IN EXCESS OF NET ASSETS ACQUIRED The excess of cost of subsidiaries
      and investees over AFC's equity in the underlying net assets ("goodwill")
      is being amortized over periods of 20 to 40 years. In February 2001, the
      Financial Accounting Standards Board issued a proposal to eliminate the
      amortization of goodwill and require that goodwill be tested for

      INSURANCE As discussed under "Reinsurance" below, unpaid losses and loss
      adjustment expenses and unearned premiums have not been reduced for
      reinsurance recoverable. To the extent that unrealized gains (losses) from




      classified as "available for sale" would result in adjustments to deferred
      acquisition costs and policyholder liabilities had those gains (losses)
      actually been realized, such balance sheet amounts are adjusted, net of
      deferred taxes.

            REINSURANCE In the normal course of business, AFC's insurance
      subsidiaries cede reinsurance to other companies to diversify risk and
      limit maximum loss arising from large claims. To the extent that any
      reinsuring companies are unable to meet obligations under the agreements
      covering reinsurance ceded, AFC's insurance subsidiaries would remain
      liable. Amounts recoverable from reinsurers are estimated in a manner
      consistent with the claim liability associated with the reinsured
      policies. AFC's insurance subsidiaries report as assets (a) the estimated
      reinsurance recoverable on unpaid losses, including an estimate for losses
      incurred but not reported, and (b) amounts paid to reinsurers applicable
      to the unexpired terms of policies in force. AFC's insurance subsidiaries
      also assume reinsurance from other companies. Income on reinsurance
      assumed is recognized based on reports received from ceding reinsurers.

            DEFERRED ACQUISITION COSTS Policy acquisition costs (principally
      commissions, premium taxes and other underwriting expenses) related to the
      production of new business are deferred ("DPAC"). For the property and
      casualty companies, DPAC is limited based upon recoverability without any
      consideration for anticipated investment income and is charged against
      income ratably over the terms of the related policies. DPAC related to
      annuities and universal life insurance products is amortized, with
      interest, in relation to the present value of expected gross profits on
      the policies. DPAC related to traditional life and health insurance is
      amortized over the expected premium paying period of the related policies,
      in proportion to the ratio of annual premium revenues to total anticipated
      premium revenues.

      stated for unpaid claims and for expenses of investigation and adjustment
      of unpaid claims are based upon (a) the accumulation of case estimates for
      losses reported prior to the close of the accounting period on the direct
      business written; (b) estimates received from ceding reinsurers and
      insurance pools and associations; (c) estimates of unreported losses based
      on past experience; (d) estimates based on experience of expenses for
      investigating and adjusting claims and (e) the current state of the law
      and coverage litigation. These liabilities are subject to the impact of
      changes in claim amounts and frequency and other factors. In spite of the
      variability inherent in such estimates, management believes that the
      liabilities for unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses are adequate.
      Changes in estimates of the liabilities for losses and loss adjustment
      expenses are reflected in the Statement of Earnings in the period in which

            ANNUITY BENEFITS ACCUMULATED Annuity receipts and benefit payments
      are recorded as increases or decreases in "annuity benefits accumulated"
      rather than as revenue and expense. Increases in this liability for
      interest credited are charged to expense and decreases for surrender
      charges are credited to other income.

            LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH RESERVES Liabilities for future policy
      benefits under traditional life, accident and health policies are computed
      using the net level premium method. Computations are based on anticipated
      investment yield, mortality, morbidity and surrenders and include
      provisions for unfavorable deviations. Reserves established for accident
      and health claims are modified as necessary to reflect actual experience
      and developing trends.




            VARIABLE ANNUITY ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Separate accounts related to
      variable annuities represent deposits invested in underlying investment
      funds on which Great American Financial Resources, Inc. ("GAFRI", formerly
      American Annuity Corporation), an 83%-owned subsidiary, earns a fee. The
      investment funds are selected and may be changed only by the policyholder.

            PREMIUM RECOGNITION Property and casualty premiums are earned over
      the terms of the policies on a pro rata basis. Unearned premiums represent
      that portion of premiums written which is applicable to the unexpired
      terms of policies in force. On reinsurance assumed from other insurance
      companies or written through various underwriting organizations, unearned
      premiums are based on reports received from such companies and
      organizations. For traditional life, accident and health products,
      premiums are recognized as revenue when legally collectible from
      policyholders. For interest-sensitive life and universal life products,
      premiums are recorded in a policyholder account which is reflected as a
      liability. Revenue is recognized as amounts are assessed against the
      policyholder account for mortality coverage and contract expenses.

            POLICYHOLDER DIVIDENDS Dividends payable to policyholders are
      included in "Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other liabilities" and
      represent estimates of amounts payable on participating policies which
      share in favorable underwriting results. The estimate is accrued during
      the period in which the related premium is earned. Changes in estimates
      are included in income in the period determined. Policyholder dividends do
      not become legal liabilities unless and until declared by the boards of
      directors of the insurance companies.

      MINORITY INTEREST For balance sheet purposes, minority interest represents
      (i) the interests of noncontrolling shareholders in AFC subsidiaries,
      including preferred securities issued by trust subsidiaries of GAFRI and
      (ii) American Financial Group, Inc.'s ("AFG") direct ownership interest in
      American Premier Underwriters, Inc. ("American Premier" or "APU") and
      American Financial Enterprises, Inc. For income statement purposes,
      minority interest expense represents those shareholders' interest in the
      earnings of AFC subsidiaries as well as accrued distributions on the trust
      preferred securities.

      in a subsidiary or an investee caused by issuances of the subsidiary's or
      investee's stock are accounted for as gains or losses where such issuance
      is not a part of a broader reorganization.

      INCOME TAXES AFC files consolidated federal income tax returns which
      include all 80%-owned U.S. subsidiaries, except for certain life insurance
      subsidiaries and their subsidiaries. Deferred income taxes are calculated
      using the liability method. Under this method, deferred income tax assets
      and liabilities are determined based on differences between financial
      reporting and tax bases and are measured using enacted tax rates. Deferred
      tax assets are recognized if it is more likely than not that a benefit
      will be realized.

      BENEFIT PLANS AFC provides retirement benefits to qualified employees of
      participating companies through contributory and noncontributory defined
      contribution plans contained in AFG's Retirement and Savings Plan. Under
      the retirement portion of the plan, company contributions are invested
      primarily in securities of AFG and affiliates. Under the savings portion
      of the plan, AFC matches a specific portion of employee contributions.
      Contributions to benefit plans are charged against earnings in the year
      for which they are declared.

      AFC and many of its subsidiaries provide health care and life insurance
      benefits to eligible retirees. AFC also provides postemployment benefits
      to former or inactive employees (primarily those on disability) who were
      not deemed retired under other company plans. The projected future cost of
      providing these benefits is expensed over the period the employees earn
      such benefits.




      DERIVATIVES Effective October 1, 2000, AFC implemented SFAS No. 133,
      "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities", which
      establishes accounting and reporting standards for derivative instruments
      (including derivative instruments that are embedded in other contracts)
      and for hedging activities. Prior year financial statements were not
      restated. SFAS No. 133 generally requires that derivatives (both assets
      and liabilities) be recognized in the balance sheet at fair value with
      changes in fair value included in current earnings. The cumulative effect
      of implementing SFAS No. 133, which resulted from the initial recognition
      of AFC's derivatives at fair value, was a loss of $9.1 million (net of
      minority interest and taxes) or $.15 per diluted share.

      Derivatives included in AFC's Balance Sheet consist primarily of
      investments in common stock warrants (included in other stocks), the
      equity-based component of certain annuity products (included in annuity
      benefits accumulated) and call options (included in other investments)
      used to mitigate the risk embedded in the equity-indexed annuity products.

      START-UP COSTS Prior to 1999, GAFRI deferred certain costs associated with
      introducing new products and distribution channels and amortized them on a
      straight-line basis over 5 years. In 1999, GAFRI implemented Statement of
      Position ("SOP") 98-5, "Reporting on the Costs of Start-Up Activities."
      The SOP requires that (i) costs of start-up activities be expensed as
      incurred and (ii) unamortized balances of previously deferred costs be
      expensed and reported as the cumulative effect of a change in accounting
      principle. Accordingly, AFC expensed previously capitalized start-up costs
      of $3.8 million (net of minority interest and taxes) or $.06 per diluted
      share, effective January 1, 1999.

      STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS For cash flow purposes, "investing activities" are
      defined as making and collecting loans and acquiring and disposing of debt
      or equity instruments and property and equipment. "Financing activities"
      include obtaining resources from owners and providing them with a return
      on their investments, borrowing money and repaying amounts borrowed.
      Annuity receipts, benefits and withdrawals are also reflected as financing
      activities. All other activities are considered "operating". Short-term
      investments having original maturities of three months or less when
      purchased are considered to be cash equivalents for purposes of the
      financial statements.


      JAPANESE DIVISION In December 2000, AFC agreed to sell its Japanese
      property and casualty division to Mitsui Marine & Fire Insurance Company
      of America for approximately $22 million in cash and recorded a $10.7
      million pretax loss on the sale. Upon completion of the sale, a gain of
      approximately $21 million on ceded insurance will be deferred and
      subsequently recognized over the estimated settlement period (weighted
      average of 4 years) of the ceded claims. The sale is expected to be
      completed at the end of March 2001. At the same time, a reinsurance
      agreement under which Great American Insurance ceded a portion of its pool
      of insurance to Mitsui will terminate. The Japanese division generated net
      written premiums of approximately $60 million per year to Great American
      while Great American ceded approximately $45 million per year to Mitsui.

      STONEWALL INSURANCE COMPANY In September 2000, AFC sold Stonewall
      Insurance Company for $31.2 million (net of post closing adjustments),
      realizing a pretax loss of $10.3 million. Stonewall was a non-operating
      property and casualty subsidiary with approximately $320 million in
      assets, engaged primarily in the run-off of approximately $170 million in
      asbestos and environmental liabilities associated with policies written
      through 1991.

      COMMERCIAL LINES DIVISION In December 1998, AFC sold its Commercial lines
      division to Ohio Casualty Corporation for $300 million plus warrants to
      purchase 6 million (post split) shares of Ohio Casualty common stock. AFC
      deferred a gain of $103 million on the insurance ceded to Ohio Casualty
      and recognized a




      pretax gain of $153 million on the sale of the other net assets. The
      deferred gain is being recognized over the estimated remaining settlement
      period (weighted average of 4.25 years) of the claims ceded. AFC received
      an additional $25 million in August 2000 under a provision in the sale
      agreement related to the retention and growth of the insurance businesses
      acquired by Ohio Casualty. The commercial lines sold generated net written
      premiums of approximately $230 million in 1998 (11 months).

      START-UP MANUFACTURING BUSINESSES Since 1998, AFC subsidiaries have made
      loans to two start-up manufacturing businesses which were previously owned
      by unrelated third-parties. During 2000, the former owners chose to
      forfeit their equity interests to AFC rather than invest additional
      capital. Total loans extended to these businesses prior to forfeiture
      amounted to $49.7 million and the accumulated losses of the two businesses
      were approximately $29.7 million.

      During the fourth quarter of 2000, AFC sold the equity interests to a
      group of employees for nominal cash consideration plus warrants to
      repurchase a significant ownership interest. Due to the absence of
      significant financial investment by the buyers relative to the amount of
      debt ($61.5 million at December 31, 2000) owed to AFC subsidiaries, the
      sale was not recognized as a divestiture for accounting purposes. Assets
      of the businesses transferred ($55.3 million at December 31, 2000) are
      included in other assets; liabilities of the businesses transferred ($7.5
      million at December 31, 2000, after elimination of loans from AFC
      subsidiaries) are included in other liabilities. AFC's equity in the
      losses of these two companies during the fourth quarter of 2000 of $4.1
      million is included in investee losses in the statement of operations.

      WORLDWIDE INSURANCE COMPANY In April 1999, AFC acquired Worldwide
      Insurance Company for $157 million in cash. Worldwide is a provider of
      direct response private passenger automobile insurance.

      UNITED TEACHER ASSOCIATES In October 1999, GAFRI acquired United Teacher
      Associates Insurance Company of Austin, Texas ("UTA") for $81 million in
      cash. UTA provides supplemental health products and retirement annuities,
      and purchases blocks of insurance policies from other insurers.

      FINANCIAL In February 1999, GAFRI acquired Great American Life Insurance
      Company of New York, formerly Old Republic Life Insurance Company of New
      York, for $27 million in cash. In July 1999, GAFRI acquired Consolidated
      Financial Corporation, an insurance agency, for $21 million in cash.

      FUNERAL SERVICES DIVISION In September 1998, GAFRI sold its Funeral
      Services division for approximately $165 million in cash. The division
      held assets of approximately $1 billion at the sale date. AFC realized a
      pretax gain of $21.6 million, before $2.7 million of minority interest, on
      this sale.

      CHIQUITA During 1998, Chiquita issued shares of its common stock in
      acquisitions of operating businesses. AFC recorded pretax gains of $9.4
      million in 1998 representing the excess of AFC's equity in Chiquita
      following the issuances of its common stock over AFC's previously recorded
      carrying value.

C.    SEGMENTS OF OPERATIONS AFC's property and casualty group is engaged
      primarily in private passenger automobile and specialty insurance
      businesses. The Personal group writes nonstandard and preferred/standard
      private passenger auto and other personal insurance coverage. The
      Specialty group includes a highly diversified group of specialty business
      units. Some of the more significant areas are inland and ocean marine,
      California workers' compensation, agricultural-related coverages,
      executive and professional liability, fidelity and surety bonds,
      collateral protection, and umbrella and excess coverages. AFC's annuity
      and life business markets primarily retirement products as well as life




      supplemental health insurance.  AFC's businesses operate throughout the
      United States. In 2000, 1999 and 1998, AFC derived less than 2% of its
      revenues from the sale of life and supplemental health products in Puerto
      Rico and less than 1% of its revenues from the sale of property and
      casualty insurance in Canada, Mexico, Europe and Asia. In addition, AFC
      owns a significant portion of the voting equity securities of Chiquita
      Brands International, Inc. (an investee corporation - see Note E).

      The following tables (in thousands) show AFC's assets, revenues and
      operating profit (loss) by significant business segment. Operating profit
      (loss) represents total revenues less operating expenses.

                                                                  2000                 1999                 1998
                                                                  ----                 ----                 ----
      Property and casualty insurance (a)                  $ 8,200,683          $ 8,158,371          $ 8,278,898
      Annuities and life                                     7,934,851            7,523,570            7,174,544
      Other                                                    247,942              181,884              202,287
                                                           -----------          -----------          -----------
                                                            16,383,476           15,863,825           15,655,729
      Investment in investees                                   23,996              159,984              192,138
                                                           -----------          -----------          -----------

                                                           $16,407,472          $16,023,809          $15,847,867
                                                           ===========          ===========          ===========
      Revenues (b) Property and casualty insurance:
        Premiums earned:
          Personal                                         $ 1,270,328          $ 1,163,223          $ 1,289,689
          Specialty                                          1,223,435            1,047,858            1,371,509
          Other lines                                            1,129                 (262)              37,540
                                                           -----------          -----------          -----------
                                                             2,494,892            2,210,819            2,698,738
        Investment and other income                            450,537              450,829              643,106
                                                           -----------          -----------          -----------
                                                             2,945,429            2,661,648            3,341,844
      Annuities and life (c)                                   823,586              665,661              748,351
      Other                                                     57,335               40,295                  331
                                                           -----------          -----------          -----------

                                                           $ 3,826,350          $ 3,367,604          $ 4,090,526
                                                           ===========          ===========          ===========

      Operating Profit (Loss)
      Property and casualty insurance:
          Personal                                        ($   108,372)        ($     7,685)         $    34,029
          Specialty                                            (94,857)             (28,015)             (67,131)
          Other lines (d)                                        1,342               (7,241)            (256,360)
                                                           -----------          -----------          -----------
                                                              (201,887)             (42,941)            (289,462)
        Investment and other income                            289,549              282,440              501,190
                                                           -----------          -----------          -----------
                                                                87,662              239,499              211,728
      Annuities and life                                        96,211              110,750              163,126
      Other (e)                                                (63,614)             (40,507)            (105,556)
                                                           -----------          -----------          -----------

                                                           $   120,259          $   309,742          $   269,298
                                                           ===========          ===========          ===========

      (a)   Not allocable to segments.
      (b)   Revenues include sales of products and services as well as other
            income earned by the respective segments.
      (c)   Represents primarily investment income.
      (d)   Includes a charge of $214 million in 1998 related to asbestos and
            other environmental matters ("A&E").
      (e)   Includes holding company expenses.




D.    INVESTMENTS  Fixed maturities and other stocks at December 31 consisted of
      the following (in millions):

                                                         2000                                        1999
                                      ---------------------------------------      ----------------------------------------
                                      Amortized    Market    Gross Unrealized      Amortized    Market     Gross Unrealized
                                                             ----------------                              ----------------
                                           Cost     Value     Gains   Losses            Cost     Value      Gains   Losses
                                      ---------    ------     -----   ------       ---------    ------      -----   ------
       Fixed maturities:
         United States Government
          and government agencies
          and authorities              $   537.9  $   553.5    $ 16.9  ($  1.3)     $   549.1   $  539.1     $  2.4  ($ 12.4)
         States, municipalities and
          political subdivisions           416.6      426.9      12.2     (1.9)         303.2      292.4         .8    (11.6)
         Foreign government                 84.1       86.5       2.7      (.3)          64.4       63.3         .2     (1.3)
         Public utilities                  634.7      637.3      11.5     (8.9)         567.8      556.6        2.4    (13.6)
         Mortgage-backed securities      2,604.2    2,670.1      79.4    (13.5)       2,457.6    2,420.9       28.4    (65.1)
         All other corporate             5,809.3    5,734.6      87.7   (162.4)       6,088.0    5,922.3       34.3   (200.0)
         Redeemable preferred stocks        61.4       55.7        .2     (5.9)          70.9       67.6        1.1     (4.4)
                                       ---------   --------     -----   ------      ---------   --------     ------   ------

                                       $10,148.2  $10,164.6    $210.6  ($194.2)     $10,101.0   $9,862.2     $ 69.6  ($308.4)
                                       =========  =========    ======   ======      =========   ========     ======   ======

       Other stocks                    $   175.0  $   385.4    $224.6  ($ 14.2)     $   229.2   $  409.7     $204.4  ($ 23.9)
                                       =========  =========    ======   ======      =========   ========     ======   ======

      The table below sets forth the scheduled maturities of fixed maturities
      based on market value as of December 31, 2000. Data based on amortized
      cost is generally the same. Mortgage-backed securities had an average life
      of approximately 5 1/2 years at December 31, 2000.

                      One year or less                                    3%
                      After one year through five years                  26
                      After five years through ten years                 28
                      After ten years                                    17
                      Mortgage-backed securities                         26

      Certain risks are inherent in connection with fixed maturity securities,
      including loss upon default, price volatility in reaction to changes in
      interest rates, and general market factors and risks associated with
      reinvestment of proceeds due to prepayments or redemptions in a period of
      declining interest rates.

      The only investment which exceeds 10% of Shareholders' Equity is an equity
      investment in Provident Financial Corporation, having a market value of
      $272 million and $231 million at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.

      Realized gains (losses) and changes in unrealized appreciation
      (depreciation) on fixed maturity and equity security investments are
      summarized as follows (in thousands):

                                           Fixed             Equity             Tax
                                      Maturities         Securities         Effects                  Total
                                      ----------         ----------         -------                  -----
          Realized                     ($ 24,186)          ($ 2,395)        $ 9,303              ($ 17,278)
          Change in Unrealized           255,200             29,900         (98,200)               186,900

          Realized                       (13,191)            33,244          (7,019)                13,034
          Change in Unrealized          (641,800)           (42,500)        237,500               (446,800)

          Realized (*)                    25,841            (19,566)         (2,196)                 4,079
          Change in Unrealized             4,982            (69,900)         24,000                (40,918)

          (*)    Includes $6.8 million in realized gains on fixed maturities
                 transferred to Ohio Casualty in connection with the sale of the
                 Commercial lines division.




      Transactions in fixed maturity investments included in the Statement of
      Cash Flows consisted of the following (in millions):

                                                                      and                         Gross        Gross
                                           Purchases          Redemptions            Sales        Gains       Losses
                                           ---------          -----------         --------        -----       ------
       Available for Sale                   $1,635.6             $  689.7         $  810.9        $15.9       ($40.1)
                                            ========             ========         ========        =====        =====

       Available for Sale                   $2,034.6             $1,047.2         $1,212.2        $29.1       ($42.3)
                                            ========             ========         ========        =====        =====

       Held to Maturity (*)                 $     .8             $  584.8         $   45.3        $12.1       ($  .5)
       Available for Sale                    2,154.4                663.8            750.2         24.9       ( 17.5)
                                            --------             --------         --------        -----        -----
            Total                           $2,155.2             $1,248.6         $  795.5        $37.0       ($18.0)
                                            ========             ========         ========        =====        =====

       (*) Prior to reclassification to available for sale at December 31, 1998.

      Securities classified as "held to maturity" having amortized cost of $41.8
      million were sold for gains of $603,000 in 1998 due to significant
      deterioration in the issuers' creditworthiness.

E.    INVESTMENT IN INVESTEE CORPORATIONS Investment in investee corporations
      reflects AFC's ownership of 24 million shares (36%) of Chiquita common
      stock. The market value of this investment was $24 million and $114
      million at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively. Chiquita is a leading
      international marketer, producer and distributor of quality fresh fruits
      and vegetables and processed foods.

      Summarized financial information for Chiquita at December 31, is shown
      below (in millions).

                                                      2000     1999     1998
                                                      ----     ----     ----

          Current Assets                            $  845   $  903
          Noncurrent Assets                          1,570    1,693
          Current Liabilities                          611      488
          Noncurrent Liabilities                     1,221    1,403
          Shareholders' Equity                         583      705

          Net Sales                                 $2,254   $2,556   $2,720
          Operating Income                              27       42       79
          Net Loss                                     (95)     (58)     (18)
          Net Loss Attributable to Common Shares      (112)     (75)     (36)

      Chiquita's results for 2000 include $20 million in charges and writedowns
      of production and sourcing assets; 1999 results include a $9 million
      charge resulting from a workforce reduction program. Operating results for
      1998 include $74 million of fourth quarter write-offs and costs resulting
      from widespread flooding in Honduras and Guatemala caused by Hurricane

      In January 2001, Chiquita announced a restructuring initiative that
      included discontinuing all interest and principal payments on its public
      debt. If successful, the restructuring would result in the conversion of a
      significant portion of Chiquita's $862 million in public debt into common
      equity. As a result, AFC recorded a fourth quarter pretax charge of $95.7
      million to write down its investment in Chiquita to quoted market value of
      $1.00 per share at the end of 2000.

F.    COST IN EXCESS OF NET ASSETS ACQUIRED Amortization expense for the excess
      of cost over net assets of purchased subsidiaries was $17.3 million in
      2000, $14.4 million in 1999 and $12.2 million in 1998. At December 31,
      2000 and 1999, accumulated amortization amounted to approximately $168
      million and $157 million, respectively.




G.    PAYABLE TO AMERICAN FINANCIAL GROUP AFC has a reciprocal Master Credit
      Agreement with various AFG holding companies under which these companies
      make funds available to each other for general corporate purposes.

H.    LONG-TERM DEBT  Long-term debt consisted of the following at December 31,
      (in thousands):

                                                                      2000           1999
                                                                      ----           ----
      Holding Companies:
         AFC notes payable under bank line                        $178,000        $68,000
         American Premier Underwriters, Inc. ("APU")
            10-5/8% Subordinated Notes, including premium
            of $119                                                   -            23,786
         APU 10-7/8% Subordinated Notes due May 2011,
            including premium of $890 and $940
            (imputed rate - 9.6%)                                   11,611         11,661
         Other                                                      14,727          9,110
                                                                  --------       --------

                                                                  $204,338       $112,557
                                                                  ========       ========

         GAFRI 6-7/8% Senior Notes due June 2008                  $100,000       $100,000
         GAFRI notes payable under bank line                        48,500         97,000
         Notes payable secured by real estate                       31,201         31,704
         Other                                                      15,386         11,029
                                                                  --------       --------

                                                                  $195,087       $239,733
                                                                  ========       ========

      In April 1999, AFC used funds borrowed under its credit agreement with AFG
      to redeem its 9-3/4% Debentures, repurchase APU Subordinated Notes and
      repay a portion of its bank line.

      In January 2001, GAFRI replaced its existing bank line with a $155 million
      unsecured credit agreement. At December 31, 2000, sinking fund and other
      scheduled principal payments on debt for the subsequent five years (as
      adjusted to reflect GAFRI's new credit agreement) were as follows (in

                        Companies      Subsidiaries           Total
                        ---------      ------------           -----
             2001          $  1.7             $ 1.6          $  3.3
             2002           188.1               1.6           189.7
             2003             -                 1.7             1.7
             2004             -                63.1            63.1
             2005             -                10.0            10.0

      Debentures purchased in excess of scheduled payments may be applied to
      satisfy any sinking fund requirement. The scheduled principal payments
      shown above assume that debentures previously purchased are applied to the
      earliest scheduled retirements.

      AFC and GAFRI each have an unsecured credit agreement with a group of
      banks under which they can borrow up to $300 million and $155 million,
      respectively. Borrowings bear interest at floating rates based on prime or
      Eurodollar rates. Loans mature in December 2002 under the AFC credit
      agreement and in December 2004 under the GAFRI credit agreement. At
      December 31, 2000, the weighted average interest rates on amounts borrowed
      under the AFC and GAFRI bank credit lines were 6.86% and 7.31%,

      Cash interest payments aggregating $58 million, $59 million and $73
      million were made on long-term debt and the payable to AFG in 2000, 1999
      and 1998, respectively.




I.    MINORITY INTEREST  Minority interest in AFC's balance sheet is comprised
      of the following (in thousands):
                                                       2000              1999
                                                       ----              ----
            Interest of AFG (parent) and
              noncontrolling shareholders
                in subsidiaries' common stock      $291,792          $270,594
            Preferred securities issued by
              subsidiary trusts                     217,913           219,600
                                                   --------          --------

                                                   $509,705          $490,194
                                                   ========          ========

      TRUST ISSUED PREFERRED SECURITIES Wholly-owned subsidiary trusts of GAFRI
      have issued $225 million of preferred securities and, in turn, purchased a
      like amount of subordinated debt which provides interest and principal
      payments to fund the respective trusts' obligations. The preferred
      securities must be redeemed upon maturity or redemption of the
      subordinated debt. GAFRI effectively provides unconditional guarantees of
      its trusts' obligations.

      The preferred securities consisted of the following (in thousands):

      Date of                                                                                  Optional
      Issuance               Issue (Maturity Date)                    2000           1999      Redemption Dates
      -------------          ------------------------                 ----           ----      ---------------------------
      November 1996          GAFRI 9-1/4% TOPrS (2026)             $72,913        $74,600      On or after 11/7/2001
      March 1997             GAFRI 8-7/8% Pfd   (2027)              70,000         70,000      On or after 3/1/2007
      May 1997               GAFRI 7-1/4% ROPES (2041)              75,000         75,000      After 9/28/2001

      In 2000, GAFRI repurchased $1.7 million of its preferred securities for
      $1.4 million in cash. In 1999, GAFRI repurchased $5.4 million of its
      preferred securities for $5.5 million in cash.

      MINORITY INTEREST EXPENSE Minority interest expense is comprised of (in

                                                           2000         1999        1998
                                                           ----         ----        ----
            Interest of AFG (parent) and
              noncontrolling shareholders
               in earnings of subsidiaries              $ 6,092      $26,362     $26,248
            Accrued distributions by subsidiaries
              on trust issued preferred securities,
                net of tax                               11,959       12,074      12,370
                                                        -------      -------     -------

                                                        $18,051      $38,436     $38,618
                                                        =======      =======     =======

J.    SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY At December 31, 2000 and 1999, American Financial
      Group beneficially owned all of the outstanding shares of AFC's Common

      PREFERRED STOCK Under provisions of both the Nonvoting (4.0 million shares
      authorized) and Voting (4.0 million shares authorized) Cumulative
      Preferred Stock, the Board of Directors may divide the authorized stock
      into series and set specific terms and conditions of each series. At
      December 31, 2000 and 1999, the outstanding voting shares of AFC's
      Preferred Stock consisted of the following:

              SERIES J, no par value; $25.00 liquidating value per share; annual
              dividends per share $2.00; redeemable at AFC's option at $25.75
              per share beginning December 2005 declining to $25.00 at December
              2007 and thereafter; 2,886,161 shares (stated value $72.2 million)
              outstanding at December 31, 2000 and 1999.




      unrealized gain (loss) on marketable securities included the following (in

                                                                       Tax      Minority
                                                       Pretax      Effects      Interest             Net
                                                       ------      -------      --------            -----
      Unrealized holding gains (losses) on
        securities arising during the period           $221.1      ($ 75.8)       ($18.8)          $126.5
      Reclassification adjustment resulting
        from the adoption of SFAS No. 133                15.0         (5.3)          -                9.7
      Reclassification adjustment for realized
        gains included in net income and
        unrealized losses of subsidiary sold             31.3        (10.9)         (2.7)            17.7
                                                       ------       ------         -----           ------
      Change in unrealized gain (loss) on
        marketable securities, net                     $267.4      ($ 92.0)       ($21.5)          $153.9
                                                       ======       ======         =====           ======

      Unrealized holding gains (losses) on
        securities arising during the period          ($612.1)      $212.1         $47.7          ($352.3)
      Reclassification adjustment for
        realized gains included in net income           (20.1)         7.1           2.3            (10.7)
                                                       ------       ------         -----           ------
      Change in unrealized gain (loss) on
        marketable securities, net                    ($632.2)      $219.2         $50.0          ($363.0)
                                                       ======       ======         =====           ======

      Unrealized holding gains (losses) on
        securities arising during the period          ($ 50.5)      $ 19.0         $ 1.2          ($ 30.3)
      Unrealized gain on securities transferred
        from held to maturity                            87.0        (30.4)         (7.8)            48.8
      Reclassification adjustment for realized
        gains included in net income and
        unrealized gains of subsidiaries sold           (20.4)         7.1           1.9            (11.4)
                                                       ------       ------         -----           ------
      Change in unrealized gain (loss) on
        marketable securities, net                     $ 16.1      ($  4.3)       ($ 4.7)          $  7.1
                                                       ======       ======         =====           ======

K.    INCOME TAXES  The following is a reconciliation of income taxes at the
      statutory rate of 35% and income taxes as shown in the Statement of
      Operations (in thousands):

                                                          2000              1999               1998
                                                          ----              ----               ----
         Earnings (loss) before income taxes:
            Operating                                 $120,259          $309,742           $269,298
            Minority interest expense                  (24,491)          (44,937)           (45,279)
            Equity in net losses of investees         (142,230)          (27,357)           (13,198)
            Extraordinary items                           -               (6,001)            (1,258)
            Accounting changes                         (13,882)           (6,370)              -
                                                      --------          --------           --------
         Total                                       ($ 60,344)         $225,077           $209,563
                                                      ========          ========           ========

         Income taxes at statutory rate              ($ 21,120)         $ 78,777           $ 73,347
         Effect of:
            Losses utilized                             (7,000)           (5,250)            (6,572)
            Tax credits                                 (5,757)             -                  -
            Amortization of intangibles                  5,537             4,728              4,566
            Minority interest                            2,177             8,891              9,055
            Dividends received deduction                (2,378)           (2,783)            (2,189)
            Tax exempt interest                         (1,571)           (1,721)              (521)
            Nondeductible meals, etc.                    1,149               665                864
            Other                                          744            (3,030)             2,373
                                                      --------          --------           --------
         Total Provision (Credit)                      (28,219)           80,277             80,923

         Amounts applicable to:
            Minority interest expense                    6,440             6,501              6,661
            Equity in net losses of investees           49,781             9,574              4,620
            Extraordinary items                           -                2,152                495
            Accounting changes                           4,810             2,516               -
                                                      --------          --------           --------
         Provision for income taxes as shown
            on the Statement of Operations            $ 32,812          $101,020           $ 92,699
                                                      ========          ========           ========




      Total earnings before income taxes include income subject to tax in
      foreign jurisdictions of $10.6 million in 2000, $8.1 million in 1999 and
      $7.5 million in 1998.

      The total income tax provision (credit) consists of (in thousands):
                                           2000        1999          1998
                                           ----        ----          ----
              Current taxes:
                 Federal                $10,324    ($ 7,454)      $61,501
                 Foreign                  1,106          32            94
                 State                      459         511           652
              Deferred taxes:
                 Federal                (39,588)     88,219        18,254
                 Foreign                   (520)     (1,031)          422
                                        -------     -------       -------
                                       ($28,219)    $80,277       $80,923
                                        =======     =======       =======

      For income tax purposes, certain members of the AFC consolidated tax group
      had the following carryforwards available at December 31, 2000 (in
                                               Expiring            Amount
                                               --------            ------
                                      {       2001 - 2005            $ 98
              Operating Loss          {       2006 - 2010               1
                                      {       2011 - 2015               1
                                      {       2016 - 2020             140
              Other - Tax Credits                                      14

      Deferred income tax assets and liabilities reflect temporary differences
      between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities recognized for
      financial reporting purposes and the amounts recognized for tax purposes.
      The significant components of deferred tax assets and liabilities included
      in the Balance Sheet at December 31, were as follows (in millions):

                                                          2000        1999
                                                          ----        ----
              Deferred tax assets:
                Net operating loss carryforwards        $ 78.8      $ 32.6
                Insurance claims and reserves            214.3       236.5
                Other, net                               120.0       117.6
                                                        ------      ------
                                                         413.1       386.7
                Valuation allowance for deferred
                  tax assets                             (39.6)      (48.9)
                                                        ------      ------
                                                         373.5       337.8
              Deferred tax liabilities:
                Deferred acquisition costs              (205.8)     (172.3)
                Investment securities                   (121.1)      (67.0)
                                                        ------      ------
                                                        (326.9)     (239.3)
                                                        ------      ------
              Net deferred tax asset                    $ 46.6      $ 98.5
                                                        ======      ======

      The gross deferred tax asset has been reduced by a valuation allowance
      based on an analysis of the likelihood of realization. Factors considered
      in assessing the need for a valuation allowance include: (i) recent tax
      returns, which show neither a history of large amounts of taxable income
      nor cumulative losses in recent years, (ii) opportunities to generate
      taxable income from sales of appreciated assets, and (iii) the likelihood
      of generating larger amounts of taxable income in the future. The
      likelihood of realizing this asset will be reviewed periodically; any
      adjustments required to the valuation allowance will be made in the period
      in which the developments on which they are based become known. The
      aggregate valuation allowance decreased by $9.3 million in 2000 due
      primarily to the utilization of loss carryforwards previously reserved.

      Cash payments for income taxes, net of refunds, were $21.2 million, $10.2
      million and $41.4 million for 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.




L.    EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS Extraordinary items represent AFC's proportionate
      share of gains and losses related to debt retirements by the following
      companies. Amounts shown are net of minority interest and income taxes (in

                                       1999          1998
                                       ----          ----
         Holding Companies:
             AFC (parent)           ($2,993)         ($77)
             APU (parent)              (856)          (37)
             GAFRI                     -             (649)
                                     ------          ----

                                    ($3,849)        ($763)
                                     ======          ====

M.    COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES Loss accruals (included in other
      liabilities) have been recorded for various environmental and occupational
      injury and disease claims and other contingencies arising out of the
      railroad operations disposed of by American Premier's predecessor, Penn
      Central Transportation Company ("PCTC"), prior to its bankruptcy
      reorganization in 1978 and certain manufacturing operations disposed of by
      American Premier. Under purchase accounting in connection with the
      acquisition of American Premier, any such excess liability will be charged
      to earnings in AFC's financial statements.

      At December 31, 2000, American Premier had liabilities for environmental
      and personal injury claims aggregating $94 million. The environmental
      claims consist of a number of proceedings and claims seeking to impose
      responsibility for hazardous waste remediation costs related to certain
      sites formerly owned or operated by the railroad and manufacturing
      operations. Remediation costs are difficult to estimate for a number of
      reasons, including the number and financial resources of other potentially
      responsible parties, the range of costs for remediation alternatives,
      changing technology and the time period over which these matters develop.
      The personal injury claims include pending and expected claims, primarily
      by former employees of PCTC, for injury or disease allegedly caused by
      exposure to excessive noise, asbestos or other substances in the
      workplace. At December 31, 2000, American Premier had $66.9 million of
      offsetting recovery assets (included in other assets) for such
      environmental and personal injury claims based upon estimates of probable
      recoveries from insurance carriers.

      AFC has accrued approximately $9.8 million at December 31, 2000, for
      environmental costs and certain other matters associated with the sales of
      former operations.

      In management's opinion, the outcome of the items discussed in this note
      will not, individually or in the aggregate, have a material adverse effect
      on AFC's financial condition or results of operations.

N.    QUARTERLY OPERATING RESULTS (UNAUDITED) The operations of certain of AFC's
      business segments are seasonal in nature. While insurance premiums are
      recognized on a relatively level basis, claim losses related to adverse
      weather (snow, hail, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.) may be seasonal.
      Historically, Chiquita's operations are significantly stronger in the
      first and second quarters than in the third and fourth quarters. Quarterly
      results necessarily rely heavily on estimates. These estimates and certain
      other factors, such as the nature of investees' operations and
      discretionary sales of assets, cause the quarterly results not to be
      necessarily indicative of results for longer periods of time.




      The following are quarterly results of consolidated operations for the two
      years ended December 31, 2000 (in millions).

                                                            1st          2nd          3rd           4th          Total
                                                        Quarter      Quarter      Quarter       Quarter           Year
                                                        -------      -------      -------       -------       --------
      Revenues                                           $886.3       $961.8     $1,014.2        $964.1       $3,826.4
      Earnings (loss) before accounting change             48.4         21.2        (13.5)        (79.1)         (23.0)
      Cumulative effect of accounting change                -            -            -            (9.1)          (9.1)
      Net earnings (loss)                                  48.4         21.2        (13.5)        (88.2)         (32.1)

      Revenues                                           $804.7       $837.1       $877.5        $848.3       $3,367.6
      Earnings before extraordinary items and
        accounting change                                  58.2         46.3         30.9          17.1          152.5
      Extraordinary items - gain (loss) on
        prepayment of debt                                  -           (3.9)         -             -             (3.9)
      Cumulative effect of accounting change               (3.8)         -            -             -             (3.8)
      Net earnings                                         54.4         42.4         30.9          17.1          144.8

      The 2000 second quarter results include pretax charges of $32.5 million
      related to an agreement to settle a lawsuit against a GAFRI subsidiary and
      $8.8 million for an adverse California Supreme Court ruling against an AFC
      property and casualty subsidiary. The 2000 third quarter results include a
      $35 million pretax charge for reserve strengthening in the California
      workers' compensation business, partially offset by $11.2 million in
      income from the sale of certain lease rights. Fourth quarter 2000 results
      include a $95.7 million pretax writedown of AFC's Chiquita investment,
      partially offset by $11.8 million in income from the sale of certain lease

      The 1999 fourth quarter results include a pretax charge of $10 million for
      expenses related to realignment within the operating units of the life and
      annuity business.

      AFC has realized substantial gains (losses) on sales of subsidiaries and
      investees in recent years (see Note B). Realized gains (losses) on sales
      of securities, affiliates and other investments amounted to (in millions):

                        1st       2nd        3rd         4th           Total
                    Quarter   Quarter    Quarter     Quarter            Year
                    -------   -------    -------     -------          ------
            2000      ($1.4)    $21.1       $6.0      ($21.0)          $ 4.7
            1999        4.4       7.3       (5.7)       14.1            20.1

O.    INSURANCE Securities owned by insurance subsidiaries having a carrying
      value of about $900 million at December 31, 2000, were on deposit as
      required by regulatory authorities.

      INSURANCE RESERVES The liability for losses and loss adjustment expenses
      for certain long-term scheduled payments under workers' compensation, auto
      liability and other liability insurance has been discounted at about 8%,
      an approximation of long-term investment yields. As a result, the total
      liability for losses and loss adjustment expenses at December 31, 2000,
      has been reduced by $33 million.




      The following table provides an analysis of changes in the liability for
      losses and loss adjustment expenses, net of reinsurance (and grossed up),
      over the past three years on a GAAP basis (in millions):

                                                             2000       1999         1998
                                                             ----       ----         ----
         Balance at beginning of period                    $3,224     $3,305       $3,489

         Provision for losses and LAE occurring
           in the current year                              2,056      1,691        2,059
         Net increase (decrease) in provision for
           claims of prior years                              (60)       (74)         156
                                                           ------     ------       ------
             Total losses and LAE incurred (*)              1,996      1,617        2,215
         Payments for losses and LAE of:
           Current year                                      (905)      (780)        (885)
           Prior years                                       (936)      (986)      (1,110)
                                                           ------     ------       ------
            Total payments                                 (1,841)    (1,766)      (1,995)

         Reserves of businesses acquired or sold, net        (187)        57         (481)
         Reclassification of allowance for
           uncollectible reinsurance                         -            11           77
                                                           ------     ------       ------

         Balance at end of period                          $3,192     $3,224       $3,305
                                                           ======     ======       ======

         Add back reinsurance recoverables, net
           of allowance                                     1,324      1,571        1,468
                                                           ------     ------       ------

         Gross unpaid losses and LAE included
           in the Balance Sheet                            $4,516     $4,795       $4,773
                                                           ======     ======       ======

         (*)    Before amortization of deferred gains on retroactive reinsurance
                of $34 million in 2000 and $28 million in 1999.

      NET INVESTMENT INCOME The following table shows (in millions) investment
      income earned and investment expenses incurred by AFC's insurance

                                                     2000      1999       1998
                                                     ----      ----       ----
      Insurance group investment income:
        Fixed maturities                           $815.5    $806.1     $849.6
        Equity securities                            10.4      12.2        9.1
        Other                                         4.3        .9        2.2
                                                   ------    ------     ------
                                                    830.2     819.2      860.9
      Insurance group investment expenses (*)       (41.4)    (39.6)     (35.6)
                                                   ------    ------     ------

                                                   $788.8    $779.6     $825.3
                                                   ======    ======     ======

         (*) Included primarily in "Other operating and general expenses" in the
             Statement of Operations.

      STATUTORY INFORMATION AFC's insurance subsidiaries are required to file
      financial statements with state insurance regulatory authorities prepared
      on an accounting basis prescribed or permitted by such authorities
      (statutory basis). Net earnings and policyholders' surplus on a statutory
      basis for the insurance subsidiaries were as follows (in millions):

                                                   Net Earnings                Surplus
                                               -------------------         ----------------
                                               2000   1999    1998           2000      1999
                                               ----   ----    ----           ----      ----
      Property and casualty companies           $10   $170    $261         $1,763    $1,664
      Life insurance companies                   40     37      41            384       421




      Effective January 1, 2001, AFC's insurance companies are required to adopt
      certain new statutory accounting standards. The cumulative effect of these
      changes will be reported as an adjustment to policyholders' surplus at
      that date. Management believes that the cumulative effect of these changes
      at adoption will increase the surplus of the property and casualty
      companies by approximately $40 million; the effect on surplus of the life
      insurance companies is not expected to be material.

      REINSURANCE In the normal course of business, AFC's insurance subsidiaries
      assume and cede reinsurance with other insurance companies. The following
      table shows (in millions) (i) amounts deducted from property and casualty
      written and earned premiums in connection with reinsurance ceded, (ii)
      written and earned premiums included in income for reinsurance assumed and
      (iii) reinsurance recoveries deducted from losses and loss adjustment

                                                 2000        1999        1998
                                                 ----        ----        ----
              Direct premiums written          $3,365      $3,113      $3,221
              Reinsurance assumed                  76          48          38
              Reinsurance ceded                  (803)       (898)       (788)
                                               ------      ------      ------

              Net written premiums             $2,638      $2,263      $2,471
                                               ======      ======      ======

              Direct premiums earned           $3,306      $3,056      $3,320
              Reinsurance assumed                  45          45          42
              Reinsurance ceded                  (856)       (890)       (663)
                                               ------      ------      ------

              Net earned premiums              $2,495      $2,211      $2,699
                                               ======      ======      ======

              Reinsurance recoveries           $  567      $  811      $  651
                                               ======      ======      ======

P.    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Total rental expense for various leases of office
      space, data processing equipment and railroad rolling stock was $44
      million, $39 million and $41 million for 2000, 1999 and 1998,
      respectively. Sublease rental income related to these leases totaled $2.5
      million in 2000, $2.6 million in 1999 and $5.4 million in 1998.

      Future minimum rentals, related principally to office space, required
      under operating leases having initial or remaining noncancelable lease
      terms in excess of one year at December 31, 2000, were as follows: 2001 -
      $50 million; 2002 - $45 million; 2003 - $37 million; 2004 - $24 million;
      2005 - $16 million; and $28 million thereafter. At December 31, 2000,
      minimum sublease rentals to be received through the expiration of the
      leases aggregated $3 million.

      Other operating and general expenses included charges for possible losses
      on agents' balances, other receivables and other assets in the following
      amounts: 2000 - $9.7 million; 1999 - $5.1 million; and 1998 - $2.8
      million. Losses and loss adjustment expenses included charges for possible
      losses on reinsurance recoverables of $.4 million in 1999. The aggregate
      allowance for all such losses amounted to approximately $74 million and
      $148 million at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.




      FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The following table presents (in
      millions) the carrying value and estimated fair value of AFC's financial
      instruments at December 31.

                                                  2000                             1999
                                          ---------------------          ---------------------
                                          Carrying         Fair          Carrying         Fair
                                             Value        Value             Value        Value
                                          --------        -----          --------        -----
          Fixed maturities                 $10,165      $10,165            $9,862       $9,862
          Other stocks                         385          385               410          410
          Investment in investees               24           24               160          114

          Annuity benefits
             accumulated                   $ 5,544       $5,426            $5,520       $5,371
          Long-term debt:
             Holding companies                 204          204               113          113
             Subsidiaries                      195          187               240          230
          Trust preferred securities           218          211               220          205

          AFC preferred stock                   72           58                72           69

      When available, fair values are based on prices quoted in the most active
      market for each security. If quoted prices are not available, fair value
      is estimated based on present values, discounted cash flows, fair value of
      comparable securities, or similar methods. The fair value of the liability
      for annuities in the payout phase is assumed to be the present value of
      the anticipated cash flows, discounted at current interest rates. Fair
      value of annuities in the accumulation phase is assumed to be the
      policyholders' cash surrender amount.

      adjusting equity securities and fixed maturity securities classified as
      "available for sale" to fair value, SFAS 115 requires that certain other
      balance sheet amounts be adjusted to the extent that unrealized gains and
      losses from securities would result in adjustments had those gains or
      losses actually been realized. The components of the Consolidated Balance
      Sheet caption "Unrealized gain (loss) on marketable securities, net" in
      shareholders' equity are summarized as follows (in millions):

                                               Unadjusted                        Adjusted
                                                    Asset      Effect of            Asset
                                              (Liability)       SFAS 115      (Liability)
                                              -----------      ---------      -----------
         Fixed maturities                      $10,148.2         $ 16.4        $10,164.6
         Other stocks                              175.0          210.4            385.4
         Deferred acquisition costs                763.1              -            763.1
         Annuity benefits accumulated           (5,543.7)             -         (5,543.7)
           Pretax unrealized                                      226.8

         Deferred taxes                            125.2          (78.6)            46.6
         Minority interest                        (500.7)          (9.0)          (509.7)

           Unrealized gain                                       $139.2

         Fixed maturities                      $10,101.0        ($238.8)        $9,862.2
         Other stocks                              229.2          180.5            409.7
         Deferred acquisition costs                656.1            4.6            660.7
         Annuity benefits accumulated           (5,532.6)          13.1         (5,519.5)
           Pretax unrealized                                      (40.6)

         Deferred taxes                             85.1           13.4             98.5
         Minority interest                        (502.7)          12.5           (490.2)

           Unrealized loss                                      ($ 14.7)




      subsidiaries have entered into financial instrument transactions which may
      present off-balance-sheet risks of both a credit and market risk nature.
      These transactions include commitments to fund loans, loan guarantees and
      commitments to purchase and sell securities or loans. At December 31,
      2000, AFC and its subsidiaries had commitments to fund credit facilities
      and contribute limited partnership capital totaling up to $21 million.

      dividends, loans and advances by AFC's subsidiaries are subject to various
      state laws, federal regulations and debt covenants which limit the amount
      of dividends, loans and advances that can be paid. Under applicable
      restrictions, the maximum amount of dividends available to AFC in 2001
      from its insurance subsidiaries without seeking regulatory clearance is
      approximately $160 million. Total "restrictions" on intercompany transfers
      from AFC's subsidiaries cannot be quantified due to the discretionary
      nature of the restrictions.

      BENEFIT PLANS AFC expensed approximately $22 million in 2000, $13 million
      in 1999 and $22 million in 1998 for its retirement and employee savings

      TRANSACTIONS WITH AFFILIATES AFG owns a $3.7 million minority interest in
      a residential homebuilding company. Brothers of AFC's Chairman own the
      remaining interests. GAFRI has extended a line of credit to this company
      under which the homebuilder may borrow up to $8 million at 13%. At
      December 31, 2000 and 1999, $8 million was due under the credit line.

      In September 2000, GAFRI's minority ownership in a company engaged in the
      production of ethanol was repurchased by that company for $7.5 million in
      cash and $21.9 million liquidation value of non-voting redeemable
      preferred stock. Following the repurchase, AFC's Chairman beneficially
      owns 100% of the ethanol company. In December 2000, the ethanol company
      retired $3 million of the preferred stock at liquidation value plus
      accrued dividends and issued an $18.9 million subordinated note in
      exchange for the remaining preferred stock. The subordinated note bears
      interest at 12-1/4% with scheduled repayments through 2005. During 1998,
      the ethanol company borrowed $4.0 million from GAFRI under a subordinated
      note bearing interest at 14% and paid a $6.3 million capital distribution,
      including $3.1 million to GAFRI. In addition, Great American has extended
      a $10 million line of credit to this company; no amounts have been
      borrowed under the credit line.


                             One East Fourth Street
                             Cincinnati, Ohio 45202